#but also they live super far away and so a relationship isn't possible right now and you're ?maybe? fwbs but it doesn't really feel like it
rubenesque-as-fuck · 8 months
When you send a spicy pic and get the reaction you were hoping for 🥰🥰🥰
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dearweirdme · 11 months
genuine question: do you guys not think it's incredibly unhealthy to sit online speculating about literal strangers' sexualities all day? do y'all not see how grossly disrespectful that is just as a general concept? these are people none of you have EVER met or spent ANY actual personal time with. they don't know you and therefore have never disclosed details about their romantic life bc it isn't your business??? what gives ANY OF YOU the right to hyper analyze everything they do to attribute it to their sexuality? i'm trying to understand how you all could possibly say you love them but don't have enough respect for any of them to simply be fans of their music and leave this weird ship at the door. y'all hyperanalyze all their body language to confirm they're in love but ignore them mentioning how the comments section is never fun to look at (bc it's ALWAYS just shippers being stupidly unhinged) and the very obvious discomfort the shipping shit brings them. most of you shippers are straight women fetishizing. most of you shippers are larries who jumped ship when 1d disbanded. most of you are grown adults who need to get offline and get real hobbies that don't involve breaking down the potentiality of sexuality for people you literally don't know personally. how do all of you have so much audacity and so much time to think half-critically but no time at all to introspect on the level of sheer delusion you have to willfully exist in to perpetuate this narrative shamelessly? this is so sick. how do y'all not feel awful about all the blatant, obvious, perceivable stress you shippers cause them? why can’t y'all behave like actual people with empathy and ethics?
Hi anon!
You are not sending me a genuine question. If that had been your aim you would’ve worded your ask differently. I also wonder if you send asks like this to blogs and accounts who talk and speculate about their relationships with women.. because if you are not actually being homophobic right now.. that would be the same.
I understand the delicacy in this. Except for the part of tour ask that seems homophobic (and plain rude and extremely biased on many accounts) I can even understand you wanting people to stay out of their private business to some level. You want to protect them from harm and I very much applaud that, even though I think your reasoning is faulty in some ways. It is for instance nothing new or weird for fans to care for and be interested in the private lives of artists. It’s something that the artists themselves and their labels/companies also know and at times even feed into. It’s basically inherent to the fan/artist situation. It’s just human nature to be interested in things like this.. is that bad? I don’t know if a word like bad or good applies here.. it’s just human to me.
You look at all shippers and their ways as the same. I think there’s many different kinds of shippers. There’s definitely those that go way too far. People should never confront members themselves with these things. Don’t go in their comments with Taekook or Jkk mentions. Don’t bring banners to concerts, just.. don’t. Not to blow my own horn.. but I would never! Also the constant searching for proof in the tiniest things… it’s so unnecessary and it makes people look crazy and (!) it takes away from the seriousness that this situation brings with it. Which brings me to my reason for talking about this.
Aside from thinking Tae and Jk are super cute and adorably in love, there’s the underlying issue of queerness still not being socially accepted in so many places all around the world. I think it’s important to talk about these things (even as a straight adult, because the more people talk about these things.. the more influence we have in making things better for the future). If no one was to ever talk about celebrities being closeted or closeting in general.. there would be no progress. I am fairly sure about what I have seen between Tae and Jk.. I am also fairly sure that they are not ashamed about their queerness. That is why I talk about this. I feel I am doing this in a respectful way. There’s things I do not discuss (sexual stuff) because I feel that’s in general not useful for the conversation.
I am not willing to take responsibility for other Tkkrs behavior though. I talk about things for myself and for my own reasons. I like to think everyone is able to think for themselves and be responsible for the way they interact in fandom. I am my own person though.. I do not rile up Tkkrs to go leave annoying comments anywhere.
Mostly though.. I am talking about love, anon. The difference between you and me is that to you them being straight is the default and to me it is not. Your ‘speculation about sexuality’ feels harmful to me.. because it’s love that we talk about.. I really hate the notion that there’s a difference between same sex love and straight love for you.
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
Chapter 3: The Dream of the Eternal Moon
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This fucking show y'all. How am I meant to survive what this show is doing to my heart? How am I meant to watch Heart and Li Ming so gently fall in love and still function as a human being? How am I meant to watch Jim and Wen slowly filling in each other's empty places and not open-mouthed-sob? How am I meant to watch Praew make krathongs for the men who have become her family and not feel warmth deep in my soul? How am I meant to watch Gaipa tell his mother he will float krathongs with her for as long as he can and not want to hug my own mom tight? This show is destroying me and healing me all at once, and after tomorrow it will already be half over and I'm not ready!
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Jim's backstory slots so many things into place, about his sense of self, and why he doesn't let anybody get too close, and why he puts everything into the diner. To be so in love, to build a life with a person, and then discover it was all a lie, it alters you. Jim internalised that betrayal, he told himself his sister was right and he couldn't have that kind of love, and now that it's on offer again he absolutely doesn't trust it. 'I'm not fit to be anybody's home' made me want to cry when he said it, but now it hurts SO MUCH MORE knowing where it came from. What also makes me want to cry is knowing how hurt he is going to be when he finds out about Alan.
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Wen's a bit sly isn't he? I'm pretty sure if Gaipa hadn't seen him, he might not have told Jim about his involvement in the project, as much as it was clearly preoccupying him. He's integrated himself so thoroughly into Jim's life at this point but Jim knows almost nothing about his. He plays things really close to the vest, even with his super-supportive dad. And nobody seems to know what's going on with him and Alan including, it seems, Alan. All Wen will say is 'it's complicated' and at the end of the ep when Alan finally appears we start to see how true that is. It makes sense that he's not so open with his life because his life's a little bit of a mess right now.
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Gaipa asking Jim to Loy Krathong with him is basically a date and Jim knows it, which is why he pretends not to see it for what it is. Feigned obliviousness is Jim's shield with Gaipa, because it works. Gaipa is not bold like Wen, to come right out with his feelings and ask Jim directly what's what, although we know he will be driven to that at some point based on the trailer.
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I really like the relationship developing between Wen and Li Ming, with Wen becoming a kind of generational translator between uncle and nephew. Jim and Li Ming are so similar, but they see themselves differently. Li Ming doesn't want to become Jim, and Jim doesn't want that for Li Ming either, but they have very different ideas of how to accomplish that. Jim thinks an education, a degree, will give Li Ming freedom, but Li Ming sees it as just another kind of trap. Li Ming thinks that freedom is about getting as far away from Pattaya as possible, but Jim sees Li Ming being trapped in a cycle of poverty and exhausting low wage work. Wen stands between the two, helping them to listen and understand each other, to see each other's points of view, and encouraging them to talk to each other rather than at each other.
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Man, Heart and Li Ming. I love a lonelyboy, so Heart was always going to tuck himself right into a little corner of my psyche and live there. And Li Ming, that boy full of rage and frustration is so soft and sweet with Heart. He's also not even pretending he's not hitting on him, telling him they'll go to Loy Krathong together next year, and making absolutely sure Heart clearly sees and understands his fan di na. The acting of this whole storyline is sooooo good. The specific smile Gemini is using as Heart is this goofy, tickled pink delight that I don't know where he found it inside himself but it's so perfect for the character. There's an innocence to it and a bit of wonder. He's blooming under Li Ming's interest and attention.
Side Dishes
Jim was definitely not what Wen's dad was expecting at all it seems, and I mean Jim is as far away from Alan as two people could be.
Ms. Hong telling Gaipa 'I can't wait to see who you bring home' 🤣
Also Saleng yelling out basically MUST BE NICE BEING YOU as he watches Jim juggle Wen and Gaipa 🤣
I liked the dynamics of Wen's workplace. When he started singing 'do I have a choice' in the meeting when his boss retasked him, that was cute and funny.
That shot of Li Ming looking out at the water was absolutely stunning.
I love how Heart and Li Ming are the only things lit warmly in that cold, dark house.
The wide shots and long take scenes in this show are giving me life; this is the kind of work you can do when you have talented and seasoned actors to play with.
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weebsinstash · 2 years
Just some more ideas for sone stuff Mr Rich Douche Yandere would do to his darling/the Reader
--apparently hair elastics like ponytails can technically damage your hair, so if you use them he insists on tying your hair up with silk ribbons and other soft materials (and wants to do it himself obviously)
--doesn't let you swim in public pools or public bodies of water besides the ocean and even then that's on private property. Not only does he not want to have to share your half nude body with anyone else, but, poor people can be dirty and gross to the point of being another species in his eyes. And not to enable him but have you ever read those stories of people who don't bathe before going into pools because they believe the chlorine is like a shower? 🤢
--really, activities that require you touching other people or sharing things with other people just strike him as unsanitary and "you're too good for them anyways". He kind of thinks all poor people in general are trashy and you're just an exception, perfect to him in almost every way. No buffets, no public gyms, no bowling, no clubbing, no strip mall beauty salons/spas that might have dirty equipment, no sports events not in a private box, like, the list goes on and on
--pressures you into having "real hobbies" aka things he approves of, likes himself, and/or can do with you, but are usually like, rich people bullshit: painting, golfing, teaching you to play a classical instrument, archery, horseback riding
--dresses you in only the best, kind of excessively. Once you enter a serious relationship with him, he'll make you forget what jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers even are. Absolutely buys you new clothes to throw out and replace anything you owned before him.
--you know how some yanderes will go as far as to collect tissues, they're so obsessed with anything you've touched or owned? Not his ass! If it isn't super sentimental to you or something you use often, he slowly replaces everything you own with things he's bought for you. Only the best for his baby 🥰 and also no traces of your past can be allowed to remain. He's all you need now right? so let's get rid of all those things given to you by people who came before him. You don't need those useless old memories...
--none of your friends are good enough for him and he'll heavily discourage you from spending time with them, even outright bribing them/threatening them into avoiding you.
--wants to get married and tie you down basically right away, but he's calculated enough to at least kind of wait and make you love him first. If he's a noble, he'll pull strings for another noble to adopt you or something to "legitimize your status", and if he's a king or emperor he may just ignore the laws to let you be directly at his side and not a mere concubine. Who's gonna stop him? He's literally the man in charge
--i like to imagine at some point in the relationship you're living with him in one of his homes and he's in his office with his multiple computer monitors that he uses for work, and he's just sitting there watching you through security cameras to see you in your private moments, simply craving and consuming every last detail about you no matter how personal
--when he's away, you're assigned private security because he's wealthy/important enough that you could be kidnapped. He definitely overplays the possibility of danger when you bring up doing anything that loosens his control and surveillance, though. He'll tell you it's only because he treasures you much and has to keep you safe
--all im saying is that he's "leader of a country" level rich and money can achieve anything. That ex-boyfriend you bumped into on a date with him? Missing without a trace, the cops don't even investigate. Relationship go south and you run away? A black van rolls up while you're on the sidewalk and you get taken right back by men in black suits who are being paid way too much to mind if you bite and scream. You start cracking under the pressure if all his expectations and say you'll leave him? Threaten to hurt yourself? Hippity hoppity your body is his property, and he's sending you to a private clinic where they'll force meds into you and monitor you while he finishes his business affairs and sets up a nice little "vacation home" for you both to "take time off" and for you to "clear your head". He's thinking an island, something nice and remote....
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jessenigma · 9 months
My Favorite Continuing Manga Reads of 2023
For the past few years on twitter, I've made threads of some of my favorite manga and light novel reads from the past year. This year, I decided I would move it over to two tumblr posts.
After the cut are some of my favorite titles that I started before 2023 and kept reading this year.
Basara, Yumi Tamura
The best thing Viz did for me this year was create a whole new cheap subscription service full of Shogakukan titles, which meant that I could plow through the last several volumes of Basara all at once. This series thrilled me, broke my heart, and made me so happy. Sarasa is such a good lead, finding the courage to fight for her people while still being a teenage girl who just wants to be happy and loved, and I would love to read more series with leads just like her.
Run Away with Me, Girl, Battan
When the first volume of this came out and Kodansha's marketing compared it to Princess Jellyfish, I thought it was going to be something at least a bit lighthearted - woman reunites with her high school girlfriend, they end up running away to live happily ever after, the end, right? - but as it turns out, it was more like the very good but very depressing series about domestic abuse, Sensei's Pious Lie. While it wasn't as heavy as all that in the end, I was fascinated by the relationship between the two leads and the struggle to deal with baggage left from their teenage years. (And Battan's art is awfully sexy, much appreciated.)
Tales of the Kingdom, Asumiko Nakamura
I am so sad that the English release of Tales of the Kingdom is nearly caught up with Japan, because that means that I have to wait a small eternity for more stories about this fantasy kingdom where all the men have complicated relationships with their brothers. Asumiko Nakamura really goes all out on the clothes for this one and it's just gorgeous. There's another volume set to come out early in 2024 and I will cherish every page.
Kowloon Generic Romance, Jun Mayuzuki
I have been in love with Kowloon Generic Romance ever since the end of the first volume completely recontextualized everything that went on before it, and each new volume fills me with even more delight and questions about what's going on with these characters in this very fictional version of Kowloon Walled City. Mayuzuki's art is also super gorgeous and sexy, and I am so ready for the next volume to set my head spinning even more.
10 Dance, Inouesatoh
Finally! A new volume! This series was on hiatus in Japan for a while, so it was understandable, but I rang in 2022 with the previous volume of my beautiful ballroom dancing Shinyas and wasn't entirely sure I'd get to see them at all in 2023. The events of the latest volume were more than a bit of a surprise (sex? in my very charged but not technically explicit ballroom dancing bl manga?), and now I'm even more eager to see what happens next.
The Case Files of Jeweler Richard (light novel), Nanako Tsujimura
I enjoy the Jeweler Richard novels a little more with each new book and this year brought the best part of the story so far to me. This series is such a thoughtful exploration of its characters, from the leads to the recurring side characters to the one-off clients and friends, and I appreciate how deliberately inclusive it is.
Witch Hat Atelier, Kamome Shirahama
It's basically illegal for me to leave Witch Hat Atelier off any yearly list of favorite titles as long as there's new volumes coming out for me to read. With each volume, it feels like we're moving farther and farther away from the bright and shiny new world of magic that Coco first joins, but there's still always this idea that people can and should help others. It isn't necessarily easy, and magic certainly isn't the cure-all, but there's still almost a kind of optimism. I like that, that it's possible to have horrible things happen in a story but there's still light out there.
Ooku, Fumi Yoshinaga
So I finally finished Ooku this year, only 6 years after I first picked it up at the library. Bless Fumi Yoshinaga for being the catalyst for me learning anything about the Tokugawa shogunate and for creating such a fascinating alternate take on history, complete with women leaders who were just as terrible as the original male versions. I can't believe they actually did an anime, however incomplete an adaptation, because I long had that pegged as something that would never ever ever happen with this series.
My Love Mix-Up!, Wataru Hinekure & Aruko
My most favorite cheery gay romcom title also came to an end this year, and going straight for the silliest soap opera trope in the last volume was both perfectly on brand and perfectly suited to the story. I just wish more stories would unabashedly embrace the ridiculous tropes and give me lots of humor alongside the romance.
Lost Lad London, Shima Shinya
Though the conclusion of this series seemed a bit rushed, I really loved how well Shima Shinya captured the feel of a British crime drama all the way through the story's three volumes. I want to see how much they grow with their storytelling in the future, because this was a strong first series.
MADK, Ryo Suzuri
How could my beloved eroguro demon manga end? Ryo Suzuri does such creative work with character design and it's such a shame that I won't get to meet any more cool-looking demons now. But that said, the story really stuck the landing with Makoto's obsession. I can't wait to reread all three volumes so I can fully appreciate just how much changed (and how much didn't change) for him.
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hiiii I hope you're doing okay! I would like a urgent request with Itadori, Levi and Sanji please? Btw, it's pretty heavy topic, i know it's what your urgent requests are about but still-
The headcanons with a gn!s/o that got new prosthesis legs? (Fluff/comfort please)
I lost both of my legs at 5 years old because I had a heart tumor and oxygen levels problem and my legs didn't had enough oxygen so I eventually couldn't move them anymore so they amputated them and I got my first pair of new legs at 7 years old, the heart tumor came back at 9, 12 (this one gave me cancer) and 17, right now I'm tumor free (im 19) but I still stay in the hospital all the time since my oxygen level is still low, I've never lived outside the hospital for 14 years, I mostly made friends with everyone at the hospital and I love playing with the youngest patients but it's been really hard on the mind and sometimes I have to get IV because I can't eat because of it, 2 weeks ago I got my new legs and I'm super happy about them, obviously, but it's been a bit hard to adapt to them and for the mind since it's a lot, I can't even look at the scars, I also spend a lot of time in the psychology block to help me cope and get better
So please, can I have headcanons where s/o gets new legs but have a bit of difficulty walking in them and mentally? Thanks! <3
By the way, I love your blog and thank you for these requests, I love your writing and you're amazing!
Itadori, Levi (AOT), and Sanji Support You When You Get New Prosthesis Legs
Pairings: Itadori x Gn!Reader, Levi (AOT) x Gn!Reader, Sanji x Gn!Reader
Warnings: mentions of amputations, prosthetic limbs, mental struggles, health issues
Genre: Comfort, Fluff
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: In they comfort you when you struggle to walk in your new prosthesis legs, along with the mental struggles you face
[A/N: Hellooooo <3 Idk if you're new to my blog or not, if you are, then welcome, glad you found me, but if not, then I'm glad to hear from you anyway! Can I just start off by saying how amazing you are? I complain about things in my life so much when I probably have it easier than so many others out there. You're a true fighter and I'm so proud of you for getting through everything you'd faced thus far. I'm so glad you're alive and tumor free in this moment. I pray it remains that way so things get easier for you! As for these headcanons, I did as much research as possible to make this accurate, I'm probably still way off, but I did my best :( I'm still confused on when to use Prosthesis vs Prosthetic, BUT hopefully I did okay. I hope these hc's provide you with some comfort! You asked for fluff so I assumed that meant these were romantic?? Please let me know if that isn't the case, I can always edit everything and make it platonic! Anyway hope you enjoy <3 I'm here if you ever need anything <3]
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Itadori was always in the hospital visiting his grandpa after school, so it’s only natural that he eventually met you
He noticed you had two prosthesis legs, which made him curious–that’s how he first approached you
After learning your story and seeing you more often, he eventually fell for you and asked you out, which you hesitated at first. How could a relationship like that work? Did he really like you or was he just feeling pity for you?
Yet it did work out, years after Itadori’s grandpa passed away, he continued to stay by your side through everything, showing you all his love and support
So the day you received your new legs, he was right there with you, glad to see you happy with them, though there was always that hint of frustration and sadness behind your eyes
You had trouble walking in them at first, they were heavy and different from the ones you had before, you knew it would take time to get used to, but struggling to walk was very frustrating on you
Thankfully, Yuuji was always there to help you out
He’d take your hand and slowly walk with you in the hospital hallways, helping you regain your balance whenever you lost your step
“You’re doing great,” he smiles, squeezing your hand
There was never a moment when he wasn’t encouraging you and cheering you on; he knew what you’d been through and what you’re still going through, so the least he could do was bring some positivity and happiness to you whenever he could
On harder days where you were mentally exhausted, he’d continue to be there for you
It was hard for you to look at the scars on your legs, a reminder of the amputation that had happened all those years ago. Wishes of having a different life like all the other people your age, it was tough
“You don’t need to look at them if it’s hard. They’ll always be there and we can’t go back in time, but I love you as you are and you should too, Y/N. You’re a fighter and I’m sure so many of the younger kids in this hospital who are going through similar situations, look up to you. You’re so amazing and I love you so so much. I’m proud of how far you’ve come and how you continue to fight for yourself.”
He knows there isn’t much he can do for you. After all, he didn’t know what it felt like to lose both legs at a young age. He had no clue what it was like to be in a hospital your whole life because of a heart tumor that continued to return and left you with low oxygen levels, he had no idea
But what he did know, was that he wouldn’t let you go through it alone anymore; he stayed by your side years ago when he first met you, and he’d continue to remain there, doing anything and everything in his power to bring you joy and love you to the fullest
“You’ll get the hang of it, don’t worry. I’ll be here for you no matter what,” he says, kissing the back of your hand as you continue to practice walking in your new legs, with Yuuji by your side
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Levi frequented the medical ward due to all his comrades and friends that passed away or got gravely injured during ventures into the outer walls and later in the areas within the walls that harbored titans
So he was bound to run into you at some point, and when he did, it was when you were playing with the younger kids in the medical ward, you had a bright smile on your face, yet he noticed your prosthesis legs, knowing you’d probably been fighting your own battles
He’d catch himself watching you every now and then whenever he found himself in the medical ward, you were attractive and your spirit also seemed to draw him in, he couldn’t help it
Sometimes he’d even show up at the medical ward when no one he knew was there, he just hoped to catch a glimpse of you
This continued for a while until one day you met eyes with him and he awkwardly looked away, but figured he’d seem a little weird if he just left, so he approached you and made small talk with you
He enjoyed talking to you more than he thought he would and eventually you naturally got closer, leading to being together romantically 
It was now the day when you received your new legs and Levi quietly sat in a chair in the corner of your room, watching the doctors set you up in them
Levi is a man of few words, so he just carefully watches their every move, listening to their instruction before they leave to give you some privacy
He stands as you stand to get used to your new legs and hovers by your side, his arms ready to leap out incase you need the extra support
Let’s just say even though he isn’t very verbal with his care for you, he’s super attentive and shows you he cares through his small actions
Frustration is written all over your face as you struggle to get used to them, you felt tired of your situation at times since it was mentally exhausting and Levi understood that well
As a soldier, he’s lost so many comrades and friends along the way, feelings of helplessness and wanting to give up deep inside him; he assumed you felt the same at times in regard to your situation, but he wanted to make sure you knew you had him around if you needed him, you weren’t alone in this
“I know it must be hard dealing with this all the time. Though, you’re braver and stronger than half the soldiers on my team, Y/N. Despite everything that life has thrown your way, you’ve faced it and moved forward, I really admire that…” He says awkwardly, yet in full honestly. He wasn’t used to opening up like this verbally so often…
He’s ready to help in any way he can, and at night when the doctors are gone and the lights go out, he pulls a chair next to your bed, as his hands trace patterns on the skin above where your prosthesis start, leaving gentle kisses to the skin, his eyes shining with love and admiration for you
He loves all of you, even your prostheses and he wouldn’t change you for anything
Levi always makes times for you at the end of the day when training is over and he has nothing else to work on
Drinking tea with you in your room and reading together or listening to you speak is the highlight of his day, you bring a light to him he never had before, and he’d do anything to protect that
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Being part of the Strawhats was always a wild ride, but how did you get here?
Luffy and the crew had visited your island and he was instantly amazed by your legs, yet seeing you stuck in a hospital room felt off to him, so he invited you to join the crew to go on all their adventures, giving you the opportunity to see the world that was out there
After all they had a doctor on board, so you were in very capable hands with Chopper who always did his best to care for you
And of course this was how you met Sanji who was drawn in by you the second he saw you
It didn’t take long for him to ask you out repeatedly which you refused several times, until you realized that his feelings for you were actually genuine
Only then did you become a couple and he treats you SO WELL
He treats you like a delicate flower, making you the best foods that are easy to eat, yet still provide you with all the nutrients you need to live (whenever you do have the appetite to eat)
Franky had just finished making your new legs, thanks to Choppers detailed instructions of what you’d need and it was time to try them out and of course Sanji was there with you
“Careful with that, can’t you be more gentle?”
This man is so protective over you, poor Chopper is getting fires of questions thrown at him as well as Franky, as Sanji questions whether this is really the right fit, and if it’ll do you good
 He just wants the best for you, especially with these new legs, but once he sees your smile as you try them on, he relaxes a little
You have a hard time walking in them at first, needed to get used to the new shape and weight of them, and being on a rocky ship didn’t exactly help either, but Sanji is right there to help you whenever you need it
I think he’d even be a little too clingy at times; one hand around your waist as his other holds one of your hands…he just doesn’t want you to lose your balance and fall
Sometimes he sees your frustrations and holds you close to him whenever you have mentally draining days where things are just extra difficult for you to face, but at least you know you have his support
“Everything’s going to be okay, my love. I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for you, but I swear I’ll do what I can to make it easier to bear”
And of course the way he knows to comfort you the most is through his hugs, kisses, and with his cooking of course
Warm soups are probably your favorite, they’re easy to eat and comforting as you sip on them, but he’ll make you your favorite treats as well if you’re ever craving them
Sanji does worry a lot about you, but he’d never let you see it. He just wants you to be happy and healthy, so always seeing you on oxygen in Choppers office pulls at his heart strings, but he’ll put on a brave face for you and give you all his love and attention
If you need anything at all, just tell him and he’ll get it for you, even if it’s just something as simple as wanting to hold his hand…he’d run to you in a second to make it happen <3
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Posted: 08/12/2023
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gonna be hater so here are my half-inebriated thoughts about what i didn't like about the final stroke part dos
• boring. you can even stop reading right here because that's my overarching opinion
• i still don't fully understand or like the conflict between rin and haru and resolution was... confusing? and frustrating! the race and following conversation don't actually address the issue of haru feeling abandoned. he apologizes for saying hurtful things he didn't actually mean and rin apologizes for... not thinking of haru's feelings when making decisions about his own swimming career? (i don't want to turn this into what is basically an r/AmITheAsshole thread, because i hate how contemporary fandom discourse treats every fictional conflict like one, but like. haru's TA. rin did nothing wrong. they kind of acknowledge it but they don't follow through). i don't really know what i was supposed to take away from this ordeal
• if not outright retconning stuff, attempting to write around or re-contextualize stuff in a way that i find dishonest or disrespectful to viewers' intelligence. the big example being haru confronting his younger inner self, where it actually turns out he was actively repressing his desire to swim in a relay as an affect of his loneliness (?), instead of simply being apathetic as he was previously written. why rewrite the main character's backstory and motivations at the very last minute? we've been along for this ride for the past nine years, come on
• rin continuing with his "my relation to haru isn't that simple" explanation to ikuya, who as far as i remember simply described them as friends. or suggested that rin see haru in the infirmary because that's an inconsequential but kind thing to do? i do not fucking understand. i hated this stance in fs1 and i hate it now. they have a unique bond for sure but they're not not friends
• speaking of rin and haru's friendship, i was put off by the "red-blue super sentai destined partners" imagery, and then the shot of them holding hands as kids. i've always viewed rin and haru as two people who were undoubtedly important to each other but, in regards to certain parts of their individual lives, not particularly close. those shots felt like they mischaracterized their relationship to be a lot closer retroactively (but because of the nature of interpretation i am more willing to let this one go. also nobody can accuse me of having a bias against rinharu, by the way, i used to be huge on rinharu. but i have thoughts about what it looks like and it wasn't this)
• i got a little irritated with how many times a character would start talking about haru and how much they need to support haru, oh we haven't seen him in a while is he doing okay? my times are getting better don't you think BUT HARU- i don't think this is an inherently bad way to convey information to an audience but it happens too frequently in scenes that are already too short. so i never felt like i got to see the characters fully as i know and love them because they were too busy providing commentary
• kinjou barely had any impact as a character, as a villain, as an ally, etc. his big climactic heel-turn moment is him finally giving teamwork a try (at the expense of asahi's participation, press f to pay respects lmao), i guess. when he was introduced in df i was excited for him to be an honest to goodness asshole for once in free!'s history but his presence quickly fizzled out. he stopped being threatening right away and there wasn't nearly enough there to make me care about him
• what were these two movies about, anyway? what was the arc and what was the resolution? early promotional material, as well as a significant portion of part 1, made me believe it was about haru reexamining his relationship to competitive swimming and the possibility of going pro, but it just concludes with "haru continues to do the thing he set out to do a season ago." i admit i am one of those people who wasn't completely satisfied with the ending of eternal summer, where haru decides to start competing seriously after a season of fighting exactly that. it didn't feel like a solid resolution. so i was intrigued with the idea that haru could outright quit, or reorient his goals, something. but that didn't happen. and it didn't have to, really, but anything other than "and the story continues!!!" would have been better. nothing changed in the end. what was the point
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
I absolutely adore your writing! I can't help but request! Can you do a Sarah Cameron X Plus size reader story? The plot being that the reader is a pogue and her and Sarah fall in love. They have to keep it a secret (only the pogues can know) and like maybe someone finds out that isn't supposed to? Fluff would be awesome but honestly I love the suprise of any storyline!
secretly in love ❀
sarah cameron x plus!pogue!fem!reader.
warnings: super cute fluff! haha that’s all <3
words: 987.
summary: a secret relationship between you and sarah, what could possibly go wrong?
request? yes!
a/n: thanks for the request, this was such a cute idea! if you enjoy this story like and comment! i also created a taglist! you can find the link to add yourself to the taglist in my masterlist. love y’all <3
my masterlist
“we cant sarah!” you stared at her with shock as she placed an arm around your waist and went in for a kiss. you smile softly, kissing her back. “why not? no ones here.” you shake your head. “you are the one who wanted a SECRET relationship,” you exaggerate the word secret to showcase how dire it was. “…and now you want to be all lovey dovey in your living room?” she nods her head excitedly. “yes! trust me we will be okay. no one is home, and they aren’t coming home anytime soon.” the look on sarah’s face made it seem impossible for you to say no. “okay. if you really think they aren’t coming home soon then it will be okay.” sarah laughs, immediately jumping down on the couch and patting a spot that was so close you would practically be sitting on top of her.
you move to the couch, and sit down directly by her. sarah’s arm finding its way across your shoulders. heat rises to your face and you softly look away. “what movie should we watch?” sarah asks. you sit for a moment thinking, “you can choose. surprise me.” she nods, grabbing her remote to the living room's flat screen. she puts on snow white and the seven dwarfs on disney plus. you smile, “this is a classic.” you snuggle closer into her, your guard relaxing slightly.
the movie started up with birds singing as the credits played. “sarah?” you question her. she hums in response, her eyes still fixated on the tv. “would you kiss me awake if you saw i was poisoned with a curse?” she glances over at you, shocked by the question. “do you even have to ask? of course i would. would you do the same?” she twists the question around, now asking you. “hmm, depends.” she scoffs before falling into a fit of laughter. “what does that mean!?” you bite your lip smiling, “it just depends if i’m busy that day.” you shrug lightly and she rolls her eyes. you wrap your arms around her waist, your head laying on her shoulder. the movie starts and your focus returns to the movie.
half way through the movie sarah suddenly got the urge to tickle you. you fall onto your back, sarah on top of you, straddling you. your eyes are closed as you gasp for air. “sarah!!” your giggles brought a grin to her face. she continued tickling you, as she watched you squirm underneath her. “please- sarah!” she finally pulled away from tickling you, but she still straddled your hips. she leaned down, kissing you. you smile into the kiss, sitting up. she sat on your lap, her arms around your neck, while yours sat around her hips. you pulled her closer, closing any gap between the two of you. she pulls away to breathe before going in for another kiss.
“what the fuck did i just walk into?” rafe dropped his bags on the floor, his eyes staring at you two making out. sarah jumps from your lap, and you quickly pull yourself away and sit on the other end of the couch. “nothing, rafe. leave us alone.” sarah said, rolling her eyes. on the outside she looked annoyed, but she was really just scared that rafe would expose her.
“little sis, you’re a lesbian?” you looked back at him, a frown on your lips from his question. you weren’t entirely sure where he was going with it. was he going to be supportive? was he going to be disgusted? would he even accept you and sarah? you had so many questions because now rafe possessed so much leverage over the two of you.
“rafe-.” sarah cut herself off, trying to think of an excuse but fell short. you chose to speak up, “rafe, can we…” you struggled to find the words, “can we trust you?” he stares at you, waiting. “why wouldn’t you be able to trust me?” he suddenly walked your way, but detoured for sarah. he pinched sarah’s cheeks in a teasing way, “you got a girlfriend!” sarah blushes and jokingly pushes his arm away.
“rafe. we haven’t told anyone, only the pogues know.” he frowns. “you told the pogues before your own brother?!” you look down, laughing. “hey, they are way more open, and we knew they wouldn’t tell anyone.” rafe nods understandingly. “of course i support yall, i’m just upset i had to find out by walking into- whatever that was.” sarah smiles, “whatever “that” was?” her eyebrows lifted as she questioned him.
“yeah, whatever “that” was. i've never seen two people feel the need to make out while a kids movie is playing in the background. but y’all do you, i guess.” he laughs, his hands gesturing for us to stand up to him. “come on. your secret's safe with me.” he pulls you and sarah into a hug. “that was fun and all but you should continue your movie.” he walks back to the door to collect his earlier bags from shopping.
sarah and you move back to the couch, and rafe leaves the room. sarah’s crying slightly, and you smile weakly at her. “he supports us.” you nod, your hand rubbing circles on her back. “he supports us sarah. isn't that great?” she looks up to you a small smile on her lips. “yeah!” she leans forward, pulling you into a hug.
once the two of you separate, you two settle on the couch, continuing the movie. “hey remember when you said no one was coming home soon?” she rolls her eyes, “no, i actually don’t remember saying that… i think you heard me wrong.” you shake your head, “oh! right, okay. my bad, i guess i didn’t hear you correctly. i thought you said they wouldn’t be home soon… but okay.” you smile as she softly punches your arm. “so sarcastic.” you look at her, “learned from the best.”
decided to do a fluffy fic since every sarah cameron fic ive done so far, has been kinda angsty haha :-]
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116t98 · 3 years
The Murder of King S'turnn: Whodunnit?
You know what intrigues me so much about this new season (aside from it being marketed in segments/arcs)? The fact that there's a genuine mystery playing out in the narrative that isn't connected to the Apokolips vs. Earth war that everything's been building up to for four seasons now.
(Well... at least that's how it appears so far, but I'll get back to this)
We've only seen three episodes so far, and while they gave us a lot of information, they haven't quite given us enough to draw super-clear conclusions about the ongoing murder mystery yet.
Regardless, I still want to try to figure it out because why not?
Let's start with the general information that we've been given:
we're told the king was progressive
the king was killed around the time when M'gann, Conner, Gar, and J'onn left Earth
no one knows who the killer is, or what their motives were, implying that the killer has mental blocks/filters on their mind to prevent anyone from figuring them out
his death worsened the divide between the G'arrunn and A'ashenn
we're told the queen rolled back most of the king's progressive reforms, but we're not told (or shown) why she did so
Now, with all that being said, let's go over the possible suspects.
R’ess E’dda
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So, from these three episodes, we know that R'ess E'dda is rather aggressive, racist towards A'ashenn, against the late king's progressive societal reforms, and he doesn't want any further connections between Earth and Mars to be established (to "preserve Martian culture").
Based on all that we've seen of him, he appears to be murder suspect number one; after all, with the progressive king dead (and the zeta tube gone), there's a higher chance for all his progressive reforms to be undone and the established caste system to remain untouched.
However, I don't think he's the killer. Simply put, he’s too obvious a suspect; I know that in a lot of murder mysteries, the killer is usually one of the first suspects we meet in the narrative, but it's most likely that he's just a red herring. The zeta bombing obviously didn’t disturb him, and the timing of his protest did conveniently coincide with the bombing, but I think it’s just that: a coincidence. Frankly, it'd be far too easy, and boring, if he was the killer.
M'comm M'orzz
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The other obvious suspect would be M'comm, especially since we've actually seen this guy in action before. M'comm is angry and aggressive (which makes sense, knowing what he's had to live through in Martian society, and even in his own home), sadistic (he was more than ok with killing meta teens, exacerbating tensions between the New Gods and the New Genesis bugs, and planning to commit genocide), and he looks down on virtually all other races and species. Additionally, he's keeping a part of his mind locked away; there's a chance he knows something about the king's death and he's not sharing it with anyone.
All of this would make it seem like he'd be the most likely person to kill the king (and if he were against the king's reforms, he probably would've killed him), but like R'ess, I think he's also just a red herring. If we take his and Ma'att's words at face value, the king was progressive and tried to slowly mitigate the caste system and give A'ashen more rights/freedoms, which is exactly what M'comm wants; why would he kill the man who was working to give him everything he's been fighting for? M'comm has nothing to gain from the king's death.
Em'ree J'onzz
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We don't know too much about Em'ree, aside from the fact that she's the chief scientist on the zeta tube project, she changed her name (the reason why still isn't very clear), her relationship with M'gann is tense, she was married twice before, she was supposedly considered as a "popular girl" growing up, and she's not racist towards A'ashenn or other species like most other G'arrunn.
The chance that Em'ree is the killer is very slim since she seemingly has next to nothing to gain from the king's death; she's not the type of person to be against his reforms, and she has no other apparent agenda that would be satisfied by killing the king. Granted, we have no idea what's going on in her head (yet), but based off of what we've learned about her so far, it's highly unlikely that she's the culprit.
Priestess S’yraa
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We know even less about S'yraa than Em'ree, but I'm actually not as sure about her innocence as I am about the latter (but only slightly). We know that she was originally G'arrunn, she used to be betrothed to/involved with Prince J'emm, and that she believes in being the change she wants to see in the world.
My instincts are telling me she's innocent, and that's most likely the case, but I think there's still a small chance she's involved with, or at least knows something about, the king's death. (again, I'll bring this up later)
Queen J'alia
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The first thing we hear about the queen is that she rolled back a lot of her late husband's progressive reforms, which would imply that she's conservative/racist towards A'ashenn (and possibly other species). However, when we finally meet her, she says and does things that go against that initial impression; she's the one who orders Em'ree to work on the construction of the zeta tube, she expresses her concern for the Earthlings' well being after the zeta bombing, she dissuaded the protestors from trying to stop the zeta tube test, she seemingly believes in establishing a peaceful relationship with Earth, she didn’t label M’comm as a terrorist like R’ess did (“He was an A’ashenn activist and agitator”), she knows that not all humans are bad/that the true danger is Apokolips (and those who conspire with the enemy), and she’s ok with the Earthlings solving her husband’s murder. If she really is open-minded like she’s shown to be, then why did she roll back those positive reforms? Either she's not what she appears to be, or her husband wasn't as progressive as everyone believed.
There is a possibility that she is guilty of killing her husband, either to seize the throne for herself or because she disagreed with his acceptance of J'emm's relationship with S’yraa, but then why would she bother putting up a caring, open-minded front (aside from fooling her son)? She could've just implemented her own conservative legislation without caring about how the A'ashenn perceived her. Her behavior and actions don't really align with what we've been told about her, or her presumed motives.
Prince J'emm
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And now we can finally talk about the Prince.
Considering that I've pretty much eliminated everyone else as a suspect (save for the queen), it shouldn't surprise you that I think J'emm is the primary suspect.
From what we've seen of him in these last two episodes, he seems pretty nice; he's seemingly progressive, he's cordial with M'gann's family, he offers to help with the pre-wedding ritual, he saved Gar, he recruits the Earthling into solving his father's murder, he offered his advice, and he was involved with S'yraa, a seemingly progressive woman herself.
He comes off as someone you should trust... and that's precisely why some people are suspicious of him; either he really is a nice person who's just hiding a dark secret, or he's putting up a front to throw off suspicion. Either way, he just seems too genuine, y'know?
Also, he involves himself in the murder investigation by recruiting outsiders to solve the case, and he even directly provides Conner and Gar (not M'gann) with the info/evidence they need. Doesn't this seem exactly like what B'arzz did to M'gann in season two? There's a chance he edited the memories to exclude any evidence that points to him. Plus, the fact that M'gann wasn't present might lend to this possibility; as far as we know, she's one of the strongest telepaths in existence, so she surely would've noticed something was up with the initial info transfer.
On top of all of this, there are two moments that stood out to me:
After the zeta bombing, he asked the queen if there’s evidence against M’comm as the culprit; yeah, he could’ve just been inquiring if M’comm really was responsible (to know if they’d be imprisoning the right bomber), but he also could’ve been pinning suspicion onto a known terrorist who was present at the scene
Before he left the scene, he paused to side eye the queen when she said “I hope the Earthlings are not reacting negatively to this turn of events (the bombings)”. Why animate this moment if it’s meaningless? Why didn’t he just leave? This might not prove he's guilty, but it does mean something; I can feel it
If J'emm is the killer, there's a good chance that the death was an accident (or at least not premeditated); maybe the king wasn’t as ok with his relationship with S’yrra as we'd expect, and J'emm accidentally killed him in a fit of anger or during a heated fight. If this is the case, then S’yrra is either completely ignorant to J'emm's actions, or she knows what happened and is hiding the truth to protect him (this could also work inversely; what if S'yrra accidentally killed the king, which led to her becoming a priestess, and J'emm is trying to cover up her involvement to protect her? It's a long shot, admittedly, but still...)
Now, there is one more suspect left to talk about, but there's not much I can say about them.
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We don't know who this is, but it's implied that this is the guy the Legionnaires have probably been after for the past year (Saturn Girl was the waitress who refilled either M'gann or Conner's coffee in last season's finale). We can assume that this person (or someone associated with them) has been following M'gann, Conner, and Gar around, caused the cave-in at the sacred river, sabotaged the zeta tube, blew up the Earth/Mars comm-sat, and apparently knows about the Legionnaires.
Their motives are really unclear; are they trying to kill someone (they've had many opportunities to kill the protags so far, so I don’t think this is the case)? Are they planning on ruining the wedding? Are they related to the Apokolips v. Earth conflict? Or are they a threat from the future?
There's a chance they had a hand in the king's death, but to what extent? Did they orchestrate it? Help the killer cover it up? What was their motivation for killing him? We just don't know enough about this mystery threat, or their goals, to know for sure. For all we know, they might not be involved in the king's murder at all!
And that's all I got! I'm pretty sure none of this is news to most of you, since you guys were probably thinking about all of this already. But, if you haven't (or hell, even if you have), what do you think? Who do you think murdered the king? Do you think we've even met all the suspects yet?? (probably, yeah)
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charliedawn · 3 years
Imagine being a corrector (someone there to erase mistakes) and witness Iron Man's progress throughout his life to judge him on his final moment.
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" And how many people will die from this impressive weapon ?"
You asked and Tony smiled widely at your question, as if he had impatiently expected it.
" Hundreds ! With only one big boom, all of America's enemies will be annihilated !"
Stop smiling, you dirtbag. You are selling this as if it was a party cake. You're going to sell a weapon of massive destruction to the US army that will exterminate hundreds of people in a few seconds with it and you can still look at me dead in the eyes with this repulsive self-absorbed smile..You thought and sighed before looking at the paper in your hand where was written in bold letters.
You looked at him and his stupid smile again, wondering if you should erase his existence. It was your job after all, to erase everything and everyone that may be nocive for the world, or that may end up being a problem..Mistakes could happen of course, but taking a life was always hard, no matter how you looked at it. Now, Tony Stark..He was a difficult case. He was an idiot, there was no doubt in your head about that..but, he also had potential..If given the right opportunity, he could even be great. You decided to take a step back and looked at his file. You could give him a bit of time..You had loads of time to watch him and his every move. You wanted a change. And would spare his life, for now. You stepped back into the shadows and disappeared as Tony Stark entered a nearby black car.
A few years later :
Why ?
Why did you save that idiot ? You ask yourself while watching him snap his fingers. Your wide eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. You had given this man so many choices and chances..All that for that. What a disappointment..! You sigh before walking towards the now floating soul of Tony Stark, still in his eye-catching red super suit. Typical. He finally notices you and eyes you up and down with an eyebrow raised.
" I thought angels would look a little bit more..feathery ? And less like one of my ex-associates.."
Oh boy..Here it is, the introduction part.
" Hello, Mr Stark. I am Y/N, your corrector, my job consists in making sure that your life hasn't been wasted or meaningless.."
He smiles proudly before answering in a pompous voice that daddy's rich boys usually took when asked the question.
" I didn't waste any of it ! That's for sure !"
You frown before writing something on the file, moron..He was a complete moron. But, you still had a job to do. You force yourself to stay polite and look back at the record in your hands.
" So, Mr Stark.."
" Please, call me Tony."
You ark an eyebrow, but don't linger on the subject and only look at the file in your hands even though you already knew what was written on it. You had to pretend, if only to make him realize how lying wouldn't help him.
" I see here that you don't believe in any particular religion..So, you will have the privilege to choose which god will supervise your transfer to the afterlife..Your judge, if you will ?"
He seems to think for a moment before having an idea and looking back at you with a wide grin.
" I know ! Can I try to go to the Valhalla ?"
You ark an eyebrow again at his surprising answer, but then remember that Thor was a friend of his during his life. He surely wanted to see a familiar face during the trial. Understandable. Maybe he wasn't such an idiot after all ?
You nod understandingly before looking back at the file again.
" As it is procedure, I will ask you a few questions and you'll have to answer them as truthfully as possible, alright ?"
Tony agrees and you start with the first one on the list.
" Okay..So, did you ever experience love in your life ? Did you care about anyone, more than yourself that is ?"
He snorts at that last part before replying sarcastically.
" Nope. Never more than myself. Because I've been raised to look after number 1..However, I would say that Pepper and my girl will always be my first priorities.."
You nod before adding.
" And your father ?"
The question catches him off guard, but he quickly composes himself and seems to hesitate before replying.
" My father and I had a..a very complicated relationship..I admit having hated him for a long time, but now ? I only feel pity.."
You raise an eyebrow at his answer, knowing that he had also admired his father in his youth and felt a certain regret as to not have been able to save him and his mother..But you don't comment on that and only go to the next question.
" Do you think you died a better person than you were at the beginning of your life ?"
He smirks confidently at that question before answering ironically.
" Let me see..I've gone from weapon smuggler to superhero..So, yes. I think I changed. Greatly."
You bite you lip in order not to brutally state him the facts that he's killed more innocents as a superhero than as a weapon smuggler.
" Fine. And finally, are you satisfied with the life you've lived and do you think you deserve to go to the great beyond ?"
He laughs, as if it was some sort of joke and shakes his head before looking up at you.
" I saved the world, isn't that good enough ?"
This is the last straw. You close your book with force, which makes him jump a little as you look at him with your nose scrunched in obvious anger and eyebrows furrowed in clear disappointment.
" You, Tony Stark, are the most selfish blind stupidest man I've ever met ! You really think that all of this is funny ?! Are you really satisfied with the life you've lived or do you really have no idea of the chaos and misery you've created around you ?!"
His mouth is agape in astonishment at your sudden outburst and you decide to show him. You flick your fingers and you both find yourselves in front of a burning city that Tony recognizes as New York..the night when the chitauris attacked.
" I..I don't understand..Why show me this ?"
He asks as his eyes linger on the fire ans the people crying and screaming for help. You smile sadly at his own unawareness..
" Because, Tony, the damage you caused didn't stop when you stopped the bad guy. People died before, during, and after you've fought the bad guy. It takes time to rebuild a city, and human ressources that you seem to have overlooked because, what ? You've send them some money ?!"
Tony brawls his hands into fists, his knuckles turning white and suddenly turns towards you with determination in his eyes.
" I think I did okay !"
He argues, but you only snort mockingly.
" Okay ? OKAY ?! You died, you moron ! You died before you've had the chance to truly do good..The money you've accumulated during all those years ? You were going to give it all to the families of all those who died during all those attacks. You were going to have a child ! You were going to be a wonderful father ! And you gave it all away..The money will now be used by the Shield to create more weapons and destruction ! Your daughter will never grow up to be a hero, because you will not be here to inspire her..And Pepper will be forced to raise her all on her own ! You selfish bastard !"
You yell, not noticing how you get carried away, while pointing an accusative finger at him.
" You could have lived your life ! Happily Ever After ! But no, instead you had to die, leaving a child and your wife behind ! How does that sound, genius ? Does it sound like you did "okay" ?! Now, tell me, before I send you either back to Earth or up there. Tell me why I should let you live ? After you messed up the last chance I gave to you ?"
His breath hitches at your words and he looks at his hands, as if considering what he had done before looking up at you with, what you can only describe as, a feeling of loss.
" I did what I did to save my friends. As far as I know, I didn't waste my life, I saved lives. Those lives were as important as mine, who would I be if I hadn't saved them ?"
You roll your eyes at his hero speech before looking at your datapad. You were only a small gear in the mechanism of Earth's afterlife. You were supposed to bring souls to their final destination..However, there were always tricky situations, like Mr Tony Spark. He had been good, there was no doubt about that, but he had also been awful..Damn awful judging by his long list of infractions and lives sacrificed..You sigh before looking up at him in silent contemplation, wondering what you should do with this one..? Suddenly, an idea pops up in your mind and you smile before advancing towards him and extending your hand.
" How about you come and work for me as a way to get your redemption and reunite with your wife and child ? My work may be tedious, but you'll soon come to find that it had its perks..Of course, you'll still have to get the approval of god you chose..but I don't think he'll deny it. A few years as a corrector, and you'll be able to go to the other side, how does that sound ?"
He looks at your extended hand, and then at you before asking something that you had not thought about.
" Please, could you bring me to Asgard ? Just to say goodbye to an old friend ?"
You sigh loudly, of course he would want to see Thor..He would surely ask the god to save him, try to make him pass without any setbacks. But, who were you to deny a soul its last wish ? You flick your fingers and appear at Asgard. Obviously, you couldn't bring him to a place that didn't exist anymore and not right after his death, this is why you had decided to appear just before its destruction..When Loki was in charge..However, unlike what you had previously thought, Tony doesn't seem lost and walks towards the royal hall with alarming confidence. You tag along and soon find yourself in the throne room with Odin (aka Loki) staring at you with a hint of surprise, but still remaining in character.
" What are you doing here, mortals ?!"
He booms and you sigh, another brilliant idea, as always..Loki would surely report you to the High Council and it would be finished of your career. You try to say something, maybe something to keep you both from being shifted into nothingness..But Tony steps towards him and, to the greatest astonishment of Loki and you, embraces him.
" You've done good, son..You've done good.."
Suddenly, as if the both of them had had a silent conversation, Loki wraps his arms around Tony and starts crying against his shoulder.
" I can feel it..You're gone, aren't you ?"
He asks with grief in his voice and you are too shocked to answer..even Loki, the god of Mischief, the bad god as some would call him, was crying for this mere human..You didn't understand why ? Why would he tear up over his death ? A mortal that he hates..The notion was incomprehensible for you and Loki seems to notice and straightens up to look at you.
" I assume he chose Thor as a judge ? Unfortunately, my brother is out of Asgard at the moment.."
Before he could continue, Tony shakes his head negatively before looking back at you with a slight smile.
" No. I've chosen you, reindeer game."
Loki's eyes widen significantly and he repeats, visibly as dumbfounded as you are.
" M..Me ? But..But why ?"
You couldn't have asked it better, why did he choose him ?! Out of everyone else ?! You grab Tony and put on a wide fake smile for Loki.
" I'm sorry, but I must discuss with him for a moment. We'll be back soon, I promise."
You then proceed to drag Tony out of the throne room and, as soon as you are sure to be out of reach, lose your smile to look angrily at Tony.
" Are you mad ?! You could have chosen Thor and go on your merry way to Valhalla, Paradise or whatever..But nooooo, you had to choose the god that despises you the most !"
Tony doesn't seem that worried and only shrugs with a confident smile.
" I know..Loki is the first one to be chosen, ever. He wasn't the one that was supposed to be king, he always got left behind and never got any chance to prove that he could be better..Maybe, for once, he could be my first choice ?"
You open your eyes wide and want to face-palm yourself so hard..Damn heroes and their moral codes !
" It's not about his redemption ! It's about yours !"
He nods, keeping his wide smug smile and replies nonchalantly.
" I know..This is why I chose him. If even him can forgive me, then I'll know that I definitely deserve to go to..whatever is best after.."
You gape at his answer, but finally sigh in defeat. You couldn't make him reconsider, you know that..He was the most stubborn man that you had ever worked with..You drag him back inside and look up at Loki defiantly and warn him, to his utter astonishment.
" Okay, I know now that I can't change my client's mind..But, I can assure you that if you try to sabotage his only chance to go to the great beyond, I'll personally take care of your case when the time comes..Understood ?!"
Loki's eyes glance at Tony then at you, all malice out of his eyes as he nods in agreement.
" I may not be fond of the Avengers, but I know better than to mess with you people..You are not merely humans and even though we were on opposite sides, I still value the life of the human beside you, as a warrior and the worthy opponent that he is.."
" Aww..Love you too, Reindeer !"
You glare at Tony to shut him up as he only smiles smugly at you. Damn Stark..You extend your hand towards the king, aware of the procedure, he takes your arm and looks directly in your eyes.
" Do you promise to be impartial and to not speak of this trial to any living beings as long as you will inhabit the land of the living ?"
" I promise."
He answers solemnly and takes back his appearance, as he was supposed to judge as Loki, not Odin. He then looks at the coin that had appeared in his hand, either he would give it back to you with heads, and Tony's soul would be saved..or tails, and his soul would be lost forever. You take a big breath before beginning the trial.
" We will start with the beginning. Tony Stark is a selfish egocentric man who did spent most of his life searching for recognition, money and fame.."
Loki and Tony both open their eyes wide, not expecting you to be so hard from the start.
" Hum..Aren't you supposed to be my lawyer ? You're supposed to be on my side, remember ?"
Tony asks, a hint of worry in his voice, but you narrow your eyes at him and respond in all seriousness.
" I am not your lawyer, Mr Stark. I'm a corrector. I am supposed to tell the truth and not hide anything from the judge..Now, is any of the things I just said wrong ?"
He gulps loudly and lets out a defeated sigh, looking at the floor and shaking his head.
" No. You're right.."
Your expression softens, at least he had the decency to admit it..
" However, he has proven on multiple occasions that he was a particularly good man that inspired many that will do good in the future. And, became a very good father figure for Peter Parker that will accomplish great things in the future..I have seen a lot of men change in my career, for better or for worse..But none of them were as impressive as the one of Tony Stark that came from being only an average man to a hero that will inspire millions in the future.."
Tony's eyes widen as you start showing holograms of moments of his life in the air, showing every moment of his life to Loki. The god looks and listens attentively as he plays with the coin in his hand, toying with Tony's soul. However, he seems to take it seriously and looks at each moment with great interest. You are more than happy to answer every question he asks and add.
" I must confess that Tony Stark was and is an incredible man that devoted his life to helping others..even if sometimes he was lost or misguided..He always had the best intentions at heart..You, of all people, should know what the fear of failure feels like.."
You try to appeal to his own history for him to feel pity for Tony, but the god of Mischief knows when someone is trying to play with his feelings and only asks with a small tremor in his voice that sounds like a reproach.
" However, Tony never had any beliefs. His only god is money and that he spent on very trivial things..Plus, he had the audacity to think himself a god, Zeus above his friends that he also considered above anyone else..Why should he get to spend his life in bliss when all he ever did was to mock anyone around him and have very big illusions of grandeur !"
You bite your lower lip, you couldn't say that what he was saying is wrong..However..
" However, he never used his money for destruction, he always had the greater good in mind when using it. He also made sure that Peter Parker don't focus on money to accomplish his goals.."
Loki only laughs before searching for one of his memories and projecting it for everyone to see..It was the man. The man that had helped him build his first suit and that had died, even though Tony had promised to save him..
" You tell me about his accomplishments..but what about his failures ? He sacrificed that man. He made a promise and broke it. How are you going to justify that ?"
You clench your jaw in obvious frustration, knowing that Loki was provoking you. Even if he had no grudge against Tony, he still had the ego the size of the Empire State building and more..He wouldn't let go so easily. You glance at Tony that is looking at the short movie of his life with tears in his eyes..He had surely forgotten about him, or he hadn't ? You couldn't tell..
" That man tried to save Tony..It is not his fault if he died while doing so. He saved many like him afterwards and never asked for anything in return..He always thought that the security of his friends and family was above everything else."
Loki stands up at your reply in disagreement and grits his teeths before reaching for another memory.
" Are you sure about that ?"
You frown at his question before you see the moment he had invented Ultron..
" He created that knowledge monster and, even with the green man's warnings, didn't listen to what was safest..Now, do you think he really always had the purest intentions at heart ?"
He is one tough cookie, you'd give him that..You search in Tony's memories to get the vision he had when Wanda manipulated his mind and show his worse nightmare, the Avengers all dead.
" This, this is his worst nightmare. You have to admit that it is proof of the value of his comrades to his eyes..like Asgardians, he fought side by side with his friends and would have died for them..as he did."
However, Loki doesn't back down and finally yells in frustration.
You ark and eyebrow at that before replying, your arms crossed.
" Well..I don't see how's that of any relevance to him being a bad man.."
Flabbergasted by your words, he stares at you with tears in his eyes before sitting back down, visibly shocked at your answer. But, you know that he is thinking about it..You smile and look up at him to announce.
" This is why, I ask you to welcome Tony Stark to the great beyond, or at least let him work his way there !"
At your words, his eyes flash at you with a certain interest.
" Go on.."
Your smile widens. You know that Loki would not let Tony enter if he hadn't been trained before.
" Make him a corrector. Allow him to correct his mistakes and apologize to all those he wronged.."
Loki seems to consider it for a moment and, finally nods.
" I'll allow it, however, I'll also accept him in Valhalla directly.."
You raise your eyebrows in surprise at his sudden act of mercy..but you quickly understand when he adds with a small smirk.
"..If Tony accepts to kneel in front of me."
You close your eyes, knowing already the reaction of Tony that doesn't waste any time voicing his disagreement.
" Dream on, goat head !"
You sigh loudly, pinching the bridge of your nose and turning towards Tony that still had his mouth wide open, ready to protest. You want to intervene, but Loki does it for you as he suddenly stands up again and grits his teeths at Tony before ordering.
" Kneel ! Or you can say goodbye to your soul !"
You open your eyes wide in fear as he starts crackling the coin in his palm. You turn towards Tony that feels as if he was being crushed himself. You then look back at Loki before yelling at him.
" The trial is not over, your Highness ! You have no right..!"
He glares murderously at you before cutting you short by laughing maniacally.
" That's where you're wrong ! I have every right !"
You look between the two men with panic seizing your whole being before sighing and getting out a lasso. You use it to grab Loki's arm and yank him on the floor, letting go of the coin by the same occasion that starts rolling before stooping just in front of you. You take it in your hand and Loki looks up at you with his jaw clenched and eyes red with fury. However, you don't let yourself be intimidated and take him by the collar to drag him back to his throne.
" You'll regret this.."
He whispers in your ear and you only laugh at his threat before tying him up to the throne.
" There are many things that I fear in this world..But, prince Loki, you aren't one of them.."
You can feel him tense at your words, but still put back the coin in his hand with a small smile.
" Now..I know that my existence is a mistake and that your huge ego can't handle the fact that a mere woman is keeping you still..But, there is no reason for you to deny Tony his afterlife. You said it yourself, he was a worthy opponent and never wielded, even once. He is prideful, a recognition seeker and a liar..But he is also the Iron Man, the man of steel who defeated far more powerful beings than you..I didn't tell you how he died, but I think I should.."
You suddenly turn around and extend your arms to show two things..One is the day Tony died, and the other..when Loki did.
He looks at the images with wide eyes and, even after seeing it over and over, can't believe it..He had died. And Tony had avenged him. He almost laughs at his choice of word: avenge. He looks up at Tony with a new-found respect and Tony doesn't shy away from his gaze that he meets with determination. Loki then glances at the coin in his hand before throwing it at you..it lands on tails and you smile widely at Loki that nods in affirmation.
" I'll allow it..I'll allow him to enter by the doors of Valhalla to the other side. However, as agreed, Tony Stark will have to serve as a corrector for as long as it takes for him to understand the true repercussions of his mistakes, it means until I allow him to pass..Are we clear ?"
He looks down at you intently and you nod vehemently, happy to have saved his soul. Tony himself can't seem to believe it and looks shocked as he looks at you. You can't help but smile widely at him and he reciprocates. You then turn towards Loki and, to his surprise, bow down to him.
" Thank you, your Highness."
He then coughs loudly, making your head shoot up and realize that he was still..well, attached. You blush widely before clapping your hands and the magical lasso loosens to get back around your waist. Loki stares intensely at you and you feel cold sweat rolling down your back. You swiftly turn around to grab Tony and get out of the throne room, too afraid that he would ask for your name and report you to the High Council..When you're far enough, Tony suddenly takes you in his arms and twirls you around to your surprise.
" We did it ! I'll be able to see my wife and kid again ! Thank you so much !"
You can't help but giggle as he spins you around and when he finally puts you down, he frowns, his brain working full on as he seems to realize something.
" You helped me and were so angry at the fact that I had wasted my time..even though you now seem so happy that I made it..Who are you, really ?"
You let out a small sad smile as you look back at him with your eyes filled with tears. You should have known he would guess it eventually..
" I love you 3000.."
You finally mutter and his eyes widen as he understands and his own eyes prickle with tears as he gently runs his hand against your cheek.
" You're..?"
You nod and take a step back to smile at him through your tears.
" It was nice to meet you, dad."
He tries to hold back his tears before taking you in his arms.
" You've grown so much..How..How are you here ? You're not dead, are you ?!"
He asks worriedly, looking at you as if for the first time and you chuckle at his fatherly concern.
" No, Dad..I became a corrector because I wanted to meet you..Some are humans. I asked uncle Thor to make me one."
He nods, and then remembers that you have access to all of his memories..For the first time today, Tony Stark feels a pang of guilt in his chest.
" You must have felt ashamed of your old man, huh ?"
He asks and you smile kindly at him before answering him truthfully.
" I must admit that multiple times, I asked myself if it was good for the rest of humanity to let you live..that I wasn't being selfish in wanting to save you, but, at the end, I knew that you would become a great man..And, you did."
He smiles proudly at you before kissing your forehead lovingly.
" I'm sorry for not being there, sweetheart..I really am."
You shake your head and wipe your tears before answering him with a hopeful smile.
" It's okay..At least, I'll be able to spend time with you, until your final departure at least.."
He smiles at you, understanding now why you wanted him to become a corrector so bad and takes you in his arms again.
" That's my daughter. Scheming plans to spend time with the old man..Stark material, I tell you."
You can't help but snort at his comment while tightening your grip on him and finally closing your eyes in contempt.
" I love you 3000, dad.."
You feel his lips etch into a smile against your skin as he answers back.
" I love you 3000 too, kiddo.."
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
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Chapter 5. We have stucky, we have stevesambucky friendship, we have a new place to live and strange being a good guy because tony definitely ranted at him. Also, we're beginning the creepy part of the plot. I have decided that sam will be one of the main platonic characters in this story because I love sam.
fun fact: I used to be a creepypasta writer! Going back to my roots here, hehe.
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Things had stated changing, for better or worse, much sooner than I had been prepared for - but was anyone, ever, really ready for the next big step? Certainly not me - the view that greeted me after I'd finished my shift at Jeremy's was peculiar and unexpected, so I froze, eyebrows high at the two super-soldiers parked, once again, illegally, right in front of the entrance door.
"Hi, doll," Bucky was reclined against his boyfriend comfortably, his bike standing a pace behind Steve's, who nodded companionably, a sheepish grin on his face.
"G'day," I nodded, eyeing them warily. "I think I know where this is going..."
"No, no, nothing like that," both men frantically waved their hands around, Steve coming up close to approach me slowly. "You're not in trouble. I came out here to say thanks," giving a sappy look to the grouch that was his boyfriend, Steve reached into his pocket and handed me a slip of paper. "Just, uh..."
"Those are our phone numbers. Don't hesitate to give either one of us a call if someone bothers you," Bucky took over the stammering blonde, shaking his head at the soft blush that blossomed on the good captain's face. The brunette wrapped an arm around Steve's shoulders with a shy smile of his own. "Or if you, I don't know, need someone to carry your groceries or something," he snorted. "The punk wouldn't leave it alone until we came out personally to thank you, the sap."
The laughter bubbled up from my chest as I grabbed and pocketed the paper, throughly amused and at the endearing gesture. "Sure, thanks."
"And, uh," Bucky's eyes briefly looked to the side. "We'd appreciate if you keep the status of our relationship to yourself for now. We're not, like, officially out yet."
I froze in place, mouth falling open. Surely they were aware that anybody with a functional pair of eyes could see that they were much more than 'good, lifelong friends'. "No problem, guys. Lemme know if anyone gives you shit about it though, this place," I gestured to the café behind me, "is strictly paparazzi and homophobe-free."
Steve's grin grew even more genuine. "Yeah, we heard all about it from Tony and Stephen. Said 'twas the only place they go these days."
I wasn't aware of that. "It's the paps, isn't it?" I remembered Tony's remarks.
Bucky shook his head, the metals of his prosthetic arm whirring as it recalibrated. "Not only. The public hasn't had the best reaction to a man goin' out with a man," the brunette looked away to the side, where Steve's face had fallen considerably. "And Tony's an eccentric rich man. We're jus' two soldiers. The US Army won't be too happy if we... Came out," both men were crestfallen yet determined.
I had a hunch nothing would be able to separate the two - seeing as not even seventy-odd years and brainwashing and ice couldn't keep the captain and his sarge apart, I doubted that a few government weasels could successfully do the job. Even so, it was unpleasant, to say the least, to see them deny themselves something that technically was perfectly fine in the 21st century.
I chewed on my lip, gathering my wits. "I've clocked out, I can tell you this as a friend- as a person. You don't owe the army jack shit. They do not own you, you are your own person that they experimented their German knockoff steroids on. Respectfully, fuck that shit." I firmly stated my opinion, figuring that there should have been at least someone that told Steve that he is more than his star-spangled uniform and giant metal frisbee.
The blonde scrunched his eyebrows together, fingers gripping onto his belt until the knuckles went white, the hard line of his jaw set firm.
Bucky laugh took me by surprise. "Agreed, doll. I'm too old to be hiding in back alleys and shit," he clapped on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Although I'm happy enough with just not going to prison for bein' in love with this idiot."
"Jerk," Steve's responding pout was downright adorable now that I knew the circumstances surrounding their relationship.
Which wasn't exactly surprising. As a barista, I knew my fair share about my regulars' love lives, their jobs, their kids. The tea was almost always piping hot. "Bye, boys," I smiled at them warmly, throwing a glance at the time, adjusting the strap of my bag for comfort. "Stay outta trouble!"
Steve scrambled for his bike, having noticed my pointed gesture. "Sorry, didn't mean to hold you back. There, I have a spare helmet," he gestured behind him. "I'll give you a ride."
"There's no way in Hell I'm getting on that death trap!" I shouted cheerfully, walking briskly towards my second job, hiding a laugh in the warmth of my scarf as two very offended motorcycle-loving gay fossils sped past me, making truly incredible amounts of noise. Good for them.
Odette was content to let me rummage around the bodega without showing herself more than necessary, taking her appointments and doing- well, witch stuff, I guess, only coming out to poke at the various jars for ingredients.
"Star, I have a proposition for you," right before closing time, Odette's voice filled out the store with its low drawl. "A good friend of mine owns an apartment building, not far from here actually, and one tenant recently moved out. It's a safe space for those who are different," she enunciated the last word, fixing it with a pointed stare. "She's not overly fond of total strangers coming to live there. The rent is reduced and the apartment itself is slightly bigger and more fashionable than yours..."
"Where's the catch?" I found myself interrupting her. I wouldn't lie: the reduced rent and increased size of the apartment did interest me, as well as the probability of a kinder, more involved landlord. My current one was - not the best, but such was life in the NYC.
"There are a few rules to follow, rules that might seem strange at first but they'll make sense in time. And your neighbors might be also a little... Unusual," Odette carefully studied my face for any signs of displeasure.
I sighed.
And then I sighed some more as I was signing my new lease in a few days' time, having spoken with Porter, my new landlord, and his boyfriend who had claws and fangs- after so much time spent around Odette's, I didn't even blink. The couple liked me enough to extend a secure but flexible offer and some furniture to choose from the attic where they kept the spares.
I quite liked the large, vintage couch I placed next to the wide bow windows in the living room. The floors were hardboard and well-kept, the walls a nice, homely shade of green and Porter didn't mind any new holes in them that might arise from hanging up decorations. I scheduled a thrift crawl at the next possible opportunity, happy with the "good employee" bonus Odette had given me after I sealed the deal.
My stuff was boxed up, a sleepless night and a call to a begrudging Jeremy to have a couple of days off to move; I was, thankfully, not late on my schedule and all that I had left was to rent a car to move the boxes of my things and the few pieces of furniture I had decided to keep - my haul in Porter's attic had been incredibly rewarding and my new apartment had all the basics to make it look like a warm, inviting bohemian home in a while.
My phone rang suddenly, startling interruption to the romcom I was watching as I ate my last lunch in my old apartment. "Hello?" I answered the number without looking.
"Hi, doll," Bucky's voice rang out cheerful. "A little witch told me you were moving. I thought you might need a hand?"
I blanked momentarily, the thought of enlisting two very busy super-soldiers to haul ten boxes and two endtables worth of stuff not having crossed my mind at all. "Is this the moment when you stop by my house just to unattach and put your prosthetic arm somewhere and leave?" I asked, hearing distinctive snickering - several more people were with him.
The cheer in his voice blossomed into a full belly laugh. "You're funny," he teased me. "And thanks for the idea. But no, I have a room full of men that have nothing better to do but get on my nerves. Might as well make 'em useful," his accented drawl thickened the more we spoke. Muted cheers rang out in the background.
"Uh, sure," who was I to look a gift horse in the mouth? I rattled off my address and warned them I didn't have a car, after which Bucky assured me it will be taken care of. The last remaining knick-knacks packed away, I went down to take out the trash, and returned to four people standing in front of my apartment building, all except one unrecognisable in their civilian clothes. "Hello," I waved at them, side-eyeing the tallest, grumpiest man of the bunch.
Stephen Strange was there, looking around curiously, hands in the pockets of his plain grey hoodie. I had already forgotten how normal he looked without his robes, and, frankly speaking, I preferred him like that. His title and the attire that came with it were quite intimidating.
"Hey there," a dark-skinned man who I recognised to be the Falcon, raised his hand. I had not met him yet. "I'm Sam, Sam Wilson. You must be the Star we're helping?" His quick once-over and the tilt to his lips; the ease with which he flirted had me brandishing smirks of my own. I led them all upstairs, Stephen's silence being just so loud. Sam, however, had no such reservations. "So, you're a witch, right?" Wow, subtlety was his middle name.
"Yes, I'll show you my broomstick," I deadpanned, wiggling my eyebrows at him with a grim look.
"Woah woah," Sam raised his hands as the three men behind us snickered loudly. "What happened to 'how are you? let's have dinner sometime'?"
I did my best imitation of an evil cackle as I let them through my front door. The four newcomers looked around my nearly empty apartment with muted interest before zeroing in on the pile of things in the corner: a few pieces of furniture and nearly taped boxes. Should be a walk in the park for four men.
A hand on my arm pulled me from the stupor of observing Sam, Bucky and Steve act like a well-oiled trio, bantering and teasing each other as they discussed how to best move the things.
"Look," Stephen Strange had all the appearance of a chastised puppy. "I wanted to apologize for my behaviour that day. I was out of line," the low notes in his voice made the appearance of the apology being somewhat reluctant. Tony probably put him to it after our little burger run.
Irregardless, I wasn't looking to make any enemies. "Me too, I was under stress - not that I'm using it as an excuse," to give where it's due, I nodded at the sorcerer, immediately awestruck by the easy, boyish smile that stretched on his lips.
"You are strong," he added. "If you would like to learn our ways, we would welcome you." There was a spark in his eyes, something belonging to man that respected and collected knowledge. My own respect for him grew immensely just from that one thing.
"I'll think about it," I offered amicably, however, I still leaned heavily towards a negative answer to that particular proposition. I liked my current way of life.
Strange's grin made a momentary second appearance, until Sam's voice rang loudly: "Fire in the hole, Wizard-man," causing the former to groan loudly and look at me.
"Think about your new place for a second," he spoke, briefly touching out fingertips. As soon as that was over, a golden circle with my new living room on the other side of it appeared quietly, Strange's hands immediately going back into his pockets after that. I sighed and pointed the men into it, stepping in a second after. The sorcerer wasn't far behind. "You could learn that, too, you know," he added wryly, having seen my look of mild envy directed at him.
"I think I'll be good with having the 'pissed off the sorcerer Supreme and lived' pass for now," I retorted with an eyeroll, turning around to stare him down.
He had the decency to look somewhat sheepish, at least. "I'm not like my predecessor," his words were chosen carefully. "And, to be honest, I have no clue as to why your... Boss is so hostile towards me- us," Strange looked around the room before unceremoniously beelining for the couch and plopping down on it.
"Not to be a gossip," I started, slightly intrigued. "But Odette and some lady she called ancient had mad beef," I slipped into casual language easily, trying to recall the details of Odette's, quite often jumbled, stories. "Sounded almost like territorial disputes," I shrugged. "And the apprentices Odette took on before me found themselves in all kinds of compromising situations," I chewed on my lip. "Like the Arctic."
Strange rubbed his face with a noisy groan, large hands doing nothing to mask the resignation and slight embarrassment.
I focused on the thin, red scars on his hands - they had to have been something serious, the way slight tremors betrayed the deteriorating state of the nerves in his fingers. I frowned, quickly averting my gaze before he could catch me ogling him. The fact thag Stephen kept his hands in his pockets or covered by gloves at all times didn't go over my head.
He muttered something to himself, something that sounded like he was often forced to clean up his predecessor's mess. "I see," was the only thing he'd offered me, looking slightly pitiful and apologetic.
"Well," I started, noting the last of my stuff was about to be in its rightful place, "as long as you don't toss me into the ocean, I think we can coexist peacefully."
"Tony would kill me if I'd tried," Stephen groused.
"Probably," I agreed. "Considering the fact he hit on me, for you, it would make one hell of a lover's quarrel," my hand pointed towards the kitchen as Steve and Sam carried in the boxes aptly labeled "kitchen", looking around a place to put them down.
"Tony did what now?" Stephen's tone dropped, a wry smirk decorating his lips as he eyed me through his lashes.
"Don't ask me," I raised my palms, feeling my eyes widen. "He's chaos personified and Satan only knows what he's got on his mind."
That squeezed a laugh out of the tall man, followed by a fond, sappy smile as he looked out of my large, panoramic window, probably thinking of Tony himself. There was no doubt, Stephen Strange was utterly and throughly head over heels in love with Tony Stark. Good for them, good for them.
"A-and that's it," Bucky walked in, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel I'd provided them earlier. "I took some liberties and assembled the furniture, Steve is stacking the dishes as we speak," the brunette noisily plopped down next to me, arm carelessly thrown behind me on the back of the couch.
"Oh, um," I stammered, unused to such random gestures of kindness. "Thanks a lot, you saved me a day's worth of time and a backache," I smiled, scooting over to make some room for Sam.
"No problem, not like we had anything better to do than argue which part of the Lord of the Rings is the best," Wilson rolled his eyes, elbowing Bucky none-too-gently.
Bucky elbowed back, thus starting a horsing war between the two, causing me to scoot closer to Stephen as I attempted to avoid any flailing limbs; the sorcerer and I shared an identical, perplexed sigh as to how two grown men could easily bait each other into such juvenile behaviour.
Whatever. It was kind of endearing.
Steve emerged from the kitchen dusty but smiling, having heard the commotion, and quickly herded his guys into a semblance of decent behaviour before all of three of them left, leaving me and Stephen to go back to my old apartment and give the keys to it to the guard. That was done, too, and a portal from an alley behind my old building straight into my living room had me and Strange awkwardly hovering, saying out goodbyes and waving to each other as the golden circle rapidly shrunk in size and disappeared, golden sparks scattering across my living room carpet for a short second before they fizzled out, too.
I used the brief moment of respite to find the small piece of paper containing the rules Porter had insisted I read and take seriously; figuring it might be a good idea to give them a read before beginning to unpack, I popped open a bottle of soda, holding the itemized list written in neat cursive to my face.
The further I read, the further my eyebrows rose:
"1. Keep your door locked at all times.
2. If a person knocks on your door claiming to be the mail man, do not open the door under any circumstances. You are free to ignore the knocking - it only lasts a minute or so. After the person has left, you may open the door and check for any packages.
3. If Samantha from 3B visits you and asks you to babysit, you may do so at your personal discretion. Her twins are a handful and their daily habits are not for the ones with a weak stomach, however, they mean nothin ill and will not harm you in any way.
4. Do not use the elevator between the hours of 1 and 4 AM.
5. There are no apartments under number "7". If someone claiming to be from those apartments knocks on your door and requests entry, come up with a polite excuse to decline and send me a text message. I will take care of it.
6. There is no garden on the premises of this building. If a man approaches you, claiming to be a gardener, don't interact with him and simply walk away. He will leave you alone.
7. You may meet a girl in a polka-dot dress playing in the hallways or in the stairwell. This is Lucy. Always be polite to Lucy - you won't like what will happen if you're rude to her. She does not talk but she knows limited ASL and may request to visit you. Allow her in ONLY if you have fresh meat in your fridge (beef or mutton, preferably bloody). You might want to avoid seeing her eat, however, it might be very beneficial to make friends with Lucy. She knows a lot of things.
8. If, when taking the stairs, you encounter inconsistent numeration of the floors, such as floor 2 followed by floor 5 and etc, simply walk a flight back. It will sort itself out. The building is old and sometimes it gets confused.
Important notice: these rules apply to your guests as well. Please make sure to introduce and educate them on these matters. We will help as much as we can should a situation arise but ultimately, there are fates far worse than an untimely, however swift, death.
- Porter and Lance."
A slow, creeping dread began to gnaw at my nape, curling on like a cold snake deep in chest. As if laughing at me, the warm, welcoming embrace of the green walls and the toothy, wide smiles my landlords had given me encouraged my recently found sense of adventure, all of it mixing into a cacophony of exhilaration and unease, equally steadily driving my running brain insane.
I sighed again, immediately going to the box containing my altar and the rest of the protective items. So much for peace.
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Taglist: @couldntbedamned @mikariell95 @letsby @sleep-i-ness @toomanyrobins @mostly-marvel-musings @persephonehemingway @schemefrenzy @lillsxd @bluecrazedandbeautiful @slothspaghettiwrites @xoxabs88xox
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Lost on You
Chapter 10
Peter Parker x Sister!Reader Steve Rogers x Reader Avenger x Reader; Hybrid Social Media AU
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"Can we please talk?" Steve pleaded.
"Please Y/n,"he begged, his voice cracking, "Five minutes and I'll be out of your hair, for good. I promise."
"Okay," I agree.
As he closes the door, I take a look at his appearance. He doesn't look so good, I mean physically he looks the same, because of the serum. But if you really knew Steve, like the way I do, you can tell he isn't. His eyes immediately give him a way, dark circles surrounding them. They don't look as bright as they used to.
I can't help but feel bad for him, it's a normal human reaction. Even though he hurt me, that doesn't mean all the love we had went away. It's still there, maybe it'll always be there, but whether or not I want to continue that love, I just don't know if I can.
Steve stays by the door, trying to give me some space.
"I know I've apologized countless of times, but I still just need to say how utterly sorry I am. I don't think I'll ever not be sorry for what I have done. I hurt you, when I have promised you countless of times that I would never. You expressed your fears of relationships, having been hurt in the past and I had promised I would never do that. Yet here I am, no better than them, because not only did I do it, I broke that promise and your trust. If I have to spend my whole life making it up to you, I will," he starts off.
"That won't be necessary," I interject, I give him a wave continue.
"I love you, Y/n. And what happened that night, should have never happened. I can't even give you a real answer as to why it happened, other than the fact that we weren't thinking.
No, let me rephrase that, I wasn't thinking. I don't know what came over me, because why would I do that? Not when I have you. Not when our relationship was at it's all time best. Why would I throw all of that away for cheap mindless sex," he pauses, noticing my wince at that.
I nod for him to continue.
"I've kept myself up the last two weeks questioning why did I do it. And I don't have an answer. I just don't. And that's not good enough. It isn't. Because if the shoe was on the other foot, which I know it never would have been, I wouldn't accept that answer as well. And you don't have to, accept it. Because it's cowardly," he clears the lump in his throat, trying to hold back.
"I so badly wish I can go back to two weeks and never do that again, but I can't and now we have to deal with the consequences of it all, and that's all on me," he breaks.
"I love you so much. And I fucking ruined that. I was going to ask you to marry me and I fucked that up," he cries out, falling to the floor, his hands on his face as he cries.
"Steve," I rush over to his side, rubbing his back soothingly.
"I know that doesn't change anything, because I still cheated," he says looking over at me, his eyes red.
"It doesn't," I confirm, feeling myself begin to cry.
This is it.
We both know that.
That this moment right now, is our last.
We stay there, looking at each other as we cry. Steve reaches for me and brings me into his arms, and we just hold each other as we cry.
"I am so sorry," he cries into my hair, his grip tight, afraid to let go.
"I know," I cry into his chest, "I know you are."
After god knows how long, we slowly pull our faces away, still holding on to one another, just to get a look at our faces. The crying is now just silent tears rolling down our faces.
"I love you," he whispers.
"I know," my throat hurts, "I love you too."
I did the only thing I could think of, I let my heart take control, and I slowly leaned up to meet his lips. You can feel the desperation and heartache behind the kiss. The kiss got a little more heated, both of us so desperate, knowing that we will never be this way with each other again.
Next thing I knew, we were both naked in my bed, Steve hovering over me.
"Are you sure?" he asks, making sure I was okay with it.
"Yes," I whisper, trying to take in every feature on his face.
The way he looks while we make love for the last time.
There's something incredibly sad about making love for the last time, knowing that it will be the last time. Most couples don't have that pleasure of knowing the last time they made love was their last, so they don't get to treasure it. Always hoping that they could've had one more night together, just to know that there was love there.
Here in this moment, there is love. I don't doubt that Steve didn't love me, I know it. The look in his eyes in this very moment say everything I needed to know about our relationship, and I hope mine do as well.
The sadness, the love, the regret, it's all there.
We try our best not to cry, but we can't help it. It's sad.
It's sad knowing that this great love is over. And not knowing if you'll ever find one like it again. Or even not knowing if you'll ever love again.
After we're done, we lay there, not in each other's arms. We remain quiet, seeing which one will be the first to say the final goodbye.
"Steve," I whisper so quietly, that if not for his super soldier hearing I don't think he would've been able to hear.
He looks over at me, tears rolling down his face. He nods his head, knowing what I'm thinking.
He slowly gets out of my bed and makes his way around the room getting his clothes on.
I don't dare look. I can't. If I do, I don't think I'll be able to let him leave.
"Thank-you for everything," he quietly says once dressed, opening the door, "Goodnight Y/n."
He quietly closes the door behind him as he leaves.
I close my eyes and let the tears fall, hoping the exhaustion of the day will consume me into a heavy sleep soon.
The next morning I'm woken up by FRIDAY letting me know that the team meeting starts in an hour. I thank her, my voice hoarse, don't know if it's because I just woke up or the aftermath of last night.
I quietly get dressed, and look around my room.
It's quiet. Peace.
It's lonely. I kinda like that.
It no longer feels like home.
I don't think I can stay here much longer.
Now that Steve and I are officially done, I think it's time I find some independence.
If the last two weeks have taught me anything is that, I need a little more independence.
I need a life outside of the Avengers.
A life where I don't work and live in the same building. Where I can escape.
Play music as loud as I want. Eat whatever the hell I want, and not worry if someone else has eaten it already.
Don't get me wrong I loved living here, I really did. I never had that college experience, we couldn't afford tuition and dorm living. Living here has let me experience the roommate life. But things are starting to get crowded. Everyone knows everything. You never have a chance to just breathe.
That's what I want, just a moment to breathe, without Sam and Bucky fighting over the tv remote. Without Tony dropping in in the middle of the night because he needs you in the lab ASAP, because he had a revelation in his sleep. I love Wanda, but sometimes you just need a break from even your best of friends. And now that Steve and I are officially over, how is dating going to be like for either of us. Not that that's going to happen anytime soon, but it's eventually going to happen, and I really don't want to see that with him, and him with I. It's just too complicated.
I have never been alone before. I've always had someone right there.
I think, no I know, it's time I be on my own. Doesn't mean I won't be an Avenger or work for Tony, it just means that I won't be living here with them.
And for the first time in the last two weeks, I feel content.
Like I can finally breathe.
That's how I know this is the right decision for me.
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Summary: Y/N Parker is Peter’s older sister. She is ten years older than Peter, making her 26 years-old. She is also an Avenger, her powers are very similar to Wanda’s; telekinesis, mind reading, teleportation, and elemental bending. She has been an Avenger far longer than Peter, and like Peter her identity is kept a secret. As well as being an Avenger she works in the lab alongside Tony, she is a science genius. She has also been dating Steve Rogers for the past 3 years. Their relationship is as great as it can possibly be, that is until Steve does something that has Y/n questioning not only their entire relationship, but her place in the Avengers. It opens her eyes to how much of her life has revolved around Steve and work. Never really experiencing life like everyone else her age has.
Series tag list: @chaoticpete @eliza5616 @supraveng @faithtrustandrobbiekay @inquisitor-selvala @dumbbitch11 @im-not-an-armrest-im-short @jessyballet @reann-loves-sebstan @thelostallycat @castalette @lovely-geek @malfoyy123 @zombieninjadinostayssilent @welovecaptainamericaass @dontbetooobvious @stop-drop-and-drumroll @cvelarded @ophelias-heart​ @csigeoblue​
Permanent tag list[let me know if you want to be taken off]: @rosegolddivinity @definitelynotafangirl @1awesomeash @princess-evans-addict @geeksareunique @24kbratz @introvertatitsfinest @imagine-all-the-imagines @whatthefuckimbisexual @also-fangirlinsweden @the-queen-of-the-nerds
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moidse · 3 years
Just found out i didnt get into the sundance thing that i stayed up all night writing a script for last week 🙃 i truly feel so defeated right now. Like ahhhhhh, i was nominated to apply for this and STILL got rejected. I dont even apply to anything anymore because I don't have any hope. Nobody likes my shit anymore... it sucks. I dont even like my shit anymore... idk if i ever did i was just in school before and had a lot of positive feedback.
I just feel lost creatively. Like fully. I don't feel confident in my music. I dont feel confident in my writing. I just feel like I can't make anything that good nor do i have the funds to even if i had a good idea.
I just don't want to apply to any of these things anymore because I know they aren't looking for stuff like my work. Idk i just am tired and feel like i didnt take advantage of my first films success because i didnt know how and was still in school. Whatever, it doesnt matter how i could rewrite the past now... i just need to think about the future ... which is also depressing..
Like i cant afford to live on my own out here and i dont feel 100 about our relationship but i cant afford to live on my own so i feel trapped like i gotta still live in the same house which i do not want. I just feel stuck and depressed and i was really hoping i was going to get into this sundance thing and it could lead to more opportunities for me. Idk what to do... i feel like a has been.
In an ideal world, I'd like to live in a different apartment, possibly in LA. I'd like to start producing and making music for fun, making video ideas I have for fun and not stressing about how the world will perceive my art. I want to have a job that isn't super stressful and ideally works with my degree. I need a car.
---- few days later vv
I just want to be financially independent but its so hard because this world sux. I have been feeling like im in this relationship as a means of survival and i hate it!!! This has gone on too far and is just toxic and bad for everyone. I just need to break up with them like fr... and talk out me moving out soon and figure it out. I can't keep this up much longer im TIRED. And i hate how im jusy hurting them more and more like i just need to go and be like yo I'm sorry my feelings have just gone away and i honestly have felt like i cant talk about this because i rely on you so much for housing and transportation and so ive felt stuck.
Its fucked up that im with someone i dont think is hot... but like what do you do if you arent as into your partner... you break up so they can find someone who will be a good partner to them.
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yndigot · 3 years
Question: do you have any headcanons/a personal favorite explanation for how Branson could have possibly wanted to return to Downton after being in America? I've been going in circles with his character and what is/isn't shown on screen, but I feel like something major must have happened for him to travel back after being away.
I wish I had really good thoughts instead of just long, rambly thoughts. But my best idea that isn't re-writing the stuff I wish Julian had done with more care is to over-analyze what Tom says and try to wrestle it into something that makes sense!
Like, the straightforward answer is that I think NOTHING Julian gives us justifies this. I'm kind of not sure why he brought Tom back. Don't get me wrong. I want Tom there because I like him and I like the way he interacts with the rest of the family, but Julian didn't seem to write him very consistently re: what he wants out of life, especially after Sybil dies. And not in a way that reads to me like a "grief is making him directionless" deliberate choice. More like "idk what to do with a character like this if he's not shit-stirring, so now that I've integrated him into the family, I don't know where to go next."
I think Julian has a real problem writing working class characters and showing them having desires that don't either a) serve to uphold the aristocracy or b) get painted as sinister in some way. Thomas vacillates wildly between the two -- his ambition to have a life outside of service is often cast as sinister, and then his "redemption" is being the good servant. (Don't get me wrong -- I think if Thomas has to stay in service, he's probably much happier running the place than taking orders, but he gets "rewarded" by having his place in correct order confirmed.) See also: the way Julian seems to treat Anna's "friendship" with Mary as though it's entirely sincere and devoted and uncomplicated by the fact that she depends on Mary and the family for her salary, her husband's salary, housing, and childcare. (I don't have trouble believing Anna would have a certain fondness for Mary after many years, but I find things about the way their relationship is portrayed as though it's uncomplicated and transcends class to be uncomfortable.) And Daisy's ideas about wanting better rights and questioning the monarchy are played for laughs and come across kind of childish. Basically, I do not trust Julian for one second to try to get into the head of someone who, the first couple series establish, is an Irish republican and socialist. Because as much as I enjoy it, I believe Julian writes Downton to glorify institutions that early Tom would want to dismantle, which means he's either a source of trouble, or he needs to be watered down and neutered. We get the first for the first three series and the second going forward from there.
Tom going to Boston feels to me like Patrick Gordon and the endless murder trials -- a storyline that I think got away from Julian and then had to be wrapped up without changing the status quo, even if it was a waste of our time in the process. (I swear I really enjoy the show, I just think it has a lot of flaws!) I just don't think there's a lot there to build on. I went back to check, and the stated reason is that he didn't like starting over again in a new country and didn't like taking Sybbie so far away from family. That's fine? I guess. I loathe that he comes back saying that American capitalism is somehow better than European capitalism and he's kind of digging it now. That's just uncalled for. (I do appreciate that the greater social mobility of the US might appeal to him in that it strips the absolute top layer of society in the UK which is determined exclusively by birth, but I prefer a Tom who wants to dismantle the class system, not just escape the aristocracy and live in a class system that is slightly more permeable to people who get lucky. Julian's bullshit about "American capitalism is all down to hard work so that's why it appeals to someone like Tom!" makes my skin crawl.)
I can think of some things I wish happened in Boston! I don't think they're headcanons in the sense that I think they almost certainly having nothing to do with what we're actually given (and may in fact lowkey contradict some of it), but I'd love to see (or write, if I ever get off my ass) fic that actually deals with what it's like for Tom to be in a job and a life that isn't tied up in the aristocracy anymore for the first time in years (even when he was in Ireland with Sybil, I feel like it would have hovered over them) and confronts what he likes about being in business with his cousin -- and what he doesn't. I know it's 0% supported by canon and even contradicted by it and his new love of sucking capitalist dick, but I like to think of Tom seeing his cousin's purely capitalist enterprise and beginning to form the idea of starting his own business based on a cooperative model. Is it believable that Talbot & Branson has any elements of the cooperative model in the way it's run? Probably not, but I like to pretend. I think, despite the fact that he says he gets on great with his cousin and there wasn't any bad blood between them when he left, it would be interesting if there were some ideological differences about the business.
The absolute most interesting thing that could have happened to him in Boston would have been to see him re-introduced to radical politics, but canon pretty clearly contradicts that and in fact has him become less and less radical as time goes on. Unfortunately. But I'd read the hell out of a fic that explored the way the Irish in the US were funding radical movements back in Ireland and Tom getting sucked into that. I'd also love to see him involved with the GAA or Gaelic League in Boston (or in Yorkshire, tbh -- I want more Tom and the expat community in general). /tangent
Genuinely, working with what we're given, my actual headcanon is super boring. Again, I do think that Tom's life/career drift after Sybil's death is at least as much a product of Julian not knowing what to do with the character as it is a conscious choice to show him lost and grieving (though we do get hints of that), BUT let's go ahead and interpret it as Tom feeling lost and directionless after he's lost his wife and the life the two of them planned together in Dublin. (Let's also set aside whether he'd actually be able to return to Ireland following the establishment of the Free State -- he's working under the assumption that he's lost his wife and his country in the space of a few months and can't get either back.) That's a huge loss and a lot of grief, and the two are compounding each other, and he gets into kind of a rut at Downton over the next few years. I think it's reasonable for him to think "Maybe I can just move and start over, and it will shake up my life, and this lost, listless feeling will be fixed!" And then it turns out that, actually, depression and grief and mourning for your wife and the life you planned together doesn't go away when you go to a new country! It doesn't fix things, it just takes away a lot of the support system he had in Yorkshire (the family generally, but mostly Mary tbh, and Isobel a bit, and maybe people at his church if we look outside what Julian lets us see). I think when he says that starting over in a new country all over again was too much, maybe that's what he's getting at. He may be writing to his cousins and keeping in touch, but presumably he hasn't seen this cousin face to face in years. He may have a few other contacts in Boston in the immigrant community. He can find a church and a community with the GAA and/or Gaelic League and other organizations like that. But these aren't people who've been in his life in a meaningful, daily way for a long, long time. He relied really heavily on Mary (and Matthew for the first year or so) and whatever the rest of his community in Yorkshire looked like at a very vulnerable time in his life, and I think maybe he underestimated how hard it would be to leave that and start over. For all that I whine about the way Tom's written later on in the series, I actually really like his friendship with Mary and Matthew and the way he and Mary seem to drift together after Sybil and Matthew die. I think it works very well and is very believable that, despite the fact that Mary wasn't jumping to welcome him into the family, they would become incredibly close.
Starting over is hard. He's probably trusting Sybbie to someone like his cousin's wife or a woman recommended to him by the local church while he's at work in Boston, and at Downton he was leaving her with the nanny while he worked, but she was in the family home, with her grandparents and aunts in and out of the house all day, and being with a stranger in Boston may have been hard on Sybbie. Also, to go from having a relationship with George that was probably more like siblings than cousins to being separated was probably difficult. Part of the problem could be that Sybbie was having trouble adjusting. And he fell into being the agent because the position was open, and he was drifting after Sybil died, and he needed an occupation, and it feels like he fell into the thing with the cousin because he felt like he was in a rut and wanted something different, and that's what was offered. I'm not sure stumbling between things that are available is the same as making conscious choices about what you really want out of life. Looking at it that way, maybe it's not so surprising that whatever he had going on in Boston never quite gelled. That doesn't necessarily make me think it makes tons of sense for him to come straight back to Downton -- I can think of other choices I'd make for him if the initial plan with the cousin doesn't work -- but for all that he disapproves of aristocracy, I do think he loves the Crawleys and regards them as family by the time he tries moving to Boston.
All that feels unsatisfying. I'd love a good take that had something big happen in Boston, though. Old girlfriend from back in Ireland has also immigrated? Old boyfriend? Is he lying when he says he and his cousin didn't have a falling out? Did he manage to get himself into politically related legal trouble again? (I can't quite make that last one work in my head because while he doesn't seem to mind destruction of property, he seems disinclined to participate in anything that might lead to people getting hurt, and I think he'd be very hesitant to put his neck out in a big way once he's Sybbie's only living parent, but it would be interesting if someone could come up with something. Labor organizing goes sideways, maybe? Even though he seems to be leaning into capitalism more than I like...?) You definitely make me want to come up with something better than the hints we get.
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
12 - Coincidence
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This chapters songs:
Beach Bummer; No Vacation
Goodie Bag; Still Woozy
Sports; Beach Bunny
- Y. L. Perspective
I wasn't sure what to think when I had read the message aloud. "I want to talk." What could that possibly mean?
"Y/n, I'm sure you're just being dramatic. Maybe he just wangs to check up on how you've been doing, " Toruku suggests, sipping from his box of apple juice. The two of us sat against the brick wall on the outside of the cafeteria, discussing my issue. Giki and Hikishi couldn't join us for lunch because of school work that they had to finish up, and Suga had to meet his friends.
Ever since the party, the only thing that stuck to my mind was my situation with Koushi. But other than that, I had forgotten about certain things that happened. As an example, bumping into Oikawa. And as crazy as it was, the moment completely left my mind for a good five days. Until I got a message from him, saying, "I want to talk."
Oikawa, Toruku, Iwaizumi, and I have known each other ever since the beginning of junior high. The only reason we had separated was because of Moku's tragic death, and our schools. Toruku and I had decided to stick together and go to Karasuno, while Oikawa and Iwa felt their volleyball was more important than staying friends. But honestly, it wasn't that big of a deal. The older we grew, then we realized that we wouldn't stick with our middle school friends.
But what Oikawa had caused between the four of us is what made things awkward.
Around the summer of my first year of high school, we all subtly kept in touch with each other. But then after he had thrown a party around July a fight had broken out between him and Toruku because of me.
Oikawa was telling others cruel things in a group of people that were discussing school, lying about how I acted around him. That I had messed around with him, or how I was jealous of Moku for being with Toruku and took it out on Oikawa. But truth was that Oikawa was the one who liked me, and I never paid too much attention to him because of how guilty I felt for liking my best friend's boyfriend.
Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Toruku, and I all knew what Toru said were false claims that he only told for attention from other girls that he would talk to. Oikawa let his popularity get ahead of him, causing a ruckus to occur that day. The further he would go with these stories, the angrier Toruku and I had grown. Eventually, his mouth ran far enough to drive Toruku to punch him more than I had expected. Oikawa was all bark and no bite, therefore, he didn't fight back. That night is when Toruku and I had realized that we needed to move in from our past and find lives of our own. Ones that wouldn't have to ever run into the two obnoxious duo Oikawa and Iwaizumi.
So you could imagine my anger when seeing him at a party that didn't involve him.
"Uhm.." Toruku takes a bite out of his egg sandwich, munching while talking. "Just text him back! Say 'about what?' I bet that would get you answers."
I groan at his stupidity. Today wasn't the best day to have lunch with Toruku, but who else could relate to me as much as him? So, I do as I am suggested, texting back a simple reply and hoping it would lead me to the best possible outcome.
I want to talk
About what?
"Oh my god, he's typing," I say quickly, dropping any items in my hand to hold the phone in front of Toruku and me. He finishes his egg sandwich and crumbles the wrapper to throw into a bin not too far away from where we sat before crossing his arms in concentration.
It wasn't that I was excited to talk to Oikawa. I was nervous as to what he wanted to discuss with me. Other than school, there wasn't much to talk about with him. All I knew was that he turned into a jackass with an ego.
'What does he even wanna say?'
When my phone vibrated in my hands, I had thought my questions were answered. But only a simple reply was given to me.
I want to talk
About what?
I just want to see how you've been doing. How about lunch on Saturday?
Toruku frowns at the message. "Why would he want to have lunch after what happened?" He asks me. "Say you're busy." A protective tone overtakes him.
"Ok, ok."
I want to talk
About what?
I just want to see how you've been doing. How about lunch on Saturday?
I have a tight schedule, so I don't think I'm free that day.
What would we talk about, Toru?
I just wanted to see you again
You know, talk?
But why? Soon it won't matter
Cause after I saw you on Saturday I realized I had some things to say
We'll figure something out
"Do you think he still likes you?" Toruku pops in.
"No, I don't think so. But I also haven't been able to see his development, so I wouldn't know," I reply to him. I could either ruin or glorify my relationship with him. That was a bet I wasn't sure I wanted to take. And not only that, but he also had beef with Toruku. Why didn't he ask him to lunch as well? Was it because he didn't run into him during the party?
Now I had yet again another thing to worry about. Right now, my current concern was my first volleyball practice this afternoon. Kiyoko had informed me that this weekend they were to have a practice game with one of the competitive teams. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it or not, but I mine as well have given it a shot.
To be honest, I was a little bit excited. Not only would I be able to see Suga more than in the afternoon, but I could get to know the underclassman more. That was if they even liked me.
"Whatever. I don't need to be worrying about this right now," I tell Toruku as I get up from the wall to throw my trash away. He nods, tossing his trash in the basket as well, before picking up my bag and bento, handing it to me. "Thanks for having lunch with me."
"It's no issue. Just tell me how things go with texting Oikawa and have fun at practice."
"Sure thing."
I waited at the front of her classroom. By her, I mean the beauty herself: Kiyoko. She told me earlier that she would run through the rooms the volleyball club uses so that I could get familiar with where I'd be going every day I attended practice. I was in good hands when it came to Kiyoko, one of my very close friends.
Finally, her classroom door opens, followed by the many students held inside to flood the hallways, including Kiyoko. "Hey there!" She throws a hand over my shoulder as we begin walking to the exit of the hall. "You excited?"
"I guess. I'm more nervous than excited," I reply.
"Don't be. The boys are very sweet. If you'd like, I can try giving you a summary of what to expect!" She exclaims, her excitement practically glowing off of her skin.
Once I nod, Kiyoko begins her full explanation of the players. "Well, we have the three third years. Me, Sugawara, and Daichi! And you already know about us. And there are only four second years. There's Tanaka, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita. Tanaka is a loud person, but he's super hard working and nice to me, so I guess he's okay. As for Ennoshita, he doesn't talk very much, but I wouldn't be rough with him. He seems like the insecure type. And Narita and Kenoshita are like him, except a little more wild! They usually stay in the back of the crowd, though. Then there are the first years— man are they talented. We have this amazing pair of first years, Kageyama and Hinata. Hinata is so good at jumping, probably the best I've ever seen, and a very rowdy boy. Kageyama is usually a prick to everybody, but he's learning to be a team player. Then there is Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. They're pretty simple to predict. Tsuki just bosses around Yamaguchi all the time and they both talk crap about everybody, but they're good friends and good players."
I can't help but widen my eyes at how fast Kiyoko had explained the players. It was as if she had a lite notebook in the back of her mind where she stored every detail about them, knowing every word she wrote like the back of her hand. "...wow, so there's some personality in the team! That's good to hear," I say, taking a deep breath before we both leave the school building and make our way behind it. "I think I know about Kageyama, though. I went to middle school with him and my old friends that were on the team with him weren't very fond of him— but that's all I know. Sugawara just tells me that he's a very talented person, which doesn't say much about his persona."
"Oh yeah! How're things with Sugawara going?" Kiyoko has no hesitation to jump towards the subject. I couldn't blame her, though. It had been a while since we had a girl-on-girl chat.
Embarrassed, I chuckle, staring at the ground as we discuss. "Nothing much. I mean— he did ask me to be his girlfriend, and we made out a couple of times, but that's it!" I act as if the actions weren't such a huge thing.
Kiyoko gasped. "Y/n! You didn't tell me that you were so close to him, I would have teased you way more than I already do! You kissed him?! How many times? When—where?!"
"Shimizu, stop talking so loud!" I exclaimed, raising my brows as the girl pipes down. Kiyoko wasn't ever the type to get so rowdy about things, that is if it didn't have to do with romance. As for that, she was a downer. And if her friend was involved with it then she wouldn't stop with the blabber. "Anyway, after the party, we both spent the night in his car. We didn't do anything but make out. Still, it was so nice," I whine. "He was so gentle and confident at the same time, and I'd never had somebody want to kiss me so badly— y'know? After that, he took me home, and we both slept in my bed for a couple of hours. Once I woke up, he wasn't anywhere to be found. Only my cat and a letter were left on the pillow next to me."
"A letter?" She questions.
"Yeah, explaining his feelings—his feelings,
Shimizu! Isn't that so sweet?! He told me that he was in love with me and never felt so passionate about anybody the way he does with me. But the thing is, I'm not even sure I wanna be in a relationship. And it's hurting both of us. I think I'm just so confused about everything that I can't even make up a decision."
"Hm, that's understandable. It's a big surprise two of my friends are getting together without telling me! Especially since they're so in love with each other. But now you're saying you don't know what to say?" Kiyoko hums. "Well, from the way you talk about him, are you sure that you're not just scared? You seem like you're head over heels, Y/n. What's stopping you?"
Suddenly, a tall shadow stops us in our tracks, interrupting our conversation. "Yeah, what's stopping you?!" A deep voice says as Kiyoko nudges him.
"Daichi, you don't even know what we're talking about!" She says. It was no other than Sawamura, acting silly again.
He wore a black jumpsuit that I assumed was his volleyball uniform and white tennis shoes, topped off with his grin. "Hey, Y/n! You excited for practice?" He asks in enthusiasm, crossing his arms. If I was being honest, Daichi always scared me when confronting me, but I knew he had my back. Therefore, the goosebumps that crawled up my spine had disappeared once I settled into his smile.
"I mean... I'm a bit nervous. But yeah, I'm excited."
Daichi claps his large hands, then points towards a grey building that was only a few meters away from where we stood under the school roof. "Great! Kiyoko can lead you to the locker rooms and the team will meet you in the gym!"
I look to Kiyoko, who's nodding. "Sure thing. Let's go, Y/n." Her hand lightly pushes me towards the direction of the changing rooms.
Once we arrived at a certain locker room, Kiyoko showed me around the place. There were sixteen lockers on each side of the wall and two benches in the middle. Lots of different sports instruments were piled up in a corner, while a few bags were tossed in another. Overall, it seemed like a regular changing room.
"Here, you can use this locker here. No one ever does." Kiyoko points to an empty silver cubby. The others that surrounded it had posters and locker decor on them, telling me they were already claimed by other girls.
I open the locker, placing a few of my things in it like my bag, school vest and tie, and my shoes. After, I turn to Kiyoko, who's standing right behind me with a black bag in her hands. "Here, this is your new uniform. The team will take you more seriously if you have it on."
Taking the baggy, I pull open the zipper, revealing folded clothing inside. It was the same that Daichi had on earlier, except it didn't come with shorts and tennis shoes. Kiyoko told me that I would only need to bring some sport shoes and a white tee to wear under my sweater. "Thanks! Are you gonna be wearing one too?"
"Not today. My uniform is dirty, so I'll be using one from him. Don't worry, once the team is used to you, you'll be able to bend the rules a bit as I do. They don't care very much." She says as she makes her way towards her locker, pulling out a light lavender jumpsuit.
'Crap, does this mean I'm going to have to undress in front of other girls? That's gonna be awkward.' I tell myself, as I hid behind the door of my locker to pull down my skirt and quickly put on the black pants. I exchange my button-up for a comfortable white tee and black sweater, before taking off a few accessories that I had on and slip them into a pocket of my bag. After, I sat on the bench to trade my black long socks for some normal ones and tie on my shoes.
"Ready?" Kiyoko turns to me, fully dressed in her uniform.
"You bet."
I hadn't realized how awkward interrupting a practice was until the deed was done. It was sickening, embarrassing, and terrifying.
"Hi everybody," Kiyoko says in a soft tone, setting our bags down near the door while I avoided eye contact with anybody. That didn't help the fact that every one of the players was staring at us, sitting in a circle on the ground.
A loud, raspy voice echoed through the gym, interrupting the bitter silence that ate me up. "Hi, Kiyoko! How was your day today?" I glance up at the person who jogged towards us.  He had a huge smile and short buzz cut, already telling me that he was a rowdy one. "And as for you, welcome! You must be the new manager! I'm Ryonosuke Tanaka, one of the best players on this team!" He holds out a hand for me to shake.
'So this must be the second year Kiyoko told me about. Great, I like him already.' I think, bowing before shaking his hand. "I'm Y/n L/n, nice to meet you."
"Tanaka! Show some respect for your upperclassman, will you!" Daichi comments, coming up from behind him. "I'm sorry about him. He's a wild one."
"Oh, that's alright."
When Daichi realizes I'm comfortable enough to glance at the teammates, he quickly moves out of the way. "Oh—let me introduce you properly. Everybody, this is our new manager that Takeda Sensei told us about: Y/n! She's a third-year and is here to help out Kiyoko. She's friends with us third years too, so no funny business!" He looks towards Tanaka. "That means you, Tanaka!"
He yells out, "I—I was just being friendly!"
Daichi simply playfully rolls his eyes. "Why don't you first years come to introduce yourselves, hm?" He suggests as a few boys shuffle through the small crowd to get a better view of me.
"Hey! It's good to see you again, L/n! I'm Shoyo Hinata." He bows. I recognized him immediately when he approached me. The player was short for somebody on a volleyball team and had bright ginger hair that was rough and fluffy, and he practically radiated energy when I was near him. "I hope you have a great time on the team!"
After giving him a brief smile, I shift my eyes towards a pair of first-years that seemed suspicious of my presence in the club. But one of them stepped up to shake my hand and grin. He had brown yet green-tinted hair that appeared soft, and many freckles on his face. "Hi, I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi. A pleasure to meet you!" He cautiously nudges the tall boy next to him.
He rolls his eyes at the slightest, tossing the volleyball in his hands to the ground. "Hi, I'm Tsukishima." He says in a proud tone, bowing.
Then, I fixate my eyes on the boy who stood behind Hinata, staring intently at me. Once he notices that I had caught him, he began stuttering. "I—Uh...I'm Kageyama! Tobio Kageyama." The ravenette puffs up his chest, bowing towards me.
"Ah, yes! I know about you. Did you happen to go to Kitagawa Daiichi during middle school?" I ask, tilting my head to take a mental picture of him.
"Uh..yes. How did you know?"
"I used to hang around the volleyball club a lot and knew a bit about you. But I never would have thought you would go here!" I quickly realize how rude my response appeared. "Oh, crap! I didn't mean it like that."
He shakes his head violently, shutting down my apology. "It's no issue, Y/n! It's great that you know me— I mean— thank you for recognizing me," he says loudly, bowing once more. It became obvious that Kags was a bit nervous to meet me, but it wasn't anything threatening. His bright pink cheeks were more warming than scary.
"Well, Kageyama, it's great to see you again," I giggle. Then, three boys are seen in the corner of my eye, seeming eager to say their hellos. Taking initiative, I greet them. "Uh, hi guys."
"Hey!" They say, maneuvering towards me. The black-haired one shakes my hand first, squeezing it gently. "I'm Ennoshita. Pleased to meet you." Then comes the other two: one with a buzz cut, and the other with dirty blonde hair. "I—I'm Kenoshita! And this is Narita!" He points to the buzz cut boy. "We're all second years, by the way!"
Surprised by so many greetings, I can't help but hold my hands out in front of my face. "Oh— okay! Nice to meet you, too."
Somebody abruptly suggests, "Why don't you guys give her some space?" Knowing the voice too well to forget it, I grew excited. Sugawara had arrived, finally. I was looking forward to seeing him more than anybody else. "Hey, Y/n. Glad to have you," He says, secretly winking at me.
"Thank you."
"Let's talk positions for the practice game," Daichi commands, lifting a dry erase board to face everybody."Here's the plan I came up with."
The club was sat in a big circle on the court facing Daichi and Takeda. I accompanied them as well, pretending I knew what they were talking about.
"I'd like to have you two working as a pair." Daichi points to Kageyama and Hinata, who gave each other low growls. "And since Tsukishima is our tallest player, I think that would give us a benefit against Seijoh."
'Seijoh? Isn't that short for Aoba Johsai?' I think, raising my hand slightly. "Uh, so you guys are playing against Seijoh?"
Daichi nods. "Yes, Aoba Johsai. We have a practice game with them this week. They're a very strong team, so we need to be in our top game. Are you gonna be joining us..or?"
"Yeah, I will. I'm asking because I know a bit about the players on that team. If you'd like, I can give you guys some advice on their style."
"Wait! Why is Hinata in the one position that needs a tall guy?" Tanaka blurts, as he points towards Shoyos name that was written on the board. It stood in front of the net doodle, telling us he'd be playing as a blocker.
Hinata takes notice of this and grows annoyed. "You're saying Tsukishima and I are playing middle blockers?!" It seemed that he wasn't very fond of Tsuki.
"Timeout!" Takeda strikes the air with his hands, before reaching to his side to unfold a small handy book. "I think I need an overview of the positions.. let's start with the setter. That's the basic control tower— the ones who set people up for attacks. Then there are the wing spikers. They're the rounder that sort of.. maintains the balance between offense and defense. And middle blockers block the other teams' attacks and score points using quick attacks. They also act as a decoy to lead away from the opponent blockers! Is that right?" He asks, looking up to the team captain for reassurance.
He nods his head, putting his palms together. "There is a position that specializes in defense, but we don't need to worry about that right now. So far, that's the positions!"
"Well, Hinata should be the 'number one decoy'!" Kageyama quickly rises, looking towards the redhead. I look towards Kiyoko who is just as confused as me about what he blabbered. "Why don't we use you as a distraction to get points? We'll be using quick attacks, that way the other spikers can do some damage! You'll take down guys like Tsukishima and take them right down the garden path like the idiots they are." Kageyama spoke in a determined manner.
Yamaguchi defended the boy, saying, "Hey! Don't imply Tsuki's an idiot!" But is quickly shut down by Tsukishima, being told to shut up. "Oh.. sorry."
'These first years sure are interesting..and rude, if I'm being honest. Why is it that they're so bossy and demanding?' I say to myself, bringing my knees up and resting my head on them. Although we hadn't done anything physical, I was beginning to grow tired.
"Hinata, when we play, you better be on your best level! If you mess up even one bit, all of our attacks are gonna start to fall apart, got it?" Kageyama strikes Hinata, making him feel frightened and cornered.
"Come on, Kageyama. Hinata is already under a lot of pressure, why say things that make him feel bad?" I whisper to him, as he began to feel concerned for Shoyo.
Tanaka pats Hinatas back, attempting to calm him. "Yeah but- blocking is the most important thing here! No matter how high he can jump, he's still a shorty pants."
What he had told everybody started a riot between the players. Each of them argued about whether or not Hinata should be one of the middle blockers. As for the third years, we rubbed our foreheads in frustration. But it wasn't as if I could expect anything different from these boys.
"Don't you worry, Hinata. As long as you do your best, the team will be proud-"
"R-right! I promise I won't mess up!" Hinata perks up while his face turned a crimson color out of stress. "I'll block as much as you want me to and be the best decoy! I'll serve, I'll do attacks, I'll block! I'll do whatever you say, captain!"
Because of how anxious he grew, he dropped onto the gym floor not long after his rant, breathing heavily. Hinata had made it clear to me that volleyball was a very serious thing for him, and other players' opinions on him meant almost everything. But thank goodness, our third years reassured him that he would be just fine for the practice game.
From how much I'd seen, I thought that the club wasn't too much of an issue to attend to. That was if I wasn't helping first years get back up onto their feet after short-circuiting. Kiyoko had even told me that I did a great job on my first day at practice. So I was sure that I'd be a benefit to the team.
Now, my biggest concern was seeing Oikawa.
Comments and votes are super appreciated! Pls give me recognition for my chapters, I work so so so hard.
- sugawaras beauty mark☆
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stanbillyhargrove · 4 years
Ghosts chp 13
Billy x Katrina
A/N: this is a multi chapter series that will contain smut, angst, fluff, substance abuse
This is a sweet fluffy Steve chapter, boy deserves it 💜💜 also we get little hints of what's to come next week 😈
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Steve's POV
"Oh, hey! Do you guys mind if we pop in here for a minute?" I asked, pointing at a little apothecary.
Katrina glanced around, noticing a coffee shop across the street, "yeah, sure, we'll go get some coffee."
They took off across the street as I ducked into the little shop. Plants filled the deep windowsills, except for a little spot cleared for a plush, purple pillow. All around the shop were white shelves filled with all sorts of soaps, lotions and little bags filled with flowers and herbs. I could have spent all day just soaking in all the different smells.
I was holding a bag to my nose, inhaling deeply when I heard a voice.
"Love charm, smells good, doesn't it?"
I whirled around to see a girl who had just come out of the back of the store. Long brown hair hung in waves down her bare shoulders when she leaned on the counter.
She stared at me, waiting, "hello?"
"Oh, I, ah..yes, smells...pretty."
She smiled, "you trying to attract someone?"
"The charm. You looking for something to attract love?"
"N-no," I stammered, putting the bag back on the shelf, "I just...like all the smells."
"Follow me," she said, leading me to a different shelf.
She pulled out a bar of soap and handed it to me, "smell this. I just got the recipe right."
I held it up to my nose, inhaling deeply. A warm scent filled my nose, deep woodsy musk and sharp spices. I hummed, my eyes closing.
"Good, huh?" She giggled, "it's one of my new favorites."
"This smells amazing, you made this?"
"Yeah, I run this place with a couple friends. I make most of the soaps and charms."
"Wow, that's...amazing. What is this one?"
"Cedar, clove and cinnamon for prosperity, protection and love."
I looked up at her, "but...I'm not.."
She smirked, "who doesn't need a little love in their life? And even if you don't need it, it still smells great, right?"
"Yeah," I murmured, "it does...my name's Steve, by the way."
"Riley," she answered, extending a hand to me.
Her hand was so small and delicate in mine, soft like rose petals. Our hands lingered for a moment, neither wanting to let go.
"Hey, uh...are you, would you like to get coffee or something later?"
Her cheeks flushed a light pink, "yeah, yeah I would."
I hummed, glancing up from Riley's cup, away from the stick that seemed to spin around the cup for too long on its own.
"I said, what brings you to Salem?"
"Oh, my friend Katrina. She's looking for someone to help her."
"Oh? Is she haunted or is she a medium?"
"A medium, I guess? She sees them, talks to them. She's trying to find someone to help her control it."
She was quiet for a moment, thinking to herself, "I might be able to help, I'll have to ask."
"That would be great, she'd really appreciate it."
"Oh! A Scream marathon!"
I looked over at Riley, who was smiling from ear to ear, "you're a horror fan?"
"They're my favorite!" She wiggled her eyebrows at me, "are you a scaredy cat, Steve?"
I could feel my cheeks heat up when she giggled, "don't worry, Riley's here to protect you."
We'd been here for a little over a week now and I'd spent every moment possible with Riley. Slowly getting closer and closer until.
"Steve," she murmured.
I pulled away from her, just a little and opened my eyes.
"I think we should talk."
My heart sunk to my knees when she leaned away from me, "oh, okay."
I was preparing myself for the heartbreak of 'I think you're a nice guy but...I just don't like you like that.'
But what I wasn't expecting was, "I really like you...but I don't know if I want anything physical. I, we...I just don't know if I want to be in a long distance relationship y'know?"
I let out a relieved sigh, "I thought you were about to tell me I had misunderstood, that you didn't like me. We don't have to start anything if you don't want to, I can deal with us just being friends if that's what you want."
She smiled and leaned into my shoulder, "thanks, Steve."
"Dude, you gotta fight for her! Prove you're worth the distance!"
I rolled my eyes, "Billy, I can't force her into a relationship."
He grabbed my shoulders, "we leave in two hours, Steve. You make it sound like she's the love of your life and you're willing to just give up on that?"
I shrugged, "if that's what she wants."
"Screw that. What do you want?"
I knocked his arms away, "it doesn't matter."
"It does matter, what do you want?"
I felt my eyes starting to sting and looked away from him, clenching my jaw.
"Steve!" He yelled, "what do you want?"
I glanced back at him, my eyes watering, "I want her to choose me...I want to try."
His expression softened and he smiled at me. Smug bastard.
"Then go tell her. Tell her that's what you want, that you're willing to go the distance. That you care about her."
But, I didn't. Couldn't muster up the courage to lay myself bare before her.
We were just finishing packing up the Camaro, shuffling around our bags in the truck to make them fit. Katrina and Billy moved out of the way so I could close the trunk and there, standing in the door of the house staring at me, was Riley. I gave her a tight smile and moved around the car but was stopped by her yelling.
"Wait! Steve, wait!"
I looked up just in time to see her running at me, dark hair streaming behind her before she jumped into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her waist and felt her legs tighten on my hips, holding herself up. Her hands were warm on the side of my face, her lips soft against mine. She broke away after a moment, moving just far enough to tip our foreheads together.
"I couldn't just let you leave," she murmured, "if you still want to try, I do too."
"Yeah," I murmured, a slow smile stretching across my face, "yes. I want to give us a shot."
I could see Billy's smug grin from the other side of the car. He must have said something to her, the bastard.
-- March
"Hey, it's okay, Riley. I understand. We'll see each other next weekend though?"
"Of course," she replied, voice soft and sleepy, "we'll have a movie marathon?"
"Anything you want, I'll load up on snacks just for you."
She hummed, "ice cream too?"
I smirked, laughing softly, "super fudge chunk?"
"You listen so well."
I smiled, "night, Riley."
"Night, Steve."
I hung up and walked out into Billy's living room, still smiling. He was sitting on the couch, fiddling with the Xbox controller in his hands.
"Took you long enough," he teased, "thought this was boy's night."
"Sorry, Riley was just letting me know she can't come this weekend. Family stuff."
"Well, you can hang with Katrina and I. She's been a little spacey so we're just staying in."
I flopped down beside him, "she okay? Do you think it's cause of what happened?"
He shrugged, "she says she's fine, thinks it's just stress."
I could barely contain myself as the minutes ticked down to when Riley was supposed to be here. I had taken forever to set everything up. Snacks covered my kitchen counter, dinner was waiting on the stove, ice cream was in the freezer. I'd even built a blanket fort in my living room, though I was starting to second guess that decision. Whenever I'd done things like this for Nancy, she always said it was too much. Too childish.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. There was no backing out now.
I swung the door open to see Riley, a duffel bag over one shoulder and a big smile on her face.
She dropped her bag inside the door to wrap her arms around my neck and give me a soft kiss before murmuring, "it smells amazing in here."
I stepped backwards, leading her into my apartment and closed the door behind her, "I made breakfast."
She hummed, "breakfast for dinner? I love it."
She broke away from me and stopped, staring at the living room, "oh my god."
"It's too much isn't it? I'm sorry, I can take it down."
She shook her head and turned to smile at me, "no, it's perfect."
I kissed her again before going to the kitchen to start dishing up our food.
Riley padded up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist, "so, what did you make us?"
"French toast, I used Katrina's recipe, Billy swears it's the best thing he's ever had, scrambled eggs and sausages. I hope that's okay. I have snacks and ice cream too."
"Steve," she soothed, running her hands up and down my chest, "everything is perfect. Relax."
I let my shoulders drop, let out a long breath and held a plate out to the side for her, "what movies did you bring?"
She let go of me to grab the plate, "I figured I'd start you out with a funny movie so I brought 21 Jump Street to watch first. Then I have Texas Chainsaw Massacre."
I smirked, "isn't that a little backwards? Don't you leave the funny movie for after the horror?"
She shook her head, "if I did that, you wouldn't need me to comfort you."
-- April
"Thanks for coming to get me," Katrina murmured, wincing when the seat belt of my car put pressure on her bandages.
"Yeah, no problem."
We were quiet as I started to drive towards Katrina and Billy's apartment building. We were about halfway there when I cleared my throat.
"Why didn't you call Billy?"
"I didn't want to give him another reason to worry about me."
"He's worried anyway, he called me saying you were hurt and disappeared. Maybe I should call Riley, get her to talk to Audrey.."
"No!" She turned to me, "no, don't do that. I'm fine, I promise. It's just stress or anxiety or something."
I glanced over at her and huffed, "okay.."
-- May
"Bye, Audrey! Bye, Brooke!" I called from the the front door of their house.
I could hear them call back as I backed away from the door, Riley trailing behind me. She followed me to my car and leaned into my chest after I'd thrown my bag in the backseat.
I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head, "it's just a few weeks, it'll go by fast, you'll see."
She sighed, "I know, it just sucks."
I ran my hand up and down her back, "I know, but Billy said Katrina needs to get away from the city for a bit and we planned for the three of us to go."
She looked up at me, "call me though?"
"Of course. I'll call you so much you'll be sick of me."
She smiled, "love you, Steve."
I leaned down to kiss her gently, "love you, Riley."
I made a mental note as I drove away to get something delivered to her house every weekend we were apart, just to make her smile.
@charmed-asylum @champagnesugamama @alias-b
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