#but him more because he likes caretaker role and me because i dont want to be misunderstood so its different at least
skunkes · 10 months
I already know too much about myself but interacting with Talon in my head and doing retakes of scenes to fix his dialogue and find his voice is just always further highlighting the personalities of both parties....
Its so interesting to have him respond in the default, cheye voice before I go back and edit things like "he wouldn't say 'maybe'. He wouldn't give you any room to go against what he's sure he wants by saying that. It's blunt, forward statements. He also wouldn't say this much, he doesn't volunteer information you don't need to know. Straight to the point, answering your questions indirectly if he doesn't want to be too vulnerable"
and then going like ohhhhhhh :/ some things are just completely the opposite of how i am, like "oh no he wouldnt say this, he's not some spineless pushover, and he's not really overly, obsessively considerate of others perception or feelings....... Ah."
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pomefioredove · 3 months
🙂‍↕️not really coherent reply sorry
vil is one of the only characters in game that treats yuu with respect, and as an equal.
EXACTLYLY. honestly it never ever sits right with me whenever yuu BREAKS THEIR BACK trying to help others (especially because barely anyone is doing barely anything to help them. LET THIS BITCH GO HOME!!!!) for them to just? barely acknowledge it? casually brush it off? the scene in book 3 where the tweels r like wanna help out? you can switch with these guys and ace is like YES double all of my current suffering and pass it onto them /ref all of the students complaining about losing their signature spells when yuu has NO magic at all to protect themselves with.. let’s be serious please. maybe im being a little dramatic! but thats literally my favorite character you are talking about get their name out of your mouth.
vil is literally the only other character who plays a similar role in the story.
... cause chars like trey and lilia are almost there, but distinctly different in their roles, while vil is THE mother.
THIS!! !! !!! !!!!! lillia is more of the father trope and trey is more of a big brother i’d say. they aren’t nurturing in the same way vil is. maybe it’s the ‘nagging’ slash instructing aspect of how vil interacts with people. i don’t even know how to put it into words but ur right vil is so mom. like. i dont know.. it’s probably his relationship with epel (and even the other first years?) that makes me associate him with being motherly but he’s just so. nurturing. so many moms in the media that i’ve (recently) consumed were teaching their daughters to be quiet and respectful as to not get punished/essentially outcasted socially. of course that’s not really what vil is doing with epel but. ugh. read my mind!!! ull understand then trust. the ONLY other character that sorta makes me feel the same way is jamil. illove him so dearly but i know. little to nothing major about his character aside from his relationship with kalim. yuu and grim. vil and epel. jamil and kalim. they should start a we dont get paid (enough) for this bullshit club
honestly i dont even want to project myself onto yuu i wanna be a helpful roomate or somthinf. wtf 😭 my hungry aggressive ass could NOT be yuu /ref..
rhats all i can put into words rigth now . evene though i got sidetracked a lot.. !! bht th part abojt yuu being motherly ! ialso wanted to reply to. wowww thats a lot of typos sorry my eyesight is a tad blurry 😭
"double all of my current suffering and pass it onto them" LMAOOOO 😭😭😭
I am such a yuu defender idc. LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!! it's why rollo is still such a fave of mine, he's like one of the only sane people. looks at yuu and is like jesus christ are you fucking okay.
and yes literally vil is just. I think the big difference is that he actually kinda likes being in charge? more so than yuu. he's a natural leader while they were literally manipulated and blackmailed into their position (I WILL SAY THAT I do think vil feels pressured to be a leader because of how he was outcasted/made out to seem mean and scary by his peers so he just kinda Filled That Role... but also I definitely do not see him as someone who'd enjoy following rather than leading. his own character VERY MUCH parallels yuu's in so many ways)
jamil is definitely different tho. he was also forced into his position as a caretaker but he doesn't have a parental vibe to him. tbh I couldn't tell u what it is but he's got his own thing going on (and he DOES parallel yuu in a way, I wish he was closer to them because there's potential but he's really Not)
BUT YEAH I get you. I feel like this is a weird thing to say but yuu feels like their own character to me 😭 like I have my own yuusona but yuu themselves is a little guy to me
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marlasbreastlump · 9 months
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assorted f fight club designs!!! emo haired marlon for tylerstesticles
closeups and rambles under cut
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before meeting taylor/tyler f narrator would mostly conform to standards for women both internally and externally. she would shave, keep her hair long, dress feminine but i dont think she would invest a lot of time in things like makeup (excluding foundation and such for fight club bruises) or diets. she would be self conscious about her appearance a lot, and would have beauty products but i dont see her consistently using them.
in my mind she collects kitchenware because 1. she expects to get married and take on the caretaking mother/wife role and 2. its less expensive than furniture (insurance call center salary). she could collect makeup. i see her as being pretty insecure that she isn’t married by 30 but doesn’t really want a boyfriend/husband.
as she spends more time with taylor she would adopt taylors masculine characteristics both because of taylor’s ideology and because narrator wants to be taylor.
despite marlon never having sex with taylor, narrator would harbor more resentment for him than regular narrator does for marla.
she would also hate her boss so much more. her boss would see her as daughter-substitute as well as a woman (inherent object to dominate) which would lead to him treating narrator with affection (from his pov) condescension and creepy undertones.
she would hate angel face less, though. still mutilates her but it’s the thought that counts.
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taylor/tyler is the one who designwise changed the least. to me shes just tyler with slightly longer hair.
i might change her name bc taylor is too feminine a name for her
she would be very masculine, yes because of her whole liberate women thing but also because this is what narrator thinks is hot. i.e wearing mens clothes (obviously) being built like a brick wall, masculine mannerisms overall
this is also because she fills the same traditionally paternal roles as tyler: 1. the parent (not as nurture but teach/guide. taylor is mother and father substitute but leans more towards father substitute) 2. ideal self (not explicitly masculine but this is who narrator idealizes) 3. God.
i think project mayhem would be more explicitly homoerotic in this au because advocating for independence from men/you can get away with no-homoing relationships a lot more if its between women/??????????
primary members of project mayhem
-disenfranchised housewives (financial dependence on men)
-young women (objectification, beauty standards, etc)
-middle aged working women (undervalued female-majority jobs like nursing, too old to be valued for sex and now valued for nothing)
though taylor’s ideology would be mostly centered around liberation of women etc she would still hate women in management/power. pisses in rich people soup regardless of gender
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despite his and taylors relationship being healthier(????) than its canon counterpart due to them being just friends instead of hookups+????? i think taylor would still burn marlon w cigs and call him a human butt-wipe. he’d be fine with it though
he wears womens clothes from the thrift but i dont think he would act particularly feminine
in this au taylor cant steal his moms liposuction fat to make soap as i imagine he doesn’t have a great relationship with his parents
almost gets castrated by project mayhem when shits all going down
overall not that different from canon marla.
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You have Undertale OCs? 👀👀 Tell me more
HI SO. this is from an au where i indulge myself in my ficwriter nature. and make everybody alive. chara never does their plan so they never die so asriel never dies either so asgore never declares war on humanity. and hten i squash the timeline together so all the fallen humans fall within a couple dozen years of each other instead of over probably hundreds of years like they probably do in canon.
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Constance AKA Connie, the purple/Perseverance-souled human. they fell at 14 years old and are now 48. considers themself an anthropologist despite no formal training, and has taken particular interest in the role of puzzles in monster society. acts as caretaker of the ruins, viewing it as an important historical site. as seen as they saw a single gray hair they dyed all of it that color so they could tell people they were Mature and Sophisticated now. first person to discover Frisk when they fell, has Zero childrearing instinct so instead of treating them like their kid immediately started treating them as a friend, confidante, and research partner.
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Dinah, the yellow/Justice-souled human. she fell at 13 years old and is now 36. she was abused and is very distrustful to humans because of this + experiences with Drew (wait a bit and you'll see.) watches all humans who fall very very Very closely waiting for them to step out of line. one of only four members of the Underground's Royal Guard alongside Undyne, Dogamy, and Dogaressa. Crops up multiple times over Frisk's journey and essentially takes the role of a more openly judgemental Sans. that's a tattoo, not a real scar, don't ask her about it she sort of regrets it. has trouble opening up with new people and only has a few close friends in the Underground.
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Emmett, the blue/Integrity-souled human. fell at 11 years old, is now 30. trans man, ran away from home while still in the closet to escape parents he hated. used to do ballet, hates it now but still loves other forms of dance. Mettaton is his best friend in the underground, but he's very social in general. wants desperately to see his brother Drew again, but Drew's been avoiding him. they dont have hormones in the underground so hes transitioning via magic and everyone is very, Very curious how thats going to turn out.
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Andrew (Drew for short), the orange/Bravery-souled human. he fell at 17 and is now 35. came to Mt. Ebbott searching for his sister Emily, who ran away and went missing there a year ago, and upon seeing monsterkind was openly distrustful and hostile to them. in fact, he lashed out so strongly while looking for Emily that he injured several monsters and killed Dogamy's mother. Dinah was able to apprehend him in Snowdin, but one of the warning shots she fired struck a block of ice, creating shrapnel that took his eye. he was lucky the wound wasn't worse. he now lives in Waterfall, doing rehabilitative community service under the watchful and distrustful eye of Undyne. there's 12 years left on his sentence. he and Dinah refuse to speak to each other. he regrets what happened deeply, and doesn't want to talk to Emmett because he doesn't think he deserves for Emmett to forgive him. in general, avoids talking to people, only speaking as required to the people involved in rehabilitating him, though Ndidi and Aliza have made some progress in getting him to accept their friendship.
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Ndidi, the light blue/Patience-souled human. they fell at 6 years old and are now 16. Nigerian mother, Irish-American father. transfeminine, transitioned socially but no interest in medical transition at the moment. the Underground's absolute DARLING, beloved by all. raised by Toriel and Asgore (who had retired and left Chara and Asriel to rule the kingdom by the time she fell.) this makes the rulers of the Underground her siblings, a privilege she exploits shamelessly, alongside their privilege of being adorable. heard about Drew and his history when she was 7 and decided she would be the one to rehabilitate him. kept showing up and pestering him and he couldn't ignore her because she's a LITERAL CHILD, and because she kept showing up he Sort Of Also Raised Her. if pressed about it both of them would say their relationship these days is purely platonic but it definitely at least USED to be familial in some way.
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Aliza, the green/Kindness-souled human. she fell at 13 years old and is currently 21. Ashkenazi Jewish ethnically, reform religiously. natural-born leader and unreasonably good cook. got lost and fell into the Underground in the few days between her 13th birthday and when her bat mitzvah service was supposed to happen and cries when she thinks about what her family must think, so she tries not to think about it. did eventually have a bat mitzvah service, though there isnt a Torah anywhere in the Underground so she had to improvise somewhat. one of Alphys's only friends and visits her frequently (because she worries about her mental health (with good reason!!!)). wore Drew down with various gifts of food until he accepted her friendship.
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also heres adult Chara. fell at 8, is now 46. Ruler of the Underground. not as openly anti-human as in canon, but still doesn't exactly trust them and wants to see any new humans that fall before allowing them to live in the Underground. thinks Drew shouldve been given the death penalty, but Asriel talked them down. hasnt voiced this to anyone, but if a human ever died in the Underground they would want a monster to take their soul, cross the Barrier, and take six more souls from "deserving" humans in order to break the Barrier.
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destiel-wings · 1 year
Listen I love jack I think he's awesome but I still dont feel like jack was an elevated replacement of Crowley cause man did I LOVE Crowley either way I still love jack...but I had a thought imagine if jack storyline didn't existed that castiel was made god Instead...can you imagine the poetic implication of God being in love with Dean Winchester omg like that has just bamboozled my mind...dean Winchester who never takes credit of anything being loved by the absolute supreme??? him being bestowed the absolute validation??? LIKE THAT IS JUST PERFECT....AND LIKE CAS WAS LITER LIKE
cas to anyone else: I will kill you
cas to dean: I'm your huckleberry
God being only soft for one individual yea no bye i want to bury myself rn cause I need this
I absolutely love Crowley too!! I never thought about Jack as a replacement for him, but I see where you're coming from.
The thing about Jack is he brought a whole different dynamic for team free will, narratively speaking. He reshaped all of them, bringing a lot of new story territory. When i first watched s13 I remember that I noticed and loved how much Sam's soft approach towards Jack made me appreciate him once more, reminding me why I love Sam so much. His own storyline had been weaker up until that point, but when he decided to take care of Jack, fighting for him and taking upon himself the responsibility of a child (the way Dean had done for him), that was a huge step for the character. It was growth, and it shed some very much needed good light on Sam and his good empathetic heart.
For Dean, Jack brought an intersting conflicting dynamic. I love the initial opposition that seeing Jack triggered in him, for the way it underlined his grief of losing Cas. I think seeing a character like Dean, who had always been collecting stray kids, and whose main role since he was a child had been that of the caretaker, struggling so much with Jack, was very interesting. Because Jack is a mini Cas. He's Cas's kid. And so, Dean's kid. He's not his brother, or a stray kid that he can befriend providing a parent-like care (like with Claire or Kevin, in a way). Jack is, in every way possible, more like a son. And for that, it gets harder. One gets meaner sometimes, because it's family. And it's not fair, but in the dynamics of the show, in the portrayal of family that we've seen, and that the boys have grown into, it's as real as it gets. And one makes mistakes. Dean certainly made so many mistakes with Jack, and he sometimes went way too far (like when he said Jack wasn't family in the end of s15 and then the show ended and never let him eat his words to Jack - but again, there's a lot of things that the show never let Dean say in the end...), but still, one can't deny that he cared about Jack and that his introduction didn't bring new flesh for Dean's storyline.
I don't need to explain how Jack affected Cas' storyline. It was simply wonderful to see. To witness Cas genuinely develop a father side and learn a different, completely selfless kind of love. All of that love had always been in Cas, but I think Jack brought it to surface even more, and who knows, maybe that's even what helped Cas realize that his feelings for Dean were different, romantic. Because he now had something else that was just as strong, but felt completely different to compare it with.
Ultimately, I think the point is that Jack kind of brought the whole team together even more strongly. He was like glue that kept them together, in a way that felt even more impossibly like family. And that's why i think it's so beautiful, and why his introduction was a great move that gave new life to the show.
With Crowley... they did him dirty. He was such an interesting character but towards the end the writers stopped caring about him and his storyline had become stale. His main feature, his wit, had been turned against him when they had him do a couple of stupid things (the whole storyline with Lucifer), and they just demeaned his character until he killed himself. And while i love that he was the one to do it, and for a good cause, to save our boys, his sacrifice was ultimately rendered useless too since Lucifer didn't even stay trapped but escaped and kept bringing problems.
I think the wiriters got a little bored with the character and didn't really know what to do with it, but they should've given him a refresh instead of killing him. I would've loved a storyline where he became a real part of the team. Imagine team free will being formed by hunters, a nephilim, an angel and a demon? Seeing Crowley become one of the good guys (while still being a demon) might've brought a lot of interesting story territory for them. The constant diffidence. The struggle to constantly prove his loyalty and gain their trust and approval, his relationship with Rowena developing in all this... it would've been fun. I'm thinking it might've been something like Spike's storyline in Buffy's fourth season (for those who are familiar with the show).
OR, imagine if they had him develop on what s8 started, and had him be cured as a demon and become human. Either by his own free will or by force. I'm imagining him somewhat like Endverse Cas, some sort of pariah, maybe hiding away as a hermit with a life crisis, that could've been treated both in a funny way, but also with some real moments of depths. With the Winchesters coming to look for him for his knowledge, seeking help and finding him in a sea of bottles, depressed and purposeless and overwhelmed by feelings, until they gave him something to fight for, a reason to get up, and eventually he might have become part of the team.
That's what I would've done, and I think either solution would've been better than what his character got, but anyway. 😅
I'm not sure i understand how Jack's absence would be linked to Cas being revealed God, since Chuck had already been established as God by the time Jack arrived (are you talking about Godstiel?) but anyway I see your general vision about Cas being God and being in love with Dean and... yes, oh, yes, that definitely would've been something. I'm thinking about Dean's "Cas? Are you God?" and that would've been sweet. Instead we got a different kind of God who was still obsessed with Dean, but unluckily, not in a good way.
But again, every show needs conflict, so we couldn't have it the sweet way. Just like the characters, we were doomed from the start.
Thank you for the message <3
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jophiares · 9 months
So I found this around, can I ask for Suzaku/ Lelouch?
♥ Send a ship and I'll give you who:
- Gives nose/forehead kisses
- Gets jealous the most
- Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
- Takes care of on sick days
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
- Gives unprompted massages
- Drives/rides shotgun
- Brings the other lunch at work
- Has the better parental relationship
- Tries to start role-playing in bed
- Embarrassingly drunk dancer
- Still cries watching Titanic
- Firmly believes in couples costumes
- Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
- Makes the other eat breakfast
- Remembers anniversaries
- Brings up having kids
you know i initially read this and was like 'im not doing that.' but then i looked over the prompts and ill give it a short go. speedrun.
*to everyone reading this. do Not expect to be able to get me to write smth just by sending an ask
- Gives nose/forehead kisses
definitely suzaku. however, lelouch especially loves goodbye and goodnight kisses.
- Gets jealous the most
lelouch LMAO my evidence is: code geass episodes 1-50
- Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
i dont see lelouch being much of a bar person, but he def has a lower tolerance than suzaku. he'll see suzaku and start crying or smth. suzaku does the same thing to lelouch when he's drunk tho haha.
- Takes care of on sick days
lelouch is the caretaker ever. he's incredibly doting. suzaku is good too but no one is lelouch's level.
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
suzaku would want lelouch to get some exercise in and get some sun. lelouch ends up just short of drowning (horrible stamina to swim) and with a sunburn. suzaku apologizes by rubbing aloe vera on him
- Gives unprompted massages
suzaku strikes me as the more physically affectionate of the two, esp when it comes to his hands. lelouch is usually sitting at a desk doing fuck all anyway, so suzaku's strongest adversaries are the knots in lelouch's shoulders.
- Drives/rides shotgun
they can both drive, but suzaku likes it more than lelouch does so he tends to drive more. suzaku sometimes jokes abt being his chauffeur
- Brings the other lunch at work
lelouch would not let suzaku leave the house w/o his lunch. sometimes suzaku takes his lunch break to get smth lelouch asked him to get for dinner later.
- Has the better parental relationship
girl lmfao
- Tries to start role-playing in bed
i think they're both pretty good at it/into it. not an every night thing. lelouch is the better actor by far, but suzaku is nothing if not determined.
- Embarrassingly drunk dancer
suzaku would do the robot except hed call it the lancelot or something. might even try to get lelouch to join him to do a move he calls the shinkiro. (lelouch only joins when theyre at home alone. otherwise he just watches him w the most gooey romantic look anyone has ever seen.)
- Still cries watching Titanic
lelouch, easy. he's full on sobbing while suzaku laughs at him a bit. suzaku tears up a little too tho.
- Firmly believes in couples costumes
suzaku. he pesters lelouch into making an updated version of the cat outfits they had. lelouch grumbles and complains but he has a lot of fun regardless.
- Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
lelouch doesnt believe that this rule should apply to himself because he loves shelling out for those he loves, but hes always incredulous when suzaku shells out. long story short, they both break the rule.
- Makes the other eat breakfast
lelouch will force suzaku to be late to make sure he has his most important meal of the day
- Remembers anniversaries
they both do! anniversaries are very important to the two of them
- Brings up having kids
suzaku would. lelouch had been thinking abt it for the same amount of time as suzaku has, but hes kind of shy abt it lol. theyd def have to talk a lot about breaking cycles!
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
show me a moment of how spain raised romano back then
i had a little autism moment and didnt realize you were referring to my tags in my latest post and was about to say that requests are closed right now brubble O_O but anyways here ill show you stuff from le manga since we can both agree that the manga is definitely canon material yeah?
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see I understand that romano never directly calls spain his dad and lots of hetalia characters call eachother big brother all the time, but the reason I see this as spain raising him is cuz he definately acts as a caretaker for romano while he was growing up. He follows romano secretly when he goes off to return home by himself just like how a parent would follow their kid secretly the first time they go to the store themselves. he takes care of babie romano and is shown to simply spend time with him in a non instructional way, making their relationship feel more personal than a boss and servant/disciple and shizun if you will. he lets romano hang out while he works the same way a work from home parent lets their own kid have little chit chat with them while they toil away, before making sure romano gets his afternoon nap. and also he never actually gives romano corporal punishments for not finishing his chores. He scolds him the way a parent does rather than locking him in a room as punishment, as it seems whats more important to him is that romano respects him and understands responsibility rather than actually getting shit done.
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Also theres this part where he admits that he was the one who determined how romano grew up (spoiled or not). I personally read and watched hetalia and saw this as a bonafide spain raising romano moment, because i saw everything pointing to spain acting as the role of a caretaker for romano as he grew up, and a very personal one at that (seeing as he treats romano with a significant amount of yeilding and understanding, making it feel less like he treats romano as a servant and more like he treats romano as a kid he needs to take care of and give chores to to make sure he can develop a sense of responsibility).
But also it should be known that i dont want to engage in any sort of discourse about hetalia shippings and relationships and all that jazz because i think its stupid and i couldnt give less of a shit. if youre spamano nations strongest soldier then go ahead idc your blog your house dude, i aint going to barge in and spit directly in your soup lol. no hard feelings for this ask! i think itd be rude of me to not give you any explanation for why i think the way i do, since theres nothing wrong with asking about that!! but just know that past me explaining why i interpret these guys the way i do, i dont wanna discuss this subject further
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renjibozo · 2 years
episode 7 thoughts dump (part 1/2)
(this will be referencing this post of mine and this one too)
(part 2 because this is getting too long)
ok so putting things under a cut again bc spoilers obviously <333
(edited a bit because damn i wrote this on a whim)
OK SO ! most of my predictions are. somewhat correct, if not just misplaced in the wrong areas of the episode
the episode IS centered around rei having to realize that kazuki's role in the house is difficult because he has to take care of so much (laundry, cooking, getting miri ready early and sent off to daycare) so i wasn't wrong about that
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this conversation is very nice to listen to as well because the thing of kazuki taking care of almost everything if not everything in the house is finally addressed! and they talk about it! somewhat. to mixed results
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and he is doing his best my god he is doing his best you're doing so great you cringefail of a man (/pos) but i'm glad that this episode pushed him to a point where he just realizes he has to help kazuki more
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this minute pause spoke to me so much because he was about to yell at her but stopped himself before he could..... amazing little detail
OK. NOW. THE SCENE THAT SPAWNED THIS ENTIRE POST. there must've been some kind of falling out between rei + miri and kazuki because he was screaming "I'm... not your housekeeper!" during dinner i'm suspecting that they finally got on his nerves if they never pick up after themselves properly or just the small stuff piled up onto kazuki and he had enough despite usually not really minding the fact that he has to do most if not all of the house chores but another theory i have is that the scene with the photograph is connected and because of the stress, it leads up to him taking it out on rei and miri. i'm distraught i don't want to see this episode but i have to. mfs gonna have a sk8 episode 7 situation and i'm powerless to stop it
recalling this from the second linked post, they do have some kind of falling out!!! and it does refer to the fact that they don't pick up after themselves!!! (and that they don't try to make it easier for kazuki himself)
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the other theory is wrong because the thing with his wife doesn't really come up until karin's in the picture ok no i worded that incorrectly, thank you person who replied under the post
the scene is connected! but it did start off from the start of the episode itself, and his the stress that leads up to him going on strike is just from rei and miri not appreciating what he does enough..... poor unappreciated malewife
but yeah they did end up having a sk8 episode 7 but without them actually arguing in person, kazuki just dipped and left early in the morning
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he really said he's not going to be coming back home for a while and they can fend for themselves
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and kazuki seems to be on a solo mission, which is probably something rei and miri knows about considering they dont look too panicked by kazuki’s absence (rei looks a little frazzled from the daunting housework chores he has to deal with)
(episode 7 trailer post) ok so the solo part is wrong, but now we do know that rei and miri know that kazuki's out of the house and rei is frazzled by the housework
the day of reckoning has arrived for one suwa rei frfr..... it only took one whole day without kazuki doing things for him to realize
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kazuki was nice enough to leave notes around for him so he doesn't get TOO lost trying to prepare miri
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this means that since they got miri, he hasn't been going out to fool around in the night life and is at home taking care of miri and rei..... interesting
onto the more meatier part of the episode, THE TRAUMA !!! ill go back to the fluff when we're done here <3333 let's start with rei's since it's the tamer part and since we're on the topic of rei having to experience what it's like to be the sole caretaker of the house for once
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he cant cook and doesn't know which plate in the fridge is for eating
this reminds me of the very first episode where kazuki tells rei that he left food in the fridge for him that he didn't eat because it was cold
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maybe because kazuki papa wants you two to have a balanced meal !!!! also the laundry left out on the couch.... did kazuki just never fold it?
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he does not know her schedule At All (to be fair, so does she in some way but the point stands)
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but he does have a calendar that he did not check before leaving probably out of panic
time to nitpick a little at rei's choices with good intentions (he's doing his best but these are Not It fr)
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why is miri being exposed to the rain like this!!! should've taken the car i feel like because this right here
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is what leads to this
poor miri got sick and rei doesn't know what to do so he immediately calls kazuki who doesn't pick up
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so he thinks of an alternative,
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but the medicine isn't allowed for anybody below 12 so he thinks of another alternative,
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but he doesn't know where the hospital is!!! so he ends up in kyutaro's doorstep as a last resort....
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sup!! i’ve kinda been stalking your stuff for awhile and your writing is always so impressive to me. the way you set the scene and write for levi just feels /right!/
anyway i barely do this but i’d like to see canon/verse levi and a picnic. reader doesn’t have to be specific but i’d describe myself as a spunky, short woman and i pay attention to a lot of detail when it comes to things like peoples favorite foods, snacks, making sure everything is kinda perfect because i want to make those i cherish feel special and cared for.
seriously though you deserve all this attention. 🫶
a;ldkfj asf you're so sweet im sobbing 😭 i hope its okay that i'm starting to do headcanons :) this made me smile as i was writing it
A Perfect Date | 500-Follower Event
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➼ with the chaos that comes with living on paradis island and dating Humanity's Strongest Soldier™, the time between expeditions that the two of you could spend together is 100% cherished. as a result, when levi mentioned wanting to go out and do something with you, a picnic was the first thing that popped to mind ➼ this would take place either after the hole in wall maria is sealed or before shiganshina falls, so you'd go to one of the open fields in between wall maria and wall rose. it'd be away from people and just involve the two of you, a picnic blanket, and a picnic basket ➼ it's pretty hard to catch levi off-guard, but you have mastered the art of it. i can see him maybe not being a huge fan of pastries because of the mess it could make, but i can see him enjoying fruits like berries (or even dried fruits). so when he sees that you packed an assortment of those instead of the pastries that seem to be so commonly brought on these ordeals, you can see the slight tinting of his cheeks before mumbling something about how you had to be this extra about "just" a date (you know he secretly loves it though) ➼ if your goal is to make him feel special and cared for, even just this date would convey that to him. after his mom died, levi didn't really have anyone looking out for him (sure, there technically was kenny, but i doubt kenny was anywhere close to a sufficient parent figure and that's even before he left levi on his own). he just kinda always drifted on his own and taking on the caretaker role, without it getting it reciprocated. and he was okay with that, until he met you ➼ everything little thing you've ever done for him screamed at him over how much he was loved by you. the fact that you took the time to know him as a person, and even paying attention to seemingly useless details (like the fact that he didn't like pastries because they were crumbly), brought that rare smile onto his face ➼ he'd pull you in close, whispering to you just how much he appreciated you and how much he misses you whenever he's away on an expedition, and how much he longs to come back home. i know we say that levi's "not a words person", but i dont think that means that he doesn't use his words. he certainly still will, he just doesn't show it as much, but that means it even more special when he does ♡ ➼ after eating, the two of you would lay on the blanket next to each other, watching the clouds. your pinkies would be connected as you laid in a comfortable silence. after a while, he'd probably pull you into him, planting a kiss on the top of your head as you laid your head on his chest, listening to his steady heart rate, simply enjoying this time where all that mattered was his presence with you ♡
come bother me with some date requests since i somehow reached 500 followers la;dkjf
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itfitsitshipsart · 2 years
Heyo!! It's super cool to find a selfshipper who ships with Raven/Schwann so 3, 9 and 15 for your TOV s/i please!! :D
( @pixelselfships )
Aw, thank you! ^3^ I love all my men, but Raven is my special sweetheart, so you dont know how happy that makes me feel~
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
Overall, people consider her a kind soul and generally likable. The Vesperia group see her as a sort of doting mom friend after the events I'd the game, especially Karol, whose basically all but legally adopted. Don Whitehorse found her to be a quiet pushover at first, holding back a fiery spirit. He really helped her come out of her shell and felt at least a little proud of her.
As for Alexei, there were mixed feelings. He saw her as sort of extended family, her household being close to him and his work, and felt in part that he needed to help protect her after the loss of her parents. But he also ended up finding her a pain and annoyance as she became disobedient and more of a hindrance than a help.
Oh, and I can't forget to mention LeBlanc and the "Schwann Fan Club", as i like to call them ^^. They adore their 'Lady Evelyn' and how loyal and loving she is to their brave Captain. They would do just about anything for her.
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
I mean, other than Raven (what can I say? Marry your best friend), she's very close with Karol, the mother and son bond, and Estelle and Judy. With Judith the two bond a lot over their caretaking roles with the rest (and have womanly conversations. The old man blushes at just the thought~). And with Estelle, the two are close minded in some ways and history. Both were protected nobility who found themselves out in the world, want to do good, be kind, and heal others, and learned to live for themselves a bit more.
She would also have considered Don Whitehorse a friend of sorts, and his grandson Harry. She owed a lot to him and his help, and the two would get into quite the banter some days.
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
I'll try (and fail) to keep this short. Obviously, spoilers XD For background, since before the beginning of the game, Evelyn lived in Dahngrest and helped the Don in exchange for room and board. She met and saw the Vesperia crew a few times by then, they know she had a sort of friendship with Raven (side quest, anyone?) But she had actually known Raven/Schwann for a little over a year now (Schwann first, then Raven).
Some days after Don Whitehorse died, and Raven had rather solemnly told her to go home, and she wouldnt be seeing 'Raven' again because that mission was over, she went to Heliord. Previously (end of act 1), when Alexei saw Evelyn at Dahngrest he instructed her to go to the knights headquarters when she was 'done playing'. So she went there, and Alexei happily welcomed her back. He was less happy though as she began to push for answers. But what would she do if he told her his plans? Nothing, he assumed. Or perhaps she would help him in the future.
So Alexei gave her his 'evil monologue' about his plans for the empire, and blastia, and Estelle, and told her to stay put and behave. He left her under the watch of guards, and left to go get Estelle because Schwann should have been taking her to the rendezvous point in the near future.
Of course, Evelyn wasn't going to sit still. A year ago she would have, but not anymore. Alexei chosing LeBlanc and crew to guard her closely, failed. She fled to the capitol with many of Alexei's notes and plans in hand, and demanded to see the council and prince Ioder because she had proof that Alexei was committing treason.
Long story short, It was thanks to her that Flynn went after Alexei under those suspicions, and she also convinced LeBlanc and crew to go follow for concern for Schwann, even though they were still posted to guard her (since now with her accusing Alexei of treason she may have been in more danger). And thank goodness they got to him in time.
Well, I hope I didnt ramble too much and that everything made sense! I'm planning on writing out an overview of her entire story/character arc really soon. I hope you'll read that when I start posting it!
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eyelessfog · 2 years
okay anyway so big important stuff: its the UNVOA angel au. its just pokemon b&w. and im so so focused on team plasma because ummm i like them. mwah. anyway N was picked up from the forest as a child. hes a natural angel, right? and we made reshiram his like. his dad basically. raised him because N could hear him.
and then ghestsis took N because this kid was a whole entire angel and thats. huh. but he didn't get out Okay. because reshiram smited him. smote him. screwed him up in his right arm and the right half of his face. but he didn't die, yk? but the fact that he ACTUALLY met god does make him worse. and hes like oh so i CAN get gods attention i just have to. i dont know. do this and this and that.
anyway so we're talking about anthea and concordia now. if you dont know who that is thats okay but i like them :] basically theyre 2 characters with tiiiiiny roles but theyre basically N's caretakers. and no one really thinks about them? except for me and a couple others. but anyway. my obsession, the two of them.
anthea has pink hair and she kinda looks calmer? concordia is blonde and looks a little more excitable. i gave them personalities.
okay so one bit that was always important to me was that these two aren't angels. theyre literally just N's caretakers. but theyre also his sisters because he loves them sos sososo so much and they love him sososo much. they have, since the beginning, known what ghetsis was up to. he told them, then threatened them for their silence. the thing is, they don't know what to do about it. because he gave them a better life - better food, better bed, better place to live. they should feel grateful. but they don't . because they're terrified of him and both of them deal with it in different ways
anthea has a freeze and fawn response. when she gets scared she goes quiet and does her best to be small and perfect and whatever gets her out of trouble. concordia has a fight and flight response. she needs to do something about it, needs to fight back, take whatever comes at her - she can't keep still
and both of them hate the other for it. "if you would just keep quiet, he'd get less mad and then we wouldn't get in trouble." "if you would just speak up we could fight back against him and then he wouldn't bother us."
it takes years for the two of them to become friends. longer still to become sisters. but it happens, and when it happens, it all becomes just a little easier.
they both love N, and both of them try their hardest to work stories with morals they think N will need into their stories. he has to understand that he can't always trust the person closest to him. he can't always trust that someone promising perfection will give it to him. he has to understand, someday, that ghetsis is using him, and they don't mind if he has to stop trusting them for this to happen.
[anything for N. they'd give up anything for N. even if they're giving up his love.]
they're... fucked up, the both of them. fucked up and pushed to the side because they know how to smile, because they've lived this hell for long enough that they know how to convey the emotions they want to convey, and keep the ones they don't close to their chest.
N is innocent. he's confused. they're guilty and they're scared.
when they get out - when they all get out - they're traumatized and they're dealing with it. Not well, but they're dealing. and also concordia gets to watch ghestsis die so win for the her community. they have mental issues, both of them. im gonna have to go double check which ones it was but anthea i think had delusions and hallucinations.
okay wait uhh shadow triad :D these three ALSO have problems. they were taken in at an even younger age than N was, sculpted into being the same person AND were all born angels. three, in christianity, is recognized as a holy number. they each had one set of wings that was their own, and then ghetsis put another two sets of wing symbolism into their outfits, giving them three pairs of wings each. three of them, which is the holy number, and then three pairs of wings, which is even MORE holy number
see the thing is, and this was so fun to think about, 666 is an evil number. a number that people generally consider to be the devil's number, but was used in reference to an awful king. now, recognize that if you put them all together, they have 6 wings each, and there is three of them, so..... 666
sorry its so. awaugh my friend is such a genius for this
anyway. they're fallen angels because ghetsis has them do all his dirty work, and the thing is. one of them is scared of ghetsis. in a different way to the others.
the others trust ghetsis. the others love him. the others think of him as a father, but this one... he can't. ghetsis was just... he was always there. over his shoulder when he did something wrong. caught him when he shouldn't have been able to. there's just... something wrong with it, and he can't... he can't find comfort in ghetsis the way his brothers can.
okay i dont think i can talk about this anymore because now im getting distracted by the other stuff we used to talk about cough cough the pkmn fangame we made up but anyway @ouughhh :} angel au
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scabbardsystem · 1 month
Plural Asking 100 Questions: Part 3!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
21. How many System members do you have? 24 and a Core! <3
22. Which word / words do you prefer to use for members of your System? We prefer facets, but parts also works. Sysmates is also cool! though headmates and alters seem a little too solid for us, and fragments feel too incomplete (though that is Core). we used to think skills was fun!! but ultimately the term doesn't describe us anymore. and recently we've been referring to ourselves as scabbards/scabbardmates!!
23. Which age group seems to be the most common in your System? We're all mostly in the 20s range, which makes sense considering how old the body is. Outliers include the Oldies, Oath (42), Harlowe (39) and Chrysanthemum (38), and little Lili who is 1-6, and Sharps who jUST TOLD US IT WAS 7. HONEY? SWEETHEART?? SINCE WHEN?? nooo darling nooo, who gave all the pain to the 7 year old to hold, oh sweetheart... okay hey LISTEN when we fake kin assigned ourselves fictional characters i thought giving it "The Kid from Omelas" WAS A FUCKING JOKE. HELLO??? sharps darling come here, why are you holding that...
24. Which gender seems to be the most common in your System? we're all so fucked up genderwise lmao... hey are any of us cis?? what counts as cis when you don't consign with conventional portrayals of gender? we're intangible!! this question is very difficult to answer since all of our genders are Incredibly Fucked hkjgh but i think it's. transmasc? genderfluid? genderqueer!
25. Are there any talents / hobbies you picked up because of a Member? Songbird's why we did choir and art we're pretty sure hgkjh we're thinking of learning more french for her too, but who knows? theseus loves languages too, so that'd be fun for him, theseus is also why we like writing and linguistics! <3 and expertise likes cIasspecting (if that wasn't clear hkjhg).
26. Do you have any in-system relationships? OATH AND MOM ARE MARRIED!!!! <3333 they're our system power couple fr. and Chamomile and Songbird are. uh. i think they're lovers now right??? yes. okay yes they're lovers!
27. Do you label roles within your System (and if yes, which ones?) yeah! on our intro post, we labeled Oath (Protector), Mom and Burden (Caretakers), and Ceres (our Main), but otherwise all of our roles are here! maestro's still working on it though hkgjh <33
28. Are most of your Members introjected, brainmade or something else? we're all brainmade!! :]
29. Do you use names, emojis or something similar to sign off messages (and if yes, which ones and why?) WE USE EMOJIS!! but only when we know for sure who's typing AND if we want to sign off on something! if we don't THEN WE DON'T!!! this is an important rule for us because we feel like shit when we're forced to differentiate. like? we dont know who that was either bro hkjhg
ANYWAY, our emojis! this'll take a bit lmao
Core/Ceres is 🧭 because he's our center! we're all connected and everything leads back to him :]
Maestro is 🍱 because he's all neat and organized and compartmentalized. Sorting everything into its proper place. The bento box was a joke at first but I'm not sure what would fit me better, and it's otherwise grown on me.
Rationale is 🏹 because he's our guy who adds nuance (<- and this extra info often takes the form of these funny little arrows)
Songbird is 🕊️ mostly due to the name. If the bluebird emoji wasn't so fickle, we would use that, but the dove is also very pretty~
Eloquence is 🪶 because it's like writing with a feather and ink!
Self-Awareness is 🔭 because she's usually observing us from a distance and viewing us through a specific lens.
Memorandum is 📜 because he's our memory keeper, and it's like keeping track of records.
Expertise is 🪡! this is somewhat because we know how to sew because of him, but also it's a sort of a "thread the needle" "to pin point something" oh god whats the phrase... idk bro it's just like. a tiny niche that you can fill perfectly? a small but tricky skill that takes finesse? that's expertise hkjhg
Oath is ☔ because he shields and protects us from things that try to hurt us. also he does carry an umbrella hkjgh
Chrysanthemum is 🌺 because it was the best flower emoji we had hkgjh mom goes by so many flower names that it's truly like yeah alright that'll work jlkjg
Lili is ☄️ AND WE DONT KNOW WHY HKJHG we were trying to pick one they liked and the kiddo seemed happy about this one and so i was like yeah sure buddy go for it!! you can be a pretty lil comet! hkjgh i guess its fitting, our favorite stuffed animal is a blue teddy bear and this is a similar blue to that? (<- and she sees whimsy as an older brother so she wanted a star like him) WAIT FOR REAL OH MY GODDD THATS SO CUTE WHATTTT!!! lili my LIL GUY!!!! :']
Juliet is 💓 because duh, heart thrum. heart beat one specifically because of hyper empathy, feelings resonate strongly for us, especially for him.
Ryan is 💫 because that's the most whimsy ass emoji ive ever seen. just stars/a star swirling around in circles like yeah okay that's him alright
Hackles is 💥 because he's always angry and pissed about something. as a note, he was almost 🪚 because Hackles -> hacksaw, and another name of his is Serration.
Jaded is 🍂 because there's no fucking good jade plant emojis, and i didn't want one anyway so who cares. the dead leaves work fine. (<- he refuses to call them fall leaves or autumn leaves. always "dead leaves) if it were up to me i wouldnt have an emoji at all but maestro's a real stickler about it so whatever.
Yearning is 🌻 which is VERY AMUSING, he wrote a post about it here thats mostly silly hkjh but the sunflower chases the sun, and yearning chases joy. lmao, if oath's like our volition, yearning's like our echem.
Faucet is 🌫️ because [ ] keeps everything about us obscured. fun fact, [ ] form was one of the first one we thought up because [ ] literally is just a hazy figure peeking out from behind a curtain of fog. ANOTHER FUN FACT [ ]'S EMOJI WAS ALMOST 🚱 ARE YOU SEEING THIS SHIT THIS IS THE MOST FAUCET ASS EMOJI LMAO!!!! [oh, shut up]
Distance is 🪟 because distance is why we keep distancing ourselves from people, like looking in through a thick pane of glass.
Blender is 👥 because he helps us mask and blend in with the crowd! :> <33
Sharps Box is 🩹 because it's our pain holder, pain = bandaid!
Debonaire is 🎇 because he's got that flare B) lmao, he's like our cool guy. sparkle on or whatever hkjhg
Chamomile is 🍵 because. chamomile hkjgh?? sleepy time tea!
Lookout is 🕯️ because it helps us notice more things, and is kinda like a "leave a light on" keeping vigil for the late watch.
Deadsprint is 💨 boy goes fast, what more can i say hkjgh
Burden is 🌐 because he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders :']
30. Do any of your System members use Xenogenders? not as of right now, but we may consider it when we have time!! ryan's been getting into some kind of bunny gender, or silly time gender. who knows with that guy. mom found that uhhh Floradeeric flag which is sick as hell, and the Grownostatua which is also her!!
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waddleosddee · 3 months
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call us kirby when addressing all of us. bodily 18. we might not post here often, this is just to put system-related thoughts and art 🌼
osdd, not prof dx but weve known since around 2021.
mutuals or people who know us from our main, feel free to ask for our simply plural. alter info and boundaries under the cut
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🦑: 19-20ish. he/it. host and introject of anemoneno1 (splat), agent8 (splat), and a few others. most active fronter. taken. if you know me from another platform no you dont :D
🌊: 18. she/xe. host and introject of kitsunami (sth) and a few others. aroace and rom/sex repulsed, jokes are fine. silly and loves ducks
🧃: 19-22. he/they. co-host, emotional protector, and introject of agent3 (splat) and bandee (kby). enjoys game emulation
🫧: 19. she/he. internal self help and trauma holder. introject of metalsonic (sth) and a few others. do not connect him to any of her other sources.
🌀: 16. she/any. not entirely sure of her role (probably caretaker and symptom holder), introject of whisper (sth). the napperrr
🪩: 19. it/its. soother. objectum selfshipper that likes to draw.
🥕: adult. she/her. gatekeeper and introject of louie (pik). not super active
💬: someone not listed here or who doesnt want to reveal themself for whatever reason. dont try to figure out who it is.
(theres more of us, but these ^^ are the most active members) (just use the emojis or a nickname when referring to us)
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same dni from our main applies here (no proshippers no terfs no zionists etc etc)
ask us all of the questions youd like, we love questions! anything super personal will be ignored. i promise none of us bite, unless we can tell an ask is actively malicious we will not call you out.
our tag system is 🦑.txt, 🦑.rb, 🦑.art, etc. but with each members corresponding emoji
all drawings will be tagged under "town gallery ⛲" and all asks will be tagged under "wanya! wanya! 💬"
we do not prioritize finding relationships (especially because the host is taken), especially with sourcemates. do not attempt to befriend an alter just because of their source. we do not know you, and you do not know us.
we are not a medical professional! we cannot diagnose you!!
we dont care about syscourse, were traumagenic but lifes too short for that shit. dont bring that here. please.
(last updated july 6 2024)
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mueritos · 2 years
How do you feel abt the topic of transmisandry? I personally don’t like the term (bc it implies that misandry is real), but a lot of discussions of specific transmasc oppression and transman oppression have devolved into people saying transmasc oppression is small potatoes and (in some cases I’ve seen) not real or just a by product of misogyny and there doesn’t seem to be any other term or tag where we can talk abt the oppression specific to transmascs , particularly trans men of color. So I wanted to ask your opinion on it, if you had one.
Hmm. I've had different ideas about transmisandry in the post and have sortve agreed with some aspects of it. I'll be inserting a read more.
It's true that transmen are treated much differently than transwomen, ciswomen, and cismen. But I also don't think coining this oppression as "misandry" is helping anyone. People don't hate transmen because we're men, they hate us because they think we're women. Terfs believe we're sisters lost to the patriarchy and trans agender, transphobes dont even see us as men, and lots of cis queer people infantilize transmen because we're seen as men-lite, again, not even as men. We're fetishized because we are seen as men-lite or as "pussy boys" (again, viewing us as women, and ofc theres nothing wrong with transmen calling themselves pussy boys, its just weird when cis people do it). I do genuinely believe we have, will, and do experience misogyny, only because misogyny affects everyone. Just because a cis man isn't going to be targeted by misogyny, he is still affected by it because of his distance from misogyny (he's not viewed as a second rate human for being a man), he profits off of it, but he is also forced to be a misogynist and internalize misogynist ideas that in the end do not allow him to be emotional, a caretaker, a father, a parent, a husband, and a good person.
Transmen do experience misogyny for the fact that we have lived as women, whether some of us view that period in our lives as us being women or just performing femininity; to be honest, it doesn't matter, because any perception of femininity is seen as inferior. I don't think its wrong to say that transmen experience misogyny, nor is it transphobic to say this. Like I mentioned before, misogyny affects everyone, and we all gain and lose from it in many ways. Female abusers gain from misogyny because they're seen as simply "crazy girlfriends/wives,etc" who do harm that is normalized within that archetype, harm that society as a whole accepts. Transmen gain from misogyny the moment we're seen as "cis-passing", because men will switch up their language around another man in regards to what they say about women. But transmen are affected by reproductive rights, sexual health access (abortion, family planning, birth control, STI/STD testing), and transmen are infantilized largely because we are still see as a lesser sex than cisgender men, something which I would argue IS misogyny. As a transmasc latine, I've had to face heavy gender norms that largely did not shift at all for me even after I transitioned. I was still expected to keep the house clean, cook, take care of children when needed, and while this should be expected of everyone, it was still something that was never expected or even seen in the cismen of my family. In fact, a lot of transmascs of color have to navigate the role of both, and while this is optimal as really everyone should just be doing both roles (and roles as in let's de-gender their functions, like everyone should be cooking, cleaning, doing housework, yardwork, child rearing, etc), it is again not really expected from cis men in communities.
I do think we can come up with a better term, and I've always opted to say "trans oppression" or "transmasc oppression", because while our infantilization and dehumanization IS different according to our status as transmen, I still have a hard time believing it is COMPLETELY different from womens'. I don't think there's anything wrong with being a transmasc who is open to the fact that we still have proximity to womanhood, much like transfemmes can be honest about their proximity to malehood. This isn't to say that transmascs or transfemmes have a "male priviledge" or that transmascs ARE women and that transfemmes are secretly men, or whatever else the terfs say, I think its just a fact that because we have to oscillate between various genders, roles, and identities, that that has made us gain the experiences of those roles we've had to inhabit, voluntary or not. I spend a lot of time in women's spaces, not just because as a feminist one should, but because women's spaces used to be for me! And truthfully, I think women's spaces should be open to trans people; our oppression is rooted in misogyny, just as it is rooted in racism, ableism, sexism, homophobia, and etc.
As for a better term, I think its best to leave that up to the members of our community who have largely shaped it. My proximity to whiteness is far greater than other trans people, so if anyone were to come up with new language or terms, I would prefer to use the ones created by BIPOC trans people. I think it's one of the reasons why I prefer saying "trans oppression" instead of specifying a oppression; when we use hyper specific terms, we move away from the various intersections and similarities between other communities and their oppressions, similarities and communities who I think we need to have better connections and solidarity with. I think we can talk about how transmisogyny primarily affects the lives and well-being's of transwomen and still acknowledge that misogyny also affects transmen without stepping on any toes. I say this, of course, with disclaiming that we can't say this without acknowledging intersectionality (as I always make these claims with intersectionality in mind, but I do have to disclaim because I also realize not everyone walks through life with these intersections constantly in mind). Racism, ableism, colorism, etc need to be acknowledged in order to help those who need social networks, assistance, and aid the most.
I understand the need to label everything we feel; it brings community and a term to rally behind. But I think using the language we already have can do the conversation justice, we just need to have these conversations with nuance, which unfortunately for a lot of people, they just like...do not have. The lack of queer history, solidarity, and queer experience that so many people have...and then these are the people that end up speaking the loudest. The best thing i can say is build solidarity and community, continue learning, continue talking, and get off the internet. Queer spaces are much more meaningful IRL than online.
I hope that helped a bit. It's a bit lengthy and i could keep talking, but I would rlly appreciate any further thoughts, ideas, or critiques :)
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frenchfrywrites · 2 years
what r ur agere hcs?(om or twst i dont mind lol)
I suppose I'll start with some thoughts on twst characters
light spoilers under the cut
I can definitely see Riddle as someone who regresses. He'd love to have a very attentive, but explicitly not a controlling caretaker (for obvious reasons). He regresses to a young age. He likes to color and play with toys. Despises playing pretend because then he has to come up with rules for the new world you come up with and he's regressing to avoid rules.
Trey has “eldest sister syndrome” to me and that is what makes agere with him interesting to me.. I can't decide if he'd be a good caregiver or need to regress. Like being the oldest in the house is exhausting, and from the info we get about his home life I presume he was doing a lot of the raising of his younger siblings. I think Trey needs a break, and I wonder if regressing back to experience a childhood he couldn’t have would be helpful. However, because of the nature of his home life he has great experience with (taking care of) children and would therefore be a good caregiver imo. I think if he were to regress he’d like to bake or play pretend.
Azul is another boy who I imagine would need to regress. I said in another ask that I think he would like to be in his octopus form while regressing. He wants to make some happy and comfortable memories while in it. He likes being in a bathtub and playing with tub toys. Or sometimes he likes to have a big bubble bath, and he can just have fun with the bubbles and bath bombs.
This may sound weird but I think Ruggie needs to regress. Poverty is traumatizing and this sweet hyena boy should have a caretaker who can provide for him. Also he lost his mother, and although he doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by it, I think it could be nice to have a caretaker who takes that role? For every regress sesh he’ll want snacks and comfort foods. Aside from that he’s very flexible and will do anything from watching cartoons to playing pretend to coloring, and etc. 
I'm still trying to figure him out and learn more about him (haven't gotten that far in the game yet) but I also think Jamil would benefit from age regressing.
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
If Billy were to go the pure evil route, do you think there’s a better way you’d go about it or like to see it play out? Like how do you feel about fics where Billy is really the tragic type
i feel most of the fics i read where billys like full dick, no redemptive qualities, are smut.... lmfao so. probably not the best scale to judge by 😂
are we talking about billy, as a human, being evil? because thats severely different from him having a better villain/possession arc. 
honestly, at this point, i think the best route to take wouldve been billy lighting everyones ass up for not helping him. and yes, i get that like, max is a kid. what is she supposed to do? or how literally nobody else knows about his abuse, so what are they supposed to do? i get that part of it
but if we’re talking billy going full villain, then fuck logic. just have him be pissed at everyone for not intervening. AND let him kill his actual abusers (neil AND karen). actually from there, have him kill karen first. and then mike and nancy will be like “you killed our mom you bitch!” and billys like “your moms a predator, hate to break it to you, but if you still wanna defend her you an die too i guess. no sweat off my back”. so like we can go that way. i think hes more than earned that. to just slaughter everyone
if youre asking me about him getting a proper villain arc fro the get go and not the lame ass shit the duffers wanted to pull...
you gotta go bigger. and you also cant have him focus on kids way younger than him like thats lame. i mean... dont get me wrong. fuck them kids. im not concerned about them. its just like... a boring narrative. keep the max shit because thats actually grounded in something. of course hes gonna take his anger out on her when hes forced to be her caretaker. thats gonna breed resentment. 
but they shoulda upped the shit with steve by a gazillion. show me REAL bullying. go further than bullying. go full psychopathy lmao. i want this man UNHINGED and INSANE.
i wanna see billy with a knife so bad why wasnt he ever given a knife oh my god. 
and play up how charming he can be. that facade he puts up to get by, to get something out of people. make him SCARY. really show how easily he can slip that mask on and off so that when he does go apeshit and starts cutting up steve in a backalley the audience FEELS something
and like... im not an abuse victim. so i cant say what is and isnt right to show in a tv show depicting one, but for me as a viewer, i wouldnt mind keeping in the neil aspect, really showing how bad it can get, so long as he still gets his comeuppance and when he does no one feels bad about it. 
like i very much understand not wanting to make the abused kid the villain. i will not argue with anyone who doesnt ever want to see that in any capacity. but for me? i very much operate under the idea of anyone is capable of being good or bad. its a roll of the dice how a person is gonna turn out. so i do think there was a way to incorporate billys history and still make him the villain the duffers clearly wanted him to be. its just... you gotta go bigger. this is not a story meant for a minor character. you gotta really commit to it. and they didnt. which was the problem. it just... fell totally and completely flat
i love how i went straight to murder lmfao like this show was ever gonna give us a serial killer kfjbgjksbg
i was thinking bout billy loomis my bad.
for me, a successful villain is one you wanna root for. which in itself will be a controversial take lmao but thats just my personal opinion okay. when theres a villain who im just watching like “i want you dead i want you dead please die”.... i dont know that thats as fun for me. and its not that i necessarily agree with what theyre doing or whatever. its more that like... you can tell a bitch is having a good time lmao whether it be the actor in the role or the character themselves or both. villains gotta be a party. like when billy was whooping and hollering and laughing during the fight? EXACTLY that energy. we needed more of that. the unhinged clapping in the sauna scene? mr dacre kayd understood the ENTIRE assignment 
i want to end this by saying i think billy shouldve held a knife to steves throat and made him bleed. i would like to see. i would also like to see steve holding a knife to billys throat and billys dick getting hard. ive said this before. i will say it again!
oh my god billy straddling steve and carving into his chest ???? imma stop imma stop we get my point by now
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