#but he can't help what he feels because christopher is his BABY
queerdiazs · 7 months
you know what. i don't understand why people always say eddie doesn't have a solid story or plot in season 6 when he did? it was actually really glorious too? he's in his healing era, and he's coming to terms with learning who he is outside of being a father while also working on his relationship with his own dad, and processing his grief for shannon and realizing he wants to move on from her and fall in love again, and handling his kid getting older and becoming more independent, and he's doing the best he can but he's a silly little guy who's never been this free to go after what he wants so he's stumbling like a newborn lamb but he's getting right back up. i love s6 eddie. i'm kissing him on the forehead.
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weakformingyu · 4 months
More than meets the eye
Pairing: Chan x afab!reader
Inspired by Prison for life by Olivia Rodrigo
Summary: Chan is a pushover when it comes to doing things for you, but not so much when someone messes with his girl.
A/N: let's thank Chili(@baby-yongbok) for this brainrot, she's the one who planted this idea in my head.
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Chan who's the sweetest person you have ever met, the one who blushed and stuttered when asking you out.
Chan who's always a gentleman, opening all the doors for you, pulling the chair so you can sit, throwing his coat over your shoulders so you won't get cold.
Chan who lingers a bit longer when he says goodbye to you after taking you back home, trying to gather the courage to kiss you.
Chan who's surprised by the way you grab him by the collar and crash your lips on his.
Chan who gets flustered when you ask him to come inside with you, so you can talk more.
Chan who can't help but feel his face on fire when you start undressing in front of him, not sure where he should put his hands.
Chan who eats you out slowly, enjoying every sound that comes out of your mouth, sure that he could make the prettiest song in the world with just your moans.
Chan who asks you to be his girlfriend the next morning, taking you by surprise when you wake up to a full table of breakfast.
Chris who loves to do everything for you, you want to stay home cuddling? Done, he'll make popcorn and prepare a list of rom-coms for you two to watch together. You want to go out with him and his friends? Sure, he'll make sure the guys are on their best behavior. You want to go shopping? Bet, he'll clean his schedule so he can spend the day buying you gifts, even though you always argue that you can buy things with your own money.
Chris who finds you amazing, you're strong, smart and capable, everything you have was earned with your hard work and he would never want to cross that line or take that away from you.
Chris who has to stand his friends making fun of him 'cause he's such a pushover when it comes to you. He would let you step on him if you asked him to and he would do it smiling.
Chris who loves to buy you flowers every time you have a date with him, so he always goes out of his way to buy you a bouquet.
Christopher who arrives late to your date because the flower shop messed up his order and witnesses a man grabbing you by the wrist while you argue with the stranger.
Christopher who sees red when he realizes what's happening, dropping the flowers and walking fast to where you are.
Christopher who puts his hand on the shoulder of the man, smiling softly and asking to talk to the man outside.
Christopher who's suddenly not a pushover anymore, not when it comes to someone messing with his girl.
Christopher who comes back inside after twenty minutes, dirty dress shirt and knuckles bloody.
Christopher who drags you out of the bar, hugging you tightly when the cold air outside hits your skin.
Christopher who fucks you in the backseat of his car, biting and marking you and calling you names, far different from the gentleman you are used to but you're not complaining.
Christopher who chants how much he loves you while you cum around his cock, overstimulated by the new side of your boyfriend that you're just getting to know.
Chris who helps you fix yourself so you can get out of the car to sit on the front seat, deciding that you should just grab some food on the drive thru and go home.
You're a feminist obviously, you don't need a man. But after that night you don't mind Chan saving you, you very much like his protection.
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lesbianrobin · 3 months
ok so here is my pitch for my dream buddie catalyst:
eddie and maddie are trapped in some sort of likely-fatal time sensitive situation together (drowning related probably because it's Them) (have they overused it yes is it still thematically appropriate YES) where one person could potentially sacrifice themselves for the other to survive. i want eddie and maddie using their combined experience and ingenuity to survive together and discussing who should be prioritized which means they talk about parenthood and how they both feel they've failed their children by "running," how their lives have been so defined by trauma and they don't want to scar their children any further by leaving them again. of course they're doing everything they can to get out together, but as the situation deteriorates throughout the episode(s) (c'mon something like this could be at LEAST a two-parter) they can't help returning periodically to the world's most morbid debate.
i want buck and chim on the outside both going out of their goddamn minds. they know that eddie and maddie are stuck (wherever), know that they're probably alive, but aren't sure in what condition and if they'll stay that way. rescue operations begin as everybody walks on eggshells around buck and tries to comfort chim, who wants absolutely none of it. time is running out.
eddie says that he couldn't possibly let maddie sacrifice herself for him and look buck and chim in the eye afterwards. maddie says that she couldn't do that either. she says that at least jee-yun would still have her father, and eddie says that christopher would still have buck. maddie says that of course none of them would just abandon christopher if something were to happen to him but—
and eddie cuts her off and says it's in my will. if i die, christopher will have buck. buck will have christopher.
they just look at each other for a weighted moment. maddie makes a decision. she says ...i meant it, you know. that i couldn't let you die down here (wherever here is i don't KNOW okay i'm not here to think up convoluted emergencies i'm here for drama) and look my baby brother in the eye knowing that i could have changed it. eddie says i know, okay, but it's different, you're his sister, and maddie says, yeah, but you're his... and she pauses. and eddie says what? best friend? partner? that doesn't—
and maddie says you're his. eddie, you're his.
and eddie... i want to see something slot into place. i want to watch him understand as maddie spills everything she's been suspecting since the day that buck came out to her and maybe since before she and eddie even met. maddie says you know, when i first came to california, you were all he talked about? you're still all he talks about. you and christopher. you're his. i couldn't... eddie, you're out of your mind if you really don't think that losing you would break him just as much as losing me. he would forgive us both, because he's buck, but i couldn't... i'm no saint, eddie, i want to survive. i don't want my daughter to grow up without me. but i can't do that to him. i don't know if he'd survive it. even if he did, the guilt would eat me alive.
meanwhile. buck is barely holding on to his sanity as rescue efforts are underway and time is running out. chimney is keeping it together as best he can but there isn't much that he and buck can do. he can't let himself fall apart because buck is already a stiff breeze away from clawing his own skin off and somebody has to keep their cool. something goes wrong—suddenly, their short amount of time has gotten shorter, and they may only have enough of a window to get one out before it's too late for the other. buck, who has been ranting and arguing and screaming this whole time... is silent. he is silent, and he stares straight ahead at nothing in particular, and we know that no matter which way the scales tip, his soul will be destroyed all the same.
eddie regards maddie for a moment. grief, heartbreak, anger, all flicker over him, but what settles is determination. he says that neither of them are going to leave again. that they'll survive together, or not at all, or leave it to the universe to decide.
of course they make it out. by the skin of their teeth, they make it out, working together, clawing their way back to life and love and possibility. maddie makes it out first, and eddie sees buck as she falls into chim's waiting arms. he watches as buck sees his sister, and reaches out to take her hand with trembling fingers and white knuckles, but there is no relief, no happiness in his red-rimmed eyes. just a deep, unspeakable grief, until his eyes slide past maddie and meet eddie's.
finally: relief. and then he is in buck's arms, a perfect parallel to chim and maddie, and we see eddie's face over buck's shoulder, and we know. he is in love, and buck is in love, and eddie knows, and he sinks into his partner's embrace with joy and acceptance.
after that, who knows? maybe a grand confession. a moment of quiet understanding. a passionate post-rescue kiss. a chaste, tender kiss in some kitchen or other. maybe eddie panics later, or maybe he's found peace for once. maybe buck has realized something and he makes the first move. maybe it happens immediately. maybe it takes a while, takes discussions about how it'll affect work and christopher and whether it's worth risking all that they have for all that they want.
and maybe they'll ask whether it's even a risk at all.
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rcmclachlan · 24 days
OKAY so this is for @dadvans specifically because he and I have spent many an evening across multiple fandoms shouting at each other about various characters and their raging pregnancy kinks but anyway.
I saw this post.
And I had this thought that Tommy's probably only ever thought of children tangentially. Like, I kind of clock him as an only child who didn't have any little kids in his neighborhood growing up. His dad's sister had three, all of them older than him, and his mom's brother had two but they lived on the other side of the country so he only saw them in Christmas card photos and once at his grandmother's funeral.
The only kids he's ever around are the ones he sees on calls, who are all either unconscious, traumatized, or somewhere in the background out of the way where he doesn't have to interact with them. He's basically that gif of Alec Baldwin trying to console a crying Tina Fey with a broom, like, "there there."
But now that his life is enmeshed with the 118, he's around kids all the time: Jee, Christopher, Denny, Mara. And he sees Buck with them—how good he is to them, how patient and kind and compassionate, how he listens seriously to them and always tries to meet them on their level—and it's doing something for him. Like, a lot.
Then, like, one evening Buck and Tommy have dinner with Kameron and Connor, and they bring the baby—who has Buck's eyes and the same shape of his lips—with them, and Tommy watches Buck like a hawk all night. Buck's a natural with Spencer: holding him like a pro, soothing him whenever he fussed, making him laugh. He's loath to put him down.
Tommy's never seen someone so suited to be a parent before. He knows Buck wants kids more than anything. Buck stops to interact with every child they pass on the street the way Tommy does with dogs, like he can't help it, like he's got a homing beacon inside him. And children gravitate to Buck like he's a Disney princess. And after watching Buck with Kameron and Connor's kid, Tommy can't stop thinking about it. About Buck and kids. Specifically, Buck and their kids. 
Tommy looks out into his backyard and can picture Buck out there putting together one of those plastic Fisher Price playhouses and running around chasing after a toddler waddling around on chubby legs and tucked up next to a crib in the guest room-turned-nursery reading The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear to a drooling baby trying to shove its foot in its mouth. A baby with Buck's eyes and mouth, and Tommy's nose and cheeks. 
SO ANYWAY smash cut to later that night and Tommy's balls-deep in Buck, fucking him slowly, doing it missionary the way Buck loves because this way they can kiss and he can see every stupid expression that crosses Tommy's face, and Tommy's staring down at him and blurts out, "You were really good with Spencer tonight." 
And Buck sort of gasp-laughs, like, "You know I love kids," and he arches up against Tommy, and Tommy's hand slides down between them so he can get a hand on Buck's cock, but halfway there he gets distracted by the feeling of Buck's belly. It's taut and toned and flexing with every thrust, and out of nowhere a little voice in his head goes but imagine what it would look like with a bump. 
And then his brain kind of makes a weird popping noise and his mouth goes rogue and says, "I know you do. I know you wanna have kids. Would you wanna have my kids?"
Evan's eyes fly open wide and he sort of stutter-wheezes in shock, "What? What do you—"
But now that Tommy's started, he can't stop, and the leisurely pace he'd been maintaining loses rhythm before picking up the pace, just these deep, dragging thrusts that pull at Evan's hole on the drawback. "But I don't think you'd be satisfied with just being handed a kid. I think you'd want it to be part of you from the start. I think you'd wanna feel it every step of the way. You want to feel it growing inside you so bad, don't you, baby? I bet it's all you think about."
"Tommy, what the fuck—" But Evan's mouth is open and panting, tongue lolling around in his mouth like it's suddenly too big to control, and he starts shuddering hard enough that his bones must be rattling. Tommy can feel his fat dick twitching against his stomach, drooling so much precome the glide between them is soaked and almost too easy, and Evan's insides are vibrating where they clutch Tommy's cock like a vice.
With a grunt, Tommy gathers Evan's impossibly long legs in the bends of his elbows and folds him practically in half, wheezing like he's gutshot, "Maybe I can't trust you with our condoms anymore. Maybe you've poked holes in all of them."
"Oh fuck, that's so hot," Evan gasps, his arms flying up over his head so he can put his hands against the headboard and fuck himself wildly back on Tommy's cock, his eyes wide and scandalized, and alight with a lust bordering on violent. Even through the condom, Tommy can feel how hot he is inside, like a fever, like magma.
They've fucked a million ways since they first got together—enthusiastic, rough, slow, sweet, hard, exhausted, frenzied, grateful—but they've never fucked like this: just absolutely nasty. 
"What are you gonna do if the condom breaks?" Tommy gasps into Evan's ear, then bites it while Evan drags in desperate gulps of air and scrabbles for purchase on Tommy's back, fingers slipping in sweat. "I'd fill you up. I'd shove so much come up inside you that it'd have to take."
Evan's wailing so loud the neighbors are absolutely going to call the cops and his hole is rippling around Tommy's dick so good that Tommy's eyes roll back into his head, and then Evan starts begging like his heart's breaking, "Oh god, oh fuck, please, baby, do it, I want it so much, I want to feel it."
Through the sweat dripping in his stinging eyes, Tommy looks down at Evan, who's got his teeth bared like an animal, who's taking every punishing thrust like it's his due, even as his eyes well up with tears that spill over his temples into his hairline. He thinks of how it would feel without the condom between them, how he would see-saw his cock through wads of his own come into the dripping hot sleeve of Evan's body, every thrust pushing more and more of it into some secret place where it would stay until something took root. He squeezes his eyes shut, because if he spends one more second looking at the hungry, crazed expression twisting Evan's face into a rictus, he's going to come.
The bed frame's making metal-on-metal sounds that don't sound like they're covered under the warranty, but Tommy can't stop fucking Evan like he's trying to split him down the middle. He's going to shove his way inside until he reaches the pulp at the center and pries Evan open like a nectarine. 
"You want it?" Tommy bites out, then doesn't wait for an answer, dropping down and smearing his mouth over Evan's in a fierce, sloppy kiss, sucking his tongue, biting his lips. Their teeth clack together painfully and Evan makes wounded noises into his mouth when Tommy's cock grinds up deep inside him. Tommy fucks him brutally until he stops.
Breaking away with a choked gasp, Evan chants tearfully, "Oh my god, oh my god, come in me, please, I want you to, god, Tommy, fuck me pregnant," and then comes messily between them, and there's so much of it like there always is, soaking their skin, sliding down to get sucked up by the sheets. Evan sobs and comes and comes and comes himself insensate.
The combination of the hard clench of Evan's body and his desperate pleas touches some part of Tommy's lizard brain that feels like a one-two punch, and he fucks in and in and in frantically, buries himself inside that trembling furnace, and finally something breaks and he comes like it's the last thing he'll ever do.
Gracelessly, he collapses on top of Evan, sucking in great, painful gulps of air, while Evan shivers underneath him like he's been electrocuted (again). Somehow, Evan still finds the wherewithal to throw his arms around Tommy's back and cling, pulling down on him as though he can somehow make Tommy sink deeper into him, like he never wants to not be glued together by sweat and come. Impossible. Tommy's two-hundred-and-something pounds of deadweight and his head is full of television snow. He's a husk of a man. He's probably going to die here.
Evan coughs into Tommy's hair. His voice is in absolute tatters when he chokes out, "That was a hell of a way to ask if I want kids."
From where his face is smashed into the bed just above Evan's shoulder, Tommy mumbles, "I think every single brain cell my body's ever made is in the condom right now. Good thing you're the smart one or else our kid would be up shit creek."
Evan's entire body shakes with laughter, and Tommy can't help but join in, exhaustedly lifting his head so he doesn't miss a second more of that grin. If Athena knew the kinds of things Tommy'd do for that smile, she'd throw his ass in prison for the next 500 years.
"At least they'd still be pretty," Evan says, snickering. 
"There is that," Tommy agrees, and with a grunt he forces himself off the warm, welcoming mattress that Evan's allowed himself to become to deal with the aforementioned condom. He shudders in revulsion when he slides it off and tying it is an exercise in futility—it's disgustingly full and his hands are shaking. 
Evan lifts his head to see what he's doing, then lets it drop back with a huff. "Just wrap it in a bunch of tissues."
"Is it weird that I resent wearing it at all?" Tommy finally loops it so he can tie the knot, then throws it in the direction of the little trash barrel on the other side of the nightstand. It hits the floor with the same slap a water balloon makes. Tommy skeeves a face at it.
"'Course not," Evan says, sliding a hand up Tommy's thigh, aimless. "Our kid's swimming around in there somewhere."
Tommy risks a look at his face, because there's going with the flow and then there's letting your boyfriend plow you into the mattress while he tells you he wants to get you pregnant. But Evan doesn't look mad or like he's laughing at Tommy. He mostly looks peaceful, and maybe a little bemused. 
"Uh, I'm sorry about that," Tommy says, feeling so awkward he wants to peel his own skin off. It shapes his words strangely. "I just—watching you with Spencer made me a little insane, I think."
"Don't be sorry. I think I learned something new about myself tonight, but hell if I can tell you what it is." A sly smile spreads across Evan's face like a flame on a candle's wick. "Either way, it was fucking hot."
Relief unwinds all the muscles in Tommy's lower back, and he hunkers down, slotting himself up against Evan and pillowing his cheek on Evan's chest. Almost immediately, Evan slides the pads of his fingers up and down his spine, and Tommy can feel himself rapidly approaching post-nut blackout territory.
"But kids, though," Evan murmurs thoughtfully.
"Mm." Tommy sketches a nuzzle against Evan's nipple, which earns him a laugh and a slap to the back of the head. He chuckles and settles down with a hum. "Yeah. Well, our kids."
"Huh." The smile on Evan's face is audible, and deafening.
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6ix9inewiturmom · 5 months
Secretly crushing- Matt and Chris Sturniolo
Summary: You and chris are dating, matt has secretly liked you, you secretly like matt, and chris asks you about it, you try your best to deny it, but chris can see right through you and lets you have one little night with matt ;)
Warnings: Angst, Smut, oral (fem receiving), candaulesism (watching people have sex in front of you: i think this is the correct term) p in v, unprotected sex, degrading, threesome ish?, picture taking, praising, cream pie, Dom!matt!Dom!chris!Sub!reader, use of Y/N, squirting, multiple orgasms, begging, “sir” kink, picture taking, OVERALL FILTHY AS FUCK
A/N: I HAD SM FUN WRITING THIS!! this is my first attempt at writing something like this!! be kind pls
The triplets and I have been friends since about 8th grade, I met Matt in science class, then met the other two, and became inseparable. were all 20 now, living in LA together. about a year ago Chris and I started dating. It has been absolutely amazing, we go out once a week on a date night, and he always puts me first, and the sex? oh, that's heavenly. I've always been closer to Matt rather than Chris, but I can't deny that I've always had a thing for Matt and Chris, when the boys and I hit high school, I could never pick between the two of them. all of my friends would always tell me 'If you had to pick between Matt and Chris who would you pick?' I could never answer that because deep down, I wanted them both, but I was happily with Chris.
Today the Triplets invited me to do a blind deaf and mute challenge for their channel, except because there was 4 of us one of us would have to be blind and deaf.
“MATT I WANNA BE BLIND” chris exclaimed
“Okay to solve this issue, i’ll be blind and deaf, chris can be blind, matt you can be mute, and nick can be deaf, is that okay?” i say standing in the middle of matt and chris as they argue about who’s who.
“i mean i have no issue being any of them” nick throws his hands up in defense.
“alright that works for me” chris shrugs his shoulders and smiles at me.
the fans knew about mine and chris’ relationship because chris and i was accidentally spotted on nicks live stream cuddling and kissing on the couch while he was on instagram doing a Space Camp promo, it was a rough adjustment, i was getting a lot of hate, but after a couple months people just kind of accepted it.
“So since we all got our parts we’re gonna get ready to bake cupcakes” nick explained to the camera.
i grabbed my Airpods Max’s and a bandana.
“i’m suprised you didn’t grab that cute silk blindfold you’ve made me keep in my underwear drawer” chris says behind me helping me put the bandana over my eyes.
“CHRISTOPHER” i use my hand and slap his arm.
i put my airpods on and start blasting my music. nick and i are jumping around singing the same song as our spotify’s we’re linked so we could listen together.
“NEVER HAD A BITCH LIKE ME IN YA LIFE” nick and i said in unison
“OKAY IS EVERYONE READY” i say screaming as i can’t hear or see shit hoping someone can guide me in the right direction of what the hell to do.
“she obviously can’t hear how loud she is” chris says in attempt to look at the camera but looking in the complete opposite direction of the camera.
i feel a pair of hands touch my shoulders and guide me through the kitchen because apparently i was standing out of frame. i assumed it was Chris, though chris never has this firm of a grip on my shoulders.
“THANK YOU BABY” i scream looking upwards trying to thank chris for helping me.
“what’d i do” chris looks around in confusion
“OH MY GOD NICK I LOVE THIS FUCKING SONGGGGG” i lean over and start shaking my ass thinking it’s chris “THROW SOME MO” not realizing it’s matt, he gets wide eyed, and his cheeks brighten up with a light shade of pink, but in his favor you can’t see it because his bandana is covering his cheeks. i feel someone grab and yank me away
“Y/N WATCH WHERE YOUR SHAKING YOUR ASS” nick screams holding my shoulders
“WHAT” i scream back
“YES Y/N” nick yells back at me, not being able to hear what i said
“OKAY CHRIS GRAB THE EGGS” Nick screams across the kitchen and i accidentally walk out of frame again, and the second i walk out of frame i feel the same grip on my waist this time guiding me back into frame. “IM SORRY CHRIS” i scream up at who i think is chris.
“MATT WHY DOES Y/N KEEP YELLING STUFF AT ME” chris says trying to ask matt for help “and where are they eggs” he walks around in practical circles
matt rolls his eyes and he walks to the refrigerator and grabs the carton of eggs for Chris and hands them to him.
“OKAY CHRIS OPEN THE EGGS AND CRACK THEM” nick tells right in chris’ ear
matt pushes chris out of the way and starts trying to tell nick to be quiet because of how close their neighbors are, me being blind and deaf i’m just chilling and dancing around to the songs that are playing.
“I WANNA HELP” i try to find my way to the kitchen island by holding my hands out infront of me making my way over to where the ingredients are.
matt is pointing at me and doing mixing motions with his hands trying to get nick to tell chris that i wanna help.
“WHAT ABOUT Y/N MATT” nick frustratingly yells. “OH OH CHRIS YOUR GIRLFRIEND WANTS TO HELP” he continues
“here Y/N” chris attempts to hand me the whisk and accidentally hands me the whisk with the dirty side facing me, i grab the whisk from the top.
“OKAY Y/N I LOVE YOU BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP” chris yells back at me.
i grab the whisk and start mixing the eggs together at the best of my blind ability’s.
“okay matt’s telling at me to lower my tone so chris try to get Y/N to put a 1/2 cup of oil in the pan” nicks voice softens.
i drop the whisk in the bowl “I GIVE UP THIS SHIT IS NASTY” in my attempt to walk to the paper towels i walk over and almost hit the fridge but matt grabs my hips and leads me to the paper towel and hands me one. but again, being blind and deaf i had no earthly sense of who it was grabbing my hips.
“CHRIS STOP STOP” nick slapping chris’ arm to get him to stop pouring the oil into the bowl.
“YOU THINK YOU THE SHIT?” i start yelling “YOU NOT EVEN THE FART” i continue singing along to the ice spice song blasting in my headphones, obviously in my own world, i start dancing around in the kitchen
“YES Y/N YOURE EATING THIS SHIT UP” nick exclaimed hyping me up “OH SHIT CHRIS STOP MIXING SO HARD WAIT LET Y/N DO IT” nick yells again grabbing the whisk and walking towards me and leading me to the bowl. i place the whisk into the bowl carefully and start mixing how i normally would and i feel matt (assuming its nick this time) grab my hand and slow my movements down.
“OKAY ITS MIXED UP NOW” nick once again yelling “NOW MATT IS GONNA POUR IT BECAUSE I DONT TRUST YOU GUYS TO POUR IT IN THE CUPCAKE SHEET” yelling in chris’ ear he throws his hands in the air.
“matt swear im gonna kill em, keeps yelling in my ear like a fucking animal” chris looks around at this point just talking to himself.
“OKAY WERE GONNA TAKE OUR STUFF OFF AND PUT THESE IN THE OVEN AND WELL BE BACK” nick yells before taking off his headphones, and tapping me letting me know to take off my headphones and bandana.
“nick you gotta stop yelling, you too Y/N” looking at me smiling
“i can’t hear or see, i was in my own world half the time” i say smiling back at him
“okay it says they gotta cook for 25 minutes” matt says reading the box to nick.
as the cupcakes are cooking we’re all in the kitchen cleaning it up from the mess we all made laughing at shit we did without realizing it, talking about how bad these cupcakes could turn out.
Chris pulls the cupcakes out of the oven and places them on the stove and we’re all looking at them admitting they look a little weird but still edible.
“okay we didn’t do HORRIBLE” chris admitted to the camera.
“i mean we definitely could have absolutely fucked these up so badly” i say laughing softly.
“WELL anyways that’s it for today’s wednesdays video! i hope you guys enjoyed it and we’ll see you guys on friday!” nick says before walking over and clicking the red button and ended the recording.
“so who’s editing, cause i don’t feel like it” nick comes back around to the kitchen island.
“yeah no i’m good, last time i edited i saw clips on tiktok over the poor editing i did” matt laughed
“i will” chris groans and walks to the camera grabs the SD card
“come on Y/N, i can go edit this and you can watch Gossip girl for the 50th time” chris smiled gabbing my hand and leading me to his bedroom.
“Y/N YOURE SO REAL FOR REWATCHING THAT” nick yells from downstairs causing me to giggle softly.
“okay ma, just lay down i got the rest” chris says in a soft loving tone with a smile on his face
as i lay down i turn on the tv to gossip girl and just lay down in the comfort of Chris’ room as he sits and gets on the laptop on his desk and begins to rewatch and edit the video with the occasional laughter.
“Y/N what the fuck is this” chris’ voice goes cold almost.
i get up off the bed looking a little confused “what are you talking about baby?”
he rewinds the video a little to see me grinding up on matt singing along to throw some mo “this isnt even the first either, you and matt flirted the WHOLE video, we can’t even fucking post this now, because of your dumbass” his voice raises
“chris, you do realize i couldn’t see or fucking hear right?” i turn to look at him who’s once loving eyes now filled with rage.
“yeah but don’t you think you should have KNOWN my touch?” he raised his voice. “in matter of fact” he starts and fast forwards the video “look at his hands, look at how they hold your waist, if you think that’s it hold on there’s more” he sarcastically says. “HERE, when you’re whisking his hands are GRIPPING on yours and you don’t even stop him” he stand off his gaming chair looking down at me.
“Chris i don’t know what you’re so pissed off for, i do understand we can’t post this now, but you’re mad because i couldn’t see or hear ANYTHING? me and matt are JUST friends chris” i say looking up in his eyes. deep down i knew i was lying, ive always loved matt more then a friend but watching these videos knowing it was matt now? i can’t help but feel a little turned on, i know it was wrong of me but damn.
“Y/N don’t lie, i see the way you look at matt sometimes, i’ve seen it since we were younger, but i thought maybe i had a chance, you can’t lie to me about how you feel about him” his voice stays in a deeper tone almost a hurt tone, but knowing chris he’s not gonna get all mushy with me.
“Chris what the hell are you even talking about?” i run my fingers through my hair.
“okay since you’re playing stupid, leave. i don’t care where the hell you go, just go away from me” his voice now in anger pointing at the door.
i press my lips together and nod before grabbing my belongings from his nightstand and slamming his door and walking downstairs.
“WOAH Y/N where are you going and why did you just slam Chris’ door?” nick questions.
i let out a sigh “he thought when matt was guiding me through the kitchen being BLIND AND DEAF, was me and him flirting, and when i accidentally starting throwing it back on him, BUT-“ i was cut off by nick
“OKAY FOR ONE, it wasn’t flirting, and for two, you didn’t mean it, you were blind and deaf, why is he so mad, i mean we can just cut those parts out, it’s not totally ruined” nick says in an attempt to justify my actions, matt was so deeply invested in his phone i doubt he even heard the conversation.
“well whatever, i’m out of here, i love you guys!” i say walking out of the front door carefully shutting it and making my way to the car.
i back out of the driveway and turn my music on to distract me of my thoughts but my mind clouds with thoughts of the way matt’s hands felt on my body, the way he grabbed my waist, the way i accidentally threw it back on matt. why was i thinking like that? my thighs subconsciously clenched together. god i knew it was wrong. but here i am, getting turned on over a man who is my best friend and my boyfriend’s brother. but he had this glow to him, it was addictive.
𝜗𝜚 The next day 𝜗𝜚
i didn’t really sleep much last night, i was anxious, horny, mad, all of the feelings in one. i lay in bed watching movies when my Phone pings, i turn it over to see a message from chris.
Owen 💍
Come over tonight, and wear something easy to take off.
is he for real? make up sex isn’t gonna fix anything.
Chris? really? make up sex?
Owen 💍
Nah nah just trust me ma, you’re gonna love it.
Okay okay i’ll see you at 6
what did he have planned?? but alas i accepted, i sighed and went to the bathroom and turned on my shower to wash my hair, and shave… for whatever reason. chris didn’t care about what i looked like but something definitely told me that i should shave.
6 o clock rolled around faster then i knew it. i did my makeup, curled my hair and threw on a tight, short, skirt and a white crop top with a matching black lacy lingerie set underneath it all.
i grab my purse and phone and drive over to chris’ shared house with his brothers. as soon as i get there i use my spare key and open the locked door, to find the living room empty, assuming they’re all in their separate rooms. i slowly make my way to chris’ room and knock a couple times.
“Chris.. it’s me” i softly say into the door.
“come in” he yells softly from the other side of the door.
i walk into the room and find matt and chris sitting on his bed looking at chris’ phone, i’m a little confused but i thought he wanted to have a sit down talk with me and matt about stuff considering how last night went.
“so Y/N” chris stands up making his way towards me “i want to first start off by saying you look amazing” he comes closer to me talking in almost a whisper while brushing his fingers tips on my cheek making me shiver.
i lean my head down “thank you” i softly smile.
“no talking” his voice gets sturn “im gonna be doing all the talking and you’re gonna listen like the good girl i know you can be” his eyes fill with lust.
i nod “yes sir” i bite my lip softly
“you’re such a good girl for me” he smiles.
“now since you want to be a little slut and try to flaunt around my brother… you’re gonna be treated like a slut and let Matt fuck you like one” he smirks.
“w-what..?” my eyes widen.
“you heard me. i’m gonna watch matt fuck you like the little whore you are” he spits holding my jaw between his thumb and pointer finger.
“understand?” he says gazing down at me.
“y-yes sir” i nod nervously.
“such a good listener for me yeah?” he smiles placing a soft kiss on my lips.
“now strip and show matt what kind of whore you are” he says and walking to his gaming chair sitting down manspreading.
i walk over towards matt who’s sitting on the edge of the bed, i smiling devilishly pulling the shirt over my head and throwing it on the floor and pulling my skirt down leaving me exposed in nothing but my lingerie set.
“you can touch her, no need to be shy now matt” chris spits adjusting himself in the chair.
matt grabs my hips pulling me closer to him harshly and admiring my figure before him, running his fingers up and down my waist slightly running his fingers over my clothed nipples which hardened over his touch.
“you’re so fucking sexy” matt says in a husk whisper.
“t-thank you” i smile at matt.
“nu uh stop talking. you’re only gonna speak when i ask a question, got it?” matt’s eyes darken with lust.
“y-yes sir?” i questioned him not knowing if that’s what i say, i know chris likes it but considering i don’t know how matt is, im nervous.
“you treat him how you treat me Y/N” chris speaks from a couple feet away admiring how i react under matt’s touch.
i nod softly returning my eyes back to matt still gazing at my figure under his fingers. he wraps his arms around my back to unclip my bra letting it fall off my shoulders, his eyes widen slightly at my bare breast as his lower lip goes between his teeth.
his lips attached to my breast taking my hard nipplr between his teeth sucking harshly making my head go back and a soft whimper escape my lips as he massages one breast and his lips around the other occasionally kissing my nipple and switching breast.
chris’ eyes never leave me watching me come undone from his brothers touch. “you’re such a whore Y/N” chris speaks under his breath.
matt detached his lips from my breasts and uses his hands to rip my underwear off my legs and picking me up and throwing me on the bed letting a whimper fall from my lips at his harshness. he adjusts himself between my legs and comes up to face me and places a harsh hungry kiss on my lips swiping his tongue over my bottom lip almost begging for entry. as soon as my mouth open slightly he uses his tongue to explore my mouth fighting my own tongue for dominance he obviously won. his hand creeps down to rub his fingers through my wet folds of my pussy and letting a soft groan to escape from his mouth at my own wetness.
“so fucking wet for me yeah?” he says smirking into my lips.
he stands up using his hands to grab my ankles yanking me to the edge of the bed and immediately attacking my pussy with his mouth leaving open mouthed kissed on my clit.
“M-Matt, so fuc-fucking good” i moan out struggling to get a full sentence out of my mouth.
chris chuckles from across the room in a mocking manner. matt continues to flick his tongue over my clit now using his middle finger to enter my aching hole and curling it upward leaving me a moaning mess with just his mouth and fingers. he whines into my pussy “you have the sweetest fucking pussy”
i moan in response as he adds his ring finger in me as his cold rings hit the entry of my hole over and over again. my hands goes down to run his fingers through his hair.
“did he say you could touch him Y/N?” chris stands up from his seat walking to the other side of the bed and grabbing my wrist to pin them over my head.
i violently shake my head as my legs begin shaking and my cervixs contracts around matt’s fingers.
“Y/N i asked you a question” he says sternly looking at me. “did he say you could touch him?” he spits looking down at my fucked out face.
“N-no s-sir” i stutter out in a whimper. “cl-close” i scream out.
“beg” matt mumbles against me.
“i-i can’t” my eyes roll back into my head with moans spilling out of me.
“beg him Y/N, or you’re not cumming the rest of the night, and believe me, you’re in for a LONG night” chris says smirking still holding my wrists pent above my head.
“p-please s-sir, i’m so, so close” i whimper out.
“beg harder” matt’s head lifts up looking down at me while his fingers plunge into my at a ungodly speed curling them upwards hitting my spot sending me over the edge.
“please” i repeat a couple times “i-ill be- good” my back arches off the bed.
“cum” matt harshly says, which is all it took to send me into a euphoric orgasm as my cum drips out of me and onto his fingers.
chris let’s go of my wrists smiling down at me with nothing but lust in his eyes as my eyes trail from his eyes down to matt who’s undressing himself pulling his sweatpants and underwear down in one swift motion letting his hard needy cock to spring up and hit his stomach, he was pretty close to chris’ size but matt had so much more girth to his.
“you like what you see?” matt taunts.
i nod with a smile on my lips.
“get on all fours” matt’s once smile turns into a smirk looking up at chris who’s also smirking over at matt.
i flip over with my ass flaunting in the air and using my elbows for support and speeding my thighs and legs apart slightly for matt.
matt rummaged through chris’ bedside table for a condom but was quickly stopped by chris.
“no since she wants to act like a whore, you can fuck her like one and fuck her raw” matt smirks over at Chris’ comment and walks towards the edge of the bed and using his cock and slapping my pussy harshly with it letting a loud whine from me.
“someone’s sensitive” matt chuckles taunting me as his slides his tip up and down my soaping wet folds.
he slides just the tip in at first before inching his way in allowing me to adjust to his size as he bottoms out letting a groan escape from his lips and a screech from my lips come out.
“fuck she’s so tight” he groans and mumbles out.
chris smirks walking backwards till his back hits the wall crossing his arms watching matt fuck himself into me.
he starts thrusting in and out pulling out except for the tip and thrusting hard bottoming out each time before thrusting faster and harder.
“Matt” i moan out dragging out the ‘t’ of his name.
his left hand grabs my wrist wrist cuffing them behind my back using his right hand to push my head into the mattress containing his pace in and out of me.
“C-close” i muffle out in the sheets
“no, you’re gonna hold it” matt sternly replied.
“p-please” tears of pleasure form in my eyes as i whimper and scream.
“hold it” he forces my head deeper in the mattress
“c-ca-“ i was cut off by my orgasm gushing out of me squirting all over his cock and thighs leaving a puddle beneath me.
“that was incredibly hot Y/N but, you’re in deep shit now” matt pulls out flipping me back over my back staring down at my glistening red sensitive pussy.
chris shoots matt a smirk and walks over to his dresser ruffles through it pulling out my pink vibrator i use on occasion with chris or when chris is on tour, and throwing it to matt.
matt immediately turns it on the highest setting and placing it on my sensitive clit and pushes himself in me giving me no time to adjust.
matt forces my knees to my chest spreading them open to allow room for the vibrator on me, thrusting heavily in me kissing my cervix with his tip.
i’m a moaning mess beneath him as chris comes around placing his hands on either side of my head.
“is it too much princess?” he taunts smirking.
i nod vigorously as a response as screams and moans escape from me while matt continues to pound himself into my grunting with each thrust.
“this is what happens when you don’t listen Y/N” matt growls down at me as i can feel another orgasm approaching in my core as i tighten around matt again. chris stands up a little and pulls his phone out and opens his camera to get a picture of my fucked out expressions with my mascara pouring down my cheeks and lipstick stains down my chin as he smiles at his phone.
“are you close?” matt removed his hand from my knee still holding the vibrator against my clit, he used his hand to hold my throat softly squeezing my neck on the sides making me see more then just stars now.
“NO” i scream out but my trembling legs gave me away as my cervix spasms around his cock thrusting in me.
“are you close” his grip on my throat tightens as he moves the vibrator around my clit making my eyes roll back and my back arching off the bed.
“NO” i scream out again with more tears falling from my eyes from the overstimulation and pleasure.
“i don’t believe you” he spits smirking at me.
“Fu-fuck” my voice shakes and my throat becomes dry “C-CLOSE” i horsily scream out.
“i know you are baby, come on, cum on my cock” matt’s voice becomes softer as my legs shake and i contract around his cock squirting once again on his torso, cock, and the bed.
his thrusts become sloppier throwing the vibrator on the bed somewhere else as he thrusts in me a couple more times before coating my pink walls white with his cum as he pulls out slowly watching his cum come out of my hole smiling at me.
“are you okay” Chris and matt said in unison smiling at me and back at eachother.
“y-yes” i said out of breath.
chris and matt chuckles.
“i’ll change the sheets” matt says helping me off the bed placing me down on the floor making sure i don’t fall over.
“i’ll go run her a shower real quick” chris comes over towards me picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the shower.
“i-im sorry i never told you ab-“ i start.
“don’t worry about it ma i promise, me and matt are fine, me and you are even better i promise you that” he says kissing my lips softly before putting me in the shower and helping me shower.
“i love you” i say smiling at him as he massages my scalp.
“i love you most” he smiles back at me rinsing my hair out.
we finish showering after putting on some of chris’ clothes on me then making our way back to chris’ room as matt finishes changing the sheets smiling at me.
“i can’t believe you got her to squirt before me” chris chuckles breaking the silence.
“YOUVE NEVER GOTTEN HER TO DO THAT?” matt’s eyes widen as a smile peaks from his lips.
“nope” me and chris said together.
we all laugh softly “wait where’s nick? i really don’t want to explain this to him…” my voice trails off.
“well after chris came to me with a proposal about all this we made him go to a friends house for the night, and told him that i was also going to a friends house so he wouldn’t get suspicious” matt says kind of laughing at himself.
“well then can we all watch a movie together?” i smile at both chris and matt
“of course we can” chris chimed in making his way to the bed and placing me in the middle of the bed as matt is on one side and chris on the other turning on the TV putting on Gossip girl for me.
“i never understood the plot of this fucking show” matt says looking over at chris then back at me who already fell asleep. “and she’s out” matt says smiling
“this is typical Y/N” chris says laughing “i just roll with it” he adds turning back to the TV, and slowly both of them fell asleep with me in between both of them peacefully.
A/N pt 2: SO I GOT SO CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS AND ENJOYED IT AS MUCH AS I DID WRITING IT!! i love you all and tysm for over 400 followers!! 🩷🩷
gabs 💋
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ilwonuu · 7 months
heyyy!! I absolutely adoreee your work thank you so much for existing! <3 we'll i'd like to share an idea for an ff with skz because me being a stay can't get this idea outta my mind oml. Bang chan has such a warm personality right? But sometimes we see CHRISTOPHER iykyk ;). That is how chan is in relationships too, veryy soft romantically but a hard dom in bed. Chan got reader a pretty dress and ripped it right off because she looked too pretty in it. After they had amazing sex (please right this as you want to you're the best!) Chan shows lots of after care.
Write this only if you want to I'd appreciate you even reading this. Thank you soooooooooooo muchhhh!! take care <3
omg hi!!! that is so sweet omg😭😭thank YOU for existing so i can write this amazing idea for you<3 thank you for your request!!! i hope you enjoy anon💖
୨⎯ too pretty ⎯୧
⤷ bang christopher
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⚘ summary- your boyfriend is so sweet to you, well not in every scenario.
⚘ warnings- unprotected sex, kissing, dom!chan, sub!reader, degrading, dirty talk, pet names, fluff, chan is a sweetheart okok
⚘ a/n- to the person who requested this.. this is gonna be in my brain forever now thank you😇
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆ ☾
you’re currently waiting for your boyfriend to return from the store. your boyfriend loves to surprise you with new clothing he thinks will look beautiful on you. so that’s exactly what he did. he bought you a new black dress for your dinner tonight.
“channie you didn’t have to get me this. it looks expensive!!” he smiles at you shaking his head. “don’t you worry about how much it was baby. do you like it?” his face is looking for your approval.
“channie i love it very much thank you.” you give him a sweet kiss before smiling again. “try it on baby.” his gaze is scanning you up and down. “right now?” he nods quickly not looking away from you from a second. you laugh slightly as you slip off the clothes you’re wearing.
you put on the dress before asking for help. “babe can you zip up the back?” you ask him looking behind you to meet his gaze. “of course love.” he walks closer to you. zipping up your dress for you before taking a quick look at you.
your gaze is on yourself in the mirror. slowly meeting his gaze in the mirror. “what do you think?” you ask him. his eyes are darker now. not that you can notice from the distance he is from the mirror. his mind immediately thinking anything but sweet thoughts. he thinks you look so beautiful in the dress. “channie??” you snap him out of his thoughts.
he is directly behind you. he still doesn’t say anything. your dress is suddenly ripped completely in the back. “wha- chan?” you are confused as he is lifting you up to bring you to lay back on the bed. “sorry baby you just look so fucking good. i need to fuck you right now.” his gaze is intimidating. you feel so small under his eyes. “can i?” he asks. “yes channie.”
he’s scanning your body as you now in just your underwear. you can feel how hard his dick has gotten from the position you are in. he’s pulling his shirt over his head quickly. your hands immediately going to undo his pants like it’s instinct. “fuck.” his breathing is heavy as you finally get his pants down. his dick feeling some relief.
he’s pulling his dick out of his boxers as he feels you shift a little under him. his fingers hooking on your panties to pull them to the side. “you’re so wet. gonna fuck you so good.” he whispers into your ear as you feel him line up with your cunt. he doesn’t take anytime before he is pushing into you. moaning at your tightness. “take it baby” he orders you before you nod quickly. his hips snap into yours. his pace already speeding up the longer he’s inside of you. his hand is on your hip. his fingers gripping your sides. applying slight pressure.
your gasp getting caught in your throat as you cut yourself off with a moan. his gaze is on moving from your body to your face. his dick hitting all the spots you need him too. even a little too much. his thrusts are rough and deep. his hand is quick to grab your face to look at him. he leans down giving you a quick peck before pulling away to look at you again. his thrusts are quicker and harsher. him never breaking eye contact with you. you’re a sobbing mess from all the pleasure.
“look at you baby. crying like a slut.” his words make your clench around him pulling a loud groan from him. “s-shit you like that? like being called a slut? such a dirty girl.” his teasing words making you nothing but wetter and he just laughs at that. “getting so wet slut. im sliding right in.” he whispers the last part directly against your ear. “pathetic slut. look at you crying for my cock. you moan loudly at how good he sounds.
the sound of your skin clapping, wetness of your arousal, and chans deep moans and groans have you soaked. you cannot get enough of how hot he is. “c-channie mm so close.” your eyes rolling back with even the thought of cumming for him. “yea slut? fucking you so good you gonna cream all over? do it slut.” his hips stutter a bit when he feels you clench around him.
just looking at his focused fucked out expression was enough for you. you are cumming hard on his dick. “fuck b-baby making a mess all over hm? such a dirty slut for me.” his groans are louder now. his gaze not leaving where you two connect. his hand on your hip as he keeps fucking you through your high. “such a good slut gonna let me use you until i cum?” he asks you sternly but doesn’t receive a response. “can’t speak now slut?” his tone even more teasing as your legs start to shake a little. “c-channie too much!” you cry out to him. tears rolling down your face from the overstimulation.
“just a little longer. you can take it right? like good girl.” its almost like he knew you wouldn’t respond because you are just crying out against the pillow. your makeup from earlier dirtying your pillow and sheets. you try to nod a little to his words but you’re far too weak.
you feel his dick twitch again before his voice. “where do you want it slut?” the pet names making you clench again. “s-stomach channie..” you whisper to him and gives you a quick nod.
he gives you a few more thrusts before pulling out. his cum panting your stomach and your chest. he lets out another deep groan. watching you calm down slightly as he stands up. “let me get something to clean you baby.” he gives you a gentle kiss on your head. grabbing a rag quickly returning. not hesitating to clean you off.
after he finishes cleaning you he is immediately laying next to you. you are quickly being pulled into his arms. he gives you a few kisses as you two cuddle. “you did so good baby.” he smiles at you. you nod sending him back a smile. “hungry? tired? what do you need baby?” his voice sounding a hundred times more gentle than it just was a minute ago. you’re not complaining tho. “mm just a little tired. don’t wanna move.” you say melting into his arms more. “you got it baby we will cuddle forever.” he showers your face and neck with sweet kisses.
“channie i can’t believe you ripped the dress you just bought!” you say slightly remembering what events happened before this. “i’m sorry not sorry baby. you just looked too pretty.” he smiles at you innocently. you roll your eyes at him as you playfully hit his chest. “but that dress was so cute channie.” you teasingly pout and he just laughs.
“i will just have to buy you another one hm?” he says before pulling you into another kiss<3
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day-dreamsinthedark · 2 months
Okay, so we all know that Descendants made the canon a bit funky when they made it canon that Chad Charmings parents are Cinderella and Christopher Charming from the 1997 movie.
SO. My headcanon is that Cinderella and Charming had significant trouble conceiving, so they eventually adopted a baby that they went on to name Chad Charming. Maybe he is distantly related to them (and thus eligible for their crown?) on Christophers dad's side or even from Calliope (although this would mean that his parents died before/during his birth or when he was a baby.)
Anywho, so they adopt this sweet little baby- blonde hair with bright blue eyes, and even if he's not their biological son, everyone agrees that he very obviously has the traditional makings of a prince. They raise him like a little prince, spoiled and entitled, but at the very least, not cruel. Then he gets a little older and realizes that he doesn't look like mom or dad (and his schoolmates are cruel with the nicknames for the adopted prince) so he begins asking questions. What follows is a conversation about his birth, how they couldn't be blessed with a pregnancy but the world gave them the opportunity to adopt their precious little boy, and he was the best thing that has ever happened to them. This is around the time where they start feeling the itch to compensate- you are a prince and we will show you. Those mean little boys can't tease you when you are the luckiest boy in Cinderellasburg, can they?
Just as little Chad Charming, aged 6 or 7, starts to feel at ease with his identity
BAM. Cinderella is pregnant. Only this time, the pregnancy hits the 5 month mark. Then 6. Then 7. And Chad, who knows only that he is adopted is asking what this means. Is it a replacement baby? Is he not their baby anymore? Will they give him back? Will they still love him?
So, Cinderella and Christopher are FREAKING THE FUCK OUT because they finally have a healthy, viable pregnancy that is nearly full term, and their first child is convinced that he's going to be sent away so their "real heir" can take their throne. What other way can they prove him wrong than to spoil him rotten?
From letting him help decorate the nursery to letting him help choose Chloe's name, they do their best to remind him that they are a FAMILY and that she will be his sister, not his replacement.
They just also happen to give into his every whim and make everyone treat him like a fragile little boy. So he grows up to be spoiled, quite small-minded (as his obsession with everything being "perfect",) and a desperate bully.
... i have more thoughts on this i just needed to get this out sorry 😭 I also havent seen the first few Descendants movies in yearsss
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allaboutsturns · 3 months
Perfectly Wrong
christopher sturniolo x reader
content/warning(s): angst, toxic relationship, verbal abuse.
summary: you and chris realize that your relationship is rather toxic and that the two of you are perfectly wrong for each other but no longer working as a couple no matter how hard you try to work. you make the final, hard, decision on whether to stay or go.
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taste the poison from your lips,
lately we're as good as gone.
you shifted nervously on the stool that you were seated on as you watched your boyfriend, chris, closely. the two of you had hardly interacted all day. you were feeling incredibly touch deprived; it had been a day or two since chris last kissed you.
he got into these moods sometimes where he didn't even want to look at you and it crushed you but you always stayed because you knew the him you fell in love with would come back, and to be fair, you got in your moods too. sometimes you would snap at chris because you got too overwhelmed and sometimes you would start arguments just because it was a defense mechanism.
you grew up with parents who constantly argued and used you as their mediator so you were almost always apart of the argument. to you, arguing meant that you loved the person.
you shifted again, wanting to touch him, your body begged to be held by him and you knew that because you felt a painful ache throughout the entirety of you.
chris was making dinner for everyone so you felt guilty about wanting him all to yourself, but you couldn't help it. he was yours and you were his and you just wanted some time to have him to yourself.
after a mental battle with yourself, you slowly stood up from the stool and looked at your feet as you shuffled towards your boyfriend, "chris..?" you whispered. his back was turned to you but you still looked at him with doe eyes, so afraid that he was going to yell at you. you felt your body begin to shake with anxiety and you tried to calm it but you couldn't.
chris sighed loudly before placing the utensils in his hands down on the countertop. he turned around and looked down at you with an annoyed expression on his face, "what." he stated harshly. you looked back down at your feet as your fingers fidgeted with each other shakily.
"i just miss you... can i have a kiss?" you asked quietly, afraid that if you spoke to loudly he would snap.
chris rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated chuckle, "is that seriously what you're bothering me for?" he asked, his tone sounded angry. he pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes tightly, almost as if he was suffering from a terrible headache that wouldn't go away.
you caved into yourself, still looking at the ground. you just needed one kiss, one hug, one touch, and you would be happy. why couldn't he just give you that?
"chris... please, baby," you pleaded. he shook his head before turning his body away from you and back towards the food that was cooking on the stove. you looked up when you no longer felt his sharp gaze and felt tears tug at your waterline.
"fine." you mumbled while taking a few steps backwards, "fuck you, asshole." you whispered to yourself before turning away and walking to you and chris' shared room.
the moment you shut the bedroom door the tears began to fall. a thunderstorm roared in your mind as your eyes poured rain. you slid down the door and brought your knees tightly into your chest trying to hold yourself together so you didn't break. your body heaved roughly as sobs escaped your soft, parted lips.
'fuck, chris. one kiss. i just wanted one kiss... or even a hug... you could've just brushed my hair out of my face and kissed the top of my head and that would've been enough.' thunder cracked repeatedly and the absence of lightning made you incredibly anxious.
'i can't do this anymore... i can't. fuck but i love him so much. damnit.' the thunder echoed through your mind again.
you couldn't do it anymore. you wanted to be able to so badly and you knew that you would continue to fight for your relationship no matter how badly you wanted to quit, you just didn't know how much longer you'd be able to before your body physically gave up on yourself and chris.
you know how much it hurts
every time you say you hate me.
"fucking god damnit, chris!" your voice boomed throughout the house. you could see chris flinch at the loudness of your voice but you were too blinded by anger to acknowledge it. you picked fights pretty often and he always hates it when you do. chris knows you can't help it but he doesn't know how much more he can take.
"you're always screwing around! are you fucking stupid?! like i'm genuinely asking, chris, because i don't know anymore." you shouted, walking closer to him so you were directly in his face. he moved his face away from yours for a moment before looking directly into your eyes, his own completely barren of emotion, almost as if a switch had gone off in his head, like he had turned his emotions off.
"yeah, hah. yeah i am 'fucking stupid'. can't believe it took you this long to notice." he said blankly, looking directly into your eyes. your eyebrows furrowed and your nose scrunched with anger.
"fuck you. you think you're so fucking funny with the sarcasm." you scoffed. he shrugged and moved his eyes away from yours, now looking behind you, seemingly uninterested in the conversation at hand. you threw your hands up in defeat, "i can't stand you. god i fucking hate you." you growled before walking to the front door. you stopped for a moment and looked back at the boy that you forgot you loved in this moment. you could see that the emotion had returned to his eyes and face, you could see the tears pooling in his eyes and the shake of his gentle hands. that was the last thing on your mind right now though.
"don't text me, don't call me, don't reach out and don't have your brothers reach out for you," you paused and took a deep breath before continuing.
"i just can't even look at you right now or i'll explode. i'll be back in a couple days." you finished your sentence and grabbed the door handle, turning it and pulling the door open. chris watched as you shut the door behind you and disappeared. he didn't want you to go, he wanted to fix this and talk to you but you were in one of your moods. his heart panged in his chest as he heard your car start. you were seriously leaving. you had gotten into heated arguments before where nick and/or matt had to intervene, but you had never actually left and he was horrified that you did.
'what if she doesn't come back... oh god please come back. i need you, ma... please don't do this to me. not now.' his mind boomed as a thunderstorm erupted throughout every corner of his brain. he couldn't stop the thoughts that kept coming at him like a freight train.
after thirty minutes of standing in the same exact spot, unmoving (aside from the body tremors he was experiencing due to overwhelming emotion), waiting for you to come back as tears fell aggressively from his eyes, he turned and walked to your shared room. he was too tired to keep waiting and he wasn't a damn dog, he had no clue why he was acting like one.
he grabbed one of your hoodies from your side of the closet and hugged it tightly against his chest before curling up on your side of the bed. he was too shaky to get under the covers so he just laid on top of the comforter and fell asleep, breathing in your scent which lingered on the hoodie he grabbed.
there's no use,
we were made to break.
after a couple months of smooth sailing in your relationship, chris fell into one of his moods again. it was an endless cycle and for some fucking reason the two of you couldn't break it. you knew that you both needed some hardcore therapy, but you guys were too stubborn to admit it and take action. you didn't want to be so vulnerable around a stranger the way you'd need to be during therapy and chris didn't want to come across as weak for attending therapy.
you looked at the tv as you quickly clicked through various tv shows and movies, trying to find something that would catch your attention. chris sat a couple inches away from you and rubbed his eyes, the bright screen shining in the dark room began to elicit a headache, "can you fucking pick something?" he groaned, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before looking over at you.
you nodded quickly and put on a random show, "yeah... sorry." you said quietly as the show began to play in the background. chris rolled his eyes so hard you thought they might fall out of his head. he looked back at the tv and his face twisted in annoyance, "the fuck is this shit." he scoffed. you wanted to shrink into yourself, wanted the couch to swallow you whole and allow someone else to deal with his shitty attitude but you knew that wouldn't happen and you couldn't take it anymore. you were about to crack.
"hello? like you put on a stupid ass show and then don't answer?" he said, his tone sharper than a knife. you closed your eyes tightly trying to fight the anger and annoyance and sadness surging through your body. you knew it was time but you were so scared and felt your heart breaking.
"damnit, chris." you mumbled before standing up and throwing your hands up, "i can't do this anymore. i seriously can't." you stated, looking directly into his beautiful blue eyes, the same eyes that made you want to melt away into him, yet this time you just wanted to look away.
"huh? the fuck do you mean, ma?" he asked, his expression softening but his tone still frustrated. you chuckled out of disbelief, "i mean i cannot physically do this with you anymore. we are slowly fucking killing each other and i am not ready to die." you said, hoping he would understand your poetic language. you felt all of the air leave your lungs and you felt dread cast a shadow over your body as tears began to form in your eyes.
chris' heart dropped as did his face. he shook his head, praying that this was a dream and that you didn't actually mean it. he loved you so incredibly much and wasn't ready to loose you, no matter how right you were about the situation you had put yourselves in. all he could think about was the night you became his girl, the night he kissed you under the moon and the stars, the night the two of you promised to never hurt the other. he now knew that he broke his promise and that you broke yours.
"baby..." he said, his voice breaking slightly. he hardly ever called you 'baby', it was usually 'ma' or 'babe' so this had taken you aback a bit, but you shook your head to rid the thoughts of staying from your mind. you needed to leave and you knew that now, no matter how much it was going to hurt you, hurt him, hurt his brothers. oh god it was going to crush his brothers. you were all so close, they were your found family and you had no choice but to let that go. it was the four of you against the world since the day you met them. you had their backs regardless of the circumstances and they had yours.
"please don't do this." chris spoke as loudly as he physically could but his voice didn't get past a whisper due to how badly his throat ached. your throat ached too. you were fighting for your life against the tears, the sobs, the wails that wanted to escape so badly. you walked over to him and sat down, your knee resting against his thigh gently.
you looked at him so painfully yet so carefully and gently as you thought about what you were about to do, "you know i love you... and i think i always will," you said gently, "and i love your brothers so much... you guys are my family.." you took in a shaky breath as tears began to fall.
you placed a hand against chris' cheek carefully the moment you saw the first tear fall from his own eyes, "but we aren't good for each other... and i don't want to hurt you anymore. i can't take you hurting me anymore." you whispered, the words felt like poison leaving your lips.
chris leaned into your touch as you rubbed your thumb against his cheek, a stream of unbreaking tears falling from his beautiful eyes. his heart was breaking inside of his chest as was yours. it felt like someone was stabbing you in the chest in the exact same spot over and over again, "i love you, my moon... we love you, me, matt, and nick.." his voice broke as a sob fell from his lips.
you kissed the top of his head before standing up again, still looking at him even though he was looking at his lap, "you're perfectly wrong for me and i'm perfectly wrong for you.. i truly wanted to fight for us for the rest of my life, but i can't... not now at least. not until we've healed." you started, "i promise i love you and i always will, but i have to go. i have to find myself and i have to give you space to find yourself." you continued, "you have to allow yourself to be found... allow yourself to heal, love." your tone was gentle and kind, it was hard to keep it that way when all you wanted to do was break down in chris' arms.
chris continued to just look at his lap, his grey sweatpants now stained with tears, nodding ever-so-slightly at your words.
"don't forget about me.. maybe down the line we can try again, when we're both ready. i wish we were ready now but we just aren't." you stopped the sentence abruptly, realizing the part you had been dreading the most, the part you had nightmares about, was here.
your feet shuffled and you grabbed your keys off of the coffee table, finally looking away from chris. you just couldn't look at him during this part. you felt his eyes burning into you, he finally looked at you the moment you looked away.
"i love you, chris. i'll see you again someday, stay strong for me tough guy..." you turned and began to walk towards the front door, "i love you, y/n... stay strong for me too, beautiful." he whispered quietly but just loud enough for you to hear. you smiled to yourself as more tears fell from your orbs. it was a sad smile, a grieving smile. you lost something today, something that had the potential to be beautiful, something that has the potential to be beautiful, but it's not ready to be beautiful yet.
you walked out of the front door and that was it. you locked it behind you. for a moment you held the house key in your hand, rubbing your thumb against the valleys of the key, reminiscing on the day you got it. after a couple minutes you placed the house key that the boys had made for you under the door matt.
you shot the group chat that the four of you had made years ago a quick text, letting them know that the key was under the matt before leaving the group chat and getting into your car.
you put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway for the last time, well, for the last time as this version of yourself. who knows what the future will throw your way. you had your car idly sitting in the middle of the empty road for a moment as you looked at the house that you had made so many memories in. you allowed yourself to take it all in one last time because you didn't know if you'd get the chance to again.
you were sobbing harder now that you were alone. you had a habit of keeping everything in until you were alone because of how vulnerable it made you feel and you really didn't like being vulnerable around people. it was odd though, you always felt okay with being vulnerable around the boys... that is up until this point.
after about five minutes, you put the car in drive and drove off. your phone was buzzing with notifications from matt and nick but you ignored them, putting your phone on 'do not disturb'. you didn't know where you were going or what your plan was, but you knew you'd figure it out. you always did.
all the stars in the sky could see
why you're perfectly wrong for me.
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wow okay two in one day!! wahoo! hopefully this makes up for my absence! i'm going on a ten day cruise soon and there won't be any wifi so you will be starved of content for a little while im sorry!!
this one is a sadder one please dont hate me, im a sucker for angst and this idea was just tugging at my brain cells, i cant help it... I LOVE U GUYS SM!! ;(
- ace <3
taglist: @whoisabbyysblog @mattyblover07 @b2cute @samandcolbyfan22 @h3arts4harry @nickgetsmewetter
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bambi-slxt · 5 months
🤍𝐍𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦🤍
𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞!𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
word count: 1.9k
genre/tropes: romance, friends to lovers
summary: dating is hard, but maybe what i was looking for was easier than breathing...
warnings: none <3 pure fluff
notes from bambi: i tried a new format, what do we think? no usage of y/n, lowercase intentional, just a cutesy chris fic
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nah wsp
can i come over
yeah fs, thought you said you were busy tn?
i'll explain when i get there 😵‍💫
see u soon kid 
“hey.” i let my bag sink onto the floor and threw myself across chris’s bed. 
“bro what, get off me!”
i grinned into his now-rumpled comforter. “make me.”
he snorted and yanked the covers out from under me, sending my legs flying. giggling, i stretched out over the far corner of his mattress. “thanks for letting me come over.”
“no problem. what's goin’ on?” chris had already halfway shut his laptop screen, giving me his attention. the soft pants i had bought him for christmas hung loose around his legs, one of which was pulled up at the knee. in lieu of a shirt, the towel from his shower lay draped over his shoulders. chris’s hair, dark from the water he refused to blow-dry out, stuck to his forehead in a very unflattering pattern. i tried to tell myself that, anyway.
“i was supposed to go on a date tonight,” i answered, staring at the ceiling. covered in those glow in the dark stars and planets people used to buy for their kids, it reminded me of the day chris begged for help putting them up. 
“what happened?” he asked quietly. his brows were set in a line measured by confusion and annoyance at the possible explanations.
“i got scared and ghosted him.”
“i know.”
“you gotta quit that. these guys don't deserve it.”
“...i know.”
“why'd you get scared?” chris asked, putting his arms behind his head.
“because what if he wants me for sex and nothing else? what if he says he wants a relationship and pays the bill and opens the door for me and takes me home and tells me we don't have to do anything if i'm not comfortable and then of course we do something because i can't fucking help myself and then he got what he wanted and never speaks to me again?” 
i realized then, that i was shouting in my head and nothing had come out. chris still looked at me expectantly, his head tilted. 
“you look like a puppy,” i told him, grinning. 
“what the fuck,” he said, shaking out and shoving back the hair that threatened to encroach upon his vision.
“i got scared because…” i sighed, not entirely sure how to articulate my thoughts in a way he would understand. “Because how would i know if any of it was real?”
“that's why i don't fuck with love, like, that romantic shit,” he offered helpfully.
i glared. “thank you, christopher.”
“using my full legal name is insane.”
“you deserved it.”
“whatever bro.” chris paused. “i feel like there's something else.”
“how do you mean?”
“something else bothering you.”
“it probably has something to do with my self-confidence,” i said. “sometimes i think i deserve…everything, and sometimes i think the opposite.”
chris’s chest rose and fell with a sigh. this wasn't the first time we’d discussed the matter.
i looked over at him and his eyes met mine. i did this occasionally, the staring. it was a way to connect without speaking, which was often difficult around him. chris broke first, after a few short but comforting seconds, dipping his head to the side and gesturing me over to sit next to him. as i scooted my way over, he opened up his laptop again.
“new merch?” i asked. 
“yeah,” he murmured. “you wanna help design it?”
i took the device from him, amid quiet protests of death and torture, and began to very gently give my two cents.
“no one likes yellow chris. don't make any more yellow stuff ever again in your life.”
“too bad.”
we compromised on black with yellow accented font. he's such a baby sometimes.
i stayed for hours. chris let me make a shirt design, we put a show on in the background, and when i commandeered his laptop to play music, he got up to clean his room.
a few clothes on the floor does not a mess make, but chris hated things being out of place. something as small as a sock left unattended would poke the back of his brain all day. 
sometimes he would mutter things under his breath, talking to himself or singing.
“an i got all the drugs in the world that you need…”
“hold this.” (he tossed a shirt at me)
holding up a pair of sweats, chris asked, “...clean?” i shook my head. “matt’s room,” he decided, and took off up the stairs.
“you hungry?” he asked when he came back, hair disheveled.
i wrinkled my nose. “not for fast food.”
“you wanna make something?”
“god yes.”
chris laughed and pulled me off the bed. “let's go make something.”
we went up the stairs and upon hitting the landing, saw nick and madi pretzeled up together on the couch. “oh hey,” nick said, pausing whatever was on the tv. “didn't know you were here.”
“i thought you had a date,” madi said around a yawn.
chris seemed to sense the situation, or maybe he was just hungry, but whatever the case, he jumped in. “we're makin’ dinner,” he announced with a grin. 
“y’all still have pasta right?” i asked, making a beeline for the pantry and rifling through the shelves.
matt emerged from his cave, scrubbing his face with the back of his hands. “we should,” he grumbled, annoyed at the lack of sleep he was currently indulging in. 
“thank you. where.”
he nudged me over and produced a bag of angel hair noodles out of nowhere. “right in front of your face.”
“matthew…i'm gonna kill you,” i replied with zero emotion. 
he raised his eyebrows. “alright buddy. you makin’ enough for everybody?”
“don't see why not.” i turned my head and waved chris over. “we have water to boil.”
he saluted me and made his way into the kitchen, passing matt (making his way decidedly out of the kitchen).
“is the pot clean?”
“i think so.”
“can you get it?”
“yeah. you want the salt while i'm over here?”
“yes please.”
“tap water or filter water?”
i looked at him for a long moment. 
“i'm gonna get the filtered,” he said, snickering.
shaking my head with a smile, i let the stove heat up and stepped back so he could pour the water in. the muscle in his forearm tensed, offsetting the weight of the heavy filter. matt had turned the softer lights on, so gentle shadows lay over chris like a threadbare blanket. 
i stepped over and let my head rest on the side of his shoulder. his shirt smelled like him, he smelled like his bath soap and his cologne and the detergent matt used on his sheets, and his hair was dry and fluffy now because he hadn't brushed it and i could probably stay there forever-
“you okay?” he murmured.
“yeah.” backing off again, i slipped a smile on my face. “all good.”
“i think…it should be good,” chris said, scrunching his nose, fully concentrated on the precise water measurement.
i cut my eyes at him with mock concern. “it’s never that serious chris.”
“what if my pasta’s water content is important to me?”
“is it?” i put my hand on my hip, desperately fighting the smile that threatened to take over my features.
“...no. but what if it was?”
“i can't handle you anymore. when it boils will you put the noodles in?”
“noods,” he said in reply, as if that was in any way helpful or related.
“who's nudes?” Madi shot up from the couch, dark hair a mess. “your nudes??”
“no, not me, i-”
Nick’s face contorted in disgust. “someone sent you nudes?” 
“no no, it’s-”
“did you ask for them?” matt asked. having been seated closest to the kitchen and therefore fully aware of the context, he was just instigating. again.
i glared at the back of his head. “you're stupid.”
“that's not a no.” i could feel his shit-eating grin.
“who’s naked?” nick wailed, halfway off the couch.
“nobody! chris just-”
“so you didn't get nudes,” madi asked tentatively, still sleepy. 
i turned back to chris. “are you gonna help me at all?”
“who, me?”
rolling my eyes, i addressed the living room again. “listen, chris just shortened the word noodle, THAT’S IT.”
"oh. why didn't you just say that?" nick snarked.
madi had already burrowed into him for another nap. nick let their show play on, detangling her hair absentmindedly. i shook my head and smiled.
“i'm gonna go ahead and put the noodles in,” chris said, already breaking them.
“thanks. you wanna make sauce or use the stuff in the pantry?”
“ugh, what's in the pantry,” he said, “don't feel like making anything that intense.”
“mkay.” i pulled the door open and began to hunt. the sounds of the house washed over me - RuPaul’s Drag Race from the living room, chris stirring in the cracking noodles, and matt typing away on his laptop. i smiled again. this house, these people, their lives - it put me at ease. 
“‘scuse me…” chris said from behind me. i jumped as he drew out his words and stretched his hand around my shoulders to pull a spice off the rack. he felt me startle, he must have, because chris looked down at me with curiosity. “i scare ya?”
“only a little bit,” i said, lying through my teeth. he put his arms around me and enclosed me in a hug. “i'm glad you're here.”
my hands took hold of the forearms crossing my chest and i leaned back into him. “thanks.”
i felt his lips against my neck, pulling into a smile. “i'm always happy when you're here.”
the sugar-sweetness made my teeth ache, and i leaned forward. He let go easily, just like he did everything else in life, and spiced the noodly water on the stove with gusto, letting dark flecks fall to the floor. 
i love you.
he looked a mess with his hair unbrushed and his brows unkempt and his smile unguarded.
i love you.
chris, who always handled my heart with care.
i love you.
how many ways could he tell me he loved me before i believed him?
here goes nothing.
or perhaps everything.
“yes ma'am.”
my ribs cracked, splintering bone shards into my thundering heart. i reached for his chin, letting my fingers fall atop his skin and ever so slightly pulling him toward me. when his eyes met mine i couldn't wait any longer. “do you love me?”
chris didn't miss a beat. “of course i do.” he pressed his cheek into my hand, his head tilted adorably. 
“no i…i mean like. for real.”
“come here.” he pulled me into a hug and i pressed my nose against his chest. “i've never been…afraid of it. love. with you.”
well that's good.
“of course i love you,” he said.
“...that's cool.”
a pause.
“really cool, in fact,” i continued. fucking tears. ruining my moment.
“are you crying?”
“sad crying?”
“that's good.”
“you want me to let go?” his arms didn't budge from me.
“don't you dare.”
“yes ma'am.”
“you're burning the pasta,” matt huffed. we jumped apart, faces tomato red. 
“yeah yeah you're so cute, i'm gonna be ill, puke gag retch, whatever,” he said, turning off the heat and moving the bubbling pot. “i'm hungry.”
nick and madi sat agape on the couch.
chris kissed my forehead, still grinning like a maniac. “wanna eat?”
i smiled. what is this, an epidemic? “yeah.”
“we can talk about it later okay?”
i smiled. “okay.”
ps: the noodles were delicious.
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request to be on the taglist here
thank you for reading!
- bambi <3
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torialefay · 3 months
i somehow managed to get a virus with all the fun symptoms aka fever, congestion and horrible earache, all that right before an important exam. yay me! 🤧
i think one of the reasons why it feels extra bad is because living alone when you get sick, you have no one to help you out or just overall take care of you a bit and i'm so sad and overwhelmed over this rn </3
which made me think about my bias line aka 3racha and how would they be like when their s/o gets sick? (i could really use channie's caretaking mode rn but let's be honest if that was the case i wouldn't even let him do so because he would most likely get sick too lol)
that is no fun AT ALL. i live on my own too, and it can definitely be hard trying to manage it all yourself! i hope you start to feel better soon, anon :( <3
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✨how 3racha takes care of you when you're sick: 💌📞☕️
• probably can't take off of work (everything would fall apart), but he is texting you every 2 hours to check on you.
• before he leaves in the morning, he's making you a piping hot cup of honey lemon tea & leaving you vitamin C packets that he tells you to take
• promises he will spank you if you start feeling worse and don't let him know
• leaves you sweet little voice messages when he tries to call from the studio but you're napping
• leaves work as early as possible to get home to you. definitely stops to get soup on the way. grabs a weighted blanket too bc why not
• smiles at how cute you are when he comes home to you asleep with your face all squished
• lovingly teases you for looking like death and ruffles your hair
• even though you're sick, he'll still lay next to you and cuddle you up for a little while
• depending on how bad you feel, he may try to stay home, or at least only work half a day.
• if he hassss to go to work, he's definitely coming back home during lunch to check on you
• calls his mom to ask what medicines he should get you
• he's got every snack you could ever imagine all lined up for you. anything and everything you could possibly want.
• still checks in on you while he's gone.
• if you tell him you're bored, he's telling you to do some online shopping and use his card. whatever you want to buy that will take your mind off of the sickness
• when he finally gets home, he comes in the room to see you all bundled up, looking grumpy
• he can't help but laugh at how cute he finds you, even if you're all grumpy.
• makes a point to tell you you look beautiful... he isn't getting in bed to cuddle tho lol his ass is sleeping on the couchhhh
• honestly probably bullies felix into making you cookies
• loves you so much, but he is the ace of kpop and cannot get sick, so he is (lovingly) staying at least 10 feet away from you at all times.
• calls you his "poor little baby" regardless
• is genuinely worried about you all day when he's gone.
• tells all the members that you're sick and asks for advice on what to get you. he's just too neurotic when it comes to you.
• knows that you're independent and don't NEED him, but god does he want to help
• texts and asks what you want for lunch & when you tell him you don't feel well enough to eat, he just says "fuck it" and sends 3 different things. he figures SURELY it will at least tempt you.
• sends you a whole list of movies/shows to watch
• freaks out and doesnt know what to get at the pharmacy/drug store, so he ends up getting the most random assortment of medicines & vitamins
• when he gets home, he knocks sooooo gently on your door because he wants to stick his head in but doesn't want to wake you.
• moves a chair right next to your door so he can tell you all about his day... without coming into your room of agony
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wildlife4life · 8 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Tagged by the always lovely @wikiangela @cal-daisies-and-briars @devirnis @fortheloveofbuddie @disasterbuckdiaz @tizniz @daffi-990 @spotsandsocks and @diazsdimples. Thank you so much! Very excited for you upcoming works!
THE KANSAS CITY CHIEFS ARE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL!!!!!! WOOO! So that means, NFL Buck will not be going on a break lol. Also that Taylor and Travis post game PDA. OMG. Anywho, here is a short snippet from NFL Buck in Christopher's POV once again, post lash out. (All previous NFL Buck posts can be found here)
Christopher barely hears the three light taps to his door and the panic that had been a subtle thrum since being sent to his room, sky rockets. The consequences of his earlier outburst we're finally here and he is scared of what is to come. "Hey buddy, can I come in?" Buck's gentle voice takes Christopher completely by surprise. "Buck?" Chris asks for confirmation because he was expecting his dad and Buck is supposed to be at a dinner with some team mates for bonding. Being home early meant Chris's dad called him, which Eddie only did when he is truly upset.
Well, now Christopher felt like an even bigger jerk. "Yea kid its just me." Buck answers. He doesn't sound angry, but then again, he's never gotten angry with Chris. "Safe for me to enter?" Chris hesitates for a moment, trying to figure out if Buck was sent by his dad or if this is the quarterback's own doing. Either way, he would much rather face an over concerned Buck first than his upset father. "Its okay." he finally answers, sitting up on his bed. Buck pushes open the door then shuts it behind him once he's inside the younger Diaz's room. Dressed in jeans, a nice green button up, and the baby yoda socks Chris gifted him for his birthday, Buck makes his way over to the queen sized bed and plops down next to Christopher. Wrapping a muscled arm around his shoulder, Buck pulls Chris to his side in a tight hug. "You up for talking?" the older man asks. Christopher can't help but lean into his warm embrace, but is scared to meet his gaze, "Did dad send you?" Buck squeezes him tighter, "Yes and no. He called me and I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad or anything, but he was upset and asked for back up. Gave me the gist of what went down and I told him I would talk to you. Thought you could use a sounding board and a little more time and space from your dad."
Don't worry. Eddie and Chris will be talking too. Hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging (no pressure): @hippolotamus @theotherbuckley @jesuisici33 @exhuastedpigeon @lover-of-mine @aroeddiediaz @giddyupbuck @rainbow-nerdss @loserdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @try-set-me-on-fire @bekkachaos @eddiescowboy @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @athenagranted @evanbegins @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @911onabc @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @thekristen999 @spagheddiediaz @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @bitchfacediaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @glorious-spoon @buddierights @prosperdemeter2 @lemonzestywrites @gayedmundodiaz @transboybuckley
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babygirl-diaz · 4 months
Flea Market
This cute little domestic BuckTommy fic is for my friend @sarastars! I hope you enjoy it, love!
Buck loved going shopping with Tommy. His boyfriend always got super excited about the little things that matched Buck's own enthusiasm.
Today they were up early to go to a flea market and Tommy was a little grumpy because he was not a morning person, and he especially wasn't a Sunday morning person. But Buck got him his coffee and then drove him all the way to Pasadena. Once they got there, Buck held Tommy's hand as they started exploring the enormous flea market.
"You okay, baby?" Buck asked leaning in to kiss Tommy's cheek.
"No, I'd rather be home slee-" Tommy stopped mid-sentence and his eyes widened. He pulled his hand away from Buck and then went to a little store where they sold candles. He picked up one candle and closed his eyes, taking in its smell.
"What does it smell like?'" Buck asked stopping beside him.
"Like summer's day," Tommy replied and had Buck smell it too and Buck knew what Tommy meant.
"This one is one of my best sellers," the woman said handing them another candle.
It was a baby blue one and when Tommy opened it to smell it, his eyes lit up, and he took another sniff. "This smells like fresh rain." He had Buck smell it too who nodded in agreement.
"Do you want that?" Buck asked, already taking out his wallet.
"Yeah," Tommy nodded.
Buck paid the vendor, and she put the candle in a small bag, which Tommy happily carried.
"Do you feel better now?" Buck asked taking Tommy's empty hand.
"Look! Bath bombs!" Tommy said excitedly and went over to look at them.
He picked out a purple and orange one, and a blue and pink one, which Buck again paid for and let him carry.
"You're turning into my sugar daddy," Tommy joked and kissed Buck's cheek who couldn't help but blush.
"You make a cute sugar baby," Buck told him and squeezed his hand. "So where to next? You wanna eat something?"
"Yeah sur- wait-" Tommy pulled his hand away once again and went to another vendor and this time Buck looked on in confusion. It was a baby clothing store.
Tommy picked up a onesie that read "Why Yes, I AM the Cutest Baby Ever" and looked at it in awe. He then gasped and picked up another one that read "My Daddy Is A Pilot. What Superpower Does Your Daddy Have?" and Buck could see tears forming in the edges of his eyes.
"Baby, you okay?" Buck asked wrapping an arm around Tommy's shoulder.
Tommy put the onesie down and pulled away from Buck, before walking away.
"Tommy," Buck called after him. He quickly paid the vendor for the pilot onesie and put it away in his pocket before going after his boyfriend.
When he caught up with him, he wrapped his hand around Tommy's wrist. "Baby, what's wrong?"
"Nothing," Tommy shook his head. "I was just being silly."
"I know we never talked about it but if you wanna have kids then maybe it's something we should talk about," Buck suggested.
"Yeah?" Tommy asked in a hopeful voice.
Buck put a hand on his cheek and nodded. "Yeah." He leaned in and pressed a kiss to Tommy's forehead. "I want kids with you, baby. I think you will be a great dad."
"I know you're a great dad," Tommy told him.
Buck looked at him in confusion so Tommy clarified, "Christopher. You're amazing with him and every time I see you with him, I can't help but want kids of our own because I know how great you'll be with them."
Now it was Buck's turn to tear up. He wrapped an arm around Tommy's shoulders again and led him away. "We'll talk more about this when we get home, okay?"
"Okay," Tommy nodded.
"I love you, babyboy," Buck told Tommy.
"I love you too," Tommy replied.
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minhosimthings · 1 year
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Skz when you reveal to them that you used to be a stripper/pole dancer
Synopsis: Just some headcanons about boyfriend Skz. Reader is female
Warnings: Smut, fluff, suggestive. Seungmin's is comfort. Im sorry Changbin and Innie's are so short!
A/N: guys I'm telling you writing this was therapy. Im gonna try to do more headcanons because I like writing these a but more than I like writing actual fics! Anyway please enjoy this! And feel free to give feedback!
Bang Christopher Chan
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He'd be ok with it. Like so chill. But I have a tingling that he'd remember it sometimes, and ask you about it, whenever he needs to release his frustration.
The front door slammed roughly against its edges, as your boyfriend Chan, walked in throwing his bag to the floor roughly. His gaze avoided yours, as he slumped down on your red couch and held his head in his hands, rubbing his temples slowly. It was definitely one of those days, when every melody in Chan's insomniac mind, seemed like boring mathematical figures instead of pretty flowing colours on a water filled palette. "Rough day baby?" You asked him, silently putting his dinner down on the table. He sighed quietly and started eating his dinner. Oh that's how he wanted to play is it? The silent treatment. Not wanting to unload his emotions on you because he felt guilty later on. You knew enough about this habit of his to know exactly what to do when exactly what to do. You smiled sweetly at him and disappeared into your shared bedroom.
Oh fuck did he mess up? Chan's thoughts were spinning through his head like an electron. Shit he should have talked to you. Chan got up and put his plate in the sink and grabbed two cupcakes from the fridge, which you both had made the day before (correction: felix made them you guys decorated them). "Babygirl? Where are you?" Chan got into the dark void which was your bedroom. Searching for the lights, Chan switched on the red party light you had in the bedroom. "Hey Channie." Chan's jaw dropped to the ground. There you were, wearing your old stripper uniform, Red devil horns and all, looking like the most expensive thing in the room. If Chan was an angel, he would definitely fall from heaven, just to be with your devilish form. "Baby, w-whats this?" Chan came forward as you grabbed his collar and shoved him into the bed. "Shh baby. Just enjoy it." You whispered in his ear, as you started your old dancing routine, while Chan watched on, silently asking the universe, why it hadn't shown you to him earlier.
Lee Minho
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Dude. He'd be so fucking ecstatic that it's kinda scary. As a dancer himself, he would like the idea of having a partner who can dance as well as him (and maybe even better.) He would inculcate your steps in some of his dances and sometimes both of you would silently fuck in the studio.
"Jagiya I don't know what to add here." Minho was nudging your shoulder, while both of you stood in his personal dance room. The guys had left you all alone, since he had been stuck there since the morning, trying to figure out a choreo to the new slut anthem that 3Racha had made for DanceRacha (yes I am still not over taste). While Felix and Hyunjin had tried to help, they knew that the only person who could get Minho out of this dancer's block was you. You watched Minho's dance over and over again, trying to think of something good to add to it. "Min, how about you take a break baby? You're really tired and we all know your PaboRacha brain can't work on just water and orange juice. How about you eat some of the pudding I brought?" Minho looked at you with a pout, as you looked at him sternly. The pout wasn't going to work when you wanted your boyfriend to feel better and he didn't want to feel better. "Jagiya-" Minho began to whine as he wrapped his arms around your waist, trapping you in what was the best prison in the world. "How about we dance together for a bit hmm? Just a little duet?" "If I do this, will you eat and rest?" Minho was quick to nod his head, as you sighed and took off your jacket to reveal the lacy black bra you had on underneath. "I was going to surprise you with this when we get home. But since you wanted to dance, let's dance baby." Minho's entire world stopped. That was the bra he had gifted you, when you first told him you used to work in a gentlemen's club as a dancer. The slow, sensual music started as Minho slowly touched your waist and both of you moved your hips in syncronicity, the cotton of his shirt grinding against the lace of your bra. One step forward, then another to the side and then one lowering down to Minho's legs as he looked on, mesmerised. "God you're so fucking hot kitten. You never let any of them touch you at the club right?" You let out a hum in response to Minho's question as you noticed the bulge in his black trousers, which you began to unzip. "Good" he growled in your ear, as he nibbled it with his bunny teeth, "they shouldn't touch what's mine."
Seo Changbin
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Oh my god, he would immediately question you about it so much. Like baby would be so curious about it. He'd buy you so much shit at Victoria's Secret or something, that you'd question why you ever told him about your old job.
"Baby baby that one!" Yet again, your boyfriend Changbin had rushed towards a shelf, while you stood in the huge (and expensive) Victoria's Secret store. Changbin had taken you here immediately after you told him you used to be a stripper and showed him your old costume. "Baby will this fit you?" He held up a lacy blue bodysuit, entwined with fake jewels. "Binnie, baby this is expensive." You looked at the price tag nervously. Changbin rolled his eyes and called the store worker. He handed her a card from his wallet, while saying "Whatever we buy goes on the black card." Rolling your eyes, you went over to the swimsuits, hoping to see something that you can surprise your boyfriend with.
Hwang Hyunjin
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Two words. His muse.
"Jinnie how much longer?" You whined as you shifted a bit on the wooden stool, while Hyunjin sat in front of you, blue stained paintbrush in hand, star shaped eyes focused on the canvas in front of him. "Just a minute more, my muse. And could you move your hand to the left please?" He had been begging for you to let him paint you ever since he found your lingerie and you had to tell him about what you used to do before you became an architect. Of course you had said yes to him, after a week of begging and him trying to bribe you with food (spoiler alert: it worked). You donned your most favourite costume, a baby pink one, which was fluffy and had detachable angel wings. Perfect for Hyunjin. Perfect for the artist who used soft colours to paint those who he loved. "Hwang Hyunjin if you're not done in five minutes, the blood flow to my hand is going to stop and I'm going to die." Hyunjin looked at you, amusement all over his perfectly carved face. "Using the government name are we my muse? And I'm done already I was just looking at those nice little tits bouncing around in that costume." A smirk spread on his face, as you raised an eyebrow and carefully got down from the stool, walking towards his canvas. God he had painted you so pretty, with blues and pinks outlining your figure, a green cutting in for shade and flowers adorning your body. "You know my muse, I am an ambassador for Versace. I can't wait to get you the most prettiest scarves, which you can wear and fuck yourself. Maybe I can join you afterwards after I'm finished with my painting of this amazing fucking body." You smirked at him, taking the paintbrush away from his hand, slowly sliding into his lap and kissing him full on the mouth. Oh there was about be a lot more than just paint in that studio tonight.
Han Jisung
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Congratulations you have officially broken him. I mean he will be really shocked In the beginning and basically be like Changbin, asking questions and all, but then later on both of you basically forget about it, until it comes to help in his studio.
Ten am. That was the time Chan had called you and told you about the current condition of your boyfriend Han Jisung, the condition being overworking again. This was the fifth time this month that Chan had to call you to take your boyfriend home from writing tens of thousands of beautiful lyrics on paper and experimenting with the sounds on Chan's laptop. Sighing to yourself, you got up grabbed your keys and helmet, and zoomed off to the JYP building on your Harley.
"Jisungie baby?" You called out his name, slowly entering the studio, to see a messy haired boy, dressed in a black hoodie, head in his hands, headphones lying abandoned at the side. He turned slowly in his chair to face you, and your heart dropped when you saw the dark circles under his eyes. "I can't do this anymore Y/N. I feel like all the lyrics make no sense and- and I feel so fucking stupid." Being quick to cup his face in your hands, you softly wiped away the solitary tear on his face. "Baby Hey look at me look at me now please." Round quokka eyes looked at you as you slowly unzipped your leather jacket. "How about I give you a bit of inspiration hm? Will you come home then?" Jisung's brain had stopped working. There you were, all dolled up in a green suit with the sluttiest bra in this world, all for him. Slowly snaking an arm around your waist, and leaving wet kisses around your exposed collarbone, Jisung took you to the recording area, ready to record your moans, just for some inspiration.
Lee Felix Yongbok
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Oh my god he would be so FLUSTERED. Like he'd have to hide in the bathroom in order to hide his burning face.
"Lixie you good in there?" Your boyfriend Felix was currently hiding in the kitchen of your apartment. You had finally told him about your old job when you were playing truth or dare (although mostly it was truth or truth) and his reaction was....adorable. His entire face had turned red as he stuttered and quickly went out of the room to the kitchen where you knew he was stress baking or more like shock baking. "Yeah! Im totally fine!" Yep he was baking, face still red, apron worn upside down, and icing on his nose and talking with an unusually high pitch. You walked up to and wiped the icing off of his nose. "Baby I can clearly notice the bulge in your pants you know that right?" You asked him to which he responded with a low mumble if the word 'sorry'. "It's alright baby. By the way, what do you think I show you my old gear?" Never before had you seen your boyfriend have this much fear and excitement filling his eyes. "Really?" You nodded to his question as he got out a tray of brownies from the oven and put them on the table, covering them with a cloth. You reached out for one but he slapped your hand. "The brownies can wait sunshine." His voice was sultry and low again as he wrapped his arms around your neck. "I wanna see that nice costume of yours."
Kim Seungmin
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Bruh he would be so chill. Like zero reaction. Literally.
"Pup I- I need to tell you something and I want your full attention." You had finally gathered the courage to tell your boyfriend Seungmin about your old job at the gentlemen's club when you were in college. He would eventually find the devil tails and high red heels which had the words 'for the eyes only' on them. Kim Seungmin was a Rubik's cube. You couldn't ever predict what he was going to do or what he was going to feel. So naturally your ass was a nervous Trainwreck when you decided to finally tell him. "What is it bub? Is it about the burnt toast I left on the terrace? Cause I told you the crows just like the toast extra crisp." Seungmin told you, putting down his book and adjusting his sage sweater, and allowing his arms to wrap around your body, which was currently draped in his hoodie. "No sweetie it's not that. It's something more serious and- and if you don't like what I'm about to say, it's ok if you break up with me." Seungmin frowned a bit and nudged his head in your neck, making you smile. "I- I used to be a stripper at the local gentlemen's club when I was eighteen to pay my bills. I don't do it anymore but I thought you should know since my old gear is still lying around somewhere in this mess of an apartment. And- and maybe if you found it one day, I thought maybe you- you'll leave me or- or You don't know what caused tears to come out of your eyes but they did and they weren't stopping. "Bubba shh. Hey look at me. Look at me it's alright." Seungmin shushed you as he put your head on his chest, stroking your hair as you calmed down, hearing his heartbeat. "Bub I really wouldn't care if you were a goddamn homeless person before. You're successful now aren't you? And all those things you did to reach here? Im proud of those bub. So please don't cry. It's breaking my heart." You sniffled a bit and looked up at your caramel haired boyfriend to give him a kiss, and wrap yourself more tightly in his arms, feeling safe and content. "So can I see that gear maybe?" "Kim Seungmin!"
Yang Jeongin
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Dude I really don't know. This man would be a combination of all the members. You tell him about this and he'll go through every human emotion to ever exist.
"Innie? Innie." Jeongin just sat there frozen on the couch, not chewing the chips which were trapped in his mouth. "Oh my god Jeongin! Yah!" You snapped your fingers in front of him. "Wh-What yeah I'm here. Im Jeongin yes and you're y/n, my girlfriend whom I love, and also who I want to see in her costume right now." His confused face turned into a smirk, as he stopped with his rambling. "I'll show you soon baby. Do you wanna, uh, swallow the chips in your mouth now." You asked him as he quickly swallowed the chips and contorted his face into a pout. "I wanna see it now!" He whined. You sighed and got up to get, your boyfriend tailing you like a lost puppy. Yep. Definetly the maknae on top.
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sibylsleaves · 4 months
I am 100% with you on wanting the show to explore buck’s desire for a family, specifically kids. And yeah, personally, I’m kinda hoping, if bucktommy does break up, that’s largely the cause of it — there’s still a lot of mutual care and love between them, but they just want fundamentally different lives. Cos if they do break up, particularly for buddie reasons, it would suck to sabotage the sweetness of how they’ve come together by making their breakup ugly. Sad and painful, sure, but ultimately amicable.
BUT if they DON’T break up, buck wanting kids is still a really cool dynamic for them to explore. Is Tommy reluctant because of his upbringing? If so, does buck try to compromise his own desires for children to make Tommy happy and so he doesn’t leave? Or what if Tommy is all in and buck wants them too, but then freaks out because he knows what it’s like to have a parent who can’t regulate their own emotions and makes everything about them (even if that’s not a fair assessment of buck, it’s what he could think about himself) and Tommy has to convince him he’d be amazing.
And sure in a perfect buddie future, Christopher is such a huge part of Them and it seems obvious they’d have another kid/s — Eddie now being in a place where he’s ready to be a parent and he gets to actually BE there this time, and we already know how wonderful he is and how well he and buck work together as parents. Plus older brother Chris?? Can you even imagine? That baby would be so lucky. (though I am sceptical they’ll ever go anywhere with buddie, even if it would be amazing)
honestly, I’d love a scenario where, with or without Tommy, buck meets a kid on a call and ends up fostering her (come on, girl-dad buck? too perfect). Like, this man is such a natural caretaker and has so much love to give, let him be a dad, show!
yeah i think the reason I'm so drawn to this storyline is because a) it feels SO obvious to me that this is something Buck would be thinking about at his age, and because of the chris of it all and the sperm donor of it all. and literally ALL of his close friends are parents. and they LITERALLY SET THIS UP IN THE PILOT EPISODE WITH THAT DRAINPIPE BABY. LIKE.
And also b) I can't really think of another show that's had a MALE character like desperately want parenthood. it's always a woman who wants kids and the guy is like i don't know...or it's a woman wanting kids and deciding to make that happen for herself (off the top of my head, I know House and 30 Rock BOTH did this storyline). And I feel like if any show was going to tell that story, it would be 911, and if any actor would want to tell that story, it would be Oliver Stark, because he's said like one million times what he loves about Buck is that he's like this seemingly traditionally masculine guy but he's actually quite soft and has all these wonderful layers to him, and being a caretaker/wanting to be a father is a big part of that.
I could definitely see a storyline where Buck is actually confronted with the question of like, do you want kids/are you ready to have kids and freaking out about it. And I think, Buddie or not, the resolution to that storyline HAS to be Chris. Like Chris being the one to tell him of course you'd be a good dad, Buck. You've been helping dad raise me since I was seven. COULD YOU IMAGINE. I'd weep.
And yeah, I can imagine older brother Chris are you kidding me??? I have considered this at length.
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theesirenteller · 1 year
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*ೃ༄: ̗̀➛☄ Prologue ⋆╰┈➤☄. *
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ℜ𝔦𝔬 & OC 𝔣𝔞𝔫𝔣𝔦𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 【Minors DNI】 Masterlist
"I've been thinking a lot about this little relationship of ours and uh…I'm gonna have to cut you loose, sweetheart."
A look of shock smacked across Ephipany's face, Her once happy-go-lucky expression and wide smile now turned to pouted lips and saddened eyes. It would've been better had Rio smacked her across the face and then told her the unfortunate news.
"W-what? Why?" she questioned. Blinded and flabbergasted by his statement, she couldn't help but be filled with questions, "Wait, don't even fucking bother lying, it's Beth isn't it? She's your girl again isn't she?" Epiphany started to feel her hot tears slip down the sides of her chubby cheeks, "She's making bank on the club and all of sudden is your shiny new toy again" At this point, Epiphany was wailing like a baby.
Everything had happened so fast. Their relationship developed faster than a speeding bullet shooting into someone's chest. He was a star that burned too bright. His world moved fast and sucked her in even faster. He was nothing like anyone she ever met before. No one touched her as deeply as he did. She was no different to him. Rio shared the same amazement towards her as she did to him. Epiphany came into his world like a shooting star on a dark cloudy night. Like a rainbow after a rainstorm, she came to him during a dark and tense time.
And he couldn't ruin her. But what's the worst that could happen to a girl that's already hurt?
Despite the disdain for seeing her in distress over him, Rio remained with an indifferent expression. Numb on the exterior to her pain. "Look…" He leaned in close to her, hovering over the console as he did so, "I gotta tie up all my loose ends. It's nothing personal darlin' " his thumb firmly pressed against the side of her cheek as he brushed away her tears.
"And I'm a loose end, huh? That's all I am to you?" she whimpered through her tears.
"I don't want you hurt. "
"You can't hurt a girl that's already been hurt."
His long fingers and wide palm pressed against the side of her face as his eyes lingered across her face. Her bright brown Bambi eyes and plump-pouty lips were instilled within his mind along with the memories they shared over the last three months.
"Christopher" she whispered with a saddened tone, "Please don't do this I lo-"
His lips were firmly pressed against hers. Greedily savoring the taste of her mouth for what he felt was the last time. With the lingering kiss followed a loud sound from the passenger side door unlocking. “See, that’s where I know you’re lying because I’m incapable of being loved,” he whispered sinfully an inch away from her lips as he broke their lip-lock.
Epiphany opened her eyes and looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. Before she could utter another word Mick had opened the passenger side door. Her attention shifted from Rio to Mick before she grasped her purse and slowly got out of the seat. "Why are you shutting me out?", she frowned.
"How can you say you love me when you don’t even love yourself, Epiphany?" He answered her question with a question, followed by sending her a sarcastic smile, almost a grimace.
A sharp pain shot through her chest and sank into her stomach. nausea overcame her. She felt like throwing up. Using all her might she raised her purse and flung it towards his face before she ran off down the parking lot. Epiphany had made the fucked up mistake of thinking that they could've worked out. that two pieces of a broken heart could make a whole. Nothing felt more treacherous than a person who you put your deepest, darkest secrets into throwing it back at your face. Using her vulnerability as a weapon. She didn't know whether to be angry or just hurt. She felt both and so much more that it hurt to breathe, hurt to think.
Meanwhile...Beth, Ruby, and Annie watched from afar from behind the strip club back doors.
"That was kinda harsh man...she's just a kid." Mick muttered as he got into the passenger side.
"Yeah. That I got no business messing around with." The gangster rasped out with a hostile tone. He proceeded to toss her purse into his backseat before speeding off. Rio and Beth briefly made eye contact on his way out of the parking lot. If looks could kill...Beth Boland would be six feet under.
*ೃ༄: ̗̀➛☄. *. ⋆╰┈➤☄. *
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chronicowboy · 2 years
"I'm sorry," Eddie blinks, leaning across the kitchen island, "they asked you to what?"
"Lend them some sperm." Buck shrugs, fiddling with the label on his beer.
"Lend them some sperm?" Eddie repeats. The words taste heavy and clumsy on his tongue, but he swallows the bile that rises with them.
"Eddie," Buck sighs with the slump of his shoulders, "its a figure of speech."
"What are they gonna do? Give it back to you after they're done?" Eddie scoffs, tries not to think about a blue-eyed kid with golden curls running around somewhere in San Diego.
"What's your problem, man?"
"Buck, are you seriously considering this?"
"Its my year of—"
"Yes to possibilities." Eddie rolls his eyes and vows to burn every single self-help book in the tri-state area. "I know. But this isn't a decision you say yes to just because."
"The book said—"
"I don't care what the book said!" Eddie wonders if he could shake some sense into Buck, but even with his new and improved biceps he thinks that'd be too exhausting a task. "You can't seriously be considering this."
"What if I am?" Buck retorts, all the fight leaving his voice.
"Buck," Eddie murmurs, "aren't you fed up of being spare parts?" Buck flinches at that.
"Defective parts," Buck corrects, brandishing his pointer finger, "but this is proof that I'm not!"
"Jesus Christ, Evan." Eddie runs a hand through his hair before gripping the edge of the countertop. "You can't just say that. What are you talking about?"
"Somebody wants to have my kid, Eddie." There's desperation in Buck's words now, something pleading in his eyes. "Am I supposed to ignore that?"
"And you really think you could be happy knowing your child was out there calling someone else dad, quite possibly not knowing who you are?" Eddie knows he couldn't be happy, if Shannon had never told him about Christopher and broken up with him instead, if there was a little Buck somewhere in the world that Chris couldn't grow up with, if there was a baby Buck Eddie never got to hold and call his own—
"As long as they were happy." Buck breathes, but he's frowning down at the bottle in his hands now like it'll give him the answers to the universe.
"Fucking Christ, Buck."
"Eddie," Buck turns his wide, imploring eyes on him then, "this may be my only chance."
"You know what?" Eddie slips off his stool and grabs his keys from the counter. "I can't do this. Not today." He grabs his jacket and stops at the door, spinning to face his best friend. "Fuck you, Buckley."
"What the hell, man?" Buck hisses, hopping off his own stool. "Why are you acting like this? It has nothing to do with you!"
"It has everything to do with me!" Eddie shouts back. He's a step closer now, practically toe to toe with Buck and suddenly he remembers a conversation in this very same kitchen two years ago, dark eyes and a hand on a belt buckle. He exhales his anger, Buck doesn't need this from him. "Do you know why I came over here today?"
"No." Buck mumbles, scuffing the toe of his sneaker against the floor.
"I came over here because Chris has been lying to me."
"What?" Buck looks up at him like he's been slapped.
"He's been lying for two whole weeks and I had no idea until today." Eddie clenches his jaw against the tears stinging his eyes. "My kid is lying to me because he doesn't feel like he can be honest with me, and you were the only person I wanted to talk to." His voice cracks and he takes a step backwards, falling back against the wall when his shoulder hits the doorframe. "We know so many parents, but you were the only person I wanted right there with me when I found out because you're the only one who understands—who loves—Christopher like I do."
"Eddie." Buck breathes, his own eyes glistening with tears.
"Forget it, Buck." Eddie shakes his head. "Do whatever you want. But don't you dare make the decision just because its your only chance like you don't already have a twelve year old son who adores you."
Eddie has always been greedy when it comes to Buck, but this time he doesn't allow himself that one last look. He leaves before his world can come crumbling down around him.
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