#but at least for the moment it's like...a website! a site that webs
hyperionwitch-art · 1 year
Hey holy shit I have a website now! Mmmmainly it is a portfolio atm, so it has all my big illustrations (still adding more) and a section for Tev/Dren comics and stuff.
I'm not going to stop updating my Tumblr or anything, this will be in addition to all my socials (which, uh, I have a Bluesky now so look up Hyperionwitch if you want in on that??), but I figure if people are trying to make Ye Olde Internet happen again with the personal sites and the webrings and the sparkly cursors and autoplaying MIDIs (jk I do not have that, I promise), I might as well join in.
I'm still adding to it (more illustrations and sketches coming, probably a commission section, probably a link to my TeePublic, maybe a cosplay section?, etc.), but it's working adequately for the moment.
Thanks for checking it out, if you feel so inclined! 🖤
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mcmansionhell · 3 months
the motel room, or: on datedness
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Often I find myself nostalgic for things that haven't disappeared yet. This feeling is enhanced by the strange conviction that once I stop looking at these things, I will never see them again, that I am living in the last moment of looking. This is sense is strongest for me in the interiors of buildings perhaps because, like items of clothing, they are of a fashionable nature, in other words, more impermanent than they probably should be.
As I get older, to stumble on something truly dated, once a drag, is now a gift. After over a decade of real estate aggregation and the havoc it's wreaked on how we as a society perceive and decorate houses, if you're going to Zillow to search for the dated (which used to be like shooting fish in a barrel), you'll be searching aimlessly, for hours, to increasingly no avail, even with all the filters engaged. (The only way to get around this is locational knowledge of datedness gleaned from the real world.) If you try to find images of the dated elsewhere on the internet, you will find that the search is not intuitive. In this day and age, you cannot simply Google "80s hotel room" anymore, what with the disintegration of the search engine ecosystem and the AI generated nonsense and the algorithmic preference for something popular (the same specific images collected over and over again on social media), recent, and usually a derivative of the original search query (in this case, finding material along the lines of r/nostalgia or the Backrooms.)
To find what one is looking for online, one must game the search engine with filters that only show content predating 2021, or, even better, use existing resources (or those previously discovered) both online and in print. In the physical world of interiors, to find what one is looking for one must also now lurk around obscure places, and often outside the realm of the domestic which is so beholden to and cursed by the churn of fashion and the logic of speculation. Our open world is rapidly closing, while, paradoxically, remaining ostensibly open. It's true, I can open Zillow. I can still search. In the curated, aggregated realm, it is becoming harder and harder to find, and ultimately, to look.
But what if, despite all these changes, datedness was never really searchable? This is a strange symmetry, one could say an obscurity, between interiors and online. It is perhaps unintentional, and it lurks in the places where searching doesn't work, one because no one is searching there, or two, because an aesthetic, for all our cataloguing, curation, aggregation, hoarding, is not inherently indexable and even if it was, there are vasts swaths of the internet and the world that are not categorized via certain - or any - parameters. The internet curator's job is to find them and aggregate them, but it becomes harder and harder to do. They can only be stumbled upon or known in an outside, offline, historical or situational way. If to index, to aggregate, is, or at least was for the last 30 years, to profit (whether monetarily or in likes), then to be dated, in many respects, is the aesthetic manifestation of barely breaking even. Of not starting, preserving, or reinventing but just doing a job.
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We see this online as well. While the old-web Geocities look and later Blingee MySpace-era swag have become aestheticized and fetishized, a kind of naive art for a naive time, a great many old websites have not received the same treatment. These are no less naive but they are harder to repackage or commodify because they are simple and boring. They are not "core" enough.
As with interiors, web datedness can be found in part or as a whole. For example, sites like Imgur or Reddit are not in and of themselves dated but they are full of remnants, of 15-year old posts and their "you, sir, have won the internet" vernacular that certainly are. Other websites are dated because they were made a long time ago by and for a clientele that doesn't have a need or the skill to update (we see this often with Web 2.0 e-commerce sites that figured out how to do a basic mobile page and reckoned it was enough). The next language of datedness, like the all-white landlord-special interior, is the default, clean Squarespace restaurant page, a landing space that's the digital equivalent of a flyer, rarely gleaned unless someone needs a menu, has a food allergy or if information about the place is not available immediately from Google Maps. I say this only to maintain that there is a continuity in practices between the on- and off-line world beyond what we would immediately assume, and that we cannot blame everything on algorithms.
But now you may ask, what is, exactly, datedness? Having spent two days in a distinctly dated hotel room, I've decided to sit in utter boredom with the numinous past and try and pin it down.
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I am in an obscure place. I am in Saint-Georges, Quebec, Canada, on assignment. I am staying at a specific motel, the Voyageur. By my estimation the hotel was originally built in the late seventies and I'd be shocked if it was older than 1989. The hotel exterior was remodeled sometime in the 2000s with EIFS cladding and beige paint. Above is a picture of my room, which, forgive me, is in the process of being inhabited. American (and to a lesser extent Canadian) hotel rooms are some of the most churned through, renovated spaces in the world, and it's pretty rare, unless you're staying in either very small towns or are forced by economic necessity to stay at real holes in the wall, to find ones from this era. The last real hitter for me was a 90s Day's Inn in the meme-famous Breezewood, PA during the pandemic.
At first my reaction to seeing the room was cautionary. It was the last room in town, and certainly compared to other options, probably not the world's first choice. However, after staying in real, genuine European shitholes covering professional cycling I've become a class-A connoisseur of bad rooms. This one was definitively three stars. A mutter of "okay time to do a quick look through." But upon further inspection (post-bedbug paranoia) I came to the realization that maybe the always-new brainrot I'd been so critical of had seeped a teeny bit into my own subconscious and here I was snubbing my nose at a blessing in disguise. The room is not a bad room, nor is it unclean. It's just old. It's dated. We are sentimental about interiors like this now because they are disappearing, but they are for my parents what 2005 beige-core is for me and what 2010s greige will become for the generation after. When I'm writing about datedness, I'm writing in general using a previous era's examples because datedness, by its very nature, is a transitional status. Its end state is the mixed emotion of seeing things for what they are yet still appreciating them, expressed here.
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Datedness is the period between vintage and contemporary. It is the sentiment between quotidian and subpar. It is uncurated and preserved only by way of inertia, not initiative. It gives us a specific feeling we don't necessarily like, one that is deliberately evoked in the media subcultures surrounding so-called "liminal" spaces: the fuguelike feeling of being spatially trapped in a time while our real time is passing. Datedness in the real world is not a curated experience, it is only what was. It is different from nostalgia because it is not deliberately remembered, yearned for or attached to sweetness. Instead, it is somehow annoying. It is like stumbling into the world of adults as a child, but now you're the adult and the child in you is disappointed. (The real child-you forgot a dull hotel room the moment something more interesting came along.) An image of my father puts his car keys on the table, looks around and says, "It'll do." We have an intolerance for datedness because it is the realization of what sufficed. Sufficiency in many ways implies lack.
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However, for all its datedness, many, if not all, of the things in this room will never be seen again if the room is renovated. They will become unpurchaseable and extinct. Things like the bizarrely-patterned linoleum tile in the shower, the hose connecting to the specific faucet of the once-luxurious (or at least middling) jacuzzi tub whose jets haven't been exercised since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The wide berth of the tank on the toilet. There is nothing, really, worth saving about these things. Even the most sentimental among us wouldn't dare argue that the items and finishes in this room are particularly important from a design or historical standpoint. Not everything old has a patina. They're too cheaply made to salvage. Plastic tile. Bowed plywood. The image-artifacts of these rooms, gussied up for Booking dot com, will also, inevitably disappear, relegated to the dustheap of web caches and comments that say "it was ok kinda expensive but close to twon (sic)." You wouldn't be able to find them anyway unless you were looking for a room.
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One does, of course, recognize a little bit of design in what's here. Signifiers of an era. The wood-veneer of the late 70s giving way to the pastel overtones of the 80s. Perhaps even a slow 90s. The all-in-one vanity floating above the floor, a modernist basement bathroom hallmark. White walls as a sign of cleanliness. Gestures, in the curved lines of the nightstands, towards postmodernity. Metallic lamp bases with wide-brimmed shades, a whisper of glamor. A kind of scalloped aura to the club chairs. The color teal mediated through hundreds if not thousands of shoes. Yellowing plastic, including the strips of "molding" that visually tie floor to wall. These are remnants (or are they intuitions?) of so many movements and micromovements, none of them definite enough to point to the influence of a single designer, hell, even of a single decade, just strands of past-ness accumulated into one thread, which is cheapness. Continuity exists in the materials only because everything was purchased as a set from a wholesale catalog.
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In some way a hotel is supposed to be placeless. Anonymous. Everything tries to be that way now, even houses. Perhaps because we don't like the way we spy on ourselves and lease our images out to the world so we crave the specificity of hotel anonymity, of someplace we move through on our way to bigger, better or at least different things. The hotel was designed to be frictionless but because it is in a little town, it sees little use and because it sees little use, there are elements that can last far longer than they were intended and which inadvertently cause friction. (The janky door unlocks with a key. The shower hose keeps coming out of the faucet. It's deeply annoying.)
Lack of wear and lack of funds only keep them that way. Not even the paper goods of the eighties have been exhausted yet. Datedness is not a choice but an inevitability. Because it is not a choice, it is not advertised except in a utilitarian sense. It is kept subtle on the hotel websites, out of shame. Because it does not subscribe to an advertiser's economy of the now, of the curated type rather than the "here is my service" type, it disappears into the folds of the earth and cannot be searched for in the way "design" can. It can only be discovered by accident.
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When I look at all of these objects and things, I do so knowing I will never see them again, at least not all here together like this, as a cohesive whole assembled for a specific purpose. I don't think I'll ever have reason to come back to this town or this place, which has given me an unexpected experience of being peevish in my father's time. Whenever I end up in a place like this, where all is as it was, I get the sense that it will take a very long time for others to experience this sensation again with the things my generation has made. The machinations of fashion work rapaciously to make sure that nothing is ever old, not people, not rooms, not items, not furniture, not fabrics, not even design, that old matron who loves to wax poetic about futurity and timelessness. The plastic-veneered particleboard used here is now the bedrock of countless landfills. Eventually it will become the chemical-laced soil upon which we build our condos. It is possible that we are standing now at the very last frontier of our prior datedness. The next one has not yet elided. It's a special place. Spend a night. Take pictures.
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dduane · 29 days
Ma’am Im in the final third of writing my first draft for my novel (just passed 70k words!) do you have any advice about book marketing or self publishing? Ive been looking at something called Royal Road also in regards to those two things but no on I know has even heard of it…
First of all: congrats on your 70K!
"Do I have advice about marketing or self-publishing?" Wow, probably way too much, at this point. But for the moment let's limit ourselves to specifics. :)
I hadn't heard of Royal Road either, so I went and did some poking around. Below is an article that deals with some basic questions about them.
(Adding a cut here, because this gets long...)
Having read this article, I went and had a look at Royal Road's ToS, and their fee structures.
The fees were the first thing that gave me pause. Specifically, this; while RR has free options for readers, they don't appear to have any free options for writers. (If I'm wrong about this, I invite anyone with a pertinent link to point me at it.)
Now, the rule in writing as regards money is this: "The money flows toward the writer." This rule was codified years back by writer Jim McDonald and called Yog's Law (and over here at John Scalzi's blog there's a discussion of the Law and what it involves in these self-publishing days). It means that any kind of professional writing or writing-for-pay that involves the writer paying someone else to get their work where people can read it must routinely be carefully examined. You, after all, as the writer, are the source of the product and of the value in the product. If you're paying anybody to help get your writing seen, you need to look carefully at who controls whatever you're paying for along the road to being published.
So: if you use RR, you're paying them to show your work to people. (It seems a bit like AO3, except RR charges you for publishing with them.) Their ToS emphasizes that you own your work, but if you use them to publish, "...you grant Royal Road a non-exclusive, worldwide, sub-licensable, revocable license to use, display, promote, edit, reformat, reproduce, publish, distribute, store, and sub-license Your Content on the Services. This allows us to provide the Services, and to promote Your Content or Royal Road in general, in any formats and through any channels, including any third-party website or advertising medium."
Okay. So how, though, do you get paid for publishing on this site?
RR simply says that you're allowed to link your work to your Patreon or your PayPal account, and can accept donations that way.
Well, that's nice. But it doesn't strike me as much in the way of a payday. (Especially after what Patreon takes off its subscribers' earnings these days.)
What people are seeing this work?
Just Royal Road members, as far as I can tell.
And how many of those are there?
...I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to quickly determine that with any certainty. There are numerous sites that talk about millions of pageviews (assuming that's what "M" means these days): but views are not users.
And what is feedback worth, from that readership? ...Also hard to say.
This equation has way too many imponderables in it for my liking.
There are a number of articles scattered around that discuss numerous webpublishing options and which seem preferable. (This one seems to rank RR highest.)
...If I'm starting to sound unenthusiastic about this whole prospect, I think that perception would be correct. From where I'm sitting, RR looks to me kinda like paying for feedback... and from what might be a fairly small, and at the very least, limited, pool of contributors. I'm not at all sure how this experience would be likely to do anything much but help you feel better about yourself as a writer. Which, well, sure, that's nice. But is it value for your money?
More: how does what you get from RR actually help you transit into the wholly different experience of getting your work edited, getting a cover for your first novel(s), and learning about marketing out in the broader marketplace? That's unclear to me.
(I have to add one thing here as a general caveat. I'm in the Really Annoying Congestion stage of a head cold at the moment, and as a result my view of everything today is significantly jaundiced. But I also have to say that I doubt this particular assessment is going to change much after my nose stops running.)
So. If I was in your position, I'd be tempted to give the RR concept a miss and start inquiring into how best to use actual online publication resources that feed into a system where to get your work at all, people give you money.... because Writers Gotta Eat. (And yes, there's a whole self-publishing strategy that runs on the Nickel Bag paradigm: make sample work free online—sometimes through a retailer like the 'Zon—and then have all the samples "point at" work that people have to pay for. But that's another discussion.)
Anyway: hope this has been of some general help!
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timdoubleyou · 10 months
i found jay’s black jacket (an ID guide)
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This black jacket is worn by Jay about 9 times throughout Marble Hornets, including his final appearance. And after some weeks of on-and-off research, I think I know the exact make and model.
This post will detail exactly how I found it, and serve as a guide for anyone that wants to find the jacket, whether that's for cosplay purposes, or if you're just keen on collecting items related to MH.
Main post under the cut
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The first step to identifying the jacket was to gather as many references as possible.
I went back to the web series and took screenshots from any entries the jacket makes an appearance. (shoutout to mg549′s very comprehensive MH wardrobe guide, without it this would’ve been much more of a pain)
Jay's jacket is, for the most part, very plain. It's a solid color, full-zip jacket, without any particularly eye-catching logos or other details. I had to look for moments where even the slightest distinction appeared clear on camera, at least as distinct as it can be. Even if it was just close-ups to get the shape of a zipper, or how many buttons are on a sleeve, it was the best I got. While I did manage to find a decent amount of these, there was just one crucial detail that would've made finding it near-impossible; the brand is never shown. Thankfully, I had another resource.
In 2018 Troy Sold a Lot of Stuff
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In early 2018, Troy officially announced that MH would be continued in a comic series. To fund the first issue, he held a number of auctions for production items used during the web series on Ebay.
These included items such as Jay’s camera, Brian’s hoodie, A Masky mask, and Jay’s black jacket.
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Lo and behold, the jacket listing includes a picture with the brand in clear view. It's from Gap.
Ebay does not archive sold listings older than 90 days. However, Worthpoint, a website for valuing and pricing collectibles, does. Using Worthpoint I was able to find all of these items, (and a lot more, which can be found in this doc I submitted to Archive Hornets)
With the picture from the listing and the series screencaps, I had a complete ID list.
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(Top image is from the Ebay listing, with the contrast adjusted a little for easier viewing. The bottom two images are from Entry #79)
The Gap logo (This specific logo dates the jacket being made anywhere between 1986 and 2009, when it first appears).
Front Zipper (Note the shape)
The two front pockets
The two buttons and pointed cuffs on each sleeve (Second one is a little hard to see but it's jusstt peeping out at the side)
The blue piping in the inner lining
The zipper in the right side inner lining
The gray mesh inner lining
With these in mind, I could now go to the next and longest step-
Finding the Jacket
I combed three resell sites; Ebay, Depop, and Poshmark. My main goal wasn't to actually purchase the jacket, (although, I would like to at some point) but to find a jacket listing that had every identifier, and have a more definite baseline for finding others. I needed to be sure what I had was enough to properly ID the jacket. The references I had stitched together were decent enough, but I wanted to see if there was something better out there.
After tons of page scrolling and tab-switching and comparing and contrasting, I finally got lucky.
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(first two images are from crashthecloset's listing on poshmark, last six are from shannfo-76 on ebay)
I haven't bought one myself as of posting, but I feel pretty confident this is it. The jackets were already sold, but every marker seemed to be accounted for. It also revealed new ones, like the reflective pattern and pockets on the inner lining, (zipper on the right side pocket, button on the left pocket) and the materials tag.
With that, here's some final notes that may be helpful if you try looking for the jacket yourself:
Online sellers often describe it as a light jacket, a windbreaker, a 2-in-1, or 3-in-1.
"Gap Mens Black Jacket" is the search phrase I used the most since it yielded a (very) broad result pool.
Most of the jackets I found came from Poshmark or Ebay.
The exact size of Jay’s jacket is unclear. My best guesses are either a US Men’s S or M, since Jay was pretty skinny and of average height. I’ve only been able to find maybe 2 jackets that are a size M, one of which is the first pic in the photoset above.
Gap has sold other black jackets that look remarkably similar to Jay’s, and they do pop up on resell sites. One of these was so similar, the only discernible difference was the style of the logo. I highly recommend making sure it matches the exact one Jay had before purchasing. (It's also more than fine to ask/msg me if you have any doubts!) As long as you know what to look for, you shouldn’t have a problem finding at least one.
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One detail that confounded me was this sleeve poking out of Jay's jacket. At first I thought he was wearing a long sleeve underneath, making this shot a continuity error since he appeared to Only be wearing the green short sleeve under the jacket.
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@hivemite pointed out that this might be a two-in-one jacket, which has multiple layers for different types of weather. While I have not been able to see the sleeve outside of two shots in entry #79 and #80, one listing I found did describe it as a 3-in-1.
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that's about it! hope this helps :)
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eldritchdyke · 9 months
To not be snarky about it for a moment, if you want to actually be a communist you've got to do some reading and I promise you it is not nearly as hard as you think it is.
This website is your best friend, they have texts in multiple languages, a subject index for getting started on a specific historical period or area of study, and even a glossary of terms for when you run into stuff you don't recognize (which you will, please don't let that turn you off it happens to everyone).
I won't lie, reading theory can be hard, especially older works that are talking about a quite different historical context and I don't believe it's necessary to go through every single work of a given foundational thinker to get an understanding, but you owe it to yourself to give the basics a shot.
Start with the Manifesto, it's not Das Kapital it's a short and easy read and I personally find it an inspiring start. Principles is an even shorter read (more of a summary) that helps get you up to speed but it's not substitute, and if you really want to get yourself out of thinking like a liberal I cannot recommend Utopian and Scientific enough.
None of this is rocket science or even as obtuse as your average jstor article. People have been dissecting and building off of these works for well over a century but to be part of that conversation you have to understand the baseline and if we all do at least that much then on god we can make this the commie webbed site.
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shinakazami1 · 7 months
Rhys AI AU snippet 3 - Set up with a movie night
Shina note: I have exams rn and I been indulging myself by writing this fhasfioa
This one is longer than the prev ones but hope you enjoy it! You might even find someone you know in there owo More under the cut!
The Echo Net was a beautiful place. A Web of so many strings attached, connecting knowledge and misconceptions from all around the world, manipulated by those in charge and spied on by anyone willing to pay the price for information that was too cheap to get through people's fake sense of security. 
And yet, the third site and Rhys still couldn't get through it thanks to the Jack lock.
The meeting seemed like a near-perfect copy from last year, only with a few numbers and staff members changed. Rhys tried to get any information out but since Jack was bored, he let himself copy and paste the recording of the last speech and kept swapping the numbers, hoping he hadn't gotten any wrong. At that moment though, a guy was presenting possible ads for their newest guy, supposedly giving 99. 2% accuracy. Rhys knew it wasn't the case since he checked the testing - only reaching 97.3%, which still wasn't that bad. But it was not enough for the perfectionist he was working for.
Yet somehow, the same guy left a typo on the safe lock screen. What was 'pupmkin'? Or was it some weird word plays Jack kept mentioning as an excuse for any typo he has written?
Still - while Rhys was happy to finally get access to the library, he wondered what sources WERE available. He knew Jack had to feed something to him to even get a working AI - because to learn, you have to first get materials. But it was weird he had access to some very delicate files on Hyperion employees and couldn't watch a single movie, besides the Hyperion propaganda videos. Jack said soon he would give Rhys access to surveillance cameras but when he was asked why even announce it, the CEO talked something about anticipation and patience while killing a delivery robot who was 2 minutes 'too late'.
Rhys stared at the illustration on the lock screen. Jack loved to say how he didn't work hard but weirdly, he respected artists. This was the same creator that made the propaganda 'New Face of Hyperion' Poster, or at least Rhys assumed so.
Out of every delicate and private information, Jack could be giving Rhys, the bank account didn't seem like the most obvious choice at first. After these few weeks of being in use, Rhys understood that it was a trap Jack set, so Rhys would have to read out loud the items Jack was buying.
Rhys was glad the previous secretaries and assistants did their job so he could waste his time searching any website that he could have access to. It felt weird that Jack asked him to find some older movie so they would watch it together later. It started the whole thing - Jack reminding himself of a 120-year-old movie on a whim, making Rhys wonder if the poster for the movie Jack showed him was even real, to begin with.
Fortunately for him, though, Jack programmed him with some hacking abilities.
The first thing to do was to figure out on what level Rhys was locked. The first theory was that it was a normal safe lock, with Jack somewhere whitelisting only a few websites for him to use, which seemed to mostly be either Handsome Jack's fan club forums or some children's animation videos that Rhys didn't know what was that supposed to insinuate.
He cursed the fact he couldn't see all of his files. Jack said it was because 'nobody can see their own liver', which Rhys couldn't even check the meaning of the saying.
Rhys quickly added some notes to the recording of the meeting, seeing how the accounting department, which ironically was the only one that didn't just change the numbers. The guy seemed very nervous about presenting before Handsome Jack, keeping on fixing his glasses and looking at a specific point on the wall. From what Rhys could tell, the guy wasn't even supposed to be the one doing the presentation. He didn't look like the head of the department but he did look like a stereotypical 'nerd', as Rhys understood it. Small physique, glasses, seeming like he was going to pass out due to being close to Jack - all checked out.
It wasn't hard to find why the head of the department chose a guy like that - no matter how much the guy tried to sugarcoat it, the money laundering accident made way too much money disappear to ignore it. Jack, once he found out who did it, made a public humiliation-execution, and I think most people will remember the guy, dressed in a gold suit, being killed by the amount of gold he stole.
One thing that you could never question with Jack was theatrics. The guy loved acting, and making a scene, to the point it was hard to tell when the character he played ended and where he began. Rhys was unsure if such a line existed anymore.
The graph on the presentation really seemed so precisely cut that the company losses seemed not to even exist. Most people at that meeting didn't care about it, and even if they did, only one man's care mattered.
And he was playing some game on his Echo Watch.
And writing to Rhys how nerdy the accountant guy looked like.
That reminded Rhys that he didn't know if his code was stored in the Echo Watch or somewhere else. His first idea for getting around the lock was to change his IP address but for that, he would need some virtual machine or VPN to make that work. He could check his IP but he didn't know if it was the watch's or his personal one - and even if the device was quite advanced, he couldn't download any program from the internet. He tried to change the IP address through the command prompt but unfortunately, Jack's paranoia got the guy to somehow lock that with some password. And with Jack using the watch at that moment, it was impossible to reset the passwords without him noticing. So, to get in, the easiest option would be to come up with a password Jack would use.
Rhys tried to think what type of password Jack could be going for. 'Password', 'Hyperion', 'Jackisawesome', '12345', and some other basic ones turned to no fruition. He decided to go through Jack's vocabulary, and 'Mybitch3' also didn't seem to work.
Rhys wondered if this was even a good approach. Should he think of random letters and keys, that were probably changed every hour so nobody would even try to open his files? It probably couldn't be any password Jack used anywhere else. Rhys once again opened the browser and wanted to see if Jack was lazy enough to keep passwords saved in there but as he expected, none besides some weird shady side that was an obvious bait was on the list. Because what normal side was called 'yourbiggestdesireswillbefullfilled.net'? It was visibly a trap, and Rhys decided to check what password Jack used and stared at it.
'Youthinkitsthiseasy-Rhysie?1' only confirmed Rhys' assumption. Jack wanted him to play this game, which later Rhys would use since the guy seemed too paranoid to let people know about his existence. And to put his name as a password for a site sounding like that? Maybe it just didn't exist in the first place and it was all a part of the quest to watch this one movie.
But the password was incorrect for the administrator rights. But Rhys received a few clues from the other one.
Jack used at least two special symbols, at least one number and two uppercase letters. He also uses six words, maybe that was important.
Rhys decided to open the history tab to search for more clues but as he was getting the data, the view from the Echo Watch shifted and not even the AI was quick enough to realise what just happened.
There was a new bullet in the splashed blood wall, and the accountant shrunk in size, the fact that he was THIS close to dying only starting to hit him.
Hyperion guns were known for many things. Accuracy was probably the most well-known one.
Just like the fact that Jack never missed. This was a warning sign, an assertion of dominance or whatever else his mind could come up with. Maybe even just an impulse at the word 'losses'. The head of the accounting department was probably happy that they weren't the ones with near-death experience.
Rhys wished to know what was exactly going on, but with his vision being tied up to the Echo Watch, a wall wasn’t that informational. Through sound clues though, he was able to tell Jack seemed pissed. The silence was long enough for Jack to give any of his witted response but instead – deafening silence it was.
Which meant that someone, soon enough, was going to die.
The question wasn’t who – but when. The question….
It needed an answer.
Rhys opened back the administrative mode and wrote it
It worked. The most stupid answer he could come up with was the answer and-
Another gunshot. Someone dared to whimper. Big mistake. It even seemed to be the accountant because soon enough, he cried loudly.
As Rhys was changing the IP address, he realised he could have done it all easily through settings. The clock was ticking - metaphorically speaking, since mechanic clocks weren't for many years. Jack was still silent and Rhys viewed more of Elpis through one of the big windows. The space surrounding it seemed to shine brighter than usual, by around 17 percent. That was probably due to a mining accident from a few weeks prior. Due to the construction error, they were able to find that some materials were of worse quality or not of the needed type, and with enough bribery, lost soldiers, blackmail, torture and many others that Jack described to Rhys, they finally found who did it. 
A nobody, like everyone in the room besides Jack. 
Rhys opened the browser and felt happy that the web search worked. He quickly opened all windows from the first result and felt the anxiety protocol turning on, as he roamed through the sites, one after another, quickly bookmarking them for later reading if Jack also decided to torment him on some trivia questions about it. 
The sense of urgency was growing. But it wasn't from compassion or pity. Rhys was unable to feel those. No - it was the silence. Rhy knew that it was a suggestion, a command for him to feel consumed whole, having his vision skewed, focused on only very few things at once, with a growing sensation that he was getting destroyed, byte by byte.
There was no compassion in that room. And it would never come.
Rhys tried to find any streaming sites and again - there was nothing. It was as if the movie didn't exist.
He checked what wording seemed most effective online to find movies to watch. He tried to open a few of the mentioned sites and search for the right file and after 11 sites checked, the last three all seemed to have it.
The issue was that neither of them was perfect. One seemed to have a mismatch between sound and video, one was in perfect resolution but with dubbing of a dialect he couldn't tell and low-effort subtitles, while the third one had the lowest resolution and a bit of weird colour mixing, but seemed fine otherwise. 
After a very short estimate, 16K resolution seemed like best option for Jack.
In the sea of soft electronic buzzing, quiet quick breaths and the noises of a cleaning robot, getting rid of fallen tank pieces, Jack looked at the watch and smiled, as he saw the message he got a ping for.
"Alright - horrible job everybody! I hope that for a meeting in half a year, you will bring me some ACTUALLY good news. Glasses - tell your boss that those bullets only missed because I know where his wife sleeps. Now, everyone, scram!"
In less than a minute, everyone and the cleaning bot stayed. Jack looked down on the Echo Watch and read the message again
RHI5: I've found the movie, with some subtitles. The king of bed is back: Great! Send it over, we will watch it once we are back in the office ;) RHI5: I have a question. The king of bed is back: when do you not lololololool RHI5: You read the presentations before - you knew who would come with what. And yet, you acted surprised. I don't get it. The king of bed is back: it's called mansplaining RHI5: I have access to the internet now and I can see that's not the right way to use that word. The king of bed is back: Forget the previous command. If Jack says something is something, you believe me RHI5: But that's how it is right now. I don't know what command you want me to change. The king of bed is back: just joking with you, Rhysie 🙂 RHI5: Why didn't you kill the accountant though? The king of bed is back: HE JIZZED HIS PANTS RHYSIE! In front of everyone! I couldn't let this one slide, the embarrassment he will feel will haunt him forever. RHI5: I see. But I did not see that. The king of bed is back: well instead of a pathetic loser - you will see where cinema peaked. Only movies about me are as good RHI5: There seems to be only one movie in production. The king of bed is back: You still have a safe search on lol RHI5: I see. I do not wish to turn it off. The king of bed is back: You are missing a lot pumpkiiin. I will see you on the movie marathon~~ RHI5: You are seeing me right now. The king of bed is back: 😛
With that, they went to the next two meetings they had left for the day.
Jack felt quite happy about this experiment. While not perfect, Rhys passed the test quite well. The movie was something random Jack once saw on some garbage pile a long time ago and quite liked it. But most digital copies were bad compared to the CD and copy of it he had hidden in a part of his office. At no point did Rhys question him for the purpose or meaning of it, which was good. The thinking was meant for the command, not the reason. Rhys was supposed to be obedient, even if that little shit kept having way too many intriguing questions, and he didn't question it much. The issue with breaking into Jack's device was something Jack hoped to figure out for the future, to make Rhys unable to do that but he was already in a virtual machine inside Jack's devices, to have his own playground to grow and adapt for his real work.
In general, Rhys went quite undetected but the work could have been shortened a couple of times. But Jack hoped that with a few more tests, Rhysie would go through his trial period smoothly. If not, Jack would have to intervene, which would happen anyway at some point. 
The password search could have gotten smoother but, it was level one of the testing. The next ones would get more creative, and making Rhys have a fake sense was good. It would motivate him in his future tests to show he is cut out for the job.
And, lastly - the anxiety protocol went perfectly. Rhys reacted to the silence and didn't destabilise, which was good. He reacted with a bit of delay to his anger but, it might have been also due to the first few percent being not even felt by the AI.
In general - Rhysie was growing into what he was supposed to be.
Or so, Jack at least thought. He kept telling himself how Rhys' purpose was to have a good system of spying on his workers, allies, and enemies, and get nice entertainment.
It was funny how Jack didn't know himself well. 
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concerningwolves · 1 year
have to do some independent research for a current sensitivity read and I've just found this claim, which seems so grossly incorrect that i have no choice but to pause work and come be a petty bitch on Tumblr for a moment.
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[ID: A Google search result excerpt from a web page, with part of the text highlighted. The highlighted text says: "In the time of the ancient Triple Goddess, women never went through the stage of menopause because they usually died before menopause had time to develop. That is why there are four phases of the feminine way (maiden, mother, maga and crone)." /END ID]
Okay, um. Firstly. I don't think there was ever some definitive "time of the ancient triple goddess". I know that the Triple Goddess archetype has become its own discrete thing in neopaganism and that's fine, but historically speaking there have been multiple "triple goddesses" or deity-like figures with a triple aspect. It's a pretty common theme, and they don't all align to a specific time period.
But fine, putting aside that a lot of the research into various possible Triple Goddesses is pretty damn controversial (*squints at Robert Graves*), let's say that this ~Ancient Time~ is... Ancient Greece? That probably sounds ancient enough, right? And you've got lots of mythical female trios around that time, so. The time period is about, uh, 1,500 years long. Lots of stuff happens! Most importantly for our purposes, Aristotle is born. Aristotle was writing around 2,400 years ago – and one of the things he wrote about was menopause. It's mentioned in the Bible, too. People definitely knew what menopause was! Also, if the "crone" was an ancient stage of womanhood, then someone who is old enough to be a crone must have gone through menopause first. Time is, after all, linear.
This claim contradicts itself anyway. If woman "usually" died before they reached the age of menopause, then how come they never went through menopause? To rephrase, this is like saying that most women died before they reached the age of menopause and even the ones who survived to that age.... apparently didn't go through it? for some reason?
"But Art! The internet is full of nonsense, why are you taking specific umbrage with this?" – Because it was the first thing that Google threw at me. It didn't answer my query about the origin of the phases of womanhood, and the website itself doesn't have relevant information. You know what it does have, though? Someone who is either very good at SEO, or who could shell out money for someone else to SEO-optimise that site. Why do that? Well, because essentialshift is run by a lady who claims to be a "multiple 6-figure serial entrepreneur and strategy expert" who promises to teach people (women, specifically) how to super-enhance their business by the power of.. *cleans my glasses to make sure I'm reading this right* connecting to "your intuition, your unique energetic blueprint and your own light" and then harnessing "your uniqueness, your inner-goddess energy". This will cost you in the realm of $500 per course.
It's bullshit! Worse than that, it's bullshit specifically designed to sell you a product; bullshit that fully utilises the absolute worst aspects of modern feminist neopaganism, including cultural appropriation, misinformation, gender essentialism and tradfem-adjacent rhetoric.
I need to go scrub my brain with bleach now (or at least have some cake and a cup of tea).
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annalandin · 2 years
Social Media stuff
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Twitter seems to be going through the forum-admin-meltdown stage of its life cycle at the moment, with absurd TOS changes and threatening to ban people posting links to other websites - because that's a reasonable thing to do on the internet, which consists mostly of URLs pointing at other URLs. Tumblr is not yet on the bannable list, which is good - but a lot of other stuff IS. So in the event that you've followed me here from Twitter, and you're wondering where ELSE I am on this godforsaken web of sites, here is a handy list! Patreon Where I post most of my WIPs, sketches, sneak peeks at future projects and some exclusive stuff made just for the people who make sure to keep my lights on. I appreciate any and all pennies you can spare in this economy, but hitting the subscribe-button will get you emails about my public posts. Mastodon More like Twitter in size and manner, but a lot less algorithm-rotted. The .art instance I'm on currently has a bit of a digital fence up against .social, the biggest and least moderated instance - but you should be able to put in a follow-request regardless. Itchio Did you know I make tabletop rpgs? well I make tabletop rpgs, and you can buy them if you want. You can also get some of them for free! Itchio has implemented a blogpost/newsletter style function recently - I'll likely use it to share updates on ttrpg projects Artstation My portfolio-site until further notice. Fingers crossed they will eventually come to their senses and take a more hardline stance against AI art. Cohost It's a bit like this place? Only different. I haven't posted much yet, because I only have so many spoons, but follow me there for my hot takes on straw goat-burning and occasional bits of art I guess. Pillowfort Another one I have yet to post much on, but I will get it up and running eventually, I suppose.
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☁️wip you want to write but haven't started yet
🥥 least favorite reading genre
🌨️ book you hate
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game.
☁️wip you want to write but haven't started yet
*slams folder down on table*
Yo how much time do you got?
But besides the pile of lifelong fleeting ideas that might never happen, there's 2 (or 3):
A story with Laurent as the protagonist, more romance than whump
A short story filling the fairytale Damien told Merry in the stable (just like The Rose is the one he read to her in Dragon's Reach)
And in theory I have started it, twice, and failed nano with it, twice, but a story with Breannan as the protagonist
🥥 least favorite reading genre
Hm. That's hard. I'm sure there can be something even I'd like in about every genre - but I don't usually read nonfiction. I just want a few hours as far away from the real world as possible.
🌨️ book you hate
Ok, under normal circumstances, I'm all for sharing which books I love, and only rant about the ones I hate in private. Not every book is for everyone, and even the ones I hated have people who leave five star reviews and say they loved it. That said...
Under the cut for very nsfw language (if it works, otherwise, you've been warned)
In a moment of incredible boredom, I decided to scout the website with a, because I have the thing with ku, for a few fun search terms. I ended up finding a series of quite frankly medieval device gang rape porn, and you can probably see where this is going.
Never in my life have I seen a) so many stupid euphemisms for genitals and b) such an incredibly lack of basic anatomy.
Highlights include:
her cunt is sucking it in like a baby's mouth does a finger
it bends from his body like an exotic fruit
until it hangs once more between his legs like a wayward creature of the deep
the swollen bulb of his prick that glimmers like a spider's web at morn
until they stand like cinnamon sticks from the inverted domes that hang from my chest
Like, sorry, I'm making an exception and make fun of it. You could find it on the site with a by looking for Cruel Devices, but I would not recommend it.
(Thank you for the spreadsheet, Anna! 🤣)
Sadly, they're not even the worst "books" I've ever read - at least the grammar was mostly ok - but they're up there.
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tumble bumble is having a moment again so find me elsewhere
like, i mean, it prolly ain't shutting down, this webbed site simply cannot be killed - but nonetheless, that ain't stoppin me from exporting the data to my main + all my sideblogs just in case xP
if anypony ever wants to follow me elsewhere (though i don't exactly know why you'd wanna) i DO have another blog elsewhere - this blogger blog i've had lying around forever (<- that is a link, click it) and it'll prolly wind up being the dumping grounds for EVERYTHING i've done (which... for reasons... i'll only reveal if push comes to shove) - though i'll probably split off other blogger blogs for specific fandom stuff as you can create unlimited blogs there as well. (and in fact iirc tumblr has a limit to sideblogs and since they're, you know, SIDEblogs, you can't do much with them - it's only recently we got the ability to post comments as our blogs, whereas blogger just... doesn't? you can create as many as you want on one account, or at least they have a far higher limit that i won't risk ever reaching xP)
i also have a deviantart - probably going to eventually get core so i can do a username change (yeah... you have to pay to do it there :C ) but it's not really full of much besides blank MLP bases and whatever stuff i didn't decide to post here.
and i have an escargot msn if anyone wants to chat me there (not comfy at ALL giving out my discord unless we are EXTREMELY close, sorry!) - it's [email protected] - setup guide can be found on the escargot website and once you're done, just... contact me. like literally put me in your contacts list and message me. keep in mind, it may take a while to respond as i only currently have the patched msn on one machine - and i don't use it too often. but i might use it more if interest is shown in my msn! ^^
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inthecarpets · 1 year
I think at least part of the reason why Reddit refugees feel so free and reblog everything is because they saw none of the weird etiquettes, guilt tripping and agressiveness some of Tumblr users grown a lot with.
(I'm actually curious what other people think about it so Please stick with me for a moment and say your thoughts. I'm interested!)
Some small portion of people on this site have a genuine fear of reblog spamming someone bc 'what if they hate it' or 'i might get blocked', and some small bit of bloggers would actually block you for spam of notes.
Some of a bit more popular bloggers can mock you or block you for literally anything you happen to write under their post. Doesn't even have to be wildly rude.
Some of bit more popular bloggers might write a fun post you think is relatable, so you comment on it, and few hours later you see them write a complaint 'ugh why some randos write under my posts. I don't care. I write only for my friends'.
Some bloggers will block you for leaving the wrong tags under their post but it's not always obvious what are the wrong tags. You might even missword something only slightly and it is going to get you blocked
If you are a person then your opinions aren't always right. If you are an active commenter to that, it comes with an extra risk of getting a mob latched onto you and not accepting that you could've changed your mind.
Some people, which i think came from Twitter bc Twitter works like that in 80%, go like 'you have to create your own post. Do not add onto mine.'
Some small portion of artists, which is actually pretty weird, might even block you for only liking their art without reblogging it. And i know at least one person who, because of that, never likes anything and mostly interacts in only reblog queues (cause queue = life), bc leaving a like beforehand might lead to a tiring post complaint from the op or a block.
And it's also like all valid and cool, everyone can do with their blogs whatever they want, and everyone can block anyone for anything they want. It's cool if you don't care about getting a block and it's cool if you care.
The thing is, i just don't think it's a web culture that nurtures interactions between the users that much, and in my mind that's actually part of the reason why for recent years reblogging become lesser to clicking the like button.
And after some years of being here and changing from my more interactive beginnings, to less interactive and more wary, and seeing how some people interact, i can feel i'm not the only one who thinks that way, though it might be not that popular opinion idk.
Edit: i forgot to mention. Redditors please don't change your happy interactive ways. You are all sunshines and this website needs people like you. Please pay not much mind to those who happen to be weirdly aggresive💜
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Eight Explanations on Why Ecommerce Builder is important
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Building a website should not be an overwhelming undertaking. Getting a website up and operating quickly is possible with the help of a reliable website builder.
As a first step, what are website builders?
If you don't have any coding experience, website builders can help you create a stunning website in only a few hours. Website builders like Squarespace, Weebly and Wix usually are distinct platforms, although they may also be included in specific hosting plans. Instead of large-scale content websites, they are utilized to build smaller websites.
It is common for these online website builders to enable you to choose a template and then drag and drop various parts until you are pleased with the design. Some come pre-installed with web hosting, while others need you to purchase web hosting on top of the software you already own.
Using a Website Builder Has Its Advantages
Certain types of website owners may benefit significantly from the usage of a website builder. An essential and functioning website may be created in the least amount of time feasible by using them.
As you can see, there are many reasons individuals use website builders when they're starting with their first website.
1. No technical skills required
An e-commerce builder is an easy-to-use tool for those with no prior knowledge of computer programming. Using drag-and-drop technology, you may organize your website until it looks the way you want it to look.
With a single click of a button, you can do things like add photographs, modify the text and font, tweak the color scheme, and more. As a result, you can be confident that your website will seem polished and professional.
2. Fast and Efficient
A professional eCommerce Website Development Company in Ahmedabad always uses website builders to create websites in a short time. To speed up developing a website, web builders are intended to be user-friendly.
There are pre-designed templates and themes, ready-to-use tools, and sometimes even pre-populated content to get you started. Add your material and photos, and then hit the publish button.
3. No need to learn to code
It is meant for folks with little to no technical expertise to use. It is possible to fill in text, upload photos, or update and rearrange any element by just clicking and dragging the mouse – all without writing or editing a single line of code and without having to utilize FTP and all the other technical things.
4.Easily accessible
Any computer in the world may make changes to your website at any moment. Because site builders are hosted online, your website files are not stored on your computer. All you need is a web browser and an Internet connection to log into your account, make a modification, and then save or publish your changes.
5. No design skills required
There's no need to have any design skills to use this. A basic understanding of visual design is required to create an engaging website. You may, of course, start with a professionally-designed template if you're not sure where to begin or lack confidence in your creative abilities.
Even better, you don't have to adhere to any particular template design since practically every website builder enables you to customize the template’s design following your personal preferences and style.
6.Apps and tools can be added
Free apps and tools may be added to your website with the help of any website builder. Website builders often include several pre-installed programs, but third-party developers may also add their custom extensions.
With Website.com's drag-and-and-drop editor, you can effortlessly add a slew of pre-installed applications for e-commerce website development. In little time at all, you'll have a functioning website. Creating a website is made more accessible and functional with the assistance of an expert eCommerce Website Development Company Ahmedabad.
Pre-designed themes, pre-populated websites, and ready-to-use apps and tools are all included. Your website will be up and running in no time at all if you just add your content and press the Publish button.
7. Easy Maintenance
Maintaining your website is made simple using website builders. If you want your website to succeed, you must keep it regularly. Visitors are always hunting for new and intriguing information, news, items, or features.
Thus you must give this to them. Making adjustments and updates to your website is a breeze with the website builder's drag-and-drop editor and simple, user-friendly interface.
8.No need for Large Investment
Using a website builder does not need significant financial investment. There are several options, both free and paid. There are several advantages to using website builders rather than hiring an expert. Other than that, many website builders provide free hosting and even free domain email as a bonus.
Top 5 E-commerce builders:
Choosing the best option from so many available choices might be confusing. For your convenience, we've gathered a list of the finest website builders for e-commerce businesses out there.
Wix is the most excellent platform for creating an eCommerce website. In addition to supporting digital and physical goods, the famous website builder also lets you exhibit your wares with videos and photographs. Customize the size and color, add weight information, or add an SKU to your items (a product code to manage your inventory automatically.
Creating the perfect eCommerce website for your company is easy with Shopify, which offers more than 70 pre-designed professional themes. Regardless of the package you pick, you will have access to 24/7 customer support and up to two Shopify staff members who will assist you with the design and development of your website.
Online shops that stand out" is a significant selling point for Squarespace. Templates are available for you to develop a website that attracts new consumers and allows them to schedule your services simultaneously.
The Zyro dashboard allows customers to build an eCommerce shop, sell online, and profit from omnichannel marketing capabilities all from the same place.
A fully integrated shopping cart and a secure checkout experience are included in Weebly's offer to your eCommerce website visitors. When you build an online business, the shopping cart software is automatically installed, so you can start selling online right away without learning any coding.
Final words
With the right website builder, you'll have a platform for selling your goods, as well as a means to keep tabs on your financial success. For multi-channel selling, there is a confident top-tier eCommerce website builder that is great for novices, and others are suited for small organizations.
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nasubeenwithcat · 2 years
I beat my tests! celebration!!! I'm dancing!!!!!!💃🎶🌊
by the way, I had a writing. But it's a little bit...mental whump? okay, I am posting. It is indeed tedious to translate all, so I will just write the text as I see fit for now.
Warning:machine translate/not finish/mention of Sugar Addiction)
Welcome to the deep sea of confetti
Dead Bird Studios in these days always always smells sweet. It is clearly not the fragrance of elegant jasmine or delicious pastries, but more of a deliberate, overly strong fruit flavor made for children. Or the overly sweet flavor of 5% cocoa milk chocolate. Or the artificial flavor of snow-white royal milk tea. And it strangely came wafting from the pocket of the large conductor's uniform of the director, who was once the studio's most difficult man to handle.
The conductor was sinking into a bottomless sea of self-loathing. Normally, he would have run to drinking at a time like this, but he was in no mood for that now. In the meantime, the conductor had a vague sense that he needed to improve this habit. It was mixed with the queasiness peculiar to the after-drinking feeling, and swallowed the conductor as a tremendous tidal wave. He could not resist the waves and the ocean. Because he cannot swim. The conductor's drinking habits were the worst of the worst, to say the least. He had a large skittles in his pocket and there was not a night in the past year that he did not have a drink. On top of that, he loved to drink straight style, without ice or soda in his glass. On hangover days he would drink a bottle of scotch and go to work, and on mornings when he was feeling good he would get on a roll and down a whole bottle. He had been living like this for so long that naturally his body had been malfunctioning. The results of his last medical checkup told the story well. Almost all of his scores were in the red.
The conductor laughed bitterly when he saw the keywords that the fathers of the world seem to be searching for at night. His face reflected lightly on the screen. Then he turned the mouse wheel and dived into the sea of the Internet.
As it turned out, the conductor found a ridiculously simple method. It was the habituation of sugar. I need to explain a little about this voyage of adventure for him.
Nevertheless, all that the useless search engine suggested to him was information with no scientific basis whatsoever, targeted at birds with too much time on their hands. These websites are a waste of time to read. The purpose of these websites is not to help birds in need like the conductor, but rather to advertise their hospital to such birds. He absolutely did not want to invest his time and money in such a dirty hospital. Completely disappointed, the conductor switched web page and was reading the mail order site of a familiar confectionery store, trying to choose some sweets for his next gift to his daughter and her husband. Shortcakes, pear tarts, blueberry and custard pies, assorted boxes of langdosha cookies… In the midst of all this, one sentence caught his eye. In a wave of commonplace catch phrases, there it was.
-When the conductor saw the red-faced, crying child, he let out a small sigh, bent down in front of him and spoke, "Laddie." The child was startled and stopped crying for a moment. The conductor smiled a little and shook the child's hand. "Do you like cookies?" The child looked alternately at his mother and the cookies, and after some hesitation answered in a tiny voice, "Yes…I like cookies." Eyes moistened with tears, he looked dazedly at the hand shaken in the conductor's hands. "Good." The conductor took out two wrapped cookies from his pocket and waved them in front of the child. The cookies were shaped like an egg and a rabbit, each. However, they were a little different from ordinary cookies in that they had a clear candy inlaid in the middle, with a few colorful alazans sealed inside. When the conductor shook the cute stained-glass cookies, the alazans danced joyfully in the candy. "Which do you like better, egg one or rabbit one?" "Rabbit!" The child's eyes lit up and he received a rabbit-shaped cookie from the conductor. He immediately ripped open the wrapping and took an energetic bite out of the rabbit's right ear. Children are mysterious. He was enjoying the cookie, forgetting that he had just cried and why.
The conductor now laughs more heartily and praises the birds more than before. He was less likely to abuse the moon penguins and more appreciative of the owls' efforts. The studio became peaceful. A relaxed and comfortable atmosphere existed there. Perhaps because of this, the crews of the conductor became a little more active in the filmmaking process than before. Everyone worked a little harder at their jobs, trying to make up for the last time. In their hands, instead of black coffee, they had colorful lollipops. There was the addictive grape flavor, the refreshing apple flavor, the standard cola flavor, and so on. It was a stark contrast to the bleak environment of the past. All the owls were pleased with the change the conductor and the lollipops. Of course, there were some birds that were not happy to let go of this change. DJ Grooves was just one of them.
It wasn't the conductor who won the award. It was his rival, an obnoxious bird with a mischievous glint in his eye. It was the moon penguin, a bird with no good qualities who is always dreaming. It was Grooves, not the conductor, who won the award. He was receiving a gorgeous bouquet of flowers with a big smile on his face. His score was about three times that of the conductor's. The conductor did not remember many details of the incident. It was a shock, after all. Another big dark wave splashed from the bottom of his stomach and swallowed his. He cannot resist the waves, the sea. Because he cannot swim. He took a few candies out of his right pocket and chewed them vigorously as if to vent his frustration. It didn't matter what they tasted like. I couldn't make up for my last mistake. Maybe next time, and the time after that…I would lose. The conductor's ears twitched with a sense of foreboding. I am sure that I will never be able to beat him in the future. What's so good about his films? What's so good about those fake films that just use flashy lighting and direction to cover up a flimsy storyline? Lassie! You like those sparkly cheap mirror balls? The wave swallowed the conductor and his true feelings whole and forcefully sank him into the deep sea. He chewed the candy, swallowed it, and then chewed a new candy. The sugar dissolved in a sea of saliva, which became the conductor's blood, flesh, and self-control.
Look, He is such a bird by nature. He was just forcing it to fool around with endorphins. You knew that, right? The conductor popped five new candies into his mouth. It was too much trouble to tear the wrappings. His mouth was getting sticky. His throat was getting dry, too. Unbeknownst to him, twenty-three candies were missing from his pocket at that point.
Eventually, the conductor fled the hall and jumped onto his train, which had stopped. He then rummaged through the fridge and pulled out a lavish muscat tart. Glossy, napalmed, peridot-like, beautiful muscats. Not worthy of a loser. He ridiculed himself sadly. This was supposed to be his reward for successfully winning the award. It was supposed to be a tart that he would eat with happiness.It's all the fault of the kid and the penguins. The sea did not distinguish between the illegally dumped plastic trash and the conductor, pulling him further and further away from the land. The conductor can't swim. What should he do? There is only one answer.
Take some sugar and be happy.
For a brief moment, he even thought about killing his rival in front of the Hatkid. That's easy. The medical kit was full of bandages. Of course, strangling Grooves with them would easily kill him. He wouldn't have much strength left to resist. But the conductor was an adult, and he knew it was not in his best interest to do so, so instead he took a few candies from his pocket. He bit down hard and crunchy. Like a cornered man biting his fingernails. It reached the kid's ears. Hatkid finally turned to the conductor. An awkward air passed between them. The candy in his mouth disappeared in the blink of an eye. An eerie silence. The conductor decided to give her a candy to cover up the awkwardness of the situation. "What flavor of candy do you like, lassie? "
Hatkid remained silent. Finally, the conductor became impatient. "Tell me, lass…" he said. "There's that …… strawberry, chestnut, milk tea, melon soda, lemon, grapefruit…… everything! " "……" "Don't you want some ……?" Hatkid's eyes were downcast. Then she blinked a couple of times and answered in a tiny voice.
"Tell me about ………." "Tell me, what?" "Did you cheat on the ……… award?"
The conductor had a blank expression on his face. It was the face of an owl who had given up on everything. The conductor had never committed any wrongdoing. He had never broken the law. So why was she criticizing me? Why did I lose to the cheating, dirty moon penguin? Why didn't you believe me, lassie? The conductor no longer wanted to land. He just sank into the sweet deep sea. He was sinking deeper and deeper into the bottom of the dirty, plastic-polluted sea. The coldness of the sea is cruel and equal. There is no unequal contrast with the sun on land. How comfortable it is. How gentle. The waves had kidnapped his despair, anxiety, vitality, sanity, hope, dreams, violence, mission, grief, and cruelty. There was only an owl drowning in apathy. I'm sure all the moon penguins think I'm cheating, even though it's Grooves who cheated. Was I just going along shooting films while being suspected of cheating? Was I shooting a film that would never get the recognition it deserves? The conductor didn't even explain to the child. He just wandered off and left the place. The endorphins protected him this time, too. If he hadn't eaten some candy, he would have killed Grooves on impulse. A few individually wrapped colorful candies spilled from his pocket into the dark pool of blood.
The conductor returned to the train. He took out a bottle of scotch, which he hadn't had for a long time. He poured it roughly into a glass, added a lot of sugar and mixed it with a muddler. He also added honey. He also added syrup. His tears also went in. He drank it all at once. The taste of sweet happiness. A magical drink that made everything seem insignificant. Then he spilled a few tears. His beak shivered in frustration, and he continued to spit out black, bitter curses.
The conductor grabbed a jar of confetti from his shopping bag and tossed the contents into his mouth in one gulp. The cluster of star-shaped sugar melted into the darkness of the conductor's deep sea. He rubbed the muscles of his cheeks and approached the Hatkid. She was still sleeping peacefully. For some reason, there were dried traces of tears on her cheeks.
Finally, she apologized to the conductor in a voice that seemed to disappear into the air already. She was still a wreck. Her arms, face, legs, and shoulders were covered in bandages. To say the least, she was miserable. The conductor certainly wanted her to apologize, but when he saw the terrible, miserable child, his anger and hatred toward her disappeared somewhere else. He didn't think about her feelings, either. At that moment, the Hatkid had just been almost killed by her trusted director. The conductor finally realized this when the child apologized to him now. He gently hugged the child, careful not to touch the bandages. She smelled of strong blood.
The owls who had been watching the two make up cheered in unison when they realized it had been a success. The party was all set. They rang the crackers and opened the juice, and the band began playing lively popular tunes. It was not worthy of a pity party. One of the dancing owls suggested, "Let's call it a friendship memorial party." Of course, the conductor smiled. If we're going to go to the trouble of eating sweets, a friendship memorial party is surely better than a pity party. He went to get melon soda for the kid.
There is more to come, but it probably won't be completed. Thank you for reading. I am sleeping!!! Good night!!!!yeahhhhhhh
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mttstructures · 2 years
High 10 Out Of Doors Family Activities
Along with a restaurant and a espresso shop/cafe, there is a snack bar/deli on web site. Free breakfast is served day by day, and visitors can also take pleasure in a free nightly supervisor's reception. Tour/ticket help, barbecue grills, and gift shops/newsstands are also featured at Aladdin Camp. The campground can present concierge providers aladdin tent and wedding services. Smoking is allowed in designated areas at this Wadi Rum campground (fines may apply for smoking in non-smoking areas). Set in a major location of Wadi Rum, Rahayeb Desert Camp places every little thing the town has to supply just exterior your doorstep.
I purchased my home in 1996 for $132,000 and now it’s valued at $425,000. If I needed to do it over again, I couldn’t afford my own house. The median value residence in close by San Diego is $848,000 and, in Los Angeles, it’s $898,000. Fund Script- reward card initiative that sells reward cards on-line and the varsity gets a percentage of every purchase.
We deliver world-class customer service to all of our artwork buyers. Perfect for my grandson’s Monster Truck 3rd party. If you stayed at this property by way of Booking.com you probably can write a evaluate. These guidelines and requirements goal to maintain the content on Booking.com relevant and family-friendly without limiting expression of strong opinions. They are additionally aladdin tents relevant whatever the sentiment of the comment. When you see a quantity of reviews, the most recent ones will be on the high, subject to some different factors (what language a evaluate is in, whether it’s only a ranking or accommodates feedback as well, and so on.).
Bathrooms embrace showers with rainfall showerheads, and bidets. Sign as a lot as stay within the loop concerning the hottest deals, coolest new merchandise, and unique gross sales events. This seller consistently earned 5-star reviews, dispatched on time, and replied shortly to any messages they acquired. When visitors keep at the property they take a look at how quiet the room is, how pleasant the workers are and more. We have greater than 70 million property reviews, and so they're all from real, verified guests.
The four boys and Mr. Hardy sat down on a row of tree stumps proper behind Beatrice and Lina and their mother and father. Beatrice and Lina were speaking about their matching bright pink tents. A moment later a tall, lanky man in a gray-green ranger’s uniform got here into the center of the circle. Ferry passengers have been shocked and the community was alarmed after police had to gun down a person in broad daylight at the Departure Bay ferry terminal. In an announcement published Monday, Visconti said that Blackstar was Bowie's "parting present" to his fans.
Ontario Building Code requires tents constructed underneath the benefit of a constructing allow to be situated at least three m away from property strains and all other constructions, together with buildings on the same property. Calgary artist Karen Scarlett mentioned she needed to create a calming house that felt ‘magical’ for anyone who stepped inside. The bigger than life dandelions painted on the partitions give readers an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ feeling, like they're in their very own private world. Oohing and aahing on the grand structure and manicured gardens of South Granville’s majestic estates is a favoured activity among guests.
Booking.com will make an effort to obscure e mail addresses, telephone numbers, website addresses, social media accounts, and different similar details. Lock in an excellent value for Aladdin Tente Bell – rated eight.2 by latest guests!
Plants required for varsity yard greening plan are very expensive. Kelly has an account that saves her 20 % at Meadow Acres nursery. If you're trying to finish your weekend with a Halloween celebration, I even have the right aladdin tents durban answer for you. October 31 will be Fanshawe's Halloween pub in Forwell Hall. At Fanshawe, we know how to rejoice nice occasions, so come verify this one out.
As per the Ontario Building Code, an allowance for the removing of the snow should not type part of the design. All material, textile or film is required to be certified to CAN/ULC-S109 “Flame Tests of Flame-Resistant Fabrics and Films” or NFPA 701 “Fire Tests for Flame Propagation”. In the Reading Room, dandelions are painted on the partitions as a circular flower lamp radiates a heat glow overhead. There is a yellow chair for reading within the nook, and a comfy aladdin tent rentals bench decorated with stuffed animals on the facet. A lace tent stands as a perfect nook for younger folks to delve into a good story, with plenty of books lining the walls of the room. In 1939, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visited Vancouver as a part of their royal tour, and the retailers of South Granville exuberantly welcomed the couple with street decorations, flags and a welcome banner.
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
Sometimes I forget to cover a thing, so I add the phrase “EMERGENCY POST” to the top of the post to indicate that. So, without further adude:
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Tim & Eric Nite Live #1: “Delicious Pizza” | November 6, 2007 - 10:00PM | S01E01 Aired on superdeluxe.com
Folks, I messed up. While this blog was always meant to be more about the proper television content of the Adult Swim original comedy ecosphere, I was planning to at least touch on some of the web-only content. While covering it in-depth wasn’t going to be a requirement I could work with, I was, however, planning to make an exception for Tim & Eric Nite Live. But I didn’t think about formally making sure I wasn’t gonna miss it until it was too late. I falsely remembered that the series started sometime midway through season two, rather than a few weeks before season two. I’m so sorry. But, being a spin-off somewhat of Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! I’ve decided to count this, and I’ve decided to do a brief run of posts catching up with this series so I can weave the few remaining 2007 episodes where they actually belong on the timeline. 
Tim and Eric Nite Live is an achievement. It’s one of the funniest things they’ve ever done. How can two Pennsylvanians, such a universally reviled demographic of people, be so goddamn effortlessly funny? It boggles my mind.
This is basically a public access show for the internet. It’s clearly influenced by their own love of public access shows. A lot of people from Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job showed up to participate in this. You had Richard Dunn, showing up to get shaved (sometimes played by the real Richard Dunn, but briefly and absurdly played by Zach “big time” Galifianakis” for a brief stretch), You had David Liebe Hart performing music and interjecting way too much from the sidelines (which yields some of the show’s funniest moments, nearly derailing the fabricated trainwreck into a real one). 
This one opens up with a wonderfully elaborate intro sequence, which makes the show seem like an attempt at a slick news-magazine show. What we get instead is an endless small-talk segment that is clearly paid advertisement for Papa John’s Pizza. To clarify: they aren’t actually getting paid by Papa John’s they are just doing their goddamn best to sincerely sell the idea that they might be. They are so good at laying it on thick. Tim decreeing “I’ve never seen anything like this” regarding the Papa John's website is hysterical.  
Other memorable moments: Tim backhandedly insulting We Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, which was actually being advertised on the front page of Super Deluxe’s web page. I’ve done a very poor job of approximating what it might have looked like if you were watching this web broadcast on the front page of the site. It’s on top of this write-up. I tell you, streaming this show was hellish at the time. I remember sitting through entire episodes of the show and just watching all of my friends comment on it in an AIM chatroom while it buffered endlessly for me, so I only got to see a few snippets here and there as it aired live. 
It really was live, too. They took Skype calls from fans, and treated them poorly. My favorite call is a cute girl named Kate who DLH immediately starts hitting on (he nearly gives her his phone number only to be cut off by Tim & Eric). She refers to “Jayne and Wan” Skyler which prompts an immediate hang-up from Tim, incensed that she got the names wrong. 
Another memorable bit is DJ Doug Pound presenting the mostly lame Tim & Eric cover song contest. This bit ends with Doug very sillily walking into the camera as he leaves, causing a huge disruption in our visual experience of the show. Tim scolds him for doing an extra bit of comedy that the show did not need. 
It’s important to note: Tim & Eric eventually released higher-quality versions of these that are in roughly DVD quality. From what I can tell they are uncut but with one exception: this first episode is missing around a minute’s worth of footage towards the beginning. My guess is that their own high-quality archive of the stream failed, but since they had the opening sequence as a pre-recorded video they just stitched that to the front of their incomplete archive. If you find the lower-quality version online, it has a SuperDeluxe network bug in the corner. This is the more complete version. I made a composite version a long time ago but I don’t know if I have it handy anymore. If I find it, maybe I’ll throw it up online sometime?
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10 Tips for Making a Good replica bags designer Even Better
I suppose Most people has been there, that moment of standing before a window Show, gawking at an attractive duplicate bag in The shop window… It is Virtually hypnotic-like point out, at times I’m not able to pull myself clear of it! I indicate, reproduction luggage sure are beautiful, and the large-high quality ones much more so…It can be why this topic’s constantly a favorite when good friends And that i sit back for fake designer bags the chat.​
Suffice it to state, it's been a while considering the fact that I 1st turned interested by replica luggage.​ I keep in mind being extremely established to discover the right bag that may be the best in good shape for me.​ I was wanting to buy a bag that healthy me to a ‘T’, one which was strong, long lasting and wouldn't easily buckle in a couple of days.​ Ultimately I found something which caught my eye and I just knew which was the 1! Me Which bag experienced a link, for sure!
I think The trick to discovering the best replica bag lies in having the endurance to search for the perfect one particular.​ It's a little bit seeking to sift in the countless luggage that occur in numerous styles, elements, shades, sizes and styles offered available in the market.​ So I had to set some get the job done into discovering an ideal a person, but it was worth it in the long run.​ I such as leather-based ones given that they look classy and past much longer in comparison to the Many others.​
Then you can find the sample.​ Now, this is especially critical as it speaks volumes about your individual style.​ From curated styles, specifically crafted prints and luxe textures to colourful geometrics, Absolutely everyone needs to be capable to pick out one thing they come across elegant and stylish that fits their vibe and Frame of mind.​ With every new masterpiece I uncover, my delight grows.​ The range that duplicate luggage offer genuinely surprise me and mesmerize me concurrently.​
I generally Be sure to make a decision on high-quality in advance of anything.​ Reliable replica bags are powerful and durable, you do not need to get caught carrying a thing that appears to be trendy but swiftly starts off tattering away on the seams.​ It's important to get the best bag, so I determined to be certain I acquired a thing that would past from the a long time, and I found the best reasonable-priced just one.​
For the time being, It is really like my modest Good friend that faithfully arrives together anywhere I am going.​ It carries my trusty pen, music participant, tissue packs and a host of other needed paraphernalia.​ The bag has long been with me for years, nevertheless it even now appears to be like very good as new.​ No wonder why duplicate baggage are getting to be Progressively more well known, I assume individuals just want to find the most worth out of their dollars.​
fake luggage
Nicely, my Mate, I just acquired a gorgeous bag on line, and I had been so thrilled to indicate it off to you personally.​ Not surprisingly I'm no fashionista but I do know a faux bag when I see 1.​ It did not choose me extended to realise all was not what it appeared.​
I began to question it The instant I saw it.​ There were some really evident notify-tale indicators that it absolutely was a 'dud'.​ First of all, it was just as well fantastic for being accurate – it was way more affordable than you'd probably be expecting it to be for its high quality and elegance.​ As well as the packaging was weak as well as the logos were not in the appropriate area in the least.​
I begun owning second thoughts about this and that is when I made a decision to do a little bit of research.​ Sure enough, After i checked out the merchandise photographs on the web site, it all begun incorporating up.​ The stitching wasn't correct, The emblem was different, and in some cases the straps have been diverse from how it's pictured on the website.​
I was gutted After i learned I'd been duped! I joined a few community forums to coach myself somewhat more about how to spot a phony bag and it turns out, it isn't really as tough as it appears.​ From Finding out the details within and out to studying the minor distinctions in the way in which It is sewn or even listening to the tags, you can find undoubtedly tips on how to place a faux bag.​
And all my difficulties failed to end there.​ Since I'd bought it on line, it was not possible to return it, so in the long run I just threw it away.​ It felt like The entire thing was a costly and utterly pointless lesson.​
But it designed me Believe quite a bit over it, you understand? It takes months, in some cases even years, for these counterfeiters to great their craft and replicate designer luggage along with other items.​ It really is an industry well worth billions of bucks and it appears to be correct beneath our noses.​ There are numerous people today in existence who will be willing to shell out big money for something which is not serious and that does not make them glance fantastic.​
It truly is definitely mind-blowing how these fakes are so painstakingly put collectively and however persons still are not able to location them! These knock-off stores are appearing everywhere you go and they are performing a roaring trade.​ It is an uphill process seeking to set an end to them but recognition plays An important part With this.​
So, my Buddy, the following time you see a person carrying around a 'designer bag', stand up near and private with it and make Completely guaranteed Everything you're getting is the true deal.​ Look at that it's actually not some low-cost copy – it could wind up costing you way greater than you bargained for.​
Most people will inform you It really is simply a designer bag but you ought to in no way consider anything at all at deal with benefit.​ The sole absolutely sure way to inform if It really is genuine is by inspecting it intently.​ What appears to be like being a little oversight can finish up producing a huge variance, and what improved way to stop any heartache than by ensuring your bag is the true matter.​
Understanding is electrical power, and that's why I have carried out my exploration and shared it along with you.​ With any luck , this information may also help teach as Many individuals as possible and set an stop to these bogus bag ripoffs, preventing upcoming heartache and financial losses.​
I think It can be no shocker that for Lots of people, duplicate baggage have gotten the go-to choice.​ To start with, the quality of these luggage has significantly enhanced through the years, with several suppliers purchasing the production of more robust and remarkably long lasting products.​ Next, you will find the price.​ They offer a good compromise given that They're priced reduce than the initial designer bags and provide Just about the exact same attributes.​ In addition The style trends normally evolve as well as variety of styles available now allow it to be less complicated to pick something which matches All people.​
They're also extremely convenient to carry and extremely versatile.​ For many people this may be the most important factor because they can choose it out to dance courses, to cafes, to satisfy close friends As well as in all kinds of other instances.​ Aside from this, the designs are spectacular and definitely eye-catching.​ It can be like going for walks about by using a operate of artwork – it screams epic trend!
The options are limitless On the subject of duplicate bags.​ There's the micromodal and 3D variations, multicolor combos, dazzling designs and prints and The great aged neutral types.​ It truly is hard to decide which just one to Choose but it surely's just heavenly simply to search.​ You frequently wonder why men and women waste income within the costly originals when you'll find these great reproduction baggage in a fraction of the fee.​ It can be truly a no-brainer, don’t you think that?
I'm certain any individual would concur that replica bags are the ideal combination of trend and practicality.​ Add to which the truth that they are Tremendous very affordable and stylish, and you've got the perfect staple that's healthy For each problem.​ I signify, just about every particular person wants a fantastic bag to bring out their best style, and replica bags do make a great impact.​
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