#but i don't want to use am*zon
kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Tries to buy something from Ama/zon (tears hair) (vomits blood) (breaks all their bones) (faints to the ground) (starts convulsing) (drops dead)
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thebibliosphere · 7 months
quick question because i am a long time follower and know that you have a lot of shit happening at all times and want to support you: where's the best place/the place that will get you the most money for getting a physical copy of a silly vampire/werewolf book? It sound amazing for reading because rn all i have motivation for is fanfic and silly fantasy and not reading any of my textbooks.
Unlike digital copies, where you can buy directly from my storefront, there's little to no difference in my royalties when it comes to paperbacks. I get paid the same amount regardless of where you buy from, which the last time I checked was, eh, about $2.80
If a store is selling for above the recommended retail price, I still get paid the same flat rate percentage, the profit on the price raising goes to the store.
So, wherever works best for you!
If you're in the US, I will recommend bookshop.org, not just because they are fighting the good fight against the Zon and give a chunk of their profits to independent bookstores, but because their affiliate program pays authors the best rates whenever you buy a book using their links.
Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites, Flirting with Fangs Edition. (high heat version)
Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites, Fluff and Fangs Edition (medium heat version)
(What's the difference between the two? Glad you asked)
Also, if you use my links to buy anything from BookShop.org, even if you don't buy a copy of Hunger Pangs, BookShop.org still sends me a small commission out of their profit (it's like a dollar per book, roughly). So, if you're so inclined to give me free money, you can click on my affiliate links and throw a little change my way.
I am trying to get my books into BookShop.org UK and their other sites, but it's a slow process.
If you're not in the US, it doesn't really affect me. Again, buy wherever works best for you! It's all roughly the same.
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people in the notes of that "I don't have a serger" post are going off on tailor's chalk for some reason? as if that's also something that's hugely expensive and insane to assume everyone has?
like. okay. you don't HAVE to use tailor's chalk, but you should at least use something you know won't bleed or otherwise mess up the material. in this case, it does make more sense to do the extra research and maybe buy something new if what you have to hand isn't ideal. ruining your fabric will cost you more time and money in the long run
much as we all hate Am*zon, you can get a 10-piece box of tailor's chalk on there for like $6 USD if you're really cash-strapped and want to sew. that's not the only safe marking material, of course, but it is a tried-and-true option you don't have to research the fabric safety of.
trust me- it's worth it in this case
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laios my beloved, i gave him a playlist
explanations for why i chose the songs under the cut because i miss 8tracks. BIG HUGE SPOILER WARNING if you haven’t read/finished the manga!!!
Monsters in the Dark by MyKey — The search for Falin, and also it has a very relaxed perspective on the titular monsters.
Into the Unknown by The Lighthouse And The Whaler —
Moving onward, moving onward I will find truth in the road
The Runaway by Tall Heights — I debated whether to include this one, since some parts REALLY fit and others REALLY don't but ultimately the first verse convinced me:
Very old and free is this voice I heard Echoed in the breeze and the buffalo herds All that I learned from the beasts and these birds is it's home to me And that's all right when they sing "Hooyip, hooyip, hoo hoo"
Woke Up New by The Mountain Goats — It's how I imagine Laios feels with Falin gone:
On the morning when I woke up without you for the first time I felt free, and I felt lonely, and I felt scared And I began to talk to myself almost immediately Not being used to being the only person there
The Darkness Has a Voice by Amber Run —
And the darkness has a voice tonight So beautiful but so unkind I'm floating in the boiling ink Terrified of how I think
Brother’s Keeper by Young the Giant — COME ONNNNNN I HAD TOOOO YOU GET IT:
Oh brother; brother's keeper I'll follow will you lead us? Oh sister; mother's daughter I wonder, will you preach? Will I learn to get better?
Monsters Calling Home by Run River North —
They beat their chests to the sounds of their broken hearts Crying wolf under sheep skins reaching out their claws Stomping their feet, never letting up the dust choking up their lungs Told to be a father, growing up into a fatherless
Vagabond by WILD —
Caught in a place that is in between Who I once was and what I wanna be Trying to find what I need that will set me free
So, tell me where do I belong? Tell me where to go from here? So, I can rewrite all my wrongs I know there's a place somewhere So, tell me where do I belong?
Heart And Mind by Winterbourne — I feel like... this is what Laios was thinking when Zon challenged him to come up with a reason why he deserved to clear the dungeon, come up with what he would do as king. And in general, his trying to find his place in the world.
Underdog by Imagine Dragons — I had to have at least one Imagine Dragons song in here, and this is the one that fit the best.
Waiting For The Snow by Of Monsters and Men —
I used to make mountains But then they grew bigger than me And I used to hunger So what can you offer me?
No Burden by Cold Weather Company —
Break me, take my body for Somebody who could use it
'Cause I’ll mislead and confuse it Oh, I’ll dismay and abuse it
And if I wander, I’m no burden But I’m still my own oppressor
Do What You Love by The Moth & The Flame —
With my future on the line Try to ease my parent's minds It's hard to see It's not for me Throw my layers to the ground Remove my mask and look around To see who I am Is not who I am
I Want To Feel Alive by The Lighthouse And The Whaler —
I came to the place that I try to find division Two sides in a storm seek control by contradiction I want to feel alive, I want to feel alive
Waking Up The Giant by Grizfolk — Well he sure helped wake up the giant winged lion demon!! Can't argue with tha!!
Ghosts by Soul Push — This one is so painfully Touden Siblings it hurts my heart
Of Plants & Promises by Book On Tape Worm —
So I'll turn my back on the world That would leave us here for dead And I'll build a new world Where I am the architect And I'll build a new world Of more than plans and promises
Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons — COME ONN YOU KNOW I HAD TO DO IT
Human by Of Monsters and Men —
Cage me like an animal A crown with gems and gold Eat me like a cannibal Chase the neon throne
Broken Crown by Mumford & Sons —
And oh, my heart was flawed, I knew my weakness So hold my hand, consign me not to darkness
So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down I'll never wear your broken crown I took the road, and I fucked it all away Now in this twilight, how dare you speak of grace?
King And Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men — C'MONNNNN I HAD TO ADD THIS ONE COME ONNNN
100 Foxes by Cinders —
Don’t say you’re falling down again But if you do, I’ll pick you up, my friend
100 foxes on fire couldn’t bring you down One honest mistake or lie wouldn’t take your crown Dead or alive, you know you'd try to do the right thing Dead or alive, you know you'd try
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A tip for new (and old) Raffleites who want to get a physical copy of the books and is heading to Am*zon out of habit or because you think it's the only option: Biblio is a site for individual second hand/antique booksellers from mainly the UK and US but also from all over the world, and the link above takes you to all the current listings for copies of Hornung's books. Depending on where you live the shipping costs will vary, but prices excluding shipping starts at about $2-3 for a complete collection of Raffles (just remember to check the condition listed before you buy).
It is also a great site if you want to go all nerdy and collect first editions - I have gotten three first editions from Biblio, in wonderful condition and for a fair price. They also have a glossary and tips for collecting first and vintage editions!
(If someone has another tip for a good book site where you don't feed corporate giants with even bigger carbon footprints, please add!)
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 months
June 8: Missing Scene
Extra scene from The Transitive Property, which will not make sense without it. Fits between Chapters 3 and 4.
~650 words, 32 minutes, background Tom/Daria/Jane
Daria pops her locker door open, and it reverberates with a clang as she slips her backpack off her shoulder. A few lockers down, Jane's doing the same thing. "What are you doing this weekend?" Daria asks. The question is wholly innocuous, but seems to catch Jane off guard.
"Huh? Oh, nothing really. Why? Are you sending me on a secret mission?"
"If you choose to accept it. Or we could just go see a movie."
Jane hums. "Not tonight, though. Spiral's playing at the Zon." She pauses, hesitating with her hand around one of the notebooks in her locker. "But you probably have a date, right?"
Friday is usually her night with Tom. Not always. But it's an unspoken rule in the custody arrangement among them, just like it had been when Jane was dating him. After last night, she's sure he'll want to see her. Everything she wants herself is pooling out like the guts of a disemboweled body on the floor.
She stuffs two additional books in her bag, hopes they're the right ones. "I know the list is pretty exclusive, but do you think Trent could get me in?" She adds fast, not wanting to think about the narrow-eyed way Jane is looking at her, "Me and Tom?"
Jane hesitates, then shuts her locker again with that same metallic shiver. "Tom won't want to see me," she answers. "We sort of got into it the last time we saw each other."
"Got into it?" She doesn't need the clarification. She just needs the time to roll it over in her head, while she zips her bag again and closes her locker, too. Fought. Last Saturday after the magic show. Probably over her, the thought of which feels like looking at her own clone: surreal and off-putting, a weird reminder that she exists to other people even in her own absence. "You didn't mention that."
"I didn't want to put you in the middle. It wasn't a big deal, but I don't think his ideal Friday night includes me."
Mine does.
They fall into step beside each other, heading toward the main entrance of the school. If she's alone again with Tom, in her house, in her room, they'll pick up where they left off and--now that metallic clang is in her stomach. She's been thinking about him all goddamn day. And she doesn't want to use Jane as a buffer, or a chaperone--she'd be the worst one--but.
But the last time they were all together. She tries to remember the expression on Jane's face then but it's hard to square with the neutral-distant look on it now, how she doesn't seem to want to look Daria's way. If she were considering anyone but Jane and anyone but Tom, Daria would say this is an experiment she could easily run again: people aren't so difficult to move around and set in place as they like to think they are. But she doesn't think of them as subjects and this isn't science. Maybe it's something like art.
The incoherence of wanting so much. She's not used to it. She thinks about Jane wanting to watch them and wonders if she still thinks about watching, if she could ever exist in the real world like the confident, appraising, in-control Jane Lane in her head.
"I can still ask him," Daria says. Outside, the afternoon is warm and sunny without any breeze, and she can hear the sharp sounds of whistles and yelling from football practice out on the field. "I don't think he's still caught up on something that happened a week ago."
Jane shrugs. "If you say so. Look, I'll be there either way, and if you guys want to come too, I'll see you there."
"A solid plan."
"I am a strategic mastermind."
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mcalhenwrites · 11 months
Some personal stuff! (Good, mainly?)
We signed the lease, will be moving in about a month to another state. This means I'll be busy packing! But I'm still going to be writing in-between, especially since... I started packing this summer, slowly, and it's fortunate bc my health is atrocious. I have had an ovarian cyst issue for years now, and this one isn't bleeding out and hasn't for months. It just sits there and makes more organs and my back and hip ache really badly from the pressure. Hopefully I can take care of that when I get settled in. I might post my wishlist when I'm settled in, but I also think that since it's am*zon, like... hopefully people can find the same items on another site if they wish and send them via that. :D Always an option! But yeah, going to write. Will be posting stuff on AO3 sometimes? (I cannot guarantee this.) I could really use some word-of-mouth help when the time comes, since this is my income until my health is addressed, and even then... I'm not sure what's going to happen. I have to find out if I have Sjogren's, bc it runs in my family and I have the symptoms, and if I have that, it could be pretty impactful alongside fibro and a handful of other issues. I don't want to go on disability, I don't want to have my entire life flipped invasively upside down to most likely be rejected anyway. I'm hoping I can help my roommate out with more than just cooking and cleaning when my health allows, though. So selling my books and maybe having something like p*treon might help! In the meantime, just knowing what people might be able to say about my writing helps me know my strong points. If I do have any weak points, I do accept criticism! I want to get better. :) Seriously, it'll be good for me to get out of this house while it falls apart and breaks with no repairs, and mostly? I'm getting away from family. Finally. HUGE SHOUT OUT TO MY ROOMMATE! They are covering so many of my costs and giving me the chance to get my life in order. I gotta work hard and do my best. I know it won't be all sunshine and rainbows leaving my current environment for a new and better one, that there will be stresses and I will have episodes and forget I'm not home... I've heard that happens, esp with trauma and abuse? But I bet it's easier when you aren't IN the abusive environment to deal with that... Anyway, yeah! Mostly good. Minus the health shit. Going to do some writing and laundry and packing now. Then I'll relax with some video games or smth... or more writing... I'm not doing NaNo officially this year. Don't know if it can happen, so I'm just going to finish Seasons side stories, Rascal side stories, and work on Name the Frogs and The Dragons' Cosmos! Sending good luck to everyone, sorry I'll be pretty scarce but hopefully things settle down by Jan after the holidays :D (And I'm wishing you well, I know some people are having a hard time right now for various reasons, and I know world-wise, things are fucking rougher than ever. Take care and do what you can, though. Sending good vibes.)
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sonicenvy · 1 year
you know what, going on with the topic of things about the internet that are WORSE in the 2020s (aka the future):
Whenever you want to buy something online, it is SO hard to find a place to buy that thing that is not am&zon or some other, similar, large evil online shopping retailer. Friends, you do not know how annoying this is to someone who does not use am&zon at all. Yes, friends, I refuse to use that webbed site. I cancelled pr1me back in 2016 and have not since bought even ONE thing from them. It is doable. I promise.
But seriously, just googling a product just brings you TONS of results from the b#zos site. It's no wonder that humans (who are prone to seeking convenience for rational and obvious reasons) are more likely to just use their site, when they have to make an actual effort to find a site online to buy things from that isn't that site, and they may also have to spend more money on shipping or the product, because sites that are not the b3zos site can't afford to deliberately sell stuff for undervalue to drive up sales.
not to be old on main (despite only being in my 20s -- though i will admit i am now officially closer to 30 than 20. ooof) so much of today's internet is just, bland corporate sameness, and finding unique and independent content requires a lot more effort.
One small way that you guys can, for example support less am#zon is by linking to worldcat records for a book rather than its am#zon page when not trying to promote indie self-pub authors. For those of you who don't know what worldcat is, because you are not an LIS person, it is a website that is a catalog of basically ALL libraries put together. When you search for an item, it shows you what libraries own that item. We use it to source libraries that we can get ILL holds from.
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wrestlezon · 1 year
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Forbidden Door 2023 PPV: I am now Reviewer Zon
Brought to you by: having thought about & chitchatted about the matches and wanting to collect my thoughts in one place
Overall: I was satiated by the ppv purchase, which is the minimum one can hope for, BUT! I also frequently went "wow! This is incredible!" while watching which exceeded my expectations. I skipped out on Forbidden Door last year because I have only a passing familiarity with njpw, and i didn't end up having regrets about that later. I'm glad I got it this year however, because the matches were good and I think the alternate-universe me who skipped on FB2023 is missing out.
more match by match rambling within:
i missed out on zero hour cuz I was busy u_u
mjf vs tanahashi
it was okay. Nothing stuck out as good or bad. Entirely average, no real takeaway. I also didn't have a takeaway from the swerve vs tanahashi match yesterday either, which is like uhh whoa? because I think swerve is cool and there's usually some sort of cool thing he does with someone in a match. like at least one memorable moment. But I also was kind of busy on Saturday so I could've just missed something. Maybe I'm just not familiar with tanahashi (because: I'm not) and just don't know what's cool about him? I certainly didn't stumble upon any such knowledge in this ppv match or the collision match. (shrug emoji)
I did like his look, and mjf's too, though! black and cyan looked good on mjf :)c
I noticed mjf's antics very transparently in this match, which I didn't mind too much because I usually like his antics. I don't know if it's accurate, but I'm going to pretend that his handshake kick spot is a callback to his indie-mjf days and that that ties in to his whole "njpw is an indie e_e" thing. I'm imagining more depth to this match, to enjoy it more?
Match: Eh
Fun: Okay.
punk vs satoshi kojima
im a huge punk fan and i was really excited for his slowburn descent into heeldom. then he got injured twice in a row and brawl out happened for reals. That was sad. But that was then and this is now, and now I am just very excited to 1) see him back and 2) doing heelish things. I think it is cool for him to get boos. Maybe he'll do a heel thing about it.
Satoshi Kojima seems like a cool old wrestleguy with prestigious history that I'm unaware of. I am vaguely aware that he is or used to be in a tag team called tencozy, but that's the extent of my wrestling knowledge. I wouldn't mind seeing more of him.
I liked punk's roh interview reference because I was wondering if he would reference it in the match somehow and then he did. I enjoyed recognizing it. I also enjoyed his goof at the end about being confused about which tunnel to walk into: the good guy tunnel or the bad guy tunnel. It's a good bit, in part because I think a lot of people have already made a solid opinion about whether or not he's a villain. I hope he keeps teasing about being evil or not, I think it's fun and cool because I think it's entertaining when he's a sarcastic dickhead in the ring. tee hee. cm punk!! hee heeeeee
Match: Okay!
Fun: yaaayy it's punk ha ha yayyyyy
orange vs zack saber jr vs shibata vs garcia
match of the night. match of all time. what a good fucking match. all four of these wrestlers were on the same page and had a shared vision. the funniest men alive and the wrestling was great too. naming all the spots would be a lil silly on my part but: everyone taking turns kicking orange's ass, and the whole zsjr vs shibata thing with garcia were two immediate standouts that made me give this match the seal of bigtime approval before it was even close to ending. And then the ending was also good and not bad. Solid match. Gold standard. Definitely on the rubric to judge all other matches by. I loved this match.
the all atlantic championship is the greatest title in wrestling. The highs are quite high, and I don't think I've been disappointed in a match yet.
Match: Incredible. Holy shit
Fun: HELL YES !!!!
sanada vs jungle boy jack perry
what I know about sanada: not a lot. I know he is a conventionally attractive guy and certain people* have publicly talked, at length, about how kissable he looks. he is in a group called just 5 guys, and is their leader, so I'd assume that makes him the most Guy of all time?
what I know about jungle boy jack perry: he has grown out of having his character being a tarzan from the jungle, which is too bad, because without that he's kind of just A Guy, which is a little boring personality-wise. But he's does have a little bit of style and panache when it comes to wrestling and doing acrobatic moves.
Like the mjf tanahashi match, this one didn't do much for me. I dunno if following the incredible 4way match contributed to it lookin kinda mid or whatnot. But I raised my eyebrow higher at the postmatch stuff than I did anything in the actual match. Curious to see what jungle boy jack perry's next moves are, as I thought they would've built this up more before pulling the trigger on him betraying hook. He certainly has the potential to be interesting as an evil guy, and I hope he can grasp it.
*aka chuck "doesn't everyone have a list of guys from New Japan they'd want to kiss?" taylor
Match: Eh
Fun: yawn
the elite + eddie and iishi vs bcc + takeshita and umino
This match was awesome. I'm a big fan of eddie so I really liked all the angles having to do with eddie: him teaming with the young bucks just to get to claudio, his endless beef with claudio, his relationship with jon moxley. I liked how there were a lot of those and all the bits that involved those angles ruled. The extended trading of chops between moxley and eddie was cool and also funny when other people tried to get involved.
additionally, I think the young bucks are alright but they did a lot of moves in this match that made me go "oh shit!!! that was fucking cool!!!" and I can definitely see why people are big fans of the young bucks because of that.
I especially liked the ending because while eddie sabotaged the elite a bit in the match, it was his guy that won it for them in the end. the elite are a little mad, but also concerned, and eddie's brushing them off. it's all very good. I love eddie.
Match: Wow!
Fun: YES!!!
toni storm vs willow nightingale
I needed to collect myself after the previous match, I don't like the antics of the outsiders or toni storm, and I figured they wouldn't let willow have the aew women's championship in addition to the njpw strong(?) championship anyway. All these points contributed to me not focusing on this match, at all. Sorry Willow :(
Match: sorry
Fun: not really...
will ospreay vs kenny omega
what I know about these two is that they're both top-tier proficient wrestlers who are best when they're up against another proficient wrestler they can go full tilt against. And they did indeed go full tilt in this match. It was a long match full of back to back violences. I swear the end was just them exchanging finishers on each other and hanging on by a thread.
The match was very intense and materially good but here's the thing about that: I am a huge fucking weenie and it's actually too stressful for me. Also I yelped with actual irl concern when ospreay dropped kenny right on his head (was that by mistake or... is... that how you're supposed to do that move...?? Ospreay is so aggro by default I can't tell the difference). Mistake or not, the rest of the match was them out to kill each other anyway, so... Yeah.
Also! I dont know enough about either of these two's wrestle-histories to find the fun in the details and references. Only in the presence of learned Kenny Omega Experts did I nod, with only the barest of understanding, at the kamigoye implications. I am familiar with how protected one winged angel is and the connotations, so when I saw ospreay set it up I was like O_O!? NO WAY but the kickout at one was simultaneously a WHOA and a Phew... But it's like, not a fun kind of stress? Maybe it's because I'm also not really a fan of ospreay :/
Double also, and I do think this is personally interesting to consider the distinction here, but the way I go "grr, you nefarious heel!" at someone like punk or cage and the way I go "grr, you nefarious heel!" at don callis is totally different and I cant pin down why. I don't find it fun to hate on Don Callis for whatever reason, I just think he's dastardly! My suspension of disbelief breaks, and instead of enjoying the narrative I am left grumpy. Like come on, how can he get away with returning to the ring after being thrown out! Sure, the ref might have been preoccupied making sure these two competitors were still breathing, but still... grr! Is that not DQ worthy!? It is his job to be hated, and I do hate him, beyond all logic and reason. I also got genuinely peeved when I watched that orange vs pac vs omega match from way back when and him cheating was the reason omega won. Even though it's predetermined or whatever, still, I'm like: augh!!! No!!! I guess it's a testament to his heelish ability to work me through my various layers of detached irony. But it's not fun. Hmph!!! I'm still hung up on him returning after being kicked out!! Ugh!!! Boo!!!!!
(this is probably exactly how people feel about punk too, now that i think about it. lmao. I wonder how that works...)
Match: Holy shit! Intense!! O_O
Fun: No :(
sting, darby, and tetsuya naito vs jericho, sammy, and minoru suzuki
I actually tuned this whole match out because I was recovering from the previous one. Not even a single brain cell left to process this. That being said, I did end up rewatching it the next day.
I do not care for sammy or darby in general, and this match did not change that. I liked tetsuya naito being a goof at sammy in the beginning, if his character is this slow/casual/lazy disrespect I think that's really cool! Minoru Suzuki is just a total badass and I'm so glad he got a "murder grandpa" chant from the crowd lmaooo. Jericho was funny, jumping excitedly for suzuki to tag him in and his sting yell impression bit shortly after. Sting was cool, I hope he didn't get too hurt from the table spot because I thought it was strange he just hobbled away during the jericho-naito pin fall attempt instead of doing something about that.
Match: tis alright
Fun: a little, actually! yeah!
bryan danielson vs kazuchika okada
the big main event. The big serious main event. Because it's going to be so serious, I will point out that the part of intro vid where danielson is on a mountain and looking at the wrestling footage in the sky was really really funny and made me laugh.
The handful of brain cells I had recovered by ignoring the previous match were immediately burned up by the time danielson's entrance finished. I can't believe they got the song. Anyway, I was too burned out from all the wrestling to process this match (I remember a lot of dropkicks, and I didn't expect the finish) so I rewatched it again the next day.
There were indeed a bunch of dropkicks, and they were cool! This is a very wrestle heavy match where a lot of wrestling took place. I usually appreciate shenanigans and there weren't a whole lot of those in here, but that's fine, I still found things to enjoy (like danielson returning a dropkick to okada on the outside of the ring after he got 2x dropkicked?) This match was intense like ospreay vs omega, but unlike that one it was less stressful because it was more grapple-heavy and that's less risky looking to me. Also, I like both danielson and okada. Double also, this match was not as long as ospreay vs omega so it did not wear me out.
I've seen only a handful of recent okada matches and im a fan for when he goes sicko mode and looks like :| and starts overkill kicking people. He kinda had one of those moments in the match I think, which was cool! I also didn't realize how tall he was until he walked danielson back to the middle of the ring.
Danielson loves to sell. He will find any excuse to sell. I think i remember reading something about him thinking it's really funny to trick people and tell lies (and also dramatically sell fake injuries), which checks out because when his foot got stuck in that ramp that one time a whole back he toooootally seized the opportunity to pretend he was greviously injured. Anyway, that's all to say that he also pulled that in this match, which I think would probably come of as kinda weird and maybe off-putting if you were watching it in real time. But with the hindsight superpowers afforded to me by watching the match later I know his arm got injured at some point so I guess he did that seizure bit so he can sell his arm being incapacitated to the crowd? Thinking about it from that angle, I think its pretty cool that danielson and okada were adaptable enough to change the end section of their match to account for it. I will just continue to hope and assume every scary injury I see from danielson in the moment is just him overly selling. <:)
Match: they put the "professional" in "professional wrestling"
Fun: sure!
Anyway that's all my words about wrestling! I hope you also enjoyed the ppv, or at least had fun bits you liked from it. It was a lot of wrestling to watch! I wish we got Adam Cole vs Tom Lawlor, but hey, stuff happens. Apparently Cole was running a fever? I hope he gets well soon!
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thatrandombystander · 2 years
Collecting figurines is like. My Thing. So I'm over here with a FULL LIST of stuff to eventually get for my collection or to ✨enhance✨ the display.....
Got some figs currently in pre-orders (need to make sure I've got the funds aside for them)
There's some other figs I'm interested in getting or trying to find in the aftermarket, and I'm having a significant increase in income very soon (aka finally having a salary) so I might start looking to slowly work through those
I've currently got a Detolf display cabinet but it's practically going to be overfull within a few weeks (plus I've decided I don't particularly like the Detolf) so I'm gonna upgrade to a Milsbo at some point
Uhhh gotta sort out a lighting set-up. Idk LED strips or whatever other people use
I've got a lot of Nendoroids and Nendoroid bases are kinda clunky ugly looking squares, but this person sells some nicer looking slightly smaller but still functional circle bases
Gonna want some risers to improve display and space management, particularly interested in using these hexagon risers for the Nendoroids (I just wish I could find anything similar on a site that ISN'T Am*zon)
As much as I like having glass shelves and front and side walls for a display case, I'm not too enthused about the glass at the back, so I'd be interested in figuring out some sort of backplate display option like this site makes, but a) maybe not as busy as a photoplate, an appropriate flat colour or non-in your face pattern or image would work, but b) I'd need to make it myself/get it custom made because that sort of thing ain't available for a Milsbo
I just have the personality that's like. "Well if I'm going to have an expensive collection. I might as well make it a REALLY NICE looking collection, so we need to spend a bunch of money on enhancing it" 😔
But like. Slowly. We'll see how long this all takes.
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coricomile · 1 year
People you’d like to get to know better
Tagged by @darkangel0410 💙
Last song: Muddy Water- Stray Kids (specifically the Chan/IN/Seungmin/Lee Know version from the last fanmeet).
Currently watching: Why R U? I like Saifah, adore Tutor and Fighter, love Zol, cannot stand Zon so am happy we're getting so much Tutor/Fighter content. I would even go with more Dew and Blue over anything with Zon :| Want to watch Between Us again, but don't want to pay for the subscription service ;_;
Current obsession: Stray Kids, tbh. Mostly Bang Chan and his need to be a young single father to 7 kids/other grown men and a few million strangers.
Currently reading: Just started The Girl With All the Gifts by M.R Carey. Interesting premise so far. Just finished The Hiding Place by C.J Tudor and enjoyed it. (Also so many fic in between).
Tagging: @icosahedonist @bluefire986 @zashamalkin @chiisana-sukima @peach-coke
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museenkuss · 3 years
nothing more frustrating than finding a notebook that's pen-proof.
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gellavonhamster · 4 years
I curse the day I learned about that edition of Dracula illustrated by Becky Cloonan because now I’ll be forever upset that I’ll probably never have a physical copy of it
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Hey y'all, it's your local queer crippled shitposter lol. I just moved out of a shit situation, I couldn't bring much and I'm trying to rebuild my life, so if any of y'all could buy something off my am*zon wishlist that'd be great
In particular your bitch is cold and needs some slippers and gloves, and a vaccuum bc we don't have one and my allergies are ruthless. Literally anything on this list helps tho
(Update: Someone bought me the vacuum! Fuck yeah!! Tysm!! <3)
(Update: gloves have also been purchased! Thank you 💖)
(Update: slipper have been bought! Thank you!!)
Ty everyone, this all helps a lot! There's still some items I could rly use, I'm doing much better now tho obviously lol
I just want everyone to know they've rly helped me and it means the world to me!
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milkwaydreams · 2 years
I was tagged by @wanderlust-in-my-soul 😍
Your all time favorite bl character and why?
Wow, there are some.
I have to say Intouch (UWMA) because I love his determination. He says "That boy is gonna be mine" and he gets the boy. I love him for it.
Also Ram (My Engineer) because I loove his personality. I see myself in him a little bit. He only talks to who he wants to and when he wants and I think that's so funny🤣. He also love animals and is afraid of kids just like me so.. 🤣🤣
What’s your one character from a bl you wanted to punt into the stratosphere (you only get one so choose wisely).
Humm... I know that I should choose only one but, Korn and Intouch's (UWMA) fathers for OBVIOUS reasons🤬
Or Llong (TharnType) because, Tharn and Type are toxic to each other A LOT, but, Llong was going to KILL Type if their friends didn't stopped him and, he literally hire some guys to RAPE a completely innocent person just because he was dating Tharn.
The best music moment from a bl.
I guess, Sarawat (2gether) singing "Tine" in the last episode. Or Korn and Win (Cupid's Last Wish) COMPLETELY high singing and dancing like they were recording a MV in the middle of nowhere 🤣🤣
What’s a popular heterosexual text that you would like to see adapted into a bl/gl?
I would love to see a BL version of Boys Over Flowers (or F4 Thailand, or Meteor Garden. You get it). Not exactly a "text" but, I thought about it while seeing F4 Thailand on air "It's always the same. It would be amazing if it ended up being a BL in the end" 🤣🤣🤣
A scene from a bl that always makes you laugh.
The last RamKing (My Engineer) scene where King thinks Ram was drunk and didn't remember their kiss, but Ram didn't drink at all🤣🤣
Also, that one when Saifah and Zon (Why R U?) wakes up cuddling to it other and Zon starts saying nonsense like "Did you used condom? Am I gonna get pregnant?" 🤣🤣🤣 I Love this scene🤣🤣
Biggest disappointment.
Enchanté. The first episode was really cute, but then, I don't know what happened. I loved the whole "Find the Enchanté" thing just to be the own Theo who wrote it because he wanted Akk's attention... And that last episode, what was that? Out of nowhere, after doing all that book scene to get Akk, he's leaving just like that?! And Akk's sister saying those things to him??? That's her way of helping?? Really disappointed.
And I have to mention Cutie Pie. It's not bad, but I guess I waited too much for too long. Since the first announcement that Zee was going to be in a new BL, I was sooo hyped, but when I finally watched it, it didn't get me. Still going to watch it anyway because I love the actors and I loved the other couples, but I got really lazy, unfortunately🥺🥺
What two random bl/gl characters would make hilarious exes?
I have no idea 🤣🤣🤣🙈🙈
But I thought about a conversation of Fiat (Don't Say No), Jang Jaeyoung (Semantic Error) and Nuea, Kaeng and Team (Y Destiny), they would count bodies all day 🤣🤣🤣
Who would be the funniest person to person to watch a bl in its entirety and which one would you make them watch.
A lot of people finds it weird but, I always watch BL with my mom🤣🤣 She's is best person to watch it with. She loves anything I choose to so🤣🤣
I also would love to watch Cherry Blossom After Winter with @wanderlust-in-my-soul it would be perfect 😍😍
Best wardrobe moment/or character wardrobe from a bl.
I love the red suit Fiat (Don't Say No) wears for the party in the end. That entrance with the twins (who are really cute too) behind him, wow😍😍
And I guess Kinn's (KinnPorsche) whole wardrobe too. That man knows how to wear a suit, as he should cause, wow, he's GORGEOUS in those suits🤤
Thank you so much for tagging me😍😍
I don't know if I did it right, I hope so (I'm really new to Tumblr thing), but I really enjoyed doing it😍😍
Strangely, not even one of my 3 favorite BLs was even mentioned here 🤣🤣
I have no one else to tag though, so, I'm just going to leave some tags here if anyone wants to do it😘
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is it bad that I post (my complaints) about the am*zons rings of power? I know a lot of people are saying we should ignore it and they're right, but I need to vent somewhere, I need to get my thoughts and feelings off my chest somehow...
Hi! Sorry I took a while to answer this. I don't think it's bad in the slightest. I feel like in fandom culture "complaining" is often frowned upon, but many of us have legitimate reasons for being really upset about what Amazon is doing to Middle-earth. And I think different things work at different times depending on what you need. Sometimes it may make you feel better to ignore the show for a while and focus on other things, but sometimes it will help you feel better to process your feelings by talking (or writing) about them. And ultimately, you can post whatever you want on your own blog! That’s what it’s for! In short, it is not bad to complain about this show, and I think venting is normal and good. You’re not doing anything wrong.
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