#but curling up on my couch with a book about the natural world while facing these collections is a really lovely way to spend my evenings
heatherwitch · 10 months
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Embracing the coziness of my home this winter.
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ottpopfic · 21 days
“Hey, you remember how I've been wanting to get my Legion tattoo covered?” Uncle Jason asks
god dad fluff
It's a fall Friday afternoon and Katie is done with class
She's cuddled up in on a couch in the library with the fairy lights on, two Cocoa Puffs curled up on her and a brand-new sci-fi novel that Uncle Jason brought her when he came to camp this week. He is coming over for dinner after he's done with his priestly duties for the day. She thinks Dad is making a fall chili if the cornbread mix and the squash she had to hull up from the last grocery order says anything 
Things in her novel are moving out of the character and world-building and into the meat of the story when she hears a knock on the window. She looks up unphased, because with her life it could be anyone, and sees Uncle Jason. This is pretty typical for him and she gets it, if she could fly Katie would also be entering every building like a Ninja Turtle. 
She has to detangle herself from Puffs and blankets to let him in, both hellspawn complaining the whole way like she didn't place each on their own pillow. The spider-looking one grumpily climbs the wall to fold into a shadow at the corner of the ceiling. 
“Your early!” Katie greets excitedly as she throws open the window and screen “I don't think Dads started on dinner”
“It's cool,” he says as he climbs in “How's the book treating you?”
“Good so far!” she gushes excited, Uncle Jason has always been awesome about letting her infodump “The zinophysiology angle has been really interesting, I'm looking forward to where they're gonna take it” 
Katie pops back on the edge of the couch and the Cocoa Puff clambers back into her lap vibrating for scratches that she happily provides. Uncle Jason sits down next to her
“Hey, you remember how I've been wanting to get my Legion tattoo covered?” he asks
They have been talking about it for a while. Katie has a friend from Hecate who's been working in enchanted tattoos and it got Uncle Jason thinking about getting his old SPQR tattoo covered. She doesn't blame him, it's filled his whole forearm for most of his life, and it's never suited him either. Not like her dad's tattoos, which were personal and felt natural on their bodies. Uncle Jason's has always felt like a barcode, or a brand
Katie and Uncle Jason have always enjoyed talking about art, whether it's what they were working on or something they have seen when they're out and about. Uncle Jason is a modest artist, but his work with the temples speaks for itself. And Katie has a lot of good memories sitting with him as he sketched, parallel play at the max. 
“I got the design, you want to see it?” but he's already pulling out the folded printout from his inner jacket pocket to give over to her excited grabby hands.
At the top is a mandala-style design of the big window at the Way Station. Below it there are two trees; one is obviously Aunt Thalia’s tree, the shape and golden fleece make it indistinguishable. But the dragon in its branches is more serpentine and made of metal, a stylized Festus if she's ever seen him, raising his head up towards the window motif. Katie doesn't recognize the other tree off to the side of Aunt Thalia’s , smaller but equal in the composition. Between them sleeps Grandma Lupa, regal as always, underneath a night sky with the trees as a frame. She thinks she recognizes the leo constellation front and center in the rich starscape.
“It's great!” Katie tells him, impressed, “Did you do it all yourself?”
“I did most of the planning and a sketch,” Uncle Jason says “But the tattoo artist I found did the final drawing. I'm into the city tomorrow to get it”
“What's with the second tree? Just to help cover more?”
“No, it's a poplar tree” and Uncle Jason is watching her face “A balsam poplar”
“That's me” Katie breathes, touching where she and Aunt Thalia’s branches merge and overlay in the picture. They had figured out what kind of wood she was made of last time she was at the Way Station for her quest. 
“Is that ok?” Uncle Jason looks a little worried, rubbing the hair at the nape of his neck “I wanted to get my whole family in it, but I don't want to overstep-”
“Of course it's ok!” she laughs, throwing her arms around his neck. The Puff squeaks in her lap “It's wonderful!”
Uncle Jason hugs her back, warm and solid as always. Big arms and a wide chest, pulling her in tight and safe, the greatest of hugs. He smells like heat lightning and smoke from the offerings, he's the absolute best and she loves him so much
“Would you like company,” she asks him after they separate “When you go to get your cover-up?”
“I would love that!” he tells her all smiles
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sagesolsticewrites · 1 month
for those cutie prompts!!! can I please have:
scene 3 dialogue 1 for Vika and Benny and scene 8 dialogue 12 for Jules and Brady??
Thanks so much for the request bestie!! I had so much fun with these 🥰
from this prompt list; as always, inbox is open if y'all'd like to see any more of these!
Blurbs under the cut to save space <3
Vika & Benny 
Losing themselves in each others eyes as they hold a conversation
"Stay with me tonight. please."
Benny isn’t quite sure what prompts him to say it in the first place.
All he knows is he wants to stay exactly where he is until the end of time.
Vika is curled up securely under his arm, her legs tucked under her on the couch, her thumb tracing back and forth on the rim of the mug in her hands as she recounts the antics of her youngest cousins, who were assigned by their parents to “help” at the hotel that day. According to Vika, not much helping was actually done.
He lets out a laugh when it seems appropriate, only really hearing every third word. He’s interested, he swears he is— he’d be interested if she were talking about dirt— but his focus is where it usually is in moments like these: marveling at the glow of her hair and skin under the lamplight, the bright fondness in her eyes, one of her hands clasped in his like it’s the most natural thing in the world, wondering how in the world he got so lucky.
He’s jolted out of his reverie by a familiar giggle as Vika turns to meet his eyes.
“You’re not listening to a word I’m saying, are you?” She asks fondly.
“I am!” He replies defensively, his voice softening as he repeats, “I promise I am. I just…”
He trails off, forgetting what the rest of that sentence was supposed to be as he feels himself falling into her warm brown gaze.
“Benny?” Vika murmurs with a smile as they slowly lean into each other, noses brushing, breathing each other’s air.
“Stay with me tonight,” Benny says in a low, tender voice, “please.”
He hears her breath catch in her throat as her eyes widen.
“Oh, Benny, I—”
“Please, sweetheart,” he shifts, winding his arms around her to pull her closer, “I just want to spend every second I can with you.”
The look on her face screams that she wants to stay more than anything, but…
“My parents, meri jaan.” Vika reminds him sadly.
Benny sighs, dropping his head into the crook of her neck at the reminder that they were indeed still a secret.
“You could say you’re spending the night at Jules’s,” he suggests, lips brushing against her skin, “Book club ran late, she wouldn’t want you trying to get home so late all alone.”
A shiver runs through Vika at the sensation, even as she retorts “And if my mother calls Jules to check on me?”
He pulls back to give her a look, “You really think Jules won’t cover for you?”
Of course she would.
He can see the cogs whirring behind her eyes as she takes him in, one hand moving up to stroke gently through his hair while he waits with bated breath. If she wants to get home, to mitigate any suspicions her parents may have, of course he’ll understand, but the thought of falling asleep and waking up with his arms around her is…
“Alright,” she sighs with a smile.
Benny sits up, eyes bright. “Really?”
Vika laughs, a musical, tinkling sound. 
“Yes,” she grins, light dancing in her eyes, “I can call Jules now and ask her to cover, I’ll call my mother to explain the situation, and then,” she leans in to brush her lips against his, “I’m all yours.”
He can feel himself grinning like a fool as she goes to the phone, making one giggle-filled call to Jules and one more serious one to her mother before putting it back on the hook, turning to him with a wide smile and racing back into his arms.
Her lips are on his for several long, blissful moments, Vika settled comfortably in his lap until she pulls back, and it seems to hit them both that they’ll have the whole night to themselves— and all that implies.
Benny frowns and cups her face, thumb stroking over her cheek in an attempt to soothe her suddenly nervous countenance.
“Tesoro,” he murmurs, making sure he meets her eyes, “We won’t do anything you don’t want to do.”
She relaxes slightly at that, and he continues, “I just… I just want every second with you I can get. It doesn’t matter how we spend it, I just want to be with you.”
Seemingly at a loss for words, Vika leans in to capture his lips once more.
“I love you, Benny DeMarco,” she sighs into his mouth.
His hands settle respectably just above her hips, pulling her closer, “Love you more, Ruthvika Patel.”
She smiles into the kiss, a thrill running through her at the sound of her full name on his lips.
A thrill that makes her just the tiniest bit bolder.
Bold enough to breathe, “Prove it,” against his lips.
Benny jerks back to meet her eyes, scanning her gaze carefully.
At her almost imperceptible nod, he pulls her back in for a fierce, unhurried kiss.
After all, he had all night to do as she asked.
Jules & Brady
Playing with the other's hair as they rest their head in your lap
"I love being with you."
It was a lazy Sunday for the Bradys. Upon returning home from the church luncheon— hosted this week at Alice Brady’s house, who was always overjoyed to see her son and new daughter-in-law— they promptly shed their nice church clothes… Jules’s falling to the floor faster than usual thanks to her husband’s helping hands.
After a luxurious hour (and then some) in bed, the Bradys wander back downstairs for a snack, settling in for an afternoon of doing absolutely nothing.
Juliet curls up on the end of the couch with a book, John sprawled out beside her, his head resting in her lap.
“Read to me, sweetheart?” John mumbles lazily, lids half closed as his wife’s fingers rake gently through his soft brown curls.
With a smile, she begins reading aloud from the page she’s on:
“When Jane and Elizabeth were alone, the former, who had been cautious in her praise of Mr. Bingley before, expressed to her sister just how very much she admired him…”
Two chapters later, her voice fades in the middle of a sentence.
John looks up from her lap, concerned.
“Jules? Everything okay?”
She nods, suddenly overwhelmed with joy as she takes in the room and the man before her— the soft green couch they had gotten to match the armchair gifted to them from John’s mother, the scent of gardenias and bright sunlight drifting in through two large open windows making her husband’s eyes sparkle and turn his hair the color of honey, the look in his eyes so full of concern and care and love. It hits her suddenly that this life is hers: the cozy little house, a man who loved her— a man who had fought to make it home for two years and proposed less than a day later when he finally did, a man who asked her to read to him on lazy Sundays even when he didn’t quite understand the book she had chosen for the day. If anything had happened… it would’ve been terrifyingly simple for her to have none of this.
“I’m fine, I just—” she swallows around a lump in her throat that hadn’t been there before as she pours every ounce of love she can into her next words, “I love being with you, honey.”
John smiles, seeming to understand what she can’t bring herself to say. He gently grabs the hand that was just playing with his hair, brushing a gentle kiss to her fingers.
“I love you too, Jules.”
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Thinking about Nanette and Zach today because tbh, I'm on the struggle bus and I just KNOW how sweet Zach would be on days that she's struggling to eat 😓😓
Love that story, it's sooooo good even though it hits rather close to home.
Oh my god, Nonnie I am so sorry you're on the struggle bus. Please know that whatever you're going through I (and Zach) will always be here for you 100% of the way. If you need someone to talk to, someone to just listen, or someone to help you when things are hard.
I have a little gift, Nonnie.
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cw below the cut: mentions of bdd, eating disorders, please read at your own risk
He knew it was a hard day for her as soon as she walked through the front door, there was a sort of lethargy in her movements and Zach watched Nanette hang her purse before slipping out of her pumps. It had been happening more and more recently, with the looming nerves about whether or not she would be flying to Paris for Fashion Week, and he had to bite his cheek not to say anything when she sat down beside him on the couch and curled against his side.
Recently her temper had been shorter too, stemming from the very rigorous routine she'd put on herself to try and guarantee a place on the Paris runway. He'd started giving her space when she got home because of it, letting her decompress or if she needed to she could engage a conversation first if she was in the mood.
Today was one of those days.
"I- I'm hungry but... but I'm not."
He set down his book to take her hand, the one resting on his thigh playing with the hem of his shorts, and kissed her fingertips gently before pulling her up. Nanette followed and he could see the full extent of her mental stress by the way her eyes were watering, she was far too close to snapping.
"That's okay, come on, let me take care of you."
Her sniffle made his heart heart and Zach silenced her phone, and his, after taking her upstairs and gently pushing her in the direction of the bedroom. Both devices went into his pocket as he turned the tap and watched the hot water start to fill the tub, nodding to himself, and when he walked into the bedroom Nanette was stripped down in front of his mirror.
He knew now what she dealt with, the battle she waged every day that he couldn't fight for her, and Zach watched as she turned to face him fully. He hated that his natural reaction to her bare was to get turned on, especially when she was vulnerable like this, but he ignored his body's reaction to lead her to the bathroom and drop one of her favorite bath bombs into the water.
Nanette wrapped her arms around him and clung to him as the water filled more, kissing the crown of her head and just rubbing his hands down her back to keep her warm. Only after she slipped into the tub did he grab the little bench he kept in here, for when his knee acted up, and sit behind the tub so he could braid and pin her hair up as she lounged in the water.
"I'm gonna get your make-up off."
Nanette hummed and he gently used her wipes to rid her of everything on her face, leaving her looking just as gorgeous and a lot less troubled. He kissed her forehead before putting her face mask on her and told her to relax, dimming the light and keeping the door cracked so he could hear her as he headed back downstairs.
He put together a bunch of small plates, just an array of quick bites that she could choose from, vegetable based with some very easy protein in the form of leftover chicken and salmon from his recipe testing earlier today. By the time Nanette ventured back downstairs she was looking worlds better and her eyes lingered on the plates of food that were set out.
"Tapas night."
When her lips tipped up into a smile he relaxed, she was going to be okay, and Zach never once made a big deal out of what she did or didn't eat. A few bites here, a few bites there, and while it was far less than what he would have liked he didn't force her to eat more. Instead he tipped her face to his after dinner, when they were curled on the couch watching a video series about a Youtube star that tried out these crazy hack videos, and he pressed a gentle kiss right to her lips that made Nanette smile against his mouth.
"Good job today, Nanette."
Her eyes watered again but out of relief and Zach held her close knowing that it would get better, she'd already worked up the courage to get herself a therapist and tomorrow she started her own therapy, and he wasn't going to let days like this chase him away.
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thewatcher727 · 1 year
Tumblr Exclusive One Shot: Storm Preparations
The storm outside was fierce, with strong winds rattling the windows of Team Dark's home. Shadow was sitting in the living room, his eyes closed in silent meditation, while Omega was tinkering with his gadgets in the corner. Rouge burst into the room, shaking off the raindrops from her fur.
"Hey, hun," she said, grinning at Shadow. "Looks like we're in for a wild night."
Shadow opened his eyes and gave her a nod. "I've faced worse than a little storm," he said, his voice calm and measured.
Omega looked up from his work. "I concur. Our home is well-protected against inclement weather. However, I suggest we take the necessary precautions to ensure our safety."
Rouge rolled her eyes. "Always the voice of caution, Omega. But you're right. We should make sure everything's secure."
As the storm raged on outside, the trio went about their tasks. Shadow double-checked the windows and doors, making sure they were locked tight. Omega ran a diagnostic on the security systems, ensuring that they were fully operational. Rouge lit a few candles and turned on some soft music, creating a cozy atmosphere despite the raging storm.
As they settled down for the night, the rain continued to pour outside. Omega had retreated to his charging dock, while Rouge curled up on the couch with a good book. Shadow stood by the window, watching the storm with his arms folded across his chest.
"Something on your mind, Mr. Grumpy?" Rouge asked, smirking.
Shadow glanced at her, a faint hint of amusement in his eyes. "Just contemplating the power of nature," he said, his voice low.
Rouge raised an eyebrow. "Is that right? Sounds deep."
Shadow shrugged. "I suppose it is. There's a certain majesty to a storm, a raw power that reminds me of my own abilities."
Rouge smiled. "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying the show. Personally, I'm just hoping the power doesn't go out. I don't want to be stuck in the dark."
Shadow nodded, turning his attention back to the storm. As the thunder rumbled and the rain continued to fall, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace. For all its chaos and destruction, the storm was a reminder of the beauty and unpredictability of the world around them.
And as long as he had his team by his side, he knew they could weather any storm that came their way.
Shadow got up from his post by the window and made his way to the armchair opposite the couch. He sat down and pulled out a small leather-bound journal from the pocket of his coat. It was a habit he had picked up after recovering his memories, one that he found to be both therapeutic and practical.
With a pen in hand, Shadow began to jot down notes, writing about the day's events and the emotions he felt during the storm. He also wrote about the places he had visited on Earth, from bustling cities to quiet rural towns. It was his way of honoring Maria's memory, to see the world through her eyes and experience the wonders that she never got a chance to.
As he wrote, he heard a faint creaking sound. He looked up to see that Rouge had gotten up from the couch and was now making her way over to him.
"What are you writing, Shadow?" she asked, looking over his shoulder.
Shadow hesitated for a moment, then decided to show her. He flipped the journal open to a page where he had sketched a quick drawing of a landscape he had seen on one of his travels. It was a simple pencil sketch, but it captured the essence of the place in a way that no photograph ever could.
Rouge looked at the sketch and smiled. "Wow, that's really good, Shadow. You're quite the artist."
Shadow shrugged. "It's just a hobby. Helps me keep my mind focused."
Rouge nodded. "I get that. Writing is my way of processing things. Helps me make sense of the world."
There was a moment of silence as they both sat there, lost in their own thoughts. The storm outside had begun to die down, the rain turning into a soft drizzle.
"I'm glad we have each other," Rouge said, breaking the silence. "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."
Shadow nodded in agreement. "We make a good team. Always have."
They both sat there for a while longer, enjoying the peacefulness that had settled over the house. And as Shadow continued to write in his journal, he felt a sense of gratitude for the life he had built for himself, for the friends he had made along the way, and for the memories that he would never forget.
Rouge was about to say something else when she noticed that Shadow had stopped writing and was staring off into space.
"Hey, Shadow, you okay?" she asked.
He blinked, then shook his head. "Sorry, I was just lost in thought."
Rouge grinned. "I know the feeling. So, what were you thinking about?"
Shadow hesitated, then said, "Just wondering if you ever stop talking."
Rouge's eyes widened, and she grabbed a nearby pillow, tossing it at Shadow with a playful scowl. "Hey! That was uncalled for, Mr. Grumpy!"
But Shadow didn't even flinch. He just continued to write in his journal, a faint smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.
Rouge shook her head, still grinning. "You're impossible, you know that?"
Shadow looked up at her, his expression unreadable. "I've been told that before," he said, his voice dry.
Rouge rolled her eyes, settling back onto the couch. "Well, I'm just glad you're still with us, Mr. Grumpy. Life would be boring without you."
Shadow nodded, then went back to writing in his journal. And as the storm continued to rage outside, the three members of Team Dark sat in comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts.
As the storm outside finally subsided, Omega suddenly stirred from his spot on the floor. He had been in sleep mode for quite some time, but the sudden sound of thunder had awoken him.
"System reactivated. Status: online," Omega said, his robotic voice cutting through the quiet of the room.
Rouge looked over at him, smiling. "Hey there, big guy. Did you sleep well?"
Omega blinked a few times, then looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. His gaze fell on a small action figure that was lying on the floor nearby.
"What is this?" he asked, picking up the figure.
Rouge leaned over to get a better look. "Oh, that's an action figure of you, Omega. You found it on one of your travels, remember?"
Omega examined the figure more closely, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Affirmative. It appears to be an accurate representation of my physical form."
He then began to fiddle with the figure, moving its limbs around and making it jump up and down. Shadow looked over at him, the faintest hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
"It's good to have you back, Omega," he said.
Omega turned to look at him, the action figure still in his hand. "Affirmative. It is good to be back."
Rouge laughed. "And now that you're back, are you going to play with your action figure all day?"
Omega paused, then looked back down at the figure. "Negative. I have more important things to do."
And with that, he set the action figure down and got up from the floor, ready to take on whatever mission lay ahead. Shadow, Rouge, and Omega made for an unlikely team, but they had proven time and time again that they were a force to be reckoned with. As they prepared to head out into the world once more, they knew that they could count on each other, no matter what.
As the storm continued to rage outside, Shadow couldn't help but glance up and notice something unusual about Omega. Specifically, the fact that he was wearing one of Rouge's scarves around his head like a bandana.
"Omega, what are you doing with that scarf?" Shadow asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Omega looked at him blankly, then gestured to the scarf on his head. "I found this scarf and it was cold, so I used it to keep my circuits from freezing."
Rouge snickered, clearly amused by the sight of the imposing robot wearing a pink scarf. "Oh, honey, that's not quite what it's meant for," she said.
Omega looked at her quizzically. "Explain."
Rouge grinned mischievously. "It's a fashion accessory, big guy. It's meant to make you look good."
Omega considered this for a moment, then looked down at the scarf on his head. "Interesting. I will file this information away for future use."
Shadow couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. "I never thought I'd see the day when Omega was into fashion."
Omega glared at him. "My programming allows me to appreciate all forms of creativity, including fashion."
Rouge leaned over, a teasing grin on her face. "I think you should keep wearing it, hun. It's a good look on you."
Omega looked at her, then down at the scarf on his head. "Very well. I will continue to wear it."
And with that, he went back to fiddling with his action figure, the scarf still wrapped around his head. Shadow and Rouge exchanged a knowing look, both of them suppressing their laughter. It was just another day in the life of Team Dark, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
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Morpheus x friend/virgin reader.
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-You and Morpheus had been friends for a while now. It was a natural connection formed after you had saved him from the Burgess's grasp.
-The moping Endless had started visiting you in your dreams first, appearing and watching to make sure the dreams remained just dreams.
-After a while though the lines between duty and friendship began to fade after which he suddenly came over regularly to the waking world to visit you.
-You usually spend your time together catching him up on the latest popculture he had missed while in captivity. Him seated as far as he could on the other side of the couch, back straight and gaze fixed on the movie screen.
-Sometimes instead of watching movies you read to him instead, him seated in the chair in the corner while you are laid out on the bed with a book grasped in your hands.
-You spend more time with him every day, until at one point all the free time you have awake and asleep goes to being with him.
-After a while when you start visiting the dreaming almost every night you have a talk with Lucienne. "I worry about the pressure he is under right now" her eyes stare out the window with a familiar worry. "He seems different lately, like something of great importance is bothering him."
- "I'll try to talk to him" You mutter softly placing a hand on her shoulder. The woman just gives you a slight smile before turning back to the paper she was reading.
- "A new study shows bathing or showering together can decrease your anxiety immensely." A newsreporter with a plastic smile points to a graph showing the positives of the activity. You might have saved that piece of information a bit too religiously.
- A week later as you and Morpheus are watching the amazing movie called "Star wars" you find your gaze straying to the godlike being beside you.
-His blue eyes are fixed on the screen, his strong jaw clenched and eyes narrrowed. He didn't seem relaxed at all, his hands were curled into his black sweater tightly, his knuckles white.
-"Morpheus...?" you ask. His gaze turns to yours in a flash, his eyes soften as you make eye contact.
- "Are you allright? You seem tense" You turn your body toward him putting all your attention on the man.
- He lets out a soft sigh and looks away from you. "I fear my duties have tired me a bit"
-Something in you tells you that there was more to it but you decide to leave that alone for now.
- "Maybe we could do something to make you relax?" You mutter putting a hand on your chin in thought.
- His interest seemed peeked "What did you have in mind?"
- "Well not really anything yet... well maybe.... bathing together could work" You hadn't realised what you had muttered under your breath until Morpheus responded.
- "Bathing together?" He looked perplexed by your suggestion.
- You quickly tried to backtrack. "OH well i read this article and uhhh it said it decreases anxiety, but i understand if you don't... want to.." You scratched the back of your head sheepishly.
- An unreadable expression passes his face, "Well if you think it will help, i suppose we could try"
- You feel your face burn bright red "Well the article said to shower first then bathe for the cleanliness... and to use lavender soaps..."
-The only response you get to your stammering is a slight lift of the corner of his mouth and an intense stare.
- Which is exactly how you are suddenly having to gather the courage to step out into the bathroom, an plush pink towel the only thing between you and being completely nude. This isn't a lovely time to gain some body insecurities.
- You shake your head, a heavy breath. You grasp the handle pushing it open quickly. Instantly your standing in the bathroom the door closed behing you.
-The energy in the average sized bathroom feels warm and intense.Your heartbeat feels like an drum solo in your chest.
- The bare figure of Morpheus is stood in the shower cabin allready, the damp on the glass doing little of disguising the lines of muscle and supple skin.
- You slowly walk over to the shower, somewhere along the way you lock eyes with morpheus, he turns the shower off and turns toward you.
- His gaze doesn't leave your face, the damp is more effective disguising your bodies this way. It was not possible to see any bodily features except for his face now, you hoped he couldn't see yours either.
- Your now cold fingers untangle the top of the towel slowly, his eyes follow the movement a little too closely. It finally loosens and a rush of air hits your body as the towel falls to the floor.
- You didn't understand how this was supposed to be relaxing, you can feel the panic fill your head.
- You could swear you heard a gasp escape his lips, his hands reach over to the door handle the glass wall sliding to the side. The only barrier between your bodies now naught but air.
-You both take a second to appreciate eachother.
-His muscles are devined and close to the surface, his skin looks so smooth and white you wonder how it would feel to run your fingers over it. Before you can stop yourself you catch a glimpse of something equally as smooth and white located between his legs. You didn't dare check again to observe it.
- You shiver a bit, Morpheus steps to the side so you can step in. Your arm slightly brushed past his chest at the movement. His breath fans your neck.
- The silence almost hurts and you can't help but break it. "I have never been naked in front of someone before" You mutter softly planting your gaze on the ground.
- A harsh breath from him, this time acompanied by a whispered comfort. "I am honored to be your first"
-He didn't specify the first of what, which didn't go by unnoticed for the both of you. He slowly moves his hand behind you leaning forward to where there are but a couple inches between you, a soft noise echoes as the shower door clicks shut.
- He smirks softly leaning back and turning the shower on. "Shall we begin?" He whispers.
Chapter two:
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Cuddle Time w/ the OM Cast
Baby Simeon woke me up from my slumber. That card is fucking adorable, I want it.
The fact Lucifer doesn't immediately throw them off whenever they try to snuggle should be proof enough of his love.
Cuddling is mostly done in the privacy of his bedroom. Occasionally he'll allow it in his office, but only if he's not busy.
He prefers to do it on one of the many chairs or cushions he has by the fire. Between the warmth of their body and the heat of the fireplace, he'll relax into it in seconds…
His favorite position is face-to-face with them on his lap - it's a way for him to "hand over" control while still feeling perfectly in charge. Sure, they can trace his jaw or fluff his hair as much as they like, but it's his arms holding them in place.
Gets beyond grouchy if they get interrupted... First, it's embarrassing, but second, who even has the right? If he gets pulled away for anything less than a house fire, someone (usually Mammon) is getting tied up to the chandelier...
Jumps at cuddle time, but always tries to play it off afterwards like an indecisive puppy.
Like Lucifer, he prefers his bedroom or theirs, but he'll do it in the Common Room too if he really needs a "pick-me-up." It's just that they usually get interrupted in there, so…
Likes to cuddle in bed or on couches, any place that's long enough to let him stretch out a bit. He wants to monopolize as much MC as he can.
Favorite position is laying on them so that his head is on their stomach or chest, kind of like a blanket. Like I said, the MC Surface Area to Mammon ratio is very important to him. More than half of MC must be cuddled for supreme satisfaction.
Whines like crazy if they get interrupted (and they usually do). Nearly every brother has an automatic gut reaction to toss him across the room if they see it happening, but that never stops him trying.
Levi had to warm to cuddling but after that he was all-in for life.
Really only does it in his room (duh). He gets so nervous about trying it anywhere else that you'd think it was scandalous or something...
Actually prefers to cuddle on the floor - on beanbags or pillows of course. It's not terribly comfortable to cuddle and play games together in his bedtub and he needs the multitasking.
Favorite position (scratch that, the only position) is with their back to him and his arms around them in some way, probably also gripping a controller (or vice versa). They can do it laying down or sitting up, but that's what he can muster. His brain stops functioning if they ever try to face each other...
Not above vague thoughts of homicide if they get interrupted. He already doesn't like letting go, so add on the depletion of his all important "MC Meter" and he's going to be very grumpy indeed…
Cuddles a bit like a semi-social cat. Less big on full-on snuggling, but he still requires physical contact.
Much more relaxed about the PDA than the others, but his affection style is more casual looking as well. He'll cuddle right about anywhere, but mostly whenever he's reading.
Couches or loveseats are easiest. Chairs are less so, but manageable as long as they can sit close to each other. 
Favorite position is to have them sit next to him with their legs over his lap. He only needs one hand to read so the other usually roams around mindlessly while he's engrossed in a book. He may rub their thighs, hold their hand, or play with their hair.
Hates being interrupted with a burning passion. The death glare he'll send to anyone stupid enough to try could curdle milk… Give Satan his MC time if you know what's good for you.
Needs cuddle time like he needs air, but would you expect any less from the embodiment of Lust?
Down to cuddle anytime, anywhere - zero shame and no hint of hesitation. Sometimes he'll come over and latch into them in the middle of someone else's conversation...
Fond of using beds but he's also mastered cuddling in the tub, his bathroom is certainly built for it. Nothing beats a nice hot bath with his nice warm MC! 😘
Favorite position is really any of them. He's hardly going to be picky - though if given the choice, he'll pull them to the nearest bed and wrap himself around them so tight that they may get stuck together.
Whines louder than Mammon if they ever get interrupted and pelt the intruder with pillows or shoes to make them go away (it rarely works though…). 
Always happy to cuddle with MC!... as long as they don't mind his stomach growling from time to time.
Prefers to cuddle after he's downed some big feast. When the food coma is setting in, it's really nice to hold MC for a while… They make him feel full for at least five extra minutes!
He tries to incorporate MC into his training sometimes so his favorite position is to have them latched onto him like a kola while he goes about the House. If their arms or legs get tired, he'll carry them over to a couch and just continue from there.
If he's got to be still, then he prefers to cuddle in a bed, ideally one where Belphie is. Nothing warms his heart more than having the both of them clung into him in some way, it's very therapeutic. 😊
Not AS bothered when they get interrupted… If anything he's just disappointed. He was probably having fun, but they'll come back, right...?
Look, all time is "Cuddle Time" and any other activity is just a distraction. If Belphie could hot glue the MC to his body, he would. 
Being cuddled to sleep is a MUST. He thrives on their proximity and the sound of their heartbeat is the world's best lullaby.
Unfortunately, he doesn't even need to be particularly comfortable to get cuddling in… He has been known to just collapse onto their lap if he's tired enough, all else be damned.
His favorite position is any way that lets them be his pillow. Any particular soft parts of the body like the stomach are fair game. He'll use their thighs like a neck pillow if he wants to (and hope that they don't try choking him out of revenge...).
There's really no interrupting Belphie. If someone needs MC, he'll latch onto their legs so they either stay put or bring him too. The others have to use magic or spatulas just to pry him off...
Big on cuddle time. HUGE on cuddle time! This man has hardly ever been touched, so this is a dream come true!!
Look, he's the king so he'll cuddle them wherever he damn well pleases! (That's a lie, Barbatos won't let him do it during work hours… Otherwise it's fine.)
He's very enthusiastic but uh… kind of inexperienced so a lot of things (like convenient location) don't occur to him right away. Like sure, they could go cuddle in a big ass bed, but he really wants to hold them RIGHT NOW so they're just going to have to do this in an empty ballroom somehow...
His favorite position is probably best described as the "Teddy Bear," where they just sit on his lap and he hugs them from behind. He'll even rest his chin on their head if he can. It looks vaguely like he's holding them hostage but they actually seem happy about it.
Unless your name is Barbatos or Lucifer, you do not interrupt them. As far as he knows, there's still a snake in the dungeons and you don't want to be the person he sends to check…
A spot of quiet intimacy is quite rare for him… but never unwelcome.
Assuming Barbs even finds the time in his schedule to sit still for a while, he will almost always opt to do so when utterly alone (sometimes even in deserted timelines). It's very embarrassing to be caught procrastinating at work...
Ever the pleaser, he'll claim that he has no real preferences but if he were being honest it's when they're curling up together on a cushion or loveseat. It's comfortable, but still allows for some proper conversion.
Unlike others, no matter what position they take he'll always want to be face-to-face. When he gets to be with them so rarely, why would he ever want to see their back turned…?
NO ONE interrupts them. No one. Short of Diavolo needing him desperately, if someone sees the two of them together they will turn around. Even an irritated Barbatos is scary, an angry one is terrifying…
Oh man… This is the height of intimacy for an angel. Cuddling with Simeon is just as sweet and relaxing as it sounds - it's an almost photogenic level of serenity, fit for the brushes of Renaissance painters trying to define what divine love is...
Naturally, because it's such an intimate act Simeon will only do so in absolute privacy. He doesn't even want Luke to see, it's just that personal...
Part of why he's so guarded is because it's one of the rare times he'll let his wings be free. They're very delicate, so he has to sit on stools, logs, or other backless seats to even let them out but it's worth it.
His favorite position is to have the MC sit across his lap while he holds them as close as possible. He'll beat his wings for a nice breeze on hot days or fold them in to shelter the MC from cold ones. No matter what, their movement is so glimmering and graceful that they're practically mesmerizing…
To him getting interrupted is legitimately so mortifying you'd think he got caught streaking. Even the brothers - sans Satan - will avert their eyes if they find them like that… while still telling him to back off but at least they're considerate about it.
Solomon's softest moments come when he's cuddling MC… but he's still a little mischievous no matter what.
They pretty much have to do it in secret because if any of the brothers see them, they'll throw a fit… So snuggling in cramped storage closets or "so-high-up-in-the-air-no-one-can-stop-us" it is!
But when he wants to poke buttons, Solomon will magic them onto his lap dead-ass in the middle of RAD, like, two minutes before a class starts just to watch the world burn…
If he had a favorite position, it's sitting wrapped up together in his cape. It feels intimate, warm, and the starry-sky pattern makes him feel like there's nothing in the universe but them…
Interruptions are frequent - thank the PDA police - but only in the Devildom. In the human world, though? They're all his and he soaks up every minute of it... Sorry fellas. 😏
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darlinsam · 3 years
romantic activities with: vincent
redacted asmr vincent x gn reader (lovely)
author’s note — tags are back working again!! so, after that audio we had dropped on us, here’s some fluff with your one and only flirty vampire boyfriend, vincent. i can’t wait to see where the inversion story line goes, and i hope this brings you a little bit of comfort until we find out more ♡
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reading together
on days when you and vincent just want to be together and shut out the world, you find yourselves curled up together reading. sometimes you sit together and share a book, where you’re sat in between his legs with your head leaning against his chest as he holds the book in front of you both. you share hushed whispers about things that are happening, and vincent places small kisses against your head and temples every so often.
other times it’ll be spent when you each have your own book. still together, yet also in your own worlds. however, on these occasions if you’re sat at other ends of the couch vincent is either holding your hand, or tangling your legs together. you’ll both read a few chapters before placing the books down and discussing excitedly what has been going on in your separate worlds, or reading out your favourite lines to one another.
visiting art galleries
vincent is a huge lover of all types of art, you often spend evenings tangled in soft silky sheets while he sits at the end of your shared bed, with his lip in between his teeth, as he paints you. every once in a while you hear him mumble a small “perfect” or “beautiful” as he captures each curve of you on canvas.
so, when you visit an art gallery with vincent you get to see him truly happy. every piece of art takes his breath away and he just wants to soak up as much as he can. from the atmosphere, to the actual artworks. vincent just loves it so much. he’ll have you pressed up against him, sometimes arms linked and your shoulders touching, other times he’ll have his arm around you and your head will rest on his shoulder. both together as one, no words shared, soaking up every detail of the sights in front of you.
evening picnics
vincent hates that he can’t take you out for picnics during summer days, so the next best thing he can think to do is take you on picnics in evening. after the sun has set and the sky has turned pink, the last few moments of daylight linger in the air as you and your boyfriend walk through a field of wildflowers to reach your favourite picnic spot; a quiet area in the middle of nowhere. you both help set up the blanket, and unpack your basket full of homemade treats which you’d spent the day in the kitchen baking together.
after finishing sharing your favourite treats, you sit cuddled up with each other. vincent has his arm is around you and both share soft kisses and touches in between the small talk, and the comfortable sound of nature surrounding you. you watch as the cotton candy clouds turn to stars, and vincent gives you his jacket which moulds around you perfectly. you hum as you snuggle into his jacket more and move closer to his side, and vincent’s breath is taken from him as he looks down at you curled up against him so closely, butterflies fill his stomach and he swore if it was possible, his cheeks would be rosey from blushing right now.
“thank you, lovely.”
you barely picked up on the small whisper that left your boyfriend’s lips, and so you turn in his hold to look up at his face and quirk your head to the side slightly.
“hm? for what?”
smiling softly, vincent cups your face gently and you place a small kiss to his palm, before looking back up at him waiting on an answer.
“for being my home.”
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spencermyangel · 3 years
I feel like Spencer would have like obsession phases (like me) and when they come they last a while, and when they aren't on a case that's all he talks abt. Can you do something with this explaining the different obsessions he's had other the years (one being the winnie pooh) also bit of moreid in back round they need the screen time they didn't get.
Thank you for the request :)
A/N - I loved writing this, I have obsession phases too 💕
When Spencer was 4 he fell in love with disney especially, winnie the pooh. Diana would listen with a smile to her small son babble on and on about his favourite characters, and movies. Diana made over his room to be winnie the pooh themed. With winnie the pooh wallpaper, blankets and toys.
At 7 Spencer saw ballet dancers on television, he instantly fell in love with how graceful they seemed. He tried to dance along, clumsily copying the ballerinas' dance moves. Diana bought him ballerina toys and movies. She asked William to sign Spencer up for ballet classes. William respond by saying,
“My son is not going to go to ballet classes, stop encouraging him.”
When Spencer was 10 his mother had been getting worse for a few years and his father left. Spencer found comfort in nature, going out trying to identify different plants and rocks, learning everything he could about them from books he got at the library or from his mother’s collection.
At 12 Spencer became fascinated with space, he studied planets and stars. He learned everything he could about space, rambling to his mother or anyone who would listen. He made models of planets and pretended to be an astronaut.
At 14 Spencer visited an aquarium and became entranced by sea life and the ocean. He researched various different types of fish, sea life, and ocean plants. He got a pet fish and collected seashells.
Throughout the years he had been at the bau he had many obsessions. Knitting, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, world religions and cultures. He had many people to ramble to now, going on and on about his obsession, sometimes annoying his teammates.
One time Morgan had found his boxes full of his things from past obsessions. Spencer explained how he always had a special place in his heart for his past interests. Morgan spent the night listening to Spencer ramble and tell him facts about past obsessions.
Lately Spencer had been revisiting his disney/winnie the pooh phase.
“Morgan, did you know that the real bear that inspired Winnie the pooh was a girl?”
Morgan chuckled listening to Reid happily ramble “Yes, pretty boy, you told me a million times.”
Spencer blushed “oh, sorry.”
Morgan reached over and moved a curl out of Spencer’s face. “Hey, it's ok, I like hearing you talk.”
Spencer smiled happily and continued telling Morgan random facts about Winnie the pooh before asking “can we watch the search for Christopher Robin tonight.”
Morgan nodded “of course”
Later that night, Morgan and Spencer snuggled up on the couch watching the movie surrounded by Spencer’s old disney plushies.
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fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
Hi love your Barry content ( he deserves all the love). Could you possibly write something about Barry only being soft for his girl and his girl only. Or even him being super protective over her when a kook/or pogue hits on her
Author's Notes: Thank you so much, lovely - the character of Barry is so interesting to me, and I'm so happy you enjoy my content surrounding him. If this was your request - I hope you love it xoxo
Warnings: Guns, Mentions of drugs, Swearing, Sexual references - Sexual innuendos, Violence.
Requested? YES! Requests for OBX are OPEN!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
Vulnerable wasn't a state that came natural to him. Perhaps as a child, but he didn't really remember back that far. He was a soldier and he had to be tough, show no emotion. Don't get attached, it's just easier that way.
Even when he came home he found he didn't attach himself to many people. Or perhaps, there just weren't too many people around he wanted to cling to. He always had his back up around people. If they didn't get to know him, then he didn't get to know them and then his heart never got broken.
Until Her.
There wasn't really a timeline for their relationship, or when she started coming around. If he was honest, it all started to blend together. One day she wasn't there and the next she was. On his couch, perched on his lap with her fingers in his hair and her sweet voice in his ear.
Barry thought she was the sweetest girl in the world. Too sweet to be hanging around with drug dealing scum like him. Too soft, sweet and all around precious to be hanging around with a guy like him. Tripping over a loaded gun every step she took. She would give him those gentle, knowing eyes after she had gathered herself.
I know this is who you are, baby.
It was her unwavering love, patience and support of him for exactly who he was that helped him break his own walls down bit by bit. The way she didn't mind that his house was messy, all types of people from different walks of life knocking on his door. Or how she let him rest his head on her chest after a particularly long day, her fingers twisting the loose lock of hair the hung in his face.
Barry, quite simply, felt like he would die for her if it came down to it. He wasn't sure why he would ever find himself that in position, or why his sweet girlfriend, content on spending her nights cuddled on the couch with him or buried between the pages of book, would ever put either of them in that position.
But he would go down in flames for his woman.
"Baby?" Her voice was soft behind him as he sat at the table out in the sun-room, weighing out bags. His heart skipped a beat, and he felt like a teenager getting caught with his first dime-bag of weed.
"Hey. I was just finishin' up in here. Won't be long." He muttered with a clear of his throat as he turned in his chair to see her standing in the doorway, fiddling with the hem of her dress.
"Are we still going for a walk on the beach today?" She inquired, so sugary sweet it was a shock to his system. He felt dizzy, lightheaded.
Barry stood up, his work completely forgotten at her question. He had promised her that he would take her to the beach. A simple request, but he preferred to say "low profile" and the beach seemed like the least low profile place of all. But if she asked him, he would oblige without question.
"Yeah. Can go now, if you want." Barry nodded as he wiped his hands off on the back of his shorts before he reached for her hands. No part of his life, his work, would touch her. He still didn't know why she chose a life with him, but he took it day by beautiful day.
She took the small steps forward so her bare toes touched the tips of work boots, her hands reaching for his to lace their fingers. Barry looked down at their feet, passed their hands interlocked, at her little painted toes. It would take him a while to admit out loud that the bright colours she painted her toes made him just a little bit weak. The way she curled her toes against his shins when they were in bed together, or even the gentle way she rubbed the flats of her feet against his own to stay warm at night.
It made him remember he was still alive.
Barry loathed the beach. So many tourists, unhappy kids and parents, sun burnt and drunk college kids who just didn't know when to call it quits. All of it was terrible, but he didn't seem to notice all of those distractions so much when he was with her. Playfully kicking water at her as they walked the shoreline, a soft kiss to her forehead now and then. He wasn't too fond of large displays of affection, they seemed grotesque to him. A kiss to the forehead, or the squeeze of the hand was more than enough for him.
The looks of the frat guys around them didn't go unnoticed by the soldier. He was acutely aware of everything that was going on around them. He knew the toddler at the top of the hill, near the food truck, was going to fall the minute it started run. He could see it in his brain before it happened. He saw the teen girls ahead, and to the left of them, battling over who got to take the photo to commemorate the day.
And he saw the group of Kooks, more than one of them could be called a regular customer, eyes zeroed in on Barry and his girl slowly walking down the shoreline. He could see their lips moving, but he couldn't hear anything. A Kook Goon Squad, clad in overpriced bathing suits and Oakley's. He hated them, every last one of them.
"Here. Think that ice cream truck over there has that ice for little kids you like. Take this, I'll be right there." Barry grumbled as he reached into the back pocket of his shorts and pulling out his wallet.
"Super Hero ice cream is not for little kids, Barry." She scoffed, but graciously accepted his wallet with a peck on his cheek before she took off with a run through the water, splashing up her thighs.
Barry ran his hand over his chin as he made sure his love far enough away before he turned on his heel and stalked over to the Kooks beneath a beach umbrella, attempting to tap a keg.
"...too hot for him, though. I met her at this party a year ago but no deal. She's loyal as shit to him, dude."
The conversation made Barry vibrate with anger. She had told him about that party and how some guy had been unruly with her, would not leave her alone.
"The only way he could have been closer to me is if he had been inside of me. He was so creepy."
Barry clenched his fists as he made the last few steps up to the group of Kooks, ready to strike. He pulled his fist back, the blood in his head blocking out any other sounds than the pure rage he felt at the disrespect they were speaking about his girlfriend.
Barry pulled his elbow back and connected his fist with the Kook's jaw, unannounced. Not the most fair punch he's ever doled out, but he didn't think that hitting on another man's girlfriend was exactly fair either. He wasn't sure if it was the sheer force of his punch, or the fact that it was unexpected - perhaps a bit of both - but the Kook was knocked off of his feet, and onto his back.
"So, you like hitting on girls with boyfriend's? Being persistent? Man, if I was as persistent as you, I'd probably having my fucking money from your ass by now." Barry growled as he crouched down in the sand beside the boy as he groaned, clutching his jaw.
"Leave my girl alone, asshole." Barry spat as he stood up, glaring at the friends that stood helpless around the Kook writhing on the ground.
Barry walked away from the rich kids with too much time and money to spare, and found his girl at the front of the line for ice cream. He let out a deep breath as he wiped off his raw, bloody knuckle on the underside of his shirt.
"Hi, baby. You're just in time. I got stuck behind a group of like, ten kids. Do you want something?" She smiled as he walked up behind her and gently placed his hands on her hip as not to scare her.
"Nah. Share yours." He replied softly as he leaned in to press another kiss to her forehead.
"See? Super Hero ice cream isn't just for kids."
@vintageobx @starkey-babie @fashion-fasting @barrysjumpsuit @babeyglo @rottenstyx @pogueslandia @whcclxr @soph0864
@beauvibaby @plutooryectors @sodasback
*tag list is open, please let me know if I forgot you or you would like to be added/removed from particular posts. I've removed the people that don't pre-populate :(
Please let me know what you think if you have a moment! Thank you so much xoxo
Requests for OBX ARE OPEN!
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Second Nature
Part of Mercy’s 1k Celebration: A collection of Spencer Reid x Reader requests to celebrate 1,000 followers.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Spencer and Reader share some realizations after one of them has been kidnapped. Category: FLUFF + ADDITIONAL SMUT ENDING (18+) Warnings: Language, brief mentions of kidnapping and injury, bruising, sex (penetrative sex, protected sex, dirty talk, lowkey hand kink—i’m not sorry) Word Count: 6.1k
Full Request: “...Congratulations on your 1k! I have  request for your celebration, if possible. Spencer/Fem Reader. Post prison Spencer, instead of him being taken by the cult, the reader is, making hi realize that she’s Love of life and they get together. Smut,preferred, if possible. Thank you.” — @dreatine 
NOTE: I had a little conversation with @ssa-m-187 about a post which discussed that trope where Person A caresses Person B’s cheek, and then Person A leans into their touch and holds their arm to keep them there for comfort.. I mentioned that I might add it into one of my requests, and this is where it ended up! 😂❤
I also decided to add an alternate/additional smut ending in case anyone wanted only the fluff. It will be clearly marked when the smut starts if you choose not to read it!
Nothing bad ever happened to her. Spencer wished that was an exaggeration but it wasn't. In all the years he'd known Y/N, she was never kidnapped, no one she loved ever got kidnapped, and she never even got sick. Her moods were always visibly happy, no one had ever seen her with so much as a sprained ankle, and even bad hair days always seemed to escape her grasp.
So naturally, when she got taken by Ben's Believers, it came as no shock that Spencer was losing his mind.
Everyone kept telling him that they'd get her back, and that they all knew what to do, but it didn't stop the sinking feeling that weighed his heart down, far away from the surface where she was safe and waiting for him.
Guess it's safe to say, this whole situation stirred up some feelings he hadn't even known existed.
The first thing that came to his mind, aside from the initial shock of her being gone, was the first moment they met.
Y/N and Ashley Seaver had both been added to the team around the same time, and after losing Emily, the three of them had practically become inseparable. But that first meeting, the very second he laid eyes on her, it was something purely magical.
She was trying to open a jar of pickles in the break room, breathy and aggravated curses spilling from her mouth as if she were a sailor.
"Do you need any help?" Spencer asked, not intending to scare her.
But alas, she jumped, dropping the jar of pickles and causing it to shatter everywhere. "Shit!"
He offered to help clean it up, and she accepted, sighing about how everything she had was going to smell like pickles for at least a week. And once everything was picked up, she grabbed a pickle that had landed on the counter and took a bite, promptly saying, "Well, at least I got it open," with a mouth-full of pickle. "Thanks for scaring me, bud."
It was amusing to say the least.
And every time they'd gone out for food since then, Spencer made sure to order something with a pickle every time, just so he could offer it to her and hear her laugh about that day. Every time, she mirrored that moment, taking a bite and saying, "Thanks, bud."
Of course, back then he hadn't realized he did it because he liked her. He just thought it was nice to see her smile, to hear her laugh. That's what friends did, right? Made each other laugh?
That's what kept him going as they searched high and low for answers to get her back. Her laugh. It was there, replaying on a loop in his brain as if he could ever forget it.
And when he got her back, he vowed to make sure he made her laugh for the rest of time.
When they knew where to find Y/N, Spencer made it his mission to be the one who got her out of there. He wanted to be the one she saw when she was being rescued. He wanted to be the one who made sure she was finally safe again and out of harm's way.
And most importantly he wanted to tell her that he loved her. And he didn't want to spend another day without being next to her.
But first he had to get her out of there.
The second he saw her, it was like everything moved in slow motion. She was strapped to some type of mechanism that kept her hands at her sides and her head facing forward. And despite the fact that she'd never been held hostage, she looked very calm. She looked like exactly what the cult wanted her to be: a sacrifice.
It made Spencer's stomach churn. And it felt even worse when they moved in. Because everyone was getting down, and the cult leader jumped for Y/N, striking to kill.
The gunshot stunned him. He stopped in his tracks, hoping and praying that she wouldn't be hurt, and for one final time before he actually moved, he replayed her laugh in his mind. He briefly held on to the image of Y/N smiling at him without a care in the world before he inevitably saw her face to face for the first time in days, most likely without said smile.
But of course, the second it was safe and he ran to her side, she looked up at him and smiled anyway.
As Emily got the final restraints off of her, Spencer took a huge sigh of relief and welcomed Y/N into his embrace.
"Hey, bud," she breathed into his neck, letting him squeeze her tightly. He could practically feel her smile burning into his skin, tattooing itself there for all the world to see, and he squeezed her tighter, thinking of how he wouldn't have it any other way.
They clung to one another the whole plane ride home, curled up into each other and falling asleep after all the stress they'd been under. And it was no surprise to anyone that they even held hands while they did.
Y/N dreamt of him the entire time.
Specifically, she was remembering the day she almost quit. It would have surprised anyone to know she'd felt that way considering she never let her bad days show. But in those particular few months, she had really missed her family—and Ashley,—the cases were getting more and more stressful, and it all seemed to really take a toll on her emotionally.
But that one fateful day, she walked into the round table room, expecting to find no one since she always showed up early, and instead she found Spencer with a large wicker basket.
"What are you doing here so early?" Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow.
He smiled shyly. "Oh, um... I know your birthday was last week, and I feel bad I missed it since I was visiting my mom, so... I wanted to celebrate with you when we had a little bit of time."
He handed her the basket, and she marveled at all its contents, ranging from a few of her favorite books in different copies she hadn't owned, an array of her favorite candies, and most exciting, a jar of pickles.
"Oh, before you break the jar, I have something else for you," he said with a small laugh, pulling something out of his jacket pocket. "I've read that these are good for helping you open jars, and I even got myself one because we all know you're way stronger than me, so if you can't open a jar of pickles, I probably couldn't either..."
She would never know this, but in that moment he was kicking himself for being so awkward, even though the two of them had been friends for years. And he'd never know, but she hadn't even recognized it as awkward. She was incredibly thankful and endeared by his thinking of her, and it was the one thing that made her realize she could never quit her job.
She loved him too much too leave.
So she didn't. That morning she'd been planning on telling everyone her plans to find another job somewhere else, maybe closer to her family, and that night she walked out of the office feeling loved and thankful for her friends, and one friend in particular.
Currently, said friend was sitting quietly in the parking lot of her apartment while she dug up the courage to ask him inside for the night. Her plans consisted of sleeping in for as long as she needed thanks to a well-deserved few days off of work, and though Spencer would most likely return earlier, she desperately hoped she could convince him to stay.
It was quiet for a while and the lights in the car had long since turned off, leaving them in darkness as well as silence. Despite that fact, it wasn't eerie in the slightest... It was comfortable.
Even more so when Y/N reached over and grabbed his hand.
And then she spoke.
"Can... Can you stay? I'm fine, I promise, I just... I could really use some company, you know?"
"Of course," he answered almost too quickly. It made her laugh, and though it was small, he felt a weight lift off his chest at the sound.
The two of them walked up to her apartment in more of that comfortable, dark silence. The only light source to be found was within the dim lights of the hallway, though they'd made the walk so many times it was like second nature.
That familiarity followed them through her doorway, Y/N taking off her jacket and instinctively handing it over with her to-go bag, where Spencer's arms were already outstretched. He took them and removed his shoes, then transported their belongings to the chair in the corner of her living room, maybe five or six steps ahead from the entryway.
Y/N took a large breath and smiled as she flipped on the lights.
Spencer noticed, turning to her with a smile of his own. "Good to be home?"
"Mhm," she responded with a nod. "But you know what would make it even better?"
The knowing smile they shared brought warmth to her chest as he made his way to the kitchen, saying, "Peppermint hot chocolate, coming right up."
As her best friend made noise in the kitchen, Y/N padded over to her couch, flipping on the table lamp next to it and sitting down with an over-exaggerated humph. Her legs curled off to the side as she leaned against the armrest, taking a deep breath and breathing in the warm comfort of home, only amplified a little while later by the aroma of soft peppermint.
She could hear Spencer humming quietly to himself in the kitchen, the sound bringing a smile to her face. He always absentmindedly hummed her favorite song when he was making them food or something to drink, or even when they were just hanging out together in comfortable silence. She wondered often if he ever sang it to himself when he was alone.
And she was going to ask, but before she got the chance, he came up behind her with two mugs of hot chocolate. She took hers gladly with a smile that perfectly matched the warmth of the mug. And while she took the first sip as he walked around the couch and took his regular spot on the cushion next to hers, that warmth spread to her chest. She sunk into the couch as her eyes fluttered closed.
Beside her she could hear Spencer laugh. "That good, huh?"
"You're an expert hot chocolate maker, don't let anyone tell you any different."
Another laugh came from him, and the sound bought warmth to other places.
They sipped their hot chocolate together, once again basked in silence that was only disrupted by the distinct ticking of Y/N's cuckoo clock, a Christmas gift from Spencer one year after she'd mentioned how much she was oddly fascinated by them. It sat on the wall across from them, next to the TV and right above a DVD rack with her favorite movies. She stared at the clock fondly as she drank her way through the hot chocolate, and Spencer did the same.
Eventually they were out, and once their mugs were placed on either side table, they found themselves turning to each other with more of that second nature pulling them together like the moon pulling the ocean. Once their knees touched it was like the ocean dragged them under, only rather than suffocating, they found themselves breathing easier, like they were finally at peace.
The clock rung out, and only after it finished echoing did Spencer initiate conversation. He examined the bruise right under her eye, and once again the gravitational pull was too much, his hand reaching out to touch it with curiosity as well as concern. "Are you feeling alright? Do you need some ice or anything?" he asked softly.
Y/N felt her heart stutter at the featherlight touch of his fingertips, and despite herself, she blushed. "No, I'm okay. Better now that I'm home. With you."
His eyes flicked up to meet hers at her words, and the softness and genuine relief he found in them made him melt.
He moved to take his hand away, but Y/N reached up and gently grabbed his wrist, bringing it back to her face pacing his palm firmly against the whole surface of her cheek. He watched lovingly as she closed her eyes and leaned into his hand further, bringing her hand to wrap around his forearm and hold him there. And in that moment, he had to wonder if she could hear the loud, intense beating of his heart as it drowned out the clock's ticking.
"I... I was so scared," Y/N whispered, keeping her eyes closed. "I mean... In the back of my mind I knew you guys would come for me, but... That was... my first time ever being in a hostage situation by myself, let alone at all, and I..." She paused, stumbling on her words before exhaling a breathy laugh. "Those people were creepy."
Spencer laughed with her, his hand still resting on her face. When she finally did open her eyes again, she looked up at him through her eyelashes, and in that moment she looked so soft and vulnerable that he couldn't help but finally tell the truth.
In a whisper so soft she almost didn't hear it, he confessed, "I was so afraid that I lost you..."
"Yeah, but... You found me," she returned with a smile as she nuzzled into his hand further. "You always do."
Something in the way she said it made him bolder, and he realized then that that's what she always did.
She strengthened him, made him more bold and determined... And she gave him something to hold onto when he was lost. When things felt impossible, Y/N always said the one thing that put him back together and made him feel whole again, whether it was a few sentences, or in this case three little words: "You always do."
Completing him was her second nature, something he wasn't even sure she was aware of.
But now that he knew, he had to tell her.
"Y/n..." Spencer traced his thumb along the underside of her bottom lip, and he could have swore he felt her sigh out. He stayed paused, reveling in the way he seemed to have an effect on her, his thumb longing to slide further and trace her entire mouth.
Nevertheless, he continued. "You are... Everything to me. And I don't tell you very often how much your friendship means to me, but I... I can't keep going forward without you knowing just how much I care about you. Really, it..." He huffed a laugh, hoping he wasn't making an utter fool of himself and that she wouldn't push him away at this confession that was dying to escape. "It's embarrassing how much I love you."
He couldn't tell if it was exhaustion taking hold of him, or the relief he felt at finally getting that off his chest, but he held his breath as he studied her eyes, which were glassy like she was on the verge of tears. Her grip around his forearm tightened and she turned, kissing the inside of his palm and keeping her lips pressed there for what felt like forever, until he started to feel his skin go numb. Realistically he knew it was only a trick on the brain, how such a simple affectionate gesture like that had the most heart-swelling and mind-numbing effects on him because of how much he loved her.
But damn it, he didn't care.
She murmured his name into his palm, and her eyes flicked up to meet his again. That's when he noticed a tear fall from her eye and down her cheek, right into the side of his thumb.
Finally, she responded, "I love you, too, Spencer. I... I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to tell you, but... After what just happened, I don't know if I could ever spend another day without loving you."
His heart absolutely burst at the seams, warmer than before, and most certainly not from the hot chocolate. That warmth only spread, turning into a raging wildfire when she let go of his hand and moved forward, practically tackling him and wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him and pressing her face to the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around her back, hugging her close as she straddled him and continued to nuzzle into his skin, his presence...
They held each other like that for a good minute before Y/N finally gained the courage to pull back and look into his eyes. They were just as glassy as hers, just as filled with love and comfort and home as she could ever have dreamed. Her hands slid down to rest on his shoulders for a moment before one of them cradled his face.
And then she kissed him.
She knew he loved her, he told her as much, but in case this was already going too far, Y/N kept it light and hesitant, desperately hoping it wouldn't make things weird.
But of course, there was nothing to worry about. And Spencer showed her that as his lips pressed deeper into hers, his hands on her back pushing her closer to him and seeking as much contact as possible.
She brought both of her hands to gently run through his hair, and at the sigh he let out against her mouth, Y/N tugged harder, pulling herself up so she could get into a better, more comfortable position on his lap.
They shared peppermint hot chocolate kisses until the clock rung out again, both of them pulling away with a little surprise.
"Has it really been an hour since it last went off?" Y/N mused in a whisper, taking in the swollen state of Spencer's mouth. The sight sent a course of butterflies through her stomach.
"I guess it has... It's um... It's late, maybe we should get some sleep."
"Only if you come with me," Y/N offered, running her fingers through his hair once more.
Spencer nodded with a small smile, his thumb tracing the bottom of her chin. "Of course."
They pulled themselves off the couch and, hand-in-hand, navigated their way to her bedroom. And even though they'd never actually done it before, sleeping in her bedroom together, the whole journey was so familiar it was like they'd done it a million times over.
Y/N didn't know what time it was, only that the sun was brightly peeking through her sheer curtains, basking her bedroom in a warm glow that made it almost impossible to be comfortable under the covers. When she moved to take them off of her, she felt a hand snake around her waist, pressing firmly against her lower stomach and holding her in place.
"Are you awake?" she asked aloud to the air, softly in case Spencer was, in fact, still asleep.
"Mhm," he mumbled behind her, his breath softly fanning out across her shoulder. "Have been for about an hour."
"You could have woke me up," she said, turning around to face him. His hand lifted and then settled on her shoulder when she was in position.
"You deserved the rest," is all he offered in explanation as his hand gently brushed the hair from her shoulder. It tickled as it fell behind her, dropping off her body and across the back of her neck. Spencer trailed his fingers lightly up her neck until they reached her ear, and then he trailed them back down and over the curve of her shoulder, and then down her arm. He continued this and smiled as he took notice of the goosebumps that formed all over her skin. The thin tank top she'd changed into before bed left most of her exposed, each little freckle and hair that adorned her skin on display in the warm sunlight.
Meanwhile she smiled, heat slowly rising to her cheeks as she recalled their kisses on the couch. Needless to say, her dreams that night were rather scandalous, something she wasn't unfamiliar with, though given these new circumstances she was more than a little hot right now.
Spencer noticed, his hand halting its movement on her skin and resting itself on her waist over the blanket. "You're thinking about it, too? Last night?"
Y/N looked him in the eye and swore she saw them dilate when she responded. "Yeah. Among other things..."
"What... kind of other things?"
She would have told him, but since it was obvious they were both feeling the heat she bit her lip instead, a teasing look in her eye. "You're a smart man. You tell me."
"What if I... show you instead?" he whispered, his voice broken and obviously a little shocked that this was finally going to happen.
"Take it away, Doc."
His first kiss was sweet, reminiscent of the first one they shared on the couch, and his second was a little deeper. Y/N gave her stamp of approval by sighing, bringing a hand up to play with his hair again, and it was the trigger that shot him forward, his lips working hers with more passionate, methodical precision. Meanwhile his hand dipped under the covers and pressed firmly at her back, slipping under her shirt and bringing her closer.
She wrapped her leg over his waist, pulling herself forward to get as much contact as she could while he swiped over her bottom lip with his tongue. The small whimper she let out at his kisses made his hips buck forward involuntarily, to which Y/N clenched her leg tighter around his waist and tugged a little harder at his hair.
He tipped them over then, rolling so that he was hovering over her while their kisses only grew needier. His hand slipped under her shirt, feeling the expanse of her stomach and her sides. The low hum that came from her throat at his touches drove him half wild, so he boldened them, slowly sliding up and up until he reached her bare breasts. Her legs came out immediately and hooked themselves around the back of his thighs as she whined at his touch.
With curious kneads of her chest and even more exploratory kisses that were reciprocated with an equal hunger and passion, it didn't take long for Spencer to feel his insides churn with a desire that could possibly never be satiated. Even if Y/N was the one who kept him whole, he also knew she would be the one to completely wreck him to pieces. He'd rarely ever felt this type of desire before, especially not towards someone who took up every crack and crevice of his mind at any given moment. And now that he had it, he never wanted to let it go. She was going to utterly ruin him, and he'd never been more welcoming to that type of damnation—the type that was also his salvation.
Because she was everything all at once, devastatingly beautiful in every imaginable way.
Her hands tugged at his tee shirt, punctuating her urgency with a needy little whine into his mouth. He pulled back then, tugging off his shirt at the expense of taking his hands away from her. But from his higher position now, he took her in in all her wild glory, lips swollen and a little red, hair splayed out across the pillows, and her breathing visibly heavy. Even with the bruise under her eyes, she was the most breathtaking person he'd ever seen. She marveled up at him, willing her gaze to trail down his chest and stomach, her bottom lip tucking itself gently between her teeth as she stared at where his sweatpants hung low on his hips.
Y/N reached out and grazed her middle finger across the waistband of his pants, gently feeling the fabric and his skin at the same time. He was still, continuing to watch her explore his body the way he'd done hers, always amazed at the curious look in her eye— the one that was now swimming in a pool of lust. Her hand trailed upwards, feeling the soft planes of his torso until she couldn't reach any higher.
"Having fun?" Spencer mused with a smile as she rested both her hands on either side of his waist.
She sat up then, pressing a kiss to his neck while her hands travelled south, under the waistband of his pants. He sucked in a breath as she palmed him through his underwear, gently nipping his shoulder before she answered. "Oh, I'm having so much fun."
He was going to say something, but words escaped him as she sat up on her knees and continued tracing the outline of his dick through his underwear. He was painfully hard in an instant, a fact at which Y/N gave a low, amused laugh. Once she found the underside of his tip, she gently rubbed it through the fabric with her thumb, and the broken whine that he let out delighted her in every way. Her tongue traced his collarbone and the contours of his shoulders and neck until she reached his jawline. She licked him there too, humming as her thumb worked faster at his dick.
"Mmm, I've wanted this for so long," she told him softly, bringing her lips up to his ear. "Do you know how many times I've thought about us? Dreamed about us?"
"Not as many as me, probably," he choked out with a small laugh, audibly trying to keep it together as his stomach burned with every languid stroke of her thumb over his most sensitive point.
Y/N returned his laugh and sensually kissed his jaw before saying, "I doubt that." Then she dragged her mouth up to his lips and brought her hand out of his pants so she could thread all her fingers through his hair. Though they were kneeling, he was still taller than her, so his hard erection pressed firmly against her stomach as he brought her closer, gripping her hips and melting into her.
When his right hand slipped into her sleep shorts, she whined out and pressed herself harder against him, reveling in the way the heat from his hand practically burned into her ass. He kneaded her there as well, groaning into her mouth when she tugged on his hair and turned her head to deepen their kiss.
It was obvious that she was trying to feel some type of friction— her knees were willing her to get up higher, to feel him hard against her, but alas she wasn't able to reach. She showed her frustration by whining into his mouth and trying to pull herself up, the pressure of her arms around his neck getting stronger with every passing second.
"Spencer pulled away laughing a little, removing his hand from her shorts and bringing it to the front, dragging along the inside of her thigh. "Is there something you want from me, pretty girl?"
The nickname sent a fire through her veins that set off every smoke detector in her brain, the alarm coming out in the form of a whimper. "I want to feel you inside me," she whispered, nuzzling her nose to his and reaching down to guide his hand farther up. When his middle finger breached the fabric of her shorts, she whimpered again, willing herself closer to him. "Please, Spencer."
He hummed lowly, drawing circles into her skin. "Are you prepared? Like, do you... have condoms or anything, do we need one?"
"I have some in my top drawer if you want me to get it," she said quickly with a nod.
He laughed a little, amused at her eagerness, before pulling away from her and helping her off the bed. Once she was feet-first on the ground, she strode over to the dresser where she opened a small drawer on the top left and rummaged through it. Meanwhile Spencer followed her and came up behind her, pressing his front to her backside and making her tense. He brushed her hair aside and brought his lips to her neck, his hands resting at her waist.
She slowly rolled her hips against him, sighing out when his hands gripped her tighter. One of them slipped down into her shorts again, this time coming around front and resting over her clothed pussy. His fingers explored her like hers had explored him, teasing her in the same way that made her want to burst into flames.
"So wet already, pretty girl..." he mused, sighing and attacking her neck with more kisses. "I bet I'll be able to just slide right in..."
She outwardly moaned this time, clutching a condom in her hand and then slamming the drawer shut. "Alright then, Mr. PhD, why don't you put that theory to the test?"
He loved how eager she was, and a little impatient. Something told him that if he teased her enough, she might have just begged him for anything. But he didn't want to do that right now. No, right now he was planning on showing the love of his life just how much she meant to him. He was going to give her everything he had, and then some.
So he turned her around and kissed her, walking them backwards until his legs hit the foot of the bed. He almost went down, but before he could, he turned them around again. Y/N's body hit the bed, her legs immediately opening for him to stand between them. Rather than leaning down to kiss her again though, Spencer ran his hands tugged lightly at her shorts, to which Y/N gladly lifted her hips and allowed him to pull them off. Her underwear weren't too far behind, and then she lifted her shirt over her head, tossing it aside and leaning back on her elbows.
Seeing her fully bare like this was enough to drive him mad, but he held on, spreading her knees apart and sliding his hands along the insides of her thighs. "Y/N, you're perfect..." As he marveled at her and showered her with love and praise, he slid his hands further and further up her body until they reached her arms.
She helped him remove his pants and underwear, and once they were off, Y/N tore open the condom and handed it to him. He rolled it on and then leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead. Then her temple, then her cheek... Then he pressed the softest kiss to her lips and looked her in the eyes. "You really want to?"
She smiled at him and nodded, bringing one of his hands to her entrance and pressing his fingers to the wetness that pooled there. "You feel how bad I want it?"
He groaned and kissed her then, circling his middle finger over her clit and making her cry out against him. After a few more seconds of this, Spencer positioned them at the head of the bed and angled his hips forward, the head of his dick coming in contact with her pussy.
He slid in slowly, reveling in every pure, blissful second that went by as he gradually became completely enveloped in her. Once he was buried to the hilt, Y/N threw her head back and bit her lip, her hands reaching out to play with his hair again. He ground himself into her for a few seconds before pulling back and then starting a slow, steady rhythm.
"God, Y/N, you feel so good... So... perfect for me."
"Funny, I was just going to say the same thing about you," she breathed. Her eyes trained themselves on his, and though there was a lot of love there, she saw something else that she recognized, something hesitant. It was close to the same look he gave her last night, after she'd explained to him that she was fine after he examined her injury.
He was going easy on her. But she wanted more.
Y/N reached up to tug his hair gently, biting her lip and batting her eyes. "I'm not made of glass you know... You can fuck me harder if you want to."
Everything from the look on her face to the way she said it to the way she clenched around him as she did made him half feral. He smirked at her without thinking, a natural reaction to her challenge. "Oh, you like it a little rough, huh?"
She smirked back at him and nodded, tugging his hair harder. "Uh huh."
Though he started fucking into her harder, his pace remained slow,  accentuating each rough thrust with a huff through his nose. Y/N's mouth opened involuntarily, the power of his movements rendering her almost speechless. Eventually though, she let out one large moan as her fingers even further tightened their grip in Spencer's hair.
Taking note of her reactions, he felt pleased with himself. "You like that, don't you, pretty girl? You like it hard and deep..."
Her hands dropped from his head and rested at the sheets, gripping them instead as he worked his hips a little faster. "Y—yes, baby, I fucking love how hard you fuck me."
The words tumbled out of their mouths so easily, each syllable spoken with the right amount of lust and truth, it was like their conversation was a dance. Their bodies and their words melded together in a perfect number that brought them further towards the climax.
But, as every dance does, their needed a little flourish.
Spencer reached out and caressed her cheek again, his thumb going straight to her lips. Y/N opened her mouth and sucked it in, swirling her tongue around it and groaning at the way he bit his lip when she did so.
"Fuck, pretty girl, you're gonna ruin me if you keep that up."
She smiled at his words, which allowed him to press his thumb flat down onto her tongue. Her mouth remained open as he held it there, her pants and moans coming out clear as day. And as if that wasn't hot enough, she batted her eyelashes up at him, and he fucked her even faster, both of them starting to feel the signs of impending orgasm.
He could have kept his thumb in her mouth forever, but to aid her in pleasure, he removed it, dragging it down her chin before bringing it to her clit and rubbing in tight circles.
"Fuck, Spence, that's it," Y/N moaned, looking down between their bodies and almost losing it at the sight that beheld her. "Don't stop, don't fucking stop!"
He leaned forward to kiss her then, the new angle finally bringing her over the edge. She cried out into his mouth as it explored her own, soaking up all the sounds she made and using them to fuel his own release.
They came together, and it felt  like years of tension and anticipation and love finally culminated into one giant explosion that enveloped them whole. It felt like, for a moment, nothing else in the world existed, only Spencer, Y/N, and their palpable connection that felt very much like a home in and of itself.
Even as they came down, their breathing slowing down and their touches becoming gentler, that explosion quieted right alongside them, an echo of love and warmth lingering in its wake.
Spencer pulled out and laid beside her, reaching out and gently touching the bruise under her eye. "You okay?"
She couldn't help but laugh. "Yes. I'm more than okay... I'm perfect."
He smiled at her, pure, true comfort settling in his bones. It was a rare feeling, but he was glad that it came with her presence. "Me, too. And I... I meant what I said last night, Y/N, I... I love you. More than words could accurately describe."
Her heart swelled at his words. "I love you, too, bud. More than anything in the world."
He contemplated for a minute, a smile forming as he said his next words. "More than pickles?"
Y/N threw her head back in a boisterous laugh that made Spencer's heart beat a little faster, before playfully hitting his harm and snuggling up next to him. "Yes, definitely more than pickles."
"Good. That would have been embarrassing."
"I don't love you more than peppermint hot chocolate, though. Or that cuckoo clock."
Spencer pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Yeah, but I got you those things, so technically that means you have to love me at least as much as them..."
"Okay. That's fair, I'll give you that one."
With an over-exaggerated, "Phew," Spencer smiled and pulled her closer, the warm sunlight from the windows giving him the most clear view of their legs tangled together over her lavender-colored comforter. It was so domestic, so perfect and loving and real that he never wanted to forget it.
He was thankful that he never would.
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apocalypticgargoyle · 4 years
YES YOURE DOING REQUESTS!! 💛💛 ILY ILY ILY!! Can I get the "only one bed" trope with Dream, Sap, and George x reader (separately lol) - 🦎
Hi 🦎 anon! Thank you for the request! I hope this is what you wanted :)
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summary: uh oh! bed sharing ;)
pairing: Dream x reader, Sapnap x reader, George x reader
warnings: fluff, one or two swear words I think?
links: ao3, main
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◦ You’re traveling to visit mutual friends.
◦ Clay was picking you up because you lived near each other.
◦ The two of you never really got along, but when it came to not having to drive, you were willing to let bygones be bygones.
◦ That being said, when Dream finally pulled into a hotel and there was only one bed available your strained car ride tension snapped. 
◦ You both stood, glaring at the double bed in the middle of the dingy motel room and avoiding eye contact at all costs. 
◦ How cliché, you’d think. 
◦ “We’re adults. I think we can share a bed without killing each other, can’t we?” You’d groan, earning a low grumble from him. 
◦ You could practically hear his eye roll. “No, I’ll literally wake up and think ‘today’s the day’ and unremorsefully strangle you.”
◦ You shot a glare in his direction. “You don’t have the brain power to hide my body after that.”
As you sank into one side of the springy mattress, Clay would sigh in frustration before burying himself in the covers beside you; both of you too tired to argue.  Despite the fact that you could practically feel your hair grow you were so exhausted, Dream’s cover hogging and your cold feet would make most of the night hell for the two of you. 
The sun began to pierce through the slits in the blinds, the stripes stinging your eyes and forcing you awake. As dust jumped from light beam to light beam, you groggily began to stretch your body yet stopped short at the feeling of Dream’s warm breath fanning against your shoulder. It was then that you noticed just how encompassed you were in his long limbs as his arms kept you pressed against his chest, locked around you as if you'd float away in the middle of the night. His legs were tangled with yours like sleeping this way had been natural to the two of you.
You froze in the hope that you hadn’t woken him up, but also in utter shock at the fact that he was snuggled up against you so tightly… And that you were enjoying it. The scent of his day old shampoo mixed with whatever foreign laundry detergent the motel was beating into their sheets, made you drowsy once again. Dream’s soft snores came out as whispers against your hair to break the silence of the intimate moment. 
Yet your bubble of calm was popped as his phone alarm began to shrill, jerking him awake and into a sense of panic as he realized his hold on you. You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping he’d just slip away from you and you would pretend it never happened. 
But alas, this was Dream you were talking about. “Jesus Christ! What are you doing on my side of the bed, perv!”
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◦ Sapnap was moving in with a friend of yours in your area.
◦ The two of you hadn’t really known each other well; you’d met at a party once or twice but that was the extent of it. 
◦ Since you lived nearby, you offered your help while he was moving in. 
◦ Sap had come a day earlier than your friend, so you took it upon yourself to welcome him. 
◦ Most of the day was spent heaving boxes into various parts of their apartment and light chatter
◦ You’d been so engrossed in helping him lift the couch into the correct spot in the living room, you hadn’t noticed how late it had gotten. 
◦ As you mentioned having to leave, Sapnap swatted you off saying it was late enough that you could just crash there.
◦ So, that’s how you found yourself on an air mattress in the center of the floor with him sprawled out in a sleeping bag beside you. 
◦ Only problem was, you were freezing. 
◦ You nudged him with your foot, trying not to startle him too much.
◦ Despite this and you calling his name softly, he didn’t budge. 
◦ You kicked him harder, making him startle awake.
◦ He’d look at you with raised eyebrows as if to ask if you were dying. 
◦ At this point, you were so tired and so cold, you didn’t care what kind of Twilight trope you were giving into. 
◦ “Nick, I’m freezing. Come lay next to me,” you’d request. 
◦ His brows knitted together. “What? NO-” 
◦ “Please, how are you not cold?” You’d nearly beg. 
◦ He’d shake his head and then climb into bed beside you, his warmth a new haven for you. 
The make-shift mattress sinks under Sapnap's weight and you're nearly reluctant to curl up closer to him but as he turns to face you, you can feel his body heat radiating off of him. You shuffle nearer to him and he doesn't pay mind to it. Your teeth were still chattering though, so he huffs slightly and wraps an arm around you, pulling you to his chest. You're enveloped in his warmth almost instantly, your body calming at his touch. "Damn, your feet are like icicles," he chided, sending the two of you into soft laughter. It isn't long before you lose yourself in the sound of his heartbeat. 
“What is going on?” An all too familiar voice broke you out of your dream world, your heavy eyelids struggling to open because of the long night. You snuggled closer against what you had figured was a pillow until you realized the soft material under your touch was Sapnap's hoodie. 
Your eyes snapped open, finding Sapnap sound asleep in your embrace, your roommate looking over the two of you scornfully. “It’s not what it looks like, I promise,” you muttered, reluctantly dislodging yourself from around Sapnap and wincing at the brightness of the room. He groaned and sat up, stretching his own arms and sending you a soft smile, making a blush rush to your cheeks.
“It looks like you’re spooning my roommate,” your friend badgered, heading out of the room with a shake of their head. 
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◦ You and George were roommates.
◦ The two of you shared a wall, much like you shared milk and sugar; sparingly but with respect. 
◦ You usually kept to yourself around your shared space, letting him do his thing and you do yours.
◦ Sure, the two of you were friendly here and there, but you were positive he couldn't pick you out of a line-up and vice versa. 
◦ But, all that had been put aside when you began having nightmares.
◦ You'd woken up with a start one night, heart racing and a cold sweat inkling down your back.
◦ Your surroundings seemed foreign to you as you could barely see your hand in front of your face. 
◦ The fear you'd felt moments prior was digging its heels into your subconscious and threatening to make its nest. 
◦ You rolled your eyes in subtle embarrassment as you noticed the small line of light spilling from beneath George's door across the hall from you. 
◦ It was then that you felt yourself move, your mind now set on companionship you weren't entirely sure you needed. 
You knocked softly at his door, regretting the disturbance almost instantly as you heard him climb from his bed. You debated turning back and burying yourself in a book until morning, but as you turned on your heel, his door creaked open. 
George rubbed his eyes with one hand and the other leaned against the threshold. "You okay?" He asked, his voice raspy from being dormant for a few hours. 
You cleared your throat, finding it difficult to form words of your own. "I um- had a nightmare," you mumbled, chewing the inside of your cheek and feeling like a child. 
George's brows furrowed as he looked down at you, the light from his room drawing his long, slender shadow around your feet. "Do you want to come in for a bit?" He asked, as if sensing what you were struggling to ask him. 
His sheets were soft against your skin as you settled into his bed, inches from him. His features seemed softer in the dark as the two of you laid in silence, the only sound being his gentle breathing. He reached for your hand, grasping it gently in his own to send you a small node of understanding. "You can wake me up if it happens again," he whispered, a sense of ease washing over you as you once again felt drowsy. The feeling of safety being near him like this and his hand threading with yours, calmed your quarrelsome mind. 
It was like you had closed your eyes for an instant before the morning sun pulled you from your slumber. George's arm was wrapped protectively around your waist as your hands curled around his own. Your nose was nestled in the crook of his neck as the two of you had unintentionally begun to share a pillow at some point in the night. He slept like the dead, and continued to as you slyly slipped from his grasp and headed into the living room. 
You'd never really spoken about it, but these sessions became next to normalcy for the two of you, sometimes even without the nightmares.
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seriouslysnape · 4 years
One and Only
Severus Snape x Fem! Reader
Warnings: None.
Request: Hi! Could you write something about jealous reader with Snape? I wonder how would he react if he find out she got jealous even though they have healthy relationship and trust each other (〃°ω°〃) (fluff, smut whatever you feel like to write) Thanks! 🐍💚
Word Count: 1,632
“Really? So, you’re just being short with me for no reason?”
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The early days of summer had brought sun warmed days and moon cooled nights with each rotation of the Earth. The joyous season had brought beautiful weather this year, and you had been in high spirits since the season had arrived. Summer always filled you with such merriment and thrill that it was no doubt that it was your favorite time of year.
Which was why Severus couldn’t figure out why you were in such a bad mood.
A sour scowl had been plastered on your face all afternoon, robbing your demeanor of its usual glee and pep. To put it in simplest terms, you were pouting. 
It didn’t take Severus long to notice that something was bugging you. You refused to look him in the eye and you were only responding with short sentences with a flat tone. He felt a twinge of hurt when you brushed him off every time his hands were on you. You were upset with him, which was why he wanted to get through to you. 
“What do you want for dinner, love?” Severus called sweetly from the kitchen. 
You were curled up on the sofa in the living room with a book in hand. You heard him loud and clear, but ignored him. Your eyes continued to scan the pages from line to line, but you weren’t really sure how much you were actually comprehending. 
When he didn’t get a reply, Severus appeared in the doorway. He could feel the tension from all the way where he stood which sent a shiver down his back.
“Did you hear me, angel?” He asked in the same light voice he had used before.
You didn’t look up from your novel, only raising a brow to subtly let him know that you were acknowledging his presence. He spoke again.
“I asked what you want for dinner tonight.” He repeated.
You looked up from the words on the pages, annoyance clear on your face with pursed lips and dim eyes. 
“I don’t know. Whatever is fine.” You said almost in a growl.
You went back to your book, avoiding the concerned look on his face. You felt a little bad for making him feel guilty. Maybe you were being a bit childish, but your stubborn nature almost always seemed to win out. 
“I’ll cook whatever you want. Vegetables are always so fresh this time of year so I-”
“Severus, I really don’t care what we have.” You cut him off, closing your book in defeat and putting it on the coffee table in front of you.
“Okay...well, how about we go to the park and watch the sunset after we eat? It’s been clear skies all day.” He offered gently.
Normally, you’d perk up at the sound of a summer evening walk in the park, but you remained unchanged. Something had really pissed you off.
“Fine with me.” You replied curtly.
Severus was rather fed up with your snarky behavior, but he was more worried that he had done something wrong. He discarded the thought of dinner and your evening plans for now, taking his place in the living room to join you.
“[Y/N], have I done something to upset you?” He queried, taking a seat on the adjacent sofa cushion.
Your irritated frown was still prevalent as ever, the slight roll of your pretty eyes telling him that he had indeed ruffled your feathers. 
“No.” You lied.
Severus hummed.
“Really? So, you’re just being short with me for no reason?” He acquired.
“I’m not being short.” You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Severus looked doubtful at that, because you were definitely aggravated. 
“I know I haven’t missed your birthday. It’s not your time of the month. You were fine this morning so it’s something that happened earlier this afternoon.” Severus rattled off.
You went silent, because he was right. Every summer, Headmaster Dumbledore would host a summer luncheon type event for all the Hogwarts professors and their significant others. It was a party of sorts to celebrate another successful year of teaching that was always a hit.
“It wasn’t the lunch party, was it? You had such a nice time.” He wondered.
“Yeah, so did you and McGonagall.” You snapped.
The words left your mouth before you could even process them. Severus’ head twitched in surprise at the sudden confession. He was confused only for a moment before his puzzlement melted into realization. He couldn’t even hide the smirk in his face.
Severus was usually the one to get jealous. You were a strikingly gorgeous woman with a lot to offer. Men ogled over you often, and Severus found himself fighting off desperate suitors. You had a wonderful relationship with him, one that had changed him in the best of ways. You always reminded him of that whenever he grew jealous over someone else, which offered him comfort.
It was interesting to him now that the shoe was on the other foot.
“Are you jealous of Minerva?” He asked.
Your answer wasn’t immediate. Your hesitation gave you away.
“No...” You lied again.
“Oh, you so are.” Severus said lowly.
You continued to refuse to look at him, not giving into him. You weren’t necessarily jealous of Minerva herself. She had always been super kind to you and was a wonderful friend. You sometimes felt a little insecure about the relationship she held with Severus. The term “work wife” had flown into your ears a couple of times from various people, and while you knew that Severus’ friendship with Minerva was strictly platonic, it still bothered you sometimes.
Severus had chatted with Minerva throughout the afternoon, and it seemed that every time you looked over they were laughing or immensely enjoying each other’s company. It put a twist in your gut that you hated the feeling of, and it had landed you in a bad mood for the rest of the day.
“What did Minerva do that has you so uptight?” He questioned.
It felt silly and even a little humiliating to admit that she hadn’t done anything more than speak to him to get you so fired up.
“I’m not telling you.” You mused. 
Severus quirked a brow, and shrugged.
“Fine. If you won’t tell me, then I suppose I’ll have to force it out of you.” He remarked, suddenly creeping closer to you.
Before you could stop him, his hands were at your sides, tickling your sensitive skin and areas that he knew could have you sputtering for air. You broke out into loud giggles and shrieks, a smile plastered on your cheeks. You wriggled underneath him, trying to get away from his attack of kisses and tickles. It wasn’t long before your lungs were painfully constricting and gasping for oxygen, your face going red hot as you pleaded.
“Okay! I’ll tell you!” You screeched.
Heavy breaths of relief sounded out when he stopped. He watched in slight amusement as you regained yourself, your body now sprawled out against the couch cushions. Your laughter dwindled out, the tone in the room changing. You lazily dragged your fingertips along his forearm as he looked down at you from where he straddled you. 
Insecurity was a difficult thing to grasp, and even harder to deal with. You had coaxed Severus through his bouts of it before, but you were now seeing firsthand how kicking it is easier said than done.
The annoyance was gone from your face, but it was replaced with perturbation and even a little sadness. He cradled your face in his hand, running the pad of his thumb along your cheek.
“What is it, sweetheart?” He persuaded you to speak.
“You love me, right?” You pondered, eyes wide and puppy like.
The pang in Severus’ heart was overwhelming. It was such a simple question, but with such heartbreaking implications. Feeling neglected or unloved was the last thing that he ever wanted for you. Severus had plenty of experience with feeling alone in a world of people who always seemed to have their lives figured out. Hearts are meant to provide life and spend their best energy on loving others.
It was a damn hard feeling when your heart didn’t have anyone to love...or when your heart didn’t feel loved.
“Darling, what’s all this? Of course I do,” He hushed; “I love you more than anything. You’re my wife.” 
“I know.” You said shortly, but not in the same way you had earlier.
“I mean it, [Y/N]. Every time I’ve ever told you that I love you, I meant it. You’re my world and my reason for breathing,” He proclaimed, thick with sincerity; “If I made you feel unloved or unworthy, I assure you that wasn’t my intent.”
You shook your head.
“No, no. It wasn’t you,” You replied; “I just care about and love you so much that if I ever lost you to someone else...” 
It was too hurtful of a thought to even finish saying out loud. Severus was glad you didn’t, because he wasn’t sure he could’ve handled it. He had committed to a life of love with you, a commitment that he was determined to stick with. 
“You’re the love of my life, my one and only. I’ll love you forever and beyond.” He professed.
You leaned upwards, catching his lips in a reassuring kiss. They felt like the warmth of the summer sun and the sweetness of your favorite summer fruit. A comforting feeling that you’d go running back to every time. It could always feel like your favorite time of year with Severus.
“So...dinner?” You asked once he had pulled away and was looking into you again.
He shrugged, a devious grin beaming on his chiseled face.
“I say we skip to dessert.”
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goblinofbiscuits · 3 years
finally some representation up in here. im so glad that theres someone doing things for the black readers out there ‼️ could you do HCs for each of the guns n roses members with a fem black reader? thank you!!!
Guns n roses dating black women
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So let's start off with axl, man's loves your hair
Like he'll be so involved with your hair too, he would be sitting right next to you while you style it, during wash day, he'll sit next to you when your getting your hair done
And after praises would just be spilling out of his mouth at five million miles a minute
He would get in so many fights for you
Like let's say you two are just chillin at a bar or something like that and a racist asshole wants to start talking shit
Axl doesn't hesitate to put the fucker in a hospital
Man's loves soul food, like when he first has it, his world is forever changed
Especially if you cooked your self
If your dating axl your definitely spoiled
Like he will pay for you nails and hair, will buy you new lingerie and dresses
He also really loves your melanin like lovvvvvvveeeeeesssss it
The guys call you when they need you too calm him down
Axl can be like really chill sometimes, I'm talking just sit on the couch reading a book, so quiet it almost worries you
Will spoon you too bed
Will sing you too sleep when he has nightmares
At the end of the day he just wants you too know that your his princess and that he loves you more than he could fathom
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Now for my man's slash
Slash knows how hard it is to be a black
He knows how hard it is to wake up and face a world that hates you simply cause of your skin color
Him understanding and having experienced all the things that come with being black in the world, makes your guys relationship stronger
You two will do each others hair like when he's had a long day and needs to wash his hair, he can just give you one look and automatically you take his hand and lead him to the bathroom
Or if you are the one who's had the long day your hair needs some love, he will do it for you
He will do really cute styles to, like one day you while getting ready for the day he asked you if he could do your hair you said yes
But he refused to let you see it until it was done
But he put pigtails in and they hair jewelry around the hair ties it was so f*ckin adorable
Slash love language is quality time, like he doesn't care if you too are doing different things each others company it's enough for him
At the end of the day you are this man's queen and he will never let you forget that
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You made poor izzy speechless, like as soon as he saw you he couldn't speak, kinda forgot how to breathe too
That feeling has never gone away
Izzy will write so many songs about you
He will even teach you guitar, you got really good though, like he lowkey thinks you might surpass him
Will introduce you too so many new bands and music
Like there's a wall dedicated to your guys record collection
Will totally buy new albums for you guys to listen to when it's wash day
Just imagine you detangling your hair and running leave in conditioner trough you beautiful curls and looking to your left to see your sweet lovely man staring at you like your the Mona lisa
Izzy fully plans on making you mrs.stradlin, sooner than later
Every anniversary he will write you such long letters about how much he loves you and why he loves you, why he's going to marry
Boy loves Mac and cheese
You left a dish out to cool down
And when you came back it was all gone next to a used spoon and plate next to a napping izzy
You were a little mad but hey he was so cute you just threw a blanket on him and kept it movin
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Duff is soon f*ckin supportive its almost insane
This man will never judge you or anything you do
Like you could do some weird shit and he would smile and tell you how cut you were
This many loves your hair
Especially loves when you just wear you natural afro, also really loves faux locs and box braids
If you were hoop and name plated jewelry this man is obsessedddddd
He would just give you his clothes to wear, just cause he like how big they look on you.
Like look at his girl
He is soo happy and grateful he gets to call you his girl
Like the most beautiful girl on the planet his no one else's but his like wowwwww
He wants to get married as soon as possible
Like just imagine you in a white dress and being Mrs. Mckagan
He's a cuddler, after a long stressful day he will walk up to you and wrap himself around not letting go, even for a drink of water
Is uber protective
Would totally teach you bass
Duff love language is acts of service, meaning that if you need anything done,picked up, anything.
Man is on it
After all he wants to makes sure his baby girl is happy
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Golden retriever man
Like seriously man Is so hooked
You are the girl of his dreams, everything he will ever want and need
Expect compliments 24/7, cause man's is definitely going to give you a lot of those
Steve carries pictures of you in his wallet
And will not hesitate to show any one,
"HI I'm Stevie, do you want to see a picture of my girlfriend, isn't she the most beautiful woman you've ever seen"
And the random groupies just sitting very confused
You will adopted a dog together, a French potbelly you guy named him taylor, after roger taylor
Stevie really trys to be perfect for you though, it's just that your so perfect in his eyes that he just wants to be good enough for his angel is all
But he feel like he will never even come close and that kills him so deep inside
You just have to remind him that he is the perfect man for you and that he doesn't have to change a thing In order to be good enough for you
He loves cuddles
He love falling a sleep on your stomach though, the way you would run your hand through his hair
He would love the way you hair smells,
"Baby your hair smells so good 😍"
He loves when you have butterfly locs
He also loves if you have colorful hair colors
He would loved it if you did pink and blue butterfly locs
He would teach you how to play drums, he even got you your own drumset
He was surprised when he had gone on tour and came back and you sat him down and played every song on appiete for destruction
Stevie would worship the ground you walk on
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danidrabbles · 3 years
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Summary: When you see Javi receive all kinds of attention after hosting an event, you're overcome with the urge to remind him who he belongs to.
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!reader
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: jealousy/possessiveness, (unprotected) p in v sex, hair pulling, dirty talk, slight dom/sub vibes, Daddy kink (only two counts ok), feelings? If I forgot anything, let me know!
Notes: I borrowed @javier-pena’s man (with permission) to bring you this one shot. Astrid, thank you for letting me imagine away in this little world you created! And for letting me write this! And for proof reading this... I hope you like the one word title I picked. (Also, it just dawned on me... is this technically... fanfiction of fanfiction?). Please read Care, Reverberate, Take, and this ask, to read more about this man and/or if you want read some spectacular writing — Astrid is so criminally good at writing him and I can only hope to reach her levels. Enjoy!
You want him ruined.
That’s all you could think about earlier, during the charity event - his charity event.
Not at the beginning of the evening, though.
He delivered the welcome speech, enthusing curious patrons to flip open their cheque books and donate a generous amount. He looked gorgeous in his fitted grey suit with a bow tie to match and a white dress shirt, and with his soft curls gelled back and combed into a side part. The sudden, unannounced rush of pride that flooded your body made your lips stretch into a warm, wide smile as you watched him in his element. Javi was charming, passionate, funny, gesticulating wildly as his glimmering eyes looked around the room, and there was no doubt about it that his positive, genuine attitude was the reason the event had been a smash hit.
Later, after he got off the stage, you watched him from your table, happy to let him be the social butterfly as he made small talk with some of the patrons while you sipped on your champagne. Once every few minutes, Javi’s eyes found yours, like he couldn’t help himself, and it made the pride from earlier sit low in your stomach, made it turn liquid between your legs.
It morphed into something else entirely as the event neared its end. When you watched a woman walk over. She was gorgeous, tall, and the tops of her tits bounced from the bodice of her strapless dress with each step she took. She went straight for Javi, of course, offering her hand, leaning in to kiss his cheek, touching his arm when he said something that made her laugh.
That’s when the thought came.
You weren’t jealous. That’s what you told yourself as the feeling in your gut twisted into something akin to possessive. You knew better than to be jealous - you knew Javi better than to be jealous. He was with you, only with you, as devoted to you as you were to him, and you knew that. He knew that.
But that didn’t mean you didn’t want to remind him of that every once in a while.
You just wanted to show him who he belonged to, wanted to twist your fingers into his coiffed locks, run your fingers through them until they came undone, until he looked dishevelled. You wanted his eyes on you, unable to look away, the familiar deep brown glazed over with pleasure as you—
“Ready to get out of here, baby?” Javi asked, breaking you out of your daydream to find him with his hand extended towards you and a soft expression in his face.
You want him ruined.
It’s still all you can think about, now, at home.
You’re getting there, though.
You watch him remove his jacket, his waistcoat, the bowtie, then steer him to the couch and unceremoniously drop yourself in his lap.
He looks so beautiful and surprised under you, and you can’t help but lean in to kiss him. Your hands, finally, find his hair, gripping where the slippery strands allow it, pulling at it with a moan. His mouth opens under yours at the gesture, and you press closer to him to deepen the kiss.
It’s not often that you charge at him like this. Usually there’s more of a mutual push and pull between the two of you, and usually it’s Javi who gives in, but it’s not always out of impatience. It’s in his nature to please, to give you everything you desire in every way imaginable. And sometimes it makes you greedy, greedy to take everything he’s offering on with both hands. But tonight it makes you want to give all of that to him. It makes you want to pour every ounce of pride, every bit of love, every drip of desire into your kiss. It makes you greedy to give.
“I’ve been dying to have you to myself all night,” you admit between the press of your lips and the nips of your teeth.
“I could tell,” Javi replies. “You looked pouty before we left, baby. You always pull that face when you want to get fucked, I recognized it from across the room.” His voice is low as his hands slide over your thighs, toying with the lacy fabric at the tops of your stockings.
You almost go slack against him at the soft touch, but letting him take control isn’t your plan for tonight, so instead, you pull away from him. Lightning quick, your hands find his to lace your fingers together, to press them into the back of the couch.
Javi cocks an eyebrow, curious eyes settled on your own as he slumps back against the cushions. It’s a rush, the clear sign of resignation, that he’ll let you lead. It makes your hips roll against his, where you feel the swell of his arousal under you, and you bite your lip to hide a smile when his mouth drops open around a groan.
“You’re going to keep your hands right. here,” you say as you guide your joined hands to your waist before untangling them and pushing his hands down, gently taking his rights to touch you anywhere but right there, “and let me do the rest, aren’t you, Javi?”
All he does is nod in response.
“Say it, baby,” you urge as you brush a stray lock of dark hair from his forehead.
“I’m going to keep my hands right here,” he says, “and let you do whatever you want.”
Another rush of endorphins hums pleasantly through your veins at his words, and you drop a sweet, chaste kiss to his lips, murmuring a Good, before getting to work on his trousers. It’s a practiced move, the pull at the leather, the slide through the buckle, the button, the zipper… and before you know it you can reach inside, wrap your hand around where he’s hard, velvet smooth. His fingers dig into you as a rough sound bubbles up from his throat at the touch when you stroke him once, twice, three times.
“You’re so hard,” you observe, feeling him throb in your palm at the words. Your head tips up to look at him, “All for me, right?”
“It is— Fuck, of course it is.” He grunts when your grip at the base of him tightens, when you hold him still so you can lean down to let a string of saliva fall onto the swollen head of his cock to ease the glide of your hand. “Always for you, only for you.”
With a satisfied sound, you release him from your grip, and the sight of his cock curved back against the fabric of his dress shirt, the tip resting just below one of the glimmering white buttons is oddly enticing. Acutely aware of your own arousal, you pull at the bunched up fabric of your dress, hoist it up to your middle until Javi’s fingers fix the fabric in place. Hooking your panties to the side, another practiced move, you shuffle closer to him, taking his cock in your free hand and rubbing the head against your clit with a joint moan from the both of you.
For a moment, you watch as you move him against you, cupping your hand around his length and rubbing yourself against him, the precome that’s oozing from him making the slide that much easier, that much better.
“Please, sweetheart, fuck me,” Javi says, the blunt ridges of his fingernails pressing tighter into your skin where he holds you as he tries to coax you into giving him more. “Need to be inside you.”
“Maybe,” you sigh. “I think you’d slide right in; can you feel how wet I am?”
Suddenly, Javi’s fingers flex against you, and then he lets go of you. His face is unreadable, the furrow of his brow not matching the look in his eyes. Your body goes rigid in anticipation, cunt fluttering against where you’re pressed up against him, because for a moment, you think you’ve gone too far, that he’s gonna pull you up and slide home.
But he doesn’t.
With a shuddering sigh, he gathers up the fabric of your dress that has fallen back down, and slides it up your body until he’s once more holding you where you told him to. He gives the slightest of nods, the softest of “Sorry”s as he regains his composure.
You’re almost there, you realize, the heat of relief and arousal burning through you as you watch him settle. And just like that you decide you won’t give him any reprieve.
"Tell me,” you say, “who does this pussy belong to?" Your voice is sticky sweet despite the filthy words of the question.
“Me,” he growls immediately.
“Who?” you ask innocently, cocking your head as you begin to move yourself against him once more.
His head falls back against the couch. "Jesus Christ, baby…,” he sighs, and you can tell he knows what you want from him.
“Tell me, Javi,” you say sharply. “Who does this pussy belong to?”
“To Daddy,” he relents, and your heart swells at the way he refers to himself, at the sound of his voice; the way it sounds broken, fucked out, wrecked.
"Hmm-hmm, that's right,” you nod, holding his gaze as you sit up on your knees and position him at your entrance, “all yours, Daddy." You sink down on him slowly, eyes fluttering closed as you feel every delicious inch of him, as he takes his place inside of you, until you’re really settled in his lap.
When your eyes open again, you’re finally treated to the vision from your fantasy: Javi’s eyes are at half-mast, glazed over in pleasure, his pupils blown wide with lust, and a rush of slick coats him where he’s buried deep when you realize you’ve fucked him dumb for once.
You ride him slowly, building the both of you up to something spectacular as you find his hair again, tugging sharply to keep his lidded eyes on yours through the ebb and flow of your body on top of his. The very tip of him nudges against that soft spot deep inside of you, and you circle your hips until you find it with every roll of your hips.
“You’re being so good for me, Javi” you say, and you feel him grow harder inside of you at the praise, feel him swelling with his impending release. “Such a good man, always giving me everything and now letting me give this to you.”
A strangled noise tears from Javi’s throat when you find your clit, circling the stiff bundle of nerves and clenching up around him in the process. You fall quicker than you anticipated, cling to him, fingers digging into the curls at the nape of his neck.
“I’m gonna come, baby,” you warn him, red hot desire licking its way up your spine, “I need you to come with me, okay? Need you to come inside, fill me—”
“Yes,” he rasps, hands anchored at your waist in a way that’s almost painful. You excuse the interruption as you watch him struggle to keep his eyes open, as he barely works out a, “You’re gonna make me come,” before you feel him pulse inside of you.
It’s that feeling, the feeling of him coating you in himself, marking you as his, your brain steadily provides, that pushes you over the edge. Your thighs tremble around his as you pant his name, as you contract around him while you helplessly rub your clit.
You’ve probably stained his suit beyond recovery, you think and you look down to confirm, watch him leak from you until it pools at the base of his cock. With a sigh, you slump forward, forehead knocking against Javi’s shoulder.
“Permission...,” he begins, pausing to draw another breath, “to touch you?”
When you nod against him, his hands unhook themselves from your waist to cup your jaw, pull you up until he can fit his lips to yours with a satisfied sound. When he pulls away, he presses his forehead to yours, and you mumble more praise from him, tell him how good it was, how much you love him, how you can’t wait to get the both of you cleaned up and get to bed, so you can hold him close.
You get there eventually, the sticky logistics of your trip to the bathroom, the quick shower, they’re all a forgotten haze when you find yourself curled up around his body instead of the other way around. You press yourself against his back, your cheek against his warm skin, your nose fitting between his shoulder blades while his hands rest over yours in your embrace.
You support each other, ruin each other, put each other back together again, and it’s everything you could ever want.
It’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.
Look at me being a “professional” writing blog; I made a form where you can sign up for my taglist! You can find it here! Thanks for reading!
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bellakitse · 3 years
Only you
TK stares into Carlos’ brown eyes, lost in them and the love he sees there. “Do you think about kids?” he finds himself blurting out loudly, his voice cracking at the end.
Seeing Carlos with the Vega girls sparks a conversation between TK and Carlos about their future.
*spoilers for 2.14*
“Well, that was fun,” Tommy says dryly as they pull the ambulance into her driveway as the sun sets on Austin. “Pretty sure we’re going to find dust on us for weeks to come.”
TK nods, making a face as he parks the rig. “In very uncomfortable places for sure.”
Tommy chuckles, flashing him an amused smile as he shifts in his seat. “Come on, let’s go see if your boy survived my own forces of nature.”
TK grins back at his Captain, himself interested in seeing how Carlos faired with the adorable Vega twins. He follows Tommy towards her front door, stopping short when she comes to a stop two steps into the house.
“Damn, that really is cute,” he hears her say, fond and a little emotional. 
TK peers over her shoulder, curious to see what she means, his breath catching in his lungs at the sight before them, causing him to let out a soft sound. “Oh.”
Isabella, Evie, and Carlos are asleep on the couch – Carlos in the middle, while the girls each use one of his legs as a pillow. Carlos’ hands rest on the girls’ backs protectively, his head tilting forward.
“I used to find them like this with Charles all the time,” Tommy whispers, bringing a shaky hand to her mouth, taking a breath before she continues. “They would tire themselves out playing and still wait up for me to come home. I used to tell Charles not to do it, but he was such a pushover when it came to the girls.” 
TK places a comforting hand on her shoulder, giving her a small smile when she turns to look at him. “He was a really good dad,” he whispers back, squeezing her shoulder when she gives him a wobbly nod. 
“He really was,” Tommy agrees, sniffing loudly to keep from crying. She turns to look back at the three sleeping bodies, her smile coming back as she does. “Your boy is a good one in training.”
TK startles at the comment, his heart ticking up nervously at the suggestion behind her words. “Oh, I, that’s, we – ” he stammers as Tommy turns her knowing eye to him.
“Did I just break your brain?” she asks with a smirk, her brown eyes dancing with affectionate amusement.
TK tries to answer, coming up with nothing; finally, he lets out a huff, rolling his eyes as she continues to smirk at him. “That was mean, Cap,” he pouts when she lets out another chuckle.
“I’m just making an observation,” she says as she lifts her hands innocently. “You found yourself a good one, and as one of my kids,” she continues warmly as she reaches out to squeeze his hand. “I’m happy for you.”
TK feels a lump in his throat at her words, both her comments about him and Carlos and her familial affection for him making him feel warm inside. “Thanks, Cap,” he says softly, giving her fingers a squeeze in hopes she understands he feels the same love for her.
Tommy gives him another smile before she nods towards the trio. “I’ll let you do the honors,” she motions.
TK lets out another huff of laughter as he moves towards the couch, crouching down to be at eye level with Carlos. He reaches out to touch his cheek, smiling softly when his boyfriend instinctively leans into the touch. “Babe, wake up, we’re back,” he says softly as he runs his hand from Carlos’ cheek to his hair. He watches him, his smile growing as he slowly opens his beautiful brown eyes, a soft smile playing on his lips when he’s awake enough to realize it’s him.
“Hey, baby,” Carlos says with a yawn, bringing a hand up to rub the sleep from his eyes. “Saved the world?”
TK moves his head from side to side jokingly. “We did our part,” he answers, stroking Carlos’ curls once more. “How did you do?”
“The girls are crazy good at the Nintendo Switch,” he answers, looking over his shoulder to look at Tommy. “They kicked my butt, but they’re going to let me have a re-match when I get better.”
“How magnanimous of them,” Tommy laughs softly with a shake of her head. “I better get them to bed even though it probably means they’ll be up at the crack of dawn.”
“I got it, no worries, Captain Vega,” Carlos answers as he smoothly gets up without waking either girl. TK stares, his heart pounding a little faster as Carlos picks up Evie first, heading for the girls’ bedroom. A few minutes later, he comes back for Isabella, doing the same, leaving him and Tommy alone in the living room watching after him.
“Damn,” Tommy whispers, impressed, her eyes twinkling. She turns her gaze to him, and TK feels himself blush at the knowing look she gives him. “I bet you take advantage of those muscles.”
TK’s face burns, but it doesn’t stop him from giving her a bratty smirk that makes her laugh with delight. “You know it, Cap.”
 TK comes into the bedroom he and Carlos are temporarily using in his father’s home, rubbing at his wet hair with a towel. “Even with the shower, I feel like I didn’t get all the dust off.”
“I offered to spot check you, and you said no,” Carlos answers from the head of the bed where he’s reading a book.
“The crew is coming over in an hour,” he reminds him, throwing a smile over his shoulder as he drops the towel around his waist while looking for a pair of underwear, smiling to himself as he feels Carlos’ eyes on his backside. “If you had joined me, we’d still be in there, and you know it.”
“So you’re saying you didn’t want to tempt me with your wet, naked body,” Carlos asks sarcastically as TK hears him close his book and stand from the bed.
“Exactly,” he answers teasingly, letting out a gasp when he feels Carlos’ body pressed against his back.
“Then you’re not doing a great job, baby,” he whispers into the skin under his right ear, pulling the lobe into his mouth to give it a soft suck.
“Seriously? Now?” TK groans even as he presses his body back into Carlos’ frame. He turns around, letting out a shallow breath at the heat he finds in Carlos’ gaze. “When we have people coming over, and I can’t have my wicked way with you the way I have wanted to since we left Tommy’s?”
Carlos raises an eyebrow at him. “Anything in particular that got you going at Tommy’s?”
TK feels himself blush, realizing his mistake. Turning around again, he quickly slips on a pair of blue boxer briefs before reaching for a pair of jeans and a short-sleeve button-down shirt with flowers on them.
TK sighs softly, knowing Carlos isn’t going to let it go. He turns back towards his boyfriend, giving him a sheepish smile when he finds his curious gaze on him. “You taking care of the girls,” he starts to say, his face growing hotter when Carlos raises an eyebrow at him, the corners of his lips twitching as he begins to understand. “You looked really good with them, and I thought – “
“What?” Carlos questions softly, his expression serious and focused on him as he comes back into TK’s space, reaching out to place his hands on his hips. “You thought what?”
TK stares into Carlos’ brown eyes, lost in them and the love he sees there. “Do you think about kids?” he finds himself blurting out loudly, his voice cracking at the end. He cringes, opening his mouth, ready to apologize, stopping short when Carlos speaks.
“Yes,” he says easily, giving TK a shrug like they’re talking about something simple and not children, which is anything but. “I think of a little boy who I can teach to cook, and read the stories my mom used to read to me at bedtime. A mini-you, who you’ll dress up in flower button-downs and skinny jeans to match with you. Maybe a little girl afterwards, the queen of the house, wrapping both of us around her little finger. They would get away with everything with us as their parents,” he chuckles fondly as he paints their future with his words. “We would love them so much.”
TK stares at Carlos, feeling his heart pounding. He swallows hard, clearing his throat when he finds it hard to speak. “You want kids with me?” he whispers, afraid that any louder will break the magic of the moment.
Carlos smiles softly, his eyes closing for a moment as he does so. When he opens them, he takes another step, their chests brushing against each other as he reaches up to cup TK’s face, tilting it towards his. “Baby,” he says gently, rubbing the tip of his nose against his as he presses their foreheads together.
TK swallows again, overwhelmed by the emotions he’s feeling. He squeezes the sides of Carlos’ waist, needing something to anchor himself.
“When I think about kids, or the future in general,” he continues, love coming off him in waves. “You are at the center, always. Whether there are kids or not in it, my future has you right there next to me. You are my future, TK.”
TK closes the small gap between their faces, kissing Carlos desperately, letting out a groan when Carlos matches his need. They kiss long and hard, hands touching any part of the other they can, and TK really wants to take it further if it weren’t for the fact that their friends are going to be over any minute. He’s not done thinking about it when he hears the bell ring. He pulls away reluctantly, whimpering when he sees the heat in Carlos’ eyes.
“To be continued,” he promises, leaning in to give Carlos another kiss, this one soft and tender. “You’re my future too,” he whispers, his eyes locking with Carlos’, making sure he understands he means it. “That little boy and little girl, none, one, two, or six kids,” he grins when it makes Carlos chuckle. “It doesn’t matter as long as it’s with you and only you.”
Carlos pulls him into a hug, kissing the side of his face. “I love you.”
TK returns the embrace, pressing his lips into Carlos’ muscled shoulder. “I love you too.”
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