#but as a general gamer i can see so many missed opportunities from a gameplay perspective
serpensortiamaxima · 3 months
Not to be like "HL would have been better if..." again but I really wish they had kept the Summoner's Court as a relatable mini-game with the option to choose your opponent. Would have been wonderful in end game to be able to play with the NPCs you're supposed to have befriended.
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killscreencinema · 4 years
Trials of Mana (Super Famicom)
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Although I was never the biggest Secret of Mana fan, it was the game that ignited the spark of love I’d go on to have for JRPGs... you know, until they got kinda dumb.  Maybe they were always dumb, and I just outgrew them, but I refuse to believe that when games like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Xenogears, and Final Fantasy Tactics exist.  I realize the latter game isn’t a “J-RPG” in the strictest sense of the word, but I think it counts.
Anywhoozles, even though I moved on from Secret of Mana pretty rapidly after getting a taste of the Final Fantasy franchise, I held enough affection for the series to be excited for rumors of a sequel possibly being released.  Those rumors were quickly squashed when it was revealed that the sequel, Trials of Mana (also known as Seiken de Setsu 3) would only be released in Japan.  We would later find out the reason for this was Squaresoft somewhat accurately surmised that American audiences were too stupid for their games, and because of that rational we also missed out on great SNES games like Live A Live, two Front Mission games, and Bahamut Lagoon.
Oh the many times I’d see screenshots of these mysterious games in magazines and lament on how unfair it was that we would be denied these games because, yes, most of the gaming audience in America at the time was too stupid.  Now “Secret of Mana 2″ as I’d refer to it for many years was next on that list of forbidden games.
Then emulators became a thing and, shortly thereafter, fan translated ports of those lost gems.  I never really dived into them, as I have a strange distrust of fan translations, but I finally got a chance to play an official port of Trials of Mana thanks to the Collections of Mana release for Switch.
So was it worth the wait?
Let’s get something straight right off the bat - Trials of Mana is a superior game in so many ways to its predecessor.  The sprite animation and character design is superb!  The graphics in general squeeze every bit of potential the SNES has to offer and then some.  The gameplay is much, MUCH tighter, with A.I. partners that aren’t complete buffoons and much more solid combat.  If anything, my only complaint is the combat is so fast and frenetic, it’s difficult to keep pace with what’s happening before your character is suddenly on the verge of death! 
I will say the soundtrack is a MAJOR step down from Secret of Mana.  Trials has some nice tunes, but none of which that touch the memorable auditory experience that is SoM’s soundtrack.  Fight me on this!  You know I’m right!
Another issue with Trials is the menu system is so clunky and tedious.  While it took some getting used to, I grew to actually rather like the ring menu in SoM.  It never completely takes you out of the game like the menu in Trials.  It doesn’t help that there seem to be lag issues with the menu too - yeah, LAG issues in a SNES game.  I thought that was weird too.  It takes several seconds for the menu to pop up and several seconds to load each sub menu.  It might seem minor but it begins to grind one’s patience, especially when you’re fresh from using the ring menu system in SoM like I was.
The story in Trials of Mana is much more complex (though that isn’t to say it’s good - in fact, it’s very convoluted), with several threads you can follow depending on which characters you select to be in your main party at the beginning.  The lead character will determine the “main story”, as well as who the final boss will be.  My party consisted of Duran as the lead, as he seems to be the main hero of the game; Hawkeye, because I need someone who is a more balanced fighter in contrast to Duran’s function as a tank; and Charlotte as my designated healer. 
I really enjoyed much of the game, but it eventually begins to drag, as the level grinding becomes incredibly tedious.  As the game progresses, you are given two opportunities to change Class, but you have to have reached a certain level first.  It is INCREDIBLY important that you change class as the earliest opportunity too, as the game’s difficulty becomes very steep from this point and changing class is the only way to level the playing field more.  The problem is the game doesn’t really give you enough experience points organically, as you play through the story, for you to reach the appropriate level for class change, forcing you to do one of two things: 1.) tough it out and endure the agonizing difficulty until you level up naturally, by which point it will be too late and the game will have moved on where you’d need to make the second class change to be on par with the enemies or 2.) spend time laboriously level grinding until you reach the level. 
Like I said before, I would advise changing class as soon as possible, so opt for the second strategy, as boring and monotonous as it is. 
There are many times the game’s momentum kind of grinds to a halt, not only because of level grinding, but by virtue of how the game was designed.  There comes a point towards the latter half of the game where 8 demi-gods escape from the Mana Sanctuary and spread throughout the world.  Your objective from that point forward is to hunt these bosses down and take them out.  Mercifully, the game marks their location on the map, although curiously the marks don’t go away once you beat the boss, causing me a lot of confusion as to whether or not I missed something. 
At this point of the game, I got kind of bored and frustrated.  For one, it is at this point it’s prudent to change class for the second time once you reach level 38, but I had just FINALLY class changed at level 18.  So.. I was a long ways off and these bosses are no joke.  So it took a lot of time and persistence before I finally started knocking these bosses off and beat the game, but damned if I wasn’t tempted to just quit.  It was sort of similar to how, in my playthrough of Secret of Mana, I got all the way to the final boss only to find out that you MUST level up the tree spirit enough to use Mana Sword or you’re fucked.  In that case, I bit the bullet, level grinded my tree spirit, and other spells just to be safe, went through the final dungeon again, and beat the final boss first try. 
I’m happy to say that by the time I reached the final boss in Trials of Mana, I beat him first time out too, because by then I was a goddamn hardened Mana warrior, but it wasn’t a very fun journey and not as satisfying as other games where “getting gud” is key to success. 
I realize that since American gamers have been able to play Trials of Mana, even before it’s official port and current remake, it has garnered almost universal praise and I understand why they would feel that way.  Despite its flaws, it is a great game and it’s a damn shame we didn’t get to experience it during the SNES’s golden age of RPGs.
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pressxtoalex · 6 years
My Top 12 Most Anticipated Games of 2018
2017 was an absolute monster of a year for video games, and it’s starting to appear that January is going to be the only time where we aren’t going to be inundated with new releases to play, and inevitably miss out on. However, there are already more than a few games coming out in 2018 that have my attention and think they should have yours, too. Now bear in mind: This is a pretty PS4 heavy list, for obvious reasons, but if you do some Googling, you’ll find a lot of these are multi-platform releases. The other thing to consider, is while I consider myself a great optimist, I have to be real with myself, so no matter what the developers and publishers tell us, you aren’t going to find games like Death Stranding, Kingdom Hearts III, or The Last of Us Part II on this list, because, let’s face it, they aren’t coming out in 2018. Perhaps, the most frightening part of this list, is most of these games have been confirmed for at least the first half of the year, leaving June through December pretty wide open for us as gamers to have a crowded schedule.
12) The Longest Five Minutes
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Coming out of NIS America, The Longest Five Minutes takes a twist on the traditional RPG and starts out at the end, facing off against the game’s final boss, however, your character has lost every memory of their adventure, including their name, abilities, and even why he’s in this battle. Throughout the battle, comments made by his allies, and taunts by the Demon King will trigger flashbacks to help fill in the heroes memory gaps. It comes out in just a few weeks on both Vita and Nintendo Switch and the premise alone put this on my radar.
11) Days Gone
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We finally saw what Sony’s Bend Studio has been working on at E3 2016, and while it felt more like a “Lookee how many things we can have on the screen at once” they expounded on the stealth aspects of the game at PSX, showing the game to potentially being somewhere between The Last of Us and Horizon Zero Dawn. It sits so low on my list, partly because it’s Bend’s first release since Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and their first console release since Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow, and partly because I’m not 100% sold on this coming out in 2018, but, if I’m over here spoutin’ off Last of Us Part 2 is coming in 2019, then Day’s Gone needs to be hitting shelves in 2018 as to not be cannibalized by a much more established IP. I love the idea of an open world motorcycle game, though, and hopefully, it’s something akin to much under-appreciated Mad Max.
10) The Walking Dead: A Telltale Series The Final Season
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It’s pretty firmly established that I love adventure games, and I love Telltale. They hit a home run in 2012 with the first season of The Walking Dead, but while they continue to swing for the fences on various other licensed and popular properties, they haven’t quite fully captured the magic that made The Walking Dead’s first season so special. Sure, Season Two and Season Three had their high points, and Telltale has shown some of the magic in their other games like Tales from the Borderlands, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Batman, but this is their chance to give Clementine, a character we’ve spent six years growing up with, a proper send-off and story, after spending Season Three side-stepping her.
9) God of War
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Yo. Real talk, I’m not a God of War guy. I don’t need that much screamy chain man in my life, and frankly, Kratos has just been a dude, to me, that has zero redeeming qualities. Yea, he’s angry because of his tragic backstory, but, like...can you not? Here’s the thing though, Sony Santa Monica has created a tamer, humbled Kratos that seems to have far more to lose. While I think we’re starting to teeter on seeing too much of the game, game director Cory Barlog keeps saying the right things about this installment that has more-than-piqued my interest. And me being interested in a God of War game speaks volumes. 
8) Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion
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Adventure Time is the one franchise that has been itching for a quality game under its banner. We’ve had a handful of various dungeon crawler games, top-down Zelda clones, and adventure games, but they’ve either missed on the art style or totally whiffed on the gameplay. Pirates of the Enchiridion may possibly be the Adventure Time game that the series fans have been clamoring for. It’s an open-world game set in the Land of Ooo, with an original story, multiple playable characters, full-cast voiceover, and sailing. The series is wrapping up soon, and this may be one of the last Adventure Time games we see, so here’s hoping this is the one they get right.
7) Church in the Darkness
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I’ve had my eye on Paranoid Productions’ Church in the Darkness for a couple of years now. It’s a top-down, procedurally-generated action/infiltration game set in the 1970s where you’re an ex-law enforcement officer tasked with checking in on your nephew, who has recently joined the Collective Justice Mission cult. Each playthrough promises to be different, down to the characters’ personalities and reactions to you being in the camp. If you want to go full-stealth Metal Gear with it, you can, or if you want to go full guns-blazing, go right ahead. The idea of uncovering more of the story based on your investigating, and the varying degree in which characters respond to you each time you play, leave a lot of opportunities for the game to have mass amounts of replay value.
6) Jurassic World Evolution
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Hi. I would like to build my own Jurassic World, please. That’s at least what developer Frontier is promising. While I had no idea Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis even existed until it became too rare to justify purchasing, I did spend a lot of my summer in 2012 tapping away at Jurassic Park Builder on my iPhone. Jurassic World Evolution looks to bring that Jurassic Park-meets-Sim City hybrid back to home consoles. Hopefully “Life finds a way” and this game will be exactly what Jurassic-verse fans have been looking for this summer. Just, please, don’t Animal Crossing this and make me have to play every day or risk being infested with weeds and whatnot. That’ll be the quickest way for me to nope out of this.
5) Crossing Souls
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Somewhere between the Burger King Kids Club and Stranger Things lies Fourattic’s Crossing Souls. Set in 1986 in California, Crossing Souls is an action-adventure RPG where five kids make a mysterious discovery that thrusts them into navigating two planes of life and death and begin uncovering a government conspiracy. With five playable characters, each with their own style of combat, puzzles, and 80’s arcade references, Crossing Souls is right up my alley in the indie-game realm.
4) Detroit Become Human
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Heavy Rain is one of my all-time favorite games. Hell, it’s tangentially linked to where my YouTube namesake came from. While Beyond: Two Souls wasn’t entirely the follow-up a lot of fans were looking for, I have no problem putting all of Quantic Dreams eggs into the Detroit Become Human basket. Between its Isaac Asimov and Philip K. Dick-style of story, stunning visuals, and varying degrees of story direction, this seems to be the Quantic Dream getting back on the right track. The big question is what side of their spectrum the story is going to fall on.
3) Dreams
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If you listen closely, you can hear the hype-train leaving the station for Dreams. Media Molecule has been a voice in the gaming industry that needs to be heard again. Their style and creativity has been sorely missed, but a few questions remain: Is there a major market for a curation-based platformer, will the customization be as flawlessly executed as we’ve been lead to believe, and will this even hit 2018 despite the developer’s best efforts? It’s hard for me to temper my excitement for a game that has a far more expansive Super Mario Maker feel to it. The in-game campaign may not be the reason to buy the game, so it’s going to be on those that pick up Dreams to keep it alive.
2) Red Dead Redemption 2
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I totally missed on Red Dead Redemption. It was at a time where working in gaming retail and feeling that need to play everything, the last thing I wanted to do was play a massive open-world game. Red Dead Redemption 2 feels like my opportunity to atone for this mistake. I loved what I played of Grand Theft Auto V and am dying to see what Rockstar Games has learned from then to now with Red Dead being their first proper current-gen game release. Rockstar has carte-blanche with the gaming industry, so if they came out tomorrow and said, “This is delayed again, and will be delayed a third time” almost everyone would understand. They’re still Scrooge McDucking in their money from GTA-Five, so they don’t need to rush a Red Dead sequel out the door, but they are looking to be the heaviest hitter in 2018 and every developer and publisher has to be waiting for a release date so they know to stay away.
1) Marvel’s Spider-Man
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I am absolutely salivating for Insomniac’s Spider-Man to just get a release date. I don’t even need it in my hands yet, I just want to know when I can have it in my hands, and based on recent tweets from the game’s dev-team, we may know sooner rather than later. Not only is this my most anticipated game of 2018, if you were to put a gun to my head and tell me I can only pick one game from this year, I would not even flinch when answering “Marvel’s Spider-Man.” Between the combat, the cinematic uses of QTE’s, to the open environments, I am absolutely sold on this game. The most exciting thing about this release is that, despite what we’ve already seen, I don’t even think we’ve seen a lot of it. Through tweets, and various interviews, I think we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg with this game. Outside of a certain popular character’s appearance in the E3 2017 trailer, we already know they play a larger role than just a cameo, leaving me to wonder if we’re getting a Sons of Liberty situation where the what we’ve seen could be a misdirection to what we’re getting. Regardless, Insomniac Games and Spider-Man are an incredible pairing and I cannot wait to get my hands on this.
So there you have it! My most anticipated games of 2018. I’m sure most of the titles didn’t surprise you, but I absolutely hope I was able to turn your gaze toward some upcoming releases you may not have previously known about. Feel free to drop by and let me know what you’re most looking forward to!
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droneseco · 3 years
EPOS H3 Wired Gaming Headset Review: EPOS Delivers the Goods for Gamers
EPOS, the Danish audio hardware manufacturer, is pushing its gaming credentials. The EPOS H3 wired gaming headset is full of promise, delivering a comfortable and well rounded audio product that'll suit gamers and music lovers alike.
9.00 / 10
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See on amazon
EPOS, the Danish audio hardware manufacturer, is pushing its gaming credentials. The EPOS H3 wired gaming headset is full of promise, delivering a comfortable and well-rounded audio product that'll suit gamers and music lovers alike.
Brand: EPOS
Weight: 270g (9.5oz)
Microphone: Integrated bidirectional
Style: Over-ear, closed-back
Great, balanced sound
Work with any platform
Clean sounding microphone
Very comfortable
Good overall build quality
Integrated microphone means indoor use only
Buy This Product
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EPOS H3 amazon
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Since parting ways with Sennheiser, Danish audio hardware manufacturers EPOS have gone from strength to strength. Their target is the bustling gaming market, one that grows year on year and one of the best performers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
The EPOS H3 wired gaming headset, then, enters a marketplace brimming with competition and not short of regular new entries.
At face value, the H3 looks great, and for many, wired audio always trumps wireless, no matter if you're gaming or just enjoying your favorite artists.
Read on for our hands-on review of the EPOS H3.
Inside the EPOS H3 Box
Once you get your hands on the EPOS H3, here's what you'll find in the box:
EPOS H3 wired gaming headset
1x 3.5mm to 2x 3.5mm audio cable for combined audio and microphone
5mm audio cable for just audio connections
That's it. There is no amusing foam inlay face, but the box contains all you need to get up and running and gaming.
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EPOS H3 Specifications
Specifications are important. They give you an idea of what to expect from your new bit of audio hardware. Before delving further into the review, check out these EPOS H3 specs.
Style: Over-ear, closed-back, wired
Color: White, black
Drivers: 40mm dynamic
Frequency response: 10-30,000Hz
Impedance: 20 ohms
Microphone: Integrated bidirectional
Frequency response: 10-18,000Hz
Connectivity: 5mm jack
Cable length: 2m
Platforms: Any with a 3.5mm jack
Weight: 270g (9.5oz)
The EPOS H3 Is Designed for Gamers
Let's start with the H3 design. EPOS has opted for an over-ear, closed-back wired design for the H3, which is good for the audio-immersion side of things.
In terms of comfort, the H3 earpads are extremely soft memory foam covered with leatherette, using an ergonomic approach designed to fit any ear comfortably for prolonged periods. The earcup itself is of a decent size, covering most of the ear to create a decent seal to prevent audio leakage, in or out.
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The headband's underside is also covered in soft material, and while every head is different, you can use the adjustable sliders to find the most comfortable wearing angle. The overall build quality of the EPOS H3 wired gaming headset feels good, if a bit heavy on the plastic. The sliders are metal, which does give you a feeling that that headphones won't suddenly break at this critical pressure point, which is always welcome.
One thing I did note was how quickly the headband adjusted to my head. It felt like the headband was becoming slack rather quickly, which was disconcerting. However, after hours of use, the headband now feels naturally contoured to my head size, which again, adds to the overall comfort level.
Another interesting point is weight distribution. The EPOS H3 headset weighs 270g (9.5oz), which is fairly average in terms of competitors and headsets in general. EPOS has designed the H3 with excellent balance, so the weight feels well distributed throughout the headset. This, rather than the bottom-heavy feeling you find with some headsets, which in turn can lead to pressure build-up on the ears.
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The H3 comes with an integrated microphone. While that won't please everyone, it is unobtrusive and doesn't cause any issues when you're not using it. Also, being able to mute the microphone by pushing it into the upwards position is a handy option for those moments where you need to stop broadcasting on team-speak, Discord, or otherwise, but don't want to both finding the actual mute button.
Last but not least, the EPOS H3 is a wired gaming headset. With a cable length of 2 meters, it'll suit most gaming setups. However, if you're sitting further back, you'll be pleased to know that the audio quality doesn't suffer when connected to an extension cable.
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How Do the EPOS H3 Sound?
Enough about design and comfort: how do the EPOS H3 wired gaming headphones handle audio?
As this is a gaming headset, it was only right to take it for a test run in all manner of games, covering first-person shooters, racing, and more.
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First out of the blocks was Doom 2016, which is always a good test for any gaming headset. The combination of punchy, powerful weapons, howling demons, and incredible soundtrack come to life with the EPOS H3. I'm always amazed at the Super Shotgun's overall sound, the shotgun shells ripping from the barrels in unison, while recoil and reload both feel immeasurably close to you, delivering a great sense of immersion in the demonic world.
Dirt 5 was an interesting experience, too. The cars in Dirt 5 tend to ignore the sound of gears changing, instead just sound like they're moving through the same gear ratio five or six times without any change in tone. Of course, the H3s cannot help that. It's a game design issue.
However, I found the EPOS H3 picking out other noises in Dirt 5, which is a nice touch. On stages with driving rain, black skies, and thunder and lightning, the local environment very much comes to the fore. The rain actually sounds dense, puddles crash over your vehicle, and every grain of gravel under your tire crunches.
Then there games that don't blast sound at you, requiring a more subtle soundstage to pick up on every aspect of the audio design. The roguelike Noita very much fits this description, with sounds creeping into the gameplay depending on your location, environment, enemies, and bosses. The H3 headset picks up on those subtleties and doesn't overwhelm them with its own sound signature due to the soundstage design.
EPOS has taken the opportunity to tune the H3 soundstage to pick up every footstep, each shell casing dropping to the floor and each drop of rain with precision. But they cover the wider sound experience nicely, putting every ounce of EPOS's design expertise to good use.
The H3 headset very much lives up to the billing. EPOS wants the H3 to "deliver an accurate, clear midrange, with a controlled bass response," and you'll find that, honestly, this is the case.
H3 Headphones Deliver the Musical Goods, Too
It's not only games that the H3 headphones help to sound fantastic. Most people use their headphones to listen to music outside of their gaming sessions, and the H3 doesn't disappoint here, either.
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The H3 EQ isn't flat like you would find with studio earphones. But it doesn't push particularly far into any specific sound signature, either. What I mean is that often when manufacturers try to deliver a soundstage suited to gaming, it can end up bass-heavy to account for explosions, or pushed too high to capture gunshots, and so on.
The H3 doesn't force you massively in any direction, with the same qualities that bring your favorite games to life also ringing home with music, too. You can really get a sense of this when listening to certain types of music. For example, a synth-wave playlist is the perfect type of music for the H3 headphones. In fairness, this is likely due to this genre's affinity with games, but nonetheless, they sound great.
Is the EPOS H3 Microphone Worth Using?
As far as integrated gaming headset microphones go, the EPOS H3s bidirectional option performs well across several different games, chat apps, and more. Integrated microphones are always a bit hit or miss, leaving you stuck with a lackluster microphone in some cases.
The H3 microphone, on the other hand, is crisp and clear, with friends and family alike commenting on the overall clarity of my voice while chatting. Handily, the microphone requires very little effort to position. You can move the microphone arm up and down, and there is a small flexible area in the middle of the arm, but the overall positioning didn't appear to affect my ability to be heard.
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In that, the H3 microphone is reliably clear and easy to use, which is a great combination.
As mentioned above, the option to mute your voice broadcast by simply pushing the microphone arm up into the lock position is handy, especially when you're deep into a game that you cannot pause or leave—we've all been there!
Is the EPOS H3 Wired Gaming Headset Worth Your Money?
The biggest compliment I can possibly pay the EPOS H3 headset is that it has become my daily audio driver right now. In a world where headphone and earbuds options are essentially limitless and where I can review several different headsets a month, for the EPOS H3 wired gaming headphones to have landed and become my go-to is quite something.
Add in the fact that as a 3.5mm wired gaming headset, you can use the EPOS H3 with any platform or bit of hardware with a regular headphones port, and EPOS is definitely onto a winner.
The H3 headset is comfortable, too. You can wear these cans for hours without realizing it. The soft cushioning protects your ears from overheating or pressure fatigue, and the aforementioned weight balance means you genuinely don't notice the H3 upon your head.
The EPOS H3 is available in Snow White or Onyx Black for $120. For the comfort levels alone, the H3 is well worth your time.
EPOS H3 Wired Gaming Headset Review: EPOS Delivers the Goods for Gamers published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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seganerds · 6 years
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Mega Drive was by far SEGA’s most successful console, and boy won’t they let us forget it.
Since abandoning the hardware side of things, the company have doggedly re-released a near-identical list of Mega Drive games on too many formats to list here.
Truth be told, it’s actually pretty surprising that only now, four years after launch, are the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One finally getting their due, in the form of the aptly titled SEGA Mega Drive (or Genesis, if you’re in the US) Collection.
The lighting changes with the time of day, which is pretty cool.
You’d be forgiven for thinking that by now the whole exercise is beginning to feel more than a little perfunctory. However, this time around, developer D3T have at least gone to the trouble of introducing some new (or relatively so) features, such as online multiplayer and a horizontal flip mode, changing the standard left-to-right gameplay for most games, into right-to-left.
Likewise, the games list itself has undergone some very minor tinkering: notable by their absence are all of the Ecco games, Fatal Labyrinth, plus Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles. In their place we get 16 ‘new’ titles, including Bio-hazard Battle, a curious insect-themed shmup missing from previous generation collections. I say ‘new’ because all the games featured in the SEGA Mega Drive Collection (plus a few more) are available on Steam and many were on the Wii’s late Virtual Console. It’s a solid line up with a good mix of genres, albeit an all too familiar one.
The collection’s interface is a full 3D render of an early ‘90s SEGA fan’s bedroom, complete with various on point props and appropriate pre-millennial decor. As appealing as that may sound, it’s worth bearing in mind that what’s on offer here is almost identical to the free front-end released on Steam a few years ago. So, while technically this collection is also coming to PC, it’ll be a relatively minor upgrade to the existing experience and we’d expect games to continue to be sold separately rather than as a set on Valve’s digital platform.
Seemed like the best place to start.
Choosing a game to play involves navigating a shelf full of spine on Mega Drive cases, just like real life in days of yore. It’s cute, but feels a little sluggish. Thank goodness there’s a favourites feature, allowing titles of your choice to be moved to the very start of the list. Various game-specific challenges can also be accessed from here, and where applicable, it’s possible to immediately skip to the correct part of the appropriate game to attempt them. While a nice idea, this is only likely to be of use to hardcore trophy or achievement hunters. The aforementioned flip mode is similarly throwaway, with few practical applications outside of novelty speedrunning and streaming.
For a handful of games, it’s possible to select from a number of regional variations. While it’s not quite clear what the criteria were here,  this seems to be an option for text-heavy RPGs where there’s likely to be a language barrier, plus in a couple of instances where there are significant differences between versions (Streets of Rage, for example). Although there aren’t any digital manuals to peruse, the obligatory save state function is present and correct, with quick functions handily mapped to the right stick.
The emulator itself has a wide number of customisation options, but again, little we haven’t seen before. Since these games run natively at a 4:3 aspect ratio, by default they’ll have black borders on either side. If that’s not to your liking,  you can instead choose from a number of border designs, to stretch the display area to 16:9 or even zoom out in such a way that the games can be seen actually running on the cute little portable CRT in your aforementioned virtual bedroom.
What’s more, there are optional scanlines, a TV Projection setting, which mimics the distinct curvature of old tube TVs, and a number of Pixel Filters. While we’d assert that a sharp, pixel perfect presentation with plain borders is best for extended play, there’s certainly some fun to be had playing with the settings here. Below are some examples to give you an idea of what’s possible:
Video reproduction is almost perfect, as is sound, the odd dodgy effect notwithstanding. We did experience occasional, sporadic split second pauses during play, but the overall experience is solid. We’re quite sure that the vast majority of gamers, even those who played these games back in the ‘90s, will be perfectly happy with the quality of the emulation, but ultra hardcore perfectionists may beg to differ.
We love the Mega Drive, and on one hand it’s great to see some of its best games grace current generation consoles. On the other, the stock line up of titles is getting pretty stale by this point, and the cool bedroom interface is far from new itself.
The bottom line is this: these are excellent games that still hold up today, but if you’re here, on SEGA Nerds, you’ve probably played them to death many times over. Yes, it’s convenient to have them on a modern console, particularly when it’s getting harder and harder (or rather, more and more expensive) to connect pre-HDMI consoles to new TVs, but we’re pretty sure that every human being on earth that was ever going to play Sonic the Hedgehog already has by now.
If you’re one of a tiny minority of nostalgics that has yet to re-live SEGA’s 16-bit halcyon days, or desperately want some to add some Mega Drive classics to your PS4 or Xbox One library, this collection is great. For the rest of us, though, there are simply too few new gameplay opportunities.
+ Great games
+ Customisable emulator
+ Cool interface
– No truly new games
– Minor audio issues
– Flip mode and challanges little more than novelties
[Editor’s note: SEGA provided a promotional code for the purposes of this review]
Does SEGA's latest Mega Drive/ Genesis Collection worth the price to buy games you might already own? Click to find out! #GenesisClassics The Mega Drive was by far SEGA’s most successful console, and boy won't they let us forget it.
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danielphowley · 7 years
'South Park: The Fractured But Whole' review: Disgusting, ridiculous and plenty of fun
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‘The Fractured But Whole’ is a fantastic follow-up to ‘The Stick of Truth.’ Just make sire your stomach is strong enough to handle it.
For the past 20 years, “South Park” has not so much been pushing the boundaries of good taste and storytelling, as much as obliterating them. And after 2014’s “The Stick of Truth,” the minds behind the show proved they could push just as many limits when it came to the world of video games. Now, three years later, the team at Ubisoft and South Park Studios are back with “South Park: The Fractured But Whole.”
Taking on everything from the superhero movie genre and identity culture to the Catholic Church and common video game tropes, “The Fractured But Whole,” hits all the right notes from the show’s best episodes. The writing is some of the best you’ll find in a game, and it improves on “The Stick of Truth’s” combat and mechanics enough to make it well worth picking up.
There are still some minor flaws that carried over from the first game, namely how easy it is, but “The Fractured But Whole” easily overcomes them, making it a must-play for fans of the series.
The ‘Franchise Prequel’
If you want to get the full story behind “The Fractured But Whole,” you’re going to have to watch “South Park’s” fourth episode of the season titled “Franchise Prequel.” The episode follows the boys Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny as they play superheros as part of Cartman’s Coon and Friends team, from the show’s popular Coon and Friends story arc.
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Eric Cartman’s Coon is back in action, and just as depraved and self-serving as ever.
The boys and their friend are working out their plans to launch a superhero movie franchise but end up splitting into two groups, Coon and Friends and the Freedom Pals, when they can’t agree over which kids get their own standalone movies. Butters has also reassumed his identity as Professor Chaos and is sowing discord throughout South Park with his chaos minions.
The game kicks off with you, the mute new kid, as you try to join up with Cartman’s team. Like any good role-playing game, you spend the first few missions shoring up your character selection. You can choose from three initial classes including Brutalist, a tank; Speedster, the movement-based class, and Blaster, a ranged character.
You’ll eventually be able to unlock additional classes and combine classes, letting you mix and match the character setup that best suits your play style. As you move through missions you’ll also gain new party members with their own unique abilities.
Leveling is handled via the game’s hero rank system, which sees you complete portions of the story, side quests, fight enemies and collect specific items, like the unsettling Yaoi-style pictures of Craig and Tweek, to gain experience points. Each new level allows you to equip a new type of artifact, which augments your party by improving members’ health, power and the effects of certain kinds of attacks. You acquire artifacts by collecting them in the world, crafting them or buying them from merchants.
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The Human Kite and the alternate universe Human Kite.
Artifacts also impact your party’s might score, which you use to determine if enemies or missions are too advanced for your current ranking. I found the first few artifacts a bit lacking, especially when I purchased a far more powerful one at a nearby shop. That said, they do add another dimension to the gameplay that helps add a sense of depth that was missing from “The Stick of Truth.”
DNA upgrades provide you with additional boosts to your power, though you’ll have to balance the disadvantages they have to your character with their advantages.
Come on down to South Park
Like “The Stick of Truth,” “The Fractured But Whole” lets you explore the entire town of South Park. You’ll visit familiar locales like Tom’s Rhinoplasty and the Photo Dojo, as well as Unplanned Parenthood and, of course, South Park Elementary.
Simply traveling through the town, opening every door and finding every hidden item is a treat. It also helps that Ubisoft and South Park Studios add in more than enough fan service. From the songs playing on the radio to the ads on TV in your friends’ houses to the characters’ closets, the developers mined every bit of the show’s 20-year history to create a living, breathing version of South Park.
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Professor Chaos and his minions are stirring up trouble in South Park.
Exploring the town provides you with plenty of opportunities to collect hidden items. Unfortunately, many of the puzzles that block your path are just too easy to solve. Most of the time, you’ll simply punch your way past an obstacle to access a special area.
Of course, your quest sees you come across all of your favorite towns folk including Stan’s dad Randy Marsh, the goth kids, Mr. Macky and Big Gay Al. You’ll need to find as many people in town as possible, take selfies with them using your smartphone, which doubles as your menu screen, and upload them to Coonstagram to ensure Coon and Friends have more followers than The Freedom Pals. Adding followers also adds to your experience, which helps you build your hero level.
Fighting evildoers
“The Fractured But Whole” plays like a classic turn-based RPG. Like games like “Earthbound,” you’ll want to initiate combat with enemies to ensure you attack first or your enemies will get the drop on you.
Ubisoft and South Park Studios largely reinvented the combat system from “The Stick of Truth,” adding a grid format that requires you to place your party members in the right positions to attack enemies. If, however, you’ve got a character that does close combat damage, and another party member is blocking his path, he won’t be able to attack.
Party members’ abilities can spread across multiple spaces on the battle grid, hitting enemies that are above or below your characters. If multiple enemies are lined up in a row, you’ll have the chance to knock them into each other, doing additional damage.
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The Freedom Pals want their superhero franchise to be the best in the business.
The developers also added new battle animations for party members’ super attacks. Similar to the over-the-top super moves in NetherRealm Studios’ “Injustice” series, your super attacks will see your characters call in hamsters to charge enemies or fly into the clouds to launch a volley of laser blasts.
Then there are good old fashioned summonses, which let you call in special help from characters to take on enemies.
Who are the evil doers in “The Fractured But Whole”? Sixth graders, ninjas, chaos minions, pedophile priests, kids dresses as Hooters-style waitresses, strippers and a slew of others. Nothing is sacred in “South Park,” and that’s just the way fans like it.
Over time, you’ll gain special abilities that you can use in and outside of battle, helping you to access different areas of the game’s world and snag out of reach objects and upgrades. 
My one gripe with the game’s combat is that, like “The Stick of Truth,” it’s a bit too easy. Sure, there were some battles that had me sweating, but for the most part, I never felt like I was in danger of losing. Even when I bumped up the combat to the Mastermind setting, I was still able to largely blast through fights. That’s not to say they weren’t fun, but I’d appreciate something a bit more of a challenge.
Should you get it?
I loved “South Park: The Stick of Truth” and am a huge fan of the show, so I was fully prepared to at least enjoy “The Fractured But Whole.” But the developers managed to surpass my expectations by improving on the previous game’s flaws and creating a deeper experience.
And while combat and puzzles are still too easy compared to other RPGs, playing through “The Fractured But Whole” is well worth the time. If you’re a fan of the series, casual RPGs or just great games in general, you’ll want “The Fractured But Whole.”
Reviewed on the Xbox One
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What’s hot: Like playing through a jumbo-sized episode of “South Park,” improved combat system, deeper character customizations
What’s not: Combat is still too easy for most seasoned gamers, puzzles could be more challenging
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Email Daniel at [email protected]; follow him on Twitter at @DanielHowley.
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The Ten DM Commandments
For those of us that want to get into Role Playing Games (RPGs), but aren’t quite sure how, tabletops tend to be the best place to start. Worlds like Dungeons & Dragons, Mutants & Masterminds, and Shadowrun have inspired and captivated gamers for decades, and show no sign of letting up. In its contents, some of the most celebrated mediums of entertainment have been put to paper and given life to form new stories. Dungeons & Dragons was translated from Lord of the Rings, Mutants & Masterminds was born from the world of comic books, and Shadowrun was built on the foundation of science fiction. Regardless of type, DMing (or Dungeon Mastering) is a great way to build friendships and rediscover old passions. But of course, there’s a few things that need to be known prior to staring, as not every rulebook can teach you what you need to know in those first few days. Sometimes, experience is the best teacher. So I will impart my personal knowledge of what the craft, and hopefully it helps as you develop your own story.
1) THE IDEA: First off, be very aware of the world and scenario you are building. This acts as the core for how the campaign will run, and what can be expected on all sides, both DM (Dungeon Master) and PC (Player Character). Make the world as big and detailed as possible, but keep the focus tight and on the party as they explore the environment you’ve designed. This makes for a massive world that is always changing, and has plenty of variables to play with. Don’t be disappointed if the party doesn’t get to it all. The best campaigns always have something more to explore at the end of each session. • What is the current geopolitical climate? Who is in power in which nations, and how for do their borders go? How for does their influence go? • Which races have been imbued with the power of magic, or possess superhuman abilities? Is it common to have these powers, or are they an anomaly? • What is the recent history of the world? What is the history of the distant past? Does it have a large bearing on what is happening in campaign now? Why or why not?
2) TECHNICALITIES: If you’re having trouble with technical aspects of the game, SRD is a wonderful and free online resource that can help clarify a lot of trouble spots for characters and gameplay (look specifically for the type of game system you’re playing. SRD exists for several platforms: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Mutants & Masterminds, etc.). While it’s important to keep the idea in focus, it’s also essential that the rules be understood. Part of the fun arises from knowing what your limitations are, and finding ways to prevail despite them. • http://www.d20srd.org/ • http://www.d20herosrd.com/ 
3) THE PLAYERS: Meet with your PCs before the game starts. This gets a lot of questions out of the way, and gives you a chance for all to learn from experience. Be prepared to answer questions about your world, your scenario, and expectations for campaign. This sets the tone for your time as a group, and helps the rest of the game run more smoothly. You can form character stats, backstories, and even complex histories in pre-campaign meetings. Always respect each other’s ideas and ready for slight changes in your overall plans. The story is after all, about the Players (PCs), not about the DM (Dungeon Master). You may have crafted the world, but the PCs are the ones who will live in it. • A party of 3-6 is the safest number • Having a healthy diversity of classes and races helps go a long way • Specializing your skillset helps cover weaknesses, and encourages cooperation among players 
4) THE STRUCTURE: As the PCs begin exploring your brave new world, it’s important to realize that limitations can go a long way in establishing an interesting campaign. In addition to focusing on the party’s grand quest, have a handful of side quests and tertiary quests in your back pocket. This helps avoid railroading, helps pacing, and makes for a more diverse set of choices for your PCs, and PCs LOVE Choices. Furthermore, the main action of the story should be contained to a location, and maps and visuals help immensely. Having an ocean to the east can establish limits, and may also set up a plot boundary, saying that all of the action and excitement can be found on dry land (or perhaps a few islands, if they’re feeling particularly daring). • The party is trying to repel an invasion of their home nation, but they must possess six artifacts to make the resistance possible. And these artifacts are scattered across the world. • As a result of the king’s rulings, many fiefdoms and provinces have fallen under slavery. It is not the primary focus of campaign, but it can win you some allies, or help find a way to get past an obstacle. • There are several families that have lost their sons the war, and need some help running the family business. Farmers, apothecaries, and even minor nobles are asking for help wherever it may come from. It may not connect to campaign, or even be a side quest, but it can win you some small rewards such as a place to stay for the night, some coin for your journey, or the unveiling of a secret.
5) FAILINGS: As part of Role Playing Games (RPGs), you can do all the preparation in the world, and still come up short as a result of rolling a Nat 1 (Natural 1), or rolling low in general. It’s all part of the fun of playing a game that balances imagination, chance, and strategy. However, one should not roll for perfection or try to become all-powerful. Having a character that can fly to the antagonist’s castle and kill him instantly makes for a very dry campaign and also robs the party of the chance to explore the world as well as themselves. So when you encounter a low stat, or roll low in a fight, don’t think of it as a failure. In RPGs, there’s no such thing as failures, just experience. Think of it as an opportunity. Lower stats make more chances for role-playing, and low rolls in combat can lead to memorable and even hilarious results. And every DM will agree that a pack of misfits at mid-level are more interesting than all-powerful gods taking down dark villains without effort. • Having low strength means you’ll have to be quick on your feet, or quick of tongue. Was this a result of your background, and how does it affect the party? • Just because you weren’t handed everything growing up, does that rob your character of the chance to live a good life? Does this perhaps force them to struggle and fight to get where they are, and does this help them now? • Your character may not be the most approachable figure, but does the vicious barbarian or booking wizard have a card being kept close to the chest? Despite their proficiency, they may be keeping a detail of their past hidden. As a party, can you handle it, and does it make your bond stronger?
6) ROLE PLAYING: As your characters develop their dynamic, you’ll start to see that they’ll find patterns they’re accustomed to. The Fighter may swing their sword, the Wizard may use a handful of spells, or the Rogue may try to steal every object. It’s common for first-time or relatively new players to play a concept, instead of a character. As DM, encourage your PCs to step out of their comfort zones and play their character as a character, not a concept. Some players like to play a figure who is like them in many respects, and then they get to see how they interact in a world not their own. Or in some cases, a player may use a character different from them in every way. The only way they can find out by playing their character. Extended dialogue between players or NPCs (Non-player characters) is a great way to enhance the overall experience and can lead to surprising results. DMs can also reward their PCs by paying them in experience, in-game friendships and allies, or with information. • The shy Rogue must talk himself out of trouble when his shenanigans go too far. • The stoic Ranger who never misses a shot suddenly encounters a Golem, and her weapon of choice is of no use. Will she rely on her party for aid, or adopt a new strategy to save them all? • An NPC was found stealing food from the party. Is he a heartless thief, does he have a starving sister just upriver, or is he being manipulated? The only way to know is to ask. 
7) UNPACKING: As you explore the world of campaign, you will find the PCs will be asking numerous questions. As part of your responsibilities as DM, you’ll have to be prepared to answer all questions (although there’s no shame in not knowing if you’re put on the spot). They may ask the identity of NPCs, the significance of an ancient statue, or the history of a town. While it may seem like nitpicking at times, it’s a great opportunity to introduce a memorable character, introduce a new concept, or to show off some of the lore you’ve spun. Every time you encounter something new, be prepared to share succinct and relevant information as you unpack it. Also, don’t forget how experiences have affected characters, or how history can have an effect on current circumstances. In any scenario, never miss out on an opportunity to unpack what’s already there. It saves you time as DM to expand upon what’s there instead of making something entirely new, and it adds dimensions to the story like nothing else will. • You discover that the lone man on the road is a legendary swordsman. What is his name, what exploit made him famous, and who would want to help or harm him if he stays with the party? • You encounter an ancient statue that has been ravaged by pillagers, the elements, and time. Does the statue hold significance for your party members? Is the statue being guarded by an unseen force? Or is walking on this land considered punishable by death among the local residents? • The party comes upon a grand fishing village with a wealthy status that befits a large city. Is it the result of shady business practices? Who’s in charge, and how long has this town known such luxury?
8) EXPERIENCE OVER RULES: With so many rules running through each system, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s really important in the game. New players especially will refer to the rules to ensure everything is sound. But when it comes to DMing, it’s a delicate balance of upholding the rules and finding ways to make your vibrant world come through in a rigid set of rules. The best way to strike a compromise between the two is to build your world first, then apply the rules. With so many written rules for combat, interaction, and difficulty of dice rolling, even professionals and people who wrote the canonized rules can have trouble finding ways to apply them by virtue of how many there are. As DM, your job isn’t to be all-knowing, your job is to be aware of your world, and to apply the rules as needed. • You encounter a troll, and he is about to strike you down. You manage to fall just short of your roll (but his injuries also cause him to lose significant points). • You are being chased by a battalion of knights, and they search relentlessly for you. You hide yourself well among the brush, save for one member of the party, and three knights dismount looking for you. Two of the party succeed (but the one knight fails his search check and the remaining party member goes undetected). • You fight tooth and nail against a vicious creature from another world. It succeeds in dealing you terrible damage, but it is fangs get caught in the thick rock just behind you. (You can take this chance to deal it severe damage with your dagger while he’s vulnerable).
9) CONTRIBUTE & COMPROMISE: After the first few sessions, you’ll realize that players have an enormous amount of influence in how the story plays out. So as DM, you’re not writing the story like an author. An author writes based on their experience and desire alone. But a DM builds a structure, and the PCs alter it according to their interactions. Therefore, it becomes important for the DM to make suggestions, and for the PCs to ask questions. Amid these exchanges, you may have to add new scenarios or make room for interpretation. You will have to compromise. The best way to keep the dynamic healthy is to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, and that everyone’s opinion is valued. If the PCs want to take up a side quest, respect that. If the PCs want to come at a situation in a new way, but supportive. Part of the fun for you as DM is that you don’t know exactly what’s going to happen. You give as much as you get as DM and PC, so give a lot and compromise a lot on both fronts. • As the PCs travel into a market, they hear rumors about the enemy seeking them out. Therefore, they take up an offer from the Thief Guild to be hidden until the heat dies down (Side Quest). • The party wants to see a dragon. You elect to follow up on some rumors where a dragon egg is on display. You either take up an errand for the nobility in exchange for the egg, or steal it of your own volition. The dragon is then met, but it remains on a power level equal or below the party. • The party ambushed amid a forest. The Ranger is out of arrows, and the Wizard is out of spells. The Fighter still has an axe, and wants to cut down trees to gain the upper hand.
10) RESPECT: There’s a culture of “crushing the PCs” in many Role Playing Games. While it can be fun to put your characters in hot water, or in near-death scenarios, ensure that it’s all in good taste and isn’t done for the sake of cruelty. This can be difficult. Abusing your omnipotence as DM can throw off a healthy dynamic among players, and can color someone’s opinion of the game. It’s rarely out of a sense of maliciousness that these issues arise. In some scenarios, it’s just a joke that’s gone too far. As DM, be very aware of who is getting the most attention, who is the most engaged the most, and who is more resistant to contribute. If needed, ask what is going on directly. If it’s an issue among the party, mention it after the session is over. This makes the time in campaign about campaign, and illustrates respect for your players. Sometimes a joke goes too far, and the player in question is too nervous to bring it up. If you confront this as DM, and do so in a courteous manner, it produces an atmosphere of trust. Without respect or trust, there is no party. Campaign should be, above all else, a safe place to play and have fun. If this isn’t the case, then something needs to change. So whether it’s a joke, overstepping a boundary, or a recurring problem, be sure to address it as soon as possible. Following this rule is paramount, and if it is done in combination with all the other rules above, you’re sure to have a campaign you’ll remember for years to come. • Joke around, but do so with respect • If the DM or a PC is having trouble with the rules, be understanding and patient • Give respect and trust, and you will receive it in return
With these ten guidelines, I hope that you’ve learned a great deal and will find joy in applying them to the games you play. Of course, this is only my interpretation of how to DM, and there is much you can learn from watching others, or doing it on your own. RPGs mean something different for everyone. If you ask 100 DMs what the game means to them, you’re likely to get 100 different answers. But in the end, it all comes down to what you give to it. In time, you will discover what DMing means to you, and even after years of practice, it can still surprise you. So without further ado, break out the soda and snacks, and let’s start DMing!
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sealx2-blog · 7 years
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And for these that are new in the planet of madden nfl, the under-written points will aid you collect the needed understanding . http://filmaster.tv/ Madden nfl Mobile is an additional great Canadian producer of sports games, or Electronic Arts - EA. This label is in the habit of an annual updating their games. Our website is dedicated to mobile gamers and absolutely everyone will find there every thing that he wants. In a jiffy, madden mobile NFL will certainly be a good results given its remarkable functions. One thing else our Madden Mobile Crack Unit does perfectly is look soon after your id. This game's latest version could be the Madden NFL from EA Sports sport which is usually enjoyed in mobile phone. Below, you can see some of the numerous reasons as to why you should use this Madden Mobile Cheat. Madden Mobile game is finally out and there ar numberless men and women worldwide UN agency are missing their schoolwork and social life so as to grasp deep ideas of the sport. 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ciathyzareposts · 4 years
Game 124: Ecoquest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest (1993) – Introduction
Written by Reiko
Almost four years ago, I covered the original Ecoquest here on the blog, and now we’ve arrived at the sequel: Lost Secret of the Rainforest. Instead of diving deep below the sea, this time we’ll be exploring the rainforest. You may remember that Ecoquest had a bit of an agenda to introduce kids to concepts of conservation of nature and show them ways that human activity can harm the ocean environment. The rainforest is also a place with unique natural resources that can easily disappear if people mismanage them, so it makes sense as the subject of a sequel along the same lines. We’ll keep an eye on how the game handles its message while we play through the story.
Box front
According to the general plot summary, we rejoin Adam Greene and his father as they begin a trip to Iquitos, Peru, to search for the hidden Grove People and help them set up a local economy using sustainably harvested natural resources, so that the government doesn’t misuse their land. But after some luggage goes missing, Adam ends up on a wild trip to the heart of the rainforest to discover secrets of the people and animals and plants that live there.
“Only you can save the rainforest from destruction”
Sierra released the sequel two years after Ecoquest, again as part of the Sierra Discovery Series (“Your child will have fun AND your child will learn. GUARANTEED!”). While it’s certainly a sequel to Ecoquest, the official title on the title screen is simply Lost Secret of the Rainforest, without “Ecoquest 2”. But many places, including Sierra Gamers, an official Ken and Roberta Williams site, call it “Ecoquest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest”, so either title seems accurate.
The credits are quite different for this one. Instead of Ken Williams as Executive Producer (he seems not to have been involved with the sequel at all), we have Pete Fisher as Producer, and Robert Fischbach and Doug Oldfield as Lead Programmers. While Fisher also worked on Torin’s Passage (1995), after that he seems to have a long hiatus before getting involved with games again in just the last few years, and only as a sales analyst. Gano Haine, who helped design Ecoquest, is credited as Director, and Dan Kehler returns to do music again.
One other name of note is Josh Mandel, who is only credited under “Special Thanks”, so I have no idea what he actually did. Those who followed the development of Hero-U, the recent Quest for Glory spinoff, might recognize that name as one of the primary writers who has been working closely with the Coles on their new venture.
Someone again had fun making the Econews manual (you can download it and take a look here: https://www.sierragamers.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Ecoquest_2_Econews.pdf). It’s got an introductory letter from Adam, a brief letter from Del (Delphineus, the dolphin from the first game), some directions on how the ecorder works, some fun coloring and puzzle sheets, and even a brief walkthrough for the first part of the game. It’s part manual, part feelie, part puzzle book.
Sierra menu bar
As with the first one, the interface is classic Sierra point and click, with icons for various functions. The Recycle feature from the first game is back, so we’ll be picking up more garbage as we go along. But there’s also an icon that looks like a sort of bat, which brings up interesting rainforest facts. Later, Adam gets access to the ecorder, which Adam (and the player) will use to learn about things he sees in the rainforest. So the game is already showing itself to be explicitly an educational game in a way that the previous game wasn’t. Certainly the player could learn things by playing the game, but it seems that the educational content was more integrated with the plot and puzzles in Ecoquest.
What could have caused this?
When I start up the game, the main menu gives five options: Introduction (start the game by playing the introductory sequence), Play Game (start the game but skip the intro), Restore Game (load a saved game), Instructions (a long sequence of text boxes detailing instructions for how to call in for hints or how to troubleshoot issues), or Quit. The introductory sequence shows some of the main credits interspersed with glimpses of a plane flying above a rainforest with Adam and his father, a bomb going off somewhere, and two bats looking at a flattened seedling. This last shot is the only hint early on that we’re going to get extraordinary things happening like talking animals, as one bat is asking the other what they should do about the seedling.
The game itself begins with Adam and his father waiting in an informal customs line after having disembarked from their plane just outside Iquitos, Peru. Two people are ahead of them in line. We get some humor right away with the first person, who is asked to open his luggage and show the customs officer. He somehow makes very large things appear from his suitcase (shades of Mary Poppins and her extraordinary carpetbag), and finally a balloon appears from the bag, which he grabs onto and floats away (again, rather like Mary Poppins flying away with her umbrella).
The second person is a bit more sinister. He declares himself to be a surveyor for “Cibola Development”, which sounds like a company sent in to “develop” (exploit, rather) the rainforest. When he’s asked for identification, we the player (but probably not Adam or his father) can see that he slips the customs officer a bribe. Clearly he’s up to something shady, and I’m sure we’ll see him again later.
Starting inventory: money and passport
Adam’s father then shows his passport and declares himself to be from the Ecology Emergency Network. “We develop sustainable products with some of the rainforest tribes.” He’s cleared to enter and starts rummaging in his luggage, while finally it’s Adam’s turn to face the customs officer. If I look at Adam’s inventory, I find that he’s got some money and a passport to start, so it’s pretty clear what we have to do first.
Ecoquest ended up with a final score of 60, for “straightforwardly easy but mostly fun puzzles, a cliche-ridden, prophecy-dependent plot, beautiful and atmospheric visuals, memorable characters, and detailed but sometimes preachy text”. We’ll see if the sequel can maintain that high quality of gameplay without getting too slowed down by its educational aspirations. Make your guesses in the comments, and join me next time as we start exploring the rainforest! If you want to play along, it can be found in various places for download, or it can be played online at archive.org.
Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: There’s a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no CAPs will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of me requiring one. As this is an introduction post, it’s an opportunity for readers to bet 10 CAPs (only if they already have them) that I won’t be able to solve a puzzle without putting in an official Request for Assistance: remember to use ROT13 for betting. If you get it right, you will be rewarded with 50 CAPs in return. It’s also your chance to predict what the final rating will be for the game. Voters can predict whatever score they want, regardless of whether someone else has already chosen it. All correct (or nearest) votes will go into a draw.
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/game-124-ecoquest-2-lost-secret-of-the-rainforest-1993-introduction/
0 notes
terryblount · 4 years
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot PC Review
It seems that gamers will never give Dragon Ball Z a chance to quit. Every time this 1989 anime looks ready for a peaceful retirement, it is once again dragged back into service sending 90’s kids spiraling into nostalgia, while a whole new generation falls in love with the show. Fighting games in particular have turned Akira Toriyama’s masterpiece into a magic goose with an infinite supply of golden eggs.
Yet, what lies beyond the fighting game genre for Dragon Ball Z has always represented something of an enigma for developers. The epic stand-offs against insanely powerful enemies are certainly a fundamental part of the anime, but they form part of deeper journey of Goku’s personal growth. No DBZ game has really been able to relay this in a meaningful experience.
Look Gohan! Daddy can move sideways in this game too!
Enter Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. With this game, Japan-based studio CyberConnect2 have taken the arena brawler formula from many of their Naruto titles, and wrapped the entire Dragon Ball Z epic around it. What they cobbled together is a wholly different kind of DBZ game with commendable respect for its source material, yet still falls prey to one too many of the open-world genre pitfalls.
Rock the dragon
Like the majority of Dragon Ball Z fighting games out on the market, DBZ Kakarot is similarly a melange of crucial story moments from the anime crafted into a playable experience. The anime’s main drawing point has always been the utter spectacle that ensues when powerful protagonists come face to face with god-like villains, and these moments are undoubtedly the stars of the show here.
Where CyberConnect2’s latest game distinguishes itself from its peers, however, is DBZ Kakarot’s interest in what leads up to these major showdowns. Rather than just ushering the player from one big fight to the next, the gameplay on the open-world maps becomes an opportunity to put time into grooming your character for the multiple boss encounters within each chapter.
I bet if you went through the anime frame by frame you would find scenes that match these pictures perfectly.
In other words, outside of fighting iconic adversaries like Androids, Frieza, or Cell, DBZ Kakarot takes on a much more relaxed and free pacing where the player can fly around the world hunting for collectables, can do some training, or pummel lesser enemies. Each locale has been utterly packed with oodles of the aforementioned loot which serves the purpose of enhancing your character’s abilities.
DBZ Kakarot is at its strongest when the game can make this entire experience feel like you are playing through the anime rather than watching it. Running on the Unreal Engine 4, the character models look utterly fantastic, and at times I had some difficulty distinguishing them from how they look on the show. This is easily on par with gorgeous visuals from Dragon Ball FighterZ.
The developers have also ensured that the fighting sequences do not hold back from eye-watering lighting and particle effects, as well as the actual sounds that defined the quirky aesthetics of the anime. By the time I reached the Kaio-ken four scene between Goku vs Vegeta, I squealed like a little school girl! You could feel that intensity through the screen, and in moments like these DBZ Kakarot shines.
Still my favourite scene from the entire anime
Unfortunately, while many in-combat animations have been done rather well, the open-world dialogue sequences are truly cringeworthy. The show’s real voice cast – including Seán Schemmel and Christopher Sabat – do their best, but the horrific wooden acting and Final Fantasy X-level awkward pauses between lines make these scenes an utter pain to sit through, and there are a LOT of them.
It’s over nine thousaaaaaaaand!
When the first moment arrived to try my hand at the combat mechanics, I instinctively switched over fighting game mode in my mind. As is the norm whenever I play a new fighting game, I anticipated the usual routine of pausing the game and committing some basic combos to memory before punching Piccolo right between his pointy ears…
Except there weren’t any combos or multi-button attacks to speak of. Instead, I learnt that the player will have access to the three basic actions throughout DBZ Kakarot’s combat sequences: Melee attacks, long-range energy blasts and that… blink/step… thing they do. That’s it. Only three inputs that always form the backbone for those flashy enemy encounters.
See how I totally missed Zarbon here? The game wants you to use energy attacks strategically, which means you cannot just spam them.
The reason why CyberConnect2 have gone with such a simplified, consistent combat system is to ensure that the leading character can be rotated as the story progresses, without the need for the player to learn new fighting moves. Moreover, keeping things simple also ensures that DBZ Kakarot keeps a balance between open-world, story-driven moments, and the more intense combat scenarios.
As such, the combat is based primarily on paying attention to the enemy’s attack patterns, and subsequently deciding what your character should do in that moment. Is the enemy close enough to attack, are they blocking, are they about to discharge an energy attack, or should I try to dodge their next move? You form an instinctive loop of these questions in your head the more you play.
Of course, it wouldn’t be Dragon Ball Z without the signature super moves, so the game does let the characters’ individuality shine through in these abilities. The player can therefore choose between a maximum of four different slots to fire energy blasts at enemies, and when fighting in groups, you can even call on your partners to assist with their super attacks.
I hope you like tutorial text; this game will throw A LOT at you! This is a big no no as this means the game was not designed so the player can learn how to play intuitively.
While combat is overall a robust and multi-layered system, I wish it could have been more responsive. The game does most of the work for you, but inputs are still dependent on the character finishing their animations, which means it was easy to descend into button-mashing. It was frustrating seeing characters failing to block, or not striking in an opening because they were still powering ahead with that combo you entered five seconds ago.
Open-world woes
I reviewed One Piece: World Seeker last year which, like DBZ Kakarot, is another Shonen Jump publication that finally shed the yoke of the fighting genre in exchange for an open-world design. Regrettably, several issues – such as a bland world and sterile gameplay – fatally ruptured what could have been a great recreation of the anime.
It seems that DBZ Kakarot was not paying attention to World Seeker’s failings as it duplicates several of them (albeit to a smaller degree). The most obvious problem in DBZ Kakarot is how the open-world gameplay yet again feels underdeveloped, and extremely repetitive.
You read that correctly, one of the side missions is literally helping Master Roshi find his porn. Why? Just WHY?
The different maps like Planet Namek or the island-strewn oceans around Kame House are decent replicas Dragon Ball Z’s settings, and they are pleasantly spacious. However, these areas rarely elevate beyond being collect-a-thon, sand boxes to find the same items over and over again. Even side quests are nothing more than finding lists of items, or fighting the same minor enemies over and over.
DBZ Kakarot’s reasoning behind these agonizingly generic, open-world quests is that the player is expected to use items like Z Orbs to upgrade their skill trees, or food ingredients to cook stats-boosting meals to consume before battles. In this way, the game is intended to convey the experience of preparing themselves for major encounters later on in the chapter(s).
Seriously, “She’s not happy”!? This is the best reason they could come up with for doing this side quest?
The reality is that I played through large chunks of DBZ Kakarot where I became aware of feeling utterly bored. Like One Piece: World Seeker, there is nothing broken in these systems even counting the cringy cut scenes. The issue is that the fun wears off after a few hours once you realise the open-world gameplay is a one-trick-pony. There is simply not enough variety in gameplay to justify the grinding.
Like anime, like game
I have an inkling that DBZ Kakarot was perhaps envisioned in the early phases of development as a turn-based JRPG since the game is built around strong elements of stats and grinding. This might explain why something feels seriously incomplete, and why DBZ Kakarot plays like different elements of open-world and RPG games that have been desperately cobbled together.
My takeaway from the forty or so hours spent in-game is that I vacillated between moments of nostalgic joy in reliving one of the most epic anime series ever conceived, and an overwhelming sense of ‘Are we there yet?’ There isn’t really another game based in the DBZ universe quite like this one, yet I cannot ignore how the devs failed miserably to make open-world gameplay more interesting.
Sorry folks, while DBZ Kakarot can certainly lay claim to a fairly solid foundation, I wish I had better news for you. It feels like a superior, more fleshed out Dragon Ball Z game constantly threatens to conquer the bland moments, but the experience just doesn’t get there. In December 2020 when the inevitable top ten lists come out, I’d bet most content creators are probably going to say “Oh right, I actually forgot about this game!”. Get it on sale if you must.
  Good visuals
Engaging boss fights
Loyal to the DBZ narrative
Battle cut scenes
Bland side quests
Very repetetive
Too much collecting
Open-world cut scenes
Tutorial screen overload
Too much talking!
          PC Specs: Windows 10 64-bit computer using Nvidia GTX 1070, i5 4690K CPU, 16GB RAM – Played using an XBox One controller
The post Dragon Ball Z Kakarot PC Review appeared first on DSOGaming.
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot PC Review published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
0 notes
daviddgowinsny · 5 years
How Building Wealth Will Get You Ahead
Building Wealth Before It Is Too Late
When people consider building wealth, they begin to think they have a lot of cash they can use to invest. This is not the case.
Most of us live paycheck to paycheck. I want to try to help you out of that rut. Anyone can begin building wealth, regardless of income. For most it just takes focus and some time.
One of the essential things in terms of wealth creation are good habits. If you make half a million dollars a year without the right practices in place, you won’t be building wealth.
That money means nothing if you buy $500,000 worth of Twinkies. By avoiding bad habits, you can quickly turn your meager earnings into considerable wealth.
Here are some of the financial habits you need to develop your wealth.
Housing Cost
Home loan payments or rent is one of the biggest expenses we have. Aim to keep your housing costs at 30% of your income or lower.
As this percentage gets lower, the more you can start building wealth. This is a really great place to start. There are some individuals who are spending over 50% of their income on just their housing. This will leave you with nothing to invest in their future.
Also, think of some items in your home you don’t use. You can easily sell things on eBay. You can even sell your lamp.
Food Cost
After housing, food is another big roadblock to building wealth. Going out to eat adds up very quickly.
Some of us grew up with a good home cooked meal. I did. And the funny thing is my mother was not the best cook. But I loved her food.
There are some other benefits to cooking at home besides saving money. If you have a family it is another way for you to show your love. Reducing these cost can get you started on the right foot.
Downsizing is not necessarily a bad idea if it means that there is still money left after spending. You have to sell items you don’t need and stick to the basics.
Automate finances
Many people have financial plans in place, but they do not comply with them for one reason or another. You should try to automate your funds mainly because it makes things more comfortable and you can also adhere very well to your financial plan.
When you automate your funds, the money will probably be automatically sent to your savings accounts, investment accounts, and creditors. When you do this, you will simply remember to send a payment or be attracted to spend the money on something else because you will simply not start seeing the money.
This frees you up time and effort and can be used in other areas of your lifestyle, such as family.
This is probably the most common element you will hear in terms of wealth creation. The reasons why you continue to hear the reasoning are vital.
It can be difficult to build up an estate when you don’t know how much money you receive and how you spend it. You should not divide it into specific categories.
Budget your hard-earned dollars to find out how you could spend them. When you have a budget, you will be able to realize how much you could spend on small items that don’t seem like much, but if you add them up, they become a considerable amount.
Having a budget is also a smart way to get rid of expenses you don’t need and save money. If you discover that you spend much more than you earn, you will have the opportunity to make changes that will leave you with something small; it will save you.
Start working hard
If you are in a college and you have the opportunity to work as an unpaid intern at the brokerage firm, my suggestion will be to take this opportunity. There are not many people out there who even after trying their level best can get an internship at any firm.
If your performance is good or even satisfactory that brokerage firm will most probably end up hiring you.
The vital point to understand is that you should never miss an opportunity that can give you a better chance to succeed later in your life. Trust me it’s better to sweat now that the grid tomorrow.
Today’s hard work will show the result, maybe not tomorrow or day after tomorrow, but very soon you will find yourself in a better position than most of your friends and colleagues.
There is a stereotype where people assume that a vehicle is actually a symbol in their status, but that can never be the situation. Most people see wealthy individuals riding flashy cars as they drive, and they want exactly the same for them.
The aim isn’t about being rich; you just want to build wealth. Many wealthy people have different habits from those of the rich.
Utilize your free time
Its Sunday, but you don’t need to spend all your time with your friends at a party or a bar. Instead, you can invest a few hours on starting a side business, maybe a personal blogging website, dropshipping store, Internet marketing, etc.
Today there are so many different ways to generate revenue online. If you love playing games, start a YouTube channel or Twitch channel, and he starts live streaming your gameplay.
There are many successful examples on YouTube where these gamers literally make 4 to 5 figures every month by just playing games and chatting with each other.
Invest in education
Today one of the best paying jobs is in the field of computer science. The best thing is, you don’t need to have a degree to become a programmer.
In fact, there are hundreds of professional programmers in multinational companies like Google, Amazon, who have absolutely no background in computer science engineering.
Instead, they were either marketers, businessmen, or wherein the Army. But just by taking a few courses either online or off-line, they equipped themselves with the knowledge and skills required to be a programmer in a multinational company.
Here is a great book to get you in the mindset. I’m sure you have heard of Robert Kiyosaki. His book Rich Dad Poor Dad is highly rated and full of valuable information on how to start saving.
Fewer expenses
I don’t want to make anyone feel dumb with this one. But it is challenging to accumulate money when you spend it all. When you save, you’ll have the money to invest. And on that money, you will earn interest. i.e. build wealth.
So, if you don’t learn to save, you could be ruined, no matter how much you make. That is why you will hear lottery winners and athletes go bankrupt. They have received a considerable amount of money enough to employ ten families for life.
Sadly, few seek out a financial advisor. If you have that much money your grandkids should be able to live off the interest. You don’t have to be at that point to start though.
It’s not that complicated to start. Start by saving a small percentage of your earnings. Pay attention to your expenses. Then you will see your wealth increase it over time.
In a few months, you may be surprised at the amount you will have in your bank account. It is best to set aside money to save before you spend a penny of your earnings.
Conclusion on building wealth
Now get out there and save!
Learn more about building wealth.
The post How Building Wealth Will Get You Ahead appeared first on Wealth And Finance.
Source: https://www.wealthandfinance.net/building-wealth/
from Wealth And Finance https://wealthandfinance1.wordpress.com/2019/06/26/how-building-wealth-will-get-you-ahead/
0 notes
albertdhintzeca · 5 years
How Building Wealth Will Get You Ahead
Building Wealth Before It Is Too Late
When people consider building wealth, they begin to think they have a lot of cash they can use to invest. This is not the case.
Most of us live paycheck to paycheck. I want to try to help you out of that rut. Anyone can begin building wealth, regardless of income. For most it just takes focus and some time.
One of the essential things in terms of wealth creation are good habits. If you make half a million dollars a year without the right practices in place, you won't be building wealth.
That money means nothing if you buy $500,000 worth of Twinkies. By avoiding bad habits, you can quickly turn your meager earnings into considerable wealth.
Here are some of the financial habits you need to develop your wealth.
Housing Cost
Home loan payments or rent is one of the biggest expenses we have. Aim to keep your housing costs at 30% of your income or lower.
As this percentage gets lower, the more you can start building wealth. This is a really great place to start. There are some individuals who are spending over 50% of their income on just their housing. This will leave you with nothing to invest in their future.
Also, think of some items in your home you don't use. You can easily sell things on eBay. You can even sell your lamp.
Food Cost
After housing, food is another big roadblock to building wealth. Going out to eat adds up very quickly.
Some of us grew up with a good home cooked meal. I did. And the funny thing is my mother was not the best cook. But I loved her food.
There are some other benefits to cooking at home besides saving money. If you have a family it is another way for you to show your love. Reducing these cost can get you started on the right foot.
Downsizing is not necessarily a bad idea if it means that there is still money left after spending. You have to sell items you don't need and stick to the basics.
Automate finances
Many people have financial plans in place, but they do not comply with them for one reason or another. You should try to automate your funds mainly because it makes things more comfortable and you can also adhere very well to your financial plan.
When you automate your funds, the money will probably be automatically sent to your savings accounts, investment accounts, and creditors. When you do this, you will simply remember to send a payment or be attracted to spend the money on something else because you will simply not start seeing the money.
This frees you up time and effort and can be used in other areas of your lifestyle, such as family.
This is probably the most common element you will hear in terms of wealth creation. The reasons why you continue to hear the reasoning are vital.
It can be difficult to build up an estate when you don't know how much money you receive and how you spend it. You should not divide it into specific categories.
Budget your hard-earned dollars to find out how you could spend them. When you have a budget, you will be able to realize how much you could spend on small items that don't seem like much, but if you add them up, they become a considerable amount.
Having a budget is also a smart way to get rid of expenses you don't need and save money. If you discover that you spend much more than you earn, you will have the opportunity to make changes that will leave you with something small; it will save you.
Start working hard
If you are in a college and you have the opportunity to work as an unpaid intern at the brokerage firm, my suggestion will be to take this opportunity. There are not many people out there who even after trying their level best can get an internship at any firm.
If your performance is good or even satisfactory that brokerage firm will most probably end up hiring you.
The vital point to understand is that you should never miss an opportunity that can give you a better chance to succeed later in your life. Trust me it's better to sweat now that the grid tomorrow.
Today's hard work will show the result, maybe not tomorrow or day after tomorrow, but very soon you will find yourself in a better position than most of your friends and colleagues.
There is a stereotype where people assume that a vehicle is actually a symbol in their status, but that can never be the situation. Most people see wealthy individuals riding flashy cars as they drive, and they want exactly the same for them.
The aim isn't about being rich; you just want to build wealth. Many wealthy people have different habits from those of the rich.
Utilize your free time
Its Sunday, but you don’t need to spend all your time with your friends at a party or a bar. Instead, you can invest a few hours on starting a side business, maybe a personal blogging website, dropshipping store, Internet marketing, etc.
Today there are so many different ways to generate revenue online. If you love playing games, start a YouTube channel or Twitch channel, and he starts live streaming your gameplay.
There are many successful examples on YouTube where these gamers literally make 4 to 5 figures every month by just playing games and chatting with each other.
Invest in education
Today one of the best paying jobs is in the field of computer science. The best thing is, you don’t need to have a degree to become a programmer.
In fact, there are hundreds of professional programmers in multinational companies like Google, Amazon, who have absolutely no background in computer science engineering.
Instead, they were either marketers, businessmen, or wherein the Army. But just by taking a few courses either online or off-line, they equipped themselves with the knowledge and skills required to be a programmer in a multinational company.
Here is a great book to get you in the mindset. I'm sure you have heard of Robert Kiyosaki. His book Rich Dad Poor Dad is highly rated and full of valuable information on how to start saving.
Fewer expenses
I don't want to make anyone feel dumb with this one. But it is challenging to accumulate money when you spend it all. When you save, you'll have the money to invest. And on that money, you will earn interest. i.e. build wealth.
So, if you don't learn to save, you could be ruined, no matter how much you make. That is why you will hear lottery winners and athletes go bankrupt. They have received a considerable amount of money enough to employ ten families for life.
Sadly, few seek out a financial advisor. If you have that much money your grandkids should be able to live off the interest. You don't have to be at that point to start though.
It's not that complicated to start. Start by saving a small percentage of your earnings. Pay attention to your expenses. Then you will see your wealth increase it over time.
In a few months, you may be surprised at the amount you will have in your bank account. It is best to set aside money to save before you spend a penny of your earnings.
Conclusion on building wealth
Now get out there and save!
Learn more about building wealth.
The post How Building Wealth Will Get You Ahead appeared first on Wealth And Finance.
source https://www.wealthandfinance.net/building-wealth/ from Wealth And Finance https://wealthandfinance1.blogspot.com/2019/06/how-building-wealth-will-get-you-ahead.html
0 notes
janefporter88 · 5 years
How Building Wealth Will Get You Ahead
Building Wealth Before It Is Too Late
When people consider building wealth, they begin to think they have a lot of cash they can use to invest. This is not the case.
Most of us live paycheck to paycheck. I want to try to help you out of that rut. Anyone can begin building wealth, regardless of income. For most it just takes focus and some time.
One of the essential things in terms of wealth creation are good habits. If you make half a million dollars a year without the right practices in place, you won’t be building wealth.
That money means nothing if you buy $500,000 worth of Twinkies. By avoiding bad habits, you can quickly turn your meager earnings into considerable wealth.
Here are some of the financial habits you need to develop your wealth.
Housing Cost
Home loan payments or rent is one of the biggest expenses we have. Aim to keep your housing costs at 30% of your income or lower.
As this percentage gets lower, the more you can start building wealth. This is a really great place to start. There are some individuals who are spending over 50% of their income on just their housing. This will leave you with nothing to invest in their future.
Also, think of some items in your home you don’t use. You can easily sell things on eBay. You can even sell your lamp.
Food Cost
After housing, food is another big roadblock to building wealth. Going out to eat adds up very quickly.
Some of us grew up with a good home cooked meal. I did. And the funny thing is my mother was not the best cook. But I loved her food.
There are some other benefits to cooking at home besides saving money. If you have a family it is another way for you to show your love. Reducing these cost can get you started on the right foot.
Downsizing is not necessarily a bad idea if it means that there is still money left after spending. You have to sell items you don’t need and stick to the basics.
Automate finances
Many people have financial plans in place, but they do not comply with them for one reason or another. You should try to automate your funds mainly because it makes things more comfortable and you can also adhere very well to your financial plan.
When you automate your funds, the money will probably be automatically sent to your savings accounts, investment accounts, and creditors. When you do this, you will simply remember to send a payment or be attracted to spend the money on something else because you will simply not start seeing the money.
This frees you up time and effort and can be used in other areas of your lifestyle, such as family.
This is probably the most common element you will hear in terms of wealth creation. The reasons why you continue to hear the reasoning are vital.
It can be difficult to build up an estate when you don’t know how much money you receive and how you spend it. You should not divide it into specific categories.
Budget your hard-earned dollars to find out how you could spend them. When you have a budget, you will be able to realize how much you could spend on small items that don’t seem like much, but if you add them up, they become a considerable amount.
Having a budget is also a smart way to get rid of expenses you don’t need and save money. If you discover that you spend much more than you earn, you will have the opportunity to make changes that will leave you with something small; it will save you.
Start working hard
If you are in a college and you have the opportunity to work as an unpaid intern at the brokerage firm, my suggestion will be to take this opportunity. There are not many people out there who even after trying their level best can get an internship at any firm.
If your performance is good or even satisfactory that brokerage firm will most probably end up hiring you.
The vital point to understand is that you should never miss an opportunity that can give you a better chance to succeed later in your life. Trust me it’s better to sweat now that the grid tomorrow.
Today’s hard work will show the result, maybe not tomorrow or day after tomorrow, but very soon you will find yourself in a better position than most of your friends and colleagues.
There is a stereotype where people assume that a vehicle is actually a symbol in their status, but that can never be the situation. Most people see wealthy individuals riding flashy cars as they drive, and they want exactly the same for them.
The aim isn’t about being rich; you just want to build wealth. Many wealthy people have different habits from those of the rich.
Utilize your free time
Its Sunday, but you don’t need to spend all your time with your friends at a party or a bar. Instead, you can invest a few hours on starting a side business, maybe a personal blogging website, dropshipping store, Internet marketing, etc.
Today there are so many different ways to generate revenue online. If you love playing games, start a YouTube channel or Twitch channel, and he starts live streaming your gameplay.
There are many successful examples on YouTube where these gamers literally make 4 to 5 figures every month by just playing games and chatting with each other.
Invest in education
Today one of the best paying jobs is in the field of computer science. The best thing is, you don’t need to have a degree to become a programmer.
In fact, there are hundreds of professional programmers in multinational companies like Google, Amazon, who have absolutely no background in computer science engineering.
Instead, they were either marketers, businessmen, or wherein the Army. But just by taking a few courses either online or off-line, they equipped themselves with the knowledge and skills required to be a programmer in a multinational company.
Here is a great book to get you in the mindset. I’m sure you have heard of Robert Kiyosaki. His book Rich Dad Poor Dad is highly rated and full of valuable information on how to start saving.
Fewer expenses
I don’t want to make anyone feel dumb with this one. But it is challenging to accumulate money when you spend it all. When you save, you’ll have the money to invest. And on that money, you will earn interest. i.e. build wealth.
So, if you don’t learn to save, you could be ruined, no matter how much you make. That is why you will hear lottery winners and athletes go bankrupt. They have received a considerable amount of money enough to employ ten families for life.
Sadly, few seek out a financial advisor. If you have that much money your grandkids should be able to live off the interest. You don’t have to be at that point to start though.
It’s not that complicated to start. Start by saving a small percentage of your earnings. Pay attention to your expenses. Then you will see your wealth increase it over time.
In a few months, you may be surprised at the amount you will have in your bank account. It is best to set aside money to save before you spend a penny of your earnings.
Conclusion on building wealth
Now get out there and save!
Learn more about building wealth.
The post How Building Wealth Will Get You Ahead appeared first on Wealth And Finance.
from Wealth And Finance https://www.wealthandfinance.net/building-wealth/ from Wealth And Finance https://wealthandfinance.tumblr.com/post/185854141007
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wealthandfinance · 5 years
How Building Wealth Will Get You Ahead
Building Wealth Before It Is Too Late
When people consider building wealth, they begin to think they have a lot of cash they can use to invest. This is not the case.
Most of us live paycheck to paycheck. I want to try to help you out of that rut. Anyone can begin building wealth, regardless of income. For most it just takes focus and some time.
One of the essential things in terms of wealth creation are good habits. If you make half a million dollars a year without the right practices in place, you won't be building wealth.
That money means nothing if you buy $500,000 worth of Twinkies. By avoiding bad habits, you can quickly turn your meager earnings into considerable wealth.
Here are some of the financial habits you need to develop your wealth.
Housing Cost
Home loan payments or rent is one of the biggest expenses we have. Aim to keep your housing costs at 30% of your income or lower.
As this percentage gets lower, the more you can start building wealth. This is a really great place to start. There are some individuals who are spending over 50% of their income on just their housing. This will leave you with nothing to invest in their future.
Also, think of some items in your home you don't use. You can easily sell things on eBay. You can even sell your lamp.
Food Cost
After housing, food is another big roadblock to building wealth. Going out to eat adds up very quickly.
Some of us grew up with a good home cooked meal. I did. And the funny thing is my mother was not the best cook. But I loved her food.
There are some other benefits to cooking at home besides saving money. If you have a family it is another way for you to show your love. Reducing these cost can get you started on the right foot.
Downsizing is not necessarily a bad idea if it means that there is still money left after spending. You have to sell items you don't need and stick to the basics.
Automate finances
Many people have financial plans in place, but they do not comply with them for one reason or another. You should try to automate your funds mainly because it makes things more comfortable and you can also adhere very well to your financial plan.
When you automate your funds, the money will probably be automatically sent to your savings accounts, investment accounts, and creditors. When you do this, you will simply remember to send a payment or be attracted to spend the money on something else because you will simply not start seeing the money.
This frees you up time and effort and can be used in other areas of your lifestyle, such as family.
This is probably the most common element you will hear in terms of wealth creation. The reasons why you continue to hear the reasoning are vital.
It can be difficult to build up an estate when you don't know how much money you receive and how you spend it. You should not divide it into specific categories.
Budget your hard-earned dollars to find out how you could spend them. When you have a budget, you will be able to realize how much you could spend on small items that don't seem like much, but if you add them up, they become a considerable amount.
Having a budget is also a smart way to get rid of expenses you don't need and save money. If you discover that you spend much more than you earn, you will have the opportunity to make changes that will leave you with something small; it will save you.
Start working hard
If you are in a college and you have the opportunity to work as an unpaid intern at the brokerage firm, my suggestion will be to take this opportunity. There are not many people out there who even after trying their level best can get an internship at any firm.
If your performance is good or even satisfactory that brokerage firm will most probably end up hiring you.
The vital point to understand is that you should never miss an opportunity that can give you a better chance to succeed later in your life. Trust me it's better to sweat now that the grid tomorrow.
Today's hard work will show the result, maybe not tomorrow or day after tomorrow, but very soon you will find yourself in a better position than most of your friends and colleagues.
There is a stereotype where people assume that a vehicle is actually a symbol in their status, but that can never be the situation. Most people see wealthy individuals riding flashy cars as they drive, and they want exactly the same for them.
The aim isn't about being rich; you just want to build wealth. Many wealthy people have different habits from those of the rich.
Utilize your free time
Its Sunday, but you don’t need to spend all your time with your friends at a party or a bar. Instead, you can invest a few hours on starting a side business, maybe a personal blogging website, dropshipping store, Internet marketing, etc.
Today there are so many different ways to generate revenue online. If you love playing games, start a YouTube channel or Twitch channel, and he starts live streaming your gameplay.
There are many successful examples on YouTube where these gamers literally make 4 to 5 figures every month by just playing games and chatting with each other.
Invest in education
Today one of the best paying jobs is in the field of computer science. The best thing is, you don’t need to have a degree to become a programmer.
In fact, there are hundreds of professional programmers in multinational companies like Google, Amazon, who have absolutely no background in computer science engineering.
Instead, they were either marketers, businessmen, or wherein the Army. But just by taking a few courses either online or off-line, they equipped themselves with the knowledge and skills required to be a programmer in a multinational company.
Here is a great book to get you in the mindset. I'm sure you have heard of Robert Kiyosaki. His book Rich Dad Poor Dad is highly rated and full of valuable information on how to start saving.
Fewer expenses
I don't want to make anyone feel dumb with this one. But it is challenging to accumulate money when you spend it all. When you save, you'll have the money to invest. And on that money, you will earn interest. i.e. build wealth.
So, if you don't learn to save, you could be ruined, no matter how much you make. That is why you will hear lottery winners and athletes go bankrupt. They have received a considerable amount of money enough to employ ten families for life.
Sadly, few seek out a financial advisor. If you have that much money your grandkids should be able to live off the interest. You don't have to be at that point to start though.
It's not that complicated to start. Start by saving a small percentage of your earnings. Pay attention to your expenses. Then you will see your wealth increase it over time.
In a few months, you may be surprised at the amount you will have in your bank account. It is best to set aside money to save before you spend a penny of your earnings.
Conclusion on building wealth
Now get out there and save!
Learn more about building wealth.
The post How Building Wealth Will Get You Ahead appeared first on Wealth And Finance.
from Wealth And Finance https://www.wealthandfinance.net/building-wealth/
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no1geekfun · 5 years
Devil May Cry 5 Review
Devil May Cry 5 Review! Devil May Cry, one of the most established series in the world of video games, was able to reach a certain quality standard without any doubt (except for the second game). Particularly with the first game, the series that changed some of the basics of action games in the video game world, left a perfect taste in the mouths with its third and fourth game. Finally, with the DmC: Devil May Cry, Capcom, who entrusted the series to the British, wanted to re-launch the story. But when Devil May Cry fans reacted to the particular appearance of the new Dante, the DmC: Devil May Cry was not included in the main series, even if the game was of good quality.
Capcom, with the Devil May Cry 5 announced at the last E3 show that he will continue his story in the fourth game and wants to bring the attention of the old and new generation of players around. Thanks to Resident Evil 2 Remake, Capcom achieved the same goal for the Devil May Cry brand. As the main character, other than Dante, the developers who introduced Nero from the fourth game to the game have now come up with a character that will have a direct impact on the story of the series.
Devil May Cry 5 Review
In the story Devil May Cry karaktera comes as a customer in V, the third playable character that gets involved in the game. Unlike Dante and Nero, Vışn, which makes a difference with his distant combat ability, can be said to suit the series quite well. I would like to underscore that if you felt a coldness against the character when Capcom gave the main character Nero instead of Dante in the fourth game, this feeling was not experienced in V. Devil May Cry series, which accepts a new character quite difficult compared to other series of games, has overcome this obstacle with V thanks to the fifth game (due to lack of leading role). At the beginning of the game, you start with Nero, and the V character is included later. The idea that the character cannot be solved with his mysterious manners will always betray you in the corner of your mind. Because, although he is portrayed as a playable and important character, the scriptual side draws strong in reassuring the V side characters.
I would say that the Nico character, who recently joined the series, is a good match for Nero. He was added to the game as a master character in developing fiery and piercing weapons. Even earlier in the game, when he revealed where he got his talent, Nico could surprise the players who followed the series closely. To summarize the head of the story; Recognizing that Vğis mission is different from other demon-hunting missions, Dante encounters a strong enemy in a way he doesn’t expect. While V and Dante are involved in the game’s main story, Nero is the late character in the party. I don’t want to give much detail about the story in this section, and when you play the game, first-hand observation of the story will increase the pleasure of the game.
When you go to Devil May Cry 5’s storytelling, you may notice that Capcom, who gave more importance to the story for the first time in the series, is from the first moment we enter the game. The Devil May Cry series, which doesn’t have much tangible story depth yet, presented us with an immersive scenario with its fifth game. Besides, the developers who want you to play other games to understand the story have made a beauty for the players who are going to enter the series. Who is who with a short video about what happened in the Devil May Cry series from the past to the present? What? You can learn.
Instead of putting a background story into each character, it does not change the way the story progresses if you want to play the script with a different character. The game’s multi-character system, thanks to this feature co-op gamers also added developers, other players allowed to be included in our game. But I would like to underline that this mechanics has not undermined the game in any way. As you fight anywhere, the character you don’t control at once is involved in the fight and can help you and disappear. It is also worth noting that this co op mechanics is not real-time. If you play the game online, the game takes your ghost data and interacts with other players. You also have the opportunity to rate players involved in your game as good or bad at the end of the episode.
Devil May Cry 5’s character development system followed the path of old games. Again, while collecting Red Orb, our character can get new skills, while at the same time we can improve our weapons. On the character development screen, Nero gives a lot of choice to the player. Nero, who lost the arm of the devil in the story, is filling this gap with Nico’s Devil Breakers. Devil Breaker system, in terms of gameplay, depending on Nero, I can easily say that the game color. More than we expected the game to integrate Devil Breaker Capcom, each designed to be unique. You can change Nero’s abilities with different Devil Breaker options.
It is also possible to find these items while fighting. The Devil Breakers, which can be purchased from Nico with Red Orbs, can be broken up when used too much. Devil Breaker comes in. However, you can only set this order at the top of the section. When you get into fights, it’s impossible to change this order. If you don’t like it, Devil Breaker can be shredded with a single button and you can switch to the next Devil Breaker.
In terms of combo, Nero has more heavyweight (according to Dante) animations as in the fourth game. In the fourth game he was able to use his devil arm to shoot the enemies. In the new game, we encounter a similarity of this mechanics. Nero, instead of being fast against the enemies, is the ideal character to start the game. The developers also noticed this situation, the control at the beginning of the game wanted to give Nero.
Moving to the new V character of the series, I was quite amazed by the fact that he was able to do some serious damage compared to the other two characters. Easy to play, V has two special animals called Griffon and Shadow. While Griffon can damage the remote, Shadow can go to the enemy and attack them in series if you order them. You can also call Nightmare, the third devil of V, with a single click when you’re in a lot of trouble. This giant creature, which can give a lot of damage when it comes to the battlefield, helps you for a short time and disappears. Thanks to Griffon, V okumn’s other striking talent was to read books. V, who reads poetry during the war, can manipulate and defuse some enemies. But it is also worth noting that it is more difficult to avoid attacks when reading. And since Griffon and Shadow are his own private cannons, you should use these two minions very carefully. If these two helpers suffer heavy damage, they leave the battlefield for a short time. The character development screen of V is not as detailed as Nero. Thanks to the Red Orbs we collect, the creatures we control gain new abilities.
In each boss battle of the game you have to try different tactics The third playable character is included in the story and many later in the story it is manipulated by the favorite of Dmc fans. The most beloved character in the series, Dante, has an important weight in the game. Dante, who seemed like a master to everyone, was the character I really enjoyed playing with. The old Devil May Cry fans are familiar with manipulating the combo system into the fifth game, dividing Dante into different styles. With the help of D-Pads, you can change the character’s abilities on the battlefield.
In addition to using the sword itself as a close fight kicking and using his fists. When you take Dante, who has a very fluent combat mechanics, you don’t want to leave. In the same way, the development of Dante is based on opening new talent as in other games. Finally, the most interesting aspect of the game mechanics was a special assistant added to the game. When you activate this assistant, you can make the game’s combos easier. When you activate this feature in the game which is already easy, the enemies you come across become a sandbag.
Playing with Dante requires more mastery than other characters in the game. Aside from the mechanics of gameplay, it is useful to say that the game is successful in technical terms. Devil May Cry 5, which works at high FPS value on console platforms, has been very nice especially in intermediate scene graphics. The engine of the game, which uses RE Engine to the fullest, is unfortunately lagging behind the previous games. Although DmC: Devil May Cry was a game that was not included in the main series, it was a very rich production in terms of the music played during the fight. But in the fifth game, the developers have shown a little bit more stingy about music.
The most disturbing side of the game is the camera angles that are a Devil May Cry classic. The series, which could not correct the camera angle in each game, could not overcome this problem in its fifth game. Because the game flows quickly, sometimes the camera angle is distorted, and instead of seeing the scene you are fighting, you may have to see the back of the beast you beat. I’ve encountered almost every part of the game with such camera-angle errors. I should also underline that the game interface screen disturbs some players. The effects of broken glass pieces added to the in-game interface distract some players, even if not everyone.
At the end, Devil May Cry 5 was a production of old and new generation players under one roof. With its fast and immersive nature, the game, which has the potential to tie the new generation of players, is also true to its essence, so it won’t hurt the bone mass. If you are a fan of Devil May Cry, I suggest you never miss this game.
Detailed Apex Legends Review
The post Devil May Cry 5 Review appeared first on No.1 Geek Fun.
Devil May Cry 5 Review
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sizzites · 6 years
Upcoming June Releases
Alright everyone! It’s officially summer time for all of you who have recently escaped the confines of a school schedule, so let’s start talking about all the games you’ll soon have available to keep you busy as you pull 3 months’ worth of all-nighters and totally ruin your sleep scheduled. Normally, I post these on the first of the month, so you’ll notice the first couple of games are actually coming out TODAY.
The Elder Scrolls Online – Summerset (June 5th)
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This first entry isn’t a full game, but it’s a wonderful place to get things started! For those of you who are fans of The Elder Scrolls Online, there is an enormous new world for you to explore! The Isle of Summerset has now opened its borders thanks to a decree by Queen Ayrenn. Exploring the homeland of the high elves opens new and exciting adventure opportunities, but it also brings in a lot of new features to the game in general. The Psijic Order plays an influential role in this new environment, so there are quite a few new powers and upgrades available to your character if you choose to join them. Also, you’ll be running around with your old pal, Raz, to complete missions throughout the gorgeous environment that is Summerset. The environment really is the best part about this expansion from what I’ve seen so far. The land of the high elves has a very diverse ecosystem ranging from seaside and beach areas to the high white towers of the city and down to dangerous underground caverns. Although I’ve not personally played this expansion yet, I’m very excited to get into some missions and explore this new land.
Vampyr (June 5th)
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Also available today, we have Vampyr. This game takes an interesting look Vampiric lore as you, Jonathan Reid, wander through 1918 London. You start the game unsure of who you are and how you have become a vampire, but you struggle with choosing between the Hippocratic oath of your old life as a doctor and your new life as a bloodthirsty vampire. This game has a semi-open world concept and the potential to be a thrilling story. From what I’ve learned so far, it also seems to give you the freedom to play how you want with much of the fighting/killing being avoidable throughout the game. There are also four boroughs within the city of London that can be saved or destroyed based on how you play.  I’ve seen gameplay footage of the first hour or so and the game seems to have a lot of cool mechanics to it as well as a story that immediately pulls at your heart strings in the opening moments of the game. I don’t know a lot about this game yet, but I’m excited to sink my teeth into it and give it a try!
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn (June 5th)
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This is an interesting entry as this game’s development was crowd funded and spearheaded by Shaq. The real, actual, living, breathing, Shaq of legend is involved in this game. Sometimes reality is crazy, guys. Now, this is not the first game Shaq has been involved in (the previous Shaq Fu game is considered the worst game of all time in some circles), so I’m a bit hesitant about this title. It’s a 3D side scrolling beat ‘em up game and it actually looks like it could be a lot of fun! Weirdly enough, Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn seems to have absolutely nothing to do with basketball, which makes it all that much more weird and wonderful that Shaq is involved. In the game, you play as Shaq as he travels around defeating ninjas with his Shaq Fu skills. The landscapes are beautiful and colorful which really adds to the whole experience of the game. Overall, I think this is going to be worth a shot and it could turn out to be a really fun game to spend some time on!
Jurassic World: Evolution (June 12th)
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Now for a huge change of pace, we have Jurassic World: Evolution. This game has a very different feel to it than anything we’ve talked about so far. This game combines absolutely beautiful renderings of dinosaurs that we’ve seen in Jurassic Park and Jurassic World with a Roller Coaster Tycoon style park-building system. Your goal is to build a theme park full of exciting (and scary) dinosaurs to bring in all that cold hard cash from paying guests. Throughout the game, you have many different “influencer” characters who will give you different types of goals which you can choose to fulfill or ignore. For example, you may have a goal to release some dinosaurs into the crowd… you know… for science? You’ll have to weigh the pros and cons of this action and decide if that’s what’s best for your park. I think it has the potential to be a real hit for those of you who enjoy these types of games!
Lego The Incredibles (June 15th)
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The Lego games have a reputation for being family friendly megastars in the videogame world. The upcoming release based on the Pixar movie The Incredibles looks like it will be another amazing addition to Lego’s gaming roster. I’ve seen some gameplay footage and it certainly has that signature Lego style and humor. Being a family of super heroes, there are lots of fun abilities and special moves for each character. For example, Elasti-Girl can stretch herself to interact with lots of cogs and wheels to solve puzzles or she can stretch between buildings to become a bridge for other characters. I always enjoy the games that Lego puts out and I’m going to be one of the first people in line for The Incredibles. I’m so excited to see what fun and funky mechanics they’ve been able to build into this new game!
The Lost Child (June 19th)
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Generally, I’m not one to keep a lot of track of the RPG world, but this release has grabbed my attention recently. The Lost Child is a JRPG that takes place on modern day Tokyo, but not all is as it seems. There’s dark magic at work and it’s up to you to stop it! You’ll be battling through many different types of dungeons called “Layers” on your valiant quest. The “upgrade” system in this game, along with its turn based combat system, look absolutely amazing and make this game a must-have for any RPG fan. Although this normally isn’t the genre I tend to gravitate towards, this game has me considering sinking an obscene number of hours into it. It’s available on Switch, PS4, and PSVita, so I definitely recommend you keep an eye out for the release of this game!
Crash Remaster for Switch, PC, Xbox One (June 26th)
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These last two entries are sort of honorable mentions. For those of you who don’t live the PlayStation life, the remaster of Crash Bandicoot is coming to Xbox, PC, and Switch! Whether you played the original games as a kid or not, this trilogy is a classic that would belong on ANY gamer’s favorites list, but especially if you have any interest in platformers. Obviously, it still has all the fun of the original game, but the graphics have been given a major revamp and Crash, Coco, and Cortex look better than ever! Unexpectedly, at least in my experience, this is also a fair challenging set of games. As a kid, I somehow remember being great at this game and now I’m pretty sure an actual child could surpass my so-called “skill”. Whether you’re looking for something fun and pretty or something nostalgic and challenging, this game is the answer! Check it out if you haven’t already played it on PlayStation last year.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus on Switch (June 29th)
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The port of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus to switch should definitely be on your radar, especially if you’re one of those people who are upset with the new Black Ops 4 not including a single player campaign. This game has all the gritty battle, beautiful graphics, challenging levels, and fantastic story telling that you could ever dream of! Now that it’s on switch, you can even take all of that joy on the go. I’m interested to see how well the graphics of the original game will port over. We’ve all seen the horrifying disaster that was WWE 2K18 on switch… so hopefully Bethesda gets this right like they have with their other recent ports! No matter what console you’re on, if you haven’t yet taken the time to play this game, this is a perfect kick in the butt… er, reminder… to get you started!
There we have it! Those are some highlights of the games being released in June. Did I miss any that you are really looking forward to? If so, I want to hear about them in the comments below or on any of my other social media pages. You can find me on facebook, twitter, and instagram as Sizzites Gaming and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more videogame nonsense all the time!
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