#but calmer than two weeks ago
britney-rosberg06 · 6 months
in other news, David Bearman looks visibly calmer watching his son race around in a slightly slower death machine than in the super fact death machine
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girlgenius1111 · 7 months
You Come Back With Gravity
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alexia and r have an argument. r misunderstands, and when alexia leaves to calm down, she thinks she's going for good. angst + fluff :)
Alexia was big on communication, and she didn't like to fight. Neither did you, although your track record in past relationships may argue otherwise. That was more on your former partners, though, than it was on you. Not fighting was new for you. Alexia never yelled, and she insisted that the two of you talk about any issues that were going on calmly, and like adults. A voice had never been raised between the two of you, arguments never escalating to full blown shouting matches, mostly because of Alexia's insistence that they didn't.
Something about this argument, though, felt different. Alexia had proposed a few weeks ago, and, after having a bit too much to drink, you'd brought up something that had been nagging at the back of your mind for a while. Alexia had brushed it aside that night, and again and again since, until you practically forced her to talk about it. Normally, when you presented Alexia with an issue you had, she was quick to try to fix it. Your teammates often joked about the complete 180 Alexia did when she was around you, melting and agreeing to anything you asked of her. You were the same way for her, but it was more surprising that their normally very willful captain so easily did as you said.
If Alexia wouldn't budge on an issue, she normally had a reason, and you didn't require her to explain herself to you. This was different, though. You needed an explanation, before your mind continued to take off in the worst directions.
"Alexia, do you not see that this is important to me?"
"I do, amor, but there is no room for discussion. We are not going public with our relationship. It has stayed low key for this long, and I intend to keep it that way." Alexia was quickly losing her patience with you, and you could tell. Still, you persisted. 
'You won't even give me a reason, Ale! Is this what our relationship is going to be like for the rest of our lives? You make a decision that affects both of us, and I just have to live with it?" Your voice was slightly raised and you could tell Alexia was upset. You were pacing around the room, and she was sitting, completely still, on the couch. Alexia was never still. A part of her was always moving.
"I am not changing my mind on this, mi amor." Alexia told you calmly, although her jaw clenched tight when she finished speaking.
"Okay, well that's it. You don't care what I think. Whatever you say goes, is that it?" You were using anger to hide how terrified you were. There was really only one reason that you could think of to explain Alexia's complete refusal to be transparent about your relationship.
"You know that it is not."
"This is absurd, Ale, we can't even have a conversation without you-"
"¡Basta! Stop yelling, I do not want to talk anymore about this," Alexia shouted finally, rising to her feet.
"I am yelling because you are not listening to me,"
"You are not listening to me. No more of this, we can discuss it when we are both calmer."
"I don't want to push this aside again, I would like to resolve it now." You tried to calm yourself down slightly despite your words, drawing in a few deep breaths as you waited for your fiancée to respond.
"It is resolved. There is no discussion to be had. There is no other option; we are not going public. No."
You let out a humorless laugh, and Alexia's eyebrows shot up. She did not like to be laughed at.
"You aren't being fair, Alexia. I deserve an explanation for why you are so very ashamed of me, to the point you don't want anyone to know we are together."
Alexia rolled her eyes, not taking your statement seriously. She thought you were just being dramatic, there was no way you really believed that. You did believe it, though and Alexia's complete dismissal in the face of your admitted vulnerability made you furious.
"Jesus, Alexia. Fine. You get your way. As usual. Captain Alexia always gets what she wants." You yelled, throwing yourself down on the couch dramatically and burying your head in your hands. You didn't want to cry while you were fighting with her, and you swallowed the lump in your throat. You knew you weren't being fair, or particularly nice but Alexia had hurt your feelings and she didn't even seem to understand why.
It was dead silent for a full minute before Alexia let out a long, drawn out exhale, and spoke.
"You are being mean. I am going to go to Alba's."
Her words were stiff, clearly communicating how upset she was with you, and you whipped your head up to look at her, watching as she headed towards the door, grabbing her keys. She put her airpods in, but you didn't see her do so.
"Ale? Are you coming back?" You called, voice full of insecurity.
Alexia couldn't hear you, not with her music playing as loud as it was, and she walked out the door without acknowledging that you'd spoken.
You were frozen. This was what you always did; take a small fight and push it so far that the other person finally saw that you weren't worth the trouble. It hadn't happened with Alexia yet because you'd never fought with her. It wasn't enough that she didn't want anyone to know the two of you were together, you had to push her until she didn't want to be with you, period.
You were an over-thinker to your core, and you were convinced, absolutely, that you had just destroyed the most important relationship that you'd ever had. It was hard to breathe, hard to think, the suffocating weight of thinking that the woman you loved was not coming back taking over.
You weren't sure why you were surprised. People left, people always left. Why would this be any different? Alexia was the best person you'd ever known, and she deserved far better than what you could give her, even when you were at your best. Of course Alexia didn't want anyone to know that she was with you. Of course she didn't want you. You had only yourself to blame.
While you sat alone in your apartment, spiraling, Alexia was driving not to her sisters, but to the beach. She needed some peace and quiet to think, which she surely would not find at Alba's.
She just needed to cool down. You were upset, she was upset, and continuing on like you had been would only lead you both to say things you didn't mean. She'd take an hour, calm down, and head home. Alexia had no idea that you had asked her a question before she'd left, had no idea that you were sitting at home, convinced she was done with you.
The longer she was gone, though, the more guilty she felt. She remembered the look on your face when you'd spoken:
"I deserve an explanation for why you are so very ashamed of me, to the point you don't want anyone to know we are together."
She thought you were just trying to make a point at the time, but as she got space from the fight, and from her own anger, she felt less sure about that judgment. You'd looked distraught when you said it. It would explain why you were so very upset with her reluctance to go public, why you were so very upset with her.
Alexia had watched many relationships fall apart once they hit the public eye; some of her own, and some of them, her friend's. She didn't want that. As long as you two kept this to yourselves, allowing your loved ones and teammates to know and no one else, the media couldn't destroy it. That was Alexia's biggest fear; losing you, and having no control over it.
Of course, you were sat at home, practically catatonic, at the thought that you had lost Alexia.
Alexia didn't even make it an hour like she planned. She was parking in the driveway 44 minutes after she'd left, flowers next to her in the front seat, as she tried to figure out if she'd given you enough space to think. She determined that she had, mostly because she couldn't stand leaving things like this any longer, and she fixed her hair in the mirror, tucking the shorter pieces behind her ears in the way she knew you liked, before grabbing the flowers.
When she had left, it was still light out. It was dark, now, and Alexia was surprised when she opened the door and there was not a light on in the house. She panicked slightly, wondering if you'd left, before spotting your silhouette on the couch. Exactly where you'd been when she left. It looked like you hadn't moved, even an inch. The blonde slipped her shoes off, walking cautiously closer to you, flipping on the light.
You didn't make a move, giving her no indication that you knew she was there with you. Alexia could tell you were trembling, and every breath you drew in came with a small, pained whimper. Alexia was more than concerned, now. She dropped the flowers on the table, before crouching down in front of you.
"Mi amor?" She said softly, weary to touch you, not wanting to startle you.
"Hey, amor?" She spoke slightly louder this time. Still, you didn't even twitch. Tentatively, she reached her hand out, letting her hand wrap around your wrist. She was going to try to pull your hand away from your face, but you beat her to it, jumping a foot in the air at her touch, and scrambling backwards.
"It is me, amor, it is just me," Alexia reassured, throwing her hands up in the air, and not moving any closer.
"Ale?" You gasped, as if you couldn't believe that she was here in front of you. You were half convinced you were hallucinating. It felt like 2 minutes had passed, but also like it had been hours since she left.
"It is just me," Alexia repeated, taking a seat on the very edge of the couch. You were still shaking, and Alexia longed to bring you into her arms.
"What are you doing here?" You asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You came back. Why?"
"Why... why would I not come back? This is our home. Ours. Did you not want me here?" Alexia asked insecurely, entirely confused at your reaction. Your eyes were watery, and you bit your lip, shaking your head at her.
"No, I want you here, I... I asked if you were coming back. And you left without answering."
"Qué?" Alexia asked, looking genuinely confused. Alexia couldn't lie to you, and if she'd ignored something you'd said, she'd admit to it.
"Before you walked out the door, I asked if you were coming back." You explained further, although you were already relaxing slightly. Ale was here, she came back.
A look of realization dawned over your girlfriend's face. "I had my headphones in, amor, I did not hear you."
Now that Alexia could see where your mind had started to go, it wasn't hard to piece the rest of it together. It made sense, suddenly, why you were so upset. You'd thought Alexia had left you.
It was only seconds after that revelation that Alexia was reaching across the couch and pulling you into her arms; one wrapped tightly around your back, the other hand lacing through your hair and pushing your face into her neck. You clung tightly to her, melting into her touch.
"I would never leave you. Not today, not tomorrow. Not ever. I wanted to calm down, so we could have a conversation. I should have thought that through, bebé, I am so sorry."
You shook your head against her. "I shouldn't have overreacted, it was just that you were so upset, and we never fight. You're so good, Ale, it's like I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop, always waiting for you to realize that you can do better. I thought you had, I thought that's why you didn't want anyone to know about us."
Alexia shut her eyes tightly. You'd meant what you'd said earlier, then, and she'd completely dismissed it. She guided you away from her, just a bit, cradling your face in her hands. She brushed your hair back out of your face, pursing her lips as she tried to figure out what to say.
"It was not an overreaction. You thought I ignored you, you thought I was leaving. I know how nervous these things make you, mi amor, I should have been clearer."
"Amor, do you think that I want to keep our relationship private because I am ashamed of you?" When Alexia said the words, it felt ridiculous. You knew it was irrational to feel the way you felt, but at the same time… your fear was all encompassing. You tried to lean away from her, preserve some of your dignity even as more tears slid down your face, but Alexia wouldn't let you. "Hey, no. Tell me, por favor.” 
“You’re you Ale. And I’m just me. I would understand if you didn’t want people to know you were with me, you should be with someone better, prettier,-” 
“Stop.” Alexia said, shaking her head frantically. She looked physically pained at your words. “Stop. You are not allowed to talk about yourself like that. You are mí niña, mí niña perfecta. I am proud that you are mine, everyday. You are the best, you are the prettiest. You are all I need, te prometo que.” The blondes eyes were wide with a desperate need for you to believe her. You wanted to. 
“Then why, Ale? Why don’t you want people to know you’re with me?” You chewed on your bottom lip when Alexia didn’t answer right away, and her thumb reached over to lightly tap it. You released your lip, tightening your grip on your girlfriend, only growing more terrified for her answer as time passed. 
“You are so perfect.” Alexia started, giving you a stern look when you shook your head on instinct. “It’s so easy with you. So easy to love you, so easy to be with you. The media complicates everything, the fans. They would say horrible things to you and about you. As long as no one knows, I can keep you safe. I can keep you mine. Just mine.” 
“Alexia, I’m not worried about that.” You assured her. 
“You should be, mi amor, I am worried about it.” Alexia emphasized, and you only really realized the stress this worry was causing her at that moment. “It would not be the first time the media has ruined a relationship, and I do not think I could survive it if I lost you.” The blonde’s voice cracked at the end of her sentence, and suddenly, she wasn’t holding you anymore, you were holding her. Cradling her face in your hands as you insistently tried to get her watery, hazel eyes to meet yours. 
“Even if the media goes crazy, even if people say mean stuff. I’ll still want you, Ale. It won’t be fun but it’s worth it. If it’s for you? It’s worth it, it’ll always be worth it.” 
Alexia let out a sound that was halfway between a sob and a sigh of relief, burying her face in your neck. Her tears were wet against your skin, her breaths ragged and frantic. “Te amo,” she murmured. “You make me so happy, amor. If you are not worried about the media, then I will try not to be. If you want people to know, then we tell. Whatever you want, whatever you need. As long as you know that I love you, that you are perfect, that you are mine, forever. Para siempre.” 
Now you were crying, and she was still crying, as she gave you a very wet kiss, and it was entirely more emotional than either of you would have liked, but there was nothing to be done. The perfect relationship, you supposed, was one where you each thought the other to be perfect. Even if you didn’t see yourself that way, Alexia would always be there to convince you of your perfection, as you would for her.
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honeylations · 3 months
- In The Right Place -
Prompt: You knew moving into a new school wasn’t easy, but when Ning Yizhuo tried bullying you, the tables turned after she finds out your secret.
Warnings/Notes: g!p new student reader, bullying, eventual smut, bully Aespa but Ning is mostly shown, unprotected sex, shower sex, mostly dom reader
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“Welcome to hell!” Huh Yunjin dramatically announced to you while presenting the corridor of students that seemed to be calmer than she had anticipated.
You looked at your new friend with a questioning smile.
No seriously, you two became friends a few minutes ago after she accidentally ran you over with her skateboard at the entrance gate. Then Yunjin offered to tour you around the school as an apology.
“Seems chill. Where’s the ‘hell’ in this?”
“You’re looking in the wrong direction actually” Yunjin corrected and forcefully turned your head to where 4 girls were cornering a smaller student at their locker.
It was clear that they were bullying her, from how they stood with their arms crossed, all wearing an intimidating smirk you knew too well.
In the next second, the tallest of the 4 slapped the victim’s books causing them to scatter all over the floor. You hung your head back and groaned.
“Bullying, seriously? Let’s grow up”
Yunjin’s eyes widened when you calmly walked to the scene and picked up the fallen books, returning them to the small girl that muttered a tiny thank you before running off.
“Jang Y/n, you are done for” Yunjin muttered, not daring to follow you but rather watch from afar.
Yizhuo tilted her head up at you before waving her phone in your face and then letting it fall to the ground with a thud. You were confused by the action but still bent down to grab it and hand it back to her.
“Careful” you softly said.
Yizhuo hummed. She liked your features.
“So obedient. I like that”
You were tall and you smelt fresh yet sweet. But what the shorter girl noticed the most was that you were wearing slacks instead of the school’s skirt.
“You know the policy says girls are to wear skirts right?”
You chuckled. “And you know the policy says no bullying…right?”
Murmurs filled the halls and Yizhuo’s 3 girls sent them glares that immediately made the hall go quiet again.
“You’re new aren’t you?” Yizhuo smirked, tracing the lines of your name badge. “Jang Y/n? I’m Ning Yizhuo and this Jimin, Minjeong, and Aeri”
“Are you gonna bully me too?” You mockingly tilted your head like she did earlier.
Yizhuo only smirks. She takes a step back to examine you one last time, then clicking her fingers to signal the girls their leave. “Watch your back, Y/n” were her last words before disappearing down the hall.
Yunjin slowly wrapped her arm around you. “Dude…Rest in peace”
It’s been a couple weeks..
You honestly thought Yizhuo was all talk like most bullies are, but her and her clique would somehow know when you’re walking alone whether it was in the locker room, the halls, or in the library.
You are currently in the cafeteria with Yunjin and Chaewon (who she introduced herself to you as Yunjin’s girlfriend) after the lunch bell rang. It was peaceful until you felt the presence of the 4 girls surrounding you.
You didn’t need to question who they were.
“Scram” Yizhuo simply ordered to your two friends, easily obeying and moving to a different table.
The girls then sat with you, watching you like a hawk as you fed yourself. You reached for your juice bottle but Aeri quickly snatched it from your reach and giving it to Yizhuo.
The Chinese girl was smiling like a maniac, ensuring you were watching her every move. She brought the opened bottle to her lips, running her tongue all over the rim before spitting inside, then returning it to you.
“Drink up, puppy”
You swallowed the rice in your mouth and retrieved your beverage without a fuss, surprising everyone from your nonchalant demeanor. Maintaining eye contact with Yizhuo, you took huge gulps of your juice until the bottle was empty, your confidence just fueling the fire within the Chinese girl.
“Good girl. Now drink this” Yizhuo stood up to grab your bowl of miso soup and pour it all over your head, letting it drench your uniform.
You got up in shock, not realising the wet top sticking to your skin was basically flashing your abs underneath. Yizhuo blinked and noticed that her friends were staring too, mouth agape.
Not from Yizhuo raining soup on you, but from the free ab show. To which you were oblivious about.
“Nice one, Ning Yizhuo. Now I gotta shower” You grumbled and abandoned your food tray to storm out of the cafeteria.
Being in the school for not even a month allowed you to get a taste of Yizhuo’s antics, but being humiliated in front of the school from a stupid soup pour was over the line.
Luckily you had soccer practice later after school so the only clothes you could change into was your clean jersey and shorts.
Once stripped naked out of your ruined uniform, you hopped into a shower stall and managed to get the miso out of your hair and skin, feeling relief of not having to smell like a wet savoury rag for the next few hours.
As you busked under the warm water, your mind wandered back to the cafeteria incident when Yizhuo played with your drink. How she stared deeply into your eyes while licking the bottle’s rim…
Your mind continued to wander into imagination of how the shorter girl would look on her knees in front of you, running that tongue around your tip as if it was the bottle…then spitting on it.
Your cock stood hard and proud from the short thought. You cursed yourself for thinking in such a way but there was no other way to fix it. You tried thinking of gross stuff but your mind would find its way back to your sudden sexual fantasies with Yizhuo.
“No wonder you wear slacks all the time” The familiar voice spoke cheerfully behind you.
You quickly covered your crotch and looked at Yizhuo with wide eyes. Not only did she catch your secret but she was also fucking naked in the stall with you!
“Get the fuck out!”
“Rude much?
You grabbed the nearest object to further hide your erected cock. That object unfortunately being your bottle of shampoo.
“Yizhuo, why are you in here?!”
“To shower”
“So go shower in the other stalls?!”
The bully didn’t answer but continued to approach you in slow, alluring steps like she was trying to hypnotise you. Her cat like eyes were boring into yours and you felt yourself fall further.
Then, just like in your imagination earlier, Yizhuo went on her knees and pushed your hands away from your genitalia. “Never thought of you as the type to pack a lot”
You rolled your eyes at the backhanded compliment. “Should I thank you or beat your ass?”
She titled her head at you with a cheeky smirk. “You can beat my ass with this cock of yours”
“Yizhuo please don’t tell anyone about this. Im serious.”
“My god, you’re so fun to mess with. You just gave me the easiest blackmail ever”
The thought of the girl exposing your secret to the school which could potentially ruin your life, snapped something in your brain. As if automatically, your hand grabbed a fistful of her head and pulled tightly. “Listen here bitch”
Yizhuo gasped, a sudden gush of wetness slobbering all over her pussy and thighs from the rough hair pull. It hurt, but turned her on soooooo much.
“I was already nice enough to let you mess around with me during class and lunch, but if you ever open that goddamn mouth about my dick, I will fucking. End. You”
“I-It hurts, Y/n”
“Wow, this is the girl everyone gets stepped on? What happened to your bully persona, Ning Yizhuo?”
Yizhuo could only moan at your words like they were aphrodisiac. “Hngh, Y/n-ie…please fuck me! Fuck my mouth!”
“If I knew you’d be so obedient like this, I would’ve fucked you earlier” You smirked, removing your hand from the girl’s hair and grabbing her jaw to force it open.
Yizhuo felt her mouth stretch when you entered your entire size inside, not giving her time to adjust, causing her to gag.
You leaned back into the shower wall and groaned at how beautiful Yizhuo looked sucking you off. She looked innocently into your eyes while bobbing her head, holding onto your thighs for dear life.
“Y-You’re so pretty, Yizhuo. Holy shit..” you breathed out.
The Chinese girl pulled her mouth away from your cock. “You…You’re pretty too”
“Am I?”
Yizhuo stood up and pecked your lips while jerking your needy cock. “And hot…so hot”
You pulled her closely by the waist and attacked her lips with passion, all the anger and hatred flying out the window.
Another groan left your lips as Yizhuo stroked your cock faster, her other hand exploring the bumps of your abs that shined from the water.
“Y/n, I need your cock inside my pussy…please I’m so fucking horny” Yizhuo whined.
“Hmmm, if you turn around and show that pretty pussy then maybe I’ll even cum inside you”
She didn’t need to be told twice. She was already following orders and faced her back towards you to bend forward, a hand on each ass cheek to spread them apart and present both holes.
“I like you when you’re not being a bitch. Should I fuck you all the time just so you can be nice to me? Hm?”
Yizhuo felt you rub your fat tip around her slippery pussy before slowly pushing inside. And to your surprise, she was tight.
“Fuck Ning, I thought all those dicks you talked about fucked you loose enough”
“Mmmh! Holy shit you’re so big Y/n!…T-Too fucking big!”
You chuckled breathlessly. “Ah is that why? My dick is the biggest you’ve ever had?”
Yizhuo wanted to tell you to stop being so arrogant but you weren’t wrong. Your length and girth were nothing compared to the other people she’s slept with, and she’s already fallen hard enough to be addicted.
You melted into the pleasurable feeling of Yizhuo’s cunt sucking you in like a vacuum. She was taking all of you like a good girl, pushing her ass back while you pounded into her.
The wet slapping noises were echoing off the walls and the sudden thought of being caught by someone increased Yizhuo’s horniness by a million.
“Hah…oh my fucking god you feel so good, beautiful” You growled, sending Yizhuo into another fit of surprise.
“Y/n! I love your cock so much, baby”
“Yeah and it’ll be the only cock you love”
Your hand snaked over Yizhuo’s shoulder to hold onto her neck, forcing her up so her back kissed your front, all while you were still impaling your cock inside her. “You were made for this dick, weren’t you beautiful?”
Yizhuo nodded and gasped from your fingers finding her swollen clit. You rubbed it deliciously, it got the shorter rolling her eyes back, lips parted as she held onto you. You were exploring the curves of Yizhuo’s goddess-like body, paying special attention to her gorgeous breasts as much as you played with her clit.
She was getting unbearably tighter. Your cock suffocating from her gummy walls, nearing you to your orgasm. Clearly Yizhuo was on the same boat, her sentences slurring into babbles, crying out your name.
“Mmm Y/n, Y/n, Y/n! Please cum inside me! I can’t take it anymore!”
“You’re making me insane, Ning Yizhuo” You growled and bit her earlobe.
“Please-fuck ah! I’m cumming, holy shit I’m cumming!” Yizhuo threw her head back on your shoulder, shaking violently in your embrace as you continued destroying her from behind.
“You ready for my cum, pretty face? Will my cum filling your pussy make you happy?” You muttered into her neck, already marking your territory with dark purple splotches all over her pale skin.
A couple more profanities left your mouth before softly biting on Yizhuo’s shoulder, fully thrusting up to explode your cum all over her walls.
Yizhuo felt so amazingly full. She pushed her lower stomach and smiled when she felt the cum squirt out her pussy. You were resting your forehead onto her, trying to catch your breath and also process what the fuck just happened.
You went from hating this girl to cumming inside her pussy in your school’s showers.
“Yizhuo…please…please don’t say anything to anyone. I’m asking nicely”
She turned her head and placed a reassuring kiss on your cheek. “Don’t saying anything about your cock or you fucking me?”
“Uh my cock, obviously”
“Oh baby, the only reason I won’t say anything is so other bitches won’t get in on this big dick of yours. Let me establish that you’re mine now” Yizhuo smiled.
“I’m yours? Like your girlfriend or a dick appointment?”
“Take me out on a date and then we can talk about that girlfriend thing”
You shrugged. “Fine. Whatever”
Then let’s say you spent another two rounds after that…You weren’t one to go late to class, but here you were filling up Ning Yizhuo again and again.
A/N: I ALMOST got equal votes for the Mafia au, so don’t worry my honeys. You will get a second Yizhuo fic soon ;)
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
Pt2 of the badly kept secrets of Eddie's heart monitor
After the first two weeks, Steve seems to have suddenly decided to stop visiting Eddie. No explanation, no goodbye: one day he's there, and then he... Isn't. It takes a few days, sometimes, Steve has a life of his own after all, but a whole week goes by with nothing. And another one. Eddie only knows he's alive – and in town – because the others told him when he asked. Maybe Steve's gotten tired of being surrounded by all that hospital sterility. Or maybe he's gotten tired of being around Eddie. Or maybe... Eddie groans and takes up a stare-down with the fucking heart monitor that's still attached to him at all times, his biggest enemy.
Unfortunately, he has way too much time on his hands, alone in this room and unable to do anything but lie in bed and stare at the ceiling. It makes it far too easy to let his thoughts spiral. Maybe – no, probably, certainly, undoubtedly – that goddamn heart monitor was the ideal help for Steve to decipher Eddie's biggest secret without any difficulties.
Yes, that must be the reason why Steve is staying away. Sure, the guy could tolerate being around “the freak” for a few hours a week out of pity, but of course he wouldn't want anything to do with him anymore upon finding out exactly what kind of freaky thoughts he really has about Steve. Steve was polite enough to pretend like he didn't notice the heart monitor speeding up every single time he got in Eddie's proximity, but of course, of course he noticed. He noticed and now he hates Eddie.
And honestly? He has every right to hate Eddie, with the way Eddie has been exploiting every opportunity to get Steve to touch him. Even though he'd regret it right away whenever the heart monitor couldn't shut the fuck up, Eddie never learned from his mistakes. He was even stupid enough to find meaning in the way Steve's touch would linger after helping him lie down or sit up, stupid enough to find tenderness in the way Steve held his arms when helping him out of his bed and to the bathroom. Obviously, Steve never wanted any of that. Obviously, that only made Steve uncomfortable, but the poor guy was too polite to lash out to the dude chained to a hospital bed healing from having all his organs chewed inside out.
Eddie sighs and closes his eyes; not because he wants to sleep, but because the staring contest with the heart monitor isn't really getting him anywhere. Maybe it's for the best that Steve is staying away. That way, Eddie might be able to get over him more easily. He doesn't deserve Steve's friendship anyway.
“I wanna visit Eddie today.”
“Alright, have fun,” Steve answers. “Tell him I said hi.”
Robin sighs dramatically. “No, dingus, you're coming with me. I need a ride.”
“No!” It comes out of his mouth a little too quick, a little too loud, and Robin raises her eyebrows at him.
“No, I can't,” he explains in a calmer voice.
Robin raises her eyebrows even further, making them disappear beneath her bangs altogether. “You literally just told me you don't have plans after work.”
“Yeah, but...” He lets his voice fade out and settles on muttering something incomprehensible.
“I did not understand one single word of what you were saying,” Robin points out. She sounds annoyed, but there's a vaguely amused smile playing around her lips, betraying how she really feels about the whole thing. “Seriously, what's up with you and Eddie? Did you have a fight or something?”
“Until two weeks ago, you were at the hospital basically every spare minute of your time. You even canceled two dates just so you could spend more time with Eddie! And now, all of a sudden, you'd rather spend your evening on your own at home watching TV than visit your friend?”
“He's not my friend,” Steve protests.
She gives him a punch against his shoulder.
“Okay, I'm pretty sure he hates me, Rob.” Steve finally caves in. “He gets, like, very uncomfortable whenever I'm around. And I don't wanna add to his discomfort any more than necessary, so it's better I stay away from him.”
“Well, I don't know what on earth gave you that idea, but that is by far the biggest load of bullcrap I heard all week,” Robin says matter-of-factly. “He's asked about you every single time I visited him. He'll be happy to see you, dingus, you're coming with me today. No excuses.”
Like clockwork, the steady beeping of the heart monitor falters as soon as Eddie locks eyes with Steve. To make things even worse, what little color that is on Eddie's cheeks leaves his face immediately.
Despite the paleness of Eddie's face, Steve can't help but notice how good he looks in comparison to when he last saw him two weeks ago. He's sitting straight up, leaning against a pillow, and the look in his eyes is far from drowsy.
“S-Steve,” Eddie stutters out. “Hi.” He clears his throat. “And – and Robin, of course, hi! Good to see ya, Buck.” He stretches out his arms to embrace her, and Steve awkwardly comes up behind her. It feels weird not to follow Robin's example and give him a hug, but when he bows over the bed and wraps his arms around Eddie, the beeping immediately picks up speed again. To make things even worse, Eddie quite literally recoils from his touch, leaning away as far as possible and letting his arms hover in the air around Steve more than actually hugging him back.
When Steve looks at Robin, he notices that her eyes have grown about twice their normal size while they flash back and forth between Eddie, the machines around his bed, and Steve.
He locks eyes with her and tries to silently convey a See, I told you so about Eddie resenting him. She answers with a barely visible nod and relief fills Steve's chest. He's lucky to have Robin right by his side, his best friend, the one person he can always count on understanding him. She'll get them out of here in no time and leave Eddie in peace and –
“Oh shoot, sorry, I forgot I need to get a, um, a thing from the car,” Robin says. “I'll be right back.”
As she stumbles out of the room, Steve wants to scream at her that that was very much the opposite of what he wanted her to do, but she disappears before he can do anything about it, only leaving an awkward silence in her wake. So Steve has no choice but to turn back to Eddie and take his familiar place in the chair beside his bed.
“I kinda didn't expect to see you anymore.” Eddie is the one to break the silence. He sounds more distant than the last time Steve saw him. It must be worse than Steve thought: Eddie had been happy to be rid of him and now here he is again, after a meager two weeks of peace.
“Sorry,” Steve mumbles. “She insisted I come with her.”
“So you didn't wanna come?”
Steve chuckles darkly at the irony in that question, not really knowing how to answer that.
“Alright, I'm just gonna say it,” says Eddie when it becomes clear that Steve doesn't quite know what to say. “You figured out what I – how I felt about you, didn't you? Cause of the heart thing.”
Steve looks away, stares intently at the ugly dark blue linoleum carpet under his feet.
“Yeah,” he quietly confesses. There's no use denying it now, he figures.
Eddie heaves out a long sigh.
“For what it's worth: I'm really sorry, Steve, I didn't mean to make you-”
“It's fine,” Steve quickly interrupts him. He doesn't think he could bear Eddie's pity right now. “Don't worry about it. I just wanted to give you some space, y'know, get outta your hair for a bit. I didn't want to make this any more painful for you than it has to be.”
The heart monitor stutters again and Eddie's voice sounds weirdly strained. Steve can't help but look up. He's met with big brown eyes that are looking at him like Eddie actually cares about him. For a moment, Steve imagines to see tears, but then Eddie blinks and the illusion is gone.
“I um... I appreciate that, man,” Eddie says.
Another awkward silence dawns over the room.
“Wait,” Eddie says after a few seconds. “So you're not angry?”
“No!” Steve immediately replies – and it's true. He understands why Eddie doesn't like being around him, that too much has happened in the past for them to just move on and hold hands or some shit.
“It's not your fault,” he tells Eddie. He looks away again, back to the floor in front of his sneakers. “If it's anyone's fault, it's mine, right?”
Eddie huffs out a sound of disbelief. “Why, cause you're just too damn sexy, Harrington?”
Steve frowns. “Well, no, cause I was an asshole and I was mean to your friends during all of high school and it's stupid of me to expect you to just get over that shit and-”
“What the fuck does that have to do with anything?”
There's that stutter in the heart monitor again. It makes Steve wonder if he's putting Eddie's health at risk by simply existing next to him. Maybe it would be better to leave Eddie alone and wait in the car until Robin is done with her visit. What the hell is taking her so long anyway?
He keeps his eyes stubbornly focused on the blue floor. “Isn't that why you got so uncomfortable having me around?” he points out. “Look, I get it, man. I was an asshole, it's true. And it was selfish of me to keep showing up here only because you were too polite to say to my face what you thought about me. I was only thinking about myself and about how much I liked being here with you, it wasn't fair.”
All of a sudden, the soft touch of a hand lands on his shoulder. He hates how that makes his own heart speed up. If he were the one attached to a heart monitor, Eddie would've seen right through him in an instant, that's for sure.
He looks up and meets Eddie's wide-eyed, somewhat shocked face.
“You - you thought you were making me uncomfortable?” Eddie asks him, sounding like he's completely gobsmacked.
Steve frowns. “Isn't that what we've been talking about for the past five minutes?”
“Steve,” Eddie says. “I am so sorry. I didn't – I never – Look. Listen.” He removes his hand from Steve's shoulder and roughly wipes it over his face. His heart monitor accelerates even further. “Please don't hate me for what I'm about to tell you, okay?” He doesn't wait for a reaction, only uses his pause to take a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before opening them again and looking right into Steve's.
“I'm gay, Steve. And that evil computer over there-” He points towards the heart monitor, “-keeps betraying my big, fat, gay crush on you. Every time you walk in here, or read my book to me, or do so much as smile at me, I just – God, I'm such a goner for you and there was no hiding it because of that stupid fucking thing.”
This time, Steve is quite sure he is not at all imagining the tears in Eddie's eyes.
“I thought that's why you stopped visiting. Cause you figured out how gay I am – about you – and you didn't want anything to do with that. With me. Being gay. For you.”
Eddie swallows. He lifts a hand and pulls a strand of hair over his face in a poor attempt to hide the truly terrified expression that's all over his features.
“Jesus, Eddie,” Steve breathes out. He can't even begin to comprehend how spectacularly wrong he has been about everything. It's almost like he's in shock. Only a minute ago, he thought Eddie despised him. And now, he has to process the revelation that the guy in fact has had a crush on him – a “big, fat, gay crush” – all along. That the reason his heart was behaving so weirdly was because Steve's proximity made him lovesick. That he recoiled from Steve's touches out of fear that the monitor would give him away and make Steve realize he was gay and in love with him.
“Please say something?” It sounds like a question, small and so afraid of what is about to come.
“Eddie, I – Jesus. This is... A lot. To process,” Steve manages to choke out.
“I know,” Eddie says. “I'm sorry I made you think I hated you. But... Please don't hate me. I really missed you visiting. We can be friends, right? You won't even have to touch me ever again, we can just hang out like bros, and I'll try to get my feelings for you under control, and you can-”
Steve finally gains control over his body again: he leaps forward and presses his lips against Eddie's with slightly more force than he had meant to do.
A surprised yelp escapes from Eddie's mouth, and the beeping of the heart monitor goes even crazier. It makes Steve's own heart do a goddamn cartwheel, that audible proof of what he is making Eddie feel.
He completely understands why the heart monitor is going batshit crazy right now; everything about this is fucking amazing. One of his hands finds its way to Eddie's surprisingly soft hair, and he revels in the feeling of touching Eddie again and in the taste of Eddie's lips against his own, and maybe he should just climb into Eddie's bed to–
“Thank God for that.”
They quickly jump apart to find Robin standing in the doorway, an annoyingly smug grin on her face.
“You two could really not be more stupid if you tried, huh?”
Steve squints at her while his hand blindly finds Eddie's on top of the sheets and curls itself around it. He feels his cheeks heat up, but he doesn't care. Nothing matters anymore, except for Eddie's hand warmly resting in his own.
“Did you even need anything from the car at all?” he asks Robin, raising an eyebrow at her.
“No, of course not,” Robin scoffs. “Just needed you idiots to finally get your shit together. I don't think I've ever met anyone more dense than the two of you, seriously! There were at least three moments when I almost barged in here to just smash your faces tog-”
“You were eavesdropping on us?!”
Steve opens his mouth, indignant and ready to tell her exactly how mean and evil she is, but she merely raises a hand and the look in her eyes is terrifying enough to shut him up before he has even started speaking.
“Hey, listen,” she says. Something in her face softens. “I'm really happy for you guys. Seriously, no matter how stupid you are, you two deserve every bit of happiness in the world.” She takes a step backwards towards the door. “I'll go wait in the car, dingus. Go kiss each other some more.”
And before Steve or Eddie can say anything, she winks and closes the door behind her.
Taglist: @estrellami-1 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @saramelaniemoon @lololol-1234 @carlajim98 @7-starboi @acedorerryn @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @zoeweee @resident-gay-bitch @my2amgaythoughts @didntwant2come @steveshairspray @noodle-shenaniganery @thedragonsaunt @finntheehumaneater @queerriotgrrrl @co5m0 @dino-nuggets-posts
1K notes · View notes
tickettride · 2 months
Danger zone || B.C.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
pairing is benny cross x reader
in which your job at the bikeriders bar turns out to be riskier than expected, and one gunshot is all Johnny needs to send you away. Benny takes you to the motel to protect you. but is it really safe when you don't even know him?
word count: 3,3k
warnings: multiple mentions of death, murder and violence, forced proximity, panic attack and angst, reader is freaking out, some comfort because I’m not evil
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Around midnight, you drained the last swallow of your beer and wiped the droplets dribbling down your chin with your thumb. 
Drinking was one of the advantages of working there. You could have a glass or two and none of the men would even bat an eye or notice. They were too engrossed in their own activities, whether it was playing pool or smoking at a table. It also included listening in on conversations the men wouldn’t normally have in front of strangers. If the threats and secrets had creeped you out on the first days, you didn’t worry so much now. 
The place reeked of cheap cigarettes and the gruff laughs of the regulars filtered the warm air. It wasn’t the cleanest nor the calmest place, but you found it safe most of the time. Mostly thanks to all those men, determined to proclaim the place as their own. 
Weeks ago, on a stormy day similar to this one, you had run to the bar and pounded relentlessly on the door. After a few seconds, a head had popped out, dark eyes narrowed down at you. Those irises had made you step back, unsure for a second. 
“What do you want, kid?” the rough voice had asked you, visibly in a hurry.
You couldn’t remember the exact words you had told Johnny then. Something along the lines of ‘Please, I need a job, I’ll do anything you want’. And it had worked–only on the second day of begging. Probably annoyed by your insistence, the boss of the club had opened the door under a few conditions. 
What happened in the bar stayed in the bar. No questions, no knocking around with the guys. Johnny had suggested you could sweep the floor at first, visibly unsure of what he was getting himself into. And here you were, a few weeks after, cleaning the place from the tiny office to the pool cues and doing most of the bartending when the place was crowded. Your role was still ambiguous, but the men knew better than to talk to you about personal urges or demands. Johnny would kill them, you had no doubt. And you just needed the money to help your mother out. 
In fact, despite the forced compliments and the invitations to have a drink somewhere calmer, you had found some sort of serenity there.
Wahoo and Corky had forced some kind of friendship with you and now shared the most gruesome details of their adventures. Cal always asked you how you were. Benny was… Benny.
Johnny had swiftly introduced you to everyone one night, and Benny had practically been the only one to ignore you. Since then, you didn’t pay much attention to him. 
You weren’t here to make friends anyway.
“You should go home now,” Johnny’s voice echoed in your ear, startling you. “It’s gettin’ late.”
Setting the beer down, you turned around to glance across the bar. Nothing seemed off. Corky waved an eyebrow at you from his table, beckoning you to come and join their game. The others were playing pool as usual, a hanging bulb above their heads. Barely enough to light Benny standing in the corner, cue in hand. 
You met his eyes for a second and faced Johnny again, scratching your neck nervously. 
“Look, if it’s because I’ve drunk a beer or two tonight…”
“Three,” Johnny cut you off, looking as nervous as you. “I don’t give a fuck. You remember the kids from yesterday? Hmm?”
How could you forget? They had walked in like they owned the place and insisted that the guys go outside to have a look at their damn motorbikes. After a few seconds of standing behind the bar, terrified that they were coming for you, you had heard their bones cracking and swiftly pretended to be wiping the dirty counter. The beer stains were engraved into the wood, no matter how hard you rubbed the surface. You supposed it would be the same for you; some issues would always remain, no matter the cover. 
“Yeah,” the word coming out of your mouth sounded weak, so you repeated it a bit louder. 
Johnny nodded at you almost fatherly, a toothpick hanging from his lips.
“I think they’ll come back tonight,” he told you. “Cause a bit of trouble.”
Crossing your arms across your chest, you shifted on your feet and hoped you looked at least a bit tough while feigning insouciance. “Well, I’ve seen it before, y’know. It's not the first time y'all fight like beasts."
“I want you to go home,” Johnny nodded at you like you were a moron, staring down at you until your shoulders slumped. “Don't know what they’re capable of.”
Shit, you thought.
“I really need the money, though,” you added, hoping to draw some empathy from him. 
“And I really don’t need an innocent girl on my floor.”
You could almost picture yourself lying there, in the silence that followed the panic and the screams. Would it be so terrible to be freed from this life?
Sighing, you tried to find the right words to convince him you were fine. You had seen plenty of broken nose by then. You were almost immunized. 
“I’m just saying–”
That’s when the first gunshot echoed. Fear gripped your heart in a tight fist, and you saw that image of you again. Your dreams vanished, as though they had never existed in the first place.
Actually, you could wait a bit before dying. 
Johnny yelled at you to move, the shock leaving your fingertips buzzing. Another gunshot crossed the room and a framed picture burst out in pieces just above your head. Yet, your scream was stuck behind the panic blockading your throat.
Falling to your knees, you ignored the pain shooting up your thighs and hid your ears, unable to make a decision now that Johnny had gone. Were you supposed to run away and get killed like a fucking rabbit? Stay there, hidden, until they found you?
A yelp broke free from your mouth when you suddenly felt an arm around your shoulders. 
Benny’s face had never been so close to yours.
His expression was always so blank, almost emotionless, you had noticed. But then… concern was etched between his eyebrows, anger broiling beneath his muscles. There was something behind those eyes, and you could only wish it wouldn't harm you somehow.
“C’mon. Come with me,” he only said, his hand sliding down your arm to catch your hand.
Time slowed down for a second. But Benny’s touch was grounding you, gazing at your face like you were just a deer in a forest of monsters. So with a quick nod, obediently, you squeezed Benny’s hand and ran with him, holding his hand for dear life. After all, he was holding your life between his hands. You weren’t even sure why you blindly trusted him in the first place. 
Benny slipped into the hallway and you did the same, already panting by the time you reached the back door. 
“I’m getting you outta here,” Benny mumbled while shooting a quick look behind.
When he was sure nobody was following you, he got on his motorbike and told you to hop on behind him. Another gunshot was heard, followed by glass exploding, and it didn’t take you long to follow him. You swallowed the lump in your throat when he started the bike and drove off slowly at first. 
“Hold on,” you heard him say, that deep voice still unfamiliar tp your ears. 
Numb from panic, you tightened your arms around his waist and only realized you had never done something so impulsive and dangerous when he sped along the road. Your bodies swayed and rocked with the swerves of the bike, but Benny wasn’t bothered by the rain. You weren't either, too busy freaking out about what just happened.
Not long after, a U-shaped motel came into view along the highway. You held your breath for what was about to come, now starting to sweat when you didn’t recognize the area. 
“They won’t know we’re here,” Benny explained, as if sensing your worry when he got off his shiny motorbike.
“Who’s ‘they’?”
“The new guys.”
Both his lack of explanation and honesty caused you to nod, unsure of what to say next. Benny scanned you from head to toe, visibly looking for something to say as well. Eventually, he told you to follow him. 
With another look behind, you blew out a shaky breath and followed him up a couple of stairs and in front of a white door, the same as the others on the floor. The inside of the room didn’t look so gleeful either. From the dull curtains to the messy linens on the bed, you almost took it as a sign to run away. 
“Might’ve been better if I’d gone home,” you broke the silence first, shivering.
Benny glanced up at you, taking off his leather jacket. His black teeshirt said something in white. You slightly squinted to read what was written, but couldn’t see anything. 
A strange discomfort curled in your chest. He stood there, more divine than any man you had ever met, and yet he wasn’t even capable of simply talking. What was the point of staying here? Have a staring contest?
The situation you had put yourself into seemed even more dangerous than standing in the middle of gunshots. Your carelessness again. It would get you killed someday. 
The soft patter of rain hitting the windows filled the room, inviting him to look at any potential danger outside. It was ridiculous to stand there, waiting for the storm to pass.
“I’m fine,” you dared to speak, glancing at the small bed. “I was doing fine.”
Your siblings had told you way too many stories about girls being murdered in motels like that. They all came back to your mind at once.
“You’re sleepin’ in your car most days,” Benny’s voice almost startled you. "You're not fine."
You softened at the tone he used, yet cringed at the words. The question had thrown you off. You frowned at him, searching for a credible answer for a minute.
It was hard to lie to him, though. It felt like he could see right through you. 
“How do you know that?” was all you asked, your heart thumping louder.
“I’ve seen you.”
“You’ve followed me, haven’t you?”
“I’ve seen you, is all,” Benny repeated, pulling a lighter from his jeans pocket. 
The flame cast his face in gold tones as he lit a cigarette between his lips. With an expression you were unfamiliar with, he stared at you for a second and blew out a breath of smoke. He settled on the chair by the small table and the room fell into silence again. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about him watching you as you walked up to your car, even though you always tried to find a spot where no one could see you. And why didn’t it feel as creepy as it sounded? 
A shiver ran down your neck when it was your turn to look out the window, finding yourself relieved at the sight of the empty parking lot. At least they didn’t seem to be coming for you. Or for Benny.
“What are we waitin’ for?” you asked, turning around to find Benny already looking at you.
“Johnny will find us. We’re not goin’ out if they’re still ridin’ around,” he replied like it was obvious and easy, tapping his cigarette on the table. “They’re out of their mind, all of ‘em.”
“Why's that?”
A shrug was all you got. 
With a sigh, you paced from the door to the bed until you had to rub your eyes not to fall asleep right there. Your gaze found Benny’s through a haze of smoke, the silence too comfortable for your liking. Almost shyly, you sat on the bed and wrung your hands to prevent them from shaking. The memory of gunshots filled your mind. Were any of the men wounded? Dead? It could have been you. It definitely could have been you.
“Where’s the bathroom?” you asked, so fast you barely recognized your own voice.
Benny stilled and took one last drag of his cigarette, nodding to a door you hadn’t noticed until then. Clearing your throat, you crossed the room, mumbled something about the beers you’ve had, and bypassed his shadow.
The bathroom was ridiculously small, the bath filthy. Deep down, you hoped he wasn’t living here. You almost hoped he had a wife and a warm place to come home to at night. Not an unsafe and lonely place like this. Though you supposed he was lonely.
After all, you still knew nothing of him. 
Speeding through the room, you checked behind the bath curtain and made sure the door was locked. And you stood in front of the mirror, flinching at the wind blowing into the tiny window, your painful heartbeats and the ceiling creaking. You had been serving beer just an hour ago, and you weren’t even sure where you stood now. Unbelievable. And Benny was there too, making sure you weren’t being killed by some men you hadn’t truly seen the faces of. 
Shakily, you unzipped your pants and eased the pressure in your bladder. You couldn’t stop thinking about the bar. 
Two or three cars idled in the street behind the motel, every nerve of yours anticipating gunshots to cut through the air. What were you doing here? You were going to die, and who would even know about it? Your father had met his end that way, killed like a dog. 
The distant whoops of police sirens outside were drowned out by the overwhelming fear settling in your veins. You usually handled it well. The fights and acts of revenge were regular, not to say daily, since you started working there. So then, you weren’t sure why your body started shaking uncontrollably, little hiccups rattling your chest as you desperately tried to stay quiet. Maybe it was just the beers. 
“You’re okay in there?”
You cursed at the muffled voice. Benny would kick you out for acting so fucking childish.  
He shouted your name again, those quick knocks happening again. All you could do was take tiny steps toward the door, keeping a hand over the handle when you had it unlocked. You didn’t want him to see how petrified you were, but were there other solutions?
You both stared at each other in silence. While your eyes remained on his face, tracing every line and small scar, his narrowed ones traveled down to your arms and back to your face. 
“I won’t hurt you if that’s what you’re scared of. I’m not like that.”
He had never been so soft, so sweet. Benny had never appeared as a shy guy either, and yet his hesitancy rolled off him like waves, drowning you in doubt. 
“What are we really doin’ here?” you asked, holding his gaze to know the truth. 
“Told you. We’re waitin’ for Johnny to get us.”
You paused for a moment, hating the way your voice cracked. “What if they find us before?”
“They won’t. I won't let them hurt you,” Benny frowned slightly. “You’re one of us now.”
Swallowing over the thick tears coating your throat, you gave a shaky nod. “Thank you.”
Benny seemed to think for a moment. “You should rest. The bed’s yours.”
“You look worse than me.”
“The chair’s fine.”
And he was gone again. Embarrassed by your sudden breakdown, you followed him out. The room seemed even darker now. At least you would be able to hide your face. 
You inhaled deeply as you took off your shoes by the bed, glancing through the window. A man was waiting by his motorbike, looking down at his hands. You instantly recognized Bruce, causing your shoulders to relax. 
Dragging yourself to bed, you crumpled under the weight of that night and let a silent torrent flow over your face. Tears of exhaustion and fear, mostly. As much as you wanted to, you didn’t even pull the covers over yourself in case you needed to run away. You kept your eyes on the ceiling and shut them close, clutching a fistful of the blanket. The gunshots wouldn’t cease.
Right then, your name was called again. It still felt so weird that Benny was addressing you, as though he hadn’t been purposefully brushing your existence off for the past few weeks. He could see you, you reminded yourself, and the thought was brutal. So shameful, really. 
“It’s just the beers,” you heard yourself say, distant from your own ears. “I’ve drunk too much.”
“Hey,” Benny whispered, now kneeling beside the bed. 
How he had got here so fast, you had no idea. His pale complexion and sweaty forehead glistened under the moonlight pouring through the window. 
“Look at me,” he said, peeling strings of hair away from your face. “You’re safe.”
You weren’t. Those guys would find you and hunt you down like they had your father. 
“I can’t die here,” you choked out, finding it so hard to breathe and have dignity at the same time.
What would he think of you? A fool who was scared of two silly gunshots.
“You won’t,” Benny said earnestly, his deadpan tone indicating he wasn’t up for debate. “Look at me, we’re safe here.”
“I don’t want them to shoot me. Oh, God.”
Through the haze of tears, you saw Benny sitting beside you on that tiny bed. It took you longer to realize he had your head against his chest, holding it while his other hand traced soft circles against your wrist. You wished he could have said something, anything to calm you down, but it dawned on you that his mere presence was enough. His warm hold was a blessing. He wasn’t about to drown you in compliments and soothing words, and perhaps it was better that way. 
Meanwhile, you sucked in a calming breath, focusing on your hand on the flat of his covered stomach. 
Benny rested his chin in your hair, his breath ruffling the strands and sending chills down your spine. You could have stayed like that for days; nothing had ever felt so right. It didn't even matter that he was closer to a stranger than a friend. He had seen you, and he was probably the only one.
And whatever he was, you wanted to trust him. Have someone to talk to and get it off your chest so the nights wouldn't feel so lonely anymore.
“My old man owed money to some guys. Can’t remember who exactly. They shot him down on our doorstep.”
Your words were painful and low, but you figured telling the truth was as depressing as it would have been to lie. 
“I need to work, Benny. I need to help my mom figure it out on her own. But they–they saw me standin' there in the kitchen, and I’m so afraid they’ll come and find me next. I told her I’m working overnight too, but the truth is… I can’t sleep at home anymore. I can’t."
You thought he hadn’t heard you with the way he kept on stroking your hand. The lack of response made you uneasy, already regretting your words until he replied.
“I’ll find them first,” Benny said, the rasp in his voice heating your body alone. “Won’t let anyone hurt you, you hear me?”
“You don’t even know me.”
“Do you want me to?”
You paused for a long time, eyebrows narrowing as you thought about it. Another tear rolled down your cheek.
“Does it mean we’d be friends?”
“We’d be anything you want,” Benny replied with no hesitation.
You swore he kissed the top of your head. Or at least grazed his lips there, afraid to see you crumble again.
“I thought you couldn't stand me,” you mumbled, wiping off your cheek with your free hand. 
“Didn’t want to stain you, is all,” Benny mumbled back.
You weren’t sure what he meant by that, couldn’t really imagine how fucked up he was, so you just nodded. You doubted he could be worse than you were, but you just needed the warmth and affection for a night. You figured he might need it too. 
You had thought it was the beers, but perhaps it was just him that made you so dizzy.
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beomiracles · 7 months
thin walls
when your new neighbour moves in he disturbs your peace and quiet ── however not all noise is bad noise...
pairing; beomgyuxfemale!reader warnings; masturbation, vaginal fingering ─ very brief though
not proofread hehe ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა rawr!
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You had always preferred a cozy night in, rather than lively one out. Cuddling up by the TV or reading one of your favourite romance novels in bed was your ideal fun. Having peace and quiet was therefore essential to your living standards, that's why you loved your current apartment, top floor in a calm area meant that it was quiet by 8pm. At least it was, but then two weeks ago a new tenant had moved into the once empty flat next to you.
Though you had never once met the person they had managed to keep you up for the past two weeks, every single night, without fail. The constant sound of what you could only imagine to be a playstation of some sort where violent games involving shooting and bombing had been played. Your living room was wall to wall with theirs and so were your bedrooms. Whoever this person was they did not seem to care that there were other tenants in the building and tonight was the night you'd had enough.
Coming home exhausted from work at 5pm all you wanted was a warm shower a nice dinner and to curl up on the sofa to read your current book, in silence. But no later than 5.30pm had the noise from the apartment next to you already ruined your evening. Violent shooting followed by music so loud that the books on your bookshelves were starting to move.
Stomping to your door you swing it open and in five seconds you've reached the door of the person living next door. You banged loudly on the door in an attempt to overpower the noise from whatever game they were playing. Just as you were about to knock a second time the door clicked open.
Your words got stuck in your throat as you took in the view of your new neighbour. A guy no older than 25, you figured he was around you age, with the silkiest dark hair that reached just above his shoulders. His prominent adams apple immediately caught your eye and you gulped. His eyes glinted in an almost mischievous way as he grinned, seemingly unfazed by your glare. He crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the doorframe casually.
"'Sup neighbour," he said in a playful but deep voice. The game made yet another noise from his living room, instantly making you recall why you were there in the first place.
Crossing your arms you frowned, "do you have any idea how loud you're being?" your words come out a bit harsher than you originally intended, though your new neighbour didn't seem to care as he shrugged. "Ain't really thought about that," you scoffed, of course he hadn't. "Well it's about time you do, you aren't the only one living here and the rest of us actually have lives to attend besides-"
"Slow down, ma'am," he takes up his phone and shows it to you, "it's only 7.30pm, don't tell me you're planning on going to bed already?"
You frown, "no of course not but I, what? No!" frustratedly you shake your head, "that doesn't matter, you're being way too loud. And don't ever call me ma'am again, we're probably the same age anyway."
Your neighbour raises an eyebrow, "what do I call you then?"
Dragging a hand across your face you sigh, "y/n, just y/n please." The guy in front of you nods as he extends his hand, "Choi Beomgyu," his grin widens when you shake his hand, "y/l/n y/n," you reply, your tone much calmer this time. "Please just try and be quiet after 8 alright?" Beomgyu nods, "You got it ma'am", just as you're about to tell him off about the ma'am thing the door shuts in your face. Letting out a frustrated sigh you head back to your apartment.
Surprisingly the noise did stop around 8pm and for the first time in two weeks you got a peaceful evening and a good nights sleep. However it didn't last long, not even two days later he was at it again, the game's violent noise fills your apartment and you resist the urge to just walk over there and kill him. By 11pm you can't take it anymore, you swing your legs over your bed and head straight for your door.
This time it takes you three loud bangs to get him to open the door and when he does you give him no chance to utter a single word as you go off about how loud he's being. Telling him how it's almost midnight and on a weekday at that, and not to mention that he's almost managed to rearrange half your furniture with the way he's playing music loud enough to wake the dead.
In the midst of your rant you fail to notice how his eyes linger on your body as a small blush paints his cheeks. It's not until you finish speaking with a sharp intake of breath that he finally says something. Clearing his throat awkwardly as he shifts in the doorway, "you uh, pull off pink pretty well ma'am."
Frowning you look down to realise that you'd left your apartment in only your silk pyjamas that just so happened to consist of a pink tank top with a matching pair of shorts. Coughing rather awkwardly your eyes snap back at him as you feel your cheeks heat up. "I, thanks..?", you clear your throat "that's not what this is about, for christ's sake just pipe down alright?"
Beomgyu nods as his gaze travels across your body, "mhm hm, 'course," rolling your eyes you walk back to your apartment and slam your door shut. You let out a relieved breath as you lean against your door, hoping to have finally reached through to him.
That night had been just like the one two nights earlier, calm and quiet, just how you liked it. And to your very pleasant surprise they continued on to be quiet, on the third night you almost felt a little bad as you hadn't heard as much as a squeak from that game of his. However laying in bed that night quickly made your thoughts on your new neighbour change.
It had been late, much later than you would like to admit when you finally closed your book and flicked off the small light on your bedside table. Snuggling closer against your blankets you close your eyes as your body slowly began to drift to sleep. Just as you were about to slip into the unconscious state of sleep a muffled noise caught your attention.
You couldn't quite make it out and when no further noise was made you brushed it off as you got comfortable again. But there it was again, frowning you sat up on your bed as you flicked the small light on. Squinting as your eyes adjusted to the sudden light you tried to make out where the sound was coming from. It took about a minute until you realised that they must've been coming from the apartment next to yours, Beomgyu's apartment.
Whatever the noises were they weren't loud enough for you to go over and make a third complaint. Opting to still get some sleep you turned off your light and got back in bed. However closing your eyes the muffled noises from the other apartment were all you could focus on. The darkness only seemed to make them louder in your ears as you tossed and turned trying to fall asleep.
The noises however grew louder despite your efforts to block them out and now you could make out exactly what they were. But...that almost sounded like─ a loud whimper followed by a soft moan broke your thoughts and your eyes widened in realisation at what your neighbour was up to.
Gulping you turned onto your back as you stared up at the ceiling, there was no way he was actually? But then you remembered that just like there was only a wall separating your living rooms, there was only one wall between your bedrooms as well.
Uncertain of how to proceed you lay in bed as you listen to the sounds of your neighbour, deep breathy moans mixed with grunts. It felt almost sinful to listen to him without him knowing and you'd just considered moving to your couch when you heard it.
"y/n.. nhhgg─ hmnnhh y/n.."
Your name leaving his lips in such a way made your stomach flutter in more ways than you'd like to admit as you felt a wave of arousal course through you.
Biting your lip hesitantly as you weighed your options, your mind was practically yelling for you to get up and out to your couch. Despite that you couldn't help but wonder if it really would be so wrong to just stay. Against your better judgement one of your hands moved across your stomach and down your panties.
The moans of your neighbour spurring you on as you begin to lightly rub your clit. Letting out a soft breath at the sensation before slipping two fingers inside, shamefully pretending for them to be your neighbours cock filling you up.
As Beomgyu's moans increases on the other side of the wall so does the movements of your fingers. The way your name spills from his lips makes your core clench around your fingers desperately as your other hand comes up to cover your mouth.
"mhhnn, ah, f-fuck y/n," he whimpers and you almost climax at those words alone.
Beomgyu lets out a soft grunt as his breathing turns heavy and you imagine him spilling all over his hand and stomach. The sounds of your neighbour so shamefully cumming to you and the pictures your imagination drew are enough to make your legs tremble as you orgasm. Biting back whines and moans you catch your breath as your hand slips back up from your underwear.
As you stare up at the ceiling in disbelief over what just happened you realise that Beomgyu's apartment has gone quiet. Biting your bottom lip you sigh, maybe you didn't mind having a noisy neighbour after all.
read part two here :3
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silovsmenot · 4 months
Foreign Language | Artūrs Šilovs
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SUMMARY: A first meeting with a certain Latvian goalie, a surprise that leaves him thinking of you ... And an unexpected reunion thanks to injury. WARNINGS: So much fluff, poor Latvian language - if you're a Latvian native, please excuse me, I'm still learning. PAIRING: Artūrs Šilov & reader (f!reader implied). NOTES: This was the very first idea that I had, and it's been a brainrot ever since. This could very easily be a multi-part, because the brainrot is real. Okay so little Latvian lesson: 'sveiki' is an informal form of hello and 'piedodiet' is sorry. WORD COUNT: 2147 FIND PART TWO HERE
New job, new city — you were beyond excited to get started with your new life in Vancouver. It was a dream come true, a sports photographer for the Vancouver Sun. You’d be covering everything from soccer to basketball, and your personal favourite, ice hockey. It couldn’t have been better.
It had only been a few weeks and you were still pretty starstruck by the whole situation. The smile had rarely left your lips for everything felt so right. As you drove to the Abbotsford Centre, your music turned to loud as you sang along to your favourite song — life was good. And today promised to be another good day. You were helping to cover a story of the Vancouver prospects in Abbotsford and how they were developing within the AHL affiliate, while your partner would be interviewing players at the rink side and in changing rooms, you’d be snapping the shots of the training session.
It promised to be a lot easier than your usual days, training sessions were a lot more relaxed than game photography. Even with their game against playoff rivals looming, you knew it would be a calmer atmosphere than the alternative.
With the heavy camera bag upon your shoulders, digits scraped back your hair as you walked, tied back as you always did while working. Nodding across to your partner who stood waiting at the large rink doors, he held out a coffee to you, which you gratefully accepted with a quiet ‘thank you’. You two were close, like siblings — natural partners and you always delivered high tier work together.
“The boss wants some focus on the goalies, see what you can do, y/n.” He muttered as you walked, both sipping quietly at the hot liquid. From where you were, you could already hear the shouts of training, the crash of the puck against glass and the slapping of sticks upon the ice. It was a sound you knew and loved.
And as your partner pushed open the door, the bright lights of the rink lit everything up. You both moved quickly with a light tapping of both coffee cups in luck, your partner immediately gravitating to the head coach who lingered beside the boards, while you would weave onto the bench and begin your setup. Lens mounted onto the camera body, fixing your settings to this particular arena until you were happy with your picture. It was simply second nature now.
You stood beside the boards, camera switching from player to player with smooth motions as the camera clicked. Turning to each goalie, your camera would linger with the rhythmic clicking — you didn’t need to know all of the story, but a focus on the goalies was always a popular one. Players being called up to the NHL happened so regularly, it was hardly a story, but goalies? Now that got people ticking.
As the session progressed, you watched your partner question each player who came to the bench for water before they’d even had a chance to breathe. You would simply smile at each person, almost sympathetically, and do your job with the clicking of the camera.
Even as the young goalie skated over, angling toward the bench where you stood with a hand outstretched for a bottle, your lips presented a small smile as you waited for your partner to pounce. But as he was too wrapped up with Tolopilo, this goalie was left in silence … for a moment at least. You knew a little about him, of course. A young guy from Latvia, drafted a few years ago now, with a bit of a rocky start to the season. His eyes met yours as the blue and green mask was raised from his face, lips curled into a smile at the first glance.
You spoke without a second thought. It had been some years now since you ended things with your ex, but you’d spent a few years learning Latvian for them — it had been years since you had any reason to use it. 
Artūrs blinked. The smile on his lips disappeared as confusion was etched in its place. He’d been in Canada for a while now, with only the occasional passing player conversation to give him that little piece of home. He’d never expected this woman to come out with that.
“Sveiki.” The goalie quietly replied, leaning his weight forward upon the boards beside you. “You’re Latvian?”
You shook your head, a quiet laugh slipping through your lips as the camera lowered, your body turning to almost mirror his as you leaned upon the boards.
“I’m not Latvian, but my ex was. I learned some from when we were together.” 
As you spoke, he watched you closely as the smile returned to his face. A smile that you couldn’t help but find contagious. He nodded slowly, thinking silently to himself before his blocker hand began to shake. The glove removed, his hand wiping upon his jersey before it was offered across to you with a grin.
“I’m Artūrs,” He spoke with a little more confidence, capturing your gaze beneath his dark eyes. They were easy to get lost in as you looked at him. “But this lot mostly call me Arty.” 
“Y/N, it’s nice to meet you, Arty.” You hummed as your hand came to meet his, a slight look of amusing disgust at the sweaty hand of the goaltender. Needless to say it was enough to make the young goalie laugh.
Releasing his hand with a playful swat, you too would wipe your hand upon your jumper as he laughed. You couldn’t blame him, and you too found it funny, but a sweaty hand was not  what you wanted.
“Piedodiet.” He spoke through the laughter, head cocking as he watched you. Your eyes narrowed playful in response to his apology.
“I’m not sure that I believe that you’re sorry.” You found yourself teasing in response, the camera growing heavy in your hands as it sat idle. If your partner looked over, it would look as though you were helping him with his job — but far from it. You were enjoying yourself, more than you realised at the time.
He gave no response, just the rising and falling of his brows. A cheeky grin at his lips as the hand returned the blocker, the bottle returned to it’s place on the boards.
“Will I see you around here more?” Arty called out as he took a few strides away from where you stood. He hoped, silently, that you’d say yes. That you’d be back to photograph and chat more. For whatever reason, he wasn’t quite sure yet, he wanted to see more of you.
It was your turn to stay silent, shrugging with shoulders and hands. You had no idea if your job would bring you back to the Abbotsford Centre, but you hoped that it would.
And as the training session came to end, your partner returned to you with a notepad full of notes and a voice recorder full to burst, you gave a lingering glance back to the goalie as he took his first steps from the ice, and met your eyes with a smile.
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Months passed and you had often thought of the grinning Latvian goalie of the Abbotsford Canucks. Your job hadn’t taken you back to the little suburb of Vancouver, though you’d occasionally catch the games on TV. A little curiosity peaking as you’d remember the conversation with him — sometimes, you’d catch yourself smiling as you thought about it. You’d watch his games when you could and read the news in which he featured.
You couldn’t say that you missed him, you barely knew him, but you wanted to know him … You wanted to be able to miss him.
March rolled around, the end of the regular season was in sight and you’d taken the lead in photography coverage of the Vancouver Canucks for a while now — you’d become a regular at the Rogers Arena, and knew most of the faces of players, staff and partners. You’d even become friends with a number of the wives and girlfriends. You were a familiar face to all.
And you were one of the first on the scene, with your partner in tow, at the announcement of the press conference. Demko’s injury was the worst kept secret in the city, and you’d all been waiting for them to announce it. To know which lucky goalie was getting the call up from Abbotsford.
Journalists and photographers piled into the large room with whispers and nods of acknowledgement. Everyone waiting for Tocchet to make the announcement, and your heart skipped a little beat when he did … for the grinning goalie, Artūrs Šilovs would be taking up the role of back-up in Demko’s absence. 
You wasted no time in getting down to the rink following the announcement, you knew that all the reporters would be clamouring for a word with the captain and the rookie goalie. As the flood of journalists began through the arena, the players were already leaving the ice with only the two goalies remaining with Clarkie. Many left to find the captain and coaches, while a few photographers, yourself included, would snap what shots they could of the two goaltenders.
Your stomach did a spin to see him again, the grin seemingly stuck with glue upon your lips — it had been months, surely he wouldn’t not remember you, you thought. But as his eyes glanced across to the wall of photographers, his gaze did linger upon you. Beneath his mask, he did grin. He’d spent months hoping to see you in Abbotsford, at his training or his game. It was a bitter disappointment when another photographer had been sent down in your place.
And as the nod was given for both goalies to leave the ice, little else mattered to him than making a beeline to you.
“Sveiki.” Arty immediately said as the helmet was raised, drifting on his skates just in front of you. Your smile spread instantly, quietly returning the hello with a hum. “I need to change, but please don’t run off.”
With a curious look etched upon your features, you silently nodded. It was the end of your working day anyway, you needed to sort through the photos of the day, but you could do that while you waited.
So sat upon a chair in the stands, laptop open and photos running through, you edited and submitted your best to your partner who would return to the office to write his piece. Gaze would snap up at the first sound of movement up the steps, it was strange to see him out of his goalie gear and in normal, casual clothing. A pair of jeans, a jumper, and glasses? There was something unexpected about that, but they suited him well. You liked the glasses' look.
“You didn’t come down to Abbotsford again.” He quietly said, the disappointment clear in his voice and on his face. And you felt the sting — but you also felt the twist in your stomach of excitement … he’d wanted to see you again, he’d thought about you.
“They moved me solely to these guys. I’m barely away from this rink now, Arty.” You sighed, hand closing the laptop which rested in your lap. You’d hold it there, fiddling with the corner as you thought. “I watched some of your games from home. I should’ve come down for one or two … to watch.”
“Do you want to go for a coffee, y/n?” Artūrs interjected, impatiently and abruptly. It was almost like he had to get it out before he could stop himself, and he was noticeably nervous as he waited for an answer.
You took a moment, watching him fiddle with the hem of his jumper as he waited — yet his smile never wavered. It was stuck, just as yours was.
“I’d like that.” You finally spoke, returning the laptop to your bag without breaking eye contact. The weight in his chest lifted immediately, a heavy exhale parting his lips as he nodded. You rose with a struggle, the camera bag always seeming to be heavier in that first moment, and Arty was quick to assist. His hand offered out, collecting the strap from your hand as it was slung onto his back with ease.
You walked from the arena together, both grinning wide with occasional glances at the other. A comfortable silence between you, it was simply a nice feeling to walk at each other’s side.
“Es priecājos jūs atkal redzēt.” He finally spoke, breaking the silence with words you didn’t quite know. Your Latvian limited to basic phrases that you learned to speak to your ex’s family during the holidays. 
“What does that mean?” You whispered, leaning a little closer.
“I’m glad to see you again.”
And your heart skipped a little beat.
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silverflqmes · 1 year
synopsis. the general of the xianzhou luofu is absolutely knocked out, nowhere to be found, and you’re left to look after his son retainer.
genre. fluff + crack
tw. secondhand embarrassment..
for @melukonova <3
jing yuan x gn!reader.
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“i am not a child!” the blond haired swordsman whined out, sheathing his icy blade. “therefore i do not need babysitting!”
you let out a sigh, throwing your bow on your back as you caught up to the fuming teen. “i don’t wanna look after you anymore than you want me to. but your dad- i mean, mentor, ordered me to.” a chill ran down your spine. “and i don’t even want to know what would happen if i disobeyed and lost you.”
the dozing general, as your good friend sushang called him, was all lax and carefree until angered. you being you, the last thing you wanted was to see first hand what that anger looked like. after all, they did say the calmer ones are scarier when they snap.
yanqing eyed you for a moment before letting out a huff, unfazed by her reasoning. “what makes you think i would get lost? i’m perfectly capable of handling myself, i’ve been doing so for years now!” he argued before drawing out a hum. an idea. “but..” he dragged out, peering at you from the peripheral of his gaze. “if you want to waste your day chasing me around, i suppose you’ll have to keep up!”
and just like that, the boy was gone within a sprint.
your palm came in contact with your forehead as you let out an ( exasperated ) sigh. normally you would have left the kid to do his thing, but with the mara-struck soldiers around and all sorts of dangerous beings.. it wasn’t wise to leave him on his own, even if his skills rivaled or outnumbered your own.
“this kid is gonna be the death of me.” with that in mind, you bolted after him. “wait up!”
yanqing didn’t dare slow down as he maneuvered his way through the artisanship commission — a favored place of his. for awhile he’d been eyeing a sword there, but sadly.. he’d spent his entire paycheck upon receiving it.
which for reference, was last week..
however, two days ago yuan had provided him with the necessary credits to purchase the blade. hence his pursuit for the antique store.
when his peridot eyes found his destination, they sparked with relief when they caught sight of the sword. his prayers had been answered! no one bought it!
he took the antique meticulously into his hands, as though afraid it could shatter if handled incorrectly, as he brought it up to the counter.
“sir yanqing, you’ve returned!” the storekeeper greeted, smiling brightly. “the sword’s been waiting for you the entire week! since no one has come to purchase it, it seems it was meant to be with you after all!”
the ice user let out a chuckle, folding his arms proudly across his chest . “it seems so!” he grinned before reaching into his pocket. “same amount as before?”
a nod. “same amount!”
relieved to hear it hadn’t gone up in price, yanqing continued his search.. only to come out empty handed.
the boy blinked in surprise, reaching into another pocket.. and nothing again.
“i must have left it at the estate!” he mentally scolded himself before looking up with a blush coating his cheeks. “i-i um.. left my wallet at home.. is there any chance you can hold onto the sword while i get it?” he asked, praying the shopkeeper would say yes, but his apologetic smile said otherwise.
“i’m sorry sir yanqing, it would go against the store policy since we’re an antique shop — you sort of find what you can get..”
the young prodigy paled, whispers entering his ears around him about the blade. if he left, someone was sure to take it!
“what to do, what to do..”
“yanqing, there you are! i’ve been looking everywhere for you.” you called out, glancing between the blond and the store clerk. “were you going to buy this?”
his eyes widened at your ability to have caught up so quickly. he thought he’d lost you amidst the twists, turns and teleportation! it seemed his methods in slipping away still needed work. he could only wonder how the general had perfected his so well.
parting his lips, yanqing felt the need to interrogate you on your abilities in finding him, but he closed them right after, his curiosity faltering. “it doesn’t matter, i left my credits at home so i can’t buy it.” he mumbled back, cheeks burning as the words left his mouth. how could he have made such a rookie mistake?!
a hum left your lips at his reasoning before you reached into your utility belt, pulling out a sum of credits you’d received just yesterday. “how much is the weapon?” you stepped forward, holding out the bills in your hand.
the blond nearly felt his jaw drop at your actions. were you going to pay for him?? he couldn’t allow that — it wasn’t right!
“w-wait, y/n! i can just get another one some other time!” he blurted, tugging on your wrist to pull you back.
however, you ignored him. “will this be enough or does it cost more?” you asked, refocusing your gaze on the shopkeeper — who looked almost dumbfounded. how much did cloud knights earn?!
“um- it will do, y-yes..” the owner answered quietly, popping the register open before grabbing a tote. “would you like a bag with that..?”
you looked towards your blond companion, nudging him out of his daze. “bag or no bag?”
“n-no bag..” yanqing answered quietly, taking the blade off the counter before sheathing it at his hip.
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the walk to the estate was quiet, minus the rustling of the trees and gossiping of birds.
no wonder the general liked his naps so much, it was peaceful and much needed- considering his workload.
yanqing hadn’t spoken a word after saying he didn’t need a bag.
part of him was still disbelieved about it all. if it hadn’t been for you grabbing his wrist to guide him back home, he would’ve remained frozen in his place.
the silence didn’t matter to you though, your job of looking after yanqing was nearing its end. you could return to your post in about twenty minutes worry free.
“y/n, yanqing!” the general greeted at the gates, smiling that cat-like grin he always sported. “i was beginning to think something had happened that required me to save you both.” he teased, sliding his gaze over to his retainer’s hip before letting out a chuckle. “i see you went shopping. is that the one you’ve been eyeing?” he inquired gently, folding his arms comfortably over his chest.
the teen looked up at the albino haired male for a moment before lowering his eyes, shame overcoming him. “a-about that, i left my wallet here.. so y/n bought it for me.” he confessed, flushing like he did before. he felt bad to have you pay, after the way he behaved with you earlier.
and yuan had no issue picking up on this as he let out a hum. “really now?” he questioned softly, peering over at you for confirmation.
surprise crossed your features upon being addressed before you inclined your head. “he was worried someone would buy it if he left the store, so i paid. but it’s no issue at all! t-truly, general..”
the lightning user let out a hum. “i see. well i can’t let your kind actions go to waste.” he spoke up finally, raising a hand to his chin.
“that’s alright- consider it a gift.” you smiled awkwardly, waving your hands dismissively before flitting your eyes to the blond. “i hope the sword finds you well.”
yanqing felt his guilt creeping up on him as he watched you turn before he could say his thanks.
and then his voice found him. “w-wait..!” he blurted out, grabbing your hand, as you did previously to him. “you didn’t let me thank you properly..” the ice user spoke up, swallowing his embarrassment to look over at the golden eyed male beside him for permission. “can y/n stay over for dinner?”
“dinner?? with the general and his retainer?!” you shouted in your head, astonished that the boy was even asking such a thing when all he wanted was to get away from you.
“a-ah, yanqing that’s okay- it was a gift! therefore no payment is required.. and i don’t want to intrude.” your voice quieted at the last sentence, suddenly feeling flushed yourself.
you had a post to get back to and later a box of leftover takeout waiting for you at home. having dinner with the general and his apprentice was completely unheard of!
however, the general in question thought otherwise. “hmm.. i think the kid is right.” jing yuan finally said, lowering his hand to the arm over his chest. “you’re relieved of your duties for tonight. yanqing, show them in while i get dinner started.”
with that, the general was already walking through the gates into his grand estate.
and once more.. you were left to look after his retainer — or in this case, he was left to look after you.
“um.. this way.” the blond brought you out of your trance when he dropped your hand, moving a few steps ahead of you.
the walk was awkward to say the least, he was truly hoping for yuan’s assistance on this, but alas.. he had other plans.
perhaps this was yanqing’s punishment for forgetting his wallet behind. “have you visited here before?” he sliced through the silence, though not as cleanly as his swords would.
you slid your eyes to him, surprised to hear him speak, though you recovered quickly. “a few times to deliver messages, but never beyond the gates.”
the blond nodded in understanding. jing yuan was keen on not mixing home life with work, he liked to preserve his relaxing environment. which made sense, people came home to relax and get away from their job.
he continued onward with you, stopping at the small nook he normally spent time off in to grab what looked to be.. digital checkers?
your brows rose a little. despite yanqing arguing that he was not a child, he sure favored his games.
his eyes met yours — a wordless invitation.
it’s not like there was much to do. anything to pass the time ( and embarrassment ) will do.
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“alright, dinner is ready!” the snowy haired general called, walking out with a crockpot in hand — a culinary achievement of his. “who’s hungr-”
“HOW?!” yanqing’s voice tore through his question, causing him to blink. his retainer wasn’t one for losing his cool around others; had he missed something?
you surveyed yuan at the doorway for a second before lowering your eyes to the blond, lifting your shoulders at his outburst. “beginner’s luck?” you asked with an innocent smile.
only, he wasn’t buying it. “no way-! then i demand a rematch to test that statement!”
“how about you let our guest eat first.” the general chimed in, chuckling softly when the boy sharpened up instantaneously. worked every time. “i see you and y/n have been quite busy in my absence.. perhaps i’ll have to try my luck with them as well.” he mused, winking over at you.
your face heated up at the gesture, not having anticipated that of your superior, but you tried not to think too much of it.
sure he was a smooth talker and incredibly handsome. you’d even caught that foxian ambassador selling his pictures once!
however you knew better than to become romantically attached. least of all with your, quote on quote, boss.
even so, you couldn’t help those butterflies that crept into your gut at that wink. it was heart-stopping.
you took the vacant seat the boys had left you- across from yuan, ironically. once again, you tried not to think much of it.
but how could you do that after his fingers brushed yours so delicately when you reached for the ladle?
the way his golden eyes fell to yours and that dreamy look on his face with that lazy smile. no wonder you kept away from the general, you wouldn’t survive a day!
yanqing eyed the exchange, glancing between you and his caretaker. something felt strange in the atmosphere, and at this point, he was rethinking his choices on inviting you to eat. this was.. embarrassing to witness, and he’d had enough of his own share already.
still, it would be rude to send you home or question his guardian’s actions.
that, and he couldn’t help this weird, fuzziness in his chest. the little kid in him that yearned for that familial feeling.
granted, jing yuan on his own was a father figure enough — but right now, sitting at the table between you both.. he couldn’t help the rush of emotions he felt all at once.
he wondered if maybe, you would come again to dinner if he asked you to.
notes. hi queen i was trying so hard to get this out on your birthday but i fr blanked out and the creative juices went dryer than sumeru’s desert😐 anyway i hope this was what you wanted?? went from where’s waldo ( yanqing ) to very fluffy dinner??? first time writing jing yuan AND yanqing too, so i am um.. concerned for the portrayal. but i hope it satisfies you! and happy happy birthdayyy mami, mwah<3
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ruins-of-babylon · 2 months
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Theodore Nott x reader smut
𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎:you and Theo broke up a month ago, but you can’t stay away from each other
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈:drinking, kinda mean!theo, unprotected p in v, creampie, riding, overstimulation, f!reader,
𝒩ℴ𝓉ℯ:just a short story about one of my current favorite songs
𝒮ℴ𝓃𝑔:affection by Between Friends
You’re taking just what you want right from me
Wrapped up in so much life, it’s just the way you hold me
You pick your miscellaneously, wrapped up in all the choices you’re not giving to me
Theo watched you as you sauntered around the party, green light covering your figure. He stared intently as you started dancing on some random guy, who clearly reciprocated your energy. He glared as the other guys hands grabbed at your body. When you made eye contact with him from across the room, you winked. He thought your actions were immature. Bringing some dude in to your game, trying to make him jealous, he presumed. Tempting others to take what was his. He turned around, desperately trying to think as you consumed his mind. He could try to make you jealous right back. So many girls threw themselves at him, it wouldn’t be hard to find someone. But did he even want to rile up a girl who was oblivious to his intentions? Not really. A tap on his shoulder brought him out of his trance-like state. He turned around again and saw you, looking up at him with big doe eyes. You smiled.
Im laying on the floor, we’re drinking cause we’re bored
Before you said anything, you grabbed his hand and dragged him to the drinks table. You poured yourself a strong concoction of alcohol, and he followed suit. The taste was bitter and burned as you swallowed it, your face puckering up for a moment before the aftertaste subsided.
“Who was that?” He asked, trying to sound calmer than he felt. You only shrugged and laughed, taking another sip.
Oh, I’m looking for affection in all the wrong places
and we’ll keep falling on each other just to fill the empty spaces
“Why do you care?” You finally replied, staring up at him and smirking. He gulped down a surge of anger in his throat. He hated you. He hated your words. He hated how you treated him. He hated how he wanted you so desperately, despite that. All he could do was shrug at you, lifting his cup to drown himself in his drink. When you had finished your cup, you threw it in a trash can. You grabbed his tie abruptly, startling him, and pulled his head down closer to you.
Oh, I’m looking for affection in all the wrong places
and we’ll keep falling on each other just to fill the empty spaces
You’re saying what you want right to me
No filter on your mouth, we know you talk in your sleep
”Are you jealous again, Nott?” You huskily whispered into his ear. He could feel the warmth of your breath, the smell of alcohol nearly giving him a headache.
“Why do you care?” He repeated to you, letting you pull him around as you pleased.
“If you are, you should do something about it.” You purred into his ear. He took a moment to process what you said, and turned his head to smile at you.
“Oh yeah? Is that what you want?” He asked, grabbing your waist with a tight grip. You nodded, smiling at him as you stared into his lust-filled eyes.
He nearly ripped your arm out of the socket running to his room. As soon as his door closed, his hands were on you again, this time he was the one in control.
“Are you trying to make me jealous, baby? Cause you wanted me to fuck you senseless?” He asked, slowly pealing off your clothes.
“Yes, Theo.” You admitted, taking his clothes off as well. He growled at you before picking you up and throwing you on his bed. He wasted no time before shoving himself into you, his hips moving as fast as they could, slamming into yours with ferocity. You moaned at his pace, your body still trying to adjust to his size. You two had fucked many times before, but the last time was when you were still together. That had been 2 weeks ago.
“You’re such a fucking slut, you know that? Fucking your ex boyfriend after saying you were getting bored. Is this what you want then, slut?” He asked between breaths, still moving in and out of you. He was releasing his anger on you, and you felt bad for putting him through that. But he was fucking you so good, so deep, and it felt amazing.
“Yes, Theo.” You moaned out, agreeing with him. When you answered him, he started rubbing you clit in circles, just as fast as his thrusts. You felt the pressure building up inside you, threatening to let go any second.
“I’m gonna cum.” You warned, clenching down on his cock. He groaned, rubbing your clit faster, lightly scraping it with his fingernail.
“Do it, slut.” He said, laughing. When you had his conformation, you let go, your orgasm washing over you in wave after wave. You screamed his name, throwing your head back against his sheets. But, he didn’t stop.
“Yeah, scream my name, not his. Nobody can fuck you like I do.” He said, still chasing his release. You moaned out, still sensitive from your last orgasm.
“Can you slow down Theo? I’m still sensitive.” You said, but it was useless.
“What’s that, slut? Can’t take it?” He mocked, pulling out temporarily before turning you around on all fours and pushing back in. At his angle, he got so much deeper, hitting that special spot that had your eyes rolling back into your head, seeing stars. You squealed at the change. After a few moments, you started to feel his thrusts become sloppy and his dick twitching inside you. You knew this meant he was close, so you started squeezing him repeatedly. He groaned and finally let go, his cum filling you up. He got off you and silently left to retrieve a towel to clean you. You both fell asleep there, in his bed, snuggled up together.
Remembering the times, they won’t remember me
That night, Theo didn’t sleep much. He could only think about how you two used to be. What did this mean for you two? Were you together again? Why wouldn’t you - after what happened earlier? Eventually he drifted off to sleep, and like always, dreamt of you.
Our nights melt into sequels, you sink into me
You woke up before Theo, the yellow sunlight spread across his bed, painting your face with warmth. You stretched for a minute, basking in the sun, before you had an idea. Slowly, you turned to see Theo, still fast asleep. You smiled at his face, relaxed and peaceful in sleep. You got up and straddled yourself over him, slowly sinking down onto his length. You watched his eyes shoot open, a strained moan escaping his lips. You giggled, slowly rocking your hips against his. He grabbed your hips and helped you move, quickening the motions. You were still a bit sensitive from last night, so the pressure in your tummy was building faster, a delicate coil readying itself to snap. This time, Theo came before you, emptying himself inside your cunt. The sensation made you moan loudly, and finally, the coil snapped. You fell onto his chest, catching your breath and steadying yourself on top of him. He did the same, rubbing your back soothingly.
“You did so good, pretty girl.” He praised, kissing your hair softly. You giggled, your legs still feeling numb.
I’m laying on the floor, we’re drinking cause we’re bored
Theo sat next to you on his bed, a cigarette hanging loosely between his lips. You sat next to him, fidgeting with your hands. You both waited for the other to speak first.
Oh, I’m looking for affection in all the wrong places
And we’ll keep falling on each other to fill the empty spaces
Finally, Theo breaks the silence. “Do you still want me?” He asked, a slightly pained expression on his face. You thought for a minute, deciding whether you should tell him the truth or not.
“Yes. I regret breaking up with you every day.” You admitted, still looking down into your lap.
Oh, I’m looking for affection in all the wrong places
And we’ll keep falling on each other to fill the empty spaces
“I want you so badly.” He said, looking up at you. You could see his face from the corner of his eye. You couldn’t bring yourself to meet his gaze.
Just a little bit of affection, a little bit
Just a little bit of affection, a little bit
Just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit
“Does this mean we’re back together?” You asked in a whisper.
Oh I’m looking for affection in all the wrong places
And we’ll keep falling on each other to fill the empty spaces
He gently gripped your chin and lifted your face to look at him. “If that’s what you want.” He smiled, a soft sincere gesture, and you knew you couldn’t live without him.
Oh I’m looking for affection in all the wrong places
And we’ll keep falling on each other to fill the empty spaces
“Yes.” You replied, leaning forward to kiss him. The kiss was slow and passionate, apposed to your usual needy lust-filled kisses. You could tell, this was the right decision. He loved you and you loved him.
I tried to make this shorter than my usual posts, but it just feels kinda rushed to me. Let me know what you think! <3
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 8 months
Another On The Way
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x Reader (y/n)
Warnings: none
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Y/N's pov
"No, no, no.." I covered my mouth with my palm as the tears ran down my cheeks in disbelief. I wanted to scream when I saw two lines appearing on the pregnancy test I had just taken. I put all my hopes in the fact that the test would be negative, considering the fact that only 5 months ago I gave birth to our beautiful little girl Sofia.
"Amor, is it done?" Carlos asked knocking on the door. I didn't even try to pull myself together before I opened the door in front of which he was standing holding Sofia in his arms. I opened the door and stared at him with teary eyes sobbing.
"Mi amor que paso por que lloras?" He asked worriedly placing his free hand on my cheek wiping away the tears with his thumb.
"Carlos, it's positive. I'm pregnant again." I broke down crying out loud into his chest.
"Hey, hey..shh." He pulled me into a hug rubbing my back. "Baby, it's okay, it's gonna be okay." He tried to comfort me, but at that moment I was inconsolable.
"How could we be so careless? We just had a baby.."
"Amor but I thought we didn't want to stop at just one child. We talked about how we wanted more."
"I know and I do want more, but I just wasn't expecting this to happen so soon. I'm not ready yet, I'm so scared."
Sofia was born 3 weeks before her due date because towards the end of the pregnancy things started to get complicated. in the middle of the night I was woken up by severe pain and had to go to the hospital immediately. The birth was laborious, long, difficult and painful. If Carlos hadn't been next to me in those moments, I don't know how I would have endured it. Luckily, in the end, everything went well and Sofia was born healthy and beautiful. I was so exhausted from giving birth that I was coming for days, Carlos had to help me walk and even get out of bed because I couldn't do it myself. but today when I look at Sofia and her big brown eyes, the same as Carlos's, I know that it was all worth it for her.
"I understand that you are scared, but you know that we are in this together as in everything else. I promise to be here every step of the way again and I promise you that you have nothing to fear." He said placing a kiss on my forehead. I'm so lucky to have him by my side through anything in life. He is my rock and as long as we are together I know deep down that I don't have to worry about anything because he will always be there for me.
"I know, but I just wanted us to give all of our attention to Sofi. I don't want to be away from you anymore and I want Sofi to be with you as well, she is so small, she needs you as much as I do." I sob looking at Sofia in his arms who playing with her tiny hands.
Towards the end of the 6th month of pregnancy, I could no longer go to the races with Carlos. it just became too strenuous and risky to go, so the doctor advised me to stay home and rest. I was in our house in Madrid all the time and I missed him terribly and it was very difficult without him, and my hormones and mood swings were not helpful at all. Thank God he was at home that night when I went into labor.
"Mi corazon te lo prometo, I'll make sure to be with you every spare second when I'm not racing. She already feels how much we love her and she will never lack for anything. I need you to be okay, baby." I take Sofi from his hands in mine and kiss her on the head, rocking her as she started to frown a little.
"I love you so much Carlos. Thank you. I'm so lucky that you're mine." My tears finally dried and I took a deep breath, now much calmer and happier than a few minutes ago.
"Todo para mis niñas. Te amo tanto." He says pressing his lips against mine and wrapping his arms around both of us. He always made everything so easy and he always let me know that I was forever safe with him.
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ilovetopgunsstuff · 6 months
is it casual now?
prompt: the mission is only in a few weeks now, and you and bradley have only gotten closer. however, a heated argument erupts between the two of you. what is bradley masking, and what does it reveal?
warnings: lots of angst, mention of age gap, emotional roller coaster really
a/n: it’s a long one. again i love feedback. this is a sequel to night shift, which can be read as a stand alone or a two part series
“I just don’t want you going.” He raised his voice as he refused to look you in the eye.
“How could you say that? After all the work I put in? that we’ve both put in?” Your voice wavered with the raising of his voice. Where could this be coming from?
- - -
He had gotten cold all of a sudden, one night laying in his bed together. You had been talking about nothing in particular, and the subject of the upcoming mission had been brought up. Laying on his chest, you felt him tense, as if he was made of stone. You had picked your head up, feeling this change, and furrowed your eyebrows. He was no longer looking at you like he usually did, but looked sort of through you.
“I need to shower,” he had said. As of a few weeks ago, he always brought you along with him. Tonight, he brushed past you, sort of gently shoving you away from him, hinting that this time, you genuinely weren’t invited. So you sat, alone, staring at the ceiling thinking. What did you do wrong? Was he just tired? Uncomfortable? Your heart quickened in pace and your nerves heightened.
He came back out, later than normal, and you were still awake. You sat up,
looking at him, studying him, trying to read him.
“You need to sleep.” He rifled around in his drawer for pajama bottoms. Still, no eye contact was made. He found them, and pulled them up over his boxers, wearing no shirt. What was his problem?
“Did I do something?” You said it so quietly and unsure that it was almost a whisper.
“…No, what do you mean?” He asked it less as a question and more as a statement, robotic. As if it was a prerecorded response. He began to walk out of the room, you assumed towards the kitchen.
You stood, unable to even fathom what was happening. This didn’t help your stress whatsoever.
“Bradley.” It sounded so pathetic, needy and confused. You followed him down the hallway, eventually getting in front of him. He was forced to stop.
“Hm?” Eyes on the ground.
“You won’t even… look at me.” Your brows were furrowed in confusion. What did you do? He sighed.
“Do you want me to fucking look at you?” His voice was so cold it sounded unfamiliar. So much so that your breath hitched. He finally did look at you, but there was nothing affectionate in his eyes. If anything it was exasperated.
Your breath hitched in your throat. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, a tug in your chest.
“What the fuck is your problem?” you whispered, since you were so close to him.
He didn’t answer. He just threw his arms up and rubbed his eyes in frustration.
You masked your pain and confusion with anger. “You were fine the whole night and all of a sudden you’re being a dick? We started talking about the mission and now you wanna go mute again-”
“You shouldn’t even be going on that fucking mission.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” You sort of squeaked it out in the silence. Your voice was soft, calmer than you felt. Why would he say that?
“I just don’t want you going.” He raised his voice as he refused to look you in the eye.
“How could you say that? After all the work I put in? that we’ve both put in?” Your voice wavered with the raising of his voice. Where could this be coming from? “What, you think I’m not good enough?”
“You’re too young for this shit. I should’ve known...” He looks like he wants to say more, but he just scoffs and looks away.
“Should’ve known?” You were so taken aback by his words. Should’ve known what? About you?
“Yeah I should’ve.” He spoke so sharply. He looked at you through his brows. You tried to look strong, but he was so much taller than you, and you were sure you felt your lip quiver. He licked his lips and his eyes flicked away. They would almost look regretful if he didn’t look back at you with the same guarded expression.
“So you regret this? This was all just casual to you?”
He didn’t answer. He just looked on.
You scoffed, and brushed past him. You grabbed what clothes you could, and tried to breathe to keep from crying in front of him. He followed you into the room.
“What the fuck are you doing, y/n?” he asked, his voice tugged at strings in your chest.
“Going home.” Your voice cracked. You took off his sweatshirt that you wore and threw it at him. He caught it against his chest. You grabbed your purse, made sure you had your keys, wallet, and phone.
You pushed past him, making your way down the hall to his door.
“Y/n, it’s the middle of the night.”
“Trust me, I know. It’s usually the only time you acknowledge me for something.”
You don’t know if he had any expression on his face. You just opened the door and closed it behind you. You walked to your car, and felt like you couldn’t breathe.
The drive home was a silent one, with quiet sobs, and small, quiet breaths. When you got home, your own house looked bland. You were so stupid, you knew this wouldn’t end well. You were so young and naive, and look what happened.
You fell asleep sometime around two.
- - -
Training next morning was miserable. You were too fast on the course, fucking it up for everyone else on the team. Bradley said nothing to you except for a stiff, “Morning,” since everyone was watching you two. Phoenix tried to ask you what was wrong; you were usually the most precise one on the course, and the only one that had made it to the target on time. You just told her you didn’t get much sleep.
After work, you got home and melted into the couch. You had turned on some random show, and you stared blankly at it for hours. A ring of your phone snapped you out of your dazed state. You almost hoped it was a certain someone, even after everything. It wasn’t.
“Hey, Phoenix.”
“We’re going out tonight, and I’m gonna get you laid!” her voice was so cheerful on the other line.
“I’m not-“
“I will not take no as an answer. Dress in as little as possible! We’ll pick you up.”
She hung up, and you forgot about her words too quick to wonder who “we” was, and if it was the exact person you hoped to avoid.
So you would go. You would put powder over your baggy eyes and mascara over damp lashes, because you had to be okay.
- - -
Rooster POV
Fuck. I’m so fucking stupid. I let myself act like that to her because I think everyone in the navy is gonna turn up like my dad. Now I lost her because I’m a dick who doesn’t know how to say his fucking feelings. The only person around I actually care for I fucked over.
I just don’t want her going on the mission. I’d rather her hate me forever and not go on it than to really lose her. And she does hate me. I know now. I saw it in her anger, heard it in her words. But of course I didn’t accomplish anything. I just hurt her.
Phoenix wants me to drive herself, Hangman, and Bob to the Hard Deck. I don’t feel like it, but fuck it. I need a drink.
- - -
A text dinged on your phone from Phoenix. “We’re here.”
You looked at yourself in the mirror. You didn’t look how you felt. You would let Phoenix believe she was helping. She’d introduce you to some shitty guy who’d mansplain the navy to you, and you wouldn’t end up going home with him and make up some excuse. God, you needed a drink.
You touched up your appearance in the mirror. Your makeup was flawless, and your hair was straightened out long. You donned a tight black dress, with long sleeves, and it was a little short for your liking. You grabbed your purse and sighed. Here goes nothing.
It was when you stepped outside that you realized who the “we” was in the text. Outside your light blue house sat a shiny Ford Bronco. You almost tripped over your feet. You had to pretend like everything was fine.
Phoenix catcalled you out the window. You reached the car and opened the door. It was crammed. You ended up sitting four people in a three person row. As you started driving, you looked up at the rear view mirror, seeing Bradley, driving with his eyes forward. His face was freshly shaved, except for the mustache. Of course he looked good. Of course he felt fine. Of course you were already miserable.
The drive to the Hard Deck felt like the longest drive in the world. After you parked, everyone was giddy, and whooping and cheering. You were left behind them, walking slowly. You had a buddy, though. Just the man you didn’t want to see.
He twirled his keys on his finger, the jingle of them the only sound between you two. You glanced sideways too look at him. His eyes looked forward, a solemn expression. Thank god you were almost to the door. Coyote met you there.
“Woooooo you guys are here, finally!” Coyote has obviously already had something to drink as he was waiting for your car to arrive. He threw his arm around Rooster and disappeared into the busy evelin crowd with him. You pushed through the crowd alone to the bar, where Phoenix already had a shot waiting for you. Based on your misery, it would be the first of many. You felt a tap on your shoulder next to you, and turned around, thinking it was someone from the team.
“I hope a guy didn’t buy that for you,” a guy said. He had jet black hair and blue eyes, and by the looks of him was obviously in the Navy. You rolled your eyes.
“What if one did?”
“Then I have some bad news for him.” He introduced himself after that, some name you wouldn’t remember. He talked your ear off about nothing in particular, how great he was, how tough he was, the works. You tuned him out and traced your finger absentmindedly on the varnished wood bar. If you were going to put up with this, you were gonna need another drink. You glanced around the room, looking for anyone, preferably Phoenix, to save you from this situation. Then you saw it.
There he was, against the wall next to the music box, and he wasn’t alone. Next to him stood one of the prettiest girls you had probably ever seen. She was blonde, and shorter than you. She had a perfect body, and perfect makeup. She looked nothing like you. They spoke and laughed. She touched his arm and whispered something to him. He smirked at whatever she said and whispered something back. Suddenly you felt like throwing up. Your dress felt wrong on your body, your makeup felt like too much, your hair felt frizzy. Your face went stark white, you were sure.
You were so frozen by the sight that whatever man was standing next to you actually paused his talking. You had to get out of here. You needed air or you would hyperventilate.
“Excuse me,” you squeaked. You felt dizzy. You pushed your way to the door to the back deck. It was so crowded and you wished you could go home. You passed Phoenix on your way out.
“Hey!…Are you okay? You look so pale.” She furrowed her brows at the sight of you. She put her hand on your arm.
“I- I need air. I’m going outside.”
Finally, you reached the doors. You walked out onto the back deck to watch the waves. You just wanted to go home, but you had no ride, and nobody to tell what was really going on. Did he really move on that fast? Did he even have to move on at all? Maybe he didn’t even see you as that much. She was so pretty it hurt. You found yourself tearing up again. You titled your head upward and tried to think about something else. You couldn’t act upset. The doors opened behind you, and the sound of the crowd spilled out. You heard a giggle behind you. You turned. You really couldn’t catch a break. You and Rooster locked eyes, and surprise show in them.
“Oh, sorry,” the blonde giggled. “We didn’t think anyone was out here.”
You said nothing, just stared at them blankly. Rooster dragged her back inside, his smiley mood that he had with her earlier gone. He didn’t break eye contact before he turned around. You couldn’t read his expression. Smugness? Apologetic? Bored?
It didn’t matter. He found himself something new to keep in his sheets like he did you. What an idiot you were for thinking you were more. You sat blankly staring at the shoreline. That was your last straw. You were leaving, and you didn’t care how much an Uber would cost to get you out of here.
You went inside to go tell Phoenix you were going home.
- - -
Rooster POV
I had to get my mind off her. She looked so good in that dress, but her eyes were so blank and miserable. I caused it, and I don’t know what to do. I walked into the bar and met some girl. I needed a distraction. She was some ditsy girl from up the coast, but she’d do. Her freckles, in the light of the bar, almost looked like the one’s Y/n had. Almost. It was a mistake. I tried to take her outside, but there she was. I’m such a dick. Y/n didn’t look well. She was pale and exhausted. The blonde dragged me back inside somewhere, but I couldn’t stop thinking of her.
I was dragged into one of the hallways of the bar, and whatever girl I was with pulled me into the shadows. She kissed me, and I hate to say I kissed her back. I wanted to pretend.
“Y/n,” I whispered in between kisses.
It abruptly stopped as I realized what I’d said.
“…who is Y/n?” The girl backed up.
I think she got the idea, because she was gone pretty soon after that. I was alone again now. I didn’t feel like doing anything except running to her, to Y/n. I couldn’t, though, all because of me. Now she thinks I don’t care, that I don’t respect her. I’m not used to sleeping alone. The dreams were bad last night, and I woke up alone. I fucked up, bad.
- - -
You didn’t even make it inside before someone grabbed your arm. You turned and it was the guy from earlier. You were the only people on the deck outside. It was dark, with lighting steaming onto it from the glass doors of the bar. Other than that, though, it was a dark patio of wood floors and picnic tables.
“We didn’t finish our conversation from earlier.” He said. His face was hard to make out in the darkness. The sentence sounded less like a request to keep talking and more of a demand.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I, uh, was just about to leave.” You really just wanted to call your Uber and go home. You had been on the verge of tears all day, now more than ever.
“Oh come on, stay a while.” His grip hadn’t left your arm. If anything, it tightened. You tried to step back, but you hit the rail of the deck. He was drunk. You could smell it on his breath. Your heart rate picked up slightly. No one was out here, and he wouldn’t let you go.
“No, I think I should really get going. Please, just- I need to go home.” The last part sounded like you were begging, but you were scared.
He chuckled, and stepped closer. You were leaned back as far over the rail as possible. “We haven’t even had any fun yet-“
“I think she fucking asked you to leave her alone.” You had no idea where he came from, but Rooster basically appeared behind him.
The guy hardly gave him a glance. “I don’t think this concerns you,” he said. “Does it baby?” The question made your stomach flip.
In a split second, the man was pulled off of you, and snatched by Bradley face to face. “Did I fucking stutter? I swear to God if I ever see you here again-“ He looked stern, and so much bigger compared to the guy in front of him. His jaw is clenched, all his muscles taut, seen through his white t-shirt. He looked like he could lose control in a split second, just waiting for this guy to make the wrong move.
“Okay man, fine I’m sorry!” And just like that, the guy was gone.
You didn’t really know how to feel. You just sat there and stared at Bradley in front of you. He was actually looking at you this time. Your arm tingled where the guy held you so tight.
You wanted him, but you hated him. You hated him for making you feel so bad about yourself. You hated him for everything, but the only person you want to run to is him.
“Are you uh-“ He was probably about to ask if you were alright. You couldn’t speak to him. He did so much to you but you didn’t trust yourself. You could just fall back in. All the emotion from the past few days welled up in your head.
“It’s fine. I’m going home.” You were short with him, looking down at the ground to keep from making eye contact. It hurt so bad to look at him, knowing he’s not really yours, no matter how bad you want him.
“How are you getting home?”
“That’s not safe during this time of night. Please just let me take you home.”
“Please don’t do this to me Bradley,”Your voice was so cold, but it still sounded like you were begging him for something. It had to be, because if not, you’d just break down into tears.
“Do what?” He just looked at you.
“Act like you care. You didn’t last night. Just let me go home. Please.” On the last word, your voice cracked. Shit.
“Do you think I don’t care?” He mumbled, and took a step closer to you.
“I know you don’t, Bradley! You don’t take someone you care about home night after night to sleep with them and then ignore them all of a sudden. Then you blow up on me for no reason at all, and the day after you do start hanging out with some random bitch at the bar? You were probably planning to do with her exactly what you did with me, because you think I’m disposable. You think that after everything, you can just throw me out when you’re done with me. And you did.” So much for not crying, cause now, there were tears streaming down your cheeks. You weren’t even yelling at him, you couldn’t. You were talking with your hands, and on the last sentence you pointed your finger into his chest as you looked up at him. You were spouting out everything you felt to him, and you regretted it as soon as it came out of your mouth. It must have been the shots talking. “So- so don’t act worried now. I don’t-”
“Jesus Christ. Everything I do is because I’m worried! Can’t you see that? I don’t keep girls around a lot. Ever. But I kept you around. It’s not casual, Y/n. It’s scary. I care for very few people. The navy took one of them from me. It makes my chest hurt to think that could possibly happen to you, too. And you can hate me. I’m willing to be the worst guy in the world if it means you’re safe. I mean it. And I know I’m an idiot. I don’t give a fuck about that girl, I don’t even know her name. I thought it would make me stop thinking about you so fucking much. It didn’t. It’s every hour of every day, and it’s torture. I need you. All the time, every day I want you near me, Y/n.“ He didn’t realize everything he said until he stopped saying it. His hair wasn’t as neat as it usually was. He was talking with so much emotion; it was the most passionate you’d ever seen him. And all his words made you do was cry. You didn’t know exactly what you felt. Happiness, relief, longing? At some point during his talking he’d grabbed your arm so you’d know how much he meant this. He held you so gently, but with so much desperation. You just looked up at him. You couldn’t speak, you just listened to him. “I- I… Fuck. I’m sorry. I don’t-“
You stumbled into his arms and cried. Again, you weren’t sure why. His embrace wrapped fully around you. It was the most secure you’d ever felt. He looked down at you as he rested his chin on the top you your head. His pulse was fast in his chest, you heard it.
“I know. I’m so sorry,” He whispered to you, and only you. You looked up at him, you were sure your makeup was fucked up in some way.
“You’re so beautiful,” he mumbled. He cupped your face with both of his hands and pulled you into him. His soft lips brushed yours and he kissed you with so much passion, but so careful. Your stomach turned as you stood on your toes to get more of him. You never wanted it to stop. You never wanted him to stop, and you hoped he never would.
When you finally pulled away, Bradley smiled at you. “I can’t walk back through the bar looking like this,” You giggled.
He laughed, and looked down at the wood deck. Was he blushing? “We can go around the side to my car. You still gonna refuse that ride or..?”
You swatted him with your hand. “What about the others? How will they get a ride home?”
“They can Uber.”
You feigned shock. “At this time of night? Soooo dangerous.”
He licked his lips and rolled his eyes trying to look annoyed at you, but the smile on his face was evident. “Come on,” he tugged you by your hand around the building to the parking lot, and threw his arm around you as you walked.
“So uh, my house or yours?” you asked shyly.
“Hmm, I could use a change of scenery.”
“It’s decided then.”
So you guessed it wasn’t casual anymore.
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bunniesanddeer · 5 months
My Little Light: Part One
This is a request! From @animeloveruwu1234
Alrighty, thank you!:)<3 So, I wanted to ask for a fluff request for Alastor x light! female doe reader meets him because her light shadow(I don’t know what to call it🙂‍↕️) likes his shadow. She meets him and gets so shy around him that it gets to the point that she faints every time he comes around her. Just toothrotting fluff!!:)
So this is actually part one of three! Sorry, I intended it to be two parts, but it was running longer than I was expecting. Part one is from MC's POV, Part two is Alastor, and Part three is smut, with no plot, so no one is going to miss anything if they can't/or don't like to read smut. :)
Pairing: Alastor x Doe!Reader
Warnings: Reader passes out twice, super early set up, next part focuses on fluff!
Word Count: 1,877
You slipped between demons on the busy sidewalk, twisting yourself this way and that way. You watched your little light friend stretch herself across the cracked pavement, flat expression twisting up in joy. With a smile, you followed her whims without much thinking, and found yourself in a calmer section of downtown. The strange being flattened across the wall beside you, and her eyes crinkled. 
If anyone had asked you, when you were alive, how you would feel about a two-dimensional figure made of light, that acted like a shadow, following you everywhere in Hell, you would have been quite confused. Even now, after having lived in Hell for a few years, you didn’t completely understand your companion, or how she came to be. She could separate from you, leaving you entirely shadowless, but you still had some control over her. The light-shadow was autonomous, and yet you knew if you told her to do something, she would. You had taken to calling her Lyra in your head. 
You leaned against the building, and watched her form flicker about as something caught her attention. Your ear twitched, and you watched hers follow suit. Suddenly, her shape wavered, and her head flipped in the other direction. Her excitement was evident in the way she suddenly stretched her body across the ground, and reached flat claws across the road, pointing at something you couldn’t see. With a small sigh, you push off from the wall, and make your way across the road.
“Whatever could have your attention,” you huff. Your head turns in each direction as you follow her pointing claws. Your ears swivel and twitch. Something in you is suddenly on high alert, and yet Lyra urges you to keep going. “If I get torn apart, I blame you entirely. You’ll get ignored for a week after I reform.” 
Lyra ignores you, and crawls up a wall beside the door to a tailor shop. Her sharp grin stretches farther, and she keeps her eyes locked on the door. 
“What are you doing? What’s got you so worked up?” You take a look around, and nothing seems out of the ordinary. And then your ears catch it; the subtle sound of static. Your heart starts pounding. You know what that sound means. 
He had disappeared shortly before you landed in Hell, but the scary posters and warnings you constantly got from other sinners let you know to be wary. And then he had suddenly reappeared in the company of the princess six months ago. You had heard his voice on the radio, of course. Who hadn’t? His broadcasts were impossible to ignore. He had a charming voice and the kind of charisma that made him hard to forget. And that static. It followed his voice, his very presence like a heavy fog, blanketing everything around him. That thought clicked, and you realized what was going to happen only moments before it did. 
The door to the tailor shop opened, a twinkling bell following the motion, and out stepped Alastor, The Radio Demon. You turned a harsh gaze to Lyra, who wasn’t even looking at the demon, but at his feet. You followed her gaze for only a second, and saw a writhing black shape in his shadow. With haste, you whipped your gaze away, and turned around, hoping that if you didn’t look at him, he wouldn’t notice you. 
With heaving breaths you tried to focus yourself, and walk away, but Lyra squirmed, frowning at you. She clawed at the ground, and warped her form to gather closer to where you knew Alastor was still standing. Suddenly she tugged harshly, chasing something you couldn’t see, and pulled you with her. You didn’t know she could do that! At the tug, your hooves struggled to make contact with the ground, and you started to tumble backwards. 
“Ahh!” You let out a harsh cry, and internally braced for hitting the harsh concrete. Instead, however, you were caught by warm, sturdy arms. You let out a huff, and went to thank the person. You looked up and said, “Ah, thank you-” and finally caught the gaze of your savior. Alastor. Alastor The Radio Demon. Alastor The Radio Demon just caught you. Holy shit. Your eyes widen, and your ears pin back. “Oh,” you mutter, and the world goes black. 
Your hearing comes back to you first. Two voices are whispering to each other, and the gruffer voice’s volume picks up just enough for you to hear, “-you have to admit that it’s suspicious. You know he has been acting strange ever since he came back from licking his wounds. Why would he suddenly help some rando-”
The other voice, lighter and with a twinge of something like hope, responds, “I don’t know, Vaggie, but isn’t this a good sign? When was the last time he did something without being prompted? Something that wasn’t obviously for his own gain?”
You hear the other person sigh, and it is then that you decided to try and peel your eyes open. It takes several blinks to get used to the redness of the room. Eventually, your sight clears, and you search the room for the people who were just talking. Across from you, on a couch much like the one you’re lying on, are two women. One has gray hair, and is looking up at who you immediately recognize as Princess Charlie.
“Uh, hello?” You call, trying to gather their attention. Charlie turns her head wickedly fast, and her face is split by a happy smile as she hops up from the couch. 
“Oh yay! You’re awake!” You gather yourself, sitting up and removing your legs from the couch as you watch her nearly hop in her excitement. “I have so many questions, but first! Are you okay? Al said you passed out.”
At the mention of Alastor, the blood drains from your face. You are absolutely not okay, but it also seems that he helped you after your embarrassing debacle earlier, so you just whisper, “Uh, I’m okay.”
She squeaks, and then sits next to you. “So, how’d you meet Alastor? He was super vague!” 
“Honestly?” You take a glance at the other woman, who has her arms folded, and is watching with a wary gaze. “I was walking down the street, following my companion, and she dragged me over to this tailor. I wasn’t really thinking about much, but then out comes Alastor!” You throw up your arms, disbelief lacing your tone. “And she’s just kicking and clawing her way over towards him, and she trips me! And then he caught me. And I passed out as soon as I made eye contact.”
You rub at your head, shame filling you, rising with the heat in your face. You feel so silly. 
Charlie lets out a little giggle, and then asks, “Where’s this companion?”
You purse your lips, then take a glance at the women again. They’re fine, probably. Right? You internally shrug, and then wave your hand; out pops Lyra, her white form shimmering across the carpet. 
“What the hell,” the other woman says. She gives you a strange look. “Do all deer demons have these? Alastor has the same damn thing, it just looks like an actual shadow.” 
You frown. Someone else had this kind of companion? Alastor had this kind? Confusion floods you, so you give Lyra a curious glance. She responds with a simple toothy grin. “Is that why you were chasing him?”
Lyra’s shape flickers and warbles. She grins wider. Holy shit. She tripped you, trying to hit up another fucking shadow. What the hell. “What the fuck, Lyra.” Her shoulders and grin shake, in a mockery of laughter. You roll your eyes, waving your hand, and she disappears. 
With a palm to your head, you mutter to yourself. “What the hell is my life. Please tell me this won’t happen again.” You look up at Charlie, sheepishly. “Please tell Alastor I said thanks. I’m gonna go to my apartment and hide there for forever.” You stand and whip your pants awkwardly. “Thanks again. It was, uh, nice to meet you. Bye.”
You waver on weak legs, and go to leave the strange sitting area, when you hear him.
“Well, dear, why don’t you tell me yourself?” He’s sitting at the bar you failed to notice before. One ankle is propped on the other knee, and he’s holding a newspaper. His gaze finds yours, a sly smile on his face. 
In shock, you let out a bleat, and collapse.
Alastor’s smile shrink, just a touch, and he turns his gaze to the two women that are conscious. “As you can see, I had nothing to do with that.” 
Later that day, you’re propped up on the couch, and Alastor is leering at you from the accent chair across from you. His smile is wide and smug, and his eyes don’t stray from your form. His shadow companion, the one Lyra might’ve been chasing, is flickering in and out of view behind him. Its smile is just as wide, and it sends shivers down your spine. Every once in a while, the static that surrounds Alastor, something your brain struggles to understand, even in Hell, surges. Your ears prick and swivel every time, and it’s starting to give you a headache.
The two of you spend a time merely staring at each other. Your chest aches at the idea of trying to speak up. There are a lot of factors contributing to this, but you really don’t know what to say to the Overlord, especially Alastor. He’s just so intimidating, and you’re, well, you. Charlie and Vaggie are sitting on the other couch, whispering to each other. You can just barely hear them talking, but it’s drowned out by Alastor’s presence. 
You gulp down the spit that is slowly accumulating in your mouth, and then your mouth feels far too dry. The cotton feeling makes you scrunch up your face, and you force your eyes to wander to the strange circus themed patterns on the wallpaper. Alastor’s eyes are too much. 
Lyra takes the near silence as an opportunity to pop up. She slithers her form over to Alastor’s shadow, and you watch on in horror. You desperately want to say something, especially as Alastor’s eyebrows raise in surprise. Lyra doesn’t even look back at you as she reaches her hands out to the shadow, and grabs. Alastor’s shadow makes a strange noise, and it makes you shrink in on yourself. Alastor is gonna kill you. You had never expected to get any attention from an Overlord, and now one, (that was so similar to you, something you’d been searching for), was going to kill you.
“Aw. It seems our little companions like each other,” He says, instead. Your eyes widen, and you stare in shock. “Well, my dear, it seems we will just have to spend more time together.”
He looks like that cat that caught the canary, and your mind is on high alert. There has to be more to this, and you aren't sure how to feel. But then his smile softens, and you can’t help but feel excited. Where will The Radio Demon lead you?
Taglist: Current List: @girl-nahh-two @numetalnerd2007 @justchillingandhavingfun @alastor-simp @thonethatflies620 @lemonyboy97 @fairyv-ice @alastorssimp @wen01203
Thank you for reading! I really appreciate it! I will have the next part out soon, and some of my other works to follow, or just before. We had some shenanigans occur today, so I'm a little bummed. I'll try and get it done thugh, no worries!
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sc0tters · 1 year
Date Gone Right | Nico Hischier & Jack Hughes
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summary: when you call Jack to come pick you up the last thing you expected to see was your hinge match in the car.
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, oral (m receiving), swearing, degrading (think you see whore and slut a few times).
word count: 2.90k
authors note: I loved this one and it kind of felt like a moment where I acc got more plot than I usually do to the porn. Brynn and Kei I hope this lived up to your expectations!
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You felt like an idiot as you sat on the side of the road.
The bar had music that faintly calmed your nerves as you scrolled through your phone desperate to find a contact that you could call.
Your friends simply weren’t an option as they told you that you were an idiot going to see your ex. He had asked you to meet him at a bar to talk and like an idiot you went to see that he wasn’t there.
A gasp left your lips as your eyes landed on Jack’s contact “perfect.” The relationship you built with Jack this year was weird, beforehand he was only ever Trevor’s best friend but recently you found yourself leaning on the boy more as you were a mere fifteen minutes away from him.
What you didn’t know was that Jack was hosting poker night with some of his teammates “you gonna get that?” John furrowed his eyebrows as his attention was pulled to the sound of Jack’s phone ringing.
The Hughes boy flipped his phone over before he quickly answered it “hey y/n?” His voice was alarmed as he heard your tears “yeah I’ll be there in ten minutes just send me your location.” The hockey players that sat around the table all grew confused.
Before anyone could ask Jack realised the biggest problem “my car is in the shop!” He groaned quickly trying to call you back “I can drive you?” Nico offered still not knowing exactly where he was going.
And that was how the black Land Rover landed up in front of you as you sat on the sidewalk “Jackie?” Your voice was soft as the boy pulled his hoodie from his arms to give to you “c’mon.” Jack sighed helping you up as he ushered you to the car.
Nico smiled seeing you in the rear view as the car door opened “Neeks!” You gasped sending the boy a toothy grin.
It was safe to say that Jack was taken aback by your positive attitude towards his captain “I don’t remember you two being this friendly the last time I saw you.” Jack blurted out buckling up his seatbelt as you did the same.
You ran your tongue over your teeth “cappy over here has hinge.” You smirked as you had matched with him on the app a little over two weeks ago.
The two of you were doing well so far but tonight you two were meant to go out before the boy canceled last minute “see you found something else to do.” Nico’s voice was delicate but you didn’t miss how his hands squeezed the wheel.
Jack sat in his seat feeling like he was intruding as he stared at the road ahead “you coming back to mine princess?” The Hughes boy watched as your eyes never left his teammates “Nico coming with?” The look in your eyes was dangerous.
But like a moth to a flame Nico couldn’t help to soak in everything you said like it was nothing “go wherever you want me to.” The captain tapped his fingers on the dash as he was evidently calmer than before.
The remainder of the drive was quiet as Jack swore he was going to throw up watching you and Nico send each other those lingering glances.
And he thought would have gotten better as you two got upstairs but as you swirled your glass of whiskey Nico smiled as he listened to whatever Jack rambled on about an upcoming game.
His phone cut him off as it began to ring “I’ll be a sec.” Jack mumbled watching as you two nodded letting him leave into another room.
Nico didn’t take long to turn to you “you had a good time tonight?” It was clear that his jealousy was now raging again as he stared at your pretty little outfit.
You smirked “would have preferred being with you.” Your confession was clear as you used your hand to rub up his leg.
The gesture was soft but he knew all about your true intentions “at least you would have shown.” You smirked as his hand tensed around your wrist.
He sucked at his teeth “baby you gotta stop.” Nico warned “I don’t think I can behave in the way Jack is going to want me to.” His voice shook as his patience began to waver.
When you shut the gap between you both his breathing grew heavy “what are you gonna do when I tell you I don’t want you to behave.” Maybe it was the way he looked at you but as you pressed a kiss against the shell of his ear you felt like the most confident woman around “god you’re going to be the death of me.” Nico confessed turning his head to face yours “fuck you’re gorgeous.” He blurted out letting his lips go over yours as he kissed you.
It was hungry as the hockey player pulled you onto his lap “pretty little girl.” He blurted out taking the moment to breathe before his lips were back fighting with yours “didn’t think I was going to talk in on something.” Jack leaned against the frame of the door as he watched you pull your swollen lips away from his teammate.
The devilish grin was back on your face “if princess is okay with sharing.” Nico didn’t need to wait for your response as your eyes sparkled at the thought “you want the bedroom or would you rather have me fuck you on the couch?” His words sent shivers down your spine as his lips nipped at your neck.
Your brain melted as both options caused images to flash through your mind “bed, bed.” You blurted out nodding as Nico helped you off of his lap “let’s not keep you waiting then.” Jack smiled as you walked over to him.
The events that occurred between when you guys were in the living room and the time you landed up in his bedroom were ones that were a blur with your only memory being that it was causing your wetness to pool in your panties as both boys pressed this lips against you.
Now Jack always knew that you were hot, he had seen you in your bikini on more than one occasion and had even walked in on you showering once. Of course neither one of you spoke about it but you didn’t forget how his cock grew hard at the sight of you “how do you want us baby?” Nico asked as he helped pull your dress over your head leaving you in your blue matching underwear set.
You went to cover yourself when the captain stopped you “answer me.” He mumbled pressing a kiss against your lips.
The thought of how you wanted this to go made your brain melt “want you in my mouth first.” You blurted out making the Swiss man smirk.
He sent Jack a look that made him nod as both sets of boys shed their clothing making sure to only take yours off in a painfully slow pace “patience princess.” Jack cooed as you stood out of your panties “want to take our time with you.” He murmured making your body shiver.
Nico took the moment as Jack began thrusting his hand up his cock making sure that it was hard before he went to fuck you “such a pretty little baby.” Nico mumbled swiping his tongue over your lip as his hands when to the back of your bra.
You almost forgot that Jack was even there until the boy ran the tip of his cock over your clit letting it slide down your slit before his dick slid into your core “god!” You groaned grabbing at the older boys hands.
The Swiss man smiled as your face scrunched up “you enjoying that baby?” He asked watching you nod as he slowly lowered your face down to his own cock.
It made your mouth water seeing the swollen pink tip “be a good girl for me,” Nico’s words made you clench around Jack “fuck you like being called that?” Jack asked teaching down to grab your hips letting his hips steadily meet yours.
Your tongue swirled around Nico’s cock making the boy grunt “holy shit!” Nico let out a grunt when you looked up through your eyelashes as you took as much of his cock as you could making your eyes water.
Both boys shared a moment where they smirked as the sound of your cunt squelching erupted off of the walls of the room “think she knew what she was doing when she called you tonight?” Nico asked as he began to increase the pace of his thrusts when you gagged around his cock “of course.” Jack nodded bringing his hand down to your clit “such a little slut for us tonight.” He added letting his fingers apply harsh amounts of pressure to your sensitive nub.
The whine that fell from your lips was quickly swallowed by Nico’s cock as the sensations made him shiver “fuck her harder.” Nico ordered making your legs begin to shake “I’m not gonna last bro.” Jack warned as your pussy wrapped around his bare cock like you were made for him “this pussy is dangerous.” His head fell back as he warned the older boy.
Both boys could bare focus as the pleasure you made them feel had their brains melting. That was only fair given how they made you feel as Nico left your mouth full and Jack left your cunt warm “fuck.” Your words fell from your lips as Nico’s cock gave them a moment to come out.
Jack’s finger dug into your sides as he hoped that your orgasm would come first “you gonna be a good girl and take it all in your mouth?” Nico asked as he could barely keep his thrusts going.
All you could do was nod as his eyes screwed shut letting his load shoot into your mouth coating your tongue with his come “let me see that baby.” The hockey player held your head by your hair as he slid his cock out of your mouth.
You stuck your tongue out letting him see the white substance that sat there “such a good little girl.” Nico cooed pressing his lips together and before you can process what he is doing a string of saliva fall from his lips dropping until it lands on your tongue “swallow all that baby.” The hockey player ordered wrapping his hand around your throat as he felt his come and spit slide down your throat.
Jack couldn’t help but grow jealous at the intimate interaction that you had with his teammate causing him to raise his hand against your ass “Jack!” You moaned eyes screwed shut as Nico kissed your lips.
The younger boy began to see a white hue cast over his eyes as your cunt suffocated his cock “want to see how these pretty things taste.” The Swiss man smiled as he leaned out taking your nipple in his mouth as his fingers grazed over the other sensitive peak.
Jack’s hands held your waist up as you moaned letting your head fall back “fuck Neeks.” You cried as his free hand went back to teasing your clit “you close baby?” Jack asked forcing his cock deeper into your pussy.
You nodded as you turned your head to look at him “gonna come-” your announcement was cut off as his hand locked onto your jaw bringing your lips against his as he kissed you.
Both boys swore that it was the hottest sight as your body shook with whines trapped between your lips.
Jack couldn’t take it anymore as his chest went flush against your back with his movements of his cock beginning to sputter until he came “such a pretty girl.” He cooed watching in awe as his cock slid out of your cunt letting his come mix with yours as it oozed out.
Nico didn’t take long to send you a serious look “think you can handle one more?” His voice was delicate as his hand brushed through your slightly knotted hair “Neeks.” You nodded sending him a smile through heavy eyelids.
The boy was quick to bring you onto the bed with him “don’t think she’s gonna take it standing.” Nico pointed out as you straddled his hips “she’s gonna ride me like the pretty whore that she is.” He explained bringing his cock up to tease your clit before you let your hips drop against his.
Jack felt a sense of deja vu as he watched your face contort to the pleasure that his captain made you feel “open up baby.” Karl ordered tapping his already hard cock against your lip, you were planning on listening to him truly you were. But Jack seemed to believe that you hadn’t moved quick enough, so as your mouth formed an o as a rough moan left your lips the hockey player took that as the chance to force his dick into your mouth.
The sight was dirty, both boys seemed to have a common objective as they had a silent competition, who could make you come faster? Who could make you cry harder as their cock hit the back of your throat? Who was going to make you feel like you couldn’t walk tomorrow? All of those were questions that they wanted to know and by the end of the night they were going to have to have all three answers.
Sounds of Nico’s coarse grunts as his eyes didn’t leave your ass watching how your cunt swallowed his cock repeatedly driving your hips up and down as your hands grabbed at his legs “such a pretty girl” he cooed smirking at Jack who gripped at your hair forcing his cock further down your throat.
Jack didn’t mean to be jealous but you were meant to be his first not Nico’s. Yet as you looked up at Jack letting your eyes lock onto his through your eyelashes it seemed to wash away his worries “what would Z say if he saw you now?” The Hughes boy groaned as he felt your throat constrict around his cock.
Your cunt clenched around Nico “maybe she likes thinking about him seeing her as a dirty little slut?” Nico grunted squeezing your ass.
You couldn’t focus on your brother as the captain brought his other hand to your clit “you getting close princess?” Jack smirked seeing your legs begin to shake as Nico had to take control of the thrusts.
Your head bobbed as you nodded “fuck you’re such a perfect little girl.” The Swiss man cooed as his cock began to throb.
The boys noticed how your state turned fucked out as your brain turned cloudy “don’t stop,” Jack forced your throat to take all of him as he finally came.
He almost hunched over as your tongue swirled around his cock sucking him dry “fucking hell baby.” Jack whined letting your hair out of his hands as the sweaty hair stuck to the back of your neck.
His cock pulled out of your mouth letting you swallow his load “now be a good girl for Nico.” He ordered bringing his lips down to yours so that he could kiss you.
As Jack’s tongue slid over your lip Nico had to remain focused on making sure that you came before him “right there Neeks,” you groaned leaning back as your head fell back.
The younger boy took that as the opportunity to bring his lips to your breast “fuck Jack!” You cried as his tongue swirled around your sensitive peak “you like it when we fuck you like that?” Nico asked feeling your cunt squeeze his cock.
It was the way that it hadn’t let up on his dick for the last few minutes that made Nico think that you were close “please let me come.” You begged not fully understanding the thoughts in your brain.
Jack laughed as he looked up at you “gotta try harder than that.” He clicked his tongue locking his hand around your jaw “I’ll be your good girl Neeks.” You offered grinding against the older boy.
The Hughes boy couldn’t even get upset watching your eyes screw shut “let the neighbours hear you.” Jack one ought his lips back to your nipple.
That was what sent you over the edge “shit shit shit!” You cried feeling your body writhe above Nico and against Jack.
The captains orgasm came shortly after yours “there we go baby.” Nico cooed slowly helping your hips move through your high.
You swore you were going to collapse when Jack helped you up placing your body onto the soft sheet “such a pretty little girl.” The Hughes boy rubbed his hand on your leg.
As you lay there Jack watched your come ooze out of your cunt “not so fast princess.” He shook his head using two fingers to force it back into your pussy “fuck Jack!” You groaned as Nico brushed your hair to the side “you okay baby?”
The question lingered on your mind until your phone rang so naturally you leaned over to see who was calling you “you okay baby?” Nico repeated his words as your eyes went wide.
Why the fuck was Trevor calling you?
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digitalro · 2 months
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After curfew
monoma x reader
The summer breeze was cool that night, you and Monoma were sneaking back into the dorms from the training gym.
This started when a couple of weeks ago, the two of you managed to somehow sneak out to the gym at around the same time.
To avoid snitching on each other, you struck a deal, both of you would sneak out and use the place after hours but neither of you will speak about it.
"Sorry my words were beyond your brain capacity. As expected of a class A student. Let me explain it to you in a language you understand.”
If there was something impressive about Monoma, it’s how he’s held his one-sided beef with class A since you were first years at U.A academy.
You sighed and told him to go on, having had enough of his bullshit already and decided to close your eyes and pray lightning strikes him then and there.
He smiled then cleared his throat, “OOH OOH AH AH!” He mimicked a monkey, jumping around you until it irked you enough to bump his shoulders.
Satisfied with your reaction, he laughed as he got pushed from the path.
Sometimes it took all the willpower in you to not straight up snitch to an instructor, even if it meant getting yourself in trouble because that’s how much he got on your nerves.
You pulled out your phone from your pocket. “That’s it, I’ve held out for too long you polly pocket. I’m telling Mr. Aizawa.”
He laughed, coming back on track and walking backwards to face you. “Tell him what? that YOU have been training after curfew?” He shook his head and clicked his tongue, “I thought you were smarter than that.”
Right as you were going to retort, you suddenly tripped over something and fell face first. You grunted with your face still on the grass.
Once he made sure you were fine, he pointed at you. "Ha! You can't even walk righ-" his sentence was cut off by you pulling him by the ankle, causing him to slip and fall as well.
He hissed and looked back at you but before he could open his big mouth, you placed one hand over his mouth. His eyes widened, you used your free hand to point towards the figure you had just seen in the distance.
It was one of the instructors patrolling around the dorms. They were far enough and barely within hearing distance, but you were still at risk of being seen.
He then acknowledged what was going on and crouched further, getting closer to you.
While the two of you were shuffling around, he accidentally stepped on your hand that was on the ground. You slightly quirked up and let out a shriek that was quickly muffled by his hand on your mouth, simultaneously dragging you onto him.
You glared up at the blond and used both of your hands to lift his off, “I will feed you Mineta’s shit if it’s the last thing I do.”
He scoffed out a laugh. "I would've loved doing it on purpose but I promise I didn't mean to." He whispered, looking down at you. It was then when you noticed how close the two of you were.
It seemed he had too because he suddenly felt a pang in his heart, you looked pretty under the moonlight. The distance between you suddenly made him conscious.
Of course though, he would rather die than admit that or acknowledge whatever he just felt. "What? are you taking in how beautiful I am?"
You thought for a second, he honestly wasn't wrong. Him with the moon behind him gave you a different look on him. His hair was gently blown by the wind and blue eyes looked calmer than ever, his cocky smile that he wore strangely seemed rather beautiful than annoying.
The longer you stared, the more you realized he wasn’t too bad of a looker, and the more nervous he got. It was fun to you. "Sort of. You're pretty when you shut that built-in bullshit radio of yours."
"Huhhh? You don't- what are you saying. I am gorgeous but- shut up! And I DON'T have a built in radio!" He stammered, barely above a whisper, unable to form coherent sentences.
Although it was dark, you could definitely tell his face reddened a thousand shades.
You laughed lowly then turned your head and rose up enough to peek over the grassy top, praying you were just paranoid and the two of you wouldn’t be found out, and luck was surely on your side that night.
You heaved a sigh of relief and got back to your previous position, only this time you misplaced your foot and ended up falling back, but not before grabbing Monoma by the shirt and tumbling down the little hill with him.
He instinctively grabbed your hand that you pulled him with and guarded your head with his other hand.
The both of you landed at the bottom, tangled and messy. He was spread on the ground with you on top, one of your legs on his stomach while your head was down on the grass beside his.
Neither of you moved for a while. All you could focus on was the sound of the little river flowing behind you.
“I know I’m irresistible but you can get off of this free bed now your majesty.” He attempted a snarky remark to build back his confidence and steady his voice, only faltering a little.
But he made no effort whatsoever to actually get you off of him. Frankly, he didn’t find it too bad being there with you, but he also didn’t want you being the first to say anything.
“Shut up.” You groaned, rolling completely off of him, but your hand still remained in his. Neither one of you dared to remove it.
And there the two of you laid sprawled on the grass doing nothing but catching your breaths for a couple of minutes.
You turned your head to look at him. You've never seen him so serene, doing nothing but heaving.
He looked back at you and quirked an eyebrow.
"You act so bold for being such a flustered wittle princess."
The blond didn't instantly have a witty comeback but just started laughing instead.
“Me? Flustered! Ha, you’re funny. That’s why your hand’s still in mine, you germ.” He teased, even though he was more than partially responsible for that and the fact he actually liked it.
You retracted it from his newly loosened grip. “How could I when it was oh so securely grasped between your delicate fingers.”
He scoffed humorously, turning to look back up at the sky. "You're so annoying. It makes me laugh, looks like you actually have a talent for something." He said in between chuckles. "Dimwit."
You couldn't help but start laughing too. "That's why I won the team battle and you didn’t. Shitface."
And every little thing that night seemed to share the same humorous sentiment.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ A/N ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
first post on here! hi. this is my second work ever, sorry if the writing’s wonky ^^.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
ToA Fic Recs!!!
Tag List: @itscharliebabey
I probably forgot a LOT but these are the ones I tracked down via bookmarks and frantic searches upon realizing they Were Not bookmarked rip 😔
Apollo & His Kids
A Heart Heavy With Memories by @summerbummin
After reclaiming his godhood, Apollo visits his children often, and on one of those visits he tells them about their mortal parents. He shows them memories of their time together. And ends up reminiscing a little more than he bargained for.
How I Met Your Mother(s and Fathers) by NebuchadnezzarII
Around the Cabin Seven table, Apollo tells each of his six children how he met their parents.
Through The Son's Eyes by @literallyjusttoa
A journey through Asclepius' relationship with his dad, from Ancient Greece to modern day.
demand nothing less (than transformation) by tissuebocks
Dad is quiet for a moment, stroking her hair. Then, with a surge of his usual flamboyant excitement: “At what time is your date?” Kayla blinks. She pulls back a little to look at Dad. He’s still a little blurry from the tears, but she feels much calmer now. “He’s picking me up at six. …Why?” Dad’s eyes—cobalt blue—sparkle. Literally. “We’re going to dress you to the nines.” (or: apollo loves his daughter. he also loves fashion. even better is when the two intersect.)
Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Naomi Solace is performing at a black tie event, and neither her son nor his boyfriend know much about formalwear. Day 2: Black Tie Event
Fatal Flaw
Every demigod had one, and every demigod had their trial where they had to face it head on and hope they had the strength to defeat it before it defeated them. Day 24: Injuries Beyond Healing
A Right To Emotions
Apollo had abandoned his son when he needed him, and the worst thing was that he’d never realised until Nico told him. Day 30: Forgiveness In A New Day
Childhood, Or A Lack Thereof
Demigods grow up too fast. Day 23: How long does youth last for?
Memories of Sunflowers
He first met his dad in a field of sunflowers. Day 2: Alone in a Sunflower Field
Shuttered Heart
Apollo loves fiercely and his losses hit all the harder for it. It's a trait his children inherit.
Daughter of Archery
If there’s one thing Kayla knows, it’s archery. Day 17: Perfection Is A Must
Apollo & Meg
Movie Night by @falconfrost
Meg and Apollo attend a midnight horror movie showing. Everyone likes clowns, right?
yesteryear by @m-arnie-xx
yesteryear (noun) — last year or the recent past, especially as nostalgically recalled; often a period in the past with a set of values or a way of life that no longer exists. Or, There is eighteen hours, thirty-five minutes, and nine seconds, between when Meg last sees Apollo, and when Artemis sends a sign to Camp Half-Blood to tell them that he has survived and defeated Python.
lesterlicious by apopcornkernel
yazz_ • 1 week ago This dude is straight up LARPing as the god Apollo or something 4.7K likes REPLY View 25 replies
Meg & Apollo's Highly Limited Roadtrip Playlist by Curioser
Fourteen hundred miles. Four radio stations. Two friends trying hard not to kill each other, or to acknowledge the fact that in less than a week, they may never see each other again. And Lizzo. So much Lizzo.
visions of beasts by UKULELEchildren
Suddenly, a figure appeared in the dark haze. A vague smudge of purple appeared. His cloak. “No.” I whispered. “You’re dead.” What would Meg have visions about?
Apollo & Olympus
Beneath the Rhododendrons by Lepidopterrain
Carefully, she slipped past the hyacinths that had popped up around the bush like a small protective wall. They'd been the only reason she'd looked down at that spot really, and noticed the flash of gold curls amongst the pinks, reds, and purples of the rhododendrons. Artemis let her fingers linger on the petals of one of the small little guardian flowers, just for a moment. She'd never been sure if her brother had noticed just how little control he actually had over hyacinths, for a flower that was supposedly 'his.' She suspected Demeter and Persephone knew, if anyone. But neither goddess had deigned to talk of such matters with Artemis. Perhaps for the best, Artemis wasn't really sure what she would've said if they had tried to bring the subject up. There's a very good chance she wouldn't tried to shoot one of them and then escape while they were distracted. Emotions weren't her forte. She was grown enough to admit it. 
The Older Twin
Apollo could lie all he wanted, Artemis was the older one. She’d never felt that as keenly as she did now. Day 26: Missing You
Third Strike
Zeus loved Apollo, once. His favourite son, his golden child. His greatest threat. Day 19: And So The Sun Sets
Ancient Greece
A Sun's Forgiveness by @hazardous-lightdas12
“Mortals die Artemis,” Apollo whispers. “Their lives will forever wax and wane. Like the moon. The ebb and flow of Uncle Poseidon’s waves. But us. We are eternal. You must remember that.” Her brother sounds like he has said the words to himself too many times. – Apollo does not scream when the lightning bolt strikes him. -- Alt Summary: Fathers make mistakes sometimes. Hippolytus’ father has made the teensy, easily understandable and forgivable mistake of beheading his son due to unproven and untrue allegations. Artemis grieves. Apollo tries to make everything all better, and somehow ends up making everything worse. . Zeus is so good at daddying! Admetus worries about the logistics of cow-herding
Of ravens and songbirds by Cassiethewriter
The godling whimpered and fought, and Python refused to let the hiss of frustration fall out. “Quite understandable, too.” He said, coils growing tighter and making the godling cough again. “Poor fair Leto being hunted by the issued Hera, the Queen of Olympus and the only child raised by Rhea. You heard of Leto’s suffering from day one, and sought to bring justice to it. Very brave and god-like.” Python snorted again. “But I’m afraid this is where you myths start— and end. Right here, right now. Like a moth to the sun.” Or, The battle with Python.
Party On Olympus (gone wrong)
Mother’s hand was holding onto him firmly. Probably to stop Hermes from running down the hall and around the finely carved pillars decorating the sides of the palace. Despite the fact that if he were a mortal he would not even be walking yet, he already got himself into trouble recently.
Puppies (and why they can fix anything)
"Aww look at the puppy!” He raced forward, voice an octave higher than usual. As is normal when speaking to such an adorable creature.
Apollo & His Lovers
Naomi Solace
thinking about it, had a breakthrough by @thesungod
“I’m Naomi Solace!” “Okay?” “The singer?” Fred shakes his head, a smug smile on his lips. “Never heard of you.” “As Long As The Sun Shines? It was number 1 on the billboard for like, a month!” Hating herself, she starts mouthing the melody. There’s no way this asshole doesn’t know her stupid song. Naomi Solace meets an arrogant, young producer that she really wants to kick in the balls. Unfortunately, he seems to know what he’s doing.
Solar Powered by @curseofdelos (:D Glad to see you reblogged this hehe here's a tag :3)
Apollo, god of music, was how he had introduced himself. Naomi had assumed he was joking, and he didn't correct her. She had dated musicians and poets before. They all had an ego, and those same words would not have felt out of place from either of her exes. She merely downgraded Apollo from potential boyfriend to potential fling, and didn't think twice about it. Now though…. Now her son could heal wounds with a single touch, and her world was tipping on its axis.
Plaything of the Gods - Daphne's Story by @the-primordial-archivist
When Apollo finally decided to wear a crown, it was her leaves that topped his head. But it wasn’t just he who wore her branches. Winners had her leaves on them too. Laurels. The symbol of victory.
You make a fool of death with your beauty (and for a moment, I forgot to worry) by @ukelele-boy
Sometimes as a god you lose track of time. With all his prophetic powers, Apollo never saw it coming.
His Flowers byshotar1s
Meg notices her servant, Apollo, is quieter than usual. Oh, the flowers in his hands explain why.
I Woo The Asgardian Hipster God by ladanse
"Another time, in a Stockholm tavern, I met this god who was smoking hot, except his talking sword just would not shut up." -The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan
Conversations (regarding a certain half-brother) by Phoenixrising007
Walking out of the council meeting Ares did his best to make sense of what just happened. Apollo was there. Back just like Athena said he would be. She won the blasted bet. Again.
The Sun
Apollo plays the role of an idiot well enough that often, it’s forgotten that he’s one of the most powerful gods - and one of the most wrathful. #140: Setting Heaven on Fire
Seven Days and Seven Nights
A warning, a storm, and Will’s world gets flipped upside-down. Day 11: Storming
Secrets of the Sun by @sierice and beta'd by @ukelele-boy
“No, that kid is too similar to me… way too similar... Almost like he’s…” Apollo’s eyes widened. “Like he’s you from the future?” Persephone finished. Dionysus asked incredulously, “You don’t seriously think that right? There’s no way you would ever dare to look like that!” --------------------------  This is literally just a Trials of Apollo reading the books fic. Hope you enjoy!
time eats all his children by IzzyMRDB
There is something sickly in the passage of time. Time is a rot. A disease or a plague, a festering in your very being that blurs the past until it is tainted with the present. Until the present is tainted with the future. The Greeks were well aware of this sickness, for all their depictions of time, while divine, were also rotted. AKA Apollo is the god least touched by the passage of time, yet the one most affected by it. There's so much of the present that he could change. AKA Time Travel with Post-TOA Apollo
Flowers For Apollo by @soleil-in-retrograde
As far as Lester Papadopoulos was concerned, he was seventeen years old and lived at home with his elderly mother just outside of Tampa. He had a(n older? younger? twin?) sister who visited regularly and a baby sister(?) in California who called him her dummy and would help out with his mother's garden when she visited and he was teaching piano to. He also had a myriad of cousins who went to a camp up north he wrote constantly. He didn't know what he wanted to do with the life stretching in front of him. ----- The God Apollo has a bad habit of not telling people when something is wrong. It doesn't help he doesn't quite remember until it's too late. It's not his fault.
Over The Palisade by @aeithalian
This was an old dream. He’d had it many times before. Jerry, standing before the Roman Senate.  Mars, waving his hand. A lyre, appearing on Jerry’s arm.  Jerry’s prophecy: “Crowns will fall to ash.”  Jupiter, standing between the new augur and a towering statue of himself.  Apollo, standing between his father and his son.  Olympus, Apollo on his knees, trembling, electricity jumping over his arms. A stranger’s face, dark and stony. He says something, but the words are quiet.  The doors of the Palace of the Sun. Chained shut.  Or: Apollo has been missing for two and a half years, and there may or may not be an impending apocalypse.
Sunrise by IcyDreams_and_FieryWishes
At 10,000 years of age, Apollo falls to Chaos. With the last of his strength, he sends his memories through the fabric of Space-Time. At 1 day of age, Apollo refuses to let the story be the same as last time. Vi Va La Revolution. SkyFall: Season 1, Arc 1- The Rising Sun. In which Apollo lives through his early life, forming alliances and rewriting mythological history while striving to keep his siblings and family safe from threats outside and within their home. Will he succeed? Or will Fate prevail once more? One thing is for sure, Apollo remembers. And he will take his vengeance.
THE MUST-READ Eclipse!!!!!!
According to the prophecy, Will has to go to on a quest to Tartarus. According to Apollo, that isn’t going to happen, even if it means he has to break the Ancient Laws.
The Stolen God is a ToA/MCatGoA crossover!
Python is defeated. The prophecies are restored, and Nero has fallen. Apollo has not been seen since. His trials are over; why isn’t he back on Olympus?
Memories of Godly Selfishness
Chapter 1: Apollo and Meg watch Apollo's interactions with the demigods (and Grover) in Blood of Olympus and the Singer of Apollo. They don't like what they see. Chapter 2: Apollo, Meg, and Percy watch the fight with Otis and Ephialtes in Mark of Athena. Apollo gains new perspective on gods’ relationships with demigods. Chapter 3: Apollo, Meg, and Annabeth watch the final battle against Kronos and the aftermath, with a surprise guest later on. Chapter 4: Apollo and Meg watch “Welcome to Camp Half-Blood”. Apollo gives a long over-due apology. Chapter 5: Side Story - Satyr School: Apollo teaches some young satyrs. Chapter 6: Apollo, Meg, Thalia, and Will watch Thalia's and Luke's encounter with a certain son of Apollo.
A Convergence of Apollos
Percy had been hoping for a quiet afternoon celebrating Grover's birthday with him. Then Apollo arrived, and their peaceful afternoon got a lot less peaceful. It got even weirder when two kids popped out of thin air who both seemed to know him.
Apollo & The Aftermath
The Roman emperors and Python have been defeated, the oracles reclaimed, and Apollo restored to godhood. He's having somewhat of a hard time adjusting to being back among the gods, which is understandable after his six-month grow-a-conscience speedrun. But something else is rotten in the state of Olympus, and before it can really feel like home, it's going to require some serious renovation.
The Tail of A Pollo
The hunt for the Teumessian Fox hasn't been going great, but thanks to a new prophecy (of sorts), it looks like Apollo may be key to aiding the Hunters of Artemis in the beast's defeat. In like, a super badass, heroic way, of course. Actually, on second thought, maybe just imagine the monster's defeat in your head. You definitely don't have to read this. I'm certain you get the gist of it already. You can simply exit this tab real quick, no biggie. Have a lovely day!
Bad Sons by @thesungod
Hades turned to the demigods that were still kneeling. “I need to speak with Will Solace,” he said to the shocked room, in the tone he could have used to say “I came to ask if one of you could lend me a pen.” “Alone,” the god added after a moment, staring right at Nico. Or, Will and Nico go on the stupidest quest ever. And it’s all Apollo’s fault.
Fall of The Sun
Five times Apollo fainted and one time he didn't.
The Trials of Apollo: The Forgotten Acres
When their truck breaks down on the way to New York, Apollo and Meg get a few days of downtime in a refuge called the Forgotten Acres. While there, Apollo confronts a decision he's been putting off for weeks, and finds that it's one of the hardest choices he's ever had to make.
Kill The Sun
Even restored to godhood, Apollo still wants to be around his friends and mortal family, even at the risk of Zeus'...dissatisfaction. This is the four times Apollo got away with helping his demigods and the one time he didn't.
Mourning Sun changed my brain chemicals
Percy has the Chalice and all he has left to do is hand it over to Ganymede. Then he notices Ganymede might not be the only one being mistreated by Zeus. Apollo's at brunch, too.
the grace of gods is a grace that comes by violence by @californiannostalgia
Were I That Burning Star, the first fic in the series, is an absolute Must Read imo
An old panic gripped me—the breathless fear of being forgotten, being lost. Would anyone remember me when I was gone? Would someone think to lay a flower down on my grave and say some fond nothings like, “Was a pretty cool guy, that Lester,” while wiping off a single dramatic tear rolling down their cheek? Oh, who was I kidding. So what if no one remembered? There wasn’t much I was proud to be remembered by anyway. After defeating Python and bringing down Nero, Phoebus Apollo reclaims his godhood. He is glorious once more. But for some reason, he can't quite make himself go back to how things were before. (A Character Study of Various Gods, including but not limited to: Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Hephaestus, Dionysus, and maybe Zeus)
Gods' Eye View by @flightfoot
Carefully, I picked out Apollo’s string. It glowed vibrantly, as the strings of all divine beings do. Mine most brilliantly of all, of course, though Apollo’s always seemed to be trying to outshine it. I firmly grasped hold of it, matching its own glow with my own. Slowly, I exerted my will, my power, pressing my radiance against the manifestation of Apollo’s, slowly increasing my light until it overpowered his. Yet, it resisted me, its glow strengthening, refusing to surrender. I grit my teeth. “I am Zeus, King of the Gods, and your father. Submit to me.” ----- Zeus tries to turn Apollo into a mortal. It does not go as well as he expected. That only incenses him further.
The Hidden Oracle+1 spin-offs by @garecc
Artemis falls to earth with Apollo in the hidden Oracle. Flames streamed off her body as she fell. Features sibling banter, protective Artemis, and far too many headcanons. ON AN INDEFINITE HAITUS.
rip hiatus😔
Memories of Dust and Gold by @moodyseal holds lots a variety of fics!
Companion Fics
The Healing Sun by ReadTheBooks. Companion to Eclipse
You are Asclepius. You are 9 and just want to help people. Your father is kind, and warm, and you love him dearly. Or, a look at a relationship hindered by loss but persevering through love. Asclepius and Apollo throughout the ages.
Other, But During ToA
A Single Drachma by @tsarinatorment, podfic by @stereden
Alone. Injured. Hunted. Michael doesn’t know where he is, but he knows he’s running out of time, and he’s only got one shot at calling for help. He’s got to make it count.
In Dreams by @m-arnie-xx
Zoe did not like Lord Apollo. He was too arrogant, too vain, and flirted with her and her fellow hunters incessantly. He always appeared in their camp at the most inconvenient times, offering archery tips that no one wanted and being a persistent source of annoyance to Lady Artemis near constantly. Zoe did not like Lord Apollo, but sometimes, when Zoe asked a Hunter how they knew something they couldn’t have possibly found out by themselves, and they told her about their dream, she would look up at the sun, and she would wonder… or Zoe did not get demigod dreams… until she did.
Hunger Games AUs
Bloody Eclipse by AmeliaAndreas3
The Sun Must Go On by @please-help-this-little-lesbian
The Golden Gates by SAM_42
Still The Mockingjay Won't Sing by SunnySky_11
The Copollo Masterlist - Collection of Ao3 & FF.net fics of Apollo & Commodus </3 Trainwreck beloved
And of you'd like, my fics:
The Works of Apollo - Canon Compliant Fics!
Alder's Mess of ToA AUs - AUs!
Adventures in (Grand)Parenting: Featuring Koios - My obsession with Koios spawned this!
The Crew of Dodona - Pirate AU! Random fic ideas written whenever the itch strikes!
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milaisreading · 1 year
Crossdresser!Y/N having a bunch of fangirls flocking them when there out in shibuya post U-20 match, and the other bluelock players getting jealous
🌱🩷: thanks for the request! Here u go, I hope u like it🫶🏻
Warnings: Reader is she/her, just crossdressing as a guy. The boys address her as he/him tho. Requests for this series are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
"Can you two stop daydreaming and concentrate?" (Y/n) and Isagi looked at each other, then watched as Ego scolded Bachira and Otoya for not listening to him.
"They can be funny at times." (Y/n) noted with a soft smile as Isagi agreed, laughing a little as they went to warm up. The stadium was already filling up with people, which made the Blue Lock team more nervous, even the ones who were usually more confident or laid back.
'I hope my parents aren't here...' (Y/n) thought as she stretched. Isagi looked over at his training buddy, a little bit concerned for the way she was acting.
"Everything alright?"
"Oh? Yeah, I am fine. Just pre-game jitters." (Y/n) said simply as Isagi raised an eyebrow.
"You sure? I have seen how you act during the 2nd and 3rd selection, even during the game against the World 5. You were a lot calmer than you are now."
'Busted!' (Y/n) flinched.
"Well... I am just hoping my parents won't be here... or my brothers."
Isagi tensed up a little, having heard about the strikers family weeks ago. They left a sour taste in his mouth, the way they forced his friend to be someone she wasn't.
"Don't worry." (Y/n) looked up at Isagi he held his hand in front of her.
"They won't come near you. You have the team and me to protect you." The girl smiled at the ace, not regretting letting him in on her secrets... even the one about her crossdressing.
'Isagi.' She was about to grab the boy's hand, when another's hand grabbed hers and quickly pulled her up.
"Gagamru?! You scared me!" (Y/n) shrieked at the goalkeeper, who nervously smiled at her.
"Sorry, but we need to get in line." The goalkeeper said, ignoring the glares he was getting from Isagi.
'Serves you right for hogging all of (Y/n's attention. He should be focusing on me- I mean, the game!' Gagamaru thought as he let go of her hand.
"Let's go you all. Ego will be on our asses if we don't hurry up." Otoya said lazily as he grabbed one of (Y/n)'s shoulders.
"Oh? Yeah, you guys might be right-"
The striker spoke, and then got interrupted by a bunch of screams from the benches.
"What even?!" Isagi yelled in surprise as the four saw a group of girls waving at them.
"Does anyone know them?" Gagamaru wondered.
"No... maybe those are your fangirls, Otoya-" but Isagi's suspicions proved to be wrong as the girls finally yelled out (Y/n)'s name.
The (h/c) haired girl was left in utter shock and embarrassment as he heard the girls, trying to laugh it off nervously. But Otoya and Isagi, who were agitated by the words took each of the striker's arms and started pulling him away from the girls, Gagamaru was left behind to send them a distasteful look.
'What a group of weirdos... (Y/n) deserves better.' The goalkeeper thought.
'No way will I let a bunch of nobodies get to him...' Otoya's glare deepened.
'I will protect you, (Y/n).' Isagi thought, deciding to make some small talk as they approached Niko, Chigiri, and Karasu, who heard the commotion and were all equally annoyed.
"Oi, donkey." Barou approached the group, scowling at the (h/c) haired striker.
"Focus on the game. Not the girls." Barou said, sounding a little jealous as he got out of Otoya and Isagi's grips.
"You act like I asked for the attention." The girl rolled her eyes.
"Stop being mean to (Y/n)-kun, Barou. It's really unwarranted." Bachira said with an agitated smile.
"Yeah, tyrant king. Come on, (Y/n)-kun, I should tie your hair before the game starts." Chigiri said excitedly, pulling the girl to the benches.
"Slow down, Chigiri." The girl warned as Niko trailed after them.
"Can I brush your hair?" The youngest asked timidly as Otoya and Bachira ran after the trio. This left both Isagi and Barou staring down at each other.
"What are you trying to do, donkey? (Y/n) has been my partner since day one, why are you so fixated on having her for yourself?" Barou whispered the last part, fully aware that Isagi was the only other player who knew (Y/n)'s secret.
"You might have been her partner during the 1st selection... but don't forget who she picked in the 2nd and 3rd. She picked me, and I would pick her as my partner any day. Besides, king, she trusts me with way more secrets than you." Isagi said smugly as Barou grew more and more agitated.
'Just what does he mean by that?!'
After the game ended with Blue lock's clear win, the team was given a few weeks off and they decided to spend one day together in Shibuya... well, nearly all of them. Hiori, Kurona, Nanase, and Niko sadly couldn't join them. And Rin flat out refused after everything went down. After the attention he should have gotten from his brother went towards Isagi and (Y/n), the captain couldn't stand being around them for a while. But, the duo paid him no mind, too lost in their own world.
The day itself started off calmly, as they all went to a nearby arcade, and everyone was lost in some form of game. (Y/n) was playing a dance game with Yukimiya, Karasu and Otoya as a group of girls approached them... well, they were more there for the (h/c) haired striker.
"E-excuse me." (Y/n) tensed up as someone pulled on her hoodie and she turned to look at one of the girls.
"Can... can we take a few pictures with you, (L/n)-kun? We are huge fans!" The blonde girl and her friends nodded their heads. Shyly, the striker nodded her head, still a little uncomfortable with all the attention.
'Wonder how this will end once it comes out I am girl.' She thought as each girl took a picture with her.
Meanwhile, Karasu, Otoya and Yukimiya stared at them in jealousy. Nobody should have the striker's attention now, except for them that is. Karasu pouted as one of the girls touched the other's hair, complimenting as to how soft it was.
'Stop touching him!'
Otoya's eye twitched as another girl asked (Y/n) what her ideal type was.
'Definitely not you.'
Yukimiya fixed his glasses as another girl how the two of them would make a beautiful couple.
'Absolutely not.'
The trio looked at each other and nodded their head. They made their way to the group, then Karasu and Otoya stood on either side of the flustered striker as Yukimiya decided to stand protectively in front of him.
"I am so sorry, but we need to go now." The model said as politely as possible as Karasu and Otoya started dragging her away while a satisfied Yukimiya followed after them.
"That... that was quite something..." (Y/n) laughed nervously as the trio softly smiled at his laugh.
"Yeah, it was~" The trio said.
The 2nd incident during the day happened at
a local karaoke bar in Shibuya. It was a pure coincidence that Chigiri opened one of the rooms of the karaoke bar, only to find the U-20 team inside. So now Chigiri, Bachira and Isagi were having either some sort of arguments with them or trying to calm everyone down... well, more like Isagi and Miroku were.
"Aiyah... what a day..." (Y/n) muttered as she watched everything unfold from the outside, when a door from behind her slammed open, revealing to her surprise two enraged women yelling at someone inside.
'What the hell?!' She thought, shaking a little as the women kept on yelling, not noticing her and the others staring at them in disbelief. They didn't look older than 20 by (Y/n)'s observation, then she turned to look around the hallway. And to her horror, everyone was looking at them.
"P-please, calm down." (Y/n) started speaking softly, causing the two women to stop and look at her on confusion.
"I... I am sure whoever is inside did mess up, but they aren't worth your yelling or anger." The girl said nervously, hoping she didn't offend them.
"Huh?" The shorter haired girl stopped for a moment, observing the striker's face. The long haired one widened her eyes for a moment and walked up to (Y/n).
"You are that striker from Blue Lock? (L/n)-kun?"
"Uhm? Ye-yes, ma'am." She said nervously and bowed. The two women squealed at that and were now on each side of her.
"The goal was amazing! The way you knew your way around the U-20 team was very interrupted to watch."
"Why didn't you give an interview? We would have loved listening to you!"
"A-ah... there was nothing much for me to say... besides, Isagi was the one who brought us victory." (Y/n)'s face flushed from how close the two women were and she backed away a little.
"So humble~" The sighed dreamily.
"How are you still single?"
"Well-" (Y/n)'s words got interrupted as Bachira wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling the girl closer to him as Chigiri and Isagi tried to play it nicely while shielding her from the two girls.
"Please don't make (Y/n) nervous... he is very shy around girls." Chigiri smiled as kindly as possible, but inside he was fuming.
'Back off.'
Bachira kept quiet, but intensely stared at the two older girls as his grip around (Y/n) tightened.
'My monster won't allow any of you to take him from me.'
Isagi was the only one somewhat calm, as he knew that (Y/n) wasn't looking for anyone yet. But the starstruck gazes she was receiving from the two were quite annoying.
'She is my training partner...'
The 3rd incident that day happened at a nearby bowling alley, where the Blue Lock team and U-20 team agreed to have a final friendly match for the day. Although (Y/n) wasn't much found of the sport, she agreed anyways as the boy's were excited for another friendly match. During the preparations, Aryu, Tokimitsu and her walked into Barou, who was bowling by himself as a group of girls was watching him.
"Barou? What are you doing here? I didn't know you were a bowling freak." (Y/n) asked in amusement as Tokimitsu panicked a little from the irritated stare Barou was sending the trio.
"Shut your mouth! I just like playing it from time to time."
"Now now, Barou. Yelling at someone as glam as (Y/n)-kun isn't really nice." Aryu sent him a warning glare.
"Yeah... it's really unwarranted." Tokimitsu added in, and to (Y/n)'s surprise he didn't stutter.
"It's ok, you two. I don't mind."
"How I speak with my training partner is none of your concern, Aryu." Barou said calmly as Aryu glared at him more.
"P-please calm down. We shouldn't fight in front of him." Tokimitsu warned them and the two looked at him for a moment.
"You are right..." Aryu sighed and flipped his hair.
"I can't lose my cool in front of (Y/n)-kun. He looks up to me-"
"He does not." Barou rolled his eyes. Tokimitsu sighed and looked back at (Y/n), only for his face to fall as he saw the girl's surrounding her. They were either asking him quite personal questions or just asking for a picture. Aryu and Barou's looks also fell a little as they saw the scene. Neither of the 3 liked this. After all, (Y/n) was their teammate. The trio looked at each other and nodded their heads, deciding to save the obviously uncomfortable striker from that mess.
"That was an eventful day." (Y/n) yawned as her, Nagi and Reo were on the train back home. The two looked at each other and nodded their heads.
"It was quite fun, but I think you should sleep for a bit. We still have a long way till we get home." Reo suggested as (Y/n) slowly nodded her head. Nagi used the opportunity and pulled his friend closer to himself. The duo watched as the striker slowly fell asleep.
"Reo... do you think we are losing him to Isagi?" Nagi mused as Reo frowned at that. Although he didn't like what Nagi said, he couldn't deny the close bond (Y/n) now shared with Isagi.
"I think so... but, we need to bring an end to this." Reo concluded as Nagi slowly nodded his head.
"We didn't spend all this time stealing those love letter aimed at him, and shooing fangirls away, just for us to lose him." Reo said, looking down at the sleeping striker.
"We need to make him remember who his actual partners are." Nagi grumbled, his hold on (Y/n) tightening.
"We need to see how close he is with Isagi... I need to know why it looks like Isagi knows more about (Y/n) than we do. Then, we can start destroying whatever bond they share." Reo concluded as Nagi slowly nodded his head.
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