#but I'm not letting it ruin my fun
angrybatgaming · 4 months
I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT STUCK IN A SECRET ROOM FOR A MINUTE OR TWO. DANG PS4 CONTROLS!!!! *shakes fist* Second time it's happened, actually.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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A procession of confessions.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 6 months
how do you feel about march eridan?
Ok disclaimer before I get into it, trolls wearing dresses = great and fantastic; in fact, given that the gender differences in troll culture are so much less significant, ALL the male trolls should own some femme-ass clothes, even if it's as simple as just having a skirt version of their pants, and it's a little lame that we didn't get that.
That said, March Eridan specifically kind of annoys me because it has 0 basis in canon (aside from some shoutouts in things like ministrife sprites) but has taken over Eridan discussions so wholly that it's become widely accepted as part of his character that he's really into femme stuff when the opposite is true, and he's got some pretty major characterization tied up in the fact that he does lean so masc, and what specific type of masc he tends to present as.
So first of all, Eridan dresses up to emulate Dualscar, and this is very obvious and straightforward; if you've read the big essay I have pinned to my blog, you know that this is all a part of his basic "I have to be a big bad sea dweller or Something Bad Will Happen" suite of issues.
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Thus, we can ALSO assume that the choices he made that aren't made to emulate Dualscar are reflective of his ACTUAL taste in clothing. For example, blue pants instead of purple and black - I believe that this is because Eridan likes to dress up in the blood colors of his dates; he wears a lot of blue because he's hatedating Vriska (and never quite seems to get 100% over her), and we also see this in the rings on his fingers - half of which are fuchsia, for Feferi.
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So that leaves us with the glasses, shoes, and scarf. And we know why he dresses like that! It's because he's a hipster. (The scarf has an added benefit of being associated with harry potter-style wizards).
And very specifically, a masc hipster from the era - the glasses and the ugly-ass shoes are dead giveaways. The slicked-back hair is reminiscent of that fashion style, too. He is also a douchebag. This too is important. He draws from character archetypes of the time that were generally agreed upon to be the most punchable people in existence; his introduction calls him "KIND OF A TOOL" and he consistently acts according to that. Like, I mean, just LOOK at those shades. Those are not the shades of somebody you want to be trapped in a conversation with.
A fairly accurate Eridan fashion board would look something like this:
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And, like, it kind of matters that he dresses like this specific breed of pretentious male douchebag; on a meta level, that's the impression he's supposed to give the audience, and on a diegetic level, he CHOOSES to look like this because he has these kinds of interests, but is relegating them to secondary accessories.
We never hear him talk about liking hipster shit; we have to hear it from Karkat and glean it from his design. This is because, as I've talked about before, he actively distances himself from things that make him happy, things that he'd enjoy. The constant push-pull between his ACTUAL interests, and the ones he thinks he has to have because he's supposed to be a big nasty sea dweller, is a huge part of his characterization - for example, the way he keeps claiming that magic and wizards are fake and shitty, but has no less than 6 wizard statues in his respiteblock alone, and cared about his crappy wands enough to bring them onto the meteor.
So that's one of my other issues with March Eridan and the general fanon that he'd be really into femme clothes (and, by extension, fashion) - he wouldn't be forthcoming about it, even if it was true. He has a deep sense of shame and insecurity surrounding what few interests he actually has, because they feel stupid, ridiculous, and frivolous, next to the intense anxiety he has about playing the role society gave him. He's got a very strong sense of duty that makes it very difficult for him to relax and actually enjoy something. Which, you know, probably feeds into his hipster-ness - a movement often defined more by what it doesn't approve of than what it does.
Canon Eridan, when he has a choice of what to wear, overwhelmingly chooses masculine clothing with hipster connotations. And this matters, it's part of his characterization, it says something about him, the same way that it's important that Karkat dresses very simply and baggily (we all know how many insecurities Karkat has about his body) or that Sollux's bifurcation is shown in his clothes. So please please please don't misunderstand my dislike of March Eridan as me saying I don't want him in dresses; I purely dislike it because it's usually SUCH a misread of his character.
And to prove it, here's my other gripe with March Eridan stuff: all the dresses shown in the not-canon "official" artworks don't even flatter his bodytype. Why do his custom mannequins in Pesterquest have CURVES when his Pesterquest sprite doesn't?????
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Please, I'm begging you, there are guides for dressing this body type, and even historical fashions that deliberately try to emulate this body type, please if you're going to dress him femme and HC that he enjoys fashion, please put him in clothes that flatter him please
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I think Eridan should own some femme clothes, because on Alternia, there are very few differences between the genders, he's rich enough to afford it, and he clearly has more of an interest in fashion in general - but I think the fact that he has a clear canon preference for masculine styles is significant, and I'm really annoying, so it kind of does bothers me that this is a controversial opinion. That being said, I don't want to tell people what they Should and Should Not do, because that's lame. Who cares. He's a fictional character, let people draw him in dresses. Would be very happy if this post causes people to draw him in different styles of dresses though :pray:
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cosmichawk · 10 months
It's that time of year again so here are xmas harbingers edits by yours truly
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obsidianmichi · 4 months
The crazy part about Star Trek Online is that it's stuffed full of cameos and missions that repeatedly star characters from the main cast of every major Star Trek show except, I think, Enterprise, Strange New Worlds, and Lower Decks.
Like you can go on a fully voiced adventure with Michael Burnham and Seven of Nine in her Fenris Rangers era to decide whether the Excalbians will embrace good or evil and fight Seven's evil simulation created body double.
Worf, voiced by Michael Dorn, Worf is in the major Iconian missions and a central figure for Klingon players as they shoot up the ranks.
Martok, voiced by John Garman Hertzler Jr. (rescue him from the Tzenkethi and go on so many missions together as random space adventures, and he's just like he is in DS9.)
Almost the entire cast of Deep Space Nine, including René Auberjonois's final voicework as Odo before his passing, the same for Aron Eisberg as Nog, Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys, and there's an entire episode where you play as Quark and his Ferengi friends stealing from Iconians. Even Salome Jens pops up as the Female Changeling to play a villain in the Gamma Quandrant arcs. Plus, Chase Masterson got in ahead of them all to chew through the scenery as Leeta's Mirror counterpart, Admiral Leeta!
Levar Burton as Geordi LaForge!
Janeway and Mirror Janeway voiced by Kate Mulgrew. (Mirror Janeway is a Borg Queen!)
Denise Crosby as my Romulan main's new adopted mother, Empress Sela and her mother, Natasha Yar. There's also Tuvok (my love!), Tom Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Jason Isaacs voicing Prime Gabriel Lorca (!!) in the Discovery missions, Tilly and my much beloathed nemesis Mirror Tilly, Stamets, and Michael Burnham. Most recently we've gotten Mirror Wesley Crusher and Mirror Doctor Crusher during Picard's third season, and Ezri Dax in the latest episodes.
There's also Leonard Nemoy, who voiced the major exploration sections and Fed character level ups in the initial game but that's been in at launch.
It's honestly impressive. Every time I turn around it feels like another Star Trek alum is lending their voice to the game. Star Trek Online is somehow the most blessed and the most cursed tie-in game in existence. The dream and the hellscape for Star Trek fans.
Also, the space combat is genuinely really fun.
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aeb-art · 9 months
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soooo… i did another comic with geo (who of course belongs to @8um8le)! it ending up stretching the page quite a bit, so the rest is under the cut o7
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and geo proceeded to win every single round of pool that night, the end, thank you for reading this far 🙇
i'm still not super confident in writing for geo, but i had too much fun with this to care ehehe 🥰 this is the year of indulgence, everyone!
edit: i just realized that I PUT THE CIRCUITS ON THE WRONG ARM! it's supposed to be on my right not my left, oh i'm so mad 😭💔
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Okay I understand where people are coming from with the "emotional suppression in Vulcans is learned not genetic" talk re: "Charades" but, consider......... the emotional suppression is muscle memory, and the aliens took away the mental muscles that remembered how to do it. It's a crude metaphor on my part, but that was the way I saw it.
Also consider: it's a sci fi show using extremely high-concept bullcrap science on a weekly basis and maybe nitpicking it is a fruitless endeavor because none of it is going to make sense otherwise and enjoying the ride for what it is is a much more enjoyable way to engage with this franchise. Sometimes you need to shrug and let dumb things happen and laugh.
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elysianymph · 1 year
to make up for the angst i tormented you all with the other day: regulus having a crisis ft. barty having the time of his life
“She asked me if I wanted to go to the beach with them and I replied ‘I love swimming’,” Regulus says in a quiet, horrified tone. He grabs his pillow and tries to smother himself with it, all while screaming: “Who says that!?”
Regulus doesn't even need to look up to see the smirk Barty is wearing on his face. “Hey, look at the bright side,” Barty begins and Regulus already knows he will make the situation worse with whatever he’ll say next. “At least you didn't grab your crush by the arm while you were drunk and, when you felt how strong his arm was, ask him ‘are you flexing or are you just hard?’”
Regulus lets out another scream of anger, agony, rage, disbelief, betrayal. He can't believe he is still friends with this traitor.
Reluctantly, Regulus raises his head away from the pillow just enough to see the smirk growing on Barty’s face. He pays no attention to the darkening of Regulus’ glare. And then, barely containing his laughter, Barty says: “Oh wait, that was you too.”
“Shut up, Bartemius!” Regulus yells out, throwing his pillow at Barty. He tries and fails to catch the pillow and is hit in the face, the force of the impact sending him toppling onto the floor. None of that stops his cackling laughter as Regulus sulks in his own embarrassment, face probably as red as the Gryffindor uniform.
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storfulsten · 11 months
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my silly viera wol alt bc reasons uwu
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taegularities · 1 month
just thinking thoughts
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danielsarmand · 2 months
breaking my silence (was never silent about it) but the One Thing i hate the most about this godforsaken fandom is its obsession with a character that was there for like two scenes and had the most underwhelming basic underdeveloped relationship with one of the mains
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butterflieswhisper · 3 months
hi sorry seeing a lot of "now that whisps seen this," and "oh whisps here we can't talk about that" and i would like to clarify. i do not care about spoilers you can post and talk about whatever you want forever . if keeping me spoiler free is part of the fun that's fine and have fun!!! but like i don't want anyone to feel like they have to avoid stuff because i am here now if that's not like. enjoyable for them . ykwim. you can do whatever you want forever do not let my presence as Fan stop you or whatever
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I'm just imagining Cucurucho locking Phil inside that house and then he immediately gets swarmed by thousands of crows all divebombing him to peck and scratch him up.
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Three Act Tragedy - Dress Rehearsal
Egg, Charles and the others attend what was supposed to be a dress rehearsal, but unfortunately it takes a dark turn....
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bhaalschosen · 4 months
i am choosing to be excited about datv. i could choose not to like there is stuff i could complain about but i want to be excited and there's so many people doing the overly critical thing already i'm like ok they got flaws but i'm just gonna enjoy this. i like dragon age and i like how things look so far and i wanna be an elf and do magic again. im gonna lesbian kiss lace harding after many years of awaiting the chance to kiss a dwarf girl and that's all i need
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madeimpact · 8 months
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No okay not to be a party pooper but I'll go to bat for Donald. Obviously his AI in the gameplay is...not great at times and we all love to have a good haha about it. But for the purposes of writing on this blog, Sora probably makes fun of Donald every now and then like "ohhh woe is me how could you not spare some MP for poor old me" but never really means it. Donald's got a hard job keeping everyone alive and Sora fully acknowledges that he would be long dead without Donald's help
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