#but based on who is in the credits i think i'll be fine not watching i don't think they'll do a plotline i'm super interested in
darqx · 15 days
Here's some long overdue BP and HH asks :) I tend to combine the two since there's not as many as the RADs, so this starts with BP and then moves into HH/Gen qs.
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MUAH ~ (I actually doodled this some time last year for fun and whimsy, based on those long mouth kiss meme pics XD)
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A very quick overview of these types!
Vescordem: Maneaters/cannibals, excessively tall and strong.
Aleores: Minor dealmakers (goods and services). Jaw can unhinge and has venomous bite.
Sollicio: Major dealmakers - soul stealing ability. Often very good looking, has ichor powers.
Voxter: Ability to project 'thoughts' into someone else's mind - you ever have an intrusive thought? Same concept. All have a unique mark across the top part of their face.
Caumacies: Maneaters/cannibals, very strong. Has a third eye which sees only in heat vision - rarely opened simultaneously with normal eyes.
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Hmm M or MA15 i think 🤔
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You know, i actually have an idea for a game that has nothing to do with anything I'm currently doing XD One day i'll actually have time to make it, maybe. But anyway currently my actual project is i'm planning on making a comic \o/
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I AM PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE that i have thumbnailed like 70 pages of this bloody thing and i'm still only in the first quarter of the planned chapters lol OTL Once i finish thumbing the chapter I'm on I plan to go back and render the pages properly before starting to post them :D
...which should hopefully give me a buffer as i repeat the process for the next chapters |D
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You know, the concept of my characs being comfort characs for someone will never get old for me. It just tickles me pink ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ This answer will have two levels to it.
It's fine to RP or ask blog with Rire - he's one of my more "known" characs thanks to BTD so as long as credit is given (and it's made clear I'm not running the blog so it's not canon) then it's cool.
I'd prefer if no ask/RP blogs are created for any of my other BP or HH characs, as they are not as known yet. This may be revisited once i actually get the BP comic out but for now it's a no, sorry! (Though, if you are RPing in like...a private Discord with other friends who know who the characs are then I'm a bit more lenient with that.)
The reason for the BP/HH level is that ages ago when I had started establishing my own characs more, I randomly happened to find a forum where someone was RPing as Izm and .D but no one else knew who the characs were and so they clearly thought the RPer was the original artist and creator. Said RPer was not dissuading anyone of that notion. That has stuck with me for forever because at the time i never anticipated that someone would...actually try and do that with an OC. Like, bro srsly?!
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One pet peeve for everyone:
.D: Willfully stupid people
Izm: .D smoking. He could care less if anyone else smokes but .D is not allowed on his watch
Marcus: Having decisions made for him without his input
Zeke: "How's the weather up there?"
Wei Ren: When people think he can't understand English cos he has an accent and so they deliberately speak slower and louder
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Geez Caleb why are you damn RUDE
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Here's one i prepared earlier! 😌
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I'm not sure why you included Marcus as a demon, he's a human lol.
HH/More Gen
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There are clubs which are created by students but need approval from the adults to exist.
HH is one of the better boarding schools which generally turn out successful alumni. The "obvious problems" we see are not actually obvious lol.
He doesn't need such manipulations.
Thanks! I hope you are inspired to go forth and create stuff! :D
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One of the only perks of being a prefect at HH, really :d
Absolutely not lol
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4. These types of qs are always amusing to me only because you guys expect me to know but i absolutely do not XDD. Do normal people actually have a fave animal?? I dont even have a fave animal!! Anyway offshoot aside sorry that i can't even randomly assign anything, but if you are interested here is what they might be AS animals lol.
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They actually don't have names because they were randomly designed NPCs i drew as like, placeholders |D;
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Not including Rire or Nurse Isla:
.D is asexual, Izm is bisexual, and everyone else is straight probably. Caleb and Desmond are violently straight (as in Des is like very 90s stoner bro adamantly vocal about being straight and Caleb will actually try and break your neck for insinuating anything).
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I have some female characs but I dont draw them that often as they are more side characs in BP and HH. The ones ive's drawn at least once are Isla (who looks like this, also doodled above), Tish (Des's sister) and Kenzie and Kelly (Zeke's sisters).
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Every once in a blue moon i get an ask saying this but whenever i go to check nothing is wrong, so...nothing is wrong they do work |D; As the age old tech saying goes have you tried turning it off and on again? :d
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Aren't those kind of things supposed to be...based on yourself??
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oscconfessions · 23 days
Coming OUT as a Samuel Thornbury arm rider(NOT dick rider that feels wrong to say that)
I swear to god people will shit so hard on his writing (imo) only because Tpot 8 wasn't rhe most amazing and perfect episode(or post split but I'll talk about it later). You all will see a tpot episode you loved and go "OHHH MY GOD BEST IN THE SERIES!!!! CARY AND MICHEAL COOKED!!" and whilist usually they are a BIG part of why the episode is so god(credit where credit is do), Sam will be the one to write it. You all will talk about how well writeen a tpot episode is, or how fun was that episode to watch and never give him credit for writing him.
Why do you all hate him? Because he wrote a good Chuck of post split? Look I barely finished post split, I didn't like it at all. But that was 3 years ago you realise writing can improve? Don't get me wrong it wasn't good(imo) I'd say it was shit, but do you want JNJ to hire people based on "OH! you did a Poopy episode once, were gonna have to remove you from this communtiy forever!" I know this might sound Wild but writing a shitty season of a bfdi isn't a warcrime.
Do you all hate him because he gave tpot a plot? No hate to Cary I do enjoy his writing, but tpot 4 -tpot 6 are honeslty kind of bland. Like full on regression to the first season of bfdi. Cary can write good modern bfdi episodes, he has enoguh whimsy to do so. However tpot 4-6 feel like filler to me, they aren't filler but they feel like it. I don't want to sound rude but as the biggest object show bfdi should at least try to standout/live up to your Legacy. (Basically I wouldn't shit on a smaller object show for having this format) instead of having a filler full on season. I also think it dosen't align with their vision for tpot. But eh I won't go too deep because I feel like Cary and Micheal are aware of this, and that's why they gave the writing Staff to someone else. (Also I feel Cary knew his wiritng wasn't suting tpot, since it was ment to be the more serious show. Like Sam did not stab Cary and Micheal 40 times and force them to make him the writer for Tpot, that's kind of not how projects work guys)
Going back don't a lot of you LOVE satomi for bfb?(Dgmw I love satomi for bfb too) But why is Sam suddenly this iredemmable writer for DARE putting plot in your bfdi!! (That's not say satomi dosen't have her detractors but they are on reddit I don't think satomi is a r/bfdi reddit user b) MOST OF THEM whilist kind of annoying don't go out of their way to Harras satomi(from what I've seen))
Be cirtical all you want but don't harass him for it! IF this matters to you THIS MUCH go and take a shower and watch something else then bfdi/object shows or watch a smaller object show. If you can't praise another bfdi project without feeling the need to mention him in a negative light YOU MIGHT BE OBSSED WITH THIS MAN, if you can't help but think about how much you hate that guy and his writing 24/7 you might need to touch grass and watch something else (adventure time is really good! I recommend it.<3). If your going to harass somebody over a show about A ice cube who seeks revenge mabye you should step away from the keyboard and find a different way to get your rage out.
Quick "Notes" incase anyone takes me out of context/makes assumptions aboit me:
It's perfectly FINE to dislike Samuel Thornbury's writing or him as a person whatever reason you have! It's perfectly normal to be critical of public people! I'm slightly cirtical of a few of the Bfdi writers/team memebers myself. BUT DON'T HARASS THEM, ESPICALLY OVER THE WRITING OF ALL THINGS.
I am not saying he should be the only writer! Or that he is the only good one. I'm all in for more people writing main episodes or more episodes with cowriters. I thoguh the new tpot 10-11 were amazing and those episodes had 4 writers! Shit the newest tpot ep was enjoyable and it had 2.
You can be critical of post split, Just don't blame EVERY single issue with it on him yada yada.
I don't know Sam personally, I do not have a parasocial relationship with him. It's just some of you are wayy WAYYY to harsh/weird when it comes to critizing him. And I think that kind of vaugeposting only makes the communtiy worse/dosen't help anyone
Thank you<3
(Sorry for grammer mistakes, also tell me if I got any info wrong this is ask on a ask blog I'm not doing the work to check if I got every small detail right. on this to watever mod reads this I'm so sorry)
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sakuraharuno156 · 10 months
"…So you claim Hinata had no consideration for life of anyone other than Naruto... and then use a screenshot from the manga of her literally showing consideration for the wellbeing of someone who isn't Naruto."
Considering how things went after Neji vs Naruto, chances are that things changed in the Hyuuga family for those other than just Neji. Even if not, Hinata risking her life =/= a lack of consideration for anyone's life other than Naruto's, despite consequences. Or are you saying you’ve never done anything without carefully considering every single possible consequence first?
But hey… "Tell me you didn’t read my ask properly without telling me you didn’t read my ask properly".
"Or are you saying you've never done anything without carefully considering every single possible consequence first?"
First of all, sure, everyone did, but not necessarily when the consequences are:
1) you will just get in a way of a battle and be a great inconvenience instead of helping
(of which she was aware of)
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2) getting your guard punished/possibly killed
3) you hurting the person you are supposed to "help" (I'm not gonna repeat myself, you can read it here)
4) you dying for no reason
5) if you somehow don't get killed, you becoming a burden to medics who could devote their time to people who did help or got hurt by ricochet of the attack.
Second of all, you are putting it in a way that implies that Hinata did that only once, and you are wrong.
At some point of someone consistently doing the same thing you have to admit they either do that maliciously or that they are plain stupid.
I'm just gonna bring a few examples (that I talked about before over and over, but I'll do that again, especially for you)
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Shimamaru: almost died
Hinata: "But I want to stay beside Naruto too"
Does she care? No. Naruto-kun. That's all she cares about.
But maybe that's because they weren't too close, because who cares about a person from your class that is your comrade in war, he's not Naruto-kun.
How about her own teammate BEING CARRIED OUT BY MEDICS?
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The oiment Hinata has is more important for Naruto-kun, who is completely fine.
Who cares about Kiba, he is just being taken by medical team, but he can be an afterthought, they are just teammates after all.
How about her family?
Neji, who will be punished for hurting her (because, as you recognize YOURSELF, it's before Naruto vs Neji fight, so the punishment WILL BE THERE), who asked her TIME AND TIME again to just give up. Why will he do that, huh? Maybe because he had known what happened TO HIS FATHER FOR JUST THINKING ABOUT HER IN A BAD WAY.
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Anyway, how about making Neji hurt her, then provoking him by RUBBING IT IN HIS FACE THAT HE IS BELLOW HER?
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Neji just said (again) that she should give up and stop the suffering, she just casually mentions that he is "lost and suffering" because he's not in the main family.
(And before you say it was nice of her, NEJI AND THEREFORE MANGA showed us he didn't appreciate it, and the guard also saw that Neji was provoked and WAS ABOUT TO CHARGE AT HER FOR THAT COMMENT)
But ok, maybe they weren't close enough of a family, so it was acceptable to provoke him and get him to be punished, because you know...
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Naruto-kun is watching, so...
How about closer family? How about her own sister?
(Now, I don't like to quote the movies because I prefer to base my opinion on canon manga only, but you, Hinata Fans, love it, so let's go)
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(Credit to whoever made it, I can't find the original)
Hanabi was just kidnapped, but Hinatas mind is occupied, because well... Naruto-kun 🥺
Let's look at the person who took care of her for her whole life, her guard, her family, let's look at Ko:
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Oh wait, we have already seen it.
It doesn't matter who it is, if it's her comrade, friend, teammate, cousin, sister, guard. If that person is not Naruto-kun, their life or well being is irrelevant to Hinata.
She cares about Naruto, that's it. Nothing else and noone else matters.
Do you understand?
So back to the beginning:
At some point of someone consistently doing the same thing you have to either admit they do that maliciously or that they are plain stupid and when it comes to LIFE OF OTHER PEOPLE I'll say that it either way makes you a bad person 🤷‍♀️
So, in conclusion:
I did read your ask, I just assumed (and that is my mistake, I apologize) that if you are protecting Hinata, you shoud know first thing about her, but not only you didn't read the manga, you didn't even read the parts that had Hinata in it.
So, please, first read at LEAST chapters that have Hinata in them, before you speak (It's not a lot, she is a background character after all) or I'm not gonna answer to you again, because I'm tired of repeating myself for a 1000th time.
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darkstarofchaos · 4 months
Yet more EarthSpark S2 spoilers.
And now for some general thoughts about the season itself.
Where was Nightshade during all this? They are a main character, why did they not have so much as a subplot in another character's focus episode? People talk about Thrash getting sidelined, but he had a whole episode plus a paired episode with Twitch. Nightshade is barely there, and when they are, it's either a battle scene or sharing the scientific spotlight with Wheeljack.
Speaking of Thrash, I liked his episode. I would like to think finding a random Quintesson on earth and then shooting it into space will have repercussions later in the season, especially with the Quint lore in the final episode. But now that the Decepticons are just flat and evil, I might not even watch that far.
Why are the Decepticons interchangeable now? Starscream and Shockwave are the only ones allowed a personality beyond "smash stuff". And yes, I'm counting Breakdown in that, because he's a shadow of his former self, and the whole thing with him being a parent to Aftermath got dropped after five minutes. And you know, I might be giving Shockwave too much credit, because disagreeing with your leader on one course of action isn't a personality trait. And Starscream's ultimate goal is apparently just smash stuff. So you know what, I'll amend that, why do none of the Decepticons have a personality beyond smash stuff?
Like. Twitch ends up in the Decepticon base in the guise of Spitfire, and we don't get a single characterization moment. I guess the Cons all just stand and snarl at each other when they aren't on missions.
On the other hand, I don't understand why so many people were confused that the Decepticons were following Starscream, because why wouldn't they? He seems to have been doing a fine job, judging by the number of Emberstone shards the Cons had. I get that most Starscreams can't get support to save their lives (often through no fault of their own), but the Decepticons here seem to have no reason not to follow him.
Moving on from the Decepticons, I'd have to call the trailer episode and the carnival episode the worst of the lot. The whole subplot with Robbie having a crush was the most uncomfortable thing I've had to sit through in a while, and I would not voluntarily watch it again. And the trailer episode was just tedious. I get having something more relaxed in between the Spitfire two-parter and the finale, but couldn't they have found any other plot for it? People rag on the bear episode, but at least that had a nice little lesson about not messing with people's prostheses rolled in. This episode was just. Nothing. But it did come with a distinct lack of squicky "feeling your brother's crush through your psychic bond" stuff, so I'll give it that it's rewatchable.
Okay, this was a problem with S1 too, but that psychic bond has to go. It's creepy and invasive, and it's only going to get more so as the humans get older and start exploring adult relationships. At least give them some way to close it or otherwise shield themselves from it (it's also a constant plot hole, because characters often end up in danger that the others somehow don't notice. Like, is there a range on this psychic thing? How far apart do they have to be before they can't feel each other anymore? This thing is not explained well enough, and I don't see why it even needs to exist).
Assorted episode nitpicks:
That is not how you dispose of hard drives. Why did you not wipe them before recycling.
No food ever touches the plates on the dinner table in the Quintesson episode. I am unreasonably bothered by this.
How did none of the adults think to address Spitfire's insistence on being part of the mission by pointing out that Twitch is older and more experienced than her? Like, yeah, Spitfire probably wouldn't have cared, but someone should still have put their foot down and said she can't go on a mission until she's had some training.
Megatron, you are the only non-participant who can fly and the final stretch of that obstacle course was over a ravine. Why were you not in a position where you could quickly help out if someone fell? Twitch wouldn't have had to go back to save Alex herself and the whole thing with Spitfire being mad because she crossed the finish line first wouldn't have happened if you had positioned yourself more strategically.
Actually, Megatron proposed the race, Megatron wasn't close enough to be helpful during the race, and Megatron said they needed to let Twitch and Spitfire sort things out themselves, which resulted in Twitch getting bodyswapped. Every problem in this episode was Megatron's fault. Optimus, why are you not vetoing any of this? Why are you just standing there and letting Megatron pit kids against each other? You're a leader, do some leading!
On the other hand, Megatron wanting to resolve everything by letting the arguing parties fight it out is on brand for him, so like. Kudos for characterization, now get an adult in here.
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weaselle · 19 days
i've seen several videos of a certain type, i'm sure most of them are completely staged, but i don't understand why they are popular even if they weren't staged
the format is: woman offers reason for man to sort of reject her in some way, man does not reject her over this because he is a hero who can step over a bar so low it is lying on the ground. But specifically in a lot of these videos (which again, i'm pretty sure are completely staged) the man does this in a negative way? for no reason? and is the 'hero' for it?
two examples
in one video, a woman has, apparently, told her partner she is taking him out to dinner, but then in the car she tells him they can't go because she can't afford to pay for dinner? and then he says fine he'll pay, and she complains that she wants to be the one to take him out, and he offers to give her one of his credit cards before they go to dinner so she can be the one to pay the bill - which is fine or whatever even tho idk why this exchange is worth watching.
the thing is, he like, raises his voice and treats her like she's stupid. He, like, tosses his wallet at her and very loudly says something like "pick any card out of there, why do i give a fuck, what's wrong with you" or something to that effect. It's supposed to be sweet somehow? i think? like "oh it's okay baby i'll let you pay using my money so you can live out your fantasy of buying us dinner" or something, which is weird content anyway, but if you didn't know the language, based on tone and physicality you'd swear he was legit angry at her about something
similarly, in my second example, a guy shows up for a blind date only to discover his date is literally blind, and she's like do you still want to go, and he... treats her like she's stupid for wondering? he says, among other things, something like "do you like food? then why the fuck wouldn't we go out" in the same tone you'd ask someone why they put a metal bowl in the microwave again. Like this is supposedly the first time they've ever spoken, and he's treating her like she's stupid for worrying her blindness will result in some kind of rejection and it just... rubs me the wrong way.
whether or not it's staged, these videos feel a little bit like watching a video where a woman says "i'm afraid you're going to be mean to me" and then the guy, like, calls her a dumb bitch for being stupid enough to think he'd be mean to her. And then the video is posted as a sort of example of "look how sweet this man is" or something.
Anyway, i HATE that these kinds of videos are so popular.
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marvelstan0905 · 1 year
"I'm Thrilled.."
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BF!Sung Hanbin X Fem!Reader X Best Friend Park Gunwook
Description : Y/n is paired up with her best friend Gunwook to go into Abandoned School building instead of Hanbin and your boyfriend isn't too thrilled about it.
Warnings : Jealousy, fluff, use of the word f***, cringey, best friend love, thriller by Michael Jackson, nonsense? reader is scared of everything. Sprinkle of angst. lmk if I missed anything.
Credits to owners for the photos.
Notes : hiii! Have yall ever imagined that you were participating with your fave groups in variety shows lol? I do and sometimes i feel like im crazy lol.I'm writing this based on Camp Zerobaseone and basically reader is known by fans and was asked to join the camp by fans but it's appropriate and the members are shown the most? I'm not sure if I'm making sense lmao.
-> NB!I'm not using formalities or honorific. I don't feel comfortable as I'm not too familiar with it AND I don't want to offend anyone plus I...the word oppa gives me the ick. I'm sorry.
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Your/Third P.O.V
I sat with the staff behind the cameras as I watched my friends and boyfriend complete their part-time job. I couldn't help but laugh hearing their conversation and the amount of defects they had to fix.
" OK! You've finished off your part-time job!" Momo, the producer shouts feeling worn out and tired herself from all the activities and defect products. The group celebrated and relaxed back into their chairs. Hanbin looked behind the cameras and checked on his girlfriend,making sure she was good and comfortable when his grin rose as he saw her playfully argue with the producers.
"I don't want to go....I'm not good with this stuff." I whispered back scared.
" You'll be fine Y/n. Please? Don't you wanna earn more roses for them?" Momo smiled mischievously. I scoffed and shook my head.
" Ughhh...fine but if I die I'm coming back to haunt you." I pout already feeling the fear consume my body. The two producers laugh and high five before sitting back down. I don't like horror movies. I don't like scary stuff. It's so dark and eerie...I'm not sure I can't do this...but it's fine maybe I'll be teamed with Binnie.
" Did you rest enough?" Jia, the co-producer questions the boys who look at her and Momo flustered. I snickered within my blanket.
" It's been two minutes?" Gyuvin laughed in disbelief.
" No..we just started. "Ricky muttered underneath his breath.
" I don't think so." Jiwoong shakes his head.
" Well do you want earn more roses?" Jia smirked underneath her mask. The guys complain for a moment before finally agreeing.
" I mean I don't want to do anything but I want to earn roses." Hao chuckled tastelessly.
" Good. There's an abandoned school nearby and there's roses growing inside. The ten of you will have to collect roses whiles being tied together by bracelets. If you stay together throughout , we'll give you double the roses you find." MoMo explained calmly.
" No. No. I don't want to go." Yujin shook his head slouching into his chair. I cooed feeling bad for him but I was in the same situation.
" So we're collecting roses from the ghosts?" Gyuvin laughed grabbing Hanbin to hug in comfort.
"Wait, you said ten? Who else is going?" Tae-Rae rose looking at two producers. MoMo and Jia looked at you as you rose your hand hesitantly.
" Noo..my poor baby. She doesn't like this stuff. " Hanbin chuckled teasingly.
" He's right. Y/n-ie doesn't like scary things. " Gunwook laughed.
" Yay! Y/n is going. " Yujin sighed in relief. You sent a playful glare towards him as you stood up. You frowned and crossed your arms.
" I do not." I frowned stepping out from behind the cameras but staying in the shadows.
" OK ok cutie, you don't." Hanbin chuckled making grabby hands at you. I sluggishly walk towards him as he pulls me into his lap. He shifts so both my legs hang of the chair as he wraps an arm around my waist from behind me. He places his other arm lazily over my thighs after he pulls the blanket around us.
" Comfy , princess?" Hanbin asked me as he kissed my cheek. I nodded and flushed not used the cameras and everything. MoMo began explaining the teams and rules.
" 1st. Hao and Yujin. 2nd. Y/n and Gunwook. 3rd. Jiwoong and Hanbin. 4th. Taerae and Matthew. 5th. Ricky and Gyuvin."
"I wanted to go with Y/n." You hear both Yujin and Hanbin whine. Looking between the two, my eyes widened.
" Yujinnie I'm probably more scared than you. I can't protect you." I shake my head. Yujin sighs and slouchs even more.
" Binnie I wanted to go with you as well but I'll be ok. Gunwook will protect me, ok?" I reassure my pouty boyfriend. I place a hand onto his cheek and squeeze it trying to make him smile.
" Yeah, she'll be fine with me Hanbin. She's in good hands." Gunwook laughed placing a hand on Hanbin's shoulder. Your boyfriend forced out a laugh and looked straight at the staff avoiding your eyes. Something is wrong...I won't push him and I'll ask after shooting.
Hanbin pulled me closer as we watched Hao and Yujin get bound together by paper bracelets and suited up with mics and lights.
" Are you ready?" Gyuvin asks Hao who shakes his head.
"You'll be ok, Hao. " I smile sweetly. He nods giving me a 'thumbs up' as I watch Yujin grab a handful of rocks but drop them slowly only leaving one in his hand. Yujin punches the air, mentally preparing himself for what's about to come.
" OK. You guys can go." Jia excuses them and I shift closer to Hanbin.
" Wait! Y/n can I get a hug?" Yujin asks sweetly. I cooed him and stood up with struggle as Hanbin was holding me tightly. I place the blanket onto Hanbin and squeeze Hao and Yujin into a hug. I pull away after a few seconds and pats on the back. I go back to sitting on Hanbin and wait my turn anxiously.
" I feel bad for Yujinnie. " I say into Hanbin's ear. He just nods and squeezes one of my hips. Something is definitely wrong. He is unusually quiet.
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It was finally my turn to go into the Haunted School Building. I already felt an eerie feeling. I pecked Hanbin's lips and stood up getting set up by the staff.
" Ready to go Y/n-ie?" Gunwook asked from next me. I shook my head in fear and looked up at my best friend.
" I'm not ready. I'm so scared. I'm gonna die. "I laugh dryly. Gunwook giggles.
" I'm right here with you plus it would be more scary only having 10 Zerose. " Gunwook chuckled. I snorted looking out at the dark path in front of us.
" Gunwook. Take care of my Y/n." Hanbin jokes sternly from behind us. I looked back at Hanbin and he didnt seem like he was joking. Gunwook nods sending a playful salute towards your love.
"Yes sir! She's in good hands." Gunwook jokes back. You chortle and hit Gunwook's arm playfully. MoMo places the paper bracelets on both Gunwook's and my wrist and soon....she sends us off.
I hesitantly follow Gunwook as he drags me towards the dirty pathway. I loop my arm tightly around his and cling closely as we walk through the dark road.
" Wanna sing?" Gunwook asks you knowing it comforts you. He looks down at you and pulls your shaking form closer.
" Y-Yeah." You answer looking around in the darkness. You felt so alert and had goosebumps running down your skin. Before neither of you could start you heard a twig snap behind you and let out a scream turning around with Gunwook's arm clung tightly in your hand.
" Sorry. " The cameraman apologized. You breathed a sigh of relief and placed a hand on your chest trying to calm down.
"Hey its ok. Let's keep going." Gunwook reassured you , patting your hand on his arm.
" It's close to midnight
And something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream ~" I side eye Gunwook as I pinch his arm letting go.
" Ow!"
" What are you singing? Uh-ah.." I click my tongue as I pace past my giggling best friend. He stifled his laugh as he catches up to you in a few little steps.
"Wait. I-I'm sorry, N/n. There's nothing out there, trust me. I've got you." Gunwook apologized stifling his laughter. I cross my arms and continue walking.
" Promise? Hanbin will kill you if you let anything happen to me." I look up at him with a childish pout. My best friend clears his throat playfully and nods.
" Promise....I'm more scared of you though." He holds out his arm and you cling back to it with a small glare.
" Hey...these woods are dark. It would be real easy to kill and bury you....There's a river down South too. If I bribe the cameraman, to leave and forget everything, you're gone buddy." I snicker evilly. Gunwook tenses up and laughs stifly.
" See...Hanbin is a better choice." He breathed a nervous laugh. The two of you stopped and stared at one another blankly before you both began laughing.
The two of you calmed on the way as you arrived at the abandoned school building. You both read out the rules and were handed a flashlight. You felt eerie and the goosebumps from before had returned. You really didn't want go in. All those moments of laughter from before were long forgotten as you walked towards the entrance.
" Alright. In you go! Your mission ends when you leave at the exit." The cameraman explained as you looked at him nodding trying to prolong staying outside of the scary building. That didn't last long as your tall friend was dragging you towards the entrance. You looked at the cameraman with pleading eyes.
" Dont be afraid. It's OK, I'm right here. "Gunwook whispered fearlessly. You finally looked into hallway and screamed your lungs out as you saw what looked to be the real-life entity of 'The Ring' standing at the end of hall. You immediately ducked behind your friend and clung tightly to his hoodie feeling like your heart was about to burst.
"Bin-Bin...I'm going go die...I love you and all you guys. The staff really took their time with this but I don't like scary stuff. Ugh!"You muttered into Gunwook hoodie trying to hide and push away all your fear. It's fake. It's fake. It's still scary though but who goes to school here. There was only elderly people earlier. Atleast from what I saw.
"You okay? We're barely an arm inside. Remember roses!" Gunwook whispered back rhetorically. You punched his back as he chortles moving forward just slightly still keeping your bracelets together.
"Ugh! Zerose the things you put me through. Please. Please. Not one more scary thing."I huff quietly before standing up properly, only to notice 'The Ring' ghost was gone. Fuxk. Where'd it go?
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Meanwhile At the Campsite...
"Hanbin your ears are a little red.."
"You are sooo jealous."
" No I'm not. She's fine....She's ok. Maybe I should've gone but she's fine."
" This a mission to earn roses, remember?"
" See. She needs me."
"This guy."
" Aww...this is cute. "
" What's wrong?"
" That's MY girl."
To be continued in Part 2
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weenwrites · 9 months
Howdy Ween🤠! How goes it? Enjoying the warmer weather I hope! (Edit: Starting writing this in my notes a while ago so I am personally sick of the warm weather now but if you like it then I hope that you're enjoying it! ☀️
I was hoping to request something with a human who enjoys building explosives, doing experiments with different chemicals put into fire: whether they are really productive or not remains to be seen. They don't do it in the base or around the kids for safety so probably out in all that dessert somewhere. Maybe they talk about them or record them for show. When they hear about Wheeljack from Bulkhead & Miko they're excited to meet him but they're nervous of new people. But they still wanna show him there stuff ya know? Bonus points, if you also think it'd be funny and it fits if not you don't have to, if it makes so much of a ruckus since they probably wanna impress Wheeljack that Agent Fowler calls in his traditional Agent Fowler fashion? "PRIME! What is going on down there!?"
I would like the story format but is headcannons works better for you that's fine. If decide you wanna write this, thanks in advance Ween!
(P.S.-I know this is really wordy but I promise when I send in a request it's 50% the story I describe & 50% vibes. It doesn't have to be exactly how I described it😅.)
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Summary - Wheeljack and Miko go check out some explosives. Characters - Wheeljack Content - Gen Category - Scenarios Trigger Warnings - None
✎ A/N: I don't mind it if requests are wordy! There's always a chance that what you include in fics may help me come up with more ideas on how to write it.
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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They were expecting Miko to show up once the rest of the team were called to assist them with the explosives. It was to be expected after all, Miko without explosives and action wouldn't be like her at all. Though part of them was beyond ecstatic to hear a familiar revving engine and see what looked to be the italian-flag racing towards them in the distance—later turning out to be Wheeljack—they forced all that excitement behind a calm and friendly demeanor once he skidded to a halt in front of them.
”Wheeljack!“ They exclaimed as he reconfigured himself into his rootmode, ”and Miko, too!“ they add as the respective girl stepped out from behind him. ”Thanks for showing up, but there isn't anything for the two of you to do. The team's finished loading all those explosives down there in the quarry, and I just have to do a bit of work on my end to ensure that things run smoothly.”
“That's fine, we came here to watch the show anyway.“ She explained.
”By all means, go right ahead—actually, Miko I'll need you to put these on real quick," and quickly, she was passed a pair of earmuffs and goggles before Y/N turned to the bot next to her. "Ooh, I don't think I have any earmuffs or protective goggles that are your size, Wheeljack." They chuckled.
"Don't worry 'bout me," he flicked his hand, "I've handled my fair share of loud noises before."
"Oh, right, right… You're out on the field alot…" They mumble, taking a clipboard from the trunk of their car, "I'll be detonating the explosives soon, so you won't have to wait long."
With a nod, he placed a hand on his knee and bent lower to look at the crates of supplies off to the side. A few particular crates had caught his attention with the bright yellow warning labels pasted all over the sides.
"What's this over here?" He asked.
Without batting an eye, Y/N responded: "Nondescript explosive materials."
"Gee, really?" Wheeljack deadpanned, "Couldn't tell."
They lowered the board and sighed, "Sorry, I'd rather not tell what it is—not while Miko's around anyway,—“
”—I could get into a lot of legal trouble if you guys went around making explosives and setting them off without an ATF permit." They pause, "Assuming you guys would rat me out to the police, anyway…"
"D'you really take us for those kinds of people?" He chuckled.
“Just you guys? Specifically? No. Fowler? Absolutely.”
"Could you at least show us how it works?" Miko offered.
With a sigh, Y/N reluctantly continued, "I… Guess it wouldn't hurt as long as you can't get your hands on the specific chemicals themselves—and as long as you don't rat me out, my permit's at stake here..."
"Our lips are sealed." Wheeljack offered, even miming a zipping motion across his mouth.
With a hum, they shuffled past Miko, and over towards Wheeljack beside the crates. And there, they began sifting through some of the bags of chemicals, each plastered with big blocks of small, black text that either detailed warnings or the bag's contents. Curiously, the two had peered over Y/N's shoulder to try and make heads or tails of what they were doing.
"I just need a little bit of this nondescript powder, and if I ignite this tiny speck right here…"
The powder gave a loud very audible pop, leaving a small, black, smoking speck on the cardboard.
"And that's how it's going to go. Except… On a much larger scale. There's about 30 pounds of this stuff all the waaaay over there, each of them in a little water gel sack capsule, spread out across the supposed entrance of the mine."
"30 pounds?" Wheeljack blinked, "doesn't seem like much, and the mine's entrance is pretty deep."
"To you it might not, but just you wait." They smirked, "Appearances can be deceiving… But the explosives aren’t meant to reach the energon in the mine, it’s just supposed to pave the way to the energon since we don't have access to any larger pieces of mining equipment."
"Oh right, you're just loosening the rubble, yeah?"
"Yeah, and then you and the rest of the team will move in to clear it out, and depending on how it looks from there, I may have to plant some more explosives."
"Ya know that some energon veins can be deep-rooted into the soil, so if this mine is as big as everybody makes it out to be, you might have to adjust how many explosives to use and deep they go."
"Ok, ok, I gotcha... Say, you wouldn't be interested in helping me with these explosives, would you?" They offer, "I could really use your expertise."
"Sure thing, don't see why not." he nodded.
"Great! Now, is everyone ready?"
"Yeah, fire in the hole!" Miko exclaimed.
Y/N nodded and with the simple click of a button, a ground-shaking boom had errupted from the quarry with a mushroom cloud sprouting into the sky to boot. Gradually, the quaking had ceased and as the cloud was barely beginning to clear, Y/N turned to the two with a haughty grin.
"Whatever you mixed up has a pretty impressive blast radius despite the quantity," Wheeljack whistled.
"Oh, the quantity has nothing to do with the explosion, it's actually the concentration of the material that affects the scale of the explosive itself." They explained. "A little goes a long way, as they say."
"I see, mind if I take a closer look? I think if I run out of explosive cores for my grenades, I bet could make something like this work…"
"Well, so long as Fowler won't be on my back for this, then no, I don't mind—it's called ANFO, it's packaged in water gel since it's soluble in water. It's not as sensitive as dynamite but—hey—please be careful!"
"Yeah, don't worry 'bout it chief… Now what's this ANFO stuff made from exactly…?“ Haphazardly, he shoved the lid off the crate, ”A bit of… What's this now?"
"I-I told you to be careful!" They screeched, "If the powder gets between your joints, the friction could cause it to ignite!”
“Right, right… Human things aren't that sturdy…”
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aquariaries · 9 months
Kou Mukami 11 - Chaos Lineage + CG
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***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for another language, I just ask that you credit both 46snowfox as the original translator and myself as the English translator if you do!***
Original translation credit: @46snowfox
You can find Kou's previous chapters in @tournesolia's masterlist linked down below!
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Yui's Monologue:
-- The next day.
We talked again and decided to hide out in this abandoned house for awhile.
We decided to establish shifts to stand guard, but after a few hours there had been no change.
This place is deep in the forest, so even Ruki-kun and the others might have a hard time finding it.
But we can't let our guard down.
Since we find ourselves in a situation in which we cannot trust anyone, and we do not know when anything can happen.
PLACE: Abandoned House
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Yui: (It was a good idea to decide on guard duty, but ... ...)
Is it really okay if I'm the only one that's resting ... ... ?
Kou: It's fine, it's fine, you rest up on the bed.
Ruki-kun and the others are aiming for you. Wouldn't it be difficult if something happened and you were too tired to move
You should rest while you can.
Yui: That may be so, but ... ...
(Everyone takes short breaks and then returns to watch.)
(So I feel bad being the only one who gets to rest the whole time.)
... ... Please Kou-kun. Isn't there anything I can do to help?
Kou: Resting is your main job, but if you insist so much ... ...
*He comes up close*
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Kou: How about curing my tiredness? Nnn ... ... *kisses*
Yui: Nn ... ...
(A-again he suddenly kisses me out of nowhere ... ...)
(I know that Kou-kun is showing that he cares for me in his own way, and it makes me happy however ... ...)
(No matter how accustomed I get to it, what embarrasses me will continue to embarrass me.)
Kou: Fufu, your cheeks are turning red. They really do get quite red.
*He caresses her cheek*
Yui: (He's caressing my cheek ... ... ... ... Nn, it tickles ... ...)
Kou: You're body is giving in to feeling good.
You get excited easily M-neko-chan~. That side of you is adorable too ... ... Nnn ... ... *kisses*
Yui: Ah ... ...
(Now his lips are on my neck ... ...)
Kou: ... ... Nnn *smooch* Fufu. I left you a mark~
Yui: H-hey! Don't leave one there ... ... !
Kou: There's nothing wrong with it, right? Since you like to be messed with after all right?
Yui: Th-, that's ... ...
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Kou: I wonder where I should kiss you now. Your ear? Or maybe, your neck again? Ah, your collarbone would be good as well.
Yui: ... ... Nn ... ...
(Kou-kun is tracing his fingers against me ... ... My body keeps growing hotter and hotter ... ...)
Kou: Hey, your face is redder than before. Did you get turned on because I made you flustered?
Yui: Ngh ... ...
(Now his fingers are tracing my neck ... ... It tickles ... ...)
Kou: Your eyes are becoming teary, how cute. Come on, look me in the eyes.
... ... Yui, I want you to show me all of your different faces.
Yui: (No ... ... Any more than this, and I'll -–)
Kou: Just kidding~
Yui: Eh ... ... ?
*He backs up*
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Kou: If I keep teasing you like this I think your face might catch fire, so I'll leave it here for now.
You also cheered me up quite a lot ♪
Yui: ... ... ... ...
Kou: Huh? What's wrong?
Yui: G-geez ... ... I don't even know you sometimes!
*She pushes him away*
Kou: Ahaha, you're becoming boring M-neko-chan.
Yui: (Anyone would cringe if something like that happened to them.)
(Haah ... ... It really was embarrassing ... ...)
*Yuma and Azusa return*
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Yuma: We're back ... ... Wait, what were you guys doing?
Kou: Ah, welcome back.
Azusa: Eve's face is red ... ... Is she alright?
Yuma: Surely, they were flirting again.
Kou: It's obvious, isn't it? We're lovers after all. We do even more things than –-
Yui: K-kou-kun!
Kou: Eeh? But if it's the truth. Your eyes get all teary and --
Yui: Enough Kou-kun!
(He's completely teasing me for fun!)
Yuma: ... ... When I look at these guys, I feel less nervous.
Azusa: How typical of them ... ... fufu.
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Kou: So then, did you feel the presence of anyone approaching?
Azusa: No, it looks like we'll be fine for now ... ...
Yuma: Although, I tried to look for food, and as I thought it seems there's nothing in this area.
Kou: I see. It will be a problem if we run out of food. Thinking of her strength, we won't be able to stay here too long.
Azusa: There's no sign of Ruki or the others coming. Shall we move elsewhere ... ...?
Yui: But we can't go back to the mansions, and we have no other place to go ... ...
Kou: Right, there isn't. In these lands there are only those mansions and the church.
And they would find us right away at the church.
Azusa: Well then, shall we camp ... ... ?
Yuma: Since it's just us we would be able to do it, but.
Kou: ... ...
Azusa: ... ...
Yui: (Uu ... ... Everyone is staring at me ... ...)
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-> Let's Camp ♟
Yui: (I have never been camping before, but this isn't the time to be picky.)
I'll be fine. Let's camp!
Kou: No no, we can't just let a girl sleep on the ground.
Yuma: I don't dislike your guts, but that's just how it is.
Yui: I-Is that so ... ... ?
Yuma: Although, in the worst case we will have to consider it, so for now let's find a roof to sleep under.
Azusa: I just hope there's an old house like this ... ...
-> It would be dangerous to camp ♙♡
Yui: (This is not the time to be picky, but it wouldn't be good for me to run out of strength while camping because I'm not used to it.)
Aren't we getting too far ahead in deciding that we're going camping?
Kou: You're right. If possible I would like you to be in a place where you can cover yourself from the rain and wind.
Azusa: We don't know how our situation will turn out to be, however ... ... For now, how about we try to find a house that isn't being used ... ...?
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Yui: Yeah. I hope there is another place where we can rest.
Yuma: When we decide to change places, we'll go immediately. I'm going to take a look around just in case. Make sure you guys are prepared.
*He walks off*
Kou: We should look for something useful.
Yui: You're right.
*They rustle around while searching*
Kou: ... ... Ah, there's a knife ... ... However, it's quite rusty. I don't think we need it.
Yui: They're a bit old, but what about these sheets? They may be useful for something.
Azusa: I think they're fine. These are ... ... winter clothes? I think it'll be good to take these too ... ...
Yui: Even if we look for something useful, we don't know if these are the types of things to be bringing.
Kou: It's because even useless things can be used for something. Ruki is good at these things.
Azusa: It's true. If Ruki were here, like when we were in the orphanage ... ...
Kou: ... ... As I thought, this situation would have been quite different if Ruki-kun was here ... ...
He may have immediately solved the problem.
Yui: Kou-kun ... ...
Kou: ... ... There's no use saying that, we must hurry up and think of a method to recover his memories.
Yui: Yes ... ...
Azusa: Just how ... ... could we make Ruki recover his memories ... ... ?
Kou: Ruki-kun is the smartest among us.
So it may not be easy to undo the mentality that was implanted in him.
We always let Ruki-kun do the thinking.
But even at this point overthinking is a problem.
Azusa: Even if we try to shock him, it won't work if it doesn't shock him enough ... ...
Yui: (A shock, huh. Now that I think about it, at that time ... ...)
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Azusa: Hey, Ruki-san ... ... Why did you, miss on purpose ... ... ?
Yui: Eh ... ... ?
Kou: He missed on purpose ... ... ?
Ruki: You're wrong. I, intended to kill you–-
Azusa: Then why. When Eve called your name ... ... you hesitated slightly, didn't you?
Ruki: You're wrong!
*Flashback ends*
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Yui: (When he cut Azusa-kun, he missed on purpose, and I'm sure that it was because somewhere inside he remembered Azusa-kun.)
(But ... ... Even after that shock, Ruki-kun didn't recover his memories.)
(I guess that means it won't work unless there's a stronger impact ... ...)
(So how on Earth do we go about doing that ... ...)
*Distorted sound*
... ... Ngh, ... ...
(Ugh, I'm dizzy, but ... ... Maybe it's because so much has happened lately?)
Kou: ... ...Getting Ruki-kun to suffer a greater shock ... ...
Yui: (Thank goodness ... ... It seems Kou-kun and Azusa-kun didn't notice.)
(We are already in this terrible situation, I don't want to worry them any further.)
*Yuma bursts in*
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Yuma: You guys, hurry! We're leaving immediately!!
Azusa: Yuma? What happened?
Yuma: Ruki is close by!
Yui: Eh ... ... !?
Kou: Ruki-kun is ... ... ?
PLACE: Forest
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Shin: It's this way, nii-san.
Ruki: Yes.
(Who would have thought that they would be in the middle of this forest. If it weren't for Shin's sense of smell, we would have had more trouble finding them.)
Shin: The smell is starting to get stronger ... ... We may be about to reach the place where they are.
Ruki: There are not only Kou and Azusa from Violet, but there is also Yuma from Scarlet . Don't let your guard down.
PLACE: Abandoned House
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Yuma: I heard from Reiji that Shin had a good sense of smell, it seems he actually followed our scent.
Yui: No way .. ...
Kou: We can't stay here forever. Let's move quickly!
Azusa: Yes ... ... !
PLACE: Forest
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Yui: Haah, haah ... ...
(I feel like I'm getting tired more easily than usual. Even though I rested more than the others ... ...)
Kou: Hey, are you alright? You're a little pale.
Yui: I'm fine. It's because I started running out of nowhere, I'll recover soon.
Kou: Then that's fine ... ... But let me know right away if you start to feel worse okay?
Yui: Yeah, thank you.
(Even though Kou-kun says that to me, I can't let myself be spoiled. We're all going through the same hardships right now.)
(But ... ... If we just keep running away and are continuously being chased, what will we do when we have nowhere to run?)
(This place is like a miniature garden. Even if we escape, the places we can go are limited.)
(... ... It's no use. Maybe it's because I'm so fatigued, I keep thinking negative, things ... ...)
(Hu ... ... h ? The surroundings are blurry -–)
Kou: M-neko-chan!!
*He grabs and holds onto Yui*
Kou: Hey, are you alright!?
Yui: Ah ... ... Just now, I ... ...
(Kou-kun, he's holding me up ... ... Did I ... ... collapse?)
Azusa: Lately ... ... you haven't been eating, so your body has probably reached its limit.
Yuma: I would like you to rest, but there's no way we can stop here ... ...
Kou: Then in that case, I'll carry her. Azusa-kun, could you carry her luggage?
Azusa: Understood ... ...
Kou: Here we go.
Yui: Nn ... ...
*He picks Yui up on his back and carries her*
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Kou: ... ... Alright, let's hurry on ahead you two!
Yuma: Yeah.
Azusa: Yes ... ...
Yui: ... ... Kou-kun ... ... I'm, sorry. Aren't I heavy?
[Two roses appear on screen with extra dialogue]
***Rose on Kou's head***
It's alright. I wouldn't leave you alone in a place like this.
***Rose on Yui's hand***
Make sure to hold on tight so you don't fall. I'll make sure to carry you properly, so relax and leave your body to me.
Kou: Not at all! Rather I'm worried about how light you actually are.
It will be fine. I'll make sure to protect you, so relax and get some sleep.
Yui: Thank you ... ... I'm sorry ... ...
Kou: There's nothing to apologize for. Isn't it the best thing for a man to be relied on by the girl he likes?
You haven't done anything wrong. Now let me ... ... Let us take care of everything.
Yui: ... ... Yeah.
(I'm sorry ... ... I didn't want to become a burden ... ...)
(Even though ... ... I don't want to cause any trouble ... In the end ... ... this happens ... ...)
*End CG*
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Yui: (Everyone ... ... I'm sorry ... ...)
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iantimony · 4 months
yay tuesday is back
return of tuesday! i had two weeks in the UK which was very fun but i am definitely vacationed out - i miss my routine. longer trips like that are only fun towards the end if you have a home base that isn't just a hotel room.
listening: newest coral bones ep is very chill. it's only three songs and they're all very vibey but i think my favorite is 'seatac'. i wish they were still posting on bandcamp. alas.
SeaTac - Coral Bones
also got back into listening to the altogether - their album 'when we were kids' is very travel-coded to me for some reason, it was on loop my entire train ride from london up to edinburgh. (i'm also pretty sure brian david gilbert of all people is featured on this album haha)
Billy & Anne - The Altogether
finally, i saw st. vincent live in london this past weekend!!! it was a really good concert, lots of fun, interesting venue. she's definitely got an insane stage presence. the opening act (heartworms) was fun too, my brother and his friend weren't interested and described it as 'moody goth bullshit' and i was like well. that is right up my alley. you boys enjoy the bar im gonna go be moody and goth. it was good!
i think if i do standing room tickets again i need to invest in some platform shoes, at least two or three inches, because some of that was a struggle to see Anything ... i did manage to find a spot where i had a decent little corridor between heads to see the stage, however i was directly behind a guy in a bowler (?? fedora?? idfk) hat and his boyfriend who kept moving around and dancing (fine) and gyrating (also fine ?? i do not consider st. vincent particularly gyrate-able music but what do i know) so i also had to do some leaning side-to-side to see around them. one of her songs has a line about jumping off the london bridge and the way they both looked at each other and pointed gleefully at themselves while going "meeee" was very funny. i bet they're on tumblr, they had the vibes. hello gay guys at the london st. vincent concert, if you're reading this.
reading: i read 'when the angels left the old country' by sacha lamb in the two days that i was alone in edinburgh before my brother came! it was good, speedy read, i enjoyed the characters and overall conceit well enough. probably not on the to-buy list, i'd just rented an ebook for my trip.
some miscellanous articles from my pocket emails:
How to Coexist With a Belligerent Catbird by Caitlin Gibson (<3)
The Last Kid in Ninth Grade Without an iPhone by Liz Kreiger (this was relatable as a kid whose parents did Not let her get anything more complex than a flipphone for emergencies until i got myself one as a senior in high school and i think i was better off for it)
The Case for Doing Laundry Every Day by Rebecca Onion (insane, IMO)
watching: mostly fallow, did watch one of the dunmeshi eps that came out when i was gone with the boy yesterday and will probably watch the second one tonight.
i have Opened the jenny nicholson star wars hotel video, not yet watched, but saw in my patreon emails from friends at the table that the tablefriends did a related episode on their star wars podcast, which, i then noticed like [leo decaprio pointing meme] xeecee spotted in the credits for the cover art ?? i'm not surprised they are aware of each other but i thought it was funny
playing: fallow! completely, for once! no ttrpgs, no video games, etc. i guess i played a Lot of solitaire on my flight back from the uk, maybe that counts lol
making: i did a lot of sketching on my trip! i made a watercolor travel journal that somehow doesn't have enough pages so i'll have to rebind it but oh well. no watercolor pics for now but i'm excited to share those as i go! in the meantime, some sketches i did in the east princes street gardent, the scottish parliament, and the victoria and albert museum in london respectively:
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i think once i finish the travel journal ill try to do a higher quality scan of it and upload a pdf somewhere, i feel like that will be fun.
eating: ough i ate a lot of good food in the uk. mostly the non-british food unsurprisingly but i Did have some really good fish & chips moments. last meal of the trip especially we got a recommendation from one of my brother's friends who goes to cambridge and ouuuugh that shit was So good.
misc: it's good to be back ... now i'm back in The Grind (work) but i don't mind it. despite the jetlag i'm feeling refocused and excited to get moving on stuff again. i liked a lot of stuff about the uk (trains, vibes) but i also did not like some stuff (why are the cold meds So weak there lmfao) and overall i'm glad to e home :)
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Demon Bride Ch20 Yet Even Curiouser
(DISCLAIMERS AND IMPORTANT INFO!!!: EVERYONE in this story is in their early 20s-30s! This story will contain mentions of past abuse and death! I'll be keeping it as SFW. Some backstories have been slightly altered for this particular story, and some characters cannonically dead or harmed is alive and well. I own nothing.
Credit to @flanelltees​ for the designs I based the demons off to look more demon-like with tails and pointed ears.
This story will be sfw, but there will be some blood, implied death, fighting, some gore mentioned, and a few other things that will be made aware by warnings. Pay attention to warnings at the top of any chapters just under the summery please.)
Once in the mountain villages it was a custom that once a year on the night of the new year's first moon, an unlucky young lady would be selected and left for the demons to become one of the unlucky few who married such a husband. In exchange for this offering the demons would protect the villages and leave the humans in peace. Until one day a powerful warrior drove the demons away freeing the humans of them. Now 2,000 years later, it's become a tradition that once a year, a new young lady would be picked and wait for her future husband to retrieve her from a shrine in the mountains. And now the lucky tradition would fall upon Y/n L/n. It would be her own turn to take on the tradition and not have to worry about demons. After all that part of the old tradition was just fake, made up by paranoid ancestors. Everyone knew demons didn't exist.
(WARNINGS!!!: None this chapter)  
First Part Here:
Demon Bride Ch 1 Thus It Begins
(WARNINGS AND DISCLAIMERS!!! EVERYONE in this story is in their early 20s-30s! This story will contain mentions of past abuse and death! I'l
Last Part Here: https://www.tumblr.com/hazbinextgeneration/724372513486995456/demon-bride-ch19-more-curiouser-still?source=share
Next Part Here:
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(All the votes have been accounted for and the resulting factor is The Swamp Demon vs Kokushibo. Thanks to everyone who voted. Try to guess which movie I reference.)
"Are you both alright?! Tell me you're alright!"
"W-We're both fine."
You both had frozen in front of the giant lumbering form of a VERY angry Kyogai stood in the doorway to greet your arrival back. Only you two hadn't counted on him actually noticing you were gone and to then snatch the both of you in one each. You found yourselves yelping and dangling from his right hand as Eri was held above the floor in his right. In her arms was Rui who looked frightened and confused at finding himself being held in air by a demon who was being held by another taller demon. Turning, he began stepping down the long hallway down hallway back up towards his study and you both saw and felt the many, many servants stopping to stare at the strange sight of Kyogai carrying you by the backs of your kimonos. A pit formed in your stomach at the realization.
You had been caught.
A pit formed in your stomach as the thoughts swirled about you. What was gonna happen? Kyogai was sweet and kind so you didn't worry about the punishment being too bad but he was still very, very, VERY angry judging by the look he was giving everyone.  You didn't know what was going to happen. More so to Eri! You'd gotten her into this troubling situation. What was going to happen to her?! Kyogai grumbled more under his breath the longer he walked and the more you felt regret and guilt build up in yourself from all the watchful eyes. You royally screwed up didn't you? What if Kyogai refused to marry Eri and Komoki as punishment? Or worse keep her here longer working? That'd devastate her. And it'd be your fault! The door to the main study was finally here and opened with a loud sound. 
"I had to stop my work early because of you two runaways!," He finally spoke once he walked into the room and you were placed on your feet a lot more gently than you were expecting. "On a VERY important work night with lots to be done!" The sudden turn he made made you flinch as hard as you winced when the door was slammed. "Do either of you two know how much trouble you caused?!" He snapped back around to the both of you with a deep scowled. "HOW MUCH TROUBLE WE ALL COULD'VE BEEN IN?!"
You couldn't help but look away in shame. Next to you Eri was already assuming the position of a deep bow, head down, and an EXTREMELY guilty look on her face. Rui was still under one of her arms tugging at her to be put down.
"Do you know how worried I was to find my healer and human GONE?! I nearly ordered the mansion to be taken apart wally by wall to find you!! OH!! AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON WHEN I REALIZED I'D BEEN TRICKED INTO SOMETHING!! WHO'S BRILLIANT IDEA WAS THAT?! " HE half asked half roared half demanded throwing his arms up. "Those woods are full of demons who wouldn't be afraid to pounce on unsuspecting weak demons AND humans?! What if you two had been attacked or worse KILLED?! Do you think I could've gotten there in time? NO!" He pointed. "Because two little trouble makers thought it'd be a good idea to leave while I was distracted to somewhere I had no idea Where the hell they'd be!! It's burns knowing a loyal servant of mine and a guest I've let into my home out of the good of my heart did such a thing as trick me!!"
Your throat gained a lump as he muttered to himself pacing in front of the door. 
"For a long time I have done the best I could to provide for you! Have I been perfect? No! Do I know anything about humans? No! Should I have picked up a book on human culture? Probably!!" He paused looking off at nothing. "Wait...Where was I going with this? I had a point."
"Um.." He INSTANTLY snapped to you with a frown making you flinch, swallow the lump in your throat, and force out a sentence. "Sorry. I thank you, Kyogai."
"Well I love you too!!," He said back in that same angry tone from before.
...You blinked. Eri looked back up from her bow in surprised shock. Rui still struggled for freedom. And Kyogai still frowned hard.
....You slowly blinked again. "What?"
A sudden look of what you could describe as 'oh shit' flashed across his face before he sputtered. "I m-mean I thank you too!! Or uh-...W-W-What I -I-..." You blinked at him. "I just....RRRRRRAAAAAUUUUGGH!!!" His hands flew to his face before being dragged down, you gasped and moved out of the way just going for the small table with the tall stack of unfinished papers still waited for him to work on. Instead he snatched up a bowl of food and chopsticks from it's surface that you realized someone must've given him. THUD-!! The floor lightly shook under the two of yours feet as Kyogai just plopped his massive body back down on his seat.l before shoving a piece of chicken into his mouth. "Stress eating! Because of you!" He angry mumbled half muffled by the food in his mouth. "This is really good!"
More silence followed.
You stood there in stupified silence and the only sounds being of Kyogai angrily shoving more food into his mouth refusing to look at either of you both. You opened your mouth...before casting a silent glance at Eri's frozen form, all of her eyes were wide and her mouth literally hung open in shock at her master. Guess she was just as dumbfounded at the situation as you were. Rui was certainly no help as he was just pouting there in her arms accepting he couldn't struggle free. They weren't going to be any help. Turning your head back to Kyogai...you gave a deep sigh out.
"Kyogai?" He didn't respond to you. You didn't blame him. "I'm...very sorry we did what we did. You're right. W-We shouldn't have done that."
"Then why DID you?", He mumbled through his food. His voice lost a lot of his initial edge but the soreness was still there.
You gave just the briefest of sideways glances to Eri before taking a deep breath and letting it out. "...Because I wanted to go outside badly." Footsteps sounded as warning before Kyogai paused blinking as you suddenly dropped to your knees directly beside him. "I felt caged in all the time in the garden and inside you mansion." Without hesitation you looked up and stared at him directly in the eyes. "It was all my idea." He..stared silently cheeks puffed out and chopsticks partially in his mouth. If this wasn't so serious you probably would've giggled at how cute he looked in that moment. "I figured since mating season was o-over there wouldn't be anymore dangers. But I knew you'd never allow Eri to let me out there."
...He narrowed his eyes, swallowed, and frowned at you. "Your dam right I wouldn't have! Those woods are dangerous for anyone here!"
"Which is why I tricked you!,'' you insisted grabbing his arm. He paused eyes staring at your soft hand- "I overheard Eri talking about visiting her fiance before and figured that'd be a good excuse to ask you in case you actually were paying attention when I did ask you." He looked back at you. "It was stupid and selfish and very, VERY stupid of me to do that! I know! When Eri found out I ran off she came after me to bring me my stupid arse back!"
"...She did?" He asked glancing over to Eri's still frozen form  who was still in that pose. 
"Yes! That's what you saw her doing earlier." You nodded pulling at his arm as his brow rose. "She brought my stupid self back here so I wouldn't get hurt."
There was a small pause in silence as he stared at Eri, then he slowly turned back to you...then turned back to his food. "...You know I hate being tricked into saying yes to something." ...you didn't like that sudden calm tone of his. "But I also hate being lied to." You froze. "However... Considering you're putting yourself at risk to try and defend Eri, which I find commendable you'd try to take the full blame, I will give you one chance to tell me the truth. Did she agree to this?"
What? Kyogai was-...HE KNEW YOU WERE LYING!? You took a moment to blink before looking at Eri who still remained still. She would obviously be no help at all. Turning back to him, he didn't even look in your direction. Just sitting there continuing to eat his food as if there wasn't three other people in the room with him. What was he doing? Waiting for you to tell the truth? Wouldn't that get Eri in more trouble? You'd rather take all the blame fully and spare Eri any trouble. But...If he knew you were lying l, if you lied again that might make things worse. But what if he didn't really know? What if he was just pretending to know you were lying to see if you changed your story? He might get madder if he discovered you were lying. So should you stick to your story originally...
"I did lie." He stopped...and looked at your face. "You're right. I did lie about Eri's involvement. She did agree with the idea."
"Mmm hmm." He hummed raising a brow. "I thought so-"
"But I wasn't lying when I did say it was my idea in the first place." You frowned at him. "She mentioned that you would say no if we did ask you, so I used the chance when you were distracted. I used to do it to my grandmother all the time when she wouldn't agree to things. She didn't even want to go at first, so if you say she's as guilty-" Your hand was placed on your chest. "By my blood I'm the same and will bare the fate of whatever you planned for her."
Now this made him slowly turn his face to you surprise etched on his features, brows shooting upwards. "...Are you-....You would deliberately take the full blame for her? Despite the fact that you two only knew each other a few weeks??"
"In the few weeks I've known her, she's become the only person I could call my friend." You gave him a pleading look. "I beg you. Don't punish Eri for something that she shouldn't have to be punished for."
There was some more silence as he stared at your genuine face. As if studying for any lies...before facing back forwards with a loud exhale. "...Eri."
Said demon woman jumped behind him before bowing (despite the fact he couldn't see her). "Y-Y-Yes, M-My Lord?"
"You have done something that greatly irked me today. And you didn't tell me about what the human planned, I'm fact you went along with it... That's not what I want in a servant." Your heart immediately dropped further and further with each word he spoke. "However I won't go back on an agreement once I already made it so long ago. From this point until you're contract with me ends next year, you're ordered to work under Mayla's supervision and be given the hardest work."
Eri's eyes bugged out looking almost panicked and yet relieved. "And that's...it?"
"Do you think I should add more to your punishment? "
"NO!!..*Ahem* I m-mean no, Lord Kyogai. I will follow your instructions perfectly."
"Good. If you should do anything else I find bothersome, I'll personally have you tend to Enmu once he comes back." Eri's face immediately deflates to one of almost horror at just the mention of getting near Enmu. "Do I make myself clear?"
"Absolutely! Clearer than glass!"
You sighed in relief. Working hard under someone didn't sound too bad. Kyogai spared her from anything like an extended work contract or forbidding her from seeing Komoki completely. However you froze again when he looked at you with an unsure expression. 
"You however...I am not sure how to deal with. You're still recovering so I can't force any work on you. And you're not a servant of mine so I can't order you to work even if I wanted too. ...I certainly won't be throwing you out either."
"Then...What will you do?"
He looked you over carefully. Like very, very carefully. "... Simple. Until your departure from here, you're hearby banned from the garden." 
That sucked but was understandable.
"And you'll be taken out of Eri's care. From now on Nagi will be the one to assist you with things."
Your eyes widened...But sighed. That was..also understandable. After today you probably deserved it. He gave another glance at your hand holding his arm..before coughing and looking away.
"And during the day, you'll be staying in the same room as me while I work." ....Say what? "That way I can keep an eye on you  and make sure nothing like that happens again!"
You stared at him. You looked to Eri. Eri stared at Kyogai. Eri stared at you. You both stared at each other. You stared back at Kyogai wide eyed.
"Excuse me?"
He coughed again. "You won't be with me all the time. You'll have private time to yourself when you need it, and Nagi will assist you and you'll still sleep in your own room but I won't tolerate anymore shenanigans from you again. You agreed to any punishment I gave, t-this is it."
Well this was...not what you were expecting at all to be quite frank but you did agree to whatever punishment he gave you. So with a defeated sigh you nodded your head. "Very well then. I agree to your terms."
He nodded avoiding eye contact. " Good. Although I do have one last question." He pointed at Eri's arms. "Who in the world is that?"
You looked back to Rui, sighed, then turned back to Kyogai. "It's a long story." 
"Well then explain it to me in detail. Eri! Leave and come back with Mayla and Nagi at once!"
You remained there sitting next to Kyogai defeated as Eri dropped Rui and left immediately. That could've gone worse. You were VERY lucky it wasn't worse than it actually was. However you did have to explain why you had a child with you especially when Rui walked over and tugged on your shoulder.
"I'm still hungry. Feed me more."
After awkwardly explaining him to Kyogai and Eri returning with the two women servants in question, Rui was promptly handed off into Mayla's care until he figured out what to do with him later and both Mayla and Nagi were informed of everything. There was no complaints or objections other than Eri tossing a final look your way as if saying 'Thank you and I'm sorry' before being forced to go along with Mayla who turns out was in charge of most of the servants and extremely hard if need be. Oh. That must be why Eri didn't look so happy before hand. You hoped things wouldn't be as strange as you thought and it was just going to be a bad dream once you woke up the next day...But that hope was dashed when you awoke to an eyeless chestnut haired purple skinned demon woman shaking your shoulder and smiling.
"Rise and shine my lady or you'll be late for breakfast with my Lord."
You groggily blinked at her. ".... Where's Eri?"
"I'm afraid she's busy hand scrubbing the entire bath house today. Mistress Mayla thought it'd be best to start her off with something simple."
That was simple?! If you could you'd be in there helping her but Nagi you learnt was very nice, but also very insistent. You barely had time to grab the book Kyogai lent before you were forced into a plain blue kimono by Nagi and she forced your hair up in some do you insisted she didn't have to. But she insisted on doing so anyways.
"It's my job to care for you. First and foremost is your health and appearance. Come. My Lord awaits."
You were them dragged to Kyogai's study and received a few looks from the other servants. Oh boy. Hopefully that'll die down quickly. Kyogai was as usual working on  more papers, but did glance at you briefly before going back to work. Nagi guideded you to a sitting pillow in the corner and sat down next to you. And...that was it.
You just sat in your corner all day silently reading and briefly looking up when Nagi left to bring the both of you food or at Kyogai but he focused on his work. And that was it until he gave her permission to take you back to your room to sleep. And that was literally it. For the next two days that awkward pattern continued until Kyogai finally seemed to want to talk to you again. 
"Y/n?" It was so sudden and unexpected you nearly dropped the book jumping up and blinking at him. He seemed a bit nervous but cleared his throat and nodded at your arms. "How are you liking my-"...He  stopped himself before glancing at Nagi. "I mean the book I found for you?"
"Oh. He must not want anyone to know he writes books. You'd respect his privacy and keep his secret. So you nodded. "Yes. I really like the story about the runaway Queen. I'm on the last few pages actually."
He nodded back. "That's good. I will find you another to read again soon." 
"May I ask something since we're speaking?" He paused a moment but nodded. "Where is Kaigaku? I haven't seen him for a while now."
At this Kyogai smiled confidently. "Hmph. Kaigaku is with Kokushibo for some training. He won't be by here for another three weeks."
Three weeks. 
That could work for you. You only had about two weeks and two days until Enmu's return, which meant you could just leave the necklace in his room and leave before he even got back here. Perfect!
"So...you may stop wearing that necklace of his now."
"Oh. I only wore it to make him happy and so I wouldn't lose it. I'll just keep it with me until then so I don't accidentally misplace it. It's happened to me before." And none of your borrowed kimonos had pockets. You didn't want to risk losing the expensive looking charm so the most logical and safest place to keep it was around your neck.
Kyogai looked annoyed at the necklace but nodded. "I respect that choice but are you sure you really didn't accept it at all?"
"No. I only told him I'd wear it. I never said I accepted his gift really." You huffed rolling your eyes. "Besides I know exactly what he was thinking when he gave it to me."
Kyogai's expression immediately turned to one of shock. "Wait...What?! Did Eri tell you?!"
You nodded. "Oh yes. And no. Eri didn't tell me. She didn't say anything about it but she didn't have to. He made it very clear when he was being oddly nice and insisted I take this so you and Akaza would 'get off his back and mind your own business'. With how he acted, it was like reading a book. But I won't fall for any of his 'charms' not that he has many. He'll just have to take no for an answer."
...Wait. So she knew Kaigaku was proposing with that gesture?! "So...You do know the significance of that gift he gave you?"
"Kyogai, he could try to get on my good side all he wants but there's no way I'm putting up with the nonsense he thinks is going on." There's no way you'd let him think you'd put up with his tricks just to get Akaza to go easy on him. If he thought giving you an expensive gift and being nice would make things go away then he was in for a big surprise later. "Besides I could tell what he was thinking. It was pretty obvious "
Kyogai hummed however reaching a hand up to rub his chin. So Y/n figured it out hu huh? ...Well it WAS pretty obvious what Kaigaku was trying to do with that proposal even if you didn't know all their courting laws. And if you didn't accept...That meant Kaigaku was sadly mistaken. Which made him chuckle and you blinked confused. He still had a good feeling about this, and if you knew about it already-
"Like how obvious you were."
A glass breaking sound with off in his mind. "....Huh?"
You deadpanned rose a brow. "Oh come on now. I know your secret don't I?"
"You do?!" He flung panicked wide eyed. 
"Um...Yes?" Why was this surprising to him? He already knew that you knew he secretly wrote books. Did he forget that he already told you? You held up a hand to his panicked face. "Don't worry. I haven't told anyone how you felt about it, not even Eri knows." As much as Eri enjoys the book, it didn't feel right to share the personal secret with even her. "I respect your feelings concerning it and accept that you wouldn't want anyone else to know about it."
S T O P!!!!
"I mean..You told me?? A few days ago by now. And I noticed how you look sometimes and try to correct yourself sometimes when you say something you didn't mean two. Like just a little while ago."
IMMEDIATELY his hand went to clutch his chest where his bearing heart laid underneath. His face a red as a whirlwind of thoughts blasted through his head. And all he could think was what he said to you just two days ago.
"Well I love you too!"
He felt like ripping his hair from his head! You obviously knew by now and he wasn't sure what to think of it. But she didn't seem...put off by it? "S-So...You accept..." A shaking hand pointed to him as he gulped. "Me?..A-And my feelings towards..." A shaking arm gestured to you. If she said yes then that'd mean that she would be...He would be her...
You nodded. "Yes. And the reasons why you do feel that."
There it was. She accepted. Said yes. That means she was his...fian-
"I need a drink!" He suddenly declared reaching for the large cup of water Nagi brought him earlier. 
You however rose a brow confused. Was he feeling alright? "Um. Alright. But I do have one other question." 
"W-what?" The glass was shakingly brought up to lips.
"...Do you want to tell me why you declared love to me two days ago?"
The drink he was drinking was promptly spat out all over the small table before there was a dizziness followed by shock...And the large demon only had time to stare at you in shock before falling over and hitting the floor with a loud thud. In a dead faint.
The bark of trees felt rough against the palm of grey skin, perfect to blending into shadows and walking along the darkness of the cursed trees that beckoned any unknowing traveler further into their branches. A light step. Another light step. Light enough to not be heard by anyone my dear. A quiet mouse amongst the darkness a contrast to the many others in the surroundings. He moved amongst the shadows which were his best friends. His only allies in this battle of the most deadliest predator to live among them and for once he wasn't at the top of the deadly food chain. 
Dark tree past dark tree. Weaving past darkness and limbs and lungs heavy with air whirled around by the wind. Close. The danger was close. Breath. Sweet air was the need. The fuel for the best outcome. For his eventual clash with the death bringer. The trees couldn't hide that from him. Adrenaline pumping. Viens bunching up as a black tsuka of a katanna was grabbed, burnt to the touch as the rumbling of thunder was fueled by the whirling, taunting, wind in his lungs to make way for an electrical storm that bubbled through his blood vessels and gave the needed power to metal to become the lightning strike that shook the scene before him. All time became irrelevant as with each  mighty push of his body from the allied shadows gave him the momentum for the target gaining closer and closer to his face. Where was it? WHERE WAS IT WHERE WAS IT?! He felt it was close so whe-
A metal against metal sounds. A shine of silver in the dark. A dash of shadow. And a strike of thunder. The thunder struck the moon hard with a might that should be feared certainly. But the moon always shines brighter. A deadly hand struck out and with one blow to his head. The thunder was defeated.
"You have... improved greatly since our last meeting...But you...still rush things too much.."
There was a mumble from the body on the ground followed by a loud groan. Yep. He'd have a headache for the rest of the day now.
"If...you had waited ...ten more seconds... you would have...dealt a great blow to my...shoulder blade... However you seem to be...in better spirits..than before." There was a sound as a moon's blade was put away. "Get up...We shall try again immediately..."
The black cloaked body cursed at himself but pushed himself to his feet as he was ordered. "Yes. Let's try again."
"... Perhaps you..have something on your mind...that distracts you? You seem...oddly calmer...But I doubt...you have learnt patience yet."
"Heh. You could say that I guess." A rare smile that wasn't as smug was smiled.
"The magatama on your wrist...did you perhaps...lose it again?"
"...No. I chose to present it to someone else."
"I'm engaged."
"....I see. ...I was not expecting this...Who?"
"It's complicated. I honestly don't believe it myself a few times. ...But it's not important. I'm ready to continue. Let's try again-"
"No...You shall explain...to me..all details at once..it is...a matter that... impacts your... ability to..concentrate. I must know...in order to ..best make it so...you focus..."
Cold. It was Always rather cold this far up the mountain. Especially since it was still only February and summer months hadn't yet reached this far up the mountain. The snow was still very much here to stay for a little while longer, but it wasn't too much of a bother to him. Demons were never really affected all that much by the cold anyways unless they needed special conditions to live. But it also never bothered the powerful demon whom this domain belonged to. 
Douma. Upper Moon Two. The human recruiter. Proclaimed demigod.
Or if you asked him rotten no feeling  pervert who was better off dead!! He hated seeing Douma. He hated doing anything with Douma. He hated even the name Douma!! Nothing good could ever come from him or anyone he had in his grasp. But yet here he was, feet crunching through snow and carrying a little boy who had fallen asleep on the way over. The poor little boy was exhausted from the long trip here, as was his mother and the rest of his brothers and sisters. Behind him the poor widow cradled her second youngest with her head down to avoid the many snowflakes piercing their faces with three other small children clinging to her dress im fear of getting lost among the pale snow. Just his luck a small storm would be blowing their way when they finally arrived at their destination. A rather lavish (and rather large-) human settlement a bit farther up the mountain from the others near the colder parts, Upper Moon Two's domain, and most of where the donations came from. Douma's paradise of blood. That Upper Moon would charm anyone into giving them their blood which was why Douma was in charge of managing most of the yearly blood supply. Most of it. NOT all of it. The other half was up to Kokushibo being the human-demon delegate. But he never thought of that part too much. Or at least he tried too, at least Kokushibo arranged it to where he was never given any blood donated by a woman or child. Some might call him weak for demanding such arrangements but he would stand by those forever. He had morals unlike a lot of his colleagues. The human settlement had certainly grown since he'd last been here probably due to the sudden arrival of five hundred humans last year. The large walls and gate greeted them in the wild wind and swirling snowflakes. All he had to do was raise a large hand and pound on the gate's door, it took all of his restraint to not just kick the door in from his hatred of this place,but there was already some shivering humans were making quick work of immediately running to them and opening the heavy sliding door. My, my. There was many, many humans this time. All shivering, teeth clattering, and rubbing their bodies to generate some desperate form of heat while gesturing for them to come inside. Yes come inside to this hellscape of a pretend heaven. He wouldn't even if the humans were greeting a "messenger spirit of their god delivering other spirits to serve him'. He wouldn't. The only way he'd go in there was if the Master commanded him and ONLY if the Master commanded him. Nothing more nothing less. 
"Where's Douma?," He asked one human who rubbed his arms.
"H-He is inside b-b-but we have been expecting y-y-your arrival f-from the spirit realm to bring more other worldly servants from the gods f-f-for our Master. W-Wont you please come in a-a-a-and join us to ce-celebrate your arrival?"
So Douma was still playing that facade of being a demigod instead of the monster he was. Douma was good pretending to be human and 'being able to communicate with spirits like him and Gods' . He used this ploy to get these poor humans to donate blood for the gods, the yearly Blood Ritual he called it. It made him sick to his stomach.
"No." It was a firm and blunt answer, and he would not wait out here any longer than he needed too. Not if Douma could come out any moment. The small boy was removed from his hold and into the arms of his mother once more. "You and I must part ways here. Your family will be taken cared of inside."
This  would be the last time he ever saw this family again as they were ushered away into the awaiting arms of the shivering humans who gladly herded the widow and children away from him. They weren't his responsibility anymore. His master's task had been completed. And he was now to go back to his original duties and be away from here immediately. He did feel terrible for allowing this family to be taken like this but it wasn't something he could fight against-
He froze. And not out of fear for the family or because of the hundreds of snowflakes being flung into his body by the wind like some icey attack from mother nature. It was because of a sudden looming and empty presence behind him. 
"Why Akaza-dono!" A 'happy' voice chirped before cold hands clapped to show his fake happiness. "My, my. You seem stiff from the cold. Perhaps you should join us?~ My cooks have made a delicious bear stew."
Veins bunched up immediately. A fist tightened. And eyes widened in rage. "Don't. Touch. Me ."
"I haven't done such things. Yu seem to be oh so cranky today."
"I only become that way around you." His head turned. "Douma."
He had an impressive stature. Almost two feet taller than himself. Beautiful platinum blonde hair encrusted with a ring of red gave the impression of sick royalty with that stupid hat on top his head. Eyes like a sickly hallucination of colors glistened dully at him. His whole body was sickly beautiful, but it was the equivalent of a beautiful snake ready to strike with it's venom once he tricked you with his superficial beauty and empty charms. He made him sick and yet there was an admittedly impressive power oozing out of him like syrup dripping. Thick, too thick, and sickly sweet. 
"Oh you remember me!" More of  that stupid annoying clapping and sickening smile. "It makes me so happy!"
"I'm leaving. You have what you need." 
"Oh I know, but when I heard you were coming I knew I couldn't just let my best friend leave without saying hi! It'd be so rude on my person."
"I'm. Not. Staying," he repeated firmly.
"Boo. You never want to." He pouted as if he had anything to worry about. "You're so mean to me,  Akaza!"
"Glad you know that." He had other things to worry about. "You reek of disappointment.''
Other things to worry about like his duties and ...The sudden vision of beautiful purple eyes popped into his mind and the softness of skin clinging to him so bravely-
A hand of his immediately shot up to clutch the place over his heart. The red nails embedding themselves into the skin almost harsh enough to draw blood. He...he had someone to return back too. Someone who he...might actually enjoy seeing. Certainly more this maniac.
A loud gasp escaped the taller man next to him. "Akaza-dono was that your heart I heard just now!? So exciting! It sounds so lovely!"
Of course that idiot would hear it. "Fuck. Off. Douma."
It was hard to deny the feeling. Yes...He needed to get back to her. That good feeling.
"Hmm. This wouldn't have something to do with that human girl who proposed to you would it?~"
The only sounds that could be heard was the wind and the thousands of small splats the snowflakes made against their skin. 
"...How did you know that?"
He gave a smug smile. "I heard those little girls discussing it as my followers escorted them in. It seems they miss the stories she once read them as well. Hmm. A sweet little lotus.~"
"I'm. DONE. Here."
"Wha-"  A blur ran past him "AKAZA-DONO!!" The blue disappeared in a wake of snowflakes. "...Oh foo. He is no mean to me, my best friend. If he had waited a little longer.." A smile appeared as a golden fan splayed in front of his face. "I would've told him I offered Master a place for her to stay here...And that he was very tempted by my offer.~"
Hurried footsteps accompanied by sobs and whimpers scuttled about. Home. He was almost home. Just a little more and he'd be safe. He was getting too old for this. It wasn't his fault. It wasn't his fault!! Closer and closer he went until he  did  get there. A giant wooden door to be in fact which creeked open upon pushing it and the warmth from within welcomed him into it's safety. 
"Father." A squeal sounded from the sudden young child's voice he whirled around too. His son..HIS SON!! Oh how joyous and wonderful it was to see a face concerned for him. "You haven't returned for a few days. I was worried about you. I almost left to start searching."
"Good son. Kind son. *Sniff* All of you have been has been so good to me."
"You're our father. I won't let anyone harm you."
"*Sniffle* Wh-Where are your brothers, Zohakuten?"
"Sekido and Urogi are out looking for you, as Karaku and Aizetsu are looking for a lost child from the  Spider Clan named Rui Master has interest in. I chose to stay behind I'm case you returned. It seems I made the correct call. Shall I tell them you are safely home?"
"*Sniff* Yes. Su-Su-Summon me your dear older brothers. I h-have found a gift for one of them?"
"I-I am an old man. It makes me so sad, so sad my sons will never find someone who feels the same way about me they do. But I have. Kind girl. Understanding girl. S-Summon them quickly."
Days passed since these experiments of his. Usually he'd be honored to watch the Master run blood tests over and over and over again. But after the third day it got a little boring not going to lie.
"Where did you get this sample of blood?"
"As I told you before many times now, Master. The hurt human Kyogai cares for."
"You are certain she was human? You were not such a fool to have accidentally mix up the blood samples?"
"As a person of scientific medical practice I promise you I didn't dare do such a disasterous thing. And she was as human as your own wife is."
"...When are you due to be back?"
"Oh about a week and three days at this point."
"...I have another task for you. You are to go immediately and collect another blood sample to compare to this one. You are to also administer a test. To check for demon in her veins."
"I will find out if Tamayo survived."
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I read a lot of Captain America fanfiction last year. People have written some pretty amazing stuff! But also. I disagreed with Steve's characterization like 90% of the time. 🙈😅😂 With those kind of statistics, am I the one who's wrong??
I don't know but I'm tired of holding it in. I need to complain about this or I'll lose my mind. This is just my own personal opinion of course etc etc.
Anyway here is a list of things that annoy me in Captain America fanfiction
- When Steve is Soo depressed that all he does is mope around crying about Bucky and never does a single useful thing. Look I understand that he's kind of in a rough place, with everybody he ever knew being dead and all and I get that even the best of us can get depressed and there's nothing wrong with exploring this. But I dunno. I kinda just want to read a fic where he's well-adjusted for once.
- There is this trope where after CATWS Steve and/or Bucky go around killing endless mooks in HYDRA bases. I understand it's necessary for them to have something to do but. I just have serious questions about the legality of the situation. If you go to a foreign country and you kill a citizen of that country, that's still murder and, I think, illegal, even if that citizen is a terrorist or a neo-nazi or something. You can't just do that, right? Bucky can get away with it maybe, being in a gray zone of legal existence himself, but not Steve. And either way.... YES they are HYDRA and they are EVIL but nonetheless, they are still human, in the end? How is HYDRA recruiting all these people anyways? That's probably a thing they should be worried about, rather than just blowing up bases, idk.
- That particular genre of Bucky Recovery fic where they spend the whole time doing absolutely nothing but Help Bucky Recover. Like they just sit there in Steve's apartment or wherever. But look we all lived through the pandemic, staying in the same room doing nothing all day is not going to do wonders for anybody's mental health. How can they stand it? Go touch some grass.
- Similarly, when Steve has no life outside Bucky. I guess I'm not really a big fan of codependent relationships in general. But like, okay sure Bucky is your world your home your everything your silly rabbit that's great but personally I think it's sort of a shallow world if all you care about is one person. Take a look around you! The world is full of so many other things worth fighting for. Help Bucky, sure, but that shouldn't be the only thing going on in Steve's life. Get some hobbies man. Talk to your neighbours. Use your clout to make positive political change. Idk. He's Captain America why does he act like he has literally nothing better to do than sit around watching Bucky like he's a freshly painted wall.
- When Steve refuses to accept that Bucky doesn't remember him and hangs around Bucky like a rejected puppy. First of all, I think Steve is intelligent enough to accept that Bucky's not going to be the same after everything. And secondly, I think that he respects people autonomy enough to not force himself into Bucky's life. Give him a little credit, come on.
- When they take in Bucky after CATWS and put him in a blank white room he can't leave, all to help him "recover" and everyone is totally okay with that. Like guys do you not realize how you are treating him? Surely there must be a better way to rehabilitate him. Steve, at the very least, should be advocating for something better. Yeah I get that the Winter Soldier's soooo dangerous but so is the Hulk and they let Bruce walk around just fine. 🙄 They should at least realize what they are doing is kind of messed up
- It's not that I don't think Tony is allowed to be angry that Bucky killed his parents. It's just that, personally, I think his relationship with his parents is a little complicated, and so his reaction too, will be complicated and also likely different depending on the circumstances. People probably feel that because canonically he flew into a rage that's what will always happen, but that doesn't have to be the case!
- when they are in Wakanda and it's treated like some kind of extended vacation home. This isn't a hotel, it's a completely other county with its own issues and cultures and that should be addressed. Similarly, it's cute when Bucky and Shuri become friends but honestly I think she has waaaay too many other things to do that he barely tops her priorities. Like he's not That important. He's just some white dude.
- When Bucky EXPLICITLY asks not to be called Bucky but Steve keeps doing it.
- When Steve is portrayed as this incompetent idiot who always rushes into things without thinking and Bucky's the only brain cell of the operation. I just think that Captain America should be at least a little bit cool, you know. He should be the kind of person you can't help but admire. He should do something good and true every now and then. He's a superhero! I want to see him do something heroic! In some stories he's just so lame it drives me up the wall.
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deadendtracks · 2 years
Lizzie and Tommy: Ruby's death pt. 2
I'm not going to get into Lizzie's reaction to Ruby's illness and death much here, because it's pretty straightfoward and much easier to grasp if you watch the episodes. It isn't to disrespect her or to say she's less interesting -- just that I think even a casual viewer would come away understanding it.
First, I'll talk about Tommy's reaction, and then I'll talk about how Lizzie reacted to Tommy.
To understand Tommy you have to back up a bit for the full context and really keep it in mind.
First, we know a woman he loved deeply before he went to war died of TB, and that he spent 3 months sitting at her bedside watching her die. This wasn't mentioned in s6, but I'd argue it's a vital piece of understanding why he reacts the way he does.
Second, the context of the end of season 5/the first scene of s6: Tommy had been severely mentally deteriorating for some time. After his attempt to kill Mosley is thwarted, he tries to kill himself, but Arthur had removed the bullet from his gun, and Lizzie herself is quite harsh when she finds him face down in the mud afterwards. She calls him a coward and a deserter (credit to @holyfoal-moved for that latter point, which I think is important). I know the Grace stans like to harp on that point, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Lizzie has her own reasons for reacting to him this way, but you can't pretend it wouldn't have had an impact on him. He stands up and immediately finds that the IRA have murdered Polly and blamed him for it.
That's... alot. From what we're told in s6, he stops drinking and taking opiates basically right at that moment. And I've written about this before too, but a sober Tommy isn't actually a Tommy who is in any way "better" or cured. Instead, everything he was self-medicating all those years becomes more obvious.
Which brings us directly to Ruby's illness.
Lizzie calls him while he's still in America to tell him Ruby had a fever and was speaking Romani. Tommy's reaction to this is incredibly triggered. This is the first sign that his sobriety has uncovered some pretty severe anxiety. He shouts at Lizzie about taking Ruby to Johnny Dogs and his wife for protection by a charm, he sounds fairly hysterical, and all of this is completely different from the suppressed, rational, controlled Tommy we're used to. There's a whole other essay in why what Lizzie tells him Ruby said potentially set him off, but it's out of the scope of this already long set of posts. The important point is that he immediately leaves America and sails for home, based on a fever and Ruby's words. He also talks aloud to Polly in that scene, after he hangs up, another sign of how he's changed. @holyfoal-moved has said that Tommy regresses, and I think that's incredibly insightful of the whole situation.
So Tommy gets on a boat and we find out later that during the journey he has [what he says is] his first seizure. The seizures are explicitly shown to be triggered by immense stress, and three of the seizures we know about were set off by stress over Ruby specifically.
When he gets home to Arrow House he immediately puts Ruby in a car and takes her to the clinic, despite the fact that Lizzie tells him she's fine now. And while he's waiting outside for the results of her examination, he vomits from stress.
All of this is just when they think Ruby has a flu, before TB is even in the picture. At this point, Lizzie is downplaying it all and sees Tommy as overreacting, and he can't seem to explain his reaction to her. He doesn't have the words. Even after Lizzie comes out and tells him Ruby was given a clean bill of health, he's visibly unrelieved. He also admits to Lizzie he hadn't slept on the voyage back to England, which took several days.
I'll continue in the next post, but I think this sets up the background of the situation with Ruby.
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veyalexsa · 7 months
Why can't I get Rosalyx out of my head-- Well, anyway-
Becoming a victim of human trafficking was not something little Rosalyx could have predicted. The little girl received many torments, one of which was the number 111 made on her hand with the cigarette fire of the person who sold her. Even so, you won't be able to see the tiny burns that make up the number because of course Rosalyx doesn't want to show them. In addition, she received a large burn on her left face that left her left eye white and her skin blackened from being burned to a crisp.
Until little Rosalyx was sold at an auction. She was bought by someone named Diamond who managed to buy her for 150,000,000 Credit. As the cage opened, Rosalyx hissed, preparing for the bad treatment she might receive from her newest owner. However, what she faced next took her by surprise.
"Can you stand up? Come on, we'll treat your wound."
That's when her life changed.
Carried by the man named Diamond, little Rosalyx looked up, reading the signboard of the Interastral Peace Corporation with some confusion.
Diamond was willing to be little Rosalyx's father, but Rosalyx couldn't think of him as anyone. Diamond was just a person Rosalyx knew, nothing more nothing less. Even so, Rosalyx obeyed Diamond. She accepted the education to enter the IPC by Diamond.
For example, now. Diamond looked at the big man begging for mercy at his feet because he was in huge debt. In that house, there was only that man left because three of his friends had been killed by Diamond for getting in the way of his work. Meanwhile, Rosalyx was behind Diamond, peering at the man begging for mercy. Her small body trembled with fear as she watched Diamond kill the previous 3 people.
"Rosalyx, can you help me to kill this man?"
Rosalyx's eyes widened, she gulped. "Y-yes."
Diamond was happy to give Rosalyx his gun. The man looked up at Rosalyx with pride, as Rosalyx put the gun to the head of the man in deep debt.
"I'm sorry, Uncle."
"Done," Rosalyx stared at the corpse in front of her expressionlessly. The girl pressed the communication device in her ear. "Tell Diamond that I'll be back at the base in five minutes."
Rosalyx wiped the blood splashed on her face. She put the empty pistol into her belt pouch, turned around, and left the scene with her face expressionless. There was no emotion in her eyes even though she had killed 7 people on the spot.
Back in her office, Rosalyx found Aventurine leaning against her desk. "Aventurine? What are you doing here?"
"I was waiting for you," Aventurine snorted, approaching Rosalyx with a scowl on his face. "Where are you going? Aren't we on a mission to buy a casino? You said you'd come with me."
Rosalyx fell silent. "Ah, Diamond sent me on a small mission. I'm sorry."
"Ugh, that person," Aventurine sighed. Then he realized something. His hand reached for Rosalyx's face. His thumb wiped away the blood left at the corners of Rosalyx's lips, Aventurine snorted. "Small mission, huh?"
Rosalyx flinched. "A-ah, sorry."
"It's fine," Aventurine shrugged. He put on his trademark hat and glasses, then grinned. "We go now, yeah?"
Rosalyx nodded. "Lets go."
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canarydarity · 2 years
hello worm! for the fic ask meme: 7, 9, 14
hello lew :) thank you for enabling the procrastination
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
In reading this question ive come to learn that I literally always write in universe. I've written and posted I think 10 life series fics and there is one singular one that is not set in one of the three seasons HA. It's based off a poem so I'm not taking worldbuilding credit there either, but I will say I really liked the small details of Jimmy's backstory that I created for it. That's called ranch boys watch the apocalypse
I don't know if this technically counts as worldbuilding, but I will say that I am quickly becoming completely enamored with the way I've reworked the canary curse in the au I'm currently working on that I'm referring to as Sentinel Species. Which,,,I have not mentioned anything about here yet I also realize. It leans a lot more into the "harbinger of death" aspect of things and makes Jimmy someone who not only brings about the end but also has a finely-tuned sense of death or impending death as it applies to those around him.
(if anyone wanted to know anything more about that I will happily answer questions).
9. How do you find new fic to read?
uhhhh recently I've been finding fic through tumblr over ao3 which is very different for me. Historically I play around with tag fitlers and scroll through ao3 etc but a lot of what I've read recently has been written by or found through mutuals here, or I'll see fanart posted for a fic and find it based off that!
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
I think we've talked before about how I'm not a fan of amnesia fics? I won't necessarily NOT read them I have read them before but the majority of the ones I read years ago weren't great and were too similar, so it made me think they were all the same.
Now I might be mixing up this next part with our convo about time loop fics, but I think you're a fan? or you've read some really good ones? Honestly doesn't matter point stands for both tropes amnesia and time loops, I would trust them more written by you or another friend. I wouldn't COMPLETELY avoid them otherwise though, I just usually need more of a reason to read them!
fic ask game
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
hazel!! hi!! for the ask game, may I ask for, 19, 25, 40, 55, 68, hope your week is going wonderfully <33
hi myle!!! thanks for asking! hope your week is good too <3
19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters? I do enjoy OCs! i find it really really satisfying to insert existing characters into aus and try to do that as much as possible, but when it makes sense to create ocs (extended family members, kids, nasty roommates) i have a lot of fun! characters are fun to create!!!!
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)? I'd say worldbuilding/brainstorming, probably! I really enjoy figuring out what's going on and putting the pieces together, and I absolutely love the moments where i get a good idea that fixes an issue or that i know readers will really love. i like gradually painting that picture of the world/story in my head. i also think i'm good at worldbuilding, and i like doing things i'm good at lol
40. What is your favorite world that you’ve created for a fic? omg i was thinking about this the other day! it's probably one of my askbox prompts tbh. you only get a glimpse of those worlds, but lots of them are really interesting, like the sorcerer/prince au! that's a world with magic and swords and stuff!!! also, the superhero world of this prompt fascinates me and i've been thinking of it more since i watched the batman over the weekend. i really love most of my worlds though, otherwise i don't think i would write in them!
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc? people blush in my fics more than they do in real life. they also breathe a lot lol i find myself describing how they're feeling based on their breath. there are a lot of words like "really" or "a little" or "kind of" or "just". it's not always in all of the fics but i've noticed that i tend to enjoy writing people eating together as a show of intimacy or relationship progression.
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do? yeah a few! i think that everything i read influences me in some way, which is why it's good that i've been reading a lot of novels recently in different styles and genres instead of only reading the same authors/genres over and over. in this fandom i know that helen had an influence on me at the beginning, so make me a promise here tonight and if these walls could talk (they've seen way too many things) had an influence over me writing in this fandom and my early works, although my style has developed a lot differently now. last year at some point i read/reread a bunch of band of brothers fics, which reminded me of what fic is capable of i guess? i had been in this 5sos bubble for a long time and certain trends and styles are missing here that were very prevalent in that fandom (which makes sense given the different source materials) but the what things we have heard together series and A New Mode of Living were influential for me revamping my writing a bit
fanfiction writing asks
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666writingcafe · 2 years
MC Snaps at Mammon and Levi
"Will you two shut up?!" Surprisingly, my angry outburst works on both Mammon and Levi, for they immediately go silent.
"Here's the deal, Levi: I've been having this recurring dream that has me sleepwalking to a staircase that leads up somewhere," I continue. "Twice now, I've ended up at the base of the stairs, and both times Lucifer was there to stop me before I started walking up them. Something is luring me towards it, and for the sake of my sanity, I have to figure out what it is so that I can try to stop it."
"Okay, but what does that have to do with me?" Levi scoffs.
"Drop the attitude, and I'll tell you."
"MC, I don't think that's wise--" Mammon starts to say.
"You've had your turn to speak, Mammon," I interrupt him. "Now it's mine." Thankfully, that's enough to quiet him.
"You're getting rather bold, human," Levi states, glaring at me.
"I have a name, you know, and I'd appreciate it if you would call me by it. As much as it pains both of you to do, I deserve to be treated better than dinner. And for the record, Levi, I wasn't a willing participant in your plan to get your money back, and I still haven't forgiven you for taking credit for discovering Mammon's credit card. The very least you can do is to cooperate with me long enough for me to figure out what's been pulling me to the staircase." After a moment of silence, Levi mumbles,
"Thank you. Now, Lucifer is fully aware that I've been sleepwalking, and he's willing to allow me to go all the way up the stairs on one condition: I have to get a hold of a cursed vinyl version of The Tale of The Seven Lords soundtrack for him. Mammon here has told me that you have a copy of this, and I would like to borrow it long enough for me to get to the bottom of my little mystery."
"Not until you've proven your knowledge of TSL," Levi replies.
"Are you serious?!" Mammon exclaims. "You're telling me that me and MC stayed up all night watching your stupid little show only to have to prove to you that we're total nerds?"
"Mammon," I say sternly enough to get him to be quiet again. Once he shuts up, I ask Levi,
"How would you like me to prove myself to you?" Levi develops a wicked grin on his face.
"Let's compete to see who the bigger TSL fan is: you or me. I seriously doubt you could beat me, but on the off chance that you do, I'll give you the soundtrack."
"What happens if I lose?" Mammon shakes his head to try to stop me from asking that question, but I ignore him.
"Then you might never make it back to the human world alive."
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