#but also like i just need to flip a switch and then ill be fine!!! just flip it!!!
indigodawns · 1 year
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forgeofthenine · 9 months
Is it the holiday season, or are you just a genius cause my yearning heart is being well fed by your tiefling headcanons. I hope this ask inspires :)
I’d go feral for some good pining headcanons; what are they like in the gray space between flirting and relationship? Especially if there’s mutual understanding that this might not be the best time (i.e. there may or may not be a mindflayer invasion in progress) and so they hold off on initiating anything, but have to watch as their crush dives headlong into danger? I love imagining ill-timed interruptions punctuated by longing looks.
Alternatively, how good are our darling tiefling bachelors at dancing? Would they learn a jig or two if their SO loved dancing?
Here's a lil' something something for you about pining, Anon. I didn't decide to write a full set of dance headcanons (despite it being on my to do list right from when I started the blog) but I am going to post something similar 👀
What the bachelors are like while pining for you
This man pines so hard
He's touch starved to hell, quite literally, but has no clue about it
Dammon was sure he was fine right up until he met you and was hit with the realisation that he wanted more
The way he shows his affection is also anything but subtle, expect to know right away
It's never the type of affection that makes you feel guilty if you don't return it or makes you feel like you feel pressured
He's very easy going and good at reading people, he slowly increases how much affection he gives you until you both find a comfortable balance
Soon you'll find all your weapons and armour is repaired or replaced to the highest quality
Dammon is overjoyed if you return the same affection, even if you both know dating is off the cards for now
Bring this man some home cooking and he'll want to marry you right then and there
It's a grey area you both find yourself in for quite some time, to the point you both often get asked if you're together
The way he blushes when people ask is absolutely adorable, even more so when he hesitates to correct them
Towards the end you both basically already live together, both slowly easing into a romantic relationship without realising it
Dammon is more than happy once the ilithids are dealt with to make things official, finally not needing to correct people anymore
This man is the king of pining, absolute reigning champion
He knew he was in deep right from the moment he first saw you
It's something he keeps under wraps very well, to the point that you probably won't realise for a while
He tends to sneak peaks at you when you aren't looking, or he comes up with mostly reasonable excuses to come and speak with you
If you call him out on either thing then he'll heavily deny doing any of it, despite the blush on his face giving him away
Even if there wasn't an ilithid invasion happening Zevlor would still be cautiously optimistic about ever having a relationship with you
He's wary of a potential age gap or coming across too strong and scaring you away
A part of him also reminds him that you'd likely want a suitor your own age
The best way to quell those worries is to simply return his advances with some of your own
It could be anything, so long as he thinks you're interested he'll keep up his very subtle flirting
Soon, the two of you are already regularly having meals with each other and finding ways to spend hours together
Zevlor is absolutely already thinking of the life he'll have with you after this
Rolan is a dick at first, he honestly is so out of touch with his own feelings that he doesn't realise he's into you
He's completely oblivious to anything that isn't directly spelled out for him, including how much he actually enjoys your company
It takes Cal and Lia teasing him relentlessly before he finally comes to terms with it
Once he does it hits him like a brick to the face
And after that, it's like a switch flips
He can barely speak to you now without second-guessing himself or tripping over words
It's enough to make you wonder what's going on until the siblings start teasing you both, much to Rolans embarrassment
He's always quick to shoo them away and apologise but his feelings are already clear
You're both smart people, it's easy to know now isn't the time to start a romantic relationship, but it's harder to listen to reason when your feelings get involved
After weeks of you both tiptoeing around each other, feelings clearly returned, he finally has enough
Rolans the fastest to take action on his pining, impatient and hating the uncertainty
You'll find yourself in Ramaziths Tower and kissing the tiefling that runs it in no time
Rolan is quick to pull you into him, kissing you passionately before making you promise you'll stay safe
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prismaticpichu · 5 months
7 Wholesome Floofcanons to Heal From Inevitable Ever Crisis Trauma ❤️
• Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal, playing video games together in Genesis’s apartment. It’s one of the first times where Angeal commends Genesis’s competitiveness and gives a genuine laugh at how hard his friends are going at it. He keeps “switching sides” in order to keep the healthy rivalry going, as well as a way to boost both SOLDIERs’ self-esteem while he’s at it (and also just likes hearing “ANGEAL! HOW DARE YOU ROOT FOR MY NEMESIS?”). Ofc, the tides are turned when a two v. two minigame comes up, and Genesis & Seph join forces to crush their wishy-washy cheerleader. Angeal is playfully irritated by the defeat as Gen & Seph share a best-freindsy high five <333
• Zack, unable to sleep one night, too riled up from a training session he just returned from and desperately in the mood to go on a mission. Angeal tries everything in the books from lavender fragrance to a story, but nothing seems to calm the SOLDIER down. Suddenly, Sephiroth shows up, needing to borrow something from his friend, and notices the predicament. He tells Angeal he knows what to do before going up to Zack, crouching down beside him, and whispering something in his ear. Mere seconds later, Zack is plopped into his pillow and falling asleep. As Angeal and Sephiroth leave the room, Angeal incredulously asks what Seph did. Sephiroth simply gives a soft smiles and says he told Zack he could attend a mission in his dreams <3
• Sephiroth & Genesis, teaming up to make dinner one night when Angeal is bushed after a long day. They both realize amid their act of kindness that neither of them actually know how to cook, and so the two proceed to use one of Angeal’s cookbooks. What they end up making was actually something meant for dessert, and the three of them have a good laugh as they treat themselves to a sweet potato pie for dinner. <3
• Sephiroth, falling ill while his best friends are away on a mission. He tries to convince himself that he is fine, continuing to go about his duties, but the sickness has too much of a grasp on his throat to disguise when Angeal & Gen call to check-in. Hours later, and Sephiroth finds the two SOLDIERs at his apartment door, having managed to return home a week early from their 10 day-long mission in order to take care of their friend. Sephiroth falls asleep that night with an empty bowl of soup by his side and a cold washcloth pressed against his head <3
• Zack, slowly getting tutored by Angeal about the wonderful world of botany so he can impress Aerith. Angeal even finds little printable quizzes Zack can take to test his knowledge. Zack gets perfect scores every time <3
• Zack, slowly getting tutored by Sephiroth about the wonderful world of literature so he can have something to talk about with Genesis. The man hands him a copy of Genesis’s favorite novel, the likes of which he jokingly tells Zack to read. This eventually leads to Zack & Genesis starting a book club in SOLDIER together after Zack falls into an unironic reading spree. (Genesis is impressed by Zack’s vast knowledge and Zack is honored to have to finally have the respect of one his heroes <3)
• Zack, slowly getting tutored by Genesis about the wonderful world of pomology so he can finally understand Angeal’s stories. Genesis tells him all about the history of the Dumbapple—soon followed by Zack developing a newfound appreciation and fancy for Banora White juice. Angeal’s heart does a flip every time Zack asks for a glass <3
• Zack, getting through to Sephiroth in the Nibelheim library because, instead of simply grasping Sephiroth’s hand as he turns to leave, Zack does a little something else: he squeezes it. One two three. It’s something they’ve been doing for over a year now, a sign of unconditional friendship and trust. A sign that breaks the fog of Jenova’s control as the three cryptic squeezes ring their true meaning in his mind.
I love you…
(Fic coming soon! :3c)
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ok so one day i was hangin out and thinking about how jinx and murie are both my favourite little sad wet guys in my two fave medias of all ever *And* at the same time SO far apart on the spectrum personalitywise
and it took me listening to this to flip the switch on the Autism Blender and want to just fucking mash them together like a coked up toddler making Slime out of fish guts and hayao miyazakis mothers ashes because thats what i do thats my job💅👌so theeeen it comes out pretty reminiscent of my first muriel au that also sprung up from a song i like, just- a bit to the left? like, moving along on the scale from The OG not liking violence and being involved in it whatsoever, to AU 1 where i pictured him going "yeah ok fuck it this is what i do i guess" and revengy motives to his whole thing that i now connected with him more thru the song lmao it just made me realize the vision of like. jinxies "murderingmurderinmurdering 💕fun✨" aspect + his potential desire to still do good things despite being doomed to be a machine made for destruction (ignore the fact of that desire being nonexistent in his canon form because of how he perceives himself as a thing unable to achieve performing any good ever under any circumstance) (but still refusing to actively cause harm as he isolates himself to prevent any situations arising that would lead him to do so) (ignore all that) (were yassifying him a little were allowed its fine ive already lost the plot here anyway were wildin) so a vigilanty type beat and also ~my axe is my buddy🥰 we both cry with the trees😔✊ /me & my axe will bring the devil to his knees (✿◕‿◕ )~ goes hard as phUCK
so then all that led to This new V.3 mutation where hed be actually having fun with it........ so I kinda start turning him over in my brain some more, forgetting about jink by now and at first I go Huh this is kinda. him but lucioey a lil bit. and THEN i go hm. Well this ground is awful soft n ready to dig
so with all that out of the way i can now present!: Brand New Vague Shadow of a Concept of an Idea that ill Never Do Anything with
and I really don’t know how to verbalize this very well at all mmjfdh but like. Ok bulletpoints activate
From a badass warrior tribe
Didn’t get booted out cuz theyre fine this time oopsie no genocide
Hes in there way chillin way awesome way good at fighting everybody loves him
Hes like. Way himboey in this one. SO jock. Smiles a lot <3 <3 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Like okay if i was actually serious about writing this I think id need a fucking lucio consultant because I really know zilch about that bitch but like okay you know how lucios kinda all scary n cunty and cunning and fancy and seems like hes got shit figured out. Until he *starts talking*? Muriel here is like that but hes just really fucking scary until he starts talking BUT not like normally where hes adorable just has resting bitch face, its just like. that part of him that came thru in the reversed ending at the very end, yknow. but make it less depressing ihjhsrfbjs hes like full letterman jacket highschool bully core total kurt & ram vibe, like ok youd see him on a battlefield ABsolutely WRECKIng some fools into a pulp with his bare bear hands and immediately after that he turns around like WOOOOOOO THAT’S what im TALKIN ABOUT LETS GO GUYS WHO WANTS A BEER *cut to him chugging an entire keg over his head with da boys around losing their minds* like think college frat but they raid villages for fun and profit. Pretty orc coded. Kinda thor coded. Actually exactly thorcoded wow that really is what I was going for. I was wondering why I couldn’t help imagining him with a australian accent, I guess that’s a mystery solved. anyway
Maybe his parents got killed in some other battle im not sure how to weave around that in detail yet BUT- ok so check this I thought ill have to give him some motive to wanna reach the devil somehow for,,.,,… something right. to make him fill an antagonist role So this might be stupid a lil I just thought of this and it needs to cook for sure but what if he just rolled up into vesuvia as the magic capital or something whtver, to figure out how to get to talk to the devil, cuz he just like, really wants his parents back cuz they got valhallad in some glorious combat, and they were cool and he misses them and they could fight some more cool fights together and pillage n chill jhbsfvjgzdc beCAUsE hear me out im rolling with the swap inversions opposites motive here right, so the thing that popped up in my head was- Lucio had the “I wanna kill my parents bcause I hate them and so I can rule and get what I want” thing goin at the start right, like that is basically what started it off he got his dad he didnt get morgha SO what IF I gave murie a “i wanna conquer this place and use it to get my parents back. cuz I missem :(” like fully turned it around idk IDK IT SEEMS MESSY IDK IS IT CUTE IS IT DUMB IT MAKES ME FEEL DUMB BUT IN THAT WAY THAT MIGHT MEAN THAT ITS ACTUALLY WORKING BUT I DONT KNOW *screaming with no air*
But overall yeah hes khal drogo but more noticeably himboey but not in a likeable way cuz were switching them so I cant make him likeable for myself hnjdgfgb leaning into popular dumb jock trope
UnLESSSS i DID combo it with murdermuriel au 1.0 some more and made their tribe like. Not murdery somehow like what would be the opposite of the og scourge roaming around ruining shit. well that was the og kokhuri but now I gotta do some fucking triple axels here to make it make sense so how the fuck do I make this version of kokhuri more warriory in culture than the original but still nice like robinhoody style jhbfsvhjbs this is falling tf apart might need to scrap it bc on lucios end itd be even harder wouldn’t it. Spartan cunts but they don’t kill people that’s a nono lmao
now im thinking some more about the aspect of lucio being, you know. a pretty shitty leader right, and how to incorporate that here, because i have no idea if im following an actual set rule here regarding whats swapped and how even, theres barely a theme im straight up just
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but yeah so now i figure it could be murie tryna get his folks back because they were the actual defacto leaders of their tribe, he was just kinda still following along and doin his chores in being the uhh the face, the charisma, the one to kinda like. get the people on board easier with whatever decision they made for them and hyping it up as the best possible choice anyone could ever make and maybe even actually believing it too cuz theyre actually that tightknit and he trusts them with anything aw. is this too onedimensional or can i give my boy some good nice facking family relations at least in an alternate life ghhkjkfdh hes their pride n joy and can do no wrong but yeah the point is he himself hasnt actually made any decisions without them before, isnt very good at actually leading and strategizing and planning and knowing how everything complicated works and he knows it, so he sees his only solution in bringing them back to not let everything fall apart
SEE I BROUGHT IT AROUND I CLEANED UP NICE WITH OG LUCIO SETTING OFF FROM THE POINT OF FEELING LIKE HES THE BEST AT EVERYTHING AND SHOULD B RECOGNIZED AS SUCH AND TRYING TO GET RID OF HIS PARENTS TO GET IT AND MY BOY HERE ENDING UP EXACTLY OPPOSITE. GO SHAWTY GO SHAWTY IM SO SMART am i fucking up lulus backstory i feel like i am cuz im like wait what the fuck did he kill his dad for again. demonheart. deal. thing. whatd he wish. like he wasnt already running for count n shit yet he did want to climb up the ladder in his own tribe right i have no idea yell at me in comments thank you
I also don’t know if the first (last) scourge battle wouldve happened or nah
Oh my fucking god what if I figured out an alternative L moniker for murie so theyd get to switch letters in their namesssssssss like lucio is a made up name he made it up so like UAGHASHG L.,,,...,, Lion ofthe,... south NO he HAS to be bEAR CODED AAFYFFHG BUT LUCIO HAD LEOPARD IMAGERY N SHIT RAAHAHHGH IM FITIN FOR MY LIFE HERE
Anyway he lives in a forest somewhere cuz his tribe threw him out fully voluntarily bc he sucks ass (or at least for their standards cuz I guess he would be way younger than 18 here for this) (Like a spartan type deal ur too weak we don’t want you *drops you off a cliff*  *but theres 4 feet of snow under it so he survives*  *that’s so fucking goofy hjbsfbj kinda suits him*) so uhhhhhh i don’t know where hed be currently chilling for an mc to meet him ever but yeah hes kinda Floki Vikings™ type of vibe at least visually that’s what came to mind first to picture him lol
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look at this little blond rat bastard. adorable. becoming increasingly obsessed. picturing lucio with this exact hairline. moving on
and his thing is hes still insecure as fuck but worse at ignoring it and hiding it and hes a lil nervous bundle of sticks and always talking bc of it, kinda Bruno Madrigalesque type vibe julian but a pitch more pathetic who knew it could be done yknow? opposite of The OG The Mountain The Stone Cold Silent The Muriel The Scourge The Kokhuri The Third and also me when writing and not stopped in time
oh oh what if he was totes in denial that his tribe kicked him out and in his view hes on some super intense convoluted secret mission (lasting from. age 7 to now apparently) and as soon as hes done they’ll totally come back for him kdfsgjffd I thought it could either be his own copium or he took it from some last interaction with someone who took pity on him as a kid and wanted to give him some comfort, or something he misunderstood entirely
hm. They both have canid familiars idk what to do with that. muriel with two wolves tho. thats hot shit righ there if i do say so myself
oh now im toying with the idea of taking away muriels SUPPOSED YET UNCONFIRMED AS MY VERY CONTROLLED ACADEMIC STUDY HAS SHOWN COUGHCOUGHJHBSRGJBHF talking to animals buff, i dont wanna just take it and give it to lucio tho, but like. what the fuck else do i give him. astral projecting to tie into his ghost era? sounds dope actually alright lets do that lmao
ok its 1 30 am i hope this is comprehensible to anybody anywhere im zonking out now khbsfhbfk love u
@tetsuooooooooooo I've missed your essays, this was such a treat to log in to!!!
And WOW, thorcoded Muriel is not something I ever would have thought of on my own but oddly enough I feel like the AU you're coming up with could really work, goodness me. And the way you've inverted Lucio's character too!! I'd love to see how their interaction dynamics invert as well!
Always good to hear from you friend, hope you're doing well!
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thekrows-nest · 7 months
Heh. The cage is meant to be somewhere to get kidnapped against your will which is cool for a horror-ish setting.
But I'm gonna flip the script, mix it up a little.
Comedy: How would Krow react to a Dove that refuses to come out of the cage?
or exercise
or shower
Dove is totally allowed out, because it's been well established that they have zero motivation to escape. They also may not physically be in any shape to run.
They just refuse to leave and sit in there with the secondhand Switch/Nintendo DS Krowie got from the pawn store. They've gone full basement dweller and won't do any of the self care or healthy routines Krow asks. They might even sass Krow a bit when reminded to bathe.
Oh man I think I just described Fone <3
Angst: Or yeah, more charitably maybe they're not lazy or bratty. Just like this because disabled, chronically ill, depressed, trauma, or extremely agoraphobic.
I wonder if Krow would be ecstatic and take full advantage by enabling the inability to leave, or feel sad and conflicted enough about Dove's quality of life to try and help them get past it. (Especially if they were fearful to exit the cage.)
Krowspiracy flipping the script.
At first, Krow wouldn't think anything is really wrong. Dove doesn't wanna leave the cage? Ha ha this makes things easier. And and! It must means they like it, love it even? Loves him? Things are fine! He'll do some tests, slowly. Like unlocking it secretly, see if Dove notices. Eventually building up to purposefully showing them he's unlocking it to even just leaving the door open. It's when they still don't really come out for things like getting a shower he gets... concerned.
"I'm... g-glad you like t-the space my S-songbird b-but... i-it's good to keep up w-with hygiene. I-I do have a b-bathroom right over here, t-there's even a tub, y-you can have a bath i-if you prefer. But you need to c-come out."
As much as he would loathe to do it, he will get Dove on out to at least give them a washcloth bath if he must. Do his best to talk to and persuade them how they should come out at least to stretch their legs and get some showers in. Try to persuade them via favorites snacks or food, gifts, whatever. Then feel bad cause then this feels no better than trying to wrangle a dog or a cat. And Dove is not a pet.
For the more angsty side of things, similar to above at first he'd feel some measure of happiness, thinking (or even believing) it's cause Dove is happy with the situation. If he's not TOO far down the rabbit hole, he'll eventually realize something is wrong, albeit much worse than the more "comedic" scenario.
While he wants to keep Dove in his life no matter what, he'd start to feel conflict on what is a declining way of life, and try to resolve it.
...But if Krow is too deep in his own delusions and jealous insanity in keeping Dove (so really the worst case scenario) he wouldn't think anything is really wrong. Off at times maybe, but think that Dove is just as happy as he is.
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mental-mona · 4 months
10 things not to say to someone with bipolar disorder
These are the 10 most unfortunate comments that I and other friends with bipolar disorder have gotten over the years, with an explanation of why they're so wrongheaded.
"So you'll take that and be fine in the morning, right?" Yes. No. Maybe. See, once my mood's gone off the rails, anything can happen. It's possible that I'll temporarily raise the dose of something or add something in and wake up in the morning feeling perfectly fine, but it's also possible that recovery will take weeks, especially if my meds weren't adjusted optimally to begin with. Alternatively, I might wake up the next morning in a normal mood but feel like a zombie because of the medication's side effects.
"Have you tried antidepressants?" No I haven't, at least not by themselves. If I have taken them by themselves, most likely bad things happened. See, when you give people with bipolar disorder SSRIs without mood stabilizers, they go manic. Imagine that in your brain there's a switch. In depressed people it has 2 settings, depressed and normal. In people with bipolar disorder it has 3 settings, depressed, normal, and manic. Antidepressants flip that switch from the lowest to the highest setting, regardless of what you intended "highest" to be.
"Have you tried [alternative/additional therapy]?" Just to clarify: the prevailing psychiatric theory is that bipolar disorder is a chronic biochemical imbalance in the brain. If what you're pushing makes some kind of sense, I might consider it, but the best it will do is make me feel slightly better or give me a coping mechanism. It won't make the problem actually go away; only medicine and psychotherapy combined with lifestyle changes can do that. Yes, there are some amazing herbs out there, but many of them conflict with various prescription drugs and can't be taken by people with certain medical conditions. Yes, prayer is wonderful and G-d is a great listener, but doctors are His healing hands.
"This is happening to you because you [insert vice(s)]. If you'd just [insert virtuous thing(s)], you'd be fine." If you're lecturing me about getting enough sleep or cutting back on substance use, you are likely correct. If you're lecturing me about almost anything else, then yes, I might feel better overall, but it won't stop me from having random biochemical blips that make my mood go nuts. Also, you sound obnoxiously self-righteous when you lecture me like that; if you still feel the need to suggest whatever it is, please phrase it better.
"I have no idea what to do with you." If you mean that you have no idea how to treat me overall, ask me! Hopefully I'll be able to outline my basic emotional support needs. If I can't or won't, Google guidelines for supporting someone mentally ill and go from there. In fact, you should probably research that regardless. If what you mean is more like "I want to do you a favor but don't know what you need," know that I probably won't be able to answer a generalized "what do you need?" Instead, ask about something specific you can help me with, e.g. a meal. If I can't give you a straight answer on the specific thing, it's now my problem, not yours. If what you mean is more along the lines of "You need more help than I can give you" or "I don't have the energy to deal with you all the time," then you should have said so, albeit gently.
"When's the last time you took your meds?" or "Are you going into an episode?" in response to a strong emotional reaction. I am a human being with the same basic emotional responses as everyone else. Please do not pathologize my feelings and/or brush off an outburst as the product of a diseased mind until you have talked to me and tried to understand what I'm reacting to and why. If you're still concerned, watch for other signs of an altered mood, and tell me if you see them.
"Are you sure the meds aren't making you sicker?" If by "sicker" you mean more mentally unstable, then no, they're most likely not. It might appear that way because episodes often keep getting worse without treatment and whatever meds my doctor's prescribed either haven't had a chance to take effect yet or just aren't right for me, but I should stabilize within a few weeks once we get a handle on what works. It does occasionally happen that a psych med will make things worse, but it's unlikely. If by "sicker" you mean something physical, then indeed they might be, but sometimes that's a price I must pay for emotional stability. Hopefully it's only a temporary adjustment period. That said, if the medications' side effects are unbearable I can always ask my doctor if we can try something else or change the way I'm taking the meds in question.
"You're crazy." "Crazy" is a very loaded word when applied to the mentally ill, and some of us are more sensitive to it than others. Even if I'm ok with the word in one context, I might not be in another. If I choose to use the word to describe myself and I seem genuinely comfortable with that description, it might be ok to jokingly call me "crazy" in conversation with me. However, if I'm desperately asking you to reassure me that I'm not crazy or I shy away from the word altogether, definitely avoid it. Oh, and even if I'm cool with using the word in conversation with you, I'm almost certainly NOT ok with you telling other people that I'm "crazy." As a rule of thumb, if you're unsure whether the word is acceptable, assume that it's not.
"OMG I feel so bad I didn't know what life is like for you I'm so sorry that I reacted like that!" or "I feel so useless that I can't help you!" Odds are that you said this in reaction to my explaining how bipolar disorder can make my life hell and/or how it changes things even when I'm not actively cycling. Odds are that when I explained this to you, I was looking for support. You have just turned the tables and made it about you and how you're a bad friend, thereby forcing me to expend energy that I may not have had in order to reassure you that it's ok. Fail.
"Do it! I dare you!" in response to a description of manic urges. If I'm fully manic, I have very little judgment or impulse control. If I have an insane urge to streak down all of Main Street, your egging me on might be all the impetus I need to actually do it. It'll stop being funny when I get arrested for indecent exposure, and I don't think you really want to be the reason it came to that.
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peenyas · 1 year
┊Up in celestia
[NSFW⚠️] - MINORS DNI • this thought was NOT leaving me during lecture, made me miss 2 minutes worth of food theory.. also i haven been more ill about him than usual.sigh i want him
Content: established relationship, virgin!GN reader & virgin!Dainsleif, semi fluff, dainsleif had some tears.. oral(dainsleif receiving;3)
✧ reader is kinda top/leading on this one cus dain is just so inexperienced but eager<3 potentially ooc dain but IDC i choose happiness
✦ *˖ ° . ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍
It's been 2 years since you and dainsleif were together, a kind and gentle man, all while he deals with your shenanigans a bit too calmly, yet still loves you the same.
And after all that, he was never the type to be.. sensual. Going as far as a kiss, but never dared to go further than that. To your surprise that he came out as someone with no experience at all, not even knowing what it's like to pleasure oneself. From then, you proposed a little session.. (originally as a joke), to which he agreed to.
--- --- --- ---
Dainsleif was so shy, cheeks flushed red and ears hot.
He was shocked at first, having you offer such activity, a bit embarrassed mind you. While of course dainsleif thought about it before, short little fantasies with how your shirt was flimsy in the morning, wondering what it's like to fully have you. To be honest, he just didn't know how to get into it, his whole lifetime was so busy with duties he did not have time for that.
But now he does, with you.
He was... Interesting with it, not wanting to ruin things and decided to look up tips and advice. Oh how worried he was when he was told about it more. He was so unsure if he'd ever felt anything close to being turned on, and on further investigation just led to him getting frustrated and awkward.
Now asking if you could take the lead. Sure, he needs to find out what he likes too.
--- --- --- ---
So, so adorable... even when stripped of his garments, he'd cover himself up as if it's a sin to be naked during sex. Face flushed with a little pout, he'd lie if he wasn't feeling nervous, and also excited.
"Tell me if anything, love"
Your hands rest on his shaft, waiting for his response. His eyes were closed as if he was preparing himself for what's to happen, the pressure you're putting on his causing him to gasp. Is this what it's like? He nods, eyes half open and ready.
Lube was kinda cold, he thought.
The first stroke made him feel, unusual.. like a sort of new sense unlocked. It's getting warm, your fingers wrap around him perfectly. Dainsleif moaned out unknowingly when he felt you thrust your hand , circling the tip, a steady pace. One hand raced to cover his mouth while the other supports himself up, gripping onto the sheets.
Whispering quietly between breaths, saying how good it is, all the while whimpers escape his lips. You look up to him with adoring eyes, yet a slight smirk around your lips. Dainsleif was trembling, breathing ragged, brows furrowing. His eyes look down at you just screaming for more, what a sight to see.
His head threw back once he felt your tongue lick across the base of his dick and envelop the head, licking around his now hardened cock. His whines and moans were like honey, while shaking with tears rolling down. Swearing under his breath as you took him in, forgetting about everything in the world to feeling your mouth around his length, steadily dragging along.
Trying his best to open his eyes to look at you, at how you're making him feel so good. But this was your first time too, upon hearing your gag was like a switch flipped inside of him. Adjusting himself to check up on you, asking if you're ok, you cough a little more, shaking your head in response and reassuring him you're fine, saying this is your first time together afterall.
A little rest later, because he just had to get up to fetch water for you, and there having a short convo talking about how it feels for each other so far..
"Ah... We.. can continue..., If you like?"
---- ---- ✧ ---- ----
A.N.— i fucking love him so much the things ill do for him, the way i had a broke down over him imagine. Also can't keep that doodle promise though. Never really wanted to turn my tumblr into an art acc anyways.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
Hi! For the ficlet prompts: 9. "Don't do this alone." Please and thanks?
Quick Ficlet List
Thank you so much for sending in a prompt, Cee! 🥰 Here's a ficlet that's longer than I expected it to be 😂 I hope you're fine with a post-Civil War ficlet. Also, this turned out much more hurt comfort than I expected, I hope that's okay 😅
"Don't do this alone."
Sam tended to find high places. He always had, ever since he was a kid. It felt a little ironic. His family found their life on the ocean, yet he was always looking for a tree to climb, a roof to lay on, a rafter to hang off of.
And Sam would say that it was surprising that he was doing that now, but Sam didn't really want to analyze himself at the moment.
Sam hadn't really thought about where he was. All he knew was that there was no way he was ever going back home.
They had offered deals to Scott and Clint. They had families. Not Sam, though. Not Uncle Sam. Sam wondered if he would take a deal if they gave him one. An absurd deal after they illegally kept him in a super secret underwater prison for a crime that wasn't really a crime.
Would Sam take such a deal?
Of course he would.
Of course he would to see Sarah and her family again, make sure they were okay, and Sam felt ill knowing that. Because he wasn't sure if that was wrong or weak or good of him, but he would take a house arrest deal in a heartbeat if they offered him one.
"Sam, I'm coming up."
Sam wasn't even sure why he was thinking about this. It had been months since Steve got him out of the Raft. It had been at least a year since he disappeared from Sarah's life with only news stories and a very short call from Steve, Nat, and Bucky about what actually happened.
It isn't even as if Sam hadn't talked to Sarah since he was freed. He had talked to her and Jody just moments ago.
Or was it five minutes ago?
An hour?
He'd talked to her a handful of times since he escaped the Raft, but it only clicked this time that Sam would probably never see his nephews grow up. He wouldn't be there if Sarah or Jody needed him, if something happened to either of them.
Sam couldn't breathe.
Sam heard half a row of books topple to the ground. Wincing smacks and slams that reminded Sam how old some of the texts were.
That reminded Sam that he was currently curled up in the corner of one of the largest libraries he had ever seen. A multistory behemoth of a library off in the far corner of the Citadel.
Giant, sturdy shelves filled its walls. Sam wasn't sure how he found himself tucked in one of the highest shelves in the library nor how it was holding him up or even fitting him, but he was there.
And somehow Bucky Barnes of all people was there too.
"I heard you were up here," Bucky said as if this was normal.
Sam didn't want this. He didn't want Bucky there. He didn't want anyone. He wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear. He wanted to bury himself in this shelf and never think again.
Sam wanted to go home.
Sam wanted Bucky there. He wanted to fling himself at this man and hold on tight. Make sure Bucky was real. That it was actually Bucky who was dethawed and not the man who tossed Sam around like a ragdoll.
Sam didn't know what he wanted.
Sam felt Bucky's hand on his knee and instantly moved away.
"No," said Sam, his voice breaking as he said it, "You don't get to do that. You don't get to pretend we're okay."
Because they weren't. How could they be?
Bucky moved his hand away. Looked at a loss.
"I just want to be here for you," said Bucky.
"But can I trust you?" asked Sam, feeling the sob coming, "I trusted you to be honest. I gave you my word. I kept your location secret. And you didn't tell me. You didn't tell me there were words that would flip that switch."
Sam could feel it. The way Bucky moved like a force of nature when he grabbed Sam by the jaw and tossed him.
"I should have told you," whispered Bucky, giving Sam his space, "I was pretending I didn't know it was a possibility. I didn't want it to be. I wanted to be normal. I didn't want to think I could be that again. I wanted five seconds to pretend I was just some guy. In a city. With a fella who probably wouldn't even look my way if not for the fact that his friend told him to keep an eye on me. But ignoring something like that wasn't a smart idea. I was being selfish. It put everyone in danger. I'm so sorry, Sam."
"You left me," sobbed Sam, finally feeling the tears and snot, "You left me there."
Which might not be the fairest thing to say. Sam had told them to leave him at that airport. But it felt like everything was pouring out of him at this point. And they did that. They left him there. And he was stuck in that prison for months just thinking about it.
Sam felt the arm around him, pulling Sam closer. Pulling Sam into this awkward contorted embrace in the cramped space of the large bookshelf they found themselves on as he sobbed into Bucky's shirt.
Sam wanted to push Bucky off of him. He wanted to get as far away from Bucky as possible. He wanted to never see Bucky again.
Sam wanted to cling to Bucky. He wanted Bucky to hold him forever. He wanted Bucky to never leave Sam again.
Sam found himself doing nothing. Frozen as Bucky held him.
"Don't do this alone," whispered Bucky, "I don't have to be the person you talk to, but you need someone to lean on."
Sam unraveled at the seams completely as he collapsed into that embrace. Sam's tears staining Bucky's shirt. Sam barely able to breathe as Bucky rubbed his back soothingly. Sam did need to talk to someone about this. Maybe not Bucky, but someone. For now, all he wanted to do was let Bucky hold him, though.
Want me to write a ficlet for you? Check out the prompts and send me an ask!
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ramblingsofafanatic · 2 years
Too cold
Summary: Din crashes on another ice planet but with Luke this time.
Word Count: 832
Relationships: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker
Warnings: None
Can also be read on AO3 here!
Din is a little too calm as the ship starts making a quick descent into the snow planet, Luke observes. He almost seems resigned to the fact that they’re crashing, moving quickly but calmly trying to stop or at least slow the ship as it continues to speed down out of the atmosphere.
“This has happened before.” Luke states and Din ignores him for now in favour of flipping more switches.
“It has, hasn’t it!? ‘My ship is fine, I don't need a new one, this one just needs a little repair’.” Luke huffs to himself, and Din smiles softly under his helmet at Luke’s attempt to imitate him.
“Hold on.” Din finally says as they’re a few hundred meters from the surface of the planet. Luke grumbles a bit more but moves Grogu into his carrier and braces himself in his own seat. The landing (if you can call it that) is not great but they only come away with a few minor scratches and some bruises that will be felt a lot more later. Grogu is fine physically but Luke worries for a second about how the little guy seems like he enjoyed the events that just transpired.
“I’ll go check the damage outside, you grab the blankets and capes, if we can’t fix the ship soon we’ll have to hole up in here.” Din says, moving out to do just what he said. Luke follows soon after, Grogu in his arms as he moves to collect the blankets. Luke decides to grab some ration bars and water as he’s down here before heading back up and dropping them to sit in the pilot's seat to be sorted out later. He places Grogu back in his carrier to try and keep somewhat warm and gives the child a ration bar to snack on.
When Din doesn’t return inside for dinner a few hours later Luke puts Grogu down for a nap and decides to venture out to see what the situation is. He shivers a little when he leaves the cockpit, it’s definitely gotten much colder in the rest of the ship. When he gets outside Din’s armour is covered in a thin layer of frost but other than that the cold doesn’t seem to be having any visible affect on him.
“Hm?” Din hums questioningly at Lukes approach, not turning to look at the Jedi, focusing instead on the panel in front of him.
“Go in, I’ll take over for a bit as you eat.” Luke says, not leaving any room for argument. Din considers arguing for a second that he’s gone longer without food and would much rather keep working on this but decides it’s not worth the fight. He nods and heads inside but doesn’t take long, he eats a ration bar, drinks some water and is back outside in a few minutes. Din takes a seat next to Luke and they start to silently work on the ship together, not needing to talk much as they work seamlessly as they have many times before. Luke heads back in when he hears Grogu wake up a few hours later, but it isn’t long before it gets dark and Din heads in to join them.
They settle down and get ready to get some rest before resuming work on the ship tomorrow. Grogu snuggles up in his blanket cocoon in his little carrier pod and is asleep a short time later and Luke closes the lid to try and keep the child as warm as possible. Luke lays out one of the blankets to insulate him from the metal floor and then lays both his robe and a second blanket over himself. Din just lays his cape on the ground and sits against the cockpit door with a blanket draped over him. A quiet settles over them as they try and get some sleep.
Din wakes up and it takes him a second to realize what’s woken him. Luke's teeth are chattering... Loudly. And when Luke feels that Din’s awake and looking at him, he opens his eyes and smiles at him despite obviously freezing half to death..
“Hey, sorry if I woke you, I’ll try to keep it down, go back to sleep.”
“You’re cold.” Din replies bluntly, startling a small laugh out of Luke.
“A little yea, grew up in a desert and all but ill be fine, the desert gets cold at night too and I lived on Hoth for a bit y'know”
Din sighs and removes his chest plate despite lukes protesting and then moves again to lay next to Luke, rolling the Jedi over and pulling him into his chest before pulling the blanket he had draped over himself and his cape over the both of them. Bundled under two blankets, a robe and a cape paired with Din’s body heat against his back, Luke slowly but surely stops shivering before his breathing evens out and he falls asleep, Din joining soon after.
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gregrulzok · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers Died:
Aka a collection of disjointed thoughts and ramblings about the latest chapters of TR and how they've been... Not... Good...
⚠️SPOILERS AHEAD⚠️ Up to Ch.271. also this is very negative.
I don't even know where to begin with this.
I loved Tokyo Revengers so much. I was entranced. I hailed it as one of the best modern manga I'd read.
The Bloody Halloween Arc in particular was a standout. The emotions, the action, the suspense was all so palpable and it resolved in such a satisfying and yet devastating way. I won't hesitate in saying that Baji was the highlight of the series.
Sure, the anime was weak, but that didn't matter. The manga was g o o d.
And honestly? By the time of Pah-chin's wedding every bone in my body felt and believed that this should be the end of the manga. At that point I'd already known that it wasn't the last arc, and yet I could not help the growing feeling that it absolutely should be. The only unresolved plot-point - the implication of a second time leaper - had been dropped so suddenly and baselessly that it may as well had never happened in my eyes. As far as I was concerned, that was the weakest point in the manga, anyway, so if Pah-chin's wedding had been the last scene, if Mikey had just shown up and all been well, I'd be satisfied leaving that plotline unresolved. Who knows, maybe it'd even be a fun open-door mystery.
As it stands, though... Ugh...
In theory the idea of Takemitchy now having to save Mikey rather than Hina isn't ... A bad one. It works.
Mikey at this point was definitely flawed, but highly sympathetic. We were all rooting for him.
And yet, for whatever unknown reason, the moment of Draken's death marks the death of Tokyo Revengers for me.
Like a switch being flipped, Mikey went from a sympathetic, traumatized character in need of sympathy and help, to...
Well, to an abelist stereotype, quite frankly?
And what's worse this isn't a result of the death of his brother as was assumed before no no no !!! He's been like this since he was a child ! He was BORN A KILLER !!!! He's DANGEROUS !!
Ugh. The trope of mentally ill/traumatized characters being evil and having a dark side that will kill and maim everyone in sight is... Not only gross, but also, from a writing standpoint completely completely lacking in nuance. Which is almost insulting considering how /well/ TR seemed to be handling it, previously.
So now that Mikey is this weird warped parody of himself but Now He's Joker™, he's also become entirely unsympathetic.
Far gone is the little boy who was scared and messed up, but did his best to protect the people around him. Far gone is his sense of humor and care and companionship. Which in theory sounds good, but in practice... What reason do we have left to root for him? What reason do we have left to care about this empty husk of death threats and violence, with absolutely no heart or depth of character behind him?
This isn't Mikey. It just isn't.
(and none of this seems to be in response to Draken's death, either - there wasn't even any significant scene reflecting his reaction to Draken's death. In fact I struggle to remember if he even KNOWS he died. He and Draken hadn't been interacting for a while at that point. It's literally implied on some level that this is just how Mikey is now, regardless of Draken.)
And how is Takemitchy meant to "save him" exactly?
The only two ways this story can end is if
A. Takemitchy doesn't manage to save Mikey, which is predictable at this point, and would be wholly unsatisfying because it meant he risked and KILLED MULTIPLE PEOPLE for the sake of someone who he didn't save anyway.
B. Takemitchy pulls some magic of friendship bullshit out of his ass and suddenly Mikey is Good Again except the fact that he lost everyone but It's Fine See He Laughed He's Healed.
Which is... So stupid, and contrived, and not how mental health works.
The manga has written itself into a corner, and there's no way it can conclude that would feel right anymore.
And it almost feels as though it knows that. As though Ken Wakui has realized what a shithole he's gotten himself into and is desperately trying to pull himself back up /somehow/.
What the hell are these predictions Takemitchy gets?
Why does Sanzu carry all this importance?
How does it make any sense for Shinichiro to have been a time leaper, when the only reason we know there was a second time leaper at all was Kisaki, who never even MET Shinichiro?
Why did Shinichiro even become a timeleaper by killing a timeleaper, when nothing like that happened to Kazutora when he killed Shin?
Hell why is Takemitchy a timeleaper when he never killed anyone ?? Why do his timeleaping powers (activated via handshake) seem to work totally differently from Shin's (activated via??? Suicide? Near death situations??? But not when Kazutora kills him????)
None of the new plotlines make any sense and none of them feel even remotely like they were set up in any way.
Don't even get me STARTED on the whole paraplegic Mikey thing. I don't even have words to get into how fucking stupid it is - it makes no sense, comes out of nowhere, goes nowhere, it's literally Just Shock Value in a vain attempt to let us regain some semblance of pity for Mikey.
Hell, let's zoom out for a sec...
Who are all these people?
Half the cast now are characters that showed up out of nowhere, and maybe like 3 of them have any sort of backstory, and 2 any sort of depth.
The characters we've spent time setting up and getting to know have gotten pushed so far into the background they may well not even exist, and they're instead replaced by these generic Gangster Types all with two personality traits a pop if you're lucky?
Where's Hina? Where's Naoto? Where are Akkun and the gang? Where's Peh-yan? Where's Kazutora? What happened to Hakkai, Chifuyu, the Kawata twins, the Haitani twins, hell even Taiju showed up just to do absolutely fuck all?
The only ones who we know and love and got any sort of attention lately are:
- Pah-chin, who got two seconds of glory.
- Mitsuya, who got a fairly touching moment (and was much more affected by Draken's death by his literal best friend and MAIN CHARACTER Mikey was), and has now been shafted to the background again
- Koko and Inui, who actually got a nice storyline, thank god.
Look I'm sorry, I know people like Sanzu and Wakasa, but besides that does anyone actually care about anyone else here? Shion? South? Takeomi? Their characters are so lackluster I struggle to put a face to any of their names, and frankly I literally can't remember a single new character introduced because they're just that fucking boring.
I don't even wanna talk about Senju.
There was so much potential there but now SHE'S just gone as well and what development we did get from her was so lackluster it failed to leave any impression on me.
And through all of this Takemitchy's devotion to this, to Mikey, has grown from concern for his friend to downright an unhealthy obsession. He's fucking insane, it's like he doesn't give a shit who lives or dies as long as he can accomplish his goal.
He doesn't give a shit about Hina, Chifuyu, Pah-chin, Toman, Naoto, himself, Draken or anything else, and frankly it no longer seems like he actually cares about Mikey either. This isn't even about him anymore is about doing
As discussed, there's nothing he can actually do to accomplish his goal, anyway.
It's just. Futile.
And this entire manga, very much so, feels futile right now.
Which, considering just the sheer amount of potential this manga had, the heights it did reach, is just so... goddamn disappointing.
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anxiety-lemsbian · 8 months
ever just like. so sick of someone. like no dont hug me. dont call me babe. switch flipped inside me last week. dont like you anymore. pls dont talk to me. im sorry but also im not. like. is it my fault your hugs no longer bridge the chasm inside me. is it my fault you don't light me up with joy anymore. like. maybe ill get over it. but mb i wont. like. you'll literally be fine. u don't need me. go find someone else who makes u happy. not like i ever did. goodbye. maybe ill see you in the next life.
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ellabsprincess · 1 year
oh god ok im back to catch up on whats happening. this is a LONG one so im gonna try and put it like the messages (lets say pink is me and they are purple) and i got so bold i held my breath everytime i sent something i had butterflies 😭
you will make me twirl my hair n giggle istg oo good i like doing that to ppl, its fun to watch 😽 ur just making it worse STOPPPP 😭 hmm no 🥰 i like making people flustered [name] i did tell you i was a flirty person well you are succeeding i know why do you think im continuing with it oh my god id stop if it wasn’t working [reply to oh my god] you alright there? mhm sure what you don’t believe me no i completely believe you and thats where i don’t believe you 🥰 but anyways now what do you mean by that? are you trying to distract me by any chance hmmmm hmmm? depends depends? on what do tell i dont think i will 🥰 i could say something so gay and you havent been? no i most definitely have i can tell what more do you expect from me honestly im tempted rn are you suddenly nervous now? oh shush ykw fine ill say it just because of that [reply to i dont think i will🥰] i could easily make you 😽 happy? very good we’re so gay is that such a bad thing? no not at all good [they send a pic of them and their cat] that is the cutest pic ever only bc hes in it oh well i guess the cats cute ig 🙄 oh shush but i really dont think you want me to. do you? thats true good i started something here and honestly im proud of it and what would that be? well [reply to but i really dont think you want me to. do you?] whatever’s going on here? oh? using my own shit against me, smartass (THIS GOT ME SO BAD) what can i say? i guess i am a smartass [after talking abt their cats they ended up sending a pic of themselves] pretty pretty ahhh whehejdhd thank youu no need to thank me <33 yes there is hm? there is a need to thank you and why would that be because your being sweet to me nice giving me a compliment therefor how can i not? stop omg okay 😭🫶🏻 that was so sweet wtf i dont think you really want me to stop shush you aren’t supposed to know that part oh? shsushshshhs i switch up so fast its crazy contrary to what im saying, you make me nervous. in a good way oh? nnonooo shshhshshd my tummy doing flips bold of you to admit [name] well, did you not like me saying it? you know i did
AND AND AND WE WENT TO SLEEP BUT OMG THIS IS SO LONG SORRY also they they find this i will kms
-autistic loser anon
also the effort you put into this post omg you're so cute!!
the little "oh" I WOULD BE SHAKING
0 notes
cvtqr · 4 years
series master list
chapter one; touché, jaeger
content warning; public sex, cheating, wall sex, unprotected, cream pie, slight degradation 
Tumblr media
the sun was setting as you walked out the front doors of your dormitory, closing them behind you. hearing your phone quietly ring, you pulled it out from the waistband of your skirt.
babe, are you guys almost here? games about to start and the other girls need historia
‘leaving now, hist just got here’
alright, if i can’t catch you before it starts we’re still on for dinner... right?
‘yeah of course. good luck reiner, win one for me.’
your life right now made you feel like you were in some cliche romcom. dating the college football superstar, best friends with the head cheerleader, all the cliches made you feel like you were still in high school. historia has been your best friend since birth, so of course the two of you hadn’t split up entering college. she had the cheer scholarship, you had the brains to get in with an application. you met reiner through mutual friends, but you couldn’t figure out why he fell for someone like you. usually, in the movies, the hot popular guy falls in love with the hot popular girl... but that wasn’t you, it was more like your best friend. you were more laid back, just wanting to get your degree.
your relationship with reiner was... slow, to say the least. it’s almost the end of your freshman year of college and he seems to be more focused on football than you. but you don’t blame him, he just wants to be successful with his passion. you do hate the fact that you have to take care of yourself all the time. he’s never able to stay the night, as he has training early in the morning. sometimes you wish that he could just be more available to you.
running out down the small path, you stopped in front of a car full of people. this was the way all friday nights were. you were picked up by a jammed pack car holding historia and a bunch of other people, before driving off to the football field. opening the car, it was really full tonight.
“you’re gonna have to sit on someone’s lap, just for the ride” jean said with a grim smirk on his face
“hist you’re tiny, sit on ymir’s lap”
ymir of course not having a problem, pulled the small blonde into her lap with a grin on her face. you then hopped into the car, taking historia’s previous spot.
arriving at the field, historia had to run off to her team and get a lecture by the coach on why she has to stop being so late. after giving her a hug for good luck, you wandered off to the concession stands.
“just a pretzel, please”
receiving your snack, you were about to walk over to the bleachers until you heard your name being called over the short fence.
letting out a sigh, you ran over to the voice calling you over.
“quiet down, unnecessary attention.”
lifting his helmet off, he used his large hands to pull your head into his, capturing his lips with yours.
“and? ya look pretty tonight, what if i want people to see my gorgeous little girlfriend.”
“don’t you have a game to play, tough guy?”
talking to your boyfriend, you felt like someone was piercing into the back of your head. people were probably watching the two of you, but no... that wasn’t the feeling. it felt like one person had their eyes glued to you. saying goodbye to your boyfriend, you started to walk over to the bleachers. they were packed with people and you had no one to sit with. your eyes started to scan looking for either bertholdt or colt, two quiet boys you seemed to get along well with.
bertholdt was reiner’s best friend. you noticed him the first time you met everyone. he was always following reiner around like a lost puppy, but reiner seemed to love his presence. when you and reiner started dating, he left you guys alone most the time, but he’s still was always around. colt you also met through reiner, on campus. you really strengthened your friendship after visiting reiners hometown over mid-winter break. while you and reiner were babysitting his cousin, her best friend tagged along, who was the little brother of colt.
you were getting a little nervous until you heard someone call your name and wave you over. jean kirstein, from the car. jean pissed you off on so many levels, but he also made you feel safe in a way. running over to where he was, you took a seat in between him and his best friend.
“hey marco! kirstein.”
“ouch... you’re so cold sometimes, y/n”
jean always had to make a dramatic comment no matter what the situation was. settling into your seat, you stayed quiet for the most part after that. the game was close to being over when you got up from your spot.
“gonna use the bathroom, ill be right back.”
you didn’t actually have to pee, just needed a moment away from the screaming and loud noises. running towards the extra, empty parking lot. you felt someone grab your arm, dragging you into the darkness. about to scream, you felt a hand cover your mouth.
“shhh, its just me.”
wiggling out of his grip, you pushed him into the brick wall. he let out a chuckle, surprised you could shove him like that.
“you dipshit, i thought i was getting kidnapped.”
you felt rough hands pull you by the waist into his chest.
“yeah well anyone would want to get their hands on a pretty girl like you, i’ve warned you about wandering at night by yourself... haven’t i?”
“touché, jaeger”
his slender fingers found their way up your thighs and under your skirt, teasing the hem of your panties.
“not here jaeger, i have to get back to-”
“back to the boyfriend, yeah.” - he didn't stop though, he snuck his hand down to make contact with your clit, rubbing small, soft circles around it. “remember our agreement though? if you want, i can break it... show everyone your-”
“fine. make it quick.”
“you don't make the rules here, ill take as much time as i need.”
eren jaeger was popular around campus, not in the same way as reiner though. he wasn't some big shot blonde football player, just well known for being a jackass. his reputation started in the beginning of the year. he was a pretty low-key guy, just down to fuck almost anyone who asked. but then he'd just break their hearts, but girls always still tried getting him to fall for them.
he released your skirt and pushed you back up against the wall. as you both switched positions, you could see the faint red in his eyes, pulled out by the street light.
his lips found yours, roughly shoving his tongue into your mouth. once he felt that was enough, he flipped you over on the wall. to avoid scraping your face or getting your shirt dirty, you pushed your hands up onto the wall. you heard the familiar unbuckle of eren’s belt, and the shuffling of him trying to free his erect cock.
brining his hand in front of your mouth, he cupped it a bit. knowing what he wanted you to do, you spit right into it twice. he then brought his hand back and lathered his cock with your saliva. pulling the bottom of your skirt up to your waist, he pushed your panties to the side before slowly sliding himself into you. 
not bothering to care about the stinging you might've been feeling, he brought himself back out before slamming right back in. repeating and repeating, going at a roughly fast pace.
“‘ren sl-... slow down.”
“shut up, whore. you should... fuck- should know your place by now.”
letting out a whimper, you felt your fingertips push so hard into the wall, bound to leave a scratch. you then had them peeled off the concrete wall, as eren pulled both of you backwards. pulling out, he spun you around and pushed you back up onto the wall. 
he brought your thigh up to meet his hip, before thrusting himself back into you.
“your little pussy takes me so fuckin’ well”
clenching around him from his words, you let your head fall down onto his shoulder.
“want me to fill you u-”
he was cut off by the sound of your phone ringing. brining your head up, you went to go pull your phone out and hit decline... but eren beat you to it. he took your phone and hit accept, holding it up to your ear.
nice win, right?
‘y-yeah you were... you were amazing as always’
cuz i was thinkin’ of you. anyways i'm heading to the locker room, you with bert?
you felt yourself start to panic at the heat of the moment. you were on the phone with your boyfriend as you were getting pounded by the biggest dick on campus. he was ruthless. not bothering to slow down or stop, he just thrusted in harder and faster than before.
‘no actually-’ you were about to let out a moan but you covered it up with a cough ‘just i-in... the bath- the bathroom’
you okay?
‘yeah i’m... fine, 'm fine. ill see you in a few’
alright, love you
‘i love, love you too.’
right when you hung up you choked out a load moan that's been building up. without warning, eren came and shot right up inside you. of course he wouldn't make you cum at a scene like this.
pulling out, he pushed the seeping cum back up with his fingers, before pulling your panties back in place and fixing your skirt. 
“now go hangout with your boyfriend while your full of my cum.”
he turned you around back out of the darkness and playfully smacked your ass before giving your back a little push.
“i promise i’ll make it up to you, now run along like a good girl.”
giving him a frown, you made your way to the exit of the locker room. you stood there waiting for reiner, clenching your thighs together. 
dinner with reiner was sweeter than usual. most times after a game you were dragged to a loud diner with all his friends, forced to hangout with them. but tonight, reiner just wanted it to be you and him. nothing special though, just a quick food joint. walking back to your dorm, you felt the guilt build up in your chest like it always did. 
arriving at the front door of your single-person dorm, reiner pulled you into a soft, sweet kiss.
“practice is canceled tomorrow, i can stay for once.”
of course, the one night you're stuffed to the brim with another man’s cum.
opening the door, you let him in. the two of you laid kissing on the bed, before he tried sneaking his hand up your skirt.
you felt yourself start to internally freak out. if he were to finger you right now, he'd just be met with a load of cum. 
“i-im on my period.”
reiner was always understanding, so of course he was in this position.
“ok, that's fine. we can just cuddle and watch a movie.”
“sounds good” after placing a kiss on his cheek, you got up to go put a pair of sweats on, before returning back to your bed.
he must've been worn out from the game, as he almost immediately fell asleep in your arms. you couldn’t help but feel guilty, thinking about eren. do you wish it was him laying in your arms right now? no. reiner is everything you could ever ask for. you knew he deserved the world, you don't want to hurt him like you are  now. 
but you knew what would happen if you didn't give eren what he wanted.
and that'd be even worse.
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chemicalpink · 3 years
BTS members's reaction to their future spouse wearing their clothes....
Disclaimer: This analysis/reading is based on my experience and knowledge of astrology, it is not meant to be the absolute truth, as BTS are real people, and astrology can only capture so much about multidimensional humans that have had past experiences and cultural approaches amongst other things, it does not have to resonate with you since this is in no way related to anyone reading it (unless you are a member of BTS in which case, get out of here lol ) This is just for entertainment purposes.Remember that tarot as a form of divination only allows us to read current energy and as time advances it becomes less accurate, so it basically reads up to a 6 months period of time, which leads me to also mention that by s/o I mean any soon to be relationship or an already established relationship, indistinct of whether they are a soulmate relationship or not. Entertainment purposes only.
Warning: contains slight mentions of smut, not explicit.
he feels this sort of fondness inside of him, kinda like taking a big needed gulp of air after holding your breath for too long, this man has stars inside his eyes from watching his s/o in his clothes, can’t help but think hey, maybe they look even better on them than I do (only for a split second tho) the feeling you get all warm and fuzzy inside? that’s a given in him. Ear bright red, he might not be too much into lending his clothes on a daily but he sure as hell discovers a fondness in it. There’s also this sort of… domesticity to it, like- this man wants to feel at home and watching his s/o using something of his definitely delivers that homey feeling. Apart from all that, the quote that comes up us “you deserve love” so maybe… that impulsive need you sometimes get when you wanna wrap up something cute and squish it? That's the feeling that’s most prominent here. (5oCrx, the star, the empress oracle cards)
now this is interesting… when watching his s/o in his clothes, Yoongi has this conflicted set of feelings, overwhelmed, mainly, he truly knows how to appreciate the cuteness behind the act but he can’t help but feel kind of undeserving of it, it seems like the action starts an overthinking spiral of yeah they’re cute and all but what they do for me is so much more than I could ever give back. He kind of feels selfish by keeping them by his side, can’t really bring himself to mutter a bigger compliment that a ‘you look nice’ don’t get him wrong, he definitely acknowledges the small act of love but he’s.. carrying so much inner baggage that he can’t really look past what the scene makes him feel. (the hermit rx, 6oS, 10oC+ oracle cards)
Now… Hobi is a fashion icon okay keep this in mind. He seems to be very particular of his clothes so while he knows there are no bad intentions behind it, he kinda feels itchy at the sight. It is funny though, there’s a playful feeling of surrender as he watches his s/o wear his clothes, like ‘fine okay I won’t get as itchy just this once cause you look cute or whatever’ soft smiles and warm hearts. Although he’s not the biggest fan of the action, it definitely serves to boost his ego, makes him feel like the man in a non greasy way/non toxic way, like a reassurance that his s/o is deciding to stay by his side after all. Similar to having conflicted feeling like Yoongi but from different parts from within, sure, he can’t help but think ‘oh god please be careful with that jacket if it gets stained there’s no going back’ but at the same time watching his s/o in it softens his rough edges and makes him smile even just a little. (7oWrx, 10oS, the emperor + oracle cards)
This man- the absolute death of me. Kim NAmjoon enjoys a good teasing. And he can’t help but keep feeling like that is exactly what his s/o wearing his clothes entails, and man is he glad to play along. Not quite exactly sexual, but more of a sensual part of it, he’s just dying to get the clothes off. Can’t keep his hands to himself (cue that one Selena Gomez song) it flips a PDA switch on him, he feels absolutely loved to the edges, has this warm feeling inside his heart that he can’t help but wonder how he got so lucky, and honestly, it isn’t frequently when people get to see his bright sunny side so it ends up being even softer than intended, he just feels so full and bursting at the seams with happiness. (5oC, the sun, ace oC+ oracle cards)
Error 404. Park Jimin.exe has stopped working. This man loves good dramatics in his day to day and really, there’s no stopping him when he sees his s/o in his clothes, Time stops, his heartbeat is erratic, all he wants is to be their loyal servant, personal hype man at their service. Whatever it is that he was doing before? forget that completely, he's devoted to his s/o now. He gets to experience new sides of the relationship with such a simple action, like realising that he truly is head over heels for this person. There’s just a lot of loudness in this. I meant it when I said personal hype-man, would probably even go as far as to let his s/o “shop” inside his vast clothes collection ‘yeah take this and this, these would look amazing on you’ So yeah maybe he feels a tad bit insecure that his s/o is absolutely rocking his wardrobe but he can quickly get those feelings aside if it means watching his s/o just a little bit longer being the truest model there could possibly be out there. (IM SORRY I LOST THE CARDS LMAO)
This man goes 0 to 100 real quick. And don't get me wrong, he’s pretty romantic, but seeing his s/o wear his clothes? Now that’s a switch going off very clearly. Again, not in a toxic masculine way, but Taehyung is bursting with this distinctive dominating shine when watching his s/o wear his clothes, he’s absolutely on top of the world, cloud nine, and there’s no coming back down. He’s pretty playful about it, but there’s absolutely no doubt that inside his mind those clothes are currently non-existent. It’s the final nail in the coffin, the final reassurance that his s/o is his and his only, like a reminder that he is in a relationship and he’s 100% devoted to it. It does go down the traditional relationship line of thought but he’s quite a traditional man himself, so without any ill intention behind, he would really just like to show off his s/o being cute inside his clothes, a proud feeling behind when he talks about it, like a little kid teasing his friends about getting the best candy out of them all. (the hierophant, justice, the chariot)
Okay this is about to be quite a ride. As things are right now, he doesn’t seem to have a lot of tact when it comes to lovey dovey couple stuff, this man is more of a- man of deep rooted actions and sometimes cute words sprinkled on top rather than superficial actions, he doesn’t seem to find the appeal behind his s/o wearing his clothes, at least in an intended to be romantic type of way. He finds it trendy and he might just act cold about it, it doesn’t really hold a deeper meaning to him personally. Listen, he might be the type of boyfriend to ask for his hoodies back as soon as possible. If it isn’t meant to be done in a “oh look the couple sharing clothes” way, he might find his s/o cute in them, but not overwhelmingly so like many other people do. He’s just- very particular about his possessions being his. Funny inner thought that came up ‘we can buy matching shirts just please don’t steal my clothes’ (judgement rx, the tower, QoSrx)
Decks Used: the romance angels oracle cards, the prisma visions tarot
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hansolmates · 4 years
g.p.s - god, parents suck | m
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summary; seokjin just wants to enjoy the disney treatment and you are more than happy to deliver pairing; dilf!jin x hotelier!reader genre/warnings; crack, humor, gets a lil emotional, teenage daughter issues, one very minor allusion to a daddy kink LOL, a very vaguely implied sex scene, so CHEESY  w.c; est. 5.1k a/n; wee my first jin fic! this is for @btsghostiewritersnet​ #DynamiteDads event! I was supposed to go to disney this year but sadly miss rona had to cancel our plans so this is just pure self indulgence. as always thank u to @eerieedits​/ @chillingtae​ for the disney dream fic banner!
if you like it give it a bippity-boppity-boop on the like and share buttons! ✨✨✨
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“Left, left!” Seokjin cries, holding onto the emergency break for dear life, “not my left, your left!” 
“We’re facing the same way! We have the same lefts!” 
“Clearly not if we’re going right, Sweetheart.” 
“But the GPS says to go right!” 
“In four-hundred feet, keep left at the fork,” Google Maps interrupts pleasantly.  
“That’s it. Kim Yeji, pull over!” 
“But Daaaaaaaaad,” yet his daughter complies, sadly pulling over at the edge of the road. She doesn’t even have to step on the gas, just turns the wheel slightly so she can land slowly, pathetically on the gravel. 
“Angel,” Seokjin says levelly, reaching over to unclick the seatbelt. “I will drive the rest of the way, I gave you time to practice for you have to drive to college but we can’t get on the highway like this.” 
“You never let me do anything.” 
“What, I do! Who let you go to prom in that sequined excuse for a dress?” 
“Uncle Namjoon!” 
“Fine, I’ll give him that! Who let you dye your hair to a crisp—” 
“Uncle Hoseok!” 
“Uncle–” Seokjin is affronted, jabbing the seatbelt in it’s locked position when he gets in the front seat. “Forget it, let’s just have a peaceful drive for the next few hours until we get to the hotel,” he removes Yeji’s phone from the holder, placing it in her lap. 
“Dad,” she waves her phone around, pointing to Google Maps, “you need the GPS to get there.” 
He scoffs, “No, I don’t. We’ve been to Disney plenty of times. I know where we’re going.” 
“Oh yeah? When’s the last time we went to Disney?” 
“When you were two? Three?” 
Yeji relaxes in her seat, not ready to argue with her dad once more. “Alright, lead the way,” she gestures vaguely to the empty parkway, devoid of life for miles. 
Seokjin is undeterred, reaching over the console to pat Yeji’s blonde hair. He turns on the radio, only to be met with the sound of crunchy static and terrible country music. Cutting the radio, he immediately switches to an old Disney CD, telling Yeji to let it go as he pulls into the open road. Reddish dust clouds around the car briefly, ripping against the tires as they drive off to their hotel. 
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“Is this the Princess Hotel?” 
“Nope, this is the Prince S Hotel.” 
You can’t help but grin at the way your current customer’s face falls. He’s a handsome thing, all plush and pillowy in the cheeks and lips. Despite his daughter hanging off his arm like a limp noodle—after all it’s past 2AM and they’ve probably been driving for hours—he still manages to look somewhat put-together despite you telling him they’ve got the wrong place. 
“Told you, use the GPS,” her daughter chastises weakly, tucking her cheek in his shoulder. 
His kid’s a pretty girl, kind of reminds you of when you were a teenager. “The Princess Hotel is about an hour away on the other side of the Disney resorts,” you say slowly, noting from the way the girl is swaying on her feet that her father must be equally as tired, “although, I would suggest staying here for the night. Your daughter’s about to fall asleep on my counter.” 
At the pointed look you’re giving the teen, Seokjin puts a protective hand on her slim shoulders. “Yeji-bear, why don’t you lie down for a bit,” he leads her over to a spare couch. “We’ll call our booked hotel,” he says shortly, looking over his shoulder to give you a forced smile. 
Ah, you’ve seen this scene one or two times in your days working at Prince S. A father too prideful to admit he may have messed up just a little with the directions, and a child that probably argued or simmered so hard on the way they’re passed into a stupor on your lobby couch. Tonight, or your early morning is a little special though, you’ve never seen a father as handsome as the one in front of you, exasperatedly calling up their real hotel reservations. 
“What? My reservation has been revoked?” her daughter groans when he jostles around his lap, knocking her head, “how can you do that? Past the time? I thought this was Disney!” 
You drum your nails against the counter, using your other hand to pull up your guest list for the night on the computer. The father, now furrowed in the face, walks up to you and leaves his daughter on the plush couch. 
“One double bedroom for the weekend, please,” the father pulls his cards out, flicking it to your side of the counter. He places down his car keys in the available holder, “I parked out front, you do valet right?” 
With a nod, you get to work. “Take it they weren’t very accommodating?” 
“They gave our hotel room to some Make-A-Wish Foundation kid!” he cries exasperatedly, hands in the air as you patiently book the room. Your eyes linger longer than usual on his driver’s license and ID: Kim Seokjin. Even his driver’s license mugshot looks handsome. He rests his arms against your counter, despondent. “Is it terrible for me to hate on some kid with a terminal illness?” 
“A little,”  you shrug, slipping his keycard under his elbow, “but I mean according to your, Yeji-bear,” you can’t help but giggle at the nickname, “if you used the GPS you’d be at the correct hotel.” 
“Don’t remind me,” Seokjin glares, hauling his and Yeji’s luggage in one hand, “baby, let’s go upstairs c’mon.” 
You watch the small family trudge to the elevators,  sleepily walking forward like zombies. No one spares you a second glance, they never do, so it gives you ample courage to take a look at Kim Seokjin’s toned body. Broad shoulders, a Dorito-trimmed waistline, and long legs that you want to climb up on.
Oh, daddy. 
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“Hey,” Yeji pops up on your counter, looking much perkier than she did hours before, “do you have my dad’s car keys?” 
Trying not to raise your brows at your young guest, you give her a smirk, leaning over the counter. A spunky thing, with sharp eyes with a pretty cat-tipped eyeliner shape that has her looking well put-together. You wish you had your shit together as a teenager, you barely have it together now. 
“I do,” you quip, “why?” 
“I wanna get Starbucks,” she says simply, “the pineapple matcha is to die for, and I want to drink as many summer specials as I can before it’s over.” 
“Valid,” you reply, going into your master key to retrieve all the guests’ keys. Taking Seokjin’s from its holder, you note the expensive make. Peering up from your desk, you look at Yeji’s innocent features. Before you place the key in her waiting palm, you snatch it away, “Why do I have the feeling you’re doing something that you’re not supposed to be doing?” 
Yeji tilts her head, “I don’t think it’s any of your business,” 
Sassy. You like it. “Get me a grande matcha frappe and your secret’s safe with me.” 
Watching Yeji drive off in the large Hyundai Palisade gives you a little twinge of worry, but you quickly tamp it down to motherly instinct. If you were Yeji’s mom—which you’re definitely not, you’d be worried. Naturally, you feel similarly. 
The hotel phone rings, the red light from 921 blinking on your switchboard. Flipping down the room number you pick up the receiver, “Prince S Hotel, how can I help you?” 
“You do booking, valet, and housekeeping?” Seokjin’s exasperated voice says in your ears, “who would I call if I want breakfast?” 
“That would also be me,” you reply wryly, twisting the curly wire between your fingers, “we advertise ourselves as a hotel for the quality, although we are much smaller with only thirty rooms. Sort of like a bed n’breakfast, getting the true royal treatment.” 
“Would the royal treatment consist of some extra towels and a continental breakfast?” 
“You got it.” 
A little cliché of you to do the whole “whistle while you work” segment—a lacy apron to make sure your uniform doesn’t get dirty, a spot of coffee to keep you peppy and setting everything up on a gold trimmed cart. You didn’t think you’d see Seokjin again, especially after how upset he was about his room. 
With a little rap on his door, Seokjin invites you inside to set up. Their room overlooks the valley as opposed to the busy roads, so it’s a perfect way to rise with the sun. He immediately reaches for the coffee as you drag your little cart in, completely ignoring the cream and sugar on the side. After a long sip, he moans in pleasure. 
“Ah,” he exhales, a sound that has you teeming. You grip the handlebars a little tighter than usual, “Maybe it was fate that we ended up here.” 
“Maybe,” you fight the urge to bite your lip, because Seokjin has no idea how cliché of a line that is. He isn’t even speaking directly at you, talking in front of the sun like it’s his morning routine. “Say, have you seen Yeji around?” 
“Ah,” you shug, pretending to be oblivious, “I think she went out for a walk.” 
He turns to you, giving you a quivering brow, “She hates walking. Probably calling her friends in Korea or something.” 
Of course she doesn’t like walking, you think, that’s why she took your car for some overpriced drinks. 
Instead, you place the fresh pancakes and sides on the guest table, making sure everything is organized and in order. You place the towels atop the haphazardly made bed, making sure to put two mints on top. It isn’t customary to include mints, but you think the mints your hotel has taste great and deserve to be shared around more often than not. 
“So, it looks like you’re ready for Disney,” you remark, taking note of his outfit. He has on blush mid-thigh shorts, stretchy and made from a canvas fabric that looks airy and comfortable. Around his neck is a little portable fan, and on his head is an old Mickey baseball cap. 
“Ah, just for today and tomorrow! Sunday is my ‘me’ day,” Seokjin says, dashing across the room at the sight of fresh food, “Yeji is meeting with some cousins and will be spending the rest of the weekend with them.” 
“Sounds like a fun weekend,” you remark, turning to leave. 
“Will you be working the rest of the weekend?” 
This is supposed to be small talk. You try to convince yourself that Seokjin is just being polite, wondering if his service is going to be impacted by you being around or not. There must be nothing sexual, or just mere attraction, going on between the two of you. Well, maybe on your side of things. The pink shorts and the baseball cap are doing things to your body that you barely understand. Unfortunately, the eager apples of his cheeks and the innocent upturn of his lips lets you know that any possibility of returned affections is virtually nonexistent. 
“It’s my weekend off,” you fight the twinge of excitement when you see Seokjin pout, “but Park Jimin relieves me, and he’s definitely a much better host than I am. He’ll make sure everything’s taken care of.” 
“Does he make better pancakes than you?” Seokjin asks, swirling a bite in a ribbon of maple syrup.  
“I’m afraid not,” you smile, “he makes a mean breakfast burrito though.” 
He shrugs listlessly, eating slower. He takes his time to make sure every pancake is cut in equal two-centimeter pieces, taking his time as if he’s savoring the last of your home-cooked meal. “Not sure if I’ll be completely satisfied then.” 
With a firm smile, you wheel your cart out as fast as you can. You can’t keep up the facade now, not with your trashy mind and your dampening panties ruining your sense of self. Quietly slamming the door behind you, you’re met with Seokjin’s spitting image. 
Yeji tilts her head at you, eating you alive with her dead-on stare. She places the keys and your matcha beverage on your cart. 
“Did my dad confuse you or something?” 
“Is it that obvious?” 
“He’s like that,” Yeji shrugs, taking a long sip of her drink, “don’t worry, I’ll put in a good word for you.” 
A good word? With an uneasy smile you wheel away, ignoring the burn in your cheeks.
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“Can I have the keys?” Yeji asks the next morning, minutes before your shift ends.
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. You’re sure Yeji is a wonderful kid and has a good heart, but she’s seriously putting your five-star Yelp review on the line. Cocking one eyebrow you say, “What, need your Starbucks fix?” 
“Do you know how to parallel park?” 
“Why, need a teacher?” 
“It’d be better to have someone nearby to make sure I don’t park into a guard rail.” 
“Does Seokjin approve?” 
“You obviously know the answer to that,” Yeji replies, “and you and my dad are on a first-name basis, huh?” 
Fighting the heat in your cheeks, you busy yourself by locking up the money box and key tin, but not before grabbing the keys to the Palisades. “I’m doing this for you because I have impeccable customer service skills,” you feign haughtiness, leaving your front desk and scanning your ID to clock out. 
“Not because you think my dad is hot?” she follows you out the door. 
“Do you always talk about your dad like that?” 
Yeji is silent as she takes the keys from your grip, and you follow her in the passenger seat. A scent that’s fruity yet musky fills your nostrils, and you hug your arms for comfort. This is painfully awkward, at least in your point of view, but Yeji pays no mind as she connects to her Spotify playlist and turns on the air conditioner. 
“I’m not one of those prissy daughters that try their damn hardest to make sure their dad doesn’t date,” Yeji murmurs, adjusting the mirrors, “anyone my dad dates will be better than Hyehwa. He deserves to be happy for all that he’s done for me.” 
“The biological carrier for nine months,” Yeji replies dryly. 
Your heart pinches, squeezing against your ribcage as you put two and two together. Hyewha, who you’re assuming is, or was Yeji’s mother, is definitely out of the picture. Yet seeing how confident Yeji is with herself, and how much he loves her father and wants him to be happy, is clear in your eyes. 
“You are one cool kid,” is the only thing you can say, hoping you don’t have that silly heartened look in your gaze. 
It seems that you do, because all she does is roll her eyes and put the car in drive. 
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It’s nearly one in the morning when you get the call. 
You’re off the clock, but it’s graveyard hours and you and Jimin are craving pizza. So while Jimin tends to the last minute guests, you pick up a cheesy pie and hide behind the desk while Jimin does his job. 
You’ve polished off half the pie when the main phone rings, and Jimin sighs heavily. Late night and early morning calls are the absolute worst. 
“Get the hospital on speed dial,” Jimin jokes, but not really because the last time someone called at one, you really did wish you had an ambulance on-site. 
“Prince S hotel,” Jimin spins the cord between his fingers, looking like a dreamy teen heartthrob as he leans against the counter. He immediately swings the phone over to your greasy fingers, “it’s a personal call.” 
Wiping your hands on the box, you raise a brow. “Hello?” you ask, wholly confused. 
“Mm, it’s Yeji,” the voice slurs on the other line, “I need help.” 
“A-are you drunk?” you say, incredulous.
“Yeah, me and my cousin snuck a bottle downtown,” Yeji sounds nervous, and you unconsciously grip the phone tighter, “can you pick us up? I can drop you my location if you give me your number, please. My dad trusted me with the Palisade this weekend, I can’t let him know what happened. I know I’m always trying to get under my dad’s skin and whatever but I don’t want him to lose my trust, what we did is a dumb mistake.” 
A part of you feels for Yeji, you’ve done dumb shit like this when you were young. All those fond memories are nothing but memories, and definitely not reflective of your current life now. 
The rational, intelligent part of you knows that you should probably call Seokjin right now and tell him what’s going on. You don’t really want to get involved in their family matters, especially when as of late you’ve been inserting yourself in Yeji’s antics. 
With a sigh, you pull up your Lyft app, already knowing whose side you’re on. 
It takes no more than fifteen minutes for you to arrive at the scene, Yeji and what you assume is her older cousin sitting on the curb of a dilapidated Krispy Kreme, sadly polishing off a whole box of glazed donuts, Well, her cousin is polishing off the box, Yeji is taking nibbles at her proffered donut. 
You sigh, pulling Yeji up. You see tear-streaks, her previously perfect cat-eye smudged off and running down her cheeks. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, sounding not as inhiberated as she did before, “I bothered you.” 
“Not at all,” you soothe, running a hand down her braids. You try not to melt when Yeji nearly leans into your warmth, but backs up at the last second, “I’m happy that you called. Would rather know that you’re safe now than later, yeah? I’m not mad at you,” you assure, pulling a crumpled brown napkin from the pizzeria to dab at her ruddied cheeks. 
“Hi, I’m Jungkook,” you turn your head dangerously slowly towards the cute muscle pig who’s still sitting on the curb, “Ya deserve a five-star Yelp review for this service—” 
“But I’m mad at you,” you pointedly ignore his drunken charm. He looks old enough to drink, which only further annoys you because he should be the one taking care of Yeji, “get in the damn car, Youngkook.” 
“It’s Jungkook—”
“Get in.” 
He swallows his tongue, and you notice Yeji stifling a giggle at your attitude. She wordlessly hands you the keys, clamoring in the front seat while Jungkook takes the whole back row. Yeji tiredly informs you the address to her cousin’s hotel, and you drive off into the night. 
“Did I ruin my dad’s chances with you?” you think that Yeji has no clue what she’s saying, but there’s a little sliver of heart in her tone. Her face is pressed against the window, the cold glass on the verge of keeping her awake as she stumbles in and out of consciousness. 
“You could never do that,” you mumble, and you smile when her eyes willingly flutter shut. 
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“Hey, babe,” you practically hear desperation in Jimin’s voice.
“Jimin, no,” you already know that his request is sitting prettily on the tip of his tongue, “it’s my weekend off. I’m not getting out.” 
“But someone requested your pancakes,” he whines, and you can practically feel his pout on the other line, “and he said and I quote ‘I’ll be able to tell that you made them.’ I feel threatened!” 
“Did they offer to pay in diamonds?” 
“N-no. But he said it’s his daughter’s special weekend and he’d be really thankful if you’d come by and make your breakfast for him.” 
Daughter? Yeji. You sigh, rubbing a hand over your face. You have your own room separate from the hotel, a deal that has you living rent free in exchange for your hard labor five days a week. “Heat up the stove for me and crisp the bacon,” you mutter, hanging up and throwing the phone under the covers. 
Tugging your hair back and throwing on a large hoodie, you put on your slippers and pad down the little sidewalk that leads to the hotel. The sun beats down on you immediately, willing you to go back to your air-conditioned room to fall back asleep. Swimming through the soup that is the Californian air, you shuffle inside Prince S and make a beeline for the kitchens. You brush through busy employees, flashing a quick smile and “good morning” as you get to your station.
Jimin is already there, sitting at your workspace. All your ingredients are sitting out: flour, eggs, butter, vanilla, baking powder, baking soda, buttermilk, and fresh berries. However, Jimin makes  no moves to attempt cooking, instead looking at you with pursed lips and waiting for you to get a move on. 
“Get your butt off my counter,” you slap his thigh disapprovingly, pulling your sleeves up to start mixing the ingredients, “you’re dirty.” 
“I embrace being dirty,” Jimin replies majestically, kicking his legs back and forth. His Doc Marten creepers wave in your vision, “thank you for swinging by. He said that it was really really important that you come in and make them. Daughter’s request.” 
“They’re lucky they’re a cute family,” you mutter under your breath, although the words aren’t laced with malice. 
The batter is fluffy and puffy, rising with the scent of melted butter and caramelized sugar. You take careful fingers towards the berries, creating a smiley face in the uncooked pancakes. 
“Is your maternal side kicking in?” Jimin says in your ear, and you swing at him with your spatula. 
“Leave me alone, art is being made.” 
“Sure,” Jimin hops off the table, patting your shoulder, “I got a date with room 69,” you roll your eyes, there is no such thing as room 69. “So please continue to be awesome and finish off this favor by delivering it to Mr. Kim’s room.” 
“Jimin, no!” you don’t care that half the staff is staring at you amusedly, the other half uncaring because they’re so used to the two co-managers. “I’m not wearing—I’m not wearing pants.” 
You gesture to the obscene amount of bare legs out in the open. California’s hot as hell, you try to wear as little layers as possible. However, in the workplace you like to keep a modicum of decency. Even though Kim Seokjin is fine fine fine, you have decorum. 
But Jimin’s already off to visit the guest in room 69 and you’re stuck with a pile of fresh hotcakes and none of the workers want to get involved in your shenanigans. Typical. Begrudgingly, you force your Hallmark-esque smile and arrange the gold trimmed cart, taking care to put extra berries in the fruit dish. 
It’s a simple transaction. Get in, drop off the food, accept the tip if Seokjin feels generous, and get out. The door to room 921 looks larger than life, intimidating like the gates to heaven. You knock firmly, but gingerly. “Room service?” the voice that escapes your lips is your sugary professional voice, one that makes you wince immediately. 
A muffled “coming!” has you bristling at the door. You curse yourself, looking at your bunny-clad feet and your legs disappearing under your hoodie. 
As soon as Seokjin pops his head open you blurt, “I swear, I’m wearing shorts underneath this.” 
“Uh,” and that forces him to look at your legs. Dammit, it was a good intention but the wrong way to go. “Good to know,” he coughs, opening his door wider. 
The room is much messier on Seokjin’s side of the room, now filled with Eeyore and Baymax memorabilia. A large, white Baymax plush sits innocently at one side of his untouched bed. You crack a smile at that. 
“Where’s Yeji?” you ask lightly, putting both stacks of pancakes down on the available table. You absently wipe the crumbs off, leading the little pile of food-crust to the garbage can. 
“Yeji?” Seokjin asks, “why would Yeji be here?”
The way you put the cutlery down instantly slows, “You called Jimin this morning saying you needed pancakes specifically made by me to give to Yeji.” 
“Jimin?” you raise a brow, losing your high-pitched commercial tone. “Tiny, annoying blond guy?” 
Seokjin stares.
You stare back.
“Yeji’s at her cousin’s townhouse,” Seokjin states plainly. 
“No, you called and said Yeji wanted pancakes—” No. 
Yeji, or Jimin, or both called you and set it up. 
“Oh, Jimin’s an idiot,” you tap your head lightly, wanting to bop out any potential embarrassing memory that has burned in your brain, “must’ve misheard. Or is hearing ghosts! Honestly he isn’t the right mind I’m so sorry I reallygottaneedto—” 
You can’t even breathe let alone exhale the rest of your sentence, so you instead do the only thing you can do—run away. You don’t bother to exude grace as you plop any trash on the cart from yesterday’s room service, whipping the cart around so fast that the side wheels fly off and pop a wheelie. 
“We don’t have to let the food go to waste,” Seokjin says pointedly, probably watching you like he’s watching a comic show as you try to bolt out of the room. 
The door is closed, and the little hallway is too small for you to put your body and the cart between the walls. You’ve trapped yourself. Maybe you could just leave the cart and dip? You’re sure there’s at least two extras downstairs. 
“It won’t,” you reply dumbly, “I can eat it in the breakroom or something, I haven’t made breakfast for myself yet. I mean, I was kinda craving an avo-toast this morning, but pancakes are always a classic.” 
Seokjin snorts at your incessant rambling, carding a hand through his chocolate locks, “I’m trying to ask you to stay for breakfast.” 
“You’re trying to—oh,” you mirror his expression, running a hand over your hair so it pulls out of its already messy style. You haven’t done much physical activity this morning, but you feel absolutely breathless as you’re glued to the cheap carpet, taking in Seokjin’s wide glassy eyes
“And if you stay for dessert, I’d like to thank you properly,” 
“I didn’t bake dessert,” you hide the shudder in your throat when he steps closer, pinning you against the cart. Your knuckles must be transparent by now due to how hard you’re gripping the cart. 
“You didn’t,” Seokjin agrees, “but you definitely brought it.” 
You yelp, actually, a whole little dolphin-squeal escapes your lips as Seokjin puts his hand against the wall. You’re actually living a Disney-esque scenario that you do not want to be in. Seokjin’s either trying to give you the Eugene-Signature-Smoulder, or the Prince Naveen charm that isn’t very charming. 
“You’re a cheeseball,” you try to snap back, but it only comes out as a small reply, fitting of your cramped situation. 
His buttery brown eyes are clear and warm, and his sweet scent envelopes your form. You feel impossibly small, sinking deeper and deeper into your hoodie until you feel the heat of his voice sinking deep into your skin. 
It’s then that he leans in and whispers in your ear, his voice a simple request, “Please tell me that you’re interested in me too.” 
Something clutches softly in your heart, tethering you to Seokjin’s gaze. You wonder how many times Seokjin goes through this scenario. You wonder if he’s happy being a bachelor. You figure that many partners must have doubts being tethered by a teenage daughter, or if Seokjin is used to fleeting hook-ups.
“Have been since check-in,” you reply smoothly, finding your breath and looking up from your eyelashes.
Seokjin’s lips find yours, and you swear you’re lip-locking with Cloud Nine. They’re soft and supple and taste a little like maple syrup as they mingle with yours, and you can’t help but weave your hands through his equally silky strands, tugging him closer as he hooks his arms under your bare thighs. 
He gives your bottom an experimental squeeze, leading you to the unmade bed.
Needless to say, breakfast has to wait. 
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“So, I’m going to throw a cliché.” 
“Sure, we’re in Disney.” 
“Why me?” you slap his bare chest when Seokjin laughs, pouting, “I mean it! All I did was look cute and give you pancakes!” 
“So you admit you’re cute,” Seokjin smirks. 
“C’mon don’t change the subject, tell me!” 
Even though this hotel is partially yours, you’re still amazed at the softness of the Egyptian cotton as it engulfs both your bodies. Maybe it’s because you’re warm and bathing in the noon afterglow, maybe it’s your bed partner. Still, it feels divine as you lounge in bed, sipping champagne (left by the door, courtesy of Jimin.)
“Mm, caught you driving around with Yeji in my car.” 
You sit up straighter, clutching the sheets to your chest, “You saw us last night?” 
“You were also out last night?” Seokjin tilts his head, “I meant when you taught her how to parallel park.” 
“Oh fuck—I mean,” you slap your forehead, knowing you can’t get away with this one, “Let’s just say I helped her out of a sticky situation. Don’t blame Yeji, blame Yeji’s bunny-headed cousin.” 
“Noted,” Seokjin throws an arm around you, snuggling closer. You relax into his hold, melting between the sheets and his soft skin, “Knowing you’re pulling through for her. Let’s just say I’m a little soft for my daughter, no matter how old.” 
“She’s wonderful,” you say genuinely, taking slow sips of your bubbly drink. 
“Wanna go visit her for lunch? I’m supposed to be meeting her in an hour.” 
You don’t feel deterred or nervous to see Yeji, or even the possibility of meeting Seokjin’s extended family. So you agree, run back to your room quickly to throw on a reasonable summer outfit that doesn’t consist of hooded sweatshirts and booty shorts. 
Seokjin offers to drive your sedan, and since you feel a little princess-ish today you decide to let him take the wheel. After a few minutes attempting to drive in the direction of the townhouse however, you lower the volume on the radio. 
“Jin? I think you’re going the wrong way,” not only do you live here, but you went to the townhouse last night and you’re sure it’s in the opposite fork, “do you want me to plug it in the G.P.S?” 
“I know my way, hon,” Seokjin waves you off, confidently streaming through the oncoming traffic. You smile nervously, you have a feeling this situation has happened once or twice. 
“Oh, is that why you ended up in my hotel?” you tease, “because you’re so good at directions?” 
“Duh,” Seokjin reaches for your hand atop the console, “after all, my intuition led me to you.” 
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Work, work, work
Day 15: Cockwarming
Warnings/Other Kinks: Anxiety/Depression implications and mentions (Doppo is just like thattt), Doppo kinda snaps at the end, office sex/sex at work, dubcon (there's not explicit consent in this so I'm going to put it just in case but the reader and doppo are in a relationship and I meant for this situation to be consensual, but Doppo's anxiety in this situation made it seem kind of sus)
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I have nothing but Hypmic on the brain. I love feral screaming Doppo. Would highly recommend listening to him belly scream here. :D I really do want the best for this boy tho. I love him so muchhhh.
Disclaimer: 18+ years and older to read. All characters in this work are 20 years or older. This is a fictional depiction of a relationship and is not meant to be mimicked in real life. I do not condone cockwaming your partner in their place of work irl.
It was always work, work, work with him. Well, work and rapping but Doppo hardly ever talked about his Matenro. It was always about his balding asshole of a boss, his terrible coworkers and work, work, work.
You knew he was a workaholic. You knew that when you fell in love with the guy. But geez. Time for him to learn that self care was a priority.
You had stormed to his office after having spent two hours - past the time he was supposed to get off - waiting for him at home. This overtime was bullshit. The man worked himself to the bone. And he didn't know how to say no. You worried about him! It was the reason why you marched right over to the cubicle. The place was deserted, all except for poor Doppo, sitting at his desk pinching the bridge of his nose and surrounded by paperwork.
"What the hell is all this?" You asked as you came up behind him and you almost felt bad watching as the man let out a shout, jumping out of his seat and scrambling like a frightened rabbit. A few of the papers he had on his desk got caught up in his whirlwind and dusted around the room - a fact you assumed Doppo would be disgruntled about later, but he looked far too nervous right now as he took labored breaths and let wide eyes take in your form.
"Wh-what are you doing here?"
".... You're being worked too hard if the sound of your girlfriend's voice is enough to panic you," you quipped back, ignoring his question for now as you bent over to try to help organize some of the scattered documents that had fallen to the floor. Let him have the time to bring his breathing back to normal. You were mainly pissed at his job for overworking him - not so much him. Didn't need to go give him a heart attack. "You're here late again. I was checking in on you." A pile of paperwork stacked against your chest, you moved over closer to him to set it down on the desk and took your time eyeing the assortment of work he had lying around. This couldn't all be his. Some of them must be pawning off their work, and Doppo just so happened to be the biggest doormat around. A sigh heaved from your lips, and you didn't miss the way Doppo shuddered. How could you? The man tensed up like he was being shot by lightening. "Looks like it was a good thing I did too. This work would have kept you here all night if someone didn't come to stop you."
"I'm sorry!" You weren't surprised but the volume of his apology made you jump and as he started to spew off more and more apologies, you quickly grabbed him by the tie and yanked him in, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. You weren't trying to invalidate his feelings by cutting him off, but there was no reason for him to be panicking like he was. And luckily, kisses from you always seemed to soothe him - at least as soothed as someone like Doppo could be.
"Baby," you purred gently, pulling your lips from his and watching the way his cheeks lit up with a dusting of pink. Always so stressed, this one. But the face he made after you kissed him made your heart flutter. Dumbfounded but he still managed to swoon in subtle ways - those aquamarine eyes zoomed in on you like you were treasure. The simple strokes you gave to his hair made him melt - the tension zapped out of his shoulders and he almost started to slump into you. "You don't have to say sorry. But it's time to go home now. No more work."
That cute daze in his expression only lasted a moment more before it was like all that anxious energy plowed right back into him. The word 'work' was enough to flip a switch with him. "That's not right! I have a whole ton of it!" His arm extended outward, waving at the stacks piled high. "I'm sorry but I have more work to do. I'll finish as soon as I can but - I gotta do this or my crazy boss will pile even more work on me! Or I'll lose my job or worse I-ll-"
"Doppo!" You cut him off and tried to calm him down. It worked to some extent but only enough to keep him from screaming or spiraling into one of his crazes. You didn't convince him to stop working though and eventually you had to settle for watching him drown himself in the work in front of him, trying to suppress your groans.
You loved the man. But really?
Playing the waiting game wasn't something you were interested in though. Which is why, after a bit of working, you somehow managed to not only weasel your way into his lap but you also got his cock out of his pants, stroking it just enough to get him riled up as you watched him try not to panic.
"You can't just do that-"
"I just did. Don't worry. The cameras can't see in here. It's fine," you coaxed, letting him stay nervous anyway as you pushed your panties to the side from underneath your skirt causing him to visibly gulp. But he wasn't pushing you off.
"I have to work," he declared, whispers on the verge of being shouts fell from his lips but cut off into a whimper as the head of his dick was suddenly being warmed up by the heat of your body as you slowly sank down onto him - taking him in inch by inch. 
It wasn't until you were fully seated to the hilt, listening to his breath hitch that you gave a tiny huff. "Then work." And your body stilled. No movement other than the flutter and clench of your walls against your hung lover, letting your eyes watch his flustered face. He clearly didn't know what to say and you watched as his gaze flickered around like a chicken with its head cut off - to your face, to his paperwork, to where your bodies were joined and then anywhere but you. Good. Get him riled up. He was panicking but you could feel him twitch inside of you, like he was anticipating for you to move - waiting for it. But you kept your hips locked in place as you leaned in and rested your head on his shoulder. "Work, Doppo. Just giving you some motivation for when you finally get done." Your voice was much to kindly for someone who just pulled somebody's dick out in the middle of a public office. But it managed to keep him from tipping over his brink just yet. Poor thing always got so worked up. Your physical actions may not be helping that necessarily, but your voice always seemed to soothe him over, even if it was only a little at a time. 
"H-how?" You listened to him practically squeak, shifting under you and instantly giving a whine at the slight push against your walls. How was he supposed to work when you were on him like this? How was he supposed to concentrate when you were constricting around him? When you were filling him with molten lava from the bottom up?
With feather light kisses, you trailed a line across his neck, trying to remain still on the cock that was stretching out your insides - forcing the urge to bounce on him like a pogo stick until you both lost even the capability to think of work. You would behave somewhat for now though. Doppo could get his work done. You could get some form of closeness in the meantime. Besides, maybe a good vise grip on him could speed up the process? Or make him say 'fuck it' altogether - hopefully, literally fuck it. "Just work, Doppo. Since it's so important. Ill wait," you cooed, almost as if you were being thoughtful. Too sweet for him to argue and you listened to him give a defeated groan of a sound before he tried to level out his breath and refocus. 
Oh, but that was easier said than done. Doppo had restarted on the paperwork, working around you as your warm body nuzzled into his chest. He usually felt like he was suffocating at work but right now, it felt like your body was trying to strangle the life out of him from somewhere other than the neck. How were you so tight? How come velvety walls were squeezing down on him over and over again without either of you even moving? You were starting to leak out around him, a sticky mess starting to spill out onto his lap slowly - torturous. Maybe you were actually trying to be sweet. Maybe you were actively trying to mess with him. But either way, it was kicking up a bad habit within him. He would reach for another stack, shifting in the chair and causing the tiniest of mewling to escape from your lips. It was a blissful sigh here, a hitched breath there, a tiny hum into his chest and it was going to break him. He was supposed to be focusing but at this rate, he was going to start making mistakes on his work.
You were causing him to silently work himself up. Each climb of his emotions resulted in a string of jitters, and in return had your body clenching even tighter on him. How could you even feel like that? He choked, tugging at his tie to try and gasp for air. You were messing with him. You had to be. You must be mad he wouldn't leave. This was his retribution. To be strangled by your wet cunt over and over without reprieve- without any motion for relief. Well, fuck that. He may love you. But he worked far to hard day in and day out. Pent up didn't even begin to describe it. If you were going to try to rile him up like that, then he would give you riled up because he couldn't take it. Not a second longer. Not with that familiar primal darkness beginning to flare inside him.
His body rocked and you instinctively lifted your head from his chest to peer up at him, the first actual movement he had made since you had sat on him. "Are you okay?"
"O-okay?" He was stuttering his words but unlike his panic from before, this time he sounded angry. It wasn't a tone he took entirely too often. But you knew Doppo. You knew if his buttons were pressed enough, he would snap. He was tea kettle, getting hotter- "how do you except me to be okay-" and hotter "- when your purposely trying to make me-" until he screamed "-loose my fucking mind!?"
You only had enough time to widen your eyes before he flew out of his chair, taking you with him and slamming you onto his desk. The noise he made was positively feral - teetering between a growl and a scream - and without a warning, he was wrecking you, bludgeoning into you with a speed you hadn't even been aware he was capable of. 
"D-D-Doppo!" You were trying to talk but the sudden thrusting was knocking out your capabilities to think. You had been stretched out and horny for a while now but at this pace you couldn't keep up. You were trying to grip at his shoulders for some type of stability. "H-hang on a sec-"
"Hang on?!" He sounded unhinged - a growl ringing in the back of his throat so different from his usual meek - if not panicked - composure. "I've been hanging on! I've been hanging on this whole time! You just had to be on me huh? When I'm at work!" Papers were tossing up into the air around you and you could hear the clatter of the cubicle as he knocked you into the desk over and over. Oh, you couldn't even keep your eyes opening with the way your senses seemed to overload. "All this work - all these damn excuses to pile it onto me - and then you still come in here and give me more work. Too needy? Need my to pound you senseless before I can finish my work? Then that's what I'll do. I'll take you over and over and over again until you're out for days!" He declared, his hands clamping down on your hips and you could already feel the bruises even as the head of his cock shifted up enough to find your sweet spot, leaving you wailing out. "Again and again and again!" He got louder and louder with his sounds, growls and grunts turning into wanton groans and gasps as he split you in two. 
This would teach you not to mess with him at work. Or maybe it would teach you to mess with him more.
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