#but also if i quit BEFORE im fired. would any of these people actually give me good references for future jobs?
july-19th-club · 2 years
thing about being reprimanded at work is that it doesn't make me want to do the work better it just makes me want to quit my fucking job lmao
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sualne · 1 year
Sorry if you're already working on this but with Luffy in Croc dad what's his hobby?? Like he's the biggest ball of energy and I think if wasn't fighting wild animals as a kid he would vibrate into another dimension from lack of stimulation. Does he draw and develop his art skills, has he taken up music or is he invested with the void century with Robin? Croc wants to keep him inside and safe so what did he think would be best to entertain him or does he buy a new thing every week that Luffy says he suddenly wants to do. Yes he looks at books but is that it. Also sorry if you answered this before and I've missed waht you said, I am pretty sure I've seen all your comics on this but I haven't seen all your ask answering questions.
i hadn't gotten these questions and im so glad you ask!! :D
so! luffy doesn't have one specific hobby and croc does end up giving him whatever he wants when he suddenly gets a new obsession, one of the reason he's so excited with finding the jewelry box and getting a dagger is because it's finally something new! after that he gets really into rings and knives until it gets bored of it and switch to something else again.
about him and learning about the void century with robin i actually got a comic later for that so i won't say anything here!
im going to make this a list and explain how it goes, under read more:
Fighting: this luffy doesn't know how to fight, but he still love the concept! he gets really excited hearing stories of fights, duels, martial arts and all the rest! In practice though, since he's been so sheltered and only ever saw one real fight that ended up with people being killed in front of him as a kid, if (haha) he were to witness another real fight he wouldn't be as giddy about it as when he hears stories. he does also learn the tiniest bit of kenpo from bonclay!
Dancing: luffy in canon loves dancing (and partying), here too! he doesn't know/master any specific styles but likes to drag people into dancing with him, if no one is around he'll grab some of the smaller bananawani instead.
Singing: he's still very bad at it.
Music: croc noticed how he'd taps on thing and tried to get him to learn some percussion, unfortunately for him, luffy doesn't care about music theory and just does whatever makes him happy. he also love loud noises and croc has to find a way to stop him from making a racket at any hours of the day, it gets worse when luffy loses some of his hearing and needs to make everything even louder. eventually he gets bored of it too.
Cooking: him and croc cooks together pretty often, if no one is there to supervise him luffy will ignore recipes and common sense, making all kind of abominations. it's a miracle he never set the kitchen on fire.
Bugs: he loves them! he collect them! alive. croc is horrified one day when he finds out baby luffy has been letting some food to rot so he could observes flies and larvae going through their little bug lives cycle. later croc gives him those pinned dead bugs collection boxes thinking luffy will like it, he doesnt.
Board&Cards Games: he mostly has to play them by himself, he doesn't like being alone so he'll often ends up playing it "with" the banawanis. after he loses a few too many times against the banawanis and can't get croc to join in for the millionth time he gives up on them. even when robin joins baroques works he still expect her to be too busy to play with him and doesn't ask (she would have accepted if he had asked).
Art&Craft: he tries a bit of everything, doing it his own way meaning most of it is kind of hideous or about to fall apart, canon luffy is completely fine with that, au luffy though, he's having ton of fun at first but when he gets old enough to see that his dad cant quite fake his enthusiasm or interest towards his disastrous creations he gets frustrated and stops for a while. later, robin finds an old drawing of his and thinks its cute so he start doodling a little again for her.
basically, he struggles keeping a hobby, some like fighting, dancing, bugs and staring at pictures in geography books he keeps through his life but mostly, he's very lonely and bored out of his mind, he's depressed, that's not something that can be helped for as long as he's isolated.
when robin becomes a part of his life everything gets better for him! she spends time with him, read stories for him, helps him get out more often, they even meet bonclay and for a few years he's genuinely happy.
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hey, i really appreciated the post you made on BED. describing ana habits w bed as pouring oil over a fire is so accurate. do you have any more relevant tips to lose weight? or to break the cycle? im really struggling.
I'm glad (and sad tbh) so many people felt seen by that post!
Honestly I could write a book on how to lose weight, both from a scientific nutritional and psychological standpoint, but the reality is that I haven't even succeed in my own efforts yet lol. Any "proven"(?) tips I could give would be ones that y'all have probably read and heard hundreds of times over.
But I have a feeling this post is gonna get long, so the rest will be under the cut!
In my opinion, the difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it is meeting yourself where you are.
For example, lately I'm dealing with intense stress (family issues, getting ready to sell our house and move to a big city, financial issues, job hunting, a late period...) and it makes it hard to identify emotional eating triggers or fight off addictive tendencies and impulses as a result. It's taking everything in my power and more to not bully the shit out of myself.
As easy as it is to be hard on yourself when facing BED, it only makes things worse. If stress is one of the biggest triggers for BED and you place extra stress on yourself for binging, it ends up being counterproductive as fuuuuck. I know yall know, but it's worth reminding. I know I'm going to binge lately, so instead of fighting it for now I'm just doing damage control.
In terms of tips, I've got a couple that help me personally
Keep a lot of fresh produce and other "safe foods" prepped. I'm a slut for strawberries, air fried tempeh, frozen grapes, rice & gochujang with seaweed, stuff like that.
WATER. This might be an odd one, but before eating anything I'll drink some ice cold water because if I can feel the water hitting my stomach and making it noticeably and entirely cold inside, it means I'm not that full and should/can eat a little. If it's just a little cold, it means I'm mostly full. Preloading with water also keeps me from eating quite as much as I otherwise would.
(TW: sex) If you're so inclined, do something sexual. A lot of the time when I try to figure out what I'm really craving when I'm about to binge, I notice an itch for bold physical stimulation (usually flavor + chewing) and the calming effects that flood my body when that need is met. Masturbation helps me a lot tbh, sometimes I'll make it a whole thing and put on makeup and lingerie. It's not foolproof but it has helped me avoid binges before (especially if you have an enthusiastic partner like mine lmao)
I might edit this post as I think of things. I just want to make sure I'm putting healthy information out there :')
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Hiii since you said you were interested in what others think about the whole Sami/Bron/MITB situation.... I have thoughts and it's a bit much to write in the comments so, Here goes... (this isn't even all the thoughts BTW 😂
@thesmallworldofsamizayn I got to agree a bit there, with your statement of Bron being unstoppable and Sami being the underdog, as well as getting sick of the comments being made about Sami being the Champ. Usually I don't really give into or pay much attention to all the talk, and if I do, it only makes me want to fight harder, but I'll be honest; this time round, Sami doesn't NEED the belt...
He's good enough on his own and he's proven it time and time again. It was a nice icing on the cake type situation (having the belt), but, the point is that there is and was plenty of delicious cake already there! (if that makes any sense) So bottom line, he'll survive without it, he can survive without it. If anything, it'll probably light a bigger fire under him, reigniting that fiery passion of his. The one that keeps drawing us to him and into his world.
Honestly, this is going to sound so bad, but I won't be overly upset if/when Sami drops the belt (note I too am an avid Sami fan and I'd be a bit sad, but not devastated). To me (personally), before he won the IC championship, and even though he had more loses than wins, he was more intriguing to watch. Idk why, and may be it's just me atm, after that long drawn out (weeksss of) Alpha Academy saga - may be that's what's got me feeling this way fn...
A few weeks ago I would have said that they are building up to Chad winning it, but now that Bron and Sheamus are involved who knows the hands the title will eventually fall into. Also, it's going to be hard to get Sami to drop the belt this quick (even though it's been what? A couple of months now already?) when it clearly (you can SEE it) means so much to him... It'll be hard but they'll eventually have to do it. So may be MITB will be it.
Also got to agree a bit here with @shanie too, I would love to see Sami get involved in the BL saga and if there's anyone who believes in redemption, always seeing the good in people, fighting for the greater good, and what's good and right AND against all odds, it's Sami Zayn. He's got the innate need to rescue people out of toxic situations and to fix said situation. So he would definitely fit the narrative if they decide to insert him into it.
BUT the big issue is with the fans. Again. There's quite certainly going to be a LOT of hate if this happens. I'm already hearing rumblings of people unhappy with just the mere thought of it. Saying he's not family so why is he involving himself in it, as much as that's true, have they completely forgotten that he in fact was a THE 'honorary Uce'? The closest an 'outsider' has ever gotten to the family or being 'family'? Heck he almost became 'Sami Uso'.
So in the end people can and will make up their own minds and there nothing anyone can do about it. And also in the end each to their own I guess... (BTW people need to chill out and remember this is fiction NOT real life 😭)
Anywayy just a few of my thoughts....sorry about the long winded answer 😂😅
(no pressure to to respond to this BTW 😊
hello! thank you very much for these detailed thoughts. youve actually articulated a lot of what i was feeling. first, the fact that a) i dont like seeing fans bitch about sami and b) i especially dont like it when they're kind of right. it is someone else's turn, and maybe yeah that person should have been chad. i was more than ready for it to be chad at catc personally. im not too mad that it's gone in a different direction cause it does actually look like they have other storyline ideas for chad now, but as far as sami's concerned, yeah the belt isn't doing anything more for him now than it has till this point. it's weird to think he hasn't held a title as a face since the nxt championship 10 years ago. but thinking back on that, and everything since, everything he's been so good at - yeah, im not sure that long term champion is the right look on him! he won it in 2014 and lost it devastatingly to kevin 2 months later, and i would not have wanted that to happen any other way.
thing is, i will be sad if sami loses to bron at mitb. especially if he loses clean, not unlike he did to kevin all those years ago, futilely continuing to kick out long after he should have quit until he's physically incapable of doing so. what's maybe harder to explain as a wrestling fan is that i want to be sad about sami zayn. i like those heavy emotions, i like feeling like my favourite character can't catch a break. that's the entire essence of the underdog appeal. further to that, this is kind of the state im most used to and therefore most comfortable in when it comes to characters im invested in. in the words of mitski, i bet on losing dogs. and sami winning was an incredible feeling and so deserved, but i really don't mind him losing! he's both more compelling overall and gets more interesting stories, and just inspires so much sympathy in that position. (look i also like seeing him in pain i'll say it. he clearly likes acting being in pain just as much so everyone's happy i think)
then there's the bloodline and yeah, i'd sit up to watch sami back with those guys especially roman. im apparently one of the few people who really doesn't want roman to come back as a face no matter how much the fans cheer him, but if he is going to have a face turn, it's got to involve sami god damn it. i was just talking with @milk-crater about this, how it makes more sense with sami being a bit more removed, because that makes him a better person to forgive roman, and to be his moral guide. also it's sami, if anyone in all pro wrestling would reach out a hand to a genuienly remorseful roman reigns it's him. all that and the two just have such great chemistry, and it was the baseline for everything that made the honorary uce arc so fantastic and beloved, and it'd be nice to come back to some of that. maybe show these smarks what they've forgotten about why sami is the absolute best again.
thanks again for hopping in my inbox and never worry about being long winded. anyone who's ever been in a conversation with me knows im the last person to take issue with that!
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Alright, today yesterday I read chapters 17-21 and I sure have a lot of thoughts about Rhysand now. can you guess if theyre positive or negative? I'll give you a hint, its not the one that starts with a p
But before we get into that, can I just say, why the hell is everything happening so goddamn quickly YOURE ALL IMMORTAL. like, heres a rough timeline of acomaf so far: three months of Feyre being miserable in Spring post-UTM, then Rhysand takes her for one week, then Feyre's back in Spring for three weeks, then Rhysand takes her again for one week, then its less than three weeks of Feyre being back in Spring before Tamlin locks her in the manor and Rhysand and Mor take her back to the Night Court. Its been barely half a year! The reason Im bringing that up is first of all, it very much seems like Feyre is already beginning to warm up Rhysand at this point when that is absolutely not enough time for that after what he did to her. And second of all, theyre already demanding so much of her when everyone except for Rhys hasnt even spent 24 hours with her in total. And she just agrees to everything?? Right off the bat, basically the only way this makes any sense is if Rhysand is mind controlling her
Also, this is only semi-related, but i swear I remember Mor wearing a red dress to their first get-together at the HoW and Feyre not reacting to it at all ?? Also, Cassian siphons, they were specifically like a fire-y red what the hell. Now, was that just a mistake or did Rhysand use his mind powers to turn off the part of Feyre's brain that gets triggered at the sight of the color red so she wouldnt ruin his family reunion? You decide.
Alright, now lets talk about Feyre. Ive had some trouble properly analysing her the past few chapters because I was really focused on trying to figure out what exactly made her so unhappy at the spring court vs why she likes the night court so much when they seem very similar. It seemed like her motivation was flip-flopping all over the place, similar to chapters 1-3, but she already came across as far less traumatized somehow, so it felt weird that she would still have so much trouble really articulating what she wants, even to herself. But then I realized, its not that shes flip-flopping, her motivations are just contradictory; she wants to be an important political player who gets to Do Stuff but she doesnt want anyone to pay any attention to her, which is why having an empty title and no actual power staying in a city full of people who dont care if their high lord is just walkin around right beside them is so appealing
And its really frustrating because its another instance of her just getting what she wants right away instead of having to go through any character development. Shes bad at communicating and instead of even attempting to work on that, she just gets a mindreader for a soulmate, and she cant do smalltalk with nobles in order to earn their respect as Lady of Spring and instead of learning to adapt or putting her foot down and refusing to deal with the courtly bullshit at the cost of her political power, she just gets a leadership position that was quite literally made for her.
Somewhat related to Feyre being bad at politicking, they keep bringing up the fact that Tamlin just wanted her to throw parties and wear pretty dresses and maybe pop out some sons at the spring court and its just so annoying. Of course, much has already been said about how ironic it is when you consider how she ends up in ACOSF so Im not gonna go into detail on that but I did want to mention it. Also, parties and other social gatherings were a pretty important way for (noble) women who were kept out of politics to still participate in them in the past, and even if we take out the misogyny that just suddenly materialized in this book, Feyre cant read, doesnt know this land and barely knows what its like being the daughter of a rich guy, much less an actual noblewoman, of course she cant do much but sit around and reassure people that everything is gonna be alright by virtue of her presence
Speaking of the weird misogyny, its so baffling to me the reason shes being objectified and dehumanized (no pun intended) is that shes a woman whos seen as only good for child-rearing, when it really should be her being objectified and being dehumanized by being put on a pedestal for being the Saviour Of Prythian. It seems so obvious like, Ive been rotating some ideas for an ACOMAF-rewrite AU type thing in my head since before I even started reading this book, and one of the first things I decided was that everyone was gonna call feyre The Cursebreaker and nothing else and she would feel really weird and bad about it. I literally dont think anything wouldve changed if her being objectified was a more personal issue rather than something resulting from systemic misogyny, other than the fact that Rhysand couldnt be a feminist in-universe if that was the case
Now, before I move on to the next thing I wanted to talk about, I wanna quickly explain what I mean by "the misogyny just materialized in the second book" because some people might say "oh, but the first book had misogyny as well" and it definitely did but not to the same extent. ACOTAR was kinda weird because it seems to be a pretty egalitarian world, Feyre doesnt think its weird that a woman is a mercenary and while considering that the Spring Court might have a High Lady instead of a High Lord, she doesnt say anything about how it would unusual to have a woman be a leader, but it has this coating of "period-typical misogyny" over it, seemingly just because its what you expect from these kinds of pseudo-medieval european-inspired fantasy settings
So you still get all women being expected to wear dresses and Feyre being an exception for not wanting to wear one and when Feyre daydreams about getting rid of her sisters, she daydreams about marrying them off rather than daydream about them getting jobs or something. But even with that, while Feyre is considered a bit strange for not wanting to wear a dress at the Spring Court, she still ultimately gets to just wear pants without it being a big deal. And then we get to ACOMAF and suddenly theres FGM thats completely normalized, domestic abuse, women being expected to do child rearing and "continue the bloodline" by default even though children were supposed to be super rare and fae should absolutely not structure their lives around them and Feyre being absolutely baffled at the idea of a political leader having a second-in-command thats a woman. And again, it very much seems like the only reason for that is that it makes Rhysand look better if hes recuing women in general from systemic inequality, rather than just rescuing a single woman from her personal problems
And with that, lets finally talk about my most detested, Rhysand Nolastname. He fucking sucks man. In a past post I made a point about comparing specifically ACOTAR!Tamlin with specifically ACOMAF!Rhys because it thought it made sense to compare Tamlin when hes written as a love interest to Rhys being written as a love interest, but honestly, theres so little difference between Tamlin being written as an antagonist in ACOMAF and Rhys being written as a love interest that it feels kinda pointless now. Like, Feyre is upset that Tamlin wont tell her anything about the politics happening, but is inexplicably fine with Rhysand not telling her what he wants from the summer court, she hates meeting with Tamlins associates and having meaningless smalltalk with them but likes meeting Rhysand's, she doesnt like Tamlin flaunting his wealth but is fine with all of Rhysand's expensive bullshit, literally the only difference between them is that Feyre likes one and and hates the other, again, for no real reason because they are the same. Well, the same in their treatment of Feyre, Rhysand is arguably a worse person who has done and is still doing a lot more harm on a larger scale but Im posting this in the anti-rhys tag so you already knew that
Anyway, thats it for now, this got kinda long but I hope you enjoyed it
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salarta · 5 months
hi hi!
is it just me or have i just grown bored of the new x-men 97 show? its just the same all over again with the 90s cartoon, just a few elements changed and ANNOYING cameos. like ffs these cameos are such beloved characters and they sideline them so much.
im a huge polaris fan and the injustice she gets done in TV is just idk-
i dont want lorna to be treated as a side character anymore, she deserves to be a main character for once, especially in the mcu. Its so hard finding people out there who like lorna. they always ask "who is that?“ "oh is that the green wanda?“ or something like that.
in wolverine and the x-men she was just potrayed as this naive little girl. and just deserved so much more screentime.
currently just disliking how they choose to ignore lorna as if she isnt a big part of magnetos story.
Thats all, i would love to hear your thoughts on this <33
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I'm responding to your inbox as I read it, so I might say something and then find out you talked about it or it doesn't apply when I get to the next part.
Honestly, I have enough experience now with Marvelthink (since 2009) that I know when they're hyping up a 90s connection like this, it means it's going to be mired in too much nostalgia. So I didn't plan on watching X-Men 97 even before it was announced. That doesn't mean they couldn't have swayed me to change my mind and watch it - I originally avoided Wolverine and the X-Men for overemphasizing Wolverine but came around to it because of good work for Lorna - but I expected bad things and they've proven me right so far.
Lorna's in a better position overall today than she was when I found out about her. It might not seem like it, but more people do know she exists. And before Wanda became more popular and gained more awareness, the more common derogatory comparison was "Magneto with boobs."
I was alright with WatXM. Mainly because a) it was an AU version of her that was younger (I think even younger than when she was introduced in the comics), and b) it hit on the most important character moments and developments for her. She was part of Genosha, she's a survivor of the genocide, she's also Magneto's daughter alongside the twins, etc. I feel she would've had really good development in the seasons to follow if they had happened.
Comparing that to X-Men 97, which is so obsessed with nostalgia and regressive attitudes (even while claiming the mantle of progressive) that they refuse to respect Lorna's character and development beyond that framework. Beau DeMayo and his people on the show made it very clear that they see Lorna primarily as a supporting character for Havok on X-Factor. Which is quite frankly also mired in sexism even if they tell themselves they can't be sexist, "I treated this other female character well so I can't be sexist," etc.
Another person I chatted with elsewhere mentioned that since Beau DeMayo was fired before the cartoon started airing, maybe the new showrunner will fix the damage Beau did and do things right. It's a possibility, but I only see it really working out if the cartoon acknowledges Lorna as a survivor of the Genoshan genocide by middle of season 2 AND gives that story a lot more space than it would've had if they had simply acknowledged it in season 1. My comparison point is Barb from Stranger Things. The Stranger Things showrunners didn't realize how much people would care about Barb, and committed to giving her more respect in the second season.
Overall, I think X-Men 97 is run by people who have their heads stuck in the past, willing to exploit newer material like the Genoshan genocide to get more buzz but not actually respect its weight and dimensions in any truly substantial way.
Which, on that note, another common thing people often say to try to defend shit like what X-Men 97 pulled is to tell themselves and others that what was done in that depiction is the best it could've been done. The reality in cases like this is it could've been done a hell of a lot better, but being an uncritical fan puts blinders on a person. Don't wanna end up in a position where they have to critically think about the content beyond absorbing and loving it, don't have to understand why other people would have a problem with how things were done.
I think that's all I've got for now. Hopefully the new showrunner doesn't suck ass like Beau, and hopefully the MCU cares more about quality and care where Lorna can come into it than about feeding nostalgia boners of people who don't want to move past where their heads were at 30 years ago.
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quodekash · 11 months
I could literally fall asleep any minute but im nothing if not sleep deprived and watching my favourite gay little shows!
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hey nawa, I see you looking at guy as he struggles in the room on his crutches
you should kiss him
I think that you should absolutely just slam your face into his
give him another injury but its not really an injury it's just a hickey
(we're less than a minute into the episode and im already begging guynawa to make out, we're off to a great start)
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we all know this is a complete lie, we've seen the trailers, we know what's gonna happen
but that doesnt mean it doesnt hurt my sad little gay soul
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sailom what the hell
no way
you are not quitting school
is that a frikin letter of resignation or smth? can you even do that?
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I love that solution and I wish it were a possibility but sailom's gonna say no, of course he's gonna say no, because the stupid bastard doesn't like accepting help for free
he doesn't understand the concept of FRIENDSHIP and FAVOURS
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guy's right, and I hate sailom so much for it
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BUT THAT'S THE THING, he WONT ask for help, theres no way in HELL that he'll ask for help
which is precisely how he ends up getting shot at, alone on a street corner, and why kang will have to rescue him on his bike, and why sailom will stand in the bathroom with kang holding a blanket over him as he sobs 'I have no one left'
its not that you have no one left. it's that you wont accept the help from the people who love you
(and also your brother kind of abandoned you and your parents are dead and your boyfriend also kind of abandoned you and yeah anyone would definitely feel alone in that situation so he's perfectly valid, but also ALL of his friends are offering help, his teacher is offering help, and he's accepting NONE of it)
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this could be one of the last times that they see sailom for a really long time. theres no way I could possibly be sadder holy frick
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y'know, I really thought he might hug him. but nope. he wrenched that pin off his shirt and took my heart in the process.
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well, not really mad
mostly just sad
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bitch wth
of COURSE he's not frikin doing alright
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omg he's here too?
go talk to your boyfriendddd
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awh :(
thank you krup ;-;
this man is lovely
not just for this but also just in general
but also his actor is the freaking DIRECTOR who is RESPONSIBLE for a LOT of my anguish so we can't be too nice to this guy
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oh look at that. the shooting scene is right about to happen
I was expecting it to come later on in the episode but this works too I guess
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who the hell are these guys???
they dont say a word
what the hell is going on
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thank you kanggg
where did he come from tho
how'd he know where sailom was and that that was happening? did he just HAPPEN to be in the area?
or is he tracking sailom's phone just to make sure he's safe cos like he already got drugged once
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hey man, have you ever heard of a little thing called dodgeball?
shocking, I know, but it IS possible for a gun to have been fired, and for the person being fired at to not actually get shot
I can't think of a single reason why sailom would make up this story. like sure you could argue that hes just trying to get an enemy/rival convicted, but he very explicitly stated that he has no idea who tried to shoot him, so it can't be that.
why the hell are you suspicious my guy?
acab is real man, holy frick
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how do you know they're all fake tho?
maybe all of them were real reports and you're just an ignorant arrogant piece of shit who doesn't think people under the age of 20 are capable of being truthful
I hate this guy so much
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deep breaths, deep breaths, in and out in and out, lets not destroy our laptop today
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I feel that
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im so sad man
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oh would you look at that. ive been impaled.
yeah that whole scene was a trainwreck for me. I am very much not even slightly okay but its fine
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that makes sense
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the way they fall back into old habits, kang's arm draped over sailom ;-;
I ran out of images as per usual, BUT im halfway through the episode when it happened, as opposed to like ten minutes through, so that's a nice change of pace
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phobia-sweets · 2 years
Okay, so how would different villains react to a vigilante reader doing this to them in the middle of a fight
Also I absolutely adore your fic and writing, please and thank you, and have an amazing day
used the freedom of getting to choose myself to practice writing music meister :3
(also im glad(?) to inform you i got that video on my fyp like two hours after getting this request lmao)
OH AND THANKYOU THAT MEANS A LOT i hope you also have a good day!!!
General! Music Meister & Firefly x reader
Warnings & Notes: None?? i got carried away w firefly, not proofread (reader is a bit dumb at the end of firefly's part lmao)
During your time as a vigilante, you had learned to always bring earplugs wherever you went, just in case if you bumped into him.
“You do know your trick doesn’t work on me, right?” You chuckled, adjusting your domino mask. The music meister – or Darius, had taken control of the Gotham city opera house, where the both of you currently were. Luckily for you there were no civilians present when he took control – except for some guards, Who had left – leaving you alone with him.
“One of these days, you will be the one to do my bidding” he started, “It’ll be just a matter of time.”
Now, technically taking care of him without anyone to control should be easy, but you didn’t really want to hurt him. But then again, What were the chances there actually were people there being controlled, but just hiding, waiting for you to attack? You wouldn’t put it past him to plan that, he was quite smart. “Why won’t you just be good for once and give up voluntarily?” You suggested, and was met with him chuckling. “If you won’t, I still have a card up my sleeve.”
You walked closer to him, To which he didn’t react – planning something? Were you playing into a plan he had in his head? Fuck it, you already started going through with this, may as well go for it. You were maybe a meter away from him when you practically jumped up to him, placing a kiss on his lips. He made a sound of surprise, eyes wide as he looked at you, a sweet red creeping up to his cheeks.
Then you handcuffed him. “Sorry, Darius.”
Adding a cape to your uniform was one of the purely aesthetic choices you made. In your defense, capes were really cool. Unfortunately, They could be very inconvenient when they got stuck. Especially when there was a specific pyromaniac trying to immolate you. Trying to pull your cape from under some barrels that had fallen, you heard him -
“There’s going to be nothing but ash left when I’m done with you!” Firefly yelled, sharply inhaling as he landed a few feet away from you and adjusting his grip on his flamethrower. You turned to quickly look at your utility belt, spotting the butterfly knife on its usual spot. Turning to face Firefly, you sighed,
“We’re not done yet.” You straightened your back, watching as he walked closer. You took the knife, making sure he didn’t see it and starting to cut your cape off.
He laughed. “You will burn with gotham tonight-”
“Yeah, yeah, you’ve told me that quite a few times already.” You interrupted him, and regretted it almost immadietly when you felt the warmth of the flames from the flamethrower come dangerously close as he fired it for just a second.
“Any last words, hero?” You could practically hear the smirk in his voice, “before I melt your face off?”
“I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.”
“Heh heh, Too bad.” He laughed. You needed time. You knew that. If you didn’t find a way to either keep him talking or catch him off guard, you’d be as good as dead.
“Wouldn’t you prefer a nice slow burn over an explosion?” You questioned, Motioning to the barrels of… What ever was in them. You didn’t know, but it probably wouldn’t mix well with fire.
He stopped. Probably considering whether to blow you up or burn you. You cut the last bit of fabric off of your cape, free to move. Lunging towards Firefly, you pushed away his flamethrower, one risk taken care of. Now you just had to restrain him. You needed to catch him offguard. So you almost instinctively tried to place a kiss on his lips, but was met with the cold surface of his helmet. But hey, it worked. He stumbled backwards and you seized the opportunity to tackle him to the ground and tie his hands together.
“I could’ve taken my helmet off for that, hot stu-”
“Shut the fuck up.”
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arkus-rhapsode · 1 year
Rambling about my anxieties about a potential FE4 Remake
So recently an interview with the developers of FE Engage had come out and it shed some interesting facts about the development like how it was meant for the 30th anniversary, it was being made at the same time as 3H and that the game was delayed for greater polish.
Now that might not seem at all extraordinary after all, if you were like me, the OG leaker for Engage basically said that all. But here’s the thing, not only is this behind the scenes look legitimizing more of the leaker’s insights, but that means there is an even higher potential of their claim that an FE4 remake is more believable. 
Now its no secret that FE Genealogy of the Holy War is one of the most anticipated Fire Emblems to receive a remake treatment like Echoes and why wouldn’t it be? After all, its still the most popular FE in Japan and is considered to be Kaga’s magnum opus and the best of the Famicom era FE. It was also never brought over to the West legally so this’ll be FE fans chances to see it in its full glory. Hell, Im excited as all hell to see FE4 remade on modern consoles, but then I sorta stopped and began to think about it for a bit. Namely, could an FE4 remake ever live up to the hype?
Now look, any old FE getting remade should happen. Especially those never officially translated. It gives others in the fandom the chance to experience the game with modern convince and not be scared off by emulation. But just for a moment I thought what a remade FE4 would even look like. 
Now Im sure anyone who played Echoes knows it is possibly one of the best produced FE’s ever. Its in game art was amazing, the sprites actually resembled people more than Awakening or Fates, fully voice acted, it was amazing. It was amazing by the standards of a 3DS. Its no secret FE has gone through a transitional period from the 3DS to the Switch. The flat 2D sprites are now 3D models and convos that took place on map painting backgrounds with character art laid onto of it, is now 3D models speaking in an open space. I think what every FE fan genuinely wants is for Fire Emblem to look the best it can on the console its on. Now Engage clearly has shown FE can look better than it ever has on switch, but it still leaves a lot to be desired. This is a console that’s 1st and 2nd parties can achieve visuals like breath of the wild, Kirby Lost World, and Xenoblade. So I don’t think its impossible to make pretty games on a switch. But FE and Insys really haven’t gone all the way to where is feels quite like its a next gen FE visually. And not to put all the blame on InSys, but I understand that even fans are split. Some will never be happy if we don’t get back to the old pixel art style and found it more visually appealing while others want to put the capabilities of FE on a home console. Any creative director is not gonna manage to appeal to both these sides and that’s honestly going to suck. 
Now, this isn’t just about graphics but lets also talk about mechanics. Its no doubt that FE4 has some legendary map design, as well as the precursor to the support system we have now. But it was a clearly unbalanced FE, cavalry has always been OP but this is the game where literally cavalry is the best. The map design is also pretty different. I know GBA era fans probably are used to the concept of an FE plot unfolding on a battlefield as opposed to more chapter long encounter then story cutscene as more modern FE, but if people forget, the maps in FE4 were huge with multiple narrative events occurring in a single map. So how do translate that? Do you get rid of the huge maps and make FE4 more like modern FE and break into smaller maps with cutscene driven stories? Engage has shown a willingness to use more cinematics than ever before, would that help moments like Sigurd’s father dying or the feeling of Quan arriving only to be ambushed? Personally, I don’t think so as moments like that make FE4 so remembered. The immersive moments of in real time plot elements playing out. Once again we arrive at some where I can’t really see how you’d do this without disappointing one end of the spectrum.
And then we have the support system. I feel pretty confident in saying that an FE4 remake will use the modernized FE support system. But as we’ve seen in Echoes, just because it may use the same system, doesn’t mean it’ll be like Awakening, Fates, or 3H level deep. Echoes support system was incredibly limited despite coming off of the more robust Fates. And As I’m sure you all recall, scaling back social sim elements are never really met with positivity like FE Engage walking back things from 3H. Im sure they’ll still let you pick who you end up with Seliph, after all he isn’t locked into an ending like Sigurd or Alm, but I am unsure if we’ll get the modernized support system we are so accused to getting retrofitted into an older game. 
Oh my god are they even going to do turn wheel?
Okay okay moving away from the gameplay portion, the last thing that worries the fact any remake of FE4 has to live up to a near monolithic reputation. FE4 is an FE that never made it the states and the only way to experience it forever was through emulation and a fan translation. This lack of availability that seemed to only be accessed by die hard FE fans willing to play the Famicom era games while also being told to other western fans that this is Japan’s favorite FE coupled with things that more modern fans would recognize like FE4 serving as the inspiration for a lot of 3H has essentially mythologized FE4 as “The Greatest Fire Emblem Game”. Now this is my personal opinion but FE4 isn’t my favorite FE, nor is it one I consider the best written, but it is certainly an operatic entry that goes beyond what FE had ever done up to the point with moments that deserve to be apart of FE history. And do you see what I’m getting at here? Any remake of FE4 has sky high expectations to clear. It was a meme forever that FF7 Remake was taking forever, but we all know that if it was nothing less than beyond perfect, then FF7R would never live up to the hype. FE4 is very likely going to be in that situation and Im not 100% sure InSys can deliver if that’s the case. 
Now look, maybe this is all just pointless lizard brain fear. I would love nothing more than to see and FE4 that flawlessly captured the spirt of the original while looking great, playing great, and living up to the bar of social simulation. I think that’s all any fan genuinely wants out of any FE game. But it just fills me with dread knowing the near herculean task the FE development team may be tasked with, and that even more fans who have never experienced FE4 are going to now have to see how “The Best FE” holds up to modern standards. 
The potential of this remake ever happening is still not set in hard stone as of the writing. So there really is no point worrying about something before it even has a chance to materialize. But I do believe that any FE4 remake will now be facing a lot of up hill battles and while I’m not using that to protect poor game design (If the game plays or looks like ass I will call it out) I do hope that people think about what an FE4 remake really does mean. 
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soumaizumip · 2 years
My Soccerwife Might Be Dead and I Am Going to Have to Learn to Be OK With That (But For Now I Am Very Annoyed)
god ok 204, let me down one last time (overreaction) (still waiting to actually see him if we even get to but the implications are driving me batty)
at this point i can’t even say if i think they’ll actually ever bring the old kunigami back. they seem just fine letting this be the way he is now
i Really wanted him to be punished in this game. if he was going to change this would have been it. this should have been it
at the very least i wanted him to get knocked down a peg. he had one goal which he basically stole from isagi which seemed to have already been going in without his intervention
i wanted him to get a lower bid this time
and yet
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and it’s basically just the same thing. he hasn’t changed from when he first came back “he’s big and we trained him to be an asshole, and the people love that” 
everything points to him being successful right now, that this is what works and this is what he should be doing
we are being told he will not change, that nothing so far has driven him to change, whether it’s being outshone by isagi, ignored by his team, or... chigiri, at all
they really got my damn hopes up with their reunion, and their reactions on the field... when in the end it did not matter at all
this game was not about them, it was not about kunigami
when, no fujo, i think it really should have been. that’s how it was quite literally set up to be so i don’t think that’s unreasonable to think
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What was all this for then. truly. did they forget they wrote this 8 months ago
if this is not what is going to get him to change then what fucking is how much more grandeur do you need because any opponent they face from now on does not know the old kunigami and does not give a shit about him (we are ignoring that on paper no one in blue lock gives a shit about each other you know what i mean)
i’m not gonna act like i know better than the author but literally what was the point of this game then. it dragged on for eight months. 204 has isagi recapping what he ‘learned’ which is learning to use his eyes for the 80th time
the game ended up having the most development for yukki? (or maybe that's just all i remember bc it took 8 fucking months) which is fine. but that didn’t need to result in their win
this win just felt like it has no point for isagi (he’d still have his revelations but who he was facing was irrelevant) and germany when a loss would’ve meant a lot for kunigami. hell even with them winning the writer just seems to not care about seeing any kind of story line for him through. and that makes me sad
maybe im jumping the gun maybe we’ll get meaningful reactions from the 2 of them after this but... i am not expecting anything anymore for this round
because honestly what can chigiri even say after this. what a kick in the face
he doesn’t really have a leg to stand on anymore to wake him up. chigiri lost, kunigami won, and he’s more successful than he’s ever been. they keep hinting at a “pride before the fall” for nagi but i doubt they’ll go through those motions for kunigami
also chigiri should’ve had a way higher bid but i didn’t know where to say that. he is the goddamn speed star
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total-drama-shark · 2 years
ok so first off: the zoey split is an awesome idea and i love the fact that ur bringing back molly for this. but im curious abt them and also your rewrite in general for example, zoeys title in td is 'the indie chick' and she has a lot of lines abt being an outcast and nobody really liking her at home. she has pretty obvious self-esteem issues at times, so im curious if this will transfer into your new zoey? and what would happen to commander zoey? do u lean more into the radioactive aspect of camp wawanaka now or is it just. gone. are any other characters drastically changed?
I’m so happy you like the idea! Okay here’s how things go down in the rewrite
Molly gets the indie chick label while Zoey gets a brand new girl next door label, her insecurities about being lonely aren’t because she was an only child anymore but because she actually recently moved to Canada and has been struggling to make friends and adapt to the country’s customs (I really want to make her Polynesian btw) this would also give a bit of an ironic twist to the girl next door label which I think is a bit funny.
Commander Zoey is still a thing! I’m my rewrite Molly and Mike basically get voted out back to back so Zoey’s snap has more to do with her losing the two people she was closest to instead of just Mike, I like to think a few of the skills Zoey get as Commander Zoey were taught from Molly :)
I’m still very undecided on wether to lean on or against the toxic waste gimmick because I think it makes the season unique but idk how I’d utilize it or take advantage of it.
Zoey is the most drastically changed character but Scott get more strategies besides throwing challenges and doesn’t get maimed by fang, Mike learns to coexist with his alters (and trust me I do not mean by integrating/fusing) and Dakota also get some changes with her elimination episode actually being one were she gets tired of Chris’ bull so she locks him and Chef up in a closet and hosts the episode and everyone has a ton of fun and once Chris get out Dakota quits right before he can fire her.
Also a gimmick I wanted to play with more is the gen 1 cameos, I think it’d be fun if one contestant of the first Gen would cameo every episode and maybe even had some challenges themed or created by them (I have some ideas already for Harold and Katie and Sadie)
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palant1r · 2 years
Could I have some of your matsulight headcanons please?
absolutely you can. i am shoving them into your hands as if pouring barbecue sauce into them
so. i have two general Matsulight Flavors. the first is the tragic canon one-sided matsulight. the second is matsulight in an au where yotsuba light never gets the notebook back and everything is Fine
also theres a lot of stuff based off of canon that i'm gonna leave out here because a lot of it isn't headcanons, it's a reading of canon.
one universal constant i love is matsuda teaching light how to fire a handgun. im a sucker for people seeing matsuda's Hidden Competence, and i think firearms would be something light has no experience in. so i really like the idea of matsuda being the authority on something for once and helping light get a firearm certification so he can be a full NPA agent. its about the intimacy of showing someone how to kill in hopes that it'll save their life one day. will NOT get into how guns play into death note here but its A Lot i think
in canon, i think matsuda falls for light offscreen, somewhere in the time skip. i think he spends a lot of time at the apartment, sleeping on light's couch. and misa strikes me as a late riser, while light totally gets up at the crack of dawn. i hc they spent a lot of quiet mornings together — at first awkwardly, then later in comfortable silence. maybe talking about kira before the rest of the task force arrived, matsuda voicing the doubts he wouldn't say in front of anyone else and light helping them along. in the process of trying to manipulate him, light finds himself being more honest with matsuda than he is with anyone else. more honest than he's ever been since getting that notebook. (also theres humor in these mornings i think. because light absolutely has a 12 step skincare routine and spends a lot of time on his appearance and then matsuda just rolls out of bed clear-skinned and puts on contacts. thats it. and hes STILL hot.) (oh yeah i think matsuda wears contacts, but in the evenings he wears thick-framed glasses and light thinks they're cute)
light doesn't even like coffee but he still takes it every time matsuda gives it to him. not kira light is averse to breaking Any social cue that could make him seem anything but perfect and kira light thinks it makes him more focused. he tries to enjoy bitter things out of spite for L. he fails. he'd rather have a frappe than espresso, but he'll admit that on his deathbed
i think after soichirou's death matsuda tried to lend light emotional support and light pretended to need it. if i think about this too much i'll get sad
also i think matsuda doesn't realize he's in love with light for a while because he thinks his feelings are jealousy/envy. like "wow light is always so put together and cool and hot and i get all jealous when he goes on dates...it must be because i want to be like him and im jealous of those women ahaha"
light ALSO wouldn't realize his own feelings for a while but that's because even no memories light would repress the hell out of them. he's neurotic <3
in a universe where they actually get together, matsuda absolutely makes the first move at the most random and unexpected time. dude's a wildcard. no one knows what matsuda is going to do next least of all matsuda. light THINKS he's able to predict him but he was quite definitively proven wrong. matsuda's the type of mf to confess his undying love at a Wendys.
so that's a start! hehe if anyone else has matsulight hcs please add them in a reblog, i wanna meet my fellow rowboat captains in the Matsulight Fleet
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orthodoxadventure · 11 months
hi! i was a follower of your other blog and just followed this one now too-- im orthodox! mind if i ask what's drawing you to orthodoxy? :)
When I was first looking into converting to Christianity while I was away at university, I did have some interest in Orthodoxy. But some of the issues that came up, were particularly to do with the 'situation' as it were of the Orthodox Church in my country and the misconceptions that arose from that. When looking at Orthodox Churches online, they primarily served immigrant communities and you would be hard pressed to find many Orthodox Churches that offered the Liturgy in English. This led to at the time, the misconceptions that 'Eastern Orthodoxy' was exactly that - something meant for Eastern Europeans. Also my small town didn't have an Orthodox Church which commutable.
As a result of that time though, I did follow a few Orthodox Christians. Some of whom I still engage with today. And over the years, I did see their viewpoints (granted at the time, a lot of them were also young Catechumens who were particularly overzealous). I mostly just put their viewpoints to the side, and didn't really engage with them. Perhaps quite unfairly. I definitely shouldn't have let them be a representative for the faith but they were the only Orthodox Christians that I had any real engagement with.
I don't want it to seem that I just went 'oh well Catholicism it is then!' but Catholicism then closely aligned with how I viewed the Mission of the Church - being something Universal and meant for all people. Catholic. Which directly conflicted with how I viewed the Orthodox Church. I also unfortunately kind of just fell into letting people that seemed particularly knowledgeable give me particular viewpoints on various theological differences between Catholicism and Orthodoxy.
While I was running my Catholic Tumblr, I began reading Saint Basil the Great, Saint John Chrysostom, and about the early Church. I can only best describe the experience I had whilst reading these particular authors and texts was the distinct sense of Orthodoxy. I felt very much like I was reading about the Orthodox Church. This was something that greatly troubled me. I loved Catholicism, and admitting to myself that there was a draw to Orthodoxy felt like I was betraying God and everyone around me.
Moving to city, there was Orthodox Churches nearby now that I could actually attend. And the draw of Orthodoxy came up once more. Only this time, it felt like people were directly speaking about the points of issues that greatly mattered to me and served as stumbling blocks before. No longer were those Orthodox Catechumens overzealous agitators for social media engagement. They were thoughtful, and very careful about how they articulated their points. I realised also that the Orthodox Churches here, were much more welcoming than I thought. Much more inclusive than I thought.
Over time, it felt like everywhere I looked there the Orthodox Church stood waiting for me to engage with it. I eventually plucked up the courage to message an Orthodox Priest about it, and he recommended me some works and encouraged me to attend Liturgy. A friend that I also dragged along a few years ago to attend an Eastern Catholic Church, now served as the first person to welcome me into the Orthodox Church and to talk about things more.
I don't know. I guess it's hard to really articulate feeling strongly drawn to something. But that's what it felt like. And it still feels like. I'm constantly being pulled back to Orthodox texts to read them more, and feeling on fire with love of God. And I realised some of the misconceptions I had about Orthodoxy were just that, misconceptions. And I've come to understand a lot of those positions even just slightly better than before
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cael-dori · 3 months
don’t really know where else to put this, but I just gotta vent for a bit at a place where at most 3 people will see it
I opened up an LGBT business last year - on my trans wife’s birthday, in fact - to celebrate the community I’d always felt supported and a part of. Don’t want to give too much info, but we do a year long creative endeavour, raise money for the community, rinse and repeat. I make no personal money; everyone’s voluntary, even me, the owner, out of a shared love of the community.
Someone was hired on really without my say so or knowledge, which is a big no-no, because it’s illegal. I managed to onboard them, but the stress of that really started the working relationship off on the wrong foot - however, asking for legal documents at a business you are employed by is pretty par for the course. However, we managed to resolve the weird tensions, and seemed to be doing okay. I’m quite a crass/crude person (ie, I usually swear to let those around me know a noun is approaching); and at an interpersonal it’s served me okay. If someone asks me directly to not swear so much, of course I’ll give an effort, but no promises. This person took serious umbrage with my level of swearing, but never raised it with me at all.
I stepped away from the business briefly - 1 week - to propose to my wife on a holiday, which would just be about us. In this time, this person had decided to spread all sorts of insane rumours about me, namely
1. I threatened to ‘murder’ a friend of mine (my actual words were “man, I’m gonna be so mad if you let me down on this one”, and when it happened, I wasn’t even that mad)
2. I tried to illegally fire a volunteer, which I hadn’t spoken with, ever, about any disciplinary procedures or anything much at all. The volunteer in question had the same name as someone else I fired because they didn’t report to work for SIX WEEKS, but a very different position and role.
3. I was a racist and didn’t speak to any non-white staff (this person purposefully kept me away from day to day business activities, such as changing meeting locations and forgetting to tell me), so I barely spoke to anybody. When I did go to events I wasn’t tripped up on, I was always friendly to anyone who popped over to talk to me.
4. When I brought up the various amounts of misconduct done, he rallied people to threaten a walkout if I fired him, 2 weeks to project completion date.
So I took all this disrespect whilst trying to do a good thing because of my love of the project. For the belief that our aims were good, overall. This culminated in people I had never spoken to personally, one on one, giving me death glares, side eye, and whispering behind their hands when I walked past. I never said anything to anyone, or confronted them about it, because I really didn’t want to engage in any pettiness. The project completed, it went well, I let them go after the end, and didn’t want them to do handover with me. Just wanted to wash my hands if it.
Because we attracted quite a crowd, we also attracted someone with COVID-19. Im immunocompromised, so I got it really bad - 10 days I was laid in bed, trying to feel human, but everything would be resolved when I was better. No rush, I had 3 months before the next cycle. I opened up to see complaints on my public page that “why haven’t you released the figures yet? Thought this was for charity, are you cutting and running?” … yeah, got accused of stealing money from charity. Never mind most companies do their accounting at month end, never mind any of that. This seemed like a valid complaint that a few people, mostly former volunteers, had seemed to agree with. After explaining hello, I’m working on it, I’m just really sick, but it’s incoming, I basically got ignored.
So I released the figure, hoping people would leave me alone. They did, but the rumours about me continued. Mostly in the student community in my local town, which is small and insular, and a community I am not part of. I’m a local to the area, I live here and have a day job. Word travels fast.
I know it’s bad to let one person get you down, but now I’m so paranoid and distrustful of everyone around me. I see LGBT events and panic, because what if they think what this absolute cunt of a person has said is true? They’re prominent in the community, and they don’t like me personally. I overthink my actions and words, I am overly defensive, which makes me come off as off putting and strange. Nothing I say is ever right. I work remotely, and I don’t even want to leave my house anymore. I feel nauseous. Anyone who knows me knows the rumours are bull crap, but nobody’s particularly going out to defend me. I am terrified of other people and feel like they’re mad at me. Before this, I was confident and didn’t give a shit what people thought of me, and it’s all just gone. I feel like I’m 12 and in secondary school and getting bullied.
When I tried to vent my thoughts on a personal account I run to just explain I’d had some difficulties (small follower count, mostly my family and closest friends) and how I was feeling, I got told that me even SAYING I had a horrible time made some people feel “uncomfortable”, and I should delete my post. I feel like I’m not even allowed to be a human being anymore, and I don’t particularly feel like one anymore. Just excessively hollow.
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artific3r · 1 year
who're your ocs???
okay its been like two weeks now and i only just now finished writing a very long rambly response about everything about my regency ocs. I apologize in advance i am not making it shorter. I was going to originally but if i dont post this now i will never post it. heres the post about my ocs from Beasts of the Peerage:
OH SHIT i dont really remember the context but i think this was my regency thing so. im not going to give any names because this story used to be a fanfic for a show and i never bothered to change the names even thought like all of the characters are different.
also i just had the thought like today (okay now like a week ago) that im going to make them all animal headed people, ill just be calling them by what animal i think im going to go with, but any and all of these are subject to change and there is no deeper meaning to the animal choice beside vibes. fae will be plant people instead of animal people, and individuals who are not fae but highly magical will be bugs
the idea for the story is 3 stories (maybe 4) that are all happening at similar times from the perspectives* of 3 royals (and maybe a knight), the first two are primarily regency romances, the third and fourth are not. The forth might have a romance in it, i haven't decided yet, if i want it to be there at all. the fourth might be a bonus/spin off thing. 
*Okay maybe not perspectives so much as the royals are sometimes the perspectives, as it kind of bounces around between the characters a little bit but you know what i mean
the order the stories would come out in is eldest, middle, youngest, knight.
Also i dont WANT this stuff to be only romance but thats the stuff that sets my brain on fire so. The only stuff i have so far is romance stuff for the most part. 
the eldest is a prince who I'll call Crow. Crow has the burden of the crown on his shoulders, he always has. He's much older than his two younger siblings. And he has to get married before he turns 35, or the crown will automatically pass to the second oldest, Starling, who is 7 years younger but was already married and as such will automatically become the heir.
Crows story starts with his 34th birthday. He has one year left to get married and secure his spot as heir. There are three people he's considering, they're all really good options and he doesn't know who to pick. none of them are the actual end game though, so i dont really have plans for them yet.
During a ball of some kind, he has to pick someone to dance. People are only allowed to dance once one of the three siblings has danced with someone. Which ever sibling dances with someone will be automatically assumed to be romantically courting them, saving exeptions ill get to in a second.  Starling isnt going to do it for reasons that will be obvious when i explain their story, and Sparrow isnt going to do it because she's asexual and doesn't want to get trapped courting someone she's not into. So it has to be Crow, and it has to be one of the three, but he can't make a descion, and the night is wearing on, and no one has been able to dance, when all of a sudden an exception happens.
Lion is engaged to a man much older than her, but because she's engaged, and her engagement is quite public knowledge, she wouldnt be seen as courting if she asked someone else to dance. maybe a little odd, but not courting. And she's fed up of waiting, everyone is, and she's not a duchess or a marchioness, she's a baroness marrying a baron, they're low level in terms of the peerage, so she's not too worried about her reputation.
So she marches right up to the royal 3 and asks one of them to dance with her, because frankly everyone is tired of waiting and because she's engaged, a dance with her means nothing more than a dance, but it would allow the ball to actually begin.
And Crow, partially intrigued by the gall of this woman, and partly relived at a way out of having to make a choice for just a little longer, he takes her up on her offer. So the two dance, and the dance floor opens up for everyone else to start dancing, and the night continues as is, with gossip of "can you beleive the prince still hasnt made a descion" and "the gall of that Lion, I mean, what business does a baroness have doing something like THAT? demanding the royals around like that"
And afterwards, Crow privately sends Lion a thank you letter. Lion sends him a letter back, and then they continue writing letters back and forth.
Then theres some stuff in between about them becoming closer.
Then the day of Lions wedding roles around. And Lion, well her mother basically has total control over her, because if Lion doesn't do what her mother says, her mother will leave her destitute.
Lion was going to marry her childhood best friend and promised since when they were like 1. but then he died, and so the deal that marrige was supposed to seal never ended up going through.
Things were fine for a while, but then her mother decided that if Lion couldn't get married soon, then they were going to move to [other kingdom] so they could be closer to the rest of Lions terrible family.
So Lion did what any reasonable(ly desperate) person would and asked her dead friends father. He was (reasonably) apprehensive at first, he was like a father to her, but she conviced him by getting him to realize that she would be out of her mothers control if they got married.
So now she's marrying this older man instead. And Lions mother wants this wedding to go well, so to make sure, she puts a love poison on both of them, to make sure no one objects or calls the wedding off.
And Crow is asked to be part of the bridal party, partly because he's friends with Lion, but also partly for the clout having a prince at their wedding will give them.
So he goes to the wedding, and because he notices something is off with Lion and the way she's behaving. And he figures out they've both been love poisned. So he gets them both antidote, and so the wedding is called off.
Then more stuff happens. They fall in love and have confessed, but circumstances haven't really allowed them to be together.
Then its the day of his 35th birthday. All three of the really good marrige canidates are no longer available, so now Crow has to marry anyone who will have him. And because its his birthday, it has to be him that does the starting dance.
Not only that, but Lion's mother has decided that, now that the wedding is off, they are going to still go to the other kingdom. So she's leaving THAT night. They are packing and getting ready to leave, when Lion decideds she's going to the ball. If for nothing, than to say goodbye to Crow.
So she shows up, and the dancing hasnt started, and in a reflection of how they first met, she storms up to him and says that she wanted to say goodbye. And this time, he asks her to dance with him. And then he asks her not to go, and she says she has to unless she could get in engaged like right then and there, and so he says "bet" and proposes to her.
And then they're together :)
Starlings is the one i have the most planned out. Its also probably gonna be the longest. Admittedly the character Wolf is more of the main character than Starling but. I dont care its my silly little guys. 
the middlest is a prinxe we'll call Starling. He fell in love with a prince from a neighboring kingdom, Elk, and the two of them got married. One day they were attacked by monsters, and Elk was killed, and their personal knight was so badly injured she was forced into early retirement. Soon after, a new personal knight called Wolf is hired.
Starlings story starts with the one year anniversery of the death of Elk.
Theres sort of a period of Wolf and Starling getting closer, and of Wolf beginning to fall for Starling. Im kind of debating having them fully fall in love with each other in this period but idk.
Then its revealed that Elk is not actually dead, he was turned into one of those monsters, and had to leave for Starling safety, and Starling knew this. (think like werewolves but not because. they're already animals. Im going to call it lycanthropy and being a werewolf for simplicity). They've been trying to find a way to help him, but have been entirely unable to find anything. And they don’t even know where he is. 
Wolf is invited to his sister Hound's wedding. Its in the woods, in this enchanted grotto protected by a witch named Tarantula. She protects those who are cursed and otherwise ostracized from society, and they all live in this grotto, as their curses are lessend here.
At the wedding, Wolf meets a man that seems very familiar. Stuff happens and Wolf realizes that this is, in fact, Elk. Elk remains here in the grotto because the effects of his lycanthropy are lessened here, and if he does end up werewolfing out, Tarantula has the power to end the rampage before it becomes a problem. 
(There's probably going to be a gap between the Elk is alive reveal and the Elk is here at this wedding reveal) 
I might flip the Elk is alive reveal and the wedding arc chronologically so that Wolf can put together the pieces of who that familiar stranger was by himself. Idk I’ll see. 
Wolf decides that he needs to get Elk and Starling back together, despite any feelings for Starling (and maybe Elk) he may have. So he finds the cure for lycanthropy, and gets the cure into Tarantula’s hands so she can help them. 
Then Elk gets to come home and be with Starling again, and everything is fine and they all live happily ever after!
Except i lied lol theres still more
Um some more stuff happens and more time passes and then all three of them catch feelings for each other. 
But Wolf is a fucking idiot when it comes to his feelings but he only just now realizes that he’s got big feelings. So he tells his like… bosses? Idk military words. Captains? Majors? Sergeants? Don’t look at me. And he tells them and they tell him “okay if you tell Elk and Starling you will lose your job and never be able to work in the castle or as a guard again, so what going to happen is you aren’t going to say shit and you are going to start training a new guy under the guise of ‘hey Sparrows guard is getting kinda old’ and then once that guy is done you can explain whats really happening to Elk and Starling. This will probably ruin your life.” and Wolf is like “yup got it sounds good”
And so that is what happens, and eventually Wolf is moved to be Sparrows guard to get him away from Elk and Starling.
And Starling is bummed and Elk is pissed cause theres stuff that’s being hidden from them and they like Wolf but whenever they’re like “no wait we want Wolf back” the guard. boss. people are like “no lol protocol or whatever” 
So eventually they get Wolf by himself and ask him whats up and he’s like “I could pretend nothing was wrong when I could avoid you, but i cant do that anymore, and i cant lie to you, so the truth is i am down BAD. sorry.” And Elk and Starling are like “oh thats fine. The feelings are mutual.” 
So then its the three of them. But Wolf is still facing job loss, and Elk and Starling are like “dont worry bbgirl we gotchu” and they all get married together. 
And then thats the end for real
Theres also a reveal in there of HOW Wolf found the lycanthropy cure when Starling, someone with way more resources, was unable to. He used a thing called a “Seer Wish” that i will explain in the “Moth” section. 
the youngest is a princess called Sparrow. this is the first not romance story, as she's aroace, and i wanted to explore a regency story not focused on romance. unfortuneately, i... have no ideas for this part. i dont even know what major event is going to be the start of this story. This story is also going to focus a lot more on Moth the Seer i think but i have very few plans.
the personal knight of Crow. im going to imply through Crow's story that Bull is in love with Lion as a red herring, and more subtly imply that Bull is in love with Crow, which is actually true. The reveal will happen at the end of Crows story.
the sort of plot of Bulls story is that he keeps butting heads with this fae, who we'll call Sunflower. Sunflower makes an appearence a couple times across the first three stories i think. I dont have a lot of plans for this one either.
I know that Bulls older brother was kidnapped by a fae, and so Bull made a concentrated effort to study up on effective ways to fight them.
this section is mostly to explain Moth and Wolf's relationship, and to explain seer wishes. there will probably not be a full story about moth.
Not everyone gets a seer wish, its completely random, but you know because of a symbol somewhere on their body. If someone dies with their seer wish, it gets passed to someone random, so you can also get one later in life. A seer wish allows someone to ask the seer one question about anything at all, and will get back the information they asked for. Using your seer wish is, unsurprisingly, a BIG deal, as not everyone gets one, its very rare, and those who do get one only get one.
Moth's powers manifested when she was 20. the powers are a curse, a curse that supposedly can be broken if she's with her true love. She met Wolf when she was 17 and thought he was it. when she turned 20 and her powers manifested, she broke up with him. They were still in love with each other, but she was so fixated on the idea that he was her "true love" that when he wasn't, she couldn't take it. In retrospect, she regrets it, but they've both moved on. 
Thats all ive got so far for Beasts of the Peerage.
I don't know if it'd be a comic or like a visual novel or a regular novel or a novelette or some other thing I haven't thought of. Idk man.
also i think the animal thing is going to be like metaphorical, they arent actually animals. again im still in the planning stage so its all sorta meh
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wizkiddx · 3 years
hiii!!! omg please please pleasee do a part two of 3 hearts broken cus it fucking slaps miss girl
part 2 to 3 broken hearts!!! ive been so 🥺 at all the lovely comments+interest pt 1 had so thanku all !
summary: serious serious angst again will tom somehow get it back (unlike looking cos boy is a fool)
warnings: again lots of swearing (im British sorry not sorry) / wayyyy too much tea / slating Dom abit (obvs fictional but idk if I like the guy sorry his opinions are :/) / commitment issues
read part 1 here!!!!
That was three days ago now. Three days since you'd spoken to your boyfrien- well, Tom. It wasn't evident what the situation was.
The typical British weather brought with it the most ironic pathetic fallacy you could ever see. The clouds were dark and glooming, firing angry pellets of rain out as hard as they could. When you had pulled up on the roadside, it had just been a light drizzle but synchronised with your anxiety levels rising - so did the rain. When you finally opened up the car door, you threw your hoodie open with a sigh before running up the pathway to the front door.
It was the same burgundy red that you knew so well, but this time instead of just letting yourself in - you stood in the rain used the brass knocker thing twice. To be honest, you were hoping that no one was home - but in that house, it was pretty unlikely. After 30 seconds of getting drenched in the downpour, you were about to let yourself in with the spare key before the door swung open.
"Oh! Er Y/n?"
"Yeh um hi." You had to shout a bit over the sound of what must now be classified as a storm.
"Toms not-"
"I know. Can I come in?" As awkward and stunted as this conversation was, if you didn't get out of the rain asap you would literally end up drowned.
“Oh er yeh-yeh yeh come in.”
Harry stammered as he held the door open, gesturing for you to enter into the tiled hallway. Gratefully, you followed, throwing your sopping wet hood back down and wiping your feet on the floor.
"Sorry for just showing up, but I left some scripts here. My management are on my arse to read them and-"
"And you waited till Tom left for mum and dads?" The fluffy-haired boy has caught you red-handed; there was no defence, so you didn't even try.
Because yes, you knew on a Friday afternoon when Tom was home he would always, like clockwork, go to his parents just to kick back and watch gogglebox with both of them. It was only natural then that you chose Friday afternoon to come and pick up your stuff.
"I've been waiting in my car for half an hour till I saw him leave." Harry half laughed at that, still the two of you standing opposite each other in the hallway. "Um, do you… do you hate me Harry?"
Clearly, he hadn't quite been expecting your question going by the way his eyes almost bugged out his head.
"No, I-I, of course, I don't… look, I'm home alone so you fancy a cuppa?" Not being able to help the small chuckle, you nodded appreciatively, following Harry through the house.
"Your answer to everything is tea."
Harry had prepared the two mugs in silence as you sat at the table waiting patiently - if nervously too. You didn't miss how Harry had still used your favourite mug, having had to dig through the cupboard to find the weird square-shaped thing. Once done, he rounded the kitchen island and placed it in front of you, which you instantly cradled in two hands - for the hope of warming you up.
"You cold?" Obviously, it was pretty evident that sitting in your rain-soaked hoodie was not cosy at all. "Hang on a sec."
The boy sprung up again, returning moments later with a hoodie in hand, one he offered out to you with a little smile. The issue was that him and Tom shared clothes, so the hoodie he was kindly offering to you also had been worn by Tom before. Which made it hurt a little bit to wear. It was better than sitting soaked through though.
"How have you been then?"
"Not the best, to be honest, but uh… how about you?"
"Being with Tom while he's fighting with you? Oh, it's a barrel of laughs. You might've escaped it, but I haven't." He was trying to lighten the mood, and you appreciated it, offering him a half-smile that didn't really meet your eyes.
"Yeh sorry about that."
"Don't apologise; it doesn't sound like it's your fault Y/n."
That surprised you. Tom, especially when he was in moods like he was when you argued, wasn't one to admit when he was wrong. It was usually how the world was against him and how he was so hard done by. Accepting responsibility was something he hadn't said to you yet - but at least, small steps.
"He say that?"
"Pretty much… doesn't seem like he's angry at you, but-but he's still angry."
"At the world?" You rolled your eyes; this seemed to be the same old Tom through and through. Still immature. Still not with the right mindset.
"At himself." Harry countered, slightly entertained, when he saw the flash of surprise in your face as he sipped his drink. "And me… if I dare to so much as breathe this week."
This time you properly laughed, and Harry joined in too before the room fell back to silence - except the noise of the rain hitting the garden patio slats. You swirled the tea round in your mug, feeling the brunette's eyes on you. He'd always been your fake little brother too, since you'd met the Hollands way back 3 and a half years ago. Tom and yourself were barely adults, which meant the twins were still proper children. Harry had always been the one that understood you. Hollands, by nature, loved humans - loved to talk, to chat, to gossip. But sometimes, doing all that socialising got too much for you, as it did for Harry. He was the only one that seemed to understand social exhaustion. So when those moments had hit, you'd kept each other company in silence.
He got you, sometimes in ways your own boyfriend didn't.
"You know why he got so worked up, right?" You shook your head, looking up curiously. "Dad got under his skin on his birthday zoom thing."
Ah, now that did seem to coincide with the start of Tom's more petulant phase. To be fair, Tom had been asking to move in together for near enough a year now - but it was only in the past month it seemed to be the only thing you'd talk about and obviously only three days since the flight back. Dom's birthday barely a week ago, whilst you and Tom were both filming - except Tom had managed to get a day off where you hadn't. So you hadn't heard this conversation.
"What'd he say?"
"Was talking about how he and mum were settling down at Toms age, joked about how you rejected him, said maybe you were holding out for something better."
"Something better?" Harry sighed, leaning forward onto his elbows.
"He'd seen an article just off a trashy tabloid… it named you Hollywood's golden girl or something, said you could have the pick of any person on the planet…"
Of all the people in the world, why is Tom affected by shit journalism? He knows how much bullshit people write. He knows how it's all made up, exaggerated nonsense. And what he should know, completely and totally, is how much you love him. And if he didn't, was that your fault? Had you done something wrong, something to make him doubt you?
Harry seemed to notice the internal dialogue going on in your head, adding to the point. "It wasn't the article though, it was the fact dad said it."
You and Dom got on; it wasn't like you hated the possible future father in law or whatever. Just…. you had very different outlooks. As much as Tom prided himself on how' grounded his family keeps him' -to you at least, they aren't entirely at sea level either. They'd never really had any particular struggles in life. They were the definition of middle class, and that's about it. They lived in a posh suburb of London, had all their family still around. It was the perfect family.
And whilst you were in no illusions about how privileged your life was now. It hadn't always been. You'd never had the 'nuclear' family. Instead, only your dad and a string of dodgy and fleeting stepmothers while struggling to make ends meet. So you were just always wary of Dom, of his opinions that so often his boys took for gospel. They always seemed pretty sheltered and close-minded.
And yet, Tom was a grown man.
"I get that, I just… Tom should know that we know more about our relationship than his dad. I mean,… have I done something wrong? Made him think I'm not in this for the long haul?"
"No nonono Y/n he's just… well he's an idiot, isn't he? I don't think he properly understands why you're cautious about moving and everything. He's just an idio- "
Harry was cut off for lightly insulting his brother by the sound of the front door opening, both of your heads swivelling towards the source. You then met Harry's eyes in a panic, to which he replied relatively simply.
"Just talk to each other. For my sake." You would've argued if it weren't for the fact you were so focused on Tom's shuffling around in the entrance hallway - back early from his parents.
"Baz? Where you at? I thought I saw Y/n's car and-"
"Kitchen!!!" Before Tom could say anything else, possibly landing himself in more trouble, Harry interrupted as his chair screeched while standing up. And then Tom was just there. Standing in the doorway, his arms dropping limply to his side as he noticed you. Everything about that moment seemed to freeze, when you locked eyes with him for the first time in three days. It didn't go unnoticed, the way his Adams apple bobbed, the way his eyes widen. The boy looked plain and simply terrified.
It was Harry who broke the silence, after giving you a stern look that said 'stay'. The younger Holland boy walked up to Tom and spoke.
"Try actually talking and actually listening about your problems with each other." And then he was gone, down the hallway and up the stairs.
For a few moments, Tom stayed absolutely stationary, now staring at where Harry had been when speaking to the both of you (but mainly Tom). Long enough to put your sense of unease at an all-time high, ready to make a break for it.
"If you don't want to talk, then I can leav-"
"NO!" Apparently snapping out of it, Tom exclaimed loud enough to make you flinch from your seat. "Sorry! I-I just… I wasn't expecting to… you know, to see you."
"Yeh I just uh- just came to pick up some scripts… Harry cornered me with a tea, though; otherwise, I'd be…."
"Baz thinks the whole world could be fixed with tea."
"that's what I said!" You instinctively responded, forgetting the fact you're supposed to be mad at him, and just for a second falling back into your normal flow.
Tom didn't even try to hide his grin in response, until you quickly corrected your face- then he did too. Turning around to put the kettle on for himself. Because right now, he needed to fix his whole world, and he needed all the help he could get. For a period, the only noise was the sound of the kettle boiling, then the teaspoon clinking against the mug as he stirred - until he padded over, taking the seat across from you.
"It's been a while," Tom stated the bloody obvious.
"You never called."
"Didn't think you'd want me to."
You thought that the early signs weren't all that auspicious. His ability to read a situation once again failing.
"I wanted you to say something."
"Say what?"
"What do you think Tom?" He replied to the sarcastic tone by sucking in a sharp breath, holding it for a second, before slowly exhaling. As if trying to compose himself, take time to think of a response - a mature move for him.
"Well, I think you want me to say sorry? For being so moody and not waiting for you and for upsetting those kids. And thanks too, for covering for me?"
You just hummed. Waiting for him to continue. Because yes, you did deserve all those things. But you also deserved more. An apology for, oh I don't know, saying he didn't think you loved him? It was a wait that never ended, he had nothing more to add.
"Going by your face, I take it I missed something?"
The bloody cheek of it.
"Theres nothing else? Nothing else at all? …" You gave him that chance, the opportunity but all he could respond with was a shake of his head. "You thought I was fine about you saying that I don't love you?" You hadn't intended on raising your voice, but really you hadn't realised you did till after the fact. To blinded by rage at his ignorance.
"You want to talk about this now?"
"When else Tom?" You sighed, realising he perhaps wasn't ready for this conversation. Maybe he needed more time to think things through, have sense talked into him by various wiser family members. Or maybe, he never would be. That was the worst-case scenario. But also… you're most likely prediction.
He shuffled in his seat, clearing his voice but not saying anything. Not a peep.
"I have spent three years of my life with you. I've had countless nights of too little sleep because that was the only time you could facetime. I've exposed my relationship to the world and people's opinions because you didn't want to hide. All I've done is love you. How could you even say that?" There might've been tears in your eyes, yet you were determined to keep them at bay. You needed to have this out, one way or another, to be clear and cohesive and logical. No time to cry.
"Y/n I know that, I…" He sighed, instinctively reaching for your hand, but you were quicker to pull it away. There was hurt in his eyes, but so there should be. "It just sometimes feels like that's it for you. That yeh you love me but you just want to standstill. That this is as much as it'll ever be."
Your emotions were suddenly uncontainable. Your voice croaked as you whispered, "Have I done something wrong?"
"No love, nonono if that's how you feel then that's okay. But it's something I'm not… shit this is hard." He took a pause to take a sip of his drink, your glazed eyes never leaving his. "I don't think I can stand still anymore. And yeh I was pissy and childish the other day because my dad got under my skin about the whole moving in thing… But these past few days, it just has got me thinking. Because I love you, so much."
This time when he reached out to grab your hand, you actually leaned into it yourself. Not because you were giving in, but because this hurt. This hurt so fucking much that you needed something to ground you, or else god knows. Because the way he was speaking, it sounded so finite.
"I love you too."
"I do know, which is…is why this is so hard." At the very least, Tom had conceded that.
The conversation ceased to silence yet again. The room felt so cold; even Tom/Harry's hoodie was doing nothing to keep you from the endless empty cold that seemed to be coming from within.
"When I re-registered my health card last month, and I made you my emergency contact on it. I-I made you my next of kin on everything actually. I didn't think about it twice. And-and this-"You pulled your phone out of your back pocket, immediately pulling up the app onto the open page. "This is my Pinterest board for our baby's nursery theme. I know-" You paused, to quickly wipe your cheeks clear of the tear tracks that may or may not have been there. "I know it's probably a long way away, but I just love the Scandinavian theme." You laughed at yourself, suddenly embarrassed at your blabbering and quickly pulled up a different app. "And this… this was from the other week when I was helping Y/bf/n start her vows." Hands trembling as you turned the phone around for Tom to see again. "She was finding it really tricky so she said, what would you say to Tom on your wedding, so-so I made this list." You only dared to look at him when you were sure he'd be reading through that note.
It was bizarre because he looked… well, he looked happy. Here you were feeling traumatised, showing things that you'd barely even deeped how committed they were - and he was pleased? Feeling the fire burn once again inside of your chest, you quickly swiped the phone away and back into your pocket. Only then did he look up, eyes widening - presumably at quite how psychotic you looked.
"So don't you dare say that I don't want a future with you."
You said it with such force, there was a pause. Tom letting those words sink deep into his brain. The way his expression flickered minutely gave you hope. You thought he got it. You thought he really understood now.
"But why don't you want to move in then?"
There it was again. He knew why. But he didn't get it. And, probably, he never would.
You were about to crash completely. So you ran. As fast as your legs could carry you, not even aware of your chair crashing to the floor in your wake. You ran out of that house and away from him. Away from who you had thought was the love of your life.
?give tom a final chance w one last part?
feedback is always v v appreciated <3
tom taglist : @lovehollandy12 @hollandlover19 @thefernandasantana @hunnybunimdun @hallecarey1@cedricdiggorysimpp @msmimimerton @hollandfanficlove @pandaxnienke @crossyourpeter @thegirlwiththeimpala @tom-softie @sunwardsss @spiitfiiires @radcloudenthusiast @ladykxxx08
people i think might be interestd in this (sorry if not just let me know and i'll remove the tag!!!): @obiwanownsmyass @wildxwidow @parkersvogue @coffeewithoutcaffeine @tomhollandlol @thefallenbibliophilequote @clumsymandu @hiraethenthusiast @mannien @abrielleholland @evermorehabit @niallberry @greatpizzascissorstaco @runawayolives @annathesillyfriend @letsgotothemoonlight @lovelybarnes
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