#but fuck galantis?
rosicheeks · 2 years
What was your favourite band or album through high school and do you still listen to/like it now? 🤔
✨ Galantis ✨
(In XOXO and let me tell you this part always makes me cry)
#this is a good question cause it took me a HOT second to remember who I listened to in high school hahahah#I had to go to Spotify and scroll through my playlists#and then I saw a playlist that said ‘trip’ and I’m like OH FUCK YEAH I went on a road trip to see galantis#XOXO started my fucking obsession#dude you have no clue#I was OBSESSED with that movie#and I still am…. it’s one of my feel good movies 🥰#it’s also SO trippy#but anyway I found galantis through that movie and then I looked up the rest of their music and I fell in love#I’m not a huge EDM fan tbh and I still don’t fully think of galantis as edm#but there are some parts where it’s electronic dance#but i don’t mind it at all tbh#some of that type of music I actually can’t stand - the beat or melody just gives me a headache#but fuck galantis?#GALANTIS#is a different ballpark I love galantis so much#so to answer your question yes I still listen to them#but definitely not as much as I used to#I feel like their music kinda changed a year or so ago they turned into more of a remixy type (which isn’t bad!! just not my thing)#but some of the galantis songs I grew up with just gives me so much hope#idk the word it gives me ngl#I just listen to it and I feel like life will be ok#I’ll add a few of my fav songs cause I love them so much and now I wanna listen to them#sooooooo much nostalgia 🥰🥰🥰🥰#omg I’m listening to all of these songs and I can sing them word for word#they’re making me cryyyyyy I wanna go back to when I first found them#I miss high school 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#these songs will always have a place in my heart 🥹#thank you for asking lovely 🥰#ask
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ittybittybeastiebuddy · 4 months
Rediscovered a bunch of early 2000s and 2010s pop music from my youth, gonna be having emotions about this one boss
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fauxvvounds · 5 months
im gonna be real with yall but i think the seafoxes from Galantis adds to the part of my furry awakening
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ssstarlighttt · 13 days
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bigweldindustries · 8 months
I fuckin miss Mike Snow bro they said there'd be new Miike Snow in 2021 and now it's 2024 and we haven't had any new Miike Snow since 2016. Like Andrew Wyatt was all over the Barbie movie soundtrack and also did a solo album last year whilst Bloodshy is uh... still doing fucking Galantis.... actually wtf is Avant up to is he like. alive. I hope he's well. At least he's not doing Galantis I love you Bloodshy you've done good things but Galantis is not good things I fuckin hate Galantis. POINT IS i miss Miike Snow someone put these three men in a box for me BC I very selfishly would like more Miike Snow thank u
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hapan-in-exile · 1 year
Chapter 2 - Post #6: Back in the Saddle
Another installment in this ongoing serialized fanfic
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Genre: Mandalorian x Fem Reader
Total word count: 2.4K (of 21K total in Volume 2)
Rating: Explicit - smut, language, +18 *NSFW*
VI. "I thought you were exaggerating about the view," you say, the corners of your mouth tugging into a reluctant grin. The House Galantis' library was located in one of the palace's southwest towers, directly above a cascade of waterfalls pouring forth from the cliffside in dazzling sheets that flashed under the moonlight. 
Zemika leans forward, resting her elbows on the banister before taking out a lavish pipe. The window is just wide enough for you both to squeeze together, shoulders touching. Loading the pipe with a glass cartridge from her purse, Zemika presses the delicate filigree stem between her lips. 
“You still haven’t quit?” You ask in amazement as clouds of blue smoke fill her nostrils.
"Oh, Dahra, I'm merely a collection of vices hiding behind a gorgeous face.”
“Not for long if you keep smoking that shit.”
“No! Don’t stop,” she cries in mock ecstasy. “Your scolding is getting me so hot.”
“Save the theatrics for his highness,” you smirk, but it's hard to be petty surrounded by all this natural beauty. “This place is truly stunning.”
“And deserted.” Zemika turns to sit on her hands, looking down at the rows of tall bookcases inside the empty library. “Nobody ever comes in here. I don't think his family is big on reading.”
“My pussy may have dried up hearing you say that. You’re expecting me to have sex with this vapid asshole?”
You peek inside to double-check that Raife isn’t within earshot. The Duke hadn’t made it to the library quite yet. He was ‘freshening up’—which he’d heavily implied meant snorting something in the bathroom. Except, you know that what he really intends to do is clean himself up so Zemika won't smell the last woman who was most recently on his dick.
“When you're this rich, other people read for you.” A look of hazy self-satisfaction filled her eyes. “Besides, vapid assholes need love, too.”
“Thankfully, he can afford it.” You say, unable to stop yourself from sneering. A pang of regret seizes your chest. There was no reason to be cruel. “I’m sorry, Zemika, I shouldn’t have said that.”
But she didn’t seem offended, staring into the distance like she can almost make out the other side of the horizon. “What about you? Is there someone special whose bed you can crawl into now that I’m gone?”
You remind yourself that Mando is currently hunting for ‘Ozan Sango’, and Nito's has ditched the comlink. No one but Zemika was listening.
“There’s someone. But…it's a slow burn," you sigh, sounding just a tad pathetic.
“Hmmf,” she snorts, nudging you with her shoulder. “If they’ve taught you patience, they must be special."
"It's so complicated."
"Darling, anything worth chasing is. Do you love them?”
Yikes! That was a question you'd been asking yourself a lot lately. Your heart knew the answer, but it was something altogether different to say it out loud.
"I admire him. He'd been living his life in this very rigid way until now. The universe has sort of thrust him into this role of a father figure, and he's letting that change him. I think that's really brave."
She howls with laughter, clapping her hands together. "This guy has you playing house?! Oh, you've got it sooooo bad!"
"The kids are cute, too!"
"Kids? Plural?" Zemika cackles before lowering her voice to a feigned whisper. "Are you sure he's not stringing you along for free childcare?"
"Fuck you! I am not being exploited. I'll have you know my pay is exorbitant."
"So, you're like...what? His babysitter? Do you call him Daddy?"
"No!" You cringe, sticking out your tongue. "That was never my kink."
"That's right. I seem to remember you're the one who likes to do the spanking. Maybe he's into the fierce maternal type?"
“Gods, you're such a brat. I’m not sure what he likes,” you answer honestly. "Or how he feels about me."
A look of heartfelt sympathy crosses Zemika's face before she grins mischievously. “Has he seen you in that dress?”
“Yes, actually.” Chuckling, you slide your hands down your waist and over your hips to smooth out the fabric. A giddiness rises up inside you, thinking about how the Mandalorian must have watched you that night in the casino without you realizing it.
“Then you know he feels some kind of way about you.” 
“Do you love the Duke, Zemika?” You’re surprised to find yourself asking that question. 
“There’s security here,” she says, turning her head to look at you. “I’m taken care of…that’s a kind of love.”
It’s not your place to ask, at what cost? She’s a grown woman. It's up to her to make that calculation.
“Just be careful,” your voice is so small, it’s a wonder she can hear you at all.
“Oh darling,” she smiles, as though letting you in on a secret. “Always trying to take care of everyone but yourself.”
Suddenly, the moment becomes more earnest than you intended. “Meee–ow! Now, who's being a scold.” You take the pipe from her fingers and inhale the sweet, floral vapor. 
“You know what else is stunning?” Zemika says eagerly, pleased to remember what you’re both doing here. Like choreography, she lifts her hand to trace a finger lightly over the shell of your ear before gently taking off the Miralukan vizor. “I never understood why you kept them covered…”
She gazes into your glowing violet eyes. To your knowledge, Zemika never recognized the significance of seeing them or that you only removed the vizor when you were alone together. Her other hand rests against your cheek, and you feel the heat of her breath warming your skin. 
There’s half a second when you plan to just let her kiss you. But, it doesn’t seem cosmically sound to let the last moment of intimacy between you be something you both conceived of as a means to an end. So after she closes her eyes, but before your lips touch, you drop Zemika’s heart rate and plunge her into unconsciousness. 
This time, you’re ready. You catch her under the arms and pull her into one of the library’s plush armchairs. Placing the pipe on the side table beside her creates a neat little vignette of a party girl who couldn’t handle the cross-fade.    
While arranging her limbs into a more dignified posture, you hear the door open, and Raife’s voice saying, “Give me a moment.”
“I hope you didn’t wait for me.” He emerges from the stacks with a bottle held aloft, another wolfish grin plastered onto his immaculate face. Seriously, those cheekbones could cut glass. 
You nod towards Zemika, splayed across the quilted fabric of the armchair. “I think she’s already had too much,” you say. 
Raife barely spares her a glance before asking, “And what about you?” The Duke didn’t know if you were the kind of woman who would fuck her friend’s man while she remained passed out in the same room. Why let the opportunity to find out go to waste? 
You can’t help thinking about his earlier assignation in the garden—and the performance that’d been put on to please him. The moaning about how big he was...
“My problem, Raife,” you say, lifting an eyebrow. “Is that I can never get enough.”
Taking that as an invitation, his mouth collides with yours. How long has it been since—? It’s been a while, and bodies can be traitorous things. Despite Raife’s repugnant personality and hollow kisses, his full lips were indeed soft and sensuous, awakening a need within you. The cloy of the pipe smoke urging you to fill it.
With one hand splayed across your back, the other grips your ass, lifting you off your feet and guiding your legs around his waist. His lips become devouring, kissing you ferociously, tongue sliding into your mouth insistently. He carries you over to an abandoned desk, setting you down on the edge so he can pull you close and grind himself against you.
Roughly grabbing you by the chin, he thrust his thumb into your mouth. “Take off the dress.” 
“Oh no,” you grin, swinging your arms up and around to grasp him by the shoulders and push him down into the chair, helpfully waiting behind him. “You don’t get to have control here, Raife.” 
At first, he seems excited about your hands around his neck. His eyes were full of intrigue, eager to be the one getting dominated.
With both feet on top of his thighs, you dig in your heels and pull the chair closer to where you're sitting on the edge of the desk. “Raife, this is rather urgent, so I’m just going to be straight with you. Zemika may or may not have mentioned her suspicions about my abilities…but I know you can feel me inside your head right now.”
A look of utter disbelief replaces the Duke’s initial shock. 
“There’s a man working at your father’s mining company–green eyes, red skin—using the name ‘Ozan Sango.’ I know you know where he is and I want you to tell me.”
You sense Raife’s confusion quickly transforming into a cocoon of delusion, where this whole scenario is so far beyond the realm of possibility that he could somehow will it into non-existence. 
“I’ll know if you lie to me, Raife, so please don’t make me threaten you with impotence.”
That got his attention. 
“Do you believe I could do that?” And just to ensure he does, you relax his urethra so that the entirety of his bladder forms a pool under his leather seat. He lets out a little mewling sound. 
“I’m sure you expected me to threaten you with violence. And, yeah, I could cut little holes in you and seal them back up again, over and over, until you tell me what I want to know. Only, I get the sense, Raife, that your sexual prowess is very important to you. So whether you’re trying to hold back out of loyalty or because you don’t want to lose daddy’s approval, you will tell me what I want to know if you ever hope to stick your dick into another beautiful woman ever again.” 
It takes him a few stammering tries to remember the apartment number correctly.  
“If it's any consolation, you won’t remember telling me this.” 
When he collapses onto the desk, you take a moment to tuck your breasts back into your dress and readjust the vizor before hopping down to begin searching for your gloves and shoes. You check the time. Not too bad. Nito won’t have long to wait for you back at the Crest, and there was still time to make your exit before anyone got suspicious about a couple of guards who had wandered away from their post during the party.  
It all feels very manageable until you hear someone come crashing into the library through the open window, toppling heavy bookcases and sending a hail of ancient tomes falling from their shelves. 
“Mando?!” You gasp, lowering Raife’s liquor bottle, which you’d been wielding like a club. “Holy fuck, what are you doing here?”
The bounty hunter extricates himself from the debris of broken wood and fluttering paper. “Rescuing you,” he says irritably, as though it should be self-evident. 
He clears the rows between you in a few confident strides—the innate magnetism your body feels toward him pulling you the rest of the way there. Given how gratifying it is to be rescued from a crystal palace by a Mandalorian in shining armor, it seems infantile to ask, from what? So, in response, you merely look around in confusion. “I can still leave through the front—”
“Lord Raife!” A fist pounds on the library door. “There’s an urgent matter that needs your attention, sir!”
“That him?” Mando nods behind you to where the Duke lies prostate over the desk.
“What—uh, yeah.” You turn back to the Mandalorian, “What happened?”
“My Lord, your father…” and the voices get louder.
“They’re not going to let you leave this room,” Mando says. 
There’s another weighty knock on the door. Luckily, the Duke had the discretion to lock it behind him. 
“Ah–um,” panicking, you throw your head back and let out a stream of feral moans that would put Raife’s earlier encounter to shame. Next to you, the bounty hunter’s posture visibly stiffens. You shrug helplessly and mouth, “Sorry,” to Mando. 
But the fake orgasm, at least, makes the knocking stop. 
“Right,” Mando says, shaking his head like he’s clearing water from his ears. He grabs you by the wrist and walks purposefully down several rows before making a sharp turn, stopping in front of an immense fireplace. “The left one, you said?” he asks no one in particular. 
Then he pulls down on one of the fireplace’s carved fixtures. Behind the grate, a hidden door slides open into a narrow corridor, its seamless metal interior at odds with the palace’s rutilated crystal walls.
“Come on. We’re leaving.”
“Alright,” you nod, raising a finger. “Just give me a minute.”
You rummage around in Zemika’s purse, looking for a tube of lipstick. It's not until you pull Raife’s piss soaked pants down around his ankles that the Mandalorian grows suspicious.
“What are you doing?”
“Buying us more time. When those guards wake him up in a few minutes…I don’t know, crazy ex-girlfriend is an easy distraction to throw at them.”
Several words in Galactic Basic can be used as slang for ‘cheater.’ You write all of them over various parts of the Duke’s body, saving the characters that roughly translate to ‘pig that eats its own shit’ to daub across his stomach.
“The more embarrassing the scene, the longer it’ll take for his highness to remember about Ozan," you explain. "So yeah, uh...did you catch him already?” 
“No,” he shakes his head. “Made it to the transport before I intercepted them.”
“That’s not a problem. I know where he—wait, why are you bleeding? Are you the urgent matter that needs attention?"
When he doesn't answer, you let out a frustrated sigh. "I planned this job, Mando, so it would not require bleeding.”
“Think of this as Plan B,” he says. 
And while you’d never know it, you swear to the gods it sounds like he’s smiling. Like, he actually sounds a little excited about the chaos unfolding in his wake. Seizing you by the arm, he pulls you into the corridor. 
Erenada, you’re probably better off without the shoes.
Chapter 2 - Post #7: Elevator to Nowhere
Back to Chapter 2 - All posts
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gumpistol · 9 months
SPELL OUT YOUR URL USING SONG TITLES. do you know how fucking hard this was ?? it was hard!! there are no 'N' songs! none of luffy's original songs started with the letters! i did so much digging, but here, have the finished product~ luffy's playlist is pure chaos
tagged by: @ferromagnetiic tagging: if you would like to do it, you! (then tag me saying i tagged you)
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FIREBALL // pitbull, john ryan
UPTOWN FUNK // mark ronson, bruno mars
TIC TIC TAC (REMIX) // verdun
ROMPE // daddy yankee
EYE OF THE TIGER // survivor
POCPOC // pedro sampaio
RASPUTIN // majestic, boney m.
ALL THAT SHE WANTS // ace of base
ELE TE BOTA SOCA SOCA // mc mazzie, mcrd
KOKOMO // beach boys
IT GIRL // aliyah's interlude
NO MONEY // galantis
GOOD FEELING // flo rida
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beequestionsthings · 11 months
Ok I need to know if anyone else has a memory of fucking scratch.mit.edu being their main social media in like 6th grade, and making those warrior cats animations to whatever songs were popular on there, like Nelly’s “Just a Dream” or Galantis’ “No Money”
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spiderlegeyelashes · 1 year
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GOD I FORGOT oh my god if they play galantic im gona crush like a soda can. i havent heard galantis in years and oh i made damn sure years ago to imbue it with as much emotion and memory as possible. FUCK
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misspoetree · 2 years
@scarefox tagged me to list 10 songs from my most recent playlist, on shuffle. Thank you! 🤗
So the playlist in question is called "That was a stupid idea". I created it in 2020, between two lockdowns, when I was still a student and working at a university library. Back then, I decided to just fucking walk the 6 kilometres to and from work because using public transport was stressing me out so much. It turned out to be quite a good idea, actually - but I kept the name anyway. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
It started out as a playlist of songs with good, speedy "walking rhythms"...but now it's just a terrible mess of everything for everything - as you can see by the shuffled songs listed below. 😅
Running in Circles - FIL BO RIVA (The voice of this man!!!!!)
I Don't Wanna Talk (I Just Wanna Dance) - Glass Animals
Get Wild - MIYAVI (If you don't know MIYAVI - go check him out right now. I'm obsessed with this man and the things he does to his guitar)
Dying in the Heat - Nightseason
Escalate - Ben Böhmer, JONAH
LIT - ONEUS (This song is just such a mood boost for me - and the aesthetics of the MV are beautiful!)
22s - KOKO, Nina Chuba, Dillistone
Es regnet Hirn - OK KID (Spot the Germans I guess. On of the chorus lines means "The Lord is a woman, it's raining brain" and yeah, great song. 😂)
Pretty Please - Jackson Wang, Galantis (The man, the myth, the legend 😭❤)
Beds Are Burning - AWOLNATION, Tim McIlrath of Rise Against
I'm tagging @a-cookie2121 @ailig @hedgewyse @tessaaaaa and @magicaldreamfox1 - but as always no pressure! 😊✌🏻
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94erz · 1 year
So excuses from the fandom about why they won't support Namjoon's recent songs is because they're features and ''benefit other artists over BTS'' and yet JK just broke a billion streams on Spotify which the same fandom is trending congratulations about and yet over 60% of his total streams are for Left and Right which he's also a feature on...
Almost 600M original version 5.5M acapella version 6.7M Sam Feldt remix 4.5M Galantis remix 6.7M instrumental version
255M Dreamers 220M Stay Alive
Namjoon contributes his parts to ALL his features, so for every song he features on he gets royalties back...literally ''benefiting BTS'' since Namjoon IS BTS. Namjoon benefits from his collabs more than Jungkook does in fact...What a fuck ass fandom I swear.
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I posted 2,538 times in 2022
That's 902 more posts than 2021!
58 posts created (2%)
2,480 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,538 of my posts in 2022
#text - 661 posts
#cdramas - 200 posts
#movies - 174 posts
#actresses - 143 posts
#dc - 138 posts
#art - 117 posts
#mdzs - 117 posts
#marvel - 106 posts
#cql - 92 posts
#nature - 89 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#to be fair both my grandfathers died when i was very young so i've only ever used those titles when referencing them in conversation
My Top Posts in 2022:
@bwaldorf and I are going to absolutely terrorize our dash when Obi-Wan comes out, I just know it.
4 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
tagged by @bwaldorf (thanks love!)
last song: We’re Good by Dua Lipa
last movie: Scarface (1983)
•If I had to rate that movie I would give it a 1/10. It’s fucking terrible, and I do not understand how it became such a big cult classic. The only good thing about it is Michelle Pfeiffer.
currently reading: Nothing at the moment. I have several books with bookmarks in them that I need to resume, but haven’t yet due to being in the final stretch of the spring term. 
tagging @lasbrumas @queeenpersephone @perrysneil @elains @minnarr @komunyoung @masterskywalkers @missorgana @yoojinkang @leeshinah @eohachu @marquisguyun and whoever else would like to do it!
6 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
I was tagged by @lexiklecksi. thanks friend!
Rules: shuffle your favourites playlist or music library and list the first 10 songs coming up, then tag 10 people
Full disclosure: I shuffled my music library for this, so this is gonna be random as hell
1. Bells in Sante Fe by Halsey
2. PokeRap GS by Pokemon
3. It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year by Mandy Moore
4. What Does That Even Mean by Ruper Gregson-Williams (Aquaman OST, instrumental)
5. Dance in the Dark by Lady Gaga
6. His Kiss, The Riot by Patrick Page (Hadestown OST, Original Broadway Recording)
7. He Could Be The One by Hannah Montana
8. Far Far Away by Blackmore’s Night 
9. 情人的眼淚 by Tsai Chin
10. I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift
tagging @parkjimiin @queeenpersephone @lasbrumas @solaskoroleva @laenorvelaryon @yugimoto @bwaldorf @cloudravine @minnarr and @evies20dollars
6 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
tagged by @bwaldorf to post my 5 ‘on repeat’ songs –– thanks angel!
I don’t really use spotify enough for ‘on repeat’ to be accurate, so I’ll just be picking songs I’ve been putting on repeat lately. 
1. Satisfied by Galantis
2. Fading Like A Flower by Roxette & Galantis
3. Queen Bee by Rochelle Diamante 
4. Modern Love by Karen Elson
5. One Woman Army by Porcelain Black
tagging: @natrasharomanova @lasbrumas @elains @solaskoroleva @queeenpersephone @nerdytrash--trashynerd @cloudravine and anyone else who would like to do it!
8 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm gonna miss Amber Gray as Persephone so much 😭 She is literally the perfect Persephone, and her chemistry with Patrick Page as Hades is just unmatched. I wish her well but god I wish she didn't have to leave.
94 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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playlistsbybunny · 28 days
lawful neutral
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the landlord is dead - do make say think
dead machine - syd matters
ghostly music box - music box
disengaged - grouper
i want to fuck you to death - huntress
lights of love - andrew jester
falling apart - skeler
shadows - pastel ghost
strawberry letter 23 - shuggie otis
cannons - youth lagoon
marcel - her’s
break the walls - fitz and the tantrums
good luck, babe! - reinaeiry
people everywhere - khruangbin
spooky - dusty springfield
bean - orions belte
the good wine - alabaster deplume
muziqa heywete - getatchew mekurya
caronte - apparat
paul - big thief
chasing my tail - mild high club
goodbye - apparat
more - 5 seconds of summer
donald trump - mac miller
tempus est locundum - ars antiqua
i will love you ev’ry time - the fureys
good 4 u - olivia rodrigo
heartbreak anthem - galantis
ain’t shit - doja cat
betty - yung gravy
link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/551kZspXlnKOqvekEZGRDg?si=9be5b7573e3248e9&pt=9090fc8fa26a071b4b7fc3864925633b
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lysitheaioandeuropa · 6 years
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bobthebobking · 7 years
with all the good albums i’ve come across recently i forgot how much i fucking love The Aviary
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ironmars · 3 years
A lot of things just happened to me at once just now oh my god lmao let me tell you a tale of dumbassery.
Let me set the mood. Its 930ish in the morning and I was driving back to work from my lunch break and I had my window down and was listening to Peanut Butter Jelly by galantis slightly loud because I don't care bout nuthin. Anywho I see a license plate with something along the lines of "wan169" or some shit on it and in my head I was like "wani. Wanni..wahhhneee. that word sounds familiar. What is it from... ugh! It's so familiar!! this is pissing me off wtf" and then I make a sharp turn to park in a spot I didn't see quick enough and this Halloween card i always have on my dashboard with a 2007 emo lookin ass ghost on it slides across fast as fuck boi and slices my fuckin finger and I was all "OW FUCK" out loud and like who gets a papercut driving!?? But then, still turning into the parking spot, i immediately I see it's full of these crows eating spilled hot cheetos and I was already mad so I was all "AHH MOVE YOU FLAPPY FUCKS!!" and then I hear laughing and one of the cart pusher guys just like saw and heard me do all this and right when I made eye contact I remembered what wani made me think of and its the name of the ship that zuko from avatar the last airbender has that every fanfic uses and so. Eye contact being made. I was excited to remember what wani meant to me and I like stated out loud "AVATAR!" and the guy still laughing was like ????? and at that point the self awareness kicked in and i was like wow i look fuckin nuts. So i just parked and rolled up my window and shuffled my way back inside and now here I am telling you lovely people. End scene.
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