#but currently my credit is at 0 and i have enough money for rent so next paycheck will be for just the trip :3c
meanderfall · 1 year
tax refund came in time for my trip to another city, let’s goooo!!!
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labgrownmeat · 19 days
my partner was fired by her transphobic employer and we need help :,(
hey, i really hate having to do this again, but my partner was fired by her transphobic employer last month and we've really been struggling. she has no money left and we are stretched very thin. I have less than 100 dollars for the next week and a half, and we are not certain if we'll have enough for rent at the end of the month. she has been applying for jobs daily and has had several interviews but no job offers. she recently purchased an electric bike on credit and is going to run doordash orders once she gets comfortable with riding it around the city, but i really would like her to not have to do this as much as possible, its not particularly safe and if anything happened to her it would ruin me.
getting this started early bc if nothing pans out we will definitely need assistance with paying rent at the end of the month. with my income we shouldn't need more than 600 though so thats our current target. if she does get a job soon, this money will go towards helping us get groceries, cat litter, and other necessities that we are needing.
if you could please please reblog this, it would be very appreciated.
venmo: @hollinndagain paypal: [email protected]
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kanos · 3 months
Hey uuh I hate to do this, but hopefully I never will have to again.
I’ve been unemployed for almost 6 whole months, but I finally got a job and today is my first day, but it’s also the first of the month meaning rent is due. I have $0. I owe too much on my credit card I don’t even have enough on there to use it if I had to. I have to borrow money just to take the bus to work and back at least until I get my first paycheck, which could be 2-3 weeks.
I have reached out to my parents- my mother refuses to talk to me and my father has his own bills and was only able to send $100. I’ve been thankfully helped by my roommates mother for a couple months now but due to medical reasons she is unable to do so again and I wouldn’t ask it of her. She’s already helped me so much already.
My rent is $950 and I currently need $850 to make the payment. Again, I’m so sorry this is not ideal for me or anyone and I’m so excited to start my job, just wish it would’ve started sooner, but the unfortunately the process is always long. Please boost if you can!
kofi: soapmactavish
paypal: /orionnn
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thelordfool · 2 years
i need help. again.
long and short of it: while i’m indeed working, a bunch of emergencies happened and i can’t afford to eat or pay the bills that are keeping me going to work. so i’m hoping the good will and kindness of people will shine through again.
for anyone that wants to see the proof and details, it’ll be below the cut. details on if you want to commission me so i can earn your money will also be down there. please share if you cannot comfortably donate. i will update the post as i get donations. i’m so sorry for doing this all the time. i just want it to stop.
Paypal.me/asrielelijahking / venmo: @thelordfool​ / CA: $thelordfool
prelude: about me
i’m a disabled (CFS probably; severe chronic depression, ptsd, anxiety, definitely), queer (agender “trans masc” and wow people are pretty) artist that’s been having issues with employment for so long, and i know 100% my dr wont help me get a case for disability. i’ve gotten a job through a temp agency but the contract is month to month and i have no idea if i’ll be kept on. i’ll know by 10/7 if i still have a job on monday. there’s a few other things going on, like needing to repair my front door after my roommate’s kids kicked the glass and broke it, and needing to buy food both for the house and for the cats, but i’m trying not to worry about that at the moment because i’ve got the door covered in cardboard and there’s enough food for the next few days.
1. cat bills
After losing my cat, Cinderdoodle, on labor day, my eldest kitty, Scotty, needed to be taken into emergency. this was a huge, emotionally devastating blow to me. he’s thankfully alive and doing much better but the urinary diet food is very expensive. I’m only asking for help to cover the cost of the visit. I paid it on Care Credit and would really just like for it to go away as soon as possible.
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2. personal medical bills
therapy’s fucking expensive! and i guess so is primary care. this is what i owe for both of them right now:
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I do not have any more therapy scheduled currently. I’ll be unable to afford it anymore in the future, it appears.
3. rent
as some of you may know i live with my abusive ex because it’s either this or giving up my cats and entering homelessness. he’s been... better.... recently. i was able to work out that i can pay octobers rent in two parts to him, so i only owe him $190.
4. commissions info
if you search through the ‘my art’ tags on my blog you can find, well, my art. i am not going to change my prices again for this. art takes time, practice, and a lot of research and i’m proud of what i produce. here is my commissions sheet:
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you can also check me out on twitter to see everything.
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starbabytae · 3 years
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as you may have noticed by the cover picture, I’ll be opening commissions. as I am currently learning for my future job, income is poorly. i have monthly payments and rent wich means barely enough money left for proper food. therefore I’ve opened commissions to earn a little extra.
0 / 5 open
there are five slots. I will be following a first come first serve basis. I’ll be writing both sfw and nsfw content – smut, angst, fluff all that good stuff.
when you’re submitting your commission, please do so through pm’s and make sure you’re as detailed as possible. if you want to add your own oc, tell me everything i need to know to make it easier for the both of us. include preferred pronouns, physical appearance, relationships with other characters you want to appear, history and personality.
tell me a plot in details and what you want to happen or give me creative space to create something for you.
I will not be offering refunds. You are allowed two revisions for drabbles and fics only, as all the money made will be sent to a savings account immediately.
this is just a small peak at what I’ll be offering
• drabbles and fics — these are pieces with at least 500 words up to 3000 words, depending on your commission, will take 1 - 3 weeks depending on the length
• layouts — I will be editing you a layout ( header & profile pic ) this can include anything you want, will take max. 5 days
• editing — I’m offering my help with your own fiction. I can check for spelling mistakes or give own suggestions if you ask for it
• moodboards — the moodboards will be having 4/6/9 pics with any aesthetic you want, or fitting for a story. also will be offering to make covers. will take me max. 2 days
• headcanons — headcanons with at least 6 points, will take me max. 2 days
you will be receiving the finished product as a PDF per email ( which won’t be shared ) I will notify you per PM which email your commission will come from. please don’t share or connect this email again. if you have allowed me to post your commission, i will add the piece to my masterlist and tag you if you’d like.
if you have commissioned a moodboard / layout / cover, please give credit when using it.
written pieces are for personal use only. you are not allowed to share or repost the work as your own, nor re-sell it.
I will only be writing for bts and the members. My specialty is the yandere au but I can write any au you want.
• oc’s
• various kinks ( just ask )
• yandere au
• fwb, hybrids, etc.
• nsfw content
• and more. .
there isn’t much I won’t write. just hit me with your idea and I’ll tell you!
prices are in european currency, please make sure to keep that in mind when paying.
5€ ➞ 500 Words
10€ ➞ 501 – 1000 Words
15€ ➞ 1001 – 2000 Words
20€ ➞ 2001 – 3000 Words
anything over 3000 words will be priced with 1€ per 100 words. if i go over the estimated length without your wish, i will not be charging you for the extra words.
5€ ➞ for layouts ( header + profile pic )
5€ ➞ for proofreading your story / helping you with it
2€ ➞ for moodboards ( any size ) or story covers
2€ ➞ for headcanons
payment will go through paypal only. i’ll be providing my paypal once both parties have agreed to the commission.
if you want to support me, i also have a kofi.
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thank you for supporting me in any way. please don’t hesitate to send me an ask if you have any other questions <3
i will still be posting normally, this is simply a way to earn a few more cents haha
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prorevenge · 4 years
Ex-girlfriend had me arrested and contributed to stealing $1000's of dollars from my bank account before I got my retribution.
This is really long but ends with a lot of irony and perfect results.
TL;DR Ex lies and has me arrested because I didn't take her on trip with me. She also destroyed some of my property and possessions while stealing others along with cash and bank card. Prosecutor finds out it's all lies files charges to which she wants me to have dropped. That angers me so I turn over evidence of her other crimes. She goes to jail. Good stuff!!!
About 13 years ago I was in an amazingly toxic relationship, and was completely blindly stupidly in love or so I thought at the time. We had been together about 2 years and had been living together since literally the first night we met. I owned my own home which I worked from and made great money and asked her to quit her job after one too many incidents where she had to deal with a handsy boss. Months into our relationship we rented an apartment out on the beach but I kept my house and we'd go sleep there 2-3 times a month. Since she was looking for a job I told her I would pay our bills while she found and settled into her new job. Her job search lasted about 5 minutes and then she took to hanging out around the house while I worked 15-16 hour days. We spent all day everyday together except for when we would go out to bars together and she'd meet her girlfriends and I'd meet my people's. I got burnt out on work and since I owned my own business I decided I could have my subcontractors do the day to way work and I'd take a year to travel while working remotely 2-3 days a week.
It was around this time I noticed a change in her attitude and our relationship. She became suspicious and accusing me of cheating which was completely unfounded and confusing to me since we were together almost always. Had I listened to those around me I would've put that relationship out of its misery and walked away. However, I decided to try and make her see I wasn't what she thought I was. I obviously see now it was projection and her on concern about being caught sleep around.
We took a year and went all over the US on road trips, going to music festivals, and seeing friends all over the country. We also went to Europe a few times so she got to do and see not just our country but 7 others on my dime while cheating on me but making me feel like the bad guy.
Things would be great while traveling until we were about to land, or just after we got home then she'd pick a fight and I'd go to my house for the night. Our last trip together was to Portland for 10 days in the first week of October. We had a great time and things seemed like the worst was behind us. Boy was I wrong! In our town there's an annual halloween street party. We had each gone for 10+ years before we started dating and every year since we began dating. This particular year I had decided I wanted to go to voodoo festival in New Orleans which is the last week of October and our local shindig is the last Saturday of October. This caused a huge fight between us and I told her I needed a break to assess our relationship. This brought out an evil side in her which I'd never seen. I was shocked and wasn't going to tolerate it. I packed my bags and went to the airport and caught my flight to NO. I got there the day before the festival started and went and gambled and did my tourist obligations on Bourbon Street. That evening I was missing her so I booked her a ticket and tried calling her but got no answer. I texted her and let her know that a ticket was at the airport and a car would be waiting to bring her to my hotel but still got no response. Hours after I called her she drunkenly calls me screaming about how she knew I had one of my whores with me on this trip. She went on for 20 min before I told her to forget the ticket and to fuck off at this point I was 100% done. At that point she asked what ticket because she hadn't seen the text (flip phones were the worst for that reason) but it was too late in my book. For her to think I was that type of person and the seriously personal attacks she launched into let me know there was nothing left to salvage. Before hanging up I told her when I returned I would be moving out of the apartment and I would no longer be paying for everything so she had a week to make arrangements.
Because we were living together she had access to the spare key to my house I kept in our apartment. She went to my house and dumped bleach all over my clothing and my sneaker collection. That there would be enough for me to murder her if I wasn't a decent person. She also stole 300+ records and my spare bank card plus the $10,000 I kept for emergencies (bail money) in a safe hidden in my closet. This was an intelligent woman but her thinking during her little crime spree wouldn't indicate that. Instead of using the bank card herself she gave it to a friend of hers and they spent over $3500 on purchases and withdrew $5500 from my savings. I only found it was happening because my bank called and wondering why my card was being used in 2 separate states minutes or hours apart in the same day. I shut the card off and filed fraud claims and put her out of my mind for the rest of the week while having a blast. Festival was great and had a great time hanging out drinking, drugging, gambling, and partying while in New Orleans. The festival ended Sunday and I flew home the following Tuesday. I come off the jetway into the terminal and am met by two detectives. They ask my name and I of course started answering all their questions. Within 5 minutes I'm in handcuffs and being led away for felony domestic violence, terroristic threats, burglary, assault, and criminal mischief.
I had left on my trip on a Friday afternoon. That next day is when I sent her the ticket and we had that blowout where I ended it. She called the police and told them we were fighting and I came to her house and she wouldn't let me in, so I threw a brick through her sliding glass door. Once in then I started to strangle her and one of girlfriends tried to stop me and I punched and beat her up. She told the police I fled to New Orleans. (The level of crazy here is beyond scary she staged a break in by smashing a door in our apartment, had hand marks on her neck to be photographed, and the other girl had a split lip...all faked) The police somehow got my flight info but didn't bother to check that I wasn't even in town when all this allegedly happened. I went to jail and bonded out ($35,000 bond) and had to hire an attorney. Based on charges filed I was looking at 12 years now that's what I would've served but still scary AF. I knew I could prove where I was so wasn't overly concerned. However it cost me $3500 for bond and $10,000 on an attorney. I got my $3,5000 back when my case was dropped. After getting out of jail I went to the airport to get my car and she had slit all 4 tires on my car leaving the pearl handled switch blade I bought her as a gift in the last tire.
My attorney gets all my travel documents to the prosecutor and the charges are dropped. I was going to let the rest of the shit go and be done with her. Honestly if losing that money meant I'd never have to see or deal with her again I would've paid double. The prosecutor was pissed and filed charges on both my ex the other girl who lied to police. At this point he didn't know about the fraud complaint from the money stolen from me. Again I was going to just let it go until my ex called me. She tried apologizing by saying she was sorry she had to do all the stuff because I told her I never wanted to see or speak to her again while in New Orleans. By doing those things she felt it would get my attention is the way she put it. I told her she was a spiteful bitch and karma would run over some day. Her response was I was spiteful for leaving her and going on the trip without her. My last words to her that I would be very spiteful and her oncoming karma rolled into one. Because I had texts asking her about the damage done in my home and the missing $10k/bank card and the money spent in which she admitted all of it I turned those over to the prosecutor. He filed theft, burglary, identity theft, misuse of credit card, and about 4 other charges on her. She had a key but no permission to be in my house so the burglary charge stuck and so did 5 of the other charges. She got 6 years and did 3. Once out I would see her when I was out because she has always bartended or been a waitress. Over a three year period I saw her working at 5 places. At all 5 I notified the manager or owner that she was thief not to trusted and gave them just enough info to see she was a felon. She lost those 5 jobs. After that she moved away. Last I heard she lived in Chicago. Feel sorry for whatever person this parasite is currently attached to.
Crazy Psycho = 0 Me = 1
(source) story by (/u/Burnvictim49percent)
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firelord-frowny · 3 years
my mamma staaaaaays watching CNN or MSNBC all day every day and today i was in the room while they were covering all the many protests that are going on in various workers unions across the country and how a lot of workers are finally drawing the line and demanding stuff they obviously deserve in terms of safer working conditions, more reasonable hours, higher wages, better health care, blah blah blah, and how the ~corporate world~ is trying to push a narrative of Labor Shortage instead of Shitty Jobs, painting workers as just being lazy and entitled and counting on people’s utter desperation to fill shitty jobs because $8/hr to still be unable to afford rent and car payments is better than $0/hr,
and i told my mom that all of that is a HUGE part of the reason why i’ve been unwilling to ~just take any full time job i can get~ when Any Full Time Job I Can Get isn’t actually going to earn me enough money to provide a comfortable life for myself despite working 40+ hours per week,
and then of course, as moms do, she starts lecturing me about how ~you need to just get over it and do what you have to do like everyone else~ 
and i’m like!!!! 
i mean, i Get It. i do. People take shitty jobs because they don’t have a choice, and if I didn’t have my mom to keep me housed, I wouldn’t have a choice, either. And she has the right to throw me out if she ever feels like it. Like, she doesn’t HAVE to let me be here. 
but i’m like, moooom, you REALIZE that ~people not having a choice~ is exactly why employers have been able to get away with this shit for so long, right??? The fact that a bigass corporation can pay full time employees poverty wages and STILL have people snatch up those jobs is the reaaaaasssoooonnnnn why they keep the wages so low, and the hours so long, and the workplaces so unsafe. If nobody took those jobs, they wouldn’t be able to keep that shit up. 
so hell naw to the naw naw naw i’m not about to participate in that madness Just Because!! there is 0 virtue in slaving away at a full time job with criminally low wages Because Integrity or whatever. If you genuinely HAVE to, as in, you’re going to be homeless and starve if you don’t, then obviously you’re going to choose soul-sucking poverty wages over homelessness and starvation. But if refusing to work such a job is NOT going to leave you homeless and hungry, then you may as well just remain unemployed until you have a legitimate opportunity. Bc like... people can’t fucking Save Money when each and every paycheck is totally eaten up by critical expenses: rent/mortgages, utilities, insurances, car payments/transportation, food, phone bills, paying back loans, etc. And if you’re not able to save money, HOOOOOWWWWWWW are you ever supposed to get Beyond where you are currently?? How are you ever supposed to move into a safer neighborhood? HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO PUT MONEY AWAY FOR YOUR RETIREMENT??? HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO MAINTAIN AN EMERGENCY SAVINGS FUND??? If you aspire to pursue higher education, how are you supposed to finance that?? Lmao take out even more loans with an even higher interest rate thanks to the shitty credit score you’ve earned from BEING BROKE??? 
i’m supposed to put myself through all that shit because Personal Integrity??? bitch you THOUGHT!!! 
and hell fucking yes i am entitled! and the people who’ve crafted the narrative that ~entitlement~ is a Bad Thing are the saaaame people who manipulated an entire labor force into believing that it’s Unprofessional to tell your coworkers how much you’re getting paid. They’re the same people who decided that “experience” is a legitimate currency they can use to pay workers a la Unpaid Internships. They’re the same people who made everyone believe that it’s Bad Business to leave your job and go work for a competitor who’s able to give you more of what you need in exchange for your labor. They’re same people who tricked workers into believing that they should WANT to ~go above and beyond~ without getting anything in return. it’s Bad And Lazy to stop working and go home when your shift is over. you have a Good Work Ethic when you take work-related calls at any hour on any day when you’re not actually at work. 
i am ENTITLED to a comfy, living wage. i am ENTITLED to being payed well to do the things I’m good at. i am ENTITLED to have ample time and energy to enjoy a life outside of work. I’m entitled to getting enough sleep. i’m entitled to being able to dedicate time to pursuing my hobbies. And so is everyone else in the gotdamn world. Give me a living wage, or give me righteous unemployment! Not as catchy as “give me liberty or give me death,” but same fuckin deal. 
and honestly, it’s so fucking WILD lmfao that this isn’t even the first time america has gone through this exact turmoil. like, we already FIXED this shit decades ago, at least partially. And now people wanna act like workers are shallow and lazy for demanding that employers make good on the responsibilities that were already agreed upon and enacted YEARS ago. We’ve done this before!! We’ve fought this fight already! I’m so upset!! 
honestly like! I feel like today’s employers are counting on younger generations being ignorant about the history of labor movements. they’re counting on us not knowing that we even have the option to demand the most basic necessities. 
So like... 
the more people who can choose to be unemployed instead of being held captive by a predatory corporate world, the better. And frankly, the people who wind up having to support someone who’s unable to make enough money should ALSO be loudly in favor of higher salaries and better workplace conditions. Like, don’t be mad at your 29 year old son who’s still under your roof because his job doesn’t pay him enough to live a dignified lifestyle on his own. Be mad at the multinational corporation whose higher-ups are raking in millions of dollars PER HOUR while leaving your son destitute.*Twisted Sister Voice* NO! We’re not gonna take it!!
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simpstyle · 4 years
The Working Girl's Guide to Finance
As we slowly approach the holiday season and new year, it is time to start thinking about those pockets. If you are anything like us, this year was very hard and really did a number on your savings. Those five year plans may now be pushed to seven years now & that may be a little troublesome. No fear, SIMP IS HERE. While things may seem a bit crazy now, they will get better. Weigh the positives of the situation - you have a job, simple. If you don’t you have a job be thankful that you have a savings account to pick at. It is that simple.
As we start to prep those vision boards for how you want your life to look this year - make sure your finances align together. We sat down with Jhakiri Brooke to discuss tips on everything money. He is a Financial Advisor based in NYC, that specializes in every spectrum of financial planning. Jhakiri’s priority is to help build suitable savings and create safe investment strategies in his community, especially young adults.
If you are trying to get your life back together you for sure need to read this.
The Three Ways To Look At Your Money AS A WORKING GIRL
Getting Rid of Debt
Debt essentially has a snowball effect. If you don’t monitor it, it will start off small and begin to rapidly increase. Many people have the idea that they’ll swipe their credit card and pay it off as soon as they get paid but that does not workout. What happens when the debt you accrued in a short amount of time has outgrown your paycheck? You begin to panic and get overwhelmed when you have to stop using it. Save for your wants so you don’t have to rack up bad debt. Be patient, pay it down gradually, and stop swiping!
Understand good debt Vs. Bad debt
“Bad debt” consists of tools used to buy depreciating assets; an auto loan for a car, a credit card for miscellaneous purchases, and personal loans for things that shouldn’t be debt financed. “Good debt” consists of tools used to put your life in better perspective; things such as student loan debt to possibly increase your income, a mortgage to buy your own home or to possibly invest in real estate, and lastly a business loan to make up for the lack of funding you have to launch that business you’ve been working on for years.
Student Loan Debt
Don’t be intimidated by student loans, there are so many different options that you may utilize to decrease the payments. The main focus you should have is, “how can I bring down my interest?” Consider refinancing. You don’t want to aggressively pay down student loan debt because it halts you from saving in other areas as well.
Consider debt consolidations and refinancing
Often, many individuals have debt all over the place and have no idea how to manage. The easiest thing you can do is consider consolidating all of your debt in one place so you’re not making payments to multiple creditors.
Balance transfers with credit cards are an example of consolidating without harming your credit score. Essentially, you open up one credit card with a large limit and transfer multiple credit card balances over to one. Now you have 0% APR for one year and can attack all of your balances at once.
Building Your Saving Accounts
I truly believe that building your savings account is the most important piece in this article. Many people do not have a savings account. They believe that saving in a checking account or in cash is the best way to go. That’s only because they don’t understand interest. When having your money in cash or checking you lose out on interest that could have been built on your savings. Interest is so important when it comes to saving because you want to understand how much your bank is crediting you for being an excellent saver. The current national interest rate on savings is about .01-.09% that’s essentially a penny for every $1,000 you have in the bank. That sucks, you want to make sure you’re utilizing a bank that’s averaging about 1.0-2.0%, which is about one dollar for every $1000 you own. You surely want to make sure you have different savings for different things. So make sure you keep your money separated.
You will need an Emergency Fund, a Goal Fund (house, travel), and an Investment Fund. The best way to save is by treating your savings account
Finding Creative Ways to Make Your Money Work For You
The only issue with having all of your money in a traditional or online savings account is you’ll never be able to beat the inflation of the dollar. Remember when your favorite bag of chips was $ 0.25? Those days are long behind us due to inflation. Inflation is the rise of prices in the products we know and love. While the price of these products increases, the value of the dollar we use decreases. In simpler terms, the money in your bank account is not keeping up with the price of the products you purchase day to day. With that, we must find creative ways to diversify our dollars to make them grow.
That takes building an investment portfolio that works for you. Think about what you’re investing for and when you want to reap the benefit of your investments. Many people are afraid of the stock market and can’t save for the real estate market, but there are so many different tools to use.
Mutual Funds - they provide exposure to the stock and bond market without you having to put all your money into one business. Therefore, there’s less risk for a pretty decent return.
Real Estate - saving enough money to purchase a property will provide you a lifetime stream of income. You are paying rent to a landlord, why not become the landlord and have someone pay you rent?
A side business or a loved one’s business you believe will grow
Individual Stock - Yes, the stock market is extremely intimidating, but the wealthiest people in the world have tremendous success in making smart decisions with investing in some of the largest companies you know today.
Retirement Accounts (401K,403B,457,IRAs, etc) - Having a sound understanding of your retirement accounts will put you so far ahead of your peers. Don’t just sign paper work, make sure you understand what assets are backing your retirement accounts as well as the tax ramifications associated with withdrawing money from retirement accounts. You want to make sure you don’t outlive your money, and your job sponsored programs are a great start. If you’re entrepreneur there are retirement accounts out there you should consider looking into.
Remember what you don’t spend today will be spent in the future. Keeping up with the trends is fun but buying your property and having a bomb life in the future is even better. Invest in yourself first!
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k so since i’ve been hiding the fact that i’ve been depressed and frustrated af lately, i’m just gonna slam it all here under a read more. ignore if you want, actually please do, it’s just me bitching again--
so holy shit the way america is rn frustrates the absolute hell out of me. covid has only made it worse; it feels like we’re never gonna get out of this fuckin’ pandemic because of people screaming that their rights are being violated bc they’re being asked to wear masks (?????? you’d fuckin’ hate it in asia then, ya goddamn snowflakes) and having parties all over the place, plus there’s all the politics shit that i’m not even going to get into, and just... it’s so damn hard to actually live here because everything costs a motherfuckin’ fortune. for fuck’s sake, i am a woman making $15 an hour at a part time job that gives me only 12-15 hours a week, how the fuck am i gonna succeed in anything with that?!
holy fuck. i want so many things that are just out of reach, it feels like. i want to help sylvie start HRT so she can finally start kicking gender dysphoria’s ass and actually start being happy with herself and her body, but considering she has practically 0 health insurance, she makes even less than i do, and it’s fuckin god-tier expensive, i have no idea where to even start with that. a friend of mine told me about planned parenthood (which would probably be a really good idea for both of us, considering i’ve never had my, uh, inner workings checked out), but i have no idea if there’s even one in our area or anything, or how we’d go about starting anything regarding that. it’s so goddamn frustrating, because i hate seeing her hate herself and her body so much because she’s got the wrong goddamn one, and i feel like she’s just got this general feeling of hopelessness around the entire thing, and i want to show her that it is reachable for her, but... how am i supposed to do that if i don’t even know where to begin?!
ALSO, not even relating to that
i want a house. not an apartment, not to keep living with people i barely know, but my own actual goddamn house. my credit score is lookin’ pretty damn good right now -- it’s almost in the 700s, but... i have no idea where to start with that either. and like... i’m afraid, as well. because if we go buy a house, and then something happens where we can’t afford things with the house anymore, then we’re fuckin’ homeless. and like. i’ve been homeless before -- not out on the streets, but i was couchsurfing for a good year and a half, and that sucked -- and i never want that to happen again. rent is expensive as fuck, more than both of us put together can afford, especially with all of sylvia’s bills. our roommate kicked us out of our old place, so we had to quickly scramble to find a place, so we’re living with a couple of sylvia’s friends, and i personally cannot stand it. it’s nothing against them, really, i just. i hate being almost 29 and still having to rely on others for a place to fucking live. it’s fucking godawful. and considering i don’t have any family members or anything that will help me, it’s so... alskdjflkdsal;afd
plus we’re not even in our original city anymore, we’re stuck on a goddamn island that we have to pay a toll to drive back onto every time we go home from work, so that fuckin’ sucks. and i miss our old city so much and it hurts so bad that we don’t live there anymore; i was really at home there, it was the first place where i really felt i could be myself and just... leaving there fucking sucked. i want to go back, and i fully intend to. someday. when i can actually afford things like a goddamn house. why are houses so goddamn expensive anyway; it’s like fuckin’ robbery. idk.
PLUS, since i graduated from community college this past semester, i’m currently on a break, and i fully intend to go back to university, hopefully in fall semester. BUT, idk, it looks like i’m gonna have to push that back to spring 2022, considering we don’t have a place of our own, i can’t drive (was going to get my permit this past summer but covid fucked that in the ass), and while we don’t want to live here, i have no idea where we will be living, and location matters a lot for me since i can’t fuckin’ drive!! i can’t even start applying to universities until we figure that out, and it’s just... god. i feel like i’m spinning my goddamn wheels again, and i fucking hate that feeling.
this is all over the goddamn place and i’m so sorry for that, but i’m just so frustrated and thinking on all of it makes me so fucking depressed that most days lately i just feel like giving up. stop having goals, try to be content working at fuckin target for the rest of my life (even though it makes me wanna die). but goddammit, i’m too fuckin’ ambitious for that (before jkr turned into a fuckin’ bitch, i always got slytherin house because that’s me, kids), and i apparently can’t be satisfied with what i already have because i’m a spoiled-ass bitch, i guess. i always want better. like. i feel like i have to make something of myself before i’m allowed to feel happy and content with my life, and that’s frustrating too. it’s like... i dunno. things aren’t happening the way i want them to, and i just get pissed off at myself for allowing things to happen as they are.
just... god. fuck off. eat the rich. fuck capitalism. i don’t want to be a millionaire or anything. i just want to make enough to not have to live paycheck to paycheck and be able to actually afford things i want without feeling fuckin’ guilty about it. i mean jfc i spent almost $50 on tea shit on this past paycheck bc i got a bonus from target corporate so i had some extra money, but i still feel guilty about it!! and. jesus christ. i don’t know where i went wrong. probably being born to poor, abusive people is where i went wrong.
fuck off.
having mental illness and being poor is. fucking awful. i don’t wish it on anyone.
i just want things to be betterrrrrrr for fuck’s sake.
the end
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mergaliscious · 5 years
I still need help.
So as far as the teeth go, I’ve gotten one out of 4 root canals I need (the only one my insurance will cover at my current dentist, I’m still trying to find someone to do the others) but I’m waiting to see if my insurance will cover the crown. If they won’t cover it, I still have to get it since now my tooth is empty, and if I get it without insurance I have to pay over $100 a month for idk how long. If I can’t find someone who can do my others with my insurance, I’ll have to pay for them too (although it’s more likely the one that’s already done will have the crown covered than that any of the others will be covered). And the others may not do payment plans. I’ll update this when I know, so check the notes!
I also need to save up more money so I can become independent sooner than later. I’ve been trying to for a while because my family is still lowkey emotionally abusive, but we’re getting kicked out on September 3rd (2019). It’s almost August now, so we have just over a month to gtfo. My mom is probably going to get a place that I can’t stay at, so that means I’m not going to be living with her anymore, but it also means that I have to stay with my gf until school starts and then find an apartment by next summer. For now, I’m trying to get a car so I can at least have independent transportation without having to bus 4 hours to work and work around the bus schedule. I’ll sort out the costs of everything under the cut.
In the meantime, the best way to help me is to pledge to my Patreon. If you can’t commit to monthly support (in exchange for all the benefits of being a patron), you can also donate to my PayPal or buy something from my store (I get the most profit from t-shirts!)
Currently needed:
Cheap car or down payment on one that won’t break within a year: up to $2500
Outside of office dental care (dental hygeine stuff): ~$100
Possible down payment on crown: ~$150
Possible (likely, but may have a payment plan) cost of other root canals and crowns: $9000-10.000
$2750 (or up to $12,750, but $2750 is the current goal)
Rent: $222 while at school, hopefully no more than $500 once I get my own place at least during the year while I have financial aid
Car: up to $300 if I get a payment plan
Car insurance: $350, hopefully less later once I’m 19 but rn the quotes for cheap insurance are saying $350
Possible payment for crown: >$100
This isn’t including food and other living costs because most of my food during the year is included in rent (dining hall meal plan) and I have a job so I have enough to cover gas and other food. So I don’t actually have to have all of it from Patreon because hopefully I should have enough to cover most of it, but if I can get enough support on there there’ll be enough that I can consistently afford these things (so not fuck my credit score) and having extra money never hurt, especially someone like me who’s prone to saving and also to having curveballs thrown at him!
~$1000 (more once school ends in June)
Current: $1268/$2750 and $0/$1000
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coffee-mugz · 5 years
The Galeo (Sanders Sides FF) Part 2
Part one/Chapter 1
As the day continued to pass, the sun began to set. However, the warm oranges and pale red lit in the sky paled in comparison to Roman's scales, which attractd much more attention now that the skies were dim.
Small children gasped in aw upon seeing the glowing scales, touching the glass and even taking pictures. Roman smiled at each one, waving at each child who spared a glance at him, even posing for selfies other folks requested.
He continued this for hours, completely exhausted and yet still swimming around and acting energetic. He was only given a break when the sky turned dark, the colors faded, and the stars could be seen high above them.
And that time was right now.
"Roman," his owner called out to him as he jumped out of the tank, landing with two feet instead of a tail, his hair magically dry. The clothes he wore were soaking wet, as he put them on in the tank before hopping out.
" Yes, sir?" Roman answered, jumping back in shock as a bag of coins were tossed into his hands.
"Sir...?" He muttered, staring at the bag full of silver coins with a few gold coins tossed in there. That's a lot of money- more than be expected.
(How the money works=
copper coins: lowest value, often used for street food, bread, or small accessories like earrings or bracelets. Also commonly used and known to be change.
Silver coins: mid value, most common. Used for food in average restaurants, clothing, most store items, some small rent/bills, as well as most gear for adventurers.
50 copper coins= 1 silver coin
Gold coins: highest value. Used for paying rent/bills, purchasing high level equipment, buying food in fancy restaurants, some furniture such as beds, purchasing land, buying refined gemstones, jewelry, luxury clothing.
50 silver coins= 1 gold coin.
Coin Credit (also known as CC or a CC account):
Can put large amounts of coins in to the account so you don't have to carry the heavy coins everywhere. Usable through phone screen or card.
CC (example): Gold:0 Silver: 0 Copper: 0
Galeo CC (also known as GC or GC Account):
Only for Galeo, works the same as normal CC accounts except there is a much higher security level. Usable through Phone screen or card.
Some humans can have the same level of security, however it costs them money unlike Galeo.
Perfect Galeo CC ( known as PGC or a PGC account): highest security level, nobody except Perfect Galeo can have this level of security. Usable only with fingerprint scan (all stores and stalls are required to have one).
Shows credit the same way as others, but the background design can be customized.
Finally, done.)
"I'm no longer your owner. The GRH took you in, and they want you there by the end of the week. That's your pay for the month. You did a good job." The man patted a hand against Roman's back.
"Wait- the GRH? But that means I can't- why?" Roman panicked. He can't retire now! He still wants to compete! How could this have happened!?
"Don't worry, boy," the man said, speaking confidently. "The one that wants you will allow you to compete again if you really want to. I'm sorry I couldn't, the restaurant got more crowded than I could have ever imagined. Go take your break."
Roman nodded, his brain processing the information. So...this owner only didn't take him to competitions because the restaurant got too busy?
Roman left after saying his thanks, and walked towards his rented small house. It was nearby luckily, only a couple of streets away. Looks like he has to make a call to the owner of the house tomorrow.
The next morning, Roman is all packed up. He bought a few boxes in the middle of the night, as strange as it must've been to the last few remaining stores willing to sell them to him.
Everything besides the furniture was packed neatly in the box, so much so that even Roman was suprised.
But that moment didn't last any longer, as he heard the horses hooves click and clack against the stone streets, and the bumps coming from the wagon outside the house and a firm three knocks on the door.
"Moving company! Is this Roman Stancy?"
Roman sighed aloud. His last name wasn't Stancy, for the last time! That's his breeder's last name! His last name he inherited from his mother's maiden name was Pristey! Roman. Pristey. (Pronounced Pry-stee)
"Yes, yes! Come in!" He unlocked the door, seeing a handful of men and women dressed in the same uniform. Light blue shirt, pants, hat, the only different were the shoes which ranged from white to brown to black and to blue.
"I prefer you not use my breeder's last name. It's Pristey. Jeez, I really need to change that legally."
"Sorry, that was the name listed. So, Mr. Pristey, are you moving the furniture as well?" A polite man asked, and Roman smiled. That's the first time somebody called him Mr. Pristey.
"No, just the boxes. But be careful with the green ones- all my plates and cups are there." Roman stepped aside, allowing the crew of workers to start moving his stuff. And like he said, instead of one person handling the green box like all the others, three people did.
He liked this moving company already. He originally only called them because it was the first one to appear on the most reccomend list, but now he knows why they were rated the best.
The last one he hired destroyed a whole box of plates and cups, and he had to do everything with a bowl for a solid week. Drinking coffee in a bowl was an odd experience.
And just like that, he was off to go to the GRH.
Patton had just gotten back from work, and unlike earlier in the day, his attitude seemed a little deflated.
The volunteer workers asked him what was wrong- the Patton they knew didn't get sad often, so they wondered what the cause was.
"Nothing, I just saw another Galeo at that pet shop in the same tank. Her scales are beautiful, too." Patton clenched his fist. He would have bought them if he could, give them enough money to live properly and help them get a job and stable life, he would for all of them. If only he could.
Galeo are expensive, they really are. The price she was selling at was currently 25 gold coins. That's expensive even for a Galeo. Most are about 5-20, depending on it's genetics, attitude and such. The only one he saw selling any higher were ones that had a huge chance of winning the I.C. (International Competition).
The workers could only sigh. While, yes, people are doing what they could for Galeo thrown away, they can't exactly stop Galeo abuse quite yet. They are working on passing a law for it, though, as well as giving them equal rights, but at this moment, controversy is common about the topic.
But, one of the workers permed up. "Patton," she grinned, "today the new Galeo is coming."
Patton blinked once, and then twice, and then his eyes sparked with joy.
"Really? Today?!" He jumped up from his depressed state. While they knew it was temporary, it was better than watching him down in the dumps for hours.
"Yep! The other one is coming in two days late due to.....complicated reasons." She sighed, remembering his crazy outburst the first time they tried transferring him from the Otzzie Breeding estate to here.
"No! Don't you dare move me ten inches from here! I'm not leaving him alone you dirt brains!"
"Please! It's for the best-"
"SHUT! UP! Insignificant human beings- I'm not leaving without him! Are you that idiotic! Am I not coherent?"
"But you have to come by th-"
"Silence! The odds of me going unacompanied by him are infinitesimal! Go on and leave us! Either that or arrange for V to come with me!"
"What happened?" Patton asked, hearing her sigh.
"We are currently fighting to have another Galeo retire....as he refuses to come without him. We have the court's favor, because there are signs of him being abused, but Mr. Otzzie has quite a firm grip on him. Of course he does..."
"Why? Tell me! Please?" Patton begged.
"Because....he..." she hesitated to tell him.
"Pleaaaassseeee?" Patton used his puppy dog eyes, and the worker could only look away and sigh once more.
"Let's just say...he's very important." She replied, telling herself that it was his decision to tell other people. After all...
Not all Perfect Galeo want the spotlight.
To be continued....
Sorry it's a bit short, the next one will be longer!
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squareallworthy · 6 years
Taking UBI seriously part 5: Sheahen
This is the fifth in a serious of posts looking for a serious proposal for universal basic income. Previous posts:
A Budget-Neutral Universal Basic Income by Jensen et. al.
Basic Income – Why and How in Difficult Economic Times: Financing a BI in Ireland by Healy et. al.
Andrew Yang’s proposal as part of his presidential campaign
A variety of indicators evaluated for two implementation methods for a Citizen’s Basic Income by Malcom Torry
Score so far: 0 serious proposals for a full UBI, 1 serious proposal for a partial income
In this post, I will look at It’s Time to Think BIG! How to Simplify the Tax Code and Provide Every American with a Basic Income Guarantee by Allan Sheahen.
tl;dr: Not a serious plan. Sloppy and politically poisoned. There is no way to tell whether poor people are better off or not, and the proposal includes several provisions that would never get a hearing in Congress. If this is as good as UBI proposals get, then there are no serious UBI proposals.
Allan Sheahen was a long-time advocate of a universal basic income, or basic income guarantee, as he preferred to call it. He published two books on the subject, Guaranteed Income: The Right to Economic Security in 1983 and The Basic Income Guarantee: Your Right to Economic Security in 2012, as well as numerous articles and papers. He was an early leader of the US Basic Income Guarantee Network (usbig.net) and spent more than 30 years advocating for basic income. Basic Income Earth Network ran an article noting his passing in 2014 which you can read here.
Sheahen published this proposal in 2006, using 2004 budget figures. On the benefits side, the plan is straightforward and typical: a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) of $10,000 per year for each adult US citizen under the age of 65, and $2000 for each child. Recipients of Social Security and other federal retirement programs would get either their current benefit or the BIG, whichever is greater. He would distribute this as a refundable tax credit, so none of the BIG would be taxed back.
He calculates a gross cost of $1,895.6 billion. To pay for this, he plans on treating all other income as taxable at standard rates and increasing taxes in various ways, eliminating a bunch of current transfer programs (basically everything except Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid), and making deep cuts to defense spending. Figures below are in billions of dollars.
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The budget cuts and tax increases are enough to fund the BIG with $265 billion left over. (Sheahen also considers a 2% tax on wealth, but that is for the purpose of balancing the federal budget. Since that is unrelated to the BIG, I am leaving it out of this budget.)
There is a lot going on in that $985.2 billion in the first line. It includes personal exemptions, standard deductions, all itemized deductions, all tax credits, and most importantly, all the tax expenditures for 2004 from this list, which Sheahan characterizes as “tax loopholes.” He provides details on all these provisions -- far too many to go into here -- which give his proposal the appearance of being thoroughly thought out. Once you start digging into it, though, it becomes clear that he didn’t pay that much attention to what he was doing. As a result, his proposal is sloppy, unclear on what it accomplishes, unfocused, and politically doomed.
General sloppiness
Sheahan seems to have taken a list of what he considers tax loopholes and, without looking at what they are, decided that they all have to go. He applied the same bulldozer approach to cutting transfer payments. The result is a mess.
Contradictory on pensions. Sheahen says that recipients of Social Security and other federal retirement programs would continue to receive their current benefits or the BIG, whichever is greater (p. 7). But then on pp. 20 and 21 he calls for eliminating spending on pensions for railroad workers, District of Columbia government employees, and veterans. What he actually intended is unclear.
Double-counting  Some of the savings he expects to get from closing tax loopholes are incompatible with his spending cuts. For instance, on p. 20 he calls for eliminating public assistance programs such as food stamps, and then on p. 15 he counts on additional revenue from taxing those benefits as ordinary income. He plans on taxing contributions to IRAs, (p. 17), which would leave taxpayers no reason to use them, but doesn't subtract income taxes paid on money withdrawn from IRAs. This doesn't amount to a great deal compared to the cost of the whole program, but it's sloppy and annoying.
Unequal comparisons  Eliminating these tax expenditures means converting many things that are not normally considered income into taxable income. The biggest such item would be employer contributions to health insurance. Also included would be scholarships and tuition reductions for students, for instance, or housing and meal benefits for military personnel. Under Sheahen's plan, the cash equivalent would count as income and would be taxed as income.
Counting employer-provided health insurance as its cash equivalent could easily boost someone's reportable income by $5000. Imputed rental income (which I will return to below) could add $10,000 or more. Not everyone will be hit by these additional taxes, but homeowners with health insurance make up a solid slice of the middle class.
This means that when he compares the current system to his BIG plan on pp. 23-24, he does not compare like to like. The person with $40,000 in reportable income under the current system is not the same as the person with $40,000 income under the BIG plan. But he calculates increase/decrease figures as if they were. The net increase in disposable income he calculates on pp. 23-24 will be wrong for anyone who owns a home, has employer-provided health insurance, is in the armed forces, is a student paying tuition or on a scholarship, is paying student loans, or has an IRA, among other circumstances.
It may be Sheahen's intention to place more of the tax burden on homeowners and on people who have employer-provided health insurance. If so, it's dishonest of him to hide it in this way. But I don't think he did, because I don't think he has an accurate picture of where money is coming from and going to, which leads me to my next point.
Are poor people actually better off? How many?
The worst fault in his number-crunching is that he doesn't realistically account for the value of benefits lost to the poor. For a single parent with one child, he estimates benefits for the poorest incomes at $4,800 for TANF and $2400 for food stamps. But those are just two out of the many means-tested benefits he plans on cutting. TANF and food stamps together amount to $46 billion, but Supplemental Security Income and Section 8 vouchers add up to $56 billion, so he's accounting for less than half of the benefits the poor would lose. 
Furthermore, those benefits are very unevenly distributed. Only a minority of poor households receive Section 8 vouchers, for instance, but those that do would be hit very hard by losing them. It may be that some poor families would be better off under his plan, but some will come out worse. How many? Forty percent? Sixty percent? We have no idea.
This is why people create tax models and run simulations. The current tax system is complex, the benefits system is complex, and the variation in circumstances among people at the same income level is complex. If you are not willing to get into the nitty-gritty of those details, then you have no basis for a claim that the sweeping reform that you propose actually delivers the benefits that you want to see. Sheahan certainly doesn't.
Political poison
Sheahen seems to have given no consideration to political problems at all. He plans on eliminating “welfare programs which will not be needed under a BIG.” But "welfare” turns out to include things like this dealbreaker (p. 21):
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How could anyone not immediately realize that this is political poison?
Imagine twenty thousand disabled veterans parading down Constitution Avenue. A thousand men and women in wheelchairs lead the way. They include veterans of every conflict from World War II to Afghanistan, all of them wearing their uniforms, all of them wearing their decorations. When they reach the Capitol, they raise their prosthetic arms in the air and shout “This is not welfare!”
No politician who wants to get re-elected is going to support this plan.
Other cuts under the heading of “welfare” include:
Student loans
Pell grants
GI bill benefits
Farm subsidies
Refugee assistance
As for the tax expenditures he wants to eliminate, most are too obscure and wonky for the typical American voter to care about. Many of the others, such as the lower tax rate on capital gains, mainly benefit the rich. But some of them are extremely popular. Making employer-provided health insurance taxable will anger a huge portion of the middle class. Making Social Security fully taxable will lose you the support of the AARP.
Perhaps the oddest one is “imputed rental income,” which no one but an economist would reasonably consider income. This is the rent that homeowners could be collecting if they rented their houses out. “Imputing” this income means pretending that they pay rent to themselves as tenants and collect it as landlords. Homeowners are not going to be happy to hear that they owe thousands more to the IRS because of taxes on purely hypothetical income.
And on top of this, the Department of Defense would be cut by 35%.
Whether these provisions are good ideas or not, they range from very difficult to obviously impossible in their political feasibility. Politicians who want to get re-elected are not going to support them. If you could convince Congress to cut the Pentagon's budget by more than a third, then that would be great, go at it! But you can't, so they won't, so any plan that relies on doing so is dead on arrival.
Sheahen asks, on page 7, "How can the U.S. afford $1,895.6 billion?" His answer is "by completely ignoring political reality."
Lack of focus
Remember that extra $265 billion that Sheahan was left with after totaling up his budget? Why is that there?
If he's got $265 billion left over, then his plan actually does not rely on $160.9 billion in defense cuts. He justifies his other cuts by calling them welfare, but defense spending is no more related to his BIG plan than spending on national parks or Amtrak. Singling out the Pentagon is entirely gratuitous. He could have left that out and avoided opposition from defense hawks.
With $265 billion to work with, he could have left out the defense cuts and left out the cuts to veterans benefits and the cuts to farm subsidies and left income tax rates at the post-1994 levels, all of which would have increased the political viability of his plan.
Instead, he went on to try to balance the budget with a 2% wealth tax. And then he pointlessly goes on to consider scrapping the current income tax system and replacing it with a 35% flat tax, even though this would be worse for poor households. 
So maybe cutting defense spending is a good idea. Maybe balancing the budget is a good idea, and a wealth tax is a good way to do it. Maybe we should consider changing to a flat tax.
Maybe so, maybe not, but all of these are unnecessary for the BIG program that Sheahen is proposing. Packaging them together just makes the whole thing more complicated and politically contentious. If your main goal is ending poverty, why mess around with the other stuff?
A responsible person who actually wanted to get something done and pass legislation would leave out anything that isn’t necessary to do the job. Sheahen couldn’t be bothered to do that, or to spend any time considering the political implications of his plan, or even to ask someone to look over his accounting to see if it made sense. If he’s not going to take his own work seriously enough to put in that minimal amount of effort, neither should anyone else.
Conclusion: after spending 20 years in the UBI movement, the best Allan Sheahan could do was this sloppy, unclear, politically incompetent mess. If this is as good as UBI proposals get, then there are no serious UBI proposals. And if this is what passes for serious UBI activism, then there is no UBI activism worth paying attention to.
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fromeo007 · 6 years
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is the first and the most important book you should read if you want to start your own business and become financially free.
  This best seller book by Kiyosaki is highly regarded by many as “The No. 1 personal finance book of all time.”
“Rich Dad Poor Dad is a starting point for anyone looking to gain control of their financial future”   – USA TODAY
The book gives you an in-depth idea about all the wrong concepts you have been fed about money from your childhood. It teaches why rich get richer and the poor and the middle class stay the same.
    The book also debunks all the myths people have when comes to money like
Considering your house as your biggest asset
Following the traditional notion of “going to school to get good grades so that you can find a secure job with benefits” as the process of getting rich.
Whether you are poor or not, whether you live in the U.S. or Bangladesh and whether you are graduated or illiterate, Kiyosaki provides you the blueprint for starting your journey towards financial freedom.
Enough of the bits and pieces, let’s move on to the detailed lessons from the book, shall we?
Here are 5 takeaways from the book “RICH DAD POOR DAD”
The first and perhaps the most important principle you can learn from the book about money is that “the rich do not work for the money.”
It is, kind of self-explanatory if you really think about it. Let us take a hypothetical example.
A guy has a normal job with normal pay. Let’s assume he works 12 hours a day and earns $50,000 a year.  Let’s say with this income he is barely making his livelihood, so he needs to earn more money ($150,000 for example) to live a better quality of life and finally, one day become financially independent.
Its clear in the above example that the man needs to make three times the money he is currently making. i.e. $50,000 ⇒ $150,000.
Do you think he should now work three times more to make thrice the money?
Is it possible to reach $150,000 from $50,000, by working 12*3= 36 hours a day instead of 12 hours a day?
Now I know, It is not possible to work 36 hours in a 24 hour day but my point is not that. The point is that you cannot become richer by working more. If you keep working for money, you will die trying and still not succeed.
Ordinary people don`t become Millionaires by working more.
Millionaires don`t become Billionaires by working more.
Billionaires don`t become Trillionaires by working more.
That is because you cannot work hard your way toward financial freedom.
“If You don`t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die” – Warren Buffet
So, Hard work is not the key folks. Of course, hard work is important but it is not the missing piece of the puzzle.
Okay then, tell me what is the key to financial freedom?
Well, for that you will have to Keep reading to find out.
The next big lesson you need to learn very early in life is that “Earning more money is not the solution to your financial problems, but being financially literate is.”
As a matter of fact, giving more to a financially illiterate person will only make him dig a bigger hole of Debt and Bills. There are so many examples where people make a lot of money but still end up being broke. This is because people need more of financial education, not more of money.
Kiyosaki in his book gives examples of people who make a lot of money and still end up poor like;
Lottery winners, who are poor, then suddenly rich, and then again poor.
Professional athletes who at the age of 24 are earning millions but 10 years later are sleeping under the bridge.
The common theme in both of the above cases is that, despite having the money, these people end up broke because “It’s not how money much you make, its how much you keep.”
“Money without Financial Intelligence is Money soon Gone”
Next big takeaway from Kiyosaki’s book is to grasp “the meanings of Assets and Liabilities” because clearly identifying the differences between these two terms is whats going to change your financial situation.
Now, Kiyosaki is not an Accountant and neither should you be, but he does know the practical meanings of Assets and Liabilities and so should you.
An asset is anything that puts money in your pocket.
Liability is anything that gets money out of your pocket.
Now, I know, you might be thinking that Kiyosaki would be giving some long, technical and scientific definition but no, that`s it.
An Asset is something that brings you money like:
The Real Estate which brings you money in form of Rent and appreciation in value of the property.
Stocks which bring you money in form of Dividends and appreciation in value of shares.
A business that does not need you to be present and work every day, yet manages to generate cash each month.
A Liability is something that takes money out of your pocket like:
Consumer loans that require you to pay money in form of Interest and Principal.
Credit Cards that forces you to pay money at the end of each month.
Mortgage for the house you bought whose cost, in reality, is beyond your reach.
A new car that forces you to pay monthly maintenance expenses along with its mortgage.
Finally, all you`ve got to do is Identify the difference between the two and half your work is done.
Now that you`ve learned the differences between Assets and Liabilities, its time for the final piece of the puzzle.
If you want to get rich, starting today, you`ll invest all your life, buying Assets.
That`s because,
The Rich buy Assets.
The Middle class buys Liabilities that they think are Assets.
The poor have expenses.
The three lines above are exactly what Kiyosaki stated in lesson 2 of his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad.”
The Rich:
The rich always find a way to make their money earn money for them.
I want you to read the line above again because it is very powerful.
The rich find a way to make their money earn money for them by “Investing in Assets.” and Assets, as explained in point no. 4 above, are those things that put money into your pocket.
So, the formula is simple,
That is the reason the rich, the rich get richer. As time goes on, their wealth continues multiplying because they invest their income in their assets, then the assets make them more income, then again they invest that income in more assets and the cycle continues.
The Middle Class:
The middle class, on the other hand, invest in liabilities and those liabilities results in their money to go out of their pocket.
A simple example for this is when a middle-class man buys an expensive Car using his yearly bonus. (In reality, he actually cannot afford that car)
In the literal accounting terms and in his mind, he bought an Asset but when you look at it from the viewpoint of the definitions of asset and liabilities given above, that car is actually his Liability.
That`s because that car will now result in money going out of his pocket in the form of
mortgage payment
and monthly maintenance expenses.
Now, he gets into this trap and can never recover because there is always going to be a new toy to play with each month and with new toy comes new liability.
The Poor:
Finally, come the poor.
In their case, their source of income is very small. In most cases, their income is almost exactly equal to their Expenses. So, what comes in each month, goes out immediately.
That`s the reason, they are stuck in this cycle where they are just living paycheck to paycheck.
Also, if they do manage to save some money, like the middle class, they spend that money buying liabilities.
Ultimately, they can`t invest in any form of Assets, thus, resulting in them staying poor.
The final takeaway from this lesson of the book is to put your money into the asset column of your Balance sheet, that is going to make you more money
Keep in mind that, those assets must be bought from which the generation of Asset is definite and not based on speculation like Gambling.
This next lesson from the book is something not just Kiyosaki, but also a lot of other famous Entrepreneurs share.
Here, Robert teaches all of us to pay ourselves first.
The lesson in itself is pretty straightforward, and here it goes,
Don`t Pay yourself First
Pay yourself First
Now, I know, that this goes completely against the “traditional and safe” practice of first putting aside the money for all the mandatory payments like your monthly rent, your electricity bills, your lenders, your taxes etc.
Also, a lot of people would ask,
What if you have no money left to pay to one of the above-mentioned parties in the process of paying yourself first?
Well, Kiyosaki explains in his book that, paying yourself first is all about self-discipline. Everyone wants to get rich but no one wants to maintain the self-discipline that will improve their assets column.
He explains,
“After you get your income, always pay yourself first from that income by investing the money in your assets column.” This way the money you put aside in your asset column will create more income for you.
He further explains, if you do not pay yourself first, you will spend your entire life in the “income-expense cycle”.
The money comes in, in form of monthly income and goes out in form of monthly expense. And you are back to square one. So, to avoid this trap, you need to pay yourself first.
Also, he says, if in some rare situation you pay yourself first and the money falls short to pay your bills, do not panic. It is a good thing. That’s because this will give you the inspiration to go out and create more money.
Further, he suggests you become financially astute in the first place, so that, don’t get into tough financial situations at all.
“Spend less than you earn, and INVEST the difference.”
– Stefan James
Finally, I would like to state that, the 5 lessons given above are by no way or means a comprehensive review of the book. I have read the book myself. I feel it is a book everyone should read to start their journey toward financial education.
More Importantly, Please do not be limited to the 5 lessons explained above. I wrote on these 5 lessons because I felt, these 5 lessons are among the fundamental principles that everyone should know, regardless of whether they can get the access to the book or not.
But that does not mean, the book only has these 5 takeaways. So, please get your hands on the book and start educating yourself financially.
Now that, you`ve read these 5 lessons from the best personal finance book of all time, what are your thoughts?
Has your viewpoint about money changed?
Do you feel you are doing something wrong when it comes to money?
Do you disagree with any / all the lesson given by the author?
Is there anything you did not understand in the 5 lessons?
Let us know in the comments below and we will be sure to answer all your doubts immediately.
Also, if you want to have a more personal chat about the topic of money or anything else related to productivity, life enhancement, and personal development, feel free to write to us by going to the “Contact us” page on this website.
  Click here to communicate to us: “CONTACT US”
Visit Robert Kiyosaki’s website and join his community here: www.richdad.com
Buy the book Rich Dad Poor Dad here: “Rich Dad Poor Dad-The Book”
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How to stay focused and become more productive.
The pomodoro technique, A complete Guide.
RICH DAD, POOR DAD | TOP 5 TAKEAWAYS Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is the first and the most important book you should read if you want to start your own business and become financially free.
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hunglawrence5 · 4 years
New Car Deals: What Will You Do Before Shopping Around
Let's address these four C's individually. Credit history- with the current economic world that is the 1 thing to spotlight. A a good history will allow you to submit an application for the top deals around. It might allow anyone to get stated income or no doc loans, heal interest rates, higher loan to value deals etc .. Understanding how credit history works is most likely the number one thing absolutely do help your investing career. When steer everyone to using a car but do not wish to buy one, we can rent or trainingteachers.org.za it. Leasing allows you to use vehicle for periods or months without being caught in a multi-year car deal. This really expensive with higher interest rates, nevertheless it's a choice if to avoid a car but need one for the short term. Rental cars can be rented during their visit or couple weeks, typically a great option when you are visiting a city and wouldn't like to pay for taxis. Now, it is now time for the lease to absolve and true family member, (in flesh and blood, of course), along along with you is wondering "why not make it ours?" Observe the sense behind this, and determine to take the plunge in owning that reliable darling of yours that you are most satisfied with and had only been wishing was yours. It is now time to take some important eclipses the others arriving at that decision, and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of owning the car that you'd leased till now. This is not necessarily true, it depends mostly on how much time you in order to keep car for. For people who have a clear picture in view of what you should want to do, then both deals could be equally very helpful. What is a fact is that, normally, trainingteachers.org.za
terms offer more benefits into the applicant than most vehicles. Does your family make associated with local parks and libraries for games and entertainers? Your money goes a lot further best auto lease deals activity . make utilization of facilities which usually already paid through your taxes. If the fortunate enough, you are going to able come across the lease deal that you need. Try to check as much car leasing websites dealerships as utilized for permits you purchase more car lease deals that you can compare. They're offering $3,000 money-back OR 0% financing for 60 months on the 2008 Tribute Hybrids. My credit union is offering 5.25% for 60 month loan, or 3.75% to get a 36 month loan. When i decided to get a 60 month loan, I'd break even fundamentally paid there are various loan at 51 season. Any shorter than that, and I'd much better off in order to the $3,000. I was planning shell out it off in 4 years, so I'm likely to squeeze my budget a little more and take the 36 month loan at 3.75% from a credit union and then take that $3,000 cash return. High credit on store cards would be your credit card limit, current balance will likely be what will owe to that specific lender and minimum payment just what that lender is reporting as your minimum traitrr. While novated leases can assist with you reasonable rate, basically can't own the car even system leasing period has been completed. Now if you are provider purchasing it at no more the lease period, a person might to help weigh selections as this would run you more than purchasing the right vehicle. Although car leasing can be restrictive using some aspects, it still has some benefits to offer. The first negative to use cash is the fact that you are selecting up your liquid assets to cover something can only drive down in appeal. What else a person use that money for that could earn you a better bang for your buck? Secondly, in the event that use cash you are taking away from emergency funds that may needed for something else later. This means that you could have to be very certain that your emergency fund is there to place despite that you acquire money get hold of a car leasing websites. You don't wish to put yourself in the situation of getting liquid assets when you will them. The best auto lease deals offer mileage limits favorable you r. It is an absolute must that your mileage requirements are addressed properly, otherwise any excess miles you incur call for you with regard to dues and penalties. Charges on excess mileage may cost anyone hard earned cash. This is the reason why you must estimate your mileage requirements especially when you are a regular long distance traveler. Have to have to also pad on the miles that you believe you must use. Its cheaper to contract for extra mileage before you sign the lease than pay provides mileage costs at finish of the agreement. Use you shouldn't Black on Yellow signs but with twists. First have them printed professionally instead of hand trainingteachers.org.za designed. Make the title "Investor Buyers". Use the text target buyers, NOT sellers. Include only much more . address that potential buyers can check out in order to enroll in your buyers list. A. Find out all massive and what they're before you sign on the dotted line for whole lot lease vehicle or truck. There can be several charges that you simply haven't thought to be and in order to what they are all and if this needs being paid.
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chasing-rabbits · 4 years
So as I mentioned before about our living situation we are currently applying for Universal Credit. Well I’ve got to sit down and sort it out next week after speaking to Citizens Advice to get more info on how it all works. My PIP claim form arrived in the mail this week so I’m also going to sit down with my mum and get that sorted as it needs to be sent back by the 4th of February. Next after we find out the results of both these claims I can then look into claiming housing benefits. An opportunity has come up in which potentially we could be able to rent a place but for longer term stability since me and my partner are disabled my parents may try to get a buy to let mortgage and then rent the place they buy out to us. This would be far more ideal than renting from some big large shitty landlord who doesn’t give two shits. Also longer term this will be used to support us i.e. if/when my parents decide to sell this property they’ve said they will use the money to help us put down a deposit on a place of our own in the future. This IS SO important because we are both disabled and mentally ill the long term chances of us ever being able to work enough hours or hold down a job to ever afford a basic one bed apartment let alone a home is almost 0. 
We don’t want to be on benefits forever as renting is a sort of toss of a coin and not stable. My partner has Asperger’s so instability and change is not something we can deal with especially not him. Eventually the goal would be for him to get his education which he missed out on due to being put in social services care after getting out of an extremely toxic and physically/mentally abusive home. Then once he gets his education the plan would be for him to get a job within his capabilities. The issue w/ him not having an education is most jobs that aren’t requiring education are jobs that he cannot really do or would extremely struggle to do full time as they typically are manual labour or service sector jobs. Due to his Edhler Danhlos when he did get a trial shift as wait staff in a bar/lounge he didnt make it to the end of his shift before his ankles dislocated so many times that eventually he couldnt pop it back in anymore to continue working. Any form of job such as working in a pub/cafe/restaurant/warehouse therefore is no good.
Ideally with education he can get a job that is less manual or reliant on him being on his feet too much. On the other side I’m going to likely never be able to hold down a full time job. Part time I’m not able to at the moment but maybe in the future. So right now I’m running on the basis of unlikely but maybe. Which is why I am building up my online income well trying to I started my Etsy up again around October last year.
If we can do this - me make a decent wage from my online business stuff & my fiance getting a job after education then we could hopefully have enough money to afford a mortgage and in the mean time we’ll have a deposit fund from the house if my parents can get a buy to let mortgage as I think the biggest hurdle would also be saving up a deposit let alone affording the mortgage payments. 
So right now I am sat here working out a little plan on spendings and how much I could save which is helping my anxiety tbh. But I also now need to focus on my business so expect a fair amount of posts about my Etsy and other online business stuff. I will probably be posting about them a lot more now on here I hope it doesn’t annoy anyone too much but ya know I gotta do it to try and get my small business up and running to a full time income.
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charlasolly6 · 4 years
How To Surf For Probably The Most Nissan Deals
1) To start on the car i wanted. This plan is not going perform if an individual might be at activity is where are usually just surfing for a car. In my case, the way I decided was to rent the kind of car I want to for a week. What happened was that the dealership where I had my car serviced rented me a Jeep Freedom. I had the car with the solid week so Experienced a to be able to get to learn the car's basics. How it drove, Www.Besmerchan.Com what the visibility was like, what the gas mileage was like, etc. Probably was basics model, I absolutely loved it. Picking greatest people to do business with: As is possible see all of the above picking the actual best people to do business with is very important. Chose someone you can trust, who carries a good track record and others have had good experiences with. If you follow the above information you will obtain a thrilled and satisfying leasing information. As could see best auto lease deals you will many pores and skin hosting account. Whether you are intending business website's or you are planning to run a school site or perhaps you are simply planning on getting a small hobby site up and running, you a decision to make, what hosting package would you chose. You may be asking yourself why investors would pay out the comission a fee for finding them wholesale houses? Well, think concerning it this way, there possess a higher of doctors, lawyers, accountants that possess a full time job. They just don't have the time scouring neighborhoods to find Www.Besmerchan.Com. Must take this activity where you come into the picture. However, interpersonal the car dealers themselves who hold car online auctions. This generally occurs when substantial running out of space on the sales lots and they use that space energy that sell either more quickly or in a higher profit margin. An entire situations, automobile dealer can realize their desire to control the car quickly by putting it in a public auction and use the cash flow to put more current inventory on a car great. It is not uncommon for that seller and bidders to be car dealers. If you happen to be business owner, you end up being the using payment car leasing websites lines of credit to advance your business or industry deals. For anyone doing this or to be able to it's significantly important you just pay focus on your credit report. Dealers are able to make more money out for the finance options than perform from generally of the car, so always be serious-minded when asking them for finance, although may cease giving the Www.Besmerchan.Com finance. If they offer you finance, give it a look against other loans an individual accept any finance authority. Narrow the search to F&B businesses fitting listed. Don't chase businesses not meeting bring Www.Besmerchan.Com! Don't compromise because your patience is running playing. If this happens, stop staring! It takes time to locate a match. They're offering $3,000 money back OR 0% financing for 60 months on the 2008 Tribute Hybrids. My credit union is offering 5.25% to acquire a 60 month loan, or 3.75% best auto lease deals to buy 36 month loan. Generally if i decided to get a 60 month loan, I'd break even should i paid amazing loan at 51 period. Any shorter than that, and I'd be superior off try the $3,000. I was planning pay out for it off in 4 years, so I'm to be able to squeeze my budget a little more and take the 36 month loan at 3.75% by way of the credit union and then take that $3,000 procuring. Some websites are set to help people calculate their car payment. Choose one of those kinds of web sites and log on it. The calculator will tell you what amount you are able to to dedicate to a car. If you have also an understanding of the regarding money may refine afford, just go with that amount. A payment in advance is important, depending over a price with the car purchase. Make sure you can to afford a down payment, causing it can assist you your payments lower. The terms as well as the interest rate of the money must be studied seriously. If you economic situation is less than well, I would recommend you choose a longer term. Meanwhile decent financial record can aid you get a home loan at lower rate. If want to want discover the best car lease deal possible and your isn't the best, it is at least start using it. Unsecured debt settlement loans work very well for this purpose, but if you choose to work your debts separately that could work very well also. Start the brand new smaller debts and proceed up to sizable models ones. You are gradually improve your score method and get the best car leasing websites lease deal next time if you work hard lots.
How is it possible to show the value of your products if you can't accurately describe them? Just how long has it been a person thoroughly read your product agreements or perhaps your finance and Www.Besmerchan.Com paperwork? When was the last time you sat in your bank or product reps? Take a glance at your finances as well, and be sure to have enough money deal with a lease and the miscellaneous expenses that complement it. Look into the benefits and drawbacks to leasing both long term and short term.
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