#but he is breaking those knuckles on luffys hand....
hauntingblue · 5 months
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alazystranger · 4 months
zolu fic recommendations? (i can take reading angst now)
Ooh, this is going to be bit of a long post. i have tried to include a mix of both angsty and otherwise.
*cracks knuckles* alright let's get down to it! I have included the summaries as given by the authors below the link.
let thy sword be thy tongue by queerweather. A personal favorite! I go back to this one a lot.
Hindsight is twenty-twenty, and Zoro is not afraid of Luffy handling his swords; Zoro is afraid of how Luffy handling his swords might unravel him.
Love you by willoffire123. Both angsty and sweet! Kind of like my comfort fic
When Luffy goes overboard one night during a winter storm, Zoro dives after him and the two are separated from their ship. Stranded on a winter island, slowly freezing to death, Luffy and Zoro come to realize their long dormant feelings for each other. Can they say their love in two words or less? Or will the winter island take their lives before they get the chance?
Loyal Till Death Do Us Part by StygianHeart. You said you can take angst now, anon? *cackles maniacally* this one has it all- whump luffy, traumatized zoro and what not. It has 13 chapters and it's absolutely worth it
Roronoa Zoro knows he’s loyal to a fault. And maybe that loyalty is only for his Captain and Crew. But realizing his loyalty for Luffy is also something more, something more personal and emotional, was not what Zoro wanted. And he definitely didn’t want the voices in his head to get so loud. But hey, we never get what we want, do we? In which Zoro figures out he’s in love with his captain and is in great denial, all while struggling through emotional repression and a bunch of shit he doesn’t deserve. Go figures.
running just to keep my hands on you by nevermordor. another fic i love to read again and again.
The thing they do is kind of like a game, because Luffy likes games, but it’s also kind of a competition because Zoro can’t not turn anything and everything into a competition. It doesn’t have a name and there are only two rules, because more than two would just be making things boring and overcomplicated. 1. Whoever takes out the most guys in a fight is the winner 2. Whoever is the loser has to do whatever the winner says “Why’s it gotta be a whole game and stuff," Luffy says. "That’s gonna take too long.” “It makes sex more fun," Zoro explains. "You gotta win it, you gotta earn it. Like anything good in life. Like pirate king or greatest swordsman.” Luffy considers this.
A gamble on love by SnailorBee. short and fluffy. had me grinning like an idiot. perfect fic to recover from the angsty ones.
Pre-Time Skip! "We have a bet amongst the crew, minus Chopper. You want in?" "A bet?" Brook repeated, mystified. "About what?" "If those two idiots are dating or not." Nami jerked her chin in the direction of the nap pile behind him. Strawhats and their bets about Luffy and Zoro.
To cut your teeth on love by freckledshoulderblades. basically a series of snippets from their first meeting to just after timeskip but full of zolu feels.
Zoro meets Luffy and gives himself over wholeheartedly the instant Wadō is placed between his teeth again. Luffy meets Zoro and decides in a heartbeat that Zoro is his.
poly philtatos(the most loved by far) by swordsmans. another personal favorite!
He keeps moving forward at a steady pace, resisting the urge to run because how fucking embarrassing would that be, running because he missed them, and as he breaks through the treeline he shouts, “Oi, oi—what took you guys so long? It's been—” And then he freezes, because yes, actually—something is very, very wrong. The Sunny is anchored just off shore, close enough to see the deck but far enough away that the crew has had to take the Mini Merry to make land. Scattered across the beach in various stages of chaos—rolling around, yelling, fighting—are his crew but not his crew, so similar and yet so, so different. They look younger, fresher, and whatthefuck there, on the deck of the Sunny just peering over the railing, he catches a flash of green—his own green hair— “Ah, fuck,” he grunts, and then immediately turns back around because no, actually, he does not want to deal with this.
These are a few of my picks. if you want more/shorter fics/if you were looking for something else, don't hesitate to send me another ask!
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strawberriemarswrites · 6 months
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Chapter Summary: You have a date planned with Cavendish. Bartolomeo isn't exactly thrilled, but he'll take care of that. Pairing: Bartolomeo x F!Reader Rating: Mature (18+ for the story, SFW chapter) TW: stalking, Barto breaking shit, very mild violence. The boy's getting a bit more unhinged Ao3 Link: Chapter Six (3,494 words)
Your date with Cavendish was in four days. That was four days for you to stew over if you’d made the right choice. What if the whole thing was a set-up for an elaborate and really mean joke? Maybe he was a clout chaser and was trying to get a video of your “gratitude”, or worse, your humiliation. What if things went sour, what if he got angry?
Probably the worst prospect of all: what if you enjoyed yourself?
You shifted your weight from one leg to the other as you stood outside Bartolomeo’s door, hesitating only a moment longer before knocking. If nothing else, you could at least ask him for help.
The door opened and thankfully this time Bartolomeo was wearing a shirt. He was distracting enough on his own, his bare chest didn’t need to distract you further.
“Hey,” he said, leaning against the doorframe with his usual relaxed regard.
You smiled wide, tapping your fingers together. “Hi. Uhm. Can I borrow you for a few minutes? I need a second opinion. Maybe a couple second opinions.”
He returned the smile. “Yeah, sure. What’s up?”
“It’s partially something I need to show you,” you said as you backed up to your apartment door. “You wanna come over for a little bit? Play with Luffy?”
Try as he might, he couldn’t hide the way his eyes lit up as he nodded. Your smile widening even further, you led him inside. Luffy immediately came trotting up, his little legs swinging out wide and awkwardly as he ran. He greeted Bartolomeo with a loud meow, weaving between his ankles. 
He laughed, crouching down to pet him. “Hey, Mister Luffy. Keeping out of trouble?”
“No,” you answered, giggling, “he’s got his own toys, but still keeps trying to fight my plushies.” You then gestured between the living room couch and your small dining table. “Sit wherever — want a drink?”
Bartolomeo nodded and opted for a dining chair, while Luffy came zipping back over to you with another loud meow. You set down a soda on the table, briefly standing between Bartolomeo’s knees. Your mind wandered for a moment, wishing you could sit on one of those knees, or straddle them both while fiercely making out with him —
You shook the thought from your mind and stepped back. “So. I need to put an outfit together for something, and I have it narrowed down to two.”
His bare brow ticked up in surprise. “Oh. Uh, sure — I mean. I dunno how much help I’ll be, but I can try.”
You scratched the back of your neck. “I’m just not sure which one looks better. And...” You sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter. “I dunno. I’m not sure I’m making the right choice.”
“In... what you’re wearing?”
Despite yourself, you laughed, shaking your head. “No, uh...” you paused to take a deep breath, steeling yourself as you averted your eyes, “I have a date.”
Bartolomeo’s nerves lit on fire. His jaw ticked, his free hand clenched tighter, red crept into his peripherals — he quickly took a drink, thankful that you were looking away. When you did meet his eyes again, he asked, “Where at?”
“Some place called Baratie.”
He nearly bit his tongue to try and relieve some of the anger, miraculously keeping his tone even. “Ritzy. Figures.”
“You’ve been there?”
He laughed, almost barking, “Hell no. Never been able to afford somethin’ like that. They must wanna impress you real bad.”
You shrugged, giggling as the tension rolled off your shoulders. “Probably. He was kind of a dick growing up.”
“Oh?” He propped an elbow up on the table, resting his cheek against his knuckles. “What made you wanna go out with him, then?”
“That’s the thing,” you said with another sigh, moving to one of the dining chairs across from him. “I don’t really know that I want to. But... I feel kind of bad for him? He says he wants to make amends.”
“What’d this guy do that was so bad?” It almost hurt Bartolomeo to ask that, as knowing how someone had hurt you in the past was likely to make him even more furious. But he needed to know.
You leaned back in the chair and tipped your head up. “He was always really over dramatic. And he kind of just... expected people to bend over backwards for him at the drop of a hat, and would throw a fit when they didn’t. But it wasn’t like he went out of his way to make anyone’s life hell, he just was annoying.” You rolled your eyes. “I mean. He’d make your life hell in the moment because he would act like you committed a crime against humanity, but then it was like he instantly forgot anyone who stood up to him existed. He was surprised by it almost every time.
“I was one of the people that pushed back,” you continued. “We’d get assigned group projects together and he wouldn’t pull his weight. Sometimes the other students would just roll with it and take on the extra load, but I always got in his face about it. Among other things, but that was the most common one.”
Bartolomeo smirked at that. “You? Gettin’ in someone’s face?” The image it brought to mind, of you standing up to someone with your hands on your hips and a mean glare, was equal parts adorable and sexy.
You gave him a lopsided grin. “Hey, sometimes you have to be a bitch. I’m not exactly physically imposing, and yeah I prefer to be nice when I can, but oh my god the snobbery. I can only take so much.”
He laughed again, “And you wanna let this guy apologize?”
“Well...” you hesitated, “apparently he got arrested about a year ago and made it out on bail. He hasn’t talked about it yet, but my coworker knows how to dig stuff up.” You pulled out your phone, unlocking it to re-read some of the messages. “He has talked about his parents, how they won’t speak to him, or acknowledge he’s their son. It’s sad.”
Bartolomeo felt his heart soften a little. You were willing to go out with someone with a rough past. But then it hardened again, because that someone should be him. He took a deep breath through his nose — no, this was fine. It could be worse. He would take care of it, before this guy inevitably hurt you.
For now, Bartolomeo had to be a friend.
“It’s real nice of ya to give him a chance,” he said, trying not to grit his teeth.
You apparently didn’t notice, your cheeks turning pink as you fidgeted. “You think so?”
“Yeah,” he said and took another drink. “Any guy’d be lucky to be with a girl who doesn’t care ‘bout his past, and is willin’ to forgive stuff. As long as he doesn’t keep on being a dick.”
You nodded, shifting to sit up a little straighter. “Right — exactly. It’s more important that they’re making the effort to do better, and how they treat people now.”
The reassurance helped to balance out some of the fury. He nodded to the hall. “So, what’re you caught between?”
You practically jumped out of your seat, beaming. “Right! Okay, stay right here — I’ll be right back.”
As you rushed off, Bartolomeo’s eyes fell to your unlocked phone on the table, and he downed the rest of his drink.
Your heart raced as you changed into each outfit in turn, Luffy going back and forth between weaving between your legs and trying to climb up Bartolomeo’s. He was very quick to encourage wearing a blue dress that had a sailor collar, his eyes gleaming, and you couldn't help but wonder if he was picking something he liked as opposed to just a non-biased opinion. Then again, you could have just been bringing your own feelings into it.
It wasn’t long before Bartolomeo’s phone pinged, and he sighed as he checked it. “Gambia needs help at the bar. Got packed outta nowhere.”
“Wait,” you put a hand out as he stood, gesturing to his phone. “Is there any chance I can have your number? So I can text you if it starts going south?”
He smiled and handed it to you, watching as you rapidly typed something in before your own phone pinged. When you handed it back, he saw you had messaged yourself the words “Barto’s phone!”
“You really think it’ll go that bad?” he asked, one brow raised.
You shook your head as you saved his information, paused, then shrugged. “I really don’t know. But it’ll be nice to have someone I can text for an emergency bail-out call.”
“You can text me anytime, sweetheart, not just for bail-outs,” Bartolomeo said, his smile widening at the faint flush in your cheeks. As he turned to leave, he saved your information with a heart after your name.
Now, to find out just who the hell was Cavendish Bourgeois, and why he thought he could try to claim what belonged to him.
It didn’t take long to track Cavendish down. Smug idiot broadcast practically everything about himself, except that assault and battery against him. He even tried to make his community service look like it was charity work or something. But anything Bartolomeo wanted to learn about him, he could easily find. Where he worked, which college he went to, what kind of car he drove. By the time there were only two days left before the date, he had even narrowed down where he lived to three buildings. By the day of, he knew which parking garage he’d find a particularly nice classic Mustang.
Bartolomeo didn’t like the guy on principle, given he was trying to take you out on a date. The more he looked into him, the more he just got annoyed by him. He didn’t doubt what you said about his parents disowning him, but even still, everything aside from the criminal record seemed so perfect. Then he got to the activity feed showing how frequently Cavendish was in and out of relationships in the past year alone. Guy had some issues on that front, that much was clear. Bartolomeo even did a little digging through the names that came up, lining up dates to see if any posts said anything deeper about what might have happened between Cavendish and his exes. Unfortunately, most were vague vents about wishing for consistency in a relationship and jokes about him sleepwalking, with only two saying anything about him being a stuck-up asshole, which was already obvious enough.
Bartolomeo hefted the metal bat over his shoulder and crossed his ankles, leaning back against the Mustang with one hand in his pocket. He was surprised just touching the damn thing didn’t set off an alarm, but then again, the pretty boy seemed arrogant enough to assume no one would dare steal anything from him.
But he thinks he can steal from someone else, he thought, his grip on the bat tightening. It was now about twenty minutes before the reservation. It broke his heart a little, knowing that you were about to be all alone, waiting for someone who wasn’t going to show. And it was going to be because of him.
The crazy things one does for love.
The slide of the elevator door echoed through the garage, accompanied by a very posh voice.
“No, no, I’m serious. I think she’s actually gonna be okay with it. Yes, I’ve told her a little. So far she’s been nice about me trying to be... nice...”
Cavendish rounded the corner and stopped dead in his tracks, staring at the beast leaning against his car.
The corner of Bartolomeo’s mouth quirked. “Hey.”
Cavendish hung up his call and took a few steps forward. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Bartolomeo drawled and nonchalantly switched which ankle was on top, pointing at him with the bat. “Seein’ as you’re askin’ out a girl who’s already spoken for.”
“What are you talking about?” Cavendish approached another few steps before stopping. “You mean—”
“Keep her name out of your fuckin’ mouth,” Bartolomeo growled, bearing his teeth. “You’re not worthy to say it.”
“She’s never said anything about a boyfriend.”
“Just like you ain’t said anything about that criminal charge on ya.” Bartolomeo smirked, lifting the bat over his shoulder again. “You keep that from all the people you date?”
Cavendish folded his arms. “No. I was going to mention it tonight.”
“Don’t bother.”
With that, he casually swung the bat downward without turning around, the barrel slamming into the car door and denting it.
Cavendish lunged, gripping Bartolomeo by the shirt in one hand, the other still holding his phone. His voice was low, dripping with venom as he said, “You have no idea who you’re messing with.”
Bartolomeo laughed, the loud, mocking sound reverberating through the garage and surrounding them. “Ooh, so scary. I’m shakin’.”
Cavendish released him only to quickly throw his fist. Bartolomeo leaned out of the way, though he would admit it was a close call. He definitely didn’t expect an actual fight. With equal speed, he swung the bat upward, cracking the end into the opposite hand, sending Cavendish’s phone shattering against the ceiling.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” the blond snapped, his voice cracking slightly.
Bartolomeo shoved him back. “I already told you my problem.”
He then wheeled around, swinging the bat with both hands and slamming it down against the windshield with a resounding crash. When Cavendish tried to lunge again, Bartolomeo stopped him by jamming the bat into his chest. As the former crumpled to his knees, the latter tipped his head back with the bat’s end.
“I oughta bust up your face, but I’m feelin’ generous. So, I’m only gonna warn you once,” he said, his lip again curled back in a snarl. “Stay. The fuck. Away. From my girl.”
Cavendish spat blood onto Bartolomeo’s boots. “Or what?”
He grinned. “Then you better hope all I do is bust up your face.”
As he left Cavendish behind with a broken phone, broken car, and at least one broken rib, Bartolomeo pulled out his phone. He’d need to hurry home — he had to be there waiting for you when you came back.
You were about to start pulling the threads on your napkin. It was twenty-five minutes past the reservation time. You texted Cavendish a few times, trying to make sure he was still coming, then asking if he was okay when there was no response, then just a string of question marks. At this point, it was starting to become clear he wasn’t coming. In the back of your mind, you hoped he was okay.
Then again, for all you knew, he bailed on purpose to embarrass you. You mentally chastised yourself — you should have known better. Or seen this coming. There was no way Cavendish had been serious about making amends.
You checked your phone one last time, now realizing that it was thirty minutes past the reservation time. With a heavy sigh you tucked it back into your purse and started rummaging through it for cash. Even though you hadn’t ordered anything, you felt it was rude to have occupied a table for so long, so the least you could do was leave a nice tip for the very patient (and growing notably more concerned) waiter.
As it so happened, while you were searching, said waiter set a to-go container down in front of you, making you jump. He gave you a sad smile as he straightened back upright. “I thought you might like some tiramisu to take home.”
Your chest tightened and you resumed searching for cash. “How much do I owe you?”
He shook his head, putting a hand on your shoulder. “Nothing. It’s paid for. A pretty girl like you doesn’t deserve to get stood up.”
You flushed at the contact and set your purse back on your lap. “Thank you.”
He nodded and glanced at the empty seat across from you. “I don’t suppose you’re going to be calling him again, are you?”
“Nope,” you sighed, sinking into your seat. “I should have listened to my gut.”
“The gut’s usually right. I’m sure yours must be starving.” He smiled and gave his hair a light toss, continuing, “Are you by chance doing anything else this evening? Maybe I can take you somewhere with better food than here.”
You blinked a few times, then laughed, shaking your head. “No — that’s very sweet, but. I think I’m just going to go home. Thank you, ah...”
“Sanji.” He retrieved a pen from his pocket, scribbled something down on his order pad and tore it off, holding it out to you between his index and middle finger. “If you ever change your mind.”
You giggled, slipping his number into your purse. “Thank you, again. I’ll think about it.”
As you hailed a taxi home, you blocked Cavendish’s number. Fuck him. You didn’t need some pompous asshole begging for redemption. And as kind as he was, you weren’t planning on calling Sanji any time soon, either. You just wanted to go home and share dessert with someone who’d appreciate it.
Bartolomeo didn’t have much nice to wear, but he did manage to find a pair of jeans that weren’t full of holes and an old purple flannel he couldn’t remember the origin of. He reasoned that if he left the shirt open with something underneath, it’d seem innocuous enough, and not like he was deliberately dressing nicer for you. He again felt his chest twinge a bit when he remembered you were probably going to be upset coming home, and that it was directly his fault, but he shook the feeling off — you’d never have to know his involvement.
And if you ever did find out... he could convince you it was the right thing to do. You’d come around. He’d help you. It’d be fine.
Bartolomeo heard the elevator ding and practically flew off the couch, stumbling toward the door. He peered out the peephole, his heart skipping a beat when he saw you come into view, carrying a clear plastic container with a little cake-looking thing inside. Your face was stained with streaks of makeup, and he heard you sniffle, making his throat tighten. 
You reached for your apartment doorknob, then paused, before rubbing your cheeks with the heel of your palm and turning around to face his door. He backed up a few steps as you knocked, and waited.
After a beat the door opened, and you stared up at Bartolomeo through watering eyes. He looked nice. It was a different look than what you normally saw him in. Maybe he had gone out himself.
He wasted no time, seeing the tears welling back up. “What happened?”
You hiccupped and shook your head, shakily lifting the to-go box. “D-do you wanna come over and — and share this?”
He nodded and followed you across the hall. You set the to-go box down, and before he could sit you went face-first into his chest, gripping his shirt and sobbing. His heart sang with the contact, and he gently pat your head. “That bad, huh?”
You nodded, wailing into his chest, “He fucking stood me up! I feel — I feel s-so stupid!”
“You’re not.” Bartolomeo pressed your head closer to his chest, the other arm going around your shoulders. “He’s a fuckin’ prick, leadin’ you on like that.”
“He’s — he’s a bastard is what h-he is!” You continued sobbing, just barely aware that he was rubbing his arm up and down your back, his fingers weaving into your hair. He was so warm, and you felt so safe in his arms. It made you cry even more that he wasn’t yours.
“You’re gonna be okay,” he said, his voice rumbling in his chest as he continued petting you. “This guy — soon enough, he ain’t gonna matter. He’s gonna be a sad, lonely shithead ‘cause he gets off on makin’ people feel bad. But you’re gonna be okay.”
You sniffled, nodding. “Y-you’re right. Fuck that guy.”
Eventually, you pulled away to get a couple forks, sitting down at the dining table with a huff. Bartolomeo sat down across from you and reached over to pat your knee, making your cheeks flush from more than just the crying session. You handed him a fork and popped open the to-go box, saying in a cracked voice, “Thank you. I’m sorry I got your shirt all snotty.”
He shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. ‘S what they made laundry soap for.”
“I guess so,” you giggled, then dug in.
As you shared the dessert, Bartolomeo gave you a once-over and smiled. He thought you were pretty in just about everything, but he knew the blue dress was a good choice.
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I could get a reaction from ace, luffy, sabo or they ask their s/o to hold their hats and the s/o doesn't move and holds the hat VERY carefully and when an outside person tells them they can leave it there the s/o responds aggressively and tells them that the hat will be dirty if she puts it down! and even if a person gets too close to her, she tells him to move away otherwise he will damage the hat! THAAAAANKS✌️❤️
( idk if the request is open! Sorry if don’t 💁‍♀️)
YES MY REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN!!! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING!!!!! i loved this one so much <3 I hope you like it too :)
Warning: nothing! #^^# WC: 450-500
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Monkey D. "Strawhat" Luffy
A hat- THE hat. The hat that Luffy can and will fight a bitch for if anything happened to it. 
Everyone knows just how important it is, and everyone who has been allowed to touch, fix, and wear it knows that if Luffy is letting you hold onto it means something happened or is happening. The trust Luffy has in you to care for his hat out of his vision is insane. 
Luffy might not ask if you could hold it for him or if you want to wear it, he’s more likely to drop it on your head and continue whatever he was doing. Nami will look at you with a look in her eyes and a nod, just go with it. If someone takes it off, it makes the Captain sad. No one likes a sad Luffy. 
Everyone on the ship, everyone in the alliance, even some other pirates, enemies, and marines knows to respect the strawhat or get your ass kicked. The only people who don’t know are civilians. There’s been the time or two where an outside someone has grabbed it if it fell, but it’s never been treated badly. 
When the Strawhat Pirates are due to take a little break from saving nations, they choose the waterpark/resort place the Captain demanded to go to. It’s the standard place; a little giftshop, some waterslides, a lazy river. It was far enough from the Marines that a pirate flag or two didn’t disturb the guest. 
Usopp chooses the sunniest area and sets an umbrella up before the boys run into the water. Before running up to the waterslide, Luffy gave you a sloppy kiss and left you his prized hat. 
You stood out against Nami and Robin, the two women wearing large, floppy sunhats. But you didn’t need full coverage from the sun, choosing to enjoy what your Captain and dearest left you. But shit happens when a drink Nami was singing about was crashed by a ball and split over you. 
You had to choose the next best thing to wear rather than a fruit drink and ended up in the resort gift shop. Inside, the young worker called out to you three, hoping to make a sale. Showing off printed shirts with the logo, mugs, keychains, sunscreen, and those ugly, off-beige, super small, flowered sunhats. 
The worker tries to sell you a shirt in every color, a handful of keychains, more inflatables than you need, and a sunhat despite you only asking for a shirt. You would have ignored the insisting and taken the shirt with no issue, but they insult the hat you love and cracked your knuckles. 
When the worker doesn’t take the second no for an answer, punch them and run. Some front teeth aren’t needed, and y’all are pirates. No one expected the good time to last a long time. Just warn the crew to ready the ship and get out of there! 
When Luffy takes his hat back, give him a lil kiss and thank him for keeping you safe from the sun. It’s the only sunhat you need. 
Portgas D. "Fire Fist" Ace
Ace’s hat choice is different. There is no canonical backstory for this hat, but lots of people like to think it was a gift from Luffy, Dadan, and/or Makino. Try to pry that headcanon from my cold, dead hands. 
When fighting Jinbe, the hat was resting on his back, but when fighting Whitebeard before officially joining, his hat was magically missing. Let’s say you ended up on the Moby Dick with him. 
During that time, he didn’t wear it. Choosing to keep it with you was safer than losing it in the waters, or getting smashed by Pops’s big hands. Actually, he gave it to you to wear after the first time it ripped, or the bead line broke. He stood over you like a child as you fixed it for him. 
Ace doesn’t mind if you playfully tack his hat and wear it. Rather he likes the look of something his on you, like a way to keep his siblings away from the fire of his heart. If it’s a hot enough day, he’ll just give you the hat to wear. 
Sometime after Ace finally joined the Whitebeard Pirates, the others took it along to initiate their newest crew. After ripping a few pant seams, playing connect the dots with freckles, and a couple bottles of baby powder, Ace looked like a different person. 
When Thatch decided the next thing to do was steal the rest of Ace’s pants and dress some of the crew up to look like him, you clutched the hat in your hands and told him if he came close to you to take the hat, you would dull all of his knives and wash the cast iron. 
Enough to keep one pirate away from you, it wasn’t enough to keep the rest. 
One by one, other Whitebeard pirates tried to take it from you or ask questions. Izou asked why it was orange, Oars attempted to pick it up with his nails and nearly took you with it, and Haruta tried to rush you but was caught by the Spade Pirates telling you to run. 
After escaping the crew, you hid on Whitebeard himself, the big man being enough to scare the others away. Happy enough to play the little game with his children, Oyaji asked why you wouldn’t let anyone else touch the hat. 
“Because my Captain asked me to keep it safe. And I’ll never let it get hurt for him.” 
At the end of the day, Ace would press a small kiss to your temple and thank you for keeping two parts of him safe. 
"Revolutionary Chief of Staff" Sabo
Like Ace, Sabo’s hat choice is different. But it’s different for a wildly different reason than the other two brothers. 
When Sabo wanted to set sail, he had everything that was his in the boat, but most of it was lost in the explosion. Very few things were salvaged, and even less had his name on them. Sabo could have ended up being ‘Bob’ if it wasn’t for an embroidered handkerchief. 
That being said, most of his muscle memories and manors were unconsciously remembered. He might not know why the top hat is his favorite, but it feels right. 
The first time he gives you his hat to hold, you really don’t know why. He asked nicely, so you can’t say ‘no’, but it felt weird holding his hat and waiting for him to come back. You just stood in the hallway with Koala and waited for him to return.
She grabs the hat from your hands, placing it on her head, and asked how she looked while striking a stupid pose. The hat itself was well taken care of, not too dirty but well loved. Even the odd goggles he keeps on them are clean, a smudge on the glass maybe, but that’s it. You pull it off of her with a smile and a shake of your head. 
Unfortunately, wherever Sabo had walked off to, he didn’t come back in time for you to get back to work, so you had to take the hat too. Just keep it on your lap or something, ignore the way other Revolutionary members look at you, and keep working on the paperwork. 
If anyone asks if you need somewhere to put it instead, biting them is acceptable. 
After Koala played with it, some other younger members wanted to play with it too. And while Sabe didn’t mind playing dress up with them, you weren’t sure if you could with his had and without his permission. 
After one kid steals the hat and another steals his goggles, you spend a good minute chasing them down. You wondered if that is what you signed up for when joining the Revolution. Putting the two back together you told off anyone who got within five feet of you, threatening to bite or worse if they even thought about touching Sabo’s hat. 
Wiping off the children's fingerprints on the soft material of the hat and the tiny smudges on the lenses, you hear the sound of paper rubbing against the material. Peaking inside the flat top, you see a picture stuck in a seam. It’s a candid of you spinning one of the young girls on the base and carrying a small boy on your back. Tuck it back in and pretend you don’t see it. 
When Sabo finally comes back from who knows where, plop the top hat on his head and remind him he needs to actually finish his paperwork and not sneak off to play with the kids again. 
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lighthouseofstories · 11 months
Hi. How are you doing? Can I please request a fluffy angst Zoro x female reader. Where the reader is former slave and Zoro is extra protective of her, so he teaches her how to fight. He gets angry, upsetting her. So she avoids him for days being afraid of him. In the end, Zoro needs another crew member to explain to him what he did wrong and he does what he has to do to make her feel better and loved. Thank you! 💙
A Misshap Of Actions
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Hi! Thank you so much for your request! So here it is, the firstborn of this blog! I think it might be a bit awkward and possibly OOC but I hope it's not too bad!
The days, months and years of being a slave, it’s something that a person will never forget; Those days where you would often times go hungry, lucky if you got stale bread and water, or even the nights you spent shivering under a threadbare blanket are forever etched into your mind. 
Even now, after you were lucky enough to be taken in by the strawhats, you struggle to overcome the mentality of a slave. You occassionally flinch whenever one of them gets too enthusiastic and starts wildly gesturing about, too loud noises make you freeze and whenever arguments break out you feel your knees tremble in fear at what was always to come afterwards, which was most often a beating. 
All you’ve known is a life of slavery, after all, your mother and father too were slaves. From the little that you know, your family and others on your island were captured when you were no more than a toddler. The reason for the capture of so many hundreds of people was the gift your people possess, the ability to be in tune with nature. You could understand the feelings of the nature surrounding you and this in turn helped you care for it. They aren’t words in the human sense, but more a general sense of feelings that tell you whether the nature arround you is suffering or flourishing. Your mother is the one who told you this, when you first told her you could feel the anguish of the plants around you. Your gift is very much appreciated by Nami who loves to hear how her beloved tangerine trees are doing.
You sigh heavily at the memories that you were awoken by from your sleep. Unable to return to sleep, you headed out to deck to get some fresh air. It will be morning soon anyway and the ship will be alive with the crew’s usual antics. You smile slightly at that, since you agreed (got given no choice) to join Luffy’s crew, you’ve become slightly better with feeling and showing emotions,or as Nami told you, you’re acting more like a living human than a tool to be used.  
“Couldn’t sleep?” A familiar gruff voice breaks you out of your thoughts and you lightly smile and nod in answer. 
Since joining the crew some months ago you and Zoro grew close until you ended up in a relationship. Zoro with a bright red face shouted his confession at you, until he realised shouting was making you freeze and withdraw into yourself. He learned that day that shouting was a huge no no when it comes to you and instead stuttered his way through both an apology and a confession. 
You sigh in content as strong arms embrace you from behind and a head is rested on your shoulder, you being quite a bit shorter than Zoro means you often act as his head rest. There was silence for a while as you two just enjoy each other’s company, but then Zoro speaks, breaking the quiet. 
“I was thinking that it would be good if you learned to defend yourself.” Noticing the crestfallen look on your face, Zoro hurries to speak, “Oi Oi, don’t get the wrong idea! I’m just worried. If we get split up, or someone catches me off guard again, they could seriously hurt you or even kill you.” He frowns as he traces his knuckles lightly over the small cut on your cheek. “If something like this happens again, maybe next time it won’t be a small cut, what if I didn’t react on time and they succeeded in stabbing you?”
You frown as you lean into his touch and take a hold of his hand with your smaller and more delicate one. “But you didn’t let them stab me, your quick reflexes saved us.” Even though you said this, you still can’t get over the lingering guilt that if it wasn’t for you and your lack of use, Zoro wouldn’t have to put himself in twice the danger; Defend himself and you. You are a distraction in a life and death situation. 
 “Even if I’ve got good reflexes, there’s no telling what will happen if we ever get separated. I think it would be good for you to know how to defend yourself. I want to teach you how to use a sword, so you’ll always have a practical weapon to defend yourself with.” Zoro finishes with a serious tone. 
Your eyes widen and you turn to face him, looking at the serious expression on his face. You swallow nervously unsure of what to think about it. However, the desire to not be a burden wins and you resolutely nod your head.
“Alright, I’ll give it a try. But I can’t promise I’ll be any good at it, I’ve never held a weapon.”
Zoro grins,”Alright, we’ll start training after breakfast.”
Once breakfast is over, you and Zoro make your way to the training room of the sunny. Of course, there was no way Zoro would hand you a real sharp sword, but even the wooden practice ones intimidate you. 
Zoro starts the lesson by showing you how to properly grip the sword, but even this basic step proves to be rather complicated for you, so Zoro has to physically correct your grip by rearranging your hands. Even if the two of you are in a relationship for a while now, his warm breath on your face and close proximity make your cheeks heat up and heart rate to pick up. 
After adjusting your grip, Zoro arranges your legs so you’re standing in the correct position. Once he’s satisfied with that, he nods to himself and goes to stand in front of you. 
The two of you then work on a few basic moves until lunch, after which you just let your legs give out under you. You’re sitting on the floor drenched in sweat and panting heavily, meanwhile Zoro looks like he’s just had a pleasant stretch.
 “We’ll do this every day after breakfast until lunch and eventually you’ll improve,” Zoro tells you with a grin as he helps you to stand up, letting you lean against him while you got your shaky legs under control. 
And so, the two of you start up a routine where everyday after breakfast you’d (try) and train with Zoro, but truthfully, it just isn’t going so well. Your talent for swordsmanship might as well be non existent. 
Zoro told you to try and land a hit on him while he would just block. But try as you might, you just can’t manage, causing you both a lot of frustration. 
“Come on Y/N! You’ve got to try and be quicker dammit! If I was an enemy you’d be done for by now!” Zoro unintentionally raises his voice at you and paired with the image of him glaring while holding the wooden sword high above his head, you felt the old terror resurface. Memories of slavers shouting as they raised the whips above their heads and struck down with all their might.
You feel ringing in your ears as you let the wooden sword drop from your hand and quickly bolt through the door. 
What he did only seems to register to Zoro when the door slam shut behind you. He stands wide-eyed, staring at the sword you dropped on the floor. 
“Shit.” is the only thing that comes out of his mouth as he drops his own sword and immediately attempts to rush after you. 
“Oi! What did you do to Y/N Chwan you marimo head!” 
He grits his teeth to avoid fighting with the idiot cook for once and asks instead, “Have you seen her?” 
Sanji takes a deep inhale of his cigarette, meanwhile never stopping his glaring at Zoro. “She ran past here, pale as a ghost. I haven’t seen her this shaken up since the early days she came here.” 
Zoro didn’t deign that with a response and instead ran to the women’s room. When he came there, he tries opening the door but finds it locked. 
He tries knocking, hoping you’ll come out, but Nami’s angry face is the one who appears at the door instead, “Zoro leave! Y/N needs to be left alone for now.” 
Zoro will normally argue, but not wanting to make the situation worse he reluctantly lets it be for now. 
“Just tell her I want to talk to her please.”
Nami doesn’t respond, just slams the door in his face and locks it again. 
Zoro was hoping to see you at breakfast, but you weren’t there, Nami informing him with a glare that you need some alone time and are eating in your room. But the problem was, it was the same for lunch and dinner. Even Luffy who couldn’t stay serious for five seconds looked angry with him. 
Deciding there’s only one person who can explain the situation to him rationally, he seeks out Robin. 
When he finds her she is drinking tea with Nami. Robin just smiles at him and he instantly feels as if he’s been seen through, he swore to himself that nothing could stay hidden with her around. Nami on the other hand is intent on glaring daggers at him. 
“I wanted to ask about Y/N. I haven’t seen her in the last few days. She’s avoiding me and I can’t even talk to her about what happened.” He tells Robin, the calmer of the two, with a frown.
Robin just calmly takes a sip of her tea, before she looks at him, making him feel small. “You know that Y/N used to be a slave right?”
Zoro just looks at her with a blank face. Of curse he knows you used to be a slave! He was there when they rescued you. 
Seeing as Zoro wasn’t comprehending, Nami puts her teacup down and sighs heavily. 
“You can be so dense sometimes Zoro. You should think about the kind of treatment that slaves get given. They have minimal amounts of food, and are always screamed at and beaten. What exactly did you do for her to panic like that? She’s improved so much since she came here, even Luffy’s constant shouting doesn’t bother her much anymore. All that progress ruined.”
“I’m sure it isn’t all ruined. She just needs someone to once again let her know she’s no longer a slave and is safe.” Robin tells him with a small smile.
Zoro run a hand through his hair in frustration. “How exactly, should I do that?”
“I’m afraid that’s for you to figure out.”
With those cryptic words and another headache-inducing lecture from Nami, Zoro decides the best course of action is to just find you and talk to you. 
After some time searching he finds you leaning against Nami’s tangerine trees and just looking out to the sea.
He quietly approaches and quietly asks, “Do you mind If I sit?”
You still jump a bit, but after biting on your lip for a while, nod. 
Zoro sits down next to you and the two of you just sit next to each other silently, looking out at the sea. 
“I’m sorry for raising my voice at you and making you feel like you’re in danger. I wouldn’t hurt you and I’ll slice anyone who does into pieces.” 
Zoro’s blunt reply made you smile. You understand what happened wasn’t done intentionally. It’s just an instinct that overcame you and told you to flee. “I don’t think I’m cut out for intense sword training, sorry.” You apologise in a small voice.
Zoro takes your hand in his and gives it a squeeze. “We’ll figure something else out to defend yourself with. I’m sure Usopp a Franky can invent something.” 
You slightly smile and nod your head, squeezing Zoro’s hand back. You still have a long way to go to stop getting triggered by everything. But you’re sure that with Zoro by your side and the crew’s support, you will one day feel less weighed down by everything that’s happened to you.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Hi Sashi!!!!! Congratulations on 1k! You deserve it!!
👉🏻👈🏻 This will be my first time requesting from you, I'm so excited 🥺
For your spicy event could I please get GN reader (afab, they/them) pronouns with Sanji, with JOI and orgasm control as the kink(s) (sanji giving them maybe please).
Thank you so much!! congratulations again!
Hi my darling! Thank u so so much for requesting!! I hope you enjoy this little OS with our cute prince!! Love u! ♥
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🔥NSFW ~ Sanji x GN! Reader ~ Guide You To Heaven [JOI + Orgasm Control]
GN! Reader (Afab), they/them pronouns. Canon AU. Reader is part of the Mugiwara no Ichimi crew.
Tw: JOI (jerk off instructions), orgasm control, masturbating with water.
Wc: 1K
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“I got you a little surprise, babe…” Sanji whispers into your ear while both of you enjoy the little party the Mugiwaras have thrown over the deck of the Thousand Sunny Go. You uncross your arms and turn around, excited and curious about what the chef has in mind for you tonight.
“I will need you to follow me…” he says, offering you his palm so you could hold him. Sanji kisses your knuckles and pulls from you delicately. Luffy, who is extremely observant, asks from the deck “Saaaanji, where are you taking them?”. “Bathroom would be closed for a couple of hours. Luffy I left you enough meat, so you don’t bother me”.
Together laugh and walk past the kitchen and even the bedrooms. “Here we are, come in” he says, opening the door of the bathroom. Inside, the big bathtub was decorated with some candles. A sweet scent invades your nose. Sanji has put so much effort into creating a relaxing atmosphere that could also be romantic. The sweet prince, so romantic and lovely.
He lets go of your hand and stands in front of you. His soft milky hand grazes your cheek, eye blue like the sky fixed on yours, golden locks that cover his face. “I love you, so much” he whispers before planting a sweet kiss. A kiss you accept, a kiss you enjoy with pure delight. The cook’s hands slowly undress you; clothes fall to the ground of the already steamy bathroom. Your fingers skillfully unbutton his yellow shirt without breaking the make out session.
Sanji separates his lips from yours, and softly turns you around by your waist. “Get into the tub for me, please” he whispers and plants a peck on your shoulder. The temperature is perfect, lukewarm water that covers your body as you enter. Sanji enters too. He sits against one of the walls of the tub behind you and brings your back closer to his chest.
You rest the back of your head over his shoulder, his golden locks of hair graze your cheek, feeling his warm breath on your side while his hands go up and down over your stomach and into your chest. “I want you to do exactly as I tell, all right?” he tells you. “Uhum…”. You are so spellbound by his manly perfume; you could say yes to anything.
Sanji grabs your hand and takes it towards your sex. “Touch yourself like this” he says and slowly move your hand up and down your labia, in and out of the water. You nod and mimic the same movements he did. He tucks your hair behind your ear so he could have better access to the image your core portraits.
“Very good, babe…” he whispers and bites softly your earlobe. “Now, trace circles around your special spot, come on”. And you do as he tells. You don’t know why, but every sensation intensifies even more than normal. Him telling you what to do, so subtly, yet so lustful makes it hotter. You clench your jaw, trying to repress a moan and failing so bad. “Don’t worry about them, they won’t hear. Be as loud as you want, my darling”. Those words make a shiver run through your spine. Sanji can be as sweet as sexy when he wants. He could go from a cute chef to the man that can send you to heaven with just simple words.
“Use your index… stick it real slow but deep inside you”. You do, your legs want to close but Sanji got them, so they don’t. “No closing…come on, your ring finger too” he encourages to put another one inside. You close your eyes and do as he tells. “Use your thumb to touch the clit, too”. Sanji knows perfectly how you like it.
You can feel his hard bulge against your back, he pants in your ear, a little drop of blood threatens with falling from his nose. “So perfect, you are so perfect… those moans… I love you so much” he whispers. “Beckoning motion, hit that place, go fast” he commands.
Your legs tremble, the movement in and out, Sanji biting your neck. Pressure builds up into your lower stomach. Your sex about to burst, your lips slightly separated. Your blond lover grabbing you tight from your chest. “San.. Babe… I’m about to com…”. “Tell me exactly when” he orders.
A little bit more and your pulsating core indicates it’s time. “N..Now” you moan and just when you are about to let it all out, Sanji takes your hand out of your sex.
Your orgasm hangs there, from a thin thread. Your core gets trapped into a limbo of desperate need of release. “Babe…” you whine. “Let’s wait a little bit… I have another instruction for you” Sanji claims, smirking sexily. “It was a wonderful idea that Franky decided to include a detachable shower head, don’t you think?” he utters. He wants me to wash my hair? you think. But babe, you were so wrong…
“Sit on the side of the tub, for me” he commands. Sanji helps you stand up, your throbbing core dripping wet shouts for release, so you sit quickly where you have been told to. He comes closer to you; you can see how hard he is even under the tub water. Sanji has the shower head in his hand and turns it on. A stream of water comes with pressure from it, and he points it towards your core. “Don’t close your legs, and hold it right there” he says, giving you the metallic flower. The water hits your sensitive parts so good you have trouble keeping your legs spread, but you do it either way because and for Sanji-kun.
The blonde delights himself by watching you masturbate, and he does the same. He kneels on the tub while jerks off his member and bites his lips at your wonderful pleasure expressions.
Inevitably, your climax comes like an unstoppable wave not even Sanji can hold. You moan, as the jet of warm water hits your core and Sanji’s expression mimics yours as he comes too. Fixing your eyes, an “I love you” escapes your mouths.
You fall into his arms, exhausted, but ready for another round. “Sanji… this has been a wonderful surprise” you thank your lover.
“All for you, my love… ♥~”
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soldrawss · 3 years
Sol i need headcanons for the brothers, please im begging you
I’m currently working on some little fics for them BUT I CAN GIVE YOU SOME DETAILS BECAUSE I’M DYING TO SHARE
(Warning, gets a little dark towards the middle, but overall fine. Sorry for the long read. I went for a DEEP dive on the Age Gap Au)
Ace was put into foster care 4 hours after his birth. His father died before he was born and his mother died during childbirth. Ace had nothing to his name but physical traits of the dead (Like his father's sharp eyes and his mother’s freckles) He grew up with a need to prove himself and to gain something that truly belonged to him all on his own.
Sabo was placed in foster care when he was 5 because of an altercation with his abusive and possesive parents, involving him having broken ribs and running away.
Ace and Sabo met in a halfway home for troubled youths when they were 6. (They both had issues with authority and past placements in foster homes, so they quickly bonded over that, and decided to stick together ever since)
Their bond was so strong that ‘honorary’ brothers didn’t really fit them. They were brothers. And they stuck together and stood up for one another like it was them against the world (which sometimes it was)
They would often run away from the halfway home they were at, trying to earn a living on their own on the streets, and often commit petty thefts in order to survive. 
These little runaway trips wouldn’t last long though, because they were always caught by Officer Garp, a police officer that happened to have a knack for catching little runaways.
However tough Garp acted though, he had an incredibly big soft spot for these two little brats that were only trying to make their lives better. These two kids, barely 8 years old, who had so much hatred for the world because of adults in their lives that failed them. Adults that hurt them, giving them scars and bruises on their hearts just as easily as the scars and bruises on the little frames. 
After a particular runaway incident, Ace breaks down and confesses about all the horrible placements he and Sabo had been in before. How social services always judge Ace’s sharp eyes and label in a problem child, how Sabo’s quick wit always get him in trouble with the adults, how they both have scars and bruises from past foster homes they were placed in, and that's why Ace and Sabo runaway. They’re tired of getting placed in bad homes. They’re tired of having adults try to separate them. Ace is all Sabo has and vice versa because that's the only person in the whole world who they trust to not hurt them. And Garp thinks that’s the last fucking straw.
Garp, much to Ace and Sabo’s but nobody else’s surprise, adopts both the boys, and takes them into his own home. Because dammit, if they’re just gonna runaway, they might as well stay with someone who will at least love them enough to always look for them and bring them back to a good home when they do.
And it’s weird at first, because Garp is the rough and loud and nosey officer that used to grab them by the scruffs of their shirts and drag them back to that awful halfway home kicking and screaming. But then it gets better. Because he still yells at them, but it’s with a tempered and fiercely protective love it when he does. He still grabs them, but it’s just to pull them into a rough bear hug that they fervently pretend they don’t like. And every dinner is spent with tears of laughter in their eyes and cheeks warm with delight at the stories he tells them. (They call him old man with affection and he’s their father figure even though they treat him like their grandpa.)
Sabo joins his school’s baseball team! Which is so freaking cool! He’s a really strong batter, can weild a bat like it’s an extension of his own arm, and Ace and Garp are always the loudest cheers on the bleachers every home run hit Sabo makes.
Garp makes Ace take up boxing, because the kid’s got a lot of pent-up rage and aggression, and he figures it’s a good constructive sort of therapy for the rowdy brat.
The two still get up to mischief every now and again, though. Nothing illegal, but Garp is still having to wrangle up his two little idiots before they do something stupid. (They get into a lot of fights with local gangs because they have smart mouths and are still a little reckless)
Garp has a biological son that Ace and Sabo never met due to Garp’s and Dragon’s strained relationship. Garp had always bad-mouthed him whenever his son was brought up, but it was always with words that had no heat behind them, and Sabo and Ace could tell there was a sadness behind his eyes whenever he looked at the picture of his son in his wallet.
The boys were 10 when they got the news of Dragon’s death a week after it happened. Garp had gotten the phone call when he and the boys were watching some late-night trash tv on the weekend, and he had all but strangled the phone in a grip that turned his knuckles white. He didn’t say what had killed his son, (he never did), but he had told the boys he needed to take care of something, told them to pack up some of their things, dropped them off at his friend Newgate’s house, and got the quickest flight out that night.
He came back 3 days later, and when he did, he had a tiny little baby with him.
Ace and Sabo were no strangers to babies. There was always some snot-nosed kid that would get dropped off at the halfway home (and then adopted that week, because everybody loved babies), and they were pretty sure this baby wasn’t gonna be any different. Because babies were loud and gross and never stopped crying, and Ace and Sabo were prepared for the absolute worse.
But then they stood over the baby’s crib to get a good look at him, and the baby looked back.
And smiled the biggest and happiest smile Ace and Sabo had ever seen.
And Garp had said “His name is Luffy,” and Ace and Sabo had been hooked around his little finger ever since. 
Luffy was barely 6 months old, and was a bundle of chubby cheeks and contagious giggles. With big brown chocolate colored eyes that melted all the sharp corners and edges of Ace’s and Sabo’s hearts.
Because Sabo and Ace were the same age, and neither one of them felt like the older or younger brother. They were equals in every way. But it was different with Luffy. Because Luffy was tiny, and soft and could barely wrap all 5 of his little fingers around one of theirs, and it hit Sabo and Ace like a bullet train because oh.
 Oh this is what it was like to be an older brother. This was what it was like to have a little brother. And Sabo and Ace have always looked out for each other, of course. But Luffy was something they had to protect fully and with their entire being. His smile, his laughter, his heart. All of it. Sabo and Ace knew all the horrible things in the world, knew all the hatred and fear and heartbreak the world could throw at you and it was like a silent promise to each other they never verbalized, that Luffy should and would never have to go through the things they went through. He would never feel unloved. He would never feel unwanted. He would never feel like he had to prove his worth or reason for existing. (He was worth more than any price anyone could give anyway)
Sabo and Ace stopped getting into trouble. They got good grades, excelled in their respective clubs, and didn’t give Garp any reason to chase them down in his old cop car and bring them home. (They were always at home anyway, giving Luffy piggyback rides and teaching him how to ride a bike and do one-handed handstands and cartwheels, and basking in the warmth that was Luffy’s endless love) And they lived in peace like that for 5 years.
Then the fire happened.
Garp was a good police officer and an even better Deputy Chief, and for almost 40 years, he served on the Foosha County Police Department. He had put away a lot of bad guys and saved a lot of people in the process and was an honored and highly respected man. However, this also made him a big target and earned him quite a few enemies. He was 3 weeks away from retirement and spending most of those weeks staying at home, playing with Luffy, and ingnoring the last of his paperwork left on his office desk.
When the fire broke out, Ace and Sabo had just turned the corner from the bus stop on their way home from school. They had seen the smoke, but didn’t know where it was coming from till they saw the towering blaze of fire that used to be their 2 story home and the group of neighbors surrounding the outside. 
They managed to push their way to the front, hands shaking and eyes wide and absolutely breathless, because that was their house! That was their house that was one fire and where was gramps?! Where was Luffy?!
The only thing Ace heard Sabo whisper among the roar of the fire and the loud murmur of people around them was “Do you hear that? That... crying?” Before Sabo surged forward.
Ace didn’t have time to reach out and stop him, and by the time he could, Sabo had already disappeared into the open front door, which was covered in flames. He had screamed out, tried to race in and follow his brother into the flames, but the neighbors around him were quicker than he was and pulled him back. 
Edward Newgate, one of their neighbors and close personal friend of Garp’s was in the crowd, and he was holding Ace to his chest with an arm like an iron bar, as he was on the phone with the local fire department. (Newgate was also the Foosha County fire chief, and was shouting at his lieutenants to “get your asses out here now!’) But Ace didn’t hear a word he was saying. All he could do was struggle to get out of the older man’s grip, reach out for his brother and best friend, and scream his lungs out.
What felt like hours went by, and Ace felt like his heart was shattering into a million piece, the glass shards falling around him, as he sobbed into Newgate's chest, thinking he had lost everything. His home. His family. His only purpose and reason for living.
And then some of the neighbors were shouting again, only this time in surprised alarm and Ace looked up with hazy eyes blurred by tears, to see something was coming out of the front door.
And it could only be Sabo. Ace knew it was him before he could even register it, and bolted out of Newgate's grips that had slacked at the surprise and towards his brother.
Ace met Sabo only a few feet from the door, Sabo collapsing into his arms, and Ace had to pull him the extra few feet away because the flames were still too much to bear even at that distance.
And Sabo’s skin was hot and red and covered in smoke and ash alike. There was a giant welting red burn against the side of Sabo’s face that looked like it would leave a scar forever, but Ace was having a hard time focusing on it because he was too bust focusing on the bundle of blankets that Sabo was desperately trying to push into Ace’s arms.
And Ace was already crying before, but he began crying even harder when he removed the fold of blankets to reveal a muffled Luffy, covered in ash but unharmed, crying his eyes out. 
Sabo had a coughing fit that rocked his whole body, and burns that looked like they'd hurt forever, but he was smiling when Ace broke into a sob, clutching both Sabo and Luffy into his chest.
The firefighters and paramedics came a few minutes later, and they had to physically pull Sabo and Luffy from Ace’s arms to check and treat them. Luffy only ended up with a few mild burns and cuts on his arms and legs and some burning of his throat from inhaling so much smoke, but Sabo had to be taken to the hospital immediately for his burns, especially for the one on his face. Ace pleaded to let them all ride in the same ambulence on the way to the hosipital, and held on to Sabo’s shirt sleeve with a grip that would take the end of the world and then some for him to let go.
Sabo had to get some surgery and treatment to save his left eye, but he was all in all ok, and Ace and Luffy were allowed to visit his hospital room for as long as they needed.
When Ace finally confronted Sabo on why he had ran into the house in the first place, it was on the first night of their hospital stay. Sabo had a giant white gauze wrapping half of his head, and he looked at Ace with tired blue eyes that looked a little fuzy, still a little drugged from all the medication he was on to ease the pain. 
And Ace felt bad about it, he really did, because Sabo didn’t derserve to be grilled on the matter. Not after he had sacrificed himself and saved Luffy. Their little brother. Their little brother who they wouldn’t even have anymore if it weren’t for Sabo. 
But Ace had to know. He was so mad and heartbroken and scared out of his mind when Sabo had rushed in without word or warning. Because they had lost Garp. They had almost lost Luffy. And Ace could have almost lost Sabo too.
But Luffy was tucked underneath Sabo’s arm on the hospital bed, and Sabo just smiled at Ace with a patience that only Ace and Luffy could pull out of him, and patted the other side for Ace to join them. Ace climbed onto the bed beside him, and even with the two 15-year-olds and one little 5 year old, the bed didn’t feel too small at all.
Sabo explained that he could hear crying from the door and he just moved. Knowing it was Luffy before his mind could really think about the implications behind that. He confessed how the flames hurt at first. Hurt so bad, and it was so hot, and everything, from the floor to the ceiling, was on fire and he could barely see anything through the smoke. But he could hear Luffy’s little rough and horse scream, coming from one of the back rooms that used to be Garp's office, and suddenly all Sabo could afford to think about was Luffy’s crying.
Sabo would tell a watered-down version of this story to the cops in the morning, because they were Garp's friend and companions, and they only really needed the broad details for their report anyway. 
He’ll tell a heroic version of this story, lacking any horrific graphics, to an older Luffy whenever the eternally curious kid wonders and asks about it.
But he only ever told the whole story right then on that night, one arm tight around his baby brother in a toothed and protective love, while the other one gripped his best friend's hands with shaking and bandaged fingers hard enough to leave bruising.
Garp was long dead when Sabo found him. The smell of his skin burning off is something that will haunt Sabo for the rest of his life. (Sometimes certain smells will set him off. Uncooked bacon is not allowed in the house anymore after one traumatic morning when Luffy is six. Campfires are viewed and enjoyed from a distance.)
He was lying on his stomach, clutching something to his chest. Sabo knew it was Luffy by the cries, bundled up in a few quilts and one of this office rugs, and Sabo knew he had to get them out of there before the smoke killed them off like it had a personal agenda against them.
The heat was unbearable, Sabo had confessed, but it was nothing compared to having to drag Luffy from underneath Garp’s grip. The old man was built like a brick house, sure, but even in death, his grip on Luffy, protecting Luffy, like he was daring the world to take anything away from him, was steadfast and almost unbbreakable. 
It was the hardest thing Sabo had ever had to make himself do.
He didn’t look at Garp’s face. His body was burned black and bloody and raw, and Sabo couldn’t live with himself if his memory of Garp’s face was replaced by anything other than with the one of his scruffy beard and the shit-eating grin that he always wore.
When he pulled Luffy out, he didn’t look back, and raced out of the house as fast as he could. Something along the way fell and smacked him in the face, knocking him down at one point, but Sabo couldn’t pay it much mind. He got back up, and continued towards the door. He could barely see, barely breathe, with all the smoke and the ash, and the pain from the fire was almost numbing against his skin, but he didn’t stop.
All he could think about was Luffy, still struggling and crying against the blankets wrapped tightly around him. Next thing he knew, he was outside, and looking up at Ace’s snot-covered face.
Ace had never seen Sabo cry for the almost 10 years he knew him. He didn’t cry when he was 7, and the Anderson family had called him a freak and had sent him back after a failed foster home placement. He didn’t cry when he was 9, and broke his arm falling out of the tree in their backyard that Garp had told him not to climb, so of course he had to climb it. And he didn’t even cry earlier that day, at 15, when he was off medication and feeling the full extent of his painful burns.
So when tears started pooling out of Sabo’s pale blue eyes, falling down his cheeks and staining the cotton white blanket he was under as he told his story, Ace pretended not to notice, wrapped an arm around Sabo’s shoulders, and held him like it was the only lifeline in the world. 
Garp’s funeral was held the following week. Closed casket. All the police departments in the county, and even some outside of it, showed up to give him a full send-off. Ace cried for both Sabo and himself. Sabo spoke a few words for the both of them. And Luffy stood between them, holding both their hands. They explained the night before that gramps was gone, but they don’t think the notion of death really got through to Luffy. He was crying, but only because Ace was crying, and when he asked ‘can gramps come out of the box to give me a hug before he goes away?’ everyone has to clench their teeth and hold their breaths to stop their hearts from breaking. Sabo kneeled down to wrap Luffy in a tight hug. Ace covered his face with his arm and cried harder
(They never bother asking Luffy about how the fire started, or what happened that day. Luffy doesn’t remember, and they don’t push it further. The truth isn’t as important as Luffy’s mentality is, but Garp’s old squad promises that they won’t rest until they get to the bottom of it. And as much as Ace and Sabo want justice and revenge, they have Luffy to think about, so they leave it up to the police)
Sabo and Ace are almost 16, and they suddenly have no parental figure, no home, no anything, and suddenly they’re faced with the horrible notion that even more can be taken from them when a blast from their past threatens to take Luffy away from them too.
They’re no stranger to the foster care system, so when social services show up at the motel they were renting with Garp’s savings, they feel their hearts drop to their stomach for fear of the very real possibility that Luffy will be placed in immediate foster care, and possibly, so would they. 
Ace and Sabo jump into action then, because no way, no fucking way, were they gonna lose Luffy. They had lost everything else. They almost did lose Luffy. They weren’t gonna risk that chance again.
Ace was only a few weeks older than Sabo. Sabo hadn’t paused a second to jump into the fire, risking life and limb, to protect what little they had. It was Ace’s turn to be the heroic older brother. And on the day he turned 16, Ace petitioned legal guardianship and parental rights for Sabo and Luffy.
And it was hard, because of course the courts felt sorry for him, the grandson of one of the best police chiefs in the county’s history, begging the courts to let him keep what little family he had left together. The courts wanted to give it to him, wanted to help him. But Luffy was a child. And Ace and Sabo were practically still kids themselves. Asking kids to raise themselves was something no one should ask them to do. 
But Ace and Sabo fought for it. Ace was 16, and Sabo would be 16 soon enough. They could get GED’s, no problem. They’d get jobs, get a little apartment near Luffy’s school, attend any parenting and child service meeting required of them. They’d buy all the necessities over again and they’d love Luffy where no other foster family could even compare. They’d do everything, everything and anything, to keep Luffy. To let them stay together.
With a couple of vouchers from Garp’s old police squad, including one from an overly enthusiastic Edward Newgate and one from the boy’s homeroom teacher, Makino, the courts ruled in Ace’s and Sabo’s favor, and Luffy was officially theirs until they proved that Luffy was better off somewhere else.
Ace and Sabo were never gonna let that happen.
They got a little 2 bedroom apartment a couple blocks from Luffy’s elementary. They quit school, and worked extra hard to earn their GED’s within the following months. (With the help of their old teachers and a few of their overly enthusiastic neighbors)
Ace got a job at the local fire department, as a rookie in training under Newgate.
Sabo got a job at the local news station, writing reports on top of his interning duties. 
Ace eventually got a motorcycle that same year, which scared Sabo half to death and delighted Luffy to no end. It was cheaper than a car, and easier to travel to and from work on, and no matter how hard Sabo tried, he couldn’t come up with a valid reason why Ace shouldn’t use it to their advantage. So Sabo made Ace promise to always wear a helmet when riding it, and that Luffy wasn’t allowed to ride it until he was much older. (Which Luffy pouted about to no end)
And it’s hard at times, both of them working overtime just to make enough to support themselves and keep them afloat, but it’s good, and it’s theirs.
Luffy makes a friend on his first day of first grade named Zoro Roronoa, another kid that lives just across the street from them, and when Ace and Sabo know they’re gonna be late in getting home, Luffy goes over there and hangs out until they can pick him up (Which is totally fine with Zoro’s father Koushirou, a kendo teacher and single father of 6-year-old Zoro and 9-year-old Kuina. Zoro has a bit of a personality problem and often has trouble making friends (because the child doesn’t see a need to) so when little bright-eyed and endlessly joyful Luffy pops into their life, Kushirou jumps at the chance to have him over as much as possible, because the two small children seem to bring out the best in each other, and are best friends attached at the hip) Sabo and Ace are eternally grateful to the kind man)
A few years go by, and Luffy is 8. Ace is still working at the fire station and is now legally allowed to join them on calls and emergencies. (Fire used to make Ace nervous, because he almost lost everything to it. Now he has a personal agenda with it, to make sure it doesn’t take anything from anyone else)
Sabo has moved up the ranks now, and when he turns 18, confronts Ace with a rare job opportunity he was offered.
“It’s a year-long internship for this really cool company that reports and delivers high-class diplomatic information around,” Sabo starts, rubbing the back of his head like he doesn’t know what to do with his hands. “I’d be working as like, a cool undercover spy with diplomatic immunity and a messenger bag. It’s not dangerous at all, and pays almost triple my paycheck now, which would really help us out. But it’s overseas, and I’d be gone for a whole year. You’d be raising Luffy all by yourself, birthdays and holidays and skinned knees, with just the two of you, so say the word, and I’ll totally turn this job down on the spot.”
And it’s scary to Ace. Because he hasn’t been alone since he was 6 years old, and he can’t possibly remember a time when Sabo hadn’t been by his side. His best friend and brother. It was always the two of them. Two little runaways that found a home, lost that home, and then built a new home all on their own despite it all. And neither of them had ever been away from Luffy for longer than a weekend, so Ace was sure it would kill Sabo to be away from them for so long.
But he also knew that Sabo was only playing this off like it wasn’t a big deal, when in fact it was the job opportunity of a lifetime for someone like Sabo, a kid who breathed adventure and freedom with every breath. And that when he talked about it, his eyes sparkled with a joy that Ace would hate himself forever for taking it away. 
Sabo was giving Ace the choice, and Ace knew that Sabo would go along with whatever Ace decided without a second thought or complaint. But Ace knew that Sabo would regret it for the rest of his life if he didn't go, so he slugged Sabo in the arm, gave him his best shit-eating, confident grin, (the kind he used to give him right before they were about to steal some food as kids, or about to get into a fight when they were teens) and said, “You let me have a motorcycle. The least I can do is let you go road tripping abroad.”
Because Ace and Luffy would be fine. They’d miss Sabo like crazy, and Ace was pretty sure Sabo was like, 90% of his impulse control, but they’d survive. Sabo had the burn marks to prove how far he was willing to go for their family, and Ace had never thanked him for that. Ace was never gonna live that down, and was going to spend the rest of his life making it up to both Sabo AND Luffy, and prove just how good of an older brother he could be. This was the least he could do for them.
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opluffys · 3 years
Caught- Donquixote Doflamingo x Reader
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another from my archive account, luffys. putting it here just cuz i guess. anyway i hope you guys enjoy!
This was your chance. Your one and only opportunity, it was like a flashing gold sign right in front of you. Seize your chance!
You sighed in discomfort. How long has it been? You honestly stopped keeping track, but due to how sensitive you felt, you knew that it had been a while.
The tap of your heels were no doubt annoying the two grown men seated next to you. They were, however, too focused on the leading mans words, as the number of you were trapped in a meeting.
The way Doflamingo hadn't spoken to end the meeting told you that everyone would be here a long time.
You rose from the leather confines, muttering a polite excuse. When nobody seemed to object, you beelined your way out of that boring lecture, seeing the confused eye of Rosinante settle on you before fully disappearing behind that door.
You unconsciously pumped your fist high, making a small sound of happiness that your ridiculous plan had actually gone to fruition.
You moved your way past the many doors, seemingly lost in a maze on the marble floor. You clicked your tongue when you remembered that your room was at the end. How lucky you were.
You burst inside your chambers, kicking off the dark heels and rushing into the small bathroom, seeing the small scratches visible on the mirror from your last fling.
"I should do something about that..." You hummed, quickly shrugging away any thoughts of the previous man who held you tight.
You bumped your hip against the door, hearing the soft click, affirming that it had closed. Too excited to take any other further precautions, you decided the setting was good enough.
Your available hand scrambled against the sink for purchase, nearly slipping on nothing in pure bliss. You curled your fingers further inside of you, delving deep into your velvety folds.
Muffled gasps and groans continued to fight their way out of you as your fingers pushed farther than you thought possible, causing a louder sound to rip its way out of your tightly sealed lips.
More scandalous moans left your lips, feeling three of your fingers pump in and out of you felt phenomenal. You decided to take it nice and slow, resting against the sink as you began to spread your fingers inside of you, attempting to get a stretching sensation.
Who knew when you could get another chance like this, after all?
After hitting the wall of seemingly no longer caring, your fingers started to ruthlessly thrust inside your dripping core, the liquid spilling onto your spread thighs as if you've come out the shower.
Your eyes were closed, your painted lips slightly agape in pleasure. You could feel that high. You were chasing it for so long, you were right there. Just one more graze from the perfect angle... It was as if you were pushing a large boulder over a hill, you were at the top, about to push the rock over. Your chest heaved with excitement, glee filling your body from the toxins your brain received.
You couldn't move.
You prayed that you were dreaming.
"This is what you skip my meeting for?"
You didn't have a response. You didn't want to respond. You wanted to curl up and become invisible to the entire world right now.
He moved his fingers, and so did you, causing an involuntary moan from your lips after brushing against your swollen clit.
How did you not hear the man coming in? He was a giant for goodness sake! Did you not lock the door, even so, the bathroom door should've been locked as well...
"I expect an answer when I talk to you, (First Name)."
Pink flooded your vision. You didn't want to believe this.
"My apologies, Young Master." You panted, your body still stimulated from your previous actions. "I did not intend for any of this-"
"No, no. We all get urges sometimes." He chuckled, seeing the state of peril you believed to be in. He appeared behind you, your hooded eyes widening at his ridiculous speed.
His tanned digit swiped at your wet folds, eliciting a shameless moan from you. Without warning, he quickly shoved two of his long fingers inside your tight pussy, feeling the way you tightened against him made the man grin wickedly.
You would question what he was doing if you weren't drunk off of your own pleasure, placing your forehead against the counter and just letting your sounds of bliss flow.
"I could give you something better than just my fingers."
Your thighs twitched in excitement, trying to tighten, but with Doflamingo's strings, any movement was impossible.
You couldn't bring yourself to speech, to moving at all, especially when he dared to push his fingers down to his knuckles. Curling them against you.
"Yes." You breathed, you honestly didn't mean to say anything. Somehow the affirmation had slipped out.
How heinous of you it was to see all of the actions being committed from the mirror. A part of you actually enjoyed this, getting attention from Doflamingo himself, what kind of woman doesn't want that? Those bronze abs were just begging to be touched by you. That short blonde hair screaming to be in your vice grip, screaming the mans name behind you without fear.
Doflamingo had zero hesitation, after hearing your breathy plea, he dropped his pants, only leaving the ever-so tight confines of his boxers on.
He dragged his fingers out of you, ignoring your whines of protest. He pulled the briefs down slightly, enough to expose the reddening tip of his desperate member. His cock was leaking giddily, how excited the man felt was not what he portrayed. Little did you care, though. You just wanted to feel full of your own boss, the thought of peeking in the mirror often to see how he reacted within you made you further leak with excitement.
Doflamingo languidly palmed his erection, causing more precum to dribble down his impressive length. He groaned lowly, eliciting an excited whimper from you.
The man behind you was huge, so all you could expect was a large size as well.
"Finish what you had started."
You felt an uncomfortable heat rest on your cheeks. How could you finish pleasuring yourself while your damn boss stood behind you so calmly?
"Young Ma-"
"Do not make me repeat myself."
God, that dangerous undertone of his voice nearly made you finish right then and there. Why couldn't he just shove himself deep inside of you like any other man?
Your shaky hand returned to your slick folds, using your skilled fingers to spread and rub yourself shyly. You bit your lip as to not make much noise, but when you curled your fingers- oh..! You couldn't stop yourself from that sweet moan leaving your mouth.
Making noise was favourable to you, though. With every heavy breath you drew, a shaky exhale left Doflamingo's lips, stroking his painfully hard length with vigour.
"How bad do you want to get fucked?"
"S-So bad..!"
You had no control over yourself, words just came out of your mouth with ease, it was like your cognitive function was completely switched off.
Again, you were so close. Atop that damn mountain with the boulder just barely pushed over the edge. You felt bliss in your fingertips, just brush over that spot one more time, and curl your fingers at the right moment-
You wanted to scream.
So suddenly he had filled you to the brim of his cock, head kissing your womb with every thrust back into you. He was so fucking big, he was splitting you. But oh, did it feel divine.
Incoherent words left your lips, red staining the material of the sink.
"You take me surprisingly well..." He grunted, it seemed as he was enjoying himself more than he had let on...
"I... I thought..! You were in," Your hand flew to your mouth, stopping such a loud and unclear sound, you felt embarrassed hearing that come from you.
"Ah, my meeting. Yes, I was taking charge of it. But it was rather boring, seeing as you had left to do such a devious thing, no?" Doflamingo chuckled, large palm on the soft curve of your ass. He never faltered, not for a moment, such fluid and beautiful thrusts. It's like he knew your body from the inside out, his length just hitting every spot in you that made you go crazy.
You felt delirious, such a big cock breaking and stretching you, you couldn't ask for something better. Groans left Doflamingo's lips as he leaned lower to you, hard abs meeting your back.
Your head turned to the side, seeing the man fucking into you beside you. You couldn't help yourself, you wanted to feel all of him, and it wasn't like the two of you would ever do this again, anyway.
You met him in a sloppy kiss, lips covered slickly and teeth colliding every now and then. It was painfully passionate, kissing while you felt him inside.
His free hand rushed to your sore clit, rubbing harsh circles into it. You broke the kiss and whimpered nothing but affirmations.
All you could comprehend was Doflamingo's huge body ramming into your own, making you see stars. You didn't think about how loud you were, you didn't think how Rosinante's room was right beside yours, you didn't think how you were yelling Doflamingo's nickname, such a thing only close allies could call him.
No, you didn't think of it at all.
All you felt was white hot pleasure while his full lips crashed into yours, his hands were of an expert surgeon, tweaking and pinching all over your body.
Finally you could push that oversized rock over that damned cliff. You felt as if you were free falling from such a high distance, hands running through the creamy clouds.
"Ahh, Doffy..!" You screamed, tightening around him impossibly while bumping your head against the sink, feeling every muscle in your body become useless.
Your juices soaked him, making it easier to slip in and out of you. A strangled groan left him after feeling your soft flesh squeeze him ever so tightly. He couldn't hang on much longer, feeling his high quickly approaching.
Many curses left Doflamingo, quickly unsheathing himself from within your warmth to release thick white ribbons onto your back.
"You should clean yourself up." He said, smiling widely, knowing full well you could no longer walk properly.
A frown settled onto your lips, your eyebrows furrowing. You wanted to turn and glare at him, but alas, after practically having your body wrecked by a huge man, it wasn't possible.
"Ass." You mumbled.
He laughed, amused at your courage to say such a thing to him.
You held on to the edges of the sink to make your way to the shower. It was as if you didn't know how to swim, holding onto the corners of the pool to support you.
You felt an arm support your deadweight, assisting you to the shower.
"Looks like I'll have to help you further." He grinned.
Needless to say, you could no longer walk around as much as you liked for the next week.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Maybe how mihawk and ace and zorro would handle a fem! s/o's crazy and mean ex. Like I am feeling down about mine. Anytime hes sees with someone new, instant asshole, screaming at me in of the person I'm with. I feel with him around no will want to stick around. I just need heavy fluff
Mihawk, Ace + Zoro And A Fem! S/O With A Mean Ex
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A/N : absolutely hope that this makes you feel better. I’ve never dated but I can’t imagine what that feels like ;-; I hope everything gets better and I’m so sorry this took so long to get out for you :(
Summary : these three boys and their reactions to your mean and crazy ex bothering you.
note : this seems like one of those emergency requests I’ve seen, so I wanted this out quickly but never got around to it :(
Warning : triggering scenes, harmful / harsh wording, etc.
Law, Shanks + Crocodile » Here!
Raging flames.
That is all that can be seen when a bystander passes the three of you in the streets on an island.
Ace is standing in front of you, keeping you behind him in a protective stance as his jaw and fists are clenched tightly, flames erupting from his body.
And the unconscious body of your ex lying down on the floor.
You and Ace were just exploring a new island the Whitebeard Pirates docked at, Marco picking up some medical supplies and a few others just seeing what they could find.
The two of you strayed off and stuck with each other to go sight-seeing, and unfortunately..
This happened to be the same island your ex lives.
And so when you two are walking and you hear an all too familiar voice, your blood runs cold.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t little [Name]. Come back for more?”
Ace would be so confused and just glances back at the male who walks up behind you. “Do you know this guy, [Name]?”
“Who’s this? Your new boyfriend? Doesn’t look all that great to me.”
You bite down on your tongue to prevent yourself from saying anything but Ace can immediately sense something is wrong when he feels your grip on his hand tightening.
“Cat got your tongue? I bet you are speechless. You must be thinking to yourself, how you could go after some worthless guy like him and perhaps come back to me, begging me to take you back.” The condescending laugh is heard as he smirks at you.
Ace’s sharp glare is immediately sent to your ex and flames are slowly building with each passing second.
“If you do beg me, I may or may not consider it. It depends on how low you go down on your knees for me. But then again, I might have to reject you just so I can admire your horrendous face full of fear and sadness as you wallow in regret for—“
You were too busy looking down and feeling yourself shrink at his words to even notice Ace had pulled away from you.
And at a distance he stood, towering over your ex with pure hatred and anger burning in his eyes, with his fist in flames.
“Shut up. If you ever even look in [Name]’s direction again, I won’t hesitate to burn you to hell.”
Anger quickly subsided as Ace turns from the unconscious male and faces you with pure worry and concern.
“Hey, are you okay?”
All you could do was stare in shock, unable to process anything that happened as Ace takes your hands in his and brings it to his face.
“Don’t listen to a word he said, okay? Come on. Let’s go get some ice cream before heading back to the ship.”
“[Name]? What the hell are you doing here?”
The all too familiar voice makes your eyes widen out of its sockets, stopping you in your tracks from wandering the halls of Mariejois.
Turning back to face the one you least expected and absolutely dreaded most, color drained from your face when you finally came face to face to your ex.
“[Ex Name].. I didn’t realize you’re stationed here.. how are the other marines?” You try to make some light conversation but just wanted to eagerly run away.
The male only scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Better now that you’re gone, I’ll admit. Now why the hell are you here?”
“And why is that any of your business?”
Hearing the new voice cut in, your ex scoffs and turns to face the owner before his eyes widens.
“A warlord?! What are you doing out here? Whatever! Just get out of here, you pirate! This doesn’t concern you!”
Mihawk exhales quietly in disappointment, clearly becoming annoyed at the male’s loud and head-aching yells.
Making his way over to you, Mihawk gently grabs your hands in his. “Is this man bothering you, mi amor?”
Glancing to the shocked expression of your ex, you have a shy nod. “H-He’s my ex..” you mumble out, rubbing the back of your head as you grasp his hand tightly.
“I see.” Mihawk nods in understanding before closing his eyes and turned to face the marine, who was recovering from shock.
“Y-You?! Dating her?” He let out a dramatic scoff. “Of course you’d go after a pirate. It’s such a disappointment to see you stray from the Navy, [Name]. But whatever, you’re just— AGH!”
“That’s enough out of you now.”
Wielding his smallest sword, the mini cross that hung around his neck in a necklace, Mihawk gave one slice into the air before the loud cry of pain was heard.
Staring down at the fallen marine, he looks unimpressed at the lack of strength shown and how easily the marine fell from just a measly swing of his arm.
“Don’t you ever dare to utter a word or mind a thought about my [Name]. Otherwise I’ll have you buried six feet underground. Is that understood?”
Slipping his cross back together into his necklace, he turns over to your with his lips in a firm line but his expression softened in the slightest.
“Let’s go, my dear. We’re done here.”
Bringing his hand to the dip of your back, he began to guide you out of the large palace to head back to his castle and perhaps enjoy a nice evening together with some wine.
Zoro may not be the smartest, but he certainly picks up on certain behavioral cues, especially yours after having been together for so long.
So when the Sunny is sailing the seas and come across another pirate ship, which causes Luffy to seek after them to converse and greet them.
At first, everything’s alright, the Pirates were somewhat friendly like the Straw Hats, until the Captain goes to board the Straw Hat ship, to personally greet each member.
But when the captain goes by you, his kind smile is immediately dropped to one of a frown of distaste. “[Name].”
You couldn’t even express how you felt. Shock? Misery? Pain? Disbelief? Were you usually this unlucky to have to come across your ex like this? How could you not recognize the Jolly Roger of the ship?
His next words seem to snap you back from your thoughts. “Blanking and zoning out once again. I see you haven’t changed much, [Name].” He tuts, shaking his head and turns away dramatically.
“It’s a shame you can never grow. Still the same old, same old. It’s truly a shame.”
Biting your lip, you look away and took a step back, ignoring him as the others watch with confusion.
“Eh? How do you know this guy, [Name]?” Nami asks, tilting her head.
Zoro, who was resting against the mast and listening to everything, opens his eye to glance at you. He clearly noticed your discomfort and pained expression, but withheld from doing anything.
His eyes only drifted to the cause of your discomfort.
The others weren’t too sure how to react, only sensing that something happened between the two of you. With the tension in the air, even Luffy could tell.
It wasn’t until his next words that something in them all snapped.
“Honestly, you’re better off having just stayed in your pathetic lonely life at your small island. This pirate life is not meant for you. After all,”
Eyes boring right into your soul, his stare pierced your body and his words pierced your heart.
“No one wants a pathetic and useless weakling around, right?”
Mere seconds later, the Captain, your ex, was knocked right into the railing of the ship, successfully denting the wood and breaking the pieces off with the amount of force brought into the impact.
Your ex was laying there, shifting in and out of consciousness and blood dripped from cuts over his body.
Zoro, with a hand gripping Shusui, was standing in front of the crew, no one even flinched at the movement but you. Your eyes were widened in shock, unable to say a word.
“I’ll have you know, [Name] is nothing like that. She’s grown, a hundred times stronger than you and I will make sure to kick your ass if I ever hear her name come out of your lips again.”
The other straw hats were all watching with heavy glares piercing the opposing pirate ship and specifically the Captain, each member getting ready to attack as needed.
“Get the hell off my ship, now.” Luffy demands, his voice cold, quiet and the most intimidating stare that would even make an Emperor tremble.
It didn’t take long for the opposing crew to pick up their captain and flee in a panic, especially when Luffy cracked his knuckles.
Releasing a small breath of relief you didn’t even know you were holding, you felt someone dragging you away from the deck and the crew, and you look up to find Zoro.
Finding that he was pulling you to the bedroom, he forces you over to the bed and then pulls you on top of him when he laid down.
“Just sleep with me. Forget everything he said and everything that happened.”
A/N : I hope you liked this, and I apologize you have to deal with that. So sorry this took so long.
I might allow emergency requests, it depends, I’ve never seen too much of it. I hope everything’s okay though.
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cnigiri · 2 years
@bleuwalk​ asked:
[ HUSH ] & [ LINGER ]
Sometimes he forgets about the huge rush of adrenaline at being chased by marines, most of them could hardly harm him, or any of the crew. But still, it was horribly fun to continue to rush around like a chicken with their head cut off, and leaving chaos in their wake. 
Though it seems, he has gotten lost. As he normally did (and refused to admit) he dipped between buildings and around places before a familiar haki was recognized and he rushed towards it, grunting as a hand yanked him back and into a small alleyway.
Chest heaving he glanced down at who had grabbed him, smiling a bit at Sanji, who seemed just as tired but grinning from ear to ear himself, and he opened his mouth to talk before a finger was placed on his. His breath almost stopped short, as he glanced at the cook, trying to figure out what he was doing before the guy looked over his shoulder then slid back in, several marines passing the area they were currently hiding in.
The small Alleyway hid them from view, and no one seemed to even notice them, even if they did this moment was a rare and precious one as Sanjis hand lazed on his wrist, before softly bringing his hands up from where he had started the chaos (with Luffy)
Those delicate chef fingers, so adapt at what they did gently rose Zoros calloused hands up, gently kissing each of his knuckles, causing his breath to hitch as he watched mesmerized while Sanji gently worked from index to pinkie, pulling back some blood left on his lips as he let out a small noise like a strangled cat.
‘ Chef.... ��
He whispered, as if suddenly breaking out of a trance, blinking rapidly with his one good eye. Before feeling drained, and flustered. His ears lighting up red as he looked down and away scratching aggressively at the back of his neck.
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          fuck it, his lips shifted and pressed softly against the others, before quickly pulling away, and sliding out of the alleyway, heading vaguely back to the ship as he slipped hands into his pockets flustered.
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holykillercake · 3 years
Red String
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𝕊ℍ𝔸ℕ𝕂𝕊 𝕏 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕖!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
word count: 2.8k
summary: You had any place in the world to moor, a stable and safe summer paradise somewhere in the South Blue, or you could visit the winter island where cherry blossoms painted the freezing horizon pink. The world was on the menu, and yet you chose to break into a Yonko territory.
highlight:  ¨What about you, Y/N? Will you try to put your hands on me?¨ 
warning: Look out for your arm, it might melt with the fluff.
notes: Hi, guys! This was an anon request for Shanks x Marine Reader. I was given the freedom to write whatever I wanted, so I hope you guys like it! <3 Dear, anon, I apologize for the time it took and I hope you read it! 
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𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤, 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖!
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¨I have to say, not a usual place for a Vice Admiral to enjoy a vacation.¨ a smirk bent your lips as you heard the playful voice of the man who courted you with another drink. 
¨Well, I´m no usual Vice Admiral.¨
¨No one doubts that.¨ He put the sword on the table and pulled a chair, sitting close to you. ¨You have grown, Y/N.¨
¨You have aged.¨
¨Oi, not very nice. You hurt my feelings.¨ the red-haired placed the hand on his chest, over the heart, faking an offended tone. 
¨Mission accomplished.¨ 
You stared at each other for about four seconds before breaking into laughter. As always, Shanks was louder, banging his fist on the wooden table and vocalizing his amusement to anyone who had ears to hear. 
¨It´s been a long time, Y/N.¨ he wheezed, still recovering from his overreaction.
¨Yes, it has, Red hair.¨
¨Red hair? Really? I mean, you tried to kill me way too many times already. You gotta call me by my name.¨ You chuckled, sipping your drink. ¨Especially when you´re at my house.¨
You grinned, shaking your head and biting your lip. Of course, the bastard would not let this opportunity slip. 
After years of non-stop hard work, you received a few weeks off duty. That meant that the world could split open, the moons could fall into the atmosphere followed by the sun, and you would not have to move a single finger.  
Issho-san would handle that better in any way. 
You had any place in the world to moor, a stable and safe summer paradise somewhere in the South Blue, or you could visit the winter island where cherry blossoms painted the freezing horizon pink. The world was on the menu, and yet you chose to break into a Yonko territory. 
However, the Yonko in question was more than just an Emperor of the Sea. Your lives entangled at a very young age when the Pirate King was still alive, and Garp had melanin left in his hair. 
You were just two snotty brats fighting your Captains´ battles. 
¨Anyway,¨ he chugged his drink and asked for another one. ¨I missed you in Marineford.¨ 
¨Well, I guess I missed Marineford myself. Had a good view, though.¨ you answered nonchalantly. 
¨What do you mean?¨
¨I had an underling transmit me the whole thing.¨
¨Isn´t that handy?¨
You tried not to laugh. It was stupid, but every time you had Shanks and hand in the same sentence, you felt the urge to laugh.
¨I wanted to see Luffy.¨ you said.
¨Why not go there, then?¨
¨Duty called somewhere else.¨ you shrugged. ¨Besides, I would have been no help for him.¨
¨You´re saying you wouldn´t help him?¨ Shanks carried a suspicious tone in his voice.
¨Of course I wouldn't help him.¨ You took a sip of your drink. ¨But thanks... for stopping that madness.¨ 
The man casually stretched his arms above his head, tilting his head back, enjoying the warm sun.
¨No biggie. You owe me another one, and we should be fine.¨ he smiled.
¨Who´s counting?¨
¨I am.¨ 
¨I already stopped hunting you, Shanks. Isn´t that enough?¨
¨Not on my book, Y/N.¨
For a long portion of your life, you had a personal mission to give the Red Hair the same fate as his Captain. Whenever his crew was located, you would be the one hunting them. No one dared to tell you otherwise. 
By that time, you had no significant position. Maybe a Lieutenant, Captain tops. But being related to the Hero of the Marines, well, that granted you some free passes, and as long as you could hand Shanks´head in a tray, a little nepotism didn´t bother you. 
Actually, although everyone saw you as Garp´s relative, you were just his first protegé, his first rescued dog. Apparently, the highly ranked officers were going through boring times and decided to pay their dues by doing charity.
The only one you got to know was Sengoku´s kid. Rosinante was his name. To this very day, you could not think of him without the twist in your heart. 
Even you didn´t know how to describe it, and honestly, you didn´t care. Was the job done at the end of the day? Good. 
That was all that mattered until another pawn entered the game, a very troublesome one, by the way. Slept like a rock and ate all your food. You couldn´t help but fall in love with little Monkey D. Luffy. 
He was the one to give you the answer you had stopped looking for a while ago.
In order to be his older sister, you had to be Garp´s granddaughter. Everyone loved the idea, except for the man himself. 
You were as keen as Garp to make Luffy become a great Marine. You bought him tailor-made marine onesies and shared stories about the seas. Whenever he spotted you approaching with the leather book in your hands, he would get restless. 
The onesies, however, those never lasted. They were thrown in a boiling dumpster altogether with your dream of him joining you in a job one day.
The sun was about to set, and you had just returned from a long and intricate mission when you received a call from Makino saying that Luffy had gotten into some trouble. 
Not only that, The Red Hair Pirates were somehow involved. It was all you heard before hanging off the den den mushi and hopping in a Marine ship, headed to Foosha Village.  
The idea of Shanks causing Luffy any pain or just giving him a hard time made you turn into a beast. But your bloodshot eyes were washed clean by the image of your brother, safe and sound, hanging out with Red Hair, who seemed rather... different. 
¨Why would you do that?! What do you want, Red Hair?!¨ 
A lot of things went through your head, but none of them could explain why a pirate, why him, would sacrifice his arm to save Luffy. There was no way he didn´t know about your little brother´s connections. 
¨I want to pay you a drink. But only if you stop yelling.¨ 
With a swing of his hand and a smile, Makino appeared with a jug of beer before you could spit fire on him again. 
¨They´ve been really good at keeping Luffy entertained this past year, Y/N-san.¨ she said, kind as usual, before leaving.
You sighed and took a seat by his side. 
¨Why did you do that?¨
¨I bet on his life. Just that. Why is that a problem? You don´t want to feel grateful for a pirate?¨ 
Your grip tightened around the cold glass, teeth clenching and knuckles turning white. 
Gratitude was never the problem. You would be grateful to anyone who risked their lives for Luffy, but he... you needed to hate him. But no matter how much you tried, you couldn´t get yourself to do it. 
¨I don´t want you thinking that I owe you anything.¨
¨You don´t have to owe me anything, Y/N. But we´ve known each other for a while now, so... we both know that you will.¨ 
His lips turned into an honest smile, no teasing behind it, and you wished not to have your heart beating faster for it. 
¨You don´t kn-¨
¨Y/N!¨ Luffy entered the bar, running to you with the brightest of the smiles on his face.¨Are you done? I have to show you something!¨ he asked, pulling the fabric of your coat.
¨Oi, behave Luffy, I´ll be done in-¨
¨Nooo!¨ he pouted before turning to the opposite side and pulling one of his impish grins ¨Look what I can do! Gomu gomu no...¨ 
His tiny hand balled into a fist, which you watched stretch all the way to the opposite side of the room before coming back and hitting him in the face. 
Did his arm just...      
The air froze in the room. You blinked a couple of times, hearing a few gasps around the bar, your gaze fixed in the same place his hand was seconds ago.
¨Luffy-kun, why don´t you come outside with me?¨ Makino extended her hand for him to take. ¨I´ll bring some meat.¨
The kid screamed in excitement and followed her, drool dripping down his chin. 
So close, Shanks. So close. He thought, lowering his head on the counter and waiting to get chewed up. However, after a few unscathed seconds, the red-haired lifted his head, almost not believe his eyes. 
That was the first and last time you bowed to a pirate. 
Of course, later on, you punched him for letting Luffy eat a Devil Fruit. 
You swore to leave him and his crew alone, as long as they did not cause bigger problems, which they eventually did, but you had a debt you could never pay, and you ended up focusing on other things. 
Those things made it difficult for you to visit Luffy as much as you wanted, but since Garp had sent him to live with Dadan, you could sleep with a clean consciousness. 
Whenever you paid him visits, he would tell you about these other kids, whom he considered brothers. One you got to meet, Sabo, smart and polite. The other, however, ran from you like you were a freaking plague. 
Ace, another one with whom you had an inestimable debt. 
¨Humor me, Y/N. If not Foosha, why here?¨
You shrugged.
¨I was passing by, and the place seemed quite enjoyable.¨ 
¨Hm.¨ the wind blew stronger, turning the gentle swishing of the palm trees into a harsher rustling. ¨Should I get my men ready for a conflict?¨
¨Relax, Shanks. Right now, this is the safest place on earth.¨
¨What do you mean?¨ he asked, genuinely curious. 
¨Oh, come on.¨ you scoffed. ¨Not even the World Government will try to put their hands on you, and I´ll kill anyone who dares to ruin my vacation.¨
¨What about you, Y/N? Will you try to put your hands on me?¨ 
His gaze was heavy on you, conquering aura filling the place. You looked at him with narrowed eyes and a smirk growing on your lips. 
This guy...
You harnessed the moment to take in his features, a lot more mature than you remembered. Although the scars were deeper and he seemed more tired, his hair shone like fresh blood, and his eyes... you were afraid to drown in them. 
¨What would you do if I decided to put my hands on you?¨ you bit your lip. ¨I heard you´ve been terrorizing some kids lately.¨
¨Gotta give them a run for their bounties, right?¨ He laughed. ¨But I also heard some interesting things about you, Y/N.¨
You raised your eyebrows as if you were encouraging him to tell you more. 
¨Apparently, I´m not the only one spending recreational time with young pirates. And there I thought Marines weren´t supposed to hunt Warlords of the Sea.¨
A shiver ran down your body, already aware of the subject he was about to bring up.
¨Well, I have no idea what you´re talking about.¨ You said, giving him your best oblivious eyelash bat. 
¨Oh yeah? Because it was brought to my attention that you made some business with... what´s his name again?¨ he pretended exaggeratedly to think about it ¨Ah, Trafalgar Law.¨
¨Only time I spoke to him, he was a Warlord as well. And I just wanted to thank him for helping Luffy in Marineford.¨
¨You´re gonna start lying to me at this point of our relationship?¨ Shanks teased to eager a bit of the tension, and a scoff left your mouth.
¨First, you´re delusional. Second, you´re too nosey for your own good.¨ 
The two of you laughed along like you were not natural enemies.
¨Did you get to meet Luffy in Dressrosa? Heard they made an alliance.¨
¨Hm, yeah. But no, couldn´t get myself to do it.¨
You frowned, hurting for have had your little brother so close but not being brave enough to approach him. Good thing he had no idea about your presence in the scene, and you could trust Law´s discretion to keep it that way. 
¨He doesn´t hate you, you know.¨
¨Yeah, I know...¨
That was true. Luffy didn´t hate you for not helping him in Marienford, just like he didn´t hate Garp for standing in his way. He had too big of a heart for that. 
Shanks let you have your time in silence, empathizing with your feelings. He too had to make sacrifices by standing his ground before.
¨What now?¨ he asked.
¨What now?¨ 
¨Garp is retired. Joker is down. What´s holding you back?¨
The air got stuck in your lungs. The reality you had been running from, the question for which you postponed to find an answer. 
When Garp took you in, the alternatives available for you were restricted, to say the very least. It was either accept the kindness of a stranger or die. He taught you his trade and molded you into one of the best-skilled marines. 
As the time passed and you learned the ugly truth behind the World Government, the disgust and disbelief made you want to leave. Fortunately, your life was not stained by the passage of a Celestial Dragon, but how were you supposed to protect them, aware of the atrocities they afflicted to people?
At the same time, how could you leave Garp after everything he did for you? Of course, he would survive if you disappointed him that much, but you owed him your life. 
What made you stay, however, was something much less pleasant than a lifetime debt. Thirteen years ago, evil prevailed, and you lost something really important. Or rather, someone. 
Commander Donquixote Rosinante. Marine code 01746. 
He had a sense of justice like no one else. He was strong, honest, and fair. Did he make you want to pull your hair out every time he lit himself on fire? Yes. Did it bother you to have stains on your tatami because he dropped hot tea on it? Yes. He possessed the ability to get you on your nerves, but he was your family. 
You were supposed to be the greatest. 
Long story short, that night, at Swallow Island, you left with more than just his dead body. You inherited his will. 
You swore to take down the man responsible for shortening his life, and hopefully, in a later day, you could meet the little boy about whom he spoke so highly. 
It took you thirteen years. No more ties of the past, no more strings on you. 
Well, just one, if you were to be entirely honest with yourself. A string of a stupid tale, a nonsense legend, a foolish myth. The Thread of Destiny, supposed to connect two people together. They say the thread may stretch or tangle, but it shall never break. 
Bullshit. There´s no such a thing. 
But assuming that there was, why did you feel that if you pulled it to its very end, what you would find would be red as well? 
Red as the vest Luffy wore diligently; red as the nose of a cranky apprentice; red as the pompous sails of the Oro Jackson; red as the locks of the man capable of stopping wars with words.
Would you dare to be anything else? Could you step out of your own life like this? Could you abandon everything you fought for all these years? 
¨You know, I´ve said it in the past, but I´ll say it again. We could use someone like you in our crew.¨ 
You gave him a two-second smirky scoff before frowning again. 
Were you worthy enough to owe yourself the chance to choose? What did it mean, the justice coat of a Vice Admiral you carried so proud on your shoulders?
If piracy took a lot from you in the past, could piracy, or a pirate, give you everything back? 
¨Hm?¨ You hummed, gaze locked on the lethargic view. 
Hot puffs of air played with your hair and involved your skin in a warm hug. You could hear the gentle sound of the waves crashing on the shore, coastal birds cooing and the wind whistling over the rocks. 
¨Do you think, maybe, one day... I could ask you out?¨
No matter how many times you rewound the tape, you couldn´t find a different answer, a plausible reason for the burning feeling you held for him, whatever that meant. 
From the first time you put your eyes on each other, a contract was opened without even a handshake. A deal was set without your acknowledgment. An ironic fate tied you to the same string. 
¨Yeah... maybe.¨
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eirist · 3 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
One-shot #: 27
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: What is there to say but… HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAMI!!!
Summary: Birthday wishes might be overrated but not when they are made to come true.
The whole crew greeted in unison the moment the orange-haired navigator stepped inside the decorated galley—in the midst of popping confetti, clapping and shouting.
Their voices were surprisingly in sync and Nami wondered if they practiced the greeting days before her birthday or they were just that enthusiastic.
“Ah! Minna! Thank you!” She gushed as she looked at the happy, grinning faces of her crewmates and her own smile widened some more.
The room was filled with balloons in different colors of orange, white and silver. Some were floating up the ceiling with glittering streamers hanging down from them. Others were scattered all over the galley floor. There were letter balloons at the far end of the room with the words HAPPY BIRTHDAY spelled out.
The Straw Hats went all out with the decorating and Nami can’t help but be pleased.
“You guys… this is wonderful!” She exclaimed as a whirl of hearts appeared suddenly in front of her.
“Nami-swan! Happy birthday!” Sanji stopped twirling and dropped down on one knee in front of the mapmaker. He held her hand in his, bowing slightly before planting a kiss on it. “Your birthday feast is ready my sweet mellorine!”
“Arigatou, Sanji-kun!” Nami glanced at the table, filled with delicious food and desserts, with a beautifully made three-tier cake in the middle, complete with sparklers.  “Everything looks amazing!”
“Anything for you my love!” The blond cook sang and froze in happiness when Nami blew him a kiss.
“Nami! Happy birthday!” Chopper cheerily approached her and took her other hand, tugging her towards the direction of the table. They left Sanji, still frozen and kneeling down on one knee.
“Thank you Chopper!” She lifted him up and kissed his cheek. Chopper blushed and giggled and pointed towards the cake. “Time to blow the candles and make a wish.”
“Yeah!” Luffy shouted, eyes sparkling from too much excitement at the food in front of him. “Come on Nami hurry, hurry!”
Nami just chuckled at her captain’s impatience. Normally that would earn him a knuckle on the head but since this day is special… she decided to just let it go.
“Alright. Alright!” She said as she approached the table. She smiled at Robin, Franky and Brook as they all greeted her before marveling at the astounding cake in front of her.
“Wow!” She breathed out.
“Make a wish Nami!” Chopper said as he jumped on the empty dining chair to get a good view when she finally blew the candles out.
“Faster witch,” Zoro drawled on her other side. He was sitting on the chair on her left, already enjoying a tankard of his favorite alcohol. “Luffy’s about to turn rabid from hunger.”
She narrowed her eyes at him yet he only smirked at her, muttering a ‘happy birthday’ before taking a drink from his mug as Luffy chanted ‘meshi! meshi!’ in the background.
“Come on birthday girl!” Usopp coerced her. “Make a wish and then blow the candles!”
“Oi you idiots! Don’t rush Nami-san!” Sanji bellowed as he finally recovered from Nami’s earlier blown kiss.
“It’s alright Sanji-kun!” Nami’s smile at him was enough to stop the chef in his tracks as hearts started popping out from him. She closed her eyes, silently making some wishes from her heart, before taking a deep breath and blowing the cake’s candles so they can start the celebration.
Cheers broke out when she was able to blow them all in one go. Chopper was elatedly announcing how her wish will come true because of that.
Nami certainly hope so.
“Well what are we waiting for?” Usopp hollered as Sanji took her hand again to guide her to the seat at the head of the table—something Luffy graciously gave up for Nami’s special day (with some cajoling and promises of meat).
“It’s time to celebrate Nami’s birthday!!!”
Zoro paused in the middle of bringing his mug to his lips when Nami held out her hand to him, her palm facing upward.
“What?” He cocked an eyebrow at her.
Nami thrust her hand closer to his face, her fingers moving in a give me motion.
Zoro just continued looking at her blankly.
She made a face at him. “Gosh Zoro. Even Luffy has given me something for my birthday.”
Nami sighed, resting both hands on her hips. No use teasing this surly swordsman if he have a birthday present for her.
Because the answer’s most likely no.
Well she was expecting it. But of course that doesn’t mean she wasn’t disappointed.
She just decided to shove that thought down the deepest recesses of her mind and just enjoy her birthday celebration.
“You going anywhere tomorrow?” Zoro suddenly asked just when she was about to turn her back on him.
“Huh?” She blinked curiously at him. “Why?”
Zoro regarded her for a moment. “Let’s go somewhere.”
Nami’s ears perked up at that and her eyes widened. Go somewhere?
Did he just… did he mean…
“Where?” She inquired almost breathlessly, her heart racing.
Zoro smirked. “You’ll find out tomorrow.” He stood up and made a grab for the bottle half-filled with sake. “Happy Birthday Nami.” With that he moved to exit the galley to head to the nest for his watch, leaving her dumbfounded.
Honestly… did he just like… ask her out?
Seems like one of her birthday wishes will come true after all.
“So where are we going?”
That was the first thing Nami asked Zoro when they met each other on the deck the next morning after breakfast.
“Didn’t Robin tell you?” The swordsman frowned at her.
“Yeah. Robin’s coming with us.”
“Oh.” Nami blinked. Robin’s coming with them? The archaeologist didn’t mention anything about that last night before they went to bed.
Yet she nodded to show her agreement and understanding… even if she doesn’t really get it.
“Don’t worry, you’ll like it,” Zoro assured her, when he saw her doubtful expression. “Just don’t wear any of those pointy shoes you fancy.”
Nami stared hard at him. She shouldn’t wear pointy shoes? Does he mean high heels?
Why? Where are they going?
“Ara… are you two ready?” Robin’s soft voice put a stop to their conversation. The raven-haired beauty was walking towards them, dressed in her hiking gear.
Nami looked at Zoro inquisitively who just nodded at her. “We’ll go once Nami’s ready.” Then he walked away from her and headed towards the boy’s quarters… probably to change as well.
“Not a problem,” Robin smiled at him then at Nami.
“Oi!!! Luffy suddenly shouted as he bounded across the lawn, full of energy, with his adventure backpack already on his back. “Let’s get going! Sanji! Where’s our bento?!”
“Damn it aho sencho!” The blond cook shouted from the galley. “Can you just wait?!”
“Are you still not ready Nami?” Usopp walked past her, eyeing her up and down as he adjusted the straps of his own backpack.
“Ok wait.” Nami held up a hand in a stopping motion. Everyone is in their hiking-slash-explorer apparels. “What is happening? Are we all going?”
“Of course!” Luffy said, pumping both arms up in the air. “It’s an adventure!”
“Definitely!” Usopp frowned at her, offended that she sound disappointed that they will be joining them.
Nami mirrored his expression. “But…”
Usopp raised an eyebrow at her. “What? Wait don’t tell me you think this is gonna be just you and Zoro?”
“No!” Nami growled under her breath, inwardly horrified that Usopp somehow sensed that. “Where did that even come from?!”
How in the world did they all know about today? She was pretty sure she was the only one Zoro asked last night.
The grin that appeared on Usopp’s face was evil. “Oh. You do think it’s just gonna be the two of you?”
“Oooh… I did hear him tell you.” the sharpshooter cooed as her face turned red. “But Robin also told us last night that we’ll all be heading somewhere today.”
Nami’s frown deepened at that. So… they weren’t actually going to be alone today. She honestly thought that was the case.
Because as far as she knows… she was the only one he asked.
Well… it wasn’t though.
Nami shoulders slumped dejectedly. This is Zoro they’re talking about. There is a much better chance of trying to shoot at the moon and hitting it. “I’ll just go and get changed so we can head out to wherever we are going.” She mumbled glumly.
So much for one of her birthday wishes coming true.
“Where are we heading?” Nami muttered under her breath as she trudged along the dense jungle trail, shoving away the enormous plant leaves that were blocking their path.
She had been rather excited about today last night. Right after Zoro told her they were going somewhere.
They. Them and their crew.
She pouted as felt annoyance stirring up inside her. She felt rather cheated. Not to mention, they had been hiking for about an hour now and she was getting tired. Robin has kept mum about where they were going. The same goes for Zoro, who was already a closemouthed person to begin with.
Between Luffy’s constant hollering, Usopp complaining, Chopper getting excited with all the plant life growing along the trail, Zoro and Sanji’s bickering every ten minutes and this excursion turning out to be one big of a disappointing trip… she was about to reach her breaking point.
“Are you ok Nami?”
Robin had stopped walking to wait for her, with a gentle smile gracing her lips. But Nami can see how brightly her usually cool blue eyes were shining from excitement.
Wherever they are heading… Robin’s eager to get to it as fast as possible.
But she still doesn’t get it why Zoro asked her last night. Robin could’ve just told her that she was planning on a hiking trip to the jungle… just right after her birthday.
“Where are we going Robin?” Nami can’t stop herself from asking. She watched as the boys continued moving forward, noisy as ever. She wouldn’t be surprised if they provoked whatever animals are lurking in this place because of racket they are making.
Good thing Franky and Brook decided to stay behind… or it’ll be much noisier.
“Are you alright?” Robin inquired again. “Just a few more kilometers and we’ll be there.”
“Where and what is there?”
“Something that you like.”
Nami looked startled at that. Then she narrowed her eyes at her friend. “You know Zoro said the same thing.”
Robin chuckled.
“Robin come on! Spill! Tell me something!” Nami whined.
The older woman just smiled at her. “Let’s go before the boys take a wrong turn or lose Zoro.”
“Just let him get lost. We have Chopper. We’ll find him later.” Nami huffed as she followed Robin who had resumed trekking.
“That would be a shame.”
Robin glanced behind her mischievously. “Wherever we are going… Zoro has something for you there.”
That made Nami stop in her tracks.
Zoro has something for her?
Robin chuckled again as she watched Nami’s eyes widened.
“Let’s get going shall we Nami?”
This time the navigator followed her almost immediately in stunned silence.
Is that why Zoro told her they were going somewhere today? Because he actually has something for her?
Her birthday present?
Nami fought the smile that was threatening to appear on her lips. Robin’s sharp eyes might notice that she is excited about this.
A few more minutes of marching along the trail and Nami can’t help but ask.
“What does he have for me anyway? And why is it inside this jungle?” Nami muttered darkly. She was excited at the thought of getting a gift from the ever-stoic swordsman but seriously, this non-stop hiking is slowly dampening her enthusiasm.
Robin glanced back at her amusedly. “It’s a actually surprise. You don’t like surprises?”
“From Zoro?” Nami blinked at that. “That thought is already a surprise in itself. Seriously, I don’t think he’s capable of doing anything like this.” She glared at the idiot mosshead who were walking a few feet ahead of them. “Besides what kind of surprise is this that you have to exert so much effort to get it?”
The archaeologist giggled at her impatience. “Well to be honest, with a right push he is capable of anything. Give our swordsman some credit. Besides… as I have said you will like it.”
Nami buried to her side. “You’re behind this?”
“Hmm… yes and no.”
“Robin! Stop teasing me!”
Robin turned to her and smiled that certain mysterious smile of hers.
“Let’s just say, Zoro stumbled upon something in this place.”
“You mean he got lost again and accidentally found something here right?”
“Fufufu… yes.”
Nami pondered at the information she had been given. What is in this place that she likes?
Based on all the green foliage around her… there is nothing here that piques her interest.
So what the hell?
She glanced at Robin who had an almost serene expression on her face. Yet she was moving a bit faster than before. The boys had already disappeared from their sight. A few seconds passed and there were a lot of shouting and yelling ahead of them.
Robin motioned for her to pick up her pace. Ahead of them, multiple hands bloomed to part the gigantic leaves and branches that were blocking their path so they can easily make their way through it.
“Zoro accidentally found this place,” Robin explained. “And I stumbled across him here while I was out exploring yesterday.”
They reached the end of the trail. And Nami stared in awe at the scene before her.
A few feet ahead of them were ancient stone ruins of what could be a palace or a temple.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Robin murmured as she made her way towards the place.
The boys have now wandered off to explore the place. Nami can hear their excited voices echoing along the vast abandoned site.
But this is something that Robin likes… not her. She couldn’t understand what’s in it that both Zoro and Robin think she’ll like.
Robin approached Zoro who was standing before a rather large boulder that was blocking the entrance towards what Nami could make out as a stone chamber.
She slowly followed her and watched as Zoro drew out one of his katanas and effortlessly sliced the boulder into pieces. He kicked off some of the rubbles, clearing the area as Robin beckoned for Nami to come closer.
Nami could make out a hole on the ground. Her questioning gaze met Robin’s and the older woman just smiled at her.
“Happy birthday again Nami.” And with that she left Zoro and her alone as she headed towards the now accessible chamber to explore what was inside.
Zoro was dusting his hands on his pants. “Let’s go.” He said.
“Go where?”
He pointed to the rather large hole on the ground.
Nami stared at him with wide eyes. It was then that she realized that the boulder earlier was meant to cover the hole rather than block the chamber’s entrance.
“Nuh-uh.” She stubbornly folded her arms across her chest. “I don’t like gaping dark holes that looks like it’s gonna swallow you and make you disappear to oblivion.”
Zoro chuckled at her reaction. “Don’t be such a chicken Nami. You’ll like what’s down there.”
“Why is your gift for me down there?”
He frowned. “Robin told you?”
He scratched the back of his head.
“It better be not the entrance to hell Zoro!”
“If it is then I would be dragging you to it! Not asking you to jump down with me!”
“Do you need any help?” Robin’s voice suddenly spoke out of nowhere, interrupting their brewing verbal battle. A hand had bloomed out from one of the stone columns surrounding them, unsurprisingly with a mouth on it.
“Nah I got this.” Zoro replied, scooping Nami into his arms suddenly.
With a shark-like grin, he leapt down the hole.
Nami screamed bloody murder at his ear, her arms clinging around his neck as hard as she could to the point of almost choking him.
They hit the ground not shortly after. And Nami’s screamed was suddenly brought to a halt. She realized it wasn’t the hole wasn’t as deep as she initially thought it was.
But it was still dark… and scary. And her heart was still racing and thudding against her chest.
If this is Zoro’s gift for her… she would maim him with his own swords once they get back to the Sunny.
Zoro set her down to her feet. But Nami did not remove her arms around his neck and clung tighter even as she glared at him in the dark.
She can hear him chuckling at her expense; feel him reaching down his pocket to pull something out.
There was a flicking sound and light suddenly filled the room. Zoro was grinning down at her, holding a lighter that he probably snagged from Sanji-kun’s collection.
“Happy Birthday Nami.”
And as the light slowly lit the room and bounced against some reflective surfaces, so did Nami’s eyes as it widened with the realization of what was really Zoro’s birthday present for her.
He had stumbled upon a chamber in the ruins filled with treasure.
And it was all for her.
Zoro just made some of her birthday wishes come true.
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skygemspeaks · 4 years
fusion au for one piece!!!!
the asl brothers spend almost as much time fused as they do apart. it’s second nature to them, fighting as one, laughing as one, living as one. after they lose sabo, it takes years for ace and luffy to fuse again for more than a few minutes at a time. it takes years for them to get used to that stomach-churning feeling of incompleteness, like a huge chunk of them is just gone.
the first time zoro ever fuses with luffy, he’s tied to a post in a marine base and half starved to death. he’s only ever fused with one other person before in his life, and she’s long dead. but he has a promise to keep, and so he sucks it up and accepts the rubbery idiot’s offer, just this once. zoro expects to hate it, expects the fusion to fall apart within moments, when his partner proves himself unable to keep up. what he finds instead is a dream as ridiculous as his own, and a motivation as deep as the ocean. they fight together like a well oiled machine, and later, when morgan is down and the marines around them are cheering and they fall back apart into their separate selves, luffy once again asks zoro to join his crew, even though they both know what the answer will be. zoro rolls his eyes, and responds in a long-suffering voice. “aye, captain.”
when nami sits there, sobbing and desperate and asking for help, luffy doesn’t put his hat on her head. instead, he reaches out a hand. and maybe nami doesn’t have anything to offer him, no strength, no fighting prowess, no strategy to defeat his enemy, but he takes her into his heart and lets her be the one to take down arlong once and for all. luffy lends nami his strength to get revenge for bellemere, for nojiko and genzo and all the other townspeople. For her own lost childhood. Nami doesn't think she'll ever be able to pay him back.
when ace sees his little brother in alabasta for the first time in three years, he’s so excited he launches himself at luffy, who doesn’t know he’s fused until they pick themselves up from the floor, blinking around in confusion and excitement. Fighting like this is second nature to them, but now they have an exciting new devil fruit to play with and the marines will never know what hit them. The part of them that is wholely Ace grins maliciously at Smoker as they crack their knuckles. "How dare you try and lay a hand on my precious little brother?"
Robin is gone and merry is broken and usopp is fighting with their captain. Everything is going horribly wrong, and just as it seems like things are reaching a breaking point from which there is no return, luffy reaches out and puts both hands on usopp's stubborn shoulders. Fusing with this stubborn asshole is the last thing usopp wants to do right now, but he's never been able to say no to his captain. So he accepts, and next thing he knows, he's drowning in a love as fierce as the ocean, and he's always been a good swimmer but now he finds he can barely keep his head above water. The depth of that love...it terrifies him, because he knows just how close he had been to throwing it all away. He sees now a grief for merry that rivals his own, and he knows he's not alone. He sees the heavy weight of a captain's responsibility, and it makes his knees buckle, to think that luffy has been shouldering it all this time. "I'm sorry" they choke out. Zoro huffs and rolls his eyes, steps forward and joins them. There are tears running down their face now as the love within them nearly doubles. Nami joins them next, then Chopper, and Sanji, and suddenly they're a towering, monstrous thing. With too many sets of arms, too many pairs of eyes, and so tall they almost break through poor merry's ceiling and walls. They fall apart into their separate selves a few seconds later, gigglin and tripping over each other. And it's almost perfect. But Robin is missing and they have to go bring her back home.
Marineford is a mess of a battlefield this time. with fusions forming and breaking in the blink of an eye, a chaotic mess where no enemy ever stays the same. Luffy succeeds in getting those damned handcuffs off him as the execution platform falls apart, and when they land on the ground, it is as one. Before any of the marines around them even has a chance to react, they're on the ground unconscious. They carve a bloody swathe through the battlefield, making their way to their escape ship. And this time when Akainu starts insulting Whitebeard, Ace does not stop. Because Luffy is right there with him and Ace loves his father more than life itself, but he won't risk Luffy's chance at escaping with his life, not even for him. Whitebeard dies with peace in his heart, knowing that his children have escaped safely.
A few weeks later, the Revolutionary Army's chief of staff stares at the newspaper, at a wide rubber grin wreathed in flames and mischievous black eyes looking out from beneath a ratty straw hat. Part of him is marvelling at how stable the fusion is, how strong. The two people that made them must know and love each other dearly. But a bigger part of him can't help but think that they're incomplete. His eyes trace out a pair of missing sky blue eyes, and search for messy blond curls among those black locks. He's hyperventilating now, his hands trembling and blood roaring in his ears as memories of his brothers come flooding back to him. He faints, and crumples to the floor before anyone can catch him.
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toraodwaterlaw · 3 years
Heart to Heart
Part 1; Part 2 of a four part AU fic set just after Marineford.
1161 words, angst with eventual happy ending
“If there’s something you want to say, just come out with it.”
Law would have very much liked to nap but it was hard to do anything with Jinbe’s eyes painted on the side of his head for the past twenty minutes.
“It’s clear that Luffy-kun would not have survived if you hadn’t been here to care for him. Nor would I.”
Law raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure that’s not what’s been on your mind this whole time. What are you getting at?”
Jinbe got up from his seat at Straw Hat’s bedside. There was none of the shakiness of his earlier movements. He stood tall and strong, with his broad shoulders held wide. He was healing well. Law was pleased to see it, even as that returned vitality was being angled against him.
“I want to know what Doflamingo wants with us,” the Fishman said.
It wasn’t a question. Law only wished he could be so sure of his own motives as others were.
He crossed his arms and shrugged, the picture of nonchalance. “He doesn’t want anything.”
“I am thankful for what you’ve done but I know who you work for, Corazon. If he has anything planned—”
Something inside of Law snapped at the use of the title. He was used to it by now. It was how most of the world knew him. However, this action— this act of idiotic, shortsighted heroism— was his. If he was going to pay the price for it, he was damned well going to claim the credit.
He stood so suddenly that it made Jinbe slip into a defensive stance. Law ignored it. “He doesn’t want anything,” he repeated with a growl. “I’m not one of Doflamingo’s mindless puppets.”
Law’s fists were clenched tightly enough that his knuckles whitened beneath the brand of death on the base of his fingers. He could rip the Fishman apart with a gesture. If he wanted, he could even make it hurt.
Jinbe wasn’t cowed. “Then what do you want? I won’t allow Luffy-kun to be used and you’ll have to fight me if you have any ill intent.”
Law barked out a laugh, all the fight draining away. He was so tired. How many times would he have to answer this same question? He leaned back against the edge of Straw Hat’s bed. “If I wanted anything, I would have brought you both back to Dressrosa with me. I told you before, it was just a whim.”
Jinbe considered him with narrowed eyes. Law was ready to fight if he had to, but he hoped it wouldn’t come to that. Injured or not, Jinbe had been a Warlord. More than that, he was still Law’s patient for the moment. At his heart, he was a doctor. He didn’t like to kill, no matter what he might have been forced to do with that accursed title hung around his neck.
A sudden change in Straw Hat’s heart monitor instantly drew his attention away. At first it seemed the teenager was simply suffering through a particularly bad nightmare but then his eyes flew wide and he let out an ear piercing cry. He tore the monitors off himself with his blind thrashing. Law threw himself on top of the raging teen before he did more damage, either to himself or the valuable medical equipment. 
“Stay still,” Law said with a grunt. Weeks later and his energy still felt low from the intense operation. His size advantage was holding out for the moment but Straw Hat was really thrashing. “If you open up your wounds, you will die.”
It was about as useful as talking with a wall for all that Straw Hat listened. He continued to struggle and call out for his brother. Law got a couple of fists to his jaw for his efforts. His teeth clacked together and he tasted blood. Straw Hat wasn’t messing around. Thankfully, neither was Jinbe. He lent his own hands to the effort and held down the teen’s kicking legs.
“Ace! Where are you? Ace!”
There was an unseeing, feral madness to Straw Hat’s gaze. Law knew the look all too well, as he was certain he’d worn it himself a few times in his life. It was enough to awaken a twinge of sympathy. He knew the pain of losing a sibling, of seeing the life you knew go up in flames before you. Unfortunately, he hadn’t exactly coped with that loss and so couldn’t imagine what to say to ease the pain.
Even if he did, he didn’t have the chance. Despite both his and Jinbe’s best efforts, they were trying to contain an unruly mess of rubber limbs. Feet stretched and dented the metal walls. Arms were extended and wound around Law to flip him off and away. Law slammed first into the floor, knocking the air from his lungs, and then through the equipment set up around the room. He was vaguely aware of injuries blooming across his skin, of bloody gashes and bruised bones, but he was more focused on glass breaking and metal bending. At this rate, his medbay would be ruined.
Law summoned up a Room, let it grow until it extended well beyond the bounds of the sub, and dumped the three of them unceremoniously on the grass outside. As soon as they landed, Straw Hat retracted his limbs and launched himself through the barrier that had been set up around the bay. Law sat up and brushed grass off himself as he watched the raging teen disappear into the jungle. 
For his part, Jinbe hesitated before running to give chase. Law nodded him on.
“Go on,” he said. “If Straw Hat-ya reopens those wounds, he will die. It’s as simple as that.”
“And you?”
“I’ve done everything I can for both of you. Any psychological damage is beyond my ability to fix. As for everything else, Straw Hat-ya just needs time and rest. He doesn’t need me here for that and I’m due back in Dressrosa. Overdue.”
Jinbe stared a moment longer as Straw Hat continued to rage in the distance. Law couldn’t begin to fathom what the former Warlord was thinking but then he nodded and hurried off toward the jungle. As soon as he was gone, Law started to check himself over for injuries. There was a gash along one of his arms and some broken glass digging into a shoulder. The blow to his jaw was going to result in a pretty monumental bruise but nothing too serious. He performed a scan just to be sure he wasn’t overlooking a concussion. The worst he found were a few bruised ribs. There was nothing to stop him from travelling back to Dressrosa.
Law sighed, whether from exhaustion or relief, even he couldn’t have said. His overwhelming thought at the moment was over. It was over and he could go back home. Not to the palace, but to Cora.
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crashing-comets · 3 years
Wee little plants
When the Straw hats returned, they didn’t have much time to talk about what happened while the crew separated them. Everyone had grown more robust physically, but no one had talked about how they were mental. A couple of weeks after the reunion, the Straw hat crew was sailing through the New World and heading towards a nearby island to restock. Sanji needed to fill the pantry and get more ingredients for the recipes he had learned, and Franky needed some more parts for the projects he was working on. For now, the crew was having a relaxing day in the sun. The girls were sunbathing and exchanging books to read, Sanji would pass by handing them colorful drinks and commenting on them, Franky was showing Chopper and Brook some of the things he learned in his two years away and some of the inventions that he made. Luffy and Zoro were napping in the grass, and Usopp was potting some of his plants. Robin stood up and walked over to Usopp, crouching down near his left side. 
“This plant is beautiful. What is it called?” Robin and Usopp shared the garden on the Sunny and frequently shared things about the plant they were growing. Usopp jumped a little, not hearing her approach him, but turned and smiled at her.
“Oh hey, Robin, This is a Nepenthes sanguine. They are also called pitcher plants. This one is a lot smaller than an adult should be, so I am wondering if it needs different soil because the seeds that I got this from was a swampy area on the island, and I wonder if they need to have those extra nutrients in the water like from algae?” Usopp stopped suddenly and gave an awkward chuckle, “ Sorry! I started to ramble again.” Robin smiled sweetly at him. 
“I don’t mind. It is exciting to see your thought process. Maybe you could make an algae farm for the plant for a substitute of that extra nutrients or maybe like a terrarium for the humidity?” Usopp hummed at the ideas and thought about how he could make it work. This plant was one of his favorites that he could keep from the island that he was stuck on. 
“Maybe, I just need to feed it more meat because there aren’t many bugs for it to eat naturally out at sea.” Usopp and Robin gave a small laugh when Luffy sat up and called out for meat. Luffy turned his attention to the plant that Usopp had sitting in front of him. 
“Woah! That looks cool. Can we eat it? Is it meat?” Luffy said, scutting closer to the plant, but Usopp blocked his view with his arm. 
“No! You can’t eat it! This is a plant that eats meat, and despite its coloration, it is not meat. This plant can probably eat you if it wanted to.” Usopp huffed, offended that Luffy wanted a bite of his favorite plant. “Plus, this is a small version of the plant, and it can break down so many things with its digestive enzymes. See there.” Usopp pointed inside the plant at tiny hairs that covered the inside of the plant. Luffy jumped on top of Usopp to get a closer look, but that movement pushed Usopp’s finger into the plant’s hair fibers causing it to clamp on his finger, starting the digestive process. Usopp yelped in surprise and tried to pry his finger from the plant, but he couldn’t get it out. 
“Oh crap, Luffy!” Usopp said, glaring at the captain. Robin had gotten up from her position next to Usopp and placed her hands on the plant, and Usopp’s hand intending to help but caused more pain for the sniper. “Ow, ow, ow, wait.” Luffy and Robin looked at him in confusion but stopped their actions. “This plant emits acid from the hairs to help digestion better, and we need salt! Luffy, go to the kitchen and get salt.” Luffy jumped up in a hurry and started running to the kitchen, tripping and waking Zoro in the process. Zoro took a moment to knock the sleep from his head and stared at Robin, trying to pull the lip of the plant to open more. Tears appeared in the corner of Usopp’s eyes, and Robin started to say comforting words to the sniper. Zoro jumped up and ran to Franky’s workshop to get Chopper. Luffy came running out with Sanji close behind him, yelling about stealing from the kitchen. When Luffy got down to Usopp and Robin, he handed the salt to Robin, who poured it around the plant’s lips. The plant gave a slight hiss and opened the chamber, and Usopp pulled his finger from the plant. Usopp burned his finger from the tip of the nail to his knuckle, and it was leaking blood in exposed parts of the finger. Chopper and the rest of the crew surrounded the group of three as Chopper pulled out his first aid kit and looked at Usopp’s finger. 
“What happened?” Chopper asked, turning Usopp’s hand over to look at the wound. 
“I was showing Luffy this pitcher plant, and I may have touched the hairs and started the digestive process.” 
“The what?” Sanji said, glaring at the plant in suspension. 
“Well, when the plant starts to digest the meat in the pitcher part of the plant, it emits acid to aid in breaking down the larger chunks of meat, but that meat happened to be my finger.” Usopp laughed. Robin was holding his shoulder and was surprised that Usopp wasn’t freaking out more than he was now. 
“You need to be more careful.” Chopper said, wrapping his hand. “And why aren’t you freaking out about this more?” Chopper yelled, gaining everyone’s attention. 
“Oh, this stuff happened all the time on the island that I was on. It isn’t as bad as it looks. The acid only breaks down the first layer of skin.” Chopper yelped at that fact. 
“So this was common on the island that you were on for two years?” Robin said as she ran her fingers through the sniper's hair. 
“Yeah, there is always something trying to kill you. Man-eating plants and the literal island.” Usopp laughed, but the rest of the crew stared at him, confused why their resident scaredy-cat was not freaking out about dying. Robin hummed and kissed his hurt finger. 
“I’m sure that it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.” 
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citrus-himmel · 3 years
@medicus-mortem​ —— told you Law was getting slaughtered. enjoy. ;)
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Law looked so enticing sitting the way he was, slouched comfortably in a lone chair he pulled away from the rowdy crowd that was her crew. Probably did so in the hopes of not getting involved with Luffy's shenanigans. Nami grinned, bringing her drink up to polish off the rest of the liquor still in her mug before leaving it to be forgotten on one of the many already cluttered tables of the bar. The noise resulting from the ruckus easily overpowered the way her chair scraped against the floor when she pushed herself up from the table. Heeled shoes barely made a sound as she made her way over to the clearly unimpressed surgeon, her grin only widening when his golden gaze flicked to her. She stopped, standing before Law with little more than a foot of space between their knees, and leaned forward to rest her hands against his thighs, gently forcing him to uncross his legs. ❝ Not having any fun, Law? ❞ Nami asked, tone teasing as she made herself comfortable on his lap, slender, naked thighs easily straddling his jean-clad ones. ❝ Should we change that? ❞ Ignoring the fact that her crew were only mere feet away, more than likely too busy to pay attention to what was happening in the corner of the bar, Nami leaned forward to ghost her lips across Law's. Her tongue darted out, tracing over his thin upper lip as her hands mapped out the planes of his stomach and chest that she already knew so well. They continued their journey over his shoulders, squeezing firm biceps and only stopping when she got to his wrists where she took hold of them and brought them up. With a nip to Law's lip she straightened, brown eyes smoldering as Nami watched his face closely for any minute reaction. ❝ Pay attention to me, ❞ Nami murmured, practically breathed as the fingers of one hand slid over the underside of his wrist, across the prominent lines of his palm and then made themselves at home in the spaces between his own. The grip on his other wrist shifted then tightened slightly, bringing that hand up so she could press feather light kisses across the tattoo adorning its back, starting in the middle of the inked circle then moving onto the spokes. Nami dug her thumb into the meat of his palm, not once breaking eye contact while she continued laving his hand in attention, borderline worshipping. Teeth nipped at each knuckle, tongue dancing across the slightly faded, inked letters. By now Law probably knew exactly what she had planned, if not from her actions than by the mischief that sparkled in her slowly darkening gaze. Nami didn't speak another word, simply gave his other hand a squeeze, fingertips massaging into the spaces between his knuckles while forcing the one she had her attention on however she saw fit. As if to only tease him further, not wanting to give him exactly what she had planned right away, Nami swirled her tongue once around his index and middle finger before moving on to his palm. There, she began tracing the natural lines with the very tip of her tongue, making abstract patterns along his skin and humming her appreciation every time she placed a kiss. ❝ I really do like your hands... ❞ Nami mumbled as a few minutes as she nuzzled into his wrist, sighing softly. More kisses up his hand, opened mouth and a just a smidge sloppier than the ones she delivered thus far, leaving tiny spots of dampness behind until she reached his fingers once more. ❝ Your fingers especially. They can do so much... Bring pain. ❞ She pressed the flat of her tongue against the base of his middle finger and dragged up to the tip, eyes back on his face. ❝ Pleasure. ❞ A repeat of the motion, only on his index this time. ❝ You've even killed, and saved with these very fingers. ❞ Nami hummed, the tips of those to fingers now pressed to her bottom lip. Finally, finally, she took them into her mouth down to the first knuckle, lips secure around the digits as she continued her decent, looking very much like she wasn't taking fingers into her mouth at all. Cheeks hollowed, thumb pressing into the soft underside of his wrist when the pads of his fingers touched the back of her throat, no gag reflex to trigger. Nami lavved her tongue around once, then twice with a soft groan, giving a gentle suck before retreating. The color of her eyes were almost eclipsed by lust blown pupils as she stared at Law, practically pleading for him to take control. Not that she would ever say out loud, but he was the only one she would ever allow to control her, that she would submit to.
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