#but do please let me know if you'd rather have something else I'LL REWRITE IT
nabateaprodigy · 1 year
This is a strange request, hopefully not too strange to do, but can I request an x reader with Shuichi, Kokichi, K1-B0, and Rantaro (all separate) with a gender neutral reader who holds onto a locket with a music box inside of it for comfort, only to get upset one day when they lose said locket?
The locket idea is inspired by the Star Locket from Sailor Moon, hopefully this request won't be too hard for you to do!
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Music and Stars
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Shuichi, Kokichi, K1-B0, and Rantaro.
Genre: Fluff/Comfort.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Gender Neutral.
Notes: Apologies I've written this request In the style of headcannons like I've done with other requests similar to this. School is starting again for me soon and I've just been tired and stressed about it starting. So my time for getting requests done will probably slow down. However in the future, if you wish I can rewrite this so it's not in the style of headcannons.
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Lost item? No fear Shuichi is here! He's probably one of the best people to help you find something that you've lost. With the detective skills why wouldn't he be?
Of course, if you're rather upset about not having your locket with you. Shuichi will do his best to help you relax and calm you down. (He'll even let you wear his hat! You look adorable in it by the way.)
All you have to do is describe what the locket looks like and where you last had it and Detective Shuichi is on the case! Day and night high and low this may be his toughest case but he'll find your locket even if it kills him! But just then he had managed to find your locket!
He was happy and relieved that he had managed to find it for you. He'd know you'd feel the same as him but more so off he went to return it to you! You were in your room so that's where he went!
"Uh... Y/N are you in hear? I've found your locket!" You perked up immediately hearing this. "Shuichi! You have found it! Thank you so much you have no idea how much this means to me!"
You said hugging him happily and then taking the locket from him. "Oh uhm... It's no problem Y/N I'm just happy I could help!" You smile at him but your focus soon goes back to the locket.
"Come on let me show and tell you why it's so special to me!" You say as you take a hold of his hand to have him sit down with you. As the both of you listen to the music of the locket he listens to talk about it looking at you with loving eyes.
Honestly, a part of me believes if you trust him enough to let him hold it he might accidentally lose it. "Hey! Hey! Y/N what's that? Can I hold it? Come on! Please?" Whether you give in or not you let Kokichi hold and observe your locket after you told him to be careful with it.
And then that little gremlin runs away with it as you hear. "Nishishi it's mine!" Of course, you didn't expect this and started to chase after him. But after some time you lose sight of him and just wait for him to return to you.
Well, he did return but without your locket... "Kokichi! How could you lose it? That was important to me!" After seeing how upset you've become Kokichi immediately feels guilty. You storm off in search of your locket.
Of course, Kokichi feels horrible about losing the locket. So he looks around where he last had it with him. After some time he found it and relief washed over him.
Now all he has to do is return to you! After running around for a while he finally spots you! You hear someone running towards turning around to see who it is. It's Kokichi with your locket in his hands!
"Kokichi! You found it! But please don't let anything like this happen again alright?" He took it to heart about how much this locket was to you. "Nishishi of course Y/N I'll be extra careful with it next time! But if anyone else takes it from you. Just tell me and I'll send DICE after that loser!"
You smile You knew he felt bad about what he had done but he was still the same old Kokichi you knew and loved and nothing could change that. "Thank you Kokichi it means a really. Now come over let's listen to the music of my locket together!"
You had explained the situation to Keebo and had been searching for your locket for a while. But no matter where you looked you just couldn't find it. But no problem after Keebo is friends with the gorgeous girl genius MIU IRUMA!
Keebo had told you to keep searching for the locket while he went to Miu for some help! After explaining the situation to Miu he told her he wanted a new upgrade to locate missing items. "Get over here you tin can so this gorgeous girl genius can install that sweet new upgrade!"
Miu beamed getting to work with Keebo again. "Hey! Was that a robophobic remark? But I guess I'll let it slide if it's to help Y/N..." And so after some more time, Miu had installed the upgrade for Keebo!
Happier than ever he thanked Miu before running off to find you! Keebo returned after some time with a smile on his face as he's happy he can help you now! "Y/N! Look at this Miu installed a new upgrade for me!" Keebo's ahoge began to spin around much like a radar LMAO.
"Found it!" Keeboo spoke running along the path the two of you were currently on. After some time he returned with your locket on a smile was beaming on both your faces! "Thank you Keebo this means a lot to me. I'm very grateful you went to such lengths to find this for me."
You spoke as Keebo handed you the locket. "Come on I'll show you why this locket is so special to me. The music from it can be very relaxing!" You smiled going to sit on a nearby bench as you motioned for Keebo to follow. With a smile on your face and curiosity in Keebo's eyes, music began to play as you spoke about why the locket was so special to you.
I'm sorry but you guys are NOT finding that locket. This man lost seven? Nine? Of his sisters, he definitely can't help you find a locket. 💀
But of course, Rantaro is Rantaro and he's going to help you find that locket! (Even if it takes forever to find it...) Of course, you explain to him what it looks like and begin to cover your tracks.
However, even after some time of searching you just couldn't find it. This greatly upset you as the locket was very precious to you. Rantaro did his best to comfort you hugging you and reassured you that your locket would be found.
After some time you began to calm down no matter what you would find the locket! After some more time looking around for your locket, Rantaro notices a shimmer out of the corner of his eye. He went to inspect what it was and after some time realized it was your locket!
"Y/N darling I've found your locket!" Rantaro smiled turning to face you locket in hand. "Oh, Rantaro! Thank you it means the world that you found it!" Your mood changed to one of happiness with a smile on your face which Rantaro loved to see.
Rantaro hands the locket to you and you happily accept it. "Come on I'll show and tell you why this locket is so special to me!" You said grabbing his hand and walking along with him starting to talk about your locket.
The smile and the way you talked about your locket made Rantaro happier than he'd ever been. He loves you so much and no matter always wants to see you happy.
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mythvoiced · 3 years
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@theimpalpable​ | ‘don’t turn away from it this time.’ (anOTHER WILD CARD but from this blog, sorry for all the asks ILY) STRANGER THINGS SENTENCE MEME
Life brings with itself a lot of oddities, and Ajay has seemingly only begun truly experiencing the extent of that statement in recent year. Or, that’s what he thinks at least, periodically, every few months or so. With each new face he encounters, after all, he seems to expose himself to new surprises, mannerisms, priorities.
And that’s... not too bad of a reality, really. As long as unprecedented encounters stick to being certain degrees of harmless, why shouldn’t he find reason to enjoy what he isn’t used to? Didn’t he break away from the order to finally get to know the world as it really is, beyond the ridiculous limitations he’d so fruitlessly attempted to apply to it, just because it’d been easier to do so, and incorporate someone else’s ideas, then admit to himself what truths he’d destroyed?
Yes. He did. And as long as nothing sharp is being held to his throat, he won’t mind standing there, arms crossed over his chest and a plain shirt that is new for the sole reason that his last one had been ripped apart by a hunter’s shotgun. That had been... something heal. Which might actually be another reason why he’s really enjoying this mellow time, in contrast to being ripped apart that morning.
So yes. He’s having a good time.
The only thing is... He’d be having an even better time if he actually had any idea what was happening.
He doesn’t really mind the American kid he’s stumbled into - a journalist, right? Something along those lines - no, there’s something about his demeanour that reminds him of youth, not innocent, no, but mature in his optimism. Or maybe he’s just trying to make him sound friendly to justify the past twenty minutes.
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“... Okay, I really don’t know what you want me to do.” He admits easily enough - should have done so earlier actually - with a little shrug, a gesture somewhere between ‘I tried’ and ‘don’t know what to tell you’, as he looks over the edge of the device held by the gloved fingers raised in front of his face, and directly into Caradoc’s features. “Is it... Is this one of those trends I don’t get.”
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