#but i cant think of anything logical and good enough that would leave her that other than burning man
im not the anon who asked for something like tricycle but HEAR ME OUT what if like something where the reader has to travel outside the country and pav and gayatri are like “what ?? we’re coming w you tf ?” and you and gayatri have to point out that hes spiderman … and cant leave … so then you ask gayatri to stay behind for him and idk where else to go from here 😭
𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙞𝙨
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Cw: slight angst/comfort, poly!gn!reader x Pavitr Prabhakar x Gayatri Singh, long distance relationship, depressive behavior
Notes: I had to use an online roulette to tell me if I should make angst or fluff, fluff won. I interpreted this as "they're moving away" but if this isn't what you wanted, just tell me
>You were horrified as you heard them tell you that you were leaving the country
>You tried to protest, be logical, be emotional, cry, lay a well researched and sensible argument, beg, anything in your control to convince them otherwise, but your tutor just won't budge
>You had the biggest fight over this
>You locked in your room, refusing to speak to anyone as you cried and cracked your head open thinking about how you'd explain this to your partners, what would they think? You want to communicate this the best way possible, is there even a good way to do it?
>You didn't answer texts, and you hated yourself for it, you hated yourself for getting shut down and wasting the little time you have left
>You didn't want your partners to feel neglected or think you were mad at them, so you made sure to tell them it was just issues in your home, and that they didn't do anything wrong
>And they tried to respect your alone time, they really did
>But four days was enough:( please
>Pavitr calls you, and you just start crying and word vomiting things that don't make any sense
>"jaanu, are you there?"
>"I am, but I won't, and I really- I-I mean that it won't be like this forever, and I really want to say it to you, but you'll feel sad, and I need you here, but then we have to talk and if we talk you'll - I'll- if we talk that means I have to go- I don't want to go"
>You sob even harder when you listen to the beep indicating he finalized the call, you are there just having an absolute meltdown, hugging your pillow as you rot on the bed you've been the whole week
>Your crying is loud, but loud enough to cancel out the loud banging on your window, it's your boyfriend (in his spiderman suit) carrying your girlfriend in his arms, waiting like two stray dogs for you to open the window
>He was really fast, he probably started swinging the second he hanged up
>You clumsily open the window, crying and struggling with the safe, to finally let them in, they almost knock you down on the floor with the strength they used to jump to hug you
>You hold them as a close as you can, they don't ask for explanations and carry you to your bed to cuddle until you calm down, always with reassuring words of "it's okay", "whenever you're ready", and infinite "I love you"s
>When you gather the strength to talk, completely forgetting whatever script you had in mind, they can't believe it
>"We're coming with you!" Gayatri blurts out, anxiously biting her lip, looking at Pavitr and then at you
>"That's right! We'll come with you, it'll be an adventure for the three is us!" Pavitr smiles, unaware of the million of flaws in his train of thought
>"You can't leave Mumbattan without a spiderman, love" you stroke his cheek looking to soothe his worries
>"And you can't leave him, Pavitr, your father, your country, everything you know and love is here"
>"Not everything" she said, a single tear cascading down her face, bitter expression
>Gayatri hugs you close, crying into your shoulder "not everything, not without you..."
>It took you some time to finally convince Gayatri to stay, took you even longer with Pavitr
>And it want easy, at times they'll come up with a newer crazier idea to travel with you
>You spent all the time you had left, glued to them
>and when it was time to say goodbye, they had to be physically restricted to leave the plane go without doing anything reckless
>You stayed on facetime with them almost 24/7, going to sleep on calls kind of thing.
>And you're just depressed in this new place, nothing is like home, nothing is as lively, as beautiful, as comfortable as Mumbattan
>after failing several classes, and practically snapping back at everything, your tutor agreed that you simply needed to go back, so they told you that if you couldn't find 5 reasons to stay here, you could go back and captain Singh would be entrusted with your care
>As much as it was physically painful to, you managed to keep it a secret
>And when december was here, you were counting the seconds to get in the plane. You failed the school year due to those early months, but you tried to stop dwelling on that, there's nothing you can do about it
>"what are you doing today?" -you
>"today's christmas silly, just staying home" -Gayatri
>"I wish you could be with us, captain Singh invited me and my Maya auntie for dinner" -Pavitr
>"damn, so you really have no time to do anything? Not even opening the door?" -you
>"What door are you talking about?" -Gayatri
>you knocked, Gayatri's breathing became irregular, so nervous and scared this was just a joke
>but she saw you with two backpacks, on her door, she couldn't contain herself, too much joy inside
>Pavitr heard the happy squealing and came running, they kissed you and smelled you hair, touching you like they were making sure you were real
>There's really no place like home
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bonefall · 11 months
I’m not sure if you talked about it, but what do you think about A Thief in Thunderclan? I actually liked it, though it definitely had a few ehhh moments
Eh, honestly? Im kinda disappointed that James Barry had to go out on such a low note. I did not like it, it felt like a waste of time.
It wasn't like... offensively bad but I have very little good to say about it. It was fine. If you want to see more ThunderClan you can check it out?
(A lot of Thief in ThunderClan critique below the cut, I didn't like it much)
First of all, the mystery was just bad. I'm sorry. An owl? Swooping in at night for dead animals and leaving perfect scores in the dirt? It felt like a real "running out of ideas" type plot.
Brightheart was NOT fun to follow. She was uncomfortable for most of the story and secondhand embarassment is an emotion I really don't enjoy. Even moments that were supposed to be thought-provoking (like the Brambleclaw name confrontation) just felt like cringe because they were written so poorly.
Like, seriously? "Firestar why did you name Bramble after his father who disfigured me?" "Oh its because i uhhhh wanted to remind ppl of it so they would stop being reminded of it eventually" WHAT? That was a brainless enough choice when it was FIRST made, you can't fucking tell me any cat with a brain cell would go "wao... really makes you think... hngsociety"
I disliked the fact they decided to give Brightheart serious suspicion towards people like Longtail and Brambleclaw, I strongly disagree she would be like that. She feels so much to me like someone who would feel awful for doubting people she logically knows are innocent, and express to Cloudtail that it makes her feel like a bad person, but she CANT help it. She is such a kind, loving, and self doubting sort of cat... or, was, I guess? Or maybe it was never there at all and I'm the fool.
On that note? Her character arc was a mess. As much as I hate Shadow in RiverClan, I can say that Feathertail's arc was a competent *story*. Brightheart is having nightmares, suspects Bramble and Long of treason, is trying to figure out this mystery, trying to help train Rainpaw, the fact she resents not being his mentor is mentioned and dropped, she is pregnant... so much shit is going on and it feels absolutely unfocused.
And even worse, because it's overlapping with the beginning of Firestar's Quest, we end up having to Show Off The Continuity instead of telling a cohesive story. Oop Willowpelt died and Rainpaw is kind of sad about it! But wait we have to say bye to Firestar, make sure to squeeze in the Brambleclaw name confrontation before he goes! GO BACK Longtail has been blinded!! ALSO THE OWL! HERES WHY THE OWL WASNT MENTIONED IN FQ!!
And DUDE if there's anything that's a SERIOUS problem, it's Brightheart's stupid ass cutesy "look who's being USEFUL in here!" When blinded Longtail is helping out in the medcat den
First of all fuck you for the wording of that line! Second of all, GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD that disabled people shouldn't have to find a way to be "useful" to belong to their society.
The fact we're getting a book from Bright's perspective as a disabled person and the whole thing is chock full of "useful" language as she struggles with PTSD makes the fact this is COMMON in WC sting so much more.
Anyway back to just, normal critique and not frustration with ableism in wc.
I feel like they really wasted Brightheart's family. I enjoyed finally getting Cinder and Bright hanging out as sisters, but we got a MENTION of Frostfur, and barely anything with her brothers. It's already a mess so why not go the whole way?
Ashfur also has his post-TBC personality retcon which absolutely kills me. Why do we need this shitty "foreshadowing"? Why do we need him to have been so obviously controlling and argumentative? Why are these writers fucking allergic to having a villain that people thought was nice and normal once?
NITPICK: if i have to see another cat gently picked up by a large bird of prey without at LEAST getting a cracked rib I will shapeshift into 10,000 crows and fly away forever
I have some good feelings towards it though, and I have to be clear, this is actually Ambivalent Bones. I'm only mad at the "Usefulness" rhetoric, the rest is just my normal amount of whinging lmao.
I do really like Cinderpelt and Brightheart finally getting some interactions. It's long overdo lmao
I like Cloudtail and Brightheart as a ship so it's nice to see them hang out.
Uhhh this is a bit of a backhanded compliment but I liked how she was upset at not getting one of Whitestorm's children to mentor? I don't like how it bodes for the wider narrative though, because we know this ends in her getting shafted FOR YEARS and unable to get an apprentice. But I liked the plot setup of her having resentment for Cloudtail because of this. I thought that would make a really good plot point for putting a wedge between them to work through. Like, stop being cowards, LEAN INTO Firestar making some very serious, insulting, short-sighted mistakes, and it interfering with Brightheart's ability to heal. Kill your darling.
There were some nice lines. I do remember Ashfur's lame "greedyclaw" insult, which was funny.
I enjoyed the cute moments between the cats in ThunderClan. Ferncloud chasing after her kids, Brightheart convincing people to help her investigate, the Willowkin being upset about their mom. It's a mess but there's some nice stuff in that mess, y'know?
Overall, my memory hasn't been kind to it. I think I was giving it a 6/10 when I first saw it, but it's dropped down to a low 5/10. Not (very) offensive but too messy and pointless to revisit.
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andro-dino · 28 days
I don’t talk about it a lot or ever draw it but digivalen’s story arc and the way they both draw out the most in each other and help each other come to enjoy beyblade even more through their rivalry is really important to me. When you’ve got a character like Juno and a character like kite in direct contrast to each other, the obvious direction to go in is the heart vs mind route, juno being much more emotionally driven while kite is more logical. When Juno battles kite, he’s trying to get him to meet him in the middle with that, as kite is often so focused on data that it makes him narrow minded, which can lead to frustration for kite very quickly. When Juno comes to understand this about kite, she’s trying to get him to think a little less strictly and put more of his heart into battles and not just his brain. He connects with him on a deeper level, trying to draw out the full force of kites personality, his care, his pride, his drive and passion, everything that kite is, and see him fully put that out there in his battles. Obviously kites not gonna like, entirely change his battle style or anything, but it opens him up more to loosening up a little and being able to find some indulgence in battling a little more.
The consequence of juno rubbing off on kite so much though is that once he both becomes more emotionally aware and just comes to be more familiar with juno, he’s quick to notice how much of what they display of themself is an act, or at least not the full range of who they are. Juno, for a lot of her existence, is an oddly lonesome character, connecting so much with others because she wants to get to know them, but never really opening up herself and allowing others to know him because he’s content to let himself be someone solely around for the sake of others and not being so intimately cared for in the same kind of way. She tends to go from place to place a lot, both because they want to get to know as many people as possible but also because she’s never had many friendships that go both ways enough for her to want to stick around in one place very long. They’re fine with it, but most people don’t try to get to know them closely the way they do others. As kite and her rivalry goes on though, he starts noticing those small signs in her. It starts really with Kite being one of the first people to notice juno doesn’t battle with their full strength, and after that realization, he starts being able to read behind their expressions to see there’s more to them. He cant quite figure out exactly what it is at first, but he’s quick to deduce that there’s more to them than meets the eye. As it progresses, he notices how much more attention she gives him without him ever really learning all that much new about her, though whenever they leave, he can sense that air of loneliness about them. When Juno challenged kite the first time, the line he told him (as with most of her challenges to others) was “I’ll show you my heart,” but realizing she was holding back, kite mentioned that again at the end of the battle and said it wasn’t really true. Juno only slightly faltered at that, and though he didn’t show much, it was enough to start kites intrigue. It’s much later in their rivalry though that kite, much more bluntly, confronts Juno about this, much to their surprise. I don’t know how the interaction would go exactly, but I like the idea of kite asking what juno is battling for, and when she gives her usual schpiel about wanting to understand others more and for them to understand themselves, he stops her, and asks what they really want for themself. I really like the idea of a typically selfless character having a hard time being fully self-indulgent at times, and that’s kinda the whole basis for this dynamic. Kites a good character to be the one to call this out too imo because his two most primary character traits are how much he loves eight and how much he loves himself, so if anyone’s gonna encourage juno to do things for themself just as much as they do things for others, it’s gonna be kite. I like the idea of kite eventually becoming so much stronger over the course of their whole rivalry that much like with Sakyo, juno can’t do their typical strategy of holding back long enough to have a decent battle, which forces her to put so much more energy and effort into her battles that kite essentially forces her to battle for herself, to put in the work to really try their hardest that they can’t help but enjoy themself during the battle, and that in turn ends up being the most genuine kite sees him for the first time. The fun juno has during that battle makes her want to get stronger and enjoy battling for himself just as much as she battles for others. Kite isn’t the only character who draws this out of them as I do imagine this development also being tied with her dynamics with Zyro and Sakyo, but kite is the primary relationship through which this is explored fully from beginning to end.
The fully arc of their rivalry happens before they officially get together, though there are definitely feelings there throughout basically the entirety of their relationship. The separation of digivalen pre-Juno character development and post-Juno character development is also kinda what separates the two main dynamics of them as a ship, those being 1. Juno teasing kite and being able to get under his skin and make him a flustered, angry, tsundere mess and 2. Them being the most disgustingly overly affectionate and cheesy couple you’ve ever seen in your life (/aff). Juno catching kite off guard is kinda the whole crux of the start of their dynamic, and there’s a little flirting and silliness thrown in there which just amplifies this, and further down the line this continues but instead of it making kites head completely explode, he’s able to shake it off in order to stay focused and really draw out more from juno. This is what allows their relationship to start being on more even ground, developing until kite is the one able to start catching juno offguard, and at times, he is able to make them a bit flustered (except it’s different than when kite gets flustered, bc while kite’s system completely overheats and shuts down, juno only has that pause for a brief moment before she’s like “wow, you really are cool, you know that?” in complete earnest and affection). By the tail end of their rivalry, they’re able to entirely bounce back and forth off of each other (while there were brief moments of this previously, its completely equal and mutual here), which is what eventually gives way into kite realizing that A. Juno has genuinely been interested and hitting on him for the entirety of the time they’ve known each other and B. he ended up developing feelings for them as well without entirely realizing it, and a lot of the anger and confusion and tsundere-ness that he felt around them before was because he genuinely didn’t understand that THATS what he was feeling, and now knowing that he likes them, he’s like instantly completely confident in himself in his own kite ego Mr Perfect kind of way, enough to be able to ask juno out himself (even though she tried like ten times already) and officially start their relationship. It is after that they so instantly become the corniest couple of all time because they’ve already gone through all the awkwardness and stuff just being rivals that now that they’ve both gotten to the places that they have with and because of each other, they are so instantly able to gel together romantically and completely have that connection. They are both incredibly down bad for each other and while kite still tends to be the more obvious about it of the two, juno does have more moments of also being completely and more obviously whipped for him.
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plaguery · 9 months
6, 7, 20, and 23 for Lurley!
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
this is a difficult question because it is really dependent on the situation. lurley always weighs pros and cons (dont let this fool you into thinking she makes good decisions. its only her idea of a pro and a con). general rule of thumb is that she's going to figure out if whatever it is will ultimately benefit the outcome that she's aiming for--and if it is, it would not be hard at all to convince her to do it.
lurley already has a list of bad behavior that she knows deep down is wrong, but she denies it to herself. basically, even if it's a huge leap, as long as you can convince her it will get the "right result", you may need to push but you'll ultimately get her to do it and she'll just let "logical" denial and dissociation take care of the rest.
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
lurley is newer (literally a 2023 baby), so this is a bit harder as she's been pretty consistent since i made her. in her early early development, she was intended to be less dysfunctional and more prissy but that was quickly scrapped. (i love dysfunction forever and ever if thats not already apparent
other than that, i dont think anything has really changed about her per se, but more that i began to understand her better as i've developed her. originally, when i created the pair of lurley and evonya, the idea was that evonya was a highly developed "dark fantasy" like persona that lurley was using on a secondary account (and that persona itself was just one of a set). lurley's investment in evonya was a crucial coping mechanism for her. technically, my intention was not to create a system but. a few months ago i realized made a system. so now we have Official plural host lurley (but she always just. Was)
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
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soooooooooooooo this question is beautiful because Yes she fucking does get jealous all the fucking time but she doesnt realize she does. well, more that she refuses to recognize it. shes jealous towards her coworkers, jealous towards the strangers she watches and/or records, jealous towards fellow fic writers, incredibly jealous towards anyone who gets any of pomene's genuine attention. i think if you gave her enough time in a room alone she could find a way to be jealous of the paint on the wall.
and this typically manifests through all her meddling. lurley does everything she can to suppress the actual emotions and in so doing, she convinces herself instead that there are problems in people's lives that are not there or exaggerates their problems and appoints herself as their resident problem solver. if her jealousy gets to a fever pitch, she starts tripping over her own logic and her threads start to visibly unfurl.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
grief and yearning are the hardest emotions for her to both process and express. and naturally, they go hand in hand. lurley cannot accept that anyone has hurt her, is hurting her, and she is stunted in processing that pain and loss. and without doing that, she cant really process the fact that desiring anything is okay, that wanting things to fill what is missing (even good or bad) is something that is acceptable. and in her inability to process and accept these things, she shoves them to the side and leaves them inaccessible for expression.
heres a lurleycore image to close out
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zero-braincells-left · 3 months
wow I like talking. I wasn’t gonna have a keep reading here because i want to force people to see it but then I thought about it for 2 seconds and decided that was shitty
if any of you knew me irl you wouldn’t like me. even if I think I act mostly the same I know it’s different . I shouldn’t have even made it this far i shouldn’t keep friends for this long why does nobody hate me yet why am I still her why does anyone put up with me?? And it’s so stupid I can have everything I don’t even think I deserve but it’s not enough I want more but i already think this is too much too. I don’t know what I’m scared of but it happens every time, it’s supposed to. So it has to again right. of course I don’t want it to because I don’t know who id do. I don’t want to be alone which is stupid because im NOT even at school there’s still people who tolerate me. And im fucking lucky as shit and I have a good family and they love me and they care so what makes losing everyone that’s latched onto this not even that fake online identity (maybe it’s fake but it has not too many differences from me usually. But. Irl feels fake too so idk) so scary? why do I think I wouldn’t live without this when I know damn well I could and would. Fuck why doesn’t it matter how many times I’ve talked about this and how many times I’ve been talked down from this. It always comes back and the stupid ass backwards logic of “if I leave everyone I care about first then they can’t leave me! haha gottem!!” Comes back. and NO!!!! im not doing that!! i cant do that again not after last time. that was horrible and even if im “over it” now that’s probably half the reason im scared. i don’t want that again. And I won’t get that again if i fucking stay quiet, right? But nooooo I love attention that other people deserve and need so so much more than me and I want people to worry about me and i want people to talk to me!! Last time I posted something like this i didnt even mean it that much. Some of it, sure, but.. i just wanted to see if anyone would say anything? and it worked and I feel bad because i didn’t deserve to be comforted for something I didn’t even mean why did I do that. it’s like the coward’s equivalent of suicide baiting since i don’t even have the guts for that. Heh. the only person getting a headache from me is myself (I do in fact have a headache that began maybe a third of the way through what I have typed right now lmao??). This. Isn’t even that serious. if i wanted I could just not post this and delete it from my drafts and go back to being silly because why would I bother making people worry? just for the attention I want? that’s shitty. What’s even worse is that I know people are willing to give it. you really really shouldn’t but haha can you blame me?? I’m just some stupid kid on the internet that’s okay at drawing and writing and has something to give at least so of course you’d like that!! of course you like Zero!!!! would you like the stupid kid behind the screen that does absolutely fucking nothing all day and is laying here crying at the fact that people might actually care about him?? would you like her?? maybe you would. maybe im being dumb right now. But it doesn’t matter because you’ll never know me. and would you want to, if I could? really all I have to show is this silly persona . I want more than that but this is all there is .
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kath-artic · 4 months
aforementioned talking
was sitting in the shower thinking of things I'd like to say to him and its so funny the way I've become obsessed with the concept of cohesion. like I really read one essay on coherentism like 4 years ago and said "yeah kinda if you account for the fact that moral imperfection is not necessarily evil and also if you account for the fact that most contradictions can be solved by taking a step back because even the most opposing points branch out from the same source." like I was reeeaaallly explaining myself in my head there just to make sure my logic was airtight for no damn reason. anyway one thing I thought was silly (and its something I've realized before but its a realization that kinda faded from the forefront of my mind) was that I started thinking about how to explain that I try not to concern myself with outcomes and that lead me to the example of the situation with my friend wherein I haven't "decided" if I want to still be her friend in the future because my concern in the present is having space away from her--why close a door that may better serve me open and why ask someone in when they may be better off outside and why concern yourself with doing either when there's no one at the door to worry about--and to determine an absolute outcome is to limit myself and then I thought "what if he says 'oh I would've cut her off'" and I thought I'd explain my whole thing about avoiding cruelty because cruelty is the first seed that turned me from being in touch with myself as a woman on account of my not-so-good relationship with my mom growing up and THEN I started giving examples in my head and started reflecting on when I was little and she'd ask what I wanted for dinner and I'd accidentally pick something expensive (I was a kid w no idea how much things cost) and she'd get mad and start yelling at me and then I'd say "I'm sorry I didn't know, I'm fine with anything we can afford" and she'd still get the expensive thing to prove a point. Anyway this final bit is the point I was getting to because its been a while since I've reflected on this memory and like. 1) its why I struggle so much whenever people ask me what I want to eat and they're paying because I'm hyper conscious of the fact that I'm putting them out and I have no concept of how much is too much (like whenever people ask what I want to eat I almost always ask some vague question like "what are the parameters" because I never feel like I have enough information to make an informed choice) 2) its part of why I cant understand what my friend was expecting of me. because whenever I tell someone "no its okay" and they STILL do the thing I initially wanted it feels like a guilt tactic. so why would I read into subtext and not do something I was given permission to do when all my life that has been a tactic used to make me feel horrible.
anyway lol that one other memory is starting to finally fade again I think. it just pisses me off in so many ways that it was ever back to begin with. like she's not really To Blame for it being on my mind, but that situation is what triggered it. like 1) having that one incident where I went catatonic because she brought up the topic my first ex would threaten me with whenever he was raping me at knife point like 9 times in one week compared to her getting upset over something I DIDNT DO because it reminded her of when she was lonely on her birthday in middle school kinda pissed me off 2) if comparing traumas is the name of the game then how's 'having your best friend's abusive boyfriend get into a whole public fight with her over the fact that she's coming to your birthday so she has to leave early and then your first boyfriend sexually assaults you once she's gone' for bad birthdays 3) her telling me that I will never experience the kind of connection I've dedicated my life to finding in her last message just to hurt me 4) the only other time I've ever felt the kind of betrayal she made me feel (and obviously it was on a far greater scale in this latter case) was when I realized what my first ex had been doing to me. all 4 of these things have just been making me so anxious again and I make such a point of not letting the fact that I was raped instill distrust in me. I still believe people to be fundamentally good. but its been hard recently and that's what hurts me even more. I trust the guy I'm seeing. I trust him so much and I want to let myself be close to him, but it's been hard to talk because now there's this specter of cruelty looming over me. I don't want it to affect my ability to speak anymore. I don't want to be haunted by the ghosts of things that cant hurt me anymore
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unikornu · 4 years
Lucy: 3, 5, 18? Harrison: 1 and 10?
Thank you! Also for not choosing the ones i can’t understand :))) yasss
3. Scars or painful spots
Aside from the scar under her right eye the last hassle with the raider who gave her that souvenir also left some deeper cuts around her waist (since he wanted to have a good time with her you can imagine). Also she is wearing fingerless gloves all the time almost because of nasty burn marks she has on top of them and some smaller on her palm, the ones on top will remind themselves from time to time with slight pain after whole day of activities and some material rubbing, or when someone is grabbing her by it, but she is ashamed of her hands so much she would sometimes choose to sleep in these gloves. I can’t come up yet with some decent theory how she would get them tho...because she is wearing fingerless gloves so whatever accident would have happened it most probably should have happen in a manner of something like a burning man grabbing her by her hands, leaving the fingers free but fire and heat catching the skin where he held her. Maybe some job accident of a man who was suppose to be dead, they were burning the body and he was still alive or smth and grabbed her by the hands like so... I sincerely don’t know yet details about that.
5. Guilty pleasures
She sneaks to Gage room when they are done with the day and he is away, leaving his top off and takes a deep sniff into it, burying her nose. For some reason the smell of a dirty, sweated man’s clothes after the whole day gives her a sick satisfaction. She would rather not be caught doing that.
18. Things they’ll never admit
Being jealous and being wrong. Even if she knows she fucked up or picked a wrong decision despite hearing its a bad one she will bite her tongue over and over instead of openly admitting a mistake and just stay silent about it. As to being jealous if someone would hit up on her raider or show off they are better than her she won’t show jealousy over it but will be struggling so much inside with it especially if attention would have been given to these people, leaving her alone, she will be struggling inside and forced to sneak away somewhere place where she wouldn’t be obviously found...like a garbage behind Cappy Cafe. And just drink it over.
1. Their physical weak spots
Going with the fact what he is, his physical weak spots would be the one that through history were described as the one that held the soul of a person so heart-lungs so lets put in as a chest and his brain (pineal gland and whole bunch of cerebral nerves so lets just quality it as simply as his head) That’s why his hat is also bulletproof and solid.       
10. Fears/phobias
He doesn’t have phobias but is fairly nervous around laboratories and scientific facilities and doctor-ish looking people, anyone in a lab coat. Extra points if they wear a mask along with it :)). One science experience was fairly enough for him and he would rather not be an object of observation or worse, more experimentation. 
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
this takes place in my ‘poly frontier’ universe
pairing: Will “Ironhead” Miller, Santiago “Pope” Garcia, Francisco “Catfish Morales, Ben “Benny” Miller and a female reader
wordcount: 2.1k
warnings: all fics in this series are 18+, poly relationship, domestic, romantic, and sexual intimacy. strong language, angst with a happy ending
summary: this one is a Santi story - he tries to bring another girl into the relationship, and learns instead how much he loves you
it wont be everyone's cup of tea but I felt like it was an important part of the story
note: don’t hate Santi! I think this is a pretty normal, and the best sunsets come after rain
Santi was the first to branch out. He didn’t mean to – hated himself for it a little, but he did.
This – whatever this is, it’s a ticking time bomb, he told Will. One of has to do something before it breaks all of our hearts.
It was a lie.
They both knew it. But he had the money and the looks and the confidence and he was just hurt enough by the sight of you asleep in Ben’s lap one afternoon that he just… let it get to him.
Brooded and boiled until he was overcome with false righteousness and pure selfishness.
He didn’t look you in the eyes when he told you he was going to try to get another girl. It wasn’t that he was leaving what you all had, just that he deserved a chance at whatever he called balance. His gaze in the other men’s eyes was too bold – the look of a desperate man, terrified of being hurt so causing it on his own terms.
You nodded numbly, shocked in spite of yourself, scolding and scathing voices in your mind telling you not to be selfish. Not to be greedy.
He deserves more than sharing.
Tucking yourself into Frankie’s arms, you tried not to glare or cry and only failed at the latter. Because it’s not the dating another girl that hurt, really it’s not. Polyamory is hard, and it was always an open option. What hurts is his blatant choice to ignore the relationship his has with you, specifically, that he’s ignoring everything you and him have worked for, built with love and time and care.
Rubbing gentle hands over your skin, Will and Frankie and Ben shared looks as Santi stalks away.
Frankie corners him in the garage the next morning. You had slept between him and Will the night before, but they had all felt you toss and turn, all spent a fair amount of time staring at the ceiling themselves. His dark eyes are an insecure that shoots into Frankie’s core – it’s a look he knows, has spent months overcoming. He swallows hard, his words dying in his throat, and he simply shakes his head.
It almost breaks Santi in two, the first moment one of his loves betrays the damage he’s done, but he tells himself there’s no going back.
“Better now than later, when our parents hate her or –”
Frankie’s look stops him and he flinches away.
Will is at the bar he chooses without an invite, knowing where he’d be without having to even ask and they both try not to think of you at home with Ben, probably dripping flames. Santi wonders if it hurts more to watch him flirt, or to do it, but neither of them say a word to each other. In spite of it all, the respect his judgement, respect his choice, and that hurts too.
It feels strange to have others looking him up and down and to look back, smile with lust void of love and soak in the attention.
Before he succumbs to it, Santi wishes Will would come over, slide his hand around his neck and… stop respecting him so much. It would pull him back, but since he doesn’t, the thought dies under the burn of cheap alcohol.
She’s lovely, really, graceful like a cat.
Santi has kept her from you all for a few weeks now, keeping his dignity with distance. But now she’s here, in your home, and you should be jealous but instead you just smile sadly at her, and slip off to the kitchen.
He likes… coffee, dark roast, with just a clump of raw sugar. You’re stirring it when you realize they followed you, hovering at the door. The ache of it is less than it was before and they’re happy together, so for his sake, you sit down across from her.
She’s kind, friendly. Knows the gist of the situation, tells you she’ll go at your pace.
And it crashes into you, how he’s pinned you at a time when know one else is home, offering her up to you like a plea, a child who used the superglue to make a gift, never mind the fact that his hands are both stuck to it and burning.
It feels reasonable to have another woman around, to make the numbers less absurd, to – to help you. Her smile is a little shy and she takes you hand and she looks at Santi with such adoration that a knot loosens in your chest involuntarily.
She doesn’t joke about it, any of it, and you almost wish she would. It would be so much easier to hate her if she was shallow, or stupid, or something but she’s not, and when she smiles you almost think you could be friends. You wonder if you could make it work, like they do for you.
Ben and Will come home early, stepping in like the angels they are, planting themselves solid at your side like trees with roots deeper than they are tall. When Frankie comes home, he takes the spot of the two of them as their eyes draw Santi into another room.
“What the fuck, Garcia,” Benny is as hurt as you are by it all, maybe more.
“Shut up Miller.” He’s glaring, filled with venomous satisfaction at how well the two of you have been talking.
“Cant you see it’s for the better?”
There’s silence – neither of them agree, too confused by him to respond.
“Don’t you ever wonder,” Santi tries again, knowing they’re listening because they love him too.
“No.” They spoke in unison, which makes Will roll his eyes. Neither of them hesitate, and something in Santi cracks.
You poke holes in the bottom of a styrofoam container with a plastic fork. She’s long gone now, but the date still lingers as you poke at your leftovers and try to unwind each moment of the date like strings of spaghetti.
On the surface it had gone well, you had thought you had fun until you felt a burn of tears under your eyelids.
Closing them you sigh, breathing like you practiced, gentle tides of love and logic washing over a feelings you tell yourself are selfish.
When you open your eyes, your Santi is standing behind her chair, and you almost cant breathe.
He went away for two weeks to help with a mission, and he’s here, one side of his mouth higher than the other. You want to kiss it, but you smile instead, and say, “You missed her by a couple minutes, sorry,” and actually mean it.
“I caught her in the parking lot,” he sits slowly, carefully, and when he reaches for your hands it’s almost tentative. It makes you blink again, how his eyebrows are bending. For the first time in what feels like forever, you don’t understand what it means, cant predict at all what he says next.
“I broke it off,” his eyes are in yours.
“I don’t understand,” you hear yourself say.
Santi searches for the words, like he had them but cant make them come out of his mouth.
“She’s not you,” he says. “I want you.”
You realize with a start that his hand is trembling, and he says your name in a way you’ve never heard before – like he’s terrified. That’s how badly he wants this, wants.. you. There’s no question in your mind, your eyes answer him.
It’s messy, not like a movie, the way he tugs you up and up and into his arms, the shudder of his broad shoulders and he buries himself into you as much as he can.
Like a hazy, blurry dream, your arms find their way around him, holding him like he’s fragile, another first.
He doesn’t say You’re enough for me, or You deserve the world, or anything dramatic.
Instead he says, “Can I buy you dinner?” And, “I’m sorry,” and “It’s been too long.”
And he says “I love you.”
He already asked the others, calling them each on his drive to you. Asked like he was young, if it was okay. Santi knew none of them had fallen in love with her, because even he hadn’t. But he had to ask for their permission as much as yours, to try to win you back.
They were more guarded than you, wary of his passion.
It takes time, and work.
He stays up later than he should talking with Benny about everything and nothing, hands nervously putting together snacks. When the younger man holds you, Santi teaches himself to join, to be held and hold you both. It feels good, which feels like guilt.
He works on that, too.
Frankie and him never talk about it. For weeks he thought his oldest friend had understood, more of less forgiven him without a word. One day they’re out for lunch, and his eyes flicker at the waitress, tucking her hair behind her ear. When he returns his gaze to the man across him, his blood runs cold. It’s been years since he’s seen furious determination brewing in Frankie’s dark, caring eyes, but it’s there now and he hates it. It takes discipline, to watch how he’s perceived as closely as he watched his intentions, but he does it.
It was easier than winning Will back.
“How long has your logic been shit?” Has your heart been in the wrong place this whole damn time?
“I just got on the wrong path, Ironhead.”
“Like hell you did,” his eyes were ice. “You let that happen.”
It would’ve been easier if he punched him. This wasn’t a kiss and make up moment either. The work ended up being long talks while you forced them to drive to pick you up when your car broke down the town over. Forcing words out being so honest it hurt, until has heart and throat felt raw. Making Will understand it was out of his own fears. Showing him how he was fixing it.
And weeks of letting with watch him again, eyes not missing a single touch or flinch or moment between you all. Actions to reinforce his words.
It hurt, but infinitely less than feeling distant from you all to begin with.
Will and your Catfish bring it up with you, one sunday afternoon as you tuck yourself between them and let their hands trace your skin.
“How are you doing?”
“I don’t know, Will. Better, I think. I missed him.”
Frankie places a row of warm kisses down the side of your neck.
“He missed you too. It’s Pope, he’s... he’s scared, love.”
“I don’t know if I believe that, yet.”
Ironhead grumbles at your confession, his big fingers squeezing the meat of your thigh.
“You gave him another chance, but you’re holding back. What does your gut say?”
“Unreliable - I’m in love with him.”
His head pops up and he kisses you before half-smiling. Frankie’s hand finds one of his, and they share a look.
“Can we tell you, querida? What we’ve seen.”
“Some objective evidence,” Will kisses you again.
“He loves us.” Another kiss. 
It’s quiet as Santi flips through his latest files. The evening air is cool, and he should be getting ready for bed but you’re not home yet, and they’re all milling about waiting. You texted them how tired you were, what an awful evening you had.
“It should just be another couple of minutes,” Will says, and Frankie checks his watch. Ben wanders to the kitchen and they can hear him mixing hot chocolate.
When you walk through the front door, they fold you in their arms. Santi holds back, doubt still nagging at his mind. You let him back in, let him take you don't dates, but you didn’t fit together any more. He was running out of ways to communicate with you.
But you slump over, gently pushing aside his files and placing his laptop away before replacing it with yourself. Molding into him you sigh, and almost instantly fall asleep.
You’re small and vulnerable in his arms and the weight on his legs feels like trust.
The air in the room shifts, lighter, more breathable than it’s been in months. Adoring, proud eyes watch, and he wants to cry.
For the first time maybe ever, he’s sure that everything is going to be okay.
The bar was mercifully quite that evening, and if made it easy for you to find your love. A small, familiar feeling tugged in your gut as you made your way over to him, eyes on the waitress who was leaning over him with unwholesome intentions.
Then the feeling settled, and was replace with a warmer feeling. She was putting down a tray that had your order on it, and Santi was thanking her, distracted checking your message on his phone.
“Hey, handsome,” you said, the warm feeling spreading throughout your chest. “Can we actually get out of here?”
His brown eyes were big, dark lashes catching the low lights as he stared at you. Somewhere in his mind, he thought too protest because your drink just got there, but the words stuck on his tongue. 
“Yeah... yeah of course, baby,” He signaled for the check before standing to draw you in his arms. Saying no to you had never really been an option. 
The two of you barely made it to his truck before your hands were all over each other. You liked the feel of him, pinning you against the metal frame, the desperate way he kissed you.
Pope was saying something about how you looked so fucking sexy, needing him so badly you couldn’t wait. You couldn’t concentrate on them. 
“Pope,” you said against his skin, sliding your hands under his shirt. In response, he only made a soft groaning noise and increases his urgency.
"Santi," you tried again, before your own gasp cut you off.
"Santi - fuck - Santiago!"
The look he gave you was that of a dog, when you held the treat just out of reach.
"I'm yours," you said, pulling his head in to press against your forehead. "And you," you kissed him, hard, fingers gripping his beautiful curls. "Are mine."
"Fuck," you could feel his heartbeat, his pulse, he was pressing into you so hard, like he wanted to blur where he ended and you began. You knew he understood.
"I am," he said into your skin again and again that evening. Not selfish position, a promise and a proclamation: "I'm yours."
"I'm yours."
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179 @mrsbentallmadge @pbeatriz
poly frontier taglist:
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inredunderlinedx · 3 years
Wherever you stray, I follow: Bruce Wayne x reader
A/n: this fic will use she/her pronouns! As always requests for different pronouns in a new fic are welcome!
I was definitely being followed.
Yet every time I turned around there was no one there. It was incredibly frustrating.
“That’s it.” I muttered, grabbing my phone and dialing my best friend.
“Hello?” He answered
“Bruce, you didn’t hire a PI to follow me did you?”
“What? No.”
“I’m being followed. I cant see who though.”
“You are? Where?”
“I’m by Gordon’s, but there’s definitely someone following me for a couple blocks now.”
“Uh, do you want me to send a car to pick you up? If someone is following you, you shouldn’t go home.”
“I guess yeah…” I said still glancing around, “you’ll stay on the phone with me until the car gets here?”
“Of course.” He replied
• • •
Once I got to the manor, Alfred opened the door with a smile.
“Upstairs, he’ll be with you in a moment. Tea?”
“That would be lovely.” I said with a smile.
I waited until bruce came down in sweats.
“Hey, are you alright?” He asked
“I guess, it was just… weird, I don’t know.” I shook my head.
He hummed sitting beside me.
“It was weird, it didn’t make me feel, unsafe just uneasy; I didn’t like not knowing who was watching me.”
Bruce nodded, I glanced at him, raising an eyebrow at his slightly guilty expression.
“You promise you didn’t hire a PI?” I asked inquisitively.
“I promise. No PI.” He said with a light laugh.
I hummed in response.
“I’m going to bed, I’ll see you in the morning,” I said, kissing his cheek, “thank you for letting me stay here.”
“Of course. Whatever you need, I’m here.”
• • •
The next night, I was walking home from work when I felt the eyes again.
I kept walking, I didn’t look back. I waited, I wanted to catch them off guard.
I made a turn off to an alley, and kept walking, not yet looking back, when I reached another turn I paused, riffling through my purse.
I took the small mirror and tried to discretely search behind me. I paused on a shadowy figure on the room behind me to the right.
I held it still trying to make out who it was.
What was Batman of all people doing following me?
I slipped me mirror back into the bag and continued walking, with the knowledge spinning through my head.
I knew there was no reason not to go home now, and I finally got back to my apartment.
I had to figure this out.
There were two main possibilities:
I was a suspect which made no sense
Batman had a connection to me
I was definitely not a criminal, and even if I was i wouldn’t be good enough to interest Batman.
The only other possibility was Batman had a connection to me. It was no secret that my walk home from work wasn’t through the best neighborhoods, or the best time of day.
The only logical solution, was Batman was making sure I was safe— which was nice, except I had no idea why me.
What made me important enough to protect. I wasn’t very close with anyone other than Bruce Alfred and Clark.
I had just started this new job, so I couldn’t be someone from there. I had very little close relationships, other than Bruce and Alfred.
Which Is why I couldn’t figure out who, and why me? I wasn’t special.
I mean sure, I was friends with an Uber rich guy, but—
That had to be it. Bruce. He had connections, he must know Batman. That’s why he looked so guilty.
I sat up, and grabbed my keys. I was going to yell at Bruce. What an idiot. He could have told me instead of giving me a heart attack.
• • •
“Miss L/n, we’re we expecting you?” Alfred said.
“No, i apologize for coming over unannounced, but I need to speak with the idiot of the house.”
“Ah,” he said, almost like he was expecting it, “he’s just getting cleaned up.”
“Alright.” I said following him inside.
I saw Bruce in the kitchen, without a shirt on with a giant gash across his chest.
“Bruce! What the fuck!?” I said rushing over to him, “what did you do?”
“Alfred!” Bruce said, like he had been tattled on.
Oh my god. I had never realized how many muscles he had. Or how many scars.
Oh shit.
“You’re Batman, aren’t you?” I said astonished.
“Shit.” Bruce said, knowing there wasn’t anything he could do to convince me otherwise.
“You absolute dumb-ass!” I said throwing my hands up, “you cannot actually think this is a good idea!”
“Y/n, look,”
“No! You are so dumb. How stupid could you be?” I said, “this is in no way, a healthy coping mechanism!”
“Yeah, well someone has to do it.” He said
“Why you? You shouldn’t suffer! You shouldn’t die for some stupid city! You shouldn’t die cause I love you and you can’t leave me alone!”
There was no hiding the guilt on Bruce’s face. He stood up, despite my protests, and hugged me tightly.
“I love you too.” He whispered.
“Please don’t die.” I said softly
“I’ll do my best.” He said, with a chuckle.
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2tired2study · 4 years
hi! i’ve recently finished the picture of dorian gray so let’s go over my favorite quotes (in order from the ones that appear in the book first to last)
if they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat
being natural is simply a pose, and the most irritating pose i know
and as for believing things, i can believe anything, provided that it is quite incredible
when our eyes met, i felt that i was growing pale. a curious sensation of terror came over me. i knew that i had come face to face with someone whose mere personality was so fascinating that, if i allowed it to do so, it would absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself
he, too, felt that we were destined to know each other
laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is by far the best ending for one
a man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies
i like persons better than principles, and i like persons with no principles better than anything else in the world
every day. i couldn’t be happy if i didn’t see him every day. he is absolutely necessary to me
he is all my art to me now
it is only the intellectually lost who ever argue
and the mind of a thoroughly well-informed man is a dreadful thing
there is no such thing as a good influence, mr gray. all influence is immoral; immoral from the scientific point of view
he becomes an echo of someone else’s music
but the bravest man among us is afraid of himself
nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul
some day, when you are old and wrinkled and ugly, when thought has seared your forehead with its lines, and passion branded your lips with its hideous fires,you will feel it, you will feel it terribly
man is many things, but he is not rational
examinations, sir, are pure humbug from beginning to end. if a man is a gentleman, he knows quite enough, and if he is not a gentleman, whatever he knows is bad for him
behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic
there was something fascinating in this son of love and death
really! and where do bad americans go to when they die?... they go to america
well, the way of paradoxes is the way of truth
all i want now is to look at life. you may come and look at it with me, if you care to
punctuality is the thief of time
it is only the sacred things that are worth touching
when one is in love, one always begins by deceiving ones self, and one always ends by deceiving others
there is always something infinitely mean about other peoples tragedies
how different he was now than the shy frightened boy he had met in basil hallwards studio! his nature had developed like a flower, had borne blossoms of scarlet flame. out of its secret hiding-place had crept his soul, and desire had come to meet it on the way
it is personalities, not principles, that move the age
people are very fond of giving away what they need most themselves
he lives the poetry that he cannot write. the others write the poetry that they dare not realize
human life—that appeared to him the one thing worth investigating
to note the curious hard logic of passion, and the emotional coloured life of the intellect—to observe where they had met, and where they separated, at what point they were in unison, and at what point they were at discord—there was a delight in that! what matter was the cost? one could never pay too high a price for any sensation
with his beautiful face, and his beautiful soul, he was a thing to wonder at. it was no matter how it all ended, or was destined to end. he was like one of those gracious figures in a pageant or a play, whose joys seem to be remote from one, but whose sorrows stir ones sense of beauty, and whose wounds are like red roses
the senses could refine, and the intellect could degrade
all that it really demonstrated was that our future would be the same as our past, and that the sun we had done once, and with loathing, we would do many times, and with joy
it often happened that when we thought we were experimenting on others we were really experimenting on ourselves
the joy of a caged bird was in her voice
she was free in her prison of passion
i love him because he is like what love himself should be.
he was like a common gardener walking with a rose
he had the dislike of being stared at, which comes on geniuses late in life and never leaves the commonplace
to be in love is to surpass ones self
my wonderful lover, my god of graces
i wish i had, for as sure as there is a god in heaven, if he ever does you any wrong, i shall kill him
whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives
i don’t want to see dorian tied to some vile creature, who might degrade his nature and ruin his intellect
we are not sent into the world to air our moral prejudices
and unselfish people are colourless. they lack individuality
you are much better than you pretend to be
of course, it is sudden—all really delightful things are
he is not like other men. he would never bring misery upon any one. his nature is too fine for that
but i am afraid i cannot claim my theory as my own. it belongs to nature, not to me
no civilized man ever regrets a pleasure, and no uncivilized man ever knows what a pleasure is
there was a gloom over him
he felt that dorian gray would never again be to him all that he had been in the past
any one you love must be marvellous
it is not good for ones morals to see bad acting
there are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating—people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing
you taught me what reality really is
you had made me understand what love really is
you are more to me than all art can ever be
there is always something ridiculous about the emotions of people whom one has ceased to love
a faint echo of his love came back to him
we live in an age when unnecessary things are our only necessities
when we blame ourselves, we feel that no one else has a right to blame us
i cant bear the idea of my soul being hideous
one can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing
nothing makes one so vain as being told that one is a sinner
it is only shallow people who require years to get rid of an emotion
you were the most unspoiled creature in the whole world
of you wish me never to look at your picture again, i am content. i have always you to look at
from the moment i met you, your personality had the most extraordinary influence over me. i was dominated, soul, brain, and power, by you
i grew jealous of every one to whom you spoke. i wanted to have you all to myself. i was only happy when i was with you
i only knew that i had seen perfection face to face
i grew more and more absorbed in you
you are made to be worshipped
in every pleasure, cruelty has its place
but it was to teach man to concentrate himself upon the moments of life that is itself but a moment
out of the unreal shadows of the night comes back the real life that we had known. we have to resume it where we left off, and there steals over us a terrible sense of the necessity for the continuance of energy in the same wearisome round of stereotyped habits, or a wild longing, it nat be, that our eyelids might open some morning upon a world that had been refashioned anew in the darkness for our pleasure, a world in which things would have fresh shapes and colours, and be changed, or have other secrets, a world in which the past would have little or no place, or survive, at any rate, in no conscious form of obligation or regret, the remembrance of even joy having its bitterness and the memories of pleasure their pain
yet, as had been said of him before, no theory of life seemed to him to be of any importance compared with life itself
he saw that there was no mood of the mind that had not its counterpart
art, like nature, has her monsters
is insincerity such a terrible thing? i think not. it is merely a method by which we can multiply our personalities
and mind you don’t talk about anything serious. nothing is serious nowadays. at least nothing should be
i am tired of myself tonight. i should like to be someone else
sin is a thing that writes itself across a mans face
you forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite
that is the reason why i want you to be fine. you have not been fine
you have a wonderful influence. let it be for good, not for evil
i wonder do i know you? before i could answer that, i should have to see your soul
my god! don’t tell me that you are bad, and corrupt, and shameful
so you think it is only god who sees the soul, basil? draw that curtain back, and you will see mine
each of us has heaven and hell in him, basil
you are the one man who is able to save me
don’t speak about those days, dorian—they are dead... the dead linger sometimes
lord henry, i am not at all surprised that the world says that you are extremely wicked
life is a great disappointment
i like men who have a future and women who have a past
moderation is a fatal thing. enough is as bad as a meal. more than enough is as good as a feast
you always want to know what one has been doing. i always want to forget what i have been doing
his soul, certainly, was sick to death
he was prisoned in thought. memory, like a horrible malady, was eating his soul away
ones days were too brief to take the burden of another’s errors on ones shoulders
it is a sad truth, but we have lost the faculty of giving lovely names to things
to define is to limit
to be popular one must be a mediocrity
romance lives by repetition, and repetition converts an appetite into an art
i am searching for peace
the appeal to antiquity is fatal to us who are romanticists
sick with a wild terror of dying, and yet indifferent to life itself
horror seemed once more to lay its hand upon his heart
how terrible it was to think that conscience could raise such fearful phantoms
he had a wild adoration for you and that you were the dominant motive of his art
when you and he ceased to be great friends, he ceased to be a great artist
if a man treats life artistically, his brain is his heart
art has a soul, but that man had not
the soul is a terrible reality
to get back my youth i would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable
but a chance tone of colour in a room or a morning sky, a particular perfume that you had once loved and that brings subtle memories with it, a line from a forgotten poem that you had come across again, a cadence from a piece of music that you had ceased to play—i tell you, dorian, that it is on things like these that our lives depend
life has been your art
the books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world it’s own shame
the world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. the curves of your lips rewrite history
it was the living death of his own soul that troubled him
as it had killed the painter, so it would kill the painters work, and all that that meant. it would kill the past, and when that was dead, he would be free
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angelicmichael · 3 years
Imminient Annihilation sounds so dope - Chapter Ten
Michael Langdon X Reader
Summary: Reader and Michael continue to work through their issues and finally start to warm up to each other even further. 
Words: 5.9k+ …oops
Warnings: just normal IA warnings (swear words, manipulation, unhealthy relationships, enemies to lovers, slowburn, etc) anddd maybeee a bit of fluff 👁
A/N: hey guys! Sorry I haven’t updated this in a few months but hopefully this is satisfactory hehe. This chapter is kinda a turning point in the fic so I hope u guys like it!! Also I watched Jennifer’s Body as I finished this so.. do what u must w that information 😌 djdjd
Previous Chapter
Rain was never something you were accustomed too. Spending so much time in Los Angeles had made you partially spoiled when it came to the weather - which is why you knew immediately your day was going to be shit when you woke up to rain.
You tried to convince yourself that the emotions you were feeling weren’t complete disdain but rather just a pessimistic version of indifference.. or that’s what you hoped anyway.
You knew realistically that your day wasn’t already doomed before it even started; and that the rain was nothing more than a mere inconvenience.. However; you still felt justified in complaining, considering today was the day you were ripping the band-aide off and moving in to the apartment Michael had oh so graciously chosen to give you.
Your pessimistic mood surrounding the entire situation was inevitable, and that was something you didn’t even bother to resist or fight. It didn’t take long for your thoughts to quickly go south as you quickly packed. Hatred that seemingly came out of nowhere (but that you realistically knew was only temporarily dormant) wasted no time in blinding your judgement - making you feel a nearly nauseating amount of jealousy and anger for people who actually seemed to be fucking happy in their relationships and werent forced into.. whatever shitty living situation you knew you were bound to find yourself in.
An apartment with no strings attached was way too fucking simple, and you knew it was too good to be true. You knew you were basically walking into a trap, and for what reason were you doing that so willingly? Just so that maybe Michael could start to tolerate you? You resented yourself for even agreeing to this but you also understood you really had no other option.
However; personal feelings aside.. you still had a mission to accomplish. You still had to attempt to seduce Michael, and even though you were doing a shit job at that so far - you still had to try. You knew realistically it was only a matter of time before Cordelia would ask about the progress you've made, and you would have to tell her something.
You had to do this.
That's why you were (semi) blindly choosing to move in to a building you knew you absoluetly couldnt afford; and why you were sucking up your pride and choosing to become semi reliant on Michael.
No one from the coven knew, and for the time being you intended to keep it that way. After all, even though Mallory didnt exactly know that Michael gave you a whole ass fucking apartment - your sure she probably suspected that something important happened between you and Michael just from the short conversation you three harbored together. But for the time being, you didnt have to worry about that. You had bigger things that were on your mind.. like the actual apartment door itself that you currently stood in front of.
You held the keys limply in your hand, your bag slumped next to you as you procrastinated something as fucking simple as opening a door. How pathetic.
You continued to stall in the hallway regardless - thankful there was no one passing through to witness how ridiculous you looked. Your gaze fell south down to your keys which were cold in your hand. Dripping slowly with the subtle rainwater that managed to linger on them, along with the rest of your clothes.
Your skin stung from the cold that seemed stubborn to leave, and a nice change of clothes and a hot shower wouldnt be the absolute worst thing in the world..
You bit your lip in order to prevent letting the profanity from rolling off your tongue. Quickly getting a better grip on the keys (which only made you somehow colder) and numbly, hastily unlocking the door.
You pushed it open, letting the door hit the wall and taking a few steps inside before dropping your bag to the floor.. as well as your jaw.
No words could possibly convey how you felt as you noticed how the room was already illuminated with not only natural light from the already huge windows you could see.. but also with a warm, yellow artificial glow.
Was someone already here?
What the fuck?
The hatred and resentment you previously felt toward others earlier rapidly started to return - except this time it was targeted at one very specific person.
It didnt even register in your mind that the light could've been left on by accident or that people besides Michael actually existed that could be present in the room but.. you didnt care. Anger was the only emotion that was solely present in your body as you fully abandoned your bag by the door. Advancing forward; and only feeling more shock and disbelief with every step you took at the thought that he could very possibly be in (what was supposed to be) your space.
"Michael, I swear to God-"
"Y/n?” said a soft, feminine voice.
It was practically automatic how you froze. Just getting close enough to notice that it wasn’t Michael after all that was on your bed in your new studio apartment, but a woman sat on your bed instead.
For about two seconds, you were scared it was Madison but.. that was a stupid assumption within itself. The company you were with was from a far different nature than of which Madison was, even though at first glance the two woman might look or sound similar. There were so many qualities that distinguished Mallory from Madison. Brown, auburn hair.. dark eyeshadow.. and her classic black boots. It didn’t take long for your anger to fade away as you tried to not think about how logically this still didn’t make sense - walking closer to your bed anyway.
"How did you get in here? And since when did you ever break into peoples rooms?" You asked with a laugh.
Mallory echoed your laugh back, seemingly watching you and your behavior. As if she was expecting you to do something or to act a certain way.. like perhaps leave.
"I didnt break into your apartment but.. you should probably sit down." She spoke, before nodding off to her side. Nonverbally suggesting you to sit next to her.
You did as you were told. Noticing briefly before you sat down how nice the apartment actually was.. including the bed.
The walls, and most of everything in the apartment was a solid black. It looked sleek, and even though black paint made most rooms look small - the natural light helped keep things looking open which you appreciated. It was no surprise that the bed matched the dark theme too. The sheets were silky, black satin. You almost laughed at how comfortable the bed was once you sat next to Mallory, the entire situation was so ridiculous it nearly hurt for you to not laugh out loud. The two of you sat in the silence for a moment.. you were each incredibly anxious, that was more than apparent.
You looked up at Mallory, expecting her to speak first and explain herself since after all.. shes the one who broke into your apartment but she still remained quiet.. Stalling, you could only guess.
"So, why are you here? How did you even get in here? Is everything okay?" You asked, your words speedy and rushed.
Panic started to temporarily set in when you realized that something could be serisouly wrong with the coven, even though you knew how completly irrational it was to think that way with no evidence. What if witch hunters found them? What if someone preformed the seven wonders and it went wrong? What if the plan had suddenly changed with Michael?
Mallory seemed to pick on how anxious you suddenly were, putting a hand on your upper arm before making you meet her gaze. Her soft, hazel brown eyes immeadietly making your breathe slow. That was another reason you were so thankful for Mallory - the soothing, calming effect she seemed to have on everyone she met was something you never took for granted.. Espically now.
"Hey, nothing's wrong and nothing happened. I promise. I just wanted to see you and talk to you, and I figured we should catch up after Michael basically made me leave," Mallory explained.
You quickly nodded. Feeling guilt start to creep into your system once you remembered how Michael previously treated her.
"Yeah, youre right. I've been wanting to see you anyway and I'm sorry I didnt just call you last night or something.. and I know I cant control him but I'm still sorry for how Michael treated you. I shouldn't have brought you into that-"
"(Y/n), stop," Mallory said urgently. Shaking her head slightly in disagreement with your words. "Sure, Michael was acting like a dick but.. it's nothing I'm not exactly accustomed too. It was harmless," she ended her words with a smile. One that was meant to comfort you both at the epiphany her words brought.
You sat with her words for a moment. The realization suddenly hitting you like a truck-
"Wait.. what? Do you know Michael?"
Mallory fell completely silent. Looking at you almost in a.. guilty manner. Her gaze fell downwards before she looked up to meet yours once more, licking her lips anxiously before she uttered out a quiet reply.
"I wasnt going to tell you because I knew it would make you upset but.. Michael called me last night-"
"And you answered?" Your voice raised up a few octaves unwillingly. Threatening to break as you tried to process what you were hearing.
As much as you wanted to immeadietly jump to conclusions, you had to remind yourself that this was Mallory you were talking too. Your best friend, Mallory. You knew she would never do anything to intentionally hurt you.
You noticed Mallory was also starting to get tense. Her spine suddenly a bit too straight and her shoulders were rigid. It was nice to know you werent the only person in this situation who was feeling this way, although you would be lying if you were to say that you werent curious for why Mallory felt tense.
"At first, no but he kept calling so I figured it would cause no harm to see what he wanted so, I answered," Mallory said cautiously.
It was obvious she had more to say and as much as you wanted her to keep talking and fully explain herself - you were more than happy that you didnt have to cut her off again. It was too much. This was too much.
You pinched the bridge of your nose before loudly exhaling with a shallow growl. Not really caring that it probably was coming off like you were mad at Mallory when in reality, that wasn’t the case. Mallory wasn’t the problem; you were really just beyond fucking pissed at Michael.
But at this point.. that wasnt new news.
"I told him that we shouldnt be talking, but he insisted," Mallory continued with a shrug.
You tried to sit up straight again; trying to exhale some of the pure fucking anger that was currently coursing through your system. Your vision was spotted black when you opened your eyes - your gaze pointed upwards at the smooth, blank ceiling. Quickly wishing that you were anywhere else, or really anyone else at the moment.
What you wouldnt kill to swap bodies again.. but then again, who knows what the hell Michael was currently doing at the moment.. He couldnt be trusted.
That was more than obvious now.
You should've known that he would contact Mallory, but how he even got her number was beyond you.. Unless-
"How did he even get your number?" You asked. Your tone strikingly calm.
Mallory looked incredibly spooked when your head suddenly snapped over to look at her. As if she was worried you were angry at her still, and as much as you wanted to reassure her otherwise, you really didnt have the energy to do so anymore. Not at the moment anyway.
"You can't be mad when I tell you the answer, okay?" She said softly.
Your features immeadietly softened at her words. The rest of your body relaxed as well; your shoulders dropping and your jaw unclenching.
"Mallory, I could never be mad at you. You could never piss me off, i'm just.. frustrated at Michael. It's not at you, I swear," you said. Trying your best to make your words sound reassuring and genuine.
Mallorys reaction wasnt one that was verbal but immeadite nonetheless. Her arms suddenly shot out and wrapped themselves around you. Her body temporarily pressing into yours as your hands went to her back, before she quickly broke the hug.
"Promise?" Mallory prompted. Brown eyes looking diligently into yours.
"Yeah.. I promise. Just tell me what that idiot did,” you said halfheartedly.
"So.. I've had his number for a while. Not for too long but just since you two switched. But, we never really talked," Her voice stalled as she watched your reaction. Your mouth grew dry as you really tried to let it sink in that they've known eachother since- well for atleast a week. "But I knew immeadietly that it wasnt you.. that day. I'm sorry I lied, but Michael made me promise."
"Why didnt you just tell me?"
Mallory looked at you in a guilty manner. Her lips pursing shut as she looked solemnly at her shoes, avoiding eye contact. You knew exactly why she was being quiet - she didnt want to admit why she had lied but.. the answer was pretty obvious.
Even though Mallory was one of the strongest witches - almost stronger than Cordelia on some days, she still was scared of Michael and that was nothing worth holding a grudge over. After all he was still the antichrist, no matter how (mostly) harmless and idiotic he seemed to you now.
"Okay.. I guess that doesnt really matter," you admitted with a laugh. Figeting with your hands as you heard a shallow laugh omit also from Mallory, which made you smile. The shallow pit that resided in your stomach finally starting to let up. "But.. What did he call you about last night?"
Mallory hesitated again before giving you another subtle smile.
"It was mostly about you.. I know how you feel about him y/n, but its working. I promise you. Hes finally warming up to you. I just wish you could hear how he talks about you,” she spoke. Taking your hands into her soft, warm ones.
"I wish I believed that," You admitted.
"I wouldnt lie to you. Hes finally starting to warm up to you, plus it was obvious yesterday-"
"Yeah; It was obvious how strong he was coming onto you."
Mallory laughed again at your words. Shaking her head slightly in protest.
“Y/n you know that’s not true. The only reason why he was flirting with me was just to get to you.. I thought that was obvious.”
“It was obvious I just.. didn’t know that you knew that. I mean, Michael has Madison.. or he did so you think that would at least satisfy his flirting needs for a bit but.. Michael faking to be interested in you, that would mean he wanted a reaction out of me on purpose? Why would he-“
“You know why. You need to start cutting yourself slack and realize that maybee this rivalry is starting to be one sided.”
You pouted at her words at the realization that they actually held more truth in them than you were willing to admit. If Michael didn’t hate you anymore, if he was truly actually willing to be civil.. then why were you still so upset? Were you the one who was unintentionally causing problems now? Was it now you instead of Michael that was holding the relationship back?
How fucking stupid.
“I can’t trust him, Mallory. How can I when he and Madison literally tried to kill me. I can never forget that they did that to me.”
“I’m not asking you to forget what he did, y/n. I’m just saying that maybe it wouldn’t hurt to start having an open mind around him, and see where it gets you.”
You were struck silent, knowing that Mallory was completely right. If you wanted to have any hope at all of making things right with Michael (even though you really didn’t do anything wrong..) you would have to try a different approach because obviously; what you were doing now wasn’t working. Being snarky, and vaguely threatening him every chance you got was fun of course but- it wasn’t working. Even though Mallory was probably the sweetest person you knew, the fact your own best friend had to (very politely) make a intervention was.. not a good sign. Although, you knew Mallory was doing this for your best interest because if she didn’t say anything, then Cordelia certainly would.
And sadly, Mallory was actually right.
If you wanted things with Michael to advance any further; or to advance at all you needed to step things up but, you could always worry about that after Mallory left.
“So what, are you guys besties now or something?” You sneered.
“Shut up!” Mallory said with a laugh, playfully pushing you over a bit. “He’s barely even my acquaintance. The only reason he’s being nice to me is just to get to you, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I mean that’s the goal-“
“Do you think that’s the only reason?” You interrupted.
Your throat automatically tightened after you spoke, the threat of your words potentially being true coaxing you to silence. Your not sure why the thought of Michael using you made you upset.. it’s not as if you didn’t think he was doing it before but this time it was different. Perhaps it was because you finally thought Michael actually had some type of interest in you.. and to have that suddenly ripped away?
That would leave you beyond broken.. you knew that for certain.
Mallory looked at you solemnly, as if she was already resenting her words before she had to say them outloud.
“Look, I don’t exactly know Michaels intentions and I’m not going to pretend too.. I don’t really think anyone does at this point but I do know that regardless of your feelings, or even his feelings that.. you have to try.”
You let out a loud exhale.
“I mean you said it yourself.. Michaels so unpredictable, there’s no point in guessing how he feels so.. maybe I should just.. ask him?”
Realistically you didn’t know how good of a idea that was- but.. trying to remain realistic was something you gave up on days ago. Pretty much the same day you switched and that definitely wasn’t a coincidence by any means.
As soon as Mallorys mouth opened, you heard three loud knocks. Quick and rapid with no hesitation between them. The apartment nearly shook with the force of whoever happened to be at your door, and you certainly didn’t doubt that your neighbors heard the knocking as well.
Mallory looked at you in utter confusion, but stayed on the bed nonetheless with no sign of getting up. Naturally, you found yourself scooting closer to the end of the bed, knowing it was you who was going to have to get the door.. and that made you scared shitless. Not because you were necessarily scared to open the door but because you had a horribly bad feeling on who was on the other side.. There was only one person that you knew of that was aware of where you lived, and you knew it wasn’t matience or staff.
You knew standing up was the logical thing to do but you still stalled. Hands starting to painfully dig into the soft, expensive sheets that lie underneath you. You mouthed a silent, ‘what the fuck?’ to Mallory but your head snapped back at the door..
Three more knocks which were only louder and more persistent than the last.
“Coming!” You quickly called out.
It was pure anxiety that fueled your next actions. You quickly stood up from the bed, trying to walk hurriedly to the door as fast as you could and trying your damn best not to think.. Hoping Mallory also had a idea of who was at the door and also happened to get the fuck out of view.
You didn’t want a repeat of yesterday happening again today, and you knew you wouldn’t hesitate to slap Michael if he tried to flirt with her again. Even though, you knew you weren’t supposed to act like that anymore.. but why should you have manners if Michael refused them as well?
Opening the door swiftly and without a second thought; you stood breathless as you saw a familiar blonde standing in front of you.
You both stared at each other at first - each not daring to have the balls to say ‘hello’ or anything else for that matter.. You noticed how Michael first eyed you up, fully looking up and down your body (as well as peering behind you, hopefully not making eye contact with Mallory). You made a point to just look into Michaels eyes, refusing to do what he was doing.. whatever the fuck that truly was.
“How did you know I would be here?” You breathed.
“I knew it was just a matter of time before you’d come, but it also never hurt to charm the hotel staff a bit,” Michael responded swiftly without a second beat, almost as if he anticipated your words. His lips upturned slightly at the edges, in a way that nearly made your stomach sick.
“The hotel staff-?!”
“I have connections everywhere y/n, I thought you knew that,” he sneered.
He brushed past you as you continued to stand in shock. Your mouth slightly falling open as Michael took a few steps into your apartment - looking curiously around, almost as if he knew Mallory was here..
“I did.. I think that’s obvious,” you shot back hurriedly. “But thank you for the apartment again, Michael. I still feel weird taking it but it is nice I’ll admit,” you continued. Hoping to make him turn around to look back at you and hopefully not find Mallory.. Which worked. At least for a few seconds at least.
Michael made direct eye contact with you for a moment, almost as if he wanted to speak but was deliberately choosing not too. Instead he turned around, walking in deeper in the apartment.
Your mouth immediately dropped open - your feet carried yourself forward as you started to feel a bit numb with shock- not knowing even in the slightest how you were going to handle the situation if Mallory didn’t fucking move.
Sure enough..
“You always manage to linger.. don’t you?” Michael spoke.
It took only a couple steps for you to fully realize he wasn’t speaking to you. You only saw his backside as you approached them. Quickly meeting Mallorys gaze as you came into view.. Her brown eyes darker than ever as she peered up at you.
This time it is nearly impossible to distinguish whether she looked in agony from Michaels appearance or yours; since you apparently interrupted them. Her gaze quickly returned back to meet Michaels before you could think anything of it.
“I’m not here to see you, Michael.” Mallory announced. Her tone harsher than what you were expecting what apparent friends would use.. Were they even really friends?
Mallory suddenly stood up while Michael was still standing a few feet in front of her. Making eye contact with Michael for a split second before almost ducking around him before she stood in front of you.. leaving Michael speechless behind her. She quickly hugged you, her arms only embracing you for a split second before leaving. It was obvious she was in a hurry to leave now but.. you weren’t sure exactly why.
“I should get going, you and Michael have a lot to talk about,” she subtly smiled before turning to leave.. not letting you reply or have any sort of reaction to her words.
You stood solemnly as you heard Mallory’s footsteps gradually go farther away, before hearing the door open and close. You watched Michaels back as he refused to turn around.
“How was your nice chat with Mallory?”
“Why are you asking? Am I not allowed to see her or something?” You bit back. Your words possibly twice as venomous as his were.
Michael hastily turned around, looking at you with utter disbelief. His blue eyes looking into yours, as if he was suddenly surprised by your tone and how you were acting - as if his behavior didn’t proceeded yours.
“You need to relax,” he snapped. He approached you until he was right in front of you. “I wasn’t asking because I’m trying to control you, I know that’s what your thinking,” His words fell soft until they were nearly inaudible. “I just wanted to ask what she talked to you about.”
“About us?” You prompted.
“Well what else would she be talking to you about,” he snickered. His words spoken as more of a statement than a question. His laughter quickly dwindled off after he saw how rigid your frame suddenly looked. “Kidding. For the most part.. she said she was going to talk to you, and I figured I should actually speak to you this time rather than her.”
“Are you.. actually trying to trust me, Michael Langdon?” You teased. A smile, as well as laughter escaped from your lips at the mere thought.
Even though the thought was amusing on its own, you still didn’t completely trust him. Even now when he had Mallorys trust (for the most part), you still didn’t doubt that he had a ulterior motive.
Michael finally stepped back, hesitantly breaking eye contact before inaudibly beckoning you to follow him.
“I’m trying, just like how I told you I would,” He hauntingly reminded you.
You followed him silently to the long leather couch that sat by the overly expansive windows. Sitting down next to him in a way that felt almost too casual.. but being casual around Michael and not borderline fearing for your life was something you would have to adjust too.
You noticed how he instantly slipped his shoes off; drawing up his feet on the couch.. his arms and as well the rest of him contained. Away from you.
“So if your trying.. now,” you suggested uncertainly. “Then.. tell me why you came here to talk suddenly again? I mean why not just go through Mallory again like you’ve doing previously?”
“(Y/n), please. Take me seriously and just trust me for once,” His words came out quick and stern as he spoke them. “I was being serious yesterday, as well as all the other times when I told you I wanted to start.. putting effort in and trying.”
You stared at Michael utterly dumbfounded.. Feeling a bit hopeless that you actually felt almost.. touched by his words. That’s if he was actually being serious, anyway.
“What does trying mean to you?” You asked carefully. Your mind naturally went back to Madison.. were they even broken up yet? Was that even something that Michael was willing to do for you, and how was that something you could just ask? “What about-“
“Madison’s fine. She’s fine.. with everything,” he replied hesitantly.
You simply ignored the fact that he seemed to pick up what you were talking about almost immeadietly.. focusing on rather the latter part of the sentence.. that she was okay with everything?
“So she knows? That you’re here?”
“Yeah. She knows but that’s besides the point. Madison isn’t a part of the equation anymore, I don’t want to talk about her,” He spoke as if his words were final and not to be argued with, but his tone wasn’t angry. He was just done.. and you were too.
You wish that wasn’t the case though. Cutting Madison off didn’t sit right with you in the slightest, and it would definitely have to be something that would have to be mended later. That was a given.
Madison and Michaels relationship was far too close for them to suddenly split and remain like that forever - it was temporary, but so is everything really. That shouldn’t phase you but - it still managed too.
“Okay. I’m sorry, I didn’t-“ you started.
“It’s fine. I knew you would ask.. She’s the reason why I’m here actually,” His eyes broke contact and averted down to his hands. “I don’t mean that as in I’m not here to see you but, it was something she said that brought me here.” He continued, his voice almost growing soft now at just the mention of his ex girlfriend.. and now, you felt like you actually were starting to understand his point of view. Not fully but, it was clear that Michael was trying to be more open with you, and this time he wasn’t ‘fake’ drunk.
It took nearly everything in you to not immeadietly retort but just like the night where you were at the party; you tried to fully hear him out since this was apparently one of the few times he was being civil.
“So Madison gave you advice and you actually took it?” You said while laughing softly. Trying to lighten the mood since Michael seemed to be brooding.
Michael didn’t laugh back but instead his gaze flickered up to meet yours for a moment. The corners of his mouth upturning in a shallow smile that only lasted for a few seconds.
“I did because it made sense.” He said, his tone still remaining serious. You noticed how careful he was being with his words.. something that was typical for Michael to do but this time it seemed a bit too deliberate. You wanted to ask what exactly Madison even told him to do but.. that felt wrong. “It was also the right thing to do.. Being close to you is something I should’ve done a while ago, probably immeadietly-“
“But what’s in the past; stays in the past. And since your so adamant about being close to me.. we can always try now,” you cut in.
Michael continued to sit a good distance away from you; you thought it was ironic how he could talk about wanting to get close with you but wouldn’t dare to move any closer. That thought made your pride a little bit too happy.
Right before he could open his mouth to say something; his phone rang. The sound suddenly earsplitting and blaring but Michael didn’t bother to flinch. Instead he stood up and answered his phone.. making sure to nearly trek across the apartment before he said anything into the phone.
You stretched and casually examined him as he talked, you had a feeling who it was on the line..
After how tense things were with Mallory - you knew they probably weren’t going to be on friendly terms anytime soon.. especially in front of you. And judging by how.. oddly relaxed he seemed (yet timid when he caught your gaze and realized you were staring), it had to be one person.
You were about to sink back into the couch and try your best to not speculate what they were talking about, but before you could fully turn - you realized Michael was sauntering towards you.. clearly still on the phone.
Oh fuck.
Before you could ask what was wrong, the look he gave you alone ushered you to silence.
He quickly held the phone away from his ear. A quick glance at the screen confirmed that the call was still active.
“You said you forgive Madison.. right?” He spoke lowly. His words barely audible, more so mouthing the words than actually speaking them.
You looked at him with a expression you’re sure looked as if you were furious but you were really just completely confused. You wanted to ask but.. there was no time if she was on the phone, but knowing what you were about to get yourself into would also be nice to know.
His eyes had since lost the sharpness that had nearly cut you earlier, instead swarming with urgency and a bit of panic.. It had to be Madison. The only person that could ever have that effect on Michael was Madison.
You simply nodded in response. Not trusting yourself to speak quietly outloud but you also didn’t exactly trust your response because it wasn’t exactly truthful, but Michael seemed to be level headed.. for now.
Michael immeadietly turned and held the phone back up to his ear, this time staying in closer proximity and within ear shot. Putting on his shoes as he continued to hold the conversation he was having.
So when are you coming?
Great, see you then. . . Bye.”
If you didn’t just hear the words that you thought you had heard.. you knew under normal circumstances your heart would’ve ached when you realized how Michael hesitated before he said goodbye, most likely catching himself before he said ‘I love you’. Instead though, you felt a gruesome wave of nausea suddenly rise through you.. urging you to shakily stand up and speak without thinking.
“She’s coming to see you?”
Michael barely gave you a second glance as he turned around and started to head for the front door of the apartment.
“Yes. You’ll be seeing her too, don’t worry.” He spoke before he quickly let the door shut behind him.
You continued to stand, utterly speechless.
Part of you wanted to run after him and the other part merely wanted to scream in anger that he had already made fucking plans but instead you felt numb. Numb and calm.
You returned to your bag and unpacked, trying your best to not let your emotions consume you like they previously had too many times.. until you finally broke down and called Mallory.
Taglist: @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakescoven @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon @king-with-no-crovvn @melodylangdon @littledemondani @langdons-pinkyring @celestialrequiem @sojournmichael @mindlesschicca
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t4tdexter · 3 years
house of mirrors
2.5k word mlp fanfic. dont judge me >.>
summary: rarity and twilights visit to the crystal empire is more eventful then either had hoped. somethings wrong with the castle, and more importantly, somethings wrong with shining armor...
content warnings: fear of transphobia (no actual rtansphobia bc this is the colorful horses show)
Rarity held back a whinny of delight as she trotted off the train and into the crystal empire station. Everywhere she looked she was dazzled by gleaming crystals of every color refracting rainbows on every surface while somehow remaining the farthest thing from gaudy. Starting to feel faint from excitement, she leaned on twilight's shoulder as her eyes fluttered.
“Rarity come on!” The alicorn laughed as she helped her friend upright. “We’ve hardly been in the empire for a minute! Save your fainting for the ceremony.”
The white horse perked up immediately at the reminder of what she had come here for: she was to assist Cadence and Shining Armor in the preparations for the newborn princesses presentation to the public! She cantered in place with excitement, lifting twilight's luggage with her magic and running off to their suite in the castle with twilight hot on her heels.
The suite was spacious with generous decor in simple light colors. the main focal point of the suite was the giant bay windows which cast giant swathes of warm light across the room. upon closer inspection rarity was amazed to discover that the windows were made entirely of cut crystal rather than glass. the faint color of the gemstone created a slight cast on the light coming in, giving a view of the city below that was ever so slightly tinted. this realization recontextualized the furnishing in rarities mind: it wasn't dull and plain, but simply a blank canvas for whatever the crystal windows brought in. a strange method of decor indeed. or was it a response to the material conditions of living in a house of crystal?
When the two had almost settled into their apartment, they were startled from their rest by a brisk knock at the door.
“A summons for princess twilight sparkle,” a booming voice called from behind the door. “You are needed urgently by princess mi amore cadenza for matters concerning his highness the prince.”
Worry flooded the purple alicorns features. “Urgent? Then I guess I had better go now.” She magically gathered a few items into her saddlebag and gave a parting smile to her friend as she was rushed away by royal guards.
Shocked by the suddenness of it all, rarity let out a chuff and sat squarely on her quarters. Was shining armor alright? she wanted to put her anxieties to rest, but it was plainly obvious that she hadn't been invited. would the entire trip to the empire consist of her sitting alone in her room while twilight attended to all matters of actual importance?
Trying to shake the thought from her head, rarity got up and left her room to explore the castle. It truly was extravagant, with pillars of crystal stretching to the high vaulted ceilings spreading refractions of glittering iridescence that made the whole space seem somehow both extraordinary glamorous and warm and homey. Inspiration flooded her mind as she trotted the decadently decorated halls. She just couldn’t wait to get back to her studio and put this inspiration to good use.
She was halted in her exploration when her ears picked up familiar voices talking from behind an ajar door. She knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but she couldn’t help but listen in...
"-i don't know what to do twilight, he hadn't seemed this off for years, and now flurry is here and hes completely absent!"
"i don't know cadence, he hasn't said anything in his letters-"
“- all I’m saying is maybe you could get through to him! He won’t talk to me, or anypony else here. you're my last hope. maybe hell listen to his best friend”
“i've never been able to help him in one of these episodes before. if he’s not ready to talk then confronting him will only make him more defensive.”
“That’s a risk we’ll have to take. I’m worried for my husband twilight.” Rarity leaned on the door to hear better as the princesses voice dropped, “please, if not for shining armor, or for me, then for flurry heart. She deserves to have a father who can dedicate himself to her, not one who’s so preoccupied that he can hardly look after her.”
There was a sigh, then rarity heard twilight speak “very well. I’ll do this for her. Maybe that will get through to my brother.”
Sudden approaching hoofsteps started rarity out of her reverie. She stumbled backwards just in time to miss the swinging door as twilight entered the hall. “Rarity? I thought you were still in the room? Oh well, I need your help anyway." She looked over her shoulder as if to make sure they were alone. "I think somethings wrong with my brother. It's possible that one of the unreformed changelings has taken his place to try too take advantage of the upcoming love boom from flurry hearts royal presentation."
Rarity was taken aback by her friends leap of logic. "Doesn't that seem like an extreme suspicion? Having a baby is stressful enough for normal ponies, I cant imagine what kind of pressure would be on a royal prince."
"I don't know rarity, after what happened at the wedding we can't be too careful. I hope its just nerves and parental stress, but we have to expect the worse if we want to be prepared to handle it."
rarity nodded. "alright, then let's find your brother."
The two ponies galloped down the halls in search of the princes chambers. the crystal walls seemed to burn with energy, the warm cast of light from earlier having turned harsh and almost too bright. rarity wondered absently if this was a product of the changing time of day or a trick of the mind. could the walls of a castle really know how somepony felt, and shine it back at them like a diamond mirror?
a distant commotion pricked the two mares ears. "this way!" twilight called as she rounded a corner, dashing after the sound with rarity at her side.
the two skidded to a stop when they reached an open doorway from which the sound seemed to emit. with a flick of her ear twilight motioned for rarity to follow her and the two cautiously made their way into the room. twilight emitted a small light from her horn, then lit the rooms lamp once she could find it on the wall. with the room lit rarity immediately got an impression of drabness and depression, the tightly draped windows letting in no light and the gemstone walls shining the same dim echo back and forth across the space, almost seeming to beg for the light to go out again.
twilight gestured with her chin to the curtained bed at the center of the room, grabbing one edge of the curtain with her magic and indicating for rarity to take hold of the other. once the unicorn had secured the curtain, twilight gave a sharp nod and both ponies tugged their curtain aside, revealing a stallion-sized lump that spectacularly failed to live up to either mares fearful imagination.
the blue-maned unicorn sat up at once, alarmed by the sudden intrusion. he seemed to calm down slightly when he recognized his sister, but he remained guarded. "twily? rarity? what are you two doing in my private chambers?"
"well to be fair," rarity gestured back at the entrance, "you did leave your door open."
"cadence must have done that when she left." shining armor gruffed. "that doesn't answer my question though: what are you doing here?"
twilight stepped forward with a cautious expression, ready to fight if this really was a changeling. "were just here to check up on you, see how youre handling the upcoming princess presentation" it was clear that twilight was being reserved with her supposed brother.
then, shining armors eyes met hers, and her suspicion evaporated. that peculiar sadness that had haunted her brother in her young filliehood, then she had thought he'd escaped when he found happiness in cadences arms, was burning hot tears from shining armors eyes. she had never seen a pain like that before or since. if there was anything twilight was certain of, it was that this pony was the same one she had known her whole life. but the question still lingered, was he the real shining?
completely without her permission, tears began to well in twilight's eyes. "oh shinning, whats happened to you?"
her brother choked on a sob. "I'm sorry twily, you were never supposed to see me like this. no one was. i should be able to hold it together for you... for cadence... for my daughter..."
"shining nopony wants you to hide any part of you! we want to know when you're hurting so we can help. i had thought you'd healed from whatever's causing this pain but it seems to be back and i wont let you hide it from me this time!" the purple alicorn sniffled as tears streaked down her muzzle. "please shining, tell me whats wrong."
The stallion nervously rubbed his hooves together and cast his gaze to the ground. "i don't even know where to start."
"the beginning," twilight proposed. "i want to know everything. you cant heal until you let your wounds be seen."
shining nodded and took a deep breath, "its just that, when you were a fillie, everyone expected me to be the perfect big brother, and i never measured up to that expectation. it was like being thrown into the ocean with no idea how to swim, and everypony kept insisting that i was a fish and i should know how, but i didn't. then in the royal guard it didn't matter how i felt as long as i followed orders and played the role, so that's what i did. i don't know if it actually quieted the pain or just forced me to ignore it, but for a few years i thought maybe i could live with it. cadence was the only pony i've ever met who could make that noise in my brain silent; with her it didn't matter if I wasn't brother enough fro you or stallion enough for the military. i was always enough for her, no questions asked. i was so happy when we got married that i could almost forget about that feeling, telling myself it was a phase i'd outgrown. but now with flurry heart, all that anxiety is back. its like no matter what i do ill never be able to be a good father for her. i love her more than anything, id do anything for her, but it isn't enough. i'm not enough." the white unicorns neck gave way as he succumbed to quiet sobs, his once proud chin quivering and brushing his chest.
"shining... i..." twilight was speechless. what could be said? her brothers pain went far beyond anything she knew how to mend. at that moment being the princess of friendship meant nothing; she couldn't even move herself to speak in the face of her first best friends deep sorrow.
"i hope im not overstepping here," a timid voice chimed in, startling both siblings as rarity cleared her throat. "but i think i may have an idea as to the source and solution of your distress."
"rarity?" shining choked, "how could you possibly know how i feel?"
the mare nervously flicked her mane with an idle hoof. "there's a lot you don't know about me." turning to twilight, she asked "would it be alright if the prince and i could have a moment alone?"
Twilight nodded and bowed out of the room, and the two remaining ponies listened to her hoofbeats echo down and again further down the labyrinthine crystal hallway, which now seemed to glitter coldly like a sterile knife where it once had gleamed so warmly. rarity shivered at the thought of living in a place like this, which could transform before your eyes depending only on ones own emotion. that was, she mused, the property of crystal. it created nothing, only reflecting what was cast onto it. in a dimly lit cave the finest diamond was often mistaken by novices for a common quartz, but at the heart of a kingdom built on a foundation of admiration it gleamed on every surface like the morning dew on a freshly budded rose. this castle wasn't a cold cage or a warm embrace, it was an endless hall of mirrors, each perfectly angled to show you the deepest darkest crevice of your heart.
"i understand why it tortures you to live here." rarity whispered. "each surface gleams to a pristine chrome finish, yet the face it reflects is fundamentally and inconceivably wrong."
shining armor appeared startled, "that's exactly how it feels. how do you know? is it that obvious how miserable i am?
the mare shook her head, "only to those who have felt the same misery. shining armor, i once lived the same life as you, albeit in a much more drab estate. I felt that at every turn i failed at the very task of existing as myself, my relationships suffered because it pained me to view myself as a part of them. mirrors became my enemy because i couldn't face the pony looking back at me. the stallion looking back at me."
a small gasp escaped the taller unicorns lips "what-"
"think about it shining," rarity pleaded shakily, " everything you cant stand to be: brother, father, soldier, prince. they all have one thing in common." tears welled in her eyes and choked her throat "you cant run from it shining. it never stops. you only make yourself more and more miserable. you can cover as many mirrors as you like but eventually you're going to look around and realize that you're still the same pony you hated, standing alone in complete darkness."
something clicked behind the other ponys eyes. "no, it cant be... what about cadence? flurry? twilight? i cant throw all of them away because i have some twisted dream of living as a-"
"-you're not sick shining. maybe a bit different, but there's nothing wrong with you. you'll find that the friends worth keeping don't care at all. they're suffering by watching you suffer; freeing yourself will only free them too."
"i have no idea where to even start though. aren't i a bit too old for this?" shinings eyes were wide and scared.
"i would love to personally see to all the aesthetic changes you wish for, if you'll have me. you really couldn't ask for a more qualified personal stylist. and as for the social shift, you've got the princesses of love and friendship in your corner."
"but that's just it: they're not in my corner. they may as well be on the other side of equestria, or a gaping cavern. how can i even know that they'll still see me as me?"
"i know how scary it is, especially in the early days, but i can personally account for twilights acceptance. and as for cadence, i'm pretty sure they don't go around giving titles like the princess of love to ponies who cant accept others for something so harmless as gender." her smile faded and her face grew a bit serious "i can be there with you if you want. like i said, i know how scary it is." she placed a hoof on top of the other mares own.
She smiled. "I think id like that."
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artreider · 3 years
Station 19 rewatch: 4x14
Going to try to do another rewatch before my family wakes up. We have a lot to do today and there is a dark cloud over the house after loaing our cat this week. Here's hoping i can get through one of my favorite episodes before they get up.
Surrera is so cute here and the whole food thing, like girl where is our payoff on this baby that was so clearly teased. Or is there another medical condition that could be blamed on her excessive eating.
Im so glad maya and andy are friends again. I loge their friendship.
I'm glad andy acknowledges that getting married doesnt fix things; but i worry that if maya and carina hit a rough patch, andy will remind maya of this conversation or use her own issues with sullivan and their marriage as an i told you so.
Danielle is beautiful but does anyone else think she lost weight, random question but just looking at her in her uniform there she seems smaller and it worries me. Didnt really notice last time i watched this episode but am i alone in this.
Oh carina baby you so dont want to go. I just want to hug you.
Jack is so cute, he deserves a family so much but i really do fear he'll be killed off.
Im surprised ben reached out to Sullivan instead of dean.
I love this outfit on maya. Carina your girl is flirting with you and thinking of happier times, engage with her.
I love that maya opens up with carina about her dad and the protests and the happenings in the world with him. It shows so much growth and im here for it. Also anyone else annoyed that one carina answered gabriella's phone call when maya is opening up to her and two that she didnt turn it off for their last few hours together.
The look of like disappointment/devestation on maya's face when carina answers the call and walks away from her is too much hurt.
So sad that bailey isnt there and that ben is alone for even a second of this.
I'm glad andy and sullivan came to be there with ben. Like i get why they wanted andy but im sad after ben and Dean's episode dean wasnt there.
Oh jack, i dont even know what to say besides oh jack lol.
The drama with trash girl is too much lmao. I know its important for jack/inara but its just too much.
Carina packing up her knives being a trigger for maya like she's leaving forever is heartbreaking.
Carina snapping at maya hurts, dont be mean to baby. Also the kitchen sign is totally carina's doing and though she hadnt confided in maya yet that she is her home its a dead giveaway.
I really need screen grabs of the changing words on the sign.
The kids talk, the coming out talk and the marriage talk are all things that should not be done while packing or doing anything else.
Wait it totally sounded like she said "it felt pregnant" lmao or i just have babies on the brain.
Now carina being flirty and maya not reciprocating.
Maya you shouldve pushed the marriage talk now if it was what you really wanted. Instead of letting carina drop the i never wanted to get married bomb and walk away.
Andy and ben together, this friendship is beautiful. I feel like it took several seasons for ben to really get in good the team. Im trying to think of other moments besides the prt support and such when he really connected with folks before this season and none come to mind. He has been an outlier from my memory, tell me im wrong with examples please.
Lmao "you slept with my wife which means we are in a pod", things a pandemic makes funny.
Thats just wrong, giving gibson shit still. Dont hit the puppy with the newspaper when he's doing nothing wrong.
Once again with gabriella, seriously carina turn off your phone and be present with maya and maya alone.
Maya's jealousy is everything. This argument ugh, so good and just the tip of the iceberg.
I hope that maya does take the month break and the months after to really get to know the us immigration system and what it will take for carina to become an american citizen as well as learn more italian. I dont need her fluent but id love to see her use some italian with carina. She lost her brother who she spoke to in her native tongue itd be nice for her to gain that in her wife.
I love how carina stops herself as she raises her voice at maya, like she realizes it may be triggering to maya. I really do think the show and actresses put in a lot in this episode to show how well they know each other and have grown. I feel like they talk more even if we dont see it and maya is working on her issues with carina's love and support. I also do love how this argument ends though ;)
Once again maya opening up and finally carina is there and not sidetracked. And its nice carina opens up as well.
Ben's dream with the different versions of himself and his mom is funny and heartbreaking.
Joey in the dream lmao.
The nice thing about ben is if he gets hurt on the job and cant be a firefighter anymore he has other professions to fall back on.
Oh jack. I just want you to get your happy ending.
I still think its so weird to be talking about jack after they had sex but im glad they are in a place that is so comfortable and can laugh about him.
Once again another bomb dropped, kids. This is something that needs to be discussed properly.
Oh maya dont drop the marriage bomb like that. And i guess i dont underatand the outrage of the "just because", like why would carina think it was anything but that when it was dropped on her like that and after she said she didnt want to get married. This fight is so much about misunderstandings and hurtful comments.
I get how maya's fear gets the best of her here especially after carina said they just moved in together because they didnt want to be apart (asif that is a bad thing) and it was bureaucracy.
And i can understand why maya's fear hurts carina but they both needed to take a minute to breathe and try to talk it out.
I do like when carina tells maya to breathe, again like she knows her triggers and feels maya is on the verge of a panic attack.
If carina felt she married maya when she moved in i really dont see the harm in making it official. Would her having been moved out in italy for 6 months or more have felt like a divorce. I really need to know more about her logic here.
I agree why not just do it.
You've both said enough carina. I hate that she just walks away, so un carina like.
How did jack end up at the hospital? Was he called or what?
Andy is such a good friend this episode, checking on everyone.
Gabriella is so right noone wants to be proposed to the way maya kind of did. Like i cant help but wonder how carina would've taken a true proposal.
Im so glad gabriella spoke some truth to carina and turned her around on the marriage idea.
If we let the wrong decisionss rule how we live our lives things in the world would be so different. Less babies possibly and fewer marriages among other things.
Once again andy being a good friend this episode.
If carina hadnt shown up im curious what maya's next move wouldve been after talking to andy.
Love the proposal and love how its carina who announces they are getting married.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket,Se03, Ep 8 (part 2)
I finally got my answer on how will kyo’s confession of kyoko will be & how tohru will react. I love the writing, the pacing, the monologue, the dialogue, the facial expressions, tohru’s reaction, kyo’s rejection & tohru’s shock. Even yuki & akito’s involvement! All of it was a chef’s kiss!
I went & watched lots of eps of se01 & 2 & I’m loving all the hints they dropped abt kyo & how his trauma was looming over him all. this. damn. time! Unfortunately, it has reminded me of how much tohru’s own character exploration was diminished in favor of her being the angelic mother & the sohma’s fixer! but moving on & focusing on her shining moment now! I’ll explore her character here with regards of her trauma, real hidden character & future development.
Kyo’s rejection is the best thing that has ever happened to tohru:
(don’t hate me before you read!) XD~ just like you, I’m mad at kyo for hurting tohru & I feel her pain. However, the writer didn’t write this with a sadistic desire to hurt us. Kyo’s rejection is the core of the entire story as it is not only connected to kyo’s trauma, but tohru’s growth & yuki’s emotional involvement with the two, as well as akito’s insecurities. I have explained in my review( part 1) how kyo rejecting tohru was a logical progression of kyo’s trauma, the only possible outcome from his perspective, & the themes tied with such decision. Now, I’ll explain why this rejection is good for tohru in the long run:
1. Showing the hidden ugly side: (The timid, shy, self-sacrificing girl is angry!): Tohru’s entire consciously constructed personality is borrowed from elements in her mom & dad’s life:
She mimicked her dad’s overly polite style to prove that she is indeed his daughter, so her mom won’t be called w*ore & to console her mom, so she wont leave her. She has deep low self-worth issues. I gotta become someone else to be loved.
she has inner fear of bringing shame to her mom’s name, wants to always be the good girl so mom’s get praised for raising her. Thus, hiding ugly aspects such as anger, loud voice & frustration.
She wants to prove that her mom chose right by not neglecting her. wishes to be worth needing & loving for her own self.
All she ever wanted since being a 4 year old child is her mom. No other desire for anything else at all. Since her mom’s death, she’s been lost on what to do, who to be, what to want! then it came to her to stick to her mom’s memory & live for her. Living for a dead person is a self-sacrifice decision. Tohru just didn’t see herself outside of her mom’s influence.  
Ever since meeting kyo, he has been encouraging real aspects of her character: be selfish, complain, cry, get mad, yell, look pathetic, expose unflattering thoughts, show undesirable side, ask for things, no, DEMAND things. She has been reluctantly following his advice & only showing that to him. His confession & inability to accept her love has lead her to show the real hidden tohru behind the “ i’m okay” mask:
The timid, always smiling girl is now showing anger, frustration, stubbornness & determination.
screaming her heart out: “ i don’t believe my mom would say that” stating her opinion in firm voice.
 “even if she did, I have to go against her” the real tohru shows her explosive personality that was buried deep down! it is NOT mom’s life anymore. It is MINE. I decide. I choose. I want. My decisions.
“ why can’t you see that?” argues with him. Tohru, who is soft-spoken & tends to get flustered  when others insist, is now questioning his decision with passion & fierceness!
“ I love you no matter what”. Say what toy want. look at yourself as a monster, a murderer, a loser or a coward. I don’t care what your brain or trauma makes you think. I see the real YOU & it is my decision! I love you ugly & pretty, sad & happy, broken or strong, coward or brave. I take it all & no one is fooling me or changing my mind. I’m my own person & I chose YOU. 
 2. Letting go of attachments: Learning to LIVE:
Tohru’s attachment to her mom isn’t healthy. It’s  toxic as it hinders her from being her own person. To be able to love kyo, she lets go of “ listening to mommy’s words” . Apparently, her mom condemned kyo as unforgivable. Tohru knows the real kyo & doesn’t even care for forgiveness despite her mom’s alleged words. Breaking the toxic bond. She formed a healthier bond with kyo. However, if kyo is unable to accept this love. what would tohru do? die?? kill herself?? kyoko wasn't able to continue to love her husband cuz he died. her reaction was neglecting her daughter & roaming away in utter grief. Tohru mustn’t follow her mom’s example. Not all loved ones leave us out of hate. Some leave each other cuz of death (kyoko/tohru), ( kyoko/ katsuya), Others might leave each other out of current traumatic pain, mental health, emotional hindrance despite loving each other so dearly (kyo/tohru). If kyo despite his immense love to tohru, can’t forgive himself, they won’t be together. tohru can cry, scream, yell, but if he doesn't overcome his issues & come back, tohru gotta let go. She gotta learn to let go & not kill herself over what she cant have.
Kyo, on the opposite, gotta learn to hold on to loved ones! Let go of pain but hold on to real ppl not dead ghosts of the past. He must learn to act on his own desire & need for tohru. Only when he forgives himself, he’ll hold on to her. It is then, that tohru will decide again if she’ll have him or not.
3- Wanting things doesn't mean you WILL have them: (You are enough by yourself- moderation)
tohru wants kyo, the first thing she has ever wanted. However, she won’t  automatically get him just because she now learned to demand things. There are obstacles that can stop that. Tohru must accept kyo’s inability to be with her now & live healthily regardless. This ties to akito as well. She wants the zodicas but she cant have them! Emotional distance separate them. What will akito do if she can’t have what she wants? kill kurno? kill tohtru? kill herself? will this bring the zodiacs back? NO. You are enough by yourself. She needs to let go & learn to accept that love means acceptance between the involved parties, emotional connection isn't enough.
-Realistic depiction of romantic relationship progression: (thro better & worse). EPIC writing!
It is indeed fate that brought tohru back in kyo’s path 4 months after her mom’s death & the they do share a mutual past: kyoko. However, fervor grateful to the author for writing them falling in love together isn’t due to fate, coincidence, mutual past or similar personalities. Kyo consciously avoided tohru while tohru herself struggled to understand kyo initially. The author spend valuable time building their romantic relation based on mundane daily life activities. They themselves don’t quite know when exactly that they fell in love. when they recalled falling in love, we see them cooking together, talking, walking, eating, studying & opening up abt small struggles.
It is genius that the writer will add yet another realistic aspect. While kyo was able to read tohru & approach her when she’s down, this doesn't mean he magically understood her & will forever be on the same page & never ever hurt each other at all. If you fell in love, you are bound to be hurt by the person who loves you back as much as be happy together. It is realistic!!! Adding miscommunication & personality differences enrich the relationship. This relationship isn’t just fluffy & lovey dovey. They have realistic issues that they need to work on by communicating. Even communication  wont solve their quarrel if it isn’t done in the right time & with the right desire to connect.
-The weight & future lessons learned from of “ I’m disappointed in you” for both kyo & tohru:
Right now kyo is too emotional to connect & tohru herself is too emotional to understand his response. Tohru understands his pain but her low self-esteem prevents her from seeing that he is rejecting being loved , not rejecting her. He is not rejecting tohru as a person but rejecting kyo as a person deserving love. Thanks to his “ i’m disappointed in you” which really leaves no room for interpretation from tohru’s perspective. I love that!!!! Kyo isn’t good with words. This has been clear from ep 1, his actions has always been his love language, but now he couples bad words “ i’m disappointed in you” with bad actions: running away. This is a perfect opportunity to build their future relationship on a solid foundation: ( off course I’m not belittling their current emotions, I understand why each is very broken now, but I’m talking abt future learning lessons)
Kyo’s current mistake: While him rejecting tohru is justified by the extreme trauma & is logical from his perspective. This doesn’t mean it isnt’t hurtful to her. He chose hurtful words to push her away mimicking how he pushed her in the true form arc. Perfect example of justified mistake yet still a wrong mistake. Thus, kyo needs to learn the effect of his words, he shouldn’t be punished for the past, for tings her cant control, nor for fate. But he should take responsibilities of the present, of what he actually says & does right now.  He must fix this mistake with tohru. This is a mistake that CAN be fixed. someone that he CAN get back. a mistake he CAN stop repeating.He CAN hold on to her with immense desire yet allow room for her to decide for herself.
Tohru’s current mistake: Seeing herself solely thro being loved by kyo. she cant see that he indeed loves her cuz he rejected her. Rejection in tohru’s mind equal lack of love. Her mom left her, thus her mom didnt love her. This respective is very justified due to her trauma, & it is logical that she reached this conclusion. She isnt in his head, she cant know whats in his heart if his words say sth else. However, having a logical perspective doesn't mean it is right. it is still wrong to solely exist thro what you can see & hear. Real emotions run deeper. We must take things with moderate approach. Tohru needs to have higher self-esteem, to allow room for misunderstanding without completely breaking down. In her future life, she’ll be in lots of situations where ppl could hurt her intentionally or unintentionally. She needs to take things with calmer pace & open the door in her mind for doubt & better judgement. As much as loved ones words hurt, to build a healthy relationship, you must leave room for communication & misunderstanding. Hence, you’ll get closer & closer. 
Side Notes:
 I love tohru’s faulty attachment thro only being loved back exactly as she pictures in her mind. it is so human, so real, & so endearing! Very opposite of se01 & 2 image of her being the wise, device-giving mother with right thing to say & do. Screw that unrealistic image! allow tohru to be real! best ep ever! Hopefully, no more of this tohru!
Kyo’s constant repeat of mistakes is the best character trope done right! so realistic. It is genius that the author used this trope to humanize the demonic cat spirit!! what screams human better than the most annoying human trait: repeating mistakes!!!!  Kyo, my son! it’s time to learn! cant wait to see how the author will do that.
young boy/ adult woman friendship? Was that ever made without  disgusting sexualizion? kyoko isnt much of a mom figure to kyo, she tells me abt a husband, child neglect mistakes, custody! he calls her old hag & pushes her! XD. it is friendship!!
i’m mad they didnt focus on tohru’s face when she screamed at kyo confessing her love.. that's tohru moment. Why pan on yuki? you could’ve showed his reaction after she spoke. The same thing was done when tohru confessed to Isuzu!-_-! loved her angry face tho, it was beautifully drawn, so thanks for that. XD
Yuki is forever the best tohru/kyo shipper & the best tohru-happiness defender. I love how he runs after kyo & yet checks on tohru! I’m curious tho, he didnt hear any of kyo/kyoko confession as he was asleep, only the the “ forgive/not forgive line” so, he’ll be wondering forgive what? tohru’s mom knows kyo? I’m excited on how they’ll put things into context. also, I LOVE YUKI.
I’m forever thankful that everything akito is pushed into next ep. The knife wielding action & akito’s dramatic outbursts would’ve stolen from the emotional weight of kyo’s confession. Kyo’s secret is the core of furuba since ep, 1, the entire dynamics of kyo/tohru/yuki /kyoko/ hat is established based on this ep. Shoving akito, too, would create the same annoying train bullet feeling of momiji’s & tohru’s ep (ep 5 & 6). Emotional scenes pushed together with lesser time for the respective characters to have their well-deserved focus.
This is the most I am attached & satisfied with furuba! it scares me since ep 9 continues the climax. My fears of potential dramatic animation since the knife is there! moreover, akito’s own animation is always over the top. I hope they tone it down to portray her as a human more than a maniac.
Also, I hope they dont drag the climax more than that. What more you can shove in the dramatic raining weather. Tohru/kyo scene here matched the true arc scene bringing back parallel. Now akito/tohru raining scene next ep will match se02, ep10 scene. Now, what will the author do to defuse the climax? Often writing the falling action is harder than the climax itself. Falling action doesnt mean happy times & solving issues. It means dealing with the consequences of the climax. Let’s see what the writer has in store.
Based on the flashbacks, Kyoko didnt have ill feelings with kyo!!!! Until the last time he saw her as a child, she was happy with him. Even when he pushed her, she took it as a childlike behavior. at the accident, she didnt have much time to have any ill feelings. No way she thought he pushed her, no way she thought he could’ve saved her. So if she really recognized him, why would she say “ I wont forgive you”? it doesnt make sense at all. Kyoko doesn't hate kyo!!!! So, either he imagined, which is sth that I’ll hate so much! I spent so much emotions attached to a non existant words! NO. plz! NO!! Other possibility, she said sth else closer to the words! but then again how would we know? I NEED to know! ~ as expected, I’m still attached to this damn line! XD. 
Kyo depressed in the mountains after kyoko’s death was very vaguely referenced in (1) se01, ep24 when kyo talked to kazuma! oh shoot! (2) in se02, sp 2 when kazuma thought back to kyo nearly killing himself in depression before meeting the dad, (3) in se02, ep 9 when kyo trampled on the flower! oof! i love this subtle style of writing! connecting the emotional dots! EPIC!
Various characters throut seasons 1, 2 & 3 noticed the real gentle kyo towards tohru: (1) Isuzu’s “ I hope tohru meets someone like haru, to gently open the door” se02, ep19. (2) Momiji having faith that kyo is the right person for tohru & pushing him, (3) yuki constantly musing over tohru/kyo love & drawing inspiration on wanting “ his own person to love like them” (3) Kisa saying kyo is kind to tohru se3, (4) shigure saying, you are exclusively kind to tohru se02, (5) Airisa saying, when will kyo confess in se01, (6) hana saying, marry my sister in the play & pushing him to not be locked! (7) yuki kicking him for saying “ its not your business” to tohru in kyoto trip, (8) kakeru saying “ kyo’s her boyfriend? “ AA~~~~ the whole cast know & can see his love to her!!! TOHRU! He doesnt hate you! KYO!! the entire cast thinks you DESERVE HER & is KIND! not a monster! Is there an image set of those moments of the cast saying that here in tumblr? kindly mention me to see it! I fear going to the tags & seeing spoilers T_T.
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twdeadfanfic · 2 years
Hello, i am the anonymous from yesterday!
first of all thanks for liking and sharing my ideas.
Before I say what I've added to my Sims game, I'd like to express my opinions:
While thinking about the storyline that i would follow, it felt great. Like i pictured our cute house, Dog, Daryl carving wood, Daryl's arms, my sim with him and all...
But it didn't feel as i imagined it, i think the biggest reason why is because when i think of Daryl, he is a man full with emotions. Sometimes he just can't communicate with people, he feels out of the ordinary. The Sims 4 is not an enough game for his character.
For example let's look to the logic of the sims 4:
You greet people
You ask about their day
You discuss about your sim's interest(s)
You become friends
You flirt
You get flirty
You kiss
This is not Daryl at all
Again im not trying to say sims is bad just for a character like Daryl, it is one of the weird problems of sims 4 which doesn't relate to real world
Today i saw that i hate sims, i explained why, but there is another reason why i figured that out today. I will explain it while i tell what happened today:
I created myself and added myself to the household as a housmate.
Because i had this storyline in my head i tried to follow it by doing stuff according to Daryl's character.
I thought something like, Daryl suddenly decides to rent the spare room in the house because he needs the money (you cant earn much from woodwork)
I move in 😏
I become friends with the dog first.
I locked my rooms door of course and because of it for the first 2 days daryl didn't see me.
And one morning he was leaving his room and my sim was going to shower they came across in the hallway. Daryl waved first and then my sim did. Daryl went to prepare breakfast and my sim joined, basically they had breakfast and met officially.
They flirted once in a while, because it is impossible in sims to make someone fall for someone without mod i had to make them flirt, so we are going to accept it as they started to fall in love 😍
On a day where neither of them was working they decided to take a vacation in granite falls
They clodgazed together and then watched tv on the couch, while they were watching tv, my sim confest attraction. Daryl decided to make a move and then they got their first kiss.
Just a kiss is not enough,this isn't about the Sims game, when I think of Daryl and his love life, I always think he would keep his attraction in and after some point it would come to an explosion.
You expect me to say that they had Wohoo?
They tried for a baby in the shower ✌🏻
And then in a bed again ✌🏻
I stopped playing after that, cause i got angry
What will happen after that huh? Sim will be pregnant but we wont be able to get to see the way Daryl is happy and devoted to his wife. He wil look to her belly, won't say anything and then he will go to pee because it is Sims.
We won't see him having his crisis inside, thinking he is not enough, thinking what if he becomes like his father, what if he can't be a good father and a husband
After some time, when the baby is born and is a toddler, i will make their wedding. Just themselves the kid and a few close friends.
This is it for today, don't know when will be the next time
Bye ❤️
-someone who loved hot cocoa
PS: I'm thinking about downloading whicked sims mod but the thing is the computer i use is our family computer. I wont want my family to see what ive been up to 👀
Aaaw so you Sim is with Daryl now! And they jumped straight ahead to try for baby hahaha.
Yes, we won't see Daryl struggling, but then there are the interactions of "touch belly" and they get a happy mood let, and some Sims when their partner is delivering began to panic with a "prenatal panicking" mood let hahaha.
This is adorable.
I found a way of having Sims doing romantic interaction by themselves if you leave them alone. You have to put the Sims you want in a club, and then add the interactions that you want as club activities (friensly, hug, romantic, kiss, anything) start a club meeting and sometimes they'll go ahead and perform does actions.
I hope it helps. Sometimes I used it to have Sims gardening and cleaning my Sim's house haha.
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bbdaydreams · 3 years
Courage My Love// Semi Eita
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Pairing: Semi Eita x Reader
Summary: You like Semi and come up with a plan to confess to him, unfortunately it takes a turn. You meet again a couple years later by chance.
Chapter Six: Shape Up
Series Masterlist•<previous•next>
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“Alrighty, your food will be ready shorty,” the waitress spoke before leaving with the booklets and you all thanked her.
Semi and you still haven’t had a real conversation since sitting down at the table together, just mumbling some words to get through the night which Taka took notice of. “Are you two nervous or something? It’s alright, I’m not scary and you guys don’t look scary. Enjoy yourselves please, besides this is all our treat to you guys.” Feeling guilty for your behavior you immediately apologized to Taka and his band mates and thanked them again for the invitation. Semi did the same as well. You’re both just gonna have to fake it. “It’s okay! We’re going to be spending a lot of time together so I think it’d be cool if we could get to know each other, where are you from? I’m from Tokyo.”
“Miyagi,” you and Semi answered at the same time.
“Oh! Have you guys met before or anything?”
“We went to the same high school,” Semi answered causing you to internally face palm.
“That’s crazy! Were you two friends?”
“We were. Then we lost touch when we graduated. You know, busy busy,” you spoke up before Semi could. The last thing you want was someone you look up to questioning your past drama. Just seeing Semi was enough to remind you of how things went down all those years ago.
“Yeah, this is actually our first time seeing each other since then.”
“Wow, now I’m the odd man out,” Taka laughed to which you did too. While laughing you felt something poke your side.
Semi was sneakily trying to hand you his phone. Semi started branching off to a different conversation with Taka to distract him which you know he did so you could look at his phone without suspicion since everyone else was having their own conversations. You took a quick glance at the text message he typed to someone but didn’t send.
“Can we talk after this?”
You glided your eyes back onto the two singers, focusing more on the ash blonde. You two haven’t spoken in six years, what could he have to say, you asked yourself. Starting to think out every logical scenario you could, you thought that he just wanted to get the confrontation out of the way so you could both do this tour without any issues. Whatever happens, you know that even if you say no, you’d have to talk to him eventually. Might as well get it over with sooner than later so you typed your response.
“Yeah seriously thank you so much for listening to my band too. I’m so glad you like us. I’m actually a big fan of your music,” you spoke, jumping into the conversation so you could pass Semi his phone back with ease under the table.
“Thank you. I really liked your voices and wanted you guys to join me for the last song on our set list. It’s one of the new songs off the latest album,” Taka explained.
“Which song is it?” You asked excitedly.
“Take What You Want. We made the song with 5 Seconds of Summer but I think you guys would sound really good doing their parts.”
“I’m so down!”
“Sounds good to me,” Semi added, amused by your enthusiasm.
“Here’s your food,” the waitress spoke as she set down your plates with the help of another waiter. You all thanked them for the food before enjoying your meals.
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The rest of the dinner was actually quite enjoyable. From what you could tell, Haruka and Jiro were mostly catching up with each other, which you understood since they were close their final year of high school. Tomo and Toru of One Ok Rock seemed to enjoy the stories Izumi was telling them while Ryota and Yui were having fun helping Ranmaru and Subaru practice their English. You loved talking with Taka. He was really easy to get along with and made it much easier to break the ice with Semi. You all finished your meals and left the restaurant together.
“That was the best meal I’ve had in forever!” Izumi announced when everybody was outside.
“Right? I cant way to try more food!” Jiro added on.
“What do you say guys?” You and Semi said simultaneously, crossing your arms and turning from each other.
“Thank you,” Your band members said all together.
“It’s nothing really,” Toru started.
“Yeah, we’re glad we got to meet like this,” Tomo added.
“We had a lot of fun tonight. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the tour will be like,” Ryota continued.
“You’re still very welcome. We’ll see you all tomorrow at the venue. Eita, Y/n, don’t forget, two in the afternoon for rehearsal. We’re heading back to our bus so good night,” Taka finished. The guys in One Ok Rock all waved you guys goodbye before heading off.
“They were really nice,” Subaru spoke.
“Yeah, this’ll be so exciting. It’s your guys first time in the US right?” Yui asked Won’t Regret.
“Yeah, thanks again for helping us practice,” Ranmaru said.
“No worries. You can ask us for help if needed.”
“Do you guys want us to walk you to your bus? It’s dark out,” Jiro offered, looking at Haruka for a response.
She smiled at him before responding, “Jiro you’re funny, our buses are in the same lot. We might as well just walk in a group.”
“Girls, you can head off. I’m gonna talk with Semi so I’ll catch up later.”
Yui was the first one to give you a worried look, wondering if you were fine being alone with him. Izumi and Haruka looked confused and curious. From what they knew, you haven’t been in contact with Semi since high school. Tendou was the one that mostly helped you through grieving the loss of your best friend but they could recognize the look of nostalgia in your eyes when you reminisced on old memories with him. They know you were strong, but it was a pain that never completely went away.
“How long?” Izumi asked.
“It might be a while,” Semi answered. “I’ll walk her back straight to your bus, don’t worry.”
The girls reluctantly let left you with Semi while the rest of boys accompanied them. As the groups walked away they would occasionally turn their heads back to the two of you out of curiosity to see what was going to happen. You were known for having a laid back attitude but stepping up and becoming assertive if need be in less than a second. Semi was typically pretty patient with you but it’s best to be careful since he has a shorter fuse.
“Hi,” Semi started awkwardly once his everyone was out of sight.
“Hey,” you responded in the same tone.
“Wanna go sit on that bench? Also, how’ve you been?”
“Yeah, and I’ve been good. You?”
He started walking across the street after looking both ways. “I’m doing great. How’s Tendou? Congrats on your marriage, by the way.”
“Marriage?” You asked confused.
“Didn’t you and Tendou get married and have a honeymoon in France?”
You let out a laugh before responding. “Tendou and I have been broken up for like three years now dude. I’ve never gone to France with Tendou, he went for his career and now lives there. I’ve only gone if it was for touring. Where’d you get that idea from?” You asked, gradually laughing harder resulting in Semi feeling relief. Half of it being that you might be single and the other part being that the laughing is a good sign that you’re willing to humor him.
“I saw he posted pictures of himself with the Eiffel Tower and stuff so I just assumed,” he chuckled along.
“Yeah but wouldn’t it make sense if I was in those pictures with him? I probably would’ve posted a picture of my ring too.”
“You know I follow you still?”
“Yeah, I pay attention to my notifications sometimes. I’ll be honest though, I did unfollow you.”
“Understandable,” Semi sighed.
You both went quiet after that, getting comfortable on the metal bench. Taking note of his expression, you took the lead for conversation. “What was it you wanted to talk about?”
“Oh uh, I wanted to apologize,” he responded, grateful for the dim lighting so his blush wouldn’t be super noticeable.
“Well, I’m listening,” you said before crossing your arms in a playful manor.
“I’m sorry for calling you a bitch. I’m sorry for raising my voice at you. I’m sorry for saying all that petty shit and hurting you. I’m sorry for all the pain I gave you. You know that saying that’s like ‘you don’t know what you have until you lose it?’ Well I lost you, and that was my biggest regret. All these years-“
“Semi, you can stop-“ you interrupted not expecting him to go on a full on rant for an apology. You were fine with a simple ‘I’m sorry’. Never would you have expected the ash blonde to list out every thing he did wrong. It was high school, that’s when mistakes are meant to be made because you learn from them. After walking the earth for twenty four years, you couldn’t give less of a shit about the things that happened. You grew up, you were over it, you have other things to focus on than hold onto a grudge because someone hurt you.
“Let me finish. Please. All these years I never tried to reach out to you because I think you made it clear that you didn’t want to speak to me and I respect that but oh my god I’m so proud of you. You’ve accomplished so much. You’ve traveled around the world, living your dream. I know we may have ended on bad terms but I have never, not once, ever wished for your life to take a turn for the worst. I’m genuinely so happy for you. I’m just so, so, sor- What? Why are you crying? I’m the one apologizing!” he asked, raising his hands to wipe your tears.
While listening to him all you could think about was how guilty you felt. “Because I’m sorry,” You answered, grabbing his wrists to pull them away from your face so you could wipe your own tears. “I’m sorry for pushing you away. I’m sorry for not reaching out either. I’m sorry for almost starting a physical fight with you.” You were letting all your frustrations out at this point from all the emotions you had built up inside you. While you had to admit you were upset with him, you were the one that started it. “I shouldn’t have said what I said the night of the talent show. I should’ve told you the truth. I started this. I’m the one at fault.”
“Y/n...” Semi wrapped his arms around your back, using one hand to guide your face into his chest to help you calm down. “It’s okay. You’re okay.” His voice was soft, different compared to the way he was speaking before. His task at hand was just to focus on you. “I missed you,” he spoke.
“I hmff ugh oo,” you responded, head still buried in his chest.
You pulled away from him and straightened your back. “I said I missed you too.” You took a couple seconds to look at him. He looked almost exactly the same as he did back then. The only differences you could tell were that his hair was longer and he looked more mature, maybe a little buffer. It was somewhat comforting. “I don’t get it. I told myself I should hate you after all that happened but I could never bring myself to accept it. It’s weird that we’re talking with little difficulty right now to each other.”
“Little difficulty? I’m not gonna lie, my heart is beating so fast right now. I was so nervous to even hand you my phone at the table,” Semi laughed, eyes not looking away from your form laughing into your hand. “I don’t get it either though. I honestly thought you were gonna hate me and yell at me like, do you really forgive me?”
“How do I say this?” You asked yourself before taking a deep breath to answer his question. “After graduating and experiencing the real world, I realized I don’t need to focus on high school bullshit. We were so young-“
“Now you’re making me feel old.”
“Shut up! We were just teens. Now we’re adults, ya know? With bills to pay and actual responsibility. I’d rather focus on me, myself now than what happened in high school. Am I gonna forget it? No, it helped build the person I am now. Can I forgive? I may be a petty bitch and say I don’t wanna but what’s that gonna do for me? Nothing so I might as well.” After giving your long explanation you looked at him again and took in his features, old happy memories flooding back to you.
“Do you think we start over?” Semi asked hopefully.
“Hey, I’m Semi Eita. I play in a band and I’m a bit of an asshole sometimes. What’s your name?”
“I’m L/n Y/n and I also play in a band and can sometimes be a bitch,” you responded with a laugh.
“It’s nice to meet you. Can I walk you to where you need to be?” he asked, getting up and putting his hand out to help you up.
“Sure, that’d be really nice.”
After he helped you up, you started walking towards your bus with Semi walking right next to you. “Hey I’m actually playing a show tomorrow night, you should check us out!”
“No way, what time?” You asked deciding to play along.
“Like seven but you know how it goes, it’ll probably be more like seven-fifteen.”
“Ugh that’s annoying. Can you come to mine? I think I play at like eight.”
“Sure, dude. Anything for my bestie.”
“Aight I’m done. Bestie is too far, dude.”
“What! I can’t call you my bestie even though we just reunited six years after not seeing each other?”
“Correct. We can be ‘friends’,” you said, using your fingers to put air quotes, “but honestly I’m still on edge. Like after we went our separate ways it was hard for me to reconnect with people because it hurt when we ended things. I don’t wanna go through that again.”
Semi sighed, “I get that. Sorry again. I promise I won’t do that again.”
“It’s okay. And you better. Or else we’re really throwing hands,” you teased.
“Oh yeah?”
“Don’t make me go all WWE on you!”
“Oh my god Semi, is that a threat?”
“Y/n!” Izumi yelled which made you focus on your tour bus. The girls had each opened a window to stick their head out of and wait for your arrival.
“Are you okay?” Haruka asked.
“Do you want back up?” Yui followed up.
“I’m joking, Yui,” Semi said, putting his hands up in defense.
“You better, or else I’m gonna be the one fighting for y/n,” Haruka warned with a glare.
“I guess this is goodnight, Semi. You don’t want to throw hands with Haruka, she’s pretty buff. Thanks again. See you around,” you said as you waved him goodbye and hopped on the bus.
“See ya,” Semi responded. He turned around and threw his head upwards to the night sky and let out a sigh before walking to his bus.
Yui with her head still out of the window took notice of how Semi relaxed after you left him. “Hey, girly,” she started, getting up from her spot after closing the window. “You okay? How’d it go?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. It actually went surprisingly well.”
“That’s good news!” Izumi cheered.
“So are you friends again?” Haruka asked.
“Hmm, I guess so? We’re basically just starting over.”
“This tour is gonna be interesting,” Yui finished.
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Getting back onto his bus, Semi immediately felt three pairs of eyes glued on him. Jiro set his Nintendo switch down while Subaru put his phone on his lap and Ranmaru stood up.
“We’ve been expecting you,” Ranmaru started with a straight face.
“Yeah!” Jiro added only to be shushed by Subaru.
“Well... good news?” Semi responded, not knowing what to make of the way his band mates were acting.
“Go on...” Subaru said, this time being shushed by Jiro.
“First, I’m gonna be a guest vocal for One Ok Rock with Y/n during their last song. Second, I told Y/n everything I needed to say. We’re friends again. We’re all good,” Semi said with a smile.
Ranmaru took a few steps closer to Semi before lovingly slapping his back. “Proud of you, bro.”
“Woooo! Go Eita!” Jiro jumped up to hype up his bandmate.
“Awesome!” Subaru finished. “Happy for you man. Now, I hate to be the mom here, but we should get to bed. Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day.”
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“Good job guys!” Taka said, patting both of your backs.
“Thank you! Is there anything you want us to change?” You asked.
“Hmm, nah. I know most people say practice makes perfect but I think as the tour goes on we’ll improve the performance each night.”
“Sounds good,” Semi said.
“Can I give some feedback?” You asked. Taka and Semi both gave you a nod to go on. “You,” you pointed to Semi, “are being so stiff. It’s your first tour in the US. Loosen up! I’ll be blunt, if how to act now is how you’re gonna act during your set, which is the first one, you’re not gonna grab anyone’s attention. The majority of the crowd probably haven’t even heard of your band. You gotta draw them in.”
“I have to agree with her,” Taka joined in.
Semi grew wide eyed and turned a little red. You were about to speak up again but he beat you to it. “Sorry, I think I’m just nervous. This is all new to me,” he said, bringing a hand up to the back of his head.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to sound harsh! I just want you guys to grow. Being on tour right now is a big honor so I want you to get the most you can out of it. And-“
And you were rambling. Same old Y/n, Semi thought to himself, letting you ramble while he had a small smirk on his face, amused by the words you were speaking.
“Just perform how you would back then! I think if you brought that energy you’d really get a lot of people hooked!”
“Ya think so?”
“I know so. Can we try again but exaggerate our movements? This dude has to shape up.”
“I’ve heard so many stories about you mentoring the smaller bands, it’s nice to see that you live up to them,” Taka smiled.
“Thank you,” you responded with a blush. “Now Semi, follow our lead. And don’t let us down tonight.”
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Taglist: @pluviophilefangirl @yourstarvic @sunaswife @mynscorner @syaziahvg @discountkiyoko
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