#but giRL
blerpdotcom · 3 months
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@wereoz Hoodie. idea
@lycantropy14 for original meme even
drawing eduarda (o) is actually just an excuse to go to pinterest and draw [redacted] had a moment of clarity. i like to put her in button down and pants. i hate them i love them i hope they die really love them a lot yeah yeah yeah whaaaatever
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atlasofoverthinking · 2 months
what that last panel of rei and endeavor shouldve been
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kaipersonlol · 7 months
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whoops made depressing shit haha.
shortly after the hotel was destroyed, Alastor was searching desperately for something, even ignoring Charlie for it. this is the first time any of them saw her cry.
Alastor(top)- nonono!
Lucifer(top)- Al?
Alastor(bottom)- (in French) I'm so sorry, Mama...
Or directly- Je suis vraiment desole, Maman...
(Google translate was used lmao)
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bethanydelleman · 1 month
I really liked Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell, especially the nuanced, sympathetic, and realistic portrayal of Manchester's working class. But then the main characters moved to Toronto, Canada to work at a foundry because he's an engineer and um...
I see a long, low, wooden house, with room enough and to spare. The old primeval trees are felled and gone for many a mile around; one alone remains to overshadow the gable-end of the cottage. There is a garden around the dwelling, and far beyond that stretches an orchard.
This is Toronto, Canada, circa 1850:
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And Gaskell should have known this because she knew Charles Dickens and he visited!
In 1841, the first gas street lamps appeared in Toronto. Over 100 were installed that year, in time for author Charles Dickens' visit in May 1842. Dickens described Toronto as "full of life, motion, business and improvement. The streets are well-paved and lighted with gas." Dickens was on a North American tour.
I'm sure there were log cabins in rural Ontario but realistically, these people are in an apartment building.
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nixthelapin · 8 months
Félix’s Parents
Colt Fathom: abuser who thinks his son is a monster (while watching him harmlessly play with a stuffed rabbit and toy train)
Amelie Graham de Vanily: Boy Mom(TM) who thinks her son can do no wrong (while watching him kill every person on the planet)
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thrill-seeker-vn · 3 months
My mother… is so sweet… such a kind and naive soul. The perfect target for spreading misinformation over facebook.
We’re muslims, right, so the moon is really significant to us, and my mother has always nurtured our interest in the moon. Eg. if the moon looked super beautiful one night, and we ask to go see it, she’d be happy to drive us out to see it properly-- photos don't do it justice, she says. And whenever she finds out something positive or nice about islam she always sends it to me, which I love.
So she calls me, super excited, and she’s telling me that some studies have been linking the change of someone’s mood to the moon. Where did she find this? Facebook. Her reasoning? The moon controls the tides, and human beings are also made out of water… I love you, mom. 
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mortalmab · 1 year
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Oh Mina. 🏳️‍🌈🫡
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impossiblesuitcase · 5 months
"Oh I so badly want Marissa Meyer to write a short story of Kaider's wedding and an epilogue with all the characters ten years after the revolut--" I don't. Not anymore. I've read Cinder's Adventure. I wouldn't let current Marissa touch these characters with a ten foot pole.
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bikerwizard4ever · 7 months
guys guys guys anyone who knows me fr ignore this but i need more lesbian hannigram content please please please, i love murder wives i love lesbians i love hannibal please
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feral-sylki · 7 months
Slightly obsessed with how. objectively badly Sylvie’s attack on the TVA went. like I know she got rushed by Loki outing her hiding spot and the tva rocking up to her door but also. it’s just kinda hilarious how carefully, meticulously and obsessively planned for possibly centuries it was but. girl your information on the elevators is “they’re gold.” everything in the TVA looks gold. like the yellow of the gold sure stands out from the yellow of the lighting. the tempad you brought with you had two hops of juice and it was done. you left the time door open long enough for a fellow chaotic god of mischief to leap through and start derailing you. look I’m not trying to cramp your style and I mean this in the fondest possible way but girl. really
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elven-kisses · 1 year
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drew today love wins
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icequeenlila · 5 months
We're gonna take photos for my dad's birthday today. Like all the siblings. And guess who has to play emergency hair dresser bc the lil one forgott to wash her hair in time and now looks like an oily mess.😀
Also she's being really mean and my nerves are like 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 rn. WE HAVE TO LEAVE IN 30 MINUTES!!!!
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artiswhatartdoes · 7 months
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Me, looking at my sketchbook filled with drawings of edwina teach: I just think she’s neat
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punkraccoon · 6 days
Idk what the elves in the rings of power are serving but it's nothing close to the realm of ✨CUNT✨ the movie elves were serving
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kamisadopteddaughter · 2 months
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jessibbb · 8 months
The first 6 episodes of hazbin have been great so far dont get me wrong but we have to talk about alastors karen ass haircut
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