#but also just being Uncle Rafa is great
randomestfandoms-ocs · 6 months
Some new ocs
because @manyfandomocs asked but also have some bonus extra ocs that i've been to lazy to introduce
Gilmore Girls
Pippi Gilmore – Lorelai & Christopher's younger daughter, he came back a year after Rory was born, tried to be a dad, bailed again when Lorelai was pregnant. Soccer girlie, doesn't want to go to chilton
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Kippi Doose – Taylor's granddaughter, raised in Hartford society but never fit in, some shit happens (parents divorcer, her dad sucked, her mom was never ready to raise a child) so now she lives with her grandpa
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Luke's cousin (once removed) – daughter of one of Luke's cousins, was living with her grandpa/his Uncle Louie (he wasn't great but you know, it was a house and they got along fine and she's the only Danes to come for the funeral) but now she has no guardian, Luke says she can live with him but has absolutely not thought that through yet but now he can't back out; face TBD debating between options
potential younger Jess sister just for the vibes? (unless I use her for the cousin oc tbd)
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Tania, Ting-Ting's daughter, Lonnie's bestie, similar to her mom in trying very hard to be the perfect princess but she’s repressing so much of herself
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Catalina Tilly Fairchild, Clary's twin sister. Stolen away from her family by Circle members and given to Robert and Maryse, they intend to either use her Fairchild status to earn goodwill with the Clave (by turning over Valentine's child) or with Valentine himself, whichever opportunity presents itself first, and Tilly and Alec have been betrothed their entire lives
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Gossip Girl
very vague very iffy, maybe a Rafa sister except she has a complicated history with Max, tries to warn him away from Rafa but Max thinks that she's being petty or jealous
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also very vague, Paris' bestie (she & Obie & Paris are an iconic friendship trio much to Julian's annoyance)
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apatchedupdoll · 2 years
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Some doodles of the boys and stuff for the story Oh, Where Have You Been Brother? and the doodles got sum things you can guess might be for the next chapter.
I also have had thoughts of another story. A short little story that was inspired by darth-sonny mostly. But here's a little story!
"Mawy had a liddle lamb. Ids fl-fleeke was-"
"Fl-fleece. Ids fleece was whide as snow."
"Yea, you should really work on your t's."
Casey nodded before sticking his tongue out while staring at his book. "Why words hard?"
"Why 'are' words hard?" The creature spoke, going silent and waiting.
"Why a-are words hard?" Casey repeated.
"You're basically a whelp. Your kind has to learn a weak way." The Kraangified turtle grumbled.
Casey stared at the creature for a moment. It was grotesque, having flesh and eyes covering parts of its body. It was only recently that the turtlish form appeared.
"Look, whelp. Why are you still here?"
The boy tilted his head. "Huh...?"
There was an annoyed groan from the Kraangified turtle. "Why are you reading to me? Shouldn't you be doing whelp things in other places?"
Casey shuffled a bit before hiding his face with the book. The book was comically large for the six-year-old. "Uhm... I don'd know. Rafa saiys you is his brother... whid means you is unkle." Casey struggled through his words before slowly looking up from behind the book.
The turtle's face had come up with a look of disgust. "Sure. Used to be maybe. I will kill you the moment escape so, I don't think I am anymore."
Casey looked down at the book, deep down he knew it was true. The creature had tried to trick him into letting it out before, the result being his uncles scolding him and having to explain why it was so dangerous.
"But... id lonely here. Dark too."
There was a long silence from the creature. Casey looked up wondering if the creature had crawled back into hiding. Yet, it was still sitting there with the same bored expression on its face.
The turtle's mouth moved to speak but closed just as fast as it opened, then finally it was able to speak, "What's next in the book?"
Casey smiled before looking patting the page. His voice now starting with a chirp, "And eberywhere thad Mary wend-"
"Eberywhere thad Mary went? The lamb was shur do go."
"To go... you're not doing your t's right."
"... just repeat after me..."
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Casey sat watching the sunset. There was a smile across his face as he watched the resistance raise their flag. A hand would pat him on the shoulder as the owner sat beside him.
"So Case, how's the feeling of winning the biggest fight of your life?" The gruff voice came from the snapper.
Casey looked up at his uncle before looking back at the celebrating crowd. "It feels great."
"Don't celebrate too soon folks. We still need to exterminate the last remnants of the Kraang. We haven't won the war." Donnie's emotionless voice spoke just behind the two before a much older voice chimed in,
"Come on Donnie. We just won the biggest battle in the war. It's just rolling the boulder down the hill now." Mikey sat on the other side of Casey, a smile smeared across his face.
"Not unless Prime escapes. Which reminds me. We need to go check the box again."
"Can I come with you guys this time?" Casey quickly spoke before the others could respond, "I'm 16 now, I know I'll be okay. I want to be sure too!"
The turtles glanced looks at each other before the smaller turtles looked toward Raph.
"Sorry kiddo. I don't think-"
"You guys were 14 when you went out of the sewers! I can do this!"
The snapper sighed before shaking his head slowly. "It's too dangerous. That place is the heart of the Kraang, and if it's free we can't have you there. We need you to warn people if Donnie's signal goes off."
Casey was heartbroken before his face contorted to a glare. "You guys always do this! I fought Kraang by myself! I carried Donnie back to the base when I was 14! I held back-"
"Casey! I said no." The snapper looked sternly at the small boy. It made Casey drop his shoulders he couldn't come up with anything else to say. Once Rafa said no, it was no. "Just wait till you're older."
"Sure." Casey got up, pulling away from his uncles as he wandered off. This shouldn't get him down. He just finished the battle, he just won the battle. The war was almost won. He should go celebrate.
Casey hopped in a green jeep, swinging on the bar above the door to get in effortlessly. He leaned back and smiled at the purple turtle who rolled his eyes. "Show off."
The man snickered at his uncle's response. A much older turtle was helped into the jeep by a giant snapper. "Thanks, Raph."
"You sure you can come Mikey? We don't want you to break a hip." The giant snapper sounded concern, although already getting into the back as if knowing the answer.
"I'm fine. Remember what Donnie said?"
"I said you could take the serum in ten days. Not that you should come along on the 30-day trip!" The purple turtle would hiss loudly. A chuckle was only received which in turn got an eye roll.
Casey got comfortable as the jeep revved up. He looked out at the desolate landscape, it wasn't a horrible sight. It was being consumed by green grasses that had managed to sprout after so long. Now that he thought about it, he was about 23 when the plants started to come back. He never imagined such a green that could exist outside of his uncles. It only took two years for so much green to reclaim what was once lost.
The jeep began the journey, going so far that the green would eventually disappear. It would take a lot longer than two years to repair the world completely. They drove so long that Casey's eyes slowly started to drift closed.
Casey's eyes flung open as the screech of the kraang rang through his ears. Was it a dream? No. Donnie was screaming, Raph was hollering.
"Drive faster!"
"Can't drive faster than this dip-shit!"
"Not the time Raph!"
Casey's eyes flew as he tried to find the threat. He poked his head up from the jeep's top and was barely able to see the pack of hound kraangs behind them. Shit. Despite the kraang being repressed, there were still skirmishes of the creatures around. He looked down into his pockets and soon into the jeep's hidden spots to find something, anything to throw!
"Let me just-"
"Sit down Mikey! Remember what I said!? You strain yourself before the serum and you could die!" Donnie's voice was laced with venom, he didn't mean it to hurt but Casey knew it was the only way to keep Mikey from using the last of his life.
"Do we have anything to throw at them!?" Casey finally shouted.
"We have... we have... Oh! Look in th-" Donnie was cut off by a slam. The side of the jeep being slammed into by a huge creature. A huge kraang. Something Casey was told was once a cow. Something very much not hostile compared to this creature. The jeep was flipped and everything went black.
His eyes fluttered open to a blue sky. His lips were dry and his body ached. Everything hurt. After a few moments he finally pulled himself up and took in his surroundings. He was in a camp. His uncles must have built it. Casey tried to pull himself up before gritting with pain in his leg. He looked down seeing his leg black and blue. Was it broken? No, he was luck for that.
A shuffle caught Casey's attention. He reached for his hockey stick but found nothing. Fuck he needed a weapon. He reached for anything that could work, wood from the old campfire. It was better than nothing. He gripped the little piece of wood he had as he waited for what was to come. A wash of relief went over him as someone covered in garbs stumbled out into the open. They looked over to Casey and tilted their head. Casey hid the wood more behind himself as the person got closer. They were completely wrapped up, every inch of skin hidden from view.
"Are you okay...?" A raspy voice lurched from them. "Do you still have pain?"
Casey blinked for a moment. Okay, maybe this wasn't a threat.
Lang opened their eyes as something felt off. Their darkness was always the same, yet not now. Not in this very moment. They weren't sure why, but it just felt off. They'd never known anything but this darkness, so how could it be different? Then the sudden shift. Their body slammed against one of the darkness' boundaries. Suddenly a slam of something causes the darkness to shiver. There was something new. A new feeling than nothing. It didn't feel good.
Lang lay against their darkness and held onto it tight. They didn't want to let it go. They didn't want to let go of what they only knew. That's where they lay for a long time, then there was something new. They felt a new feeling on their leg. Their eyes slowly opened to see something new. They stared at this new thing, their body being happy to have this feeling against it. After a long time, Lang was able to leave the darkness. It hurt, but the new things felt nice and made something make them feel something they liked. They blinked their eyes from the pain, but their skin felt warm, their nose twitched and suddenly, they felt pain in their core. Something wet coming from their maw. Hunger.
Lang didn't even know what they'd done. Ripping apart something that made their tongue hate, yet their core love. They blinked before tilting their head at the thing before them. They'd never seen anything like it. What was it? What was around them? Lang would explore their new existence. Curious of everything, yet ready to go back to the darkness when it was just too much. The only thing Lang knew was that they were Lang, and the darkness was safe. But still, what was outside the darkness?
That's all! Sorry this is a late post, even by a few hours. I just wanted to make this all. I was very excited by the rush of inspiration. Very very happy. Hope y'all have a good day!
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melk917 · 3 years
Wait wait wait… HC for Barba + children, because yes please.
PS your tags are the best
Hahaha, the tags are where I get to freak out and be extra. Though, they probably won't help me find things later on...
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WELL. Twist my arm. My thoughts on Barba + children. Lol as promised, this is also very, very extensive, so under the cut. (Actually this one got really out of hand...)
Generally speaking, at the time we see him on the show, I think he has had a lot of conflicting thoughts/emotions over the course of his life and has just decided not to deal with it and it's pretty much a non-issue since he's single. He likes his lifestyle well enough, and with no kids, he just gets to keep on living his life and he's totally content with that. It's not like he'd have time for a child anyway, he's always working. And he's not having any deep, biological urges to have children.
But I do think that if it happened after he left the DA's office, he wouldn't cut and run (well I don't think he'd ever abandon someone, but I think he would be much more removed from it pre-departure)? He'd be there for the baby/whoever the other parent was.
But it would have to happen to him as an accident. He would never pursue it. He 100% is not out there saying he wants kids or talking to an SO to plan for it, pre or post DA's office. I feel like he'd dodge those conversations because he doesn't know that he'll ever know for sure what he wants and he knows that those sorts of differences will end relationships.
I also think that if it happened to him by accident he'd be terrified about it, scared because he has no idea what to do and worried he'll turn into his own father, or he won't know how to love his own kids (because it's not necessarily automatic, no matter what people tell you).
Also, if it happened post-Undiscovered Country, I think he'd struggle with the guilt that he killed a baby but now gets his own, his own ability to make judgement calls for his child, and the general medical health of the baby.
So it would take him awhile to warm up to it? But in the end I think he'd be nervously looking forward to it, with the right partner in his corner.
He'd end up over educating himself to compensate, and once the baby is born I think he would actually be a total sap/wrapped around the baby's finger. Like 100% would be up all night watching the baby sleep to make sure they're still breathing, would take as many feedings as he could, or would double down on the skin-on-skin contact and the reader would walk into the room and he'd just always be there shirtless with the baby, or have the baby tucked into an open button down. He'd be chatting away with the infant, in Spanish and English, but talking to them like they're an adult. Or sing to them, since that's highly recommended for baby development.
(I also feel like he'd be a much better girl dad than a boy dad? But also his extensive history with SVU would have him totally worried all the time about a daughter.)
So, he's not a baby person or a child person, but he can be into some on an individual, case-by-case basis.
So, some more extended thoughts on why he ended up that way:
I think when he was little, he was torn. Because society told him that you grow up and as a boy you marry a girl, and you have children. And that's what you're supposed to do. So he had sort of assumed he'd end up that way because that's what he was told.
But then he looked around at his own family and how his father treated him and his mother, and thought about how much he hated his father, and was like, well this actually seems horrible?
I also have always assumed that his extended family is pretty large? Lot of aunts, uncles, and cousins elsewhere. Some in NYC, some in Florida. Some back in Cuba who he's never met. I always thought his mom must just be the oldest girl in her family and that's why she's the only one taking care of Catalina (since that usually falls on the oldest daughter).
But I think he really struggled with the bigger, crazy, extended family because he was so used to his tiny little family unit/the trauma of his father? So even when they'd all get together, he'd kinda stay away from most of the kids, and never was really exposed to kids younger than he was, babies or otherwise. So he's never really learned how to interact with or care for them.
As he got older, he sort of kept those internalized expectations, and when he was with Yelina, he had built up the idea of this future where they'd be married with kids. But then she chose Alex and broke his heart, and he sort of shoved all that aside, thinking well whatever, and threw himself totally into college, then law school, then building his career.
I think he did date a bit in his late 20s, and I've always assumed there was at least one longer-term relationship with a man in there since I also assume he's bi? But at this point he is all career. The job always comes first and he's not apologizing for that. And it basically kills all the longer-term relationships because he's never there and won't compromise, so he was never close to a situation where kids would have even come up.
And we know he's at a complete loss with babies in terms of what to do with them (lol him holding baby Noah).
Though he does do better with them as they get older. I think once he can have a conversation with them, he does a lot better. But hand him an infant and the man's going to have a mild moment of panic.
SO, yes massive ramble there. But I think he's a no on his own kids generally speaking, and he's never going to pursue it, but if it happened, unplanned, after he left the DA's office, I feel like he'd actually really warm up to it and be a pretty great (and soft) dad in the end.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Betrayed" *Chapter 12*
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(Pretend he has a beard okay?)
Chapter 13
Alright I'm not even going to lie to you, this one hurts. It really hurts. And it's why I debated putting some of these out together.
I really hated writing Rafael like this, but I swear to you it was necessary to the plot. And also, he's drunk. And would NEVER act like that sober. I would NEVER try to trash Rafael Barba, ever.
Now that I've scared you all real good, grab some tissues and read if you dare.
PS- I did write the fix it scene after all of this and I just finished editing it, but I gotta go out before the roads freeze here. So, I'll post it in a little bit. I can't leave it here!
Later That Night
You were sitting in your PJ’s watching a marathon of Modern Family during a thunderstorm when you heard a buzz at your intercom. You glanced at your phone; who was showing up to your door at 11:30 at night?
You pushed the Chinese to-go containers off of your lap and limped over to the buzzer, your legs asleep from binging too long with no potty break.
“Who is this?” You asked through the speaker.
“Rafael Barba,” A man’s voice came through the intercom.
“What? How do you know where I live?” You spoke back into the speaker.
“Because I stalked you, okay? Are ya happy?” He replied angrily, slightly slurred. Great. He was drunk.
“For fuck’s sake…” You put a hand over your head as you spoke again. “Rafael, this isn’t a great–”
“You were right,” His voice fell a few decibels as you heard the tears in his voice.
“What?” You wanted to run downstairs and just scoop him up from just those sad little words, but you were holding your ground.
“Olivia’s a horrible woman,” You heard him sniffle.
Well, that was all you needed. You buzzed him in but couldn’t wait for him to come up the stairs, so you bolted down them, meeting him halfway. He was drenched, carrying an unopened umbrella. You didn’t know if it was because he was so drunk, he forgot to use it, or he was being the dramatic one he was, walking in the rain to match his ennui.
“Baby…” The word just escaped your lips, seeing him standing there so sad and pathetic. And all it took was that one word for him to break down completely into your arms.
You helped him up the rest of your stairs and into your apartment, sitting him down on your couch. He hadn’t stopped crying the entire time, and when you stood up to get some towels he clung to you like a little child, begging you not to move. It took everything in you not to break down along with him.
Here he was, the definition of stoic and regal, now a soggy, sad mess blubbering on your couch. You had never seen him this way. Hell, you couldn’t remember you saw anyone this way. Maybe your aunt and uncle after losing Terrence, but you really didn’t like that comparison.
“What happened?” You asked him while you stroked his damp hair, pulling him closer into you. You’d clean the couch later.
“S-She–” Rafael tried to catch his breath from all the sobbing. “She–”
“She what, Rafa?”
“She said she wanted to meet up. To talk," 'he sniffled. This couldn’t be good.
“Oh?” You asked innocently.
“I got all dressed up,” He gestured to his clothes. “I got us our favorite table at our favorite restaurant, I did everything right–”
“Uh huh….” You tried not to sound so annoyed, but you couldn’t help it. This felt more like you were a mom listening to her teenage boy crying over the love of his life, and you weren’t thrilled about it.
“And then she–” He sniveled. “She– She just wanted me to get you to stop the rally,” His words dissolved into harder, heartbreaking sobs.
Now you were just pissed. How dare she manipulate Rafael like that? How dare she take his heart and break it, just because she could? Well, the one comforting thought you had was that now Rafael saw her for what she was– but it didn’t feel as good as you thought it would.
“I’m…” You cradled him and rocked him while trying to find some soothing words while you were seething. “I’m sorry, Rafa,”
Your words seemed to work; his sobs subsided, and he looked up at you from being slumped against your shoulders.
“You were right,” He sniffled. “You’ve been right this whole time,”
You hated Olivia Benson for taking your victory lap away; you had gotten what you wanted, but you didn’t want it like this.
“I–” You started to speak but all of a sudden without any sort of warning Rafael’s lips were suddenly on yours, for real this time.
It was just like in your fantasy on the stairs– His tongue slipped into your awaiting mouth as he pulled himself closer into you, running his wet hands through your messy ponytail. It was everything you had ever wanted, could ever want, would ever want again– and then you felt it.
You could feel the tears down his face. At first you told yourself it was the rainwater dripping from his hair and beard, but the soft whimpers into your mouth as you kissed just confirmed he was still crying. You pulled back and held his face in your hands, revealing his still sobbing face.
“I’m sorry…” He sobbed. “I’m sorry, can we just–” He went to kiss you again, but you held him off.
“Rafael,” You sighed deeply, not really wanting to say what you were about to say. “You’re drunk. You’re drunk and you’re sad,”
“I know, I’m sorry–” He apologized but still went to kiss you once more. This time you shoved him off.
“Really dude?!” You scoffed angrily.
“What?” Rafael asked in general ignorance. He was too drunk to realize what he was doing was totally uncool.
“What?” You half laughed. “What? Y-You find out where I live, you come to my home in the middle of the night completely wasted, looking like a sad beat-up puppy. Then you sit here, and you sob over Olivia fucking Benson and then try to hook up with me?!”
“Do you really think this is how I want to spend my night? Listening to you howl and whine over your ‘lost love’ Olivia? That I really want you to– to do all the things I want you to while you’re thinking about HER?”
“She’s not my lost love, you are!” He argued.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake…” You exhaled sharply.
“I love you, Y/N,” He looked at you with puppy dog eyes. Those damn eyes.
“Stop,” You warned him as you moved away from him. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t him. You didn’t want to hear these things from…whoever this was right now.
“I love you, and I wanna be with you, and I wanna kiss you and make you feel better–” He moved closer to you on the couch.
“Stop,” You warned him again, putting your hands in his face.
“I know you love me too,” He insisted while trying to stroke your hair and kiss you. “I know you want us to make love right–”
“SHUT UP!!!” You couldn’t take it anymore, you stood up off the couch making Rafael fall to the floor.
“Why are you being like this?!” Rafael rubbed his head from the beating it took from your hardwood floors. “Why are you acting like this isn’t the one thing you’ve wanted since you saw me in a courtroom?”
“I...” Your eyes widened; your mouth went dry. “I can’t believe you’re throwing that in my face right now,”
“I’m not trying to, I just–” He tried to stand, but could only get to his knees while holding onto your coffee table.
“I want to feel better,” He whimpered.
“Yeah, I got that,” You rolled your eyes.
“No, not like–” He shook his head as his drunken mind tried to form sentences. “Being with you makes me feel better,”
“Again, pretty obvious,”
“I love you, Y/N. Why can’t we just–”
“STOP saying that,” You put your hands over your ears as you walked further away from him.
“Wha–Why??” His droopy eyes squinted as he tried to follow you, but you were walking too fast. “That’s what you want! I know that’s what you want!”
“NOT FROM YOU!!!!!!”
“What do you mean, not from me?” He couldn’t help but let out a drunken laugh like it was the stupidest thing you could’ve said.
“I want to hear Rafael Barba, the sweet, loving, best damn lawyer in New York City tell me he loves me. That he wants to be with me, that– that I matter more than anything!”
“Well, here he is!” He pounded his chest.
“No!” You stomped your foot as you walked back up to his drunken self and shoved him back up onto your couch. “You’re a drunken sad sack who just came here to lean on me because you don’t have anyone else,”
“That’s not fair,” He whimpered again at your harsh words.
“And kissing me and telling me you love me after crying over Olivia Benson for an hour is?!” You argued back, starting to cry.
“I didn’t–” He put his hands over his temples, trying to sober himself up. “They just happened to have happened simultaneously,”
“Right,” You shook your head with a sad laugh full of tears.
“How can I make you believe me?” He asked you woefully.
“You can sleep here,” You pointed to the couch. “You’re not going anywhere else tonight looking like this,”
“Ah…well, that does sound nice…” He nodded sleepily as the sobering techniques failed to work, he was starting to crash.
“And tomorrow, when my Rafael wakes up on this couch and HE wants to tell me he loves me, then he can,”
“Fine,” d-bag Rafa shrugged as he laid down on your couch, instantly passing out. You sighed and grabbed a blanket from your closet, throwing it over him before walking back to your room.
You shut your bedroom door and collapsed into sobs on your bed.
Why did it have to happen like this?!
The Next Morning
You were woken up by the sound of your front door shutting. You groggily rolled over in a daze from the sound, but when you realized what it was you shot up out of bed and into your living room.
He had left. He had left without saying he loved you. Hell, he had left without even saying ‘goodbye’. He had just come over to cry about Olivia because you were the one person he had, nothing more.
That should have just ended things there. You should have just screamed and raged and got it all out of your system, then went on about your day. You should’ve left that stupid prick all on his own, letting him deal with his no doubt hefty hangover, and his sad lonely life.
So why did you find yourself storming into the NYPD precinct?
“You are a special kind of stupid, aren’t you?”
“Excuse me?” She stood up immediately as you burst in.
“You really thought it was a good idea to manipulate Rafael to get to me? TO ME?” You started to circle her around her desk.
“You know, we’re not even together. Did you know that?” You asked her in an eerily quiet voice.
“Yes” She nodded sadly in guilt.
“And do you know why we’re not together?” You kept edging her around her office, finally backing her against the wall.
“Yes, because he–”
“Because he defended YOU,” You cut her off. “Because he chose you over me. And I was ready to live with that,” You backed off her and went to sit calmly in a chair in front of her desk.
“But–?” She sat down behind her desk, wishing she could tunnel under it.
“But he came to me last night, devastated,”
“Oh god,” She muttered anxiously. She had really messed up this time.
“He's DESTROYED Olivia. Y-You took this amazing man and turned him into a crumpled drunk mess on my doorstep,” You gesture wildly with your hands.
“And then I had to listen to him sob over YOU. IN MY ARMS,” You were spitting with rage. “And then he tells me he loves me!”
“He what?” Olivia batted her eyes in shock.
“Oh yeah, well you know since he didn’t have to worry about you anymore, I guess it was ‘safe’ for him to say it,” You laughed sarcastically.
“Well, I’m sure he–”
“And I told him where he could stick his drunken love confessions, and that if he still wanted to say it in the morning, I’d listen,”
“And?” Olivia wondered where you were going with this.
“AND?” You stomped your foot as you stood up in rage once more. “Do you SEE him standing next to me?!”
“He left?” Olivia asked in even more shock.
“He LEFT!!!” You practically screamed. “He LEFT me, Olivia! AGAIN,”
“He said you left him first…” She mumbled.
“I will punch you right here and now I swear to God Benson, I don’t care if I go to jail,” You growled.
“Alright, just–” She put a hand out in front of her to signal you to sit down.
“And I’m STILL HERE!” You stomped your foot harder.
“I’m still here, yelling at you, DEFENDING him!” You started to cry.
“I’m standing here yelling at the one person I hate in the world because the person I should hate most in this world is the one person I love more in the entire world!!!”
“Miss Reynolds…”
“Miss BENSON,” you said mockingly.
“You know you have some nerve coming into my office and yelling at me like this, after what you put my son through,”
“Oh, you stupid– Of course this is still about you,” You half laughed in an anger laugh. "You’re upset over something that I said, got your son teased? With WORDS?”
“It could have been worse–” She started to argue, but that angered you more.
“And what if it had, huh?” You challenged her. “What if something I had said, something I had done, got your son hurt? Would you forgive me? Would you even listen to anything I had to say?”
“This is–” She shook her head with a laugh at your obnoxious rant.
Suddenly, an idea came upon you.
“You know, Noah looks a lot like his dad,” You cut her off with a sly smirk.
“Excuse me?” Her voice lowered into a low growl.
“Yeah, you know– Johnny Drake,” You crossed your arms as your smirk crawled across your face.
“How do you even–”
“I know everything about you Olivia, I’ve said that” You said in a cheery mocking tone.
“You’re a psycho–” She growled.
“Is something the kids at school might start telling Noah, if the parents at that hoity toity school of his knew their kids went to school with the son of a RAPIST,” You spat the word in her face.
“You little–”
“So, what then, Olivia?” You asked. “Hmm? What if people started assuming something about your son based on his heritage? What if people started wondering if green eyes weren’t the only trait he inherited from daddy’s DNA?”
“That is totally out of line, Miss Reynolds!” Olivia barked.
“But you know what? I would never do that,” You kept your tone cool while ignoring her outburst. “I would never go and put a child in harm’s way, not even if his parents were psychos,”
“Ellie wasn’t a–”
“I’m talking about you, dumbass,”
“You’re such a–”
“So, when I found out what I had done had gotten a little boy in some trouble, do you know what I did? I went down and apologized,”
“Yeah, just because Rafael asked you to,” She rolled her eyes.
“So?” You shrugged. “Makes my point even more, actually. I went and apologized, even though I didn’t think I needed to. Did you even try to do that?”
“What?” Olivia’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Did it ever cross your mind at any point and time between Terrence’s trial back then and the past week, that if you had just apologized for what you said in those hearings, maybe I would have listened? Maybe my aunt and uncle would have listened? Maybe that’s all we wanted? To know that you knew that you were wrong, and you were sorry for it. You didn't even have to mean it, I sure didn't!"
“I’m—I’m sorry–” She tried repenting as a last-ditch attempt to put this all to bed.
“Oh no,” You laughed. “Oh no no no no NO, we are WELL past that now Miss Benson,”
“You realize I am here raging over you hurting the man I love, even though he just totally fucked me over, right?” You stepped back to now bring you back to the point of your visit.
“Yes, I believe you just explained that” She rolled her eyes harder.
“And did it ever cross your mind that it would come to that?” You narrowed your eyes.
“Excuse me?”
“Did you think that Rafael was too stupid to see through you? Actually, I take that back he probably wouldn’t have but you probably fucked it up somehow,” You laughed sarcastically.
“And didn’t you think ‘hmm you know this girl is a loose cannon as it is, and I know that she is bat shit crazy when it comes to Rafael, so maybe if I somehow upset him, this might not work out for me?’ should have crossed your mind?”
“Because I’ll tell you something, SARGEANT,” Your eyes filled with fire as you leaned over her desk.
“Maybe I had doubts about this rally before, maybe I even thought ‘You know maybe Rafael’s right, maybe this is on me. Maybe Olivia’s a nice person and eventually we could get past this’?” You said it all in a mocking tone.
“But now? Now I am going to come for your head. Yours and that stupid mook of an ADA, I know he was in on this too,”
“Miss Reynolds–”
“I literally don’t care if anything happens to anyone else in your department at this point Olivia, I really don’t. The Commissioner could get a commendation from the governor, and I wouldn’t bat an eye. I just want your head on fucking stick, and your career in the fucking toilet!!”
And before she could say anything else you turned and stormed out of her office.
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POV Outsider
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Hearsay by sarahcakes613
In which Sonny is taken to a strip club for his bachelor party, but he just wants to tell the dancers about how great his fiancé is.
close enough to see by cityofflights
"Fredrick liked being a bartender. It wasn’t exactly what he dreamed of doing when he was a little kid, filling out those mandatory “what do I want to do when I grow up” essays. No, at the time his biggest aspirations had been to be rich and buy the biggest house in the whole world and fill it with all the dogs he could find on the streets. Unfortunately, those plans had to be put on hold for a while, but being a bartender was a replacement he could live with."
Fred is a bartender at Forlini's. These are 5 times he noticed barisi plus the one time they noticed him
Exigent Circumstances by Robin Hood
Look, breaking and entering is illegal. It’s absolutely and unquestionably a crime. And a cop using their badge to enter a residence without a warrant or exigent circumstances is definitely still a crime, possibly even more illegal than just a regular B&E.
It’s also a time-honored part of SVU’s Secret Santa tradition.
Or, Amanda draws Barba's name for Secret Santa and breaks into his apartment to figure out what to get him.
From the Office of Deputy Chief William Dodds by FreckledSkittles
"Some may call this gossip, but I’d like to think it’s more than that. This is a list of what you can expect from SVU throughout your tenure. I know I will not be able to write down everything, but I hope what I can provide will be enough to prepare you for your job."
Or: William Dodds gossips about Manhattan SVU to the new Deputy Chief.
Mint on the Windowsill by AHumanFemale, tobeconspicuous
Tessa could see already that it wouldn’t happen, that Rafael Barba would never be the type to fit in with their family no matter how much Sonny seemed to like him. It was possible Rafael already knew it himself if his demeanor was anything to go by but perhaps he still needed a… push.
Tessa was magic.
Rafael would never know what hit him.
[Or, Sonny's mother is a witch who decides to use her magic to make Rafael miserable.]
From the Mouth of Babes by findafight
LMZ gets the wrong impression of Sonny and Rafael's relationship. So do Noah and Jesse, because of course Uncle Sonny and Rafa are married, why wouldn't they be?
or: it takes a gossip show host and two toddlers to get Carisi and Barba to admit their feelings (with a shove from Amanda)
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lovemesomerafael · 5 years
El Amor Todo Lo Puede          Chapter 56:  Home
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Source:  @peter-stone
Chapters 1-55
Laura knocked quietly on the door of Lucia’s apartment in the Bronx, feeling a strange mixture of excitement and sadness.  They had kept in touch, of course, for the two years Laura had been away, although after those first, hellish months, they hadn’t spoken quite as often.  Laura fully expected that they would spend time during this visit crying over their mutual loss, and she didn’t dread that. In fact, she and Lucia hadn’t been able to hug while they cried in all the time Laura had been gone.  Since the crying part was probably inevitable, Laura thought it would be nice to be able to put her arms around Rafael’s mother while they shared their pain.  
Lucia had tried to understand Laura’s need to run away.  At first, she had been confused and a bit hurt that Laura wouldn’t be in New York, where they could comfort one another.  Over the two weeks after Rafi’s death, however, as they had worked feverishly together to do all the horrible tasks that have to be done when someone dies, Lucia had seen in Laura a fear that she herself didn’t feel.  Laura was not only grieving the past, she was also terrified of the future.  Lucia wasn’t. Partly, the difference was that Laura was young, and had to figure out who to be, now that she had been left without the partner she’d chosen to spend her life with.  Rafael’s death had fundamentally changed who Laura was.  That wasn’t true for Lucia.  Losing her child, adult though he had been, didn’t change Lucia’s identity as his mother.  The other difference was that having another child wasn’t an option for Lucia, so she didn’t have to find the courage to try again.  
Over the past two years, something had happened that neither of them had expected.  As much as they had liked being mother- and daughter-in-law, they found that they also enjoyed being friends.  Lucia still felt motherly toward Laura, who also loved Lucia like a second mother.  But helping one another through their greatest loss had also forged a deep, lasting friendship between them as women.  Rafael was always there, between them, a shared love that united them.  But they found that, slowly and in stages, their conversations branched out to involve the rest of their lives, as well.  It was a lovely connection that allowed them to keep Rafael close – the two women who had loved him the most – and also allowed each of them to enjoy the other for her own sake.
When Lucia opened the door, she and Laura hugged (and cried) for a very long time before Laura even crossed the threshold.
Dinner at Amanda’s had started at breakfast time.  Laura wanted to spend as much time as possible with her friends from SVU, so they’d arranged to meet at the zoo in Central Park, where the kids could play while the parents talked.  Laura was shocked by how much they’d grown; both Fin’s grandson, Jaden, and Amanda’s daughter, Billie, were talking already.  They weren’t speaking full sentences, but they were certainly able to make their needs known.  Amanda’s daughter Jessie and Olivia’s son Noah both had vague memories that they had an “Aunt Lala”, but had really been too young to remember Laura.  It was great fun to get re-acquainted with them, and to discover Jaden’s and Billie’s personalities, made easier by the fact that Sonny Carisi was, by far, the kids’ favorite person and knew everything about them.   As soon as they saw that Sonny liked Laura, they decided to like her, too.  
While the older kids ran around like maniacs and the littler ones alternated between mania and meltdowns, the adults caught up.  Laura had cried as soon as she saw Fin, which she’d known she would.  He tried to play it cool, but the tightness of his hug and the amount of time it lasted told her he was just as glad to see her.
“Any idea what you’re gonna do when you get back to Chicago?”  He asked.
“I have a few leads.  I really loved the work I did for the feds; I might want to do something with computer crimes.  Or maybe I’ll go to the dark side and make a mint working in cybersecurity.  Regular hours, no one shoots at me…”
“Yeah, but you’d never get to go off on anyone.  Remember Reginald Skoggs?  You love that shit,”  Fin laughed.
“Oh, man, I haven’t thought about him in years.  But you’re right, that was fun.  Remember I had to change my clothes before Barba saw all the blood?”  
Fin laughed at that, too, and Laura noticed that the whole group seemed to relax a little, knowing that it was all right to mention Rafael’s name.  
“What I remember is you still owe me fifty bucks for not tellin’ Barba what you did.”  
Laura feigned a blank look.  “I don’t remember that.”
“Yeah, sure you don’t.”  Fin threw an arm around her neck and gave her a rough hug.  “Punk-ass kid.”  
All morning and afternoon, the SVU detectives shared stories of cases they’d worked and listened as Laura told them what she’d been doing.  Laura wanted to hear every story about the kids.  They had so much to talk about that it was actually after lunch by the time the conversation neared the subject of Rafael’s murder.
Olivia moved so that she was walking next to Laura while they headed toward the Polar Circle, where the penguins – the kids’ favorite - lived.  
“I thought we’d get to see you for Randolph’s trial.  I wasn’t surprised to see him plead out, but I was sorry to miss out on a visit from you.”  
“Thanks, Lieu. I knew he’d take a plea.  McCoy was going to bury him no matter what, so I think he just figured he’d save himself the trouble.  For a sweet man, Jack McCoy can be a scary SOB when he’s crossed.”
“Yes, he can,” Olivia agreed.  
“Anyway, it was better that way.  I really wasn’t ready to come back until pretty recently.  In fact, I might have stayed longer, except…”
“Yeah, I heard. You know, until Rollins told me the whole story, I just thought you and Stone were oddly close.”  
“And you were right about that,” Laura laughed.  
While Jaden and Billie napped hard in their strollers, Fin sat with them and napped a little, too. Liv and Amanda kept a close eye on Jessie and Noah, and Laura and Carisi stood leaning on poured concrete rocks, watching the penguins.  
“So I’m looking at all these kinds of penguins, particularly the macaroni penguin, which is really the coolest of penguinkind, and I’m thinkin’ that right there is evidence that God has a sense of humor.”
“Hmmmm. Deep, Carisi.  I don’t disagree, but I’m thinking whoever named them macaroni penguins gets an honorable mention.”
“Yeah, I could go there,” Sonny shrugged.  “And since you didn’t throw me over these rocks into the water, I hope that means that maybe you and God have made up a little?”  
Laura thought for a minute.  “There was this priest in Stockholm, Father Piär. He helped.  Probably not as much as you, but he did OK.”  She bumped Carisi fondly with her shoulder.  
“I don’t know that I helped any, but thanks.”
“Sure you did.  And I appreciate it.  I owe you.” Laura didn’t want the day to turn maudlin, so she changed the subject.  “So I noticed in your emails, you never mentioned any dates.  You didn’t become a monk or something, did you?”  
“Nah,” Sonny blushed.  “I just like to play things close to the vest, y’know?”
“Well, don’t. Tell me.  I want to know you’re happy.”
The smile on Sonny’s face, and the crinkles around his bright blue eyes told Laura that he would never want for romantic companionship for long.  “There’s no one special right now, but…  I’ve kinda been thinkin’ I’m getting a little old for dates.  Dean got married, you know.”
“I hadn’t heard that!”
“Yeah, married a surgeon.  They’re in L.A. now.  Anyway, I’ve been thinking I might be in the market for someone, you know, more permanent.”
“Any candidates?”
“Not right now. But who knows?”
“Just don’t get serious about anyone until I get to check them out.  Don’t rely solely on Amanda’s judgment.”
“If I have to wait until Amanda approves someone, I might as well hang it up right now.”
The rest of the afternoon went on like that, everyone enjoying the day and Laura getting a chance to talk one-on-one with each of them.
At dinner, there was plenty of wine and entirely too much food.  Sonny made something no one could pronounce, but it was so good everyone ate until they couldn’t possibly take one more bite.  Lucia joined them, and they all enjoyed themselves.  To Laura, it felt as though she’d never been away, which was just a little bittersweet, because it meant she kept expecting Rafael to walk in at any time.  
There was a sweet moment when Olivia was telling a story about an argument she and Rafael had, and Noah asked, “Is Rafael the same as Uncle Rafa?”  
Olivia told him that he was.
“I ‘member him,” Noah said.  “He used to sing the pirate song.”  
As much as Laura had needed to leave New York to escape the constant reminders of Rafael, it was lovely, now that she could, to be able to talk about him with people who had known and loved him.  There were a hundred stories about funny, biting comments he had made, demonstrations of his undeniable abilities, and his courtroom coups.  Lucia told some hilarious, adorable stories about him as a child that he would never have allowed her to tell, had he been there.  They all laughed, and shed a few tears, and toasted his memory.  The entire day was as special as any of them had hoped, and it was a perfect way for Laura to acknowledge the life she had loved in New York before she went on to begin a new life back in Chicago.
Amanda waited with Laura and Lucia at the curb for their taxi back to the Bronx.  She and Laura had exchanged many hugs throughout the day, but it still didn’t feel like enough.  They sat, side by side on Amanda’s stoop, with Amanda’s arm around Laura’s shoulder.
“Just remember, you need me to shoot Stone, I can make it look like an accident.”
“I thought it was Rafael you offered to shoot.”
“It was, but you never took me up on it, so I still owe you.  But I’m kinda hopin’ you don’t ever need me to shoot Stone, either.  ‘Cuz you look happy.  And I like seein’ that.”
“Me, too.”
“You take care of yourself, Parker.  You know you always have a home here, if you want it.”
They hugged yet again, both smiling, and Amanda pulled Lucia into the hug with them.
The flight from New York to Chicago had seemed very short after the flight from Stockholm. And now, Laura was home.  She smiled even as tears spilled over, looking out the window of the airplane at the familiar landscape.  
She walked through the concourse toward Baggage Claim.  She reached the main terminal, passed the security checkpoint, and descended the stairs toward the row of baggage carousels, some surrounded by people and spitting out luggage which then circled slowly, some still and silent.  She idly looked out over the scene as she walked down the stairs.
She froze on the last step, her heart doing some sort of somersault in her chest and a large swarm of butterflies taking sudden flight in her stomach.  She whispered an involuntary, "Peter."
She stood, unmoving, staring at the tall, beautiful man standing near the baggage carousel for her flight.  As always, his muscular, athletic build and his square, masculine jaw stirred a deep longing in her.  She stared almost helplessly at him, just as she had done that day years before, when she saw him in the lobby at District 21, waiting for an appointment with Sergeant Voight.  She realized with a surge of love that the pain of missing Peter was over.  She was home now, with him, and there was no longer anything to keep them apart.
His hair was longer than it had been when she’d last seen him.  It looked so good she instantly wanted to run her hands through it. Had he let it grow for her, knowing she liked it that way?  Only when he looked up at her, perhaps sensing her staring at him, did Laura take the last stair and begin to move through the crowd toward him as his face broke into a wide smile.
They didn’t say anything at first as they came face to face, just took a moment to smiled at one another before they wrapped their arms around each other in a long, contented embrace.  People looked at them, some annoyed at these fools locked in a marathon hug in the middle of baggage claim, some grinning shyly at the apparently very happy reunion. Peter and Laura ignored them all. Somewhere in the middle of their embrace, they began to share whispered “I love you’s” among heartfelt endearments.
There were plenty of kisses and laughing as they collected Laura’s luggage and walked, talking animatedly, out to Peter’s car.  With so much to carry - suitcases, Laura’s guitar, her carry-on - they hadn’t been able to hold hands or put arms around each other as they walked, and with each step, Laura found herself more aware of wanting to touch Peter.  She noticed again his hair, just a bit shaggy, and the way it made her think of him in bed.  She watched the sexy way he walked, so athletic and confident, legs wide and striding quickly.  As Peter stored the luggage in the back of a new SUV he’d purchased at some point after he’d returned from New York, Laura stood close to him, just wanting to be near him and eager to have her arms around him again.  
He slammed the gate down and pulled her to him.  As he leaned down to press his lips to hers, she breathed in his scent: a clean, masculine smell of soap and a little bit of musky cologne highlighting a warmer, savory essence that Laura thought of as just plain man.  She reached up, sliding one hand into the hair at the back of his head and using the other to hold him close.  As their mouths met in heated haste, Peter’s arms encircling Laura completely, she felt herself pressed against the back of the vehicle.  She moved her legs to more fully melt their bodies together, feeling lust overcoming her sense of anything beyond Peter. He felt warm and firm, large and muscular, the beginnings of his erection evident as he moved against her.
He broke the kiss when they started to lose control of the sounds being drawn from them and the wantonness of their hip movements.  
“Get in the car,” he growled, and they quickly separated to slide into their seats.  Before even thinking about putting on seat belts, they turned to each other and their mouths met once again for the kind of kisses they really wanted, but couldn’t indulge in publicly.  Their intimate caresses became quickly more serious, more heated, and soon they were both moaning as Peter’s tongue teased Laura’s. Minutes later, Laura slid a hand up the inside of Peter’s thigh.  
He took her hand from his leg, lifting it to his lips and kissing her fingers, chuckling.  “You missed me.”
“I missed you like crazy.  And I want you.  Let me…”
“Not here.”
“Please?  We could get in the back…”
“I am not going to have sex with you in an airport parking garage,” Peter said, a little more gruffly than he meant to, because he was having some trouble resisting her suggestion in his current agitated state.
“It wouldn’t be the first time.  I think it was even this garage.  Remember when you went -“
“That was…  We were in our twenties then.”  He consciously tried to slow his breathing.
“And?  What are you, a grown-up now?”  Laura leaned in and began kissing Peter’s neck, slipping her hand from his and reaching toward his crotch.  “Come on.  I love you, and I’ve been thinking about you nonstop.  Let me touch you…” she purred.
“Stop,” he said, laughing but taking her hand again.  “I mean it.  You can do anything you want to me when we get home.  Now behave.”
She moved back into her seat, pretending to be grumpy as she fastened her seat belt.  “Behave.  Since when have I ever behaved?”  
“Just be patient. I’ll make it worth your while.”  Peter gave her a look that did nothing to cool her arousal.  “I promise.”
Seeing that he wasn’t going to relent, Laura settled into her seat, smiling contentedly. “It’s good to be home.”
“It’s good to have you home,” Peter agreed, reaching for her hand and intertwining his fingers with hers.  
The city looked beautiful to Laura, even in the dreariness of late fall.  There was a weak sunlight through breaks in the clouds, and there were still some trees with bright fall foliage here and there. Mostly, the city looked good to her because she had been homesick.  She noticed a new building going up on the downtown skyline and pointed it out to Peter, asking where, exactly, it was.  When he told her, she scrunched up her eyebrows.  “Wait, doesn’t that mean… didn’t you miss your exit?  I thought you lived in the Fulton River District.”
“I did,” he responded, looking at the road.  “I moved.”
“You moved? You didn’t tell me you moved.  When did you move?”
“A few months ago. Didn’t I tell you?”
“No.  How do you move, and not tell me?”
“I must’ve forgot. I told you, I’ve been crazy busy these last few months.”
Laura frowned. This was strange.  Moving is not something you forget to mention.  “Where do you live now?”
“Wilmette!  You do not.”
Peter smiled and chuckled a little, but kept his eyes on the road.  “I do, actually.  You’ll see.”
“Peter, you… that’s… I can’t believe you moved to Wilmette and didn’t tell me.”
“I thought you liked Wilmette?”
“I do.  We both do.  Remember, we used to talk about living there someday.  That’s why I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”
“I’m sorry, Sunshine.  Really.  I guess I thought I had.”  He lifted her hand from the console where their clasped hands had been resting and kissed it for about the hundredth time since they’d left O’Hare.
Laura shrugged slightly, but she was still uneasy.  He had told her that he’d been extremely busy over the months since he’d visited her in Stockholm, and with all that had happened between them, maybe he really had forgotten. But it still struck her as a very strange thing not to mention.
Several miles later, Peter exited the freeway and drove through the Village of Wilmette, a clean, leafy, cute midwestern town with lots of small shops and other businesses lining the streets.  He turned into a neighborhood of pretty houses, many of them brick, all set back from the street behind well-maintained front lawns with trees and shrubs.  Most of the houses had flower gardens up next to their foundations, although this late in the year there weren’t any flowers blooming.  He turned into an idyllic, peaceful street and began to slow down.
“You’re messing with me,” she said.  “You bought a house?”
“Yeah,” he said, pulling over against the curb.  “We’re here.”  
The house he pointed to was two a story brick, with copper awnings covered with verdigris over bay windows, one on either side of a rounded front door that sat at the top of a set of two steps.  There was a little patio in front of the door with wrought iron railings on either side. There was a chimney to one side, and it looked like there was another chimney at the back.  Peter got out of the car and came around to open Laura’s door as she simply sat and stared.
“Do you like it?”  He asked, a sweet, expectant smile on his face that almost hid a glint of mischief in his eyes.  
Laura stepped out onto the curb and stood, looking at the charming house.  “You didn’t forget to tell me you bought a house.”
He shrugged, pleased with her reaction.  “Maybe not. Maybe I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Peter, this is your house?  It’s beautiful!  It’s perfect! You really live here?”
“Got the mortgage to prove it,” he said, taking her hand.  “C’mon.  I want to show it to you.  We’ll get the luggage later.”  
When they reached the door, he opened it and then turned to her and lifted her up with one arm behind her back and one behind her legs.  
“What are you doing?”
“I’m carrying you over the threshold.”
All Laura could think to do was laugh.  This was… bizarre.  Unreal.
They stood in a small foyer with a flagstone floor, a little table with a lamp on it just inside.  Something about the table or the lamp, or maybe both, looked familiar to her, but she was so curious to see Peter’s house that she didn’t give it much thought.  The foyer gave onto a short hallway.
The first room they came to was a formal living room with a couch and some wingback chairs arranged around a fireplace.  There was something about the room that seemed…  Then she noticed the painting of a cottage in the English countryside over the fireplace. 
“I have that same painting,” she said, her voice a little unsure.  “I’ve never noticed that in your apartments, did you just get it?”
“Sort of.  Let me show you the rest of the house.”
He led her past the living room to the end of the short hall, which opened onto a large, sunny great room at the back of the house.  The room had a pleasant kitchen separated by a span of granite countertop from a family area with another fireplace.  Laura was astounded, her head swimming at the surprise of Peter owning a house in Wilmette, and the perfectness of the house itself.  
“Oh, Peter, this is great!  It’s… I love it!  Is this actually a wood-burning fireplace?”
Again, Laura had an odd feeling about the room.  It seemed like she’d been there before. 
“This is so weird.  I’m having the weirdest sense of déjà vu.  I know I’ve never been here before…  Holy shit, I know what it is!”
She turned to him to find him grinning like a fool. 
“Peter, your house is just like the one we used to talk about.  Remember?  When we lived in that fifth-floor walk-up in Evanston.  Now all you need is a dog named Marshall.”
Peter, now actually laughing, cocked his head toward a sliding glass door that led from the kitchen out to a patio.  “Back yard.” 
Laura felt herself go numb.  Her eyes got big and she just stood where she was, a confused expression on her face.  Her voice was shaky as she asked, “What’s going on?”
Peter went to the door and opened it.  “Come on.  Meet Marshall.”
She almost stumbled as she moved, uncertain and overwhelmed, over to him.  He put an arm around her back, enjoying every second of her reaction, but a little worried this might all be a bit too much.  He led her out onto the wooden patio, which had two sets of steps down to a small back yard shielded from any neighbors by high hedges.  She noticed movement to one side, and her eyes fixed on a red doghouse from which a Yellow Labrador Retriever puppy was sleepily emerging.  The puppy saw Peter and ran to the stairs, a little small yet to climb them easily. 
“Oh, look at you!  You’re so cute!”  Laura hurried over to pick up the puppy, who immediately began to lick all over her face.  She looked at Peter, eyes still wide, confusion and disbelief still very much evident.  “How old is he?”
“She is about three months old.”
“You named a girl puppy Thurgood Marshall?”
“I had to.  That’s the name we picked out.”
“I… what?”
Laura had just enough presence of mind to notice that Peter’s smile was heartrendingly handsome.  He was looking at her, holding the puppy, as though he was a child on Christmas morning catching his first sight of what Santa had brought.
“C’mon, let’s sit here for a minute.”  He sat her down on the stairs that led from the deck to the yard and settled next to her, their legs touching for their full lengths and his arm around her.  
“You OK?”  He chuckled.
“I…  You bought a house.”  She looked up at him just as the shocked, confused look on her face was replaced by something else.  “That picture.”
“Hmmmm?”  He asked, grinning again.
“That’s mine, isn’t it?”
“It was.  Now it’s ours.”
“Did you…?  What did you do?”
“We moved you in.  Everything you had in storage, we moved in here.  This is your house.  Well, our house.”  The grin became a radiant smile.
“Our house.”
“That’s right.  You live here.  With me.”
Peter realized he should have found a way to record this moment.  Her face was registering every emotion that tumbled through her head. He would have liked to be able to watch it again and again, for the rest of his life.  
“But… Who’s ‘we’?  Who helped you move everything in?”
“Do you really have to ask that question?  I could never have finished getting everything ready for you if your whole family hadn’t helped.”
“Our family.”
“Our family.”
“I don’t know what to do.  I don’t know what to say.  Peter, this is…”  She reached for him.  “I’ve been telling you for twenty years that I love you, but I’ve never loved you like I do now.  And not just because you bought me a house.  I don’t know how to say a bigger I love you, but… I love you bigger!  They don’t have a word for how I feel about you.  So how am I supposed to tell you?”  Laura’s eyes were overflowing with tears as she laughed into Peter’s shoulder.
“I know how,” he said quietly.
Marshall had been frolicking around their feet as they sat on the stair, and Peter reached out to her, taking hold of a little white ribbon tied to her collar, which Laura hadn’t really noticed.  He untied it and something that had been attached to it fell into his hand.  As he reached behind himself to take Laura’s left hand, she gasped. He pulled her hand to him and held a small gold band with a solitary diamond shining in the middle just off the end of her ring finger.
Laura laughed again through her tears and said, “Yes.  Yes, yes, YES!”
Peter laughed, too.  “Always so impatient.  I haven’t asked you yet.”
He took a deep breath, wanting to give this moment the seriousness it deserved.  As he looked into her eyes, he said, “I love you, Laura.  Will you marry me?  Will you make a family with me?  Be the mother of my children?” 
“Yes,” she whispered, suddenly unable to speak. 
She watched as he slipped the ring onto her finger.  “Peter,” she gasped, “Is this…  This is…  This is our ring.  From before.”
“Yeah, I know.  We’ll get a real one, I just needed one to propose with.”
“We will not get a real one,” she cried, suddenly finding her voice as she threw her arms around him again.  “This is the real one.  You kept this ring, all these years…  You will have to pry this ring off my finger.”
For the next several minutes, Marshall became increasingly excited because Peter and Laura were paying no attention to her.  They were too focused on each other, laughing, hugging, kissing, and telling each other over and over how much they loved each other.
“Peter, stop.  I can’t!  This is too much.  I’m gonna explode or have some sort of neurological event from happiness overload…”  Laura laughed breathlessly.  “How many of my dreams are you planning to make come true?
“All of them,” he answered.  “Didn’t I tell you?”
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madpanda75 · 6 years
Sorry to bother you again hahaha but your imagines are wonderful so here is my request : What about Rafael and Y/N babysitting Noah and they are enjoying this and he start to talk with her about having a baby
“Adventures in Babysitting”
First of all, it’s never a bother to ask me to write! I love doing it….I just wish I had more time to devote to it 😂 Anyways, I hope you liked this, it was fun to write. Also if you’ve never stepped on a lego….consider yourself lucky! 
Tags: @amirightcounsellor, @obfuscateyummy, @letty-o, @lyssa1385 @sweetsummertime99, @burningsorr0ws, @sonnysdoll and if anyone else wants to be tagged in my writing, let me know!
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Fits of laughter filled the air while you pretended to munch on Jesse Rollins’ little toes. Your good friend and coworker invited you over for dinner with her and her daughter, you jumped at the chance to have a little girl talk and get in some baby time. Amanda came out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn, “I think my daughter likes you more than me.”
“Well Jesse has good taste.” You teasingly said. Amanda playfully rolled her eyes, watching her little girl interact with you. “Do you ever think about having kids?”
You sighed and handed Jesse over to her mother, “I don’t know, it’s not something I ever really thought of before, but now things are different.” Amanda softly smiled at you, “I never thought I would be a mom, but now that I have Jesse, I can’t imagine life without her. She’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”
Nodding your head, you looked down at Jesse, the baby giggled and clapped her hands. The three of you enjoyed the rest of your evening watching bad reality tv and munching on popcorn until it was time to go.
Becoming a wife let alone a mother was never something you had planned on, you were perfectly happy with your career as a forensic psychiatrist. Life took an unexpected turn; however, when your mentor, Dr. Huang, recommended you for a job as a criminal profiler with Manhattan’s SVU squad and you met Rafael Barba. Now here you were two years later, engaged and completely in love with the ADA. Both you and Rafael were committed to your jobs, the thought of children had never entered your head before and he never breached the subject.
Lately, it seemed as if children were all you could think about. You would see them everywhere, the subway, the elevator, all of your friends were having babies, you even had dreams about them.  A part of you wondered if it was your biological clock ticking a little earlier than expected, but it was more than that. It had taken a while for yourself to admit, but you did want babies and everything that came with it, macaroni art, sweet little kisses, dance recitals, bedtime stories, you wanted it all and you wanted it with Rafael. The only problem was you didn’t know if he felt the same way.
The next day, you walked into the SVU squad room after being called in to profile a perp believed to be targeting senior citizens. Once the interview was over, you entered Liv’s office to give her your opinion of the man and if he was capable of the crime. Afterwards you exited the bullpen when Olivia called your name.
“Y/N, I hate to do this, but I’m wondering if you were free tonight to watch Noah. Tucker called and we had plans to meet, but Lucy has the flu and can’t babysit.” Olivia had taken her breakup with Tucker hard, you knew she missed him and how important this date was, plus you adored Noah.
“Absolutely, just let me know what time.”
Olivia smiled, “You’re a lifesaver! Thank you! If you could stop by at 6 tonight that would be great.”
She walked away to take a call while you waited for the elevator doors to open only to run into your fiancé. The two of you had been so busy that past week you had barely seen each other, only passing each other on the way to work and crashing into bed during the evening. “Hey cariño!” Rafael gave you a quick kiss on the lips. “I have to talk to Liv, but I’m glad I ran into you. I made the dinner reservations tonight for 7.”
You mentally kicked yourself in the head for forgetting your date with Rafael. This would have been your first night together without any distractions from work in weeks and you both were looking forward to it. “Yeah….about tonight. I may have just agreed to babysit Noah for Liv.”
Rafael sighed and looked up at the ceiling, exasperated. “Y/N, I can’t believe you forgot. I made this reservation two weeks ago.” He lead you down the hall out of the way of prying eyes, pulling you into an embrace. “I was hoping to get some alone time with you,” he purred in your ear, going straight to your center and making you wish you had turned Liv down.
“Believe me nobody wants a night alone with you more than your sex starved fiancé, but Liv is meeting Tucker tonight. You know how she was when they broke up, this is important to her.” Rafael raised his eyebrow, “What am I, chopped liver?”
“You know you’re my world, Rafi.” You smiled and kissed his lips, feeling him begin to relax under your touch. “Why don’t you tag along? I’m sure Liv won’t mind and you like Noah. When he goes to sleep We can pretend we’re teenagers and make out on the couch.”
Rafael snorted a laugh, “Ok, anything to spend some time with you. I’ll let Liv know I’m tagging along.”
The evening got off to a bumpy start, within the first twenty minutes of babysitting, Rafael stepped on a lego. He cursed, clutching his socked foot as he hopped over to the couch. “Uncle Rafa said a bad word!” Noah exclaimed.
Your fiancé rubbed his temples, feeling a headache begin to set in as the little boy ran around the living room, shouting. To make matters worse, while you and Rafael were heating up dinner, Noah had managed to take his cellphone and switch the language preference to Turkish. The ADA was less than pleased.
While feeding Noah pizza, you looked over at your fiancé while he grumbled trying to fix his phone. “Maybe Rafael isn’t really a kid person, maybe it would be better if we didn’t have children,” you thought to yourself.
After dinner, Noah walked over to Rafael who was still working on his phone. “I’m sorry I broke your phone, Uncle Rafa.” The ADA looked down into the little boy’s big blue eyes and softly smiled, his anger and frustration melting away under the child’s gaze. “It’s ok. It was an accident.” Noah reached out and gave the man a hug. You smiled, watching their interaction from the kitchen.
Rafael got up to help you put the dishes in the dishwasher. “You’re a total softie, Rafi.” He smiled at you and gave you a quick kiss on the lips, “Don’t give away my secret, mi amor.”
“Hey guys, I have a great idea.” You said upon entering the living room. “Let’s have a dance party!” Noah jumped up and down, “Dance party!!!!”  The three of you hopped around the living room, dancing to music from your playlist. The best was when Noah insisted on listening to the Village People and you watched Rafael rock the hell out YMCA.
After you all were out of breath from your impromptu dance party, Noah had you pretend to be a princess. He and his elephant were going to rescue you from Rafael who was supposed to be an evil wizard holding you captive.
“Save me Noah! You’re my only hope!” You cried out while Rafael did his best evil wizard impression. “Never fear! Eddie and I will save you.” Noah declared.
After your heroic rescue, Rafael cleaned up the living room while you put Noah to bed and read him a story. He smiled when he overheard you doing funny voices as you read “The Stinky Cheese Man” making the little boy laugh.
The ADA never thought he would get married or become a father. He had closed that chapter of his life a long time ago, but then you came into his world and everything seemed to change. His heart swelled at thought of you being a mother to his child.
Rafael tiptoed over and watched as you finished the story and tucked Noah in. “I love you Y/N. Good night.” The little boy said snuggling closer to the stuffed elephant.
You felt tears pool in your eyes, “I love you too Noah. Sweet dreams.” Running a hand through his curls, you turned off the lights and gently shut the door.
You sat next to Rafael, laying your head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around you. “You’re going to be a wonderful mother someday.” Staring at your fiancé, you felt a lump form in your throat. In all the years you’ve know him, he had never said anything like that before. “You ever think about having kids?” He tentatively asked.
“Yes, I do,” you answered. “Do you?”
Rafael nodded his head, “I never thought it would happen for me, but now, honestly there’s nothing I want more than to have a baby with you. What do you think Y/N?”
The tears were streaming down your face, “Ok…lets make a baby.” Your fiancé smiled and looked around, “Right here, right now?” You laughed and playfully smacked at his chest, “Rafael Barba!”
Your fiancé laughed and looked down at you lovingly as he ran his fingers through your hair, “Let’s have a baby, Y/N.” Wiping the stray tears from your eyes, he cupped your face and kissed you gently. “I love you.” You whispered against his lips.
“I love you too.” He turned his head to deepen the kiss, his tongue seeking entrance into your mouth. You placed your arms around his neck, both of you so wrapped up in each other and the moment that you didn’t hear Olivia open the door. “I knew I would come home to find the two of you making out like teenagers.” You blushed while your fiancé rolled his eyes at his friend.
The two of you said your goodbyes before leaving the apartment. Once alone inside the elevator, he pushed you against the wall, his hands roaming your form. “So about this baby, I think it would be incredibly beneficial if we go home and practice.” He purred as he kissed down your neck, making you giggle into a soft moan. “Well, practice makes perfect.”
You paced the floor in the living room, waiting for your fiancé to come home. Sighing, you looked down at the three pregnancy tests in your hand. All of them positive. You laughed to yourself, placing a hand on your stomach, you were pretty sure you could pinpoint the time of conception. About a month ago when you and Rafael had gotten home after babysitting Noah, the two of you had “practiced” all night long.
Hearing the door open, you sighed, hoping Rafael would be as excited as you were. “Y/N, you home?” Walking down the hallway, he found you standing expectantly in the living room, your one hand holding the tests behind your back. “Everything ok?” He asked taking in your nervous appearance.
You gifted him a smile, shuffling your feet a bit, “Raf, remember that night at Olivia’s where we decided that we both wanted children.”
“Yes,” he replied, his heart beating fast, hoping you would tell him the news he wanted to hear ever since that night.
You moved your hand from behind your back, showing three positive pregnancy tests. “Well, looks like it’s going to happen sooner than we thought.” He took the tests from you, his eyes darting between you and the three sticks in his hand.
“Yeah, I peed on those. So you may not want to handle them too much.” You said with a nervous giggle. Rafael didn’t say anything for a few minutes, staring down at the tests before he looked at you with tears in his eyes. “You’re….you’re….pregnant? I’m going to be a father?”
You nodded your head, feeling your own tears begin to form. Your fiancé smiled the biggest brightest smile you had ever seen. He laughed and scooped you up in his arms, twirling you around the living room before setting you down on the floor, his hand moved down to your lower abdomen, currently housing your child.
Rafael held you close, your tears of joy melding together, heads reeling over the reality that you two were going to be parents
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mforpaul · 6 years
Sonny bit his lips and his eyes, if possible, seemed even more blue than usual. This is how Rafael knew, something was wrong.
“What is it, cariño?”, he asked.
“It’s just…”, Sonny threw him a shy smile. “My niece Mia has this job interview for an internship she really wants, but she has nothing to wear.” Rafael raised a brow, he had expected a real problem. “The interview is the day after tomorrow. She was gonna go shopping with Bella, but her baby is sick. Well, Teresa and Gina have to work. Ma has a cold. And I also work. So Mia is kinda bugging out.”
“Huh”, was the only word Rafael could find to show his compassion. He had stopped listening somewhere after ‘interview’. He had turned his attention back to his phone where he read some work-related emails. Damn it, he finally needed reading glasses. He became an old man after all.
Sonny was drumming his fingertips on the table. Rafael had answered two emails, before he realized that Sonny was looking at him pointedly. Maybe glasses weren’t such a bad idea. He could create dramatic effect by looking over the top of the glasses.
“What?”, Rafael asked.
“You know”, Sonny hem and hawed. Rafael had already returned his attention to his blackberry and sent another text. He only gazed back to his boyfriend when Sonny didn’t continued speaking. Sonny only stared at him, friendly and handsome faced as always.
“Me?”, Rafael asked. “You have got to be kidding me!”
“Raf, she’s eighteen, insecure and you clearly know about dressing.”
“I have met her literally once.” A month ago during Christmas. And isn’t it weird if an eighteen year old girl goes shopping with forty eight year old man she’s not related to?
But Sonny used his magic which was simply being him to convince Rafael otherwise.
Mia was adorable and shy. And genuinely thankful for Rafael’s help. Her sweet nature touched something in Rafael’s heart so that he did his best to be friendly. While walking through the mall, he asked her about her major and where she was interviewing.
“I’m an English major and the interview is at this publishing house. It’s even paid”, her cheeks flushed from excitement.
“Sounds great”, Rafael offered helpless. “But don’t go into media, it’s not a good time to become a journalist.”
“We need good journalists to fight that buffoon”, Mia answered. And Rafael smiled to himself, he liked her young spirit.
Rafael knew the right places to shop and as she was a natural beauty, Rafael chose a simple combination for her.
Only the first time Mia came out of the changing cubicle was awkward. As shyly as she fiddled with her blouse as shyly Rafael let his gaze trail over the outfit. Their eyes met and they both let out a laugh. And with this, they let the nervousness behind them.
After three more outfits, they decided on a classic combination of a grey skirt and blazer and a white blouse. “Ma gave me her credit card, but she also gave me a budget”, Mia started to worry.
“No, no, it’s on me.” Buying affection with clothes sounded like a great idea to Rafael.
“No, I cannot accept that”, Mia was genuinely shocked and too polite. She reminded him very much of her uncle.
“Look, this is the benefit of having gay uncles, they can spoil other people’s children”, Rafael tried to joke.
“I thought, you are not gay”, Mia replied. She must be the first one in the Carisi clan who gets that, Rafael thought.
“No, but the outcome is the same. So let me buy that for you”, Rafael insisted.
“The second outfit is cheaper…”, Mia started, but Rafael cut her off right away: “You are more comfortable with this one. It’ll give you confidence.”
“Thank you”, she said honestly and gave him a warm smile.
When they were waiting at the cashier, she asked: “Does that mean you and Uncle Sonny are not gonna have children?”
Rafael shook his head lightly. He didn’t mean “no”, he meant that he was not ready to talk about it. Mia seemed to understand him.
“Can I invite you to lunch then?”, Mia asked with a charming smile playing on her lips. “As a thank you.”
Rafael’s face softened. Who could reject such a sweet invitation?
Later, they met up with Sonny at Rafael’s place. Sonny was going to bring Mia back to Teresa’s house in Staten Island.
Sonny beamed at Rafael, clearly trying to hold back his enthusiasm about Rafael’s effort to help his niece. “Did you guys had a nice time?”, Sonny asked all too nonchalantly.
“Yes”, Rafael and Mia answered at the same time. Out of the corner of his eyes, Rafael observed Mia rolling her eyes to Sonny. It amused him.
Mia turned to him, softly lifted a hand to wave good bye: “Thank you, Uncle Rafa.”
Sonny set his jaw in order to bite back a huge smile, knowing that it would put Rafael off. Sonny’s usual goodbye kiss on the cheek landed and lingered on Rafael’s lips. “Thank you”, he mouthed and followed Mia outside.
Rafael felt dumbstruck. He had no siblings. Most of his cousins lived far away in Cuba or Florida. He had never thought about himself as an uncle. But found himself happy to be called such by such a bright girl like Mia.
With that came the realization that loving someone seemed to make him a better man.
This scene could take place somewhere after this fic of mine.
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zhenyakatava · 6 years
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[last goodbye]
hello and welcome to the Most Extra Request Ever™. welcome. pls strap in! this request is for a cohort of people that (mostly) graduated from magnolia high in the class of 2011, and who are all interconnected through recently-deceased sam friar. as it often goes in small towns, kids who spent their whole lives being around each other tend to part ways at graduation and never see each other again. in this group’s case, they have no choice but to come back together for better or worse, and it’s done a great job at pointing out any cracks that still remain from years ago.
if you want to look at the chart above, pink = romantic / green = friendly / red = antagonistic / purple = familial. each character has a p...retty extensive blurb with lots of connections so we can try and ensure connections and interaction, but i think it’s rly important that everyone knows that these were relationships in high school (for the most part) and definitely don’t have to represent current relationships unless specified (like people who dated in high school don’t have to be dating now, people could have gone away even if it doesn’t specify, etc etc). also!! there will obviously be more connections made, i just could only put so much into graphic and writing before it got to be Too Much!
if you’re interested in a spot pls reply to this or message me or send me a lil msg on discord (morg#3278). xoxo bless
G1 - loren friar, 23, kat mcnamara (played by morgan)
G2 - graziella zavala, rafa constentino (played by betty)
G3 - heidi hope, 24, danielle campbell (played by maddie)
G4 - teddy townsend, 24, zoey deutch (played by suki)
B1 - noah foster, 24, quenten a (played by nicole)
B2 - first last, age, charlie rowe (played by liv)
B3 - micah friar, 24, carter jenkins (played by nick)
B4 - first last, age, face (played by emily)
samson friar (deceased): brilliant but lazy
sam grew up as the kid who acted out, who threw fits in class and got into fights on the playground. not many people really knew how hard sam had it, with strict evangelical parents who took all their frustrations out on him. at the end of the day, after using most of his time and energy being the protective big brother for twin boy 3 and little sister girl 1, he didn’t have much left for school. even though he’d always been smart, brimming with potential, he fought forces both external and internal - including only later-diagnosed borderline personality disorder - on his short-lived path to success. as he got older, the bad boy persona he’d acquired by acting out stuck hard and he rolled with it. he had his siblings and best friends since childhood, boy 4 and girl 3, to fall back on. their ragtag bunch got a pretty gnarly name for themselves, skipping class to smoke and throwing parties in abandoned houses. no one ever expected sam to start dating girl 4, universally known to be an uptight prude bitch. something clicked between them, and even though girl 3’s longstanding crush stood in the way of their relationship, it flourished regardless. for a while, she influenced him for the better. he shaped up, got his grades up, even made plans for college. that phase of their relationship was clearly a manic one, since those dreams died quickly. the romance was intensely passionate but also toxic, and despite the animosity she held for him for convincing her to stay local for school to be together and the personal struggles he faced, they refused to break up. in fact, they even decided to get married. about six months before his death, on the heels of the discovery that girl 4 had fallen pregnant, they got engaged. despite the romantic gesture, it couldn’t save their relationship or stop fate from intervening. when girl 4 miscarried, sam went off the rails. a minor drug habit that was once recreational became much more, and not long ago he ended up overdosing, leaving the carnage of family, friends, and lovers behind.
girl 1 (22-24): baby bookworm
sam and boy 3’s little sister, girl 1 was always tagging along with them. she never really fit in with people her age, never really fit in with people her brothers’ ages, so she was often left feeling isolated from everyone. this meant she often retreated into herself, not pursuing academics because of passion but instead because it was all she really had, one constant she could point to that would always be there. she hadn’t realized that perhaps some of the turmoil she felt came from her repressed sexuality until one night, after a party her brothers had begrudgingly let her go to, girl 2 kissed her. she’d never felt a crush like that before and never thought it would be with another girl. when boy 1 moved to magnolia, the two outcasts got along very quickly, becoming best friends and hanging out every single day. understandably, girl 1 was crushed when she found out that girl 2 had taken a liking to him and, apparently, the feelings were reciprocated. caught between her friendship and the protection of an almost-relationship she couldn’t even admit to, she decided to cut off the friendship with boy 1. just before her brother’s death, she finally gave in to boy 4, her brother’s best friend’s long-standing crush, and it’s not that she doesn’t like him, or that she doesn’t like boys, but that she still sees girl 2 at the grocery store and wonders whether it meant as much to girl 2 as it did to her. there’s also the strange fact that, when she looks at boy 4, she gets subtle reminders of her brother that make his loss easier, and isn’t it close enough to love that they’ve gotten each other through this?
girl 2 (24-25): prom queen
never the smartest in the bunch, girl 2 had to rely on street smarts, common sense and good looks to get along. clever in her own way, she was always particularly attuned to people - how to make them tick, how to get what she wanted, how to make connections like no other. maybe that’s why she was always flitting from guy to guy - though girl 1 would certainly say otherwise. she went from one bad relationship to another in high school, trying to find something in a guy that she couldn’t find on her own. after an ugly breakup with her long-term boyfriend, boy 2, that ended in absolute chaos, she was surprised to find herself interested in the unassuming new boy, boy 1. her friends, including part-time friend and part-time enemy girl 4, were surprised that she’d go for a nice guy - but she knew she needed a change of pace. getting girl 1 to leave her alone in the process was just an added perk - i mean, she was never gay or anything, just curious, and was that so wrong?
suggested faces: nicola peltz, cierra ramirez, camila mendes, madelaine petsch, taylor hill, halston sage, sofia carson, natalie alen lind, virginia gardner
girl 3 (24-25): bad genes
girl 3 was hardly given a fighting chance by the Powers That Be. her drug-addicted parents abandoned her early, leaving her with her not-much-better relatives, a revolving door of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and the like. it was no wonder she started hanging out with fellow garbage kids, boy 4 and sam. it was a surprise to her, though, that she found herself head over heels in love with sam. the feeling was never returned, really, outside of a few awkward kisses or fondling when he was off with girl 4. everyone was always asking why she didn’t just date boy 3, but the girl was perpetually oblivious to his advances because she was always focused intently on sam. at least she thought she was - but his death proved otherwise. she had actually thought things were looking up, and had been given renewed hope for her repressed love after they slept together one night. when he overdosed despite everything she’d done and everything she felt, girl 3 blamed herself more than anyone. the only thing keeping her from going off the rails (just like her one-time true love) is boy 3, and she’s starting to see what everyone was always talking about when they insisted she choose him instead.
girl 4 (24-25): academic alpha bitch
how do you not crack under the pressure when the weight of the world is on your shoulders? girl 4 was always so good at that, not without the help of anti-anxiety meds and meticulous journaling, always keeping up appearances to be the good, smart, promising girl everyone expected her to be. sam was her break from that, something that shocked absolutely everyone. she was too good, too smart, and had too much potential to be with someone like that. really, though, he was the only thing that made her feel anything but anxiety or anger. she made enemies everywhere she went, seeing everyone as a competitor, from her so-called best friend girl 2 to sam’s best friend girl 3 to her class president opponent, boy 2. sam was always her ally, no matter what, even if they fought. everyone blamed it on him, but she made mistakes too - namely, sleeping with boy 2 after a particularly bad fight. in truth, she wasn’t even sure whose baby it was, but either way she was relieved in a way when she miscarried. sam… not so much. she watched his downward spiral but didn’t have the tools to stop it as he froze her out and distanced himself further and further away from her - and, as she saw it, toward girl 3. girl 4 was the one to find him, and it’s a memory she could never forget, something that makes her regret the relief she felt not to be inextricably linked to him. grief-stricken as she is, how can she not see this as a fresh start?
suggested faces: willa fitzgerald, haley lu richardson, naomi scott, jessica sula, saoirse ronan, olivia cooke, zoey deutch, alycia debnam carey, camila mendes, halston sage, daisy ridley, logan browning
boy 1 (23-24): foreign exchange student
texas was nothing like where boy 1 came from. when he transferred to magnolia high, he didn’t know up from down or this from that. he was helpless - and girl 1 helped him. he developed a crush on her quickly, warming to her southern drawl and the way she talked when she got excited about something she was telling him about. at the same time, he started getting closer and closer to his mentor, the girl who was assigned to help him get acclimated to his new home and his new school: girl 2. it was strange to him that, when he became friends with girl 2, girl 1 stopped sitting next to him in economics, stopped eating with him at lunch, stopped answering his texts or calls. he didn’t see the correlation until later, when girl 2 made tasteless a joke about girl 1 being a lesbian. he had to adapt, either sink or swim in the high school environment he found himself in, and being with girl 2 meant swimming - and anyway, girl 1 clearly wasn’t interested anyway. 
suggested faces: timothee chalamet, tom holland, john boyega, noah centineo, xavier serrano, avan jogia, keiynan lonsdale, nick robinson, tye sheridan
boy 2 (24-25): big man on campus
boy 2 had everything he needed to succeed in life. his family had money in oil, he was exceedingly smart, he was good at sports and great with the ladies. he had everything going for him - well, almost everything. the only thing standing between him and success was a little temper that found him getting into fights on the football field or getting into screaming matches with his ex-girlfriend girl 2 in the middle of the hallway at school. he just needed something to channel all that energy into, so he signed up to run for class president, a good old fashioned competition that he could put some positive energy into. he never expected it to be such a tough battle, and much less expected to get into it with girl 4. perpetual rivals in school, their rivalry came to a head during the presidential election. she won, but he developed a fascination with her and a hatred for her garbage boyfriend, sam. he went off for college, but she never really left his mind. he came back recently after losing his job (he says he resigned, but that’s twisted the whole truth a little) and met girl 4 in a bar, and he thought their getting together would be a good thing for them - he could give her everything sam couldn’t, everything she needed and deserved. turns out he was just a distraction, and he told himself he’d draw a line. the line has been drawn even further since sam’s death, since boy 2 definitely doesn’t want to get involved with a dead guy’s fiancee. still, he can’t help but wish she’d reach out…
suggested faces: keith powers, dacre montgomery, ansel elgort, jacob elordi, matt noszka, carter jenkins, thomas doherty, gregg sulkin, logan shroyer
boy 3 (24-25): the unassuming one
boy 3 always felt positively boring, not good or bad but somewhere plainly in the middle. his twin brother sam was always getting the attention - mostly negative, but boy 3 quickly became a firm believer in life that all attention is good attention. he was always grateful for the protection he got, for himself and for little sister girl 1, but at the same time was resentful of his brother for his notoriety. they shared everything, like best friend boy 4, and everything else went automatically to sam. sam never respected what he wanted to do or who he wanted to see, including girl 3. sam always knew that he liked her, and yet sam used her crush on him to his advantage at any possible time. as close as they always had been, the resentment was too much for boy 3 to handle and, when he got the chance, he decided to go off and backpack across europe to find himself before going to college across the country. he’s back now for the funeral, and while he know better who he is now, he can’t help but hate himself a little for driving a wedge between himself and his other half. he’s falling into old habits now, trying to reconnect with the person he used to be in any way he can - like how he’s fallen back in with girl 3. now, he can’t tell whether this is growth, or if he’s just regressing back to his lesser self.
suggested faces: logan lerman, joe keery, nat wolff, cole sprouse, carter jenkins
boy 4 (24-25): class clown
no one ever took boy 4 seriously. he was always sort of dumb, this caricature of a class clown that had nothing else to offer. after a while, he sort of saw himself as that, too. he moved in a pack with boy 3 and sam, cracking jokes whenever he could and coasting along until high school would finally end. he spent so much of his young life hanging out with the twins that he became well acquainted with girl 1, their little sister. the boys had their own things, girlfriends and schoolwork and everything, and as they got older and boy 4 found himself devoid of any real passion, he spent a lot of idle time with her, learning from her and maybe, secretly, falling in love with her. he always knew how protective sam was of her, though, and as fiercely loyal as he was, he would never sacrifice their friendship for anyone - not even someone as amazing as her. sam dying was the worst pain he’s ever felt in his life, and if being around girl 1 is mutually beneficial, wouldn’t sam be okay with that? he has to tell himself yes, otherwise the guilt would overtake him and he can’t deal with that on top of everything. 
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astarkey · 4 years
It’s kinda long, so I’m gonna have it under the cut lol.
Top 5 favorite characters: Piper Halliwell, Prue Halliwell, Phoebe Halliwell, Paige Matthews, Andy Trudeau Other characters you like: Darryl Morris, Leo Wyatt, Cole Turner, Barbas Least favorite characters: Billie Jenkins, (Adult) Chris Halliwell Otps: Prue/Andy, Piper/Leo, Phoebe/Cole, Prue/Bane Notps: Prue/Jack, Phoebe/Coop Favorite friendships: The Halliwells and Darryl Favorite family: The Halliwell sisters (Paige included) Favorite episodes: “Murphy’s Luck,” “Ex Libris,” “A Witch’s Tail,” “The Day the Magic Died,” and “Oh My Goddess.” Favorite season/book/movie: Season 2 Favorite quotes: “I know it’s not very P.C. but I want romance. Long, slow kisses, late night talks, candlelight. I love love.,” “It’s the 21st century. It’s the woman’s job to save the day.,” “I don’t obsess. I think, intensely.,” “I think from now on I’m gonna stop trying to control every little moment. The best ones kinda sneak up on you, anyway.” Best musical moment: All the musical guest at the club, P3. Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: I think when I saw Bane make a re-appearence when he kidnapped Prue 😂 I don’t think I fangirl'd too hard, I was calm and surprised about it haha. When it really disappointed you: When they added Billie. I don’t know, I didn’t really like much of season 8 ‘cause I felt like they were making the focus on her and didn’t know what to do with the rest of the main characters. I hardly watched that season anyway, it just felt dragged out and confusing. Saddest moment: When Phoebe vanquished Cole Most well done character death: I don’t know, I guess Andy’s. Favorite guest star: John Cho Favorite cast member: Holly Marie Combs Character you wish was still alive: Prue Halliwell AND Andy Trudeau. One thing you hope really happens: I don’t know. It would’ve been nice to see the next generation of Halliwells kicking demon ass lol. Most shocking twist: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ When did you start watching/reading?: Probably around the time that s4 aired. I always saw glimpses of episodes on TNT when my mom used to do my hair before taking me to school, and I just decided to sit and watch it with her when they were showing new episodes on WB (CW). Best animal/creature: I think the Grimlocks. They kinda scared me when I was a kid lol. Favorite location: The Halliwell house Trope you wish they would stop using: I don’t know... I don’t know if it’s necessarily a trope, but I kinda noticed how they would make the big sisters seem a little bossy. Like Prue was the big sister and she was bossy, and then when she died and Piper ended up being the big sister, she became bossy later on, too. It’s like they have to have one of the sisters being the boss in the trio and it’s like why??? lol.  One thing this show/book/film does better than others: It’s three sisters that are witches and kicking demon ass. How cool is that lol  Funniest moments: Piper on the ground kicking and screaming in that episode “Is There a Woogy in the House,” and Piper calling some dude skid mark lol. Couple you would like to see: I don’t know. Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: I’m not sure. Favorite outfit: Phoebe’s outfit here [Link] It’s always been my favorite. Favorite item: The Book of Shadows Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: No What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I don’t know. Most boring plotline: I don’t know, I kinda stopped investing in the show when they did the whole Wyatt going to magic school like going to Hogwarts, and the warlock running the school wanted to steal Wyatt and make him evil so he could be evil!Wyatt in the future. It was like around that season and when Oded Fehr played that demon (I forgot his name, but I know it starts with a “Z”) and when Billie showed up, it just got boring later on. Most laughably bad moment: Piper’s Halloween costume as Gilda the witch from The Wizard of Oz. Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Idk, I can’t remember. There were so many 😂 Most layered character: Piper Halliwell Most one dimensional character: Uh... I don’t know. I wanna say (Adult) Chris Halliwell lmao. Scariest moment: I think a reporter was in the sewers trying to report on the Charmed Ones, but then a Grimlock popped up in front of the camera and attacked the reporter. Grossest moment: I don’t remember. Best looking male: Bane Jessup (let’s be honest here, people, lol) Best looking female: All of the sisters are good looking, lol. But I’ll say Phoebe Halliwell. Who you’re crushing on (if any): Nobody lol. Favorite cast moment: I don’t know. Favorite transportation: Orbing Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): The dream sequences in the “Dream Sorcerer” episode. Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I know the reason (the Shannen and Alyssa beef while filming), but it’s weird that Prue’s spirit never shows up whenever the family’s spirits are called upon, like Grams’ and Penny’s spirit. Even in the last episode of the show, Prue never showed up, and even the characters questioned that! 😂 Best promo: I have no idea. At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I don’t know, it kinda grew on me lol. I liked the idea of witches fighting evil, and the show gave off this warm nostalgic feeling (kinda like Practical Magic), and I think that’s what drew me to the show, as well.
From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series
Top 5 favorite characters: Seth Gecko, Kate Fuller, Richie Gecko, Kisa, and Eddie Cruickshank.  Other characters you like: Freddie Gonzalez, Scott Fuller, Ximena Vasconcelos, Jacob Fuller, Burt, Kalinda, Dakota Block, Rafa Infante, Vanessa Styles, Celestino Oculto 😎, and Kalinda Least favorite characters: Aiden Tanner, Carlos Madrigal, Sonja Lam Otps: Seth/Kate, Richie/Kate Notps: Scott/Kate, Seth/Richie, Kate/Carlos, and shipping anybody with Aiden lol. Favorite friendships: Seth and Kisa, Seth and Kalinda (even though it was extremely short, their interaction was just so nice to see), Kate and Rafa, and Richie and Kisa (I wanna say they’re otp, but I also like the mutual relationship they have) Favorite family: The Fuller family including the Gecko brothers... and Uncle Eddie 😂 Favorite episodes: “Let’s Get Ramblin’,”Santa Sangre,” “Shady Glen,” and “Dark Side of the Sun.” Favorite season/book/movie: Season 2 Favorite quotes: “And every spidey since I got is tingling in every nook and cranny from eyeballs to balls-balls.,” “’Got your balls on?’ ‘Screwed on tight.,’” “’Are you here for redemption? In whose eyes? Your God’s?’ No. In the eyes of the people I love.,’“ “My family might survive if we stick together because we’re better together. When we’re alone, we’re lost.,” “Now like it or not, we are a family. A broken, messed up, sad excuse for a family. But goddamn it, we got love for each other, don’t we? Love and forgiveness. That’s how you get through the day, right?,” “Next one that pipes up gets a stake through the heart. Reptile, regular jackass, I don’t really give a shit. Got it? Fantastic.,” “You, be cool.” Best musical moment: Uh... Every musical moment was pretty mediocre, so I guess Fanglorious on stage was pretty great (those are the only 2 musical moments I know). Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: Los Tres Geckos robbing a bank at the end of s3 lol. When it really disappointed you: How the creators just decided to change Sex Machine’s character from the movie into this total perv/predator in the show, like wtf. Movie version Sex Machine was my fav. AND THEY KEPT BRINGING HIM BACK EACH SEASON WHEN NO ONE WANTED HIM BACK, LIKE MAJORITY OF US COLLECTIVELY WANTED HIM TO STAY DEAD! Saddest moment: In the “Straightjacket” episode when Seth was tied up and trying to talk to Richie to get his normal self to come back while his shadow-self took over. They really got me with that one. Most well done character death: Carlos getting butchered by the main characters, leaving Scott to finish him off by decapitating his head. That was some pretty poetic shit right there lol. Favorite guest star: Tom Savini Favorite cast member: D.J. Cotrona Character you wish was still alive: Pretty much majority of the ones that have died 😂 I’ll just say everyone except Malvado, Carlos, and Aiden Tanner. One thing you hope really happens: Dude, I just wanna see Seth and Kate kiss, that’s all man 😆 Most shocking twist: I mean I wasn’t expecting Kate to show up with the brothers robbing a bank, so that was a shock lol. When did you start watching/reading?: Pfff, pretty much five years ago, now, in March! Lol.  Best animal/creature: Culebras Favorite location: I’d say the run-down motel in the beginning of s2 😂 Also Uncle Eddie’s shop. Trope you wish they would stop using: Idk... Idk if it’s a trope, but it kinda sucks seeing innocent girls getting treated like shit and killed, and then they come back from the dead and like some part of them is stripped away like they’re not as they used to be, and they’re out for blood. I don’t know... One thing this show/book/film does better than others: As cheesy as this show is, it has Robert Rodriguez all over it, which kept me hooked. It also incorporates Mesoamerican mythology and folklore, which I’m a huge sucker for, AND VAMPIRES!!!!! Funniest moments: Richie sliding out when Seth told him to shut up at the liquor store, Carlos pretending to hand something to Malvado when he’s handing him nothing and saying he’s all out of fucks to give, Seth shooting a gun in the garage with a straight face, and Seth protecting his crotch before he attempts to shoot a gas tank. Couple you would like to see: Idk, I guess Seth/Kate??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Salma Hayek (I still wanna know why she wasn’t on the show. She would’ve been amazing as one of the nine lords) Favorite outfit: [Here], [here], and [HERE] Favorite item: Kate’s cross? Idk. Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: Yep! A shirt of a fanart of the Gecko bros., a sethkate cup, and a fanart sethkate iTouch case. What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I don’t know. Probably a culebra lol. Most boring plotline: None of them were really boring.  Most laughably bad moment: Richie just staring off into space as he’s drawing circles in his book like right after Seth said that Richie wasn’t crazy lol. Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Kisa’s flashbacks. Most layered character: Idk, there’s a lot of characters that are equally layered. Most one dimensional character: I don’t think there’s any 😂 Scariest moment: The Head Games monster taking the skull out of his victims was pretty crazy. Grossest moment: When that dude peed on Freddie while he was tied up. I’d say that was disgusting. Best looking male: That’s a tie between Seth and Richie. Best looking female: Kisa Who you’re crushing on (if any): SETH GECKO Favorite cast moment: When they all went on a group chat, and reminisced on the show and shared pics when they were on set filming. Favorite transportation: The rv, even though that rv needs to be cleansed thoroughly. Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Kate swimming and floating in the pool (before the water turns red lol) Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: Like... there’s no way anyone could come out cold turkey that friggin’ quick within a couple hours. It usually would last within three days. Best promo: Season 3, I think. At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I think it was the scene when Kate had the conversation with Richie by the pool. I loved how the creators made the interaction less creepy compared to the movie, and I found it pleasing with all these changes they made from the movie for the show. There were a lot of things they changed that I found it appealing, AND THEY CHANGED SETH’S ANSWER AND WANTED KATE TO ACCOMPANY HIM, LIKE THAT’S WHAT I WANTED TO HAPPEN FOR 20 YEARS, AND IT HAPPENED! 😩🙌🏽 It’s like they gave me everything I wanted, but wasn’t expecting to happen lmao.
Geez, sorry this took so long lol! Thank you so much for asking me these!!!! 😁💗
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wiremagazine · 4 years
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By Rafa Carvajal Photos provided by Henrietta’s friends
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It is with great sadness that I write this In Memoriam about Henrietta Robinson, a beloved member of our LGBTQ community who lived in South Beach for over 60 years and passed away last week from COVID-19. I was in my office at Q Link Wireless when I heard the news about Henrietta’s passing, and I could not help but to start crying. Once I was able to compose myself, my thoughts shifted to that day I sat next to Henrietta for three hours at the "Cheers" bar downstairs at TWIST and listened attentively, over cocktails, to her wonderful and fascinating stories about her life and the history of South Beach. I will treasure those memories for the rest of my life.
As soon as she turned 18, Henrietta ran away from a very unstable family life in Boston and came to South Beach. Henrietta knew she was gay as a kid and was ostracized by her family and friends, but once she left, Henrietta never looked back. It actually took her family a full year to realize Henrietta was living in South Beach.
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What better way to honor Henrietta’s memory and celebrate her life than to let some people who knew her well tell us why she was such a special person – in their own words.
Rafa Carvajal: What is your fondest memory of Henrietta? Peter Morales: My fondest memory of Henrietta was meeting her in the early-mid ‘90s at the Warsaw Ballroom where she would usually stand on the second floor overlooking the people dancing on the dance floor and enjoying life. She would always say hello to me when I walked by, with a huge smile, and always was full of compliments, and had a positive outlook on life about everything and everyone. She was such a happy and content person. Nathan Smith: My fondest memory of Henrietta would have to be the times she spent at my bar every Saturday and Sunday night. She would always come early, always have the same seat, and she had a special cup. I bought her many throughout the years, but it was always so important to me that she had a different glass than everyone else. She deserved to feel special and honored. She was an icon and having her sit at my bar was an honor. David Johnson: One of my fondest memories of Henrietta is how she made her birthday a true celebration of life. It felt as though we were all part of her family there to share in the fabulous festivities! Every year, she made us all feel connected to her life by bringing us together. Mario Trejo: My fondest memory of Henrietta is from back in 2009. She and Don Chung came over to my house and cooked a special dinner for me and my then boyfriend at the time. She had been asking me to come over and cook for us, when it finally happened Henrietta was so excited and happy to do it. She made us a lobster and pasta dish that was out of this world. I felt honored that she wanted to come over and do that for us. The true essence of a giving heart is the joy they receive from giving and seeing the reaction and appreciation on that person’s face. That was her reward, her joy and her love.
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RC: What made Henrietta such a special person? Joel Stedman: Simply her being her. Henrietta was a constant in many of our lives in nightlife. We attended almost every White Party together, she never missed a TWIST anniversary and every year was a feature in our float presentation for Miami Beach Gay Pride. I enjoyed her immensely. Her smile, her laugh, what amazing stories she would tell. She was that one person you could always walk up to and had nothing but sweet things to say. It is the end of an era, losing both her and Richard within the same year. When it is safe for all of us to get together again, we will have a mad celebration in her honor. Somebody will have to bring the cookies. PM: Henrietta always glowed and shined wherever you saw her. She was a beam of light with a bright aura. Everyone always wanted to say hello to Henrietta, speak with her, and, of course, have their picture taken with her! NS: What made Henrietta so special is that she always lived her truth. Henrietta did what made her happy and gave no apologies for who she was. She was and always will be an example for us all to be our true authentic selves. DJ: Her unique style set her apart from all the rest! Henrietta always had a warm and loving smile to share with everyone. Her iconic personality lit up any room and made everyone feel happy and at ease. MT: Henrietta loved to give. She was a true giver and she did it better than anyone. She gave from her heart whether it was your favorite dish, favorite dessert, or a Christmas gift wrapped in an envelope. This woman prided herself not only on wearing the best Bob Mackie ensembles and finest diamond, gold and platinum jewelry (all custom made), but also in her giving – and I can’t stress that enough! I remember for Christmas she would give everyone $100 bill in an envelope, and she went to all the gay clubs in South Beach. She made it a point to go to TWIST, Palace, Score and Mova, and give everyone an envelope. You could see the joy on her face as she gave it to you. That was her reward, to see you get excited and happy made her happy. On that she was consistent until the very end. The last thing I remember her making for Nathan, myself, JD, Michael, and many others at TWIST before it closed from the coronavirus pandemic, was brownies (not the fun brownies lol). They were so delicious! We ate them with a fresh cup of coffee from Nathan’s coffee maker. She always cooked or baked weekly and had that, “I can’t wait to give it to them attitude.” She would walk up the stairs in bar 4 with her big Saks Fifth Avenue bag filled with all the dishes she was going to hand out that night, and she did that almost every Saturday without fail! She lived to give. It was who she was.
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RC: What else would you like to share with Wire Magazine readers about Henrietta? PM: Henrietta was always so thoughtful throughout our years of friendship, especially during the holiday seasons with her beyond amazing and delicious lasagnas, baked goods and pies. Several years ago she gifted me a 21-piece "Temp-tations" Ovenware Kitchen Bake Set for cooking and serving since she knew I loved to cook, and that I always cooked for my entire family during the holiday seasons. I cherish and love this cookset so much and think of her every time I use it.
I will miss seeing Henrietta and speaking with her, but I will never forget Henrietta, and especially how she made me feel every time we saw each other. NS: She loved you all. Nothing made Henrietta happier than when people would approach her for a picture, and she loved hearing your life stories and telling you hers. She loved helping anyone and everyone out, whether it was with a plate of her food, advice or guidance. She wanted the best for everyone. I know she would have wanted all of you to take away from her passing to be safe and stay at home until this virus is under control. Henrietta would also have wanted you to always love each other, but love yourself first and be yourself proudly. RIP Henrietta. I will always love you and your place at the bar will always be there. Sending everyone lots of love and good energy. Xoxo. DJ: Henrietta loved to check up on me. I must admit I will truly miss the call I received once a week when Henrietta called just to say hello. MT: Henrietta touched my heartstrings even deeper than her coming over to my place to cook, bringing us delicious desserts and dishes. It was when my 21-year-old nephew Andrew came from California to stay with me in 2010. He and Henrietta had this incredible instant connection/bond when they met at TWIST, and they would go out to different places like Palace, Score and, of course, TWIST. Andrew would go get Henrietta and take her to whatever bar she was in the mood for that day, and they would have fun. My nephew even convinced her to go to Wet Willie‘s, of all places, and that’s when Henrietta back in the day would drink her rum and Coke with lemon. Andrew always had a blast with her and he would say “OMG uncle Mario, Henrietta is too funny,” with her quick and amazing stories. As you all know, she had great stories to tell. So for all of her great qualities and attributes, her taking my nephew under her wing and vice versa, I will always love her mostly for that!
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I also want to share some excerpts from the Wire Magazine interview of Henrietta by Thomas Barker from June 2011, when Henrietta was celebrating her 50 year anniversary in South Beach. Visit wiremag.com to read the extended version of Henrietta’s In Memoriam and the full interview from 2011.
At age 19 Henrietta saw her first drag show. At age 22, she dressed up as a woman for the very first time (other than when she was 10 or 11 and dressed up in her sisters' clothes). She won Miss Florida in 1969 singing, not lip-synching, "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever." Then, after her favorite uncle died in the early '80s, she never wore men's clothes again! Her outfit became permanent.
"When my uncle passed away, that's when I said that's it," Henrietta recounted. "I started living that way from then on – it was permanent drag from then on! I was gay, of course, and wasn't ever interested in a sex change or anything." And nothing Henrietta wears when she dresses like a woman is fake. Her chinchilla outfit, lace or silk gowns, large-carat diamond rings, gold bracelets – they're all real, just as real as Henrietta.
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Thomas Barker: When and how did you arrive in Miami Beach, Henrietta? Henrietta Robinson: I came to Miami Beach in 1958. My uncle, my mother's brother, had a restaurant here. I was 18-years-old and never was on my own in my life until then. I lived a pretty sheltered life in Boston. My mother died when I was born. I was raised by my grandmother, my father's mother. I couldn't go out and play with other kids and was kept in the house all the time.
TB: How old were you back then? Did you realize you were gay at an early age? HR: Oh, I was 10 or 11-years-old. I knew I was gay since I loved playing with my sisters' dolls! I loved dressing up. When my sisters dressed me up, my grandmother would go through the roof! My sisters were a lot older, they were 18 and 20-years-old. I was the baby in the family.
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TB: Did you ever imagine the Beach would come full circle to where it is today? HR: I never thought in my time the gay community would be so free to be who they are and not be hassled by the police. In my day, if you walked down the street and if the police thought you were gay, they had the right to beat you up. They always said you looked at them the wrong way or you touched them. They had no hesitation in throwing you in jail. Now, I love it! Gay life has always flourished here – whether it was underground or above ground; or whether it was 23rd Street or 12th Street. Gays were everywhere and in every profession. Today, I feel so free and it's such a pleasure! A lot of these young gay kids don't know what somebody like me has gone through. And they don't have too many people to learn about the history since all the old-timers are gone.
This was originally published in Wire Magazine Digital Issue 2.2020
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micromanfever · 5 years
Leyendas del Deporte: LA Park
LA Park [Leyendas del deporte]
The thing is, I grew up in wrestling. I grew up watching wrestlers live their lives. It was something to see these people of wrestling. My family were made up of wrestling people. Gigante Blanco (White Giant), Juan Ibarra Banda. After a while he turned into and became a promoter for a local arena. Arena Deportivo 47. There was also a wrestler that came out of there, La Bestia, his brother. Him and the giant Ibarra were know together as Mundo Ibarra. Also coming out from that arena was Remo Banda. Known as the Northern Flash and now known as Volador.
He is my uncle. I grew up with them. All my life I grew up with them. They trained together at the arena. They trained and I would always watch them. I had to be 8 or 9 years old. That’s when I started to like it. Once a while some wrestlers would tell me to help them out with drills. Basically use me as a dummy or an extra body. I was like their sparring partner. Little by little I got into it. I was outside the arena helping my grandmother sell concessions when they would put on shows.
In reality, I never idolized a wrestler when I was a kid. At that time there were Santo movies going on and him versus the mummies, or the werewolf, or the zombies. And the movies would all be released at the movie theaters. So I was very young and I would tell my grandmother that I wanted to see El Santo. So she would take me, and she wouldn't go in with me. It was at a mall and she would stay outside. Sometimes there would be double showing and poor her. She would be outside all this time waiting.
We would get there at 10 in the morning and I wouldn't end up getting out until 4. My grandma would stay out there and not move. I would be in there catching all the Santo movies. I saw all of them.
By then I was into it. I watched it and would go to school and try to do wrestling on the kids there. Because when a child loves something they want to emulate it. I imagine that's how it is with kids in other sports too. I would go there and grab the other kids by the neck and put on holds. I ended up getting kicked out of many schools.
In Monclova, Coah (where he's from) I went to every school there. It was because I kept hurting other little kids. I always wanted to be playing wrestling with them. I was really rough. I would always want to be fighting. We would organize fights and you know how it is. Kids from one room would fight the other room. And I was always the one main eventing these fights. I believed that I was a wrestler and I wasn't even training.
That was a bad habit. So kids out there, make sure you practice your discipline in the appropriate area. If you do it out there because you think your hot shit, do not. You will only end up hurting the other kids. Or problems will come to you. And you will get kicked out of school just like me.
I remember my grandmother, who was very old, would beg me to not get into fights. My school was passing two hills from our home. And grandma would always complain about body aches from the commute. So I would promise her that I would not get into fights.
"I don't have the age to be going back and forth" "Yes mother."
It was as if somebody told me to do it again. I would get into even more trouble. This is how I was as a kid. Very abusive.
At 8 months, I lived with my grandparents. They raised me from that time on. I thought they were my birth parents. At 11, my mother showed up and I met her as my mother. I was in shock when this happened. I was convinced my grandparents were my parents. My mother showed up to claim me, and take me home with her. She did not take me. I was crying, kicking, screaming trying to stay.
It was difficult. Since I was a child, I would be working. At a young age I would be selling food at the bars. Beef Chicharones. On Sundays we would sell beef tacos. I would wake up at 4 AM to get my food ready to sell. At 6 AM, I would be out there catching all the people that worked third shift and sell them tacos.
On those days I would sell at the arena. All my life, I have worked. Since I was 8. At 14, that was when I got to take part in my first match. I covered for someone in a midgets match. There was one that couldn't make it. So I got to go on and they put a beating on me. I was not ready for what happened. So I met Herodes. I asked him for the chance to go to Arena Mexico. He said he would help me. With the money I had saved up, I was going to try to make it out there.
At 14, I was already living on my own. Having bought my own house with my own money. I had my own car. A  64' Dodge Coronet with the button shift. I had to sell all those things to go to Mexico City and make it there with the help of Herodes. So thats what I do. And I get there and I was not ready at all.
I did not have the proper preparation at a real gym like one is supposed to have. I would go to train there at some gyms and I was not good enough to be there. Some time passes and Herodes contacts me to let me know that I am too skinny and not trained properly enough to be there right now.
Since he was spending money on me for hospage and meals, he would tell me that it would be better for me to return to Monclova and train some more there.
So I meet Jerry Estrada. Who invites me to go live with him. I go with him and he puts me up at his place for 4 years. At this time I was getting more into football than wrestling. I was going out and playing football instead. There was an important team in the area where I wanted to try out for. And I got in.
The training for that team was an hour away. I would have to be paying for my trainig and transportation so I wasn't wrestling anymore. I was living on Jerry's money. He was paying for everything. There came a moment where Jerry tells me that he would stop funding me because I was not worthy of being a wrestler. I got cut off.
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I didn't want to go back home. I stopped the football thing and started focusing on wrestling. I left Jerry's to give live on the street. It was at the historic tourist spot Garivaldi where I lived homeless. I would be around and there were waiters there that would support me at this time. They would give my food from the place they working. I would get these leftover appetizers .
There at the benches is where I would be sleeping. I spent a long time there. It wasn't until I started training at Arena Mexico. I asked for a spot in the school. I trained with Rafa Salamanca. From there, I was getting bookings. I was booked for all the smaller arenas. Rafa Salamance showed me what it was to be a wrestler.
One of the promoters that helped me a lot was Capulina's body double. (A famous comedy actor in Mexico) He wrestled as Gory Medina. When he filmed that one movie where they were on the catwalk, he would fill in for him or any time they would do something physical, he would get in the scene.  Because he was big and strong, he could take it. He wrestled all over the place, Tampico, Salamanca, Celaya, Irapuato. He woul always be wrestling against Mil Mascaras or Huracan Ramirez.
He pulled me in and guided me. When I was Principe Island. He would tell me how he's noticed that I'm a real bad guy. That every time he booked me, someone would get hurt. I used to always grab a chair. It has been something that keep doing to this day. It's a bad habit. The chairs.
He would tell me that it would cost him more to heal the injured wrestler than what he would pay me. I would promise him constantly that I wouldn't hurt anyone. It was like this back and forth all the time but I kept doing it. So he passes away and I tie up to another promoter, Raul Reyes. He would book me in his circle of small arenas.
I would be wrestling the stars from Arena Mexico at the time. Like El Vampiro. All of them. I was to be the local promotion star that was going to give these guys war. So I get experience from there wrestling them and I eventually meet Antonio Pena at Arena Patlaco. He invites me to pertain to his group of wrestlers at Arena Mexico.
He still hadn't formed AAA. This was in November 1991. They fired him. I was going to be presented as La Parka there in the main event match. But since they fired him, all the plans fell threw.  I stopped believing in Antonio from that point on. It wasn't until he called me in May of 1992 where he asks if I had made the Parka suit.
"I didn't make shit. I think you are all talk" I said. "You told me you would get me into Arena Mexico and you didn't. You want a suit with the bones and there was already the Death Brothers out. So who is going to make me a suit of bones? Fucking stupid suit. I am not making shit."
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He told me to have it made and that I would start with him at Veracruz. So I had it made and I started with AAA. My life turned around completely. Its that Antonio Pena is man with great vision. He got together 200 wrestlers. He would always ask them what their interests were to get a feel for them.
For example Eric Casas. He was a big fan of rock group El Tri. He would sing at this bar and Eric told him that he was into heavy rock and liked to sing. So Pena told him to go get gear that was like a rockstar and that his name would be Heavy Metal. Another one was his cousin that wrestled as Espectro. His name got changed because he would always get into trouble and form problems with people. That's why he became El Picudo.
Another kid, the son of Bello Greco. He would always dance whenever anything would happen. So he got named Super Calo. They got the permission from the name from the orginal Calo. He would take from the person and form their gimmick from that. When I started with him, he wanted a clean slate to turn me into what he wanted.
He would ask what I liked. I told him that I was having this dream. He asked about what. I told him that I was running away from death. I was running and running untill I ran into the Arena 47. The arena my uncle owned. This death was very mobile and would move very sharply. I kept running until I trapped it in the arena. I closed the big metal door and when I did, Death was in front of me.
It was gold. I was so scared of it. I was questioning what I had done. At that moment I remembered my granddad told me to curse at a ghost if I ever encountered one. So I was there all asleep and started to scream all these curse words in my sleep. Next thing I felt a smack across my head. It was my mother.
Go get up now child is what she ordered. From that time I had already gone to Mexico City and come back to work for Raul Reyes. This is when I met Pena and we got together and he told me to make the suit with the death character.
"Of death?"
I did not like the idea. He drew it out and gave me details. I was like, yes, sure I can get that suit made no problem. I grab the sketch and take it with me. I stop at the bathroom. Crumple it up and throw it away. How the fuck was this going to work. So many death characters had come out. I was completely in doubt.
Oh and he said to have it ready for Friday's main event. Me, I had no money. Nothing. But there was one wrestler that I had started training with and he made masks and tights. I begged him for his help to make me a death suit. I would pay him for it once I wrestled. Since I was about to start with them I convinced him to make it for me. The first payday would go to pay for the suit.
He makes it for me. Tonio asked about it and I told him it was done. I had these white boots. So I covered them with tape and stenciled bones on them to spray them over with black. They looked like little bones. That one guy hooked it up with everything. Gloves, suit, mask. The mask was very simple. It was a round face with a triangle and teeth.
But they fired Antonio Pena. I was betrayed. But he called me and set me up for my debut in Veracruz. That's when I got to wear my gear for the first time. From that point forward things went really well for me.
I got that stuff from Flama Dorada. Bless that man. He stills sells masks.
My character was meant to be a scary gimmick. But when the children saw me, it was the exact opposite. The kids loved me. A producer got in Antonio's ear. If I was this well liked as a rudo. Then just imagine how it would be as a tecnico. So I got switched over. I objected. But he ordered me to switch and when I did, it was like a boom for me.
From there, I got invited to be part of this telenovela that Yuri was on. (famous pop star Yuri) "Volver a empezar" I got a bunch of media appearances from this. He began meeting these American celebrities once he started for WcW in 1996.
When I met Jean Claude Van Damme, we were in Dallas. He was filming a movie. It was a martial arts movie. "Universal Soldier" His son was a very big fan of mine. The son asked his father to come to the show and meet me. Once they were there, JCVD asked if I could take a picture with his son.
I took the picture because I was his idol. But when I saw JCVD, I was just like the son. In awe. I asked for a picture with him in return.
I had left AAA in 1996. People out there all reiterate the wrong facts about this. It was November 1996. I was out in the US for 6 years. When I returned there was another Parka. La Parka Jr.
To me, it didn't matter. I was very thankful to have gotten what he had given me. I didn't want to go back to wrestle for anyone. At the time Promo Azteca was around and they were backed by TV Azteca. Konnan and Ricardo Reyes were in charge. Son of Raul.
They would try to convince me to wrestle. I didn't want to. With what I was making from WCW was enough. Tonio had treated me greatly so I didn't want to offend him. One day though, I receive a cease and desist at home. Over the name from Antonio.
Promo Azteca were in my ear, telling me that they would support me in this and offer all the help I needed. I accepted to get their support. I counter sued and we went to court for 16 years over this matter. The first laywer sold out to them. I almost lost it with him. I managed to find out what he had done. The next one was only taking my money. Many lawyers later until I found a good one here in Monterrey.
I don't remember his name. He didn't sell his ass. We went into the next phase with evidence of copyright and right of author. The evidence was there. The AAA shows always advertised me by the La Parka name. There are photos of me with the mask ripped wide open. You could see my face. That was all the evidence they need to confirm it was me all those years ago.
The judge awarded me the name. But the case would continue because AAA appealed and we were going in for more court. I met with Dorian to negotiate a settlement. We agreed on a match between me and his parka. If he beat me, I would give him his name. If win, I would keep the name. So we agreed on the match.
We did it for his PPV. I won. A couple days after I won. I got a call from the commission where they failed to award me the win and give me the rights to my name. It was because the Perros del Mal ran in. But they ran in towards the end. I didn't care at that point. I let the fans determine the true winner.
That's why I decided to go on as LA Park. Not as La Parka. So me and Dorian Roldan make an agreement. For me to keep my new name. I wish I could be that name again because I see the way it is now and it's fallen a long way from where it was before. He can't even lift his arm anymore. He does clown comedy. I care about his health. I see him dragging my name like that and I don't like it. I wish I could get in the suit again to make it shine like it used to and give it back when I'm done.
Then let me hand it to someone new. I would do it. That name and suit gave me everything. I gave me happiness, a home, a family. If AAA let me be them again for a year, I would. I would leave forever if they let me do this. I respect the man who wears the suit.
I respected Pena a lot. I didn't believe all this bad intentions. I killed myself to make the name what it was. To come back to this. To be told what I did did not count was the biggest insult to me. I made it but there was a paper saying otherwise. I didn't know any of this. I didn't know about copyrights or brands. But now I learned. Little by little. It hurt a lot. I felt very betrayed. People talked a lot of shit.
At the start I idolized Pierroth Jr. and Sabu. When Sabu would come down, he would wipe the mat with all my friends. They were the first to do death matches here. I watched how he would make them bleed and suffer. Pierroth was really tough. He left my chest in blood. I would chop him back and it would hurt my hand more. How was I going to end this dude.
A long time later, I got put in a mask match with him. Something that I did not put together. Konnan and Damian 666 put the mask match together. I remember it was them who found me and brought this paper to me. They had gone to Mexico to relax in their down time and do some secret wrestling.
We were prohibited from working matches outside of WCW. Damian got to me with the paper.
"We did it! We got your match!" "What match fool?" "Didn't you want to unmask Pierroth?" "Me? Are you serious?" "Yes daddy, and don't you let us look bad."
They got the contracts written up. In July we were to go mask vs mask. Damian was trying to motivate me and all I could do was take it and be like...fuck it. The only problem was WCW not letting me go to wrestle on this date.
The deal for the mask match was made in March and set for July. I was really nervous and thought it was a joke. Not that they really set the deal up. But the day was coming closer and 2 weeks before I had a match with Goldberg. I knew I had to do something. I knew WCW were not going to let me go that easy.
So in the Goldberg match. Goldberg does the spear and I think, this is it. I start grabbing my leg and scream in pain.  They told me I was going to get checked out by doctors in Atlanta. We were in Orlando. I didn't have anything wrong.
I was in my room. Silver King was my roomate. I grabbed a bottle and wrapped it in a towel. I started smacking my knees. I knew nothing was wrong. So I was very worried about getting fired if I went to the doctors and they found nothing wrong. So that's what I did.
I got huge bruises from this. I was in a lot of pain. Hitting myself in the knees. One strike left a huge bump from the swelling. I think went too hard and started to panic. The next day I had a hematoma. The next day I went into the doctors.
The doctor said I had torn acl and mcl.
I was very surprised. Like for real doc?
"Yes that is what you have." "Are you sure? Cause look how I can move it."
He says that I should have surgery immediately. I convince him that he shouldn't because my wife was pregnant and she would have to take care of the baby on her own without my help. She needed my help and doctor finally gave in.
He told me to return in 3 weeks after the swelling had gone down.
I was so relieved.
In that time I went to Tijuana to wrestle against Pierroth. I unmask him. Everyone was against me. We had the court case going on over the name. Everyone picked me to lose. Dr Morales and Arturo Rivera called me a fraud. I was threatened to be kidnapped.
We had to go to all the patrolling authorities to get proper security measures in place. I got there a week before the show. Nothing ended up happening. Nobody thought I would win.
I beat Sabu for an Xtreme title. I beat Arandu, Pimpinela, Black Tiger, all his titles and hair matches he's won are listed.
I have won more hairs than masks. Black Tiger both. Mascara 2000 both. Bestia Salvaje, Mayflowers. All them. Very famous masks too.
If the people really want to hurt a wrestler. Than applaud them and that will make them find their true person. If they really are a rudo or a tecnico.  They applaud the rudo more. Tecnicos are not very well liked now. You have to be really great to be loved now.
I have a very big gripe against wrestling. My grandmother was someone that was out there every day fighting for what she had what she could give to us. She suffered. She was a seamstress. I promised to help her and take her out of that life. That gave me the courage to go out there and fight for what I wanted to make different. To go to Mexico City and make money to give her a better life....(begins to tear up)...but I couldn't. I was starving. Living in anyone's home. Fans would take me home. Anywhere I could stay. I couldn't give her anything. I would go to Tulancingo and work the first match for 1 peso.
I would make 2.50 pesos for a match in Neza. Gran Davis would transport us to there. He charged us 3 pesos for the fare. I made 2.50. He would give me the ride but I couldn't' send money home. Now that I made money, she is gone.
What good is it that I became this successful from wrestling? (cries) I can't help her anymore. I hate this about wrestling. I no longer have the one I love. From here on out, I stay thankful. I thank God for what he has given me.
I come from extreme poverty and worked very hard to make it to this point. I have family. I don't want them to suffer. I'm not a millionaire. They don't have everything. They go to government funded schooling. But they don't go around barefoot or wearing torn up rags.
I would wear sandals made from tires in the winter. I would get my foot traced and they made these sandals for me. In the cold. I don't want that for my kids. Wrestling has taken from me, but it has given to me too. I don't think they are lacking anything.
I have a gym. I am afraid of being poor again. What I make now, I save up and keep for my retirement.
(struggles to find words and tears up)
LA PARK then promotes his school He will support any student that is willing to drop any vice or addiction in order to train. He thinks anyone that can learn can be part of his school. He needs 1 and a half years to train someone to be ready to wrestle.
He recalls fans recriminating his work because he doesn't give the same deathmatch spectacle every time he goes out there.
If I didn't give them that match. It means I’m not worth anything.
La Park listens to the crowd to tell him what to do during his matches.
He doesn't like to hang out with wrestlers. He does not allow his family to talk wrestling at home.
It's incredibly difficult to have friends. When I was coming up as La Parka. The people who said they were my friends...Antonio Pena showed me a book with all these signatures. It was a petition to get me fired. It was signed by all my "friends".
They wanted me fired because I "took liberties" on another wrestler. I was only defending myself. If you come at me. I will defend myself. He gave me the book. I asked if I was fired. He said I was not because I made him money. The book was mine so that I could see who my friends were. All of them were my friends.
I was in denial when I got home looking over this book. People that I had helped were trying to get me fired. I pointed at the name in the book and asked my wife, "how could he? he came to my home and ate with us.." "this one too" "this one owes me money".
That is when I stopped hanging out with any wrestlers.
You will live happily alone without wrestling.
Doors will open. I would get pulled over and police would not ticket me due to wrestling.
My son would be happy after learning some moves. Wrestling can be amazing too. So I love it too.
Pierroth left a lot on me. We always talk. He loves me and I love him. He's in a wheelchair after suffering a brain paralysis. What he wants is to walk. And I will help him walk.
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Follow LA Park https://twitter.com/laparktapia
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barcaavengers · 8 years
He Knows Pt. 2 || Rafinha Imagine
Note: Sorry I took about a thousand years to post this but college is literally driving me crazy. BUT HERE IT IS! I feel it is kind of meh, buuuut I promise pt. 3 will be better! Feedback, thoughts and suggestions are heavily encouraged! Warnings: Mentions of blood? Neymar being Neymar. A couple of timeskips? Of course Rafinha found out about your pregnancy, he must have asked the doctor to run the same pregnancy tests on you using the blood he got from you, just like you also requested the doctor, and let him know the results. That would explain why he spoke to the doctor outside of the room.   The game had ended and you looked as the players greeted the rival team. “You should go talk to him, now.” Shakira said to you and you look at her, breaking from your small state of shock.   “I should wait-”   “He already knows, no point in hesitating. Go, go” she ushered you away and you smirk before you are making your way down to the tunnels, Shakira following right behind you.   You spotted Rafinha walking into the field but an interviewer stopped him, so you looked at him from above as he spoke to him.   “You had a great performance out there, but we also noticed that your celebration had a meaning and it shook everyone in the stadium. Can you explain in case that we had the wrong idea?” The interviewer asks and Rafa is chuckling, almost nervously with a mix of happiness. You found that extremely adorable.   “I think everyone got the right idea” he chuckles. “Y/N and I are expecting a baby. We just found out as recently as today. She didn’t know I knew, but now she does in case you wondered why she looked so shocked” he says and looks up at you. “Still is, I think” the camera turns to you and you blush as you laugh and shake your head. Rafa motions you to come down to his side and in a couple of seconds you were by his side. He reaches and kisses your cheek as he holds your hand.   “Congratulations on the baby news” the interviewer starts, “I guess I can say you have shocked everyone with the news. How are you feeling about everything? The crowd and everyone else is pretty excited” he says and smirks.   “Honestly, I didn’t expect everyone to find out so soon. I thought I would be the one to deliver the news to Rafa and I was certainly wrong.” You giggle.   “So, you both found out in different situations?”   “Well, the doctor sent me the results before the match started, so I was already planning on how to tell Rafa about the news, but then he pulled that stunt and, well, I guess I wasn’t the only one that got the results” you answer, smiling brightly as Rafa chuckled.   “Interesting way of finding out. Now you don’t have to think of making everything extra special, it already was because everyone found out” the interviewer said and you nod your head with a grin, so does your boyfriend. “Thank you for the interview, Y/N and Rafinha. Congratulations once again.”   “Thank you” you and Rafa say at the same time before he takes you through the tunnels.   “You know, you are too sneaky for my own sake” you tease and Rafa chuckles happily.   “I had to know if it was true. I was being suspicious already” he admits. “Gerard gave me a few hints to watch out for, and” he pauses, “The text message Shakira sent in all caps today didn’t help you” you arch an eye brow and he grins. “I saw your phone light up, I only moved to see who it was and the message was all in caps” he shrugs.   “That explains a lot” you smirk before stopping before the locker room, making him stop as well. “I know” you start, “this isn’t the best place to ask this…but, are you okay with this? I mean, we never-” he cuts you off.   “Shh. We will speak later about this, okay?” He kisses your lips with a smile and you feel like there was nothing to worry about.   As he is about to go into the locker room Lucho comes out and glares at both of you. Lucho has always cared for you in so many levels that you might have started to consider him like a second father. So you try your best to master a smile. Rafinha though, moves into the room quickly, leaving you with Luis. Thank you, Rafael.   “So, is it true?” Lucho asks and you feel yourself flinching inside.   “Yep…We both found out today” you explain, your heart beating slightly fast.   “Hm…” he hums before eyeing you. “You won’t drop from your studies?” He asks, but his tone was stating it wasn’t a question, but a slight order.   “Of course not. I’m almost done, I won’t just drop when I’m so close” you say and he nods his head, his face neutral, and you certainly didn’t know what to expect.   “Good…” he pauses before he smiles, “Congratulations” he says, making you grin and he opens his arms, making you go straight to hug him. “You can count with me for anything, okay?” He says and you feel him grin making you nod your head.   “Thank you, Luis” you start, “You have looked out for me ever since I showed up…”   “You are a good person, Y/N, its all over you. Everyone likes you and I see you as part of the family, not because you are with Rafael, but because you made yourself a spot in all of us” he says and you grin brightly, nodding your head as in thank you as your cheeks flushed. “I’ll see you at practice. Be safe” he pats your shoulder and walks away.   You lean against the wall in front of the locker room door as you wait for Rafa. Neymar being the first one to come out, earbuds around his ear before he spots you. “There she is, the one that will make me an uncle” he says as he ruffles your hair making you squirm.   “Ney” you whine playfully, running a hand through your hair to fix the mess. “You are the worst” you say with a giggle.   “Congrats, get ready to no sleep, no more quiet house, and having your hands full always” he teases.   “Shut up.”   “Comes from the one who has a kid, mark my words” he says, pointing at you. “It was about time he took a bigger step.”   “Do you think he wants this?”   “Of course he does. He was waiting for the right girl. I mean, if not, he wouldn’t have…” he trails off and moved his eye brows in that way that you knew he was talking about sex.   “Please, stop” you groan and both of you chuckle.   “Hey, I was going to say that he wouldn’t have made it public right away. Geez, that mind of yours…”     “Sure you were. I’m sorry, I don’t know what to expect from your insinuations” you roll your eyes teasingly.   “Only the best” he says and he even bats his eyelashes making you giggle and push him away.   “Congrats on the baby news, Y/N” Leo says as he approaches you, Suarez following behind.   “Hey” you say with a grin. You were a sucker for Leo, who wasn’t? And seeing him up close was a dream come true as well as him knowing of your existence. “Thanks.”   “Now Rafa won’t shut up talking about this. At least he made the dad’s team” Saurez says and him and Ney high five.   “I am like Neymar’s dad already, what are you talking about?” Rafa says as he comes out of the locker room, Marc following behind him.   “Congratulations, Y/N” he said, placing his hand on your shoulder before he kisses your cheek, winking at you.   “Thank you, Marc” you reply with a grin before he turns to walk away.   You got lost in whatever conversation Rafa was having with the trident, but you noticed they were joking around. Rafinha takes a spot on your side, an arm going aroumd your waist, pulling you close and kissing your temple lovingly. They continued to joke, Suarez and Neymar saying some of their experience with their kids while Messi listened and chuckled eventually.   “Want to go?” Rafa asks and you shrug. “I’ll see you later, guys” he waves off and you do so as well. You two walk out of the stadium and to the spot Rafa’s car was at. He opens the door for you, but you hear him dropping his bag before he spins you around and picks you up. “We are going to be parents!” He says happily and you laugh, arms going around his neck. He chuckles and peppers the side of your face with cute small kisses, earning a giggle from you.   “I’m happy you are excited” you admit once he settles you down.   “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?” He cups your face and gives your forehead a kiss.   “I don’t know, I didn’t know how you felt about kids, and we never talked or mentioned them…” You say and purse your lips, arms going around his waist.   “You never asked” he teased and you glare at him as he chuckles. “I would lie if I said it was in my short term plan, I wanted kids but didn’t expect it so soon” he admits and your head nods. “Honestly, I’d be more worried about you. I mean, you are almost done and everything, but I’m not sure if you have more plans…” he trails off and you smile.   You were well aware that you two were still at the parking lot of the Camp Nou where the players parked. “You don’t need to worry about me, I’ll be fine” you assured him. “My plans are still the same. They still include us” you say with a grin. He grinned back, placing his hand on your belly and kissed you happily, making you sigh into the kiss before you noticed a slight flash even when your eyes were closed. “Cameras” you say as you pull away.   “We should go” he says and you giggle before you get in the car, him following right after and left the parking lot.     Three months have gone by after Rafinha and you have found out you were pregnant. There were pictures of the two of you everywhere in the social media, and most of the time that you have gone out you get a photo taken by or with someone. You didn’t mind it. Rafa, on the other hand, got worried of you going around alone and people following you.   “Next time, wait for me to get from training and I’ll take you to the mall” he says from his spot on the bed besides you, his hand on your small bump.   “I’m fine, you don’t need to worry about it” you assure him as you place your hand on his cheek.   “I guess that I won’t make you stay away from the game tomorrow, right?”   “When have I missed one of your games?”   “That day you were at the doctor.”   “Okay, that one wasn’t my fault” you add with a smirk pointing at him which he tries to bite making you giggle.   “Fine” you finally get him to agree and you smile, leaning forward to kiss his lips which he returns. His hand slips under your shirt and remains on the bump. “I can’t wait to know, I hope its a boy” he admits before adding, “or a girl, but I already have one to protect and she is stubborn” he says and you glare at him playfully.   “I do most of the things you ask. Staying home all day isn’t a choice. You know I like walking around, and I like going to the mall” you say and pout.   “Alright. I won’t try to change your mind…For now” he adds and you roll your eyes before he leans in to kiss your lips again, pulling away and getting comfortable on the bed which you follow right after.   “I love you” he whispers after he reached to turn off the light on his side.   “I love you too, Rafa” you run your thumb over his hand and fall asleep in just a few minutes.     “You look beautiful, baby bumps suit you” Shakira says making you giggle. You haven’t seen her for a while since she has been recording music videos and such, you were glad to see your partner in crime again.   “Thank you, how are the kids doing?” You ask, stealing a glance at the field since the game started the second half and your boyfriend was on the field. You spot him easily running and tackling the rival team, so you turn back to Shakira as she spoke.   “They are doing great. Milan loves playing football at the school. I think Geri is encouraging him by showing him moves. Sasha is just getting into it. Soon I’ll have a small team apparently” she says with a laugh.   “I think we already do, Milan, Benjamin, Thiago, now Davi, we got part of it already” you say with a grin.   “True. I hope if he is a boy, he can catch up with them. We can have the whole team” she says and you laugh.   You turn your attention again to the game, spotting Rafa at the other end of the field. Then all of a sudden, he is falling and you see he is hit by Marc making you cringe. “That hurt me” you say. Then you notice it, your boyfriend not moving from the spot and Marc leaning down to check on him before he calls the paramedics. “Oh my God, Rafa” you say as you stand up. They move him out of the field with blood running down his face.   “I gotta go” you say quickly to Shakira before you start moving down the stairs. You took a few glances to his position, noticing he was being bandaged. Soon enough, in the next glance you take, he is being helped up and leading him around the field to take him to the tunnels you assume. You are quick to move down the stairs that led to them. As you did, you heard the fans scared about your boyfriend, mentions of too much blood were being made and you started to panic.   Once at the tunnels, you wait on a side, fingers fidgeting nervously in front of you and as soon as you see him walking down, you rush up to him. He didn’t look good, he looked dizzy, half way to being pale. “Rafa” before you can say anything else he speaks, taking your hand.   “I’m okay, you don’t need to worry about it.”   “Rafael you were bleeding, that’s not okay and it’s something I should definitely worry about” you say as you support him. You look at one of the staff members, and he knows instantly what you wanted to ask.   “We will take a better look at it. He lost blood so he is dizzy, but he will be okay” he assures you.   “Can I..?” You trail off and he nods his head as they reach the First Aid room, you helping your boyfriend along the way as well even if it wasn’t needed since they were supporting him, but you still did, as well as helping him onto the bed.   You take a seat a few feet away from him, giving space to the doctors to work but you watched their every move. They took out the bandage and one of them winced, “We will get some stitches up there, you seem to have a slightly broken nose, but its nothing too serious since you haven’t mentioned it” one of them says and your eyes widen.   “How bad is it?” You ask, standing from your current position.   “Its deep, but-” you move forward to look, Rafa with his eyes closed. As you see the cut, you gasp terrified.   “Love, they said it will be fine…”   “Rafael I can see through it, how can you say it will be fine!” Was it obvious you were worried sick?   “He will be okay in a few weeks, I promise. The stitches should do the work and place these on his nose so it gets back in place” another paramedic says and you frown at the bag he gave you with bandages.   “He won’t miss the rest of the season, right?”   “No, maybe a game or two, we will work around it” one of the paramedics assure you before they start getting ready to stitch the cut. You wince at the sight of it and look somewhere else since you aren’t very fond of needles     “You do realize I’m only injured on my face, right? I can do things. You should be resting” Rafinha says on the second day after his injury.   “They said you need to rest or else they wouldn’t have sent you off for a couple of days” you say as you bring him some of his tea.   “I can still move, princess” he says and pats at the spot by his side which you take. “Are you okay? Do you need anything?”   “We are okay” you say with a grin and lean against him, arms going around you.   “Good” he says and kisses the back of your head, palms resting on your bump after he paused his FIFA game. “I should be the one taking care of you two, not the way around.”   “You need rest, I don’t do anything I can’t handle, you know that. Plus, you always take care of us.”   “When has that ever stopped me?” That was true, so you stay silent. “When is your next appointment? They should tell us the gender now, right?”   “I guess. Its next Thursday” you say and he mutters something.   “I can go, it isn’t match day…I think.”   “And even if it were, you need to rest” you glare up at him.   “What a caring girlfriend I have” he says with a smile before leaning down to kiss your cheek.   Days later, Rafinha and Neymar decided to go to the mall to get some things and to hang out and they asked you to tag alone. You two walk towards Neymar who was waiting for the two of you at the entrance of the mall, leaning against a wall with his cap and glasses on. Your boyfriend only had his glasses and a cute beanie on and you decided to do the same on the glasses. They didn’t want to draw too much attention and if you stayed uncovered, people will put two and two together since you have become popular.   “You three look great” Ney says with a smirk.   You, not getting the hint, look behind you, making Rafa and Ney chuckle. That’s when it clicks.   “I hate you” you say with a smirk. Neymar comes over and places a hand on your bump before kissing your cheek.   “Do you know the gender already? I need to know to buy things.”   “We will know on Thursday. Trust us, we want to know too” your boyfriend answers making you smile. He sounds so excited. Every time he mentioned something related to the baby he’d grin. “Thiago has been insisting too, been calling for a few days now.”   “He called to check on you” you correct, “then spends some good minutes asking about the baby and how he is getting familiar with the whole idea” you say to Neymar.   “How has he been acting? He looked after you a lot before, don’t want to imagine now.”   “You realize that I’m right here, right?” Rafinha asks his friend.   “You know him. I walk on my own because he can’t, but he tries” you tease and your boyfriend scoffs.   “I want to get some new shirts for Davi and some for a party I’ll go later this week” Neymar says as you three walk in the mall.   “I need more beanies to cover my forehead” Rafa says making you all laugh softly.   “You still look attractive” you say, giving his hand a small squeeze.   “From hot to attractive, that was a big downgrade. I’m sorry, irmao” Ney teased and you can’t help but laugh. Rafa, on the other hand, flicked his finger against Neymar’s cheek.   “Ow. Stop being jealous of my hot face” Here they go again.   “I’m going to check some maternity shirts while you kids play” and with that you go into the store, but not before you saw them go into the store in front.   You didn’t imagine yourself buying these kind of clothing at this time, but it was happening and you couldn’t be happier. The store had a little bit of everything, so you see baby clothe in a corner and that’s where you go. You look at the onesies and the cute little shoes. There were two you decided to take, neutral colors, because they were absolutely cute.   “Those are adorable, I bought them for my kid” you hear a man say and you turn around.   “Thanks” you say with a smile.   “Shopping for a gift?”   “Actually I’m buying for myself, but thanks for indirectly saying I don’t look pregnant” you say with a small giggle.   “If you didn’t say it I wouldn’t have guessed. Not many expecting mothers have those looks and moods. They usually are moody and walk around in whatever they find” the man says and you smile.   “Well thank you for the compliment, again” you smile.   “I can show you the newest clothing we got, consider it a ‘sneak peek’ ” he says, that’s when you notice that he works in the store.   Your lips open to accept, but someone beats you to it. “Thank you, but we are in a rush right now” Rafael. You turn around quickly and find your boyfriend looking at the other. He had his glasses on, but it was obvious he was glaring at him. “Ready to go, love?”   “I…” You look at the guy who was frowning before he turned around. “I’ll just buy this…” You say, raising your hand to show the small shoes and clothing set. “Rafa…”   “Here, I’ll get that” he says, taking the items and going to pay at the cash register.   “Were you jealous?” You ask as you two walk out of the store.   “He was eyeing you ever since you got in the store” he says through his clenched teeth.   “Maybe because he recognized me?”   “If he did, he would’ve recognized me too and he wouldn’t have been so extra.”   “You are totally jealous.” You stop and he let’s out a huff before looking somewhere else. “Hey, you know I don’t want anyone else, Rafa. I mean, have you met yourself?” You say with a laugh and take a step closer.   “Every day, I can’t stop amazing myself” he jokes, giving in and you push him playfully as you laugh. He pulls you by your hips and kisses you softly, a smile curving his lips as well as yours.   “Finally noticed that she won’t leave you for a man who doesn’t have a broken nose and a deep cut on his face?”   “I’m going to kill him” Rafa says with a groan making you laugh after you pulled away.   “Kill him for me” you joke and Rafa turns around to look at Neymar whose hazel eyes widened.   “Oops?” He smiles, making it look like he regretted it, but his entire expression, and by knowing Neymar, you knew he wasn’t. That was when your boyfriend went after him making you laugh as you followed them at your own pace.   It was finally Thursday and Rafa and yourself were evidently anxious and excited to know the gender of the baby. You were lying down on the bed, shirt pulled up to reveal your bump. Rafa was sitting right besides you as the doctor worked around and rubbed the instrument along your belly.   “So?” Rafinha asks, being anxious already. He hasn’t stopped looking at the screen ever since it started to reveal your growing baby.   “Congratulations” the doctor pauses with a grin. “It’s a…”
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 12 August 2019
Quick Bits:
Absolute Carnage: Scream #1 begins a three-issue tie-in to the larger “Absolute Carnage” event, from Cullen Bunn, Gerardo Sandoval, Victor Nava, Erick Arciniega, and Cory Petit. It spotlights a trio of former symbiote hosts, including the titular Scream herself, who was dead. It’s interesting to see the length that Carnage’s influence can have as he tries to prepare the world for Knull.
| Published by Marvel
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Absolute Carnage: Separation Anxiety #1 is a one-shot dealing with the other four symbiotes that resulted from the same experiment as Scream from Clay McLeod Chapman, Brian Level, Jordan Boyd, and Travis Lanham. Regardless of whether or not you’re reading the broader event, or know anything about the symbiotes’ history, this is a damn good horror story. It focuses on a family going through the nightmares of a separation and what happens when another horror is brought in from outside. The artwork from Level and Boyd is perfect and terrifying.
| Published by Marvel
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Age of Conan: Valeria #1 begins the next Age of Conan mini-series focusing on the wider world of characters in Conan’s canon, from Meredith Finch, Aneke, Andy Troy, and Travis Lanham. This one expands on Valeria, from the Howard novella “Red Nails”, giving her a backstory and quest in finding her brother’s murderer.
| Published by Marvel
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Analog #7 somehow manages to up the level of intrigue further as seemingly everyone alive that knows Jack tries to kill him, while Sam and Oona try to get more information on Oppenheimer. Great action scenes with the usual amount of black humour here from Gerry Duggan, David O’Sullivan, Mike Spicer, and Joe Sabino.
| Published by Image
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Batman: Universe #2 continues reprinting the previously Walmart-exclusive story by Brian Michael Bendis, Nick Derington, Dave Stewart, and Josh Reed. It’s great. The humour is a wonderful touch amid a bevy of so many dark and grim Batman stories out there right now and the art from Derington and Stewart is amazing.
| Published by DC Comics
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Batman & The Outsiders #4 is mostly a tale of preparation as both sides gather themselves and get ready for confrontation. It’s somewhat disturbing as to how easily and quickly Sofia has fallen under Ra’s al Ghul’s influence. Great art from Dexter Soy and Veronica Gandini.
| Published by DC Comics
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Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice #2 continues this wonderful crossover from Jeff Lemire, Michael Walsh, and Nate Piekos. There’s something very compelling about a Bruce Wayne who can’t stop being Batman even in a world where there’s seemingly no crime and disturbingly hilarious when Gail flirts with Aquaman.
| Published by Dark Horse & DC Comics
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Captain Marvel #9 broadens the mystery in part two of “Falling Star” as Carol tries to track down Dr. Minerva and find out what’s going wrong with her powers. The conspiracy and secrets that Kelly Thompson is seeding into the story are wonderful.
| Published by Marvel
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Catwoman #14 begins “Hermosa Heat” from Ram V, Mirka Andolfo, Arif Prianto, and Saida Temofonte. It sets up a heist that pegs Catwoman as a number one target for assassination from a united group of crime families and it’s a great start. Nice use of a number of DC’s villains and gorgeous artwork from Andolfo and Prianto.
| Published by DC Comics
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Collapser #2 continues the brilliant madness from Mikey Way, Shaun Simon, Ilias Kyriazis, Cris Peter, and Simon Bowland. This issue tries to explain away Liam’s problems as schizophrenic hallucinations to disastrous results.
| Published by DC Comics / Young Animal
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Critical Role: Vox Machina - Origins Series II #2 continues the quest to rescue Grog as Pike joins the party. The artwork from Olivia Samson and Msassyk is gorgeous. Especially the undead action scenes. Jody Houser again captures a lot of the humour and fun of the voice actors’ characters here.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Detective Comics #1009 kicks off a pretty interesting predicament for Bruce in this airplane crash tale from Peter J. Tomasi, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero, and Rob Leigh. It’s good to see Deadshot again and you’ve got to wonder who he was targeting among these businessmen.
| Published by DC Comics
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Elephantmen 2261: The Pentalion Job #4 concludes this series in a rather interesting way. Definitely not what you’d expect. Wonderful art from Alex Medellin.
| Published by Comicraft
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Event Leviathan #3 spends its time telling us why the Red Hood isn’t Leviathan while expertly evading the assembled detectives. Interesting that he outsmarts Batman and Robin here, let alone the rest of them. You’d think that this rather measured, slow pace of unveiling the mystery and telling the story would possibly be frustrating or boring, but it’s not. It doesn’t feel like a point extended and belaboured in usual decompressed stories, but rather natural elimination of suspects and events. It also helps that Alex Maleev's art is phenomenal and there are some genuinely hilarious zingers from Brian Michael Bendis. 
| Published by DC Comics
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Fantastic Four #13 concludes the Hulk vs. Thing fight. The artwork from Sean Izaakse and Marcio Menyz is phenomenal. Beautiful layouts, incredible action, and stunning colour work.
| Published by Marvel
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The Flash #76 gives us part one of “The Death of the Speed Force” as it picks up on the previous threads of the new forces and attempts to start putting the family back together. Great art from Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, and Tomeu Morey.
| Published by DC Comics
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Ghosted in LA #2 is a bit of a weird one. The banter with the ghosts is wonderful, the art from Siobhan Keenan and Cathy Le is perfect, but how the story deals with a negging asshole is very odd. Especially as Daphne is then later castigated for bringing a guy back home, effectively breaking one of the terms of her staying at the house true, but he was prepared to rape her. It’s just...odd. Seems to be blaming the victim, framing them as her bad decisions in reacting to her ex seeing someone else, rather than anything else.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / BOOM! Box
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Gideon Falls #16 takes a huge step with Norton, as he arrives in the farm town reality of Gideon Falls, and is essentially identified as Clara’s missing brother, Danny. It’s a very emotional issue from Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, Dave Stewart, and Steve Wands, even as it gets even more disturbing.
| Published by Image
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Gwenpool Strikes Back #1 is the very entertaining, funny debut of this new mini from Leah Williams, David Baldeón, Jesus Aburtov, and Joe Caramagna. It’s basically memes and shitposts as Gwen tries to figure out how to get a superpower in order to stay relevant in the 616. It’s hilarious.
| Published by Marvel
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Hawkman #15 continues Carter’s problems with the Shadow Thief as he seeks help from the Shade. I love revisiting anything from James Robinson’s tenure on Starman, so it’s good to see Shade. The art from Pat Olliffe and Tom Palmer is a bit scratchier and looser than usual, but it fits the darker, shadowy aspect of the story.
| Published by DC Comics
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Invaders #8 continues “Dead in the Water” from Chip Zdarsky, Carlos Magno, Butch Guice, Alex Guimarães, Dono Sánchez-Almara, and Travis Lanham. This one explicitly lays out what’s wrong with Namor and it’s fairly tragic.
| Published by Marvel
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Justice League Odyssey #12 is the culmination of Darkseid’s plans from Dan Abnett, Will Conrad, Rain Beredo, and AndWorld Design. It’s bleak as it sets up Darkseid’s new Apokolis of Sepulkore, drastically changing some characters in the process. I don’t know how or if they’re going to get out of this.
| Published by DC Comics
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The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #6 is an interesting “now here’s what really happened” ending for this series from Joshua Dysart, CAFU, Doug Braithwaite, Andrew Dalhouse, Diego Rodriguez, and Dave Sharpe. It’s interesting to see how Harada survived and his mindscape confrontation with the kinds of creatures that currently possess Angela.
| Published by Valiant
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Loki #2 is even better than the first issue, building out a very interesting quandary as Loki tries to figure out who he is now beyond ruler of Jotunheim and “Thor’s brother”, as he contemplates a status as “god of nothing”. Daniel Kibblesmith, Oscar Bazaldua, David Curiel, and Clayton Cowles lead us on a rather humorous journey with a very interesting cliffhanger. 
| Published by Marvel
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Miles Morales: Spider-Man #9 may be the strongest issue to date, which is saying a bit since this series has been solid since day one, as Miles’ dad and uncle stage a plan to rescue him. Saladin Ahmed, Javier Garrón, David Curiel, and Cory Petit deliver an emotionally rewarding tale, with some very impressive layouts and action, particularly as the rescue kicks off.
| Published by Marvel
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Oblivion Song #18 continues the confrontation with the Faceless Men. It’s less than positive. It’s interesting how this has gone south faster than expected, developing the previously unseen rivals on Oblivion fairly quickly and in rather surprising ways. Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Annalisa Leoni, and Rus Wooton continue to regularly upend the status quo with each issue.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Once & Future #1 is a thoroughly excellent debut from Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire, blending offbeat characters, humour, and British folklore.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Outer Darkness #9 is another highly entertaining issue as the crew comes across a science station whose staff have been driven to murder one another. I’m still loving how John Layman, Afu Chan, and Pat Brosseau are playing with mixing different conventions of horror, sci-fi, and episodic storytelling to build this narrative.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Punisher Kill Krew #1 is another spin-off from War of the Realms, cleaning up loose ends from Malekith’s forces’ spree on Earth from Gerry Duggan, Juan Ferreyra, and Cory Petit. It’s bizarre and hilarious to see Frank Castle continuing on against monsters, but very entertaining. Also, Ferreyra’s art is gorgeous.
| Published by Marvel
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Punk Mambo #5 concludes this series with a confrontation between Punk Mambo and Azaire. The artwork from Adam Gorham and José Villarrubia is gorgeous, with very impressive attention to the different loa.
| Published by Valiant
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Reaver #2 expands upon the party, allowing them to bond a bit and develop the characters a bit more. Some things definitely don’t seem to be as they seem. More low magic fantasy fun from Justin Jordan, Rebekah Isaacs, Alex Guimarães, and Clayton Cowles.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Red Sonja #7 continues on from the shift in the Lord of Fools one-shot, with Bob Q providing line art, as Sonja tries to outthink and outmanoeuvre Dragan’s forces. It’s interesting to see the tactics involved here, especially as Dragan seems to be losing more and more sanity.
| Published by Dynamite
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Road of Bones #4 is the disturbing end to what has been a brutal horror story from Rich Douek, Alex Cormack, and Justin Birch. It definitely makes you think about how far someone will go for survival and possibly even what lies they tell themselves in order to carry on.
| Published by IDW
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Rumble #15 concludes the “Last Knight” arc in a very interesting way. Interesting bits about sacrifice and family, even as the void begins consuming all. Gorgeous artwork from David Rubín and Dave Stewart.
| Published by Image
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Second Coming #2 continues to be an interesting mix of dark humour and social commentary as Sunstar continues to go horribly, horribly awry in try to teach Jesus how to be a superhero. Mark Russell, Richard Pace, Leonard Kirk, Andy Troy, and Rob Steen are telling a very interesting story here.
| Published by Ahoy
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She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #5 brings this second story to an end as Luna finds out what actually happened to the pilot. It’s actually surprisingly normal given all of the oddity that has taken place in these series. Great work from Christopher Cantwell, Martín Morazzo, Miroslav Mrva, and Clem Robins.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Silver Surfer: Black #3 gets a little bit trippier as Silver Surfer tries to help Ego with a little infection problem. The art from Tradd Moore and Dave Stewart is gorgeous.
| Published by Marvel
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Sonata #3 reveals more of the planet’s secrets and the peoples’ various mythologies about it. It’s interesting to see two different groups of people lay claim to an individual place and incorporate it into their religion in a sci-fi/fantasy story. It’s somewhat similar to how divergent faiths lay claim to Jerusalem. Beautiful artwork from Brian Haberlin and Geirrod Van Dyke.
| Published by Image / Shadowline
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Usagi Yojimbo #3 concludes the first arc published by IDW, “Bunraku”, and it’s damn good. It’s taken me a bit to get used to the series in colour, though Tom Luth is doing a great job, but the story and art from Stan Sakai have remained fantastic regardless.
| Published by IDW
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The White Trees #1 is a very haunting, moody fantasy tale from Chip Zdarsky, Kris Anka, Matt Wilson, and Aditya Bidikar. The artwork is astoundingly beautiful as three parents, legends from a past war that seemingly fractured their friendship, search for their kidnapped children.
| Published by Image
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Wonder Woman #76 sees a fair amount of reunions as Themyscira and Earth are bridged again allowing for passage. Very nice art from Lee Garbett and Romulo Fajardo Jr. Also, one killer of an ending.
| Published by DC Comics
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Other Highlights: Amazing Spider-Man #27, Conan the Barbarian: Exodus #1, Doctor Strange #17, Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #11, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #10, Go Go Power Rangers #22, Gogor #4, Hit-Girl: Season 2 #7, House of Whispers #12, Infinity 8 #14, Immortal Hulk: Director’s Cut #1, Ironheart #9, James Bond: Origin #12, Joe Golem: Occult Detective - The Conjurors #4, Orphan Age #5, Powers of X #2, Sharkey: The Bounty Hunter #5, Silver Surfer: Prodigal Sun #1, Star Trek: Year Five #4, Star Wars: Target Vader #2, Star Wars Adventures Annual 2019, Sword Master #2, Symbiote Spider-Man #5, Titans: Burning Rage #1, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #47, Unearth #2, Unnatural #12, The Warning #10, Xena: Warrior Princess #5
Recommended Collections: Amazing Spider-Man: Hunted, Archie by Nick Spencer - Volume 1, Asgardians of the Galaxy - Volume 2: War of the Realms, Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark - Volume 1, Guardians of the Galaxy - Volume 1: The Final Gauntlet, Lightstep, Mr. & Mrs. X - Volume 2: Gambit and Rogue Forever, Ninja-K Deluxe Edition, Sideways - Volume 2: Rifts & Revelations, Sparrowhawk, TMNT: Urban Legends - Volume 2, Vampirella vs. Reanimator, War of the Realms, Xena - Volume 2: Mind Games
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d. emerson eddy might be a vampire hunter.
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thebarsondaily · 6 years
Love By Accident
for @unicornmagic
Title: Love by Accident Author: scintillateworld Rating: T Summary: After avoiding their feelings for months, and accident turns Barba’s and Olivia’s relationship onto a new page. A/N: This is a very simple fic, and even though it’s not super long, I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless. And a Merry Christmas to everyone!
‘’There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.’’
~ Sarah Dessen
Olivia whipped her head around at the sound of her former colleague’s voice, the Christmas atmosphere suddenly flooding her senses. Her gaze fell down at her son’s hand intertwined with Barba’s.
Her heart melted at the sight as she turned her attention back to Barba. ‘’Yeah sorry, you were saying…?’’
It had been Olivia’s idea to take Noah to the mall for some shopping before Santa’s arrival the following week. Much to her approval Noah had asked for ‘uncle Rafa’ to come along. Ever since his resignation from the DA’s office they had been spending weekends together and late nights drinks at Olivia’s apartment as her son slept peacefully down the hallway from them. All the while she and Barba continued avoiding the obvious feelings between them.
Now though the plan of spending several hours in the busy mall seemed like a horrible idea. Her mind was elsewhere, on their latest case going to trial to be particular and for some reason she couldn’t let this one go.
Barba connected his eyes with hers, a warm expression traceable along his features. ‘’Liv, where’s your head at?’’
She stopped in her tracks and turned to him. ‘’The trial. I wanted to be there for Helena, but I also want to be here with Noah. He just loves Christmas so much.”
He looked at the little boy who released his hand and closed in on the window of the toy store, his mouth opening in awe as he stared into the spacious room as if it was heaven itself.
‘’Momma, can we go inside?’’
Olivia glanced down at her son, smiling widely because the little boy was completely focused on everything inside. ‘’Of course, bud.’’
Barba gently grabbed onto her wrist, pulling her to his side slightly. ‘’Liv, you should go to the Courthouse and be with Helena. I can spent this time with Noah at the mall.’’
She felt incredibly conflicted, but couldn’t turn down the offer at the same time. ‘’Are you sure? You really don’t need to do this for me.’’ she assured. ‘’I can’t ask this from you, Barba.’’
‘’It’s not a problem. Right, Noah?’’ he said as he knelt down in front of him. ‘’Do you want to stay here with me while Mom goes to help someone?’’
‘’Yeah, Uncle Rafa.’’
Olivia whispered a thank you to Barba and gave her son a kiss on his forehead. ‘’I won’t be long. And I’ll be back soon, buddy.’’ she said to him. She then turned to the former ADA, and smiled shortly. ‘’Thanks so much for this. I’ll text you when the hearing is over.’’
‘’Take it easy, Liv. Noah and I will be fine.’’ he told her. ‘’Go.’’ he encouraged.
He watched her hesitate for another moment, but then finally she gave Noah one more kiss on his head before she turned around and made her way to the exit of the mall.
He gave Noah a soft pat on the shoulder. ‘’Let’s go and get some presents.’’
Several hours later, Barba and Noah were walking into Liv’s apartment with several bags of toys, and both of them wearing a Christmas hat. Noah had insisted on both of them wearing one, and after some convincing he’d caved in and bought them. They had been walking around with them ever since, but Barba quickly found himself not caring because of the time he was spending with the boy.
Just as he closed the door to the apartment his phone rang in his pocket. He set down the shopping bags and picked up his phone. ‘’Noah, want to watch some TV?’’
The boy nodded his head and raced over to the couch and made himself comfortable quickly. He picked up the remote and turned on to the kid’s channel.
‘I should be home in 30 minutes or so depending on traffic’ he read.
Not sure whether he’d be welcome to stay, Barba sent a confirmation text back. He then continued to the kitchen and opened a drawer with several menus of different take-out restaurants. He opted for Chinese and decided to place an order with all of their favorites to be delivered an hour later. He figured Olivia would appreciate the gesture after a rough few hours in court. He still knew her all too well. She was a hard-working mother of a young son, while also being a voice of justice for the victims. She often carried the weight of the world on her shoulders, and she didn’t share her troubles often.
Since he started his job as a professor at Colombia University, most of his free time was spent with Olivia and Noah. And he found that slowly their friendship was growing deeper than before with the boundaries of professionalism gone. He finally saw her smile more often and laughing at his jokes. She seemed more carefree during their time together. Despite it being a new normal, he was easily adjusting to their newfound relationship.
There was an ease in knowing someone was there for him. That he could go to Olivia to unwind and have a relaxing time, and the same counted for her. She had often expressed how much she missed him at work, but that him spending time with her small family made up for his missing presence at work.
Over the next half an hour, Barba went about cleaning up the apartment a bit and setting up the dining table for dinner. It was a few minutes later that a key turned in the lock of the apartment and revealed a tired looking Lieutenant.
He leaned against the table as Noah jumped from the couch and happily approached his mother, receiving a warm embrace from her.
Olivia held tightly onto her son until he started to pull back from her embrace. ‘’This Christmas hat looks good on you, Noah.’’ she smirked, looking at Barba at the same time. Seeing a serious man wearing such a thing made her chuckle and she was unable to hide the amusement spreading across her face. ‘’And you Mr. Serious, look at you. Don’t you look lovely.’’
He knew she was trying not burst out into laughter. ‘’Don’t you dare!’’ he warned. “This is a very serious piece of clothing.” he added.
The serious tone of his voice was all it took and she couldn’t hold it in any longer. Noah looking cluelessly between the two adults as he returned to the couch, didn’t help her case. She found herself finding comfort and happiness in Barba’s presence, the stress and horrors of her job being pushed back whenever he was around.
It wasn’t something new, she noted, but the comfortability between them had increased with the more time they spent together.
‘’You look adorable.’’ she said softly as she approached him. She stopped close to him, searching for any anger but there was none. Instead, she found pure bliss, something that she hadn’t seen him express very often.
When he had said he needed to ‘move on’ she had initially been terrified, and angry, and so many other things. But she also understood. Their jobs took something every day, the horrors finding its way into their own personal lives. So as the days passed she had come to terms with his decision, and vowed to keep in touch regularly, not knowing that would ultimately lead to them becoming even closer than before.
‘’Thanks.’’ he beamed. ‘’Noah insisted on starting the festivities early and I couldn’t resist. But of course we have on for you too.’’
He stalked over to the bags neatly stored in the corner of the apartment. He quickly found it and walked back to Olivia, holding the Christmas hat in his hands. He gently pushed a strand of hair back from her face and put the hat on her.
He took a step back, his heart swelling. ‘’Perfect.’’
A silence fell and the tension grew as the two adults stared at one another, not moving an inch. Barba’s gesture seemed to have brought up the feelings they both had been avoiding for several months now.
‘’So traffic wasn’t too bad.’’ Olivia blurted out to cut the tension and move into a different direction.
Barba simply nodded. ‘’Good. That’s good.’’ he murmured. ‘’How was court?
She took a small step back, noticing the disappointment in his tone of voice but she decided to let it go. ‘’Helena did great. She was able to testify without any problems. She’s an incredibly strong woman. It will take time, but she’ll move past this.’’ she said. ‘’Thanks for making me go, Rafa. I needed to do it.’’
‘’You don’t ever need to thank me, Liv.’’ he reminded her. ‘’I’m always here for you.’’
‘’And I for you.’’ she countered.
Before another silence fell between them, he pointed to the table. ‘’I ordered Chinese. It should be here soon.’’ he informed her.
‘’That’s great.’’
The night wore on quickly, and after Olivia put Noah to bed, Barba had risen from the couch and grabbed his coat.
He waited in the living room for her, his coat hanging loosely on his shoulders. Whatever tension had struck them, it didn’t seem to leave him alone. It made him wonder if they’d ever acknowledge the obvious or ignore it forever. Matter of fact was he didn’t how much longer he could ignore it. Whatever ‘it’ was. The feeling was something he’d never experienced before and it was something he desperately wanted to explore. But his cautious nature kept him from doing so, fearing that his friendship with Olivia would be lost.
Once Olivia returned to the living room, he felt an awkwardness settle within him. ‘’Thanks for today. I had a great time.’’ he said kindly. ‘’I’ll see you soon.’’
Before she could say a proper goodbye he had disappeared from her apartment. The sound of the door closing almost felt like a slap to her face. She shook her head, and tried to shake off the feeling as she settled down on the couch with a glass of wine, trying to process what had just transpired with her best friend.
The day before Christmas, Olivia was practically being dragged into the direction of Barba’s by apartment by Noah. They moved along the decorated hallway until they reached the correct door.
Noah patiently knocked on the door, and once it opened he flew into Barba’s arms for a welcome hug. It had been on Noah’s insistence that they spent time with him, and even though Olivia didn’t mind, their last time spent together had brought up some feelings she didn’t know how to deal with.
‘’Hi!’’ Barba said warmly as he stepped aside to let the family of two inside. ‘’It’s good to see you.’’
She instinctively placed her bag and coat on the chair in his spacious living room. ‘’You too.’’ she responded. ‘’This one is in a real Christmas spirit, and got me to bring these.’’ she said as she retrieved the Christmas hats from her bag.
He chuckled lowly. ‘’The kid has good taste. I am starting to think he takes after me.’’ he joked.
‘’It wouldn’t surprise me to be honest. He loves spending time with you, Rafa.’’ she told him. ‘’I think he sees you as more than just an uncle.’’
The sentiment took him off guard, but his attention was quickly diverted when Noah was calling out for him from the kitchen.
Olivia followed Barba to his kitchen where she found an entire spread of gingerbread and decorations laid out. Now she realized that he hadn’t been kidding when he had said he wanted to make a gingerbread house together with Noah.
So she let them be and just watched as Noah’s excitement grew bigger by the minute as Barba explained what they were about to do. The scene unfolding before her was something she could look at for a lifetime. It was as close to a father and son moment as anything would ever be.
The perfection of the moment, however was quickly interrupted when Noah was holding up a small chocolate piece of mistletoe in the air.
‘’Kiss!’’ he chanted into the air. ‘’Mistletoe means kiss.’’ he screeched happily.
Olivia was shocked that Noah was aware of the tradition surrounding mistletoe, but in that moment however, she was more concerned. Was he telling her to kiss Barba? Her friend, her best friend even. No, she couldn’t. Even though not being able to and wanting to had become very different things.
Her eyes widened, looking at her son holding the piece of decorative chocolate in his small hands. ‘’Noah!’’ she said in surprise.
‘’Kiss!’’ he repeated.
Instead of doing the obvious, she put a quick kiss to his cheek, but it didn’t seem to be enough for her soon.
‘’Momma kiss uncle Rafa.’’ he insisted.
Barba had been staring at the little boy wide-eyed, unable to make eye contact with Olivia. He was both baffled and endeared by his knowledge of the mistletoe. It was just the worst timing in the world, and he hoped Olivia could somehow defuse the situation before more awkwardness would be mixed into their relationship.
‘’Almost Christmas.’’ Noah cheered, not noticing the tension between the two adults. ‘’Kisses.’’
Instead of talking her son out of it, Olivia took Barba’s hand and softly pulled him towards her. She released his hands and lifted one of her own to cup his cheek, and then she pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss. Their eyes closed instantaneously, the act feeling all too natural, yet the newness was still there.
He moved his hand to her waist, gently letting it rest as they pulled apart, their gazes intensely connected as their breathing was unsteady from the simplest of kisses.
‘’Liv,’’ he tried to say but Noah quickly interjected.
‘’Yaay kiss.’’ he excitedly yelled and then he returned his attention back to the decorating the gingerbread house.
What was a quick passing moment for her son, felt like an eternity to Olivia. She swore she felt his lips still on hers even if they no longer were. Her hand brushed her upper lip gently, as one short glance passed between them. She let her hand fall to her side, and walked out of the kitchen in order to catch her breath.
Later that same evening, Olivia was overlooking the view from Barba’s living room windows. Snow had started to fall that afternoon and had now fully covered the streets of New York.
She heard the familiar sound of his footsteps approaching her, so she turned to face him. ‘’Where’s Noah?’’ she asked.
‘’He’s fast asleep in the guest bedroom.’’ he explained softly as he looked outside at the snow covering the dark city. It added to the Christmas spirit and he only hoped it would be around then as well.
They simultaneously moved to his couch, sitting on opposite ends.
‘’You shouldn’t drive home tonight.’’ he told her, his voice warm. ‘’Take my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.’’
Olivia shook her head. ‘’I can’t ask more from you, Rafael.’’
‘’More from me?’’ he questioned.
She sighed, coming to sit straight up on his all too comfortable couch. ‘’You’ve done so much for us already. I don’t want to ask more of you.’’
He moved over to her, putting his hand atop of hers in a reassuring gesture. ‘’I love having you both here. You couldn’t ever ask to much of me, Liv.’’ he said. ‘’Is your hesitance about what happened?’’ he went on. ‘’The kiss…’’ he whispered softly.
Her first reply was too explain it was all to satisfy Noah, but she couldn’t lie to him. And she couldn’t lie to herself anymore. The kiss had brought up something between them, the thing that had been pushed back by professionalism, and later by the risk to their friendship. But now seemed to be as good a time as any to confront the truth. Their truth.
‘’Was it for Noah?’’ he asked, not really wanting to know the answer. He knew it could potentially break his heart, yet he dared to risk it in that moment.
‘’No…’’ she replied breathlessly.
He used his hand to gently cup her cheek, leaning in and connecting his lips with hers. The force was greater than earlier, the need being expressed by their tongues meeting and dancing together with a great want for more. Minutes passed until he pulled back and rested his head against hers.
‘’We should slow down.’’ he breathed, looking for an opinion from her.
Holding onto his hand gently, and gazing back at him intently she felt herself being right at home. With him right there. ‘’This feels right, Rafa. I have wanted this for so long. I’ve loved you for so long…’’ she admitted in a shaking voice. ‘’…but I didn’t want to risk what we have.’’
He was startled, frozen in the same position as the sentiment hit replay in his head. ‘’You love me?’’ he asked in utter shock. Her only response was a soft nod and he felt his entire body relax as the happiness overtook him. ‘’I hope you know I love you too. I love you and I love Noah.’’ he told her lovingly. “All I can think about is you, Olivia. And I want to see where this can go, what we can be.”
All she saw was love radiating from his eyes. The usually witty and sassy ADA was now overtaken by emotion and it almost made her a mess of tears. But in order to express her happiness, she pulled him closer once more and kissed his lips gently.
The moved their lips together in such passion, that Olivia moved her hands onto his shoulders and dragged them along his shirt. They tumbled across the couch as Barba moved to be on top of Olivia, never stopping his kisses. His hands moved along her sides, exploring her curves, wanting more closeness.
In order to catch her breath, Olivia pulled back for a moment. ‘’Maybe we should talk?’’
Barba moved away from, coming to sit down as she pulled herself up to do the same. ‘’Yeah, we should slow down.’’ he said, cursing himself mentally. But he knew it was the right thing to do. She meant so much to him, and he wanted to savor every moment with her, and not just rush into anything. ‘’It’s getting late.’’ he noted as he looked at the clock hanging on the opposite wall.
‘’Almost Christmas.’’ Olivia whispered softly as he rose from the couch.
‘’I will get a blanket and a pillow from the bedroom and then we can all get some sleep.’’ he told her, cupping her cheek for a short moment before moving away from her.
She followed him into the bedroom quietly, trying not to wake up Noah from the deep sleep he was most likely already in. She watched as he moved about his bedroom and grabbed a spare blanket and a pillow.
He stepped back towards her, coming to a halt in front of her. Everything within him told him to kiss her senseless, but he kept himself from kissing her. ‘’If there’s anything you need, let me know. You can grab a sweater or t-shirt from the upper drawer.’’
‘’Thank you.’’ she whispered as she looked to her phone for a moment. ‘’Merry Christmas, Rafael.’’ she said gently, as she leaned forward to place another kiss on his lips.
Midnight had come, Christmas had arrived, and he wondered whether the change in their relationship was a Christmas miracle or simply an accident initiated by her son. But whatever it was, he couldn’t be happier.
He kissed her back deeply, and then pulled back. ‘’Merry Christmas, Liv.’’
And this Christmas would be the first of them together, and with many more to follow.
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googlenewson · 5 years
Tennis - The Rafa Nadal Tennis Academy has been conducting its well-known high-performance training program for juniors from the ages of 7 to 18 in one-week camp session Boca Raton, Florida. The sessions are for juniors in the ages of 7 to 18 for four separate one-week camp sessions.
The coaching philosophy has been developed by Nadal and his uncle Toni Nadal. Lead coach Aitor Reparez commented, “This was great. The kids learned a lot. The intensity was up and it was a great experience for the coaches to be here. For us, this is a great opportunity to show the new generation what made Rafa such a great player. The values are effort, intensity, discipline and respect. They get to see the high level and put intensity into every practice.”
Reid Rafter, the head tennis coach at Saint Andrew’s Schooll, "The Saint Andrew’s School partnership with the Rafa Nadal Tennis Academy was an amazing and unique opportunity for children and tennis athletes to get hands-on experience and learn from the best. This is the first time the academy will be in the state of Florida, and I believe it was a truly gratifying and rewarding experience for the children involved. They wanted to get an intro to the area with the hopes of building the program for next year. There may be more components and a whole year of lead time. This has been a really positive thing. We are looking to keep the four weeks in the summer and just grow it and expand it. They love being in the area and they like the facility. What they do on the court with these kids is amazing. The Rafa methodology is very unique and the making of a champion program. The way they motivate kids on the court is very unique. I know I learned quite a lot in the month they were here and I have been around tennis a lot of years.”
Grace Vaughn, one of the 14-year-olds, who was at the camp, commented, “I was used to being on the court for 2 1/2 hours a day. This (camp) is a lot of hard work. You spend five to six hours on the court and also work on your mental discipline. The coaches make it a lot of fun. It is really entertaining. It is really serious, but at the same time, you can definitely have a lot of fun. It’s been good for me because I want to play tennis professionally.”
Another 8-year-old Mathias Mendez said, "This is pretty big. He is one of the best players in the world and I am in their camp. There are coaches here who have worked with him and that is even bigger than I thought it would be. I want to play professionally. I learned at the camp that it is not all about the technique you have, it is also about mental things. If you have a good attitude, you can come back. It doesn’t seem like five hours. It’s fun, so it seems like one minute.”
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from Tennis World USA https://ift.tt/2Yoj9lz
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