#but helloooo here's a small selection
flywolfwriting · 3 months
Throw Me in the Deep End Ch. 6
Alastor ran into Lucifer again at the supermarket. It was sheer luck that Alastor was alone that day; Charlie or Rosie usually came with him. It was how they spent time together as a family, and occasionally how they would pick their next target. Charlie had an eye for the bad ones; often she wanted to help them, but when Alastor said ‘go’ she went.
Lucifer was lucky she wasn’t there.
“What are you doing here?” Alastor growled as Lucifer casually came up beside him.
“Shopping for dinner?” he said, holding up a basket.
Alastor eyed the basket. It held three cans of beans, a loaf of bread, and a pair of oranges. He hummed skeptically.
Lucifer flushed. “What?”
“If you don’t have people for that, you should.” Alastor turned back to the selection of spices before him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing.” Alastor shrugged and dropped what he needed for his jambalaya into his own basket. “Only, if you always eat like that its no wonder you’re so small.”
Lucifer spluttered. “Not all of us can be freakishly tall like you!”
Alastor laughed and moved away, but the other man followed.
“Why are you following me?”
“I’m not,” Lucifer lied. “I just looked over and saw you and wanted to say hi.”
“You haven’t said hi.”
“Well that’s because you growled at me!”
Alastor merely maintained his annoyed smile and examined a carton of eggs.
“Helloooo?” Lucifer said, scowling.
“There!” Alastor said in a chipper voice. “You’ve said hi! Good day.” He looked at the price, grimaced, and returned the eggs to the shelf. He didn’t even bother looking at the meats; there was a reason he hunted for his own.
Well, it was one of the reasons, anyway.
Lucifer glanced between him and the eggs with a frown.
Alastor quickly turned away and strode down the aisle.
“Hey!” Lucifer ran to catch up. “Where are you going?”
“The checkout, and then home.”
“Would you like to grab a drink?”
Alastor stopped abruptly and Lucifer ran into him. He stumbled backwards as Alastor spun on him.
“What? Why?”
“Um,” Lucifer blinked up at him. “Just because?”
Lip curling, Alastor once again turned away and stalked toward the storefront. “No.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” he sneered.
Lucifer kept pace with him. “I’ll buy.”
“Money is not the issue.”
“Then what is?”
At this Lucifer finally faltered. He quickly bounced back, cutting in front of Alastor in line. “I owe you a drink.”
“No, you don’t, stop saying that.”
Lucifer smiled as the cashier rang him out, then stood to the side to wait. Alastor presented his coupons, counted out his change, and gathered his groceries. The pair walked out together, to Alastor’s great annoyance, and LUcifer watched him tuck the bag into his back seat.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Alastor said, getting into the car and driving away without another word.
It wasn’t until he got home that he noticed the carton of eggs sitting on his passenger seat. He stared at them for a long moment, briefly considering tossing them out of spite.
Bastard, he thought savagely, then took the eggs inside.
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I hope you are well 🥰
I really love Tech Tuesday and I was wondering, would we see how Jake's wife totally fall for him or will it be only stories with the kids? I saw the small prequel so I was just wondering.😊
I love how they are already making them choose their Pokemon and she is already ready for another child. Jake seems to support everything that she wants and do. I am so here for that 💜🥰
Team Squirtle but I love them all 😂
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Have a nice day 🥰
I'm doing a lot better today. Getting ready for a long weekend of treating myself.
Jake and Sunshine are just so damn adorable, aren't they? 🥰
Someone else was asking about that first thing Sunshine made for him so I could see doing a kind of back and forth between "how it started" and "how it's going" kind of thing. Showing how their relationship developed, Jake/Sunshine's attempts at the geekiest proposal ever, their gaming themed wedding...
There's a lot to work with there and I love these two, so I could see writing more about their past. Thanks for the idea!
And yes, Squirtle was not selected but maybe the next baby will choose them.
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roxyandelsewhere · 2 years
wow i just listened to the the josé mário branco timestamp for the dean edit that you did and it was really haunting and beautiful. was that just a recording of a concert/performance piece that he did? is there anything else of his that you would recommend?
helloo! yess it's so good right? so glad you liked it ^^ it is a recording of a live performance, yes, but he has so much more, he's an absolute icon. idk if you know portuguese but for anyone who does, many of his songs (including this one) are truly some of the best sources for some info about portugal in the years after the '74 revolution from a very left wing, mostly very frustrated and bitter perspective. and one thing that's amazing about him is that he voices what any left wing person who knows what happened is thinking, all the anger and the disappointment, but he's still funny. FMI is (to me) a masterpiece partly bc it's got it all, it makes you feel all the bad things you ought to feel but it also makes you laugh
as for other things by him:
Inquietação is a classic (the JP Simões version is also cool but i'm biased bc i love his voice)
Eu vim de longe, eu vou pra longe kinda fucks me up. it's about portugal after the revolution, and how the events of november 25th ruined the left-wing government expectations created by the april 25th revolution. and he says "when our party was ruined and november got its revenge, I looked at you and I understood, it was a beautiful dream that was over, someone here had made a mistake" and later "when finally I wanted to know if this much faith is still worth it, I looked at you and I understood, it's a beautiful dream to believe in, whenever everyone wants it too. I have this guitar in my hand and my life in my other hand, I have a great love scarred by pain, and whenever april passes by I give it something to help it along" (it sounds better in portuguese)
A cantiga é uma arma ("Singing is a weapon". think the iconic "this machine kills fascists")
Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se as vontades. "and if the whole world is made up of changes, let's flip it upside down because the day is still a child" (again, sounds better in portuguese. it's a line I feel has been floating in the air all my life and I don't remember when i first heard it, i've just always known it)
Qual é a tua, ó meu. an iconic bop. it's literally called "what's your deal, dude". "what's your deal, dude, going around saying you're the boss. you have poked holes in freedom"
and this is already very long but trust me he has a lot of good songs. also fun fact this couple friend of my family once met him and they asked him to sign an album of his they had, and the album was marked as theirs with their names, it said "Ana & João". and he saw that and added "& José Mário Branco"
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
Helloooo could we maybe get Kasey Leo bonding time? I adore how you write!
Hello, hello, hello. Thank you so much, anon! That is very kind of you <3 Kasey and Leo bonding time you say? Yes, please. Enjoy!
CW: Food talk 
Rating: G
These characters and the Sweater Weather universe belong to @lumosinlove
“Hey blizz,” Leo waved his hands to gain his fellow goalkeepers attention, waiting for him to remove the AirPods he’d shoved into his ears after finishing his shower. “Finn headed back to New York straight after practice, and Lo’s just informed me he’s going to some art thing with Cap, so the apartment is going to be pretty lonely, if you wanna hang. I think we might have some leftover barbeque?”
He didn’t think either Sirius or Logan would object to him tagging along, but it appeared there was something emotionally cathartic about their rants in their native tongue for the pair of them. His french wasn’t good enough to keep up with their rapid conversation, however, in his defence, he was pretty sure their huffs, snipped sentences and aggravated hand gestures weren’t comprehensible by the rest of French - speaking Canada either. Still, Logan always seemed to come back in a better mood than he left in, and according to Leo’s reconnaissance with Remus, the same was true of Sirius, so he left them to it. 
“Sure,” Kasey nodded, “You’ll never find me turning down good barbeque.” He started to pull his slightly damp hair into a ponytail, letting out a small laugh. “Besides, Nat will probably appreciate having me gone a bit longer anyway. She’s editing it, and you didn’t hear this from me, but she gets a little...intense.”
“To be fair to her, editing is a bitch,” Leo chuckled, shoving his sweaty uniform into the laundry trolley. Back in high school, he’d had a small gaming channel that by now was buried in the depths of Youtube, and editing had always been his least favourite part. 
“Yeah, I keep telling her she should just pay someone to do it, but you know Nat,” Kasey shrugged, swinging his backpack over his shoulder. “You ready?”
“Ready,” Leo hummed, taking one last glance behind him to ensure he hadn’t forgotten anything. He fell into step alongside Kasey as they walked down the hallway.
“What’s this?” Kasey drawled. Leo looked up to find Kasey leaning casually against the doorframe, expression smug. It took him a second to register exactly what the maroon item of clothing dangling from his teammates’ finger was.
“Oh, that’s,” Leo cleared his throat, “Finn’s?” He felt himself cringe as the name left his mouth, the questioning tone not even the slightest bit believable. 
“That’s odd,” Kasey tilted his head feigning confusion, “because it says LK, here on the label.” 
Leo sighed, cursing his mom’s insistence on labelling his clothing before she’d packed him off on his senior trip. “Yeah, alright it was mine. Did you drag that out of the donation pile, anyway?”
Kasey pushed himself off the doorframe, crossing the room. “It was on top of the donation pile, which by the way, rude,” he slipped one of the plates Leo had been piling food on from the counter and set in the microwave. 
“Kind of weird to have in my closet now,” Leo managed a small laugh, hoping his cheeks weren’t as red as they felt. “Anyway,” he crossed his arms over his chest, “I was a goalkeeper, am a goalkeeper. Of course I had your jersey.”
“Sure it had nothing to do with a little crush,” Kasey teased, draping the jersey over the back of one of the stools. 
“Wrong cub. Have a word with Finn,” Leo scoffed, immediately feeling a bit guilty about how quickly he’d dropped his boyfriend in the deep end. 
“O’Hara brothers have good taste,” Kasey retorted. “Don’t donate it,” he cocked his head towards the shirt, “I’ll sign it. Imagine how much my jersey worn by you will rake in. We can give the money to a charity. Maybe something that helps queer kids?”
“You know, just when I want to hate you, you say shit like that and it just makes it impossible,” Leo swatted Kasey’s hand away from where he was about to reach for the hot plate with his bare hands mumbling something about impatient hockey players. “Sounds like a good plan. But circling back to O’Hara brothers, I heard a certain one dropped the L- bomb recently.” 
“No, no, no,” Kasey shook his head, his forehead creasing into a frown, “we are not talking about that.”
“That’s alright,” Leo smirked, “I’ll just call Nat later.”
“How about a compromise?” Kasey suggested. “We don’t talk about this, and I don’t tell the whole team I was little Leo’s favourite.”
“Fine,” Leo relented. “Just one more question,” he let the pause hang for a moment. “Did you cry?”
“Everybody thinks you’re the cute one, but you’re just a little shit really.”
“You love me.”
“You’ve been spending too much time with Finn and Logan,” Kasey grabbed the tray Leo had gestured to, and followed him into the living room. 
“Okay, serious talk for a second. Sure, it’s weird to have that jersey in my closet now, but you really were an inspiration for me growing up,” Leo sent Kasey a shy smile, as they sat on the sofa. “I never thought I’d get to thank you in person, but here I am and you played a massive part in that, so yeah, thank you,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “Still coming for that first choice goalie place though, old man.”
“Hey, you’re a hell of a player and I’d be happy to see you take my place one day, but not quite yet, rookie,” Kasey snorted. “Barbeque is great, by the way.”
“Just keeping you on your toes,” Leo nudged Kasey lightly, turning the TV on and selecting an animal documentary they had started the last time Kasey had been round. And really, 17 year old Leo could never have imagined telling Kasey Winter how much he admired him, but here they were, team mates, best friends, family.
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
Can I plz request some fluffy fluff with the one and only, Charlie Barber? Here’s a prompt line (use if ya want to or not) “Are you flirting with me?” But if that doesn’t strike your fancy maybe just a lil blurb about his big calloused hand in mine... I really just wanna hold his hand 🥺🥺🥺
Lunch Line [blurb] {professor!Charlie Barber x Reader} 
author's notes: helloooo @cornmousequeen !! I’ve been wanting to play around with Professor Barber for a little while...so I hope you like what I did with your request! thanks for being a supporter of my page and my writing, I appreciate you very much <3 ~prompt: "Are you flirting with me?"
warnings: a generous helping of fluff and general cuteness. plus some awkwardnss lol. plenty of (semi-awkward) flirting.
(possible) tw's: implied age gap (no more than 10 years). 
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"Professor Y/N?”
You turn around at the familiar voice of your new friend and fellow professor, Charlie Barber, and a smile grazes your face as you look up at him.
“Professor Barber, how are you?”
He joins you in the cafeteria line, blue plastic tray in-hand, stocked with his buffet selections. He sighs dramatically, making you laugh.
“That good, huh?”
Charlie laughs. “Midterms are kicking my ass.”
“You’re certainly not alone in that boat, Professor.” You reply with a smile. “Towards the beginning of the semester, I agreed to take over another section for a teacher in my department who’s out on maternity leave, and I’m certainly regretting that decision right about now.”
Both of you laugh in unison, taking the time to admire the other’s beauty. The sparks always seem to fly between you and Professor Barber whenever you get together, but since you’re both professors at the same university, nothing can ever come of it. So, instead, you just flirt back and forth endlessly during lunch, then you part ways afterwards and head back to your respective departments until the next day’s lunch break.
Today, though, feels a bit different. A bit more flirty than usual. 
“Wow, that sucks, I’m sorry.” He says, a truly genuine tone backing up the statement’s sincerity. “I would offer my help, but I genuinely know nothing about psychology to even be of help.”
You chuckle. “Just the thought is appreciated, honestly. I’ve got a few TA’s this semester for a couple of my classes, so I just dump most of the more tedious work on them, which is mean, I know, but I like to think that I’m giving them an authentic experience.”
Charlie smiles brightly, laughing softly. “You’re awfully cute, Professor.”
His eyes widen when he realizes what he’s said, but is sort of relieved when you look away, biting your lip and tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.  That’s a good sign, right? It’s been a while since he’s been interested in anyone, much less flirted with them.
“Are you flirting with me, Professor Barber?” You ask, flashing him a quick wink.
He blushes madly, running a nervous hand through his hair. “Uh, well, h-how would you feel if I was flirting with you? Hypothetically, o-of course.”
“Well...” You begin, a small smirk tugging at the corner of your lip as you reach up to whisper in his ear. “I’d feel like telling you that I like you, too, Professor. I’d also feel like telling you that if you asked me on a date, I’d say yes.”
Charlie shudders softly, biting his lip for a moment as you pull away. He tries to contain his excitement at this proclamation, but he really can’t, smiling and blushing like a damn teenager.
Before he can say anything, though, the middle-aged woman behind one of the cash registers interrupts.
“Sorry to interrupt this intimate moment y’all are having in the middle of the cafeteria, but I’m ready to check y’all out over here.”
A few people in line snicker as your cheeks warm rapidly, and Charlie’s turn even redder. You giggle softly, walking over to the register, biting back a smile as you scan your faculty ID and thank the woman, heading over to the utensil station.
“What I was getting ready to say, before being interrupted,” Charlie begins with a soft laugh, walking up behind you. You turn around to face him properly. “Is that I, uh...w-would you maybe like to, er, uh, go out to dinner, s-sometime? Or coffee, or breakfast, even lunch if you wanted, it really doesn’t--”
“Yes, I’ll go out with you.”
He laughs awkwardly, the tips of his ears almost as red as his cheeks as he reaches to scratch the back of his neck.
“I’d love to go out with you, any place, any time, Charlie.” You look up at him with a smile. “Really, I would.”
God, he could kiss you right now. Oh, how he wishes he could just pick you up and take you to his bedroom--
“That’s great. So, so great.”
He cuts his own thoughts off.
“Yeah, totally.”
A period of awkward silence passes before you clear your throat, giggling to yourself softly.
“So, uh, should we go eat our lunches, or...?”
Charlie nods, running his hand through his hair again.
“Lunch! Right, yes, o-of course.” 
Both of you grab utensils before heading over to your regular table, hand-in-hand. 
And for once, you both had something other than lunch to look forward to together.
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manifesting25 · 2 years
Day 6/100 Days of Productivity
Helloooo peeps!
🤣💀 I again almost forgot to post
Here's what I did today:
1. Worked on the company intro video (for internship)
2. Created more stories for my own work
3. AGAIN mailed the stupid courier company for shipment delay and then later at night booked another delivery appointment
4. Created a small design for a coworker's bday
5. Again made the company intro video from scratch.. basically had to create another option to select from.. n the first one I had made all professional with decent music n limited animation, but turns out the COO n Business Head here prefer something w more animations and LITERALLY club music (that's what I added n they liked it 💀 dad wouldn't have approved)
6. Went through the company's site for report I have to submit
That's all.. today finallyyyy I was getting along well with everyone at work n one of the noisy talkative group shifted to my side of work area n we talked a bit n joked n all n i even had lunch together with everyone else.. but after lunch sir asked me to shift somewhere else so that people don't see the creatives n all before they're posted 💀 so got assigned to other side of the work area.. ppl are there n I do talk w them a bit but these are comparatively less talkative n more sincere so 😭🥲
😂 only good thing being I'm closer to washroom n saves me the energy of walking all the way there
Anyways.. overall enjoying the internship now 🙃
Cya 🌸
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mcukinkbang · 2 years
posting date claims - UPDATE
Helloooo Kinksters!
It's that beautiful time of the event where we cheerily slide into your inboxes and remind you that playtime is nearly over! That's right! It's time for teams to pick a posting date!
We are so small this year, and everyone always wants the later timeslots, so we decided to push our first posting date to May 15, 2022. Posting will run from May 15 to May 28 for regular posters. Pinch hits will be free to claim May 29 through to June 04.  
Please make sure that the date you chose is within the correct posting window. Teams who select pinch hit dates that are not pinch hit works, will not be assigned a date and will have to resubmit, possibly losing their place in the queue. Please make sure to identify if you are date claiming for ART or FIC by putting ART or FIC before your slide number. If you do not put ART or FIC in your submission form, you run the risk of not being assigned a date and having to resubmit, possibly losing your place in the queue.
(Not sure what to do? Or how this works? Head on over to our DW where we've made a page just for this! (Note: The collection will not be the 2019 collection. We know it says 2019 but the info is the same. There is a 2022 collection that you can find here.)
Please have only one person in your collab partnership use the following form to claim a posting date on Sunday, April 03, at 2:00 Pacific Time (What Time is that for me?). Please make sure that as a team you have discussed posting logistics and chosen a date that works best for everyone in the collaboration. If you need the mods to help, now is a good time to contact us and let us know!
We will be manually updating the form, so the dates you submit won't be immediately updated. However, we will be going in order of submission. In case of duplicate submissions for the same art or fic #, we will give preference to the first one. You check the form for updates or to double-check your posting date here!
Thank you!
-- the Mods
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unfrgivble-archive · 3 years
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-----   𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃   𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓   !!   independent   &   highly   selective   LUCIUS   MALFOY   from   the   harry   potter   franchise.      written   by   mary   (   she/her   22yo.   )   anti-jkr   and   dilf   enthusiast.   personals   dni.   discord   available   to   mutuals.
carrd.   threadtracker.   interest tracker.   pinterest.   spotify.    barty crouch jr.
intro. this is an independent & highly selective roleplay blog for lucius malfoy of the harry potter franchise. mutuals only pls & thx warning. there will be triggering content on this blog. the opinions my muse do not reflect my own. if you find it difficult to seperate the writer from the character, this blog is not for you. lucius malfoy is a bigot towards muggles and muggleborns. i will not water him down for your comfort. disclaimer. this is a strict anti-jkr blog. if you support her or sympathize, with war and hate, please fuck right out of here. transphobes/terfs, racists, homophobes/biphobes, antisemites, etc can get right off of my blog. another disclaimer. currently in the middle of reading the books and rewatching the movies. characterization is iffy at the moment. please, excuse a very ooc lucius based on my daddy issues and personal headcanons until i am reversed in harry potter knowledge. credit. some icons are made by myself, others i found on hollowart. PSD is blake by gorefrey. all other graphics are made by myself unless otherwise stated. dni. i will not write with anyone from the hamilton fandom. too many bad experiences. i tend to stay away from ppl using problematic faceclaims. writing. i can do short para to novella. pls note that i do like to have some plotting for longer replies. i am personally no good at super prosey writing, fair warning. if you write prose, pls lend me ur brain. formatting. i do like a fairly simple format. i do use small text, icons, and fancy font. pls let me know if you would prefer me to change my formatting for accessibility purposes. i would be more than happy to oblige :) misc. no bigotry will be tolerated. swift block if you are an asshole. hate mail will result in me crying on dash - just don't. shipping. welp. i am the biggest ship whore you will ever meet. i am not going to beat around the bush here. if you ask, i will most likely say yes unless your muse is a minor. mun is 22. muse is a 40-something year old dilf. (pls give me enemies to lovers) additionally, lucius is a married man but if you are wanting to ship, we can discuss a circumstance whether he is unmarried, divorced, widowed, or something else. nsfw. smut will probably occur but will be tagged accordingly and placed under a cut. i am much more comfortable writing smut with those who i know ooc, so if you are interested, let's chitchat a bit :) ps. you must be 18+ to write smut w/ me. tags. i tag all basic triggers that i think may be appropriate. i am only a human so i may mess up sometimes. pls poke me and i'll make corrections. meet the writer. helloooo!! i'm mary. 22. mentally & chronically ill with too much time on her hands. closeted bisexual. armchair titanic historian. animal crossing extraordinaire. squishmallow enthusiast. she/her pronouns. i live in upstate ny so EST timezone!!!!
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obsidiancreates · 5 years
Preparing A Party For The Glitchiest Birthday Boy
(Yes, this is two days late. What are you gonna do about it, report me to Jackieboy?)
(I realized right at the end that I should add this disclaimer: Not trying to make them or their actions seem okay or soft or cute of anything. This is what they view as nice and being good friends and having a good time, and it’s written from their perspectives. It’s all obviously fucked up, but they view it as fine and normal.)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jimmy gnawed on a bone and stared at the wall, deep in thought.
“Wil, I just wanted to remind you not to go online today-” Dark walked into the room while looking at a phone, and when he lifted his head to see Jimmy he had to stifle a groan. His shell cracked ever so slightly, just enough that one of the mirrored images could be seen rolling its eyes. “Where did you get that?”
Jimmy snapped out of his trace. “Huh?” He took the bone out of his mouth and looked at it. “Oh, I found it in Ghost’s purse.”
“... What is it from.” It may have been a question in nature, but the way Dark said it most certainly replaced the question mark with a period.
“Don’t know! Could be human, could be from a monster, an alien, it’s anyone’s guess.”
Dark just stared with disgust. “Where’s Wilford?”
“He’s out getting Anti’s cake.”
“Anti’s cake?”
“It’s his birthday!” Jimmy stabbed the bone into his leg repeatedly as they talked. It was too dull to pierce, luckily. Dark was sick of blood getting all over the carpets. “I’m trying to think of a good present. Do you think a knife would be too expected?” Jimmy snapped his fingers. “Oh! Maybe a needle felt dying Jack! Homemade means I don’t have to spend any money!”
“You’re a disaster,” Dark deadpanned.
“I know!” Jimmy threw the bone onto the couch, and Dark made an audible noise of disgust. “Hmm, I need to get my stuff from home... could you kill me real quick?”
Dark didn’t even speak, he just reached out with his aura and snapped Jimmy’s neck.
Wilford tsked. “Is this your whole selection?”
“Yes, although we can do custom cakes. We need a few days though.”
Wilford sighed. “How red is your red velvet?”
The girl behind the counter stared at him. “The... normal amount?”
“Can you make it even redder?” Wilford leaned on one elbow, raised his eyebrows, and wiggled his mustache. 
The girl behind the counter, Marie according to her nametag, looked slightly confused and uncomfortable. “Um... I don’t think so.”
Wilford frowned. “Well shoot,” he mumbled. “What about frosting? DO you have any that looks like blood?”
Marie seemed to be inching away from the counter. “I guess... what um, what for?”
“Oh, my friend just likes blood,” Wilford said, waving his hand in dismissal. “How about- hey, where’d you go?”
The swinging door to the back room was doing exactly that, swinging. Wilford shrugged. “Well, if you want something done you’ve got to do it yourself!”
He set off for the grocery store, humming.
Jimmy was surprisingly quiet as he worked, stabbed the tufts of wool to shape them. It was a relief, really. Dark was sat comfortably in his favorite chair, going through the Markiplier tag on Tumblr.
He supposed he should be grateful that the glitch shared his birthday with the anniversary of that awful series. It would keep Wilford busy, hopefully keeping any incidents to a minimum. Wilford was always hard to handle when he remembered some of his past life. 
And... maybe, maybe, some small part of him disliked seeing Wilford upset.
A half-finished needle felt doll was shoved over Dark’s phone. “Does this look like he’s dead enough?” Jimmy pointed at the red line on the throat. “Or should I make it look like this is dripping?”
“I couldn’t care less.” Dark pushed the doll away and focused back on scanning the tag. He made a mental note to have Google block Wilford from social media privileges for the next few days.
“Come on! Be helpful!”
“To you? Absolutely not.”
“You and Anti go way back! What, you won’t even get him a card?”
“Pre-canon doesn’t count, Casket.” Dark made the ringing around him more intense to drive the murderer away. 
Jimmy ignored it. “Whatever. You’re the rudest of us all.”
“I am the only one who hasn’t actually murdered anyone.”
“You’ve killed me tons of times!”
Dark scoffed. “Those don’t count. You don’t stay dead.”
Jimmy crossed his arms. “It’s still murder! The police back home say so!” He scowled. “Besides, you didn’t either,” he muttered, quiet enough that Dark didn’t hear. He looked down at the half-finished doll in his hand. “Should I dip this in some Septic blood?” he thought aloud.
“As long as you don’t get it on my carpet or walls, I don’t care.”
Jimmy ran out the door. Dark cracked his neck. “Finally.”
Anti held up the knew puppet to the light. “I͡f y̶ou̡ ̨c͘ha͏ng̷e y̴o̶u͠r l͜o͞o̶k ͞agaìn,̴ ͟Bro̢dy͟,͢ I'm ͟g̶oin͠g aft̶e̡r yo҉ur ͘ḱi̡ḑs̨ ̡ag̡ain,” he mumbled. 
He had to knit a whole new puppet, of course, after Chase got his hair cut. He’d tried cutting the hair of his other one, but it just didn’t look right. He needed his puppets to be perfect matches if he wanted them to have any kind of power.
It wasn’t the worst way to spend his birthday. Sure, he’d rather be attacking the Septics brutally, but the timing would be just too predictable. They’d be prepared, and he didn’t want to have to struggle with anything on his birthday.
He hadn’t heard from Wilford or Jimmy at all, but he didn’t mind. Really, he didn’t. He had his phone close in case he wanted to set the community on fire. Not because he was waiting for a call or text. Not at all.
He tied some strings to the puppet and flicked it in the head. He glitched over to his monitors and saw Chase rub the back of his head and look around, confused. Anti grinned. Well, at least he had some entertainment.
Wilford plunked the grocery bags down on the counter. “GOOGLE!”
Google made his way to the kitchen, grumbling. He scowled at Wilford, who grinned right back. “What?” 
“Okay Google, pull up a cake recipe!”
Google glared at Wilford but did as he was told. Wilford started (messily) measuring the ingredients.
Google watched as various ingredients began thoroughly coating the counters. His core ached with the knowledge that he would be the one who had to clean it all up. “You could just make one appear,” he said, struggling to maintain his monotone voice.
Wilford gasped. “But then there’s no love in it!” He smiled as he mixed the dry ingredients together. “I used to do this all the time! Back in the day I was a master of cake making! I would make it, and then-”
The smile slowly faded.
“And- and then...”
Google didn’t say anything. He just watched as Wilford stared into the bowl, his eyes moving all around the room, like he was searching for something.
“He decorated them... I- I can’t remember his name...”
Google stiffened. Dark had made it very clear that he was to be alerted if Wilford had an “incident”. Google waited, seeing if it would escalate.
“D-Dames? Dam- Damien?” Wilford blinked. “Damien?”
Google was about to message Dark when Jimmy burst into the room. “Wil! Which Septic would Anti want blood from the most?!”
Wilford kept staring for a moment. Jimmy waved Knifey in front of Wilford’s face. “Helloooo? This is urgent! It’s for Anti’s present!”
Wilford blinked, stared at Jimmy, and then grinned. “Jimmy! When did you walk in?”
“Just a second ago! Quick, which Septic would Anti most want the blood of?!”
“Hmm...” Wilford stroked his mustache, then tapped on it, then went back to stroking it. “That doctor! Or the silent one! Of maybe the one with the hat!”
“THAT’S NOT HELPFUL AT ALL!” Jimmy ran out of the room, spouting off “heck”s and “darn”s the whole way.
Google smirked. Jimmy’s inability to curse always made him feel smug, same as with Bing’s safesearch filter.
Wilford went back to baking. “What was I talking about before? Ah, nevermind. There’s cake to be made!”
Anti took a break from watching the Septics and went to look at the community tag. “O̢h̷ hell ͘y͠e͡a̴h.̢ I'm so fuçk͡in͟'͜ c̸o͏ol,͝” he said to himself as he scrolled through the fanart. “Oh͟,̀ that��'̀s ͝g̷oo̡d͘!͝ I'm uśing tha͏t͝. W͝o̷w͘,̨ t̡hey͝'̨ve͘ g̡oţ some g͘r̕e̴at i̷dea̸s..̵.͠”
It was fortunate he took the break when he did. Otherwise the surprise of his present would have been completely ruined.
Jimmy no-clipped through the wall, into where he was pretty sure the lab was. Anti had shown him around the place once before, right before he tried to murder the hero one. Good times...
Jimmy looked around. Yup, he got it right! Bright lights, cold title, hospital beds...
A slightly blue mouse sitting on a desk in one of the corners started squeaking at him, quickly and furiously. 
“Shut up,” he hissed. 
The mouse squeaked even more.
Jimmy ignored it. No time!
He moved to the back room, where Anti had told him Jack was kept. He got his own room. Seemed like overkill to Jimmy, but it did make sneaking up to him easier.
The magic spells protecting the room did nothing to keep Jimmy out. They’d been made with Anti in mind, after all.
Jimmy walked up to the bed where the comatose Jacksepticeye laid, unmoving and unresponsive. “Not here to kill you,” Jimmy said as he got Knifey out, “That would be a terrible birthday present. Anti really wants to do that himself.” Jimmy tapped his chin. “Where to get the blood from...”
The neck? That was part of Anti’s whole style... but maybe somewhere less risky, after all for once Jimmy wanted the person he was stabbing to live...
He shrugged, went for a part of the abdomen that usually bled the least in his experience, and just hoped for the best.
He coated the doll thoroughly, until it was fully red and dripping. “Perfect!” He cleared his throat. ‘HEY SEPTIC WEIRDOS! I JUST STABBED JACK IN THE ABDOMEN!”
He heard some distant crashing, shouting, and then all five of them burst into the room at once. He grinned at them. “Don’t worry, I didn’t try to kill him! I just needed some blood!”
Chase shot him. Jimmy re-spawned immediately and went in for a few stabs.
He only managed to get some more blood from Schneep and Jameson. Jackie and Marvin kept killing him before he could get them. Schneep ran for Jack as soon as he could, despite the others trying to hold him back, so he was an easy target. Jameson tried to attack him with a cane sword (where the heck did he even get one of those?), and Jimmy managed to cut his hand.
“Well, that was fun! Bye!” Jimmy waved at them with the bloody doll and no-clipped through the wall again. He stole a car and quickly drove back to the Iplier household, somehow, despite them being across the ocean and hours away.
 Wilford took the cake out right as Jimmy burst back into the house. “I GOT THE BLOOD!”
Wilford peered at the doll. “Wow! That’s a fantastic likeness!”
“I know! I’m very proud of it!” Jimmy beamed. He looked at the cake. “Ooooh, that’s really red!”
“I was think green frosting, your thoughts?”
Jimmy licked some blood off of Knifey. “Kinda Christmas-y.”
“Well, he did have that whole Overnightwatch thing. He loved that!”
“True! Add some black too! OH! Let’s do black eyes!”
“Genius!” Wilford got right to mixing up the frosting colors. “Want to help?”
“Can I eat the leftover frosting?”
Jimmy wasted no time furiously mixing the colors, and then slathering the cake with frosting. He set the doll on the counter, much to the annoyance of Google. 
Soon they had a fully-decorated cake. Green frosting, black eyes, black sprinkles, and as an extra touch, a knife with fake blood (really just translucent writing frosting).
“It’s perfect!” Wilford gazed at their creation with adoration. 
Jimmy whipped his phone out and texted Anti. “Let’s move it to the living room!”
Anti glitched into the Iplier’s living room. “Ìs͟ Dar̵k̵ ́actuall͡y̨ ̴c̡ove̕re̛d i͞n̵ ͜gl̨itt̸er̴?́ ̕B̕eca͏ųse ̕if̶ s̴o thi̶s ̵i͜s ̛t̛he ̧best͢... b̨i̵rt͝hd͞a҉y̵... “
He stared at the cake on the coffee table, the small box next to it, and his two friends standing on either side.
“Surprise!” they shouted. Jimmy threw some of that sharp plastic confetti at him while Wilford went with shooting a glitter bomb out of a grenade launcher.
“.̨.. ͡wha̶t̡ the ͠f͡u̕c͜k̀?̨” was all Anti could think to say. He didn’t mean it in a bad way though.
“Come open the present!” Jimmy grabbed his arm and pulled him closer. He slammed the box into Anti’s hand. 
Anti tore the wrapping paper off and pulled out-
“Is ̢t̡h́i͞s͟ ҉a ́de͠ad ̵J̢a̸c͜k?̨”
“Covered in his blood! I didn’t kill him, but I did also get some blood from the doctor and the old-timey one! Do you like it?”
“L̨i̢ke͟ i̢t? It's ҉p̢erf͠ȩct.” Anti grinned deviously. “I̶ ̵ca̶n'̛t ͢w͝a̛i̴t ̶to p̸o̶s̛t a͟ ̡pictur̀e ǫf̸ ̡i͜t̕ and̨ śe̸t͘ th̛e ̨f҉a̵n͝s on ̶f̡i̢r̀e̛!”
Anti looked down at the cake. “Are̶ t͟hos̀e̴ m͜y͡ ҉ęy̷es̶?”
“They are! and the inside is bright red! Red velvet flavor!” Wilford gestured to the knife. “Go ahead!”
Anti cut a piece and ate it off the knife instead of getting a fork and plate.
Jimmy took that as a queue to dive in his his hands.
Wilford got a plate without actually grabbing one and shoveled it in.
They finished the whole cake in mere minutes. Then they all ran out to the yard, buzzing from the sugar. Anti tackled Jimmy and killed him, cackling. Now this was his kind of birthday!
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darlingpetao3 · 5 years
Strasberg v Stevens (Miles Strasberg x Reader x Ed Stevens)
Rating: G
Summary: You’re about to ask Miles out on a date, but end up mistaking him for someone who has a very similar face...
A/N: In honour of the new Darrow & Darrow next Sunday and my current/5th rewatch of Ed, I was in the mood to do a little crossover!
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As if staring at the man through the window of the doughnut shop wasn’t weird enough, you had to be murmuring your little speech under your breath and watch it fly out into the crisp autumn air.
“Miles, hi,” you practice, “funny running into you here! No, no, he always comes here, there’s nothing funny about that.”
Today is the day you’ve finally decided to ask out district attorney Miles Strasberg after working up enough courage over several weeks of weighing it up. But the opportunity has arisen, and there he stands at the counter, ordering a doughnut and a coffee.
He looks different today. It’s like Miles has forgotten to coiff his hair the way he usually does. Instead, it’s got a different sort of height to it - in a stylized way of sticking up rather than swooping. Also, where are his glasses? Maybe he has contacts in today, but that’s usually not like him. Perhaps you’re reading too much into his appearance.
“Okay, here I go. No turning back now.”
The door chimes as you walk inside and you try to swallow your nerves. You approach the man at the milk and sugar station off to the side.
“Maple doughnut,” you observe his selection, “the perfect choice on a day like today.”
Miles turns to face you, and wow, he really does look different today. He grins at you, a boyish kind of smile and happy eyes.
“That was my thought exactly! I’ve always said maple was the quintessential fall flavour.”
“I thought that was pumpkin?” you can’t help but mirror his upbeat demeanour and match his megawatt smile. Is he normally like this? You try to scroll back in your memories for any evidence.
“Pumpkin is only perceived as quintessential,” he explains, “It gets all the attention from marketing execs. Pumpkin is the popular girl at school. Maple is the quiet, sweet girl in the corner of the room hoping you’ll notice her. I love me some maple.”
You laugh. There must be a ton of sugar in that coffee because Miles is being extra sweet himself. Your heart quickens at this interaction, which propels you forward into your speech.
“So, listen, Miles,” you start, “I was wondering-”
“Oh whoa, whoa, wait, I’m-”
The chiming entrance door interrupts you both.
You and the man you have obviously mistaken for Miles turn to find the actual Miles approaching. Grey suit, striped blue tie (to match his eyes), the coiff, and his signature black glasses perched on his nose.
Yep, this is Miles, alright.
Then, who is…?
“-Ed?” Miles says. “(Y/N)? Good morning. I see you two have already met.”
“Actually…” you say, wholly embarrassed.
“Not properly,” the man now known as Ed says. “She mistook me for you.”
Miles laughs. “If I had a nickel.”
“I’m sorry,” you pipe up, “am I missing something here?”
Ed makes the same adorable laugh. “Ed Stevens, nice to meet you. (Y/N), was it?” He holds out his hand and you shake it. It’s warm and oddly comforting.
“Yes. Hi, Ed. It’s nice to meet you too. Can I ask- were one of you cloned or what?”
The two men share an amused glance.
“Luckily that’s not the case,” Miles replies. “Ed is my cousin from Ohio. He’s a lawyer as well. Here on business.”
“You better believe it.”
Cousin, huh?
“The resemblance is uncanny, honestly,” you admit.
“We’ve gotten that a lot,” Ed confesses. He really does have an amazing smile… It’s like Miles’ but somehow distinctive at the same time. You’re not blushing, are you? Impossible… it’s Miles you’re crushing on.
“I think (Y/N) was wanting to tell you something though, when she thought I was you,” Ed continues.
Oh God.
Miles directs his attention to you, looking like the lawyering angel he is. “I’m all ears.”
Feeling the need to dig yourself out of an awkward-hole, you ditch the speech and come up with something else.
“Oh, I just wanted to wish you good luck with the trial today,” you half-lie.
“Ha ha! Yeah, he’ll need it,” Ed chuckles.
You tilt your head. “Why’s that?”
“Miles is going head to head with me in court.” Ed leans in to lower his voice to you, but loud enough so his cousin can still hear. “He thinks he can beat me.”
“I know I can beat you,” Miles retorts. “You’re just a small-town bowling alley lawyer.”
“Correction - I own a bowling alley and I am a lawyer,” Ed clarifies. “Two separate things.”
“You still own that place, eh?”
“I’d never let Stuckeybowl go.”
Okay, there’s not enough time to unpack all of that.
“That would be quite the scene to witness,” you say at last, imagining these two battling it out in court.
“You should drop by,” the ‘bowling alley lawyer’ offers to you, “then you can see just who the best lawyer in the family is.”
“Oh, she already knows it’s me,” Miles answers, and puts a hand on your arm. Miles’. Hand. On. Your. Arm. “Isn’t that right, (Y/N)?”
You stutter, then merely laugh. How on Earth did you get in the middle of this adorable-yet-hot lawyer sandwich?
“Maybe I will drop by city hall, then.”
Ed checks his watch before adjusting the strap of his messenger bag on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, I better get going. It was nice to meet you, (Y/N). I’ll see you around. I hope.”
Just as he goes to leave, the man shoots you a quick wink, so fast that you’re wondering if it even happened at all. It isn’t until Miles says your name that you snap out of your spacey state.
“Helloooo? (Y/N)? I asked if I can buy you a coffee while you’re here? Pastry? My treat.”
You give a long unintelligible “Uhhhh...” before somehow settling with a “yes, please.”
“What would you like?”
You think about it for a second.
“A maple doughnut, please.”
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noahsenpai · 5 years
pride discord server !!
helloooo people of tumblr!! so a few days ago i opened up a pride/lgbtq+ server that is open to join! it is a very small server and we’re trying to build it! it is a safe space for ALL members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies to chat, play games, ask for advice, or just hang out! once you join, please go to the #🌈welcome channel for directions on how to get started and gain access to the whole server! (in short, you just need to post an intro, read the rules, and give yourself roles).
LINK: https://discord.gg/YkjTruP
general server rules (these are also in their own channel when you join): 1. this is an lgbtq-based server, so if you are caught being homophobic or transphobic, or expressing any sort of bias towards another group of people, you will be automatically kicked from the server. no exceptions. 2. no asking for mod positions or affiliations! the only time you can request to be a mod or to be affiliated with us is through an application when they become available. 3. we have a strike system here in Proud to Be. if you are caught breaking a general or text channel rule, you will get a strike. three strikes and you will be kicked from the server without a warning. 3a. if you are caught expressing bigoted views and people have continuously expressed concern about it, then we may have no choice but to kick you without giving you the proper amount of strikes. 3b. if you see any suspicious activity, please don't hesitate to take a screenshot and send it to me! 4. NO NSFW OUTSIDE OF THE NSFW CHANNEL. we have minors on this server and they are not supposed to see those things. i and the other adults on the server could get into serious trouble if nsfw is posted outside of a restricted channel. 4a. DO NOT LIE ABOUT YOUR AGE. if we find out that you lied about your age, you will be kicked without warning. 5. AGE ROLES ARE REQUIRED. like i mentioned in #🌈welcome , you need an age role so we can restrict who can access the nsfw channel. 6. PLEASE, ONLY JOIN IF YOU PLAN TO STAY AND BE ACTIVE. do NOT join if all you intend to do is try to become a mod or earn an affiliation spot! doing so is actually against the rules! 7. as soon as you have posted an intro and given yourself roles, a mod will give you the @♥︎verified member♥︎ role. you will NOT get this role unless you have at least one of these. 8. feel free to change your nickname at any time, and to invite friends to the server!
text channel rules 1. in #❗vent❗ , please cover any potentially triggering content under spoiler markings. you can do this by highlighting the text you want to cover, right-clicking, and select "mark as spoiler." 1a. generally, you should keep all potentially triggering content in this channel. 2. keep cards against humanity games in #⚜cah ! 3. keep role claims in #🌈role-claim ! 4. do NOT advertise any servers you are a part of in ANY text channel! all affiliations will be taken care of by me.
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koreanboyswriting · 7 years
In Translation Pt. 2
(Hey guys I’m so sorry this is so much shorter than the first one, but I really like where I ended it so fuck it lol. I’m already bursting with story ideas so catch me dropping a bunch of stuff during winter break because I have no life. Also, thank you guys so much for reading, it means more than you know!)
1.2k words 
You walked from the building in slow motion, you weren't completely shocked something happened you had been told enough times that something would. You had heard all the stories and had still accepted the job, you just didn't expect one of them to be so blasé about it. And you didn't know whether to be flattered or disgusted. You absentmindedly got into the car and Dae greeted you.
 "Back to the agency Miss. Y/n?" Dae asked politely, looking at you through the rearview mirror. You looked up and met his eyes and nodded. He began to chat with you, but your mind was completely somewhere else, so all you could do was nod and make the occasional, "mhm," sound. Dae pulled up outside of the agency in minutes and you were shaken out of your stupor.
"Thank you Dae," you were about to slip out of the car when Dae cleared his throat to get your attention, you looked up and met his eyes through the mirror again, "Are you alright, Miss. Y/n?"
 “I’m just fine Dae, thank you.” You opened the car door and shut it neatly behind you before he began to ask too many questions. Whenever you had a listening ear you tended to reveal a lot more about yourself than you wanted to. You looked up at the familiar glass building and it suddenly looked different to you. When you had arrived in Korea two years ago, it looked like opportunity and stability, and now it just looked lifeless and nondescript, blending into all the similar ones around it. You walked in and sat down at your desk and began to go through your paperwork, confirming and selecting appointments, when you decided that you were the decision maker in your own life. It didn’t matter that you were already in a situation you didn’t want to be in, you would control the work environment the way you wanted it to be, not them. This was your job, and you were going to do it how you wanted to do it.
Feeling refreshed with newfound confidence, you gathered up your things and decided you were done for the day. You visited Mr. Lee and told him about how great the meeting went, omitting your encounter with Jungkook, and he smiled, genuinely happy that you seemed to be excited about the opportunity. You thanked him for putting you up for the job and left with a wave of your hand, leaving him to return to his mountain of paperwork.
You hopped into your car once outside and took the longer way home avoiding the busy streets while you sang a-long to your favorite playlist. You had just arrived to your apartment when your phone began to ring and you had struggle through the door with your hands full, while trying to reach for your phone. The door swung open hitting the adjacent wall and you dropped all your belongings on the floor to pull out your phone. Your brother's name flashed across your phone screen and, a big smile spread across your face as you swung the door shut behind you, leaving your things scattered around the door.
 "Hey big sis!" You smiled glad to hear a voice you knew. Your baby brother was someone you cherished dearly, unlike most big sisters who fought with their brothers all the time, you and Cameron had always been close. He was one of those people who everybody loved, he exuded charisma and brought people in without even trying to. He was very soft-hearted and gentle, so when he told your parents and you that he was gay you weren't even phased, or surprised. He had always expressed an interest in k-pop when you were younger often liking the boy grops far more than the girls, which was why you knew that when you told him what you were doing, he would be beyond ecstatic.
"Guess who I'm translating for right now?" You probed, smiling on the other side of the phone, excited to hear how large his reaction would be.
"The president of South Korea, the pope, Beyoncé?!" You laughed, of course this would be his reaction.
"No, you headass! I'm translating for BTS!" You winced holding the phone away from your ear, as your brother screeched on the opposite line of the phone.
"Wow, someone's fangirling."
"You don't understand, y/n. They are blowing up over here! There's even rumors that they are supposed to perform at the AMAs!" You got quiet thinking that's why Manager Sejin mentioned an American press tour. It seemed dumb that you hadn’t given that more thought earlier, but it aligned with your brother's allegations.
"Helloooo??? Did you die??" Cameron's voice shook you from your reverie.
"Yes bitch, I'm here. You can't get rid of me that easily."
"What happened?"
"Nothing, everything's fine."
"Wait do you know something about BTS that you're not telling me?!"
"What? No."
You were a notoriously terrible liar but you hoped that Cameron wouldn’t pester you, but that would be hopeless as he lived for that.
"Y/n, so help me, you better tell me. I love these boys more than you, and I NEED to know."
"Wow, ouch. If I had anything to tell you, I wouldn’t want to now."
"Ok, fine I take it back. But tell me, pleasee?" Cameron continued begging on the line, adding way more e's than necessary to please.
You knew he wouldn’t back down till you said something, so you spoke over his begging, "OK FINE!"
"They are ten times more beautiful in person, Cameron."
"Oh my gahd! I'm melting, y/n you're so lucky. I hate you."
You chuckled, glad you finally had something you could distract him with. You ended your conversation with Cameron shortly after, promising him you would find a way to get a picture of them, or get their autograph, knowing damn well that if you asked you would get killed by Mr. Kim. But Cameron doesn’t take no for answer, so you promised over and over again just so you could hang up. 
You ate a small dinner, stir-frying your leftovers from the night before. You laid in your bed after you showered staring at your fan blades as they spun around, thinking about what the hell you were going to do. Marching in there tomorrow and being assertive sounded extremely pleasing, but you gave your word to Mr. Lee and Mr. Kim that you would do whatever they asked and basically be obedient, so you needed to be creative. You smiled to yourself, as you finally settled in to sleep, turning off your light and looking out the window at the city lights glimmering, you were just going to have to get just as dirty as Jungkook if you wanted to win this.
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kaiyeti · 7 years
Yang and Ruby are waiter for their mom's diner and Nora drags Weiss and Blake
Nora: Come on guys! I know that you are going to love this place! *Nora cheered as she dragged her friends Weiss and Blake down a the side walk.*Blake: Nora, while we appreciate you taking us out to lunch, you’re both really busy and don’t really have the time. *Blake calmly told her friend.*Weiss: Plus, I have a business meet in forty eights! Nora: Oh please. Blake have been working yourself too hard lately with you new book. And you can always reschedule the meeting Weiss.Weiss: No Nora! No I ca-Nora: AND HERE WE ARE! *Nora Interrupted the business woman as she ship in front on a old fashion diner allowing the other two women to look up at its neon light sign.*Blake: The rosebird dragon diner? *Blake read aloud tilting her head with her cat ear.*Weiss: You dragged us three blocks for some old diner, Nora? I honestly wonder how Ren deals with your surprises.Nora: With love and being really flexible in bed. *Nora replied without missing a beat, making Weiss and Blake cringe at the mental image now in there heads as Nora opens the door for them.* Now come on! I want me some pancakes! Weiss: Fine. But they better have a meal that is low calories.Blake: I wonder what kind of tea they have? *Blake pondered as the three entered the diner, finding it to be quite nice inside with only a hand full of people with in it sitting at the counter or one of the many booths.* Wow. I like this places style. Very classy.Weiss: I’d have to agree. Though, I still don’t see why I couldn’t have just… order… in… *The CEO began to say until a beautiful short black hair with red tint and silver eyes woman wearing an old fashion waitress uniform with a small red hooded cloak hanging from her shoulders walk up to them, cause the white hair woman to stare in awe as her.*Ruby: Hello.~ My name is Ruby. Welcome to the Rosebird Dragon diner. How many will be dining here is today? Oh hey Nora. *Ruby greeted with a heart warming smile, Blake noticing Weiss’s mouth open slightly with a blush making the Faunus chuckle.*Nora: Hey Ruby! It’s just the three of us. *The red head informed the hooded waitress after giving her a quick hug.*Ruby: Alllright. Table for three or would you rather sit at the counter? *Ruby smiled, giving three menus as Nora opened her mouth to answer.*Weiss: *However and to the other two women’s surprise, or humor, Weiss quickly and a bit loudly answered for them.* A Booth In Your Selection, Please! … I-If you are waiting tables that is? I’m Weiss. *She then tried to play off calmly as a large blush grow on her face while holding out her hand.*Ruby: *Speaking of blushes, after Weiss’s out burst, the red hood waitress’s own cheeks began turn the same shape of red a her cloak as she spoke with a trace of nervous enjoy, taking the CEO’s hand.* O-oh yes. Of course! I’d be happy to have y-I MEAN SERVE! Serve you. Uh, hehe, right this way. *It was a few steps towards the booth along with Nora and Blake giggling before the waitress realized she was still holding Weiss’s hand.* Oh whoopie. Hahaha, Sorry about that.Weiss: It’s fine. It was my pleasure. *Weiss said without thinking causing Nora to full on laugh now.*Ruby: O-okay. Uh, here we are. I’ll be right back to take your orders. *Ruby said as she showed them the booth and sped off into the kitchen while hiding her blush.*Blake: Smooth. *Blake whispered with a smirk, receiving an elbow from her friend as they sat down.*Weiss: Quiet you! I’m under a lot of pressure at work and I was blind side by the cuteness of the waitress! *Weiss hissed before burying her ace within the menu Ruby left for them.*Nora: Cuteness? Weiss let’s face it, Ruby just melted your cold icy heart. You like her! *Nora teased causing her to groan.*Blake: Have to admit. I never thought that Ruby girl was your type. *The writer said as she opened up her menu, glad to see they served her favorite tea.* Then again. With the way you look at puppy dogs I can see why.Weiss: Oh to hell with you! It’s not my fault she is my type! I know you would do the same!Blake: *At this Blake laughed and looked at her friend with a smirk.* Please Weiss. If my pass relationships with Adam, Ilia, and Sun have shown anything is that I do not have a type that can make me go head over heels for someone like you just did.Nora: But what if you just haven’t met them yet. *Nora cut in while wiggling her eyebrows.*Blake: Nora. The likely hood of me see the person of my dreams here in this random diner is a billion to- hmm? *Blake was explaining to her friend when noticing someone walking up to their booth thinking that it is Ruby to take their drink orders. However, as Blake turned her head her breath was instantly taken, for the waitress that stood next to her was not Ruby but a gorgeous long golden hair purple eyes woman with fit athletic body wearing a waitress uniform a bit to small around her chest.* Yang: Helloooo.~Nora: The pancake and coffee Yang. They call to meeeee. *Nora dramatically exclaimed.*Weiss: I’ll have a Diet Coke please. *Weiss muttered with disappointment of the new waitress not being Ruby.*Yang: Okay and for you beauty. *Yang replied to Weiss’s order with a cheery tone before her voice turned to a more attractive voice as she looked to Blake who only continued to gaze upon Yang before answering.*Blake: You. *The writer spoke with a small smile until she realized what she said and quickly spoke again.* Oolong Tea! I… I meant oolong tea. *Blake then covered her now red face as Weiss leaned over with a smirk and whispered as Nora fell in her side of the booth laughing.*Weiss: What was that you were saying earlier?Yang: *Meanwhile, Yang’s smile grow ear to ear, her cheeks suddenly pink, at Blake’s words and who she is acting and let out a giggle.* Hehe, easy there Kitten. You have to take me out on a date first. *She told Blake who’s cat ears drooped down more as she tried to hide her face  even more, not noticing Yang writing down her order and somethings else on a separate piece of paper.*Blake: I am so sorry. That was rude of me. I just-huh? *Blake apologized feeling the most embarrassed of her life until she looked up to find Yang holding out a piece of paper to her.* What’s…Yang: I don’t have off tonight but I do tomorrow if you’re free, Miss… *Yang winked at the cat Faunus waiting for Blake to reply and give her name as Weiss’s jaw dropped and Nora awed at the site of two of her friends hooking up.*Blake: B-Blake. *Blake stutter as she took the paper to see a scroll number on it, a smile as big as Yang’s growing as she continued.* Blake Belladonna and yes. I am and would love to! Yang: Great! It’s a pleasure to meet you Blakey! See you around- *Yang beamed with joy but before she could finish Ruby zipped over with pen and pad in hand.*Ruby: So sorry about that! I had to make sure we had enough pancake batter for Nora’s order. So what can I get you? *Ruby explain before smiling  to the three women, blushing slightly a Weiss’s smile at her an then noticing Yang.* Uh, Yang? What are you doing?Yang: I’m taking their orders, sis. It’s what mom pays me to do when I work here on the off season of my matches. *Yang said, confusing Blake and Weiss who look to Nora.*Nora: She’s the MMA fighting champ. *She whispered as The two women across from her nod.*Ruby: But this my table.Yang: But it’s in my section.Ruby: No it isn’t.Yang: Yes it is.Ruby: Hmmm… Hey Mom! *Ruby called out to the counter where Blake and Weiss’s jaws dropped once again upon seeing a taller black hair red eyed Yang and a taller slight longer haired Ruby both look out through the window.*Raven/Summer: Yeah/Yes?Yang: Who’s booth five? Mine or Rubes?Raven: Ruby got evens right? *Raven asked looking down at her wife.*Summer: No, Yang does. Oh no wait She had then last week and counter when she punched that guy who was messing with Velvet.Raven: Hmm… Hey Tai! Tai: What? *They heard from farther in the kitchen.*Raven: Who has table five? Yang or Ruby?Tai: I think Yang!Yang: Yes. Thanks dad!Tai: Or is it Ruby? *He question causing all the women of the Xiao Long Rose Brenwen fight to groan.*Nora: Why not let Blake and Weiss decide? *She suggested which both Waitressed nodded and agreed before looking at Blake and Weiss.*Blake/Weiss: Yang/Ruby…. No Yang/Ruby. *They both said at the same time, looking at each other with annoyance.* Weiss: Come on Blake. You already get you dream girls number let me have this. *Weiss whispered.*Blake: Yeah but I would like to maybe set up a date with her. Beside, you have a meeting to go back to don’t you. *Blake whispered back, both waitress feeling extremely happy about the two fighting over them. Then all four watched Weiss pull out her scroll and call someone.*Weiss: … Yes. It’s me. Reschedule my meeting for tomorrow I’m taking an extended lunch… I am the owner of the company I can do what I want! *She said hanging up her scroll and move out of the booth pass Blake and up to Ruby and said.* Booth for two please. Ruby: Uh, Two? For you and Nora?Weiss: No for me and you. I’m sure your boss won’t mind you having lunch now.Summer: We don’t by the way! Ruby: O-Okay. Right this way. *Runy stuttered as she lead Weiss to another leaving Yang Blake and Nora to watch in shock before Yang asked.*Yang: So that Weiss girl…Is she?Blake: Weiss Schnee head of the Schnee dust Corporation. Yes.Yang: Uh-huh… By the way you wouldn’t happen to be the same Blake Belladonna who wrote the ninja of love series are you? Because I’m a really big fan of that book series.Blake: I am.Yang: I see… Nora do you mind…Nora: I’ll be closer to my pancakes. *Nora smiled as she moved to the counter as Yang sat across Blake and the two along with Weiss and Ruby started to talk, the smiles never leaving their faces.*Did you have this in mind or *Kai Kai. You got it right this time.* Okay then.
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mybilifee · 5 years
GOOD GOD I AM IN LOVE okay that was dramatic but so am I
OKAY here’s what’s happening so there is a very small LGBT community at my school that does not make me uncomfortable (simply because they’re weird and talk too much not bc of sexuality like who am I to judge I have a blog about being bi wtf) and this girl who I think I’ve mentioned on here before is in that select group. LONNIE THATS WHAT I NAMED HER?!! SO CUTE IM GONNA WRITE HER INTO A STORY NOW
JESUS CHRIST ANYWAYS I’m so head over heels in crush with her she’s adorable and softball season has started and I made varsity (whoop whoop) and so I get to talk to her all the time and she’s just so great and cute and she messaged our softball chat about uniforms and used :) AND I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT ITS SO CUTE
Okay anyways I got to sleep thank you for your time
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thegirlinpink21 · 6 years
#Dubai #Diaries - Step 1 - Ticket & Visa
Helloooo my lovelies, hope everyone is doing well. I am back to my blog after a very very long time, and quite excited to be here. Since many of my followers already know that I have been away to Dubai for a month and so many of you asked me about the details regarding what to pack, expenses, best places to shop, best places to visit there. So I thought it would be best to put all of this in a blog post which can help many people if they are planning a visit to Dubai. As it was my second trip to Dubai so I consider myself fluent with their process now that's why I consider myself eligible to guide people who are planning to visit Dubai for the first time :)
Burj Khalifa - Dubai
First Things First:
First step will be to decide your visit dates, because that will decide your visa type. Once you decide your dates, you can purchase the tickets. To purchase the tickets you can choose from different airlines, Emirates, PIA, FlyDubai and airblue are common ones. Prices of each can be checked on their website. The ticket price also depends on the season (e.g. at the time of new year, Dubai shopping festival and other such events, the tickets are priced higher). Being honest, I would suggest you to go with the cheapest airline if you are travelling alone or you don't have a very small child who requires special attention and care. I chose Emirates because I had my 2 year old with me and wanted to be hassle free after reaching because Emirates has its own terminal at the Dubai airport while rest of the airlines are dropped on the other two terminals. But if anyone wants a recommendation from me, I would suggest to go with the cheapest airline because you can save up the money to use for your experiences in Dubai. The price range for one adult's return ticket these days is about 45K PKR and above. Choosing the least expensive airline also leaves you with more money which you can spend on the actual experiences in Dubai so that is anyways a PLUS.
For the visa, you need to have your passport (Duh!) and a passport size picture with white background to apply for Dubai Visa. So you just tell any photographer that you need the photographs for Dubai visa and he will know what to do. So then you have to give your passport & picture to the travel agent to apply for visa. Visa fee is different depending on your duration of stay. Here is a link that can guide you on online visa application further: http://www.dubaivisa.net . If you book your tickets through emirates, you also get an option to apply for visa from their "Manage Booking" page. You will need to pay the visa fee to the agent either via Cheque, Cash or online bank transfer. Another useful link for applying and selecting for the appropriate visa type is: https://www.visitdubai.com/en/travel-planning/travel-tools/visa-and-entry-information Visa fee these days ranges from 14K PKR to 16K PKR per person for a period of about 30 days. But for the latest and current rates I would advise you to check the above mentioned links. Secondly, on airlines other than Emirates, you will need to get an "OK to board" stamp on your visa without which you will not be able to board on your plane. The emirates visas already have this OK to board stamp and for this reason the emirates visa fee is a bit higher than the normal visa fee. The process of getting the OK to board stamp is to visit your airline office and show them your passport, ticket as well as visa. As per my current information, there is no fee to get the OK to board stamp. However, if you apply for emirates visa online the visa will be pre stamped with "OK to board" so this will save you the hassle of physically visiting the airline along with your documents. I travelled on Emirates both the times so I personally did not experience getting the OK to board stamp done from the airline office. Maybe someone from my audience can explain the process a bit better if they have actually experienced it themselves. Follow this interesting link to guide you through your Dubai experience: https://www.visitdubai.com/en/travel-planning/travel-tools/get-the-app So, girls I hope the above mentioned information is useful for you if you are planning to visit Dubai. I will do more posts on what to pack, which places to visit, where to shop etc. Keep checking my blog for updates!!
from Blogger http://bit.ly/2BvKiX6
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myseoul17-blog · 6 years
<elCube by Lotte>
Sometime between March 2016 & October 2017, elCube opened a location here in Edae. Lotte Department Store is a “big name” department in Korea, & the company (Lotte) started launching a small version of the department store in various sites in Seoul. One of which is this one. The idea was to attract younger generations as the Lotte Department Store (not surprisingly) set prices that aren’t affordable for most teens & university students. As such, bcos of the target audience, the 1st location opened near Hongik University, which is like “young-trend central”, & then Edae (this one) was the 2nd location. There are now several locations in Seoul.
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The brands existing in the elCubes also differ; not only from the parent Lotte Department Store (just simply due to the clientele & size of the building) but also between different elCube locations as well. 
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Selca in front of the Line Store, located on the main floor of the elCube.
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Selca #2. With Moon.
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Brown (bear) & Sally (duck).
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Cony (rabbit) & swag Brown. 
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Like the Lotte Department Store (the parent), this place offers instant tax refunds; however, a minimum amount of purchase must be made in order to receive that service.
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Hottracks x Kakao Friends event going on! Hottracks is like a “store” but their inventory changes occasionally bcos they operate by carrying different brands. Sometimes, they have Brands A, B, C, & D products, but the seasonal Brand A items are all sold out, so they start carrying Brand E & F. You never really know what they sell in terms of brands but they have a lot of items that are “new generation” & trendy bcos that’s their operational style, & they’re fun to check out. When I went, I was lucky bcos they had a collab thing with Kakao Friends, so I knew I would be able to grab some Kakao Friends products here if I wanted to =]
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UMIUS = You Me Us. A shop that sold accessories of all sorts. I thought the name was cute.
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Moonshot featuring the GD fragrance & Big Bang 10 merch :O
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Moonshot featuring Blackpink’s Jenny & her make-up. 
Moonshot is a K-beauty brand launched by YG, so it’s not surprising that YG artists endorse this brand. The Moonshot booth can be found at the very back of the main floor. 
Next to the cosmetics section is the Line Friends store. The elCube is essentially a circle, with the escalators occupying the space in the middle of each floor *refer to the 1st photo in this post*.
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Did you scroll up to take a 2nd look at the 1st photo? :P
Anyways, the connection wall between the Line Friends store & the cosmetics is this wall of Brown bears.
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Line Friends plushies, backpacks, little pouches, car pillows, etc. ..
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Line Friends posters.
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James, the narcissist that cares a lot about his hair.
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The basement level is a clothing store called Star101. I headed there after I looped the main floor.
This place was super awesome! It was shopping heaven for me. Many styles of clothing, the many styles of clothing in different colours, & the many styles of clothing in different colours with an affordable price! The store sold mainly women’s clothing. They have a small men’s section in one corner of the basement. Aside from the bottoms & some jackets, the hoodies, sweaters, & t-shirts can be worn by women as an oversized style. So altogether, if you account for that, I’d say this store has approx. 85% women's clothing. Not a huge range in pricing. The most expensive piece I found was like 50000w (~<$60CAD) for a winter jacket. Most prices fall between 10000-25000w. They also have some accessories but not much, mostly hats & beanies, which was under 20000w. A small number of what I like to call “pocket accessories” was located at the cashier counter - wallets, phone cases, card holders, cigarette holders, the phone ring that holds your phone up, & pens, which I thought was really random. Several sale/clearance racks can be found, & things on these racks were under 10000w. 
Do note that despite all the available colours & styles, it’s ONE SIZE FITS ALL, with few exceptions for jeans, & jeans only. 
Now you might be wondering what size is “one size fits all”. It’s a fair question & unless you have an example to see, it’s really hard to say. It depends on the style/fit of the apparel too, right? I’m confident to say that over 85% of the clothes fit me. I’m 154cm (almost 5′1″) & 46-48kg (depending on how much I just ate lol, approx. 103lbs). For me, pants length is an issue at majority of places due to my short stature - not just in Asia but everywhere haha. A small number of dresses & skirts would fall too long on me for the same reason; they fit my waist but it’s the length. Most of the jackets I tried on here but didn’t end up getting was a good fit on me (I had to be selective *cries*); the shoulders on some of them were too big. Aside from fall/winter jackets, all the tops were good!
Taken together, I think that if I’m stretched out to 5′3″ (legs only), EVERYTHING would fit haha I hope this was helpful. I tried my best. Actually, bcos I’m talking about sizing here, I want to be a bit more informative to you. From my experience, Star101′s type of sizing is pretty standard at the places I went to for shopping - namely the rest of Edae & the area near Hongik University. Majority of shops in these places are one-size-fits-all. There are no plus-size stores or petite sections, like how it is in North America. I guess if you want to get serious  clothing shopping done but based on my description of the sizing here, you might want to consider other options, esp if you’re tight on time during your travel. There are other things to do here & check out; however, clothes shopping is huge here in Edae. I’m a very realistic person & when it comes to clothes, I mean. .. it’s yes or no, right? You can’t force yourself into a piece that doesn’t work for you. Blogs I’ve stumbled on don’t really touch upon the sizing issue so I want to share this information with you. =]
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Hottracks on the 2nd floor of the elCube. Look at this glorious view of Kakao stuff! Felt like I was in a Kakao store even though I’ve never been to one yet. .. but yeah, it was great that they were having this event here.
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Neo is so sassy, I love I!
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This was super cute. It was a small cosmetics pouch but their faces were like squished to the side. 
I spent more time in this section than expected bcos it was just so. .. overwhelming - all the Kakao cuteness haha I picked up 2 small notepads bcos I was being good. 
The rest of the store had pretty awesome gadgets too, like bendy lamps to attach to iPads/laptops, phone camera lenses, Fujifilm Instax Mini accessories. .. mostly electronic accessories & desk/office organizational parts. The designs were very sleek, & I’m sorry I don’t know the brand(s) bcos I didn’t pay attention to that. But like I said earlier in this post, their inventory changes (I’m sure they keep a few essential hot-sellers around, though). 
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