#but here comes Sebastian Vettel
denizgibidirgokyuzu · 2 years
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Grazie Seb 😪❤
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itsmechloeee · 2 years
We’re going into the last race weekend of the year and it’s an emotional one😔
The sport is losing one of the best. Not only is he incredible on track but he inspires us all to be better people every day!
Sebastian Vettel you will be missed, a 4x World Champion and an even better man🫡
Danke Seb!🏎️🇩🇪
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blorbocedes · 1 year
Simon Lazenby spluttering when Sebastian Vettel asks him a very simple "what do you make of the stewards punishing wearing a gay rights shirt?" because sky sports are ultimately cowards in the name of appearing 'unbiased'
Nico Rosberg interjecting: "I'll take it, I'll take for you. Ridiculous."
see how easy it is to condemn something that's wrong, even if the boss man paying you doesn't agree?
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shirt in question, protesting hungary's anti lgbt laws
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argentinagp · 6 months
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SEBASTIAN VETTEL | Australia GP 2018
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avida-heidia-5 · 2 months
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Some Martian be upon ye! I love these two so much, you don’t understand!!!! 💙💙💙
(From this clip)
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hensunrik · 2 years
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I don't know how much more of this I can take
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on brocedes, rosquez, and a secret third thing (sebschumi)
I’ve heard many a comparison between rosquez and brocedes, which is fair given that they’re both divorces with butterfly effects in their respective motorsport category (they're always gonna haunt the narrative). It’s also fun that both sides of each divorce has a side in the other one that they’ve taken, pre-conflict (I’m taking pre-conflict to mean pre-that presscon and pre-2016, though of course the silver war started far earlier), so Marc Marquez and Nico Rosberg vs. Valentino Rossi and Lewis Hamilton.
I have a feeling the intense rivalry and atomic fallout is the only thing they have in common though, since the crux of brocedes is a brutus/judas type betrayal on both sides as far as they’re concerned, with brutus/judas being someone you’ve known for more than half your life, cosigned on your dreams with, and found solace in when the rest of the sport kept their distance.
On the other hand, Valentino is Marc’s hero and idol, and Marc is the upcoming hotshot that Vale takes an interest in because of his talent, and from there they get closer. From what I’ve seen, the rosquez fallout was a one sided thing from Vale, wherein he thought Marc was doing something dubious (he wasn’t), publicly discredited his ability as a rider and said he had no respect for him, in front of Marc and the world. To hear something like that from your idol is crushing, and I would never ever want to be Marc in that press conference.
Personally, I’ve always thought of rosquez as sebschumi gone horribly wrong. Both Marc and Sebastian Vettel have publicly expressed their admiration of Vale and Michael Schumacher respectively, and everyone knows that it’s mainly because of their idols that they race (love of racing and bikes/cars aside). Now, where rosquez ‘went wrong’ and sebschumi ‘went right’, in my opinion, is that Sebastian became Michael’s specialest little boy while also not fighting him for the championship.
While I don’t think that Michael would truly pull his punches, there’s certainly a difference in the way he treated his championship rivals. Seb was on the rise when he was arguably in his decline, and so Michael was able to maintain a friendly mentor relationship with him. If Seb had been older (and therefore entered F1 earlier), or if Michael was fighting for his eighth in 2010, which is a lot of ifs I’ll admit, I have a feeling their relationship wouldn’t really be the same, and may have faced the exact same trajectory as rosquez.
Speaking of the way Michael treats championship rivals though (I’m not an expert on his rivals so I’m missing out a huge chunk of his history as a pilot, but I suppose it also makes more sense to compare Kimi to his contemporaries), we all know how he fought with Fernando, and considering the first person you always have to beat is your teammate, we all know how he treated Nico. It’s funny how his battles with Kimi never seem to reach that level of intensity or dare I say, rancidity. I often think of Nico being Mika’s protégé, and the way that might have affected his relationship with Michael, but that never seemed to influence his treatment of Kimi. Not really relevant to my original point, but I thought it was interesting.
Anyways, given my lack of expert knowledge in the rosquez lore, vs. sebschumi brainrot, forgive me if I’m making assumptions, but I also think Seb meant more to Michael than Marc ever did to Vale. The phrase ‘everyone knows Michael would pick Sebastian’ rattles around my brain more often than I’d like to admit, and what Seb is to Mick is another thing entirely, but as far as I can tell, out of the whole grid, it wouldn’t be Marc that Vale went to first. To me, it’s because fighting him for that top spot at the same time, as well as, I’ve been led to believe, certain whispers in his ear, meant Valentino couldn’t ever really be comfortable being that close with someone he ultimately wanted to destroy, and it wouldn’t have taken much to tip him the other way (the other way being suspicion and hostility).
This may be where the connection between rosquez and brocedes comes into play again. Lewis and Nico’s friendship, while technically stronger than the other two pairings combined, was deeply affected by the experiences they’d had in F1 prior to being teammates. The suspicion, paranoia, and games they’d learnt over the years destroyed what could have been one of the strongest pairings formula one has had. It’s quite easy to argue that had they become teammates earlier, say in Mclaren or Williams, they may not have met the fate they did (not having a championship winning car tends to help, though god knows what’s going on in Alpine).
Of course, the shared nationality aspect helps sebschumi in a way that doesn’t exist for rosquez, and that tension may have played a hand in rosquez’s unbecoming. Although everyone knows that being german definitely didn’t help Nico any. If rosquez were teammates, I actually don’t think they would have been very different from Michael and Nico, except that perhaps they’d be worse.
The original intention of this is getting away from me, but essentially, while rosquez and brocedes is all well and good, rosquez and sebschumi are two different paths the idol/successful fan relationship can take, so I thought the comparison obvious, and that I'd give it some attention!
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endofbeginings · 7 months
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"Exploring the ultimate thrill where body and metal become one!"
more f1 movie posters
Original poster:
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
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Stop flirting....
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eirianerisdar · 8 months
Christian Horner’s dream Red Bull Family TM:
Drivers: Golden youngest son and prodigal darling middle son to support youngest son’s charge
Now-retired eldest son to take on a PR/consultancy role like DC
Grandpa murked and in a six-foot grave so Christian is sole head of the family
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denizgibidirgokyuzu · 2 years
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I'm very emotional 😥💚
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leqclerc · 2 years
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Sebastian Vettel and Charles Leclerc greeting each other in the media and conference centre ahead of the British Grand Prix 2022
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jaeclerc · 11 months
He had never seen Roscoe act like that - sewis
He had never seen Roscoe act like that.
Sebastian was honestly a little bit baffled if he could be honest. He and Roscoe were cordial, if one could define a human-dog relationship like that. And it took a lot of work to get to that point, where he and Roscoe were something more than polite frenemies.
If Seb had been informed a few years ago that he would be seriously contemplating his strained relationship with his boyfriend’s dog, he would laugh in your face. Who seriously contemplates their relationship with their boyfriend’s dog? Sebastian guesses he does now. Especially in the wake of Lewis’ ex, Nico, coming by after a business trip abroad for his environmental awareness campaign. It was seriously a bit insane, the life that Lewis had.
Sebastian was still a little bit baffled by Nico. And Roscoe. But especially Nico.
He had maybe a moment to contemplate how to approach Nico when Roscoe came barreling down the hall and into Nico’s legs, knocking the other man down by his knees practically to be able to lick over his face. The bastard was even panting, His butt wagging in excitement at seeing Nico, he was clamoring all over the man, ruining his surely ethically sourced designer button up.
That solves it. Sebastian was the other woman in Roscoe’s eyes.
“Well, I mean Nico was Roscoe’s other dad since he was puppy…” Was the only explanation Lewis could give Sebastian, and he was honestly blown away by this whole situation. What did he mean? Why did he never know this was a serious matter?
“I’m just surprised! I didn’t know you shared custody until you messaged me Nico was coming over to have his allotted time. And then come to find out, your dog peed on my shoes because he thought I was the other woman. It’s remarkable, really. I didn’t know a dog could feel that way.” He remarked, looking down at their vegan korean food take away, laughing just a little.
“I don’t exactly know if he sees you as the other woman but Roscoe is very smart! And he was down when Nico and I split. He always loved Nico a little bit more most days.” Sebastian nodded and hummed. This was truly baffling, honestly.
“You certainly have a type, I’m surprised Roscoe didn’t just accept that Nico looked a little different.” He attempted to joke, swirling up his noodles. Lewis just shot him a very unamused look and Sebastian held his hands up in surrender.
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petit-papillion · 9 months
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📸 Scuderia Ferrari
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cedobols · 2 years
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can he please have diff teammate. he doesnt like his
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ivettel · 2 years
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The fingerprint in its fixity, in other words, limits individual agency; it is the body’s seemingly immutable truth that tells the story. Such truth claims rely on what Ellen Samuels has referred to as ‘fantasies of identification.’ And yet, Samuels writes, fantasies of identification have never really been about science. They are about culture, about politics, about the rule of law and the unruliness of bodies.
— "What," Pam Bailey asks, "are my moorings?"
Dusting for Fingerprints x Sebastian Vettel in For One Last Time
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