#but i am first and foremost a lover of all the characters in this series so an opportunity to see through their eyes? yes yes give it to me
respectthepetty · 24 hours
Pride Petty Watch (SOTUS) 1/5
The crowd picked two blacklisted shows for me to watch during Pride, which were Love in the Air and The Untamed, and so even though I finished the first, I've stalled on the second, and it's all because of the beast named SOTUS. I watched this show when it aired in 2016, but I don't remember any of it. All I remember is that I'm very mad at it, yet this was the wild card show that was unlocked during the voting, so instead of fearing this show so much that I cannot bring myself to finish The Untamed, I'm going straight to the big boss, and fighting this demon NOW!
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It's me and the gear in a battle until the very end, and even though I cannot remember a single thing about this show, as soon as I pressed play, all the hate in my body rose to the surface, so I already know this is going to be a ~journey~
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First and foremost, I'm going to give this show and Krist a compliment because I HATE Arthit, which is exactly what I should be doing in the first episode. He is 🎶The Worst🎶 and he leans all the way into it. He snarls. He yells. He forces a girl to give him her number through mere power dynamics and sexism, and this isn't just 2024-me thinking this. 2016-me knows that this character is written well because the worst thing Arthit can think of doing to another man is making him say he is gay.
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Then to casually whisper in that man's ear that he could find him a skirt to wear . . .
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Arthit really is the epitome of the homophobe-to-homo character and I can't believe that it worked in 2016 since I feel that was late for a character like this to still be a love interest, yet it's still working so well in 2024 because here I am, pissed, pressed, and ready to fuck him up for being the douchiest bro in this damn cafeteria. It's refreshing how much I'm allowed to hate him.
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Because even the way he screams Kongpob's name with his student ID every fucking two seconds is setting me off.
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And I'm very disappointed in BL Land for only ONE video existing of him screaming Kongpob's name, and it's only the times from the first half of the first episode. Thanks, OP, but we are slacking!
But, honestly, if I had a boy who looked up at me like this every time I screamed his name, I'd probably be a lot worse than Arthit. You know, instigating fights and hands on me or something like that.
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And now I'm questioning this series because if these two would just choke each other out then kiss, I would be fully for it and enjoying all my snacks along the way. I'd be fine with Kongpob telling the entire room he would make Arthit his bitch, but Kongpob instead says he'll make Arthit his wife, and . . . the vibe is not as kinky as I need it to be to support all that is being thrown at me from these two.
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Which is why I'm heavily shipping Kongpob with M! Kongpob got in trouble for having two books, one which was M's, and had to say he liked men. Now, they are drunk at this table with homophobe Arthit and the hazers are staring them down while Kongpob is just holding M's face.
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But let me actually rewatch this show instead of reflecting on how GMMTV messed this enemies AND lovers premise up twice (looking at you, Dangerous Romance) because right now, this show is trying to make me believe the girls would not wave hello to a babyface Off.
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Once again, back to the actual rewatch, and because I don't remember a thing about this, I don't know if Wad is good or bad, but him busting out this move when Prem told him to apologize was equivalent to an older white Southern Christian woman telling someone to have a blessed day, so I felt that shade through the screen!
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And I'm not victim-blaming, but I do actually think Kongpob and Arthit are trying to push each buttons to see who will break first and fuck (up) the other one because this is not a sane answer to "why did you stay?" when the possibility of the hazers physically harming someone is extremely high.
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I only see my Kongpob and M ship now because when Arthit asked if anyone knew M, Kongpob immediately stood up and knew his entire life story. I have known my best friends for decades, and I still could not recite half of that information. Kongpob, what are the heterosexual reasons for you know any of this information about M?
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Once again, Arthit is 🎶The Fucking Worst🎶 because instead of just taking his L, he made Kongpob say everyone's damn name, then ripped up May's name tag, only to scold Kongpob for giving her his, and now the kids are passing out from his ridiculous physical activities! As a member of a Greek-letter organization who was hazed because that was the culture of the time period, Arthit is being soooooo messy!
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Hear me out - Kongpob and M would be so good together! Arthit is the antagonist. Kongpob is the protagonist who meets a sweet quiet boy on his first day of orientation. He helps the sweet quiet boy come out of his shell and watches over him. He cares for him. THEY FALL IN LOVE!
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But instead I'm getting a love interest who nominated Kongpob because he knows he is cute, yet can't admit it because ~internalized homophobia~ Ryan from The OC would have never treated Seth this way, and they were in the early 2000s. What is your excuse, Arthit?! The show wants me to hate you, and for that, I'm thankful.
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But I could never hate Minnie! Arthit came up quick like he was protecting the boys from Minnie being a predator, but Minnie would NEVER! I could never fear Minnie with the bisexual scarf? And now MDL is telling me the actor has only acted in one other series and that series is Deep Night. Gold star resume, and I truly mean that.
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Look at them. LOOK AT THEM! Tell me they don't look good together. Tell me they wouldn't have wrecked every other ship. This is why I need GMMTV to let these MEN (no longer boys) kiss their homies. Kongpob x M. Singto x New. I ship it.
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*punching walls and ripping doors off hinges* Kongpob gets kicked out the group and the FIRST one to stand up for him is the boy he loves (it's canon to me and IDGAF what the story's gotta say about it). Quiet and sweet M finds his voice just so he can ask to have Kongpob back. THEY ARE IN LOVE!
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Arthit is wildin' out here trying to gaslight Kongpob with this bullshit of "if you keep helping out your friends, then they'll never stand on their own." Sir, you wanna fuck Kongpob so bad, you look stupid.
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I cannot stress enough how kinky this is and could have been if 2016 BL Land was allowed to lean into this because Kongpob has already established through his actions that he likes showing up for the punishments, and here he says the quiet part very loudly - Arthit likes punishing him.
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Taking a break from the kink to point out that GMMTV was always going to get My Love Mix-Up because in 2016, May's friend said that "In Japan, if you write down the name of your crush on an eraser and use it, that person will love you"
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Then we have May asking for an eraser and keeping it just so she can write Kongpob's name on it. But who gets upset about it? M! Because he loves Kongpob and I'm not accepting that he likes May just like Atom realized he liked a boy instead of girl eight years later. M loves Kongpob. That is my truth!
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And here comes the kink lite again! Kongpob could leave. He doesn't have to take this verbal abuse from Arthit. He doesn't have to eat that damn spicy ass plate of food. He doesn't have to finish it either because Arthit gets up and leaves, yet HE DOES! Because he likes this treatment. This makes sense if it's sadomasochism, and that will guide me through these next couple of episodes.
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Because the decision to make Arthit the one who likes pink milk is a choice, and now I want an entire TED Talk on how Arthit is probably the most well done homophobic bully with internationalized homophobia falling in love with the boy he is bullying.
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Because, joke's on him, the guy he falls for is into that kind of shit.
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And all of this happens so we can end with Kongpob getting pink milk for himself after he finished an entire spicy meal that he didn't need to since he enjoys being punished should make me so happy, but the show is trying to lighten Arthit's behavior by having him pay for the bill (and get the freshmen food, and having been hazed himself, and blah blah blah) instead of just letting the toxicito be toxic and Kongpob being into it.
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I never thought I'd write this, but I don't want Arthit to be tamed. I want him to be so much worse.
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an-absolute-travesty · 5 months
As much as I adore Sophie’s narration and like… from a writing perspective, think that we shouldn’t necessarily be switching around perspectives, I did really like reading Keefe’s chapters in unlocked. Maybe a hot take that I’m excited that the unraveled is all Keefe? Idk.
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percheduphere · 9 months
I am going to compare the relationships and romantic undertones of Loki, Sylvie, and Mobius with my all-time favorite Jane Austen adaptation because the character archetypes and plot-points are strikingly similar with Ang Lee and Emma Thompson's 1995 Sense and Sensibility.
This sounds cracked, but stay with me. Tropes are tropes for a reason. They are often repeated in writing subconsciously because they are very old and near-universal story arcs regardless of the literary genre we are discussing.
Please note that this is not a 1-to-1 comparison. This is an analysis of basic archetypes, tropes, and plot-points: the barebones skeleton of story structure. With that said, let's dig in:
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Loki = Kate Winslet's Marianne Dashwood
Sylvie = Greg Wise's John Willoughby
Mobius = Alan Rickman's Colonel Brandon
For those of you who have not seen (or read) Sense & Sensibility, the story is about a family of women who are rendered near-destitute when the patriarch passes away and, due to English law at the time, all the family finances fall to the only son. The only hope for the women to escape the edges of poverty is to marry into wealth.  
The Loki series’ main storyline is a far cry from that of Sense & Sensibility. It is first and foremost a sci-fi action-adventure, but don’t let that genre fool you. Well-written stories are always character-driven. The setting serves to establish the rules of the world and the tangible challenges the characters must confront to achieve their goal. The end goal for Loki is his ascension to the God of Stories (and time). Therefore, his character arc must follow a trajectory that prepares him for that ascension.  
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Love, above all else, is essential for Loki’s journey. In order to understand and be capable of love, Loki must experience love in all its forms including but not limited to romantic. I've seen a lot of social media posters mocking shippers with comments saying, "the story is not about romance." I wholeheartedly disagree. While romance is not the main concern of the series, romance does serve Loki's character development.
It is critical that we remember romance does not require physical contact or even blatant declarations of love. If that were true, unrequited love would not be thought of as romantic, which we know is not the case. Further, it is possible for physical intimacy to exist without any romance at all. One does not require the other.
While dismantling HWR’s old regime is the Loki series’ “Plot A” thread, Loki’s emotional experience serves as the series’ “Plot B” thread. Love and romance exist in Plot B.
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Within Sense & Sensibility’s plot, one of the main heroines, Marianne, has the archetype of the mercurial, passionate, and freewheeling spirit. She is rebellious at heart, chaffing at society’s rigid expectations of emotional repression and polite rather than fiery courtship. Much like Loki with Sylvie, Marianne is drawn to John Willoughby because his temperament, values, interests, and talents very closely mirror her own.  
Like Loki, Marianne is emotional. Her emotions drive many of her decisions, some of which are rash and socially unacceptable for her era. 
Like Loki, Marianne detests social norms. Refusing to contain her nature for anyone, she is unafraid of the stares and judgment of others. 
Like Loki, Marianne is poetic, a lover of words and metaphor. 
Like Loki, Marianne is a hedonist. She will follow where her heart takes her regardless of the consequences. Just as Loki runs after Sylvie through the portal door, Marianne chases after Willoughby.
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Willoughby fulfills the archetype of the ideal lover at first sight. He is young, handsome, strong, deeply romantic, and a lover of poetry, pleasure, and unfettered emotion. I will not go into the deeper details of his character and plot here as I don't find them relevant for the purposes of this analysis. The key point to remember is that Willoughby is meant to be Marianne's perfect match by virtue of similarity.
Like Sylvie, Willoughby is emotional and consequently chaotic in nature. At his worst, Willoughby is unafraid of hurting others in the pursuit of his desires. 
Like Sylvie, Willoughby chooses absolute freedom over the genuine love and care he has for Marianne (Loki).  
Like Sylvie, Willoughby views institutions with social authority with contempt.  
Like Sylvie, Willoughby judges character based on association with institutions rather than the individuals themselves. He holds repugnance for Brandon’s (Mobius’s) association with the military (the TVA). Fair enough, both the TVA and the military (especially the British military) are institutions that have committed horrific global atrocities.  
Like Sylvie, Willoughby is unable to separate the institution from the individual people living and working within it, who are capable of goodness.  
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Colonel Brandon, a decorated military officer, fulfills the trope of the “dark horse” in love. He is Willoughby’s opposite: older, "less physically attractive", reserved, practical, and orderly. The main character (Loki/Marianne) appreciates his friendship yet does not feel any romantic affection for him (Mobius/Brandon) until the primary love interest (Sylvie/Willoughby) abandons the relationship for absolute freedom.  
Like Mobius, Brandon is drawn to intelligent, artistic, footloose nonconformists. 
Like Mobius, Brandon accepts and loves Marianne exactly as she is, including her faults. He does not want her to change against her will and gently reprimands her older sister, Elinor, at such a suggestion.
Like Mobius, Brandon serves an institution with significant influence on the lives of others. 
Like Mobius, Brandon accepts that his love is not returned yet continues to express his love through his support of Marianne’s (Loki's) wishes, including his romantic rival Willoughby (Sylvie). 
Like Mobius, Brandon is seen as a dear friend rather than a potential romantic partner in the first 2/3rds of the story. 
Like Mobius, Brandon’s personal desires are secondary to Marianne’s (Loki’s) happiness. 
It is understood by the audience that love is not only a feeling; it is also an action that requires incredible responsibility. In that responsibility, both lovers must choose to take into consideration the feelings, wants, and needs of the other.
The trope of a main character meeting their perfect match and falling quickly in love informs the audience that conflict must lie ahead, and that the third party of the love triangle will be tested for their worthiness as a romantic partner.
Loki & Sylvie and Marianne & Willoughby possess a fast, passionate, and explosive love.
Loki & Mobius and Marianne & Brandon posses a slow, steady, and gently burning love.
These two relationships, which are BOTH valid AND romantic, are set against one another to contrast each suitor's strengths and weaknesses, as well as to shed light on which suitor best meets the feelings, needs, and wants of the main character.
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The main character's (Loki/Marianne) love interests inevitably collide in a tense confrontation. Being the Georgian Era, Brandon and Willoughby do not discuss their dislike for one another directly but with Marianne's older sister, Elinor.
Sylvie, on other hand, is not afraid to tear into Mobius, saying exactly what she thinks of him. Both directors of photography frame their shots in a near-identical fashion, demonstrating who are at odds and the individual (present or not) who is between them.
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Whether in the realm of fiction or reality, the act of love inherently requires some degree of self-sacrifice.
While Sylvie performs self-sacrifice by pruning herself in hopes of finding and rescuing Loki from the Void, that self-sacrifice does not extend to her personal values and beliefs with respect to free will.  She therefore fights Loki, ultimately kissing him farewell before kicking him through a time door to get what she wants.
Likewise, Willoughby, cut-off from his family's estate due to indiscretions he refuses own, prioritizes wealth over his relationship with Marianne in order to continue his lifestyle of luxury and absolute freedom. Willoughby therefore marries the exceptionally wealthy Miss Grey to achieve this end, abandoning Marianne and breaking her heart in the process.
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At the midpoint of each storyline (where the narrative turns), both Loki and Marianne have lost the person they felt most strongly about because they were not that's person's priority.
Marianne's quote in the above gif is significant. It is a poem she and Willoughby recited together when they first met. She recites it again, alone, as she looks upon the estate Willoughby has married into in the rain. The poem is as follows:
"Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove. Oh, no. It is an ever-fixed mark that looks upon tempests and is never shaken."
This poem defines love as not fickle but persistent in the face of challenges and "never shaken".
Brandon, who falls for Marianne first, establishes himself as not only a friend of Marianne's but her whole family's. All of his actions throughout the film are performed out of love for Marianne, but these actions are not read as romantic by Marianne because there is no fast-burning fire and (seemingly) little commonality between them.
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Marianne's mother cautions her, pointing out that the romances she cites all meet pitiful ends. In return, Marianne describes such love as not pitiful but "glorious."
Brandon and Mobius express their love for Marianne and Loki through practical means. Their actions are predominantly viewed as marks of friendship rather than marks of romantic love. It should be noted that in both cases, no verbal declaration of love, nor any physical declaration of love, such as a kiss, is ever made by either Mobius or Brandon on screen. Brandon's unrequited love, however, is readily apparent to everyone (the characters and the audience) due his presentation of the opposite gender.
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Brandon, upon seeing Marianne struggle cutting reeds for weaving, offers her his pocketknife. Mobius, knowing that confrontation with Sylvie at Roxxcart will be dangerous, offers Loki his daggers for protection. 
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Brandon, recognizing Marianne’s need for artistic pursuits, gifts her a piano. Mobius, recognizing Loki’s need for validation, provides him with words of affirmation, encouraging Loki’s talents in magic and cunning.
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Brandon, acknowledging Marianne’s love for Willoughby, invites Willoughby to a picnic at his estate despite his distaste for him.  Mobius, acknowledging Loki’s love for Sylvie, frees Loki and is pruned despite his jealousy of her. 
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Marianne, out in the rain and in distress over her loss of Willoughby, succumbs to a deadly fever. Loki, kicked through a time door and in distress over his loss of Sylvie, succumbs to time-slipping.
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Brandon and Mobius actively make themselves available in response to their loved one's individual break-ups with ZERO expectation of having their love returned.
Brandon, concerned that Marianne's illness may kill her, rides nonstop for hours to retrieve her mother during a storm. Mobius, concerned for Loki's wellbeing, risks his life on the loom's gangway, risking exposure to temporal radiation and death.
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In the end, both Brandon and Mobius are the triumphant winners of Marianne's and Loki's hearts.
Indeed, Brandon reads poetry to Marianne, and when he announces he must "away", Marianne worriedly asks "where?", demonstrating her desire for him to stay. Brandon teases her, fulfilling Marianne's need for romance and excitement by saying, "it is a secret."
Mobius, meanwhile, begins to open himself up to worldly pleasures, allowing himself to drop the strict, no-nonsense behavior he exhibited in S1. Loki, in turn, begins to provide him with the type of emotional support Mobius has consistently given him since the beginning (yes, he has a jealous meltdown, but he recovers relatively quickly).
The outcome of their successes, however, diverge due to their gender presentation.
Whereas Brandon happily marries Marianne ...
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... Loki returns Mobius's selfless love with a sacrifice of his own, and they are separated.
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bellaireland1981 · 11 months
Bellaireland's Winter RomCom Writing Challenge!
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 I’ve hit 800 followers!!! First and foremost…THANK YOU! I am floored by that. To celebrate, I’ve decided to host a Winter RomCom writing challenge! I don’t know about you, but I am a sucker for RomComs, all the cheesy wintery/holiday Hallmarky movies, cliche tropes…. Love it all! What’s better than combining all of that with all of the TGM characters we love?! To sign up, comment or DM me with your Trope choice and character you’re writing for! 
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You can sign up for as many tropes as you’d like! 
18+ Only! Minors DNI
You can submit for a series, one shots, mood boards, drabbles, etc… The point is to HAVE FUN!
Must be appropriately labeled (Smut, Angst, warnings, Fluff….etc)
HAS to include  WINTER! RomCom genre and include the TROPE  you sign up for! Go crazy! 
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Your creations are due by January 1, 2024! Tag me @bellaireland1981 and #WinterRomComChallenge in your work so that I add your link to the Challenge Page! 
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Meet Cute
Enemies to Lovers
Forced Proximity
Childhood Sweethearts
Forbidden Love
Second Chance Love
Impossible Love
I have a Secret
The Bet
Fake Relationship
Love Triangle
Opposites Attract
Amnesia/Mistaken Identity 
Just Friends
Stuck Together/Snowed in/Stranded
Rags to Riches
Marriage Pact
Best Friend’s Brother
Country Inn
Home for the Holidays 
Bachelor Auction (charity?)
Boy/Girl next door
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Completed Works!
9, 16, (not listed- friends to lovers)- All I Want For Christmas Is...You by @bellaireland1981 (Bradley x Female! Reader)
15,21 - Christmas on Mistletoe Mountain By @bellaireland1981 (Bradley x Female! Reader)
20 - Brighter Than a Supernova By @roosterforme (Bob x Phoenix's lil sister OC)
16- Home For Christmas by @seresinsbrat (Jake x Female! OC)
9- Merry Christmas Mishaps by @beyondthesefourwalls (Javy x Reader)
17- What Happens Now by @mikpieboo (Bradley x OC)
22- (Holi)Day by Day-1940's Historical AU by @desert-fern (Bradley x Fem!Reader)
1,4,9- Pink Christmas Part 1 by @roosterforme (Rooster x Reader)
Part 2
17- 'Tis the Damn Season by @startrekfangirl2233-writes (Javy x Reader)
Part 2 A Hazy Shade of Winter
22 Home for the Holidays Moodboard by @ryebecca (Bob Floyd)
22- Something Worth Remembering by @beyondthesefourwalls (Bradley x Reader)
@roosterforme @beyondthesefourwalls @waywardodysseys @milesdickpic Tagged people I thought/Knew would be interested but ANYONE that wants to participate! Let's have some fun!
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icegirl2772 · 4 months
My Intro and Fics
Note: This will be edited as I continue working on my stories.
I've been lurking on Tumblr on and off for years now. But I've been getting more active on here that I've really gotten back into writing fanfiction. So, it may seem silly, but I felt an intro was in order.
I'm IceGirl2772. You can call me Ice or Icey. I've been writing fanfiction since I was 10 or 11. If you look at my FFN stuff... be prepared for the cringe. But nowadays, I am much more active on AO3.
Here is my profile link (AO3). Since the post is gonna be lengthy, as I provide a bit of background for the fandoms I write for and the stories I have, I'm adding a Read More. But in short, I write for the following fandoms (in alphabetical order): Big Time Rush (TV Series), CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Criminal Case (video game), Harry Potter, Loonatics Unleashed, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 series), Thunderbirds (1965 series) and Transformers: Prime. Everything is fandom blind friendly.
Just a fair warning: I list a lot of the tags my fics have, and a few of them are NSFW. I'm also gonna be updating this as I go, so it's subject to constant change.
I'm gonna do my fandoms in alphabetical order for simplicity's sake.
Big Time Rush
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I have three fics in this fandom to date:
Take a Shot in the Dark | Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply | James Diamond/Original Female Character, Background Kendall Knight/Jo Taylor, Background Logan Mitchell/Camille Roberts, Brief Original Male Character/Original Female Character | Kendall Knight, Kaelyn Knight (OC), James Diamond, Logan Mitchell, Carlos Garcia, Katie Knight, Gustavo Rocque, Kelly Wainwright, Palm Woods Kids, Jennifer Knight | Kendall Has a Twin Sister, Songwriting, Childhood Friends, Male-Female Friendship, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Chaos, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 15 Chapters | 118k Words | WIP
She was always along for the ride. The twin sister. The best friend. But now, Kaelyn Knight was about to become the heart and soul of Big Time Rush as Gustavo takes her under his wing.
Going to Hollywood is certain to change the boys. But how will it change Kaelyn?
This fic holds a special place in my heart because I went back and forth on this idea for years, and it was actually through some of the friends I met here on Tumblr that I got the courage to post it. So... thanks.
Better Than Neil | Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply | James Diamond/Original Female Character | James Diamond, Kaelyn Knight (OC), Original Male Character(s), Background & Cameo Characters | Teen Romance, Teenagers, Can Be Read Standalone, Snippets, Not Beta Read, One Shot, Fade to Black (kinda), James Diamond is Actually a Great Boyfriend | 1.4k Words | Complete
Kaelyn thinks of all the ways James is a better boyfriend than her ex.
aka an idea that would not leave me alone. :P I also wanted to gift this to @myloveforhergoeson because she's been a massive support to me as I write Take a Shot in the Dark. Thanks for everything, mate. :)
We Do (But Friends Don't) | Explicit | Underage | James Diamond/Original Female Character | James Knight, Kaelyn Knight (OC), Kendall Knight, Carlos Garcia, Logan Mitchell, Jennifer Knight, Gustavo Rocque, Kelly Wainwright, Palm Woods Kids | Horny Teenagers, Adolescent Sexuality, Teenagers Having Sex, First Time, Safe Sex, Multiple Sex Positions, Multiple Orgasms, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, Jealous James Diamond, Friends with Benefits, Idiots in Love, Characters Are 16 Years Old, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Might Be Out of Character | 3/24 Chapters | 11k Words | WIP
Neither of them meant for this to happen. For James Diamond and Kaelyn Knight, the rules were clear. It was meant to be just sex. They were best friends first and foremost. It would stay between them. No feelings.
But neither of them considered the feelings that were already there.
Yet another idea that wouldn't leave me alone. I was about to let this idea wither away and die, but I met some... very corrupting influences. (You know who you are. ;)) And here we are. Special shoutout to @partiallypearl for helping me with the title. :)
Planned Fics in This Fandom:
First Sequel to Take a Shot in the Dark - takes place during Season 2 of Big Time Rush
Second Sequel to Take a Shot in the Dark - takes place during Big Time Movie
Third Sequel to Take a Shot in the Dark - takes place during Seasons 3 and 4 of Big Time Rush
Odd one-shots
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
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I only have one fic in this fandom to date:
Butterfly | Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings | Past Nick Stokes/Original Female Character | Nick Stokes, Kadelyn 'Kady' Stokes (OC), Original Characters, Warrick Brown, Gil Grissom, Catherine Willows, Sara Side, Greg Sanders, Jim Brass | Nick Stokes Whump, Nick Stokes as a Single Father, Father-Daughter Relationship, Family Feels, Family Bonding, Season/Series 01, Past Character Death, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 7/24 Chapters | 11k Words | WIP
There was no denying the life of a CSI is a hard one. Different horrors every night shift. Different monsters emerging from the shadows. Always a new crime - some more horrific than others. Nick Stokes has always been one of the most empathetic CSIs, so he was often one of the most affected on the night shift.
But then, he thinks of a little girl waiting for him at home, and remembers his determination to make the world a better place for her. For his daughter. For Kadelyn. And the weight of the world is instantly lifted off his shoulders when he says two words: 'Hey, butterfly.'
This fic is a rewrite of a very old, very cringey fic I had up on my FFN. All of the chapters are very short and focus on a moment between Nick and his young daughter before, during or after an episode.
Planned Fics for This Fandom:
Stories of a similar vain to this one - all focusing on each season of the show. All named after butterfly in different languages.
Criminal Case (video game)
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(There's literally no GIF for the fandom)
I have three fics in this fandom to date:
The Adventures of Avery Samuels: Welcome to Grimsborough | Mature | Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death | David Jones/Player Character | Avery Samuels (Player Character substitute), David Jones, Samuel King, Nathan Pandit, Grace Delaney, Alex Turner, Eduardo Ramirez | Season 1: Grimsborough, Police Procedural, POV First Person, Co-Workers to Lovers, Male-Female Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Minor Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Miscarriage, Implied Sexual Content, Innuendo, Suicide, Bombs, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Heteroromantic Bisexual Character, Implied/Referenced Cannibalism, Implied/Referenced Torture, Racism, Past Character Death, Death of a Child (referenced), Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Sad Ending, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 72/122 Chapters | 591k Words | WIP
After completing her education at the police academy, Avery Samuels is ready for her career as a police officer in the Grimsborough Police Department to begin. She is assigned to work with David Jones, her older brother's childhood best friend. How will things unfold between the two of them as Avery navigates her new job and her new life?
This is something I originally wrote on Wattpad, and I wanted to save it when I deactivated my Wattpad account. So, I transferred it to AO3 and kept it going. It is certainly going to be a wild ride.
Nothing For You Here | Teen and Up | Past David Jones/Charlotte Jones, Brief David Jones/Player Character at the End | David Jones, Charlotte Jones, Background Original Character, Cameo from Player Character at the End | Set After the Conspiracy, Regrets, Rejection, Whumptober 2024, r/FanfictionExchange, Rated T Because This Author is Paranoid About Ratings | 2.6 Words | Complete
Charlotte had always feared rejection. It was why she waited this long to go to Jones and tell him she wanted him back. But even if a small part of her was prepared for the rejection, it didn't make it hurt any less.
r/FanfictionExchange Whumptober 2024 Fic. Prompt: Rejection
I'm taking part in the r/FanfictionExchange -tober fest because I wanted to challenge myself. I'm doing four one-shots responding to Whump, Fluff, Kink and OC. This is my Whump Entry.
Something Right | Explicit | David Jones/Player Character | David Jones, Avery Samuels (OC/Player Character) | POV First Person, Porn with Feelings, Porn with Plot, Oral Sex, Couch Sex, Penis in Vagina Sex, Missionary Sex, Friends to Lovers, My First Attempt at First Person POV Smut, Female Perspective, r/FanfictionExchange, OCTober 2024 | 4.5k Words | Complete
When Avery comes home from a trip, she wonders if she did something wrong leaving Jones with easy access to her journals to tell him what she couldn't. But she finds that she did something right.
AKA when Jones and Avery would finally get together if The Adventures of Avery Samuels unfolded differently.
r/FanfictionExchange OCtober 2024 fic. Prompt: Friends to Lovers
I'm taking part in the r/FanfictionExchange -tober fest because I wanted to challenge myself. I'm doing four one-shots responding to Whump, Fluff, Kink and OC. This is my OC Entry.
Planned Fics for This Fandom:
The Adventures of Avery Samuels: Welcome to Pacific Bay - Title subject to change. Sequel to Welcome to Grimsborough. Follows Avery in Pacific Bay.
The Adventures of Avery Samuels: Save the World - Title subject to change. Sequel to Grimsborough and Pacific Bay. Follows Avery during her tenure in the Bureau.
Mysteries of the Past: The Adventures of Emily Campbell - Spin-off focusing on Avery's ancestor Emily Campbell as she moves from England to Concordia. Based on Season 4 of Criminal Case.
The Adventures of Avery Samuels: A Final Conspiracy - Follows Avery as she returns to Grimsborough. Will be the final story in the series. (I'm not doing Seasons 6-8.)
Some one-shots of varying ratings.
A retelling of the main story from Jones' POV.
My OC entry for the r/FanfictionExchange -tober fest. Friends-to-Lovers (basically, if it took longer for Jones and Avery to pull their heads out of their asses than it did in the story)
Harry Potter
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I have two works in this fandom:
Just a Man | Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings | No Romantic Relationships | Unnamed Hufflepuff Student, Background & Cameo Characters, Various Characters Mentioned But Not Seen | Voldemort Dies, Past Character Death, Second Wizarding War with Voldemort, Battle of Hogwarts Aftermath, More Book Than Film Based, POV First Person | 575 Words | Complete
The thoughts of an unidentified Hufflepuff student in the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts.
This is my very first work in the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Hufflepuff, so this was born out of me wanting to shine a bit more of a spotlight on the house.
Even If | Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings | No Romantic Relationships | Neville Longbottom, Background & Cameo Characters, Original Character | Gryffindor, Gryffindors Being Gryffindors, Introspection, Based on Film Adaptations | 1.8k Words | Complete
It was a question that many Hogwarts students asked, regardless of whether they were planed in Gryffindor or another house. It was certainly asked as the dark days loomed. When certain events brought that question to the forefront more than ever.
What did it mean to be brave?
I wrote this thinking of a message by a local antibullying organisation: Speak - even if your voice shakes.
Planned Fics for This Fandom:
My plans are very fluid. I am hoping to write more one-shots. I don't see myself writing a mutli-chaptered story in this fandom.
Loonatics Unleashed
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I have two fics in this fandom so far:
A Million Things | Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings | No Romantic Relationships | Ace Bunny, Brylee Bunny (OC), Lexi Bunny, Danger Duck, Slam Tasmanian, Tech E. Coyote, Rev Runner, Zadavia, Various Character(s) | Childbirth, Character Adopted at Birth, Interspecies Family, Found Family, Ace Bunny as a Big Brother, Diabetes, Menstruation, Coming-of-Age, Canon-Typical Violence, Bullying, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 19/27 Chapters | 100k Words | WIP
Brylee Bunny is a million things. An orphan. A teenage girl. An aspiring photographer. A diabetic. An outcast. A... superhero? Brylee is thrust into her new life: a life where she has superpowers and she, along with her adoptive brother Ace and five other individuals, save the world from evil on a daily basis. How will she adapt to her new life as a superhero? Especially when it brings up even more questions about the family who abandoned her at birth?
I started writing this on FFN several years ago and decided to bring it over to AO3 when I decided to make AO3 my main fanfic site.
Pull Ya Heads Out | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Ace Bunny/Lexi Bunny | Ace Bunny, Lexi Bunny, Brylee Bunny (OC) | Post-Acmegeddon: Part 2, Acexi, My OG OTP, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Flufftober 2024, Love Confessions, Mentions of Angsty Events, My OC is a Cheeky Little Shit, r/FanfictionExchange | 2.5k Words | Complete
After certain events unfolded (re: defeating your boss's evil brother), Brylee decided that two certain bunnies need to pull their heads out and tell each other how they feel.
r/FanfictionExchange Flufftober 2024 Fic. Prompt: Love Confessions
I'm taking part in the r/FanfictionExchange -tober fest because I wanted to challenge myself. I'm doing four one-shots responding to Whump, Fluff, Kink and OC. This is my Fluff Entry, and I decided to use this opportunity to pay tribute to my original OTP.
Planned Fics for This Fandom:
A Million and One Things - Sequel to A Million Things. Follows Brylee during the events of season two.
A Million More Things - Sequel to A Million Things and A Million and One Things. The final story in the Brylee Bunny trilogy.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 series)
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I have three fics in this fandom so far:
In the Darkness | Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings | Leonardo/Original Female Character | Leonardo, Alina Herber (OC), Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, Hamato Yoshi / Splinter, April O'Neil | Canon-Typical Violence, Interspecies Relationship, Interspecies Romance, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 17 Chapters | 75k Words | WIP
They introduced her to their world, now she can introduce them to hers.
What can possibly go wrong?
Something I started writing eight years ago and originally got abandoned, but renewed interest thanks to review exchanges on Reddit (along with rewatching the show) got me back into this.
Mine | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Leonardo/Original Female Character | Leonardo, Alina Herber (OC) | Mating Cycles/In Heat, Porn, Knifeplay, Aged-Up Characters, Leo in Heat, Yeah I'm Doing My Own Take on This, Interspecies Relationship(s), Interspecies Sex, Oral Sex, Multiple Sex Positions, Multiple Orgasms, Does This Count As Rough Sex?, Characters Are 18 Years Old, Pussy Slapping, My First Attempt at Interspecies Sex, First Time, Light BDSM, dom!leo, I'm Bad at Tagging, No Concrit Please | 4.6k Words | Complete
Usually, Alina stayed away when the Turtles were in heat. Well, at least from Leo, who was most affected by her presence. That changed in their eighteenth year.
Same ol' story. An idea wouldn't leave me alone. Met some bad influences who encouraged this. I wanted to see if this was something I could explore down the line in my current Leo/Alina series, so this also served as a... test balloon of sorts.
Such a Good Girl | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Leonardo/Original Female Character | Leonardo, Alina Herber (OC) | Porn, Interspecies Sex, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Oral Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Multiple Sex Positions, Praise Kink, Kinktober 2024, r/FanfictionExchange, dom!Leo, Sex Toys, Penis in Vagina Sex | 3.3k Words | Complete
Leo and Alina sequester themselves away from the world as they work through Leo's heat together, making some surprising discoveries about each other.
Somewhat sequel to 'Mine', but can be read standalone.
r/FanfictionExchange Kinktober 2024 Fix. Prompt: Praise Kink.
I'm taking part in the r/FanfictionExchange -tober fest because I wanted to challenge myself. I'm doing four one-shots responding to Whump, Fluff, Kink and OC. This is my Kink Entry, and I decided to use this opportunity to do a somewhat sequel to Mine.
Planned Fics in This Fandom:
First In the Darkness Sequel - follows season 2 of TMNT 2012
Second In the Darkness Sequel - follows season 3 of TMNT 2012
Third In the Darkness Sequel - follows first half of season 4 of TMNT 2012
Fourth In the Darkness Sequel - follows second half of season 4 of TMNT 2012
Fifth In the Darkness Sequel - follows some of season 5 of TMNT
Potential for various one-shots focusing on Leo and Alina
Thunderbirds (1965 series)
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I have six stories in this fandom. It's by far my most active:
The Thunderbird and the Doctor | Mature | Graphic Descriptions of Violence | Scott Tracy/Original Female Character, Background Alan Tracy/Tin-Tin Kyrano, Background Virgil Tracy/Original Female Character | Scott Tracy, Tracy Family, Indiana Evans (OC) | Based on Original Series, Scott Needs Some Loving, They Need a Doctor, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Narcissism, Angst and Romance, Angst with a Happy Ending, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping, Birth Control (one chapter), Pregnancy, Brief Descriptions of Labour | 50/50 Chapters | 292k Words | Complete
There was a missing component to International Rescue, Jeff Tracy felt. They needed a doctor. So, he found one. Dr. Indiana Evans was one of the best-known trauma surgeons. She wants to make a difference. Little did she know how much her life would change along the way.
This baby was what got me back into fanfiction writing full time. So, seeing this complete felt very bittersweet. In many ways, it's my first baby.
The Thunderbird and the Doctor After Dark | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Scott Tracy/Original Female Character | Scott Tracy, Indiana Evans (OC) | Porn, Porn with Feelings, Some Plot, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, One Shot Collection, Additional Warnings in Author's Note, Unprotected Sex, Masturbation, Multiple Sex Positions, Hand Jobs, No Dialogue (some chapters), Cunnilingus, Mutual Masturbation, Medical Kink, Sexual Roleplay, 5+1 Things, Cockblocking, This Author Sucks at Dirty Talk, Temperature Play, Restraints, Blindfolds, Aftercare, Bathtub Sex, Light BDSM, Couch Sex, Birthday Sex | 22/25 Chapters | 52k Words | WIP
The missing scenes from The Thunderbird and the Doctor. What exactly do Scott and Indiana get up to behind closed doors?
This is my smut collection. It's the missing sex scenes from the main story, but you can read it without reading the main story. Especially if you're just looking for some smut.
The Thunderbird and the Geologist | Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings | Virgil Tracy/Original Female Character, Background Scott Tracy/Original Female Character, Background Alan Tracy/Tin-Tin Kyrano | Virgil Tracy, Arizona Adams (OC), Tracy Family | Sequel, References to Previous Story, Past Character Death, Falling in Love, Happy Ending, Might Contain Inaccuracies, Child of Death Adults (CODA), American Sign Language, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 7 Chapters | 22k Words | WIP
Sequel to 'The Thunderbird and the Doctor'.
We saw Scott find his missing piece. How about Virgil? It was pure fate that saw Virgil meeting Dr. Arizona Adams, a world-renowned geologist who also happens to be Indiana's childhood best friend. Will their road to happily ever after be smooth sailing?
This is the second story in a series I'm planning focusing on each Tracy brother and their love story. It's early days, but I'm happy with it so far.
The Solution Was Simple | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jeff Tracy | Pre-Canon, Pre-IR, Reflection, Written on my iPad | 2k Words | Complete
Jeff reflects on the sacrifices he's asking his sons to make for his dreams, and is resolved to do what he can to rectify that.
I wrote this one-shot on a plane trip actually (personal note: never write on an iPad again). I actually posted it on the anniversary I started posting The Thunderbird and the Doctor, which made it even more special.
A Tropical White Christmas | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Tracy Family, Original Characters, Penelope Creighton-Ward, Tin-Tin Kyrano, Background & Cameo Characters | Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Snowball Fight, Snow on a Tropical Island, References to Canon, Pregnant Character | 1.5k Words | Complete
Brains had given the Tracy family a great gift this Christmas. One they were determined to make use of.
This is written in reference to the Thunderbirds episode Give or Take a Million, where Brains made it snow on Tracy Island. So, the boys enjoy it the old-fashioned way. This was written as part of the Winter Fest on the FanfictionExchange subreddit and gifted to @kristylime, a good friend of mine and co-mod who gave me the idea. Thanks, mate.
Down and Up | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jeff Tracy/Lucille Tracy | Jeff Tracy, Lucille Tracy | First Meetings, Love at First Sight, No Dialogue | 1.9k Words | Complete
Two people experiencing an unlucky day meet at a train station, and their day looks up.
I wrote this in response to the Fate and Luck Fest on the FanfictionExchange subreddit.
Planned Fics in This Fandom:
The Thunderbird and the Photographer - Gordon's love story with photographer Mirabel Marks.
The Thunderbird and the Author - John's love story with author Adalyn Rowe.
The Thunderbird and His Sweetheart - Alan's love story with Tin-Tin
Odd one-shots
Not in this fandom, but I am thinking of doing a fic based on the reboot with a new OC, but similar to The Thunderbird and the Doctor
Transformers: Prime
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I have two fics in this fandom:
Save You | Explicit | Graphic Descriptions of Violence | Jack Darby/Original Female Character, Optimus Prime/Arcee | Talida Prime, Jack Darby, Optimus Prime, Arcee, Ratchet, Cliffjumper, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, William Fowler, Starscream, Decepticons | Kidnapping, Torture, Teen Romance, Rewrite, Amputation, Aftermath of Torture, Psychological Torture, Implied Sexual Content, Pre-Canon, Might Contain Medical Inaccuracies, Angst with a Happy Ending, Is This a Dead Dove Fic? | 23/23 Chapters | 64k Words | Complete
What if Jack somehow discovered the existence of the Autobots earlier than planned? His best friend has disappeared and he soon discovers that there is more to her disappearance than meets the eye.
This is a rewrite of a story I brought over from FFN, which is in turn a rewrite of my original Talida Prime series. I wasn't happy with what I was doing and had done, so it led to this.
Zombie | Explicit | Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage | Jack Darby/Original Female Character, Optimus Prime/Arcee | Jack Darby, Talida Prime, Original Characters, Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Cliffjumper, Miko Nakadai, Rafael "Raf" Esquivel, William Fowler, June Darby, Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Other Character Tags to Be Added | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Past Torture, Past Abuse, Flashbacks, Season/Series 01, Amputee Character, Teen Romance, Eventual Smut, Characters Are 16 Years Old, Is This a Dead Dove?, Slight Alteration to Canon, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 7 Chapters | 29k Words | WIP
Sequel to 'Save You'.
It's been two years. The Decepticons have retreated into the shadows. Talida is haunted by her experiences, but is slowly moving forward with the help of her loved ones. But the tranquility is disrupted when the Decepticons make a dramatic return to the scene, causing a significant blow to the Autobot forces and marking the resumption of a war that has haunted Talida since birth. The Autobots gear up for another fight alongside old and new allies, but will they all emerge unscathed?
As mentioned, this is a sequel to Save You. This follows season one of the show, but some changes will have to be made because, in this series, Jack knew about the Autobots before the show's canon.
Planned Fics in This Fandom:
Sequels to Save You and Zombie. Unknown titles. Unknown if any other fics will crop up.
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muzanswaifu · 2 years
Shipping Discourse /Blocking/Bullying - Let’s Talk
Hello everyone, just thought I’d make a post to clear some things up based on some recent occurrences, a lot has happened
First and foremost, some people (possibly some of you reading this now somehow) may have noticed you have been blocked by me, I’m sorry if this has upset you but there is a reason for it, which is what I want to talk about in this post
Some of you may be familiar with the term pro-shipper, and if you aren’t, it essentially describes someone who supports a ship that is deemed problematic. An example of this would be Douma x Shinobu, which I have written about in the past and will continue to write about. And I understand completely why this ship is bad, I’ve watched the show. However, since some drama has been going around about this ship calling those who support it all sorts of names, I would like to offer my own perspective on what brought me to like it. I don’t like the ship realistically. It would’ve never been canon, Douma literally ruined her life and the lives of countless others. That’s not why I like the ship. I like the ship because I like enemies to lovers. The same reason I like Muzan x Yorichi, Rengoku x Akaza, ect, ect. Whether on a simple highschool rivalry scale, or a more drastic version, I like the trope. If you don’t like that ship or trope, that’s completely fine as well. Its just not for you, that’s okay. What isn’t okay is threatening those who do like those ship and telling them that they are disgusting and horrible human beings. That’s a little excessive, don’t you think?
On a smaller scale of things, let’s talk about the lesser of these “evils”: Regular ships/ non-problematic pairings, examples including Sanemi x Giyu, Rengoku x Giyu, Giyu x Shinobu, Obanai x Giyu, Mitsuri x Shinobu, Rengoku x Tengen. There has always been a big debate on these pairings in the anime community, ranging from disagreements in plausibility to straight up homophobia. I expected that type of discourse in the art and content-creator community. But to see this in the smut fan-fiction community was… disappointing. Specifically I would like to talk about the arguments going on about the Sanemi x giyu ship. And I’m going to tell those of you who loathe this ship what you really need to hear.
The ship isn’t hurting you. Its not threatening your life. And for some of you to claim that it “triggers” you is both disgusting to hear and horribly offensive and demeaning to those who are actually triggered by certain circumstances and have to get medical help for it. I’ve seen these same people who claim to be adults throw a literal temper tantrum over people supporting this ship. And I don’t need any further evidence to see that these same individuals are obviously chronically online. Relationships aren’t that simple. People change. Sanemi obviously changed at the end of the series, they both did. So for you to use the argument that he was “abusive” to Giyu wasn’t necessarily wrong, but it definitely shows that you don’t have a very good grasp of both fictional dynamic characters and realistic change in human beings.
I can’t tell you how disappointed I am to see this behavior in the community of people claiming to be adults, so much so that this no longer feels like the erotic escape I thought it would be. It just feels like highschool. And I don’t enjoy writing smut for a community that behaves like such.
Now back to the original hook for this post - the blocking. Those of you who were blocked, I simply went down the list of mutuals of a certain individual who had high activity of this type of bullying and blocked everyone. This individual has a large history of drama related to shipping discourse, and overall immature behavior that has led us to be on bad terms. Again, if you see I have blocked you and you had no idea ab out this discourse, nor do you condone bullying for crack ships, message me from whatever alternate account you are viewing this from and I will unblock you. My system for it wasn’t perfect, nor did I look too deep into who was actively participating with this individual, I just went down their listing of mutuals and friends and blocked everyone because I didn’t want to take any chances.
I am not going to name names for who this person is, nor am I going to waste my time to argue, I don’t want anyone to give hate to this person or seek them out. All I ask is that you not be like this person. Don’t bully those who disagree with you, then cry victim when they defend themselves and give you back that same energy. Don’t be a hypocrite. Don’t vent your woes and frustrations to other creators and writers in the inbox - I’m sorry but that is just so disrespectful. Our blogs are for our own creativity and work, not facts about your life. Our other followers don’t want to see that, and it’s sours the mood when people trauma dump in our inbox.
In conclusion, I think I’m going to take a break for a while from interactions. I’ll still try my best to work on requests and posting but all of this has just been very disheartening. I guess I just wasn’t prepared for this kind of immaturity and bullying on this side of demon slayer. Nor did I know that this individual was participating in this until i found out they had blocked me out of the blue and were talking about me negatively to others.
And to the individual I’m talking about here, I know that your are likely seeing this and I want your to know how disappointed I am in your behavior. I truly do not believe you are a matured adult and you have a lot of growing to do. You knew from the start the ships I wrote about, and you used me as a venting point for your own interests and amusement until I guess you were done using my platform as a stage. Then I found out you were not only talking about me but several others behind our back to people who would have no other option but to believe you first and foremost because what other option do they have? Kinda like my first relationship lol. Maybe I should’ve learned from that experience but I’m kinda dumb.
And to those who she’s also done this to, I’m very sorry this happened to you and if you need to talk, I’m here.
Anyways, I’m done. I honestly don’t know what I’ll do for the remainder of my page. I’m not even sure I want to write anymore rn. I really don’t want to delete my page and I won’t but I just really need a break from all this.
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mrs-stardustt · 1 year
dating Amado Carrillo Fuentes (1/?)
a/n: back up on my bullshit, back up on the scene
you don't knowwww how bad I am down for this man, like, just look at him babe
so, you guess it, i had to start this series with my tontín. i have no idea with whom of the other characters go next sooo if you have some suggestion don’t be shy and let me know, alright?
hope you enjoy this one,
 have fun indulging my delusions babesss
TW: NSFW (18+), implied fem reader
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gif credit: @nomoregoldfish​ 
god this mannnn
first and foremost, how lucky are you to be dating this don juán???
we all know that he had his fun whilst single, he was for and by the streets babe
but once he met you oh boyyyyy
he strikes me as a love of first sight kinda man, just like not in a romcom way, more in the I met you and I know you're my person<3 right away
but to add a bit of spice: enemies to lovers with Amado????? OMG don't get me started
just imagine how he would pick at you just to see you all pissed off at him
and you being just as petty as he is, making each other annoyed as quickly as posible
however sooner of later maybe you two realise that you have more in common than you thought, perhaps you'll see that he is really no tontín and actually is a very intelligent man, someone who is deeply observing and attentive
he sees that too, and probably sooner than you: he always knew how fucking hermosa you are, that your smarter than you give yourself credit for, that you have a strong will and a soft heart
and I don't make the rules (I kinda do) but he falls in first
yep you heard that right, he is head over heels babe
my man would make a fool of himself E V E R Y T I M E but you gotta love him for that
he really strikes me at the type to be buying a ring just as soon as he knows you’re the one, he’ll be en las nubes, con la cabecita en el cielo (kinda on brand lol) imagining you being his wife, having kids, a house and all:(( 
buuuuuut, he’s no intenso
he'll give you space, he won't act on anything if he doesn't believe that you feel the same way
he will most likely embarrassed himself at some point tho
just let’s bffr if anything, Amado is a chill man, let’s not forget that. he is cool and so sure of himself BUT if he slightly feels threatened by anyone???? OMG RUNNN
possessive amado enters the chat
as soon as he sees some type of competition (even if you don't even like/give attention to them) he is ready to fight
that's when he actively starts going after you, because there's no way he is losing his reina
he is a old fashion romántico
specially if you two start dating after Amado starts working alongside Acosta, we know Amado is taking notes on how to curt such a woman like you
let's just take a second to think on how roast Amado is with Acosta and his men, they’ll be mocking how whipped he is lol but he doesn’t care, he’ll do anything to make you happy:(
so he asks you on a date, on whatever you like, that doesn't matter, but he is HANDS ON to make you choose him<3. he is just very invested that everything is of you liking, that if you go to have dinner, the food is perfect, the lightning is just right and shit
and we all know him, when he wants something he is persistenttt
and doesn't matter if you little resistant to really give him a chance (again, don juán) but he will really really try:( he has one mission and is to make you the happiest:(
after just one date he's EAGER to have a second one. he got a hold on you for a moment now he can't let you go mija
and once he is committed, forget about anything else. no vieja or desmadre outside of you matter anymore. you're his top priority and he makes sure you know that, so you get the idea: the whole relationship starts at your pace, he follows the patrona words
it is worth to address that at first he is hesitant to show you anything about his job, even if you already know. you’re safety goes first so you’re relationship is a bit of a secret but not really a secret, you know??
in public, no one really knows what is going on between you too, just something has change. now he gives himself permission to stare a little longer at your pretty face, he compliments you more often when he sees you but nothing too showy
BUT IN PRIVATE??? jesus fucking christ
when i say this man is romantic???
domestic Amado is the softest and most relax you will ever see him
FOREHEAD KISSES OMG all. the. fucking. time.
it's like a little reminder that he is present and to show you a little affection without too much PDA
and I am just convinced that he gives THE best kisses. he is so passionate and caring, fully embracing the moment. with one hand on your waist and the other on your cheek/hair how could you even doubt that my man is a good kisser???? I CAN'T-
he just lives to make you feel goooood mija
so get the memo: you two are the most foolish in love people to ever exist. he makes you feel like a real princesa. all you ever dream is at your feet, no need to ask
also I want to mention that when he is away from you, like on a work trip or something he most definitely is calling your every single night to just hear your voice:(((
but not everything is perfeeeect:(
i know i know who would've thought????
one big problem i see you having with Amado is him running away from confrontation. he just doesn’t want ANYTHING bad near you and he has a lot of shit going on that it may scare him
also Amado doesn’t communicate really well. you see him having a hard time at work?? he won’t tell you a thingggg. you get frustrated bc you know him like, he can’t escape the wise woman you are, you see between his “no tengo nada, amor, no te preocupes” “una pendejada allá en el trabajo pero no es nada, tú cómo estás, eh, bonita?”  so guess what???? confrontation will happen
although fights/discussions are solved very quickly, neither of you can stay away from eachother so the only option is to eventually loose a little pride and be open:(
so you’ll need patience with him, he’ll come around to his feelings and be open about it, just he needs time. 
at one point he’ll understand that you are very much the medicine of his penares. he’s got you, he won’t need anything more
but don’t worryyyyyy
all is fine babe
at the end he is very much in love and it showwws. the tontín romántico won’t miss a single day to remind you that he is all yoursss
expect a random ramo de flores because he thought of you mid day
him going late for work because he just wanted 5 more minutes with you in the morning
trips to whatever place he had in mind just ‘cause he can. imagine having a call randomly of him just saying “prepárate una maleta con un vestido bonito, te llevo a Los Cabos amor” of some shit like that. we know he flexes about his planes, that is a fact
goofy little smiles when you two encounter each other after a long day
AYyy NO, i’m so soft for him:((((
little i have to tell you that he is the perfect partner, no one goes near to him when he is in love
NSFW part:
he has make his top priority to know you body. he knowss where and how to get a reaction of you
and he takes avantage of that, you better believe that
he loves to see you trying to conceal his effects on you. imagine you in the passenger seat while his driving and WE KNOW he'll put his hand on your thigh and slowly and without looking at you moving it close to where you need him the most UGHHH
I can fucking picture his smug smile while he does his little ministrations like omg
needless to say that he is a gentle soft dom
there I say it, idc
btw we can't escape from his cocky side, he'll make you beg if you try to challenge him (and that happens more often than not)
he'll have you underneath him, cock drunk with how well he is taking care of you
side note: his fav position most likely is you riding him, don't ask
such a brat tamer energy lol
it is a back and forth on who gets away with their teasing and that little game doesn't end until the other gives in
if it's you is not until he finally gives you what you want, he has you in all fours pounding so good and fast, your mind hazy and your moans slipping from you that you can admit that he won
if it's him is when your on your knees, your mouth full of him but not letting him come to practically beg you to keep going
and on the side of the blowjobssss
he liveeeees for them, there's no other way he wants to end his day then to have his beautiful mujer on her knees pleasing himm
him throwing his head back, hand on your hair but not pushing too much with his breathing getting quicker as you fasten your movements WHAT A SIGHT OMG
and he'll like when you take control of things, when you're the one taking the shots. he appreciates the effort soooo much
but when you give that power to him? oh darlinggg prepárate
we had said how happy he is to make YOU happy and that goes straight up to the bed game.
he makes sure you come first and at least one time before he is inside you
and idk why but I just see him a very skill with his fingers iykyk babe
the foreplay is a MUST between you, he likes to take his time and to really feel you. and that extends to kissing you nonstop until air is much neede
he is such a intense and passionate lover, I have no doubtssss
I see him being a little experimental in bed but you have to propose the things you wanna try, he doesn't push your limits NEVER
not an exhibitionist but loooooves to tease you in public lol
however, something where you get too close to get caught he won't do it, he likes to keep this private business, private
he loves to see you so close when you two are done, with sleepy eyes and satisfied smiles. he is a cuddler for sureee
just know that like everything with him is so fun and full of love babe<3
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
I know we're currently on hater time, but this has been on my mind for a while, and my dc friends aren't kon-el stans, so!! Last week, I finished revisiting the JLU series, and the way Clark feels about his family, and Krypton has been plaguing my thoughts ever since I need DC to grow some balls and make an Elseworld where Kal gets to have a little baby superboy trailing behind him (Batman and robin style). I just get so sad over the thought the only ever person Clark got to share his love for Krypton with is Kara, and she leaves (sorry if this is a spoiler) to be happier in the future, so Clark just ends up "alone" again :(!! Maybe my mind has been poisoned by Saki's Baby Kon au, but I just want Clark to be able to enjoy raising his kids. I just want him happy :(!! <🦎>
we are certainly not on exclusive hater time!!! i love to be a lover first and foremost worry not <3
i've never actually watched jlu (well i think i saw like 3 episodes) but yeaaaaa... YEAHh.... i don't think that happens in postcrisis (at least, kara and brainiac 5 only had an implied romance that via some time travel fuckery, to kara, hadn't happened yet but to him had already ended). and then new krypton gets mcfucked and all that jazz.
but overall YEAH... baby kon <3 :) clark bonding with him :) i am once again thinking about @loisinherlane's single dad clark au it means the world to me and if you haven't read it you shoulddd hehe
i also sometimes toy with the idea of the common "character gets magically de-aged to a child" trope but with kon specifically because he never got to be a little kid before. i think it could be fun. yeah he'd be cute (ma kent bouncing him on her knee while he explains that all the planets and stars stay in the sky because "they have tee-tee-kay so they can fly!") but also. he would have NO life experience. that would be so scary for him and yet soooo fun to explore if done right, yknow?? and clark getting to take care of a kon who was experiencing childhood for the first time could be sooo good. the endless curiosity. the confusion over the smallest things. the absolute terror of doctors and medical settings. the lil baby ttk he hasn't got his usual level of control over. and so on and so forth.
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hihi!! how are you??? i see that you've started a bleach blog! may i ask ab your fave bleach charas?? 🩷
My favourite bleach characters!! (some of them at least)
Omg hai /// unfortunately the flood-gates have immediately opened…. My views on the characters might be a little skewed because i have so many random headcanons but!! I am always excited to share my Thoughts…
I've always been a sucker for the ‘sleazy/ lousy older man’ stereotype in anime, especially when its revealed later on that they are super strong (kisuke is another one of my faves go figure) and Shunsui is That to a T
He seems really silly and carefree on the outside but melancholic on the inside which is such a nice contrast that works so well in his favour!! Especially paired next to Ukitake like the two literally fit together like puzzle pieces in both fighting style and personality
I am also a big theater nerd so when I was reading and found that his bankai was essentially a play come to life! I was sold like a cold drink during summer
His entire kit and how he uses it is really cool too; whenever a zanpakuto has multiple forms/ attacks it’s always a huge plus! Children’s games are such a neat idea and unexpectedly tie so well with his character (he does seem to represent alot of traditional Japanese sentiments with his character overall)
But mostly his morals and outlook of the world are really impactful. I think he serves as a great way to show the transition that the gotei 13 are going through after the passage of time- he is more accepting of newer ideologies and is much more flexible than yamamoto was/ but still cares deeply about the soul society just as much! His reluctance to battle is ironically also admirable, even if he does preface by saying that he’d just ‘rather not’ or wanting to drink instead. While the other characters fight for their beliefs, or to bring down a ‘bad guy’, Shunsui sees situations with more sobriety (haha) from an unbiased perspective. That the moment you enter battle everyone is evil, regardless of their intention from the beginning.
You see other characters next to Shunsui and would think that (for example: Byakuya or even Yamamoto) they would be more intelligent or insightful than he is, but would be pleasantly surprised! I can always appreciate a character with that kind of unpredictability,
Also I like pink and he wears pink. Like my first point I am weak for sleazy old farts so I have to admit when I was young reading bleach as it came out; all I could think was “man very pretty… me likey…”
It really helps that he is objectively one of the most unapologetically Cool characters in the series
But for me the main selling point is because the main thing he cares about is battle, he would be an entirely chill person otherwise. The fact that he always allowed his officers to basically do whatever, and puts ‘fun’ (read: brawling for your life) in front of everything? I do feel bad for Yumichika because i do think he’s the one doing all the admin work but oh well 
There is just something just so beautiful about this big chunk of man tearing through hoards of opponents just to go back to his barracks and loaf about for the rest of the day 
I also love how he’s wayyy more intelligent than you would first assume; he’s smart enough to devise little strategies like putting in the eyepatch, putting the bells in his hair etc. Even if they are just to hinder him you gotta give him props! 
This is a personal headcanon but I do think that he would be an excellent listener (especially with gossip) like he would not retain any of the information at all an hour from a conversation, and he would give the most rudimentary answers but a good listener all the same
He does not wear pink BUT Yachiru comes along with him like an accessory to his barbie set and she’s pink so it counts
First and foremost. I am a woman lover
Bleach, out of all the shounens i’ve digested in my life, probably has some of my favourite female characters! I yo-yo between having rangiku, isane, riruka and soi fon as my faves 
But rangiku. Oh How I Love Her. I always love a sneaky gal who is not afraid to use her looks to get what she wants. A party gal and someone who just has a lust for life and wants to have fun! 
She also does seem like she would be terrifyingly real with you as a friend and never say shit just to make you feel better- like I need that in a friend. Tough love! 
Like the advice she gives to Orihime when she feels down about Ichigo (even if she did it butt ass naked) just shows that even if she presents as self-centered she is also aware of other’s feelings and knows when to cut the shit and give it to you like it is
When she’s most needed she is also incredibly loyal to her captain and peers, and puts her whole titty into the battle when it's necessary. It’s a pity that her zanpakuto isn’t more explored; either she hasn’t developed her methods well or hasn’t been shown to its full powers yet. It think of all the problems in bleach that might be its biggest issue (that there are so many characters that it's impossible to showcase them all)
She also wears pink and I like pink 
Shinji technically isn’t my favorite character but he is my number one enemy forever
I am currently going through some strange enemies to lovers (sans the lovers) with him and im not sure how to feel about it? 
Sort of like Shunsui he has that thing where on the outside he looks devastatingly goofy and greasy but is really experienced with lots of valuable insight 
Also I am a big voice person. Even though I am a manga reader I’ve watched most of the anime and his voice… the accent… God I hate him so much 
He also reminds me of a really naughty cat that will do little things to frustrate you but still jump onto your bed at night to snuggle with you and that’s the nicest thing I can say about him 
His music slaps violently hard.
This accidentally became way too long oops i will stop here but other characters that I am very madly deeply in love with with Many Thoughts about include;
Ukitake (my beloved),
Byakuya (because i do think that every bleach fan has a crush on him regardless of their orientation)
and yumchika!!
Also even if i know nothing about miss yaya i would die for her.
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supraveng · 1 year
mutuals collab event
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First and foremost, I am so excited you all wanted to participate.  I think it’s going to be fun and exciting to feed off of each other's writing styles and ideas.   
Here are a few rules to follow in order to maintain a bit of consistency throughout the series
Each writer will be assigned a chapter to write pairing the reader with the character or RPF
For consistency, please use gender neutral or she/her pronouns
Exclude as much physical detail about the reader as possible
Since this is a reader insert series, please use Y/N or feel free to have the other characters give a nickname
Please write your chapter in third person
If you choose to include dark themes or smut (incest, non-con, dub-con, polyamorous, etc) please make sure your chapter is labeled properly.  
The reader does not have to be paired romantically with anyone in your chapter, that’s up to you
I would love for each chapter to be posted in order, so when you post your chapter, you can tag the previous chapter.  Please also edit your chapter to include a link to the next once it has been posted
Include a link to the MasterList for the series at the beginning of your chapter
You can add a title to your chapter, this will be included on the MasterList, which will be updated as soon as a new chapter is posted
Feel free to use the last few lines of the previous chapter as the opening / transition of your chapter
Please use the Keep Reading insert after your first few paragraphs
Since everyone’s writing style is different, I don’t want to limit the words in your chapter, ideally between 1000-5000 would be good, but if you don’t stay with in that perimeter, that’s ok
In addition to your chapter, you can also contribute an epilogue to be included at the end of the series.  This will be labeled with the character pairing from your chapter so readers can choose which ending they want the reader to have. If you want to add an epilogue, please hold it until all the other chapters are posted.  
try to post your chapter no longer than a week after the previous chapter
if you need a beta, let me know! I would love to help however I can
Fandom Leap
(feel free to use the series title graphic when posting your chapter)
Prologue  - Falling into the fandom  - supraveng - coming August 1st
Chapter 1 -  @nickfowlerrr
Chapter 2 - @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men
Chapter 3 - @crazyunsexycool
Chapter 4 - @supraveng
CHapter 5 - @swiftlymoniquesblog
Chapter 6 - @missvelvetsstuff
Chapter 7 - @vibraniumarm06-bucket
CHapter 8 - @rosedpetal
Chapter 9 - @imyourbratzdoll
Chapter 10 - @herdreamywasteland
Chapter 11 - @jamneuromain
Chapter 12 - @potterhead2207
Please tag me and the other writers when you post your chapter so the masterlist can be updated and we can all reblog each chapter as well, and include #fandom leap in your tags
Happy Writing!!
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cageoftermina · 9 months
Evening, cuties (18+ only)
I am termina, Malkavian, resident of the broken mirror. I'm here to have fun, first and foremost so pedos, terfs and minors DNI! Looking for moots and other creatures to play/shitpost with
Now- proper ~introductions~ 🖤 Name: termina 🖤 Discord: vinesse 🖤 Age: 23 🖤 Pronouns: She/her 🖤 Sexuality: Poly and Pan (Not looking for a relationship) 🖤 Role: Switch 🖤 Nationality: Norway 🖤 DMs and asks: Open (Go on, try to bully or tease me~)
~Indulgences~ 💔 Limits - Hard NO list: Underage, zoophilia, bodyshaming, scat, fat-fetishization and diaper stuff.
🖤 ERP - I enjoy the casual stuff, but if you really want to get inside my head, and fuck my brains out, this is where it's at. ❤ I prefer the fantastical, so an original world or a fandom. 🖤 Kinks - I have so many, if it's not listed in my limits, safe to assume I'm into it, or at least open to it. Here is the short version of my favourites, none of these are required btw: Degradation, humiliation, body-worship, cnc, enemies-to-lovers, s&M-dynamics, petplay and masochism. (I'm gonna try to tag the harder ones like cnc and watersports properly, please stab me lmk if I get it wrong so I'll learn)
~Interests~ 🖤 Writing - From storytelling to smut. Worldbuilding, characters, the mysteries. It is something I am very passionate about, and I love collaborating through TTRPGs and ERP >:3 🖤 Video games - I fucking love these things. I mean, so much so that I'm working on an RPG of my own right now. Dark Souls (and the rest of soulsborne) is my fav series of all time. Gosh, I could gush for hours... 🖤 TTRPGs - I barely remember my first trip to Faerûn, but oh was it magical!!! Nevermind that I wanted to test the limits and died by jumping off a building. But I have been hooked ever since! I'm currently playing in multiple parties and DM-ing my own. Note: my favourite system is Vampire the Masquerade.
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olivieblake · 1 year
Around 4 days ago, I walked into my local bookstore and found The Atlas Six and The Atlas Paradox displayed on the front table. I had recently finished reading everything on my book list, so on a whim, I decided to purchase both of them. BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE.
I finished The Atlas Six in a day, and devoured The Atlas Paradox in another. I’m not being hyperbolic when I say I couldn’t put them down. I love each and every character (Although I do have a soft spot for Reina, Nico, and Gideon), and their interactions with each other never failed to entertain! There’s a certain quality to them that almost brings them alive, allowing me to picture each character clearly in my head. All in all, I absolutely adore this series, and can’t wait for The Atlas Complex to come out!
BUT MOVING ON TO THE MORE IMPORTANT STUFF, I AM LIVING FOR NICO AND GIDEON’S RELATIONSHIP. In The Atlas Six, I was like okay, so we have the typical enemies-to-lovers plot going on with Libby and Nico. Pretty typical, but I was excited to see how it would play out.
The text messages between them, Gideon visiting Nico in his dreams, (HE’S LITERALLY THE MAN OF NICO’S DREAMS) and the fact that NICO LITERALLY JOINED THE SOCIETY IN THE FIRST PLACE SO HE COULD FIND A WAY TO HELP GIDEON-
And then we get to The Atlas Paradox. Which is an ABSOLUTE ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS.
AFTER NICO AND GIDEON’S KISS, I HAVEN’T BEEN THE SAME. I think I’m officially deranged now. Please, I’m on my hands and knees, I am BEGGING YOU, LET THIS SHIP BECOME CANNON. Libby x Nico is all good and well, BUT I NEED NICO AND GIDEON TO HAPPEN.
Anyways, that’s all! I’m sorry for forcing you to read roughly 150 words of me screaming about Nico and Gideon’s relationship, and I deeply apologize if this fanaticism of mine disturbed you. I love your Atlas trilogy, which also coincidentally inspired me to start writing again, and I am counting down the days until The Atlas Complex comes out! That’s all, and I hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night!
I’m so grateful to your whims!! seriously, thank you so much for reading and letting the books live in your head. also I love when people point these things out and tell me how “deranged” or “delusional” they are as if I’m not the person who wrote those things down lol (who could have easily just NOT but then ABSOLUTELY DID, like some kind of CRIMINAL—)
which is to say I’m not going to comment on basically any of this but please picture me with my copy of book 3 just sort of giving you a thumbs up and smiling vacantly, the kind of smile that might suggest something cryptic or might just mean I left the stove on at home but it’s really impossible to tell at this juncture
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pennywaltzy · 2 years
🍉🍓🍒🍍🥝🍐🍈🫐 That should be enough to give you something to chew on. :)
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why? I love writing both, but I think I prefer short fics/one-shots in a series. It's just more fun building a universe with little snippets here and there.
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated? A lot of my CSIverse stuff that's not about CSI: NY. Back in its heyday, I was a pretty popular Buffyverse author, a prolific and respected Sherlock writer, I got a lot of love when I was into Bleach, and while I don't write as much Wholock anymore it got a decent amount of hits and stuff. But my CSI and CSI: Miami stuff was usually overlooked? IDRK, I've been writing fanfic for nearly 25 years, I could be forgetting the love I got in those fandoms.
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!) Idiots to lovers.
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…) I keep meaning to write Elementary stuff, but the show was so damn perfect as it was that I can only write missing scene stuff. Sherlock and Joan are just so fascinating, as are Gregson and Bell, but I just can't figure out what to write for them.
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write? Trope? Fake dating. AO3 tag? -INSERT CHARACTER- Needs A Hug
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc… Okay. I am not bashing Sherlock here, not really, but after ending season 3/getting utterly and completely spoiled for season 4, you see the show has a fuckton of flaws making it ripe for fix-it fics. First and foremost there's the travesty of Mary's death, then there's the missing Reichenbach stuff, there's Irene being rescued and conflicting ideas by cast and writers as to what happened then, the mystery surrounding just why Molly was in a bad mood for the phone call, Sally's disappearance for most of S3/all of S4 (we know in real life it was scheduling conflicts, but they never explained it in the show), and Eurus...just Eurus. So it's like, you can pick any point in this show and use that as a starting point for fix-it/missing scene fic that's better than canon. But yeah. That's why I have thousands of Sherlock fic and very few Elementary fic by comparison.
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions. My blorbo has to be Molly Hooper. I write her in so much, with characters from four other mediums as well as multiple male AND female characters in her fandom. I am a strong supporter of the "Molly Hooper is bi" sentiment, that she knows self defence, that she and Sally are friends (if not dating), that she has more money than Sherlock, and that she wants a child at some point (preferably before she's too old to enjoy parenthood).
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.) In my primary fandom (Sherlock)? There isn't enough crossover stuff. Don't care what it's crossed over with, it's ripe for crossovers.
fruit emoji ask game for fic writers
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gwagwagwagoogoo · 2 years
I need to make things clear when I say I ship asaden i more so mean i see them in a queer platonic relationship (and also most of my headcannons are like PAST ESTABLISHMENT of that, skipping all of the slow burn where they are like. Well. We’re a thing. Huh)
Not romantic! But. Queer platonic. But it’s like a Uber complicated thing so I will not explain usually but they’re qpps in my third eye and I’m here for their slow burn friendship
I really really want them to be friends first and foremost, and I think they would be IMMACULATE as genuine friends
I’m living for their cringe stage rn bc it’s so bad. Its all I ever wanted. I am a lover of messy relationships (platonic or romantic) I enjoy the deep dive into certain situations and mindsets and the exploration of that
But yeah I don’t see them as strictly romantic! Qpps instead
This will never need to come up at all in usual convos but I like talking to myself in the mirror
I’m having fun with where Fujimoto is going with things and if it gets better or worse I am here for it
I just like weird expression and while nice and good relationships are all dandy I love seeing writers explore the weird and the ODD and the super fucking MESSY
Asaden has food potential tl;dr but I’m also here to have it be crushed to pieces
This is my maniac rambles during work hour I love Asa being a shit head and I also adore Denji being able to state his wants and needs for himself
I don’t care what dynamic is gonna happen these two characters eventually but I am earnestly all here for it! I love this series and I am keeping an open mind :)
No obligation to read this I’m talking to myself
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purlturtle · 3 months
questions for fic writers - 1, 10 and 16
Ooooh thank you! Let's see now - (from this list)
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Oh that is an AMAZING question. Honestly, when I want to check out a new author, I look at a shorter fic (AKA not a big time investment) and, if they've been writing for a long time, maybe one that's a bit more recent, as something that might be more representative of all they've learned about writing since they started. Not that I wouldn't read older or first fics! Just, we all live and learn, and someone's first fic might not be indicative of their current abilities as a writer!
So, with those two aspects in mind, I'd recommend Flying (21K words, modern AU) for someone who wants a completed, multi-chapter work, and Bering and Wells Advent Calendar, Day 11: #11: never watch Helena eat ice cream (1K, modern AU) for someone who wants a one-shot (even though this is part of a series, as the title would suggest). For a complete standalone, there's I have wanted to know you, lover of books (1K, vampire AU), which also (and I'm still so fucking stoked about this) exists as a podfic!
I am very proud of all of these, and I think they're representative of what I'm capable of as a writer, as well as my style of writing and my approach to these characters.
10. How do you decide what to write?
Oh god. 😅😅😅 I get hit by so many inspiration particles all the time, and I've tried to make my peace with the thought that I'll never be able to write stories for all of them. I've gotten better at writing short scenes, luckily, so if an inspiration is particularly urgent AND short, I'll just write it down without constructing an entire world around it. But some ideas (I'm sure you know those too) are not just single/simple scenes, they open up that entire world of a story - and then it's more the question of "do I *want* to write this?" with the corollaries "is there actually a plot to it/is there something *to* write (or is it just vibes to live in before falling asleep)?" and "can I do it justice?" And also, "Do I have the time and spoons to write this?" - always a concern, unfortunately. If I decide that the idea has the chops to become a whole entire story, I write a short idea document, into which I put as much as I can come up with in that moment. Also (often but not always) I share it with friends, to think it through with the help of someone else.
Which WIP I then end up working on when I do have the time and spoons to write - that is yet another question, and that depends a lot on how I feel in the moment, and what's foremost on my mind. First of all, I can only write smut when I'm in the mood for it AND have the time and, well, privacy - writing smut always leaves me horny, so that's not something to do on the train to visit my parents. (Ahem. Totally not speaking from experience. Ahem.) Comments, or questions about a fic or WIP can catapult it to the front of my mind, as can other inspirations (such as seeing something piratey or tall ship related). But mostly it's about the current mood I'm in, and what I feel like writing in that very moment. (honestly, picture me in front of a big dusty file cabinet, humming to myself as I wander my fingers over the folders, trying to decide which one to pick up, only it's all electronic and it's not my fingers but the mouse pointer. But you get the image.)
16 I already answered!
Thank you for these questions, they were awesome! <3
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terminatwo · 9 months
Evening, cuties (18+ only)
Main got shaddowbanned, so I'm posting here for now... I am termina, Malkavian, resident of the broken mirror. I'm here to have fun, first and foremost so terfs and minors DNI! Looking for moots and other creatures to play/shitpost with
Now- proper ~introductions~ 🖤 Name: termina 🖤 Discord: vinesse 🖤 Age: 23 🖤 Pronouns: She/her 🖤 Sexuality: Poly and Pan (Not looking for a relationship) 🖤 Role: Switch 🖤 Nationality: Norway 🖤 DMs and asks: Open 💔 Limits - Hard NO list: Underage, zoophilia, bodyshaming, scat, fat-fetishization and diaper stuff. ~Indulgences~ 🖤 ERP - I enjoy the casual stuff, but if you really want to get inside my head, and fuck my brains out, this is where it's at. ❤ I prefer the fantastical, so an original world or a fandom. 🖤 Kinks - I have so many, if it's not listed in my limits, safe to assume I'm into it, or at least open to it. Here is the short version of my favourites, none of these are required btw: Degradation, humiliation, body-worship, cnc, enemies-to-lovers, s&M-dynamics, petplay and masochism.
~Interests~ 🖤 Writing - From storytelling to smut. Worldbuilding, characters, the mysteries. It is something I am very passionate about, and I love collaborating through TTRPGs and ERP >:3 🖤 Video games - I fucking love these things. I mean, so much so that I'm working on an RPG of my own right now. Dark Souls (and the rest of soulsborne) is my fav series of all time. Gosh, I could gush for hours... 🖤 TTRPGs - I barely remember my first trip to Faerûn, but oh was it magical!!! Nevermind that I wanted to test the limits and died by jumping off a building. But I have been hooked ever since! I'm currently playing in multiple parties and DM-ing my own. Note: my favourite system is Vampire the Masquerade.
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