#but excited to see how they have aegon react to all of it or if theyre gonna give more attention to aemonds grief/vengeance
usurperkiing · 1 year
the episode timeline leaks got me 😬😬😬😬 this morning
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
How They React to Your Period
Includes: Aemond, Aegon, Jace, Cregan, Luke
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Word count: 1073
Masterlist Here
Aemond had no time for anyone’s short comings, emotions, or excuses as he saw them however when it came to you, he would bend over backwards to make you comfortable especially during your bloods. despite it being a perfectly normal thing for women to deal with Aemond would send for the maesters each month to make sure you had enough herbs and medicines to avoid any pain.
when he felt the maesters were not taking your pain seriously enough not only would he threaten them, but he would send out words to track down the best female healer in Kingslanding and have her personally tend to you and your ailments. he could sometimes be too clinical about your bloods and would be caught off guard by your tears or anger as he could barely regulate his own emotions let alone his own, but he always tried.
when the female healer told him sex was something that could help alleviate your monthly pains, he was apprehensive at first however he never expected it to be something that almost turned him on. unlike some other men he did not run away from your touch during your blood but instead found it as an exciting change and the pain relief for you just made it all the better.
Aegon was not sure why his betrothed would almost avoid him once a month for days before acting like nothing had happened. At first, he got quite concerned, wondering if you were growing bored of him as the few times, he saw you during this time you would be quite tired or short with him at points. after a few months he became used to your routine but could never quite understand.
he noticed he could coax you out your chambers with the promise of cakes and sweet wines. he would offer to take you riding with sunfyre to almost lift your spirits and when you did take him up on the offer, he noticed how protective he was of you. it wasn’t until the week after your wedding when he woke in a panic at the blood-stained sheets did, he learn why once a month you had been avoiding him.
Aegon was horrified at the idea of the red flower blooming, declaring the gods were twisted for making you bleed with no reward. he became extremely sympathetic, showering you with sweets and cakes during your time of the month and would excuse himself from his duties early to curl up in bed with you. he was also very upset his mother had never prepared him for this and apologised for thinking you were being dramatic or distant.
Jace had been taught all there was to know about a woman’s bloods. his mother had insisted when he went through his own change, he learn what his future wife would have to endure. this made Jace a very welcome presence during your monthly visits. it was something you were extremely thankful Rhaenyra had taught him.
when your time came, he was always prepared and would send for a bath to be drawn each day so you could feel your best. if it came unexpectedly, he would have spare sheets stashed under your bed so he could quickly change them without you needing to wait for a servant to come in the middle of the night. he would also make sure to speak with the kitchen the week before to ensure they were stocked on your favourites.
Jace secretly enjoyed this time since you would often turn to him for comfort in the form of cuddles and napping on his chest, a sight he loved to see. he would draw the curtains and leave only the fire flickering while he pulled you under the furs, wrapping his arms around you tightly and showing you with kind words.
Cregan gets a bit caught off guard when you discuss your blood with him. while you are both used to being open and at time blunt, he is used to men and the men in Winterfell simply do not discuss this issue. the man most would consider something to fear would soon become squeamish when you had to explain to him what it was you endured.
he did his best not to show his confusion and always tried to comfort you through it. he was apprehensive at first of you doing things during your bloods. he would offer to let you skip out on any duties and lay in bed, but you had to inform him that most women don’t get a break despite their bloods, and he struggled to understand how woman could work while they had their bloods.
Cregan would eventually learn how to help you and anything you asked him for he would retrieve. he surprised you one late evening by guiding you out to the godswood in the biting cold and leading you to a hot spring that often went unnoticed by anyone who did not grow up in the castle. as it turns out the hot springs in Winterfell are one of the best solvers of the flower’s discomforts.
Luke is just confused. he doesn’t understand why his betrothed keeps crying until he gives her his lemon tart out of concern. he doesn’t understand why the thought of an untamed dragon would make you tear up in fear it would become lonely. he doesn’t understand why you became extra touchy and clingy only to push him away a moment later.
when he asked his elder brother about your behaviour, he was promptly whisked to his mothers’ chambers to learn all there was to know about the red flower. and he was horrified. Luke came up to you after learning about it, pale faced and sweaty, to ask how it was you coped with bleeding for so long.
after a few jokes at his expense and him genuinely trying to learn he soon learned not to take your attitude during this time to heart. instead, Luke began to send small gifts to your chambers during this time. a rose, a heart shaped rock, a necklace, cakes, bread made into your house sigil. he had no clue what he was doing but he would always try his best to help, and gods help anyone who made a joke about a woman’s blood in front of him since he would turn feral as he defended you.
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila
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vsnyarbll · 8 months
the nights when we're alone
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x wife!reader, Aegon Targaryen x reader
words: 2.605
summary: Aemond invites Aegon to give his wife a different experience in the bedroom.
warnings: smut (exhibition, voyeurism), +18, targcest
a/n: Smut is not very detailed, but there is smut. Enjoy!
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"At least let me cum on her!" said Aegon. Aemond grunted and started pounding you faster.
Aegon stood at the side of the bed, watching his brother's every move and how you reacted to them. His right hand was around his cock, and he was speeding up and slowing down his hand with your reactions. You were lying face down and at Aemond's mercy.
Aegon squeezed his cock gently, letting out loud moans as Aemond's hands wrapped around your hips and caused your breathing to quicken.
You never stopped watching Aegon's facial expression. Aemond was always silent, so you were impressed that Aegon made so much noise at your slightest movements.
How did Aemond find himself in this situation? Aemond would ask himself a similar question every night the three of you got together. 'How did I let this happen?'
The answer to both questions was simple.
You two had an arranged marriage. You were the apple of the court's eye. All the lords were ready to accept your father's highest marriage proposal. But with a speed that neither you nor Aemond could understand, your father decided to marry you to Aemond.
Your father was delighted that you had married a prince and that your children would be princes and princesses.
King Viserys was also happy to see his son's wedding. He did not know if his son wanted to marry. Aemond had always been a quiet boy, and he was never one to sit and chat with his father. But all Viserys had to do to convince Aemond to marry a marriage he didn't even know he wanted was to tell him it was his duty.
In less than no time, you were married in a grand wedding. The cake was delicious. All the lords and ladies gathered at the red keep, dressed in their finest, excited to see a royal wedding. You were intimidated by the crowds, but even then, you were calmed by Aemond reaching for your hands and smiling as you exchanged your vows.
Aemond was excited to be married, even if he was afraid to admit it to himself. After many years of feeling like he belonged nowhere, he was relieved to have someone to call home. And eventually, he would have children who would love and accept him for who he was.
Aemond had always been so kind to you. You didn't have intercourse on your wedding night, but Aemond didn't mind. He could see you were worried.
He already had his self-confidence problems. But it wouldn't bother him if he knew it was him you didn't want and not the wedding night. He didn't want to ask you directly. He didn't want to appear weak when he was the one who was supposed to protect and defend you.
He had already accepted some things in his life. His brother's bullying since he was a little boy had changed his outlook on life in a partially positive way. At least, that's what he thought. No one had to love him, after all. He could live with that.
Aemond didn't know what he was doing for the kingdom by marrying you, but duty was duty. And fulfilling it was a prince's highest purpose. As long as it was polite and respectful between you, he didn't care about the rest. It was comforting to know that someone would be there when he returned to his room in the evening.
Then gradually you got used to each other. You all had your meals together. Aemond told you about some of his favorite books. You told him how interested you were in his family history.
You got on well.
Then, you fulfilled your marital duties. It took longer than expected, but neither you nor Aemond cared.
It wasn't bad. Especially when you heard how the other ladies in the castle spent their nights, you thanked each of the seven gods for giving you Aemond.
Aemond was a good man. He was careful not to hurt you. You knew he was trying to be gentle as he ran his hands over your body as if he was afraid you might break.
But there was one fact that Aemond was aware of. Your nights weren't enough for you. You wanted more. More passion. 
You didn't want him to be kind to you at night after everyone was asleep behind the doors of your chambers. 
You never told him that, but Aemond could tell by you averted your eyes every night when he reached up to kiss you. 
You loved kissing him, watching him. 
Aemond wasn't hard to love. 
Even if he didn't realize it, every lady in court would grovel at the king's feet to marry him. 
He was a prince. A good one. 
But you knew something was missing. And it made you feel guilty. 
What more could a woman want in her married life than a husband like Aemond? 
And you were ashamed that your body wanted more. 
It made you feel ashamed that you wanted more, more passion in an act that you were only doing to have children and to make sure your husband was enjoying his time in the marriage bed. 
That was what your Septa taught you. She couldn't have known anything wrong, could she?
Then Aemond caught the way you looked at someone at a family dinner. No one else could have noticed, but Aemond was aware of everything. When you looked at Aegon and locked eyes with him, you turned your head and smiled slightly in a way that others would have interpreted as politeness. Anyone else would have thought you were behaving as you should exactly, but they didn't see what Aemond saw.
The way you turned your head and blushed slightly, the way your chest rose and fell faster, the way you pressed your thighs together… Even then, you looked more excited than any night in bed with Aemond.
It was no surprise you wanted Aegon. He has always had a reputation for exciting women. His callous and uncaring demeanor appealed to most women, even if Aemond couldn't understand it.
Then Aemond thought.
He knew that if he made such an offer to Aegon, he would accept it unconditionally. He also knew his mother or anyone else at the castle would never know this.
He had to convince himself. He did not know if he could bear to see his wife with his brother like that. He put off thinking about it for a while.
Then, one night, you moaned Aegon's name as you came.
Neither of you looked at each other after Aemond pulled out of you.
You held tightly to the sheet that covered your body and turned your back to him. You buried your face in your pillow, almost letting it suffocate you, and waited for sleep to overtake you.
You were sure he would be furious.
And Aemond reconsidered the decision he was about to make a few weeks ago.
He stared at the ceiling for a while and twisted his rings, which made you watch his fingers for longer than necessary when he wore them. Perhaps inviting Aegon to his bed wasn't such a bad thing. The Targaryens had never cared about social norms. Why would Aemond care?
Aegon wasn't hard to set up. Aemond went to his room to ask his opinion on the matter.
Aegon opened the door with a suspiciously sweaty and red face. "Aegon…" he said, and his lips formed a thin line. "I can come back later. I think… you're busy." Aegon shook his head and straightened his trousers, which made Aemond sigh. He considered giving up before it was too late. But when Aegon said, "Nonsense. Come in." he realized how long it had taken him to work up the courage, and he didn't want to waste it.
He briefly told Aegon what he wanted to do. He received it with great excitement, just as Aemond expected. "Your wife… I mean… I don't want to sound disrespectful, but I sometimes wish it was me who married her."
Aemond did not react, but he sank further into his chair.
It took him less time than he expected to convince Aegon. The hard part was convincing you. Because you denied it for days, even crying when Aemond pushed too hard.
You asked what kind of a wife he saw you as with an angry face. "What kind of a wife betrays her husband!" you said several times. Because you never thought he would actually do something like this. You thought he was testing your loyalty.
One evening, you were having dinner together, and you were both sitting calmly. You thought that Aemond had given up the question he had been asking, and you were relieved. You reached for the glass on the table close to Aemond, afraid to look at his face. He took your hand and made you look at him.
Then he said the last thing you wanted him to say. He let out the anger you've been holding in for days. You stood up in anger and caused the chair to fall backward. "Yes! Yes, I want Aegon to fuck me! Are you happy now?!"
Aemond had never seen you so pissed off.
You looked at him, worried about how he would react to your sudden outburst, but you held your head high.
Aemond took a sip of wine and said, "Yes, that's what I wanted to hear." calmly. You nervously gripped the table and looked at his face, not understanding.
A few nights later, you were combing your hair to get ready for bed. You had forgotten or erased from your mind what Aemond had insisted on because you could not imagine Aemond doing such a thing.
Then the door opened, and someone came in. Your back was to the door, but you didn't look at the person because you were sure it was Aemond. No one else would come to your room at that hour. Then you almost jumped as the voice of someone you didn't expect filled your ears. "I'll never understand why women brush their hair before sleep."
You turned around quickly, your eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. You clenched the comb in your hand, trying to draw strength, and your gaze shifted between your husband and Aegon.
You were still trying to wrap your head around what had happened as Aemond took off the cloak he was wearing over his thin shirt.
At first, the two of you were together, and Aegon watched you. Your face never turned in his direction. But even with such a simple situation, Aemond had realized how you squeezed him more than usual when you came.
After spending a few nights together, you found the courage. You turned your head towards Aegon and began to watch him.
You imagined them both next to your body. You imagined their hands sliding over your body and grasping you together.
Aegon began to run his hand over his trousers as if this was the signal he had been waiting for to do more. When your gaze shifted to between his legs, he pulled his trousers down to his hips and pulled out his cock. It was as if he was always waiting for the slightest sign from you to do more.
This went on for a few months.
During the day, you were ashamed to look at the armchair where Aegon sat. The armchair reminded you of Aegon's eyes that wouldn't leave your face when he came. You even tried to cover it with one of your dresses, but then you gave up. Even without any tangible evidence to remind you, it had happened, and you liked it.
In the evening, both of them came to your room again. Aemond had not allowed him to touch you even with the tip of his finger, and he was determined to continue to do so. Aegon was only a part of the pleasure he wanted to give you. No more was necessary than Aemond had already allowed.
But now that Aegon had seen you in every possible position with every possible ejaculation expression, it was starting to make him angry that he couldn't touch you.
If the choice had been yours, you would have stepped between them the first night they entered the room together.
Aegon had reached his breaking point after begging and being denied all night long to touch you or at least to cup your breast once. "At least let me cum on her!"
Aemond grunted and started pounding you faster. "Fine! But only on her ass." He was tired of hearing Aegon's begging.
You got even more excited when you heard what Aemond said.
Aegon moved closer to the bed. All three of you were about to cum.
Aegon couldn't stop his body from moving as he moved his hand, and the tip of his cock touched your leg with every movement.
Aegon threw his head back but quickly raised it again for fear of missing the sight before him. Your eyes locked as he quickened his hand. Aegon raised his free hand as if to reach for you, but fearing Aemond, he placed it on his leg.
You came first.
Your breathing quickened, but you held back most of your moans. Even though it had been a few months, it was still embarrassing to be exposed in front of more than one person.
Then Aemond pulled out and came on the cloth next to you.
And finally, Aegon got what he had dreamed of for months and came on your ass.
You almost shivered when you felt the warm liquid on you. You let out a loud breath.
He rested his hand on the side of the bed, and you were excited that your hands were almost touching.
Aemond turned around to get dressed, needing privacy as if the three of you hadn't just cum together.
Aegon quickly looked at Aemond, and when he was sure he couldn't see you, he ran his fingers over yours. Your eyes moved from his softened cock to his body.
When he saw that you didn't react negatively to his touch, he moved his hand to your back and stroked you gently. "You did well." he said in a low voice.
You smiled and began to study his face with dreamy eyes.
Aemond turned around and took the cloth he had just used and cleaned you.
Aegon sighed. "You couldn't leave it like that, could you?"
You didn't move. You kept lying face down. You were feeling a little tired, but the main reason for not changing your position was to avoid waking up if you were in a dream. Because if it wasn't a dream, you couldn't understand how these two men could be so interested in you. And if it was a dream, it was a long and satisfying one.
Aemond took the cloth to the bathroom and came back to you. He laid down and pulled you to him. You wore nothing, and both of them would have preferred you to be naked in front of them, even if they didn't say it out loud.
Aegon quickly put on his pants and sat down next to you.
"You do not sleep with us, Aegon," Aemond said without opening his eye. He hugged you tightly- afraid you'd disappear in his arms.
Aegon grinned. "I know, I know," he said as he ran his hands through his hair.
But in the morning, the three of you woke up with your arms around each other.
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blayresmuses · 2 years
I live for the angst. How would the characters react to their S/O thinking they cheated (or if some of them would cheat)
summary: would the hotd characters cheat/ how they’d react to you thinking they have.
includes: aemond, aegon, alicent, rhaenyra, daemon, jace, harwin
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aemond would never. he’s so completely obsessed and devoted to you that when you accuse him his mouth just kind of gapes open. he’d chuckle after a second but there’s no humour in it, just a strange confusion. it would definitely get on his nerves a little, can’t you see how much he worships you? he’d make that little humming noise and look you over like you’re some puzzle he needs to solve. ‘you’re the craziest woman i’ve ever met,’ he’d murmur, taking your head in his hands and looking you right in the eye. ‘you’re the only woman for me, i swear it.’
aegon on the other hand. in the first years of your marriage he does, there’s no denying it. he drinks and drinks and disappears every night, often not remembering his activities in the morning. if you confront him he wouldn’t lie, he’d come across as blunt and uncaring but he doesn’t know how to handle it if you’re upset, he’s uncomfortable. once the war begins he starts to rely on you more and spends more time by your side and more importantly in your bed, that’s if you let him after his antics.
alicent wouldn’t bother because she’s fully satisfied in your relationship. with her confrontations with larys, she needs someone she’s completely comfortable and has unwavering trust in, which is you and you only. you’re her safe place which means she’d only really want to be intimate with you. she’d be a bit cold to begin with when you reveal your worries, thinking them completely insane and downright insulting. once you start to get upset she’s more comforting, sitting you down and stroking your hair as she reassures you.
rhaenyra can be content with someone she truly loves. she’s not particularly shocked when you get worried if she’s being faithful considering you know the true births of her three sons but she does her best to show you how different your relationship is and how lonely and touch starved she felt when she was with laenor. she’d make extra time for you, making sure you felt special and loved.
daemon wouldn’t cheat per say but he does enjoy the pleasure of other women whilst with you and he’d prefer you to be on board with that too - so it’s more of an open relationship rather than cheating. he likes to watch you with other partners and he likes to invite people to join the two of you as well if you’re comfortable with it. it’s not a constant thing it’s actually quite rare because he does care for you more than anyone else. of course he can go through periods of monogamy, he just likes the excitement of spicing things up. he’d agree to stop if it upset you but he’d probably still have a wandering eye.
jacerys wouldn’t dare dishonour you or himself. he takes a lot of pride in his vows to you and if anyone ever came onto him he’d flush with embarrassment and shrink away awkwardly. he wouldn’t know what to do when you’d confront him at first but once it sinks in what you’re accusing him of he’s angry that you’d think he’d do such a thing, it insults his honour as a man. he’s not a particularly angry person, it’s one of the only times you’ve seen his temper. he’d take some space and when he comes back he’s much more understanding, holding your hand as you explain what’s made you insecure and he’d talk it through with you.
harwin is very much in love with you and wouldn’t think of touching another woman. to be honest he thinks it’s all a bit of a joke and when you’d mention it to him he’d laugh himself silly at the thought. he just shakes his head when he realises you’re serious before telling you how silly you’re being. he’s very reassuring and affectionate, telling you how much he adores you. he’d certainly make a few dirty jokes to make you feel better too until those thoughts are out of your pretty head.
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amisa-k · 11 months
Hello beautiful, English is not my language so this message can be confusing, I wanted to make a request for the boys and girls of hotd where the reader is a great painter and confesses that she wants to paint them a nude painting, how would they react? I love your writing
hello, thank you!! i hope you will like it^^
will laugh in response to your proposal, you amused him and he thinks that this is really just an excuse to have him into your bed. but why not? it actually flatters him a lot.
when you draw him, this man will radiate an aura of self-confidence and will try to seduce you with all his appearance, gaze and gestures. he won't move, but his mouth literally won't close, so when you sternly ask him to be quiet and concentrate on drawing, he'll shut up in surprise. but there's nothing stopping you from having your time with him after you're done.
she will gladly agree, the very thought that you will draw her naked excites her and the fact that you can be caught only turns her on more.
order her maid to give her the most exquisite hair and make-up to make the best possible impression on you. will be disappointed that your gaze lingers on her only as long as it takes to transfer her features to the canvas. after about half an hour, she will complain that she is tired of sitting in one position and will want to see the result immediately, although you have not finished drawing yet. and when the painting is completely ready, rhaenyra will be delighted and want to take it for herself.
resolutely refuses, but you see how she blushes. scolds you because it is obscene, unacceptable and “how dare you”. but in fact she really wants it but can't agree because of her position and the risks of someone catching you in the process of painting or seeing the painting itself. will regret the refusal afterwards and will not be able to stop thinking about your proposal.
he is surprised by your request and doesn’t know what to answer, because the very thought that you will paint him, especially naked, feels very intimate and personal. he can't believe that you find him so beautiful and attractive that you want to immortalize him on canvas. you only need to assure him that you really want it, dispel his doubts and he will immediately agree.
will agree immediately and will be ready to undress even here and now, until you calm him down and say that this requires preparation. will try to look cocky and tease you but will actually be very excited and happy that you offered to draw him. he is far from art, but the very fact that you offered to draw him, especially naked, excites and arouses him.
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ellebakers · 1 year
☆ I know who you pretend I am | Part two (+18)
Criston Cole x reader
Part two
Summary : Criston is courting you, but does he really have feelings for you, or is he trying to make someone jealous ?
Warnings : Fight, language, SMUT(18+)
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This is how you felt.
There was nothing enthusiastic about the festivities, and tonight was like all the others, wine, music playing by musicians, beastly soldiers wishing to finish between the thighs of a woman by the end of the night, and women just as eager to leave with a soldier of the king. This is what the parties organized in honor of your nephew Aegon were all about.
You didn't know why you were there. Oh actually you knew that. Your sister…
Alicent had begged you to come tonight, after gently declining at least twenty times you finally gave in.
That's how you found yourself sitting overlooking the room which was overflowing with men and women, each more excited than the other.
As you were about to take advantage of a moment of inattention on your sister's part to sneak out of this hellhole, someone appeared behind you.
"Are you leaving us already your majesty ?" One of your sister's soldiers asks amusedly.
You turned and met the eyes of Criston Cole, one of the most loyal soldiers of the crown, and also one of the most handsome men you have ever seen.
You cleared your throat to avoid thinking too much about the way you had imagined it lately, especially in the evenings, when you were alone in your room with an incessant fire that continued to course through your body.
"Um, yes I-"
You were interrupted by a voice announcing the return of Queen Rhaenyra, and as she entered, Criston paid you no more attention, he kept his gaze locked on her.
As the queen approached you, you bowed. "Please Y/n, we've been friends since childhood, you don't need to bow to me."
You smiled warmly at her but couldn't help but notice the way the man next to you was looking at her.
"It's a pleasure to see you again your majesty."
The blonde frowns at you and you laugh lightly. "I meant, Rhaenyra."
Your friend turned his gaze to Criston and both remained silent looking at each other. "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling very well, it's better if I go lie down for a bit."
Your sentence caught their attention, and you felt Criston's gaze land on you but you didn't pay any attention to it.
"Do you want me to come with you ?" Rhaenyra asked.
"No I will-"
"I'll walk her." Suddenly the soldier intervened.
Without bothering to look in his direction, you thanked him. "Thank you but I prefer to walk alone." Then without another word you left the room without giving Criston time to react.
A week had passed since Rhaenyra's return and you had do everything possible to avoid Criston.
As you tried once again to avoid him by running in the opposite direction from where you had seen him, you bumped into something, or rather someone.
You gasped as the person held your forearms to keep you from falling.
"I beg your pardon, Your Majesty."
"It's up to me to apologize, I wasn't looking where I was going."
You looked up and met the gaze of a man with beautiful blue eyes.
You remained speechless in front of the beauty of this man, and while you were about to thank him for having caught you, a voice, which you knew very well, was heard behind you.
"Strong ! get your filthy hands off Princess Y/n."
The man let go of you gently. And you thanked him before turning furiously to Criston. "No need to be so rough with the man who saved me from falling."
Criston opened and closed his mouth, clearly surprised by your tone. You never raised your voice to him or anyone.
"Your Majesty, the way he held you was out of place."
You rolled your eyes at him and something dark crossed Criston's eyes making you shiver.
"His hands were on my arms, they weren't on my curves, there's nothing out of place."
You turned to the man and smiled at him. "What is your name ?"
The man who appreciated seeing you put Criston in his place smiled at you.
"Harwin Strong Your Majesty."
"Well Harwin you have my infinite grattitude. I hope to see you tonight for my sister's birthday."
The man bowed slightly. "With pleasure your majesty."
"Please call me Y/n."
Criston let out a sound that sounded like a choke which made Strong smile even more.
"Only if you call me Harwin."
You smiled at him and nodded "So we'll see you tonight Harwin."
You turned to Criston and your smile faded as you walked past him maintaining eye contact.
How could he react like that when Harwin had done nothing wrong.
Once you were out of reach, Harwin stepped forward and patted Criston on the shoulder.
"This lady is something."
Criston pushed Strong's hand away like he had burned him. "Stay away from her." he threaten with a dangerous look.
"I can't promise you that."
And with a smirk Harwin disappeared leaving Criston furious.
The soldier did not bother to think and he rushed to your room where he knew he would find you.
He didn't bother to knock and walked in, making you gasp.
"Sir Criston Cole, you have no right to-"
He didn't let you finish your sentence and clapped his mouth against yours. You pushed him away and for a moment he was afraid he had done wrong, but he was reassuring when you pushed him onto your bed and straddled him.
You knocked his armor. "Get rid of that."
He bit his lip. "Your wishes are my orders."
Once you got rid of his armor you settled back on him and kissed him with all your passion.
You felt something harden beneath you and you rubbed yourself against it, making Criston moan.
"Shit. You have no idea how many times I imagined us like that."
He confessed against your skin while undoing the lace of your dress.
"I hope as many times as I do."
He growled against your skin and began to suck your sensitive neck.
You slipped a hand between your two bodies and grabbed his hard member.
He threw his head back and groaned. "Fuck, Y/n, please do something."
Then you got out of bed and knelt in front of him. Criston propped himself up on his elbows with admiring eyes, but those eyes closed very quickly when you put his erect member in your mouth.
Instinctively he grabbed your hair in his fist and guided you up and down.
You watched him lose control little by little as you brought him closer to orgasm, alternating between sucking and licking.
"Damn, I'll-" He didn't have time to finish and cum in your mouth.
Out of breath he watched you swallow and groaned at the sight of it.
He grabbed you by the arm and laid you down on the bed. "It's my turn."
He ripped off your dress and ran his tongue over your body, your mouth, your neck, your breasts, taking care to lick them well and caress them with his fingers making you moan and wet like never before. Then he settled between your thighs and began to devour you as if you were his last meal.
You ran a hand through his hair to pull him even closer to where he made you feel good. Your moans got louder and louder and before you could orgasm you pushed him away.
He frowned and was about to ask you why, but you pinned her against the mattress and put your legs on either side of her head. It didn't take long for him to figure out what you wanted and a smirk appeared on his face as he impaled you on his tongue.
The sensation made you scream in pleasure, and he continued to bring you closer to your orgasm playing with his tongue inside you, and with one precise lick you came, shaking and sweating.
Once the adrenaline went down you withdrew from him and lay down next to him.
He put a hand on your belly and caressed it, it stayed like this until you fell asleep.
You had slept for an hour and when you woke up Criston was gone. Alicent's birthday came quickly and you found yourself sitting next to her when something caught your eye.
And he was not alone, he was with.
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darkestspring · 2 years
Yan! Targ boys (Aegon I & II, Aemond, Daemon, Maegor, etc) finding out that some servant girl they fucked years ago (how many is up to you) had their twin sons?
They don't currently have a 'darling' so how would they react?
i feel very sorry for that servant girl, im gonna say it right now.
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Aegon I "The Conquerer" Targaryen
Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy. This is going to be a mess. Once he finds the boys and then finds you, its just a complete flip of switch.
he'll end up bringing you in as his wife, he refuses to listen to anyone who tries to convince him otherwise, his firstborn son will become the king after him, no questions about it.
You're still reeling from all of this and he binds you both together in the tradition of valyria, whispering that now that you're his wife he won't let you go.
He'll look after you almost obsessively, he follows you around, watching you very closely to find what you like. He'll be all too glad to give you everything you could want. You're his wife now, there's nothing he won't do for you.
He shares your bed frequently, his hands gripping you hard enough to bruise as he groans, thrusting into you wildly. He can't help it, he'll whisper in your ear, our children are already big. Shall i give you more babies? Tie you to me once more?
And it's a surprise to no one that you fall pregnant once more. Aegon will find that he enjoys watching you swell with his child, all round and cute.
Aegon II "The Usurper" Targaryen
It had been only a few years after you had left the palace that Prince Aegon came across you again, you were the same as he remembered you. All beauty and curves, all quietness and bashfulness.
What does surprise him is the twin boys that you shield, even as you stare at him with fear in your eyes. You're no stranger to the rumors. You're the only one to give birth to his bastards, you had left before Queen Alicent could find you or force moon tea down your throat.
Something ignites in him, how he had enjoyed you all those years ago and he had managed to convince his mother out of marrying him to his weird sister but he still needed a wife.
The thought made him excited. You would be his wife, yes. Your children would be his heirs, you should be grateful to him. He had dragged you back to his home and you were too scared to do or say anything as you clung to your children, tears in your eyes.
In all honesty, they all felt bad for you. Alicent had been filled with horror watching her first child drag in a tearful girl with twin white haired boys in her arms. Aemond stood next to Helaena as they both stared at you in horror.
There had been no choice given, Aegon had insisted on marrying you, you already carried his children. and you were. You were married to Prince Aegon, even as Alicent had expressed her concerns to you and you in return, shut down completely.
Our of fear for your children, you only did what he wanted and it was clear to everyone there.
Aemond "The One-Eyed" Targaryen
you had been the only one to serve him after he had lost an eye, chosen for your overly gentle disposition. You had been at least seven years older than him. You had grown with him, following his every request with ease.
it had all escalated too quickly and you ended up sleeping with him in a laspse of judgement when he was already a grown man and you fled from the palace, hiding away in your small little house.
Aemond had been disappointed by your departure but focused on other things until he saw you with two white haired boys. there's no way those boys weren't his.
he couldn't help it, the feeling of possessiveness that filled him. you had given birth to his children. They had been deprived of the life of a targaryen.
despite all the protests you have, he'll basically kidnap you to the palace once more and demand to marry you. everyone refuses until they see the children and by then, aemond knows he's won.
You'll be his wife, he knows it and if by some chance he's denied, well aemond has been training for the past decade so he has no fear of violence should his demands not be met.
One way or another, you will be his wife.
Daemon "The Rogue Prince" Targaryen
Oof, that's all i got to say. Daemon is one of the worst yanderes to have. Of course having this powerful man love you is exhilarating but he's so unpredictable.
he's not afraid to get his hands dirty to prove a point or to deliver his own version of justice. he's not afraid to hurt people around you to prove that no one is safe. the safest place for you is right beside him because any other place he will create a danger for you.
daemon most likely didn't even remember you until he saw you with two children who were undoubtedly his. His obsession starts with the children and then transfers to you. He'll want more white haired children and he'll want them with you.
no matter how far you run from him, he'll hunt you down on caraxes and take you to dragonstone to marry you in the valyrian tradition, successfully binding you to him as his wife.
He won't listen to protests from anyone. Not viserys, not rhaenyra, not any of the lord or his extended family. You're his wife, he has valyrian children. He won't stop until your swelling with child once more.
It would be best to say goodbye to your past life because you'll never return to it, as long as you're the wife of daemon targaryen, you'll never know peace. He'll be obsessed with you until the day you die, and even then the happy days are as big as the bodies that pile up as proof of daemon's love.
Maegor "The Cruel" Targaryen
double oof to you, dear reader because if you thought daemon was bad, maegor is even worse. He's very skilled with a sword and even more skilled at wielding his rage.
you'll always stay in his mind, the second you escape from his grasp, he's looking after you. It takes him two years but he finds you. You and your twin sons. You've done the thing none of his wives have been able to and his obsession will spark because of that.
He'll abandon all of his wives for you, either divorcing them or killing them, it doesn't matter. You've given him two sons, you take priority to him.
He'll marry you in the valyrian tradition with his mother's support and encouragement.
maegor is skilled with his rage but he's still incredibly cruel. Every moment not spent filling you with his cum so that you might swell with his babe once more is spent massacring houses that speak out against you. No one is spared or given mercy.
He'll return to you, covered in blood and grinning at you. He did all of this for you, and he'll tell you as much. To protect you, our children and the children who are yet to be born.
It's all for you.
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sunnyhvnny · 2 years
Howd yandere alicent hightower, yandere aegon ii and yandere aemond react to childhood friend reader joining the blacks
I haven’t written for Alicent yet. I’m so excited!!
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Alicent couldn’t understand why the only people she considered her friends had left her. She had accepted that Rhaenrya was a lost cause. Rhaenrya believed she was the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms but Alicent’s heard her husband’s dying wish and she thought her best friend, the one that had been with her through everything, since they were children, would believe her.
The morning after her son’s coronation when she went to her best friend’s chambers to fetch them for their morning stroll she found an empty room with a letter. It detailed how they couldn’t follow Aegon and how Rhaenrya was the only right choice.
Alicent had crushed the parchment in her hands without noticing until Cole had come in. He asked her what was wrong and if she needed anything. She wanted to laugh but she knew if she did it would hysterical and she would never stop. Instead, in her hardest voice she demanded that they gather a few ships to sail to Dragonstone. Perhaps she could talk to her sons or her sweet daughter and they could fly her there to help save her best friend.
After all, her friend must have been coerced into leaving her side. They did everything, Alicent refused to believe that her best friend would betray her in such a way.
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Aegon destroys everything when he learns that his best friend from childhood has just abandoned him. He sees it not only as them choosing the blacks and not wishing for him to be on the throne but as them caring more for his half-sister than they ever cared for him.
Aegon has always been prepared for everyone he cares about to leave him eventually, however, this time he is the King. In his grief and rage, he has those he suspects of helping his friend leaving him to be tortured and killed. The sense of abandonment spurs him on to try to win the war. He vows that he will bring his friend home once he kills his half-sister and wins the war.
He will grant them forgiveness and he knows that once they see how he has grown into a ruler and a forgiving man, they will never want to leave him again.
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For the first time in his life, Aemond is stunned when he hears that his childhood friend has chosen to fight and support the blacks. He feels betrayed and abandoned. This was the one person that has been with him through everything. They were there when he was insecure about being a second son, not having a dragon, or when he lost his eye. They have left him now that war is at their door.
Aemond refuses to let anyone see how upset this news truly makes him. For some time he tries to ignore the empty feeling in his chest his friend left when they sided against his family. It doesn’t last long, though, he misses his friend. He misses the companionship and soon he feels himself going mad with his thoughts.
He decides that despite his friend turning out to be a traitor he wants them back. No one can stop him from mounting Vhagar and trying to find his dearest friend. He doesn’t care about the destruction he leaves in his wake so long as he finds them.
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top-rhaenyra · 4 months
Team Black has interesting characters, but I need them to have more conflict with one another to see them truly
Thoughts on this post?
i don't necessarily believe team black needs to have more conflict to be interesting, but i do wish their characters were explored more (i expect them to be in s2). however, i think it would be a massive shame if they don't explore some of the interesting dynamics between these characters that would exist, whether they are shown or not.
that said, i do think there will be conflict brewing. we can already see it in the promotion of the rhaenyra/daemon relationship. there's only a certain amount of real conflict that can be shown, bc overall i do think they are a much more functional family than team green and much of the interesting parts of the characters' relationships are internal.
here is just a list i can think of off the dome that i hope are alluded to or explored more in s2:
rhaenyra and rhaenys. rhaenys has already spoken about how they'll never let a woman rule, yet goes to war and dies for rhaenyra anyways. why? is it hope? true belief? just plain old love? i'd love to know
rhaenyra and her relationship to actually wanting the crown. imo she's seen the iron throne as an extension of her father's love, but after luke and jace's deaths, how much does she truly desire it?
rhaenyra and daemon in regards to daemon not listening to rhaenyra's orders and desires. i cannot wait to see the full scene of her finding out about b&c, and i think the scene where she asks if daemon truly accepts her as queen will be incredibly important
rhaenyra and daemon in regards to alicent. now, obviously i'm excited to see alicent and rhaenyra's dynamic in s2, but i am also intrigued by how rhaenyra and daemon's relationship will suffer for it. daemon has made it very clear that he wants all of team green dead, so how does he react when rhaenyra lets alicent live? not well i presume
jace and his relationship to aegon 3 and viserys 2. does he resent them for being the perfect targaryen princes that he is not (visibly, at least)? does he love them anyways? does he even think about those little kids?
jace and his relationship to daemon. its kinda obvious there's tension there already. can't want to see if/how it is expanded on, especially if it becomes obvious that daemon does not, in fact, respect rhaenyra as a true ruling queen
the dragon twins and their relationship to rhaenyra and their father. i worry they won't get as much development as they deserve, but i hope that there is at least a measure of character exploration (specifically: i really really want to see what they do with rhaena)
with rhaena in particular, i also really hope they don't give nettles's role to her. they probably will, just based on the promotion so far, but i find rhaena's lack of a dragon and insecurity about being "useless" in the war effort a particularly fascinating thing to explore if they choose to go that direction.
i could probably think of more if i tried, but that's just kinda the main things i hope to see from team black's side. i believe the only real conflict will be between daemon and rhaenyra, but i would loooove to further delve into the nature of everyone's relationships and roles within team black
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sunfyresrider · 2 years
Aegon's Kinks
summary: Based on a request I received ages ago. warnings: 18 ++ minors pls pls do not interact. note: this is the Aegon in my brain, not really canon.
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Short Description: Aegon is insecure so he tends to show it during sex. He is possessive over you and wants you to need him completely. He spends a lot of time being dominant but he loves when you take control. It proves to him that you yearn for him as badly as he does you. If it comes to a woman he is only using for sex he cares less and is okay with a quick fuck with little play. But when it comes to you he’s an entirely different animal. 
Aegon prefers to degrade those he is only using for his own satisfaction. It makes him feel better to be able to undermine someone else. He is constantly hearing insults thrown at him so he throws it back. If his true lover enjoys it though he has no problem with calling her a whore and reminding her how pathetic she is for his cock. 
He lovessss being praised. He’s been raised being beaten down and insulted by those close to him so having someone sing praises gets him excited. Aegon is insecure and possessive at heart so he needs constant reassurance. He accepts all forms of it but his favorites are “You’re doing so good, I’m proud of you.” “Your cock is perfect for me.” “I love everything about you.” “You were made for me.” “You’re so handsome, my love.” “I am completely yours and you are mine.” Things like this make him feel better about himself. 
People watching him please you excites him more. He’s spent many hours at brothels and is used to there being prying eyes. Someone watching him use you and claim you is exhilarating in his mind. The way you come undone simply by his touch should be watched by everyone. It’s a mixture of a need to show he possesses you and his own insecure need to prove that he is good enough. Aegon will fuck you anywhere and everywhere and he doesn’t care who watches and neither should you. 
Dirty talk
Aegon dirty talks throughout random points of the day. He likes to tease you with what he’ll do to you whilst you’re at dinner or in an important meeting. He goes into extreme descriptions only to act like he said nothing when you react. It’s a game to him which he enjoys fiercely. 
Nipple play
Some may say it’s mommy issues but Aegon just thinks it’s because your tits are so perfect. He likes to play with them before he touches you and leaves you dripping wet. He likes the way he can squish them in his fingers and rest his head on them. Aegon will suck, bite, kiss, lick, and grope them any chance he gets.
He doesn’t mind being humiliated or humiliating you. He likes when people see you as a wet and worn out mess. He likes when you grovel at his feet and beg and he laughs at you. It’s all a part of his need for validation from you. If he truly loves you then he’ll beg as well and let you use him like a toy but only if you give him limitless amounts of love afterwards. 
He likes to leave bruises, scratches, red marks and hickeys across your body. It’s a way of him marking his territory and his claim on you. He’ll do it in an obvious area too so he can be sure everyone knows who you belong to. Once again, if he really loves you, he’ll let you mark him too. He enjoys the pain that comes along with the marks you leave across his body. 
This is another fun way to add more sensations to sex. Being in control of your breathing makes him feel powerful. Since he lacks control in most aspects this is one way, he gets over it. He’ll never harm you too much though just enough so that you are breathless underneath him. 
Impact play
Pulling hair, spanking, and slapping is all okay with him. Though he prefers not to be spanked he loves doing it to you. The way you squeal on top of him sends him into a frenzy. The aggressiveness of these acts helps him, and you release pent up anger. It gives him a rush he can’t feel normally. 
Orgasm control
If he really loves you he’ll put in extra time. This means he’ll have the patience to play with you until your body is throbbing for release. Aegon will take time building up your orgasm until you are being him to make you cum. Once again it is him proving his dominance over you. Which he will sometimes let you do as well depending on how badly you want to. As long as you’re both enjoying yourselves, he doesn’t care. 
Consensual nonconsent
This is probably his most problematic one. He enjoys acting as if you are taking advantage of him and the other way around. It both gives you the sensation of feeling powerful. For you it’s a way to heal from being taken advantage of in the past and for him it’s a way to feel like he is in control of things. Of course it is pre-agreed on and you can always use the safe word. (He would probably choose something like Sunfyre or Wine because he finds it humorous.) 
Aegon likes to possess you completely. While you're in ropes it makes it even easier for him. Occasionally he will let you tie him up and use him for your own pleasure as long as he is having fun too. He will tie you up in various positions but he likes it when you tie his hands up to the bed. Aegon doesn’t like being bent in too many different ways. 
Sadism and masochism
Aegon is a switch at heart. I think for someone he loves he would gladly be a masochist and let them hurt them in whatever way they can. If it happens to be someone he is simply using for pleasure he can be a complete sadist because he only cares about himself. He likes to feel pain and give out pain. 
This isn’t necessarily a kink but something he likes to incorporate. His love for wine is almost as vast as his love for you. He likes to take shots of your body and drown each other in it. Aegon enjoys the sticky feeling of it across both of your bodies. It adds extra flavor to you both. He also enjoys being intoxicated during sex because of the heightened sensations.
This isn’t necessarily a kink but something he likes to incorporate. His love for wine is almost as vast as his love for you. He likes to take shots of your body and drown each other in it. Aegon enjoys the sticky feeling of it across both of your bodies. It adds extra flavor to you both. He also enjoys being intoxicated during sex because of the heightened sensations.
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dreamcatcher2113 · 2 years
The Dragon Dance
Summary: What if Rhaenyra had another child? What if Rhaenyra had a daughter with white hair and purple eyes? What if she was betrothed to Aemond as an alliance with Greens? 
You are the daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, unlike your brothers you have white hair and purple eyes. You are the twin sister of Jacaerys. You were close with Aemond when you were kids, you two attached to the hip. Ten years later after your family left to Dragonstone, your family reunites with the Greens. You see a familiar face, Aemond Targaryen. Even though it's been years since you last saw him, let's just say you are not the same little girl you were once before. 
Warnings: The reader and Jacaerys are aged up, they would be eighteen. Uncle/niece insect. 18+ smut(eventually). Language. Mentions of assault(mainly from Aegon). Violence. And possible other warnings that I can’t think of. There is a happy ending.
Part 18
TW: Slight mention of assault
The Dragon Dance Part 19:
You and Aemond walk into the dining hall, the two of you see Rhaenyra, Daemon, Luce, Alicent, Aegon, Helaena, and of course the children. You see Aegon smirking at you and Aemond. You squeezed Aemond’s hand tightly, you really don’t like Aegon. You don’t like how he treats Helaena and you see how the servants react when his name is mentioned. You have a hunch what he does, and you don’t like it. You and Aemond walk to the table, and he pulls out your chair and the two of you sit down. The two of you began to eat breakfast that is served in front of you.
“It’s wonderful for you two to join us. We haven’t seen you two since the wedding.” Your mother Rhaenyra smiled at the two of you.
“We’re sorry for our absent mother.” You smile back at your mother.
Rhaenyra chuckles a bit. “No need to apologize my dear girl. You and Aemond are married now, it’s not surprising that you two want to be alone.”
“Isn’t that the truth.” Daemon replied with a wink.
Rhaenyra gives him a warning look, and turns back to you. “What you two have is rare, enjoy every moment with each other.”
“Thank you, mother.” You thanked Rhaenyra with a smile. Aemond took one of your hands and kissed it. You smiled at him from the gesture. Rhaenyra, Alicent and Daemon looked at each other and back at the two of you with a smile. They are happy that you and Aemond were able to marry the person you love, yes you and Aemond’s marriage was for alliance. The three of them knew that you and Aemond loved each other. Alicent is happy that she agreed with Rhaenyra to wed you to Aemond, she is seeing a side of him that she hasn’t seen for a long time. Alicent feels like she is seeing Aemond genuinely happy, and it’s all thanks to you. 
“Since everyone is here. Queen Rhaenyra and I have something to tell of you.” Daemon announced.
“What is the news Daemon?” Alicent asked.
Rhaenyra and Daemon smiled at each other, and looked at all of you. “I am pregnant again.” Rhaenyra smiled. Most of everyone smiled and cheered.  You and Luce were more excited, the two of you are going to have another younger sibling. 
“That is exciting news, mother.” Luce said with excitement.
“Another joy is going to be brought to the world.” You hear Helaena say.
“I believe congratulations are in order for the two of you.” Aemond said.
“Congratulations to you mother, and you two father. Another addition to the family is exciting.” You said after.
“Thank you all of you.” Rhaenyra thanked everyone with a smile.
Alicent turned to Rhaenyra with a smile, and quietly said. “This is good news Rhaenyra. Another happiness is needed at this time.”
Rhaenyra nodded her head in agreement. “Thank you Alicent, and I couldn’t agree more.”
After breakfast Rhaenyra, Daemon Aemond, and Alicent went to a council meeting. You started to make your way to the training grounds to watch Luce train, and Helaena was going to meet you at the gardens afterwards. As you walk to the training grounds, you see a familiar messy white hair; you knew it was Aegon. You start to feel a little uneasy, you try to ignore his prescance and walk past him. 
“What good news about your mother having a child.” You hear Aegon behind you. 
You rolled your eyes, and sighed. Turning to face him. “Yes. It is joyous news.”
Aegon grins a bit, walking towards you. “At the rate you and Aemond are going, you might bear a child as well.”
You clench on to the dagger that you have on your waist, you are really glad Daemon gifted you it. “What my husband and I do in private is none of your business.” You spat at him.
Aegon grins more, and moves closer to you. “Aren’t you a spitfire, no wonder Aemond loves you.” 
“Is there something you need uncle? I have somewhere I need to be.” You said getting annoyed at Aegon. Clenching the dagger tighter, your knuckles started to turn white.
Aegon was a little too close for comfort for you. “You know if my brother isn’t satisfying you, you can always come to my chambers and-”. Before he could finish his sentence, you pushed him against the stone cold walls, and had your dagger pressed against his neck. 
“I’m going to make something clear for you Aegon.” You started to warn him. “If you ever disrespect my lord husband and me, the dagger to your throat would be the last of your worries.”
“And another thing.” You hissed. “If I ever hear that you are treating the servant girls with disrespect. Let’s just say you would be losing something you are quite fond of.”
“I have no idea what-” 
“You know exactly what I am talking about Aegon.” You press the dragger a little closer to his neck. “I see how the servant girls react when your name is called.”
“I don’t know what you do behind closed doors, but it will end now!” You said. You move your dagger away from and start walking away from him.
“Another thing uncle.” You said. “Treat Helaena with respect. She is very special and one of the best ladies I know. If you don’t see that now, someone else will and they will steal her away from you.”
After that warning, you start walking away to the training grounds to see Luce. Honestly you need to see him right now. After that encounter with Aegon, you need some comfort from your brother. Somehow Luce always made things a little better, both you and your mother think it's because of his sweet soul and his good heart. Just being around him was enough to lift your spirits up. You made it to the training grounds, and you see Luce training hard. Even though Luce was more a peacemaker than fighter, he does train hard because he wants to protect the people he loves. You smiled as you watched him train, you are proud that he is becoming the young man that he is. You put your hand on your stomach, you couldn’t but wonder if you and Aemond ever have children; will they be like Luce. You guess you have to wait and see.
Taglist: @mikariell95 @random-human02 @buttercupstrand @rosaryos @whitejuliana1204 @schniiipsel @jeyramarie @mingiholic @klutzyfreak @a-beaverhausen @cl-0-vr
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daisysolovely · 2 years
Aemma Targaryen 2
Aemma’s dragon
Hiiii, first of all, I want to thank you for all the feedback you’ve giving on the last part of Aemma’s story. I was so insecured and anxious when I posted it but your supports helped me tremendously and leaded me to this post. Secondly, this is another story about Aemma and her journey to claim her dragon. I hope you guys enjoy it and if you can, please let me know what you like or dislike about this story. 
I think this part will help you understand futher why Aemma didn’t hesitate to take the hit that meant for Aemond and it will also explain for a lot of thing for the future part ( if there is any). It took place when she was a child. But don’t worry, I’ll writing the story taking place after Aemond’s event as well. This one just haunted my mind for so long that I need to write it down ASAP XD 
This one is very long btw and I think I might not done it justic but I’ll try to edit it after. 
Summary: Aemma’s insecurity leaded Daemon to help her and the only thing to sovles a problem in Targaryen’s style is...dragon. 
P/s: I am not native English speaker so please forgive me if there is any grammar mistake in it, I’ll try to edit it. I am unexperience writer as well so feedback would be highly appreciated. 
Aemma’s series: Losing an eye, A ruby eye, A Pawn, A Proposal
Anyway, enjoy~~~
 Every since Aemma was born, she had been surrounded by darkness. Yet, she didn’t fear darkness like some did. She embraced it instead and found the silver lining in it. For instance, the princess took pride in her hearing abilities and often told her sister and father she could hear their footstep whenever they were near. And she would often reward with praise. Even her brother, Aegon thought she was a genius. 
Aemma dragged her brother along with her to the garden. She loved hearing Aegon describe the shape of the cloud even though she might not be able to imagine it. She would never know what a horse look like or a bird look like. But she appreciated Aegon’s effort and his excitement. It filled her with warmth and love. 
“That one looks like my dragon.” Aegon pointed out as he excitedly exclaimed. The boy’s dragon had hatched not long after his birth and he had been eager to talk about his baby to everyone. 
But the prince quickly shut his mouth when he realised he had just hit a touching topic. Even at the tender age of 6, the boy had learned what he should say and what not to, due to the court’s influence on the boy. He eyed his sister warily, concerned about how she might react. 
Much to his surprise, Aemma smiled and sighed in contentment. “I wish I could know what a dragon looks like.” She muttered. “They must be very majestic, aren’t they?” 
“They are.” Confirmed Aegon. 
“I wonder if Rhaenrya would let me ride her dragon with her, that would be wonderful.” 
“When mine becomes big, we can ride together.” The prince suggested and successfully made the princess's smile wider. 
Aemma loved Aegon as she did with her family. But during that time of her life, the young princess adored her younger brother, even more than she did her sister and brother. He knew how to make her day, say the right thing and all in all, was a great sibling. For young Aemma, that was enough. 
The mention of the dragon, however, stayed with Aemma throughout the day. No matter how hard she tried, the cursed princess couldn’t forget about that conversation. That was when she started to notice things… or rather, words. 
The hearing she used to pride in, started to betray her. The young princess began to notice what others had talked about behind her back, thinking she was out of earshot. And a seed of doubt was planted in her young mind. 
It started with questioning herself… 
Aemma was a Targaryen and proud to be one. But a Targaryen was known to bond with their dragon. Why didn’t she have one then? Was it because she was cursed? And why she couldn’t see like the rest of her family? Was it because her mother died giving birth to her? 
Aemma couldn’t understand, and the young child didn’t know how to verbalise her concern. But the longer she doubted herself, the quiet she seemed to grow. You would think that with how doting Rhaenerya and the king were toward Aemma, they would pick up the sign immediately. That didn’t happen, however. Even at a young age, Aemma was skilled in hiding her true emotion. 
The princess started to hate her hearing ability and wished under the moon for it to be taken away as god did with her eyesight. The princess prayed every night to her mother and apologised for causing her death. In the young Aemma’s mind, it was all her fault.
The Red Keeper was celebrated for the third name day of the second prince, Aemond. And there were more noble arriving to cheer and attend the happy event. To everyone, this was a time for celebration. But for Aemma, it was disastrous. 
The young princess loved her brother, naturally. But she was extremely overwhelmed with her surrounding, finding herself bumming into people more than usual and the noise was just too loud for her liking. 
When people gathered, they talked as well. 
“Have you met the young princess?” Asked a noble lady. 
“Ah, the cursed one?” Another lady said in a whisper tone. 
“Yeah, that one. The one without a dragon.” The first one said, her tone slightly mocking. “She kept bumping into people and walls, I’ve seen her tripping more than I could count.” The lady told her friend. 
“What do you expect from a blind princess?” 
“Honestly, if she wasn’t a princess, she would be downright worthless, wouldn’t she? Don’t even have a dragon and couldn’t walk decently to save her own life.” 
“I wouldn’t be surprised if the topic of her marriage would become a burden for the King and the queen.” 
The other snickered. “I doubt she could be married off, not suitable to be wife material, wouldn’t she?” 
“One might marry for her money.” 
And the two laughed cruelly, clerking their goblets to cheer on their conversation. 
Little did they know, the mentioned princess had heard every single word they said. 
Aemma’s face fell, she gripped her dress and whimpered slightly. The young girl kept telling herself not to cry for the Targaryen wouldn’t tolerate weak links. But her existence was a weak link and burden itself, wasn’t it? In her defence, Aemma had tried to walk on her own, and she did. The other day, she had just walked to the Throne room all by herself and her father even praised her. She simply couldn’t control herself sometimes… But they were right, she supposed. 
How was she supposed to marry anyone? She couldn’t even walk straight… And she didn’t have a dragon… 
Was she really a Targaryen? 
Unknowingly, a tear ran down the young princess’s cheek, then another and another. Soon, she went full sobbing while sitting in a corner. She was surrounded by waves of laughter and giggling, a joyful and merry place. 
Suddenly, the princess could hear a few heavy footsteps walking toward her and the train of tears stopped almost instantly. The young princess hugged herself tightly, preparing herself for what was to come. This was a stranger, she was certain as their pace was foreign to her. 
“Aemma?” Asked the stranger warily. “I am Daemon, your uncle…” He said softly while kneeling at the princess’s level. Despite knowing her disability, the Rogue prince still looked into her eyes as if he was talking to a normal person. The only different thing was the prince was softer than usual. 
To say Daemon was shocked to find his niece in the garden this late at night was underestimated. But to see tears on her adorable face? The Rogue prince was concerned, however, he was cautious about approaching her for they had never officially met before. He was exiled after her birth and he doubted the young princess could recognise him. Besides, the prince was worried about how she might react toward strangers. He understood that one could be on very high guard if they couldn’t see. 
“Uncle Daemon?” She whispered.
Aemma had, of course, heard the tale about her Rogue prince. In her mind, he was a mighty warrior who went to war for their family and the best swordsman they would ever have. Nobody had ever informed her of the Rogue prince’s notorious reputation or how ruthless his personality could be and that was probably a good thing too. 
Naturally, she was elated to meet Daemon. The princess had always wanted to meet him. Sadly, however, she couldn’t find it in her to greet her uncle with a gleeful attitude. 
“That’s right.” The Rogue prince hummed softly, his hand going to fix her hair slightly. “What happened, princess? Did anyone do something to you?” 
Despite his soft tone, the fire in Daemon’s eyes was anything but. 
Aemma’s pouty lips trembled and she burst into tears again once Daemon asked. Her uncontrollable and sudden cry surprised the Rogue Prince. He went to caress her hair while not knowing what to do.
“Am I a Targaryen, uncle?” She asked out of the blue and caught Daemon completely off guard. 
Why in the seven hells would she even doubt that? The man thought to himself. One with eyes could see how Targaryen she was, with perfect silver hair and beautiful violet eyes that resembled her sister, but a lighter shade. 
“Konir sagon daor sesīr iā másino, dārilaros” That's not even a question, princess, Daemon said as his fingers twirled with the end of her silver hair. The Rogue prince chuckled upon seeing her confused expression. “Have nobody taught you High Valyrian, zaldrītsos?” Little Dragon. 
Unexpectedly, the princess shook her head. She had heard her sister and father talking in the language before and Rhanerya even told her about the glorious tale of their ancestor and their origin. Yet, Aemma had trouble trying to learn the language, something that she was deeply ashamed of. 
“How’s about I teach you some?” The prince suggested and he seemed shocked by his proposal as well. But it was too late for him to take it back now. 
“Really?” The princess asked hopefully, her eyes seemingly glistening up. 
“Yes, I will teach you and when I finish, you will tell me what troubles you today. What do you think, zaldrītsos?” 
Aemma bit the bottom of her lips, seemingly to be deep in thought. Yet she showed no sign of hesitation, only an act of wanting to negotiate. “We got ourselves a deal, then.” She then smiled. 
“Yes, princess, we got a deal. I intend to keep my end of the deal so I hope you will do the same.” Aemma could hear a hint of amusement in his voice and dared to say he was jesting her. For a moment, she wished she could see the infamous Rogue Prince’s handsome face. Aemma bet his smile would be very pretty. 
“I’ll.” The cursed princess insisted confidently. 
For the next few days, Aemma spent her days learning High Valyrian with her uncle. And it was proven to be a challenge teaching Aemma the language. The princess blushed every time she couldn’t recall the word she learnt last time but Daemon, surprisingly, encouraged her and waited slowly for her to memorise it. 
Even a few times, Aemma had improved tremendously thanks to Daemon, who was so proud of his niece. A part of the Rogue Prince was also impressed by how patient he was. 
“Have you remembered the phrase?” He asked Aemma, the two sat in the garden, a knight observing the pair from afar. The Rogue Prince took a sip of his goblet as he watched the young princess mumbling repeatedly the phrase he taught previously. “Don’t be scared, we can learn again if you don’t remember.” 
Aemma shook her head, a determined expression on her beautiful face. “I think I got it, uncle.” 
“Sȳz riña, tell that to your father when you see him. I’m certain he’ll be pleased.” Good girl
“You think so?” The princess questioned nervously. She found spending time with her uncle oddly soothing, contradicting the impression she had from the tale about him. The prince was kind, and patient to her and the young Aemma was grateful for it. A part of her, however, felt guilty for spending all her time with her uncle. She should have shared him with Aegon, who she hadn’t met since Aemond’s name day. The young princess thought that her brother might want to play with their uncle as well and internally scolded her for being so selfish. 
She shouldn’t hog him to herself… 
“I know so, zaldrītsos” Little dragon. The prince suddenly cleared his throat and Aemma immediately raised her head to the level of his voice. “Now, I think it’s time for you to keep your end of the deal.” 
Aemma dropped her face and fidgeted with her fingers. She didn’t know how to voice her though and doubt clouded the young princess. But she wasn’t going to break her promise… Her beloved sister had taught Aemma that a promise was not to be broken or she wouldn’t be trustworthy. 
“Why don’t I have a dragon, uncle?” She asked, her innocence showed through her young voice and the naivety on her face made the question sound painful to hear. “Was it because I am cursed?” 
Daemon clenched his jaw tightly. How on the seven hells did Aemma have this absurd idea? The Rogue prince wished to know the person daring to say such absurdity and he vowed heads would be rolling when he found out. At that moment, the prince successfully connected the dot and frowned deeply. “Is this why you ask if you were a Targaryen, zaldrītsos?” 
The princess shamefully nodded. From all the days she had spent with her uncle Daemon, she saw a lot of Targaryen’s traits in him and the young princess admired her uncle, wishing she could be as mighty as him. She admired how confident he was, wanting to carry herself with the same attitude. To the young Aemma, her uncle was the ideal Targaryen, a model to look up to. But that would soon change with times when she began to see the world clearer… 
Sighing, Daemon shifted in his seat and leaned to be closer to the young princess, his hand brushing through her silky hair. “I want you to understand that with or without a dragon, you are a Targaryen, it runs in your blood. Who dares to question it will answer before the Dark sister.” He said. “And you might not have a dragon now, but be patient. I am certain when the time is right, you will meet your dragon.” 
“Really?” The princess bit her lips, she wished to believe Daemon’s words but her head kept denying it, drowning her in self-doubt. “But I am the weak link, will I even be worthy of a dragon?” 
“You are not a weak link and you will never be!” Daemon shouted suddenly, slammed the table and sent the princess flinching. The Rogue prince took a pause upon the realisation of his overreacting, he sat back down and went to brush Aemma’s silver lock, tucking it behind her hair. For some reason, Aemma’s hair always rested messy. “Do you want to hear a secret?” The prince lowered his voice for dramatic effect and the young princess was immediately intrigued. She had always been a curious little thing. “You are the bravest girl I’ve ever known.” 
The young princess blushed at the praise from someone she admired so much and beamed from ear to ear. She mumbled a thank you to her uncle, and appreciated his compliment as somehow, she felt so assured. Perhaps recognition from someone as strong as Daemon was that priceless. Even years later, she still felt pride whenever she recalled this little moment. 
Needless to say, Aemma was over the moon. All of her doubts seemed to disappear for now. 
Daemon smiled upon seeing Aemma’s reaction. She was a sweet nature child who had the purest soul he ever had the pleasure to encounter, a complete contradiction to her other sibling, Aegon who Daemon detested ever since he was born. The prince watched his niece, his head’s gear seemed to run restlessly until he clacked. 
“Princess, do you want to ride Caraxes with me?” He invited the princess, knowing she wouldn’t turn down the opportunity. She had expressed her interest in dragons from the past few days they spent together, particularly in the tale of his adventure on Caraxes’s back. 
So, Daemon took his niece’s hand and guided her to the dragon pit. On the way, he didn’t forget to warn her how loud the dragon could be and that she should stay back before he allowed her to encounter Caraxes. Aemma was eager, nodded at every instruction and her step felt lighter. 
Caraxes growled loudly as a greeting when he spotted Daemon from afar, the dragon leaned closer to touch its companion. “Nyke jaelagon ao naejot rhaenagon someone” I want you to meet someone. Having the dragon’s agreement, Daemon went to get Aemma, standing closely behind her while guiding her to Caraxes. 
Caraxes was sceptical about the tiny human at first, seeming to be on guard as he watched the young princess getting closer to him. But like any Targaryen, the dragon was soon to accept her, leaning for the young princess to pat his head. 
Meanwhile, the young princess was smiling from ear to ear. She slowly patted his head, trying to figure out his form in her mind. And surprisingly, Caraxes allowed her to pet him as well. Daemon watched the exchange with a smile, but his stand was wary, ready to get in action if Caraxes decided to harm the little girl. 
Soon, Daemon helped Aemma on Caraxes and the two were off Red Keeps. The Rogue prince had something in mind and he need confirmation. 
Daemon flew to Dragonstone with Aemma sitting before him, the princess couldn’t stop laughing the entire trip, and constantly asked him about their destination. 
“It’s a surprise, princess.” He said. 
The Rogue prince even allowed the young princess to take the reign and stirred it with him. He was understanding and encouraging the young girl when she felt timid and insecure due to her disability. “How about we do it together? How does that sound?” Suggested Daemon and earned himself a nod from the cursed princess. 
The pair landed near one of the smoking caverns of the Dragonmont. Daemon left Caraxes behind while carrying Aemma in one hand, another a torch. 
“You need to be quiet, alright?” The prince muttered to his niece who nodded in return and adorably placed her hand on her lips. 
Aemma was curious, she had been the entire time. Not knowing where she has stressed the young princess out and she had to constantly remind herself to trust her uncle. He wouldn’t harm her, she would know if he wanted to. From what she had learned, Daemon wouldn’t even bother to harm her. Her chance of becoming her sister’s heir is little to none. Therefore, why would he hurt her? 
If Daemon was aware of his niece’s thoughts, he would laugh out loud. Unlike what the court believed, Daemon didn’t want the throne to himself, not if it meant he would be chained down. Hence, he wouldn’t harm the little princess. Besides, he liked Aemma. That was a convincing reason enough. 
The Rogue prince started to sing and Aemma recognised the melody almost immediately as it was the lullaby her sister used whenever she tucked the cursed princess in bed. The young girl perked up in her uncle’s arms, trying to decipher her surrounding with sound. It didn’t take long for her to a roar was heard from afar, scaring the young princess. 
Aemma buried her head in her uncle’s neck while making herself focus on her uncle’s voice instead. This was terrifying, the young princess found and she wished to be out of that place immediately, especially when the loud noise hurt her hearing. 
Slowly, Daemon put his niece down at a far enough distance from the creature, not forgetting to instruct Aemma. “Stay here and don’t move, princess. I’ll be back soon.” He said, leaving a kiss on her temple before moving toward the sound direction. 
Sitting still, Aemma tapped her fingers on her lap, trying to stay calm while paying attention to the smallest sound she could hear. But so far, the sound of the creature Aemma recognised as the dragon was anything but. The young princess figured this dragon must be larger than Caraxes for the latter wasn’t as loud. 
Why did her uncle bring her here? Aemma thought to herself. 
But she was quick to know the answer. Aemma was picked up by her uncle again, this time, he moved slower until the two were close to the dragon. 
“Vermithor, this is princess Aemma.” The prince presented the cursed princess to his grandfather’s dragon and watched in awe as the said dragon observed the princess in Daemon’s arms.
Slowly, Vermithor leaned closer to sniff the young girl, sending her to still while Daemon laughed, and assured her it wasn’t dangerous. After what seemed like forever, Vermithor nudged Aemma and placed its head in her hand when she offered it. Confusing at what had just happened, the young princess absentmindedly pet the large dragon, not knowing she was petting one of the largest dragons the Targaryen had. 
Daemon contentedly smirked, “I thought so.” He said to himself, putting his niece down and watching the exchange between Vermithor and Aemma. 
The moment Aemma was put down, she was immediately attacked by Vermithor. The large dragon nudged her and let out a growl as a greeting. “Rytsas” Aemma said softly, as she caress the head of Vermithor, a warm feeling ran through her, taking over every inch of her skin like a wide fire. And she knew… just like that, she knew she had her dragon. “Uncle!” She exclaimed out of joy. 
“I know, congratulation, princess.” Daemon replied. “Now, no more doubting yourself?” 
The princess nodded eagerly, beaming brightly. 
Daemon had thought about the Grey ghost and the possibility of Aemma claiming the dragon for its soft nature. But the Rogue prince changed his mind. Aemma was special and a wild dragon was a difficult case for any normal dragon rider to claim. So, he thought about Vermithor who was growing tolerant of the presence of humans and more willing to accept riders. The rogue prince decided to take a gamble and brought Aemma here. It paid off, it seemed. 
In the rogue prince’s mind, being dragonless was what drove Aemma to her distressed state. Therefore, by helping her claim a dragon, the prince successfully treated her problem. 
If only it was so easy… 
Meanwhile, back at Red Keep, the King went feral when he noticed his brother and second daughter’s absence. His anger went spiralling upon the notice of Caraxes in the sky. 
When Viserys ran to the dragon pit, he was in for a surprise. Behind the king was his first son, Aegon who was concerned for the cursed princess’s wellbeing and blamed him for not protecting her. The two didn’t expect what was to come. 
The king and the prince watched in awe as Aemma sat on Caraxes with Daemon, and Vermithor trailing closely behind. It didn’t take much to figure out the situation. 
Aemma claimed Vermithor! 
Aegon cheered in delight, pride-filled his eyes as he watched his sister getting off Caraxes. While the king was equally proud, standing with his eyes heated up at the sight. Viserys never think there was a day when Aemma would be able to claim her dragon. It wasn’t because he doubted his daughter, but for her disability, the king never dared to dream of a day like this. 
Under his watchful eyes, his brother whispered something to his daughter, causing Aemma to giggle. Aemma spun around, seemingly to be in search of something. “Father?” She asked. 
“I am here, love.” It didn’t take Aemma long to figure out his direction as the young princess turned on her heels and moved quickly toward him, causing the king to walk forward, his arms ready to catch his daughter if she fell. 
“Avy jorrāelan, kepa” I love you, father. The word came out of her effortlessly, giving the impression of fluency when in fact, she had struggled with the phrase hours ago. Once she said it, all doubt and fear seemed to fade. 
For a second, Viserys thought he misheard his daughter and the man was on cloud nine. He took the girl in his arms, whispering sweet nothing in her ears while smothered kisses on her forehead. “Avy jorrāelan tolī, issa dōna riñnykeā.” I love you too, my sweet child. 
They hugged for a second before the king left the princess to her brother who hugged her when given chance. “You have a dragon!” He said. “I am so proud of you, Aemma.” 
“Thank you, Aegon.” 
“But now I can’t ride with you.” Aegon pouted. 
“I think I will still need some assistance.” Aemma immediately offered.
“I will do it.” The prince jumped in instantly, joy filled his tone. He was pleased that he was the one she asked, his sister obviously needed him. 
Unknowingly to Aegon and Aemma, their brother, Aemond was watching from afar, hoping one day he could achieve the same thing. 
Meanwhile, Viserys walked toward Daemon, his facial holding the same furious expression as previously. “You took her without my permission.” 
“I don’t need your permission, brother.” 
The King didn’t say anything, only studied his brother… After a moment of intense silence, he decided to confess. “But thank you… for everything you’ve done for Aemma. She is very happy thanks to you.” He said while eyeing the young princess who was gleefully talking to Aegon. 
“No need to thank me, I only did what I wanted.” And what the rogue prince wanted was his niece’s happiness. 
The two men were having the same goal and different approaches, Aemma’s happiness. If only they knew… that happiness wouldn’t last for long and never came back afterwards. 
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dulcewrites · 2 years
Oh mannn the bedroom scene in chapter 4 got me HEATED. The way the reader was the only one reacting with a proportionate amount of anger at her baby being threatened, and Alicent’s shadiness about remembering our stations and not jumping to conclusions? Some of her comments made me think of the night Aemond lost his eye, too, only now the tables are turned and she’s the incompetent one 😒. And I might have to go back and read the parts with Daemon and Rhaenyra in case I’m understanding this wrong but…was Alys a plant this whole time? Is that how she and Aemond met? Is she a gosh darn double agent sent to sabotage the greens by weakening their strongest player and coaxing an important ally (reader and her family) to their side? That’s embarrassing for Aemond if it’s true lmao
This family is messy af, we should just escape with our kids, Ser Quinton, Helaena and her munchkins and live out the rest of our days on a farm or something. Maybe bring Aegon along for entertainment.
Yes!! I wanted there to be a clear parallel to how everyone gaslit Alicent that night at driftmark, to how they are gaslighting reader. I’m glad people are picking up on that. It’s all just a viscous cycle. Like I said, Alicent has been “put in her place” too many times (mainly by the men in her life) to not know what she is doing to reader :/. I think she has empathy/cares for reader and her grandchildren. Much like her with children, alicent’s love and anger is shown in different ways. It takes work to break cycles/trauma, and unfortunately no one in this family has the range to do that lol
In a fucked up way I can see Alicent thinking she’s going reader a favor by not letting her get to bogged down with it. Justice did not come for Aemond, why would it for her children :(
Alys a plant? Hmmm I’ll leave it at Aemond and alys both have/had agency over the choices they’ve made. And what they have put reader through. How we have gotten to this point is for reader to uncover.
Aegon would gladly run away 💀. He is about go THROUGH it in the final part I fear. Im excited to get back to his and reader’s relationship.
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westeroswisdom · 6 months
TWO trailers for House of the Dragon were released on Thursday.
Among other things, we get a quick peek at Cregan Stark.
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^^^ That's Cregan (Tom Taylor) on the left talking with Jacaerys Velaryon (Harry Collett) whose ride up north on Vermax seems to have caused his hair to grow out quite a bit. Since they are apparently at The Wall, it's possible that Jace first landed at Winterfell where he was told that Cregan wasn't home; though it's also possible that they journeyed up to The Wall together for some business.
House of the Dragon showrunner and co-creator Ryan Condal now speaks with EW exclusively to unpack some of the big secrets from the footage. Season 2 picks up directly after the events of the season 1 finale, which saw Aegon, Rhaenyra's half-brother, crowned king of Westeros behind her back, even though she was the chosen successor of their father, the late king Viserys (Paddy Considine). "This is not a story of goodies and baddies, black hats and white hats," Condal says of the dueling Blacks and Greens. "It's a story of this family that's been rent open by this dispute over who is meant to wear the crown after Viserys passes. Some people think it's Rhaenyra, some people think it's Aegon, and then there are other people within who think, 'Why should it be one of the two of them? Maybe it should be somebody else. Maybe it should be me!' The fun of this Greek tragedy is seeing, when you introduce a power vacuum to a world like this, how all of these individuals react."  [ ... ] Hundreds of years before the age of Sean Bean's Eddard Stark and Kit Harington's Jon Snow, Cregan Stark is the Lord of Winterfell. Actor Tom Taylor (The Dark Tower, The Kid Who Would Be King) debuts in the Rhaenyra-themed trailer... well, from the back at least. In the season 1 finale, Rhaenyra's son Jacaerys Velaryon (Harry Collett) flew north to rally his mother's supporters. That will include a stop to meet with Lord Stark, and the footage shows Jace walking with Cregan along the top of the Wall. "He's very powerful," Condal says of the character. "Everybody's vying for his army. He's quite a bit younger than Ned Stark was, so it's interesting to see the Young Wolf, the young Stark lord, and how he carries himself in the world, and the burden that's on his shoulders being the Warden of the North. I'm excited for the audience to see and experience that."
Ryan Condal teases a significant battle.
There are various key battles that occur in the timeline of the Dance of the Dragons, but given Ser Criston's presence, a good guess would be the Battle of Rook's Rest. Of course, Condal will neither confirm nor deny any specific theories. "This season, we shot two of the largest sequences that certainly I've ever done as a maker of television, certainly that House of the Dragon has ever done," Condal teases. "I don't know that they're bigger necessarily than anything Game of Thrones has done, because they got pretty big in the end. But certainly we're going to see new things that you have not seen before within this world. There's some pretty epic stuff to come. It's just a couple months away, guys."
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august-diehl · 2 years
U know i was thinking of aemond story in season 2 especially after what happens after b&c. I mean I know there are people who predict that he will turn his back on his family but I think differently. I think it will have to do with aemond and Aegon relationship as Tom said it will spiral out of control. So there will be lots of anger, Aegon will blame Aemond for b&c and well, simple fact that because of Aemond innocent kid was killed will be enough to make him extremely guilty. I can't believe no one points out what Aemond reaction to b&c could be, yet you all focus on his family turning his back on him. Like, him causing his family that much pain + becoming the kinslayer= being cursed in Westeros where he wanted to prove himself and it ended up this way. His ambitions were really big, but he failed. I think after b&c he will be mad at himself because he will see that his taunting Luke and having Vhagar killing him weren't worth the price of innocent child's life. Not to mention that he will most likely not share with anyone that he didn't mean to kill Luke because it will make him seem weak, so he will need to stay with the version that he wanted Luke's death and as Olivia said, Alicent is close to Aemond but she sees him becoming a killer which is terrifying to her. Like, Alicent who said to Otto that reluctance to murder is not a weakness, Alicent who wants peace and not bloodshed is confronted with the fact that her favourite son killed Luke and started a war and you all are serious when you say 'its impossible that Alicent will turn her back on him, she held a knife against Rhaenyra cause Aemond lost his eye'. Yes, and so what? She fought for him then and you think that just because she did it then mean she will be fine with Aemond killing Luke? Especially after she didn't want Larys to hurt him when they talked on the ship? And now knowing that Aemond started a war she is supposed to still be so proud of him? She slapped Aegon (rightfully) after hearing Dyana story so is there any wonder how will she react after hearing what Aemond did?
so do you think alicent blaming him and aemond feeling guilt at what he caused
should be reason enough for aemond to say yeah fuck it? and just leave them?
i am not excited at the prospect of him focusing more on his feelings than helping his family out of the situation he created just bc alicent is very mad at him
oh my mom hates me? oh well if she is to die i will just stay here and not help her bc she hates me
sounds like a big fucking baby to me, you caused the mess? you should attempt to clean it up.
yk, the guy that keeps saying he's better than aegon? and he's the one that should be ruling? lol
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with-blood-and-fire · 2 years
Fic: Even Monsters Need a Gentle Touch Chapter 1
😊I have had the pleasure of only just being dragged onto the bottom!Aemond train. And I will not be getting off anytime soon. ❤You can pull bottom!Aemond from my cold dead hands. I am so excited to start writing fics for HotD. I hope you guys enjoy the first couple chapters of this one. It's gonna be a long-un.😀
Title: Even Monsters Need a Gentle Touch
Aemond is used to people steering away from him, avoiding eye contact and whispering about him behind his back. He pretends not to notice and not to care. But in truth, his heart aches at the thought that no one can love him with the scar on his face.
Luckily, someone comes along who will fix everything. Someone who will love him despite his scar. At least so Aemond thinks. Things go downhill and after a traumatic event, Alicent sends Aemond to negotiate with Rhaenyra at Dragonstone.
Unfortunately, Aemond is taken prisoner almost immediately by the Princess and her husband and is forced to reside in the castle with them. Thought it is a tough start to his new life, eventually Aemond finds that love and care is not so hard to come across after all.
Chapter: 1
Pairing: Endgame Aemond/Jacaerys, but starts out Aemond/OMC
Rating: Will eventually be NC-17, but starts out relatively tame
Warning: None for this first chapter, but I've linked the Ao3 story link so you can all view the story tags for what there will eventually be.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43665726/chapters/109800333
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Monster. One-eyed beast. The disgraced and disfigured second son.
Aemond was not oblivious to the names he had been given. They echoed throughout the keep on a daily basis. He heard them whether he wanted to or not. He knew. Even if the ones who spoke the words attempted to keep their whispers quiet.
And it was not as if he could blame them, no matter how much each name made his heart squeeze painfully or raised his ire. But he would not give anyone the satisfaction of seeing him upset or angered. He was better than that. He would not let them know that he too, in the darkest of nights, thought the same of himself.
But no. He was the son of the late King Viserys. He was a prince and he conducted himself as such. As opposed to his older brother’s drunken and vile attitude and persona, he held himself as one of the Targaryen bloodline should. He was stern and imposing. But calm and kind when necessary, all the same.
The names meant nothing if he did not react to them. The servant’s fear meant nothing if he pretended he didn’t know why they wouldn’t look at his face when they spoke to him. He was a fierce soldier and a scholar. He would not react.
Lost in his thoughts, he begins to descend the grand staircase of the keep, this day too ignoring the cautious looks and the words that were murmured as he passed.
The slow and rhythmic clack, clack of his leather boots upon stone echo through the halls of the Red Keep. The sound was not an unusual one at this time of day. In fact the sound often heralded the moment Aemond and Ser Criston Cole left for the training yard, in preparation to spend several hours with sword and mace.
He reached the bottom of the stairs noting Ser Criston waiting for him there. The only greeting he gives is a nod, lips pursed in his perpetual frown.
“My prince.” Ser Criston bows to him, making him roll his one eye.
When Ser Criston returns to his standing position, Aemond audibly sighs. Now a man of twenty and one, he was tall and strong. Though Criston Cole still stood several fingers above him. Unlike Aegon, who had grown to be a short but broad man, Aemond had grown tall and willowy. He was lithe and graceful, with sinewy muscles hidden under his pale skin. Like his sister, he had left his hair long, trailing down his back in straight strands. His features they compared to his sister or his mother. Some had even called him pretty. Before he had lost his eye of course. After that the only mention of his features or characteristics were how strong he was, or how smart. Nothing about his looks, unless it was behind his back.
“My prince?”
Aemond snaps his one eye to the knight who was looking at him with concern.
“I asked if you were ready?”
“Forgive me Ser Criston. My mind was….elsewhere.” He mutters.
The knight raises an eyebrow and his concerned gaze lingers.
“Are you well, my prince?”
“Fine.” Aemond grumbles as he begins to stalk towards the doors of the keep.
“If you insist.” Ser Criston says, though it is obvious he is not convinced.
Once in the training yard, knight and prince find a corner to themselves. Around them, squires and knights practiced skills of defense and offense, but all came to a halt when Ser Criston and Aemond took their place and prepared to fight.
Ser Criston is the first to attack, swinging his mace in a high arc over his head, aiming for Aemond’s left shoulder. Aemond is quick though, his lithe body making it easy to dodge the attack. In response, Aemond’s sword swings low, aiming for Ser Criston’s knees. Even with the mace, the knight is quick and steps back just in time.
“That was a close one, my prince. Again!”
Their dance continues for many hours, neither giving in or gaining the upper hand. The whole yard continues to watch in awe at the skill displayed by the two. The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and the Targaryen prince. Both had proven time and time again their skill. But Ser Criston still demanded Aemond ‘train’ each day.
Towards the end of their dance, Aemond catches sight of his mother staring solelmnly at him from the doorway into the castle.
Alicent wore black still, in mourning for his late father. Aegon had already been crowned King months ago, but still his mother mourned. It was bordering on ridiculous, if you asked him. Father was gone. And what of it? It is not as if the late King truly had any love to spare for Aemond’s lady mother. He had no love to spare any of them. It had all been used up by Rhaenyra and her brood.
It does not matter. I did not need his love. Nor do I now He tries to convince himself as he had many times before.
Aemond was jealous of Alicent. At least at times it had seemed as if Viserys cared for her. He was not jealous of their relationship, gods no. He would never want a relationship with no love. But if only someone would look at him as if he was anything other than a prince or monster. If only they cared enough to at least smile at him.
His thoughts, though upsetting and angered, give him the energy to fight harder, sending his sword swinging this way and that, forcing Ser Criston back till he hits the stone wall of the yard, Aemond’s sword at his neck.
“Aemond!” Alicent’s voice rings out across the training yard.
With a weary sigh and a roll of his one eye, Aemond steps back and re-sheathes his sword.
“You fought well my prince.” Ser Criston recovers and leaves his position at the wall.
“Hmmm.” Aemond hums, avoiding eye contact with Ser Criston and his mother as she approached.
“Ser Criston. You are dismissed.” Alicent nods at Ser Criston. With a flourished bow, the knight retreats, taking his mace with him.
“Mother.” Aemond nods, still refusing to look her in the eye.
“My son. I see your training is going well. Was it necessary to be so aggressive towards Ser Criston?”
“You are the one who wishes me to continue my training. This isn’t a child’s playpen. We fight here mother. I am not a babe.”
Alicent sighs, but does not press further. She must know it would be a losing battle. Instead, she steps aside and motions someone forward. A young man, perhaps one not much older than Aemond himself steps forward and bows before him. The man is dressed in the garb of a knight, in the armor of one of the kingsguard. When he stands again, Aemond takes in his features. He is tall, taller than him. And he had curly blonde hair that fell to his shoulders. A kind smile was on his tanned face and he was looking Aemond directly in his eye, something few dared to do.
“Aemond, my son. May I introduce you to Ser Ellion Lannister. The nephew of our very own Tyland Lannister.”
“My prince. It is a pleasure to meet you.” The knight bows again and his smile widens when he stands once more.
“A pleasure indeed.” Aemond responds automatically as his mother glares, ensuring nothing less than politeness from him.
“Aemond, Ser Ellion is a new knight of the Kingsguard. He will be protecting you from now on.”
Aemond snorts at that, terrifying smirk appearing on his face.
“Protecting me? What is it you mean?”
“Ser Ellion is tasked with protecting you personally, following you to ensure your safety.”
“Following me?” Aemond huffs out an amused laughs. “You must be joking.”
“I am not, my son. I am completely serious.”
“Tell me mother, why would I need such a thing? If I can protect myself easily enough, how is a guard going to help me?”
Aemond was right. He had to be. How could a knight he could break with his pinky finger serve as any use to him? He was a prince, a knight in his own right.
“It is necessary. Tensions grow higher each passing day in the council room. Your step sister is planning something. I am sure of it. I will not leave my son unguarded in case something happens.”
“I can protect myself.” Aemond protests.
“Then having Ser Ellion around will be all the better. You will have double the strength and protection.”
“Yes.” Alicent glares at him. “You will listen and you will obey. This is for your own good. Now if you two will excuse me, I will be taking my lunch with Healeana.”
Alicent gives Aemond no time to protest again before turning heel and retreating from the training yard. He watches her go with narrow eye. He was a grown man. More than capable of carrying his own sword and protecting himself against any attacks from enemies. How could she not see it? Aemond is still glowering and ruminating in his angry thoughts when a kind voice cuts in.
“Prince Aemond?”
Aemond swivels to face Ser Ellion. The disarming smile upon the knight’s face only gives him pause for a second before he crosses his arms and looks up at the knight with his one eye.
“I care not for what my mother has said. I do not need you here. And I certainly do not need your protection. I am fine on my own.” He does his best to glare at the knight, but the man does not wither, only keeping the ridiculous smile upon his lips.
“I understand, my prince. But I am to follow the Queen mother’s word.”
“Whatever. I am going back to my chambers, alone.”
“I will escort you there!” The knight exclaims, dipping his head as the prince stalks past.
“Do not follow me.”
Ser Ellion does not listen and follows behind Aemond at a respectful distance, though he struggles to keep up with the quick strides of the prince.
Aemond seethes as he returns to the Red Keep, striding up the stairs two at a time. His anger must have been palpable, as servants, lords and ladies all alike cower and part like the sea as he all but runs up the staircase. Try as he might to lose him, the knight follows still, only just keeping up with him.
When Aemond finally reaches the door of his chamber, he turns to stare daggers at the knight, who stood there innocently with his perfect blonde hair and kind smile.
“Leave me! I do not wish to see your face again.” Aemond exclaims, shutting the door in the knight’s face.
“My prince.” Is all he hears from the other side before quiet footsteps fade from hearing.
Aemond shouts in anger before stalking over to the table in the middle of his chambers and seting his sword down upon it. He strides over to his dresser then and chances a glance up at the mirror on top. The leather eye patch stood out against his pale skin. With a violent surge of anger, he rips the thing off, staring at his sapphire eye and the terrible scar crossing it. The skin around his eyelid and undereye was cracked and red, making the feature even more horrifying to look at. He would need to get more moisturizing oil from the maester before the end of the day.
Fuck mother. Fuck father. Fuck Aegon and fuck Ser Ellion. He kicks the leg of the table in anger, wincing as pain shoots up from his toes. Why could no one just leave him be?
A quiet knock on his chamber door, interrupts his angered thoughts and he stalks to the door to rip it open. On the other side stands Helaena, a sad smile upon her face.
“Helaena….” He whispers.
“The laughter is poison.”
Aemond sighs, giving his dear sister a smile and inviting her in. He would ask about the cryptic sentence later. But first he’d much rather read in comfortable silence with her there. It was only her presence that calmed him. She was the only one he wished to spend time with these days. If only she wouldn’t scare him with her cryptic prophesies.
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