#but cassie loves to torture us so even then idk
belle-keys · 1 year
how do you think the Secret Tragic Ending for chot would have went down? bc it's so so interesting to me and i really want to read it one day but i also have 12-year-old Edgier = Better disease so im not sure if there's a way it could've been realistically pulled off without devolving into death for the sake of death
I mean, for me, I generally like tragedy in fiction and find that a certain tragedy often (but not always) makes for a really poignant ending? Idk, take what I say with several grains of salt. I actively search for works that fall under the MCD tag in my different fandoms on AO3... hah. My favorite fanfiction of all time involves a scene with a meat grinder. I like happy endings too, sure, but the Epilogue in Chain of Thorns was far too idyllic for it to be satisfying for me personally. I don't hate it, in fact I loved the general story in ChoT even if I didn't like certain decisions Cassie made with some of the characters, but the Epilogue was way too Cinderella, way too Bridgerton, for me to find that it worked in the overall framework.
I've been of the opinion that TLH was supposed to be super duper dark based on the tone and setup of the pre-ChoG short stories anyway. I mean, at least in reference to James. If I were to extrapolate, I'd say that Cordelia was always going to get a reasonable or optimistic ending. But as I was telling @amchara yesterday, I feel like James was supposed to be a bit of a ragdoll. Not cursed, but "damned" and "destined to walk among thorns and flowers". It always felt like Cassie wanted to or had planned to make him suffer unimaginably without actually having him, Lucie, Will, or Tessa harmed.
I assume what was going to happen was that Kit was going to die the way he did i.e. protecting someone. I feel like Thomas would have died in the big battle. And I feel like Matthew was supposed to be the final punch: maybe he'd die getting his Marks stripped as a "consequence" of the potion business. I believe the element of sacrifice was always going to be a much more important than it was in ChoT, since almost no sacrifices were made for the characters to have their happy endings. I don’t think it would have been death for death’s sake, but it might have verged a wee bit, ever so slightly, into that YA torture porn category. Now, let me reiterate and emphasize, that I do not actively want any of this to have happened (cus I damn well know fingers are gonna start pointing), nor do I think it works in the context of the rest of ChoT. Like, I don’t entirely mourn this ending we didn't get, nor do I want widespread misery everywhere. But I do think that the ending originally being James, old on his death bed, reflecting on all that he lost is kind of… delicious. She didn’t need to kill everyone for us to get something like this, but she still wrote it off entirely and it is what it is. I’m currently writing my James meta piece, so I’ll ramble on a bit more about this stuff there. I mean, a whole ass generation of teenagers became traumatized by the isolation and death that Covid-19 provoked, and I understand why she changed the ending.
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heartrip · 3 years
[ very hidden. much anon. wow. ] Two questions for the meme ask!
1. Is there a plot in general you've been wanting to try but haven't been able to yet? 2. Since you asked me the same when I did the voice questions >) Can you tell me your thoughts on Kano/Cassie, and is there a plot you'd like to try for them in the future? Okay I guess that's three questions. XD
For Munday, anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write.
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// so shy, so anon ldksnglkdsnkg
1 - I’d love to explore younger Kano a lot more and Kano in the gap between the earlier story / games and then the twenty-thirty year skip to 11. Like, what was he up to? Obviously we know he was fucking around as General weapons deal etc but also there’s lot of instances where Kano’s been captured and tortured and if we’re going with the PS2 era, even experimented on ! Like, I’d love to look at a few of these instances and how they might have affected him psychologically. I don’t think anybody - villain or no - can come out of torture unscathed mentally like, gimme dem dark psychological plots. Nom nom nom. 
Another thing I’m REAALLLY looking forward to / having fun with is our hacked verse, which will end up becoming a haunted verse (muhahaha). I feel for as funny and silly as Kano can be, he’s also really malicious and dark and writing that will be a lot of fun in this context (I’m already having fun with it!). 
Finally something I’d LOVE to explore is a younger Kano’s interaction with characters like Cassie / Jacqui etc. Like, something set in MK11 that has him meeting them alone and just his general interactions and attitudes. For some reason, I see younger Kano as more needy / desperate and kind of a loser compared to older Kano so it’d be interesting seeing him trying to be all tough around them whilst also being lowkey insecure. Idk, it’s something I’m curious to try. B) 
2 - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I LOVE this. Okay, so firstly - I felt like it was a guilty pleasure ship that I was WAY too shy to ask you about. I know some people are weird with age gaps but personally I think they can really work in certain circumstances and this is one of them. I think what I love about it is - so, Kano’s obsessed (or at least was) with Sonya. But Sonya, let’s be honest, is kind of a stick in the mud. She’s great, I love Sonya but she is so serious and stern and she’s very different to Cassie I think. It feels like with Kano he’s gone from sniffing around Sonya to noticing her daughter and it’s not just ‘noticing’ it’s a full blown ‘hold the fuck up, this is Sonya but...better???’ And I think that realisation kind of grasps him slowly of like - she ISN’T just Sonya’s daughter. She’s her own person and she’s fucking awesome and I think with Cassie having that darker, playful streak, it fits that Kano would fall for her harder than he fell for Sonya. Cassie reciprocates his flirting / cheekiness and it takes him off guard but he likes it. 
I love that the ship is this kind of darkly corrupted affair. He’s slowly twisting her in some ways but at the same time, Cassie is a grown ass woman and with all the structure surrounding her - the special forces, everybody she knows being the ‘for justice!’ types, to have this older guy show an interest not in her work but her and for him to kind of charm her and be the snake that coils itself around her I just - urgh, it’s darkly sexy. I love it. 
I kinda mentioned above, but I’d love to see Cassie interact with younger Kano and thing is when I think about it, I think about how younger Kano would be MUCH MORE open about his emotions and feelings toward her. She’d be used to older Kano and his cockiness / sexual energy / compliments but younger Kano would straight be like ‘no wonder I fall in love with you!’ Like, he’d slip up and say these dumb things out loud and it’d be amazing to see Cassie’s response to that. 
Another thing - 
Cassie turning Kano good / them working alongside each other to stop an evil force or something :D :D :D
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ao3feed-malec · 4 years
Dark Mirror
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iy1Fct
by PrismicGalaxy
What if Janus had actually killed Max at the park... right in front of Spencer.
 So if you haven't read ghosts of the shadow market here is a breakdown of that so you can still read this fic if you so desire. In one of the short stories, Thule!Jace, or Janus, is stalking Malec and the two babies Rafael and Max at the park and Max finds him and Janus almost kills him but lets him go. Rafael comes from another one of those short stories but i'm pretty sure he was in TDA but idk.
Hope you enjoy!
Words: 261, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, Criminal Minds (US TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Spencer Reid, William LaMontagne Jr., Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Isabelle Lightwood, Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Jem Carstairs, Simon Lewis
Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Spencer Reid & The BAU Team, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Alec Lightwood & Jace Wayland, Alec Lightwood & Max Lightwood-Bane, Magnus Bane & Max Lightwood-Bane, Alec Lightwood & Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Magnus Bane & Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Isabelle Lightwood & Jace Wayland
Additional Tags: Magnus Bane Deserves Nice Things, Hurt Magnus Bane, Dark Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things, Hurt Alec Lightwood, Hurt Spencer Reid, Supportive Isabelle Lightwood, BAMF Isabelle Lightwood, Lesbian Emily Prentiss, Protective Jace Wayland, Jace Wayland is a Herondale, Jace Wayland Feels, BAMF Clary Fray, Clary Fray & Simon Lewis Friendship, clary feels, Sad Magnus Bane, Sad Alec Lightwood, Sad Jace Wayland, Sad Spencer Reid, Protective Aaron Hotchner, Angst, Death, im sorry not really though, oof, wheee this will be fun, Malec, Forever, I don't ship spence with anyone tho, sorry - Freeform, thule, I'm Bad At Tagging, Jace is a herondale why is he tagged as a wayland, its a little annoying but okay, Evil Plans, i have evil plans, im trying not to give away to much here, anyone who reads all the tags on a fic deserves an award, three awards and a desert of their choice, Like Chocolate, but i digress, lol, hows it going with you guys, i recently discovered SteelAtom, im on my desktop so i can actually tag, yay, Uhhh more tags, idk - Freeform, Angst and Feels, mostly angst though, this fic focuses a little more on shadowhunters than criminal minds sorry-, i am absolutely horrible at tagging, dont shoot me, uhhhh, JJ is on vacation with will so she comes in at the end, because idk why, i can't decide if will/JJ is better or emily/JJ, But will is cool and prentiss is gonna die anyway so yeah, whoops, haha ignore that and pretend i never spoiled the fic, hahaaha, or the show, Dark, Time Shenanigans, I'm always ranting about stupid speedsters fucking time up and here i go... fucking time up, but seriously, Erik is a Sweetheart, mostly - Freeform, though thawne should burn, why didn't he just die why did he have to come back, i think im procrastinating by tagging a lot, uhh, cassie clare quotes, kind of, Coffee, Crack, because why not, but probably not a lot, I realize that i love torturing malec, why do I keep tagging i dont even think anyone reads these
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iy1Fct
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warriorlid14 · 4 years
Ani Reread Book 1: Part 2
Aaaand we’re back for more traumatizing fun. You know what? I’m going to start rating these on disturbingness/times I went “oh my god these poor kids”. From 1 being “the animorphs finding an andalite toilet” to 5 being “IS ONE OF THESE KIDS SERIOUSLY BEING TORTURED ON PAGE??” Anyway:
“We were always kind of close. At least, until the last year or so.” Oh no. Oh nooooo. For some reason I always thought Tom was taken a couple of months before the series started, but it’s been a year?? Oh, my dear child. Also, Jake :(  I promise your brother still loves you very much.
“It’s just sports.” ... “Just sports?” Aaand we’re taking a short break from Animorphs to bring you a conversation between Hermione and Harry.
“The article went on to say that the police had arrived on scene and founda a group of teenagers playing with fireworks.” And yet again, we bring you a conversation between Arthur Weasley and muggle authorities. Also, I love that fireworks is the explanation for everything.
“Why would the police be... I mean, why would they lie?” Oh, baby.
Marco, about who could be a Controller: “Math teachers, for sure.” :)))))
Jake’s silent understanding of Marco and his situation gives me joy. And also sadness, cuz, ya know, Marco.
Animorphs says ACAB.
“Well morph back Tobias... Tobias hesitated.” Foreshadowing. Foreshadowing. Foreshadowing.
At some point in the series, I started skipping through the morphing descriptions... I was just reminded of why. 
Here goes one for the drinking one: drink anytime someone mentions thermals.
“I hadn’t ever seen Tobias so happy. I mean, Tobias has a pretty lousy home life. Thinking about it, I suddenly had this feeling...” FOREHSADOWING.
“I think the Andalite maybe meant more to Tobias than to the rest of us.” :)
“You want to get into this fight against the Yeerks?... Fine. Let’s see how much you want to do it when it turns out it’s your own brother you have to destroy.” Marco is a Slytherin confirmed.
“You couldn’t really picture Visser Three or a bunch of Taxxons playing volleyball.” Yes, I can. Very vividly. It’s great. Also, I wonder how many adults are concerned of how much The Sharing is like a cult. I mean, there’s even levels to it and everything. Idk, maybe those who are vocal about it are immediately turned into Controllers.
“Once you become a full member... The whole world changes.” SERIOUSLY. Also, am I a terrible person for cracking up at that?
Oh God, Tom. Idr who it was that brought this up, but I agree: One of the things that I love about the Animorphs is that they never once look at a Controller and go “Fight the yeerk! You can overpower it! You just have to try hard enough!” Because that’s not how it works. It is true that sometimes, under extreme duress, the host can maybe regain some very limited mobility. Ex: moving their arm for a few seconds, twitching, trying to move any limb. But one, the Yeerk can immediately shut it down. Two, it can easily be explained away. And three, the host will suffer for it harshly. This one tiny twitch where Tom tried to warn his little brother against joining the Sharing? Probably cost him extreme mental anguish at the hands of the Yeerk. Not to mention that it only works because Jake already knows about the Yeerks. Otherwise, he’d chalk it up as a weird twitch from Tom. (Yes, there’s a whole thing with the Chapmans, but I’ll bring it up in the next book.) The yeerks aren’t something you can defeat with the power of love or extreme willpower and I love that this series never painted it as such.
“Still, Tobias hesitated. ‘I hate changing back.’“ Ahem. FORESHA-
The Cassie/Jake is strong in this book.
Hey, look! Their assistant principal actually is evil.
“When everyone else was out of the hallway, I just climbed into my locker. I tried to act cool about it, just in case anyone was watching.” Ah yes, let me just casually SHOVE MYSELF INTO MY OWN LOCKER.
Aw, remember when the worst thing that happened to these kids was accidentally eating something gross while in morph? 
“No one gives a rat’s rear about me.” “I do.” Aww, baby Rachel/Tobias.
“You’re my best friend, you jerk. Like I’m going to let you go face all this alone?” I love Marco so much.
“Just tell them we’re Animorphs.” “Tell them we’re what?” “Idiot teenagers with a death wish.” ICONIC.
Aaaand we’re stopping there because I  gotta run. I don’t think these will usually be three-parters. Part one here.
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pwnyta · 5 years
Full Endgame spoilers/review:
(TL;DR: It was really fucking good. Theres some bad obviously but overall worth it. Even after reading the spoilers and feeling like I may not like it as much as I thought I would... I actually liked it more.)
- - So as I said I loved the movie I had some gripes but overall I thought it was one hell of a fun, entertaining movie. I'll go by each characters story in my review saving Cap and Tony for last.
Natasha- Honestly? Though I think the MCU dropped the ball on the 0G6 being a believable family... I think Nats role in this movie was sweet. I really like the scene where Tony Nat and Bruce were laying down talking about Strange and the stones. It was really cute but it really made me wish we got to see this earlier. Joss dropped the ball hard in AoU. Ive said it one and I'll say it again. AoU should have been the movie where the Avengers were a solid unit throughout the movie.Nats death was... heroic but honestly her and Clint beating the shit out of each other because neither could stand the thought of the other being sacrificed was kinda funny and cute which is jarring to the story. It kinda sucks that she was fridged before the final battle though.
Clint- What are the fucking odds that every one of his family was dusted? But w/e. Clint having a wild sword battle in Japan... it was ridiculous and weird and IDK what they were thinking with that scene but it was played really dramatically but I laughed? Cuz it was so over the top and silly... even though he just slit that guys throat and Nats like :c Clint~ honey no its fine... and they hold hands over the guys warm corpse. LMFAO WHAT!? Im at least happy his kids got him back if nothing else.
Bruce- ... Bruce with Hulks big green body? NICE. Thats gonna have some interesting fanart I can already tell and I lift my glass to you. I once tried to draw a little comic where Bruce and Hulk separated but also had swapped bodies.... so Bruce had Hulks body but I never did finish it I wonder if I still have it saved somewhere. Anyways. Honestly? I found Bruce in this movie to be equal parts funny and annoying? Like it was a bit jarring sometimes that he was so lighthearted despite everything.
Thor- When I read the spoilers I thought I was gonna really dislike Thor but watching it I understood where Thor was coming from and I couldnt really blame him for spiraling and its not like anyone close to him seemed to even check up on him despite clearly knowing where he was. Im really sad that it took all those years and only until he was needed for someone to try and talk Thor through what he was going through. Im not annoyed with Thor. Im annoyed with the rest of them (minus Tony and I guess Clint? Considering.). Bruce was his friend in Ragnarok, Nat keeps talking about them being family, and Steve is their leader where the hell were they? Unless im missing something... I guess Valkyrie too but shes been picking up his slack as a leader and was holding the Asgardians together so I can cut her some slack. ANYWAYS. Thor was kinda funny in the movie but it was kind of hard to enjoy his goofiness. It kind felt like Tony in IM2. Speaking of Im glad Tony seemed really tolerant of Thors drunk behavior... I was sure he would throw a lot of shots like Rocket did. I wish they had a moment to talk about Thor self medicating with booze... Tonys been there. I get why they couldnt really but.. His scene with Frigga was really nice. Frigga is a bad bitch raised by witches and shit.... she knows all~ A wise woman that Frigga.
Scott- HOLY SHIT Did I love Scott in this movie. He was soo funny and cute... and bullied a lot. You know I have a thing for easily bulliable character. And Scott just got spanked left and right. His helpless goofiness reminded me of Harry from KKBB a little. He bounced off everyone well and it makes me kinda wish he was one of the OG6 instead of Clint. He was more of the heart that kept the Avengers together than anyone. Also him and Tony talking about Caps ass? HILARIOUS. Bisexual icons honestly. 'That suit did nothing for your ass.' 'No one asked you to look!' 'I think you look great Cap as far as Im concerned thats Americas ass!' and then later Caps all 'That IS Americas ass.' Unbelievable. But his best scene is still him reuniting with Cassie. She was so big! Im so happy she got her dad back... but Bruces failed time travel machine scene.... that was a close second. 'Somebody peed my pants... idk if it was baby me or old me........ or me me.' Also the 'whats up regular sized man' scene is longer and more hilarious than the preview showed. FUCK YOUR TACO SCOTT. At least Bruce is nice to him. I ship GreenAnt a little. Rocket petting Scott and mockingly calling him a puppy. SAME.
Rhodey- JESUS RHODEY. Speaking of hilarious idiots. Im glad he got a bigger roll in this movie but he didnt hug Tony when he got back so whats the point? BUT W/E... He was hilarious and amazing. It was nice to see him step up as one of the sorta leaders after the snappening. But he was also A HUGE FUCKING DORK THE ENTIRE WAY THROUGH. Thinking that a secret cavern with a spooky name would be boobytrapped like in Indiana Jones and trying to convince Nebula to be careful. Naming a bunch of shitty time travel movies to prove a point about time travel (with Scotts help) and going back in time to kill baby Thanos...and Bruce was like 'yeah... no...' and him fucking TRASHING the magic of the iconic opening scene of the first GotG where Quill is dancing.... 'so hes an idiot?' RHODEY PLEEEEAAASSSEEEE have mercy. Him and Nebula are a trip. Also I made a note to mention Don Cheadles BEAUTIFUL soft voice. So here it is. I love Don Cheadles beautiful soft voice. He had too few scenes with Tony but their first scene when Tony starts freaking out and hes trying to get Tony to calm down was pretty good... and god that ending.... ;-; How come Rhodey got NO lines while Tony was dying? But also in the same position I dont think Id have any words either. I too would just cry. And did... for Tony. But yeah besides his lack of scenes with Tony I really loved Rhodeys scenes. I usually do. Hes adorable.
Nebula: Sweetie... You are just amazing. Shes legit one of the best most solid characters in the movie. The opening scenes between her and Tony? FUCKING adorable. Im sad we dont see more of them after the time skip. I also wish we got a longer scene of Neb and Rocket talking when she gets to earth... I guess just seeing them sit together sadly was enough to portray the emotions but.... I MEAN. More Nebula wouldnt hurt anyone. Having to see two tortured versions of Nebula was upsetting. Future Nebula who lost so much and past Nebula still under Thanos' thumb. 'You can change!' 'He wont let me' OOF. Im sad that past Nebula was killed... but appreciate that even in that moment past Gamora was upset to see her be killed. Im glad with Present Neb, Gamora was so easily heel-face turned. She loves her sister. Also their moment after past Gamora beats up present Quill was hilarious 'Really? This is the guy?' 'The choices were him or a tree.' WHAT ABOUT DRAX, NEBULA?! I know I said I may not watch any MCU movies after this but I might tune in for GotG3 for Nebula (and Thor).
Steve: I actually ENJOYED Steve in this movie for the most part. For the first time in any movie... even by himself I kind of enjoyed Steve. Especially the scene when hes fighting himself and his past self says 'I can do this all day' and hes like 'Tst... yeah I know... okay' Like he was sick of his own damn bullshit. And frankly? Same. Also him whispering 'Hail hydra' to get the scepter? Hilarious. I cant help but see it as a knock at that shitty Hydra Cap comic that everyone hated. But despite me enjoying Steve for most of the film... the MCUs inability to write a good romance and pretending like Steve and Peggys relationship was a peak or something completely undoes it all. It would still NOT BE GREAT regardless but the fact the RUSSOS are the ones who brought Sharon into TWS in the first place makes it SO MUCH WORSE that Steve dipped out. Steve should have moved on... even if it wasnt with Sharon. They could have at least MENTIONED HER but they knew they couldnt because then it would be too highlighted that Steve is a fucking FUCK BOY who used the niece of the woman he loved as a surrogate and that him going back to the past means hes gonna be meeting little Sharon at some point. Also? Really? Steve you have this whole new family you supposedly love and can live your life with but you rather go back in the past because the first woman who was nice to you was there? Move on. Its so fucking weird that hes so obsessed with her. You have your childhood friend and the rest of your new friends... and supposedly a girlfriend. IDK how anyone could be happy with that ending for him. But I guess its in character... remember the note he sent Tony 'I've been on my own since I was 18.' What about Bucky? He was there with you and you had family in the Avengers supposedly. Natasha seemed to think so. YOURE SUCH A FUCKIN SCUMBAG STEVE. Jesus.
Tony: First of all Id just LOVED his scenes with Nebula as I said. He sat there patiently teaching how to play paper football and held her win. It was REALLY cute. When he passed out she picked him up off the floor and sat him down on the chair and pat him. REAL CUTE. He nicknamed her 'The Blue Meanie' its cute and he tried to give her the last of their food but she insisted he eat it. Bobbos eyes never looked more gorgeous than in that scene where Carol finds them honestly. Tonys I told you so was really really sad. It had a lot of feeling like that scene in AoU when he laughs hysterically and starts ranting? Rhodey tried to calm him down but he just ripped into Cap. Also he yanked off his arc reactor and I FULLY JUMPED IN PANIC because I forgot it wasnt in him. I fully flinched. But he pulled his heart out and gave it to Steve and then passed out. Tony and Peppers daughter is ADORABLE. And her interactions with Tony are so sweet. Domestic Tony is lovely. I love that when Steve and the gang roll up on him Morgan runs out during their discussion and is like 'Mom told me to come and save you....' and hes like 'Well Ive been saved!' REAL CUTE. Also he swore and his daughter copied him and hes like NOOOOO!!!!!!! LMAO. LANGUAGE Tony. Tony is motivated to fix things seeing that pic of him and Peter. Hes such a softie. IM REALLY REALLY SAD that we finally see Pepper kinda GET Tonys need to be Iron Man and is like 'But could you rest?'. The one time she encourages him to go back to be Iron Man and he fucking DIES. Im so sad for Pepper. But that scene between them where shes like 'We'll be ok.... you can rest now.' FUCK. Im crying again. That scene between him and Steve- 'Someone shoula warned you~' 'You did...' 'Oh did I? Thank god Im here' has the same energy as 'Who taught you how to dance?' 'You did.' 'Well Ive done a marvelous job!' It was pretty great. Tonys nicknames for Scott are 'Pissant' and 'Thumbelina.' Im not OVERLY fond of his scenes with Howard. But honestly? My brother is the same way with our dad... he just chooses to forget the bad stuff and focus on the few good times. I cant do that but if it made Tony happier then VERY WELL. I wish Tony coulda talked to Jarvis too tho... just a word... anything? Best Tony scene is Peter babbling about how he musta passed out because Tony was gone and and and and Tony just hugs him so tightly and Peters hugs back and is like :D 'this is nice'! Though that STARK contrast of them after Tony uses the gauntlet... and Peter is like 'Mr Stark... we won... we did it... no Mr Stark...' Big Simba and Mufasa feels (and kind of Hughes and Elicia tbh). Not cool Disney. I was already crying. Rhodey was the first to reach Tony and Tony couldnt say ANYTHING to anyone and Rhodey just pets his cheek... Tony was just looking around as his family just has to watch helplessly as hes dying and Pepper tells him its ok. His funeral was really nice. He recorded a message for everyone kind of like his message for Pepper on the ship. Everyone was there... I think even Harley (Im really sad we didnt see them get reunited even once). The scene with Happy and Morgan was really sweet. 'I'll buy all the cheeseburgers you want....' It was cool to because... ya know.... Jon Favreau. He got a really beautiful end. I wish he could just retire and live with Pep and Morgan... but if he had to die... that was a really lovely sendoff. SO ALL IN ALL. Awesome movie. I didnt get to see past elderly Steve passing the shield off to Sam... I'll have to rewatch it again when theres a better version. Especially for that fucking STUNNING end battle. Even with the shitty cam I watched it looked AMAZING and I cant wait for it in HD.
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anyway i finally saw endgame and surprisingly??? i did not hate it to the very primal core of my being??? 
but also i had like....the LOWEST standards for it, so that might be it more than how good the movie actually was.
really i just feel very “what a bizzare fanvid i just watched”
The Good:
the whole Steve-in-the-Elevator scene. My little stuckate shipper heart was just like FUCK THEM UP BOO.
“that is America’s ass”
and nebula! god i adore nebula more and more every day
and Valkyrie was soooo good and I’m glad Meiks and Korg were there
also Rescue fucking finally
and the whole a-force visual towards the end there, i appreciated that
also Carol’s lesbian haircut
Sam getting the shield!
everyone coming out of their magical glowing portals
find her a wife ffs
but also
fuck this movie
so like...it was REALLY slow for the first hour. at least. i was getting bored actually
Tony’s daughter was adorable and I love dad!tony but it’s also in line with Marvel giving men families to give them More Pain and I’m over that
also are you trying to tell me he wouldn’t have named her some derivative of peter? or carol, or nebula, since they’re the reason he is alive? i call bullshit
“marvel’s first openly gay character” you know what fuck you marvel
that woman in the support meeting might be kate in a future fic i’m just saying
for as much time as they spend tooling around this new universe they really didn’t give us much information--who is in charge? how are you getting electricity?
all i wanted was for gamora or nebula to kill thanos and i was denied this catharsis. fuck you. you can let an abuser kill the woman he abused but not vice versa? fuck. you. 
who was that random boy kid at tony’s funeral?
bold of the russos to assume peggy wouldn’t notice someone staring at her
how is nebula not dead? she killed a past version of herself so????
holy plot holes batman
because...the soul stone...YOU are supposed to sacrifice what is most important to YOU so...how does Natasha killing herself fulfill that requirement? Clint did not sacrifice her. This implies that Natasha loves herself the most and that means she would have gotten the stone...i’m so confused about this
how did no one notice nebula’s hands were wrong? you’ve known her for five goddamn years gang. yeah i get she covered it up but rhodey saw it get mcfried while getting the stone....this seems like something rhodey would notice. because. he’s fucking rhodey.
i get why like...narratively tony ~had~ to die but also...what’s wrong with fucking retirement? why couldn’t he pass the mantle of iron man on? like in? the comics? was that kid supposed to be iron lad i mean for realz
and I get that Steve got to have his happy ending with his one true love and that’s so great, but idk fam...i didn’t like it. and i think i don’t like it because it places this huge focus on Never Moving On and I guess some people probably do have their one true love and they never love another, but i think there’s real value in stories where people find love again, where people go through trauma and can still be happy even after going through loss. this is viscerally important to me
also i firmly believe that peggy is married to angie
does this mean steve knew sharon? since she knew peggy really well? and she kisses him? does steve just hide every time she comes over? it wasn’t creepy in civil war but it’s sure creepy now
although peggy explaining to everyone that her husband doesn't look ANYTHING like steve rogers is sort of hilarious. how did they even explain this.
no it’s getting worse because peggy has Alzheimer's supposedly well no fucking wonder she was confused with young!steve showing up and presumably her old husband steve showing up as well like. what. 
i mean. i’m glad steve got his happy ending
but i also feel like this was really insulting to bucky. Steve went back and never went out to find bucky? to stop him being tortured? the guy who is your best friend? you didn’t even say mcfucking goodbye? marvel was that “no homo” about their relationship in this movie???
chris and seb’s chemistry is just so strong they had to keep their shared dialogue to three lines?
i understand steve staying in the past. i get why they did it. i hate HOW they did it
wheremst the fuck is loki you fuckos
also all of Peter’s peers are 5 years older than he is
what on earth do the people who were dusted think of all the fucking ptsd all their loved ones have or the fact that THEY MISSED FIVE YEARS
was cassie living in that house all by herself?
also you know what it was really irritating when tony was blaming steve for not being around while completely ignoring any culpability he had in making it so that steve could not actually be around. and steve apparently made like the rest of us and blocked the events of civil war from his mind so he didn’t remember his valid fears
y’all fucked up your own timelines so bad like? sitwell is wandering around thinking cap is hydra, loki never spent time in asgard jail, or did the stones get replaced before those things happened? like immediately before? and if not i’m going to have to assume that loki went on the lam and then called noh to pick him up in earth airspace and noh becomes his unwitting getaway driver and eventually the ya get involved in interstellar crime shenanigans.
the fact that vision didn’t come back sort of implies that everyone who was killed before the snap didn’t come back, so that still leaves a shitton of asgardians dead, loki, and ???? who knows about gamora. right?
in conclusion, it was...okay. it had some really good moments but was mostly just “???????” for me. like, i’m not even mad. i’m going to erase it from my memory immediately except for Steve dating Kate in the five years and when Bucky comes back she’s just like “hey! I think we have the same boyfriend!” and they share custody of Steve until steve gets called in to consult on a mission and asks bucky to go on his date with kate and that’s how they become a triad 
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bagelbite · 5 years
so my thoughts on endgame
yes this does contain spoilers and yes, i will continue to tag any of my spoilers as “endgame”
did i hate the movie? no. it had many very good moments that i will list before i list the problems i had with it
i LOVED all of the humor like they did that so well. like when steve was fighting his younger self and young steve says “i can do this all day” and now steve goes “yeah i know” in this just tired voice. and americas ass. and all of the jokes about rocket being a raccoon. and hulk taking pictures with the kids and then when rocket and hulk were sitting in the back of the truck. when tony threatened to sell all of morgans toys. korg playing fortnite. the whole scott coming back the wrong age bit. hulk having to walk down the stairs. when tony told steve that if he dropped the shield one more time he was gonna keep it. like there were so many parts that were just so funny and i loved it.
i loved all the tender moments. that little moment of friendship between nat and steve where she calls the avengers her family. i was SOBBING when tonys daughter was revealed and at literally every interaction between them. the fact that tony wasnt even going to build the time machine until he saw peters picture and thw fact that he had peters picture at all. tony telling nebula “you won” and her freezing bc shes probably never heard that before. the fact that both nat and clint refused to let the other one die (which was the truest form of love i have ever seen, not romantic but just genuine platonic love. also not that bullshit thanos called love for the very same stone). the moment when clint was looking around for his family and couldnt find them so he was just running back and forth not knowing what to do. im not even going to mention tony and peter’s reunion or goodbye because i was sobbing like a child the entire time. quill thinking for a second that gamora was back. when pepper told tony “we’re going to be okay” and you think she means the world and humanity but she really means her and morgan. the entire interaction between tony and his dad. there were so so many parts that just hit me so hard.
i loved all the heroic parts. carol showing up outside the ship with tony and nebula. steve standing up with his shredded sheild, still fighting on. the fact that steve can fUCKING WEILD THORS HAMMER LIKE BRUH. also that sick combo he did with the sheild and the hammer. the hail hydra moment because steve is so incredibly smart and knows how to work a situation. all of those bad ass women gathering to fucking destroy thanos. the circle opening up and revealing tchalla and shuri and okoye walking out, silhoutted by the light and the wakandan battle cry. the fact that the canons recognized that carol was the largest threat around and firing at the atmosphere to try and stop her and she just fucking rips through them like nothing. carol beating the shit out of thanos and him having to literally hold the power stone in his hand to beat her. that moment where you see all of the heros lined up ready to fight. “i am iron man”.
obviously there are more of every moment, and i loved all of them.
that doesnt mean that i liked the movie. and heres why:
1) thor’s literal character assassination. i reblogged a few posts (that you can find in my endgame tag) that explain this better than i will be able to but bruh. the russo brothers did thor so fucking dirty and it makes me pissed. they made him fat purely for the laughs (which someone pointed out an emphasis on the fact that they literally edited his weight out of the trailers because they wanted to use it as a gag in the movies). also, they blatently ignored and made fun of the fact that thor OBVIOUSLY was grieving and blamed himself for how things had turned out. he has lost literally everything in his life: his home, his father and mother, his brother, his best friend - and now the man who wiped out half of the human population taunted him with his mistake of not going for the head. also, thor literally just went through the whole process of realizing his true power and sacrifing his home in order to protect his people and youre going to tell me that he just decides “mmm imma go to space and leave you all here youre fine without me” like no. also please read this post it makes me so mad its so true.
2) the whole time travel plot. to me it didnt seem well thought out and it leaves so many plot holes. like if removing a stone can create another timeline, i dont think putting the stone back fixes anything. you have still technically created another time line. and like what happened to loki we saw him disappear wouldnt that be another time line??? and like if 2012 or 2014 or whatever thanos came to the present, then wouldnt that create another time line?????? and if steve stayed behind, then thats a whole other time line. like it just doesnt make sense there are so many things that do. not. work. (sidenote: thanos said the infinity stones were reduced to atoms. wouldnt that be reversable by scott and shrinking down into the quantum realm??? this is just an idea)
3) it was predictable. there were SO many times that i was able to tell what was going to happen before it did. like clints family vanishing. and scott finding an older cassie. and scott being turned into a bunch of different ages. and tony saying no and then saying yes. even tony weilding the gauntlet was predictable (i just refused to think about it bc i didnt want to see tony die).
4) steve staying in the past. now im going to preface this saying that im not trying to say that steve didnt deserve it. he did and im happy for him (since this is what the russo brothers have decided to make permanent). steve did deserve happiness and i will even say that he deserved peggy. but. that doesnt mean thats what he should have done. it was out of character for steve (not as bad as thor but still out of character). he would have recognized that the world needed him in the now and he wouldnt have been able to just stay in the past. like steve’s biggest character flaw is that he cant just sit by and do nothing, he always has to act. so now out of no where he just decides that hes gonna screw over everyone in the present and stay behind. like he knows they just lost tony AND nat, two of the og avengers, and hes just gonna decide to leave them hanging without another person???? and hes just going to sit by knowing that bucky is out there being tortured??? ALSO i am absolutely not saying that any part of his talk with sam was unnecessary. i even love the fact that he gave the sheild to sam (black captain america is my shIT HELL YES I AM HERE FOR IT). but. there is no way that steve “even when there was nothing i had bucky” rogers wouldnt say anything to bucky. and i saw someone saying “well they obviously talked off screen” bitch i dont care there are probably thousands of off screen things that happen and thats why we have fanfiction. but the on screen stuff matters and steve just ignores bucky entirely?????? no he fucking doesnt the russo brothers are just afraid to encourage any more interaction between steve and bucky because they fear stucky fans. and im not even saying this as a stucky fan im literally saying it as a marvel fan who knows the smallest amount of steve’s character.
5) tony creating his worst nightmare. tony has said multiple times that he blamed his dad for leaving him and it only makes sense that he would fear having a kid and then leaving them alone. and the russo brothers did just that. they gave tony the life he always wanted and then ripped him from it, creating tonys nightmare at the same time. he has now subjected morgan to live a life like he did, without a father. now personally i dont think tony should have died. did i predict that he was since infinity war (bc of rdj’s contract ending and also it will be very difficult to continue the “next generation” with these huge figures still around), yes. and i know that its unrealistic for everyone to survive in war but so is fucking time travel and they pulled that card. idk i just dont like how they did it.
so overall, i think i loved a lot of the overall moments on film, its just that i didnt like the themes, messages, and character delieveries shown in the movie. im just gonna go watch winter soldier and ragnarok and homecoming and captain marvel and black panther and all the other Actually Good marvel movies.
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phoenixyfriend · 6 years
  asukaskerian  ...
sure, yes! :D what even is the plot like?
Young Avengers can be split up, roughly, into five sections:
Volume 1, Part 1
Volume 1, Part 2
The Events (Civil War, Secret Invasion, and Dark Reign)
Children’s Crusade
Volume 2
Most of the cast has appearances in other things, but the main plot can be summed up as the above.
And now under the cut. I am verbose. Sorry.
V1 Pt1
Nate Richards, in the 31st century, finds out that he’s destined to become Kang the Conqueror, a time-travelling supervillain.
He comes back in time to the current era (or, well, 2005-ish), in an attempt to get some help and Not Go Evil.
He gets brushed aside by all the real Avengers, but finds the Vision’s corpse in a destroyed Avengers Mansion, and comes across the Avengers Failsafe Program. If they were to ever need a back-up team, then this was it!
The results aren’t meant to be just teenagers, but they’re what Nate finds. He calls himself Iron Lad, fashioning himself after Iron Man, reconstructing Vision partway to use the bot as armor. His new friends are:
Billy Kaplan, who calls himself Asgardian. He later switches to calling himself Wiccan, because being a gay superhero whose name is Asgardian would get him ripped to shreds by the media. It initially seems like his powers are electricity and flight, but it turns out he’s a reality warper.
Teddy Altman, who calls himself Hulkling. He’s a shapeshifter who can take on a Hulk-like form, though he keeps his wits about him.
Eli Bradley, who calls himself Patriot (after Bucky Barnes’ original alter ego, I think), a supersoldier whose grandfather was Isaiah Bradley, aka the Black Captain America. Isaiah was either one of the few survivors of the rounds of testing that the Serum underwent before Steve Rogers took it, or he was one of the few survivors of the experiments to recreate it after Steve went down, depending on the backstory. Either way, Eli’s got a chip on his shoulder about how African-Americans are treated by the government, including a short issue where he’s mentioned giving a school presentation on the Tuskegee experiments.
They try to do some superheroics, with varying results. The newspapers dub them the Young Avengers, and Jessica Jones, a reporter at the time, goes looking into them.
They try to save a church full of wedding guests, because the happy couple is Very Rich and everyone’s getting held hostage. They set the place on fire by accident, and have to be helped out by one of the bridesmaids. It’s not a great night for them.
Bridesmaid’s name is Kate Bishop! She doesn’t have a superhero identity yet, but she’s pretty good in a fight, and she’s the one that Cassie Lang finds.
Kate and Cassie find the boys at Avengers Mansion, and get the backstory. Cassie finds out that all the Pym Particles she was stealing from her dad (Scott Lang, one of several people to be Ant-Man) since she was in the single digits? They actually gave her superpowers. She can change size. Yay!
There’s a great big kerfuffle as Kang (Nate’s evil future self) and the actual Avengers show up. Jessica Jones ends up un-pregnanted for a bit as time threatens to collapse in on itself because of the stress it’s undergoing.
Billy’s reality-warping abilities are revealed, and he accidentally saves the day, but does not save Nate. Poor Nate.
He and Cassie kissed at some point. It’s not very relevant.
Vision is now a person! Not the same Vision you know and love, though. This one’s brain waves are based on Nate. His name is Jonas. I love him.
He ends up falling in love with Cassie because of this. This is relevant, but not for a while.
He also isn’t part of the team yet.
The adult Avengers tell them to stop superheroing, because they’re kids and not ready for this.
The kids don’t listen. They’re a Team Now.
V1 Pt2
There’s an entire “Eli’s not actually a supersoldier like his grandfather, so he takes Mutant Growth Hormone the way a normal person would take speed so he can temporarily have superpowers and it’s killing him slowly” plotline that I’m not a fan of. I’m really not a fan of the black kid getting the drug plotline. Yech.
He leaves the team for a while.
Kate is an heiress, so she’s bankrolling the team. Fuck yeah.
Also she’s calling herself Hawkeye by this point. Cassie is Stature.
Less Fuck Yeah is the fact that aliens are showing up. Why are aliens showing up? Because Teddy’s an alien.
Turns out his mom was the Skrull princess, and he’s heir to the throne of an alien empire. (His inheritance is bigger than Kate’s.)
Skrulls are natural shape-shifters, hence Teddy’s powers.
His dad was Captain Mar-Vell of the Kree empire.
The Kree and Skrull usually hate each other. Mar-Vell seduced Princess Anelle while he and some other Avengers were imprisoned by her father, in fact. It was very soap opera.
Both of these people are dead, and Teddy was raised by a nurse that Anelle had entrusted him to.
Teddy’s adoptive mom gets burned alive. And then not-alive. Teddy is understandably traumatized by the fact that he’s an alien and that his mom was just murdered by the guy that came to steal him away.
Teddy gets kidnapped. Eli rejoins the team because, well, kidnapped.
BTW Jonas has been living at Avengers Mansion, playing chess and getting tested for sapience.
Edwin Jarvis tries to convince them to let the real, adult Avengers handle the kidnapping.
They nope and Jonas helps them find more Young Avengers. They go break a kid out of prison.
Kid’s a mutant, like Billy! Kid’s had trouble controlling the powers and destroyed some stuff, like Billy! Kid looks exactly like Billy, like... wait.
This is Tommy Shepherd. He blew up a school when his superspeed manifested, and got tossed into juvie as a result. He has white hair, but he and Billy are otherwise identical. This is relevant.
They go try to save Teddy, but even more aliens show up than just the One Guy (K’lrt, the Super Skrull) that kidnapped Teddy.
The Skrulls and Kree are about to fight a war over Manhattan because Teddy exists.
A few people suggest that Billy and Tommy are retroactive reincarnations of the Scarlet Witch’s dead kids. This is still relevant.
There’s a big fight, but not a war.
Eli gets shot.
K’lrt has a change of heart and shapeshifts into Teddy and replaces him so that the aliens leave.
Eli gets a blood transfusion from Steve Rogers himself. He’s a real supersoldier now!
They get commended for their actions. Now they really ARE a team, and if someone says V1 team, it’s gonna be these seven: Billy, Teddy, Kate, Cassie, Eli, Tommy, Jonas.
Sometimes Jonas gets swapped out for Nate.
I get sad.
The Events
Civil War was about Tony Stark and Steve Rogers fighting about government oversight. It was more complicated than the movie.
Most of the YA are on Steve’s side. Cassie is on Tony’s.
They try to help the Runaways at one point.
Noh-Varr gets mind-controlled into trying to kill them.
Noh’s life is an endless clusterfuck.
They all almost kill each other, there’s a kind of queerphobic kidnapping (it’s focused on mutants and aliens, but the mutant is gay, two of the aliens are gay, and one of the aliens is genderfluid), and there’s torture of minors.
On the bright side we get to see Tommy being a Big Bro Friend to a twelve-year-old with super-strenghth, so that’s fun.
Secret Invasion is basically about the Skrulls being Everywhere.
They run into the Runaways again.
They fight some aliens.
Teddy almost gets kidnapped again?
This is not the last time Teddy gets kidnapped or even just almost kidnapped.
He should work on that.
Tommy’s powers get a panel that heavily indicate some Science that I once nerded out about for a while.
IDK it’s drawn manga-style and they all fight alien assassins and it’s fun.
Dark Reign was about Norman Osborne taking over everything and being awful.
There’s an evil version of the Young Avengers running around, using their name.
They confront the new team.
The new team ranges from “artsy villain fangirl who found a magic coat” to “guy whose powers led to him accidentally murdering his parents and now he’s fucked up from it and trying to do good” to “girl woke up with powers one day and decided to lie to the world and pretend to be Asgardian” to “some guy who just really loves guns and killing people and styled himself after Punisher’s aesthetic with even less regard to human life” to a chick that’s just a straight-up Nazi with size-changing powers and a robot boyfriend that she’s constantly rewiring to make him a more awful person.
I fucking hate Big Zero. She’s a nazi and she’s awful.
I like Sylvie, though. I mean, she pretends to be something she’s not, and she flirts with a man who’s clearly taken and gay, even while she’s not single herself.
But like.
She’s fun and kinda dumb and I enjoy reading her.
Children’s Crusade
The Scarlet Witch has been missing for a few years.
After Billy’s powers go nuclear, he decides to go find her, because she’s his soul mom.
He brings the team.
(There’s a lot more going on because the Avengers all think Billy’s powers are going to go on the fritz and murder everyone.)
Also Pietro
He’s the worst uncle
He’s so bad with kids
I love him
They find Wanda but it turns out she’s a Doombot.
So they go to Castle Doom, and it turns out she’s amnesiac and about to marry Doctor Doom because he’s manipulating her into thinking he’s a good person.
Shit happens, she gets her memories back, and then there’s a big fight between the Avengers (who think Wanda and Billy are risks), the X-Men (who think similarly, but also are mad at the Avengers, and there’s a cool sequence where Wanda knocks out Emma Frost), and Doctor Doom, who’s trying to become God.
He kind of succeeds, and then fails.
Nate shows up.
Several people, including Cassie’s dad, get brought back from the dead, or are revealed to have never been dead in the first place.
Cassie dies.
Jonas is murdered by Nate.
Everything is awful.
The team splits up.
Only Tommy wants to keep being a hero.
Everything sucks, basically.
I fucking love V2.
Kate and Noh-Varr hook up and she doesn’t even realize this is the guy who almost killed her that one time until the morning after.
They fight some Skrulls while flying around in orbit with Noh’s spaceship.
(We later find out that these are not Skrulls. They are shapeshifters who are Skrull Fanboys.)
Teddy’s been sneaking out at night (he lives with Billy’s family, since he’s an orphan now) to fight crime. Billy does not approve.
There’s a new girl called America Chavez. She’s important.
Loki is like... ten.
Billy tries to pull Teddy’s mom out of another universe, moments before her death.
It’s great!
Turns out she’s an interdimensional Eldritch Abomination that wants to eat their souls.
She can make adults oblivious to the fact that anything is wrong.
She can mind-control parents.
She can, in the right location, bring back DEAD PARENTS that she mind-controls to fight you for the ultimate trifecta of trauma.
She’s terrifying and I love her.
Anyway, Loki tries to help, almost gets used as a bartering chip with Asgard to get them to help instead since no one trusts Loki, and the team comes together!
Kate, Noh, Loki, America, Billy, Teddy
They have to fight a really big horde of mind-controlled parents.
Including their own undead superhero parents.
Loki actually helps!
They fly off to have fun fighting crime elsewhere until they can figure out how to avoid Mother more successfully, since they can’t really stay in New York right now.
They live on Noh’s spaceship.
It’s a nice spaceship.
(Irony of ironies, Loki was the one that pointed The Mother Parasite in Billy’s direction and planted the idea of saving Mrs. Altman into Billy’s mind in the first place. It was a whole Thing.)
TOMMY is not part of the team, because he cut himself off from basically everyone back in CC. I’m not actually sure anyone knew HOW to contact him at this point.
He goes on a date with a cute, superpowered coworker. Coworker’s name is David. He doesn’t actually HAVE superpowers anymore, but his superpower used to be knowledge absorption, and he remembers EVERYTHING.
You wanna know Wolverine’s preferred ass-wiping method? David knows. You wanna know how to do a one-time pad to encrypt data? David knows. You want Emma Frost’s bra size? He knows, but he’s not going to tell you, because she’s terrifying.
I love David.
There’s some horrifying Thing wearing Eli’s old costume running around and doing weird illegal shit so Tommy and David investigate.
Tommy gets kidnapped for a bit.
David gets the Young Avengers to help him save Tommy.
It’s awesome, mostly.
Teddy and Billy take a break, and Teddy’s new therapist is Leah of Hel.
I love Leah.
There’s a support group for exes of superpowered people who got fucked over by that whole nonsense.
All three of Noh’s exes are torn between wanting him back or wanting him dead.
Except Oubliette, who doesn’t see why she needs to choose.
America’s ex-teammate is mad that she’s a lesbian.
Patri-not is an Eldrith Being that kidnapped Tommy and we honestly still don’t know what it was.
And Leah is Loki’s former best friend.
Teddy think’s they’re all nuts and tries to leave.
Take a guess what happens.
Take a guess.
If you guessed kidnapping, you’re right!
The support group is working with the Mother Parasite.
So now the team has to go rescue Teddy.
Loki gets aged up by way of Billy’s magic but it doesn’t help Loki get their magic back fully like they’d hoped.
So, fight.
It’s all very dramatic and they use David’s phone tree to get backup and there’s a lot of visual metaphor.
Billy becomes the Demiurge for a bit to erase Mother from existence. He’s basically god?
Noh dumps Kate for his ex.
It turns out all of the exes are figments of Loki’s imagination. His guilt over murdering his child self (back in Journey into Mystery) and possessing the body manifested itself externally, and the reason he lost so much of his magic was because he was subconsciously creating magical constructs like Leah and the League of Evil Exes.
Noh feels like a dumbass.
Loki disappears just as Billy’s introducing all of his friends to his parents.
Loki feels guilty as shit.
There’s a New Year’s party and everyone’s invited, including David’s phone tree.
Turns out Loki bankrolled the party. They flirt with David for a bit.
I ship it, tbh.
Patri-not wasn’t actually a figment of Loki’s imagination. Patri-not is real, and an enigma, and still has Tommy.
David makes out with Patri-not and halfway through Patri-not turns into Tommy so. Tommy’s back!
There’s a joke at the end of the comic about how they’re all queer except Kate.
Hawkeye implies that she’s probably bi later on.
Loki never rejoins the team because GUILT.
Original Sins was a thing. Teddy, David, and Noh work together to save a bunch of stoners who are about to die from having a bunch of information downloaded directly into their brain when someone crushed a giant eyeball.
And everyone’s been doing their own thing since then.
Teddy really needs to stop getting kidnapped, tbh.
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writteninpinecones · 6 years
what in carnation (tim drake x reader)
alternative title: of textbooks and carnations
word count: idk guys but holy crap i managed to write something after so long of starting and stopping ideas!!! i'm happy to have gotten this out
summary: you honestly just want a flower, is that too much to ask?
warnings/ potential triggers: lots of self pity, but happy ending!
tags: @hyp-oh-critical , @loudmouthwally , @nightwingasm , @janeinjune , @miss-alys
Tumblr media
You're sitting at your desk, textbook splayed open, listening half-heartedly to the plenthora of knowledge your teacher drones out. Honestly, you'd be paying more attention on any other day. Just not today.
See, today is the thirteenth of february, and for some inane reason, your school always celebrates Valentine's on the thirteenth. Which is kind of odd, but you've heard of odder.
Like every year, they had spent the week before selling carnations for a dollar, and even though you won't be getting any, there's a little flicker of hope that one of the scarlet flowers has you name on it.
And all this beautiful, innocent hope is as much a curse, as it is a gift.
You aren't getting a flower today, just like you aren't getting the day's note copied.
You know you need to snap out of your pittiful hope, so you turn your attention back to the teacher just as the bell rings. After which, you gently close your textbook, and rub your heavy eyes, sweeping your things back into your lovely backpack.
It's like you move on autopilot, weaving your way out of the classroom and to your locker, the heavy weight that's usually on your shoulders suspiciously light.
You don't know what that should mean.
"Wait up! Y/N!" A partially familiar voice rings out. Your head snaps backwards, as you turn to face them, unsure of who they might be, and what they might want.
Jet black hair and bountiful blue eyes stare back at you, porcelain skin stained red with both exertion and, embarrassment? In their hands is a textbook you unfortunately know very well, and a single crimson carnation.
You give Tim a small smile, already moving to open your bag.
"I can't believe I forgot my textbook. Thank you so much." You rush out, trying to keep your eyes from lingering on the flower, and doing a pretty damn good job if you do say so yourself. Part of you wonders who he got it from, the only plausible answer being Stephanie, but she's been in a weirdly loving relationship with Courtney, Kara and Cassie since sophomore year.
But you push that all aside, no need to torture yourself on irrelevant information. Instead you wait for him to hand over your textbook.
Except he doesn't.
Instead, he gives you a bashful smile, and holds out the delicate flower, ducking his head as you gape.
Gingerly, as if you're afraid this is a dream and any slight jostle would end it, your fingers incase the stem, softly brushing his.
You can feel wandering eyes on the pair of you, now sporting identical flushes, not looking each other in the eyes, and you fumble trying to find the words to speak.
"Thank you." Is all you can say, the words tumbling out in a jumble of letters.
It's then that Tim looks up, seemingly using all the courage he can muster up.
"Would you like to join me for lunch?"
Yes, you think you might.
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