#but enjoy!! again so so soooo sorry for taking forever
mybiasisexo · 1 year
Entangled - Part 7 Snippet
I feel soooo bad for the delayed update 😭. I want the next chapter out as much as y’all do, but this chapter is hard bro 😭. I’ve literally rewritten it like 6 times and even still I’m not satisfied with it 😪. So, here is a little treat!! Will this be in the final cut?? Shoot, idk tbh 🤷🏾‍♀️. But alas, for your patience ✊🏾😔. Appreciate y’all real bad!!! 💕💕💕
“Are you just going to stand there?” He asks. It takes you out of your hyperfocused stare and you blink up at him, catching the way he grins. He must know what he’s doing.
You clear your throat and start taking off your heels before walking over to him. He remains standing stalk still, his breaths controlled as you slowly prowl over to him.
You watch the way his irises blow out, darkening in a way you haven’t seen in years, but know all too well. When you’re about a foot away, you abruptly turn and sit on the edge of his bed.
He takes a deep grounding breath, running a hand over his face as he lets out a tortured groan before falling onto the chair holding his jacket.
A silence falls over you, but it’s not awkward like it had been in the elevator. If anything, it’s heavy with the weight of your attraction you both have for each other. That attraction is somber though, with the pain you both carry as well. With him so near after so long, the pain in your chest feels ten times heavier. You aren’t sure if you’re going to burst into tears, or maul him–you’re sure either option would lead you to regret. So instead, you stare at your lap, where your hands knot almost painfully into each other. He’s not making matters worse. If anything, you’re getting more self conscious with the way you can feel his heavy gaze. You find it a bit exasperating.
“Can you stop that?”
“Stop what?” He asks in confusion. The way his voice has deepened doesn’t pass you.
“Staring,” you clarify, lifting your gaze up to him. Once your eyes lock, he turns away shyly.
“I can’t help it,” he reveals quietly. “I just… can’t believe you’re really here. That….” He pulls gently on his earlobe, face turning pink. “That you’re in my hotel room. I feel like I’ll blink and you’ll be gone.”
He sounds so sweet, so sincere, so…heartbroken. That constant push and pull you’ve been feeling towards him this past few days hit you simultaneously. Part of you wants to dismiss him and try to deflect, but another part–that’s a lot bigger than you’d be honest about–wants to fall into his arms. You’re reminded again of last night, of how close you were to giving into him completely. If it hadn’t been for Yerim….
No, no. You can’t go there right now, not with you alone with him in such small quarters.
Time to change the subject.
“Why did you invite me here?” You ask.
“I wanted to apologize,” he reveals.
“For what?”
“There’s a lot to apologize for, I’m sure,” he begins, sinking more into his chair and leaning his head back so that he can stare up at the ceiling. “But I think the biggest thing right now is for last night.”
“You remember?” You ask skeptically. He was really drunk and, well, a lot happened in a short amount of time. A lot that you both need to unpack to be able to do…whatever it is you’re trying to do. You aren’t really sure. Closure, definitely. But what after that? You guess you’d just cross that bridge when you got to it.
“Trust me, the boys refused to let me forget,” he grumbles. That brings out your first grin since the wedding. They really are Team You, and are incredibly insufferable with it. You can only imagine the things Sehun said to him. Damn, maybe you should apologize as well.
“I don’t remember everything,” he says. “But they let me know how I made a complete fool of myself. That I…that I kissed you?”
The tips of his yoda ears turn an endearing shade of red, letting you know that he does indeed feel embarrassed over what the others told him he did. You wonder if he knows what he said to you. How he was practically begging you to take him back.
“You did,” you confirm.
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astraariel · 9 months
eternal snow
pairing: sanji x fem!reader
summary: your love for sanji was unconditional, unfortunately, he didn’t feel the same seeing as there were petals coming out of your mouth.
word count: 3.6K
warnings: spoilers (?) just the name of a character from the whole cake island arc, it’s a modern!au so I don't mention anything about the actual arc!
tags: loosely based on “eternal snow” from fullmoon wo sagashite; angst; hanahaki disease; implied cheating; modern!au; hurt no comfort; lovesick; requited unrequited love
author's note: I think along with everyone opla is taking over my life so it encouraged me to finish this fic I started months ago lol. once again I like angst and this is soooo ooc of sanji he would never cheat I love him so much I’m sorry. on another note, I really like AmaLee’s cover of this song so you can give it a listen if you want to feel the vibe. 
also, ignore the fact that Pudding is sixteen, she’s older than that in this. I couldn’t really think of anyone else to have/didn't want to think of a different character. just know, she’s of age. other than that, ignore grammar mistakes and enjoy♡
──★ ˙ ̟read pt2 here!
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You weren’t entirely sure how you had gotten to this point. You were certain that you two would be together forever. How you had unknowingly lost the one you love so dearly, you would never know.
Sanji was a flirt and you loved it, he could simply say that you looked beautiful today and you’d melt. Hell, that’s how you too met, Nami had introduced you two and Sanji wooed his way into your heart. You knew that he had you in the palm of his hand, but you weren’t sure you could say the same for him.
Sanji was an attentive lover. When he loved, he showered you with his attention. You could always tell that his presence was there whenever you spoke. He’d care and cater to every request you asked of him, not allowing you to lift a single finger. It’s who he was.
You were blinded by your love for Sanji that you never noticed him slipping away from your grasp.
The two of you were currently sitting together on your living room couch. Sanji mentioned there was a new show he wanted to watch, so here the two of you were. Your attention was focused on the TV in front of you while his was on his phone.
You glance at him, “Who’s that?” 
He hadn’t looked away from it for more than 30 seconds throughout the last episode. You watch him out of the corner of your eye as he looks at you. 
“Oh, it's the new dessert chef at the restaurant,” he shuts his phone off, “I've been assigned to help her around and show her the ropes,” he smiles, “It’s nothing, you want popcorn?” 
You turn to him, “Of course I do.” He gets up to walk to your kitchen, “Hey, I love you.”
He walks up behind you and bends down, kissing your head, “And I love you more.” He stands up and you hear him rummaging through the pantry for a popcorn packet. 
You cough slightly, “Could you grab me some water, Sanji?” He shouts back a response but you don’t make it out because you’re too busy pulling a petal out of your mouth.
After that lone petal had made its introduction, it planted itself as a constant. Every so often for the following weeks, you’d feel something weird in your mouth, only to pull out a single flower petal.
You weren’t sure what was going on, but you couldn’t bring yourself to think too much about it. On top of the weird cough you were having, Sanji was also acting off. 
It was small at first, just tiny, little white lies that he’d tell you. 
Like when he’d say he was tired, that he was going to bed, but you could hear him on his phone laughing at something from the room. Or when he claimed that his phone had died and that’s why he hadn’t texted you back even though you were hanging with Nami at the time and he had replied to a video she had sent him a minute after you texted him. 
That was just the first few weeks.
You weren’t sure when the white lies became real lies but it had only spiraled more. You had found that he wasn’t even bothering with lying anymore, simply stating that he was too busy to come over or that he didn’t even want to hang out with you that day.
Sanji would claim to be too tired and not bother to see you for an entire week, but then he’d call you complaining that he missed you and question why the two of you hadn’t gone on a date recently and then insist that he was going to cook dinner for the two of you. Those times were always the best. It made you feel like nothing was wrong. 
It was pure whiplash. 
You were never sure which Sanji you were gonna get that day. Maybe it’d be the Sanji that you loved or this new person who had taken over and wouldn’t even text you back for days on end. 
Recently, he was your loving, doting boyfriend. Which caused you to completely forget about the flower petals you were currently collecting from your mouth when you were being distracted by Sanji’s full attention. 
You were lying on Sanji’s chest recounting your day to him when suddenly the sound of his phone pinging cut you off. 
A quiet chuckle made you peek up at Sanji, his eyes were looking at his phone intently, whatever was on his screen, clearly captivated him more than what was coming out of your mouth.
You sit up, his blatant disinterest in your day annoying you. 
“Did I do something wrong?” Your voice cuts through the room.
He looked up at your now sitting form, it looked like he was just acknowledging your presence.
He lets out a noise of confusion, “What?”
“Are you angry at me? Did I say or do something that pissed you off? Because, please, just tell me, I can't take it anymore.” you pleaded.
You notice Sanji’s body tensing, his brow scrunching in even more confusion. He laughs awkwardly, “Baby, what are you talking about? I’m not angry.” he looks away, “I love you, you know that right?”
And suddenly, you weren’t angry anymore. 
You smiled, “I love you too.”
He glances at his phone again.
But you don’t care, because he loves you. 
Satisfied with his response, you settle back down but are interrupted when you begin to cough. Quickly, you stand up to fetch your handkerchief from your pocket, wiping your mouth swiftly. 
You look back at Sanji, “I’m gonna-” but before you can finish, you feel the familiar flowers clawing their way up your throat. You walk out of the room coughing. 
Sanji doesn’t look up from his phone.
He was late.
You were exhausted. The constant lies that you fooled yourself into believing for the sake of your heart were beginning to wear on you. 
The old hoodie you were wearing enveloped you in an attempt to provide yourself some level of comfort that no one could really give you anymore. 
It’s late, around midnight, last you checked. The spaghetti dinner left on the table you had cooked had long gone cold. The Baratie had closed hours ago and Sanji still wasn’t home. 
You sit in complete darkness, the TV is currently rattling off an old rerun of some show you didn’t watch. You’re too tired to get up and find the remote to change the channel so you settle on watching the old comedic sitcom. You’re holding your trusty handkerchief that’s become your best friend in the past months; ready to close around your mouth in an attempt to catch the petals of flowers that’d come up your throat every so often. 
Your eyes glaze over the screen when you hear the door creak open. Footsteps were heard as a soft clatter sounded throughout the room from Sanji setting his keys down on the counter. 
You sit up slowly, in an effort to prohibit any intense coughing. 
Your eyes meet Sanji’s surprised ones, “You’re still awake? It’s late, you should go to bed.” he looks away. 
“You missed dinner.” You look over at Sanji’s form, he’s stiff, you note.
“I stayed late to help close, sorry we can reschedule.” He brushes you off swiftly.
“Was she there?” The argument had already begun, why not fuel it some more?
Sanji whips his head at you, an incredulous look gracing his features. “Who are you talking about?” Acting dumb was never a good look on him. 
Your tired eyes stare at him, “I know you’re spending time with her.” The venom in your tone was palpable.
You were over the lies. You were over the constant tiptoeing between each other, you’re honestly surprised he still even decided to come over. It would have been better for him to stay at his place and just call you in the morning to tell his lie. 
He has balls, you’ll give him that.
“Do you even love me anymore?”  
The silence that surrounded the room was upsetting. Of course, he didn’t, who were you fooling? You had all the proof you needed in all of the trashcans around your house, discarded tissues soaked in blood, and petals filled the bins.
Sanji scoffs, “I don’t know what you want from me.” He doesn't answer the question, “Why are you asking if I love you, you're being needy.” He stares at you before continuing, “If you don’t trust me,” he looks away, “Then maybe we should break up.” With a tone of finality, he turns around and walks toward the door, the sound of it shutting echoing throughout the house.
You’re left alone in the silence, the ticking of the clock on the wall muffling your coughs that were accompanied by flowers and blood. 
With the new development of the blooms coming out of your throat, you felt defeated. You’re not sure what you did in a past life to deserve this. You didn’t wish this on anyone, it was a lonely and awful feeling, physically and emotionally. 
You’ve gotten used to your condition. It had been a month since you’d seen Sanji after he had broken things off and in that month, you would constantly find yourself leaning over the toilet bowl, hacking up blood and flower blooms. 
You finally had the courage to look up what you assumed was hanahaki disease. It was a rare condition, but you were certain that was what was causing you pain. The only cure was to have surgery that resulted in the patient forgetting about whomever they had loved. That you’d act as if nothing had happened, that you’d live in ignorance bliss afterward. 
Sacrificing your heart for your life. 
After that month, you had decided to go to a coffee shop forcing yourself to get out of the house and do something. 
So you went to Sanji’s favorite coffee shop. 
Why you had put yourself through that? You weren't sure.
You remember wrapping your hand around the door handle, ready to walk in when a wisp of light auburn hair had caught your attention inside the cafe. 
There she was. Pudding. The girl who had replaced you. The one who had captivated Sanji’s attention in a way you could only dream of.
Sanji stood beside her, you were certain he couldn't see you from inside, his attention was fully on Pudding’s face, absorbing whatever story she had been telling him. 
He had never looked at you like that.
Did he ever love you? Were you that stupid to even see the truth? Had it been there all along and you were simply too blind to notice?
An “excuse me” had brought you back to reality and had you rushing back to your apartment in hopes of not bumping into Sanji or Pudding. You weren't sure your heart could take it if you were forced to talk to them.
After that defeat you noticed that you were no longer hacking up petals, but fully blossomed flowers, you couldn’t walk for a long distance without wheezing, the flowers constricting your airways preventing you from wanting to do anything. You knew you were nearing the final stage, soon roots were going to begin to show up, but you couldn’t bring yourself to go to a doctor. You had read that the longer you kept this from being treated, you’d enter the point of no return. 
So, you simply waited.
Your mind was reeling. You never wanted to stop loving Sanji. You didn’t care about the pain that it brought you. 
You don’t care that you still long to have Sanji tell you that he loves you. To tell you and for you not to immediately have to turn away and cough up blood and flowers. 
You missed him. You yearned for him.
After Nami had found out why you and Sanji broke up, she went on a rant about how she was going to kill him, on how he could have done this to you. You weren't sure if you had ever seen her get so angry before. 
But even after that, you confessed that you still loved him. 
She proceeded to call you insane, but she simply didn’t understand. She didn’t know about how his eyes would sparkle when he would go on about a new recipe that he developed and how he was certain that it was going to be the new hit at the Baratie. She didn’t know how bashful he got when you complimented him on his food. How he’d kiss you like how it was the first time you were kissing each other.
You loved him. And you would forever love him.
But he haunted your life. Leaving you lying at night, not even allowing you to find comfort in your dreams since he haunted those too. When you’d close your eyes you could only mourn for the love that once was. To mourn for him even though he was alive and well, but could you say the same for yourself?
You had long accepted that you were going to die. If anything, you willed it. Never did you want to forget your love for Sanji. The idea that you would never be able to recall how he made your heart pound every time he’d look at you, would be a nightmare.
But you were tired. 
In the months after the cafe incident you would go through phases where the pain would turn to anger, cursing Sanji, wishing you two had never met, wishing that Nami had never introduced you too. 
But the anger would never stay directed towards Sanji. It would always circle back to you. And anger would turn to pity and pity would turn to sadness. 
You wanted to cry and scream at the sky, to yell at the world, to question why love felt this way. Why couldn't he just love you back, why were you being punished for simply loving him unconditionally?
You suffocate yourself in the love that you have for Sanji. Sacrificing your every breath to simply feel the true and fierce love you felt for him. You’d cry until you were gasping for air, til you were choking up flowers that were clogging your lungs. You wished, begged, for it to go away. Wishing that you had never fallen for him. 
But even with all the pain he caused you. You could never hate him.
You could never hate Sanji.
You can’t even bring yourself to hate Pudding, it wasn't her fault that Sanji was infatuated with her rather than you.
And you could never truly hate him for that.
The sterile white walls and the smell of disinfectant wafting through the air brought you back to reality. 
Recalling how hours before Nami had found you on the ground of your bathroom, post-hacking your brains out from the various blooms of flowers that rose from your throat at what seemed like at every hour of the day as of recently. You hadn’t heard her call for you when she entered your apartment so you weren’t able to hide anything from her. 
“Are you insane?” Her voice ricocheted in the bathroom after you had explained to her what had been happening to you for the last couple of months.
You were numb the entire car ride to the hospital as Nami yelled at you for being so careless. 
“Why are you letting that boy kill you?” 
Why were you? 
Why were you putting yourself through this pain, knowing he would never love you again?
The recent memory reminded you of Nami’s presence on the side chair that was placed beside the crunchy bed you were currently sitting on. Her brown eyes met yours and smiled softly at you. 
“You’re gonna be okay.” Nami’s attempt at reassurance was comforting to you for 5 seconds before the door swung open revealing the doctor. 
“Hello,” she said your name, “you’re the one with hanahaki disease, correct?” You glance over at Nami before replying to the doctor in confirmation. “Well, unfortunately, it has been developing for a while and if you had come just a little bit later it would have been untreatable, so I highly suggest proceeding with the procedure as soon as possible.”
Your hands grew clammy. This was it. You were going to be relieved from this grueling life you had found yourself in. You would finally be able to go back to normal. 
Would it truly be normal if you didn’t love Sanji anymore? Could you truly live with yourself knowing that you gave up the one thing that has been keeping you going? You guess you wouldn’t actually remember your love for him if you did the surgery but your heart would know. Your soul would know. 
You wished that all of this pain would go away. Longing to run back to Sanji, for him to stop the anguish that you felt. To have him whisper that he loved you and for you to not cough up flowers anymore. To know that he truly meant the words that he was saying.
You wondered how your life would have gone if you had never fallen for Sanji. Would your life still lead you to this very moment of hell that you’re living currently? You would think that hell would be hot, blazing with heat, but all you felt was the coldness of lies that you believed that spewed from Sanji’s lips when he spoke to you. 
You would like to think that you wished you had never fallen into this trap. That your heart never fell for him, but you knew better. You knew that he had your heart from the beginning. You were doomed from the first interaction.
Wasn’t it a true act of love if you could let the person go? Wouldn’t it be the final seal of approval of your love if you went through with the surgery? The love that you felt for Sanji would be proven by this simple act. 
You felt Nami’s hand grab yours. Her eyes were filled with remorse, a sadness that you could distinguish as the same sadness that you saw in your eyes ever since that first petal came to be.
Anticipatory grief.
She was grieving your love for him already, grieving for your heart, how you would never love again, how you would never love him again.
You sigh. 
You wake up to the soft murmurs of the television in the corner of the room. 
Your mind was hazy, from what, you weren't entirely sure yet. It felt as if you had lost something like it was on the tip of your tongue, but you just couldn’t think of exactly what it was.
Guess it wasn’t important.
Your eyes wander over to your surroundings, the hospital room is bare except for the basic, usual furniture. Your eye caught movement out of the corner of your eye, turning your face to examine what it was.
A balloon with the words “Get well soon!” fills your vision, and your gaze scans over the hearts that surround the bubble letters in bright yellow hues. You reach over the side table to grab the card that sat under the balloon. 
Hope you feel better - Nami.
Sad that you had missed your friend, you made a mental note to pay her a visit after you were discharged from the hospital to thank her.
A soft knock echoed throughout the room, your attention to the door opening revealing the doctor. “Hi, glad you’re awake. The procedure was a success. You should be good to go soon, but take it easy for the next two weeks.”
The procedure.
You quickly scour your brain for answers of who it was you loved but came up short. 
Guess that was the point, wasn’t it? 
Before you could thank the doctor, rushed footsteps were heard outside the room, hasty knocks piercing the air along with the clamor of the door opening quickly. 
Sanji’s blond hair comes into view, and he stands, wide-eyed, near the doorframe. He was panting slightly, a sign that he possibly had been running before he got here. 
He says your name quietly, the doctor gives you a nod before excusing herself from the room to give you guys privacy. 
“Sanji,” you smile brightly at him, “Did you get off of work? Why are you here?”
His eyes shift over to the balloon on the stand beside the bed. “Nami told me about the…procedure.”
“Really?” you roll your eyes teasingly, “It’s not that big of a deal honestly, that Nami. Always the worrier, thank you for visiting me though, you’re a good friend, Sanji.” You look away before you can notice Sanji’s face falling. 
You look back at him, “Oh, could you take me home? I probably shouldn’t be driving right now.” you laugh quietly and scan Sanji’s face. His mind seemed to be somewhere else, perhaps he was really busy at the restaurant. “If you can, if not I’ll just call Nami.” 
“No,” he clears his throat, “Yeah I can take you home.” 
You offer him a smile, “Thanks, hey I think I may have to fill out some paperwork. Could you grab it while I go change?” You begin to stand up slowly before he rushes over to help you up.
You look up at him to thank him again when you realize his eyes are watering. 
Your eyebrows knit in worry, “Hey, are you okay?”
He blinks rapidly while looking away from you. His hand lets go from his grasp on your arm and runs it through his blonde hair while turning away from you. “Yeah, I’m fine.” he coughs, “Uh, I’m gonna go look for those papers.”
He walks out of the room before you can respond, leaving you slightly confused but you shake it off before you begin to look for your clothes. 
You don’t see Sanji standing outside the doorway, coughing up a flower petal. 
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chanelles-world · 6 months
LIBRARY FUN - c sturnolio smut
disclaimers: chris!reader, fingering, pussy eating, quiet library, soft!chris
as always if you are a minor do not engage n stay away!
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authors note: i am so sorry it’s been forever since i actually updated a fic. but here yall go. this was a request so i hope i did it justice. there will be a part 2 if yall want more (;
this was not proofread so i’m sorry if it’s ass. i am too lazy lol. also i apologize if it feels like it might be rushed, i don’t think it is and i actually like it soooo.. enjoy!
saturday morning, you and chris had decided to go to the library to get some studying done for your big final that was later this week. you both walked into the library and went to your usual spot that was far in the back where no one rarely sat. it was super quiet and peaceful, making it the reason you loved that spot.
you both were in the cozy corner, with bookshelves surrounding you high enough so no one would realize you were there. as you get comfortable and sit down you take your books out of your bag and place them on your lap. chris sitting next to you with his phone pulled out.
about thirty minutes had passed, by that time you were already getting sick of studying. you sigh without realizing that it was loud. chris hears your sigh and turns his head to look at you. his eyebrows raised in concern. “Is everything good, baby?” chris whispers, wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you closer into his chest.
you take a deep breath of relief as you feel a tiny bit better by your boyfriend’s comfort. you lay your head down on his shoulder, placing your books next to you. “no, this is too fucking stressful” you whisper back as you roll your eyes at the thought of having to continue to study.
“what is stressing you out? the thought of not passing or just studying in general?” chris questions as his hand caresses your thigh. you had on a white tee crop top with a light pink skirt on. your hair was pulled up with a claw clip, with two pieces of hair pulled out to the front.
“all of it if i’m being honest… so both.” you whisper. all of this stress was starting to get to you as you felt a lump in your throat. you so badly wanted to scream and just release everything you were feeling but you were in the library so you wouldn’t be able to do just that.
“i’m sorry baby, i hate this for you. I really do. you are going to do so fucking great though. I just know it.” chris says, responding. you slowly nod your head at his response as you carefully listen to what he said. “thank you. i appreciate it” you whisper back.
“always” chris says planting a sweet kiss on your forehead. you sigh once again as you were slowly feeling better. “is there anything i can do to make you feel better?” chris asks creating circles on my thigh with his pointer finger.
you can't lie, that felt nice. chris continues creating those circles on your thighs as he moves his fingers upwards. He lightly floats past your skirt lifting it up a bit. you nibble your lip at the dirty thought that crosses your mind. you don’t know if you should fuck it and get it down here or wait till you guys got back to the house as your mind continues to fill up with all dirty thoughts allowing you to get all horny.
as you were thinking of all the things you wanted chris to do to you, you accidentally let out a moan as chris has now moved up your skirt getting closer to your pussy.
you could tell chris had the same idea as he plays with the tiny bow that was on your lacy underwear. you lean your head against the bookshelf as chris quickly gets off the bench to place himself in between your legs.
chris stares you in the eye as he looks for your permission to continue what he was planning to do. you don’t know what he has in mind but you can definitely think of a few ideas. chris moves both of his hands underneath your skirt as you give him the okay.
he grabs onto both sides of your panties and slowly pull them down your legs and tosses them to the side. you gasp at the cold air that hit your pussy lips as your panties came off.
chris glances at your face before moving his hands to lift the skirt up a little more. before you know it you feel chris’s tongue placed on your hot, wet and juicy heat. your hips jumped in excitement as you did not expect it. your eyes flutter close as chris tongue flips upwards on your clit. “ohhh fuck!” you yell. a hand flies up to your mouth clamping it shut as chris continues to do magic on my pussy.
you realized that you yelled out of ecstasy and chris’s hand had covered your mouth. you start to blush remembering that you were in a library, but before you could feel all sorts of embarrassing feelings you felt a shock fly throughout my body. “oh gosh chris” your face scrunched up in pleasure. you could feel chris’s hot tongue push into your core, making your body start to twitch. chris continued to push his tongue in and out of your wet pussy lips before gliding it across your clit once more. you could feel your body aching as you could sense your high.
you start to think how crazy fast you realized you were close and chris just started.
you didn’t think you could feel any better at that moment, but your guess was wrong. chris removed his tongue from your core and started sucking on your clit and licking it at the same time if that was even possible. he made sure he licked up your dripping hot core. you felt like screaming. your whole body was on fire and he hadn’t even inserted his dick into you. “oh fuck!” you moaned loudly into his hand.
at this point it had only been about a few minutes and you could tell chris knew you were close. he did the same movements with his mouth again, eating you out as that made your legs start to shake. “chris i’m so fucking close, oh right there”
chris took that as a sign to bring his hand up to my pussy and insert his pointer finger. “mmmm ohhh” you groan in delight. with chris’s long finger in your pussy and his lips on your clit, you knew that was it. chris had removed his hand away from your mouth in the process of fingering you.
you opened your mouth to let out a moan but nothing came out. your head was leaned back against the bookshelf as a hand flew up to chris’s long luscious wavy hair, allowing you to grab a handful, which pulled him even closer to your pussy.
a few more seconds of chris fingering you and licking your clit you were finally able to feel your high. your stomach clenched together as you could feel yourself cumming. “oh my fuck!” you moan out. you didn’t care at this point if you were heard.
you could still feel chris’s mouth on your clit helping you ride it out. It felt so fucking good. your hand let go of chris’s hair and fell to the sides of your body grabbing on to the end of the bench as your legs were lifted in the air.
chris finally lifted his head up as he watched you finish your high. He watches your face with pure lust as he sees how beautiful you look feeling this good. you could feel your pussy drenched with cum spilling out as you were able to open your eyes now that you were done. you let out deep breaths that you didn’t know you were holding in as your chest rises.
chris took you by surprise as he bent his head down in between your legs and laps up your pussy clean making your pussy tingle. all the cum that was once there was gone in a split second. Chris pops his head back and stares at you. you both were still very horny and still did not care about the fact that you were in a library.
you both had looks of lust and love as you stared at each other. Chris moved over to sit in his original spot as you sit up and fix your skirt. your panties were still off and you did not care to put them back on as you figured that they would be taken off once more.
you figured that since chris ate you out, you should do it in return. Before chris could adjust to what you were doing you went down on your knees and placed yourself in front of him moving his legs to the side so you could kneel right there. You move your hands to the waist of his sweatpants .
authors note: guys how did we like??? we need more… lmk part 2 coming soon (; once again sorry if this felt rushed i honestly liked it tbh. give me more requests
tags: @mattslolita @sturniololol @recklesssturniolo @glossyfx @plasticferal @avasturniolooo @sturniolostuff
374 notes · View notes
pupyuj · 8 months
→ “body party.” || ahn yujin x reader fic.
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— a cute girl approaches you about your workout routine in your favorite gym in town, and then very strange but sexy events follow...
word count: 8.7k.
dynamic: dom!bimbo!ahn yujin x sub!gym rat!reader.
content warning: smut, unnie kink?, masturbation, shower sssex 😵‍💫, fingering, oral, cunnilingus, semi-exhibitionism, voyeurism, body worship, nipple play, oral fixation, (legal!!) age gap, implied piss kink (yeah i'm serious).
requested? : nope. (just me being a whore for yuj again...)
a/n: the lack of yujin gym content while knowing full well that she's a gym rat should be a federal crime.. starship entertainment are you ready to die . anyway, SHE'S FREEEE!!! soooo sorry this took literally FOREVER ya'll but i'm happy i'm finally letting her out the drafts!! i had a lot of fun writing this so i hope ya'll enjoy it!! 💙💙 apologies for any mistakes tho,, I GOTTA GO TO CLASS—
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ahn yujin didn’t know what to expect when she entered the gym after weeks of burying herself in her homework, but she certainly didn’t expect to meet a sickeningly pretty and ferociously sexy girl like you.
yujin knew she had to fuck you the moment she laid eyes on you in the changing rooms. you appeared to have just finished working out, judging by your damp hair and the fresh set of clothes you were wearing. yujin had to be discreet with the way she was checking you out considering that you were sitting on a bench only a few ways away from her locker, so she should at least be looking at you from the corner of her eye but she didn’t even try to! she was completely mesmerized by your toned body, sculpted to perfection by nobody but yourself… yujin could swear she was drooling as her eyes locked onto your abs, so inviting…
if she had a dick, she would definitely be hard.
you were wearing a simple crop top with sweatpants and a jacket but god, yujin has never seen a finer woman in her whole twenty years of living. the headphones around your neck wasn’t helping either — you were by far the most attractive girl in town, and yujin has seen a lot of pretty girls!
yujin didn’t know you. she was pretty sure this was the first time she has ever seen you, but oh god that thoughts that ran through her mind… surely you would run away from her if she let you hear about them. she couldn’t stop looking at your face, her pussy clenching at the way you bit your lip and swiped your tongue across them. a part yujin wanted to approach you right now, but you looked like you were tending to something important on your phone. what would she even say? right now, yujin just had this raging urge to bend you over the bench you were sitting on and make you scream her name until it was the only thing you could say—
suddenly, you got up from your seat, slinging your gym bag over your shoulder and smiled. at yujin. pause. oh good god, you were looking at her.
“see you later.” you said before swiftly turning on your heel and exiting the changing room, bidding goodbye to everyone else as well. yujin was blushing so hard. she had to keep herself from running and jumping around the changing rooms. did you have to sound so cute too?! yujin swore she almost chased after you and asked for your number, but she knew she would have looked stupid.
“why do you look like you’re about to explode?” yujin’s friend, gaeul, has finally entered the changing rooms with another friend in tow, jiwon.
yujin bites her lip, “hottest girl in town told me that she will ‘see me later’.” she was giggling, earning a few strange looks from the other girls in the room.
“that’s weird. i haven’t said anything to you yet.” wonyoung, who has apparently been in the room this entire time, says while filing her already-perfect nails. 
yujin rolled her eyes at her friend before taking her hand and pulling her up from her seat, patting her ass, “let’s workout!”
it should be noted that you were in yujin’s head the entire day. she couldn’t do her routine properly because she was imagining your pretty face in between her legs… she almost fell off the treadmill for that exact reason. gaeul scolded her for nearly dropping a dumbbell on her own feet, because yujin had been busy drooling while remembering how your ass looked like it would be perfect to have in her hands. needless to say, yujin was very infatuated. there weren’t enough words in the world to express just how much she wanted you!
yujin was thinking about you even after she left the gym. she was thinking about you while she was walking her dog, while she was cooking dinner, while she was eating said dinner, while she was in her bathtub, while she was watching a cool new movie on netflix, and then… while she was trying to fall asleep. actually, she was just laying down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. and then, she slid her hand inside her pants, and started rubbing her pussy at the thought of you. it was actually unbelievable how a stranger she only saw for less than five minutes could have this much of an effect on her.
yujin fingered herself like she had never done before—playing with her clit with her own thumb, moaning so loud, bucking her hips into her own hand… hugging her pillow tightly to muffle her moans at least a little bit. but she kept going, she couldn’t stop. yujin made a mental note to approach you as soon as she sees you. and fuck, she was going to make sure that the next time she goes to the gym, she was going to get laid.
then, lo and behold, yujin’s wishes came true when she spotted you entering the gym as she was parking her car. gosh, your ass looked so good in those leggings. yujin couldn’t wait to just put her hands on you and give you the best fuck of your life. and yes, she was confident because she had quite the reputation in this gym, in this town. yujin was not only good at sex, she was fucking amazing. and she had no doubts that she would have you begging for her to make you come again by the end of this entire thing.
but first, yujin has to find a way to approach you without coming on too strong. that might have worked to the other girls she has hooked up with in this gym, mostly because they were just as much of a whore as yujin was, but she had a feeling that you were a girl with some sense of class. as much as yujin hated taking things slow especially when all she really wanted was to fuck, the idea of getting you to submit to her after she was done being all romantic sounded very enticing.
yujin watched as you talked to the male receptionist behind the counter. he was blushing, he was stuttering, and yujin figured that he must have been a part-timer because he looked young and hormonal. yujin grimaced as the boy tripped over his words and bit his tongue a few times as you made small talk with him. the slightly older other receptionist stared as the young boy sweats profusely at your presence—you had that effect on everybody, apparently. yujin crosses her arms, not at all a fan of the way the boy’s eyes lingered on your ass as you turned to enter the gym.
granted, yujin has done the same and has thought worse things about you but see, it was way different!
yujin trailed behind you as the two of you both made your way towards the locker room. everybody was staring at you, and then at yujin. a few girls waved at her, but she couldn’t keep her eyes off of you, except for the times when she would side eye a few men that looked at you in a way she didn’t like. god, yujin just had this urge to grab you right there and bend you over a barbell bench and show everyone that nobody will be able to make you feel as good as she can.
upon entering the locker room, yujin makes eye contact with wonyoung, who has once again somehow managed to arrive earlier than everyone else. and it seems like she had brought jiwon along with her. there were definitely doing something they shouldn’t have been doing together considering the way they jolted away from each other like they were shocked when yujin, as well as yourself, entered the room. you smiled and greeted the two girls before opening up your usual locker.
yujin’s eyes flicker over to your ass before she busies herself with her bag. of course, wonyoung and jiwon notice this and they approach her about it!
“real subtle, unnie.” wonyoung whispered, a smirk dancing on her lips as she watched yujin roll her eyes.
“we were calling you last night, you know,” jiwon said. “wonyoung and i went out for a little midnight mcdonald’s run and we were going to ask if you wanted anything but you must’ve gone to sleep early.”
yujin chuckled, “oh, i was awake. but my phone was on silent.” she bites her lip, remembering all of the nasty things she thought about you when she touched herself last night. having known yujin since they were little children, wonyoung had this special and amazing ability to be somehow in sync with her mind, figuratively of course, so she immediately knew what yujin had meant by that. the older girl spent the entire day ogling at you after all, what else could she have done when she got home?
“huh… were you busy?” jiwon asked, scratching her head. 
wonyoung pats her friend’s back and sighed, “i think it’s best that you don’t know, jiwonie.”
“saying that as if i didn’t just catch the two of you on the verge of pouncing on each other.” yujin bites back, and judging by the way, jiwon’s face flushed and her eyes started darting everywhere, her suspicions were right!
a locker closes, making the girls turn their head towards your direction. you give them a brief smile before exiting the room, humming to a beat and all. wonyoung herself couldn’t help but whistle at the sight of your perfect ass, thank goodness you were wearing your headphones as you left, or else yujin would’ve had to smack her friend upside in the head. even jiwon was seemingly mesmerized by your amazing body—yujin knew she wasn’t alone in all of this!
“i’m going to fuck her.” yujin said. wonyoung looked unfazed by her proposal, meanwhile jiwon’s face had warmed up at the thought. jiwon had known about yujin’s awful habit of fucking every girl she encounters anywhere, especially in the gym, but she hadn’t seen her in action just yet! she has only heard stories from wonyoung and gaeul—stories that made her want to shrink onto herself because of how flustered she got from the things yujin has done.
“she looks like a challenge, unnie. good luck.” wonyoung said, patting the older girl’s arm before taking jiwon’s hand and leaving the locker room.
a challenge, they say? well! if yujin was good at anything, other than fucking, it was having more guts than anyone and taking a leap of faith. she knew she was hot, she knew she was pretty, and she most definitely knew you were gay as hell—she can do anything! with a huff and an encouraging enough pat on the back (given by herself, yes), yujin leaves the changing rooms with a smile on her face, thinking up of a plan to approach you and to slowly make you submit to her. jiwon and wonyoung were occupying some treadmills, chatting amongst each other. maybe even flirting! neither of them have been slick after all.
yujin spots you only a few steps away from wonyoung and jiwon. you were also on a treadmill, walking at a steady pace and eyes glued towards the small screen that played your favorite television show from the early 2010’s. yujin tilts her head, smiling at the way you were so focused on the show that you nearly tripped. you were quick to catch yourself and keep on walking like nothing happened though, to which yujin chuckled lightly before someone—a man!—tapped you on the shoulder and caught your attention. the man was only asking if you were okay but nobody could blame yujin for seeing red because he was not making his interest in your tits subtle at all!
god, if yujin could make that man explode with her mind, she totally would.
“oh, i know that look,” gaeul, who just arrived inside the facility, said with a smirk. she lifted her sunglasses up and wriggled her eyebrows towards yujin. “what’s the plan?” she asked, nudging her friend with her elbow.
“it doesn’t involve you, unnie.” yujin replied. gaeul waved at wonyoung and jiwon before patting yujin’s bum and walking away with a wink. the younger girl sighed and looked at you again. thankfully enough, the man has left you all alone and you were once again focused on your television show. yujin scans the entire room—nearly everybody looks at your direction every now and then. eyes raking all over your body, captivated by your beauty the same way yujin was when she first saw you. all of these people wanted you, but yujin was going to make sure that she was the only one out of all of them that will have you.
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see, not a lot of people approached you. and you didn’t know whether it was because you looked intimidating or if you gave off some sort of bad vibes, but a lot of the folks that frequent the gym just don’t seem to be very fond of talking to you, which explains the countless times you have tried chatting with someone and they suddenly start acting like they didn’t know how to hold a conversation. you grew fond of the people that did try to interact with you, but immediately lost affection for them the moment you figured out that all they wanted was your body.
as in, they wanted to fuck you.
like this girl. ahn yujin, she introduced herself. or was that her name? you couldn’t really remember. you logged out of the conversation when you took notice of the way her eyes could not at all stop roaming all over your body. see, if it were anyone else, you would have smiled and made up some sort of excuse to walk away from them, but something about this girl made you stand idly by the stepmill and listen to her. maybe it was the dimples, the frequent lip-licking, the attractive sounds of her laughs, the eye-smile, but god, you absolutely just went dumb for this girl.
what were the two of you even talking about? you had no idea. all you were thinking about was the many times you’ve seen this gorgeous girl before but never once thought to talk to her. in your head, you thought she would have acted like everyone else did but if you knew that she had this much interest in you then you would have entertained her much, much earlier.
while yujin talked, you let your eyes not-so-discreetly wander. she was taller than you, and no doubt stronger than you by the way her arms were built. you couldn’t look away from her abs, which was weird considering you had some of your own and yet, it was hers you were currently obsessing over. jesus christ, she was so hot. and so fucking charming! as much as you were aware of her not-very-subtle pick-up technique, you couldn’t stop yourself from falling for it. she giggled every second, winked every now and then, and you blushed at every single action.
you probably looked like an awestruck dumbass to everyone else right now. but the men around could use this wake-up call. you were only interested in women. tall, tan, and ridiculously handsome women who had ways to talk themselves into a girl’s pants.
“do you think you could give me some pointers, unnie?” yujin smiles sweetly, tilting her head and showing off those cute dimples.
you blinked, realizing that you did not hear a single word of what she said at all. “s-sure! sure, i could. of course.” you answered, clearing your throat right after. yujin eyes shined with pure excitement and you found it so adorable that you couldn’t help but smile brightly at her. you knew damn well that she was spitting bullshit but listen, you were a simple woman!
pretty girl. have to kiss. maybe even fuck—
“so, how do i use this thing?” yujin pats the stepmill, looking at it curiously. you were so sure that you saw her using this exact machine some days ago. regardless, you taught her how to use the machine, talking on and on about specific things. you thought that yujin would get bored of you rambling about a stupid gym equipment but when you looked at her, she was intently staring, absorbing each and every word you were saying. and it was this moment when you thought that maybe she isn’t all bad!
(“she has to be joking right now,” wonyoung said as she stared incredulously at you and yujin. “is she seriously expecting a girl that hot and smart to fall for her usual antics?”
“yeah. i mean, she is yujin.” gaeul replied, smiling proudly when yujin asking the dumbest question actually got you to look at and talk to her.
“i’m not sure if the stupidity is an act anymore…” wonyoung sighed, shaking her head. jiwon was happy for yujin, actually! she was smiling as she watched you and her interact. sure, it was dumb but yujin surely did have her ways. maybe jiwon should write down some notes…)
you and yujin proceeded to chat about your workout routine as she busied herself with the stepmill. you told her everything—your warm-ups, your more intense workouts, the exercises you do when you can’t make it to the gym, your diet—and yujin never failed to listen. your heart warmed up at the gesture. nobody really listens to you ramble on for that long about that part of your life without dismissing you or switching to another topic entirely. you decided that you liked yujin! she seemed like a nice enough girl, and she was very, very pleasing to look at too.
it felt good to have a friend who would listen to your nonsense like this. well, she wasn’t really a friend yet. of course not. you weren’t stupid—you just met! but perhaps the lust you noticed in her eyes before was all in your imagination. just because everyone in the gym viewed you as some prize to be won didn’t mean she thought that too. or that was what you hoped, at least.
(you are so goddamn naive.)
“ah, sorry. i have to take this call.” you excused yourself out of the conversation and went to some corner to answer a call from one of your friends.
(back on the stepmill, yujin shoots a look towards wonyoung, gaeul, and jiwon, winking at them and shaking her shoulders in celebration. gaeul claps silently wearing a proud grin and all, jiwon shoots her two thumbs ups, while wonyoung rolled her eyes in annoyance. no doubt yujin was going to be annoying about her stupid plan working. in response to wonyoung’s attitude, yujin gives her a kiss in the air, making the younger girl grimace and look away.
“so bitter. all she has to do pay me is twenty bucks, geez.” yujin muttered under her breath.)
after a few minutes or so, you came back to yujin who was now off the stepmill, thinking that she had had enough of the machine for the day. “thanks a lot for the tips, unnie. i think i should know what to do with my time here now.” yujin says. again, you knew she had a routine of her own—and a pretty complicated one at that! so you didn’t know what exactly she was thanking you for.
nevertheless, you shot her a smile back. “no worries, yujin-ah.”
yujin couldn’t help but blush, but she was quick to cover up her bashfulness with a bold statement. bold in your standards anyway. “you’re sweet, unnie. could i have your number?” bold, because nobody in this damn place never knew how to hold a conversation with you, let alone work up the courage to ask for your number after only a solid few minutes of useless talking! 
“it’s not everyday you meet decent people at the gym, you know?” yujin steps forward, tilting her head and blinking at you innocently. “maybe we can even hang out somewhere else! i think you’re great, unnie.” she says, a sheepish smile gracing her features. oh, she really has charmed you. because before you knew it, you had her phone in your hands and you were typing down your number on it. she probably meant it as friends, right? right? yeah, probably.
“thank you.” yujin says when you return her phone to her. she stares at her screen for a bit, pretty eyes fluttering back up to glance at you for a second, before she starts typing. no doubt to send you a quick message so you could save her number on your phone. you felt your device vibrate in your pocket but you don’t bother to pull it out.
“oh, are you leaving early today, unnie?” yujin asks as you pick your water bottle up from the ground. you noticed the pout on her lips when you stood back up, and it made you smile a little.
you nodded, “yeah. i made some plans with a friend today, that ought to be fun.”
“aw. i guess i’ll just see you tomorrow, then?” yujin truly did sound disappointed. you almost wanted to ditch whatever plans you had, but you weren’t that kind of friend. you would never cancel plans just to spend time with some stranger from the gym! (you weren’t that kind of friend, yet.)
“mhm. i’m always here anyway. either to do some work or to just visit. some of the staff are my friends,” you grinned and waved at the cute female employee in the distance. yewon, as her name tag showed, waved back at you before doing whatever chore she was doing. “it was nice meeting you, yujin-ah.” you pat the girl’s arm before walking past her and approaching yewon, who took out one of her earbuds and started chatting with you.
however, during the entire time you were chatting with yewon about your plans (the very same plans she was to join later), your eyes couldn’t help but wander. away from your friend and towards the direction of one ahn yujin, who was now busy talking and laughing with her own friends. it seems like she couldn’t help herself from looking at you too. the two of you shared glances and small smiles as you talked with your respective friends. of course yewon wasn’t stupid, she noticed how your eyes never focused on her.
“what happened to never making friends with the people in the gym, (y/n)?” she asked, crossing her arms. “or will she become something more, i wonder?” yewon teased, nudging your arm and everything while wearing a smirk on her cute face.
you blinked innocently at your friend. “what do you mean?” you knew damn well what she meant! a girl as pretty as yujin staying solely as friends with you? why, that was akin to saying that hell would eventually freeze over! yewon rolls her eyes at you and walked away, saying something about doing her job and updating you of her plans later. when she left you on your lonesome, you started walking back to the changing rooms.
and of course, you spared one last glance at yujin. and it turns out that she had been looking at you the entire time.
she smiles, you do the same. and despite your resistance, your heart skips a beat.
something more, yewon said! well, after seeing those abs and dimples up close, you sure hope so.
you ended up taking a shower in the changing rooms with a bright smile on your face, thrilled for the new and exciting adventure you might have with your new ‘friend’.
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for the past few days, everything you have been doing, you’ve been doing it with yujin. but in the gym, of course. you’ve told her about your usual routine so she started following it, you take breaks from workouts together, and you talk a lot in the changing rooms before and after working out! you even got to know yujin’s friends a bit as well! other than yujin herself, jiwon might be your favorite in the little group as you often find yourself smiling and waving at her whenever you see her. but you’ve tried toning the smiles down a bit after wonyoung sent a glare your way one time. but yujin reassured you that wonyoung doesn’t hold any negative feelings about you—she was just naturally overprotective of jiwon considering wonyoung has been crushing on her for the longest time.
anyway, yujin’s friends were lovely. yujin herself was lovely. you were glad to be friends with her.
in fact, you’ve become so close that you eventually wanted to hang out with her outside of the gym! fortunately enough, yujin liked you to the point where she agreed to do whatever you want! from brunches, to visiting exhibits and aquariums, going to concerts—everything! yujin quickly became one of your best friends, but one could say that the two of you are too close. or at least that was what umji told you.
“just be careful, (y/n). people you meet in the gym have a track record of being, well, not very good!”
she was referring to your exes, but it wasn’t like you were planning on dating yujin! nor were you planning on liking her like that. ahn yujin was simply your friend. your criminally attractive friend who makes shameless comments about how hot she finds you and always seems to have her hands on you. like now, at this present time, she has an arm around your shoulders as the two of you watched a cartoon that only aired early in the mornings on your living room couch.
the two of you have become comfortable enough to be affectionate like this but recently, you’ve noticed that there’s been something in the air. and you weren’t stupid. you knew all about sexual tension but this one was simply ridiculous—it was off the charts! in your head, you blamed yujin for being so unfairly hot and charming. every cheeky grin, smirk, and wink sent your mind into a frenzy and before you knew it, she was all you thought about as you lay in your bed at night!
“the girls and i are planning on going to that fair later in the week. will you and umji-unnie be there?” yujin asked, shiny eyes landing right on yours. she realizes that you’ve been staring at her and laughed lightly, but chose not to address it since you’ve looked away with your cheeks burning. it was a normal occurrence at this point. it happens to yujin sometimes too but instead of getting caught staring at your face, it was your ass. or boobs depending on which private part of yours she chooses to drool over for the day. you try to tease her about it when you do catch her but yujin always finds a way to smooth-talk her way out of scrutiny.
damn her and wits.
“i think so. umji’s girlfriend has been waiting for that fair since she missed it last year so umji is legally obligated to go. and that automatically means that i’m tagging along.” you pulled out your phone from your sweater pocket and looked at the time. 8:43. you and yujin were going to drive to the gym soon.
“you’d willingly third-wheel? god, i refuse to be around jiwon and wonyoung unless gaeul-unnie was with me. they aren’t dating but they sure can be some saps.” yujin sighs, playfully rolling her eyes at the memory of her two best friends always playing push-and-pull with their feelings for each other.
“i won’t be third-wheeling if we just leave the lovebirds and go on our own adventure,” you tried to sound nonchalant about the whole thing as much as you could but if yujin was able to see through you, you wouldn’t be surprised. “with gaeul too.”
“nah, forget about unnie. i bet she’d love to be alone. she’s kind of weird sometimes,” yujin smiles at you. that same charming smile she always shot your way since the day she approached you. so handsome. “we should definitely just go together.” you didn’t get to say anything else because an alarm in your phone went off and yujin stood up. if you give in to your delusions enough, you could see that yujin was smiling a little bit because of your statement.
you turned off your tv and followed yujin to the door, where she was putting her shoes on and swiping her keys from some hooks on the wall. now you finally have use for that thing. after you’ve grabbed your bag, yujin opens the door for you and you walk out, relishing in the feeling of the chill morning air kissing your skin as you walk down the steps of your front porch. yujin locks your door and tosses the key over to you, and you catch it effortlessly, to which she whistles at. apparently, that was attractive.
yujin was to drive both of you to the gym today. it was a thing she always did on wednesdays. you don’t know why wednesdays specifically but they happen to be your lazy days so you were thankful for the sentiment. you settled yourself in the passenger seat and managed to snatch the bluetooth connection before yujin did, sticking your tongue out at her when you did and earning an eye roll.
when yujin pulled out of your driveway, you were so sure that it was just going to be another day with her. but you should’ve known otherwise when she put her hand on your thigh and caressed your skin with her thumb as she drove down the road with a small smile on her lips.
at that time, you didn’t know yet but yujin was going to make your week significantly better!
you started your usual routine when the two of you arrived in the gym: make small talk with the receptionists and umji, greet everybody around, head into the locker rooms to change into your usual workout attire, and start your day! and see, for the most part, the usual was what happened, you know? you and yujin did the same exact workouts, never left each other’s side as well as sights—even when yujin’s friends arrived the two of you were attached by the hip! gaeul had been smiling strangely at you the entire time she talked with you for a bit, so that made you believe yujin’s statement about gaeul being weird at times. and from behind gaeul, jiwon and wonyoung were up to their usual will-they, won’t-they antics. totally normal.
it wasn’t until some guy somehow gathered the courage to strike up a conversation with you when things took a weird turn.
you knew your way around men in the gym but for the first time, none of your evasive maneuvers were working. laughing and smiling did you not work, you actually had to say more than a few words to the guy. excusing yourself out of the conversion did not work because when you came back from whatever lie you told, the guy talked to you again! not finding it in you to avoid him any longer, you opted to stand there and listen to him go on and on about his adventures in this gym. of course, you had to share your stories too and you know what, you were actually starting to get interested in the topic.
the guy seemed genuine enough. no ulterior motives whatsoever. all smiles and eyes focused on yours the entire ti—did he just touch your waist?
ah, it was too good to be true. you should’ve known men were never going to be normal about you!
yujin apparently did, however, because the moment she saw you freeze up, she bolted to where you were standing and swatted the man’s hand away from you.
“whoa, easy. i was just—”
“just being a massive pervert. i know. screw off, fucker.”
yujin doesn’t even wait until the guy walks off to drag you somewhere far away from him. she glares at anybody who stared at the scene and stopped walking when the two of you reached the stepmills. she was fuming—eyebrows furrowed deeply, her normally soft brown eyes looked at you harshly. a heavy sigh escaped her lips and she turned her head away. it wasn’t until you tilted your head to look at her that she finally calmed down. from the distance, you could see her friends staring. wonyoung was seemingly surprised at what went down, jiwon was clearly concerned for you, and gaeul looked like she was already planning on poking holes at the guy’s tires as soon as she could.
yujin huffs, pouting at you. “that’s why you should stop entertaining the people here, unnie.”
“i entertained you. look where that got me.” you said with a smile. and well, yujin was smarter than she looked! she knew exactly what you meant; how you were aware of her intentions then and now. suddenly, her mouth was clamped shut. she looked guilty, almost ashamed. but she doesn’t say anything after that, merely muttering about punching that guy before continuing on with her routine. you don’t know why, but it was awkward after that. yujin couldn’t seem to bring herself to look at you but when she did, you could feel it. you always get chills, the good kind, whenever she stares at you so you just knew.
eventually, you wanted a break. so you briefly stepped outside for some fresh air. the breeze felt cool against your damp skin. you stretched out your sore legs and arms, you were surprisingly already tired despite having only been working out for a short while. clear proof that talking and being around men was an energy-drainer. maybe you should really take a page out of yujin’s book and pretend that they don’t exist entirely. speaking of yujin, you wondered if yoju actually hurt her in some way. it’s not like you were condemning her for having ulterior motives when she first talked to you, you did feel and were thinking the same things for her back then. so in conclusion, both of you were perverts.
a blueberry yogurt juice box, your favorite among the variety of flavors they offer in the gym vending machines, enters your vision. you turned your head and there yujin was with a bashful look on her face.
“that really bummed me out. we should just call it a day.” she says, pouting. you accepted the juice box, chuckling slightly at her for being so cute.
now, you don’t know what came over you but at that moment, yujin looked so damn delicious with her protruding muscles, her bangs sticking to her forehead, and droplets of sweat running down her neck that you couldn’t help but be brave. you stood closer to her, one would say almost too close, and tilted your head, eyes flickering down to her inviting lips. “should we hit the showers then, yujin-ah?” you asked and god, you were practically eyefucking her.
yujin doesn’t seem fazed by your sudden confidence at all. she merely takes a cautious sideways glance before leaning close to your ear, lips dangerously close to your neck, making you shiver. “i was wondering when you were going to let me fuck you, unnie.” she whispered, smirking because she knew just how you were feeling considering you slightly pushed her away and covered your face with the juice box she gave you. she was too darn handsome. it was bold of you to think that you could make her feel flustered when she basically knows what always works with girls.
you take yujin’s wrist with your hand and she allows you to drag her back inside the gym. you avoided stopping for small talk. actually, you avoided looking at anybody else entirely! and as soon as the doors to the changing rooms closed, yujin’s hands were all over you. you grabbed her shirt, pulling it over her head before you kissed her. she presses your back against the cool metal lockers, making you whimper and giving her the perfect opportunity to insert her tongue inside your mouth. she unzips your thin jacket and pulls up your top along with your bra, her hands immediately getting busy with your breasts.
you bucked your hips against her pelvis desperately, but yujin ignored you. opting to break the kiss and take one of your nipples inside her mouth instead, running her tongue over the hard bud and sucking on it while pinching and squeezing the other one. but it doesn’t take long for her other hand to slowly make its descent down your body, feeling your stomach a bit, before slipping inside your leggings, teasing your sensitive clit through the fabric of your panties.
“mhmn… yujin.. more.”
that was all yujin needed before she stripped you down to only your panties. she takes a minute to observe your body, eyes shining with pure lust as well as appreciation before tugging you towards the showers. fortunately enough, it was empty so yujin took you to the nearest stall and didn't waste any time before pinning you against the door and kissing you again. you pulled off her ponytail and threw it away to some unknown corner, letting her gorgeous hair cascade down to her shoulders. you cupped her cheeks with your hands, pulling away slightly and pecking her lips softly, earning a giggle from her.
you pecked her lips again, and again, and every time, she would smile. yujin kissed you again, she was more gentle and careful this time… until she nearly ripped your panties when she pulled it off of you. “get in, unnie.” yujin said, giving you a kiss on your cheek and a pat on your ass before nodding her head towards the shower. yujin starts stripping herself down while you turn the faucet on, sighing contentedly as the cool water meets your skin. goosebumps grow all over your skin, but were completely erased when you felt strong arms wrap around your body.
yujin was warm. from the way she smiled at you, talked to you, treated you, kissed you, and now, the way she held you. her hands explored your body as she softly kissed your neck, “have i told you how perfect i find you, unnie?” yujin runs a hand across your breasts, glides it down to your stomach and all the way down to your inner thighs before making its way around your thighs and back up your waist. 
“you’re kind, you’re sweet… you’re exactly the type of person people would wanna bring home to their parents,” yujin turns you around, moving your wet hair behind your back and smiling at you when you cupped her cheeks again. you pull her closer, hungry for her lips. it was as if all you wanted to do was kissing her until you were sick of it—as if you would get sick of it though. “and fuck, you’re so hot.” yujin bites her lip before finally giving you what you had been craving for. this kiss had the equal amount of tenderness and passion, both immediately getting taken over by pure desire when yujin’s lips start leaving a trail of kisses down your jawline to your neck.
warmth blooms across your chest as yujin takes her time leaving carefully-placed marks all over your skin. sucking and licking wherever she felt was perfect until she eventually leaned back to stare at her work, “beautiful.” and she continues to use her lips as she lowered herself to the ground, leaving a few hickeys on your chest, your breasts, your stomach, and finally, your thighs.
“open up for me, unnie. i want to see you.” and so you do.
yujin licks her lips before kissing up to your inner thighs. you couldn’t help but put a hand on her head, staring down at her with pleading eyes, desperate for her to just get it over with and make you see the stars. you were lucky enough that yujin couldn’t find it in herself to tease you. surely after months of wooing you and playing with your head she would be exhausted from all the games, and thankfully she was! yujin leans in and gives your pussy one long lick, making you whimper and grip her hair just a little bit tighter. you could see her smile at you before she proceeds on eating you out.
clearly, this wasn’t yujin’s first time. maybe on her knees, yes. she, as well as her friends, have told you countless stories of how addicted she really was to eating pussy and you could see it clearly here. yujin, with her eyebrows furrowed in concentration and eyes shut tight while she makes a mess of her pretty face by slobbering all over your cunt. like a fucking dog. you pull and tug at her hair, unable to do anything else due to the amount of delight hindered your ability to think.
“mhm.. ha.. unnie’s pussy is so—ah, delicious.. i knew it.” yujin opens her eyes just to see the look on your face. all flustered and contorted with pleasure. you covered your mouth with your other hand just to make sure that you aren’t too loud. yujin didn’t like that, apparently. she sneaks one of her hands in between your thighs and leans back a little, licking your wetness off her mouth before shoving two fingers inside your cunt. you choked out a moan and you couldn’t even say anything to yujin about it all because she immediately wraps her lips around your sensitive clit.
“ahh..! y-yujin!” again, you clamped your mouth shut, opting to muffle them at the very least! the younger girl’s mouth and fingers surprisingly well together—yujin’s digits hitting all the right spots inside your walls while she flicks, sucks, and nibbles on your clit. having no choice but to uncover your mouth and put both your hands on yujin’s head, pushing her in further and practically grinding your hips on her face. 
“please, please, baby.. keep going…! m-more..” you were desperate for release. yujin could see that much. she stares and stares while she eats you out, so fucking turned out with the way you were begging for her—almost screaming for her despite what may come after.
(this was exactly what yujin wanted from day one. to have you screaming her name where everybody else can hear you just to prove that nobody, no other man and even woman, can make you feel as good as she can. now she’ll prove just how much she can make you feel. something beyond pleasure that only she can give you.)
“mmphf…! fuck, more… more, baby..!” and so yujin increases her pace, pulling her fingers out all the way and almost painfully plunging it back deep inside you. now you were screaming, having lost control of your composure long after yujin flicks your bud with her tongue and sucks on it desperately. you were pretty sure that you were hurting her with the way you gripped her hair tightly, but you knew that if you let go, you would fall over. your knees have turned to jelly, and it was only yujin’s body that kept you standing up.
“come all over my face, unnie…” yujin says. she takes out her fingers and replaces it with her tongue, once again making you moan loudly while she relishes in the taste of your cunt. fuck, yujin was so in love with how sweet you were, just the perfect flavor to satisfy her mouth. yujin makes out with your cunt, occasionally running her tongue over your clit and dipping it inside your hole, moaning as she did so. god, she could literally come just by eating you out alone. yujin has never been this addicted—you could probably pee on her and she’d drink it up! and she really would.
it takes another flick of yujin’s tongue on your clit before the pressure in your lower stomach finally breaks. yujin held your thighs tightly as you came, lapping up your cum diligently while she held you up. you grind your cunt against her mouth, still desperate to feel her mouth on your even though you were in the middle of your climax. yujin herself could not help but start licking again, her mind completely clouded with desire. now the only thing she wanted to do was make you come over and over again until both of you were exhausted out of your minds.
she wanted to see you lose every bit of control in your mind for her, and only her. and yujin plans on doing that very same thing today. right now.
much to your dismay, yujin pulls away from your cunt, not before giving your clit a sweet little kiss, and slowly stands up. she was only the slightest bit taller than you, but her dark eyes, alluring lips, and all the little droplets of water that ran down her toned body, you couldn’t help but go a little crazy over it all. yujin pulls you in, wrapping her lips around yours and immediately sliding her tongue inside your mouth, letting you taste a little bit of yourself before she presses your back against the wall.
while kissing you, yujin sneaks a hand in between your legs and starts massaging your clit in circles, relishing in the sounds of your muffled moans. you started moving your hips, grinding slowly on her hand. putting a hand behind your thigh, yujin pulls your leg up, wrapping it around her hips. she starts teasing your entrance, only running her fingertips over it rather than doing what you clearly wanted her to do. you whine in her mouth, detaching your lips from hers and looking at her with pleading eyes, “please, yujin. i need you.”
and how could she say no to you? yes, yujin would love to have you beg and beg for her but that was an experiment for later. right now, she wants to ruin you and have every damn person in this place know that the only girl that can take you to the stars is her.
yujin plunges two long fingers knuckle deep inside your pussy. she moans at your warmth, finding the way your tight cunt sucked her fingers in so attractive. pulling in and out excruciatingly slowly just to feel your cunt clench around her digits and soak them with your slick. “fuck, unnie… how are you so tight?” yujin chuckles. her eyes shined with hunger as she watched her fingers disappear inside of you.
“don’t tell me you’re a virgin… i’ll really ruin you if that’s the case—fuck.” yujin curls her fingers inside you, making you release a whiny moan before you cover your mouth shut. your face flushed while yujin laughed at you. you clawed at her back while she spread her fingers inside you before pushing them in even deeper. you didn’t even know if that was possible. she starts hitting the spots not even your toys are capable of reaching, her pace and force now increasing at an alarming rate, making you unable to say anything but nonsense.
you never really told yujin about your adventures in bed with other people. you weren’t a virgin of course, but what she didn’t know was that… you weren’t used to this. you knew a thing or two about being the one that’s doing the fucking, not the other way around! you somehow always had ways to be on top of the people you hook up with but the idea of letting yujin make you feel real pleasure was too enticing to give it up.
(oh, you have no idea how that information might’ve rewired yujin’s brain entirely. her obsession towards you slowly grew day by day—imagine what would have happened in here had you made her aware of that fact? she would make sure that you couldn’t walk.)
you hugged yuin by her neck tightly, hiding your face on her shoulder. a string of incoherent words leave your mouth as she steadily fucked you. it was reaching to a point where it almost hurt, but you buck your hips to her rhythm anyway, never having enough. yujin grabs your waist with her free arm, “up.” she said, tapping at your lower back. yujin momentarily pulls out of your cunt to wrap both of your legs around her waist, carrying you while still having you back up against the wall.
this time around, yujin doesn’t ease you into taking her fingers. as soon as you were comfortable, she shoves her two fingers right back inside of you and fucks your cunt relentlessly. she merely watched your face while she fucked you, grinning sickly at the way you threw your head back and gave her a full view of the mess she made on your neck. 
you were so beautiful like this—the perfect little piece of art that yujin can ruin as she pleases.
“nnngh… god, yujin—ah!” you dug your nails on her shoulders, leaning forward and pressing your forehead against hers.
“mhm, unnie’s such a good girl. it’s overwhelming isn’t it?” yujin whispers, tilting her head and leaving a quick kiss on your lips. “but you’re still taking it so well… fuck.” yujin increases her pace yet again, now fucking your cunt like it was some toy. you hug her tightly, screaming and whining at the amount of pleasure that took over your senses. it was so hard to comprehend it all, and now you believe all of the ridiculous stories her friends told you about her hookups. the thing that ahn yujin does best is sex, and good god was she fucking you stupid.
“y-yyujin… yujin…! yujin, i’m—mmgn…!”
“uh-huh. you’re coming, unnie? i got you. come. come.”
but she doesn’t let you. not immediately. yujin catches one of your nipples with her lips, sucking on it while she simultaneously fucked your cunt. she slows down her pace just by a bit, focusing her attention on your nipple just to truly make you lose your head when she thrusts inside you again. it all felt too much eventually. her fingers, her lips, her tongue, and all the things she made you feel. 
“ahh..! ah—yujin-ah, yujin..!” and then the knot in your stomach breaks for the second time today, your cum spilling all over yujin’s stomach. she shushes you as you come, kissing your shoulder softly and pulls her hand out of your pussy just to hug you tightly, caressing your back while you come down from your high. your head collapsed on top of her shoulder, and a few tears squeezed out of your eyes due to the slight pain that you felt in your groin. no doubt you couldn’t walk correctly after this. you just hoped that you could look everyone in the eye like nothing happened. not that you’d want to hide this from them anyway—yujin made you feel too good. that was something to boast about!
eventually, your breathing reverted back to normal and you lifted your head up.
“you okay?” yujin asked. she smiles as you hold her face in your hands, admiring every single one of her features for a good minute before pulling her in for a sweet kiss. your feet were back on the ground again, but you leaned on yujin’s body for support while the two of you made out under the cold water. only your soft moans, hushed whispers, little giggles, and the smacks of your lips being heard other than the running water.
“you’re not going to ignore me after this, right?” you asked after pulling away.
yujin looked at you incredulously, “unnie… i have a crush on you. why would i do that?” she said, pouting. adorable, but you still had doubts in your head considering her reputation! “especially now that i know how good your pussy tastes.” she joked, licking her lips.
you pushed her away with a smile, “perv.”
you weren’t able to get far before yujin pulled you in again, kissing you and laughing as she did so, making your heart jump several beats as it always does whenever she’s around.
of course, this was just another example of the local gym’s infamous ‘bimbo’ womanizer ahn yujin getting whatever she wants. except this time, she gets something more, something better and something real.
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dearabhi · 6 months
HERBOLOGY - harry james potter.
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a/n: hi! this isn't the best of my writing, but i just wanted to keeps this acc alive so i posted this fic. i lowkey don't like this fic, but hey, hope u enjoy this though!
summary: hufflepuff! reader wakes up in dread, what she didn't know was something that lighted her life forever.
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
Y/N WAS SO SLEEPY, really. why would anyone not be in this cosy weather?
y/n would like to stay in bed and sleep all day, but susan being the most annoying person she is, woke y/n up.
when the two entered the great hall for breakfast, y/n couldn't help but fall asleep in susan's shoulder.
"get off me, idiot" susan scolded y/n, shoving her off. 
"but you're soooo comfortable, susan" y/n whined as she placed her head in susan's shoulder and started sleeping again. susan rolled her eyes, but let y/n sleep.
just as she was about to fall asleep, her second-most annoying friend, hannah decides to wake her up by stepping on her foot. 
this time, y/n was really up. "ouch! that hurts!"
"i don't care but, don't turn right away after i say this but, harry is looking at you," hannah whispered to y/n. 
y/n almost broke her neck while turning to face the gryffindor table just to see a certain raven-haired boy looking at her.
REALISING Y/N WAS LOOKING AT HIM, harry quickly turned to ron and hermione and pretended to be hearing whatever they were talking about.
"ron! when will you ever stop depending upon me and write your own history of magic essay?" hermione asked ron, quite aggressively.
"never ever, mione" he replied and went on to take the toast and shove it inside his mouth. hermione rolled her eyes.
"i am going to do it" harry said, suddenly. hermione and ron looked at him with questioning looks. "i am going to talk y/n l/n,"
"this is the thousandth time you told us this, harry" ron said immediately. harry rolled his eyes.
"thank you for those kind words, ron, but this time i am serious." harry added determinedly. 
"ronald you should stop discouraging harry, and i think this is a brave choice, but i think you would lose y/n as she's getting out of the great hall right now-" hermione started, before she could finish, harry was running towards y/n.
y/n was walking with hannah to the herbology class, even though hannah doesn't have herbology now. she just needed an excuse to see neville.
y/n stopped walking when she heard him calling her name.
y/n turned around to see harry potter walking, no, literally sprinting towards her. it was a rare sight. 
y/n tells to hannah to go ahead and waits for harry to catch his breath.
harry then, immediately says, "y/n, can we, uh, walktogethertoherbology" quite fastly and y/n couldn't catch him.
"i am sorry, harry, but would you repeat it couldn't catch it," y/n asked him.
harry turns a little red. clearing his throat, he starts, "can we walk together to uh, herbology?"
harry looks at her expectantly. how can she ever say no to him? 
"you don't have to, you know? it's just a request and it's completely fine if you don't-"
"no, no, i would love to walk with you, harry" y/n stops him, and a beautiful smile appears on harry's face.
harry insisted on taking her bag and as they started walking to the class. few jokes were shared as they walked, and honestly, it was the longest conversation the two ever had.
despite having to be in the same year and almost the same classes more than 5 years now, she and harry barely talked thanks to both of their lack of confidence when it comes to the other.
herbology would normally take longer minutes to reach, but while walking with harry, it only felt like seconds. 
the two, sadly had to be separate from each other when they reached the class.
but as soon as the class ended, harry rushed towards y/n and asked her out.
ofcourse, as a sane person would, y/n obviously said yes.
y/n was glad and thanked susan for waking her up early.
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writeroutoftime · 1 year
Safe and Sound
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(this picture is not mine and credit belongs to this twitter account here! if you are the owner and want me to take it down, please let me know)
pairing: eddie munson x reader (gn)
summary: (based on the fanart above) after everything in the upside down, eddie was recovering in the hospital, never alone with his faithful members of hellfire. one day you come to visit and see the above scene before finally letting the emotions of the past few weeks catch up with you
warnings: none
words: 1.2k
a/n: soooo, I've had this idea forever and think this fanart is so insanely cute! please enjoy because this was so much fun to write, and I would love to know what you thought! have a lovely day!
Your footsteps echoed against the linoleum floor as you made your way down the hall. This journey had become an almost daily experience. So much so that you barely noticed the strong smell of disinfectant that lingered in the air. You shifted the bag on your shoulder, smiling briefly at the crinkle that resulted from the snacks you had brought.
Just a few doors away from your destination you heard shouts of screaming and scuffling. Instantly, your heart began to beat faster, and you hurried your steps until you stood right outside your boyfriend's room. You were about to enter, ready to take on whatever danger awaited you on the other side when you heard Eddie's voice ring through, laughter undercutting his threat.
"You are so dead for that, Wheeler!"
Leaning against the doorframe, you peaked your head into the hospital room and relaxed the moment you saw the scene before you. Four teen boys surrounded your boyfriend as he sat up in his hospital bed. On top the blankets was an intricate board game, pieces scattered about, and a D&D guidebook near Eddie's lap.
A soft smile crossed your face as you continued to watch the five of them so involved in their fantasy world. You knew it was a welcomed distraction for Eddie who had been restless over being stuck in his scratchy, hospital bed for the past week. The way Eddie's face lit up as the story continued made you feel warm. It wasn't until the droplet hit your cheek that you even knew you were crying.
The tiniest groan from inside the room caught your attention, and you noticed the way Eddie shifted, trying to find a respite from the pain his scars and healing wounds caused. Silently, you wiped the tear away and straightened the non-existent wrinkles from your clothing. Clearing your throat, you revealed your spot from the doorframe, pulling the boys out of their game and back to reality.
"Sorry to break up the party, but I think it's time to call it a day." you encouraged, stepping inside to press a kiss to the top of Eddie's curls.
"You heard the boss, boys. We'll pick this up next time." Eddie echoed, closing his guide and helping to collect all the pieces. "And don't think I'll let your betrayal slide, Wheeler. You better watch out." Eddie warner, pointing a figure at Mike as he walked out of the room, rolling his eyes good naturedly.
The rest of the party followed, all offering various shouts of goodbyes to both you and Eddie. As they cleared out, you dragged your designated chair next to Eddie's bed and pulled out the snacks you knew he had been craving.
Laying them all at before him, you offered up a sly grin. "I figured you were sick of the slop they call hospital food, so I brought you some treats from the outside world."
"And this is why you are the best and I love you!" Eddie groaned out, immediately digging into a can of pringles. "Oh, this tastes amazing, I could die I'm so happy right now."
You flinched at his choice of words and once again when Eddie's groan of satisfaction morphed into a hiss of pain moments later. Immediately, you rushed to help him lay back and get comfortable in a position that wouldn't aggravate his healing wounds. Once settled, you sat back down and grasped Eddie's hand tightly.
"How have you been feeling today? Do you want me to grab a nurse? We could get you something for the pain, I'm sure." you rambled, wishing you could do anything more to alleviate his pain.
Eddie's response was to lift your hand and press a soft kiss across your knuckles, offering you his signature puppy dog eyes. "No more than yesterday." he promised. "Besides, I don't want to be relying on those pills. Having you here with me makes it all better."
His words did little to ease your worries and you could feel the dam burst inside you as all the emotions from the past few weeks spilled out. After everything that happened with the Upside Down, you felt as though you had to be the one to keep it together; to be strong not just for Eddie but for everyone else involved.
It was you who stepped up and offered to be the shoulder to cry on, to deal with the lies you told Hawkins Hospital, and everything else that came with the aftermath of dealing with the supernatural. But in your mission to be the strong and tough one, you had never allowed yourself a moment to grieve and process what happened, which is why it all poured out in that moment.
Shoulders shaking, you let the sobs escape your lips, thankful Lucas had shut the door on his way out. Exhausted, you fell forward onto Eddie's bed and buried your head in his lap. You had almost died. Eddie had almost died. You had watched as he bleed out before your eyes and nearly subcumed to his injuries before the staff at the hospital could save him. It was you who had been dealing with nightmares for the past few weeks and relieving the worst moment of your life each time you closed your eyes.
Eddie looked down upon you stunned and unsure of what he could do. His strong hands rubbed up and down your back as he encouraged you to let it all out through soft whispers and gentle "shhhhhs" until you could calm down. Minutes later you lifted your head, hair askew and eyes puffy as you looked into Eddie's eyes, feeling slightly ashamed.
"I'm sorry, Eds." you mumbled, scrubbing at your eyes. "You didn't need that when you're still trying to heal."
"Hey, hey." Eddie interrupted, cupping your cheeks as carefully as he could. "You don't need to apologize for a second. I know life hasn't been easy on you these past few weeks. Talk to me, babe. What's going on?"
You opened your mouth, closed it, and took a deep sigh before you finally allowed yourself to voice your fears and frustrations. "Eddie, you nearly died." you whimpered. "I held onto you as you were bleeding out and we tried to get you to the hospital in time. I know you were trying to save us, but I-I just can't those images out of my head.
And I'm just so scared, all the time. Scared that I'll blink or won't be here and you're going to slip away from me again. I can't lose you, Eddie, I just can't." you admitted, tears streaming down your cheeks once more.
Stunned into silence, Eddie engulfed you into his arms as best he could from his spot on the bed. His heart ached to know you had been carrying all those thoughts and feelings around. He knew what he did had been reckless, but he did it to save you.
"Sweetheart, look at me." he said, lifting your head up, taking your hand. He pressed your hand to his chest where you could feel his heart thump against his ribcage. "Feel that? I'm still here. I'm still with you, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I'm sorry you had to go through all that on your own." Eddie comforted, pressing sweet kisses anywhere he could on your skin.
"I know it's not as simple as telling you all that," Eddie continued. "but together we'll heal and move on from this together."
With a watery smile, you nodded your head. "Together." you echoed. Things wouldn't be solved in a day, but you knew your future was bright with Eddie by your side.
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whiskeynwriting · 1 year
MBFD - Chapter Ten: Even When Apart
Dave York x Female Reader
Word Count: 5.9k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Mentions of separation/divorce, reader descriptions, dirty talk, sexting, male masturbation, spanking, praise kink, mentions of oral (m and f receiving), unprotected vaginal sex.
A/N: soooo we planned out this chapter a hot minute ago, and expected it to be way longer. But I hope you enjoy it anyway my babies <3 I feel like having 14k chapters and then 6k chapters is a running theme in this series lmao
Also, sorry for the late post lovelies. But if you know me, you should know it’s a regular thing 😂😭
My Best Friend’s Dad Masterlist
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“John,” He nods, walking down the hall. Just barely, the coffee in his to-go cup swishes inside, the contents still boiling. 
His coworker returns the friendly gesture with a smile on his face, asking briefly, “Dave, how’re the kids?” 
All he does is shrug, putting on a brave face. “Can’t complain.” But that’s the end of it. 
As he expected, life’s been shit since you left again. But he understands, he can’t exactly live at your apartment forever. At least, not yet. He has considered it, though. Over the past few days, he’s been researching homes, mainly condos and townhouses. It’s not likely that he’ll be sharing a home with Carol and his daughters for much longer, and maybe you’d be willing to move with him. But Dave’s waiting to bring all of this up. He thinks it will be best to do so toward the end of your trip. Which is in about… shit, three days. He can’t fucking wait. 
David is well aware that he’s living in a fantasy land. The two of you living together? Officially? It blows his mind to even think about it. At that point, Molly would have to know. There’d be no hiding it. But for now, he’s ignoring all of that. He’s choosing to bask in the peace you bring him. 
Settling in at his desk, he releases a heavy breath. Honestly, he doesn’t need to be here this early - he hasn’t needed to stay so late, either. But it gives him time away from the anxiety surrounding his family, and in turn, helps him relax. He’s good at his job and truthfully, figuring out how to quietly and expertly remove people from their own lives is easier than dealing with his current familial stress. It does, however, have one downside. It takes time away from you. 
“Oooh, who misses you?”
Immediately, you’re snatching your phone out of Angela’s hand, staring down at the screen to see the text Dave sent. Eyes widening, you feel a sense of heat run through your cheeks, and Molly notices, too. 
“It’s probably just Anthony.” Rolling her eyes, she moves into her next stretch, preparing for today’s warm-ups. 
“No, it’s not. I told you I’m done talking to him.” Trying to dull your annoyance, you turn back to your screen, smirking ever so slightly. He misses me? 
Frowning, Molly leans upright once again. “Well then who the hell is it?”
The quiet that follows seems to infuriate your closest friend, because she’s immediately trotting over to snatch your phone from your hand.
“Miss you, princess.” She reads out loud, raising a brow. “How come I don’t know about this?” It’s easy to see now that Molly isn’t angry, she’s sad. She assumed you’d tell her about your next relationship. And all at once, the guilt you’d been pushing down for weeks bubbles into your throat again. 
“I, well, I just… I’m…” 
“That’s funny,” She cuts in, staring at the screen. “My dad’s name is Dave.” 
At first, you feel like an idiot. You really couldn't have changed his name? But as soon as Molly starts giggling, you release all your anxieties in one breath. 
“That’s so weird, is he my dad’s age, too?” She jokes, tossing your phone back to you while returning to her position. 
Chewing on the corner of your lip, you close your phone, shoving it into your backpack. “Maybe.”
“Wait, really?” Spinning on her heels, she darts back over, sitting on the floor in front of you. And a few other girls scooch in, too.
“Of course you’d be the one to go for older men.” Nora chimes in, causing you to turn your head.
“What? Why?” 
“Maybe it is Molly’s dad.” And now, everyone is turning to Lexi. “What? It could be!”
“Yeah, right.” Molly snorts, rolling her eyes. “Like that would ever happen.”
“It’s not her dad!” God damn, this is frustrating. 
“Whatever,” Molly groans, patting her hand on your knee. “Just tell us about him!”
Side-eyeing her, you grin, quickly glancing down at your hands. You almost can’t keep it in, your relationship with him. Not when everyone is so eager to know. Hell, you can do this, you can still keep this a secret. 
“Well… he is older. And, I don’t know… we’re still kind of… new.”
“Have you said I love you?”
“Well, yeah…”
“Awe! Wait, who said it first?” The girls seem ecstatic, but you can tell Molly is still pretty hurt. 
“Um… he did.” Your heart beats a little harder, thinking back to that night. 
“So it’s definitely not new.” Lexi adds with a few of your girls agreeing. 
“So, his name is Dave?” Molly inquires further, trying to ask the important questions. If you’re telling this guy that you love him, she should know more about him. “How did you guys meet?”
“Oh my gosh, what does he look like?!” Angela unexpectedly butts in. 
“We have a… a mutual… friend.” It’s all you could come up with. “And he’s tall, way taller than me. He has light brown hair and dark brown eyes…” Trailing off, you find yourself caught up in the thought of him. “He’s pretty strong…”
“You said he’s older, right?”
“Mhm,” Nodding, you shake yourself out of your thoughts. You just had an overnight trip with him not too long ago, you should be able to focus on your personal life. 
“Does he have a dad bod?” She’s grinning wildly, and now, every head is turned toward you. “Is he big?”
“Angela!” You scoff, still smiling. “Yeah, he has a dad bod…” Replying with a laugh, you turn away. 
Raising a brow, you turn to face your teammates. “You think I’d be with him if he wasn’t big?” 
Everyone is giggling like little school girls, but Molly still can’t shake the feeling of being lied to. Why haven’t you told her about this? Are you not as close as she thought? 
“Go stretch!” You demand with a grin, shaking them off. “We have warm-ups in ten.” 
On the other side of town, Dave smiles down at his phone. Once you’d gotten a moment to yourself, you responded to him. I miss you too. 
He hasn’t seen your pretty face in days, not in person, at least. But he’s been thanking the lord for SnapIt. Wait, no… Snapchat? Whatever it is, it’s been his only way of actually seeing you. At home and in the office, he can forget about personal calls and video chats. But cute selfies and quick videos easily make up for all of that. 
“Jesus,” Giving his head a quick shake, he sighs, staring down at the video you just sent. 
You’re in the bathroom, the camera fixed on your reflection in the mirror. That smile lights up his entire life, and prompts his own to form, too. And while the short clip might seem sweet, it’s less than innocent. What you’re wearing immediately sets him off. 
“Remember this, daddy?” Comes your cute, girly little voice. 
With one hand on your phone, the other finds the edge of your skirt, twirling it slightly. Of course he remembers it, how could he not? The last time he saw you in your cheer outfit was when he came on it. 
His response is pretty simple, a picture of his work pants. Well, a specific spot on his work pants. With his hand holding his semi-hard crotch, he captions it with, think I’d ever forget? 
“Shit!” Nearly jumping out of your skin, you turn, seeing Molly. “Oh, h-hey, hey Goof.”
She smiles sheepishly, “Texting Dave?”
For a split second, your eyes widen. But then you remember, she now knows your boyfriend’s name. How… strange. 
“Um, yeah.” It comes out as an awkward chuckle, quick to close your phone and put it away. 
“I… I was wondering.” Staring at the floor, she swallows, unsure of how to start this conversation. “Why haven’t you told me?”
“About Dave?”
“Yeah.” She nods, finally returning her gaze to you. “Did I, I mean… have I done something wrong?”
“What? No! No, not at all, Molly!”
“It’s just… I don’t know. You’re already saying I love you to each other, and… I just don’t know why you wouldn’t tell me about it.” 
Jesus Christ, what the hell are you going to tell her? Is this when it happens? When everything just comes out? When your insides spill out of your mouth like word vomit? Every single secret you’ve been hiding, now rushing to the surface?
“Honestly,” Laughing away your anxieties, you shrug. “I thought you’d think it was… too fast. After Anthony.” Okay, that was good. That was smooth. 
“Really?” Raising a brow, she shifts her stance. “I hate that guy. You being with literally anyone else is better than you being with him.”
You chuckle, eyes wandering. Not anyone else.
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide things from me.” Shrugging, she steps closer to you. “That’s all.”
Offering your best smile, you wrap her in a big hug. “Thanks, Goof.” 
And you want to stay true to your friendship, you don’t want to lie to her. There are days where you’ve thought about the outcome of your secret relationship, and it’s really torn you to pieces. In the end, you figure it’s best if she doesn’t know. Maybe it’s best if she never knows. 
A few buzzes from your phone end your brief moment, with Molly now back away. Pulling out your phone, you glance down, watching the screen light up with Dave’s name. 
“Well… I guess I’ll let you get back to it.” She chuckles, acknowledging the notifications. 
It’s weird, her finally knowing about this. And although she doesn’t know everything about this, her knowing some of it sort of… normalizes it. But you’re not exactly sure that’s a good thing. 
Before you can get a response out, she’s walking away. “Tell Dave I say hi.” She grins, shutting the door behind her. Now that comment, makes your insides twist tight. 
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Doing as he says, you open the app, seeing another notification from him. And inside, you’re already full of butterflies, thinking about what he’s sent. 
This time, it’s a video. It starts out in the same position as the photo he sent, directed at his covered lap. But now, his hand is moving, slowly undoing his belt before pulling it open. Thick fingers then move to his zipper, pulling it down to reveal the pretty periwinkle underneath. But then it abruptly ends. Frowning, you close the app to message him, wondering if he’d intended to send more. But just before you can, another video loads. 
Groaning, David sighs, pulling himself out of his light purple boxers. He’s red, already dripping down the sag of his foreskin. Pulling it back, you can hear him gasp, a quiet noise as he holds himself in hand. 
“I miss you, baby.” His voice is low, but sweet. Gliding his thumb over the tip, he sighs again. “Miss the way you feel around me…” 
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You’ve already spent at least ten minutes in here, so you’ll need to do this quick. And be creative. It’s not like you can just get naked in the middle of the bathroom, and you definitely don’t have the time for that. But Dave isn’t exactly a hard man to please. 
“Fuck me.” 
He thought the two of you were just having fun together, sending these messages back and forth. Sure he’d touched himself in a video for you, but he had no real intention of actually getting himself off. That is, until you sent an upskirt picture of yourself to him.
Your cheer uniform is clearly visible, and with your panties tugged to the side, he can see you perfectly. The smooth pinkness of your skin, just barely glistening for him. Jesus, he misses that, misses how it feels and tastes and smells. Fuck, he’ll have to convince you to give him your panties again, especially if you’re not sure when you’ll next see him.
Making sure to screenshot the image, he pulls it up in his photos, no longer having the Snapchat timer on it. Spitting into his palm, he stares at the screen, at the beautiful picture of your sweet, tiny pussy. It’s his, it’s all his, the entirety of your body. Your gorgeous tits and smooth thighs, the plumpness of your ass. All he wants to do is touch you, feel and grab on your most sensitive places. He loves your hips, loves digging his fingers into the thin skin, especially when he’s fucking you. Jesus Christ, it’s all he can think of, bending you over and taking you from behind, fucking you in his car, in the basement lounge of his home, anywhere secluded enough for him to have you.
Tugging on himself, he releases a rough sigh. Even though he has an entire office to himself, he still wants to keep quiet. He has absolutely no idea who could be walking the halls. Truthfully, though, it’s hard to do so when he has a woman half his age sending pictures from between her thighs. 
His head tilts back, resting on the upper portion of his chair as he spreads his legs further. Thrusting up into his palm, he gasps, continuously brushing the flat of his thumb over his leaking head. He just loves how you play with it, how you tug his foreskin back to suck and lick on it. The next time he sees you, he’ll demand it, shove you down onto your knees until you’re gagging on him. It’s what he’s wanted for days, it’s what he needs. 
Spit isn’t enough to be an adequate lubricant, nowhere near as slick as your cunt. It’s amazing to him, just how slippery you get, just how desperately you want for him. And he knows if you were here, you’d be doing this for him. 
Slamming the phone down on his desk, he finds his breaths becoming ragged, using his now free hand to cup his scrotum. He fondles the softness of it, imagining it to be you while he jerks off into his hand. Internally, he’s thinking about your mouth, about the way you swallow him. Even when he cums, you’re sucking it down, urging it to the back of your throat and Christ, just the thought of it is enough for him. 
It’s incredible how sensitive he gets, especially when he cums. He has to bite into his lower lip to keep himself at bay, to keep those whimpers from slipping out. Thrusting up into his own hand, he groans, eyes pitching shut with his brows furrowing just above. His mouth hands agape, unable to think about anything other than your pretty face. He can feel it oozing down the side of his hand, seeping into the cracks between each fingers, leaking over his knuckles. He never used to cum so much before you. 
“F-Fuck,” He grunts out, eyes shooting open to look down. 
Slowing his pace, he takes a breath, staring at his mess. Some of the warm, white goo is on his boxers, even his work pants, too. But he’s not frustrated about that. He’s annoyed about something else entirely. 
“Should’ve filmed that.” 
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It’d be for the best that you accept her offer, you want to reassure her that your friendship is as strong as ever. But you just can’t bring yourself to. Dave’s presence is nowhere in that house, but Carol sure as hell is. She’s always complaining, whether it’s about Dave, or her work, or her friends, it’s always something. It’s never-ending. And you just don’t feel like dealing with that right now.
“I think I’m okay today, but thanks for askin’.” Is your final response, alongside a grateful smile. 
“You sure?” Molly inquires, shifting her bag on her shoulder. “You don’t want to hangout today?”
“Not today, babe. But we will sometime this week, I promise.” 
Honestly, you’d like to get home and eat. It’s been a long day, with an early practice and then another after your classes. You’ve barely had time for a latte and some crackers, and you’re starting to feel woozy from it. 
“I need to get home and eat. Talk to you later!” And with that, you’re hopping in your Jeep. 
Some days, it’s easy to get caught up in the world around you. With school and work and cheer and pom, Dave occasionally falls to the wayside. Even though you’ve been missing some classes and practices lately… But while these days come and go, he always wiggles back in somehow. Today had been busy, you weren’t able to respond to him after your flirty morning messages. But now that you’re driving home, finally on your way to relaxation, your head is full of him again. 
“Hey, baby.”
“Hey!” You’re giddy all over again, just hearing his voice. You’d decided to call instead of text, you missed his voice. “How are you?”
“Tired,” He groans, staring down at the paperwork he’d been tasked with. “How are you?”
“Tired, too. But I'm finally on my way home, think I’ll take a day off tomorrow. This week has been draining me.” 
“Just remember, we’ll get a break soon.” Smirking, he traces an imaginary shape onto his desk, sighing. 
“What do you mean?”
“Our trip, we’re leaving on Thursday.”
“Holy shit, I completely forgot! Fuck, I need a break.”
“You’ll get one soon, princess.”
The way he says it makes you sigh, releasing the stress of your day. His voice is smooth and reassuring, deep and just a little bit gravely. 
“I miss you.” 
“I know, honey. But I’ll see you soon.” 
“I don’t know, sweetheart. I’m pretty busy, I’ll probably be home late.” 
Immediately, you have the thought of visiting him. You’ve never gone up to his work, you haven’t really had a reason to. But maybe you could surprise him today.��
“Okay, babe. Just get some rest, okay?”
“Sure, baby.” He chuckles, checking the time on his wrist. “We can talk more later, okay?”
“Okay,” Pouting, you pull into your parking lot, wishing the call didn’t have to end. 
“I love you, sweetheart.” He says it with intention, like he’s apologizing for your time apart. 
“I love you, too.” And while your response isn’t said as sweetly, he accepts it, promising to text you soon. 
As soon as the call ends, you’re scurrying inside to see what food you have. Instead of just visiting him, you figure you’ll bring him some dinner. He did say he was busy, maybe he hasn’t had the chance to eat yet. 
Thinking back to the first time he stayed in your apartment, you remember one of his favorite meals. Easily enough, you find noodles and alfredo sauce in the cupboard, and some frozen chicken in the freezer. 
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“Dave York… does he, does he not work here?” It’s the third time you’ve had to ask for him, and everyone’s been acting super strange. 
“No, he does, he does. I just… are you one of his daughters?” And now, you freeze up. “I haven’t seen you before.”
“I’m… a friend. Can you just tell me where to find him, please?” Did it have to be that big of a deal?
Though, you suppose it should be a big deal. This isn’t just any office, it’s the office for the Central Intelligence Agency. Maybe you should’ve thought this through. 
“Sure… just let me give him a call. What was your name?”
Sighing, you hand your ID to the man at the front desk, watching him eye it while picking up the phone. He dials a quick number, Dave’s voice heard on the other end almost immediately. 
“Yeah, I’ve got a younger woman here that’s asking for you.”
At this, he sounds flustered, though you can’t quite make out what he’s saying. But then this man is repeating your name, and he goes silent. Shit, is he upset that you’re here? Maybe this was a bad idea. Shit, shit. 
“Hm? Yes?” Startled out of your worried haze, the man says, “You can go in. He’s right down that hall, and to your right. Office number twenty-nine.” 
Raising your brows, you feel a surge of adrenaline burst inside. “Oh… okay, thank you.”
You’re very suddenly intimidated by your surroundings. Everything looks so… professional, monochrome colors and sleek lines, engraved name cards and security surveillance at every turn. Regardless, you make your way down, albeit with timid steps. And when you’re at his door, you take in a deep breath. Gulping, you lift your hand, knuckles knocking shyly against the door. 
“Come in.” His voice is deep, loud, demanding that you enter. 
Slowly, you twist the knob, urging the hunk of wood forward. Peaking your head inside, you’re met with an abundance of dark wood and grays. Wooden side tables and shelves, and further in, a dark wooden desk, too. 
“H-Hey, hi.” Grinning sheepishly, you fully make your way in, closing the door behind you. 
“Hey…” Standing from his desk, you’re not quite sure how to read his expression. Both hands fall to his shirt, fiddling with his buttons. “What…” Walking toward you, he exhales a nervous breath. “What’re you doing here?” 
“I, well…” Lifting the tupperware in your hand, you glance down, explaining, “I wanted to bring you dinner.” 
As soon as he sees it, his eyes are wide, lips parting slightly. “You… brought me dinner?”
“Mhm, I made it. It’s chicken alfredo, I… I thought you’d like it.”
“Baby,” And the way he says it prompts your eyes to return to him. “Thank you.” 
He takes the container so gingerly that you’d assume it was glass if you didn’t already know better. Spinning on his heels, he sets it on his desk, just as quickly turning back to you.
“Thank you, baby.” Reaching out, he pulls you tightly into his arms, heart beating out of his chest. You can feel it against your own, your hands sliding up to wrap around his neck.
“Of course,” You’re flush from his reaction, beyond happy to see him this way. “I’m so glad you’re happy to see me.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He asks, loosening his grip to kiss your forehead. And then he’s turning, walking back to his desk.
“I don’t know, I’ve just never been here before and I got… nervous.” 
“You’re cute when you’re nervous.” He’s chuckling, opening up the container and grabbing the silverware you brought with it. 
Slinking into one of the chairs before his desk, you grin, watching him dig in. And in this brief lull, you take a look around his office, having wondered what it’d be like in here. All the lights are warm-toned, his shelves full of novels and his desk incredibly clean. Usually though, it’s quite messy. He’s lucky his secretary called first, it gave him time to hide a few things before you came in. 
“Did you eat?”
“Yeah, I ate at home. Don’t worry about me.” 
All he can do is stop and stare at you, smiling sweetly. No one’s ever been so thoughtful toward him before. In all their years of marriage, Carol never thought to do this. And if she did, she never followed through on it. 
“You’re so sweet, honey.” 
“Yeah well I try.” You respond, rolling your eyes with a grin. 
With an ounce of confidence, you stand, making your way behind his desk. Wrapping your arms around him from behind his chair, you lean down, kissing his cheek. 
“I was a little bit nervous, if I’m being honest.”
“Well, everyone knows I’m married, baby.” He laughs, thinking that was obvious. “And now I have some young girl bringing me food.” 
Shrugging, you grin. “Maybe they’ll be impressed.” 
Setting down his fork, he grins, turning a bit. “C’mere.” Grabbing hold of your hips, he pulls you into his lap, your back pressing against his chest. “I’m impressed.”
“With what?” You giggle, feeling his lips dragging over your neck. 
“How caring you are, baby.” Kissing your neck, he grins, hands unwilling to move from your hips. “I’m lucky to have you.” 
Tilting your head back onto his shoulder, you sigh. “I’ve missed this.”
“I know…” Dave groans, “I can’t wait to take you on this trip, do whatever I want with you for days.” 
“You could do whatever you want with me right now.” You return, eyeing him from the side. 
As if the sound was meant to directly ruin your moment, his work phone rings. And then, a notification pops up on his laptop. A work meeting.
“Yeah, not while talking to my bosses.” 
Frowning, you release a pouty huff. “Could I maybe… stay? I’ll be quiet, I promise!”
At first, he’s inclined to say no. He isn’t sure what this meeting is about, but… he could always take it on his AirPods, too. 
“Sure, baby. Just keep quiet, okay?”
Your face lights up at his words, nodding enthusiastically. Darting to the side, you grab a chair, pulling it up beside him. It takes all but two seconds for him to connect the call, popping in one of the small, white earbuds. 
It’s cute, really, how sweetly you cuddle up to him. But can you help it? Going days without him feels like a fucking crime. And since he’s not on camera, you really can snuggle him, looping an arm around his and nuzzling into his shoulder. 
Smiling, he enters the chat, happy to hear it’s about the upcoming trip. “Yeah, the tickets are set. Resnik checked into the hotel already, I’ll be meeting him early Friday. Yep, leaving Thursday night.” 
He’s going through the facts, just running over the plan, but even though the conversation is mundane, you couldn’t be more entertained. The smooth melody of his voice lulls you into relaxation, that baritone sound rumbling in his throat. 
Something about laying on the sturdiness of him, listening to him converse nonchalantly with his coworkers, it’s healing your inner child. Even though he’s at work, clearly busy, he still wants you here. He still does his best to make sure you know you’re loved. 
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“Come here.”
“Sh!” You giggle, moving with him. “We have to be quiet!”
“I know that.” Dave grunts in response, pulling you into his body again. 
It all happened so quickly, him waking you up before leaving the office. You’re shocked that you fell asleep in the first place. Thinking back, you weren’t even that tired. Maybe he just made you that comfortable. 
“Doesn’t mean I can’t have my fun with you.” He finishes, biting into your neck. 
After he woke you up, he suggested that you come back to his home. Truthfully, it’s become far too easy for this to take place, for you to fuck Molly’s dad just down the hall from her bedroom. Coming home past midnight, he’s certain that his family will be asleep. And as long as you’re out before six the next morning, you’re in the clear. And anyways, he’d missed having you in his bed, beneath his body and hands. There was a point where you’d told him that you wanted a home, a home to share with him. And after that, he kind of lost it. 
At first, it was innocent, the two of you snuggling in your undies together. He locked the door after you were both inside, releasing a contended breath once he finally got to hold you. Dave wrapped the covers around the two of you, settling into his bed. But then you were shifting, trying to get ‘comfortable’, all while grinding back against him. 
“You know what I can’t stop thinking about? Your gorgeous fucking mouth,” Reaching up, he covers it with his palm, hissing into your ear, “And all the sexy sounds it makes.”
He’s holding you from behind, having shoved your panties to the side. Slipping himself out of his boxers, he slides along the slickness of your sex, grunting hot breaths directly into your ear. 
“Jesus, baby, you don’t understand. You can’t do that to me, you can’t grind that perfect ass against me. I just, fuck, I cum so fucking easy with you.”
And while he’s talking, only riling himself up, you’re still doing it, shoving yourself back against him. Both of your hands are clinging to his forearm, lungs doing their best to release quiet breaths. 
“Every time you leave, I think about you, baby. I think about you every goddamn second of the day. Think about your beautiful lips, tapping the head of my dick against them.” And that’s when you release your first, true moan, eyes fluttering just above his hand. “You want it, princess? You want me?”
It’s a smile whine, one accompanied with a nod, that you give in response. And with one small slip, barely adjusting the angle of his hips, he’s sliding in. It feels like it’s been forever since you felt him, the thickness of him splitting you open from behind. 
“Talk to me,” He finally gives in, taking his hand away. “Talk to me, baby.”
“Baby,” You nearly squeal, feeling his hips thrust into you. All at once, he’s forcing you to take him, every inch. And it burns but it feels just right. “Fuck, I need this.”
“C’mon,” Dave grunts, teeth dragging along your neck. Sliding one hand down, he smacks your outer thigh, demanding, “Grind yourself against me.” And like always, you give in. 
“More, daddy.” Already, your breaths have turned heavy, feeling his hips rotate against your ass. The sting of his slap still radiates along your skin, his fingers now pressing into the plump muscles he can’t seem to get enough of. 
“I can’t wait to give you more, I’ll give you everything.” He promises, huffing out a deep moan. “When we’re on our trip, I’ll taste you everyday, every goddamn day.”
“David,” He’s pumping himself into you, meeting the smooth rotation of your hips. 
“Fuck, I can’t wait to have your mouth on my cock again. Shove it down your throat and make you look up at me while you swallow.” He can’t even begin to tell you about the fantasies he’s dreamt up about this trip. “I can’t wait to take you with me.” 
“I…” Sighing, you smile. “I can’t wait, daddy.”
“Daddy’ll give you whatever you want, okay, baby? Whatever you need, it’s yours, it’s yours, princess. Fuck.” Sliding his hand down, he fondles your chest, gripping you in hand. “Maybe I can show you off, take you to some beaches and clubs.”
“Fuck yes, you think I’d pass up that opportunity?” You hate to say it, but feeling like a prize to him is making you drip. “Let everyone see the sexy little thing that’s with me… Fuck, you can be so dirty, can’t you, baby? Sending me pictures of your pussy, huh? Letting me see up your cheer skirt?”
“I, I want that. Want you to do that.”
“I already have.”
“No, baby…”
“What?” Pressing his nose into your cheek, he groans. “What do you need?”
“Want you to do that at our next game.” And you almost can’t help the wicked smile that forms on your face. 
“Yeah? At halftime? Just like how we first met?”
“Yes, baby.” The feeling of his cock dragging along your walls is almost too much when coupled with his words. And before you even realize it, your hips are stuttering in their motion.
“Did I tell you to stop?” Another harsh spank, one loud enough for you to worry. 
“You like that?”
“You know I do.”
You can feel his stubble scratching along your jawline and cheek, his lips insistent in their kisses. But then he’s lowering himself, finding and then sucking on your neck.
“Do you like it, daddy? You like being inside me?”
“Fuck,” It’s a growl, one vibrating over your throat. 
At this point, he’s slapping his hips against you, diving deeper every time. 
“I loved sitting in your lap, daddy. Maybe I can do that more often at your office.”
“Maybe you can do a little more than that.”
You’re pulsing around him, trying to quiet your shrill gasps. Molly and Alice are just down the hall, and so is Carol. And to think you’re fucking their dad makes you hot all over again. It’s become so exciting. Hell, who are you kidding? It’s always been exciting. 
“I love you, sweetheart. You were meant for this, you were made for me. Even when apart, I still want you. I still need you.”
“I need you, David.” Clinging to his forearm, you release a soft moan, feeling his tip punch against your most sensitive spot. “I love you.”
“B-Baby,” He suddenly stutters, holding you tighter in his grasp. And you almost can’t breathe from it, can’t think of anything else but him. 
“I know, daddy. Will you cum inside me?” 
“Jesus,” Eyes rolling back, he grunts. “You’re perfect for me.”
The sloppy sound of your meeting sexes makes your face burn, and if it weren’t for the loud fan in David’s room, you’d be worried. It makes you grateful for the times you get at your apartment, where you can be as loud and sloppy as you want. And you’re sure this vacation won’t be any different. 
“I’m gonna take you with me,” He promises breathlessly, eyes pinching shut. His tongue is laving over your neck, lips kissing your jawline and cheek, moaning sweetly, desperately into your ear. “I can’t wait to take you with me.” In less than three sharp thrusts, he’s spilling into you, feeling the hot liquid rush out of his tip. It shoots into your center, the gooiness of it coating your insides white. His muscles turn to jelly, his once steady breaths now faltering, especially when you shove your hips back against him. 
“I love you,” He proclaims through his high, his voice and chest straining as he speaks to you. “I love you, sweetheart. You’re mine.” 
“I know,” You promise in return, nuzzling back into his barely-covered body. “I know, baby. And you’re mine.” Reaching around, your fingers find that soft, light brown hair, finding gentle purchase with it. 
“You’ll always be with me, I promise.” Kissing the shell of your ear, David sighs, basking in the sensation of your fingers in his hair. “Princess, I’ll take you everywhere.” 
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elliot-needs-sleep · 8 months
Big preesh man
Soooo I wanna request a cute lil comfort thing with my favorite girly pops, the diamonds. But not pink diamond cause she kinda gets on my nerves.
El oh el
Anyway, poly!diamonds cause they make me happy with a reader who’s just… sad. Like, they’re just really stressed out with life and whatever. You can add stuff as you so please
Big preesh my man
Referring to the Diamonds as your favorite girly pops is my favorite thing lol
Also I also don't like Pink-
Not my best work but it has been forever since I've written anything for Steven Universe-
Stressful Situations
Fic Type: Short Form
Characters: Bean's fav girly pops, Blue, Yellow, and White (I'm sorry it's just really funny to me-)
It was not an easy day.
Everything seemed to go wrong.
You were stressed, tired, and a mix of angry and upset, but you still sat in a garden on Homeworld, waiting for any one of the Diamonds to have the time to see you.
Being surrounded by dozens of plants you didn't recognize was slightly helpful at least, and you couldn't help but stare at the colorful leaves and blossoms that surrounded you.
"(Y/N)? Yellow is ready to see you now." A sharp voice spoke from behind you, and you turned your head over your shoulder to smile at her Pearl.
"Thanks, I'll be there in just a minute."
You sat quietly as Yellow worked on her reports, enjoying the company after the day you had, and when you spoke, it was hardly loud enough for Yellow to hear you.
"I like the flowers in the garden. They look really pretty." She raised an eyebrow at you over the screen she had in front of her, but smiled at you after a moment.
"Every species is from I world I'm in control of. They bloom at different times, so the garden is always full of them. They are quiet pretty, I agree with that."
You smiled at her, enjoying her company and going back to sitting in a comfortable silence.
On a different day, you found yourself sitting in the garden again, this time waiting for Blue. It wasn't your space, but it was beginning to feel like it was. You felt just as out of place as the plants, on a planet where you didn't quite belong, but grew anyways.
Blue's Pearl had watched you quietly for a bit, before deciding that Blue could take a break and sit amongst the flowers with you. You looked too at peace to bother.
And that's how you found yourself sitting across from Blue in the garden, where she quietly explained the different worlds some of them had come from. It was nice to be able to sit and talk about something that wasn't politics or daily life.
She smiled softly at you as you stared at a specific plant in wonder, and then spoke again.
"I don't know why we don't spend more time out here, this garden is beautiful and you seem to be the only one to use it. Would you mind if we sat out here next time as well?"
You weren't sitting in the garden this time. This time, you sat quietly beside White's Pearl, waiting for her to be finished with her work and quietly chatting with the Pearl next to you.
"I've been spending a lot of time in the garden, the one inbetween everyone. I don't really know why, but everything just feels... peaceful down there. It's like time stops, almost."
If White had heard you, she made no outward indication of it. What you didn't know however, is that both Blue and Yellow had mentioned your interest in that specific garden.
And if she had something planned for her starlight, then you'd figure it out. Eventually.
What you weren't expecting the next time you had entered the garden was for it to have changed.
The plants were carefully pruned and the weeds had been taken out. The walkways that were previously crumbling and missing parts had been carefully fixed. The benchs that had been covered in vines were now good as new, and in the centre of the circle they had created was a carefully created waterfall, you could feel the mist on you if you sat too close.
And on the base of the waterfall was an inscription, one you would've missed if you had been looking carelessly.
"Plants grow and bloom in places that are least expected. Here you can continue to grow and bloom even when things are at their worst."
You smiled softly at the words that your beloveds had written, clearly meant for you. And so you laid down on a bench, surrounded in a place that was now meant for you, waiting once more for the people you loved.
But you didn't mind in the slightest, not when they did little things that no one else would've thought of. Not when they showed their affection for you whenever they had the chance.
With their support, it didn't matter how difficult life was. Nothing mattered when you could sit here, or with them, and let time pass without fighting it for once.
It didn't matter how hard things were when you knew you had people you could count on to help make things easier.
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purecalcium66 · 8 months
Tumblr media
this game is extremly fanartable for some reason??? (please don't ask me about the background i cannot explain it either, Im not a good backgrounder)
by accident i finished Infinite sooner than i expected, so here under the cut is my opinion/rant about this game, as someone who knows next to nothing about politics, racist stereotypes and all the problematic stuff the game tired to show. Just a really casual opinion, i just needed to write somewhere. Don't take it seriously if you want to read it please.
in advance: sorry for any mistakes, english is not my native language and im writing this straight from my heart so im not thinking about grammar rn
first thing: I reeeeally enjoyed this game, which after reading so many negative comments i did not expect. It has its flaws, but everything has flaws. Of course it isn't better than the first and second Bioshock, but i dont really consider it as a continuation of the first two games? Rather like a stand alone title. It's soooo entirely different, and as much as I prefer Rapture, Columbia is incredibely pretty and i had to stop every 10 seconds to take a screenshot.
Even though the story was... uh.... well, some plot holes were so wide i could fit my whole fist through them, but nevertheless it was overall, enjoyable. Im pretty sure, that even the creators got lost in that lore at some point, and im still cannot tell what exactly happend at the end...? I went crazy when i attempted to make a timeline of events. But the idea of tears and all that dimension travel was pretty interesting i think. Anyway. Plot twist was forced, and that Rapture cameo at the end was too, as much as i dont want to admit it (even though i almost pissed my pants from excitement when i saw my favourite city in its full glory again). Burial at Sea might add something to the story i guess, but from what i heard, it only adds existential dread to the fans of the series. I will see about that soon. Even if its really that bad, at least I will have a loooong snappies taking session with those georgous graphics hehe.
Also im really dissapointed in how both Comstock and Fitzroy get disappear forever 5 seconds after they appear in person, like come on, i hoped to see more of them than just some rambling over the radio (the voice acting was amazing though, as usual in Bioshock).
oh and also the boys of silence appeared for only one location? Their design is so cool! After watching the trailer I expected much more! The design was inspiring as hell.
oh also Skylines were the best thing that happened to this game imo. Amazing feeling.
and last but not least: characters! This time i did not really get attached to the characters as much as in the previous games. I liked Elizabeth and Booker, they are pretty solid, i think, and i would totally cosplay as any of them if i had someone to cosplay the other one with me. And the other characters? The Twins were really fun, Songbid was badass, and Daisy was cool too, before she appeared in person for 5 seconds. They all were not nearly as fun as the characters from the first game.
Whoever read this whole, I love you, but please do something better with your time. Stay safe guys, and remember to slap a bald head from time to time (it helps keeping your mental state well)
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davidshawswife · 1 year
Dream Of You.
David shaw fic.
thanks to @monuma for requesting this fic. I am sorry that this isn't exactly what you requested and I'm Soooo sorry it took so long, I got the worst case of writers block and I thought I fixed it but I've been staring at this draft for literal months I'm so sorry. but atleast it's here. I hope you enjoy! have a good day, night or afternoon loves.
tag list
"What happened?" The first words David spoke as he came home from work. Worry flooding his veins.
"what? nothing." Angel tried their best to keep still. Not give anything away.
David arched an eyebrow, "Really?"
"yes." Angel whispered. They started moving away from their boyfriend.
"then why are you limping?"
they'd been caught, red handed. "ohh.. um..."
"Angel." David warned "Don't lie to me. My mate is hurt. Tell me why."
Deciding to obey the command, Angel began, "I needed to put the flowers you got me in a vase... I couldn't reach the top shelf-" heat flooded their cheeks, "it's stupid."
David stared intently at his mate, "I didn't ask if it was stupid. I asked what happened."
Fixing their eyes to the floor, Angel tried again, "I climbed up the counter to reach it..." Angel took a deep breath "And I fell down. okay?"
Walking toward his Angel, David said "baby.. how many times have I told you to ask me for help."
Angel continued staring at the floor, fixated with a spec of dirt. "you were busy and I didn't want to bother you."
David took Angels chin between his forefingers. Tilting their face upward. Forcing their eyes to meet his. "you could never bother me, Angel..." taking a breath, David said "how bad is it?"
"only a light sprain."
nodding David began. "here's what we're gonna do. I'm going to make dinner while you go pick a movie for us to watch."
David shook his head. "No. No objections. You're hurt, let me take care of you." David pleaded. Placing a soft kiss to Angels lips. "please."
"good." Another kiss.
Slapping Angels Ass, David added, "now get out of my kitchen, ya little snot."
(Authors note : I had to add the ass smacking in their, considering he likes to be very thorough when it comes to that ass ;)).)
later that evening
David opened his eyes finding the TV screen blank. And his mate snoring softly. They must've fell asleep.
The shifter stared down at his mate. A world of love in his eyes. As they slept on his chest. Drool leaking from the corner of their mouth. Their Hair standing in all different directions. Soft Snores escaping their lips.
"Shit, your beautiful." David whispered softly. Running his hand up and down their back.
Placing a kiss to the top of their head. "I love you, Angel."
tightening his hold on Their waist, David whispered "I love you,I'm always surprised by how much. In the small moments specifically."
A flood gate of memories filled David's mind in one sudden blinding apocalypse of love for his mate.
The time they dragged him outside while it was raining so they could dance in the rain, only for The shifter to realise his mate was a terrible dancer.
The time they sat in his car after their 3rd date and looked him dead in the eye and said 'are you gonna kiss me or not?'.
Remembering how it felt when their lips touched for the first time, how they were a slow kisser and how David absolutely loved it.
The first time they went with him to visit his father's grave and they squeezed his hand in a show of silent support.
David smiled at the memories, "you're my right answer. to every question I've ever had.... you, you are the answer, Angel."
And then in a slow wave David realised that he wanted this. forever. he wanted to wake up to this forever. he wanted them to be his future. he wanted to sit next to them in rocking chairs one day. he wanted everything with them. he wanted-
"I want to marry you, Angel." David whispered, letter by letter. He felt the words with his entire being. He was going to marry them. Without a single doubt.
Placing a kiss to angels Cheek David whispered. "I am going to marry you one day, baby."
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souliebird · 4 months
hi! just binged all of “and then i met you”, it’s soooo good and fun and i love it. i just had a question, it’s okay if you don’t answer, but was wondering if you have like a schedule to posting updates or they’re posted when they’re ready or just when you feel like it? literally no pressure at all and sorry if it comes off as rude or annoying, english is not my first language. thanks!!!
I'm glad you are enjoying it! And you are totally fine :)
I post as they are ready, which lately has been about every two weeks. I've started writing the next chapter, but I do 99% of my writing while at work and I've been very busy the past week and don't expect that to calm down for a few days.
But who knows, sometimes my excel sheets and reports take forever to load/process and all I can do is wait while they run, so I use that time to write :) My muse is being chatty again, so that's always a good sign.
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gkt-tummyaches · 6 months
thank you for the post about the outfits and with berserk!! its soooo tiring to see this stuff crop up in the fandom
yeah ofc !! like it could be said for any of the main 9 at various pounts in the fandom's lifetime, but berserk is certainly the hottest topic popping up right now. for me, at least.
it's so exhausting when waves of fans start cropping up again with the same old problems, usually criticizing fetishism or explicit content created inappropriately (ie; with children), with refusal to understand that they're grouping everybody with a minority of the fandom. and in addition to that, not understanding how harmful it is to start throwing around accusations based on a person's content as if context doesn't matter.
it's frankly ridiculous and i blame a lot of it on the aftershocks of the 'holding people accountable' and 'cancel culture' fads. the mentality strangles a community of its creative freedom. not to mention these braindead twats who think if you draw berserk in a pleated skirt and a button-up that one becomes a pdf.file. whatever utter fucking tripe they have to back themselves up is usually rhetoric stemming from the purist/bleached content trend taking over everything.
like people aren't allowed to have opinions. or aren't allowed to have their own tastes and preferences, or their own interpretations. at this rate people condemn for the sake of censure like it's a leisure activity. it's pathetic.
this fandom has so many little things to bicker over, there's still code vs clash vs crack shipping wars or rarepair supremacy fights - and then we have to deal with people trying to tell me how i can't dress berserk up like a monster high doll ? /rh
but i digress.
i could go on this rant forever lmaooo the point is: just do what you want ? why is what you do anybody else's business, and vice versa ?
leave berserk alone u guys !!!😭😭 she's dressed like a privileged 90s prep girl to contrast her absolute menace of a personality. it suits her and i'm tired of people thinking it's a kink !!! not everything is sexual.
people just forget that for there to be a fetish there is often a larger portion of people that enjoy the source of it non-sexually. we can still have school uniform themed outfits. it's okay. i promise.
// i'm glad i wasn't the only one thinking this too btw !! thank u for the inbox it's nice to know there are others who agree sorry i got a little heated ur msg was appreciated briqkpile !! i just have a lot of thoughts on this topic, for both berserk and the ppnkg, ppg, and rrb as a whole. but we've all been there 💔
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witchybitchy222 · 2 years
Azriel x Reader | Renewal
Chapter Two
Azriel x Female Reader
Based on this ask:
“My brain literally will not shut up about reader from our world who is actually the reincarnation of Rhy’s sister (and Az’s mate duh)but NONE of them realize it until she dies/gets put into the cauldron and is brought back as high fae”
THANK YOU again for all the support! Sorry this part took forever, all this exposition is hard to write when I just wanna get to the good stuff lol Enjoy!!
Chapter one:
You thanked the waiter as he set down your glass of lemonade and glanced at your watch, 12:47, you should’ve known, Cora was late to everything. You looked back at the menu trying to decide between a salad and a sandwich when Cora dropped herself into the seat across from you with a sigh.
“I know, I know, I’m late” she began “but to be fair, I had to wait for the subway because that guy who smells like feet and sits way too close to any woman he spots was on there and I was NOT dealing with that today.”
“I’ll accept that” you said with a laugh.
“Soooo” Cora began as she wrapped her braids up into a bun “how was your date last night?”
“Ugh,” you rolled your eyes
“That bad?” Cora asked, eyebrows raised.
“Horrible.” You began, “he forgot to take off his wedding ring.”
“What an ass! Men are literally the worst.” Cora said, scrunching her face up in disgust.
“Tell me about it, I’m so over dating. I’ve accepted that I’ll never have sex again” You say, taking a sip of your lemonade.
“Maybe if you could hookup without getting emotionally invested it’d work out better for you.” Your friend laughed.
The waiter came over to take your order, you could hear yourself talking, but things started to go out of focus and eventually the whole restaurant faded from view.
You opened your eyes with a gasp. A dream. It was a dream. But it felt so real. Was it a memory?
You pushed the blankets off and swung your feet onto the floor. You went to the bathroom and braided back your hair before choosing some comfortable clothes to wear. You couldn’t stop replaying the dream, trying to see if there was anything that stood out enough to spark more memories, if it even was a memory.
You planned to meet with Rhysand and His second in command this morning. The High Lord had said Amren was good with spells and might be able to dig up something to trigger your memory. You’d have to ask her opinion on your dream.
You heard voices as you headed downstairs. There were paintings hanging along the wall you wanted to admire, but didn’t want to keep the fae waiting, so you continued on, making a mental note to come back and look at them later.
You walked down the hall to an open door and took a deep breath before walking into the room. The female you assumed was Amren stood across the room, between the fireplace and window. Two dark green plush chairs were placed in front of the hearth, the High Lord occupied one, dressed impeccably in a black suit, one leg propped up on the other, an easy smile on his face.
“Good morning, I hope you slept well.” He said as you entered. He gestured for you to take the other seat.
You sat a little nervously, feeling Amren’s eyes on you.
“This is Amren, my second in command.” Rhysand gestured to the female.
“I’m Y/N” you said with a slight smile.
“Oh I know all about you” Amren replied with a slightly unnerving smile. You swallowed thickly and looked to Rhysand. Amusement swam in his blue eyes, eyes you only now realized were strikingly similar to your own.
“I had a dream.” You told him.
He rose one eyebrow, his mouth slightly curving up at the sides.
“I mean, it may have been a memory” you quickly added, glancing at Amren who’s face revealed no emotion.
“Can I see?” Rhysand asked you. You nodded hesitantly, remembering what he told you the day before about his and Feyre’s powers to communicate with their minds. A shiver went down your spine as you felt him enter your brain. It wasn’t unpleasant necessarily, but your thoughts became harder to control. You felt yourself thinking of your dream, recalling the images and words.
Once he’d seen it all, Rhysand eased off and sighed.
“I’ve seen enough dreams and memories over the years to know it wasn’t just a dream.” He stated, glancing at Amren. “And it confirms what we already believed, you’re not of this realm.”
You had of course already suspected this, but hearing how certain Rhysand was made your stomach drop.
“I believe you’re here for a reason. We’ve checked with the other courts around Prythian and no one else has had an unexpected visitor. There must be a reason you’re here, not only in this realm, but in this court.”
“Normally I wouldn’t believe in this being an act of fate,” Amren began, “but your eyes lead me to believe otherwise.”
You looked again to Rhysand, his eyes unnervingly similar to yours.
“I’ve only known three other people to have this specific eye color,” he said, leaning forward on his elbows, “my son, who inherited them from me, my mother, and my sister. Both of whom have been dead for centuries.” Rhysand’s face flashed with a brief flicker of pain, and you noted that it must’ve been an unexpected death for them both. You furrowed your brows in confusion, “what do you think it means?” You glanced between the two, unsure what they could be alluding to.
Rhysand sighed, “we don’t know. Maybe you’re from the same lineage as me, just in an alternate reality? Maybe you’re your realm’s equivalent of me? Maybe it’s just a common eye color in your world. Honestly we don’t have much to go off of.” This was all so confusing, something was a hint, but didn’t give any information? At your frown Rhysand spoke again “It’s a great lead that you were able to dream a memory though, this means they’re still buried in your subconscious. Amren can look for a way to pull them out, and Feyre and I can help you strengthen your mind. Maybe focusing on sharpening your brain will push some more memories to the surface.”
Y/N laughed at something Mor said as she browsed the items in Mor’s favorite boutique in downtown Velaris. Damn that laugh, it was too distracting. He’d agreed to go shopping with them for honorable reasons, Rhys had asked him to keep an eye on her. They still didn’t know much about Y/N, and while the High Lord seemed to trust her, there was no telling when her memories would come back, and what that would lead to. He was normally so focused, catching little details and storing information was what he was good at, but there was something about this woman that made it hard to focus on anything but the way she smiled, and how her laugh sounded.
He followed behind Y/N and Mor as they headed back to the river house, trying to listen in on their conversation without getting distracted.
“So how’d it go with Rhys and Amren this morning?” Mor asked her as she linked their arms together.
“Fine, I guess.” Y/N replied, sighing a bit. “We still don’t know much, Amren has some theories she’s going to look into, and Rhysand wants to help me sharpen my mind. He thinks I may have some kind of mental block that won’t allow me to access my memories.”
Mor frowned, “I suppose that would make sense. Maybe you suffered some kind of trauma? What do you think, Az?”
They both turned to look at him, and for a moment his eyes caught Y/N’s and he forgot how to breathe, then she blushed and looked away and he regained control.
“I don’t know,” he began, “it’s nothing I’ve seen before. But if anyone can figure it out, it’s Rhys and Amren. Between the two of them they have enough knowledge and resources to help.” Y/N gave a small nod at that, and his heart swelled a bit in thinking that he had made her feel better, even if it was the tiniest bit. Cauldron, he couldn’t be developing feelings for her. He knew nothing about her! She was just a human woman who needed their help. Sure she was painfully beautiful, but he should be able to control himself. He was halfway through his fifth century, a crush wasn’t going to keep him from focusing on his job.
Feyre found you before dinner and started teaching you how to fortify your mind. She’d explained it like building a wall, a wall so thick and solid no one could penetrate it, and inside that wall was you. Your thoughts, feelings, memories, everything.
You were concentrating on placing yourself behind that wall when you felt Feyre’s presence approach you. You squeezed your eyes shut tighter and tried to focus on keeping her out. You knew she wasn’t pushing as hard as she could, and nothing about what she was doing was painful, but you were determined not to let her in.
“Good, Y/N” Feyre praised as she slid up to the wall. “Your foundation is good, but there are still some gaps that could be easily exploited” she explained as you felt her gently push her way into your mind.
“Ugh” you sighed and opened your eyes. “This is so much harder than I thought it’d be.”
“You’re doing great!” Feyre said with a smile. You shot her a small glare, she was being too kind.
“Really!” She said, “it’s only your first try and you’ve built a pretty solid wall already. It’s hard to do, but with more practice you’ll get better. Now stop pouting and let’s go eat.”
You followed her out of the room to the dining hall, your stomach grumbling after exerting all that energy trying to keep the High Lady out of your mind.
Dinner was mostly uneventful, it was only you, Feyre, Rhys, Nyx, and Mor, and as much as you hated to admit it, you were sad Azriel hadn’t joined. He hadn’t said much on your outing with Mor that afternoon, but something about being in his presence was calming.
After dinner you took a long hot bath and threw on one of the night dresses Mor had bought you earlier. It was a bit skimpier than you liked, but the material was soft and comfortable. You tried to rest, but sleep wouldn’t claim you, so you grabbed a long, silk robe in the most beautiful shade of blue, also purchased by Mor, and headed downstairs.
You thought about stopping to admire the paintings you’d seen earlier, but it was too dark to see them properly and you didn’t want to wake anyone by turning on any fae lights.
You eventually found yourself in the library and figured you might as well settle in there for a while.
You’d been so engrossed in your reading you didn’t notice anyone else had entered until a fae light flicked on by the door. You jumped a bit, but immediately relaxed when you turned to see it was Azriel who had come inside.
“You’re up late.” He said as he came to sit in the chair across the table from you.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you started “so I figured I’d come learn as much as I could about this realm, see if anything sparked a memory.”
Azriel stared at you, then at the books spread across the table, all detailing histories of Prythian. You could never tell what he was thinking. His face was neutral but you could tell his mind was working, trying to calculate something. It was clear he didn’t trust you. You blushed a bit at that thought, annoyed by how upset it made you, when one of his shadows reached across the table and glided across your hand. You gasped as you watched it retreat back to its master. You’d been told of Azriel’s unique abilities, but this was the first time you’d seen the shadows at work. They were beautiful, like sentient smoke blending in with the darkness in the room around you.
You looked up to find Azriel watching you, yet again, and realized something. This wasn’t the first time you’d seen those shadows, he’d been watching you.
“I’m not a threat, you know.” You said to him, angry he’d felt the need to take away your privacy by constantly watching you.
His eyebrows shot up, and he looked almost amused, which of course only made you angrier. “You realize saying that unprompted only makes you seem guilty, right?” He asked you.
You felt your face flush and crossed your arms in anger. “I can barely remember who I am, I’m not here to hurt anyone. Besides, I’m a human in a house filled with powerful fae, I couldn’t do anything even if I tried.”
“I know that.” Azriel replied, his face staying aggravatingly neutral.
“Then call of your little shadows and stop watching me in my private rooms! It’s creepy!”
He smirked at that and you let out a grunt of frustration, you were trying to be serious and all he could do was laugh at you.
“It’s my job to watch people” he said with that stupid smirk on his face.
“Well just, tone it down, would you?” You asked, exasperated with the whole conversation.
“Deal.” He said, his face going back to neutral.
“Good.” You said as you stood up and left the library. He was so frustrating, constantly glaring at you and judging your every move, and now he was laughing at you? He may be crazy attractive, but he was kind of an ass, and you were determined to be done drooling over him.
You threw yourself into bed, swearing you were done thinking about him.
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imagine-that-100 · 1 year
CSD is such a masterpiece!! I love it sm, would you and @alovesreading be able to give us a sneak peak for the next part? Totally okay if you can’t! <3
Awwhhhh! So so so glad you're enjoying Chicken Shop Date! We are honestly having such a good time writing it, we are obsessed with Baby and Matty. Of course you can have a sneak peak of Part 7! We're giving you a longer sneak peak because we need to take a bit more time to write part 8 (We always wanna be one chapter ahead and we only just finished part 7) Buttttt you can't be too upset at us because Part 7 is 36k long and it's got smuttttt lollllll. Soooo, heres your 1.7k of a sneak peak into Chapter 7. We hope you enjoyyyyyy x
“Hey Y/N/N.”
You hum at first but it turns into a, “Yeah?” and you open your eyes slowly with a blissed look on your face as you turn to look at her. 
At first you’re thankful she woke you again because it’s only early still, you definitely needed to not fall asleep just yet. But when you see your best friend turn to face you too, tucking her hand under her cheek to get comfortable over the plush pillows on her bed, you realise she wants to chat. 
Amelia sighs softly and her face gets serious, and if that wasn’t enough to scare you a bit, it’s the way her tone changes as she starts saying, “I know you don’t want to hear it and I don’t mean it in the way it’s going to sound but if I don’t say it and you get hurt, I won’t forgive myself.”
Instantly, all the joy in your system disappears, dread seeping in for whatever it is she’s about to say. There’s nothing you’re actually expecting but the weight at the pit of your stomach is getting heavier the more time she takes to continue, “What is it Ames?”
“I know you’re having a lot of fun with Matty and I'm really happy for you.” You almost tune out at the mention of his name, but seeing how serious she is you know it’s another one of those times you need to listen to her, “I truly, honestly am.” She reassures with a slight raise of her eyebrows and a nod as if to emphasise her point.
Yet you’re left waiting for the inevitable but, and sure enough, it comes after a fair few seconds, “But I just want you to be careful… I don’t want you to get feelings, or more feelings, when it could just end up being a friends with benefits thing.”
You’re truly at a loss for words as the wheel inside your brain starts to spin and the more seconds pass, the faster it spins. 
Amelia has been your best friend for years and whilst she’s had your back unconditionally for what seems like forever now, she’s also always been honest with you. Whether it was you making a stupid mistake that you were too stubborn to admit fault to, an outfit that just didn’t look good, pushing you to say sorry when you had to or you pining over someone who didn’t deserve you at all. She’s always been the one to say it like it was and kindly enough to have you snap out of so many trances. 
Never have you ever gotten angry at her, because you’ve learned that she always wants the best for you and even when the truth hurts, at the end of the day you realised she was right and she was watching out for you. 
So the first thing you feel deep in your chest isn’t anger, it’s just that pinch of hurt when you know someone says what you don’t want to hear but it’s not something that’s necessarily wrong. But that doesn’t make it any less painful to hear.
“I'm not saying stop,” She continues in slight panic at the change in your facial expression, “I can see how happy he makes you and how happy you seem to make him. And I don’t think he would have had you around for a full week if he was just going to fuck and dump you, but maybe when you go back you could get some clarity on it? Ask him about it maybe? Because the last thing I want is for him to hurt you.” 
Her suggestions are thrown in the air as a way to alleviate the growing tension around you now, hanging over you like a dark cloud that tells you it’s about to storm. But even seeing her soft awkward grin as she finishes her thoughts, you can’t seem to properly muster any logical sentences. 
Your words get tangled on the tip of your tongue and you stutter for a few seconds before you let out a loud sigh and chuckle meekly, slightly shaking your head in disbelief, “Thanks Ames.”
Amelia winces at your response and the words leave her before you can continue saying anything else, “I don’t want you to hate me for saying it, Y/N/N.”
You know she doesn’t mean it like that so you quickly reassure her that your reaction doesn’t mean that you hate her for saying it, “I don’t. I-,” 
Inhaling deeply through your nose before you can give her a deeper insight into what’s been going on between the singer and you. “He’s told me things that I don’t think you’d tell a fuck buddy. Things about his past that he got upset about. I don’t think you cry to your fuck buddies Ames.” 
It’s not that you mind her being worried about you, but it wasn’t as if Matty is all you’ve been going on about today. It wasn’t like your world has just stopped and it now solely focuses on him, because it really doesn’t. You’ve maybe mentioned the singer a handful of times today, most of the time telling her that he said hello to her or that he hoped that the both of you were having a nice time. 
Nodding slowly, she takes in what you're saying but she recoils into herself a bit when you continue to say, “And I'm not stupid, I'm not getting my hopes up for anything more just yet, I just want to enjoy what it is for now.”
Because Amelia of all people knows that you haven't had anything like this in a long time. You’ve been on your own for probably too long and you feel like some of the joy from the past week has just been invalidated when you weren’t even trying to make it into something it wasn’t. 
“I understand. But it’s worth having the conversation.” Amelia explains herself again and you nod taking in every word she says, “I don’t want you to be a placeholder for him. I don’t want you to be someone who’s willing to fuck him and then he fucks you off after the London dates on his tour.”
That has you sighing again, that last half feeling like a gut punch. But you somehow manage to nod, “I know, and I do mean the thank you I said, but I don’t wanna be thinking about that whilst we’re out here okay?” 
You were just having such a lovely moment of peace and appreciation for everything turning out better than you could’ve ever expected and now all you can taste is bitterness coating the back of your throat. “It’s not really something you can ask over the phone. And I want this to be a good experience. I don’t wanna be worrying about Matty whilst I’m out here.”
You mean that and even though you have been texting him here and there throughout the day, you’ve made sure to be mindful and enjoy every second you can with your best friend in this amazing opportunity you’ve got.
“I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t really know when to talk to you about it.” Her eyes show you just how much she didn’t mean to upset you, and they soften when she looks at you still sporting a blank face.
And despite knowing that, it unfortunately doesn’t make that sinking feeling in your chest go away. You feel like the mere mention of it has cracked open a can of worms that can’t be sealed again. The seeds of doubt that you’ve been ignoring to spare yourself the worry are now fixed and prominent. It all feels a little too much when you just wanted to have some fun with a man you’ve always found horrendously attractive. 
“I’m only a week into it all Ames.” You remind her and then you also refresh her memories of her and a certain rapper by saying, “I at least gave you a good few weeks with Harry before I told you to watch out.”
She nods remembering then how that had gone, “And whilst I love you for that, I know that you’ve liked Matty for a lot longer than I liked him. A year to a decade… I just don’t want him to hurt you or ruin his music for you.” 
She’s so serious it half makes you want to laugh, your best friend regarding the value of the band’s music as much as your heart being mistreated is the tiniest bit amusing to you.
“It won’t. Nothing could ruin his music for me. Not even him.” You promise, staring right into her eyes and then you plead, “I understand but for now I just want it out of my mind please. I appreciate you but please don’t bring this back up whilst we’re here. I want your support back.”
Reaching out for her hand, she meets you in the middle intertwining your fingers and then giving you a firm squeeze. A silent love you, one that you reciprocate by squeezing her hand back.
“Okay. You’ve got it. I am really really happy you’re happy, you know?” Her lips curl up in a cute shy smile, seeing as the matter is still a bit tender but trying to help you relax again.
Not that you can find it in yourself to do it after that but you try to match her smile, failing apparently because you see Amelia’s face falling as she watches you say, “I know.”
So Amelia is soon shuffling closer to you, cradling your head with her hand so you can cuddle against her chest. She leaves a kiss atop of your head and you hum softly as a thank you, which you truly mean - she’s the one person you know you wouldn’t be able to live without and her opinions are not ones you wave off or take lightly. 
However, it feels like the night just turned sour, because 5 minutes ago if your best friend cuddled you like she is doing now, you would be entirely content with it. But now, all you want to do is disappear off into your own room and release the sob that’s causing the ball in your throat.
A/N: To the person who wanted angst, this chapter is for you xoxox
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plounce · 1 year
as someone whos played ffxiv for almost 8 years now i gotta say its SO exciting to see youve started playing. i really enjoy seeing you talking about trc and kurofai (unfortunately i know absolutely nothing about xmen so it goes right over my head) and so im excited to see any thoughts you have about the ffxiv story and characters!
HEEHEEHEE. most of my ffxivposting has been in a thread on my twt priv, but after the recent botslaughter im gonna try and move it over here.
im at the beginning of stormblood. here are my thoughts:
as i said previously, in ARR i was very meh on alphinaud. i have a grudge against his ARR va (due to critical role), i was like "WHY are we starting a PARAMILITARY ORG", and i was kind of like hey. im playing a 6ft tall elf lady with a huge axe. you fancy little twerp dont boss me around. the end of ARR was soooo crazy and good though, really kicked the plot into gear for me, and those cutscenes were like WHOA!! OMG THE GUY FROM THE BEGINNING CUTSCENE... and in heavensward he became my little boy. because he basically reversed all the things i didnt really like about him. new VA. constant regret and shame about the crystal braves. and everyone was like awww hahaha youre a nice little boy. and he is. he is a boy. and he's polite. and he got a new outfit that covered his midriff, which i appreciated.
minfillia... im sorry. her VA was so insanely bad. and i never really DID anything with her that made me feel attached to her. she felt very bland and generic. i was like okay cool 👍 see ya. i also think her outfit was so blaaaahhhh like it gave me girl next door final fantasy character, NOT leader of an NGO, which would have been more appealing to me.
y'shtola: one of my mutuals is constantly posting her very cute WoL/yshtola fanart and i thought i would like a bit more than i presently do... i like her! i just feel like she hasnt gotten to do very much that isnt going "hmm.. aether." i think it's delightful that she shares a VA with sera from dragon age. bitches with bangs 4 lesbians
urianger: when i first saw urianger i was aghast. i was like. PEOPLE ARE HORNY FOR THAT THING? but now that ive seen more of his shb/edw outfit im like aha i see. you have gender. you're either like "do not perceiveth me" or "dripping with gold in a lightweight backless gown". i really enjoyed his undercover outfit with the WoD. i don't think he did anything wrong. he was like "yeah i did lie to everyone and help manipulate events to send minfilia to a different data center. i feel absolutely awful about it, i wish my trolley problem principles had not made me deceiveth thou all, i am a horrible villain, pray do not feel compelled to forgive me" and i was like nah youre good 👍 like she isnt DEAD. plus he always tried to help me a little bit when he could. i like his funny voice. i like how in ARR he was voiced by fenris dragonage. take those goggles and hood off again mx tism
tataru: if lalafells didn't look like that. i would be shipping my WoL with her. i think she is so cute and fun and a delight. she is a joy. my girl JUGGLES!!!!! she makes OUTFITS!!!!!!!!! she has A KETTLE WITH A FANCY NAME!!!!!!!!!! and she works so hard. im so glad she got to come with us to ishgard. she is my joy. my light...
thancred: i have heard tell that he really leaves behind his initial lothario characterization, and i really have not seen it in forever, which made ARR thancred perfectly fine to me. i was prepared for him to be much more egregious. i wish i knew him a bit better before he got possessed. i was like oh okay! yeah i guess i havent seen him in a while. which made me sad because i love possession storylines i think they are so juicy. his ponytail and rattee (like a ratstache but a goatee) are funny to me. thancred nakey images were funny. there was a moment towards the end of hvw when he came back and i talked to him in ishgard between convos with nobles and he said stuff that was very commiserating and i was like okay i have decided you and my WoL are complaining friends. sipping the haterade together. i think he's like 5'7". like with alphinaud, the character development in this game has really surprised me with how effective it feels. i look forward to seeing him grimly yet compassionately fail forward even more. and to be a single dad. aforementioned mutual (who i know through klapollo) is into thancred/urianger so im also looking forward to confining them into the yaoi compartment
cid: HE IS MY FRIEND :) i love how he's a short king. i like how he was simply like "fascism and imperialism are bad. i am going to go fight against it by building big airships :)" no qualms no struggle just knew what was right and went and did it. he's like a gay older coworker who you go out for drinks with sometimes and invites you to barbeques. i enjoy him and nero's turbodivorce saga.
alisaie: i completely forgot to do all the bahamut raids in ARR so when she showed up post-hvw i was like oh it's time for the girltwin! and she was like "oh we've worked together already :)" and i was like oh god. we only had one conversation. oops. so far i think she's a delight. i have heard that she's a bit of a lesbo. good for her. love that she gets a sword and she gets to be the mean one of the two twins. i cant wait for her little red jacket. looking forward to more >:)
krile: have not seen much of her so far but i LOVE how she has a cloak with cat ears, so cute. LOVE how she teases alphinaud. im like yes... shared character history... quite fun...
ysayle: I LOVE YOU DRAGON ELSAGARD I LOVE YOUUUUUU BIIIIIIIIITCH... I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU. i love her style. i love her political convictions. i love her gap moe with the moogles. i think my WoL had a crush on her. i think it's messed up that during the scene where the WoL and alphinaud are prying the eyes off of estinien, she touches alphinaud's hand. she should be touching MY HAND!!!!!!!!!!!! all love to haurchefaunt but I BONDED WITH HER.
estinien: i know many people like estinien. every time he spoke a word at ysayle i felt like a barking like her guard dog. DONT YOU SPEAK TO MY GIRL IN THAT TONE YOU BROODYBOY SMELLMAN. SHUT UP. i assume he softens up now that he is retired from All That. i thought his relationship with alphinaud was very sweet - i liked when he taught alphinaud how to gather firewood. i think my WoL only tolerates estinien because alphinaud is so attached.
haurchefant: i was still barely reading dialogue in ARR when he was introduced. so he showed up and was like OMG HI AGAIN BESTIE!!!!!! and i was like oh! that man! one of my friends is gaymarried to him so he's like my gay brother-in-law. i am a lesbian and my WoL is also a lesbian so we were hagging/tyking (dyke tyke) out with each other. the facial animation on the WoL when he croaks was astoundingly good. i call him horsey
aymeric: well he certainly is competent, principled, and nice. one of the more handsome elezen men in the game. i know he's implied playersexual so i really need him to stop inviting me to dinner because i have had conversations with dude friends like that before and it is so painfully awkward. i think it is great that he committed fratricide AND popecide. wahoo!
lyse: i really enjoyed yda. yknow. i thought she was such a fun cockney karate bimbo. i didn't know she was lyse. i've heard about lyse. and how she is conspicuously the only blonde blue-eyed ala mhigan. and how she is a source of some of the collar-tugging politics in stormblood. sigh. so. i am now burdened with her.
raubahn: I LOVE RAUBAHNNNNNNNNNN I LOVE HIMMMM i love how he has a small adult son. i love how he is trying so hard. i love how he is so righteous and hardworking. the misery lolorito and ilberd put him through during hvw made me so mad on his behalf. when lolorito was like "oh, how we laughed at how upset you were!" i was like RAUBAHN. HE IS THE PERFECT HEIGHT FOR YOU TO JUST PUNT ACROSS THE TOWN SQUARE. PUNT HIM RAUBAHN. YOU DESERVE IT. and i love a one-armed king. kurogane swag
lucia: i think she is cool and fun. hahaha dont potentially be in love with aymeric queen youre so hot and cool and butch
moenbryda: i thought she was so fun and cool. i was like cool!! new character!! big funny woman i love it!! and then near bluefog she dished about her childhood a little and i was like... is that a deathflag. and it was :(
okay thats all the npcs i can think to have anything to say about.
i was pleasantly surprised by the way that lalafells are not the lolibait/shotabait i had grimly prepared for them to be. they are just short funny guys for the most part. moving past that, i then got slammed into by the giant brick that says "BEAST TRIBES". i heard that the new writer has made their writing a lot better (apparently the alliance leaders acknowledge that they have been basically been doing genocide on these sentient beings, which is helping me push forward through stuff)! i do their quests really regularly because i like helping them out. i would really love to see someone with more expertise on the subject write about the presentation of indigenous peoples in ffxiv, because i think that there is a lot going on that is vital to critically inspect.
i have to go eat dinner now. but i will try to post more thoughts on here as i have them >:)
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jayflrt · 2 months
Hello Jayflrt!
Let me tell you firstly how I AM ABSOLUTELY loving the development of Yours forever in 786. It's obvious that you have put in a lot of thought and effort to craft this plot and the story and I love it I love it all.
I just have one point tho - maybe uou can consider it?
So, being a Social Media AU, we normally perceive that things happen one after another in rapid succession because that's how SM works.
So I was a bit thrown off when Jay mentioned how he knew Park Sunghoon the previous semester etc, so other than the Washington vacation as an event, a sense of time passing didn't come through for me . I kept wondering when I missed months and months of issues happening, like, Jay would have probably struggled over assignments, exams and so much more other than his investigation etc.
Like, if a party happened one weekend and the characters meet again for brunch on Thursday, then probably someone was stewing over what someone else said for nearly a week... that's what I meant. A sense of scale?
For future chapters, would it be possible to include a time or date marker (it could be a lockscreen for example) or a subheading in the chapter title so we get a sense of the time that has passed?
If it's not too much trouble.
Thank you again for writing this. You have a highly imaginative mind and we love the privilege of reading it all!
Here's a Jay that our OC could fall for
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Love you 🫶
hello hello ml 🥰💘 hope you're doing well !! AHH thank you so much i'm so glad you're enjoying the story !! AND THANK YOU FOR THE JAY PICTURES THATS SOOOO 786 JAY 🫨 especially the last one GODDD
omg i totally get what you're saying !! it was definitely difficult for me figuring out how to incorporate time passing while i was plotting my story too. i'm going by the american semester system so the first act takes place from around august to december, and then act two starts from their winter break and goes throughout spring semester, so that's why jay mentioned meeting hoon the previous (fall) semester in the recent chapter !!
it definitely can be hard to grasp the timeline in this smau!! it wasn't a problem for my other smaus because i don't think the timeline was necessarily as important, but for this one there is a lot of back and forth so i can see why it can be confusing :') since it's a story though i can't really focus on minute details and sort of only have room for the details that are important to the plotline, which is why things jump around a bit. for example, jay doesn't talk about assignments/finals much because his major isn't anything he actually wants to do + he's more concerned about unknown and the order instead of schoolwork BUT you'll notice mc and her friend group mention schoolwork and finals a lot more because they're (real) students 🫠
the reason why i don't include timestamps is because i prefer showing instead of telling, so you would have to rely on context clues more to see how the time is passing. (i've added examples of characters mentioning events to give a better sense of the timeline)
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SORRY if this was long winded but ill be more mindful of that and try making it clearer for the future !! 🥰 ty for bringing it to my attention love!!
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