#but how do i find that stuff...theres so much to parse.......
i really want to get into dinosaurs and prehistoric animals but it feels so inaccessible brah. like every video i try to watch has so much stuff it already assumes i know or throws out a bunch of terms (time period names, species names, etc) in such short time and i feel like ive learned nothing brah. I need Dinosaurs For Dummies 101 type stuff that isnt made for kids.
probably the best way to go about this is reading as opposed to videos, ive just been kinda short on time lately so i try to combine my tasks (watching a video while i draw or clean, etc). oh well, whenever i have free time next ill def go on a little dino wikipedia deepdive ^_^
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jegulily-stuff · 2 years
Had a jegulily soulmate au rattling around in my head for a while.
I don't usually like the way soulmate aus remove character choice from relationships so to offset this: 1) not everyone has a soulmate and the world isnt structured around them, 2) soulmates are not necessarily romantic so you still need to work out for yourself how this person will fit into your life.
For the soulmate connection, a psychic bond: feeling each others emotions and with enough focus/practice full on telepathy.
So, Lily and Regulus are soulmates, and separately James and Sirius are soulmates.
Sirius and James immediately decide they must be platonic soulmates because theyre both boys. When they each start realising they aren't straight they doubt this, but ultimately conclude they were right, just for the wrong reason. Idk if I'd have Sirius hiding his emotions from James or using the bond to vent, but theyd definitely be obsessed with the telepathy as soon as they could do it.
Lily and Regulus is much more complicated. I tend to write Regulus as someone very committed to his family, especially seeing it as the centre of genuine love in his life, but this might be more flexible in a soulmate au if he knows he has a soulmate out there. I think he's also likely to assume its a platonic bond when he finds out who its with, partly because he assumes he's gay, partly because he cant marry a muggleborn but it might be acceptable to have someone of lower blood status around as a friend (like Lucius does with Snape). He'll probably be conflicted between seeing the bond as predestined and perfect, and wanting to close himself off from it to avoid his family being upset.
Lily might not like predestination - but on the other hand she loves fantastical magical stuff, so her feeling towards soulmates might be jumbled. Once theyve got through the initial barriers though she does really like Reg. It being 'platonic' eases her issues with predestination and choice, but she gets romantic feelings early and maybe theres some angst over that not being reciprocal. And theres always the long road of deprogramming as an interpersonal issue for her and Reg, she'd probably get tired with him at times, though the connection between them should speed it up for him.
James's inclusion is then not about the soulmate bond but wholly personal choice. He's been interested in Lily (seeing as both of their soulmates are supposedly platonic), Reg has been interested in him, eventually theyre all interested in each other. (Seeing how Reg's hatred for, jealousy of, and huge crush on James affect Lily who can feel it all would probably be funny.)
Its kinda focused on parsing out different kinds of love and what different bonds mean to different people.
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rainbowsky · 2 years
so we know that ggdd didnt do any fanservice for the cql. do you know why (or whats your opinion abt) theres so many joined interviews of them for cql promotion in comparison to their other shows? ive tried seeing if they had this many/more of them with their other costars and i cant find any.
This is in reference to a previous post.
They did do a bit of what I'd call 'fan service' for interviews and fan meets during promo for The Untamed (such as all the cute games they were asked to play together during fan meets, that forced them into close, cute or funny situations together), but nothing major and they've done no CP marketing whatsoever, which is I think what you were responding to.
By CP marketing, I'm talking about joint endorsement campaigns with brands using the CP/both actors (such as we saw for WOH and a lot of straight romance dramas).
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As for other dramas GG and DD have done, there are plenty of cutesy interviews and fan servicey moments for Gank Your Heart promo if you look around on YouTube. Probably for others as well - I don't know, I really don't pay any attention to that stuff.
I think comparisons with other dramas, trying to parse out how much fan service and CP-related promo they've done with X drama vs with CQL is a completely pointless fool's errand. I don't know what you think you're going to learn from that. Every drama is going to be a bit different in terms of how things are handled, and will be coming out at a different time, in a different entertainment climate, and will require its own approach.
For example, a drama about gaming that comes out around the time of a major international gaming tournament would almost certainly involve some sort of gaming-related marketing and promo. A romance that comes out near Qixi is going to have romance themed promo. A drama that airs after a major natural disaster where hundreds die isn't going to do a lot of promo at all, or it will be more sombre or hopeful in tone.
Every situation is different and you can't attribute everything to GG and DD's personal lives and relationship.
I see a lot of turtles trying to compare and do 'double-standard' analysis, where GG or DD behave this way around such-and-such a person but with each other they behave that way. Where things were this way with CQL but that way with other dramas, etc..
This is not the sort of thing I go in for. If it's something you enjoy don't let me stand in your way, but I personally try to stay away from that kind of thing or at least keep it to a minimum because it feels a bit toxic. It feels too much like turtles are trying to downplay other relationships or dramas GG and DD have done while puffing up what they've done/are together, and I don't like the mindset that generates. Maybe it feels different for others, but for me, that's what it feels like.
Just my personal opinion, Anon. If it makes you happy don't let me stand in your way.
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
💫 + Lance! And if someone has asked about him already, anyone you feel like talking about! {@midgardlibrarylovers}
I am ALWAYS ready to talk about my husband but i never know what to share
They give him more dialogue between rby and frlg, despite it all being the same pre-match, except like one new line. Probably the same after too but i was looking for a specific phrase he said at the time and didn't pore over it like i usually do.
His language also gets "nicer" and more... Idk, mature/gentlemanly/not sarcastic between remakes? Catch him in gsc talking about how "nicely" a rocket told him some information while the rocket is nearly passed out on the floor, trying not to fetal position post-match. Meanwhile it's completely gone in hgss!!!! I can not find it anymore in the quotes!!! Overall a lot of his dialogue sounds nicer and i just parse that into like, over the years, gaining that maturity into adulthood where you can't just say things like that anymore as a role model to people, especially young and upcoming trainers! (Granted, i also have had the pleasure of, like, having him as f/o for 17, almost 18 years now, so i get to see these differences and growth, much like he'd be able to see mine. Ohhh, that's a halfway decent idea for a drabble....)
Theres probably more stuff with that but *static noises* brain lost the train of thought thinkin' 'bout the husband
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somnilogical · 5 years
no shelter
some of you may have had occasion to run into transfems preforming cryptographically secure tests for cissexism and to wonder therefore how they got that way, and here, in partial explanation perhaps, is a story of the one transfem, somnulence logencia:
(mostly cut and pasted from messages to my friends)
i called this homeless shelter and asked if they had any rooms and they said they did and to come on in and then when they saw my id they were like "how about you go to the mens side" and i was like "how about i dont want to be raped" and they were like okay and told me to sleep in a foldable cot in the entrance room. with a harsh white light on all night, i stretched it to two nights and then they kicked me out and said they had no room.
a thing about being oppressed is theres so much opportunity for snark because things are obviously fucked.
they were like "no one can come in to your room you are safe here" "so no one can come in to the main area with my cot?" "er, no, people have to pass through there to use the restroom" "i seeee"
anyway they told me they couldnt house me because suddenly they were full. i looked at a checklist for rooms that they had ppl sign and some but not all of the room numbers were highlighted. and at the end of everyone signing their names none of the nonhighlighted regions were signed except for where i signed my name next to 'cot'. a day after they told me to leave because they were full i asked my friend to call them and check if they were full, and they gave them the same answer they gave me, that there were a few openings in the upper bunks.
i talked twice in private with the most empathetic looking humans i could find that i thought the other people were turning me out asap (instead of after 45 days which was their printed policy) because of discrimination. and they both said that it was because they were full.
this isnt a shelter that really does one-day stays.
during my ""intake"":
"this is a christian organization so we have to ask you some religious questions. ~so how do you feel about christian stuff?"
"well christians tried to forcibly convert my grandmother-"
"sounds bad, not something jesus would do"
"well this is a christian organization so if you are staying here we do require you to go to chapel so i dont want to hear anything about "forcible conversion""
because you, the homeless person, choose to sleep there and consume their resources you see!
i dislike arguments of the form "oh but how could be horrible when we give people cookies and fluffy pillows? does that seem horrible to you? i think you are miscomprehending this entire situation somni."
they forced us all to go to christian religious services 2x a day weekdays, 1x a day sundays. and if you missed them 3x they kicked you out. and when an old lady fell asleep during services they poked her and when i said "let her sleep huh? :)" they were like "nuh uh" and poked her some more until she woke up. clockwork orange kinda stuff.
they had a rule about only wardens being able to let people in from outside which i defied to let someone in who everyone knew was staying there, but the warden was on lunch break. she thanked me. i told her these rules were unjust, she would complain to the wardens that everyone would violate rules about eating food in their rooms.
<<May a church or church-run business/non-profit discriminate against me?
Under California law, there is no religious “exception” for discrimination in housing or public accommodations. This means that a religious-based hospital cannot deny you care just because you are transgender, nor can a religious-based homeless shelter refuse to house you as the gender you identify as.  HOWEVER, certain religious organizations and religious educational institutions are not subject to California (or federal) non-discrimination laws.>>
they lied because they expected that i would sue them into oblivion if they told the truth.
i want ppl to see the structure of this sort of thing. like the details. its not true that everyone does this all the time. it is actually hard to tell when this is happening.
at this point i am very paranoid about this and i still believed they didnt have rooms with ~10-30% of my heart, enough uncertainty for the test to feel like it could go either way before i performed it. because of the way their body moved and i talked with multiple people in private and they didnt stumble over their words or hesitate.
like i practiced noticing the difference between [peoples words and social affect] and [what they were optimizing for] on homeless people who were less intelligent than me. where they would be like "i am not sexually attracted to you, that would be like being attracted to my child you are like a baby to me" while also feeling up my thigh and back. hear the smooth words and see their disconnect from actions if you took them as veritical.
and after specifically training for discerning this i was still uncertain.
im now even more paranoid about this sort of thing (in an alternate universe where the test failed and the person on the other end of the phone said that there were no open beds this would be evidence against gaslighting and i would update to a human whose coarse features look less paranoid from, i guess, the point of view of someone with less accurate beliefs whose perspective im internalizing in my description because i still apparently have outside-view security holes).
you know i got along fine with the other women in the shelter. lots of them were half-crazy black women and thats relatable. like one of the people was making >100,000$/year before she had a psychotic break and issues with schizo for 10 years. at least thats what she said and i actually belive her.
a cis woman there was threatening to fill a bag with rocks and bash someones heads in as a means of conflict resolution.
only issue was with wardens who saw my id & decided to break the laws of this state to follow the laws of their religion. remember when emma was there with me and i said she was a transsexual too and they were like "its not illegal" yet they acted like it was because they wouldnt house me and lied about why. throughout all of this, except for once, they called me "she" and "her" and yet acted like i was a ~violent male~.
spent the first 20 minutes of "intake" "processing questions" crying because they were being transphobic and processing it by making wry replies to their questions wasnt enough to parse through this. i was crying when they took my photo and entered me into their database as part of "processing me".
the missionaries took great interest in my native american ID.
i initially walked up to the building on the mens side and people prevented me from coming in and escorted me to the womens. because sex segregation. and then i go to the womens side and they see my id and suggest that i go to the mens!!!
its important to see beyond the surface level emotional performances, to be able to conduct tests that discriminate between different possible optimization targets.
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clickbliss · 6 years
Pig Eat Ball is a bewildering and frankly disgusting game of sportsball
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by Amr (@siegarettes)
Pig Eat Ball
Developer: Mommy’s Best Games
Publisher:  Mommy’s Best Games 
Bizarre, bewildering and frankly disgusting. That’s how I’d describe pretty much any other game from Mommy’s Best Games. Thankfully, they’re also a lot of fun, Pig Eat Ball included. 
The trademark Mommy’s Best Games originality is here, with out there mechanics and art. Previously, their games all shared a similar rough, overgrown art style. There were grimy textures that felt as if they’d been melted and reconstituted into ridiculously detailed tableaus. 
Pig Eat Ball goes for a more animated vibe, with a lighter hand on textures, more broad strokes of colors and expressive characters. It’s still made up of an absolutely bewildering combination of imagery, but there’s a more confident, less chaotic approach this time. 
Not that the chaos is gone, no, no. 
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While the art goes with a clear, readable style, the mechanics branch into several bizarre takes on the maze running genre. There’s a few basic moves, but how they interact with each level’s layouts and gimmicks gets a lot of mileage out of them. 
The princess, a pig in disguise at a tournament held to decide who wins her hand, constantly inhales objects in front of her, which can be spit out in a barf covered state. Holding her breath makes her move slower, and a dash lets her crash through objects and build speed by timing the next two dashes. Inhaling tennis balls increases her size, which prevents her from getting through narrow passages, but might be useful to take down certain obstacles. Oh, and if you inhale a barfed up ball too soon, or get hit, you’ll spew the contents of your stomach. 
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Things get really chaotic when these basic mechanics play off the environment. At the start I was simply gathering up tennis balls, spitting them into new rooms, and avoiding them as I waited for the gross stuff to roll off the spit up balls. But soon I was puking on bugs to make them puke, losing ghosts in Pac-man mazes, eating their brains, and using my suction to drag balls through mazes to get them to areas where I could gobble em up. 
There’s a real madcap, experimental quality to a lot of the stage designs. It’s the kind of game where you look at the stage title to get an idea of what the heck the designer was thinking, then parse the gimmick while trying to avoid the tricks they’ve laid out for you. Then you do it again to get the gold medal. 
It’s a familiar loop, and it would be easy to get comfortable with if it wasn’t for how outlandish it gets. It seriously, seriously gets weird. Like, I’ve played a lot of games and seen a lot of weird games, but most of them use familiar, predictable mechanics to direct you. In Pig Eat Ball I’m never quite sure what I’m gonna see next, or what the next stage is gonna have me do. It’s not so scattershot that I find myself lost, but there’s an astounding set of ideas on display. 
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Within the first stage I was doing careful sneaking missions, fast paced races against the clock, convoluted mazes, and even engaging in battles with bugs where I had to gobble up more balls, catch stars and uh, build a sandwich. Then I topped it off by fighting a giant dragon who was also an accordion. 
Describing what you do in Pig Eat Ball really doesn’t do it justice. This is the kind of game that’s bursting with a creative energy that you just sort of have to witness yourself. It’s got the level design sensibility of an arcade game, but with a willingness to recontextualize itself at every turn. I could write another five paragraphs just listing notable stage gimmicks, but you wouldn’t get the same rapid fire nonsense that comes along with each of them. 
There really is something wonderful and bizarre about Pig Eat Ball. It’s a refreshing game to take in bite sized stages, often leaving me with a a bemused, and somewhat disgusted, smile. 
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fluffy-critter · 5 years
Aaron responded to my ramble:
One of the main reasons to use h-feed and h-entry is that RSS/Atom really only can represent blog posts and podcasts. For those purposes, they’re fine formats, but the reality is there are many more kinds of content on the social web today, such as replies like this one which can’t really be represented in RSS.
That’s absolutely fair! I’ve found RSS/Atom to be Good Enough for everything I’ve wanted to support in it, but in a lot of the use cases it’s definitely on the end of “Hey I have new content, come to my site to consume it properly.” I haven’t really seen any example of h-feed handling those better, though. Do you have some examples that I could look at?
What features are you finding that Microsub doesn’t support? Like most of the IndieWeb protocols, Microsub is supposed to be an evolving protocol based on the needs and implementations of people using it. I don’t expect that we will ever say “Microsub is done!” the way that some specs put a stick in the ground, since the reality is that things change and need to adapt to new use cases to remain relevant.
The main features that feel like they’re missing are organizational facets, like what we were discussing earlier today. Having some mechanism to more easily recategorize feeds, or entries within feeds, or whatever. I know that most of that probably falls on the endpoint itself and shouldn’t be part of the Microsub protocol though. It’s hard to know where to draw the line.
Another thing that feels like it’s missing is a user story. It’s just confusing to get started with. I set up various endpoints (adding a token endpoint and a microsub endpoint to my main page, which doesn’t feel like it should be necessary to use an external piece of software that has nothing to do with my site), and then when I did get things going, I found that the UX of the readers was… underwhelming, I guess. And it isn’t clear to me how much of that is on the readers and how much is on Microsub itself. It sort of feels like there’s two parts to the experience which each keep on saying that no, it’s the other part’s responsibility to do things.
Most of the UX I see emerging is based on doing something Twitter/Tweetdeck-esque and I want something more like an email inbox with folders/filters. (Thus the issues I opened earlier today, and thanks for your comments on #40 in particular!)
It’s definitely an evolving spec and I appreciate that about it, but it just feels really difficult for me to even get started with it right now because I don’t feel like the goals that the various folks implementing the tools are aligned with the goals I have in using a feed reader right now.
I do appreciate the idea of it being built in the form of building blocks with interoperability, but the way that the blocks are currently connected just feels confusing and overwhelming and doesn’t feel like it’s particularly advantageous to having a single reader-with-subscriptions.
I guess, mostly, as a user I feel lost, and as a developer I feel like it’s overly-abstracted.
I’d love to see the ability to do some sort of scriptable hook into a feed where I run my own filter that does things the way I want them. One of the things I tangentially got at in issue #40 is I’d love to have a way of registering a webhook that gets a notification when an item comes in, and then says where to put the item. Like, give me a JSON blob that gives all of the parsed semantics and let me return a disposition of which channel (or group or whatever) it should go in. And make sure it provides all the data in some easily-processed form.
That probably belongs in the configuration UI of the Microsub endpoint, though, rather than needing to be a core feature of Microsub itself. But I’m not seeing any endpoints that are trying to implement stuff like that. Not that I’ve looked very hard, though, because there’s just a huge collection of things to look at and none of them really tell me why I should look at them vs. any other endpoint implementation. And meanwhile I feel like there’s a missing link for actually being able to transport data between them. I couldn’t find any working (or documented-enough for me to use) examples of an OPML importer or exporter, for example, which made me skittish about even trying any endpoint out enough to see if it would really work for me.
I’d love to see a concept of nested channels, too. So I can have a channel for all art stuff, and subcategories for drawings vs. photography or whatever. Or being able to have subchannels for each of the separate comics I follow, all grouped together under “comics,” which would handle the use case of wanting to do an archive binge on a single series vs. wanting to catch up on what’s new in the last day. Even with a flat channel structure it’d be nice to be able to just, like, focus on one feed sometimes, without having to always focus on only that feed. And then having something where I can see all my subscription content, but not the “follow” content, per the distinction I raised the other day, so just having a “show all” view isn’t quite what I’m looking for.
Also it took me a while to understand what’s meant by the channel order; I was looking for a means of giving the sort order of the items within a channel (oldest-first, newest-first, latest-arriving first) rather than just how to organize one’s sidebar in their reader. Which also feels like it’s tied to a specific UX concept, rather than something intended as a building-block for a more general reader experience.
At this point I feel like I’m talking in circles or something. I’m looking forward to trying to get on the same page this coming weekend. :)
(via busybee)
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00250 · 7 years
I'm so freaking pumped for the death cure, I was ACTUALLY shaking after watching the trailer. I know this is like a controversial topic, and tbh I don't have a problem with it but ik others might, but my friend said as soon as he watched the trailer that it was really 'queerbait-y' with the newtmas scenes n stuff like that. I don't think it was, but I wanna know your opinion! (Ps I love your blog)
hi!!! IM SO PUMPED TOO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND mm mm mmmm me too for the first half i was like “oh wow theyre really not showing us much” and then it was BAM BAM BAM so much im just. holy shit
OKAY IN REGARDS TO THE NEWTMAS STUFF (it got Long so i put it under a readmore)
so i just rewatched it and like. here’s the thing. hear me out. i really didnt see that much newtmas??? like there was a good amount of newt and thomas scenes but like. not a lot of shippy stuff really at all?? like i feel like im gonna get run down for saying this but keep in mind that i would die for newtmas but yea this fandom really, really likes to Reach when it comes to parsing meaning of newtmas scenes? like obviously theyre really, really close but romance has (sadly) never been canon so like... we shouldnt Expect it to suddenly be so w the movies if you know what i mean??
also i think its especially hard with the trailers having not seen the actual scenes because we have no context! and like. newtmas is my Ship but i find so often their friendship (which is really, really important and awesome and fulfilling all on its own) gets completely overlooked in favour of possible romantic things between them and im just??? thats not how it should work??? 
and i think normally i would be like “HELL YEA NEWTMAS” but i think what’s bothering me abt this trailer specifically is that everyone is like???? going crazy over the whole “you still care about her, don’t you ... don’t lie to me!” clip ????? cause like hear me out i get that theyre all up in each others faces and its jealous!newt but thats really not how i read it or can see it even now that people keep saying it?? like IMMEDIATELY i was like “holy shit its crank newt” cause like? newt doesn’t really? snap like that? like he gets snarky but i feel like its more of a passive aggressive bitter kind of thing like it just struck me as REALLY out of character that newt would like, scream at thomas and get aggressive like that so really it only makes sense to me that thats crank newt ?? i mean everyone is entitled to their own interpretation but i just cant really seeing it make sense any other way to me at least
and so on to the whole queerbaiting thing, it wasnt really a thought that came to mind until ang brought it up to me, and i think thats mainly because i did Not read that one clip as romantic in any aspect lol and also i think because the books Have Been Out and we know that theres no canon romance between thomas and newt that its like?? idk its like the Most unlikely that they would decide to put in that romance for the movies just cause so im not? anticipating? hoping? waiting to have my dreams crushed? regarding that so ive never really thought about queerbaiting with respect to newtmas in the movies just cause personally i know they wouldnt actually put them together lol
BUT that being said they are definitely aware that people love newtmas and theyre very much using that to their advantage in terms of marketing, like the cover still they used for the trailer was a newtmas shot when they were face to face, and they used “Together they fight to the WCKD end.” as a tagline so. clearly they know what theyre doing and maybe if i hadnt read the books and didnt know the series i would probably definitely interpret that as like “holy shit r they gay” and would probably be more inclined to say it was queerbaiting but yeah. theyre definitely pandering there w that
and while i love that theyre trying to make us happy it reaches a point where im worried theyre focusing so much on thomas and newt that theyre forgetting all the other characters theyve formed meaningful relationships with??? notably minho????????? im lowkey Worried that minho and newt wont get the proper fucking rep of their relationship cause uh Sorry Thomas But Theyve Known Each Other For Two Fucking Years Step Aside. yeah. i love minho and i think i especially have a really soft spot for movie minho just cause ki hong is so dedicated to the character and he cares so much and i just :’)
ANYWAY all in all. when the day is done this is the thing that makes me happy and this fandom and series has been a fucking huge part of my life for the last couple years and i really do. have a hard time being critical of it or participating in the negativity that some people focus one cause like?? this is my Happy Place. the movies are what they are. im grateful for them. i love them. we have five books, three movies, a couple graphic novels, like thousands of fics and also i have made some lifelong friends here so like. im happy. this is my happy place i love the maze runner so much 
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yea
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tuthillscopes-blog · 8 years
Carl Bass on his surprising Autodesk exit and whats next
check it out @ https://tuthillscopes.com/carl-bass-on-his-surprising-autodesk-exit-and-whats-next/
Carl Bass on his surprising Autodesk exit and whats next
Carl Bass is sitting at his desk at Autodesk today, but hes no more Chief executive officer from the openly traded design software company. He walked lower the 2009 week inside a move that some connected wrongly, notesBass by having an interview Bass granted towards the outlet Pando,wherein he disparaged President Jesse Trump.
Today, we spoken with Bass about his resignation, his ongoing role like a board member with Autodesk, ifhe regrets reporting in from the administration like a public company Chief executive officer and whetherhe thinks more tech CEOs must do exactly the same.
The famously straight-shooting Bass had plenty to say of everything. Also, he shared a number of what he wishes to focus on next. Our conversation continues to be edited gently for length.
TC: You walked lower as Chief executive officer on Tuesday, and senior VPs Amar Hanspal and Andrew Anagnost happen to be installed as interim co-CEOs. But youre helping in the quest for your substitute, is the fact that correct?
CB: Yes, Tuesday was my last day, but Ill continue being employed as an worker for 3 several weeks and am ongoing around the board of company directors for some time. We began planning this not long ago, because the easiest method to do [a succession change] is perfect for the present Chief executive officer to step lower. Otherwise, the very best exterior candidates arent sure theres a real job opening. You realize, sometimes you seethe pocket veto, in which the Chief executive officer includes a change of heart and states, Hey, if you are likely to choose so and thus, I am not departing. This can be a clean break, and outdoors candidates work hard at it, and also the board takes it seriously. Weve hired an outdoors search team who definitely are speaking with internal and exterior candidates, so hopefully [well find the correct candidate] rapidly.
TC: Youve stated that you simply and Autodesks board started succession planning talks 18 several weeks ago, however, many people believe aninterview in which you belittled Jesse Trump performed a job within the timing of the resignation.
CB: There have been lots of rumors now that couldnt be more wrong. Towards the extent that you simply take exactly what a company states having a touch of suspicion [because companies is really so marketing], with regards to governance, they are real rules. You will find real penalties of law. Public companies dont take that gently.
TC: Would you regret being so public about your feelings about Trump?
CB: Not, by no means. Not just one bit. Whenever you take a look at Trump, you will find three things happening: policies character and temperament and executive or administrative functioning. I believe on two and three, almost everyone can agree that he is not qualified, because of that , I joked [to Pandos Sarah Lacy]that hes runningthe government like someone among a little businessman and dictator. I watch whats happening every single day, and Im advised of my children once they were 4 years old coupled with no understanding of anything outdoors of themselves. Hes a 70-year-old baby.
Around the policy stuff, its difficult to parse what his policy is. Were against the main one China policy now were for it. Would slowly move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem now were not. Policy appears is the area of the job that least interests him.They are complicated issues, however they dont appear to captivate him. He doesnt appear particularly curious or thoughtful about the subject. Hes interested in tweeting the latest insult that [springs tomind].
TC: Do you consider other tech executives ought to be more vocal, or perhaps is it an excessive amount of a danger?
CB: I believe anybody with a platform should speak out. Ive had a lot of people achieve out tome now peoplemuch better-known than I’m, say, Thats awesome, that which you stated. And Im like, Why dont you express it? You’ve got a bigger pulpit.
TC: Many people think Tesla and SpaceX Chief executive officer Elon Musk should step off Trumps economic advisory council. What is your opinion?
CB: Its an elaborate problem for Elon.I thinkmany of the things that hes attempting to accomplish are actually worthy goals however they intersect with regulation: autonomous vehicles, putting things wide. You cannot do this with no government, so from the very self-interested perspective, as well as in the eye of his companies, I realize. However, he’s a really public platform and Imsure he’s a viewpoint and when everyone takes the self-interested view, the planet doesnt reach hear the opinions of their leaders. And So I think its important however i certainly understand.
Ive [feel much more strongly about Facebook COO] SherylSandberg. Shehas gone from her method to develop a brand around the strength of womenand what theyre able to, and with regards to the Womens March, she wasinvisible. She appears to possess leaned out a great deal.
TC: Why have you start succession planning 18 several weeks ago? Lots of CEOs run their companies more than you’ve.
CB: Id been performing for any lengthy time. Ive been Chief executive officer for 11 many there have been 2 or 3 years after i was COO and accountable for the companys day-to-day, therefore it seems like 14 years that Ive been carrying this out.
And That I have ample other interests. Im on a number of boards [includingHP and Zendesk andstill-private startups,including Planet]. I’ve got a small portfolio of products Ive committed to. I’ve two bigworkshops where I build and invent things making stuff.
I really like the organization and that i love my job, however it hugely consumes your time and effort. Like all other executive job, its 60 hrs per week and when you allow 60, the task [demands]65. Youre never done. To complete the job well, additionally you need the years skin. You’ll need thick skin when individuals think you had been fired since you stated something about Trump. You’ll need thin skin to empathize together with your customers and employees and also the world surrounding you. And all sorts of individuals forces get tiring before long. My second kid got away from home this yearand I must take more time within the shop, traveling with startups.
TC: You had been also coping with activist investor groups Sachem Mind Capital and Eminence Capital who together collected an 11.five percent stake in the organization.
CB:Last fall, i was while making the modification, and merely then, the activists demonstrated up. I shouldn’t overemphasize it’s not like they’d a great deal to say about the organization. It was not that people used to do badly. They more thoughtwe were sandbagging concerning the future and now we ought to be speaking up which our lengthy-range projections were [too conservative]. It had been, Everyone could do two times too! Well, its easyto say in the sidelines. Easy that i can say Atlanta must have won the Super Bowl, however i didnt need to play.
Therefore we suspended succession planning. We use it hold because weneeded more stable leadership as the activists have there been and if the next Chief executive officer is definitely an exterior or internal person, it appears as an unfair burden to put in it. I’ve got a fair quantity of currency staying with you Im a lot more prepared to fight than many more. I figured, This can be a job designed for me, and that i should stay before the activists choose to leave.
So this past year these were around the board. The companys stock expires 70 or 80 % during the last 12 several weeks, the think markets convey more confidence in [Autodesks relocate 2015 to some subscription-only model], so we wereable to create a deal. I stated, Im prepared to do this again process if everyone leave the board. Now theyre moving away from the board [when the new Chief executive officer is elected], and Im escaping . asCEO.
TC: Plastic Valley startups have become more conscious of theneedto defend themselves from activist investorsand theyve more and more been granting founders special kinds of stock that provide them control of key decisions. Do you consider thats the reply to this problem?
CB: Yes. Basically would be a founder, I’d have particular stock. Because numerous things in corporate governance have given themselves to activists making use, I believe the response needs to be, a minimum of for the short term, that companies have dual-class mechanisms in position.
I believe neither extreme is nice, though. I believe activism is that this deviant, extreme type of capitalism. Its like other ideologies, wheregood ideas are come to a serious and lose their meaning. However, I do not think dual-class stock is the greatest mechanism because shareholders must have a say.
Id want to see tenured voting, where theresa premium depending on how lengthy you have the shares. I do not are conscious of any public company which has tried it yet, however i have no idea the reason why you no longer can do it. [It might follow that] one individual that has owneda million shares for just one year has less voting power than someone else that has owned millions of shares for 2 years.
TC: Before we allow you to go, whats next? Is every venture firm on Sand Hill Road attempting to lure you in to the fold?
CB: Ive been shocked by the amount of those who have plans for which I ought to do next. Its a funnymix within my inbox at this time. Ive received4,000 emails from employees, that are very touching and emotional. However, you will find each one of these people looking to get me to behave next.
I amgoing to complete an advisory role at Google X. Ive been considering [potentially] startingmy own accelerator program. Within the next couple of several weeks Ill evaluate which Im likely to do. Meanwhile, I wish to keep skiing around the weekdays.
Find out more: https://techcrunch.com/2017/02/10/carl-bass-on-his-surprising-autodesk-exit-and-whats-next/
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