#but his party had two braincells between the four of them and they were both felix's
blujayonthewing · 5 months
my favorite type of characters are always sidekick type of characters so that's the only type of character I ever make but they still somehow KEEP... FUCKING.... ENDING UP IN CENTRAL/ LEADERSHIP/ FACE ROLES IN THE PARTY
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heyitsyn · 3 years
a/n: this is a thing i cooked up between doing trig exam and ap gov review akdsjfldskfj
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oikawa def listens to indie music just bc he wants to feel unique and the 'iM diFfErENt fRoM oTHeR gUrLs' vibes
meanwhile kunimi eats a kitkat like its pizza just CHOMP
makki caNNOT sleep without a pillow between his thighs LIKE LISTEN he has 2 sisters and they all told him its so comfortable and at first he was like,, ??,, then he tried and now cant sleep without it
bUT MATTSUN LIKES TO SLEEP WITH PILLOWS SURROUNDING HIM bc it makes him feel safe and like there are two body pillows on either side of him and hes kinda trapped in the middle aksjskdk
when kyo was younger, he was really short and although he had other pants, he loved this one pair but they were really long on him and he wore it all the time and the part of the pants that touched the ground is torn in shreds
kindaichi steps on the sofa before sitting LIKE puts one foot on the cushion then the other until hes literally standing on the couch before folding to sit with his knees up to his chest (i do this)
watari sniffs his food before eating it no matter if its something he eats all the time or something new, he still sniffs it either way
yahaba is really particular with his feet and he likes to get a really big tupperware (duh one only meant for his feet) and fill it up with warm almost boiling water and he just soaks them
oikawa has sleep paralysis and he oftens hallucinates about aliens in the corner of his room
kunimi does this thing where he makes weird noises with his mouth like sounds of his mouth opening LIKE when youre tastinf something new and you do that sound with your tongue (I DUNNO HOW TO DESCRIBE IT AJDKSKKD)
makki bends his knees just to crack his ankles
iwa sneezes a ton but he has those sneezes where theyre quiet that you dont even notice or really loudly that it just echoes throughout the gym
kyo sleeps with one sock on bc his feet gets cold easily but both socks make him feel really hot so only one sock is perfect
for a tall and hunk of a guy, mattsun is a very light walker like his footsteps are very light and if he wants to, it can be practically silent
watari actually hates vegetables ajssksksk he particularly hates zucchini, eggplants, any vegetables that are that shape
kindaichi likes to stick or lean against walls because to him, they feel cold and can decrease his body heat
oikawa stands and places his feet at V position like \/ instead of ll because his sister did ballet and he was taught that was the right way of standing and it was considered graceful
yahaba has a fear of cactuses
mattsun does so badly in the heat because his body temp runs so high and the hot surroundings make him feel so uncomfortable and so he takes a lot of cold showers
iwa cannot swim like he freaks out immediately when his toetips can no longer feel the bottom and he panics with thoughts of drowning
watari has really small feet that he still buys big kids shoes to save money
kyotani considered playing baseball because he thought baseball bats were cool but he got angry and threw tantrum after missing his first pitch
iwa chomps on a whole raw chili while eating ramen akskksks
oikawa actually hates sweets bc when he was younger, he had cavities and iwa showed him a cartoon of cavities eating his teeth and will make him toothless
kindaichi really really likes hugs but hes too awkward to ask them even from his parents
yahaba chomps on mints so he goes through boxes of them in a week
i feel like theres a boy in the team who doesnt brush their teeth everyday and rubs a towel on their teeth to make it look clean and take mints to hide their bad breath
iwaizumi is actually iron deficient so he bruises super super fast and he even developed iron defiency anemia when he was younger bc his parents didnt catch on which caused him to be put on strong medication for months and still takes it now
seijoh four bonding time is watching gordom ramsey shows and yelling and screaming 'YEA! EXACTLY!' as if theyre also cooking genuises
watari used to eat grapes all the time until his mom got worried and told him if he doesnt stop, he will eventually turn into one. he only eats it every few weeks
when he was younger, kunimi cried because he had befriended a chicken on a trip to a farm and his mom took him to eat fried chicken after and he thought it was Chicky (his chicken friend :"))
kyotani used to stick out his tongue when it was raining so he could taste the raindrops. they taste better than bottled water
one time, during a seijoh sleepover, they dared oikawa to wear his sisters old uniform, skirt and all, and it backfired so everyone turned red and couldnt look at him in the face
their pregame ritual is touching each other's shoe tips
they tried doing yoga at yahaba's house before by watching yoga youtube videos but everyone ended up having to go to the chiropractor after (how did makki even turn into the human pretzel?)
the local gym gets so scared when they see the team coming through the doors bc these men are so LOUD like they HYPE EACH OTHER UP SO MUCH THEYRE SO ANNOYING AKSKSKDK
also never take them to an all you can eat sushi place. if you do, bring them earlier of the day like 30 mins after opening time so the cooks can cook enough for them without running out of ingredients (even then sometimes they still run out)
oikawa used to eat his mom's roses from her garden because he thought it would make his farts smell good like roses
takahiro is a surprisingly good artist like he draws really cool action fighting scenes in the corner of his papers and stuff
in my work: it's canon that iwa is half filo and his nanay used to dress him up in a barong all the time during halloween bc she wanted him to showcase his heritage
yahaba drinks a lot of milk because he hopes to one day grow strong and bulky like the 3rd years instead of being seen as a pretty boy
kindaichi's mom is a hairstylist and she always scolds him for using a lot of gel bc she's always the one who washes his hair
makki never learned how to do taxes and hes had the government knocking on his door a handful of times (BOKUTO AKKDJSKKS)
kyo has a dog: a chiweenie
there's someone on the team who wears those socks with individual pockets for toes
their pinterest is so different from what they look like for example, mattsun has a board of different flower decorations and arrangements
kunimi throws up during intense horror movies
watari's celeb crush is emma watson
the team alternates from different music genres like from ateez and bts to mxmtoon and beach bunny
they still dont know how to pronounce camila cabello's name
theyre all active in social media but only oikawa is on it 24/7 and in all platforms while the others have insta and snap
mattsun has twins as little siblings and he used to get them mixed up all the time that he used to draw a sharpie dot on the girl's forehead to determine she was his sister
watari hates sitting on the floor bc his butt bone hurts really easily so he can only sit on cushions for long periods of time
the team was supposed to have a party but everyone didnt know what to bring so they proved they shared the same braincell by bringing the same thing: a box of pizza
makki's an old soul and prefers to play records on a record player or watch old movies
kyo is surprisingly good at giving massages because he really pushed hard on those tense muscles
kindaichi knows how to crack necks so everyone goes to him a lot to do it (a friend of mine does this and can i say its terrifying yet so good?)
the only one who has a license is matsukawa and thats because granny needs to go to the doctor a lot and he hates her walking by herself and cabs are expensive
kyotani and yahaba are actually,,, lowkey close,,, not like best friends but theyre nice to each other and they got a stick and poke together (yahaba's was: :) while kyo's was: >:))
watari has a collection of mangas (some bl maybe 👀)
WARNING SAD: mattsun’s future job is a funeral person right? he ends up taking care of granny’s funeral free of charge and he had to take a week off because it was really painful for him
oikawa learned spanish SUPER fast to the point he forgets japanese sometimes but there are moments where he forgets both languages and hes just,,,, ???
makki’s unemployed yea but he rooms with mattsun in exchange of cooking because makki’s surprisingly good at cooking
iwa is practically the nutritionist of the team because he knows everything about proteins, carbs, iron, and needed vitamins so they all go to him to know what to eat and what they need
kunimi has lots and lots of shoes but usually only wears 2
kindaichi has a habit of pretending hes chewing gum even though he doesnt have gum, his mouth just chomps and moves with air akasldfjkf
there was a clown phenomenon in america but in their city, they had a mascots and seijoh 4 went around scaring kids :”(
oikawa never manspreads he gets too insecure to spread out like that akdjfkd
kyotani can easily sleep anywhere like he would be standing and just fall asleep or he sleeps with his eyes open
yahaba’s parents own a restaurant somewhere in the city and he works there sometimes
oikawa screams a lot according to gigi but he’s actually a really quiet guy and not easy to scare
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ellewords · 3 years
hey elle! i saw your answers for the questions i sent—i love coffee and cookie dough ice cream too! i’ve found that i like a lot of coffee-flavored stuff like ice cream, cake, and candy lol. i also really love cookies and cream! i’d say that’d be my favorite with coffee and cookie dough being VERY CLOSE seconds
BABY DON’T STOP IS ICONIC WHEW but may i propose....haikyuu boys dancing to it.......
anyways today i’ve got some headcanons for a past written on the margins question! first it was a karaoke party with the seijoh 4, and now it’s a road trip! aka you and iwaizumi are the only ones with any braincells in this godforsaken car (they make you handle the gps stuff since you’re the best with it). i can imagine each of them rotating and driving for a set number of hours or at least until they reach a rest stop, especially on long trips. whoever’s sitting shotgun (they rotate between this seat too) has control over the radio and aux cord and oikawa jokes that it’s the best part of going on road trips (but is he really joking though...)
makki and mattsun pretend to groan when you sit shotgun, but in actuality they don’t mind and will probably sing along to some of the songs you play (if there’s a rap part in the song currently playing everyone makes mattsun rap along i feel like his voice just fits it) while oikawa would be like UGH FINALLY SOMEONE WITH SOME MUSIC TASTE just to get a rise out of the other boys (but he really does think those kpop songs you blast lowkey slap he’s been listening to some of them while he works out or goes on his morning runs). iwa generally doesn’t have much of a preference but i can see him being partial to more upbeat songs to keep him or whoever’s driving awake, but even during slow songs the rest of you guys sing loud enough and chaotic enough to prevent anyone from getting any shut-eye (oikawa, makki, and mattsun dramatically act out a whole SAGA)
when you guys reach any rest stop makki is the first one out of the car and he makes a beeline towards the bathroom because he drank a lot of water during you guys’ impromptu karaoke session (gotta keep those vocal chords taken care of!). oikawa and mattsun are usually the ones in charge of getting snacks, they always end up getting a lot but they make sure to get everyone’s favorites! the amount of snacks they buy seems overkill but they’re athletic boys with voracious appetites and getting this many snacks ensures that the car is never short on food. if this is during or post-timeskip iwa is probably a little more strict on the snacks everyone eats (especially with regards to oikawa, being a professional athlete and all) but eventually decides to let up a bit—it’s not everyday he gets to go on a trip with his close friends, plus all those calories are gonna get burned right away once you guys reach your destination and go from place to place.
god help anyone who actually falls asleep in the car because oikawa and makki are taking photos of whoever’s sleeping with their phones AND with the polarioid camera you brought. despite this, though, everyone makes a conscious effort to be quieter when someone’s napping, and the volume of the radio is turned a bit lower. one of your favorite pictures on your phone is a selfie you took of everyone while you were sitting in the passenger seat: mattsun was driving at the time and though he wasn’t looking at the camera, a smile is on his face as he makes a peace sign with one hand; oikawa, iwa, and makki are sleeping in the back seats with oikawa and makki leaning on iwa’s shoulders (he lost a few rounds of rock paper scissors and had to sit in the middle). this also extends to when you’re asleep in the car as well—oikawa jokingly made his phone background a selfie of you leaning on his shoulder while napping (featuring a blurry iwaizumi at the side) but he actually finds it quite cute and doesn’t want to change it to his usually background quite yet.
it’s evening when you guys finally reach your hotel and everyone’s a bit tired from being cooped up in the car all day but surprisingly enough no one’s really sleepy because everyone at one point had the opportunity to nap on the way there. if you’re dating one of the boys the others DEFINITELY make you two take one room while the other three take the room adjacent to it. after everyone’s gotten ready for bed you’re all gathered in one of the hotel rolls just vibing on your phones and you and oikawa decide it’s the perfect time to bring out The Sheet Masks™️ that you kept in the cooler in the car during the trip so they’d remain cold. many more goofy photos of everyone with the masks on their faces are taken.
by this point it’s late at night and eventually you guys fall into having some nice, genuine heart-to-heart conversations. if this is during or post-timeskip everyone’s sharing what they’ve been up to ever since graduation or ever since you guys last saw/talked to each other. it’s just such a nice and comforting environment to be in because everyone’s a little tired from the day’s events and so it’s not as loud and boisterous, but at the same time this tiredness and it being nighttime means everyone’s filters are a little looser than usual and you could ask for advice on just about anything and everyone else would chime in with both lighthearted and actual suggestions. the boys are just SOFTER during this time like you could bring up how you’ve been getting back into something you did during high school (like playing piano or guitar or something) and they’d want you to show them videos or pictures of what you’ve been up to! maybe one boy brings up something that’s been worrying them for a while and you and the others are giving him words of encouragement while also cracking jokes. it’s just really chill and nice and everyone likes these late night talks because they bring you all a little closer.
everyone ends up sleeping in the same hotel room. you wake up sandwiched between oikawa and mattsun (oikawa’s got an arm thrown around you and mattsun’s long leggies are literally on top of yours and you wonder how you managed to sleep soundly last night) and iwa and makki are on the pull out sofa bed and you’re like Hey Guys. What The Heck (makki takes this opportunity to snap a photo of the three of you wrapped up in the bedcovers) and when you guys go to get breakfast at the hotel buffet it’s strangely quiet because almost everyone is still sleepy lol.
after getting some food in your system and getting ready for the day you’re all back to your usual energetic selves! you snap a mirror selfie of everyone gathered around the sink in one of the hotel rooms because oikawa was finishing getting ready (he takes the longest i just know it) and the other boys were just hanging around him talking about what’s planned for the day. the schedule you guys have isn’t super specific but there’s a few choice locations that you guys looked into in advance and try to visit no matter what! a day out with them is definitely filled with photos. you’ve got a lot of them in which they’re trying to recreate some funny pose in a picture oikawa saw online (like the one of nct in the ask i sent you earlier!!) and they either turn out really great or really horrible (funny) because you have a knack for taking photos where everything looks normal but someone’s face would be really blurry. but they would also try and take some really nice photos too—they’ll all even help you if you want to take some solo shots! oikawa and makki know the best angles for aesthetically pleasing photos, mattsun has a knack for taking panorama photos that look perfect, and iwaizumi’s really good at taking those types of photos of you guys jumping in the air without them looking weird. you’ve basically got four tall hypemen it’s great!!
overall i think it’d be so fun to go on a trip with them because it’s the perfect balance!! they’re chaotic clowns but they also won’t hesitate to give you a piggyback ride if your feet really hurt or if your shoes are giving you blisters (oikawa will try and make iwa give him a piggyback ride too, though). you guys end up getting a lot closer and having a TON of photos and inside jokes at the end of the trip, and though you’re all reluctant to go back, you also all know that this is only the beginning of a lot more outings together! if you take little clips of various events throughout the trip and compile them all together into a little vlog they’ll all probably watch it together through zoom or discord screenshare or something loool
THIS IS SO LONG take a shot (of water) every time i say one of the guys’ names or if i say “everyone” or some variation of it FJDJSNS seijoh 4 brainrot things am i right.....i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing and thinking of this! i think in the future i might think of stuff for if you go on a trip with the miya twins (and maybe suna too?).....hmmm hmmm hmmm!!! —🌸
— from elle ! i love this so so much >_< like literally what do i have to do to go on a road trip with the seijoh four??? it would be so much fun and chaotic and i want that for me,, i love them and their friendship so much it's insane ;-; anyways, thoughts + additions under the cut <33 thank you for this !!
everyone who isn't driving makes it their mission to annoy the one who is; whether it's through repeatedly poking their cheek, asking how long of the drive they have left, etc. the person who can last the longest in driver's seat would probably be iwaizumi, all his years playing volleyball with them as prepared him for this moment — but also looked up breathing exercises to avoid getting angry.
the best person to have riding shotgun would most be mattsun, especially when it's really late or super early ; keeps the conversation going and doesn't fall asleep, even when everyone in the backseat is. he shotguns energy drinks every hour or so.
i love the idea of oikawa, makki, and mattsun acting out a whole saga in the backseat omg !! in my head it's a song like taylor swift's love story wherein makki is the love interest, oikawa is taylor, and mattsun is like the dad who doesn't want them together. they really go all out on the acting — oikawa might have let out a couple of tears — and even iwa cracks a lil smile from the driver's seat.
awe timeskip!iwa watching out for everyone's diets ;-; but i do agree that he's gonna let up a bit considering that everyone doesn't see each other all the time. but i feel like he gives everyone the look™ every now and then despite this.
aw cmon don't hit me with oikawa making his background me leaning on his shoulder as i sleep that's so adorable i might cry :<< but other photos taken during naps include : iwa leaning on oikawa’s shoulder, makki sleeping with his eyes halfway-open ??? mattsun’s face covered in stickers that you impulse-bought at a random stopover.
sheet masks with the boys ??? yes pls !! though iwa would definitely be the type to almost wash his face after and oikawa screeched just before he was able to splash water on his face.
but late in the night heart to hearts ??? ugh, peak softness from the boys — everyone cries at some point because woah all of you really grew so much since high school and it made everyone feel all warm and tender.
but at some point, without thinking, and also bec it’s late and what does he have to lose, iwa just goes “you know, i had a crush on you when we were in high school” at yn and everyone just goes ?!?!?!?!?
yn : what the hell i had a crush on you ????
and oikawa’s just cackling in the background like, “i knew it !!!! both of you kept saying i was crazy for pushing it i feel so vindicated rn” 
meanwhile makki hands mattsun some money because they bet on it years ago and they were finally getting answers — makki thought you would confess first and mattsun thought it would be iwa ; several years too late but at least ;//
also i would just love to fall asleep in between oikawa and mattsun,,, please how do i get that
also on mattsun’s panoramas: everyone likes moving around a lot when he takes those photos and it’s the perfect mix of weird and cool because yeah there are like five makki’s but one of them looks like he has a third arm and a triangular head
and the vlog and we all get to watch it together over discord ???? that’s it, that’s what i want ;-;
tldr; I would give anything to go on a road trip with the seijoh four ;((
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a question: what are the hq characters like on a road trip?  |  written on the margins masterlist
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lip synch your way into my heart finale
Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four
please drop me a comment or a tag. they mean the world even if it’s just one smiley face emoji I s2g
oh also the song is “Can’t Stand It” by nevershoutnever
“Are you really sure about this?” Jaskier asks, nibbling anxiously on the string of his hoodie. Geralt gently removes it from between his teeth and bumps their foreheads together. 
“Of course I’m sure. I’m so excited to show you off to the world. I can’t believe that you’re letting me claim you as mine so publicly.”
“Well,” Jaskier blushes. Geralt takes a moment to really revel in the flush of his cheeks, the way his smile turns from flirtatious to shy; he’s so head-over-heels it’s sickening. “I have to admit, I kinda like it.”
“What do you like?” Geralt asks. Jaskier fiddles with the hoodie string again but doesn’t put it back in his mouth. That’s a good sign.
“I like that you want me,” the younger man clarifies. He can’t make eye contact with his boyfriend and his cheeks are turning an even darker shade of puce. “I like that you...that you’re openly saying you’re mine. And that I’m yours. I like...being with you.”
“Usually I’m the one who has trouble getting my words out,” Geralt teases gently, lightening the mood. Jaskier smiles gratefully up at the influencer and nods. 
“Go ahead and post it, then.”
“Here we go! Off to Neverland,” Geralt says, suddenly wrapping his arms around Jaskier’s waist to spin him in a wide circle. The brunette giggles so adorably and so furiously that Geralt does it again before setting him down. He taps a button on his phone screen and smiles triumphantly. “There. Now all of China knows we’re queer.”
Jaskier snorts and rolls his eyes, laughing anyway. “Wow, that was bad.”
“I’m hip with the kids,” Geralt shrugs. His phone chimes and he glances down. The video has only been up for maybe a minute. Maybe two.
He unlocks the screen and his honey-gold eyes go wide with shock. “Hey babe,” he mutters, “All of China really does know.”
“I told you my idea would be great for views.”
“I’m never doubting you again. I’m hiring you as my manager. Sleeping with the management is legal, right?”
Jaskier laughs again and lets Geralt smother him with kisses. His face, his neck; finally his boyfriend pulls him up to meet his lips, pressing their mouths together for as long as they can hold their breath. “Love you, boo.”
Jaskier watches the Tik Tok again, later, when he’s sitting on Geralt’s couch, waiting for his boyfriend to get done showering. It was his idea and the result was perfect. The sweetest way to tell the world they were officially and happily a couple.
The caption read: “My boyfriend is so talented and cute!” 
The video showed Jaskier and Geralt sitting on some stone steps, with the brunette tucked safely against one of his boyfriend’s steady legs. He was reclining comfortably with his head against Geralt’s knee, playing the ukulele and singing one of his old middle school favorites:
“You, I saw you across the room And I knew that this was gonna Blossom into something beautiful. You're beautiful.
“Baby, I love you, I never want to let you go. The more I think about, The more I want to let you know That everything you do, Is super duper cute And I can't stand it!”
At the end of the song, Geralt leans down to kiss Jaskier quickly on the cheek and Jaskier smiles on instinct. 
It was almost too sweet in some regards. But the comments were overwhelmingly supportive and positive. Geralt seemed to have a mostly-queer fanbase anyway since he shared so many skits with Yen (a noted bisexual with a hot redheaded lesbian girlfriend) and Ciri (whose gay rights rants were famously funny and informative). The outpouring of “so cute”s and “Omg so happy for you”s was amazing.
A few were rude or stupid, but Jaskier found it easy enough to blow them off. He had Geralt, after all. He was the luckiest Party City cashier in the entire world.
His boyfriend came out of the bathroom just as Jaskier set his phone on the coffee table. “Oh hey, hot stuff. Ready for movie night?”
“Yeah,” Geralt grinned. He leaned down to peck the brunette gently on the lips. “Rom Com or Horror?”
“Your turn to pick.”
“Horror, then. Let’s do something old and silly.”
“How about Creature From the Black Lagoon?” 
Geralt settled onto the couch next to Jaskier and pulled his favorite fleece blanket over both of their legs. He wrapped his arm around the younger man’s shoulders and pulled him close, nuzzling against his neck. “I love you, boo.”
“I love you too, babe.”
“Good. I never want to let you go.”
(dedicated to my main ho and braincell bae @thecomfortofoldstorries)
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Meeting and Dating Kevin Pickford
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(Not my gif)(requested by anonymous)
(I love this pointless movie)
- You and Kevin meet after your friends convinced you to go to one of his parties. You could of made up ten different activities you’d rather do than go to a highschool keg party but your friends insisted and you soon found yourself packed into their car.
- Now you had had a little crush on Kevin for a while, ever since freshman year when you saw him for the first time, so even though you weren’t very excited to spend your night surrounded by your drunken peers you were a bit excited to maybe, hopefully see him.
- So you arrive at his house; let’s pretend this is another party that didn’t get shut down, and you walk through the front door to see the typical shit show. You stick by your friends for a while, nursing a beer and trying to convince yourself you’re having a good time. That is until your friends all but ditch you to go and mingle.
- Soon enough you’re all alone standing uncomfortably in the relatively abandoned kitchen. You’re debating the idea of just leaving, walking home didn’t seem all to bad given the circumstances, but just as you feel like you’ve made up your mind...in walks the host. You felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest when you saw him, you stared down at your cup hoping he would just sort of ignore you as he rummaged for whatever it was he was looking for.
“How ya doin?” Shit.
- It seemed like he was just trying to be friendly so you gave him as much of a smile as you could muster and a small “fine” before glancing down at your drink again. From your experience this was usually when the person would just nod and walk out but he didn’t. He gathered the stuff he had came in for but paused at the counter.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around before... whats your name?”
- I think you’d have to be a year younger than him because if you were in his grade prior to this he would have asked you out or at least spoken to you before. So you’re a sophomore going into junior year and he’s a junior going into senior year.
“Oh you wouldn’t really know me, I’m a sophomore. My friends brought me, I’m y/n.”
“Oh cool man cool. I’m Kevin.”
“Yeah, I-uh, I know,” you chuckled a little. “Nice party.”
- He smiled and was about to say something before he was called back to the party by a loud shout. “Well I’m gonna go deliver the necess-it-ies. You should come out, join the living, raise a little hell.” And then he was once again lost in the sea of people flooding his living room.
- After he was gone you freaked out for a hot minute over the fact that you had just talked to your longtime crush. You decided that maybe you could stomach a little more of the party and took a deep breath before wandering out of the kitchen. It was maybe thirty minutes later that the two of you found each other again and started up a mini conversation.
- Soon enough the two of you were heading up to his bedroom so that you could actually hear each other speak. You spent a surprisingly long time just talking to each other while the party went on downstairs; it was four in the morning by the time you checked the clock again.
- You figured it was time for you to go home, so you stood up and began to say goodbye before he tried to convince you to stay a little longer. It’s nearly impossible to deny him, it’s pretty much been your dream for this exact scenario to happen. You promise to stay for another hour, which turns into another hour, and finally you really need to go so that you can avoid meeting your parents at the front door. He asks for your number and you write it down for him before you leave.
- You end up walking home in the rising sun which almost feels like the perfect way to end the night.
- He calls you a few days later asking if you’d want to come over which you obviously agree to. You get together, chat some more, listen to music, all that fun teenager shit. But then he leans over and kisses you, pulling away with that gorgeous smile of his and, well, you’re walking on clouds for the rest of the day.
- Later on you kiss some more and he gives you a “so does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend from now on, cause I think I’d like that, a lot”.
- Listen most of your dates are more or less just the two of you hanging out not really doing much besides enjoying each other’s company.
- But he does take you to a drive in restaurant for dinner so you can count that as your first “official” date. He wanted to “give a good first impression for your relationship”.
- You’re together like 90% of the time. The both of you are kind of clingy with each other and neither of you seem to mind.
- Whenever you’re together he always has some form of physical contact with you at all times.
- Sitting on his lap.
- He loves PDA but it’s mostly because he just loves affection in general.
- He’s a big baby who likes being cuddled and that’s a fact. He lowkey loves being the little spoon but it genuinely doesnt matter to him how you cuddle as long as you do it.
- Keeps tabs on you whenever you go out together. He usually stays close by or at least knows where you’re going to be, he likes to make sure you’re alright.
- You definitely have little routines together whether it be when his parents almost catch him smoking or cleaning up after a party or just when coming home from school.
- Helping to make sure his parents don’t catch him smoking in his room. You’re usually sent out to distract them or you clear things up while he talks with them.
- He’s so interested in your talents and hobbies, show him what you’re passionate about baby! He wants to know!
- Always being offered free booze or weed.
- Awkward first introductions to his friends when they crash one of your hangouts to try and buy some herb.
- Being invited to all of his and his friends parties.
- Helping him plan his parties.
- Helping him with all his antics.
- He’s always fiddling with something whenever you’re together so be prepared to see him doing something at any given moment in the corner of your eye.
- Making out, he could kiss for hours.
- Always having shotgun reserved for you.
- Laying on the hood of his car together and talking about random shit.
- Trying to hide your laughter while you listen to his weird weed fueled theories and stories.
- He shows off everything you make or do, he’s a subtle cheerleader.
- You spend most of your time in his room, sitting in his egg chair or on the windowseat while he smokes a joint.
- You’re constantly on the same wavelength.
 “Thats what I was gonna say!!”
- Braiding and running your fingers through his hair.
- He plays with your hair as well, twirling strands between his fingers and stroking it when you’re cuddling.
- He’s honestly so adorable and absolutely smitten with you. All his friends can tell he’s whipped but he doesn’t care.
- He thinks it’s so cute that you had a crush on him, well that’s if you ever admit it to him.
- Hand holding especially whenever you’re walking together.
- Staying up till dawn together.
- Making flower crowns together, dont deny it he’d do it. 
- His parents love you and are always really sweet, his mother is an absolute angel.
- He isnt going to force you to smoke with him but he does need you to accept that hes not stopping just because you dont want to. He’ll agree to not smoke around you because thats fair enough but he’ll still do it with his friends or on his own. I can assume you’re alright with that if you want a relationship with him.
- Kevins pretty chill so there’s rarely any fighting and the fighting you do have are more so just arguments rather than actual fullblown fights. They’re usually over a dangerous idea or stupid action he had/did. These arguments usually end with him realizing and admitting you’re right or saying how he can see why you’d think that. He gets it even if he doesnt think its as big of a deal as you do.
- Kevin is a moderately jealous person, he doesnt think every man you talk to is a threat to your relationship. He’s pretty calm, which is what you’d expect from a stoner, he more so just smirks at the guy he knows is flirting with you and shows that you’re his with an arm around your shoulder and/or a kiss. He never dwells on it or let’s it ruin your night. 
- He’s a very loyal boy, no cheating, no flirting with other girls. You’re the only girl he has eyes for.
- Swapping clothes and accessories.
- You share pretty much everything; food, drinks, homework, joints, a single braincell. 
- Going to the emporium and playing fooseball and pool together or jokingly cheering him on while he plays someone else.
- A lot of nicknames; he definitely calls you flowerchild and other very 70s sounding ones. 
- Having a lot of Polaroids together.
- Concert dates.
- Record store dates.
- Late night hangouts.
- Going on random trips to different stores to get food or drinks.
- Well if you’re becoming a junior then you’ll have a year in highschool without him in the near future. He doesn’t really mind waiting for you to graduate so that you can advance your relationship but it will bother him when he isn’t able to see you for more than six hours, five days a weeks
- Probably proposes to you in bed, late at night with a “how would you like to be a Mrs. Pickford?” while he spins the ring between his fingers.
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 4 years
Til Death Do Us Part ch 1
This will end up on Ao3 eventually  Based on the @maulusque post (Which You Should Read Before Reading This) where Fox and Palpatine end up in a fake relationship and sham marriage because both thinks the other is sincere and that they are manipulating the other but Fox had one hell of a prenup and ends up cleaning house when he divorces Sheev and saves the galaxy 
This is not that story.  This is a failed version of that story I thought up because my two braincells were like Rey Palpatine? That makes Fox her step-grandpa??? and i wanted them to meet. It also is turning into a Sequels Fix It (disclaimer- I kind of take sequels canon about the sheev clones and mash it with my fist until juice comes out and make lemonade and do whatever i want bc they dont explain enough)
Summary:  Fox wakes up from cryo-stasis to a galaxy recovering from the fall of the Empire as the universe’s Bitterest Ex-Husband because he didn’t get to kill Palpatine himself. He’s not going to let some discount clone of sheev ruin things again either, and ends up with a surprise step-granddaughter along the way.  3k words chapter 1/?
Fox should have known better than to attempt out-manipulating the puppetmaster of a galactic war.  What really rankled was how close he had come, his fingers had metaphorically brushed the salvation of the Republic before it had been snatched away. 
The divorce had been more than halfway processed, and Palpatine had grown more and more panicked.  Under the scrutiny of every lawyer on Coruscant, the prenuptial agreement had been airtight, the political powers Fox tried to give himself in it were unlikely to be enforced, but the monetary and titular aspects were to the letter of the law.  
Of course the law only applied to citizens and sentients.  Palpatine cracked down hard against Clone Rights in those last months.  He himself did not publicly utter a biased word in either direction, only ever praising the effectiveness of the troops, but many of Palpatine’s close associates presented strong cases.  People that had been at their engagement party, people who had been roped by tradition into dancing with Fox’s brothers at the wedding, people who had looked him in the eye over an oiled banquet table and praised his wit, became the ones proclaiming that Fox and his brothers had no more inborn rights or legal merit than a droid or womprat. 
Palpatine drew the court case out in circular debates, and last minute rescheduling.  Fox was kept exhausted and worn to the bone between the ramped up tempo of the war, the grueling hours in court, and the new loathing facing him every second he spent at his job in the Coruscant Guard.  Palpatine had dropped any acts around Fox, no longer the doting grandfather of the republic, or enthusiastic geriatric spouse, but bitter and jilted and cruel-tongued.  Some days Fox feared for his life. 
It was that resignation that he would die that saved Fox’s life.  He updated his will -clones were at least allowed those for any non-GAR-issue items they had - and made sure copies were held by numerous offices, and even on other planets.  He appointed Cody and the Coruscant Guard as the main benefactors, Cody had the authority to divy resources up among the rest of the vode, and the Coruscant Guard were both his closest brothers and deserving of any boon he could grant them.  He left a hefty endowment for the cadets and tubies, to find either adoptive families or to raise them without the military training in the event of the War ending.  He left his half of the cultural artifacts that Palpatine had collected to the Jedi for them to distribute as they saw fit. 
Even if Palpatine managed to pierce holes through every line of the divorce documents, he could not deny Fox’s last will and testament.  Palpatine had to keep Fox alive, or else he would lose many of the assets he was trying to keep in his grasp. 
Fox had counted on more time to slip information to the GAR and the Jedi, he had counted on less supervision, and he had counted on Dooku and Grievous lasting for a few more months than they did.  
He failed to prevent Order 66, and as his brothers lost their free-will, he was abducted from 500 Republica.  A drugged dart jabbing through his blacks and unfamiliar hands hauling him onto a ship.  He was put into cryo-cycle stasis. That counted enough as keeping him alive that his will could not be enacted, but kept him and his insider knowledge from challenging Palpatine. 
Forty years later, a decade after the fledgling New Republic finally closed the buried account that dripped credits into the facility Fox’s stasis pod was in, the power couplings shorted out - whatever droid or employee was in charge of maintenance long departed for salaried work.  The pod had emergency protocols to thaw him out with the last of its energy reserves if the power was cut out. 
And so out he had staggered, head aching and bile rising.  His genetically wired resilience and discipline had carried him through the worst of the stasis sickness. 
The computer terminals were easy enough to slice.  Palpatine did not change his cybersecurity strategy over the decades, and Fox knew more than he wanted to of that man’s mind.  What he found was disturbing, but not surprising.  Weapons capable of destroying entire planets, the genocide of the Jedi, the suicidal brothers made into cyborg Dark Troopers, a Galactic Empire.  And cloning, an overwhelming amount of information on cloning. Not just familiar Kaminoan files, but resources from other cloning facilities, Strand-Casts, Splices, Stem-cells- every method explored and combined.  Palpatine had been seeking immortality.
Fox did not let himself think about what year it was, he did not think about the decades Palpatine had marred for the Galaxy, the vode all marching far away without him, the history ripped apart by waves of propaganda.  What he thought instead about was his own failure to sacrifice himself and put a blaster bolt through Palpatine’s wrinkled forehead so many years ago. It rankled quite a bit that Palpatine died while he was in stasis - the bitterness of unfulfilled hatred. But he could find new purpose. He would not let a false Palpatine return and inflict himself upon the healing Galaxy.  
After he left the lunar facility orbiting its dead planet in a nearly-corroded relic of an emergency escape ship, the first goal he achieved was programming a medical droid to excise the control chip from his brain.  Then he started slicing again.  There were still some accounts he had set up during his sham marriage with credits that had decades of interest.  His backup plan to that was selling the material assets he knew either he or Palpatine had stored away in scattered locations.  
Fox bought a ship, blasters, and assembled piecemeal a set of armor.  He bought bounty hunter credentials, keeping his helmet on always to hide any recognition his face might bring.  He stacked crates of rations in the empty bunks in his ship - a Skipray Blastboat - a vessel meant for four was a roomy choice to travel alone in, but still nearly invisible in its ubiquity.  And he went hunting. 
Palpatine’s clones were hard to find, a challenge Fox embraced for its distraction.  He found out some of the pseudonyms running the older facilities, the constructed identities for whatever apprentices, droids, or imperial loyalists were actually doing the work.  That was a mystery Fox was still investigating.  
Sometimes, to find a clone of Palpatine, Fox anonymously set the bounty himself, and then claimed it as well - getting the resources of the minor guild he worked with, as well as a tracking fob. 
Sometimes he killed them. Sometimes it was easy, the compulsions and the personality of Palpatine showing through, and that hated face looking back.  Sometimes they were worming their way into government positions to undermine the New Republic.  Sometimes it was harder, botched strand-casts that held only a passing resemblance to the man, and were without the force or any malignance.  Those, Fox judged on a case-by-case basis.  Were they in politics? How connected were they to any neo-imperialists? He judged each of them by their own actions, he knew the way a clone could be blamed for the actions of another.
He was not the only one after these clones, someone else was also hunting them - off of any official Bounty Hunting channels. And with the karked up Sith tradition of usurpers, Fox could not assume it was an ally. 
Fox’s unknown rival gradually became more than just a nuisance to compete against.  There had been a strand-cast clone of Palpatine’s that bore only a partial resemblance and had been actively undermining some of the networks Fox thought might be connected to the cloning facilities. Fox had been trying to track him down, to talk to someone who might be able to link him to the roots of this operation - he was even ready to offer personal protection - but his opponent had reached him first. 
The man was dead now. As was the woman he had been traveling with.  It was frustratingly suspicious, and Fox was out of other leads to investigate.  He spent a few months slicing and scouring for information about the strand-cast.  The man had boarded a ship from a large spaceport with a woman and a child, had transferred numerous times, and then, at the last port before his death, had only embarked with the woman.  The child had either died prior the the adults’ deaths, or was still alive.  And if the child was alive, they might know where their father had come from.
Shipyard security cameras and life/heat sensors could only tell him so much.  He looked into crew manifests, ration orders, and fuel receipts.  Between fuel logs and hyperspace maps, he created a list of planets between each refueling stop with more fuel purchased and time between than a direct route would necessitate and worked down that, checking for ships matching their vessel’s description docking with false credentials.  Planets with smaller populations were quicker to investigate so he looked there first.  It was a slow process over weeks. 
 Jakku had only a few scattered settlements, and while their ship monitoring was lacking, the local population was likely to have seen anyone who arrived or left. He landed outside of one of the larger trade centers. 
He disembarked his ship and walked towards the mass of tents and shabby buildings. He was wearing only a minimum of armor, and had left his helmet on the ship. His blaster was still displayed in its holster, a weight he felt pressed against his thigh with every step. He wasn’t here as a bounty hunter, but something closer to undercover instead, and if the kid was here he didn’t want to scare or threaten the child prematurely.  He would blend in more as just another spacer. 
He was met by a varied group of sun-beaten and skeptical beings. The welcoming committee seemed torn between distrust and hope for trade. 
“I’m here for information.” He began, showing a flash of credit chips when he pulled out his holoprojector. “About a year ago a ship of this type would have arrived and left a passenger behind.” 
“Lotta ships come in and out…” A thin Caskadag said unhelpfully.  But Fox could see poorly concealed recognition among some of the faces. He mentally debated who to bribe or how else to persuade the crowd. 
Out of sight, there was a shriek of conversation and then the frantic scuffle of running feet over sand.  A girl emerged from a clump of tents and stopped, almost breathless, staring at him. She was young, between six or eight, Fox struggled like most clones with approximating odd numbered years of natural borns, but she was small. 
“Did my parents send you!? Are they gonna come get me?” She asked with bright desperation. She was staring at the holoprojected ship in his hands.  Fox knew this was the strand-cast’s child. 
“I’m here because of your parents.” He said evenly.  He looked at the group of now unhappy onlookers, denied their chance to weasel credits out of him. “Is there somewhere less busy we can talk?” 
“Mmhmm.” She walked him between tents to a clearing edged with waste heaps. Fox opened his mouth and then stopped again, hesitant. 
“Why did my parents send you?” There was sensible caginess warring with hope in her voice.  She kept glancing back to the crowd they had just left. 
“I’m sorry, Rey,” He hoped that what the other workers had muttered at her had been her name, and dropped down to one knee to be on a level with her. “But your parents are dead.  I’m sorry, but they can’t come get you.” 
There was a watery vulnerability to her eyes.  Fox expected a denial, he hated being the one to deliver this news. It was partially his own failure.  
“So… So I’m just… I’m just going to stay here? And - and work for Mister Plutt forever?” She looked wetly at the pitiful tents around them, the sand, the beating sun, the scrap-sorting piles.  Fox looked at her, at the scabs and callouses on her tiny hands, at the stained clothing, at the bones of her arms, at the ring of faint green skin around her wrist.  Force, he had always been weak for the cadets. 
“No, if you want… If you want I can take you with me.”  It was an impulsive offer, but it felt right. 
“You’re not my dad.” She said sulkily. “I’m only supposed to leave if him or mum comes.” 
“No, I’m not.” Fox did some quick thinking about his relationship to Palpatine, his own apparent age, and the fact her father was a clone of Sheev. “But I am your father’s ex-husband.” 
He knew that she had no reason to trust him, and frankly if she had any sense to not get abducted, she wouldn’t.  Fox was ready to pull up a datapad with the copy of his marriage certificate, proof her father was a clone, and a discussion of family trees.  Instead of an argument, she looked intensely at him and he felt a warmth swell around him, like a summer breeze.  Of course the kriffing kid was force sensitive. 
It was pleasant, as far as being probed by the force ever was.  She was bright and gentle and washed over him, so unlike the cloying oil-slick that he had not realized choked his mind for years until he was finally free of Palpatine. He waited, keeping his thoughts on what he had just said, but not so intently as to raise her suspicion that he was hiding something. 
Eventually she nodded. “Okay.” 
“I know when people are lying.  And-” She hesitated, squirming a little. “And you feel nice.” 
Fox smiled. Nice was not the word that Fox would have picked to describe himself currently, considering he had spent a better part of the past year hunting down clones of his ex-husband and killing many of them with extreme prejudice. He wondered unhappily at what relative caliber for niceness she was comparing him to. He stood up and paused. 
“So you’ll come with me?” He asked again for clarity’s sake. 
“Mmhmm.” She confirmed, and stepped to his side, reaching up to worm her little hand into his. 
“Do you have stuff to get? People to say bye to?” He asked uncertainly.  He wasn’t sure how this was supposed to go, and right now it felt too easy.  She started tugging him towards the array of scrap-sorters.  
She went to a spot she had clearly hastily abandoned when he had arrived, and picked up a dingy canvas bag and slung it over her shoulder.  She walked back to him and put her hand back in his again.  
“Okay. Now we need to tell Mister Plutt.” She nodded towards a permanent structure at the edge of the scrapyard. 
“Rey, Rey, Who’s that man?” One of the women who had not been in the group that greeted him, skin toughened by sand and sun, rose up from the heaps of metal and brandished a staff at him.  Part of Fox was relieved that at least someone was stopping little girls from getting kidnapped.  The other part of him put on his most charming, non-threatening smile. 
“I’m her father’s ex-husband.  Her parents are dead and I only just found out…” 
The woman glared at him but shifted to look at Rey, softening her gaze. 
“He tellin’ the truth? Do you know this man?” 
“He’s not lying.” Rey said. “And Dad mentioned he had a complix-complexcated past.” 
“Her father and I may have split over our differences, but I’m not leaving his kid to grow up a scrapper beholden to quotas when I have the resources to raise her instead.”  Fox’s honest determination had the desired effect, the woman lowered her staff and nodded, still suspicious but relenting.  
“You’re going to have to pay Unkar for her.” 
Fox frowned and gestured towards his blaster on his hip. “Sure, I’ll pay.” 
“No. I mean it. You try any funny business and he’ll set the guild on you or worse.” The woman was very serious.  “You got enough to pay?” 
“If I have to, I will.” Fox said with finality.  He did not want to buy another being, but he also wanted Rey off of this planet as smoothly as possible. 
The questioning was repeated with Unkar Plutt, who glared with equal distrust to the people outside.  He took Rey aside into his office room, and Fox hoped it was to question her about his claims and if she actually wanted to leave with him.  Fox was concerned by how easy it was for someone to take a child off of Jakku like this, but also acknowledged that this was incredibly convenient for him. 
Plutt and Rey reemerged and Rey walked over and clung to his pant leg.  Fox brushed a hand over her hair. 
“I’m losing years of good labor.” Unkar said callously. “I expect to be compensated.” 
Fox told himself that the credits he handed over were a bribe. Fox swung Rey’s little bag over his shoulder and after a moment of consideration, hoisted Rey up to rest on his hip as well.  She was light and clung round his neck, giggling with surprise in his ear.  
Fox didn’t need to be force sensitive to know that this decision felt right. 
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supportanimy · 3 years
All Stars Verse - Hologram Boy
Synopsis : The coaches of #thatPOWER are angry at Panda for turning P2 into a hologram
Word count : 2803
Notes : Can y'all guess what the title is referencing? Please guess what the title is referencing
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"We did it, we did it! We did it, yay!" The coaches sing and dance together in the new galaxy, after Panda traveled to all the planets and achieved the All Stars.
But just as they started to party, a spaceship arrived and out came three people, all with grey skin and white hair, wearing different outfits consisting of only red and black. 
"YOU!" The shortest one pointed angrily at Panda. "You killed our friend!"
"He's not dead, but he is hurt. And trapped," the muscly guy said.
"Hey, I know these guys!" Starships mentions excitedly. "That Power, right?  Or #thatPOWER, I guess. But don't you guys have four? Where's P2?"
"Here," the P3 drops a tiny machine, and a hologram of P2 appears. 
"Oh. Your hair has gotten...longer. And darker."
"Yeah, well as I was saying, PANDA MURDERED HIM!" P1 yells angrily and attempts to tackle Panda, but Reindeer shields them. 
"No, Panda would never do such a thing! They're too sweet and kind to! You must be confusing them with some other panda!"
P4 walks forward and pushes her friend back, but turns around to glare at them. "Impossible, there are no other pandas here," she explains. "Number 2 is not dead," Someone laughs, "he cannot die. However, he is permanently trapped as a hologram because of Panda's actions, and according to him, Panda was constantly taunting and harassing him just before that. Isn't that right?" P2 nods.
"Quiet as ever, huh?" Starships tries to lean on him, but passes through and falls.
"Then it must have been an accident!" Reindeer continues to defend their friend. The two had been close since childhood. One would know that if one played Kids Mode.
SS1, interested in whatever argument is happening, eats popcorn and shares it with the other coaches. "You know, *munch* Panda harassing some rando *munch* is honestly not that *munch* out of character for him." SS2 grabs a handful. "Agreed."
ME4 fixes his glasses, "Wait, I think I know what's happening here. Battle Mode, I'm guessing. Never got a chance on one of those."
"What's Battle Mode?" Rasputin's coach scratches his beard. 
Out of nowhere, Starships slides in to chime in the conversation. "A mode where coaches from two different songs go head to head in a dance battle! Only appeared in two games though, and I never got to join one," she pouts. 
Back to the argument, Reindeer gives up trying to defend Panda and is instead resorting to insulting P2. "He's just a robot! Can't he be replaced?!" the power coaches and BFT gasp.
P1 is now being restrained by P3 and P4 as she tries to attack Reindeer now. "I'm going to kill both of you!"
"No need to waste your energy on those lowlives, Number 1. We just need to get money from them so we can make a time machine and change the events of the battle, making it so that Number 2 wins instead."
Hearing that, HH2 gets a bright idea.
"We don't need to go that far, P4. We just want them to apologize-What do you mean no, Two?! Don't tell me you want revenge too?!
"Psst, P1," HH2 whispers to her friend. "Don't we have a friend with a time machine?"
"You mean Goddess? Does she count as our friend?" he replies before getting elbowed by HH4, who enters their talk uninvited. "I think she means the Backstreet Wannabes." "I mean, Goddess could probably time travel-" "No one asked, P3!"
"BE QUIET!" HH2 shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. 
"Ooh," SS1 directs his attention to her.
"So, #thatPower...I think I may know the ones to help you. Though, we have to fly there since...they're on the other galaxy."
"Sure! We appreciate any help! Even though I'm not sure what kind of help these people you're saying will offer," P3 agrees immediately.
P4 is a bit more skeptical. "How do we know you aren't lying to us? We aren't even sure what help we're getting."
"Some people with a time machine," HH1 tells them. "Like what you said earlier. I'm not sure who P2 is talking about though."
P1 finally stopped being filled with rage, and it was replaced with joy. "You actually have a time machine?! Oh, how I long to return to my time!"
The other coaches are understandably confused over her statement. P3 tells them to shrug it off, "Don't mind her, she gets like that. We're not sure why."
"So what about it, Two? Wanna time travel so you don't get stuck as a hologram anymore?" The hologram nods, grinning from ear to ear. "Great!" P3 turns the projector off and keeps it in his pocket.
"P3, I will murder you, and then dismember you, and feed you to tigers." "We-we don't have tigers. Also your arms are twigs." "Don't you act smart with me!"
"Chill 4, it's just a tiny mistake, NBD," the blonde woman remarks without looking away from her phone. "P1 hit my hand too, but you don't see me threatening him."
"Who the fuck actually says NBD-Oh uh, sorry for that."
"Yeah, but he didn't hit it hard enough that you punch yourself in the face enough to hurt!"
"How did that even happen? Like I said, your arms are twigs-" "Do NOT!"
Just as the two were about to attack each other, they heard the faint sound of an aircraft. 
"Hey, I'm trying to strangle someone! Can you not-" she stops her sentence when she sees a spaceship getting closer to the four.
"Get cover!" "Calm down First, it's probably just going to pass by us like airplanes." "No, P2, it's actually gonna fall on us!" he points at the ship landing fast. "Oh," she's pulled to safety by him, where their colour scheme changes.
It stayed at a steady pace going down, but stopped just 100 meters off the ground and slowly went straight down.
"Seriously? After all that drama?" "Hey, be grateful we're safe!"
When it finally finished landing, four familiar faces and four unfamiliar faces walked out.
"Hey look, it's High Hopes! And some Homestuck cosplayers!" the woman jumps back out from their hiding spot, which made her hair turn back to blonde. "That's not-whatever, I'm tired of your dumb ass."
"Dirty Bit Gang!" HH4 runs to hug DB2. 
"Wait, they have a time machine?!" HH3 never knew that fact. If he did, he would've begged to use it to appear earlier in more songs.
"Well duh, their song is called The Time, and one of us should definitely have a time machine."
"So I see you guys have a spaceship. I assume you guys are here to use our time machine, but who are they?" DB1 asks. 
"Hi, I'm the Starships coach! Love your outfits, but feel like the colours could be better. These are coaches from #thatPOWER, but one member is kinda stuck right now-"
"I hope you don't mind if we borrow it for a while," P3 drops the projector and P2 sighs quietly in relief. 
DB4 stops her punch to DB3 midway to look at P2. "Uh, is he okay?"
"That's the reason we're here. Number 2-" "PFFFFT!" "Number 2, is stuck as a hologram and we have no way of transferring his AI to a body so we were hoping that we can travel to the past to change the course of the battle that made him this way in the first place."
"Cool," DB1 responds, not catching any of that. "Say, why do you need eight people plus a hologram to do that?"
HH2 raised a finger as if to answer him, but put it on her chin instead. "I'm-I'm not sure."
"C'mon, it's easy!" HH1 tries his best to explain. "There's That Power, the ones who want to go to the past, Starships, the representative of 2014, We're here to-wait, P2 was their guide, I'm not sure why the rest of us are here."
"Okayyy, sure, we'll do that, but do you have a plan?"
Silence. "Yeah, we didn't think of that."
"Of course you didn't," frustration was evident in his voice. "Fine, follow me."
DB3 and DB4 continued to fight, while the eight were led to a dark room with a massive TV screen, and a few couches. There was a table with a flower pot on it, with some cookies and candy beside it. 
"So, it would be dangerous to just alter the past with no plans and no actual clue on what happened. That's why, we're going to watch it, then decide what to do," the bearded man takes the remote next to the screen and switches to different channels. "2014, it's a battle, correct?"
The screen switched to a scene on a stage with multiple monitors and the letters VS in the middle, displaying a dance floor with some other items beside it such as a chair. Panda rushed in and stood there while P2 slowly approached them, C'mon by Kesha playing in the background. When P2 was close enough, Panda started circling around him, then went back to their position, but not before blowing a kiss at the robot, which he moved his head to avoid.
"Oh, Panda blew a kiss at you? That should be a reminder," HH4 notes.
"What a shame," HH3 comments.
They began dancing, with Panda moving their arms towards their chest and P2 doing robotic movements. That was until just before the first pre-chorus started where P2's movements look like he was being controlled by a puppeteer, then they became more "free".  
"Haha!" Starships laugh. "Seeing such a serious face on a cute dance move is so-" As past Panda and P2 turned to each other, the lyrics sang at the part made her stop. "Oh no. Oh no no no no. Oh god no."
"Is she okay?" DB2's question had a worried tone. "She's fine. Probably," HH2 assures.
"There are 2 images burned into my mind, and I don't like either of them!"
The rest ignore her dramatics and continue watching the battle. The chorus played, with the two performing an all too common move, putting your elbow on your raised leg, but coupled with some pushing each other to the side in between. When the singer sang the song's title repeatedly, Panda is seen establishing dominance over P2.
"Uhh," P3's braincells, or whatever robots have, seemed to have been fried from just watching the battle. "How are you losing to a panda?!" P2 shrugs.
The beginning of the final round consisted of Panda taunting P2, and P2 attempting to damage Panda but to no avail. P2 looked like he was about to faint right before the chorus started again, with them repeating the same moves earlier. The battle finally ended, in which Panda brings out a button and presses it, turning P2 into a hologram while they laugh.
"Okay, that was way too far now that I've seen it! I'm going to join the others in killing them-"
"Yo, calm down. We watched this to help you think of a plan, remember? While it was very weird to watch, we can decide what to do now, or in the past," DB1 brought out a piece of paper and puts it on the table. "Write your plan of action there, then I'll check over it to make sure it's nothing drastic."
P4 grabs the paper and begins writing on it with her built-in pen. "What we want to do is to make it so that P2 wins this fight. I think that can be easily done if we change the music."
"But won't Panda just press the button either way?" HH1 has a solid question.
"Hmm, then I guess we'll just destroy it."
"Wait, if we're going to destroy it anyways, what's the point in changing the song?" HH3 is surprisingly thinking a bit smarter now.
"Oh, that one is to save his honor. And to destroy Panda's-!" P1 clenches her fist tight.
"Riiight. Right. Right."
"Yes, but how are we doing that? Won't doing that alter a whole lot of events now since he's the mascot?" P3 tries to think deeply.
"Not really," DB1 answers, having a braincell for once. "Since you're from the same game, and you don't have any future appearances besides that one mashup, I think you guys would be fine."
"That's it, yes? Number 2's battle wasn't quite complicated, so maybe that's enough. Sir?"
DB1 takes the paper from P4, and looks it over. "Goddammit why am I reading with shades-yeah, that's okay I guess."
"Great, now we can go!" P1 is ecstatic to finally be able to return her friend back to his original state. So is the rest, even if P4 doesn't show it.
"Well, I guess that's our queue to leave. Goodbye and your welcome!" HH2 grabs her friends to drag them home.
"Wait, but didn't you go by spaceship?" P3 doesn't know how they would even return.
"Now worries, this is our planet, we'll teleport home!" "We can teleport?!" "HAVE YOU NOT NOTICED THIS WHOLE TIME-"
"What about...her?" P4 looks down on Starships, who was still freaking out. 
"Well, since she's the 2014 rep, we have to get her gloves if you want to travel there and back-" "I CAN'T TRAVEL TO MY TIME???" "-Would you mind…?" 
Starships takes it off and throws it at the pink-haired woman. "Just, just take it. Heck, keep it."
"Alright, follow me again," he gestures.
This time, a room that looks like it came from a certain sci-fi franchise involving space travel, but not time travel for some reason.
"Ight, just stand there," DB1 points at a platform," and you'll be fine. Also, here are the gloves, just wear it when you're done."
"Thanks a lot for helping us," P3 did a polite bow, "we're very grateful." He elbows the others to follow.
"No probs, we do this all the time, just be mindful that there are some side effects of time travel-" "Excuse me-?!" "But they're harmless! Have fun!" And the three robots plus hologram go back in time.
They arrived at a weird green space. There was a door quite far away, and would take a while to walk to. They felt something weird, and looked at their hands and each other to realize that they became green too. Except for P2.
"Changing colours is not what I expected but…" P4 spins her hand around.
"Maybe this could be useful, since we blend in with everything else," P3 compares his shade to the space.
They see Panda coming out of nowhere, heading to the door. Without speaking, they all immediately followed them. "Number 1, go grab the button. Number 3, get there and change the music." "Aye aye, 4."
P1 gets on the floor and crawls to the panda, P3 rushes to the door, and P4 carries P2's projector, following them from a distance. 
The short woman finds a pocket on Panda's body and tries to find the button. Instead, there was a tophat, a tennis racket, a trumpet and a whole lot of other things that should not be able to fit there. Somehow, Panda didn't notice any of that. She finally got her hands on the button, and immediately destroyed it. 
The sound alerts Panda, causing them to look around, but not finding anyone since they all blend in and P4 had turned off the projector, and shrugs it off. P3 uses that minor distraction to enter through the door. 
Immediately after passing through, his skin changed again, now blending into the room which was where the battle took place. Past P2, stood there, already arrived, but didn't take notice of P3, who climbed the ceiling and found the sound system. He used it and changed the settings so #thatPOWER was gonna play instead of C'mon.
When Panda comes in to start the fight, with the remaining two sneaking in, the course of it had already been decided. Past P2 had started attacking them and charging himself up. The fight continued on with P2 having an advantage, and at the end when P2 won, Panda jumped off, leaving the room while P2 laughs then leaves from the other exit. In that moment, the room turned to a black space, everyone turning back to normal, P2's projector disappeared, and a blended in silhouette of him was there.
"P2, you're back!" P1 goes to hug him. P2 clearly had been confused by what she said, but accepted it anyways. P3 and even P4, who isn't very physically affectionate, joins in the hug.  "We missed being able to actually touch you, buddy. Now I don't have to kneel down just to fistbump someone." "HEY!"
"I guess we can go home now," P4 puts on the glove and they teleported back to their starting point. 
So as you can read, there's like zero logic here, but I'm proud of.it cause it's my longest one-shot!
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Skin Deep - Results Pending
Wow guys! This is the last chapter of Skin Deep before the epilogue, I can’t believe we made it this far! I was going to post this on Friday, but I got backed up working on requests and updating other fics, but we finally made it. Again, I’m very bad at creating an accurate court setting, but I tried my best. Hope you all enjoy! Sorry for any spelling/grammatical errors, my singular braincell is on holiday.
Writing Masterpost
If you want to send a request or a prompt, my inbox is always open! I publish a story at 8:00 AM PST everyday, so I’m always in need of new ideas. If you want to be tagged in my works, just let me know and I’ll be sure to tag you!
Prompts | More Prompts | The Trifecta of Prompts | Original Prompts
Trigger Warnings: Talk of sexual abuse, references to panic attacks, attempted assault
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
“Miss Parr, please sit down,” Judge Cranmer shot her a glare, “We cannot introduce any more evidence into this case unless it has been processed by both parties. You should have brought your evidence to court before we began the trial.”
Stalking forward to the middle of the court, Cathy slammed her phone down in front of Maria and Joan. “That would’ve been impossible your Honor, because this evidence - this conversation happened not even five minutes ago. And I would say it’s a confession, if anything.”
Suddenly, the entire court was interested in what Cathy had to say. “A confession? From who?” Maria asked, picking up the phone.
“From Edmund Howard,” Cathy pointed a finger at the man, waiting for the dramatic gasps of the jury. Instead, she was met with an awkward silence as everyone waited for more information. Slowly dropping her hand with a sheepish shrug, Cathy returned her attention to Cranmer. “If you let us present this to the court, we can get the truth.”
Joan stood up. “We vouch for her,” she shot Cathy an indistinguishable glance out of the corner of her eye. “Whatever the contents of this so-called confession, we will take responsibility for it.”
Rubbing his eyes, Cranmer sighed. “I’m not supposed to be doing this, but fine. Present your evidence to the court.”
“Your Honor, they can’t do that -” Culpeper’s lawyer argued, practically rocketing out of his chair. 
Silencing the lawyer with the wave of his hand, Cranmer commanded the court with his voice, “I am allowing it, and you will allow it too, unless there’s something you wish to hide?”
Swallowing thickly, the lawyer shook his head, “No, your Honor,” and sat back down. Culpeper’s eyes hadn’t left Kit, who was curled up in her seat next to Maria and Joan. Cathy noticed the way her eyes roamed over the cracks in the wood table, pretending as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. 
Tension spread throughout the entire court as Cathy opened her phone, pulling up the video of Edmund and Kit’s argument. When she got a nod of confirmation from Joan and Maria, she hit play.
“Thomas and Francis were doing as I told them. The only way you would ever win is if I do all the hard work for you.”
“You what?”
“We needed that prize money, and the only way you were going to win it was if the judges had a reason to pick you. It’s surprisingly easy to whore you out to these men.”
“It’s my body! You can’t sell me to them for money.”
“I can, I will, and you won’t say anything about it.”
There was silence throughout the court as everyone stared, their eyes divided between Cathy, Kit, and Edmund himself. Everyone was frozen, unsure of what to do. Breaking the moment of suspension, Kit scrambled out of her seat and sprinted out of the room, escaping from the court. Cathy could’ve sworn there were tears in the girl’s eyes, but Kit was gone too quickly to be sure. Without waiting another moment, Anna was out of her seat as well, chasing after Kit while calling her name.
With that, the room fell into chaos. Cranmer tried to scream order, but everyone was freaking out. Aragon and Jane were standing up, looking around for any way to help. Anne was making her way over to Cathy, pushing through jurors who were all demanding to speak to the judge or Culpeper’s lawyer. Culpeper and Dereham were hovering over Culpeper’s lawyer, yelling at him unintelligibly over the sounds of the room. Maria and Joan were trying to get Cranmer’s attention as they held Cathy’s phone between them. “You bitch!” sounded over the waves of voices in the room.
Spinning around, Cathy backed up in fear as Edmund started approaching her. “You’re going to regret this,” he hissed, beelining towards Cathy. Edmund raised his fist, ready to strike Cathy as she looked for any escape from the raging man. The courtroom was crowded and already in chaos, she had nowhere to go.
“Get the fuck away from her,” Anne threatened, stepping in front of Cathy, her eyebrows set in a hard line. “One step closer and I’ll beat you to death you bastard. Do you know what you’ve done to my cousin? Do you know?!”
Edmund didn’t seem the least bit bothered by Anne’s threats. Without a second thought, he hurled a fist at Anne, hoping to smack her right in the cheek. Before his fist could connect, he was yanked back by two sets of hands. Cathy sighed in relief as Maggie and Bessie hauled Edmund away from the two teens. “Let go of me!” Edmund demanded, thrashing in their grips.
As Maggie handcuffed him, Bessie explained, “You’re under arrest Mr. Howard, and you’ve only made it worse by attempting to assault a minor, not to mention the abuse you’ve inflicted upon your own daughter. I suggest letting us handle this unless you want things to get much worse for you.”
Reluctantly, Edmund stopped struggling and let the cops drag him away, but not before shooting one last glare at Cathy and Anne. “Are you okay?” Anne spun around, pulling Cathy into a hug. “What you did was stupid, you could’ve gotten hurt.”
“Yeah, but it’s going to help Kit. She deserves to be heard, you know that better than anyone Anne,” Cathy mumbled into Anne’s shoulder.
Leaning away from the hug, Anne sighed, her eyes drooping. “I know. Kit deserves the world, and everything keeps getting taken away from her. Believe me, I’m so happy that you can prove those bastards are at fault but… I just don’t want you getting hurt in the process.”
“Well I’m not hurt now, am I?” Cathy quirked an eyebrow, a soft smile splayed across her lips.
Rolling her eyes, Anne gave Cathy a short kiss on the cheek. “Don’t get cheeky with me, Miss Parr.”
Not needing to respond, Cathy simply sunk back into Anne’s arms, relaxing in another hug. A cough brought them back into reality. Turning their attention to Joan, the person who had coughed, Anne slipped her hand into Cathy’s, squeezing it tightly. “What you did was incredibly irresponsible,” Joan started, although her tone wasn’t too serious. Maria was standing off to the side, conversing with Aragon while Jane kept walking towards the door before stopping indecisively. “But I’m glad you did it anyway. None of us wanted to see Katherine suffer, and you may just be the one who’s ended this,” Joan explained.
Cathy tried to focus on her hand in Anne’s. “It’s not a big deal. Anyone would have done it.”
“But you did it,” Maria joined the conversation, her eyes drifting away from Aragon. Jane was still pacing, but Aragon followed Maria into the conversation. She and Anne shared a knowing look, but they said nothing. “I wouldn’t recommend doing something like that again Miss Parr, but thank you.”
Noticing Jane’s pacing, Cathy quickly replied, “You’re welcome,” and broke away from the group. She moved over to Jane and stopped in front of her, forcing the other girl to stop moving around. “Is everything alright Jane?”
“I’m worried about Kit - Katherine,” she admitted.
“You can call her Kit you know,” Cathy offered lightly. “You won’t get yelled at for calling her by a nickname.”
Chuckling nervously, Jane nodded. “Right, well Kit disappeared with Anna and neither of them have come back. I know I’m not particularly close to either of them but I need to know that they’re okay.”
“You aren’t restricted from caring about them,” Cathy was confused by Jane’s perspective. Why did Jane feel like she couldn’t care about Kit and Anna? “Jane, you know you’re allowed to care about people you don’t know, right?”
“Right,” Jane mirrored Cathy, putting on an uncomfortable grin.
Pushing her confusion away, Cathy told herself it wasn’t her place to delve into any of Jane’s inner turmoil. If Jane was going to talk about something, she was going to talk about. If she never did, Cathy didn’t need to know. “Why don’t you come with me to go find them?”
Eyes lighting up, Jane nodded. “Can I?”
“Sure. Let’s get Aragon and Anne to come too,” Cathy tilted her head towards where the two girls were talking with Maria and Joan.
When Anne saw Cathy coming back to her, she opened her arms as an invitation for her girlfriend. “Jane and I are going to go find Kit and Anna, would you want to come with us?” Cathy asked, resting her head on Anne’s shoulder.
“Yeah, we need to find Kit. She has Anna, which is good, but I want to be there for her,” Anne replied, running her hand through Cathy’s hair. The writer wasn’t afraid to admit that she loved when Anne played with her hair, and it never failed to calm down her anxieties. 
“Can I come as well?” Aragon asked, watching Cathy and Anne.
When Anne agreed, Maria and Joan took that as their cue to leave. They dismissed the four girls and went to go talk to Judge Cranmer who was already preparing a sentence for Culpeper, Dereham, and Edmund. The four girls made their way out of the courtroom, looking around for any trace of Kit or Anna.
Anne pulled out her phone and dialed Anna’s number, hoping she would pick up. After a couple of rings, the other line picked up with, “Anne? Is everything alright?”
“Everything’s fine Anna, but we’re trying to find you and Kitty.”
There was an inhale of realization from across the line. “Oh, we’re behind the building. Kit was having a panic attack earlier.”
“But she’s fine now, right!” Anne gasped, starting to jog towards the back doors. Cathy, Jane, and Aragon followed closely behind, listening as best they could to the conversation.
The quartet could practically hear Anna’s shrug over the line. “As fine as she can be. Kit’s not having a panic attack anymore, and that’s what’s most important.”
Anne hung up the phone as she burst out of the doors, spotting Anna and Kitty a few metres away. The four girls jogged over to them, Anne crouching down beside her cousin. Cathy stayed standing with Aragon and Jane, making sure they wouldn’t crowd Kit. “Hey KitKat, how are you doing?” Anne asked as a starting point.
Kit was hugging Anna, her breathing abnormal, but not enough to be a cause for concern. “I’m fine Anne,” she promised, pushing away the worry. “But hearing that conversation… it was a lot.”
Cathy cringed. “I’m sorry Kit, but I had to. Otherwise -”
“Otherwise they would’ve won and no one would ever know that I’m not a whore.”
Aragon frowned from beside Cathy. “You don’t have to say it like that.”
“Being blunt sometimes helps,” Anna explained, rubbing Kit’s knuckles with her thumb. It was a soothing gesture Cathy had seen her use for as long as they had known each other.
Kit nodded at Anna’s explanation. “She’s right. The sooner I face the reality of it, the sooner I can get up and move on.”
“That’s a nice way of thinking,” Jane spoke up, her voice hollow.
For some reason, Kit must have sensed the same thing Cathy had in Jane. “Thank you for coming out here Jane.”
Jane averted her eyes, staring at the ground. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m not okay,” Kit admitted. “But I will be. One day.”
For the first time in a long time, Kit’s smile was completely genuine.
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kuratoki · 4 years
Changes 05
One week till the comeback and it’s our puppy Jeno’s birthday! My heart is so uwu...did anyone else watch their teaser? I might end up bias switching this comeback...le sigh..
Do you agree that things change in time? Well four years abroad would tell wouldn’t it?
Pairing: Reader x Jeno ft. NCT
Words: 3051
Warning: Mild swearing
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 
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“So I hope you know I have to adopt you now.” Taeyong said once he had you in his arms  and you looked at your friends around you weirdly.
It had been close to a week since your first day and the boys of the NCT Dance club decided it was time to meet Jisungs best friend slash Jeno’s childhood friend. So they did what they did best and invited you to one of their club meetings where they more or less hung out, fooled around or actually talked about who was going to be performing what and when.
Things were going smoothly as far as you could tell. Yuta already knew who you were and Yukhei was keeping his distance since Jeno and Jisung were both present but that didn’t stop Taeyong, Johnny or Doyoung from attacking you.
“She’s much prettier than I thought.” Doyoung, which also happened to be Jeno’s favorite mentor and conveniently the bunny boy said, “You can see the ballerina in her.” 
‘Help me’ you mouthed to Jeno and Jisung who stayed in their respective places only to mouth back sorry, not wanting to get in the way of the older members smothering.
“I’m so glad the boys decided to surround themselves with such good influences.” Johnny said, “First Hana and now Y/N. Jisung you are one lucky guy.” 
“Wait what?” Jisung asked, mouth dropped as Jeno felt the unwanted jealousy to build once more, “She isn’t…” 
“Dude, she was friends with Jeno first. Jeno’s the lucky one.” Yuta argued as Jaemin nodded his head in agreement, “Don’t you see the two of them around school?”
“No, but I always see her and Jisung in the practice room at like six in the morning.” Ten, who was Jisungs main mentor said, “Anyone who can get Jisung into the practice room that early is a favorite of mine.” 
“Hah...I made her do six but she’s normally insistent on five.” Jisung interrupted but was ignored as the older boys continued to gush over you.
“They didn’t do this with Hana.” Jaemin whispered to the two boys, who both agreed.
“Dude, no one actually talked much about Hana before you two started dating either.” Mark, who was one of the younger ones, said coming to sit next to the trio, “Jeno hasn’t shut up about Y/N since he started at the academy and Jisung started talking about a person with the same name after a summer away. How did you two not put the pieces together?”
“They shared one braincell.” Jaemin stated and quickly turned his attention to the conversation when Jaehyun asked who was the better dancer, Jeno or Jisung.
“It’s obvious isn’t it?” you asked back from your position between Taeyong and Doyoung, “They’re both incredible dancers in their own way. Jeno has a lot of strength in his movement but can also flow when he wants to. Jisungs pro at popping a locking but also picks up choreo with a snap of his fingers. To top it all, they were the only two who qualified for regionals last year. They’re in a league of their own.” 
The room was silent once you were finished your answers and suddenly you felt Taeyong and Doyoung's arms wrapped around you in a tight hug.
“She really is our daughter. Look at her praising our sons!” Taeyong said fake crying.
“Now I see why Winwin kept her around all these years.” Yuta said joining in on the fake crying while he wrapped his arms around your neck from behind.
“She’s perfect!!” Doyoung finished as the trio continued to fake sob.
Slowly but surely, you felt the air around you get really thick.
“And suddenly I can’t breath.” you said, breaking away from the hug and bowed to the group quickly, “I have a bunch of assignments to finish so I’ll let you guys get back to whatever meeting you guys were going to have. I know I’ve met a few of you before but it was nice meeting the rest of you.” 
Grabbing your bag from the side, you quickly waved to the group, “I’ll see you guys around.” and with that, you were out the door leaving all eighteen boys to stare after you.
A few seconds later, Jeno hopped off the desk he was sitting and grabbed his bag. 
“We’re done with our meeting too right? We’ve discussed what we had to discuss and stuff?” he asked quickly as both Taeyong and Doyoung nodded their heads, “Great, then I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” and just as quickly as he hopped off the desk, he was out the door.
“So Jeno?” Ten asked Jisung who nodded as the boys slowly figured out why their national champion left in such a rush, “The way you talked about her made it seem like she was your type.” 
“Yea, but Jeno’s been in love with her longer and what best friend would I be if I got in their way?” Jisung asked as a mischievous grin made its way to his face “Plus, you should see how green he gets when she and I work on our duet together in and out of classes.” 
“You really are the evil one.” Jaemin said with a slight cringe, “How much dirt do you have on Y/N?”
“I’ve held her hair back for three summers as she puked into the lake in the middle of our end of camp party…” he started, “And I have pictures to prove it along with drunken confessions. It’s obvious the two never stopped caring for the other even after all this time apart.”
Meanwhile, you were at the entrance of the building when you heard someone call your name and you turned around to see Jeno, holding his bag strap as he ran towards you.
“Jeno? Did I forget something?” you asked curiously, tilting your head to the side in a cute manner.
“N-no.” he answered, shaking his head quickly, “We were done with our usual meeting and only those who are going to perform next week had to stay so I thought I would try to catch up with you. Do you want to grab dinner before we head home?” 
You raised your eyebrows at your friend, wondering what had gotten into him since this was the first time since you got back that he invited you to eat without the rest of the group.
“Sure.” you said with a nod, “Lead the way.” 
The two of you ended up at a restaurant you recalled going to often when you were younger and was surprised that it was still around after all these years.
“So are you going to tell me?” Jeno asked once the two of you ordered what you wanted to eat.
“Tell you? Tell you what?” you asked back as you took a sip of your tea.
“Yukhei.” Jeno said, leaning back and crossing his arm, “Jisung said he gave you a hard time during your first year of camp but he’s kept tight-lipped about the rest. Said it wasn’t his place to say.” 
“It’s not.” you agreed thankful your friend kept your promise, “Long story short, I met him through a friend before our first year at camp which I didn’t know he’d also be attending. Before he flew back for school, he confessed and I rejected him. We ran into each other at orientation and he asked me to reconsider but my answer was firm. Thinking about it now, maybe he just never took rejection well.” you said thinking about the few times you met Yukhei. 
He was someone who had the looks and knew how to use them but unfortunately, his charms never appealed to you since your mind would often drift to the person sitting in front of you. The first time you rejected him, you used the long distance excuse, Yukhei had accepted the answer at the time but the second time, he was more insistent. When you met at camp, he resorted to using third grade tactics to get your attention which also resulted in you hurting yourself. 
“Then what did Jisung mean that it was because of him that you almost never danced again?” Jeno asked once more and you inwardly winced but thankful that Jeno was far away from Yukhei at the moment. He wasn’t going to like your answer.
“I got into an accident during our first year of camp.” you started off slowly as Jeno took in a breath, “It was somewhere in the middle where all the positions for our end of summer show was decided. My group went behind my back and nominated me for air time, which meant that if anyone was going to be flipped, it was me.  Naturally, we figured that Jisung would be the one to do it since we’d been partners all summer already. Yukhei and a few of the other guys objected the idea so we held auditions and asked a counsellor to be the judge.” 
You scrunched up your nose, “Unfortunately, I never made it to the final show. Yukhei cornered me near a bunch of rocks by the shore one morning when I went for a run and he tried to make a move on me. He told me to stop playing hard to get and give in already since he was tired of playing games. When I said I would scream if he didn’t leave me alone, he grabbed my arms and the next thing I knew, I was going backwards and a sharp pain went through my leg.” 
“You have to be kidding.” Jeno said, feeling anger build inside and clenched his fist, “What happened after?”
“Apparently someone heard my scream and  Yukhei realized what happened and tried to pick me up but I wouldn’t let him touch me. The pain in my leg was so bad that I ended up blacking out. I woke up in a hospital bed and Jisung sleeping at my side. I sprained my knee so badly that they weren’t sure I’d be able to dance again since my knee wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure.” you explained, “I proved them wrong though.”
“I was gonna say...you’re doing an amazing job. I wouldn’t even have known you injured your knee if you didn’t tell me.” Jeno said, his voice laced with concern as you blushed and whispered a quiet thank you, “So I assume you had to go through physical therapy.” 
“Yea...it was intense. Because I had to do at least six months worth, I had to go to two different clinics. One in Seoul and the other one in Europe. That’s how I know Yuta, his apartment was close to the clinic so I stayed there while I recovered.” you took a sip of your tea, “I ended up going back to school a bit later than I was supposed to but given my situation, they understood and offered their full support. Jisung was with me throughout the whole process until the day I had to fly.”
Jenos brow furrowed as he tried to remember if he had heard anything about it and remembered the one year Jisung came back a bit later then everyone else. Though they had questioned it, Jisung said that something came up and Hana pretended not to know anything about it though he had overheard Jisung and Hana talking about it before. 
“And Yukhei?” he asked curiously and you shrugged, “He and WinWin seem normal at the club so I’m guessing theres no bad blood between them?”
“WinWin said he and Jisung took care of it and said nothing more. Jisung had bruised knuckles he tried to hide so I never questioned it. Yukhei came back to camp but he never associated with any of us again. WinWin is technically a leader so he has to associate with everyone equally. Doesn’t matter how he feels but he doesn’t talk to Yukhei outside of club.” you answered, 
Once the food arrived, the two of you continued to talk about you time abroad, the things you did, the place you went to and most importantly, the ballets you saw. Jeno even gifted you with his infamous eye smiles that he only reserved for certain people.  In the end, you were both happy with your stomachs filled.
“Thanks again for having dinner with me.” Jeno said as the two of you walked home side by side, “I feel like I need to blow some steam off on my punching bag from what you told me just so I don’t accidentally punch Yukhei in the face tomorrow.” 
“Thank you for inviting me.” you said smiling, a light blush across your cheeks, “And you know violence isn’t the answer. It never is.”
“Says the girl who hit Jaemin for stealing her chocolate cupcake when we were ten.” Jeno teased nudging you, “Do you...maybe want to head to our spot for a while?” 
“Sure.” you said, not ready to part ways with him just yet. You were enjoying this time with him and a small part of you felt tingly on the inside.
A little while later, the two of you were watching the sunset over the city both lost in your own thoughts.
You turned your body so you could lean your back on Jeno’s strong shoulder and felt him wrap his arm around your front. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the crown of your head catching you both by surprise. It didn’t feel wrong, nor did it feel right. It just felt natural, like it was meant to be.
Jeno swore to himself that he wouldn’t over think what he just did and noticed the content smile on your face. He readjusted the two of you so you were leaning more on his chest now and repositioned his arm so he could bring you closer. He grinned to himself when he heard a content sigh leave your lips and rested his head against yours. He caught a whiff of your perfume and decided it was his new favorite smell and felt himself relax. Just like the old times.
It was completely dark by the time you two decided to go home, both cherishing whatever moment you had with the other but this time, your hand was securely interlocked with his though it probably went unnoticed since you talked the whole way back. 
“I’ll see you in class tomorrow.” you said as the two of you stood in front of your gate, “Thanks again for tonight” 
“And once again, thank you for joining me. It felt nice to catch up.”Jeno said, not ready to let go of your hand yet, “Do you want to walk to school together tomorrow?”
“Jisung and I are meeting up at five in the morning to warm up and practice.” you answered with a slight frown “We haven’t even started working on our choreo yet so it’s going to be busy for the next few days. We present next Friday.”
“Then I’ll see you at five.” he said with a nod and you looked at him astonished.
“Really?” you asked and the other boy nodded. 
“Why not?” he said with a shrug, “I want to see why it takes three hours for the two of you to warm up.” 
You looked down for a moment in thought before looking back up at Jeno again, “Okay, I think we’re gonna plan to leave around five.” 
Leaning up to give Jeno a quick peck on the cheek, you turned around so you could enter your house, “See you tomorrow JenJen.” you said with a quick wave before going in and shutting the door leaving Jeno standing in front of your house. 
Jeno felt himself grinning like a silly fool, even though it was just a kiss on the cheek, it was the furthest you’d gone with him since you got back and as much as he didn’t want to overthink things, the dinner was probably the best not date he’d ever been on. 
Going back to his house, he quickly cleaned himself up before setting up several alarms knowing it would take them to wake him up on time. 
[9:45pm] Y/N♥ - PORK JISUNG!!!!
[9:45pm] MoJi - This better be important, I was just about to pass out so I can actually wake up for our practice tomorrow.
[9:47pm] Y/N♥ - Wanna come over at 4am instead….
[9:48pm] MoJi- You do realize that’s an hour earlier then we agreed to meet right…
[9:48pm] Y/N♥ - But we always spend the first hour gossiping and we won’t be able to tomorrow!! >< I’ll make you breakfast too!
[9:51pm] Y/N♥ - Jisung? Don’t tell me you passed out on me =_=
[9:55pm] MoJi - I’m getting my shit together for tomorrow and I’m getting Hana from her date with Jaemin and then we’re going to her place to get her shti. We’ll see you in fifteen max. We’re making Jaemin drive us.
[9:57pm]  Y/N♥ - Wtf? 
[9:58pm] MoJi - I refuse to wake up at 3am with four hours of sleep just so I can rush to your place and have you squeal over Lee Jeno for an hour. You have gossip, Hana and I are both qualified to listen and make fun of you for it. Just got to Hana, see you in ten
[10:00pm] Y/N♥ - What would I do without you guys...really (NOTICE MY HIGH SARCASM)
In the next house over, Jeno who was also about to doze off woke up to a text.
[10:05pm] NaNa - Yo. So like can I crash at yours tonight.
[10:07pm] JeNo - You live on the other side of town?
[10:10pm]  NaNa - Well my girls going to have a slumber party at your girls tonight and I don’t really want to have to go all the way home only to come pick her up in the morning.
[10:10pm] JeNo - BRO WTF SHE ISN’T MY GIRL...yet
[10:12pm] JeNo - But yea sure whatever. I’ll leave my door unlocked and you know where all the extra stuff is.
[10:20pm] NaNa - YET?!?! WTF LEE JENO!!!!!
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liang-nova · 4 years
I went to a con dressed up as Dave Strider. The highlights of these wack-ass two days are:
- one of the booths had a business card with Giorno on it. my stupid ass said "DIO!" and both me and the boothkeeper corrected me. que the greatest line in my life: "You thought it was I, Dio, but no, it was me, Giorno!"
- another booth also had Giorno as their business card. I said "fuck yeah! free giorno!! I love me some free giorno!!!" the boothkeepers lost it.
- I was there with a friend. we were looking at and discussing jojo fanart and at one point i said "you cant deny that jojo is hot tho". the boothkeeper said "which one theres four of them". silence. "all of them".
- "sup dave strider" .........."OOOOOOOOOOOH" we verbally exchanged some "Homestuck?? In my 2019???" memes.
- some other cosplayer stared at me with that look. I looked back at him. "eyyyyyyyyyy," we said as we finger-gunned each other.
- i bumped into a rose lalonde cosplayer. "hi rose" "hi" I was awkward. she was awkward. I dont know if she noticed I was Dave.
- i went with a different friend today and we bumped into ANOTHER DAVE. he had John with him. "DAVE?!?!?!" I screamed at him. "DAVE?!?!?!?" he screamed at me. "DAMMIT NOW ONE OF US HAS TO DIE" "WAIT-" I dropped to the ground then and there.
- there were some dudes with a speaker outside. they blasted mystery skulls. I stayed. suddenly, one of the passing cosplayers noticed spinels in the back (with steven) and pointed them out to us. they immediately changed the song to Other Friends and everyone JAMMED. Spinel and Steven sort of acted out to the song.
- in the middle of jamming to Other Friends, the same passing cosplayer screamed "I LOVE YOU DAVE" as she was passing by me. "GREAT NOW IM DEAD" I dropped onto the brick pathway. "DAVE NO THE FANDOMS NOT DEAD YET"
- I got attracted to this bunch of people because they were blasting Panic! at the Disco. at some point the guy who I immediately pinned as the leader screamed "DO NOT STEP ON THESE STAIRS BECAUSE YOULL LOSE ALL YOUR BRAINCELLS!" I replied "gREAT BECAUSE I HAVE NO BRAINCELLS LEFT ANYWAYS!!!" I sort of joined the team until they had to leave because it started raining.
- one of the guys there were holding up a sign saying "you wasted your time by reading this". I t-posed on him. someone else joined me. soon everyone decided this was what were doing now. we created a t-pose circle. the people in the middle started screaming in confusion. sign guy is unfazed.
- flipping the guys sign reveals a message saying "TRAPS ARE GAY" "TRAPS ARENT GAY" screamed a random passerby. they started arguing. I barged in between them, "COMPROMISE: IT AINT GAY IF THE BALLS DON'T TOUCH!!!" peace is achieved.
- there was a guy dressed up as jesus walking around. we t-posed on him. "its 2019. move on," he preached.
- "ITS NOT GAY IF ITS CLAY," says a different guys sign. "WHAT IF THE CLAY BALLS TOUCH?!?!?!" ............"DONT ASK ME THAT"
- "your waifu/husbando doesnt exist" sign? "JOKES ON YOU I DONT EXIST"
- trash can with "your waifu" slapped on it? "jOKES ON YOU THATS ME NOW LET ME GO HOME" *mimes putting feet into trash can*
- "need to get rid of toxic people in your life" sign held by a dude in a hazmat suit? "you know the easiest way to get rid of toxic people in your life? *borrows his (toy) gun and points it to my head*" "ah yes. it all starts with yourself."
- at some point some three passerbys joined our meme party. I was absolutely killing it with one of them with all the 👌🏻, t-poses, and dabs we were doing.
- we danced to the Ricardo milos meme song.
- there was an actual Ricardo Milos cosplayer walking around with a sign saying "Ricardo was here T_T" but he wasnt there to dance to the meme song.
- leader dude high fived and shook my hand before we left, calling me "a valuable asset to the team" qwq
- "gotta remember the Italian bro *does the pasta hand thing*" said the random dude I was hella partying with. "but of course *does the pasta hand thing*"
I think that's all the most memorable things of this con. cons are so amazing man the kinds of people you meet are so wack qwq anyways here, have me being dead
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iamsonyeondone · 5 years
red string of fate // lee taeyong
college and soulmate au! taeyong
there’s no angst in this just fluff ^^
everyone had their own red string of fate
one end tied to your pinky while the other end belonged to your soulmate
everything had been decided by that famous red string, each individual being presented with it when they reached of legal age
but no one knows where all this originated from or whoever made it up
all they knew was that the red string tied securely on their pinky will never untie, break or disappear 
unless either partners went through certain circumstances
of course everyone fawned over this magical occurrence, it being the first topic that any human would speak of
it was always ‘red string’ this or ‘fate’ that
and it made you grow tired of it by the time you graduated from high school
and that annoyance that lingered whenever someone would mention it slowly turned into anger, fueled by the incessant questions that flood your thoughts and ears every day
‘you havent had a red string yet?” or the ‘arent you scared of being alone?’
the first time you heard those questions made you fidget with worry in the beginning
and you subconsciously comforted yourself with the idea that your fate would come to you when the time was right
no one can rush something such as being destined-to-be-soulmates
but the questions doubled over and you learnt how to selectively mute their words
but that was all in the pass
the moment you saw the red string appear on your pinky you went speechless for the entire day
you had no idea how to feel or how to react because after all these years, the pesky red string finally appeared before your eyes
you even tried cutting it with a pair of kitchen scissors
let’s just say you almost lost your life from flying kitchen equipment and that the red string remained unscathed
Once you got over the phenomenon, you called up your best friend to break the news to
but you were only met with the sound of the familiar beeping
yep he hung up the moment you told him the news
because in the next five minutes, you find yuta and johnny huffing and puffing on your doormat, sweat trickling down their skin
“its,,,time,,t,to,,celebrate” yuta managed a little smile before crawling into your apartment, welcoming the cool air of the ac
for the next few hours, the three of you ramble on about the new found miracle while they explained their own experience when they found out about their own path to their destined lover
“i really thought you would end up as a cat or dog lady,” johnny said in between bites, all of you deciding to have a pizza party as a celebration
“hEY, being a crazy cat lady aint that bad,,,wait now that you said about being a dog lady,,,”
“istg y/n you take care of yourself first before actually getting one. i mean look at you, you’re still wearing the same outfit from yesterday”
the next few weeks, you struggle trying to focus in your lectures, your gaze always focusing the vibrant red on your smallest finger
and you cant help but try to see if you could find ‘the one’ by looking for the owner of the other end of the string
you were intensely watching the crowd from inside the campus’s cafe, sipping on your drink while you looked for someone
but it was funny; you had no idea how this person looked or how they acted but somehow your heart is pounding in your ears just by the thought
but you were brought back to the present by the waiter, he looked pretty familiar
was he in one of your lectures?
maybe you bumped into each other at a party
“you’re y/n right? that guy in the corner bought you a muffin,” he smiled sweetly
you glanced back up at his name tag. ‘kun’? oH you saw him at the bar performing magic tricks when his group of friends joined yours
“oh y-yeah,, thanks kun,” you reciprocated his smile before turning your attention back on the man in question
you’ve never seen him before but you were sure to steer clear from the guy
he had this smug smirk plastered on his face, shooting a wink your way as you awkwardly glanced away
even after an hour or so, you could feel his eyes staring right through your skull
that was until johnny slides down on the seat opposite yours, breaking his stares 
“that test nearly annihilated all my braincells,” he sighed and just as he was about to rant about the way the test was squeezing out all his brain juices, he takes a glimpse of you and his big brother ways rise up
“what’s up? something happened?” he asked in a reassuring but soft tone and the pressure on your shoulders lessen
“its nothing,,,” you trailed off, but his eyes nudged you to go on “there’s this sleazy creep trying to hit on me but you better not beat his ass. can we just,, can we just leave? i know a better spot anyway,” you mumbled everything in one breath
and johnny respected your decision albeit the strong urge to use his new found knowledge of muay thai on someone else
the both of you hurry out, johnny watching your back for you while the doorbell rang 
“damn i didnt know sleazy douchebags go to cafes too,” johnny joked to lighten the mood while the both of you walked through campus, students littering the school with tired and panicked expressions
somehow the heavy feeling in your chest seemed to find comfort in the bottom of your heart
and the thumping of your loud heart blocked out whatever johnny was talking about
maybe something about his muay thai class with haechan? he did mention how much he enjoyed it. or was it about his project for the photography club?
you were so stuck in your thoughts that johnny had already stopped in his tracks while you continued walking through the groups of students
and suddenly the loud beating of your heart escalated to your fidgety fingers and your almost sure your cheeks are softly stained red
that is until you bump your head onto something
or someone
and when you try to profusely apologize for being unaware of the person’s presence
your jaw drops at the sight of someone so beautiful you thought he was fiction
did you get a concussion and now you were hallucinating things???
noPE because the next thing that happens is the slight tugging sensation on your finger and you look down to it in confusion
you wonder when the string became so short or how it no longer dragged on concrete pavements,,
or how you could see someone else being connected on the other end
and you traced the other finger to see the gorgeous man right in front of you
you were definitely dreaming because is it even possible to be paired with someone who’s so out of your league?
apparently your soulmate agrees
because he’s flabbergasted himself, mouth gaping and struggling to come up with words to greet himself
because the both of you were too preoccupied with each other, johnny had to intercept
wingman johnathan to the rescue
“hey whats up taeyong? havent seen you around school lately,” he chuckled, breaking you out of your thoughts
“wait,,, you know him? u-h i mean-”
“yeah he came to the photography club from time to time to help ten annnnd speaking of ten, he called me like a minute ago asking for some help. maybe you can replace me for today’s study date, taeyong,”
you managed to get a glance of johnny’s sly smile before he jogged off to one of the school buildings
which was definitely not the direction of the photography club
but you were stopped from staring into his soul by the sound of taeyong clearing his throat
“you dont mind if i uhm tag along right?” and you swoon at the sound of his voice
somehow your blush had already reached the tips of your ears and you nervously nodded your head in reply
“theres this place where me and my friends go to to study and its not that far. you dont mind the outdoors right?” you mumbled the question
taeyong managed a small smile which elicits a smile from yourself as well
the next few hours of studying in the school’s garden goes by in a flash
the both of you get immersed in each other’s thoughts and opinions and even though your personalities and your likes or dislikes clash with each other
it just seemed so perfect
maybe this string of fate was making you wear a pair of rose-tinted glasses
because you barely know this guy 
and yet it felt like you’ve known him for years
days past and one study session turned into four and somehow your friend group extended as well
doyoung would drop by every once in a while and if it werent for taeyong’s presence, you would have definitely only see him as someone cold and overwhelming
or the fact that taeyong drops by the neighboring high school to see his ‘younger brothers’ because he had extra leftover from his cooking class 
cue heart pounding, happy crying, loud screaming moment because he’s so husband material
sometimes they like to tease him because what??? we have 2 parents now??
and you can see him get so flustered over the statement because getting married to you sounds like a dream
and when taeyong officially asks you out and you very calmly say yes, it becomes the most talked about relationship on campus
he had already been the top three talked about topic in school but when someone spots him with you, holding hands through the hallway, the news spread like wildfire
and for a whole week, you get bombarded with questions from random strangers about how its like to date taeyong
and you cant really give an answer because you start blushing furiously at the question and you start stammering 
and by the time you get a few words out, five minutes already passed the person who had asked you about it had already disappeared somewhere else
because what is it like to date lee taeyong?
aside from the fact that your boyfriend was sculpted carefully by the gods,,
he is one of the softest person you know
he feeds the cats and dogs on the street when you go out on dates because he has actual kibble for them in his bagpack because human food arent good for them he says
and the way he cuddles up to you when he sleeps over because the two of you cant seem to say farewell after a whole day out
taeyong is really sensitive to the cold so when autumn starts creeping up, he gets as close to you as possible which meant cuddling hours all day round
except in front of people because he’s too shy for pda
because one time he planted a soft kiss on your cheek at your apartment door and the old lady that lived a few doors down had seen the both of you and she talked about how she missed those days of being young in love
and he started malfunctioning because he became so embarrassed by it even though the old lady meant no harm at all
can we also talk about how much he spoils you? even the boys agree that he spoils you the most
chenle aka his biggest fan is jealous that you get to hear him hum you to sleep
“i know we adopted you as our parental figure but please stop stealing him from us, we’re starting to starve,” haechan complained 
“oh really?? what about,, this” and you present the lunchboxes you and taeyong made because you decided to join him 
like you’re really motivated to cook for him because he’s done so much for you??
now the boys just love you even more
because they know you’re not just after his looks especially since taeyong is really too kind for his own good
and what’s taeyong’s feelings for you?
he cant describe how much his feelings for you have escalated 
because one moment he feels so comfortable with you, sleeping with his head on your lap while you attempt to read through your notes
and another moment his heart is beating so fast from being so close to you because the lift is crowded with people and he tries to shield you away from the others
and most of the time when you’re in full focused mode, he chuckles and his heart feels like there’s flowers blooming in his chest from the way your antics naturally show up
or the way he tries to wake up a few minutes earlier so he can bask in the moment with you in his arms while he brushes the stray strands of hair on your face
and its just,,, the purest form of love
“you dont look so good, have you been overworking yourself again?” you huff worriedly, pressing the back of your hand gently on his face while yours was just inches away from his
and he takes a moment to stare back into your eyes, a small smile growing on his lips
“am i sick? maybe that’s because all i think about is you,”
a/n: oh what im updating??? okay im just gonna say this first that this will not be happening regularly due to my schedule and i only try to write when im really inspired and motivated which is like every 6 months im so sorry but i hope you guys like this one and i’ll try my best in the future ❤
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slytherinknowitall · 4 years
Potion Fumes and Cauldron Leaks
Chapter 12: A Friend For The Lonely Beast At Last
(Click here for chapter 11!)
(Click here to start from the beginning!)
Disclaimer: I don’t own the “Harry Potter” book series. The story of “Harry Potter” is the property of J. K. Rowling, it is not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only.
The following days went by way too fast, and the weekend was over before Severus knew it.
He had spent the two chilly autumn days locked away in his quarters, not leaving the cold confines of the dungeons even once. While he would normally spend his free days hunting for rare potion ingredients and interesting literature or working on improving his already impeccable brewing technique, he had passed the past 48 hours buried beneath countless pillows and thick blankets in his large four-poster bed. The only contact to the outside world had been provided by the school’s ever-diligent house elves, who had both kept the Potions Master’s rooms clean and delivered warm meals three times a day – not that the man had touched much of the food.
On Monday morning, Severus woke up with a throbbing headache. A quick look at his watch told him that breakfast was probably already in full swing, but he didn’t feel like eating. Most of all, however, he didn’t feel like facing a certain brunette before he absolutely had to. So instead, he got up and moved to the bathroom with sagging shoulders.
As he was standing in the shower a few minutes later, letting the icy cold water pour over his lithe body, he tried hard to ignore the intrusive thoughts that had been plaguing him all throughout the past days. They all had something to do with some newly discovered and rather confusing feelings for a little know-it-all, of course.
While he had dismissed his earlier impure thoughts about Granger as the simple result of prolonged abstinence, these confounding emotions were of a whole new calibre. Physical attraction was one thing; he could deal with that. But fancying one of his own students – let alone maybe falling in love with them – was simply too much. It made him feel almost physically ill.
Severus had never been one to handle his own feelings well, and his relative inexperience when it came to the opposite sex – especially in the romantic sense – only added to his confusion and uncertainty. The only woman he had ever been interested in, the only one he had ever loved, was Lily. And he had always thought that she was the love of his life. Even almost two decades after her violent death, her mental image was still looming over his scarred heart. The redhead had been the one thing that had kept him going throughout the war; she had been the only reason he had tried so desperately to keep that stupid Potter boy alive – and the only reason he had continued to live.
But now, he was slowly but surely starting to question all that. Whatever it was that he was beginning to feel towards Granger was so different and so much more intense than anything he had ever experienced before. Somehow, it even felt more powerful than his love for Lily had ever been to begin with. And over the weekend, the wizard had come to the shocking conclusion that the only reason he had ever been that obsessed with his childhood sweetheart was because she had been one of the few people to ever show a genuine interest in him as a person. Whether Severus liked it or not, he had always been someone who craved the attention and acceptance of others. That had been the main reason he had joined the ranks of the Dark Lord in the first place. Lily had been his friend, she had treated him with respect; and teenage-him had mistaken that for love. Looking back, he realised that it had never been her that he’d been craving; it had been her kindness towards him. The fact that his personal archenemy had also quickly started to show an interest in her had only made Snape more determined to make her his, of course.
His feelings towards Granger were of a different nature. She had never been his friend; in fact, Severus was pretty much sure that she hated him just as much as the rest of the student body – even if she never really showed it. So it wasn’t her continued affection he desired. No, he wanted her. He wanted to run his calloused fingers through her voluminous curls, he wanted to listen to her babble on for hours about some random boring topic, he wanted to hold her and sleep next to her like they had done in his office. For the first time in his life, he wasn’t striving to possess a woman but rather to give himself to her – and it was driving him absolutely insane. Even forgetting the fact that she was his pupil and personal apprentice, those feelings still managed to make him feel vulnerable and weak.
The half-blood sighed before stepping out of the shower and drying himself off with a towel. He took his time with the rest of his morning routine, but it didn’t take long before he found himself in the Potions classroom, surrounded by an annoying, hyperactive flock of second-years. And unfortunately, it seemed to only take a blink of an eye before those young students were then soon replaced by the seventh-years – with Hermione Granger being on time for the first time in weeks.
Severus noticed her presence instantly. She looked the same as always – her brown mane was pulled back into a classic Dutch braid, and her spick and span uniform was topped off with her polished Head Girl badge – yet somehow, the sight of her gave him an armada of butterflies in his stomach. She must have noticed his intense gaze, too; as she gave him a quick but radiant smile before hurrying to her usual seat in the front row. He would have lied if he had said that that small gesture didn’t make his dark heart jump a little.
Staggered by his inner turmoil, the professor frowned as he waited for the class to settle down. As soon as the last chitchat faded away, he briskly made his way towards the front of the classroom. Lightly tapping his wand against the black board, a dozen or so rows of brewing instructions appeared.
“Today –“
He let out a small cough, trying to get rid of that sudden lump in his throat.
“Today, you will be brewing Doxycide. Now, as you all surely are aware, this specific potion has the purpose of temporarily stunning Doxies. These fairy-like creatures are common household pests, so this remedy will likely prove useful to each and every one of you at some point. As anyone with even just a handful of braincells would know, these beasts are –“
The Gryffindor’s eyes were following his every move, and he was uncomfortably aware of that. They seemed to burn through his skin right into his soul.
“Um … bad.”
The little slip-up had an instant impact. There was immediate commotion, with loud chatter practically bouncing between the heads of shocked teenagers, and Severus’ eyes grew big as he unsuccessfully tried to mask his own surprise – never in his entire career as a teacher had he ever tripped over his own tongue like this before!
Not having the slightest clue how to handle this most unprecedented situation, he simply muttered a quick “The required ingredients can be found in the supply cupboard. You may get started.” before disappearing into his office, his long black robes whirling up around him as he did so.
*************** *************** ***************
Snape waited an extra ten minutes following the chime of the old Clock Tower before finally emerging from his hiding place, making certain to give the students enough time to finish up their potions, clean their workspaces and leave.
As he re-entered the dark teaching lab, he scrunched up his large nose at the foul smell of Doxycide; while he’d become inured to most unpleasant smells over the years, he for some reason still could barely stand the solution’s disgusting stench. Nonetheless, he marched to his desk and was just about to sit down and organise the countless parchment rolls spread across the table when a soft voice suddenly caressed his ears.
“Professor Snape?”
Startled, he spun around. Standing on the doorstep, there was Granger. Her heavy book bag swinging from her delicate shoulders, she was holding another three or four books in her arms. Over the course of the lesson, some of her locks had become undone and were now framing her freckled face nicely.
“Oh, I’m sorry, sir! I didn’t mean to take you by surprise!” Biting her bottom lip, she gave him a quick grin.
“Miss Granger, I …” Severus was at a loss for words. Trying hard to ignore his beating heart, he was frantically searching for something, anything to say. Never before had he struggled for words like this in front of a student.
When he didn’t continue, Granger stepped into the room and said, “Oh, well, I apologise for ambushing you like this, but after what happened last Friday, I really feel like we should talk.”
“Fuck!” Severus thought panicked. “Now she will accuse me of being a bloody pervert! What kind of teacher falls asleep hugging a student, anyways?! You really should have known better, Severus! She has probably already reported you to that duffer of a headmaster and demanded to switch apprenticeships! Hell, the whole school likely already knows about that little slumber party, what were you –“
“Thank you.”
Snape was completely taken aback. “Wh-what?”
Her rosy cheeks became even redder. “I would like to thank you, sir. What you did for me was more than kind. The way you defended and comforted me … I cannot express my appreciation enough.” She flashed him another shy smile. “Oh, and also thank you for sending that house elf up to my rooms with my belongings after I ran off. That was very thoughtful of you.”
Severus could only stare at her, his mouth slightly agape. “So … you are not going to switch to another professor?” he asked meekly, the disbelief in his voice clearly audible.
Granger laughed nervously. “No, of course not,” she answered as she fiddled with the cuticle of her right middle finger. Furling her eyebrows, her gaze then wandered to the floor. “If anything, I’m here to apologise for my behaviour over the past couple of weeks. I just … overreacted, I guess.”
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds, during which the flustered wizard did not allow himself to breathe. Could it really be that she was grateful for his actions? Perhaps she didn’t dislike him after all? While he would never – could never – permit himself to give into his irrational emotions, Severus let himself believe for just a split second that maybe, just maybe, the two of them could become something like friends instead.
Don’t be stupid! She may not hate you, but she still thinks of you as nothing more than an old, crusty codger.
Or did she? Helplessly overwhelmed by his inner conflict, he simply had to know the witch’s true feelings. Meeting her hazel eyes with his, Severus silently and effortlessly delved into Granger’s smart mind. As soon as he entered, he was amazed – he had never encountered such an extraordinary brain before. He didn’t have time to marvel at it, however, as he was in a hurry to search for any thoughts concerning his person before the Muggle-born would notice his presence inside her head.
Once he found them, however, he was stunned – there was not the least bit of hatred or disgust. Instead, Severus was rushing through a vortex of muddled memories.
First, he found himself in his own classroom more than six years ago, watching a slightly younger version of himself hold his typical introductory speech in front of a bunch of bright-faced 11-year-old Slytherins and Gryffindors. Looking around, he soon spotted a familiar bushy-haired, buck-toothed girl. Concentrating on her, he was able to feel the astonishment and admiration radiating from her.
The next memory seemed to be a couple of years younger, located yet again in the dungeon classroom. He saw himself aiding to a hurt Neville Longbottom lying on the ground after what seemed to have been another botched brewing attempt. Standing amongst the crowd of students gathered around the scene, a fourth-year Hermione Granger was looking at the two of them with both worry and fondness in her eyes. To Severus’ surprise, the latter seemed to be directed at both of them equally. He didn’t have a lot of time to process this, however, as the image promptly vanished before his own eyes.
The last distinct memory was only a few months old, taking place in a little suburban town somewhere in Muggle England. A casually dressed Granger was sitting on a small twin bed situated in what he suspected to be her bedroom. He raised an eyebrow at the various shades of green that the room was arranged in before stepping closer to the young woman. She was presently bend over a piece of parchment paper, and upon closer inspection, he realised that it was a letter from Hogwarts – an application for the apprenticeship programme, to be more exact. He watched as she used a small beige-coloured quill to fill in Professor Severus Snape next to the words Desired Tutor. Looking at her bare, makeup-free face, his breath was taken away when he saw her grin broadly, seemingly filled with excitement. Astonished, Severus slipped back into reality.
“Is everything okay, sir?” Granger asked with obvious concern in her voice, blissfully unaware that her privacy had just been invaded.
Snape gulped. “Yes, Miss Granger. Everything is quite all right.”
And when the girl smiled at him this time, he couldn’t help but smirk back at her. Perhaps they could become friends, after all.
(Click here for chapter 13!)
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wojtekbc · 5 years
D&D Session 5 Player Summary
When last we left our heroes... The party had split into two groups to tackle the issue of defending the farming town of Ravenhome from the Warbreed soldiers pressuring it for tribute; Cerna @pantographicclone, Jawbones @darkseldarine and Naoise @bluethegirl made their way to Octin and Belfort for arms and support, whilst Ellenwae @xynnos, Rowan @krunk-mcdunk and Shura (ya boi) stayed in town to train the peasants to fight. The team in Octin managed to recruit our musketeer buddies and the apprentice to Local Wizard Spindore, and the team in Ravenhome have a militia of 20 people.  Our DM @zarozinia herds the cats and starts the session. Before chronological events, the session started with a cutscene; our Bard Naoise in a flashback, re-reading an old letter before answering a noble’s summons. Implications were implied. Events begin with the party from Octin showing back up in town on Saturday evening. The party meets up again, and head to Whitby’s Radish for a meal and to catch each other up on the goings on of the other half of the party. Now, Whitby’s Radish isn’t a very lively place, what with the whole Militia Training and Soldiers Raiding Supplies business going on, but when we enter we see two new figures. There’s a woman on a makeshift stage, singing songs to the patrons who immediately starts singing of the tale of Belruel and Arizoth (patron saint of Ya Boi and the woman who saved her soul), and there is a cloaked figure caked in mud sitting alone at a table. This is D&D, and the bar is the current base of operations, so the party immediately sit down with the cloaked figure and pull back the hood. Shock! Horror! It’s a bald half-orc! What the fuck is he doing here? He introduces himself as 3296, and is visibly shaking. He tells us he feels wrong, that he feels like he’s doing something bad by fighting with the other soldiers. He mentions that a masked Wizard by the name of Ketracel has arrived in camp, presumably their leader. There’s no way he’s developed emotions or grown a soul in a couple days, right? He also mentions that he hasn’t taken his mandatory Big Boy Juice (Military-Grade Steroids) in a couple days. Ah. Maybe that’ll do it. The party name him Eoin, tell him to chill out in the bar, and that he’s pretty safe. So the singer heads over to the party’s table and starts coming on to Naoise quite clearly. Now, Naoise is a mess and also a D&D Bard; the presence of strong women is enough to make her pass her braincell to another party member. So this back and forth goes on for a while and then Naoise and the singer head to a back room. Oh no! Why is there Russian hardbass playing? Who could have guessed it’s Ivan, the revenant who Naoise killed a few days ago! Naoise’s stunned, but manages to get out a scream before Rowan breaks down the door and the entire Goon Squad dogpiles him again. Ellenwae’s holy magic is enough to take him down before he can even get a swing; it’s pretty pathetic. With the revenant no longer possessing the body, Shura takes the body outside for a proper burial and the party take the vaguely magical jewelry off the corpse; a necklace that casts Gentle Repose, and a ring that keeps a body at its normal, living temperature. Gross! Naoise takes the necklace and Ellenwae takes the ring to stay chill in the sun. The party goes to sleep. Morning comes and the party meet over breakfast to discuss what the fuck we are doing today. We have some new information, and we’re all back together, so what’s the plan now? Well, firstly, now that Naoise is back in town, they start the day off with a speech given by Naoise and Rowan to get the other 20 odd potential combatants to join training, and it works! The party now has 40 peasants and 20 musketeers; the odds aren’t looking quite so bad! What else are they going to do? Fuck knows. What comes next is the culmination of our week long idea spitballing; we have a dozen ideas for how we are going to fight this battle, but we don’t have a concrete plan. Fighting in the forest sounds like a good idea, pit traps sound like a good idea, flanking sounds like a good idea, lighting the Warbreed up with spells sounds like a good idea...but where? Eventually after much discussion we realise that potentially the best place for a fight might be just outside of town; the river flows between a hill and a forest; if we break the normal bridge and somehow bait them to this section, the musketeers can light them up from the hilltop, and the militia can charge the flank. Even better, we can dig pit traps on the hillside of the river, and make fording even harder. Even better, we can cut trees and roll logs from the top of the hill should they manage to advance on the gunners! Perfect! Naoise, a former soldier, spends the day training the new militiamen whilst Rowan and Shura spend the day logging with a few other villagers. All of Sunday is spent just working, and then the party return to the inn as the sun sets, and the other part of the plan begins.  See, Jawbones and Rowan are very stealthy. Supernaturally so. Jawbones becomes almost invisible at night, and Rowan’s slowly been discovering she can bend light and other such insane stealthy things, and Rowan has a magical cloak to boot! The party now knows this potion makes the Warbreed tougher, so why not try and get rid of it? Why not try and find some plans of theirs for what they might do if they attacked the town? In fact, why not sabotage as much as the duo can in their camp without being butchered? The party wishes these valiant souls the best of luck, and they disappear into the night. An hour later they arrive at the campsite; it’s fortified and broken up into four main sections with a command building in the centre. Both succeed in silently making their way around the perimeter and into the camp, first finding the food storage. No potions here, but why not poison their water with some rotten meat, or at least try to. No one detects this, and the duo are out into the black once more. The pair spot another summoning circle, like the one Jawbones saw the first time, but this time a Hellhound is brought forth. They head outside the wall once more to enter through another gate closer to where the potions are supposedly being stored, and as they avoid detection again, Rowan’s cloak shifts; it grows darker and Rowan’s attunement to the item informs her that the cloak now functions as a portable hole (the party has magical items that will level up alongside them, and the portable hole cloak was one of two possibilities here off a coinflip). Needless to say everyone was hyped as fuck out of character. The pair show up in the storage room undetected, and dump the vials into the portable hole; the plan was to smash them under the cover of a Silence spell but there’s no reason to do that if they can just take them away! But there should be more. Where else could they be stored aside from the command room? The wizard’s in there, and so are any potential plans, so why not go all in? The pair sneak in to the command room and check around for anything; the wizard is sleeping on his bed whilst they turn his room, finding communications, documents, a journal... and with Jawbones’ keen eye, a chest under the bed. Rowan casts Silence to drag the chest out, and they find the other potions... but something occurs to the dynamic duo; this Wizard is sleeping, Silence is preventing him from casting spells or calling for help, and the likelihood of a wizard like this to be an expert brawler is slim; so they decide to take him out. Rowan takes her staff, and crits his skull as he sleeps, with enough damage to instantly kill the Wizard. Out of character celebration is through the roof. Rowan takes the mask he sleeps in and the cloak off his back, stuffing them in the new portable hole, followed by every potion, all the notes, and a bag. Now, I almost died in real life here, because I was CERTAIN this bag was a Bag of Holding, but it wasn’t, so it’s fine. Rowan then dumps the Wizard’s body in the hole, Jawbones forges a note saying “My work here is done,” and the two vanish into the night and show back up at the inn with the Wizard’s corpse dumped on the floor. After the session, a very drunk Shura and Naoise try the steroid potion. Shura goes into a rage, but it has no other major effect. Naoise, however, loses all senses but smell, and manages to control herself just enough to not start attacking a very disappointed Ellenwae, and Shura. To conclude, the session was good fun. I don’t think it was as great as the last one but that may be simply because it felt like we had less to do. That’s not to say it was boring by any stretch; the planning was great when we actually figured out what we were doing, there were a handful of RP moments that were top notch, and a third of the session’s runtime was dedicated to the most tense stealth mission conceivable. It felt like a Rowan and Jawbones spotlight episode and it was wonderful to watch; the other players and I were DMing each other with a thousand ways this could go wrong and a dozen suggestions of what to do and the pair managed to reach the same conclusions in their own way. Rowan’s cloak becoming a Portable Hole was awesome, and killing the Wizard was one of the most satisfying moments to happen so far. The fight is swung immeasurably in our favour by the success of that stealth mission, and I’m looking forward to next session. It was great to have everyone at a session for once! Also, magic items gaining random properties off a roll has to be my favourite way to see items level. 
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juliussneezerfics · 5 years
His Past, His Present, His Future - Chapter 13: The Plan...?
Japan, Romano, Seborga, and Spain conduct a plan... kind of... it's mostly an excuse to get wasted.
Japan furrowed his brow as he noticed Seborga whispering to Spain, Spain’s snicker following whatever he had said. What were they planning? He stood as the two sloshed through the water to the shore.
Seborga reached forward and grabbed Japan’s arm. “Come on, Japan!”
Japan pulled his arm away. “Why? What’s happening?”
“We have some scheming to do, Mi amigo.” Spain answered, chuckling.
Japan reluctantly followed them, wondering what they were going to do. He had heard horror stories from Germany about the hijinks Spain got into with Prussia and France. Surely, Seborga was about as bad of an influence. The other two nations strode confidently to Romano, who had yet to look up from his paper.
“What do you want?”
Spain kneeled down and ruffled Romano’s hair. “Come on, mi pequeño tomate, be nice!” Spain left a little peck on Romano's forehead.
Romano blushed heavily and swatted Spain’s hand away. “Okay, okay, piss off!” He sat up. “What is it?”
Seborga plopped on the sand next to his brother. “We have a plan...”
“It’s a shock you could use your one braincell long enough... what is it?”
Spain sat next to Romano, propping an arm out behind the both of them. “Have you noticed the tension between Italy and Germany?”
Romano scoffed. “Even America has noticed the tension between Italy and Germany.”
“Spain and I,” here Seborga gestured to Spain. “Have decided that we need to get them together tonight.”
Japan furrowed his brow. “Oh, I don’t think we should...”
“Finally,” Romano inclined his head to Japan. “Someone with a brain. Leave them alone.”
“Oh come on, ‘Mano!” Spain pleaded. “It’s been almost 80 years! You can’t expect them to realize anytime soon.”
Japan cleared his throat. The others had no idea that the two had already figured it out. The others did not realize that Germany and Italy had almost shown each other themselves.
Seborga narrowed his eyes at the shy nation. “You’re hiding something, aren’t you?”
Japan’s usually composed face was covered in a light blush. “I- no, not at all!”
“Wow.” Romano lowered his sunglasses, raising an eyebrow. “You’re a worse liar than Seborga.”
Seborga lightly smacked Romano on the arm. “Shut up, Romano. Come on, Japan, spill it!”
“I...” Japan turned to Romano for help.
He shook his head. “You’re on your own on this one.”
“Come on, Japan! We can help your friends! You have to be getting as tired of this as we are.” Spain tried.
Japan sighed, thinking. It’s been almost painful, watching the two dance around each other for this long. For almost a full human lifetime. It was almost as sad as his own unreciprocated feelings... Suddenly, he was struck with inspiration to help his friends. If he could not be with who he wanted, then surely he should not keep his friends from the same happiness he wanted so badly. “Okay. Fine.”
Spain sat up. “Yes!”
“Sshh!” Seborga hushed, waving his hand at Spain. “Be quiet! He’s talking!”
Japan shifted under the attention he was getting. “... So yesterday-”  
“As recent as yesterday?” Romano asked, sounding interested.
“... yes. So they came back from Rome and they were acting strangely. So I asked Germany what had happened. They almost kissed and he didn’t know what to do.”
Romano’s eyes widened. “Holy fuck.”
“Almost? How do you almost kiss someone?” Seborga asked.
“His phone went off.”
“Oof.” Spain cringed.
Romano pulled the sunglasses off his nose. “Wait, so they almost kissed? They almost touched lips. There was almost contact. It was mutual and all that shit. And he was wondering what he was supposed to do?”
Japan nodded, surprised that he was relating to Romano at all. “It was lost on me too. The worst part is that Italy asked me the same question just minutes before Germany did.”
Seborga face palmed. “Mio Dio, our brother is useless, Romano.”
“Are you even surprised?” Romano asked.
Segorga smiled. “No.”
“Is that all that happened?” Spain questioned, unusually serious.
Japan nodded.
“Okay, here’s what we have to do.” Spain decided, closing his eyes in thought. “We have to get them drunk tonight.”
Romano scoffed. “That shouldn’t be hard, they both like their alcohol.”
“Then what?” Seborga asked. “You can’t just get two people drunk and expect them to get lip locking, I’ve tried many times!”
Japan raised an eyebrow.
Seborga shrugged. “England and France.”
“Now that’s a lost cause.” Romano said.
Spain. “Try hanging out with France. If I have to hear one more time about England’s ‘pert ass’...”
Seborga shook his head frantically. “Ew, gross, I don’t want to hear about that!”
“Yeah, me neither.” Spain replied dryly.
“Okay, focus.” Romano said, drawing them back in, much to Japan’s relief. “The hell are we supposed to do about Italy and the kraut?”
The four paused in thought, trying to think of what could possibly get them together. Japan opened his eyes as it dawned on him. He had seen loads of movies! He’d seen lots of media that proved that this idea was foolproof. “I have an idea.”
The others focused their attention on Japan.
“Would truth or dare work?” He asked.
Romano furrowed his brow. “Could be a long shot.”
Seborga snapped. “Long shot!” He leaned over and shook Romano’s shoulders excitedly. “That’s it!”
Romano slapped Seborga’s hands.
Seborga hissed with pain and withdrew his hands, but his smile returned. “Truth or dare or shot.”
“...So we drink every time we don’t want to do something?” Spain asked.
Seborga snapped his fingers into finger guns. “On the money!”
“That could work.” Japan decided. “Germany is very competitive, and Italy enjoys drinking games."
“The Italian brothers know how to party.” Romano said.
“Plus, it could be fun!” Spain decided.
“What could be fun?” Germany’s voice asked.
Japan peeked around the umbrella. Germany and Italy were standing there, their arms laden with boxes of pool toys.
“We’re going to play truth or dare or drink!” Spain revealed.
“We are?!” Italy jumped up and down. “I’m a champ at that game!”
Germany looked over at Italy, surprised. “You are? When did you play that?”
“Karaoke night.” Italy looked over at Germany smugly. "You'd know if you went."
Romano shuddered. “Ugh. Wish I could forget it.”
“Which one?” Japan asked.
“The Fergalicious Incident of 2018.”
Spain laughed as Germany let out a suffering sigh. “Oh, yeah! That was great, huh?”
“I think the worst part was the choreography.” Romano growled.
Germany blanched. “What?”
“You didn’t see it on Youtube?” Italy asked. “It was trending for weeks!”
Germany groaned, sitting down on his blanket. “I can’t believe I’m related to him.”
“Me neither!” Seborga added. “You need to loosen up! You know a great way to do that? Truth or dare or drink.”
Germany hummed. It appeared he was actually considering the idea. Japan didn't know if it was the relaxed atmosphere, Germany's love of a good vacation, or the temptation of alcohol that finally convinced him. "Okay."
Japan smiled to himself. Little did Germany know that he dug his own grave. He tried to ignore that tinge of guilt, dismissing it with the thought that this was all to help them... right?
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letsperaltiago · 5 years
bet you wish you could touch our rush (Jake x Amy)
Okay, so nr. 6 (Cop-Con prompt) was the first one to get the most votes, but I’ll try to do the other requests as well! Just have some patience and I’ll get to it eventually! Also I’d thank you all for letting me know you preferences. It was awesome to have so many engage! 
Anyways: Here goes Cop-Con feat. drunk horny Peraltiago! PS I’m sorryyyyy if this sucks. I love an overprotective Jake but also know that realistically he trusts Amy too much to be a jerk about it soooo I tried a middle thing. Also I love for a drunk, stupid happy giggly horny couple. 
Please let me know what you think! 
Word count: 1.8k
Music was blasting from various speakers and drenched the room in a messy cocktail made of incoherent songs - everything from bubbly pop to the heaviest metal - and drunk voices, laughs and slurs. The detectives and officers from the Chicago PD had also had the genius idea to bring coloured lights and even a damn disco ball. This was no longer a boring hotel in Rochester; the entire floor was one big, secret secret party and it ruled.
Jake’s gaze scanned the crowded room holding one beer in hand whilst at least two were already safely stored in his stomach. The buzz had kicked in some time ago but nonetheless he immediately recognised a loud laugh causing him to turn around to see the one and only (and drunk) Amy Santiago perched on a dinner table turned bar. Surrounding her were three men and Jake immediately hoped it was with her and not at her, when they broke into laughter. Amy was a grown woman; the most grown human he knew. He knew she could take care of herself, but Jake also couldn’t help but keep an eye on the four of them - especially now that she’d had God knows how many drinks. Leaving them behind with the benefit of the doubt since he figured that there was no reason to worry, Jake downed the rest of his bear and stumbled off to find Rosa and Charles. If he was lucky they’d still be doing the Taser challenge.
“Wazzup, losers,” he just barely yelled upon finally finding what he’d been looking far: Rosa, Charles, a blonde NYPD beat cop he’d seen around the precinct before and some random guy from who knows where. “Still tasering?”
“Yup,” Rosa responded briefly as always before downing a shot of what appeared to be pure tequila.
“Awesome. I’m in!”
“Great. Got a drink?” Apparently one shot hadn’t been enough and Rosa poured herself another one.
“Uh,” Jake shook his bottle instantly realising that he’d emptied it whilst looking at Amy. “Gimme a minute and I’ll be back with one!” His feet immediately stumbled back to the bar table in the room next door, nonchalantly standing besides a still giggly Amy as he poured himself a cup of whatever alcoholic liquid his hand reached first. She hadn’t noticed and he hadn’t either - until one of the three men’s voice caught his attention.
“Okay, doll… “
Jake’s face immediately twisted into a frown at the disgustingly demeaning condescending though nonetheless he kept pouring. He was not about to meddle and cause a scene like a dick. Though he did pour very slowly, dragging out the amount of time he’d have to stick around and eavesdrop.
“Enough giggling and joking around. Which of the three of us are you going to join in our hotel room?”
Jake Peralta didn’t do jealous, but he did feel anger rising within him as he saw the three men smirk greedily as Amy, obviously more than just tipsy, was a bit taken back and let out a mix between a scoff and a chuckle. “Seriously?”
“Of course. This talking thing can only last so long,” another of the three men added before taking a sip of his beer. Out of the corner of his eye Jake could see his girlfriend, drunk but still her slightly socially awkward self, walking the line between drunk and sober in an attempt to come up with a good answer. A nervous hand running through her black curls sent Jake the signal he’d somewhat waited for; enough was enough.
“Let me in on this, gentlemen?” Jake interrupted the little circle they’d formed around a still sitting Amy. “Consider me an option, doll,” he sent his girlfriend a cocky wink before taking a sip of his drink. He couldn’t help but feel bare for not intervening earlier when he saw her shoulders and eyes drop in relief.
The one who’d started this whole ordeal quickly shot him an unsure elevator look. “Ehm sure, man. But I don’t-“
“You,” Amy smirked widely as she stretched out her arm to point at her boyfriend as to show he was the chosen one. “Show me your hotel room. Pleferlably the inside of it. Splecifically the bed.”
Her horribly mispronounced words were punctuated by her teeth biting into her bottom lip, and if Jake hadn’t felt mildly disgusted with himself for choosing such a disgusting character to help out his girlfriend, he would’ve been so so turned on.
The three men, hell even Jake was taken back by his girlfriend’s boldness, but it immediately made much more sense upon noticing how her eyes had transitioned to a darker shade of brown and how she was holding yet another drink in her hand. 4-drink Amy.
“Oh, I’ll show you more than just the bed,” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively before grabbing her hand and pulling her off the table as the three predators walked away with glum expressions. Feeling the need to make sure she was entirely okay, Jake never let go of her hand as he dragged her out into the hallway where the walls between them and the music would allow them to talk.
“I’m sorry about that, Ames. You okay?” He was definitely not sober, but never not sober enough to feel highly alert whenever someone he cared about was in trouble. He wanted to do this right.
Though apparently Amy had other plans in mind. Before he had time to put down his beer, wanting to hold and physically comfort her, she had him pressed up against the wall behind them. Lips that tasted like wine and poison immediately followed behind and pressed themselves against his. His head started spinning when he felt the fake soberness, which he’d forced upon himself to help her, quickly fade away. No way in hell he was sober; he was drunk as hell and so was she. More importantly her body and lips were attached to his and no one else. Instinctively his hand dropped his drink on the hotel carpet, which honestly didn’t matter ‘cause it was super gross since he’d paid more attention to her than the (what seemed to be) vodka and tequila ratio. No matter what it was it had smelled like it was about to knock the life out of every living braincell within him.
“‘ank you for saving me,” she gasped between crashing lips occasionally switching back a forth between his lips and his chin. As if she wasn’t utterly horny and needy for him already, Jake digging his hands beneath her floral shirt to caress her skin had her going insane. God, her skin was always so damn soft.
“Zhey shouldn’t-“ he swallowed a kiss, “have said that to you. I don’t want stupid boys to want you like that. Only super nize boys.” Wild hands ran through his messed up curls, occasionally getting caught up in them and tugging. Her chest was heaving and pressed up against his like for dear life. The sound of her breathing through her nose like a wild starving animal was insane. Anything she did drove him insane.
“You’re a nize boy,” she momentarily slipped away from his lips to whisper into his ear followed by  her teeth lazily tugging on the soft lobe. Jake felt himself fall apart. ”Take me to your wroom.”
“Therz a party in our rome, babe,” he felt himself struggle to keep up with both the English language and the kissing as he tried to paint the picture of their situation for her.
“I don’t care,” she’d managed to fumble the upper part of his shirt open, her hot breath and soft lips against his sternum making him shiver. “I’m sure therz no one in the bed. Or the closet. Either is frine.”
“Oh God,” Jake looked up towards the ceiling in pure desperation which caused the back of his head to bump into the wall. “Ames, you’re deathing me.”
“Please,” she separated from his chest only to grab his chin and pull it downards to look right into her almost black eyes. “I need you. Now. Wherever.”
If Jake wasn’t already turned on and probably also stone hard then he definitely was now. His girlfriend - his smart, beautiful, perfect girlfriend - was basically begging on her knees. Yet there was no way he’d allow them, no matter how drunk, to have sex directly in front of other people. They’d tried a fair share of things, but there was a limit to everything - even kinky sex. “We can’t in front of like… people.”
Amy didn’t even try to hide her disappointment at this. “But like… We’re peoples. You’re peoples and I’m peoples and we're always there whenever we boink.” Her whine somehow reminded him of a kid’s which amused him until he realised there was nothing funny about them not being able to have sex.
“Baby, that’s different.” He leaned down to continue his drunk slurring against her lips. “We’re not like other peoples. We can boink with each other in the room.”
“Can’t they just leave uz alone then? Go away,” this time it was her turn to slur against his lips as her hands slowly snaked their way beneath the bottom of his shirt and onto his bare skin.
Jake, speechless and suddenly realising how hopeless they both were, cupped her face in his hands and started laughing with his lips still pressed to hers. Everything; the whole day and evening; the alcohol; his love for her… It came crashing down on him all at once.
“Babe, we so drunk,” he smiled into the kiss, squeezing her waist as he did a 180 and pushed her against the wall he himself had just been caught against. He didn’t have to look to know that she was smiling too while running the palms of her hands up and down his lower back.
“I know,” she chuckled. “What are we going to do?” She somehow deepened the kiss.”I wunna boink…”
“Uhummm…” he couldn’t even make out proper words anymore. Amy Santiago had him at the gates of heaven and he needed to find a damn key. Fast.
Then an idea hit him like lightning meaning that he to both of their dismay pulled back. “Store room!”
His idea was immediately met by a frown. “What store? There’s no store here.”
“Storing room!” He tried again, slowly feeling the right expression sneaking up on him. He would probably get it right sooner or later, but didn’t have to wait much longer. Amy, as most of the time anyways, beat him to it.
“Room for storage! Storage room!”
“Yes!” He exclaimed like a kid getting what he wanted the most for Christmas. There was the urge to kiss her again and so he did. “You’re so smort, baby.” He cooed suddenly feeling her hands pushing onto his chest and off of her. Apart from her hazy, drunk eyes she looked stern and determined as ever.
“Shut up, Pearralta. We have a storable closet to find.”
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fallin-flcwer · 3 years
Next Generation Connections
Helloooo! Here is a list of current and wanted connections for my muses x
Whitney Mendoza-Cruz (St. Judes)
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Thea, Judah & Tilly: Her siblings. I think she's closest to Judah, but she loves them all more than anything else and will always be there for them even if they aren't all as close as they used to be.
Rowan & Aurora: Childhood friends! Being the children of Chris, Hensley and Soraya, they were all brought up together. Whitney definitely misses them a lot now that they've gone away and tried her best to keep in touch with them whenever she can
Peter R: They're related through Blake being Flo's step-brother, but I don't think they really became friends until he and Aurora started dating. Whenever Peter has some trouble he usually goes to Whitney to vent, and she's always there to listen to him
Dixie: Like Peter R, Dixie and Whitney are step-cousins through Blake. While they do get along well, they can be seen clashing just as much but they always seem to make up by the next time they see each other.
Noah: One of Whitney’s first relationships was with Noah. For him, Whitney was most of his first - first date, first kiss, first time etc. but since Whitney was always more outgoing the relationship eventually fell flat and she ended up breaking up with him. All in all, I think Whitney still cares about him to some extent, and there’s a special place in their hearts for each other.
Young-Mi: Best friend and roommate in St. Judes. With the two of them being very sociable and adventurous they often found themselves in the same group and eventually got closer to the point where they were constantly hanging out doing whatever together.
St. Judes Friends: Whitney's always been a social person but now that her friends have moved away she'd definitely put effort into getting to know people in the uni.
Ex-Flings: Whit is 100% a bruh girl but she definitely went through a short phase where she was continuously hooking up with guys, and getting herself into messy situations and decided that it wasn't for her LMAO.
Exes: Genuine relationships she's had over the course of high school. I think they'd go well for a few months but then after a bit Whitney would get bored if they weren't as outgoing as her LMAO. We can always discuss whether of not they ended on bad terms.
Tilly Mendoza-Cruz (Diamond Bridge)
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Thea, Judah & Whitney: Older siblings. Being the baby of the family, Tilly is easily the most naïve and sheltered out of the four and would've looked up to them all a lot growing up, especially her sisters.
Min-Hyuck: A dancing friend. Although they go to different unis they’ve formed a bond through dancing and kind of have a partner in crime kind of friendship
Roommate/Mum friend: Going straight from living with her family to moving to Diamond Bridge, Tilly would not last a day living alone LMFAO. So maybe a roommate that teaches her basic stuff like how to cook and do laundry, and while they can be annoyed with her sometimes, they tolerate and take pride in teaching her.
Dancing friend(s): Dancers inside and outside of Diamond Bridge that she hangs out with. Maybe there's some where's like a little playful rivalry going on, but generally I don't Tilly would have the heart to wholeheartedly pit herself against other dancers
Dancing student: They don't really have to be a dancer, but I think it'd be cute for Tilly to have a plot where someone sees her dancing, they become friends and now she always teaches them different choreographies. I think she'd really enjoy something like that, since she isn't the one being taught for once
Sylvia Jimenez-Lin (Liberty)
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Jay: Her ex and crush. She left him without telling him the reason after finding out about her illness, but since then she's opened up to him and they've been talking again since then
Lily: Her best friend. They are always there for each other during their highs and lows. I think even now that Sylvia's in New York, they both put effort into facetiming each other and making the most of the time that they have together when they are in the same place
Nicolai: Childhood best friend. Nicolai spent most of his time living with Phoenix and Sylvia, and because of that she grew up knowing the things that went down between him and his dad, and in return Nicolai often treats Sylvia like he's her big brother. Even though they aren't as close as they used to be, Nicolai is still very protective of Syl.
Daisy: Back in high school years, Syl and Daisy used to always bump into each other at the hospital while they were getting check ups on their conditions but never really got to know each other well aside from that. In Liberty, she and Daisy ended up becoming roommates and at some point Sylvia accident grabbed one of Daisy's hospital treatment letters, thinking that it was one of her's. 
New friends: I think now that she is out of Violet Springs, and generally has a better outlook on life since her diagnosis, Sylvia will become a lot more social and popular in Liberty. Not like Youi popular but almost there. 
First boyfriend: The only guys she would've dated before Jay. I think they would've been pretty young, so maybe they were going really well for a bit but then things kinda slowed down. Eventually they ended up breaking it off, but they've been good friends ever since
Nila Lin (West Ivys)
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Belle: Ex-Best Friends. They used to always be there for each other, going out to parties and getting wasted together, but when Belle's parents divorced and she started going off the rails Nila thought that she was going too far. While Nila tried to get her to tone it down, Belle wanted Nila to follow along with her, leading them to having a massive falling out. I think even now they aren't talking, Nila's always keeping an eye on her from afar
Darcy: Ex-Girlfriend. Darcy is the first girl Nila dated. Prior to that, she had only dated guys and assumed she was straight based off that. Being very young when they were dating, naturally they grew apart and ended on healthy terms.
Nicolas: A close friend of her’s that stuck by her after her friendship with Belle fell apart. He really kept an eye on her and was just really supportive without pushing her to do/say anything and Nila appreciates him for that.
Ex-Boyfriends: Guys she dated short-term prior to her dating Darcy. I don't think she's the kind of person to leave anything on bad terms, especially if they didn't last long
Youi Moon (Liberty)
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Hayi: Older sister. I think both of them are probably the most vicious of the Moon-Kang clan. If you ever mess with one if them you'll have both of them to deal with, plus the boys every now and then. Youi is definitely more bold and vocal, but Hayi definitely plays a role in keeping her tame.
San: Older brother. I think while they give of very different vibes -with San being the weirdo of the family and Youi being the borderline bitchy, popular girl- they very much think the same. Growing up, I think Youi would've been closer to San than she was to Hayi, and even though that's changed over time, she goes to him when she feels more playful, or when (on the rare occasion) she's upset.
Addy, Callie & Bianca: High School best friends. The four of them were part of the popular clique in Gallagher. I think being away from them is kinda bittersweet for Youi. Even though she thinks they were lowkey fake at times, she really does miss them and would love to catch up whenever she has the chance.
Louisa: An unlikely friend while they both come from wealthy families, they never were really part of the same circle since Youi fell into the popular clique while Louisa was more mature, but recently they’ve gotten to know each other and kind of welcome each other to different aspects of their lives, introducing different things to one another Jay: Secret friends with benefits. Currently they’re sleeping together but no one really knows about it since Youi can’t bring herself to be involved with anyone in that way. The relationship on her side is only physical. 
Ethan: Since Ethan and Addy broke up Ethan has been hitting on Youi, but she kinda just takes it as him needing a friend to talk to. While she eventually catch on to him flirting, she’s still very touchy about it since she’s still considers Addy a friend, and doesn’t really know how to go about it alongside her situation with Jay.
Liberty Friends: Youi was in the rich, popular clique in Gallagher and in Liberty it isn't any different. I think she falls into that kind of group naturally. and since she doesn't have Callie, Bianca and Addy with her she's kinda become the HBIC in Liberty without realising. She'd definitely want more people around her though
Jihoon Kang (Blossom Bell)
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Hayi: Cousin, Best Friend & Roommate. Between this friendship, Hayi holds 95% of the braincells LMFAO. She is Jihoon's impulse control, and if he didn't have her around he'd probably be wind up in so much trouble. He's definitely picked up a thing or two from Hayi when it comes to being tactical and strategic.
San: Cousin, Best Friend & Groupmate. I think these two are definitely the goofiest in the family. He isn't as close to San as he is to Hayi, but being in the same group has brought them together a lot more, resulting in many chaotic moments happening in their group and at home.
Amelia: Jihoon produces music for Amelia. Their music-making process is really sending tracks back and forth to each other until they reach the final product. Some people probably think that the process they have is inconvenient but he encourages her to release more music, and their little system works for them.
Unrequited Crush/Someone he's unintentionally leading on: A toxic trait that Haneul and all of his sons have in common is that while they are great at communicating with girls, they are incredibly oblivious to their feelings LMAO.  I think simply because he's best friends with Hayi, he's used to talking to girls in a casual way, but since they're not his cousin, he isn't afraid to make flirty jokes and stuff like that just for the fun of it. So maybe while they're developing something for him, Jihoon doesn't notice at all.
(NEW) Yohan Kang (Blossom Bell)
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Hayi & San: His cousins. Being more on the quiet, private side he was never really as close to Jiwon's kids as Jihoon was. I think now that he and San are in Blossom Bell together, they've definitely become a lot closer, although he is still lowkey judging him. 
Young-Mi: Childhood friends gone unrequited crush. Yohan and Young-Mi were familiar with each other mostly through Elodie and Haneul. Whenever Elodie and Young-Mi went on holiday to South Korea, Haneul always offered them rooms at his house. Yohan and Young-Mi were close, but while she has a crush on him, Yohan only really sees it all as a friendship.
Min-Hyuck: With their father’s being members of Seventeen, although they might not have seen each other all to often, they were often associated with each other. In Blossom Bell, they are now roommates and have gotten a lot closer.
Academy Buddies: While he loves his family, and the fact that a majority of them are in Blossom Bell, he'd definitely try and break away from them and make more friends
Guy Squad: Maybe like a friend group of 3 or 4 guys from different unis that are always seen hanging out and goofing around. Yohan would generally be the mum friend of the group, but he'd definitely feel more free to enjoy himself with this group
(NEW) Joji "Georgie" Heo (Blossom Bell)
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Min-Hyuck: Twin brother. Between the two, Georgie is the more outgoing one. They're both really close and pretty much grew up looking up to their father wanting to become idols. While Minhyuck stayed on that path, Georgie decided that she didn't really want that much attention and became a choreographer instead
Roommates: She goes to Blossom Bell, and I'd love for her to have a roommate. Whether they have a lot in common and get along, or if they have a little clash in personality, it can be developed!!
Friends: Just new friends in general!! Georgie's a social butterfly, so I doubt that having friends in overseas and rival unis would matter to her at all LOL
(NEW) Eric Mendoza (Rosewell)
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Tammy: He and Tammy were in a long-term relationship before he found out that he had a son. In a panic, he broke up with her without saying anything, and while she's still mad a him him, but still wants to know why he did it.
Noah: Childhood best friends. He was the first person Eric went to when he found out that he had a son, and in turn Noah helped cover for him until he sorted his secret out with his sister. To this say the only person aside from Moira that knows.
Friends: He was brought up in Violet Springs and was one of those people that can blend into any kind of clique in high school so just friends in general would be nice for him, especially since he's new 
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