#but english is zee’s third language
oatmilkandvellichor · 10 months
i love being in an excessively multilingual, multicultural relationship.
hahahaha, jajajaja, חחחחח, yalla, let’s go, dai, stop, cut it out, enough, nu?, so?, and?, ¿y?, what?, huh?, ¿que?, yes, yeah, sí, enka, yay, yesh, chabibi, achi, dude, bestie, compa, llave, kerido, querido, mi vida, cariño, tateleh, lovey, bitch, pendejo, shkots, fucking insane, descabellado, balagan, thank you, mvto, you good?, ‘stonko?
even the things that mean more or less the same thing Do Not mean the same thing in this house. if i’m laughing in hebrew instead of english there’s a reason. if i say querido instead of kerido there’s a reason. if zee calls me tateleh instead of papí there’s a reason. thanking you in creek instead of english isn’t a slip. etc etc etc.
i genuinely cannot explain this to you if you do not live in an excessively multicultural household. it is not enough to be bilingual/multilingual. i am spinning trying to explain this to people rn.
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crossdreamers · 10 months
A guide to neopronouns, from ae to ze
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CNN takes a look at alternative pronouns for nonbinary and transgender people found in the English language. CNN follows the advice of´ the Human Rights Campaign.
xe/xyr (commonly pronounced zee/zeer) I asked xyr to come to the movies. Xe said yes! ze/zir or ze/hir (commonly pronounced zee/zeer or zee/heer) The teacher graded zir paper today, and ze got an A! Ze said hirself that I’m hir favorite neighbor. fae/faer (commonly pronounced fay/fair)  Fae told me that faer best friend is in town this week. ey/em/eir  (commonly pronounced aye/em/air) I’m taking em to the park today. Ey wants to bring eir camera to capture the garden for emself! ae/aer (commonly pronounced aye/air) Ae is my best friend — most of aer’s weekday evenings are spent at my house.
According to the Wikipedia the Gender Census, an online community survey, reported in 2022 that xe/xem/xyr were the most popular neopronouns among those surveyed, used by 9.9% of its 39,765 respondents.
We would like to add that a very common pronoun used by many nonbinary people is they/them/theirs used as a singular. This one has the advantage that it may be used for all people, which may come in handy if you are unsure about what pronouns to use.
Singular they had actually emerged by the 14th century as a third-person pronoun, about a century after the plural they.
Different languages have different neopronouns. A popular one in Sweden and Norwegian is hen, which is inspired by the Finish personal pronoun hän. The Finish language does not have gendered pronouns.
In Swedish and Norwegian hen can be used to refer to nonbinary people but also in a context where the gender of the person referred to is unknown or irrelevant.
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gosh, 27 for the anglo family please :)
27.) Bestest card game player?
Poker matches in this fucking family would be batshit. Brighid, Jack and Rhys are out quickly because they're all shit at hiding their tells from people who know them well. Matt is out next because he's only stoic until the third beer. Alasdair usually folds pretty quickly because he's not about to gut the niblings. That usually leaves Arthur, Alfred and Zee. Two master liars and the man who taught them, lmao. It's anyone's game from there.
Arthur kicks everyone's ass at word games. No one will play Scrabble or Categories with that man. English is his great influence on the world, and that man can be as clever with his words as Shakespeare. He'll pull out the most obscure words or even Cumbrian or another dead language and start a family row that ends with him and Rhys screaming their heads off about dead insular celtic vowels as Brighid and Alasdair's Goidelic asses just stand there drinking scotch like "what's done it this time?" as Matt just sighs "Cumbrian" like its the worst swear word he knows and goes to get the hose because now they're wrestling on the kitchen floor.
Of his siblings, Matt is the best at chess. His brain is tactically oriented, and Matt's always been rather reserved and not the best conversationalist. As a result, chess was one of the few activities he did well enough to keep François' attention on him. Same with Arthur later. Matt didn't give him the lively conversation Alfred would, but he was good enough at chess. He got good enough at it that he started winning more than half the matches and learned to convincingly throw the games when he played Arthur or Alfred, and they were in a bad mood.
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aikoiya · 8 months
LoZ: TotK - Gerudo Language 4 - My Nature HC
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And this is what I think the Gerudo's numerical system would look like based on the above alphabet & my personal headcanons.
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I am basing this all off of both official Nintendo approved words, a bunch of other people's ideas, as well as a mix of Egyptian & Middle Eastern words & random shit that I pull outta my ass. So, be warned.
For the rest of my Gerudo Language Series, go here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, & Part 7.
Words with a * at the front indicate that I'm not the one who thought it up. Basically, a disclaimer.
Pronunciation & Diacritics:
'J' either sounds like 'y' or like 'zh'/'jh' depending on the letter before it. 'Zh' or 'jh' as in 'zhuzh it up' or 'give it some jhoojh,' so sort of a buzzing or engine-revving sound. If the proceeding letter is a vowel or a vowel & an 'h,' it sounds like an 'h,' but if it is a consonant or the start of a word, it sounds like 'zh'/'jh.' In the case of being proceeded by a 'd,' the 'd' is silent, but the 'j' still behaves as if proceeded by a consonant. However, if the 'j' is proceeded by ', then it automatically makes the 'jh' sound.
When ' (called a 'Khamza) is both proceeded & followed by a consonant, the 'uh' sound is added in between when spoken, but when it's proceeded or followed by at least 1 vowel, it isn't. Unless, it's proceeded by an 'H' that, itself, is proceeded by a vowel. Then, the 'H' is also treated as a vowel. Or when the consonant on both sides are the same. In which case, the 'uh' is not pronounced. Eg. Sōl'let is pronounced like 'solet.'
Rr is pronounced like the rolling Spanish "rr."
X is pronounced either like "sh" or "zh" depending on the situation. Except for when it's proceeded by an "h" or ', at which point, it comes out sounding like "sk" or "shk."
A is pronounced like "uh."
Á is pronounced like "a," as in "bat." (When spelled in English phonetically, it's written "bæt" with a hard "a.")
À is pronounced like the "a" in "are."
Ā is pronounced like "ay," as in "day."
E is pronounced with the short "e" sound.
È makes the "eh" sound.
É makes the "ey" sound.
Ē makes the long "e" sound.
I makes the short "i" sound, like the "ick" in "sick."
Ï makes the long "e" sound, same as "ē."
Ī makes the "eye" sound.
O sounds like the short "o" sound, as in "on" or "off."
Ó sounds like "oo," but shorter.
Ō sounds like the "o" in "home."
Ô sounds like "aw" or "ow."
U sounds like "uh," same as "a." Also sounds like the "i" in "third" or the "ea" in "earn" depending on how it's used.
Û sounds like "oo," but longer.
Ù sounds like the "oo" in "pool."
Ú sounds like the "oo" in "book."
Ae sounds like "hah" with a lot of breath.
And this is how I think the diacritics would be spelled.
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Ā, É, & Ī all have 2 ways to write them, the 1st of each listed being considered formal & proper, while the 2nd listed are consider informal & casual.
I've also made a few digraphic characters.
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Sabzï = Herb.
Safrïna = Safflina.
- Hiza'safrïna = Electric Safflina.
- Fïza'safrïna = Cool Safflina. Native to the Gerudo Highlands.
- Difa'safrïna = Warm Safflina.
Sāqsha = Live.
- Adàb = Forever.
- Ehtmānadàb = Eternal.
– Sāqshadàb = Houseleek; literally "live forever."
-- Tarbàsïkem Sāqshadàb = Boltshield Houseleek. A variety of light green succulent with chartreuse tips that light up whenever lightning stikes nearby & becomes surrounded by St. Elmo's Fire which deflects the lightning. Said to protect from lightning strikes.
Alloeh = Aloe vera.
- Geràsht'è Alloeh = Desert Aloe. Can be used to sooth sunburns & actual burns. The pink flowers it produces are very pretty.
Sāqsha = Life; vitality.
- Sāqshe = Live.
- Mirmya = Sage, as in the herb.
-- Sāqsha'mirmya = Vital Sage.
Forzu = Flower.
Forzuhr = Blossom.
Forra = Bloom.
Afsajï = Violet, the flower.
- Sarï'afsajï = Swift Violet.
Dïzï = Daisy.
- Hadir'dïzï (Pronounced: hah-dur-uh-dee-zee) = Thunder Buttons. Literally "thunder daisy." - Inspired by Buzz Buttons/Electric Daisies.
Dàrra = Lily.
- Sōl'dïbà (Pronounced: sohl-uh-dee-ba) = Sundelion. - An incorrect name as Sundelions are actually lilies.
- Sōl'dàrra = Another name for Sundelions. - The correct term.
Jànnù'è Vuré (Pronounced: jhah-noo-eh voo-rey) = Bird of Paradise. A beautiful yellow & orange flower that grows near desert oases & in the Faron Jungle.
Amàh'forréda Forzuhr = Moonblooming Blossom. These flowers grow from Voltfruit Cactuses at night.
- Forzumàh = Moonflower. Another word for Amàh'forréda Forzuhr. Only blooms at night. Said to ward off monsters made of evil magics
Fashïna'dàrra = Passion Lily. A sacred flower to the Gerudo as it is said that this was the flower that the first Gerudo came from. - Reference to the IRL Flame Lily.
Fïze'resya = Ice Rose. A beautiful rose with delicate, magical, ice-like petals that don't melt. Extremely rare & sought after. - Reference to Triforce Heroes.
Washïr Zaefaran = Wave Saffron. The only Wave Saffron that grows near the Gerudo Desert is on the cliffs overlooking the Faron Sea southeast of Daval Peak in the Gerudo Canyon. Thus making collecting it very difficult. This tends to cause the spice to be quite expensive.
Khàdrawàt = Vegetable.
Quattah = Stamina.
- Misbah = Bulb.
-- Quat'misbah = Stambulb.
Hairu or Hīru = Hylian, Hyrule.
- Tamàtim = Tomato.
-- Hīru Tamàtim = Hylian Tomato.
Sarï'jàzra = Swift Carrot.
Fàva = Bean.
Laebu = Pumpkin.
- Forfxïd'úl Laebu = Fortified Pumpkin.
- Sōl'laebu = Sun Pumpkin.
Grōma = Sweet potato. Translates to "earth mother." Originates from the Gerudo Highlands, but since the desert didn't have such vegetables before, it caught on.
- Jaqàr = Shadow. The more modern word.
- Jaqàr'grōma = Shadow Yam. Brought back to the Highlands by a Sheikah farmer who married a Highland Gerudo. They were later brought to Gerudo Town where they grew well as well.
Fàskhiàr = Cucumber.
*Kud = Nut.
Saela = Corn.
Arrōyo = "A steep-sided gully formed by the action of fast-flowing water in an arid or semi-arid region." - Direct from... some random-ass dictionary...
Rayz or Rāz or Rāza = Rice
- Hīru Rāz = Hylian Rice.
- Arrōyo'rāz = Arroyorice. A type of grain that grows well in the desert & doesn't need much water. Not technically a member of the rice family, but is similar enough that it's passable as a member & likewise has a similar non-taste. Actually a type of farrow, which is a species of wheat. Still very new to the Gerudo Desert as it seems to be an evolution of Tabantha Wheat that's adapted fully to the desert & they're still figuring out how to grow it well.
Fïwarāz = Snow Rice. The Gerudàn name for Snowdrift Buckwheat.
Wa'krànba = Water Cabbage. These are often grown in Kàra Kara's pool. Not originally native to the Gerudo Desert. Instead, having been brought over from Goponga.
Wahē Jingàlfil = Oasis Bellpepper. The Gerudàn name for Bayou Bellpeppers. These are often grown in Kàra Kara's pool. Not originally native to the Gerudo Desert. Instead, having been brought over from Goponga.
Ūpehkwa Kàrfsa = Spring Celery. The Gerudàn name for Swamp Celery. These are often grown in Kàra Kara's pool. Not originally native to the Gerudo Desert. Instead, having been brought over from Goponga.
Kaerïwa Frahxiàr = Purewater Cucumber. The Gerudàn name for Freshwater Cucumber. These are often grown in Kàra Kara's pool. Not originally native to the Gerudo Desert. Instead, having been brought over from Goponga.
Dàkha = Fruit.
- Dàkhīs = Fruitful.
- Pràfir = Bounty.
-- Pràfīs = Bountiful.
Fakïha = Voltfruit.
Faha = Fire Fruit.
Tàwalïha = Splash Fruit; literally "cascade fruit."
Easïfaha = Shock Fruit. Literally translates to "storm fruit."
Anbïha = Dazzlefruit.
Tuqàlï = Orange; the fruit.
- Lurālin = Lurelin.
-- Lurālin'tuqàlï = Lurelin Orange.
Bàrï = Wild.
- Tùwt = Berry.
-- Bàrï'tùwt (Pronounced: Bahr-ee-too-to) = Wildberry. Native to the Gerudo Highlands.
- Ajma = Brust or thicket.
-- Ajma'tùwt (Pronounced: ah-ma-too-to, with a hard, throaty 'h') = Brushberry. A sweet, yellow-orange aggregate berry evolved from the Wildberry when it was brought to the desert. - Inspired by the Sandberries of My Time At Sandrock.
Mu'túwt Grun = Bloodberry Grapes. A type of dark burgundy grapes that the Gerudo use to brew alcohol.
Sobbawkh = Prickly peach. A needle-covered pink fruit that grows from a cactus. The flesh inside is tender & juicy, resembling that of a peach.
Àlfil = Pepper.
- Nafil = Breath.
-- Fa'nàlfil = Spicy Pepper; literally translates to "firebreath pepper."
Fàrin = Faron.
- Romànaas = Pineapple.
-- Fàrin'romànaas = Faron Pineapple.
Gera'vàtta = Desert Queen. - Called mangosteens IRL.
Wahē = Oasis.
Dàlla = Melon.
- Wahē'dàlla = Hyrdomelon, literally "Oasis Melon."
Sōbehxàdu = Alligator Pear. An avocado.
Màtuvàq Lōrē = Amorous Fig. This fruit is heavily associated with Vah Kàvtrïna, the Gerudo Goddess of Love, Passion, & Marriage.
Fatàr = Mushroom.
- Sōl'fatàr = Sunshroom.
- Fïba'fatàr = Chillshroom.
- Hiza'fatàr = Zapshroom; literally "jolt mushroom."
- Yusrï = Rush.
-- Yusrï'fatàr = Rushroom
- Letyàshi'fatàr = Brightcap; literally "glow mushroom."
Kàma = Truffle.
- Qàlbia'kàma = Hearty truffle.
- Dāqàlbia'kàma = Big Hearty Truffle.
Neter = Nature.
*Bàdra = Seed.
*Mïdàre = (A) plant.
Han = Tree.
Zaq = Stick or branch.
Grōrda = Earth.
- Grō = Earth or growth.
- Aftúmet = Island. Literally, "floating land."
- Ot'met = Sky Island. Literally, "skyland."
- Haram'arda = Earth pyramid; hoodoo.
Màzbaer = Farm.
Forzabzï = Garden.
Àri'hàla = Hole.
- Hàlatā = Hole.
Kajaf (Pronounced: kuh-huf) = Hill.
Kahif = Cave.
*Nārôn (Pronounced: NAY-rown) = Mountain.
*Nārān (Pronounced: NAY-rain) = Mountains, plural, as in a range of mountains.
Wa = Water.
- Watï (Pronounced: wuh-tee) = Rain; the more modern term.
- Oten'è Sàv'si (Pronounced: oten-eh sahv-uh-sih) = Rain; translates to "Blessing of Heaven." The reason being that rain is so desperately rare in the desert that when it does happen, it is seen as a blessing from the heavens. Extremely archaic & generally isn't in use anymore other than formally, in literature, or by scholars or priestesses. Considered flowery language.
- Ot'wa (Pronounced: ot-uh-wuh) = Rain. Literally translates to "sky water." Newer than Oten'e Sàv'si, but older than Watï. Not outdated yet, but is quickly getting there.
- *Ūpehkwa = Spring (water).
- *Ūasuewa = Waterfall.
- Wa'ardànbué = A hoodoo with a natural fountain. The word for the pillar of rock around which Gerudo Town is situated.
- Wafuràna = Fountain.
- *Eihsír = River.
- Shïr = Wave.
- Tàwalï = Cascade.
- Washt'è = A very archaic word for sea or ocean. Literally "plain of water.'
- Mawa or Dāwa = The more modern term for ocean. Literally means "mother water" & "great water" respectively. - Reference to the primordial soup.
- *Làk = Sea.
Fïze = Ice or frost.
- Fïza = Cold or frozen.
- Fïwa = Snow.
- Fïwasht'è = Snowfield; literally "plain of snow."
- Fïzawa = Snow or ice in-general; literally "frozen water."
- Fïba = Chill.
Fa = Fire.
- Difa = Warm.
- Fachïna = Passion. Loosely translates to, "soul/spirit's fire."
Ūrbōs = Lightning.
- Hadir = Thunder. Also refers to "roar."
- Tarbàs = Bolt.
- Fawlat = Volt.
- Sàdma = Shock.
- Hiza = Jolt.
- Thàbita = Static.
- Easïfa = Storm.
- Vàshô Nabooru'jï Ïkem = Translates literally to "St. Nabooru's Shield." It's basically the gerudo term for St. Elmo's Fire, meaning the purple aura that appears around certain things when lightning is about to strike.
Vùn = Wind.
- Gera'amsin = A hot, desert wind.
- Aftù = To float.
- Zôba = A tornado.
- Gera'sïf = Desert storm.
- Shemàsin = Dervish.
- Dôwà = Swirl.
Gàl/Gel = Sand.
- Geru = Sand, but can also refer to a people as a collective. The cultural context is that it takes each grain of sand to make a desert. Can also be used as a prefix with a ' at the end to specifically refer to the Gerudo race.
- Gáro = Burning sand. Refers to when the desert is at its hottest, when the sand reflects the light back into your eyes & burns the bottoms of your feet. This word is often associated with the worst, harshest, & most unforgiving parts of desert life. Particularly, the hardships involved in living there. - The Gerudo generally believe that if there truly is an afterlife where one is punished for their misdeeds, it is likely that the sand there is always hot to the point that it burns one's feet even through their shoes. Which is why it's used in the Gerudo word for hell & is often used as an expletive. The Gá is also used in reference to black magic.
- Geràsht'è = Desert; literally "plain of sand."
- Gel'shïr (Pronounced: gehl-uh-sheer) = Dune; literally "sand wave."
- Gel'kajaf (Pronounced: gehl-uh-kuh-yuf) = Dune; literally "sandhill."
- Gàl'zôba = Literally, "sand tornado." A dust devil, dust whirl, or sand whirl.
Let = Light.
- Letmï = Gleam.
- Letyàshi = Glow.
- Anbïlet = Dazzle.
- Letraq = Shine.
- Shulet = Beam (of light).
Qàr = Darkness; also means black.
- Bojaqàr'è = Shadow. Literally, "body of darkness." Archaic.
- Jaqàr = Shadow. The more modern word. Sort of a shortened version of Bojaqàr'è.
Aaq'let (Pronounced: ack-uh-let) = Daylight. Based on Aaqlet's name.
- Orr'let (Pronounced: orr-uh-let) = Nightlight.
- Sōl'let = Sunlight.
- Màh'let or Amàh'let = Moonlight; moonbeam.
-- Qamàh'let = Moonlight; moonbeam. Most frequently used in poetry as a way to specifically indicate the beauty of said moonlight. Considered flowery language, but also thought to be one of the most beautiful words in the Gerudàn language.
- Estàr'let (Pronounced: eh-stahr-uh-let) = Starlight.
Vosōl = Alternate named for the sun.
- Qamàhr = Another word for moon, but specifically denotes & invokes the idea of the beauty of said moon. Is a bit old, but is still used today to say that someone is like the moon.
- Qamàh'shulet = Moonbeam. Most frequently used in poetry as a way to specifically indicate the beauty of said moonlight. Considered flowery language, but also thought to be one of the most beautiful words in the Gerudan language.
- Sōl'letraq = Sunshine.
- Sōl'shuruq = Sunrise.
- Sōl'ghrub = Sunset.
- Aaquàr = Daybreak; dawn.
- Orrqûto = Nightfall.
- Saabatïto = Eventide.
Janah = Wing.
Àsht = Plane or field.
- Gera Àsht'è = The original term for desert. The 2 were later put together to save on space & doing so with "field of" words has become the new norm despite it technically being grammatically incorrect. Extremely archaic.
- Geràsht'è = Desert; literally "plane of sand."
- Forzàsht'è = Meadow; literally "plane of flowers."
- Hanàsht'è = Forest; literally "plane of trees."
- Washt'è = A very archaic word for sea or ocean. Literally "plane of water."
- Fïwasht'è = Snowfield. Literally "plane of snow."
Dāwahē = Jungle. Literally, “great oasis.”
Bàrïhanàsht’è = Jungle. Literally, “plane of wild trees.”
Forzùré'jï Xetmàm = Refers to the jungle. Literally, “Farore's domain.”
*Xōkàr = Sugar or simply "sweet."
- *Xōkàrib = Sweetheart.
*Vuré = Bird.
- Vuréyàrï = Baby bird. Chickie or chickadee. Diminutive.
Wahē Vuré (Pronounced: wah-hee voo-rey) = Peacock; literally "Oasis Bird."
- Watï'sàv'si Vuré (Pronounced: wah-tee-sav-uh-sih voo-rey) = Peacock; literally "Rainbow Bird."
Kàko = Cucco. Modern.
- Urego Vuré = Cucco. Literally "murder bird." Archaic. Often used to express fear of said bird.
Gel'shïreadïr = Dunerunner.
- *Astrich = Ostrich.
-- Gel'shïreadïr Astrich = Dunerunner Ostrich.
Gàl'zipir = Sand Sparrow.
Aftúmet = Island.
- Saqka = Hawk.
-- Aftúmet Saqka = Islander Hawk.
Bōsa = Highland Yak.
Ghanam = Sheep. Just any sheep anywhere.
- Ran or Dā- = Big, great, or glorious.
- Qarn = Horn.
-- Ranqarn Ghanam = Bighorn Sheep. Native to the Gerudo Desert & Gerudo Highlands. Raised for their wool.
Turab = Dust.
- Dhayl = Tail.
- Fené = Fox.
-- Turab'dhayl Fené = Dusttail Fox. Native to the Gerudo Desert. - Basically just a Fennec Fox.
- Wàr'khinzïr = War Boar. Used as war steeds.
Kayútaa or *Qoyuch = Coyote.
- Qàfra Kayútaa = Wasteland Coyote.
Gel'gàtï (Pronounced: gel-uh-gah-tee) = Literally, "sand cat." A very small & adorable, yet vicious spotted, light yellow cat with large ears. So small that the adults are often mistaken for regular housecat kittens. A favored pet of the Gerudo as they are excellent stealth hunters & trackers for their size & keep their balance easily on sand seals or the shoulders of their owners. - Inspired by the IRL sand cat which are striped instead of spotted.
- Fïwa'gàtï = Literally, "snow cat." Snow cats evolved from sand cats when the first Gerudo broke off from their desert tribe to live in the Highlands & took their hunting buddies with them. Instead of being light yellow with black or brown spots like their desert cousins, they are white or light grey with darker grey spots, resembling miniature clouded leopards, but with thicker, fluffier fur resembling that of maine coon or ragdoll cats. So small that the adults are often mistaken for regular housecat kittens.
- Mïyoyàrï = Baby cat. Kitten. Used as a diminutive.
- Gàtïyin = Kitten. Modern. Official term.
- Rrīo = Lion. A sacred animal from the Gerudo homeland. There really aren't any in Hyrule.
- Rrīowé = Lion cub. Official.
Līsha = Horse.
- Gerudàn Līsha = Gerudo Horse. The name of the breed of horse that the Gerudo used to breed & train. - The Giant Horse.
Gàdhàmar = Donkey.
- Gàdha or Gàdàma = Ass; donkey. An insult.
Qàlbia = Hearty.
- Qàlbia Vura = Hearty Lizard.
Shànké = Snake.
- Àspa = Viper.
- Geràsht'è Àspa = Desert Viper. Extremely poisonous.
- Geru'kōbra = Sand Cobra. The cobra's hood is used as the symbol of the Gerudo.
- Màlàki Kōbra = Royal Cobra. Heavily associated with the Gerudo Kings. It is tradition for said kings to have the male Royal Cobra's hood tattooed onto them somewhere. Adult males, adult females, & snakelets of both sexes, all have ever so slightly different hood markings with the markings on the snakelets' hoods being slightly shorter versions of their adult counterparts.
Gàl'xïtïr = Sandskimmer. A type of small, sandy-colored fish that swims in the flowing sands of the Gerudo Desert.
Gàl'tana = Sand Tuna. A type of tuna that's adapted to living in the flowing sands of the Gerudo Desert.
Garokuda = Sandacuda. - Inspired by the Sandacudas of My Time At Sandrock.
Gàl'bàtacha = Sand Lance.
Ōradona Gàtïmatsya = Ordon Catfish.
Kōbra Samàq = Cobra Shark.
Khàra = Dragon.
- Drāga = Dragon lord/lady or great/noble dragon. Archaic.
- Hadirkhàra = Lightning dragon. - Referring to any electric element dragon, such as Thunder Gleeoks.
-- Hadirdrāga = Noble lightning dragon. - Used exclusively to describe Farosh or Lanello (the Great Lightning Dragon from SS).
- Mawakhara = Sea dragon. Specifically female.
-- Mawadrāga = Noble sea dragon. Specifically female.
- Dāwakhàra = Sea dragon. Specifically male.
-- Dāwadrāga = Noble sea dragon. Specifically male.
- Lànerro = Lanello, the Great Lightning Dragon. - From Skyward Sword.
- Fàrōsh = Farosh, the Elemental Dragon Guardian.
Vïze = Bee.
Skaràbï = A scarab beetle. A sacred insect.
Alyae = Dragonfly.
Sarï = Quick, swift, or fast.
- Geru'alyae = Gerudo Dragonfly. An extinct species of dragonfly that used to live where the Gerudo Desert is today. - From Skyward Sword.
- Sarï'alyae = Quick Darner. A dusty purple dragonfly descended from the extinct Gerudo Dragonfly. Quickest insect in Hyrule. Its wings built to be the most aerodynamic of them all. Lives in the Gerudo Desert. - A reference to the Gerudo Dragonfly in Skyward Sword.
Nàmla = Ant.
- Lanïru Nàmla (Pronounced: luh-nee-roo nuhm-luh) = Lanayru Ant. An extinct species of ant that used to live where the Gerudo Desert is today. - From Skyward Sword.
- Gel'shïr Nàmla (Pronounced: gehl-uh-sheer nuhm-luh) = Dune Ant. Evolved from Lanayru Ants. These ants live in oases, where plenty of flowers & fruits grow. Much like bees, these ants produce honey. Also called Honeybee Ants.
- Hon'vïze Nàmla (Pronounced: hon-uh-vee-zeh nuhm-luh) = Honeybee Ant. Another name for the Dune Ant. - Somewhat inspired by honeypot ants, which don't actually make honey IRL.
Tetï = Cicada.
- Gel'tetï (Pronounced: gehl-uh-teh-tee) = Sand Cicada. - From Skyward Sword.
Selqet = Scorpion.
- Ser = Sting or stinger.
-- Fa'ser Selqet = Firesting Scorpion. Has a toxin that rapidly raises the internal temperature of its prey which causes them to essentially cook from the inside. Grants increased attack in hot weather.
Teron = Mayfly.
- Shim'teron (Pronounced: shim-uh-teh-ron) = Shimmering Mayfly. - From Twilight Princess.
Sāsha = Moth.
- Adàb = Forever.
- Hudjèfa = Lost; missing or erased.
- Ohïm = Lost.
-- Ohïm'dàb Sāsha = Everlost Moth.
Shïrkè = Silk.
- Turre = Worm or caterpillar.
-- Ohïm'dàb Shïrkèturre = Everlost Silkworm. The source of the Gerudo's silks.
Vàttawn'è or Vàttân'è = Butterfly. Literally, "queen of colors."
Xabàt = Spider.
- Nebdhi’úl Yànlinasïr Xabàt = Gilded Weaver Spider. A canyon-dwelling spider that produces golden silk threads, which the Gerudo use to make fine golden threads & silks. - Inspired by IRL Golden Orb Weaver, which are raised for the same purpose.
Animal Products:
Lugïdō = Meat. In-general.
- -'gïdō = A suffix indicating a specific type of meat.
Mïchaa = Milk.
- Bōmïchaa = Milk from Highland Yaks.
Churkha = Cheese.
- Bōchurkha = Cheese made from yak milk. This cheese is said to be delicate with subtle tones of sweetness mixed with wildflowers.
- Lebnah = A type of yogurt cheese that the Gerudo make from milk from Ordon Goats, Rock Salt, & Shock Fruit juice.
Sudrï = Butter.
- Bōsudrï = Butter made from yak milk in Ealiya. Bōsudrï is richer & less sweet than cow butter.
Āda = Egg
Honzu = Honey.
- Forzuwa or Vïze'mïchaa = Honey; literally "flower water" & "bee milk." Both essentially mean the same thing as Honzu.
- Wahē Honzu = Oasis Honey. A type of honey produced by Gel'shïr Namla. Has a distinctly different flavor to Courser Honey. Has a slight fruity & floral flavor to it due to the oasis fruit that Dune Ants eat.
Soof = Wool.
- Bōsoof = Yak wool. Perfect for Highland life.
- Ghansoof = Sheep wool. The Hyrule equivalent to Merino wool.
Shïrké = Silk.
*Vesgi = Jewel.
Zen = Gemstone. Used as a suffix when indicating a specific gem based on an associated element.
Han'zen (Pronounced: han-uh-zen) = Amber; literally "tree gem." Archaic.
- Hancal = Amber. Modern.
Wa'zen = Opal; literally "water gem." Archaic.
- Ūpàlwa = Opal. Modern.
Mawa'zen = Pearl. Literally, "ocean gem." Heavily associated with the ocean. Grants high-level water damage. Archaic.
- Mawagïte = Pearl. Heavily associated with the ocean. Grants high-level water damage. Archaic.
Fï'zen = Sapphire; literally "ice gem." Archaic.
- Fïyaqut = Sapphire. Modern.
Fa'zen = Ruby; literally "fire gem." Archaic.
- Famet = Ruby. Modern.
Urbōs'zen (Pronounced: er-bohs-uh-zen) = Topaz; literally "lightning gem." Archaic.
- Urbōsaz = Topaz. Modern.
Vùn'zen (Pronounced: voon-uh-zen) = Emerald; literally "wind gem." Archaic.
- Vùnaragdï = Emerald. Modern.
Gàl'zen (Pronounced: gal-uh-zen) = Sandstone; literally "sand gem." Allows for control of sand. Effective against electric enemies. Still used frequently.
Let'zen (Pronounced: let-uh-zen) = Diamond; literally "light gem." Archaic.
- Letmàsi = Diamond. Modern.
Sōl'zen = Sunstone. Heavily associated with the sun. Grants high-level light magic. - What the Gerudo call Sunstones are actually Fire Opals IRL.
Qàr'zen (Pronounced: kar-uh-zen) = Onyx; literally "darkness or shadow gem." Archaic.
- Qàrjàza = Onyx. Modern.
Amàh'zen = Moonstone; literally "moon gem." Has alignment to both light & shadow, thus twilight. Glows in the dark. Is heavily associated with the moon & is often used in depictions of or offerings to the Gerudo moon goddess, Amàhrta. Archaic.
- Amàhmàtu = Moonstone; literally "loved by the moon." Has alignment to both light & shadow, thus twilight. Glows in the dark. Is heavily associated with the moon & is often used in depictions of or offerings to the Gerudo moon goddess, Amàhrta. Modern.
Shïcha'zen = Amethyst; literally "mind/spirit gem." Used to make connections between a person & something else. Archaic.
- Heshïchamen = Amethyst. Modern.
Bin = Metal.
Nebdha = Gold. Heavily associated with the sun.
Hedjid (Pronounced: heh-zh-id) = Silver. Heavily associated with the moon.
Nuhàsna = Copper.
Qàsdir = Tin.
Burunzï = Bronze.
Estàr'bin = Iron. Literally, "star metal." Archaic.
- Estàrna = Iron. Modern.
- Estàrna Gehkūra = Iron Knuckle.
- Oten'bin = Steel. Literally, "heaven metal." Archaic.
- Fulna = Steel. Modern.
- Dawasaaq Fulna = A type of steel found in the Gerudo Highlands & used in Ealiya forging. Different from the steel that the Desert Gerudo use & much higher quality. Combining the traditional Dawallaham pattern welding technique with the Dawasaaq steel results in a far superior blade. - Sort of the Hyrule equivalent to Damascus Steel.
Bensi or Benzen = Treasure or bounty.
Sàv'si (Pronounced: sav-uh-sih) = Gift or blessing.
- Shôsi = Another word for blessing. In the literal sense, meaning a blessing of specifically divine origin.
- Sûl'si (Pronounced: sool-uh-sih) = Curse or punishment.
- Watï Sàv'si (Pronounced: wah-tee sav-uh-sih) = Rainbow; literally "rain's blessing."
Haza = Fortune or luck. Can be used to refer to one's inheritance.
- Sàv'haza = Good luck; fortune.
- Nàv'haza = 1. Guiding luck. A twist of fate that appears to be unfortunate, but ultimately, gets you where you need to be. 2. Bad luck; misfortune. The annoying & somewhat tedious sort, but is ultimately still bearable. - The meaning changes depending on the context.
- Sûl'haza = Bad luck; misfortune. The kind that's legitimately dangerous & possibly even fatal. If not for the individual, then for those around them.
-- Haza'è vùnen = Winds of fortune.
-- Vùntï = Blow. As in wind or breath.
-- *Àyk = Across.
--- Taq al'haza'è vùnen etïma vùntï'àyk terdaso. = "May the winds of fortune always blow across your back." - An old, Gerudàn well wish.
Bajo = Body.
Haty = (Anatomical) Heart.
- Ib = (Metaphyical) Heart.
*Ras = Head.
- Ebè = Hair.
- Wàjah (Pronounced: wah-yuh) = Face.
- Ehrudh = Ear.
- Euyi = Eye.
-- Euyin al'Màh'è = Eyes of the Moon. The Gerudo equivalent to the Sheikah's Mind's Eye. In both cases, one must train themselves to open their 'eyes.' Mastery turns one's eyes red & allows one to see past illusions. This technique is, for the most part, originally learned from moon deities. As such, in Gerudo customs, Vai'eshônï of the Gerudo Moon Goddess, Amàhrta, are required to train in such a way. - Similarly, it can thus be inferred that the Sheikah too learned the Mind's Eye from a lunar deity, which contradicts the widely-accepted belief that the Mind's Eye was created to emulate Hylia's sight as Hylia is many things, but she is not a goddess of the moon.
- Ahft = Nose.
-- Sinja = Scent, smell, aroma.
- Fam = Mouth.
- Shàfan or Sàfjon = Lips.
-- Qàblez = Kiss.
- Xïhsa = Tongue.
- Rehxï = Neck.
*Àbvï = Shoulder.
- Zahrda = Back.
- Ànsa = Chest.
- Ànsthadyan = Breasts.
- Mueda = Stomach.
- Bàte = Belly.
-- Fàtha'bàte or Fàbàte = Navel or belly button.
- Xàkna = Waist.
- *Xàkràn = Hips.
*Àb = Arm.
- Àbkūra or Àbkū = Elbow. Literally, "arm joint."
- Àbdhàt = Bicep.
- Ràzipàt = Wrist.
- Tzèxad = Hand.
- *Gehtz = Finger.
- Gehtzkūra = Knuckle. Literally, "finger joint."
Ràjni = Leg.
- Kàhipàt = Ankle.
- Dehtzdim = Foot.
- Īsbi or *Dehtz = Toe.
Ābezàm = Bone.
Mu = Blood.
Sopdō = Penis.
- Sopa = Dick.
- Voejūla = Manhood.
- Saq = Stalk. As in plant stalk. Also used as slang for penis. Has the same implication as cock.
Kuben = Nuts. Slang for testicals.
- Kuràn = Balls; also used as slang for testicals.
- Vesgïn = Jewels; also used as slang for testicals.
- *Xàd = A sack or purse.
-- Rūpïxàd = Rupee purse. Also used in reference to a man's sack.
Mibha = Vagina.
- *Tzhamd = Sheath; also used as slang for vagina.
- Vaijūtha = Womanhood.
- Ràhina = Womb.
Vaejūla = Hermaphroditehood. Specifically the shaft.
Vaejūtha = Hermaphroditehood. Specifically the sheath.
Yūgshômï = Pregnant.
- Sāq'shôsi'ùl = Pregnant. Literally, "life-blessed."
- Sāqshe'jï Mahàd = A mother's belly. Literally, "life's cradle."
A'so yàk shôsiso kàmmoryūga. = "You carry your blessing with beauty." In reference to pregnancy. Meant to convey that a woman has not only retained her attractiveness during pregnancy, but that she has grown even more lovely as a result.
Ōbrusāq = (Season) Spring.
Bruxāf = Summar.
Unikhàr = (Season) Fall.
Fïkhan = Winter.
Vàlumàh = Another word for moon, but specifically used in reference to months. As in full revelations of the moon.
*Gib = Death.
Gib'mahàd = Coffin. Literally translates to "death cradle."
- Vōttàr'jï Gib'mahàd = Sarcophagus. Literally translates to "king's coffin."
Akhiar = Last; final. The end of a sequence.
- Biru = Bury.
- Biru'úl Sàrga = Grave. Literally translates to "buried bed."
Akhiar'sàrga = Another word for grave. Literally translates to "last or final bed."
Jinaza = Funeral.
Gibapèmer = Execution. Public.
Vashorq = Destroy violently; literally "rip apart." Has the root word for 'bye' or "farewell" to indicate an immediate & imminent end.
- A'nï ne vashorqso! = "I'll rip you apart!" A very angry, very hate-fueled sentence.
Urego = Murder.
*Gánōendōrfè = A Warlock-Sorcerer. - The traditional Gerudàn name for Ganondorf. "Ganondorf" being more of a Hyrulean transliteration of Gánōendōrfè or Gánōndōrfè. Both spellings are correct when used as a name. Though, when used as an actual word, Gánōendōrfè is considered grammatically correct & is thus more formal.
- *Gánōen or Gánōn = Dark or black magics. - Both spellings are technically correct, though Gánōen is considered proper grammar & is thus more formal.
- *Dōrfè = Sorcerer.
*Hin'isī = Crypt or tomb.
*Qernsu = Ghost.
Gel'hàrnī = Desert madness.
Punga = Poison.
*Omnōx = Carrion.
- Omnōx Makalïr = Literally, "carrion eater." Another word for vulture. Often used to refer to someone as greedy.
*Imdra = The mummification rituals the Gerudo.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist 2
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welln594 · 1 year
Impact Of Nutrition On The National Education And Healthy Growth
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Education and health growth in a country are dependent on nutrition. A productive student is one that is healthy. A healthy diet is seen as an investment in human potential that will yield returns in the future. Bad nutrition is considered a treat for the nation. Wellnessbeing Four types of malnutrition are responsible for the global decline in social productivity between 1990 and 1990. stunting and other disorders due to vitamin A and iron deficiency. This equated to nearly 46 million years of productive disabilities. Free life nutrition increases returns on investments in education and healthcare.
Literature has shown that knowledge levels in Nigeria have declined significantly since the 1980s, in contrast to previous years. This decline was attributed to malnutrition from the civil war. One researcher found that Nigeria had the lowest percentage of indigenous engineers among Third World countries in the 1980s. Teaching English, the language used for instruction, was so poor that university faculty reported their inability understand written work from their students. This is due to the ineffective communication. There are many quack workers and graduates in Nigeria. In 1990, the education crisis was so severe that it was predicted that the country would run out of personnel in the next ten years. This is a problem that needs to be addressed before the country loses all its skilled labour force. These problems can be divided into two main nutritional factors: malnutrition and undernutrition. This article is a? This article is intended to examine the current and past effects of nutrition and the necessary steps to correct the situation. This report will provide solutions.
Nigeria is plagued by undernutrition as well as micronutrients. Rest of the nutrients have very little impact and should be left for now. Inadequate intake of macronutrients is the hallmark of undernutrition. It can begin in the uterus and continue throughout life. It can also spread across generations. It can occur in pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence and can have a cumulative negative effect on future babies' birthweight. Baby born with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), as a fetus, is in effect malnourished and has a higher chance of dying in childhood. Malnutrition can have serious consequences for adulthood. Infancy and young childhood are prone to frequent or prolonged infections, as well as inadequate nutrition intakes (especially energy, iron, protein and vitamin A). This can lead to stunting and underweight in preschool. After a period of exclusively breast-feeding, infants are given weaning, which consists of pap (akamu), ogi or koko. It is made of maize (Zee Mays), millet, pennisetum Americanum, and guinea corn. Because of socio-economic factors and ignorance, low income people rarely feed their infants meat, eggs, or seafood.
Agu, from Anambra State in Nigeria, observed that pap had 0.5% protein and less then 1% fat compared to 9% protein and 4% fat of the original corn. Poor processing is often the reason. Omotola and Akinele examined the energy and protein intakes of children in the low-income group and infants. The researchers found that around one-third to half of the infants were suffering from malnutrition, while 10% were stunted and wasted. The Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), Nigeria, conducted a more recent Nigerian National Survey in 1990. It found that underweight children aged under 5 years (those who are below a) were almost half of all those underweight. ?2SD weight for age was 36%, with 12% severely underweight. (below -3 SD). Stunting (below a) ?2 SD height for a?? Age) was 43%, with 22% severe stunting (below? 3SD), while the levels for severe wasting and wasting were 9% & 2%, respectively. DHS Survey of children 6 to 36 months old in Nigeria's Ondo State found 28% underweight prevalence, 32% stunting and 7% wasting.
Adults and older children can usually get adequate protein. You can increase your daily intake of low-nutrient starchy foods to increase your energy intake. The traditional diets may not be sufficient for infants or small children. For energy (740 Kcal and 13g protein), a baby four- to six months old would require 920g corn gruel. Given the size of an infant's stomach, this is a daunting task. ?s stomach.
President Chief Olusegun Obasanjo correctly observed that nearly half of Nigeria's children aged 7-13 are still underweight. Many children and adults are starved, and some only eat one meal per day that consists mainly of carbohydrates.
Another difficult problem in nutrition is micronutrient. It refers to a low intake of key vitamins or minerals. This can be seen in both urban and rural Nigerians. Inadequate vitamins and minerals can cause irreversible mental and physical impairments in the child's development. Micronutrient deficiencies in pregnancy can have severe consequences for the developing foetus, as well as indirect effects on the mother. Iodine deficiencies can cause foetus brain damage, still birth, mental retardation, delayed motor developmental and stunting. Folate and infantile iodine deficiencies can lead to a 10-15% drop in intelligence quotient. Foliate deficiencies can lead to neural tube defects, preterm births, or other birth defects. Iron deficiency and vitamin A deficiency could have serious implications for future infants. Their ability to focus, social interaction, and development are affected by their morbidity, mortality, vision, and cognitive development. Vitamin A deficiency affects 40% of children younger than 5 years old. Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of severe, preventable blindness and severe visual impairment in children. Pre-school children and pregnant women are most at risk. These two nutritional problems are huge in Nigeria and have a significant impact on the economy as well as the social life of the nation.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Why Ai'Hia was so funny in Cutie Pie
in response to @isisanna-blog’s question which tumblr doesn’t want answered directly. 
Can you explain the significance of the ‘Ai’ Hia’ in this weeks Cutie Pie please? I realised something linguistically important happened but didn’t know what!
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(Okay a reminder Thai is a language that exists in registers: high, low, frozen. And that it requires the use of honorifics (particles & pronouns) between ages: polite, formal (not the same thing). So something can be said formal but not polite, both, or neither. BL relationships exist within these different registers and levels of formality. Like most languages Thai is ever evolving and flexible with very few hard and fixed rules.)
Hia honorific & pronoun
Hia functions the same as phi but is used only by those with Chinese ancestry and is basically older brother (phi = older sibling, no gender) and is slightly more household intimate than phi (more strongly associated with actual brother/cousin/family member).
Like hyung/oppa there is no direct translation but hia is applied to older males by a younger person (any gender). It is used by the younger person to address the older male both directly, Hia Lian, and as a pronoun (you), hia, and also by the older person to refer to themself (I pronoun) when in conversation with someone younger. So grammatically it behaves like phi. 
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In UWMA Team calls Win hia (and leaves off the P'Win most of the time - cheeky boy), but he uses phi and P'Dean for Dean. (It’s a bit different in Between Us.)  In Bad Buddy Pat’s sister uses hia with him.
It’s rare to hear hia used IRL on the actor circuit. But New uses it with Zee (Cutie Pie) on and off set, which is interesting. They have a soft but strict older/younger dynamic (Zee is almost a decade older). And Zee has been through the wringer with a pair before so there’s a lot of subtext going on here. You can watch them (and hia) in action here.
In Cutie Pie both couples use hia as both pronoun and formal address: Hia Lian & Hia Yi.
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The formal address use of Hia is rare. 
I've never heard it before in a BL until Cutie Pie. So hia is used for I & you, while Hia Lian is used for formality's sake and in third person referencing. This is a *tiny* bit like how mister used to function in old English, as in: Mr Lian for formal address, mister as direct address. These days, it's a little more like master in the kink circuit. 
There's an inherent strictness to the formal application of Hia Lian partly because it is so unusual. It indicates a different kind of relationship than just P'Lian would in other BLs - both more intimate and more structured.
The lost Ai
Ai’+ name is technically supposed to be used between age mates but it is usually dropped in BL and on the interview circuit. It can and is applied in cases where social formality is required - meeting a stranger’s kids who are the same age or something like that.
But in BL it ALSO will be applied with a long drawn out tone when insult is required between close friends. Ae and Pond do it a lot in Love By Chance. In which case Ai’+name is a little like an affectionate “my asshole friend here.” The opposite is also true, Ai can be softened and applied for affection.
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Fiat uses Ai’Leeooo with Leo all the time in Don’t Say No. It’s a kind of bratty affection coming from him. Leo, on the other hand, only uses Ai’Fiat when he is annoyed af with his boy. (Remember these two are the same age.)
Ai+name, as a result, almost always implies a downgrade (formality wise) it's used as a sarcastic contrast (rude informal) to what it once was in older versions of the language (formal).
Right, so basically, Kuea called Lian his "asshole master" or something roughly equivalent to that in this scene in Episode 5. 
There's extreme contrast in this (contrast = surprise = humor). He contrasted not just an extremely formal type of address, Hia, with an informal one, Ai, but he combined two pronouns that also function as honorifics, but in a highly dishonorable way: Mister Jerkface. Which is a secondary contrast of rude vs polite. That’s double down funny. 
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He did all of this while ALSO dropping to low register, so all his other particles and pronouns became informal (or entirely absent). This is how you would talk to a peer/friend. I talk about Duen being the biggest linguistic brat in BL (My Engineer) - this is what he does. 
It's a really bratty and insulting thing to do to anyone older, let alone the older man who is courting you. Because it’s kind of like, linguistically, pulling the older boy down to your level.
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Kuea is doing this out of frustration, but it gave Lian insight into how bratty (naughty) Kuea actually could be. (Which I think we all know Lian likes and wants.) But also how, when emotional, Kuea actually *thinks* of Lian more informally, more like lovers. That Kuea would perhaps like to be more relaxed around Lian. That all along Kuea has been performing his high register "good boy" behavior in an effort to both please Lian and be more of the perfect doll he thinks Lian wants.
Kuea’s slip up into informality, but especially using Ai'Hia, was the crack in his armor that Lian has been looking for all along.
It was hope.
It was also absolutely hilarious. 
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Canadian English is in a weird limbo between American English and British English. Most of the time, the general rule is that we use words like the Americans but we spell and pronounce words like the British. In that we spell it “colour” not “color”, but we also say “apartment” not “flat”. We pronounce it “zed” not “zee”, but we also say “line” instead of “queue”. We generally measure with the metric system, but we get almost all our products from America, so if we want to know how much of something is in our products, we have to know how to convert from metric to whatever weird measurement system they use down there.
Weirdly, a rare exception to this is the “-ize/-ise” suffix. American English spells the word for “appear out of thin air” as “materialize”. British English spells it as “materialise”. Canadian English, for some some reason, spells it “materialize”. This is despite the fact that when there’s a difference between British and American spelling, we spell things the British way, as far as I can tell, every other instance. I used to spell those words “-ise” just because I knew that was the British way so I assumed it was the correct way to spell it in Canada too. Then sometime in university, I learned that actually the Canadian way is “-ize”. I don’t know why this is the case. It annoys me; I feel like “-ise” is a better way to spell it. I looks better and flows with the language better. But I have changed to using “-ize” because I’m a bit pedantic about being consistent in my language use and I shall stick to Canadian English.
There are no situations in which I think the Americans do things better than the Canadians do. The correct way to pronounce it is “zed”, not “zee”. It’s supposed to be “colour”, not “color”. I can’t stand it when I see people spell it “center” instead of “centre”.
In many situations, I think the British do things better than Americans or Canadians. They have a few English words that I wish we had over here. “Posh” is such a good word. North America has some words that mean almost the same thing as “posh”, but nothing with exactly the same connotations. Probably the closest thing we have is “fancy”, and that’s another word that the British do better than we do. In North America, if you want to describe the concept of finding someone non-platonically attractive, but not by enough to describe it as “being in love”, you don’t have a lot of good ways to express that. You could say, “have a crush on”, but that makes it sound a bit like the people in question are in the third grade. We often just say “like”, but kind of emphasize the word, saying, we “like like” someone. But that can be confusing, because if you do the emphasis wrong or if the other person interprets it wrong, it can lead to a misunderstanding about whether you mean “like” platonically or non-platonically. And that’s an area in which misunderstandings can be very bad things. In Britain, I get the impression that if they use the word “fancy”, you can know unambiguously that they mean they like the person in a non-platonic way. That only applies if they’re describing a person, though; that word can describe inanimate objects without any implications about sexual attraction (if a British person says, “I fancy a cup of tea,” it does not mean they want to fuck the tea). Language is weird an interesting.
Obviously, I realize that when it comes to the game where you run around a field trying to kick a ball into nets, it makes much more sense to call it “football” than “soccer”. Because that is a game in which people connect their feet to a ball.
But there are a few situations in which I do think the North Americans’ way of using words makes more sense than the British way. The most significant example of this is how we describe parts of television shows. In North America, we say “season” to mean one set of episodes, and “series” to mean the entire collection of episodes. In Britain, they say “series” to mean one set of episodes. If they want to describe the entire collection of episodes, as far as I can tell they just say “show”. Which is confusing. I think it’s useful to have “show” mean “the general examples of bits of media that are related to this bit of creativity”, so “series” can mean “the entire collection of every episode it’s ever aired”, and “season” can mean “one collection of episodes that came out together”.
Also, I do not think the way the British describe schools makes sense. In North America, “private school” means a school for which the parents have to pay, and “public school” means a school that’s entirely funded by the government. That makes sense. For anything else (ie. medical care), “private” means you pay for it yourself, and “public” means the government covers it so if you’re a resident of the covered area you get it automatically. In North America, schools follow that same pattern of naming things. In Britain, however, “public school” and “private school” somehow mean the same thing.
I don’t mean to disparage British English here. The point of this post is to point out a couple of situations that I think are exceptional. Mostly, I like British terminology better than North American terminology. Oh, except that “math” is supposed to be singular and “sports” are supposed to be plural. That’s another exception.
I do wish I, as a Canadian, could just start calling things “posh” without sounding like a person who’s incredibly pretentiously pretending to be British. Also, I like that thing where British people do a peace sign but backwards and it’s a rude hand gesture. As far as I can tell, it’s basically like giving someone the middle finger but slightly less rude. That’s a useful gesture to have.
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starrysnowdrop · 4 years
Character Voice • Yume Aino
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Bold what applies to your muse, italicize situational ones. Feel free to add your own suggestions and carry it on.
“country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ ““noble”” │ foreign speaker | “The Queen’s English” with a dash of cockney 
educated │ uneducated │ doesn’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just makes up their own words! │ old English
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │ velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │suave │ world-weary │ brash │ authoritative
refers to self in third person plurals │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others │ uses terms of affection towards others
Voice References:
1. The biggest inspiration for Yume’s voice is the Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi (if you have followed me long enough, this shouldn’t be a surprise lol!). Here in this first clip, you see how she has the proper accent, and her voice is soft, musical, and breathy. Her voice was one of the things that really inspired me to create Yume in the first place. This clip is from Memoirs of a Geisha.
2. This next clip gives you a better feel for when Yume is angry and her emotions are running high. You really get a feel for it starting at 0:22 seconds in. This clip is also from Memoirs of a Geisha.
3. This last clip shows how Yume’s voice changes while in battle and/or when she’s being aggressive and intimidating. I call it the “warrior voice”. 😊 This clip is from Rush Hour 2.
Tagged by: @whitherliliesbloom and @theadventuresofshuri Thank you both so much for the tag! 😊
Tagging: @the-herdier @windup-dragoon @ofthesilverlining @astralyehga @yuki-yukichan @nihil242 @seanie-zee @rifted-vitale @manabuns @iona-xiv @esme-selah @scholarlostintime @fair-fae or anyone who wants to do this!
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strandedhaze · 4 years
FULL NAME: zane dariel gomez. PREFERRED NAME: zane. NICKNAME(S): z, zee, zed and riel. DATE OF BIRTH: march 12th, 1999. GENDER: cis male. PREFERRED PRONOUNS: he/him/his. ORIENTATION: heterosexual. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single in main verse. RELIGION: christian. OCCUPATION: footballer, a midfielder for nycfc - on loan from man city. CURRENT RESIDENCE: new york city, new york ; he resides in a townhouse in upper east side.
HOMETOWN: london, england. NATIONALITY: english. ETHNIC BACKGROUND: trinidadian. LINGUISTICS: english is his native language, he knows the basics in a few more languages but he wouldn’t dare trying to talk them. EDUCATION: he graduated high-school. CRIMINAL RECORD: clean. BIRTH ORDER: third. FATHER: malik sean gomez was born on july 16th, 1975 in cheshire, england. he is a personal trainer who, currently, resides in london. MOTHER: tanya keisha gomez (née nelson) was born on august 23th, 1976 in port of spain, trinidad. she is a nutritionist and resides in london, england. SISTER(S): aisha marie gomez was born on may 17th, 1994 in london, england. she is finishing her phd in bioengineering ; leanna sophie gomez was born on july 28th, 2005 in london, england. BROTHER(S): jayson willian gomez was born on february 9th, 1995 in london, england. he is a p.e. teacher. OTHER RELEVANT FAMILY: none. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: zane is single. CHILDREN: none so far. FRIENDS: tbd. EXES: iman wilson, nevaeh evans and camille richards. PETS: none so far.
HEIGHT: 5′11″ ( 181 cm ). WEIGHT: his weight oscillates between 160 lbs ( 72.5 kg ) 165 lbs ( 75 kg ). BODY TYPE AND BUILD: despite being athletic, zane doesn’t have your typical muscular frame. in fact, at first glance, most would describe him as lean. he manages to maintain his weight at a pretty reasonable number, if you will, and through a strict diet and a lot of training, both in practice and gym work, he keeps an athletic build without being particular muscly or over the top. all in all, you can tell he’s an athlete and that he takes care of himself and his body. EYE COLOR: deep brown. EYESIGHT: he has perfect eyesight. HAIR COLOR: brown. HAIR STYLE: though his hairstyle is pretty much always the same, zane is ridiculously picky and lowkey paranoic about it. he has fresh trims every other week to keep his hair in the most immaculate way possible.  DOMINANT HAND: right. NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: if you asked him, there are big chances his response would be his impeccable hair and his smile. only the later applies. adding onto that, his overall build and his eyes or more so, the fact they can be rather expressive. SCARS AND MARKS: the most recent and more prominent is the one on his right leg, courtesy of his surgery back in december. otherwise, he has the mundane scars and marks that aren’t all that notable or distinct, and often are a result from training and the games. TATTOOS: he has a half-sleeve tattoo on his left arm. PIERCINGS: none. VOICECLAIM: jadon sancho. ACCENT AND INTENSITY: he’s a londoner through and through, not even a few months in new york have eased down the accent or taken away the slang. the intensity is the same as if he was home, it becomes all the more obvious when he’s angry or frustrated, also right in the mornings when he wakes up and his voice is still sleepy. ALLERGIES: lactose intolerant, wheat and bananas. PHOBIAS AND FEARS: drowning, it’s the only thing that scares him senseless. MENTAL ILLNESSES: none so far. PHYSICAL ILLNESSES: none so far. SCENT THEY WEAR: on an every day basis, he’ll probably do a little concoction of his favourite scents (like a mix of malin + goetz leather with malin + goetz petitgrain fragance oil) or he’ll choose something like versace atelier collection figue blanche or luna rossa black by prada. if we’re talking nights out, whether it’s special occasions or in dates he’ll actually put effort in, you’ll find him wearing something along the lines of amyris homme by maison francis kurkdjian, sellier by byredo, cairo by penhaligons and rose smoke by atelier cologne.  ALCOHOL USE: very rarely, and only during off-season. he prefers not to drink though. SMOKING: he doesn’t smoke. OTHER NARCOTICS USE: no. INDULGENT FOOD: no ; he has a strict diet with a lot of restrictions and he isn’t a fan of indulging in food. SPLURGE SPENDING: he’s responsible and knows his limits so you won’t finding him splashing cash if he knows he can’t do so. GAMBLING: no. ADDICTIONS AND VICES: training, it can get to a point where his trainers and coaches need to call him out so he doesn’t overtrain.
CAN THEY DRIVE? yes. CAN THEY COOK AND BAKE? yes and ish. CAN THEY CHANGE A FLAT TIRE? yes. CAN THEY TIE A TIE? ish. CAN THEY SWIM? yes. CAN THEY RIDE A BICYCLE? yes. CAN THEY JUMP START A CAR? yes. CAN THEY BRAID HAIR? no, he’s helpless. CAN THEY PICK A LOCK? yes. EXTROVERTED OR INTROVERTED? extroverted. DISORGANIZED OR ORGANIZED? organized. CLOSE OR OPEN MINDED? open minded. CALM OR ANXIOUS? calm. PATIENT OR IMPATIENT? patient. OUTSPOKEN OR RESERVED? outspoken all through and through. LEADER OR FOLLOWER? leader. OPTIMISTIC OR PESSIMISTIC? optimistic. TRADITIONAL OR MODERN? modern. HARD-WORKING OR LAZY? hard-working. CULTURED OR UNCULTURED? cultured. LOYAL OR DISLOYAL? loyal. FAITHFUL OR UNFAITHFUL? faithful. NIGHT OWL OR EARLY BIRD? early bird with a big night owl twist. he loves the night. HEAVY OR LIGHT SLEEPER? heavy sleeper. COFFEE OR TEA? neither, he has a restricted caffeine intake and he’s not a fan of tea. DAY OR NIGHT? night. TAKING BATHS OR SHOWERS? showers. COCA COLA OR PEPSI? neither, he doesn’t drink fizzy drinks. CATS OR DOGS? dogs. NETFLIX OR CINEMA? netflix. SHOWS OR MOVIES? movies. LAPTOP OR GAMING CONSOLE? gaming console. HEALTHY OR JUNK FOOD? healthy. ICE CREAM OR FROZEN YOGURT? neither. PIZZA OR HAMBURGER? neither. LOLLIPOPS OR GUMMY WORMS? neither, he doesn’t like sweets. BEACH OR POOL? beach in the summer, pool in the winter. SNOWBALLS FIGHTING OR ICESKATING? iceskating. LITERATURE OR SCIENCE? science. HISTORY OR ART? art. CHOCOLATE BARS OR COTTON CANDY? same as above, neither. XBOX OR PLAYSTATION? playstation. FACE-TO-FACE OR PHONE INTERACTIONS? face-to-face interactions. DRAMA OR SCI-FI? sci-fi. HORROR OR COMEDY? comedy.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: training and playing football. FAVORITE ANIMAL: lion. FAVORITE BOOK: he doesn’t have one so far. FAVORITE QUOTE: ❝ everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise. ❞ — kobe bryant. FAVORITE COLOR(S): grey. FAVORITE DESIGNER: none that stands out enough to be deemed his favorite. FAVORITE CUISINE: there isn’t an exact favourite because he likes to mix and match, as well as try different things as long as it fits in his diet. FAVORITE DISH(ES): give him buddha bowls and you’ll have a very happy guy. he loves a good caesar salad too and he really does love sushi. sushi might be his favourite thing. FAVORITE DRINK: boring as it might sound, limeade. FAVORITE FLOWER(S): chaconia. FAVORITE GEM: diamond. FAVORITE HOLIDAY: he enjoys christmas but he doesn’t favour any particular holiday. FAVORITE MOVIE: training day. FAVORITE MUSIC GENRE: hip hop and r&b. FAVORITE SONG(S): nonstop by drake. GO TO KARAOKE SONG: he’d probably end up choosing something by drake but he doesn’t have one since he doesn’t do karaoke all that much. FAVORITE SCENT(S): vanilla, bergamot, musk and chocolate. FAVORITE TELEVISION SHOW(S): he has a hard time keeping up with shows but he’s been enjoying shows like atlanta and insecure, he also likes watching a good special on netflix for the laughs. he’s started watching when they see us and he’s really enjoying it too. FAVORITE SPORTS: football and basketball. SPORTS TEAM THEY SUPPORT: he doesn’t disclose what football team he really does support and instead, simply says there are teams everyone can appreciate and learn from. as for basketball, he really likes the celtics, la lakers and the bulls. FAVORITE EMOJI: 🔥 — he just likes how it looks really. FAVORITE WEATHER: summer weather all through and through. not just summer but hot summer days with that tropical twist, he doesn’t mind the thunder and the rain. he loves that island weather quality. FAVORITE SEASON OF THE YEAR: summer. FAVORITE PLACE(S): his grandparents house in port of spain is close to maracas beach and since he was a kid, he’s always felt very much at home in that particular place. SUPERPOWER THEY WISH THEY HAD: healing. VACATION DESTINATION: he really likes koh samui and thailand in general as a holiday destination.
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marsnolias · 6 years
More about my elder god ocs:
- the gods have multiple forms, each connected to the other by a thin "tether" of flesh. The main body, which houses the brain and seat of consciousness, is massive (we're talking miles across).
- they feed off of background radiation
- because the main body consumes a lot of energy, the gods must sleep periodically. When asleep, the main body goes into a semi-dormant state and the mind is, for lack of a better term, dreaming. The other, auxiliary bodies continue to function, though they may often behave sluggishly.
- if they don't sleep, elder gods soon begin to lose touch with reality, and fall apart mentally.
- all the elder gods are shapeshifters. Every single cell in all of the bodies can be individually controlled, and told where, when, and how to grow. The cells of a god grow and divide much faster than any organism, but creating a new body from (essentially) scratch takes centuries. Ukrem (OO-krem) is the most adept at it.
- gods guide the evolution of earth creatures by copying a sample of their DNA, then pasting it into a clump of cells inside the main body. This clump is then carefully incubated and grown in a certain way to eventually resemble the animal the DNA was taken from, but with its own unique mutations and traits.
- after growth, said animal is released onto earth to spread its genes and facilitate evolution. Without this "seeding", it would take a long time for natural selection to arrive at the correct combination of traits for the gods' desired outcome.
- Ukrem is personally responsible for the evolution of horses, deer, and a couple other hoofed animals.
- gods exist in the fourth dimension, parallel to ours. They can project some of their auxiliary bodies in the third dimension, but not for very long, as their fourth-dimensional bodies are unstable in the third.
- Erbizm (ur-BEE-zum) is very adept at telepathic communication with humans, and speaks to them in dreams all the time.
- Rillu (rih-LOO) doesn't like how humans have come along, and has its own ideas about how the world should be. Its goal is to destroy humanity by rebuilding and reawakening L'lefugi (leh-LEH-foo-gee), a former elder god that lost touch with reality and became an all-consuming vortex.
- Ukrem and Erbizm despise Rillu's destructive ways, and partner with humans to help stop it.
- Ziqelef (zee-kel-eff) is another elder god that enjoying pulling pranks on her fellow gods (and on mortals)
- gods and mortals can communicate in igeyqel (ih-gee-kell), a cosmic language {which is heavily encoded English}.
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newsminatii · 3 years
Kumkum Bhagya, 3rd August 2021, Written Update: Upcoming Twists in Kumkum Bhagya
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Kumkum Bhagya Written Updates
Kumkum Bhagya is essentially the most famous tv series watched and adopted by most individuals in India. Kumkum Bhagya is a notable collection aired on Zee Tv Community. The prolific collection was dubbed and launched into a number of regional languages in India. Thus the serial confronted immense attain. The Sequence was even dubbed within the English Language, and it was telecasted on Zee World Tv, entitled Twist Of Destiny. The extended tv collection has been streaming since 2014, and until now, the collection strikes on with plenty of twists and turns within the plot. The main points in regards to the prolific collection are depicted within the desk given beneath.   Specs Details Title Kumkum Bhagya Launch Date April 15, 2014 Produced By Ekta Kapoor's Balaji Telefilms Style Romance, Drama Written By Anil Nagpal (Story) Forged (Leading Role) Sriti Jha, Shabbir Ahluwalia, Shikha Singh, Mugdha Chaphekar, Naina Singh and Krishna Kaul Aired On Zee Tv Network  Timing 9.00 pm to 09.30 pm (Monday to Saturday) Thus now we have seen the unique and the important particulars in regards to the well-known Indian Tv Sequence Kumkum Bhagya. The Kumkum Bhagya Written Updates offers with the spoiler of immediately's episode. We are going to give you an unique replace in regards to the Upcoming Twist In Kumkum Bhagya in Immediately's Episode. Scroll all the way down to get the Kumkum Bhagya third August 2021 Written Replace.
Kumkum Bhagya 3rd August 2021 Promo
Earlier than trying into the Kumkum Bhagya third August 2021  Written Replace, allow us to view the promo of immediately's episode. The motion sequence within the promo video will assist you to to get a transparent image of the episode for immediately. Watch the Kumkum Bhagya third August 2021 Promo right here and put an finish to your assumptions and nervousness concerning the Kumkum Bhagya Episode Immediately. Promo Will Be Included Shortly Kumkum Bhagya yesterday episode's preview will assist you to get the finished updates in regards to the Upcoming Twist in Kumkum Bhagya. Proceed additional studying to know Kumkum Bhagya third August 2021 Written Replace.
Kumkum Bhagya 3rd August 2021 Written Update
Kumkum Bhagya third August 2021 Written Replace will likely be up to date right here in a short time. Keep tuned with us to get thrilling updates about immediately's episode of Kumkum Bhagya. Are you excited to know the Upcoming Twist In Kumkum Bhagya? Keep related with us to get frequent and correct Kumkum Bhagya third August 2021 Written Replace. Comply with us persistently to get extra updates in regards to the Upcoming Episodes and the twists of Kumkum Bhagya. Read the full article
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yessadirichards · 4 years
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Streaming titans seek passage to India for new growth SINGAPORE: Netflix and Amazon are battling a dizzying array of homegrown outfits, from Bollywood producers to broadcasters, for dominance of India's streaming market, a key target as growth in Western countries slows. As more Indians shift to viewing movies and shows online, industry revenues from streaming in the country are set to jump from $500 million in 2018 to as much as $5 billion in 2023, according to Boston Consulting Group. With many Western markets saturated and Asia's top economy China effectively closed off to foreign streamers, a nation of 1.3 billion where phone ownership is forecast to rocket makes for a tantalising prize. "India is super important, for both Netflix and Amazon," Tony Gunnarsson, a streaming analyst from consultancy Ovum, told AFP at the recent Asia TV Forum in Singapore. "Netflix... need to continue to generate new subscribers, and there is no better place than India." But the US giants face tough competition in the vast, ethnically and religiously diverse country where the streaming scene is rapidly evolving. There are dozens of subscription streaming services in India, according to Ovum, and some domestic outfits have more experience in producing content tailored for local audiences and in the country's myriad languages. A major player is Hotstar -- originally a homegrown outfit which later became part of the Disney empire -- which has attracted an army of followers in part by streaming Indian Premier League cricket matches live. Other Indian rivals include ZEE5, run by major broadcaster Zee Entertainment, and ALTBalaji, the video-streaming service of Bollywood producers Balaji Telefilms. As well as offering their services direct to consumers, streamers are bundling their content with mobile phone services in a bid to broaden their reach. - 'Golden age' -Netflix, the world's biggest subscription streaming service, has made expanding in India a priority and aims to attract 100 million subscribers in the country -- an ambitious goal given analysts estimate it will only reach about seven million this year. The company made a mark with its first Indian original "Sacred Games", a hugely popular series about a troubled police officer starring top Bollywood actors, and has a slate of new productions in the works. They plan to invest 30 billion rupees ($420 million) in Indian content in 2019 and 2020. "This is India's golden age of entertainment," Srishti Arya, Netflix India's director of international original film, told AFP. "There are so many opportunities in streaming, creators are not restricted by length, duration." Fellow US titan Amazon also has a strong foothold in India with its Prime Video service and, like Netflix, typically appeals to wealthier urbanites who want to see Western as well as Indian content. It is planning to release around one Indian original production a month over the coming year, and is ramping up its production of shows in regional Indian languages. Netflix has been lagging behind Amazon in terms of subscriber numbers but looks set to move ahead from 2021, according to Ovum. Nevertheless both will likely struggle to catch up to Hotstar, which reached 300 million active monthly users last year, although the Indian streamer works on a different model, offering some content for free and other shows only to subscribers. To compete in a crowded market, the US titans are offering their services for less than in the West -- Netflix introduced a package for India priced at only 199 rupees ($2.80) a month, which allows consumers to watch only on a phone or tablet, and Amazon Prime is 999 rupees ($14) for a year. And the scene is about to get even more competitive with the launch of the Disney+ streaming service in India next month via Hotstar. - Entertainment shake-up -The streaming boom has also shaken up India's massive entertainment industry, generating new business opportunities. Reliance Entertainment -- which produced "Sacred Games" for Netflix -- has 40 to 45 series in development for streaming platforms, including Hotstar, Amazon, and Hong Kong-based Viu, said Group CEO Shibasish Sarkar. Two years ago their business was about 90 percent making films but work for streamers "is the fastest-growing space right now", he told AFP. The industry hopes that some of the new high-quality shows can find audiences overseas beyond the Indian diaspora -- two thirds of the viewers for "Sacred Games" season one, which is in Hindi, were outside India. Another Indian show to find unexpected success overseas was "Mighty Little Bheem", a Netflix original cartoon about a baby's adventures in his village. "Indian story tellers are now going global," said Sarkar. Hopes for overseas success for foreign language productions have been boosted by South Korean black comedy "Parasite", which won a haul of Oscars this month and became the first non-English language film to scoop the gong for best picture. Some observers are optimistic that streamers in India have much space for growth, but in the long term they believe only the fittest will survive. "Markets are already at a point where there are more than enough services," said Ovum's Gunnarsson.
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zaneneptune · 7 years
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❛ and I told you to be PATIENT, and I told you to be FINE, and I told you to be BALANCED,  and I told you to be KIND. ❜
FULL NAME: zane oliver neptune NICKNAMES: z, zee, zaney AGE: twenty four BIRTHDAY: april third HOMETOWN: seagrove, fl NATIONALITY: american ETHNICITY: caucasian (english)/native american (penobscot) GENDER: male PRONOUNS: he/him SEXUALITY: homosexual RELIGION: non practicing, keeps with some traditions for bigger holidays (thanksgiving, christmas, etc) LANGUAGES: english OCCUPATION: chef at joey’s pizza diner LIVING SITUATION: a crappy one bedroom apartment that he can’t quite afford, his truck VOICE & ACCENT: no accent, a bit raspy, a bit sleepy sounding like he just woke up (x)
FACE-CLAIM: cody christian HAIR COLOUR: brown EYE COLOUR: blue COMPLEXION: fair HEIGHT: 5/8 WEIGHT & BUILD: watch and enjoy TATTOOS: none PIERCINGS: none MAKEUP: none MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURES: smile
POSITIVE TRAITS: adaptable, charismatic. well mannered NEUTRAL TRAITS: amiable, frugal, self reliant NEGATIVE TRAITS: contemplative, headstrong, self critical HOGWARTS HOUSE: hufflepuff ENNEAGRAM: type 2 MBTI: istp MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral good ZODIAC SIGN: aries
MOTHER: naomi pearl neptune (estranged) FATHER: andrew roy neptune (estranged) SIBLINGS: ezra james neptune, alexander ‘xander’ daniel neptune, ezekiel ‘ zeke’ robert neptune (estranged x3) CHILDREN: n/a PETS: n/a unless you count cas’ cats OTHER SIGNIFICANT FAMILY MEMBERS: percy hathaway (cousin)
health & medical:
ALLERGIES: n/a SMOKES?: only weed occasionally  DRINKS?: socially DRUGS?: only weed occasionally  CHRONIC ILLNESSES: n/a MENTAL ILLNESSES: n/a EATING HABITS: mostly leftovers from joey’s, but likes/can cook for himself EXERCISE HABITS: enjoys working out  at the gym and going for runs
THEIR SONG: skinny love by bon iver THEIR AESTHETIC:  black coffee, road trips, sunsets, 80s movies, the smell of old books. neck kisses, and perpetually messy hair HOW LONG THEY’VE BEEN IN SEAGROVE: his whole life FAVOURITE PLACE TO BE OTHER THAN SEAGROVE: zane hasn’t really been too far out of seagrove because money is tight, though he’d like to travel someday FAVOURITE PLACE(S) TO BE IN SEAGROVE: joey’s, the balcony, cas’ place FAVOURITE THING ABOUT SEAGROVE: his friends, how close everyone can be, the beach LEAST FAVOURITE THING ABOUT SEAGROVE: town gossip, the heat
FIVE THINGS THEY’D TAKE TO A DESERTED ISLAND: food, water, some form of communication (cell phone, radio, etc), supplies to build shelter, a blanket TALENTS/SKILLS THAT MOST WOULDN’T EXPECT FROM THEM: he took piano lessons when he was younger and can still paly a bit FAVOURITE TV SHOW: friends FAVOURITE MOVIE(S): e.t., the princess bride, back to the future franchise, p much any 80s movie MUSIC TASTE: zane’ll listen to pretty much anything, tbh. pop, rock, folk, indie, etc. 
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zenobiaofbyzantium · 5 years
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What a week! 
Hi there guys! 
It was a hell of a week since last Thursday. Currently, I’m dead tired and laying on the couch. I decided to post while I’m resting. 
Last week, on March 9, I went to an amazing concert and had the time of my life. Alexandrov Ensemble Red Army Choir of Russia had been in Istanbul for a couple days and they performed for four times in three days. The first one was on Saturday and I watched it. The second and third ones were on Sunday. The last one was on Monday. I learnt that at first only a concert was planned but the tickets were sold so fast that they thought why not more. 
It was such a great performance, that I can tell you. Not only the songs they sang, the dances, the instrumentalists; the whole thing was marvellous. They sang in Russian and in Turkish, both of which were awesome. I don’t know how to describe. 
I have an obsession with photography so much that the people who know me call me “the photographer” even I don’t do it professionally. Throughout the entire performance, I didn’t touch my camera. I took one photo at the beginning and one at the end. 
Although, I would have loved one more song. In one of the albums, the choir recorded Bella Ciao. I would love to hear it from them live. But other than that, I would have changed nothing. I enjoyed every minute of it. 
On Sunday, I rested a little and then studied a bit for History of the Great Seljuk Empire. I enjoy most of the history courses but I am not very fond of the era between the 7-15th centuries. I am more interested in modern eras, at least post the 17th century. 
On Monday, I took my mom to the hospital. It wasn’t something important, just basic check-up but took the entire day, so I could only read a little of Zürcher’s book, History of Modern Turkey. I couldn’t take any notes though.
You may know from my previous posts, I am getting ready to apply a couple of universities for getting a master’s degree. In order to do that, in the universities I want to apply, you need to take a few multiple choice tests. They are on a national basis. Most of the universities require them and to go further in higher education, like to get a PhD, you must take them. It’s like the SAT and the like. One is ALES -Academic Post Graduate Education Exam, it is for evaluating basic skills like maths Turkish language and logic. The other one is YDS -Foreign Language Exam, it is like TOEFL or IELTS, but without speaking and writing; just multiple choice questions in English, German, French and I guess Arabic languages, you can choose whichever you want your proficiency to be proven. I took ALES a few months ago, I got enough to qualify but I want a higher score so I’m going to try it one more time. YDS is highly similar to the one I took before starting my license degree in Translation and Interpreting, so I’m not worried about that. Nothing goes wrong, I’ll probably get a degree over 90/100. 
On Tuesday, I took a trial test for YDS, the result was really good, better than I expected considering I was having a monstrous headache, 96/100. I went out to get the books I ordered online but the lovely courier couldn’t find me at home on Monday while I was out with my mom. Upon returning home I took some more pills and went to sleep. Without even checking them out. My poor babies. I had to sign my name and date a day after I bought them, I generally do it on the day I buy the books. 
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On Wednesday I was still dealing with the aftermath of the headache. It rained for the entire day so I had aches in my different joints, so, it was a very unproductive day. I don’t know, it could be a symptom of Lupus or could be the result of stress but I am having a lot of aches for the last months. It’s hard to keep up the good mood sometimes. 
So today, I wanted to go and study outside. I walked for over 12000 steps and about 9 kilometres, it actually helped a great deal and relaxed me. I took some pictures along the way, less than I usually do because I was walking a book, notebooks and MacBook on my back. 
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I studied on a Starbucks, there weren’t many people. I listened to some music and dove into the 18th century. Felt good. When I got bored I looked outside and watch people walk on one of the busiest streets in Europe. Then I had to drag my attention back to the Ottoman Empire.
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Then I met a friend for an early dinner. We chatted, drank, ate and laughed together. It was awesome and also very relaxing. So, there’s my week. I don’t know how fast it has gone. Tomorrow I’ll go outside for a few bits and pieces I need from the drug store. I am planning to wake up early but who knows… 
I hope you guys are having a good one! 
Peace and love to all…
Zee, out! 🖖 
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hello is me with bad englis again (laugh) I cannot sleeping so I am see xie as gender but how is pronounce? x is making x ((ekusu)) sound yes? so is ekusu-i-ay or no? I do not want to say wrong!
Ember here! 
I love seeing you come back, haha. That would be something called a neo-pronoun, I don’t know much about it, but here is the link to a wikipedia page for it. There’s a chart down in past the english translation that you can look at, hopefully the page translates to your native language.
How the word itself would be pronounced, I would assume, is this:
Xie: “X” in English language normally makes a “Z” sound. “ie” normally makes a “eee” sound. So it would be more of a “Zee” sound!
For example:
“Xie(Zee) is a good person. I like Xem (Zem).” 
I really hope this helps!!!! 
Best of luck!
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margdarsanme · 4 years
NCERT Class 12 Sociology Chapter 7 Mass Media and Communications
NCERT Class 12 Sociology: Social Change and Development in India 
Chapter 7 Mass Media and Communications 
NCERT TEXTBOOK QUESTIONS SOLVED : Q. 1.Trace out the changes that have been occurring in the newspaper industry? What is your opinion on these changes? Ans.: It is often believed that with the growth of the Television and the internet the print media would be sidelined. However, in India we have seen the circulation of newspapers grow. New technologies have helped boost the production and circulation of newspapers. A large number of glossy magazines have also made their entry into the market. The reasons for the growth in Indian newspapers are many.
1.There is a rise in the number of literate people who are migrating to cities. The Hindi daily ‘Hindustan’ in 2003 printed 64,000 copies of their Delhi’s edition, which jumped drastically in 2005, to 425,000. The reason was that of Delhi’s population of one crore and fprty seven lakh, 52% had come from the Hindi belt of the two states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Of this, 47% have come from a rural background and 60% of them were less than 40 years of age.
2. The need of the readers in the small towns and villages are different from that of the cities and the Indian language newspapers cater to those needs. Dominant Indian language newspapers such as Malayala Manorama and the Eenadu launched the concept of local news in a significant manner by introducing district and whenever necessary, block editions. Dina Thanthi-, another leading Tamil newspaper, had always used simplified and colloquial language.
3.The Indian language newspapers have adopted advanced printing technologies and also attempted supplements, pull outs, and literary and nice booklets.
4.Marketing strategies have also marked the Dainik Bhaskar group’s growth as they carry out consumer contact programmes, door- to-door surveys, and research. Thus, modem mass media has to have a formal structural organisaiton.
While English newspapers, often called National Dailies’, circulate across regions, vernacular newspapers have vastly increased their circulation in the states and the mral interland. In order to compete with the electronic media, newspapers, especially English language newspapers have on the one hand reduced prices and on the other hand brought out editions from multiple centres.
Change in the role of newspaper production-role of technology.
Many feared that the rise in electronic media would lead to a decline in the circulation of print media. This has not happened. Indeed it has expanded. This process has often involved cuts in prices and increasing dependence on the sponsors of advertisements who in turn have a larger say in the content of newspapers.
Newspapers have become a consumer product and as long as numbers are big, everything is up for sale.
Q. 2. Is radio as a medium of mass communication dying out? Discuss the potential that FM stations have in post-liberalisation India? Ans. : 
1. With the advent of TV, internet and other audio visual forms of entertainment, people started believing that radio will bean outdated form of mass communication but this thinking proved wrong.
2. In 2000, AIR’s programmes could be heard in two-third of Indian household in 24 languages and 146 dialects, over some 120 million radio sets. The advent of privately owned FM radio stations in 2002 provided a boost to entertainment over radio. 
3. In order to attract audiences, these privately run radio stations sought to provide entertainment to its listeners.
4. As privately rim FM channels are not permitted to broadcast any political news bulletins, many of these channels specialize in ‘particular kinds’ of popular music to retain their audiences. One such FM channel claims that it broadcasts ‘All hits all day’.
5. Most FM channels which are popular among young urban professional and students often belong to media conglomerates. Like ‘Radio Mirchi’ belongs to the Times of India group, Red FM is owned by Living Media and Radio City by the Star Network. But independent radio stations engaged in public broadcasting like National Public Radio (USA) or BBC (UK) are missing from our broadcasting landscape.
6. The use of radio m movies—In the two films ‘Rang de Basanti’ and ‘Lage Raho Munna Bhai’ the radio is used as an active medium of communication although both the movies are set in the contemporary period. In ‘Rang de Basanti’ die conscientious, angry college youth, inspired by the Legend of Bhagat Singh assassinates a minister and then captures All India Radio to reach out to die people and disseminate their message.
7. The potential for using FM channels is enormous. Further privatization of radio stations and the emergence of community owned radio stations would lead to the growth of radio stations. The demand for local news is growing. The number of homes listening to FM in India has also reinforced the worldwide trend of networks getting replaced by local radio. Q. 3. Trace the changes that have been happening in the medium of television. Discuss. Ans. :
TV programming was introduced experimentally in India to promote rural development as early as 1959. Later, the Satellite Instructional Television
Experiment (SITE) broadcasted directly to community viewers in the rural areas of 6 states between August 1975 and July 1976.
These instructional broadcasts were broadcasted to 2400 TV sets directiy for 4 hours daily.
In 1991, there was one state controlled TV channel Doordarshan in India. By 1998, there were almost 70 channels. Privately run satellite channels have multiplied rapidly since mid-1990s, while Doordarshan broadcasts over 20 channels there were some 40 private television networks broadcasting in 2000. The staggering growth of private satellite television has been one of the defining developments of contemporary India.
The Gulf War of 1991 (which popularized CNN), and the launching of star-TV in the same year by the Whampoa Hutchinson Group signalled the arrival of satellite channels in India. In 1992, Zee TV, a Hindi based satellite entertainment channel, also began beaming programs to cable TV viewers in India. By 2000, 40 private cable and satellite channels were available including several that focused exclusively on regional-language broadcasting like Sun-TV, Udaya-TV, Raj-TV, and Asianet.
While Doordarshan was expanding rapidly in the 1980s, the cable television industry was mushrooming in major Indian cities. The VCR greatly multiplied entertainmentoptions for Indian audiences, providing alternatives to Doordarshan’s single channel programming. Video viewing at home and in community-based parlours increased rapidly. The video fare consisted mostly of film-based entertainment, both domestic begun wiring apartment buildings to transmit several films a day. The number of cable operators also increased significantly.
The coming in of transnational television companies like Star TV, MTV, Channel V, Sony and others, worried some people on the likely impact on Indian youth and on the Indian cultural identity. But most transnational television channels have through research realized that the use of the familiar is more effective in procuring the diverse groups that constitute Indian audience. The early strategy of Sony .International was to broadcast 10 Hindi films a week, gradually decreasing the number as the station produced its own Hindi language content. The majority of foreign networks have now introduced either a segment of Hindi language programming (MTV India) or an entire new Hindi language channel (Star Plus). Star Sports and ESPN have dual commentary or an audio soundtrack in Hindi. The larger players have launched specific regional channels in languages such as Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi and Gujarati.
Localisation of STAR TV- in October 1996, STAR Plus initially an all English general entertainment channel originating from Hong Kong, began producing a Hindi language belt of programming between 7 and 9 PM. By February 1999, the channel was converted to a solely Hindi channel and all English serials shifted to STAR World, the network’s English language international channel. Advertising to promote the Hindi channel included the Hindi slogan: ‘Aapki Boli, Aapka Plus Point).
Both STAR and Sony continued to dub US programming for younger audience as children appeared to be able to adjust to the peculiarities that arise when the language is one and the setting another.
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