#but anyway. yeah this was a fucked up change and i hate you
lesbiangiratina · 5 months
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Thinking about how testament was the first character to ever say flame of corruption but it was erased from the english translation thats kind of fucked up
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blaithnne · 2 months
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The first Heron design I showed off was from before Confidential Casefiles, so I thought I’d show you guys her look after she gets her new arm. Plus a few changes I made to her character for this AU! Just realised the way I placed my signature makes it look like I’M her worst enemy, whoops.
Meet the Cast!
╰┈➤ Canon ☄. *. ⋆
→ Scrooge McDuff → Matilda McDuff → Hortense McDuff → Qalhata Duiker → Goldie O'Gilt → Jack Duckworth → Bentina Beakley → LÙ Huifen (pre-caseflies) → Ludwig Von Druska → Bradford Butcher
╰┈➤ OCs ☄. *. ⋆
→ Lucrais NicRiada
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polaraffect · 7 months
bro I'm at the level of seasonal depression where my brain is like "maybe I should watch supernatural...."
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shmreduplication · 1 month
i think if you plan on revolutionizing an industry you shouldn't be surprised that you attract people who want to work for you who also revolutionize other things like team structure. And then if you do hire them to revolutionize the team structure you should, you know, let them do the thing you hired them to do
and if you work at a science company then you should be swayed by data
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bisexualrapline · 8 months
i was scrolling through reels earlier and i saw this one by an army saying like LY era was elite and you had to be there to understand (which - i disagree, i think baby armys can get just as much out of LY era just by looking back lol) and people in the comments were like “this felt like the most bts era ever, like they were the most themselves” and then someone had replied to one of those comments being like “as a debut era army, i would say dark & wild was the most bts era, they changed a lot after that” like…. how can you so confidently say something so wrong lmao. if you’ve read their book you know what i’m talking about. like you’re really calling an era where seokjin explicitly admitted to playing a character given to him by the company and where jimin felt so much pressure to be someone he wasn’t the most “them” bts has ever been. like besides all the other discourse abt english music and whatever like how does it even make any sense that they have LESS control of their music now than they did at debut. quickly.
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anirudhpisharody · 1 month
#alright these tags are super embarrassing but i needed to rant publicly so uh. you can read this but please don't perceive me too much#it is so fucking exhausting having nobody to share my life with#i have literally zero friends at this point bc ever since my grandpa died i've pretty much stopped trying to keep in touch with my hometown#friends and i cut off my 'friend' group that were racist assholes who treated me like a doormat back in october and haven't really made any#close friends at college since. and i just fucking hate that this is the same way i've felt for so many fucking years like you'd think it#would be bearable at this point and i'd be used to being alone and for a while i honestly was but it just hit me tonight how fucking lonely#i am and how tomorrow i have to keep on just doing the shit i have to do in life without anyone to talk to and share it with#other than my mom who's been pissing me off lately so i've been pushing her away too!#it's so tiring to have to go out and do things and have responsibilities everyday and not being able to share that with anyone idk it makes#it feel almost like i'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders which is SO dramatic i know#like today i wanted to talk about the stupid false alarm gas leak thing with my sort of friends in this club i'm in but i didn't get to talk#to anyone at the meeting bc everyone was just talking amongst themselves in their little groups of best friends and it just reminded me that#i don't have that and i've never fucking had that i've only ever pretended i had that#it's like all these years i've been pretending to be a person that has friends and knows how to live life normally but i never have#more than anything i just miss my friends from home bc they're the closest i've ever felt to having friends that are like family but. i#don't know how to talk to them anymore. i didn't tell any of them when my grandpa died and i think they just assumed that i've moved on so#they've probably moved on and i already know that they have their own lives and friends at their schools that are a lot more full than mine#wanna know the worst part about all of this? i just had therapy and basically told her everything's fine#and i won't meet with her again until 3 weeks from now so literally the only person i can talk to about this right now is my mom#which i am absolutely not gonna do bc she's gonna get so scared and worried for me and i can't have that rn#anyways yeah. this isn't even that big of a deal like i haven't had friends for at least the past 6 months it's not like anything's changed#i just feel extra sad about it right now. i need a distraction stat gonna go watch watch some tv goodnight#shut up hanna
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seilon · 1 year
kpop is. a really really fucked up industry man. it really is
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lesbiangiratina · 5 months
Oh my god i need to get a phone with a headphone jack before i end it all.
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pepprs · 11 months
june 27th give it up for june 27th
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#purrs#delete later#sure would be an INFINITELY more special and auspicious day if there wasn’t going to be • thunderstorms all day • a budget meeting • two#back to back orientations where i am going to have to take on 2X THE FACILITATION ROLESSSSS 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 bc we’re doing that now. LMFAOOOOOO#<- and by that i mean splitting up the facilitation so instead of 4 ppl shari ng responsibility for talking AND doing logistics there’s 2#ppl talking and 2 ppl doing logistics. and mutuals need i remind you that facilitating this specific session requires being extremely high#energy and mobile and getting ppl ‘hyped’ and there are 383729473 reasons why that is difficult for me to do in front of 100+ new students#plus three cofacilirators i am scared of / intimidated by for various reasons. im going to be sick soooo genuinely. i HATE this 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣#anyways yeah. today is my one year anniversary and also my first day as an fte so. 🫠 and one year ago today was pretty awful too like my#first day was actually extremely extremely bad and i cried like multiple times every day that week bc it kept getting worse so. love how#things have changed so substantially since then and the things that triggered me on that day aren’t an issue anymore <3 (they are very much#still an issue it’s just the specific people involved have changed bc half the ppl working here including one of my dearest closest#mentors who was deeply involved in that situation have left the university and now it is utterly unrecognizable and every day i wake up in#an alternate universe i know deep down i am not supposed to be in and yet im trapped in it irreversibly and this IS my universe now. lolll 🥰#)) also ik it’s stupid to still be grieving over this but like. the entire way it all went down + the fact that it even did in the first#place and the STAGGGERING consequences of it. are kind of insane. every new development makes me feel more and more like im living in a fake#reality and nothing that is happening is supposed to be happening and im dreaming it all but it’s a bad dream. and idk how to accept#that this is NOT. a dream and that what happened happened and now i have to live with it and stop curling in on myself like a prey animal an#and isolating myself from everyone i love and taking every single conceivable situation badly. like tfw da therapy isn’t working 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰#anyways i need to go get ready and practice the fucking 16 page facilitation guide 🙄 see u on the other side lol
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yuridovewing · 11 months
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knxggles · 1 year
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lilgynt · 5 months
i will sob my brains out at 5 am remembering events from this year and also christmas last year and being annoyingly petty and unable to let go of relatively small comments just bc i’m sensitive and raw and have a complex
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nullcoast · 6 months
The world is fucking disgusting
#i think a lot about ppl who grew up thinking the world and how it's organized is fundamentally good#to a degree this is still me bc I'm white I grew up suburban#but I always saw and hand understanding of both a. bad things from trauma and b. my mom taught me about systemic racism in like 4th grade#and we were poor and shit in a rich area so I was excluded a lot#like. inside bo burnham is a good example and I saw a YouTuber talk about this in a really interesting way can't remmeber his name#but he was saying like. there's a certain nihilism of white ppl who end up realizing things are bad when they didn't already#idk interesting topic I can't stop thinking about#bc it's the only way I have to explain how ppl are so godawful stupid and why it's so difficult to explain institutional issues#bc ur basically trying to tell them yeah the world is not actually good. and that's. a really big thing to change in someone's mind#that things are good is the root of a lot of miseducation and support for harmful structures#so much propaganda goes into convincing us that everything is good#and that nihilism that guy talked about. like yeah the world is disgusting but it's more. and that's why like#Angela Davis said it well that the revolution starts inside#and that self love and care and doing good things to a body unwanted by a bad world. that is rebellion that is revolution#so nihilistic white ppl who hate the world are still failing to see the point of counter action#that it's about love + goodness and that's the bedrock#and I find myself stuck there mental illness wise where I believe that you have to emphasize and bolster as much happiness and goodness#but it's fucking hard man#anyway. clearly I took an adderal#gotta take some ethics courses with intersectional lens I have no one to talk about this shit with#Palestine is really fucking me up like. all day I just imagine how many children have died#like what can I do. nothing. i can do nothing. and people who don't deserve it continue to live in terror#the average fucking age in Gaza is 18. they're all just kids like me and my brothers#it's not fair
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the-tenth-arcanum · 1 year
I think my gas and electricity provider fucking hates me, specially
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bloggirl8842 · 8 months
My psych says I don’t like my mom or my ex because they make me vulnerable but I think it’s because they are/were both serial boundary violators. Well serial boundary violators sounds serious but I mean they are just good kind people who would not leave me alone when i ask(ed)
#i mean so am i so i dont exactly blame them but like. my mom doesnt knock used to hold me down and epilate my body doesnt take no for an#answer ever on anything unless youre MEAN to her and i dont mean anything serious i mean she asked me to go to the store with her to pick#out paint for her walls i said no she asked again i said no she asked again i said no so she went on her own and facetimed me so id help her#pick. my ex had a similar thing where if i was like hey lets not talk tomorrow im burnt out hed be like okay and then the next day early#morning he’d send a good morning text and then several more throughout the day and then we’d call at the end of the night#people do who not let you fucking breathe. i hate it. if i saw my mom less often id probably like her but her so much as sitting next to me#on the couch will have me tense and pissed. she also takes glee in hating things i like and its not a conscious or serious thing but its#really weird. ive done the same for her since i was little i dont know who did it first. like ok we’re moving our new place had wallpaper in#my room i wanted to keep it she wanted to remove it she agreed to keep it and then made plans to remove it bc she was going to get rid of it#at some point later on anyway for the house’s value or something. they removed it recently and she showed me a vid of the place and when she#gets to my room shes like hehehe its goneee like girl what the fuck is going on with you. she wouldnt let me change the decoration of my#room as a child it had to be the way she liked it. even my body had to be the way she liked it dude the epilation thing shed laugh as i#cried (in a shirt and underwear man) bc i was finally hairless. my ex was nowhere near that bad but again ZERO breathing room and whenever#id try to take some hed be like ‘’i just worry that if you take this space you’ll come back and break up with me’’ uh. yeah with that#attitude the breakup’s coming either way. he’s a good guy though just 24 and a man (both sad afflictions) he’ll shape up. or not. idk im no#t invested#he did listen to a lot of what i said just not the basic things of ‘’leave me the fuck alone sometimes’m#im annoyed that my therapist framed this as a me issue but shes right when it comes to me having trouble w vulnerability and i should just#clarify my pov here so she can change her assessment#my ex leaves me alone now. he does a great job at it i thiiink hes moved on which im happy about#i dont know if id ever want to be friends again though idk if either of us can do that#i cant. rn#i understand why he wanted so much from me though. i get it
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babyboybuckley · 1 year
Idk I feel like today's ep would have been a great segue into talking about the punch bc I STILL wanna know how people reacted to that news
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