#but I’m gonna find her
sunattacksthemoon · 11 months
A snippet if you will:
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(this is unedited and I haven’t sleep in….. a questionable amount of time, so if y’all see something funky. No you didn’t)
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ollies-moving-castle · 2 months
If this gets a two thousand notes I’ll ask my mom for a binder
GOAL REACHED no need to spam anymore
you have till may 1st (had to change it it was way to long of a time period I apologize)
go on tumblr
You can do it
I don’t believe in you
Just try not to spam reblog (keep it under 20 okay?) but tag comment to your hearts desire (but y’know….dont spam me over 50 times with comments by one person maybe? I have no doubt someone would do that)
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smolbean-17 · 3 months
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how much do you want to bet that these flowers will be placed on one of her brother’s graves in the end
and what if, instead of a bunch of pink ones, there are dozens of pure white ones
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yeahsoapy · 2 months
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
I have been awake all night and I think, since we got to follow Zuko from S1 even though he didn’t join the Gaang until the bitter end, we should’ve gotten the same for Toph. In between season 1 and early season 2 plots, we’d occasionally cut to this earth kingdom noble family for seemingly no reason.
Ok they are rich and they have the daughter. Alright she’s blind that’s interesting. The Beifongs will comment about canon events and their daughter is quiet and perfect in the background. Then one episode we see her earthbend something small, intriguing. Also intriguing she only looks helpless and lost when other people are around. We get more solo perspectives of her, she’s a bit more coarse away from her parents. Her earthbending continues to be used secretly, impressive but not monumental. We suspect she’ll be similar to Katara, an eager, untrained bender who learns as she teaches Aang. We wait with anticipation for this vulnerable girl to see the world and own her power.
And then they drop The Blind Bandit episode and every episode that follows are unchanged and oh. Oh. Now we are really meeting Toph.
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I gotta say I do absolutely adore that Fig Faeth who’s entire relationship with romance up to that point is tied to deception finds her match with a person whose defining trait is her honesty
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fizzytoo · 7 months
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eternity-death · 1 month
God… Sunday’s desire for control stemming from his fear of losing what he loves is like… gutting.
Look at what he did, look at the lengths he went to, looks at the lengths he was WILLING to go to if we didn’t stop him. And all of it was in good faith. ALL of it was to protect.
Do you guys get it?? He feels that deeply, he loves that deeply— so gravely that he was prepared to sacrifice himself to create a world where no one would ever know suffering or pain again. A world where he would become the ‘strong’ and protect the ‘weak’.
A world where he has control. Because under his control, no fledglings would ever learn what it feels like to plummet. He will become the metaphorical and literal cage that protects it.
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sherbovania · 5 months
be cringe!
be free!
be happy!
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djsherriff-responses · 3 months
Me realising that while we saw Pey’J get gunned down by Eden police officers while protecting other hybrids during the riot , Pey’J was never actually confirmed to have died from those bullets
Bullfrog was taken into custody before he could try helping Pey’J and Dolph was taken by Sarah into the wasteland. Meaning neither of them were there to see to Pey’J’s body, and that the two are assuming Pey’J is dead
Cody, Jade and Dolph all died because of the bombs inside their heads detonating. We also saw their bodies from the aftermath of that fact
Pey’J is the only one (besides Bullfrog) whose bomb didn’t detonate
We didn’t see what happened to Pey’J’s body
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mossy-paws · 5 months
Lightblox (PHIGHTING!)
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“And I’m floating in a most peculiar way, And the stars look very different today.”
alt versions:
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porterprophet · 9 months
i am forever surprised that we’ve had laudna flying paté like a kite and fly-girl imogen calling her her tether and yet i’ve never seen art of laudna holding onto imogen like a helium balloon
like. what a missed opportunity
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confusedgoldenflower · 6 months
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I except nothing less. Taigen is allowed IF AND ONLY IF he mans the fuck up, doesn’t get butthurt over Mizu and grows.
Akemi and Mizu, if they get a man, need a real man, not a man child clinging to falsities his daddy and master told him. He’s obnoxious. He’s a good, loyal but annoying friend at best as it stands. They’re not compatible romantically/sexually (if memory serves, the flashbacks of nonexistent dick Mikio overlapped w her time w Taigen/some scenes that could be read as romantic, a man who caused her great hurt who made it so she’ll likely need a LOT to be able to be vulnerable w a man ever again), neither is he with Akemi anymore. I’m hoping the overlap was just there to show her starting to think about it or as a weird red herring for his bi/gay awakening. He could get someone else in S2, who knows. As S1 is, they don’t deserve each other. The throuple. Mizu and Akemi as a pair with some more development, but not w him.
Takayoshi, however, has shown that he can be understanding and he should be a trained swordsman. He didn’t seem to mind allowing Akemi to lead and there’s a big hint that she’ll be the “pants wearer” of the relationship going forward. I think Akemi’s moved on from Taigen, maybe not realizing it but has, and Taka also has a pretty significant “fault” being his stutter.
I just see more potential with Taka not Tai.
Having throuple representation would be incredible regardless!
But bringing in a new character for it could also really work. Like a gentle lady Mizu finds in England—oh, that’s an idea…👀👀 no I have enough fanfic wips damnit. She could free someone from a work house or mine!
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lucradiss · 7 months
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Gomens wip post s2 to Clay Pigeons by Michael Cera. Gonna finish this but like. Sighs dreamily I love this song and I love Gomens I want them to be happy. Them being Crowley and Muriel because they’re siblings and they love each other. Aziraphale is off somewhere doing whatever it is he’s doing shrug man idk
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podsn · 8 months
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iwatcheditbegin · 5 months
It would be one thing if the Gaylor speculation was just “ I really relate to some lyrics , wonder if there’s another meaning here 👀?”
And not calling her a liar, making invasive speculations, calling all her relationships fake, attacking her loved ones, sexualizing her, throwing her traumas in her face.
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