#but also it's just bc of this specific working enviroment
um actually i dont need anti depressants i just need to do laundry hehe
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luc1d-dr34m5 · 2 years
MY RAINWORLD OCS(one is based off a friend's oc tho)
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Triple Core System | TCS (Nickname: Cor3)
Iridescent Ravaged World | IRW (Nickname: Iris)
The Radiant (nicknames: Little demon, pest, little baby boy, lil baby man, round, a wawa, a lil weewaa)
Facts about thems under the cut
Triple Core System:
Is a serious guy, but he can be silly at times... Just with usually an amused or nonchalant face
He is so CLINGY
Im not lying if Iris wants to go somewhere he gotta go too
But alas, he has to stay to manage their cans...
He is AroAce
Absolutely loves his scugger son
Deranged but looks soo normal
Iterator that focuses on making mechanical stuff
An older generation model like Looks to the Moon
Iridescent Ravaged World:
Is so deranged and silly
Theyre not even TRYING to be normal
Will dissect you and put you back flawlessly out of curiosity
Is also Clingy but not tot he extent Cor3 is
AlloRomantic & AlloSexual
but uses the label of AroAce
Absolutely loves his scugger son
Iterator that focuses on making purposed organisms
He modified the rot to be helpful but lost half his face instead
Same gen model as Five Pebbles
The Radiant:
A Slugcat made from scratch by both IRW and TCS
It took those two so many goddamned attempts to make Radiant that when this baby lived for more than 1 cycle they cried in happiness
His alternate Title is "Our Magnum Opus"
Is specifically modified and added on to be able to easily survive any harsh enviroments
Very efficient messenger bc this lik guy can just float and raze his way into an iterator's can
this baby scug can work as a power core for a whole iterator can
in fact, in sacrificing all the extra food pips they can make a new energy cell taht only lasts for 3 cycles
Already has a mark of communication and can reply back with text to speech
Hates 5P bc they almost ripped the pearl out him when they arrived after Spearmaster just left
Already glows, and knows how to detach an iterator from their arm.
IRW and TCS were built very very close together. The bridge is short for a superstructure.
Due to them making purposed organisms to repair wnd defend their cans, No creatures like scavengers and vultures dare to be in proximity to the cans.
Instead of using water, they use purposed organisms that generate liquid and gas nitrogen to cool down their cans. this slowed down the initial rot bc it kept freezing
Superconductive magnets are frequently used to transport things around inside their cans due to liquid nitrogen being abundant
dont fall into the pools tho
youll freeze
Radiant is a very smart boiyo and if you give them tools theyll dismantle an iterator cans basic areas in atleast 10 cycles
Their local group is the "Factory Initiative" as they were given tasks other than finding a solution
Everyone else in the local group is dead
except 1
if you count someone barely concious alive that is
Also, the liquid nitrogen is very effective if done right, but its rlly hard to transport them arohnd... so they were only ever used in the factory Initiative group because they can easily transport and produce more across eachother.
The only iterators in that group that still used water cooling were the ones with farms to manage. and they discharged rain more frequently to decrease the danger to the plants and such theyre growing
so basically for those iterators, its a near constant on the clock making sure the rain they discharged wasnt lethal
anyways shsmsn
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honestly, one of the worst group job interviews I ever did (minus the one where I accidentally made a vague sex joke in front of 60 people mid assessment day) was when I applied for a youth clothing store that also has a spin-off quirky millenial and gen z hipster stationery store (aussies will know exactly what retail chain im talking about lmao).
anyway. first of all, for this shitty retail job, I had to go all the way to southern sydney (where I don't live- specifically the suburb of Miranda) to go to the assessment centre at the local RSL club (which meant I had nice food at the end which was a win).
but GOD. when they filed us into the assessment room to split us into groups, we had to file in in a CONGA line where the people leading the interview had party poppers and streamers and we had to show our "party loving vibes and down to have fun boss bitch attitude!!!"
like gina and ross, for the LOVE OF FUCK. we're selling shitty over-priced clothes that should be really be sold at $5 a piece (ie what we make them for in bulk in bangladesh) instead of $50 for a pair of fucking yoga/activewear leggings (even if they ARE really comfy). we harass people at the counter to buy a $2 enviro canvas bag for our charity.... and back in the day, it was the bottled water. like hell I'm dancing into an interview in a fucking conga line, for the LOVE of god.
and plus, ironically, NEVER have I once had someone be this horrendously PERKY in store. hell, half the time there's only EVER one store clerk in the ENTIRE mega store or separate store, depending on which shop you're in. or maybe there's two people, but the other person's in the back. very occasionally, yes, they'll ask you about your day and help you style an outfit. but other than that, they never talk to you until you get to the counter.
WHY must we prance around in a CONGA line with streamers and be our "best perky selves" to sell FRIENDS or h**** p***** or some other 90s/2000s branded shit??? to sell strawberry scented spray hand sanitiser and face masks???? to sell a mini desk vacuum or a laptop stand??? to sell shitty jeans that rip after one wear (a testimonial from my friend that used to work there while we were in uni)???
like I obvs didn't get the job at this store bc my feedback on the day was "you're just not PERKY enough to bring the *insert the business here* brand alive in store to give our customers a positive, energetic, down to earth, spontaneous and fun loving immersive experience for our brand and charity!!!" like no shit. you made me travel nearly 2 hours by car, and go to my wits end with sydney parking and driving (I accidentally made my dad go up a one-way street..... the wrong way).... I'm tired as ALL hell just getting here.... for an interview that could've been SO EASILY conducted at my local fucking shopping centre for the local stores in my area. of course I'm not going to be too thrilled about acting like a fucking clown during this assessment centre.
like I get this brand did this assessment centre in sydney bc like "it's where head office is" or whatever the fuck. but my god. travelling to sydney from where I am, is a pain in the fucking ass. just conduct it locally, in my area, so I have more chance of being perky. but also. this "be perky and fun loving, dance in a conga line" bullshit for an interview, just feels like a spectacle that I have no energy for. just conduct the outfit selling and styling portion and make me watch the BS brand/company video and call it a day.
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fun fact, i live in a swamp.  no, it doesn’t smell bad. when you get to the swampy areas there are cypress trees in the water that put of the smell really good.  the marshes near the salt and brackish water that smell like the pluff mud from which the sweetgrass grows. it smellls like dead sea creatures and works like quick sand and the more tou struggle the more you sink. simply do not walk on it. i have literally never in all my years. anyway, living in a swamp is cool. there are all sorts of creatures and plants. you can find and hunt for food. i wouldn’t go swimming in it (don’t die from brain eating amoeba or gators pls. take florida level precautions bc it’s not that that different in coastal neigboring states). we also have lots of swamp themed/related events. my favorite is the hell hole swamp festival, a bomb community event where everyone comes out for essentially a swampy country fair (no rides or funnel cakes but like barbeque and cake and children’s games, and child school choirs, and fun competions. Its also home of the Hell Hole Gator Run, a 10 K. The Hell Hole Talent Show is great too. Just community members of all ages putting on performances and a dinner. If you are from the lowcountry come check it out. we admittedly can be a bit insular, but bring a friend or family and you’ll intergrate right in. express interest in them, their culture, and the geographic area and they will be happy to share.  there are state parks specifically so people can enjoy there time in said swamp. the Santee Canal park has a nature museum that’s pretty cool. you can learn about the ecology of the area and the flora and fauna there in. knowing how to navigate the swamp help the US win the revolutionary war (they didn’t have immunity against malaria and probably got attacked by gators like today’s clueless and or ignorant tourists to the southeast US. like don’t get piss drunk in an area that has deadly wild life and don’t think you’re city smarts apply in nature. they don’t. listen to locals. also don’t screw around with the gators??? we have tourists who pelt them with stones. they are opportunistic hunters who often don’t even mess with you unprompted most of the time. they are important to the enviroment and tourist foolishness can get them put down/ euthanized). i realize i keep pointing out how deadly it can be, but urban places like NYC, Philly, Los Angelos, and Chicago have their potentially deadly issues, just different ones. still places worth visiting and respecting.  but basically, i live in a swamp and it’s great actually. i often feel like Shrek when people come here to live and disrespect the area. it’s a beautiful place, ecologically important, has events you can’t find in urban areas, people (left and right politically) care about ecological preservation (hunters and fisherman are on board). don’t disrespect the swamp because the swamp WILL disrespect you. also don’t try to make it new york city or columbus. (becuse its usually and ohian. they are gentrifying the area and promoting “development” that ruins the natural beauty and ecological important cites that the locals take a lot of pride in and are essential to our way of life. literally stay in Ohio if you can’t intergrate into rural/ small towns in southeast states, deadass. i get so angry, no joke. i love my home and my swamp. the state most hated by south carolinians is ohio and there is a reason for that.) in the words of shrek which often echo in my head: “what are you doing in MY Swamp?!!!” i like it here, you should totally visit and drop you preconceptions to best enjoy the experience, and be on your toes and your best behavior if you are an ohian, because most of us already hate all things ohio and will may mess with you if you have an ohio tag on your car and tick them off on the road for diving rudely or insulting said swamp, and our preferred “lack” of development. We feel about it like shrek did tbh. we want to live in south carolina, not ohio /srs.
#ohio#lowcountry#swampcore#swamp#south carolina#southern pride#but not in the white supremacy/confederate sort of way#the thing is most of us (imo) are proud southerners not just the racist people#i am never setting foot in ohio such have the ohians in south carolina have contributedd to my dislike of ohio#please go home#this got of topic but just know south carolinians are thinking it#i am fine with immigration except ohio and people with negative views about the south and southerners#/hj but also /srs#like i am a Black nonbinary Lesbian who is part of a minority ethinic group in the southeast (Gullah Geechee people)#/srs#lol#i don't claim indigeniaity to say our land but arguably could as it is a part of our culture and blood due to the Seminole#we have beef (bc some of the held us Gullah people as slaves) but have also allied in wars against white colonizers#we have also intermixed racially#idk my percentages if any but bc of the slavery thing i likely would not claim it#the main settlement the formed was in florida which half of my family is from#but maybe i should amke amends and take pride in my floridian idenitity lmao#take my rightful place as a proud decendent of florida men and florida women#also learn more about the Seminole and learn about our shared characteristics and history and#have less of a generational chip on my shoulder but idk any#maybe i should make a post#there are so many tags here but they are even less relevant to the post#if you are seminole please dm me bc now i am more curious
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episode 1, part 4
(content warning: i will be talking about a child getting hit by her mother)
battler you are so damn late to the party. everyone else has tried to solve the gold riddle for two years now and got bored with it but its new and fresh to battler!!!!!
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hes a little moe sometimes
I LAUGHED ABOUT THERE BEING A GOLD CHASE RIDDLE but its pretty engaging now that im here.
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^ serious remark by the way. i think this is meaningful and could genuinely be the mentioned river.
anyway, the riddle calls for eleven "sacrifices" in total. whether those are living beings or or objects or what have you.
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thank you maria. i am not disturbed.
FUNNY how there are twelve family members in total. this could perhaps develope into some sort of battle royal scenario. then again, the servants and doctor are playing too, at least in theory. i am included in the riddle, too. maybe ill die as well!
if anything happens to maria. i dont know what ill do. cry maybe. i entirely cant judge how cruel/tasteless this novel could be in the future. if you Gotta harm a little guy, at least be clever and meaningful and tragic about it, you know? at the very least she seems to know enough about witches to defend herself. idk man, i trust her knowledge. she has her grandfather genes. somehow. LISTEN WOULD SHE RECEIVE SO MUCH ATTENTION FROM THE NARRATIVE IF SHE WASNT CORRECT.... maybe its all red herrings though.
i wonder if kinzo went through all these riddle steps before. i wonder if the earthquake was related, if he had been betting on a wonder that would make him the head of the family.
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battler you are the realest person ever
btw rosa hits her child!!!! but not as badly as her father probably hit her!!!!! there is definitely a history of intergenerational violence here, emotionally but physically as well. very striking about the scene are two things: 1. no one explained to maria why her mother wants her to change her behaviour and every hit enforces it, makes it worse, its a downward spiral. 2. the enviroment accepts it and does not intefere, save for battler who is still an outsider of sorts, and he is quickly taught to not involve himself. george, who was usually kind and soft and amazing around maria, says it will be a kindness to act like this never happened, as to not embarrass her. this means purposeful ignorance and therefore acceptance.
anyway, irreparable damage. and now maria is beatrices messenger. thats what happens.
so here she is. apparently. the narrative REALLY wants to built up anticipation to a point where its overdoing it and ruining what tension it created. but i trust it to be satisfying in the end. so far i really enjoyed the interpersonal intrigue and pacing of conversations after all. but i yet struggle to make out how mysterious the storytelling is trying to be and how much thinking i am supposed to do.
BATTLER IS SO NOT TAKING IT SERIOUSLY THOUGH... its so funny. he really doesnt give a fuck. beatrice is a funny troll to him, hired by his grandfather, or perhaps a scam artist. she has also clarified that the contract she has with kinzo, which would allow her to collect everything he owns, is off, should someone find the gold. so suddenly everyone is friends again!!!!! YAY kyries working theory is that beatrice is the friends we made along the way (one of the people in plain view, just under a pseudonym) which is really solid. thats the most plausible explanation for them right now. its very cool that she gets to do a whole detective monologue on it.
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this is just a little game to them. heart emoji
at the very least, there is a new 'furniture' development: it might also just refer to the fact that the servants are to be passed along to the whoever solves the riddes, alongside the mansion, as if they are simply furniture pieces within it. tools at disposal. the only reason i cling to this is bc how often this specific phrasing it brought up.....
everything is about to go to shit so i am ending this post here. but my god. its about to happen, i think. kill rend maim
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maxbernini · 3 years
Hi:) What are your theories for this season? #SkamFr
this week:
maya continues to not send that text, but she keeps posting things online. we get maybe 1-2 more clips before friday; one with bilal at the kebab shop, and one with maya and her association pals. tiny things keep being revealed about maya’s psyche, upbringing, etc. 
we don't see lola until friday; either she and maya finally reconnect via text and decide to meet up, or she just comes back to collect her things from the flat and finds maya instead. both go in to this meeting with very different expectations; they break up officially, maya is blindsided, and lola says something very cutting about love not being enough anymore, how she doesn't know maya at all, she needs more, etc. maya still won't cry, which will be pointed out.
the rest of the season (under a cut bc it’s LONG):
this is a hard season to map out tbh because unlike s7/8, there was no massive life-changing issue thrown at the main in the trailer. it feels more character driven atm? like you could theorize whether tiff would keep moïra or not, when lamif would discover bilal being homeless etc, but what’s there to theorize about right now except who the characters in the credits are, and whether mayla will get back together? i’m enjoying that a lot actually, but it means these are very disjointed and in no particular order:
at some point, maya will see the dermatologist for her tattoo/scar. she'll mistake a panic attack for a heart attack OR becomes so stressed etc she faints/gets chest pains and sees the cardiologist. if she's hospitalized, it's revealed that lola's dad is her emergency contact, and that's when he appears; they have a sweet moment, he says something about seeing her as a daughter too, etc.
maya keeps working with bilal at the kebab shop and he'll talk about his family, jo, and hiding his emotions. anais gets closer to maya, but it's not romantic, just set up for her having a role in s10 and/or because she's disconnected from lamif and has zero loyalty to lola, so it's presented as less weird for maya to talk to her. they'll probably reveal anais also has parental issues. max takes maya to a queer support group and/or a gay club; we hear more about their ex relationship, and he talks about tiff, moïra, and parenting. maya and redouane share a scene or two to set up s10 (maybe he takes her boxing? that’s a good way to let out pent up emotions), but he and jo will mostly remain comedic relief.
maya will shave her hair off again, either at a really angsty point where she's having an identity crisis (cue the early 2000s style montage), or it's a moment of catharsis near the end. max or lola will help her if it's the latter.
mayla keep avoiding each other for the first few eps (and we see the impact of that on lamif's dynamic) until the hospitalization brings them back into each other's orbits. OR they just strike up an awkward friendship after continuously running into each other: at the shop, at school, when tiff needs a babysitter, etc. they don’t get back together until ep8 at the earliest, ep10 at the latest, but i can maybe see maya trying to do it much earlier and lola protesting that she’s not ready, she’s still not opening up. one of their scenes will parallel something from s6. they’re definitely endgame; maya finally says i love you onscreen.
at some point, maya and her association break into a construction site (maybe one that only exists because a bunch of trees had to be cut down first?); they don't get caught but it scares her. the association will be unfavorably compared to lamif (who have another ‘standing in a circle telling the main why we love them’ moment) after weeks of them being shown as bad friends who demand too much and do ~illegal things~ or whatever. we’ll hear about why maya is into enviro activism specifically.
i want clement to just be lola's confidant since they both like photography and he’s disconnected from lamif (her anais basically) and maya's jealousy is mistaken, although i don't mind if he's her rebound tbh. she’ll probably tell maya that nothing compares to what they had anyways. maya doesn’t have another LI this season, though she’ll get close to jade, who is either in the association, or someone else maya meets (at the support group? in a different association, presented as a better option? i can’t see them making maya give up all activism, but i can see them comparing groups/tactics etc.)
i don’t even want to think about when and why eliott appears yet, but he’ll probably reference ‘luquette’ (and of course talk about lucas, who i think will appear himself alongside other old gen members in s10 to parallel s6′s ending. redouane will screen his own documentary film.)
maya doesn’t cry until after ep5/6 at least. she’ll talk about her parents and her childhood; maybe they died around this time of year. this connects to why she shuts down; it’s revealed she’s self-aware about it. she’ll ‘forgive’ her parents. hate the concept of ‘hell week’ (at least how the fandom uses it) but maya’s will be tough and she’ll be truly alone: no parents, no siblings, no gf, has pushed lamif away, the association are bad, etc.
i’m not ruling out the possibility that a former foster sibling appears. the hugo and sasha characters in the credits won’t actually appear until s10 (or if they do, it’s very brief like matheo’s s7 cameo); they’ll be main characters then.
maya being asian will be briefly referenced no more than once, if even that. her sexuality will come up, though not explicitly, if max takes her to the group/club.
maya visits the school to discuss options for her career with the principal. she sees the nurse here too because of course she does; she’s given advice about love, mental health, and the future. she considers going back to school or doing whatever the french equivalent of community college is? maybe something to do with teaching, or art? if it’s art, eliott will talk to her about it.
there’ll be a cold/blue/dark/moon vs warm/red/light/sun motif throughout that comes full circle. she’ll finally unpack her boxes at the end of the season. 
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infinitelysilvr · 2 years
I know nothing about sonic the hedgehog nor do i follow you but I read all your tags and I am just sitting here and processing that sonic lore is much more intense than I ever realized.
YEAH its wild. i actually did a lot of research into the lore of shadow the hedgehog specifically bc a while back i decided to make an rp account for a trans man maria robotnik, and i ended up really facinated by some of the stuff I found. a lot of it has been retconned since sega has been removing any references to humanity from stuff, and ig it was more profitable to ignore shadow's character development and keep him all brooding and edgy, but i still find it fun!
this got long so i'll put the rest of my rambling under a cut
I have a ton of headcanons for parts of the lore that are either skipped over, ignored or retconned because i find it fun, actually! Including parts of the comics is also always interesting, because then I can take concepts like "mobians" being the term for sonic's species (Something which is no longer used by sega due to a Certain Creep who used to write for them) and some of their society, and how they would work alongside humans in a society where humans and mobians evolved together
literally any and all sonic game is fun to disect and steal concepts from imo - and yes i'm including sonic 06 because I like the setting, and some of the ideas held within it. I actually have a character based on a rewrite of 06 -
oh and doubly yes to sonic forces bc I Have Ideas About The Phantom Ruby. like, a lot of them. so many of them. i think forces didn't use it to its fullest potential personally. the resistance as a concept is also fun, bc it's a concept that pops up a lot in various forms of sonic media and this gives an example of how modern iterations of those could work, with or without sonic's influence
dont even get me started on werehog sonic - gaia (light and dark) and the phantom ruby and the chaos emeralds have Connections in my head, but not the ones you would think. honestly i think every "bad" sonic game has so many cool lore potentials if used correctly, especially if linked up into a cohesive enviroment!
also any time a place is mentioned? stealing it.
im honestly willing to talk more about my Ideas if anyone wants to listen tbh, i'm not the best when it comes to the comics-specific stuff, nor some of the tv shows, but i'm working on those bc i like the concepts in them. fleetway super sonic my beloved for so many reasons
also if yall are curious abt my sonic rp characters im so willing to talk abt them. they got wild af and super divergent from the actual canon but that just makes them even better in my eyes <3 esp felicity. xyr amazing. felicity robotnik my wonderful, terrible child who is banned from most of america
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warm-starlight · 3 years
Hello! I'm wishing you a good day and less hateful anons lol
Um, I would like to talk a bit about how it's a little problematic to interpret Levi as having ocd. Disclaimer: it's ok to hc ig, but to an extend.
I believe that most likely people who say he has ocd have a pop culture understanding of what the mental illness actually is and take a somewhat detective monk approach to it? Even in that show though it was shown as a much deeper issue than just obsessed with cleanliness.
As a person who suffered from years bc of ocd I have to say that first of all, not everyone has the same symptoms. Rituals and intrusive thoughts are a big part but also anxiety, depression, and stuff that are trigerring to mention here and traumatic to deal with that your own brain literally tortures you with. Levi apart from insomnia hasn't shown much that can indicate to an actual mental illness.
And when I say rituals I mean: have to press this button exactly fifteen times otherwise there will be dire consequences that your mind makes up, I have to organise everything to a T bc it is driving me crazy to the point I can't function if I don't, I have to step inside the lines of the pavement and touch every pole I pass etc. Levi hasn't expressed such tendencies.
Yes, he's a clean freak but it's not crippling his everyday life in any way. And yes, not everyone has such severe case but if yams really intended for him to have ocd he would touch upon more on these. Using his cleaning tendencies to justify it is wrong... And more so to justify his interactions with others? Yes, I'm referring to people who think Levi is repulsed by Hange bc of that. Newsflash, if Levi had such a case of ocd to the point of not standing to touch someone it wouldnt stop on hange (who's not nearly as unhygienic as you all make them to be), he wouldnt be able to touch anyone bc of the anxiety and the intrusive thoughts. It would be dysphoric to do so with everyone not just one person. And most of all, he wouldnt be able to do his job with such symptoms. If you get to the point of not touching and obssesively scrubing dirt then you can't do the work the sc does. They getting constantly dirty, bloody, sweating etc. He wouldnt be able to function in that enviroment, it'd be crippling.
And while he really likes his personal space he's never shown such dysphoria from being touch or touching others.
Stop blowing up the whole clean freak thing in general? You're sterotyping a character the same way mikasa is only there to obsess over "ereh", Hange is the shallow comic relief mad scientist and Erwin is the mastermind genius idol. These are just some recognizable characteristics not their main ones or the only ones.
That's like saying Hermione should be a ravenclaw and not a gryffindor bc she loves reading and is arguably a nerd.
Anyways, I mostly dealt with the intrusive thoughts part and less the scrubing myself clean but, as someone who feels certain dysphoria from the simple task of putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher and have to wear gloves to do so and frequently wash my hands bc I don't like how they feel, I feel confident saying Levi doesn't have ocd.
Stop promoting harmful stereotypes to justify a ship. If you do have ocd and feel comfortable in relating to Levi for whatever reason then you do you and I wish you all the best but, if you hc for your personal agenda of promoting a ship please don't???
Thank you so much for sharing!
I think i only ever saw one character with OCD and that was dr. Kevin Casey from the Scrubs series. I thought the portral of him was accurate.
We can HC Levi having depression, severe insomnia and PTSD episodes because of the life he led, but OCD is a complex of very specific symptoms and a person who is more tidy than others and simply finds blood gross doesn't exactly fit the description.
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idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
lets talk about donald and the boys
so the triplets very obviously and very purposefully take different things from their parental figures, namely Donald, Scrooge and Della. (Webby does as well, but it’s a bit different cus she grew up in a diffrent enviroment/has mrs beakly so i’d rather do a sperate post for her) 
anyway, when it comes to the boys they’re a mix of diffrent aspects of their parental figures + new stuff thats just them. and i think that’s really great how the crew made them such multi dimensional characters like that! 
but, when it comes to donald at least these similarites between him and the boys aren’t quite so explicit like it is when it comes to scrooge and della. which makes sense, theres alot of missed time w/ both of them and they’re learning about eachother and noticing these things for the first time. plus the things donald passed down are the most subtle, i think bc he’s the one who raised them 
so i kinda wanted to call attention to the similarities between don and the boys!! i might do one w/ the similaraties between the triplets and the others asp, we’ll see lol 
so! lets begin.:) 
- i think the similarities between him and don are kinda the most obvious, but lets go through them anyway 
- obvi the parental/careing nature 
- and the anger :P 
- that expression in rumble for Ragnarok
- they both wear hats and i think thats cute  
- i feel like theres not too much to say which kinda sucks!! bc i love their relationship!! and like they’re getting a whole ass season for the two of them (like how we had dewey + scrooge and louie + della) im just. idk theres not too much to say that hasn’t been noticed but i love their relationship 
- a bit opposite to huey, i think their relationship is kinda the most looked over one 
- which sucks!! pls frank give us don/dewey bonding plsss 
- anyway 
- for one, smthn that i was ECSTATIC to see in ‘rumble for ragnorock’ was dewey’s determination being put to the test. i don’t know how to gif but y’all how have you not done a parallel of that to don in house of the lucky gander??? dewey’s always been super determined (see his determination to adventure in the first few eps, determination to find out about della, etc) and that 100% comes from his dad/uncle!!! 
- i think the main reason ^^ that particular similarity is overlooked is bc dewey and don use their determanation in very diffrent ways. dewey more for adventure, and don more to keep everyone safe. 
(ik that della is also super determined and it could come from that, but i like to think it comes from both of them! don and della are very similar and alot of their influence overlaps. like, the adventuring spirit is smthn usually atributed only as a dewy-della thing (or a della/scrooge w/ the kids thing) but i think that comes a  little from don too!! he used to love adventuring b4 della was lost. sure he was more cautious, but he loved it just as much as they did!!) 
- sorry for the tangent!! next thing! 
- both have an affinity for the color blue and water :). on a related note, the way they were so happy making mermaid tails together gives me life 
- both feel the need to prove themselves!!! this is a huge one!! and idk how noone has called it out sooner?? 
- don has shown alot that he feels insecure with who he is and worries about not being enough for the people around him. see: house of the lucky gander, town where everyone was nice, and just the whole thing w/ his voice 
- dewey is alot the same! super desperate to prove himself and be liked (see: everything,,,, but specifically: Atlantis/first ep, his dream in nightmare on killmonter hill, literally all of the new ep, the seed vault, so much other stuff omg, etc) 
- anyway i really hope these 2 get a bonding ep and get to work through this together. it’s a flaw they both have and i hope they can help eachother with it!! especially bc i think it’s a thing others may not be able to help them w/ bc they need someone who really Gets it u know? 
- pls just let these bois be confident they deserve it 
- baby boi 
- ok, first one i feel like may be kinda controversial but lets go anyway 
- i think that their biggest similarity is their shared emotional maturity 
- and yeah ik huey is mature but he’s not mature in the same way that louie and donald are 
- like.... u know at the end of shadow war how don gets the boys to decide to go back? and how louie is just.... so often the one to build up the others in his fam/give them a pep talk? i really think that comes from donald 
- also- they’re both the only ones to actually scheme lol. donald kinda accidentally (he tries not to encorage louie’s sceming even if he kinda does the same thing at times) like w/ how he lies to the caballeros and how he tricks the kids into showing up during shadow war 
- also they share how they’re both more cautious and a bit more scared even if they come along anyway 
- also also just about the only characters besides scrooge who care about money. ik it’s because don is broke and the other two don’t really care but idk... i think the fact that they grew up relitivly poor and don is struggling w/ money in like half of his plots makes the similarity mean a bit more 
- willingness to sacrifice for fam- see harp be gone for louie doing this, and just... everything for don. they both value fam over everything even what’s important to them, which is true for about every character but they don’t seem to get tested as much on it as the two of them 
All three: 
-just wanted to add some random small details that all three have that are similar to don :) 
- first- love of fam/willing to do anything for them. kinda already mentioned it w/ louie, and again it’s smthn shared by most characters but i wanted to mention it again :) 
- their cynicism!! The boys all have their cynical moments and i think it’s cute they’re influenced by don’s more dry humor
- and this last one isn’t really a similarity but I just wanted to point out how in tune they are w/ don and eachother bc it makes me super happy :)
- there’s probably more but I’m out of energy sry y’all. Feel free to add ur own tho I’d love to hear what y’all noticed!!!
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assrotea · 4 years
what does Aquarius in the 10th house mean. With Neptune as well 😭
To summarize and keep it not so complicated: 
Your public persona; 10th house is the highest point of ur chart first of all, so it plays a part in how ppl sometimes see you or how you are perceived in work enviroments, it also talks about how you deal with authority, your career, lowkey the success in said career etc.
*tangent* I see a lot of ppl talk about just the rising when discussing how you are perceived and totally disregarding the MC like............................ that’s how ppl will see you too!!! but i won’t go too deep on this bc okay lets keep it light!!!
It plays a part in understanding what you would like to do for a living, so for example in your case bc is aqua things regarding digital media can be very attractive, or anything creative and with emphasis in connections of some sort.
With 10th house in aqua there’s this need to do things on your own terms and timming, even if you stick to routines or rules (at work) that somebody else have set, you probably feel like they can be fixed, changed or bended; you can also falls on the ‘I prefer working alone’ type sometimes.
having neptune here just adds interest to things that are artistically collective, spiritual or religious; maaaaaybe there is a chance you might be hella empathetic with masses or an specific group of ppl plus it also can make ppl who you assosiate with (online or at work) see you as a little mysterious and kind of difficult to grasp!
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bleusarcelle · 7 years
What do you do when you're trying to write a scene and you kinda know what you want to happen, but you don't know how to write it? Does that make sense?
Yeah, it makes sense, don’t worry about it!
Well, I can give you my tricks? If you want, like, what do I do in those cases;I honestly don’t know if they are going to be useful or not but, here we go:
Okay, so, I have three types to set in a scene I wanna write but can’t really find the words or enviroment to set it with.
[Not gonna put it under the read bc Idk if someone is on mobile so eh, Iwill edit that later] 
Type 1: The Poetic Lazy One
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WIP Broganes Drabble. 
I use like those thingies [-] to know that all of this content happens in one scene. (Sometimes also as micro-scenes but that comes in type 3) 
I put the  [Voltron Broganes] as a reference for myself bc the drabble is chronological, they start from when they were younger [Babies Broganes] to where they are now, that is Voltron. 
Then, I set the ages I want them to be, again as a reference, and explain a little on what I want to see in the scene. What do I want to express, show, be known. 
I want the audience to know how Keith is dealing with the loss of his brother, I want them to see how hard it is on him and how in distress he is. I want them to empathize with him and see the connection the song they call theirs link them and how important it is to them. 
I state how I want them to see that: through the Black Lion. What do I want to archive: make Keith sad (sowwy Keith). 
Type 2: The Chatty Flowing One
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WIP Kidge Romantic Drabble
This one is a lil bit more ugh bc you gotta write a little more, but it’s also good. It MAY MAY look like the real final thing, but it’s not, like, not really? 
Because this is the middle of the fic. 
It’s not the start. 
Most of the time the scenes we have planned out is because we see something or we think of a dialogue happening in a particular scene. 
You gotta write it down, like literally. Whatever is in your mind, write it down.
What’s the target here? Stating what you want to be talked about in the scene. What interaction you wanna see. 
In the Kidge example, you don’t know where they are, I didn’t even know where they were, but I knew what I wanted to be there. I wanted to a specific interaction between Keith and Pidge so I wrote that and then everything else? It comes on it’s on. Like: 
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Then you can do the narration! You settle the scene, the enviroment, what is happening around them, how they got there, what they are looking for, why they are looking for it. 
Like, on the first Kidge example, that happens a lil bit after the start. This one right here is the start, and yet I wrote first the interaction between Kidge, because that what I had already in mind. It was what I already knew. 
Type 3: The Strawberry One 
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WIP Beauty and The Beast Klance Multi
Now, this one is kinda of my fave bc it cracks me up. 
Sometimes you don’t even need fancy words and make it poetic as shit. Sometimes you just need to narrate the scene as if you were telling it to your best friend.
Use your own daily words. Your typos, your everything. Make it yours and express it as you see it in your head.
Polishing will come later, you will add or remove things, but you gotta settle what you want to see. 
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This is what I meant by Micro-Scene. Basically, it’s two scenes that are connected but each of them have a Micro-scene that defines them, if that evne makes sense.
I write them down like this because I need to know how the two of them connect each other. 
I usually leave the scene above when I start writing, so like, it would be like this: 
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As you can see, I didn’t need much? Just to know that Keith was going to enter the scene and he was FUCKING PISSED. 
So yeah! 
That’s basically my top 3 types! Hope that helped somehow? I mean, I know I’m no master on writing whatsoever, that I might be doing something wrong, but this is my method, and it works for me, so maybe for you too? 
Let me know if you need any help! :D 
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