#but damn larian please
synapticjive · 8 months
I wanted more of an ending for evil Durge. I am gonna die on this hill and be annoying about it.
What happened, Sceleritas? You said that Bhaal would spare my beloved. Bitch, why is he a thrall? Who am I supposed to sire spawn with now? How can a Vampire Lord even become a thrall? What?!
I need Larian to give evil Durge something more than going mad or sitting on a flesh throne. I need answers.
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weavewithshadow · 7 months
So I was listening to this Neil Roberts cameo and I noticed... some alignments... with this track from GoT's season 6 soundtrack. And. Maybe you can enjoy them, too.
I wish we had a confession like this in game. <3
Credit where it's due, I put them both together. Not my voice, not my composition, I obviously don't intend to make money here, I hope it's ok to post.
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csphire · 11 months
Eclectic Talents
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Feel free to use any of these for drawing references but please tag me because one, I can't get enough of him (and Karlach and Astarion), and two, I want to reblog your hard work. <3
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animentality · 7 months
Did they get a postive response from adding those Gortash lines? I thought a bunch of people hateing on it instead? Also what if they removed the lines to change them a go a diffrent direction. I'm sorry. I have a lot of worry they wont do something I agee with.
The overwhelming reaction was positive. Durgetash artists went on Twitter to celebrate, and the small but passionate fans of the ship went nuclear here and on Twitter, and helped BG3 trend, yada yada, tale as old as time.
Most people don't care about Durgetash or Gortash. The majority of people you hear from would be the people who like both of those things. It's also a small ship.
The haters of that ship are even smaller in comparison, because the hand that reaches out will always touch more than the hand clenched into a fist.
And the only "legitimate" complainers, who don't just dislike the ship on principle, are the whiners who keep insisting their durges are lesbians, and how dare Larian "force" them into a relationship with a man - which is literally not what Larian did.
No one bitches about how Gale's ORIGIN completely precludes him from being gay.
I see no reason why you can't similarly have Durge's ORIGIN make them attracted to men. Or, you know. Enver is special.
Oh. And also. It's so fucking platonic, if you want it to be. Stop being stupid and just say you don't like Durgetash. It's as easy as that.
Stop using "lesbophobic" as a handy label for your self righteous soapbox. You just don't like the ship, and that's fine. It's FINE. But acting like Durgetash is lesbophobic - oh, go play a Tav.
And also, Astarion and Gale and Wyll better not flirt with you in game, even though you can tell them to fuck off, or else they're lesbophobic too.
That's the only discourse that gained traction on Twitter. As far as I know.
If Larian had made Gale wear blackface or something, and people got pissed, then yeah. They'd back up on that, and get rid of it pronto.
But Durgetash???
Aside from the general evil antics, they're not that fucking controversial of a ship.
Most people don't even PLAY the Dark Urge.
I don't know how to stress this any other way...
People act like Durgetashers are loud - we're honestly not that loud.
Astarion fans are far louder, and yet, the most romanced companion is SHADOWHEART and then Laezel and KARLACH.
He's not even in the top 3. And yet, he dominates the content on Twitter and Tumblr... he's definitely more popular than Gortash or the Dark Urge or Durgetash together...but his fans are still technically the damn minority.
So Durgetash in comparison to Starries???
And Durgetash haters?
Would be even smaller.
So what I'm saying is...
I'm kind of tired of answering asks about this.
I don't KNOW for certain whether or not this is Larian backing up or walking forward, and while I don't believe they'd walk back on this, and especially not for a handful of people, it kind of annoys me to even think about things outside of my control.
now if Larian makes a big grand statement and says actually we totally rescind something WE WROTE AND ADDED TO THE GAME because some people got mad...then I'll call them cucks, and complain.
But as of right now?
As far as I know personally, and assume in my heart... it's neutral.
The lines are probably just bugged. Also, not ALL of them are bugged either, so.
Please stop freaking out, guys.
I am the world's biggest resident durgetash freak, and I'm shrugging at this, and just saying it's a bug.
Don't let it bother you. It's out of your control, regardless.
(And I stress again - if we find out they're legitimately backing away from something they did...they have the spine of a ham sandwich. But until we know that for sure, I won't condemn them for this, because as far as we know, it is legitimately an accident.)
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hydropyro · 8 months
I had a dream that Larian updated BG3 to quench the thirst of those of us who have simpathyforthedevil
But they were really mean about it.
SFW - ss of sharing with my fellow little mice
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grooviestsadpapaya · 10 months
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Drew Karlach because I am nothing if not a raging simp
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its-jaytothemee · 7 months
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Larian please…..I just want more ways to kiss my imaginary lovers
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satansleftnutcheek · 1 year
Just had like the biggest brain realization about Astarion bear with me I think I'm onto something here. Spoilers ahead for those who don't know about his "condition" or haven't heard about his tragic backstory™
I think people generally overlook the bite scene in favor of focusing on how it reveals Astarion being a vampire, how it can benefit the player if you're trying to romance him, or find an easy way to get him out of your party. I would like to note that there’s nothing wrong with this response! I did the same in my play through because I already knew he was a vampire due to spoilers. I just saw the scene as Astarion looking for his equivalent of a sandwich when it happened.
But why does Astarion bite Tav of all people?
The obvious answer is because Tav's the protagonist. Any important character scenes will happen to or involve them because they're the player character. It's the nature of how RPG stories are told. However, Larian Studios has put a lot of thought into this game, so why not dig a bit deeper?
Assuming Tav has everyone in their camp when this scene is triggered, Lae'zel and Shadowheart are off the menu purely because if things go wrong they'd immediately kill Astarion. Not good! If things go wrong with Karlach he could possibly smooth talk his way out of it. After all, she's a very kind person who goes out of her way to help people. But she's also twice his size and could snap him like a twig, which is not a risk worth taking.
Wyll isn't nearly as much of a threat as the other three, if it came down to it, Astarion could probably take him in a fight. The main problem here is that Wyll happens to have a habit of killing monsters, which would make talking things out really difficult. Astarion's relied on skills like persuasion for the past 2 centuries so he'd probably want to have his best skills be viable options if things go awry. Halsin, much like Karlach, is twice his size and could kill him with ease. Hard pass on that! This leaves Gale as the last, and really only, viable option. I mean look at him, he's frail as hell, always having the lowest HP in the party, and his weapon is a stick. Worst thing that could happen to Astarion is a bonk on the head.
So then why Tav? Why are they the one Astarion bites?
Now Tavs come in a lot of varieties. The player could be doing a Dark Urge run, they could be playing as the embodiment of pure evil, the kindest soul that is second only to Jesus, or somewhere in between. However, the one thing that unites them all is their power. They're the leader of the party and the others (to varying degrees) respect them. Tav is the one that chooses where the party goes, who they help, who they kill, and even how they'll have the tadpoles removed. In a way, Tav controls the party.
Remind you of something that Astarion openly talks about wanting?
For two centuries Astarion hasn't had autonomy, respect, freedom, resources, or control. What he's learned from those centuries is that power always gets you what you want. If you want freedom you need the power to control others. So while biting Gale would be the easy answer, it doesn't have the perk that biting Tav does.
If Tav wakes up during his biting attempt, Astarion could smooth talk his way out of it. If things go okay and Astarion gets to keep his head, he'll have gained more of Tav's trust. This in turn would give Astarion greater power over them as they'd be easier to manipulate, which in turn gives him more control over the others. If he ends up killing Tav then that technically would open up a power vacuum in the party. Whoever fills it would have all the power and control that Tav has. I don't think any of the other characters would let that happen though. Astarion's the person who you don't want to be the leader because he's clearly performing this role for his own self-centered reasons. Also seeing as this scene generally happens early in the game, nobody likes him enough to just let him become the leader.
Now if Tav lets Astarion bite them things get more interesting. It's a possibility that never occurred to him, but he isn't going to turn it down. First of all, it establishes Tav as an easy food source. Astarion has a consenting snack that in the future, might let him bite again. If that happens then Astarion's food source becomes far more reliable and surviving becomes significantly easier. Tav's consent also reveals how much they trust Astarion. From his perspective Tav's shown too much of their hand. Astarion's simple plan to manipulate Tav for the sake of his security has become child's play at this point.
All this being said having Astarion choose to bite Tav over Gale reveals so much about his character. While Gale is the safest choice to make, Tav's position of leadership is what entices Astarion to bite them over Gale. After experiencing two hundred years of mental and physical abuse, Astarion values power so much he'd be willing to risk his ability to not become a mind flare, and his life, in order to gain it. All because this is what he learned from being Cazador's slave for 200 years.
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artschoolglasses · 1 year
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The main party I've been working with... Though I do need to find Lae'zel some better gear...
Baldur's Gate 3
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queercatboyrights · 10 months
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carryoncastiel · 8 months
I wanted to check something in Wyll's dance scene in the datamine and then looked at his dialogue with player Karlach.
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Wyll: May I have this dance? Karlach: Cocky, don't you think? Threaten my life, then try to cozy up after? Wyll: I deserve that. And I wish I could give more than 'sorry's in return. Wyll: But I count you as a friend. My closest, in all honesty. Please - dance with me. If we must burn with the Hells' fires, let us burn together.
"I count you as a friend. My closest, in all honesty" Don't make me cry!
"If we must burn with the Hells' fires, let us burn together"...wowokay
Karlach: Wyll, I'd love nothing more than to dance with you. But I fear I'd burn you to a crisp. Wyll: About that. You only burn hottest when your emotions are aflare, right? Anger, excitement, fear... but a dance can be meditative. Calming. Wyll: If you think you can put your hand in mine without singeing it off, I'm willing to try. Karlach: I could really hurt you. Wyll: But you won't.
"But you won't." ...just...the confidence he has in her
Larian's Wyllach agenda is so damn strong. I feel like I really missed out not having done his romance playing as her.
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amnestria-the-elf · 14 days
So we're all just supposed to be fucking grateful that Larian gave us "new Wyll content" (evil ending for a man who is canonically incorruptible, what the fuck) and simultaneously broke him again (giving low approval greetings to a romanced PC, what the fuck).
I... I just... the simultaneous feelings of rage and utter hopelessness are overwhelming.
Listen, if you've read any of my posts you know I have a pretty clear "Don't yuck anyone's yum" policy. If you think an evil Wyll ending is interesting, fine. But here's why it falls flat for me.
First, like I said above, Wyll is canonically incorruptible. It's literally the entire basis of his character. He is a man who was coerced into making an infernal contract to save a city and had to pay a horrible price for doing so, then spent seven fucking years alone in the wilderness doing his damned best to protect the people of the Sword Coast, while all along telling his horrible, abusive patron to just fuck off already.
Now, could you argue that during the events of the game, Wyll develops a taste for evil? Sure. There are plenty of opportunities for his villain origin story to unfold. But they never do. His moral compass never wavers. Turned into a devil? He feels shame, because it's an outward sign that he was doing things for Mizora that were morally wrong, and he didn't see it before. His approval rating for the PC shoots through the roof if you save Karlach, a sure indicator of his true moral compass. His father kidnapped? Fuck that noise, we're gonna save him. Rescue Zariel's "asset"? Ugh, fine, but don't get distracted from the real reason we're here. His father gets tadpoled? Oh hells no, we're gonna take down these assholes and save the godsdamned world. His father accuses him of being an agent of a devil and is super pissy about it? "Everything I did, I did for the people of the Sword Coast."
For fuck's sake, he will leave the party if the PC gets too evil, even knowing it means he'll probably turn into a mindflayer immediately. Even if he's romancing the PC. Unwavering moral compass. So giving him an evil ending without also going back and changing everything about his character just feels like lazy writing to me.
Which brings me to the second reason all of this rubs the wrong way. Wyll deserves so much more content. More romanced greetings, more reactions to other characters' choices, a final boss battle that is actually about him, a default ending that actually makes fucking sense (I have another post cooking about the Avernus ending, so I will leave it for now.)
And please, spare me your "But Wyll was rewritten after early access" bullshit. That's Larian's problem. They chose to listen to feedback and do a late-stage rewrite. They then chose to implement it poorly and never fucking fix it. Other characters, who already have far more content than Wyll, have had even more added over the course of the seven released patches. Wyll, on the other hand, has been sitting around completely ignored until now when we get this evil ending.
Many have rightfully pointed out the inherent racism steeped in all of this. I want Larian to be better. But as Maya Angelou said, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them." I already didn't have much hope about Patch 7 for Wyll, but this... honestly, this is worse than him just being ignored again.
The thing that kills me the most is that this is just going to be more fodder for the fandom to completely mischaracterize Wyll, for those who already haven't bothered to think critically about his character at all to just be like, oh, cool, Wyll is evil now. Nope. You've completely missed the point.
I'm just... so tired. I've worked very hard to put this little bubble of Wyll enthusiasts around me (hi friends I love you all!) so that I can hold on to some shred of sanity in this fandom. The world needs heroes of color. Just let Wyll be the hero in peace.
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rauzagel · 11 months
Can't believe he talks to us like that! In a damn brothel!!
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brabblesblog · 9 months
Ch 5: I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go.
Astarion has ascended, and she has stayed with him. Life in the Crimson Palace isn’t as idyllic as it seems. Is there a chance for their relationship to go back to how it was? Or is it too late for the Ascendant and his consort?
This series is about Ban, my Tav, and the Vampire Ascendant. Will be angst and smut, with sprinkles of fluff.
This fic is a softer take on Ascendant!Astarion and of the changes he undergoes after the rite. Can Ban handle the change, and if a chance came, would she choose to run? And can the Ascendant win her back in time? Inspired by the concept of vampire wives and that IGN interview with Larian that discussed the ascension.
Professionally edited by @editing-by-night
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A small complication and a moment of weakness after a month and a half apart brings Astarion back into her orbit. She considers forgiveness; he will do what it takes to win her back.
Read on AO3.
He’d promised it would be the last she’d see of him. So far, he'd held up to that promise rather well.
Astarion considered this thought with a humorless laugh, then threw his crystal goblet, watching it shatter on the wall. The servant polishing his boot flinched imperceptibly, used to these outbursts of rage and self-pity.
The past month had been spent burying himself in work, in drink, and in the company of people who meant nothing to him. He’d tried his best to move on, throwing himself into organizing party after party, scheme after scheme. It was harder without his right hand, without her helping behind the scenes, but his mind managed.
His heart however, did not. The days passed in a blur. He would at times find himself in a meeting, patriars asking him about some inane issue, and he’d realize he couldn’t even remember what the damn meeting was about. He’d suddenly snap back to the present, sitting on his throne, with some beautiful stranger riding his cock, realizing he was watching it happen as if from a distance, with a detached indifference he remembered all too well from the centuries before Ban. The wave of loathing and shame would follow quickly thereafter, and the illusion would be broken; he wouldn’t be able to bring Ban to mind anymore. He’d shove whoever it was off his lap at that point, sending them to the chamberlain for their payment and whatever else they might need. He’d then fuck his own fist, eyes squeezed shut, begging for his mind to sink back into memories so he could see her, if only for a moment. He’d come eventually, a cold, empty sensation of releasing into thin air - more temporary relief than any sort of bliss. He ached for the peace he’d felt when he could come in her, when his mind was cradled in the comfort of her presence and his cock held deep within her core. When she’d been here he’d never wanted to come anywhere else than in her or on her, to give her his seed as she deserved. It was when he’d felt closest to her these past months, the closest he could get to her heart, the closest he could find to contentment, and now it was gone.
The parties, the meetings, the decadence, the sex. None of it mattered without her.
The nights were the worst of all - that was when he was the least on guard. Before, Ban had held him through the night when he’d needed it, as rarely as it had happened. He had by and large refused to ask for it, but somehow she’d known anyway, wrapping her strong arms around his chest each time. Nowadays the bed was too large, too cold, and he still curled up on his side, imagining her there. These were the moments when he allowed himself to shed tears, let himself pour his anguish out onto the sheets and into the empty room. He begged the ghost of her, whispered pleas of please, come back, and I’m sorry repeated again and again.
Had he the courage to say these things to her face, things might have been better. But the Ascendant’s pride always won out in the light of day.
Godsdamned Ban, he thought, looking down at his half-polished boot. Already gone from his life, yet he was still working his hardest to keep her safe.
Word had spread amongst the Waterdeep covens that a vampire who could walk in the sun had been seen alongside Gale. The bride, no less, of the vampiric world’s newest member - the Vampire Ascendant. No one had yet reached out to Astarion, the other vampires seemingly weighing their options. They didn’t exactly know what to expect of the Ascendant - of his powers nor his predilections. All they knew was that Cazador Szarr’s palace had been usurped by his upstart spawn, with the help of the hero who he’d taken as his consort. But word had gotten back to him of their interest in his daywalking beloved, and the idea of them keeping tabs on her made him want to claw each and every one of their throats out.
The crown jewel of his collection. His most prized treasure. Just… out there, for anyone to hurt. To take. His skin crawled at the thought. He must have her back - not only for his sake, but hers.
“Out,” he ground out, and the room cleared, one servant quickly picking up the broken pieces of glass on his way to the door.
He knew Gale had formidable skill, perhaps enough to protect Ban - if he was prepared. But he wouldn’t expect the other covens. Gale’s wards presumably only worked against the Ascendant and his frankly unhelpful summons.
He sat silently on his throne for quite some time, hands wrapped around the carved armrests, considering his next move.
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The next week, flowers started to appear outside Gale’s tower, carts and carts of them that befuddled the people of Waterdeep. They were filled with vibrant red roses, snow-white tulips, purple asters, and every other flower imaginable. Clothes, rings, and other items were also sent over, always with notes written in an elegant hand.
I think of you and wish you well. - A. A.
This was your favorite dress. I figured you might want to have it. - A. A.
Ban kept the letters, tucked them into a small box. She appreciated the gestures and the gifts, and in her heart there was a certain joy in knowing he was thinking of her, even if she refused to respond. She’d yet to decide what to do about anything - even the most pertinent topic of when she’d be moving out of Gale’s tower was a question without a definite answer. The wizard had told her to take as much time as she needed, and she had begun to ask herself if she could learn to love him. But then Astarion’s gifts had started to arrive.
Tonight she sat with Gale, a goblet in hand, drinking wine from his cellar’s stock mixed with some animal blood. It was a far cry from her usual fare of blood sourced from highly compensated donors amongst the staff, but it sufficed. The wizard sat with her, his own goblet almost empty. They looked like the picture of domesticity, except for the fact that Ban was bracing herself to tell Gale of her meager plans for the future.
“Thank you for your hospitality, but I think it’s finally time for me to find my own path,” she said, a line she had practiced a few times.
Gale bit his lip. He had known this was coming, of course. He downed the rest of his wine nervously, then fingered the filigree around the goblet’s neck.
“You can stay as long as you need, Ban. You know that,” he began; unable to hide the crestfallen expression on his face. He had been trying to win her over this entire time, and all Astarion had to do to derail everything was send trinkets with meaningless notes.
“I know. I just don’t want to overstay my welcome,” she answered. “And no. I’m not going back to him. I plan on going back to Baldur’s Gate and getting myself a place to stay.”
He nodded, watching her intently. Should I even say anything? He considered his options and the risks, but the wine told him to say damn the risks and try anyway. Gale moved to Ban; he didn’t think, forcing his brain to take a back seat for once. He cupped her cheek and before either of them were able to rethink it, his lips covered hers, asking permission to taste her mouth.
She realized she was more than a little drunk - an experience she’d thought lost to her when she’d turned - and Gale’s sloppy kiss wasn’t unwelcome. They hadn’t done anything physical since they’d kissed the last time, but they had developed a habit of holding each other’s hands when they were out and about.
For safety, Gale had said, a shy smile playing at his lips when he’d done it the first time in the markets of Waterdeep. She had taken it in stride, and squeezed his hand back, grateful for the kind gesture.
Ban parted her lips, allowing Gale access. He dove in hungrily while his hand took her goblet, placing it on the table before they spilled wine on the carpets. She stood, her arms wrapping around his neck, kissing him with just as much eagerness as he was showing.
“I would ask for more,” he whispered as the kiss broke. “I… I suppose I am asking. Before you go, at least.”
The wise response would be to refuse. But Ban had gone far too long without sex or any sort of release, and so she merely nodded. There was much appeal in not thinking for a little while, in not being responsible for one night.
She let Gale lead her to the bed and she laid down, watching as he slowly clambered up and over her. Her hands rested on his chest, feeling his heart pound as he nervously began to slip a hand from her cheek to her neck, then even lower to very delicately cup her breast. His hips bucked, his erection pressing against her through their clothes, making them both groan.
Gale leaned forward to mouth at the hollow of her throat, her eyes falling closed at the sensation. When he pressed his hand against her mound, she ground against his palm, biting her lip. But her mind provided a totally different image: white curls and crimson eyes, fangs nipping at her neck, words sweet and dangerous like poisoned honey. Gale found her clit and rubbed at it through her clothes; she almost moaned Astarion’s name.
She couldn’t do this to Gale.
She placed her hands on his shoulders with a gentle pressure that told him to stop. Gale immediately took a deep breath and sat back up. He met her gaze, but there was no anger or accusation there, merely a sadness that told her he wasn't surprised.
“It’s him, isn’t it?”
She couldn’t do more than nod. It was always him.
Gale swallowed the lump in his throat. “I apologize. I should have known better. You’re not- of course you’re not-"
“No. I’m not. It’s… I don’t know if I’ll ever be,” she whispered, “And that isn’t fair to you. Or to anyone else I’ll ever consider being romantically involved with.”
Gale retreated to sit at the foot of the bed. “If you really wish to go back to Baldur’s Gate, Ban, I’m sure you’ll be alright. Just don’t… don’t go back to him. Don’t let the wards down. Not if he’s bound to treat you that way again.”
Ban sat beside him, squeezing his hand. “I won’t. I’ll leave in a tenday, I suppose. Get my plans in order. See Waterdeep a little more before then.”
“Will you visit again sometime?” Gale asked. His tone was light, masking his pain and apprehension; as much as it was a bitter consolation, he would like to see her again, even as only a friend.
“Of course, Gale. You’re still my best friend. You always were,” she reminded him, then leaned in to give him a hug.
When Gale finally left her room, Ban laid on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Gale's touch had left her wanting, and although she had been avoiding touching herself to avoid thinking of Astarion, she was a little drunk, and aching.
She closed her eyes, allowing herself to indulge. She imagined him there, smiling down at her. Her Astarion, hand snaking up her thigh and between her legs, as her own hand mirrored the motion.
“Oh, gods. Astarion,” she breathed the moment her fingers pressed against herself through her trousers. I miss you.
The world spun, and all of a sudden she was in their bedroom. She saw herself on their bed, her legs splayed out in front of her. Her breathing was sharp and ragged, her hips desperately bucking up against her fist.
Her- no. His. His legs, splayed out. His breathing, ragged. His hips, furiously pumping and chasing his release.
His hand - their hand, as Ban saw through his eyes - stopped stroking his cock as he realized they were in each other’s heads.
You caught me at a bad time, pet.
And yet he made no effort to hide what he was doing. He could feel her begrudging arousal just as she could feel his; his was a raging, ravenous hunger blended with painful longing. He opened his hand; they could both see the thread of precum trailing from his tip to his palm, his cock, hard and flushed, throbbing insistently at her sudden presence.
He searched her thoughts for a moment, sensing her shock at seeing him taking care of himself. What? You’re not around. I have to make do, as undignified as this is. Wait. Don’t tell me-
No, Astarion. I haven’t done anything. Well, except Gale. But she wasn’t quite ready for him to know that yet.
Astarion couldn’t help but laugh. The taste of her arousal mixing with his was intoxicating, and his hand closed around himself again. He stroked his cock slowly, languidly, his hips rolling with each pass of his hand. As glorious as this was, the Ascendant couldn’t help but try to punish her for her absence.
Don’t hold back on my account, little love. I don’t. He flicked through memories of the various conquests he’d had since she’d left. He expected - hoped - to feel a wave of jealousy from her.
But what he didn’t realize was that she could see the emptiness in each memory. Always on the throne, and always with him not touching them, his gaze far away. Completely devoid of intimacy or even interest. He didn’t realize that he was an open book, so easily read; one merely had to pay attention.
Ban smirked to herself and decided to play his game, giving him a quick look at what had almost happened between her and Gale.
She instantly felt his raw, unbridled jealousy wash over her like the crest of a gigantic wave. The next, more subtle feeling, was one of deep loathing - for himself, she realized. Astarion didn’t speak for a moment, his hand stilling briefly as he regained his composure.
So that was a lie - not that it matters. His voice was smooth and level in her head, as if he was just discussing the weather. His hand resumed its steady rhythm.
It's the truth. That’s as far as we got.
She felt relief seep into him and saw his hand speed up in response.
Poor, poor Gale. He was never a match for me, was he, pet? That gave his ego a boost, and he moaned softly, just for her to hear. He kept his eyes locked onto his cock, letting her see and feel every stroke.
“Do you see what you’re doing to me?” He spoke into the empty room, using his voice this time. He could see her too, see her tugging her trousers down enough to touch herself. He wanted to tell her she could have this, have all of him, if she would just come home. But he held that thought back.
I do, she whispered into his mind.
Their thoughts mingled together in a blend of lust and longing that was almost suffocating in its intensity. Astarion’s mind was a whirlwind of heartache and yearning, and he greedily took in everything he saw through Ban’s eyes. His hips stuttered, slowly losing their rhythm as he approached his climax.
I need you. I want you. I ache for you.
Deeper in his mind, where he refused to dwell except in the darkest of moments, he whispered something else.
I love you. I’m sorry. Come back. Please. I’ll do anything.
These words did not reach her. These he kept tightly under lock and key.
Ban’s fingers gently rubbed her clit. The sight of his cock made her feel wonderfully wet, but also painfully empty. She helplessly slipped two fingers inside, groaning at the sensation. She remained silent, letting Astarion do the talking, but he could feel her approaching the edge, matching his pace.
“Can you imagine what we would be doing, pet, if you were here?” His hand moved faster, hips lifting off of the bed as he fucked himself relentlessly. He swiped at the tip with every pass, cock throbbing with every stroke, desperately wanting more than his own hand, wanting her heat and her tightness and that feeling of burying himself deep within her - wanting her. He’d had to make do with others and with his own hand for so long. Having her here in some way was exquisite.
He could feel her walls through her fingers, and it was all too easy to imagine that it was his cock inside her. The shared fantasy made her gasp; she focused on the velvet feel of his length, felt every throb and the sheer aching hardness of him as his hand moved ever faster.
They moved as one, the rhythm of their hands and hips matching one another. Despite being miles apart, this somehow felt more intimate than any other time they’d made love. His hand was hers, and her thoughts were his. They felt singular, and both felt their orgasms rip through both of their bodies, the white-hot explosion of pleasure from each feeding and intensifying the other’s.
Astarion groaned her name as he came, forcing his eyes to stay open so Ban could see him spilling onto his hand and the muscled plane of his abdomen. It was still the hollow feeling of coming into nothing, but her presence and seeing her come against her hand made it far more satisfying than anything he’d had in months.
He shuddered as he came down from the high. “All this should have been in you,” he said, holding his hand up for her to see. “Only you deserve this. No one else can have it.”
She watched his hand hungrily, but regret was starting to set in. She’d been too drunk, too aroused to end the connection before they’d gone too far. This would only complicate their - well - whatever it was they were.
“We shouldn’t have done this.” It was the first time she’d actually spoken aloud since they’d joined minds, not trusting her voice not to crack.
And yet here we are. Astarion was quiet for a moment, considering how much to tell her. He was sure he could get the covens to back down if he talked to the most influential one, but what if they went after her regardless? He was too far away to help. And if his pride got in the way of her safety, he'd never forgive himself. My treasure. Do one thing for me - always try to be somewhere safe by nightfall. Promise me.
He sensed confusion in Ban and provided answers before she had to ask. The local covens in Waterdeep aren’t happy about your presence.
Ban rolled her eyes at this, immediately assuming this to either be a lie, or a tactic to get her to run to him for safety.
“Let me guess,” she scoffed, her voice tinged with anger. “You let it slip that your bride is here, and that you’d like to visit Waterdeep more often because of me - or that you’ll even consider expanding your influence here to protect me. Am I wrong?”
Astarion sighed. He moved off the bed to head to their - no, just his now, he reminded himself sadly - bathroom.
No. He made sure to say this mentally, allowing his emotions to bleed through the connection so that it brooked no doubt. The covens talk. You’re a vampire walking around in the daylight. What else did you expect?
“Just be careful,” he added, as he prepared his bath.
She held back a curse. She didn’t want to let Astarion know that she planned on moving back to Baldur’s Gate, but not informing him could possibly endanger Gale. If the covens had seen her, they had seen who she’d been with; Gale was well known in Waterdeep.
“Let them know I’m moving back to Baldur’s Gate in a tenday. And before you say anything - I’m getting my own place.”
Astarion stilled, hand frozen on the tap he'd been about to turn. She’s moving back?
There was a palpable feeling of joy that passed from his mind to hers. Then he forced himself to calm, and the feeling receded like the tide.
“That’s… wonderful,” he said lamely. His hand resumed its task, and the water turned on.
“You’ll always be welcome here, Ban. Even as a guest. I…” he trailed off, realizing he was about to say that this was her house as much as it was his. But was it, really, when she had already chosen to close that chapter of her life? When she seemed to have come to regret the life they’d tried to make together?
“I would greatly appreciate seeing you again,” was what he finally ended up saying.
She tugged up her trousers, choosing her words carefully.
“We can still be civil, I suppose. If you behave. Maybe one day I’ll even pay you a visit.”
The Ascendant didn’t like that she had the upper hand, didn’t like how desperate he was for any scrap of her attention. But what could he do? He was painfully aware of how bereft he’d been without her. The Ascendant told himself he was just maneuvering the situation, allowing her to feel like he was willing to be vulnerable, giving her reasons to consider coming back, but even he had trouble believing it.
“Then I’ll endeavor to win your trust enough for you to want to do so.” He sank into the bathwater, a small sigh of relief escaping him as the water warmed him.
She was silent for a heartbeat. The distance between them made her feel safe, knowing he couldn’t reach her; not that he was likely to drag her back to the palace, but it had always remained a niggling fear in her mind. “I appreciate the gifts, by the way. But we both know that gifts are not what I want from you.”
He sighed again. “Then we should also both know that I cannot be what you wish to see in me. I’m not that cuddly, sweet spawn anymore. I can never be that again.”
She felt a small taste of his anguish as he said those words, the mental link providing her with a glimpse before he quickly shielded it away.
For that split second she’d seen his hatred for his past self, how insecure he was of that spawn. Because for all of that man’s weaknesses, he'd been brave enough to lay bare his heart to her. To allow himself to be seen and loved, and to be open to loving and being hurt as a result.
The Ascendant saw that, and longed to be that for her, but was terrified. Control was the name of his game, and the idea of giving that up, even to her, was almost unconscionable.
She pretended not to have seen it to save his dignity. She wasn’t really sure what to make of it just yet, anyway.
“I know.” Ban settled on that for now. She decided to give him a little bit of grace. “I don’t mind us talking, I suppose. You can always reach for me, and I’ll try to be there,” she offered.
There was an overpowering feeling of elation that reached her before it was abruptly silenced.
I shall keep that in mind, came his reply.
As she tugged up her blankets to sleep, a final thought was sent from the Ascendant as he bathed. It was a small rumination that he sent just before the mental link disappeared, and he shifted his attention onto dealing with the possible threat of the Waterdeep covens.
Sleep well. I’ll be here when you need me.
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royalpurplehuskies · 5 months
Hey larian can we maybe NOT have Gale’s ending be entirely decided by a random choice in a random conversation in the middle of Act 3 AND THEN NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT
Seriously how the fuck is his entire ending decided by choosing “ask Mystra to forgive you” IN ONE SPECIFIC CONVERSATION
(As a side note if anyone knows if there’s anything else you need to do to get a human ending please for the love of god tell me now because I fuck myself out of another 30 god damn hours of game time)
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thenugking · 8 months
Okay no I've got it. I've said all along Durge and Orin's places could so easily be swapped, that the only difference was that Durge got the chance to start over fresh away from their muder cult, and that I want to be able to spare Orin, damn it. But now I've figured out how to make it work.
Durge and Orin fight in single combat at the altar of Bhaal. (Orin gets a second phase of her fight where she's herself, because she deserves a more satisfying boss fight and also to not just have Bhaal wipe her mind when you try to talk to her about her abusive backstory, jesus fucking christ that was nasty.)
Durge disarms Orin, gets her too injured to fight back, is the clear winner of this fight... and throws their weapon away, because they're not going to kill for Bhaal again. They're not going to continue the cycle of violence they and orin have been stuck in since birth.
Bhaal, of course, kills them for rejecting their birthright. And kills Orin for good measure; she failed, she's not worthy of him, this whole generation is a fuck up and he's better off starting over again elsewhere with a new generation of murder babies who'll actually be competent at this.
And as in the game, Withers comes in, resurrects Durge, tells them Bhaal could only kill the part of them that he knew, but they've changed and grown so much since the nautiloid, and Withers brought back everything that Bhaal didn't know.
Durge asks him--begs him probably, but damnit if Larian's resolving their plot with a huge deus ex machina then so can I--to bring Orin back too.
Except Orin didn't have those last few months free of Bhaal's influence. Everything she's ever done is tied up in trying to please Bhaal. When Withers brings her back, at Durge's request somewhere outside the temple, she's waking up covered in blood, nerfed back down to level one, and with no memory of anything except her name.
And the chance to start over fresh away from the murder cult. Orin can make her own decisions from there. Maybe she'll become the person she was before, maybe she'll be worse than ever, and a new party of adventurers will have to take her down to stop a new killing spree in a few years time. But maybe she'll change, and grow, the way Durge did. Maybe she'll become someone better. Whatever she does, she deserves to have a chance.
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