#but I'm concerned some neighbors are going to be struggling after this
oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Obkk ghost marriage fic where after kannabi bridge, the Uchiha decide Kakashi can keep the eye but only if he agrees to marry Obito's ghost in a traditional ghost marriage.
(This also means he officially joins the Uchiha clan. Maybe lean into how he knows very little ab his own clan history, so there's like some minor complexes playing off of that as he ultimately takes up the Uchiha name and traditions, effectively abandoning his own -> which could also play interestingly into his negative views of his father at that age. This also means he moves out of his clan compound and into the Uchiha district— which is actually really good for his mental health)
Kakashi doesn't argue, he sees it as the ultimate atonement actually. He's incredibly dutiful but especially so at that age. He'd take it dead fuckin seriously and be the best ghost bride possible. Instead of constantly going to the memorial stone he has like a proper shrine to honor him in the house where he leaves his favorite foods n stuff
Like little 13 year old widower Kakashi w Rin as his witness rip
I'm not the biggest Rin fan bc her canon characterization feels like that usual boring "girl crush turned martyr" (naruto misogony strikes again rip) and I've yet to find any interpretations that really strike me— with one exception.
I don't remember the fic, and Rin only showed up for part of it, but I remember being rlly taken by her in it. It highlighted her being as struck by Obito's death as Kakashi, with her an official mednin working overtime in the hospital as the war ramped up. Also it gave her a smoking habit!! I can appreciate a well played addiction to cope in text. Idk I just read it and kinda went "woah she suddenly feels like a real person to me"
But like, that for Rin here. She's working triple overtime in the hospital, day and night. The war is getting worse and worse and some nights she comes home w her gloves still stained in the blood of her patients from back to back surgeries where her patients died on the table. They have her listed for eye trauma specifically after her successful transplant for Kakashi, and she's proving to be invaluable for the patients w eye based kekkei genkkai. She wants to go into specifically researching and healing for eye bloodline limits, but is struggling to convince the clans to allow her access to that information.
Kakashi's new home is closer to the hospital that Rin's parents, and stuff w her parents is starting to get... tense. It hurts them, to see their daughter struggling like this. To see her coming home with dulled eyes and bloodied hands. To be waken by her nightmares and then not know how to comfort her.
Rin slowly starts staying over with Kakashi more and more and after a while she's just kind of fully moved in, but neither of them actually really talk about it
Let them be best friends w a kind of codependency on eachother that would be concerning if not for how it's very clearly keeping both of their heads afloat as days go on and things get worse.
Queerplatonic besties Rin and Kakashi sharing the same bed so when they wake up screaming they can help eachother go back to sleep easier. Rin likes it when Kakashi summons his ninken to sleep w them. They sleep easier w eachother bc they feel safer knowing they're there to have eachothers back, just like they would on the field
Anyways, Kakashi moves out of his clan compound and into the Uchiha's. He's neighbors with a little 6 year old Shisui and is kind of picked up by the scruff by a lot of Uchiha who have really weird complex feelings ab Obito's death (many of them feeling bad ab not having reached out before to him / seeing him die so young, and then projecting that onto Kakashi)
Kakashi and sometimes Rin kind of accidentally becoming a babysitter for Itachi both bc of proximity and bc Mikoto is friends with Kushina
On that note -> Minato does not really get the ghost marriage thing. He's civilian born, and the practice is really old and hasn't really been used since like, warring states era. So Minato is kind of weirded out and very "uhhh. Are you SURE this is what you wanna do?" But Kakashi seems set, and like, if it helps him cope???
He is however very supportive of getting Kakashi out of the fucking tomb of his father's house and into the much more populated and lively Uchiha clan compound
Minato makes Kakashi ANBU and designates him as his home guard specifically to keep him off the battlefield. He lowkey does the same to Rin (minus the ANBU part) positioning her in the hospital and making sure she's getting that good good mednin education. If pressed on why she doesn't go out as a field medic, he insists it's because she shows too much promise as a healer to risk— not now that they've lost Tsunade. If Rin can grow to be even half as good as she is, it'll be worth keeping her away from the fighting.
Neither Kakashi nor Rin feel very good about this decision (tho hypocritically, they agree w it when it comes to the other, bc ofc they do)
Rin doesn't die bc I say so and Obito does a comedy spit take when he inevitably learns he's legally married to Kakashi under the eyes of the Sage, Amaterasu and all.
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fetusgooseandjuice · 3 months
Pairing(s): Knight!Natasha Romanoff x Princess!Reader
Summary: The first time you patch up an injured Natasha.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Descriptions of wounds | Terribly written medical talk | Mentions of violence and knives
Authors Note: This is another mini-oneshot to my fic “Soulmates”. I’d recommend reading that one before this for context to be able to grasp the storyline!
Mini-oneshots: Forever
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(Takes place around 17 years old)
You entered the castle with your mother at your side. You had just finished sitting in on a meeting that your parents had attended with some of neighboring kingdoms.
With you finally becoming of age to understand at least the majority of what they were discussing, your mother and father wanted you to get some first hand experience at helping to make important decisions.
As you talked you rounded the corner to the hallway that held the library where you'd planned to get in some studying, but the words coming out of your mother's mouth had faded to the back of your mind once you saw Yelena rushing towards you.
She looked frantic, but you noticed how she toned it down to a more presentable manner after laying eyes on the Queen beside you.
Your eyebrows furrowed seeing her approach you as though she were on a mission, and your mother had now stopped talking realizing that you were no longer paying attention.
"Hey, Yelena. Is everything okay?" you greeted the blonde.
Yelena looked between the two of you before answering, "Yeah. Yeah, I just needed you for...something...real quick."
Your mother cleared her throat to get your attention, "I'm going to go find your father. Don't forget to look over the information from today, okay honey?"
"Of course." you nodded your head in understanding, "I'll see you later." you said before she excused herself.
You turned back to the blonde with a now more concerned look, "What's going on? What's wrong?" you asked.
She almost struggled to find an answer before responding, "I think it's better for you to just see for yourself..." Yelena trailed off as she grabbed your wrist into her hand and led you through the hallways.
The two of you ended up in front of your bedroom door which confused you even more as she pulled you inside and quickly shut the door behind you, but your heart dropped at the sight in front of you when you turned around.
Natasha was sat on your bed looking as if she'd just been in a fight.
A bad one at that.
Her face was scuffed with dirt, her knuckles were bloodied and bruised, but that wasn't even the worst of it. The worst part was the area on her shoulder that her hand was clutching to stop it from bleeding, but you could see it clearly wasn't doing a very good job.
"I tried to take her to the infirmary, but she wouldn't go. She told me to bring her to you, but one of the maids said that you weren't here so I had to go find you." Yelena explained.
"Oh my god, Nat. What happened?" you asked as you rushed to your girlfriend’s side.
Your eyes zeroed in on the open wound on her shoulder. Her breath hitched when you moved her hand out of the way to get a better look. You muttered an apology before putting her hand back and quickly grabbing a hand towel from your closet.
"You should see the other guys." the redhead chuckled but her smile was replaced with a wince when you moved her hand again to use the towel to apply pressure instead.
Natasha knew you didn't find her joke very funny based on the glare you sent her way.
"She got into a fight with some thieves down at the docks. I told her it wasn't a good idea, but she wouldn't listen and now here we are." Yelena said.
This time it was Natasha's turn to glare at her sister for ratting her out, but Yelena didn't pay any mind to the look she was given.
"Jesus christ," you mumbled. "And you decided you wanted to bleed out on my bed right now instead of in the infirmary with a doctor because?"
The redhead winced again when you shifted to be able to inspect the rest of her body for any other injuries, "I thought you would be able to treat it. Didn't your parents make you take first aid lessons from the doctor a few years ago? You know, for your studies?"
"Yes, but the doctor at the infirmary is a professional." you counteracted. "They would do a much better job than I would at making sure this doesn't get infected."
"Please, Y/n." Natasha said, "I could get in so much trouble if my commander found out I was getting into fights before I even finished my training."
You sighed as you thought for a moment. She's obviously set on not going to the doctor, and you have to do something soon to stop it from getting worse so you really had no choice.
As you stood up from the bed the knights eyes followed you, "Take your top off and keep putting pressure on this." you told her before making your way to your bathroom.
Yelena took this as her cue to leave, "I'm gonna go now. I'll come back to check on you in a bit." she said and Natasha nodded, watching her slip through the door and shut it behind her.
After a little struggle the redhead managed to eventually pull her shirt over her head, leaving her in a tank top.
When you returned a moment later you had a clean towel and a first aid kit in hand. You sat back down next to her and removed the dirty towel to begin cleaning her wound.
It wasn’t as bad as it had looked before when you finally got the bleeding to stop. Either way seeing her like this scared you more than you’d let on.
You worked in silence for a while. The only sounds filling the room being the occasional winces and grunts from Natasha when the pain hurts a little more. Each time you mumbled a quick "sorry" before continuing.
"Are you mad at me?" Natasha spoke into the quiet air.
You didn't answer right away which just worried her even more, but when you did it wasn't the answer she was expecting.
"No," you responded, "I'm not mad at you. You just scared me, I mean what were you even thinking?"
“I don’t know,” the redhead said, “I don’t even know if I was thinking. I just…reacted.”
Natasha watched your concentrated face. Sometimes she couldn't help but just stare at it. At this point she had every detail of it memorized like the back of her hand. Which wasn't very helpful when she was currently being scolded by you.
"Did you even have any of your equipment when you decided to pick a fight with them?" you asked.
The young knight shook her head, "No, but I couldn't just watch it happen. There were four of them and one of them had a knife. I had to do something or else people might’ve gotten hurt.”
“People did get hurt, Natasha. You got hurt.”
Natasha hung her head in defeat at your words. “I know.” she said. “I know and I’m sorry for putting you through this. You shouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of my actions. It’s not fair to you.”
You sighed and put down the supplies you were using so you could finally look at her. She held a guilty expression and it made you feel bad for getting upset with her. Your hand came up to her face in an attempt to wipe away some of the dirt with your thumb and fix her messy hair.
“Nat, I get that you just wanted to do the right thing. That’s one of the things I love most about you.” you spoke softly and she gave you a small smile, “I just worry so much. This could’ve been so much worse than some bruises and a knife wound.”
“I got lucky, I know.” she admitted. “Yelena was right I should’ve listened to her and it was stupid of me not to.”
Your gaze went back and forth between both of her eyes. You could’ve gotten lost in her vibrant green orbs if you didn’t still have to finish patching her up before someone came looking for you.
“Just promise me that you’ll be more careful going forward. I don’t want this to ever happen again because I love you too much to be able to handle it if it did.”
Natasha quickly nodded her head, “I promise, and I love you too.”
You leaned in to connect your lips in a soft kiss, needing a reminder that she was here with you and safe.
The redhead obviously didn’t want you to pull away with the way she chased after your lips when you pulled back. You had to press your hand against her chest in order to keep a distance between the two of you.
“As much as I would love to keep going, I think you might need a few stitches to help that shoulder heal.” you said.
Natasha just groaned. She wasn’t even sure if the dissatisfaction she felt was because she had to go through the pain of getting stitches, or because you broke the kiss. The redhead came to the conclusion that it was because of both.
The noise made you giggle and you began sifting through the first aid kit for a needle and some thread. “I’ve only ever practiced this using fruits, so bear with me. I still think you should’ve gone to the doctor instead.”
She just shrugged her uninjured shoulder, “Why would I when I have my own personal nurse right here. And she’s cute too.” Natasha smirked.
You playfully rolled your eyes at that last comment, “Don’t get too ahead of yourself there. I still have to take a look at those knuckles and clean your face up.”
“What? I thought you liked my face.” she pouted.
“You know I do, but I don’t like the fact that it looks as if someone just dragged you through the dirt.”
Natasha scoffed, “For the record, I won, of course. They were after that bakery you love by the boats. The owner said that my next order would be on the house as a thanks for my help, so I think you should be thanking me.” she spoke proudly.
You just stared at your girlfriend in disbelief. As much as you didn’t understand how she was able to laugh and joke about the situation, you appreciated it because it took your mind off of the bad thoughts that clouded your mind.
It reminded you that your Natasha was still there and you couldn’t be more grateful for her.
“Instead of thinking about that you should be figuring out how you’re going to hide this from your parents when they come back from their trip.”
~ end ~
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Unyielding Duty (Part 1) | #LeviMonth2024 Two-Shot
✧ word count ➼ ~2.2k ✧ notes ➼ royal princess!reader x knight!levi, forbidden love, soulmates!au, hurt/comfort, sfw in this part but following-up with n.sfw tomorrow ✧ comments ➼ levi month entry for august 8! like before, this got too long, so i'm splitting it into two parts and combining the respective tropes! ✧ join my levi month taglist here!
{{ August 6 (Love At First Sight + Neighbors Part 1) | August 9 (Royalty + Soulmates Part 2) }} Masterlist
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You had been on the run for a few days. It was for no other reason than being forced into a position that you had been fighting against all your life to no avail. Being the royal princess made things complicated. You were expected to be obedient and subservient, while simultaneously carrying yourself in a way worthy of a respectful leader, however the hell that was supposed to work. It was suffocating and you couldn't take another second of it—so you ran.
Having run out of food for the week, you found yourself at the market at one of the local villages that was a bit further out from the capital. Being on the run meant a few things, with the most important things being the fact that you couldn't show your face, and you had no cash to pay the vendors with.
Stealing a few servings of produce from some of the busier vendors was generally an easy task, but fate didn't seem to be on your side today. People turned towards you at the wrong time, and before long, you had been caught red-handed.
What was truly concerning was when you made eye contact with the guard that some of the vendors had summoned to apprehend you. As far as you knew, the royal guard shouldn't have extended out this far, so their presence was already odd.
Your heart dropped as you looked into those familiar gray eyes, immediately realizing who it was—Levi.
Quickly dropping your stolen products onto the ground, you ran into the backalleys as fast as you could. Given the fact that Levi was the one that physically trained you, it was almost a guaranteed that he'd recognize who you were as soon as you started running, if he hadn't already put the pieces together the minute he saw your shoddy disguise.
Levi Ackerman was your knight and royal protector, which made it his duty to ensure your safety and bring you back home. He had responded to some rumors of a thief that vaguely matched your description, without any real hope that this trail would actually turn into anything.
He sighed heavily as he watched you flee, both relieved that you were alright and dreading the conversation that he knew he'd have to have with you. He rarely struggled with maintaining his duties, but it was something entirely different when it came to you. He loved you, but you had your role as the princess, and he had his as your protector. The rules were clear, and yet here he was, conflicted between his duty and his heart. Although he had always maintained those boundaries, even he couldn't deny that the two of you had been rapidly falling for each other throughout the past couple of years.
Finally making the decision to go after you, Levi sprinted towards the direction in which you ran, knowing your patterns. He had taught you everything you knew, so it wasn't a surprise to him when he saw you vaulting over objects and making your way onto the rooftop of a nearby building to try to lose him.
You didn't even have to look back to know that he was catching up to you. Your stamina was nothing when compared to his. If you didn't run now, then there would be no chance of getting away, if that was what you even wanted.
You desperately wanted to see him, and to explain that you still loved him despite running away, yet you kept running, fueled by the fear of what he'd say to you when he looked you in the eye. You had left him behind without a single word.
Looking over your shoulder to see that Levi had already made his way onto the same rooftop, your eyes darted across the scene in front of you to try to find a way to possibly leap onto the roof of another building or find an escape route.
With a swift leap, Levi easily closed the distance between you, catching you by the waist just as you reached the edge of the rooftop. His grip was firm but gentle, preventing you from falling while also making it clear that he wasn't going to let you go without a conversation.
"Stop running, _____," he said, his voice soft yet filled with a sense of urgency.
"Put me down, Levi!" you scolded as you tried to squirm out of his grasp.
Levi held you firmly against him, his grip unyielding despite your squirming. He ignored your demand, instead focusing on maintaining his balance on the rooftop.
"I won't put you down until we've talked. You can't keep running away from your problems."
Levi hadn't gotten any official reasoning as to why you had suddenly disappeared when the King announced that you were missing, but he knew you well enough to know that it was likely due to some type of conflict with the King.
You continued to squirm for a bit longer, scowling at him for appearing to berate you for abandoning your duties, before eventually groaning in defeat and conceding.
"Fine, we'll talk. Can you at least set me down so that you're not carrying me around like a child?"
Once he put you down and got you settled, you patted your shirt to dust yourself off, looking down at the ground and refusing to look back up at him.
You heard him take a step closer, his body only inches away from yours. You could feel the warmth emanating from him, and it brought back memories of your time around him. During your many nights away, you longed to see him again and fall into his arms, but you had run away from the castle so abruptly that you were convinced that he hated you. The fear of seeing that pain reflected in his eyes kept your gaze fixated onto the ground.
You froze as you heard him call out your name, reaching his hand out briefly before pulling it back, as if he was afraid to go through with the gentle act of affection.
"Why did you leave?" he asked softly, his voice filled with a mix of concern and longing. He wanted to understand what could have possibly driven you to abandon your duties and flee from everything you knew without a word.
He knew you well. He knew that you were unsatisfied with your life at the palace, but he never thought it'd drive you to flee the safe haven of the castle walls, and into a world that would only do you harm.
After a moment of silence, you forced yourself to look up into his eyes, feeling a pang in your heart upon seeing the soft look in them—the same one that you had been craving ever since you left.
"...father wanted to marry me off to some noble from the south," you mumbled. "We got into a fight. I got upset, and so...I ran."
You could see the hurt in his eyes. Although he wouldn't vocalize it, knowing that it'd do more harm than good, you knew what was going through his head. You didn't trust him enough to go to him, instead choosing to run and leave everything behind, including him.
"I just," your lips parted again as you spoke, but you found yourself struggling to find your words. "I just felt like I was suffocating in that castle, and that I couldn't spend another second trapped within its walls."
You looked down again, biting on your lip to try to contain the guilt building within you.
"...I'm sorry I left you behind," you whispered.
"Don't apologize," Levi responded softly, but with conviction, refusing to let you continue pouring salt onto your own wounds. "It's not fair, and you shouldn't have to be subjected to that. I know."
"...is it really so wrong of me to just want to be with you?" you muttered quietly, afraid of speaking it out loud, but also unable to keep it buried any longer. "I don't care for the throne—never have—but the idea of being away from you or being with anyone but you just sounded so...agonizing."
Levi remained silent, listening intently as you confessed your true feelings. He couldn't deny the emotions that welled up within him at your words, but he knew that as your protector, he had to maintain a certain level of detachment.
"I care for you deeply," he admitted, his voice soft and comforting, but you knew that there was going to be a follow-up—likely one that was going to fill you with pain and regret for voicing it out loud. "You know this. But my role as your protector comes first. I cannot let my personal feelings interfere with my duty to keep you safe. We need to remain focused on what's best for you and the kingdom."
You clenched your fists in frustration at his words, mostly at the fact that it seemed like he, too, was willing to sacrifice your freedom and autonomy for the sake of a kingdom that you couldn't be bothered to care about.
"No," you said stubbornly, your heart stinging from his rejection. "Fuck the kingdom, fuck the king, fuck the nobles, and also fuck you for siding with them!"
"I am not siding with anyone," Levi sighed in exasperation.
He reached out his hand in an attempt to offer you a gesture of comfort to soothe your rapidly escalating emotions, but you immediately slapped his hand away in hurt and defiance.
"And how the fuck is selling me like an object to some filthy noble what's 'best' for me?"
Your emotions were running high, and it felt like you were drowning in your own thoughts. You buried your head in your hands, your fingers gripping at your hair as you tried to pull yourself together. This was exactly what happened before you ran. You weren't being listened to and you felt like you were trapped. Despite being well into your young adulthood, everyone around you still treated you like a child, trying to make the decisions for you.
You stumbled backwards, struggling to keep yourself oriented, and failing to put together that you were quickly backing up towards the edge of the building.
Levi's instincts immediately kicked in once he realized how close you were to tumbling off the building. Without hesitation, he lunged forward, grabbing you by the waist just as you reached the ledge.
"_____, stop!" he scolded, his voice laced with urgency as he held onto you tightly, doing his best to keep you from slipping off the edge. "You're going to fall!"
"Then let me fall!" you shouted, trying to push yourself out of his grasp, the tears building in your eyes from how emotionally overwhelmed you were.
Levi tightened his grip on you, knowing that letting you go would likely result in you falling to your demise.
"Please, listen to me," he whispered, his voice filled with desperation, unable to bear the thought of losing you in this way. "You have choices, and I'm here to help you make them. Please, just calm down and let me help you."
He immediately pulled you into him, his hand gently holding you against his chest, both to keep a firm grip on you, but also to attempt to quiet down your chaotic thoughts.
"Do you trust me?" he asked softly.
Upon hearing those words, you began sobbing into his chest as he held you close.
"I-I want to-" you choked out between sobs. "I want to trust you...but it just seems like you're intent on bringing me back and forcing me to comply-"
Levi pulled back so that he could see your face better, glancing down at you. His jaw clenched upon seeing the tears streaming down your cheeks—tears he himself caused with his unyielding duties.
Levi Ackerman wasn't an impulsive man. He was well-disciplined and was always able to place his personal preferences in second-place compared to his duties. Yet, seeing you vulnerable and in so much pain brought up something within him that even he struggled to suppress.
Without further hesitation, he leaned in and gently pressed his lips against yours. His hands traveled up to gently cup your cheeks as he poured all of his emotions into that one kiss.
You quickly returned the gesture, grabbing at him, and yearning for his touch that you had been craving for years. You couldn't get yourself to care about the consequences. You just knew that you wanted him.
After a moment, he finally pulled away, resting his forehead gently against yours.
"I'm sorry," he whispered quietly. "You know I hate seeing you in pain."
He didn't want to let you go, knowing that he was going to have to confront the reality of your situation the moment that he did. He had to make the impossible choice of watching you hate him from a distance as he followed his duties, or giving in to what you both desperately desired and needed. It was almost as if there was a string of fate that was insistent on tugging the two of you towards each other.
Neither of you truly believed in the concept of soulmates, but if it was real, then you were fairly certain that this is what it felt like.
"There's an inn I've been staying at nearby," you whispered before either of you could change your minds. "Come with me."
#: @shayewrites @littlerequiem @humanitys-strongest-brat @mostlilo @dustbuniesworld @levisrations @ebechnasheim @moonchild-angel @jayteacups @bipolargatto @samackermaan @deepzombieyouth @pickledpedro @levisfavoriteteashop @ackermanswifee
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Friends Share**
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Harry & Y/N have been practically perfect roommates for several years but the appearance of a hot new neighbor creates an unexpected shift in their relationship.
WC: 17K! Maybe open it on a browser instead of the app? Sorryyy.
WARNINGS: jealousy, MMF threes*me, an*l, unprotected s*x. There’s also a same sex smut scene (JIC someone doesn’t like reading that).
Y/N and Harry  have been roommates for a few years now. He's a struggling musician and she's a struggling actress, they met when they were sub-ing at the same school. Realizing they were in the same boat led to a friendship and after her longtime boyfriend ended things she had no idea where to go, concurrently, Harry's lease on his studio was up and well, they both decided to save some money and be roomies.
Things were great with Harry. They're both considerate, tidy, punctual with payments. They both like the same drinks and same kinds of foods, the same shows and decor style. In reality everything has been sort of a dream because it's been smooth sailing. They share practically everything and it is perfect to get along that well with your roommate.
Romantically, they both have their own lives and steer clear when the hookups come over. Sure, she and Harry have hooked up on occasion (she really understood that his hooks ups weren't just putting on a show after that first time), but neither of them ever felt the need to talk about it as more and they're both just fine with that. They are attracted to each other and all that, but things between them has never gotten to a degree where they feel concerned that their relationship is changing.
On this particular day, Harry came in from his run and was pulling out his earphones to see Y/N in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Hey, looks like we're getting a new neighbor in 319." he said and she smiled excitedly.
"Oh good, that little prick Nolan won't be ding-dong ditching us anymore." she beamed.
"I know, thank fuck." he chuckled and just then she went over to the fridge and bent into it to grab something and Harry bit his lip and felt the blood start flowing to his cock when her shirt rode up just enough to tease him with the sight of her bare ass and pussy under the oversized shirt, "Jesus, Y/N..." he groaned and looked down at the growing outline of his stiff cock in his running shorts.
"What?" she asked shooting up and turning around.
"You just flashed me your whole fucking pussy is what." he whined and she turned and rolled her eyes when she saw he was all hard.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." she giggled apologetically.
"Right. Well, I'm gonna go handle this." he hummed, "Make me an omelet too, please? Ex-"
"Extra bell peppers and mushrooms, I know." she smiled and he shot her a wink and headed off to shower. He came back in just some white, tight-ass briefs and she knew he was just trying to get back at her and they ate breakfast that way. 
The day was slipping away from them as they were just having a lazy Saturday in. Currently, Harry was laid between Y/N's legs as her fingers wove through his soft curls, they were both watching the Tinder Swindler and very harshly judging the women that had fallen victim to this man, because really, why would anyone with common sense give thousands of dollars to a man they met on Tinder? It was ridiculous.
"We should introduce ourselves to the new neighbor." she thought aloud.
"Yeah, in the evening once they are mostly settled in. We can bake something."
"That sounds like a bad idea. What if they have a gluten intolerance or they're vegan and you give them diarrhea?" he asked and she scoffed.
"You're ridiculous. It's just to be nice and I know where you're going with this. You're just trying to come up with an excuse for me to go to The Good Good but I can't show my face there, Harry. I won't."
"Oh my god, what if she doesn't even work there anymore?" He mumbled. Y/N had a hook-up gone wrong with a girl who worked there a few months ago and as much as she loved their baked goods, there was no way she could ever go back and risk seeing her. Harry needed Y/N to go because he drove a motorcycle and he couldn't possibly take the motorcycle and pick things up and well, Harry hated going in the car by himself because he would be stuck if there was traffic - hence him having a motorcycle. He needed her to go so that they could get in the carpool lane, "It wasn't even that bad, things slip around down there and you just accidentally put it in the wrong hole-"
"She was crying, Harry."
"When I went to check on her she said she was OK, just startled" he recalled, "Anyway, those blueberry poppy muffins are to die for. Please, think of the new neighbor. And think of the delicious blueberry crumble pie..." he hummed and she sighed dramatically.
"I'm not going inside." she said and he smiled but agreed he'd go in alone.
They got dressed and made the drive out to the vegan bakery and bought a few things for the new neighbor and for themselves. Y/N had been right, the girl, who he now knew was named Summer was in fact working there and she did in fact recognize Harry because upon seeing him her eyes went wide and her face beet red and that was the end of it. Harry did tell Y/N and once again, she was mortified just hearing the girl's reaction.
It was around 7:30 when they decided to walk the few doors down and meet the new neighbor. Neither of them were sure what to expect, their building and neighborhood was rather diverse. Harry knocked and then stepped back and after a few moments the door was opening up and Y/N and Harry practically swooned at the man before them. He was tall and handsome and they weren't really expecting that.
"Hi." He said with a timid smile as he looked from Y/N to Harry.
"Hi." Y/N said softly and paused again.
"We live in 315, just two doors down from you." Harry spoke up, "We brought you pastries to say welcome. They're gluten free and vegan, just in case!" Harry threw in, just as stunned as Y/N by this man.
"That's very sweet of you, thank you." he said with a friendly smile, but he had a slight accent as he spoke and even that was sexy, "I'm Santiago, but you can call me Santi too, either way." he said and they both nodded and he smirked, he was used to this kind of thing, "And your names are?" he chuckled.
"Right! I'm Y/N and this is Harry." she smiled.
"We're roommates." Harry added in quickly and Y/N almost rolled her eyes. He was so keen and far too obvious.
"Nice, have you lived here long?" he asked Y/N, subtly looking her over and Harry noticed and it made him a little bit jealous.
"Like three years?" Harry butted in to answer the question, returning Santi's attention back to him and then he went off about the vibe of the building and the neighborhood. As Harry went on and on Y/N noticed Santi discretely check Harry out and it she bit her lip, she understood Santi in this moment very well. They were both hot as fuck, but she saw him looking at her too and as much as she loved Harry, this one was hers.
They chatted a bit more and Santi shared that he was new to town in general so they talked about how they should hang out sometime after he was settled so he could meet more people if he wanted. He agreed and overall was very friendly and soon they were saying their goodbyes before started to head off.
"Ummm, are you forgetting something?" Santi asked with a chuckle and Y/N looked at him confused and he glanced down at the box in her hands.
"Oh my gosh, of course! Here you go, neighbor!" she chuckled nervously as his eyes met hers and handed over the box.
"Thank you, neighbor." Santi said with a wink and Y/N smiled. Harry rolled his eyes at the little exchange, "I'll be seeing you around." he assured her and Y/N nodded, which again made Harry roll his eyes.
"Good night!" she and Harry exclaimed as they walked off and soon heard the door shut. "OK... I was not expecting that." she said as they made the short walk to their apartment.
"I know, he was so fucking fit." Harry said and Y/N nodded, locking their door behind them.
"Can we agree that he was flirting a little with me?" she asked Harry, eyes narrowed, "Like just a little." she said as they walked into their kitchen.
"Ummm,  I think he was just being really nice because you could barely speak when you first saw him and he probably just felt a little bad for you. Thenthe whole thing with the box, I think he caught on that you were just playing dumb about it." Harry chuckled, still feeling a little jealous that Santi told Y/N that he'd be seeing her around. What did that mean?
"OK ouch! I was not playing dumb I genuinely forgot the box was in my hands! And I think the one so desperate throwing out any signals known to mankind was you with your little "we're roommates" thing. You literally could not have said that any faster, even I was shocked!" she cackled and Harry pouted, he had been so quick with that, hadn't he? His face had gone pink as he recalled and Y/N reached out to his cheek and rubbed gently, "Sorry H, didn't mean to embarrass you." she apologized. 
That's one thing Harry loved about Y/N, she was always the first to apologize when something went wrong or bring up an issue that was bugging her. Harry was very self-aware and he knew that at times he could be difficult and mean, like now, when out of jealousy he told Y/N that their hot neighbor felt sorry for her. He often times had to swallow down his pride and just say sorry. She had been so excited and he totally shit all over it. 
"It's alright. I'm sorry too, Santi was flirting with you." he said, "I was just being jealous." he mumbled and Y/N smiled softly.
"Well it's not like he didn't check you out either. Saw it with my own two eyes." she reassured him and Harry appeared excited now.
"Really?" he asked and she nodded, "Hmmm..."
"Yeah and really, if you're that interested in him you can go for it. Don't want to stir up trouble with us over some guy." she said with a shrug.
"But he flirted with you." Harry pointed out.
"Well, if he keeps flirting with me then we'll know he's not into guys and if it's OK with you, I will shoot my shot." she said, "Does that sound OK?" 
"Yeah, sounds good." Harry smiled.
Y/N was just really agreeable and thoughtful. Not that Harry couldn't be, but he was just a little bit selfish and this wouldn't be the first time that she'd given up something to make Harry happy. What helped her the most was that she wasn't really the jealous type or territorial over things, unlike him.
Harry remembers that after the first time they had hooked up he was coming home as she was heading out for a date and he got upset and jealous over it. Hooking up with Y/N was different because they were friends and roommates, he loved her to some extent and the potential of someone swooping in and taking his best friend/roommate/ someone he could potentially hook up with (regularly) away from him made him jealous and territorial. 
When Y/N came back in the morning he ensured that his hookup was still there and he did something he never did, he made her breakfast and Y/N walked in on them eating. The girl started freaking out because she thought that Y/N was Harry's girlfriend and he was sort of expecting her to go along with it, it was some theatrical thing they had done before when a hookup had overstayed their welcome. But instead she quickly assured her that they were just roommates  before slipping off to take a shower. Y/N emerged from her bedroom about an hour later, the girl long gone and Y/N looked surprised and he recalled her saying that she'd never seen him make breakfast for a girl so she figured that he really liked her and so she went off and took her time.  After that time and a few other experiments Harry discovered that she just wasn't the jealous type and she often, unselfishly put his needs over her own.
It had been a few weeks since Santi moved in and as it turns out, he joined the same yoga class Harry went to a few times a week. They had gotten to know each other a little more and had gone out for coffees or smoothies after and unmistakably, Santi would flirt with Harry. He'd look him over for a little too long, he'd compliment him in ways that made Harry's tummy flutter and it was exciting. He did ask about Y/N every time though. Mentioned he had seen her in the parking garage once but she took off before he could say hello. He was sending mixed signals. Currently, Harry was walking back with Santi from the cafe just a block or two away from their building and then his apple watch was constantly lighting up with notifications from Y/N.
Y/N 🍑💛:
"Is everything OK?" Santi asked Harry.
"Yeah, just Y/N's freaking out about something." he explained as he fished for his phone in his pocket.
"Is she alright?"
"I think so." Harry chuckled, "Just excited over something." he assured and Santi nodded, "Sorry, give me a sec." he said before starting to type out his response.
What is it?
I went to the 6:30 yoga session with Santi and then we grabbed coffee and we're walking back now.
Y/N 🍑💛:
Well, it's about Santi - something I discovered! Don't invite him in!
Ummm, what? Should I run away?!?
Y/N 🍑💛:
No, it's nothing bad! Just... surprising. I just don't want to bring it up while you're with him because knowing how dramatic you can be...
Harry laughed and locked his phone.
"She's OK?"
"Yeah, just needs help with something. I told her we're almost there." he assured Santi who smiled.
"OK, that's good." he said, "I was ummm, wondering if you both wanted to stop by for breakfast in a little while" he asked Harry.
"Yeah, we'd love to." Harry smiled as they rounded the corner to their street.
"Perfect." Santi smiled and they stayed quiet for a few moments, "So, you and Y/N really are not a couple?" he asked Harry. They hadn't ever really talked about their dynamic before and he felt that maybe Santi was going to ask him about asking her out and he started getting jealous over her, the familiar feeling prickling his stomach uncomfortably.
"No, we're not in a relationship." he explained, "We are a couple though, or at least we come in one." Harry chuckled, "We do everything together." he said though, a lilt to his voice to insinuate that there might be more going on underneath.
"I see." Santi hummed, "You don't like her enough to be with her?" he asked and Harry shook his head.
"No, it's not that I don't like her like that. Y/N is wonderful & beautiful but-" Harry chuckled and then Santi spoke up again, interrupting him. 
"So you like girls?" he asked and then Harry turned to him and bit his lip nervously.
"Ummm, yes. Girl, boys, everyone in between..." he said with a nervous smile and Santi nodded.
"Oh OK." he said with a smile, "Me too. Well, girls and boys.” he finished and Harry smiled.
"Well that's good to know." he said and Santi chuckled then Harry's eyes went wide, "Good to know because it's important to be aware of another person's-"
"Chill out, Harry." Santi chuckled, "It's good to know about you too." he said and Harry smiled timidly. “And Y/N?” He asked, once again, bringing her up. 
“She likes boys and girls, just like you.” He said and Santi smiled. 
“That’s good to know.” He said and once again, Harry felt jealous, but he also knew Y/N wouldn’t go for Santi if it really bugged him, “I’m from a smaller town in Mexico and there weren’t many people like me. So it’s good to have friends who understand and see the world like me.” He explained and Harry decided to stop being a selfish little prick for now and hear Santi out as they made their way up to their apartments. Once they reached their floor Harry promised they'd be over around 9:30 and they each headed to their respective homes. 
"Y/N, I'm back!" Harry called out and in seconds she was rushing out.
"I stumbled upon something..." she said and brought her phone up to Harry's face, "Santi, is a camboy!!!!" she whisper shouted. 
"I feel like we shouldn't dig into this." Harry said and Y/N sighed.
"I know. I wasn't digging around, I was just looking him up on Instagram to add him and the second account has Santi in the username, so that's the one I clicked." she explained, "And then i saw...well, that." she bit her lip and Harry was just looking at the top row of the grid, "You can scroll." she said and he looked to her nervously, "Actually you should scroll." she said and he used his thumb to look through the pictures, his lip bitten between his teeth. This man was on another level of hot. And as he scrolled yet again there was a picture of him grabbing another man by the throat and Y/N glanced to Harry, his pupils blown wide now.
"Holy shit." he said.
"I KNOW!" she whispered, "That one got to me too." she said and he chuckled.
"Yeah." he sighed, "Well we need to not look at that ever again." he said, "Unless he talks to us about it." he said, "Also, he's invited us over for breakfast at 9:30."
"Oh god..." she whined and he grinned,
"That's what you get for snooping, love." he teased.
"I wasn't snooping! I just wanted to add him on Instagram." she huffed again, "Well, we've got a while before we have to be there so I'm gonna take a nap." she informed and turned to head to her room and he caught her hand, "What?" she asked.
"Wanna have a shower with me before we head over?" he asked, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"Mmmm...." she pondered aloud.
"C'mon, please? I told him 9:30 for a reason." he said, "I'll make it worth your while." he promised and she agreed and just a minute later they were under the warm stream of water washing up and stealing kisses in between.
Harry was hard and his length kept prodding at her hip so she just took him into her hand, glancing up at him as she stroked slowly. His lips were parted and breathing shallow as her thumb rubbed into the slit at the head of his cock.
"Oh shit..." he hummed and then dipped down to kiss her fervently as she continued stroking at him, "Suck my cock, love. Please, just get your mouth on me." he whispered against her mouth and she moaned and nodded. She placed a kiss over his sternum before getting on her knees and taking him in her mouth right away. 
Harry sighed in relief as her tongue rubbed into his slit, her tongue relished in the slightly salty taste of his arousal and his fingers tangled in her hair, pulling hard making her moan. The vibrations of her sounds were tickling down his stiff cock, to his balls, and somehow up to his stomach, making his abs tense as his head fell back against the shower wall. She was so fucking good with her mouth, it always got him close so fast. She had asked the first time around what felt good for him and where and now she always pulled out all of the stops. With every suck and stroke of her tongue Y/N ensured that his stomach was tingling and that he was getting closer and closer to his orgasm. Her finger nails bit into the backs of his muscular thighs as she sucked harder. He chanced looking down at her and she blinked her eyes open, somehow feeling him looking at her and he groaned again, her smile barely peeking through, but he smiled in pleasure as she took more of him.
"That's fucking good." he hummed in delight. He was getting so close, his tummy swirling with that familiar warmth that overwhelmed him when he was about to come. As it started to spread he realized that he didn't want to come in her mouth, he wanted to come inside of her. They'd done it once before, but she was being so nice and good for him that he wanted to fill her up. He tugged at her hair, "Want to be inside of you." he panted, "Need to feel you when I come." he mumbled and she pulled off immediately and reached to shut off the water and they hurried out of the shower and he picked her up and set her on the counter as he lined himself up with her opening.
He looked into her eyes and she nodded, which granted him the permission to thrust inside of her in one fluid motion. He watched with parted lips as her eyes fluttered closed and a pretty and breathy sigh flowed from her lips as he bottomed out. Harry glanced down between them to see his length fully sheathed inside of her and he grinned.
"Fuck, y'somehow always take it all in that tight, little pussy." she moaned at his words as they caused goosebumps to pimple at her skin. He ground into her, stimulating his sensitive and leaking tip right against her g-spot. He watched her face contorting in pleasure and it made him so happy to feel her clinging to him desperately as he brought her all the pleasure he could. 
He could feel her hot, tight walls pulsing around him with need, her body’s attempt of milking the cum out of his balls and putting it where it belonged, deep inside of her. He groaned as he started thrusting hard and steady and brought his fingers down to her clit and rubbed in time with his thrust until she was trembling.
"Oh my god!" she gasped as she started getting closer to her climax, "Harry!" she whimpered and he smiled as he pressed his forehead into hers.
"You're so close, love. Come for me so I can fill you up." he panted and she swallowed thickly and nodded, her eyes not leaving his as she got even closer until she just couldn't afford to keep them open anymore. Her entire body seemed to be tingling as that delicious pressure deep inside of her reached its limit and burst. Harry smiled against her lips as she just tensed up, "That's it, come for me, Y/N." He panted and she moaned out as the tidal wave of pleasure swallowed her whole. 
Y/N felt her heart pounding and her walls fluttering around Harry's cock -he always did fill her up so perfectly that it made her see stars when she came. Like now - he hadn't stopped fucking into her as he chased his own high and all she could do was hold on tight until he was panting hard against her mouth and squeezing her hips tight as she hissed from how hard he had pressed himself deep inside of her as he started to come, filling her up as he promised and pulling out gently, still smiling against her lips before he glanced down between them, already seeing his cum pooling at her entrance. He hadn't gotten himself off in several days, so it was more than usual.
"Shit, it was a lot. Hold on." he said settling her over the counter better before heading off to the toilet paper and taking a little wad of it and hurrying over to dab a bit at her opening, cleaning out what was dribbling from her swollen and pounded to heaven entrance. After a minute or so he had effectively cleaned her up and he smiled up at her, "Sorry, I made quite a mess." he hummed.
"Yeah, now get me down." she said and he helped her off the counter and held her for a moment.
"Good?" he asked her and she nodded and steered around him for a towel and as she headed off to get changed he quickly smacked her ass causing her to wince and scoff at him as he giggled.
At 9:30 sharp they were being let into Santi's apartment and he had made a delightful and delicious smelling soy-rizo scramble (which was thoughtful of him after Harry had explained that he was a vegetarian some time ago). There was coffee and he swore that the tortillas were purchased, but handmade from a restaurant he frequented. And sure enough, everything was delicious! Despite that Harry couldn't help but feel a little smug as Santi chatted up Y/N because he'd just fucked her not even an hour prior. And Y/N was just being friendly as she answered his questions. Harry knew her well and had spent plenty of time with her and he could see how she'd suppressed that charming and suave je ne sais quoi that she oozed so naturally and was just so her. Maybe to Santi it came off as naiveté, but Harry knew that she was just doing this for him, so when the opportunity arose she shifted the attention back to Harry, like any good wing-person, currently the topic of discussion was languages and Y/N had said that Harry spoke some Italian.
"Really?" Santi asked with a bright and surprised smile.
"Si." Harry chuckled and Santi chuckled, "But very basic, like enough to get around town." he explained.
"Me too, I studied a year abroad in Rome. But Italian is very smiliar to Spanish, so it wasn't too difficult for me to learn." he explained and soon they got to talking about Italy. Y/N had never been to Europe so she butted out of his one and just let them go off and tell their stories. "My goal was to become a designer and move back there. Living in Italy was the best time of my life." he stated with a fond smile. And then he asked them, "What do you do for work?" and well, apart from responding, Harry and Y/N knew that the logical next step to this was asking Santi what he did for work.
"We're substitute teachers and also do private tutoring, like help with school work." Harry said.
"Oh, what do you teach?"
"I teach and tutor English and Literature, but I also nanny at times for kids and pets." Y/N said.
"I teach sciences or history." Harry then jumped in, "And well, my goal is to be a singer though." at that, Santi's eyes lit up, "I participate in choirs and have been able to record soundtracks for films and TV with the ensemble. And then I just do open mic nights and things like that from time to time for some exposure and extra cash." he shrugged.
"Wow, that's impressive. I'd love to go see you perform sometime!" Santi said excitedly and Harry blushed and agreed that sometime he could join him and Y/N for that, "And you, Y/N? Any creative ventures for you?"
"Yeah, I act as well. I would hope to one day do something big and meaningful, maybe a play or musical or something. I don't want to be a movie star or anything too crazy, but at least be a little bit on the radar." she shrugged.
"Really? I act as well! Theatre is my biggest passion." he disclosed, "I came here trying to land some roles in some productions, we'll see how it goes." He explained.
"Oh, that's cool! Maybe we can see each other at some auditions sometime." Y/N said with a bright smile and Santi nodded.
"Yeah, ummm... can I tell you guys something?" he asked and they both nodded, acting as cool as possible, "I started camming a few months back." he confessed, “Well actually almost a year ago now that I think about it.”
"Oh really?" Harry said and Santi nodded.
"It makes me pretty good money." he said, "I'm not telling you so that you go and watch my things!" he added quickly, "But just so that you know. I have an instagram page so you may run into that." he explained and they both nodded, "I hope that doesn't make you feel strange around me or change things with us." he said and they both smiled and shook their heads.
"Not at all, Santi! You're doing this on your terms and not getting scammed by the porn industry. One time I was so desperate that I sold a guy feet pics to see Fleetwood Mac at the Forum in the pit." Y/N said.
"She got scammed, the man had no tickets and she ruined the opportunity for both of us." Harry butted in and they all laughed at Y/N's story, "But yeah, we're all just trying to make it out here! And as long as you feel comfortable doing that then do it!" Harry encouraged him and Santi smiled.
"Good. Glad to get that off my chest." he said.
"Is that why you got a two bedroom? One room is for the cam stuff?" Y/N asked and Santi nodded, there was a beat of silence before he spoke up.
"Ummm, do you guys want to see it?" he asked and Y/N looked to Harry and then they booth looked to Santi.
"Only if you want to show us." Harry spoke up and Santi nodded and stood and they followed suit. Y/N walked behind Santi and Harry followed behind her, a reassuring hand on her hip as Santi opened up the door, flicked on the light and stepped aside to let them in. 
Harry squeezed Y/N's hip as he caught a glimpse of the swing on one corner of the room. Santi didn't miss the way Harry was holding on to her as he looked around. There was also a bed in there, maybe full sized, but there were restraints on the posts. The closet was open and there were drawers and chests in there, probably filled with accessories and toys. Y/N looked around with a bitten lip, she wasn't sure what to say, this was so much to take in.
Santi looked over both Y/N and Harry. They were both extremely attractive, he loved that Y/N was a little nervous around him and at first he thought it was an act, but she was just that affected by him. It made him curious about her persona in bed; she seemed the type to give in and be pliant to a more dominant partner. Harry looked like a statue he'd seen in Italy, he was carved to perfection. Especially seeing him in yoga made him more attracted to him. He was confident and friendly and so clearly a protector, as he held Y/N to reassure her. He wanted a taste of each of them and he wasn't sure if he should pursue it or not. He also wondered if they had ever slept together, they were awfully close. But if they had slept together they probably would've been more jealous or attached to each other. Santi wanted to tread lightly because he didn't want to come between such an obviously functional arrangement.
"This is crazy and impressive..." Y/N finally said and Santi chuckled. She leaned in closer to Harry when he squeezed her hip again.
"It took some time to collect everything, but ummm, yeah this is my...workspace." he said timidly. They headed back to his living room and Y/N had tons of questions about how he went about this. Did he do private things, how often did he collaborate with others. It made Harry a bit nervous that she seemed to interested in this. 
Eventually they changed the topic and chatted about more normal things and after about another hour Y/N and Harry were getting ready to go and he was walking them over to the door.
"Thanks for having us, everything was great." Harry said as he hugged Sant goodbye.
"Thank you for coming." he assured and then went to hug Y/N.
"Next time you come to ours, OK?" Y/N smiled as she hugged him and he chuckled.
"I'd love that." he assured and they started walking away, "Ummm, Y/N!" He called after her and she looked to Harry who just signaled with his head for her to go back over and he just waved before heading into their apartment.
"Yeah?" she asked with a friendly smile.
"As you probably know, Harry and I have been spending a lot of time getting to know each other from yoga and the coffee shop and I haven't really had the chance of getting to know you like that. It seems like you avoid me sometimes, have I done something to put you off or?" he asked.
"Oh no, not at all! Harry's definitely the more social one of us two is what it is." she fibbed and he chuckled.
"Well, I was wondering, if you're not busy tomorrow, if you wanted to go have dinner. Just us." he said and Y/N frowned a bit.
"Oh, I do have plans tomorrow. How about I let you know when I'm next available?" she asked and he smiled.
"Yes, that sounds perfect." he assured and she smiled, "Let me give you my number." he said and she handed over her phone, "I mean, you could also ask Harry for it, but now you have it from me." he said as he typed it in and then handed back the phone.
"I will let you know, OK?" She smiled and he nodded.
"Ummm, I'm sure you hear this a lot, but you're very beautiful and sweet and I'm just curious about you." he explained, "But I mean, I also like Harry, he's very attractive and kind and friendly, he's been such a great friend. I just hope that you both see that I am not trying to complicate your dynamic, I just want to get to know each of you better."
"I understand, thank you for explaining that. Between us, Harry is a little jealous over his friends and even his romantic partners, so I also don't want to make him feel like I'm trying to come between the friendship and routine you have together. I realize it's platonic, but I just don't want him to think that he's competing for something." she explained.
"Oh OK, thank you for explaining that too. I would hate to do something to offend and upset him. He is very special to me as well." Santi assured and Y/N smiled.
"Lovely, well glad we're on the same page with that. Thank you again for breakfast and everything else." she grinned and he chuckled.
"Yeah, of course. Have a good day."
"You too, Santi. Thanks again!" she said and headed back to her apartment. As soon as she closed the door she knew Harry would be moping around in his room, so she headed there directly and sure enough, there he was, jaw clenched as he scrolled through his phone.
"Hey." she spoke gently and he spared her a glance before looking back to his phone and she smiled. "I'm gonna lay next to you, OK?" she warned and he said nothing. "Are you gonna hear me out or just assume I broke my promise so that I could have a chance at getting demolished on that sex swing?" she asked and that made him turn to her and scoff and she giggled.
"What did he want?"
"He just thought I was mad at him because I kind of avoid him and he wanted to know if I would be interested in having dinner with him tomorrow - just as friends though. I told him I have plans tomorrow and can't but that I'd let him know."
"Well if you say no he'll think that you are mad at him or something." Harry said and she hummed in agreement. Harry wasn't jealous of Y/N, he was jealous over her now. Why was Santi so interested in getting to know her? Was he going to take her from him?
"Yeah, but what we have going matters more to me. We're the ones that live together." she reminded.
"I don't want to be like this. Like it shouldn't matter that you are friends with him, I'm just being ridiculous." he said and she smiled.
"Just a little bit." she agreed and he smiled down at his hands.
"I mean, I do trust you. And I saw how elusive you were being over breakfast, disarming his flirtations." Harry said and she smiled.
"Yeah, of course. I promised I would!" she said and Harry smiled.
"You're literally the best person I know." He said and she rolled her eyes, "Seriously though. And I think I need to be more like you and step 1 of that is telling you that you should hang out with Santi one-on-one."
"You sure?" she asked and he nodded, "OK, but I'll make it like Wednesday or Thursday, it's not even remotely confused as a date if it's on a weekday." she said to Harry.
"I don't think the day matters, but thanks for the effort." he said and she giggled before cuddling into his side.
"H, for the millionth time, you don't need to get jealous for anything. You're the whole fucking package and completely irreplaceable. I know that and I'm sure Santi does too." she said and he sighed.
"It's not that I'm insecure. It's more the concern that I'll lose you or him to each other. You're my best friend. You mean everything to me and you've gotten to know me so well. You're too kind and patient with me, love. I wouldn't get that anywhere else, people would get fed up with me and drop me after witnessing all my antics." he said and she giggled.
"You are quite the handful, but I don't mind it one bit. You mean everything to me too." she assured and he then placed a kiss on her head and hugged her close.
“Should we watch What We Do in the Shadows or Ted Lasso?” He asked lowly.
“I already told you that we’ll only re-watch Ted Lasso when you grow a mustache again.” and he chuckled.
“You really liked it that much, huh?”
“Yeah, I did. Mustache you was another breed of you. You were a lot more cocky too, it was hot.” She mused and he pulled away from her to look at her better.
“So I’m not hot without the mustache?” He asked in slight offense.
“You certainly are! But it was different. It’s like I was living with someone else for a time! It was exciting! Also to be fair we were shut in, so maybe I’m remembering it a lot more fondly than it actually was.” She hummed, squinting her eyes as if that would help her memory.
“No, I think your recollection of it is about right. You were enjoying yourself far too much.” He teased and she giggled. Yeah, he had been going down on her a lot during that time. It was amazing.
Eventually they settled on a completely different show and just lazed around until Harry had to go to a client’s tutoring session. Y/N was looking at her nannying apps to see if anyone was looking for some help and she saw that someone urgently needed dog sitting for the next night in Brentwood - that’s where a lot of famous people lived so she knew the compensation would be good if she built a loyal customer out of them. So she responded to their posting and now had an alibi for declining Santi's dinner invitation but then proposed the day after - a Wednesday and he promptly agreed.
Y/N did feel a bit nervous about going to dinner with Santi. Sure, he said he had no ulterior motives apart from getting to know her better, but she didn't know him all that well and for all she knew he could be lying to her. There really was only one way to find out. Harry was working tonight, one of his client's parents was throwing a little "study party" for their son's math midterm and Harry was getting paid a pretty penny to help and review Algebra concepts with seven 9th graders, so he wasn't around for moral support, but she did let him know when she headed out.
Naturally, Santi & Y/N carpooled to dinner. He had taken her to a nice little Mexican place called La Cha Cha Cha, a lovely little rooftop restaurant in the L.A. Arts District. They did have a lovely time and even had a couple of drinks as they chatted. Time really escaped them and it was already nearing 8pm when they ended up ordering a dessert to share because they were too full to order individual ones and they both wanted the same thing, so as the server came by and placed the plate between them Y/N spoke up.
"Excuse me, can I place an order to go, please?"
"Yeah, of course!" the young man said and she soon ordered the  mushroom tacos and a side of guacamole for Harry (it had to be for him, it was the only vegetarian dish on the menu) and the young man promised to have it ready in about 15 minutes for her and she thanked him. 
The entire time this unfolded before him, Santi just took it in. She hadn't even asked Harry if he wanted anything, if he recalls correctly - she had never pulled out her phone and he knew that Harry had been gone since about 4:30 that afternoon, she had told him in the car and well, their dinner location was a surprise. She at least had to have feelings for him as more than a friend.
"You're very considerate, you know?" he said and she looked confused, "Ordering dinner for Harry." he said.
"How do you know it's not for me? You know, in case I get hungry later?" she asked and he just gave her a disbelieving look and she giggled.
"Harry told me that there's nothing going on between you. That's you're just friends." he said factually and tried to read her face. Wanted to see if she looked sad or offended or confused, but her expression was unwavering, "You're really not in a relationship?" he asked and she giggled.
"No, we're really not!" she assured, "Is it really so hard to believe that?" she asked and he shrugged.
"Sometimes." he smiled.
"Sometimes? What gives that vibe?" she asked.
"You're very close. And I mean when you were over for breakfast and I showed you both my...room..." he said, "He was holding you, like he wanted to make sure you were OK. And well, he talks about you a lot and he thinks you're beautiful." he said and Y/N smiled.
"He fucking better." she said and Santi smiled, "I mean, I think he's beautiful too. And well, we've been friends a long time and roommates for many years, we just get along really well and we take care of each other. We think about each other and how to keep each other happy because we live together and it's important to do that. To keep each other happy." she explained with a smile.
"Well, that is true." he chuckled. Harry's food was soon dropped off and the drive back was filled with chatter. 
Santi and Y/N had a lot in common and he was easy and fun to talk to. They had a lot of chemistry and he found it exciting that she wasn't actually all that shy or nervous. It seemed that at first she had been holding back. When they finally got into the parking garage at their building he let her out of the car and as she hopped down and they made some small talk as they rode up to their floor. Then, they hugged goodbye and she made her way inside seeing the TV in the living room on and she saw Harry immediately shoot up from the couch and she gasped.
"Jesus." she exclaimed as she slipped her shoes off and headed over to the living room. 
"Took you fucking long enough." he mumbled as she set the food bag she'd brought for him over.
"I brought you some tacos." she said and he reached for the food bag and started unpacking it.
"Thanks. What took so long?" he asked.
"We just had a lot to talk about.” she said looking down at him.
“So he likes you... he's always asking about you." he mumbled and she sighed. “I mean, if he likes you and you like him then maybe you should just...go out or something." he mumbled as he unpacked his food.
“Oh c’mon H, don’t be like that. If you like him just make you move! The worst thing that can happen is he says he’s not into you. But I think he is.” She said with a smile.
“Fine…” he said before he started to eat.
It had been a day like any other, except today Harry and Santi had forgone yoga for a swim at the gym Harry attended. They had plans to all have breakfast together at Harry and Y/N’s place, so once they finished up their swim and had a quick shower at they gym they headed back to their complex. When they arrived, Harry was expecting Y/N to be in and have started on breakfast but she was gone and there was a note on their little whiteboard fridge that she had been called to substitute last minute. She had left out all the ingredients for the pancakes though, which was sweet of her.
“Well, looks like it’s just going to be us. Y/N got called in to teach.” He said to Santi.
“Aw, well there will be a next time.” He said, “Is there anything I can help you with?” He asked.
“Yeah, can you cut up the fruit she left in the strainer please? I can get started on the pancakes.” Harry said and soon they were both working in the kitchen as they talked and laughed a bit. Harry was feeling a little bit nervous because he wanted to make his move on Santi. He was super attracted to him and he had enjoyed getting to know him so far, he hadn’t gone as far as thinking about dating or a relationship, but he was definitely interested in hooking up with him. As they talked and ate they had exchanged some pretty intense eye contact and the tension was nearly palpable. And now Santi was leaving and Harry had not mustered the courage to make any move.
Santi had been waiting for Harry to do something, he seemed to be burning up inside. Maybe he had the dynamics all wrong, it appeared that she shy one was Harry. He seemed to be a lot more relaxed with Y/N around and now that he thought of it, usually she was the one encouraging him to speak his mind and spinning the conversation back towards him. So maybe he should be the one to just bite the bullet. Harry was walking him over to the front door, chuckling as he told him a story about how he and Y/N’s dramatic conversation ended up in an Overheard: LA post. Santi chuckled along as Harry showed him the post and then he put away his phone as their laughter died down.
“Well, thank you for having me over. I always have a good time with you.” Santi said and Harry’s cheeks went pink at the compliment.
“Me too.” Harry assured with a smile as his eyes locked on Santi’s before they flickered down to his lips for just a moment. It was adorable, how nervous Harry was and so Santi grabbed his chin and leaned in, it didn’t even take Harry a second to close the gap as their lips met in a soft and sweet kiss before they pulled back and Harry was feeling over the moon, a big giddy smile adorned his handsome face and Santi chuckled into the little space between them.
“Sorry, but you were taking too long to just do it.” He said softly and Harry chuckled nervously.
“I know, I just get a little nervous to make a move.” He confessed and Santi smiled.
“Well, it’s good to know that.” Santi said and Harry hummed, letting his nose skim along Santi’s, silently asking for more, which made him smirk as he leaned in just a little more and before Harry could fully close the gap he reared back and Harry huffed, his pretty green eyes looking into Santi’s big, light brown eyes.
“Please?” Harry asked softly and this seemed to light Santi’s fire because next thing they were falling back into Harry and Y/N’s apartment, their weight against the front door caused it to shut loudly and they didn’t even bother with locking it as Harry pulled Santi along to his room. Harry tore off his shirt and then Santi’s before they stumbled onto the bed, hips grinding against each others as their lips met with urgency. 
Harry’s entire body tingled in anticipation as Santi’s lips traveled down his jaw as his hand smoothed down his abs and finally, his fingers lingered and teased at the ruched band of his shorts. His chest was rising and falling markedly as he felt his fingertips slightly dipping under the material. He felt like he was being tortured as they kissed and his teasing actions were making him lose his cool. He slightly bucked his hips up and he felt Santi’s lips quirk up in a grin against his own mouth.
“So needy.” He whispered and Harry pouted a bit, “That’s alright though, I can take good care of you.” Santi mumbled before fully reaching into Harry’s shorts and he was in direct contact with his leaking tip and he chuckled, “No underwear? You’re kind of a whore, aren’t you?” And Harry just nodded as his eyes stayed glued on Santi’s as he wrapped his fist around his cock, nice and tight, and he gently tugged making Harry’s legs fall wider and moan breathily at the just-right, tight grip encasing his erection. He had been waiting for this for so long and it was feeling just as amazing as he’d imagined. Santi did a little bit of a twisting motion with his wrist and he watched as Harry’s mouth fell open with a moan.
“Oh fuck…” he panted out and Santi grinned, feeling a little envious of the pleasure he was giving.
“Do you mind if I join you?” He asked and Harry quickly shook his head and in moments his own shorts were tugged down below his bum and Harry groaned at the sight of his own hard and leaky cock, he wanted to get it in his mouth, he immediately reached for it and Santi shook his head, “I’ll do it.” He said and Harry looked at him with some confusion and then Santi straddled Harry’s lap, his cock skimmed against Harry’s now that he was directly over him and Harry watched with lidded as Santi reached forward with his big hand and wrapped both his cock and Harry’s in it, stroking them together at the same time, their sensitive tips were rubbing together and they both let out deep moans at the friction. Harry couldn’t help it as his hips bucked up into Santi’s grip, “Do you have lube?” He panted and Harry nodded and Santi allowed him to roll over towards his bedside table and he pulled out a little bottle and tossed it to Santi who quickly squirted some into his hand and lathered it over his cock as Harry settled back into position and then he reached for Harry again, he was so responsive and sensitive, he grinned as he stroked at him faster, the precum slowly dribbled out of his tip and Harry’s chest was splotched all pink as he arched his back up towards him. Harry’s tummy started fluttering as the strokes at his length built his pleasure higher and higher.
“Oh shit!” He whispered and Santi grinned down at him, “Fuck I’m gonna come!” Harry warned, thrusting up into his fist, but as soon as he said the words Santi’s pace started slowing down and Harry huffed.
“Not yet.” He panted and then encased their now lubed up penises together in his fist again. He started stroking again and Santi thrust into his fist with a groan, “Fuck, you’re quite big.” He said and Harry moaned at that, “Feels good, right? Having my big dick rubbing against yours?” He panted and Harry nodded frantically, his chest heaving, “Fuck, I’m gonna come all over you.” He groaned and Harry moaned again, his head rolled to the side and looked at the empty side of the bed, for some reason he expected to see Y/N there and he bit his lip as his eyes shut tight. God, she would love this, if she could just be here and sit on his face things would be that much more perfect. Santi’s movements started to get more intense and Harry’s body tensed up in response, his fingers dug into Santi’s thighs as his high approached, making his breath catch in his throat as he moaned out.
“Fuck me…” he groaned and Santi chucked breathily.
“Are you going to come?” He asked and Harry’s brows creased as he watched their cocks rubbing together, both of them thrusting into Santi’s hand, “Hmmm?” He asked and Harry nodded, “Good, come on then.” He encouraged lowly and Harry didn’t need to be told again, he felt his balls tighten up and start to pulse as the first spurt of his cum shot out against the butterfly inked into his stomach and he let out a drawn out moan, starting to get overstimulated as Santi kept jerking them off simultaneously, “Oh my god!” He groaned and immediately his own orgasm washed over him, and as he had said before, his come dripped all over Harry, mixing with his own on his stomach. His strokes slowly down gradually until they were both panting as he removed his hand and chuckled lightly.
“Fuck…” Harry sighed with a dopey grin.
“Was that enough for now?” He asked him and Harry nodded, “Good.” Santi hummed and Harry pressed himself up on his elbows as their lips met in a slow kiss. Santi got his shorts on and went to the bathroom to grab a wipe to clean Harry off and soon they were just staring at the ceiling. Harry had a question that he had been meaning to ask Santi and so he just decided to ask it.
“Hey, so I had a question for you.”
“Yeah, what is it?” Santi asked as he turned to Harry and he sighed.
“Well, you always bring up Y/N when we talk and hang out. Are you also interested in her?” He asked and Santi smiled.
“I mean yeah, she’s really beautiful too.” He said to Harry and he nodded.
“Yeah, she’s great.” He agreed with a smile.
“I wouldn’t hook up with her though, especially if it’s going to complicate things with you guys. I think you guys have something really good going for you and I wouldn’t want to cause trouble there.” He said and Harry bit his lip for a moment.
“But you’re interested in hooking up with her.” He said and Santi chuckled.
“Well…I mean, yes. I’m attracted to her.” He said.
“I don’t know if Y/N has told you, but we have hooked up, so it’s not like we don’t understand that we can see other people.” Harry said.
“This is a little different though, just because she can share it doesn’t mean you can. She’s told me you’re quite jealous.” Santi chuckled and Harry sighed and shrugged.
“It is my cross to bear.” He confirmed with a chuckle, “But we’re not together and if you’re into her…I mean.” He said and Santi chuckled.
“Maybe, who knows. I mean, I also want to be honest with you, I’m not looking for a relationship right now. Also, I’m polyamorous so, lots of people don’t really like that, you strike me as one of them.” He teased and Harry chuckled.
“Yeah, that’s certainly not for me, but ummm, I’m also not looking for anything serious.” He assured him, “I’m just a little possessive, maybe selfish is a better word for it.” He admitted and Santi hummed in understanding.
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes in your sex life you crave what you don’t get in all of the other areas of your life. So maybe you feel like you’re always taking care of others and giving a lot of yourself so in this area of your life you want to be the center of attention?” He suggested and Harry hummed.
“Yeah actually, that’s quite accurate.” He expressed.
“I mean, for example with Y/N. From what I see she takes care of you, but you also take care of her, so how does that translate to your more intimate moments?” He asked and Harry cleared his throat.
“It varies to be quite honest, I think she likes to hook up when she’s too lazy to put in effort elsewhere. Or like if I’m craving something a little more meaningful and intimate then I tend to go to her because I trust her and I know she cares about me.” He explained.
“So you think she just fucks you out of convenience?” Santi chuckled and Harry shrugged.
“I mean, it feels that way to me at least.” He expressed and that’s when Santi knew that Harry liked Y/N more than he probably even realized, “But I get it, she’s quite selective and if you ever experience anything with her you’d understand why. She has a few reliable options that she rotates between.” He said and Santi hummed in understanding. 
“I see. Well again, if it bugs you I won’t try anything with her, OK?” He assured and Harry shook his head.
“It’s cool, Santi, it really doesn’t bother me, especially now that we’ve talked about it. My biggest concern would be losing everything we have, the sex is whatever. She’s the whole fucking package so I’m already mentally prepared to just not have access to her at all one day.” He chuckled and Santi shook his head as he laughed.
“You’re such a pessimist.”
“Hey, just preparing for the worst.” He said and Santi laughed.
“Losing Y/N would be the worst scenario for you?”
“Oh for sure.” Harry answered easily and again, Santi grinned to himself but didn’t say anything else as Harry went to turn on the TV. It seemed that he had buried his feelings for her so deep that he hadn’t even realized what he had just said.
Y/N had called Harry when she had wrapped up for the day to see if he had made dinner, but he said no and then told her that Santi was over. So she picked up some sushi for dinner, per Harry’s request and as soon as she arrived they rushed out to eat. They hung out for a bit longer before Y/N said her goodbyes and went to shower. It had been a long day and she had been informed at the end of the school day that she would be needed for a whole week, so she needed her rest, dealing with kids all day was rather exhausting. When she headed out of the bathroom in her bathrobe and a towel turban on her head Harry chuckled and she rolled her eyes, she went for her drawers to grab afresh pajama set, if there was one thing about Y/N it was her need for a matching pajama set, it just made her feel better as she settled into her sheets at night.
“I really like the the pink one you’ve got.” He said to her as she picked up a blue set and then smiled when she put it down and exchanged it for the one he was talking about. 
“Gonna do a face mask if you want to join me?” She said.
“Yeah, which one?”
“That catastrophe somethin’ one you like from Lush.” She said as she stepped back into the bathroom.
“Oh yeah, count me in!” He called out and then went to turn on her TV, putting on Friends for some background noise. After a few minutes she came back out, fully dressed and with her hair up in a clip and the misty blue colored mask on her face. She had a smaller clip in her hands and the mask container. Harry sat up against her head board and she climbed onto his lap quietly and smiled at him as he bowed his head to let her sweep up the longer pieces of his hair and secure them to the crown of his head with a claw clip, “Thanks.” He hummed.
“Yeah.” She responded quietly as he straightened up and she dipped three fingers into the mask and smeared the cool material on his left cheek before starting to spread it.
“Hooked up with Santi today.” He said and her eyebrows shot up as she smiled.
“Really?! Finally!” She giggled and he chuckled.
“I mean, he made the move. I kind of pussied out.” He admitted and she rolled her eyes.
“Was it good at least?” She asked him as she focused on getting the mask around his eyebrows.
“Yeah, it was really good. We didn’t have sex though.” He said with a smile, recalling all of the details, “For a second there I like looked over to the empty side of the bed and I don’t know, just felt like you were there.” He said and she giggled.
“Threesome, huh? Don’t think you’d be keen on that.” She said as she then smeared the mask on his right cheek and worked her way up.
“I’ve done it before.”
“With randos, not your friends.” She pointed out and he hummed in agreement.
“Well, I asked if he was interested in you and well, he is, obviously. But you guys can hook up if you want.” He said, eyes closed as Y/N finished smoothing the mask over his nose and then over his upper lip to finish up his face.
“There.” She said, disregarding his statement.
“I’m serious. I think I was just nervous of how that would impact our friendship, that you would replace me or something. But I mean, I trust you and I also trust him. He understands that we need to keep our relationship solid, so I know he wouldn’t do anything to come between us.” He said to Y/N.
“Well that’s good, but I won’t go out of my way to do it. If an opportunity presents mmmm, maybe, but I’m not really all that interested anymore.” She explained, “Just got it into my head that he was off limits, I guess.”
“Because I asked you to?”
“Well yeah, H. We’ve been over this.” She said to him, “It’s not a problem though.”
“Well now I feel like a dick.” He said and she giggled.
“Because you liked him too.”
“Oh my god, it’s not that serious, H. I thought he was hot at first sight. He’s cool, but it’s not like I like like him.” She assured him. “Besides, the more I think about it the more I come to terms with the fact that I’m kind of over hooking up with people.” She confessed.
“Really? What made you think that?” He asked.
“I realized that I use hooking up as a distraction. Because it allows me to remain stagnant as a person and isolated emotionally. I don’t have to look at my flaws or fears or concerns when it comes to emotional intimacy because it doesn’t matter, it never goes that deep. And I mean, physically I don’t really enjoy it as much as I used to, even with my regulars. Like it’s just so predictable and it does nothing to challenge me as a person. Like there’s nothing to work towards.” She said and he frowned.
“Oh wow, that’s… a lot.” He said and she nodded.
“And I don’t mean you, by the way. Our situation is different.” She said and he smiled a bit at that, “You certainly challenge me as a person.”
“Oh yeah, how’s that?” He asked.
“Every day I have to talk myself down from wanting to kill you, helps me work on my patience.” She said and he scoffed.
“I am a god damned dream and you know it.”
“More like a nightmare!” She teased and he pinched her side which made her giggle, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” She laughed, “Ya’ know I love you.” She said with a smile.
“Sure you do.” He looked down at her thighs.
“I really do, H. It’s nice to love someone who loves you back.” She said and he smiled.
“Yeah, I do love you, deep, deep down.” He grinned and she smiled.
“That’s fine, as long as it’s somewhere in there.” She assured him and he chuckled, “So with Santi…what’re you hoping to get out of it?” She asked and he sighed.
“I don’t know. I mean, I know that I’m not looking for something super serious, but he did mention that he’s polyamorous and even he was like I know that would never fly for you.” Harry said and Y/N giggled.
“He got that right!”
“You’d be OK with that?” He asked and she shook her head.
“No way, either you commit to a person or you don’t. I think it is possible to love more than one person at a time, but you always love one person more and that’s not fair to the others, not if they’re loving you fully and you’re loving them like 30%. Sounds like a lot of work too.” She said and he chuckled as he rested his hands over her thighs.
“Yeah, actually…” he mused and she smiled at him as she just took him in for a moment, he was so handsome. Flaws and all, Harry was a wonderful man and she was so glad that they were able to have this kind of relationship with each other. They complimented each other well.
“What?” He asked her and she smiled as she shook her head.
“Nothing, just looking at you and thinking about how lucky I got to meet you.” She said simply and he felt his heart skip a beat in the confines of his chest.
“You’re too sweet, Y/N. Give me more credit than I deserve.” He spoke softly as his thumbs caressed her thighs, back and forth in soothing motions and she tutted, dismissing his little self-deprecating moment.
“Did you come get in bed just because you wanted to talk about Santi or were you planning on having a sleepover with me?” She asked him.
“Both, obviously.” He said lowly.
“OK, just don’t sleep talk, s’very creepy.”
“That was one time.”
“It’s all the time, H.” She said flatly and he laughed. 
Eventually they rinsed off their masks and Y/N went to blow dry her hair a bit as Harry laid there, waiting for her to join him. Finally she had switched off her ensuite lights and was walking through the dark room, the only light was that of the TV mounted over her dresser. As soon as she settled in Harry backed up into her chest and she smiled. Sometimes he was in super snuggly moods like this and she just let him cozy up to her as he mumbled a request for her to play with his hair, she never said no to him. 
Y/N thought that he had fallen asleep, but Harry suddenly turned and hovered over her before he leaned in, breathing heavy and loud as their faces hovered closely to each other before he just connect his lips to hers in a slow and tentative kiss that kind of took her by surprise, but she easily gave in to his kiss. Harry rolled his hips down against her and she parted her lips as she breathed in a sharp breath before reaching between them, tugging away her pajama shorts and he panted as she also helped push his down until they were tangling tongues and drinking in each others moans as they toed off the clothing off of the bottom halves of their legs. He ground himself against her pussy again, his already leaking cock helped ease the glide as she grew wet for him. Her body’s response to his was so quick, he loved it. She bucked up against him, hungry for more but he lowered himself even more against her and he kissed her again with much more confidence than before, the sounds of their lips softly smacking together and their heavy and slow breaths were mixed in with the Friends episode droning on in the background. He pulled back from the kiss and she followed, searching for his lips and he smiled as he drew slightly further, teasing her until she huffed and he leaned in again, his lips skimmed against her own in feathery swipes.
“Wanna go slow?” He whispered his question against her lips. His question made her body start to buzz slightly. His request processing and eliciting a physical reaction from her, so instead of answering she draped her arm around his neck and craned her neck to capture his lips in another languid kiss, communicating to him that yes, she did want to go slow. He panted as she parted her legs, allowing his erection to slip lower and prod at her entrance, making him swallow thickly.
“Please, get inside of me.” She whispered and he nodded and gently pushed into her and they both gasped, but he kept going and in one slow thrust he had fully settled into her slick and hot pussy. They exhaled shakily as he rolled his hips into hers, not pulling out too much, but really grinding and humping his hips into hers to stimulate her g-spot and got was it working, she was trembling beneath him.
“Is this OK?” He asked her and she nodded before whispering her confirmation, “Good, wanna make it feel good for you.” He hummed before going a little faster and a painfully erotic cry slipped out of her throat as he pushed down against her lower stomach.
“O-oh f-fuck!” She sobbed softly as the tip of his cock kissed at her g-spot deliciously, it was making her toes curl. His hand slid down from her tummy and to her clit where he started to gently rub circular figures against her swollen little bud. A delicious tickle started to spread through her body at this combination of actions.
“You’re so fucking pretty.” He panted, “Look so good under me.” He mumbled and she whined out his name as all of the feelings in her body started to morph into pleasure and started flowing through her veins. It was making all of the little hairs on her body stand and her toes start to curl.
“Oh H, you’re gonna make me come!” She gasped and he moaned before kissing her lips.
“Already?” He asked and she nodded.
“Yeah, you feel so good like this!” She panted and he groaned as he picked up his pace, the wet and smacking noises of their bodies meeting was growing louder.
“Hear how wet you get for me. Fucking love it.” He growled against her jaw before kissing down to her neck and sucking against the hinge of her jaw.
“I’m right there! Oh my god!” She whimpered as her body tensed and her legs trembled around his thighs as he sighed.
“Yeah, give it to me, baby.” He panted against her neck as her back arched, the fire in her belly started to spread and consume her entire being.
“Ohm don’t stop, H! Don’t stop!” She sobbed and he fucked into her faster, right where she liked it until she froze for a second and her walls suffocated his cock before they started to pulse around him and her broken cries took over the silence as all of those beautiful and euphoric feelings circulated through her body, nails digging into his bum, pushing him deeper into her until his movements were stuttering.
“Gonna come inside you, OK?” He stuttered and she nodded through teary eyes, there was so much happening inside of her. She whimpered as he grunted in time with his thrusts which soon fell out of rhythm as he chased his own high and finally he gasped as he started to spill everything he had into her quietly. His entire body was covered in goosebumps as he continued thrusting through the sensitivity until her velvety and warm walls had taken every last drop of his cum. 
Instead of pulling out of her their lips smeared together in a frantic and sloppy kiss. She hugged him against her chest and stared at she ceiling as she did her best to catch her breath, occasionally kissing at the top of his head. The only sounds in the room came from their ragged breaths and the low volume of the audience laughter from the TV, still playing Friends. This was different than any other time they had sex and neither of them wanted to say anything about it. After about ten minutes of just being together in the silence Y/N gently rubbed at Harry’s shoulder and he looked up at her.
“Need to go clean up.” She said.
“I can do it.” He groaned and rolled off of her.
“It’s cool, I have to go to the bathroom.” She said and he let her get up and go. He laid there in her residual warmth trying to come up with a reason for why he had just made love to her like that. He wasn’t sure, but after a few moments she was back and lifting the comforter from the bottom end and pulling out her shorts and his, she tossed his over to him which he shimmied on beneath he covers as she slipped hers on before getting back into the bed and cuddling into her pillows. Harry felt his heart sink as she hugged a pillow into her chest and faced away from him, but before he could get too into his head about why he felt that way she blindly extended her right arm back in his direction.
“Where’d you go?” She mumbled sleepily and he smiled and cuddled up into her back, spooning her before draping his arm over her hips and pulling her bum flush to his front.
“M’right here.” He whispered into her neck.
It’d been almost a month since their first hook up and Santi and Harry were with each other almost all the time, she would see them in passing and all, but not really to hang out more than a meal or a quick errand. Often times Y/N would come home after work and he’d already be at Santi’s place, there were also nights in which he wouldn’t return until the wee hours of the morning for a shower and then head off to work or to whatever he had going on that day. Y/N thought it was amusing how the very thing Harry feared was the very thing he inflicted on others. 
Y/N wasn’t bothered by this though; in fact she was a bit grateful for his disappearance because after that night they had sex she was left with a feeling that she so desperately wanted to shake. She didn’t want to want Harry and she didn’t want Harry to want her, at least not in the way that was implied by his actions that night. Letting him in that way was scary, it’s not like he didn’t know her ins and outs, but he had not experienced her as a significant other and honestly, she had such bad luck with relationships that she didn’t want to risk it with him ever. He mattered too much and the realization of that is what made her glad that he had in a sense disappeared from her side until further notice. She had got got home from work and was washing her lunch container when the front door flew open and Santi and Harry came in and she smiled at them.
“Hey guys! It’s been a while!” She said happily and Santi came up and hugged her tight from behind.
“Yes, it has! How have you been?” He asked her and she nodded.
“Good, just hanging out here, working a lot.” She shared as he released her and went for the fridge as if he were in his own home, it was nice to see people so comfortable in her space.
“I mean, that’s not a bad thing, right?” He asked as he grabbed a water bottle and Harry came into the kitchen and she shook her head.
“Nah, keeps me busy.” She assured and then Harry walked up and planted a kiss on her cheek from behind before also heading to the fridge and also grabbed some water.
“Do you have any plans tonight?” Santi asked her as he moved out of Harry’s way.
“Nope. Just gonna get ready for bed and watch TV, the usual.” She said.
“You’ve become really boring without me.” Harry said and she giggled.
“Doing nothing together is not necessarily exciting either.” She said and he chuckled.
“Sorry for stealing him away, by the way.” Santi chuckled and she shrugged with a grin.
“Hey, don’t be sorry, dude! I completely understand!” She assured through some laugher and Santi knocked his head back as he chuckled. Harry was magnetic and beautiful and he just drew people in, in an unbelievable way. Harry couldn’t help but let his ego flare up a bit as Y/N and Santi talked about his magnetic and alluring qualities.
“Well what’ve you been doing with your free time then?” Santi asked as Harry closed the fridge after not finding something to his liking and leaning back against it to listen.
“Literally, just hanging out at home.” She giggled.
“You have the house to yourself and haven’t had any company?” He asked in shock and she shook her head.
“No, I’ve really been enjoying the peace and quiet. And I mean, yeah sometimes I am very tempted to call in some assistance, but s’nothing I can’t handle on my own.” She assured Santi and he chuckled, “What are you guys up to tonight?”
“We were just gonna hang out here or at mine.” He explained and Harry hummed along in agreement.
“Oh, OK. We can watch a movie or something?” She suggested and they both agreed, “Santi can choose since he’s the guest.” She glanced to Harry.
“Yeah, yeah.” Harry mumbled as they all laughed a bit. Santi was picking out the movie while Harry opened up a bottle wine and Y/N quickly went to get dressed down for bed. She was half undressed and folder over the counter as she rinse the face wash from her face.
“Hey, we’re just waiting for you.” Harry said softly and she peeked an eye open and glanced at his reflection through the mirror as he leaned against the door frame, not bothering to hide the way he was looking at her body in her bra and thong and she just ignored it.
“Just start without me.” She said as she reached for her face towel and he sighed, “I’m serious it’s cool, I’ll be out in a sec.” She said, voice muffled through the fluffy material. Harry looked at her body again, it’d been a while since he’d had a proper good look at her and it was doing things to his tummy. He had sort of freaked out over how their last hook up went and just threw himself into the friends-with-benefits thing with Santi, it was easy to because he’s attracted to him, but Y/N has just been there for so long, it’s different. And seeing her like this, in front of him, he started to crave her body and her kiss. He reached out to her hip and she pulled the towel away from her face.
“Missed you.” He said softly and she smiled.
“Yeah, me too.” She responded before turning around and reaching for her toner. Harry made no movement to suggest he was leaving, instead he closed the toilet lid and sat there and watched as she then moved on to her moisturizer. She was so pretty, “What’re you sitting here staring at me for?” She giggled as she then grabbed her eye cream and he reached for her, finger barely looping into the seam of her thong and tugging, making her her walk over to him to avoid it from sliding away from its intended position, “Let go!” She chuckled as she now stood before him.
“Mm-mmm.” He declined, his pretty green eyes peering up at her and and she sighed.
“C’mon, H. Let me finish this so we can watch the movie.” She insisted as she put down the little container of eye cream and patted at the top of his head. He then just wrapped his arms around her hips and nuzzled his face against her stomach before kissing her there, she was so smooth and soft, whereas Santi was hairier and taut from his strict exercise regimen. He pressed his kissed over the valley of her breasts and sighed as he looked up at her, “That’s not working on me, H. C’mon, move it on out of here.” She said and he frowned as he let go of her and she went back to finish dotting her eye cream on and was about to leave the bathroom when he stood and pulled her into him.
“Kiss me?” He asked her quietly.
“No! Your friends with benefits is just down the hall, H. C’mon.” She insisted and he huffed and stepped into the bedroom. Her pajamas were always folded neatly behind her pillow, so she headed over to her bed. The light from the bathroom poured sufficient light into the bedroom and he watched again from his spot on the door frame as she reached behind her back to unhook her bra and that was the last straw. He hurried over to her smoothed his hands from behind her over her breasts and she inhaled deeply as his big hands squeezed them in his hands before his thumbs smoothed over her already peaked nipples. He pressed his body closer into hers and she could feel just how hard he was against her ass, “Harry,”
“Yeah, baby?” He asked quietly, lips skimming against her ear and her mouth dropped open as he nibbled at her earlobe, pleasurable little tingles shot through her body and straight to her core, “Feels good?” He asked with a smile and she nodded and whined out quietly as he pinched at her sensitive nipples, “Can I suck on them?” He asked her and she sighed.
“Harry, we need to get out there. Santi is waiting and-”
“Just a little bit, I’ll tell him I was helping you with something or whatever. Please.” He whispered hotly, rutting his hardened cock against the swell of her ass before slowly starting to turn her towards him as his lips sponged all over her throat before he sat on the bed and pulled her to stand between his legs and she bit her lip, “Please? Know you love how I suck on them for you.” He said quietly, he was quite good with his mouth. And before she could even give it another thought she was nodding and he enclosing her left nipple between his lips before opening up wider and sucking around her whole areola with more pressure. It made her moan and tangle her fingers in his hair as his hand played and tugged at the right one. Her fingers were running through his messy curls as her eyes grew heavy and hazy at the feeling of his lips and tongue working so well together to get her even more turned on than she was already. He soon moved to her right breast and she was about to urge him to hurry up when saw Santi peek his head in and his eyes widened when they met Y/N’s eyes, but he didn’t leave.
“H.” She said as she tugged on his hair a bit and he hummed, “Santi’s at the door.” She said softly and he pulled away from her.
“I don’t mind if he sticks around.” He spoke softly against her skin and she just smiled at him and signaled him to come in and he bit his lip as he started to walk in.
“Are you sure?” She whispered to Harry and he hummed before taking her into his mouth again.
“He’s good with his mouth, isn’t he?” Santi’s voice joined the mix and Y/N nodded with a smile and Harry drew back from her and glanced up at them both from the bed and she turned to Santi who looked her up and down for a moment, she was so gorgeous, he couldn’t deny that he had dreamed of getting to see her this way; of getting to have her and Harry at the same time, he’d thought of it plenty of times.
“You sure about this?” She asked Harry and Santi looked at him as well.
“Yeah, I trust you guys.” He said and with that Santi stepped closer to Y/N.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked and she nodded and he swooped in right away with a grin as he kissed her urgently. Harry knew that Santi was very attracted to Y/N, but seeing it happen before him was something else, especially as his hands ran down her waist and to her bottom, groping at her and feeling the curves of her body. Harry felt left out and just as he was about to say something Y/N pulled their lips apart.
“How about we take care of him before he starts whining about not being the center of attention?” Y/N asked Santi who grinned against her lips and nodded.
“You take the lead.” He told her and she gave him one more quick kiss before she leaned down to briefly catch Harry’s lips with hers before she sunk down to her knees. He exhaled shakily as she undid his jeans and then he lifted his hips to let her pull them down his legs along with his briefs. His heart was pounding with excitement, she always gave the best head. And she had been right, while he had been in group situations a couple times before it was always with random people he didn’t know all that well, so glancing up and having his eyes meet Santi’s, a friend and lover of his as well, it all felt a little bit more intense. Especially as he then looked down at Y/N’s hand wrapping around his cock and stroking slowly.
Harry sighed quietly and in second Santi was joining Y/N on his knees and his eyes fluttered closed as he felt both of kisses and sucks against his inner thighs and then finally he felt the warmth of their breaths puffing against his pulsing cock before their tongues lapped up and down his length. He spared a look down at them and groaned as his fingers dug into the sheets. He watched as Santis mouth trailed up along his cock while Y/N sunk a bit lower, they seemed to be in a single consciousness because as soon as his lips closed around the tip of his cock she gently sucked one his balls into her mouth.
“Oh fuck…” he moaned softly. That wonderful and familiar burning in the deepest part of him was being wound up. Once of his hands found perch in Santi’s hair  as he bucked up into his mouth a bit more. Santi hollowed out his cheeks and increased the pressure of his sucks. Harry had an impressive size so Santi used his hand to stroke the bottom half of Harry’s length and really focused his mouth on the top half of him by using his tongue to get all of those sweet spot that were making his stomach flutter and his breathing hitch in his chest. Y/N pulled away to really let Santi do his best work and Harry’s heavy eyes blinked open upon her absence, but he was relieved that she climbed onto her bed and knelt beside him and kissed his cheek. He reached for one of her hands and intertwined their fingers, his grip tightening when things would get particularly delicious for him.
“Feels good?” She cooed softly against his ear.
“Yeah. Feels so good.” He panted and she smiled.
“Don’t be shy then, let’s hear it.” She encouraged him and he groaned, “Please. Like to hear it when things feel good for you.” She whispered and that made his stomach flutter and for a moan to leave his lips. Y/N grinned as she saw his abs tense up and the skin on his arms pimple with goosebumps, “Gonna come already?” She asked and he nodded.
“Shit, yeah! I’m close!” He warned through a moan.
“Hardly lasted at all, H.” She teased and he groaned, “Was kinda expecting a bit more from you.” She whispered just to him and his eyebrows furrowed, “Thought you were gonna wanna show me that you could please me more than him.” She said and he started feeling angry and jealous, “He seems eager to please.” Harry gasped, he was right on the edge and suddenly Santi pulled off of him and Harry whined as his orgasm slowly started to fade away from him as Santi started undressing.
Harry pouted and was still reeling when suddenly Santi was pushing Y/N away from Harry and down onto the bed and he kissed her languidly, her fingers were still intertwined with Harry’s and she squeezed them when Santi ground his crotch against hers. Harry looked at Santi’s hips rolling against Y/N’s and it made a weird feeling swirl in his chest; he called it jealousy because he didn’t know any better. It was more than that though, actually seeing her lips on someone else’s, seeing her get so lost in a kiss that she let him go and weaved her fingers into Santi’s hair instead, it made his chest hurt a little bit. Even more so when one of his hands slid up her waist, her ribs, and then palmed over her breast. She was so sensitive on her nipples and Harry was almost frowning as she whimpered out as Santi’s thumb traced over the perky little bud. Harry tore off his shirt and moved towards them.
“Make space.” Harry mumbled and Santi rolled off to her side, their lips still attached and Harry started to kiss at her stomach and down towards the seam of her thong. He let his tongue tease at her and then her fingers dug into his hair and he smiled as he went lower and tugged her thong up, letting the material bunch up between her slick folds. He licked at her labia before sucking a bit at each side before nuzzling his nose and mouth against her and groaning. She tasted so fucking good, he already liked going down on people, but he especially liked going down on her and in the same way, she was particular about who she let go down on her, he always made her come multiple times, so she never hesitated to let him do as he pleased with her body. Her hips bucked towards him, attempting to increase the friction that she so desperately wanted more of.
“Please, H!” She moaned against Santi’s mouth and that made him feel even more smug as he pushed her underwear aside kissed at her bare skin. Harry moaned as he immediately went towards her opening, wanting to taste her arousal straight form the source. Santi kissed down her neck until he reached her breasts and started sucking and kissing at those. He was much gentler than Harry was, but that allowed her to focus on the way Harry’s tongue was licking up her pussy, on a mission to get to her clit. The slight stubble around his mouth was providing another layer of feeling to her and then Santi bit down on her nipple and she cried out softly. Santi moved so that he could see Harry. Harry was looking like he was in heaven all on his own as he ate Y/N out. His eyes fluttered open and met Santi’s and he grinned before nipping at Y/N’s nipple again which made her moan and Harry grabbed her thighs and parted them further as he then went straight for her clit causing Y/N to choke on a moan and even Santi groaned as he watched the way Harry just lost himself in what he was doing. His head was moving side to side and the sounds that were being made were so sinful it made his cock throb. Y/N’s chest was rising and falling and Santi sucked harder at her chest and she started to tense up.
“Gonna come for me, baby?” Harry mumbled.
“Yes! Please don’t stop!” She gasped, tightening her grip on Harry’s hair until she inhaled sharply and she started to come undone. Her moans were so pretty and melodious. Even Harry moaned against her as if her pleasure was bringing him pleasure. Santi knew that they had slept together, but they seemed to be very in tune with each other and it was easy to become immersed in this moment with them. There was an added layer of familiarity and intimacy between Y/N and Harry and it was exciting to be a part of it. Santi kissed up Y/N’s chest and neck until their lips were meeting once again. 
“What should we do next, hmm?” He asked her quietly, here hazy eyes met his and she smiled as her hand reached down to where he was hard and ready to go. She palmed at the bulge in his pants and before things could get any further Harry was pulling Santi up to kneel and smashing his lips against his. He didn’t want to see her put her mouth on him, there’s be no going back. He knew how good she was and the idea of Santi needing her as badly as him didn’t sit well with him. She was his.
With him occupied up there with Harry Y/N undid his pants and pulled out his cock, which made him groan into Harry’s kiss as she got her mouth around him. His dick was about as long as Harry’s, if not a little bit more, but he was more slender, so it was easier to swallow him down further and he hissed as she bottomed out on him. His lips parted and he moaned into Harry’s mouth as he started to thrust into Y/N’s mouth. When Harry felt her hand slither up his thigh he angled his hips towards her a little more allowing her to start to stroke at his erection, her grip would tighten as she’d come up to the tip, making the most delicious feeling swirl in the pit of his stomach as she stimulated those sensitive nerves perfectly. She knew what he liked, so it was no surprise that she was working him up quickly, especially since he had been denied his first orgasm not too long before. His mouth fell open as he panted and moaned against Santi’s mouth.
“Oh shit…” he whined and just as he was about to get too close she let go of him and pulled her mouth away from Santi’s cock, “Y/N-”
“You can’t come yet.” She spoke and he sighed as Santi smirked against his lips.
“C’mon guys…” he whined.
“You can wait a little bit more. I think you’re really gonna like what’s coming next…” Santi hummed against his lips before kissing him deeply and they soon parted with a soft smack.
“What’s coming next?” Y/N asked and Santi lowered himself and spoke in her ear. Harry watched as her eyebrows raised and then glanced up to him with her bottom lip between her teeth.
“Really?” He asked and they both laughed softly before pulled away from her.
“Do you haven condoms?” Santi asked her.
“Yeah there’s some in the bedside table.” She said and Santi moved away from her to dig through the drawer.
“Do you have lube?” He asked.
“No, actually.”
“I have some somewhere.” Harry said.
“Go get it yeah?” Y/N asked with a kind smile and he nodded but not before his lips met hers in a slow and gentle kiss and she smiled against him before he mumbled that he’d be right back and off he went to find the lube. 
He was only gone about three minutes, but when he came back Y/N and Santi were panting as his cock slowly sunk in and out of her, that really did not settle well with him. It made his blood boil with jealously as she moaned and arched her back up. Santi’s lips trailed along her neck and his arms were encasing her body, the space between them was so small. He started fucking into her harder.
“Oh yes!” She mewled over the sounds of their sex, “Fuck, just like that, Santi!” She keened softly and it made his chest tighten with hurt as another person’s name flowed from her lips. It made him want to show her what he could do. He came closer and climbed onto the bed with determination and the shift caused them both to glance over at him, “Ready?” She asked him and he nodded. Santi gently pulled out of her and Harry saw that he was wearing a condom, which made him feel a little bit better about this, Y/N was only his to fuck raw and fill up.
“Where do you want me?” He asked them.
“Up against the headboard.” Santi said and he started shifting over.
“Wait, let me fluff up the pillows for you.” She said and did just that. She knew his back got Sore easily so she wanted to provide a little bit more support for him and she moved out of the way when everything was ready and he settled back against the headboard and Y/N straddled his lap and smiled down at him.
“Condom?” Santi asked Harry, who looked in his eyes and then at Y/N’s with a smirk.
“Fuck no, we don’t use those with each other.” he said almost as if it were offensive for Santi to have asked and they all chuckled as Harry reached for Y/N’s bottom and guided her lower to soak up his prick with her arousal. 
She was buzzing in anticipation to feel him stretch her out a bit. He gave her a small nod and she shifted to settle over his cock. She hummed in delight as she started sinking down onto him and his nails dug into her ass and he held her there for a few seconds as he bottomed out.
“Good?” She asked him and he nodded and loosened his hold on her to let her drag her hips up and then back down again. Then he felt Santi’s fingers smear some of the lube against his hole and gently dip a finger in until he smoothed it over his prostate which made him moan and squeeze Y/N hard again.
“I’m gonna put in another finger.” Santi warned.
“Fuck, please do it.” Harry begged and Y/N smiled down at him as his head was tossed back now as Santi’s fingers stretched him out a little bit more. After a few minutes of this Santi was scooting in right behind Y/N. He grabbed his cock and dripped some of the lube over himself before slipping against Harry’s entrance and he grabbed around one of Harry’s legs and opened it a bit wider to make a little more room. Y/N watched Harry’s eyes darken even further at the feeling of Santi’s cock teasing at his entrance and she grinned, he was so needy. Then a few seconds later his eyebrows furrowed in and his mouth fell open as Santi pushed inside slowly. Harry’s entire body felt even more on fire as his cock filled him up perfectly and reached just the right places. His entire body was covered in goosebumps at the slight pain from the snug fit. Y/N could feel Santi’s low moan against her spine as Harry’s hole adjusted to his size. Harry’s fingers were sure to leave bruises on her skin from how tight he was holding on to her and she started to swivel her hips on his, sinking his cock in deeper into her and he moaned out as his tip kissed up against her g-spot.
“You’re so fucking deep.” She whispered and he moaned again as she clenched up around him.
“Please fuck me.” He panted out and Santi nodded against Y/N’s back and he drew out as she lifted herself up, and for Harry time was still for a little too long in anticipation until they both collided with his body again. Inevitably a loud moan flew past his parted lips as they fucked him. His eyes were full of desperation for more somehow. Naturally, Y/N and Santi’s paces fell out of sync, but that didn’t bother Harry. His most sensitive parts were getting railed and he was getting overwhelmed by it. They were all moaning and crying out in pleasure as their bodies rolled together and worked in tandem to get to that most coveted euphoric peak. 
Y/N ran her hands up from Harry’s abs to his chest where she swirled her fingers around for a bit before she smoothed over his nipples and he bit on his lip, his eyes not daring to leave hers until she slightly pinched at them to add another layer pleasure to his experience and he hissed, making his entire body stiffen at the slight bite of pain.
“Shit… he’s so fucking tight.” Santi panted into the back of Y/N’s neck, “So good.” He praised and Harry moaned hearing this and Y/N pinched at him harder, causing his body to tense up even more and Santi’s groan rubbles against Y/N’s back.
“Oh fuck!” Harry moaned as Santi started thrusting into him faster as soft grunts of exertion puffed against her hot skin. The sounds these two were making were making Y/N’s body tickle with excitement as she continued riding on harry’s cock, watching his face contort and express all of the sensations he was feeling, then behind her Santi’s warmth and his lips would skim against her and nip at her neck and shoulders. She loved the way one of his hands was kneading at her breast while Harry’s were gripping to her ass for dear life, keeping her on his cock, thrusting up into her as best as he could while she and Santi fucked him, “Fuck, I’m gonna come!” He panted and Y/N let her hands slither up to his neck and practically begged her with his eyes to choke him, but she waited for a moment. “Please.” He sighed quietly and she gave in and squeezed at the sides of his throat, letting that floaty feeling start to engulf him.
“You’re such a needy thing, H. Always want to be the center of attention.” She said and he groaned, “Is this enough for you, getting fucked both ways at the same time?” She asked and he moaned louder, the sound cutting off as his air supply started to diminish.
“Fuck, keep going.” Santi grumbled against her sweaty skin.
“Taking his big cock so well. So proud of you, my needy little whore.” Harry was losing his mind as her words registered, “Know you want to come, baby. Want you to come so we can come too.” She spoke shakily, “What do you need?” She asked and she watched as his face was starting to go a bit pink and his breathing was very shallow and his eyes rolled back but he panted out a barely audible ‘more’ and she moaned, “Fuck, let’s go harder. He wants it harder.” She instructed Santi and they went harder and faster until Harry’s back started to arch and his legs started to shake, “Oh fuck, that’s it.” She encouraged him, “You’re doing so good. Such a good boy.” She praised him as his entire body shivered and tingled as he pumped ropes and ropes of cum into her and she slowly relieved the hold on his neck and brought her hand down to rub at her clit.
“Fuck, please! I can’t!” Harry sobbed and begged as she kept riding his cock, it was too sensitive, especially with Santi’s cock ramming against his prostate.
“You can do it, H. I’m so close.” Y/N panted and shortly after that Santi was thrusting hard and stilling deep inside of him and grinding against him as he moaned out in ecstasy as he came as Harry cried out. This caused Y/N to topple over the edge and for her walls to flutter and pulse around him and she smiled, completely blissed out as she kept riding Harry through her orgasm until tears streamed down his face.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I’m coming!” He sobbed as he spilled his cum into her again, completely wiped out by this one. He writhed around so much that she had to steady herself against Santi’s chest until Harry had stopped trembling and was just a heap of sweat and exhaustion and shallow breaths. Santi gently pulled out of him and went to toss the condom. After fully coming down Y/N lifted herself off of Harry, making him hiss at the absence and his cum immediately started to dribble from her entrance and she tightened up to hold it in and not get any on her bed.
“Fuck, help me down.” She called to Santi who immediately extended a hand and helped her off of the bed.
“Where are you going?” Harry whispered tiredly.
“Gonna get something to clean up.” She assured him and waddled over to her ensuite and Santi got back on the bed and turned to Harry.
“Was that OK?” He asked quietly and Harry nodded with a small smile, “We kinda ganged up on you there, sorry.” He chuckled and Harry sniffled out a laugh and let out a slow breath.
“It’s…more than alright. Wow…” he mumbled and Santi chuckled and reached for Harry’s hand.
“So what, are we all gonna be a throuple now?” Harry joked and Santi laughed quietly.
“I will respectfully decline.” Santi said with a smirk and Harry scoffed in slight offense.
“What? Why? Aren’t we a fucking dream?” He asked Santi who chuckled and nodded.
“I mean yeah, I like you guys but ummm…you’re obviously in love with Y/N.” Santi said and Harry’s smile was immediately gone, “Does she know how you feel about her?” He asked more quietly and Harry bit his lip nervously.
“That’s not…even an option.” Harry said quietly and Santi smiled.
“I know it’s scary, putting yourself out there, but you have to try.” He encouraged him.
“Why? I don’t think she feels the same, it’d be stupid to.” He responded.
“Mmm-mmm, it’s brave. And well, you never know unless you do something about it, H.” Santi said quietly as they saw Y/N emerging from her bathroom with a little hand towel and leaning over to wipe Harry down where his cum had dripped, “And your bum from the lube.” She said tapping his leg.
“I can do it myself.” He said bashfully.
“Now he does it himself… almost always makes me do it.” Santi said quietly to Y/N who just giggled and Harry scoffed at them before sitting up and grabbing the towel from her and shooting them one more annoyed look as he hobbled over to the bathroom and she just threw herself back on the bed and sighed loudly.
“Are you OK?” Santi asked and she nodded.
“Yeah, that was fun.” she smiled.
"Yeah, it was." he agreed with a grin.
“Are you gonna stay over?” She asked.
“No. I want to have a shower and I need to set up some stuff for a private chat I have tomorrow.” He sighed and she hummed in understanding.
“Well thank you for this unexpected and wonderful experience.” She said and he chuckled.
“Thank you guys for letting me in.” He said as he stretched a bit and then sat up.
“Maybe we can do it again sometime.” She said and he smiled.
“I mean… I’d be open to it.” He assured her.
“Cool. I can walk you out.” She said.
“Oh no, you stay and get comfy.” He assured her as Harry came back out to the bedroom, “Harry can walk me out and lock up, yeah?” He said to Harry.
“Oh yeah, of course.” He said and we t to grab his briefs and slipped them on as Santi got dressed and with a final hug Harry was guiding him through the apartment and to the door and Santi smiled at him, “What?” Harry asked with a nervous smile.
“Be brave.” Santi said before kissing his cheek and Harry sighed and mumbled a goodnight before locking up. He grabbed them both some water and headed back over to Y/N’s room where she was still staring at the ceiling.
“Got you some water.” Harry said and she sat up.
“Thanks.” She responded before chugging some down.
“You feeling OK with everything? We hadn’t planned that or anything, it just kind of happened…” Harry said and she nodded.
“Yeah, I’m good. I had fun, I enjoyed it. We can… do it again if you want?” She said and Harry looked to her and bit down on his lip and decided to just come out with it.
“I mean, it was fun but… I don’t know if I want to do that again.” He said to Y/N and she frowned.
“Oh, are you alright? Was it something I did?” She asked and he shook his head, feeling so nervous.
“No, but I think you were right. About it being different when you know the people involved.” He said and she frowned.
“Oh. Was it because Santi and I had sex without you?” She asked, “If so I didn’t think it would be an issue since you were going to come back and join in. But I’m sorry if I-”
“No it’s actually ummm… not a Santi thing. I just don’t think I ever want to see you with anyone else like that.” He said and she froze, “It made me jealous…and it made my heart hurt. It hurt my feelings.” He said and she pouted.
“Oh, H. I’m so sorry if I missed that at any point!” She said as she hurried to his side.
“You didn’t, it’s OK. I mean, we both know I get jealous but this is…more than that, Y/N.” He spoke tentatively and she bit her lip as she realized what he was getting at, “Y/N, I don’t want to share you with anyone else and I don’t…I don’t think I can ignore how I feel about you anymore. Or I don’t want to.” He said as he grabbed her hand and she sighed shakily.
“Harry, I don’t think you’re thinking clearly.”
“I’ve never been more lucid.” He said softly and she shook her head.
“You’re just jealous, H.” She said and he grabbed her face and shook his head.
“Mmm-mmm.” He refused, “I’m in love with you. I think I have been for a really long time. And just like you, I’ve been scared to accept that because what if we fuck everything up?”
“Exactly! What if we fuck everything up?” She asked and he smiled.
“If this was not going to work it would’ve stopped working a long time ago.” He said to her, “I can’t believe it took something like this to get me to see that I never want to lose you. I’m always gonna fight for you. For us. I know that I make you happy. You make me happy, baby. So fucking happy. And I know that you also love me. You’d have to, to always put me first like you do.” He said quietly and her chest was rising and falling quickly.
“Please, let’s give it a shot. Please.” He implored fervently and she felt her heart about to burst. She was so scared.
“I’m scared.” She whispered as a tear streaked down her cheek and he wiped it away.
“Me too, baby. But that’s why we have each other.” He reasoned and she exhaled, “Do you want to do this with me?” He asked again and she took a moment to really think about it and she almost instantly realized that her love for him outweighed her insecurities and she nodded her head.
“Yes.” She whispered and he smiled so brightly.
“Yeah?” He asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, baby. You & me. Let’s do this.” She smiled and he just leaned in to kiss her with all of the love in his heart as his happiness soared to new heights.
Tag List:
@sunshinemoonsposts @anotherdudetteinthisworld @matildasatellite @sad-avocado @sunflovverharry @cherrysulewski @daphnesutton @gurugirl @angelqueen99
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mx-darling-1 · 1 year
I don't know if you're taking requests or not but if you are then could I get a wally x g/n reader who nearly passes out of being dehydrated and too hot?
This almost happened to me today (thankfully someone was around)
Please disregard if you find it triggering at all, have a good day
Absolutly! My requests are always open!
This was definitly a bit theraputic for me to write! I've struggled some with stuff thats caused me to be in that situation far more times then I'm proud of. Remember, always drink electrolytes if your going to be out in the heat! I'm no doctor but thats whats always helped me! TW: Dehydration, poor eating/hydration habits, and fainting/blacking out
Wally Darling X Dehydrated GN Reader A Summer Picnic
This was youre first summer in your new neighbor hood, and it was far hotter then anywhere youve ever lived. Usually as long as you wore lighter clothes you were fine in the summer. You often forgot to hydrate and sadly today was no different. You were in a pair of jean shorts and a tank top, something light for your picnic this afternoon. You were honestly excited, your first summer, and first date with Wally Darling. It is going to be absolutly amazing, at least thats what you thought. But, you hadnt eaten all morning so you would have an appetite for lunch. What you forgot to take into account was that you went to bed without dinner the night before simply because you were exaughsted.
Your date with Wally was going amazing y'all had been eating and chatting, a beautiful red blanket drapped across the perfect green grass. Being seated under the sun, you didnt even notice the heat against your skin or the sweat that began to bead off of you. You just happily chatted away with Wally, a bright smile on youre face. The two of you talked about anything and everything, but your vision began to get blurry. "Hey Wally, did we remember drinks?" Wally thinks for a moment before responding to you. "Oh dear, I can't believe I forgot! They are on the counter in Home!" You couldnt help but laugh gently, knowing that Wally meant no harm by this small accident. "Okay, then I'll go get it!" Without a second thought you stood up from the blanket and oh no.
Your vision begain to go black, white balls of lights appearing as your balance began to faulter. You didnt realize you were falling until you awoke in Wallys arms, him desperately fanning your face. "Neighbor! You fell over! Are you okay? Oh dear, we really must get you inside. I'm sure Home wont mind!" Wally stands up, you in his velvety arms. Thats something you dont know if youll ever get used to, he's almost two feet shorter yet can hold you with ease. Though...he eats with his eyes...so you suppose the size difference doesnt mean much here.
You didnt even realize you were at Home, so lost in your thoughts and stuggling to focus. You probably wouldnt have noticed if it werent for Wally speaking up. "Hello Home, please open up. Our dear neighbor fainted outside and I must get them cooled off." Home creaks with concern before opening its doors to let Wally get you inside. After only a few moments you were laying across Wallys couch, your date in the kitchen, although you arent quiet sure what he's up to. In fact, you had no idea until he walked back in. He was holding a damp towel; a bottle of water that seemed to be cold, well you assume so from the condensation; and he had a thermometer.
Wally walks right over to you and places the cold damp towel against your forehead. "Hey, do you know why you fainted like that darling?" Usually you'd be far more flustered from the nickname, but you were far to dizzy and exaughsted to pay that much attention. "Mm...I forgot to drink....I'm sorry Wally...I didn't mean to ruin our date." Wally shakes his head gently, handing you the cold water. "Drink up precious neighbor." You took the water bottle, opening it up and taking a few sips. Only once you took your first swallow did Wally began to talk again.
"You dont need to apologize to me dear. I still loved our date, and your health is more important to me then some picnic." Wally gently moves hair out of your face before placing the thermometor on your forehead. "I'll make sure you drink more from now on. I wouldnt want you to get sick or faint again like this. Especially if no one was there to catch you...oh dear well that would just be no good." The thermometer beeps and Wally checks it, a small sigh of relief leaving him as he puts it down on the stand beside the couch. "How....are you not mad at me?...I ruined our date..."
Wally cant help but shake his head, kissing your forehead before responding. "I would never be mad at you for something like this Darling. I doubt I could ever be angry with you for anything. I love you [Name], thats why I invited you on a date. If your health would make me upset with you, would I really love you?" You couldnt help but smile, leaning into Wally as he places a hand on your cheek. "Thank you Wally..." Wally strokes your cheek with his thumb, looking down at you adoringly. "Dont thank me dear neighbor, caring for you is a pleasure to me. Not a favor I'm doing, but something I do because I want to. Becuase I love you [Name], I truly do."
I hope you liked this chapter! I definitely enjoy writing Wally fluff, so I'm probably just going to keep requests open at all time! That way I can work on stories whenever! This request was really nice, but please make sure to take care of yourself!
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Please do more werewolf and merman c reader pls I love them so much!!!
Wow I'm happy to see you liked it
I chose the werewolf since it was so long ago
Part 1
You sighed, in hopes that your exhale would release some of the tension you had built as you anxiously anticipated the meeting. While your…mate…who had originally promised to find ‘a den of his own’ recently retracted that statement saying ‘it was entirely useless considering the whole reason he was there in the first place.’ Now you had to settle the score with your landlord who had been kind enough to send multiple emails before demanding that you have a face to face meeting. You shooed off your ‘mate’ considering he didn’t really value modern niceties and came here after work instead of going straight home. The office wasn’t far in fact it was just below your apartment which also made it impossible to lie about your added tenant. 
You jumped at the opening of the door before walking inside to sit on the soft chair across from the desk. The inside looked nothing like your own, it looked like the mockery of some rich person reading nook even fashioned with what had to be a fake fireplace. You didn’t bother trying to investigate as the chair across the desk from you turned revealing your landlord. 
“Pleasure to see you again, (Y/n).”
You watched his pointed ears flick as he squinted his golden eyes at you with a deceitful smile. He leaned on his elbow as he titled his head before continuing. 
“Now what is this I hear about you gaining a roommate, without asking me?”
“Y-yeah it was sort of spontaneous and at first I thought he would move out but then he-”
“Uhm, yeah so he said he’d leave but he wouldn’t. If it's alright with you I’ll just pay the extra amount–”
“What’s your relationship with him, exactly? And what's his name?”
“Eh? It's uh-Win-ston? And he’s–well he’s-” You struggled to think. You couldn’t say he claimed to be your mate, even speaking to a descendant of a kitsune it would seem strange. You couldn’t just say he was your roommate, he talked too much and it’d slip out eventually considering he was not shy about ‘courting’ you. He couldn’t be your cousin because that would raise some more concerning questions. So you stuck with what you’d dreaded calling him all this time.
“He…is..my…b-b-boyf-f-friend. Yes, that's who he is.”
The door slammed open and in the doorway stood your neighbor and former friend: Mattis.
“You!? A boyfriend?! Hah! I have got to hear this.”
The petite man strode in, sauntering past you with a doubtful smirk before sitting on the lap of your landlord. He pecked his cheek before turning to you as he happily hung on the shoulders of your landlord who didn’t even react, in fact he was still looking at you skeptical at your response.
“A boyfriend? Since when did you find him and is this a matter of security that he’s not leaving?”
“I didn’t ‘find’ him if anything he found me-”
Before you could continue Mattis chimed in with a mocking tone. 
“As if! Were you organizing your wallet in public this time or wearing that faux watch?”
“That was one time! And no I was actually working for your information. Anyways it's not a problem he’s fine, I’m fine and I’m not being forced or anything.”
“That sounded convincing.” 
“Thank. You. Mattis. But I’m talking to my landlord.”
“And I’m,” he adjusted himself to sit even closer to your landlord if that was possible. “Giving advice to my boyfriend.” 
He coyly smiled at you while he swung his legs back and forth. You rolled your eyes before going back to trying to explain your situation albeit leaving the crazy things out. In the midst of your explanation you were interrupted by the sound of crashing coming from your apartment above. Everyone in the office looked up at the ceiling as the sound continued.
“Are you sure he’s not robbing you because it sure sounds like it?” Mattis quipped, still looking at the ceiling.
“I-if you’ll excuse me, h-he’s probably getting antsy without me there.” 
You left your rent money on the table before excusing yourself to run up the stairs. As you were making your hasty exit your landlord called out to you.
“In a few days bring him around so I can meet him!” 
You climbed the concrete stairs as fast as you could hoping he didn’t do too much damage. 
“Whoo I’m glad it wasn’t too bad.”
“I’m sorry mate, I just wanted to make sure that your pots were organized. I always see you struggling with them when you cook.”
“Yeah, and somehow reorganizing the cabinet in the kitchen also meant reorganizing the vases I have around?”
When you unlocked the door to your apartment a couple of vases that you had strewn across the living space were smashed and on the ground. True to his word there were some pots outside of their designated spot but you figured it could have been worse. 
“So how did the meeting go my mate?”
“It went fine but we need to talk about what rules are going to be followed around here.”
“Oooh my mate is bossing me around~how cute!”
You pinched the bridge of your nose as you ushered him to sit on the couch. Finally getting him to sit still you paced back and forth on the carpet as you broke the rules down for him. 
“Rule number one: Do not call me mate! I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while but it's just weird.”
The ears on the top of his head drooped and his tail sagged as he pouted at you. 
“Then what am I supposed to call you, then?”
“By name: (Y/n). Wait, did you not know that before following me around?”
He scoffed and crossed his arms. “Of course I did! But as your mate I’m supposed to be special, anyway.”
“Well if you want to do nicknames that's a discussion for later.” You suddenly made an embarrassing realization as you looked at the werewolf who happily awaited your next words. 
“Um…real quick what’s your name exactly?”
For all the days you had spent keeping up with his shenanigans and being stuck to his side because you couldn’t compete with his insane strength you never properly swapped names. It was like when you were a kid and you’d forget to ask until your parents asked. Like you were having so much fun it didn’t even matter.
“Oh my given name, my beloved ma-(Y/n) is Winston.”
“Wait, your name is actually Winston?”
“Yes, why?”
“I-I just guessed it when I told my landlord…I can’t believe I got that right.” You mumbled the last bit to yourself as it just seemed bizarre for you to get that correct.
“See, it's the power of our destiny. I was made for you so of course you’d know things about me naturally.” He boasted with a knowing smirk and glint in his eyes that made you look away to continue your original task.
“Rule number 2: From now on, you will be referred to as my boyfriend! When people ask you're going to tell them that's what you are.”
“Nope. That’s a hard no.”
“What, why?”
“Exactly why I shouldn’t stop calling you my mate. We are naturally paired to be together–insinuating that I’m just a boyfriend undermines our relationship severely.”
He was standing now, turned away as he pointed his nose skyward and crossed his arms. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you tried to think on how you could convince him. Getting an idea, you reached for his upright tail that was so conveniently placed in front of you and lightly caressed it as you spoke to his perked wolf-ears.
“Well different titles have different meanings to people…and for us it could mean…uh…soulmates.” 
He was still looking away but you didn’t miss the slight wag as you continued caressing his tail. 
“Please Winston? It’d…really mean a lot to me if you did.”
The light wagging had sped up immensely before he turned around capturing you in a hug as he frantically began to rub his face all over yours, occasionally kissing you. You just awkwardly patted his back as he continued to just rub himself all over you. 
“My mate!! You don’t even know how insatiable you are! YES!” 
You pride yourself on your persuasive tactics before feeling the light pin-pricks of those canines hovering near your neck. Pushing at him to pulling on his hair you were able to gain enough air from his smothering.
“H-hey?! HEY!” You got him to stop trying to bite you only for him to set you in between his legs as he nuzzled his face into the top of your head. Trying to buck away to find that you weren’t budging from his slightly muscular arms, you sighed.
“A-alright you can hold me b-but you have to listen to the rest of my rules okay?”
You felt him complete an intense sniff to your neck before letting out a shaky sigh.
“Okay !”
Winston stared at the waxing moon through the window near your bedside. Looking wistfully at the moon before looking back at his peacefully sleeping mate. He audibly swooned as he moved to stand at the foot of your bed letting the moonlight illuminate your sleeping form as he crept in the shadows. You looked ethereal, so much so that Winston hated to disturb you so. 
Immediately your eyes snapped open and you slowly sat up. Your face was stoic as he pulled a pocket watch from out of his pocket. He swung it in front of your face faster and faster until it began to glow a red. Your (E/c) color irises lit up the same hue as the glowing item, letting your face soften as Winston leaned into your ear.
“Winston is truly meant for you. You realize you love him. Trust the process.”
Repeating this mantra a few more times the red hue faded and you closed your eyes once more flopping haphazardly back into the bed. Or you would have if your werewolf boyfriend hadn’t grabbed your limp body laying you down with him on top. Careful to control his weight he nuzzled into you freely letting his hands roam your body. 
“Mmmmh,” You moaned in your sleep, turning on your side as you mumbled something close to ‘get off.’ He lovingly ignored you, only properly crawling under the covers to hold you from behind. Pocketing his watch he once again nuzzled into your neck as he reminisced on the gift from his pack. 
“Father, what is this?”
“This is for your human-mate, as expected they are extremely out of touch with their senses so much so you might need to remind them.”
He smirked against your skin as he let out a calming exhale. He finally had you. His mate. His fated. He’d rather die than let anyone stop him from having this. From having you.
“Argh! Did you see that red hue in their eyes?! They seriously went and got caught up with some scammer, I’m sure! I should’ve been with them! I should’ve not let this happen! I could’ve–”
“What? Bullied them until they left out of spite? Mattis I know you're not an idiot so stop acting like you still have control over them.”
The male spluttered in defiance before stomping his feet. 
“But I can! Didn’t you see?! Just today we were–”
“Bickering while they tried to ignore you?” Quinn scoffed at his boyfriend who abashedly kept his eyes on his feet. Standing from his chair, he walked around his desk to stand directly in front of the quivering human resting his hands on their trembling shoulders. He slyly leaned past the curtain of hair to whisper into his ear. 
“You’ve shown you couldn’t handle it, Matty.” The man in question, looked up fearfully at the landlord who’s previously black irises were glowing a devious crimson. 
“Now it's my turn.”
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Okay ... Sherlock (Sherry) Holmes, of Limbus Company fame (/lh /j), lore post--under a cut because I am verbose.
And it is very long--if you read this whole thing, you get a cookie. /lh
Also updating with a quick warnings list ... her lore makes references to: character death, dismemberment, war, severe injuries, the medical field (including administering drug-like substances), and murder.
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The first thing we need to establish is that Sherry's lore, for the most part follows the original Sherlock Holmes stories--the ones written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. So anything from film or show adaptations, or books written by other authors, do not contribute to her lore.
Specifically, her story follows the cases found in A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of Four, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and, lastly, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. That's a lot of material, but the main case our dear Sinner is concerned with is "The Final Problem," the original ending to the Sherlock Holmes stories. Everything else is simply supplemental, and may occasionally be referenced in her (theoretical) dialogue--or by Don Quixote, because she's read every one of the books published about Sherry (she's one of her biggest fans).
Anyway!! With that sorted ... I do have to reference A Study in Scarlet--this gives us our lore for everyone's favorite doctor (/lh /j), John Watson. If you're familiar with the Sherlock Holmes stories, you'll know Watson was a doctor who served in the military. However, an injury cut his service short, and he ended up back in London, his money slowly running out, and him desperately needing a place to stay.
In the Project Moon universe, there was a major canonical war in District 12*, called the Smoke War (Outis and Gregor, as well as Roland, participated in this war, so we have some lore for that, but I shall shelve it for later). So, for Limbus!Watson, he was actually a young boy, say around 12-13, when the Smoke War broke out in District 12, his home District. He and his neighbors were caught up in the conflict, and spent much of their time trying to survive, with Watson doing what he could to treat injuries and get his neighbors the food and medicine they needed. However, he was gravely injured (I'll avoid the details, since they get a bit graphic), and his neighbors decided to scrape together what money they could to get Watson out of District 12.
Thanks to their kindness, he ended up in District 11, which is where K. Corp is stationed. I won't get into the nitty gritty details, but the main thing to know about K. Corp is they manufacture "regeneration ampules," which can be injected into someone to "restore" their body to its previously unharmed/undamaged physical state. They can regenerate severed limbs, heal nasty internal and external injuries ... basically any physical ailment.
I bring this up because, as you may know from the source, Watson is a doctor. In my lore, Limbus!Watson decides to enter the medical field because he wants to save people--he felt powerless to save his neighbors in his youth, so he wants to use his medical knowledge to save people in the present/future. He is incredibly critical of K. Corp's ampules, since it's only the super wealthy who can get their hands on them, and prefers to stick to more "outdated" treatment methods, focused on supporting individual patients rather than injecting them with a green goo and calling it a day.
After a while, Watson manages to join up with a Workshop that installs prosthetic limbs on those who've lost arms, legs, and whatever else, and he uses his knowledge to support them through the process. However, he's in dire financial straits, and is on the verge of losing his home, so he's struggling to find a solution for that. Thankfully, an old friend from District 12 runs into him, and introduces him to Sherry, who is looking for a roommate so she can reside at a nice flat on Baker Street.
I'm going to skip over a lot, now, but Watson accompanies Sherry on her cases, writes about them, and publishes her adventures for the City to read. Sherry gains fame from this, and also becomes a Color. And, of course, she and Watson grow incredibly close, even after Watson ends up marrying. Sherry is someone who develops very, very strong platonic bonds first and foremost, so her relationship with him is very similar to her relationship with Ishmael--they're sort of QPPs? But less so since Sherry knows Watson's married and, while she's critical of it (in the source, Sherlock views Watson's marriage as a disappointment asdfhjkl), she knows not to overstep.
Now we get to the actual Limbus!Sherlock thing--"The Final Problem."
In this case, Sherlock is on the verge of finally bringing Professor Moriarty, a man with ties to every major crime in London, down. He asks Watson to accompany him on a trip around the Continent, but they find out Moriarty has slipped free of Sherlock's carefully laid trap, and he's bent on pursuing the detective and exacting revenge. If you've read the source, you know Moriarty eventually tricks Watson into leaving Holmes, and then uses that time to kill him--though Moriarty also perishes in the process.
Now. The Limbus/Project Moon version I came up with:
Sherry, like her counterpart, is close to bringing Moriarty down. She's been dogging him for months, and is being threatened at every corner (much like in the source), so she decides to go on a trip of the City to get away for a while. She asks Watson to accompany her, of course--he's her closest friend, after all, and she likes having company.
However, like in the source, Moriarty escapes Sherry's carefully laid trap and pursues her for revenge. While her scheme manages to catch a number of Moriarty's top agents, Moriarty is able to free them later--this is crucial for her Canto story, but we're discussing pre-Limbus Sherry lore, right now. /lh
Like in the original book, Moriarty pursues Sherry to a remote location--a mountainous area with a stunning waterfall. However, this is where Sherry's lore diverges from the novel--because, when Watson receives the notice that leads him to leave Sherlock in the story, it's right as Moriarty comes on top of them, and he uses Watson's presence as leverage against Sherry (we know from a future story that Sherlock is incredibly protective of Watson, and this remains true for Sherry--although I feel you guys would know that from what's mentioned above). She attempts to negotiate with Moriarty, but the Professor eventually grows tired of debating with her, and decides that he'll instead let her off with a "warning"--said warning being him killing Watson right in front of her.
Naturally, Sherry is distraught over this--Watson is her best friend, and easily the person she trusts most, so having him ripped away from her, right before her eyes, is soul-crushing. He's her companion, her partner, her friend, and he died because of her--because she couldn't bring Moriarty down. Because she got careless and sloppy.
Somehow, she manages to return to District 20--that's her home District, where Baker Street Office is--and seek out Mycroft, her brother, who tries to offer her some comfort. But, at this point, Sherry is already concocting her own revenge on Moriarty--she's determined to bring him to his knees, this time, and she's not going to let anyone or anything keep her from taking his life with her own hands.
At the same time, Moriarty still has his agents dogging her, trying to scare her into dropping her pursuit of the Professor. So, Mycroft--as a member of a Wing--pulls a few strings and manages to get Sherry into a deal with Limbus Company: she joins the bus team as their 14th Sinner (Dante counts as number 10, btw--it's on their jacket), and they'll ensure she gets her revenge on Moriarty.
Sherry enters this deal fully intending not to develop any personal attachments to her coworkers, but--as we know--she reunites with Ishmael after years, and her heart slowly warms to the other Sinners, as well. She also starts developing what are clearly romantic feelings for Heathcliff (although they could also be interpreted as strong platonic feelings that lean more into romantic desires than her feelings for Ishmael and Watson do/did), which she feels incredibly guilty for.
And that guilt comes from the fact she used to tease Watson for his romantic tendencies and him settling down--and also the fact she's responsible for his wife now being a widow. So why should she be allowed to feel romantic attraction towards someone?
Regardless, she cares very, very deeply for Heathcliff, and he easily becomes the person she's most comfortable confiding in--he's a very good listener, and Sherry values people who can be quiet and let her prattle on and on ... it helps her process her thoughts and emotions.
Thus, whenever Ishmael or Heathcliff are killed when Dante isn't present (this is a necessary factor for what follows, since Dante's absence means Ishmael and/or Heathcliff cannot be revived immediately), Sherry will sort of ... snap. Especially if they're killed right in front of her. Because she's immediately taken back to the moment when she let her dearest friend die--and she swore she'd never let anyone take the people she loved from her again, yet here she is, letting the two people closest to her heart get killed.
And Sherry just ... goes into killing mode. You do not want to be the one who cut Heathcliff or Ishmael's life short, because you will not only be slain, but also no one will recognize your body. Thankfully, this doesn't happen too often, but when it does, the only real way to treat her madness is for Dante to revive Ishmael or Heathcliff and let them calm her down--Heathcliff in particular knows how to soothe her best, since he's the one she's closest to.
It's the most severe when both Ishmael and Heathcliff are killed back to back, because if one is still alive, he/she can usually keep Sherry grounded.
This isn't to say Sherry doesn't care for the other Sinners, though--it's just those two in particular are the ones she feels safest and happiest with. They're people she loves dearly and wants to keep safe ... so when she fails at that she spirals very quickly.
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... and that wraps it up, I think? I have had much to think about while fleshing Sherry out, but ultimately her Canto will involve giving her closure on what happened during this revised version of "The Final Problem," and she'll finally be able to allow herself to heal from losing Watson ... and since Ishmael and Heathcliff both have revenge themes in their own Cantos, it makes sense that they'd help comfort her.
This is the District where L. Corp was stationed! And a super quick lore dump: The "City" is a place where (most of) the humans in the Project Moon world live, and it's split into 26 "Districts," which sort of function as their own legal entities ... each one has a different culture and rules, but they're all overseen by the Head--that's the big government in District 1. So it's like ... a federal government overseeing all the other "state" governments.
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orecana · 1 year
Once upon a time
Nct dream ot7 x male reader
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Hello everybody, Orecana here is back with another fic for you guys. i've decided to try to write something i haven't tried after a long time, angst. As always, thank you to everyone who liked and read my fics.
Main character death (y/n)
slight horror
survivor guilt
excessive crying
suicide attempts
abuse/verbal assault
children were laughing, singing and dancing. They were full of joy. this is what a young boy thought as he walks timidly home. he was accompanied by another young boy. they were talking happily.
"hey! last one home is a rotten egg."
the boy's energetic friend runs off as the boy tries to warn him about cars and chases him. it was unfortunate that the friend was too excited that he failed to see the car that was in front of him when he steps onto the road to home.
it was a blur really, he couldn't remember what had happened but what he does know is that when he wakes up after he was pushed, He sees something that would traumatize him forever. he struggled to breath, trying to hold back tears as he see the boy, his friend with blood all over his body.
The boy screams so loud that it alerted everyone in the neighborhood. when the parents arrived to the crime scene while some neighbors tries to phone the ambulance. the boy's parents holds him like he was the most precious thing ever and caresses his arms. his friend's father tried to hit him and told him that he should have died instead of his son which resulted in a huge fight.
as they fight, the boy walks towards the body of his friend and hold his body as he sobs into it. his tears staining the white shirt they were wearing as a matching outfit. the worst part was that the boy had a smile as he lays unconscious on the road which only made jaemin cries harder.
"wake up......."
jaemin startles awake in his bed, gasping for air as he felt a pair of hands wrap around him.
"Jaemin, are you okay?" jeno says as he tries to calm him down
jaemin looks around seeing the faces of his group members looking at him with concerned looks. he was sweating a lot, it was a painful memory to remember. he felt a hand on his, he looks up to see renjun with a worried face.
"it's been happening for many days already jaemin-ah, i think it's time you let us know what is troubling you. i can't bear to see you cry in your sleep anymore." renjun says as he can feel his tears threatening to pour out.
jaemin looks down, feeling ashamed over his own actions. He didn't that avoiding the topic has caused so much trouble for his band members.
mark sits on the bed and rubs jaemin's shoulders as he whispers sweet nothings to him.
"don't keep your pain within yourself, darling. We're all here to help you overcome it and we'll do everything that we can do. you just have to let us in."
jaemin blushes a bit at the nickname. it has been a secret for a long time but all 7 of them were in a relationship. At first, not everyone was open to the idea of having such a relationship, but overtime everyone realized their feelings and warmed up to the idea of this relationship.
jaemin sighs as he look at everyone and takes a deep breath.
"okay, you guys better strap yourself. since we got the whole week off, i'm gonna go over every detail. please don't mind me if i cry over this, it's just a painful memory for me."
they nod and smile. this made jaemin loosen up and begins to tell about his childhood.
you see, jaemin did have a happy childhood and it was because of his friend y/n l/n. because he was kinda rich, he was only sought after because of his wealth. y/n however was not like that, he genuinely wanted to be friends with jaemin. He was hesitant at first, not knowing if y/n really wanted to be friends with him. he quickly warmed up though when y/n saved him from falling off the stairs.
it might sound silly but the genuine smile that he saw on y/n face was what made him accept the friend request. they told their respective parents about their friends and while jaemin received positive reviews, he knew something was up with y/n when he was suddenly avoiding him like a plague.
at first, he didn't mind because he didn't want to barge into unknown territories. but after a month, he had enough. He corners y/n near the library halls and started screaming at him.
"i don't know what i did wrong to make you avoid me, but AT LEAST talk to me or just tell me you're okay...."
jaemin cries as his body falls onto y/n who holds it.
"I'm sorry, my parents wanted me to use you for money. That's why i avoided you."
Jaemin smiles and y/n smiles back.
y/n chuckles
After that it was so much fun for them. They hanged out together, made many fun memories. Of course until that fateful day. The car crash.
Jaemin sobs while telling the members about y/n saving him from the car crash and how he felt so guilty about it. Donghyuck caresses jaemin's hair as mark whispers sweet nothings to him.
"I'm sorry it happened to you jaemin ah."
"No, don't be sorry. It was my fault. if i didn't run, he wouldn't have died."
Jisung angrily grips jaemin by the collar of his shirt.
"It's not anyone's fault. Even if you travelled back in time, It would have still happened."
Chenle removes jisung's hand from jaemin as he tries to calm down the maknae.
"jisung is mad you're blaming yourself. But what he said is true babe. There are just some things in life that we can't change no matter what we do."
Jaemin listened to the two youngest words and he felt himself relieved of the guilt he felt just now. Then they heard something move in the room. they tried to look for where it was coming from until something dropped to the floor.
Jeno goes to check it out. He saw something on the floor amidst the dark room and picks it up.
"Uh jaemin, It appears to be a portrait of someone."
Jaemin's blood froze and instantly went to grab the portrait. No..... it can't be....
It was a portrait of 2 boys standing and hugging each other. they were smiling happily and words were carved into the portrait. It reads
Then a noise from the bathroom broke them out of their trances. They look it with fearful expressions. Jisung slowly approaches and opens the door along with turning on the lights. He freezes when he looks at the mirror and signals the others to look as well.
It was a bloody message that reads
"Where's our most cherished place nana?"
Jaemin head hurts again as he groans painfully, seeing many visions before collapsing.
'a letter with a heart on it...... A place with many flowers...... A tall sakura tree...'
Jaemin wakes up from his flashback with the other members surrounding him again. Renjun and jeno were hugging each of his arms while the others slept around the bed.
"are you awake nana?"
jaemin looks to his left, seeing renjun giggling and pinch his cheeks.
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"Yes, i am injunnie."
slowly the others got up as well because of the interaction between the two.
"i remembered something when i looked at that message."
they all look at jaemin in surprise and chenle asked what was it?
"it was our old place, i bet it's in shambles now. but i wanna see it again since the message told me to. will you guys come with me?"
He smiles a bit but it was enough to warm the others heart knowing that jaemin has recovered a bit.
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"we would love to, hyung" chenle said with a smile as well
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"someone should tell the manager though."
Mark sternly tells everyone as they get ready to head out. everyone nod in agreement. they don't want their manager to go on a wild goose chase for their whereabouts.
still being the leader, he decides to be the one to do it. the manager was kind and told them that it is okay but warn them to be safe and be as discreet as possible because they don't want the members to get into trouble.
mark says goodbye as he starts off the car while everybody else locks the dorm. Mark drives the car based on jaemin's directions. they started small and happy talks while they were driving, filling the atmosphere with joy. Then they arrived at that place. it was just as jaemin said nothing was the same.
It wasn't the same place that jaemin remembers. it was filled with a garden of flowers and a giant sakura tree in the middle. Now though, nothing was left, no gardens no flowers not even a sign of life was there. there was only a dead tree in the middle but jaemin knew that going there would mean something.
They all got out of the car after mark parked it somewhere safe and began walking towards the dead tree. everything was gone. The green bushes full of flowers were now dead withered and the little bugs that y/n and him would catch is nowhere to be seen. And the giant blooming sakura tree where y/n confesses that he had a crush now stood dead and hollow.
they stopped in front of the tree, frozen in their tracks. jaemin felt tears running down his cheeks as he drops to his knees. the others could do nothing but stand frozen at the sight before them.
there it was, the Corpse of y/n l/n. the state of the body was as jaemin remembers it, Blood dripping down all parts of the body, eyes closed with that horrid smile. Then the corpse moves its head up and opens its eyes, showing extremely dark eyes with small white pupils.
"You're all here. *smiles* I'm g-glad"
Jaemin stares at it in disbelief. It couldn't be....
The corpse smiles as it stands up, walking towards the group.
"of course nana. Who else?"
jaemin rush to hug the corpse. even if it was dead and rotten but he didn't care. he missed his friend so much.
"i-i'm sorry y/n. if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have died."
y/n only smiles as he pats jaemin's back and look at the members behind him.
"it's not your fault jaemin, in fact i have a confession to make. i would have died that day even if i hadn't saved you."
jaemin was confused as he backs away from his childhood friend.
"what do you mean?" "i've tried killing myself millions of times already jaemin, it's only natural that i will die soon."
the revelation shocked jaemin very hard as he stared at y/n in disbelief. there was no way.... right?
"that day, i've consumed poison so i would die the moment i sleep. that's why i felt extremely weak and tired that day. But when i saw the car coming your way, i couldn't bear to see you die so i pushed you out of the way."
Jaemin was angry and grips the corpses shoulders. because the body was frail, a huge crack sound echo through the environment.
jeno tries to hold jaemin back but mark stopped him, shaking his head.
"let them take care of this."
Jaemin was growling at his dead friend who only smiled at him back.
" why did you kill yourself? why?"
"because my parents was gonna sell me off. they only had money because they won their gambles but when they don't and the person demanded payment, they decided to sell me off."
Jaemin only become angrier, knowing that those pieces of shit called y/n parents killed his most beloved childhood friend.
"why did you save me?" "because you still have a life. my life was already decided for me but yours was not. That's why i saved you. don't be sad jaemin ah! I'm so happy to see you accomplish a lot of things in life. i'm so glad."
y/n pushes jaemin away from him as he starts walking back to the tree. his body changing, glowing. He was his normal self now. no longer covered in blood and looking as pretty as back then only that he aged himself. his body begins to slowly fade away as jaemin screams "NO" and tries to stop him but The others hold him back as y/n smiles sadly.
"you know jaemin, my life was shit until i found you. you were the only thing in this world that kept me from moving on into the afterlife. I wanted to see you happy, just once."
The other 6 members don't know why but tears threatened to fall down their faces as well at y/n's words.
those were y/n's final words as he fade away leaving a photo album on the ground. They walk towards and grab it and opens the book.
in it were memories of y/n with all of them. all members heads begin to spin as they all recall memories that were long forgotten. how they met y/n, how they hang out, how all of them met back in their childhood.
They snapped out of it to see the album empty with only fragile papers threatened to torn at any second and only a sentence was written on it.
They smiled at the message as mark excuses himself to go get the car so they can go home. Once they were in the car, they all look at each other. as if they were thinking the same thing, they all laugh in sync before mark starts up the car and drives them home.
Jaemin looks out the window and into the clear sky as he smile fondly.
'i hope that wherever you are now y/n, i hope you're happy. Thanks for giving me- no, for giving us such wonderful memories that we wish to forget. You gave us the strength to fight forward.'
So please y/n l/n, rest in peace. WE LOVE YOU TOO.
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nct dream was finishing their concert and were walking to their favorite place to eat when a familiar person walk past them. jaemin notices and tries to grab them when they turn around smiling.
"Hello guys..."
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four-color-words · 11 months
Bailey Adler - An Intro
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((Notice: I wrote this while extremely goddamn sleepy, so if I need to elaborate or make something clearer or whatever, lemme know and I'll try my best after I get some sleep))
So, I try pretty hard to keep this sideblog restricted to canon-only stuff. But if I'm gonna start talking about my silly little fanfic on here, I ought to talk about the oc it centers around
Takeoff is the first arc of Bailey's story, and serves as her origin. The front half of it, I like to imagine, takes place in the background of a Flash comic. The back half of it, which I'm currently writing, is a backup or secondary story. Bailey's theoretical solo wouldn't start until she takes up the Golden Eagle mantle, passed down from Charley.
(fun fact: I came up with her around eight years ago, and she's actually what led me to learning about Charley -- but I decided it would be more fun (and achievable) to try and explain how and why Bales was inheriting a mantle, than trying to come up with a new, unused name for her)
Bailey's a complicated character, and it's hard to summarize all the stuff she's got going on. She's very emotionally-driven, and she wears her big bleeding heart on her sleeve. She doesn't exactly like this about herself, but she's been trying and failing to change this for two decades; it's in her nature. And, really, it's the fact that her emotions do run so deep and strong that leads to her becoming a superhero.
Bailey grew up in a small Oklahoma town, and as far as she's concerned, the less she has to talk about that, the better. She moved to Central City to try and not only start a new life, but to forget her old one. Helping her best friend with the rent was a bonus.
Unfortunately, the past won't let Bailey just walk away. Bailey lands a job at a local museum -- no, not that one -- just in time for a haunted suit of armor, a cold case disappearance, and a whole lot of mystery to cross her path. As secrets start to rise to the surface, Bailey finds her own family history might just be tangled up in this web. And untangling it all might mean facing the parts of her past -- and her relationship with her mother's side of the family -- that she really doesn't want to.
Bailey discovers her great-grandmother, Rachel Faulkner, was born Rashel Tavros, of Thanagar. And while this does explain a few things about Bailey's own life -- in particular, why she's always been stronger and tougher than she wants to admit, and why she's always overestimated other people's vision and hearing -- it also leaves her with a lot of questions, and a sense of duty she can't quite shake. She's forced to acknowledge that she's not a normal human. She has gifts and abilities that set her apart from the rest of the populace. She has power -- and we can all finish the old adage.
But she also made promises to her father and sister that, on some level, she feels like she's breaking if she starts being a superhero. Reconciling that and dealing with the guilt, however, are just things she's going to have to do. She does inherit the Golden Eagle mantle from Charley, though I won't say exactly how or why until after Takeoff's finale gets published. (because otherwise I'm not gonna ever write it)
A lot of Bailey's character and story revolve around the ideas of breaking out of cycles of abuse and neglect, what really defines a family, and a whole lot of stuff I'm struggling to put into words.
But while Bailey has, like, so much angst and emotional turmoil, she's also just a big ol' goober. She talks to random pigeons and sings along to the radio while she does chores. She gives her friends stupid nicknames as a form of affection. She offers the neighbor kid cookies because she baked too many at three am, and then realizes how fucking weird that is as a complete stranger. She flirts with people and then freezes like a deer in the headlights when they flirt back. She spent the first twenty-ish years of her life dreaming of being Space Indianna Jones. She's a history and literature nerd, and she will infodump at you about the similarities between art movements across three different planets.
She's a giant dork, and I love her
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Jack's Dream - part 3.87. From the beginning -> here
The next morning Heidi and Peter went down to Dörfli, to meet Clara and Housekeeper Rottenmeier. Peter is going to show them the house. He is very fond of Clara. She's like a little sister to him.
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So of course he was concerned when he saw Clara like this. All dressed in black... And why is this housekeeper so insanely good looking? Peter doesn't like him at all. He's cold and distanced and rude... Peter: "What happened to Clara? I'm worried!" Saiwa: "What do you mean? She has a new style, that's all."
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They went over to the 'The Gnome's Arms' to have a drink and chat. Housekeeper Rottenmeier: "Someone should go inside and order." Before anyone could answer Clara said: "I'll go!" Peter wondered why Clara should go since it's the housekeeper's job?
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But Clara jumped up and ran inside to order their drinks. What is going on here? And why is Housekeeper Rottenmeier looking after Clara as if she was a good dog?
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The waitress, Morgan(!), brought their drinks and Housekeeper Rottenmeier flirted shamelessly with her! Clara looked a bit hurt...
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A little later Housekeeper Rottenmeier sent Clara over to the Tailor. He had ordered something for her. Then he also left.
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Peter told Heidi about his concerns. Peter: "... and he ordered Plasmafruit Nectar! And have you seen Clara's wristband with the raven skulls? Is she drawn inside of a ominous Cult?" (said the werewolf to the vampire/dark elf...) Heidi: "Oh Peter! You always come up with these crude suspicions! Do you remember when you accused Elsa, the Cow, of murdering her neighbor in his sleep?" Peter: "There were Elsa's bloody hoove prints! In his bedroom!"
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Finally Peter convinced Heidi to follow Housekeeper Rottenmeier...
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... just to find him behind the 'The Gnome's Arms' - with Morgan, the waitress! Morgan: "You should get rid of Clara and live with me."
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What??? Peter: "See? I told you so!" Now Heidi was concerned too... Clara is in trouble. Kneedeep.
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They ran through Dörfli to find her. And warn her. But she was nowhere to be found. Maybe she went to her new/Peter's old house? Peter still has the keys! Some villagers gathered in front of the house. They heard someone scream!
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Heidi and Peter went inside. They heard noises from the kitchen!
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Peter: "Clara!"
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Clara: "Oh I just tried the new outfit from the Tailor and Housekeeper Rottenmeier got a little excited..." Peter: "But... he was just making out with the waitress!"
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Clara: "Oh I don't care if he strays. As long as he surrenders to me..."
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Peter was shocked. What kind of a Dörfli is this?
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This part of Jack's dream is clearly influenced from his quarrel with Vlad. Vlad is Jack's best friend but he's struggling to forgive Vlad that he put Ji Ho in danger by trying to cut the Bond with Morgan. Ji Ho is like a little brother to Jack. TMI: Vlad and Ji Ho swapped hairstyles for this episode ^^' How did you like Vlad's eyes?
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
The 'Disbandment of the Group' Chapter from the beginning -> here
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lavenoon · 2 years
absolutely no rush on this, idle blorbo thought that rolled around: how would Dawn/Dusk react to seeing Robin coming into work, or joining them on a mission, looking under-the-weather? the kind of level where a person might try to shrug it off but is 100% going to bite them hard afterwards
also I hope you're doing okie, may you be able to have a lil treat during your day - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
Given that I am not feeling my best, I'm tackling this ask now and afterwards I'm going to nap this migraine away fr. Some (mild) caretaking coming up!
Neither of them likes seeing Robin come in just-slightly-sick-but-it's-fine-really. But, depending on where they are with their rivalry, there's not much they can do about it.
Dusk has the stronger case, and in the case of an actual field mission he'll put his foot down and, if necessary, strong-arm Robin back to their office. There is no way he's letting them parkour if they're not feeling their best - what if a coughing fit hits them mid-jump, or they zone out a bit just as they land and fall flat on their face? No way, he'd rather not have to explain that to the higher ups. If it's bad enough that he notices, it's bad enough to keep them away from the field. Will threaten of making a scene and involving Agent River - and by then Robin would cave. They don't want negative attention, so they'll begrudgingly accept that it's a paperwork kind of night only. He's making their office his office for the night, too, occupying the ground if necessary and either wordlessly leaving every now and then just to return with a snack and something to drink, or grumbles about them taking a break whenever he gets the impression that they're struggling through a bit too much of a haze.
May urge them to just go home if he feels it's bad enough - or ask them to rest the next day, maybe even telling them that they should just ask their neighbor for help so they can actually catch a break. That'll grate at him, because he can't help more than this, but someone else might - but when Robin reacts with an offended gasp and "It's really not that bad, I don't need to bother him about something silly like this!" he feels just a tad better, because at least they let him help. Will tell them point blank that if they're still feeling sickly next night they better stay home, or he'll do all this again, night for night, until he deems them fit enough for the field again. Will still be worried when they stay out the next night, because he's a goober. Once they're back, he'll pretend nothing ever happened, but keep a closer eye on them anyhow, just to be safe <3
Dawn will have a bit more of a struggle. Their job isn't as physically taxing, and Robin would wave off any concerns for their mental state with the insistence that they're fine, they've been doing this for years, they know themself and know they can handle this. Doesn't even think of involving River, because he's also a little particular about attention from the higher ups. (Dusk isn't. Dusk will be a menace to anyone, and won't be sorry). So he'll just watch them like a hawk if they won't let themself be convinced to take it easy, and cover for any blunders from their side by either being charming, or scathing, or both. Draws the attention back to himself, and that's easy, after all. Similarly to this scenario, he'll tell them to get some fresh air whenever possible, with the distinction that if they're sick, and not just out of it, he won't let them go alone. Will claim the truth - they aren't feeling to well, but the two of them will be right back, not to worry!
Will give them another out once they're alone, tells them he'll cover the rest and to please just go rest, they're only making things worse for their recovery. Don't they have that helpful neighbor who likes helping them, anyway? They should just go home and let Dawn cover this for them - he won't even mention it in the report, so no one has to know. (How do you know Dawn has it bad for you? He suggests breaking the rules for you. Unfortunately, Robin is too dense to realize). But, same as above, Robin will insist on staying, and not bothering their nice neighbor over something so trivial. But, well... They wouldn't mind if Dawn takes the lead this time, and maybe they can use the sickness as a strategy, play it up a little (i.e. stop hiding it as much), to convince certain people to perhaps "let them rest" in restricted access areas. That's a compromise he can live with - he gets to watch them, be as caring as he rarely gets to be, and the job gets done. Tomorrow, though, they better stay home or he'll personally lock them in their office, promise and a threat <3
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sweetsweetjellybean · 2 years
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Summary: Steve finds his note from Max
AN: This was my first fic. So it's a bit rough.
Steve is tired. Bone tired. Working at the emergency shelter with Robin has been filling his time and providing a necessary distraction from his worries. Hawkins is a mess. Seeing neighbors and friends suffering is starting to take its toll on him. Everyone has suffered a loss, whether it was a home, a business, or a loved one. No one will be immune this time. The gates are open, and the battle is coming. How many more will die is anyone's guess.
Robin is saying her goodbyes to Vickie as Steve sits in his car waiting to drive her home. He can't help the smile on his face at seeing his best friend falling in love. "Just please let this one thing work out," he mumbles.
His love life is comparable to the town hall at this point. Crumbling and on fire. Okay, maybe that's a bit dramatic. He has been hanging around a lot of girls lately. Still, his declaration to Nancy had been a disaster. He poured his heart out to her, and she kissed Jonathan right in front of him. He had done the exact opposite of the advice he always gives to Henderson. He let her see him care. In the end, it didn't matter. He wants her happy; that's what's important. She is strong and never really needed him, to begin with. He had allowed hope to creep in after his conversation with Eddie, but Eddie had been wrong.
Steve knows he needs to let it go and focus on more important things, like his buddy Dustin who is still slightly limping. The kid is taking Munson's death hard. Steve is trying to give Dustin space and let the little guy come to him, but that approach doesn't seem to be working. Steve knows he shouldn't let it go on for much longer. He decides he will sit him down to talk tomorrow. Henderson is a great kid. He isn't ever afraid to be himself. Something that Steve struggled with when he was that age. He was more concerned about looking cool in front of everyone. He doesn't want all this to change Dustin, but how could it not? It's going to change them all.
As he drives, Robin rambles on a mile a minute about her conversation with Vickie. "Did she mention anything about boobies?" Steve interrupts, trying to get a rise out of his friend. "Ugh, Steve, you're the worst." Eyes rolling, she launches back into her story. Steve knows she loves him. He doesn't know what he would have done if he had lost her. Lost any of them. A pang of guilt shoots through him as he thinks, I'm glad it was Eddie and not Dustin. It's wrong to think like that, and he knows it. Eddie doesn't deserve that. A fight is coming, and if we don't win, all of us might end up lying with Munson in The Upside Down. With Max still in the hospital, holding on by a thread, he can't think about any more death.
"Earth to Steve? Hello? Dingus, are you still with me?"
Steve parks in front of Robin's house. He's still dropping her off and picking her up every day."Are you ever going to get your license?"
"Why would I do that? We both know you love the pleasure of my company. Without me, you'd have no social life at all. You would become an outcast and move into the woods, and kids would run away and cry when they saw you. I'm performing a public service by being your friend."
"Oh, that's why I drive you everywhere?"
"Yup! Why, what were you thinking?" Robin asks with a smile.
"I'll pick you up at the same time tomorrow."
"Great, go get some sleep. You're cranky." Robin says as she exits the car.
"I don't know why. It's not like Vecna's ass crack has opened up in the middle of town," Steve yells out the window after her.
"That doesn't mean we need to be in a bad mood. Go wash your hair or something, Harrington," Robin says as she disappears inside her house.
After dropping off Robin, Steve heads over to the hospital to look in on Max, as is his routine these days. Lucas is sitting on a chair next to her bed. His eyes are red-rimmed and tired, and he probably hasn't had a real meal in days. Steve walks over to Max's bed. She looks smaller and younger. Maybe it's because she isn't threatening him with a lawsuit. She still wears her neck brace, and her arms and legs are casted. He lightly brushes her fingers with his own.
"Any change?" he asks Lucas hopefully.
"Nothing," Lucas replies as he drops his head into his hands and starts rubbing his eyes.
"Are you alright, Sinclair? Maybe it's time to go home and rest a bit, yeah?"
"Ehh, that's okay. I want to be here when she wakes up."
"Where's your sister?" He doesn't like Lucas sitting here alone all day.
"She was here for most of the day, but she gets annoying, you know?"
"Yeah, I know," Steve says with the corner of his mouth rising slightly. He loves watching Erica give them shit. It was pretty funny as long as it wasn't directed towards him. "Alright, man, call me if anything changes."
"Will do, Steve."
When Steve gets home, he can't wait to crash. He tries to avoid having a conversation with his parents. So he just hollers out a greeting on the way to his room. They are just so oblivious, so uninterested in what is going on around them. Even what was happening with their own son. It was just as well they didn't ask. He wouldn't have known how to explain it anyway. Alone in his room, Steve throws himself down onto his bed. He runs his hands through his hair as exhaustion sets in. He's starting to feel older than his years. After pulling his shirt over his head, he throws it on the floor with all his other dirty laundry. Shit, I'm gonna run out of clean clothes soon. One last thing to do before sleep. He gets up and starts gathering up all the clothes for the wash. He hears a crinkling sound when he picks up a pair of crumpled jeans that are half shoved under his bed. He pulls a brown envelope out of the back pocket.
Max's letter. He staggers back to sit down in a chair at his desk. He had forgotten all about it in the chaos. He smooths out the envelope and holds it flat in both hands. He knows her wishes. He isn't to open it unless she is gone. He wonders if anyone else has opened theirs. He sits staring at it for a while. He can feel the weight of the little girl's words impacting him even though he hasn't read them yet. Screw this! If Max has something to say to me, she can damn well do it while she's still here. He tears open the envelope and begins to read.
Dear Steve,
I wanted to thank you for always protecting me. I always feel safe when you're around. No one has ever made me feel safe like that before. You stayed with me and never let me down. So please don't let anyone tell you that you're not smart or not worth it because you are. And so brave. You're the bravest person I've ever met. You put yourself between us and literal monsters. The boys all look up to you because of it. You always take care of us without thinking of yourself. So it's probably not fair to ask you this, but please keep looking out for them. Especially Lucas. He's going to need you when I'm gone. He's going to blame himself, but it's not his fault. He was there for me. You were all there for me. I just couldn't see it. Please don't let them be sad for too long.
P.S. She's out there. You just have to find her.
Love your Max
After carefully folding her letter and putting it in his wallet, he puts his shirt and jacket back on. He grabs his keys and heads out.
Rounding the corner into Max's hospital room, he sees Lucas asleep, practically falling out of the chair. Steve puts his hands on his hips in an exasperated pose and starts barking at Lucas. "What's wrong with you, Sinclair?"
"I told you I'm not leaving her."
Lucas does fall out of the chair now. He scrambles to stand up.
"Get your ass home. I don't want to see you back here until you have had something to eat and a good night's sleep. Are you hearing me?"
"I heard what you said, but you're no good to anyone like this. You're no good to her. You know what's coming. You want to help her? Go home. I'll stay."
"You're such an asshole," Lucas says angrily as tears escape his eyes. He tries to brush his way past, but Steve reaches out with one arm and pulls Lucas into his chest.
"She's going to be alright. I know it." Steve says quietly, trying to give the kid a little comfort. He releases Lucas, who looks at him and nods. A little too choked up to speak, Lucas leaves the room. Hopefully, he doesn't fall asleep riding his bike.
He walks over to Max's bed. He gently smooths some hair away from her face and leaves his hand resting on the top of her head. A gesture he always found comforting when he was small. He leans in a little closer to her.
"I'm here, Max. You're safe. I will stay with you, and I will keep them all safe, I promise you. Just get better, okay?"
He stays that way for a little longer, hoping she can feel the warmth of his hand and the truth of his promise. He sits down on what has to be the most uncomfortable chair in the world. Trying to get into a comfortable enough position to sleep, Steve lets out a long sigh.
"Always the goddamned babysitter," he says with a smile and closes his eyes.
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bengiyo · 2 years
Jack o' Frost Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
The funniest thing about this show over the last week is watching all of us struggle to figure out what we're going to use as the consistent tag(s) for it.
Last week, we began with a couple breaking up during a birthday, only for one of them (Ritsu) to get into an accident and lose all memory of Fumiya. Unfortunately, no one except for Fumiya knows that they've broken up, so now he's the caretaker for someone who doesn't know him and who he once loved. I have complicated feelings about amnesia as second chance romance, but I am willing to let Japan see this through.
I am worried about Fumiya coping with how familiar some of these moments are going to feel.
I'm feeling specifically called out by Fumiya telling the truth to the brother. Someone else knows about the breakup, and has voiced the concern about the unfairness that Ritsu doesn't know. They also acknowledged how Fumiya is treating this as a reset on their dynamic.
As if he didn't even listen, he goes back to remove all signs of their romance? I don't like this.
Mmm, and then the curry scene ruined it. I get that he's happy that this version of Ritsu stops drawing to join him for dinner. Ritsu asks directly what kind of relationship they had, and Fumiya obfuscates.
Wondering how I would feel if I couldn't write or do tasks normally after an injury.
I don't mind the neighbor encouraging him to build a better relationship this time. I admit that there are people I've failed I'd like a chance to fix things or start over with.
What does the old orange man know???
I don't like Fumiya lying about the first time they met in the coffee shop.
Oh no. Ritsu had made a reservation at a place they probably remember fondly for their romance before the accident.
Oh, I'm nervous for next week.
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bunbeeplays · 7 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 30 - Now and Zen
Ophelia signs her Tartosa friends up for a 6 AM yoga class at a spa in a neighboring town and, because they're the best friends on earth, they agree to go. They've got the Pizzazz wedding gig coming up, so they need to be in the zone!
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Ophelia has a little more experience than her friends.
Drew is a pretty confident person, but they're not confident they won't fall flat on their face during some of these moves.
Instructor: Just follow at your own pace.
Moses: If I was at my own pace, I'd still be in bed.
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Being ambitious, Ophelia sometimes struggles when she's not automatically the best at something.
Ophelia: Must… be zen… even if… it kills me.
Moses: muttering Or us. Ow!
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They're all really good at child's pose, at least.
Despite not being the best at it yet, they do have to admit that they enjoyed themselves. Maybe Ophelia was right, this wellness stuff could do them all some good.
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Ophelia: Oh, what now? Face mask or workout?
Drew: Uh, wasn't the whole point of this to relax?
Ophelia: Self-improvement IS relaxing!
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Ophelia is efficient and decides to go with a face mask AND a workout.
Ophelia: You're a strong, confident woman. You have great friends here and in Willow Creek. The awkwardness with Libby will pass someday. Right now, focus on being the best you! You're gonna kick life's ass!
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Xander: What up, Casper? Drew: Haha. I need a mask, and a drink, to make me forget how tired I am. Ophelia's self improvement kick is great and all, but that yoga class kind of kicked my ass. Moses: Don't act like you also didn't click yes to that Wellness liking popup
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Xander: Should we be concerned? Seems like she's hardly let herself have a free moment since the break up.
Drew: I think Ophelia's just like that, dude.
Moses: You know how ambitious Sims are, mate. Keeping busy is how they cope.
Xander: I guess you're right.
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Xander can't help but interrupt her boxing.
Xander: Come on, Lemon Cake. Time to take five. Don't want to wear yourself out for tomorrow. Ophelia: I don't want to. Xander: What if I said please real cute like with this face? Ophelia: I'd say no, real ugly like with this face.
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Xander: I might have to start calling you Sour Lemon with that mean mug.
That gets Ophelia to cut the act and let out a laugh.
Xander: I knew you couldn't resist! No one can resist this face!
Ophelia: Shut up! Fine, I'll take a break, you dork. Let's check out the pool.
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Before they can swim…
Xander: Listen, you're doing okay, right?
Ophelia: Why wouldn't I be?
Xander: You've got the garden you told us about and all this wellness stuff you're getting into. That's great and all, I just want to make sure you're not using it as a distraction.
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Ophelia: Distraction? Xander: I know some Sims throw themselves into new projects to distract themselves when life gets rough. I know that because I'm one of those Sims. If you need someone to talk to, we're here for you if it's too weird to talk to your other friends about.
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Ophelia: I appreciate it Xander, but I'm really just trying to better myself. Two of my friends had a baby recently, and it really put things into perspective. There's so much I want to do before, and after, I have kids, so I'm trying to become the future mom my kids deserve
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Xander: If my parents and Hilary had your wellness knowledge, they would have probably had an easier time dealing with me as a kid.
Ophelia: Ha!
Xander: For what it's worth, I think you'd be a great mom now, but you've got plenty of time to get even better.
Ophelia: Thanks.
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Ophelia: One thing about me, when I get knocked down I don't stay down for long.
Xander: That makes one of us. When things ended with my last partner-
Ophelia: Oooh, I'm getting some exclusive Xander Lore?
Xander: Not anymore, Lady Interrupts-A-Lot.
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Xander may be a goofball, but he's clearly a good guy, as well. Ophelia's glad she has someone like him in her corner.
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I didn't manage to get screenshots of it but she stole two things during the time she was at this spa. Look at her smug face. You can't keep getting away with this forever, young lady!
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malamiteltd · 1 year
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Day 9 – I’m Not a Hero
Copper and Broom were sitting at one of the benches near the Pond. Broom was playing a game on an odd-looking handheld – it seemed to play the same cartridges as the console in the Game House – and Copper was watching over his shoulder, intrigued at the game being played. But soon they heard someone approaching, and the game was paused. It was Sketch and Heather, walking to a neighboring bench.
"Hey guys!" said Sketch, waving to the pair. "Everything alright?"
Broom and Copper waved back. "Everything's good!" Broom replied. He held up the handheld he was playing. "Just been checking out some of the games in that house. I found this in there and decided to try it out. Copper joined me not too long ago and he's been watching."
Copper nodded silently.
"I remember seeing devices kinda like that back in Utopia," said Sketch. "They do seem to need a lot of batteries to keep them running."
Broom nodded. "Most do. But I'm kinda surprised by this thing. Honestly, I've played on this for well over four hours and there's been no sign that the batteries are on low charge." He looked at the back of the handheld and suddenly looked confused. "Huh. It…doesn't even look like there's any battery compartment. But how does this thing work?"
Heather shrugged. "If it were me, I'd just chalk it up to the typical reason – this place is weird."
"Sounds good," said Copper. "So what brings you guys here?"
Sketch scratched at one of his eyebrows. "Well, Heather and I got acquainted with Broom the other day, and he used something called Clarity to kinda show us what he's all about, and learn about us in exchange."
Copper looked concerned. "Okay…"
"After that meet-up," Sketch continued, "I had been thinking about some of the stuff I saw in all those memories…and you were in a few of them, Copper."
"And we were kinda surprised at what we saw," Heather added. "There was a distinct memory where Broom and some large fella were trapped and unable to move, and right in front was you, facing a group of weird goopy aliens with dart guns of some kind!"
Copper started to blush. "I-I…"
"And you suddenly flicked away all their darts and dashed towards them, tearing away their guns and scaring them off! Was that really you?"
Broom was shocked. He turned to Copper. "Wait, you never told them about the abduction?!"
Copper looked away. "I…I didn't want to…"
"But why not?!" Broom exclaimed. "You were practically our hero! We weren't sure what was gonna happen to us after those aliens took us on their ship! You were pretty much the only one able to do anything!"
Copper looked a bit flustered. "Broom, please…"
"Not to mention those aliens captured so many others before! Since they abandoned the ship, it allowed authorities to investigate it and find the homeworld where the other captives were being experimented on! They probably wouldn't have survived all that, and thanks to you they were able to go back to their homes!"
Copper placed both hands atop his head, rubbing anxiously. "Broom! Please don't!"
Sketch and Heather were looking worried. "You okay, Copper?"
But Broom kept pouring on praise. "I honestly assumed you would've used that amazing speed to take one of the escape pods back home! But you stood your ground and terrified those creatures! You even broke us out of those capsules!"
Copper gritted his teeth, rubbing his head furiously. "STOP!!"
Broom looked shocked. "…Copper?"
Copper was breathing heavily for almost a minute. "…I'm not a hero."
The others were baffled.
"But…we saw what you did," Heather said to Copper. "I gotta say, it looked very impressive. You're not proud of what you did?"
"I…the…" Copper was struggling to speak at the moment. But after a minute he finally found the words. "…You don't…honestly think I did that just to be a hero."
Sketch scratched his head. "Not sure what you mean by that, bud."
Copper sighed. "I…I was panicking. A lot was happening to me since I got on that ship. I didn't know where I was, why I was locked up…my clothes were missing and I was with two strangers who were stuck in the same situation… 
He looked at his hands. "And then I was starting to realize my fervor, and I somehow unlocked my own cell door…the aliens knocked me out and strapped me to a chair, I was surrounded by scary…tools? Machines? I found a way to get out, and then I got cornered by the aliens while Broom and Husker were locked up tight in capsules behind me…
He started furiously rubbing his knees, looking to the ground. "I didn't know what to do…they started shooting at me, but the darts seemed to be going super-slow, I wasn't sure what was happening…I was getting upset! I…I don't know, I guess some instinct started piloting my brain and I was just charging head-on at those aliens. As soon as I got in one of their…faces?…I had to decide what to do… Killing them was definitely an option, but…I couldn't accept it! So I activated the ship's self-destruct program, if just to scare them away. And they were scared…they all ran to their escape pods and left the ship. After they did, I turned the self-destruct thing off and…I had to stop for a moment."
Broom patted Copper on the back. "Yeah, I guess it was all kinda overwhelming, huh? I suppose you couldn't have planned all that out considering…"
"But you did manage to pull through," added Sketch. "And you didn't kill anyone! That seems like the work of a hero to me."
"No!" Copper shook his head. "Once I began to learn what my fervor could do, it just seemed to cause more trouble!"
Broom was confused. "Wait, what do you mean?"
Copper turned to Broom with a mad look. "You're kidding! You don't remember what happened to you?!"
"What happened to–" Broom suddenly realized something. "Oh! Ohhhh…."
Heather tilted her head. "Wait, what are you guys talking about?"
Copper turned his attention to Sketch and Heather. "So…after the abduction, I was asked to undergo some tests to see what my fervor was capable of. They didn't really have any Teijru capable of doing such things before. And they made note of my abilities for…other purposes."
"Were they bad purposes?" asked Sketch.
"I mean…I don't think so. But those notes were probably the reason they approached me for what they called an 'important assignment.' Kheji had allies from Lir, a nearby planet in our system. They provided our world with a planetary barrier and other technology in exchange for mineral mining rights. Well, the allies were having difficulties with a criminal organization that was hacking into their funding, and they wanted that stopped one way or the other."
Heather looked surprised when hearing this. "This is starting to sound like some kind of espionage mission! You mean to tell me they sent you off to do that?!"
"Well, actually there was another guy, by the name of Graphite. He's the big hero of Kheji, with insane power. He thwarted a lot of hostile confrontations single-handedly, and spearheaded the charge against a space station that was planning to destroy the planet for resources to keep it alive. He was asked to do the mission, but they wanted me to go with him because the criminal group was stationed in some high-security place and they figured I could help Graphite get in with my abilities."
Sketch's eyes widened. "Wow."
"I'll admit, I was hesitant to accept the offer, even when they promised a decent reward for my assistance. But Graphite convinced me that I'd be safe, that nothing would happen to me. And…eventually I agreed. We went to the group's high-tech base and I helped Graphite get around the various locked doors and traps as we went to their main computer, where all the hacking was being done."
"Nice!" Sketch nodded. "And Graphite kept you safe the whole time?"
"Yeah…but as we were almost finished, Graphite got nabbed by a big robot-arm-thing. Not sure what it was for, maybe for construction or something…but in any case, the bad guys wanted to make sure Graphite didn't succeed in the mission. I was lucky not to have been spotted, but Graphite was getting squeezed by the big arm…and he looked like he was in excruciating pain. The bad guys stood by and watched him struggle…they even laughed at him once he started yelling in agony! I was panicking as I watched it all happen. Part of me wanted to run away, but Graphite's pained screams…I…
Copper let out a deep breath as he rubbed his head. "Well…I ended up placing both my hands on the main computer and just jolted the thing. And suddenly everything went dark…kinda like the blackout that other day. Everyone was confused at what happened, but I ran to the big arm undetected and forced it to let Graphite go, and…well, he took care of the rest."
"Still sounds like you were a hero to me," said Sketch.
Copper looked upset. "No! I'm…not exactly done with the story. Sure, after all that, we stopped their hacking business, and they even used the same computer to locate and capture most of the bad guys." He raised a finger. "Most of them. There were still two that they didn't find…the ringleader being one of them, and the hacker being the other. They kept a mental note of my name and what I looked like, as well as what I managed to do. And…" Copper took a deep breath. "…they apparently wanted revenge."
Heather covered her mouth with a concerned expression. "What did they do to you?"
"To me? Nothing." Copper looked to Broom, who looked just as concerned. "But they learned about my friend from Keshly'm, and decided to make use of him."
Broom's eyes widened. "Wait, I remember! This one guy kicked in the door of my house and knocked me out, and the next thing I knew I woke up trapped in some horrible torture device…thing. THAT'S what that was about?!"
Copper turned away. "They…sent a message to Kheji asking to confront them about a…'business proposition,' if I wanted you to remain alive. They showed an image of you trapped in a horrible machine. You were unconscious, but your arms and legs were already being stretched out in the picture. I was scared…I felt like my mission with Graphite threw me into a lot of danger, and…and you were dragged into it in the process…"
Sketch thought about this for a moment, recollecting some of the other memories Broom showed him. "I see, now… that explains the other instance Broom was in danger. And the guy even had a knife held up to Broom's throat, and you were standing there shaking… you were obviously very worried."
Copper nodded. "The guy told me they'd let Broom live if I were to cooperate with them. I'd essentially be a henchman, using my fervor to help out with their criminal work. I…I saw Broom trembling as the knife was held to him, and I…I wasn't sure what to do. They could've killed him…I didn't feel like I had a lot of time to do anything, and I worried if I made a false move, Broom was really gonna get hurt."
Heather recalled the memories too. "And then you made your move."
"I don't know what I was thinking at the time," said Copper, sounding like he was about to panic again. "I just quickly dashed up to the guy with the knife. I was quick enough to startle him, and…the scare caused him to let go of the knife. And as soon as I saw it leave his hand…I grabbed it and threw it as far as I could. Which wasn't far, but apparently got embedded into a wall and couldn't get pulled out."
"Nice!" said Sketch.
Copper winced as he continued his story. "But then I got a hold of the guy. I channeled a lot of my fervor into him. His breathing…his heart…they all stopped for a moment. His nerves fought to even struggle. I was…I was FURIOUS. I wanted it all to stop. I wanted HIM to stop." He covered his face. "I…was probably gonna kill him…"
Everyone was quiet.
Copper sniffled. "Then I heard Broom. He spoke my name…and asked if I was alright. When I heard that, I let the guy go. He was out cold, but his breathing and his heart started again. It was a partial relief, I guess…but…"
Broom hugged Copper. "It's okay."
"No it isn't!" Copper replied, sounding both angry and sad. "If I didn't get involved in that mission, you wouldn't have been put in danger! I…you claimed that I was a hero even then, but I was the reason you were kidnapped!"
"Copper, I'm not mad at you! I…I understand it was all scary. We were both scared! But I…I admit I was scared for you more than I was for me. I could see that angry stare you gave the guy…and I was worried what you were gonna do."
Heather scratched her head. "I recall seeing some other fella in that memory, who looked kinda like Copper in a dark coat."
Copper wiped his eyes. "Y-yeah, that would be Graphite. During that moment he actually snuck into the scene waiting for a chance to strike, but…even he wasn't prepared for what I did to the guy. He managed to take down the bad guys while I released Broom from the machine. It was hard to feel proud or happy about the situation, even though Broom seemed willing to thank me."
Sketch nodded. "I understand, bud. The whole thing about being called a hero…you don't think you deserve it because of all the little details…all the thoughts and emotions that were swarming your mind in those scary situations. But you always had a chance to choose…and in each of those moments, I think you did the right thing. And I think that's what makes you a hero."
Heather nodded in agreement. "People can think a lot of things in a situation. Some of those thoughts can be bad…scary, even. But it's the actions you took despite those thoughts…that convinces me you're not a bad person. You could've killed that guy, those aliens…you could've left Graphite or Broom to die…but whether it was instinct or something else, you opted to do something to fix the problem, even though it was something no one expected. And I think that's pretty cool!"
Copper was silent. He was blushing a bright purple.
"You ARE pretty cool," said Broom. "That's why I'm proud to call you my friend. I mean….I wouldn't have imagined you were what put me in that scary situation…but you managed to step up and get me right back out!"
Copper looked to Broom. "B-but…I…the guy…"
Broom nodded. "Like I said, I could tell things were getting overwhelming. So I…well, I want to say I was able to help you when you needed it. And I still do…after all that's happened, I feel like it's the least I can do."
Copper couldn't think of anything to say. He just nodded.
"I can tell you're a good friend of his," Sketch said to Broom.
"I learned a lot about him when we performed Clarity on that alien ship," Broom replied. "I…guess I never got to learn how he was feeling after the events afterward." He turned to Copper and held up his hand. "Would it be okay?"
Copper hesitated. "I…Not right now, Broom. I'm sorry."
Broom lowered his hand, then nodded in understanding. "Alright. I'll leave it be for now."
Sketch decided it was time to change the subject. "Incidentally, what's the game you're playing?"
Broom and Copper turned to the handheld. "Oh! The game? It's a bit of an action puzzler. You move dice around and connect them together to clear them off the board. Wanna try?"
Sketch scratched his head. "Why don't you show me first? I get the feeling I won't do so hot without some example to follow."
Broom nodded, smiling. "Sure thing!"
Sketch and Heather walked up behind Broom, and they and Copper all spectated Broom's game as he explained how things worked…
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thegayfromrulid · 2 years
I hope you'll like this fanfic Reader/Kirito idea. The Reader is walking around in the town of Algade, then he/she noticed a heavily pregnant Kirito struggling carrying his supply of food. The reader offers to help Kirito with the food, and he's thankful for your assistance. The two walk together to Kirito's home, and then after putting away the food, the two become friends, and the Reader gets to feels the baby's movement from Kirito's huge pregnant belly before the Reader says his goodbye.
This was very wholesome! I'm getting a lot of reader-insert practice this go-round, which is pretty fun! I will note for the sake of the tags, I was unsure if this was meant to be cis mpreg or trans mpreg, so I'm choosing to leave that up to your own desired interpretation. Both will be tagged for filtering purposes, and so that readers can have their own choice in how to read it. AO3 Link if desired!
One shot below the cut!
            The air is particularly cool in Algade. All the same, the crowds in Algade are the same as ever, completely unbothered by temperature or weather. And why should it be any different? Algade is the second-largest city in Aincrad, and it’s your home. It’s such a vast city that you can honestly say you haven’t explored all of it, even though you’ve lived here practically your whole life. There are always new people and tourists; there’s no way to know them all. That’s a part of why Algade is such a great place, after all. It never gets boring. There’s always something new to see when you’re out wandering around the city.
            Today’s outing had no real purpose to it aside from stretching your legs. It was easy to get cooped up in the small living spaces dotted throughout the city. Since you don’t mind the crowds, having grown up in the midst of them, taking an aimless walk around for exercise and fresh air has always been more refreshing than suffocating. Other people may have seen it differently, but this was a sense of freedom for you. This is a chance to see the people of Algade at their liveliest. Walking down the main street of Algade, you can see so much going on. There are vendors lined up all down this street, selling anything from food to weapons at their stalls. It’s just a normal day in the big city.
            Something stands out to you, though, as you slip through the crowd. There’s someone you’ve never seen before struggling to make his way through the crowd. The cause for concern is almost immediately apparent; his arms are quite burdened by a food supply that could feed a small family for a week or so. This may have been a more simple task for this person ordinarily, but there’s an added layer of burden atop the likely heavy bags of food—it isn’t difficult to tell that he’s very heavily pregnant. Normally, you wouldn’t dash out of your way to speak to someone in the middle of the main street. However, this feels different. This person needs your help. You can’t just sit there and watch him struggle on.
So, gathering up your courage, you make your way over to him, and just in time, you step in front of him just as he drops one bag. You drop down to the ground and make sure it doesn’t fall on the cobblestone. Nothing spills out, to your relief. When you look up, the stranger is glancing down at you from the side, blinking in apparent surprise. You stand up and give a slight bow to him. He has dark hair that is cropped just to the base of his neck in the back. Bangs sit between his black eyes, which match his overall black outfit. Embarrassment is written all over his face. He reaches a hand out to grab the bag from you.
            “Oh, thank you,” he says, awkwardly laughing. “I thought I had a good hold on that.”
            You tell him it’s no bother. Instead of handing the bag back to him, you offer him some help. He’s taken aback by the offer. You give him your name and tell him that you don’t mind. After all, it seems that you’re both neighbors in Algade, even if you live rather far apart. He seems slightly reluctant, but it doesn’t take long before he glances down at his swollen belly and sighs as he nods at you, handing over a couple more bags with a look of defeat on his face.
            “My name is Kirito. I appreciate the help, (y/n),” he says. “I honestly thought I could handle this by myself, but it is getting tiresome handling chores by myself lately.”
            Casting a worrisome glance at his belly, you wonder why in the world he chose the wording “is getting tiresome” instead of “has been tiresome.” By looking at him, he could likely go into labor at any moment. There was no way he was only just now getting tired from these chores. Still, in an effort to be polite, you give him a smile and try to give an understanding nod. You ask him how far away his home is.
            “It’s quite a hike, admittedly,” he says, giving you a sheepish grin. “It took me a good thirty minutes just to get here.”
            Your eyes practically bug at this revelation. He had managed to waddle all of the way down here, buy all of this food on the main street, and needed to get back home. You ask him if he needs to sit and rest for a while. He hums and looks around. There’s a little bench in the middle of the street a couple of meters ahead. He gives in with a nod.
            “It wouldn’t hurt to let my feet rest for a moment,” he admits.
            With a chuckle, you walk with him over to the bench. He awkwardly eases himself down onto it, and you help him set down the remaining bags he’s carrying. He leans back against the back of the bench and lets out a deep exhale. You don’t want to say it, but sitting seems to make him look even rounder. This Kirito definitely shouldn’t have had to walk this far—not in his current condition. He frowns down at one of the bags set down by his feet. Without saying anything, he starts to lean forward to reach for something. You quickly intervene, asking him what he needs.
            “Oh, I just wanted one of those apples,” he mutters. “I can’t help but feel a bit hungry.”
            He laughs quietly and places one hand on top of his belly. You pick up an apple and offer it to him. Kirito mumbles a thanks and eagerly starts to consume his snack. A part of you wonders if he’ll need more than just an apple. Another part wonders if he can even fit a single apple in his belly this far along. Nevertheless, he appears rather content as he eats. He keeps one hand on top of his belly as he eats, gently rubbing it. There’s a curious flutter in your chest as you wonder if the baby might be moving. It’s always been a fascinating thing to you; with no siblings of your own, you’ve hardly ever felt a baby kicking inside of its parent’s womb. The memory of the sensation was distant. It had been one of your aunts. It might be odd to ask to feel Kirito’s belly, though. You’ve only just met. For now, you keep the thought to yourself.
            When he finishes up his apple, you offer to dispose of the core for him. He’s grateful for the help, and by the time you’re back, you catch him trying to pick himself up. Shaking your head, you offer him a hand. His face turns a bit red, but he takes it. Lifting him up to his feet is trickier than you expected. It only makes sense; he’s quite heavy with all of that weight to the front. You do the job of picking up the bags. You only let Kirito carry two of them, insisting that he needn’t burden himself with all of that extra weight right now. He blushes again. You do have to wonder; is he embarrassed by his state? Changing your tone, you remind him that it’s natural to receive help from friends while expecting a baby. His expression softens.
            “Friends, huh?” he says.
            Now, it’s your turn to feel embarrassed. You’ve only just met, and you’re already calling yourself his friend. No wonder he’s looking at you funny. But he just nods and gives you a gentle smile.
            “I like that,” he says. “Let’s be good friends, (y/n).”
            His words are comforting. You give him another slight bow and return his smile.
            “Okay, I guess I’ll lead the way to my place, then,” he says.
            It’s not long before you realize that the journey back home is worse for him than the journey to the vendors in the first place. The path he takes you on is uphill. Even if the incline isn’t too much, you still feel worried for your new friend. You take pauses when it seems necessary. Kirito keeps shifting his two bags to one hand or the other to put a hand under his belly while he walks. You offer to take at least one of the bags the rest of the way several times. He doesn’t seem to want to let you do it. At one point, he finally gives in and lets you take one more bag. His hand remains glued to the bottom of his belly for the remainder of the walk. He only moves it to pull out his key and open the door to his home. You usher him inside first, then close the door behind you both.
            “The kitchen is this way,” Kirito says, sounding a bit out of breath.
            You tell him to go sit down. He insists that he wants to put his food away. You reassure him that you’ll put everything away so long as he tells you where it goes. The solution winds up being that he pulls a chair into the kitchen to sit on while he walks you through where to put everything. You’re very careful to listen to his instructions. When everything is put away, you can see the relief on Kirito’s face. He gives you another grateful smile from his chair.
            “I really do appreciate this, (y/n),” he says. “If you don’t mind, I can treat you to some tea in a moment. Just let me find the energy.”
            Once again, you’re drawn to his belly as he rubs the top of it. He hardly fits into the chair. Kirito leans his head back, closes his eyes for a moment, and moves his hand to the side of his belly. Your eyes widen just a bit as you see the baby moving. It feels like conclusive enough proof that he’s nearing the end of his pregnancy. Kirito exhales deeply again, and then he pushes himself up out of the chair. You insist that he doesn’t need to treat you to anything, and that he should probably rest. He just chuckles and pats the side of his belly.
            “Don’t worry about me,” he says. “I’ve got energy left to spare.”
            You can’t be too sure that you believe him. He was so winded before. Either way, he waddles over to a cupboard and starts to pull out things to make tea with. You insist on tossing wood into the stove and lighting it for him so that he doesn’t have to bend over. He still keeps at preparing tea, even though you remind him that you’re either there to help or don’t need to be treated for anything. You wind up giving up on getting him to sit back down until it’s done. It seems to be his way of thanking you for helping him out. You stand by him and keep him company while he brews the tea. One hand supports his back while he stirs. His belly is pressed up against the counter to get him close enough to mind the stove. He doesn’t prep just tea; he gets out some cookies and pastries to serve as well. You take care of setting the table, and before you know it, you’re both sitting there, sipping away at your tea.
            “It’s nice to have someone to spend time with today,” Kirito says. “I hope I didn’t take you away from anything important.”
            Shaking your head, you reassure him that you were already free today. He hums, seeming pleased to hear that, and he leans back in his chair again. In order to reach his plate of pastries, he sits as close as he can to the table. His swollen belly is practically pressed up against the edge. You wonder how comfortable he must be. He packs in more pastries than you think should be possible. Once he’s had his fill of tea, you suggest that he sit somewhere more comfortable. He agrees, and he asks you to follow him into his bedroom. You help him get propped up with some pillows on the bed, and then you sit a ways away from him just to be polite. He situates himself, and then he looks over at you.
            “Oh, don’t worry about sitting so far away,” he says, patting the space next to him. “You can sit closer if you want.”
            Nodding, you move closer. There’s a strange smile on Kirito’s face. He’s leaned back, as comfortably positioned as he can be, and he’s placed one hand on top of his belly and the other down at the base of it. He gently taps his fingers against the top of his belly. He turns and smiles at you.
            “You wanna feel?” he asks.
            He’s read you like a book. You glance down at his belly and remember how it looked as the baby moved earlier. You give Kirito another nod, and then you place your hand against his burgeoning belly. He’s quite warm. For a moment, all you can feel is the steady rise and fall of Kirito’s breathing. But then, you can feel the baby moving against your palm. The movements are strong, and you can see them beneath your hand as well. The joyous feeling of a new life brings warmth to your chest. You look up at Kirito share a smile with him. You finally comment that it looks like it won’t be long before his baby is in his arms. He chuckles and nods.
            “I hope so,” he says, the tiredness in his face looking all the more apparent for a fleeting moment. “I feel like if the baby stays in much longer, I won’t be able to get out of bed in the morning.”
            You both laugh at that statement. You let him know that, should that happen, you’ll come by to help him out. He gives you a nod.
            “I’d like that very much,” he says, “but I really hope it’s soon. I feel so huge already. Could I handle much more?”
            Somehow, you don’t think he would have much of an issue handling a bit longer. If he was only just now getting tired, he could likely handle it. You keep that to yourself, though. You let him know that you’ll come by every so often to check on him, at least until the baby arrives. He rubs the furthest point of his belly and lets out a full laugh this time.
            “Don’t forget to come by after the kid comes,” he tells you. “We’re friends now, after all.”
            Smiling, you nod and touch the side of his belly once more before you head home. The baby graces you with a little more movement. You tell both of them good-bye, and you promise that you’ll be by again soon. So that he continues to rest, you make sure to lock up his place behind him. Only those with a key can get in now. You smile up at his door for a moment before turning around and heading back home. You’ll be back by soon. And with any hope, you’ll remain friends for a good, long while.  
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