#but for real its one of the best anime soundtracks ever made
dreamymoomin · 1 year
Since when was the whole Death Note score on Spotify?! My productivity is going to skyrocket now omfgggg
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so, I think The Hidden World gets a lot of unnecessary hate. I definitely don’t think it’s better than the first two, but it has its own very distinct feel that separates it from the others too, and it’s very raw, and actually very real, and I think that’s why I disliked it so much when I first saw it, but i’m older now, and there’s beauty in how real it is. And there’s no reality besides an inevitable separation of Toothless and Hiccup, besides of course, a for eternity tv show just about their adventures forever and ever and ever. But, the one guarantee all of us have in life, everything ends.
First of all, that opening shot of Berk is beautiful, because as Hiccup narrates, you see the reality of living on a small island with an overflow of dragons: overcrowding and chaos. Like honest to god the first maybe like 20 minutes of this film is so perfect. Also, Hiccup interacts with other characters a lot more, a lot more chatting, and I actually felt like I was watching a fifteen year old Hiccup in an older body, like they really wrote him perfectly aged up. I didn’t even realize how little we got to really see his personality in the second film in comparison to the first and third one. I felt the movie was kinda shot a little like a tv show, in terms of camera work, it felt very off putting. it also felt off putting to have a HTTYD movie and have Hiccup mainly on the ground for most of it, but I understand why. But god is it animated beautifully, like sooooooo beautifully. 
I think the existence of the Hidden World as like a concept is dumb, and if I read that in a book I’d be like ugh no that’s so lame for story, so they’re lucky that waterfall shot is just insanely crazy gorgeous. I saw it in theaters, and that shot was mesmerizing, of them on Stormfly flying over the ocean and rocks and waterfall, like where they’re sooooo small and you really feel size, it’s so beautiful. I hate Grimmel, I hate him, he’s so stupid. I know you need a villain bla bla bla, but honestly, if it was the same movie without him and they still eventually left to the hidden world, it still would’ve worked and been a way better movie. I really wish they had written the film without an outer conflict/villain besides just like dragon raids. Really focus on Hiccup’s feelings as he navigates the new world of being chief around him, like there’s a reason he was not up in the sky for a lot of this movie, I think it would’ve been really strong to focus on how he has to come to terms that he has to let Toothless go. I hate the light fury design, I don’t hate the existence of her, and I would’ve loved tk see Hiccup get to know her and like how much he would adore her because he literally spent the last 6 years searching the world for another night fury. No problem with that. Hate that damn glitter white sparkle. I hate that she’s a my little pony doll. Why does she have to be so ROUNd????? Couldn’t have just made like a smaller version of Toothless, maybe nose is smaller and eyes are thinner, ears aren’t as long, but different eye color and keep her black like Toothless. She’s got nubs bro. Damn beluga. The end scene of this movie is like, top best clips in cinema alone. It’s perfect. So perfect. When Hiccup takes a deep breath once he’s up in the air, GOD it’s so perfect. It makes everything that isn’t great about this movie and just makes it all so worth it. Also the whimsy feel of this movie, it’s so fun. The soundtrack really brings ouch such a whimsy feeling. I also don’t like how everyone was all lowkey bullying Hiccup, but like, especially the whole, them being shocked Hiccup is surprised Toothless wouldn’t come back. Like wdym, be so for real. Of course Hiccup didn’t expect Toothless to stay away. “You have him his freedom” my ass. Also, what’s up with Valka, they yassified her. Why does she move like that. Were they trying to be, this is where Hiccup gets his gesturing from??? It just didn’t work for her, especially since she did NOT act like that in the second film. That was so strange. Also they did something to Toothless. Like they made him act like a dog, he seemed so strange. And why was he grey?????? And such a wide neck. Idk he was funky, I have no idea but it was weird. Lowkey, I loved the Hiccup and Tuffnut scenes because they’re so true to character, but yall just wanna be haters. That’s all my thoughts for now. Hiccup is yummy in this movie😮‍💨
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
Time to fly!
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What fans say:
How To Train Your Dragon:
The message was just nice. I have a lot of nostalgia for it. I used to be a huge dragon nerd as a kid and dragons just weren't that prevalent in media here, especially not as friendly figures. I still love HTTYD and it's sequels nowadays.
It was one of my favorite movies as a kid and one of the few movies I watched that wasn't a barbie movie, it's just really cool.
Best movie featuring dragons period. The pure wish fulfillment fantasy of having a highly intelligent fantasy creature companion that can fly and doesn’t mind being ridden like a horse, therefore also the best execution of the dragon rider trope in all of fiction. Extremely funny, adding to the comedy is the fact that only adults have Scottish accents and all the teens have an American accent. So good that even its tv show follow up was decent by extension. The bit where Hiccup is trying to earn Toothless' trust and they start to work together changed me on a fundamental level.
I LOVE IT SO MUCHSHJKBSKHGDK I have a bone dysplasia which causes some bones to be a little bit more hollow and whenever I would feel a pain in my top back, 8 year old me was like ''woah I'm growing wings its my time to fly like toothless'' lol and it was always a dream of mine to fly. Weirdly enough I could relate to toothless because the "not being able to fly but you should be" felt like an allegory to a lot of my life! It gave me hope when he WAS able to after the help of others + the care he always needed + that mechanic wing thing made me feel like with the right ''recipe'' could help me get better too. My favourite scene is the first flight!! I love the animation for it, it makes me feel like im flying through the clouds too! The soundtrack is amazing too, I still cry to the songs.
I could write an entire essay about how much I love this movie, it truly is one of the best films ever made to me. Utterly flawless on both a technical level and a story-telling level. Not to mention the score oh my GOD the score of this movie changed my life. There are too many scenes that are so impactful, but the Forbidden Friendship scene has to be one of the best. Test Drive too.
This is literally my favorite movie of all time. This movie got me through the worst times in my life. It’s about love and friendship and all that lovely goopy stuff and it’s also fucking gorgeous.
THE cinematic masterpiece of our generation. On god.
This movie is an absolute masterpiece, the animation is pretty, the score is perfect, the relationship between Toothless and Hiccup is so sweet, Toothless is absolutely adorable. Definitely one of DreamWork's best films.
It's a beautifully animated movie about an unconventional viking boy named Hiccup finding his place in a world where dragons and vikings are constantly at odds, and how he changes the world around him. The dragon designs are unique and beautiful, and the vikings are larger than life and match the exaggerated setting.
Who on Tumblr DOESN'T want a dragon best friend I ask you. I would kill to have what Hiccup & Toothless have.
It does a brilliant job balancing tropes in a way that subverts and plays into them. There is so much in it for both adults and kids, it doesn't look like other animated films, it feels more grounded and in that realism it becomes so beautiful. The friendship in the film feels very real despite one of the characters being unable to talk! Forbidden Friendship scene is, in my opinion, the greatest scene in the history of cinema. The music, the lighting, the cinematography, the pacing, the emotions, it is practically perfect in every way. I could go on but I think ya get it.
God this movie defined my childhood and it's still so good when I rewatch it now. I'm guessing you'll have had this submitted a good few times bc it goddamn deserves it but. Hiccup is so relatable and !! dragons !! big cute dragons whose animation models are based on cats!! based fr
I have many fond childhood memories of this movie and in particular I loved how my cousin would "talk" for Toothless (cousin was babysitting us when we first watched the movie). Another thing is The SCORE. The music is iconic and awe inspiring to this day. That first time when Hiccup and Toothless fly together and it Works and the score absolutely goes HARD, I loose my breath every time. It's great. Also have you seen Toothless he's an adorable dragon and a badass, what's not to love?
Makes me cry every time because Hiccup and Toothless are such good friends and they love each other and end up as two halves of a boy dragon soulmate sandwich also the music is extremely good who doesn’t like dragons anyway.
It's the story of a beautiful friendship forming between a boy who doesn't fit in and a dragon who is the last of his kind. It's so cute. And it shows positive representation of disability, Hiccup and Toothless become disabled in ways that meaningfully parallel each other. Hiccup makes a prosthetic tail fin! And Toothless is just so cute!
The sound track is amazing
Honestly everything is phenomenal. It has a good use of comedy and an excellent story and character development. There are also countless beautiful and awe-inspiring scenes supported by an amazing score.
It is a very emotional movie about an old man learning to still enjoy life even though his wife died.
Such a beautiful film about loss
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no-face-no-shame · 4 months
Ok. I said I will write some of my thoughts on Disco Elysium a few days ago, and I'm finally in the mood to do so, so here we go.
First things first - it's one of the most unique, incredible games I've ever played. It just feels different from anything else that I know. The world, the characters. It feels real. The worldbuilding is spectacular. As someone from a post-Soviet country, the atmosphere of the whole game hits too close to home. Even stupid things like architecture - I've seen it all before. I've seen these buildings, those streets. DE is the kind of game that will make you laugh until the full meaning reaches you, and then there is no laughter left.
Staying on the topic - the art style and animation blew my mind. The portraits are beautiful, painted in a very characteristic way. The animation of the game itself perfectly translates the atmosphere of the drawings into 3D. Extremely detailed backgrounds and locations, just a beauty overall.
Great soundtrack. The boat song made me cry. Literally. It just paralysed me. The whole OST is spectacular, but there is something so etheric about this particular track and its placement in the game.
There are no fully good people there. And I love it. I love how complex everyone is. It's one of the aspects that make DE feel so real. Everyone has some shit going on, everyone has some stupid opinions, everyone has fucked something up. Just as in real life. It doesn't make the characters any less sympathetic or likable. Quite the opposite - it makes them feel human in a very touching way.
Harry is a fascinating protagonist. He has so much good in him, and so much evil. It depends on how you play him - from the same background you can obtain such different people. Just like in real life, it's up to you to interpret his past and make a future out of it. Will Harry become bitter and hateful towards everyone? Will he start hating women and pouring his frustrations out on minorities? Or will he see the hope in the future and not give up on himself, letting the world welcome him back? The only chance for him is in love. Yes, you can choose the path of a hateful bigot who scares everyone. But this is how you get the weakest version of Harry. He can't build himself up, create a new himself out of violence and hatred. It only ruins him.
The way DE deals with the topic of addiction is one of the best takes I've seen in any media. The drugs will give you bonuses on checks, so you want to do more of them. Everything seems easier. Before you know, you take something before every check. And we're back at the beginning. I did my playthrough without taking anything, and I'm thankful for that. I like how especially alcoholism isn't shown in a profound, elegant way it is often in media. It's ugly, it's embarrassing, it reeks, it makes you stupid. Nothing elegant about it. Quite the opposite. It's a humiliation. No romanticising.
DE also has one of the best takes on politics I've seen recently. This is a very political game, it's one of the most important mechanics. To cover this topic more fairly, a separate post would be needed, but it's really refreshing to see such a complex portrayal of such a complex topic after being regularly exposed to, well, social media takes on politics. DE seems to be mocking all political fractions equally, however the reality quickly shows that they aren't the same.
Leftist Harry is the only one who has a chance to make some change - not only in his own life, but in the world around him as well. Yes, he's cheesy. Yes, he says stuff that sounds naive. But the thing is - he's right. The naive dreams about justice for the weak are right. It reminds me of that one quote, I can't recall the author, who says that children are naive in their belief that everything should be fair and that life should be good, and they are right in their belief. Things won't change immediately, especially not for Harry. But there is hope.
Centrist Harry never does anything and lets his life remain bad. Just as real life centrists, he sees harm, injustice and suffering, and is indifferent to them. But he's also indifferent to the good of the world. He's stuck in limbo which he will never leave.
Fascist Harry is a miserable rubbish that will probably die soon. He hates everything and everyone, and himself the most. There is no hope. The fascist route is the one where Harry gives up, collapses into the darkest chasms of his own mind. Everything is ugly, everything is violent, and the world will fall apart. Harry takes no pleasure in his views - they literally hurt him (by taking away his morality points), but he can't stop making himself and everyone around miserable.
Now, into the supernatural. I'd classify Disco Elysium as magical realism (one of my favourite literary genre.) Many times it reminded me of South American literature, with its smooth mixture of brutal reality and magic that's just right outside your grasp. There are so many moments in DE when you're wondering if something is actually happening, if this world is magical or not. And you never get the answer. Once again, spectacular worldbuilding and atmosphere.
The Pale is an intriguing, unique concept. A mixture of science and something supernatural. The End, Death, Freedom and Oppressor of the world. There are people who travel through it, yes, but they never come back the same. Some don't come back at all. The whole concept is linked to the side plot with the whole in the universe and the scientist woman. It was one of those parts of the game where I just sat in my chair and thought very deeply about not only the reality of DE, but also about ontology in the context of our world.
Dolores Dei and her becoming one with Dora in Harry's mind. What can I say. The dream was so eerie. I find it interesting that it happened towards the end of the game. "I will see you tomorrow, Harry." He’s not free from her. Will he ever be? The figurines won't win her back. Nothing will, because she's gone. The innocence and war criminal at the same time. The love of his life and his nemesis. With a crown on her forehead and an ugly suitcase in her hand.
I could talk about a million more things, but I think this post is already long enough. My final thought is - if you haven't played Disco Elysium, do it. It's one of those games you won't ever forget. I believe that there is a piece of it that detaches itself from the rest and buries somewhere deep within you, not allowing you to ever forget what you've seen.
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wherewolfwasteland · 7 months
Apollo justice + some dual destinies (ace attorney spoilers and rant !!!)
I've cleared the game a little while ago and while there was some aspects i liked,overall I was very mixed . First of all I love phoenix and his character change , it makes things interesting and I don't mind that he just goes back to himself later in the game . I also really like ema skye and how despite her talent she didn't make it into the job she wanted , it's realistic and gives her even more character growth . The soundtrack and animations were beautiful as well and the first case was one of my favourite first cases (tied with the first case of trials and tribulations)
Now for the things i didn't like (there's a lot unfortunately)
- apollo justice: first of all I won't be the first or last person to say he was a side character in his OWN GAME but that's not all that I don't like about him . First of all it really annoys me when he points out people's nervous traits every single time. I understood the first time since it was new to the player but everytime after that? Its cringe . I'm sorry but if I were a witness and the defence attorney told me that I was playing with my hands when I was nervous or something , I'd make a conscious effort to stop doing it . Uggghhh so cringe . It makes all of the witnesses look stupid af . Another thing i don't like about him is how little we actually learn about him . I like how he deals with his own trauma (pushing it away) and even in dual destinies going his own path was very interesting. But his inner monologue was very lacking in personality or anything really. Honestly it sucks because I do like him as a base character but the fandom definitely made me like him, and gave him more characterisation then those two games ever did .
Trucy : don't get me wrong , she has her great moments and she's super cute (I do love her overall) but I have some issues as well . First of all I hate the fact they made her super pale , there are no black characters in ace attorney , and even though I understand her not being black , she could have been tanned like her father. I don't wanna hear no "ace attorney is made in Japan so no black people" bullshit. This game isn't very realistic in the slightest so when people use that as an excuse for lack of diversity it annoys me so much ! And one more thing I don't like about trucy is that she is used as a panties joke wayyyyyy tooooo muccchhhhh , I'm sick of the panties !!!! Give it a resttttttttttttt . Ah I do love her lots and lots though . Okay okay moving on .
Klavier : and this is going to piss people offfff i know!! Bur he is just really really boring!! Which is so unfortunate because he had all of the makings to be great . He's in a band (that's awesome!) And he has great charisma and presence. But over the game when though so much happens to him he just brushes it all off, and not in a pushing away his trauma like apollo way either. It's always going to be harder to portray a character the player doesn't get to play since we can't hear his inner monologue (which would have been so cool) but still - I mean his best friend / band mate and his own brother both turn out to be murderers and he literally does not care in the slightest . Don't even get me started on how weird he is in aa5 . Also the fact that he was supposed to be your rival throughout the game and he really wasn't at all made going against him boring too . Don't get me wrong, going into a case I already know I'm winning , but in this game I knew I was winning if you get me . Other then the huge lost potential with him, I do think he is interesting, unfortunately mostly in fanon .
Kristoph: I mean I really really liked him as a villain I did ! But it was all too soon. This man had no real motive at the end of the day and he was gone before I even cared enough about him. He was apollos mentor and klaviers brother and he could have been given so much hype before the twist but no , first case and I'm over him . I don't even care he forged the evidence at that point . I knew he was evil. Also they should have made him go all out ! Like kidnap trucy at the end ! Go completely nuts !!! Especially since he has those 5 black locks , he could have been one of the greats .
Others : now there was other small things I liked and didn't like , overall I am happy that I played the game , I like the added characters despite their flaws and I like how they expanded their powers and stuff . I know some people don't like the fantasy elements but I like them a lot . I think it can add fun gameplay and stuff so yeah!!
Lastly here is somethings I would have done to change and improve the story (this is my opinion . I'm a meer fan with no writing experience so take this with a grain of salt)
Firstly I would have had kristoph be apollos mentor throughout the game until the last case . This way we grow attached to him as apollo but also it would give klavier someone to bounce off of . If he was going to be nice to apollo maybe he could have disliked his brother and been mean to him in the court (kristoph being mean back of course ) or they could have had that strange love hate siblings rivalry going on . It would give us a chance to really get more out of klavier. Kristoph (him manipulating apollo making us even madder at the end when we figured it out) and apollo , finding it hard to trust phoenix at first and growing to trust him later in dual destinies (until the last case where he departs the agency and yeah we all know what happens) . It could have been such great insightful character development.
Like imagine , this mentor has been by your side the whole game , helping you win ! Boosting you up (to make his brother look bad but you don't know that. Oh and also to be a better attorney than wright in a way , I like the idea of him hating phoenix and wanting to best him (so giving him the forged evidence) just not in the way it was done. I want him to really hate phoenix for phoenix and not because some guy chose phoenix over him once) anyways. This guy, you grow to trust him , even defend him against his brother even though the brother is being sweet to you, no way would your mentor be awful ! He's definitely lying . (He's not lying) and yeah the final case, he kills trucys father or he could even kill trucys father at the first case and produces forged evidence so that he gets off free !! Could be interesting and would have no effect on apollo since kristoph would be the one to forge it . Anyways either way . He kills trucys dad, forges wrights evidence , maybe even forges his own . He kills another person and also gets desperate as he realises that phoenix is onto him (he's kinda desperate but also thinks phoenix can't really get him since he's barred) , he kidnaps trucy because she has been too close to his crimes and then as apollo you are trying to solve the murder, find trucys kidnapper and discover the culprit behind the forgery all along . You slowly piece together that it was your mentor who had lied and manipulated you (apollo) this whole time and you can't believe it . (Heck klavier can't even believe it ! He knew his brother was awful but he never would suspect that ) kristoph is sent to prison , trucy is saved , phoenix is dropped of his forgery allegations , the person who got a guilty from the first case is set free ( if they decided to have kristoph produces forged evidence then) and apollo and klavier sit down. Get a drink maybe some food . And they bond over their shared trauma and hurt . Leading them to be best friends in aa5
Other thoughts :
The gameplay was great in apollo justice (not so much in dual destinies tbh) so I definitely would have kept that the same with less flashbacks , telling me what to do too much and the whole apollo telling people their nervous traits .
Next the story of trucy and apollos parents (mother especially ) was very very very very messy . Idk how to fix that jdjskskskx also it's just gone after this ?? Phoenix doesn't tell them and their mother also doesn't care about them ?? Also also another thing I want to mention ! I wish trucy didn't have the same power as apollo . I know his is stronger because of the bracelet but still . It cheapens his abilities because they aren't special at all . Like I feel that pearl and maya , even though had similar abilities were both useful in their own way but in apollos case sometimes it really seems as if trucy is better than him at his own ability idk . I would have definitely made it so she didn't have that ability.
Okay okay I'm rambling at this point ,I really am but ugh so many thoughts in my adhd brain that won't shut up (so I'm sorry if this is messy) but yeah I do want to say again I do love these characters and stuff so no hate :3 (thank you )
So yes this rant was all over the place but I hope for the most part it was legible ! Please comment below because I'd love to talk more about this but for now, rant over :D
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sethan-obsession · 1 year
What are some good new RPG maker games?
I played some ages ago, but the websites have now all been nuked because they were full of ripped assets from SNES games.
ooh i can answer this
for ones with no real combat that've been around for a while, yume nikki is good, but i've mainly played .Flow, a fangame of it, which has a darker tone and atmosphere with more understandable "goals", so i attached to it much more
Ib (eye, bee, as letters) is an interesting art game that appeals to emo/scene aesthetics that i like more, it has no combat but many puzzles and an incredibly interesting setting, to me
OFF is a french-translated RPG which is kinda the best in the business, the art & music are top notch and the gameplay is accessible, if seeing pictures of it or hearing music from it intrigues you, i think everyone should give it a shot.
almost all of these are real battle sprites. you play as a baseball player (The Batter) and purify ghosts as you come into existence. the fandom came & went in 2012-2014 or so, but the game's worth experiencing, very much. more games under the cut below the image
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LISA: The Painful is an excellent game that has a post-apocalyptic setting and a weird axis/style for an rpgmaker game (being a sidescroller), the setting involves you playing as a very traumatized man living in a world where all women have gone extinct and people are fighting over nothing before the world ends, the feeling of it is pretty immaculate and the soundtrack is great but strange, it cultivated my interests at a developmental period
most of the aes can be described through this trailer
LISA also has a sequel (The Joyful) which takes place after the first to tie up the story, but most importantly is that the very interesting setting & vibe set up a slew of fangames, the strongest to start out with which are
LISA: The Pointless, where you play as a very washed up martial artist who gets dug out of a trash pile by a new friend he made; a gunslinger with a bolt-action pistol that only has one bullet, and thus he can never shoot it: only threaten enemies & fake out the fact that he MIGHT shoot them, to debuff them - this game also tightens up the RPG aspects of LISA significantly, and has an IMMACULATE vibe & unique feel, it's one of the most important games to me ever
and LISA: The Hopeful, which retains more of the aesthetic of the original as well as the goofy charm while telling a very compelling grounded story.
i also contractually need to mention Fear & Hunger, it's incredibly unfair and by most metrics fails at game design but if you're interested in body horror, cosmic horror & can stomach depicted (but very much so not portrayed positively) sexual violence, it's very good art
and finally, Hylics is an incredibly artsy game that's obtuse and strange but very beautiful. it's entirely sculpted and animated with clay, but i think (as someone interested in other claymation projects, but weaned off of them after a while) the aesthetic is notably better for hylics, it doesn't feel "gross" with its humor or too, "self-referential" i'd call it maybe?
the sequel, Hylics 2, is instead fully *animated* claymation that was then ported to blender, frame by frame. there's no other project on earth that really looks like Hylics 2.
i would highly recommend playing both if you gel with them at all or think they look cool, they're both pretty cheap on steam and are accessible for an RPG (if you can figure out its silly namings and mechanic equivalents for things like health & levelling up).
none of the games mentioned here have level grinding or random encounters, either (besides some parts of OFF)! i hate that! i only like good ones, i promise!
that's all, hope this helps lol
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alltheoutsinfreeeee · 1 month
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inspired by/blatantly stolen from this post
little bits of thoughts and details, as well as spoilers, about each below
Favorite Game of All Time: Final Fantasy IX! From characters to themes to soundtrack, while each parts on their own might be inferior to other games, in its full package nothing will ever beat out FFIX for me. I love this game with all my heart.
Favorite Series: The Tales series~ Their stories always manage to capture me, the character designs are iconic... They might be trope-heavy and sometimes predictable, but its MY trope-heavy and sometimes predictable game series.
Best Soundtrack: Ar tonelico II. This was actually very hard and AT2 does still have several contenders. TWEWY, Terraria Calamity Mod, Pokémon... In the end AT2 won out for now because. Well. It's not often a soundtrack is a huge deal in-universe, songs have their own conlang(s) with grammar and everything, and the soundtrack was specifically designed to sound like it was produced on in-universe instruments as opposed to real life ones. Why did I pick AT2 instead of 1 or 3? It's my favorite and I'm biased.
Favorite Protagonist: Niko OneShot and Kirby! Feel good characters that always make me smile. I would die for them. (hey who's that hiding in there, where did he come from--)
Favorite Villain: Magolor, Kuja, Ardyn. My boys, my chew toys. I would die for them, but for entirely different reasons that for Niko or Kirby, and if I hear anything bad about them in my presence I will throw hands. (in my head anyways, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i shy away from online confrontation. just hope i will never meet you offline because in that case WILL argue in their favor with you for hours.)
Best Story: Finding Paradise. I adore the characters, the game makes me cry everytime I play it, it left even more of an emotional impact than To The Moon did, I have never felt more personally attacked or seen by a video game, let's move on.
Have not played but want to: Digimon Survive I own and have started, but lost motivation a few hours in. I still wanna finish it one day because I keep hearing only good things about it and I'm a sucker for character development and insect Digimon. OMORI I also own and also have finished one route, but I haven't gotten to the hikkikomori route yet. One day. Kirby Squeak Squad/Mouse Attack I genuinely have never played and wish to change that one day. Sassy mouse phantom thief with cane and ice magic? That's entirely my aesthetic.
You Love Everyone Hates: Final Fantasy XV and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. In both cases I think the hate has mostly subsided by now, but I vividly remember many people disliking both games to an unfair degree. Neither are as bad as people made them out to be.
You Hate Everyone Loves: No :3
Best Art Style: CrossCode, The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog and The World Ends With You. I like anime artystyle and I'm proud. CrossCode is beautiful pixel art, TMoSTH is so unbelievably cozy, and TWEWY is just *chef's kiss*
Favorite Ending: After careful deliberating I went with Ar tonelico 3. The culmination of an overarching story of three games, connecting with the Planet, making up for sins and ultimately taking the first steps towards salvation. With Ec Tisia sounding in a new age as the credits roll. Beautiful.
Favorite Boss Fight: Sister Friede in Dark Souls 3. * disclaimer that I have never actually played DS3, but I love everything about this fight. Setting, atmosphere, dialogue, music, surprises... Truly peak, even if maybe a stereotypical answer to this question.
Childhood Game: Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy VII and IX. Most N64 Mario games as well as Pokémon Crystal could be put on here, but I feel like those three are the ones that stuck with me the most.
Relaxing Game: OoT and Kirby again, but also Pokémon Platinum. OoT might sound weird at first, but with the soundtrack, the fishing pond as well as the ranch there really are a lot of cozy spots in the game. Kirby doesn't need an explanation, cozy and relaxing are a core part of the series. Platinum is here because of the soundtrack and nostalgia. It's my for now unrivaled favorite Pokémon game.
Stressful Game: Bloodborne and In Stars and Time. Bloodborne is self-explanatory, but also it's my favorite out of the Soulsborne games. In Stars and Time isn't stressful in the same way a Soulsborne game is, ISAT is emotionally stressful (positive and complimentory). My favorite video game party in several years.
Game you always come back to: FFIX, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess and Platinum. Kingdom Hearts and TWEWY can also be on here, but the space is a too small.
Guilty Pleasure: The Ar tonelico trilogy. Not because the gameplay, story, music or characters are bad, but because there are some. Let's say outdated anime tropes in it. If you can live with some unnecessary fanservice and also less than stellar localizations in favor for genuinely amazing worldbuilding, and fantastic characters and songs, I am lovingly putting the games in your hands.
Tons of Hours Played: TWEWY, Platinum and Tales of Vesperia. You guys don't know how obsessed teenage me was with TWEWY. Platinum is, again, my favorite Pokémon game. And I wouldn't ever have gotten started on tumblr if it wasn't for Vesperia~ I keep gushing over Symphonia and the Abyss, but Vesperia's my go-to Tales game. Not one character I dislike in the whole party. They are all my children. Yes, even the 35 year old.
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deidremercer · 2 years
A Formal Review of Epithet Erased - Prison of Plastic
I've been a fan of Epithet Erased since before it was Epithet Erased. Anime Campaign was a huge factor into me becoming the person I am today, so this book is a big deal to me. I am overjoyed to announce that Prison of Plastic delivers on all fronts! Blaber's particular style of writing lends itself excellently to this new catalyst for this story. Prison of Plastic, especially in it's audio form, brings new life to the characters I fell in love with all those years ago when I first watched Anime Campaign. I am especially pleased with this new version of Rick Shades, who manages to be just as extra as Rick was in his first Anime Campaign appearance, while also containing hints of the softness and emotional maturity seen in the man he would become by the end of the tabletop game. Ray Chase absolutely KILLS it as Rick in the audio version, he is exactly what I had hoped Rick would be in this rebooted universe. While Rick is all well and good, Tiana Camacho's performance as Lorelei really steals the show! Camacho brilliantly captures the essence of Lorelei right from the prologue, if you still aren't sold on the audio version, let me be the one to tell you, she is the reason to get the audiobook, her dynamic with Dani Chambers as Molly is phenomenal. While on the topic of Lorelei, I would like to mention how fantastic of a job Blaber did translating her Anime Campaign counterpart into this new universe. Milly Blyndeff, Lorelei's previous incarnation, was the worst. She was the worst and she had pretty much zero redeeming qualities, there's a reason chat popped off when Molly punched her in the throat back in Anime Campaign, and Lorelei could've just been Milly again, but she isn't. Blaber took this character that was universally hated and managed to reshape her into a sympathetic human being with real emotions that you see and you can't help but feel for. Lorelei isn't just some bratty older sister here, she has some real depth, and I love that for her. Siv Ryan and Bryn April as Trixie Roughhouse and Pheonica Fleecity respectively are also excellent adds to the growing cast of Epithet Erased, and Kyle Igneczi returning as Giovanni Potage is just as much of a treat as he was in the webseries. Now let's talk about Naven. Author Brendan Blaber decided to cast himself in the role of Naven Nuknuk, as an Anime Campaign viewer I know that this is because Naven is his favorite character he's ever made, but am I about to condemn him for it? Absolutely not, I don't think there is anyone but Brendan Blaber who is physically capable of doing Naven Nuknuk justice, genius casting, 10/10 he nails it. Not only does he do Naven his due diligence, Blaber also remarkably manages to shine as the narrator. Brendan "Jello 'only ever uses two fonts' Apocalypse" Blaber is a man who I have routinely read the work of in his own voice, his writing voice is very strong, but I don't think I would've fully grasped exactly how he would read a lot of these lines. The narrator in this book manages to be a character in their own right in just the best way possible. The rest of the voice work is also excellent, just marginally less notable, let it be known that there is not a single performance in this audiobook that I disliked. Epithet Erased, the webseries, was notable for having a lot of very real emotional moments despite its status as primarily a comedy, this theme continues into Prison of Plastic, only dialed up to eleven. The emotional scenes in this book really hit hard, and much like how knowing the source material would make Molly's pyrophobia that much more heart-wrenching, several scenes in this book will no-doubt be looked back on with an additional touch of sadness as more of the story comes to light. The soundtrack by Plasterbrain is every bit as good as it was back in the webseries, maybe even moreso, the new tracks blend right in with the old, they're familiar, but with their own new flair and flavor. If you are a fan of Epithet Erased, or even just a fan of good books, Prison of Plastic is absolutely worth checking out.
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as-i-watch · 1 year
I am more a manga reader than anything else. I think I only watched the enies lobby arc in the anime and then some scenes I want to see how they translate them from the manga.
But I have to say the anime with the amazing soundtrack and the incredible voice acting(from the original japanese at least) sometimes makes the scenes from the manga better.
Like the walk in enies lobby is already perfect in the manga but what they did with it in the anime was 10 times perfection.
The merry's funeral was another one I felt so much better in the anime.
There's an episode you are kinda close to it that in my opinion takes one of the best chapters I ever read in One Piece and made it ten times better.
No but for real tho
Im very suceptible to audio/music, like i never cry when i read a book and but songs make me cry easily. So yeah, the ost in OP is great, and even by now there're songs that i get the most pavlovian reaponse out me and get me excited/sad/happy just by listening to them as the scene happens. And the VAs give their all 100% of the time, its great
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shyguycity · 9 months
It's been a while since I made a formal game of the year list on this page; in 2020, my now wife and I decided to make an entire fanzine about my favorite games of the year, which ballooned in size and scope from there. If you're interested, you can find the link to the (free!) magazine, Critical Diversions, as well as see what else I've been up to in the gaming space, over at https://twitter.com/crit_diversions. It was written by five people, myself included, layoutted into a magazine format by me, and with some lovingly done illustrations made by my wife. We've also started a discord, games club, and podcast, all under the Critical Diversions banner, if any of that sounds appealing to you.
Since that magazine project, I haven't really had the creative energy to write a full game of the year list the way that I used to. Until now! 2023 has been the most incredible year for game releases that I've been alive to see, and there's so much to be excited for and talk about, I just couldn't resist anymore, despite the fact that we're gearing up to do a community game of the year podcast. But before we get to the top 10 list proper....
Honorable Mentions:
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We Love Katamari ReRoll + Royal Reverie
The original We Love Katamari, released on the Playstation 2 in 2005, was already one of my favorite games ever made, so it's borderline unfair of Namco to release an absolutely perfect HD remaster of it in 2023. Namco must've thought so, too, because this was one of my most anticipated games of the year, and I didn't even realize it had released until I happened to see it on the eShop. To the uninitiated, Katamari games task you with rolling up real world objects with your sticky katamari ball, growing bigger and bigger as you go, all with the intent of making your katamari big enough to make stars in the sky. It's a simple yet delightful enough concept on its own to be enjoyed by anyone, but add in an unmeasurable amount of charm and one of the greatest soundtracks ever made, and it's easy to see why this goofy little series has persisted for over two decades now.
For my money, this is the best entry in the series, practically spilling over with creative and fun new ways and reasons to roll over innocent bystanders and animals with a space ball given to you by your negligent, abusive father, who is also basically god. Oh did I forget to mention that there's an actual well told narrative with a genuinely emotional-but-not-saccharine message at its core? Buy this fucking game y'all, I've already seen it for as low as 15 dollars.
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Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster
Final Fantasy as a series misses way more often than it hits, for me. Yeah I love 7, its remake, 10, and 10-2, but by and large, every other entry I've tried to spend time with has left me incredibly cold (looking at you in particular, 6). Between craving a turn-based RPG and having the flu earlier this year, I decided to take a chance on the pixel remaster version of 5, released on consoles for the first time in 2023. Imagine my surprise when it became hands down my favorite entry in the series, as well as one of my favorite RPGs I've ever played.
Not to say that what's presented here hasn't been improved upon in the past 30 years; Octopath Traveler 2, a game we'll be talking about in my actual top 10, seemed to base its entire design around "Hey remember Final Fantasy 5? Let's make a way more open and less restricted version of that". Still, though, what FF5 was doing as an early Super Famicom game is pretty impressive; boasting a fairly open-ended job and multiclass system that's absolutely begging you to make as many fun combinations as you can imagine with your party members, it's a game that's infinitely more replayable than your average Final Fantasy fare, despite its lacking (but not horrible!) story. I ran through the game with a samurai that could also shoot hoardes of squirrels and bees out of my pockets, so you know it's a great game.
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Super Mario RPG
Look, you'll never convince me that Mario RPG and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door aren't both wildly inferior to the original Paper Mario on the Nintendo 64. I've held this belief (and grudge against these other Mario spinoff fandoms) for most of my life, and I will continue to do so. And I say this as someone whose first exposure to RPGs was renting the original version of this game as a seven-year-old!
"It's too simple!" I would always bleat feebly in the general direction of the nearest hardcore Geno fan whenever this game was brought up. "It's a solid blueprint for what was to come later, but largely feels like a rough draft, a 16-bit Final Fantasy with a Mario coat of paint!" And, yeah, I am right about all of those things, and I'll continue to never let any of you forget it. But in 2023, playing this remake of one of Nintendo's most annoyingly favorited fan favorites, I couldn't help but let myself get washed away in its charms. There's no build variety or real "role-playing" to speak of, you can 100% the game in like 12 hours, and you just generally never have to turn your brain on while playing the game at all. Call it softness, call it old age, call it just really being in the mood for a cute and charming little adventure, but I fell in love with this game and its world in a way I never was able to previously. Bring on that Thousand-Year Door remaster next, Nintendo; I'm in a forgiving mood.
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Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania
Speaking of being in a forgiving mood, did y'all know that I thought the original 1.0 release of Dead Cells was incredibly boring? Released in 2018, this sidescrolling roguelite was getting a ton of accolades at the time that had me extremely excited. That's not to say that it was bad, of course; I could see the markings of a well made game, and obviously the game was appealing to someone out there, with all the praise it received. But after 10 hours with it I deleted it off my Switch, thinking I'd never.........return.
It only took five years and a paid Castlevania expansion to make me give this game another look, but I'm glad I did, because I would put this pretty high up there on my all-time roguelite list now. To be clear, most of my issues with this game still remain, mostly that it gets repetitive much sooner than you'd expect of a game with as much content as this does. But instead of cooling on it 10 hours in like I did back in 2018, I got over 60 hours and dozens upon dozens of runs in before calling it quits on Dead Cells this time.
And if you're a Castlevania dork, honestly, just pick this up. There's more than enough love and fanservice here to keep even the most ardent of Castlevania freaks crying bloody tears, including the ability to replace the entire soundtrack with Castlevania songs, most of them the original version but with some new compositions included. Roguelite shredding in a video game hasn't been this good since Hades.
Now...the actual list.
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10. Marvel's Spider-Man 2
No one is more down on open world checklist collectathons than I am; the idea of spending over 100 hours playing a modern Assassin's Creed game honestly makes my tummy hurt. And by and large, Spider-Man 2 doesn't stray far from this design template. You run, jump, swing, and glide all over New York City, stopping burglaries and car chases on your way to the next story objective or side mission, leveling up and spending points on various skill trees to level your Spider-Men up to gain new/upgrade old abilities, rinse and repeat. Structurally, this game isn't really doing anything different from the previous two Spider-Man games from developer Insomniac, and yet this entry was an absolute joy to play to me in way those weren't.
Largely, I think it's the pacing of the game. And not just on a macro scale, though I do think that's improved here as well. No, for me it was most noticeable in the combat; no longer are you holding down a button to freeze time and pull up a gadget wheel and having Spider-Man select one of his little science tools to shoot out before doing a few melee attacks and web shots. Instead, all of your gadgets and super moves are activated in real time with different button combinations. It might sound breathlessly dorky, but that simple change really sold the illusion of playing a Spider-Man simulator to me, and not just a Ratchet and Clank game with a Spider-Man skin.
The story I also found to be a wholesale improvement over the last two games, albeit with the caveat that the symbiote and Venom storyline almost never come across as anything beyond tryhard 90s edgelord shit in any form of media. Truly, I think Venom is just a straight up awful character, and is even worse here than usual, and I was exceptionally tired of Peter's gruff mean guy voice by the end of his time wearing the symbiote. Miles more than made up for any issues I had with the Peter side of the story, and with the way the game's story leaves off, I hope to see that character again sooner than Spider-Man 3 in another half decade.
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9. Pikmin 4
This feels like Pikmin's big breakout moment as a series. And honestly, maybe my biggest surprise of the year isn't how great this game was, but how many other people were (finally) raving about Pikmin. The fact that it's this relatively low on my own list when most people I know that played it have it near the top of theirs shocks, while also making me feel pretty damn great about Pikmin's future.
From a casual perspective it's pretty easy to see why this has been such a hit for the series. It retains all the charm and cuteness and great gameplay loop of previous games in the series, while making a ton of smart changes along the way. New to 4: a fully adjustable camera that makes you feel way more involved in the action (and see all of the impossibly cute death happening around and to you); a whole host of quality of life changes, like being able to move your spaceship around each stage at will to have a more accessible base of operations; bonafide multifloor dungeons where you're able to soak in some of the best aspects of Pikmin's gameplay without worrying about time passing; "dandori battles", both against the CPU or local rivals where you aim to manage your armies as efficiently as possible; and partner space dog Oatchi, who can help you and your little army of dudes in whatever way you see fit, from battling to carrying to scouting, thanks to an honest to god skill tree. In a Pikmin game! Who woulda thought.
Honestly though, as great as this game was, I can't help but pine for the more complex level and puzzle design of Pikmin 3, as well as the local splitscreen cooperative play of Pikmin 3 Deluxe. That second feature in particular was sorely, sorely missed in our household, as Pikmin 3 Deluxe's sublime coop is some of the most fun I've ever had playing a video game with my wife. Here's hoping the now inevitable Pikmin 5 manages to bring these missing elements home, much like my group of 100 Pikmin carrying an entire watermelon the size of a small mountain back to our spaceship for the day.
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8. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Besides just being a great year in game releases, 2023 was also the year where my expectations were subverted many times over. I'd seen plenty of overhyped indie spiritual successors to fan favorite games from the late 90s and early 2000s come and go, so my interest level for BRCF as someone that's never played a Jet Set Radio game couldn't have been much lower. But that's all on me, because if I'd known that this game and its inspirations were essentially just 3D platformers dressed up as a 2002 cyberpunk anime that'd air at 2am on Toonami, I'd have been all over it much sooner.
This game effortlessly pulls off everything I value in 3D platformers. The level designs are masterful and well thought out while still feeling organic instead of just abstract obstacle courses (the game does dabble into the latter at times, and they're some of the most standout moments as well). Being set in a city, it's naturally got a large emphasis on verticality that I think not enough games in this space bother with; I want to feel my stomach drop when I miss landing on a grind rail half a mile in the sky, even if falling from that far has no consequences beyond needing to pull off the platforming section again. And unlike the earlier Tony Hawk games, I'm free to explore each environment to my heart's content, looking for new songs to add to my playlist or spots just begging to be tagged with graffiti. Wrap all of this up in a style and soundtrack that are both just fucking cool, and what else could I really ask for? Well, besides just more of this, please.
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7. Resident Evil 4
In a year full to the brim with remakes, remasters, and revisits, Resident Evil 4 is the one with the most expectations put on it, due to not only the pedigree of the original RE4 (often cited as one of the best games of all time, and surely the catalyst for the modern over the shoulder third-person shooter), but the obscenely high quality of Capcom's other recent remakes from the series; 2019's Resident Evil 2 remake, in particular, being one of the best big budget games of the last half decade, by my estimation. A lot of fans cited RE4 as both "impossible" and "pointless" to remake, though I imagine those same fans were the ones most anxiously waiting for this remake to drop with bated breath.
The end result? RE4 as a remake can't live up to the lofty expectations a lot of people probably hoped it could, not really, but I think it's also one of the most successful video game remakes I've ever had the pleasure of playing, in terms of the fun factor. The gaming landscape has changed a lot since 2005, a lot of that change because of RE4, so what do you even do to make a revisit under a modern lens worthwhile? I think Capcom didn't fully know the answer to that question, as the biggest mechanical additions to this game are the ability to parry the vast majority of attacks with your knife, and erm....craftable ammo? You'll of course find a handful of new enemies and remixed encounters, an even fewer amount of new weapons, and a couple welcome completely redone areas, like a mini open sandbox where you're free to explore the shores of a lake, and a much more clever and interesting version of the brief time spent playing as Ashley.
This might all sound like damning with faint praise, but truly, Capcom's ability to thread the needle here and deliver an honest to god, full on remake of RE4 with modern production values and budget, all without compromising the vision of the original, AND managing to make the remake tonally fit with the current vision of the extended Resident Evil universe? There's some black magic at work here, surely. Or at the very least some ancient parasite bugs at large.
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6. Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe
Kirby is the best Nintendo series, and this is an excellent remaster of one of the best Kirby games. What more is there to say? The only reason this isn't top three of the year material is because, well, I played it when it originally released on the Wii. But what's your excuse, coward?
I often hear the refrain of "Kirby games just aren't for me", and I used to humor that line of thinking, largely to avoid prolonged contact with dumb babies. But that dies today, and so will you if you don't stop being a dweeb. High quality sidescrolling brawlers with lite platforming elements and puzzle solving, set to some of the best music ever made for the medium, sporting an adorable aesthetic that's used as set dressing to cover up some of the best backstory and lore this side of Dark Souls? That's not for you? What is for you then, besides being a sad weirdo that still waxes nostalgic about the girl you held hands with once in middle school? Her mom dropped you two off at the theater once to see White Chicks and she never thought about you again. Grow up. Change something about your life. Kirby's got more charm and delight in whatever his puffy mass equivalent to a pinky is than Super Mario Bros. Wonder managed to wearily attempt to slump over its shoulder for an entire game. Y'all should be ashamed.
I dunno what this bit is anymore, so let's pivot back to normalcy. Yes, I know, I know, I'm the Kirby guy. It's my favorite gaming series, hell, maybe my favorite franchise in any medium period. But I'm also not blind to its faults and missteps, such as 2018's Star Allies. When I tell you that Return to Dreamland Deluxe, a remaster of a game I played over a decade ago, now with additional content, is one of my favorite games of 2023, I really mean it. The base game was already excellent, and the first entry of the modern era of Kirby, under the helm of Shinya Kumazaki. A new cel shading-adjacent rendering, coupled with completely new abilities Sand and Mech on top of perhaps the overall best set of copy abilities in a Kirby game, really help make the game feel fresh; Sand's combo and damage per second capability in particular is through the roof, while not feeling imbalanced.
The meat of the new content, however, is the new epilogue, in which you play as fan favorite character Magolor. Magolor plays very differently from Kirby, eschewing copy abilities and quicker movement for magic, and the game also introduces an honest to god skill tree into the series. This mini adventure culminates in not only what is probably my favorite boss fight of the year, but an in-universe lore explanation for why Magolor shows up in spinoff Kirby games adorned in green instead of blue and trading in crystal apples.
That may sound goofy and extremely in the weeds, and it is, but for a man in my mid-30s that's been beyond bored of Nintendo's refusal to do any significant kind of world building or storytelling in almost any of their mainline games, Kirby manages to continuously surprise and delight me with both its gameplay and universe in a way no other Nintendo game is even interested in trying. The Super Mario games should take heed.
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5. Octopath Traveler 2
I played both demos for the original Octopath Traveler back before that game came out, and to say I didn't like it would be an understatement! The writing was at best flat, and at worst, overtly sexist (and that was just from a demo!), I found the battle system to be clunky, and the thing most people praised it for, its "HD2D" approach to graphics, I found quite ugly; it seemed to be throwing away any attempt at an actual artstyle in favor of cranking a bunch of photoshop filters up to max and letting people ooh and aah over some particle effects and oversaturated lighting. Great soundtrack, at least.
I couldn't tell you what drove me to check out the demo for 2, but I did, and instantly, something clicked for me that didn't in my limited experience with the original. Full disclosure, I haven't finished this game yet, and in fact I don't think I'm even halfway through. And that's a shame, because I think it could honestly rise even higher up this list, based on what I've already played. The battle system is fast and snappy, as long as I'm paying close enough attention to all the information on screen, like enemies weaknesses and my current BP situation. The overworld feels far more inspired by popup books than I remember 1's world feeling like, while still retaining the gorgeous battle sprites that the original excelled in. The soundtrack is an all-timer, to put it lightly. Even the writing for the characters, while still nowhere approaching the rest of the game's strong points, feels less like it works exclusively in lazy caricatures and broad stereotypes. Yeah there's a merchant character named Partitio from an old west-styled silver mining town, and yes I was just as worried about that fact as you probably are reading that sentence. And yet, Partitio has honestly become one of my favorite characters of the year, his desire to use his mercantile skills to ease the burdens of the working class only being outshone by the electric guitars and saxophone in his theme song.
What truly impresses with Octopath Traveler 2, though, is its sheer openness. The world is, while not quite your oyster right from the start, pretty dang free form for the most part, allowing you to go recruit your party members and explore towns and monster-filled wildlands in whatever order you see fit. This extends to the job system, which affords you the most freedom to truly make whatever kind of team you see fit I've ever seen in a game of this kind. I'm currently multiclassing my cleric, Temenos, into a scholar, and I've rarely felt cooler/dorkier at the same time, wielding nearly every magic type offered in the game at once with one world-weary church inquisitor. Just typing up this entry has got me itching to get back to the game, hoping to discover even more jobs to multiclass the rest of my crew into.
Take it from me, someone who as little as a few years ago felt pretty much over turn based RPGs, especially those coming out of Square-Enix: this game is very worth your time, regardless of your feelings towards the series, or even genre as a whole.
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4. 30XX
In a year chockful of exceedingly excellent roguelites (Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania, Risk of Rain Returns, Cobalt Core, Vampire Survivors, just to name a few), 30XX stands tall above the rest for me, not just in terms of quality, but also in its ability to completely take over my gaming time for a couple months. This has all the trappings you expect from a game with the structure of a roguelite; permadeath resulting in having to start your entire run over, unlockable items and stat upgrades purchasable with currency carried over from the run you just died in, powerups that you collect during a run to give yourself a fighting chance (and which force you to make on-the-fly decision making about how best to synergize your build), and a white knuckle intensity that makes the runs when you really start to shred feel all the more rewarding, albeit no less anixety inducing.
What ends up separating 30XX from any other game in this admittedly crowded space is that it's essentially a roguelite take on Mega Man X4, the beloved Playstation 1 entry in an even more beloved series. X4 was the first game that really fleshed out lightsaber wielding cool guy Zero as a fully playable character, for the first time letting you play through the entire game as both him and series protagonist X. 30XX makes no bones about its inspiration; Nina, the blue one, is the X equivalent, meaning you'll be primarily shooting enemies with your arm cannon, while Ace, the red one, slices and dices with an energy sword, just like Zero. Likewise, the (absolutely gorgeous) spritework and extremely catchy soundtrack are doing their best to evoke the oft overlooked aesthetic and sounds of 2-D games from the Playstation 1. Rounding out the package are full-featured coop, both local and online, community made levels, daily and weekly seeded runs with leaderboards, and the promise of even more updates, including new characters(!!).
Even Mega Man series staples you might not expect to show up in a roguelite take on the formula end up being major focuses of the game, like gaining new abilities from defeating bosses. The game even takes that mechanic a step further, letting you mix and match two abilities to form completely new ones, like combining your black hole and homing lightning abilities to create a barrage of homing lightning strikes emanating from a swirling void. Or, in true roguelite fashion, you can even forego an ability from a boss altogether, if a different reward suits you. And that's just if you're playing as Nina! Ace gets an entirely different set of abilities and mechanics, all built around melee capabilities and close quarters combat.
If any of this sounds appealing to you, you're probably now asking yourself "why have I never heard of this game?" And I truly can't answer that, as this feels like it should already be a revered indie darling on the level of Shovel Knight or Super Meat Boy. If you're a Mega Man fan, please do yourself a favor and check this out. There's even a separate mode that minimizes the roguelite elements, including a removal of permadeath, if that suits you! This is a better Mega Man X revival than you'll likely ever see out of Capcom, if a day even ever comes for that at all. It also happens to be better than just about any official Mega Man game Capcom has ever put out, as well.
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3. Sephonie
My personal gaming identity feels inexorably linked to Analgesic Productions, the two person development team that's putting out the best indie games most people have never even heard of. The only thread on Resetera I've ever made was solely for the purpose of evangelizing Anodyne 2: Return to Dust, a game that resonated so hard with me the effects are still reverberating outwards, as my habit of recommending that game anywhere I go has helped me forge genuine friendships (and probably gotten me on to a few government watch lists). Even the Ocean was the third game my friends and I covered in our games club, and was by far and away the best talk I've ever had about video games, sparking a creative spirit in me for months afterward. Marina Kittaka and Melos han-tani make some real affecting fucking games, is what I'm saying, and the idea of trying to sum up what makes Sephonie so special (and maybe even my favorite of their impressive work) is a bit daunting.
At its most base level, Sephonie is a 3-D platformer not dissimilar from the Tony Hawk Pro Skater series, or even the above Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, albeit without any wheels; instead of tilting the analog stick to move at whatever angle you want, you hold a button to run forward, the stick's sole purpose being to make adjustments to direction. Your mobility on its own isn't very versatile, and getting around requires careful and clever use of the environment to do wall runs and jumps, grabbing giant dandelions to float, landing on mushrooms to bounce, etc.
Even for a self-proclaimed platformer guru (maybe even especially for one!), the movement feels unwieldy or even downright intimidating at first. But in Analgesic we trust, and by the end of my initial 8 hour or so playthrough of the game, I felt like a parkour god, able to pull off complex maneuvers that I would have never been able to dream of in the opening sections of the game. Coming to grips with the controls and eventually mastering them was one of the biggest joys I experienced in video games this year; don't go into this expecting s Super Mario Odyssey-level of 1:1 control that lets you immediately start flowing through the environment like a hot knife through butter, because that's decidedly not the point here. Despite what the past few console generations have taught us, we don't need standardized controls across every game, as all that would serve to do here is sand down the distinct personality and learning opportunities presented in Sephonie.
Rounding out the gameplay are linking puzzles. The three playable characters are researchers who have come to the remote island of Sephonie to study its unique animal and plant life. Linking with each new lifeform you discover presents you with tile-based block puzzles, which end up being a nice change of pace from the platforming. As a testament to just how much love and care was put into Sephonie, the vast majority of these linking puzzles each have unique mechanics, be it teleporting tiles, tiles that are blocked and need busted open by matching blocks on adjacent tiles, tiles that multiply your point total, creatures that travel the puzzle and alter when and where you're even able to place your tiles, etc. With some tweaks, the link puzzles could be a whole game unto itself, and it's really impressive!
That's all well and good, but the main reasons I come to Analgesic games are the unbelievably good writing and even unbelievably-er soundtracks, and both are where Sephonie truly shines for me. Unfortunately, to talk too much about the story here would be bordering on a cardinal sin, and you're better off listening to some of the music on your own. Why not try the entire playlist here?
The previously mentioned Anodyne 2 opens by telling you it's a game about life. That's a bit of an understatement for me with Analgesic's games in general, but Sephonie might be the best example of "a game about life" that I can think of. As someone that grew up in a midwestern town full of basically nothing but nothingness and corn, the Bloomington, Illinois section of the game is without a doubt the most beautiful segment of any game I've ever played, and the main thing I keep coming back to with this game even six months later. I've never been so simultaneously full of nostalgia, regret, disdain, self-loathing, and fond memories as I was while platforming around an abstract dreamscape version of a midwestern town right off the highway. And I don't think I've ever related to a character in any fictional work as much as I did when Amy was talking about feeling lucky she was born in a small town, because it made learning how to drive much less intimidating.
If there's one game on this list I would beg someone to give a shot, it would be Sephonie. Hell, if there was one game I could force anyone to play, Sephonie might be taking that spot as well. As a thorough contemplation of what it means to be alive, and what connecting with one another can truly mean and feel like, there's no better work of art out there today, and certainly not one anywhere near as fun, either.
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2. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
What can I say about TotK that hasn't already been expressed in a million think pieces, essays, and podcasts across the entire internet by now? As a direct followup to 2017's stellar Breath of the Wild, I had concerns going in - would the magic still be there? Is exploring the same incarnation of Hyrule going to be fun when I know all of the broad strokes already? Are the bosses not going to suck this time? The answer to all of these is a resounding "absolutely", but there's so much more on offer here.
Everything in this game makes BotW feel like a rough draft, a sentence I never in a million years thought I'd be typing prior to getting my hands on the game. Any mechanic you can think of that you loved in the prior Zelda entry is either improved upon here or excised for something infinitely more interesting. The Sheikah slate abilities from BotW feel not only basic, but downright boring compared to the powers on offer in this sequel. Who cares about being able to spawn bombs at will when I can fuse batwings to arrows to make them fly further? Or just swim through through the damn ceiling!? To say nothing of the fact that you can build basically anything your imagination can spring into existence, from cars to rocket ships to pilotable mechs to lawn mowers. And it all....just....works, somehow, not only tonally with the game's world, but also from a game perspective. The game even lets you have five CPU controlled companion characters out at the same time, every one acting independently to take down enemies near you! It feels like your Switch is going to collapse under the weight of this game's ambition at any moment, and yet I put over 300 hours into the game with not a single crash in sight.
If there's one thing I can complain about, it's that the story feels like an actual afterthought, to the degree that it actually bummed me out, even as someone with rock bottom expectations when it comes to story in a Zelda game. The marketing REALLY hyped up the return of longtime series antagonist Ganondorf, and he just....kind of has no motivation for anything he's doing here. I'm not asking for much, and there are genuinely great character moments lightly sprinkled throughout the game's runtime, mostly with princess Zelda herself. But I couldn't help but imagine how much harder some story beats could have hit if Nintendo, again, actually even attempted to give people the tiniest but of anything to chew on when it comes to the stories they're telling.
But whatever, I've got a catapult to build to launch me and a korok buddy up a damn mountain.
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Baldur's Gate 3
Like most people who cut their gaming teeth on more straightforward action fare on consoles, the term "CRPG" (computer RPG) seemed beyond out of reach for me. Dice rolls? Skill checks? Playing as a charisma based character to persuade bosses to kill themselves instead of having to fight them? READING!? Uh, I'm an American, thank you very much; I like my video games game-y and my gravy portion extra, ma'am, and I don't have the patience to think about probability and stats.
So imagine my surprise when, after my wife started playing the game on her own, I found myself itching to get into the character creator myself. Not the moment to moment gameplay, mind you, but the character creator, a step I'm notorious for getting through as fast as possible so I can start "actually playing", even if I'm stuck with a boring default character named Goober. Something about watching my wife agonize over which horn style and subrace to go with on her tiefling bard, which hairstyle and color looked cutest and would match her vision of how she was going to roleplay in the world, stirred something in me I didn't know existed. While she was perusing all the customization options, I spied the class "monk" and a race called "dragonborn", some anthropomorphic dragon people with a lot of pretty color options for their scales that also affect your elemental resistances. "Yes," I thought to myself. "I'd like to make a humanoid lizard dude that punches shit to death. I'd like that very much". And before my wife was barely out of the tutorial section on her first character, we were already backing out to make a second save file where we would play the entire thing cooperatively, fretting over the decisions and romance options each step of the way together. I got to make my silverscale (that means he's got ice powers, baby) dragonborn monk, Shikai, and the following 300+ hours (and counting!) with Baldur's Gate 3 have been the most fun I've ever had playing a video game.
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Would I be as gobsmacked with the game if I was intimately familiar with the genre? Maybe not, but I guess that's my point. Living with my wife and playing games together has completely changed how I engage with a lot of them; Animal Crossing was basically a cute chores and debt repayment simulator with a dash of fishing on the side until watching my wife play the game for thousands of hours taught me the joy of decorating.
Elden Ring was her first foray into the Souls-like genre; she had a similar reaction watching me play the opening hour of Elden Ring as I had watching her in the BG3 character creator, growing increasingly frustrated as she watched me putz around making a boring dexterity based samurai character when what she wanted to see was some faith-based holy magic in action. Despite my love of Souls-likes, I had always just made standard melee based characters in them, usually katana wielding doofuses; I'm an American, I don't know a lick about incantations, I HATE thinking, and please keep your Wes Anderson movies to yourself, ma'am.
But as I saw how much fun my wife was having shooting fireballs and throwing lightning bolts at enemies, I eventually started speccing my dexterity character into intelligence as well, making a samurai sorcerer, undeniably the only thing cooler than a normal samurai. That's not to say that playing Elden Ring with a melee exclusive character is wrong, but just that with a touch of curiosity and willingness to take the tiniest step outside of my comfort zone, a comfort zone I didn't even realize was as tiny as it was, I opened up a whole new way of enjoying a game I already loved playing. Learning to enjoy Baldur's Gate 3 feels like I've opened the door to an entire new avenue in my mind, waiting for me to fill it with opinions about games I've been avoiding my whole life. I'm gonna actually make a concerted effort to finally play stuff like Mass Effect and Disco Elysium sometime soon, two games I had preemptively decided years ago were just "not for me", and I'm genuinely excited about it.
This entry is so long already, and I didn't even mention anything about how the game actually plays (it's the best turn-based battle system I've ever experienced, to say nothing of the freedom you're afforded to solve every single scenario presented to you in the game.
Or anything about the characters (this is the best cast of characters I've seen in any medium, and they feel like genuine friends of mine in a way that no other game has ever come close to feeling).
Hell, to save time and my poor fingers: Baldur's Gate 3 is without a doubt the best video game I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. And as little as a few months ago, my only thought towards it was "that game probably isn't for me".
Don't make my all too human mistake; check out shit that looks interesting, take the chance to expand your mind and your taste. They're not all gonna be Baldur's Gate 3-level bangers (what is though, really), but you truly never know what you're going to discover. And you might even find yourself open to a whole new avenue of life to enjoy that you had previously assumed was just for mega dorks.
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vanilla-blessing · 1 year
qb's top 10 seasonal anime of 2022
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2022 in anime was a year of many known quantities, but what really ended up sticking out were the shows few saw coming before they took the world by storm, and before we knew it, everyone was watching a guitar-playing pink blob with severe anxiety while drawing her band on every album cover ever made. 2022 was the year I watched a new Gundam for the first time, I experienced unforgettable trash gems like Pride of Orange, ESTAB-LIFE, and Extreme Hearts, and I was let down more by the wasted potential of the Biscuit Hammer anime than any anime I've ever watched, easily. All considered, this year was unusually good on average for the shows I finished, so I ended up with a glut of series I wanted to put on this list that I had to cut down for time. I would make this list longer, but you know, then it might come out in 2024.
Top 10 in order:
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Cyberpunk Edgerunners - Studio TRIGGER's take on the world of Cyberpunk 2077 was an unexpected contender - it was announced so long ago I sort of forgot about it, I wasn't expecting much from the batch release of a Netflix-Trigger anime after BNA's messy release, I underestimated the potential of Cyberpunk 2077 as a setting after the very public trash fire of the video game, and it should have been overshadowed by the next thing after a quick Netflix dump in the middle of a season. Should have had its lunch eaten by the similarly edgy violent action of Chainsawman, should have been yet another failed videogame anime, but none of this stopped Cyberpunk Edgerunners from being the anime I enjoyed the most from 2022.
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Bocchi the Rock - the breakout hit school band anime of 2022 was also relatively unexpected, although I at least knew it was stacked with talented animators going in, I didn't predict the sheer memetic power of the result. This series shatters the fourth wall over its knee and livens up an already pretty funny manga with demented, free-flowing gags in a particular way that wouldn't work at all without detailed and well planned sequences which come off so naturally it's hard to believe this was originally a (lightly subversive but still) 4 panel strip. The album cover redraws were the best thing to come out of Bocchi and I hope they never end.
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Pop Team Epic 2 - some kind of fucked up comic strip but aoi shouta is there? I thought they promised they wouldn't make this
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Mob Psycho 100 III - everything I said about the second season of the popular shonen manga adaptation but moreso, it finishes out the series in exactly the way I hoped it would. Third OP is just mad flexing. look how many hands we can draw. Episode 8 changed my life forever. knowing they nailed the landing retroactively improves the whole series for me.
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Do It Yourself - original anime by studio PINE JAM, DIY is pure aesthetic hobby-ani with a mildly entertaining cast of extremely animated characters. very enjoyable but may not have enough momentum or things happening for some. soundtrack is another standout by y0c1e but at a noticeably different speed from Gleipnir and Spyce.
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Kaguya-sama Love is War: Ultra Romantic - everything I said about the second season of the popular romcom manga adaptation but moreso, it reaches the climactic peak of the series in exactly the way I hoped it would. I'm still reeling from the entire rap battle episode (sub and dub), and can't believe the Starship Troopers ED was real.
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My Dress Up Darling (Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru) - excellent manga adaptation, effectively gets across the dangerously horny but strangely wholesome vibe of the series.
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The Demon Girl Next Door Season 2 - everything I said about the first season of the popular magical girl romcom manga adaptation but moreso, it reaches an inflection point in the manga with exactly the same manic pacing and blatant disregard for breathing room I hoped it would. out of everything else on my list I hope the most this one gets another season, because it kind of needs it.
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch from Mercury - original anime in the long-running GUNDAM series which is sort of like Robot Jox for kids. This is definitely the first time I've watched anything from Gundam before it was completed and I immediately regretted not having more to watch as a direct consequence. Half of my enjoyment right now is coming from experiencing it in tandem with the rest of the internet, but it's sure to hold up in retrospect as one of the best modern Gundam seasons. Look forward to a future very annoying post by me claiming g-witch ripped off Granbelm.
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Call of the Night - another above and beyond manga adaptation, probably the anime OP of the year. It strongly intensified my longing for studio SHAFT to not be dead anymore.
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Assorted Shoutouts
Going by rating number scale rules, Chainsawman and Spy X Family should be here, but I'm not going by rating, I'm going by what I feel deserves more attention. those anime already have too much recognition.
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The Executioner and Her Way of Life (Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road) - If you asked me what the most hidden gem is from 2022, this is what I would answer immediately. Irresponsibly complicated and unusual take on the hated isekai genre in the most disrespectful way possible, twisting anything familiar about that tired setting into an unrecognizable pretzel shape. Recommending this is a challenge, because the less I explain the better it is, but nobody would want to watch this on its face. Everyone should watch it though.
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Ya Boy Kongming - banger soundtrack and some eye-popping color choice elevates this manga adaptation from average to a certified Cool Time.
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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: STONE OCEAN - My favorite (not best) Jojo part, the anime greatly improves the readability of the last third from the manga. Tokyo Mew Mew New - It's almost comforting how little they tried to update the love triangle of incredibly shit boyfriends in this remarkably normal magical girl anime reboot. I pleaded for someone to make a normal regular magical girl anime reboot and they delivered something totally acceptable.
Reiwa Di Gi Charat - Dejiko drags society kicking and screaming into the Reiwa era. This is the anime of all time of 1999, 2022 and 2023.
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qb - friend of the no show (@queuebae on twitter still, unfortunately)
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rookie-critic · 2 years
Wendell & Wild (2022, dir. Henry Selick) - review by Rookie-Critic
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Wendell & Wild was a wonderful stop-motion animated film with one of the best soundtracks of 2022 and a story that, while nothing spectacularly new, was wildly entertaining and full of Halloween heart. The newest from Coraline and The Nightmare Before Christmas visionary Henry Selick from a script co-written by Selick and Jordan Peele, Wendell & Wild follows Kat, an orphaned girl who, failed by the system, is dumped into a school for girls as a part of a juvenile detention rehabilitation program (the headmaster of which is very much just in it for the funding it gives to his school). Shortly after arriving, Kat starts to notice strange powers arising within her, and sees two demons (the titular Wendell & Wild, played by none other than Keegan-Michael Key & Peele) that tell her they can bring her parents back if she'll summon them to the land of the living. It of course is a bit more complicated than that, but there's your bird's eye view.
The cast of this film is a nice mix of a few veteran names alongside a slurry of fresh talent, and almost all of the newer names give fantastic performances. I'll note that a couple of the performances felt very wooden, and stood out all the more because of the phenomenal job being done by the rest of the cast. Another win for this film is its commitment to positive representation with a number of characters, the most prominent of which being the trans character Raúl. Outside of a handful of moments where the fact that Raúl is trans are brought up, the character is allowed to exist and not have his whole character defined by his gender, but rather by his loyalty and artistry. It just really seems like a lot of love and care went into making sure his character, as well as other characters representative of a marginalized group, were not portrayed as a token character of that group, but just as another character in the movie, who are fully realized personalities that are not just pigeonholed into "the trans character" or "the disabled character." That effort did not go unnoticed and I applaud Selick and Peele for making that happen. I'll also applaud this film for daring to be dark and go places that a traditional "family friendly" film wouldn't and discuss themes that most studios would say are "too mature" for a younger audience. Discussing death and loss in such a direct way, and especially framing that loss as a child losing both of their parents at an intensely young age, is a bold move on Selick's part. He, of course, is no stranger to darker themes, having made movies like Coraline, but somehow Wendell & Wild feels more grounded, more real in its depiction of death, even though it still has a foot firmly planted in the darkly fantastical, and I appreciate a movie that's willing to give a younger demographic a little more credit and give them the exposure to mature themes with the idea that they can understand and handle them.
Now it's time to give a shout out to the biggest pro this film has in its corner: the soundtrack. The needle drops in this film are insanely well done with near Guardians of the Galaxy levels of style and precision, with a track list mostly consisting of punk rock music from the late 70s/early 80s, but that ventures into alternative rock acts like TV on the Radio, and even throws in some ska for good measure. Every track hits as intended when it plays in the film, and I could not be more of a fan. If this collection of songs were available for purchase on vinyl or even CD, I'd be first in line to buy it. This one's been at the back of my head, buried in my much-neglected "streaming watch list," ever since it dropped on Netflix back in late October, and I'm glad I finally took the time to sit down and check it out.
Score: 9/10
Currently streaming on Netflix.
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lionheart-giddings · 2 years
I'm sorry, but ever since you revealed that you're replaying corpse party for the season, I have got to send you an ask about it cause I've ever met anyone else irl who has actually played the game too fgdjdkdhdjd
Which version are you playing? The 2016 steam release with all the og rpg maker art and the bonus episodes? The 2010 psp release with the updated art but issue of not being able to 100% the name tags because of the 'what moron goes in to investigate the women's washroom when a demonic school dimension is currently is the process of collapsing?!' bug? The 3ds version with the updated art AND bonus episodes AND lack of name tag bug?
Have you ever watched the ova anime series as bloody and graphic as it is? What about the manga? Have you read that? Who's your fav character? Least fav? Favourite chapter? Fav song? Did you ever play the other games in the series or only the first (and the best let's be real)?
(I'm sorry for all the questions btw. I was hyper obsessed with this series like 8 years ago and it still clearly holds a special place in my heart fhdjdkdjdhd so as an apology here's a pic of two very gay girls that live on my shelf)
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its so nice that someone else i know has played it!!!
as for which one I'm playing, it's the 2021 rerelease!
i never actually got to play the og game growing up because i never had a pc
so i was stuck watching playthroughs for the longest time </3
i honestly cannot remember which version it was that i grew up watching. it was in the early 2010s, so it was probably the psp version! and those glitches aajhdhrjsjsjaj. it sounds so frustrating!! i had no idea they were bugged like that
corpse party has a special place in my heart because i started off roleplaying it by rping in the comment section of youtube vids as ayumi 😭
as for the anime series i did end up watching it! definitely younger than i should have been doing so but i liked it!! except i was really bummed about how it had the bad end if i remember correctly?? i was(still am) a hardcore ayushiki shipper and was so sad they did yoshiki like that </3
and i have actually read the manga! or at least part of it. i just have the first volume but really wanna get the rest. i just got so caught up in dorohedoro that i ended up splurging on all the books for that instead.
ayumi hands down is my fave. i know shes a motherfucker and fucked everything up, but thats honestly why i like her. i also just love that shes a horror aficionado but is by far the biggest pussy out of everyone. her duality <3
as for least fave itd have to be morishige. he's just such a fucking creep and the studious anime boy act is annoying af.
ill have to get back to you on fave chapter because my memory is really rusty and ive only made it back up to chap 4!
same goes for song. im also just the kinda person who doesnt really recognize soundtracks that well 😭
i do remember watching a lot of visual novel gameplay and book of shadows, but i do not remember anything about them because it was so fucking long ago!
AND YOU SEIKO AND NAOMI FIGS ARE ADORABLE they should have been end game,,
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howdy-nyalll · 2 years
Chris’s top ten anime recommendations.
My descriptions are not the best but this is my current top ten list!
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A Place further than the Universe - A beautifully animated story about going on a. journey, the nature of friendships and grief and acceptance. This anime made me want to travel, and I don’t like traveling. Soundtrack is a banger too.
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Bloom Into You - A gorgeously animated story about what love is and what it means to different people, and recovery from grief. Loses points for being an incomplete adaptation, but the manga is readily available and excellent.
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Violet Evergarden - Need I say more about the visuals? The story really is underrated, dealing with PTSD and the feeling that many veterans describe that they don’t know what to do with themselves. It catches a lot of grief for its main being so stoic, but that really is the point.
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Zombieland Saga - by far the weirdest on the list. Who knew resurrecting the dead and covering their true selves with makeup makes such a good metaphor for the idol industry? The characters re truly something, with each one having a great backstory that resolves in interesting plots and good songs. Will the movie stick the landing? It’s left us with some BIG questions. Also this show has good canon trans girl representation. It’s not central but it’s there, explicitly.
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Non non Biyori - Such a relaxing slice of life anime that will make you wish you grew up in a small town. Stunning animation that soothes the soul, and characters that are just unique enough to feel like real kids.
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Ascendance of a bookworm - A unique premise and humorous MC. Has detailed world building that makes you eager to see how our chronically ill protagonist will maneuver society. But it fails to be terribly critical about the ableism in its own society, both from the audience and characters perspectives. Also endorses child labor? Kind of?? It’s a great show but why is no one ever talking about that part.
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Recovery of an MMO junkie - An adorable little love story taking place in the virtual world. Enjoyable and relatable protagonists. The creator is a Nazi though. Does not appear in the work, but you should know.
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Bocchi the Rock - Creatively animated story about an introvert who wants to join a band to avoid ever having to actually socialize. Painfully relatable, and the production value shows clear hard work and care. Low on the list because it only just came out.
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Horimiya - Realistic teenage love story. Doesn’t spend the entire runtime getting our couple together, but rather focuses on their relationship and explores hidden sides of them. Funny and relaxing.
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Odd Taxi - This one is SEVERELY underrated. The mystery is highly compelling, and not yet over! A grumpy walrus is the connective tissue between several moving parts of a greater conspiracy. Even if you aren’t a furry, this show won’t disappoint.
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spoilertv · 6 months
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btamamura · 8 months
A Love Letter for Tracey Sketchit from btamamura
(CW // Contains very, very brief mention of sexual assault, bullying and suicide)
Hello, Tracey. You don’t know me, but for over 20 years, I have known you. I guess that would be a creepy way to put it, huh? But, nonetheless, it’s the truth.
I was around fifteen when I first saw The Lost Lapras aired on TV for an advanced screening. At the time, I had been aware of Pokémon. My brother would watch episodes and I sometimes joined in if Sailor Moon wasn’t on and I was up to get ready for school. I had a novel adaptation of some of the episodes and the anime dub soundtrack. Got those for my birthday. Was even going to see the First Movie in cinemas when it came out.
Even so, my awareness or thinking to call myself a fan was still minor at best until the moment you appeared on screen, observing the Pokémon that belonged to the delinquents who were hurting Lapras and calling them out for neglecting the care of their Pokémon, then complimenting and sketching Pikachu.
My attention was grabbed instantly. Who were you? I needed to know more…! So, I focused more on the episode. An artist, a Pokémon Watcher, a fan of Professor Oak, someone who was amazed to hear Meowth speak human language, someone with a Venonat, someone named Tracey. And I knew I wanted to know you more.
So, I started watching more and more of the Pokémon anime dub. Then, it finally aired again. For real. The Lost Lapras. Not just an advance screening but the real thing. Meaning more episodes to come. And more chances to get to know you.
And the more I got to see you, the more I got to know you, the more I liked you. When I found out my school could print coloured pictures on their computers, I made a collage of the only pictures of you I could find and then slipped it into the cover of my binder folder. Whenever I felt upset in class, whether the work was stressful or I was being bullied, looking at you helped me feel better.
When the second movie was announced to be coming to cinemas, I decided I was going to Closet Cosplay as you to the best of my abilities. I had already cosplayed in the same way with a group of friends I had met who were also into Pokémon.
I did the cosplay and even had my dad take a photo, which I have enclosed with this letter for you to see. At the time, I would have been almost 16. Just three months off. And I was so excited to see the movie. I got the soundtrack and the novel adaptation, the VHS and eventually the DVD.
Imagine my shock and sorrow to learn people hated you the more I scoured the internet about you. Most forums had character bashing pages with you as the focus, there were fanfiction where you were killed for no reason or made gay in a homophobic lens, not in the accepting lens. Meaning it was very derogatory. And very heartbreaking. But, I also found a page that would lead to another big change in my life. The Kawaii Kenji Shrine. A page dedicated not to the English dub take on you but the original in which you were Kenji. Little did I know that finding out who helped give you a voice in that would lead me to becoming the anime fan and seiyuu fan I am today. I was introduced to the song Minna de Arukou, a song I have loved ever since first hearing it in its entirety. It was the first Japanese song I learned how to sing by heart. I read the stories, and none were hateful. Sure, some had sad content, but they weren’t done in hateful ways. It also led me to two other character shrine pages that supported you. One of which introduced me to the D.O.T. aka Defenders of Tracey. I’ve been a defender of yours for as long as I’ve been a fan and it made me happy to know others would defend you too.
And then, something traumatic happened to me when I was sixteen. Actually, two traumatic things. I was sexually assaulted and lost a friend to suicide. Focusing on you helped provide comfort in that time. So much so that the next year when it had been a year since the Good Friday I had been sexually assaulted, when I saw you heavily focused on in the episode of the anime dub that was on that morning, that was all I wanted to think about. You brought me comfort and distraction at a time I needed it most. The whole weekend, when I woke up, through the day and right before bed, I would watch the episode again and again and again because it was the first time in a long time I had been able to see you in an episode. It felt especially special because of the timing, like you were personally trying to comfort me and say that I was going to get through a time related to traumatic memories and stress and come out of it okay, even if not recovered yet from the pain it caused me.
I have been able to make irreplaceable friends because of you, friends dear to me who have also been fans of you since Day One. Medea10 being one of the closest I’ve had that after I got myself a little commissioned plush of you, I got one made for her too. You helped her a lot in life too but I will leave it to her to tell you that someday.
Even these days, over 20 years later, you are a source of comfort and support. Thinking about you helps me through sad times. Rewatching the episodes with you in them got me through ten lonely days in hospital when I needed major surgery - a thyroidectomy - and couldn’t have visitors because a pandemic caused global hospital lockdowns where only patients and end of life family visits were allowed in aside from the staff themselves.
Thank you, Tracey. From the depths of my heart. I will continue to love and admire you, defend you from haters and naysayers and doubters, and always be a fan who supports you, even now with the anime having come to its final conclusion. Thank you for the comfort and the support you gave me without being aware of such.
Thank you for being you, no matter if Kenji or Tracey Sketchit.
Love from btamamura.
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