#but also! a disclaimer that the ships I mentioned as otps are NOT the only ones I'll write they're just ships I like
moongothic · 9 months
I LOVE your crocodad theory I'm an obsessed believer but did u ever get romantic vibes from crocodile & robin business relationship? Many people get lover vibes from them & I never understood why. They seem VERY strictly business/stab each other in the back relationship. (Plus crocodile is TERRIFYING).
I think Croco/Robin as a ship exists kind of like... out of circumstance? Kind of?
Quick disclaimer, I only got into OP in like 2008~ish at the age of 13, I can not comment what it as like being in the fandom before that because I wasn't there (and when OP began in 1997 I was like two whole years old). So whatever I say here doesn't come from like, a fandom veteran who knows the entire history of the OP fandom or anything. I'm just attempting to rub my braincells together here
Like in the year of our lord 2023 we have many wonderful Crocodile ships to classify as OTPs and NOTPs etc, but if we go back to like 2006 or so, long before the Summit War Saga was even a thing, try to think about what characters you would have shipped Crocodile with? Because for a long time, the only canon material Crocodile had appeared in was just the Alabasta Saga (+one brief cover story), and we don't really see Crocodile interact with that many characters during the story. Like. Really the only character Crocodile has multiple, extended interactions with aside from Luffy and Vivi is Robin. All the other characters he interacts with maybe once or twice for very brief scenes, so based on canon material alone, there isn't much for fuel for shipping purposes.
It really wasn't until Marineford when we finally started getting other characters to ship with Crocodile, mainly the Ever Loyal Daz who seems to be willing to follow Crocodile anywhere (romantic as fuck) and Doflamingo after he and Croc tried to kill each other twice at Marineford (people seem to love a tsundere Croc) And now with Cross Guild we also have Mihawk (and Buggy) as far as shipping options go. And of course there's MORE than just these ships, there's the more crack-leaning ships (like Dragodile and whatever you'd call the Cobra-ship) and some others (Jinbei, Whitebeard, Ivankov, Galdino, Luffy even) etc etc
The only difference is that Croco/Robin got to kind of be like, "the default Crocodile ship" for like 8 years without major competition. And because the ship has "history", even when new ships pop up the one that has been around the longest will still stick out. Not to mention, although we have options now, even those have very little canon material to actually work with when compared to Croco/Robin. Like Dofuwani exists because the two had like three whole pages worth of interactions, but compare that to the screentime Croc had with Robin? It's not even a competition
Not to mention, Croco/Robin is just. Like it's kind of the mandatory het ship. Like there aren't many straight options with canon material to work with, and there's gonna be people who really want to have a het ship with Crocodile if you know what I mean. But also, let's be real. There's a lot of straight women who're horny for Crocodile. Valid as fuck. And Croco/Robin could have like, a self-insert-y quality to it, like some people might be able to see themselves in Robin? Also valid. And that can apply to some straight men too, like I'm sure there's cishet men who look at Crocodile with that "god I wish that were me" energy, who love seeing Crocodile ship fanart with Robin, as they can project onto Crocodile etc. This is also valid. Point is that the ship appeals to cishets by simply being a het ship, but also it might make for an easy ship for a lot of straight people to project onto for one reason or another.
But to be fair, I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I think Croco/Robin has the potential to be a really interesting ship. Like they ARE the Baroque Works Boss Pair, literal partners in crime, the most powerful members of the secret criminal organization who run the whole operation, they worked together by themselves for four whole years, Crocodile protecting Robin by allowing her to hide under his wings. They were together, ready to take over an entire country and obtain a weapon of mass destruction And then Robin betrays him. And Crocodile admits he never trusted her to begin with.
Like on paper alone, this is great material for a juicy romance.
Especially now when we understand why Robin was on the run and why she feared being betrayed, and how looking back at Crocodile's reaction when Robin "reads" the Poneglyph for him, he genuinely seems a little sad about her betraying him (mystery trauma etc). This is a genuinely interesting character dynamic, like even without any romantic context I would love to see Crocodile and Robin meet again in the storyline and like, see what Crocodile thinks of Robin having joined the Strawhats vs what Robin thinks about Cross Guild, how the two might interact etc. They are interesting to me
Like personally, I agree, I don't think the two were actually ever romantically involved with each other (frankly I don't think Crocodile trusts anyone anymore enough to let them get close him like that, dude's been voluntarily celibate for like two decades lmao), their relationship was surely just business-only. And while the ship doesn't personally interest me (just kinda "meh" for me), I do understand why the ship appeals to others and why it's popular to this day
But yeah, I do think a lot of the reasons Croco/Robin is as popular as it is due to circumstance. It's been around the longest, it still arguably has the most canon material to work with, it appeals to lots of people. God knows shippers don't actually need the characters to like each other, otherwise people wouldn't be shipping Croc with Buggy as we speak
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blubushie · 4 months
as someone who loves both sniperscout and sniperspy, you hit the nail on the head with the toxic shippers, not to mention so many of them project so much onto scout or spy that they become practically unrecognizable as characters, like mama, just self-ship at that point and quit lying to yourself pffffft-
In my experience toxic SniperSpy fans seem to be worse, though I'm highly aware that I'm biased because my worst experience was with a toxic SniperSpy fan who got a little too into "Blu is IRL Sniper" lmfao. They seem to idolise the absolute worst traits of Spy's character/job—manipulation and deception. This bleeds out into everything else, including their friendships, as they try to act like irl incarnations of their idol. Instead they come off as arseholes because these are the ONLY facets of him they ever end up mimicking. Ooooh so scary and edgy, so mysterious, so fancy. Except they're not scary because they're teenagers, they're not edgy cuz they're liars, they're not mysterious cuz they can't keep their mouths shut enough to be, and they don't have the class of cultural background to be a drop as fancy as they think themselves are. These are teenagers who think "fancy" is just nice clothes they can't afford, sticking your little finger out while drinking things that aren't wine from a wine glass, and not putting your elbows on the table.
My experiences with toxic SniperScout fans have been more limited. I'm sure things are worse on Twitter, but I avoid Twitter like the plague. Most I've seen from that batch on Tumblr is them mischaracterising Scout as uwu-shyboy with Sniper and completely ignoring his loud and brash nature and how readily be flirts with Miss P when his brain isn't stalling.
But they also heavily mischaracterise Sniper too. "Ohh Sniper is so comforting, Sniper would never yell at Scout for being annoying–" Yes he fucking would. He would tell Scout to shut the fuck up for all of five minutes. I know they like to think that Sniper wouldn't do it because it means he would do it to them, but yes he fucking would. His job depends on it, and while some babble is fine, Scout also needs to learn to shut the fuck up when he's supposed to. Because Sniper, who hasn't had a holiday in at least 4 years, puts the job and professionalism above everything, even his partner. And Scout, who's also a mercenary, knows that life or death rides on that.
Basically toxic SniperSpy fans try to become Spy, and toxic SniperScout fans make Scout become them. There's other things surely but these are first to mind. The one thing they have in common is both have to ferally attack and harrass each other to convince people that their ship is superior so that their feelings for Sniper are validated.
Disclaimer: everything stated above is restricted ONLY to TOXIC fans of these ships and traits I've noted being a common trend among them. If you're not harrassing people over your OTP, congrats—none of this applies to you.
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qan-t · 10 months
hello everyone it is time for Shipping Opinions. this is rambly and about locktie and why i'm not into it. disclaimer: if you locktie that is fine! i do not judge you as a person! if you don't want to read negativity about your otp that is also perfectly fine, please have a good day.
alright, let's begin. so a lot of why locktie doesn't work for me is that i can honestly only see it as going very very badly for the both of them in the long term. and don't get me wrong, i'm a Toxic Relationship Enjoyer. it's just that with these two in particular, especially tieria, it hits some really specific squick points for me, and i'll elaborate on that later. this is how i would interpret locktie in a scenario where neil survives fallen angels: i can see things getting co-dependent on tieria's part easily, especially taking Literally Everything Else into account. but most critically, neil never dies, so he never has to move past neil. and neil... i just can't see him able to genuinely reciprocate romantic feelings for anyone. frankly, i don't think he's interested in romance, and i also don't think he's in a mental state at any point in s1 where he'd even believe he has anything to offer to anyone romantically. in our 'neil survives' scenario, he still failed. allelujah and setsuna are missing, ali is still alive, celestial being is in shambles, the world has not changed... the man would be a wreck. if he somehow ended up in a relationship with tieria, i can only see it as some kind of one-sided placation on neil's part. maybe he'd feel like "appeasing" tieria in this way is some of the only value he can provide to anyone anymore? imagine tieria confesses his feelings. neil is reeling from everything, he sees how vulnerable tieria is... better to just go along with it, right? though that feels like a stretch of characterization, itself. if tieria did have a romantic confession to neil prior to operation fallen angels, i think neil would have let him down gently precisely because of tieria's vulnerable mental state. for all neil knows, tieria's confusing guilt and gratefulness for love. even if neil did reciprocate, wouldn't he be concerned about taking advantage of tieria's guilt? ultimately, i see a relationship between the two as something that would be miserable for neil and detrimental to tieria's growth. there is a scenario where i'd be somewhat? more open to it, and that's S2-and-onward tieria/neil, and it's because tieria isn't vulnerable anymore. he doesn't need to rely on neil anymore. he's grown and come into his own and he can be the one that neil leans on instead. i mentioned squicks earlier. in locktie, tieria's often so soft and delicate and sad and vulnerable and feminine -- because apparently femininity and vulnerability simply must go together -- and neil is big and strong and comforting and manly! neil is going to Fix him! the gendered roles rub me the wrong way. i just do not like tieria being put in the "girl" role. some of this is personal gender baggage, possibly, but it is what it is. there's a lot of seme/uke vibes that aren't for me, either, and it often doesn't feel like a relationship between equals. again, i am a Toxic Relationship Enjoyer, but where tieria specifically is concerned, it squicks me surprisingly hard. and the thing is, neil can't fix tieria. neil can't even fix himself. neil is cool. he's a badass. and he's dead inside. he's not a hero that goes out in a blaze of glory -- he dies unfulfilled, filled with hatred, and that's what makes him so interesting. he's as broken as every other person on ptolemy. s2 tieria wouldn't be able to fix neil, either, because you can't fix other people in the first place, but s2 tieria would at least be on even ground with him. if neil's found something to live for and come to terms with everything -- which would take a hell of a lot -- then and only then can i see a healthy relationship maybe forming. all this in mind is why it's hard for me to enjoy locktie: not really being able to see it working out in the first place + characterization trends i've observed over the years. plus, overexposure. i can't help developing opinions when it's the fandom otp.
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nettleshuttle · 2 years
I'm gonna ask for a character too! Who?
My girl Akiza! :)
ooh very gladly, one portion of thoughts on aki coming right up! (disclaimer: i’ve watched up to 80 eps of 5ds until now, so that’s the scope of my opinions)
how i feel about this character: if my tumblr layout wasn’t enough of a hint, i really love aki. she’s definitely the best love interest in ygo, both in terms of my personal favs (though asuka and yuzu are neat too) and, like, objectively (as in best written, most complex). she’s got some great tropes in her character, fantastic intro and development and her relationship with yusei makes me tear up at every duel they play. also her design and deck make-up are just >>>
all the people i ship romantically with this character: yusei. i’m so glad this is a canon ship because this content brings me undue amounts of happiness. the start of their relation was what particularly hit me, with their initial duel and the one in the hospital, then how he consoled her after the whole thing with divine, taught her to ride a d-wheel (built one for her??) — yusei’s as precious as can be and she deserved someone like that so bad. as an optional no. 2 in this short list i’d put sherry — their ship appeals to me far less, but, y’know, lesbians on motorcycles. i’m a weak human sometimes.
non-romantic OTP: hmm. actually, i feel like aki has little to no relationships apart the one with yusei — she was deliberately isolated from others by divine, then when he died yusei seems to be the only one she really trusts. crow and jack appear really distant from her, although they are friendly towards one another — it struck me when crow specifically mentioned how aki hangs out with the signers not so frequently and i just get the impression she doesn’t fully consider them as her friends. i’d put sherry here because they’d have a nice vibe also as besties on motorcycles and also maybe rua and ruka? aki taking care of them is really nice and though, of course, they won’t be her friends the way a person her age would be, it’s still a good relationship.
unpopular opinion about this character: i wrote that i like the make-up of her deck, so, to clarify: black rose dragon is just great and the overall aesthetic of the cards fits her perfectly, but the way it’s constructed, game-wise, is absolutely garbage. why does she have a plant based deck and plant effects for a non-plant ace? why are her best tuners suited to a different star rating than 7? why does she not have cards that would alleviate black rose’s self destruction? i play rose dragons in duel links and it makes me just livid how stupidly this all was planned out because it doesn’t make sense even with adjustments that konami introduced later — and, consequently, they’re making her play some really bad duels in the show. i mean, she could be so damn strong if they admitted her some properly designed cards? i get that she’s one of the more powerful love interests anyway, but, come on, asuka could have gotten a playable deck and not aki?
also idk if that’s unpopular, but i want to say it: she’s probably the only character in the whole series whose psychic powers feel justified and make sense. they have more downsides than anything else, but they’re still ironed out into a real strength in the end, they add a lot to character, her personality is built accordingly, everything clicks together.
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: apart from giving her a better deck and a chance to kick some ass with that? definitely a better ending to her relationship with divine. yeah, he was a toxic, manipulative bastard who fucked her up bad in the head, but he was the single most important person in her life for so long (if not forever, before yusei) that randomly killing him off feels so unsatisfying. let her defeat him in a duel? let her break free of him on her own? the guy caused her so much trauma, she should have had the chance to overcome that (and him) on her own, instead of such a bland resolution.
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ardynoctlovers · 2 years
Rules of Our Discord Server
Disclaimer: We know people are likely tired of having to read through another set of rules when joining a server, but we want this to be a safe space for everyone. That means that some rules that should not have to be mentioned, because they are common sense, need to be addressed anyway. Not everyone that is using the internet and off age knows how to behave. That being said:
Please be sure to read through the rules thoroughly. If there are any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to bring them up.
Our Server is only for people 18+ because of its sensitive nature. It is no longer invite only, but I hope that anyone that reads till the end of this rule page will respect our wishes of only joining if they are of age in their respective countries.
What happens in the server, stays in the server. Not everyone wants it to be known that they are an Ardynoct fan or feel comfortable in other ways sharing it outside. So please respect that.
Don't spread or give out any personal information that's been said inside the server, **including** the member list. Always ask permission first if you intend to share something from inside this server that has not been put out yet.
Be respectful. Everyone is here to have a good time talking about Ardynoct. Any forms of harassment, racism, homophobia, transphobia, bigotry and the likes thereof will not be tolerated.
Be mindful of where you're posting. Please keep your posts to the appropriate channels, especially when it comes to NSFW and sensitive content as we have specific channels in place for this type of content. If you are unsure where to put something, please ask.
If the conversation begins to shift into territory you don't like, sometimes it's best to agree to disagree and walk away from said conversation. That means no fandom shaming. We all have different likes, dislikes, OTPs, NOTPs, HCs, etc.
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Please don't leave and come back into the server multiple times. Perhaps life has you a little stressed out and you need to step away. This is fine, but making a habit of it can send the wrong message that this behavior is okay, and can make it difficult for people to want to reach out to you to chat. We recommend muting the server as a whole.
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We all know that this ship is often anything but sunshine and roses so there is more than one nsfw channel here. Confusing, right? First of all, no one's gonna chop your head off when you accidently post in the wrong nsfw channel but please move it to the appropriate one if asked to do so.
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gojodiary · 2 years
When your friendship end like your otp canon story
Disclaimer: The story is based on my story. The grammar would be mixed potential. If you were had otp friends, keep stay by their side whatever the situation.
Hello, I am Ket and also on tumblr well known as Lily (before my friend called me Ket or Cat because my direct name account). First of all, I would like to thank you,Ellon. Because of your chaos, I couldn't active my tumblr, the platform I started my fandom era especially Jujutsu Kaisen. Then, I would held the space twitter but Ellon forced me to post tumblr LMAO
Okay, I want to share what happened last months and yesterday. The reason why our friendship ended like our OTP. I am fine if you heard the story detail from my friend (I forgot this is the disclaimer too)
Our collaboration and also friendship started on March 2022 where we met and watch first screening movie. We have shared appointment to bring our merch. She had insane idea. I acquired She was total person and dedicated. We shared same mind, idea about the fiction our ship. Yes, we couldn't careless of other opinion like hating our otp as long as we love it. Ofc, we had spent precious moment to celebrate the day.
Time passed, our friendship well till The grenade comes. so what is it? Yes, there is trending tweets about our OTP topic. It made me false alarm because I believed there was no mentioned in manga even interview had done on various magazine japan. I followed two fandom account which actively translated every update, they never mentioned. The account who spread 'agenda' with mix translation made me dissapointed to the my OTP area even They were reverse side. Every fans of my OTP fandom has been blinded. I was glad another fans artist I followed keep silence and the other one tweeted disagreed same as mine.
So that, I sent DM to my friend that I shared my dissapoint that account shared that 'agenda' and there was no miss translation. The discussion with one of another friend was also shared. Her reaction:
'A is notp, so she can tell like that' 'I knew our otp faith in manga was like (bad) that but I choosed to make them happy' 'Why you took a serious to the tweet although the artist are fans of our reverse OTP'
It made me not totally fine because the "agenda" has been success to grow OTP fans to love and arise their desire to confirm the OTP had already canon :). I felt disturbed and shame on OTP fans. Unreasonable.
Around two days later, I tweeted that 'I lost interest to my OTP and take a rest till my interest arise again'. She was shocked. She felt dissapointed my decission. Shortly, a days later, she replied another fans otp and made me sad. As True Bestie, She should tried to contact me like 'are you okay?' 'hei, our fav fans updated bla bla bla'. Helping me to rise not. She was careless.
I was being dramatic to share my dissapoint to make her contact me, and she did same before. I replied her tweet normally but she's cold. There is border between us.
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Climax :
The climax of the story started when we did 'subtweet' each other. I talked about reminding to buy manga (Srsly, I didn't have jelly feeling to anyone buy Doujinshi) because supporting our sensei. She responded my tweet "I know b***. I already knew without your notice".
A day later, I saw she bought the manga. Second, She was muttering about her complain to fans artist "omnivore" (fans artist who shipped multiple not only main otp). I responded to my tweet not ony to her also to follower (in sarcasm word) :
'Hey, yo, why you didn't make a list. be smart girl. you can filter and select which artist not omnivore category. You can use that feature' Finally, She did BUB (Blocked and Unblocked) all social media.
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That's our climax. I also did blocked because she have told me to do the same if there is one who blocked you, you act that. Okay girl. Noted
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End of Story
Finally, we jump into the end of story. Hurray!!!
After the action, I felt Like:
'WTF, Our Friendship ended like KFC story'.
'We have met and celebrate the day and you cut off. So rude'
Shock, Narrow and can't cry. I still respect our precious moment but How?
So, I made 'twitter space' to talk the story I wrote here. I would like to thank you for my twitter moots attend, listen and give advice. I always remember the precious advice.
"Let's end the story and Move on. Hopefully, you find a bestie who has same vision as yours"
Yes, the advice said right. I have to let go of this very drama friendship relationship. this is shipwrecked like our OTP faith
Final (very Final)
For closing my tumblr post (coming back with drama story), you can learn from my story that your friends in OTP shipping doesn't mean is your true bestie. Don't hold back. In community especially fandom, trust me, there is another will listen, so be kind to them.
Satoru Gojo always said
"Don't worry, I am strongest"
19 November 2022
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
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I’m always so nervous talking about ships I like I’m kajndfkajndfkjndf
I love all the ships I write, or have discussed more than written aksndfkajnd (Alleria/Willa, Kelantir/Halduron, Thalyssra/Nera, Lor’themar/Airlia with @sunrunnerrs​, Tyrande/Sylv, Nathanos/Sylv with @ladywindrunner​ we also begun exploring lor’themar/sylv and I like it :eyes:, Tyrande/Malfurion and Illidan/Kael with @aen-consilium​ and Alex/Kori with @psychcdelica​ and also Tiffin/Varian with @goldwrynn​ and Myrcella/Robb with @wclfcrown​) but I love some I never got to write too. I like Alleria and Turalyon, I just don’t like how canon does it kajndfkandf Tyrande/Ysera is otp, I like Tyrande/Illidan too and Thalyssra/Liadrin. For my DA characters, I have no ships with any of them currently. I like Morrigan/Warden depending on Warden ofc but like, generally speaking? aiushdiafiduhf but also since we’re here and I’ve already listed some ships that I’m always nervous to mention let’s add one more and say I like Morrigan/Alistair too. I like Velanna/Nathaniel tentatively and am mostly team Velanna/anyone who loves her as she deserves. For my Warden and my Hawke and also Nalice I don’t really have any to list that I particularly like I think. Anyways! none of those is set in stone as I just like that or anything like it, it’s just I find them interesting. But when it comes to writing, it really is more about chemistry to me, and I’ve written ships I wouldn’t have initially thought of before and came to love them dearly after writing them so! 
I love angsty relationships, and I love fluff, and I’m willing to write most things. I’m not interested in anything that’s like, uh, strictly abusive, but toxic/problematic relationships are fair game for me. So pretty much anything? 
Specially considering average human lifespans do not apply to many of my muses, it is more a matter of everyone involved being consenting adults really, with a similar maturity level.
More or less? There has to be chemistry, both in like, writing and the characters as well as with me getting along with the other mun ooc, even if we don`t talk much. I’ll be down for discussing it if we talk ooc a lot even if we haven`t yet written those particular two characters together, and at the same time I`ll be okay with shipping something that happens from something we`re writing even if we don`t really interact ooc much, but if we haven`t interacted at all I won`t really be interested in shipping until we do. I was less selective in the past, I think, but I’m not really super selective even now aisudhuiah it`s really just a matter of interaction, both in character and out of character.
Anything that`s explicit is considered nsfw but I`ll tag anything that`s even suggestive because I prefer to be safe.
I like discussing ships, but not necessarily. I’ve had ships that just happened without prior discussion and that I love dearly and I find developing it through writing and letting it happen very satisfying. But I am up for discussing stuff beforehand if I’m familiar with the mun, and even more so if we already have a ship. I’m 100% fine with anyone asking about a ship if we write together and haven`t shipped yet and you see potential, as long as you do so fully aware no is a possible answer skjdnfkandsf I do prefer to talk to people and write with them before shipping, though. 
I really love ships tbh! Relationships (and here I’m using the word in the broader sense, not only romantic relationships) are my favorite when it comes to developing characters, and I love writing romantic relationships too. When I get really invested in a ship I can discuss it forever probably kajsndkfjn But I also don’t feel like everything has to be a ship or everyone has to have a romantic relationship to someone else. Some of the best bonds are often platonic, and I get as invested in (or more) platonic ships as I do romantic relationships honestly. I really do like shipping though! I don`t know if I`d say obsessed but I definitely lean more towards that than towards more or less.
Depends on the muse! I default to being multiship, and my ships with @sunrunnerrs​ that are singleship were actually the first time I ever went singleship with anyone, so for that to happen we have to be pretty close ooc. For the most part, I`m multiship but exclusive with one version of a character, so I usually don`t write the same ship with multiple people. Kelantir is singleship with Aera`s Halduron and Thalyssra with Nera, but other than that everyone works like I said before.
Beyond the already mentioned ships, I think Tyrande/Maiev has a lot of potential in a enemies to lovers sort of way; I love Wranduin (thanks Novi and Flower for blessing my dash with good content always); Stellagosa/Valtrois and Lorna/Tess are neat, and hmmm that’s mostly it for WoW. I used to love Rhonin and Vereesa a whole lot back when I begun reading the WoW books too. For DA, I like Leliana/Josie, Mahariel/Tamlen, Carver/Merrill, Merrill/Isabela, Solavellan, hmm I think there’s more? but I don’t remember now? and all the PC romances from DAO and Hawke/Fenris, Hawke/Anders and Hawke/Isabela; I like Cullen and the Inquisitor too. For ASOIAF I’m just tired and not invested enough in the fandom currently to mention any ships kjndkjnfkandfjn 
Step 1: write with me. Step 2: talk to me. Sometimes ships just happen with Step 1. Lots of times, Step 2 is just as important. It really depends, but it really isn’t hard. I love shipping and I’m always open to discuss ships!
TAGGED BY: @ladywindrunner​
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I'm sorry for letting you down, but from a while, Aoyama has hinted about "Amu-Azo" coupling (Amuro and Azusa) in "Animal Crossing" game... So,.. I'm really sorry for ReiShi shippers and Sera- Amuro shippers too; but since Gosho confessed that Rei and Shiho will get along, it means that they will like each other (not romantic way), and be a good friends since they have the same connection (Elena)
I'm aware of that and trust me, it’s been really upsetting me :((( I mean Gosho even admitted he was the one who wrote the supermarket dialogue in Zero the Enforcer because they're a popular ship. That definitely ruined my hopes but it is what it is. And while I agree with everything that you said, I just want to go on a rant about how I feel about this pairing. I know it’s not going to change anything about the plot, and Gosho will do what Gosho wants to do but please allow it 😂
Soo the AmuxAzu ship.... Honestly, I’d love to hear from those who support that ship. Why do y’all think they’re an OTP? And tellll me you don’t support them just because he also "works" in Poirot. I personally think that’s the only reason why they’re so popular and I guarantee if he never worked undercover in Poirot, no one would even think of pairing them together. They share absolutely nothing in common, they come from two completely different worlds and in reality, she knows nothing about him. “Amuro” is just a facade and beneath that face, he hides layers of secrets and other darker sides to his personality that she’s never met. Also, I’m so sick and tired of the whole “alpha male ends up with damsel in distress just because she’s cute” archetype. Now some people against the ship think because his intelligence is superior to hers, they wouldn’t work out. I don’t think that matters tbh (Ran is not as smart as Shinichi but they’re an OTP and I’m all for it).
I know it seems like I’m hating on Azusa but I have nothing against her. She is a lovely female character but I just don’t see her fit for Rei. She is too sweet, too pure and too innocent for his dark, twisted world and the triple life that he leads. Not to mention, I just find that pairing so bland; where is the chemistry?? In the manga, their interactions have always been on a professional level. And I tried to find them cute when I read Chapter 13 in Zero’s Tea Time but I just kept cringing and found the whole thing soo forced (sorry that’s just my opinion).
And honestly if some fans widen their scope beyond Poirot, they’d find other female characters that would suit him way better. Yes, I am a fan of the ReixShiho pair and I think it should be canon (controversial, I know! I’m aware so many people disagree but again that’s just my personal, honest opinion). They make absolute perfect sense to me (I listed why here) and I think they’d be a badass pair. I even like the Sera and Kir pairings. All three women are intelligent, independent, strong women that add so much to the show (I’m sorry Azusa fans but let’s be honest and admit that she’s technically just a tertiary character on the show). But yeah, I just think these other pairings would work so much better.
Anywhooo... Again I know my rant won’t change anything, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and once again Gosho will do what Gosho wants to do. Though I believe he might just end up pairing them off to please the majority (which is why this pairing frustrates me beyond words, because I truly believe they’re popular for no reason). I would honestly rather Rei ends up alone at this point. Then we can all ship him with whoever we like in fanfics or whatnot 🤔
So thank you for coming to my Tedtalk 😂 I know a lot of you will be mad at what I said but that’s just my opinion. And if anything you should be happy that Gosho will most likely be giving you what you want anyway, so don’t mind me rambling. 
I just ask for everyone to be kind and respectful and please don’t attack me  😂 but I would love to hear other thoughts and opinions on this 🖤🤗.
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katiecomma · 4 years
Okay, before I forget - fandom details for either Teen Wolf, Merlin, OR X-Files (your choice!)
Teen Wolf
the first character i ever fell in love with: Stiles. I loved Stiles Stilinski from the very moment he showed up on screen. He is instantly loveable.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Allison (keep in mind that I’m still in S3)... I refuse to get over the Erica and Boyd hunt/capture/torture. I don’t care if she was hurting because of her mom.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: I liked Scallison at first, they were cute together... now I’m like: JUST GET OVER THAT HOE SCOTT. MOVE ALONG. (ahem... right into Isaac’s arms... ahem)
my ultimate favourite character™: Stiles Stilinski is the fucking best. I would not still be watching this show if not for him. I love him TOO much.
prettiest character: :D Probably Jackson. He’s not my favourite... but the man is pretty. And you know what? I can get behind his motivations/backstory... he’s broken just like the rest of them, only better at hiding it.
my most hated character: the stupid chem teacher whose name I forget. Fuck that guy.
my OTP: Sterek (and more recently I have Scisaac feels)
my NOTP: Stydia - (disclaimer: I support everybody shipping whatever they want. I support you shipping this, it’s just not for me) I KNOW they become canon and I hate it so much. I hate the trope of the nerd loving the popular girl from afar for years and finally getting her. Not to mention the unhealthy obsession Stiles has with her. I hate it SO much. Maybe I’ll change my mind when I get to the end of the series. I have heard that Lydia has some of the best character development in the show... but I just... they give me such EPIC BFF vibes. And I wish they’d just developed a friendship instead of a relationship.
favourite episode: So far? The Pool episode. I don’t even remember the title... but the one where Stiles holds Derek up in the pool when he’s paralyzed. 100% Second favourite is probably the rave one... cause it gives me epic Scisaac feels when Scott tells Isaac he’s worried about him, and Isaac’s jaw drops because he’s like: uhhh, me?
saddest death: I know Erica and Boyd die... I’m not prepared. I’m not ok, and I haven’t even watched it yet.
favourite season: So far? S2 was solid I guess.
least favourite season: I don’t really have one yet I guess... I’ll wait until I’m done to weigh in. 
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: A lot of people I know love Lydia... and at this point... like I get that she’s been through some shit... but I just... I’m not a huge fan. But that may change with the coming seasons.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: I mean... Derek has serious issues... and his plan for making a pack is just by biting and then abusing them?... he’s not the greatest guy... but he has TRAUMA and he is BROKEN and I love him.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Isaac. I love Isaac so much. I just want him to be happy and loved and to never own a deep freezer of his own.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: Ok. Ok. Ok. So... I stumbled on this ship when reading fic one night... and I love it a lot... Yes, I understand that there are issues with it... but I kinda OT3 Stiles/Derek/Isaac... Not as my main ship... but I’m here for it. It’s honestly, like, I read a REALLY good fic that sold me on it.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Stiles/Isaac. I think it could be fun. There’s conflict because there was tension and snarkiness between them when they first found out Isaac was a werewolf... but also, Stiles is a good person who’ll take care of the person he’s with... and Isaac needs someone to love him (as previously mentioned)... so I think it could be cute.
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fromzerotoeuphoria · 4 years
This MH Shipper Tho...
So last week I made a post about how Haru gets sentimental when around Rin which I had originally posted to Reddit (before I got my Tumblr account). It wasn't too popular on Reddit as there are many more MH shippers there than RinHaru shippers, which is totally fine; I didn’t care about the post being popular (I figured it wouldn’t be), I really just wanted to share my thoughts and love about RinHaru with the world. 😁💜🌸
The rules of the subreddit clearly specify "No Hate Comments" and "No Ship Bashing." If you read my post, even on the Tumblr version I don't even mention any other ship and certainly don't hate on any other ship. It was merely an appreciation post of RinHaru that discussed how Haru gets especially sentimental when around Rin.
I literally wrote this disclaimer in my original post:
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But of COURSE, that’s just too much for some people and they still get triggered.
Disclaimer: This isn't an anti-Mako//Haru post but it is an anti-Mako//Haru shippers who are immature, hateful and hilariously insecure about their ship. This isn’t towards all Mako//Haru shippers, esp those lovely and chill ones. To those I send my love (because I appreciate y’all and also love my big squish Makoto 💚).
So this afternoon I get a notification that I have a comment on my Reddit post:
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I didn't want to just assume this person was a Mako//Haru shipper, because they could've been an anti-shipper in general, so I checked out their profile first because I like confirming things rather than jumping to conclusions and making assumptions.
But sure enough:
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OMG ahahaha y’all this person was so triggered by my post—a post that had absolutely no hate towards Makoto nor Mako//Haru—that they made not only one, but TWO posts that broke community rules by ship hating because of it. AND those two posts were the only posts they ever made on Reddit, ever. 😂 
Literally, all my original post did was give some rare RinHaru appreciation in the subreddit. And the post was even tagged as “Shipping” and had RinHaru in the title. And still this person willingly clicked on it knowing it was a ship post about their notp smh. 
Even in my response to them, I didn't hate on any ship. Yet even then, they're still mad and then try to turn the blame onto me:
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Imagine being so insecure and overly sensitive about your ship that the very appreciation of a different ship, one that never invalidates your otp nor Makoto, triggers you that hard. Lol YIKES.
Needless to say, both of their posts were removed for breaking the rules of the subreddit.
Here’s the thing: I’m new to the Free! fandom so I wasn’t here when the ship wars were at their worst. So when I come across all of the Rin and RinHaru hate when I dive into fandom posts, it hits me like if it was new, because no matter how long ago it was, it’s still hate. Hate that still crops up today, which I see frequently on other areas of the internet. 
I tend to write a lot of “posts” addressing this hate or defending RinHaru, but it was originally just for myself and my private blog/diary. Now that I have tumblr, I’ve debated many times whether or not to publish these defenses of RinHaru since the ship wars aren’t nearly as bad as they were before, and a I’m sure a lot of the haters have moved on to (hopefully) better things. Yet every time I feel like maybe its unnecessary to write these long meta posts about RinHaru or posts that address hate coming from mh shippers, I run into something like this, either on YouTube or apparently now Reddit (even though it's against the rules). 
So you know what, I’m not gonna feel bad about addressing RinHaru hate anymore, even if it's from the past because it still goes on today. Also, I know how hard it is to see the hate as a new fan, and seeing people defend Rin and RinHaru is always comforting. Hopefully it’s comforting to others, too.
Anyways, pseudo-venting sesh over.
BONUS: this person really hates Rin lol
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yeahhiyellow · 3 years
hii hi !
for the salty askkk: 1 + 4 ! <3
*ecstatic satisfied vibrating noises increasing in volume* thANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!! 😃
1. What OTPs in your fandom do you just not get?
I don't personally get Connor/Daniel, Connor/Kamski, or Hank/Rose. I don't hate them, I just can't see them. Kamski's a billionaire who's also kind of an asshole, and Connor had to stop Daniel from throwing a child off a roof, so uhh... I feel those two are pretty self-explanatory. Hank/Rose is cute especially since they're both older humans who end up helping androids, but idk why, I can't get into the ship. Oh, also Connor/Chloe. Let's be real, it's the most heterosexual white ship there is, and I think the only reason it was created was because ooh, white female character for this white dude to have even though they have pretty much nothing in common, I'm sorry.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
My one most disliked ship (that there's actually a decent amount of content on) has to be Connor/Gavin (why do I have so many ships I don't like involving Connor??? I ship him with like 10 other characters so... huh. If I had to guess it's probably because he's shipped with just about everyone, including people who probably gave him trauma, unlike other characters who aren't shipped with their abusers generally). It's arguable that Gavin gave Connor some pretty serious trauma trying to kill him, threatening him, punching him in the stomach and all. It's not the enemies to lovers trope either, it's more just Gavin being like "I am going to be openly hostile to you and discriminate against you and other androids because I want power above your kind." I'm definitely open to Gavin getting a redemption arc, but he should not get anywhere close to Connor ever again.
I am going to put a disclaimer here that if anyone who sees this ships any of the ships I mentioned, I don't care and you can ship whoever you want; these are just my own opinions. Fictional characters are just that: fiction.
Thank you for the ask again!!! 💛💛💛 Feel free to ask me more here! Because I crave attention.
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rosesmith18 · 3 years
(PnF) Headcanon #5 Main Cast Shipping
This post pertains slightly to the prior post #4 & #3. You don't need to read those to understand this post, but if you want some extra background info, then I suggest you check them out. Anyway, as the title implies, this post is all about ships involving the main cast and side characters in their age group(8-12). I have plans for a similar post involving the older characters; both teenagers(13-18) as well as the adults(19-Onwards), but those will come at a later time. For now, I am going to cover the who, when, and why of the main cast-relationship wise-, please enjoy! Before we get started I just want to make two things clear: First, these are my personal opinions as is true of every post I make. I respect that your opinions may differ, so please respect mine. I would thoroughly appreciate it :>! Second, I find AYA(Act Your Age) to be an atrocious episode canonicity wise, and so I have completely thrown it out of my personal PnF Universe timeline. So, while reading this post, I highly suggest you ignore that episode as well. Starting with the most popular and well-known ship, Phinbella(also known as Phinabella): As most are, I am absolutely in love with the canon ship Phinbella! I feel like Isabella & Phineas balance one another out really well, and you can just tell their feelings run deep! When(Referring to Age/Grade): [12/Seventh grade] In my timeline Phineas & Ferb permanently regain their memories of the events of Across the 2nd Dimension when they are twelve/thirteen(2010). With that of course comes Phineas remembering that Isabella kissed him revealing her feelings for him. So, with that knowledge, Phineas asked Isabella out. Why(Referring to Why I Ship the Characters): Through re-watching Phineas & Ferb several times, I honestly get the vide that Phineas has been just as in love with Isabella since the very beginning. I won't insert my list of reason here or anything, but as a small example; The boy straight up tries to get Monogram to halt the mind wipe after happily exclaiming Isabella's name AFTER being kissed by her. Need I say more? Anyway, my point is that I believe that kiss sparked a revaluation in Phineas that he was in fact in love with Isabella, so when he remembers it he remembers his feelings, and immediately reciprocates her feelings by ask her out. Ferbnessa: It's only appropriate to cover the duo one after the other, so next I'm gonna talk about my ship for Ferb which is also my OTP; Ferb x Vanessa! When: [16-21/High School Sophomore-Fourth Year of College] As the show clearly portrays, Ferb has a severe crush on Vanessa, and that proceeded through his life. As for Vanessa, I very much enjoy the idea of her being a close friend of Ferbs after the events of Vanessary Roughness. As the two get older and hangout more, their feelings obviously grow as well. Eventually, when Ferb is sixteen-*legal age of consent in over 30 states*-he ask Vanessa out. To which she agrees having grown close to him over the last couple of years. Why: For Ferb, I honestly get the feeling that he's never actually fallen for anyone before Vanessa-despite his claims of being a ladies man-, considering the flowers and stuff that are special to HER. So, I picture him at first being scared of them, as he calls himself weak when referring to them. But, eventually being so unable to ignore them that he gives in, to the point he doesn't even try to hide his intentions. Doing whatever he can to gain a positive relationship with Vanessa, and being willing to just enjoy her company. As for Vanessa, I think at first she was just impressed by Ferbs' talents and genuinely thankful when he offered to help or hear her out. But, as they hang out more and more, I picture her getting more used to this special kind of attention that Ferb provides, and deciding that she doesn't want to let it go and regret it later-leading to her accepting his feelings. * Disclaimer: I want to make it VERY clear the age of consent does not legally apply to pedophilic(adults romantically/sexually pursuing minors)relationships! It is merely mentioned as the logic of the characters. Do not, and I mean, do NOT engage in a relationship with a minor if you are an adult and vise versa. That is ILLEGAL. Laws against pedophilic relationships exist to PROTECT minors from dangerous adult predator's. If you(a minor)have romantic feelings for someone eighteen or older WAIT to pursue a relationship, if you or the adult in question can not wait you do NOT/can NOT be in that relationship. These characters are purely FICTIONAL. They do not abided by the rules of reality and only suffer from such relationships if written to. In FICTION, they are as safe as I write them to be. We as people are restricted to reality, and must remember laws exist to PROTECT us from dangerous people, objects, and substances. Thank you. 
Buford/Gretchen: This ship just seems like it would be so wholesome in the future after Buford gets over his bully lifestyle, and becomes the soft-hearted, mama's boy we all know he is. When: [16/High School Junior] Basically, Buford makes a bet with Baljeet that he can get a date to the Junior High Dance before Baljeet can muster of the courage to ask Ginger. He then proceeds to turn around and ask the one girl known for going with the flow; Gretchen. Gretchen accepts, because again, she goes with the flow. The two have a great time at the dance, and Buford decides to ask if she wants to try dating. Gretchen accepts and the two date all the way up to high school graduation and into college. Why: Truthfully, this ship started because of that one time Buford gets slapped by Gretchen, and says he's 'so in love with her right now'. But, the more I thought about the two's personalities the more I realized that they were honestly pretty good for each other. Gretchen being a go with the flow kind of girl, while also being collected and down to earth. And, Buford being a dramatic, coward with a hard shell. It just made since to be, and I think as they mature, they make that connection as well. Baljeet/Ginger: I hate how this ship was portrayed as manipulative in AYA. It is neither a healthy relationship or accurate to either of these twos character. I mean they're two misunderstood scholars from demanding family backgrounds! They would sympathizes with each other, not play with each other's feelings! When: [13/Eighth Grade] Ginger ends up asking Baljeet out after the two participate in a spelling bee and tie. It would just be adorable! After Isabella starts dating Phineas, the fireside girls start working on helping Ginger, and make her enter the same spelling be a Baljeet to impress him. Then when he comes up to congratulate her for winning, instead of returning the praise. She sees her friends thumbing her up, and overwhelmed, she just spurts out; "Take me to dinner?!" In nervous confusion Baljeet agrees, the two have a wonderful time, and start going out! Why: I've been in love with this ship since the bee episode where Ginger showed true interest in Baljeet's knowledge of bees. It was like the only time anyone showed genuine appreciation for his intelligence instead of finding him boring. And, the whole thing was only made cuter by how he seemed not only happy to share, but pleasantly surprised by her positive reaction. Django/Adyson: The fandoms versions of these characters would be so fun together! I mean the open-minded hippie artist, and the drama-loving tomboy? It's comedy gold if you ask me. When: [10/Fifth Grade] Django and Adyson started hanging out more back in the summer of 2008 after the carnival incident, and by the end of the summer they were official. Though, no one in their friend group knew until their Freshman year of High School. They weren’t keeping it a secret or anything. Adyson just usually causes so much drama for others they rarely have time to bother with her ‘drama’, and Django is always somewhere doing something that the other boys don’t know about so they don’t question him much. Why: This ship was inspired by some fanart I saw a couple years back of Adyson helping Django out of his human pretzel form after his act in the episode Jerk De Soleil. It was like the first ship I saw for Django, and when I started seeing the headcanons of both of them being pansexual, well the combination made the ship look so fun! Balthazar/Holly: These two are the straight men of the PnF Universe. Things more happen to or around them, then things happening in conjunction to their actions. They bond over asking themselves 'is this real life' on a daily basis. When: [11/Sixth Grade] I imagine Balthazar has a pretty bizarre friend group akin to the fireside girls, and much like Holly, he's the straight man who doesn't want to be involved in their shenanigans. So, one day when both their friend groups are doing something bizarre, they sit out. While watching their friends try their hair brained schemes, they run into each other, and start complaining to one another. One thing leads to another, and they agree to hang out again. By the end of the school year, this hanging out eventually evolves into a relationship. Why: I mainly ship these two, because back when I was looking for popular ships involving Holly, Balthazar was the only one that showed up. He doesn't have much of a characters, so I gave him one I thought would suit Holly. Brigitte/Katie: A Parisian flower with an American flower, sounds utterly adorable, and looks that way too! When: [15/High School Sophomore] Katie and Brigitte started having feelings for each other in Sophomore year of High School when they participated in a collaboration program once more. Brigitte helped Katie accept herself when she admitted that she was afraid of telling her parents that she was homosexual, and returned the blondes feelings when Katie confessed to having a crush since the first time they met back in the summer of 2008. Why: Honestly, I saw this two and immediately thought of that one trope; Where one girl is a closeted lesbian until some super pretty, super hot proudly lesbian, foreign girl shows up and takes the closeted one under her wing then BAM they a couple. Irving/Milly: Milly's such a sweet sugar cookie, I think she's the only person who COULD be in a long-lasting relationship with Irving. When: [21/College Graduates] While the two bonded during their time on the High School newspaper together, Irving was pretty stand offish about dating-He didn't know he was asexual yet. Milly did have a tiny crush on him, but his dismissal of most things outside of the club kept her from attempting anything. It wasn't until the two graduated from their respective college that Milly finally felt comfortable enough to try pursuing a relationship. Irving was aware and comfortable with his sexuality at this point, and when it didn't bother Milly, he agreed to going out. Why: Milly is just such a kind-hearted person who looks like she could love anyone, and Irving deserve love too, even if he is a bit of a stalker-he mellows out! So, I think they would be good for each other whether it be as friends or partners. Milly being accepting of Irving, and Irving learning to tone it down as not to scare Milly. In summery, I could go on forever about most of these ships, but I won't for everyone's sake-at least not right now. As usual, if I write about these characters then I will use these ships. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them on the post, thank you!
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veliseraptor · 4 years
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Oh boy. Just for fuckin grins I’m going to make this a really, really exhaustive list. Which means: if I’ve written more than one fic for a fandom, I’m putting it on here. (Which actually doesn’t even make it exhaustive, because there’s fandoms I’d say I’ve been loosely ‘involved in’ where I didn’t write fic, but it’s the closest I can get without this getting far too out of hand.)
Disclaimer that I am not really an OTP person, on the whole - I’m a consummate multishipper. But I’ll pick like. Up to three. 
In chronological order!
Wheel of Time: Min/Rand and Mat/Tuon, though now I’ve drifted into Elan/Rand territory (or, as previously mentioned, Elan/Min/Rand).
Black Jewels Trilogy: I was mostly a boring canon shipper in this fandom (Lucivar/Marian was near and dear to my heart); shockingly I was not a Lucivar/Daemon shipper at the time though if I read it for the first time now I might be. But really I was mostly here for gen shipping the family dynamics, especially with Jaenelle and Lucivar. Soft spot for Karla/Jaenelle and Karla/Wilhelmina, though.
Caliban Leandros: Just gen shipping the central brothers (Caliban and Niko). I mean, obviously. What else would I care about.
Doctrine of Labyrinths: Felix/Mildmay, Felix and Mildmay, don’t care which, as long as they are thoroughly entangled in each other I’m happy. Also Felix/Malkar, though.
Silmarillion: Aredhel/Celegorm, very messy Tuor/Idril/Maeglin, and Curufin and Celegorm’s messy and dysfunctional relationship. Oh but also Curufin/Finrod. That’s four. So sue me.
A Song of Ice and Fire: I was a dirty Sansa/Sandor shipper. But also always the Arya and Sandor dynamic was one I loved. A real sucker for Robb/Jeyne and I still am, they were cute and I’m very sad for them.
Death Note: L/Light, and this is one where I honestly did have an OTP. Baby’s first...okay, not quite baby’s first hateship, but it was probably the first really intense one. Definitely the first hateship I wrote smut for.
Avatar: the Last Airbender: I didn’t really have strong feelings about pairings? Mostly I was just kind of “Zuko & everybody” but I think honestly Zuko and Sokka was one of the dynamics I ended up coming back to a lot. I wrote some Zuko/Mai and I did like them. If I got into this fandom now I feel like I’d be very about some Zuko/Mai/Katara. OH Azula/Ty Lee, I’m into that. 
Code Geass: Lelouch/Suzaku. Is anyone surprised? I certainly hope not.
Doctor Who: Doctor/Master was really the only thing I was ever invested in as far as shipping went, though I don’t recall as I ever wrote anything explicitly shippy for them. One kind of slanting in that direction, but never went all the way. Missed opportunities, past self.
Supernatural: Sam and Dean, first and foremost; secondarily Sam/Lucifer and Sam/Castiel.
Buffy: the Vampire Slayer / Angel: Buffy/Angel, which is actually kind of surprising to me in retrospect as Buffy/Spike is on the face of it more my aesthetique? But I guess my real OTP was actually Buffy/Angel/Spike, I chased down a lot of that when I went on my Buffy reading spree after I finally watched it in high school.
White Collar: Neal/Peter/Elizabeth, and one of the only fandoms where I was blessed with a lot of content for my OT3, comparatively speaking.
MCU: Steve/Loki, Loki and Thor, and Clint/Loki, probably, though there’s a small army of ships and dynamics here that I could throw down. And I feel like I would be remiss if I did not mention Clint/Natasha as well.
Lymond Chronicles: Lymond/Gabriel is honestly my single biggest ship here, though I do love Lymond/Philippa. Also Lymond and Richard. (I mean! Are we getting the picture here about sibling relationships & me?)
The Untamed: Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen, Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian, and a tie for third probably going to Song Lan/Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen and Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao? But I do also love Wangxian?? god there’s too many good ones here really how am I supposed to choose. 
Other fandoms where I just really didn’t have any ships: Gentleman Bastard Sequence, Dexter.
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What tf2 ships do you 1. Not support 2. Support 3. Don't care for and why? (Other than spyxsniper, you told a lot about that) And I'm especially curious why you don't support engiexpyro. Not judging, it's just pretty much everyone likes it because Pyro is like a kid and engineer is patient with him and caring towards her.
Okay so, you asked for this and you will have a long-ass reply
DISCLAIMER: I'm not trying to offend anyone in fact I'm only expressing my opinion on ships
•Which ones I don't support: Any ship involving FemScout, but that's because I have an internal hate for FemScout; Spy/Sniper for reasons I already explained; Engie/Pyro for the simple reason that in my opinion Pyro sees Engie more as their father than anything else, I practically consider it kind of incest by shipping it; Scout/Medic for the huge and disgusting age gap, as well as Pyro/Medic, to be honest, I don't support nearly any ship with Pyro; Admin/Pauling disgusts me for obvious reasons; Merasmus/Soldier honestly is fairly bad and please leave this old misgendered magician alone; Spy/Scout not only because incest but also because age gap; I don't also like any poly ship in general, but that's me not finding anyone to ship in more than two. And that's it for what I don't support
•The ones I support: Heavy/Medic, it's just... Good, Heavy and Medic just vibe well together; Soldier/Zhanna is my #1 OTP, they are so chaotic and happy together. Like. I love them they're so cute; then we have the equally chaotic Saxton/Mags, but I'm mad because I can't find content; Scout/Pauling ONLY AND ONLY IF Scout is genderbent, because yes, the dumbass and the stressed, I love that trope; Spy/ScoutMa for very obvious reasons, I mean, come on look at them they're so cute. And here we're done. I'm not very fond of any non-canon ships, even though, as you can see, there are a couple of exceptions
•The ones i don't care about: Literally anything else, even though there are a couple I want to mention because I'm having too much fun writing this. So, we have Engie/Soldier that I think it's one of the most shipped that I honestly don't care about, I mean, they be cute sometimes but I don't feel like shipping them; Engie/Spy is somehow not bad, I don't know exactly why but it's not bad, same thing goes for Soldier/Medic and Engie/Medic; Scout/Pyro if Pyro has an appropriate age and the relation is purely non-sexual; Scout/Sniper that is very popular and of which I myself enjoy some fics and art, but it has something that doesn't make me support them fully; Soldier/Demo is one I don't actually like much, since I see them as best friends, but they do work as a couple too.
And here we are. Here's my opinion on ships. Time to disappear. Don't get offended by my opinion, because I tried to offend no one and just focus on the ship di per se
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lizacstuff · 4 years
Sen Cal Kapimi / Edser / Turkish Dizi asks
Asks under the cut
i love that in sck world, i love you means i love you, but also i hate you/our feelings are mutual means i love you. edser have a unique love declarations thats for sure 😂
YEP! In Edser world “I hate you” means I love you... but ONLY when you use the full name. 
Çok romantik when done properly, I can’t hardly wait to see what Serkan might be remembering when he repeats the line back to Eda! It’s their thing!
Anonymous said: Hi! How you doing? Have you ever watch Şeref Meselesi? Is it good? Do you recommend?
Hello, I’m well! No, I have not watched it. The Kerem fans on twitter seem to really dig it, though. Personally, when I’m THIS invested in shipping, it’s hard for me to see one half my OTP in other roles. Particularly when were in the middle of the show. Maybe I’ll check it out some day. If you do watch, let me know what you think. 
Anonymous said: I will give SCK this, they sure know how to keep us guessing between the next episode photos, summary and the fragman. Not to mention all the spoilers that are floating around Twitter. I have no idea how episode 31 is going to be super romantic for Edser with Selin still hanging around but let’s bring it on. For episode 30, at least Serkan’s interest in Eda has returned based on the fragman because that lacking in the last episode just felt so wrong after everything. He was attracted to her for sure but understandably fought it every step of the way. Eda was trying to reconnect with a brick wall because of the amnesia, trauma and Selin’s influence which was crushing to watch. Going to be interesting to see how Serkan responds to getting a few memories back and his growing interest in Eda combined with his engagement to Selin. Seems unlikely he would within one episode switch from being purely logical about everything to totally in love with Eda & throwing caution to the wind but I could be totally wrong.
 I think he was attracted to her in 29. If he wasn’t the man who has no intention of ever marrying wouldn’t have freaked out and stumbled and bumbled his way through an impromptu proposal to a woman he doesn’t love just to put some distance between him and the crazy, beautiful, “evil” “manipulative” woman who changed him and took half his company!!!! 
Also, remember episode 1, where he tried to pretend he wasn’t attracted to her as a woman. 
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So he always tries to deny her allure at first, and he’s always lying. 
I don’t think we’ll see him go to “totally in love with her” in the next episode. I think we’ll see him, once the immediate threat is neutralized by his little stunt, becoming more and more intrigued by her. And her little stunt is going to bring out his innate, primal jealousy when it comes to her. 
Also, from the fragman, I’m not entirely convinced he’s really engaged to Selin. The way he said, “I want you to wear this (tiny) ring.” Didn’t smack of a real engagement, even a loveless one, it more sounded like what you would say for a fake one. Also he’s not wearing a ring in the pictures. Old Serkan was very adverse to marriage and his relationship with Selin broke up over that fact, so I wouldn’t be shocked if after he made his shocking proposal and he and Selin left he was like, “Thanks for playing along, obviously we’re not really getting married, lets keep up the ruse so Eda stays away from me.”
We’ll see. I could see the story going for matching fake engagements. Though if he doesn’t disclaim his intent to marry her this episode, he will soon. So no worries there. 
Should be fun!
Anonymous said: I'm all for them making Selin completely batshit psycho if she does end up going to jail; it would be entertaining, but you're right, I don't think I've ever seen it in a romance dizi. Some villains have done fucked up things and the protagonists just tell them to go away and that's kinda it. I think with some rumored things like drugging and implying they slept together, that would be treading a very fine line if the writers were to go there and not show proper consequences.
How have they implied they slept together? The show went out of their way to show Serkan on the couch and Selin going home to sleep in Istanbul. They didn’t have to do that, but they were very clear. I’m cool to follow the text and not neutronic fan’s fears. 
My biggest trepidation about this storyline is that there will be no satisfactory repercussions for Selin.  It needs to be more than her slinking back across the continent in shame. She needs to face real consequences. 
Anonymous said: you know, if i was serkan (and especially with how even more robot-y he is now) and heard their story from engin i would probably call it "cok sacma" too.. like from the outside looking it, their love story and journey is quite crazy lmao. i've always wanted a fic from a third-person perspective of some regular ass artlife employee from the beginning just observing their boss and the crazy antics that ensue after he quite suddenly gets engaged to a woman he's constantly fighting with lol.
YES PLEASE!!! Someone write this!!!   
It is quite a crazy story... which is why it was enough to sustain 60+ hours of story telling all on its own, lmao. 
I’m sure everything being thrown at Serkan at once, the ways he grew and evolved, what he was able to tolerate and participate in, is quite shocking to him. However, Robot Bolat has never been in love so he just doesn’t understand the transformative nature of love. He’ll learn, and quickly! Also, I’m a big proponent that Serkan didn’t change. It’s just that under the influence of his love for Eda, he healed and he opened up and grew into the man who was always there, deep inside. 
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