#but god DAMN when he wants to be scary he's a force of fucking nature
talentforlying · 11 months
i'm still stuck on 'who will pray for you / when your body is gone / this is the consequence for what you've done', i am not being normal about it at ALL. i need to talk more about how everyone in the occult scene knows that constantine is damned far beyond the help of even platitudes about going to a better place / achieving redemption, because like, how do you get leverage over someone like that? taunt someone like that? what's the worst you can do, send him to hell for all eternity? oh noooo.
and in his personal life, yeah, he's a punk and a brainiac and a fucking mess and an awkward loner craving connection, but i'm obsessed with the fact that when he's acting professionally, he radiates an absolutely soul-sucking aura of 'nothing left to lose'. he's masks on masks of personality and false bravado, but even at his most vulnerable, under every layer, all the way down to the core, his eyes are dead and damned. even people who've known him for ages know there's something off behind those eyes.
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dothwrites · 1 year
PEACE OF MIND! PEACE OF MIND! (aka best episode ever)
cas really is an awkward dad coming to talk to his kid. and it's not going well. though he is more supportive of jack's snake than dean, which good for him (coming from someone who is DEEPLY uncomfortable around snakes) i forgot how worried everyone already was about jack's soul. i remembered dean and the ridiculous cake test but i didn't remember cas being this concerned
dean and cas having a conversation about jack and sam is really like cas is dean's second husband and sam is his stepson while jack is his and dean's child. if you get where i'm going. like, sam is DEAN'S kid, but jack is THEIR child. so they're having a conversation about their respective children, and they've cast themselves in roles of concerned parents
i can only assume that dean forced cas to watch all of the scanners movies since metatron would never lower himself to watch those movies. (this pleases me GREATLY) cas' saturday evening post line! there's something about cas drifting through the bunker late at night after everyone has gone to bed and looking through old magazines to soothe himself that is both incredibly soft, incredibly hilarious and incredibly poignant. he LOVES humanity! he's looking at an idealized version of the human condition in order to soothe himself. the rest of his loved ones are asleep and cas remains awake to watch over them but he still needs comfort, so he looks at old magazines. (i'm going to stop now but just know that this thought LIVES IN MY HEAD)
cas' "delicious" is wonderful here. he's such a wonderful dick. HIS HEAD EXPLODED. LIKE A RIPE MELON ON THE SUN. i love cas and i would die for him and he is the only character ever.
the irony of this woman saying "MORALS" to a degenerate homosexual angel of THEE lord... layers upon layers upon layers! and then cas mimicking the "shape and heft". he knows from personal experience. because he is a homosexual.
dean's cake test is so ridiculous. HE is so ridiculous. and his immediate REGRET after calling snakes "cool". the look of a man who just saw his whole damn life flash before his eyes. (it is established that dean does not care for snakes and finds them frightening. how much of this is because of a natural aversion and how much of this is because THEE indiana jones ALSO finds snakes off putting and scary?) RIDICULOUS MAN! RIDICULOUS MAN TESTING HIS KID WITH CAKE.
cas' consistent irritation with people is something that can be so personal, honestly. "the very tall man" laughing because misha looks so short next to jarpad but misha is actually pretty normal sized/tall
whoever the woman is who plays the wife, give her an emmy. she has FANTASTIC comedic timing. this whole scene is pure comedic gold. i remember laughing to the point of tears the first time i saw it. stop forcing jarpad to be a dramatic action hero. let him either be the villain or let him act in comedies! this is where he THRIVES! don't make him be a gritty action hero! he is not receiving enrichment in that environment!
i love when cas allows himself to be a terrifying badass. so much of the time he's masking his true nature for the comfort of the humans around him, but sometimes he just lets himself go and when he does, it's TERRIFYING!
we love a fight where cas is FINALLY allowed to be a badass. we LOVE IT. finally some good fucking food if you ever wanted to know why sastiel can never be a thing (sastiel fans i love and respect you) just look at this scene compared with the prisoner scene. sam and cas' scene is longer but my GOD is it lacking in the sexual tension and pathos of the prisoner scene. jarpad just does not have chemistry with men and that is okay because he is a heterosexual and they're necessary for the environment too!
"GOD HAS A BEARD" supernatural is A Show™
the implications that cas called dean to gossip about sam's cardigan and his faux marriage. insane. they're just chatting. because they're husbands. and they're married.
love that very ominous shot of cas lurking over jack's shoulder as he watches him kill the snake. it's very dramatic.
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strawberry--bride · 1 year
Admin-san what are some kiseki and subaru headcanons? I would love to know more about their father-daughter moments ^_^
Thank you very much for this ask and showing interest in my little baby. uwu
These headcanons were written together with @subaruwu since they have a much better grasp on Subaru than I do. (I fail as a Subaru stan, I know. :'')
My headcanons (from Kiseki's POV)
1. Kiseki developed a strong connection with her father from a very young age onwards. As a newborn, she would never sleep alone in her crib and could only fall asleep when Subaru would take her into their coffin and lay her on top of his chest.
2. As a toddler, she began to adapt his behavior more and more. She even picked up on his manner of speech with her first ever word being 'fuck' (くそ). -> comic here
3. When it was time for her to enter kindergarten, she was very adamant about changing her hairstyle to imitate her dad. At first she would bump into furniture because it obscured her eyesight, but she has learnt to make it work.
4. Kiseki refers to Subaru as 'papa' (パパ). As a result, Ayato and Laito now pick on Subaru by mockingly calling him 'papa-baru'.
5. Subaru can basically do nothing wrong in Kiseki's eyes. While Sharon never holds back to call Subaru out on his flaws (of which there are many, trust me), Kiseki will always take his side.
6. When they had to talk about what they would like to become in the future as part of one of her kindergarten classes, she answered 'I want to become papa's bride' without hesitation. Sharon would like to object.
7. Another time they had to talk about their heroes/the person they look up to and Kiseki prepared a whole 20-minute speech on all of the things which make her papa the best one in the whole wide world.
8. The other kids at her kindergarten and even the teacher are honestly horrified of Subaru. He came to pick her up once and saw how she got pushed by one of the boys in her class which unleashed an unstoppable anger inside of him because how dare that scoundrl hurt his perfect little princess. All the teachers and some of the other parents had to combine forces to stop him from punching the kid into another dimension.
@subaruwu's headcanons (from Subaru's POV)
i. Little Kiseki is the kind of child who wanders into the garden and makes friends with every breathing organism within a 3 mile radius. Animals are drawn to her the way they are drawn to her father as well. And besides, they're so much less scary than, for instance, other kids. It's easier to 'socialize' with them.
She finds all kinds of critters and presents them proudly to her parents so that they may greet them as well. Subaru then instructs her to place them gently back into nature…. But sometimes he fails. and then Sharon will discover a frog in the bathtub.
ii. Subaru religiously reads Kiseki to sleep every day. Sometimes, he even makes up stories: those are her favorite.
iii. Anything Kiseki wants, Subaru gets her— within reason. He should really consider himself LUCKY his daughter has such a sweet soul, otherwise she'd be spoiled rotten at this point.
iv. He can spend literal hours just staring at her. Specifically when she was a newborn, he'd just be completely enthralled watching her nap in his embrace. As we've talked about before, her mere existence has boosted his self confidence on some level. He made this perfect, sweet girl- so that must mean he can't be all bad.
v. Using a silly voice, he sometimes converses with her through Kuro-san… only when no one else is around, though!
vi. Subaru does not like having to share Kiseki's attention with his brothers. ;-; And he gets really jealous and annoying. 'this is MY baby' vii. As we know and have seen in the past, she imitates his behavior… and it embarrasses him. Kiseki really holds a mirror up to him this way. He's trying to be better, but doesn't fucking succeed god fucking damn it old fucking habits die so fucking hard.
viii. Subaru tries his best to set rules. But Kiseki doesn't always follow them. So he's like "…. aight. it is what it is." — correlates with his ass spoiling her xd. Kiseki is just… the exception in some many ways. He can't get mad at her.
ix. Subaru approaches the world with his emotions, Kiseki approaches the world with her mind. They learn from each other each day.
x. Kiseki and Subaru are both very passionate. Subaru wants to share the world with his little baby and be with her all the time but Kiseki the gemini will eventually desire freedom
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theomnicode · 2 years
Aight, time to prove some God theory of mine.
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Knowledge of the flow of all energy and behaviour of all the forces in the universe. Basically, every force that exists in OPM?
God knows this force and this energy. Because Cosmic Garou got this impartation of power from God.
ESP? Done. Fighting spirit? Yes. Resurrection? It's there. Cosmic powers? You're goddamn right. Time travel? Naturally.
Divine power and Saitama's power of origin? Duh, that's what it gave Garou. The power of cognition, the psyche, is strong in OPM God.
If the narration says all forces and all energies, it hardly just means "cosmic forces" like time, space, causality, black holes, star power or fission reaction. Why would it? It means literally everything that has been shown in OPM universe.
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Horizons of power, meaning:
The Mind, the Body and the Soul. This is divine power in it's fullest form. That is my current hypothesis.
(Bottom is mind, middle is body and top is soul)
The mind consists of powers such as ESP and cognition. Big Brain power. The body consists of monsterization, emotions, drive and instincts, life and such bodily powers. Whether monsterization is separate from bodily powers? Who knows. Once the person has broken both of these limits of the mind and body and attained rebirth, they can obtain soul powers, cosmic powers. Inner universe.
Breaking the limit is basically breaking the limits of mortality.
All this already makes OPM God pretty damn fearsome opponent. But what about the cosmic powers, the inner universe and all this specifically make it soul power? Even if we don't delve into references and buddhist cosmology?
Because we've also been shown spiritualism in the series before, in phoenixman vs CE, where Phoenixman not only mentally connects and drags CE to a spiritual plane, but also resurrects dead people into zombies and casually resurrected two guys that Flashy killed. Who retained their personalities and their memories.
Their core beings were essentally dragged back from beyond the veil. Most likely because they did not yet have a chance to pass on to eternity from the Sanzu river, a place Zombieman saw when he died. Purgatory basically where the souls await their judgement. Unlike the mindless zombies phoenixman resurrected which had already died long ago and their souls had passed on, impossible to be revived.
Spiritualism is part of the universal powers, therefore it is also something OPM God has, as per narrative.
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It is all even more clear when Garou, who has divine power, same as Saitama, comes back as a spirit to say goodbye to Tareo and that Saitama's physical body corrected the paradox that there could not exist two physical copies of Saitama in the same timeline.
Souls can apparently interact though and thats why the consciousness has no memory of this kind of interaction even happening. Available consciousness, the psyche, is different from the soul of the person. Soul exists far deeper than what the conscious mind is aware of and why spirits require an alternate state of consciousness to be seen.
OPM God would also have this kind of spiritual power and Saitama as well, if he ever taps into it consciously.
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So, what is the common denominator between Garou's spiritual form and OPM God then?
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They've both left their physical bodies behind.
Ergo, what it means...
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He is already dead. He is a spirit.
That is why he calls himself "God."
How do you kill something that has no life?
Good fucking question mate.
The moon and his physical body is merely just a prison, if it's even bound to it anymore.
It's physical body may be the only way to actually bind it to space, time and causality. Otherwise it would have free reign. What a scary thought.
Now, a theory...
Deep inside the Earth, the abyss, there is something that Blast and Co want to keep sealed away.
Then Saitama and buddies went and interacted with God's cubes that opened a rift in the fabric of space. But what they also did was subtly, give it divine power and break through the fabric of space that it was sealed behind. Light in the darkness.
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I doubt anybody knows about what actually happened here, but I have no doubts that this spirit is already wreacking havoc on the mortal world of OPM, because it got more powerful. That or Blast and Co have their hands full trying to contain it still. But I don't think even Blast and buddies know about the full extent of it's spiritual powers.
(Disaster level: God meta here)
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giorno-plays-piano · 2 years
Part VII
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Pairing: prince!Bakugo × duke’s daughter!reader, a bit of Izuku x reader
Warnings: yandere-ish behaviour, obsession, stalking, Bakugo being an ass; may get darker as the story progresses.
Words: 1.1k
Summary: Locked in a body of a fairytale’s character, you are forced to live her life, obeying the the rules of the story where you are the villain. Do you really have no choice but to accept her fate?
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
P.S. Sorry it took me so long to write this chapter! Hope you'll enjoy it <3
"What do you think it is?" Aizawa asked you from behind, nearly making you jump as you nervously bit down on your lower lip, feeling the Queen staring at you intensely.
"Isn't it one of the fae curses?" You muttered, gently touching Bakugo's arm and tracing pitch-black lines with your finger, almost afraid to voice your concerns. "High Fae's curse."
Despite you having no warm feelings for an asshole your ex-fiance was, you really hoped you were wrong because otherwise Bakugo was completely fucked.
A High Fae's curse. Where on Earth did this wannabe murderer find a High Fae when he was ought to be kept in his chamber at the royal castle at all times?! How damn mad did he have to make this fae to curse him so bad? It was deadly magic, surely. You really, really hoped something could still be done because otherwise the Queen was going to be burying her son in a couple of days at the latest.
Naturally, like any doctor of his caliber, Aizawa had been researching fae's curses for quite some time, but you were unaware if he knew what exact curse it was and whether he succeeded in finding the correct formula to treat it, and the thought scared you to death. You really didn't want to watch Bakugo die.
"You are correct, my lady. It's Invictus in its early stage," the man behind you said and went back to his bag, full of bottles and jars that kept clinking against each other the second he lifted the bag from the floor. "It seems I didn't spend all this time teaching you for nothing."
"Wait, but I thought only the High Lord of the East can cast Invictus," Izuku barged in unceremoniously, scratching his head. "How did His Highness even met him?"
"Yes, you are right too, my lord. But we should leave this matter to Her Majesty because it doesn't concern us, and we will not benefit from discovering the truth."
His sarcastic tone made your adopted brother go red, and you sighed, rolling your eyes to the ceiling. It wasn't the time for this. What the Hell was doctor Aizawa going to do? You felt horrible not knowing how to help this stupid, miserable prince. Was he going to die just like that? God, were you going to just stand and watch it happen?
You murmured, unsure, "We should drain the poisoned blood first, I suppose."
"Correct. Izuku, ask servants for hot water and towels. My lady, while I'm preparing the serum, make cuts in places where the lines unite and drain the blood."
"You will do no such thing until you explain me everything."
Queen's voice sounded like a thunder in the silence of the room, and you immediately turned back to her only to see her turning shockingly pale as if she saw a ghost. Despite her trying to hide it, her shoulders were shaking, and you could see tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Listening to you talking about some incurable curse made already scared Queen terrified to the core - her only child could die, and she didn't have the slightest idea how to help him.
"If it's a curse... shouldn't we ask magicians to purify him?" Her voice quivered, and you felt sorry you couldn't reassure her about healing her son. You had no idea what was about to happen to him, and it was scary thinking about it.
Letting out a loud sigh, doctor Aizawa straightened, turning away from the bottles he had already taken from his bag. His bloodshot eyes looked tired - he had been suffering from insomnia for years, spending his nights solely on research for the sake of people like Bakugo. Maybe it was the stern tone of his voice or the way he looked at the Queen, but once he started talking, she grew silent immediately.
"This is not a curse casted upon a prince by some sorcerer. It is a curse the High Lord of the East casted on His Highness himself," the man said grimly, watching Izuku bringing in the bowls filled with hot water and a pile of towels and bandages. "It can be reversed within several hours if the Lord decided to go with it, but I can see it is far too late for that. Invictus is poisoning prince's body. Since his disease is still in the early development stage, we can drain the poisoned blood and inject His Highness with serum that can futher purge the poison. I cannot guarantee a success, but I have healed a few patients with Invictus like him before. Now, if we may, we need to start treating His Highness. When the black lines stretching from his arms reach his neck, I will no longer be able to help."
Aizawa started moving without waiting for the Queen to agree with him as if he wasn't scared of treason. Albeit you were scared as much as someone in your position could be, you did exactly like the doctor instructed you to, not watching the distressed mother of the boy who looked so horrible you really thought he wouldn't make it. God, his chances were slim.
"How many did you save?" she finally asked when you were already sitting by Bakugo's bed, your hands hidden beneath long gloves made from coarse cloth as you made careful cuts, black blood streaming into the crudely made surgical drainage system. The smell coming from the wound was so disgusting you felt nauseous, happy you had a mask covering most of your face.
Aizawa didn't even turn back to the Queen as he replied, "Two."
She screamed something furiously, but by that moment you were under such pressure you could focuse only on the black blood dripping from the wounds on Bakugo's hands and nothing else. Who cared how many people doctor Aizawa saved when the boy was gonna die anyway if no one did anything? To get through a High Fae's curse was a miracle by itself. You were ready to follow the instructions of the doctor who helped at least anyone to come out alive from this Hell, and you needed to do a good job for him.
Sometimes you really hated this world for its lack of technological advancement: there were no rubber tubes, Jackson-Pratt or Penrose drain, and the bandages were horrible comparing to what you had back home... But you had magic and elixirs and all this stuff you still hard time believing. Maybe doctor Aizawa could save Bakugo. Maybe there was a chance if you did your job right.
So you kept draining the poision from the prince's veins until the doctor finally returned with a syringe.
Tags: @tspice283 @surprisemodafakas @honeybeehungry @tjmaxx556 @superblyspeedydragon @ssplague @lunalily19 @isentsworld @je-suis-argent-miel @mrsushiwakaflaka @yanderetodorokishoto
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yaomomvs · 3 years
inarizaki x f!manager
this is part of a hcs series, let me now what team you want next <3
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okay so actually you ended being the manager because the girls volleyball team had already closed the application time
so you you were really looking forward to it and omg you were so sad about it
after being rejected, you were just peacefully going through the gym and you heard laughter from a bunch of guys
you recognized kosaku since he was in your class and waved at him.
and so, they were talking about getting a manager since this team is pretty much a lot to handle
and so since kosaku knew you were hard working and that the first idea that popped out oh his head was that if you wanted to try out.
kita respectfully introduced himself and asked if you were willingly try out 🥺🥺🥺 like what a man 🥺🥺
and mostly because the twins having fangirls always made this process kind of difficult, so instead kita and aran wanted to make sure it was someone who at least was trusted by one of them
and not to brag but bestie you are gorgeous
so it was a win win
atsumu refused to this because as the jerk he usually is, he said that he didn’t need any help
that son of a bitch
he was being soooo petty mainly after you said “oh don’t worry kita, idiots are not my type”
osamu fell in love with you ❗️
and aran
and suna
and well the team.
and so, looking at the other court where the girl vbc was training you said that it was something.
every! single! practice! is! chaotic!
but somehow you managed them so well
atsumu is still trying to prove that he doesn’t but oh boy he is the first one to requiere your help
you better believe this guys are your simps and are constantly competing over someone who a year ago could never imagine they had
your attention? the best way to prove each other they were superior
in away games, god bless the idiot that wants to even dares to try to do a move on you
they are lowkey intimidating
not but seriously
specially and surprisingly kita and aran
son como esos niños mamones fresas que de cierto modo les tienes miedo
this team? over the moon for you
and tbh, they were so grateful for you, you did a lot for them that they started to feel some kind of embarrassing how before they wouldn’t know how to do basic stuff like cooking for camps, labeling they jerseys correctly, searching for new equipment like they love you
anyways that however was kinda sus to them
it all started when somehow you learned so quickly, and the technical stuff was not hard to understand as to others
surprisingly the first one to notice was suna
you could have said something but tbh
you still look forward to play volleyball like more seriously even as a hobby
you’d rather be dead than telling your team that’s what you wanted because
a) they could think you only joined to learn volleyball and not help them
b) you had your pride, you want to be recognized by your own merits rather than “of course, they are inarizaki’s manager if they weren’t they could have never been this good”
so you still played volleyball but hid from them
there was a gym nearby where constant tournaments were held
you were a ghost because knowing damn well your boys could go there at any moment you decided to take some precautions
like nickname and position was everything they knew about you
your teammates loved you, so they respected your private life, and it was kind of cool
but what you were not expecting is that for some reason, omimi had followed you one day bc you forgot something after practice.
being a friday it meant for some weird reason you always rushed out
“sus” suna says everytime
so he catches you going out to the gym and maybe, he thought, you were just going to workout or see someone
bye you broke him
and so he tries to process it normally
key word: tries
and here we are him being interrogated by the team incredulous to his words.
ay first they interrogated him being overprotective by the fact that he was spending more time with you but when he tells them what he saw god dammit
they loose it when they find out.
and so, tsumu says something that everyone agrees with him for the first time
“let’s go and spy”
“i swear to god if y/n finds out...”
“shut up aran, unless you want to make it obvious and reveal our identity dumbass!”
“tsumu, the disguises are awful”
“come on kita not you too!”
“what if”
“akagi shut up all of you agreed with the idea”
“osamu you suck”
and so there they go. trying to find you in the sea of people at the entrance, not having a clear view yet, they only search for the navy blue and white uniform that omimi described to them when he saw you.
and then almost as if it was the gods plan, they started hearing whispers of people around mentioning the arrival of one of the most popular teams out there.
“come on what the big deal-” suna started saying, however your figure appeared and he instantly turned into a babbling mess.
as well as the rest of inarizaki vbc.
osamu had to double check to assure himself that it indeed was you, beautiful as ever, walking alongside your hot and apparently talented team.
minutes later, they were standing in the bleachers as quiet as they could. they spotted you.
“A SETTER” atsumu jumped of his seat and had to be scolded by aran who was also surprised by the position you were going to be playing.
“wasn’t expecting that” ginjima talks saying what everyone was currently thinking.
behind them was a couple of guys, who apparently did not know how lower their comments.
“the setter is kinda cute” “wow look at that” oml please even aran who was the voice of reason had the urge to punch them in the face.
still they decided to just focus on your game who has now been started. and even tho they wanted to not do it, they couldn’t help analyzing you and your moves in the court. it was natural, well because they were players and very good ones it’s inevitable for them to compare and to study the way you played more than anything.
they were not expecting you to be this good. almost everything in your technique was polished, your tema work was remarkable and god bless your ability to read the blockers.
but there was a moment when they just saw the panoramic view of your skills. atsumu could see your tired expression, the sweat on your body, he just knew you were feeling now the adrenaline of the last moments of the set.
still you yelled a “we will take it” and then, with the others team hope hanging on a thread, the ball came to your libero, which perfectly passed the ball to you.
there was greed in your eyes, so scary that kita for a moment feared for the other team.
and it was when you did the setter dump that your whole team stood up in pure shock.
who were you and why were you hiding?
sadly the boys screamed way too loud which lead to you, after you made the last point and give the history to your tema, lifted up your gaze and saw a bunch of idiots wearing hats and everything in between.
suna and tsumu ran the fastest in the team directly to the gate, and the with a bunch of losers behind them,
because after everything you were there arms crossed and a murderous look in your eyes.
“IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE Y/N” “osamu shut up!”
they, once you made sure to pinch each and everyone’s ears, starred bombarding questions on how did you managed to learned that and why you did ikr tell them
“come on guys, in school i’m already looked down at just because it’s you! so could you imagine me being a inarizaki student trying to move without your name?”
kita forced them to shut up and aran felt a a kind of guilt
as week as everyone else
“don’t worry y/n, we know now what it’s like to not being your own author.”
and so, they just told you how proud they were.
“maybe we are jerks but y/n we are your jerks, and over there or respect to you has just grown up”
suna the says “you’ve been there all of the time for a while now, i guess it out time to return the favor”
and so ever since then they alwaaaaays try to be at your games
like pls once the referee said one of your serves was out and from the bleachers he screaaaaaaamed, he claims that it was definitely in
kita always gives you some food after a game or practice
talking about practice
even if you are there for being a manager they always try to, at least half an hour before ending practice, they have a quick game with you playing alongside them or just including you in their repeats etc
and goooood bless once again anyone who tried to look down at you.
because after being constantly on you games ofc people started recognizing them as the inarizaki power house
if they heard someone relying your talent on them pls make sure they five them the coldest look ever
like ‘nah bro i dare you to say that one more time’
*knive eyes*
even some girls attend your games trying to flirt with them
you know what they do?
they brush them off and say “sorry, my type is y/n” suna says and the are 😳
pretty much everyone does this
come on even aran
inarizaki best boys 🥺🥺🥺
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Prompt idea: Geralt gets a contract for a monster that has been sighted nearby. When he tracks it down, he is surprised to find mothman!Jaskier who (much like actual mothman) has an ass that won’t quit.
I just want you to know that Mothskier now lives in my head rent free 24/7. I love him. I would die for him. This is my new favorite emotional support au.
2k-ish words - please feel free to shove comments through the bars of my enclosure, I would really like that
art by the ever-wonderful @mawbwehownets, whose drawing of Mothskier made me legit cry.
tw: mild injury, brief blood mention, strangers to lovers
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“So what you’re saying,” Geralt raises an eyebrow slowly, curious, “Is that you need me to catch a monster that’s half man and half moth?”
“Alright,” Geralt pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb and pointer finger. The frustrated Witcher takes a slow breath to calm and center himself, before he ends up botching the entire contract-writing process. Humans tend to grow attached to the strangest monsters sometimes, and apparently this mysterious local being was no different. “Let me get this totally straight, so there are no mistakes or misunderstandings. You want me to capture this man-moth and get it out of your woods, but you don’t want me to kill it?”
“He’s called the Mothman, and he’s pretty damn stubborn about sticking around,” the aging farmer corrects Geralt with a little frown. Then his expression shifts and he smiles in a way that seems almost apologetic. “We were hoping you could find a way to relocate him without hurting or killing him, Master Witcher.”
“That’s completely possible, if he isn’t attached to this specific patch trees by any magical or biological means. You said his natural habitat is just… the forest?”
“As long as there's an abundance of pine around he seems pretty happy. Before he came to live with us, Mothman lived in a heavily forested area up the coast; or at least that’s what the historical records and local mythology seem to indicate.”
“That’s actually pretty helpful information to have on hand, I’m impressed,” Geralt nods. “Alright, Mr. Stevens. I promise to relocate the poor thing without killing or maiming him, and I’ll be sure to take him somewhere far enough away that your crops won’t be in danger. Thanks for calling me first instead of just going straight to an extermination service.”
“Honestly, Master Witcher,” the farmer sighs and readjusts his dirty baseball hat, “If it weren’t for the mischief he’s been getting into lately, we would have let him stick around until spring. I hate to admit it to a man as strong and stern-faced as yourself, but the poor creature is almost… adorable at times.”
“Well that’s a first,” Geralt chuckles, honestly amused by the situation he’s found himself in. “A monster being referred to as ‘adorable’ rather than ‘terrifying’. I’ve never heard such a thing in my many years of life.”
“Then you’d better prepare yourself, Sir Geralt. He’s got a pair of big blue puppy-dog eyes that’ll knock you on your ass if you aren’t careful. And that’s coming from a man who raised three daughters with dimples.”
“Hmm. Fuck.”
Geralt knows enough about moths to come up with a plan he thinks will work.
Before he heads into the woods to find and capture the poor wandering creature, the Witcher takes a detour through the lighting section of the nearest Lowe’s.
Unfortunately for Geralt, the farmer was right about the power of Mothman’s puppy dog eyes, which are big and blue and begin to water as soon as the Witcher’s net knocks him to the ground. The creature lies in a whimpering tangle of limbs beneath the heavy, magically enhanced restraints. Geralt takes an opportunity to look at what the locals called "a cryptid".
Mothman has a long, lithe body that's covered in a light layer of grey-brown fur, but his hair resembles that of a human’s, falling over those enormous blue eyes in a lovely chestnut fringe. When Mothman sees the swords on Geralt’s back he cries out in panicked recognition and tries to pull his arms up far enough to shield his face. The lamp Geralt used to lure him into the clearing is still bathing him in a pool of yellow light; it’s almost pretty for a monster, Geralt notes.
As the Witcher takes a step forward, the cryptid squeaks and buries his face against his own shoulder. His entire frame is trembling.
“Hey there, shhhhh,” the Witcher murmurs quietly. He drops into a squat and holds both hands up to show Mothman that they’re weapon free. Tears are now falling freely down the creature’s surprisingly human face; whoever or whatever this is, they are likely some kind of Fae. “I’m not here to hurt you, I just want to get you back through the veil.”
“Liar,” Mothman huffs. His voice has a surprisingly musical quality to it and Geralt is now sure of his Fae parentage (or grand-parentage).
“I promise I’m not lying,” Geralt reassures him, slowly crawling forward. When he reaches for the nearest corner of the net, he feels all of Mothman’s muscles go tense. “I’m going to lift this up and I am going to restrain you, but I swear that I’m not going to kill you. I wish to cause as little distress as possible. Is that alright, Mothman?”
The creature hisses and yanks his foot back away from where Geralt’s hand had nearly touched it. “Jaskier.”
“Hmm?” Geralt glances up, raising an eyebrow.
“My name is Jaskier,” the Fae repeats, glaring up from between the sections of woven rope that make up the heavy net. “Not Mothman.”
“My apologies, Jaskier,” Geralt bows his head. He words his introduction carefully, in case this thing can manipulate his name like others of his kind: “You may refer to me as Geralt.”
“That’s your real name,” Jaskier states. The Witcher’s head snaps up.
“How did you know?”
“Hmm,” Jaskier sticks his tongue out as he mimics the sound Geralt made earlier. “Not telli-AH! Stop! Oh go- gods, stop! Please!”
Geralt drops the short section of rope he’s trying untangle from around Jaskier’s ankle and snaps his eyes upwards, already searching for damage. “What’s wrong!?”
“My wing!” Jaskier bawls. His scent spikes out through the clearing, sharp with panic and pain. The creature’s chest begins to shake more violently than before, his shoulders shuddering with the rising force of his sobs, “It’s t-t-torn! Oh gods, my wing! Sir Witcher, p-please!”
Geralt freezes, his gaze settling on the torn section of Jaskier’s large, furry wing. It’s a nasty wound near one of the joints, a faint trickle of barely-luminescent blood has already dried around the edges. Jaskier tries to flutter it a little and screams in agony when the muscles shift too suddenly, shrilly enough that Geralt needs to cover his hypersensitive ears. The Witcher's heart crashes down into his boots; based on the way the shivering Fae has gone pale and silent, the pain is too much for him to process. He’s gone into shock.
A torn wing is exactly the kind of thing Geralt had promised the farmer (and the collective of townspeople he represented) wouldn’t happen to the peaceful moth creature if they hired a Witcher instead of an exterminator. He sighs and gives the strange being another once-over. “Everything's alright, Jaskier. You’re going to be alright. I’m so, so sorry that you've been wounded. We’ll get you out of this net and get you something for the pain, but it’s going to hurt a little to untangle you. Stay still, don’t struggle, and it’ll be over soon.”
“J-Just kill me,” Jaskier pants. He’s continuing to hyperventilate and Geralt needs him to calm down before he passes out. The Fae reaches a hand for the dagger at Geralt's waist and the Witcher twists out of reach with a frown. Jaskier sobs again, fingers still seeking, “I might n-n-never fly a-again so just k-kill me!”
“Breathe with me, Jaskier,” the Witcher instructs, forgoing patience and cutting through the net with that same dagger. He scoops Jaskier up into his arms, ignoring the keening sound at the back of Jaskier’s throat when his wing is jostled, and rushes the Fae to his truck, tucking him into the passenger’s seat and wrapping him in a large, fluffy blanket. “I’m taking you to my friend. She’s an expert at healing magical creatures and I'm certain that she'll get your wing fixed in no time.”
Jaskier doesn’t give an answer. When Geralt looks up into the creature’s face again, the injured Fae has already passed out.
Jaskier moves with all the grace of a newborn foal as he explores the room Geralt has provided for him. His wing has been inspected, treated, and bandaged by a rather scary sorceress named Yennefer, who glared at the Witcher the entire time she was caring for him. She had also taken one of Geralt’s old t-shirts and cut an enormous hole in the back for Jaskier’s wings to fit through. The shirt’s bottom hem falls to the middle of his thighs and the thick black material is softer than anything he’d ever felt before.
He hears a knock on the door and calls out, “It’s open!”
Geralt enters slowly, bearing a pair of pajama bottoms and a mug of tea. “I brought you some last minute supplies and - uh… I brought you some tea. Yen always likes some before she goes to sleep and I figured since this was a new place and new places can be scary that I should-”
“Thank you,” Jaskier interrupts, smiling shyly. His antennae twitch happily as he takes the offerings from Geralt's hands and the Witcher watches them with wide eyes. Jaskier carefully sets the pajamas and the tea on the nightstand before turning back to look at Geralt. “I will… see you tomorrow?”
Geralt gives one sharp nod. “Hmm.”
“Goodnight,” Jaskier sing-songs, taking a seat on the edge of the bed as Geralt exits.
From the other side of the closed door, Jaskier’s superior hearing picks up the Witcher’s final whisper: “Goodnight, Jaskier. I will always be sorry for causing you pain.”
The next morning he meets Geralt at the breakfast table, refreshed and ready to learn about the human world. He’s summoned a glamour in order to hide his more Moth-like traits, the only things that remain of his true nature are his wings and antennae; his fur is gone and he’s dressed in a pair of sweatpants and that same old shirt. The Witcher offers him a bowl of fruit and mug of something sweet-smelling. Jaskier glares into the mug with a slight pout to his lips before finally asking, “What is this?”
“Hot chocolate.”
Jaskier takes a sip and his antennae flutter, twitching happily as he swallows the best drink he’s ever had in his long life. He eats a strawberry from the bowl and slowly works his way through the hot chocolate, eyeing Geralt warily as the Witcher moves through the familiar kitchen to make his own breakfast.
“Where is Yennefer?”
“She went home,” Geralt shrugs.
“She isn’t your mate?”
“N-No,” Geralt sputters, turning to stare at the nervous young Fae. “Why would you think that?”
“You smell like each other.”
“We spend a lot of time together,” Geralt shrugs again. “Good friends, that’s all.”
“Hmm,” Jaskier mimics his host for a second time. Rather effectively by the annoyed twitch at the corner of Geralt’s mouth. “Just wondering.”
“Anything else you’re curious about?”
“Why don’t you have more lights?”
“Lights,” Jaskier gestures around the minimalistic layout of Geralt’s open-concept kitchen/living room and its distinctive lack of lamps. He crosses his arms over his chest and leans forward against the dark marble countertop. The pout has gone from 'slight' to 'full-bore' and Geralt is clinging desperately to his braincell with how cute it looks. “It’s no fun.”
“You really like lamps, don’t you?” the Witcher replies, mouth dry. Jaskier huffs and takes another sip of his hot chocolate, antennae flickering back and forth in irritation. Geralt bites his lip to hide a smile; it’s too fucking cute, which is an odd thought for a Witcher to have.
“So what if I do enjoy a nice lamp or five in my living space?” Jaskier argues. "I'm a Moth of taste."
“No matter,” Geralt laughs quietly. “Finish your drink before it gets cold.”
Jaskier stays with Geralt for a few weeks while his wing heals, and for a creature whose sole interest seems to be fancy light fixtures, the Fae becomes a source of light in Geralt's own world. They go to a nonhuman friendly second-hand store to find Jaskier some more clothes and Geralt discovers the cryptid's love for oddly patterned shirts in bright colors. Jaskier chooses several to fill out his closet, as well as a sweater two-sizes too large in deep black (Geralt tries his best not to attach any meaning to this choice), a few pairs of pants, and a jean jacket that he declares, "Can be altered."
They watch movies together and make food together - Jaskier is always incredibly impressed by the way the automatic coffee maker works, and how easily Geralt can control the flames of the stove. Jaskier also follows the Witcher along on less dangerous hunts and helps bandage him up after worse ones, always there with a smile and a little kiss over the cleaned-up wound.
“It really is magic,” Jaskier always insists, lips pink and shining from licking them as he concentrates. "It makes you heal faster."
Geralt realizes one night - two weeks into Jaskier’s stay, as he leans against the doorframe and watches the strange creature’s even breathing - that he has gone and done the stupidest thing a Witcher can do: fall in love with a pretty, temperamental young Fae. Head over fuckin’ heels, actually.
So he makes a decision.
The next evening, after the dinner dishes have been cleaned and put away, Geralt herds Jaskier down the hall to the guest room. Those entrancing blue eyes blink up at him in obvious confusion. “Bedtime already?”
“No, not quite. I just- I made you… uh…”
“Do you have a surprise for me?” Jaskier asks, used to the Witcher's issues with verbalizing.
Geralt nods, relieved and thankful for the Fae’s steadfast understanding. “Do you want to cover your eyes or should I just open the door and show you?”
“I’ll close my eyes,” Jaskier smiles, covering his eyes with both hands. Geralt finds it adorable, as Jaskier always is, and allows himself a matching grin as he swings the door open. The ceiling light is off but Geralt has built a blanket fort at the center of the room and surrounded it with fairy lights of all colors and sizes. Inside the blanket fort is a mass of blankets and pillows; Jaskier has the odd habit of building nests - Geralt jokingly calls them cocoons - and sleeping in those on the floor instead of on the very comfortable mattress the Witcher has provided.
“Open them,” Geralt urges.
Jaskier pulls his hands away and Geralt watches as his pupils go huge and wide. Jaskier's face breaks out in the sunniest, most blindingly happy smile Geralt has ever seen. He turns and throws his arms around the Witcher, his wings fluttering behind him and his antennae twitching and flicking above his head. He tries desperately to speak but only manages a half-snuffled little “I’m-” before bursting into tears of joy.
Geralt just holds him, letting his arms fold carefully around Jaskier’s waist, just beneath his wings.
"I just wanted you to know that, if you wanted to stay, there would be room for you. Your room, if you want it."
"I do," Jaskier smiles, burying his face in the Witcher's neck. "I'd love to stay. I'd love nothing more than to spend my days going on adventures with you."
"Well then," Geralt gathers all of his courage and presses a soft kiss to the crown of Jaskier's head. He's met with happy spasms from the antennae so he does it again. And again. Moving from the top of the Fae's head to his cheeks and then his mouth - pretty and pink and pouting and so worth the trouble. "I suppose we can get started on our next adventure tomorrow."
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fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
Love the haunted house ideas, also love the ideas of ghost Pokémon being excited to have helpful jobs being playfully scary. Maybe Plum and Grey get some of the ghosties around Dotaku to sneak up on Peach when they know it won’t cause too much trouble (Plum’s threshold for “too much” being much higher than Grey’s). Maybe a surprise pumpkaboo mixed in a normal pumpkin patch in the fall
A number of horrible tricks plum has played, that worked:
Ghastly inhabiting the mannequins that the gift shop use for displaying things. Peach going to a store room to get supplies for work, lights don't work, fuse probably blew (plum removed it) so she just uses the torch on her phone, reminds herself to fix that later. Sees something move, suddenly eight of these faceless human looking things are running at her and she just fucking BOLTS. No hesitation, scared out of her god damn mind, she's out the building before anyone knows whats going on. Plum has to coax her out of a tree after explaining...after she stopped laughing of course.
An entire pack of Palossand mimicking a beach, waiting until Peach goes for a run, like clockwork hitting the same stretch, immediately finds it impossible to stop sinking, weird sand hands trying to drag her further in, totally panicking, Plum's cackling somewhere in a bush. Before anything rational can be done, Val floods the beach with flames, peach is able to get out of the sinkhole she was being dragged into, its resistance suddenly gone, the hands turn to weird glass and shatter, and she is sprinting out there onto solid rocky ground, trying to figure out what happened, trying to catch her breath. The sands start to move again, recovered from the heat, turning back to the pokemon's original form, waving with big sand hands in a jovial way, Plum's horrid little giggle somewhere, Peach just shouting into the abyss, insulting her, she knows she's listening in close by.
Misdreavus told to move around in mirrors for a week, stay unseen but shift things, play with the reflections. Peach almost doesn't notice, until about day 3 in the week, she passes by a window, and notices for a split second her reflection turns its head to look at her, impossible, she didn't move her head. Again at night, she turns the bathroom light off, and notices she's still visible in the mirror across the room, in a...totally different place to where she should be standing. light back on, everything's normal. Even in the black screen on her computer she notices things standing behind her when theres nothing there. By the end of the week she's covered all the reflective surfaces in her home, Grey thinks she's having a breakdown, Plum has to let him in on the trick, so he doesn't worry. The final straw before the prank becomes clear? Peach gets brave, tries to catch the reflections out, sits up all day and night, eyes glued to a mirror so she doesn't miss anything, expects nothing, thinks she's going mad, but her sitting form in the reflection GETS UP AND STARTS WALKING TOWARDS HER. The mirror seems to want to crack as it reaches the surface, putting a hand on it, its form vibrating, threats to break. She fuckin' RUNS, out into the middle of no where, no reflections, no surfaces, shouting nonsense about how she knew she wasn't going crazy! When Plum reveals the trick, you can see the final shred of patience in her tighten, she'd have snapped if she wasn't so tired.
Double whammy, Jellicent, echoing the sounds of someone calling for help, forcing peach to peer over an edge into the ocean, reluctant to get too close. Ice cold long arms grab her by the leg, pulled down into the water, scrambling to not lose her grip, fails, Jellicent have a paralytic nature to their grasp, she's freaking out trying to figure a way free of the situation, head just below the water, before an irritating purple blur appears above, and the grip is released suddenly, she's free to get back to the surface, get out there fast. Plums sniggering, loves to push Peach, like poking a bear, gets a kick out of it. That one perhaps went too far, she realises this when peach does not get up off the floor, just lying there trying to calm the panic, a real menacing look on her face, plum is aware she is dead when the feeling in the professors legs come back. Gets a head start on running to safety.
All in all, plums so cruel, but always stays in control, ranger levels of preparation and organisation, theres very small windows for serious harm to occur. You'd think its unkind but Peach gives as good as she gets, just in different ways.
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hhhecates · 3 years
New Jujutsu Kaisen hc because I like to suffer and I got this idea after my sign language inumaki hc.
Okay, so... we all know that in animes there's usually that one really stoic and aloof character whose friends are complete fucking idiots and they just have to deal with them, so most of the times they are just annoyed as fuck?? (Yes, I am completely using fushiguro, nobara and itadori's friendship dynamics as a reference)
And we also know that at some point, maybe because faced with their past or because they actually risked to lose their friends, there's that one scene when the stoic character looks at their two dumbass friends arguing over something trivial and they are staring at them from the sidelines,,, and suddenly they just burst into this soft precious smile with rosy cheeks because they realize how much they care for these two idiots even if they drive them crazy?? And everyone looks back at the stoic character completely fucking baffled because what??? They had never seen them smile before and it's just so heartwarming??
But now, just consider sarcastic and annoying reader, soft spoken and polite to the point of mockery towards higher ups and loud and stubbornly undaunted when crossed. Reader is basically the pissy intj of the situation who is halfway between self-deprecating and god complex (gojo probably raised them lol, let's be real). And contrary to the stoic character, who's a little tsundere sometimes?? and who doesn't want to admit they care, intj reader just doesn't care. They don't want to. They don't know if it's worth it and are probably afraid that it's not.
Imagine them being a second year, and they're infamous because as much as you'd like to hate them (and prob a lot of people do) their "friends" really can't. Because reader is all about gratuitous sarcasm and soiled stubbornness that makes you roll your eyes, but they are also the first one to believe in Maki with everything they have got when she talks about her family history, they're the one that silence harshly the petty remarks of the Zenin whenever the most important families in Jujutsu meet, and no, it's not because they think maki can't fight her own battles, they'd never dare open their mouth to defend her because they know maki's own actions and achievements speak much louder, but they will never tolerate the Zenin's disrespect towards her.
They are the one that secretly buy books about sign language to learn it for inumaki, and before that they had an evergrowing list of his onigiri vocabulary on the noteapp of their phone. They're the ones that stay to the dorms with Panda when the others go get snacks because Panda can't really go out on their own, and reader always brushes it off by saying that they don't like going out anyways. They're the one that firstly greeted Yuuta with a half smile, tired but not forced nor fake, and called Rika a "pretty girl" because while she might have looked "just so scary", reader knew better than to dismiss the little girl still behind that "scary" appearance.
Reader is the one that exasperatedly yells at fushiguro, bite in their voice but none in their words, when they tell him that his thoughts and concerns are real and valid. They are the one that huff at itadori's sulking about sukuna and flick his forehead, then reassuring him not to have regrets for wanting to save people's lives when he ate that damn finger and that "whatever stupid thing you do, your senpais will have your back". Reader is the one that tries out new bakeries for Nobara in their free time so that she doesn't have to visit every single one in order to find Saori, and then brings her back her favourite pastries. And they're still the one that when gojo whines loudly, halfway between truly joking and self-deprecating, sigh at him and say in a joking tone "You might be standing alone as the strongest, but that doesn't mean that you always need to stand alone, you know that right?".
And it's so frustrating, because if any of the people at Jujutsu High was to be asked to describe reader, probably that would still leave every single one of them with their mouth hanging open in search of words, because they are annoyingly stubborn and loud, probably a little bit pretentious too, they're also soft and caring and attentive.
But they also know nothing more, nothing else about them. So what the fuck are they supposed to say??
Now, imagine that it all comes tumbling down one day, the elders come to Tokyo Jujutsu High to take reader with them (I imagine reader being like part of one of the main families, not the main threes, maybe a really important one just for the politics?? And the kind that just marries off their children to the three main families in exchange of retaining a high position, and like reader wasn't even born into it, they were adopted because they had like a really strong cursed technique or smth, that's why people from Jujutsu High didn't know who they were, cause they kept their old surname and basically escaped from their old life, cause fuck it, if the elders want them just to be someone's spouse, they are gonna be petty like that and become one of the best sorcerers instead).
For the first time they see reader scared out of their fucking mind, cause no, they don't want for their friends and their teacher to see them like this, to get their past thrown back at their face and drag everyone down with them. It makes them feel weak and helpless, and they fucking despise it.
But ofc no one there is gonna have any of the elders shit, gojo in the first place, and the second years too, boi they are so pissed, the first years just throw all caution towards the elders outta the window, cause they don't care.
They just refuse to hand reader over like they're not their own person.
And let's say they manage to send the elders back empty handed (for now at least, cause yes, I have more hc). But everyone if so fucking shocked??? And naturally now they see reader in a completely different light. And they treat them differently too.
And of course reader notices, how could they not, and they feel so disgusted cause they don't want their pity, they don't need it, they had spent already enough time pitying themselves.
But the thing is that they aren't acting like this out of pity, they don't pity reader, quite the opposite, they just see them as stronger. Because now they saw that reader too has weaknesses and insecurities, and all those things that reader calls disgusting and tries to hide, all those things that make reader agonizingly human. All those things that make them even more of a precious and admirable friend in everyone's eyes.
And so like, imagine that reader has closed themselves off in their dorm room, and no one is allowed in. They come out just late at night to take something to eat, but this time, they find everyone there in the kitchen/living room or whatever, and when they see reader coming all of them start stumbling on their words: the first years and their calls of "senpai! Please don't go back!" fushiguro is there too, and even maki looks worried, inumaki is weirdly serious, yūta visibly wants to speak but can't seem to find the right words and gojo sensei is there too, trying to silence everyone because of course, he is the teacher so "I need to be the first talking!".
And reader is just there, standing and watching all the people they care about the most argue and stutter. And it's a whole fucking mess, but it's okay, because reader is a bit of a mess too, and afterall who isn't?
And suddenly they all turn around to look back at reader because they be on the floor laughing their ass off at the scene, and then they stop laughing and look back at them with the biggest and yet softest smile ever.
And they take everyone's breath away, not because they had never seen reader smiling or laughing, they have, they do it plenty of times, but it's never like this. It's never this happy.
And it's in that moment that reader understands. They see it, and it's as clear as a day. They want to care. They care so fucking much. Because them, all of them, they are worth it.
Wheew, this turned out to be longer than expected,,, I’m so sorry shsjsksk. Also, thank you SO much for everyone who read, commented or liked my previous headcanon about inumaki knowing sign language, I really didn’t think anyone would read it, I just wrote it for shit and giggles but and now I don’t know how to respond???Also maybe I’ll be posting more of these, like a series with this reader? Yeah, I really can’t keep my mouth shut so lol.
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
The Gang Reacts to You Dressing Fancy for a Job
“Is it okay to ask for the RDR2 gang (or just Javier if it’s too much!) seeing their crush all prettied and dressed up for a job (like the riverboat or Bronte’s garden party)? Would they work up the courage to ask them out? your writing sustains me”
In this imagine, you’ll be impressing: Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Dutch van Der Linde, Hosea Matthews, Sadie Adler, Micah Bell, Charles Smith, Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, Sean MacGuire, Lenny Summers, Kieran Duffy, Tilly Jackson, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Karen Jones, Flaco Hernandez
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Oh no. When you were volunteered for the job, he had a feeling you’d look charming in one of those big hooped gowns, but … this is like his heart getting hit by a train. The feelings are a little overwhelming, so while the girls add their finishing touches, Arthur tries to stand to the side and not stare. He wants to compliment you, because you look absolutely stunning, but words are completely failing him. Arthur manages to get a compliment out, but you’re totally occupied with how much you love or hate this get-up. Arthur doesn’t even care about what he was forced to wear; he could be in a paper sack and he wouldn’t notice. During the party, he’s distracted by how you seem to float around the room, easily joking with the guests as though you were one of them. Hosea has to knock sense into Arthur more than once, but how can he pay attention when there’s a literal angel in front of him?
When the gunfight breaks out, Arthur is at your side right away, pulling you into his protective embrace and trying to steer you out of the house. It doesn’t matter if you’re a good shot or not, that dress and corset are cumbersome as hell and he’s gonna stubbornly send you home. Arthur wants to be the one taking you back, but he has to stay and fight. He hands you off to Sean, warning him to be careful and get you back to camp in one piece. His tone is actually pretty scary when he says this. Arthur is beyond relieved when he finally gets back. You’re out of the dress, but you’re clearly safe and comfortable, not a scratch on you. He doesn’t care about his own injuries, but he’s pleased when you fuss over them.
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No way John is gonna dress up like some goddamn banker, but he was totally ready to tease you about having to squeeze into a corset and frilly dress. The problem is, you’re gorgeous in it. He doesn’t know shit about women’s clothes or fashion, but something about the color and style just suits you so perfectly, like it was made only for you. He wants to give a sassy comment, but he just … can’t. John goes for a genuine compliment, but his cheeks and ears are tomato red as he mutters “ya look real nice”. If you hate the clothes, it’s a little easier for him to joke around with you, but if you love them and you’re twirling around, as happy as a kid and looking like an actual lady from one of those fancy paintings? He can only take so much sweetness before he has to duck his head and distract himself with something.
When the gunfight breaks out at the party, John is right by your side before you can blink. You don’t know how he moved so fast, but soon his arm is around your waist and getting you back to his horse. John isn’t the most graceful about this, and the dress is meant for dancing, not riding… so it ends up ripping as you two make your escape. Once you’re in a safe place and you can get out of the damn thing, John’s attention goes straight to the tears in the dress, specifically the one that’s showing the stockings and garterbelt you had to wear. The lingerie looks fantastic - it definitely awakens something in him.
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First off, he is not sneaky. Not at all. You know exactly why you were asked to play a role in this little con, and it was so Dutch could see you all dressed up. Now, either you’re totally annoyed by this because screw frills and lace, or you’re delighted because you can dress up like some fancy lady and rob rich folks. Also, it’s pretty funny how he pretends not to be interested in the sort of dress and jewelry you and the girls are deciding on. You know he’s trying very hard not to make a suggestion, and just to be a little mean, you made sure he was within earshot when you mentioned the matter of corsets and fancy undergarments to the girls.
Once at the party, Dutch plays at being some rich banker and you’re his young foreign wife. It’s absurdly easy to pull off, even with your terrible accent, and after each conversation you both are trying not to laugh. He’s definitely liking being able to have an arm around your waist and being able to lean in and whisper to you, but he won’t push his boundaries, especially if you’re already uncomfortable being all dressed up and powdered. While you two are dancing, he’ll whisper in that deep voice, praising you for how perfect you’ve been, or reassuring you that it’ll be over soon. When the shooting started, Dutch pulled you to a safe place you could lie low in, but if you bothered him enough he’d hand you a gun and let you join the shootout. 
Back at camp, Dutch’s flirting hasn’t dulled in the slightest. He’ll sit close to you as everyone else celebrates, mentioning how wonderful you were and if you need help slipping out of anything. If you let him, he’ll help unlace those fancy boots, even massage your poor ankles and calves since you aren’t used to wearing tall shoes. Isn’t that thoughtful?
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Nearly all of this con was his idea, and you’re glad to help run it. Hosea is playing the part of some eccentric philanthropist and you’re a grand-niece or some relative. The two of you talk so smooth and fast, easily working off each other, that the hosts of the party don’t stand a chance. Hosea wants to avoid any sort of violence, but knowing the gang, who knows what will happen, so he wants you to stay close to him. During lulls in conversation, when you and Hosea are just observing the crowd and deciding who to speak with next, he’ll lean in and whisper something to you. It makes goosebumps break out on your skin, you can feel how warm he is and sometimes he’ll run a hand up your back as he compliments you on what a natural you are, or reassures you that it’ll be over soon. He’ll truly feel bad if you hate having to dress up and pretend like this; so he’s grateful you agreed to come along and help. If you’re thriving off the party and the trickery, he’ll give you knowing grins and winks that make him seem fifteen years younger. There’s a surprising amount of mischief in him. 
When the inevitable fight breaks out (he totally called it), Hosea swiftly gets you to a safe part of the house he noticed earlier. From there you two snatch several stashes of jewels and cash and stealthily make your way out. Hosea had to be convinced to steal as much as you both did; he was terribly worried about you, since the dress would be difficult to run in. When you’re back at camp, Hosea isn’t shy about telling you what a great job you did, and how proud he is. He’ll give a kiss to your cheek and he’s very smooth about offering to remove anything that’s giving you trouble. 
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Thank god she’s not the one in the fucking gown, that’s all she has to say. Well, that, and the jokes and snark she throws your way while you’re getting ready. If you hate the dress just as much, too bad, you were roped into the plan and Sadie is having lots of playful teasing at your expense. If you adore it and start modeling it for her, she won’t admit how cute you’re being… but she will consider wearing a tuxedo and being some “hoity toity” man just to make sure you’re safe. She doesn’t trust the “gentleman” at this party at all, and the closer you both get to the manor, the more antsy she becomes. All her previous humor is gone as she urges you to find her right away if trouble happens. Sadie is absolutely going to bring your favorite gun along and was trying to figure out a way to strap a revolver to your leg until Hosea pulled you away. You promise you’ll be alright, but she doesn’t look reassured. 
The expected fight breaks out, and like you promised, you beeline for Sadie. She’s already on you - how the hell did she get into the manor so fast? - and she’s tossed your gun in your hands. Soon enough you both are blasting your way out of the manor. She gets impatient when you fall for the second time and rips the dress herself so you can run easier. It was your horse she brought around to escape, and Sadie hoisted you up, sat herself in the back and kept shooting while you rode to safety. It was… a hectic and messy escape, but neither of you had a scratch. Once you’re at the camp, she doesn’t feel bad for ripping the dress, even if you liked it. It was necessary, and besides, you can’t keep the frilly thing! Okay, she’ll apologize if you pout. If you hated it she’s more than happy to help you burn it. 
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How the hell is he supposed to respond to this? It would be one thing if you caked on make-up like a tart and strapped yourself into some circus tent-looking contraption, he could work with that. His brain just stops functioning for a few seconds when the girls finally unveil the work they did on you. If you hated the dress and it wasn’t something you’d wear unless a gun was pointed to your head, then Micah certainly had choice words to say, teasing and mocking the difference between this and your regular attire… except they were much weaker insults than he usually had. You were too distracted and uncomfortable to even care. If you adored all of it, practically buzzing with excitement as you turned and twirled for everyone, he might even try an attempt at a compliment, although it’d come out all jumbled and flustered. He decides to stay away and just watch you from a distance, both enjoying the view and trying to figure out this stupid knot in his stomach.
At least you two are apart during the party, so he doesn’t have to look at you enjoying yourself and swaying around in that dress. When the fight starts, he can finally have something else to put his mind to … until he sees you get caught in the crossfire. Micah would throw you a gun he pulled off someone, barking at you to follow him. Dutch told him to get you to safety, which he initially bristled at, but then he dutifully put you up on Baylock. He told you to keep shooting while he rode off - and he still got plenty of shots in himself. Once you were back at camp, he wouldn't apologize for dirtying the dress. It had to be done, and now the job is done, so you can get out of it…. and he would absolutely offer to cut it off with his knife. The whole thing, corset and all. He's gonna fantasize about it well after the fact, too.
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If you love getting a chance to dress up and wear jewels, Charles can tell, and he finds your joy just adorable. If you dislike the idea of having to dress up for a stupid party, even if it’s a robbery, he’s very encouraging and reassures you as many times as you need. This kind of con isn’t really his scene, but he knows you’ll do well and he promises to look after you during the whole thing. He’ll even have you ride along with him on Taima if that'll settle your nerves. Once you arrive, Charles helps you down like a gentleman. If you’re still uneasy, he asks you to wait a moment and then comes back with a rose he picked from the garden. He places it neatly in your tied back hair. “Perfect. Don’t worry, you’ll do great, and when things go south, I’ll be there. Promise.”
Once the fight breaks out, Charles is true to his word and helps you escape in the chaos. You have no idea where he came from, but you didn’t refuse the help, or the gun he offered you - at some point he’d packed your favorite one - and you’re pulled up on Taima as gunshots go off all around you. Charles put you on the front of his horse to protect you better, even if it’s harder to shoot from there. It sort of makes you feel like a princess being swept away. When you two return to the camp, he tidies the rose in your hair and offers to help remove the restrictive dress or massage your legs if they hurt … casually, of course. Probably.
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When the girls finally unveiled their handiwork, he thought his heart was stopping. You were so pretty - well, you normally were, but now more than ever. You looked like one of those porcelain dolls they put in music boxes. Bill didn’t even want to touch you or stand too close, worried he’d dirty you somehow. He couldn’t believe you wanted him to play the role of the bodyguard that would follow you around the party.... Though he played the part well, his silence combined with his big build made him seem intimidating. If you were clearly miserable in the dress and with the company, he wasn’t sure what to say to make you feel better, so he stayed quiet. If you were loving the dress and just thriving in the party, fooling everyone into thinking you were some high-class belle … Well, he was too distracted watching you, still not able to say much.
Eventually he had to split off from you to join the men, which he didn’t appreciate, but he made a point to bring your gun along with his. When the expected gunfight broke out, Bill beelined for you, practically tossing a man that was too close and handed over your gun. He didn’t expect you to be so grateful, it made him blush in spite of the gunshots going off all around you two.
The fight was more dangerous than expected, so Bill hoisted you up on Brown Jack without warning and raced off. Your dress ended up getting ripped from his haste, and if you really liked it, he feels bad for screwing it up. It’s easy to turn around his mood by complimenting what a good “bodyguard” he was. Just don’t flirt too much, he’s already had a mess of feelings today.
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He was trying to hide his excitement when he found out you were going to be dressing up and joining the others on this con. You’re already an angel, now he’s going to see you dressed in a beautiful gown and decorated with jewels? It fit so perfectly, too, like it was made for you. Javier wouldn’t hide his approval of the outfit, even giving you some suggestions on more comfortable shoes or a better hat. Mary-Beth thought it was adorable and left him to help you out - that made it much harder for him to hide how pleased he was with your outfit. If you truly hated it, he’d understand and would try to reassure you that not only did it look wonderful, you were going to pull the job off perfectly. His warm hands would sit on your shoulders as he said this, hoping you trusted in him. If you’re the sort who loves dressing up and conning, he shares your happiness and will even dance with you a little before you have to leave, relishing in your giggles. 
While the party went off well, with you playing your part perfectly, chaos inevitably broke out. You have no idea where Javier came from, but you were damn grateful that he’d seen you and pulled you into a safe corner. Together you both snuck into the manor, stole as much jewelry as you could carry and easily slipped out the back, gunshots still echoing through the place. Javier grinned as he draped all the stolen necklaces and bracelets on you, asking you to keep them safe for now. You clasped your arms tightly around his torso when you rode away with him, resting your head against his back whenever you got tired.
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He all but jumps out of his seat with delight when he spots you. Mary-Beth is still fussing with your hair, but the corset under your dress has already done all sorts of magic, and the dress itself hugged you like you were meant to wear it. Of course he can’t resist from fawning all over you. He wants to pick you up and twirl you like a princess, but Miss Gaskill scolds him for dirtying the dress and he gets dragged away by the men. For once Sean was wishing he was away from the action and complained enough that they let him accompany you on the carriage - that is, as the driver. Sean didn’t even notice if you were extremely uncomfortable, he was too busy gabbing about the party and saying what a natural you’d be. When you finally have to leave, he takes your hand and gives you a warm smile. “You’ll do great. I know it.” He didn’t realize how comforting it was.
Once trouble began, you were impressed how quickly Sean scrambled to your side, and with your gun no less. Before you could question how he did it, he was gleefully shooting and directing you away from the fight. As much as Sean wanted to stay and end it, he was far more concerned with your safety, you noticed. He swung you up on his horse with little grace, and even if your dress was ruined with blood and mud and your hat went flying off, you laughed as you wrapped your arms around his torso and listened to the wild man whoop and shoot through the escape. Sean would absolutely be the type to help you off the horse and insist on carrying you around camp, bragging about his “rescue” the whole time.
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God damn it, he already thought you were cute! Now you’re gorgeous and he’s way too bashful to say anything about it for a while. He’s thankful for the girls fussing over you and the boys dragging him off to discuss the plan, because being around you is too distracting and makes his thoughts short-circuit a bit. He’s normally fine with talking to you! And it’s just a dress, so what’s different? If you really loved the outfit, you’d be a natural in it, and Lenny would find your enthusiasm and confidence very attractive. If you clearly hated it, he’d want to comfort you somehow, but would worry about coming off wrong. It’s a shame you didn’t like the outfit, because you looked fantastic in it. Before he had to leave with the boys, he’d pay you a compliment. “You’re gonna do real well, miss. Um, you … you really fit the role.”
He has a good sense of when things will go south, and when Lenny felt the tension in the air, he made a point to find you in the crowd. Ones the bullets started flying, he found you before you even made sense of the situation. Lenny would rather get you to safety right away, but if you want a gun, he ain’t denying you. All his previous nervousness would be gone as you both would shoot up the place, then find a horse to escape on. Lenny wouldn’t feel that shyness again until you both got back to camp, when he had to help you off the horse. He’ll immediately start joking about your dirty dress and praising your gun skills to keep his beating heart in line. Lenny feels much better when you’re back in your old clothes.
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He was embarrassed enough watching the girls parade you around, pleased with their work, and they had every right to be - you looked even more beautiful than the women in the magazines. It’s like you walked right out of them. He felt bad if you were forced into the role, knowing you probably hated the whole get-up, but if you absolutely enjoyed it, he was enchanted by how you seemed to beam with happiness. He’d only seen you like that a few other times, and he was pleased to commit it to memory. When you’re getting ready to leave, he can’t help but give you words of encouragement. He can’t imagine you’ll do anything but shine at the party. 
Kieran was tasked with staying behind at the camp, as he expected, but at least he was trusted to hold a gun and stay on watch duty. His thoughts often drifted to you, wondering if you were doing well and if you were sick of the party or having the time of your life. When he heard powerful hoofbeats, he snapped at attention, readying the gun and calling out... only to recognize your horse and your silhouette. Your dress was a torn mess, but it was still restrictive, so Kieran wasted little time in helping you down. “Miss, are you alright? You aren’t - is that your blood or someone else’s? Alright, good. C’mon, sit down here.” 
You told him about what happened at the party, how things got out of control and you had to flee in a hurry. The boys were likely splitting up to shake the law off them. Kieran was so relieved you were alright, his heart was hammering but outwardly he was calm as he helped tie your sprained ankle and get you some water. He wasn’t his nervous self at all, tending to you and asking questions with confidence ... until you pointed out you needed help getting out of the corset and dress.
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Tilly was initially in charge of “acquiring” the jewelry and accessories you’d wear, but she ended up shooing the other girls away when they kept suggesting ridiculous hair and make-up ideas. She didn’t care what lady’s magazine Karen read, Tilly wasn’t about to turn you into a side-show act. She was always helping you with this or that, you both relied on each other. She always knew how to reassure you, taking your face in her hands as she spoke softly. “Listen, it’s nothin’ you ain’t done before, just wearin’ somethin’ fancy now. And those boys will do their job right and keep you safe, I’ll make damn sure of that.”
If you hate this sort of thing - dressing up and conning others - Tilly would’ve tried to help you get a different role, but ultimately, you had to do it. She’d give you a softer version of her usual tough love. If you loved it, Tilly would be the one teasing you to get your head out of the clouds. Either way, when you were distracted, she’d threaten the hell out of the boys to keep you safe. Even Arthur would get an earful; if you so much as came back with a scratch, she’d have their hides. If you came back a muddy, bloody mess because you couldn’t resist joining in the gunfights, Tilly would have your hide, too. If you came back mostly clean because you avoided the fight, she’d just laugh and tease you for being so “fussy” - but she was relieved you came straight to camp. The dress and jewels are all sold afterward, but Tilly keeps some bits of fabric to sew you both something. 
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You have a feeling she’s enjoying this ... a lot. While the both of you were cool as you acquired the dress and jewels to go with it, as soon as you were back at camp, Mary-Beth was giggling and going on about how to do your hair. Soon enough you were dragged off to a tent for privacy and she dressed you up, cooing over your figure in the dress and how nice you looked. She didn’t even notice how flustered you were getting - of course if you enjoyed dressing up, you could share in her enthusiasm and get her advice on how to style it. If you hated it ... Mary-Beth reassured you it looked wonderful, “just like a princess!” Well, that didn’t help, but her obvious swooning was pretty cute. Mary-Beth ended up coming along with the job, dressed up herself and playing the part of your “companion”, since all high-society ladies were about that. You’re pretty sure companions weren’t supposed to be as red-faced or affectionate as she was around their ladies, but you weren’t complaining.
At the party you two were naturals, and what little screw-ups were quickly covered up. If Mary-Beth didn’t know something, you did, and vice-versa. You two were actually quite a team, and you noticed Hosea winking at you in approval from across the room. When trouble was starting, you pulled Mary-Beth aside and you both hastily dug through the manor’s drawers and silver cabinets while the gunshots went off outside. If you needed to defend her, you would, but luckily it didn’t come to that. You were able to steal a horse from their stable and go riding off, Mary-Beth holding tightly and urging you to go faster. You both couldn’t resist keeping two matching bracelets from the robbery.
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Karen may not be interested in passing as one of those hoity toity girls, but she’s absolutely gonna help dress you up as one. She’s laughing the whole time, throwing out suggestions and distracting the hell out of Tilly and Mary-Beth as they work. Karen was the one who found the dress, and you’re surprised at how well it flatters you and how the color suits you so well. “Didn’t I say I know how to pick ‘em? Now tighten up those laces! Society ladies don’t have fun!” Karen is quite pushy regardless if you want to do the job or not - if you don’t, she’ll all but drag you to the carriage the boys brought and force you in. It’s a hell of a chance to get a lot of money, and she doesn’t want you missing it. If you love it, that’s all the better! She teases you plenty either way while you’re trying to dress, and gives you a big kiss before you have to set out, not caring who sees. You were long gone by the time she turned on the boys and all but threatened them to bring you back safely.
The party was lonely without Karen, you wished she had been part of the plan so you both could talk together instead of mingling with these insufferable people. Sure, she may have been a little too loud and unladylike... but it would’ve been far more fun. You escaped on cue, making a point to steal a gorgeous stallion as you left the manor behind, listening to gunshots ring out through the night. The boys (and Sadie) were doing their part, so it was time to go home. You had not expected Karen to come riding on your horse with a gun. “Damn it, you were takin’ too long! I got worried...”
She tried to hide how worried she actually was on the way back. She helped you out of the infernal buttons, lacing and corset, and gladly snuggled your aching body. By the time the boys returned to camp, you both had fallen asleep in your tent.
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You’d mentioned the plan in passing to Flaco, and he was so worried for your safety he came all the way down from that forsaken mountain to make sure it went off well. He didn’t hide that he disliked you working with “that little gang” when you could just stay with him, but that was for another time. While everyone ran around preparing for the con, he watched with great amusement as you were primped and stuffed into a corset and ballgown, whistling at you and making plenty of jokes. You weren’t going to live this down, ever. Once your outfit and hair was mostly finished, Flaco patted his lap and you sat obediently until it was time to go. Even if you hated the dress, Flaco thinks you look beautiful and will tell you so, kissing your cheek and muttering all sorts of sweet things to distract your nerves. He really doesn’t care about showing you off, if anything, he’s amused by your friends trying to look away. 
It was hard not to think of him as the party progressed. You played the role well enough, but soon you were itching to get back to camp. Who knew how long he would stay around before going back to that cold place? The expected gunfight broke you out of your thoughts, and as you made your escape ... you suddenly felt a pair of familiar, fuzzy arms wrapping around you. “I’ve got you now, princesa. Why don’t you come back with Flaco?”
He was able to get you back, but not to your gang’s camp. Flaco had set up his own spot, making a point to bring your horse and your things... the only way the gang knew you were alright is he left word with Miss Grimshaw (after she gave him a thorough ‘questioning’ about his relationship with you).  You better believe he’d help you out of that fancy ensemble, but if you really loved it he’d urge you to dance and spin around for him. It’s a rare day when he sees you wearing something other than four layers, after all. 
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
🦈Kirishima HC’s🦈
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Absolutely no one asked for this i just like him a lot
He’s an adult in all of these. 20s-30s at least. Some NSFW because I’m a big perv. Minors do not interact. Shoo.
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He is in the dictionary under Himbo, right next to Kronk.
Works part-time as a fitness instructor before making a name for himself as a pro hero. Most of his clients are middle-aged women, because he makes people feel safe. Before long, word gets around and he amasses this like. Loyal army of jacked housewives and older ladies who are his biggest possible fans. They mother-hen him like crazy.
Has a large and complicated extended family. Lots of cousins. You will never learn all their names, don’t even try. I have no idea if his parents have canon occupations but no matter what Horikoshi says, they actually own a mountain onsen. Kirishima went to the city by himself to go to middle/high school, his family is all off in the country somewhere and he gets homesick a lot but never admits it. He’s broke for a long time even after making it as a pro hero, because he sends most of his money back home.
He’s a dog dad. You cannot, WILL not convince me otherwise. Big dogs. Small dogs. Fancy dogs. Ugly dogs. He has a whole pack. He calls them all baby, sweetie, pupper, the worst and most embarrassing baby talk. Tells them about his day. All of his furniture is wrecked. He’s an active member in online dog groups, where he is careful to use a pseudonym and never show his face, but eventually people are going to figure out that Red Riot’s dogs look an awful lot like this one user’s....
He’s in a casual taiko group, always on the o-daiko. Loves participating in festivals and parades. He has never, ever, not once, worn a shirt while drumming. Probably has been gifted at least one antique taiko drum for his hero work, and he keeps it in his house but is too afraid to play it because it’s scary valuable “uhh it’s definitely haunted”
Regularly goes out drinking. Socially and responsibly, like clockwork, always with the same people. He’s a goddamned lightweight, and no one understands why. Will mope if he has to miss a night out at the izakaya.
So he’s clean, but sloppy. House looks like a tornado ripped through it, and nothing he owns matches. Not a single thing. I mentioned the dogs.
Will absolutely use “manly” as a replacement for “awesome,” and will constantly tell you how manly you are. Your actual gender is a non-issue. If you hang out with him for more than five minutes you’re manly as hell now.
He cries a lot? Sometimes it’s for show but he gets genuinely misty-eyed over the dumbest things. Do NOT show him pictures of puppies.
He’s good at braiding hair. His or yours. When his hair isn’t hardened, he likes doing all kinds of wacky stuff with it. He usually keeps it long enough for braids, ponies, buns, quirk-assisted faux-hawks, whatever. Mina has given him many bad ideas. He will definitely steal your hair bands and accessories, if you use them.
His fridge is just like, meat and beer. He will, if forced, consume perhaps one single vegetable. Unfortunately, his B.O. reflects this. God bless him - he showers and bathes daily, because he works out a lot and is just generally hygienic. But don’t ever touch his socks barehanded.
He wears the cheapest, most predictable cologne you can imagine, the kind that comes in an aerosol can and punches a hole in the ozone every time he sprays his pits. It smells stupidly good on him. How. so fucking manly. you kind of hate him for getting away with it.
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And now, the 🌶 Spicy Ones 🌶
Does not date or hook up much; wants a serious relationship.
Has a tough time getting dates, weirdly. He’s still secretly insecure, but mostly he’s got rocks for brains and never knows how to flirt. He ends up friendzoning most of the people interested in him, because he is, in fact, a little too chivalrous for his own good and can never make the first move. He’s an emotional open book, but clueless romantically. I recommend being extremely straightforward. Draw him a map if you have to.
Is afraid to kiss you too deeply because of the teeth. Will take a lot of gentle encouragement to get him comfortable, but once he knows you’re safe, he’s going to be kissing you all the time. Like, too much. People are gawking, Kiri, for God’s sake.
He radiates massive doses of husband/dad energy. Will immediately marry the hell out of you. If you are capable of and willing to have his children, you are going to get extremely pregnant. Very quickly. Not necessarily a breeding kink (though why not), he just really wants to start a family with you.
He’s Big. Just huge. Tall and broad, and also... his dick is a summit and you will need to prepare for the climb. He’s had problems in the past because no, not everybody wants ALL THAT inside them. That said, if you can handle it? Woof.
Hard as a rock is No Joke with this man. Can and WILL use his quirk on his dick. If you don’t think that’s the first thing he mastered as a teenager I dont know what to tell you. Ever used a glass dildo? Well buckle up cuz it’s like if a massive glass dildo whispered sweet nothings in your ear and held you close in big strong arms and fucked you till you cried. It’s a sometimes thing. Otherwise you’d simply pass away.
He loves your brains. Your smarts and wit are a huge turn on, and he gets a boner when you use a word he doesn’t know. He also loves fucking your brains completely out, so that you cant use any words at all.
He’s a devout church-going body-worshipper. He’s so jacked that’s it’s constantly intimidating, like, how dare you stand next to this chiseled statue of a man?! but whether you love power-lifting with him or would rather die than exercise, he’s gonna treat you like the prettiest fucking piece of cake on planet earth.
Size kink ahoy; he gets his big grabby mitts on you... and you psychologically lose three feet. Doesn’t matter how tall or small or fat or thin you are, you are getting groped, squeezed, and manhandled. You didn’t even know it was possible to get thrown around like that; always onto something soft.
Not dominant. Not unless you ask very, very nicely. had a brief pushy phase at the peak of his teenage manliness obsession, unconsciously trying to be more like Bakugou, but he quickly realized controlling people wasn’t really him. It certainly isn’t very manly. Doesn’t want any toxic masculinity in his love life, even as roleplay.
That said, he can and will be a soft dom, if that’s what you want. After some practice, he’d get pretty good at it too. But his natural sexual groove is goofy, a bit awkward. Usually finds a non-sexual excuse to touch you at first; prepare to get tickled a lot. If you sit in his lap it’s all over.
If you get dominant with him, even a little, he’s gonna turn to putty in your hands. Go ahead and boss that big dumb puppy around. Nothing turns him on like seeing you get exactly what you want.
You’ll have morning wood pressed up against your ass. Every damn day. He might hump and grope you in his sleep, moaning a little. Usually it just wears off. If you wake him up to fuck, he’ll have no idea what’s going on but will be like “hell yeah i guess this is happening”
Gives oral like a starving man. Has absolutely zero reservations, because he knows his tongue and hands can’t hurt you. Will be as loud and messy as possible. If you get embarrassed or shy about it, he’s going to mumble sweet talk directly into your junk until your teeth fall out.
He’s vocal in bed. Growly. A moaning groaning disaster. He says the sweetest, gentlest things... has the cleanest dirty talk you’ve ever heard, but tenderness filtered through his bourbon-barrel chest comes out all dark and rumbly, especially when he’s close. you feel his “I love you” in your bones
He thinks making his partner cum is the manliest thing he can do. Any orgasm is good, but if you cum untouched on his dick, he’ll be riding that high for days
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
Hello, I am here with a request if that is ok, I was thinking about how would Eyeless jack, BEN Drowned, and our three favourite proxies react to an S/O who is very quiet and shy yet out of no where she defends herself easily out in the woods by herself without even knowing her lover was there, then when they ask her about how she did it she says that she got it from watching them
Oki poki so I’m not sure if this is what you wanted, but I hope it’s ok!! Also I changed like,,, the verb tense (is that even what you call it? Idk skdhdkdjdk) but I changed it a couple times n ahhhh I just don’t know, it might read kinda weird, I sowey 🥺👉👈 But I hope you enjoy nonetheless!!
~Requests are closed~
Masterlist: x
BEN Drowned
Is that his s/o he just witnessed??
His adorable little reserved s/o that just beat the crap out of some rando who was bugging her?
Boy’s absolutely amazed
He jumps out of her phone & immediately has a ~shit ton~ of questions because he’s blown away 
“Are you ok? Did he hurt you!? Holy shit, that was sick, (y/n)! Where’d you learn to do that?!”
When she explains herself, he honestly gets kinda flustered & bashful
But then his regular shit-eating grin returns and he tries to play it off like it’s nothing
“Of course you got it from me, I’m pretty badass” he scoffs
Honestly though, he’s super flattered & honored and just??
Like wowie, he doesn’t know what he did to deserve such an amazing s/o
A very proud ghost bf uwu
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Eyeless Jack
Boy was following her scent through the forest so they could meet up & hang out
And, having lived in the mansion for quite some time now, he’s grown to be pretty unfazed by all manners of things that happen around him
But he really wasn’t expecting to stumble in on his shy little s/o pressing her foot into someone’s neck on the ground
And then she gives what sounds like a warning before letting them go, and the stranger scrambles off into the woods
His first instinct is to immediately race over & check her for any injuries—and he’s bIG TIME relieved when it turns out she’s fine
When she finally explains herself after, like, the 12th time of reassuring him she’s fine skdjdkl, his black heart swells with pride
He’s pretty stoic, so it’s hard to read what he’s feeling, but his protective instincts definitely have him sticking closer around her for the rest of the night
And later that evening, when he thinks back to what happened, he gets mad at himself for not being better for his little mate
He knows he can’t actually be there for her 24/7, but he wants to try to put in more effort to assure her overall safety
He’s super proud she defended herself this time, but what if the next creep is much stronger??
The whole thing just makes him stalk follow her around a lot more tbh, even when she might not realize it
He also starts second-guessing himself a lot more than he already did
Is he a bad influence? If she gets used to seeing his eating/hunting habits, will it affect her in the long run?
Boy ends up with lots of existential questions, and she has to reassure him a lot tbh :/
But honestly, homeboy should know by now that she doesn’t want a normal life if it means not being with him uwu
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He sees his s/o pining someone down, and for a split second, he almost gets the wrong idea
Maybe she isn’t who he thinks she is—maybe she’s a lot more brazen and open and… unashamed
But then he realizes that she isn’t, in fact, cheating on him or anything like that, and he’s immediately ashamed of ever even thinking she’d betray him like that
He walks up to them and he is pissed
The stranger doesn’t stand a chance
After he deals with them, he pulls her impossibly close to him and asks a million questions all too suddenly
“Who was that? Where did they come from? How long have they been following you? How did you learn to do that?”
When she explains, he gets quiet for a moment, and again, because of the mask, it’s kinda be hard to tell what he’s thinking
It’s almost,, kinda scary ngl
But he just gets that way because he’s crazy worried for her
And he’s super proud she could defend herself, but he understands the risks of fighting almost better than anyone else
So he definitely wants to teach her more about self-defence—while also lowkey feeling soft that she originally learned from him without him even teaching her in the first place
He honestly feels kinda bad for not teaching her sooner—oop
Overall starts being more protective of her too, while also seeing her in a new light
Guess his cute little s/o is actually pretty damn badass, huh?
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He‘d be trying to find his s/o when he hears someone else in the forest
So naturally, he decides to check it out
And when he sees his s/o kicking the shit out of some shady person, he gets this huge grin tugging at his lips because damn, that’s my babe
Like he’s pretty amused ngl skdjdjsls
He sticks around in the shadows for a while, watching until the creep eventually scrambles away with their tail between their legs
And then he sneaks up behind her & wraps his arms around her to nuzzle into her neck
Almost earning a punch to the gut but, c’mon, what’d he expect? Skdjdkl
When she tells him what happened & how she knew what to do, he offers teaching her more right away
Will arrange plenty of training/workout sessions, no further questions asked
He’s probably the most chill about what he saw tbh
Like he knows quiet people have it in them to be scary, being quiet himself, so it isn’t much of a cause for concern
And he doesn’t stress over it because, hey, they managed to beat them up, so she’s probably already stronger & better at fighting than most
Sprinkle in some extra prep & tips from a skilled stalker/killer?
Whew, boy knows his precious little s/o will become a force to be reckoned with
And he’s damn proud of it, too
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Ticci Toby
Boy sees shit going down & immediately rushes over to knock the other person tf out
He acts on impulse cause not only is that what he’s used to doing—but also how dare someone even think of harming his perfectly adorable little s/o??
He has to stop himself from chopping them up right then & there
The only thing stopping him is his s/o, who he doesn’t wanna end up traumatizing :/
Like BEN and EJ, he asks a shit ton of questions while frantically looking her over for any kind of injuries
“Oh my f-fucking God, are you alright?! What ha—what happened?! Jesus, (y/n), y-you know I love you—I love you so fucking much, right!? Holy shit, you—you fucking kicked ass!!”
She earns the biggest bone-crushing hug ever combined with an excited squee! when she explains where she learned moves like that
He’s so damn proud that he has to resist smothering her in countless bouts of affection
Definitely finds some kind of way to celebrate later on that evening :3
And it’s only after his initial rush of joy that he realizes it could’ve ended badly
He’s lost a lot of people throughout his life & he doesn’t want the same thing happening to his s/o, so he’d ask around for advice on how to protect them better
He ends up teaching them more self defence stuff while also watching them a lil more closely too
But he’s sO damn proud, it honestly gives him a happy high for a good few days ngl <33
It’s like he’s your hero!!
The thought alone motivates him to keep treating you better because you really are one in a million uwu
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valdomarx · 4 years
Anon requested: Geralt/Jaskier body swap
“It’s not funny, Yen,” Geralt growls. Or, rather, he intends to growl, but it comes out as a petulant whine. He crosses his arms and scowls, but the effect is ruined by the ridiculous puffy baby blue doublet he's wearing and the way his hair flops rakishly over one eye.
Yennefer looks from him to Jaskier, who is trying to hide his now considerable bulk behind a tall plant. He is not succeeding.
“No, you’re right, it isn’t funny,” Yennefer soothes. “It’s hilarious.”
“So glad we could entertain you,” Jaskier snaps, and it’s so strange for Geralt to watch his own body bouncing around the room animated by Jaskier’s irrepressible energy. “But I have a performance tonight and I can’t very well play like this -” he gestures with Geralt’s thick, stubby fingers, which are admittedly poorly suited to playing the lute. “So fix it. Please.”
“You don’t want me to do that,” she says, not looking apologetic. “It’s a powerful binding spell and while I could break it forcibly, it would risk both your lives. You’re better off waiting a few days until it runs its course.”
“So we’re stuck like this?” Geralt can’t control the timbre of his voice and it wobbles and rises dramatically. It's awful.
Yennefer shrugs. “I’m sure you’ll manage. Who knows,” she smirks, “perhaps it’ll be educational for both of you.”
“How many times must we do this, Jaskier? I can’t play the bloody lute!”
“Of course you can. Your muscles remember how, and so do your fingers. Just relax into it. Give it another go.”
Geralt pouts (when did he start pouting?) and picks at the strings. His hands do feel like they’re itching to play, but it’s like they’re moving faster than his mind and every time he tries to exert control over them, he falters.
“Stop thinking so much,” Jaskier growls, and he’s actually a little scary like this. There’s a thunderous expression on his face and Geralt wonders if this is how he comes across to other people. “Let’s start with something easy. I’ll sing a song you know, and you play along as best you can.”
He hums a few scales and turns to Geralt, his usually stoic witcher face twisted into a mischievous grin. “Geralt! You’ve been holding out on me. If I’d know you were hiding a lovely baritone all this time, I’d have insisted you join me for a duet before now.”
Geralt groans and wishes the ground would swallow him whole.
“Absolutely not.”
“It’s a couple of drowners, Geralt. I could probably kill them even in my own body.”
“You really couldn’t.”
“I’ll have you know that I have been paying some attention over the last decade. I’ve learnt things. Drowners move in packs. They’re immune to poison but vulnerable to silver. When you engage a group, move in fast and hard but don’t let any get behind you. See?”
Jaskier draws his sword and drops into a combat stance. Admittedly, he moves with a grace and elegance that suggests someone well-trained. However...
“What you were saying about having paid attention, knowing your lore, being a capable monster hunter...”
“What about it?”
“That’s the wrong sword. Silver for monsters.”
“Oh. Right. Is this not silver? Ahh. No, I see that now. Whoops. Let’s try this again.”
“You are definitely going to be eaten by a drowner.”
Three days later, the strain of their situation is starting to show.
“This body, it’s... I feel like...” Geralt chews at his lower lip, frustration and embarrassment racing through him with a force he’s still unused to. “Fuck, Jaskier, how are you so horny all the time?”
Jaskier laughs, the bastard, rich and warm and deep. “Welcome to my life.”
“I’ve already jerked off three times today and it hasn’t helped.”
That makes Jaskier stop laughing. Witchers don’t blush, but Geralt recognises the way his mouth gapes. “You... with my body... you unchivalrous brute!”
Geralt scoffs. “Nothing I haven’t seen before.”
“Why, you...” Jaskier glowers. “And I have been so restrained. I have controlled not only my libidinous urges but also my natural and deep-seated curiosity in defence of your privacy. Well, that’s quite enough of that! I'm off to take a bath and I'm going to enjoy myself thoroughly, thank you very much.”
That makes something race uncomfortably under his skin. He swallows and avoids looking in Jaskier’s direction.
“Put me down!”
“I will do no such thing,” Jaskier cackles, throwing Geralt over his shoulder like a rag doll. It’s extremely undignified. “This is too much fun.”
“Damn it, Jaskier, put me down!” He beats his fists uselessly against Jaskier’s back. “Or I’ll... I’ll wait until you’re asleep and I’ll cut your hair.”
Jaskier drops him to the ground and gasps. “You wouldn’t dare!”
Geralt levels him with his best steely glare. “Try me.”
“You’ve already made such a mess of it.” Jaskier tuts as he cards his fingers through Geralt’s - or rather, his own - hair. A ridiculous pang of jealously twinges inside Geralt. He has, perhaps, idly wondered in the past how it would feel to run his hand through Jaskier’s hair, and it’s not the same when he does it to himself.
“Even like this,” Jaskier says, brushing a finger along Geralt’s cheek, “you still manage to scowl.”
“It’s my natural charm,” he grumbles, and he has a horrible feeling he might be pouting again.
Geralt wakes up the next morning feeling fresh and alert to the sounds of the birds outside the window, the smell of bread baking downstairs, the feel of rain approaching later in the day... And thanks the gods, as he rubs his eyes it’s with his own hand, and he looks down to confirm he’s back in his own scarred body. 
Jaskier is sleeping next to him, splayed out across the bed and taking up far more room than someone his size ought to be able to, drooling into the pillow. It’s so unmistakably Jaskier, and somehow Geralt has missed him.
Geralt allows himself an indulgence and gently brushes the hair from Jaskier’s face. It feels soft beneath his fingers, silky and springy. Jaskier snuffles in his sleep, rolling over and scooting closer. Geralt chivalrously puts an am around his shoulders and he cuddles into Geralt’s chest with a comfortable, contented smile.
Much better. Everything back in its right place.
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tamakissimp · 4 years
bakusquad- relationship headcanons
request:  @smexy-goose​ heLLO FRIEND. can i get hcs for the bakusquad boys and just how a relationship is like with them?? thank you so much!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
a/n: not me using Yagami Yato’s petnames ☺️ and you can really tell Sero’s my least fav oops
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Bakugou's s/o is the only person who won't be a victim to his harsh words
He won't even raise his voice, afraid that he'll scare them off
HOWEVER, he is a massive tease
"Are you blushing, teddybear?"
Lingering touches on your thighs and waist
Will pull you into a random, heated makeout session
Just as you're getting into it, he'll pull away
"What? Want more of me, baby?"
This. Man. Loves. PDA.
Even though he's self-conscious about how sweated he is, he'll still love holding your hand
He'll have you sitting on his lap, arms wrapped tightly around, planting soft kisses on your neck while he'll be yelling Kirishima's ears off at the same time
This dude loves cheesy dates. Picnics. Walks on the beach. You name it, he'll probably love it
"No, fuck off, shitty hair!" Bakugou barks. While his words are harsh and his tone is pointed, his touch is featherlight. His arms have snacked themselves around your waist and his hands are running up and down your arms. "You're fucking lying.".
Kirishima shakes his head. "Nu-uh, I'm telling you, the fourth one is the best Scream movie. Period," he says. The argument is stupid. Though all arguments the boys have are stupid and pointless.
"The first one is the best! After that, the movies just went to shit!". It honestly surprises you how your boyfriend can be so harsh to his friends but can shower you with affection the next.
You weave your fingers through Bakugou's spiky hair. He lets out a soft groan at the feeling of your nails dragging over his scalp. He leans into your touch more and you smile down at him.
"Actually," Denki says. "The second one is obviously the best. Sequels always rule!". Bakugou grabs a pillow from the couch and chucks it at Denki's head with such force that the electric boy falls onto the ground.
You swat Bakugou playfully against his chest and give him a warning glance. "Oh come on, Teddybear! You know I'm right," he says. You kiss your teeth and cock your head to the side.
"Well, I'm going to agree with Kiri," you say. Bakugou looks at you with big eyes. "The first one sucks, I'm sorry!". Bakugou shakes his head, moving his hands to your hips and pulling you off his lap.
"This is a betrayal," he says with a fake pout. You grab his face, one hand on each cheek, and give him. quick peck on his lips. He leans into your touch a bit, pout now melting away. "I still feel betrayed."
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Kirishima is the best boyfriend ever
He will be your personal hype man
"Pebble, you look fine as hell."
"I'm pretty sure it's illegal to look this good, babe."
But don't worry, he drinks his respect-people so his compliments will be kept to a respective level
PDA is his thing, not intentional though
He just mindlessly grabs his s/o's hand or wraps his arm around them. His body just naturally gravitates to them
He wants to see you every day. Date nights every Friday and Saturday, he invites you to watch his train, call you to bring him lunch, he'll use any excuse to see you.
Walking through a campus full of highly talented students with amazing quirks is, honestly, terrifying. You keep your head down, avoiding gazes of confused students. It surprises you how few of the student body recognize you considering how much your boyfriends shows you off. "Pebble!".
You look up to see your favourite redhead walking towards you, waving happily. You smile at him and quicken your pace. Once he gets closer to you, you hold out the bento box you were holding for him. He grabs it from your hands before place a kiss on your cheek.
"Thanks, babe! I can't believe I forgot my lunch again," Kirishima says. You know he forgot his on purpose but you don't care. Seeing him brightens your day and you know that he needs to have someone who's not as pessimistic as Bakugou around him.
"Of course, I wanted to see you anyways," you say. Kirishima places a hand on your waist, pulling you closer towards him.
"Wanna eat lunch with me?" he asks. You nod. He smiles widely, showing off his pointy teeth as he moves his arm from your waist to now be draped over your shoulder.
You two starts to walk towards one of the lunch tables the school placed outside while Kirishima babbles on about his day. His happy ranting lights up your heart and makes your stomach do summersaults. "Idiot!" you hear someone yell from a distance.
It doesn't surprise you that it's Bakugou who's yelling. You look up at Kirishima, god he's tall, only to find him already looking at you with heart-eyes. "Hey guys," you call from a distance. His friends look over at the two of you. You sit down at the edge of the table, squished between Kirishima and Denki.
"Y/n! I didn't see you all day. I was starting to get worried," Denki says. Honestly, it had surprised most of his Kirishima's friends that you hadn't been around until noon.
"I know, I was starting to miss my big old shark," you say before giving Kirishima a peck on his cheek while he is stuffing the contents of his bento box into his mouth at rapid speed.
"Love you too, Pebble," he says with a mouthful of food. You smile at him. God, you loved this man-child.
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God save the soul of his s/o
He is kind and thoughtful but so, so forgetful
His mind is just running on overtime so he'll forget about dates and miss anniversaries no matter how many reminders he sets on his phone
That being said he will make up for it in affectionEven if he's already together with his s/o he'll still flirt with them like crazy. 
Like, "did it hurt when you fell from heaven" type of flirting after being together for more than a year. But it's cute.
He is like a raven, he'll bring you any shiny thing he sees. Something about seeing you happy when he gifts you something as small as a shiny coin makes his heart buzz.
He is a massive cuddler. Anywhere, anything, no matter what.
"Baby," Denki whines out. You simply shake your head. You want to cave in but you couldn't. "Please, just one."."No," you say. "You said it yourself, train for an hour then we can cuddle. Just three more minutes, baby.". Denki's cheeks heat up at the pet name. He nods. Three minutes aren't so bad right.
Your eyes are focused on him as you watch your boyfriend train. Clearly, he's showing off but you don't care. All you can do is stare at him with heart eyes, amazed at his quirk. Denki's so busy showing off that he doesn't even realize he has been training for an extra fifteen minutes.
 It's only when he looks over at the clock on the wall while catching his breath that he realizes it. His muscles ache and he mentally slaps himself for pushing himself so far but it's all worth it when he sees the awestruck look on your face. "Like watching all this muscle in action, buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget?" he says a smirk. 
All you can do is nod as you make grabby hands towards him. Denki practically runs over to you, falling right on top of you. Thank god the school placed as a couch in the training room. Denki's body pushed you further into the soft cushions while his arms snake around you. 
"You did so well," you say as you start running your fingers through his hair. He groans in pleasure, basking at the affection. "I'm so proud of you.". All Denki can do is smile and nod as the over-excursion on his body finally starts to kick in. "So proud."
"Thank you, sunshine," Denki says. "Did you see my zappies? It's like...super zappy.". Zappies. That's a new one. God, he's tired. You move your hand from his hair to his chin, lifting it so that he looks at you.
His puppy dog eyes stare up at you. "Wanna cuddle in your dorm instead?" you ask. You have never seen him stand up so fast. Denki's pulling at your hand to get you up and off the couch.
"Let's go, baby," Denki says. "My bed is waiting for us.".
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Just like Denki, he'll still flirt with his s/o but not as much. It's honestly cute.
"Damn, you look hotter than Bakugou's explosions,"
Earns him a smack on the head from Bakugou
He loves to wear matching outfits. It's so cliche but his heart will melt if his s/o buy matching sweaters for two of them.
He loves small domestic things. Cook together or clean the house while jamming to songs and he'll fall even further in love.
He loves it when his s/o please with his hair. Sometimes he'll grab their hand and just place it on his head, expecting them to know what to do.
Sharing ramen shouldn't be so romantic, but God did it make your heart do summersaults when Sero holds out his chopsticks for you. You lean forward, eating the ramen hanging from the wooden sticks. Yep, this shouldn't be romantic but it is. You smile at him with cheeks stuffed full with hot ramen.
You pick up your chopsticks as you grab a piece of your takoyaki. You hold it out for your boyfriend who happily eats the food. He smiles back at you while chewing on the food. "Is it good?" you ask.
"Hell yeah, wanna switch?" Sero asks. You nod, grabbing his bowl of ramen as he grabs your plate of takoyaki. You did this often, switching meals multiple times during dates.
"Anyways, I was thinking about going to the movies afterwards," you say as you grab another bite of your, or rather Sero's, ramen. Sero nods.
He grabs another ball of takoyaki and stuffs it into his mouth. "The scary one?" he asks. You nod. A smile spreads over his lips. God, how you love that smile. That smile that lights up your world.
"Just admit it, you only want to watch that one because you'll be able to cuddle up to me," he says. Your cheeks heat up at his words. Shit, he saw through your plans. He points an accusing finger to you. "I knew it. Don't worry baby, I don't mind.".
It's so secret that Sero is a cuddle bug. A huge one. Every time you were around him he had both his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, your body pulled impossibly close to his. Though you wouldn't have it any other way.
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anotheranimestan · 4 years
Heyooo I legit just found u bc of the bakugo series, and then I went on a spree reading your account- ugh I’m in love!!! Do you think you could tag me when part 3 comes out?
Ahhh! Thank you so much! ❤️ You guys have no idea how much a few words of encouragement means to writers 😭.
No need to tag tho because here it is!!!!! 😃
Sorry it took so long. I wanted to write it as best as I could! I don’t want disappoint anyone who’s been enjoying so far. ☺️
All Bark No Bite (pt. 3)
(Final part)
Bakugo angst + ~sexual tensionnn~
Please, children avert your eyes. Things get a LITTLE inappropriate here 😳
Read part 1 and part 2
wc: 2.4k
He’s an asshole...but he’s a HOT asshole 🤤
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You’d never seen his room before. It was much different than you’d imagined. You’d expected burn marks all over the walls or blown up debris of things scattered about. Maybe a bunch of mirrors so he could look at his self-confident, conceited ass all night. But actually it was kinda of nice. Pretty neat. He had some posters hung up and some books laying around. Black sheets and blankets. And it smelled oddly sweet in here, sort of pleasant believe it or not.
You’re so used to him yelling and exploding so it was weird seeing him so relaxed, in his natural habitat. Doing normal things. Like eating a snack, tapping his pencil in concentration, fidgeting with his hair. He even spun around in his rolling chair a few times mindlessly. He was acting sort of...cute? It was unnerving being attracted to him like this.
But as soon as he noticed you watching him it was all over. You were making him self conscious. He didn’t even realize he’d let his guard down like that.
“That makes absolutely no sense, dumbass.” His voice was bored and over it.
“What are you talking about!? I’ve explained it three times!” You retorted indignantly.
“Exactly. I thought you were smarter than this...” He jabbed before turning around and flipping his notebook shut.
You’d spent twenty minutes attempting to teach him what he’d missed in class earlier today but he was insufferable. Easily the worst student on the planet. Every time you explained something he’d tell you how to teach it better. Who does that!?
“Whatever moron. I didn’t come up here to try and teach your pea brain. I—“ The words were harder to say than you’d expected. Painful actually. They really didn’t want to come out. “I just wanted to say sorry for getting you—“
He whipped a pencil and it hit you directly in the forehead.
“Ouch, what the fuck?” You hissed, rubbing the sore spot. How’d he get so much damn power behind that thing?
“Don’t apologize. It’s weird.”
“What!?” You threw the pencil back but only managed to hit his shoulder.
“Anyways...” He ignored you, completely unfazed by your assault.
“You’re easily the most—“
“Anyways...” You swore if he cut you off one more time you were going to smack the shit out of him. “Aizawa thinks you’ve lost your mind.”
The unexpected information took you aback.
“He saw you try and get yourself blown up in class yesterday... No sane person is stupid enough to pull a move like you did.”
Ah yes... he meant the time you wrapped the man’s hand around your neck, tauntingly, in front of like 20 classmates and two teachers. You’d been trying to avoid asking yourself the question of why you did that. You claimed it was the best way to shut him up....but there were other ways to do that. More reasonable ones. You wouldn’t admit you’d daydreamed of doing it before and subconsciously took the opportunity. Red embarrassment flashed through your body again. God knows what they were all thinking when they witnessed that. You desperately wished people would stop reminding you.
Suddenly the need to defend yourself bubbled up. “I—I only did that because I knew you wouldn’t do anything.”
He scoffed. But didn’t deny it. “If you’re going to try something stupid. At least do it right.” He chastised.
Your body froze as he stood up and walked over, crouching down directly in front of you.
“If I wanted to choke you. I’d do it like this.”
He wrapped his hand around your neck. Demonstrating the best way to actually cut off someone’s air flow. But he did it so gently you barely even heard his explanation. You were just flashing back to last night. Instantly your entire body lit on fire. Replaying this scene in your head was strong enough. But reenacting had you completely out of sorts. Kissing him again but this time going full out. You wanted to bite him, just to hear him make that deep moan into your mouth again. Just imagining it was making you flutter. Aching to have him pressed up against you like that, relieving some of this pressure that was building up in your body. You felt yourself unraveling. About to pounce.
But he interjected with something that stunned you once again. “The way you did it would be better for...other forms of choking.”
Dear god. Surely he knew what he was doing to you. If he kept this up any longer your heart or your lungs were definitely going to give out.
But you mustered up your last two brain cells that weren’t absolutely losing their shit over him and carried on with your normal banter.
“Yea yea, I get it. You can stop now.”
He didn’t budge. His hand still snug around your throat. You obviously didn’t mind it there but it was incapacitating your brain function.
You gently pushed it away and he didn’t resist. But where he put it next was no better.
He traced the side of your cheek and along the outline of your lips. Just staring at them, eyes lost like he was thinking deeply about something. He wasn’t giving you a moment of a break. No room to breathe.
Your nerves were through the roof, your heart was beating so loud you could hear it in your ears. Desperately you tried to change the topic. “So is this your attempt at being nice? Advice on how to murder someone?” It’s amazing how your mouth just spewed shit out even though your brain was actually dead.
“Sure.” Now he was tugging at your bottom lip. Completely unbothered by you baiting him.
“Ah. A nice Bakugo? I must be having a dream. I guess now that you’ve lost to me your whole tough guy persona has been killed.”
That snapped him out of it. But now he was looking just as intensely, directly into your eyes.
“Don’t push it.”
“Or what?” Faking composure was coming so easily much to your relief.
“Do you want to find out?” He growled.
“You’re not scary.” You said rolling your eyes as hard as possible.
Something snapped in him. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Within a moment he had you on your back. Your body didn’t even have time to process. Even if it did, would you have stopped him? He trapped both your wrists on either side of your head and your feet under his ankles. His arms looked glorious as he held up is body weight.
“How about now?” His voice was deep and savory.
There he went. Invading your mind again. His scent. That lust-filled look in his eyes. The way he was thoroughly enjoying being on top of you. The adrenaline was coiling through your body. He had you right where he wanted you. He could do anything he wanted to you. But that “annoying little mouth of yours” wasn’t done quite yet.
“Whatever. You always do this. But you won’t actually try anything.”
“You think I wouldn’t hurt you at all? I literally want to kill you sometimes.” He had a smug little grin on his face. But his eyes couldn’t pull themselves from your lips. After experiencing them once he could barely stop thinking about them.
“You’re telling me? I fucking hate you.” You lied.
It made his smirk form into that wicked, shit-eating grin he always wore. The one that gets deep under your skin and makes you want to punch him in the throat and yank him onto you at the same time.
“Kissing someone is a weird way to tell them you hate them.” He was really cutting into you now.
You hissed. “Hey. You kissed me.”
“You kissed me back.” He raised an annoying little eyebrow.
Your brain wanted to choke him (the murder kind) but your body was screaming something completely different. The emotions swirling around in your chest was so overwhelming. Finally you burst.
You trapped one of his arms and corresponding leg and threw your weight to roll on top of him. One of your favorite moves from self-defense class that you knew would come in handy. Now you straddled him and using every ounce of your weight tried to pin his wrists down.
You expected him to fight you like the vicious little monster he is. But instead when you looked down he was just staring back at you. You were stunned at how good he looked at this angle. Did he have any bad angles?
“Finally. You made a move.” He said pretending to sound impressed. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Yea well...” You scoffed proudly. “you think you’re so fucking tough. Now looo—“
The words flew out of your mouth and you were tumbling again. This time he just grabbed your waist and tugged you with brute force. No technique needed. He easily overpowered you.
“Yea, that wasn’t going to work out. It was a cute try though, Little Bite.”
He laid directly on top of you now. Your legs spread as he rested his hips between them. His full weight pressed into you making it flutter. Your arms had somehow wrapped themselves around his neck and rested on his back.
The tension in the air made it difficult to breathe. But you were fully unconcerned with getting oxygen right now.
Nose to nose now he said “We’ll just count this as my rematch. Clearly I won.”
“You suck at flirting.”
Flirting? Where’d that come from?
“Seems like it’s working pretty good to me.”
That smug fucking face again.
“You’re such an ass.”
He bit his lip.
“Fuck...I love when you insult me like that.”
A beat passed and that was all it took. You smashed his lips onto yours. Wrapping your legs around him and squeezing. Too close wasn’t close enough.
He kissed you like he wanted you bad. Like you were his favorite meal and he was absolutely famished. It was so intense and passionate that neither of you could catch any air. Every insult, all the bickering, every jab had built up to this moment and was fueling it like gas to a forest fire.
His warmth was overtaking you. His body was so heavy, crushing you just liked you’d been daydreaming about all this time.
Your mind shut down all functions except desperately trying to use all five senses to their max capacity and commit every bit of him to memory.
He felt you pawing at the edge of his shirt and sat up. He peeled it off slowly. Letting your eyes adjust to every inch of him.
Your hands were instantly stroking every one of his muscles starting at his shoulders and trailing down his soft skin slowly...slowly to the edge of his jeans. Your index finger sat teasingly on the front button as you admired his perfectly toned body.
But before you even had time to think about what you wanted to do next he took your wrist and secured it down above your head again.
He dipped down and went straight for your neck.
Greeting it with a warm wet kiss from his tongue, his lips wrapped around your skin and sucked gently. You felt the blood pooled with pleasure rushing to the area. His other hand started exploring your body. Finally he was getting to put his hands on you the way he really wanted all along.
After you started tugging on his hair, desperately trying to avoid any scandalous hickeys he rolled you around again.
Letting you on top to straddle his hips. Giving you only a little bit of freedom though, as he locked one arm around your waist and the other started caressing your thighs slowly working his way north.
After squeezing your ass until his heart was content he clamped down both hands on your hips. You couldn’t bare it anymore. Your hips started gently grinding against him and you bit down on his neck all at once. You felt the angle of his pelvis rubbing into you creating little rumbles of pleasure.
“Fuck y/n..” he muttered under his breath.
You both were getting more and more bothered and aroused. His hands never stopped grabbing and tugging at you. His moans growing more fervent as he whispered into your ear.
He was just toying with the idea of peeling off your shirt when...
Your soul practically rose out of your body as a loud bang almost broke the door down. Bakugo’s hand slapped over your mouth. You’d screamed without realizing it.
Kaminari’s laugh sounded through the door. “Oh my god Bakugo! You scream like a girl!”
Mina shrieked. “No, stupid! Y/n are you in there!?”
Your life was ending.
“Get the fuck out of here before I come out there and break your skulls!” Bakugo barked at them.
They didn’t say anything but you heard their quick footsteps as they ran down the hall still shrieking like banshees.
“Oh god..” you groaned as you tried to roll away from him, using his bare chest to push off.
But he wouldn’t let you go. “Where are you going?”
“Aren’t you going to go hunt them down and threaten them or something.” Typical Bakugo behavior.
“No, I’m busy.”
You had to stop your mouth from falling open.
“They’re probably going to tell everyone.” You prodded. Expecting his temper any second now. Like he was a bomb about to go off. You pulled away again in preparation, sitting fully upright now.
“I’ll deal with them tomorrow. I’m dealing with you tonight. Now get back over here before I get mad.”
You shrieked as he muscled you back into his arms. He bent you back around him as snugly as he could. Moving your chin to the side, he kissed your neck, sweeter this time. Instinctively your hands ran through his hair. Fuck the rest of them. You could get lost in this hot head all night. And you were as he started gently sucking on your soft spots again.
But he pulled away abruptly. Like he’d just realized something. “How are you gonna become a pro hero if a moron like Denki can scare you like that?”
You smacked the back of your idiot’s head lightly. “Don’t fucking ruin it.” You groaned.
“Fine.” He grinned as he went in for the kiss that started the rest your next piping hot and sticky couple of hours together.
TADAAA! What did you guys think?? What was your favorite part overall?
I’d love hearing your thoughts and opinions 😃 makes me a better writer
Also special shout-out to @jennammaee ! Pt. 2 of this series has been my most successful post yet, so thanks for encouraging me to write it!!
Tags: @sweetsailor000 @yumxmii @fullsundear @frosted-flakes @marloalmore @aprilbouz01 @deneuves @softestparker @davidbowiehotashell-blog @mocha-focha @piii-chan @v0dkadaddy @xxjosiexx
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falling-pages · 3 years
Friday Night: Bakugou x Reader
Little one shot for the birthday boy!!
Summary: Your Friday night becomes upended when you have to tend to an injured Bakugou.
"And if you’re not careful, one day you’re going to come in with an injury I can’t fix. Where would we be then, huh? What would we do if you didn’t come back?”
Student Katsuki Bakugou x Student Reader
Warnings: Language (because it is Bakugou)
Genre: Fluff, Mutual Pining, Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Having a delirious Bakugou tangled up in your sheets certainly was not how you planned on spending your Friday night.
You had just sat down with some tea and your favorite comic when Aizawa showed up at your dorm, dragging the angry blond by the scruff of his neck. Once you looked through your quirk and determined his injuries nonfatal, the teacher flung him at you and explained that Recovery Girl was on vacation, so, naturally, you got to be the lucky babysitter.
Stupid quirk.
He squirmed, he yelled, he cursed, but you frankly didn’t have enough time for his bullshit. You tried to take it all in stride, focusing on your shaky hands wrapping his sweaty, bloody skin, but you couldn’t stop thinking about how he was shirtless and how hot his breath was as it growled in your ear. He was injured, and you had a job to do--suppressed feelings, annoyed or otherwise, had no place here.
You knew better than to disobey Aizawa, so, despite how scary and angry Bakugou was, you followed orders.
“Stop staring at me and heal me,” Bakugou snapped.
You glared at him as you rubbed the hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball. “That’s how my quirk works, idiot. I can’t just touch a cut and heal it.”
“Then why did Aizawa bring me to you?”
The hiss of pain escaping his mouth as you pressed the alcohol into his gash--technically harder than necessary--made revenge sweet. “Because I’m the only student with some sort of healing quirk. Stay still.”
For once he actually obeyed. You blinked, activating your power to look within him. It wasn’t x-ray vision exactly, but you could see how his health progressed, how deep his injuries went and if there were any broken bones. You watched his heart pump, saw white blood cells travel up through his blood to aid his bleeding wounds. Internally, he was fine. Externally...he was a piece of work.
“Okay. You have no broken bones, and your internals are fine.” You switch back to normal vision, trailing your eyes up to his face. “But you have a fever, so you need to stay here for the night.”
You would have thought you just destroyed his most prized possession by the way he thrashed. “No way! I’m not wasting my Friday night sleeping in some extra’s dorm!”
“Hey! You think this is how I want my night to go?” You gather up your supplies, satisfied that he was finally bundled up enough that he wouldn’t tear open any wounds. Nothing was deep enough to require stitches, but part of you wanted to jab him with a needle just so he would shut up. “Stop moving! You’ll bleed on my sheets.”
“You can’t keep me here!” he roared.
“Don’t make me call Kiri.”
That caught Bakugou’s attention. Sure, he was much stronger than you, but no one could outlift the Human Brick Wall. Not only would he trap Bakugou in place, but he would talk, too, annoying him with anecdotes and Crimson Riot tales all night. On second thought, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Maybe you could get a decent night’s sleep.
“You have no right to complain.” You snip the last bit of bandage with scissors. “At least you can sleep. I’ll be up all night tending to your fever, so you owe me big time.”
Bakugou growled lightly. What was with this guy and his weird obsessive growling? “You don’t need to take care of me. I’m fine. I’m not some damn infant.”
That’s it. All the years of healing him and listening to him rant snapped something in you, making you squeeze the cloth too tightly around his leg. You had worked on him more than anyone else, except maybe Deku, but at least he didn’t go flinging himself head-long into battles and fights without a back-up plan.
“You really don’t get it, do you?” you yelled over his howls of pain, fingers clenched against the bandage cutting into his skin. “All the work I do, healing you every time you have a scrape, all the training you accomplish--you just throw it away, you throw away Aizawa-sensei’s wisdom and directions because of your stupid pride!” Frustrated tears gather in your eyes. “You don’t appreciate any of it! You do what you want, because ‘I’m Bakugou fucking Katsuki, no one can defeat me,’ and I’m so, so upset that we need you. God, we need you so fucking much, because you are the most powerful student UA has ever seen, and you’ll be the Number One hero one day and--”
Blood tickled your palms, and you looked down through misty vision to see your nails digging into your own flesh. Your throat burned from the snarled tones you needed to mimic his raspy voice. “And we need you so much, Bakugou, and I hate that it inflates your ego, but we do. And if you’re not careful, one day you’re going to come in with an injury I can’t fix. Where would we be then, huh? What would we do if you didn’t come back?”
It was morbid, sure, but the truth had been burning inside you so long, buried beneath thoughts and feelings you’d die before articulating, that you needed to tell him. He needed to know that it wasn’t just him out in this fight--he wasn’t alone, and, dammit, as much as you tried to avoid it, you had gotten attached.
You meant to make it sound like you were worried for the future of the nation if he died, but your tears gave away the fact that you’d be a wreck if, one day, he came back with a wound you couldn’t cure.
“I’ve never heard you curse before.”
You sniffled, looking at the boy reclining in your bed. A smirk arched against his bruised face. The shoddy lamplight pervaded your otherwise dark room, forcing shadows in a patchwork across his body. Even in the silence, you could feel the warmth radiating out of his red eyes as they scanned you.
It was an unfamiliar warmth, not like his fire, not like the heat within his hands. It was softer, likeable. An arrogant compassion.
“You bring out the worst in me,” you whisper, cracking half a smile to match his.
He snorted. “Maybe if you didn’t annoy me so much, I wouldn’t be such a bad influence.” His words had no malice, and in the silence, you felt something crackle.
For a few moments, you both just sat there in the lamplight, ignoring the feeling stirring in your chests and listening to the air conditioning. Gathering your supplies busied your hands so you didn’t have to think about what you were feeling, and the boy focused on the dull pain rattling through his body to sidestep the rush of attraction centered in his mind.
Bakugou ran his hands through his pale spikes of blond hair, took a deep breath, and whispered, “Thank you.”
Whether he meant for you to hear or not, you don’t know. You had just returned from putting away your medical kit when you heard him, the words leaving you rooted in the doorway, midway through dusting your hands. He should have seen that coming--his voice wasn’t exactly made for whispering, after all--but your eyes froze wide open.
Bakugou frowned. “Don’t make me repeat it.”
You noticed his flushed face and licked your lips, intending to savor the moment you made the Bakugou Katsuki blush. “You’re welcome.”
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