#but at least monoma and shinsou got their little moment on the back
makeste · 6 months
BnHA Volume 35 - A Brief Reaction Journey
hello! so as mentioned in my last post, I’ve started catching up with the BnHA manga again FINALLY after almost two years, and have made it through a fair number of chapters so far! and since I’m not sure how long it will take me to actually post the corresponding liveblogs, I figured I’d make a couple of posts in the meantime to sort of preview my reaction journey thus far with some good old-fashioned OUT-OF-CONTEXT BULLET POINTS taken from my ramblings. originally I was going to make a single post for all 25 chapters I’ve read so far (up to 367), but I quickly realized that was waaaaay too ambitious lol. so for now it’s just this one, and I’ll put up the vol. 36 post probably tomorrow afternoon.
spoiler warning: just fyi, this post will obviously feature spoilers for chapters 342-350*, BUT it will also include some stray spoilers from chapters 362 and 403 as well, so just a heads up for that if you aren’t fully caught up!
*chapters 340 and 341 are not included because I've already posted full reaction posts for each one here and here, respectively.
Chapter 342
Endeavor being taller than Jeanist just feels so WRONG to me regardless of whether or not it is factually accurate. does this mean All Might is also taller than Jeanist?? I don’t want to live in a world where Best Jeanist has secretly been a perfectly normal sized person this entire time. someone please lie to me and tell me that he is tall
LMAO WHAT AN AUSPICIOUS AND NOT-AT-ALL OMINOUSLY FOREBODING NAME. “hmmm what should we name our new class 1-A fortress?” “hmm well I was thinking maybe Troy, after the legendary city with the famously impenetrable walls, which to the best of my knowledge were never breached, or at least that’s what I assume since I never finished reading The Iliad! :) :) :) ...wait, why are you all looking at me like that. they didn’t actually breach them, right? guys? what happened to Troy? GUYS?”
I’m actually so proud of Deku because he’s come such a long way from the days when the mere CONCEPT of even TALKING to a girl was enough to floor him lol. but also I’m legit cracking up at he way he tried to segue into random small talk in the middle of the goddamn apocalypse. gotta be smooth about it!! casual!! you can tell how casual they are because both of them are suddenly struck by the inexplicable urge to fuss with their hair!!
Horikoshi really said “FUCK YOUR SQUADS!! ...but if we had a Todosquad this is who would be in it I guess”
my god. between this and the OchaDeku conversation the villains truly do not stand a chance do they? and they don’t even know how screwed they are yet. REDEMPTION IS COMING!! IT’S KNOCKING ON THE DOOR, TRICK OR TREAT, Y’ALL READY FOR THIS
Chapter 343
so we’re opening with everyone’s favorite Guy With An Old Wad Of Chewing Gum For A Face, AFO!
did this son of a bitch kill Nao’s dad and steal his sexy lie-detector quirk??
sob AFO is all “can I have your son’s cell phone number please” and they’re all “SURE”
bonsoir little Yuuga
do. ...do you not actually know. was this meeting not prearranged. “why are you here Aoyama?” “why are you here, Deku?” truly, why are any of us here??
I’m sitting here trying to play the “guess which parts of this dialogue are real vs fake” game and coming up completely stumped on every single sentence
so Yuuga’s all “can you believe that even though the city of Musutafu is basically down to just U.A., a Dollar Tree, a couple of crumbling park benches, and one very determined Starbucks, we somehow still have functioning courts and lawyers?” I actually can’t believe that at all tbh. you’re telling me “it’s the fucking apocalypse” is still not a good enough excuse to get out of jury duty
damn, Aoyama out here with the trash talk and the ON YOUR LEFT?!
Chapter 344
“Eraser’s” plan, indeed. you dare say that right to Kaminari’s face
HEYA YOURSELF YOU HANDSOME KNAVE!! LOOK AT YOU!! fucking loving the costume my dude! pretty please tell us your hero name to go along with it. is it MindCraft. I think your hero name should be MindCraft. don’t look at me like that Shinsou we need more punny hero names in the world
“yes well you see, I couldn’t do it, so I learned how to do it.” great story Shinsou
the way he’s rubbing the back of his neck there. are we gonna get some real Monoma character development at long last. feels like it’s long overdue and I am thrilled. he’s such a great character and I feel like we’ve only barely scratched the surface of who he actually is as a person and as a hero
THE UNEXPECTED VLAD KING MENTORSHIP WITH THE ARM AROUND THE SHOULDERS?? he really needed that support. outwardly he’s always made a big show of wanting his turn in the spotlight and begrudging class A for stealing the scene at every turn. but how much of that is really just an act. some of it? most of it? maybe even close to all of it? because right now he suddenly seems so small and young here and really wishing he wasn’t in this unenviable position of being one of the many World’s Last Hopes who are all way too fucking young
did Mirko’s giant robot hand just grow into an EVEN GIANTER giant robot hand??
long beautiful flowing mermaid hair. sorry what was I saying I kind of spaced out there for a sec
Chapter 345
“no you don’t understand, we have so many sixteen-year-olds whose coattails we’re all hanging onto. we have sixteen-year-olds who can take over people’s minds. sixteen-year-olds who can create portals to warp you halfway around the world in an instant. and let’s not forget the sixteen-year-olds who can act their damn asses off. we have the best sixteen-year-olds in the world. our sixteen-year-olds are so much better than yours you fucking losers”
Deku I swear. if I’m about to discover that the reason you weren’t there to stop Kacchan from being literally, actually, canonically murdered is because your distracted ass got yoinked into the void by some no-name villain chucklefuck, I’m gonna...
don’t listen to him Aoyama you were magnificent. you were my favorite in all of the stage plays
“I fucked up Ochako, I fucked up so bad” omfg Deku
she doesn’t want to hurt you Deku she just wants to shower you in love. in her own special way. by stabbing you a lot
anyway have fun on this... tropical island??? I guess?? Kacchan will just have to hold down the fort in the meantime. which I’m sure will go absolutely fine
Chapter 346
“th-th-this is really bad, right?” yes Tamaki, yes it is. you’re stuck here on the Super Mega Ultra Radical Gnarly Cracked-Out Wonder Stage with Shigaraki Fucking Tomura and at least two of you are about to die and I’M NOT OKAY
so now we’re also getting this hilarious insight into the inner workings of the Mega Ultra Tremendous Stupendous Incredible Sky Coffin and it is truly, truly phenomenal
Horikoshi stop taking my sarcastic jibes and owning them completely challenge!! all the best sixteen-year-olds. all the finest greatest Hyper Ultra Sparkle Glimmer Wonder Battle Stages
this is genuinely one of the boldest lampshading efforts I have ever seen in fiction you guys
“yes, we acknowledge that this does indeed seem impossible to have pulled off, BUT have you considered that, fucking quirks though???? AND THAT THEY ARE, AS THE KIDS SAY, WILD??”
Chapter 347
lmao they’re shouting at Monoma accusingly and he’s all “I’M HAVEN’T BLINKED AT ALL YOU GUYS I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU”
don’t mind him, he’s just out here growing out his hideously malformed hands and fingers endlessly from every part of his body, normally, as one does. nothing quirk-related about it. anyone could do this if they simply exercise and maintain a balanced diet. this 100% is not a quirk y’all it’s just essential oils
awwww. the way he’s almost panicked, frantically wondering if he somehow fucked the quirk up and desperate for Aizawa to believe him that he’s trying his best. and Aizawa quick to reassure him. this kid is so desperate for approval. and unapologetically careening his way onto my top ten character list, welcome dear boy
so that’s that. see you in two years Deku. his last words spoken out loud to Kacchan were, and I quote, “wha --”
Aizawa is so hopelessly impossibly hot at all times and I don’t know how the universe can handle his existence. he’s even doing it without activating his quirk now. no ponytails or anything. just an eyepatch and a dream
don’t mind me, I’m just out here doing literal algebra to figure out how long it would take Deku to get back here if he traveled at the same speed as All Might did in chapter 90 (30 seconds per 5km, apparently). about 20 minutes, give or take. well shit. hopefully he’s a little faster than Kamino-era All Might was, especially since he can fly and has that Fa Jin shit too. or maybe Rody can fly him lmao. or S&S’s hot fighter pilot boyfriend
“what’d Sensei say, Deku?” “he said no, looks like I gotta uber. can I borrow your credit card, I promise I will venmo you back”
unfortunately for Deku he does not realize he’s accidentally gotten himself caught up in what will undoubtedly end up being the most erotic and bisexual of the various final battles
can’t believe Deku has like 6 love interests and out of all of them, Toga is the first one who actually asks him out. good for you girl. gotta shoot your shot
Chapter 348
anyway so since Deku apparently doesn’t understand how romance works either, he’s trying his best to give an actual response by recontextualizing all of this in terms of the one big thing he does understand: All Might
you’re telling me you never wanted to stab All Might to death and then turn into him?? wow I just can’t believe it
but also... okay lol. so I was thinking about this sarcastically, but was then struck by the very unironic thought that there sorta kinda is someone whom Deku does, both consciously and subconsciously, try to be like, and who he also kinda does apparently share the same heart and mind as. at least if chapter 403 is anything to go by lol. soooooooo. huh
god damn it Toga. absolutely none of what you’ve said or done here has been even the SLIGHTEST BIT reasonable. you can’t just tell someone you want to stab them and be their girlfriend. and if and when they try to let you down easy by responding with the MOST THOUGHTFUL AND GENTLE REJECTION ANYONE COULD EVER POSSIBLY MAKE UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES, because they’re actually the WORLD’S NICEST MAN, you can’t just respond by doing whatever it is you’re presumably about to do, which I’m guessing is gonna be really violent and unhinged
so Ochako is all “ever since we fought last time I’ve been thinking about you a lot!” and Toga is all “are you serious, YOU broke up with ME bitch” and now she’s standing behind her with a knife
“she’s the least predictable of our opponents” YEAH NO KIDDING LOL
“everyone knows that Toga is actually Ochako’s villain, like ffs Deku you haven’t even interacted with her since the Provisional Exam arc.” Deku they’re 100% right and you’re looking more and more the fool with each passing second
well all right lol. twenty minutes to get back to Musutafu. let’s just hope he doesn’t run into any traffic on the way
Chapter 349
what the fuck is OFA Dos’s quirk exactly and are we ever gonna get to it before I literally die of old age. at this point there’s gotta be a reason why he’s not using it, right?? so what’s the deal there? does he still somehow not know how? is it too dangerous? and I really need to know why II has the Bakugou gauntlets. tell me this isn’t one of the things we’re still waiting on answers for two years down the line because I swear to god I will cry
anyway so Deku’s saying he’s doing his best but he’s still “too slow”. WELL THEN MAYBE IT’S THAT TIME?? DEKU?? WHAT DO YOU SAY
fuck. so has he used it since then?? is he gonna use it finally now that Kacchan’s alive and well again?? oh my god I need to shut up and stop asking questions and just keep reading. fuck
wow so Dabi’s literally just burning the All Might statue while he stalls for time trying to figure out how to beat his OP little brother who was literally engineered to be better than him sob. out of all the villains he’s probably the most screwed right now isn’t he
starting to get an inkling Dabi’s not happy that he doesn’t actually get to fight Endeavor. getting some subtle hints here and there that he might actually be upset about that
apparently wanting to fight Dabi and stop him from helping to destroy the world makes Shouto a pawn. wake up Shouto. stop being such a sheep, Shouto. can’t you see that saving the world is exactly what Endeavor wants you to do???!
this is just going to be seventeen chapters of Dabi talking about nonsense while they both stand around progressively getting hotter both literally and metaphorically isn’t it
Chapter 350
well, well, well. to the surprise of absolutely no one. the real one who was responsible for everything this whole time
but I just have to pause real quick before we continue. because it absolutely cannot be a coincidence that AFO just happened to be there once again. just waiting in the shadows to magically swoop in the minute disaster strikes. and so, just like with baby Tenko, this immediately makes me suspect that Touya burning himself alive was not in fact a training accident at all. which is something I did not expect, and which, just. fuck, fuck, FUCK AFO. fuck this guy.
looks like the children's ward of a hospital?? wait, what??
how the fuck is he still so adorable. when exactly did the transition take place between adorable and sexily unhinged. right now Todoroki Touya still looks to be the absolute most adorable child on the planet
I miscalculated. I was not emotionally prepared to handle this chapter right now. I should not have clicked
really love to see that Touya didn’t just cave right away. wouldn’t have felt right, ngl. just doesn’t fit in with what we know about his character
oh shit wait we’re cutting back to Dabi talking to Shouto and he says he did come back home??
fucking why. goddammit what the hell. why is this the saddest fucking thing I’ve ever read. LOVE HIM!! SOMEONE!! ANYONE!! just love him, please. literally all he has ever wanted!!
JESUS. I HATE THIS. I am so upset right now. out of all of the horrific and traumatic and terrible, awful things that have happened to BnHA characters in their flashbacks, the thing that hits me the most out of all of them is this one image of a sixteen-year-old boy standing before an altar, with his family very much alive and standing RIGHT FUCKING THERE IN THE NEXT ROOM, and yet somehow feeling more alone than he’s ever been. so alone he literally gives up all hope in this one moment. my god I feel all of it and it’s so fucking devastating I keep having to stop typing so I don’t completely break down sobbing
well damn. after a rush of 15 and 13-page chapters, which were all admittedly appreciated by me in my race to catch up to Light Fades to Rain before this coming Friday, Horikoshi finishes up the volume with one hell of a 17 page finale. once again the Tododrama delivers. this was fucking phenomenal
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blownbybakugou · 3 years
*Kicks down door with crack head intent* I’m up to no good 🌚 Slide me some head cannons of Shinsou, Hawks, Bakugo, and Dabi with an s/o that repeats a question before they throw hands. By that I mean, the s/o gets a smile and repeats a question and it scares whoever tries them.
Ex. Random:*talking shit*
S/O: So you want me to beat your ass? 🙂 *takes off earrings*
Random:*keeps talking shit*
S/O:*ties hair up* So you want me to beat your ass? 😀
Random:*tries to talk shit*
S/O: Mmhm, okay *nods* You want me to beat your ass 😃 *whoops the dogshit out of them with a smile*
Jesus Christ y e s. You have to be one of my favorite anons yet. (Don’t tell them that). Your entry was fucking amazing, and I love you 🖤🖤💖✨Anyway, *slides* here are your headcanons. I also decided to spoil you with a bit of scenarios as well, ;).
Shinsou, Hawks, Dabi and Bakugou w/ a s/o who repeats a question before fighting someone
Tumblr media
Thinks it’s hella funny.
Like, you’ll be lounging and someone,
Say Monoma,
Will come up and start talking you down.
He’ll see you there, all smiley and shit,
And he’ll just watch you get ready to kick ass with your repetitive statements.
“You’re such a loser, L/n. Why aren’t you with the rest of them in 1-A.” Monoma cackles. Shinsou whips around to fight whomever just insulted his girlfriend like that, and sees you all giddy like you had just gotten the nicest compliment from him.
“You really want me to kick your ass in front of all these people?” He hears you giggle. The moment he hears your question, he watches intently with a smirk. Shinsou knew exactly what Monoma had coming to him, and he was proud to say the least.
“What? Someone as weak as you doesn’t stand a chance against me.” Monoma scoffs. “You want me to kick your ass in front of everyone, huh?” You grin, tying your hair back out of your face.
“Are you dense? I just said you’d be too weak to even touch me.” He says cockily. “Okay, you want me to kick your ass in front of everyone.”
Hitoshi watches every movement in amazement. Like the way you turn the side when you punch, and the way you knocked Monoma onto his butt. He found it all beautiful.
You were made for him.
He loves girls that fight back,
But he loves your smile twice as much.
So you fucking know Katsuki is gonna love you.
He will just fight alongside you.
And he also thinks you repeating is a sign to back away and let you handle it.
So you bet your ass he will.
Monoma approach’s you with pride, his face twisted with mischief. “Hey! 1-A scum! Going off to your little pathetic boyfriend?” You let out a faux amused laugh and start gathering your hair.
“Do you want me to fucking kill you?” You smile, looking at him with innocent, yet empty eyes. His face drops into one of slight fear, but then he catches himself and masks it with mock laughter.
“You? Please, you couldn’t take me down even if you tried sweetheart!” Bakugou’s ear catches at the word ‘sweetheart’, as he turns to blow him to shreds.
“Haha, so you want me to fucking kill you?” You repeat a bit slower as you step closer to him. Monoma visibly gulps, and moves back a couple inches. “You’re too weak, you foolish girl” He says, returning to his façade.
Bakugou stops himself knowing very well that you wanted to take Monoma yourself, so he goes back to talking to Kirishima about training.
“Mk, you want me to fucking kill you” you grin. Monoma sweats nervously as you grab his hand gently, only to throw him into a nearby wall. “That’s my girl!”
Well you’d be lucky enough if you even got to fuCKING FIGHT ON YOUR OWN.
He won’t let anyone talk down to you.
Not for a second.
So you rarely get to kick ass ☹️
But when Tokoyami holds him back,
Be grateful.
Endeavor was giving you shit for standing up for Shouto, and damn was it pissing you off. Hawks was watching from a distance with Tokoyami, conflicted on whether or not to stop you guys.
“Why don’t you just screw off for once, you nosy bitch.” Enji snarls at you. You giggle, cracking your knuckles a bit. “You wanna fuck with me, old man?” You keen.
Hawks tries to fly to your rescue, only to have Fumikage grab his arm to stop him. “Just let her handle it.” His deep voice spoke to Keigo.
“The hell did you say to me, you cheeky whore?” Endeavor spoke back. “Oh, so you wanna fuck with me? Not a good idea.”
The avid-ness in your voice startled him the slightest bit, before he regained his posture and activated his quirk. “You’re on” He growls.
You avoided the shots of fire that flew at you, and ran underneath him, and kicked out his legs. You then grabbed his left leg and used it to throw him into the air.
Once he landed on the ground, you pranced over to Takami and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for letting me do that Kei!”
He might low key encourage you to do this.
And if we’re being honest,
He probably simps for you because of this.
He’ll just be vibing-
And he’ll see you giggling while beating the shit out of some poor bastard.
Doesn’t interrupt, doesn’t say anything after either. Just gives you a big kiss.
Toga had been stealing yours and Dabi’s blood for weeks now, and you were l i v i d. You and her were in a heated bitch fight, and then she crosses the line with an overboard insult.
“Do you really want me to beat the shit out of you here?” You ask with a small laugh. “Your stanky whore ass couldn’t do anything even if you tried” she retorts.
“Ah, so you want me to beat the shit out of you?” You tie your hair up for preparation and pump yourself up. “Didn’t you hear me the first time, cunt? You’re weak. I don’t know why Dabi even dates a slut like you.”
“Ok, you want me to beat the shit out of you.” You throw yourself at her, scratching and punching where ever you could. It got to the point where Kurogiri needed to split the fight up.
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static-fanatic-1 · 3 years
I just went through you r blong and it's?? So amazing??? Like omg I wass literally screaming when I read all that glorious stuff, you're doing god's work here love💕 but I would like to know what Kikyo, Illumi, Milluki, Kurapika, Pakunoda, Chrollo and Silva + Shigaraki, Overhaul, Monoma, Chronostasis, Setsuno, Tamaki, Endeavor, Shinsou and Aizawa do for winter and/or Christmas/other religious holidays activities with their darling? Bc I'm ready to sell my vital organs for it ;_;
Thanks you <3
Also, Christmas wit da bois is an amazing idea. (I’ll be doing normal Winter stuff and some religious holidays.)
Since they are a family, I will combine them (and to make this large post a bit shorter and easier haha).
Anyway, they celebrate Christmas more for the gifts and to spoil their kids. You better expect a large, family gathering for the entire two weeks of Christmas and New Years. It doesn’t really matter, you will be forced to celebrate Christmas with them. I mean you are part of the family.
Think of it as a resort holiday, you are treated like a queen/king and anything you want will go. Well, other than freedom of course. Still, you receive many gifts that are beyond your price tag, and the gifts you give them are more decorative to be honest. You don’t have as much money to spend as them, so you decided to make all of your gifts because you hoped the thought would be enough. They might not look the best, but each Zoldyck will treasure it to the end of their days.
They will try to incorporate any traditions as long as they are family oriented, they aren’t monsters. And even if you have other holidays you celebrate, you will still celebrate Christmas with them. With that being said, they will be kind enough to celebrate your own holidays, it will be a smaller scaled thing though.
He finds it to be a bonding moment, and he doesn’t get enough of those for obvious reasons. He will go above and beyond to please you, simply to get back on your good side a bit.
Cocoa, apple cider, blankets, decorations, traditions, ANYTHING is on. He wants you to relax and feel at home around him. Despite his extremely controlling attitude, he wants you to love him. Sadly he prioritizes your absolute safety over your mental health.
But it’s sweet for the most part, he actually seems to act normal, he doesn’t seem as if he is going to snap and try to force you into anything. But yes, he might try to get things to be hot and heavy, you being relaxed is too perfect of an oppertunity to waste. He still has a clan to rebuild.
I wrote chrollo’s before Paku’s, so it’s kinda the same. She will be more active in putting things together and getting into the festivities. She will get really close, using the excuse that she’s cold just to cuddle with you.
Christmas sex? Yeah, probably. She’ll take care of everything, you could sit back and watch her do everything. But it’s more fun together right?
Everyone is invited, so expect the rest of the Troupe and their darlings!
He doesn’t mind, he’s pretty accommodating too! He’s honestly the most okay with anything. I would think the people of Meteor City look forward to Christmas, there isn’t a lot but people who really care for one another take the time to chill with each other.
With you around, they have a really big excuse to go all out! Chrollo will sit back and relax, having you and the rest of the Troupe decorate and get presents. He will help of course if you ask, but he will mostly be on the side lines.
Anything else is a-okay too! He doesn’t care as long as you are happy, and the Troupe can join in the festivities.
Christmas is something he does know! But he knows nothing of any other holiday to be honest. All for One gave him a few gifts in his life time, not much but enough for Shigiraki to develope the concept of Christmas. I mean when he was a kid he loved Christmas with his family. It was one of the happiest times back then.
So he genuinely had a love hate relationship with the holiday. You will ah e to take initiative on this one. Giving a gift, starting decorations, making hot coco or something. Anything to get the ball rolling and he would begrudgingly comply.
Secretly, he is excited to join the holiday festivities with you. Specifically with you, anyone else and they would be dust. He is okay with learning new holiday traditions too, like why do you guys light candles for a holiday? Well oh tell him with a smile and help him light one on fire. He almost burns the whole hideout down. You’ll have to watch him.
He celebrates Christmas, but he’s more of a grinch. He celebrates it with his kids and wife, just because it’s something families do. Though throughout his life he never found it more than a obligation.
When you come along, he’s on the path of becoming a better person, so he will definantly try harder. One Christmas with all the fun stuff with you, and another one for his family. He kinda lets you take the lead, of course if you really want something you will have to do some sexual trades. Can’t let you get too comfortable right?
Moreover, if you are on good terms with his immediate family, you could probably add more cheer to the holiday. Also if you celebrate another holiday then don’t worry, he’ll accommodate to be nicer.
Who cares about winter, it’s cold and you are more likely to get sick because of it. Your immune system will be more likely to be compromised so you better expect him to helicopter a bit more.
Warm teas, heavy blankets, vitamins, and supplaments are to be expected. Nothing sugary either, maybe a bit of medical honey in your tea but not much.
Christmas isn’t something he celebrates, but he will make a slight exception if you are good. If you act like a suck up, he’ll be nice and maybe get you Christmas gift. Maybe even a small Christmas tree for moral. I wouldn’t expect too much though.
He like winter, he doesn’t know why exactly, but he does. I can easily see him getting into the activities of December. Like the ballets and Christmas lights and other festive things that make you leave your house. Headcannon that he might be a decent ice skater too. He simply enjoys the activities more than the actual holidays.
He won’t mind helping decorate or getting gifts or any other holiday traditions. Actually, if they are fun traditions without much competitive fire, he’ll probably want to do them more.
Although I don’t see him liking the warm ness of cuddling and all that, I can see him enjoying the slight chill in the air. Supportive of any holiday you celebrate, might even try to make more traditions too.
He likes Christmas and the holidays, it’s the perfect time to get the best gifts for his little darling. Oddly enough he loves getting small gifts for you, it makes him feel prideful knowing you like what he got you, so he loves Christmas is general.
As for winter, he likes it! It’s an excuse to get you under the covers and warm you up. That can be taken both ways if ya’ know what I’m saying.
I think he would prefer warm drinks like tea and apple cider over hot chocolate, but hell totally make some for you. Any decorations are also game, just expect some teasing for the childish stuffed animal you keep on the fireplace mantle.
He is kinda clueless in the sense he just doesn’t know where to start. Like he knows about the basics of holiday traditions, but he doesn’t know if you do those traditions. He’ll be pretty laid back when you get excited about it though. This clingy man will simply sit back and watch the entire time.
Winter isn’t his favorite, but he doesn’t mind being able to hold you close so you won’t be cold. He is very possessive considering what happened to his last lover. He will be perfectly fine with helping with easy things, but when it comes to the more taxing things, he’ll let you take the reins.
He’ll try to buy you a present he thinks you’ll like, but he won’t get too fancy. After all he really just wants to hold you close and soak in your warmth.
Nervous boy feels most comfortable in winter, at least in his home where he has you to cuddle, bake, and hold. He loves the warmth found in a home, and he will encourage any baking you want to do. It just leaves him with a warm feeling inside when he can bake cookies and brownies with you by his side.
Although he’s all hands on deck when the holidays come along, he’s still nervous about it. He’ll ask questions and make sure everything works how it’s supposed to because he doesn’t want to mess something up for you. Might accidentally go a bit overboard with gifts or other traditional activities.
He just wants to please you though, a real sweetheart when it comes down to it.
I think Shinsou likes winter because it means spring is on its way. I can see him being a spring loving boy because of all the kittens and flowers blooming. Winter is good though, might be his second favorite season. He loves the blankets and the hot cocoa and the baked goods and the holiday cheer. Especially the gift giving, he likes seeing you happy when he gives you a gift.
He probably won’t be too enthusiastic about any holiday stuff, but he will sure support it and help with anything you need. Need a Christiana’s tree because you can’t have a Christmas without it? You better bet he’ll get it right away.
He loves watching you get excited about the holidays, everything in the house just seems a bit more cheerful because of you. He will wrap you in blankets and jackets and hold you closely in his arms. You also better bet anything you do he will be there to help you. He might not be the most into the holidays, but he surely loves getting ready for the holidays with you.
Winter is not his favorite season, but I’d say it’s probably second place. He doesn’t do too much, as he simply doesn’t want to put in that much effort in something so minuscule. But, he defiantly encourages his Darling if they want to decorate or bake or something wintery.
Christmas also isn’t really a big thing for him, as he doesn’t usually buy presents for other people. Of course, his Darling is another story. Unlike most people, he buys a few presents for you because you are his special kitten.
He will also help decorate or bake small things if you want to. Hot chocolate is a must, he has a special, bitter hot chocolate just for himself that he loves. You have your sweet beverage and he has his bitter one. Just don’t forget the marshmallows.
Warm cuddles is a blessing to him. When it’s cold he grabs blankets and wraps you up like a baby is a swadle just to hold you close to him. As for other holidays, he will respect them and whatever stuff come with them. Like Hanukkah and the candles for each night. Just don’t expect anything too crazy, he just wants a comfortable holiday evening with you.
Happy Holidays sweethearts!!! I hope you have an amazing whatever you celebrate and if you celebrate nothing, than have a wonderful day!
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yandere-sins · 4 years
Birthday shinsou fic where his friends kidnap y/n for him??? Thank u(^^)
I like that, friends helping out their friend :D Thank you for requesting!!
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-««
“Where are we going again?” Shinsou asked, innocently enough to be believable. But Deku was clever enough not to bite the bait, putting his pointer to his lips, signaling they were sealed. Shinsou sighed internally, giving in to his fate of being dragged out of the dorms in the middle of the night - on his birthday nonetheless!
One would think that at least this day meant something. That he’d at least get a break from all the people nagging on him lately. Ever since the joint training they did, he became friends with everyone involved, and though they were pretty okay people to be around, their enthusiasm often struck a nerve with Hitoshi.
All the more, it bothered him that they kept him from doing something he actually wanted to. Especially because it was his birthday, people had been around him all day, giving him little to no chance to see you. The only time had been in the morning as you walked to your classroom, Shinsou sending a longing glance after you. But after that, his day had been packed, and now, that he had planned to sneak over to your dorm, he’d been caught by Midoriya, who promised to show him something great.
“What could possibly be so great-” Shinsou muttered, when Deku made a sudden stop, signaling him to stand right there before he went to check the door, they were standing in front of. “-that you need to show it to me right now,” he finished his sentence sighing. From what he could tell, they had snuck into a warehouse from the back entrance, following a long corridor to a room inside of it. Deku knocked at the metal in a certain rhythm, reminding Shinsou of knock-codes from old movies, and for a moment, nothing happened at all.
Until suddenly, the door opened up a small gap, bright yellow light falling into the hallway. “There you are - finally!” a familiar voice groaned, Monoma’s if he guessed right. With a mighty drive, the door got pushed open, Midoriya running in quickly to stand in position as three different voices called out, “Happy Birthday!”
It took Shinsou a few blinks to get accustomed to the bright light before he could see anything, the faces of Monoma, Midoriya, and Kaminari falling into his field of view first before something else grazed his vision.
Bound up and pretty, stirring at the sudden commotion, you could only let out muffled words, head moving side to side as you couldn’t see what was going on behind the blindfold. Still, he’d have recognized you everywhere. To think he’d ever get to see something so beautiful as you, wrapped in red ribbon just for him, blew his mind. Hitoshi felt almost close to tears as you sat there on a chair, surrounded by a few more wrapped gifts.
“We thought we’d make you a special present this year,” Monoma snickered, his intention as sinister as he was haughty. Hitoshi could see it in his face that his friend was more than pleased with what he had done, already believing he would get the best friend award for that year. “Hope you like it, Bro!” Denki called out from behind Hitoshi’s darling, putting a hand on your shoulder and making you flinch from the sudden touch.
“It wasn’t easy, but we know how much you like [Name]!” Midoriya added, picking up one of the presents on the floor and pressing it into the hands of a still baffled Shinsou. “Open up!”
Hesitantly, he navigated his fingers to the ribbon - the same red, vibrant ribbon that you were wrapped in - the box opening up to reveal tightly wrapped ropes and a pair of handcuffs in it. “Oh. My. God.” Shinsou muttered. Any normal person would have realized latest now how crazy all of this was. Not only you served to him on a silver platter, no, but you also came with a wide selection of tools to keep you.
But not Shinsou, and not that night.
He was delighted.
“I don’t know what to say,” he admitted, looking from one boy to the other. Monoma grinned even wider, knowing the had hit the right nerves with the usual so stoic Shinsou, seeing his eyes shine and a sincere smile on his lips. Kaminari only shrugged as if all of this wasn’t as big of a deal as it felt to Hitoshi, and Midoriya had a bashful expression, relieved to have made his friend happy. “We knew you’d like this, don’t be sparse with the ‘Thank you!’s.”
“Thanks, guys... really,” Shinsou only mustered to say, and the three exchanged knowing glances, their hearts full with pride and joy from seeing him so unusual sentimental. “Well, that’s that!” Kaminari announced, picking up another present to stack on top of the other as he approached Shinsou, the other two guys setting themselves in motion too.
“We’re sure you want to have fun with your presents, and you know how it is... we gotta, uuuh...”
“Be somewhere too!” Midoriya finished Denki’s sentence, snickering knowingly.
“Do have fun, my Friend,” Monoma chuckled as he passed Shinsou, the three disappearing behind the door he had just come from, calling back their farewells without another glance back at the birthday boy.
Not it was only you and him. You still were as confused as you must have been when they brought you here. Three true friends, always looking out for him and knowing exactly what Shinsou could desire in his life. Slowly he rounded you, taking in every struggle you made, how your legs and shoulders moved as you tried to wiggle out of the tough restrains around you. They hadn’t even undressed you, still keeping you in your uniform, pure and pretty. Just how he liked you the best.
Subconsciously, he began to unwrap the second present Kaminari had given to him, this time ripping the ribbon off unceremonial. Out came... his Artificial Vocal Cords, polished and clearly enhanced by someone. They even went out of their way to fix the broken part on the side from when he got beaten in the last training, making them as good as new.
Letting the box fall to the ground, he put them on, knowing exactly why they had made it a big deal to present them to him now. His now free hands drove over the back of your shoulders, feeling your warmth against his fingertips and taking in the flinches of your muscles under his touches. You were so alive, so real, right there in front of him.
You never gave Shinsou much mind when you met him in the hallways. The closest he came to you was when he laid beside you at night, watching you sleep. But now you were there, and you were all his. Switching on the device to enhance his quirk, he positioned himself in front of you, both hands combing through your hair before settling at the back of your head, unclasping the gag in your mouth.
There was nothing he wanted to hear more right now than your lovely voice, especially if it was in response to his questions.
“How about you wish me a happy birthday, [Name]?” he asked, all too curious as what would be words that would force you to fall in love with him forever.
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caermis · 3 years
❝Become Mine.❞
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Todoroki Shouto X Black!Reader Warnings: None. Summary: ❄️🔥Shouto when he first meets Y/N, and she’s black❄️🔥
❄️🔥It was amazing to him how well you used your quirk. Yet, he had never seen you. Being as observant as he was, your existence was well… new but intriguing and beautiful. Your anti-gravity black in pushed back with a hair hand, sweat glistened off your form, you seemed to glow. Todoroki never had a favorite color, but the F/C sports bra and matching leggings made him feel some sort of way. It blew his mind. How different your brown skin contrasted with his own.
❄️🔥Knocked out of his daze. He locked eyes with yours. You gave a soft nod as a ‘hello’, Todoroki tried to do the same, only for it to seem like he was excessively jerking his head, but at least it brought a smile to your lips. Placing your water bottle in the sand and slowly walking towards. Feeling his heart speed up, he was internally panicking and couldn’t think of words to say.
❄️🔥“Hello.” Not only were you not from around you, but you also spoke Japanese. He could feel himself melt. Having that you moved closer, he could stare into your mesmerizing E/C eyes. Your wide nose and fuller lips, it was all…. perfect. “Hey…” Trying to remain calm, Todoroki watched you smile and leaned against the railing and hold out a hand. “L/N Y/N, but you can call me Y/N.” She smiled, and he gently took her hand, feeling my face heat up, their skin tones contrasting.
❄️🔥“First name bases already?” He smiled and gently pulled away. “No need to be formal, Todoroki Shouto.” My heart fluttered at hearing my name leave her lips. The corner of her lips turned up as they continue their conversation. “Then you can call me Shouto. So it’s fair I guess.” Y/N’s smiled widened and you spoke my first name… could this be what you call a crush?
❄️🔥“What school do you go to?” She hummed and thought about it for a second. “I’m transferring into the UA, and into the Hero Class. I assume ill be seeing you there?” The phone in her pocket rung, and she looked at the screen, her smiling dropping. “I have to go, but ill see you in class, Shouto.” Watching her leave, Shouto felt like he was going to self combust.
❄️🔥When Shouto saw you walk into that class, it was like he was meeting you for the first time all over again, and suddenly where were seated beside him, while Mineta was moved beside Bakugou. Not only were they on first name bases, but you also sat right next to him. Halfway through class, a note was passed onto his desk.
❄️🔥‘Hi <3’ Thus beginning the class note exchange, where we shared our fears and backstories stuff about our quirks, this went on for weeks. Most of our conversations being completely quiet and written down, to the point where Shouto could open his bag and notes would flutter down. Until one day, you shared your phone number and the moment he got it, he immediately put you as a favorite contact.
❄️🔥 ‘Y/N💗’ 
❄️🔥Thus your note exchange became constant texting if you weren’t near each other, occasionally doing tiny notes to each other in class, moments that both of you cherished.
❄️🔥It didn't hit him how close we had become until Shouto was eating lunch and you were brought up into the topic. “I wish I had her number. She’s super fun, I just don’t know how to ask.” Hearing Denki let out a desperate sigh, most of the class was sitting together, minus you cause you had school stuff to finish and didn’t come in today. “Actually, where is Y/N?”
❄️🔥 “She’s not here today,” Midoriya answering Denki’s question, he sighed. “But why?” The rest of the group shrugged and finished slurping his soba. “She had work to finish, so she decided to catch up at home, but she’ll be here tomorrow.” The group looked at him as Shouto spoke nonchalantly.
❄️🔥“How’d you know that?” They all waited for my answer. Letting out a loud slurp, he shrugged. “She texted me, of course.” A few mouths dropped, and a few nodded. “She also gave us her numbers, we’re even in a group chat.” Uraraka, Iida, Midoriya, Tsuyu, Mina, Bakugou, and Sero both held out their phones, showing Y/N’s contact name.
❄️🔥“How’d yall dumb idiots not get her number. She was literally passing them out. Even copycat guy (Monoma) and Insomnia (Shinsou) got her number.” Bakugou glared at Denki and Kirishima for their stupidity. But by the looks of it, I was the first I gave her number to which was the first month she came to class, that was 4 months ago.
❄️🔥But Shouto did pride himself on the little getaways you both had. You weren’t the most rebellious type and wouldn’t skip class unless there was a few minutes left, nor ditch, but whenever you both had group get-togethers, you two would slip away for 30 minutes and do your own thing. Shouto found you fun and made him less uptight and relax, while he stopped the eyes glances you’d get while you walked with a glare. It felt like you both were a thing until you’d both go to your dorms and the silent reminder that you weren’t his.
❄️🔥That was until a ding notifying that he had received a message. ‘I like like you Shouto.’
❄️🔥His heart exploded with joy and he didn’t know what to do with himself but rush towards your dorm room. He tried to keep a calm face, as he knocked on the door and as soon as it opened, he latched onto, only saying the words. “Be mine.”
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
"maybe i want to take you out!" (s. hitoshi x reader)
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summary; shinsou hitoshi always thought you'd get along pretty well, with similar quirks, both aspiring to be a hero someday. what will it take for him to ask you out?
genre; fluff(?
word count: 1.8k
warnings: manga spoiler, joint training arc. two curse words(??
quirk; puppet master. you can control any person or object with invisible strings that come out of your body. the accuracy increases as more strings you use. usually, you only use your fingers because it's easier to control, but when needed you can use your tongue, feet, hips and legs. for it to work, whatever is your objective has to be in your sight at the moment of taking control, once that happened, the connection will break if they cross a five miles radio. when overused, your fingers (or whatever you're using) will bleed and give you instense headache.
in class 1-a of the hero course, everyone got along, including you. you had bonded with everyone there, including bakugou somehow, but definitely your best friend was kaminari denki. maybe because your rooms were parallel from each other and that made you spent almost everyday with him, sometimes mina would tag along, or kirishima, or sero, but always you and him. don't get me wrong, it was totally innocent, there was really nothing more than a strong friendship between both of you, despite of what your friends thought. it was normal for you to have lunch together, or go for a run before going to sleep. anyone who didn't know you would've thought you were a couple, and that's what the purple haired boy from general studies thought too.
one time, after his personal practice, aizawa sensei caught him looking at you.
"you..." he wasn't that type of master, but he also wanted to bond with his student "you should talk to her, she's really nice"
"sorry, what?" his cheeks started to blush at a weird speed.
"you were looking at y/n, right? i said you should go talk to her, her quirk is similar to yours" of course shinsou knew that, that girl was one of the eight best from the sports festival, if only she were better at close combat, she would've totally won. at least, that what he thought.
"forget it, it's nothing" it had made him uncomfortable to have that little chat with his sensei.
however, aizawa knew he lied. it was something, and for shinsou to care about anything asides from becoming a hero was... unnatural.
you, on the other hand, never repaired on him that much. you knew who he was, you knew he had potential and was awfully cute, but that was it. sometimes you would think about talking to him, i mean, your quirks were similar, he'd get some things no one else would, he'd get you, but neither of you had the courage.
until one day, on your first joint train with class b, a surprise student showed up. it was him. shinsou hitoshi, in his flesh and blood. he seemed so different. it wasn't just that cloth in his neck giving him an eraserhead type of look, a new aura of self confidence surrounded him, making you feel a little attracted to him.
the teams were sorted out, you ended up with deku, uraraka, mina and mineta. given that your team had one more than the others, it was decided that shinsou would be against you. a shiver ran down your back, it scared you to fight someone similar to you. denki's team ended up with shinsou in it.
"denki, here" you approached to him handing over a cereal bar. he took it without saying a word as shinsou came closer.
"thank you for hav–" he stopped talking when he saw your face, what were you doing there? he always saw you around kaminari, were his suspicions true? were the two of you dating?
"you've got the face of a popular guy!" denki shouted "i'll bet you're popular with the ladies, trust me! look at y/n over here, drooling all over the place" he pointed at you with a funny expression.
"oh shut it" you were trying to hide the blush in your face by looking to the ground, dammit, denki "anyways, good luck shinsou, i... i look forward to our match" you walked away, feeling butterflies in your belly even though he didn't even respond. he was just too mindblown that you knew his name, that you looked forward to anything involving him.
"hey! what about me?" denki whined, but you ignored him. he realized that the purple haired boy didn't take his eyes off of you the whole time before the match, and figure out that maybe, he had a little crush on you.
as their match began, you accompanied deku to the camera room, recovery girl was there, just in case anyone got hurt. midoriya had his notebook in hand, taking notes on everything your classmates did. from time to time, he would mumble a couple things to himself.
"shinsou really improved after the sports festival" you said, thinking out loud. you swear you tried, but it was impossible to take your eyes off of him.
"does his hair pull up too? is it a cloth thing? i always thought it was because of eraser's quirk. what if he...?" deku rambled, and you didn't notice the sassy look recover girl was giving to you.
their match ended with a win of class a, denki happily hugging shinsou. the rest of the encounters left your team, the last one, with the duty to untie, each class won two times, whoever wins now takes it all. you hurried to gather up with your team, mina yelling at you to fast your pace. deku already had a plan, which involved him as a decoy. you had to be taken to higher ground, where you could see most of the arena, as a damage control person. once they're in the place of your ambush, you'd use your mastering to get them out of combat.
the exercise started, everyone in position. uraraka helped you get as high as you could, and then went to help the others. you helped mineta move whenever he needed while keeping an eye on deku, but suddenly, everything turned into a mess. you couldn't see deku, or uraraka, or mina, only smoke and screams. you rushed over there, worrying that something bad happened to anyone.
"deku!" you yelled, a strange black substance was coming out of his body, taking control of him, almost like a black whip. in anger, it turned to monoma, who was standing in shock. without second thoughts, you launched yourself to get the blonde guy of the way, arriving a few seconds early, but not enough time to save your own body.
it was impossible for the whip to stop at that speed, so you closed your eyes and protected your face, there was nothing else you could do. but the impact never came. the moment shinsou got there, his legs took life and jumped to save you. seeing you there, waiting for your faith like a scared kitten, made his heart break. and he did it, he saved you from izuku, but didn't realize how your head smashed into the ground.
you remember seeing dark purple eyes staring at you before passing out.
"are you sure she'll be okay?" a male voice asked. it wasn't denki, or aizawa sensei, but he seemed worried about you. your head ached like hell, so you kept your eyes closed.
"what i answered ten times before won't change now, shinsou" you knew that was recovery girl, but what was shinsou doing there? why was he so worried about you? "call me when she wakes up, i gotta go" and like that, both of you were left alone.
he sat next to you, resting his hands on the gurney while letting a loud sigh out.
"tough day?" you teased without looking at him.
"you wouldn't believe" it took him a while to realize what had happened "you woke up! how is your head? are you okay? don't move, i'll get recover girl" shinsou jumped from his sit, somehow you managed to grab his wrist, blushing at the touch of his skin.
"wait, please" he felt his knees weaken below him because of your soft tone "can you tell me what happened?" then it was his turn to blush.
"um, i really think i should go get recovery girl" you let go of his wrist when he started to walk, with a hint of sour in your mouth.
as hitoshi left the room, kaminari appeared minutes later. his hair was messy, and still wore his hero costume, like you. after screaming, he hugged you tightly.
"don't ever, ever, do that again! oh go i thought you were dead or something, if shinsou hadn't throw you of that thing's way..."
"shinsou saved me?" he proceeded to tell you a detailed history of what he saw in the ground gamma's cameras. how that whip was about to kill monoma, how you saved him only to be saved later by shinsou.
recover girl arrived alone, no sign of the purple haired boy, and by the afternoon, you were ready to go home. at the dorms, everyone welcomed you, izuku apologizing over and over. but the boy wasn't there either. him was all you could think about. you wanted to talk to him, thank him, something to him. why did he run away? did you said anything bad? were you annoying?.
days went by, and shinsou wasn't anywhere nearby, not even the hallways. you were told to rest and get good sleep at nights, but you laid wide awake thinking if tomorrow maybe he'd approach to you. until one day, it was enough. eraserhead gladly told you to go to the forest at six, he would be there waiting for you. and so you did, only to find him in his training clothes, obviously not expecting you.
"what are you doing here? you should be resting" he shouted, trying to hide his sweating hand behind his back with the greatest effort to not let his embarrassment out in his voice.
"well i would be, if the guy that saved me didn't ghost me" why were you being that confident? he didn't owe you anything, half of you wanted to turn around and leave, but you never listened to that half.
"it wasn't a big deal! it's cold out here, where's your jacket?"
"forget about my jacket! why didn't you come back?" shinsou felt something shiver in him, why didn't him?.
"because you didn't need me there!" even he knew that was the lamest answer ever.
"you don't know what i need! i wanted to thank you!"
"well then do it!"
"that's what i'm doing!"
"great, thanks accepted, now go and put on a fucking jacket!"
"no! you don't get it, dammit" his eyes opened wide, he was completely lost.
"what is it then!?"
"i want you to care!"
"how do you know i don't?" your face turned red.
"because... oh screw it!" you turned around, ready to leave.
"wait! what do you want me to say!?"
"i don't know! what do you want to do!?"
"maybe i want to take you out!"
"maybe you should!"
"maybe i will!"
wait, what? did he said he wanted to take you out?
"are you... are you for real?" you asked, scared of his answer. both of you walked closer to each other.
"i mean, yeah, but it's totally okay if you don't want to, i would totally understand, like, you are you and i am me, so feel free to..." you lips pressed to his stopped him from talking. they were soft, perfectly in sync with yours, a little taste of mint coming out of his mouth. "i-is that a yes?"
"pick me tomorrow at seven" and you left, both had an idiotic smile stitch to your faces.
you were going on a date with shinsou hitoshi.
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pearl-blue-musings · 3 years
Grow as We Go: part 8
Hi part 8 mates!
Written portion in between so you know the deal
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi x fem!reader
Warnings: language and gets a little sad
this occurs a couple weeks after the last chapter
9 Masterlist
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It was weird for you to be up at 7 whatever in the morning. But it was weirder to have someone else be knocking on your door.
“Alright whoever you are, you better have a good reason for being here. I don’t show off my morning look to everyone.”
When you open the door, you’re met with light blue eyes filled with worry and fear. His figure looms over you more than before and you know you’d never forget that blond hair anywhere.
The man in front of you, chuckling nervously. It’s a strange thing to you. Monoma had always exuded confidence, despite any disadvantage he might’ve been dealing with. So seeing him so nervous in your presence in unsettling even though it is early.
“I know you’re surprised to see me. I’d be flattered having to see so much beauty this early!”
You couldn’t help the smile of nostalgia that came to your features. Your smile eased Monoma’s uneasiness as he whispers, “that’s the smile I know. Can I come in? It’ll be very quick, I swear.”
You shrug and let him in, handing him a pair of house slippers. You hadn’t thought hard enough about this interaction, not sure how you would even bring up any type of conversation with him. But just like with Hitoshi, it’s high time you truly come clean with your feelings and intentions.
The two of you stand in your kitchen, leaning on the countertop and it reminds you of your days and dates back at U.A. It’s bittersweet, but hopefully all of that will change. 
“You’re probably wondering how I found you?” He sees you nod and goes on. “Well, I have a small mission with Fatgum’s agency, I’m headed there now actually. And-”
“Let me guess,” you interrupt, “either he or Kiri sent you my information cause of my affiliation?”
A knowing chuckle leaves his lips as he remembers how often you’d do that, knowing him full well. “Yeah pretty much. I know I could be using your services at some point so I wanted to meet with you in a less formal setting.”
If this was anyone else who had come to see you so early, you would’ve needed at least 20 extra minutes to unwrap and unroll your hair and prepare it for the day, but Monoma had seen you like this before so you weren’t upset. You fiddle with your fingers, trying to avoid the anxiety rising so you try to not look in his eyes but your eyes settle on his left hand. Specifically his left ring finger.
You gape, “Oh my god are you married?!”
Your question catches him off guard as he looks at his hand. “Ah yes! I’ve been with Itsuka for almost a year now.”
“Congrats! I always knew there was something between the two of you. I’m really happy for you.”
He flushes, he actually flushes, at your congrats to his marriage. He had been waiting for the right segway and here it is. “Thank you, I really appreciate that. I’ll tell her I saw you.” He pauses to carefully formulate his next words. “She wasn’t the reason I broke up with you. Well I mean, a small part, but not the initial reason!”
You cross your arms, but you weren’t upset. Although the break up hurt, you weren’t caught off guard by it. “It’s okay, Neito, really. I had a feeling... But, what’s the other reason?”
He gives you a calm and reassuring smile, something that looks more common on his features. He seems more relaxed, less of an uptight asshole. “Since we’re being open, I ended our relationship because of Shinsou.”
Your eyes widen at his confession. “Wait,” you stutter, “what? What does Hitoshi have to do with us?”
“Nothing and everything honestly.”
“I’m not following.”
“(Y/n), honey, he was absolutely in love with you.”
He’s gotta be lying, right? You two were merely best friends. Super close, did everything together, deeply cared for each other and had each others backs...There was that one time one student from class B tried flirting with him and you were, strangely upset.
Monoma slouches over. “That’s all you have to say? I reveal why I broke up with you and that’s all you have to say?”
“This is a lot for me to take in! I’m meeting him soon!”
His eyes go wide and a knowing smirk comes to his face. “Is he now? You guys are talking? I have to admit, when you disappeared after I dumped you-”
“Always so sensitive,” you say snarky-like.
“He beat me up. Yeah, gave me this scar on my arm. When you left he didn’t talk to anyone for a while. It was sad. I wanted to reach out but Itsuka talked me out of it. I wish I hadn’t listened to her because his love for you turned to hate so quickly.”
Monoma’s words were breaking your heart. You knew you had hurt Shinsou bit you didn’t know the extent of it. What a double whammy that must’ve been for him. You moved away after being dumped with no explanation. What kind of friend were you?
You feel a lukewarm finger touch your face to wipe a single tear. “Hey, don’t blame this on you. I really did love you, I did. But Shinsou? He thought the world of you, maybe still does. I couldn’t keep hurting two people I care about like that! What kind of man do you take me for?” He got you to laugh with that and that calmed his heart. “You didn’t leave because of that right?”
You shook your head and whisper, “No, it was a family thing. I can elaborate later.”
He nods in affirmation and steps back, giving you space. The air around the two of you felt nice, comfortable. It had been so long since you’ve felt like this with him and it was one other thing you needed in your life. You had talked with Monoma and things with Hitoshi were incredible. Things really couldn’t get any better than this.
You walk him to your door, noticing the time getting closer to his meeting time. You two share a couple of laughs and banter flows easily. You open the door and are about to let him leave, when you tug on his jacket. He turns to you, knowing the gesture and pulls you into a hug. He holds you tightly, caressing your back and swaying you back and forth. His head rests atop of yours like old times and it feels so good. You’re too caught up in the moment to comprehend what’s going on around you.
You pull away and then wave him off. You heart was content. You knew today would be the day you would confess your true feelings.
And hopefully Shinsou would do the same.
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Taglist: @cupcake-rogue @chefakari @rainbowgundrops @graybabyxx x @angelofdarkness1020 @aubreykirishima
If your name isn’t a link I couldn’t tag you I’m sorry!
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svnarintaro · 4 years
it’s too late to say sorry
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update: part two is up and you can read it here 
authors note: IM IN A IMAGINE WRITING SPREE SOMEONE STOP ME PLEASE also i like using different names for the same characters im sorry :/
synopsis: hitoshi shinsou is known to be a top tier player, you only saw his as a jerk that toyed with other people's feelings, he was on his way for changing for the better; but he blew it.
word count: 1.9k words
warnings: !quirkless au! angst!!
!f*ckboy! hitoshi shinsou x reader 
him and his entire demeanour pissed you off, you were not someone that was hateful but man did this man get on your nerves. girls and guys were falling like flies case of his 'irresistible' aura, the thought made you scoff. he was just another one of those players that care for thing other than themselves and you were sick of this whole pedestal that people put them on, and him oh how you wanted to knock them down  and make them taste the reality of their destruction.
you and your best friends kendo and monoma were discussing what material you missed when you were sick on the way to the cafeteria, kendo perked up as if she remembered important information "oh also about the seating plan in chem.." you groaned and tilted your head back in annoyance, "don't tell me i'm sitting to this trust fund kid," you sarcastically pointed your thumb at the boy to your right, "shut it my dear peasant, you are a charity case to me so be grateful-" and as he was finishing up his sentence he got smack to the back of his head. "kendo that hur-" "be grateful that we haven't left you sorry butt yet." she let out a huff and continued what she was about to say as the three of you got to the cafeteria she took a shaky breath, "you kinda next to shinsou.."
you choked on air, "no no no no, i don't want o be next to a barney headed jerk-" before your rant even started you were cut off by the person behind you. "so you wanna continue talking about me behind my back or do you wanna say it to my face sweetheart, take your pick," you knew that voice, all too well. "first of all save your disgusting nicknames for a person that actually likes you." you turned your heel to give him the dirtiest glare you could fathom to show hitoshi shinsou.
"aww don't be like that baby.. i already know you'll turn around~" his smirk did not fall for a second, it only grew by the minute. "look i'm not looking to have anything on my criminal record, so if you want to keep your limbs in one piece i suggest you take my advice and piss off with my parting gift." you brought your fist to your mouth and shoved your middle finger in our mouth, and you proceeded to pull it out and flip him off and caught up with kendo and monoma who were laughing. 'they really are something else hm?' shinsou thought.
"man does he really put you in a bad mood hm?" neito teased and handed you the sandwich you wanted, "yeah she really did flip him off this time and threaten him?! i think that is the nicest exchange they've had all year!" kendo wheezed out, as you payed for your food you looked back to see shinsou sitting with his friends.
"so let's get this straight, you single handed moly pissed someone off so often they called you barney head, say they might break your limbs AND flip you off?!" kaminari screeched, while todoroki was purely confused, "did shinsou lose his ability to flirt his way out of this situation or something? cause honestly i feel like you lost you mojo a little bit." sero snorted at todoroki, "did you really have to say 'mojo'?" shinsou was just trying to figure out how to woo you now, his ultimate revenge as to get you to like him and break your heart and pummel it to smithereens.
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now you had your chemistry class, and you were lab partners with shinsou, the given thought of being within a 2 metre radius of him mad you dread the class. the moment you walked in the class you saw a girl on his lap, her uniform was two sizes too tight, playing with his hair and her skirt rode up to show her red undergarments. "daddy~ can't we just skip?" you gagged at that nickname, the two of them stopped what they were doing and looked at you. the girl looked you up and down and she was obviously annoyed at your presence. "oh don't mind me i'm just a poor witness to see your panties on full display," you shrugged and made your way to your seat, "at least i have someone interested me," the girl smugly said, you rolled your eyes, "at least my coochie isn't free real estate."
the girl let out a 'hmph' and stormed out out the class, "free real estate? that's a new one." you didn't bother looking at him, and you opened your notebook and brought your data booklet out not even sparing him a glance. meanwhile the guy in front of you asked for a pen and you immediately complied and gave him one. hitoshi has never felt more offended from getting ignored and blown off again.
later in the class the teacher gave a worksheet to work on and you got stuck on a certain question and you didn't know what to do, "you forgot to balance the reaction so that's why you got the wrong answer." you looked to see shinsou looking at you, elbow on his table, "for someone who doesn't bother with class you remember a few things." you proceeded to add numbers to the elements that were written. for the rest of the class he continued to help you with your worksheet and the two of you got along for once. 'huh he may not be as bad as i thought he was.'
for the rest of the month he acted like this and it showed you that he wasn't the monster you thought he was, he was kind, considerate, funny and sweet. he avoided other girls too, "to think that you changed shinsou is actually kind of crazy, you're way more tolerable this way," you whispered as the two of you sat together and worked on some chemistry notes together, on his end of the story he was freaking out, he never felt this way, h heart was pounding out of his chest. he wanted it to stop, he was afraid. afraid of you not liking him back, he was afraid of commitment, he was afraid that he wasn't good enough for you.
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"listen kaminari it is a reasonable plan, get them to like me, have them fall in love with me and boom i break up with her." for the past hour kaminari has been listening to shinsou on the phone go on and on about how he wanted to mess around with you, "they're an interesting person, they've got guts." the blond giggled, "i mean if you wanna quit the plan and hand them over to me-" "don't think about it rat."
meanwhile he was thinking about how he was so calm around you, he felt the need to drop his act and be himself around you. "looks like someone is getting attached~"
really? did he get attached? no what would be too cliché for his own good. so he sought his time to be taken by girls, other girls where were desperate to be in his attention span, "hey kaminari give me the number of every one of your flings i need to let off some steam.." shinsou needed to get you off his mind.
on the other hand you were talking to kendo, "okay look i know that i said he was trash and whatever but  he changed and.. i think i might like him." you were gushing over all the sweet things he did, all the sweet things he said, you saw all the signs that he returned your feelings. "i say go for it! shoot your shot when you can, just be careful and know that me and neito are here for you and will beat him up if he dares hurt you." kendo was really on edge with him, it was as if shinsou got possessed and she knew something wasn't right, but if he made you happy she couldn't stop you. "thank you kendo~"
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it was as if a switch was flipped, the Hitoshi shinsou that you hated was back and had more playthings than ever, make out sessions in the halls, skipping classes to fool around with anyone and what hurt the most was that he was avoiding you like the plague. “he is going through a phase right now, i promise he is better than this you saw how he was weeks ago please guys you have to believe me.” you were crying in monomas room about your ruined week. you knew what was the truth and that was that you were played, you were a fool to think that he was changing for the better. “i knew he was a jerk, y/n you deserve better than this, you deserve someone that will really appreciate you, someone that won’t have to change and will be who they really are in front of you..” you looked up from lap and stared at monoma and kendo. ‘these are my people, they will never betray me.’ “i love you guys,” you declared as you threw your arms around their necks and cried your heart out. ‘hitoshi shinsou you will pay for doing me dirty like this.’
kendo forced you to stay home and rest, you were stressed and not in the head space to be at school right now. it was now lunch and kendo was livid, and was stomping down the corridor to give a piece of your mind to the jerk that broke your heart. “shinsou, i got a bone to pick with you.” she yelled at the purple haired boy, ‘finally i can see how y/n is doing’ he completely misread her words and saw them as an invitation to act buddy buddy with her so he jogged over. however he was not expecting a fist to the face, “you undeniable monster! do you know what you did to her?! you gave her false hope and you have the audacity to think that you can get anything about how she is right now?” her words truly leaked poison and showed she was not playing around, he had hurt you, and he needed to repent. “you think your pathetic superiority complex is something to sneeze at and turn a blind eye to? you think that just because you can play with peoples emotions you’re better than everyone else? well here’s what i think.” groups of people were surrounding everyone and were listening to kendo’s rant, shinsou’s heart dropped, he knew what this meant, he had hurt you. with each sentence the gap between the two got smaller until she got into his face and continued.
“it is disgusting how you can switch your act to lower other people’s guard and once they do so they are underneath your discrepancy and you crush them with no mercy,” flashes of you trying to talk to the guy you liked were flashing into keno’s head, she watched as he broke you down until you were pieces and now she was there for you as you were hopelessly trying to pick them up. a breath broke her flow of thoughts and brought her a second of peace. “stay away from my best friend.” and thats when the world stopped for shinsou, he did all of this to protect himself, he was scared cause there was a chance you could’ve liked him back but he ignored that and hurt you instead. “i’m sorry..” was all that he could say at this point. he couldn’t express anything right now, he was malfunctioning. “it’s too late to say sorry.”
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hero-philia · 4 years
Hey I am a little scared to ask this but can I request a headcanon for Shinsou where the reader is Porphyrophobic, which means having a huge fear of the color purple. Maybe add some angst but happy ending because this boy deserves it. Love your writing!!
First of all, thank you so much for trusting me with this request!! I’ve done a bit of research to understand what porphyrophobia is about and what the symptoms are. Please tell me, if I’ve portrayed something in a wrong way because I’ll make sure to chance it >.< 
Remember guys: This is a safe place for everyone! So don't be scared to send me requests of all kind :)
The Fear of Being Misunderstood | Shinsou x fem!Reader
-> Reader suffering from porphyrophobia, the fear of the color purple
1386 words
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With a groan Shinsou opened his heavy eyes only to be faced with darkness. Starring at the ceiling he recapped how often he had turned around to find a comfy position already and how many times he had nearly drifted off to dreamland before reality had pulled him back. Another sign of displeasure escaped his mouth when he found himself thinking about the same thing all over again. 
„God“, he sighed as he finally decided to sit up. 
His hands buried in his wild hair, he got a grim reminder for what was keeping him awake tonight. 
„Oh, Shinsou! I didn’t expect to meet you here“, Kendou said in her usually cheerful tone. „I was out shopping with a friend. Speaking of friend, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my classmate Shinsou!“
But the girl that had been introduced to him as (Y/N) had just looked at him with wide eyes like she was facing a lion. The longer she had done so, the more irregular her breath had gotten until the girl had finally dropped her shopping bag to run off into the crowd. 
No matter how much he tried to recap the events, he couldn’t find a decent explanation for her behaviour. Since Kendou had left to chase after her with her dropped errands, the boy had found himself all alone yet again. Meanwhile with his feet on the ground, Shinsou buried his face in his hands. 
The way the poor girl had starred at him, pure fear in her eyes. Her body stiff with tension in every single muscle. He had no idea why, but (Y/N) really hated him. Or worse, feared him more than anything else on this planet. 
Maybe someone else had told her rumours about his past, like the bullies in elementary school and middle school had decided to do. Who knew what horrendous stories she had heard about the first year with the brainwashing quirk. Most likely she had suffered from the same state as all the others - Imagining the nightmares of what Shinsou had done with his ability before. Torture, manipulation, ruling like a demon king.
„I’m really sorry, (Y/N)“, Shinsou whispered into the dark.
Just the stars and the moon managed to bring a little bit of light into the room. If only he had been fast enough to explain himself to her. But now this chance was long gone and the simple ‚what if‘ kept him from sleeping. 
The next morning, a more than welcomed Sunday without classes, Shinsou basically hypnotised his cereals while fighting the urge to drop his head into the milk in order to give in to his tiredness. Normally he hated the intensity of several of his classmates, such a Tetsutetsu or Monoma this early in the morning - Before lunch to be specific. 
Reconsidering the circumstances that the image of the girl from yesterday was still ghosting around in his mind, he would love to have someone by his side to at least be annoyed from. May that be a non-stop enthusiastic Tetsutetsu or a non-stop bragging an 1-A hating Monoma. 
Back in his room he shut the door behind him before sitting down at the desk with his neatly organised study materials on it. 
In between the halfway finished homework for hero history and the stack of school book in alphabetical order his phone was charging. What finally caught his eye was the blue light, which blinked every few seconds, in the upper left corner of the display. Someone must have texted him, probably a new meme in the group chat of 1-B or Aizawa to reschedule tomorrow’s morning practice for the sake of the both of them.
He proceeded to wipe his face with his hand before he unlocked his phone. That was when his heart jumped to his throat. 
Two new messages from Kendou, a voice message and a text, the latter including the name (Y/N). 
Faster than his worries could take over his brain, he opened the chat room. Thanks to his eyes rushing way too much, he had to read the text three times until he understood what it was saying: Basically that you had wanted to send him a message, but hadn’t been brave enough because of his profile picture.
„Well, you know, it’s a selfie and therefore … purple“, Kendou had texted him. 
What on earth? This didn’t even make sense at all. So he clicked on the voice message, expecting to hear the familiar voice of his classmate while she would explain the situation and give more details. 
Hello Shinsou, this is (Y/N). The girl you’ve met yesterday in the company of Itsuka. 
Luckily the phone was laying safely on the desk as Shinsou’s head snapped into the direct of it. Chances were high that he would have dropped the device, if he had it in his heads now. Your voice echoed through his room as the voice message went on.
My behaviour was really rude when we ran into you. Itsuka has told me a bit about you and I think that you are a nice person, Shinsou. So I hope that you don’t hate me because of what happened. Though I will totally understand, if you do.
His jaw metaphorically dropped at your words. When he had obviously been the reason for your way of acting, he couldn’t be mad at you. How? There were plenty of options to choose from in order to find an explanation to be scared of him. Starting with his grumpy face, ending with his reputation.
You don’t have to listen to it, but I want to let you know what was going on. Seriously, I would have loved to talk to you. But … your hair and your eyes … N-Not that they are ugly or anything! They are totally not! Still … they are purple. I have a condition called porphyrophobia. This means that I’m afraid of the color purple.
For a second the boy didn’t know what to think of it. On the other hand you had absolutely no motivation to make up something like this and since you had already recorded this message for him, it had to be true. 
The way your voice had changed from being a tad bit excited and nervous at the same time to being filled with seriousness once you had begun to explain your burden, it got his attention like nothing else had recently.
When I faced you yesterday, the anxiety inside of me took over. I didn’t mean to treat you like this and I’m really sorry. Since we will most likely never meet again, please let me tell you one last thing. Though I haven’t seen it in action, your quirk sounds pretty amazing. You will definitely become a pro hero one day. I’m rooting for you! Good luck.
With this announcement the message ended. Your voice died, but it continued to replay in his head over and over again. Especially the last words had put him in a state of disbelieve.
You, a complete stranger, that had been so afraid of him, was having high hopes for his future. Even though you knew that he was attending class 1-B and therefore not the hero course yet, you believed in him with such optimism that it paralysed him for a moment. 
A few minutes later he replied to Kendou’s original text with more than his usual Thanks. 
Kendou herself tilted her head at the new message in the chat room as it differed a lot from what she had seen coming. But then she counted two and two together before answering her classmate: This is her number […] and no, there is absolutely no purple in your profile anymore.
Instead of Shinsou’s selfie a cat looked at her in his profile, which she identified as one of the strays from the park a few streets away. The formerly purple letters of his name were now changed to a casual black. Whatever he was intending to do, he had thought it through. Itsuka smiled as she sent her reply.
He didn’t exactly know why he was doing all of this. Nevertheless he was certain to find a way to thank you for being brave enough to send that voice message. 
You deserved it. 
(A/N) - I’m seriously considering a part 2 of this! Shinsou needs more appreciation on my blog >.<
Posted: April 7th 2020 | Requests: Open | Match-ups: Closed
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 323: “I Don’t Know How to Explain to You That You Should Care About Other People”
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all, “Izuku, I’m sorry.” Bakugou Stans were all, “[sobs for a week straight and tearfully awards him the Nobel Prize for character development].” Deku was all, “[faints in Kacchan’s arms].” Iida was all, “[trying to decide if Ochako genuinely tried to kill him a few minutes ago].” Horikoshi was all, “NO TIME FOR HUGS WE MUST GET BACK TO UA.” The civilians holed up at U.A. were all, “WE TOOK A VOTE AND DECIDED THAT WE’RE ALL GOING TO BE JERKS ABOUT THIS AND MAKE A BIG FUSS ABOUT YOU LETTING DEKU BACK INTO THE SCHOOL.” Deku was all “[stands there looking like he expected nothing less and breaking my heart more and more with each passing moment].” Ochako was all, “that does it, looks like I’m gonna have to do something about this... next chapter, that is.”
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal is all “I just want you all to know that I spent nine million dollars turning U.A. into a giant Battleship-style grid that can burrow underground and zoom around in a giant subway maze because Horikoshi lacks a grounded understanding of both civil engineering and economics.” Back in the present day, Jeanist is all, “EVERYONE TAKE HEED, MY COMRADES AND I HAVE DEEMED IT EXPEDIENT TO CONVEY THIS AUSPICIOUS YOUTH BACK TO THIS STRONGHOLD. WE ANTICIPATE THAT WE MAY DEPEND UPON YOUR GOODWILL AND ACQUIESCENCE TO THESE TERMS.” The civilians were all, “NO.” Ochako was all, “EMPATHY, MOTHERFUCKERS, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!” The civilians were all, “oh shit.” Anyway so Ochako is a giant badass, but I’m a little worried that she’s going to get struck by lightning. Please come down from there.
so before we start this chapter, I would just like to apologize for having not posted the ch 321 recap yet, and would like to reassure everyone, and especially Iida who is staring at me with Sad Wobbly Guilt Trip Eyes, that I will get to that as soon as I can
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yes please Horikoshi please show us more of class 1-A and their Deku intervention strategy jam sessions
oh dear
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Iida you are too pure and good for this cruel world. [sprays the U.A. civilians with a water bottle] NO. BAD CIVILIANS! NO OSTRACIZING SCARED AND EXHAUSTED CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE
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RAT PRINCIPAL: he’s free to return to us at any time!!
ALSO RAT PRINCIPAL: but it’s too risky for him to return to us
?? ??????? ?????????????????????
so now he’s going on about how strong the U.A. Barrier is, and how it’s comparable to the defensive capabilities of Tartarus. this would have sounded a lot more impressive before chapter 297 lol
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so now Rat Principal says he upgraded U.A.’s security systems with his own “modifications”, whatever the fuck that means. I mean look, I’ve been saying for a long time now that U.A. is the best place for everyone to hole up, don’t get me wrong. but that was mostly on account of there not being any other practical alternatives. but you’re making it sound like you figured out a way to actually make it Decay-proof or some wild shit like that
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oh okay so the whole campus is basically capable of burrowing itself underground. that’s insane lol I wonder how they pulled that off. probably got poor Cementoss working overtime
blah blah blah so basically the entire campus is split into a grid and each section of the grid is capable of its own independent movement. lol this is just the Merone Base from KHR. you thought no one would notice this casual plagiarism ten years after the fact, but YOU UNDERESTIMATED YOUR AUDIENCE, HORIKOSHI
“joke’s on you imma just lampshade it” WELL ALL RIGHT THEN
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“look at me I’m so fucking self-aware” fucking swear to god. I can’t believe this man is my favorite mangaka of all time smdh
“excuse me, I wasn’t finished describing all the rest of this bullshit yet,” Rat Principal breaks in impatiently. “we also added a steel wall all around the underground of the campus that’s 3000 steel plates thick. that’s fifteen fucking meters of solid fucking steel just fyi. and if anyone fucks around with any part of it the defense system will activate immediately! and also all of the plates are independently motorized, whatever the fuck that means!! in conclusion you’re gonna need a fucking tower crane to suspend all of your disbelief by the time I’m through with this paragraph”
“also Shiketsu is almost as reinforced as U.A. but not quite because we still had to make sure we were better.” but of course. and apparently the two schools are connected via a secret tunnel as Hagakure mentioned earlier
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(ETA: moment of appreciation for Shouto and Katsuki having the same thought at the same time and making Knowing Eye Contact and saying the exact same thing out loud in perfect unison like the best friends they are. what a blessed day.)
so Tokoyami is all “but wait if you engineered all this shit all the way back during the Band arc how did you even know that Tomura’s quirk awakening would become a thing, Horikoshi -- uh, I mean, Principal Nezu”
and Rat Principal is all “lol idk”
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“basically I just woke up one morning and was all ‘say, you know what this school really needs? a fifteen-meter-thick underground steel wall, and the ability to break up into little pieces that individually zoom around wherever the fuck they want.’ jesus christ. lol if money and common sense were apparently no obstacle why didn’t you just teleport U.A. to the fucking moon or something. maybe I should shut up before I given him any ideas
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you heard it here first, folks, all of this cost a grand total of nine million U.S. dollars. well technically it cost “more than” nine million dollars. never has that distinction been more important lmao. are we sure this barrier was really made of steel and not cardboard? who the hell sold it to them, Ea-Nasir??
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this is my favorite manga series of all time. yes I am ashamed
“in conclusion please do your best to reach Deku-kun” SO WHAT WAS ALL THAT NONSENSE ABOUT IT BEING TOO RISKY THEN. anyway thank you for this super informative and edifying flashback, Horikoshi. I will cherish it always. I don’t even want to read another translation of this absurdity lmao, there’s something special about it just the way it is. pretty sure Horikoshi just had a cracked out fever dream one night and transferred it to the pages of the manga verbatim
anyway so back to the unruly mob
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not their finest moment. please excuse me while I cover poor Deku’s ears and give him a good shoosh pap
oh wow the parents are out here too
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is Mitsuki trying to hold Inko back?? that’s the last thing this fandom needs right now is more Mitsuki discourse fffwlkjs. and even Jiroudad, scientifically proven to be the best dad in all of BnHA, is just standing there silently looking vaguely unhappy. way to rise to the moment you guys
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so this settles it for me that Aizawa is not at UA. I know a lot of people have been wondering about his whereabouts, and if I had to wager a guess it would be that something happened with Shirakumo/Kurogiri. I can’t think of anything else -- even the loss of an eye and a limb -- that would keep him from his kids at a time like this
anyway but this is excellent Monoma content right here though. I love that he apparently adopted Eri after a single interaction with her. also WHERE IS SHINSOU DAMMIT. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
and Kouta’s there too looking like he wants to run over to Deku but Ragdoll won’t let him :/
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so now Mic is telling them to calm down. at least someone’s speaking up here, geez
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truly in awe of this man’s ability to take messages which could easily be conveyed in ELI5-speak, and stubbornly convert them into incomprehensible language the likes of which you need a graduate degree in order to understand
“hey guys, so originally our plan was to use Deku as bait for the villains, but that didn’t really work and also we realized it was kinda dumb and was probably gonna get him killed, so we brought him back here instead.” was that really so hard, Jeanist. also are we all really just gonna sit back here and watch Jeanist take full credit for Bakugou’s plan just like that lmao
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WHERE DID ENDEAVOR GO AND WHO IS THIS DIABOLICAL MASTER OF DISGUISE. lol I genuinely didn’t notice this because I was too busy digging through thesauruses trying to rewrite Jeanist’s speech; many thanks to @class1akids​ for pointing it out and making my day immeasurably better. take it easy there Dick Tracy.)
“anyway so please stop being dicks and let him fucking rest so he can save all your ungrateful asses” what an impassioned and inspiring plea. time to see if the masses will listen to reason
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narrator: they did not listen to reason
oh my god finally Ochako is doing something. YEAH OCHAKO WOOOO SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE
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this entire chapter is truly and utterly nonsensical to me lol
(ETA: on my second readthrough I’m fucking dying at how she stole the megaphone right out of Mic’s hand lmao. and how Kacchan is all “fuck yeah nothing I appreciate more than some quality fucking larceny.”)
oh I see she was jumping on top of the main building so as to scream down at them all more impressively
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“ANYWAY DEKU IS PRETTY COOL ACTUALLY, YOU GUYS ARE JUST MEAN” couldn’t have said it better myself Ochako
lol uh
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gotta say I did not have “Ochako reveals the secret of OFA to the entire U.A. Citizen Clown Parade” on my bingo card for this week. it’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off
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so she is basically explaining the entire Deku Angst arc to them and explaining what a good and selfless protagonist Deku is, YES, PREACH
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not to insinuate anything, but what exactly were you doing standing out here with the hysterical mob, Gigantic Fox Lady? you’re better than that
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sdlkfjl. thanks for weighing in with that helpful and important observation. where have you been for the last five minutes. were you asleep. was it Jeanist’s speech
never mind, now he’s yelling at the civilians so I instantly forgive him
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“anyway so I’m just going to end the chapter here” lmao seventeen pages truly do go by so fast. at least he didn’t try to force in a cliffhanger at the end this time. dare I say, growth
so I guess the civilians are either gonna have a Kamino and/or Fukuoka-esque moment where they remember how to be decent people and apologize to this poor young man, or else they’ll remain unpersuaded, and so Kacchan will have to knock a few of their heads around until they become more inclined to be reasonable. either option is fine by me lol
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Bakugo Katsuki
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I felt like doing a character meme!
Favorite thing about him:
His odd code of ethics. I really hated him up until I realized, “huh, here’s a guy who passionately resents being saved…and who also refuses to save others.” I think it was his way of showing respect.
Related, another of my favorite things about him is also how well he can take criticism…sometimes. I have a lot of respect for the way he accepted Yaoyorozu’s criticism after the first Deku v Kacchan battle instead of becoming defensive and lashing out.
Least favorite thing about him:
…probably Bakugo’s relationship with All Might. Pick pretty much any other important adult and you get something more interesting than the kinda stale dynamic between these two.
Favorite line:
He has a lot of funny ones.
“Whyyy?!” (ch249)
*on reflex* “Outta my way, nerd!!” <— Midoriya is not actually in the way (ch209)
I think Kirishima and Uraraka are pretty standard fare lol, and just the bakusquad dynamics in general are great (especially when Kaminari and Mina repeatedly dunked the santa hat on his head).
I would love to see Bakugo and Tamaki Amajiki interact. I feel like Bakugo would be like, very discomforted by Amajiki’s lack of confidence in a “I don’t want to see that, don’t make those pathetic faces where I have to see them” type way and destroy Amajiki’s self-esteem in like 0.5 seconds. And also, Amajiki would smack down Bakugo just as fast in a fight, and Bakugo would be furious that someone so strong could be so weak mentally. But hey, given time and Kirishima to play mediator, I’d be really curious to see these two reach a detente where they like…idk, cook together with Mirio, Kirishima, and Eri, and Bakugo grouses about the weird things Amajiki eats for his quirk but Amajiki knows better than to believe him.
I got a kick out of Bakugo’s dynamic with Endeavor’s sidekick Burnin’ during the internship arc. I loved how she felt the need to hype the wonder trio up by provoking and challenging them, and ofc Bakugo ate it up 100% and returned it at 150% (tbh their dynamic reminded me a bit of Mitsuki), but ultimately she acknowledged it wasn’t really necessary and she really respected him for that…but she kept doing it anyways, presumably because it was fun. I’d love to see Burnin’ show Bakugo a little bit of that affection and for Bakugo to be like. Totally appalled. He would not be prepared to know somebody likes him.
Okay but also, I’ve been really happy to see Horikoshi establish that Bakugo does, in fact, respect Best Jeanist. Even back when I hated Bakugo, I was struck by just how…gentle the scenes of Jeanist combing Bakugo’s hair were, and c’mon Bakugo does not let just anybody (…or anybody at all) treat him gently. IJeanist told Bakugo what he needed to hear so that even if Bakugo wasn’t ready to understand it now, he’s a smart kid with a hero’s heart, he would hang onto it and eventually figure it out. I really want Jeanist to see how Bakugo’s grown and also how he’s learned from what Jeanist told him!
I also like to think Bakugo would have like…a hilariously one-sided rivalry with Hawks, where like Bakugo is like, Hawks set the record for opening an agency and getting into the top ten the fastest?!!! SO WHAT, I’m gonna do it faster and I’m gonna be number one!!! Got it spoonbill!! So Bakugo tries to act super intimidating and shit whenever Hawks is around to disguise his sense of inferiority, but Hawks sees straight through it and is just, a troll.
One more. Bakugo interning with Mirko would be lit.
One more for real. Bakugo and Monoma having a hate-brotp is amazing. Bakugo will reach age seventy and he’ll still be shitting on Monoma.
ONE LAST ONE. Bakugo + Hatsume = max destruction and I’m so here for it. I want these two so badly.
OTP Rarepairs: (I ship basically everything)
Kacchako is probably my favorite, but I also love todobaku, kiribaku, and bakudeku. …and any threesome combinations that involve kacchako.
Camie/Bakugo seems like a lot of fun. I like how she made him laugh with her Todoroki illusion, I like how sweet and clueless and flirty she seems, I think Bakugo would be mortified to realize he was crushing on her and immaturely be extra rude to her, but Camie is accustomed to illusions and intuitively sees through it.
I can’t decide on a particular pair, but Bakugo has such a relentless, single-minded focus on being a “hero” that developing feelings for a “villain” would challenge in him an interesting way. I’m not getting a strong vibe for Bakugo and any of the LoV characters, though after Shigaraki bungled the recruitment attempt, it would be hilarious to see a follow-up attempt to woo. Now I’m curious…gonna see what ao3 has.
Not really. Depends on execution.
Random headcanon:
Hm. The only thing that really comes to mind is that the incident where Kacchan fell of the bridge and Deku tried to help him up is only important in hindsight. Given space, Kacchan would have nursed his pride and the incident would have blown over; but because Deku didn’t understand, he insisted on dogging along after Kacchan and trying his very best to stay friends, and Kacchan just as insistently pushed Deku away, growing angrier in the process but too immature to verbalize why Deku’s tenacious bond to him threatened him so much.
Oh! And credit to my friend for this one, but one of the reasons why Bakugo didn’t participate in the dorm king contest was that his room is covered in All Might posters. Can you imagine how much it would have pissed him off if everybody saw how similar his room is to Deku’s?
Unpopular opinion:
How unpopular is it to think that his development isn’t that great…? His relationship with All Might doesn’t move me, so I can’t really appreciate his pivotal moments.
I was okay with his hero name being “Kacchan,” but now that he’s apparently decided on one in 252, I really don’t want it to be Kacchan because I don’t feel like he’s had enough development so far to get him to make that decision.
I want his hero name to reflect something about the theme of hands, since they’re the site of his quirk and also a powerful symbol for reaching out to people, connecting, holding on, letting go, and agency in general.
Song I associate with him:
Destiny by Neffex, All Time Low by Jon Bellion, On My Own by Ashes Remain
Favorite picture of him:
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Ch87 – The wobble of his mouth when All Might saves him at Kamino was pretty cute.
I’ve also done these questions for Todoroki, Uraraka, Endeavor, Amajiki, Sir Nighteye, and Shinsou!
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mawritesbnha · 5 years
B,d,m and q for the angst alphabet prompts with Shinsou/tomura/and or hawks please. If you are still doing these. Thank you so much.
Pheww can you believe I actually spent 3 hours on this thing? What am I doing with my life…
Also I know I said I was working on Monoma but surprise surprise, I lied.
Anyway here you go dearie! I hope you’ll like these! (didn’t proof read like I usually do so I hope it’s not too bad)
First time writing for Hawks! How did I do??
Smoochies from Ma!
B- Break up, How would they deal with one?
most people might not be able to tell
baby boi keeps to himself
obviously depending on why and how you guys broke up his attitude towards you is going to vary
if it was really ugly he will get really cold and harsh when interacting with you but he won’t actively seek you out to take his anger, sadness and resentment out on you
if it was just a “regular” break up, not matter who actually ended things, he will remain cordial
but he might avoid you, at least for a while, either because it hurts too much or because he doesn’t want to hurt you and wants to give you some space
if you actively seek him out (whether to try and get back together or to tell him to go to hell) he will ask you to stop
again, not matter who ended things, the decision is final
he won’t dump you just to try and get back together with you the next day (or later on, whatever), he won’t play with you like that and he’ll feel like he has hurt you too much to ever deserve a second chance, he won’t ask for it and you shouldn’t give him one (that’s what he thinks, poor baby let me hug him)
if you dumped him he won’t come begging
he kind of saw it coming (insecure kitty is insecure)
but still he hoped the two of you would work
obviously you didn’t
and it hurts
he won’t go through that again
also no rebound and no trying to make you jealous, he just doesn’t see the point
he won’t actually be jealous himself if he sees you with someone soon after the break up but he will be hurt
D-Death, How do they deal with any death?
baby boy always cares
even if it’s a death he simply witnessed and didn’t know the person, he’ll feel something
now he’s able to distance himself from it in that particular situation
as a pro hero he’s gonna see some stuff after all
but if it’s someone he knew then the more he cared about that person the more devastated he’s going to be
note that I said care about and not be close to
kitty has a hard time getting close to people and letting his guard down but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about them from afar
if it’s someone that he really loves like his parents, Aizawa, or you, he’s going to be devastated (cue panic attacks and insomnia getting worse)
M- Mistakes, How much do they want to fix the mistakes of their past?
baby boi always thrives to do better
didn’t really do anything bad? (he did nothing wrong ever, no matter what people kept assuming about him, fight me on this)
but satisfaction isn’t in his nature
always thinks he could do better, that he isn’t good enough
that motivates him to keep going
doesn’t exactly dwell on the past but as much as he’d like to just never think about it, it comes back to haunt him quite often
Q- Qualify, What part of themselves do they see as dangerous?
his quirk
I hc that my poor baby has many nigthmares in which he just loses control and goes full villain like everyone predicted
B- Break up, How would they deal with one?
are you honestly surprised?
handy boi will act like you’re still together, you were just saying things cause you were mad
you wouldn’t just leave him like that
when he finally comes to terms with the fact that you’re no longer together it’s not gonna go well for you
see I really don’t think Tomura would be the one to break up with you
he won’t treat you well
there will be times where he’ll just disappear or become very distant and you won’t really get an explanation
but in his mind it doesn’t change the fact that you are his
so yeah you’re gonna have to do the whole breaking up thing (and you’d be right to)
it’ll go a lot better for you if you aren’t part of the league
he might stalk you, or send you unwanted gifts (that you might question are gifts)
but you’d still have a chance to get back to a normal life cause Tomura is a busy boy
if you’re part of the league though… you’ll think about quitting more than once
he won’t leave you alone
spiteful and bitter comments ALL THE FREAKING TIME
he would want to try and make you jealous but I don’t think he’d get the opportunity
I really wouldn’t advise you to start anything new while he’s still processing the break up, whether it’s something serious or not, it wouldn’t go well for your new partner
if you ever want to get back together (against your better judgement) he’ll agree to it but that boy holds grudges
he’s gonna be the worse
suupeerr clingy one moment and then ignore you the next, also really mean, backhanded compliments
D-Death, How do they deal with any death?
depends on who died
usually doesn’t care, at all
if it’s someone from the league he’s gonna be pissed and maaayybee a little hurt
come on he has a semblance of care for the rest of these losers
if it’s you though
oh boy
he’ll unleash hell
seriously no one is going to want to be near him for a gooood while
will never really get over it
M- Mistakes, How much do they want to fix the mistakes of their past?
I think the only mistakes Tomura sorts of acknowledges are tactical mistakes, like things he could have done better in regard to the league
and even then he doesn’t really take the blame
delusional handy boi is delusional
and as for fixing he just sets himself on doing better next time
if the mistake was actually made by SOMEONE who wronged HIM
then…well… we know Tenko doesn’t easily forgets that
Q- Qualify, What part of themselves do they see as dangerous?
come on you know this one
his hands unstable mind
B- Break up, How would they deal with one?
pretty well actually
or that’s what he’s trying to have everyone believe
not much will change, he’ll just go back to acting how he did before you guys got together
no resentment whatsoever, at least nothing that you catch on
if you don’t want to see him anymore he’ll understand
might playfully try to change your mind but he won’t push it, he’s actually just trying to lighten the mood
he won’t ask you to stay away from him
deep down he’s actually really sad
but he only allows himself to feel that pain when he’s alone (which doesn’t happen that much)
rebounds will happen but he’ll always be honest with the person, explaining that he just broke up with someone and he needs to take his mind off of them and this is not going to go anywhere
will be jealous if he sees you with someone else but again he won’t act like it and will actually be very friendly if you decide to introduce that person to him
would agree to getting back together if you were the one that ended things, but it’d take a while for him to actually trust you again (he’d still be really cheerful about the whole thing)
if he was the one that ended things I don’t think he’d ask you out again for real
but if you ask him he might agree depending on why he broke up with you (he’s weak and misses you, don’t judge)
D-Death, How do they deal with any death?
just eats chicken
really sad? eats more chiken
no but seriously I can see him busying himself even more with work or really anything
will fly a lot more and go way faster to try and tire himself out
I think Hawks’s mental health might no be the best
there are times when he just breaks down, but he’s always alone when that happens so he can act like everything’s fine in front of others (he does that a lot doesn’t he?)
might have that one person that he actually confides in
but even with them he doesn’t dwell on his feelings too much
M- Mistakes, How much do they want to fix the mistakes of their past?
doesn’t think about the past
if he fucked up at some point then what can you do really? what’s done is done
shit happens
he’ll try to do better
Q- Qualify, What part of themselves do they see as dangerous?
he doesn’t really see himself as dangerous
his quirk isn’t deadly by nature
he’s always in control
I mean he can be fierce and you’d do well no to be a villain or a dick in his presence
but like
that oversized pigeon’s pretty chill
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randomleopardlad · 5 years
My chapter 214 rant--
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Ok first things first- I'm very happy they let them continue fighting because that means we get more development for both Monoma and Shinsou which is all I've wanted for forever. Second- Aizawa finally admits he's a soft boi and to Vlad King of all people is truly great, they're both dads. So this first part is 8 out of 10.
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Next up we have Mineta SAVING Mina, which is some development at least a little. He's not as much of a scared baby than he was at the beginning. Although I still hate him I applaud for development since the beginning. Also he's using his quirk in a clever way, can't deny that. All in all 7 out of 10.
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NOW ON TO THIS BOMB- I HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THIS. Ok A LOT of people are angry cause what he's saying is kind of villainous but I myself find it very him. Like, I see what he's saying. After all those years of relying on others quirks and being told he couldn't be a hero, I get why he would be tired of being a side character. He's saying that the only way to be a main character is to be stronger so you can get more recognition, but he thinks it's unfair, which it very much is. After everything he thinks he finally has a chance at being a main character, to stand out and prove he can be strong despite his power relying on others.... 10 out of 10
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Oh... The power was useless since he only copied the quirk to stockpile power? How disappointing- After all this Monoma is still thrown back into the sideline, thrown back to be just a side character- this is what makes me angry- the fact that he had a chance to show he was powerful only to be taken down by Uraraka and not even deku- anyone in his position would be devastated- 3 out of 10
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The fact that Monoma doesn't do so much as be a little frustrated is hhhhhh like if i were in his shoes ide be devastated and angry to the point of blowing up. Next, we have Shinsou saying he needs to save him.. They both went through the same things as kids and Monoma immediately thought Shinsou was powerful and similar to him- I ship them so much - and this shows they have mutual respect for each other also they were on the same team tho. Either way those two panels are pretty frustrating and amazing at the same time. Then we have stupid deku jumping towards Shinsou - now I'm REALLY hoping that all of Shinsou training got him ready to make deku lose this round. That may sound evil but I'm tired of deku winning. Overall 8 out of 10.
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OH BOYY- ok this part was 100%👌 we get the confirmation of all their training and such!! Shinsou is such a beautiful boyo and Aizawa is such a dad it's amazing. It also shows how much hard work he put in to try for the hero course again. Also Aizawa's hair in a ponytail is great- truly great. Overall 10 out of 10.
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Thennnnn we have this- and of course deku would know how to control his heart right off the bat- he just lost control and now he can control it even a little?? It's very unfair and almost says that even with lots of training you're not good enough- because Shinsou trained so hard just for this moment and then deku somehow gain 7 more quirks like honestly wtf. IF CLASS B DOESN'T WIN I'M GONNA THROW OUT A RANT ON HOW STUPID THAT IS BUT FOR NOW 5 out of 10, deku is the main character just tone it down a bit-
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arkus-rhapsode · 5 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 211 Review
Ummm, Early chapter this week. But were on break next week soooo... I guess this is fine. (Note: there has been an edit made to this review to respectfully not spread any misinformation) 
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So w e oddly start this chapter with a little character background from Monoma. Apparently he always wanted to be a hero, but due to the fact that his quirk can only copy others, he will have to depend on others which is not what an active hero should have to do. I actually really like this cause its something we ever got from any other 1-B student, the motivation behind their path. It always made them feel a bit more shallow, so I appreciate Monoma getting a scene like this.
Also he now compares himself to Shinsou. How the two are the same is the fact that their heroic aspiration were denied based on their quirk. The difference though is Monoma still made it into the hero program and not Shinsou.
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Now this scene, of Monomaa saying that doing unhero like things to those who are more gifted is okay, is likely reflective on the fact that being a hero is also a popularity contest in this world. To stand out and inspire, you’ve gotta be the best, and sometimes to do that, you do some things you might not be proud of. And with a mentality like that, its easy to see why someone like Stain is so pissed at society when it churns out heroes that will willing do un-heroic things. But then you can’t blame Monoma and Shinsou who are just trying to do their best, but given their genetic lottery they have to work harder than most.
But enough of this flashback, we need to cut back to the present where Deku is slowly losing control.
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So Deku’s new black energy is emerging from his arm and Deku is quite literally fighting back against is. Monoma wonders if this is a new power to which I’m gonna save my thoughts on this till later.
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Yeah Deku, its almost like the plot decided to fuck you over for the sake of this twist that I’m pretty sure no one wanted and that we could just keep to the usual flow of this arc, but no, we had to veer off in this direction because-Okay okay, I’ll save that for later too. I should really speed this up.
So its turns out that black stuff isn’t actually lightning, but more tendrils. Yeah cause that’s what One for All needed, tentacle hentai. Actually with theses black tendrils, now every fan fic writer who made a Deku as Venom AU (yes those exist) has just been justified.
Anyway, Deku releases what looks to be a beam of energy (I honestly can’t tell) and fires it off at Monoma who Deku at least warns to run.
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Okay so, first off, good job Monoma. I’m glas we did make a joke out of Monoma being arrogant enough to think he could handle this. Second, what the fuck is wrong with class 1-A. I’m not saying they should act like they just watched a puppy get shot, but their classmate literally seems to be destroying everything. Now you could say that Todoroki did the same thing when he cranked up the heat, but the difference is that fire is a part of Todoroki’s quirk. Black tendrils has never been apart of his power. I know that not every kid in a classroom has to know or care about all their classmates, but I’d be concerned.
Third thing, So it seems OfA really is sentient as its jittering and moving around like it has some sort of self awareness. And finally, Yup. Can’t control your power. After we had come such a long way, you somehow are forced back to square one. I’ll talk about it later as the darkness begins to overflow.
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Gotta feel bad for 1-B who just came here for an exercise, now they might die by black energy.
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We see the darkness start sticking to objects (wow it really is Venom) and hoists Deku into the air. Yeah, I don’t now is this is something a user of one for all cold do, but boy its a little goofy. Uraraka and Shinsou seems to be the only people who now gives a shit about how this darkness is surging.
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We now see this darkness is actually fighting against Deku, smashing him into a wall. All Might, makes a good fucking call and wants Aizawa and Vlad to shut this down. Which I’m sure Aizawa is perfectly fine with. Vlad has also had like no lines this round, like I’d love to hear his commentary.
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(Yes, I realize there is an eye looking thing in the darkness, but it took me so long to find that I’m honestly might not even be sure that it is an eye.)
This scene... Breaks my heart. This in a nutshell was why I’m so opposed to this twist. After 200 chapters, Deku finally, FINALLY, doesn’t have to worry about hurting himself. He can now catchup with everyone else and it was finally time to show it off, but now. Now its fighting back. One for All is literally making him lose control when there should be no reason for him to. Has Deku master One for All? No. So there was still a chance things would go wrong, but not like this. Why? did it have to be the moment when finally the first year is coming to an end does One for All show that Deku is still not ready.
And Deku’s reaction to this is perfect for this. He’s not thinking about how he should be strong enough to resist this, showing he grew to arrogant and this is teaching him a lesson. No, Deku is sad. He’s upset that after all this time people didn’t have to worry for him. He was now strong enough to fight like Bakugou and strong enough to make 1-B actually consider him a threat, but now... Now he’s lost control.
Now it is possible that this is do to quirk singularity a topic that I’m doing a post on later, but in short it was brought up about like 50 chapters ago and its when a quirk becomes something that humans can’t control anymore. But again, talking about that later.
I’ve heard the possibility that, this darkness is actually One for All in a sentient state. Much like the previously mentioned before quirk singularity. That this is like genes being passed down so long and growing complex enough to the point that they are no longer controllable. Now there have been plenty of theories that have come out about this, but out of all of them, in general they likely relate to this. The darkness is literally fighting back against Deku as sign of his lack of more than 20% control and thus the quirk seems to quite literally be swallowing him whole. It feels like if this is the case, then Horikoshi realized that he made it so Deku was now fully protected from damaging himself thanks to his quirk. But he could just make it seem like Deku was just arbitrarily growing stronger without having any difficulty, so he developed a way for Deku to quite literally fight himself in his struggle. It was no longer limb destruction, Deku is literally fighting so that he has the right to use this quirk to its fullest extent.
If that is the case, I can’t say I agree with it. Look, I’m sure anyone could say that this doesn’t bother them. That this makes it so Deku and One for All are like Naruto and the Nine-tails, Ichigo and the hollow, Asta and the demon, etc. And those aren’t things I’m opposed to and are things that I enjoyed. But this isn’t the same. The monster inside that gives you more power worked for those series because that was their power system and world allowed for that. But MHA, quirks are more similar to Goku and Luffy. Their abilities are what is to be heightened and their second release: Super saiyan and gear two, are derivative of their competence of their biology and their power. And Deku was like that. He has a quirk that has nine generations worth of power in it and to use that power he had to learn how to take more in. His super saiyan was him at one million percent. It would destroy his body, but for a time he could use all that power. But I guess this new problem has occurred and we’ll have to see where it goes.
Anyway, the chapter isn’t done as Uraraka floats up to him.
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So Uraraka is holding down darkness Deku and calls out to Shinsou and that’s where our chapter ends. Now, if people remember my FT reiewing days, they’re probably to call this a BS ship moment that defies reality and serves to pander a single fanbase. Well, no. Cause that’s not what this is. Uraraka is doing what a hero should do. She’s trying to save someone in danger, and this isn’t presented as this overtly romantic moment like say Sakura hugging curse mark sasuke, no this is actual danger that isn’t stopping so Uraraka is at risk of getting hurt here.
Now, I’m not saying you can’t take this romantically, I mean there is a lot of evidence that the two like eachother, I’m just trying to say, power of love, isn’t what’s stopping this madness, hell its evident that Uraraka needs Shinsou and his power to try and stop it. So this trope is still being done, but there is some logical weight to the solution.
Post Chapter Follow Up: So I wanna first say, this chapter is really short. Like its about 13 pages and it has very, very little dialogue. I did almost felt like I was reading a Bleach Chapter, but in fairness, this had a lot more detailing and was clearly used more as a way to show the sheer scale and weight of what the hell this thing is. Plus more detailed art, so I don’t thing the bleach comparison is entirely fair.
I am disappointed with the page count, given the break next week, I would’ve really appreciated we ended on more of bang than this. All its done is left me wanting more, but not in a very good way.
In terms of negatives, this chapter has pretty much confirmed team Deku vs team Monoma has gone off rails and that our conflict is going to actually be how do we solve this darkness. Last week, I talked about my thoughts on why I’m not a fan of that as this seems like a transparent way to make deku lose as well as seems to imply that Horikoshi had no real intent on making this fight actually work with their combatants. This not only makes this exercise feel like it will ultimately be pointless, but as I said, it screws Deku out of getting to go plus ultra while everyone else got to show how far they’ve come.
One could say that seems like bias and that the point was to get shinsou to help with the vestiges, but that doesn’t fully work cause there had to be other ways than this to make it so Sjhinsou would have to work. I mean, this was that same problem I had with the overhaul arc at the end. It was gong fine until Ryukyu dropped in with a powerup for Overhaul and then deku had to use Eri like a power-up and it just became a cluster fuck. I’m not against twists mind you, all arcs need them, the one he did with Gentle was great in my opinion, but these twists overall hurt the story cause the story was going great up till now and we’ve entered cluster fuck land.
Now look, I’m not gonna let my own opinions impede my objective view point. This twist was built up to. As we saw with the mark on Deku’s hand as he used One for All in his sleep. The fact his quirk has been feeling funny, and the fact that All Might seemed curious about this. So I can not in all good conscious call this a bad twist, but it is still one I don’t agree with.
Other positives are definitely the characterization. Aside from us getting Uraraka getting to act like a savor, we get some great development for Monoma. My only issue would have to be the timing of it. He doesn’t do much this chapter. You’d think that this would’ve been used before Deku went all darkness on us.
So what will the final verdict be. Initially I was thinking of giving this a below average, but maybe because the more chew on to this, and the more I see others reactions to this, it seems this hits that uncomfortable spot of being up to the reader to tell if they liked it or hated it. And those are always hard because there is a fair amount of good and nothing I can call really bad, but that good really isn’t enough on its own so there is an enjoyment factor that can’t be accounted for. Kinda like Aquaman. So where do I stand on this? well I have to be honest with myself as this is my review and I gotta say.
Final Verdict: 5/10
This is something you need to experience yourself to really tell if you enjoy this twist or not
There is some good action and good character development
The pacing feels rushed and there isn’t enough time to fully show this off satisfyingly
I do like the ending
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emoshinso · 5 years
BNHA 217
Lots of loose ends cleaned up this chapter, but lots of new threads created hmmm... love me some new threads to follow... 
First off, what a great opening:
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our boys are back and they’re at it again. Didn’t realize how much I missed it.
With that said, let’s get into one of the first loose ends tied by this chapter: 
One for All
Bakugo has officially been brought on board Team One For All. He’ll most likely continue as a part of Deku’s training. This further implies his and Deku’s joint succession of All Might’s legacy, which I think is SO cool. I can’t wait to see how it develops. Loose end tied.
Thread created (or extended at least): Even after Deku, All Might, and Bakugo’s group discussion AND their little “experiment” (see panel above), they still didn’t discern anything new about One for All or Black Whip. WHICH MEANS IT’S STILL WIDE OPEN FOR SPECULATION 
Bakugo and Deku, being the bright boys they are, established there must be some sort of external catalyst...
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Maybe All for One? Bakugo draws the connection between All for One’s quirk-stealing and One for All’s multiple quirks-phenomenon... but that still doesn’t account for the ‘external catalyst’ they’re looking for. What does Deku need to activate his other Quirks? What about his condition is different from his One for All predecessors? What allows him to see visions of his predecessors when former One for All heroes couldn’t?
My selfish theory: Shinsou
I won’t go into depth about my reasoning in this post (don’t worry I’m working on one solely dedicated to it...) but essentially, hints have been dropped that Shinsou’s quirk could prove useful to Deku better understanding One for All down the line. And since this chapter establishes that Deku, All Might, and Bakugo are still searching for answers, I’m keeping my little theory alive...
Next loose thread tied: what did Class 1-A and 1-B do right after joint training to unwind?
They’re hanging out!! 
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Believe me I scanned this picture in depth looking for signs of my purple son, to no avail... where did Shinsou go? How did he unwind after the training session? Was he invited to 1-A and 1-B’s little hangout? I’m very curious how that went down... he probably turned them down cold the asshole
A few things piqued my interest: 
--MINETA. What do you think Ashido’s forcing him to watch??
--Komori officially added to the ranks of Hawks fangirls xD
--I am now more invested in the development of Kirishima and Tetsutetsu’s relationship than I ever thought I’d be.. “We have different strengths... don’t we?”
--Deku and Todoroki are Wholesome FriendsTM
--also Endeavor’s going to become relevant again sigh... 
Next thread: Shinsou’s final evaluation!
It is now official official. Shinsou will be in the hero course. Teacher-approved. I completely lost it at seeing Aizawa giving a PowerPoint presentation about his son:
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Loose end: tied. but we still don’t know what class he’ll be in ahhh
Present Mic also finally openly acknowledged the parallels we’ve all been making for like a million chapters by now:
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--something about Eraserhead’s backstory helped motivate him to train Shinsou. But we still don’t know exactly what, though it might have to do with a person called Shiragumo. Who is this person? Could they be a former classmate of Aizawa’s? A former protege? To me it sounds like the story might not be a happy one, if Aizawa’s being so secretive about it, and that in turn makes me wonder what Horikoshi has planned for Shinsou... will Shinsou’s story be a happy one in the end?
Last thread I’ll mention: Monoma’s visit to Eri!
--turns out it’s a dead end: Monoma can’t sufficiently copy Eri’s quirk (thank goodness, honestly, because who wants that poor girl hanging out with Monoma longer than she has to?)
--BUT at least we got some new exposition on quirks in general, particularly on “accumulation-type quirks,” or quirks reliant on stored energy
--AND that accounts for why Monoma didn’t  e x p l o d e  when he tried to copy One for All, so okay
--the whole exchange ends with a super pure moment that ties Deku and Eri’s development together once again:
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Together, they’re going to work to make their power their own! I look forward to it ^^
All in all, a solid chapter. I love the information it gave us, as well as the information it didn’t. It gives me a lot to ponder on for the next week or so (is it true there’s gonna be a break next week?)
Bonus: my fav panel: 
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we just need Shinsou and it’d be perfect
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imitationpersonne · 5 years
BNHA Chapter 215 Review aka I’m So Fucking Tired
So after 24 hours of shitty-brain-chemicals mini-crisis and reading the full pages and translation of chapter 215, I return...to confirm that yep, I’m still fuckin’ pissed.
Warning: If you’re not prepared for chart-topping Reddit-‘fandom’ levels of salt, shade, and bitterness with a whole lot of fucks mixed in, I suggest you read no further.
Let’s just do this page-by-page, shall we.
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Oh my god, FINALLY. It’s already been five minutes; we’ve waited so long for this whole ‘scary new power’ phase to be over. Five whole minutes, y’all! Wow.
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I mean, ya not wrong, buddy! You pretty much can do anything if Mr. Author’s plot dictates it. Because who gives a fuck about feeling like there are any stakes in anything or making the world seem real; amirite, Hori?
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Shinsou again with the super relatability. P sure a lot of us are goddamn incredulous about the overplayed ‘struggling with new quirk manifestation’ drama, now that Izuku is magically instantly proficient. Because that’s how quirks have worked up until this point.......
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Oh no...! Back down to 8% with no air force attack for a hot second?? WHAT A NERF! Whatever will he do?? ...Oh. Still win everything. So who gives a fuck. Does anybody really believe these percentages don’t just mean whatever Hori wants them to at any given moment anyway?
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Yo, I’m sorry. Apologizing for the author who hyped some fantastic MonoShin collaboration and then did everything he could to prevent that from happening. Bitch.
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But then...they did? Sooooooooo...? What the fuck’s the point of Shinsou recovering his mask and going for another plan? Legit nothing came of this. Why does this panel--no, most of this chapter even exist?? Like I get that it’s supposed to look like a struggle between the teams, but it’s all just...super contrived the way it ends, my dudes. This is bullshit writing, k.
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Okay, I frickin’ loved this scene. I can be mad as all hell and still admit this was enjoyable. The quirk meta, the mind games, and Monoma’s zero-grav hair.
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Okay, but did he really need another fucking limit on his quirk??? Time limit, one-at-a-time limit, potentially type limit (not able to copy mutant quirks--but that’s just speculation/headcanon for now)...and now number limit? WHILE IZUKU IS GETTING SIX WHOLE FUCKING PERMA-QUIRKS FOR GODDAMN FREE??
YEAH OKAY, LET’S TALK ABOUT THAT. I saw a post I mostly disagreed with and disliked (and don’t care to identify or quote; I can’t even remember whose it was or anything) saying this six-new-abilities ability is going to erase the need for a ton of other already-existing characters. Sero, as an example, since Black Whip basically usurps his specialty and more. On principle, as the worldbuilding has stood up until this point, I disagreed that characters like Sero would become useless. The way society has been trending, teamwork has been increasingly essential and encouraged. That means two people with lasso/tape-like quirks would do just fine! There can be more than one person with a similar quirk! Hell, that’s all Monoma’s quirk is--a temporary second of one that already exists. OR TETSUTETSU AND KIRISHIMA MUCH? They’re both useful! Even together!
So as a general principle, people with similar quirks can and do exist just fine in the same universe and even same space and role. The danger exists only if the author is so irresponsible as to consciously edge out the other characters by letting his pet character take care of everything by himself. Which seems like exactly what Izuku’s new six-quirks is at risk of doing now. Sure, argue Uraraka was useful and that Izuku relied on her this time, mmkay, but wait until he gets his own antigrav quirk, lol. Like, at this point, I honestly don’t trust Hori not to fuck up the beautiful character synergies and contrasts he’s already built. Because he sure did fuck up a lot of things that had great potential this arc already. Often by stepping on the ‘little’ guys. Fuck you, Tokage didn’t deserve that, and Baku didn’t deserve to dominate that hard. Where is the goddamn sense of struggle and achievement? Aight, that’s a rant for another day...
Anyway, back on track, call me biased as hell, but usurping the specialty of the guy whose ONLY NICHE WAS BEING THE ONLY ONE WITH VERSATILE MULTI-QUIRK USAGE? AND GAINING MULTIPLE QUIRKS BUT WITHOUT SEVERAL OF MONOMA’S LIMITING FACTORS? Gooooooooooo fuck yourself, ‘blessed boy’.
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But...HE DIDN’T, THOUGH? Monoma’s ace-in-the-hole surprise Twin Impact stunned Mr. Protagonist for an amazing two whole seconds! Because of course; the fuck were we all thinking hoping other people mattered in this story or stood a chance against plot-device-convenient auto-scaling levels of OP? Like why even try tbh???
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Shinsou fucking gets it. We all get it; it was an amazing play. But protagonist privilege too strong; what the fuck can you do.
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Oh yep, here’s a more accurate translation, given the goddamn results.
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Hahahahaha, amazing, even literally everybody in-character gets it. Team 5-B had every right to win this shit. But then...!
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Oh boy!!! Generic shonen anime protagonist inspiration spiel to the contrived-Hori-plot rescue! Now, with these magic thoughts, he will win! Amazing how that works!
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Well yeah, no shit, it makes sense for you to have that kind of confidence, considering that’s legit how your protagonist life works. Congrats on the contrived win, dude; I know you’re not surprised. Y’all, I know this isn’t in-world Izuku’s fault; he’s doing his best which is what he should be doing. It’s the shitty writing, plain and simple. Don’t blame the kid that gets everything; blame the one who spoils them at the expense of others. So perhaps calling me petty would be deserved, but my bitterness can’t help but leak out towards the character as well; it’s just human nature. I don’t like Baku as much as I used to either, because all the interesting bits are gone now that he’s OP and comparably perfect. At least Hori kinda kicked Shouto to the OP-privilege curb a little; makes him more realistic, relatable, and likable.
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Ohhhh god, generic shonen anime faux-inspirational epilogue to put the icing on the shit cake; brb gagging.
Alright, so let’s summarize all the implied morals to the story here!:
Things turned around at the very end for basically no other reason than Hori wanted Team Protag to win.
All the dipshits were actually right; class B is legit inferior to class A, as evidenced by the results of literally every time they’ve directly faced each other. 1 win to 3 this time, bitch, and don’t make me remind of the sports festival. Even though B class clearly has better teamwork and synergy. Screw that, A more powerful, A smash. A main character class; A win.
Monoma, your backstory classmates were right, turns out! You are apparently an ineffective hero student who just keeps losing! You’ll never be more than a side character to be used, abused, and discarded. Fuck your aspirations, fan-fucking-tastic.
Shinsou, don’t kid yourself; you haven’t fucking changed. You got beaten by the same dude in nearly the exact same fashion. Your entire arc was fucking pointless; have fun in general studies! (In honesty, if Hori has any remaining shred of sensibility, I think he might let Shinsou into hero course anyway? Did they ever say Shinsou technically had to win both of his matches? Or just show progress? Who fucking knows at this point.)
Everybody who didn’t need to be reminded they’re great won. Are you not inspired?
Beautiful. Beautiful goddamn arc, Horikoshi; you taught us the important things in this world. Applause. I will honestly punch myself in the face in ecstatic shock if Hori manages to pull some way out of his ass to make this a satisfying conclusion.
My final thoughts:
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Fuck this shit, I’m out.
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