#but also theres other things kettles can be used for from making food to hot water bottles
oifaaa · 4 months
We do have electric kettles but unless you were a dedicated tea drinker or enjoy pour over coffee (compared to other popular extraction methods). Not many have one.
Also we have plug covers.
Never said you guys didn't have kettles said you didn't have good ones which is true bc the voltage in your plugs is lower then the Irish/UK plugs it means the kettles take longer to boil and becomes more of an inconvenience i also never said you guys didn't have plug covers I just said you have to buy them separately they're not apart of the plug like the irish/UK plugs
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modusmumbles · 4 years
Day fifteen to twenty-three on Sertraline
So I missed a few days huh
Generally, things have got way better!
- the headache is basically gone! Unless I jump about too much
- nausea and dizziness has almost gone
- I have done so much work! I think I'm actually ahead right now! I kept my focus allll day yesterday and got so much done
- I'm much less sleepy. Last week I'd do about 2 hours work before having to take a nap, this week I've been staying up for hours
- the way I think is no longer as sluggish
- appetite has increased back to normal
Side affects (/things that I have noticed are different) that haven't gone away:
- Noise sensitivity. I've changed and moved a lot of things so that my workspace is quieter and been using my sound cancelling headphones more
- I am so? Forgetful? Like what happened this morning? I don't know! I keep forgetting to update this blog! Top tip: write stuff down
- I'm very figety. Like, so figety. I'm able to sit still enough to draw but ive unplugged my laptop charger with my foot three times this week and I can't stand still while I wait for the kettle to boil. As a result my skin is super bad atm bc I keep picking at it but I'm considering buying some sort of figet to help with this
- Still get hot flashes sometimes? Those feel so weird
- my eyes still take a while to adjust to light. I'm basically Captain Lorca but not a jerk
- the way I focus has changed. I'm still learning what helps me focus best but sometimes I can only focus on One Thing (I don't get to choose what, this could be a leaf) or I can accidentally leave a Minecraft livestream open while I listen to my uni lecture and be more engaged with my learning than ever this term. Idk if more/less things help me focus but I'm sure I'll work it out. Yesterday I was tracking tornadoes over Alabama and coloured my animation for 6+ hours whilst watching the news broadcasts. Today I was watching historic tornado broadcasts and I have not done much at all in comparison. So who knows what's going on there...
Things that has made taking Sertraline easier (for me):
Now things have settled down a bit I thought I'd share what I've learned. This may not work for everyone but it has made my experience a lot more bearable so perhaps it could work for someone else
- Take your tablet with a whole glass of water This means theres a lower chance of the headache being bad.
- Make sure you've got water with you all day, and drink it! Stay hydrated friends
- Have your tablet with food! This also reduces the headache/nausea/ect. This doesn't have to be a meal
- Eat (some) salty things. If you are feeling dizzy, headachy and/or nauseous this can be a sign that you have low sodium levels. Salt is high in sodium
- Swap out your swivel chair for a not-swivelly chair! If you feel motion sick/dizzy/headachy but are also very fidgety, moving onto a chair where you can't push yourself around all day really does make a big difference
- Move your screens further away from you (and turn font size up if needed). If your eyes take longer focussing, it is more exhausting to focus on this closer to you, so move them back a bit! This reduces the headache a surprising amount!
- Fresh air is good air! Even if you don't feel like going for a walk, having the window open for half an hour works wonders
Scrolling through Tumblr really helped me get an idea of what Sertraline would be like, so thank you to others who have written about their experiences :) I hope someone finds this post useful too!
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writer1 · 4 years
A 501st christmas
Chapter 2
You all get the base decorated, it looks amazing. There's garland everywhere and bows, although now you all have to go out and buy more decorations for the tree. You're also going to buy more supplies for crafts to make ornaments.
You are already planning what to make, you're thinking of making little bulbes. You're going to have each person put a thumb print in brown paint and then paint them like little raindeer. There will be five deer on each bulb so if you get enough bulbs there should be enough for your whole family.
But that'll have to wait until tomorrow, right now you're in the kitchen making hot chocolate for everyone. You have 3 whole bags of marshmallows so that everyone can decide the amount, you hear Rex walk in, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your cheek.
"How's the hot chocolate coming, cyar'ika." He asks you, kissing your cheek again. You turn wrap your arms around his neck, giving him a soft, sweet kiss. He hums against your lips, reaching behind you to grab a marshmallow. He pulls away and plops it in his mouth as you glare at him.
"Seriously! Every time I have food, well this time you can't use "taste testing" as an excuse since I know that you've had marshmallows before." You snap, using air quotes as you speak. He raises an eyebrow and kisses your forehead, he knows that you aren't actually mad at him.
"I love you, cyare." He tells you, grabbing a bunch of cups and taking them out.
"Sucking up to me isn't going to get you anywhere, mister." You yell out as he leaves, hearing him laughing all the way out. You huff and grab the kettle's holding the hot chocolate, carrying them out, you pass Rex who's heading back in for more cups. You sit the kettles on the two large tables where everyone is seated.
You set the hot chocolate down at the first table, all the troopers lunge to be first and you laugh when Wooley comes out the winner. You walk over to your table, stopping all the troopers with a glare. You grab the cup that Gida has chosen and pour hers first.
"Here you go Gida, I'll go grab the marshmallows for you. And make sure you blow on it, it's hot." She nods and carefully starts blowing on the hot chocolate.
You chuckle and walk back into the kitchen, Rex has filled a box full of cups for his brothers. You grab the bags of marshmallows, carrying them out and handing it to Obi Wan first, then to the other table. You watch as Gida grabs a giant handful of marshmallows and stuffs them in her mouth.
"Gida!" Obi Wan exclaims and you chuckle, waving it off.
"It's fine, Obi Wan. I have many more where that came from, and save some for the hot chocolate Gida." You tell the little girl and she nods quickly, apologizing and grabbing a smaller handful for her cup. You pat her head as you walk by.
"No need to apologize, sweetheart. I would have done the same thing at your age." She smiles and nods, and you walk over to the hot chocolate.
Pouring two cup's of hot chocolate and putting a few marshmallows in it, you carry them over to where Rex is sitting. You sit beside him and hand him a hot chocolate, he smiles and kisses your cheek.
"Thanks, cyare." You smile as you grab a candy cane and start stirring your hot chocolate with it. Rex looks over at you.
"Why are you stirring it with a candy cane." You look over at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Because it makes the hot chocolate taste minty." He squint's his eyes in confusion.
"Does it taste good?" You smirk at him.
"Yeah, you should try it!." Rex grabs his own candy cane, stirring his hot chocolate with it. He then takes a sip, eyes widening.
"That's pretty good." He says ectastically and you snicker at your boyfriend.
"I know, I'm glad you like it." You tell him, kissing his cheek. he hums when he sips his drink again, he loves the peppermint taste.
Everyone leaves after a few hours, Obi Wan carrying a sleeping Gida with him. You don't know how she can sleep after all those marshmallows and candy canes.
You and Rex head to your room, and you flop on the bed as soon as you step in. Rex chuckles at how tired you are, everyone did a lot of work decorating today and theres still more to do.
"Cyare, you should change into your pajama's first. It'll be uncomfortable sleeping in your clothes." you groan, not wanting to get up from your comfy bed. You push yourself up and change into your shirts and one of Rex's t-shirts, you look over at your boyfriend.
He's wearing a pair of his already ripped pants and no shirt, he stopped wearing them since they kept ripping from him transforming in his sleep. You smile at him as you walk over and lay in the bed, snuggling against Rex as you lay your head on your pillow. He lays down beside you, leaning over and kissing you forehead.
"Good night, Cyar'ika." He murmures quietly, making you smile.
"Goodnight, Rex. Love you." Your eyes grow heavy and start to drift close, Rex softly kisses your forehead again, whispering I love you, as you fall asleep.
You wake up again, Rex's arm draped over you. As usual he's transformed in his sleep, you're pressed against his chest with his left arm draped over your waist and his right is wrapped under you in sort of a loose hug.
The way he holds you close in sleep makes you smile, you press your back closer to him, cuddling into his fur. You feel his grip tighten a little and he nuzzle's his chin against the top of your head.
"Good morning." He murmures, still drowsy from sleep. You turn over in his arms and kiss his chest since that's what you can reach, he pulls his arms tighter around you. He loves morning's like these with you, where he can just sit and cuddle, even if he's a werewolf.
"Good morning, Rex." You whisper as you close your eyes and nuzzle into him, it feels so peaceful right now. Rex chuckle's a little, he finds you cute when you nuzzle him. He strokes your cheek softly with his finger.
"It's time to get up Cyare." Rex nudges you a little as he sits up and you huff, you really don't want to get up but you do have things to do today.
You rub the sleep from your eyes and sit up, getting out of the bed and grabbing your clothes. You take a shower and get dressed, ready to start your day. You walk back into your room from the refresher to see Rex sitting on the bed.
You walk over and kiss his forehead gently, you can tell that he's nervous. No matter how many times he leaves the room while in his Werewolf form he's still nervous every time, it's completely understandable though.
"Do you want to leave the room, Rex?" You ask him as usual, you want to make sure he's completely comfortable. If he says no you'll just stay in here and help him transform back to human.
"Yeah, I'd like to." Rex tells you with a nod, he finds it sweet that you always ask him. And you don't force him to leave if he doesn't want too. There's been days where he's wanted to turn human before leaving and you don't bat an eye, you just help him turn human.
"Okay, let's go." You punch in the code for the door and walk out, Rex following behind you. You head to the mess hall to grab some breakfast, as soon as you walk in Fives calls you from his table with Kix and Jesse.
You nod, grabbing your food and carrying it over to them. Rex follow's behind you, the breakfast is oat meal with brown sugar. You taught one of the troopers how to make it and they decided to cook it today.
"Hey y/n, Rex. We had fun last night, thanks for getting us the stuff to decorate the base." You smile at Fives.
"You're welcome, Fives. I had fun too." You take a bite of your oatmeal, humming in satisfaction at the taste.
"Gida should be back soon, we were thinking of playing out in the snow. What do you think?" Your eyes light up, that sounds like a great idea. You're so glad that Jesse came up with it.
"That's an amazing idea, that would be a fun way to spend the day. And after I can go grab the things we need. What do you think Rex?" You ask him, you don't know if he'll want to go outside like this.
"It's a great idea" you smile, it looks like you've got your plans for today, you can't believe that it's only six days until Christmas.
Taglist: @captainrexisboo @tobitofunction @pentaghasm @ohmsjedi @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @ellie1366 @marine-captain-deku @reimet @commanderrivercc-3628 @ahsokatano-thetogruta
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Agent Carter An Au Series
Chapter 8 is done! A little bit of a recap in the beginning, but You’ll see where its going ;) Enjoy!
Peggy's POV:
I jerk awake from my dreamless sleep and glance at the clock. Its only been an 30 minutes? Ugh.. I stand up and make some tea, but while the kettle boils, I vomit again. When the tea is done I drink it, but my stomach still hasn't settled. I make some more toast and try that, and still I'm ill. Maybe a bath would do. I take off my dress and lay in the hot, steaming water, heaving a sigh as my body relaxes. This feels nice... I look down at my belly and frown, its bruised to hell. The colours look like petrol in a bloody puddle. Oh little one, why must you do this to mummy?  Within another half hour, I get out; not wanting to sleep in a bath when no one is around.
When I'm dressed I head to the kitchen to try some more tea, but room starts to spin. Oh, not again! And then, another kick, much harder than others before. Please make it stop! I reach for the table and hunch over, the cloth falls off, dropping everything on it. The teacup breaks, the toast falls away to the floor, and the kettle spills. Before I know it, Daniel is by my side. Wait, Daniel? He tries soothing me and asking if I'm alright, but I'm not. I'm not alright, I'm not fine. I feel as if I'm dying and I don't know what to do! I take my anger out on him, but soon notice my mistake, and then apologize.
My body starts to shake and feel as if the walls are closing in. I can't hold it in any longer. I sit on the bed, like Daniel asks, but it doesn't help. He asks about my intake of the day, and its not much.  He takes my hand and it grounds me. I feel as if my body is being invaded by a swarm of emotions and pain and theres nothing I can do. What if this is caused by the baby? Or worse, its something else and its affecting her and me in turn. Will she be alright? Is she alive? Wha- no,No,NO! Oh God why!?! I cover my face and sob, but Daniel tries to help. We stand and he embraces me, and suddenly, I don't feel so overwhelmed. I don't know how long we stand there, but I hold him tight, hoping he doesn't disappear. Hoping that he is real. He holds me close, or as close as he can with my large belly in the way, and holds tight. Minutes after I finish crying, he still holds on, and so do I. I feel so safe and this, whatever this is, feels so right. I don't want this moment to end.
"Hey..."Daniel says softly. He must have felt my body relaxing. I pull away, slightly, and he holds my face in his hands. "Its gonna be okay." I nod and embrace him again. At first hes surprised, then he too relaxes. He rubs circles on my back and it feels incredible. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. "So, what happened? Your roommate said you were sick. What are your symptoms?" I can't help but give a small, dry, chuckle.
"I don't know Dr. Sousa." At this he laughs, a full body laugh. All too soon he pulls away, letting go of me...
"I'm serious, Peggy. Whats going on?" I take a deep breath and let it all out.
"I don't know, Daniel. I.." He takes my hand and squeezes them. One look is all it takes, and I can breath steady again. "I woke up this morning feeling terrible and I got sick. Colleen made me breakfast and tea, but it didn't help, so I tried to sleep it off." He gestures towards the bed, and I sit down, and soon after he sits next to me. Not too close, but thankfully not too far away. "When I woke up, I was still ill so I made some more tea and set it down on the table. But I got sick again." He takes my hand once more, and I continue. "I took a bath, which helped, or so I thought... I uhm, got dizzy and got a large kick. I lost my balance and..." I gesture to the mess on the floor.. "I still feel horrible, Daniel. I don't know what happened or what to think."
"What kind of tea was it?"
"Uhm...Rosemary I think..? I'm not sure."
"Well it makes sense why the tea wasn't helping." I look at him, puzzled. 
"Rosemary, taken on large doses, can be bad for pregnant woman, and its not good for the baby." My eyes enlarge and my mouth drops, now I'm starting to panic again. "Hey hey hey.. Its okay. I'm sure shes fine, Its just, thats why it wasn't helping. Thats why you were worse and not better. You didn't have a lot did you?"
"No, I uh.. Only had a little... Normally I drink a peppermint blend or ginger root. Colleen said thats what her sister in law used to help with nausea."
"Yeah, well...shes not wrong."  Since Daniel is holding my right hand, I take my left and rub my face, God I'm a mess..."But there are other plants and herbs of tea that could help."
"Like what?"
"Well.. Ginger root and peppermint are a start. Theres also-" Before he finishes his sentence, he stops. It looks as if hes had a bright idea. "Wait here." Before I knew it, he was gone. Odd...When he returns he has a small box in his hand.
"Daniel.. What is that?"
"This" He says excitedly, "will help you feel better."
"Wh-.. how? What is it?" Instead of answering me, he takes the kettle, rinses it out, and boils some water. I know if I stand I'll only loose my balance, but I feel as if I should be doing something. He leaves and returns again, but with a bag. I think of food. "Daniel? What are you doing?" Still, he doesn't answer me. He brings out berries, greens and cooks some eggs. What in the blazes is he doing? "Daniel?" The water hisses and he takes a small bag out of the box. What on earth..? He pours some of the content from the bag into the kettle and pours whatever it is into a new teacup.
"Here, drink this."
"I-I don't understand..."
"Just try it. Please?"His face has a small pout to it as he says please. Why is this man so charming and adorable at the same time? I take a sip and taste raspberries."Do you like it?"
"Mmm, I do actually. Raspberry tea?"
"Almost. Its Red Rasperry leaf tea. It has a bunch of vitamins and health benefits. It helps pregnant woman who are sick; those with nausea , vomiting, cramping, ... and it even helps with labor."
"Ho- How do you know all of this?"
"I have two sisters with 2 kids each... " Oh how could I forget that. We both laugh and I drink more of the tea. Daniel walks away and comes back with a plate of eggs and fresh berries and greens.
"What is all of this, Daniel? You didn't have to do this."
"Yes I did. You need to eat, Peggy. This should give you some strength and the tea should help keep your stomach settled. What did I do to deserve to have this man in my time of need?
"I.. I don't know what to say..." I  shake my head in amazement and look into his eyes. Everything feels at peace, and I couldn't be more thankful.
"You don't have to say anything, just eat and drink. It'll help." I look down at my food and then at Daniel. Before I know what I'm doing I lean in and kiss his cheek. Oh no.. He looks at me, shocked, and I'm quite sure I look the same way, except I try to shake it off.
"Thank you, Daniel. I don't know what I'd do with out you." For a moment hes still in shock, but soon he recovers, shakes his head, and smiles brightly. I could get lost in his smile and be content to never look back... Thank you God, thank you for this wonderful man. I hope he stays...
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Review: Weber Genesis II LX Grill
Durk Rion
A few nights after I got the new Weber Genesis II LX grill on my roof deck, I texted my buddy Ted, proposing beer and burgers at my place. I’ve reviewed Weber’s grills before and fully expected this one, the latest addition to its line of sturdy and well-made propane grills, to stand out as a high-end weekend warrior.
Weber Genesis II LX Grill
Learn How We Rate
A big, beefy grill with quality components that will likely withstand years of use.
Seemingly untested by Weber, this grill struggles to nail the grilling fundamentals. At a whopping $1,400 (and up), its almost impossible to make a strong case for this grill.
Buy It Now   |  Weber
How We Rate
1/10A complete failure in every way
2/10Sad, really
3/10Serious flaws; proceed with caution
4/10Downsides outweigh upsides
5/10Recommended with reservations
6/10Solid with some issues
7/10Very good, but not quite great
8/10Excellent, with room to kvetch
9/10Nearly flawless
10/10Metaphysical perfection
Oh, hell yes! Ted replied less than a minute later. Gentleman that he is, he even brought the beer.
I crisped up buns on the hot grate and grilled thumb-thick patties, giving one side more time than the other in order to brown them while avoiding what my dad would call “cooking it into a coma.” They made for some pretty fantastic weeknight burgers. But after more rigorous testing, the grill proved to have some serious weaknesses. This thing is built like a tank, but it’s surprisingly underpowered.
Next in Line
The Genesis II follows Weber’s hallowed three-burner Genesis line, and theres some nice thinking here. Along with the quality youd expect from Weber—these are the guys behind the famous Weber kettle grill, the highly lauded, gas-powered Spirit line, and exciting newer models like the kamado-style Weber Summit Charcoal—this grill comes with a fancy new “grease management system.” Laugh if you will, but anyone whos ever gone after a long-neglected grease pan with a putty knife or accidentally lit a grease tray ablaze while preheating will appreciate a grill that funnels grease toward a disposable drip pan.
I reviewed a grill in the LX series, which comes with a few more BTUs of heat and some additional bells and whistles. (The Genesis II line includes eight models altogether.) There’s a stainless-steel grill grate, a storage cabinet beneath the grill, and a light that attaches to the lid handle to illuminate whatever youre cooking. You can find similar features in other grills or buy them as after-market add-ons, but having them built into the model is a nice touch.
Less necessary are little LEDs that light up the dials. I turned them on and the button immediately got stuck. As far as I know, it’s still stuck and the lights are still on. Theres also an LED that indicates how full the propane tank is, but its right around the corner from the manual tank scale that tells you, at a glance, how full the propane tank is. So, there are two fuel gauges right next to each other, which display exactly the same information.
The grill is also iGrill 3 Ready, which is to say, you can buy an iGrill 3—a type of remote thermometer—and stick it in the spot where the LED gas gauge goes. But I wouldnt. iGrills can monitor the temperature of a couple things at once—say, the interior temperature of a thick cut and the temperature inside the grill—and deliver that information to an app on your phone via Bluetooth. The problem is that iGrill 3 has no built-in readout. That means if you’re standing in front of the grill, you’d have to open an app just to read the temperature on the thermometer directly under your nose. Apps and Bluetooth connections can be great additions to cooking hardware, but in cases like this, they also get in the way. The iGrill 2 has an easy-to-read LED on its base that displays temperature; having no readout on the iGrill 3 is straight-up dumb.
Blown Away
One of the best ways to test a grill’s capabilities is setting it up for two-zone grilling. Indirect cooking relies on getting the temperature to hold at specific points, whether its just to cook a chicken breast through or the hours-long process of cooking pork butt. Youre not searing—just using the grill like an oven to cook the food the way you want it. If you can create a hot zone of direct heat above blazing burners for searing and a cooler indirect zone to to cook food through without scorching, you know you’ve got a grill worth its burners.
I started with an empty, closed grill, trying to reach that indirect zone heated to two benchmark temperatures: first 225 degrees Fahrenheit, then 325 degrees Fahrenheit. It was a chilly 40 degrees outside with winds blowing 14 miles per hour—not ideal conditions, but nothing that a well-made grill can’t handle.
The Genesis II line offers grills with two, three, four, and six burners. I tested one of the three-burner models, which made for an odd two-zone grilling experiment: I had to choose if I wanted the heat coming from one or two burners, taking up one- or two-thirds of the grill.
Using only the left burner, I tried coaxing the unlit right two-thirds up to a consistent 225 degrees, after letting the grill preheat for 15 minutes. I had centered a temperature probe on the indirect side, allowing me to keep the lid down for consistency in testing.
Try as I might, I couldnt get the temperature to stabilize. Full-blast was too much; if I backed off, the temperature quickly dipped. I spent 25 minutes fussing with the burner knob every few minutes, at which point I gave up, feeling like I was driving a boat that just didn’t have the power to sail upwind.
Next, I lit the center burner for backup. I found a sweet spot after a few minutes with half power on the left burner and a trickle in the center, which seemed acceptable considering the wind. I nudged up the heat, trying to get up to a steady 325 degrees on the indirect side, but it needed constant adjustment to get anywhere close to consistent temperature. With two of three burners going on a windy (but not that windy) day, this is a big flop.
A few days later, when it was warmer and less breezy, I tried again. It took took 20 minutes post preheat, but I finally hit my 225 degree benchmark using just the left burner. More than that, though, was too much to ask of just one burner. Two burners could reach higher temps quickly, leaving just a third of the grill available for indirect grilling. On the grill grate of the three-burner model I tested, which is just over 500 square inches, that’s probably enough space to cook for a family of four, but not much more than that.
A Searing Disappointment
The other gas-grilling weak spot I hoped this Weber could overcome is obtaining a good, hard sear. I picked up a ribeye and let the grill preheat for 15 minutes, which left the heat deflectors glowing orange. I patted the steak dry, salted and peppered it, then set it on the grill and let it rip for five minutes on a dial setting Weber calls High+, the LX line’s version of going to 11. It came out pleasingly caramelized yet not overdone in the center. Decent for a gas grill, but still nothing exceptional.
Grill companies are starting to get the hang of better searing capabilities, even adding little “sear burners” for the task. Webers leaning in that general direction with High+, but the burners are almost six inches from the top of the grill grate, which is simply too far away to get a hard sear. I could get a better, more even sear in my cast-iron pan sitting on the grills side burner.
Id discover in later tests that while the conduction heat–where the food is in direct contact with the grill grate–tended to be quite good, it wasn’t enough to make it into the spaces between the grates for effective browning. Only by hopscotching the food around the grill grate could I come up with something close to an even sear. This grill’s burners go to 11, but thats still not high enough.
Overall, the Genesis II LX is well-built, comes with a great warranty, and will doubtlessly last a long time. But Id happily trade many of the bells and whistles of the LX line for a grill that can give me a blistering sear and enough power to keep the indirect cooking temps dependable.
With those weaknesses and–have a seat–the $1,400 price tag on the three-burner model, I just cant recommend it. Results might vary slightly between the two-, four-, or six-burner models, but even still, it’s just too much money to spend on something so surprisingly underpowered.
Food writer Joe Ray (@joe_diner) is a Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of The Year, a restaurant critic, and author of Sea and Smoke with chef Blaine Wetzel.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2ocKVyx
from Review: Weber Genesis II LX Grill
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