#but I will never stop!!
A little introduction to Animus
Alindor smiled to himself as he left the castle behind, his fingers tightly clutching the heavy pouch filled with his reward as he strode down the wide street. Word was already spreading about what he and his team had managed to do, no one had to know it was a complete accident.
“Alindor! Slow doooown!” Grumbling the half-elf slowed his pace as his teammate came huffing up to him, “Alindor we need to talk about this!”
“About what? Our biggest score yet?” His fingers clasped the pouch tighter. “What about it?”
The small gnome next to him hissed in dissatisfaction. “You know what! What we did was unforgivable!”
“I don't see how returning the missing princess to her family is unforgivable Kimmy. If any thing it was a very rewarding experience.” He chuckled at his pun.
“We killed her soulmate!!” Kimmy growled. Anlidor stopped and stared down as his teams arcanist. Her long ears twitched in agitation and her eyes darted around looking at everything in her line of sight. He had only seen her like this once before shortly after they started their adventuring careers six years previous.
“Her 'soulmate' was a fucking monster Kimmy. We kill monsters, or did that slip your mind?” He scowled as her eyes snapped back to his.
“Are you sure? Like one hundred percent sure she was a monster?” Kimmy fiddled with the pouch in her hands. “Because the rest of us are not so sure. We were not even hunting her, but we still told everyone in the village that their monster problem was over. What happens when more of them die because we fucked up and got the wrong one?”
Alindor grumbled and rubbed the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “We were contracted to kill a monster and we killed a monster. Whether or not it was the 'right one' is irreverent, besides, what is the princess going to do about it? Tell everyone that she was in love with and spent five years living with a monster?” Alindor pulled a cigarette from its pack and light it with the tip of his finger, inhaling happily. “No, I doubt that. Besides I doubt they will let her out of her rooms until she is married off. Having lost her for five years has the King and Queen on edge.”
“You didn't see her eyes Alin. It wasn't just hurt and pain lurking in them, there was something else and it terrified me.”
Alindor coughed and started laughing. “The pampered princess scares you?”
“YOU DIDN'T SEE IT!” Kimmy shrieks causing people passing them to jump in shock. “There was something so wicked in her eyes when she realized we had killed her partner, yes I am scared of her.”
“By the Gods Kimmy, nothing is going to happen. She'll stay locked away in the castle for the rest of her life, or until she is married off. It's done, just forget about it” Alindor was about to turn and continue walking when Kimmy shoved the pouch with her reward into his hands.
“Keep it, I want nothing to do with this. We killed an innocent being and I can not reconcile that fact.” Kimmy fiddled with one of her long braids. “Look, Tad and I are leaving the country, they saw the same thing I did and we agree it would be best if we put as much distance between us and the princess as possible.”
Alindor felt his mouth drop open, the cigarette falling to the ground. “You're leaving?! Seriously?! Over some princess and her pet monster?” Kimmy simply nodded. “Fine, whatever, I guess six years of being a team means nothing to you. Have a good life Kimmy” The tall half-elf turned on his heel and began walking away.
“Come with us Alin!” The only response was a rude gesture flung up over his shoulder as he melted into the crowd. With a sigh Kimmy turned and ran in the other direction towards the docks. Tad should have their passage booked by now and the sooner they left the better. The sudden blaring of trumpets startled her and she stared up at the castle, only for a cold shiver to travel up her spine. Turning back to the docks she increased her pace. They needed to get out now.
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kochei0 · 6 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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soundwavefucker69 · 9 months
bastille has done more for the queer community by just making all of their love songs about "you" instead of specifying a gender than taylor swift has in all of her discography. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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tuttle-did-it · 3 months
David Tennant for Prime Minister, please.
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edit- Since this is getting so much attention, edited to include descriptions of screenshots.
This woman has lost her fucking mind.
Jo, are you okay?
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prouvaireafterdark · 3 months
listen I know it's heartbreaking that Claudia dies and it's understandable to wish she didn't, but let's please not accuse the writers of fridging her. to do so is a fundamental misunderstanding of the story and is frankly insulting to the intelligence and skill of the writers of the show.
Claudia's death, and the overwhelming grief and regret her parents experience because of it, is quite literally the point of the entire story. she dies because Anne's daughter Michele died of leukemia when she was five years old and there was nothing she or her husband could do to prevent it.
writing IWTV was how Anne coped with the unimaginable loss of a parent losing her child. she created a story about a little girl that could not die and then killed her anyway. Claudia's death is a senseless, unavoidable tragedy, just like Michele's was. the grief that haunts Louis and Lestat for the rest of their lives is the same grief that haunted Anne and her husband.
so when you're accusing people of killing Claudia off to benefit a story about two men, please remember that in real life sometimes parents lose their children. please remember Michele Rice.
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she's the reason Claudia exists.
she's also the reason Claudia cannot be saved.
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heckblade · 3 months
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🥹 (via izzy’s IG)
bonus: beardsley ready to call the paramedics in case of surprise labor
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kkshowtunes · 1 year
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google citing ao3 as a source is so unhinged
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goryfluff · 1 year
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Nautilus expedition live streams (+ their commentary) 2020 / 2021 / 2022
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darrenpillowscriss · 3 months
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Tragic! Local comedian references inside joke with the wrong friend group.
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emeryleewho · 3 months
People on here are always like "fuck capitalism, why can't things be weird anymore" and then write up a whole dissertation about how the biggest IPs need to change to be weirder.
Like, you are so close. You are so close to getting the point. "Big" IPs *can only exist because they are normal*. They will *never* be weird. They will *never* do what you want. Go find some smaller IPs. Bring back discovery. Bring back never having heard of a book before you buy it. Bring back watching obscure anime online that none of your friends know about. Bring back trying new things, even if they're bad or cheaply made. That is how you get *weird*.
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hinamie · 2 months
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I don't want to regret the way I lived
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c4k9 · 1 month
Watching never stop blowing up has made me realize that 80s action movies would probably be my favorite genre if it weren't for homophobia/lack of representation being a thing.
Kingskin being a bisexual king running into his exes around every corner, characters just being fine with it when the PCs accidentally refer to the characters with different pronouns, when Jack/Paula talks about his ex husband to a bar tender and hes just like
"my ex husband is in Tampa, he got a new boyfriend :( "
and jacks like "HES GAY?" Right after talking about his ex husband.
Background characters having top surgery scars, real excited for the complicated mess that's probably gonna be Jennifer drips and Matilda Drops.
Brennan Lee Mulligan is just so aggressively an ally and I love him so much for it. That man has so much love and support in him.
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moonlightmagical · 3 months
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the little storyboards are the best decision d20s ever made
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akaisenhatake · 8 months
last drink.
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rrat-king · 2 months
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obsessed with this play
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pondslime · 3 months
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she............an empress whose name has been lost to the sands of time
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