#but also the temptation hh
hunting-destiny · 2 years
I've been tagged in that writing post so many times it's making me want to write things firjjfe
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drconstellation · 5 months
Chiastic Structure of S2
The post preceding this is Chiastic Structure of S1.
S1 was neat, tidy and simple compared to S2.
S2 was...difficult. I have a feeling this is because of the missing minisodes. There felt like there were "holes" in places, where there was a strong scene with no corresponding pair, and yet in others there were single lines matching up.
You will also notice its quite...skewed? The hinging midpoint is right at the end of Ep4, which means the last two episodes mirror the preceding the four! So there are gaps. For example, the conversation in the pub in Ep2 doesn't match with anything specific.
One of the things I hoped it might shed some light on was the purpose of the trip to Edinburgh, which seems like a bit of a dead end. It does, in a way - I will discuss it a bit further below, along with some other parallels that didn't fit the structure.
A: Before the Beginning B: Aziraphale meets Crowley C: "How much trouble can I get into just for asking a few questions?"  D: "I'm very good at forgiveness. It's one of my favourite things." E: Gabriel: "I love you, you're funny" F: Argument about helping the other G: Crowley offered Duke of Hell position H: Crowley apologizes to Aziraphale I: Hiding of Gabriel - 25 Lazurii miracle J: Shax threatens Crowley K: Jobs children are turned into geckos M: Aziraphale's Trial by Temptation N: Aziracrow see God talking to Job: AZIRAPHALE: I don't suppose he's getting any answers. O: AZIRAPHALE: That sounds, um…CRAWLEY: Lonely? P: An angel asks permission for entry to the bookshop Q: Aziraphale makes unauthorized changes to the Bentley R: CROWLEY: Oh, come on, Mr. Dalrymple, it's not brain surgery! S: BARTENDER: You'll be one of those investigative reporters, no doubt? T: Aziraphale goes back to offer assistance to Elspeth and wee Morag U: Aziraphale stalls on saving wee Morag, says he doesn't have permission V: The laudanum toast to wee Morag W: AZIRAPHALE: Will you get into trouble? X: Crowley does Operation Lovebirds - Calls tempest Y: CROWLEY: "What are we talking about now?" GABRIEL: "Who am I? What's happened to me?" Z: Crowley confronts Gabriel about Aziraphale - Its always too late AA: Shax saying to Aziraphale she heard Aziracrow were an item 90 years ago BB: Zombies kill - 1st brain eaten CC: Crowley talks Aziraphale into performing a bigger magic act DD: Aziracrow shake on deal to do more miracles if needed EE: Zombies kill - 2nd Brain Eaten FF: The Staging of the Bullet Catch GG: Aziraphale gives permission for Furfur to enter the dressing room HH: Furfur says to expect a legion to come for Crowley in the morning II: Furfur's audience with the Dark Council, is treated condescendingly 
● SHADES OF GREY  - you said "TRUST ME."
II: Shax is stopped by Demon Josh, is treated condescendingly HH: Shax wants a legion to storm the bookshop GG: Beez asks if Shax has permission to enter the bookshop FF: AZIRAPHALE: I can guarantee you it will be a night to remember! EE: Shax wants killers, 10,000 demons DD: Deal for Dr Who Annual with Mr Arnold CC: AZIRAPHALE: Maggie and Nina are depending on me BB: 70 demons and a malignant and creeping sense of unease AA: Nina asks Crowley about how long he and Aziraphale have been together Z: Crowley confronts Gabriel about Aziraphale - stops him before its too late Y: Nina: "I’m going mad" - is spoken to by all the people at the Ball X: Aziraphale does Operation Lovebirds - Maggie asks Nina to dance W: AZIRAPHALE: I think you're overestimating how much trouble we're actually in. V: SHAX:… they are toast. T-O-S-T E. Toast. Now! U: Crowley stalls Shax on attacking humans, asks if she has permission T: Crowley says he's coming back, won't leave Aziraphale on his own. S: CROWLEY: Officer, I need to report a crime. R: Aziraphale: It all looks so simple in Jane Austen… the brains behind the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery. Q: An unauthorized demon enters Heaven, changes P: Maggie gives permission for the demons to enter the bookshop O: MURIEL: It's a bit lonely. N: Aziraphale opens the portal to Heaven: GABRIEL: I told you you could ask. However, I am the only First-Order archangel in the room, or, you know, the Universe, so I'm not gonna answer so much. M: Gabriel's Trial K: Gabriel puts himself into the fly J: Aziraphale declares war on Hell I: Reveal of Gabriel - memories restored H: Gabriel apologizes to Beelzebub G: Aziraphale offered Supreme Archangel position F: Argument about helping the other E: The Big Damn Kiss D: "I forgive you" C: "Always asking damn fool questions, too."  B: Aziraphale leaves Crowley A: Beginning of  the End – Learn of Second Coming
Discussion on parallels that didn't fit the structure:
1. Crowley is given permission to destroy all of Job's possessions /  Gabriel refuses to give permission to destroy the Earth aka Armageddon II
There is a repeat emphasis on licenses, permits and authority throughout S2, so I really thought Crowley's permit to destroy of Job's possessions would have a match. It did, but it didn't fit the structure! If you look closely some of the other permits and authority lines do slot in. I'm planning some metas on these topics in the near future, as the use of language around these concepts is quite interesting, and there is some history to throw into the mix as well.
2. Crowley deceives the archangels with the help of an angel
This pair is a reference to Crowley and Aziraphale teaming up in the Job minisode to restore Job's children, and then Muriel aiding Crowley to sneak into Heaven. I'd just like to point out that Crowley could have gone to Heaven on his own - remember Eric went up with the hellfire in S1E6 - but he doesn't know where to go and get Gabriel's file, that is what he needs Muriel for.
3.  Popping up to Edinburgh
Ah, the trip to Edinburgh! Why? WHY!!! Why go all that way for ... nothing?
Guess what - it's a parallel sequence to Crowley popping up to Heaven.
I was going to write a companion piece to this but...my to do list is getting a bit long at the moment. Let me know if you want me to expand on it.
4. Ignoring messages
So this one started as "Nina gets txt messages from Lindsay, Mrs Sandwich says not to look at them," at the start of Ep3, then during the Ball Crowley is trying to lead the humans out of the bookshop and Shax confronts him with another bundle of mail. Crowley is succeeding in ignoring his messages from Hell, but Nina isn't.
5. Muriel and The Interrupted Tea Ceremony
In S2 it noticeable that everyone except Crowley needs permission to enter the bookshop, whereas in S1 they could just walk in. Originally I made a comment elsewhere that I thought this part matched with a sub-story to the Ball, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and hospitality to angels, but then I came back and had another look and saw that there was a surface match - but I'm still going to do another post about the "cupperty" because it keeps getting lost in all the noise!
6. Threats and Declarations of War
Shax makes a number of threats throughout the series, to hunt Crowley down and to declare war on Aziraphale. So when Aziraphale inadvertently declares war on Hell with the halo toss, you'd think there would be a matching pair. There is, but not with a declaration of war, just a threat to Crowley. This is probably one of the weaker pairs.
7. Mysteriosity, audacity, ferocity and dangerocity
The Marvelous Mr Fell and his Mysteriosity has a pair with Shax's speech to her fellow demons about the unprecedented audacity of the attack on the bookshop, and how their lack of numbers will be made up for with their ferocity and...dangerocity. It should have fit, but it didn't.
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littlecowmoo · 9 months
Character Au!!!
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Metal sonic
I was thinking of this au, Metal is an organic being now, Dr. Eggman thought of an idea on making Metal a living being by using his Roboticizer but changed it where it changes robots into organic beings. So now hh has to learn what it's like and how his new body works. After he realizes he has a mind of his own and can make his own choices, he betrays Dr. Eggman and went off on his own journey.
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So now infinite
I base him off of the god of chaos Apophis.
Instead of giving Infinite his normal mask, I gave him a snake head one instead, each can show the base off of the god. Who is pretty much a snake
Apophis is the god of earthquakes, thunder, darkness, storms, chaos, disorder, and death.
For infinite, I'm only gonna use Chaos, death, and darkness(and I'll add war)... Each kinda fits him more.
For infinite's backstory, I was thinking about making it somewhere similar to apophis. Each he wanted to eat the sun.
But change it to where like
Infinite had a job to rip the sun out of the sky and make it full darkness. Instead of like
Him working for eggman
(He's pretty much like every other sonic villain)
For Apophis story it was like:
The sun was the first sign of the created world and symbolized divine order, light, life, and if he could swallow the sun god, he could return the world to a unity of darkness.
I wanna say infinite is a very old god, sense I'm gonna put him as one of the gods in Egyptian.
So he was probably very used to having the world being all dark until the sun.
So he wanted to rip the sun out because he was just mad at it for no reason
And end up getting his butt kick by a blue hedgehog and a oc/j
I also wanna make it where he already had the rudy. Say like
Before he wanted to rip the sun out, he found it each made him act more
Temptation, death, and chaos.
Temptation and death is the information of the snake in Greek mythology
And in the Bible
But I also base him off of the god of death(Anubis) ; however he isn't very similar at all, only with the part where the jackal means fear.
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There's actually not much to him sense it already gave him the most basic backstory(He was born from an egg and was born to fight)
He is an alien/imp mix,
I see black doom as a devil more than like an alien, saying he is pretty much Satan into this au.
And the mother is unknown so we don't know what alien girl he was with.
And yah Shadow's father is black doom and also Gerald Robotnik. Eclipse is only half sibling to shadow.
So instead of him being like a demon, I'll make him more like a imp
Each is pretty much the same just a small troublemaker– Each he is/j
He was born from an egg because of logic.
So there isn't much about him on why he's like evil.... Because it's like.. In his DNA, so not much backstory.
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Mephiles is gonna be easy, I'm gonna make him more base off of his actual demon each is Mephistopheles of course
His backstory is gonna still be the same, by being made into a lab and was born by accident, but instead of it just being made by Solaris. I also wanna add the time eater into it too
I feel like it would actually make sense, since he's like.. A dark god that has something to do with time, and Mephiles is like... He can change time.
Also because I actually feel like no one ever talks about the time eater
My vision of Solaris is kinda like an cherubim angel
(The ones with many eyes, wings, wheels like bodys)
So mephiles is kinda like an fallen angel too in a way, however he is more of an invidiak(shadow demon)
And so is Iblis too (the actual Iblis was an fallen angel)
And I would picture the time eater being more like an god Titan
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hollowknightinsanity · 6 months
Holly’s music taste bc im bored <3
First of all!! They love calm, soft indie music. Absolutely adore that stuff.
Second! Lofi music!! Very calming to them — they have bad anxiety, and quiet, soft lofi really helps them relax
Third! They really like folk music (thanks to @alaskaartz’s AU Hollow for putting them on that (sorry for the tag ghhghghghg)). Acoustic <3333
Fourth, goth music. Trad goth music. Softer stuff. The Cure is actually one of their favourite bands!
Fifth, they really like musicals. You can thank Grimm for that one.
Sixth, finally, and probably most unexpected, symphonic metal. Obsessed with that shit. Good lord, the VOCALS
Other stuff under the cut bc this got a bit long hh
Now for the bands/musicians they like!!!!
Lana Del Rey
Of Monsters and Men
Conan Gray
really, any lofi musician
The Crane Wives
The Arcadian Wild (thanks, Hollow!)
Poor Man’s Poison
Johnny Goth
IAMX (idk if theyre a goth band, but Holly likes ‘em)
Mephisto Walz
Depeche Mode
The Cure
Delphine Coma
Black Angel
Siouxsie and the Banshees
Epica (thanks dad)
Within Temptation (one of my fav bands, has been since i was like 5)
Moonlight Haze (again, thanks dad)
(I’m a little biased ngl)
Uh yeah that’s mostly it?
They have a vinyl collection. My sona likes visiting the Empty Promises universe, and since record players are a thing in hallownest (bc i said so), my boy decided to get Holly a BUNCH of vinyls for the bands they listen to
They’re a total sweetheart with a based ass music taste and also know all the lyrics to every song in Phantom of the Opera
(Let them ramble about their fav bands to you. Trust me, seeing them happy is one of the most wholesome things in existence bro:
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turojo · 9 months
gio moment tell me about one of your favorite threads! it can be something you played with this muse or any other, follow your ♥
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OOugh,,where do I begin — lemme shout a few that occupy my mind rn.
edit: this got so long so slippy under a cut it goes:
last complete thread with @lvsamine. I like exploring his relationships before SCARVIO on people he's met and worked with possibly. This is a sort of break in his melancholy; recognizing and being comfortable with someone who knows him for his work rather then ... uh, you know. There's literal changes in his demeanor from light returning to his tired eyes and getting excited over working with Lusamine and Aether on a big project.
And it's also the start of a shift in his story too.
Throughout the blog he's been teetering between "being good": recapturing escaped paradox pokemon, reluctantly remeeting people in Paldea, slowly taking on actual regional professor duties, and rebuilding the Poco lab to keep track of the Crater from above. But he's also very solemn and withdrawn.
But then there's moments of excitement, of going through efforts to get work done, explore and build something....granted this all happens during temptations. His mind strays from staying out of pathways that quickly get him into trouble. He gets so excited sometimes he doesnt see or even care that what hes doing is going to hurt him or someone else in the end. It's very easy to fall back into comfortable, malign habits.
Talking with Lusamine, remembering and feeling invigorated by all the work he did and the things he discovered ... he questions if its worth forcing himself into a comfortable and safe box to appease people is worth it when he feels so much better "breaking boundaries and discovering impossibilities" people are going to be scared of and that's their problem. But he forgets ya know...Arven, the son he left behind and like...all the destruction his "happiness and well being" selfishly takes.
He's always cusping a villain arc or good direction and I love seeing wherever it goes as more plots and interactions come by ; >c
v. paradox verse in particular, the whole “hey Sada used the Time Machine to yoink Turo from a point in time before he gets mauled so things are hunky dorey again but oops, it’s a lot more complicated then that and there’s emotions all over” deal
There’s several threads with nox/ @prosada that I love but in particular the thread where Turo is completely existential on him being here. He’s having a hard time trying to step back into a husband/father role like nothings happened. Arven is very indifferent with him as expected which causes Arven and Sada to get into a lot of arguments Turo of course overhears cause hey its a small lighthouse-house and he has ears. So Turo being Turo turns to absolute truths like physics and numbers and equations when he can’t emotionally deal with something. And what do you know…! It definitely spells out he should be dead and it’s very unnatural he’s here and it’s putting everything off. He takes this as a certain and gets really distant and sad and quiet. He doesn’t belong here and maybe he and Sada could never naturally stay together in any timeline.
But Sada comes in, smacks that idea out of his head cause it’s silly. She literally shattered expectations and literal laws of physics, time and reality itself to change that to get him back.
Can you believe he’s loved so much that someone literally became a momentary God to change the fabric of reality itself? Just for him?? For their family??? No matter how dysfunctional??? Cause he didn’t until he realizes it and does a 180 in perspective and it!! Just makes him so happy and so awestruck and --
Okay both have really good writing and reaaallly good grasps on their characters too hh.
There's like several other threads I have in mind too but this got ridiculously long; might have to make a new post sometime.
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dearestaeneas · 1 year
resisting the temptation to ask you every one of the questions from the writer ask game and instead asking: 2, 3, 7, 13 (i'm guessing i know the answer to this but consider this an open invitation to share some fun lore), 26, 29, 30
kicking my feet and writing your name in hearts all over my dream journal
2) my two newest ocs are Matt + Justin! i was working on a thing for a zine i want to submit to, and the theme was 70s/80s/90s campy horror, so i picked just two lame ass 90s boy names. it's a silly little queer slasher story that i didn't expect to go so in-depth on!
3) uhhhhhh. my biggest self insert is probably that John Dearheart character i post little blurbs about sometimes. i realized i'm probably gonna need to change his name if i post more about him, though, because i completely forgot he's a Discworld character. i've been rereading Going Postal lately and while i was waiting for the library loan to come in i was scrolling through its tumblr tag and got whiplash seeing his name. it is deeply humbling thinking you had an original name and not only seeing its an already-established character, but an already-established character from a BOOK YOU'VE READ BEFORE. outside of him as my vent character, i put myself into all my characters! i'm very vain! Branwen and Ardan are my two biggest ones from hh, and lately its been Branwen more just for the sake of story themes :3
7) Celeste and the Old God is actually one of my favorite pairs to write about, and it's wild to me that i don't have them interact more. i think what really gets me about them is that Celeste's entire deal is that she's...normal. she has a "normal," healthy relationship with religion, and criticizing it is included in that, i think. and for that reason, those two are the closest to being equals. having one character be a devout believer/her religious trauma being something you actively get to see be established throughout the story (branwen) v. another character who's extremely cynical to the point of numbness who doesn't believe in anything (ardan), and in a context where branwen is genuinely helpless vs. ardan having more control than he realizes/freaks him out when he does realize it, it's so fun to write Celeste as being on equal playing ground. it's important to me that her entire deal is "actually no fuck you, you need me just as much as i need you." and i think that equal playing ground is why they have kind of a begrudging friendship.
i also like writing branwen and ardan together because they are bisexual.
13) not really any of them i don't do that kind of stuff<3*
26) American Gods!!! And Slaughterhouse Five. those are the two i always automatically say when asked! i read If We Were Villains sometime last year and it rewired my brain, also. i found it because of The Secret History, which also rewired my brain. Both of those books fundamentally changed my brain chemistry, but secret history did it derogatorily, if that makes sense. great book. i never think i have feelings about it until i start talking about it. Donna Tartt i am nearing your location. (also Piranesi!<3)
29) probably Harry Potter? unfortunately? (also, sucks that i have to say 'unfortunately'. like most people, those stupid books were very important to me at one point in my life! mostly because of the stuff i did with my friends because of it! go fuck yourself, Joanne!) i deffo wrote fanfic, though. i had a huuuuge fic i handwrote with a bunch of my friends
not my first fandom, but i thought you'd appreciate: i was also a huge percy jackson kid. obviously. probably more so than harry potter. i took latin in middle school, and one year we had this pretty big multi-part project where we could pick different prompts for different parts. super cool and fun, had i been the person i am now who actually like, cares about things and puts effort into them! but i suffered from the disease of all middle schoolers where i Fucking Sucked. i didn't realize one of my parts was due one day, and during the lunch period i speed-wrote percy jackson fanfiction that i had to Read Out Loud To The Class and then hand in for a grade. i got a 100, but only after reading it out loud, having what i believe was my first out of body experience, and then going back to my seat where one of my friends leaned over and said "was that the fucking plot of Mark of Athena"
30) good!!!! we're actively getting a snowstorm and i'm hoping it keeps up so work is cancelled tomorrow! who knows how lucky i'll be but i can hope!!
*if i was normal i could have left 13 at that and just let myself be funny, but i am nothing if not verbose. obviously hh! in taking up your offer to share fun lore, there's one character who i have been avoiding talking about because i think everything about him is so integral to the plot that like, making goofs about him would be a spoiler (is that...full of myself to say? it would be, though). that said, since the idea of "equals" is so relevant throughout hh, he's been fun to write because he technically falls on the Celeste end of the spectrum, but he's using it for evil. literally. a lot of his deal is unintentionally "what makes a god a god" and how he's this sort of nebulous figure because no one can agree what his deal is. he is accidentally my Odysseus character, and it kills me to admit that. little pansexual freak who wants to kill god.
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gorgugsweater · 3 years
d20 fic exchange AND d20 big bang coming back... zoo wee mama
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hearties-circus · 3 years
M' tryna decide if bree and conan would tell anyone else of their employee files discovery
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petitprincess1 · 3 years
I don’t mean to sound mean. How are the sinners in Hazbin Hotel tortured? Yes, they live in place where chaos runs supreme. However, most of the sinners seem extremely happy most of the time. Also, in Helluva Boss, this version of hell does not seem very chaotic. The imps do not live impoverished or are discriminated despite being lower class in this world. Demons walk around the street without fear of being attacked. This place does not even seem over-populated. In Helluva Boss, the society of this version of hell is a little too calm sometimes. This is supposed to be the same world as Hazbin. Like, Vivziepop has said this place is supposed full of horrible people torturing each other all the time. In Helluva Boss, I do not get the sense that this world is like that. The only demon that I can say I have seen suffer is Angel. However, I do not get see how the other sinners suffer. Am I missing something? Can you help me understand ? Sorry for the bother!
I mean, what do you want to happen? People getting killed in every single frame in the ep or bodies lying on the street? XP The imps live in Imp City, which is pretty poverish looking compared to The Pentagram. Also, Helluva Boss focuses more on the relationships of the characters rather than the world-building. There is some with the other rings, but you wont see much of the Pride Ring, which is where the Sinners reside. Plus, this is just season 1, so we aren't gonna get everything.
Also, in comparison to what we saw in HH pilot, of course the hellborns are going to be much calmer. Imo, the hellborns aren't as driven by sin compared to Sinners, which is why in Pentagram City there's so much debauchery and temptation everywhere. They seem to even feel regret for their actions, which, judging by the HH pilot and comics, the Sinners seldom do.
As for everything else, I can't fully answer. It seems like this version of Hell is meant to be a tiny bit more functional compared to other versions. However, saying that it needs to be chaotic in order to be hellish isn't true. Like I said, the Sinners are constantly surrounded by sin in the Pentagram, so there's no way for them to even get redeemed. It even seems like they're forced to continue their sin, like Pentious being obsessed with domination or Cherri and arson. It's subtle suffering.
Look at characters like Angel Dust, who is constantly suffering around Valentino, or even Alastor, who has his thoughts broadcasted for everyone to hear. It's like it's impossible to go beyond what you "fell" for. If you went to Hell because of being an arsonist, well then that's all you can do and possibly what you "live" for. One can argue that that's worse than just simply being around chaos, which one can become numb to.
Plus, another thing that's terrible is that they can't die. Only angelic weapons can kill Sinners. They can regenerate, but it's extremely painful. So, they can't even escape through death. Although, that's not even including the annual Extermination. A whole day dedicated to a mass genocide of Sinners suffering for just dying and happening to go to Hell. So, there really is no "peace" in Hell. If you somehow can deal with the constant debauchery, turf wars, drugs, cannibals, and other sins around you, then the Extermination will get you.
So, in my eyes, the suffering in this Hell is much more subtle compared to others that we have seen. It's like an intrusive thought that just won't go away. It just gets more and more prevalent. The only way to shut it up is to indulge. No way for redemption. No way for getting into other businesses. You're stuck with what caused you to end up there, until someone armed with angelic weaponry or a Fallen Angel itself ends you. It's just a theory, but it feels like a true Hell.
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floralkittygambler · 3 years
Spoiler to upcoming H*skerD*st post (why I dislike it)
“ [SECT 1 - Body Language (Nif > AD) - Avian/Feline/Human] [SECT 2 - BOUNDARIES: rejection, pushy, reflects val, pref unavailable men like Henroin/Bro (Trav, H), power dynamics in fic/rl, candid pic] [SECT 3 - Age, chemistry (pro, con)/common grounds (addictions), convo, maturity, AD type, Opposites DONT attract (proven by science)] [SECT 4 - IG, fans, viv - streams, viv sis, staff, mick ear comment, issues w staff shipping, requests, new and outdated art, mentality, tsundere, male sex abuse victims in media, poor character and world mapping, neg gay stereotype, oversized pet, H being OOC for fanservice and self indulgence is creepy] [SECT 4.5 - Impact on audience: The message this conveys to audience, esp impressionable young people. lack of staff maturity and understanding on this. concerning fetish.] [SECT 5 - Personal Experiences + why it triggers, where my pov comes from and why its valid] [SECT 6 - CONCLUSION: Why it wont work, brief sum of impact on reality, no respect or boundaries, dangerous message, clear and unrealistic bias (that can lead to sloppy storytelling), How to Fix (best course of action from here, maybe a lesson in boundaries and accepting rejection/cant have everything to AD? Start of a purely platonic bond between the pair, Paternal/grandfather and grandson love (not always covered in media), healthy relationships that arent just sex/romance, how different bonds can help give support to healing, realistic relationships and bonds, moving away from creepy stereotypes and stigma, expanding from the cliche of love healing all and why thats dangerous, love is not to fix someone or yourself, how fanservice dampens storytelling and weakens development - ex pyramid head, viv ‘symbolism’ is heart trademark + lack of research, lesson of respect and boundaries, positive messages, how to improve of the storytelling of HH to avoid cliche and self indulgent/fanservicey pitfalls)] “
Finished the introduction and warning sections. Thisll take some time, esp as its touchy stuff for me. But working on something more refined and professional sounding/looking whilst linking the original for reader ref. Some personal info will be redacted as I feel uncomfortable sharing it as well as it’s in my right to have my privacy. Im aware people will question it however some things will trigger me and I will mention that, however I would rather keep somethings personal. Respect that from a real person please.
Im also going to cover other (Viv Related) topics such as:
The Dangers of Stolitz
Valentino - The Bastardisation of the Pimp ‘Game’ (It’s NOT romantic)
The Flaws of Angel Dust (From Design, Stereotype, Drugs and Sex Work)
Viv and Critique - Why Criticism is CRUCIAL to Growth + the Difference Between Hate and Help
Points to Improve (in HH/HB)
Professionalism Lacking in Spindle + Concerns
Research! Some Facts About Each Era + Demonology (from a Real Witch!)
[Now I know many may have issues with this one but] Viv Inserts - Verosika, AD, Charlie...? (Incl. Viv Impsona, Staff OCs, How to correctly Self Insert)
Vox is a Victim (Whilst dark humour is great, this just crosses a line - and other facts on male abuse victims treatment)
Viv Has Taken on too much - Why this destroys industry before it begins (and how to avoid the temptation!) - A handy guide on realistic workload to reduce your own stresses and work your way towards your final goal!
Alastor - The Poor Portrayal of Race, Spiritual Practice and Design (And how to improve!)
What Drink is Husk Drinking? (Ft my decent into booze aka I can make a drink and drink a drink but my arms tire from the shaking aka blended booze b4 aka Repetition of the AoM ‘What Drugs is David Taking? ft The Addiction Boss Monster’)
What Variation Can Spice It Up?
How To Make An Adult Cartoon For ADULTS (And not just horny teens)
Sigils, Incorrect Usage and WTF ARE YER DOIN?! (Even for non-believers, dont misuse!)
Some Theories To Some Gin (or Whiskey or Voddie)
Review on Each Released Product (From Pilots, Comics to Merch)
Symbolism whilst combining Tragedy with Comedy
Bias, Misogyny and Treatment of Same Sex Ships 
Why Stan Culture is Dangerous, So is Hate
How to plan, produce and market your own show!
Husk’s Peach Princess Cocktail (as seen on Tipsy Bartender) and Proof the Fans are Too Young To Booze Cruise
Building Rep and Trust whilst keeping boundaries as a creator
The Point and Purpose of the Hotel 
Sexual Fixations in both shows - why is everything sex
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tarotwithme · 4 years
Hello! Hope you are good. Can I have a general reading for next two months? If anything good is coming? Thanks 💕 - HH ♓☀️, ♊ 🌝
Hi! I am thank you! I hope you are well😊 I hope my reading resonates!💜
Cards that came out:
Accelerated Motion
Choose Wisely
Passion Ignited
I see that the key thing here is that you need to let go a little bit in the next couple of months, learn to put your trust in the universe. The next two months are going to be the ideal time for you to not only manifest but also begin to see the fruition of some of your manifestations. You are so close to what you desire. In the next two months you are going to need to let go of any limiting thoughts and behaviours which are causing negativity in your life. I feel like there may be some type of addictive behaviour you’re currently experiencing. This can be anything from drinking too much, to spending too much time on your phone or watching too much Netflix, any type of behaviour pattern which is hindering your growth and positivity needs to be let go of.
I clarified ‘Fertility’ with ‘Firm Foundation’, ‘Rejoice in Celebration’ and ‘Rest and Rejuvenate’. I definitely feel like once you are able to sacrifice the things bringing you negativity in your life, you will be able to grow. During this time, I feel like you will need to tap into your feminine energy (being more compassionate, nurturing etc.) not only towards others but towards yourself. I see that you may either be currently going through, or you have recently gone through some obstacles in your life, and by being more compassionate with yourself, you will allow yourself to experience growth. I see this will lead to you being in a more stable situation in your life, perhaps emotionally or financially. I also see you letting go and having a bit of fun, socialising more and just simply enjoying life. Also, during this time remember to stay grounded, I feel like you’ll be in a place where you’re simply unbothered by any negativity around you.
I really do see the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a much more positive one, where you will have so much passion for life.
There may be a choice you have to make in the next couple of months, take a step back and reflect on the situation before you decide. Take some time in solitude to figure out what you truly want. However, I see that the choice you do make will lead to a positive outcome and some change in your life. It may even give you a sense of freedom.
Any feedback is much appreciated!✨
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anarkhebringer · 5 years
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Some ChocoBerry based off of a post on Furude’s blog, because the temptation was too much to resist.
Also my scanner settings blacked out one of his eyes and I do a sad because of it hh
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yaromurasaki · 5 years
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★Happy birthday to me owo★
I finally finished my tests today so did a lil something to celebrate it AND my birthday. All my personas in one (excluding sukiyaki, I only added him cause,, 💓) Im glad I was able to celebrate today with my friends.
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I was also able to get green curry (via shards cause summoning is a bitch :') ) and Buddha Temptation.
Now all I need is that sukiyaki skin hh
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movedyourchair505 · 5 years
What is/are your favourite moments in your chaptered stories? What moments made you really excited to write about? What is your favourite smut or fluffy one shot you have written? What's your favourite moment in elanas HH? Also is the aesthetic of your characters you have a strong idea about before you write them or you just make it up as you go? Hope you don't mind these questions. Love you xx
Oh my god, that’s such a lovely question!! And a big one too, I needed to go through but I’m so excited that you’re wondering about this and care about my stories beyond just reading them! It means a lot to me!! 
For Winter Wonderland, I really loved writing them celebrating New Year’s in chapter four, and also their movie date ouside in chapter seven! 
In Little Flames, my favourite one to write was them getting ready for the event in chapter five and I was so excited to write their first time in chapter seven, but it was stressful to because I just wanted it to be perfect so it was a struggle! 
With Dancing Shoes, I was most excited to write their first meeting and date in chapter seven, but I also really really love chapter six where Alex teaches Flo how to box, I’m quite proud of the smut after that as well! 
And then NN, boy, I could go off, there are so many chapters I had planned for ages that I was so excited to write but then ended up having a breakdown over because I didn’t reach my own standards and was really hard on myself, like chapter 22 where Jade stayed at Al’s for the first time, my favourite to write was their first proper date in chapter 26 and I also was looking forward to writing him come back after he was taken (but it also broke my heart) in chapter 47. I could go on and on! 
My favourite fluffy one shot is definitely The Ultracheese because that’s the ultimate fluff haha and for smutty, I’d say Temptation, he’s such a hot and rude bitch in that 😅 
It’s so sweet that you asked about my favourite HH moment, it’s got to be their first breakfast together in chapter six because it’s so cute and he’s so pretty and they’re just properly starting out and then chapter sixteen where they dance on the roof and he’s such a soft idiot, that one is absolutely iconic. 
For the aesthetic, it’s a bit of both, with Chloe I made a lot of it up as I went because she was my first OC I came up with Alex, then for Flora the aesthetic is obviously a very big part and I love describing her and the whole vibe of DS, Kaya helped me a lot in coming up with her and I absolutely love finding outfits for her and describing her aesthetic. As for Jade, I had her as a character already in another story that I ended up not being happy with so I pretty much redid her character but her aesthetic remained the same, then the further I got into the story, I developed it more and more with Elana and then with Poppy we did a lot of planning in advance about her aesthetic and her character but at this point it plays a huge role for all of them and I think it gives a character and a story so much more depth and essence. 
Thank you for these questions, I appreciate that so much! Love you endlessly x
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kaisooficrec · 6 years
HI! I just wanted to tell you that i think this method of asking is a lot easier, as it doesn't take as long, and I won't be afraid that i won't make it! So I wanted to ask if you know any fics that are smut fics, like, chaptered, smut in every one. I'm so embarrassed to be asking this..
we want to make this method work too but i’m sorry you had to wait so long this time *cries* actually i’m not that familiar with chaptered fic much less ones with a lot of smut so i’m always open to suggestions! peeps feel free to link me stuff and i’ll add them in (like we always do)
Sharpen - scifi and post-apocalyptic au this is ongoing but there should be smut if so (top!ji bottom!ks) this looks rly promising!
The CEO and Me - 50 shades inspired au, ceo!ji w age switch ;)
The Internet Is For Porn - jongin is obsessed w a p0rnstar’s booty that resembles his roommates’ - indigomini a queen of chaptered smut nuff said!
Dark Shadows (Are Woken Inside of Me) - indigomini again! wolf au, Jongin doesn’t know he is a wolf alpha and a cop who comes to do some investigating at soo’s house, ksoo is an omega who helps jongin figure out what he is (+ also the sequel is rated too hh)
Pay Me Some Mind
Anything You Can Do - enemies to lovers and all kinds of hate / rough sex and kinks :)
love in control
Yielding to Temptation - kyungsoo (who has a girlfriend) just happens to see the student president in a porn film and confronts him, it doesn’t go as he expects (top!ji bottom!ks)
Helping Jongin Come - bestfriends au, jongin is innocent and inexperienced and soo teaches him :’) arosoo now domkyung the one and only queen of chaptered top!kyungsoo
Let’s Play - bestfriends au chaptered pw(ith)p :) the recent chap is powerbottom soo
50 shades of kaisoo - 50 shades au ksoo is the ceo and rich businessman, and jongin is innocent and shy/blushing. except for the first few chapters it’s smutty
Something In The Mist - wolf au, jongin stays at his grandma’s house on an island which is a place of mysterious creatures (and wolves)
and previous chaptered smut req here ~~ Admin J
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letterfromtrenwith · 6 years
Grand Jete - Ch 9 & 10
When George Warleggan quits a high powered job in the City to take care of the finances of the South West Ballet, run by his friend, Francis Poldark, it changes his life - even more so than he expected.
Elizabeth Chynoweth came to the South West to come back home, take on new challenges, and leave behind a less than perfect time in her life. She intends to focus on her art, but everyone knows what they say about best laid plans…
Ch 1 & 2 Ch 3 & 4 Ch 5 & 6 Ch 7 & 8
Chapter 9 
George stretched, luxuriating in the warmth of the bed. Reaching over to the other side, he frowned at finding it empty. He sat up, blinking sleep out of his eyes, and looked around.
“Elizabeth?” He couldn’t hear the shower running, or any other movement. Where was she? Had she had some sort of emergency? No, she would have woken him, surely? His eye caught on something white on the bedside table. Rolling over, he found it was a piece of paper which had slipped half under the base of the lamp. In Elizabeth’s softly swirling handwriting, and signed with a kiss, it was a note:
Gone for coffee! Back soon x
George smiled. They’d gone for a late Sunday lunch – or early dinner – after yesterday’s de Valois matinee, and then come back to his flat for ‘dessert’. The thought brought another smile to his face, as well as reminding him of one or two very pleasant aches. A trip to the bathroom seemed to be in order, although it was with some reluctance that he dragged himself out from under the warm Elizabeth-scented duvet.
“I’m back! Are you awake yet?” He’d actually managed a quick shower while she was out, and was sitting on the bed reading the papers on his phone. “I didn’t mean to be gone so long, the place was heaving! I should have thought, really – Monday morning rush – oh.”
“What?” He looked up. She’d made a somewhat disappointed noise when she entered the bedroom, two cups of coffee in a little tray in her hand. She’d slipped one of his sweatshirts on with her jeans and it hung slightly over to one side, exposing the curve of her shoulder in a very distracting way.
“Well…” Elizabeth put the coffees down on the sideboard and kicked off her shoes, before getting onto the bed on her hands and knees. “I was sort of hoping you would be exactly where I left you.”
“Oh, yes?” he asked, leaning forward to meet her, barely inches between them. “Why’s that?”
“So that I could have…woken you up.” She licked her lips, a sight which made George temporarily forget how to speak.
“Hh – “ was all he managed.
“But nevermind.” Elizabeth took both of his hands in hers and slid them up under the sweatshirt, confirming that wore nothing underneath. George took a shaky breath. “There’s still plenty of time for that.”
It was disgracefully close to lunchtime when they eventually emerged from the bedroom, George feeling incredibly thankful that he’d chosen to work yesterday and have today off. Their coffees had ended up going completely to waste, stone cold by the time they weren’t otherwise occupied.
“It was a very nice thought,” George said soothingly when Elizabeth pouted a little as she poured them away.
“Your fault for distracting me,” she teased, and he couldn’t help but kiss her.
“Do you want to get something to eat?” he asked, when their lips parted. “Or have you had enough of me?”
“Never,” she smiled. “I’d love to, only I think I should change.”
George waited in the car outside Elizabeth’s flat while she got changed, citing a desire to avoid temptation, which earned him a cheeky grin and a torturously lingering kiss before she hurried away into the building. She returned impressively quickly, giving him another quick peck.
They drove out to a lovely country pub, the friendly waitress seating them at a snug table next to gently crackling fire, which was very welcome in the crisp November weather. He helped Elizabeth out of her coat, revealing a fitted jumper dress in a soft petrol-blue colour. It looked incredibly good on her; she noticed his look and glanced down, blushing slightly, which was especially endearing considering what they had been doing not long ago. He’d thought she was incredibly beautiful from the first moment they met, but sometimes she took his breath away.
Their legs tangled under the small table when he returned with their drinks, and Elizabeth smiled at him over the top of her menu.  
“Actually, I think it was a mistake coming here – the food is so delicious, but I shouldn’t eat too much since I’m back in rehearsals first thing tomorrow!”
“Surely you need your energy?”
“What? Since I’m so worn out after last night? And this morning?”
“No, I didn’t – “ But she laughed, shaking her head.
“I’m only teasing! Although I must say I have worked up an appetite…Perhaps I should build up my strength, especially if you’re going to come back to mine this afternoon?” That question went straight to a very primal part of George’s mind. No matter now nice the food was, he was going to have a lot of trouble concentrating on it. 
A couple of audience members ooh’d and ah’d as Elizabeth’s and Hugh’s swords clashed, the sounds of the props impressively realistic. In their roles as the Black Queen and the Red Knight respectively, their climactic pas de deux took the form of a duel. This was George’s fourth time seeing it, and it was captivating every time – not entirely due to Elizabeth, either. The staging of the chess-themed piece was stunning, and George was certainly not alone in thinking so.
He could anticipate the reaction to each moment – breaths held as the Knight presented the Queen with a rose, the symbol of his love despite their battle. The pause as he turned away and then – a collective gasp of shock when Elizabeth thrust her sword into Hugh’s back; the Queen’s betrayal. The triumph of death over love, culminating in Malcolm’s Red King cowering at Elizabeth’s feet. In her pure black costume, she was magnificent the lights casting her into shadow for a moment as she raised her sword to deliver the coup de grace. With impeccable timing, the stage was plunged into darkness at the exact moment she began to stab downwards.
By the time the lights came back up, the cast were lined up at the front of the stage, Elizabeth holding the hands of her ‘victims’. The audience clapped and cheered enthusiastically and she smiled her beautiful smile as she took her bow. He watched her look out over the crowd towards the back of the auditorium – she knew he was there, although the lights would obscure him from her view.
He slipped out before the curtain fell for the interval – the audience would return for the second of the two de Valois ballets: Bar aux Folies-Bergere. However, George wasn’t here for that – he’d seen it twice already and, as artistically impressive as it was, it lacked one very important element: Elizabeth.
“Hello, you.” Margaret greeted him with grin when he entered the backstage area. She was lounging on a chair in the corridor, already in her can-can dancer’s costume. “Hey, Elizabeth! Your No. 1 fan is here!”
A door further along opened and Elizabeth stuck her head out, making a rude gesture at Margaret, who laughed delightedly in response, before turning to smile at George, opening the door wider in invitation. He glanced back at Margaret as he entered, frowning at her suggestive eyebrow raise. As soon as Elizabeth closed the door, she pulled him in for a kiss, and then giggled as she wiped off the stage make-up she’d smeared on his face.
“Sorry! Let me get this all off and then I’ll get changed.” As Elizabeth wasn’t appearing in Folies-Bergere she didn’t need to stay for the rest of the night, although she often did – either to watch from the side of the stage, or to socialise with the other dancers afterwards. Tonight, however, they were going somewhere special.
George had debated with himself for about a week about asking Elizabeth if she would like to go away together for a couple of nights. He’d got the idea when he’d found out from Francis that the dancers were going to have a few days free between runs of the de Valois, to give them a break since they were also in rehearsals for the Christmas show. But was it too soon? They’d only been seeing each other for a little over two months. He already knew he had strong feelings for her, but he didn’t know if she felt the same, although he could certainly tell she liked him.
In the end, he’d decided to bite the bullet and ask her. If she thought it was rushing into things, she would say so. However, she’d reacted with excitement, actually clapping her hands in delight when he’d told her their destination was a surprise.
“So, are you going to even give me a hint?” Elizabeth glanced at him in the reflection of her mirror as she wiped off her greasepaint. She pouted when he shook his head, making him smile. “Not fair.”
“You’ll see when we get there! It’s not far; you might have even been there already, for all I know. I’m the newcomer around here, remember?”
“Fine. I suppose I’ll just have to be patient….Here, help me with this will you?” She stood and came to stand with her back to him. The fastenings of her costume were half-undone, exposing most of her bare back. George undid the rest, knowing that she must be able to manage perfectly well herself. When he was finished she wriggled out of the whole thing, leaving her standing in only her knickers; wrapping her arms around herself she peeked at him over her shoulder and he groaned.
“I’m still not telling you anything.”
“Damn.” She laughed.
“Still,” he murmured, trailing fingertips up her spine in a way he knew made her shiver, “very cruel to you to have me undress you when we’re not going to be alone together for who knows how long….”
She gave him a wry smile, amused by having the tables turned on her, before hurrying to get dressed. He had made one concession to a hint by telling her to dress smart-casually for their arrival.
“Enjoy your dirty weekend!” Morwenna called down the corridor as they were on their way out, earning her the same gesture as Margaret, which she likewise found highly amusing.
“She’s always been a pain in the arse,” Elizabeth muttered, and George chuckled, knowing she didn’t mean a word of it. He’d seen how close the cousins were.
It was a beautiful night, cold but crisp and Elizabeth even wound down the window slightly when they were out on the road, the breeze catching her hair a little.
“So,” she began. “I’ve got to dress fairly smartly, and you told me to bring something to wear for dinner and my swimwear…”
“Just wait, will you!” She laughed delightedly, only teasing. It didn’t take them long to get there, as it happened, since the hotel was at Fistral Beach, just over 10 miles away. Just under half an hour after leaving the theatre, they were pulling up outside.
“Oh George, it’s lovely! I’ve seen this place in Cornish Life and I thought it looked so lovely.”
“Well, I hope it lives up to expectations.”
Judging by her reaction to their room, it certainly did. Since it was the off-season – and not actually the weekend, despite what Morwenna had said – he’d managed to get an ocean view suite, and for a surprisingly good price. It had a balcony which looked straight out to sea over the beach, a very large, very plush-looking bed…and its own private hot tub.
“Hmm, I see what the swimwear’s for. Although, since we’re going to be only ones here, I’m not sure that my bikini’s actually necessary…” She bit her lip, raising her eyebrows, and George busied himself with putting their suitcases away. It wasn’t long before they were booked in for dinner. With a laugh, Elizabeth flung open the doors to the balcony, letting in a blast of cold, salt-smelling air. After a moment, he followed her outside, shrugging his jacket tighter around himself. “Oh, George, it really is so beautiful. Thank you so much for bringing here.”
She leant forward and kissed him softly, smiling affectionately at him when she pulled back, before turning away to take in the view again. He looked at her in profile, the soft light from room glowing on her skin, the wind pulling at the strands of hair which had escaped her scarf, and suddenly came to a very big realisation – he didn’t just have strong feelings for Elizabeth, he had fallen in love with her.  
Chapter 10
Elizabeth returned from their little stay away feeling incredibly relaxed and contented. The hotel was beautiful, quite possibly one of the most romantic places she had ever been in her life – and not merely because of its location. After a truly wonderful dinner on their first evening, their table leant a lovely privacy by the soft draping decorating the restaurant, they’d discovered just how comfortable the suite was, but it was the second day which had been the most special. A leisurely breakfast in bed, followed by an enjoyably windswept walk on the beach. Thanks to the season, they’d had the sands almost entirely to themselves; George had looked especially handsome with his hair tousled by the wind. She’d been completely unable to resist kissing him, until they’d been splattered by a rogue ocean spray, causing them to run away laughing like children.
During their light lunch at the bar, George had surprised her with an appointment for a hot stone massage in the afternoon. When she’d returned to the room, she’d been amused to find him checking work emails on his phone, and teasingly chastised him.
“Didn’t you want a massage?”
“Oh, I don’t know if it’s the sort of thing I would like.” Elizabeth had frowned as this.
“You mean, you’ve never had one?”
“No,” he’d looked adorably embarrassed by this admission.
“Well, I think I should fix that.”
Later – rather a lot later – they’d had dinner in the room, accompanied by the beautiful moonlit view of crashing waves. Elizabeth did wear her bikini when they finally tested out the hot tub, although much to George’s obvious appreciation, she eventually discarded the top. Afterwards, he’d lain her down on the bed, pressing her into the mattress, and when he’d kissed her, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so happy.
Returning home was almost a shock to the system. She’d felt oddly lonely lying in her own bed, George having gone back to his flat after he’d dropped her off.
“So, someone had a good time….” Demelza grinned at her from the changing room bench the following morning when Elizabeth arrived for rehearsals.
“Yes, I did.” Elizabeth was aware she was putting her things away with rather exaggerated casualness, something which had not gone unnoticed by her colleagues.
“I’ll say. You’re practically floating.”
“Oh, shut up.” Demelza laughed before suddenly adopting a slightly more pensive expression. “Listen, there’s actually something I’ve been meaning to ask you….”
“Whatever Caroline’s put you up to – “
“No! It’s not to do with you and George, as much as I’d love to press you for details.” Demelza glanced around as if making sure no one was listening. “It’s actually about Morwenna.”
“Morwenna? What about her?” Elizabeth frowned.
“Is she seeing anyone that you know of?” Elizabeth hadn’t known what to expect from this line of conversation, but that certainly hadn’t been it.
“Er, she hasn’t said so if she is. Why?”
“Well, it’s actually my brother, Drake. He broke up with this girl a while back – I didn’t like her, to be honest, but that’s not the point – and he’s been on his own since. He’s just a couple of years older than Morwenna and I think they’d really get on. Do you think she’d be offended if I suggested introducing them?”
“You’d have to ask her, but I don’t think so.” Just then, Caroline appeared, and Elizabeth was about to make a joke about her rubbing off on Demelza when she noticed that her friend did not look her usual self. Caroline was rather wan, her usually smiling mouth angled downwards. “Caroline? Are you all right?”
“She’s not well,” Demelza answered for her. “I said so at Pilates yesterday, but she won’t admit it.”
“Just – “ Caroline coughed. “Just a bit of a sore throat. I’m probably getting a cold, that’s all.”
“Hmm.” Elizabeth wasn’t convinced, but Caroline was stubborn enough that pressing her wouldn’t do any good.
“Look, never mind my silly tickle. Tell me all about your romantic getaway, Elizabeth.” Caroline tried to smile, but it was unconvincing. Before Elizabeth could answer, Keren stuck her head around the door to say they were getting started, and Caroline hurried into her practice gear.
It became increasingly obvious throughout the day that Caroline was not just getting a cold – she was off her game, as much as she was trying to put a brave face on it. Elizabeth noticed Francis and Anne exchanging concerned glances,  as were a few of the other dancers. She also saw Caroline massaging her throat when she thought no one was looking.
Eventually, Elizabeth decided she’d had enough. During a break, Caroline took a drink of water and almost choked on it, coughing horribly and struggling to clear her throat.
“Right, that’s it. You’re going to see Dwight. Come on.” Not giving her any choice, Elizabeth hauled Caroline up by the arm.
“But – “
“But nothing. If you’ve just got a cold, he’ll say so, but I really don’t think you have.” She looked a Caroline beseechingly. “To put my mind at rest, at least. Please?”
“Okay.” That Caroline acquiesced without a sarcastic remark or a sardonic quirk of an eyebrow only convinced Elizabeth even more that something was properly wrong.
Dwigh was in his office when they arrived, and greeted them with a friendly smile, looking especially pleased to see Caroline, Elizabeth noted. With a bit of prompting, Caroline explained her symptoms – chiefly a terrible pain in her throat and the sensation that she couldn’t clear it properly.
“Are you struggling to breathe?”
“No, but deep breaths make the pain worse sometimes.”
“Any other pain in the mouth?”
“And you don’t smoke?”
“Sorry, I have to ask.” Elizabeth wasn’t surprised. Quite a lot of dancers smoked, in her experience. Some did it to lose weight, some as stress relief. There were a few at the South West, although the disapproving looks Francis gave them every time she saw them on a cigarette break had convinced a few to cut down.
“Well, I don’t.”
“All right, let’s take a look. Open your mouth, please.” Looking unusually awkward, Caroline did as she was asked, studiously avoiding looking at either Dwight or Elizabeth as the doctor shone his penlight at her throat. “Caroline…When did you last east fish?”
“Fish?” Caroline frowned, still massaging her neck. “A couple of days ago. But I’m not allergic.”
“No, but you should maybe think twice about going back to that restaurant. Open up again, please.” He rummaged about in a drawer for a moment before producing a pair of tweezers. Elizabeth watched in confused fascination as he gently extended them into Caroline’s mouth and, with a small tug, extracted…a fish bone. Caroline stared at it in disbelief before suddenly starting to laugh. Soon, all three of them were chuckling.
“Well, that’s embarrassing.”
“Not at all.” Dwight and Caroline smiled at each other for a moment, and Elizabeth felt a slow smile creep across her face. Well, that was interesting. The doctor coughed and shuffled some papers on his desk. “I’ll, er, I’ll go and make up some salt water. You can gargle with some now, and then every morning and night for the next couple of days, just to make sure there’s no infection, although that’s unlikely.”
Elizabeth sat down next to Caroline after he left, and Caroline laughed again.
“A fishbone! Oh my God.”
“Aren’t you glad I dragged you down here now? And not just because Dwight fixed your throat?” Caroline gave her a sideways glance. From that alone, Elizabeth could tell she felt better.
“Actually, I believe we have some unfinished business. You never told me about your little romantic break. So, come on, details.”
“It was very nice.”
“Very nice? Is that it?! Certainly not, judging by that blush.” Elizabeth tutted and Caroline smiled. “Seriously, though, I’m really happy you enjoyed it. Things are getting serious between you and George, aren’t they?”
“Yeah….” Elizabeth felt odd suddenly, frowning to herself as Dwight returned. “Yeah, it is….”
Caroline’s observation continued to bother her for a few days afterwards, niggling at doubts Elizabeth thought that she’d put aside. She’d had her concerns about getting involved with someone again – especially someone she worked with – when George first asked her out, but had found her attraction to him overwhelmed them. However, they now seemed to have come back in full force.
They were getting serious, and after just over a couple of months. Even before their little trip away, they’d been spending more and more time together and Elizabeth had been feeling herself falling…No, she couldn’t think like that.
It was nothing to do with George – he was kind, and interesting, hiding a gentle, surprisingly funny side of himself behind his quite serious demeanour at first meeting. He was also handsome, as well as a very good kisser…among other things.
That was the trouble, she liked him a lot. More than a lot. But she was concerned that maybe they were rushing into things, getting in too deep, too quickly. She’d been burned that way before, and she didn’t want that again; she didn’t want it for George, either.
Conflicted about her feelings, she began to avoid him a little, the combination of the final set of de Valois performances and preparations for Lion offering the perfect excuse. He’d accepted her claiming to be tired after a day of rehearsals or that she was going to have late supper with Morwenna after a performance – not a lie, but Elizabeth had set it up so as to have a reason not to see him. She’d pushed her food around her plate and refused to admit to her clearly suspicious cousin that anything was wrong.
She’d endeavoured to focus on her work, and her performances had been as good as ever, but Morwenna wasn’t the only one who noticed she was off personally. Hugh had asked her more than once if she was okay after a performance, but accepted her excuse that she was just tired.
After a few days she was feeling increasingly guilty about the way she was treating George. He didn’t deserve to be given the cold shoulder like this. Although he hadn’t said anything, she’d heard confusion and disappointment in his voice earlier that day when he’d called to ask her if she wanted to meet for lunch and she’d made yet another excuse.
Sitting at home that night, she reached for her phone and video called Verity, hoping that her friend wasn’t busy. She knew the Scottish Ballet were on a short break before their Christmas show: Cinderella. Verity was playing the Fairy Godmother. After a few rings, Verity’s face appeared on the screen, smiling.
“Hello! This is a nice surprise. How are you?”
“Fine.” Now that Verity asked, Elizabeth found she wasn’t sure how to put it into words, even though Verity would certainly understand.
“How’s George? I’ve been meaning to call him. Francis says he’s been doing a great job! Oh, is he with you?” Verity glanced around as if she could see out of the side of the screen.
“No, we’ve both been busy.” Elizabeth had told Verity that she and George had been seeing each other, but not all of the details. She hadn’t been expecting Verity to mention him first, and it threw her. Before she could say anymore, there was a male voice in the background, and Verity looked away for a moment, saying something indistinct.
“Sorry about that.”
“Oh, I didn’t realise you had company.” Now that she looked properly, she could see Verity was a bit more dressed up than might be expected for a Thursday night at home.
“No, it’s – er – it’s just Ross. He’s visiting for a couple of days since we’ll both be working at Christmas. We were going to go out for supper.” Oh. That was the last thing Elizabeth had expected Verity to say. Ross Poldark was Verity and Francis’ cousin. He’d also been a pupil at the Royal Ballet School with them – and, for several years, Elizabeth’s boyfriend. The reason why she was now feeling so hesitant about her relationship with George.
“Oh, sorry, Verity, I’ll let you go. We can talk another time.”
“No – “
“No, really, it’s fine. Enjoy your supper!” With her false note of cheerfulness, she ended the call. Hearing Verity mention Ross, knowing he was there in the room with her, had brought back everything she’d been pushing away these last couple of years, and increased all of her doubts tenfold. Taking a deep breath, she picked up her phone, pulling up George’s number.
I think we need to talk. 
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