#but also jason dying with bruce in the watchtower explosion would kil lme
frownyalfred · 5 months
bringing up something I mentioned last night a la Kal breaking Jason's back
If he takes Jason to the watchtower does he allow them to see each other? Bruce so he's forced to see what was done to his son, his baby who he's already lost once, and knows this is all his fault. All because of what he taught them, all because he can't just be happy here where Kal can keep him safe.
And Jason who sees his dad, even after years of acting like he hates him and sees the toll this is taking on him. The pale wan skin, the bruises. The way he twitches anytime Kal turns his way like he's preparing to take a hit he can't dodge. Who Kal broke so thoroughly that he knows he won't be able to help him, won't even be able to try.
Not long enough for a full conversation, but just long enough for them to see each other, for that moment of communication to pass between them before Kal orders Bruce out the door to begin training for the day and Bruce has to go face down these children, these kids desperate to be heroes, with the reminder of just what Kal is willing to do in the interest of "protecting" the world. Just how skewed his perspective has become.
- Nev
Oooooh big oof. The tired rage and protectiveness they must feel toward each other as they catch glimpses of the other in the Watchtower. Jason in a chair and Bruce paler and thinner than Jason has ever seen him while still being at fighting capacity.
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