#but for now you get giant blocks of fic on Tumblr
d1s1ntegrated · 3 months
~・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ~
i'm a new blog so pls be patient!
------please have ur age in ur bio/on ur page somewhere if u want a follow back. i do check.------
i run a few other blogs, (a kink blog ew, and a "witchy" "normal" blog) but i finally wanted to make a blog for my fav anime/hyperfixations. its been almost 11 years for me on this godforsaken site and i am tired of pretending i am not a giant loser that loves being h-word for awful men in media.
i will be posting mainly mha stuff!
my fav my hero chars are (this doesnt necessarily mean i will write ab them, i just enjoy them. the highlighted ones i will typically write ab unless requested otherwise):
shigaraki (THE LOML MY FAV BOY)
lady nagant
i won't lie and say i'll have variety, i'll be forthright in saying this is a shigaraki simp blog and i will most def post him the most.
however, again, i will take requests!
my ask box will be open 24/7/365, so throw anything in there for me.
read more for more info about me, my fandoms, and what i plan on writing!
tags directory:
here's the basics:
name: opal/opi/opium/opalium
age: 21 (mdni w my nsfw. again, pls, u will get blocked!)
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: shigaraki (okay but real shit i'm pan lol)
my fandoms
solo leveling
there's so many more but does it truly matter LOL ?
what i write:
-crazy rants ab how much i love (insert char here)
i am also on ao3 (@/opiumandopal) , but i dont have anything posted yet. i think once i start gaining some momentum here, ill post full fics on the ao3 so give it a follow if ur interested!
fun facts ab me:
i play d&d!
i have a cat he is black he is very Good
i've been on tumblr since 2013
i've been into MHA since 2019
i love metal and alt music the most
i have over 32 themed spotify playlists for my fav characters
i am in college, but have an undecided major (torn between a creative writing degree, psychology, or social media)
i tried to sell my feet on feet finder but immediately gave up because i didn't want to pay the subscription fee LMFAO
okay that's it for now.
i'll set the rest of the blog up as time goes on <3
also i need moots but that'll be a separate post okay bye guys thanks for reading if you read all the way through i love u big smooches for u mwah!
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Keepers of the Lost Cities Chapter 1
Here it is folks. The beginning. I really really hope this goes well ;-;.
UPDATE: I'm dropping the link to the fic on google docs so I don't abuse Tumblr :)
UPDATE UPDATE: We're up to chapter 6! Once we get to chapter 10, I might attempt to draw something. Sidenote, I might actually cry if someone made fan art of my oc or any of the 'bonus scenes' I add into the book.
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: Y'all, we're at chapter 8 now. I might randomly post two chapters in a day, depending on the length of the chapters.
Chapter 1
“Miss Foster!” Mr. Sweeney’s nasal voice cut through Sophie’s blaring music as he yanked her earbuds out by the cords. “Have you decided that you’re too smart to pay attention to this information?”
Sophie forced her eyes open. She tried not to wince as the bright fluorescents reflected off the unnecessarily vivid blue walls of the museum, amplifying the throbbing headache she was hiding.
“No, Mr. Sweeney,” she mumbled, shrinking under the glares of her now staring classmates. She pulled her shoulder-length blond hair around her face, wishing she could hide behind it. 
This was exactly the kind of attention she went out of her way to avoid. Why she wore dull colors and lurked in the back, blocked by the other kids who were at least a foot taller than her. 
It was the only way to survive as a twelve-year-old high school senior. 
“Then perhaps you can explain why you were listening to your iPod instead of following along?” Mr. Sweeney held up her earbuds like they were evidence in a crime. 
Although to him, they probably were. 
He’d dragged Sophie’s class to the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park, assuming his students would be excited about the all-day field trip. He didn’t seem to realize that unless the giant dinosaur replicas came to life and started eating people, no one cared. 
Sophie tugged out a loose eyelash—a nervous habit—and stared at her feet.
There was no way to make Mr. Sweeney understand why she needed the music to cancel the noise. 
He couldn’t even hear the noise. 
Chatter from dozens of tourists echoed off the fossil-lined walls and splashed around the cavernous room. But their mental voices were the real problem. 
Scattered, disconnected pieces of thoughts broadcast straight into Sophie’s brain—like being in a room with hundreds of TVs blaring different shows at the same time. They sliced into her consciousness, leaving sharp pains in their wake. 
She was a freak. 
It’d been her secret—her burden—since she fell and hit her head when she was five years old. She’d tried blocking the noise. Tried ignoring it. Nothing helped. And she could never tell anyone. They wouldn’t understand. 
“Since you’ve decided you’re above this lecture, why don’t you give it?” Mr. Sweeney asked. He pointed to the enormous orange dinosaur with a duckbill in the center of the room. “Explain to the class how the Lambeosaurus differs from the other dinosaurs we’ve studied.” 
Sophie repressed a sigh as her mind flashed to an image of the information card in front of the display. She’d glanced at it when they entered the museum, and her photographic memory recorded every detail. 
As she recited the facts in a droning tone, Mr. Sweeney’s face twisted into a scowl, and she could hear her classmates’ thoughts grow increasingly sour. They weren’t exactly fans of their resident child prodigy. 
They called her Curvebuster. 
She finished her answer, and Mr. Sweeney grumbled something that sounded like “know-it-all” as he stalked off to the exhibit in the next room over. Sophie didn’t follow. 
The thin walls separating the two rooms didn’t block the noise, but they muffled it. She grabbed what little relief she could. 
“Nice job, superfreak,” Garwin Chang—a boy wearing a T-shirt that said BACK OFF! I’M GONNA FART—sneered as he shoved past her to join their classmates. “Maybe they’ll write another article about you. ‘Child Prodigy Teaches Class About the Lame-o-saurus.’” 
“Hah. You only wish they’d write articles about you Chang.” A short blonde walked up to Sophie’s side, tilting her head towards her. “Don’t worry about him, Soph.” 
Quinn Parker was a presence not easily ignored. She was also Sophie’s only friend.
They were both only twelve, and seniors in high school, navigating the world with strange abilities together. 
Quinn could feel what other people were feeling if she got within close proximity of them, and knowing what others were feeling was, to quote Quinn, ‘Not fun.’ 
Sophie figured that must be almost as bad as having to hear other people’s thoughts. 
She tugged out another eyelash. 
Quinn shook her head and grabbed Sophie’s wrist to stop her from pulling any more. “He’s stupid anyway.” 
“I guess.” Sophie whispered. 
“I’m serious. You’re way smarter than anyone else I know.” Quinn reassured her, not letting go until Sophie begrudgingly nodded. “Okay, well, I know you probably want some relief from your headache, so I’ll leave you be. Don’t do anything dumb.”
Sophie sighed as she saw Quinn approaching Garwin, and had a feeling that she was going to start a problem that really didn’t need to be started.  Even if Garwin really was being a jerk. 
Garwin was still bitter Yale had offered her a full scholarship while his rejection letter had arrived a few weeks before. 
Not that she was allowed to go. 
Her parents said it was too much attention, too much pressure, and she was too young. 
End of discussion. 
So she’d be attending the much closer, much smaller San Diego City College next year—a fact some annoying reporter found newsworthy enough to post in the local paper the day before—CHILD PRODIGY CHOOSES CITY COLLEGE OVER IVY LEAGUE—complete with her senior photo.
 Her parents freaked when they found it. “Freaked” wasn’t even a strong enough word. More than half their rules were to help Sophie “avoid unnecessary attention.” Front-page articles were pretty much their worst nightmare. They’d even called the newspaper to complain. 
The editor had seemed almost as unhappy as they were. 
The story was run in place of an article on the arsonist terrorizing the city—and they were still trying to figure out how the mistake had happened. Bizarre fires with white-hot flames and smoke that smelled like burnt sugar took priority over everything. Especially a story about an unimportant little girl most people went out of their way to ignore. 
Or, they used to at least. 
Across the museum, Sophie caught sight of a tall, dark-haired, sepia-skinned, boy reading yesterday’s newspaper with the embarrassing black-and-white photo of her on the front. Then he looked up and stared straight at her. She’d never seen eyes that particular shade of blue before—teal, like the smooth pieces of sea glass she’d found on the beach—and they were so bright they glittered. 
Something flickered across his expression when he caught her gaze. Disappointment? Before she could decide what to make of it, he shrugged off the display he’d been leaning against and closed the distance between them. The smile he flashed belonged on a movie screen, and Sophie’s heart did a weird fluttery thing. 
“Is this you?” he asked, pointing to the picture. Sophie nodded, feeling tongue-tied. He was probably fifteen, and by far the cutest boy she’d ever seen, so why was he talking to her? 
“I thought so.” He squinted at the picture, then back at her. “I didn’t realize your eyes were brown.” 
“Uh . . . yeah,” she said, not sure what to say. “Why?” 
He shrugged. “No reason.” 
Something felt off about the conversation, but she couldn’t figure out what it was. And she couldn’t place his accent. Kind of British, but different somehow. Crisper? Which bothered her—but she didn’t know why. 
“Are you in this class?” she asked, wishing she could suck the words back as soon as they left her mouth. Of course he wasn’t in her class. She’d never seen him before. She wasn’t used to talking to boys—especially cute boys—and it made her brain a little mushy.  
His perfect smile returned as he told her, “No.” Then he pointed to the hulking greenish figure they were standing in front of. An Albertosaurus, in all its giant, lizardesque glory. “Tell me something. Do you really think that’s what they looked like? It’s a little absurd, isn’t it?” 
“Not really,” Sophie said, trying to see what he saw. It looked like a small T. rex: big mouth, sharp teeth, ridiculously short arms. Seemed fine to her. “Why? What do you think they looked like?” 
He laughed. “Never mind. I’ll let you get back to your class. It was nice to meet you, Sophie.” He turned to leave just as two classes of kindergartners barreled into the fossil exhibit. 
The crushing wave of screaming voices was enough to knock Sophie back a step. But their mental voices were a whole other realm of pain. Kids’ thoughts were stinging, high-pitched needles—and so many at once was like an angry porcupine attacking her brain. 
So much for relief… 
 Sophie closed her eyes as her hands darted to her head, rubbing her temples to ease the stabbings in her skull. Then she remembered she wasn’t alone. 
She glanced around to see if anyone noticed her reaction and locked eyes with the boy. His hands were at his forehead, and his face wore the same pained expression she imagined she’d had only a few seconds before. 
“Did you just . . . hear that?” he asked, his voice hushed. 
She physically felt the blood drain from her face. 
He couldn’t mean . . . It had to be the screaming kids. They created plenty of racket on their own. Shrieks and squeals and giggles, plus sixty or so individual voices chattering away. 
She gasped and took another step back as her brain solved her earlier problem. 
She could hear the thoughts of everyone in the room. But she couldn’t hear the boy’s distinct, accented voice unless he was speaking. His mind was totally and completely silent. 
That had only happened with one other person.
“Who are you?” she whispered.
 His eyes widened. “You did—didn’t you?” He moved closer, leaning in to whisper. “Are you a Telepath?” 
She flinched. 
The word made her skin itch. And her reaction gave her away.
 “You are! I can’t believe it,” he whispered. 
Sophie backed toward the exit. She wasn’t about to reveal her secret to a total stranger. It had taken her months- no- years to trust Quinn enough to tell her. 
“It’s okay,” he said, holding out his hands as he moved closer, like she was some sort of wild animal he was trying to calm. “You don’t have to be afraid. I’m one too.” 
Sophie froze. 
“My name’s Fitz,” he added, stepping closer still. 
Fitz? What kind of a name was Fitz? 
She studied his face, searching for some sign that this was all part of a joke. 
“I’m not joking,” he said, like he knew exactly what she was thinking. 
Maybe he did.
She wobbled on her feet. She’d spent the past seven years wishing she could find someone else like her —someone who could do what she could. Now that she’d found him, she felt like the world had tilted sideways. 
He grabbed her arms to steady her. “It’s okay, Sophie. I’m here to help you. We’ve been looking for you for twelve years.” 
Twelve years? And what did he mean by “we”? Better question: What did he want with her? 
The walls closed in and the room started to spin. Air. She needed air. She jerked away and bolted through the museum, running straight into Quinn. 
“Soph? You okay? What’s wrong?” 
Sophie couldn’t respond. She just ran, ignoring Quinn’s shouting for her to come back. 
Sophie shot out of the museum’s ginormous doors, nearly tripping in the process. She sucked in giant breaths as she ran down the stairs in front of the museum. The smoke from the fires burned her lungs and white bits of ash flew in her face, but she ignored them. She wanted as much space between her and the strange boy as possible. 
“Sophie, come back!” Fitz shouted behind her. 
She picked up her pace as she raced through the courtyard at the base of the steps, past the wide fountain and over the grassy knolls to the sidewalk. No one got in her way—everyone was inside because of the poor air quality. But she could still hear his footsteps gaining on her. 
“Wait,” Fitz called. “You don’t have to be afraid.” 
She ignored him, pouring all her energy into her sprint and fighting the urge to glance over her shoulder to see how far back he was. 
She made it halfway through a crosswalk before she heard Quinn’s terrified voice calling her name.
 The sound of screeching tires reminded her she hadn’t looked both ways. Her head turned and she locked eyes with a terrified driver struggling to stop his car before it plowed right over her. 
She was going to die.
And there ya go folks. Consider yourselves fed. No but fr I accept all criticism (unless you're being a douche) and I love knowing other people's opinions. (Please tell me if it sucks :)) One thing I forgot to mention is that I moved up the timing a bit, mostly so we could have newer music and a Nintendo switch in the fic. (I wanted the gang to play Mario kart don't come for me.) So right now the current timing is September of 2017.
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
Do you have zimbits fic recs? I’ve never really gotten into Check Please fic, but I just got Madison in the mail and now I wanna read more zimbits but don’t know where to start!
YOU GOT MADISON?????? ASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH!!! My order hasn't been shipped yet so no spoilers, but you ask and you shall receive. It got long, so I am putting it under a cut in no particular order. ALSO the new Tumblr post maker is absolutely fucking terrible and it took so long to format this because of it. The whole idea of creating "blocks" in posts is stupid and it doesn't function well ANYWAY FIC TIME.
Set Your Old Heart Free by IBoatedHere
Jack doesn’t find Bitty after graduation. They don’t kiss. Jack doesn't go to Madison for the 4th. They still fall in love.
It's a simple premise, but so well executed. I uhhh always cry at the end and I love to read Jack's thoughts.
when it’s over (you’re the start) by @whoacanada
Jack goes to sleep in Providence next to his boyfriend and wakes up in Montréal to discover he's been in a coma since 2009. Refusing to believe Samwell, Bitty, and the Falconers were all a dream, Jack tracks down the real Shitty, Lardo, Ransom, and Holster to find they’ve shared the same group hallucination for years. Now, they’re on a mission to find Bitty, the love of Jack’s non-existent life, and the only member of SMH they can’t seem to get in contact with.
What it says on the tin. It is a "what if" story and it is great.
i'll see you with your laughter lines by the_one_that_fell
Eric Bittle was fourteen when his soulmate died.
They'd never even gotten to meet.
This is a great story, but heed the warnings. It's an interesting spin on the soulmate trope, because yeah, you can argue that Jack died when he overdosed, even if it was just for a small moment.
like a handprint on my heart by the_one_that_fell
"Dude, we've got an over-competitive golf dad, a badass art freak, a pre-med lax bro on the verge of a breakdown, a chronically naked rugby player, a beat-boxing giant, and an itty-bitty, baking figure skater - there's no way we came together accidentally. This was fate."
"Or it's the normal progression of human beings making friends. Chill out, bro."
(Or, the one where no one plays hockey, but it still manages to bring them all together.)
I have so much to say about this story. SO MUCH. It once gave me a breakdown when I was feeling super lonely, cause the fic is about friendship. Zimbits is just a part of it, though. Everyone gets a moment to shine and it's so good.
don't you look charming (here in the eye of a hurricane) by @whoacanada
In 2009, Jack Zimmermann doesn't just walk away from his future, he packs a bag and runs.
ANGST ANGST ANGST!! This fic captivated me so much. I don't know what else to say!!!
My Words on Your Skin by There_Once_Was_A_Girl
Jack and Bitty have a unique soul connection, they can write back and forth to each other by writing on their own skin. They know each other long before they've ever met. But when Jack overdoses Bitty thinks he's lost the love of his life forever.
Just like the other soulmate AU fic above, this takes the soulmate idea and runs with it. What do you do when you believe the other is dead?
you’ve got my number by ambrosius
It’s not as if Jack was totally inept when it came to technology. He could handle his Tweeter (Tweety? Twits? Twitter? Did it really matter?) just fine and if he’s honest, he much preferred texting to calling most days. So when he gets added to a group chat full of strangers, well, he’s pretty sure he can handle whatever comes next.
This one is so good. I am a bitch for epistolary stuff and I am glad it exists.
Graduation Dayby IBoatedHere
It takes Jack 50 days to finally see what's been right in front of him for the past two years.
Groundhog Day AU, but make it Zimbits. Jack doesn't kiss Bitty when he graduates, and that's fine, right? Well, looks like the universe disagrees. Also this fic has a real good platonic Jackshit moment.
Will Wonders Never Cease by @porcupine-girl
Eric has landed his dream job: social media manager for the Providence Falconers! Not only does he get paid to tweet, for an NHL team at that, but it’s a job where he’ll be able to make good use of his magic - when nobody’s looking, of course. Everyone on the Falconers is a joy to work with… with the notable exception of Jack Zimmermann. Eric understands that Jack doesn’t like social media, but he could certainly be a little more polite about it.
Luckily, Eric has support from his Samwell buddies, as well as his best friend - a man whose face he’s never seen, and whose name he doesn’t know. They met on an online forum where witches can gather anonymously, since it isn’t safe for them to advertise their existence in a world where magic isn’t trusted. They’ve been friends for years now, but Eric is only just starting to realize that he might have deeper feelings for someone he can never meet face-to-face.
THIS FIC!!! Jenna, I don't know if you read my fic Ebb & Flow, but I mentioned this fic in the author's note, because it was a huge inspiration. It's a secret identity magical She Loves Me AU. It sounds bonkers, but it is so goooood.
if you're going through hell (keep going) by @whoacanada
Eighteen years ago, Samwell suffered the tragic loss of one of their most promising young athletes. Ever since rumors have circulated that the school is haunted by the ghost of Eric Bittle. At least, that’s the only way anyone can seem to explain why the locker rooms smell like freshly baked apple pie on game days instead of the usual, omnipresent hockey funk.
Now in the twilight of his career, Jack Zimmermann is facing his own mortality and the last item on his bucket list?
Return to Samwell and disprove the rumor that his long-dead boyfriend is haunting Faber Memorial Rink.
MAIN CHARACTER DEATH!!! WARNING!!! And not like the previous soulmate AUs where the one thinks the other is dead. Bitty dies and Jack moved on, but he has to face the past, because people claim Bitty's ghost is real. Jack decides to find out himself.
Inertia by @foryouandbits
At the age of seven, Eric Bittle is tackled so hard in peewee football, it feels as though he's been knocked into another dimension. At the encouragement of his father, he avoids contact sports until he receives a scholarship to play hockey at Samwell University. The result is the same: every check on the ice hurts so much that Eric hallucinates another world. Eric spends the rest of his freshman year attempting to prove himself to his captain and his coaches. He questions his worth, his talent, and his sanity, and in his search for answers, he uncovers long-hidden secrets that change everything he has ever known.
I loved this one. It is an interesting take on dimension travel and Coach in this story is so great as well. I highly recommend it.
Ice Crew Please! by @petals42
Jack Zimmermann was drafted first by the Providence Falconers when he was eighteen years old. He is good at hockey. Very good. His team won the Cup his second year and now, in his third year, they are looking good. Jack should be on top of the world. And some days, he manages to convince himself he is.
He’s not, of course.
Enter the Ice Crew.
AKA: The Ice Crew AU
This sorta!fic is a fic about friendship thawing Jack Zimmermann's heart. Jack realises he's kind of a dick towards the ice crew of the Falcs and so he gets to know them, including Bitty. It's a good fucking friendship fic.
All shall know the wonder by me, lol
When Bitty decides to skate on Sunday mornings, he didn’t expect to meet a nice, handsome man who cannot hear. The Sunday mornings lead to a deep friendship that slowly leads to more.
Yes, I am finishing this list with a shameless self-promotion. I have 28 fics on AO3, 27 of them being Zimbits (one Holsom) and this is my favourite. Yeehaw.
That's it for now. There's a lot more in my Check, Please! fic tag. Also, hi to the people I have @'ed. If y'all know the tumblr URLs of some writers mentioned on this post, lemme know so I can add them.
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kharmii · 13 days
Yeah, it's the hugely amount of respect he shows and him just embracing this foreign culture like he always has used it. (Also seeing him going "Almighty Sinnoh!" in fics or getting confused when they refer to the Region as Sinnoh, despite at the end of the games story they decided to call Hisui Sinnoh from now on. It sometimes makes me feel only a handful of people have actually played the game and the majority just does whatever they want...
Nevermind me. Also that comic was wholesome and cute!
Now I wanna hear your take on all of this since it felt you implied you had your own thoughts on that topic as well! (and honestly I like reading your takes and opinions. People might be beefing with you at times but everyone is allowed to have their own opinions. (also all the characters are fictional so lay off the moral compass @ others))
Everybody has the right to their own opinions, but if someone is a minor on here, then they should stay out of shipping discourse. A lot of ships involve stupid fetishes that are R-18. If someone is a legal adult who is not emotionally mature enough to recognize that fetishes can't be seen in the context of irl morality, then that person should also stay out of shipping discourse. Use that block button. If you can't tell that an incest fetish isn't the same as supporting irl incest, then by all means, block that 'immoral' person.
I get this is the 'werewolf fckn site' (as reference to that gross post showing a pineapple being squeezed in a vice to represent knotting). It's not really that specific thing, per se, but Tumblr to me has always been a fandom fetish site. I've been on here since 2014 and seen Rule 34 about almost everything. It just seems like certain kinks are overrepresented because we have to deal with the social contagion of trans-coded fetishes, and so we're stuck seeing smelly wolf beasts, enormously fat people vomiting and farting on each other, ass-womb m-preg abortions, etc etc.....
About Ingo...not sure if anything ever bugged me in fan fiction besides the ultrabeast head canon, but it bothered me in canon that they made him so short. Even with a hunched back, I feel like he should have been closer to Volo's height and definitely taller than the clan leaders. I'm also not wild about the head canons where there's this huge age gap between Ingo and Melli, and that Ingo was there long enough to know him as a child.
Also, blankshippers beefed with Volo ships because they didn't like how he was an implausible alternative, but then Melli is just as bad. They did interact in the highlands and probably both spend a lot of time there, but realistically they are from different clans so it's awkward. I still like the ship because there's so much good content of it, just that in the back of my mind I'm like....there's no way that would ever happen. Ingo might be friendly with his clan and the people in the training grounds, but he wouldn't ever be able to fully integrate. If he said "Almighty Sinnoh" or showed so much respect to Sneasler, then it would only be because he felt he had to do it or risk committing a faux pas. I doubt he'd have anything to do with the Diamond Clan and wouldn't interact with Melli unless he had to.
Anyway, have some cute pictures of Ingo with his giant purple cat sloth thing.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Art credit: The Skiz biz@limitlesskyz
agari┃みすきはヘッダ@agari33 Twitter.
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eirenical · 10 months
twenty questions for fic writers
Was tagged by @elenothar, @kholran, AND @fixaidea to do this meme, so I guess I should do this meme? XD
Where possible when linking fic, I've linked to my tumblr post and not the fic itself, so if you'd like to read the tags/further notes before jumping into the fic, you can. Also because all my fic are locked to users-only on AO3 these days because of AI nonsense. :P
Tagging: @laireshi, @enechelon, @difeisheng, @lizardrosen, @slangerogkatter, @kalypartemis, @dreamer-wisher-liar, @humanlighthouse, @shaish and as always, anyone who sees this and wants to do it. No obligations to participate, just an invitation to join in the fun. ^_^
How many works do you have on AO3?
171 works. And I have some from ff.net that I still haven't migrated over yet.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
...holy fuck, you guys. O_O
3. What fandoms do you write for?
*sobs in 'i've barely written anything this year'*
Actively (and I use the word loosely) I write for Mysterious Lotus Casebook, DMBJ, Granting You a Dreamlike Life, Guardian, and I'm dabbling around in South Wind Knows at the moment.
The rest of my responses behind a cut. ^_^
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Center Cannot Hold… But It Can Change (Rise of the Guardians (2012)) (3,649 words)
beyond the end of the story (镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018)) (5,988 words) -- this story has a lovely podfic by @flamingwell, too, that I would heartily recommend.
Legacies Lost (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV)) (41,962 words)
When Is a Curse Not a Curse? When It Becomes a Gift. (盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV)) (16,289 words) -- this story also has an incredible podfic, this time by @thelaithlyworm.
All of the Above and Much More Besides (Les Misérables - All Media Types) (12,007 words)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to respond to every single comment. Then I had a bad exchange where I just did NOT get to respond to comments because my life kind of... exploded. And then I felt so guilty for not responding to those amazing comments, that it built a giant wall of awful for me in front of "responding to comments." So now I really, really do my best, but sometimes I just can't. And it bothers me kind of a lot. *sigh*
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think that honor goes to I Have Come To Sleep With You (warning: MCD) -- a fic that should have been a Barricade Day fic but somehow wasn't... which probably explains why it's the fic with the angstiest ending XD
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Four blocks from the barricade, Feuilly finally stopped his headlong flight, arrested by a shortness of breath from a wound left behind by a bullet that had had his own name written upon it… and by a query so softly voiced that he almost believed he had imagined it until he heard it again.
"You are bleeding." A short pause. "I believe you are wounded, my friend." Another pause. A wet laugh. "You and I are a matched set, I fear. Come. Sit with me, awhile. Rest. You are always racing about. A force not to be--" A harsh cough. "--stopped. It is why Enjolras admires you so."
I think most of my fic have happy endings? It's rare that I truly leave one sad. And I'm not sure how to judge which one is the happiest.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thank goodness, no. Not usually. Though I have gotten a few insensitive comments or comments that made me uncomfortable before.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Boy, do I. ;D
Of my 171 fic posted on AO3, 44 of them are rated M or E. And I'm not sure how to discuss what kind, but it's mostly M/M and a not insignificant number of them are tagged noncon and dead dove, so, that probably means something. ^_~
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have written both crossovers and fusions. But if we're going with the classic definition of crossover (as in a story where characters from both canons interact), then probably my "craziest" one would be this one:
Five Times That Berger Saw Him, which is a Hair - MacDermot/Rado/Ragni x Eloise at the Plaza (Movies) crossover that grew out of the fact that Gavin Creel played both Claude in the 2009 Broadway Revival of Hair and Bill in the Eloise movies.
Major Character Death, Homelessness, Mistaken Identity, Romance, Grief
The first time Berger saw him it was Spring, and he was certain that he was having a flashback.
Only because tonally the canons are VERY different.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
To the best of my knowledge, no?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A few of my Hair fic were translated, and I think one or two others, but I'm blanking on which.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Twice, both of which are unfinished and one of which was not published. One was from way back in my Sailor Moon days in college and was written with one of my college roommates. It's still up on my website, if you go look. ;D The other is a Guardian fic that I was co-writing with @elenothar, but we've both kind of wandered out of Guardian fandom for now. I have hopes that someday we'll come back to it because I really like the idea, still, but only time will tell. ^_^
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I honestly don't think I could pick a favorite. O_o;;; Especially as almost every single ship I've loved has been one I've eventually grown tired of. My current favorite is definitely Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua, but I don't think I have an all-time favorite.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
...................TNTC. But I never say never on a WiP, so who knows? ^_^
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that I'm good at getting character voices down in narratives? Like, that when I write a character it sounds like them? I hope that's true. ^_^
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action/fight scenes. OTZ I've been working at them, but they're still hard for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It was ALL THE RAGE in anime fandom when I came up through it like... 25 years ago. Fanon Japanese was EVERYWHERE. And then it became very cringe to do that. Now... I don't know. There are some words/concepts that REALLY don't translate without a full author's note. And there are modes of address that don't translate and thus I prefer to see in their original language. But full dialogue in another language without a translation available can be an accessibility issue? So if you're going to do it, I think a translation should be provided somewhere, like in hover notes or a glossary or a parenthetical or something? IDK. I still don't really have a clear opinion on it, tbh.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The first fandom I wrote for that I KNEW I was writing for was Sailor Moon. But I was making up stories for characters in shows I loved (and often acting them out, either alone or with friends) since I was VERY young. If that counts, then it was probably Smurfs? XD
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I was going to say I don't know, but I just realized I DO know.
It's Composite Events, hands down. ^_^
It's almost 60,000 words worth of DMBJ x Dollhouse fusion fic and to this day is one of the only fic that I had mostly outlined before I wrote it, even though I VASTLY underestimated how many words it would take to write. XD Please heed the tags on that one if you're going to go down that road, though. It's fairly dark and consent issues are a running thread throughout.
Once upon a time, Wu Xie fell in love with a man who wasn’t real. The man who wasn’t real loved Wu Xie in return, and in so doing, became just as real as he was. But being real comes with dangers of its own, and those dangers could destroy everything they both hold dear.
Special mentions go to:
Muet, Les Miserables, modern AU -- this is definitely another 'heed the tags' situation... for pretty much the same reasons. XD
In a world where the government controls even thoughts, free speech is a luxury few can afford. Les Amis de l'ABC believe it should not be a luxury so much as a right, and those in power will do whatever they must – will destroy whoever they must – to silence them for good. When Enjolras is the one to fall prey to their machinations, Les Amis are left reeling and without a leader. R couldn’t care less about that. He just wants his partner back.
Legacies Lost, The Untamed, canon divergence AU
Sixteen years ago, the Yiling Patriarch died, a victim to his own hubris and the Yin Tiger Seal. Hundreds of cultivators from many different sects died with him that day, their souls forever doomed to find no rest, even in death. On this, the 16th anniversary of the battle of Qiongqi Pass, Jin Ling is determined to make pilgrimage, to try to put the spirit of his long-lost father to rest. He finds much more than he bargained for, and what he finds… will change everything.
Lightning in a Bottle, Mysterious Lotus Casebook, pre-canon
You’re 15 years old and you hear his name for the first time. He defeated the demon of the Blood Realm, they say. A prodigy. The fastest sword in the jianghu. The promise of your generation fulfilled. A hero.You have no use for heroes.
When Is a Curse Not a Curse? When It Becomes a Gift.; The Lost Tomb Reboot, post-canon
...and I'm sure I'll think of a million others that I should have mentioned, too, as soon as I post this. OTZ
It started, for once, with Wu Xie being just a hair faster to react than anyone else.Wu Xie had seen Xiaoge across the room, eyes wide, breath catching, pulling his fingers from the delicate door mechanism they’d been exploring, gathering himself to run, to intercede, to take on the consequences of Wu Xie’s actions, like he always did…  Maybe it was the lingering effects of the golden water.  Maybe it was pure dumb luck.  Whatever it was, Wu Xie beat Xiaoge to it, blocking everyone else from the puff of some ancient dust trap which then hit him full in the face.Dimly, somewhere beyond his struggling lungs, Wu Xie could hear people calling his name, voices raised in desperation and fear.
Wu Xie has often wondered what goes on in the mind of their Menyouping.  Thanks to an accident in a tomb, he’s about to find out… and get a lot more than he bargained for.
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neopuppy · 6 days
I just got caught with everything on here and your stories. Again, you’re amazing and so is your writing. That being said I saw someone say that nctblr feels dead and I’ve felt the same. I think one problem is the policing that some people on tumblr do. Writers can express themselves and their delusions despite it literally being “fan fiction” without someone getting triggered and jumping down their throats.
The other reason is the lack of support. I’ve seen writers like yourself and others stating again and again, likes are okay but they don’t do anything. REBLOG! I’ve tried to help as much as I can when I can but I am only one person.
Maybe one day people will wake up and realize if they want content to stay they need to participate in it. Anyway, wishing you all the best wishes 👋
ty friend🩷🩷
policing is a BIG one and has always been. after writing for 2 fandoms for some time now I see the giant difference and how I felt isolated from nctblr- the other writers have been quite evil towards me during my span here as well. there is no ‘community’ only bullshit competitions. they instigate the hate toward people like me who dont write the standard genres on here worse than the readers.
I just saw a tweet saying “Jeno oppa, OPPA JENO.” and thought to myself how I need to write something……but then I immediately scratched that thought with “not for tumblr though.” because the weird rules on here abt whats allowed to be written is ridiculous. like that Shameless fic…..have gotten a few comments on that one that I just blocked right away bc who the fuck do u think u are coming on MY fucking account reading MY fucking writing and then continuing to comment some BULLSHIT? BYEEEEEE.
I think I’ll be able to write more of what I want to write on patreon, sorry everyone but I do not feel comfortable sharing all of my writing on here publicly anymore due to the way I have been treated by this fandom for yrs🙄
why do I make the effort to add warnings when someone will still proceed to read and get mad🤣
as a whole I think nct aren’t as….desired? like most of my readers are located in foreign countries actually😅 whereas other fandoms(skz, ateez, bts, enha, etc) its a lot of the western fans reading/writing which imo attracts more engagement, maybe language barrier or just🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows.
for as long as I have been on here 127 fics have been deceased and people only rly cared about Dream, which is rly sad. if they do pop puss for any 127 fic its always Jaehyun, so whatever.
I still love nct, so I’m still here for now😁🩷
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asirensrage · 1 year
Dear anon,
I'm not posting your giant rant to reply to because a) it's the same arguments you've made before and we've been through that and b) most of it had nothing to do with me.
What did have to do with me are these two main parts:
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Babes, if you send an ask on anon, people cannot reply privately, therefore it's answered on their blog. Once that happens, it's no longer a private conversation. You've opened it up so that others can see what a dick you're being. So yeah, it is an open invitation as soon as it's posted. Don't like it? Stop being a dick.
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You can just tell me that you've missed me, you know? My lack of content recently? I just updated one of my main fics four days ago. Plus, I have this wild thing called real life going on that takes me away from tumblr and actually interacting with people face to face. Strange concept, I know.
You must know me by now, anon, and know that telling me to delete my account (which you did a couple times in this ask) is just going to make me dig my heels in and get comfy. I already told you I'm not going anywhere and if I made people uncomfortable, my follower count wouldn't continue to increase and I wouldn't interact with as many as I do. As for the lack of content...you must just want more drabbles and oneshots, don't you? Because I thrive off of spite and considering your complaints in this ask that "there's no need [..] to write disgusting smut", that tells me you just want more spite smut.
Haven't you realized that the problem right now is you? You're the one coming into people's ask boxes to complain and accuse people. Others are just trying to live their life and enjoy their blogs but you're trying to make yourself everyone's problem because you refuse to accept the simple solution of blocking people you don't like.
Seems a bit masochistic on your end if you ask me, but hey, ykinmk.
Sorry about your luck, babes. I'm not going anywhere.
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bihansthot · 2 years
Hey there. I don't know what caused you to make you decide to leave the fandom, but I am sorry to hear that. I tried to add you on Discord but couldn't. If you want to talk, please drop me a message. About those people, don't let them get to you. I know it's hard, but you should do it to protect your sanity. Once you let others in more than you should, you will start to change negatively. I do understand what you are going through. Because of those people, I grew cold off the fandom and stopped all my roleplays and chats about MK. I don't want the same to happen to you. I like your creations and have been following your blog for a while. You can always take a break actually it helps a lot because there are many toxic people on Tumblr. But don't let others affect you more than they should. I wish you the best
People ignoring everything I do or say and arbitrarily blocking me made me leave. I can tell I’m not welcome or wanted anymore but I can’t tell if it’s me being old, people think I’m a cunt, or simply because I like Bi-Han and don’t fit nicely into their little cliques that they ostracize me.
I try not to let it get to me but it’s hard, I’ve never fit in anywhere, in high school I was the big tiddy goth girlfriend who liked anime and Visual Kei before it had become mainstream, so I was teased and ridiculed to the point I tried to unalive myself three separate times. My mother has ridiculed me my whole life for being overweight and didn’t ever care about my suicide attempts. I did have friends on MK message boards (yeah we’re talking late 90’s early 00’s) and they kept me going. It was the one place I felt accepted and loved. It felt the same years ago when I joined the MK fandom on Tumblr years ago, I was popular, well liked and people really loved my head canons and fics. It all went downhill when a certain someone who I was very close with spread horrible rumors about me I lost a lot of my friends and had to block a lot who were mutuals with both of us. It also didn’t help when when I found out someone I got quite close to lied to me for weeks and I found out they were really someone else in the fandom who I already had a rocky relationship with, now I full on can’t stand them. It was around then I stopped making content, there’s only so many ways I can describe sex and Bi-Han’s cock, and that’s when people stopped talking to me. I was focused on self shipping with Bi-Han and that’s apparently a nono in the fandom, so I got shit for it. To which I say a giant fuck you to because they’re is nothing wrong with self shipping. TLRD I was now an outcast of the kommunity. Which I still am now. So it’s really hard for me to be on my own again because it takes me back to that really dark place in high school. Which is my very long way of saying it’s why I’m so concerned about what others think and me fitting in.
So I thought it was possibly best for my mental health just to leave the fandom entirely.
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absentcaryatid · 2 years
A Tale of Two Taeils
An NCT fanfic by AbsentCaryatid
NCT discovers Taeil is late for a group meeting due to circumstances far beyond his control.
946 words, Content note: all ages, kissing is referenced but not present in the story
Today Taeyong had asked all the members to gather for a big announcement. Not wanting to repeat himself to latecomers, he decided to take roll. “WayV, got all your boys?”
Kun looked around. “Everybody is here that is supposed to be here.”
“Good. Mark, how about the Dreamies?”
“Seven, so that's everybody.”
Taeyong grunted approval and completed his tally. Shotaro and Sungchan were present. Next he looked for the men who made up the 127 unit. Starting with himself, he toted up nine members then stopped, sensing a problem. Winwin had been included out of old habit, but he had already been counted in Kun's tally. So, that meant somebody was missing. Deciding to go in age order, Taeyong scanned the room for Taeil but he was nowhere to be found. “Where the heck is Taeil?”
At that moment, Taeil burst into the room. “So sorry I am late! This building was unfamiliar to me.”
Why one of their own members was confused by the unchanged SM Entertainment layout became clear as they observed the man who stood there in a stylish hat and thick rimmed glasses. About two inches shorter than their teammate, he also had very noticeable tattoos from arm to knuckles plus a giant purple bat on his neck. This was not the man they had been looking for.
Pulling his arms into his oversized sweater, Taeil waved to the assembly. “Hi. Some of you look pretty young and might not know me. I'm Taeil, Lee Taeil of Block B.”
The group's name dawned across the members. Yuta was the first to speak. “You work with Zico, right?”
The author's face lit up in recognition. “I've heard of you! Toy, Shall We Dance, and your solo Doll's Dream are favorites of mine.”
“That sounds familiar. Yeah, we know Block B from Nalina, Very Good, Nillili Mambo, and Jackpot,” Jaehyun informed the others.
“Thanks,” Taeil offered with a shy smile. “I am pretty fond of Kick It myself.”
Doyoung grinned at the compliment from a fellow idol. That kind of recognition meant a lot. Still, he had a question. “Why visit SM Entertainment?”
Taeil looked as surprised as the rest of them by his presence. “I was in the practice rooms of Seven Seasons, and that writer was just about to have me confess undying love for my crush. Next thing I knew, I was suddenly yanked into this story. You have to help me get back, pretty sure I had a kissing scene coming up and I really don't want to miss that. I'm not written about as often as I used to be, so getting a love interest is something I want to return to as quickly as possible.”
The NCT members were stunned into silence by Taeil's admission of awareness they were in a fanfic. Well, most of them. Ten and Chenle began to giggle at Taeil's predicament.
As long as they were now mentioning it openly, Jungwoo wondered aloud on behalf of the group, “So, what are you doing in our fic, Taeil?”
“You have to admit a soloist from Block B meeting NCT seems an unusual combination for a story.” The others nodded along with Jaemin's contribution.
Yangyang thoughtfully added, “You are welcome here of course...”
“But you seem out of place,” Jisung bluntly concluded.
A scoff was heard from Jeno. “It is Tumblr, people here come up with some pretty unexpected crossovers.”
Haechan made an important connection when he remembered, “Meanwhile, our Taeil isn't here. I wonder if that is related.”
Johnny was the first to recognize the problem. Looking down to the bottom of the post, he directed everyone's attention to the tags. “You see that, it says 'Lee Taeil' instead of 'Moon Taeil.'”
Rolling his eyes, Taeil took the news well. “Of course! It has been happening to me a lot these days. Not on AO3 since once you choose the fandom the right people pop up for your characters, but Tumblr? Those tags can be tricky and even if you know the right name it can still switch on you after typing the correct one out. You should see the mess of my own 'Lee Taeil' search, there is more mislabeled NCT Moon Taeil than me some days.”
Going over their manuscript, the author was now alerted to the problem by the conversation they could not remember writing. Lifting their reading glasses, they squinted at the post. “Yep, this one is my fault. Sorry guys! I'll get right on it. I did not mean to drag you out of your own story, Lee Taeil.” Clicking the pencil icon, the author deleted the 'Lee Taeil' tag and added 'Moon Taeil' to the post making sure it was typed correctly.
With the edits now saved, Block B's Taeil started fading away. Looking down at himself, he began to grin and clasped his hands. “Please let me get back to my romance in time, please, please, please.” He then waved goodbye to the NCT members and was gone.
“Well he was nice,” Hendery commented.
Xiaojun agreed. “I liked him.”
Scrolling on his phone through a list of songs Taeil was known for, Renjun was impressed. “Too bad we didn't ask if he could sing something for us before he left. Love or Not was a nice duet with Sejeong a few years back. That might have been fun to hear.”
Taeyong was about to call everybody back to attention when Taeil, Moon Taeil of NCT, flung himself into the room.
“Please excuse my lateness,” he panted. “For some reason I felt like I didn't exist. It was really weird. Everything seems fine now though. Did I miss anything?”
General Masterlist
Masterlist of stories with No Reader/Idol Romance
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en-hale-archives · 2 years
Please read !
I've just been notified that an anon has spread false information about me to a creator whose work I am very fond of (@//fallinforgyu) and I am highly frustrated and on the verge of tears.
Here is that post:
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This is highly upsetting and I can't read this properly without wanting to scream.
I started this blog in May of 2021, it hasn't even been a year yet. You can scroll down to my first post and see that. so I don't know what "quite a while" stands for, but being less that a year long isn't much.
This is my secondary blog, my main blog is "en-theheights" where, yes, I made it when I was a sophmore in high school, 4 years ago, when I was 15 (I created it cause I was a huge fan of the disney series Andi Mack. It's mostly for the western series I watch now, like 911 and other shows). I am now 19, and I rarely ever post on my primary blog. You can go and see that I post very rarely, if at all.
I don't use Twitter. At all. And I have ever posted, commented, reposted, or whatever the fuck else you an do on there. I go on there every now and then on my crusty dusty account that has ZERO followers to check in on what Enhypen is posting and when they are trending, as well as my other hobby which is watching Thai and Korean dramas. That's it. I have NEVER messaged anyone on Twitter, nor has anyone messaged me. And I have never been in contact with ANYONE on Twitter. Ever. like never ever in my life. And I just made that account back in August of 2020.
This is the last time I'm going to keep having to repeat myself. I am 19. I turned 19 February of this year. I made this secondary blog when I was 18 in May of 2021. It is now April of 2022, and I am 19 years old. I am 4 months older that Sunoo. I have my age posted in my Carrd account, which you can find on my pinned post that is linked to the pink "about !". It has always been there. This entire time. I'm sorry, I just realized my age isn't posted in my bio, but it is now. 18 is the legal age in the US, where I live, but I'm not even 18, I am 19.
I have in my bio for people to not interact with me if they are under 18, why in this big giant world, would I say that if I weren't even 18+..?
I come on here to have fun and write for a group that I love. I was just coming on here today to look through my request and write something cause I had the motivation for it. I took a long period without writing due to personal life shit, and I didn't think I would have to deal with stuff like this where I come to relieve stress. and Instead, I'm shaking with all types of frustration. I believe this is the same anon that crapped on me for my interpretation of Jake in a recent fic of mine, and I gave two fucks (and still don't). That is cowardly of them to continue to harass me cause their views were different than mine of an INTERPRETATION of a fic about enhypen. a fictional story about enhypen. At this point, I think I'm just going to delete it, and move on, cause this is a bunch of foolishness and has caused more problems for me than I have ever had in my entire Tumblr life.
If there is anyone that can get in contact with me to please get in contact with the en- writer @//fallinforgyu, I beg that you do. And please let them know this anon is spreading false information. I adore that content writer with everything in me, so please, if anyone can (@//fallinforgyu has blocked me bc they believed anon when they said I'm a minor, I am not, for the umpteenth time.)
I like to keep my personal life private off the internet. I'm not going to post my fucking birth certificate or driver's license so that I can satisfy such a cowardly anon. But I am 19, and I have never lied bout my age, nor have I ever talked to anyone on Twitter. Period.
I am going to continue writing bc that is what I love to do. I do this for fun and when I have the time to. I don't have time for an anon who got their feelings hurt and is deciding to take it to other accounts. Please, if you can, message me if you would be willing to talk to fallingforgyu for me!!! PLease, please, please!!!!
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rainbowtransform · 2 years
Okay so I can't watch RTMNT on mobile with parental controls apparently, so!!! I'm wondering!!! Do you have Tumblr/DeviantArt fanfics and or comics that take the cake. (This is such a niche sorta content rec ask but if I know someone's got me it's you-)
I mean you can throw AO3 stuff too, but I'd have to get my switch for it later ^-^
Post-Apocalypse Healing
Mikey & Leo, Turtle Tots
Piebald(?) (I think that’s how you spell it)
Favorite comic moments There are actual comics to this show but I don’t know where to find them tbh
Crossover with 2003, 2012, and Bay Movies
Now, onto the fanfics where I have decimated most of them, and hunger for more.
Hanging by a Turtle: “It happens almost too quickly. One moment Don has both feet on the ground, fighting some new wacko mutant trying to blow up the city, and the next? Wacko mutant does something Don can’t really process, and the ground is giving out beneath them.
Wacko mutant gets away. Donnie and his brothers? Yeah, they don’t.”
We’ve cleaned our wounds but the pain doesn’t fade that soon: “A post-movie look at how the Hamato family deals with the what happened after they've had a chance to recover.”
Operation: rest day: “Mikey gets an art block. Leo steps in.”
(SEE ALSO: Raph & Donnie (the same author wrote both and I’m recommending them.))
Baby Blues: “It seems like no matter how hard the boys try, trouble always finds them.
Apparently, going to a yokai festival is no exception. Sure, they probably should have seen this coming; if trouble always finds them, then going to the Hidden City is just wearing a giant neon sign plastered to their backs saying "Hey! Right here!" But they had tried so hard this time not to screw this up. They even listened to Splinter's orders about sticking together
Well, for the most part. But everyone was fine in the end. Leo's fine!
Except for the fact that he's five years old.”
(This is supposed to be a multi-chaptered fic, and I’ve got it on good record that it’ll come back with a chapter two soon, but it’s a really good oneshot too.)
Turtles, meet Turtles: “First it was Sacks, then it was Krang, and now it’s... themselves? Or at least, the mutants they find certainly look like them!”
(Bay Movies/Rottmnt crossover)
On Understanding Caring Hearts: “Leo was injured, badly, during a mission gone wrong. One moment he was on lookout duty with Donatello, the next he was on the ground, trying to make sense of everything as the world moved around him.
Fortunately, his brothers are there to help him through, at least, Leo thinks they are.”
Like Father Like Son: “Draxum wasn't quite ready to give up on his plan to use the turtles as his ultimate weapons just yet. When Leo is taken by Draxum, it's up to the other three turtles to get their brother back before it's too late.
Post episode The Evil League of Mutants.”
(Mind the tags on this, love)
save your tears (for another day): ““Oh my god?” Leo asks, staring at the weird, other fucking mutant turtles in the room, accompanied by two of the strangest humans Raph thinks he’s ever seen. “Are you guys - are you guys us?”
orrrr a crossover btwn 2012 and 2018 :)
(now with a sequel 😌😌)”
Panic Buttons: “It feels like he’s dying. His air is being ripped from him and his eyes are drooping and he’s dying he’s dying.”
A Singular, Bloody Mattress: “Dammit, he needs to think! Raph isn't the greatest at coming up with plans; he's always been more of a "smash first, talk later" kind of a guy.
And look where that got them. Raph's baby brother is bleeding out to death, they're being pursued by the stupid flame-heads with deadly (well, deadlier) paper ninjas with nowhere to go, and they're stuck in a mattress store of all places.
Leo would have known what to do. Hell, he'd have gotten them home by now with one of his portals, where they'd be enjoying the rest of their evening with pizza and a movie.
But they're not home. They're stuck with no where to run to, and Raph can't think.”
This is all I’ll give you for now :D. Read ‘em, and then let me know when youre done so I can give you more later on. And if I find any way to get the comics free, I’ll def let you know too!!
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selfawarejester · 3 years
So, someone requested a fic where Blue Team rescues a Child!Reader from a war zone, but unfortunately Tumblr ate the ask. If you’re the one who requested it, please enjoy!
EDIT: found a screenshot! @simp-for-fictional-men-only, hope you like this!
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Blue Team x Child!Reader (Halo)
It’s been a long “day”, even by Spartan standards.
Blue Team had been trying to repel Covenant forces on an Outer Colonies planet for over a week… but it hadn’t been enough. Command had called an evacuation, and after destroying a base to help the efforts, Blue Team had been ordered to help with final evacuation calls in the nearest town.
On the Pelican ride to town, there was a brief moment where they thought it was a waste of resources to send Spartans for an evacuation op, especially because the other Spartan teams were still doing the best they could to strike back at the Covenant; not necessarily to stop them anymore, just to hold them back long enough for the civilians to escape and maybe a little revenge. The events of the week, coupled with the guilt of their brothers and sisters still risking their lives, weighed on them heavily.
But at the end of the day, they’re glad they did: they found a group in the Rec center, a dozen people in the boroughs, twenty in an apartment complex — the Marines wouldn’t have been able to lift most of the wreckage that blocked them from escaping.
By the time they’d gotten to the outskirts of town, Blue Team had been left alone to sweep through the dead town. Chief considered just going to meet up with the Marines — surely, they could match the pace of the overloaded Troop Transports — and this area was just dilapidated factories and shady looking establishments that had long since been stampeded.
But a need to fulfil his task to completion stayed his hand… and thank god it did.
At first, it was just soft sniffles that sounded from the inside of the rundown factory. Chief and Kelly, who’d partnered up to search this side of the district, thought it was one of the many Jackals that had been posted in the previous sector wandering, or a Grunt that had been left behind after the Jackals had entertained themselves (in which case, they should probably put the thing out of its misery), so they go inside.
Chief goes first, moving carefully through the debris so as to not dislodge the wreckage, or disturb the corpses of the few soldiers and more civilians. He retrieves their dog tags, securing them in one of the compartments of the MJOLNIR, and Kelly follows, stepping where he does.
Slowly, the sound becomes louder and louder, wheezing and snotty sobbing. Definitely an injured Grunt, he thinks. It’s coming from under a slab of concrete propped up against a wall. Kelly flanks to the right, while Chief goes to the left. He signals that he’ll lift it on the count of three, and grips the edge of the slab. When the slab gets tossed aside, Kelly raises her shotgun, pointing directly at the small figure.
You shriek and bury your head in your knees, pulled up to your chest. You couldn’t believe that after all the gross, awful things you’d had to sit through, holed up in this corner, you were just going to die.
But when nothing happens for a solid five seconds, you chance a peek over your knees and gasp. S-117 and S-087 are emblazoned across the chests of the armored giants… Spartans.
Kelly and Chief exchange confused gazes, having no idea how to deal with children. The last ones they’d had any interaction with was the Castoffs on Netherop, but they were more feral gremlins than they had been children.
(Kelly and Fred still aren’t entirely sure that the whole incident wasn’t a heat-induced hallucination.)
John really doesn’t want to go through another episode like it, but on the other hand, it would be easier if you were pelting rocks at them.
Kelly, being the more personable of the two, kneels to your height (or as close as a Spartan could get) and softly calls. “You don’t have to be scared. We’re here to help.”
You knew that — they were Spartans! The greatest heroes Humanity ever possessed! You were just shocked that you were getting rescued by them.
“Y-you’re Spartans.” You whisper dumbly, but you couldn’t help it! How are you supposed to be cool when you grew up with Master Chief’s action figure on your nightstand. “Like Master Chief.”
You can’t see it, but John can sense Kelly’s smirk as she looks over at him and points. “Well, that’s the man himself.”
* Oh no. By the way your wet, moved eyes stare up at him, it seems you’re a fan.
OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!! You hope your pterodactyl screeching wasn’t external.
“Whoa.” This couldn’t be real. You’d passed out from exhaustion, and were dreaming all of this. That could be the only possibility!
John knows that this is the part where he says something witty or inspiring… but he really doesn’t know what to say, so he just awkwardly clears his throat. “Are you hurt?”
You shake your head violently, a burning need to not disappoint your childhood hero, and clamber up to your feet… only to wince and lean against the wall, something sticky on your leg.
Now that you’re standing, he can see the dried blood around your ankle. “Hold still!” All the softness is gone from Kelly’s tone as she works on bandaging you up, but you don’t mind, appreciating how careful she’s being.
Co-ordinating with Linda, who informs him that there are patrols scouting the areas — probably only to get any survivors, and not to catch them, but they should still move — and Fred, who tells him that the convoy is flying off-planet via Pelicans in half an hour, John makes some quick calculations.
With the pace you’d set, hobbling alongside Kelly, whimpering every time you put your weight on your left foot, it would take them at least an hour. Too long.
“Whoa…” The sound comes unbidden from Fred when Kelly emerges, with you clutching at her hip, all bloody and dirty. A pang of sympathy strikes as he looks around and realizes all that you must have seen. He was well aware that normal children weren’t nearly as resilient as he and his siblings had been.
“….” He stays silent as you arrive in front of him, staring up at him with slight apprehension, heart racing as he tries to think of something to say — and for some reason, he lands on an awkward, weirdly Southern-sounding. “Hey champ!”
John and Kelly both shoot him weird looks, and he wants to dig a hole and die, when they hear it.
A small giggle falls from your lips, tiny hands covering your mouth as you try not to laugh. Fred sighs in relief, but his anxiety returns when Kelly’s joking voice comes over the comms saying “Well, I guess we know who’s taking care of them.”
Linda drops out of nowhere, and nearly scares you to death as you shriek and bump into John, holding his leg tightly. You don’t really notice how he freezes, confused again.
“…sorry.” She doesn’t sound sorry, you think with a pout and drop from Chief’s leg, careful of your own busted ankle.
“That’s Linda, that’s Fred and I’m Kelly. You can just call him Chief. What’s your name?”
“Alright. We won’t be able to make it if you’re walking, so you need to get on one of our backs.” Chief tells you, straight to business. “Which one of us do you feel comfortable with?”
He’s really hoping you pick Kelly or Fred. It wouldn’t exactly be a burden, you’re much tinier than the full grown people he’s had to carry out of a war zone, and you’re handling it much better as well, even though you’re barely ten years old.
“Um…” You look shyly up at Fred. “If you don’t really mind…”
*Aw. That’s… actually kind of sweet. Fred beckons you over, and hoists you up between his shoulders, giving you the rundown on what to do if people start shooting, and to hold on tight when he tells you to.
*You’re much more considerate than the freaked out VIPs he’s had to extract. But he still feels you twitch every time the wind causes something to clatter, so he decides to strike up conversation.
“So how did you wind up there?” It’s not until afterwards that he realizes that, unlike soldiers, civilians aren’t comfortable discussing stuff like that. But you answer that it was your dad’s factory, explaining that it was Bring Your Kid To Work Day.
The Spartans, specifically Kelly, asked you questions about it, having never heard of it themselves. After all, military settings rarely allowed such breaches of protocol.
You only trailed off as you got to the part where he told you to hide, and Fred lets it be.
When you finally get to the convoy, a nurse hurriedly tries to pull you away from the Spartans to help out, apologizing for not doing it sooner when Fred tells her it’s fine and that you can stay. After all, Kelly had fixed you up well, and you seemed terrified at the prospect of being left alone.
All that was left to do was fly up to the ship in outer orbit, with the rest of the survivors. Since there were such few Pelicans, everyone had been crammed into them, military and civilians alike. You’d simply wandered onto the one they’d been on, sandwiched between Chief and Fred.
Chief watches you picking at your shorts, and suddenly remembers the chocolate bar Sgt. Johnson keeps giving him - “you’re not yourself when you’re hungry, Chief” He’d snicker and then leave, Chief just standing there, not understanding the reference - but hey, chocolate was chocolate.
“Here. You did well.” Your eyes go wide, and for a second he thinks you’re going to refuse, but then you snatch it out of his hand and snarf it down. This is how it must feel to watch him eat.
“You’re going to like it up there.” Fred chimes in when your gaze starts getting distant again. “Space is really cool.”
In a twist of fate, you find one of your best friends when you arrive on the ship. Their parents promise to take care of you, and thank the Spartans.
When they start directing the survivors to their quarters, you hug every Spartan, even Linda… or their legs, since you couldn’t reach anything else. (Thankfully, you telegraph it pretty well, so they don’t accidentally smack you or something.)
John just stiffens and then nods, Fred pats you on the head awkwardly and shuffles away (he was very shocked by the affection), Kelly laughs and claps you on the shoulder, and Linda just hums and pets you on the head like a dog, walking away afterwards.
You go on to be a Marine yourself, finding yourself on the Halo campaign, where Chief and Cortana save you once more. You’re surprised he still remembers you.
You leave a bar of the same brand he gave you at his shrine, giving a heartfelt eulogy and catching up momentarily with the other members of Blue Team before you all leave again.
You almost faint when he shows up at Requiem, though. Don’t feel bad, as Lasky fanboys behind Chief for the whole campaign.
Palmer corrals you and Lasky into a break room to make fun of your behavior after it’s all over.
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innaminitus · 4 years
Pairing: George x reader x Fred
Request: WEASLEY TWINS CHRISTMAS SMUT YES PLEAASE where they both like the reader but like make a deal that it’s either both of them for her or none of them? THANK YOU
Warnings: smut, no twincest
Word count: 2671
A/N: BIG NOTE: if you are not okay with this kind of fic, you are free to not read it. there is plenty of similar fics all over tumblr, you can avoid them, too.
first fic from my Christmas at Hogwarts series! Feel free to send requests!
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The hallways were filled with candles and glittery chains, on every corner there was a Christmas tree, decorated with all kinds of ornaments, gingerbreads and dried oranges, filling the air with the specific scent of holidays.
You hated the so called ‘holiday spirit’ and basically everything that involved anything associated with Christmas. It wasn’t your fault, really. You remembered times when you actually quite liked Christmas. Not much of it you remembered, though, since you were just a small child when it all fell apart. It was Christmas, after all, when your father murdered your mother right in front of you. Cinnamon and oranges only made you anxious now.
Suddenly someone bumped into you from behind.
“Hey, Portkey!” The Weasley twins blocked your view and both walked backwards in order to see you.
“Stop calling me that…” You furrowed at the nickname, but couldn’t help but to smile.
You got the nickname after the circumstances in which you met the twins.
You were scrubbing the cauldrons in Snape’s office as your detention when the door opened and Filch jumped on his chair in which he has been snoring for at least half an hour now. Snape stormed through the door, dragging two boys by their collars. You saw them before, the famous Weasley twins, the jokers of Hogwarts.
“Messrs. Weasley will help Miss Y/L/N clean the cauldrons. I expect them to be clean enough to see my own reflection.”
“Of course, professor!” Filch nodded his head. “I’ll make sure they will!”
But despite what he said, right after Snape left Filch sat back on his chair and started snoring once again. Fred or George laughed at him and grabbed one of the sponges you were using to clean one of the cauldrons from something thick and sticky.
“I’m Fred” one of them said “and this is George.” He pointed at his twin who cringed at the sight of dirty cauldrons.
“I’m Y/N,” you murmured without taking your eyes off a particularly dirty place.
“And how did you end up here?”
You smirked and looked up.
“I turned Filch’s mop into a portkey. He ended up on the roof every time he touched it.”
They both laughed at your words.
“Brillaint!” said George. At least you thought it was George. “We gave the whole first year Fainting Fancies.”
“Only to test them, of course.”
“But Granger ruined the fun.”
You stopped scrubbing for a second and looked at them with dismay.
“What on earth are Fainting Fancies?” you asked, not sure if you actually want to know the answer.
“Ah!” Fred straightened, obviously very proud of himself. “Our invention! We are working on sweets that make you ill.”
“Sweets that make me ill?” You raised your eyebrow.
“Exactly. You take one and have, in example, instant fever. Perfect before an exam you forgot about.”
“You guys are really something else.”
It was in the middle of September. You have become quite inseparable ever since, the jokes and hours of detention really brought you together.
“Ready to leave for Christmas?” asked Fred, almost tripping over an old rug.
You dragged his arm and forced him to walk next to you, afraid he might actually fall next time. George also joined your side.
“I’m not leaving. I always spend Christmas here.”
“Well, actually that makes sense. I wouldn’t like to spend Christmas with a Slytherin either,” Fred laughed, but George stormed him with sight. “What?”
You only talked to George about what happened to your family. One night you were changing the lenses in telescopes in Astronomy Tower, so instead of stars they would show a giant eye of a person who would use them and ended up looking at the night sky filled with dark clouds. You were talking about everything and nothing, and from word to word you ended up confessing it to him. How your father killed your mother, because she wouldn’t join him as a Death Eater. How you run away through the back door of your house and, swallowing tears, stormed to your neighbors. How the Aurors would take your father to the Azkaban and leave you at an orphanage. How no one would adopt you.
“It’s just… Celebrating Christmas in an orphanage is never fun. I much prefer it here than there.”
Fred’s smile fainted. “I’m- I’m sorry, Y/N, I had no idea.”
“That’s fine.” You waved your hand at him. “You couldn’t know.”
He looked at his twin, they exchanged looks that seemed to say more than any word could.
“Alright, that’s it,” George said. “You have to come with us for Christmas.”
You shook your head with a faint smile. “It’s alright, boys. I’m fine on my own, really.”
“Well, we’re not.” Fred stopped, blocking your way up the corridor. “That’s it, you’re coming with us. I already told mom you would.”
You furrowed. “No, you didn’t.”
“But I will, so you better go pack yourself.”
You sighed. Would it really be so bad? Would you go down memory lane and get fifteen panic attacks by the time you step through the door of their home or would you finally soothe the horror you’ve been living in for past twelve years? There was only one way to find out.
“Alright. I’ll go.”
You were nervous during the whole train ride, and now you felt as if you were about to jump from your own skin because of anxiety. With the rest of the Weasley siblings and, of course, the one and only Harry Potter you were waiting outside the King’s Cross station for Mr. Weasley, who was going to pick you up. In a car, they said. You couldn’t possibly imagine how exactly you would fit in a car with all the baggage, but magic surprised you way too many times for you to still question everything. This time it was no different – although Mr. Weasley parked a simple black car, he supposedly got from the Ministry (it had something to do with Potter, but you didn’t ask too many questions) inside it was as big as a van. Every single one of you could fit inside, and you still had plenty of room left. They all chattered and laughed during the way, but you were too stressed to even listen to them. You regretted your decision already. You should be at Hogwarts, in your dorm room, alone, reading a book and drinking unholy amount of hot chocolate with marshmallows. The elves would always bring you some food and this perfect beverage since you never joined the rest of the students which stayed as well. But it was too late now.
The car stopped before an old, weirdly crooked house which looked like a patchwork blanket you had when you were little. Somehow it made you feel warm inside.
You got out right after Ginny, with your bag in hand, unsure what to do. You locked your eyes on flying lights around the roof of the house. Could it be fairies? Or just enchanted string of plain lights?
All of the sudden you felt heavy arm around your shoulders. “Hey, Portkey, you alright?” Fred asked, his sight following yours. “Yeah, I know it’s not much, but–“
“It’s perfect,” you interrupted, smiling.
His face brightened and you noticed sparkles in his eyes. Pretty.
“Go on, lovebirds!” Ginny waved at you and you noticed that it was now only you and Fred standing outside. You blushed suddenly and hurried inside.
“Oh, hello, dear!” Mrs. Weasley smiled at you and grabbed your arms, squeezing them lightly. A big warm smile bloomed on her face. “You must be Y/N! How lovely to finally meet you, I’m so glad you’ll spend holidays with us!”
“Thank you for having me.” You smiled back. This woman just greeted you like an old family friend, not an orphan she sees for the first time in her life. It was… oddly nice.
You were sitting on a sofa, your knees under your chin, staring blindly at the yule tree, your sight blurred to the point where you only saw points of colorful light. The dinner was wonderful. Mrs. Weasley asked George in a letter what your favorite food was, and of course made it just for you. She also made sure there was no scent of gingerbread spice. It was just a little too much for you.
“You’re not asleep?” Someone’s voice interrupted your mindless procrastinating.
You blinked and turned your head to look at George walking down the stairs.
“Not yet… I’m a little overwhelmed. Don’t mind me.”
He sat next to you. The sofa was quite small, that’s why you put your legs down, and now his thigh was touching yours.
“I know my mum can be… intense. To say the least, but she means well.”
“I know that, and she’s lovely, really, it’s just… I don’t know. A lot to process for me. I haven’t had real Christmas since I was a kid. And you are all trying to make me feel welcome…” You turned your head from him, suddenly ashamed. “I feel like I don’t deserve any of it.”
A second passed, then another, and you felt his warm fingers under your chin. He gently turned your face back to him.
“You deserve everything, Y/N.” He moved so close to you that for a second you were sure he was going to kiss you, but he hesitated mere millimeters from your lips. Hotness flushed your cheeks. He smelled like pine tree and suddenly you decided it was now your favorite scent. You waited for a second that felt like an hour, and slightly moved away in the same moment he moved forward. A small gasp escaped your lips, he leaned even more, undaunted, and kissed you gently. No tongue, not even opened mouth, just lips touching lips. It was a long kiss, though, and when he moved away you felt uncomfortable chill on your mouth.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I shouldn’t–“
“No,” you interrupted. “Do it again. Please.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. His hand landed on the back of your neck, he pulled you to him, and butterflies erupted in your stomach. Enough with the gentleness, he was needy, as if he’s been waiting for your lips his whole life. His other hand was on your thigh, he was turning you more towards him as his tongue slid into your mouth.
“Well, well, well.”
You parted immediately, somehow ashamed. Fred slowly walked down the stairs, a hint of smile on his face. “What do we have here?” He stood before you, hands crossed. “I thought we had a deal, Georgie.” Wait, what? “It’s either both of us or none of us.”
You blinked once, then twice, but couldn’t understand the situation. You looked at George, hoping that maybe he would make it clearer.
“I know, I know,” he sighed “but I couldn’t help myself.”
Your heart missed a beat, but not in a pleasant way. Were they… making a bet?
“Can any of you tell me what the hell are you talking about?” you asked, lovely moment from just a mere minute ago long gone.
George rubbed the back of his head and exchanged looks with Fred. They were doing it again, communicating without words.
He sighed. “We– we both like you, okay? And we agreed that none of us will be with you… unless the other one would also be involved.”
You swallowed hard. Did he mean… to be with them both? At the same time? It seemed crazy but… you liked them, too. They were both handsome, obviously. Would it be so bad?
“Okay,” you said, the steadiness of your voice surprising you. “We can– we can try.”
They seemed as surprised as you were, looking at each other once more.
Fred was the first to speak, after he cleared his throat. “Then maybe… let’s go to our room?”
You nodded and followed him up the stairs, feeling the warmth of George’s body behind you.
It was oddly arousing. You had to be quiet, to not wake anyone. You knew you’d have to be quiet later when… When what exactly? Were you going to have sex? Or was it just your hope?
You entered the twins’ room, bathed in moonlight. It smelled like pine here as well…
Suddenly a hand was on the back of your neck, Fred’s tongue first, a split second before his needy lips landed on yours. You didn’t think, you didn’t wait, you gave back every kiss, your tongue next to his. While his fingers were tangled in your hair another set of hands played with skin under the hem of your shirt, bolder with each passing moment. He traced the curves of your body, shamelessly traveled up, and up, his soft fingers caressed the side of your breasts only to finally land on your hardened nipples. You moaned in Fred’s mouth at which he bit your lower lip.
“You like how he touches you, huh?” His voice no more than a whisper, sent shivers down your body. “Wait till I touch you.”
George rolled your nipples in between his fingers, but soon his hands were gone, because Fred lifted you up. They seemed to have one mind, what one thought the other acted. George sat on one of the beds, Fred seated you between his brother’s legs. His fingers hooked on your pajama pants and your panties, but before he took them off he took a look at you, one eyebrow raised in silent question. You could go back now, they wouldn’t blame you. Only… you didn’t exactly want to go back. You lifted your hips, your answer just as silent as his. He grinned and slid your clothes down your legs. George gripped your shirt and soon it was also gone, but you weren’t cold. You had two bodies to warm yourself and you were gladly going to use them.
George’s soft lips traced the curve of your neck while Fred was watching your arousal grow under his brother’s touch. His hands slowly parted your thighs, showing your already pulsating pussy. His twin’s fingers were kneading your breasts and mercilessly pinching your nipples while his mouth landed on yours, kissing you passionately.
He caught you by surprise, really. Almost making you jump when you felt warm tongue spreading your folds, surprise quickly turning to pleasure when Fred’s tongue started to, gently at first, play with your dripping pussy. Oh, but he was impatient. Soon you were a moaning as he was sucking on your clit and slowly pushing one finger inside of you. George wasn’t planning on being any worse than his brother – his skillful fingers could probably make you come just by playing with your nipples and soon you were biting your lips almost till they bled, only to not moan their names.
The pleasure was unbelievable. Feeling of two bodies against you, flicks of Fred’s tongue and moves of George’s fingers and his lips on yours – it was all too much to bear, too much for one person to experience. And you found yourself lost in this pleasure when Fred joined another finger deep in your pussy. Your muscles clenched on him, he started sucking on your clit, George’s fingers pinched hard and all of the sudden you were almost knocked out by the most intensive orgasm you’re ever had.
They gave you a moment to come down from the high and slowly started to undress when you suddenly heard a knock on the door.
“Can you wrap it up?” You heard Ginny’s whisper. “Mom asked me twice already where you are, Y/N, I’m running out of excuses.”
You got all red and slapped your hand over your mouth, looking at the twins who tried very hard not to laugh. Fred handed you your clothes and George leaned to your ear “We’ll finish it tomorrow.” A shiver went down your spine. Well, now you’ve had new Christmas memory to hold onto.
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plan-d-to-i · 2 years
At this point in regards to character interpretations, fans might as well remember the phrase "let's agree to disagree" and not fight anymore. Saves a lot of mental energy. Disregarding the portion that relies too much in fanon (and the ones that think abuse in literature is a love language), readers will have different interpretations. It what makes things fun! A little variation is good and too much uniformity is bland; fics and character interpretation should be about having fun in dissecting the character and wondering how this character would do if you place them in a different situation.
Now it's just, who has the most "accurate" meta or take and tbh, we wouldn't be as accurate as MXTX in terms of writing the characters. It gets frustrating when people try to enforce their interpretation on others, moreso when it's based on their own bland fanon than canon. It ends up being a Frankenstein abomination and I'm not sure if the one who made the fanon has child support for it.
This instead makes MDZS into some bland, poorly written novel when taken at a surface level— which actually happened to me btw! I had a PDF of the novel sitting in my file for months because I thought it would just be another trashy novel Tumblr glittered on to be great. The fandom made me think that it was some weird FSOG reimagining with bad sibling relationships. I was so, so, so glad I was wrong. It's one of the best novels I have read that deals with societal issues we see today— and I'm kinda annoyed the fans gloss it over to focus on some! Bland fanon take of a bad character! Like, dude, you get to read about the consequences of being pushed into a corner because you're the only one who voiced out the bad thing in a group and the lesson of it on how things can go bad than good when you want to stand up for what's right— it's both a cautionary tale of what happens if you're all alone in facing a giant problem and the ills of a society who doesn't want to change for the better, and a lesson on what happens if you have the right support and tenacity to face the same problem head-on and maintaining goodness and patience no matter what happens in life because it's you who gets to live it, not others. There's even more if you unpack the novel again when rereading it.
Rant of what you can learn from MDZS aside, sorry about that, some takes in the fandom end up making MDZS into some weird puppet monstrosity stitched together by bad writing (when it's the opposite). The ones who try to disprove them sometimes end up committing the same mistakes. Fans should learn from WWX and let things go and move on because you're the only one getting hurt from it.
"Only when people don't hold so much in their hearts would they finally feel free (Ch 113)".
Anon, love and light but :
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We obviously all wish we could bake a rainbow smile cake, but it's not gonna happen. Nothing this shitshow fandom will come up with will ever carry the value of the canon work, as you yourself observed forming an opinion prior to reading it. Naturally, I do hope in the interest of your ardent desire to moderate via the medium of metaphors you sent this to every single account that's posting discourse yeah? Otherwise you're just trying to manage what I'm personally posting in my personal space, whilst not posting anything in anyone else's personal space, but instead quite industriously blocking the shit out of them so that never our paths may meet; With an added side of ~your own take on canon~. And that's not really very agree to disagree of you. No hard feelings. xx
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cockslutpadalecki · 4 years
All The Good Girls Go To Hell (15)
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Summary: When Sam marries into Y/N’s family he naively believes she’s a little princess incapable of putting a step wrong. But once he comes face to face with evidence that proves she’s far from angelic which also implicates his own brother in her misdeeds, Sam finds himself battling against his own moral judgement.
Characters: Step Dad!Sam x Step Daughter!Reader, Uncle!Dean x Niece!Reader.
Words: 1638.
Warnings: stepfather/stepdaughter relationship, step uncle/step niece relationship, oral sex (male and female receiving), sexting, rough sex, major degradation, dirty talk, female masturbation, daddy kink, size kink, cheesy double entendres, Dean’s filthy whore mouth, consensual amateur pornography, thigh riding, cockwarming, multiple orgasms, voyeurism, threesomes, face/throat fucking, overstimulation, dom/sub themes, Sammy being an absolute deviant, cream pies, sloppy seconds, cum eating, spit-roasting. Assume all tags will apply to every chapter and warnings may differ/alter as story progresses.
A/N: This chapter picks up where the last finished. God, I've missed writing Sam like this heheheh ;) Beta: @deanwanddamons​ but all the general bullshit is entirely mine. While likes are gold, feedback is golden. Masterlists can be found in my pinned post. Subscribe to Patreon and get access to fics, just like this one, two weeks before Tumblr for as little as $3.
Chapters sixteen and seventeen already available on Patreon.
You pull off your coat, letting it drop to the floor as you slowly undress. Tugging your pants and underwear down first, you see Sam’s eyes widen when you step out of them, giving him a glimpse of your bare cunt. Next comes your oversized sweater. You’re not wearing a bra so when you yank the baggy material over your head, you’re left completely naked before him.
The distraction of disrobing has taken your attention momentarily away from Dean and the brunette in the corner of the room, but as your eyes divert back towards them, an overwhelming wave of jealousy floods your veins, having to watch one third of your ménage á trois take her in a kiss that you can almost feel bruising your own lips.
With his hand shoved between her thighs, you glimpse a flash of her neatly trimmed pussy, and you find yourself having to swallow around the cotton taste clogging up your throat when she lets out a moan, Dean’s lips kiss a trail down her neck as he begins finger fucking her in front of you.
“Y/N,” you hear Sam say in the distance, but you’re too transfixed by the sight of your uncle unashamedly making the other woman whimper. “Y/N.” There it is again— muffled like you’re underwater while he’s on the surface.
A loud clicking pulls you from your reverie, and your attention wanders back towards the younger Winchester to find him snapping his fingers at you sharply.
His jaw is firmly set, and there’s a flicker of darkness in his eyes that never fails to put you in line. “When I say your name, you fuckin’ look at me.”
“Ye— yes, Daddy.”
“That’s more like it.”
Sam hooks each thumb into the waistband of his sweats, and slowly slides them down his muscular thighs, allowing his cock to spring free and slap against his stomach. He stops, leaving them bunched around his shins as he slumps back against the headboard.
You twitch where you stand, pussy clenching around nothing as you watch him wrap one giant hand around his swollen cock and begin to leisurely work his shaft. Without thinking, you take a step forward before Sam tsks you.
“Not another step,” he bites. “You’re gonna stand there and watch.”
Your eyes momentarily drift towards Dean and the now squealing woman. At some point he stripped her down to nothing but her suspenders and heels, and sat her down on the plush black chaise lounge with her legs spread wide. You spy a small butterfly tattoo on her inner thigh before Dean’s head blocks it from view, pushing his tongue against her clit.
The scene makes your skin catch alight, and a heady combination of resentment and lust makes your chest constrict as you wish his head was buried between your thighs instead of hers. But you know this is meant to be a lesson. You’re not meant to enjoy what’s happening in front of you, and as your gaze flickers back to Sam, enjoyment is so far removed from the word you’d use to describe how you’re feeling right now.
His hand gets faster with each stroke, little beads of pre-cum forming at the tip as his fingers lightly squeeze the ring of flesh just below the dome of his cock. You know he’s trying to mimic the way you clench around him when he fucks you, milking him for all he’s worth before spilling hot and sticky inside you. And it’s working. Sam’s thighs twitch at the motion, and his eyes flicker closed for a split second before they’re back to their usual razor-sharp focus.
Her screams that she’s about to come filter sharply through your consciousness, burrowing inside it like a parasite as jealousy overrides every other emotion, despite the betraying wetness now dripping down your thighs.
“Look at them,” Sam orders. You silently refuse, not taking your eyes off of him.
“Look at Dean making her cum, Y/N,” he repeats with authority. This time you obey.
Even the fleeting look you give them is too much, and you find yourself grinding your teeth inside your tightly-closed mouth at the spectacle in front of you. She trembles either side of Dean’s head, and her heavily manicured nails grip at his roots as she reaches her crescendo. You hate that you can almost feel it— the indescribable heat that fans out from your core, down your thighs and into your legs as Dean suckles on your clit, teasing you all the way through delirium to the cusp of overstimulation.
She’s still vibrating against the fancy couch as Dean gives her one last kiss to her cunt before he’s on his feet, and pulling her to her own.
The brunette wobbles for a second on her stilettos until she regains her balance, following Dean to the edge of the bed as he yanks her carelessly towards it. He forces her over the mattress, her ass high in the air and the elder Winchester gives it a loud slap— one so loud you can feel tingling against your own rear.
She attempts to reach for Sam’s cock, flashing him a lazy, coquettish smile. “Want me to help with that baby?”
He slaps her hand away, spitting, “keep the whore in line, Dean.”
The older brother laughs from behind the bent over woman as he tears into his jeans to fist his hard cock free. With his spare hand, he grabs her hip, edging her backwards onto him. Her mouth grows wider and wider as he stretches her open until her eyes roll into the back of her head, and Dean’s pelvis lays flush against her ass. Your cunt pulses, imagining all that thickness twitching inside you, and you have to bite down on your lower lip to swallow down a groan.
Your uncle notices your discomfort, letting out a small amused laugh. “Don’t like it when the shoe is on the other foot, do ya baby girl?”
He doesn’t wait for you to answer, but simply begins thrusting into her— hard and deep, and you feel the pain that her face sharply registers. You remember that sensation well, your cervix giving a little twinge,  remembering how brutal Dean can be.
“Now imagine how me and your Daddy must’ve felt when we thought some jock was trying to get into your panties. What’s inside is reserved for us, isn’t it Princess?”
“But—” you protest.
“Answer him, Y/N,” Sam barks.
Your eyes travel back to your step-father, watching as he nears his peak, and you wish more than anything that you could climb into his lap and ride him, but your feet stick to the expensive carpet like glue.
“Of course. Reserved only for you,” you reply, almost robotic.
“Good girl,” Sam praises, his voice a little louder as the woman screams the Lord’s name over and over on a loop. You glance towards the entwined couple briefly, noticing the way Dean holds one of her legs aloft, giving you a more than pornographic view of his cock pistoning in and out of her.
The corners of Sam’s lips twitch, and the first tiny glimpse of a smile starts to appear at the sight of your displeasure. “You know that could’ve been you, right? Writhing on your Uncle’s cock like this slut?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
Sam stops to let his mouth fall into a narrow O as he strokes over the spot just under his tip and you know he’s close. “You could’ve been right here, between my legs, sucking on my big dick.”
“I want to be.”
Your words pique Sam’s interest. “That so?”
“Yes,” you breathe. “Just wanna feel you inside me, Daddy.”
“Well, that’s too bad.”
New movement from the edge of your periphery tugs your attention away from Sam, and you find Dean has pulled the brunette upright, tightly squeezing her breasts as he pounds into her mercilessly from behind. She sounds like a wounded animal, each whine and cry more pathetic than the last, which instantly shatters the powerful image you painted of her. She’s no longer a high-class escort, with her exquisite dress sense and flawless body— she’s now nothing more than a lesson to you, and a stark lesson at that.
“Gon— cu—” She can barely get her words out, and her body suddenly goes rigid in Dean’s arms, his strong biceps keeping her from collapsing to the floor. Your uncle follows soon after, moaning hard under his breath as you watch his teeth sink into his bottom lip, a fractured moan slipping through the gaps at the corners.
Sam grunts, throwing his head back against the headboard, allowing you the perfect view of the muscles in his neck tensing as he cums, thick ropes of white painting his taut stomach, and it takes all of your resolve not to crawl onto the bed to mark up his throat with the blunt edges of your teeth.
His shoulders slump, releasing whatever pent up tension was left inside him, and he eventually lets out a satisfied sigh. Eyes flickering open slowly, he brings his gaze back to you just as Dean pulls out of the still-trembling woman, and tucks himself away.
You somehow miss the exchange between the older brother and hooker, too distracted by Sam’s damp forehead, flushed cheeks, and the tiny droplets of sweat clinging to his upper lip, only realising Dean’s already escorted her from the room when the door clicks closed behind them.
The room falls silent, except for the light irregularity of Sam’s heavy breaths. He’s still got his hand lazily curled around his stiff cock, body jerking with every gentle tug he gives it.
With a sly smile, he licks his lips before giving you a simple order. “Get over here and clean me up.”
Please note I have tagged you if you showed interest in the story so far. If you’d like to be taken off, please let me know.
ATGGGTH: @slut-for-jared @squirrelnotsam @awesomesusiebstuff @deans-baby-momma @xhannahbananax03 @atc74 @wavesofafeather @spnfamily-j2 @pastathighs @passionpunch @southernbell91 @beautifulbowleggedangel@welldonebeca @bobbie3939 @kazkingdom @lyarr24 @nihilismworld @charmed-asylum @sycochick @sandlee44 @stuckys-whore @moosekateer13 @beth-winchester21 @yoongi-holland @waywardson2020 @lovelyrocker @dr7girl @fictionalabyss @midnightmystic @abbirae99 @kricketc29 @the-fever-of-mankind @maresmiley @rebel-author-chick @salt-n-burn-em-all @desisamslut @okilover02 @kittenofdoomage @kittenmstr @destielstuffandthings @chamberofsloths @quietgirll75 @splendidcas @amisha25 @chenshemesh1 @queenmadi2 @spideysimpossiblegirl @i-make-questionable-choices @bitchoftheclouds @amirra88 @nerdwholikesword @4theloveoffanfiction @djj1999 @nurse-unicorn @spaceybissh @deanandsamsbitch @im-catching-feelings @ficpantry @winchester-girl96 @omgspnfanfiction @mistofellee @flutistbyday2020 @polyamorous-winchester @idabbleincrazy @mstsukii @allinhishands @winchesterswoonathon @traceyaudette @jbbarnesgirl @hawkerz12 @cluz1babe @why-hello-sweetheart @slutmutton @ares-raye @stayfrostystilinski @lady-pswrld @fandomismyspirit @high-ashell-hargrove @biceraswitch @bee-a-sams-girlx @nekocookie11 @beardburnsupersoldiers @cltex84 @hhiggs @d-whinchestergirl87 @bxxbxy @pandaxo79 @mrstarksslut @deandreamernp @wonder-cole @deep-in-my-thoughts13 @strawqerrybby @deansmyapplepie @bxnnywriting @ladydeathboobs @supernaturalgrandma @knuffeltuff @quietwitchsworld @melancauliflowers @meeshw777 @ladywinchester1967 @my-obsession-spn @lifeofrileyp @annaisha74 @supernatural3002 @rattwritesfics @bobbysxidgits @bangtasticbobby @taintedgenre @j-ai-adore-dean @asgoodasdancingqueen @fortheloveofallthatsholy @purr-se-phone
Supernatural: @angelofthetrenchcoats @ambthegamer @akshi8278 @becs-bunker @blancatobarxoxo @caspleasesavemyass @clemanime @deanwanddamons @deans-mind-palace @deanwinchesterswitch @deanloveboi @dawnie1988 @doctor-hp-mcu  @fandom-princess-forevermore @flamencodiva @fanngirl19 @gayasslookinass @gabbywindsor @heavensangel45135 @hoboal87 @hobby27 @inlovewithspencerfuckingreid @katymacsupernatural @joseyrw @michellemxndes @mrswhozeewhatsis @p---ink @peachyafshawn @patrick-hockslutter @pinkshenanigan @quxxnxfhxll @spnbaby-67 @stoneyggirl @sammykb1994 @sharp-cheekbones-locked @shylittlewolf @sidbecross@tumbler-tidbits @tvdspngirl314 @uncreativezx @vicmc624 @waywardbaby​ @winchest09​
Forever: @anaelsbrunette @akumune @amandamdiehl @buttercandy16 @crashdevlin @castiel-has-bees @daughterofthenight117 @donnaintx @dandywinchesterbras @dumbbitchenergy17 @death-unbecomes-you​ @foxyjwls007 @hurricanerin @hoewkeye @heyyouwiththeassbutt @ilovefanfic86 @itsjustfics @itsthedoctah10 @imyournewfairygodmother @imcastiel-youassbutt @jewelswrites-ish @jenmisheels-bi-kid @letsby @letsdisneythings @multi-fandom-fanfiction @maddiepants @mogaruke @my-fav-imagines-17 @nightsbite @notyourtypicalrose @onethirstyunicorn @pink1031 @princessmisery666 @petitgateau911 @randomparanoid@ssworldofsw @sambucky8 @sea040561 @sillygoose6969 @sweeterthanthis @softie-socks @warriorqueen1991 @xoxabs88xox @zpandaqueen 
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mominousrex · 3 years
The Jola Moon (A Rexsoka FanFic) - Chapter 11: THE FEAST
SUMMARY: Rex and Ahsoka finally sit down to eat dinner.
A/N: Happy New Year, tumblr-verse. Sorry for the delay in posting this one! I let the holidays do their thing and take over my life😏
Our story continues and I’m very curious what the response will be for this chapter. But that’s all I’ll say for now🙌🥰🙌
Thanks to @shannon-lynn-21 for her help with describing that one sexy moan I cannot for the life of me manage to describe to my own satisfaction.
Thank you to @chromia7567 & @elsaanna007 and the great Catmama9 for helping me out and reading my early drafts! 🙌😍🙌
You can also read the whole fic in AO3 by clicking here- kudos and comments appreciated🥰🥰🥰
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Chapter 11 - The Feast
The fog was thick with smoke and dirt. The air she breathed in was putrid with an unpleasant smell and taste. Ahsoka immediately sensed danger and gripped her lightsabers tight behind her back.
Why do I have two lightsabers again? That’s not right.
She was certain one was left at the crash site, and the other was in the hangar with the Y-wing.
She tried to look around to get her bearings but only felt the scene around her hover in her vision. The hazy daylight served her no purpose other than to outline the silhouettes of gnarled lifeless trees. It was impossible to tell if it was dawn or dusk. For miles, she took in the endless rows of scorched earth; the giant trunks resembled desperate fingers trying to claw their way out of the ground.
What happened here?
The charred forest had lost all life and foliage. Was she still on Splendor? She moved to begin a run but could not. Something was wrong. She couldn’t move. Her body was heavier, and she felt sore in places she never had felt before. She seemed…older, by decades.
“The people already suffer under your rule.”
That was her own voice, though she had no idea to whom she was directing the accusation.
Suddenly, blaster fire shot out at her from all sides, and though she couldn’t move, none of them hit her. She then saw her two glowing sabers, a shocking white she had never seen, now ignited as they easily cut down the masked figures one by one at her feet.
Her surroundings shifted, and she was caught in a different fog that was misty and wet. This new fog drifted in the same haunting and barren forest. Through the mist, she saw an armored figure,
“Rex?” No, that was not his armor; it looked…Mandalorian?
She called out to the figure. “Who are you?”
The only response the figure gave was to continue towards her. The armor appeared to be that of a man’s, and his approach was steady and non-threatening. She began to feel someone else’s thoughts; another being was with this unknown man. It was a child, but more importantly, another Jedi. The presence spoke to her through the Force, but the youngling was still unseen. As the armored figure approached her, the reflection in his beskar helmet and glass visor revealed her reflection as she saw herself presently. She might as well be looking in the bathroom mirror in the lodge. Shifting her gaze beyond the armored man’s shoulder plate, she saw the distinct silhouette of Master Yoda.
“Master! Are you alright?”
Yoda’s voice was clear, soft, and humbled as it responded to her.
“Found me, you have not. But found you, hope and love have. Yes. Safe, we will be now. Hope we have, now. Look to the Force, Ahsoka. To me, look not. To the Force…only,” Yoda’s voice trailed off, but she knew it was really him. He was alive…somewhere. He knew she was alive too.
“Good or bad, they are always memorable,” once again her own voice rang in her ear, but she no longer saw the Mandalorian or felt the presence of the youngling.
She was alone again and had no idea where she was or what any of this meant. In an instant, the light from two suns beaming down shined so brightly it blocked out all that she saw before. Her eyes squinted to look as she felt the warmth pour over her skin. Soon the bright blinding lights shifted into the warm glow of Rex’s amber eyes looking into hers as he spoke,
“Ahsoka? Time to wake up, Tano,”
Ahsoka’s eyes opened to his familiar and comforting face. Rex’s smile pushed aside the confusion in her thoughts caused by her dream. She let out a great big glorious yawn as her body twisted and stretched itself awake.
“Mmm…Rex,” she smiled as she cupped his face, “What time is it?”
Rex laid beside her, propped up on one elbow, tracing the long sleeve of the light blue tunic she chose to nap in.
“I have no idea. Night time? I woke up a while ago. It was already dark and I took a quick shower.”
“It finally stopped raining?”
“Yeah, it had stopped by the time I got up.”
Ahsoka looked him over then cuddled up to him to ensure he was really there with her. Seeing Rex wearing only his upper blacks again, she noticed the high neckline, his now hidden chest, and muscular arms. It stirred her memories of post-battle briefings and innocent downtime on The Resolute. Then she noticed he had on the black drawstring pants that she had found in the closet for him this morning.
This morning. Even that felt like a lifetime ago. Time was completely out of sorts on this moon.
With her next breath, her senses were delighted as her nose took in a whiff of a delicious scent that opened her eyes wide and made her mouth water,
“Did you start cooking already?”
Rex smiled with self-satisfaction, “I did. I am attempting to make us dinner, or at least I hope it's edible. I was so hungry when I woke up. I ate an entire jar of nut paste!”
“With your fingers again?” Ahsoka laughed and traced his mouth clumsily.
“No, not this time. I did find a spoon, eventually.”
Rex grabbed her hand and started kissing her fingers. He then playfully began to make fun of himself by pretending to eat her fingers. Their laughter filled the bedroom with the sound of uninhibited joy that quickly turned into adoring kisses and affection.
This once abandoned lodge built by Anakin and Padme Skywalker for their secret, hidden, and unspoken love had new occupants now. The marriage that was never supposed to happen was replaced by Ahsoka and Rex’s newly discovered and growing love, a love that was battle-tested, unashamed, and inevitable. Their partnership would be needed for the years to come. The happiness and joy they felt right now would have to carry them both through the dark and lonely days that were indeed ahead.
Ahsoka could not help but still process the visions from her dream. Still, she was set afire again with her desire to touch Rex’s skin, kiss him, and especially have him in her again. Even as they lay calmly in the bed, her hips ached for that feeling to return. These moments of laughter and playfulness were so new, yet it felt like they had always been this intimate. Ahsoka was a bit breathless with how he was looking at her at this moment. Rex’s golden amber eyes had looked at her many times before they ever arrived on Splendor. Have they always appreciated her this much? Had she always looked at him so adoringly?
She wondered if Rex was as perplexed by their connection now.
“I feel so close to you now, Rex,” she traced his bicep, feeling the curves and strength of this arm.
“Me too. I was nervous that you would feel differently after we…you know.”
She sat up in the bed and took his hand in both of hers.
“I do feel different, Rex, wonderfully different.”
Rex’s bashful grin was trying so hard not to beam a huge smile. He was still learning how to accept this much affection. He knew now that he could only share this side of himself with Ahsoka. He couldn’t imagine anyone else understanding just how difficult it was to be adored by someone like this. Moved by this awareness, he began to trace his fingers over her face and wanted to treasure her whole body.
He started at the diamond markings on her forehead then down across the markings on her cheek. He kissed her gently, laying her back into the pillows as his touch continued down her neck, where it landed on her lekku. Ahsoka’s lips quivered against his, revealing that her sensitive lekku tails may be more than just ticklish, given the proper attention.
Her hand quickly met his hand to urge him to continue exploring her body over the dreamsilk fabric of her tunic. Then she guided him under the hem. Rex’s hand grabbed her hip, still warm from her nap, as he kissed her passionately with every ounce of longing and desire for her. Ahsoka reciprocated as she slid her hands to his back under the hem of his shirt to scratch the skin of his back lightly. Rex moved his body over hers and settled between her legs that spread wide to fit him in. His thoughts went wild when he remembered she had nothing on underneath her borrowed long-sleeved tunic.
When she started rolling and bucking her hips towards him perfectly, his growing excitement underneath the fabric of his pants thrust deep to feel the warmth moistening between her legs. Bracing himself on one strong arm, he caressed her breast. She let out a sigh into his ear as he pinched at her nipple.
“Oh Rex, I want you in me again,” she sharply traced her tongue along his ear lobe.
He whispered a growl into her montral just before confessing, “Stars, when you say that Ahsoka….”
She whispered into his ear again, “Rex? Is there still food that’s cooking?”
“OH KRIFF!” he jumped off the bed to his feet, adjusted himself, shaking his head and even one foot to get his balance, “I completely forgot! So sorry!”
“Don’t apologize! Just go save our dinner,” Ahsoka laughed and shooed him away. He started to hurry out of the bedroom,
“I’m not done with you though!” Rex shouted from the hall as Ahsoka sat up and called back,
“Save the dinner, Rex!” She shook her head with a smile, then collapsed back into the enormous bed.
She had not laid in the bed by herself yet. She pulled the velvet comforter up to her chest as she let the heated sensations still resonating in her body move her to twist and turn. She was thinking about how Rex felt between her legs with his body on top of hers. She was biting her finger just thinking about the feeling of him pressed against her bare down there. She knew they had to eat, sleep, and all the normal functions of life, but she wondered if they could just keep having sex and pleasuring each other endlessly.
Then she recalled her dream again. It was more than a dream, she knew. She had a vision and had made a connection with Master Yoda. It also seemed that the wise old Master sensed what was happening here on Splendor between her and Rex. That realization made her sit up straight and cooled any heated passion leftover from her and Rex’s recent actions.
She got quiet and crossed her legs. There, in the center of the bed, she drew a breath to recall the words of the Jedi Master,
“But found you, hope and love have…Safe, we will be now…Look to the Force, Ahsoka. To me, look not. To the Force… only .”
Ahsoka was struck by the confirmation that another Jedi was indeed alive out there in the galaxy. He also encouraged her to continue on her current path and not seek him.
She thought she would have a much more insightful reaction. Instead, she just really needed to use the refresher.
Rex did what he could to save the well-overdone potatoes, but he was glad the rice grains were perfectly cooked. He fluffed the rice in the pot with the large wooden fork, tasted a bite, and decided on just a bit more salt for some flavor. As he put the lid back on the pot to keep the steam in, he grabbed one more burnt potato wedge and popped it into his mouth,
“Not that bad, I guess.”
He looked over at the serving platter and two large bowls Ahsoka had found earlier in the day. It had been almost three rotations since he and Ahsoka had eaten a decent meal. The breakfast this morning was meager but certainly tied them over, considering the activities of the day. The best part of cooking was that he could get something done, feel useful, and more importantly, assess how much food they actually had to last however long they would stay.
Every time he thought about when they would leave or what their next move would be, Rex found himself immediately trying to figure out how much longer they could stay. He tried not to dwell on the conflicting thoughts by looking through the pantry again to hunt down more food options. It was a dreamy thought, but there was no way Splendor could be a permanent refuge for them. It was never meant to be more than a hidden temporary retreat. But he did think about it, maybe a little more than he wanted to admit.
Additionally, he had a nagging concern about what happened to his clone brothers, the Skywalkers, and even the whole damn Republic. A comm to Cut tomorrow would help him navigate all of these new feelings and any updates on what was happening in the galaxy.
He pulled the wyrg jerky out of its packaging and tried to arrange it on a platter. There really wasn’t any way to make strips of jerky look nice. Still, they looked delicious . His mouth was watering at the smell of the spicy, savory flavor that filled the bag. He was determined to hold out and not start eating out of solidarity, but he did lick his fingers to taste. Rex didn’t even like jerky; he always loathed the texture and how it never felt like you had thoroughly chewed it properly. Skywalker, though, could have eaten it for every meal if available. It occurred to Rex that his general had probably eaten from this very bag, and he paused for a moment, unsure how to feel or what to do,
“Sorry, general. If I ever see you again, I’ll owe you.”
Rex opted to retake stock of how much jerky they had. There was only so much in the two packages left at the lodge, and as their primary source of protein, it was a special treat just for tonight.
Ahsoka soon appeared rushing down the hallway, causing Rex to stop what he was doing and take in her giddiness. She was practically leaping towards the kitchen. She then slowed her step to a very suspicious stroll right up to him. Rex signaled his curiosity, raising one eyebrow,
“You look very proud of yourself. What are you up to there?
“Kiss me.”
“What? Of course I will,” He stepped closer to pull her to him. Rex gently traced the thickest part of her montral down to her shoulders, not sure what she was up to, before leaning in for a kiss that contained a surprise that made him pull back with eyes wide,
“You found a toothbrush?!”
“ Four toothbrushes, actually, and two tubes of toothpaste. Rex! We can brush our teeth!”
“Where did you find them?”
“I had a feeling you may have not looked as thoroughly through Padme’s drawers. Just a hunch. Why are men so weird about going through women’s things?”
“You say that like it's a bad thing. I’m…quite certain that is a good thing.”
“Do you remember that time, I think just before the Zygerrian mission, I grabbed the wrong data pad and asked you to get the one I needed out of my trunk for me?”
Rex easily replied, “And I brought the whole trunk? Yes.”
“The entire trunk, Rex! I told you exactly where the datapad was in the top tray, but no. There in the mess room you set down my entire trunk on the table in front of Boomer, Vaughn, and Appo.”
“If I may, most men just don’t want to, how do I say this? Find something feminine that we aren’t supposed to see like… intimate things.”
“My underwear wasn’t in the top tray, Rex, it was underneath, you wouldn’t have even seen it.”
“Well that alone confirms I did the right thing. What if the datapad hadn’t been where you said it was? I was trying to be respectful. You just gave me the code to your quarters without even thinking twice, Ahsoka! You didn’t see the look Skywalker gave me when you did that!”
“If you say so. How about this? I promise, in the future, I will be more thorough when going through a female’s personal belongings, even if I am not intimate with her.”
“Oh, very funny, Rex.”
He smiled as he met his hands with hers and gently interlaced their fingers, “Am I?” He then leaned in to taste the sweet mint of her kisses again. He pulled back slightly and hitched her chin between his thumb and trigger finger,
“Mmm…I‘ve never been so excited to brush my teeth.”
Ahsoka stretched up to kiss his nose, “I’d keep kissing you even if you didn’t. But it does feel so much better.”
“I’ll be right back,” he turned to head down the hallway and called back, “Food’s ready to go if you want to get it on the table!”
“It looks delicious. Hurry up!”
Ahsoka was more than impressed when she took in all that Rex had prepared. Hot steaming rice grains, perfectly crispy potato wedges (just the way she liked them), a plate of jerky, wheat wafers, and a bowl of dried cherries and nuts. It was quite the spread. He had done all this for tonight, for them.
She looked over at the spot in the receiving room where she had stood, laughing to herself at the idea of Rex being a romantic.
And now? Now, she was on the other side of the room, about to happily feast on how romantic and thoughtful Rex could be. She knew better now. Rex was so much more than a captain, soldier, and friend. Ahsoka considered how fortunate she was to see the man he was without the war, the man he could choose to be on his own now.
Rex was always an officer that stood above other men by standing with them side by side. He immediately earned their respect because he was always respectful of others. She had seen him mold young soldiers with his stern but easy manner that they all admired. Every clone undeniably had their own personality, but Rex seemed to have this extra charm of class and distinction unique to him. For him to now desire her, care for her, like this, she couldn’t help but straighten her shoulders, lift her chin and feel honored.
He had even put out the plates and cutlery on the table already, all while she slept and dreamed of distant visions of time.
There were no placemats or fancy centerpieces to add more decoration, but that was fine with Ahsoka. The craftwork of the table shouldn’t be covered by anything anyway. Its half-moon shape, detailed aruk paw pedestal feet, and the wood’s craftsmanship were a work of art to behold. One that she wished she knew more about and could only accept her lost history.
The scattered knots and imperfections in the wood table top had an inlay of Daga turquoise that could only be found in the rocky cliffs overlooking the Great Daga Sea, far from Shili’s capital city of Corvala. Like Togruta’s natural markings, the rare blue and black turquoise marked the wood with sleek hints here and there.
Her homeworld of Shili was known throughout the galaxy for its healers and unique insular culture. It was most certainly not known for exporting traditional wooden furniture made of timber from its impressive sacred forest valleys.
To make a clan’s feast table for a Togruta binding ceremony required yet another ritual and ceremony just for choosing the tree. The tree would be giving its life for the benefit of celebrating many unions and births, hopefully over generations. A council of elder clan mothers would sleep outside, around the chosen tree for three rotations. There was a continuous routine of blessings, smudging of sage, and ceremonial dances that the elder mothers performed. The ritual was to deem the tree worthy and praise the worth of the female who would take possession of the table for all of her future binding ceremonies.
Ownership of the table would then pass down to the first daughter, who would be responsible for both the table and ensuring that her sisters obtained suitable warriors, always of their own choosing. This table was where the couple would sit and be celebrated by all who loved them. The table would be placed up high on a dais for all to have a view as hundreds would sing, drink, dance, and revel in hope for the future that the pairing would bring.
And yet, somehow, somewhere, and at some time, all of that supposed importance was sold to Padme and placed here, only to be hidden in the lodge. Something had happened to disrupt hundreds of years of generational tradition and ceremonial ritual. The table was hidden here, lost to time, just like Ahsoka’s knowledge of her species and native culture. Sadly, whatever legacy the table was meant to ensure was stuck here on Splendor, concealed in secret.
“You alright there, Tano?”
Rex had just come out of the hallway heading towards the open kitchen. Ahsoka was shaken out of her fascination with the table. She looked at Rex and spooned the rice into the serving bowl,
“Yes. Why?”
“Nothing, just saw you staring at the table in a daze. I think I’m still on edge from the last time we tried to sit down and eat something at night.”
Ahsoka then thought of something strange and bold; it was a wild idea. She wasn’t entirely sure how Rex would react, but she at least had past evidence that he had gone along with plans of hers that were undoubtedly riskier. This one was very different and would be significant. But she felt like it was right.
“Rex I’ll finish up getting the food and drinks on the table. But can you do me a favor?”
Standing next to Ahsoka at the kitchen’s island, he then turned and leaned his back against the counter as she busied herself to get the food ready. He tapped her right shoulder with his right shoulder, “A favor huh? As long as I get a kiss first, I’ll do anything you ask,”
“Oh yes, clean teeth! Let me kiss!”
She should have known better than to keep holding onto the spoon full of potato wedges, but there they were kissing sweetly again with Ahsoka’s hand awkwardly holding the wooden spoon. Not wanting to let their lips part, Rex smiled on her lips and peeked one eye to help her release the captive utensil and set it down on the counter.
Ahsoka could barely register what was happening as she delighted in the taste of him combined with the fresh sweet mint. She parted her lips to let her eager tongue lick and taste every part of his mouth. She let a small moan escape at the way he moved his tongue and lips with hers, keeping in time and steady with her hunger for more of him.
Rex slowly traced, barely touching, both of her lekku tails down to the tips against her breast, causing Ahsoka to quiver her lips and lose command of her mouth completely. He took that signal for what it was, a sure sign that it gave her pleasure. He closed his lips over her bottom lip before giving it a slight bite, and she gripped his bicep tightly. Now ghosting his fingertips back up her tails, he kept his lips close to hers as he spoke,
“So…what’s this favor I’m going to do for you?”
Ahsoka was a bit breathless and dazed from the combination of touch and kisses,
“My–my cloak. It’s hanging…by the….”
“By the front door? Yes?”
“Yes…front door…Rex, that feels so good.”
“You want me to get your cloak? For dinner?” Rex couldn’t help that his confusion invaded his tone and made them both calm down a bit.
“Yes, please,” Ahsoka returned the favor with a nibble at Rex’s earlobe and a scrape of teeth just underneath. She wondered if the Kaminoans knew that a stellar clone officer could be completely undone and disarmed with a few nibbles and licks. Now he was the one who was breathless as she whispered in his ear, “You’ll see why very soon, Rex,” she then pulled back, “I hope you’ll like my idea.”
Rex headed towards the front door where her cloak had been hanging on a hook by the entryway without another hint of inquiry. As he brought it back to her, he had that familiar “What next” posture she knew too well.
“You sit at the table. Get off your feet already.”
“You sure? I want to know what this little surprise of yours is?”
“You will see. Sit and I’ll get the food on the table, I’m starving.”
She left the cloak on the counter, finished setting up the food as quickly as possible, and brought them over to the table. As she headed back to the kitchen, she noticed that Rex had served her plate first.
There. That is the reason I know I am making the right choice.
She poured two tall glasses of water and came back to place them on the table.
Rex was serving himself as he spoke,
“I went ahead and gave you a bit of everything. Whatever you don’t want, I will gladly eat.”
“It’s perfect, thank you.”
“Sit down already.”
“Real quick, Rex. I promise. You can start eating.”
He took a sip from his glass and kept his eye on her, thoroughly intrigued.
What is she up to now?
Rex watched in astonishment as Ahsoka took a knife to her cloak, a cloak that Anakin had given her just before they left for their mission on Mandalore.
“What are you doing?!” He stood up from the seat at the table to look over the island counter.
“Rex will you calm down, I’m almost—” she grunted as she yanked a long strip of fabric from the entire bottom hem of her cloak.
“There!” She walked back over, carrying the long, ratty, and depressing strip of useless fabric that looked like a dried dead eel carcass. Then she rolled it up neatly, attempting to make it neat, and set it down on the table before taking a seat in the chair next to his. The arrangement of the table was same side seating. The half-moon shape made the table’s arrangement only for a couple to sit close, facing out together as opposed to facing each other.
“Eat, Rex.”
They both finally dug in, but Rex was still looking at the bizarre addition of a giant strip of her cloak.
“You going to tell me what that’s all about?”
“Hmmm…later. Once we are done eating.” She said with a twinkle in her eye and a sneaky grin as she crunched on a potato wedge,
“These came out perfect by the way. ”
“Good, because we almost burned them. Thank goodness you said something.”
“I can’t believe you're eating jerky. Rex, you hate jerky.”
“I know, but right now I could eat our whole stock of it.”
“There’s not much, right?”
“No. There isn't. We probably have five days of food, you and I could stretch that to another week. But uh, we’d have to reconsider our… recreational activities and not use too much energy.”
“Oh, well that's bad news all around. I’m rather enjoying our—”
“Here it comes.”
“—, recreational activities.” Now, Rex’s laugh at Ahsoka making fun of him was layered with a soft adoration for how beautiful she looked, even when she did that goofy expression. She was chewing food he couldn’t stand, making fun of him with that silly voice, and all he wanted to do was kiss her. Kiss every inch of her and let her drive him crazy again and again.
“It’s not as funny anymore? I’m sorry, I’ll stop doing it.”
“Oh, no it's still funny. I’m just….”
I’m just in love with you, Ahsoka. Don’t mind me.
“You look so cute when you do it.” Rex went back to eating, not only to satisfy his hunger but also to get himself to calm down a bit and not look like a lovesick sap.
“I look cute?” Ahsoka appeared flattered but confused and was blushing. He noticed the markings on her tails looked darker, and her eyelashes were blinking rapidly until she somehow managed to look up from under them at him. His breath escaped him, and Rex wasn’t even sure he would be able to finish the meal without leaning over to kiss her and let it sweep them both away.
“Yes, you do.” He braved his hand onto her bare thigh. When she responded with her knowing and welcoming grin, he gave a squeeze and made himself finish the meal he had planned to savor.
Ahsoka reached over for more dried cherries and offered them to Rex first before she took some more.
“Yes, thank you. So please tell me what that is all about over there with the fabric from your cloak?”
“It’s something that we can discuss after we finish eating. So impatient, Rex?”
“Hmmm…okay. It's very odd. Like that bottle with the metal shards in the kitchen. Oh I noticed.”
“You hate it, don’t you?”
“I don’t hate it, I get why you saved them. But I’m not thrilled that it's in the kitchen where I was cooking food.”
“Alright, I hear ya, Rexter. I will find a new home for them.”
Rex put his fork down, reached to squeeze her thigh again, and leaned in closer to her, “Somehow, I think you know that you can do whatever you want and I’ll still be nuts about you right?”
“I’m learning quickly.”
“You tend to do that,” Rex moved in closer to give her the signal for a kiss, and she happily gave him one on the lips but reminded him,
“If we start this up Rex, this whole meal will get cold.”
“Well, whatever we don’t eat is our breakfast anyway,” he helped himself to some dried cherries, never taking his eyes off of her. Rex was looking at her like she was the next thing he would help himself devour. She felt herself slightly pant before licking her lips. She quickly reached for her water.
Ahsoka was determined to eat something, but Rex’s eyes were making her stomach do backflips as her cheeks flushed. It occurred to her that they may not get through this magnificent meal he prepared, and Rex seemed completely fine with that. She attempted to eat some more rice to prepare herself for revealing her mysterious big idea.
“Fine! Here it is…I tore that piece of my cloak because I needed it to do something special with you tonight, at this table .”
“Okay? What is this ‘something special’?”
“Remember I told you this table was for Togruta binding ceremonies, when a female takes a warrior.”
Rex knew his eyes went too wide when he saw Ahsoka get a little nervous at his response. He reached his hand to hold hers as she continued to let her know he wasn’t scared right now, not one bit. He was in love…with her. Rex may not know how to say it plainly, but he understood what she was proposing now and was so moved by it, he may have been squeezing her hand a little too tightly. He eventually relaxed some.
“I remember.”
“Right. So I don’t really know what exactly happens in the ceremony, because my memory of my mother’s ceremony seems to be images of people’s ankles and looking up at the big table. But I want to make this a little different than what Togrutas usually do. I want this to be our way of doing this. So I’ll ask you to choose whether—”
“Yes, Ahsoka.”
“Rex! I didn’t even ask you the question yet?”
“Either the question is, ‘if you have chosen me, then do I accept?’ The answer is yes. Or the question is, ‘do I choose you to love and fight beside?’ Absolutely, yes. So…the answer is: yes.”
“You didn’t even think about it.”
“Oh, I have thought about it. I can’t stop thinking about it. That's all I think about now, Ahsoka.”
His face was soft, but his tone was grave, with his honey golden eyes looking straight into hers that were widened and hanging on his every word.
“Ahsoka, when we were making our escape from the Tribunal, when you missed your landing, leaping to the ship? I almost had a heart attack, thinking I would lose you then. I would not lose you again. Then yesterday, when you were choking and then just, kriff ! You just flopped over and wouldn’t move at all. I sat with you outside on the balcony, just devastated. You don’t know this, but I was a slobbering mess. I…I had no idea whether you were hurt, dying, would ever come back.
She was tracing his stubbled cheek now and settled her palm to cup his face to help him get out his admission.
“I had just got you back in my life and was so happy for the first time, after a very difficult year without you, and then I thought you were gone…again.”
He kissed the palm of her hand, as his energy grew animated,
“But I swear, something came to me, and you know I‘m no good with this Force stuff, but something, a bird, but not just a bird, it changed its shape, I can’t explain it. It made me feel better, it made me see what you mean to me. And ever since we kissed, I can’t stop thinking about how much I love you, Ahsoka. I really am in love with you.”
Ahsoka’s fingers went to her mouth with how moved her emotions were and how golden and genuine Rex’s Force signature felt. It filled every cell in her body with light and joy.
“So, yes, Ahsoka, I have chosen you and would be honored that you chose me as your first warrior.”
“ First ? Rex, what do you mean, first?”
“You will outlive me, Ahsoka. We both know that will happen. But as long as I am alive—’
“As long as you are alive, Rex, I choose you to be my only warrior . My only love , Rex.”
They were both allowing the happy tears of emotional relief to puddle up and fall from their eyes. Rex stood her up with him to hold her closer to him. Ahsoka melted into him; her face pressed up against his black liner to feel his heart beating steady and strong.
Ahsoka had thought this would go a lot differently, but here they were, confessing their love for each other. Neither of them knew if it was the years they had fought side by side or the time apart when the absence forced them to see how much they needed each other.
But this devastating and challenging week they endured together finally broke all defenses: the victory on Mandalore, Order 66, and now ending up here on Splendor.
No matter what was waiting for them when they would leave here, they chose to bind their hearts as one incredibly powerful love.
Ahsoka took the long strip of brown fiberweave in her hand, unraveling it as Rex let the length of it fall into his. They already knew how to follow each other’s instincts and needs without words.
“So, I’m pretty sure we, um, say some words to each other as we wrap our hands together.”
“Okay. Sounds good. You’ve thought of some already?”
“I did, if I can remember them now. I’m a bit scattered, but very happy right now.”
“Me too, Ahsoka. I’ll follow your lead and will make it my own.”
“Okay,” both of their left hands were holding different ends of the cloth, and she stood up on her toes to kiss him before they took the next step.
They took each other’s right hand and clasped them together, interlacing their fingers. Ahsoka and Rex placed their right hands in the center of the strip of cloth with the extra length hanging down on either side. Then they crisscrossed the fabric one wrapping at a time to symbolize the binding of lives and their love as they spoke words that came to them,
“Rex, I have chosen you. I am bound to your life and you are bound to mine. There will never be distance between our hearts. They are one now. My love for you is like no other. Your love for me is mine to protect. Wherever I am, I am always yours. Now and forever, until I die.”
“Ahsoka, I have chosen you to be mine. I am bound to you with loyalty and honor. You and your love are mine to protect. My love for you is like no other I’ll ever know. Wherever I am, I will be yours. Now and forever, until I die.”
The quiet, heavy realization of what they both had professed rang like the bells from the top tower of the Jedi Temple. It was impossible to ignore as it signaled that a new life for them would begin from this moment forward. There was no turning back to their old life; it was gone now. They had survived, escaped, and were now together. The only way was forward, and all they could feel now was the elation and love that pulled them together like magnets to share the fiery kiss that sealed their ceremonial union between them.
Rex squeezed Ahsoka in his one-armed embrace around her waist. Their bound hands rested in between their hearts. Ahsoka’s free hand was tracing his neck and up through his buzzed golden hair. Her touch sent a wave of rolling warm sensations throughout every muscle of his body, and he couldn’t help but respond by lifting her off the floor with all the strength in his one arm.
Pressed against his body as he lowered her back down, Ahsoka began to feel a great revelation in the Force. From the tips of her montrals, down to her toes, the power was growing from a small trace of light to a shining beacon within her chest and down to her core. She would remember this moment as the sum of so many chaotic parts that made them both whole now.
Rex wanted both hands to pick her up and swing her around, but he also didn’t want ever to let go of their bound hands pressed against the scar on his chest that proved he may actually be the luckiest bastard in the galaxy.
“I want to carry you into the bedroom right now.”
“Well I want you right here on the table, Rex.”
He growled into her neck and lekku tail, even allowing his face stubble to softly trace her lekku, causing that wonderful sensation of wetness to slick her bare thighs again.
Rex reached behind her with his one free hand and pushed the food out of the way to the edges of the table. The basket of wheat wafers was the first to fall, followed by the burnt potatoes. She eased herself up into the table and spread her legs to bring his hips toward her by closing her legs around him.
“Help me take off the binding, Rex. Something tells me we’ll need both our hands and I’m nervous one or both of us would tear it.”
He quickly moved to help her loosen their hands,
“Here, I got it. Good call,” as they both smiled and giggled, moving the fabric to slide off in a bundle. Rex began to roll the material back up neatly with a reverence for what it symbolized. He dropped it on the chair seat as it seemed the table might not be the safest place for anything right now.
“I um, I have a surprise of my own for you, if that’s alright?” His fingers were gently kneading the flesh of her thighs wrapped around him.
“You do? What…what’s that, Rex?” she pulled his black liner up for him to take off and she kissed the scars on his chest as he pulled off his shirt quickly.
He was nudging the chairs out of the way as he spoke,
“I’m not exactly sure. I’ve never done this before. So you’ll have let me know if I’m doing it right, okay?”
“I have no idea what you’re going to do, but I’ll do my best?” Ahsoka watched him, but her sense of him was full of excitement and desire. Rex leaned into her mouth, knowing she could hear the slightest whisper,
“Ahsoka, I want to kiss you down here,” Rex pulled back slightly to see her reaction.
Her realization clicked before his eyes. Her imagination had not been creative enough even to realize this was something that was done. But the moment Rex made his request, Ahsoka could barely contain her lust for what this would feel like.
She was speechless and only could eagerly nod as she bit her bottom lip to hold on to the smile that was stretching from cheek to cheek.
Rex began to kiss her neck and moved his hand to trace her lower lips that were bare, slick, and warm. He guided his kisses to gently follow a slow but hungry path over her breasts, letting his nose trace her lekku tail.
Rex moved to kneel down before her, taking command of his position, the same way he would confidently take command of a ship’s control panel. He looked back up at her puzzled face, breathing heavy and focused on every move he made. The full lips of her mouth were parted, her tongue licking with desire, and her chest was moving up and down with her heavy breaths. The image was fanning the flame of heat building within him, and he moved to kiss her stomach gently. Even though he technically didn’t know what he was doing, he didn’t need to worry about wanting to figure it out. He licked his lips, anticipating how she would taste and feel. He wanted to please her with this act. Rex wanted Ahsoka to know that the man she chose was capable of satisfying her like this whenever she wanted him to, and it would equally please him to do this for her.
Speechless with desire, she watched the hungry look in Rex’s eyes as he moved from looking up at her to looking down to see all of her down there. He hadn’t even kissed her yet but her body was writhing with anticipation.
“I’m flying blind here, Ahsoka. So you’ll have to tell me what to do. I want to make you feel good right now, okay?”
He pulled her legs over his shoulders as she braced back on her hands. He kissed her outer lips gently. The wetness of his lips on her soft skin down there caused Ahsoka to heave her shoulders over. She had to reach for his head to catch herself, and she curled with delight watching him taste her.
Rex let his tongue follow the stripes that adorned her outer lips before pulling his lips together over one of the sensitive spots she casually had pointed to in the bathtub. Hearing her moan “oh” so deep and low was incredible. He started using his tongue to explore her most sensitive spots. She whimpered each inhaling breath and keened out her exhaled breaths. Rex looked back up to see the overwhelmed expression on her face as she then softly begged him, calling out his name,
“Rex, please don’t stop. Please keep going.”
She was entirely at his command like this. Rex had one hand sneaking under her tunic to grab at her breasts and could start to feel his own excitement growing in his now thankfully looser pants. She responded by taking her whole tunic off and was now laid out on the table completely nude.
He remembered some idiot told him this was the best way to keep from finishing too early, but he quickly realized that may have been bad intel. For Rex, hearing and feeling Ahsoka getting off from what he was doing to her was getting him as hard and ready as an ion cannon. He decided to pace himself and get serious about getting her to climax. He began assessing all of her body to establish the best plan of action before launching into his fully coordinated action.
He kissed her inner thighs, keeping his eyes on her to watch her desire. She pouted those lips, and he couldn’t help it, he felt bared his teeth, and it took everything in him to only bite gently, but Ahsoka’s response that was half a growl and half a giggle, leading him to ask,
“Did you like that?”
“Yes! Do it again, Rex.”
He kissed her inner thigh wet with his tongue and kept his eyes looking at her as he bit, enough to mark he knew, and she yelped gloriously, clenching her teeth.
He wanted to keep working on where to please her with his mouth, but each time he looked, he would get lost in fascination,
“I just want to keep looking at how beautiful you are down here,” he moved his hands to grip her thighs and kissed her outer lips again.
Then he moved them to gently spread her lips open and look in wonder, as he then kissed and licked, adoring the beauty of what he saw. His eyes closed in ecstasy each time he did. He could taste her wetness, and it was the sweetest flavor of Ashoka’s scent, mixed with the wet intimate desire for him. Rex pulled back to study her inner lips and wanted to find exactly where her clit was before he got lost in his own pleasure of tasting her. He had to tell her,
“Ahsoka, it's incredible. It reminds me of a fire lily in bloom.”
“Wha-what?” Ahsoka could barely have a conversation right now, but she was pretty sure Rex just said her vagina looked like a flower and could only smile at how sweet and gentle he was being.
“Your lips, the inner ones here,” he kissed and licked them, up towards where he was sure her clit was, “they’re soft like flower petals.”
“Oh Force, Rex! Please do that again.”
“This?” He licked again and couldn’t help but want to kiss her there the way he would on her mouth, letting his lips and tongue work together to please her”
“Keep it doing that…there! Oh, there!”
Rex then let his mouth do what it wanted to in that very spot as he listened and peeked his eyes for her response. She was definitely responding now, and so was he. He kept the rhythm of one movement and listened to her call out for more when he attempted another. She then started arching her back, causing the bowl of cherries to fall off the edge of the table when her hands tried to find a better position.
“Rex, please, I want you in me now.”
He moaned at her plea, and the vibrations of his voice against her caused her to squeal with delight. Rex was more determined than ever to get her over the edge. She certainly sounded like she was close. He decided to slide his finger inside her as he continued to satisfy her with his mouth. He could feel her clenching around his finger, so he slid another one in, and she groaned with pleasure,
“Rex, yes. Use your tongue too, oh it feels so good,” she was grabbing at her breasts and twisting her nipples.
Rex easily continued but was longing to kiss her mouth and breasts too. He so wanted to watch her beautiful face when it was sultry and heated. He sucked on her down there like he wanted to suck on and lick her nipples.
Then she really started to clench around his penetrating fingers.
Her breath was caught at the pleasure. Every muscle was tight and tense at the approaching climax. Her throat ached audibly as it too seized up - cracking at the strain - allowing nothing more than a long choked whimper to escape past clenched teeth and pursed lips. Rex was now holding her hips down to keep her from bucking off the table. She reached her peak and cried out his name with an exhaled moan of astonishment at the enormous wave of pleasure he had just given her. He rode it out with her, easing up when he heard her breathing sound steady again.
Ahsoka looked spent but quickly recovered and sat up immediately. She pulled his face to bring his whole body up to hers. Rex complied readily and was now standing over her. She was kissing him, his face covered in her wetness, and she didn’t care one bit. If he wasn't mistaken, she seemed to love it. She kissed him all over, practically drunk appreciation,
“That was incredible, Rex! It felt so good.”
Rex was enthralled and palming at his erection when Ahsoka placed her hand on his to feel him. He let her take over and mimic the movement while he cupped her face, pressed his cheek to hers, and felt the warmth and power of her hand excite his lust further.
He then noticed she had slight tears in the corners of her eyes, which made his eyes widen with concern as he wiped them away.
“Were you crying?”
She chuckled, “Probably!” She was now undoing the drawstring of his pants, and he gladly experienced her take command of their next moves,
“I want to feel you in me, Rex.” She pulled his pants down, and they fell to the floor. There she saw his manhood in that wondrous state, thick, hard, and commanding attention from her instantly. She noticed that some of his own slick had already started leaking. The thought of Rex getting so turned on from pleasing her drove Ashoka wild.
He had a hold of his hardened length now and brought her hand to hold it too. Ahsoka held it firmly. She wanted to feel his skin in her hand and the grip that could excite him. He then guided his hips to slide himself into her slowly. Ahsoka‘s breath was stuck as she took in the feel of him sheathing himself into her. Then he went in even deeper, and he practically collapsed against her shoulder. He worked at his pace as he kissed her neck and lekku. Gripping his back and shoulder muscles, Ahsoka was mesmerized by the sight of him thrusting into her when she looked down. His facial expressions were intoxicating as the friction and pounding shook her and made her body yearn for him to keep going.
By now, she had given up trying to make sense of the noises her body was calling out with each roll of pleasure that he rocked into her. When he would close his beautiful eyes, she saw him curse quietly about how she felt so good. And just when she thought she could keep up with what he was doing, he would then get a rhythm that would cause her both to brace herself and completely let go.
She noticed one particular shift in his facial expressions that she will never forget. In a matter of moments, when she pushed up on her arms to match his hips, Rex’s face went from a grown man’s intense and determined snarl to the mesmerized wonder of a boy, completely in awe of her.
He grabbed at her breasts to squeeze, lick and bite, causing her to lean back some more, and she widened her legs. She then arched her back fully and bucked her hips against him, and now they both were grunting and moaning with abandon.
The table was sturdy, not budging one bit with all they were doing. Rex then growled, and she heard his voice tremble,’
“Ahsoka, stars! Fuck…I’m…uh….”
“Do it, Rex. I want to feel you finish in me. Pleeeeeease don’t stop!”
His pace went from deep, strong thrusts to a wild man out to ravage her. Her back was flat on the table, and Rex braced his arms on either side of her. Rex’s pounding didn’t stop him from letting his lips and tongue express all his pleasure on her breasts and her curled lekku tail and as Ashoka was nearing a peak of climax. When Rex fully released his, her Force sensitivity took in his orgasm, and she wailed in the bliss of white light that ran through her veins and burst from her chest.
She wasn’t even sure where she was for a few seconds. Her whole body was experiencing an overwhelming cascade of pleasure beyond her mental ability to register in real-time.
When she finally got her bearings, she felt Rex’s body as it collapsed onto her chest. They were both smiling and laughing as they praised each other’s skin with kisses.
“What am I going to do with you, Ahsoka? Kriffing Maker of Men , that was the best thing I’ve ever experienced in my life!” He was kissing her all over as she tried to remember how to speak. When Rex stood up and slowly pulled out of her, she whimpered. She felt so good and satisfied,
“Rex, that was incredible. You’re incredible.”
“You’re going to make me blush, Ahsoka. ”
Still smiling, Rex then looked up towards the balcony; soon, his face was frozen. Then he quickly darted his eyes and turned to scope the entire perimeter of the balcony.
“Rex, what is it?” She sat up and turned to look out where he looked and was equally shocked.
The quiet night and once darkened lagoon and forest outside were now lit with vibrant colors, glowing with bioluminescence. The lagoon swirled with a purple light. In the forest, outlines of glowing pink and red moonflowers, bright glowing yellow tendrils revealed the vines from the trees. An electric orange and soft yellow revealed pathways on the ground through the trees.
Perched on the balcony was a small, green bird with green eyes that glowed right into Ahsoka’s connection to the Force.
Splendor was now alive.
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