#“Ruin has come to our family” YEAH NO KIDDING
angrybatgaming · 1 month
I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT STUCK IN A SECRET ROOM FOR A MINUTE OR TWO. DANG PS4 CONTROLS!!!! *shakes fist* Second time it's happened, actually.
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milkywaygalaxygurl · 2 months
Sleepy Whispers - Art Donaldson
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Request: cuddling with art, I see him talking about his and reader's future, how he'd definitely be a girl dad and he'd totally spoil his little princess and just major fluff yk, art's getting sleepy and reader’s just playing with his hair
i really hope y’all like this one, i love writing this kind of fluff and i just know art would be the cutest in a situation like this:’)
Pairing: Art Donaldson x Female!Reader
Warnings: talk of starting a family, suggestive flirting, nothing else really lol this is just fluffy:)
Word Count: 663
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Laying in bed with Art had to be one of your favorite things in the world. Especially when he’s sleepy like this, his usual clinginess amplified and his sleepy grins making you swoon. It was nice to see Art relaxed, it felt like he was always so focused on being an amazing tennis player that he often forgot to take a second to breathe and think about something else.
Seeing him like this, his head resting in your lap and his eyes shut in pure bliss made you fall even more in love with him. You’re staring down at him when his eyes open, his lips splitting into a cheeky grin. “What are you staring at?”
“My handsome and amazing boyfriend.” You pretend not to notice the way his cheeks tinge pink, but it has to be one of the most adorable things you’ve ever seen. He sits up from your lap and you whine, asking him where he’s going.
“Calm down, I just wanna look at you better.” He laughs, moving behind you. You squeal as he pulls you into his lap, slapping his chest when you’re finally settled and straddling him.
“You could’ve told me to move, you didn’t have to manhandle me.” You pout at him and he laughs, shaking his head.
“I thought you liked me manhandling you.” He wiggles his eyebrows and you gasp, swatting him on the chest again. He laughs, shaking his head at your dramatic reaction.
You stay like that for a while, admiring each other in a comfortable silence. Your hips eventually start to hurt from the way you’re sitting so, much to Art’s amusement, you flop beside him. He giggles as he turns on his side to look at you, a lovesick look in his eyes.
“Do you ever think of starting a family?” The question comes out of the blue, your eyebrows raising as you look at him.
“Honestly, yeah. Especially with you.” You say it sheepishly, your cheeks tinging pink at the admission.
“So you think about fuc-”
You cut him off before he can even finish speaking, “Art don’t you dare ruin this cute moment.” He laughs, throwing his hands up in defense.
“Sorry, sorry. I think about starting a family with you too. We’d obviously have to get married first, but I definitely see that happening in the future.” His words make your heart flutter, you’d never really talked about this with Art before.
“How many kids would you want?” Your hand finds its way to his hair, your fingers brushing through the blonde locks. He hums softly, his eyes shutting.
“One or two, but I don’t care how many we have as long as we have a daughter.” His words make you chuckle and he halfway open his eyes to give you a questioning look.
“I’ve always imagined you as a girl dad when I would think about our future. I can see you spoiling her, making sure she has everything she could want and more. Playing dress up with her, going to daddy-daughter dances. You’d treat her like a little princess.”
He grins, nodding his head with his eyes still closed. “You’d be my queen and she’d be our princess. You guys wouldn’t have to worry about a thing.”
You can tell he’s nearly half asleep from the way he’s talking, his words slightly slurred. One of the many things you loved about Art is that he’d almost always be out like a light if you ran your fingers through his hair.
Before you can even open your mouth to respond, he’s snoring softly. You giggle, shaking your head. You shuffle closer towards him and he instinctively reaches out for you, pulling you into his chest. You close your eyes, a small smile on your face as you fantasize about the family you’d one day have with Art.
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
“Why are you wearing cologne?” Dustin asks after barely one second in the van.
“I’m not,” Eddie says, and promptly wants to die at how unconvincing that was. It’s not even technically a lie…
He makes it out of the school parking lot with Dustin saying jackshit, so for a little while, he thinks he’s gotten away with it.
More fool him.
Dustin abruptly lunges to the side, all up in his face like the world’s most dedicated sniffer dog.
“Ew, gross! Get off, man, I’m gonna crash,” Eddie says, even though they’ve been at a stop light for the past minute.
“Okay, correction,” Dustin says, drawing back. “Why are you wearing Steve’s cologne?”
Eddie stares into the middle distance, prays for The Upside Down to come and swallow him up.
An agonising silence.
“Oh my god,” Dustin whisper-screams. “Oh my god.”
“Look, just—”
“Oh my god!”
And yup, ow, that’s definitely become a full blown scream now, and double ow, Dustin has just socked him one in the arm.
“What the fuck, Eddie?! How could you not—”
“Jesus! Take a damn chill pill, Henderson, I swear to—”
“Since when you do you say shit like—oh my God, Steve says shit like that. You can’t let him get to you like this, Eddie, you’re too young to die.”
“What does that even mean?”
Dustin keeps jiggling Eddie by the arm as he pulls up to Dustin’s house. Even when his stomach is jangling with nerves, he can’t fight a smile at the kid’s antics.
“Holy shit, this is big,” Dustin says with wide eyes, and it bothers Eddie that he can’t get a hold of what sort of expression is on his face. “This is huge.”
And all of a sudden, it doesn’t seem all that funny anymore.
“It’s not,” Eddie says quietly. “It’s really not. It doesn’t have to be, like… look, Dustin, can we just—if it bothers you, just drop it, and we can pretend like—”
“Wait, what? No.” And now Eddie can read the remorse on his face. “Shit, sorry. Eddie, I didn’t mean, like… big in a bad way, I swear.”
And goddamn it, Eddie trusts him. Of course he does.
“Okay.” He lets out a long sigh, tipping his head back in his seat. “Okay.”
“I just meant… like, you know The Royal Family? In England.”
“Oh, please, run with this analogy,” Eddie says, a mixture of curious and hysterical, “I’m dying to see where it goes.”
“You know, when they have news, they put it outside the… Palace? Like, on a stand. So people know.”
“Are you fucking implying that you are the public to our… wow, I’m so sorry, Henderson.” Eddie can’t take it anymore; he wheezes with laughter, can’t hide how relieved he sounds. “Next time I’ll ruin your front lawn and put a huge fucking sign there, then you’ll know that—”
“I didn’t mean it literally, asshole. I just…” Dustin shrugs. “Just meant if you wanted to, like… mention it. It would be cool. It is cool.”
“Cool,” Eddie echoes faintly.
“Cool,” Dustin repeats, emphatic.
Jesus Christ, I love you so much.
“Aw, Henderson,” Eddie says, “were you gonna make us a card or something?”
“Do you want a card?” Dustin says dryly.
And yeah, he’s being a little shit about it, but there’s also a note of sincerity hiding in there that has Eddie fighting a lump in his throat. He chuckles through it, flicks Dustin’s forehead.
“C’mon, get out before your mom thinks I’ve kidnapped you.”
“She thinks you’re an angel now, and you know it. It’s horrifying.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m a Saint.”
Eddie waits until Dustin’s at his front door before reversing, watches him with silent fondness as he greets his cat.
He says through the side window, “Hey, Dustin?”
Dustin turns back. “Yeah?”
“We’d have told you first anyway. We were gonna, I swear.” Eddie scoffs. Smiles. “Not our fault you’re Sherlock Holmes, man.”
Dustin smirks, but his eyes are soft. “It was pretty elementary.”
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skyahri · 3 months
How They Found Out P2 |Naruto Men X Reader| HC
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Characters: Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Kakashi Hatake
Summary: The aftermath of your relationship becoming public. Part two to How They Found Out
Warnings: Mentions of sex, marriage, kids. Pretty low key tbh.
Part One
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Sasuke Uchiha
What an absolute nightmare.
Once you heard the front door shut, Sasuke basically collapsed on top of you.
He groaned. His night had been ruined, and on top of it, Naruto was sure to cause drama for the coming days.
"It's okay, Sasuke. They were sure to find out anyway."
"Our relationship going public and Naruto catching us having sex are two very different issues, and it's a bit concerning that you think I'm worried about the latter."
You kick him off of you with a laugh and suggest a shower. There was no way your escapades could continue on after all the fuss.
The next morning, you basically had to drag Sasuke out of the house.
He'd been moaning and groaning and grumbling since last night, so much so that he started to sound like Shikamaru.
Who knew Sasuke could complain so much.
Once you were out the door and the second your friend's eyes caught you, they pounced.
All at once, they hounded you about what Naruto may or may not have seen (Naruto has a habit of being a bad storyteller, so who knows what actually went down)
Sasuke refused to answer any questions until the chaos had settled down. They did eventually, albeit reluctantly.
"It's true."
That just sent them all reeling again, begging for details.
You two already discussed what you'd keep secret and what you'd share, so the meeting went pretty smoothly once everyone agreed to keep their composure.
Until fucking Sakura started asking questions about your sex life.
After that, you zipped your mouth and refused to answer anything further.
They'd just have to live on not knowing anything.
Shikamaru Nara
After news got out, Ino decided it was her place to convince Shikamaru to, in her words, "be a man and ask her out already!"
He ignored her, convinced she was full of it and brushed her off.
But her words lingered in his head.
Your friends were all beginning to settle down; Naruto and Hinata had just gotten married. Talk of kids had started to circulate in the group.
Were you wanting marriage and children?
The slow buzzing quickly turned into an almost constant fog in his mind. He'd never been so distracted before.
What a drag.
Within the week, he was knocking on your door.
"I need to ask you about something."
Weird. You could read him pretty well at this point, but this energy he was putting off was new.
"What's up, Shika?"
"Do you want to get married?"
Your eyes widened and jaw dropped. When you tried to answer, you found yourself at a loss of words.
"I mean, damnit, I- do you want to get married eventually? Or have kids at some point?"
You stared at him like he had two heads.
"Are you feeling alright? Why don't you come inside?"
He didn't fight you. He walked in and sat at your table in silence while you made him some tea.
You'd pried it out of him that Ino was behind this sudden change, and assured him that things would be okay.
"Look, I never brought it up because I know you're not a feelings guy, buy yeah, I guess I would like to have a family. I thought that's what you wanted, too?"
He got that irritated look on his face. The one he always gets when people ask him to work.
"It is, but,"
"But don't worry about it. I work on your time, so whenever you're ready."
You gave him a kiss on the cheek.
He let out a sigh of relief, glad to have fallen into such a situation with someone who understands him so well.
"Not too long, though. It's been almost two years, Shika."
On second thought, this was a total drag.
Kakashi Hatake
The next morning, you two made sure to bump into his students.
They seemed rather pleased with themselves, that they had been the ones to finally catch Kakashi lacking.
It only took a single look for Sasuke to realize it was all fake. They'd been bested by their sensei once again.
That quick glance he got from Kakashi told him not to say anything to the others, which he hadn't planned on anyway.
"Kakashi sensei, why didn't you ever tell us you were seeing someone?"
He set a hand on Sakuras head and ruffled her hair.
"I try not to share my personal matters with children. That's what friends are for."
Enter Gai, who happened to hear.
"You didn't tell us either, Kakashi."
He just shrugged, sending Gai into a fit.
News traveled fast in the village. What else is to be expected when romance rumors come up about the Hokage?
Kakashi was actually very calm about the whole thing.
Despite dreading this day for a long time, he was actually very content with the outcome.
There had been so much going on when you initially got together. Wars and death and PTSD and all that.
But now was a time of peace. A perfect time to actually start living, and this was just the beginning.
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togrowoldinv · 9 months
Worth the Wait
Milf!Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader
When Wanda calls you after five years of no contact, you go to her house to talk to her. Some old (and some new) feelings come to light
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, mommy kink, oral (R and W receiving), fingering
Note: Enjoy!
Milf Wanda Masterlist, Main Masterlist
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Wanda was a constant in your life until one day she wasn’t. It’s the classic story that is as old as time. She met someone and went off to start a family.
You tried not to let the distance between you two bother you, but deep down in your core it did.
Wanda had always been your friend, your shoulder to cry on, and sometimes even your release for when you both needed to just let loose. You didn’t mean to get attached to her, not really, but she was so beautiful.
Five years have passed since you last saw Wanda. So, when she called you today you didn’t know what to say. Wanda asked you to come to her home and that she needed you. For no reason other than the fact that you have feelings for her still, you drove a few hours to her house.
You stand outside now, ready to knock on the door. Your heart pounds in your chest.
“Y/n!” Wanda says when she opens the door. “Thank you for coming.”
She throws herself into your arms and hugs you. You’re taken aback but you wrap your arms around her waist eventually. You follow her inside once the hug is over.
“What’s going on, Wanda?” You ask her.
“Well, I just wanted to talk to you about some things that have happened,” Wanda says. “Please sit. I’ll get you a drink.”
You nod and sit on the couch to wait for Wanda. You notice the photos on the bookshelves that line the living room. Not one has Wanda’s husband in it.
“Hope you still like white wine,” Wanda says as she walks back into the living room.
“I do,” you say. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Wanda sits a few feet from you, careful not to be too close. You take a sip of the wine. It’s decent, but you’re too confused by this interaction to really care.
“So, I’ll just come right out and say it,” Wanda begins. “Vision and I got a divorce.”
You try not to physically react to her news. And keep your voice steady as you speak.
“I’m sorry, Wanda. That must be hard,” you say.
“It hasn’t been the easiest thing, but it’s better than how our marriage was going,” Wanda explains. There’s a hint of sadness to her voice but she seems otherwise content. “The boys are okay. They’re adjusting to the split custody.”
“May I ask why you guys called it quits?” You ask. “Only if you want to talk about it.”
“Yeah, you can ask,” Wanda says. “I guess we just weren’t in the same place in life. He was working a lot and I wanted to have more kids. It just wasn’t possible for us to get through a day without yelling at each other and ruining everything we built.”
You nod along with her words. All of these things are what you worried about happening to Wanda. You knew she settled back when she got married and started a family. Of course, you never told her that though.
“And I think that I just always wanted something different,” Wanda admits. She moves half an inch closer to you. A small amount, but you notice.
“So you’re happy now?” You ask her.
“I think I’m on my way to being happy, yes,” Wanda says. “Y/n, I’m really sorry I lost touch with you.”
“It happens.” You shrug. “You had a whole family to tend to.”
“It’s no excuse,” Wanda says. “Can I be honest?”
“Yeah, always.”
Wanda now makes a more pronounced move towards you and she sits right against you. Her thigh brushes yours. She looks deeply into your eyes.
“I pushed you away because I think I was in love with you,” Wanda says.
“Oh, Wanda, I-“
“No, you don’t have to say anything,” she says quickly. “I just- I wanted you to know.”
You shake your head. You don’t want her to change the subject. Instead, your body moves on instinct and you place your hand on her face.
“Wanda,” you whisper. “I was in love with you too.”
She gasps just a little bit and you take the opportunity to lean in and kiss her lips. It’s soft at first, slow and gentle as you remember the feeling of her lips on yours.
“Fuck, I need you,” Wanda mumbles against your lips. “I miss the way you used to touch me.”
“Yeah?” You ask. “Wanda, when’s the last time someone touched you properly?”
“The last time you did, baby,” Wanda says. “No one ever touches mommy the right way.”
Her words go straight to your core and you ache for her. Some things never change. You kiss her again. This time with all the fervency you can muster.
Your hands find their way under her shirt and you lift it over her head. Pushing Wanda back onto the couch, you get to work kissing down her neck. Wanda lets out beautiful sounds as you do so.
“God, I missed you,” Wanda says. “I want you to fuck me, baby.”
“I will, mommy,” you tell her.
You move your focus to her breasts. They’ve gotten bigger since you last had sex with her. Your fingers take on one nipple as your mouth plays with the other.
“Suck on them,” Wanda says. She pulls your head further into her. You do as she says.
When she starts getting sensitive, she whimpers at your every suckle.
“Y/n, fuck, that feels so good,” Wanda moans.
Eventually, you move down her body and slip her pants off. She’s not wearing any underwear, so you dive into her. You lick a long stripe up her wet pussy. Wanda shivers at the feeling.
“Oh, I’ve missed this. All for me,” you say before you lick at her again.
“All for you, sweetheart,” Wanda says.
You take her clit in your mouth and use your fingers to make her feel good. Wanda moans as you move your fingers in and out of her.
“I’m going to come,” Wanda says, her head thrown back in pleasure.
You pick up the pace and Wanda coats your fingers with cum. Letting her body relax, you slowly stop your movements.
When you sit up, you bring your fingers to Wanda’s mouth.
“I know you want to suck on them, Mommy,” you say.
Wanda’s mouth opens in shock but also to suck your fingers. She takes her time licking every digit clean. You feel heat pooling in your underwear at the sight.
“It’s your turn,” Wanda says.
She kisses you and practically rips your clothes off. You let her take control. Wanda lays back and pulls your hips to position your center over her face.
She licks you as her hands grip your ass. You move your hips at a quick pace to fuck yourself with her tongue.
“Wanda,” you gasp out as you get close.
“Mmm,” she hums against you, perfectly content.
You come hard against her and she cleans you up. Wanda moves back to an upright position and pulls you into her lap. She kisses you and runs her tongue along yours.
“You’ve always had my heart and my body,” Wanda says. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize that sooner.”
“We have each other now, Wanda,” you say.
“I love you,” she says.
“I love you too.”
You kiss her lips and you both are ready to taste each other again.
From that day forward, Wanda is a constant in your life again. And so are her two boys. Sometimes love just takes its sweet time, but Wanda was well worth the wait.
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hunterofartemis7 · 4 months
*bat family going out for dinner and inviting Raven*
Bruce: so where does everyone want to go?
Jason: let’s go to a Steak House!
Damian: you always say that!
Jason: and we never go cause you’re vegetarian!
Damian: find a steak place with vegetarian options and I’ll go!
Bruce: boys! Behave
Tim: why don’t we go to the Mexican place on Main?
Dick: no way! My insides still haven’t recovered!
Jason: not our fault you can’t handle spice
Duke: isn’t there a new restaurant down town
Selina: absolutely not. I just went with Ive and Harley and I am not subjecting my kids to that trash
Steph: what about Chinese?
Damian: Cass is allergic
Steph: shit i forgot! Sorry cass!
Cass: *signs* it’s okay
Bruce: *looks at Raven through the review mirror* Raven? You have any preference or some where specific you’d like to go?
Raven: *shakes head* I’m fine with anything really, I’m not picky
Jason: what about sea food!? There’s a place across from Di’Angelos and they have vegetarian options
Bruce: sounds good to me
Duke: me too
Dick: me three
Cass/steph/dami/tim/; works for me
Raven: *fidgeting with her hands*
Selina: Raven sugar, you okay?
Raven: yes, I’m fine..
Selina: okay
*pulls up to the restaurant*
Jason: finally! I can’t remember the last time I have sea food!
Damian: *opens the door for raven*
Raven: thank you, Dami. *gets out*
Damian: *notices she has an epi pen* what’s that
Raven:..my epi pen..
Bruce: why do you have an epi pen?
Raven: just in case…I go into anaphylaxis..
Jason: why would you go into anaphylaxis?
Raven:…*looks down*
Selina: wait are you allergic to sea food?!
Dami: what!? Habibti why didn’t you say something!?
Raven: because I didn’t want to be a bother…..since yall invited me out with you..
Bruce: raven speaking up about an allergy is not being a bother! That’s your health and that should always come first.
Tim: how bad is your allergy?
Tim: how bad?
Raven:..I’m already feeling sick and I’m not even in the building yet..
Jason: okay we’re leaving.
Dick: yeah we can go anywhere else. Heck there is an Italian place across the street.
Raven: y’all don’t have to do that.
Dami: Beloved your health is more important than some fucking fish
Steph: agreed.
Dick: And are you okay rn? Do you need some water or anything? You said you felt sick
Raven: no..no I’m okay
Dami: you sure? Cause we can get you some if your not feeling good
Raven: I’m okay..really.
Dick: if you say so..
Steph: Btw, do you do this often?
Raven: do what?
Steph: put your health last instead of speaking up?
Steph: I’ll take that as a yes
*everyone gets back in the car*
Dick: wait if you’re allergic to sea food, than what do you do when there’s a crab boil at the tower?
Raven: lock myself in my room and try not to vomit..or pretend to eat and keep my epi pen close..
Bruce: does Kori not know about this?
Selina: why not?
Raven: cause I didn’t want to bother anyone with it..
Selina: *sighs* I’m calling her later
Raven: I’m sorry..
Dami: beloved you have nothing to apologize for. It’s okay
Raven: but everyone seemed so happy about sea food and I ruined it
Jason: girl no you didn’t. It’s okay
Raven: but—
Tim: no buts. Hey we can’t eat Chinese when Cass is around, and we keep it away from her at all times. we have no issues with that. And We have no problem doing the same for you.
Cass: *signs* yeah, your family now. We take care of each other
Dami: *kisses her cheek* your stuck with us Beloved.
Jason: yeah. Now, let’s get some pizza!
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mynameismckenziemae · 2 months
Part 14
(previous part here)
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x You
Summary: It’s the end.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI! A little smut, p in v, biting, a little exhibitionism (kinda?), use of a makeshift gag, overstimulation, etc.
A few weeks later on a beautiful spring Saturday, you became Mrs. Bradshaw.
There wasn’t a dry eye in the church as your dad escorted you down the aisle in a beautiful white gown (your mom insisted it was fine for you to wear white, since “no one’s a virgin anymore when they get married”) to Bradley, looking handsome as ever in his dress blues.
It was a small, intimate ceremony with only your family, Mav, and Penny present due to the short notice, but the plan was to have a larger reception the following year after the baby arrived.
After the emotional vows, exchanging of rings and the pronunciation of husband and wife, a small get-together is held at your parent’s house.
There are a few tears shed but a lot more laughter when the toasts are given. You notice Charlie discreetly switching her full flute of champagne out with Jake’s but he fails to notice.
It’s when she knocks over her chair in haste to get to the bathroom when Jake sets a plate of food in front of her that your suspicions are confirmed.
“You okay?” You ask when she comes back a few minutes later, leaning on your brother and pale as a ghost.
“Yeah,” she replies with a forced smile. But her lip begins to quiver before she bursts into tears.
“What’s wrong?” You ask as you rub her back. You look to Jake but he’s just as confused as you.
“I’m so sorry, I just found out this morning,” she sobs, “I didn’t want to take away from your special day and here I am making a big scene.”
“Found out what this morning?” Jake asks, still not connecting the dots.
“That I’m pregnant,” she replies, smiling briefly before her face crumples again. “I was planning on telling you tonight with this cute onesie and now I fucking ruined it like I ruined their wedding day-“
She cuts off with an ‘oomph’ as Jake wraps her in his arms. Even Mav has tears in his eyes at the scene unfolding.
“You didn’t ruin anything,” you assure her, hugging her when it’s finally your turn. “In fact, the news made it even better.”
“Really?” She asks, wet tears hitting your shoulder.
“Really,” you confirm, laughing through your own as the news settles in. “Oh my God, this is amazing! Our babies are gonna grow up together, Charlie.”
“God help us all,” Tom mumbles, gasping when Ruth gives him a pinch. “Hey! I was kidding!”
Bradley takes you to a sleepy little beach town for your honeymoon/babymoon 3 months later, shortly after finding out you’re having a girl.
Her initial tiny flutters were turning into more pronounced kicks but Bradley had yet to feel anything. The little stinker ceases all movement the moment he touches your stomach.
The second trimester has been a breeze; the nausea is gone and your mood swings level out while your sex drive seems to increase with every passing week.
You’re insatiable, which isn’t a bad thing considering Bradley can’t keep his hands off your body, especially your growing belly.
“How do I look?” You ask under the shade of the cabana he rented as you drop your swimsuit cover revealing a bikini underneath before giving him a spin. “The top is a little small-“
You laugh as he desperately yanks down the sunshade, giving you some privacy.
“Shhhh,” you shush him a few minutes later after he fails to bite back his groan as you ride him at a steady, unforgiving pace. “Gotta be quiet.”
“I can’t-fuck!” His eyes roll back when you pinch his nipple at the same time you pinch one of yours. “I’m trying.”
“Try harder,” you pant, smirking down at him. “Or I’ll make you.”
He chuckles breathlessly. “I’d like to see you try-shit,” he rasps when you lean forward to suck a bruise near his collarbone while your hand reaches for your discarded bikini bottoms.
His eyes fly open and his hips stutter when you force the material into his mouth, sadly muffling his wrecked sounds.
You’re getting close but he cums soon after, unable to hold off with you on top of him and the taste of your arousal on his tongue.
You ride him faster, pushing him into overstimulation as you chase your orgasm. He trembles under you and a quiet whimper escapes when you sink your teeth into his pec, right underneath the bruise you sucked moments earlier as the waves of pleasure wash over you.
“What about Iris?” Bradley asks, playing with your hair as he again searches for baby names.
Your first suggestion when you had found out her gender had been Carole or at least a variation to honor his mom, but he shook his head with an exasperated sigh before telling you how she forbade it after she got sick. Apparently, she had never cared for her name, but begrudgingly agreed to let it be a middle name; as long as the future mom agreed.
“Hmm?” You hum sleepily against his chest.
Between the sunshine, fresh air, and good sex, you’re ready for a nap. The slow swaying of the hammock you’re in isn’t helping.
“Iris. For her name,” he replies, setting his phone aside before kissing your forehead. “It’s pretty and it means ‘rainbow’; which is fitting since she’s a rainbow baby.”
Hot tears swim in your eyes as he heals yet another part of you that he didn’t break. You lift your head to look at him. “Yes. It’s perfect,” you whisper, tilting your chin to request a kiss. “You’re perfect. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replies, bringing his arm around to palm your stomach. “And you, Iris Carole Bradshaw.”
That’s when she gives him her biggest kick yet.
“Whoa,” he laughs, delighted, “did you feel that? She kicked! Wow.”
“I think she likes the name too,” you smile, placing your hand over his.
Iris graces the world with her presence a few months later, followed by her cousin, ‘Lou’ Seresin not long after, both perfect in every way.
The end.
A/N: Welllllllll that’s the end! I’m not sure how to feel.
Sorry if it seemed rushed, I realize I really suck at wrapping things up 🥴
Anyone else want to cry when Bradley suggested the name Iris? 🙋🏻‍♀️
Also (maybe it’s obvious but just in case it’s not) Louisa is both a nod to Emma (middle name Lou) and Charlie’s late mama, Lisa.
If there’s anything you want me to add or answer, let me know! My inbox is always open ☺️
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in comments/reblogs!
Tagging (please let me know if you want to be added/removed!):
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thelighthousestale · 6 months
Peter Pettigrew Headcanons
He came from a working-class family. Raised by a single mum
He doesn’t know his father
While he did not grow up in a blood supremacist family he grew up with the same prejudices and assumptions that many wizarding families have about muggles. He finds them odd and different. 
Peter was one of those kids who lit ants on fire and threw rocks at people while standing on bridges. Being mean = power = being important
Definitely heard his mum or grandparents say muggle-borns have it easy or get extra benefits from the government (which isn’t true) and that’s why Peter’s mum has to work so hard.
Very excited to befriend Sirius and James because of their families' positions in wizarding society. He’ll be cool and popular by association
Yes, Sirius family are dicks to him but he doesn’t understand why he’d give up such a cush life and run away. Thinks Sirius doesn’t know how lucky he has it
Has always enjoyed playing mind games with his friends and other people to make himself have better favor in group dynamics
Was always the best at getting out of detention and coming up with lies on the spot
Made the rudest jokes out of the marauders 
He isn’t dumb. He just isn’t good at school. He became an animagus at 15. He is powerful, OK? Upset that no one sees it and he can’t really brag about being an illegal animagus.
Really likes that he’s the one that gets to push the knob on the whomping willow. Makes him feel indispensable.
James and Sirius mature in 6th and 7th year and their jokes aren’t so cruel anymore. Peter is caught off guard when they start (lightly) calling him out on some of his jokes. (I thought you’d find it funny? Why aren’t you laughing anymore? What, James you get a girlfriend and you can't be fun anymore?)
The slowdown in bullying is also combined with James, Remus, and Sirius's political awakening and further interest in fighting against Voldemort. Peter starts to feel alienated from their discussions. Peter is a-political at best
And like yes, James, dark magic is bad but isn’t it also cool? Like did you hear about the man who turned a bunch of dead bodies into snakes? Or did you hear about the spell that turns your guts inside out? Isn’t that impressive?? I bet you could learn that spell James, you’re powerful enough, right?
After Hogwarts Sirius and James live off their family money and devote themselves to the order full time. After Remus gets fired from a job James starts supporting him financially. Peter doesn’t have the luxury (looks like werewolves get benefits just like muggle-borns. Poor Pete is always left out)
Pete gets a job at the quidditch league offices which he thinks will be lots of fun and exciting, maybe he can swing tickets for him and his friends
But the job is really boring. He is tracking how much teams spend and data entry is the worst.
His order assignments are just as dull. He doesn’t go out on duels or covert operations. Dumbledore instructs him to get intell on Ministry offficals and Peter grows resentment, he wants to be more useful like his friends.
He gets further separate from his core group of friends as James marries Lily and eventually goes into hiding (peter thinks James is foolish for getting Lily pregant. way to mess up our fun, James!), Remus is doing super secret werewolf stuff, Sirius is off on his own order missions plus becoming increasingly protective of the potters. 
Peter starts meeting up with people at work, not death eaters but just a few people with storng ideas, and he’s like yeah, these guys are right muggle-borns and half-breeds are ruining our society
And he doesn’t hate Lily and Remus, no they are seperate from the developing idelogy. 
But then after a while his intell gathering and workmate meet-ups start to become his only social settings. And he is agreeing more and more with what they are saying
And he impresses the people he is gathering intell on with some of his knowledge on dark spells (not that he’s every performed them. He’s just interested in reading about them)
Its been a long time since Sirius and James found him impressive or amusing 
He goes to a couple of meet ups, and then a couple more
He enjoys these meetings more than order meetings. He doens’t feel underappreciated. 
He gets invited to a bigger meeting and oops its got full on known death eaters attending
James and Lily are fully in hiding. Voldemort is wining the war. 
Peter thinks he might as well just do what he needs to do to survive, everyone else is doing the same. But he's not going to be like James and hide like a coward.
And if he is going to survive he is going to be useful, important. In a better position than he was in the order. And then he’ll use that new position to help his friends when the war is over. He is so clever!
He willingly becomes a spy for Voldemort. He enjoys it. Its the best he ever felt about himself. He has secrets and information. He’s important.
He gets tested on his loyalty and is told to kill order members.
He actually enjoys murdering people (he is a serial murder in the books!) Reminds him of the same feeling he got when he threw rocks off of bridges but bigger.
He continues to climb up the Death Eater power structure. He enjoys watching the chaos unfold in The Order as they can’t figure out who the spy is
James asks him to be his secret keeper. He has a choice to make and he shows who he really is. He chooses power and manipulation over protecting people he used to (supposedly) love
And while this was all going on its important to remember that James, Remus, and Sirius all would have died for Peter. He was their friend. The betrayal is painful. The radicalization went unnoticed
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rebelliousstories · 7 months
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: Poly! Lost Boys x Reader
Fandom: Lost Boys
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Mentions of Vampirism, Brief Angst
Word Count: 2,404
Masterlist: Here
Summary: It’s Christmas time in the cave, and the Lost Boys mate is making sure that nothing ruins it for Laddie. Nothing and no one.
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Christmas in California. There is truly nothing like it. White snowy landscapes were traded in favor of warm white sandy beaches. Evergreens switched out for palm trees, and shorts and a shirt were considered instead of a winter coat. The boardwalk was as lively as ever. People looking to do their shopping and celebrate the festivities. And the infamous band of Lost Boys were there on the prowl. The boys rode up with their passengers, and scanned their eyes around. Far more locals were around this time of year, but that still did not mean that there were not plenty of tourists to feed from. It just meant they had to be a bit more careful. Star unwrapped her arms from around David and dismounted his bike, while Laddie was assisted off of Dwayne’s.
“Stay together this time. I don’t need Laddie coming to find us because you ditched him.” David called out before the duo left. Star turned back and shot him a dirty look, but said nothing as she turned her attention back to Laddie, and walked them around the boardwalk. Marko rubbed his hand across the arms that were wrapped around his waist from behind, feeling the jacket of his lover. She squeezed her arms around his once, twice, and then began to get off the bike with some assistance from the cherub faced vampire.
Paul came over quickly and stole the young lady away from Marko. Dwayne laughed at the pair as they briefly stumbled before moving to go down the boardwalk. She teased the lion haired man about messing up her makeup when he went in for a kiss, but it did not stop him from repeating the motion several times until he felt satisfied that he had gotten all the attention he deserved.
“Paul, you saw me a few minutes ago before we left.” She giggled out, as said vampire was placing many kisses to her neck and chest.
“Yeah, but Marko got to have you for the whole ride over. I missed my babe!” He exclaimed loudly, showing not a care in the world for anything around them.
“Paul, give her back!” And thus, a tug-of-war game was started between the terror twins of the pack. They kept taking the female from the other and fighting to keep her with them. This lasted for several minutes until she was suddenly taken away from the two. Her arms were secured around the naked chest of her dark haired lover. Dwayne embraced the girl and swatted away the hands of Paul and Marko as they tried to reach out. But before long, she was once again passed around. This time, into David’s waiting arms.
“Boys, behave.” He drawled at the two vampires who were still fighting nearby. They paid him no mind, yet continued to hit and grab at each other.
“Boys!” David barked, causing the two to stop in their tracks. Paul had Marko’s ponytail in his hand while Marko was wrapping him in a headlock.
“Stop fighting like children and get on with our night.” He stated slowly and calmly. The blondes released each other with a quick apology from one another. The group walked along the boardwalk once again. As they walked, the female kept switching whose arms she was in as to not have anymore instances like before. She kept watching families taking their children shopping for Christmas decorations, and kids lighting up when they saw toys they wanted Santa to bring them. It made her think about Laddie, the little brother of the pack. Her feet came to a halt as she watched little kids on the merry go round eagerly talking about Christmas Day. Dwayne came to stand behind her and rested his hands on her wait, his chin on her shoulder, and his eyes on the children.
“What’s eating your mind, princess?” He wondered quietly as he pressed a kiss to her neck from where his head was.
“Has Laddie ever had a proper Christmas?” She inquired of her lover, who was arguably the closet to the boy.
“I don’t think so. At least not with us. We’ve never really thought about it.” Dwayne murmured into his lover’s neck. She turned in his arms and wrapped her own around his neck.
“Why don’t we do that for his this year, huh? Presents, a tree, making him go to bed early so Santa can visit? He’d love it.” She gushed as the children in front of the couple continued to excitedly talk to each other.
“I’m all for it. I’m sure the others will be on board. Except we do have to deal with David.” Dwayne trailed off thinking about the bleach blonde vampire. They did not know how he would react to having a Christmas celebration but it was for Laddie; hopefully he would get on board.
Neither one brought up the subject the rest of the night. They did not bring it up when they returned to the boys, nor when Star and Laddie had eventually rejoined them. Laddie kept animatedly explaining how he actually was with Star the whole time, and they even took some spare change and rode a couple rides on the boardwalk. There was not much talking availability during the race down the beach, with everyone whooping and hollering as wind, sand, and sea water whipped around. When they made it down into the cave, Laddie had expressed an interest in going to bed early. The two women in there made sure he ate a little bit before tucking him in to bed together. When they returned, David beckoned their lover over and grabbed her hand before dragging her into his lap.
“Kitten,” he drawled out lazily, “Dwayne tells me you have something to ask of us?” His baby blue eyes pierced hers, and forced her to maintain eye contact with him. She could not look away from him even if she wanted to.
“Yes. Um, Laddie hasn’t had a proper Christmas, yeah? Not with us, or probably his original family. I just figured we could give him a good Christmas this time around. Plus it’s our first Christmas together. What do you say?” She looked out hopeful amongst the group of vampires and the one half. Dwayne looked pleased, Paul was calm kind of excited, Marko was chewing his thumb, Star was happy, and David was deep in thought. It was several minutes before anyone spoke.
“Well, is that all?” David piped up with. Her attention was brought back to the man whose lap she was stationed in. He held a small smirk on his face as he took one hand from his lover’s side and moved it to her face.
“If the kitten wants a Christmas for Laddie and us, who are we to deny her?” His words were so soft that her eyes shut without a second thought, and her face leaned deeper into the gloved hand against her face.
“Is that really the best idea?” Marko questioned from behind his hand that he was still chewing on. A pen drop could be heard throughout the cave. Turning around to face her cherub faced lover, she spoke up.
“And why would it not be a good idea to do this?” Her tone turned deadly as she stared him down. Marko sputtered and tried to come up with some sort of an answer but was unable to. She left her comfy vampire chair and made her way over to the fountain where he had found a spot to sit. Marko was still stuttering out a reply when she made it to him.
“Let me make one thing clear,” she placed her face right in front of his, “this is Laddie’s first real Christmas. This is my first Christmas with you guys. I want to see Laddie’s eyes light up when he gets presents and see that Santa has visited him. If anyone ruins that joy for that little boy o help me!” She hissed at her lover. Marko looked thoroughly scared for the first time in several decades. David began to chuckle which drew the pair’s attention to him. His hands clapped themselves together before throwing them open in a wide gesture.
“She’s in charge here, Marko. I wouldn’t question her. Kitten has claws it would seem.” He laughed, and lit a cigarette as he watched Marko nod and concede to their lover.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I just haven’t celebrated in so long. I’m afraid I’ve forgotten how.” Marko dropped his eyes down to the floor as his thumb found its way into his teeth yet again. His lover’s delicate hand caressed his cheek, before dropping down to his chin and bringing it up to her eyes.
“It’s like riding a bike, Marko. You never truly forget.” He smiled as he took in her words. That one smile let her know; this was going to be the best Christmas ever.
“Will you tell me another story?” Laddie begged as he laid in his little nest in the cave.
“I’ve already told you three, little one. How many more can I tell you?” She questioned, dropping ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas down beside Laddie’s bed.
“Please! Just one more!” He pleaded, making his eyes wide.
“Oh no. Did Paul teach you puppy eyes?” She raised an eyebrow teasingly at the boy.
“Sure did!” The distant shout of said vampire made both of them chuckle. She reached down and picked up another Christmas book to read to Laddie.
“How about ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas?’” She asked, showing him the front. He nodded eagerly but quickly tried to hide a yawn that threatened to past his lips.
“Or, you can go to bed now, and Santa will visit you to give you presents?” Her request made Laddie yawn again, and snuggle himself further into the covers. She leaned over and placed a kiss on his head.
“They’ll come say goodnight. Don’t worry.” She left and quickly went into the main part of the cave where everyone was busy moving presents in under the tree. Dwayne and Star saw her leave the little nest, and quickly abandoned their presents in favor of going to say goodnight to the boy. Instead, she took over placing the last few presents from herself and the pack all around the tree.
The cave was decorated with tinsel and garland, and little stockings hung around the fountain. A big Christmas tree with pretty silver and gold decorations littered the area nearest the wall. Now, with the addition of the presents, everything looked like a proper family Christmas. Each of her boys came over to give her a kiss goodnight before returning to their perch. Dwayne was the last to come to her, and he lingered just a little bit longer than normal, but said nothing. Her boys retreated further into the cave to escape the rising sun, and she could not wait to see Laddie’s face in a couple hours.
Just before sunset, she was awoken. Not by anything in particular, but just the general excitement of the day ahead. She waited by the entrance of the cave for the day to end, and was pleasantly surprised when Marko was the first one to greet her as night fell.
“Good evening, Bella.” He whispered into her hair as he pulled her close in his embrace.
“Merry Christmas, Marko.” A look of realization came across his face.
“Merry Christmas. I had almost completely forgotten.” He admitted, before letting her go in favor of going into the main lobby to sit in front of the tree. Paul greeted her next, complete with his usual sloppy kisses when he did not see her or have her in his arms when they were apart for more than a minute.
“Merry Christmas babe!” Paul exclaimed loudly, and moved to go bother Marko in the lobby.
“Merry Christmas, princess.” Dwayne embraced her and pressed a soft kiss to her hair.
“Merry Christmas, Dwayne.” She leaned back and appeared her place in his arms. Just as her eyes slipped close, a hand came up to her face. Her bleach blonde vampire had finally awoken.
“Merry Christmas, David.” She wrapped one arm around her other lover while remaining in Dwayne’s arms. David slipped closer to the two in front of him.
“Laddie. Laddie, wake up little one. It’s Christmas.” The young halfling rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he sat up.
“What? what’s going on?” He was still confused this early in the evening. Everything to him was still groggy.
“Merry Christmas, Laddie.” That seemed to wake up the boy quickly because the next thing the woman knew, was his arms wrapped around her neck.
“Merry Christmas! Did Santa come?” Laddie wondered excitedly.
“Why don’t you go out there and see?” She teased, and watched the boy excitedly sprint out of the nest, to the lobby. He let out a small yell as he saw what was before him.
“Dwayne!” He ran over and hugged the man, much like he had done to his lover before.
The rest of the day was spent with presents being passed around and opened. Laddie kept getting more and more excited with every present he opened. At some point, she ended up on the couch with all four of her lovers around her as they watched Laddie play with his toys near their tree.
“I wish every Christmas could be like this.” She said wistfully, eyes somewhat glazed over as she watched Laddie. David turned to Marko who left her feet briefly and returned with his hands behind his back.
“Maybe it can.” David smiled at her as he took the object behind Marko’s back, who returned to her feet as he was previously. A bejeweled bottle sat in his grasp, and intrigued her as he took his own swig. The ornate bottle was passed around the group of vampires before it finally got back to her. She stared for a long while at it, before turning to David who never strayed his gaze from her own.
“Drink, love. Be one of us.” He whispered. The request so soft, yet so filled with hope. She knew that every Christmas would be a chance for them to revisit their childhood’s as it was also a way for Laddie to stay with his. Every Christmas from now on, was going to be that much richer.
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canirove · 3 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 21
Author's note: And we've made it to the end 😔 Hope you guys have enjoyed this story even if it isn't the very best out there and the plot isn't groundbreaking 😅 But sometimes you just need to read something cute and simple, and that was my aim with this. As always, thank you very much for reading and all your support. It means a lot 💜
Previous chapter
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It had been a month since my fall at the Etihad. Since I had made it to the news because someone had reported that the woman rolling down the stairs was Rúben Dias girlfriend and that that was the reason why he had run to her aid half way through the team’s warm-up. Turns out that I wasn’t dreaming when I thought I had heard his voice.
And, of course, after being on tv now everyone knew about us, my parents included. After a few calls from my mum asking me how I was, she had finally convinced my dad to come visit me in Manchester, see with her own eyes that I was actually ok and that I wasn't lying every time she had called me, and also meet Rúben.
“Can you please stop? You are making me nervous” he said.
“I can’t. This is huge, Rúben. Like… huge” I said, dramatically lifting my arms in the air. “It’s not just that my parents are coming back to Manchester after ages and the possibility of us fixing things, but also ruining them forever. They are coming to meet you too. My boyfriend. The first I’m introducing them to.”
“Hopefully the last one too” he replied with his usual smirk.
“God, I hate you” I said, back to pacing around the living room. 
We were meeting at Lucy’s apartment since she and Julia were out with Rodri getting to know each other a bit more. Though Julia was already as in love with him as she was with Rúben.
“I love you too” he chuckled, those three words being something I still hadn’t been able to say despite being what I felt. 
“Urgh, that’s them” I said when I heard the door’s bell. 
“Relax, it’s gonna be ok” Rúben said, putting his hands on my shoulders. “I’ll charm them the same way I’ve done with your whole family.”
“Yeah, sure” I said, with a nervous laugh.
“I will. This is gonna work, ok?”
“Ok” I said, taking a deep breath.
“I love you” Rúben said.
“I love you too” I replied, not realising what I had said until I saw the smile on his face. I loved his smirk, but this one… This one had just become my new favourite smile.
“C´mon, let’s go meet my in-laws. We don’t want to keep them waiting” he said, taking my hand and walking towards the door.
And all that, takes us to the present day. 
"Do you know what day it is today?" Rúben asks me as we walk towards our apartment. Because his apartment, is ours now.
Lucy and Julia have moved to Rodri's house, where she is loving having a huge garden to play football with him. Though what she is loving the most, is the idea of becoming a big sister in just a few months.
"It wasn't planned, it just happened" Lucy shrugged after sharing the news. "But I know he is the one, and not because every single person that knows me has said it. It is because I can feel it. It is different to what I've felt with all the other guys I've been with before, my ex included. He is the one."
After they left, Rúben asked me to move in with him, and I obviously said yes. Now I still take care of Julia from time to time when both Lucy and Rodri are busy, but I am not her nanny anymore.
"I'm 6 now! I don't need a nanny, that's for babies" she said one day. 
What I keep doing tho, is being her piano teacher. Hers, and a bunch of kids from her school. We’ve kept the piano at Lucy’s apartment, only going there for my lessons so we don’t bother Rúben. But besides teaching, I’m also playing at events and weddings all over the country. It doesn’t matter if they are posh or tacky, if they have a low budget or lots of money. If I like the people I’m playing for, I say yes. 
My dad didn't like the idea at first and said that, of course, I should focus on teaching. But when he saw how much I was earning by playing on those events, he changed his mind. And I want to think that the fact that he was seeing me enjoying playing the piano for the first time in my life, also had something to do with it. 
And things have also kept getting better and better between us. He has joined grandad and I at some Arsenal games, and Rúben got to charm him just as he said he would. Though I must confess I still am getting used to how well they get along. Seeing them laughing together feels so weird… 
"Do you remember or not?" Rúben asks me again when we make it to the front door, the new doorman opening it for us. Roger retired and he is now living in the countryside with his wife.
"That's now what I asked. The number."
"Eh… 10th?"
"Urgh" he says, rolling his eyes. "Today, three years ago, we met for the first time. And it happened here, in front of this lift."
It had been three years already. Three years since I met Julia at the shopping centre. Since Lucy asked me to work for her. Since Rúben and I crossed paths on this same spot and I just froze in place. He was the most handsome man I had ever seen, and he still is. 
"I remember the way you looked at me" he chuckles. "You couldn't stop staring."
"I probably looked like an idiot. Or a creep."
"You looked very cute" he says, calling for the lift. "I couldn't stop thinking about you, about who you could be."
"Really?" I ask. He had never told me about it, about what he had felt when we first met. In my case, I didn't have to tell him. As usual, my face had said it all.
"Really. I don't know what it was, but there was something special about you. It felt... Different."
"Lucy would call that the one feeling" I chuckle.
"The what?" 
"The feeling you get when you meet the right person. The one" I say, walking into the lift.
"Interesting… But you know," Rúben says, walking behind me and pressing our floor's number. "This lift isn't just important because we met here for the first time. It also is important because it brought us together again."
"Oh, please. Don't remind me of that day."
"It wasn’t that bad" Rúben says with that smirk of his.
"The beginning was really bad. The end, not so much" I say, mimicking his smile.
"That's what I thought. And here is the thing" he says, stopping the lift.
"Rúben, what are you doing?"
"Listen to me" he says, taking my hands on his. "You just said it yourself, that what I felt when I first met you was because you were the one. And it's the truth. You are my one. The one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I had a list of things I wanted to tell you, but I’m too nervous and I've forgotten most of them, so I'll keep it simple" he says, letting go of my hands and getting on one knee. "Will you marry me?" 
"Rúben, I..." I mumble, watching him get a small box from his pocket and opening it, the most gorgeous ring I had ever seen inside it. "Are you sure?"
"I've never been more sure or serious about anything in my life. So I'll ask again, here, on this lift that brought us together. Twice. Will you marry me?"
"Yes" I say, my voice shaking. "Yes, Rúben, I will marry you."
I barely give him any time to get up, throwing myself at him and kissing him. A kiss, that three years later, keeps feeling and being movie worth it.
"I love you" he whispers, his lips still on mine.
"I love you too" I reply.
"But before we keep making out, can I put this on your finger?" he says, showing me box.
"Yes, of course."
"I hope it fits" he chuckles. "Lucy said it was the right size."
"She knows?"
"She knows" he smiles. "And she was right. Perfect."
"Wow" I say, inspecting it closer. "It's beautiful, Rúben."
"Do you like it?"
"I love it. Though not as much as I love you" I say, kissing him again.
"We should probably go home, don't you think?" he says. "Continue with the celebrations there."
"I like how that sounds. Very very much."
But the moment the lift's doors open on our floor...
"Congratulations!" our friends and families scream.
"What the..." I mutter, my heart on my throat. "What is this?"
"A surprise party to celebrate our engagement" Rúben says, hugging me from behind.
"So… they all knew?"
"Yep" he replies, kissing my neck.
"What if I had said no?"
"Oh, c'mon, that was impossible" Lucy says, coming to give a hug. "He is your one, remember?"
"He is, yes" I say, looking at him while Rodri and Ivan congratulate Rúben, a big smile on my face. "He is the one."
━━━━❃━━━━ FIN ━━━━❃━━━━
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klausysworld · 1 year
Hoping to get a little ask in…
Klaus and YN were in a f**k buddies, YN gets pregnant and is upset when Klaus is an ass about it. But YN is heartbroken when she walks into Klaus room to find him painting and a naked (covered in bed sheet) Cami.
Thanks so much
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A life i do not deserve
Part 2
It hadn’t exactly been in mind to get pregnant when i slept with Klaus. He’s a vampire he isn’t meant to be able to have children. But apparently being only half hybrid has its extra ‘perks’. We’ve had a ‘friends with benefits’ kinda situation going on for a a while before i fell pregnant and i hate to admit it but i was gaining feeling but i could have sworn he was too, there was certain gentleness he would have sometimes, a specific look in his eye you know?
Then witches took me and we found out i was pregnant…with his kid. I won’t lie i wasn’t exactly over the moon, i was terrified and sick to my stomach with nerves. When Klaus found out i, for some reason, thought he might have said something, anything reassuring. Yeah, no. He flipped out, i was a liar, a slut that would sleep with anyone who was desperate enough to have me and i probably couldn’t even remember the fathers name. I don’t think i’ve ever cried harder, in front of Klaus, his brother and a witch, the overwhelming combination of the news and then the person i had finally come to actually understand telling me how disgusting and worthless i am to him just pushed me over the edge.
He left me and our child for dead before eventually returning. By the time he came to bring me home i was in an emotionless state. I refused to speak to him and wouldn’t let him touch me.
Over the next few months he had apologised many times and i decided it was best to move on from the issue, we were going to be parents after all. Plus the small fact that i did still long for him and everything in my heart screamed to forgive him. i knew he was struggling with the adjustment to his life as well, he just went for anger instead of distress.
Besides over that time we’ve had many sweet moments, he could be very kind when he wanted to be. I still hoped that he may see me as more one day. He would give my head a soft kiss and rub my bump in a loving manner. We were going to be a family.
I thought we could be a happy family…
But then he had to fuck his therapist.
I had just got back to our home, my bump was much bigger now as i was nearly 7 months pregnant. I had gone out to collect the decorations Klaus had picked for our baby’s new room, he had insisted we get it ready asap and i couldn’t argue. We designed and got it set up over the past few weeks.
I had just made a few extra adjustments to the baby room before going to Klaus’s room but he wasn’t in there. What was however was a bra and panties set. They were definitely not mine. I could feel my heart breaking as my breath caught in my throat and i opened his art room door.
I’m almost certain he could actually hear my heart shatter as i took in the scene before me. Camille. The blonde psychologist was completely naked on his art sofa, a sofa that they had spent time on in the past. Another girl was sprawled out with her tits on full display, a scrap of a bedsheet covering her most private area. And Klaus he was painting her. He only painted people when he had taken an interest, he told me that when he painted me. Everything he had shared with me was a game. The pregnancy ruined his game.
I took a step back and immediately he was stood in front of me, i could feel the tears streaming down my face, my chest aching as my mind yelled at me to leave. I couldn’t hear a thing he was saying, though i could see the panic in his eyes as he hands came to hold my arms. The second he touched me i let out a sob, my head shaking and my feet carrying me out the compound as fast as possible.
“y/n! stop running, love please!” he was grabbing me again, hands that had been all over another woman’s body, possibly inside another woman’s body. I was gonna be sick.
“get off me right now or i swear i will leave and never come back, you don’t even want this child and it’s clear you don’t want me so i don’t know why you’re bothering in trying to convince me otherwise” my voice was shaky and pain was obvious as i spoke.
“that wasn’t anything, she’s nobody, you’re carrying our baby, our baby that i love, you know that i love our child, you mean so much to m-“
“you’re such a fucking liar Klaus! This entire time i was afraid you still thought i was a stupid whore but it turns out I’ve been living with one this whole time while lugging around his kid, a kid you wanted to leave for dead, i forgave you and you said that we could be a family” my heart was basically on the floor at this point
“i can’t live here anymore. i’m leaving, i don’t know where i’m going but i’m not staying with you, you keep your filthy hands off of me and you stay away from my child. Do as you please, when you please but do not expect me to come crawling back to you, begging at your feet for a life that i do not deserve”
i practically ran to my car, the car that he had bought me, and drove to a hotel, i would sleep this off and think of a clear plan when i was in a better headspace
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siblingskissing · 1 month
Ronance headcanons?
Ronance Headcanons
I have had the BIGGEST brain rot about these two, you guys don't even know, so please excuse my rambling session in this post. As always- feel free to share your headcanons, opinions, thoughts ideas, just be kind <3
-Robin is the biggest simp to ever exist. Nancy mentions liking a color? Guess who's suddenly adding it all over their wardrobe! A favourite food? She's already learned how to cook it. Allergic to something? Robin will destroy it with her bare hands and make it go extinct to protect her girl.
-Likewise, Nancy would and will kill for Robin (come on Robin tell her to kill for you she wants to)
-Their favourite dates include them sitting in one of their rooms, a movie or music playing as they discuss conspiracy theories or whatever story Nancy is working on
"There's been a ton of missing items from farms in the areas. Animals, tools, bales of hay-"
"could it be aliens?"
"Alie- Robin it's not aliens!"
"What? Interdimensional monsters are real but aliens aren't?"
-Many people assume Nancy would get annoyed by Robins carefree joke centered attitude but actually she calms down whenever Robin tries making jokes.
-She doesn't like when people don't take things seriously, but she knows Robin is taking it serious, but using humour to make sure they don't spiral with the problem
-their relationship definitely started off rocky but with some time, understanding and surprisingly really deep conversations they learn to appreciate the little things about one another.
-Robin loves Nancy's drive and her leadership skills. She makes sure that everyone takes her seriously and if the kids complain about Nancy being a hard ass she brings them back to listen.
"Nancy's not our boss!"
"No, but she's the one keeping you dipshits safe- she knows what she's doing so listen up and quit complaining"
-They kids listen to Robin more and so when she follows Nancy with no complaints, the kids unconsciously follow suit.
-When Nancy gets stressed/aggravated Robin will be there to lend her a shoulder. They're very much leader/Right Hand man coded to me.
-Nancy doesn't know much about queer culture so when she does eventually come out Robin is happy to talk to her about it and share what she knows.
"So we use Blue violets because Sappho used to describe women wearing garlands of them,"
"... Do you have a spar 3 hours so I can explain Sappho and Greek poetry to you?"
-They take all kinds of cute little Polaroids that they keep at Robins place
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(examples of said Polaroids)
-Robins family is more supportive so often Nancy goes over there to spend the night
-when college comes up in discussions Robin mentions that she enjoyed investigating with Nancy, the research was fun when they didn't have death looming over them.
"Yeah, learning Russian to break the code was awesome- the torture kind of ruined it though-"
"The WHAT?"
-Nancy asks Robin 1000X if Robin is sure she wants to go to the same college/same field and Robin promises her that she isn't only going because of her.
"I'd follow you anywhere, but this is also for me- if I have to do one more customer service job I might kill someone."
-They love movie nights, curled up under a blanket watching whatever film they can find. Robin always finds the oddest ones and sometimes some really deep indie films. Nancy also enjoys the foreign films she can find and let's her choose.
-on nights Nancy chooses- she likes care free fun films. Nothing too heavy because she likes the simplicity
-Theyre a gross matching couple- but in a new fun way.
-Mat hing colors in their respective styles, using each other's clothes and making it go with their personal choices, matching patterns/designs.
-They also shared shoes sometimes
-On the 90s Nancy gets a more "Rachel from friends" style like this
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-Robin eats it up like no one is watching and often has to hold back from just kissing her 24/7
(also I badly wanna do a look book of the characters so Please someone ask for that because I love fashion)
I definitely probably have more but here you are!!
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peachjaem00 · 11 months
The moon to my stars
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PAIRING; childhood best friend!jisung x fem reader
SYNOPSIS;  jisung has been in love with you forever but kept it a secret because he was too afraid to ruin your friendship. he had to endure watching you make a life without him until one day he could not hold it any longer, he couldn’t let the moon leave his stars. or jisung being a complete and absolute simp for the reader since he was a little boy. 
HONORABLE MENTIONS; twin brother! Haechan, jeno, yeji (itzy), jaemin, chenle, renjun
WC; 14.5k
THEMES; fluff, angst, pinning, friends to lovers, non idol! Jisung
WARNINGS; swearing, female reader, mentions of alcohol, mentions of blood, physical fight, mentions of bruises, jealousy
AN; based on my jisung’s timelapses [01:10 pm], [12:30 am], [02:00 pm]. you don't have to read the timestamps to understand the fic.
also big shoutout to @cappujeno and @ichorai for beta reading this and for their support, this fic would have not happen if it wasn't for your help!
taglist; @sadgirlroo @shwizhies @patitotodd
He was five when he saw you for the first time. 
Jisung was feeling anxious, his heart was beating fast and his hands were sweating, the movement of the car making him more nervous and the big truck behind them made him feel as if he was being chased, which only fueled his panic. His family was moving to the house in front of yours where you and Haechan were playing. You pushed your brother a little too hard, making him fall, and you laughed as a result. He couldn't stop looking at you—for some reason, you intrigued him. Maybe it was the way you helped your brother immediately right after he fell, maybe it was the way you started to console him by patting his head and fixing his hair, maybe it was the way you never stopped smiling. He still remembers what you were wearing; a light blue dress with a moon right on your chest, with white sneakers and your hair up in two pigtails. You looked adorable and he knew at that moment you had the prettiest pair of eyes. 
He got out of his parent's car and the sound of the door closing was loud enough to make you look his way. You were amazed by the big moving truck and when your eyes landed on him, you waved hello. Jisung was too nervous and didn't know what to do other than hide behind his mom. After the little interaction, she took Jisung's hand and walked inside their new home—he couldn't stop looking at you even while he was being brought inside. 
A few hours later a knock on the door made Jisung look up from his coloring book. It was his mom who opened the door and later on she asked Jisung to come to the entrance. He was surprised by your presence, along with your mother and your brother. Haechan looked exactly like his mom, and he was guessing you looked more like your dad. 
“Jisung, these are our neighbors. They live in the house right in front of us, say hi.” 
“Hey, little guy.” Your mom was the first one to talk and by seeing how nervous Jisung was she smiled. 
“Hi, I'm y/n, very nice to meet you.” You extended your hand and he noticed a silver bracelet on your wrist. It looked big on you, but you didn't seem to care. 
“I'm Jisung,” he said with very pink cheeks while grabbing your hand and letting it go almost immediately. 
“This is my brother Donghyuck, but we call him Haechan.” 
“Hey, only my friends call me that.” 
“Well Jisung is our friend now, dummy.” Jisung laughed, so did his mother and yours. 
“Mom! Don't laugh, say something.” Haechan furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest, Jisung noticed that he had the same bracelet as you. 
“Y/n, we've talked about this.” Your mom’s stern tone made you look down.
“Yeah alright…” There was a defeated tone in your voice. “I’m sorry.”
“That was so fake.” Haechan pokes his tongue out and you copy his actions. 
“Kids, behave.” It only took one look from your mother to stop the bickering between you two. “Now y/n, why don't you ask Jisung's mom the thing you wanted when you saw him earlier?”
“Oh right!” The excitement in your eyes made them look even prettier, making Jisung's heart race. “Can Jisung come play with us? I promise we will take care of him and we'll have him home before it gets dark.” You gave Jisung's mom your puppy eyes and she couldn't help but laugh at your cuteness; meanwhile, Jisung was trying to calm himself. 
“I have no problem, but let's see what Jisung has to say, okay?” All eyes were on him, making him hide behind his mom once again, a habit that he does till this day. 
You noticed how shy and nervous he was, so you came closer, grabbing his hand and rubbing your little thumb on his knuckles in an attempt to calm him down. 
“Do you want to come and play? I promise we're nice people,” you said in the softest voice. It only took a look into your eyes to make Jisung forget about his shyness, the warmth in them was enough to make him feel safe. 
“Yes.” His voice was a whisper but he knew you heard him since your smile grew wider. 
“Great! Let’s go!” You pulled his hand along with your brother’s and bolted out of there with the boys following you. “Thanks Jisung's mom, I'll take good care of him, I promise!”
And that's what you did. You took care of Jisung that whole afternoon, the day after and the one after that. You kept your promise to Mrs. Park and you took care of her son up until this day. 
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He was 10 years old when he discovered he had a crush on you. 
You and Donghyuck were going into your first year of junior high while Jisung was still in elementary school. He was distressed, to say the least. It was his first time going to school without the two of you, he felt lost and lonely. You three would walk together to school; it had been a tradition for years, at least for him but now that you were going to another school, the tradition was broken. It was a very mundane thing but seeing you first thing in the morning always lifted his mood up. 
Despite moving to the neighbourhood 5 years ago, he had only managed to make 2 friends, you and your brother. He feared not making any new friends during those 2 years he had left of middle school before he could join you. 
He tried fixing his tie but no matter how much he tried, it always turned out a little crooked. He let out a tired sigh and gave up. He said goodbye to his parents and then he finally grabbed his backpack to leave the house. He was surprised by your presence in his front yard. You looked so pretty in your new uniform and you no longer wore your hair up. It was longer, soft and shiny as it lapped at your shoulders, gently stirred in the breeze, the sun giving it a lighter hue. Jisung let out a sigh while admiring you. 
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” he asked, confused.
“I'm walking you to school, duh,” you said with an obvious tone. 
“What do you mean why? We've been walking to school together for years, Sung.” 
“I know, but you go to a new school now.” 
“You do know it's just around the corner, right?” you giggled while seeing his red cheeks when he realized. “And even if it was far away, I don't want you to walk to school alone. It's tradition that we do it together.” 
He felt his heart racing and a certain warmth hugging him, he thought he was the only one taking it as tradition. He was so happy to find out he wasn't alone and that it wasn’t a thing that you had to do but that you also looked forward to it.
“And Haechan hyung?” 
“He left earlier since he didn't want anyone to take the last seat of the central row.” You pause. “You know how he is,” you say pointedly, making the younger one laugh. “Here, let me help you.” You untied his tie and put it around your neck. Your fingers moved smoothly and before tying it completely you took it off. “Stay still.” You put the tie around the collar of his button up, you fixed it and finally you tied it up; your fingers brushed against his neck, making him feel chills, they were cold even though it was summer. “There you go.” You moved your hands and Jisung noticed your silver bracelet once again. 
He found out that you and Hacehan had the same bracelet, both of your names engraved plus a little sun for Donghyuck and a little moon for you. It was a gift from your parents when you turned two. You once confessed to him that it was your biggest treasure. 
 “C'mon we're gonna be late.” Whilst saying that, you started walking. 
You never talked much during your walks to school, but none of you cared. It was your little moment of peace before the chaos started.
“Are you nervous?” He looked at you when he heard your voice.
“Yes, very,” you chuckled, making him smile, he couldn't help himself. 
“You'll be okay.” 
“Yeah, I don't think so.” He lets out a nervous giggle. “It's gonna be hard without you there.” 
“C’mon Jisung, you're really nice and such a good person. You just need to make the first move or keep the conversation going if someone starts one.”
“I'm terrible at it.” His tone was dejected.
“You have become much better though, Hyuck and I have taught you well. Don't tell me you have forgotten everything?” You giggled. 
“No.” His voice held a panicked tone. “It’s just that, why would people want to be friends with me? I never talk.” 
“Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend.” Your voice was serious. “You’re loyal, funny and caring. They would be very stupid if they didn't want to be friends with you.” He noticed your anger when he looked at you.
You arrived at his school after finishing the conversation. You grabbed his hand before he could go in, making him face you. 
“You're gonna be okay. Don't worry about it too much, and have fun.” You fixed his tie one last time. “I'll come for you when school is done.” And when you fix your own hair, he noticed that your bracelet fell off. “I have to go or I'll be late, see you later!” You ran off before he could say anything else. 
Jisung was quick to grab the bracelet and put it in his pocket making sure it was safe before going in. 
“She believes in you. You can do it, Park Jisung,” he told himself and then he went on to his first class. 
School went by and it wasn't as horrible as he thought. There was a new student, who introduced himself as Chenle—he was a transfer student from China. Jisung took this as an opportunity, he went and introduced himself and helped him throughout the whole day, making sure the new kid knew where his classes were, who his teachers were etcetera… He made sure to make a good impression hoping that Chenle would want to see and talk to him again. 
The last bell rang and Jisung grabbed his things. He went to his locker, put away some books and grabbed the ones that he needed. He said goodbye to Chenle and went to his school's exit. 
“Jisung!” You waved your hand so he would be able to see you. 
He smiled to himself and he jogged to be by your side. 
“So, how was school?” 
Jisung told you everything about his hopefully new friend and the way you looked at him, made his little heart race. He was so happy not only because he was able to talk to someone but because you were so proud of him. After his little ramble he asked about your day, you told him about how boring it was and how teachers were already nagging you about your twin. You also told him about your new friends and about the classes you were excited for. 
“Well here we are,” you said while stopping by Jisung's house first. “See you tomorrow.” You gave him a smile and fixed your hair once again, making Jisung notice about your missing bracelet. 
 “Wait!” He noticed he yelled so he cleared his throat to play it off. “Here.” He reached for his pocket and got the bracelet out. “It fell this morning so I kept it with me to give it back, I know how much it means to you.” 
“Oh my god, my bracelet!” You grabbed it and quickly put it on so it won't fall again. “Thank you so much! You literally saved my life.” You hugged him tightly, not being able to know how else you can express your gratitude.
When your arms surrounded Jisung, he couldn't help but feel warm and fuzzy, he knew his cheeks were red and he really hoped you didn't notice how fast his heart was racing. He hugged you back and it felt nice. Your hair smelled like vanilla, your perfume like roses, you engulfed him but he didn't care, he was happy to drown in your embrace. 
After breaking the hug you said goodbye once again, you thanked him and finally, you gave him a little kiss on his cheek. He watched you until you were inside your home and you closed the door; he just stood there, being dumbfounded, grabbing the cheek you pecked. 
“Jisung? Aren't you coming in?” His mom snapped him out of his trance. “C’mon, food's getting cold.” 
Jisung went on with his day but he couldn't stop thinking about you. He couldn't stop thinking about how cute you looked with your new uniform, or how good you looked with your long hair, or how your hug made him feel so soft and he definitely couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. That little kiss, that meaningless kiss that only showed your gratitude, that insignificant kiss that meant everything for him. His cheeks flush all over again no matter how many times he thought about it. 
He was on his bed, trying to sleep, but he was wide awake, his chest heavy and his mind was empty, only you in it. He didn't understand why. Why was he thinking so much about his friend? Why did that hug feel so nice? Why did that kiss make him so flustered? Why couldn't he get you out of his mind? Or maybe he knew, maybe he had known for a while but he didn't want to admit it…
“Oh no…” 
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He was 15 years old when he realized he was in love with you. 
It was the beginning of the second semester of Jisung’s first highschool year, he was still a freshman while you were in your junior year. You were quite popular alongside your brother, having friends in all the years, especially seniors, therefore you were always invited to the parties. This year you invited Jisung to one alongside his friend Chenle, it was his first time attending a party from upperclassmen. He was making sure his hair looked nice, and that his outfit seemed neat, he was nervous as always.
“Stop, you're gonna mess your hair even more,” Chenle said with a mocking tone. 
“Oh no, my hair looks messy?” Chenle let out a big laugh by seeing his scared eyes. 
“I was joking, geez.” 
“You're such an asshole, you know how nervous I get when I'm with her.” 
“I know, because you love her.” Chenle’s singsong tone made Jisung even angrier. 
“I don't love her.” 
“Oh please, yes you do! You're so in love with her, it's painful to watch, dude.” 
Jisung was about to say something but he was stopped by the sound of his doorbell. 
“Jisung! Y/n is here, hurry!” his mom shouted from downstairs. 
They quickly grabbed their stuff and they went downstairs. He stopped midway by seeing you, being totally enamoured by the sight of you. You put makeup on, enhancing your beauty, the gloss made your lips look plumper—he could only think of how much he wanted to kiss them. You cut your hair after years of having it long, he thought you looked adorable but somehow you also looked a little more mature, as if having long hair gave you a kind of child-like aura. Your outfit was heavily planned but it seemed effortless and he smiled seeing you were wearing the jacket he gifted you for your last birthday. 
“Wow,” he whispered to himself. You landed your eyes on him and his heart skipped a beat. 
“C'mon Sung, Hyuck is waiting and you know how whiny he can get.” He snapped out of his trance and followed you out after saying goodbye to his mom. 
“Don't worry Mrs. Park, you know I'll take good care of him.” Jisung's mom smiled. She loves the fact that you have stayed loyal to the promise you made to her 10 years ago. 
As soon as you entered the car, you grabbed the aux cord and started playing one of your playlist, making your twin nag and try to steal the cord from you. You turned the volume knob so you wouldn't be able to hear him, making the younger ones laugh and your twin to stick his tongue out to you; you answered the same way, a thing you have done ever since you were little. 
You sang all the way to the house, laughing at your horrible voice but you didn't care, you still sang with all of your energy. Haechan parked the car and you entered the party together, your twin was quick to disappear making Jisung nervous but when he felt your hand in his, rubbing his knuckles like you always do, he could feel his heart easing down, it also helped seeing Jaemin and Renjun. They were Haechan's friends first but since Jisung hung out with you two almost everyday, they eventually became his friends as well. 
You never left Jisung's side, you know he can get really nervous whenever he's in a new social situation, and a senior party is a very wild place to be, one that you know Jisung is not really used to. You took Chenle and Jisung to the dance floor, you gave them stuff to drink -not alcohol because you know Mrs. Park would kill you-, you introduced them to your friends and you made sure they were feeling comfortable. 
While you were doing all of that, Jisung couldn't stop looking at you, being so grateful to you for not leaving them; everyone noticed his heart eyes towards you but no one said anything about it, instead they planned a little something. 
“Let's play spin the bottle!” Jaemin said with excitement while he shook the empty bottle in his hand. 
“For real? What are we, five?” you said, mocking him. 
“C'mon y/n, don't be like that, it'll be fun.” Yeji, your other best friend besides Jisung, nudged your arm and made you sit down next to her. Renjun made Jisung and Chenle sit down in front of you. 
“Let 's go,” Jaemin said with a grin as he spinned the bottle. 
At the end of the day you were having fun, if people weren't able to kiss they had to take a shot, seeing their faces after it made you laugh so hard; Jisung couldn't take his eyes off you. 
“Okay, miss y/n, your turn.” Renjun placed the bottle in the middle and gave you a mischievous smile. 
You gave the bottle a spin. Everyone was paying attention, hoping it landed on Jisung. The younger one watched the bottle spin until it stopped, everyone went quiet by seeing in who it landed. 
“Guess, we have to kiss now?” you said while looking at Jeno. 
“I guess we do.” He smiled and got near you. 
You met him halfway and connected your lips. The kiss lasted seconds but to Jisung it seemed hours. He despised every moment of it and a sigh of relief left his lips when you two broke the kiss. He gave Jeno a death glare. He hated him and he wanted him to disappear forever. When he looked at you his heart sank. His hope was gone. He started shaking slightly out of fear. You were happy, hell, more than happy. You were thrilled. Your eyes were glowing with eagerness, they only glowed like that when you were really excited or when you were overwhelmed in the best way possible. You liked Jeno, even if you weren't aware of it yet Jisung knew because he knew you better than himself. He knew all of your mannerisms, your habits and after 10 years of friendship he was an expert at reading your eyes. It broke him knowing you were glowing because of Jeno, and not because of him. 
“I have to go and get some fresh air, my head is starting to ache,” he announced. Not that many were paying attention to him anyway. 
He quickly stood up and went to the backyard of  the house. The party was there too, but the music wasn't as loud, and it wasn't as crowded. He found a lonely corner and he went there for a little while, thinking about why it hurt so much if it was only a little crush, a little crush that had been going strong for 5 years now. 
“Oh no,” he said when it hit him. “Oh no, please no.” He massaged his temples, maybe that would help with the now real headache that was happening. “Fucking hell, why me?” He said looking up, asking the stars for an answer. “Why would you do this to me?” He looked directly at the moon who looked beautiful as always, trying to find comfort but it didn't work; she had always been helpful but that night, that night it felt as if she was mocking him and it didn't help the fact that it was in a waxing crescent. She was smiling down at him, it seemed as if she was laughing. 
“Who are you talking to?” 
“Ah! Fuck!” He jumped on his spot and put a hand on his chest trying to control his racing heart. “Don't do that, you scared the shit out of me!” He smacked Chenle's arm while the other tried to control his laughter. 
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” he said in between giggles. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, why wouldn't I be?” 
“Well you stormed out of the room, and then I caught you talking to yourself outloud. I don't know how to tell you this but that's not normal dude.” The mocking tone in his voice made the younger one roll his eyes. 
“I knew that.” 
“As much as I love making fun of your antics, can you tell me what's wrong? Is it because y/n kissed Jeno?” Jisung stayed quiet but he didn't have to say anything, his face, especially his eyes gave away the answer. “Of course it's that.” Chenle looked up and a sigh left his lips. “It's just a stupid game Jisung, don't take it seriously.” 
“No, you don't know her like I do, you didn't notice but it meant more to her, it was more than just a stupid kiss to her.” He looked down and his hand found its way to his eyes, in an attempt to stop the tears from coming down. “You couldn't see it but her eyes screamed with excitement. Ugh! This is bad! This is terrible!” His hands proceeded to pass through his hair, messing it up but at this point, the boy didn't care if it was messy or not. 
“Oh, c'mon dude, calm down.” 
“I can't because you were right.” 
“About what?” 
“I do love her.” 
“What?” The confusion was evident in his face, but then it hit him. “Holy shit! Are you for real? Bro I was joking, like I knew you had a big crush on her but I never thought it was this serious.” 
“Yeah, I thought so too but seeing her kiss Jeno.” He rubbed his eyes and then he let out a tired sigh. “It made me so angry? No, is not that. Sad?”
“Disappointed,” Chenle finished his sentence. He always knew what Jisung meant even when Jisung himself couldn’t find the right word. 
“Yeah. I felt my heart sink, it broke me a little.” 
“Shit, dude.” 
“I know.” He leaned on the wall and slowly slid down until he was sitting on the floor. 
Chenle sat down by his side, he sneaked his arm around Jisung's shoulders and patted him softly, trying to comfort his friend. 
“Tell her.” 
“About how you feel.” 
“Are you stupid? No way, she will never feel the same. She only sees me as her neighbour.”
“Oh, c'mon, you know that's not true. She hates it when you say that, you're her friend.” 
“Exactly, we're friends, I don't want to ruin that.” 
“What makes you so sure it will ruin your friendship?”
“Because she won't reciprocate my feelings and then it will be awkward and little by little, we will drift apart and I don't want that, I can't have that.” He was exhausted.
“It will be okay dude.” Chenle hugged him.
“No it won't.” He looked up once again. 
The moon was no longer mocking him, she was inconsolable. She knew how heartbroken the boy was and it made her angry not knowing how to comfort him. She had been helpful towards the boy for years now, always making him feel safe whenever he sought calmness, but tonight she cried alongside him. 
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He was 16 years old when he got in a fight.
You and Jeno were going strong, almost a year has passed since that party and 10 months since you started dating. 
He hated every single second of it. It broke him having to hear you talk about how dreamy he was, and how he's the best boyfriend and the worst thing is that he wanted to hate him, but he couldn't. He made you so happy, and that was what mattered. He suffered but seeing your smile was worth all the pain. 
Your graduation was coming, meaning prom was just around the corner. Of course you got Jisung and Chenle tickets, you wanted to spend the night with the people closest to you. It was going to be the perfect night, you made sure of it. In fact the only reason why you wanted to be president of the student council was to have full control of prom night; no one was going to ruin your special night. 
You ran down the stairs the second you heard the ringbell. You opened the door and Jisung was there, waiting for you. 
“Jesus, Jisung, hurry up!” You dragged him inside by his arm, making him lose his balance and almost falling. “We don't have much time!” He straightened his position and acted as if nothing happened.
“Isn't it at like 9?” he asked, confused.
“Yeah, so what?” 
“Y/n, it's 2pm, I think we have plenty of time.” There was a mocking tone in his voice, making you death glare at him, his smile disappeared in seconds. 
“We have to go pick up your suit and Hyuck's, then my dress, then I have to come back here to drop both of you off, then I have to go to my hair and makeup appointment and then come back once again to finish getting ready, plus I have to be like an hour early since I'm the president.” 
“Why do you have to drop us off? We'll go with you.” 
“Really? You don't mind?” 
“Not at all, it'll save us lots of time.” 
“Thank you.” Your eyes were soft and the gratitude was evident in your tone. “Okay then let's go. Lee Donghyuck get your ass down now!” Jisung covered his ears, he didn't expect that scream. “Shit, sorry.” You laughed, making him smile. 
“Dude, don't scream!” Haechan made an act of presence. “I'm here, don't get all crazy, geez.” 
“Stop whining and get your ass moving.” And it only took one glare to make him silent and obedient. 
You may look like your dad but you had the same glare as your mom, making your brother very scared of you. This always made Jisung laugh, he never gets to see Haechan like this, so it's a treasure when he witnesses it. 
“What are you laughing about? Move!” you said with a stern tone. 
“Yes, ma'am.” He saluted and finally got out of the house. 
Both of you were halfway to the car when you noticed Haechan was still at the entrance, picking up the mail. 
“Hyuck, it's not the time! Move!” 
“It has the logo of The University of Sydney.” He showed a medium size envelope. “This is it y/n.” The colour left your face, your heart dropped to your stomach, you started shaking and your legs went limp. 
You went on a family vacation to Australia a few years ago and you loved every second of it. You automatically fell in love with Sydney and when you visited the university's campus with your brother you knew you had to attend that school. It had the best program for you, the classes were amazing with very famous professors. It was your perfect school.
Inside that envelope was the answer to your future. It stated if you were accepted into your dream college or if you were rejected; only the thought of not being able to go made you dizzy. You lost your balance but thank god for Jisung who was fast enough to catch you. 
“I can't, you do it.” You looked at your brother with pleading eyes. Your lips and throat went dry, making your voice sound out a little broken. 
“No fucking way!” Haechan refused immediately and got closer to Jisung. “You do it.” He handed him the envelope and Jisung was hesitant to take it.
“I don't know if I should.” 
“Please, for me? I can't bring myself to do it, Sung.” He looked at you and he melted; your eyes were literally begging him, how could he say no?
“Fine.” He let go of you with delicacy and grabbed the envelope.
He opened it and took out the letter slowly, afraid that it might rip if he hurried. All eyes were on him while he read the inside, no one could decipher what it said, his face was expressionless. Jisung read it slowly, making sure to comprehend what it said, to save himself the confusion and a possible breakdown from you if he said anything wrong. It's been only a few minutes but to everyone it felt like hours, you wanted to know but at the same time you didn't. You can't be rejected if you never knew the contents of the letter, right? Your brother, on the other hand, was impatient. 
“Say something already!” He startled everyone with his loud scream. 
Jisung looked at you with a little smile on his lips. He didn't have to say anything, you knew by looking into his eyes that everything was okay. You laughed and your eyes started to water and you were quick to engulf the younger one in your embrace. He held you close, savouring the moment since it may be one of the lasts for a long time. 
“Why are you hugging? Holy shit y/n, are you crying? What's going on?!”
“She got in.” The look on his eyes was filled with pride and happiness. 
He knew how hard you worked for this. He was there pulling all nighters by your side, being your number one hype man, having your back in the highs and lows. Jisung was there for you throughout the whole journey and to be honest, you couldn't imagine anyone else by your side, you were glad it was him. 
“Holy shit!” Your brother took you in his arms and hugged you, while making you jump and spin around together. “I'm so proud of you! You're going abroad! You're gonna live by yourself! You're getting everything you’ve always dreamed of!” 
“I know!” You match your brother's excited tone. “I gotta tell Jeno.” And just like that, Jisung's smile disappeared. Good for him that you didn't notice. 
After telling Jeno, your parents and Jisung's parents you finally went on with your day, and the busy schedule that you had ahead. 
After picking up the suits you went to pick up your dress. It was beautiful, a midnight blue dress with a subtle glitter to it, making it look like the night sky, it was backless and it had spaghetti straps. You didn't know this but Jisung convinced your mom to tell him the colour of your dress so he could buy the same colour tie. He wasn't going to be your date, but the least he wanted was to match. Then it was the hair and makeup appointment, Jisung and Haechan went to a nearby cafe to kill time while they waited for you, it was going to take a while. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked your brother when they're sitting down with some coffee and pastries. 
“A little bored but you know once we arrive at the party I'll be the star of the night.” A smirk on his lips, making the younger one laugh. 
“I meant, how do you feel knowing she's going away?” Haechan's smile disappeared and his eyes lost their playful glint.
“I'm happy for her.” He meant it but his voice had a bitter tone.
“Come on dude, it's me.” Haechan looked at him and found comfort in his eyes. In that moment he finally realised why you always did it, Jisung had the ability to let everyone feel at ease just by looking into his eyes. 
He lets out a sigh before speaking. 
“I'm happy for her, I really am but…” He played with the spoon of his drink, to calm his nerves. “I'm really gonna miss her…” 
“Yeah, me too.” 
“No, Jisung you don't get it.” His tone was quickly changed for a serious one, his eyes went from sorrow to anger in a matter of seconds and his jaw tensed. “She has been by my side literally my whole life, she's my other half… We're the sun and the moon… How am I going to live without her here with me?” 
“Hey, it'll be okay, it's not like she's gone forever.” The younger one talked with his softest voice. “She's gonna visit and you know she'll come back. She will never leave you behind, at the end of the day, you are her other half as well.”  
“Yeah I guess…” He finally looked up from his drink. “Thanks, Jisung.” 
“No problem.” He gave him a smile which was reciprocated quickly and Haechan's eyes came back to being soft and happy again. 
A little while went by when you appeared at the coffee shop all dolled up. You looked beautiful; your hair was styled making your face look even prettier and the make up was perfect, it accentuated your features. Jisung couldn't take his eyes off of you. He was hypnotised, and being honest, he didn't want to be freed from your spell. 
“Holy shit dude,” your brother let out. “You look really pretty.”  
“Wow, you really mean that?” The nervousness was evident in your voice.
You weren't really sure about your makeup, you felt as if it was too much, and it made you feel a little insecure. The shades of colour that the woman picked weren't exactly in your comfort zone but you trusted her because at the end of the day, she was the expert. 
“Hundred percent! You look stunning! Right, Jisung?” He elbowed the younger one, trying to find support from him. 
Jisung was caught off guard since he was paying his undying attention to you. He snapped out of it and he went silent for a second. His cheeks were red, his mouth went dry and his hands were slightly shaking. 
“Yes, you look stunning.” His voice was almost nonexistent, he was afraid you weren't able to hear him but the smile on your face and the slight blush creeping up gave it away. 
“Thanks, Sungie.” The softness in your voice made him lightheaded. “Let's move, we still have to go home and finish.” 
The way back home was fun. You had the best taste in music and a talent of always picking the perfect songs for the right moment. The vibes were never off when you were the one in control of the music. 
When you arrived everyone went to their respective homes, you gave them until 7:45 to be ready or else you would leave without them, your glare made them both know you were dead serious. 
Jisung was in his room, he already had his suit on and once again he was struggling with his tie, he never got the hang of it. After failing for the fifth time he let out a tired sigh and went to his mom. He peeped his head into his parents room and found his mom in her bed reading a book. His dad was nowhere to be seen since he was out on a business trip. 
“What's up Jisung?” She didn't even have to look up, she felt her son's presence in a second. 
“Can you help me with my tie?” He was a little embarrassed when it hit him. He was a 16 year old boy who still needed help from his mom. It was quite adorable, really. 
“Of course, baby.” Her mocking tone made his cheeks get redder. 
“Ugh mom!” She laughed by hearing his whining and that made him smile. 
She got up and went closer to her son. She made the knot smoothly. Jisung was amazed with the fastness and how easy she made it look. His mom fixed his tie, then his collar and finally his blazer. He looked dashing, his hair was styled away from his forehead and she was proud knowing it was all his doing.
“You look so handsome.” 
“Thanks, mom.” The shyness was evident in his voice and he scratched the nape of his neck. 
“So… ?” he asked, confused. 
“Is this the night?” 
“The night of what?”
“The night you confess your feelings for y/n?”
“Oh my god, mom!” He was sick and tired of hearing this.
His mom found out about his crush on you even before he even realised, and she has insisted her son to confess for years now. She rooted for you knowing how enamoured he was, she also knew you had certain feelings for him, even though you weren't aware, moms always know best. 
“What?” She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, looking at her son in an accusatory way. 
“She has a boyfriend, and she’s going away soon. Why even bother?” 
“You have loved her for years Jisung, how much longer can you keep this a secret?” 
“As long as necessary.” His serious tone made her mom sighed. “It's her night, I don't want to ruin it.” 
“Fine.” He noticed the sadness in her eyes and he was quick to hug her. 
“It's okay mom, I'm okay,” he whispered and his mom tightened the hug. 
“Go, or you'll be late.” 
He broke the embrace, he gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek and he finally got out. He went back to his room and checked himself on the mirror one last time. He fixed a stray hair, he put on some rings, his watch (which you gifted him), a necklace and then he covered himself with some perfume (one that he knew was your favourite). He said goodbye to his mom and got out of the house. 
He was surprised by the presence of Jeno at your entrance, and he was even more surprised seeing him hesitating on whether he should knock or not. 
“Hey,” he said, startling the older one. Fuck, he looked good. 
“Jisung, hey.” Jisung did not miss the nervous tone and his eyes were shaking, something was off with Lee Jeno, and he was going to discover what. “You look good.” 
“Thanks, you too.” It hurt him saying that, knowing damn well you were gonna fall all over again for your boyfriend. “C'mon, let's get inside.” He just opened the door. It wasn't a surprise, Jisung has been coming here since he was five, it's his second home. 
“I'm here!” he announced his presence so no one worries. “Jeno hyung is here too.” 
“How did you get in?” Haechan was fixing his tie while coming down the stairs and he looked at Jeno confused.
“Jisung.” Jeno pointed at the younger one
“You gotta stop doing that dude,” he laughed while finally standing beside his friends. 
“I will when you stop doing the same at my house.” The younger one said in a challenging manner. 
“Okay fine, you win.” Haechan lifted his hands up in a sign of defeat. 
“You're ready to go?” Your voice made the three guys turn their heads. 
Every single one of them went silent by the sight of you. You looked absolutely stunning. The dress fitted your body in all the right places as if it was meant to be worn by you and it made your moles visible making your skin look like a starry night. The make up was perfect and your hair was also perfect, you looked perfect. Jisung's heart was racing and he was sure everyone could hear it, he couldn't take his eyes off of you, his mouth was dry and his hands were clammy. 
“Wow!” Jeno was the first one to break the silence. “Holy fuck, you look stunning! I can't believe this gorgeous woman is mine!” You could feel the heat come to your face, your smile was wide and the shyness was very evident. 
“Stop!” You hid your face. 
“Hey don't do that, people deserve to see your beauty.” Jeno took your hands off and he let out a sigh. “Fuck,” he whispered, he cupped your cheeks with his hands and then he kissed you.
Jisung looked away with teary eyes, oh how he wished that was him. 
“Sorry, I couldn't help myself,” Jeno said after breaking the kiss. 
“It's okay,” you whispered. Your cheeks were on fire and your eyes were shining like a galaxy. 
“Okay love birds, it's time to go.” Haechan was the first to speak after that scene. “C'mon, y/n! You were hurrying us before, move!” 
“I'll kill you Hyuck.” Your voice was serious and once again, your brother lifted his hands up. 
“Sorry.” And then he got out of the house. 
Jeno followed him out and you were left with Jisung. You looked at him and frowned by seeing his teary eyes. 
“Hey, Sung.” You came closer to him, you grabbed his hand and started caressing his knuckles with your thumb, like you always do. “What 's wrong?”
“Sorry it's just that, you look so pretty.” It may have been a half-assed lie but as long as you're happy. “And I'm happy I get to be with you during this night.” 
“Of course.” Your voice was soft and your touch was delicate. “You're my best friend, of course I wanted you here, with me, during this very important night.” He let out a sad giggle. “C'mon let's go.” You didn't let go of his hand throughout the whole ride to prom. 
When you arrived, Haechan and Jisung went to the gym to kill time while you made sure everything was perfect, Jeno went with you. Jisung couldn't stop looking at the both of you; you looked perfect and he loved seeing you in your president role, but Jeno, Jeno looked nervous. He followed you everywhere but he did it silently, he wasn't by your side, holding your waist like he usually does but instead he was behind you. He noticed how he was spacing out, in all this time knowing Jeno, he has never been caught off guard. 
Time passed by and the party finally started. You were at the door receiving and greeting everyone while your friends and brother danced together but after a while you decided it was time to drop formalities and have fun, so you went with your friends and started dancing. 
After a while you were called, it was time to announce the prom king and queen. You excused yourself and went backstage to prepare everything and made sure everything was perfect. You went up on stage, grabbed a microphone and asked for the band to turn it down a bit, making everyone whine a little but the moment they saw you up stage they knew what was happening. 
“Hello everyone, are you having a good time?” The crowd answered with whoops of excitement, which made your smile grow wider. “I'm glad to hear you're having fun. Well it's that time of the night.” You showed the envelope that was in your hands and the screams were louder this time. “Inside this envelope are the names of your next prom king and queen, are you ready?” 
“Yes!” everyone answered in unison, making you laugh. 
“Your prom king is…” You stopped to make a pause to build up the excitement. It also bought you a little time to open the envelope. You smile by reading the name in the piece of paper, feeling proud. “Lee Jeno!” Everyone shouted and started congratulating Jeno while he walked towards the stage. 
You gave him the ribbon that said “Prom King”, a little sceptre and you finally placed the crown on his head. You congratulated him and kissed him, not caring about all the viewers. 
“Okay now, the title that actually matters.” People laughed once again, making you feel a little proud, you have rehearsed that line for a month now. “And your prom queen is…” The drummer made a drum roll to build up tension and for you to read the words on the piece of paper. You smile once again. “Hwang Yeji!” 
Your best friend was shocked, she didn't expect it, making the moment more genuine. Jaemin, her date, walked her through the crowd and helped her up on stage since she was still in shock. You put on the ribbon and gave her the sceptre. After crowning her you hugged her tightly. 
“Congratulations babe, I'm so proud of you.” 
“Thank you.” She broke the hug and waved at the audience, making them shout even louder for her. 
“Okay now it's time for the king and queen's waltz so please clear the dance floor.”
People moved and the centre of the dance floor was empty. Jeno, Yeji and you got off of stage, you were quick to move aside, giving your boyfriend and friend the space so they could go and dance. You were puzzled by seeing them coming towards you and Jaemin. 
“Actually.” Jeno extended his hand towards you while Yeji and Jaemin went together to the dance floor. “Will you grant me this dance, beautiful lady?” 
“But you're supposed to dance with the queen, I'm not the queen.” Even though you're giving him reasons not to, you took his hand, and you let him guide you to join your friends. 
“You are my queen.” You couldn't help but feel your cheeks warm. “And besides, I really doubt people will say something about it, at the end of the day, I'm the king, and you're their president.” You both laughed and finally made it to the centre of the dance floor. 
You looked like the perfect couple to everyone that was watching. You and Jeno were described by your classmates as the perfect match, or a match made in heaven. To everyone, you were meant to be. 
Jisung watched you from afar, being overwhelmed by all his emotions. He was admiring you and at the same time he was being jealous of Jeno, he couldn't help but feel all his love for you overflowing his heart while all of his rage went towards Jeno. He felt so happy for you, seeing that you're enjoying the night but he despised the fact that you weren't with him. And he hated himself, he hated himself for being a coward and not telling you about his feelings, because now he is suffering the consequences. It was easy for him when you were single because in a way, he still had a chance, but when you got together with Jeno, all the hope he had (which wasn't much) was gone, crushed. 
He couldn't bear to look at you two anymore so he ran off out of there. He couldn't see how Jeno came close to your ear and asked you to go and talk outside. Jisung went into the first classroom, the tears were falling by themselves, he wanted them to stop but it was pointless, his heart was way too broken, the only thing it could do to fix itself was crying. His vision was blurry because of the tears so he didn't see you and Jeno coming in. He was on the other side of the room and the lights were off so he was almost invisible, neither Jeno or you noticed the younger one. Jisung hid himself when he heard the door being closed. 
“What did you want to talk about?” He froze even more on his spot by hearing your voice. He knew it was wrong to eavesdrop someone's conversation but it was you. 
“It's about you leaving.” Jeno's voice was really low, Jisung could barely hear it. “You know how we talked about it at the start of our relationship, you said if I felt comfortable with it we could try long distance.” 
“Yeah?” Your tone was worried, Jisung could picture you perfectly, fidgeting with your bracelet. 
“I don't think I can do it.” You could hear the pain in Jeno's voice and so did Jisung, even though he didn't like him, he empathized with him. 
“I mean I told you about it today, and I'm not leaving until like 2 months, we can talk about it and figure it out. Think about it, please.” The pleading in your voice made Jisung sneak a peek. 
You were holding Jeno's hands, your eyes were begging him and it made him furious. You should never be begging anyone to stay with you. To him, you deserve the best of the best. The rage was pooling inside of him, he almost came out and confronted Jeno. 
“The thing is that I have, ever since you told me you were planning on going away I've been thinking about it. I tried y/n, I really tried but I can't.” Jisung noticed your eyes watering, his hands were in fists to the point where his knuckles were white. “I love you so much but not enough to wait for you.” In that moment you could feel your heart break, the tears streamed down automatically. Jisung couldn't contain himself anymore and he came out. 
“You fucking asshole!” And after that he punched Jeno in the face, making his lip bleed. “How fucking dare you!?” And another, he could hear your screaming but he was blinded by rage. “You don't love her enough!? Then you never loved her in the first place!” And another, and another and another. 
“Jisung, stop! Are you insane!?” You tried to grab him but it was useless. 
Jeno was taken back at first but when the surprise passed he grabbed Jisung's hand and then he hit him back, so the fight started being reciprocated. 
Jisung had the advantage since Jeno was surprised by the attack but as soon as the older one gained consciousness, Jisung started to get in trouble. Of course he knew Jeno was stronger and better, but he didn't care, he was furious. Jeno didn't appreciate you enough to try, he didn't realise how lucky he was for having you by his side, he wasn't willing to sacrifice for you the way he was. Because Jisung would do anything if it meant being by your side. 
“Stop! Stop it!” You somehow got a grip on Jeno's arm and yanked him away from Jisung. “What the fuck is wrong with you!?! Are you animals!?” You were furious, Jisung has known you for years and he has never seen you this angry. 
Jisung was trying to regulate his breathing as well as Jeno, none of them dared to look at you. But, you looked at both of them, feeling disappointed and heartbroken. You looked at Jisung, his nose was bleeding, his right eye started to get black and his left eyebrow was also bleeding; you looked at Jeno, his lip was bleeding and his cheekbone was red. You let out a sigh before speaking. 
“Jeno, I think you should leave.” He looked at you in disbelief. 
“Are you kidding me?” 
“Do I look like I'm fucking kidding?” Your tone was stone cold, you have never spoken like that to him before, and it affected him. In that moment he realised how much he has hurt you. 
He got up and left, none of you noticed but his eyes started to water and when he closed the door, his tears were mixing with the blood. 
You broke down after seeing him leave. You couldn't hold it anymore and you just let go. You covered your mouth trying to keep it as silent as possible. You knew there was a big possibility that you and Jeno would break up if you were accepted, but you never thought Jeno would say that to you. “I love you but not enough…” It would have hurt less if he just said he hated you.
“Y/n,” Jisung said in the softest voice while he got closer to you. 
“Shut up.” Your voice was broken but the anger was very noticeable. “I am furious at you so shut the fuck up and get your ass to the infirmary.” You didn't move, therefore he didn't. “Now!” 
He obeyed immediately and started his way. You just needed a little time alone to get yourself together, a lot happened in a span of 10 minutes. Your boyfriend broke up with you and told you that he didn't love you enough, you're best friend heard all of it which was humiliating enough by itself, the last thing you wanted was for someone else to know; your best friend started a fight with your now ex-boyfriend and now he was on his way towards the infirmary so you could cure his wounds. Not exactly the plans you had for your prom night. You let out a last sigh, you wiped your tears away and you got out of there. 
Jisung perked up in his position when he saw the door being opened and his cheeks got redder by seeing you walk in. You didn't say anything, you just went to get the stuff you needed to cure him. He looked at every move you did, he was angry at himself for causing such a scene on your prom night but he didn't regret it; if he had to, he would do it again, as many times as necessary. 
He hissed when he felt the cotton swab on his injury. 
“Does it hurt?” you asked in a low tone, but it was expressionless. 
“It stings a little.”
“That's mean,” he whispered but you heard. 
“I'm sorry, I'm just really mad.” He lowered his head but you made him look up again since you were treating his eyebrow's cut. “What the fuck were you thinking Park Jisung?”
“I wasn't, that's the thing.” 
“What were you doing there anyway?” He panicked for a second.
“I got a little overwhelmed, I needed some air I guess.” He hated lying to you but he needed to. 
“Why did you hit him?” 
“Because of what he said.” His voice turns deeper, surprising you. His voice was deep but you have never heard it reach that tone. “How could he say that? He didn't know he was the luckiest guy for having you by his side, it made me furious hearing how ungrateful he was, and how much of an asshole he was to you.” You stopped treating his injury but he didn't seem to mind. “What he said was awful but when I saw how hurt you were, I couldn't let him get away like that, rage took over me.” He finally looked at you.
You tried to fight back the smile that was trying to come out by seeing how soft his eyes were, they were holding the whole galaxy, and for him they did, since he was looking at you. 
“I know it was stupid since Jeno is way stronger than me but I didn't care, he hurt you and I needed to do something about it.” You hold his hands and you rub your thumb through his knuckles, he smiled while looking at the little action. “I am sorry for ruining your night but I don't regret it.” 
“You don't?”
“You're a dumbass, you know that right?” 
“That 's mean.” 
“Well I get to be mean.” You continued cleaning his wounds. “I'm stuck here with you instead of enjoying my prom night.” 
“I'm sorry.” He lowered his head once again, his voice was full of shame and his cheeks turned red. 
“Hey, I'm kidding.” You giggled softly while lifting his head up. “It was already ruined when Jeno decided to break up with me. Which was a very dick move of his, he could've at least waited for tomorrow to do it.” You giggled. 
“Asshole,” Jisung said automatically, making you laugh even harder. 
You finished cleaning his eyebrow wound and put on some ointment for the soreness and to help with the bruising. You then continued with the one on his lower lip. His usually plumped lip was even more swollen and it was starting to turn a subtle shade of blue and purple. He hissed once again by feeling the cotton swab with alcohol but you seemed to not care, you just focused on cleaning. 
“Thank you, by the way,” you said after a while. “I'm still mad as fuck but thank you for defending me like that.” He looked at you and he fell in love all over again. 
The lights of the room were off because you didn't need them, the windows did a perfect job at bringing the light from the moon and the lamp posts from outside. The moonlight hit your face in all the right places, making you look ethereal and even though you have been dancing all night and you cried, your makeup and hair were almost intact; a little out of place but you still looked as beautiful as the start of the night. Jisung could notice the anger in your eyes but he also noticed the worry, no matter how furious you were you couldn't help but worry about him.
He didn't realise what he was doing. For the second time that night, Jisung was moving out of instinct, his heart taking control instead of his brain. He got closer and closer towards you, his lips being pulled automatically towards yours as if they were magnets. And then he kissed you. It was quick and innocent, his lips barely touched yours since he snapped out of his trance but he kissed you. 
Both of you were surprised, none of you knew what happened exactly. You could feel the heat coming up to your cheeks and your eyes were wide open. Jisung's heart was racing at a very concerning speed and his head was spinning. He tried to talk, tried to explain but nothing was coming out of his lips. 
“Sorry, I lost my balance for a sec, maybe Jeno hit me in the head because I kind of feel a little dizzy.” He faced palmed himself in his imagination, what a shitty excuse but he couldn't come up with something better.
“Oh,” was the only thing that you could say. “No worries.” 
After that you finished treating his wounds in dead silence. Jisung was cursing himself in his head. You didn't know what to think exactly, but you knew one thing for sure, you were tired.
Once you were done you came back to the gym and picked your things. You explained the situation to Yeji and begged her no to tell your brother since you knew he would cause a scene, and you didn't want to deal with that, you didn't want to deal with anything anymore. She hugged you and told you she was gonna take care of everything for you, and then she kissed your forehead before saying goodbye. After that you went to your brother to ask him for the keys, you used the tired excuse and he gave in, not because he believed you but because he was having way too much fun to care. You envied him, you envied everyone who was having fun. 
When you got out of the gym you were surprised to see Jisung waiting for you by the car. He was leaning on it, his tie was loose, he took the jacket off and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, he looked pretty handsome. 
“What are you doing?” You unlocked the car and opened the door. 
“I'm going with you,” he says with an obvious tone. 
“C'mon Jisung, go back inside and have fun.” 
“I don't want to go inside, I want to spend the night with you, like you wanted.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You said you wanted to spend the night with the people you're closest to, and not to toot my own horn but, I'm pretty sure that after Haechan hyung, I'm the one closest to you.” You laughed at his antics. 
“Okay fine, you win. Get inside.”
“Yes!” He put his fist up in a sign of victory and got inside. 
The drive back home was calm. The music was lower than you typically play it, the windows were down and the air was chilly but you didn't care. You stopped at a red light and turned your head towards the younger boy, he was looking out the window. Maybe your night was ruined but seeing him by your side, admiring the night sky while softly singing the songs made you realise you couldn't have asked for a better ending to the night.
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He was 18 year old when he entered university
It was the first time Jisung was walking alone to school ever since he was 5. You’re studying abroad, Haechan had a different schedule than him and Chenle lived in a whole other neighbourhood, which was closer to the school.  
He felt alone and lost, he had ever since he said goodbye to you at the airport. You were gone and he didn't know what to do. He tried to distract himself, he started saying yes to everything Chenle had invited him to and he also hung out with Jaemin, Renjun and Haechan. He tried to avoid your house though, it hurt even seeing it from across the street knowing damn well you weren't there. 
After the prom, everything was really weird. Jeno had broken up with you, so you weren't the happiest and there was a weird air between you two after the kiss that had happened. It was merely a peck but it happened and it made Jisung act even more nervous around you and it made you confused. 
You didn't know how to feel, you didn't know what to think exactly. Was it really just a mistake? Did he mean to kiss you? Was it just the heat of the moment? Your head spinned for months. You were so confused, you found comfort knowing you were leaving soon. Away from all the drama and confusion. 
You kept to yourself the rest of the time you had left at home, focusing on packing and making sure you had everything for your visa and other stuff you needed for school, also hiding the stuff you didn't want your twin to take once you were gone. You barely saw anyone, you never left your room unless it was really necessary; even your own family barely saw you and they lived with you. You were breaking Jisung´s heart without knowing, the younger one just wanted to spend as much time as he could with you but he loved you, and he was gonna respect your wish for privacy. 
You and Jisung were barely speaking. You used university as an excuse but he knew it was something else and he didn't blame you. You were desolate because of Jeno, hell, you were heartbroken and he knew the last thing you needed was another boy to mess with your feelings (not that he would). You also had to focus on your school and he didn't want to admit it but he knew his actions on that prom night confused you and he hated himself for it. The last thing he wanted was for things to be awkward between you two, he just wanted to be with you and he missed you like crazy; your absence really took a toll on him.  
You weren't able to come home during your winter and summer break, you joined too many clubs and you also joined the student council at your university; saying you were busy was nothing, you were swamped with work. You did this on purpose though, you made yourself as busy as possible so you wouldn't have to deal with your thoughts, so you wouldn't have to face your feelings and to deal with the storm happening in your head. You may not be aware of it but Jisung knew, at the end of the day, he knew you better than anyone else. 
He was halfway through his walk to university when his phone rang and he was surprised by seeing your picture on the screen, you were calling him. It was weird since you weren't speaking that much and because you hate talking on the phone so much, you prefer texting people; you only called when it was urgent or an emergency. 
“Hey, Sungie.” Your voice made his heart race and he was smiling, he was so happy to hear your voice he almost cried. 
“Hey, is everything okay?” He was happy but he couldn't help but worry. 
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it?” 
“Well, you hate talking on the phone, so I thought something was wrong.” He laughed softly. 
“Everything's fine, don't worry about it.” Your voice was soft but he could hear the tiredness in your tone. “Are you on your way to school right?” 
“Yeah… How did you know that?” He didn't tell you about his first day, the only uni talk he has had with you was when he told you he got in, and that was it. 
“Your mom called me.” He rolled his eyes by the mention of his mom. 
“Of course she did.” His tone was filled with annoyance and you laughed because of it. 
“Hey, give her a break, she was excited and so proud of you.” 
“Still, she didn't have to worry you about it.” 
“It's nothing Jisung really, I enjoyed talking to her a lot, especially since we haven't been talking that much.” 
“Sorry.” He looked down and his face was filled with disappointment. 
“If someone has to apologise it's me, I’m the one who has been M.I.A.” 
“But I haven't made so much effort either. I wanted to give you some space.”
“Yeah I know. Thanks...” Your tone fell flat near the end, you were disappointed as well. You didn't want space, not from him at least. 
“Why are you calling though? You never call.” 
“Oh, yeah, well…I wanted to keep the tradition going somehow.” You let out a nervous laugh and even though he couldn't see you, he knew you were fidgeting with your bracelet. “I didn't want you to walk to school alone.” 
“I'm really thankful, but don't you have classes? If you're skipping them I swear I’ll go to Australia myself and get your ass back to class.” 
“Woah woah! Easy there tiger.” Your laughter made his heart race. “I have a free period, I'm actually getting some coffee.” 
“Oh okay, good.” His cheeks turned a very bright shade of red and this was the first time he thanked the moon you weren't there to see his embarrassment. 
An awkward silence fell upon you. This has never happened, not even when you were kids and meeting for the first time. You always made sure to fill in the silence but now, you didn't know how to. You hated this, you hated feeling awkward with your own best friend, the guy that you had known for 13 years. 
You cursed yourself and him as well. How did you allow stuff to get so complicated? Why did he have to kiss you? You broke your head for several months trying to decipher what the hell was that. It was the only thing you could think of after that night. Not your break up, not your prom, not the fight but that stupid kiss, that stupid kiss that could barely even be considered one. Jisung only touched your lips for a mere second but it scarred you for life. You didn't know why, but that kiss meant a lot to you. 
And why on earth were you glad he did? You thought about how much you wished that kiss didn’t happen but being honest, you liked it, a lot, more than you should’ve. You may be in a weird place with your best friend but if you could erase that peck you wouldn’t. 
“I hate this, Sung,” you said, referring to the mess happening in your head. “I hate not being able to talk to you.” Your eyes were starting to fill with tears, thank god your voice was still stable. “I want you back, I want my best friend back, my partner, my favourite person.”
“I'm your favourite person?” He was taken back and in shock, he always thought Haechan was your favourite person, your twin, your other half, your sun. 
“You’ve always been.” A tear streamed down your cheek but you were quick to wipe it. “I need you Jisung, I miss you like crazy, I want to be with you and be able to talk the way we used to. You have no idea how much I need you to hug me.” And finally your voice failed you. Jisung’s heart sank by hearing your voice break. 
“Me too, you can't even begin to imagine.” He blinked rapidly trying to avoid the tears to escape his eyes. 
“How did we let this happen?” 
“I don't know.” 
“We promised nothing was gonna change after me leaving.” 
“I know.” 
“Then why is everything different?” 
“Because…” He wanted to tell you, he wanted to confess but the words got stuck once again. He didn't want to do it like that, during a phone call while you were kilometres away. “We're dumb?” Your laughter made the ambience lighter. 
“Yes, we’re very, very dumb.” You wiped a few tears away and cleared your throat. “Let's start being smart again.”
“We’re gonna try talking more, send a text once in a while, whenever we remember each other, like we used to.”
“We could also do homework together, we could schedule a weekly video call so we can catch up, talk about our life or not talk at all.” 
“I really miss you recommending songs to me,” he confessed. 
“I really miss you sending me pics of the moon.” You laughed once again, making the younger one sigh heavily, he was completely enamoured by you. 
“I missed your laugh.” It was a bold move from him but he felt he was gonna explode if he didn't say it. 
Your cheeks were warm and you hid them with your hands even though he wasn't there. He made you feel shy, which was very rare. 
“I missed your voice, is it getting deeper?” 
“I don't think so.” 
“It better not or else I'll lose my mind.” 
“Why?” he asked curiously. 
“Well you know how much of a sucker I am for a dude with a deep voice…” The verbal vomit came out by itself, you weren't aware of what you were saying until you heard nothing from the other line. “Damn, I fucked up,” you whispered but he heard you. 
“No, no, it's okay, I knew that.” He cleared his throat in an attempt to calm his nervousness. “I'm sorry but it's something I can't control, you’ll just have to deal with it.” His mocking tone filled you with relief. 
“I’ll try my best, but I don't make any promises.” You followed his joke up, thanking him for not making it weird again. 
“I'm here,” he announced when he arrived at his school’s entrance. 
“Good luck Sungie, remember that anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend.” 
“Thank you.” He smiled and looked down trying to hide his blush. 
“Let me know when you're done so we can talk on your way back home, okay?” 
“Yes, ma'am.” 
“I mean it, Jisung.” The seriousness in your tone gave you away. 
“I know.” He let out a few giggles. “Thank you for calling me.” 
“Well, you know how I am, I love our little traditions.” 
“I love that you do.” 
“Bye Sung, good luck.” 
“Bye y/n.” And after that you hung up. 
He felt a weight being lifted away from his shoulders, his heart felt lighter and he was beyond happy knowing that you two were going to be okay. It may not be exactly like it used to but it was better than nothing. 
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He was 19 years old when he confessed his love towards you. 
After that call on his first day of university, your relationship started blooming again. You both kept your promises and started texting and calling each other more and more, just like the old times. You made several video calls where you would talk for hours, from dusk till dawn or you would stay quiet and just enjoyed each other's presence. Jisung always sent you pictures of the moon and you started sending him songs that you thought he would like, you even started making him several playlists; he always listened to them on repeat. 
Winter break came and you were finally able to go back home, you noticed how much you loaded yourself with work to avoid the whole Jisung situation but since you two were fine now, you gave yourself a break. Everyone was head over heels when you told them you were coming back home after a while of not being able to. You longed to spend christmas and new years with your family but especially with Jisung, since this was the year he would finally reach age, he would be able to drink and you wanted to be there. 
Your parents picked you up at the airport, both ran towards you and engulfed you in a big hug, a suffocating one actually. After a very emotional welcome from them, you finally went up to the car and made your way home. Haechan received you at the door and your father announced to you that Jisung was also there, your eyes lighted up and you were quickly to look for him, only to find him standing there waiting for you. You were surprised by looking at how much he grew, and when he spoke you felt your legs wobbling slightly by hearing his deep voice. You engulfed him in a hug and then you dragged him and your brother towards the living room to catch up. It was very late at night when Jisung had to return home, in all the time he was there you couldn’t stop looking at him, you were hypnotised. 
Christmas passed by and it was one of the best you had celebrated. Your family and Jisung’s always celebrated it together, the dinner was made by your mom and Jisung’s mom while your fathers were in charge of the drinks. As always everything was wholesome and you had the best time ever. 
Time passed by and new years came by, Yeji invited you to a party but you didn’t stay much since you wanted to be with Jisung on his first night as an adult, sadly when you arrived he was already drunk thanks to you brother and his friends. He took you out to the backyard and he confessed his feelings for you in his drunken state, taking you by surprise. Even though you weren’t sure about your own feelings you told him that you can figure them out together and then you kissed him properly this time. You weren’t sure why you did it but you didn’t regret it. It felt nice, it felt familiar and it made you feel warm. It was the best way to start the new year. 
After that night Jisung made his life mission to help you figure out what your heart wanted. He was finally able to act according to his feelings, he didn’t hold back and made sure to prove to you that he meant every single thing he said during that new years night. He spent months clearing all of your doubts, answering all of your questions and giving you the assurance you needed. After all his efforts, support and patience you realised that you wanted Jisung, you realised that your heart longed for him. 
During summer break he picked you up at the airport and asked you to be his girlfriend and you accepted gladly; you sealed the deal with a kiss full of affection, it was desperate in a way, you have yearned to feel his lips on yours once again. After that day you spend your summer by Jisung’s side, it was as if you were glued together. Wherever you went Jisung was following and vice versa. 
Two months have passed, your break is almost over, meaning that you would have to go back to school very soon. Jisung, knowing this, never left your side. He wanted to spend every single moment you had left home with you. 
“The summer went by so fast,” he said in a whisper while you were at the kitchen making a midnight snack; actually he was sitting while you were the one cooking, not letting him get near the kitchen since he would probably light it on fire. 
“I know,” you said while dicing some veggies for your ramen. “For the first time, I'm not as excited to go back.” 
“For the first time?” he asked confusedly while he stared at you. 
“Yeah, I don't love leaving home but I'm always really excited to go back, living on my own and having independence, you know?” He just nodded, not knowing exactly what to answer. “I know it may sound a little selfish but I always loved going back but now, it's so different.”
“Because of you.” You both felt your cheeks warming up for the sudden confession. “I’m always excited to come back here and see my family, see Hyuck and my friends but ever since you confessed during new years I couldn't stop thinking about coming back home and seeing you.” Jisung stood up silently so he wouldn't interrupt you. “I wanted to hang out with you, spend time with you, see your cute face everyday, I was desperate to be with you.” You smiled while feeling his arms sneak around your waist, and you let out a soft giggle while feeling his face burning in your neck. “I yearned for you so fucking much.” He left a soft kiss on your neck, then your shoulder and your neck once again, he was drowning in your scent. 
“God, I fucking love you.” It was a whisper. It was innocent and said out of instinct, he didn't even realise what he just said until you left his side. 
“Nothing.” He was ready to leave but your hand on his wrist stopped him. You made him face you.
“That was not nothing.” He didn't dare to look at you. “What did you just say Park Jisung?” Your tone was demanding and serious, not in an aggressive way but you wanted an answer. 
After a long pause he finally got the courage he needed to say those words again. 
“I said that I love you.” His voice was barely a whisper but because you were alone, you were able to hear him clearly. “You don't have to say anything, I know it's way too soon to say stuff like this since we've been in a relationship for just 2 months but I have loved you since before.” Because he's looking down he didn't realise you're coming closer to him. “I'm sorry if it freaked you out and I totally understand if you want to take some time apart, to be honest, I wouldn't blame you.” He let out a soft giggle which was full of embarrassment. “I'll just go…”
You stopped him once again and he finally looked up at you. You cupped his face with your hands and you kissed him.
You kissed him softly, slowly and it's intense because of the intimacy that you were sharing in that moment—you both felt like you were the only ones in the world and that time has stopped just for you. You feel like the moon and the stars are witnessing the scene with such endearment and they look down at you with the happiest of their smiles. You savoured him, you made sure to transmit all of your feelings with that kiss, you wanted him to feel safe, at ease, at home. You wanted him to feel like the only reason he was put on earth was for that moment alone, that he was meant to be by your side, just like you were meant to be by his. You engulfed him in your arms just like he did, you wanted him closer even though you couldn't be. You were desperate for him, and your heart felt like it was going to explode from all the love that you feel for this boy. 
You broke the kiss but you were still in his embrace and he was in yours; your foreheads were touching, both of you had your eyes closed, feeling each other's breaths in your faces, but neither of you seemed to mind. 
“I love you too,” your tone was sure and confident. You then opened your eyes to see his reaction. 
His eyes lit up and his smile was the biggest you have ever seen and if your vision isn't failing you, you think his eyes were watering. 
“Really?” His voice was soft, and it broke a little because of the knot in his throat. 
“Really.” You could see a little tear running down and you were quick to wipe it off with your thumb. 
“Shit, sorry.” He let out a nervous giggle while he wiped yet another tear. “I'm just really fucking happy.” You couldn't help but start tearing up as well. “No wait, don't cry.” He panicked and then cupped your cheeks in between his big hands. They were cold compared to your very warm face. 
“I can't help it, you know how I always cry whenever you do.” You sniffled and he laughed at you. You looked so adorable trying to hold in your tears. 
He wiped your tears with such delicacy, he then proceeded to put your hair behind your ears and then he left a soft kiss on your forehead so he could finally hug you; you buried your face in his chest and he rested his chin on the top of your head. 
“Just like when we were kids,” you let out and he laughed once again. 
“Just like when we were kids,” he repeated, voice full of adoration. 
Jisung has never been great with words but he somehow knew what to do to comfort you whenever you cried in front of him (which was very, very rare). He always started by wiping your tears away, he always did it in the softest way possible, as if you were made of glass; his fingers always felt cold against your skin but you never minded. He then helped you get your hair fixed, placing the stray strands where they belonged and then tugging some behind your ears to finally leave a little kiss on your forehead. He knew all of that was good but it wasn't enough so he would seal the deal with a hug. A hug that always felt so soft and warm, a hug that always felt familiar and comfortable, a hug that made you feel you belonged with him. You fitted in his embrace perfectly just like he fitted in yours. 
You were meant to be together. It was a bumpy ride, with its highs and lows but you were meant to be. Everyone knew it, even the moon who would always watch over you two, waiting patiently. Even the stars, who would always light up your path so you could find your way to each other.  
You stay like that for a while, enjoying the domestic moment, not wanting to let go until you hear the pot overflowing. 
“Shit, our food!” You broke the hug and turned to the stove.
You put the pot out of the fire and you turn the flame off. The food was ruined and the kitchen was a mess. 
“Man, and you said I was a terrible cook,” Jisung said with a mocking tone. 
“Oh, shut up,” you said annoyedly while you try to clean up your mess. “This is all your fault.” 
“My fault?” he asked in disbelief.
“Yes! If you weren't being all romantic and sentimental our ramen wouldn't have died like this.”  
“I'm sorry for saying that I love my girlfriend, it won't happen again.” 
“Wait no, I want to hear it again.” You panicked by hearing him. “I want to hear it a million times.” 
“Oh good, because I was joking,” he said while helping you clean. “Now that I've said it, now that is finally out of my system, it's the only thing that I want to say to you.” 
“Good because it's the only thing that I want to hear.” 
You finished cleaning up and you're quick to put your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. You left a kiss on his lips and started preparing the food again. 
After finishing cooking and eating together you cleaned everything once again to finally go back to your room and get some sleep. You wiggled your way back to your bed, got into position and waited for Jisung to lay down so you could finally get 100% comfortable. After waiting patiently for you, he then plopped down next to you, he pulled you closer and he buried his face in the space between your neck, he loved getting drunk in your scent. 
After getting into a position where the two of you were comfortable you were quick to fall asleep, you didn't even notice you forgot to close your window´s curtains, you were gonna regret that in the morning. 
The night sky was clear, the moonlight sneaked in your room giving you two the perfect glow. The moon smiled by seeing you together, she was proud to see you could finally find your way to each other. The stars were beaming even harder, they couldn't hide their happiness. They worked so hard for you and seeing you together made them shine even brighter, they were glowing. 
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nyxronomicon · 9 months
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chapter ii: truth or dare
toji x reader (she/her. tits & vagina)
cw: child neglect, fuckboy Toji, gambling, alcohol, no curses au, found family, DILF Toji, Toji is motivated by sex, reader has spicy thoughts.
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"Come in." You heard Toji's voice beckon you after you knocked on his apartment door. "It's unlocked."
You opened the door, seeing the inside of his sparse apartment for the first time. It was the epitome of a single guy's apartment: no decorative items, no artwork, just the absolute bare minimum of furniture. There were barely even any toys around. Megumi was sitting in front of the TV, looking at you apathetically.
"C'mere. Introduce yourself." Toji called out to Megumi, who silently stood and walked over to you.
"I'm Megumi." He simply stated.
"Hi Megumi." You smiled, crouching to his level to put him at ease. You gave him your name and held your hand out for a handshake. He cautiously took it, glancing at his dad.
"She'll be taking care of you tonight," Toji already seemed a little bored.
"Is she a babysitter?" The kid's eyes pierced into you. You remembered his oddly intimidating gaze from the first time you met.
"Uh," Toji glanced at you, "just a friend. Our neighbor."
"Is she the one you were talking about on the phone?" Megumi's eyes now pierced into his father.
"I told you not to eavesdrop." Toji frowned. There was an awkward pause before Megumi looked back at you.
"Why don't you go play?" Your tone was so soft and friendly, but Megumi remained apprehensive. "I'll come join you after your dad leaves, ok?" He carefully watched you a moment before nodding and returning to the living room.
"He's kid of a weird kid, sorry." Toji rubbed the back of his neck as you stood, walking over to see if he had any routines to tell you. There was an awkward pause. "You good?" Toji asked.
"Yeah," you chuckled. "Is there anything I should know about?" When Toji seemed confused, you elaborated. "You know, bedtime, dinner, whatever."
"Oh. Sorry. The kid usually takes care of himself." His mind was reeling. He was in over his head. It was blatantly obvious how little he did for Megumi at this point. "Just, uh, be there for him. I guess."
"Don't worry." You smiled, although you couldn't help but notice he didn't seem to take his father role seriously. "We'll be fine."
Truthfully, he wasn't worried about Megumi in the slightest. He was worried about you. Or rather, he was worried about what Megumi would tell you about him.
"I'm just not used to this single dad thing." He lied. "I'm trying to be better, though." Another lie. "Thanks for watching him." Toji needed to leave. He needed to let this night play out however it would and hope to hell it didn't ruin his chances of getting laid.
"It's fine, seriously." You placed a hand on Toji's bicep. He ignored the light fluttering in his stomach, plastering on a flirty grin. Before he left, he needed to make sure he'd be on your mind while he was gone.
"I might be back pretty late." His voice was cool and smooth, as if the jitters disappeared on demand. "You can sleep in my bed if you get tired." He leaned in to whisper in your ear, making sure the kid couldn't hear. "I'd love it if you were waiting there for me."
Just when you thought he wouldn't fluster you, heat rushed to your cheeks. His hand was on your waist, holding you close. "Here I thought you wouldn't flirt in front of him," you matched his hushed tone. Megumi was sitting in front of the TV, but he was still in the same room as the two of you.
"Nothing could stop me from flirting with you." He took your earlobe between his teeth, his tongue brushing against the sensitive skin and sending shivers up your spine. He tugged at it briefly before whispering, "Later, sweetheart."
When he stepped away, your heart was pounding, and you didn't know what to say. You just watched him slip his shoes on and leave. He didn't say a word to Megumi, but admittedly, you didn't really notice. The feeling of Toji's mouth on your skin burned into your mind, successfully keeping him in the back of your head for the rest of the night.
Megumi sat on the floor with a puzzle coloring book. He had a collection of mismatched crayons, colored pencils, and markers neatly lined up. His eyes were on the TV, which played a nature documentary. You sat on the floor next to him.
"Coloring?" You smiled at him. "I love to color!"
"It's a puzzle book." Megumi looked at the page in front of him. The puzzle was complete. "But it's done."
"You did all the puzzles? Wow! Did you have a favorite?" You encouraged him. He looked at you cautiously. You'd never met a five-year-old so reserved and mature. It was really kind of funny that a guy as chronically unserious as Toji had a kid like this.
He picked up the book and flipped to a page that looked like a constellation. It was a simple puzzle where you draw lines to connect numbers and eventually you see a picture. The resulting image looked like a couple of scruffy dogs, and he'd colored one white and one black.
"I liked this one the best." His eyes lit up a little, a faint smile on his face. "They're friends."
"You even colored it. They're adorable!" You beamed and patted him on the head. Megumi smiled back.
"Do you want to see the others?" He got a little more animated as he flipped through the book, explaining each puzzle and how he solved it. When he reached the end of the book, he closed it and looked a little sad.
"Do you have another puzzle book?" You asked. This one was falling apart, and seemed to have a lot more colors on the pages than Megumi had in front of him.
"No." He got quiet again, just when you thought you were making progress. He stared at the closed book in front of him.
"Let's go get one. I'm sure your dad won't mind." His eyes shot over to you, brimming with hope.
"Really? You'll get me a new one?" He stared at you, his gaze no longer piercing like earlier.
"Sure. I'll even let you pick it out." You chuckled at his adorable reaction.
"I can go with?!" His shocked eyes got wider, a smile forming on his face.
"I'm not gonna leave you here alone." You ruffled his hair. "Put your shoes on, it'll just be a quick trip, ok?"
Megumi nodded with a smile and rushed to his bedroom. While he was gone, you sent a text to Toji, just in case.
You: going to the store with Megumi to get a new puzzle book.
When Megumi returned, he carefully walked in with untied laces. "Um. I don't know how to tie my shoes. Can you help?"
"Of course." You smiled softly. "You want me to show you?"
"Yes, please!" He watched intently as you instructed him, following along as you tied one of his shoes and he tied the other.
There was a corner store nearby that had a collection of magazines. Luckily, there were a couple of kids puzzle books among them. Megumi was curiously looking around the store, seemed he really didn't get out much.
"Let's just get both." You smiled. You'd just gotten paid this week, and the books were inexpensive.
"Really?" His eyes lit up again, looking back at you.
"Sure. Do you want some candy, too?" Megumi's awed expression answered your question. He immediately looked at the shelf, unfamiliar with most of them.
"What's your favorite?" He asked.
"Hmm." You feigned contemplating the shelves, although you knew exactly what you wanted. "I like this one best." You picked up your favorite candy with a grin.
"I want that one too." Megumi grabbed the same candy and handed it to you with a beaming smile.
You checked out at the counter, smiling awkwardly when the cashier complimented your cute kid.
"I'm just babysitting." You patted Megumi's head. "You're right though, he is cute."
Megumi's eyes seemed to glitter as he watched you wrap up, following closely behind as you exited the shop. You returned to the apartment and helped Megumi remove his shoes.
"Thanks, miss MC!" Megumi excitedly grabbed one of the puzzle books and rushed to his spot in front of the TV, turning on another nature documentary.
The rest of the evening was uneventful. Megumi was hard at work with one of his puzzle books. After making him dinner, you watched nature documentaries with him, occasionally checking your phone for a message from Toji. Nothing.
When Megumi tasted your favorite candy, he beamed and claimed it was his favorite now, too.
At almost exactly 9pm, Megumi looked at you with sleepy eyes. "I'm tired. Could you, um..." he blushed a little. "Could you tuck me in?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable he was. "Of course." You smiled softly. "You want me to help you get ready?" He simply nodded, rubbing the sleep in his eyes.
You helped him change and brush his teeth. Megumi's room was sparse, like the rest of the apartment. There were a few toys, but he really didn't seem to have much. It must be tough for these two.
"Does your dad tuck you in?" You asked as you brought the blanket to his chin, smoothing it over him.
"No. My mom used to, but she left." He yawned.
"Where'd she go?"
"Dunno. She brought my sister, but I think she forgot me." He had a sad look in his eyes. You ran your fingers through his hair.
"Forgot you?" You frowned. "I can't imagine anyone forgetting such a sweet boy as you." Megumi wore a sleepy smile as he drifted off, thinking that it would be nice if you took care of him more often.
You left Megumi's room and returned to the couch, pulling out your phone to check messages. The documentary played quietly in the background. Nothing from Toji. You opened your conversation with him, typing and deleting a few messages before finally hitting send.
You: put Megumi to bed. You're right. He's a good kid.
Your phone fell silent again. You started looking around the apartment, thinking about some of the odd things Megumi said. The door to Toji's room was wide open, and you couldn't help but stare into the dark space.
Out of pure curiosity, you stood and walked in, flicking the lights on. One of the two overhead bulbs was out, bathing the room in yellow. It was a mess. Toji didn't have a bed frame, and his unmade mattress was haphazardly shoved in the corner. He had a dresser with all the drawers open, clothes hanging out from every angle. There were a couple of things hanging in the closet on wire hangers, clearly untouched since he put them there.
You snooped around a little, immediately finding a stack of divorce papers missing Toji's signature on the top of his dresser. A broken empty frame lay next to them, the photo nowhere to be found. A fifth of whiskey and a pack of cigarettes, both half empty, were on his bedside table. Little slips of crumpled up paper were strewn about the floor. You picked one up to find they were discarded tickets for horse races.
Your phone suddenly buzzed, startling you. You sat on Toji's bed and read the response you were waiting for.
Toji: you're unsupervised then ;) Toji: want me to come home, sweetheart? you can be the little spoon.
You rolled your eyes. Of course. Maybe giving him your number was a bad idea. He clearly wasn't interested in texting about his son. Not that it was a surprise, since he didn't seem interested in his son in the slightest.
You: aren't you working? Toji: lay down in my bed. I'll be home soon. You: is that a good idea? Toji: does it matter?
He had you there. After looking through his room, you knew undoubtedly this was a bad idea. That didn't change your attraction to him. The fluttering in your stomach when he flirted with you. The faint smile on your face receiving a text from him.
Toji: take a shot with me. whiskey on my bedside table. You: I thought you were working. Toji: I just finished. You: I'll wait until you're home then ;)
Your heart raced when you hit send. Something felt risky about that winking emoji, but truth be told, you couldn't stop thinking about him. You saw the red flags, but you were never really one to ignore your impulses. You scrolled through your phone to get your mind off it. Fifteen minutes passed with no response, so you laid back on his messy comforter.
It smelled like him. Of course it did. You thought about his tongue on your ear earlier, heat swelling in your body as you imagined him trailing it down your neck. When you closed your eyes, you could practically feel his big hands on your body and his teeth nipping your neck.
'C'mon sweetheart,' his voice echoed in your mind. In this fantasy, you simply whisper his name and arch your back instead of pushing him away like usual. You pictured how easily he could manhandle you with those muscles, your body lighting up at the thought.
You heard a sound from outside that jerked you out of your daydream. Blood rushed to your head as you stood and rushed to the entrance of Toji's bedroom, feeling dizzy from the vertigo when you instantly met his gaze. You held the doorframe to steady yourself as the mortifying ordeal of explaining yourself invaded your thoughts.
"Looks like you missed me." He smirked.
"It's not, uh..." you stammered, struggling to come up with a response. You should have known he was on his way home. Being around Toji was so drastically different from being around Megumi, your thoughts were having some trouble catching up.
"It's not what it looks like?" He strolled over to you, cocky grin on his face as he closed the distance. "Go ahead. What's your excuse?"
You took a deep breath, remembering his text from earlier. "I was getting the whiskey. You said it was in your room." After you spoke, you realized you didn't have it. Toji must have noticed too, judging by the light chuckle that escaped his lips.
"Get lost in there?" He grabbed your wrist, leading you back into his room. "It's pretty hard to miss. There's not much in there." He dragged you right back to his bed, taking a seat as you did the same.
"I got a little sidetracked," you admitted. If you hadn't gotten caught, you wouldn't have said anything, but questions about the divorce papers were already swimming in your mind. If the woman really was out of the picture like it seemed, then why hadn't Toji signed the paperwork?
"Snooping around in my room?" Toji's eyes flitted around the space like he didn't even remember what was in here. He forgot about the divorce papers. That's not good. Gambling tickets on the floor- he probably should have tossed those. Whiskey and cigarettes, at least those probably weren't a surprise.
"Sorry," you averted his gaze.
"Bed's warm." He grinned and grabbed the bottle of whiskey. "You were waiting for me, weren't you?"
"Shut up." You shoved him playfully. "No," you quickly added, knowing any lack of clarity would come back to haunt you. Toji took a sip of the whiskey and handed the bottle to you.
"Let's play truth or dare. You first." He had an easy smile, not letting you choose before asking the question. "Truth, right? What really brought you out here?"
"Hold on," you pouted. "I never agreed to play."
"If you don't want to answer, drink." He nodded at the whiskey bottle.
"That's not what I meant," you frowned.
"You don't want to ask me anything?" He tilted his head, a sly grin on his face suggesting he knew you had questions. "I'll pick truth if you promise to pick dare."
"Okay," you sighed. "Nothing weird though, ok?" You knew if you tried asking him anything without agreeing to his little game, he'd refuse, as always. Maybe he'd be more open if you gave him a little something in return.
"A dare then." He grinned, and you immediately regretted your decision. "Take your top off."
"I said nothing weird!" You shoved him again, successfully distracting him from the flustered look on your face.
"It's not weird. I want to see you topless." He gave a lazy shrug with his trademark infuriating smile. "You can always drink instead." So that was his game. You could get a little drunk for answers. So you took a swig, feeling the harsh burn of the whiskey as it slid down your throat.
"My turn." You looked down, then back at Toji. You wondered if you should even bring this up, but you wanted to get it out of the way before you did something you regretted. "Uh, I saw the divorce papers on your dresser."
"And? What's your question?" He carefully eyed you, not giving away anything more than needed.
"Who is she?" His expression was unreadable. You weren't sure if he was ok divulging this to you, but he could always drink if he didn't want to.
"My ex-wife. Megumi's mother." His voice was cold.
"You didn't sign them." You probed.
"Guess I forgot." He shrugged again, but seeing your brow furrow in frustration compelled him to add, "my family arranged it. I feel nothing for her."
"Why didn't you sign them?"
"Kiss me." He responded.
"What?" He caught your flustered expression this time and chuckled.
"You want to ask me that? You owe me a dare." He grinned.
"I'm not gonna kiss you." You pursed your lips, looking at the bottle in your hand. You could get a little drunk for answers, you repeated to yourself before taking another swig. You didn't notice the slight scowl on Toji's face at your rejection.
"I forgot to sign them." He reclined on his elbow, making you turn your head. You could feel the heat of the whiskey in your cheeks as you eyed him.
"Do you expect me to believe that?" You frowned.
"Maybe my lips would feel a little looser after a kiss." He watched you, wondering what was holding you back. You weren't subtle at all about your little crush on him, so why were you being so reserved when he made a move?
"This is getting nowhere." You sighed. "You're married. I can't just kiss you." There it was. Your arbitrary hang-up.
"She's gone, I told you. It was an arranged marriage." Toji looked a little ticked off, but his voice still sounded calm. "I never wanted her, and I never wanted-" He stopped himself. Your eyes widened, finishing his thought - Megumi. He pinched the bridge of his nose, sitting back up on the bed.
"That's not what I mean." He mumbled.
"What do you mean?"
"Drink," his hand dropped, and he looked at you. His gaze was piercing, reminding you of the way Megumi looked at you the first time you met.
"What?" You shrank back a little, wondering what you did to upset him.
"Does it matter what I dare you to do? Just drink." You considered offering to do whatever the next dare was, but he seemed dejected. You simply took a more generous swig of the whiskey, feeling the alcohol's effects.
"My family is shit, but hers wasn't. They took me in. Hell, I even took her name. But she left anyway. It never mattered to her and one day my family became too much, then she was gone. I got the divorce papers in the mail a month later and," he gestured at the dresser, "that's where I put them."
"I didn't sign them because," he glanced at the door as if to check for his son's presence before his voice quieted. "I want her to come back for Megumi."
You felt guilty. Your judgement was foggy from the alcohol. You handed him the bottle and looked him in the eyes. "Okay. I owe you a dare."
He looked at you, emotions spinning in his head. He took a drink of the liquor and set the bottle back on his bedside table. The way you were looking at him was nearly irresistible, your lips puffy and eyes hazy from the whiskey. He sighed, not wanting to risk another rejection. Not wanting to ruin the evening more than he already had. 
"Thanks." He responded, leaving you a bit confused. "I'll cash it in later." There was a long silence that almost seemed to echo in the empty room.
"Sorry, Toji." You looked at him, but he didn't return your gaze.
"I need a smoke. You should go home." He stood, grabbing the pack of cigarettes. He held out his hand to help you up, but promptly dropped it and left the apartment without another word.
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sugartitstownley · 6 months
💙 A Trikey Lookbook 🧡
Here’s a collection of some fun Trikey stuff. I forgot Tumblr has a 10 image limit, so I had to combine some images, and there’s definitely going to be a part 2 and possibly part 3 because I have so many things in my gallery.
Warnings: Talk of violence but nothing too graphic, rude comments over weight, explicit language, sexual innuendos and but no actual smut.
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Michael watches with a disapproving look as Trevor hangs up newspaper articles and images of their various dealings across town.
“T, do you have to hang it like it’s fuckin’ artwork?” Michael huffs, pointing at the paper on the upper left. “I feel like I’m comin’ too close to landing my ass in jail. That Lawrence guy named me for Christ’s sake — and it’s your fault!”
Trevor smirks. “Ah, come on, Mikey! It slipped out. Whats the big deal? We’ll be in a new town tomorrow.”
“The big deal is that I prefer not to have my name plastered on the evening news!”
“Relax,” Trevor rubs his hand up and down Michael’s tricep. “Wear it like a badge of honor. Your name is in the paper, and those idiots still have no idea who you are. You’re a fuckin’ legend!”
At that, Michael finally cracks a smile. “Yeah, I guess.”
“And you’re hot, too,” Trevor says while taping up the sticky note next to Michael’s picture, his smirk growing as he listens to the shorter man laugh beside him.
“Now that I knew already.”
“Don’t get cocky.”
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Overplayed Christmas songs and the faint smell of gingerbread fill the house. Michael can barley make out the sound of Amanda griping to her father over his questions about her chosen profession and when she was going to “grow up.”
He knows he should be out there pretending to enjoy the family bickering and Christmas cheer, but he honestly feels like a fish out of water.
The family, the gift wrapping, the normalcy — it’s certainly better than any holiday he spent during his youth. Still, he can’t help but compare it to every year with his maniacal counterpart, Trevor.
“Mikey-boy, got those beers you were wanting,” Trevor says, dropping the six pack on to the motel bed. “I better be rewarded. It was hell out there.”
Michael glances over from his spot on the bed, his eyes immediately drawn to Trevor’s once-clean outfit that has now become disheveled and stained with dark red within the short time the man was gone. “The fuck happened?”
“This fucking family,” Trevor starts while stripping from his clothes, not bothering to warn Mike since it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before. “All I did was tell the father to watch his fucking kids before they get hit by oncoming traffic.”
Michael, knowing there’s way more to the story than his partner in crime is telling him, shoots him a look. “Jesus Christ. Did you kill him in front of his kids?”
“What? No! God, M. Who do you think I am? I killed the kids first obviously since he clearly didn’t give a shit about them,” Trevor shrugs, pulling on a fresh pair of sweatpants.
Seeing Michael’s face pale, Trevor quickly continues. “I’m kidding! Sweet Jesus. I hit a deer, so I gutted him a little for meat. You’re welcome.”
Michael sighs softly, relieved that Trevor hasn’t done anything to prematurely set off alarm bells to local authorities for their next score. “Sorry, T. Just on edge, I think.”
“Come on,” Trevor grabs the beer pack and pulls Michael up by his hand, leading him over to their portable oven. “Let’s bake some cookies, probably ruin them since that’s our tradition, and then just watch one of those fruity fuckin’ movies you like.”
A knock on the door brings Michael out of his flashback, and a few seconds later, Amanda‘s head pops through the door, followed by her hands holding two decorated Christmas cookies.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Amanda asks, gesturing to the letter beneath his hand.
“Nothing, nothing,” He stands up, dropping the marker, vowing to finish the letter later and send it out in the morning. “I’m coming.”
He grabs the sugar cookie out of her hand and takes a bite as he follows her back into the living room. Somehow, the golden brown cookie with a soft center and a delicate balance of sweetness is no match for the dry and crumbly cookie sporting burnt edges and artificial flavors that he’s used to tasting every year with Trevor.
God, he misses him.
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“How the hell did you even get into my office without security stopping you?”
Trevor looks up from his office chair at the Vanilla Unicorn to see Michael standing over him. “What?”
“This,” Michael drops the paper in front of the other man. “What does this mean, Trev? I thought we were over this shit.”
“First of all, Michael, I will decide when we are over it,” Trevor snaps. “Second — can’t a guy joke around anymore without there being some deeper, psychological reason for it?”
“With you? I think there’s always a deeper, psychological reason,” he grins. “But c’mon, how’d you get this in the studio?”
“I’m a seasoned robber, pork chop. Don’t you think I could get in without anyone knowing?”
“Uh, you’re more the type to be so loud and brash that everyone ends up knowing you’re there.”
Trevor shrugs, knowing his running buddy has some sort of point. “Alright, I told them we were married, and I needed to see you.”
Michael laughs, but his amusement is short lived when Trevor’s face stays earnest. “You didn’t.”
“I sure did, Mikey. And a few of those assholes weren’t very supportive, so you need to watch the company you keep, man.”
“Trevor! I work with those people! They all know I’m married to Amanda. What did they say? Were they shocked?”
“Not one soul was shocked,” Trevor huffs out a laugh. “Eighty percent of Vinewood is in the closet.”
Michael falters. “But … I’m not. I’m not —”
“I think we both know that’s not true, sugar.”
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First dates. They were one hundred and ten percent first dates — or were they? What even is a date?
Longing looks, some sort of nerves, maybe a sprinkle of sexual tension for a lot of people — Christ. By that definition, he and Trevor had been on nothing but dates their whole lives with one another.
It’s not that Michael didn’t know there is something between them, but what that something is often eluded him.
He had miraculously talked Trevor into going to a Los Santos Panic game. Neither guy was a sports fanatic — Trevor choosing to forgo watching sports altogether for the most part because, in his words, “if I wanted to watch a bunch of guys touch balls, I’d just watch porn,” and Michael was undoubtedly more of a movie buff since most games only reminded him of what could have blossomed out of his high school football career.
Nonetheless, Michael indulged in a game or two — if not for the game itself, at least for the buttered popcorn and greasy hotdogs.
“You know that shit is bad for you, right? One day, I’m going to have to call the paramedics to haul your fat carcass out of the bed after you have a heart attack in your sleep.”
Michael rolls his eyes before halfheartedly giving Trevor a shove. “Ha, ha. Very funny, cocksucker.”
“It’s not a mean insult if it’s true, Mikey.”
Their next “date” is at Beachwalk Bistro near Vespucci Beach. Both men slipped into some unspoken agreement that they are delicately walking the line between friendship and more.
Michael fidgets with his napkin, glancing over at Trevor who seems uncharacteristically uneasy as well. The air crackles around them with an energy, a blend of nostalgic and unexplored feelings.
Michael clears his throat. “So, uh, how’s life?”
Trevor smirks, his eyes glistening with amusement. “How’s life? You mean since you last saw me yesterday?”
Michael gives a subtle sigh before changing the subject completely. “Amanda and I are getting divorced.”
At that, Trevor nods. “Yeah, Jimmy told me.”
A look of shock crosses Michael’s face, but before he can ask, the waiter comes over and interrupts them. They hastily place their orders before retreating into silence.
As the night unfolds, their conversation sticks — for the most part — around work, upcoming plans with Franklin and Lamar, and anything else but the emotions lingering beneath the surface. That doesn’t stop Trevor from brushing his hand against Michael’s while grabbing at his plate for a taste or Michael from taking an extra long glance at his best friend.
With plates emptied and stacked, they both leave the restaurant, choosing to make the short trek to Vespucci Beach and walk.
There is a hesitant pause before Trevor breaks the silence. “This wasn’t terrible, Mikey.”
“It was different.”
Trevor hums in agreement, a small smile on his lips. “Yeah, different. In a good way.”
Their eyes met, a shared understanding between them. The unspoken tension that’s been building since Trevor made his way back into Michael’s life gave way to a warmth that only hinted at the depth of their connection.
Michael reached out his hand and tentatively linked his fingers through Trevor’s, and the taller man reciprocated immediately by giving a subtle squeeze.
“We’ve been through a lot of fucked up shit, Trev,” Michael says, stopping along the water to look at Trevor. “I know we’ve worked through most of it by now, but I didn’t really expect things to turn out like this.”
“Life’s full of surprises, sugar.”
Their eyes meet, and suddenly one — or both — are leaning in to finally close the distance. The first brush of their lips ignits the metaphorical spark that has been smoldering for months.
As they pull back, neither man is quick to say anything. Instead, Michael just tugs on Trevor’s hand, and they head down the beach once again.
“So, Mikey. Kissing your best friend on the beach under the moonlight. A little cliche, even for you, don’t you think?”
Michael just grins and shakes his head. “What? You’ve never had a fantasy?”
“Well, there was one,” Trevor starts. “We kill a bunch of those bikers, dump their bodies in the river, then fuck in their van — or keep their bodies in the van … you know, if you’re into that.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Michael mutters. “Let’s just keep our thoughts to ourselves from now on.”
“Your loss.”
Yeah, they were definitely dates.
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“You’re ‘embarrassed’ for us? You’re the one who spray-painted that in the first place!”
“I was trying to be loving,” Trevor huffs. “At least I didn’t take a picture of my meal like I’m a middle-aged white mom on Lifeinvader.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Michael says, running his hands through Trevor’s grown-out hair. “Make fun all you want. You wrote ‘Trevor plus Mikey’ on the wall. You love me.”
“Shut the fuck up before I tell Amanda about the time you wore her underwear.”
Michael points a finger at his boyfriend. “That was one god damn time, and it was only because you asked.”
Trevor laughs. “You looked pretty, sugar. Don’t worry.”
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“You can’t avoid her forever, Mikey.”
Michael groans, his head resting in his hands as he lays on their shared bed. “Tracey saw the notes, T. She knows.”
“Well, we do live together now. I’m pretty sure she already knows.”
“No,” Michael drops his hands to meet Trevor’s eyes. “Christ. She knows what the notes said. How the fuck can I look her in the eyes now?”
Trevor’s face scrunches up in confusion. “You divorced her mom to shack up with her uncle. How the fuck could you look her in the eyes before?”
Michael tries to glare at him, but it doesn’t come off as menacing as years prior — it never does now. “I know you ain’t wrong, but you don’t have to say it.”
“She loves you. Stop worrying.”
“But —”
“‘No buts,” Trevor cuts him off, placing a kiss on the top of his head. “She just wants you happy. So stop moping like a sad sack of shit and come cuddle me.”
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“Now who’s the one hanging shit like it’s art?”
Michael feels Trevor wrap his arms around him from behind and place a kiss on his neck. “What do you mean, T?”
“Has your memory deteriorated already? You used to hate when I’d pin up pictures of our various … activities.”
“That was different,” Michael links one of his hands with Trevor’s, who are still wrapped around his waist, and uses the other one to sort through more photos before landing on one. “Do you remember this night back in North Yankton?”
Trevor lets his gaze fall down to the photo, which shows a young Michael and Trevor sporting a buzz cut and long hair respectively. They’re standing in front of a fire, the soft glow from the flames highlighting their features. Trevor, who has one arm around the shorter man’s shoulders is flipping off the camera, and Michael is smirking up at Trevor like he just said something amusing before the flash went off.
“Sure do, pork chop,” Trevor says. “Think Brad took this one. More importantly, I couldn’t forget this night if I tried. Your questionable singing still haunts my nightmares.”
Michael chuckles, reaching for another photo. “I thought I sounded pretty good.”
“Keep dreaming,” Trevor unwraps his arms around Michael to look through the remaining photos. “Can I add stuff to this board too?”
“So long as it doesn’t scar anyone,” Michael jokes.
“No promises, Mikey.”
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The Dorothea Swift
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"Folks, it's that time again for..."
"New NEWS," Travis Kelce is the one to finish, loud to the point that the woman on the other screen lifts her headphones slightly away from her ears.
"Today's episode features a very favorite of not only my wife, but the entire KC Chiefs system, social media manager miss Dorothea Swift! Dorothea-"
"Please Jason, just Thea, that's what everyone calls me. The last time someone called me Dorothea it was my sister when she wrote a song about missing me when I left for college," The blonde laughs, tucking a curl behind her ear.
"Or Dee Dee, that's what Mahomes calls her," Travis chimes, chuckling at the aggrivated look on the face of a woman who deals with football players for a living.
"That's because Pat took it from some friends of mine," She defends, rolling her eyes. "But it's great to be here boys. You've basically been making my job useless."
"Ah you could never be useless, babygirl," Is Travis's brilliant response, making Jason laugh.
"I can just hear the internet blowing up with that one comment, so I'm gonna save ya'll and move on," The elder brother assures, "Dorthea, what's it like being the sister of someone as famous as Taylor?"
"You see, my answer to that is going to be incredibly boring, but we've always grown up in a really down to Earth and relatively normal family. I mean, obviously Tay has been singing since I was seven and she was fourteen, so we've grown in this environment, but like, as a younger sister she's still just my annoying older sister."
"So you two are close?" Travis is the one to ask, with a knowing smile. "At least you seemed it at the game the other day."
"Yes, she and I still have sleepovers in my bed when she comes to town. My boyfriend has had to sleep on the sofa in our living room more than a few nights because of it," She explains, having to laugh.
"Ah, and would this boyfriend be the one that you've been soft launching on your instagram?"
"Dude, how do you know what soft launching is?" Travis questions his brother, laughing, Thea unable to not join in.
"My wife taught me! Laugh it up," Jason answers defensively, although his eyebrows betray his display of annoyance for what it really is, amusement. "But come on Thea, give us the insider scoop on your mystery boy that everyone is losing their minds about on the internet."
"I'm pretty sure what everyone is really losing their minds about is my sister and your brother supposedly dating after last weeks game," Thea laughs, Travis blushing madly. "Do you have anything to say about that?"
"Oh I'm a fan of this line of questioning," Jason grins, nodding excitedly about what he knows is to come.
"Me too, Jason, me too," Thea agrees, going to say something else before being interrupted by a little voice through Jason's microphone.
"Antie Dee Dee!"
The blonde woman's face turns the shade of a Chiefs jersey, both men's faces showing surprise in the turn of events that Jason's daughter Wyatt has caused. The's no way to deny that this is the first time the three have really talked if Jason's daughter already calls her Antie.
"Baby Wy," Travis is the one to respond, coming out as a groan. "You just ruined a soft launch that was a year in the making!"
"Does this mean it's time?" Jason asks, eyes dotting back and forth between the other boxes on the screen.
Rather than answering, a still red Thea gets up from her chair, disappearing from her screen only to reappear in Travis' a moment later, kissing his forehead and sitting down on his lap.
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I am not in fact dating Taylor Swift, but have been dating Dorthea Swift for the last two years," He announces, smiling brightly at the screen.
"He's become close with my sister, given their proximity in age, and I've clearly become close with his family in return," Dorthea takes the chance to explain.
"Yeah, the Kid is pretty cool, I guess," Jason chimes, leaning in the the microphone as if about to tell a secret. "She better be my sister-in-law one day or I will kill my brother."
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