#but for me its a lot!! and i managed to push through and eat basically all of it
beevean · 9 months
We finally watched Nocturne.
... what? No, no endless post this time :P not only because it's just one season. It's just as I expected: it's not as infuriating as its big sibling. (unless you're familiar with the French Revolution coughcough@the-crow-binary)
We only watched the first four episodes so far, and I have already said a lot, so let's go.
The thing I complained the most about, I noticed, was the worldbuilding, mostly how vampires work. The original show "elfified" vampires, only keeping the basic traits "need blood, don't like sunlight or running water, can turn into things like bats and mist". They were portrayed as this ancient rage, one with its own culture (much superior than the dumb humans who forget everything because church bad): they sleep normally, they can eat food if they so wish, apparently they can have sex with zero issues lol, and infamously child vampires are treated as, well, innocent children and not as poor human kids suffering a terrible fate. Trevor even kindly tells us that the reason vampires hate crosses regardless of their faith is because their eyesight is so advanced that they freak out at the sight of geometrical shapes. The only monstruous trait they have is that apparently they have a tendency to go insane and crave power. Honestly, they kind of remind me of Twilight.
And somehow Nocturne manages to get it worse.
Now, yes, vampires in Nocturne bite far more often than in the OG show. I think in that other show we see them doing that... twice? And Carmilla and Lenore lick Hector's blood; then they just drink from their stock of blood à la Drac from SoTN. Anyway, Nocturne is more willing to show them as beasts, so good job. Hell, Sun Thundercat even turns a human!
But in this setting, vampires seem to not even have those few weaknesses they had in the OG show. For a story centered on how Sun Thundercat will bring eternal night to the world because sun is the number 1 obstacle to vampires, it's baffling how easily they can just walk around in plain daylight. Olrox looks out of the window with his face illuminated by the sun. Drolta can literally walk just fine, even without a parasol. @spinningbuster98 kept asking "why don't peasants or slaves just destroy the windows of the places where they know vampires live?" - well clearly they'd be fine!
And special shoutout to Drolta who openly mocks the concept of her being hurt by being in a church. At least in S1, Blue Fangs explained its presence in the Bishop's church by blaming his heinous actions for pushing God away.
Vampires are also shockingly well integrated into society. These extremely pale people, with visible pointy ears and long fangs, can chill around in a nice palace or stroll into a theatre, and no one bats an eye. How? In the OG show, vampires could be in a position of power (see the council of Styria), but they mostly worked from the shadows. Did humans just... accept the presence of these monsters?
(the cross weakness becomes way funnier now. Vampires are weak to the religion they used to believe in, so Annette can ask the help of the Christian God to harm previously Christian vampires. I actually like this. But then this makes that OG "vampires have super freaky eyesight" scene even stupider than it used to be)
Another point for the clumsy worldbuilding. Hey, remember how I complained that N!Hector wearing Hector's CoD outfit makes no sense? Because that's what he could cobble up from his old Devil Forgemaster uniform and it's basically the best he can wear for running through the country and fighting, while N!Hector 1) is still in Drac's service in S2 so you'd expect a more professional uniform from him, like the one worn by N!Isaac, and 2) he very much does not fight, making details like the arm guard and the single glove look redudant. We have a similar issue here: Maria, whose design was taken straight out of DXC, complains in the first episode that her mother is too poor to pay taxes. You can tell that she doesn't look that poor. To make things even worse, in the second episode, Tera is able to offer bread to Annette and Edouard: the French Revolution started, among other reasons, because even bread got ridiculously expensive for common people! So which is it? Is Maria one of the common people, or a well-off young woman who really has no business leading the revolution?
And this... is tied to other problems.
The French Revolution is nothing more than a shallow backdrop for the main plot being the Vampire Messiah being hyped up as the greatest evil to ever evil. You can tell the writers did not care when they cast Vaublanc, a real person who fought against slavery, as a vampire slaveowner. I think. I think you shouldn't do that.
The point is, it becomes increasingly jarring when you see that the main protagonists, the ones who spout the most generic "liberty, equality, fraternity"... are not even French. Maria has Russian origins, and as I've shown she seems to be doing well. Richter is a Romanian who grew up in the US. Annette, who gets to make a super epic speech about freedom, is a runaway from Saint-Domingue. Edouard is a rich opera singer, also from Saint-Domingue.
Oh, Annette.
You know, I want to say something. I'd have much more patience for her abrasive, ungrateful, condescending behavior, I'd justify it as a result of her trauma, if it weren't for how mean-spirited she is and for how no one seems to even react to her.
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You did that, huh. Richter has been nothing but kind and supportive to you, relating to the loss of your friend and of your mother - this isn't a Trevor situation where you can fall for what the story tells you and believe he's actually rude, no, Richter is on-screen a very nice guy! And you say that? To his face? After he revealed to you that the Belmonts used to do magic but he can't because he lost his mom? Something you should know how devastating it feels? And you THROW THAT TO HIS FACE??
Richter is the one who gasps, by the way. Maria and Tera over there? Nah they're just eating popcorn as this stranger is deliberately hitting Richter where it hurts the most. Thanks girls.
Oh but she's not done!
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I know what this is. Look at her, the Stronk former slave who suffered Hardships which inherently makes her more Mature and World Wise, looking down on the two white French people who obviously had it so easy in their lives.
Hey, Ms. Adult. Who's the one who lost control of her powers, leading to Edouard becoming a Night Creature? Richter is too nice to throw that in your face. I'm not :)
Hey, Ms. I Suffered More Than You. Who's the one who only managed to save herself from the plantation only due to magical god-inherited powers? Which is also incredibly insensitive to the real-life slaves who managed to escape with nothing more but human skills and intellect?
Hey, Ms. I'm More Mature Than You Whiteys. Who's the one who needed the help of a rich half-white man to be protected? Not that you even know the concept of being grateful.
Uh, and Tera? You mind chiming in? You mind defending your daughter and your adopted son from this stranger who keeps being rude and disrespectful? No? Okay. She just suggests how to save Edouard, but lets Annette's words slide. You and Lisa can compete for the title of Mom of the Year.
Oh, but this is not a sexism or racism issue. This is literally the same thing as Alucard in S2 being the biggest hypercunt to Trevor, making fun of his traumatic childhood, cruelly mocking his family and his legacy, and treating him like he's nothing more than a failure of a drunkard when the dude has been nothing but a help in fights and gave them access to the vast Belmont Hold... and Sypha always rushed in Alucard's defense because boohoo his depression is an icy well of sadness, he Suffered More Than You!
This is just the writers shitting on the Belmonts, and I am sick of it. Trevor did not deserve this, and Richter doesn't deserve this.
Anyway, characters. I have little to say. Richter is the best one, being reasonably cocky as you would expect from him; not to an insufferable degree, just yeah he comes off as an immature young man who needs to grow up. I like him. Maria is a parody of teens on Twitter talking about seizing the means of production, and I kind of forget she's there. Annette, yeah :) Edouard got retroactively characterized after his death, but I still don't know how to describe his personality beyond "helpful" and "source of infodumps". Tera exists. The abbot is profoundly stupid for allying himself with vampires for the sake of crushing the "Godless" Revolution (there's an N!Hector joke to make here but it's not worth it). Drolta is basically Isaac who slapped a pair of tits on himself and just like that she's a beloved slay queen icon. Templar Agent Stone Mizrak is mere bara bait so far. Olrox... well, so far he's mildly intriguing for being outside of the hero/villain dichotomy. Kind of a tryhard, though, and I still don't know why he didn't just kill Richter.
My last complaint is that it's really boring how they hype up Sun Thundercat as this harbinger of DEATH AND SUFFERING AND PAIN AND TERROR way before we even see her. It reminds me of Alucard exposing how a world without humans would be: just this empty, edgy narration with nothing to show for it. But at least by then we had a taste of Dracula's anger and powers, so this is even worse. You need to try harder to build up an antagonist.
and finally, have the best moment in the whole franchise
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o-uncle-newt · 9 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 24: Xinzhou
To quote Stefon from SNL, this episode has everything! It's actually pretty crazy how much it manages to fit- seamlessly!- into less than half an hour. We have the introduction of such iconic concepts as Fizz Buzz and "here I am don't tread on me," the excellent Film Double Bills game, bacon shirt, baby chicken and baby lamb... I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but honestly the big things is that this all fits around SO many conversations that move the plot forward.
So many of the important things that we need to do before moving on toward the end of the show happen in this episode. We establish that Martin is dating Theresa (even if he won't put a label on it) and is invested enough to potentially want to choose a job in proximity to her. We know that Carolyn hasn't given Herc any kind of real answer and is pretty avoidant of the consequences. We know that Douglas did not know that Carolyn is essentially cutting his job out from under his feet.... and we know that Arthur doesn't know what multiples are. Oh, Arthur, I love you so.
It's interesting, because the arc of Douglas moving from being obnoxious to Martin about his interest in Swiss Airways is not super clearly laid out. What we do perceive is that he isn't necessarily being snarky at first because he genuinely has no confidence in Martin- he's having a knee jerk reaction to the idea of losing this situation. He's basically exactly where he wants to be- and I think to him that's the depressing part, because he has an image of himself as being so much more than he currently is and if he's happy regardless then that can feel like a weakness of its own... it's hard for him to admit he's really happy where he is. I think that what really changes his mind is realizing that Martin genuinely does have bigger dreams, and that those dreams have nothing to do with being a captain. As I've mentioned in one or two of these, Martin's motivating factor for trying to rescue MJN, every other episode when they have to work to save the day, is that nobody else will let him be a captain and being captain is massively important to him. But now, he's prioritizing flying airliners and being near the girl he's dating over that ego thing. He's grown up, and I think seeing that proves to Douglas how selfish his earlier thought is.
And Carolyn... it's so hard to know what Carolyn is thinking exactly. On the one hand, she's pushing Herc away by telling him not to consider her as he takes the Swiss Airways job, and at the same time she's encouraging Martin to leave for his betterment, which will eventually (as far as we now know) lead to the end of MJN Air. Is it some kind of weird self sabotage? Is it her being a more selfless person than one might imagine her being in S1? She's probably the most emotionally bound-up character, and it will of course be fun to see how she navigates the next few episodes...
But also, as already discussed, this episode has so many amazing amazing moments in it and I'm just so in awe of JF for pulling it off so flawlessly- while Limerick is the bomb, I think this one might be even more skillfully pulled off, with a lot more demanded of it. I also have a nice nostalgic memory related to Xinzhou as I made a friend through this episode! A friend and I were out for dinner with a group of people, some of whom we knew and some who we didn't, and someone (for some reason) mentioned baby food- possibly in the context of them liking to eat baby food? I don't recall. Anyway, I made a sotto voce comment to my friend about eating chicken flavored baby food and I suddenly heard a British accent a few seats down- "is that a Cabin Pressure reference?!" Turns out, she was IN THE AUDIENCE for Xinzhou and said it was even better in person, I was very jealous, and while we've drifted apart since then it was very nice to get to know her- and all because of a Cabin Pressure reference.
Next episode is Yverdon... can't believe this is almost over!!
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silversiren1101 · 6 months
Minovae & Ghouls... Or...?
With the divorce from DnD/OGL Paizo has had to abandon a lot of concepts or change them massively since they're pretty much identical lifts from DnD and not irl folklore or myth. The emaciated feral humanoid with lanky limbs, long tongue, jagged fanged maw, claws that paralyze except elves, and carry a disease they proliferate through called 'ghoul fever' known as the Ghoul is one of those.
The new pathfinder Ghoul funny enough I think fits the pathfinder lore re: Kabriri much better; it's no longer a disease but a curse that compels you to eat raw flesh or you suffer horrible necrosis... but if you do give in you're basically damned to come back as a ghoul if you die from the curse. They also now have the Grave Knowledge ability baked in that was introduced in Blood Lords (like Divinity elves, they can absorb knowledge and memories from the humanoid flesh they eat). Ultimately I think it's a change for the better given it fits the Kabriri lore much better (craving and forbidden flesh AND secrets!) and won't be as much of a pain in the ass mechanically to run (double fortitude saves per swing I hate you)... but their new visual appearance really doesn't fit with the savage cannibal undead trauma that serves as the whole impetus for Minovae's story. They're far less feral looking: hair and clothes and straight posture (which makes sense, they looked identical to DnD ghouls lol). Personally not a huge fan of the new art direction but, hey, I understand why.
So I've been looking for a new cannibalistic undead to traumatize her!
Originally, she and her adventuring party were ambushed in the night by a pack of roving ghouls seeking to turn some of them and/or kill them and leave them to rot so they could eat them. Her party (which had been moonlighting as spies against the loyalists in the civil war without her knowing) leave her behind in the attack, the rogue slicing her ankle so she can't run since they'd been looking for a way to get her out of the party anyways (too lawful lol). Obviously they don't get away, and they all perish except for her who manages to fight off the two ghouls that stay to play with her. She survives but at what cost? Horribly injured, diseased to near death, and traumatized with a fear of cannibalistic undead and being eaten alive and of disease. It pushes her to pledge herself to the Hellknights for numerous reasons.
A replacement monster needs to fit the same premise: undead, feral, eats humanoid flesh, overwhelming force, nighttime ambush, and something that leaves her diseased afterward.
Enter the vrykolakas. Just one of them, because it's a hulking brute of a monster. And not even a full one, just a single vrykolakas spawn.
A vampire-kin known for its ferality, brute strength, speed, wolf-like tracking capabilities (and affinity with wargs and werewolves), hunger for blood and flesh that can effortlessly drain living prey dry, difficulty to slay (permanently), and... plague!
A single vrykolakas spawn, a level 6 creature, attacking the camp of 5 level 2 adventurers (at most), in the night, and one of them being cut down purposefully? An easy TPK. Even better, when she's cut down and the others make a run for it, the predator instinct of the vrykolakas kicks in and drives it to go for the fleeing prey rather than the near helpless one.
As for how she makes it out alive? I'm debating whether it simply is satisfied with feeding off the others and returns to its burial site, or if with it bloated and feeding she manages to get the jump on it and drives her spear through it and taking it down - either way it provides a great motive for the Hellknights to get out there and find it; much more than ghouls anyhow.
It's also given me a much better way for her to want to pick up the shield so badly: her arms being mauled as she raised them in front of her face to protect herself as it bore down on her, jaws closing around them effortlessly. Lesson learned: get a real means of defense.
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macgyvertape · 2 years
DOS2 playthrough thoughts
I last played early 2018 and I started the last act about 68 hours into the game, and I remember being tired of playing the game at that point and needing the ssd space. So I uninstalled and now my saves are incompatible with the current version of the game. So instead of finishing that run I’m restarting. I finished the playthrough this time in about 90 hours.
First run I played Lohse and romanced Sebille, and while I didn’t keep a journal of the playthrough I did take a some screenshots of the companion interactions. So I’m going into a second playthrough knowing Fane did a Solas Dragon Age breaking the world, there’s a flying witch on a cross who is a pain in the ass, and I made a post complaining about were-spiders. 
Playing with a lot of mods but the improved organization mod is one I DONT recommend. It puts item into category bags then the game wont detect them in your inventory
Super long post below cut, I tried to journal what I did both to keep myself in character and because I don’t see myself replaying this game for a long time
I appreciate how this game will take anything not nailed down, I’m definitely going to try to outside the box do more combos
I killed Magister Siwan when she was unconscious, now that I know you you have a lot more freedom to kill. I’m playing Sebille this run through, goals are to be so a lot less “nice” than Lohse when it comes to antagonists, but not being a dick to other victims of the Magisters
I did not expect Ifan to be this charming or fit this well with Sebille, both of them paid killers, also love his raspy voice
I have an unlimited Companion mod so I’m taking along The Red Prince even though I’ll keep Sebille in character disagreeing with him most of the time
Yeah I killed Stingtail, was on the fence about it until he kept lying to me and seems more in character because then I can eat parts of him
I think its funny that in the scenes where companions interject, all of them will have speak up. Its like for a moment the group just does “poll of the room” and the enemy has to wait there
Mods that share bartereing and persuasion across companions are the best, especially combo with a mod to default to my character vs closes character. I remember that being really really frustrating that I’d have to do inventory management across characters just to get a good sell price
I basically did all the options to get out of Fort Joy just for the exploration and xp boost. Fight at the docks was the hardest, then I clean out the magisters. I definitely don’t remember encountering Daeyena my first playthrough
Healing the wounded magisters at the Seekr camp and the Simone is saying “how do you have so much power”. Other NPCs like Han react as well I love some good gameplay and story integration 
Tir-Cendelius is an asshole. If felt very in character to have Sebille remark that she has a spot for his name as a promise of death, then regret that as he burned his name onto her skin. He is an asshole in his veiws of submission, hope we do get to follow through killing him. No gods no masters.
Oh, I stabbed him, and then his name became Sebille’s name. “You are my champion, you are my chosen one” ok i still dont trust him
I really liked how there such a push to now see your companions as rivals, and yeah this does play different when you aren’t playing Lohse
I used double teleports to get myself through most of the wizards maze. I probably missed a few things but its a time consuming pain with 6 characters
I felt bad for Trompdoy, goading us into killing him, so after hilling him and realizing the soul jar was just beyond his fight, I reloaded to sneak through the area then to free him. I feel really sorry for the dude.
Traded the soul jar for the captain’s coat. Get the nice coat now, find him and kill him again later. Seeing notes there was definitely a smarter way to do this
I feel like Sibelle who was forced to assassinate and kill would have a lot of sympathy for someone like Gratiana who is trying to do better now. Like Sibelle would hope her victims would have some forgiveness
Slane is a Dragon Knight, fun tie in to Divinity 2 - Dragon Knight Saga, a fun if flawed game
Midway through the Bishop Alexander fight I realized it was going really poorly fighting him down in the area with all his buddies. So i reloaded and put my party up the stairs with the cursed blood, teleported him up there, and turned the area around him into necrofire. Easy kill by keeping him in the fire. It was a super long 45/50 min fight though until all enemies were defeated
Had to look up where the Tyrant gear legs were, a high stat check in an obscure statue, lmao
Went back and killed almost every Magister in Fort Joy, wish there was a way to get more people on the seeker boat, but I guess the Seekers have only so many resources
I wasn’t expecting Seekers to die on the ship considering I didn’t take them in a fight
I don’t think Sebille would be like “oh no i wouldn’t hurt you if the demon takes control” to Lohse and apparently that’s the good answer
Boned Fane rn, and he has the highest affection level at 60 when other companions are in the 20s
I cheesed the hell out of the Dallis fight, teleportation + necrofire + corpse explosion + lowering difficulty for the win
I guess Gratiana died when the ship went to the hall of echoes since she’s gone
Fane’s attitude towards me is in the 60s, Ifan is the next highest with 30. Not sure if its a mod bug or just I’ve been choosing a lot of the right options with Fane
Theres a lot of what seems to be void lore worldbuilding spread out across eating a lot of void tainted fish. 7 figures (maybe the 7 gods or eternals) threw someone into the void
I killed Lovrik afterwards because I think that’s what this group would do for trying to kill them especially since he wasn’t repentant nor offered up any money
I got a Ifan romance moment for going to smoke some herbs. Like the game gives me dialogue options to question he has my back but when he’s so affectionate like this how could I doubt him because he straightforward and not a deceptive character
I confronted Wylia the inn cook, because even though I’ve lost track of the number of times Sebille has committed cannibalism but theres a line crossed when you serve it to other people unknowingly. I like to think Sebille confronted because she didn’t want to snitch to the Magisters but was hoping Wylia would leave town. 
I helped Barrel Man escape and it earned me the Hero tag. I guess its because I helped enough people without being an asshole about rewards but all the Hero dialouge options are not what I want to say, because I’m not so heroic I’m not asking politely for a reward for a lost ring
Intersting to consider from a role play perspective, Sebille hates Magisters and has no love for them but will deliver the ring so the ghost can rest in peace. 
I didn’t have anyone built into theiving last time, so Glad I have Beast this time so he can steal the note and then pickpocket the unethical fish factory owner.
I want to kill Magister Reimond but not in the middle of town, played along and I’m sure I’ll get the chance later
The Djinn quest is well done, lots of different options and he’ll easily mislead you with a monkey’s paw style “reward”
That Ifan didn’t bring a portal but the means that the Elves homeland was wiped out from Deathfog. Really adds a layer to romancing him as an elf
I wound up killing Zanisma the deathfog technician in the caves when pickpocketing her failed. Not sure if this counts as in cold blood, Ifan didn’t inherently kill her, and Beast had smashed what she was working on, but she was working on a WMD
Mordus fight was a lot easier reloading and just dogpiling him while ignoring adds. He taught me how to wield more Source even though I didn’t promise to save his life, and then killed him afterwards for creating all the bug monsters. I’ve seen some interesting discussions on if he had free will
Had to kill the cute little Peeper the chicken because otherwise it spawned void enemies too powerful, but tbf Peeper had slaughtered the henhouse
I killed Gareth’s friend Jonathan and told him to get over it and lead the seekers. I really have to remind myself I’m trying to play Sebille as not merciful to active combatant Seekers
Wow the magisters + dog on the left bridge of Driftwood were killed, wonder what triggered that event
I wonder how the attitude among companions works, because it varies rapidly based on who is examining whom. Like Ifan has 99 attitude for Lohse but she only has 22 for him
Considering the Sebille option to step up with Ifan and threaten Hannag with him, it feels out of character not to follow through and kill her. Killing those who were knowingly involved unlike Ifan who was the catspaw. Like Ifan really emphasised “not right for me”
Hannag fight gets real easy with terrain swap and sacrificing someone to lava
I gave Xhaxh my source and blood, and let him leave without killing him. He did stop killing when I gave him source
Ifan’s dialogue about how he used to believe in something but no longer does, he really opens up and responds differently if you say you believe in people
Sebille’s response to Zemski is she desires vengeance upon the wicked, I think I’ve done a good job trying to fit that
Damn Lohse as a companion is very different from how I played her “spare me this elven strife, I care not”. 
Theres an old farm couple talking about how nice Hannag is, uuuh I’m not going to say that I killed her, but something tells me they don’t know about the deathfog
Now all my party has the Hero tag because I stopped the Magisters from killing an innocent family
Magisters killed the boy in front of his family and were going to execute the rest of them, I killed those Magisters. Magisters tortured and then killed an elf for the spore armor, I attacked and killed them. The scared dwarf woman who was one of the people who snitched on the Crossleys and regrets it, I didn’t hurt her since she told me how to get past the checkpoint
 The infamous Gwydian fight went a lot easier teleporting him away to a safe spot, and apparently its been re-optimized it so it wasn’t making my computer cry
No such thing as a free purge ability apparently, I used it on shriekers in Blackpits and a demon popped out
I appreciate how basically all my characters but Fane have movement abilities so I don’t have to teleport everyone all the time
7 Eternals turned into gods and maybe made mortals to harvest for source, isn’t a shocker. I kind of remember this plot point from the first playthrough that it was similar to the Elf “gods” in Dragon Age. Even the “nice” Amadia is an asshole if she flung every Eternal into the void as well. Seems less liberation of the people against a tyrant and more assholes overthrowing a tyrant “you could have saved yourself if only you had bowed”
Oh gods are the gems that we pick up off Voidwoken the spirits of Eternals? It mentions the gems are cloudy like there is something in there and some Voidwoken early on knew Fane’s name 
Fane has his moments of assholery where he’s mad that “of course they lied to you but they also lied to me”,  then follows it up with very moral based self reflection “if you open the gate and set a mad dog loose, are you not responsible if it savages a child”, but I guess both are a bit self absorbed
Damn if you tell him its all his fault I think that breaks him atleast a bit (I did this just to see what happens then reloaded). Telling him emphatically that it isn’t his fault is the only option where he says he can’t “sit here and mope” vs “sit here and wish for death”. 
Telling Fane that I would do anything if I had a wife and child in the clutches of the void. I hope this specific choice affects things later, it feels in character especially since I’m trying do the whole “believe in people” thing
Some real Darth Nihilus vibes about the whole source vampirism thing, hunger feeding on hunger, how long until that turns someone into a monster
I don’t remember fighting Harbinger of Doom on my last playthrough. What a fun fight using sneaking to set up the area full of necrofire. Made finding Almira later rather anticlimactic
I killed Reimond (living on the edge and mass corpse explosion ftw) and rescued Nikor and the other Black Ring people to see what happens later. 
Even if Ryker didn’t enslave souls into his masked servants, feeding people to a giant spider would be enough for me to kill him. I snooped around his room and learned he was a Lone Wolf which was an interesting detail, and he wanted the scythe because he was sworn into the Covenant. The only reason he didn’t look like an undead was he fed off the spirits in the graveyard. Super interesting villain, lots of small details in his house and mannerisms
I’ve been eating the source of asshole spirit magisters, but I left Ryker alone. Lets see if anything happens. 
Interesting how atleast 3 Sourcers: Mordus, Almira, and Ryker are all sworn to the God King
LMAO made a pass at Qanna and it was persuasion impossible with her reply “oh honey you really think you’re irresistible” 
Whelp fulfilling the ghosts last wishes by fighting the Lone Wolves makes Roost by default hostile, and means Sebille doesn’t get any dialogue, but that’s the easiest way to get the achievement. 
With the other lone wolves dead I went to go take care of the one impersonating the Baron. The ghost was nice “you who succor the souls of the dead” though I have eaten quite a few, like Roost’s spirit and the Sawmill Foreman
Oh hey, that Tir Cendelius put Sebille’s name on her arm came up later. 
I don’t think I want Sebille to be heart of the Mother Tree, but denying it there turns all the elves hostile
Saheila could have given me a source point but I already had enough
I don’t remember communing with the tree last time, it was possessed by the same Demon that possess Lohse
The Alison Addison fight was not hard at all on lvl 16 with 6 characters
I killed Grog then later Marg randomly attacked me, so I killed him too. Something something reduce the barriers preventing people from using public infrastructure
I think there’s a lot to unpack about how Lohse’s affection jumped 40 points after Jahan’s attempt to exorcize her, and if you say you want to be friends her comment “even if I can’t … well never mind”
Doing web of desires I was like: this is definitely a trap, goddamn it its spiders again
Reached Nameless Isle: Red Prince is at 66 attitude, Lohse and Ifan are in 70s, and Beast and Fane have 80
Got a chest in the middle of lava thanks to Tornado making it not lava, farsight letting me put the tornado skill far away, then teleport person to chest destination. What a fun skill puzzle
Felt pretty great to kill the Master aka the Shadow Prince, then eat his spirit after the Red Prince was done talking to him. He might be right the Mother Tree is a tyrant but that doesn’t justify his slavery
I looked up how to solve the imp pocket dimension because the slow mechanic was really annoying. It was a easy cheese with teleport
Saving Nikor paid off where he vouched for me with the Black Ring, I’m trying to explore as much of the island as i can before I wipe out both parties
I just realized I could use Sebille’s needle. Atleast the past dialogue played out fine
Aww Duna gave Beast his hat back
Awww the knight of Duma wants me to consume his source so he can’t be brought back. He really is devoted
I consumed the spirit of the Fanatic as he asked but I plan on trying to kill the Devourer, and I think he wouldn’t like that.
I brought Delorus to his fellow Magisters then helped Gareth kill them all. Like after all the evil shit the Magisters did I’m not siding with them. They blamed it on Dallis but there were shriekers outside the temple. Also there can only be one divine so I’m going to fight Alexander again sooner or later. Glad Ifan can get what little closure he can from talking to Alexander’s spirit. Of course I stood aside and let him consume it. 
Well apparently helping Gareth get his vengeance makes him disavow us. I’d rather have him on the crew so I did a persuasion check for getting him to abandon his quest for vengeance, spoke to Alexander alone to get more info, then let Ifan kill Alexander in a very satisfying dialogue scene. Interestingly Ifan gets his own dialogue option “tell Alexander he will never know what you intend” then you consume his source. Ifan hates this dude (understandable)
Sallow Man was a cool character, great to use all his mirrors afterwards to make Black Ring fight each other
Oh wow its Wendego from all the way back in act 1 in the Sallow Man’s cave, I’m not going to consume her source just to see if she shows up again
I didn’t teleport lava onto nearly enough people, only remembered to start doing it with Krug the Troll
I think last playthrough I was a lot more unsure about killing the Mother Tree, this time I’m totally doing it. I’m suspicious of Saheila’s rapid change of heart, so I figured the best option was accept the Mother Tree’s power and then kill it, there are worries about power corrupting but it might help when Sebille is Divine
I have no idea what was going on with Beast’s crew and the Isle of Mists, I’m just getting info about that now. 
It was pretty nice to choose the top non Persuasion marked dialogues and have companions agree with me, which is great because I can’t pass any of the persuasion checks without my companions sharing their bonus
I was going to romance Fane but romancing Ifan instead, I personally find him really charming and he’s the one I’ve gotten romance prompts for like bringing up what happened in the Undertavern and then he blushes.
They really spell out the Voidwoken are former Eternals for the players, and Fane has that moment of really being tempted to accept the Covenant. I’m curious if there are any paths that have him doing so if he’s a companion
I am now The One thanks to my party being good at combos in the Arena fights (I’m just realizing this is probably a reference to The Highlander)
I gave Almira the Swornbreaker, and by gave I mean I used the item glitch to drop it on the ground so it finished the quest but I still got to keep it
Found a book by Lucian that the gods feed off of mortals Source, I remember this being heavily implied by Aetera. I agree with Lucian’s desire to kill the gods but disagree with his methods
Love when a god suddenly turns into a giant robot/construct. That was a fun fight area
Kind of suprised all the companions are options for romantic choices, if you built affection with one person then swerved and sleep with someone else here wonder what happens. Also lmao the ship make this private nook for you to get nookie
I was warned against blindly agreeing to help Malady so I remained noncommittal this time. She really doesn’t like it when you choose ambivalent dialogue options towards her which I’ve done most times
Even though I told Lohse at “just friends” at a few points she REALLY has unrequited feelings for me. Also weird Fane has 0 commentary unlike all the other companions
Yeah between the glazed look in Mihaly’s eye and his line “I’m eternally grateful to be at her side” hes totally enthralled :|
The Loric fight was awfully hard until I spent about 30 minutes clearing up the deathfog and killing the adds without triggering him into combat
Holy shit wtf happened outside of Arx that there is deathfog everywhere in the valley
Glad I installed an item leveling mod, its been nice not being annoyed at getting a bad roll, and the ingame prices for the Sourcerous Sundries prices are expensive enough that its clear the devs wanted people to not keep the same gear from act 1
I found the possessed child and convinced the Demon to take Sebille as a host, the fight afterwards went much better on reload and with proper positioning. I just really enjoy having 6 characters to do fun combos with than the optimal meta
Managed to save one of the Paladins on the bridge into Arx, but more like one of them didn’t have the AI make the worst choices
If I hadn’t sent the War Owl in Act 2 I wonder how different Arx would have been with the Magisters in charge, or if things would have changed that much
Oh wow Eithne the undead from Driftwood who committed suicide is here as a spirit in Arx in the super secret underground area. Fane has unique dialogue options to tell her not to listen to the God King but seeing as she’s so dismissive I think we’ll have to fight her in the future
Huh I killed Reimond in Driftwood but his spirit is in Arx. Ironically he’s being very chatty but the audio is bugged
Vredaman is Bracus Rex, I’m not surprised Bracus Rex is running around considering how much focus he got in Act 1 but I thought he might be tied to the God-King not the Cloaked Figure. But the note from the magister that he burned a dude alive with fire is a Bracus Rex thing to do. 
Tarquin has such an ego about being the greatest necromancer; atleast he realized Bracus Rex is awful and was working on countermeasures though he really played the cards too close to his chest. 
Who could have guess a spore based armor that spreads through exploding corpses would discard its host when no longer useful /s, RIP to Daeyena, there was a moment where she recognized Sebille as the prime scion before the armor killed her
Ok this Karon kid is super sus, he’s way too nice and cheerful for this setting, and thats before the spirits talk about how the child massacared them. Gareth mentions how he’s grateful the mistake did not ascend, so I need to fix this situation somehow because keeping him forever imprisoned seems untenable. 
Time to investigate Kemm, I haven’t been keeping him up to date on the investigation because I didn’t trust him and from what Paladin DeSelby is saying glad I trusted my instincts. Yes Magisters were doing horrible things, but I think he’s using this as a power grab
Excited to see Wendigo again glad leaving her alone on the Nameless Isle paid off, and I could dismantle the shielding thanks to having my collar dismantled by the blacksmith all the way back in Act 1. Oh shit that Kemm is sworn to the God King, his whole thing about the magisters is DARVO shit. I gave Wendigo the Swornbreaker as thanks for all the info and so that she can truely rest vs us just killing her again. Sebille has some dialouge afterwards about how she didn’t fail her master, her master failed her. 
I headed back to deal with Karon and it seems he escaped. Whoops
The bit with Adramahlihk’s realm is great environmental storytelling. Considering the ethics of destroying 3 souls to weaken the demon then right behind to door are thousands of souls, the horror of that moment
Lohse’s comment of “I don’t care about [the trapped souls]. I mean I do… but the only person I really care about is me”. It makes total sense how if you don’t interject Lohse will lean on you for support then tell Malady to extinguish all the candles. But if you speak up to say to leave, she will agree with that because she doesn’t want to become just like the demon. I believe in my party’s ability to kill Adrahmalik through cheese strats if I must, especially for Lohse’s morality
So the Doctor(Adramalikh) gave the Kemms both the fucked up talking plants and the bud plants that spit poison, but its all a trick because those plants attacked me thinking I was Lord Kemm
Kemm’s vault was a bit tricky in that I looked up the optimal way to do quests so I didn’t get locked out of anything. 
 Finally killed those demons that kept ambushing me, the charm effect from Lohse’s coat drastically changed the course of the fight when she charmed 3 of them
The cursed revanants that respawn if there is cursed fire are the literal worst fight of the game. So much area prep for a then very short fight
Getting trapped in the realm of Nightmares was sooo bullshit, once half my party went through the door the other half had multiple rounds of being taunted and provoked so they couldn’t do that and kept dying. Not sure what I would have done without being able to keep recrafting the idol of rebirth and giving it back to the characters in combat. 
So the Red Prince is the father of dragons, here’s hoping his Empire remains peaceful and not expansionist with a lot of slavery. Honestly Sebille obtaining Divinity feels like it would be a good power check on him
Oh wow Saheila is in Arx and is a warhawk for a racewar and from searching online she’ll say this regardless if you kill the mother tree; this feels like extremely inconsistent writing for her character between each act
I have so many skills on several characters that its bleeding over to the second row, kind of annoying because out of sight is out of mind
The Lord Keem fight was a lot better on reload since Arhu died instantly the first time. Surround Arhu with boxes so no one can get close or damage him, fill an area with Deathfog and then teleport all the other enemies into it
It was really satisfying to drain Kemm’s source, he really was such a rich asshole
Adrahmalik fight was pretty simple with the tip to kill Lohse every 2 turns so that he’ll spend his turns channeling the possession spell. The demons may be immune to Deathfog but theyre not immune to teleportation + mass corpse explosion
Lohse’s song was really touching and heartwarming to hear in game especially because its a good song but also the demon took music from her for so long
Malady really cares for Lohse much more than the other godwoken
The Dwarf Husband to be wants Ifan to kill his father in law, I think the bride’s health beeing poor is also sus. Funny you can interject to correct Ifan’s title, but love Ifan’s response “The man you seek is not who I am. Anymore. And I’ll not become him again for the likes of you”. Hits a lot of tropes I enjoy. 
I thought the exploding wedding cake was from the murderous groom but no its from the Demon Doctor. Wow he really was trying to kill every agent of the god king with maximum collateral damage
After the Isbeil fight Fane’s comment failing to see the issue of killing thousands of other reace to save thousands of his own race is 100% in character for pragmatism, except the plan wouldn’t have save dwarf lives and just empower the God King. Red Prince’s comments of how he might do the same with a pre-emptive attack is frightening considering he has dragons now. 
 I consumed Isbeil’s source, like yeah she did have the sob story of the Magisters deathfogging the elves but she’s clearly a threat if the god king can keep bringing her back. Also her sob story doesn’t justify the 564 prisoners she killed in monstrous experiments
I wanted to see what would happen if you do release the deathfog then reload, Beast and Ifan immediately turn on you but the rest of the companions will stick with you and not say much. Shame there wasn’t more budget for character interaction there
Beast actually leaves Justinia’s fate fully in your hands, not many other companion quests do that. While Justinia seemed to have gone along with the Deathfog plot pretty willingly and executed dissenting nobles, killing her would leave a power vacuum that Beast wouldn't step up and fill because as Justinia points out he wasn’t helping rule he was off being a pirate. (also feels good to have them sort of reconcile)
This game would be sooo much better with 0 spiders in the sewers and containers that have the spider legs. I had to pause playing and go walk around since it was bad for my phobia
I had Beast wear the Tyrants’ set all the way from getting it to most of Arx but the Devour’s set has better stats. I’ve kept Ifan with his shadow’s eye crossbow because I haven’t found any others to do piercing, its outclassed by other crossbows with base damage but that piercing is really good. 
Karon finally show up again, I’m not sure if he was demon possessed or just extremely obsessed with what he believed he was owed, but I talked him into finding peace and so his spirit moved on. Thats the last sidequest in Arx done
The puppet battle with the switch fucking sucks, source vamparism was supposed to work but they just kept spawning and crowd controlling my team. So on reload I just maxed stealth with Lohse and had her pull the levers out of combat. Having a pipe puzzle than this combat puzzle right before the boss kind of kills the momentum
Aww really cute romantic makeout moment with Ifan, where he says he can’t wait for Divinity to be over to live a human life
Not suprising the Eternals claim they could come back but it would kill all the other mortal races. Theres got to be a name for this trope, I can think of 2 other games that have a similar plot
Sir Lora and Quercus had moments of being cute but on the whole were really annoying, dying to traps a few times and getting stuck and damaged by AOE attacks
On the “Fane is my father” reveal I’m not sure if that’s Fane’s liefmotif or the Eternals one. I was kind of spoiled about Dallis being Fane’s daughter a while ago, I really want to know if there is unique dialogue for player character Fane, but lmao imagine getting here and Fane was left behind in Act 1
Annoyed I can’t call Lucien out for Deathfogging the elves. He can’t be trusted with power, Ifan says it best “Surrender my Source? [Lucien] should surrender his life”. Anyway started combat as Ifan put down a deathfog barrel, teleported it to back of room, got 2 more AP from killing the Gheist, and then teleported Lucien into it. Ez clap
The Anathema was really disappointing, breaks in 1 hit so I had to set up a multi step combo buffing Beast for it to be worth it
Damn, Lohse and Red Prince both said they wanted Divinity for themselves and turned on me. Lohse’s Attitude was 79, and Red Prince’s Attitude was 75 (not surprising because I didn’t chose the best dialogue choices with him trying to stay in character). The rest of the companions attitudes were low 80s and higher and I wonder if that made a difference. Also watching videos I wonder if I missed companions interjecting since it usually defaulted to my player character
I think Sebillie would be as shocked as me that at the last minute they change their mind after backing me before. So when pressed in a last minute decision she won’t say yes. My reasoning for Sebille not backing Lohse was her willingness to snuff out all the souls Adrahmalik had taken out of self interest. The Red Prince in the past said he’s fine not being Divine but when its in his grasp he changes his mind and wants the power for expansion. I don’t see Sebille EVER backing him. 
Oh Almira definitely enthralls you if you let her kiss you at the ending.
From Sebille ascending to Divine ending: I really like Gareth’s ending arc, you can say you’re friends and he’s dedicated to figuring himself out. Ifan’s dialogue is really sweet with the romance, he wants to return to the forest to help rebuild and doesn’t want to serve the Divine even though you’re different from the last one
That you can grab Fane’s arm like he did to you in Act 1 is great, I imagine Sebille was just WAITING to do that back. He has some really touching dialogue about learning to move on and appreciate the world and its wonder. His big regret is that if his people were brought back that they wouldn’t live in peace with everyone else
Canon ending as Sebille killing The Red Prince and Lohse, and living with the regret that they forced her hand as she ascends to Divinity. I thought that you could kill Dallis and Lucien and sacrifice your Source and Lucien wouldn’t get the credit because he would be dead, but he does get the credit and Ifan hates you for it. Which makes sense because the magisters committed atrocities and they continue to stay in power.
No perfect ending, either the world continues the fight against the God-King and Driftwood is wiped out vs Lucien becomes the Lord Emperor of all of Rivellon which has to go much worse than the ending cards mention and theres a growing threat from demons. In that ending it seems to go a bit better for some companions, but Sahelia only refrains from violence because Sebille took the power of the Mother Tree and Saheila’s mother is still alive. In neither ending did the red dragons get mentioned at all nor did it show up in the ending fight as was mentioned. Giving Source back to the world is probably the worst option right above God-King or Eternals return
In the ideal ending Lucien is dead, Dallis isn’t, we give up our Source, and all the companions would be alive. It feels railroaded that you can go through the effort of fighting Lucien, Dallis, and Braccus Rex then give up your source and it differs not at all from agreeing to give up your source from before the fight. 
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erikahammerschmidt · 2 years
I love how different minds work.
One time I was having a conversation, with another awesomely creative neurodivergent geek... about alien creature design, and how I love the challenge of trying to imagine... something that evolved on another world, and ended up looking COMPLETELY different from any Earth animal.
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(Yep that’s a thing I drew, in high school... more on that later...)
Like, what things do we assume are universal, whenever we imagine a living creature? And how do we make up an alien that breaks those paradigms? And how weird and impractical can it get before it's outside the boundaries of what COULD, hypothetically, evolve (bearing in mind, of course, that a lot of what evolved on Earth is super weird and impractical too, because evolution does NOT result in the "best" design, it's just whatever it managed to evolve with what it had, to become as compatible as it could with the environment it happened to be in at the time).
Anyway, when I went through my most enthusiastic phase of this, in my teens... I made several tries at designing an alien with one of the few features that I knew I'd NEVER seen in Earth life: a body that moves on WHEELS instead of legs.
Of course, the obstacle to this is that a wheel needs to be able to spin independently of the main body, so how could it be a body part? And back then, I could imagine two possible ways:
#1. The entire creature is basically torus or cylinder shaped, and moves by rolling. The body IS the wheel.
(here is a drawing from one of my high school art books, with a scene from a very multicultural spaceship... featuring a Cyclian, one of the aliens I designed in this style. It is, quite fortunately, dated, so I know this was 1997.)
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#2. Alternatively, the wheel is a separate creature, born together with the main one. They are like conjoined twins, but not actually connected, more like being born with arms linked. A loop of the main body goes through the wheel. Wheel eats and drinks separately, maybe shifts its weight to help with motion.  There can be some other appendages to help propel it, maybe a pushing leg on the ground, or arms that turn the wheels like on a wheelchair.
(Here is a truly horrible quality scan of one of my paintings from slightly before then, maybe 1996, maybe earlier 1997. Meet my spring-legged aliens, and their Wheelberry Beast with its one long cylindrical wheel and little pushing leg. This is also an alien riff on food-producing livestock like cows and hens, because it grows edible “fruit” on its tentacles.)
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Years later, I realized there are a few more possibilities:
#3.  Same as #2, a loop of the main body goes through the wheel, except the wheel is not actually alive. It's made of some non-living material that forms along with the rest of the body and then lasts for life without regenerating itself. Like tooth enamel. (Downside: like tooth enamel, if it wears out you're screwed.)
#4. Same arrangement, except the non-living wheel does regenerate itself, because it's made of layers of something like keratin, forming periodically on the skin of the "axle" loop. Maybe wheels are shed and grown seasonally like antlers. Maybe the growth happens in hibernation, and the first thing the alien does after waking up is to loosen the innermost keratin layer, separate it from the flesh like a lizard shed, and get the wheel spinning.
So, a couple years ago I was infodumping about this to another nerd... and she suggested one more way! One that had not occurred to me!
#5. In her idea, the creature is not born with wheels, but is born with some type of magnetic organs inside it, where wheels could go. And then... finds things to use as the wheels, and they attach magnetically.
I asked her what these things would be... flat rocks or something? And she said she was imagining them as the discarded shells of some other creature, like how a hermit crab uses snail shells instead of having one of its own.
I was like WOW that is a whole different perspective! And it really makes me think about what we even mean by a creature that has wheels. If the wheels can be foreign objects, basically used like tools... then, is that kinda the same thing (on a much simpler scale) as humans "evolving wheels" by learning to make wheeled vehicles?
And then this idea inspired another one from me!
I took another look at my own paradigm, in which I had been trying to find ways it could work with the wheels being part of the body... and realized I could COMBINE that same approach with the new idea of a detachable-wheels model.
#6. Maybe there are multiple creatures, including some that are wheel-shaped and others that have different types of limbs, but they're all the same species! And they're a social species, with individuals adapted for different tasks within each family, like an ant colony! And the whole family can combine into a wheeled vehicle, whenever they need to get somewhere fast...
Moral: Get nerds together. You will be AMAZED at the ideas that happen.
P.S. Writing this, I just thought of #7:
The wheels are not actually separate from the body! But the flesh that connects them is flexible and stretchy, like a rubber band. Lift up each wheel one at a time, like a paw, and spin it until tightly wound up. When all 4 (or however many) wheels are wound up, set them all down and let loose! Only good for short sprints before you need to recharge again.
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mellow-worlds · 10 months
I feel exhilarated. Nothing too exciting happened, but I havent eaten in like 35 hours and I just walked up a Set of stairs. My stomach feels like there's an actual hole in it, I have Muskelkater in my legs from two days ago and I feel a little exhilarated. It's like my whole body is in unrest. My feet hurt and I'm pretty cold and my nose is stuffy, my face is cold. I think my heart is aggressively pumping but I can't feel it. It feels a little hard to breathe. And my feet genuinely have no business being this cold. I really feel the slightest amount of faint, butttttt it feels good. Really good. I'm really happy about it.
Yesterday I learned that P is also fasting, he wanted to go for 5 days, he told me. Idk why he does it, health or weightloss, but probably both. He does seem to care a lot about his physique. Not necessarily his health, though. Judging by all of the dr0gs he takes. Can't wait to try sum meself. Just walked up another set of stairs and now my heart is really going at it. Emptiness in my stomach feels bigger :)) Either way, learning this about P gave me a lot of motivation to keep going. It's kind of like that Daria episode. Well, it's just that I don't have a lot of things in my life, I don't do so many things and having these things taken away from me is just… ofc no one takes them away from me but its just… it feels bad. I'm the one who supposedly doesn't eat and now P just openly talked about his fasting? Idk. It also honestly kinda scares me. He'll be too perfect. It's not like he needs to fast his statue is svery fine. It'll be even finer and he just keeps getting better and better and more attractive. I'm sinking lower every day. He keeps getting more and more attractive and I keep becoming less of a match to him. Not that I ever was. But it feels bad. Knowing he will have less and less reasons to like me. But maybe this pushes me further, which would be a good thing. Just like yesterday. Yk I had planned on ending my fast, but i didn't. I basically already had decided on shortening it, but I managed not to, and wasn't even too hungry. Like P said, if you can make it through the beginning, it only keeps on getting easier. And now that I told him I'm also fasting, I kind of have some one to hold me accountable. Kind of, indirectly. I didn't specify anything. Kind of weird that I told him but not D. Whatever. Itd really intimidating. Don't really know how to feel about it though, but ig I should just be happy for him. And it gives me more reasons to keep going and keep going stronger. That's really a good thing.
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jaes-aerie · 1 year
How is FF16, I haven't heard anything about it other than its supposedly Game of Thrones -esque, whatever the fuck that means
It's real nice! Readmore-ing this because I wrote a lot lol no spoilers. For context I'm literally at the last main mission of the game, wrapping up the 5 hours of side content the game shits on you right then.
Honestly I think the GoT comparison is pretty shit tbh. It's final fantasy as fuck, the setting/designs are more "realistic" I suppose but the characters, plot, and boss fights are FF to the bone. The overarching plot is about as typical jrpg you can get. Not super unique or ground breaking BUT I'm a sucker for those cheesy "humanity's unbreakable will vs god/the universe/Big Bad Thing ect ect" type stories so I'm eating this shit up. Games even made me tear up a few times so far. It practically beats you over the head with it's themes but it's so damn genuine about it all, it works. Just like Yakuza. Clive is a real sleeper hit protag too, despite his design lookin like shadow the hedgehogs humansona, he's refreshingly gentle, down to earth, and emotional. All that shit plus his English VA absolutely killing it make him a real treat to watch.
As far as gameplay goes it's also really fun, even if normal mode is quite easy. I don't think it's suuuuuper similar to DMC, tho it definitely takes inspiration. Clives default sword moveset is basically a watered down Nero, but the actual core and flow of combat reminds me more of kingdom hearts and dragons dogma... Except you're managing 6 different ability cooldowns, charging meters, and dodging MMORPG style arena hazards. The game doesn't really push you into any particular playstyle, and you could get through the game just fine with the first few sets of abilities you get. I feel like some players may settle into 2 or 3 things that work (or make encounters piss easy), then get bored with it. But if youre more self-motivated and like swapping things around/trying different builds for the hell of it, the game really shines. The boss fights are just as wild as everyone says. The sheer scale and spectacle genuinely hit different, all while still feeling great to play cough unlike bayo 3 cough. The kinda shit that makes you put your controller down and think man I fucking love videogames. Kept saying to myself "damn..... There's no way they can top this" and the game looks you dead in the eye and does just that, more than once.
As for some vague complaints.... Groups of small enemies die way to quickly (this issue may be fixed on FF mode, we will see). Most of the side quests in the first 1/3 of the game are boring as FUCK, like babies first rpgs quest with kinda shit rewards. It's almost whiplash inducing how much better they get past the halfway point. They even start getting fancy cutscenes and unexpectedly.... dire endings. Clives character development is lovingly crafted and theres plenty of it but the same cannot be said for the rest of the main cast, unfortunately. They're still great, but for certain characters, you're left wanting just... More. More everything. Also the crafting system/armor/accessories are on the simple side which isn't a deal breaker for me, but I can see how it could be kinda disappointing for more traditional FF fans. There's also no chocobo racing when you can literally CHOCOBO DRIFT and that's fucking LAME.
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21dayproject · 1 year
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June 19 2023, pre day 1
ok, this is going to be one long post, so you'll have to soldier through this one.
so, lets begin with introductions! hi, im an average 15 year old indian girl.
my time during the lockdown was spent in a vortex of self hate, self doubt and bouts of depression and sometimes suicidal thoughts. but im indian, we dont do communication. i decided to fix my mental state myself, and to do that i had to fix me. from scratch. total reboot.
so in the ninth grade, when the lockdown ended and school began, i started implementing tiny changes in my routine and lifestyle that really helped me out.
for one, i started working out, eating healthy and eating in proper quantities, i lost 6 kilograms. this curbed half the insecurities i had and fixed half my problem and also acted as a pretty good distraction. i went from chubby to the tall and thin bodytype.
secondly, socialising and reverse socialising. i made a group of amazing friends, who are basically my platonic soulmates at this point, but i also cut people off. because a part of my self doubt and negativity came from people who were overly competitive and discouraging and basically drained my energy. so i invested my energy in people who would give me back positivity and happiness.
thirdly, academics. i worked really hard figuring out a schedule which changed me from a student with a mix of A's and B's to a straight A student.
soon, my suicidal thoughts disappeared, i was more confident and happy, i talked a lot more, i felt more at peace.
So. my thesis was that most of my negative headspace was caused by staying alone for too long, doing nothing and just being lazy and unproductive, and i may offend A LOT of people with this statement, but i truly believe depression is just a self induced state of mind and it is self curable and doesnt need to be treated with medication.
so if i managed to get my life back on track i should be able to upgrade too. now that i cured myself, i should work on my goals and start working towards my future. because, i know, if i get back to being comfortable with no aims or aspirations, ill be back to square one. so, i sat down and physically wrote down what i want to achieve in the next 5 years:
1) score above 95 percent in boards
2) get a strong, lean, HEALTHY body
3) have clear skin and healthy hair
4) win a watty's award and get an art account on instagram with a good amount of followers
5) get a degree from an ivy league university
7) have a good circle of friend whilst maintaining a close connection with my family
8) get a well paying stem oriented job, preferably at pharma or cosmetic manufacturing.
9) buy a bike, preferably a royal Enfield
10) afford a one bedroom apartment, with a pretty view.
yes, the standards are high, but its fine. the higher i aim, the more ill push, and the more i can achieve. but this 5 year plan is split into segments and stages and the first stage is the 21 DAY PROJECT. a lifestyle change in 21 days to build habits and set a schedule which will act as a base to achieve my goals in the future. every single day of the 21 day project will be me following a set schedule, achieving the same daily goals and building a new routine. so each day of the 21 day challenge i will:
2)study: 3 hours a day, two hours post school and an hour post dinner
1) workout: weights, abs training, legs
3) spend an hour towards my hobbies: writing, reading, art
4) follow a bare minimum skin care routine: 3 litres of water, sunscreen and moisturizing
5) stay in touch with my family: regular conversations with my parents and weekly calls to my grandparents
6) minimise screentime: to 30 minutes a day, maximum 1 hour.
Ofcourse, breaks included, because then life would be dull and filled with anxiety and stress. so, ill ensure to catch up with friends, watch my favorite shows and take it easy on the weekends.
ill update this blog everyday and share how much i achieved, what i couldnt achieve, why and also what i learn along the way, because self improvement isnt like those cute pinterest aesthetic photos. its grueling, difficult and hard to achieve and i want to share every single detail, including the not so glam ones. so if you want to see an actual mental and physical level up, gain guidance or motivation, or just cheer a fellow stranger on, maybe click that follow button and be part of the journey.
-here's hoping, M
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jazimacook · 2 years
When I started my first session on 25th May 2022, I asked Calvin and Jimmy a couple questions about their venture to understand a bit more about the how's and why they choose to do this.
Q: How did you guys manage handling everything with such a small team?
Calvin : “Because its just us two...just do ah, that's our mentality to just do it. It’s just about managing our time. Whenever there's recording required, we just stagger our sessions. The key thing is that whatever we do, we send it to the client and as long as they like it, that's all that matters. So we can do all the embellishments and whatnot but if the client doesn't like it then it it ultimately up to them”
Since they work out of Jimmy’s house for recording, it gives them the flexibility of choosing when to start working as well. Calvin told me he just sort of has a routine: wake up, eat breakfast, start working. 
Q: Every producer has a different and distinct style when it comes to recording, like how you hear a song and associate the style with a specific producer. So what's your ‘thing’?
Calvin: “We haven’t figured it out haha. Because we split the job, he (Jimmy) has his own style of writing, I have my own style. I’m into more of the electronic modern stuff...sound design...thats why for this certain client in doing all of his 6 songs, because its modern/future R&B stuff with a lot of sound design. And he (Jimmy) works really well with all the organic stuff, anything to do with real drums, instruments...so we’re able to split our workload pretty evenly. He’s (Jimmy) mainly the arranger, so if we get big enough he’ll take on that main role and I'll be the mixer/producer.
Jimmy: “Basically the engineer”
Calvin: “Yeah, arranging takes too much brain power. At end of the day I just shuts down, there's nothing in my brain.
Jimmy: “That's pretty much how we end most of our days hahaha”
Calvin: “That's also why I don't mix and arrange on the same day. If not...I don't know what the hell I’m hearing anymore.”
I’ve worked with another producer for a few of my songs before and they leant towards a lot of the 80s style of production, a lot of synths, 808s, it’d be very interesting for me to see the difference in what they do, because everyone does it differently.
They're still not sure about how well the company will do, because they haven’t really started on their marketing strategy. They intend to work with artists and also release Clearwater as a brand, Clearwater Artists. They will have their studio material and artist direction as their marketing plan. They’ll collaborate with local artists and push out the songs on their own.
Q: Do the artists generally come to you just to record their songs, then it’s up to them as to whatever they want to do with it?
Calvin: “Pretty much.”
Jimmy: “In terms of Clearwater Artists, how it works is we’ll write the songs and collaborate with a local artist/singer and release it as our own.”
Calvin: “In general it’s our regular clients, whatever they need we’ll provide the service for them. We don't take any royalties so all they need to do is credit us, as they’re paying an upfront fee for all our services. Right now we can’t turn it into a full time thing yet, it’s just a side hustle. We’re hoping to grow this big enough so that I don't have to teach anymore hahaha.”
*On recording with the artists*
Calvin: “Most important is the environment...for the vocals especially. They have to be comfortable...for Nabith’s (one of their clients) first time, on the outside he doesn't look nervous/ uncomfortable, but you can hear it in his voice. So the second session it was a lot better, so by now he should be VERY comfortable hahaha.”
Jimmy: “Nabith is only particular about his main melody, as for the backing bits it’s usually very trial and error. 
Calvin: “Yeah, so you'll hear a lot of ‘uh...hmm...ahh’ during the session”
*On asking me how I do vocal arranging*
Me: “I am able to do it, I like to think them through but I don't really plan it out on scores and stuff. Everyone treats it differently.
Calvin: “Yeah totally, when we produce stuff we don't write it out as well. Just about ‘does it sound good? great that works’. What I learnt from Diploma was that, I do my scores properly, I get 8/20. So after year 2, I just wrote the chords on a blank piece of paper and submitted it like that. I do properly I score 8, I don't do properly I score 3, not much of a difference hahaha.”
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kanafinwe-makalaure · 3 years
Warmth | Thranduil Oropherion
In which Thranduil gains the impression that his Queen needs a break from her duties, and he will stop at nothing to achieve this.
My dear friend and almost wife @mismaeve requested a little bit of general fluff and comfort for Thranduil, so naturally, I wrote her a lot of specific fluff and comfort. I hope you'll enjoy this one and the idea I had for it since I basically winged it entirely. I may or may not have gone off a bit for you, oopsie! Sometimes inspiration just strikes, you know?
Pairing: Thranduil x Fem!Elf!Reader
Word Count: 3.2K
Not many years had passed since the once prosperous Greenwood had become overrun with enough darkness that the Woodland Elves had begun to refer to it as Mirkwood, yet now that it was Mirkwood, it seemed determined to prove that point over and over. Barely any light came through the thick leaf-crowns of its trees any more, and the darkness fostered foul things. Spiders came from Dol Guldur in waves, and whenever a new brood came, hungry for Elven flesh, the guard worked tirelessly for days on end to keep the threat at bay.
The Elvenqueen watched, each time, with a heavy heart. She knew that darkness was not just right before her doorstep, but was spreading into every corner of the world, which caused her great sorrow even though she knew she lived and remained here with Thranduil, her husband, and Legolas. She felt a little powerless, and so took it upon herself to do as much as she could to fight off the spiders and other fell creatures which came into her realm. It kept her mind busy, and usually she managed.
However, a few days before, a new brood had come close to their halls once again, and this one might have been the largest and most vile one yet. She struggled, and she barely found time to eat or sleep as she directed the members of the guard through the forest, keeping an eye open for more spiders and for injured Elves which she had to have brought back to the palace. Queen Y/N was always running and remained ever focused, for she would not allow herself to make a single mistake; not when the fates of so many rested on her shoulders, even if it was what she had chosen for herself. The day before, it had started raining, and it had not since stopped, and so she pushed forward through the thicket, drenched, shivering and filthy.
“My Queen?” the voice of one of her Generals called out to her over the noise of the heavy raindrops which were drumming down on the muddy ground. She looked, squinting to keep water out of her eyes, and recognised the loyal Feren.
Loyal to Thranduil, who she had spent the last few days artfully avoiding; she did not want him to know that she was in any way suffering in fulfilling her duties.
“Yes, Feren?” she replied, trying her best to keep her posture straight and her face smiling despite the crushing, bone-deep exhaustion that was gnawing at her.
Either she was not doing a very good job of it, though, or Feren knew her better than she would like, for he only frowned as if he was not buying her act at all.
“The King asks you to report to him,” he said, and his voice was, as always, perfectly, professionally neutral.
“I cannot leave my post,” she protested, “unless we want to be overrun by spiders by nightfall.”
“The King has ordered me to take your place while you are with him,” said Feren. “Worry not, for I shall act in your best interest, my Queen.”
She sighed; as much as she dreaded having to keep up her act in front of Thranduil as well, who knew her far better yet than his guard, she did long for the relief of his presence. His voice alone, sweet and thick like honey, would invigorate her, his smile would bring joy and life to her heart, and his touch would warm her. She was rarely heavy of heart when he was with her, for all he had to do to cheer her up was to be around her, and even now, the mere thought of him relieved some of the ache in her chest.
“Thank you,” she said earnestly. “I will be back shortly.”
When Feren bowed his head, there was something in his eyes, mischievous almost, as if he knew something she did not, but she decided to ignore it. So, she made her way back to the castle, her eyes fixed on it now, unable to focus on anything else.
She saw Thranduil as soon as she entered through the heavy gates that were the entry to Thranduil’s Halls; he was, from so far away, a speck of silver robes and golden hair atop his oaken throne, on which he sat like a jewel on a crown, and he was surrounded by many of his confidants, who all had long lists and letters with them of all sorts of problems that always required his immediate attention. Her eyes were not at all on them, however.
Still after all the years she had been married to him, at the sight of him her heart began to flutter as if he had just begun to court her. She felt a bright, earnest smile split across her features, and she quickened her pace immediately, almost without realising it. Left and right Elves respectfully made way for her, their Queen, and Thranduil began to descend the stairs of this throne as soon as he spotted her coming towards him. With a slow gesture of his hand, the others around him began to scatter, begrudgingly taking their business with them for the time being.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed as soon as she was within earshot, forsaking all etiquette, “You are dripping wet!”
“Do not worry about me, Meleth-nin; I am well, and I will be until this threat has been pushed back and our lands are restored to safety,” she said eagerly to him, even as her mind and body were crying out for rest. She could not afford to rest right now; she was the Queen, and since her husband was busy with his own matters of equal importance, it was her responsibility to keep her people safe.
Thranduil’s features softened, and as he gently reached out for both of her hands, she had to fight the urge to collapse into his arms then and there.
“You look exhausted.”
“I am fine, Thranduil. Really, I am.”
She had to be.
With a soft sigh, he reached up to cup one of her cheeks, his touch light and tender, and his grip on the one of her hands which he was still holding tightened, like a firm anchor.
“You did not call me in to report, did you?” she asked weakly, her throat closing up as if she might begin to cry.
“Feren will take matters into his hands while you rest, my love, my Queen,” Thranduil whispered and brushed one of her strands of wet, muddied hair out of her face, then caressed her cheek with his thumb.
“I appreciate the gesture,” she still managed to protest, although absolutely none of her heart was behind it, “but these are my duties, and I am strong enough to push through and fulfil them.”
“I know,” Thranduil said genuinely, and suddenly, he took her into his arms, into a warm, gentle embrace, and seemed not to waste a single thought on the fact that her wet armour would definitely sully his fine robe.
She leaned into him as if it was the first time she was in his arms, and she felt herself relax a little; here, with her head resting upon his chest, she was truly at home, and nothing could shake her.
“Come with me,” he mumbled after a while, “I must show you something.”
She craned her head back to look at him, amusement coming over her. “Is this another one of your thinly veiled plots to lure me away from my duties, my King?”
His lips curled into a smile. “If you follow me, you will find out.”
A small laugh escaped her lips, which were a little chapped by now from the cold. Even if she had still wished to protest at this point, there was one thing even she had never been able to resist, and that was Thranduil, and so, she went with him willingly.
He was taking her to their shared quarters, of course, an arm around her waist to guide her sore, tired body along with him, and she leaned into him for support the entire way. She could, of course, have walked on her own; but she knew she did not need to.
When she entered their quarters, he got behind her and held his hands over her eyes. This way, he led her where he had been meaning to lead her to (which, as she was able to figure out, was the bathroom - she had lived here for centuries, after all, she knew her way around, yet his secrecy brought a smile onto her face, which might have been his true intention behind why he did it).
“Oh, so you are trying to get me clean?” she joked.
“Warm,” he corrected her, and then removed his hands from her eyes so that she could behold his work - but before she looked, fine, flowery scents were already tickling her nose. she recognised her favourite scented oils, which he seemed to have used for the occasion. The entire room was hot and full of steam, and a fire was cackling in the fireplace, the shadows on the stone walls dancing in its light. The bathtub had been filled to the top; the water was white and milky, mixed in with all sorts of ingredients that would soothe her dry skin, and rose petals were swimming on its surface.
She looked to Thranduil questioningly; as much as she loved him, she was not in the mood to take a bath with him; she was simply too tired.
“This one is just for you,” he said as if he had read her mind. “But I shall wait on you, my Queen, and fulfil your every wish while you warm up.”
She gave him a tired, but appreciative smile, then began to peel off the layers of wet leather and fabric off her body, while he turned around respectfully, and then, he took her hand and helped her into the tub.
The water was the perfect temperature, and its warmth seeped slowly into her blood. She dived down into it a few times both to wet her hair and to warm her face. She was too exhausted to really wash herself - in fact being warm, she only really felt the exhaustion take effect now, when she was so comfortable she could have fallen asleep right then and there. Thranduil asked, as soon as she had adjusted, whether she wished him to stay or to go, or to perhaps to give her shoulders a massage.
“No,” she mumbled, “just stay.”
And so, stay, he did. When she had finished her bath, he helped her into her bathrobe and then combed and wrapped her hair for her, and he was so gentle with it, she felt not a single tug or knot.
Then, suddenly, he took her hand and whirled her around to face him, somewhat gently, but it still startled her enough to cause her to let out a small yelp. He hugged her to his chest, gently, then cupped her cheeks and looked her deeply in the eyes with the kind of genuine, wide smile he was only really able to show his loved ones in private. It was enough to make her heart beat even faster than it already was, and she was just about to open her mouth and whisper, ‘After all these years, you still fluster me, do you know that?’, when he suddenly began covering her entire face in small, fluttering, intense kisses. It made her laugh, mostly because it was so absurd - it reminded her a little, and she was unable to shake that thought, of being licked affectionately by a large, happy dog. It also tickled, and it brought butterflies to her stomach. It seemed every time she was about to forget how intense Thranduil could be sometimes, how much heart could be in his displays of affection, he would remind her once again. She only threw her arms around his head and laughed.
Then, suddenly, he stopped, and looked at her once again with all the seriousness in the world, and, his voice deep and strong as it usually was when he spoke from upon his throne, he said, “I love you, Y/N, with all my heart. You, my brave, my strong queen, I could never compete with you, and though I cannot fathom why you would grant me the honour of allowing me to love you, I will bask in it until the end of all days, and perhaps one day I might get close to living up to you.”
She felt blood rush to her cheeks and ears, and hearing such words made her once again feel shy. Who was she to be told something like this, and by him nonetheless, who she thought she could never measure up to?
Yet he continued, and she could feel with absolute certainty that he meant every single word.
“The sun and the moon envy your light and beauty, for you have captured more of it in your eyes alone than they have in their entirety, and all flowers seem dull next to you, and even the stars pale in comparison. The strongest trees fall and the tallest mountains wither, yet you stand strong and always will. Who else could come close to you? I am humbled every day because you are my lover, my wife, my counterpart. Indeed, I cannot imagine anyone’s heart could love as strongly as mine loves you.”
“Then you are mistaken,” she whispered, a smile on her lips and tears in her eyes, “for mine loves you the strongest.”
Then, before he could continue talking and make her love him so much that her heart would burst out of her chest, she leaned in and captured his lips with hers, so tenderly that she was certain, or at least hoped, that her kiss would suffice to let him know which one of them was the one who was lucky beyond measure. At least she poured all her love into it, with everything she had, and with every moment there was more to come, for her love for him was and would always be endless.
He returned her kiss sweetly and delicately, and his lips were always soft and fit perfectly onto hers, and his breath caressed her skin with gentleness and warmth.
They broke away from each other at the perfect moment, and stood there for a little while with their foreheads touching each other, just taking in each other’s scent and warmth. Then, he took her by the hand once again, and he led her into their bedroom. Just when she thought that the only thing he had not already done for her was to pick her up and carry her onto the bed, that was exactly what he did, and set her down with her back resting against mountains of pillows. She recognised some of them as belonging in their sitting and drawing rooms, which led her to the assumption that he must have carried them in for her and she smiled, and continued smiling while he began piling blankets upon blankets onto her.
“Truly, I do not deserve all this pampering,” she said to him, a little in awe at how lucky she was to have him, perfect in every way as he was.
“You deserve the world,” he replied. “And some hot tea. It should have finished brewing by now.”
Only then did she notice the tea kettle upon her bedside table, and two large, comfortable mugs, not the delicate cups that were to be used when visitors came, but the kind that were meant for comfort, for tea and hot chocolate.
“You did all this for me,” she smiled. “How could I ever repay you?”
He finished pouring her tea into her favourite mug, and his face grew soft as he took in the sight of her for a little bit.
Then, he bent down and gently kissed her forehead. “Be less stubborn, so that I may worry less. Everyone needs and deserves rest, even you.”
She sighed, and then gratefully accepted her tea. “I know,” she mumbled into the steaming mug.
He nodded his head in approval. “Good. Now, is there anything else I could possibly do for you?”
“Well,” she said after a moment’s consideration, “I understand you must probably return to your duties, but if not - or if not right away - I would like to have you here with me for a bit. Sit with me, have tea with me, hold me in your arms.”
“There is no greater duty I have than my duty to you, my Queen,” he said. “And none I am more eager to fulfil.”
He cast away his outer robe, still wet in the front, and now only clad in his soft underrobe, in a deep, dark blue, he carefully sat down beside her and allowed her to lean into him, wrapping his strong arms around her waist from behind. Now it was her turn to take him under her blankets and to pour him a mug of tea. It was strong herbal tea, as she liked it best, sweetened with her favourite woodland honey; its taste was distinct and delicious. Thranduil knew that she liked it a little better than other kinds of honey, and so he went to great lengths to ensure that she should never have to settle for less. Certainly, King Thranduil of Mirkwood liked his dramatic gestures, his grand words, but his Queen, even though she melted away when he declared his love for her loudly and in ample words and great deeds, she could best see just how much he cared about her in the small things that he did for her, such as this.
While the rain, now less vigorous, still pitter-pattered on the windows, the royal couple of Mirkwood sat together under their blankets and allowed themselves, for just a few hours, to forget the world and to be only in each other’s presence. Eventually, the Elvenqueen drifted off to sleep in her husband’s gentle embrace, and he dared not move lest he wake her. Coincidentally, he did not want to move, either.
When she woke, all her stress had dissolved; the rain had stopped, and when she went back into the forest, now refreshed and her mind once again clear, she saw that Feren and the rest of the guard had been successful in beating back the spiders, still while following the strategy she had laid out. She aided in cleaning up the battlefield and getting care for their wounded and for the exhausted, and that night, there was a great feast in celebration of their victory and in her honour. All throughout it, she and Thranduil, of course, only had eyes for one another.
Edit: Here is a beautiful moodboard created for this story by @ilovekingt!
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the type you bring home to mom ~ eddie kaspbrak;it chapter two
word count: 2361
request?: no
description: in which he finally brings his girlfriend home to his over protective mother, and it goes exactly as he thought it would
pairing: teen!eddie kasprak x female!reader
warnings: swearing, overbearing mother, derogatory name calling (i guess?), basically eddie’s mom just sucking
masterlist (one, two)
note: (y/n/p) = your parents’ names
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I played with the hem of my dress as I walked up to the Kaspbrak household. I was regretting my choice in wardrobe, but it was too late to change now. I knew nothing would feel right anyways, I had already changed three times before I came over.
For the first time in our year long relationship, I was meeting Eddie’s mother. We had somehow managed to keep our relationship a secret for so long that I never felt like I had to meet her, and Eddie wasn’t exactly pushing for it either. As much as he loved his mom, he also knew she was manipulative and overbearing, and he often told me how he was afraid of his mom scaring me off because of these facts.
When the news eventually got out and travelled quickly through the small town of Derry, as gossip usually does, it got to Ms. Kaspbrak in no time. She immediately demanded to meet me, and Eddie set up a dinner at his house for the occasion.
Before I could even knock on the door, it swung open to reveal my tall boyfriend smiling down at me. Any tension I had melted away as I looked up at him, into those beautiful eyes that could calm me down whenever they were on me. He took my face in his hands and pulled me to kiss him. It was such a normal action that, at first, I leaned into it happily, until I realized the circumstances of my visit and quickly pushed him away.
“She’s not here,” he said, as if reading my worried thoughts. “She’s gone out to get some stuff for dinner.”
He stepped aside to let me step into the house. It wasn’t unfamiliar territory; Eddie and I had had many rendezvous there during the rare moments when his mom wasn’t home, but it felt wrong to be there on this occasion. I just wanted it to end already, and to go home or go for a long drive with Eddie.
“Come, sit,” he said, leading me to his living room. We sat close to one another on the couch, so close that we were just barley touching. Feeling his arm brush against mine sent sparks through me.
“How worried should I be?” I asked him, trying to remain as light as possible.
He sighed and shuffled in his seat. “I wish I could tell you not at all, but...”
He trailed off so I finished his sentence for him, “But it’s your mom.”
Eddie nodded. “But it’s my mom.”
One of his arms was around my waist. I hadn’t realized that the skirt of my dress had hiked up a little until the hand around my waist started to play with the hem, his fingertips brushing against my ass. His other hand touched my leg, starting lightly on my knee and then slowly travelling up my thigh till it stopped on my inner thigh. I shivered, wanting him to go further.
Most people who knew him would never believe that Eddie Kaspbrak, the hypochondriac, fast talking, former sheltered mama’s boy, would be absolutely mind blowing in bed, and constantly handsy whenever we were alone. I hadn’t even believed it until we got together, but man, Eddie knew how to make me feel absolutely amazing.
He leaned forward to kiss my neck, his fingers tracing circles in my inner thigh. I was shivering with anticipation and whimpers were escaping my lips. I could feel Eddie’s amused smirk against my neck as he placed another kiss there and lifted his head to look at me. He kissed my lips and his hand finally made its way further up my skirt.
Our moment was interrupted by the sound of a car door slamming. I practically jumped to the other side of the couch, touching my neck in hopes that he hadn’t accidentally left hickies there.
“You’re good,” he said, understanding what I had been doing.
The front door opened and I suddenly felt paralyzed. I wasn’t sure if I should stand up or stay sat down, if I should move even further away from Eddie or stay exactly where I was. In the end, I stayed frozen like a deer in headlights as his mom rounded the corner, arms full of grocery bags.
“Oh,” she said when her eyes landed on me. “Is this...her?”
There was a slight leer to the way she said “her”, which made me want to squirm under her intense gaze.
“Mom,” Eddie said, a partial warning tone in his voice, “this is (Y/N), my girlfriend.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Kaspbrak,” I said. “Do you, um, need any help with - ”
“No,” she cut me off. “I have it. You’re early.”
“I told her this is when to get here,” Eddie defended. “You wouldn’t tell me exactly when to invite her over.”
“Well, this is hardly dinner time,” his mother huffed. “It’ll take me a while to get dinner ready.”
“I can help,” I offered again.
“No,” she said, sharply, which told me that was the end of the matter.
I shrunk down in my spot on the couch.
“Mom,” Eddie snapped again.
She glared at me before turning to her son, trying to soften her expression for him. “I’ll let you know when the food is ready. For now...stay here.”
When she disappeared into the kitchen, Eddie immediately moved to sit next to me and took my hand in his.
“I’m okay,” I assured him. “I’ll get through it. It’s just dinner then we’re done, right?”
He nodded, but I could see the worry on his face still.
A while later, Ms. Kaspbrak called to tell us dinner was ready. She had made sure to place everything so that Eddie and I were sat at the heads of the table, far apart from one another, while she was sat between us. Eddie and I shared a look before sitting in our designated spots.
Dinner started with awkward silence besides our cutlery against the plates. I tried to keep my attention on my plate, but every so often I’d glance up at the Kaspbraks to see Eddie nervously glancing between me and his mother, and his mom just glaring daggers at me. The nervousness I was feeling took away my appetite, but I felt like I had to eat everything to make a good impression, if that was even possible.
“So,” Ms. Kaspbrak said, drawing our attention to her, “(Y/N). Your parents are (Y/P/N), right?”
She already knew the answer to this question. I had grown up in Derry, where everyone knew everyone. There was a reason she was asking, and I had a feeling I already knew what that reason was.
“They are, yeah,” I responded.
“And they’re divorced, aren’t they?”
“Mom!” Eddie groaned.
“It’s just a question, Eddie,” his mom said.
“It’s okay,” I said with a shrug. “I don’t mind talking about it. That’s kind of old news anyways. They divorced when I was 10, dad moved to the next town over and mom got full custody of me.”
“That doesn’t seem like a very stable upbringing,” Ms. Kaspbrak commented. “I’m sure it’s taken such a toll on you, you must’ve decided to rebel somehow.”
Eddie put his face in his hands, officially admitting defeat on trying to stop his mother.
“Actually it wasn’t anything like that,” I said. “Mom and dad stayed pretty civil. There wasn’t any big fight or anything, just an agreement that they’re better off not being married. When dad moved he made sure to stay in constant contact, and comes to visit all the time or I’d go to visit him. Mom always made sure I had a roof over my head and food on the table. They both love me unconditionally, even if they’re not together.”
Ms. Kaspbrak sat back in her seat, a sour look on her face. “Well...regardless, it’s just not right to be raised by a single mother.”
Feeling a bit brave, I raised an eyebrow at her. “Eddie was raised by a single mother.”
“That’s different. My husband died, he didn’t decide to abandon me and Eddie.”
“My dad didn’t abandon us, he’s still very much a part of our lives.”
She ignored me and continued to eat. I looked across the table at Eddie to see him avoiding all eye contact with either of us as he pushed his food around on his plate. As if feeling my gaze, he looked up at me. I gave him a small smile to try and indicate that I wasn’t upset with him. I wanted him to know everything was going to be okay, even if I didn’t fully believe it myself.
“How many boys have you had sex with, (Y/N)?”
The question caught me off guard and I nearly choked on the food I had just put in my mouth.
“Jesus Christ, mom!” Eddie snapped.
“Don’t take the Lord’s name in vein, Edward,” his mother chastised him.
“You can’t just ask something like that, mom, that’s none of your business.”
“Of course it’s my business. I need to make sure my son isn’t dating a slut. I remember you were friends with Beverly March before she moved away, and trust me, I heard all sorts of stories about her. Anyone who would hang around with her must be somewhat similar.”
The mention of the untrue bullshit that used to be spread about Bev made the anger within me bubble over. I was seeing red as I looked up at Ms. Kaspbrak, and I was ready to pounce.
“Actually, your son took my virginity, and I took his,” I told her. “And we have sex quite a lot, sometimes upstairs in his bedroom when you’re not home. Although, for someone who says he was a virgin I don’t know how much I believe it. Eddie has done things that I don’t even think the most experienced of people could do.”
If he was upset with me for saying all of this, Eddie’s face didn’t show it. He was sipping on his water, trying to hide the smug smile that broke out across his face.
Ms. Kaspbrak’s face turned blood red before she rose from the table. “Get the fuck out of my house!”
“Gladly,” I said, abandoning my dinner to quickly leave the shitty situation.
“And don’t you dare come anywhere near my son again, or else I will have the cops on you!” she threatened.
I stopped and turned back to face her. “For what? For dating your son? For showing him that there’s someone who actually cares about him without manipulating him? For finally cutting the cord that you’ve had wrapped around his neck since he was born? Ms. Kaspbrak, I understand that you’re afraid to lose your son the way you lost your husband, but being a manipulative bitch who forced him to think he had illnesses he didn’t have for years and insulting his girlfriend in front of him is not the way to keep him around. Eddie is 18 years old, he’s an adult. He can do whatever he wants, which includes dating whoever he wants and leaving this hell hole that you have the audacity to call a home. The day that you finally accept that just might be the day that Eddie finally considers you to be an actual mother.”
And with that, I decided not to overstay my welcome and left.
I was only a few feet away from Eddie’s house when I heard him calling after me. I slowed my pace just enough that he could catch up with me, but didn’t completely stop. I wanted to put as much distance between myself and the Kaspbrak house as I could.
“I’m sorry,” I sighed as he fell in step next to me.
“For what?” Eddie asked. “I should be the one apologizing to you.”
“You warned me on how she would be, and I still let her get to me,” I said. “I probably made having to live there a whole lot harder.”
“It was hard to begin with, (Y/N). Nothing could make it harder than what it was,” he told me. “What you said, it was all true. Mom needed to hear that. Doesn’t mean she liked hearing it, or that she’ll actually accept it, but she needed to hear it none the less.”
“I guess I could’ve said it nicer,” I said. “Or at least not included details of our sex life.”
Eddie awkwardly chuckled. “Yeah, could’ve done without mom knowing I’m a sex god.”
I gave him a look and playfully nudged him. “I never said you were a sex god.”
“Eddie has done things that I don’t even think the most experienced of people could do I believe were your exact words.”
“I only said that to make her more upset.”
“So you’re saying I’m bad at sex?”
I pushed him again. “Eddie!”
He laughed and put an arm around my waist. “I appreciate the compliment either way. And I hope you know how much I love you.”
I smiled up at him and leaned into his touch. “I love you, too.”
We walked in silence for a while and, before I knew it, we were at my house. We stopped and turned to face each other.
“Want to stay over tonight?” I asked. “I figure going home isn’t exactly the best option right now.”
“It’s not,” he agreed. “Will your mom be okay with it?”
“Of course she will, she loves you. She’ll probably even cover for you if your mom calls.”
“I take it back, I don’t love you. I love your mom.”
“And I take back my offer. Go sleep on the streets.”
I took off for my front door with Eddie hot on my trail. I tried to open it and lock him out before he caught up to me, but of course his long legs gave him an advantage. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me away from the door, both of our laughs ringing out through the otherwise quiet neighborhood.
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
Undercover Honeymoon
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Summary; Having survived a helicopter crash that killed off the gang you and your senior agent had infiltrated, you hide out from the storm that brought the aircraft down by pretending to be Honeymooners at a boutique hotel... but what will 24 hours with August Walker bring you? Trouble, that’s what, and the best possible kind.
Pairing: August Walker x Female Reader (no race or body type specified)
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut, honestly this is entirely smut, its a crack fic too. Sigh, here goes: face slap, murder, August in a hoodie and grey sweatpants, oral sex (female recieving), blowjob, drunken antics, impared judgement, titty fucking, fingering, unprotected sex, anal sex, inappropriate lube, multiple orgasms, dubious consent, choking, dom-vibes, Sugar Daddy arrangement (but no Daddy kink).
I do not run a tag list, but if you go and follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and hit notifications, you’ll get an alert to any new stories i post. All previous fics can be found on there or on my Ao3
Undercover Honeymoon
The helicopter spiralled out of control, the tall pines looming through the storm of the century rain, screaming filled your ears, unsure if it was the sound of the engines failing or coming from your own lungs. The aircraft made contact with the trees and everything went black.
“Agent… AGENT!” a slap across your face sprang you from your unconscious state, your vision blurred and you winced at the sharp pain that shot through your temple as the face before you came into focus.
“Walker?” you muttered; “Can’t blow our cover…”
Strong arms gripped your shoulders;
“Wake UP! Everyone else is dead”
The next hour was surreal. Agent Walker - your superior officer - had pulled you from the wreckage of the helicopter, past the lifeless bodies of the gang you’d infiltrated, some of which had injuries that looked suspiciously like gunshot wounds. Either way you were alive and so was the other undercover agent, and having spent the last four days running bank robberies you were relieved to be rid of the brutal gang.
Agent Walker had half dragged half carried you through the forest, and even though it was the middle of the day, the torrential rain and dark storm clouds above made the way feel like you were travelling at twilight. When you stumbled on some roots he caught you, his arm firmly around your waist;
“C’mon Agent, not much further now…” his voice softer than usual, reassuring even.
“Where’re we going?”
“Out of season ski lodge… should be quiet this time of year, just a couple of wildlife watchers no doubt”
What you’d been expecting was a cute little place with checkered curtains and cutesy decor, what you’d arrived at was a luxury boutique hotel. Agent Walker had managed to spin a very convincing tale of your car leaving the highway due to the weather and he’d arrange to get it recovered after the storm so you could continue your ‘honeymoon’. The receptionist had smiled warmly and offered the pair of you the luxury suite, August merrily peeling $100 bills off a stack he’d produced from his pocket, the paper band that held them together from the robbery slyly crumpled up and you quietly picked it up from the floor, a tiny smirk on the corner of his face when he spotted you covering his rare mistake.
Ten minutes later you were settled in your shared room, starting to peel yourself out of your soaked boots and clothing as you eyed the enormous bathroom and ultra fluffy robes that were provided.
“I’m going to go to the gift shop…” he announced, breaking the silence; “They do hoodies and stuff, i’ll grab some dry things to change into…”
“Thanks Agent Walker… I’m going to take a bath…”
He nodded quietly, standing at the door;
“It’s August… call me August”
You must have fallen asleep in the bath, as the next thing you know there is an insistent knocking on the bathroom door;
“Honey? Honey, everything ok in there?”
“Y-yes, Sorry, fell asleep…”
“Ok Honey, just got room service here delivering some lunch”
“Thanks Aug… Augie…”
Augie? Where the hell did that come from? You mentally chastised yourself. An hour ago he was your senior agent and all round grumpy supervisor, now he was ‘Augie’? You actually facepalmed yourself before taking a deep breath and climbing out of the bath. A few moments later once you were dry, wearing the fluffy robe you stepped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, your breath catching in your throat;
“Augie… we have company?”
Agent Walker was standing in the middle of the room in his shirt, underwear and socks, talking to the room service attendant as he tipped the young man;
“Darling, lunch is here, you must be famished” he let a warm smile spread over his face as he turned to the staff member; “We must have a bite to eat… expending lots of energy, it is our honeymoon after all…”
Once he’d ushered the man out of the room he cleared his throat and his expression dropped, his face serious again;
“I got your new attire… it fits more with the location” he motioned for you to follow him to the bed where there were a number of things laid out, however your feet were rooted to the floor; “What?”
“You’re… you’re in your underwear…”
He looked down, almost in shock to discover he was without his cargo pants;
“Yes? And you’re completely naked beneath that fetching white robe” he motioned to a side of the bed where a bunch of things were sat on the pristine white duvet; “So unless you wish to eat lunch having me know you are naked save for a glorified towel with sleeves - and that would be a delightful thought - you may want to get changed whilst i shower”
Without another word he smirked, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief and grabbed a pile of clothing on the bed, before sauntering into the bathroom, leaving you open jawed at both his sassiness and his tight ass in snug jersey boxers.
Turning back to what was laid on the bed you looked over what he’d managed to get in the hotel’s boutique; a daringly short floral summer dress, a hoodie with the Hotel’s logo on, a pack of novelty thong panties also with bears on, and the highest heeled wedge sandals you’d ever seen. Although none of this surprised you, it was after all the kind of hotel where in good weather, the rich and famous could have cocktails on the deck as they overlooked the Rocky mountains, the fact he’d managed to find your exact size in everything was impressive.
Leaving the heels off for now, you pull the panties and dress on, throwing the hoodie on unzipped to cover up a little, before going to investigate the food, realising that you probably hadn’t eaten for close to 24 hours. You were bent over the service trolley scrutinising the various dishes that had been delivered when you heard his voice;
“Huh, didn’t need to buy you a wallet, those tiny panties show off your silken purse beautifully Princess”
Spinning around you gasped, about to give him a piece of your mind but your train of thought stopped like a record scratch. There before you stood Agent August Walker, grey sweats hanging dangerously low on his hips, chest bare as he pulled a khaki green hoodie over his still damp curls. You noticed how his beard was a little beyond stubble, his mustache curling as a small smile tugged as his lips. Your gaze unashamedly ran down the length of his entire body, emphasis on length as it was clear he was without any underwear, and those rumours that were quietly whispered in the ladies room at the Pentagon were looking to be true as to exactly why they called him ‘The Hammer’.
Still holding a cooling French Fry he sauntered over to you before grabbing a sandwich from the platter;
“My apologies… that was inappropriate” he took a bite, before talking with his mouth full; “Been a crazy 24 hours huh?”
“Y-yeah, you could say that… so, what’s the plan?”
Just at that moment an incredible gust of wind rattled the windows to the point you thought they would blow in, the lights overhead flickered before settling back to bright as he answered;
“Eat, Drink, Sleep. We’re stuck here at least overnight. We don’t have any cells or electronics people can trace, and having checked the map this is not the closest civilisation to the crash site so even if people did come looking for us, this isn’t the first place they’d think of… however in this weather the roads are impassable, at least two rivers have breached their banks, we’re basically cut off from the rest of the world here in our own little bubble” he took a bite of sandwich before grinning at you; “So eat up, the bar downstairs is well stocked, dinner is apparently served in about 4 hours, and there’s a game room if you’re up for a round or two of pool…”
Giggling you both tumbled into your suite, August flicking the light switch up and down before realising the power had gone out at the exact moment he’d unlocked the door;
“Oooh dark… are you afraid of the dark Princess?”
The pair of you stumbled and turned, pushing the door shut and you found yourself pressed between it and August’s body, his lips finding your neck as he pressed kisses along your jugular, his facial hair leaving behind a trail of tingling skin in its wake;
“Depends who i’m in the dark with…”
He was so close, in the faint last traces of daylight as the storm took hold of the night you could see the outline of his face, how his long eyelashes rested against his cheeks as he closed his eyes, his breath warm on your skin as you were surrounded by his scent, pine soap and single malt whiskey;
“A monster…”
“I was never afraid of monsters…”
He dropped to his knees in front of you, pressing a kiss to your clothed stomach before his hands were beneath the skirt and pulling your novelty panties down;
“Hold your dress up Princess, show me that pretty pussy”
Doing as he told you, you gripped the pretty fabric in your hands as he hooked one of your legs over his shoulder, pressing kisses to your inner thighs before his thick fingers parted your folds and he dived in. His mustache and light beard pricked at your sensitive skin, but his tongue and lips soothed your aching core, desperate for attention and dripping with need as he went to town on you. He quickly brought you to orgasm before pushing you on for the next, his fingers now knuckle deep in your velvet walls, curling just right to find that spot that had you dripping, his tongue working against your clit to the point where you had to steady yourself by curling one hand through his soft chestnut curls, riding his face as you cried out his name.
Now over sensitive, you pulled his curls to get him to relent, a grunt of frustration coming from between your thighs;
“Augie… please… too sensitive…”
He quickly stood, lifting you to kiss you roughly, his tongue pushing into your mouth and you could taste yourself on his tongue as he gripped your ass as he carried you across the room before unceremoniously dropping you on the bed;
“Strip” he commanded as he staggered to the bathroom. 
You ignored his request, instead reaching for a bottle of water at the side of the bed, taking a drink from he as he returned holding a bottle;
“August… what’s that?”
He looked down at the bottle, almost surprised he was holding something and blinked a few times before looking back at you;
“Baby oil. Its... Baby oil”
“Why do you have Baby oil?” you asked, already knowing the answer but with a sly streak wanting to get him to admit it
“Because they didn’t sell condoms in the gift shop so i cant fuck your pussy because i can’t check to see if you’re on birth control” he blurted out quickly.
Whatever you had been expecting, it hadn’t been that, and as you coughed on the water you had been about to drink, August got distracted and moved to light the candles that sat on the table in the centre of the room now that the only available light was the tiny light over the sink in the bathroom that was battery operated. You watched as he somehow managed to strike the matches and light the candles even though he was visibly drunk, before returning back to the bed and standing over you;
“Why aren’t you naked?” he frowned at you; “Don’t make me rip that pretty little dress off of you Princess”
Shimmying out of your dress you bit your lip as you watched him watching you, the low light dancing over your body and enough for you to see the obscene bulge barely contained by his sweatpants. He stood at the edge of the bed, towering over you before he took hold of your ankles and roughly pulled you to the edge of the bed before he pulled the grey sweats down and you finally got sight of his legendary hammer;
“We’ll get to that Princess, but first, suck”
Taking him in your hands he was hot and throbbing at your touch, his thick shaft patterned with veins, heavy and virile. You pumped your fist, your fingers unable to meet as you worked his uncut dick. You felt his hand on the back of your head, pulling you closer until you had no choice but to open your mouth and take him as deep as you could, gagging as he immediately hit the back of your throat and started to fuck your mouth.
Holding your head in place with both hands he rocked his hips back and forth, groaning as he stretched your lips almost uncomfortably. Soon you had spit running down your chin as he rained down a stream of degrading compliments;
“Cock hungry slut, look at you with my dick in your mouth… does it taste good, Jesus christ your tongue is perfect, yeah do that thing again, fuck, i can feel your throat tight around me…” with a gasp he pulled out, a trail of spittle hanging from your lips to his angry red tip, before he grabbed the baby oil and pushed you back until you were laying flat on the bed;
“Push your tits together, i’m gonna fuck them and cum all over your pretty face”
He climbed on the bed, straddling your lower torso as you found yourself pushing your breasts together. The click of a bottle of baby oil and it was being poured in the valley of your chest, before he settled his dick against the slick skin. He dropped the bottle and with a grunt pulled his hoodie over his head, revealing his glorious chest, covered in dark hair and thicker than you had realised. 
His dick was heavy against your chest as he took your hands in his and showed you how he wanted you to hold your titties for him, rocking his hips bath and forth as his hot flesh slipped through your soft pillows, the angry tip poking out at your neck with each thrust;
“So fucking pretty, gonna cum all over that face… you wanna taste my cum you little slut? Yeah? Cock hungry slut, can’t get enough of my dick, can you?”
You didn’t answer, the lust in his eyes making you drunk with desire, instead you tipped your head to your chest and opened your mouth, letting August’s dick slide into your mouth, the salty tang of his precum hitting your senses.
His thrusts were becoming rough and violent, his hips squeezing your ribcage as he fought back against the urge to cum, but you wanted it, needed it;
“August, will you cum on my face, pretty please?” you batted your eyelashes at him innocently and it was the final straw, and you watched as he threw his head back and thick ropes of his creamy seed spurted over your mouth and cheeks as he groaned so deliciously. On the last spurt you leaned forwards and took his tip into your mouth, gently laving your tongue over the leaking slit, before releasing him softly. August had eased his gasp on your tits, and using his thick finger he scooped the cum from your cheek;
“Open wide Princess”
Sticking your tongue out you sucked the bitter treat from his finger, before he repeated it with the other cheek. Finally swallowing you grinned at him;
“Thank you August”
His hand paused on your cheek, softly cupping it;
“Anything for you Princess… now scoot up the bed, i wanna eat that pussy again whilst i get you ready for my dick”
He swung his leg over so you could wriggle up the bed, and immediately he was laying between your legs, both of your thighs over his shoulders as he started to sloppily eat you out again, except this time his lubed fingers strayed to your asshole and he already had one knuckle deep in your back entrance. You were writhing against his tongue, and although not as accurate with his targets this time now that the alcohol in his system was taking hold, that wide tongue was driving you to heaven as his fingers pulled you down into the dark pits of depravity that hell could only contain. You were uttering almost incomprehensible gibberish, begging for more which he eagerly gave, a second and soon a third finger stretching your ass as he prepared you for what was yet to come. You came with a scream as his wide tongue tormented your pussy until you had to physically pull him by his curls to stop, breathless as you watched him kneel on the bed and grab the baby oil, pouring some onto his hand to lube his dick before smoothing a considerable amount over your asshole and lined up his now raging hard on with your stretched hole. He paused, looking down at you;
“Final chance to back out… do you want me to fuck your ass?”
“Yes… please August, i want your dick in my ass, i want you to cum in my ass, treat me like a dirty anal slut”
With a groan he pushed forwards, slowly breaching your body and you felt the uncomfortable stretch of having a dick slide into your ass. Even with the prep and the oil it still took a while for your body to relax enough for him to push in, but when he eventually was balls deep in your ass you felt so full you were sure you would burst;
“Oh my god… You’re so big…”
“Taking me like a champ Princess, even with the oil your ass is so fucking tight i’m struggling not to blow my load right here and now”
“Fuck my ass August, do it hard, i wanna feel it in the morning…”
With a roar he started to fuck into you, holding himself up on his massive arms as his hips pistoned into you, filling your barren depths as his pubic bone rubbed against your empty pussy and your juices flooded his crotch;
“So fucking wet Princess, leaking all down your ass, its only adding to the lube so i can fuck you harder. Your poor little battered asshole, you’re barely gonna be able to sit tomorrow… apart from back on my dick as we have breakfast, don’t think this is the only time i’m gonna fuck your ass, i’m gonna use this hole until you’re loose and stretched, so i can just bend you over and slide my dick into your ass. Gonna hide those stupid panties i bought you, i want you walking around bare, my cum dripping down your legs where there’s so much inside you, you can barely keep it inside… shame the gift shop didn’t sell plugs, i woulda’ filled you with my load and have you plugged and ready lubed for me to use whenever i pleased…”
August’s dirty talk had you cumming hard, squeezing him tight and yet he fucked you straight through it. Laying limp as he continued to fill your ass he slowed and moved, kneeling on the bed as he moved your legs from either side of his lips until both your feet were over one of his shoulders, pushing and pulling you until he had one arm firmly wrapped around your knees and he could fuck into your ass as he held you like a rag doll. The new position was tighter, deeper, and as you started to pant out with lust his free hand rested on your throat, squeezing carefully but firmly;
“Harder…” you panted out, your head swimming as your airway was restricted, and as he pounded into your ass you were both getting close.
“Gonna cum in your ass, fill you up with a massive load, you want that Princess?”
You tried to say yes, but all that came out was a tiny croak as his massive hand gripped your throat. Before you could even try again your orgasm hit, your eyes rolling back in their sockets as you squirted, your body gripping him so tight he reached his peak, pushing in as deep as he could as he pumped your ass full of his cum.
August released his grip on your neck, pulling out gently as he softly lay your legs on the bed;
“Did so well Princess, such a good little slut…”
You could only hum out a response, your mind as used as your body was.
You woke to the sound of soft rain falling against the window, peering out from beneath the duvet you could see that the grey light of morning was filling the room, the storm seemingly blown mostly through with just a persistent rain now dampening the earth. Shifting on the bed you winced, everything was sore, but especially your ass. But then a warm body pressed to your back, a large hand smoothed over your stomach and a familiar voice spoke softly in your ear as stubble brushed against your bare shoulders;
“Rise and shine…”
“Hmmmmm no, i don’t wanna get up” you grumbled
“Noooo. If we get up then we’ve got to think about things going back to normal, i just wanna pretend i’m able to stay in a hotel as nice as this when i’m not trying to escape a dangerous gang… too many responsibilities, too much stress… i just want another half hour of being treated like a Princess” you grumbled.
A quiet chuckle came from behind you;
“There’s no reason why we can’t do this again”
Turning in his arms, you looked at August;
“How? You’re my superior Agent, the CIA pushes and pushes and pushes, I never get enough time off to do something like this, If i had known i was literally signing my life away i would never have signed up for the academy. What’s the fucking use of earning a good wage if i can never enjoy it… and its not even that good of a wage to be honest…” you paused and narrowed your gaze; “Have you showered?”
“Yes. And i have a proposition for you…”
“Keep talking…”
August started to move, slowly climbing between your legs and you felt his hard dick resting against your folds, your pussy instinctively growing wet, slowly rubbing against you as he smiled down at you;
“As a senior agent i get a considerably better wage than you do, but i don’t have anyone to share it with, anyone to treat like a Princess and spoil with gifts that they deserve… but i also want someone that will be agreeable to my darkest desires…” he rocked his hips back before slowly parting his thighs, and you felt the nudge of his tip at your soaked pussy; “... someone, a woman i can treat like a Princess but will let me fuck them like a whore… can i fuck your pussy like a whore?”
The gentle nudge of his dick just stretching the ring of muscle that granted access to the heaven between your legs had you begging, pleading to be August’s Whore. He let out a sigh of pleasure as he slowly sank into your pussy, bare and unprotected filling you with his virile shaft;
“You’re my Slutty Princess…taking my dick like a pro”
In that hotel room August Walker became your sugar Daddy, and over room service breakfast you agreed the details of your arrangement as you sat on his lap, his dick in your ass as he fed you strawberries, before he grew impatient and bounced you on his dick until he came in your barren depths. Resting back against his chest, his softening dick still inside you he played with your pussy as he discussed the next step, trying to decide if a trip to an adult store or a jewellery store should be the first stop after returning to DC;
“How about a jewelled plug?” you suggested; “That’s the best of both worlds”
Holding your jaw he turned your head so he could kiss you, pulling away and grinning;
“See, that’s why you’re the perfect Princess, smart and sexy…”
You felt him start to harden in your ass again, wriggling and letting out a giggle as you felt him stretch your insides;
“Over the table or out on the balcony in the rain?” you asked
“Oooh lets do the balcony… its check out time so a few other guests will be able to see my little slut have her battered asshole filled with another load”
There on the balcony that overlooked the serene mountains August filled your ass again, your naked bodies soaked with the rain as he gripped your breasts whilst he fucked you from behind. 
You couldn’t wait to be August’s play thing.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
the martyrdom of st. valentine (and other romantic stories) || dark!Bucky & dark!(stepbrother?)Steve x reader
summary: you wanted to surprise your boyfriend on valentine's day, but he and your foster brother have a surprise of their own.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: smut (heavy dubcon to the point of pretty much noncon), kinda stepcest (as per summary, steve is the reader's foster brother), bondage, a lil touch of degradation
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2/14 to-do list
get waxed
get Steve out of the apartment
pick up chocolate-covered strawberries from bakery on 6th
blindfold and handcuff myself to the bed
be waiting for Bucky naked when he gets here
You sighed as you looked down at the paper, crossing the first and third items off the list. The second was going to be a bit harder, unfortunately; your foster brother had a habit of hanging around and cramping your style as much as he could manage. He felt like a real brother in that way… okay, maybe he felt like a real brother in most ways, a consequence of knowing him for most of your life, but he was definitely not your real brother. You remembered that each time you caught yourself staring too long when he was shirtless, or returning from the gym all veiny and glistening with sweat.
But you also remembered that he was still the closest thing to a real brother you'd ever had, and you scolded yourself internally for ever acting differently.
It didn’t matter now— you had Bucky, and he was the most amazing guy you’d ever met.  No, Steve was definitely not happy that introducing his best friend to his sister led to a relationship forming, but he couldn’t stop either of you in spite of his efforts to keep you apart.
Bucky had once expressed his suspicions that it was at least in part due to jealousy, if subliminal.  But you denied it unilaterally— he’s basically my brother, you told him, though it was more of a reminder to yourself than anything.
Perverted concerns about Steve’s motivations aside, Bucky was a great guy.  A bit of a sweet-talker for sure, and not exactly known for his ability to keep a long-term, serious relationship, but he was adamant that you had changed that and for once you were beginning to believe him.  You’d said from the beginning that you didn’t need this to be the proverbial ‘it’ for either of you but that you didn’t do hook-ups— especially with your brother’s friends, and extra especially with your brother’s closest and longest friend.  It only took a brief speech and two shots to convince you, now six months later and you were still going strong.
Days like this made you so happy you’d given in to his advances.  But they also made you regret giving in to Steve’s idea to be roommates in college.
“Stevie!” you yelped as he walked in, stuffing the to-do list into your backpocket.  “Just the man I wanted to see.”
“I doubt that,” he scoffed.  “It’s Valentine’s Day, I bet you want to see Bucky.  He’s coming over, right?  And you want me to fuck off so my best friend can go to town on my sister?”
You frowned, crossing your arms.  “I wanted to see you because I have a gift for you.”
“... you do?”  His eyebrow raised and you hoped your smirk looked just as smug as it felt.
“So do you want your gift or do you want to be an asshole?”
“Do I have to pick just one?” he joked.
“Just come over here,” you instructed, waving him closer.  He seemed hesitant, but eventually did as you’d asked.  From your other back pocket you pulled out two tickets.
“Rangers, center ice,” you beamed.  “For you and a date.”
“And this isn’t just an excuse to get me out of the house?”
“No, it’s a thank you for being such a great brother.”
“So, if I wanted to take Bucky…” he trailed off, already calling your bluff as you rolled your eyes.
“Okay, that’s just sad.  There’s no reason you can’t find a girl to take— god knows Bucky hasn’t spent a Valentine’s Day alone since the fucking eighth grade.  And you’re just as cute as he is!”
“Well, if you could alert the rest of the female population to that, that would be great,” he scoffed, “but until then I’ll take the tickets,” he decided as he took them from your hand.  “A Rangers game might be the only thing distracting enough to keep me from thinking about what you and Buck are gonna do while I’m gone.”
You were hoping for a little more enthusiasm considering how much the tickets had cost you, but at least he was going to go and give you the apartment to yourself for the evening.  “You’re welcome, by the way.”
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After stripping and sprinkling rose petals on the comforter, you'd actually found a YouTube tutorial on how to blindfold and handcuff oneself, and it was a little odd that enough people had this problem to merit its existence but it was still very helpful: turns out the secret is to blindfold yourself first but keep it folded up with one eye able to see until you do the handcuffs, then use your arm to slide the blindfold down into place.
It was tricky, and a little bit extra awkward while naked, but you figured it out and smiled proudly to yourself as you completed your last task on your to-do list.
Now, for likely the most difficult task of all: waiting in darkness and silence for Bucky to arrive.
Apparently it is, in fact, possible to be slightly bored yet titillated.  The thought of what Bucky would do to you when he got here was exciting, but it only made you crave his presence more which enhanced your quiet loneliness.  It wasn't like you could read a book or listen to music to kill the time, so you settled for humming to yourself as you waited.
Don't go changing, to try and please me, something something before, hmmm
I just want someone that I can talk to, I want you just the way you are...
But that grew tiresome quickly and you resorted instead to planning exacty how angry you would be if Bucky was late when you were waiting for him in such a compromising and inconvenient state.  For a moment you imagined he'd really gone to the Rangers game with Steve and became briefly livid over a hypothetical situation.
The crackling roar of Bucky's motorcycle outside was distant but undeniable, making you smile in anticipation.  You worried for a moment that you might have locked the top lock of the front door by instinct, but thankfully Bucky and to make it inside alright since next thing you knew, your bedroom door was opening.
The rattle of the doorknob made your breath catch; you opened your legs slowly in time with the quiet creak of the hinges.  “I’ve been waiting for you…” you purred.
“Hi there, babydoll,” Bucky’s voice answered back huskily.
The heavy steps of his boots made it clear he hadn't taken his shoes off at the door, a habit that had driven you crazy since he was your annoying brother's also-annoying best friend.  Was this the real reason he'd chained you up, so he could freely irritate you?  What next, was he gonna put a cold drink on your nightstand without a coaster?
"You really went all out for me, sweetheart," he noticed, his voice closer than you'd expected; it was fun to not know exactly where he would be, it made you squirm under the gaze you couldn't see but could somehow feel.
How weight joining yours on the bed was a good sign to his location though, along with his hands sliding up your legs.
“Look at this pretty pussy,” he cooed pridefully as he dove in suddenly and licked a thick stripe through your folds.
“Fuck,” you shivered, tugging on your handcuffs unintentionally.
“Feel good, babygirl?” he pressed, chuckling when you nodded.  “You want more?”
“Please,” you whimpered.
He didn’t get back to it right away, the weight on the bed shifting slightly, and it made you fear that he planned to make you beg more before eating you out— but finally his lips returned to you as his tongue explored your sex.
“Oh god,” you moaned, your back arching of its own volition.  It was a little different than he normally did this— less confident and measured, more cautious yet hungry.  Typically he teased you a lot more, knowing exactly the spots that drove you wild and intentionally leaving them understimulated until you begged him to let you come, but now as soon as he found them he was targeting them— perhaps a rare show of mercy from the guy who was normally happy to leave you on edge for hours.
You could feel his moans vibrating into you when he slid his tongue inside and against your channel; it instantly made your back arch as the handcuffs quietly clinked above your head.
He stopped just a little too soon, pulling your hips up until the back of your legs were resting on the front of his.  Being manhandled by him turned you on enough to make you bite your lip.
"Fuck, put your cock in me, wanna feel you," you moaned your plea as you heard the rustling of clothes; your mouth watered when you imagined Bucky stripping, with that insane body of his.
His thick head glided over your entrance and you were preparing to beg some more when he suddenly pushed in, giving you what you wanted so much faster than normal.  Not that you were complaining!
He was also much quieter than normal, which you were actually willing to complain about but didn't.
"Oh god," you groaned at the feeling of him stretching you open, gasping when his cock brushed right over your spot— it made your body jolt each time he pulled back and hit it again.
"Feels good, huh?" Bucky asked and you nodded happily.
"So good," you whimpered.
"I wasn't asking you."
Before you could question it, Bucky’s calloused fingers pulled up your blindfold— but it was Steve’s face above you, Steve’s body on top of yours… and, much to your horror, Steve’s cock inside you.
“What the fuck?!” you yelped, trying to squirm away as you tugged at the cuffs but failing completely.
“Fuck,” Steve winced, “you get really tight when you struggle like that.”
“Don’t act so surprised, babygirl,” Bucky cooed playfully as you turned to stare at his devilish grin.  “You wanted this… you just didn’t want to admit it to yourself.  And Stevie here always wanted this, too, and aren’t you so glad he told me?”
You shuddered as Steve continued thrusting, pushing his cock so deep it made you feel a little nauseous.  "Steve, you've gotta stop," you begged.   "If you love me, you'll stop."
"That's the thing: I love you too much to stop."
He moved faster, paying no mind to your confused whimpers, holding your hips tight as his head fell back slightly which brandished his thick neck and bobbing Adam's apple.
"There's no point in pretending," Bucky reminded you coldly, watching the whole thing with crossed arms and an expression that almost looked… bemused?  "You already showed us how much you love it, so don't waste your time acting so disgusted now."
You regretted more than anything saying that it felt good, literally asking him to fuck you before you really understood what you were asking for: you thought it was Bucky, yes, but that didn't mean it was an act.  It did feel good, and that must've been obvious to everyone since you were so wet already.  You could hear it each time he pushed all the way in, that telltale squelching noise that was somehow disgusting and hot all at once.
Steve wasn't so quiet now that he didn't have to be.  "God, you feel so good," he whispered, grabbing the backs of your knees and pushing your legs up.  It forced his cock even deeper and you choked on your own suppressed moan.
You heard Bucky opening his belt, and turned your head to see him pull out and stroke his cock while he watched Steve fuck you.  It was hard to imagine what he was getting out of this; he never seemed like the sharing type, if anything he sometimes became too possessive.  But clearly there was a lot about him and Steve that you didn't understand.
"Play with her tits," Bucky instructed, voice a bit deeper as he pleasured himself, "makes her come so fast."
Steve dropped your legs to rest on his shoulders so his hands were free to grope your chest, thick fingers twisting and tugging your nipples.  Annoyingly, Bucky knew his way around your body well by now, and so it was difficult to pretend that Steve's touches weren't sending shocks of pleasure right down your spine and to your core.
You had been biting on your lip so hard to stay quiet that you feared you would break the skin, until Bucky leaned down and gave you a little slap on the cheek— not very hard, but enough to make you gasp which in turn released the moan you'd been holding back.
"There it is, honey, don't be quiet for my benefit," Bucky encouraged.  "It's okay to like it, I'm not gonna be jealous."
As if that was your concern; angering your boyfriend by enjoying being fucked by your foster brother.  
"You really overestimate my interest in your— fuck— in your feelings," you panted as you glared up at Bucky where he was grinning down at you with a look that almost indicated pride.
"You're gonna come, aren't you?" he asked, ignoring your resistance entirely.  Whatever chance you had at pretending he was wrong was lost when, just for a moment, your eyes widened at his question.  "Yeah, thought so.  I can tell by that dumb look on your face.  I'm close too, babydoll, betcha wanna taste it…"
His free hand roughly held your jaw open as he stroked himself desperately, his weak groan coinciding with the moment you felt his hot seed spray into your open mouth, his taste familiar despite the entirely surreal circumstances.
It was purely coincidence that you came in that moment, your walls bearing down on Steve while you tried to stay silent so you wouldn't choke on Bucky's spend.
"Fuck, that's it, gonna fill this pretty mouth— god yes, you'd better swallow it all," he sighed as come painted your tongue and the inside of your cheek.  Maybe it was more than normal or maybe it was just that he was tightening his hand around the head of his cock to get every drop in your mouth, but either way it was enough to give you quite a mouthful to swallow, which you did without much question due to force of habit.
"M’close too," Steve warned as Bucky stepped back, "I'm gonna come."
“No, Steve, not inside,” you whimpered, hearing the way your voice had weakened after your orgasm, “you can’t…”
“I can,” he disagreed, “Bucky said so.”
Once again, Bucky's will was more important than your own, and your desperate pulling at the handcuffs was only another reminder of the way you'd guided yourself into his trap.
"Don't," you stammered one more time, but it was hard to focus when he was filling you exactly how you needed, when his thick hands gripping your waist felt just as perfect as you'd secretly imagined so many times… 
Denial is a powerful drug, but so is two orgasms in a row.
"Fuck!" you yelped as you felt a gush of warmth drip from your entrance, even further wetness spurring on Steve's fast and brutal thrusts into you.
"Knew you'd love it," Steve mumbled, growling slightly as he slammed into you.  "Knew you'd take it so well, make a pretty mess all over my cock— fuck I can't wait anymore, gotta fill you up, oh my god... gotta give you my load, honey, you want it?"
"Yes," you sobbed, "Steve, yes, come in me…"
He didn't need much more encouragement than that, groaning loudly as you felt his cock flex and pulse against your walls, his release overwhelmingly hot inside you.
You sighed in time with Steve as he finally stilled, and it was hard to know where to look when Steve and Bucky were both staring down at you.  “What happens now?” you found yourself asking, not so much a literal question about the next task but more about what the three of you were going to do with all the unfortunate truths that had come to light in less than half an hour.
“What happens now is I take my turn,” Bucky informed you sternly, pushing Steve aside.  “Did you really think I wasn’t gonna fuck my girlfriend on Valentine’s Day?”
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slytherweasley · 3 years
Family secrets (Ginny Weasley x reader & George Weasley x reader)
Warnings: Smut- female receiving oral male receiving oral, penetrative sex swearing
Summary/request: Ginny secretly hooking up with one of the twins’ best female friend and them having no idea whatsoever. And then maybe one of them also has a crush on her and trying to get her attention, so she’s between one of the twins and Ginny.
For the sake of this fic Ginny is a year younger than the reader so Ron’s age
If you want to request here are my request guidelines
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“Ah shit” you yelled as Ginny’s mouth sucked on your clit and her fingers pounded into you bring you to your orgasm.
“Gin I’m gonna cum” you arch your back and grip the sheets “Good girl you’re almost there” you buck your hips up to her mouth as you finish.
She moves to lay beside you in your bed as your chest rises and falls to its resting state. Her fingers comb through your hair as she kisses your cheek.
“How much longer do I have with you?” She asks longingly “All night, I told them to not come back until morning, they’re with their boyfriends or sleeping at a friends dorm. Plus the door is locked with magic so they can’t get in unless I unlock it.” “I actually get to cuddle you all night” she smiles.
You and Ginny have been secretly messing around since the summer holidays. She came to you, at first she wanted to lose her virginity then it became regular but it was strictly sex, you both like the company. The only reason you’re not dating is because no one knows about Ginny’s sexuality and you’re best friends with the twins.
There have been many close calls of being caught but somehow you manage to not get caught.
You and Ginny cuddle up all night together until your alarm wakes you up “Shit sorry Gin, I forgot about my alarm” “It’s alright, I have to be up for Quidditch anyway.” She kisses your lips and forehead before getting out of bed and getting decent to sneak out of your dorm.
Shortly after she leaves you get up to meet the twins before they practise before the game against Hufflepuff. “Good morning Y/n” George smiles “Hi Georgie” you know that George had a big crush on you, Ginny told you when you started your secret escapades, you’re just waiting for the day he finally makes a move.
“Oh you’re here Y/n, are you coming to the game today?” Fred asks “Of course I am” when you got to Hogwarts the twins were a year above you, they saw some potential in your pranking abilities so you helped them out occasionally until you became best friends.
You did some homework to fill in some time while they were at practise then went to the game with Harry, Ron and Hermione. “I’m glad Ginny joined the team” Hermione says “Yeah she’s really good” you agree. As they fly out both Ginny and George look in your direction so you wave at both of them without trying to make one look at the other.
Gryffindor get an easy win which ends in a celebration at the end of the day, Gryffindors know how to party. You were taking shots with the twins and getting a bit tipsy, Hermione was making sure everyone ate so she brought around lots of food which was about the only thing that kept you from getting drunk.
“Truth or kiss!” It was that time of night, where everyone gets crazy. They call it truth or kiss because it’s basically just a game to make out with everyone in the circle. People get in the circle “Lets go” “That game is lame” Fred says “George, you’ll go with me, right?” George blushes “Yeah” Fred rolls his eyes and joins in with the two of you.
People get asked to kiss the hottest or ugliest person in the room or the person you’d like to have sex with, it gets to your turn, the boys who’s turn to ask you chuckle and whisper “Who is the last girl you had sex with?” They ask “Fine, who do you want me to kiss?” “Kiss the hottest girl in the room” you knew they’d only ask you that because you would and they’re weirdos who like to watch girls make out.
You walk over to Ginny and kiss her, she kisses you back, holding your cheeks as she slides her tongue into your mouth, the boys cheer and you pull away. You get weird walking back to sit with the twins after just snogging their sister. “That was a joke, right?” George asks “Of course” you bite your lip and look over at Ginny.
After a couple rounds of kissing random girls you had enough, it got to your turn again, thankfully it was Ginny who asked you “Do you really think I’m the hottest girl in the room?” You couldn’t answer yes because you told the twins you were joking but if you said no Ginny would be upset. She sees you’re not going to answer “Kiss George” you were confused why she would ask that because she knows. You turn to George and kiss him, you tug on his hair as you kiss him.
After that round you left the circle as more people left, Y/n I want to talk” George says “Sure” George takes you to the corner “Umm after that kiss I’m not sure but do you maybe fancy me?” “George, you’re hot but you’re my best friend, I don’t think I could date you” “So you just think I’m hot?” “Yeah, I know you fancy me, it’s okay. If you want to have sex one day I won’t object” “How about now?” “Perfect” you grab his hand and go to his dorm.
As soon as the door closes you’re both taking off your clothes and kissing “We have about half an hour until Fred notices we are gone” George says taking off his shirt. You get on his bed once you’re naked he is taking off his pants “Fuck you’re hot” he says “So are you” he gets on the bed and kisses from your neck to your breasts leaving some hickeys on your chest before kissing down your stomach to your pussy.
The way George moves his mouth, he really knows what he is doing, the way he licked your clit you could have screamed, you had to put your hand over your mouth to keep yourself from being too loud. “You wet enough?” He asks “Mmhm” you nod, he pulls his underwear down revealing his dick he pumps it a few times before spreading your legs further apart. “You’re flexible, done this before?” He really had no idea what you could do “You could say that.”
He pushes himself into you, you both let out a moan, he stretches you out far enough to where it feels good. His strokes were the right amount of hard and fast. The room was filled with your moans and the sounds of your skin slapping against each other.
“It feels so good George, stretching me out and filling me up right” you finish around him, clenching as you cum “Fuck you’re tight” he moans pounding into you. “Such a good fucking pussy” you could tell he was close “Pull out, I’ll show you what I can do with my mouth.” He pulls out extremely desperate.
You suck on his tip before taking him into the back of your throat “Holy shit” he groans followed by multiple moans. He bunches your hair up in a ponytail and bobs your head up and down “Y/n I’m going to cum” he moans, you continue using your mouth until you hear him let out a loud long moan as he came, you swallowed and took your mouth off his dick.
“You need some water or something?” “It’s fine I’ll go take a shot” you get up and start putting your clothes on, you zip up your skirt and walk out. You take a shot, after that you were completely ruined, you needed to go to bed so you went to your dorm and as you were about to walk in you heard a familiar voice call your name.
“Y/n” Ginny calls “Hey” “Can I come in?” She asks, you were going to say no but Ginny know how to take care of you so you wouldn’t need that much energy. Just by standing there she could turn you on. “Sure” you open the door and the two of you walk in.
You didn’t feel bad about going between the two, besides the Weasley family is too hot to just have one of them.
Ginny sits on your bed with you “What was with making me kiss George?” “Just wanted to help George, he’ll never get the chance with you so a kiss will help his crush” you chuckle. “I think you’re the hottest girl I’ve ever met, I didn’t want to say it in front of the twins after I told them I didn’t have feelings for you.” “I knew the answer I just wanted to hear you say it” “How did you know?” “Because I am the only person who can make you cum in seconds” it’s true, she has tried it many times before.
“Ginny please” “Yes darling” she unzips your skirt pulling it down to reveal you have no underwear on, your cheeks flush red, you left them in George’s room, she definitely knows now. “How did you know this would happen?” You felt a wave of relief rush through you “Because neither of us can resist each other.” “Lay back, I’ll take care of you” she spreads your wetness around your already sensitive pussy, you whimper when her finger brushes past your clit.
“You that sensitive baby?” Ginny asks “Yes” “This should be easy then.” She rubs your clit with her fingers, you cry out and whimper. When she finally uses her mouth your back arches “Gin! Feels so good.” You came in half the time it usually takes you.
“You want me to take care of you Gin?” “Yes please” you undress Ginny squeezing and massaging her boobs. Your face moves near her pussy as your finger moves around her pussy “Fuck Gin, you’re so wet” “You make me so wet.”
You eat out Ginny with passion, you were tired but eating out Ginny was more pleasure than work. You finger her with a couple fingers as well, she seemed to love it. Your tongue moved between flicking her clit and licking it. She digs her fingers into the mattress as she finishes.
You lay beside her and cuddle “Goodnight Gin” “Goodnight Darling.” You fell asleep almost instantly and got woken by a knock on the door you wrap yourself in a blanket and answer the door, it’s George. You try to block the view of Ginny in your bed naked and asleep “George! What are you doing here?” “Well about last night-“ he notices you’re naked under the blanket “Is someone in here?” “No!” “Y/n?” Ginny calls out, your eyes go wide “You had sex with some girl after me?” Ginny sits up in bed “Excuse me” she gets up and you shut the door quickly.
“Who was that?” Ginny asks “Trust me leave it, you don’t want to know” “Also you had sex with someone before me, that’s why you were so wet and sensitive! Let me out there” “Ginny no! If you really want to go out there put on clothes” “No, I want to let them know” her hand goes to the handle “Ginny it’s your brother!” “What?” “It’s George, put on some clothes and we can talk” Ginny was shocked she put on her clothes from the night before and you let George in, he was just as shocked to see Ginny.
“Okay I’m sorry but I’ve been having sex with Ginny for a while now” “Ginny? You like girls?” He asks “Yeah, I was going to tell you guys but I didn’t know how to” “I’m happy you figured out your sexuality but with Y/n” “Sorry George” George turns to you “You took her virginity?” “I’m sorry George.” “I can’t believe you actually had sex with George” “I was going to keep it casual between you two, neither of you really needed to know” “I would have liked to know” Ginny says.
“I’m not sorry that I was doing it, I’m sorry you had to find out” “Well now what?” George asks “You break it off” Ginny says to George “No way, you had your turn, it’s my turn now” “Why don’t you let Y/n choose?” Ginny suggests.
“Here’s the deal, you agree or it’s neither of you” after the two of them fighting about it they came to a conclusion. “You can have both of us but not in the same day or after each other” Ginny says “And Fred doesn’t know any of this” George adds “Okay so we all agree” “Yes.”
“I’m just going to go so you two can finish whatever” “We weren’t-” “Don’t tell me, I don’t want any details either” George shuts the door behind him.
Ginny presses her lips against yours “That was easy enough.”
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obeymeluv · 4 years
QUICK! KISS ME! [Bros x Reader]
A lead-up blurb before I go to bed.
School is killing me. This has been in the drafts far longer than I wanted.
No offense if your name is Bethany. It’s a name I picked at random.
The follow-up piece will have the kiss scenarios.
Some of Asmo’s friends may have used you to get into a special makeup event, but it’s okay! They bought you a lip gloss as a thank you! The shade ‘Sealed with a Kiss’ was not what you thought it’d be
Being one of the first humans in the Devildom could be uncomfortable and sometimes down-right dangerous! It also had its perks. To you, that meant being close with the Seven Lords of Hell (and Diavolo). To other lesser demons and classmates, you were kind of a ‘get out of jail’ free card.
Were they late to class? Oh, just helping the human out!
Caught sneaking in food or drink when they weren’t supposed to? It’s to split with the human, of course! They thought you’d love to try it!
Everyone was keen not to overuse it and you’d actually made good friends this way. It was starting to feel less like an excuse and more of a way to be included. You were the friendly, reliable human that had won hearts and saved some asses. As a thank you, one of your closer friends (a repeat offender for lateness), invited you out to an exclusive makeup release. She was a VIP member and had early access an hour before the store opened to the Devildom public. 
The fact that she chose you, a human, over some LITERAL century-old friends caused a bit of tension but she could care less. “I’ve seen them every day for over a hundred years. You get one year, and we’re going to make it awesome!” Bethany breezed through the store at a dizzying pace, picking through concealers and opening a box of mascara to look at the packaging. She moved at a pace only demons could manage; you thought you saw her by the nail polish display but when you looked again she was throwing sheet masks in her basket. Hooking her arm with yours, she picked up some foundation on the way back to the coveted display of lip glosses and lipsticks.
You weren’t totally versed in the differences between Devildom makeup and human world makeup. In all honesty, there didn’t seem to be a difference. Bethany swatched powdery cream lipsticks on her wrist and followed with ribbons of liquid lipstick. Every now and then she dotted them on your arm; she was adamant about finding a shade the both of you could wear as your thing.  
“This one,” she decided, waving the tube at you and booping your nose with it carefully. “This is our color!” she took you by the hand and joined the checkout line. She had two in her hand but refused to let you so much as hold one, wanting to pay for it first. It wasn’t technically breaking the purchase limit rule; if they tried to nag her she’d just say she was holding onto it so another demon didn’t bully you out of it. You didn’t know if it was her VIP status or the fact that her defense made sense, but you were able to check out without a problem.
A few sour faces and mean glares met you outside but Bethany ignored it all, eager to have a Devilgram-worthy celebratory snack break (snack victory? You know, since you got the makeup?) The plan was to eat, hold down a table at the nearby cafe while her other friends shopped, and have group makeovers (or try-ons) before calling it a day. That plan was interrupted three bites into a croissant sandwich when Lucifer summoned you back to the House of Lamentation. He’d gotten wind of all the girls you’d be with and didn’t feel totally comfortable letting you hang out with them,
Had Barbatos seen something? Did Lucifer feel spurned that you weren’t hanging out with the Seven Lords of the Devildom? He gave no answer, simply asking you to stay put while someone came to escort you back to the house. Bethany was put off by the turn of events but few people dared to complain about the Seven Lords due to their connections with Diavolo (she was no exception). “If we can’t get the full makeover, we’re getting the selfie!” she declared, deftly breaking the seal to her Sealed with a Kiss gloss and swiping it on with help from the front-facing camera on her D.D.D
You busied yourself with opening your tube. Before you could ask for her phone (since the camera was already open), she took the tube from you and tilted your chin up. She dabbed the center of your lips playfully before carefully tracing your lips with the color. The heat rose in your cheeks and she smirked. Being part succubus, she could draw energy from emotions like embarrassment and the feeling of being flattered. Her fingertips pulsed under your chin as she drew on that energy. 
Getting energy sucked could feel like a lot of things -- being light-headed, getting a rush of excitement, all prickly and tingly like your whole body was pins and needles. Whatever it was, it usually faded into drowsiness and kittenish contentment. She probably only touched your chin for seconds but the wash of coziness had you melting against your chair, your cheek cradled in her palm. 
Did she take the pic? What was happening? It felt like Asmodeus had materialized out of thin air, helping you stand and making small-talk with Bethany before pulling you away, out of her aura that was trying to suckle the vestiges of happy energy you offered.
“And what shade did you get on those pretty lips, hm?” the cotton fell out of your head and ears, allowing you to really hear Asmo now that the aura effects had worn off.
“Uh,” you fished around in your bag and looked at the packaging. “Sealed with a Kiss.”
Asmodeus stopped so abruptly it’d almost yanked you back to him. The two of you were barely tangled at the pinkies and now he’d completely laced your hands together. He held your hands captive, drawing them up in surprise and basically dragging you into his torso. You were forced to look up into glittering pink eyes and if you didn’t know any better, they looked a little panicked.
“How long ago did you apply it?”
“I don’t know.” you blinked helplessly at him. That energy suck thing had a way of making your brain tune out and turn to pudding. That aside, who knows how long Asmo stood there and talked to Bethany while you were being siphoned?! “Bethany applied it, not me.”
Asmo clicked his tongue, huffed, resigned himself to only holding one hand. and started scrolling on his D.D.D to find that selfie Bethany posted. You were being dragged along like a child as Asmo’s shoes clicked towards the House of Lamentation. It amazed you how well he could navigate his D.D.D with his long, painted nails. 
Whatever he was looking for, he found it.
Asmodeus tucked his D.D.D into his pants pocket, scooped you up in a way that terrified and amazed you (two people being supported by one set of heels?), and flew to the House of Lamentation. He didn’t always use his wings, as he preferred to decorate them and maintain them with oils, but the fact that he was flying made you nervous.
What had he found? What was the deal?
“Asmo--” you started nervously, the flapping of his wings nearly drowning you out as he pushed himself. Flying against the wind didn’t help. Your hair was a mess and the wind was in your face; the Devildom was always a little chilly but now it was enough to make your face tingly.
“She gave you enchanted makeup. There is a reason humans don’t use enchanted makeup.” Asmo’s pretty brows furrowed as he cut a hard angle and glided over a portion of the square. The tell-tale thicket of trees that lined the winding path back to the House of Lamentation were on the edge of the horizon.
“What’s going to happen?” should you ask that? Did you really want to know?
“You’ll feel something in your lips--some people felt tingling, some people felt pulsing, it can be anything, I think--and then they’ll seal shut.”
“SHUT?!” you yelped. It was enough to make Asmo wince. The startle carried over to his wings; they shuddered and locked; the two of you dropped for a heartbeat or two before he corrected himself.
“If I can’t get some makeup remover on it first.” Asmo panted, tucking his wings in and preparing for a quick descent. He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t thought to teleport first--the panic? Trying to one-up Bethany by walking home and being extra cute with hand-holding?--but a quick touch down could roll into a simple skip teleportation and everything should work out!
“But my lips are already tingly!”
“Ugh, Bethany! I can’t believe you! I mean, I can because it’s you, but really, Bethany?”
“Asmo, focus!” you’d already skipped several feet ahead, clearing the front yard in two teleports. The third put you in the foyer. “I don’t want my lips to seal shut!”
The House of Lamentation was huge but when the occupants had supernatural hearing, that exclamation turned heads. 
“What’s this about your lips sealing shut?” Lucifer appeared at the top of his stairs, his head already shaking.
“DID YOU MAKE A PACT WITH A WITCH?!” Mammon screamed down the hall, clearly not far behind.
Asmo scoffed, lowering his D.D.D with a pout. He was halfway up the main stairs, fingers working at lightning speed. “It’s the lip color!” he explained, stomping his foot. Noisy people were just so annoying! If everyone was talking he couldn’t explain! How rude! 
“All this over some makeup?” skeptical Satan peered over the banister, book and arm casually propped up on it.
“If two people apply the color and kiss, they’re locked in a makeout session until it dries down. When one person applies the lip color, they can use it like a cheat sheet to see who secretly wants to kiss them,” his words tapered out from authoritatively informed to quiet and shy. “It’s from their ‘Liquid Love’ collection.” he muttered into the stunned silence of the room.
You were trying to open your lips and ask why. The magic had already taken hold. Asmodeus could see you trying to move your lips and strain your chin. Luckily, demons could read minds. “It’s because Bethany is stupid.” Asmodeus rolled his eyes. “Ambitious, but stupid.”
“Please explain, Asmo.” even when using the dear nickname Lucifer couldn’t hide the demand. His demon aura was creeping up his body and slowly becoming jagged and suffocating.
“Bethany has had a HUGE crush on our little human here, and wanted to seal it with a kiss, so to speak.” Asmo’s cheeks got pinker and pinker as he explained. Mostly because he was mad he didn’t think about it. His heart did something funny at the thought of you kissing someone else. Lucifer also looked like he wanted to murder someone about now, and Asmo had to remind himself that he was being looked through, not looked at.   
“Just grab a napkin and wipe it off.” Mammon shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Asmodeus shook his head angrily. “It’s too late now. We need to find someone for them to kiss! Someone’s lips will break the seal on theirs...that’s kind of the point of the enchantment.”
“So they just pick someone to kiss?” Levi’s face was turning tomato red. Would it be him?! It would at least be one of them, right? What if your person wasn’t in the House of Lamentation and you NEVER SPOKE AGAIN?!
“Sort of.” Asmo patted your shoulders with his gentle, smooth hands. He started to rub them like he was trying to warm you up. Partly in encouragement and partly to get your attention because he could feel your brain spiraling down into panic. “They basically follow their mouth.”
“So that lip color is like a crush detector?” Satan abandoned his book at the top of the stairs and was now perusing articles on his D.D.D as he sauntered down the steps. It sounded like he’d found the one that sent Asmo flying to the House of Lamentation.
“Basically.” Asmo sighed. It was the stupidest way to confess to someone, he thought. Demon to demon, it was fine. Demon to human?! NO! The whole thing gave him a headache. The fact that Bethany thought she could just steal your little lips and be greedy with them was the biggest annoyance of it all.
“So,” Satan’s green eyes cut sharply from his phone to you. The corner of his lips curled up in a smart little smirk. He knew it was wrong to find your predicament so funny, but this was a very human thing to get mixed up in. “Who do your lips want? Who do you feel yourself being drawn to?”
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trashytummiez · 3 years
hunger fic where yuu listens to idia's tummy and then she feeds him and listens to his tummy again when its full?
Poor Idia grimaced uncomfortably when his tummy gave an incredibly loud growl. The dorm leader was so fixated on his gaming session that he forgot to eat and now his tummy was going to remind him whether he liked it or not.
"Nnnngh sooo hungry," whined the fiery haired teenager. He wrapped his arms around his stomach while it kept grumbling away noisily.
"Wow I thought that was a bear," Yuu's voice called out.
The startled Idia yelped like a frightened puppy not expecting his girlfriend to already be in his dormroom. "Wh-When did you get in?"
"Just now. You probably didn't hear me come in over the sound of your stomach," Yuu teased.
Idia whimpered and cringed at the same time when his tummy gave another uproarious grumble. Yuu sat the anxious boy down onto his couch and gently put her hand on his flat rumbling tummy. Idia covered his eyes with his oversized hoodie sleeves whimpering some more. Yuu just giggled and gave his tummy a few teasing pats.
"I ordered takeout for us...mostly you so that should solve this," Yuu said.
Idia's stomach sounded like it was snarling at her for not doing that sooner.
Curious she leaned her head down and put her ear against his stomach. Idia looked down at his girlfriend and tapped his index fingers timidly. "...C-Can't you hear my tummy clear enough with how noisy it is...?"
"You know me," Yuu said like that was all the explanation she needed.
Technically it was. Yuu's fetishes were not unknown to Idia in the least. It was one of the biggest open secrets on campus in fact. Others were far more keen to tease Yuu's fetish but Idia was way too shy to try a lot of the times.
Fortunately he still managed whether he tried to or not.
Yuu continued listening to Idia's stomach grumbling away. It bubbled sharply like liquids being sucked away from the very depths of his stomach.
To help calm Idia's stomach down Yuu slid her hand under his big blue hoodie and started rubbing his bare tummy. Idia whined nervously when he felt her lithe little hand delicately stroking his soft pale flesh. He hated to admit how much he loved her touch but was also so unused to physical contact that it still made him incredibly nervous.
Her fingers gently rode up Idia's flat smooth stomach running circles across it and occasionally kneading into his delicate flesh. He bit his blue lips with his fangs both out of nervousness and pleasure. Especially when Yuu started to run her fingers across his belly button.
It also helped to ease the roaring from Idia's tummy too. His organ was still growling but much softer the more Yuu rubbed it.
What helped even more was the fast food Yuu ordered finally arriving. She got Idia an abundance of his favorite burgers and beverages. The timid and anxious boy quickly tore through his meal more voraciously than he cared to admit. Idia was incredibly hungry after all. Too hungry to be embarrassed by his far less than civil eating.
Yuu loved every second of it. She loved watching Idia's fangs tear through each burger and the sizable lumps that would squeeze down his pale slender throat. And the way he washed it all down by grabbing one of the two liter bottles she got him by bringing it up to his blue lips and sucking that beverage down made Yuu weak in the knees. She watched his Adam's Apple bob in and out while his throat rippled from gulping his soda down so fast and in such high quantity.
Not to mention how unbelievably gassy all that soda was making him combined with so much fast food festering in his increasingly swollen tummy. The more food Idia chomped down and the more soda he guzzled the bigger and rounder his tummy became. That bump beneath Idia's large hoodie stretched out against it more and more injunction with Idia's gluttony.
By the time idia was finished stuffing himself his belly was as big as a beachball. His hoodie actually rode up a little because he was too bloated to conceal it even with how large his hoodie was.
Idia moaned and slumped back against the couch with both hands rubbing his big round tummy. Yuu could hear everything in Idia's belly slosh from his movement.
"Faaaaaah...unnnngh I'm so fuuuull..." Idia moaned while his hands groggily rubbed over the round mass gurgling from his stretched out middle.
"Wow you were really hungry weren't you," Yuu marveled at the sight of Idia's big noisy belly.
Idia gave a really rich closed mouth burp that made him squint and stained both his and Yuu's cheeks with a blush. Just for very different reasons. Idia panted after and patted his belly while he blew the gas out of his mouth. "Ungh I guess my tummy was emptier than I thought..." Idia said with a soft hiccup.
Yuu leaned him back a little more and lifted the bottom of his hoodie and shirt up like she were lifting a curtain to reveal that big beautifully round tummy of his. Idia blushed immensely when yuu started fumbling with his pants. He whimpered and looked away humming some anime theme song to himself until Yuu undid his pants. His incredibly bloated tummy spilled forth with a heavy slosh to fill up the space and brought Idia such immediate relief he moaned heavenly.
"Oooooohhhh...ohhh that's so much better..." Idia moaned.
"I know," Yuu said and gave Idia's sizable tummy a teasing pat which made it wobble and caused the boy to hiccup again.
Yuu was too infatuated not to immediately start rubbing Idia's belly when she was close enough. She rubbed that heavily glutted tummy slowly and sensually. Her fingers kneaded across that thick yet smooth and oh so soft flesh sinking into it while she worked to settle the boys incredibly full belly.
She cupped into the sides of his ball-shaped tummy and used her thumbs to gently stroke that portion of flesh between Idia's stretched out belly and his hips. He was far too bashful and timid to admit how much he adored that feeling of Yuu's hands all over his stomach but he didn't need to. Not when Yuu probably loved fondling and rubbing his belly every bit as much as Idia loved being on the receiving end. Especially the way her palm ran over his belly button. Even as shy and anxious as Idia was that never failed to make the boy groan delightfully. Which was part of why Yuu always did it.
His big round tummy burbled heavily while his strong digestive system worked to break down such a remarkably heavy meal. It caused Idia's stomach to gurgle and churn very noisily almost like one of their potion classes they had together if one counted Idia's form of remote learning. And because he was already digesting so much of what he ate Idia's stomach had a soft jiggly quality to it.
This was something Yuu always loved about Idia's belly after a heavy binge. She cupped his immensely thick lower stomach and lifted it up. Idia's blush was intense when he saw the sheer infatuation and lust in Yuu's eyes when she scooped up his belly like that. She eagerly gave his belly a light jiggle which made everything digesting inside of him slosh even more heavily. Idia winced when all that sloshing started stirring the gas in his belly up his gullet. He held a fist against his dark blue lips and barely held back a considerable burp that rumbled heavily in his cheeks. Idia blushed and gave another longer closed mouth burp right after that.
The way the gas rumbled so hard in Idia's mouth always turned Yuu on especially with the strain on his face when he struggled to hold back. But she also really wanted to hear Idia let a good burp out so she teasingly released Idia's belly and let it basically flop down onto his lap with an intense slosh and jiggle. The thick sound of Idia's tummy basically slapping against his thighs was so satisfying to Yuu's ears.
But not nearly as satisfying as the thick burble that gurgled up Idia's throat. He winced and tried to hold it back with his hand clamped around his lips but there was just too much pressure to hold back. So Idia ended up letting out a loud throaty burp that pushed out of him heavily for a few seconds.
Yet again both Idia and Yuu were blushing heavily and yet again it was for completely different reasons.
"There you go just let it out," Yuu said and gave the side of Idia's belly a few especially hearty pats to make it slosh and jiggle with each pat and hopefully coax another one out.
And it did since her patting caused another hearty burp to roll out of Idia's mouth.
The boy huffed and covered his mouth in time to suppress another air bubble that was worming its way up his throat after that burp.
"...You enjoy this way too much," Idia whined softly.
"Guilty as charged," Yuu admitted shamelessly and drove her point home by really squeezing down on Idia's belly which forced a huge burp out of Idia's mouth that was bigger and longer than any others before it.
It was such a massive burp that Idia was left out of breath when it finished. He slumped back and panted so heavily his rounded tummy rose and fell with each breath he gave.
"Fffrraaahh...ooohhhh...ungh that...that felt good..." he gasped out with his tongue out a little.
"Sounded even better," Yuu said and gave Idia's tummy another teasing pat. Idia hiccuped again and huffed after. There was clearly still more gas left in there but she'd hold off on pushing the rest out after the boy had some time to catch his breath.
Then Idia's tummy gave a thick groan.
It sounded richer than the drier and more painful sounding rumbles it was giving before Idia ate.
Yuu rested her head against Idia's big belly with a fleshy bloated pillow. The added pressure against his stomach made Idia burp again but he was far too winded by that last record breaking eruption he gave to bother holding it in. Yuu's ear rested gently against Idia's round churning tummy nuzzling her cheek into his soft delicate flesh which made Idia giggle lightly from how ticklish his tummy was.
She just listened to it churn and burble deeply while his meal continued to be worked down.
"Mmmmm you're tummy sounds so happy right now," she observed with infatuation on her mind.
Despite his overstuffed state when Idia looked down and saw Yuu nestled up against his big tummy like that he couldn't help smile and drape an arm around his girlfriend. "With how much you fed it I'm not surprised," he said with another small giggle. Then he bit his lip again tentatively. "...Do you think you could keep rubbing my tummy a little bit more while you're down there?"
He could barely finish talking when Yuu got to work immediately stroking Idia's burbling tummy even more. Idia hummed happily and closed his eyes with an absolutely adorable smile on his face. Yuu caught a glimpse and felt her heart grow warmer at the sight.
It just reinforced what she always knew. Happiness was always just a full tummy away.
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