#but i dont like that it comes as the expense of the fool being part of his life
belovedfarseer · 2 years
Why does Robin Hobb refuse to accept bi people exist while writing the most bisexual main character to ever exist
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hairscare · 1 year
i dont know anything ab vivziepoop or whatever her name is and her work but could you give some examples and like. maybe explain how far they are from actual demonology? i love haterisms and i love learning things
kisses you on the mouth id love nothing more than to spread hate and infodump abt demonology. let me preface this by saying ive never watched any of their content so i cant speak on much besides what ive absorbed via osmosis of being on the internet and what i can see in their designs
so my special interest has always been on the 7 Princes of Hell aka the 7 Deadly Sins so thats what I'm gonna focus on. I'm also gonna bring beloved otome game Obey Me into the mix for another example of modern interpretations of them. also keep in mind im not a believer in these figures, though my research comes from both christian and pagan sources, i just like them a lot
so lets start with Mammon, the prince of greed. mammon is always depicted as a very money and power hungry kinda guy. in heaven, he was so obsessed with the golden pavement that they kicked his ass out first. hes super powerful and has 6,660,000 demons under his control that he makes build the capital of hell called Pandemonium. im not making this up demonology is silly as hell. hes associated with wealth, gold, jewels and emperors.
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you may be surprised by this interpretation from the dictionaire infernal, but from my understanding/perspective, i believe this is supposed to be a lure to get more money as a begger? normally hes described as decked out in robes and gold and jewels and all that. but you can see in the illustration the bags of money.
so yeah hes like a super money hungry emperor type- in my mind i always kinda think of trump ngl. power hungry, money hungry, you get it. so if youre like me, for a character design, youre thinking a ceo with lots of expensive clothes and jewelery.
now, lets see what our friend viv has to say-
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... they made him.... a clown? keep in mind, i literally know nothing abt the role he plays in the show, but... why? why is he a clown? if anything, him being a jester is the opposite of the typical emperor depiction. like a king vs a court fool. completely erases the whole idea of his greed for power. part of that greed is that he already has it but he wants more! this jester angle doesnt make sense.
okay, now lets look at obey me. theres a lot of things i dont like abt obey me's interpretations, but theyre so much better than vivs.
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first of all, the white hair and blue eyes are actually accurate! the colored illustration above of begger mammon is actually colored wrong, hes often described as having very light hair and icy blue eyes. this interpretation of mammon, while yassified from the old man and the emperor, is fairly faithful. hes obsessed with money, hes constantly stealing money from other people, he wears the most expensive designer brands, and he has gambling issues. its not perfect, but hes clearly based on the demon mammon.
now Asmodeus. asmodeus has always been my favorite. hes the Prince of Lust, but he himself isnt horny. he teaches people Forbidden Arts and Crafts and also geometry, hes a disabled king (walks w two walking sticks), he likes messing with people and he hates the smell of fish liver. one time he threw someone 400 leagues and stole his identity. what a guy
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asmodeus is particularly monstrous. hes got 3 heads, a bull, a demon, and a ram, hes got a duck bottom, and he has a dragon cat service animal. i think hes beautiful <3 but you can see a lot of potential symbols you can incorporate into a design! all these animals, esp his three heads, are just waiting for a cool design. so vivs, whatd you do?
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... okay. hes... kinda got the heads, but its the cowards route. he has... that weird ass body that vivs loves to give men. theres... some feathers so he kinda has bird symbolism? im pretty sure he owns a casino, which is actually accurate. but like. thats #notmyasmodeus. this guy couldnt throw me 1 league if he tried. hes not monstrous looking at all. his legs are thinner than my patience.
since we couldnt really dissect viv's mammon, ill bring this up here. a big issue i have with these designs is that theyre afraid to make demons ugly on purpose. dont get me wrong theyre all ugly as hell. but not gross. not monstrous. these sanitized tumblr sexymen designs completely betray what makes the original designs so fun. asmodeus doesnt have 3 heads, he has one that looks like an evil sesame street character. the design is simultaneously trying way too hard and so fucking generic. literally if you take out the two tiny head motifs in his... hair? theres no indication that this is based on the demon asmodeus
okay, lets look at obey me.
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again, hes sanitized, hes conventionally attractive, and he doesnt have any of the demon asmodeus' symbolism. hes also super horny. he doesnt do geometry or arts and crafts or even own a casino. not faithful to the source at all.
before you accuse me of being a hypocrite for liking obey me, hold on. let me get through beelzebub.
Beelzebub is known for being "lord of the flies". its literally what his name means. i cannot emphasize enough that he has fly motifs. he is the Prince of Gluttony, aka overindulgence. its typically associated with food. but beelzebub is *extremely* powerful. in Paradise Lost, hes Lucifer/Satans right hand man. all other demons respect him immensely. hes supposed to be so powerful that summoning him is supposed to run a high risk of seizures and death. he also fucking loves architecture. when a ton of demons were called on by solomon to build, the other demons were so appauled that beelzebub was being made to do manual labor, but his crazy ass was giving solomon building advice
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hes a bug! hes big beautiful bug. the crowd cheers. so the motif is kinda obvious here. i mean, its kinda hard to miss it, right-
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what the fuck. what the actual fuck. "but grim shes got a bee motif-" shut the fuck up. this... fox? wolf? furry thing needs to be put down asap. i genuinely think theyre using beelzebub as an bad excuse to introduce their kesha dog character. bro what the fuck thats not a fucking bug. thats not even a goddamn bee. i hate it here
i cant do this anymore show me obey me.
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hes a fucking fly thank god. sure hes conventionally attractive but hes not a dog with the smallest waist ive ever seen and disproportionate birthing hips. he eats all the time bc hes gluttony. okay fine whatever as long as hes a fucking bug im ok
so. lets address why i like obey me and i hate vivziepops interpretations. first of all i just fucking hate vivziepop so jot that down. but more importantly, obey me doesnt pretend to be anything it isnt. its a dating sim. of course the characters are gonna be hot and fit into archetypes. ive made my peace with that. besides, the game actually makes their sins pretty interesting by showing how they affect their personalities, motivations, relationships and lifestyles. its not super faithful, but its not supposed to be.
but helluva boss isnt trying to do that. from my (admittedly limited) understanding of it, its supposed to be a dark comedy gritty adult animation. the characters are supposed to be questionable and unconventional because theyre literally in hell. so i ask the question: why are they so afraid to lean into that with their character designs? why does everyone have to have barbie proportions? why is no one (purposefully) unpleasant to look at or monstrous? its sad to see a creator trying so hard to make something thats supposed to be graphic and brazen in its depiction of hell and demons, and yet is afraid to actually confront the conventionally unappealing aspects of the source material, or even touch the motifs of the demons
i love the 7 princes of hell. if you want to read about the strangest characters with the oddest stories, symbols and trivia, go read some websites about them. none of it makes sense. lucifer and satan are the same person but also not and sometimes the other 5 are also the same guy. belphegor is in love with paris and is the infernal ambassador to france and has a toliet wheelchair. satan is depressed. lucifer is sometimes depicted as an whiny brat child and sometimes as a humongous terrifying beast. leviathan does jack shit and just boils the ocean and eats boats. its literally so much fun. also please feel free to add onto this! demonology is fun in part bc theres so many different interpretations and facts from all over the place that make it a wild ride
tldr: vivziepops designs are lazy and unadventurous when it comes to their source materials
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nowendil · 6 months
re: my last reblog, blabbering off here because i dont wanna bother op with tags (i recommend reading the whole article and not just the part op posted), but overall a good article I think, the downsides of wool are not talked about nearly enough. that said I didnt like thry brought up Tencel (a fiber made out of foob pulp) because well. wood pulp isnt really the most sustainable material either. and that Noize brand they brought up is expensive as hell. and also plant based leather alternatives are hard to come by and also to my knowledge often coated with plastic to make them more durable, so not really a good or easy option for most consumers. that's one thing I'd like to know more about: are wool clothes and synthetic clothes (of similar price range and construction) as durable? because synthetics have a lower carbon footprint, but in my anecdotal experience they last for a shorter period/less wears, so does wool "pay itself back" better by being able to be worn longer? but on the other hand, pure fool garments are often also not that durable (depending on the type of garment and how much wear and tear it encounters ofc), which is why wool gets mixed with other more durable fibers so often. but on the other hand wool can be easier to mend. idk lots to think about and I'm no expert I just love. fibers
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mostly-mundane-atla · 3 years
i realize you probably dont care about the upcoming netflix adaptation but the cast pretty much got confirmed and people are talking about it again so, whats your take? are you lookin forward to it or dont care for it?
Usually I wouldn't care about this, and I have said before to please not involve me in discourse i haven't already talked about, but I was going to make this post anyway so
*cracks knuckles*
Alright children, it's come to my attention that some people don't know their etiquette regarding Indigenous peoples and are making themselves look a fool.
First: you are not entitled to anyone's family history under any circumstances, save perhaps them paying you to do a family tree.
There is an aspect of this specific to Native people. I don't know how it works for Native folks in Canada but in the United States, when you are born Native your parents do some paperwork and the Beaureu of Indian Affairs gives you a Certificate of Indian Blood, stating exactly how Native you can be proven to be based on how Native your parents can be proven to be. The Certificate of Indian Blood is often called a pedigree with bitter irony because in essence, that's what it is. We come with papers like fancy show dogs, just instead of it qualifying our "breed" it's qualifying our right to be enrolled in tribal membership.
I keep my pedigree with all my other important documents, like tax information, birth certificate, social security card, that sort of thing. I inherited a total blood degree of 1/4 Eskimo from my mom and thus qualify for tribal membership. Past a certain point, I wouldn't be considered "Native Enough" based on blood alone and i'd have to get a special dispensation to be legally recognized as an Indigenous descendant. It doesn't matter what my tribe or nation's traditional customs regarding kinship and identity were, by United States law, I could be declared "Not Native Enough" no matter my connection to my culture, no matter how accepted I was by my Native family. Kinda fucked up, isn't it?
Oh, and the Beaureu of Indian Affairs is part of the US government. They ran the schools where kids got beat for not speaking English. We have to tell them we are members of this marginalized group that seems to keep demanding safe drinking water and the right to not be kicked out of our homes at the expense of oil companies if we want access to healthcare and scholarships we may not otherwise have access to because of our "unique situation" (systemic disadvantage). This marginalized group that faces police brutality and wrongful arrests for peacefully protesting our right to live in the few places we have been allowed to live. So if the US government decides Native people are a problem, they have a registry of us. Kinda fucked up, don't you think?
So with that all in mind, do you see how uncouth and just plain nasty it is to demand proof of someone being "Native Enough" or "The Right Kind of Native"? If some freak tries to dig up this info and he's more mixed than some have deemed acceptable (so 1/4 or less) or god forbid doesn't even have his papers or tribal membership for any reason (justified paranoia, clerical error, any degree of negligence on the parents' part) he gets to look forward to being treated even more like a pretendian than the fans have already seen fit to treat him as. How fun.
Every day I wake up I am made to remember that I'll never look "Native Enough" to a huge swath of people who may not have even talked to one of us face-to-face. And it's only a matter of time before one of them sends me a message, written to sound like they're crawling on their belly because they have nothing but respect for "Real Natives" but if they saw me in the regalia my older cousin in Nome made for me so I could graduate high school in regalia, they'd throw a fit. If they saw me after I eventually get my tavlaģun, all pale skinned and blue-eyed, they'd treat me as a study in cultural appropriation, as if i'm not trying to learn whatever variation of my ancestral tongue I can get my hands on.
I can totally understand why he or anyone else might have thought it was better not to specify. Like my first reaction (and this isn't necessarily correct nor something i'm proud of, just the first thing that came to my mind) to seeing Katara was cast as that Mohawk girl from Anne with an E was "they couldn't even get a real eskimo?" I'm guessing others felt similarly. If he didn't wanna deal with that, I can't blame him.
If you think he doesn't look brown enough to convincingly play someone native to the tundra, i recommend the following: go on youtube, look up "inupiaq" and watch at least five of the videos that come up to see how varied we are.
Don't watch this live action adaptation if you don't want to, but if you refuse on the grounds of "the actor's not native enough :/" and go on to ignore actual Native media, that's some performative shit if I've ever seen it. Seriously, how many of the people complaining have watched Smoke Signals? Dance Me Outside? On the Ice? How many were hyped over Reservation Dogs (first two episodes are on Hulu as I'm writing this post)?
Anyway, I'm tired. I'm probably not gonna watch the live action series, but that has nothing to do with Sokka's actor not being "brown enough" to be seen as one of the red and brown. I'll finish off this post with a 1491s video so everyone can get a taste of Native media and maybe elevate it more than discourse over who gets to play a Fantasy Eskimo who was originally written and played by white guys with no Actual Eskimo input:
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blxetsi · 3 years
HIIIII!! can i get a pieck finger dating headcanons if that’s alright with you of course? your stuff makes me soft, stay safe!
yuh ‼️ tysm for your request
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pieck finger dating headcanons (modern au)
pieck finger x gn!reader
warnings: literal fluff, no angst or anything i love pieck
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- bc pieck is assumed to be like 23-26 this wont be a uni au or anything
- idk i rlly think you guys wouldve met in a mundane way
- like you bump into her on the sidewalk and try to the really awkward "oh im so sorry i didnt see you there- no really it was my fault- are you sure youre okay ?- okay great- no im not hurt- yeah- okay have a good day and again im so sorry !!" thing with her
- and then maybe you guys see each other again at a coffee place, youre there with your friends and shes there with hers, and you dont wanna talk to her obv bc that would be awkward
- then ur friend makes u go and order another coffee for them, and while youre waiting for your order pieck comes and stands beside you
- and shes very observant yknow ?? if she sees a face its very hard for her to forget it
- so she immediately recognizes you and blurts out "its you !"
- and you have to be like "oh yeah ! it is me ! its you too"
- she finds it quite cute and giggles about it
- a very laidback person but also a very blunt person
- she doesnt find any harm in asking "can i get your instagram @" look she doesnt wanna be a creep and ask for ur number right at the start
- and it gives her a chance to find out what kind of person you are
- it would absolutely suck for her if such a cute face was posting fishing pictures and alt right propaganda yknow ??
- so you two do and then both of your orders come so you two give awkward goodbyes before going back to your groups
- her instagram is very pretty, nice themes
- she posted a couple of hours ago, with her and her friends in a park, taking a couple of posed photos while some looking like they were natural
- shes adorable and you cant help but feel your cheeks go warm as you basically stalk her page
- she dms you and says "are you too busy looking at my feed that you havent followed me yet ?" and you see this mf staring at you across the room like 👁️👁️
- okay nosy lets calm down now 🙄🤚
- you try to defend urself but ur typing so quick you keep making errors in your writing, she ends up saying something else
"you know, i was doing the exact same thing. youre beautiful you know"
- thank you pieck 🥰
- over the next couple of weeks thats how you two communicate. she'll send you instagram memes and edits of her favourite shows, movies, games etc. and you find yourself having a lot in common w her
- you check her story so frequently it becomes one of the first accounts on the top of your homepage
- and FINALLY, when she feels she can see you as a friend and not just some pretty stranger she met on the street she asks you out
- it was a simple thing, just to the movies, and she even let you pick which one !! (imagine its pre covid idfk)
- you two go and its an awkward hug before you both head inside
- you pay for your tickets and she gets an extra large popcorn and a drink
- you assume shes just v hungry but before you can order yourself something shes like "what are you doing i got this for us !!"
- rlly cute bitch omfg
- during the movies, after she eats literally most of the fucking popcorn, she pulls your hand out of your lap and holds it with her buttery one 🥰🤚
- this bitch had crumbs and didnt even think to wipe them off
- you still held her hand tho anyways
- after that night you parted ways in front of the theater after making sure you two would be getting home safe
- and that became routine for a couple of weeks, not going to the movies obviously bc thats expensive but watching movies together !! youd go over to her apartment or she would come over to yours
- one thing about pieck is that shes very touchy
- one way or another she will end up cuddled with you on the couch
- it doesnt matter if its you being forcefully pulled on top of her body or her draping herself over you like shes a blanket, you two WILL be cuddling and you WILL enjoy it
- but finally, as if the gods gave you mercy, she finally kissed you
- it felt so nice, her lips were soft and sticky from her lip gloss and she tasted like the swedish berries you had gotten for her to munch on
- and the rest of the movie you two just sat there, kissing each other and giggling like teens
- she ended up staying the night, and complimented your bedsheets
- your relationship moved pretty fast after that
- she had already told all of her friends about you, they werent very surprised
- when you got officially introduced her friends zeke and porco tried to do that whole "if you hurt her.." speech before she slapped them and had marcel pull you away to safety
- other than that the night was very fun, you got to talking about your career, why you moved to the city, and other mundane topics
- pieck is actually a graphic designer, and everytime she comes to sleep over she just HAS to bring her laptop with her
- its basically just her laying in between your legs while she types away, youll pet her hair and lay soft kisses on her neck, and occasionally ask what shes doing
- she likes to tell you, has no problem in answering the questions you have, even if you think theyre stupid ones, shes very soft with you
- also a bit of a trickster
- for your first april fools together she slept over, you didnt have anything planned for her bc youre a good person and wont hurt the ones you love
- she stuffed your breakfast muffin with mustard 😁👍
- you gave her the cold shoulder for the rest of the day until she apologized by getting you a new muffin
- now she always dropped the l bomb to you, but she never needed you to say it
- thats why, when you were helping her cook dinner at her place you softly said "see ? and thats why i love you" she kind of,,, stopped what she was doing
- you realized why she wasnt washing the knife she used to cut your vegetables and tried to backtrack, but it was too late, she was already tackling you into a hug and taking you down onto the floor
- she just gave you kisses while repeating "i love you i love you i love you" over and over again
- bc of her you burnt ur fucking chicken smh
- you spent that night eating junk food and watching movies
- piecks a very observant person, so she always knows when youre sad too
- when you give that little huff when you come home to your (new !) shared apartment she knows something is up
- she'll slowly trail behind you as you walk to your bedroom, stripping to your underwear and changing into your pajamas
- you crawl into bed just wanting a nap to forget about the day, and she'll crawl in with you and hold you
- you never like to cry but youre so frustrated and upset at your coworkers, at that rude customer, at those deadlines, that you just breakdown
- and she lets you, she lets you almost suffocate yourself in her chest with how much your pushing your head into it, she strokes your hair while you choke on your own cries and hands you tissues when you need to blow your nose
- "what do you need my love ?" "i just need you" "okay baby"
- communication is a big thing in the relationship, and because shes been so open and honest from the beginning, talking about how you feel has never been easier
- in fact, you like talking about how you feel about your relationship, or how you didnt like what pieck said to your friends the other day, this and that, you feel comfortable and safe with pieck no matter what, which makes talking about even the most hardest things seem so simple and natural
- all in all, even when she wakes you up with spontaneous ice cream dates or asks that you put raisins in the popcorn during movie night, even with the fights and the crying and the exhaustion the next day, life would be much duller without her, and you only have to thank your clumsy self
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uhh i feel like this is very short but yeah ❤️ requests are open so go crazy mfs ‼️
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
I couldn’t wait a little longer
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Johnny Suh x reader // SMUT, SMUT, fluff, angst
Themes: idol! au, strangers to lovers, 
Word count: 4k
Summary: You two were never together longer than two days, but the feelings, oh the feelings that you have for each other is clear as the day. It was a never-ending try of making the relationship official. Johnny tried, you tried but it never happens. 
Warnings: smut on smut on smut. mentions of other idols, swearing,  unprotected sex, rough sex, sad ending, mentions of alcohol, getting drunk and ended up to a stranger’s hotel room, dont do that in real life please, size kink?, blowjob, fingering, mentions of being rushed to the hospital, 
A/N: I did this in one sitting.Inspired by the recent dream that I had (Johnny and Seulgi are dating) and they look fucking cute cuddling in bed. This is only a made up story and theres no way in hell that this is true. Again, if something about the warning doesn’t sit well on you, click away. This will be the last something something before I focus on writing for halloween. hihi. Smut after the cut!
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Short breaths in between kissing Johnny’s soft lips, feeling every slow thrust he gives, the man above you is careful not to put his entire weight on you. His hands are traveling around your body, feeling your soft skin, and caressing your face touching your lips gently. You took a peek and looked at his wrists to check if he’s wearing his expensive Rolex watch. 
If he removed it, he’s going to stay the night. If he wears it during sex, he will leave right after it. 
Tonight, he removed it and you couldn’t be happier. You kissed him more, deeper than ever, and reaching for his hand to intertwine it with yours. “I’m happy you’re here” you whisper, feeling yourself more on edge ready to hit your orgasm any second. He smiled and told you, “Me too. You make my life peaceful” then he kissed your lips, down to your neck and the valley of your boobs, sucking and licking your hard nipples. After a few more deep thrusts, he released inside you savoring an amazing orgasm while kissing you softly. 
You feel Johnny’s hot breath, you see his brows furrow, eyes closed and lips parted as he continues to thrust in you for your release. “Oh, Johnny- ohhhh” you let out a quiet moan, so quiet that it’s only just for the two of you. 
The view of Johnny’s sweaty face with lidded eyes that looked at you deeply is something that will make your heart beat fast. He smiled sweetly to you, still not moving from the sex position, still not removing his cock from inside you. “Let me admire you for a second, “ he said with a smile. 
“Hmm. I’ll do the same” you replied softly, not ruining the comfortable silence of the room. “I see you’re going to stay the night?” you added. 
He chuckles and caressed your face softly which you catch it with your hand and kiss it, “yeah, I’ll stay. I’m sorry if I’m like this, I’m sorry I can’t come to you every night” 
“Hey, don’t say that. Every time we meet again, it's becoming sweeter and sweeter than before. Can’t blame what you love doing” it’s hard to convince Johnny’s mind that you’re perfectly fine but you tried anyway. 
“How about my love for you. I seriously want to do this Y/n, you’ve seen me try. And you’re right, every time we meet again I fall for you more and it’s getting harder to leave this place” he kissed both of your hand pecks after peck until he reaches your lips, your chest, your boobs, tickling you on your sides and making you laugh. 
“You know I love you, right? And I'm so in love with you” he did it again, spreading kisses on your bodies. 
“And I love you too” you answered breathlessly. You talked some more but not about dwelling on how your relationship could have been or about what-ifs. He talked about his days telling you every detail and you listen to him attentively, he asks about you and you tell him about work, your plans, and everything you could think of telling him. Mostly he wants to hear you talk more than he wants to talk because he’s just that in love with you, he wanted to know every part of your being. 
You two were never together longer than two days, but the feelings, oh the feelings that you have for each other is clear as the day. It was a never-ending try of making the relationship official. Johnny tried, you tried but it never happens. 
Nine months ago
It was pretty quiet at the hotel and you assume everyone is sleeping already in their rooms. You removed your three-inch heels the moment you got in the elevator, too drunk to press something, too drunk to remember your hotel room. “Can you remember the room number?” You chuckle and came closer to him, using your toes to reach his pink lips. You kissed him before the elevator dings and opens on the 27th floor. 
Too drunk to even walk straight, Johnny grabbed your shoulder and guided your way. “I want to sleep already” you whine as you follow Johnny, waiting for him to open the door. “Yes, be quiet people are sleeping” he tried to hush you as he walks you in the hotel room and gently place you in bed. 
He let out a big sigh wondering what to do with you. He’s never taken care of someone really drunk before. “My head hurts!” You shouted, making Johnny panic and look for a glass of water. For a drunk person, you were pretty demanding, loud and talkative. “Okay, tiger. What else do you want?” You make him follow everything you asked him to do and he was the cute fool who follows through.
“Kiss me and I will shut up” you waited for the kiss, he was hesitating but he gave in. Kissing you softly like you’re not drunk, his lips are soft and cold. “Now please, rest” he gave you another peck, making you shut up completely. 
As you wait in the cold bed with the fluffiest pillows under your head, you ask for Johnny to come join you. “Let me change you in something comfortable “ you hear him gently asks permission to unzip your dress, you nod in approval telling him to unclasp your bra too. He was quiet the whole time he was taking your clothes off, secretly admiring your soft skin, stopping himself from licking your hard nipples, and imagining his hands all over your body. Wanting to do all of those, he cant because you’re too drunk and he cant take that risk. 
The moment you’re exposed with only your laced panties on, he let out a big sigh again before putting his hoodie on you. “Thank you” you gave him a peck on the lips before he made his way to the bathroom and change. 
Johnny lay down beside you, eyes closed and rubbing his forehead. You on the other hand, is still drunk and wants attention. You drank the water that he gave you earlier and put much ice that you want in your mouth. Carefully crawling from your side of the bed going to Johnny’s side. Between his legs to be specific. 
“Hey - what are you doing?” Johnny tried to get up but your hand is already taking care of his pajamas and briefs, palming his cock to make him calm. Already turned on and too late to stop you from your plan, he relaxed himself waiting for your next move.
Careful with the ice in your mouth, you suck his cock slowly. Letting the ice make him feel good and hard at the same time. Bobbing your head slowly, playing with ice inside your mouth. You hear Johnny whine and curse over and over again, “fuck! Add more ice” and so you did, making his cock sensitive because of the ice. His lower abdomen goes up and down, feeling the building heat goes up to his body slowly. 
You pressed the ice on the tip of his cock watching it turn red. Red and angry. Johnny’s cock is thick, long, veiny and very hard just how you like it. “Oh please don’t stop” he begs as he furrow his brows looking so handsome and fucked up under the dim light of the hotel room. You reached for his abs, feeling it as you continue to suck him. He shivers from your soft touch, his pretty lips parted letting out sweet moans. 
Pumping his cock and putting a little pressure as you continue to suck it, the ice was long melted but the cold stayed in your tongue. Licking his cock from bottom to the angry tip. You took it all, deep in your throat as he praise you this time making you moan and blush. “Dont do that!” you teased him and did it again.
Hips jolting with a slight force, you let Johnny fuck your mouth hard. He got up and put his hand on the back of your head, taking control, giving no mercy. He came in your mouth, making you swallow his thick and velvety cum. As he pull it out slowly, he kissed your lips tasting a bit of himself and wipe the spit on your face. You smile at him and crawled back to bed encircling your arms around him covering the both of you with the thick duvet. He whispered a sweet “good night” letting you sleep first and taking his time admiring your pretty face. 
Who are you Johnny wonders before closing his eyes. 
Waking up with a bitch headache, you rub the sides of your head as you fight the throbbing pain. You hear someone from the bathroom and you got up in bed with a panic. It’s not that you don’t remember what happened, you remember it clearly. But it still makes you nervous because you don’t know the man and you hate yourself for doing something stupid like that last night. What a burden, you thought. 
He got out of the bathroom with a towel on his waist, looking like a model that just came out of a magazine, body is wet from the shower, abs beautifully sculpted. Johnny crossed his arms, standing in front of you with all his glory with a straight face.
“Who are you?” you avoid looking at his body and you try to hide your exposed legs and look for your dress and shoes.
“I could ask you the same thing, who are you and why did you suck me off last night?”
He told you everything you did last night, starting from the elevator, then telling you in detail how you order him around, “I’m Johnny by the way. And you gave me a great blowjob last night” Not wanting to believe every word he said, but you know he’s telling the truth. 
“Here, some pain killers for your head” he reached for the medicine near the TV and popped one for you, handing it with a glass of water. 
The room was silent the whole time Johnny was folding your clothes, that was sweet of him. He looked like a decent man, who’s nice enough to take care of you so you muster all your courage and swallowed the embarrassment, you thank him for taking care of you. “I'm thankful for everything,” you said as he gave you your clothes, already folded nicely. 
“I know. You thanked me last night” you suddenly remembered the kiss and how you were too bold to ask him to kiss you so you could stop ordering him around.
“I want to repay you, but I don’t know how. I’m Y/n” you offered your hand for him to shake and he gladly accepted with a smile. “I should go now. Thanks again, Johnny” you waved goodbye and walked towards the door. 
Johnny knew that he wanted to ask you out but he’s shy because he’s still half-naked. Fuck, he murmured to himself. 
“Y/n, wait” He stopped you from getting out of the room, slowly pulling you inside again. “Let's start over” he gulps. 
One thing led to another, and he asked you on a private date. You two fell for each other easily like you were soulmates, knowing each other deeply whenever you get to meet. Johnny explained his line of work that you think will not be a problem to this bond that you have. Being an idol did keet him away from you but it didn’t bother you because Johnny loves his work. 
“I’ll try to come to visit more often, I have the boys to cover up for me-“ he pries. 
“No, I don’t want you to get into trouble. Were fine Johnny, visit me when it's safe. The last thing I want to happen is to put your career in danger” what you said is true, it doesn’t matter if you don’t go on dates every week or see him every day, as long as his feelings are real. That’s what matters. 
Johnny fell in love with you. Hard. Given that Johnny is a busy person, he can only see you once or twice a week and it’s not enough for him. He was so obsessed with making it an official relationship where he can bring you out on dates, go to a coffee shop with you, meet the other members. He tried. But the world is so against it. 
Rather than obsessing and making everything perfect, you talked him out of it. Told him that he should stop stressing it out because time will give you the freedom someday, “We just have to stay together, be strong to achieve that, baby. What do you think? Come on, I don’t want to see you stressed out like this every time you visit”
It was worth the try because eventually, Johnny stopped stressing out. The moment that happened, every second became sweeter, every visit became memorable, every kiss became unforgettable. Sex was always on the table but it never happened for the first few months of being together. Sure you two make out like crazy, oral sex here and there, it was like you were both saving sex for a special day or something.  
But when it finally happened it was remarkable and special. The glow stayed in you for a week, and whenever you think about what happened that night it gave you goosebumps and made you automatically smile. Every scene played in your mind like a movie, remembering how it hurt like hell when he finally put his cock inside you because he was so big, how he looked so gorgeous and hot above you while he rolls his hips, and whenever you reach for his arm you feel his veins. It was making love, you were sure of it. 
After the sex, Johnny became even more in love and crazy about you but he can’t show it because his schedules are starting to get busy again. After the sex, Johnny didn’t visit you for almost two weeks. Both of you got sad, but not enough to make you give up. Johnny became so busy that the once or twice visits became an hour visit once a week or twenty minutes making out then the next thing you know he’s saying his goodbyes. 
One night, he came to visit you in such a late hour only to find out that he came to your house straight from practice. He was so tired and it shows but his eyes glinted when he saw you wearing your thin nightgown that’s very short and you looked so irresistible. He pinned you on the wall and attacked you with hungry kisses saying, “I miss you”  
He was in a rush that he turned you around, hugged you from behind and you feel him put his hand inside your panties and run a finger up and down your slit. “This will be quick” he kissed you on the cheek and fingered you from behind. Lips on your neck, hand on your clothed boobs, fingers making your nipples hard and sensitive. 
Johnny’s fingers weren’t slender like yours, his digits can stretch you out good and make you moan his name. You came in no time and you were surprised that you can come so easily like that. You were so weak, your legs felt like jelly but you have a strong man behind you to pick you up and put you to bed. “I love you. I’ll be with you soon okay?” he kissed your forehead and left you even before you could open your mouth and tell him you love him too. 
Moments like that happened more especially when all their promotions became successful. But as soon as he got his time on his hands again, he started to spend more time with you, stay the night, make dinner dates in your house. Everything was perfect. 
Until something unexpected happened and Johnny became mad to himself about it. 
It was supposed to be a night of celebration because the relationship you had was going strong and you’ve been like this for quite a while now. You told him you’ll cook dinner for the two of you, a complete meal from appetizer to dessert and all he has to do is bring a bottle of wine or champagne. Johnny was excited about it that he finished his work early and asked Jaehyun to buy him a bottle of wine for the most awaited date. 
Unexpectedly, he needed to do extra hours at the studio and record until the job is perfect. He texted you that he will be late for a couple of minutes, It was fine for you of course. Even if the minutes turned to hours and you passed out on the couch while waiting for Johnny. It was fine for you, but not for him. 
When he finally arrived, he was in awe and very happy about the table set up. The food looks delicious but it’s already cold, the candles already melted because he was so late. He found you on your couch dressed perfectly and sleeping beautifully. You must be heartbroken he thought, disappointed, he was getting ready for your first argument. But when you wake up, you smiled at him and stretched your body, sat up, and kissed him. 
“Hi. You look handsome with that suit, I’ll heat the food” 
The supposed dinner date and celebration turned out quality time in your kitchen while he helps you heat up the food. You and Johnny had dinner at 2 am, laughing and spending time with each other. But deep inside he can’t forgive himself for making you wait like that. 
A few days after that incident, Johnny considered leaving you. 
And he did. 
You were so hurt but you were not mad. You can never go mad when he’s the one crying while breaking up with you, he looked more hurt and weak during the breakup that it breaks your heart that he’s doing this to himself. “Johnny, it was okay. We still had dinner at that time and it was a great night, right? Waiting is nothing” you tried to talk him out but his decision is final. 
“You deserve someone who comes home every night to you and someone who can't make you wait like that” with that, he kissed you goodbye and you can’t do something about him leaving your place. 
No one was okay about the separation but life goes on. You focused on work and he focused on his career, simple but every day was painful. 
During an IKEA date with Jaehyun, Johnny talked about you and how he’s not handling the sadness well these days. It felt like he lost a big piece of his heart and it’s all his fault. He can’t stop seeing or repeating the scenario where you tried to stop him from breaking up with you and it breaks his heart seeing your sad eyes. 
“Dude you’re lucky you have someone like her she doesn’t demand time or attention she never gets mad-“ Jaehyun argues.  
“That’s my point. I left because I can’t make enough time for her or shower her with my attention. Dude, sometimes I want her to get mad because clearly, I’m the one to blame for not giving her a normal relationship. She doesn’t deserve any of that” he sighs as he pushes the cart, “it hurts me you know, thinking that someone can love her better than I can. But this work of ours…”
“I get you. But think wisely, to be honest, you’re the one who’s losing something not her”
It was a hard decision for Johnny but the breakup that he thought will give you both a peaceful life was a mistake. He went to your house with high hopes and flowers hoping that you will accept him back to your life. 
And you did. You welcomed Johnny with open arms and it was an emotional night. 
With Johnny coming back to your life, suddenly you’re happy again. It didn’t solve the problems back then, but it was better than breaking up. Nothings changed but it was alright. You see him again every week, spend time with you whenever he can, stay the night whenever he can, it was perfect. 
But just when you thought that everything is going smoothly, he breaks up with you again because you’ve been rushed to the hospital because of over fatigue and he can’t be with you. It happened a month after the incident and once again it broke you both. You thought this will be the final draw but it wasn’t, Johnny came back, apologized and you welcome him back to your life once again. 
It was becoming an on and off relationship. 
Present time 
As you open the door of your apartment, you heard the sound of the TV from your bedroom and you’re surprised that he’s here. 
“Wow you’re really blonde” you crossed your arms and lean on the door frame, he smiled and welcomed you with a hug and a few kisses here and there. It’s been two months since you last saw Johnny, he was so busy with NCT 2020 and he’s going to be even busier on the following days. 
“I left as soon as I can. Forgot that you have extra hours at work tonight” he said as he lets you change. 
“The vlive was so fun, you were all over the place” he chuckled and told you how the whole fandom went crazy about his hair, “Baby, I went crazy too. It suits you” he follows you to the bathroom and waits for you to finish freshening up. You kissed him with your minty lips and he carries you back to bed and kissed some more while cuddling. He reached for the remote and turned off the TV to have a peaceful and quiet night with you for the first time again after two months. 
Putting both of your legs in between his sides, you busy yourself and unbuckle his belt and remove his pants. He removes his shirt and helps himself get naked. You removed your shirt in front of him, making Johnny blush and grab your small figure close to him. He kissed you while he helps you remove your panties and position yourself on top of him. With bodies closer than ever, he spreads your ass cheeks and lines his cock in your entrance and gently push in. 
The soft light from your lampshade is making you sexier and it’s making him hornier. You roll your hips while he keeps you close to him, taking full control of every thrust. As much as Johnny loves fucking you, he loves it too whenever he just lay in your bed comfortably and you’re on top fucking him. His mouth is sucking your left boob and you feel his tongue swirl around as you continue with rolling your hips deliciously. 
You pull away and put your weight on your arms just above his thighs, leaning back and rolling your hips. It was a scene for Johnny’s eyes, the woman he loves looking so hot on top of him, using his cock to go off. “Oh you look so hot” he murmured but you heard it. 
“Want to fuck hard tonight?” you suggest. 
“We can?” he asks with short breaths, excited about what you said and you nod in approval. You kissed and went down from his gorgeous body to lay on the mattress and effortlessly, he turned your body and put you on your stomach. “Put your ass up for me, please” he whispered behind your ear and you followed. 
Legs spread wide from behind, face on the pillow, he kissed you before fucking you from behind. His hands are on your hips as he thrusts hard over and over again, making you drag your body on the mattress reaching for your boobs and pinch your nipples to make you yelp and moan. 
Johnny is a huge man, everything he does with a little force is already too much for you. He thrusts a little harder and your body flops on the mattress giving him the idea of fucking you with closed legs making your entrance tighter. It was a new position for both of you and it felt so good that he went from thrusting hard to giving you slow and deep thrust that you asked for more.  
“Oh, baby you feel that?” you nod your head weakly. He leaned down, even more, putting his whole weight on you making his cock push in deeper. He reached for your hand before he goes back to giving you hard and piercing thrusts again, whispering ‘i love yous’ and smiling at each other. 
 After fucking hard, he’s cradling you like a baby with his big muscled arms. Making you use his arm as your pillow, keeping you close to him. Under the thin white sheets, his hands and fingers are playing around your body. Tracing your curves, caressing your butt cheek, teasing your folds, while he admires you close to him. 
“I love you” you mean it. With every part of your being. 
He chuckled and hugged you tightly, “You made me believe in love. This is a once in a lifetime love. You don’t deserve to be a secret” he whispered back. And you don’t know what he meant about it. “Two months of being away from you baby… this really has to end.”
There he is again. Hurting you. 
“It never hurt when you’re away. I miss you terribly yes, but there's a promise that you will come back sooner or later. You know what can hurt me, Johnny? this. You, breaking up with me over and over again. Do you have any idea how that hurts? Hearing the man you love to give up over and over again?” you’re already crying in front of him and Johnny was speechless but still keeping you close to him. 
The night ended sadly and he left without a word but he kissed you goodbye and you hugged tight. 
Is it really the end this time? 
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mikaze-discord · 3 years
OG Heavens: Love letters
For these Heavens posts, I had reached out to a few people who just never ended up responding. With projects like these, please at least hear them out, you don't have to do it because I know its a huge project but at least tell them you won't be doing it instead of ghosting them. But apart from that little road block, this project was really fun!!
Please enjoy under the cut!!!!
From @milkmateartist:
I have always leaned towards megane characters and Eiichi is no exception. However, it's not often you see idols wearing glasses, and that is something I appreciate about Eiichi's design. His color palette also intrigues me since I love deep shades of blue. His royal blue jacket is very attractive, and the way he pops the collar also makes me go "kya!".  His voice is also very sexy as well and is pleasing to the ear uwu. I love how egoistic he is too. Being incredibly ambitious he has been able to reach amazing heights that surpass other idols. The one thing that seems to make him unique though is that he really gets zealous and overly passionate when it comes to the power of music, so much that it makes him physically tremble. You could get high off that shit literally. His entire being is centered around being an idol, and all the components of him go above and beyond the requirements. It's not just a job for him or something that simply makes an earning or brings satisfaction. It's pretty much everything to him. For that reason he has made it to the top. There is also the component where he's lonely and isolated emotionally that interests me. Despite being a beloved idol, he clearly didn't get the love he needed growing up. Even though he had Eiji I feel as though his nature was more to protect Eiji and shield him from whatever terrors would arise. I admire his ability to come through all of that and pay attention to the things he really cared about. Eiichi can be himself, his strange, sexy self, but also he acknowledges the lonesome darkness within too. I think that component makes him incredibly powerful.
Extra Details:
While appearing to be a bad guy in the anime (at least), Eiichi seemed to be that typical bad boy idol that would steal away Haruka from the main group. The time when he approached Haruka and took her by the chin is a perfect example. How dare this new guy just think he can have his way with our protagonist!  To be honest I liked that aspect about him a bit. While I can't remember my first impression of Eiichi aside from not knowing how to feel about that, he slowly grew on me. He had the appearance of just another selfish idol, demonstrated by swiping the mic away from the announcer at one of his concerts and immediately declaring their foreseen victory. So far that looked rather bland to me, and I was still cheering for STARISH. They really made him out to look like some bad guy who would not play fair and do whatever he could to take the throne (and the girl).  It's not surprising his glasses shine adds to his 'freaky antagonist' vibe that the show seemed to try to give off, but however for me I love the glasses beam, thus having the opposite effect.
And then there is the Next Door episode. Now here's where we got to see more of Eiichi aside from when the HEAVENS Dragon demolished the entire stadium. Aside from kya-ing over the EiichiOtoya content (especially where he goes behind otoya and covers his eyes), I got to see more of him here. It surprised me that someone so cocky and confident was actually the same depressed, lonely person that Otoya was. But it was also evident to me as well that he did care about the effect it had on Otoya as well after he sort-of-well mind broke him. I like how he is ambitious but also still caring, as compared to an antagonist that would stop at nothing to achieve their goal regardless of how much pain they cause.
I also enjoy Eiichi because I feel like I can roleplay him well. Usually for me, roleplay has to achieve some kind of goal since I tend to be business oriented. I think to some degree I'm able to practice being a eboy idol through Eiichi, as I do enjoy charming the fans. It also helps that I can naturally play characters with an inflated ego who enjoy charming people.
From @/egoisticCEO on twt:
July 2019. When Eiichi was first introduced to me via his voice, I hated him from the very beginning. His singing, his appearance, his personality – everything about him made me despise him. It’s funny looking back and seeing how quickly my attitude changed towards him, realising I’d been biased against him because of a friend. Finding more about him, hate turned to interest. It seemed like his life hadn’t been the best. Maybe that was why he acted in such a way? Interest turned to liking him more. Maybe I’d misunderstood him. I’d made the mistake of taking him at surface level.
December 2019. Like was slowly turning to love. More and more, I found myself looking at him instead of my current favourites. I found myself wanting him to actually be a part of Egoistic. Once I started devouring HEAVENS Radio and unveiling his true character, it was shocking how quickly I fell. He truly acted like a father to everyone in his band. Giving them what he never received. Everything was for them to thrive.
2020. With how much I was at home, it only made sense I grew more obsessed. I found Life with Thanks’ translation. “We’re irreplaceable to him,” he tells us, and that made me certain that his heart wasn’t as evil as some people liked to believe. He’s a caretaker, someone who wants everyone to feel like they matter. Even at his own expense. Instead of selfish, he’s selfless.
I related to him more than I have to any character – it was comforting. Seeing someone have no choice but to put on a brave face, even when his confidence was at an all time low. 2020 got a lot harder for me, but when I recovered, Eiichi was like a home to go back to. Time and time again, I’d have to break away, but I’d always be invited back in by that stupid smirk and overexaggerated ego and the warmest heart you could ever find. Every scene I watched with him would make me smile. I’d tease him to myself. I still do.
2021. That brings us to now. I can’t see my love for this one of a kind man dying any time soon. I don’t want it to, either. Just looking at him makes me happy! He’s the type of character with so many facets to his personality that you can keep digging and never reach the end. So, in conclusion, I hope I never stop finding new things out about this wonderful idiot. More than anything, he deserves all the love he gives to others, and I’d love to provide it tenfold.
From Anon: 
Many have their reasons to love their favorite characters. As for me, why Kira Sumeragi is my favorite character is because there are several things about him that I can relate myself to and there are a few qualities he has that I like about him. If many do not know about Kira that much, they’d look at who he is. He may look intimidating at first and may not talk much, when in actuality, Kira is a considerate, dependable, and mindful guy. Mainly, he is the type of guy that lets his actions do the explaining. He is a hard worker, as an idol, he looks after his bandmates, HEAVENS, like family. It’s like what Eiichi said in HEAVENS Radio about Kira, “he is HEAVENS’ pride!” Although he may not say much, Kira is very observant of his surroundings and never hesitates in his decisions. The members of HEAVENS understand and acknowledge Kira, knowing that he means well.
You can even tell in his solo music! Although there are only two solo songs for Kira, if you read the lyrics carefully, Kira’s thoughts and feelings are shown. Kira always knew that if he cannot explain his feelings through words, then he’ll let his songs and his actions do it for him for you to see.  Although the anime doesn’t show much of Kira, the only way to get to know him more is through HEAVENS Radio, also drama CDs like Paradise Lost, and other media like LINE Messenger Japan. There’s still much that I’d want to know about him, but as a start, these things are what makes Kira my favorite character for HEAVENS.
From Anon: 
Aside from my huge bias towards OnoD the first thing that drew my attention to Kira was his design. Dark haired anime boys with bright eyes have such a vibe and I loved how mysterious he was set up to be in season 2. But the thing that really hooked me a lot was the found family that Heavens became over the progression of the anime.
Particularly since people in the fandom have a bunch of funky headcanons about Kira being the mom friend in the group, which is incredibly wholesome. Kira’s very quiet and reserved but clearly holds a deep caring for his group members and does what he can when needed which is one of the reasons why he became so loveable for me.
From @/_PXRFECTIONIST on twt: 
If I managed to stan Nagi, so will you.
Greetings. I present to you, once more, a story of how I came to love a character that I wished I threw hands with.
Nagi Mikado.
The possible only utapri character that Shinomiya oshis despise. Thanks to what happened in the anime.
Truth be told, I too was one of them. Until I came to love Both Shinomiya and Nagi. Reason?
Ya see, it is universally agreed upon that the way Nagi was pushing and pulling at Shinomiya's trauma and DID was… Not okay. So I said "yeah okay what an obnoxious kid i dont think ill ever like him lol" especially since I never come to really warm up to people younger than me.
Boy was I wrong.
My heart really sways easily when I go deep into characters, and why they act the way they are. And also because I chose to roleplay as him, but let's not. Speak of that.
(its actually the main reason i like him in the first place who am i fooling)
Nagi is… Indeed obnoxious, and really has bad manners that are covered up by his cute looks and fame, especially since he's one of the original HEAVENS members, but once you get to really know him.. It makes sense why he's being such a brat. And that is sort of endearing. And knowing how his group is like family to him too, it becomes harder and harder to completely dislike him.
He really is a boss man.
He knows what he wants, and how to get it. He knows how to get people to like him without handing over the tiniest sliver of his weaknesses. He acts in his own way that shapes his personality to suit him, yet still manages to be caring and helpful, even if it's hard to see tenderness and good will through his aggression.
Reading his solo lyrics, listening to the drama CDs, even thinking of headcanons due to lack of lore, it all slowly comes together like a lovely parfait to suddenly make you realize..
'I really do like that rat.
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Trans Male Reader HCs
ty @peachyplays​ for the request!
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A/N: PEACHY SIR I AM SO FUCKING SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG UHHHHHH but im still alive. i am here. im fine. this is some hcs about before transitioning and during and a lil after bc i feel like after it would just be. pretty normal. uh i did the 5 that appeared in ahwm, excluding heistiplier bc ehhhh. Darkipier, Wilford, Yancy, Illinois, Magnum. Rated T, i think. TW: mention of periods, scars, binding, dysphoria. Yeah. I think that’s it. Enjoy!
Trans Male!Reader HCs
Doesn’t really care
You have girl parts. Great
He has a century old demonic entity+a pair of twins. You're not special
Tries to be understanding, but mostly just doesn’t address it very much
There’s no need to! He loves you, it doesn't matter to him!
He will try to make you feel comfortable if you start to feel dysphoric
If you menstruate, he deals with it well
Both Damien and Celine would know precisely what to do so…
Heating pad, candy, movies + snuggles
Makes you lay down and hold the heating pad while you wait for the painkillers to kick in
Has a timer for 10 hours and you WILL take your binder off when it goes off
Is not afraid to threaten you over it
You know he doesn’t mean it and DAMMIT MAN YOU’RE GONNA HURT YOURSELF
If you start to take T, he just sits next to you
It might seem like he’s vibrating a little
That’s just the emotion seeping out
It seems like he doesn’t pay attention to your voice
In reality he listens closely everyday for how much deeper it went
You expected him to laugh when your voice cracked
he just asked you to repeat what you said
You appreciated that
He offers to pay for your top surgery if you decide to get it
Whether you say yes or know, he supports you
But he’s also nervous because Surgery
He checks the history of every person who even might be near you
Your surgeon was acting “strange” so he interrogated the poor man
You then explained he was doing his JOB
He squeezes your hand and kisses the back of it before you go into surgery.
The others have to convince him that you are not, in fact, going to Die
When you get out of surgery he stands on the other side of the room, waiting
He looks straight out of a horror movie
You almost scream when you wake up
He steps into the light holding a basket of fruit
He’s been watching a lot of romance movies…
Makes sure you DON’T FUCKING MOVE when you get home
You are going to LAY THERE and HEAL and you’re gonna LIKE IT
Often asks how your scars feel
A little defensive if people ask about them
A bit protective, but pretty much the same as before
I don’t… I don’t think he comprehends the situation
I don’t think he knows what you mean, i’ll be honest
I think he just. Loves you. And filters everything else out.
Because unless it changes how you feel about him, it Does Not Matter
He treats you the same way he always does
Which includes being extra clingy and cuddly when you’re feeling bad or dysphoric
If you menstruate he goes into Good Boyf mode
Meaning he absolutely SPOILS you, moreso than usual
Cooks for you, buys you… a lot of things you probably don’t need…
Asks "is it shark week?" and buys extra detergent
You will take your binder off when it's time
You have no choice in the matter
and when you don't he somehow gets it off of you???
I dunno man, he's like. A god. Who knows
He WILL make sure you're safe and healthy whether you like it or not
If you start to take T, he's not allowed at the clinic
He's banned from like. Everywhere.
He always makes sure to say your voice sounds deeper
Even if it's early and it doesn't and you KNOW it doesn't, he says it anyways
He's just being supportive, it's fine
He's a lil nervous if you decide to get top surgery
The idea of someone just straight up cutting you while you're ASLEEP???
hate. bad. no thanks.
He tries to watch through a window but has to give up bc he just starts feeling Bad.
he sits and bounces his leg in the waiting room and plays with a fidget toy you got him
He basically teleports into the room when you're out
The nurse faints because what the FUCK
He just holds his bowl of chicken noodle soup while they're dragged out of the room
You eat and talk for a bit and he just gazes at you bc your voice is so nice
He's very smothering when you get home
Thinks you're gonna hurt yourself whenever you do anything
sit DOWN you dumbass you're gonna TEAR YOUR STITCHES
makes you binge a bunch of movies with him
He doesn't really pay attention, just watches you to see if you need anything
likes to trace and kiss your scars if you let him
Loves you so much <333
I mean. He probably doesn't know what you mean
You are? a boy? I don't?
You explain and THEN he understands
He's a lil dumb, it's ok.
He isn't quite sure how to make you feel better when you're dysphoric??
Does he call you manly? Does he completely ignore you? What does he do?!
Eventually he’s settled on awkwardly calling you “Handsome” and “very masculine”
If you menstruate, he panics
He's had a mom before, he knows what it does
He doesn’t know how to make you feel better
He doesn’t wanna coddle you but also he likes feeling like he’s needed
He tries to cook for you but uh. yeah that didn't work out
The cook kicked him out and then made it themself, having Yancy deliver it to you
He convinced the warden to give him painkillers as well, and buys you candy
He’ll make sure you take your binder off when you need to
Might be a little lax, like with a child
“Okay… 30 more minutes. But then yous is takin' it off!”
Doesn’t fully understand the repercussions of you not taking it off
Once he does he literally BEGS you to take it off
Actually started crying one time
If you start T he asks a bunch of questions you probably don't know the answer to
He’s fascinated by how much your voice changes
He bites his lip to not laugh whenever your voice cracks
Once your voice gets like. As deep as it will go he kisses you and says you sound hot
He will panic if you decide to get top surgery
Constantly suggests robbing a bank or robbing a rich person
“There’s some expensive shit that’s been confiscated, i can help!”
When the day actually comes he's on the consistent verge of a panic attack
he can't even like BE there because. prison.
He cries while everyone else has to comfort him for the entire time you're healing
Once you see him again he interrogates you to make sure you're taking care of yourself
A guard lets you two have a little time alone, and you two talk about it
If you let him, he wants to see the result
He gives you a big hug and tells you how much he loves you
Probably the only one who actually understands and actually KNOWS shit
though he's too narcissistic to really… like… care
He loves you, but like. If you don’t mention it he doesn’t really feel a need to
He will make sure you’re okay, he knows when you act weird
Other than that he doesn’t actively do much
He says "hey there handsome" or something like that every morning, and that's about it
If you menstruate, he just tosses you painkillers and says there's ice cream in the freezer
I mean. that's pretty much all you need
He will cuddle if you ask, though
Also flirts with you and talks to you more
If you bind, he will be very pushy about it
Will not let you do anything until you take your binder off after the designated amount of time
if he's on an adventure, he calls the others to go to your place and tell you to take your binder off
He knows you won't listen but I mean shit he doesn't want you hurt
If you DONT take it off and have bruises he will straight up blackmail you
Keep doing this, you don't get any cuddles or kisses
Mostly for your benefit bc. bruises. but still
If you start T, he will help, but only if you ask
When your voice cracks he laughs
He apologizes while still laughing
He sleeps on the couch a lot
A little startled after he comes home from an adventure and your voice is deep?? hot???
If you get surgery, he’s relatively calm
He doesn’t like the sounds and smells of the hospital, though.
They weird him out
He’ll kiss you a bunch before you go into surgery and then waits outside.
Probably goes to get some food as well
When you’re out, he sits by you and eats, waiting for you to wake up
He slides an apple over to you and tells you to eat if you feel like it
He does his best to take care of you at home
He knows how to heal, and you need to SIT your ass down
Stays home from adventures while you heal
He doesn’t trust you to take care of yourself
He will not ASK you to take care of yourself he will TELL you because he KNOWS how you are
Stares at your scars sometimes
He doesn’t mean to be rude, they're just… there
He likes them. They’re cool. They’re yours, how could he not?
Tries to be as respectful as he can be
Kisses your scars. Like a lot. Like a LOT a lot.
He has a thing for scars, they’re badass
Captain Magnum
Completely Does Not Understand
At the same time, Does Not Care
Can you shoot? Can you stab? Can you loot? Then you’re perfect
Treats you the same way as the rest of his crew but with a lil more special attention
That attention being calling you rugged and tough
If you menstruate, he recommends hanging out with the rest of them to distract you
He also recommends LOOTING!
You’re pirates, what else would he want from you
Will stop in a town to buy whatever you need, if you ask
But you can probably get something from some other crewmates
If you bind, he won't let you do anything until you take it off when you need to
Think you can trick him bc he doesn't know what's happening?
ya can't fool the man, he may be stupid but he's not dumb
If you want to start T, he’ll stay in one town for a while.
Understands that you need this, and doesn’t want you to be upset
NO he’s not playing favorites but yes he absolutely is
Doesn’t ask questions, it’s not his business
However, if you explain, he will listen
Will be elated if you steal from the town
He’s still a pirate, and you are still his boyfriend, you had to do something
Makes you sing sea shanties when your voice gets deeper
Better be prepared to sing the chorus alone, even if you’re a shit singer
He just loves to hear it and therefore EVERYONE ELSE will hear it too
If you get surgery, he’s very nervous
He's never really been in a hospital but he thinks it's unnatural
Too white. Too clean. Too much.
Refuses to go in the hospital, but gives you a tight hug before you go in
He then regrets not going in because he misses you a lot :(
Once you're out and can go back on the ship he's very gentle
He's not a gentle man, but he tries
Makes you stay in your quarters and tries to make you comfy
Doesn't really know what to do so let's a crewmate help you
Claims that your scars make you badass! and attractive!
Puts you on the front lines to boost up your confidence
It only makes you nervous really, but you appreciate the effort
167 notes · View notes
stutterfly · 5 years
Swipe Right 01 | Context Switch | JJK (M)
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Rating: M (Explicit 18+)
Pairings: Jungkook x Reader, brot7 x friendship
Genre: E2L, fluff, angst [later on], humor, [eventual] smut, PersonalTrainer!Jungkook, fuckboy!Jungkook, Nerd!Jungkook, Nerd/IT!Reader
Word Count: 12.8K
Fic Summary: Jungkook wasn’t always like this. Or maybe he was and you don’t want to admit that he had you fooled. You quickly discover he has a lot more to offer than exchanging pleasantries and awkward small talk. In fact, he never seems to shut up.
For the better part of a year, he’s held your irritation hostage, never passing up an opportunity to deliver savage one-liners at your expense. When he discovers you’re on Tinder, he turns up the brattiness factor and intentionally seeks you out. Who knows? Maybe if you gave him a chance he could charm the pants right off of you. Then again, maybe he’s just a fuckboy.
Tags: Fuckboy Jungkook, like cannot stress enough Fuckboy Jungkook but gets soft later, dirty jokes, talk nerdy to me, PUNS, friendship feels, sexual tension, Jin being bad at copying Mario’s accent, Namjoon being bad at accents
CW:  panic attacks, filthy language, this whole chapter is setup so like nothing too bad i dont think???
Series: Activate your SIMCard Fic: Swipe Right (1/?- Ongoing) Do not repost. masterlist // next chapter
(A/N: This is part of my “Activate Your SIMcard” series. Each member of BTS has their own AU in which IT/TechSupport/NerdReader gets dating help/advice and ends up falling in love with them instead. As with a dating sim, the same characters are utilized--same professions, similar scenario placement-- but different interactions/pathways lead to different romances. ~Anyway here’s the Jungkook route.~ The Namjoon route, “Love Bytes” is currently in the works.)
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
Nerves wrack your stomach as you make your way down the hall, clinging to the man beside you. His strides seem gigantic next to yours and you find yourself struggling to keep up with him. “Stop walking so fast, Namjoon.”
The man laughs, but slows his pace just enough to allow you to walk side-by-side. “Sorry. I’m just excited for you to meet them.”
Digging your fingernails into the flesh of his elbow, you swallow hard. It’s been a couple months since the young English professor stumbled into your life holding the pieces of some very expensive, very shattered college property. State of the art technology, brand new, busted in less than a week of his arrival. He’d get the biggest chew-out of his life if he presented it to your boss, and you were too sympathetic to let that happen.
While you’d willingly paid for the whole thing out of pocket to cover for the newbie, it had definitely put a strain on your finances and what little social life you had. Within a week he’d worked up a repayment plan than spanned the course of a year. He even started buying you a coffee every Friday as an apology for how long it was going to take.
After a few months of bonding over kung-fu movies, life before Namjoon’s friendship seemed like a distant past, a hazy dream. It was natural that your new bestie wanted to grow your pitiful social circle. But there was a reason you didn’t let people get close to you. The fact that Namjoon had slipped past your defenses so fast made him an anomaly worth dissecting for scientific discovery.
Just the thought of having to now socialize with people you don’t know has your temperature boiling and your head spinning.
He attempts to tug his elbow away from you, and you stumble forward, keeping your death grip on him. “I know, but talking to people isn’t exactly my strong suit. Are you sure it’s best I meet all six at once?”
“You’ve already met Jimin,” he begins, clawing at your hand with long, veiny fingers until you release your hold on him, “but he’s not coming tonight, so don’t worry... you can relax a little.”
Your face twists into a sour grimace as you try to sputter out a response. “I-Pfft. I mean. Jimin’s a model. His face is on billboards and shit. Like… how is that supposed to not be intimidating?”
“Jimin is the world’s biggest sweetheart,” he laughs, shoving his hands into his pockets as you continue down the hallway. “You don’t have anything to be afraid of. I have a feeling you two will get along fine once you stop being so shy.”
You huff and tick your jaw a few times before wringing your hands together. Maybe.
“Anyway. Taehyung is out of town on business, but you can meet him another time. He’s kind of quiet when meeting new people too. Hoseok and Yoongi texted they might be a little late. It’ll just be Jin and Jungkook you’re meeting now. And it’ll be just the four of us for a bit.”
A deep breath escapes you as you hook your elbow with his. “Okay. I just… I’m nervous.”
He stops at the door at the end of the hall and looks down at you. “Give them a chance. If you’re still feeling bad in an hour, then we’ll leave, and I’ll hang out with y’all separately from now on. Deal?”
You eye his extended palm peeking out from beneath the crook of your twined elbows before a smile creeps across your face. You shake his hand. He always knows what to say. “Deal.”
As Namjoon knocks, you leave the comfort of his side, realizing how your anxious clinging might be mistaken for a romantic gesture. You begin to shrink back, trying to hide in his shadow before the door opens. You’re about halfway there when a young, well-built man appears, prominent leg muscles bulging from beneath his basketball shorts as he props the door open with his foot. There’s a cup of instant noodles in his hands, and you’re pretty sure at least half of its contents are dangling from his mouth.
The scent of garlic and rosemary drifts into your nostrils, and you freeze as you cower behind Namjoon, realizing how long it’s been since you last had a decent home-cooked meal. You were promised free food so maybe it won't be so bad after all.
“Ah, Namjoon,” he greets and gestures with his head towards the domicile. “Come in--Oh!”
He chokes a chunk of noodles back into the paper cup as he notices your figure standing behind the tall man.
“Jungkook, this is Y/N,” Namjoon says, stepping to the side and pushing you out into the light of the apartment “I told you she was coming tonight, remember?”
Jungkook’s dark brown eyes widen and he pumps a fist into his chest a few times as he tries to get the remnants of spicy noodles dislodged from the back of his throat. Namjoon sent a bunch of texts this week making sure it was cool to bring someone to hangout night since he’d made a friend at work and wanted everyone to meet them. The way the texts were worded definitely didn’t give any indication that the friend he was bringing tonight was a woman. Maybe they did. Maybe he should have read more of them.
The muscular man before you holds the remaining food in his cheeks and waves bashfully with two fingers as he swallows. "Jungkook," he mumbles, as if the name itself is introduction enough and all but sprints from the room.
Seconds later, a new voice shrieks out from the other room. “What are you doing eating that?! Dinner will be ready soon! Jungkookie if you don’t put that down--!”
A dull smacking sound accompanies the clattering of silverware and plates. You swallow hard, trying to think about anything other than the way the young man had rushed out of the room at just the sight of you. Maybe you’re just that ugly.
“Hey! I’ll eat! I’ll eat! I promise!” Jungkook cries out. His voice drops an octave. “Namjoon is here.” Their conversation becomes indiscernible, but you can’t shake the feeling that you are definitely the subject of their quiet discussion.
You throw a worried glance in Namjoon's direction. "Did I do something wrong?" your voice is hushed as you work your sneakers off, trying to hold in the crazy amount of anxiety that threatens to unscrew the top of your head and send your brain exploding into the ceiling.
Namjoon shakes his head, unbothered by his friend’s odd behavior. "Honestly, I texted him a bunch this week to make sure it was cool and I got one-word replies so I'm wondering if he even read them." He bites his lip and spares a glance back at you, knowing he probably should have kept that to himself.
"Oh," your heart sinks into your stomach and threatens to fall out your butt as you straighten your spine. "If that's the case, should I... leave?"
"Leaf?!" A bright green piece of lettuce is thrust into your face. "How about a whole salad? You can't go before you try it! It's unbe-leaf-able."
You blink in rapid succession, trying to stifle a laugh at the cackle emanating from the man whose bony fingers are holding the lettuce. It sounds like a... windshield wiper? A giggle slips out, stronger than your will to keep it tucked behind your lips, and it only seems to make the grin on his face stretch impossibly wider. Heavy shoulders rise and fall with his laughter, causing the bright pink apron across his chest to wrinkle.
Namjoon groans. "This is--"
"Now do you smell that delicious flavor in the air? Because this just a taste of what you will find at my amazing restaurant 'Heart and Seoul'," he announces, cutting off the man beside you as he clutches the lettuce to his chest with eyes closed. "Where I give you a piece of my heart and soul... Some refer to me as Worldwide Handsome, others call me the God of Cookery. Some call me an angel and believe I fell from heaven." He bows with a flourish and takes your hand in his. "But you can call me..." He finally looks at you, a dark smoulder in his features that sets your cheeks on fire. "Later?"
He seals your fate with a gentle kiss to the back of your hand. Your jaw, which has been hanging open for some time, finally decides to snap itself shut.
"This is Seokjin, and he's going back into the kitchen to finish making dinner." Namjoon is already ushering his friend back towards the kitchen and chiding him as you purse your lips together to hide the smile spreading across your face. Did you just stumble into some alternate universe where all of the men you meet are ridiculously good-looking?
"It's nice to meet you, Seokjin," you call after them before letting your eyes wander around the room.
Paintings line the walls and photos sit on the bookshelf in the corner. As you approach the shelf to get a closer look, you realize those aren't books, but video games. There must be hundreds. Don't people use cloud storage for most of their games now? Your eyes curiously scan the photos on the top shelf. The man who had introduced himself as Jungkook is in all of them. There's another man in a couple that you don't recognize, but his gaze is piercing and cold when he's not smiling. You're able to pick Jimin and Namjoon out in a few, but it feels like looking at a family photo. Everyone seems so close; it makes you envious.
You lick your lips and can't help but admire the collection of video games underneath. You crouch to get a better look at the ones lining the bottom shelf. You're surprised to see there are games for all types of consoles: PS4, XboxOne, Switch, WiiU, Nintendo DS, SuperNintendo, PlaystationVita, PC... The list keeps going. Jealousy spikes your gut as you note a Mass Effect "SSV Normandy" ship figurine on the shelf above your head. You eye it with wonder and pride as your memories flood with the hours you spent playing the trilogy. Your fingers reach out to brush against the raised letters on the side of the ship.
"Have you played Mass Effect?" a quiet voice asks from behind you.
You jump in place and spin on the balls of your feet in a fluid motion that nearly sends you careening into the basketball shorts in front of you. Surprised by how close Jungkook is standing, you gasp and stumble back into the bookshelf, causing it to wobble and bring some of the frames filled with photos tumbling down onto your head. You wait for the impact but it never comes.
As you look up, Jungkook has several frames balanced on his arms and between his fingers, carefully maneuvering them away from you and back onto the shelf. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! Namjoon told me you liked video games too and I saw you looking at the Normandy and I thought maybe you've played it. Ah, I'm sorry."
It's hard to miss the crestfallen way he rubs the back of his neck and stares at the floor once he places all the photos back on the shelf. You're still in shock that he caught everything before it smacked you in the head, but you force yourself to respond anyway. "No, it's okay. I'm just a jumpy person. It's my fault. I'm just glad I didn't break anything. I'm... asari? Get it? 'Cause like, I'm sorry... but also hot blue alien chicks, am I right?"
He smiles wide and laughs softly as he offers to help you up. As you take hold of his hand, you're quickly thrust to your feet with an ease you weren’t quite expecting. You steady yourself by reaching out to grip his arm, a movement you reverse the moment you feel the firm muscles beneath his t-shirt.
"Thanks," you mumble. Feeling his hand tense around yours, you take it back and twiddle your fingers. "So what decisions did you make? Renegade or Paragon? Rachni Queen? Samara's mission? Quarian and Geth dispute? Genophage?" You pause only to take a breath. "If you let Wrex die, we can't be friends."
He blinks at you a few times before breaking into a relaxed smile. “Of course not. What kind of monster do you think I am?”
You allow a relieved sigh to pass your lips. Maybe this wouldn’t be so painful after all.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You must have made a good impression that night. It’s been nearly a month and Namjoon’s friends have started pulling you into their group texts and Saturday night plans. This had been fine by you since you rarely had anything going on. Honestly it was kind of nice to be included.
While you still don’t exactly know everyone, you feel fairly comfortable talking with your new friends. Seokjin is absolutely hilarious. He’s so full of himself that his cockiness rides the line between charming and annoying; it’s hard to decide which aspect overwhelms his personality more. But you know that you find him irrefutably, irritatingly attractive because of it.
Jungkook is still polite and rather gentlemanly towards you. Your conversation about Mass Effect was enough to tide over any residual awkwardness regarding your initial meeting. He’s just a muscular, nerdy introvert who seems genuinely nice. However, Namjoon insists that Jungkook is still hiding a louder, brattier side when you’re around. He’s got this theory that since you’re a friend of a friend, Jungkook is holding back his usual antics for some reason. The harmless little crush you’ve developed on him has you secretly holding out hope that it’s because he wants to ask you to be his girlfriend. You’ve considered asking Jin what he thinks, but that man has no tact and honestly you’re afraid he’d just ask Jungkook with you standing right there.
Hoseok is a ball of smiling energy, one who has been begging you to visit his dance studio. It’s hard to say no, but you’ve managed for this long because of the very real possibility that you won’t be able to do anything but stare at the dazzling way he moves. He seems to take pride in his ability to make others feel good and absolutely beams when he’s the cause of his friends’ happiness. You can easily see yourself talking to him without Namjoon around to act as a buffer, which is amazing for someone with your level of social anxiety.
Yoongi is quiet, but when he speaks his words are sharp with purpose. Some people might mistake that for coldness, but you can tell he has good intentions and a soft heart underneath. His pointed remarks in the group interrogations have poked fun at you, but never in a condescending or cruel manner. And it’s certainly not in the way you see him absolutely roast the others. Maybe he’s taking it easy on you.
Jimin is still so beautiful to look at it devastates you, leaving a flustered, stuttering mess behind every time he leaves. Now that he’s become aware of the effect he has on you, he’s been testing the waters of your friendship with some teasing that borderlines flirtation. But you have a feeling he’s just screwing with you because he finds it funny to see you squirm. You’re hoping to build the confidence to dish it back some day.
Taehyung has been a little standoff-ish, but Namjoon had already warned you about that. You wonder if it’s because he’s a hundred times richer than you’ll ever be. Despite seeming like he’s in a different social class, he still seems deeply fond of his friends, and relatively down-to-earth. He’s a bit quirky, but he’s an artist, so you expect that kind of thing.
Namjoon says that he’s known almost all of them since college, so he’s been able to absorb most of the discomfort associated with meeting new people. He’s sweet, and more relatable than you originally would have thought for an English professor. He’s kind of like a pillar that you never knew your life had been missing. And now that he’s got your back, you can’t go back.
The smell of coffee pervades the air as you skim an article on your phone regarding the latest Halloween skins for Overwatch. You’re supposed to be meeting Namjoon here but Seokjin, and Jimin showed up and have been chatting about their plans for the weekend. Apparently they throw a Halloween party every year and it’s Jimin’s turn to host. Seokjin is supposedly in charge of planning the decorations due to his love for theatrics and has been discussing the possibility of a haunted house walkthrough. You smile at the thought of Seokjin popping out of the shadows to drop fake spiderwebs on people. It sounds like the kind of thing he’d get off to.
Namjoon flops down on the couch next to you. “You’re coming, right?”
You’re broken from your thoughts as you scroll further down the page. “E-Excuse me?”
“The Halloween party. You coming?”
You look up from your phone, feeling everyone’s eyes on you. “I mean… I don’t want to intrude on your group thing.”
“You’re not intruding!” Jimin, Jin, and Namjoon’s voices all stack upon each other and you’re taken aback by the sound.
Jin frantically scrambles to make you feel included. “Y/N, we just assumed you were coming. Of course you’re invited! You can help me get everything set up for the scary walkthrough. Please come.”
“Don’t give her work to do that you should have already figured out,” Jimin hisses before sending a warm smile your way. “I’ll text you the address later. It’s a costume party so make sure to dress up!”
Your bottom lip unconsciously protrudes in a pout as you pass a discouraging look Namjoon’s way. “What are you going as?”
He gives you a heartfelt, dimpled smile. “Sherlock Holmes,” he says with the worst british accent you’ve ever heard in your life. “World’s greatest detective.” He drops his accent and starts gushing. “The tweed suit is fairly iconic and most people will recognize the costume so I think it’s a safe option. Originally, I was going to go as Judge Di but Jimin kept telling me no one would get it. It would take some research to really get a feel for how he’d dress, but I’d be willing to put in the work.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “Judge Dee? Like…. Judge... Ju...dy?” you trail off in confusion, immediately regretting your decision to ask.
Jimin throws his hands up as if this is the proof he’s needed to convince his friend that he’s wrong. “You see? I told you no one knows who that is.”
“Judge---! Really?!” Namjoon looks like he’s about to go off, but he shakes his head and sighs. “You know what? It’s okay. I look really good in a tweed suit. That’s all that matters.” He finished his statement by gesturing towards his chest.
You can’t help but laugh. “You’re such a dork.” You turn your attention to the others and raise your eyebrows at them. “What about you two?”
Jimin drags his teeth over his lip and shyly smiles. “I’m going as Iron Man. Tae’s been helping me build my costume for a while now.”
“Jungkookie and I are going as Luigi and Mario,” Jin proudly states he leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees while tenting his fingers. “I’m Mario, of course, since everyone knows he’s the best.”
You roll your eyes. “Sounds like you, Seokjin.”
“What will you come as?” he questions with a smirk, cocking a mischievous eyebrow at you.
“Well...” you hesitate, knowing that most costume shops will be sold out of anything interesting or slutty; at this point your options are limited unless you want to be a Crayola shit brown crayon. “I’m not sure yet,” you mumble, scratching your cheek sheepishly. “I only found out just now so I don’t have anything ready. I usually go over Jennie’s place, hand out candy in my pajamas and watch scary movies, so I don’t know if I should bail on her like that.”
Solid excuse. Great job, brain. Really. Can I sound like more of a loser?
“She can come too,” Jimin offers with a thoughtful tilt of his head and a warm smile. “It’s a very open party. Lots of people will be coming and going, so it’s no trouble if you want to invite more of your other friends, if that makes you comfortable.”
Other friends. Like you have more than this group and Jennie. You’re going to just pretend like you didn’t hear that part. You can already hear her shrieking at you to say you’ll be there. She loves dressing up and would be more than happy to exchange a night of handing out candy for a night of partying. You suppose you can always get some vampire teeth and dab some fake blood on your mouth, but it feels like a cop-out. It’s a solid back-up plan at the very least.
“Okay. I’ll think about it,” you murmur with a fleeting look of panic directed at Namjoon.
He offers a sympathetic smile and pats your shoulder. “It’s okay if you don’t come. I’m just saying there will be free food.”
Your spine straightens and you perk up.
“Free food?” The words on you’re about to utter spill from a different source. A chin drops into the space between Namjoon’s shoulder and yours. Jungkook’s hair is still wet, but thankfully it’s not long enough to brush against your skin. The soft, sweet, almost floral scent of his body wash wafts into your nose as you turn your head to look at him. You surmise he’s come directly from work if he’s showering in the late afternoon. You internally swat the butterflies playing with your ribcage, trying to remember how to act normal.
Jungkook smiles sweetly, his eyes nearly closing with how high his cheekbones have risen. “Where is this food?”
“At the Halloween party,” Namjoon comments with a dismissing wave of his hand. “I was just telling Y/N that she’ll miss out if she doesn’t come.”
Jungkook raises his eyebrows and drops his smile as his surprised stare pierces your periphery. “Oh, you’re not coming?”
“I was thinking about it.” You immediately feel the need to defend yourself. “I don’t have anything to wear.”
“So don’t wear--” Jungkook catches himself before the word anything comes out. “A costume,” he finishes simply, straightening his spine and clearing his throat. “I mean we can make an exception. No one’s gonna kick you out.”
A devilish grin spreads across Seokjin’s features. “I’m sure I can help you find a pink dress and crown if you’d like to be our lovely Princess Peach. We can give each other items.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen at his friend and Jin stares back with anticipation, waiting for him to make the mushroom joke he clearly set him up for. Jungkook purses his lips and quietly regards you. As the moment passes, Jin’s brow furrows and he crosses his arms in a huff, wishing that he’d said it instead. It’s been too long since you’ve blushed for his liking.
“Maybe I’ll show up in a leotard, spiked collar, and fishnets as Bowsette instead.” You nearly snort at your own joke.
Jungkook and Jin spill their surprise over one another.
“Whaa? Really?” Jin’s mouth hangs open, the image already permanently searing its way into his brain.
“You what?” Jungkook clamps his hands over the edge of the couch, hulking figure looming over you.
While Jimin and Namjoon are both oblivious what a Bowsette is, the words “spiked collar and fishnets” have certainly grabbed their attention as well.
You blink a few times, realizing how serious everyone has become as you sputter out a nervous laugh. “Kidding, guys. Kidding.”
Jin tuts in disappointment, slinking back into his chair. Jimin simply smiles. Namjoon breathes a relieved sigh. Jungkook starts walking away, distracted by the signage on the counter promoting a cinnamon chocolate chip milkshake.
“Besides, I’m more of a…” A lightbulb flicks on in your head and the thought comes spilling out your mouth before you can process it. “Oh, I have a cosplay from the gaming convention I went to a year ago. Maybe I can wear that.”
All three men lean forward, suddenly very interested in the concept of you using a cosplay as a Halloween costume. Jungkook’s head snaps in your direction just as he extends his hand to give his money to the cashier, but he drops it prematurely, sending coins scattering across the counter.
The sound causes all of you to look over at him and he quickly turns back to the cashier. She raises her eyebrows at him as he scrambles to recover all of the money for her. His ears turn bright red from the attention and you can’t help but put yourself in his shoes, cringing at the embarrassment coursing through your veins at the thought of swapping places.
Spinning back to face the others, you find Jin and Jimin on the edge of their seats, staring at you. Namjoon blinks at you and tilts his head expectantly. “You were saying?” he prods. “Something about an anime costume?”
Suddenly you’re embarrassed for yourself rather than Jungkook. “Don’t be weird, Joonie. It’s just a Princess Zelda cosplay.” You scratch your cheek in contemplation, murmuring, “Actually, I don’t even know if it still fits since I’ve gained some weight since then.”
Namjoon pats your shoulder assuringly. “Ah you’re fine. Don’t worry too much about it, ok?”
“He’s right. Just bring your smile, cutie,” Jimin says encouragingly.
You blush at the nickname and grin in response. He said it innocently enough, but you get the feeling that you reacted exactly as he had hoped because he exchanges a smug smirk with Seokjin. “See? Bring that.”
“Ah, you guys are embarrassing me,” you mumble, diving back into the article on your phone. “I’ll talk to Jennie about it later.”
Jungkook listens carefully as he tongues his cheek and waits for his drink to arrive at the counter. Are you really going to show up in that? He pulls out his phone and starts skimming amazon. There’s no way he can pass up the opportunity, regardless of what’s at stake.
A familiar veiny hand sets the drink down on the counter, and he outstretches his palm. “Service was good, yeah?”
Jungkook looks up from the checkout page and locks eyes with Yoongi. He scoops a large portion of whipped cream from beneath the lid and pops it in his mouth thoughtfully, smacking his lips as he washes it down with a sip through his straw. Yoongi raises his eyebrows at him expectantly, but remains silent.
“Hmm, I’ve had better. Maybe if I had some more whipped cream?” Jungkook suggests as he tilts his cup forward and gives it the tiniest shake, shit-eating grin strewn across his features.
Unblinking, Yoongi squirts a puff of cream into the top of the container before loudly setting the can on the counter. Satisfied, Jungkook reaches into his pocket and fishes out some money for a generous tip. “See this is why you’re my favorite barista. You always make it just how I like it.”
Yoongi forces a smile as he stuffs the cash into the half-filled tip jar. “The Java Stop values your patronage, customer.”
He catches a glimpse of Jungkook’s phone screen before the younger man snatches it from the counter and walks away. What the hell is he up to?
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You curse your past self for choosing Zelda’s outfit from Twilight Princess rather than Breath of the Wild; style over comfort rarely is a good choice, but it’s a choice you often repeat without forethought. It’s tighter than you remember, and not just because there’s a corset sewn into the chestpiece. As you sit in the passenger’s seat of Jennie’s Civic, you fidget with the hem of your dress. Without taking her eyes off the road, she reaches over and slaps your hand.
“Stop it. You look great.”
You rub the back of your wrist and pout, knowing it does nothing to change her mind. You eye her tattered dress, wishing you could pull off something so slutty with the same confidence she does. White contacts make her look even more ethereal than she normally does. Natural waves and curls poke out from beneath the bent witch’s hat atop her head and you can’t help but admire her beauty.
“I look like a nerd,” you say, feeling shittier the longer you compare yourself to her. It’s not her fault. You’re just insecure and wish that you could be more like her rather than the you that you are.
“You are a nerd,” she laughs. “What’s wrong with that?”
You smile. “Nothing, I guess. I don’t know why I’m so worried about it. It’s not like I’m gonna be getting laid any time soon. This costume solidifies it.” Negativity is something you’re used to dosing yourself with, but you know it’s an action you need to work at correcting.
“Hey if no one wants to fuck you in a Zelda costume, do they even deserve to fuck you?” Jennie asks, wagging her pointer at the ceiling as if scolding some invisible source above. “I don’t fucking think so.” She tuts for a second. “So speaking of… Which ones are off limits?”
You scoff and stiffen in your seat, trying to play dumb. “What? What’s off limits?”
“Y/N,” she starts in an accusatory tone. “I’m sure there will be lots of hot people there, but I’m talking about seven hot people in particular. Now if they came up to me and said ‘hey Jennie you so fine you wanna suck all seven of our dicks?’ I’d be like hell yeah I’ma suck all seven dicks. Get in a circle and let me at ‘em.”
You smack your hand to your forehead, wishing you could purge that image from your brain.
“Now I’m just saying in this hypothetical situation that I would never turn down going down on any of them if they asked. Unless I remembered that one time you told me you were crushing, maybe, just maybe I wouldn’t suck that particular dick.”
“We’re about to go see these people. I don’t want to be thinking about this while sipping my drinks across from Seokjin. That man can smell fear, shame, and insecurity,” you mumble, looking out the window at the trees lining the side of the road.
“So that’s why we get it out now before we get there. Can’t possibly slip out if you’ve already got it out of your system,” she explains with a confident smirk.
You cross your arms and give yourself a moment to truly think about the seven men. You certainly find all of them attractive, but crossing that line might make things weird. But maybe, hypothetically… “I don’t know… They’re all pretty hot in their own way…”
“You’ve got to be attracted to one more than the others,” she prods. “Come on, Y/N. Which one does it for you?”
Your tongue clicks against the roof of your mouth before you sigh. “I guess…” You subconsciously lick your lips and give it a few seconds before the memory of falling picture frames surfaces in your mind. An embarrassed smile flickers across your face as you give your quiet, honest answer. “J-Jeon… Jungkook.”
“The young one!” Her mouth falls open. She drums her fingers against the steering wheel excitedly and spares a delightful, yet surprised look at you for a fraction of a second before her eyes return to the road. “Really? I never would have guessed. But I haven’t talked to him much honestly. Doesn’t he work at that nerdy-looking gym you almost joined? What was it, Iron Kingdom? You could always sign up for personal training. Ya know, get some one-on-one time with those muscles...”
“He’ll think I’m dumb for not knowing how to do anything,” you mumble. “Besides that’s not why.”
You shake your head and pause to start counting the list on your fingers. “Okay so he’s got muscles, a cute laugh, he likes video games, he literally always smells so fucking good, he has a great smile, he’s nice, and like he’s so mature for his age. I’m so surprised.”
“I mean from the few times I’ve seen him, I thought for sure he’d be a tool and a major shithead,” she admits.
“I know, but seriously don’t judge a book by its cover. He’s been so chill and respectful and has made me feel so welcome over the last few weeks. None of that fuckboy shit you’d expect to get with younger guys like, he doesn’t talk over me, no mansplaining, he looks me in the eyes and not at my tits, and listens when I say something, even if it’s just me talking about my day.” You pause, registering the words you just said. “Wow, the bar is really low, isn’t it?”
“Sad, but true.” She nods, glancing at the GPS on the dashboard. It’s says you’re nearly there, but it’s kind of further out from the city than you’d both been expecting.
She laughs, mulling over everything you’ve said. “He seems kinda shy. You probably need to make the first move. Maybe you should tell him you have a big fat crush on him. Tell him you wanna hold his hand. Do you think he’d blush? I bet he would. I bet he has a cute flustered face. You should totally do it.”
Recalling the way his ears turned red at the cafe causes you to purse your lips, but the action can’t hide the smile curling at the corners of your mouth. So you have a little crush on Jungkook. Who wouldn’t? He’s practically flawless and totally swoon-worthy. Your heart races as you imagine his reaction to your outfit. Would he be taken aback by how good you look as one of the hottest, most iconic female characters in gaming history? He’s a huge geek so you know there’s a possibility that he could appreciate it. Sweaty fingers work their way down your wig, carefully smoothing out any loose strands. You hope he does.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
Walking into Jimin’s place feels like entering a mansion. He told you that he lives with two other people from the same modeling agency, but you didn’t realize how big the place would be. Seokjin’s ability to gather this many decorations and display them with such attention to ambiance is certainly a feat worthy of praise. You find yourself lost in the orange and yellow lights that border each doorway and drape along the walls. Their soft glow is comforting as you walk down the dim hallway, exploring the house just enough to find the table filled with fruits and snacks.
Jungkook is nowhere to be seen and you find yourself breathing a sigh of relief as you sip punch out of a red plastic cup, filling a plate with an excessive amount of strawberries, peaches, and other sweet fruits. Contrary to your previous belief that admission would mean freedom from the thoughts swirling in your brain, uttering the words out loud has made you paranoid that everyone now knows about your secret crush. You’re hoping that drinking will remove the worry from your brain, so you do your best to down the liquid fast and refill your cup.
Jennie immediately hit it off with one of Jimin’s roommates moments after walking in. You’re envious because holy fuck that guy is tall and jacked, and he’s wearing a Captain America outfit. Jennie is about to make out with Captain America and you’re gulping down spiked punch from a little plastic cup. You appreciate being able to silently agree to split, but know that you have each other’s back if either of you were to suddenly express interest in leaving, even if Captain America is balls deep.
She’s an extrovert. She loves socializing. Tossing a strawberry into your mouth, you eye the table of snacks again. You don’t. You love food. Food or sex would be a tough toss-up for you depending on the menu, and in this situation food definitely wins. There’s a buffet table of appetizers looping around the room and into the kitchen. It doesn’t get much better than this, especially knowing it was catered by Seokjin’s restaurant.
You remove a glove and tuck it beneath your armpit as you stuff your face full of sweet treats and survey the amount of people on the dance-floor. There are a good amount of people here --some with ludicrous costumes-- and it makes you feel better about being able to blend in.
You had arrived fashionably late only because Jennie may have passed the house a few times, thinking this place couldn't possibly be it. A hand skates around the periphery of your vision and you frown as it attempts to surreptitiously claim a peach slice from your plate. Following the hand to its owner, you find a smile quickly claiming your mouth in place of the previous sour grimace.
"There's plenty of peaches left over there," you say, pointing to the table of snacks beside you.
"Mmm," Namjoon hums as he pockets the fruit in his cheek. "But this pile is better. I can deduce that you've already picked out the best pieces, Zelda."
You look him over from head to toe, examining the details of his tweed suit. You hate to admit he's looking dapper as fuck in this outfit. Despite often wearing three-piece suits to work, you rarely have time to stop and really appreciate just how flattering they are on his frame. Your eyes settle on the dark brown silk carefully knotted around his neck. "Don't you get sick of wearing ties?"
His eyes widen and he blinks at you as if you'd just told him that he sat in some gum. "Do you think I should have gone with the bow-tie? I spent hours weighing the pros and cons to both and which would be more quintessential to the whole ensemble. Did I make the wrong choice?"
You open your mouth to respond, meaning to allay his concerns and tell him that he looks fine, but he interrupts rather quickly. "You know what, don't say anything. I brought the bow-tie as a backup. It's upstairs in the guest bedroom. I'll go put it on."
You grab his arm just as he's about to leave, noting the plate full of chicken wings precariously balanced on one hand. "Namjoon. Chill. Your tie looks fine. I was only asking because I would strangle myself if I wore one all the time. Now gimme some of that chicken."
His eyes dart from you to the plate in his hand and his anxiety seems to visibly melt away, replaced with a soft smile. "I'm overthinking again, huh?"
The words have never come easier than they do now. "No shit, Sherlock."
At that he offers a laugh. "How about a trade? I share the wings for access to the princess's treasury of peaches."
"Deal," you agree with a smirk, wiggling your eyebrows up and down. "Wanna people-watch with me?"
He nods enthusiastically as he tosses a handful of fresh fruit directly from your plate into his mouth. "I was gonna wander aimlessly and socialize but this sounds way better."
"Glad we're on the same page," you murmur into the chicken wing at your lips, sucking the sauce off of it and scanning the room for any particular eye-catching costumes.
The flash of red, flowing satin catches your eye. Is someone wearing a bathrobe? Seriously? The taste of hot buffalo sauce causes your lips to tingle as you note the soft, fuzzy edges of the robe. It looks comfy, actually.
You elbow Namjoon in the ribs, directing his attention to the slender, black-haired figure gliding across the room. Namjoon opens his mouth as if to identify the stranger, but the flourish of the robe beats him to it. As the material spins, you catch a glimpse of tan skin peeking out from the chest, long legs exposed as he reaches for the sash at his waist.
The silk billows as it comes undone, cascading to the floor like a river of crimson. There's no mistaking it. You're now staring at the nearly nude, half-painted body of Kim Taehyung. You can't help the way you jaw drops open at the sight of so much skin being flaunted seemingly without a care in the world. Namjoon's hand flies up to cover your eyes, as if he's going to spare you the sight you've already taken in. Now that you've seen Taehyung in a thong, there's no going back.
Sauce-covered fingers pry his away from your eyes just in time to meet the piercing gaze of the man across the room. Is it mirth or anger that graces his features? It's hard to tell with a paintbrush trapped in the box his teeth make. He takes lazy strides across the room as you struggle to keep your eyes off the unforgiving fabric outlining every last curve of his dick. It's not until he's closer that you notice the thin belts crossing his hips, which appear to be holding six tubes of paint, three strapped to each side like gun-holsters. You have to admit they frame his crotch rather nicely.
It takes every ounce of willpower you possess to keep your eyes trained on his face. He carefully takes the paintbrush out from between his teeth and extends it to you. "Draw something pretty on me, Y/N. You too, Joon. Tonight I'm a human canvas on display for the universe."
Your eyebrow quirks as you exchange a look with Namjoon and set your plate down. "You know people are just going to draw a bunch of dicks on you, right?"
He scoffs, waving off your concerns. "Don't be so negative. I will have a beautiful mural by the end of the night. Mark my words."
"I think you're putting too much trust in the goodness of human nature," Namjoon comments, his lips pressing together in an attempt to hide the amused grin that is quickly spreading across his features.
Taehyung cocks his head to the side and leans forward with a lopsided grin. You're afraid he's about to get even closer and whisper some dirty secret into your ear. Instead he asks in a breathy, low tone, "Princess Zelda wouldn't draw such dirty things on me, would she?"
Twirling the thick handle of the paintbrush between your fingers, your eyes dip to the paints secured at his waist. His eyes chase the trail yours make down his side and his delight splits his mouth into a goofy grin. "Oh. Help yourself." He gestures to the colors available with a sweep of his hands just above his hips. "Feel free to use your fingers instead.” He pauses when your mouth falls open slightly. “You know, to paint... Just be careful what you grab, Princess," he jokes.
Removing your other glove with your teeth, you drape them over your shoulder and reach out for the tube of yellow paint, trying to hide the way your hand trembles. He looks down and smiles as the cold paint touches his skin. Before long you have the faint shape of 3 triangles at the center of his chest.
“How fitting,” he murmurs, offering an amused hum as you fill in the last triangle with a glob of yellow that threatens to run down his torso.
“Oops, sorry,” you apologize, moving to tap the brush against the excess, but he grabs your wrist before the bristles can make contact with his skin again.
“That’s alright. Let it do what it does. I like it like this,” he says, watching the clump of paint slowly slide down his midriff. “Besides I’m sure someone else can use it.”
“Like Sherlock!” you suggest, holding the paintbrush out for your companion.
Namjoon takes it begrudgingly and uses the excess yellow to draw a small smiley face beside the triforce symbol.
“Cute,” Taehyung laughs as he takes the paintbrush back from Namjoon. “I love it. Thanks guys.”
Just as he turns to find his next artist, a long object bars his path, pressing against his chest just above the collarbone. You follow the shape of the bar to its owner, revealing a grinning Hoseok clad in an officer’s uniform.
“That’s a bold choice Taehyungie,” he says, securing the faux nightstick into a loop at his waist. “Just make sure you keep that thing on…” He gestures to the small bit of material at Taehyung’s crotch and holds up a pair of handcuffs with his index finger before continuing, “or I’ll have to arrest you for indecent exposure.”
“Impersonating an officer is a crime, you know,” Namjoon says, even as he’s reaching out to touch the shiny metal. “Wait. Where did you get these? Are they real?”
You squint at the device in Namjoon’s hands, looking for the safety release latch like the cheap pair you bought to use with your ex. You don’t see it. That can only mean that these are the kind where losing the keys would have real consequences. But you’re not about to out yourself as the kinky freak you are, so you bring your nearly forgotten drink to your lips and guzzle what’s left in the cup.
As the empty plastic hits the table, your eyes happen to trail across the room and land on a crowd of people gathering around a very impressive, fully-lit Iron Man costume. Jimin seems to be soaking the attention up as the crowd grows ever larger. The massive room has begun to diminish in size, and it’s as though the once comforting lights are now wilting and closing in on you, threatening to strangle the air from your lungs. The adrenalin spiking your veins is telling you it’s time to seek the comfort of open space and solitude. Fast.
You duck beneath Namjoon and Hoseok’s arms, carefully sidestepping around Taehyung to avoid brushing against the wet paint on his skin. “I’m gonna get some air. Try not to get cuffed, Sherlock,” you manage to joke with a smile before turning on your heels and booking it from the room.
If anyone responds to your joke or even acknowledges your exit at all, it’s lost on your ears. Sweat beads on the back of your neck as you hastily attempt to make your way down the hall. If you can just get outside, you can breathe. You’ll be fine. You know it.
Warm bodies clutter the path to your freedom and you can’t help but feel more and more breathless by the never-ending apologies spewing from your mouth as you squeeze past each blockade. You don’t feel like yourself, even as you speak. Taking in sharp, greedy breaths like this isn’t helping. Why is this place so devoid of oxygen? Your body moves on autopilot, seeing the faces of the people you pass, but not feeling their eyes on you.
You float out of the front door, your head as light as a feather, but your eyelids feel like they’ve been anchored. You’re positive you’re about to gracefully glide down the front steps, legs becoming amorphous blobs beneath you that will surely allow you to fly. Just as you’re leaning into the momentum of gravity, two pairs of hands steady your shoulders and criss-cross around your midriff.
“Deep breaths,” Jennie’s voice briefly cuts through the ringing in your ears.
“Do you need to sit down?” The other voice spills into your eardrum as a rushed whisper, one that’s dripping with concern.
Huh? You work on steadying your breathing instead of trying to answer.
“What did she drink?” the familiar voice asks Jennie, the brief flicker of panic quashed by the evenness of his tone. “How much has she had?”
“Relax, Yoongi. Not even our lightweight champion gets drunk that fast,” Jennie reassures him as they help you seat yourself on the top step. “Are you familiar with panic attacks?”
Yoongi rubs the back of his neck and nods silently, backing up to give you some space.
“Jennie. I’m fine now. Thank you,” you mumble, shaking your head and regaining your sense of self. “I’m glad you have my back.”
“Of course. I saw you in the hall and I just knew.”
You jump when you meet the gaze of her white, eerie contacts, which causes both her and Yoongi to laugh. You look up at Yoongi. He shoves his hands into his pockets, long flowing shirt obscuring any flesh poking out from beneath it.
“Hey, you’re not dressed up,” you blurt, realizing he’s sporting a very goth, natural Yoongi look.
He scoffs before bending at the waist and baring his teeth. A single vampire fang is affixed to one of his canines.
You tilt your head like a dog hearing a strange noise. “What, only one fang?”
“Just as dangerous, princess,” he warns with a smirk, standing up straight.
You swear you see a wink, but then again maybe you’re imagining it. You have been known to exaggerate things in your head. Still your stomach somersaults and you focus your attention on Jennie. “I’m okay. I think I’m gonna chill out here for a bit. Get back in there and dance with… god what was his name? Jackson? Jae-beom?”
“Jin-young,” she corrects before biting her lip and glancing back towards the house.
“Go. Hottie McYoungie won’t wait forever,” you tease and point your thumb over at the man hovering above you. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine with toothless over here.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes at the nickname but nods at Jennie. The answer seems to be satisfactory and she gifts you with a tight hug. “Text me if you need anything, okay?”
“Okay. Love you. Now go get laid.” You whisper to her before playfully pushing her back. Before you know it she’s scrambling up the steps and slips back inside, tattered dress swinging wildly with the sway of her hips, revealing just enough of her fishnet-clad thighs to draw Yoongi’s attention. There’s a fraction of a second where he wets his lips as he watches her go, but it’s gone in the blink of an eye. You don’t have time to tease because his dark eyes fall to you.
“Is there anything I can do?” His face is stoic but you can hear the sincerity in his tone.
“Wanna take a walk with me? I’d like to keep away from the big crowd.”
“I know the perfect place,” he says, hopping down from the steps and offering you his hand.
You take it with a smile and rise to your feet, carefully moving down the steps as you dust off your butt. The night air is a bit chilly and you start to work your gloves back up your arms to fight the goosebumps forming there.
That’s when you hear it. You want to misread the sound for a flute, recorder, oboe, or even someone’s radio, but you know those are all incorrect assumptions. It’s an ocarina: an ocarina playing a crude rendition of the opening to ‘Gas Pedal.’
Turning slowly, nothing can prepare you for the sight before you. Jungkook stands on the top step of the porch dressed in a green cap and tunic, tan leggings, and the ugliest dark brown boots you’ve ever seen in your life. He’s got the ocarina nestled between his lips, slowly descending each step with a roll of his hips that accentuates the definition of muscles behind the thin material hugging the shape of his legs.
Your eyes are wide, mouth falling open in surprise. “Jungkook?”
As he jumps down the last step he stops the tune and cups the ocarina in his hands, bowing slightly. “Princess.”
“What are you doing?” you ask, biting back the intimidated voice in your head that’s telling you you’re being picked on.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” he asks in a low tone, a crooked smile crossing his features as he takes a few tempered steps towards you.
You swallow. How are you supposed to answer that? You take a deep breath, trying to drive off the urge to run as he advances on you. Yoongi takes a few steps back and folds an arm over his torso, cupping his elbow as he brings a knuckle to rest against his mouth with intrigue. He couldn’t hold out for one more day? Should I step in? He brings his weight to the front of his foot, ready to diffuse the situation.
“It looks like you’re trying to fuck with me.” You stand your ground, clasping your gloved fingers and calmly resting them against your dress in true Zelda fashion.
Yoongi’s weight shifts back, retracting the step he had taken. A direct accusation isn’t exactly something he would have expected from you, but he finds himself pleased nonetheless. He certainly chose a difficult target this time.
Jungkook gets close enough that you can see the tick of his jaw and the part of his lips as he drags his eyes across your form, settling on the cleavage created by your corset. “Some of those words were right.” He pauses, leaning to whisper against the shell of your ear. “Can you guess which ones, Princess?”
Heat consumes your face as his posture straightens. He doesn’t budge past the space he’s already claimed as his, but he doesn’t move forward again to invade yours. He watches, basking in the full on show your face puts on for his own entertainment. First comes the confusion, next realization, and then shame.
It’s hard to tell if he’s coming onto you or picking on you. You swallow, throat growing drier by the second. “You knew I was coming as Zelda. Weren’t you coming as something else?”
He throws his head back enough to feign exasperation while keeping his eyes trained on you. “Come on. You don’t like my costume?”
Instead of giving you time to answer, he brings the ocarina back to his lips and blows an obnoxious amount of air through the hollow space inside, producing a piercing rendition of ‘Talk Dirty to Me.’
Your shoulders raise as you inhale, suppressing the irritation bubbling within your belly. You wince, turning your head as a particularly shrill note escapes the instrument. Yoongi’s expression sours as he plugs both ears with his fingers.
Jungkook immediately stops playing and offers a sheepish grin. “Oops. I learned that one for you. Maybe I need more practice. Do you want to help me?” He briefly pauses to wet his lips, presenting the ocarina to you. “I can show you how to blow.”
You grind your teeth as your jaw ticks back and forth a few times before answering, “No thanks.”
Yoongi silently tents his fingers over his forehead and tries to massage the secondhand embarrassment from his skull. This is a trainwreck waiting to explode and at this point there’s no looking away.
Jungkook raises his eyebrows at you as he stuffs the ocarina into a small brown pouch hanging from the flimsy belt at his waist. “Ah. Sorry, Princess. I don’t mean to insult you. You’ve probably already mastered the art. Hah. Maybe you could show me a thing or two?”
Unable to form a proper response, your lips purse as the wheels in your head spin. Say something clever. Think of a comeback. Something. Come on. But here you stand, mind blanking for even the simplest of clapbacks. You’re having trouble coming to terms with the fact that your innocent little crush on the once “sweet” Kookie has come crumbling down with his facade, leaving your chest aching with the humiliation of your naivety.
He looks you over, admiring the artistry in the gown you’ve lovingly crafted. For a moment he’s lost in the embroidery stitched into the sash swaying in the breeze of a chilly October night. “I love your…” he trails off, eyes darting across your shape to capture every last detail of your attire.
He pays special mind to the gems adorned at your hips, and the heavy-looking chain belt which links the sash to your dress. He marvels over the color and velvet texture chosen for the purple corset at your torso. The sheer attention to detail and craftsmanship in your costume stuns him into silence for half a second.
His eyes reach the perky mounds of flesh peeking over the top of the corset. Miraculously his voice resurfaces. “...costume.”
The way his dark eyes linger on your chest isn’t lost on you. Your cheeks burn in the cool air, despite the goosebumps littering your arms. You cross your arms over your chest, higher than you normally would to combat his lurid gaze. The green hat atop his head folds over itself as he cocks to one side. Dark, hungry eyes snap to yours, voicelessly pouting at your blockade. For a split second a guilty excitement pulses through you, but you’ll be damned if you’re the cause of an obviously already inflated ego.
“You never said what you think of mine,” he prods. His eyebrows wiggle up and down as he slowly runs his hands along his torso, as if feeling himself up is going to sway your opinion.
You tell yourself not to fall for it, that he’s playing you for a fool right now. Still, your jaw is tight as your eyes helplessly follow the flow of his fingers down his body. His pinky purposefully catches on the flimsy pleather strap acting as the belt at his waist. An impish grin spreads across his face as he notes the way your chest stutters out the breath you’d unknowingly held. Satisfied, his hands continue their languid journey down his body. Your eyes are glued to the way he traces the contours of his thighs.
Finally his fingers dig into the meat of his those muscles and you feel the need to look away before answering. “I hate it.”
He sighs. “Hate is a strong word. Are you sure that’s how you really feel? Why don’t you look at me when you say that?”
Strengthening your resolve, you force your eyes back to his smug face. Stupid doesn’t even begin to cover how you’re feeling at this point. Biting back tears, you swallow hard and do your best to remain composed. Here he stands, a crooked smile amplifying the air of arrogance surrounding him. He’s playing you. He’s been playing you this whole time hasn’t he?
“I don’t even know who you really are, do I?” your voice cracks, only adding to your humiliation.
“I’m the bad guy. Duh.” With that he cackles as he pulls the ocarina from his pouch, proceeding to play the melody from ‘Bad Guy.’
You spin on your heels and storm past Yoongi, the blood rushing through your ears in a distraught rage, drowning out the bitter sound of the notes. A pang of guilt strikes the half-assed vampire as he stares at his friend. “One more day. You couldn’t make one more day?”
Jungkook shrugs, making his way back up the stairs. “If you see Hobi, tell him I’ll have his money tomorrow.”
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
Dragging your hands across your face, you keep your gaze cast towards the ground.
How fucking idiotic, how self-absorbed have you been to assume that he’s been nice because he likes you and not because he was playing some game with you? He's probably just been waiting for an opportunity like this and you fell right into his trap. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
A hand clamps down on your shoulder and you spin, ready to deck the person you assume to be Jungkook. Yoongi's eyebrows raise as you stand poised to punch. He ducks to the side just in time. As you realize your mistake, it's too late. The momentum brings you forward.
His arms come up around you in a soft embrace, one that you're quick to return. "It's just me," he mumbles, kneading his thumb against your back. "...Sorry."
You bury your face into his shoulder, allowing the tiara to slip from your head and hit the soft ground with a dull thud. Why is he apologizing? He didn't do anything wrong. You want to tell him that, but any sound you make might bring about a slew of tears you've been holding back. Instead you just squeeze your arms around him even tighter.
He awkwardly pats your back a few times, not quite knowing what to do with the hug that's lasting longer than anticipated. Sensing his discomfort, you pull away and adjust your wig as you offer an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry."
A figure approaches, bending down to pick up the forgotten adornment. Out of the corner of your eye you see him rub the dirt off the tiara. Jin carefully places it on your head. "A princess should have a crown."
You look him over, noting the giant overalls, red newsboy cap and hideous fake mustache. You can't help but laugh as he forces a hard blink and puckers his lips, alternating lifting sides of his mouth so the mustache comically tweaks itself in a seesaw motion. "I like your costume," you manage between giggles.
He grins back, donning an over-the-top Italian accent. "I a-like-a yours too! A beautiful costume for a beautiful a-woman."
"Please stop," Yoongi groans.
Jin ignores him, fiddling with the corner of his mustache. "I don't-a know where my brother went. I think he's a-scared of the haunted mansion."
You roll your eyes at the joke. That's right. Jungkook was supposed to be Luigi. "He's busy playing a dick for the night."
A look of realization washes over him and he nods, puffing out air through overly inflated cheeks. "Hmm. You know what might-a make you feel better? Helping me scare-a the pants off of people!"
He folds his elbow and holds it out for you, tempting you to lace yours around it. Channeling your bruised ego and hurt feelings into scaring people for fun? That might just work. You feed your elbow through the crook in his. "Zelda and Mario working together."
Jin laughs. "The dream-a team!" He makes a motion to skip towards the outer entrance to the basement that he's dressed up with spiderwebs and a large, hand-made sign that says "MARIO'S GHOST HOUSE." Beside the entrance is a giant blown-up decoration of King Boo, its pink tongue flapping in the breeze.
As you're tugged in the direction of his creation, he stops abruptly. "Oh, we haven't had that many people though. So we have to make the few that come through count!"
Yoongi's eyes light up. "Hey. I’ve got an idea. I’ll get you a the best customer. But you have to really scare him. I promise it will make your night."
Puzzled, you furrow your brows and tilt your head. “Okay…?”
Jin grins like a maniac as Yoongi makes his way towards the front of the house. “Come on. I’ll show you the best spots to hide.”
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
About twenty minutes have passed since Yoongi left in search of his promised customer. Only a few people have wandered in. You have to admit it’s therapeutic to watch people scream and jump when you bang on the false walls within the maze Jin has somehow constructed in this basement. Watching people run up the final stairs to safety leaves you with a feeling of satisfaction, always giving Jin a prideful high-five before returning to the beginning to await more guests.
“Ah! My-a new-a guests!” you hear Jin enthusiastically greet the latest people to stop at the entrance. “Are you a-ready to have fun?”
There’s some hushed whispering that you can’t quite make out from your hiding place within the set.
“Don’t be such a pussy,” Yoongi chides loudly. “Seokjin made this. Do you really think it’s that scary?”
“P-Pussy?” Hoseok stares wide-eyed at his friend and scoffs. “Don’t be rude. I just know Seokjin. It will be worse than whatever I think”
Is that Hobi? You were kind of hoping Yoongi would get Jungkook to walk through. Knowing what you do now though, you have no doubt that Jungkook would be unphased by something like this. All you can hear in your head is the echo of his obnoxious laughter and a pang of hurt slices through your heart. God, you’re so stupid.
Yoongi points to the Boo’s tongue flapping in the wind. “It will be like that, probably. It’s silly to be so afraid.”
Hoseok bounces from foot to foot in uncertainty. Even a police uniform can’t steel his spine or guarantee safety. “Why should I do this to myself?”
Yoongi sighs. “I’ll help you look at new places and… help you move. I’ll even be your roommate if the rent is too high.”
Hoseok is beaming. How long has he been asking for help searching? Jin looks from one man to the other, hiding the subtle smile beneath his mustache. He knew Hoseok wouldn’t go in so easily, that something had to be offered up, but he really didn’t expect Yoongi to go so far.
Hoseok points at Jin. “You’re my witness. I go through this and he’s my roommate.”
“If the rent is too high only,” Yoongi tries to reason, but it’s too late. Hoseok has heard what he wants to hear. He grabs his friend and marches into the depths of the basement.
Immediately you bang the walls on their journey down, feeling Jin rush past you to set up for the next scare. Hobi screams. “Never mind! Never mind!”
Yoongi scoffs, dragging his friend forward. “Come on, officer.”
You listen for their footsteps as you circle the walls behind the maze. Hobi’s frantic yelling breaks through the room, slipping into loud curses. You pull your glove up and wait, peeking through the hole you’re hoping he’ll get close enough to. Even shrouded in shadows, Yoongi’s form peeks out from around the corner.
“Don’t think about the dark,” Yoongi says, slowly shuffling towards the wall with Hoseok crouched behind him, using him as a shield from any more scares. “Think about how you bet Jungkook he couldn’t stop himself from trying to get in Y/N’s pants, not even for one month.”
You freeze. Yoongi knows you can hear him, right? He has to know.
“Think about how well he was doing. You would have been cleaning his house tomorrow. Maid Hobi, bound by servitude.”
“I know…” Hoseok groans. “It would have been awful. He’s so messy! I wouldn’t even be getting paid! What was I thinking?”
“But instead, he bet you a month’s rent that he could,” Yoongi continues loudly. “He blew it tonight for the chance to dress up as Link and tease Zelda. He only had one more day.”
“He’s a dumbass,” Hobi comments with a nod, turning to look at the ceiling and making sure nothing is going to drop down on him.
You swallow, taking in the revelation Yoongi has just bestowed upon you. All this time you had spent thinking Jungkook was a sweet gentleman was actually due to Hoseok making a bet with him? You would rather have known Jungkook was a dick straight up because now the innocent, harmless crush you have on him feels so dirty and foul that you wish you could swipe it from existence.
It’s Jungkook’s fault. He lied. He pretended. You know this. But still you can’t help but partially blame Hobi for the bitter taste in your mouth. As Yoongi passes, you reach out, letting your fingers swipe down Hobi’s forearm and retract through the hole in the wall as he lets out a high-pitched scream.
“Hoseok, get off.” Yoongi tries to push away the man climbing onto his back.
“Something grabbed me! Something grabbed me!” Hoseok wraps his legs around Yoongi’s waist and huddles close to his neck pointing. “Over there! It grabbed me from over there!”
“Let’s keep moving, then.”
“No! No more! I’m standing right here until the sun comes up.”
“How is it standing if your feet aren’t touching the ground? I won’t carry you all night,” Yoongi says, adjusting his stance to compensate for the weight on his back.
“You will, too,” he pouts.
Jin helps you position a furry spider decoration above them, slowly dangling it lower until it finally hits Hoseok’s shoulder. The wail that escapes this grown ass man almost makes you feel bad. Almost. He swats the creature into darkness as he spurs Yoongi on by digging his heels into his belly. “Get me out of here! Please!”
Jin’s shoulders move up and down with the sound of his laughter as he slaps your hand in victory. Scaring Hobi made you feel a little better at least.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
The party has died down quite a bit and at this point Jimin has been passing you far too many drinks as he and Namjoon regale you with tales from college. Namjoon is clearly feeling toasty, laughing like a dork at every memory Jimin brings up. Apparently they were roommates and Jimin has a liberal arts degree from four years of being undecided.
Your head lolls around to rest on Namjoon’s shoulder, your backs pressed against the bottom of the couch as Jimin sits cross-legged in sweats and a t-shirt on the floor before you, his costume laying discarded beside him. He’s spinning his latest story of how Namjoon had accidentally thrown up on some girl he really liked. Yoongi silently lays on the couch behind you, smirking with his eyes closed. You can’t tell if he’s sleeping or just relaxing as you struggle to stand, using Namjoon’s shoulder as leverage to prop yourself up.
“Bathroom?” you ask distractedly, searching the room like a door will appear if you look hard enough.
Jimin smiles pointing at the doorway across the room. “Go out that door, take a left down the hall. It’ll be on your right.”
Your head dips a bit as you try to take in the directions. Namjoon looks up at you as you stumble forward, clearly off-balance. “Do you need some help, geeksquad?”
“I’m fine,” you mumble, hating the nickname he’s given you from work. “I’ll be right back. Don’t drink my drink.” You narrow your eyes at Jimin and he blinks at you in surprise, like you’ve accused him of such a heinous, unthinkable crime.
Rounding the corner, you pass a grinning Taehyung being led upstairs by a cute girl in a red beret, black and white striped shirt, and miniskirt with suspenders. Art hoe? Mime? It’s hard to tell what her costume might be. While his skin is covered in a beautiful mess of colors, your tri-force symbol still stands untouched at the center of his chest. You smile as you watch him climb the steps, clearly distracted. But as his back is revealed, your eyes widen at the sight of a mural of painted dicks. Well. At least he can’t see them.
You walk down the hall for what feels like an eternity, passing a few closed doors on either side. Maybe you should try one? Knocking on the one closest to you once, the door swings in and you lose your balance, not expecting it to open.
“What took you so long? I almost came without you.” The voice is pouty and low, somewhat familiar. He gasps when he realizes you’re not the person he’s been waiting for.
You stumble forward, falling to your knees and catching the bed frame before your face smacks into the wood. As graceful as you can manage, you pull yourself up. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to! I didn’t realize it was open and I was just looking for the---” The will to speak leaves you as soon as you see him.
A very sweaty, very naked Jungkook crosses his arms and he leans back expectantly, smushing the pillows behind him into the headboard. Your eyes take in the pleased expression on his face, quickly scanning the muscles of his folded arms, his chiseled abs, his bulging legs. The pointy green hat he had been wearing earlier tents across his sculpted hips and pelvis, thankfully obscuring any shape hidden beneath it.
“I didn’t think I’d see you again tonight,” he says, licking his lips as he watches your form tremble, practically falling apart in front of him before adding, “...Princess.”
A devilish grin overtakes him at the sight of you spinning around a little too fast, staggering towards the door and holding onto the frame for dear life. “I hoped I wouldn’t see you again tonight.”
“I can’t say it isn’t a nice surprise. You don’t have to leave,” he coaxes. “Do you wanna see my Master Sword?”
“Grow up!” You make sure to slam the door shut behind you. You hate him so fucking much it hurts.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
“Jennie, how could I be so wrong about him?” you sigh, dropping your forehead against the kitchen table. It’s been three weeks since you’ve talked to him, but it’s still the only thing you can think about.
Jennie takes a sip from her beer. “Sweetie, you’re not good at reading liars. Maybe you should look at some dating apps. You could get good read quick.”
“But I don’t wanna,” you whine into the coated wood. “Why can’t people just be nice?”
“Because. People suck. Come on, Y/N. Jungkook ain’t worth the headache. Drink with me. I’ll show you how Tinder works. It’s not so bad.”
When you don’t say anything, she tugs your chair across the floor, dragging your form close to hers and setting her phone down on the table. You peek out at the screen as you raise your head and rest it on a lazy elbow.
“Swipe right on the hotties. Swipe left on the fuckboys and losers. Jungkook? He’s a swipe left. But look at all these good ones on here. These are all swipe righties.”
You nod as she goes through a few profiles and begin downloading the app on your phone. Maybe she’s onto something.
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p1nkwitch · 3 years
Oh I love all these prompts! Let me me unoriginal and request lonelyeyes for 63 please? 👁️
I hope you like it!!! i have decided to be soft today. They are both dumb and in love, but Elias is more of an idiot.
If you want more send them in!! I want to write something and i want ideas.
63- Routine Kisses Where The Other Person Presents Their Cheek/Forehead For The Hello/Goodbye Kiss Without Even Looking Up From What They’re Doing.
Elias would dare to say he loves his husband, there are moments like this one’s where he is very close to simply admit that he does. Its not even something that special, or big in the grand scheme of things, its merely… Peter being dumbly loyal like a well trained dog.
At first he thought it was some ploy, he will say that much. His sometimes husband is a very particular creature when it comes to his affections and defying his god. So to have him randomly kiss him? Without prompt?? It made him suspicious.
So he started to see if there was a pattern when it kept happening, nothing seemed to correlate these moods, the worst part was that they weren't even their usual kisses that he could say were a heat of the moment thing.
No, he was… giving him kisses out of nowhere in the forehead or cheek for god sake!!
Still, the other odd thing was his own reaction, it made him… feel rather good? It was odd, but ultimately innocuous. So he did not pay it any mind.
It was morning and Peter was in a hurry and was about to leave for a meeting with Nathaniel, which would leave him moping when he came back from the institute it always did. So he relished in the calm before that. However, before he could leave, Elias while watching him from the couch tilted his head to the side looking at him go-
When Peter immediately turned around, leaned down and kissed his cheek, it was… softer than usual, even in his hurry he made sure to be careful, after he also gave him a peck and left quickly through the door.
Both his cheek and lips tingle and he feels his heart go faster.
Oh Elias wanted more of that, of that softness and… care. He craved for it now, and Peter?
Peter gave him new and important insight that day. The moment Peter left, his mouth went into a huge grin. Oh he would enjoy this new power very much so.
So now he would do it every time before leaving and when he came home, and Peter no matter what he was doing would merely move and kiss his cheek or forehead softly making him feel giddy for the next few hours. He loved it. Loved the attention, loved that Peter would even for a second drop whatever is that he was doing just to give him that small kiss.
It was addicting.
And the feeling was always the same as the first time, warmth and something fluttering in his gut, making him grin like a fool once he is not visible. Its not something he is used to, to feel that… good. But most of their kisses are far more heated, not used to something so… innocuous or innocent. It's like when he was young and had his first crush as Jonah, the other boy who kissed his cheek did not mean it as anything but friendly, but to him it was everything.
This was the same.
Peter was after all as dependable as always and he loved him for it, and perhaps he thought it was a manipulation at first but its more like he just… likes the feeling of it, no strings attached, he is not even doing it consciously, its just out of complete reflex and because he loves him. Oh he knows that Peter Lukas would never do this with anyone else.
It was making him high on power, he wanted him to keep doing it and in fact-
He started to see if he could get him in other ways, so now in the morning before leaving for work he would pat his chest once and tilt his head, Peter would lean down and kiss his brow, before going back to make his ship in a bottle or eat his breakfast.
Soon he could do it without the tilt and only the pat. So if they were going out for dinner his husband would inevitably react and kiss him in public, which he never did before, too shy and shameful of being perceived as loving. The first time he seemed to freeze, but when he looked down at him flushed and with his mouth slightly open, his husband merely turned around to look elsewhere but did not disappear on thin air like he expected.
The next few times he did not hesitate and merely did it, Elias felt his heartbeat go faster and his smile be a little more genuine at the small acts of love. Because that's what it was and they both knew it at this point.
It creeped on him, that's why maybe it became his hubris.
Elias wakes up one morning alone in bed as per usual, he showers, changes and goes to the kitchen where breakfast is already served. They dont speak much, he is still sort of waking up and Peter is enthralled by his crossword puzzle. He bought him actual muffins from the bakery down the street, the little bastard. His smile tugs up.
Once he finishes he sees him struggle with a word and feeling generous instead of plucking it out of his mind, he gets up and stands behind him.
“What are you doing-?”
“Shush, I'm helping” He reads and after thinking it he says the answer making his husband look up at him and tilt his head slightly in wonder. Elias doesnt think about it and leans down since the man was actually sitting down, and kisses his forehead lightly before getting up to pick up his stuff for the day. It's halfway through that he realizes what he has done that he feels his face burn, the mirror confirms that his cheeks were flushed. 
Oh god.
When he comes back the kitchen and livingroom are empty and there is some fog on the floor.
It… doesn't stop really, the next time he does it, Peter stiffens but doesn't disappear, when he reciprocates Elias sighs and doesn't comment.
Eventually neither of them really pay it any mind anymore. It becomes completely natural to expect a kiss if they move in a certain way no matter the situation. 
He oversleeps and has to leap out of bed yelling at Peter for not waking him up, he claims he tried but that he cursed him out, rolled around and kept sleeping.
“Useless!!” With everything in place he was about to leave when he heard him from the kitchen.
“Aren't you forgetting something?” Mumbling under his breath he goes towards him lifts his chin with his hand and kisses the side of his mouth softly, before whispering.
“Happy now?” Peter’s eyes looked like plates and he swallowed before laughing nervously at him. His voice went higher.
“I meant breakfast, I bought you muffins ….” He practically squeaks the last part when Elias kisses the tip of his nose and his cheeks repeatedly.
“Thank you dear-” Peter was a mess, his face was absolutely red and Elias was not faring any better, but he picks up the little muffing in its bag and goes.
Oh he will definitely cherish the image of today. Even if it came at his expenses.
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notfckincool · 4 years
Negan x Ana (OC)
Ana embarks on a casual but obviously filthy affair with Negan, accidentally falling for the man, knowing he will never love her. Angst and Kinky fuckery.
Its Negan so expect swearing and strong sexual content throughout
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Chapter 10 - Giant box of sex toys
Negan x Ana (OC)
Ana is invited to stay the night with Negan before he leaves for a long run. Seeing yet another side to Negan's personality, she realizes her feelings for her handsome fuckbuddy might run a little deeper than she cares to admit. (ctd from shower scene ch9)
WARNINGS🔞 marking, sensation play, sex toys, butt stuff. daddy kink, edging, lil bit o' fluff 
"You are mine now, to do with as I please. I don't have to leave until the day after tomorrow and when I'm finished with you, you won't be able to walk. I'm going to make sure you can still feel me while I'm gone."
Legs clamped around his hips, face inches from mine, his words reverberate through me...I'm completely under his spell, caught up in the intensity in his dark eyes and the promise of his undivided attention. I've longed for this. Eyes still locked, he lowers me gently, smirking at the power he knows he has over me. 
"Now turn around princess let's wash that shit outta your hair"
My hair is lathered, massaged, and gently rinsed. The last of the blood of those who dared to defy us, swirling away down the plughole. A long but comfortable silence falls over us as his fingers glide softly over my neck, shoulders and arms. The first time we've been together without the constant banter and I don't feel the need to fill the space with chatter. I focus on his soapy hands moving firmly but gently over my body. A softness to his touch, a tenderness I'm not familiar with. He finds the knots above my shoulder blades, thumbs pressing circles into my aching muscles.
"Ugh...That feels so good"
"Oh yeah, there...down a bit..left a bit"
"What about there?" he applies more pressure, chuckling as he squeezes a tight knot.
"Ow...fuck..ow..yeah...that hurts"  I laugh, wriggling beneath his strong hands "...Dont stop though"
"What about this bit…..right...here…"
"Oooooohh….you fucker" I squirm and chuckle" You really fucking love hurting me"
"Hahaha, yes I fucking do….and don't pretend you don't love it. Now stop fucking wriggling" He delivers a stinging slap to my wet ass.
"Never get fuckin tired of hearing that, princess" he chuckles giving me another slap.
"Ahhh. You're a sadist" 
He laughs a genuine warm laugh. I feel his breath on my neck and a row of delicate kisses. I react to his touch with a roll of my head giving him better access. Sweeping my hair aside, grazing me softly with lips and teeth, we almost feel like a normal couple….almost
"Yes I am...a sadistic fuck….mmmmm….your ass looks good with my handprints on it...and you girl, you, are a masochist....so what the fuck are we going to do about that?" 
Hands weaving into my hair, twisting until it's balled in his fist, his weight shifts behind me, lurching forward, pressing me splayed against the shower wall. My breath hitches, the sudden change in tone and temperament excites me. Teeth clamp down onto my neck, and I moan quietly as he sucks marks onto my skin.
"See.." his voice low in my ear "Fucking…..Mine". 
Withdrawing suddenly, he releases my hair and switches off the water. My heart pounding, I wait silently against the wall, listening as he moves behind me. I love the excitement of never knowing what he's going to do next.
...And then I feel the softness of his lips kissing my freshly bruised skin and I'm carefully turned around and wrapped in a large fluffy towel. I look up at him from under my lashes, mesmerized as he gently rubs my hair and tenderly pats me dry. Well this is….a whole new level of unpredictability. I'm surprised by this softer caring side of him but I've got to admit, I like it, and I can't help but wonder if this is what it's like to be a wife. Arranging the towel around me he tucks it in, my look of total confusion is lost on him as he flashes me one of his heart stopping smiles. He kisses my forehead before turning and grabbing himself a towel, tucking it casually around his waist as he strolls off into the living room.I peer around the door frame after him as he pours two drinks from an expensive looking decanter, following him into the room as he sets the glasses on the coffee table. He sits on the sofa, pats the seat beside him, I sit, like a good girl, and accept the glass he offers me.
" We did a great fucking job tonight….we make an awesome team"
"No one messes with us" I grin, raising my glass.
"Damn fucking straight!" 
Our glasses chink together and we take a sip, his eyes never leaving mine, watching me over the rim of his glass
"You did good…...I'm real fucking proud of you"
Proud of me? He leans forward to wipe a splash of liquor from my lips, his thumb lingering. Then closer still, his lips tantalisingly close to mine. My stomach does a weird and unexpected thing. That feeling you get as the rollercoaster tips over the first dip? And did I just blush? A smile plays at the corner of his lips, his thumb still lightly resting on mine. I find myself searching his eyes, softer now, and the wicked twinkle is back. Overwhelmed with the urge to kiss him, I lean in…..and of course he pulls back, sinking into the sofa taking a sip of his drink. Damn it! Why did I do that? I know the rules. Trying to disguise my disappointment I fiddle with my towel and take a large swig, emptying the glass while thinking of something to say to ease my frustration.
"So, you all set for the run?" I ask casually. 
"Yeah, Simon's just finalizing a few things, then we're good to go"
"I wish I could come" I glance across at him. God, did that sound needy?
"Yeah.. me too... but I need you here" he glances back, looking sincere.
"You sure? I can be so much more useful..."
"Ana, no, it's decided." he interrupts "You're staying here" He drains his glass.
Is he angry with me? Did I go too far? Nodding, I draw up my legs, resting my chin on my knees, and stare pensively at the empty glass... I'll miss you...That's what I wanted to say, but I didn't. What's wrong with me? I know what this is. Ok, enough now, stop being weird you'll scare him off and he'll pack you off back to your own room. I have him all to myself for tonight, and tomorrow, and I'm making the most of it. He looks back at me, resting his hand on my knee.
"You know, you're one of the few people I trust to handle things here while I'm gone...I need you….here"
More praise. My stomach does that thing again and I try to look cool, but I know he sees right through it. I need to get a grip. There's a long lingering eyelock and a bite of his lip before he snatches the glass from me and rises from the sofa with a chuckle. I hear him refilling the drinks.
"I got you something"
"Really? What is it?" 
Resting the refills on the table he sits next to me, passing me a box fastened with a satin bow. I look at him puzzled as he grins like an excited child on Christmas morning.
"You're gonna fuckin love this!...come on, fuckin open it"
I grin back and pull the bow, lifting the lid and stare into the box.
"Oh…...A giant box of sex toys…for me…..you shouldn't have" I smile
"Yeah! You fuckin love it, right? I knew you fuckin would. Don't worry they're all brand spanking new in the wrappers. Couldn't believe my fuckin luck when we came across this sex store on a run, surprisingly well stocked, not really survival essentials I guess, well except for you? nudges me and chuckles "Been keeping them here….cos…..Well.... I knew you'd fuckin appreciate...."He wiggles his eyebrows, his tongue poking out between his teeth. He's genuinely pleased with himself. 
"....ya know….Since I'm gonna be away…." he grabs my wrist. "…and it might be a while…." pulls me towards his lap. "....and I know how antsy you get if I'm not around to satisfy you..." I straddle him smiling widely."...so…." he grasps my hips tightly.".....you will wait for me until I get back…." rolls his hips upwards. "...no screwing around…" he grabs at my ass. "..no one gets to fuckin touch you but me…." squeezes my ass. "...you behave when I'm not here…understood?" He grips my chin firmly."... Are you gonna be a good girl while daddy's away?"
Oh yeah, I know what this is. I like this game and I'll happily play along. I am definitely going to make the most of it.
"Yes" I nod"
"That is exactly fuckin right." His grip tightening on my chin.
There's a sudden knock at the door that jolts us both. I sigh and reluctantly dismount. He answers the door, returning with a tray of snacks, a tub of ice cream, two spoons and a satisfied grin.
"Time to eat princess" He sets down the tray as I rummage through the box, selecting a large dildo, wiggling it with a smirk.
"Yeah... but look at this"
"Impressive" he chuckles sitting himself back down " I mean, not as good as the real fucking thing obviously" he clutches himself under the towel " but it should tide you over while I'm gone"
"You are so thoughtful" I smile sweetly
"I really fucking am" he grins " I am sooooo fucking good to you. Now eat. You're going to need your energy." he winks, I turn my attention back to the box, inspecting and unwrapping a shiny new butt plug, waving it at him.
"But daddy…  I want to play"
"Get back here on my lap you bad fuckin girl... I said eat...Now open wide princess" I look shyly at him as I open my mouth for him. "Oh princess..who do you think you're fuckin kidding? I know you can open wider than that" And then we feel normal again. We eat and talk and laugh, teasing and fooling around like best friends, as though the cruel world outside never existed. I get to see the part of him that no one else does, except maybe the wives. Maybe that's why they do it. Maybe it's not so bad afterall. A sliver of ice cream escapes the spoon, trickling down my chin.
"You're not doing a very good job of this" I laugh "I can feed myself you know" 
Leaning forward his tongue strokes over my chin and across my lips.
"Yeah, but this is more fun"
His cool lips brush against mine as he trails the spoon lightly down my neck and collar bone, cold metal grazing against warm skin. His eyes on mine he unfastens my towel and it falls away. The spoon continues its journey torturously slowly across the curve of my breasts, resting on a nipple which hardens on contact, sending a shudder right to my core. I react with a whimper and grind against him. He watches the spoon travel to the other nipple. I inhale sharply, grinding again.
Leaning in he licks slowly over my nipple, teasing with cold lips and tongue over the sensitive bud. My body begs for more, arching backwards, grinding rhythmically against the hardening beneath his towel. He reaches between us pushing it away, revealing his swelling cock, and pulls me to him as he takes my nipple fully into his mouth. Sucking, cold tongue swirling, teeth nipping and pinching. The other nipple between finger and thumb rolling and tugging. 
And just like that I want him.. again. Never get enough of the way he makes me feel, the way my body reacts to him. I want him on me, in me, but more than that, I crave the intimacy, the closeness. No longer satisfied with a quick casual fuck, am I becoming obsessed? Feeling him growing beneath me, all self control goes out of the window. I slide along his length, giving myself the friction I need, coating him in my arousal, my hands threading into his hair. 
"Look at my needy little princess getting herself off on daddys big cock" His hand grabs firmly at my hair and tugs. 
I know he doesn't feel that way about me. Just another toy, another plaything, willing to let him do whatever he wants, but I can't help myself. I always want more.
Reaching for the metal plug he dips and holds it in the ice cream, then puts it to my lips, offering it to me to lick clean. I hold his gaze, his eyes darkening again as my tongue swirls across the cold surface.
"I know what I want to eat next" he smirks "On your hands and knees princess"
Obediently I pry myself from his lap and position myself on all fours. His long large fingers slide tantalisingly between my folds, exploring the wetness flooding from me. Fingers gliding up and down from clit to ass and back again, spreading my arousal.
"Babygirl, you are fuckin soaked...practically dripping….and it's all for me….I want to taste that sweet honey now, princess, hold still for me" 
I quiver as I feel his mouth on me. 
"Mmmmmmm" he hums against me as he hungrily devours me and I desperately try to hold still as his tongue teases my pussy and ass. 
"Princess, I said hold still, and you better not cum until I say."
I feel his finger circling the tight hole, permitting him entrance as he slowly eases in. I inhale sharply, stifling a moan, holding off the inevitable.
"Fuck!" I gasp
"You like that princess?"
"Mhm" I mumble into the leather
"Use your words princess. Tell me what you want,"
"I like it...I want more...please"
"Good girl"
Another wet finger is pushed inside, stretching me. It feels so good I can't resist the urge to bear down.
"Oh god...I'm gonna.."
"..Tsk tsk" he tuts at me withdrawing his fingers, delivering a spank "I said keep still" he scolds
"Please...I'll behave" I plead, desperately needing my release.
"Yes, you will, darlin" 
The icy cold metal of the plug is pressed against my clit, it sends electricity pulsing through me. He teases my cunt, coating it in my juices, dipping it inside me, sliding its way to my ass where it rests. Pushing in a little he holds it there,fingers back to circling my clit, the perfect speed and pressure. My jaw clenches, eyes clamp shut, teetering on the edge of orgasm, I pant and clutch at the leather.
"Oh god, oh god...please"
"Breath princess, you're doing so well but, I want to hear you beg" he insists, pushing it in a little more, meeting resistance as I subconsciously clench, twisting, taunting me. I wriggle and get another slap.
"Fuck! Please"
"Beg me"
"Please...I need to cum...please...please daddy"
"You've been so good babygirl……"
Easing in further, the cold metal, the stinging burn on my ass, the rubbing of my clit, its overwhelming.
"Thats it, Babygirl…..cum for me" 
Pushing it in all the way, I'm sent soaring over the edge, back arching, trembling, convulsing. I cum so hard I feel it dripping from me.
"Such a good girl. I'm so proud of you…." 
The jewelled plug sitting snugly inside me, he runs his hand down my back, strokes tenderly over the sore pink handprints on my cheeks as I shake from the waves of pleasure rushing through me.
"...Mmmmm….your ass looks so pretty princess."
I feel him lining up behind me, running his shaft between my folds coating and wetting himself, teasing me with his tip. I'm still shuddering and shaking as he grabs my hips and plunges into me. 
"Holy fuck!" 
I'm completely filled. Holding me tight as I contract around him, he growls low, withdrawing slowly only to snap back in as far as he can go. I moan loudly, the double penetration almost too much to bear. Snap. Hold. Snap. Hold. Over and over. Every thrust as powerful as the last. Gradually picking up speed I brace myself against the sofa, his fingers digging into my hips as he sets his pace, hitting me deep inside, the sound of his groans triggering the heat again, building and spreading, washing over me. Praise and obscenities pour from his lips. Hard relentless fucking until he loses his rhythm, withdrawing quickly and the warm wet splash of his release spills on my back.
Exhausted, I collapse onto the sofa.
"Fuck, princess!...God fuckin damn!"
Gently, he wipes me down and casts away the towel.
"Does look good that pretty jewel in your ass, might request you wear it to the next savior meeting" he grins "our little secret, I'll enjoy watching you squirm" He chuckles. "Think you're gonna enjoy my little gift?"
"Sorry can't speak"
He laughs and lifts himself from the sofa, taking the box of toys and tray of snacks over to the bedside table, nodding for me to join him on the four poster.
"Can't walk either" I laugh
Shaking his head he scoops me up carrying me to the bed, placing me down gently and handing me a bottle of water. He lays down beside me, head propped on his arm, watching me sip the water. 
Reaching across me to the tub of rapidly melting ice cream, he kisses my neck and says in my ear
"Oh, I am in no way finished with you yet"
He grabs the tub and sits himself upright, loading up his spoon, looking at me with a dark smirk.
"Best eat up, princess. I promised to fuck you all night, and I am a man of my word"
@chloejanedecker1 @negan-love @bychrissi @nayghtynegan @negans-attagirl
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tokyoghoose · 4 years
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is it hot in here, or is it just me?
pairing: daisuke kambe x reader
playlist: dirty dirty - charlotte cardin, so hot you're hurting my feelings - caroline polachek*, i touch myself - borns ( cover )
warnings: mentions of sex and dirty thoughts, fighting/violence, mentions of murder, the word slut ( towards reader ), daisuke being hot af ig
summary: while on an undercover mission you reunite with an old partner before things get 'frisky' and not in a good way.
first full length balance unlimited fic! im actually quite proud of it even if the anime is postponed. I will continue to write for them 😌
feedback is welcome and appreciated! requests are open!
The bar is more like a club, except for the fact there's no one so extremely intoxicated that they're acting a fool. No, it's actually quite prestigious for being underground. White and gold outline outline the area and it smells like expensive cigars and leather. Live jazz music plays in the background, setting the mood for the couples huddled together in love booths. It's nice, beyond nice— whose daddy paid for this?
In a red dress, you stir your gibson cocktail, awaiting the signal from your boss over the earpiece. It's already been an hour and there's been no sign of the suspect. Maybe you've been played. As time passes that seems more and more likely. At this point you were ready to turn in and call it a night. Places like this were no fun unless you had someone with you. And honestly, being alone in a place like this wasn't the most comfortable. There were eyes looking your way from singles and couples a like. Who knew there would be so many swingers.
There's a patterned knock at the door that makes you perk up and glance through your peripheral. The body guard looks through the slit in the door, moving to mention something about the password. The club was always tight on security, afterall. To get in you needed to prove you were coming with a member or waiting for someone who was one. The whole process is quite time consuming when you're faking your identity.
Finally, the door opens and you can see a tall man in a dark grey suit walk in. Curiously you turn your face to place your chin in the palm of your hand. Eyes travel up the figure before finally reaching the face of the mystery man. Not the suspect, but he's even better. A fond smile comes to your face at the realization of Daisuke Kambe. The name has a familiar taste on your tongue and it's honestly quite uplifting seeing such a 'friendly' face. He looks the same after three years and you wonder briefly if he's undercover too or if he has paid his way in. Daisuke was never frugal when it came to getting what he wants. Where he was lacking in words, he made up for it with expensive charm.
Oh how you had missed him.
Meeting his eyes, you raise both brows in question before turning away to down your drink. You push the glass to the bartender, holding a finger up before glancing over at daisuke, who sits in one of the booths across the room. He narrows his eyes at you in question, jutting his chin over to the bar before nodding to the door.
So he's on a mission afterall.
Your eyes shift to the door as well with a nod. He seems to understand well, but it's not a surprise after the time you worked together. It was a brief two years, but during it you learned to communicate in silence. His eyes told you much more than his mouth ever could. Now thinking of it, all the Kambes were better with actions than words.
A few conversations have picked up after twenty more minutes of waiting. Perhaps if there wasn't another man in the area, the other's advances would have moved you. You weren't picky with your men, but you weren't one to settle for second place when first is still an option. Still, it kept you distracted for the time being. Besides, Daisuke looked was busy with a man himself.
You lean in, placing a hand on the chest of some patron with a giggle before the door opens once again. This time you're quick to look, seeing another man trail in. The static in your earpiece comes alive, the voice on the other side stating that it is in fact your target. The patron you were with turns his head as well and smiles before pardoning himself to shake the hand of the man. You briefly recall the suspects name: Vince Aiko.
Now the party was getting started. You wave them over, batting your eyes with a small smile. You don't miss the woman that walks in behind them, but she doesnt stop at the bar anyway. Instead, she heads over to the raven haired across the way. You resist the urge to follow her figure, instead keeping eyes on the two men and starting conversation.
The goal was simple. Get the target alone and eliminate him. Usually you weren't one for death, but the police weren't helping in this case. The company you worked for took it into their own hands, given the okay. Even if it wasn't your task to kill him, someone else would. No jail time would follow as apart of the deal, so there were no repercussions against you for killing the scum. It's a win win.
The other man had gone to the restroom by now, leaving you alone with Vince. He smells lavish as well. It was clear he belonged here by the way his hair was combed back and how whitened his teeth were. He has money and it's not ruining out anytime soon.
It took you until he ordered a drink and didn't have to pay to realize he was the owner. The assumption that it was daddy's money grew stronger. He was outwardly trying to flex wealth he didn't even own. He wasn't trying to be subtle when he asked for the most expensive bottle or paid the band to play his favorite song. It was entertaining, yet disappointing. At least Daisuke spent the money without mentioning anything about it. At this point you just kinda wished the guy would shut up.
Placing a lingering touch on his shoulder, you lean in again. He smells like a new car. He places a hand on your upper thigh, quickly catching on to your advances.
"Why dont we go to the back."
It's not a question, it's a demand and it's exactly what you wanted. Right in the palm of your hands. With a giggle, you take his hand and stand while plucking the toothpick out of your glass and pulling the olive between your teeth smoothly. Walking past Daisuke and the woman at his booth, you wink.
The backroom looks like how it sounds. Behind another door and a pink curtains, you enter a red room. It has a single loveseat in the shape of a heart and there's champagne and wine on a side table. There's a dark blue light overhead that contrasts the rest of the room like a spotlight. There's no music except for the quiet hum behind the doors, but the further you go away from them the quieter they get. He takes your hand and pulls you to the loveseat.
"I'm can't say I'm surprised. My friend out there thought you were in to him, yet here we are... Is it the money that gets you going?"
His eyes trail over your figure and you understand what this room is for exclusively. You resist the urge to roll your eyes or push him off as his fingertips skim your arms and you play along.
"What can I say? Rich men are the sexiest."
You play with the collar of his suit, looking up at him through your lashes and parting your red lips. He stands up taller to glance down at you, trying to assert his dominance. It's sad knowing that's how he got off. He wants control and he wants you on your knees, the only other thing he could ask for at that point is for you to lick his dress shoes. It makes you sick.
His fingers stop at the thin strap on your dress, fiddling with it before starting to slide it down. You push him away and into the seat behind him. Taking a hold of his tie, you lean down to his ear to kiss underneath it.
"Why rush when I can give you a show."
He chuckles when you turn around and you roll your eyes. What an idiot. I almost want to laugh. You move your arms up, brushing your hair off your shoulders before reaching for the top of the zipper. Glancing at him with a smirk, you shake a finger and turn to face him. His fingers rake up his thighs, reaching out to touch you but you smack his hand away with a tsk.
"Lookie, no touchy."
You start to make a round behind the chair, fingers grazing his shoulders and pulling at the fabric. Once behind him and forcing his head forward you take out the earpiece and reach for your thigh. There's a gun there in the holster and a knife beside it, hidden by the red drapes. Thank god the for the slit. When rounding his other side you pull the firearm out and aim it at his temple, stabbing the knife into his thigh before he can jump up.
"Sit down, sicko. Don't try anything or I'll put a bullet through your skull."
You stick the earpiece into his ear, waiting for the receiving in to chime in.
"Who let you think a soundproof room was smart? It's like one of those double sided mirrors in here. Honestly, you're such an easy target."
His eyes glower at you like his expression alone will make you back down.
"You slut! I'm gonna kill yo-" He's cut off by the earpiece. They ask for information, stating that if he complys his life will be spared.
"I'm not stupid-"
"Beg to differ."
"-I know you'll just kill me anyway. I'm not telling you shit!"
The earpiece goes back off and you take it from his ear to listen to the other side. Two words is all you need to finish the assignment. Kill him.
"This could've been so much easier for you if you just listened. " You feign a pout, clicking the safety off. He struggles against the metal, rambling on about killing you and the company, finding you and blah blah blah. Having enough of his whines, you silence him with a quick pull of the trigger. You look down at the body on the floor and then at yourself, cleaning up quickly before leaving the room, making sure to step on his back in the process.
There was maybe ten minutes before his bodyguards would notice he hasn't left the room. You go to make your leave, but not before stopping by Daisuke's booth. You stand a bit aways, watching him try to get information out of the girl before his eyes glance over to meet yours. A one-sided smirk creeps onto your face. He was never very shameless when it came to things he did and the way his eyes did a slow once over of your body was deliberate.
How you missed that look. It's the same bedroom eyes from the nights you spent together in the sheets. You start to wonder if the body under his shit looks the same and if his fingers still produced magic without even trying. Were his lips still as soft?
Now isn't the time for that. You narrows your eyes and go to slide into the booth beside the girl after you notice the disgusted look she gave you. Shame is her freshly manicured nails were to get messed up in a fight. Not that she was trying to pick one, but-
"Long time no see, Kambe."
Daisuke quirks a brow and gives you a warning look when the girl glances at him. You shrug, placing your head in your hand.
"You know her?"
"Of course he does! I miss the sex we shared every night."
He chokes on his drink, shaking his head. What has gotten into you? You're lucky he had finally gotten the break they needed in the case before you came over. Still, you were way out of line with that one.
"Y/N, this is Lily. Y/N was just kidding, we used to work together. "
When he scowls at you, it actually scares you because he means it. He could take you down with him if need be. He adjusts his suit jacket and clears his throat before continuing, "Thank you for your time, but I suppose i should get go-"
"Aiko's dead! Code red!"
Daisuke looks over with his tongue to his cheek as if to say you fucked up and you're not ever hearing the end of this if we get out alive. Honestly, he might just leave you behind if in sacrifice fkr the case. You shrug in innocence, already calling in help for an escape. Until then you'd have to fight them off. Apparently these dummies were smart enough to notice who Vince went in with and they are quick to lock eyes with you. And so did the rest of the club goers.
You make a move to get up, sliding out of the leather seat with hands in the air in surrender.
"Would you believe me if I said he did that himself?"
It starts with someone attempting to grab you before people go ducking under tables. All those grueling hours of training for really coming in handy now. You just barely miss the grabbing hands, taking the bottle of wine on the table and breaking it. Lily gasps at the shards, going to hide under the table as well and tugging on Daisuke to follow. You gesture the broken bottle about, thrusting it forward.
The men simply laugh and go for the kill. The bottle doesn't last long and you move away from the table for the fight.
Hell is broken loose and it isn't long before Daisuke resorts to joining the fight. It shouldn't surprise you, but it does. He punches one of the guys with a right hook, grabbing the collad of his shirt and throwinf him into another. For someone so weak looking, he sure was strong. It makws you swoon.
"I really do miss us, Daisuke. Just like old times."
He scoffs, continuing to fight beside you. He hates fighting and always has. He finds it undignified and perfers to just dodge and have them attack each other if he can't pay it off. But right now there was no room for negotiations.
"Now isn't the time to relive the past, y/n."
It stings, but you know it's true. Daisuke was the kind to get straight to the point. It's part of the reason he was so easy to work with. Suddenly, it makes you upset to realize that this was in the past.
You hear a car screech outside, trying to land one more punch on some bald guy before looking at the door. You tug at Daisuke's suit, practically dragging him towards the door before pulling out your gun and pointing it at the rest of the men standing. The hesitate. As much as they want to go after you, none of them want to die for it.
You push him to there door and nudge him to open it. There's a revved engine outside waiting for you, and apparently now another guest. He takes the hint, pushing the door open and taking the gun from your hands as you flee. There's one shot fired, but you know the victim won't die. He may seem heartless, but he wouldn't kill someone unlwss he had to. He knows when someone will save someone else and he knows what's in people's conscious. He had always been good at reading people when he cared enough to.
The night has turned from blue to black and you aren't sure when. It's suddenly too cold to wear the dress and it's starting to rain. This has really been one hellish night. The passenger waves you over from down the block in a hurry. There are sirens in the distance—they must've called the police to arrest everyone else involved. That's always how it went. They gave the company the ok to take the case and then come in to finish the job and take the credit because of the unsavory ways you deal with the suspects. If you weren't always in such a hurry and you didn't want to be arrested, you'd be pissed. With a huff you kick off your heels and run down the pavement with Daisuke hot on your trail. He didn't usually flee scenes like this, not anymore at least. He'd be lying if he didn't miss the rush of it. He'd be lying if he said he didn't miss the past life he lived.
When you get to the care, it starts to pour and Daisuke puts his suit jacket over your head and shoulders before pushing you into the backseat. Caring, yet impatient. His attitude makes you roll your eyes and shove him when he gets in.
The car pulls away just before the police arrive and it's quiet except for the low hum of some tape playing. The radio didn't work and the volume knob was stuck, so you'd have to strain your ears to actually listen. But it seems no one minds.
You take off the jacket, handing it back of to him and he puts a hand up to say you can keep it. He says something along the lines of, "It'll still be raining when you get out. Give it back later." Is he insinuating you'll meet again?
"Or I can give it back tomorrow morning, if you feel like staying over. "
The sudden bravery shocks you and apparently it takes him aback as well by the look on his face. His face drops back to deadpan almost as fast as it lifted and he scoffs, looking away and out the window.
"I really do miss you, Daisuke. In more ways than one," you say quietly, looking down at the jacket and running the fabric between your thumb and forefinger. He glances back over at you before dropping his gaze to your hand and with a sigh he places his over your own and squeezes. It's a conformation, a returned feeling, but of what exactly —you aren't sure.
It'd be enough for tonight.
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hollyhomburg · 5 years
Yknow sometimes I think about that one clip on the boat where hobi is just complimenting and talking about yoongi and yoongi gets so flustered he just goes to the edge and s c r e a m s and,,,,, imagine with his s/o
okay but for some reason i just had a total poly au jump out at me based off of this, Ah so this is the exact opposite of my usual aesthetic- dont know if you wanted hard nsfw but!!!! sorry!!!! this is also not edited like at all please dont judge me for my kinks this is way out of my usual zone. 
Back to You (BTS x Reader)
W/C: 2.4k (oh lord)
Tags: Sub! reader, Sub! Yoongi, Dom! Bts, Poly, Gangbang, Established relationship, praise kink, degradation, Oral fixation, cumplay, dom/sub shit, voyeurism, exhibitionism, semi-public sex, snowballing but with slick?, masturbation, 
Song Rec: Everytime ~ Ariana Grande 
as Yoongi’s significant other, you indulge in his praise kink fairly often. sometimes it’s in the soft way too where he just gets overwhelmed and flushed and stuttery and screams “stop making me soft!” while it’s muffled in her chest because yoongi just gets so shy he hides from the weight of so much sweetness. 
but also, he has a praise kink in much more of an nsfw way.
“oh my god you fill me up so well Yoongi, I feel like im gonna go crazy,”
and him above you “am i fucking you so good you can’t even speak anymore baby?”
his growl of “no one could fuck you as good as i can, say it- admit it darling” i lowkey feel like people forget that dom’s can have praise kinks too, but ANYWAY
after a little while with dating Yoongi- you start to realize that the others totally know about his praise kink, the way than Namjoon will squeeze his shoulders after they’re done producing, saying “you did such a good job hyung” will bring a blush to his cheeks,
hoseok is always the first one to complement yoongi over dinner, and the maknaes are straight up relentless with their manhandling of your boyfriend, slapping his thighs in his jeans at the weirdest times and telling him how pretty they look.
and maybe you’d have a problem with how obviously flustered it makes him if they didn’t do the same thing to you,
Seokjin often curls his hand around your hair, and compliments you on the style,
or the demeaning but lovely curve of a smirk on hoseok’s lips of “wow that shade of lipstick looks great on you, makes you look like such a good slut” and then the tilt of his head, the opaque insensarity and boiling lust in his expression as he shrugs and says “no offense of course, yoongi’s told me how good you are for him,”
and holy hell if it didn’t make both of you absolutely squirm in your seat, yoongi too next to you too, whining in the back of his throat at hoseok’s words. 
Jungkook gets particularly bratty with you as well, a little objectifying, even if you try to deny how turned on it makes you when he possessive tugs you into his lap saying “how come hyung gets all the pretty toys? He’s so spoiled.”
There are other things too- other moments that show just how much the boys care for you and yoongi, other non-sexual dominance moments, 
like namjoon fiddling with your clothes and complimenting how pretty you look in that skirt, making you blush when he cups your cheeks,
or the way that seokjin takes care of you and yoongi when you both get the flu “i know the medicine tastes bad baby but it would make me so happy if you had it,” and yoongi’s whine as he demands a kiss from seokjin after taking a spoonful of the medcin, hazy with fever. and then your pout, and seokjin’s shy smile as he is only too happy to give you one too. 
the way that jungkook and jimin demand cuddles from the two of you every single movie night, each one of them spooning you as you sit curled against yoongi’s chest, their hands playing laced in between you two. 
Hoseok’s insistence that the three of you get matching balenciaga shoes, no matter how much you protest, hoseok will just grab both of your hands in his, press a kiss to the back of each and say “come on just let me spoil both of you,” 
Things get a little heavier, one night when you’re all drinking, yoongi’s head tipped against your neck to suck at the skin there hidden after most of the others have gone to dance and you were happier just to sit with yoongi, 
Taehyung fisting a hand in the back of his hair pulling him away from your skin and making your boyfriend groan at the delicious pain pleasure that runs down his spine.
“don’t be rude Hyung, there are so many people watching and you know how much we hate when people see what’s ours,” and they’re right- there are alot of people watching the two of you curled to the side, both of you wrecked in the booth.
Taehyung closes the curtains to the booth and slowly guides you to give Yoongi a blowjob, Taehyung guiding your head up and down his length with a hand in your hair. his other hand around your throat feeling how you clench and swallow around Yoongi “that’s a good girl, take baby boy’s cock all the way, like i know you can that’s a good babygirl ” 
all while Yoongi is sat in namjoon’s lap, his thighs held apart by namjoon’s hands. Who gives him little slaps when Yoongi moves his hips, whispering straight filth into his ears “so needy, look how strung out you are, it’s so cute! are you thinking that someone could walk in and see how fucked out you look? does it make you turned on hyung?”
And Yoongi gets so worked up that he’s almost sniffling before he comes all over your face, his thighs certainly would be shaking if it weren’t for how roughly namjoon’s holding him, in the way that will surely leave bruises,
and that’s when the others get back, careful not to let anyone else look into the booth (because of course everyone knew what was going to happen- they might have planned it) and the low whistle that comes out of Jimin when he sees your cum covered face, your eyes hazy and not all there as Taehyung pets your hair and tells you how good you did, “just when I thought you couldn’t get more gorgeous baby”  
and of course, they you up on the table, clearing it of the many expensive bottles, parts your legs and holds up your skirt so that you can give the rest of them a show. Seokjin rubs gently against your clit through your underwear sliding it down before he takes it to his nose and breathes in deep. his eyelashes fluttering, just the sight of that makes you so strung out that you’re certain you’ll do anything they say. 
Hoseok holds on to one of your ankles, while jimin holds the other spread, someone took off their tie to bind yoongi’s hands behind his back and he’s completely at the mercy of seokjin, who guides yoongi’s head to your slit keeping a hand fisted in his hair, commanding “Eat her good like we taught you Yoongi- show us how good you can be to her” 
occasionally pulling him back, lifting his head back to kiss him and taste your slick on his lips, licking into his mouth messily to get all of it. jungkooks incredulous and dark look when he breaks apart makes both you and yoongi whine, lifting his own fingers to touch his lips in awe “you know i used to wonder why yoongi chose you over us and now i think i understand, you’re addicting” and of course jimin just needs to have a taste of his own, reaching forward and pumping his fingers in you roughly before he brings them to his mouth, ““Fuck, and here i though you just looked sweet baby girl.”
 “Come on hyung dont be selfish- let me have a taste” but instead of kissing seokjin with his plush lips wet with your essance, jungkook tugs on Yoongi’s hair. Putting his mouth back to your cunt and letting him lick at you for a moment lazily and fucked out before he pulls him away again, making your hips jerk in search of yoongi’s mouth.
Yoongi whimpers into jungkook’s mouth as he gets the same treatment, licking it out of his mouth as opposed to actually kissing him making him heady, and spiralling down deep into subspace at an almost alarming pace. 
So basically, Yoongi eats you out while the others jerk off and dirty talk the shit out of both of you. Hoseok cums all over your stomach, Taehyung cums on your face and Namjoon pulls down your top to cum all over your chest. 
Somehow Jimin ends up with your underwear, curling it around his fist and using it to jack off, ruining the delicate pink lace when he cums on them with a groan. Watching him and feeling the cum dry on your chest, You feel so dirty but so unbelievably satisfied. Hoseok whispers in your ear, “you just love being our dirty slut don’t you?” Jimin sets the underwhere on the table, “We should make her wear them out of here hyungs,”
Eventually you cum with Hoseok’s fingers thrusting into you and yoongi’s mouth sucking on your clit, only to shake and squirt onto the table, trembling like a leaf. And of course, they make Yoongi lick it up and clean you up again, indulging in his oral fixation which makes him cum again, grinding against the table. (honestly rip whoever has to clean it afterwards)
You’re both so hazy by the end of this but the others take care of you, cleaning you up and ushering both of you out of the back door so that no one sees how wrecked both of you are. 
and when you wake up the next morning you’re wrapped tightly in taehyung’s bed getting the life cuddled out of you, Seokjin has food already ready to go and you’re half convinced that last night was just a dirty dream until you check and yup- you have hickeys on the inside of your thighs and one on your chest that you think is from namjoon but you can’t be sure. 
eventually you get around to asking yoongi the obvious question, “so uhm, have you ever like- been with any of them before? because i dont want to say it makes me uncomfortable, but sometimes they’re a little intense with both of us” and Yoongi stutters and admits that they’ve all kind of fooled around with each other at one point or another- even though you can tell it was more than that. 
Yoongi admits that yes, he used to be their submissive, but he cut it off when he met you because he knew he loved you and wanted to be with you, no matter how much it hurt the others. because they’re all a little in love with him- even if they’d never said it yoongi knows, and yoongi also knows that they’re starting to feel the same way about you. 
And it doesn’t surprise you because your boyfriend is a switch (but prefers to dom you and only you) so it’s not surprising to you that he’d had that outlet before you got together and if you’re being honest- it doesn’t make you uncomfortable in the slightest
in fact…it’s a little hot, thinking of your boyfriend stuttering as they praise and degrade him in equal measure, and you’d be wrong if you said you didn’t want a piece of that to see it again. You tell Yoongi this, and he’s surprised but not displeased because if he was being honest part of his brain needed some of that rush of subspace that only the others could give him, even if he needed the rush of domspace just the same.
and before he has a chance to ask the boys about the possibility of a scene with you in it (the thought almost makes him weak) it reaches a fevers pitch when you go out together one night. 
You’re dressed in a skin tight velvet dress and a velvet collar and yoongi is in a silky button down shirt, and all of them decide that nope, neither of you get to go out looking like that, you’re only for their eyes to be seen by anyone other than them, 
They toy with you drawing out every minute, making both of you stand naked in the middle of the room for their viewing pleasure, “the first one of you that moves or makes a noise is going to get punished, and the other gets to watch and be spoiled” namjoon of course, is the one that designs the scene, though he sits back, stroking his length almost lazily though you can see the lust in his eyes. 
they alternate teasing both of you, hoseok tugs on your collar and you refuse to sigh or splutter as he leaves hickey after hickey along your chest. “Do you think she’d like a leash to do with this collar? be our perfect little pet? we should bring out yoongi’s and then they’d be matching” 
 Seokjin toys with yoongi’s ass as jimin sucks him off, your boyfriend sweating and looking more out of it by the minute but still unmoving. though you think you see a hint of competitiveness in his expression, like he’s daring you to move first, 
Jungkook coos when he kneels down in front of you “oh my god look how wet she’s getting! oh how cute! she’s pretending she wasn’t as turned on by this as yoongi hyung, what an adorable little whore” he tilts his head forward and before you can control it- you flinch as he swipes his tongue across your clit fast and hard. 
let’s just say they spend the whole night making you messy and sore, and so overstimulated you cry- because it just feels that good, they make yoongi eat you out (damn his oral fixation) while you’re getting pounded into by taehyung. 
And I don’t want to get two graphic beyond that, but basically, you and yoongi sub for bangtan the whole night, and you all fuck on the floor of their living room, making both of you cry (it’s okay though you have safe words and it’s more of like an overwhelmed-with-pleasure sort of cry)
at the end both you and yoongi are curled up and cleaned, cream rubbed into the bruises on both your asses, swathed in plush blankets while jimin combs his fingers through yoongi’s hair and seokjin does the same to you, namjoon rubbing soothing circles onto your very sore hips. 
curled together in a little puddle between all of them while they just cuddle you and praise you, 
“You both did so well for us”  - Jimin 
“Our pretty obedient babies,” - Hoseok definitely
“Could never find such good darlings like you, you’re both one of a kind” - Seokjin 
 “You’re perfect for us” - jungkook probably. 
“oh little ones, you took your punishments so good, im so impressed” - namjoon 
“I’m so proud of you, you make me feel so loved” - taehyung 
and the next day they invite you and yoongi into one giant poly/sub/dom relationship with rules like ‘eat at least 2 meals a day, sleep 7 hours minimum, no demeaning language at yourself outside of scenes, and alway pre-negotiation because they don’t often practice unsafe bdsm etiquette accept for last night because they kind of got carried away. 
after all yoongi did tell them what you two got up too, so they knew that you weren’t exactly opposed to that kind of dirty talk and what kind of kinks you did and if you had showed any reservations they would have stopped immediately during that scene
but going forward to feel more comfortable they want to have like- long lengthy discussions about kinks and limits and what kind of aftercare you like, cuz they already know that for yoongi he just likes to be held and touched gently 
okay thats it thats the ask thanks for coming to THE MOST HARD NSFW thing i’ve ever written gonna go wash my brain out with soap after all those visuals bye
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anastasiaskarsgard · 4 years
I was challenged with writing a happy story with Roman Godfrey which was very challenging for me but I think I did it....
Wynter had just finished her dance rehearsal and was walking home. Like her mother before her, She had been dancing all her life.
Her mother had been a world renowned dancer, adored by millions and admired by all who saw her perform. Most would say she was the most gifted dancer ever to live. Her grace and precision was nothing short of perfection. The fact that she made it look as natural as walking down the street was no small feat either. Effortless grace.
Unfortunately, nearly a decade ago, she was returning to her hotel overseas, late after a performance, and the heavy rain caused her limo to hydroplane right into a wall, leaving no survivors.
Now, at age 23, Wynter was carrying on her mother's legacy, following in her footsteps. People had been so devastated to lose her mother, that they all turned to Wynter, to fill that space she’d left behind. Not wanting to think on how alone she was in the world, and just suffering a huge heartbreak at the hands of her first love,she threw herself into touring around the world. It was a hectic fast paced life, and she had missed out on a lot of milestones. One day she woke up and realized it’d been ten years since she’d seen her room in Hemlock Grove.
She got up and she called her manager and informed him she was returning home. She was taking a break. She committed to rehearsing dances for future events, while home, But mainly her focus was just relaxing. Attempting to carry on a normal existence that so many people take for granted. Going to the grocery store, reading a book under a tree, going for an afternoon swim, or taking a stroll through a park.
She currently was regretting not checking the weather before deciding to walk home by cutting through Hemlocks sprawling park. She probably should’ve paid attention to what time it was too, but she was having difficulty getting this certain routine down. Unlike her mother she had to work very hard to look so effortless. 
It was starting to rain, but she was over half way there. It was the fastest way home, and as she looked at her watch and saw it was close to midnight, she cursed herself for being so careless. A woman walking through A park late at night was not the smartest decision, add rain to the equation and it could very well end in disaster.
She had nearly forgotten how quickly rain could set upon you in her old hometown.It had started off light, but now was a downpour, Making it difficult to see, so all she could do was take shelter until the weather cleared up a bit. She walked towards a picnic table with a roof over it, Overlooking the small lake.
Then She saw him. Its not like he was hard to notice. He had always stood out, and intrigued her.
Anyone else who saw him would have avoided him, not only because the time and him being a single male, standing in the rain like a crazy person, but also because he had a terrible reputation. He was known for being harsh, cruel and unkind to all who crossed his path. He had a terrible temper, and no patience. At least that was what everyone told her, since she had returned.
But she didn’t remember him like that. She remembered a sweet Beautiful boy, With sad eyes and a shy smile. He was a heartbreaker tho. she had first-hand experience with that part of him. They’d been just kids then, when she made her silly confession at this very place, before her mother died and she had to go away.
They say you can spot your loved one in a crowd instantly. Did that mean that her childhood silly confession of love, for this troubled man wasn’t so silly? she never failed to spot him right away, no matter where they were.
It was quickly turning into a storm. She watched him, standing by himself, not caring if he got wet. Did he care? You could never tell with him.
He wasn't wearing a trench coat. What made him choose not to wear one? What made him come out into the rain this late?
He always worked. He worked everyday. Never once since she’d been back and seen him around, had she seen him smile. That's what happens when you run a company all by yourself she supposed. When you have no one to love you, or go home to.
He seemed different somehow. She couldn’t put her finger on it , but there was almost an other worldly quality to him. It was probably just his beauty, he was almost too beautiful. He often looked like he was straight out of a magazine, with his designer clothes and expensive suits. His perfect angular features, and impressive height.
She was a bit surprised though, that he was wearing a white suit. Everyone knows that White is the worst color to wear when it rained. He's Smarter than most people. So why did he choose to come out here, wearing white? The color you can see through?
She ran her eyes over his form, and couldn’t help but ask herself if he was always that buff. She never noticed. Death and heartbreak makes one not notice things that should be obvious.
Wynter took a deep breath, and started walking towards him, away from shelter. She didn't know what compelled her to do so. He was just so... alluring. Tall, dark, and handsome. And dangerous.
As Wynter got closer, she could tell he became aware of someone else's presence. Slowly, he turned around. He looked irritated at first, but as soon as he recognized it was her, his face morphed into one of longing. Like he wanted her. Just like she had always wanted him.
They stared at each other. She was pleased he wasn’t being mean to her, but had no idea what to say. It’d been so long. True to his reputation, he grew impatient and spoke first.
"Wynter. I never thought you’d speak to me again. Not after -"
Wynter didnt let him finish. Some things were better left unsaid. "Let's not remember the past. It brings too much pain. Dont you agree, Roman?" He looked her over like she was hiding something and then turned his attention back to the lake before speaking,
“Do you remember this spot, Wynter? It's the place I first kissed you.”
Wynter chuckled remembering his clumsy attempt shortly before her mother passed.
She’d always been sent here to stay with her Aunt while her mother toured the world. When school was out she travelled with her mother, or they’d return to their mansion not far from Romans on the off season. Olivia liked her mother, so she was allowed to play with Roman from time to time.
“You broke my heart on this spot too. Saying you couldn’t ever love me. How you never would love me". Wynter glared over at him, waiting on a response. She shivered. He was cold, no reaction or anything and as the time stretched on, she grew Furious at him. He really was just like everyone said. Cold and cruel. What was she doing here? Why was she out here in the middle of the night getting drenched in the rain with the one guy that always got to her. Why did she do this to herself? Was she a masochist? Suddenly she saw a flash of him kissing her right there, and she pushed it down, shivering again. He still had such an effect on her. Thinking Wynter was cold, Roman walked over to her and embraced her.
He remembered. He remembered everything that happened between them. How her face always lit up when she saw him. How she never listened to the other kids and refused to ditch him. How she’d gotten a black eye, fighting some girls that were saying disgusting yet totally true things they did with him and she had refused to believe it. How she was and still is the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. How he lied to her. How he hurt the one person willing to love him. All these years, he regretted that day.
The following day, her Mother had died and she had to fly to Europe to deal with everything with her aunt. He tried to reach her with no luck, and had a full blown panic attack over the whole thing. finally, he had been able to reach her aunt. What he wasn’t prepared for, was the tongue lashing he received, and the promise that she would do everything in her power to protect Wynter from him.
He honestly couldn’t blame her. He was a piece of shit and any parental figure should try to keep their daughters safe from him. He knew what he was. He was an asshole, but he was also very self aware.
Now looking at his lost little ballerina, he felt like a fool. He had all the money in the world, a huge corporation, a rotating selection of the most Beautiful woman in the world, and not once since she had left had he felt so happy and content as he did standing there in the rain by her side.
He loved her. He always did. He never stopped loving her.
Who would have thought they would meet again at the same spot they parted ways? He wasn't going to let this chance, this woman, slip by him again. Turning to her, he could see She was crying now. He wasn’t the best at consoling people, but he knew something that might work. The only thing he had wanted to do for years.
He slowly tilted her head up, looking into her eyes, as if asking for permission and He kissed her. Immediately, She kissed him back. Never had they thought this would happen again. It was so full of emotion, it was heartbreaking and overwhelming. Pure, desperate need. Longing.
They stayed there, making out in the rain for an unknown amount of time. Both too scared to give the other a chance to escape, or realize what they were doing, and remember that they shouldn’t.
“Wynter?” He whispered.
“Yes Roman?” She whispered back, pulling back a bit to see his eyes.
“Please don’t leave me again. I’m so sorry I hurt you. You’re the only woman, that I don’t deserve, but you’re also the only one I want.” He stated sincerely.
She couldn’t help but smirk at the arrogant bastard. She didn’t know that you could sound conceited, when you begged, until now. She was bursting with emotion. This was everything she ever wanted, but she knew better. Roman Godfrey was dangerous. Did she care so little for her own Self-preservation? Was he worth the risk?
Fuck yes he was.
She smiled a bright smile up at him and nodded. “Only if you give me a piggy back ride, all the way home.” Without even Flinching or hesitating, Roman agreed and smiled the first real smile, she had seen him have since they were kids.
She squealed with delight, and hopped on, knowing that they were going to both be ok.
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
King Taeyong | 1
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Taeyong x ballerina!reader // FLUFF, smut, fantasy!au Summary: His world slowed down during the performance of the Waltz of the Flowers, he is completely mesmerised by your performance. How gracefully you offer your art to everyone watching and how you shine on stage even though there were other talents waltzing with you. King Taeyong knew exactly that you’re a unique masterpiece. Word Count: 3k Warnings: Mentions of sex only Note: The genre will change to SMUT, ANGST, fluff for the next chapters hihi but for now, enjoy having fluff. It’s my first fantasy fic hope you love it.   Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away there was a young king who is loved by everyone in his kingdom. This young king is not an ordinary king who rules and lives in the castle his whole life. He is a smart and wise full of curiosity that one day while he was out hunting, he found a magical place that can bring him into another world.
King Taeyong is a king who can travel to two worlds. A world full of magic where he rules and his people follow him whole heartedly and a world where he can be anything he wants. The human world.
One beautiful night in the human world, king Taeyong is enjoying the cold breeze and happily walking on his way to a known opera house treating it as if it was a movie theater. He always wants to surprise himself by spontaneously watching without even knowing anything about the play. King Taeyong loves art in all shapes and sizes and little did he know that this night will change his life completely. “The Nutcracker” he murmurs to himself while waiting for the curtains to go up.
And there it is.
His world slowed down during the performance of the Waltz of the Flowers, he is completely mesmerised by your performance. How gracefully you offer your art to everyone watching and how you shine on stage even though there were other talents waltzing with you. King Taeyong knew exactly that you’re a unique masterpiece.
After the performance he clapped his hands nonstop with everyone, screaming  endless “bravo!” to show more love. He will not let this night pass without knowing you or talking to you.
You on the other hand, is very happy with how the show turned out tonight. This is your first performance and being the lead for this year’s season is a big milestone for you. Everyone greeted you with big smiles, hugs and kisses everywhere backstage but when you’re already alone in your dressing room... you burst into tears and the sadness that you’ve been keeping the whole night is finally out.
Performing with a heavy heart is never easy but you had to pull yourself together and deliver a beautiful performance.
You fixed your things, removed your makeup, and enjoyed the silence of your small dressing room, thinking about how proud you are for earning your part. All hard work paid off. Making sure everyone is already gone and that the whole company went out already, you silently make your way out.
Not even one of your family member even bothered to watch you tonight. Your friends keep on disappointing you and giving you promises that they cant keep. None of them showed up, not even your best friend in the whole wide world. Is it too much to ask for one single genuine person in your life that can watch you perform and clap for all the hard work that you’ve done?
You were walking towards the main exit of the opera house and there you see a fine man holding a bouquet of flowers, standing in the middle of the wide lobby of the opera house. Maybe he came to watch the show earlier. I hope he loved the performance.
“Ehem” he clears his throat and looked at you. Stern and hard. As if he’s ready to buy your whole being. You looked at him with tired eyes and told him, “I’m sorry. I’m the last one out. If you’re waiting for anyone they probably went out already” you said as you continue to walk slowly towards the exit door.
“But I’m waiting for you” you stopped and turned around to face him. Oh a fan.
“I hope you enjoyed the show Mr. And if you’re going to ask for my autograph, I can sign it real quick now” you said with a smile, trying to look polite but his face is a little confused you see.
“Actually. These flowers are for you” he hands them to you with shaking hands. A beautiful bouquet of flowers that matches your costume from the Waltz of the Flowers earlier. Your heart skipped a beat, you try so hard to hide your smile hoping you dont look like a fool.
“And I was going to ask if you could have dinner with me... but if you’re willing to give me both your time and autograph, I will be so much happy” he said with confidence as if he knows he already knew you would give in to his request.
Well he looks decent, doesn’t look like he’s a killer or a psychopath. He’s rich obviously. A real gentleman. But still a stranger.
“I saw your colleagues earlier. And figured you weren’t with them. I was thinking, maybe you’re alone...” he chuckled after explaining, thinking maybe you think he’s a stalker or anything.
He’s obviously very nervous that he’s not looking you in the eye. “This wasn’t my intention at all. The original plan was to congratulate you and give you flowers.... But I cant help but think that maybe you’re still there... inside... and alone so I waited. And now Im asking you to have dinner with me”
You were about to accept his offer but he continued explaining his part, which is cute you think.
“It’s fine if you don’t want to. Maybe you’re tired and you want to go home I could-“ you cut him off because he was already rambling.
“I would love to have dinner with you.” you said, and gave him a smile to make the situation less awkward.
He brought you to an expensive private restaurant near the opera. There’s a comfortable silence when the waiter left but you were dying with curiosity and asked him for his name.
“Taeyong” he said. And smiled.
It was a very unique name for you, almost as if it was an alien name but you liked it. “Well I’m, y/n... and I’m a professional ballerina as you already know.” You smiled awkwardly.
“So tell me y/n. Why do you look sad?” He startled you with his question but you were glad that he can see right through you and that he cares.
“Well, my family didn’t watched earlier. Even my closest friends.... and oh, about my colleagues leaving without me, Im sure that they waited for me. Its just they know that I wanted to be alone, thats all. Im not normally like this.”
Taeyong understands and nods his head, “Im sorry for stealing your alone time. I just cant leave you alone in this beautiful night.... not after your beautiful performance earlier, oh no.” You chuckled and shook your head, feeling a little light headed with his compliment and you feel so grateful for his presence even though you dont know him personally.
While eating dinner, you cant help but notice how he moves. As a ballerina its easy for you to see how someone can move so gracefully and right. With Taeyong, it seems so normal with him being this gentle and well mannered and graceful all at the same time... while eating his expensive steak.
“What do you do in life Taeyong?” You asked, curious because all you know about him is his beautiful name.
“Im a king” he gave you a playful smirk and took a sip from his wine.
“Like a CEO? What company?” You asked him seriously while eating your salad.
He let out a small laugh and clears his throat thinking that you know nothing about him. All he can do is share his small achievements here in the human world for the last 5 years. “Lets just say Im a powerful person and that I’m an investor in some of the biggest companies here”
“Ohh. Big time”
The night continued as you both share in one dessert, share stories and try to know each other more and more before this beautiful night ends. He tells you a little about his company and that he works along side with his best friends and together they make great things. You tell him how you started dancing ballet and how you got the part. It seems like you both tell each other all your achievements in life without it sounding like you’re being boastful, and to you that seems to be a good sign.
He walks you home after dinner telling you more stories of anything he could think of, both of you trying to walk slowly because neither the one of you wanted this night to end.
“This is me” theres a small silence and Taeyong was looking at your building as if hes remembering what it looks like. Will there be a next time? He smiles and comes closer to you holding your hand and looking in your eyes so deeply.
“You were incredible tonight” he said and kissed your lips.
The kiss was quick and you cant move for a second but he breaks the silence, “good night.”
That kiss was something and you felt it. This man will change your life and you didn’t want to let him go. No. Not yet. You dont care if its late already, you dont care if you have early practice at the opera tomorrow, all you care about is this man in front if you.
Forcing yourself to go back to the situation, “stay for coffee” you blurted out and grabbed his hand.
Taeyong accepted your offer and you invited him in your apartment. He didn’t expect your apartment would be so plain. He wasn’t disappointed or anything but he thought your apartment is far from your fun personality, but who is he to judge your space. You noticed how he looked around and it worries you that maybe he thinks that you’re lifeless and that your life isn’t that interesting. The apartment has everything you need, and thats what matters.
Roaming around the apartment, Taeyong came across your little practice room that has three big mirrors in the middle of the room, the mirror you use to practice when you’re staying home.
Looking around your apartment more, he sees your bed thats big enough for three people. But it feels lonely Taeyong thought, almost as if this bed already knows every problem you have in life.
Going back to where you were the coffee, he noticed your kitchen, is nice and your baking materials are complete. “Its not much. Its not as colorful as the stage during the performance earlier, but its home for me” you explained as if you heard every thought he had about your apartment.
The floor was completely comfortable for you and you sit there while Taeyong sits on the couch. He looks at you while drinking his coffee and you came closer to his left leg and asked him, “what was your first impression with me” he leans forward to you, and you waited for his answer.
“You look like a Queen. And you can be my queen someday”
There he is again with him being royalty. For you it’s impossible but you can feel that he’s somehow telling the truth but you ignored that thought. “Oh is it because of my costume earlier?” he chuckled and shook his head. “No really you look like a queen. Even now.”
“How about you? What do you think of me?” he asked, took a sip from his coffee and sits on the floor with you. That was sweet.
“You look like a prince. A young prince. Even the way you move” you told him the truth. He was laughing and it was kind of funny for you too.
“Well, obviously before being a king... you have to be a prince first” he said while slowly leaning to you, expecting a kiss from him.
He kissed you sweetly, showing he has good intentions to you through his wet kisses and automatically encircling your arms around his neck. His kiss travels from your lips to your neck, giving your body a sensation that makes your panties soaked. Who are you? What are you doing to me?
You straddled him and grind on his lap slowly and gently not showing him that you’re eager but it was already obvious. “Why are you doing this to me Taeyong?” You continue to kiss him deeply while grinding and feeling your wetness. His hands are all over your body, kneading your breast slowly from time to time, biting your neck and kissing it making you gasp. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked you but he already knows your answer.
“How far are going tonight, y/n?” he whispers in between kissing your neck giving it marks that will be visible tomorrow for sure. You cant think straight, your mind is focused on how you want to have sex with him tonight but you cant be sore tomorrow because you have practice. Fuck it.
You try to remove his shirt and unbuckle his belt as your answer to his question and clearly enough he gets what you were saying.
Taeyong was gentle even in bed and you cant believe that he can make you feel like a virgin again. He was so good at making you whimper under him from time to time, you were clinging on his body catching every thrust he gives you. You figured he loves your moans because you can feel him smile every time you’re being vocal about how good he fucks you. It was slow and good and every after orgasm he gives you, its a surprise how you asked for another one and another one and another one until you feel really tired and all you do is kiss Taeyong.
Even Taeyong is surprised on how you take him so well, and he cant get enough of you too.
“Promise me you’ll still be here when I wake up tomorrow.” You said while you snuggle beside him feeling his soft skin and the warmth he brings its almost addicting you thought.
“I promise” he answered immediately.
The morning comes and you feel your body so sore. And you knew all too well that you’re damned later in practice. But you dont care. It was a great night you thought, its not everyday you meet someone as great as Taeyong. You stretched your body trying to recall what happened last night and it just gave you goosebumps and butterflies in your stomach. Not noticing Taeyong’s left arm was still placed on your waist, it made you happy he’s still beside you. He kept his promise.
You took your time admiring his beauty. His sharp nose, his rose scar, his soft lips thats all over you last night, his flawless skin, wide shoulders. Damn.
Slowly he opened his eyes, caught you admiring him but for him you’re like a sun. You brighten up his day completely. He noticed how your eyes are puffy but still beautiful, your flat long hair but still looks good on you, your smile that makes him think how lucky he is to have met you.
You gave him continuous good morning kisses on his flawless back, bringing him back to the world. Taeyong was amused how playful you are during the morning. But his first thought... is that you’re beautiful.
“You’re beautiful “ he said it not leaving your eyes. It made you blush.
“I’ll make you breakfast” you said while playing with his beautiful long hands. Kissing his knuckles, left and right.
“Are you normally like this every morning? I should wake up more beside you then” he reached for you and draw circles on your thighs.
“Well you kept your promise” Taeyong remembered. “Most hookups I’ve had never stayed for breakfast, you can leave after you’re clean and you’re full I can make a mean healthy breakfast-“ he cuts you off.
“So you think I’m just hooking up with you?” He looked at you long and hard while he’s still laying in bed comfortable, his left arm at the back of his head, his biceps showing. Then suddenly the environment was heavy and serious. You tried to explain but its too late you already think you fucked up and that he will leave any minute now.
“Come here” he pulled you in for a hug. And it surprised you because you thought he was mad and he was going go leave. “Those words hurt like hell. Don’t do that again” he said sternly and with authority, but it made you happy because finally, you have someone now. Not officially. But this is a good start.
“I’ll help you make breakfast.” He kissed your cheek and you both got out of bed trying to fight the soreness.
During breakfast, he was staring at you while he eats his buttered toast. “What?” You asked.
“What are you up to today?” He asked, finally.
You explained that you have practice from afternoon until evening at the opera house for the show on Friday next week. “So I’ll get to watch you perform again?” he claps his hand and finished his toast.
“You’ll watch me again?” You asked with a smile showing him how surprised you were that he’s planning to watch again. And he saw how happy you were when he mentioned that. You must love your craft that much huh, he thought
Taeyong came closer to you and kissed you on the lips, softly almost like how he kissed you for the first time. “I promise.”
You both head on with your day, and you felt really motivated in practice today even though your legs are still jiggly, your pussy hurts and your whole body is sore from last night’s fucking. But the thought of it feels like a dream but Taeyong is real. He’s so real you even caught him smelling your shampoo inside the bathroom earlier. The thought of it made you giggle.
On the other side of town, in Taeyong’s company, the people in the office noticed Taeyong’s glow and that he looks handsome as ever. Even his friends and trustworthy royal court guards noticed that theres something new with him today.
Johnny, Yuta and Doyoung are three of his best friends and they were with him when he discovered the passage through the human world. They come a long way from when they were still kids up until now that they’re allies/business partners.
The three princes are one of the top rich businessmen in the human world but they stay subtle as possible, just like Taeyong he secretly invests in good companies without them knowing who he is, just his company. Aside from being an investor, Taeyong builds schools and orphanage in places that needs help.
A knock brought Taeyong back to reality while having his coffee and thinking of you. It was Doyoung who has the update from the kingdom.
“You look different today. Everyone is worried” Taeyong laughed and told him he doesn’t need to worry, everything is normal but Doyoung knew Taeyong like the back of his hand. He didn’t buy Taeyong’s reasons. “Okay. Your Highness, whatever you say. But you need to go back as soon as possible to the kingdom for wedding festivities. Your presence is required for King Taemin’s wedding.”
Taeyong was silent for a moment, thinking of a way how can he spend time with you and not disappoint King Taemin at the same time. Doyoung is waiting for your answer. “Tell them I will be back home before they even know it. I have to be somewhere on Friday.”
Doyoung gave Taeyong a look as if hes telling Taeyong, “I smell something fishy here” but he just gave Taeyong a sigh, “Whatever… King Lee Taeyong”
You spend time with Taeyong almost everyday, knowing him more and more each day and enjoying it as if its your last day with him. Breakfast together and endless cuddles in bed as quality time at home, he takes care of you when you’re sore from practice, tries to tie your hair but he fails everyday but it makes you laugh so it’s okay, you find it sweet that he puts effort with the small things.
Friday comes and its one beautiful night again, King Taeyong is walking excitedly on his way to a known opera house to watch The Nutcracker, for the second time.
And there you are again. Doing what you love in front of these people, in front of him. His world slowed down again while watching you perform and pour you heart out on stage. He clapped his hands again screaming endless “bravo!” being so proud of you for finishing another wonderful show.
You received endless congratulations again for finishing the second show, you wore this big genuine smile and not a fake one like last week knowing that Taeyong is already waiting for you outside. You quickly packed your things and got out immediately and find Taeyong.
There you see him, fixing his coat and holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers, just like how you first saw him. And when he finally saw you, he quickly ran into you and kissed you as his way of congratulating you. “You were great. As always” he said and gave you the flowers, then to your surprise he shouted for the whole opera house to hear, “She did great! She’s the lead everyone!” and the whole lobby clapped for you again, you thanked everyone, laughing while you yanked Taeyong towards the exit.
You were so happy in Taeyong’s arms.
................................................. Masterlist
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wildgeese2017 · 3 years
You: what makes you happy?
Stranger: His smile
You: thats so nie
You: nice
Stranger: But I haven’t seen in in a while
You: :(
Stranger: What makes you happy?
You: i like lying down and feeling the earth cradling my whole physical body i like listening to music by myself
You: but i feel like its all sucks bc it never lasts
You: like his smile
You: i dont know how to make sense of it all
Stranger: I feel you
Stranger: Seems like nothing lasts
You: it scares me
Stranger: And you never know when the last time is going to be the last time
Stranger: You always think you will have more
Stranger: Until you don’t
You: i feel like an animal i feel so blind to what fate has planned for me
You: i want to believe in something to sort of see everything through the right lens but i just dont know whether i cud
You: like i dont know what gods means to me
You: what does it mean to you?
Stranger: I try to trust in him
Stranger: But the faith is being tested
Stranger: I feel like so much unfairness couldn’t come from god
You: i used to know so surely that the whole point of this suffering was that it was a test or an inevitabilty but i worry that my conclusion was false
You: im scared that my faith is just learned helpessness
You: do you have anything you wanted to say
You: like why you are on this platform
Stranger: I just hope you get enough motivation to hold on
Stranger: Even if it’s the bare minimum
You: thanks im fine i just feel so confused
Stranger: I am pretty sure that someday something will come that will make it worth it
You: im doing well im being nice to my loved ones im going to work im having fun im just existentially terrified
Stranger: For everyone
You: yeh i think so too
You: i kno u dont kno me but im rooting for you
Stranger: How old are you ? Sorry if that’s too personal
You: im 20
Stranger: I’m rooting for you too!!! 😄
You: thx
Stranger: The confusion starts at the twenty’s
Stranger: I’m 25 and haven’t figured it out
You: lol ive been confused 4 so long tho
You: i think being confused is the whole point
Stranger: Maybe the meaning of life isn’t to find it purpose
Stranger: But to live and live while it lasts
Stranger: Love*
You: like its all just fluctuations of energy and the universe is just reminding itself that it exists bc being is the point of being like a perfect circle of belief and truth
You: yes i think so too
You: but it leads me to chasing empty bliss
Stranger: You should write a book about it
Stranger: Or poems
You: i want to feel more purpose but i dont know how im scared of nit finding peace and my vulnerability being exploited
You: i write poetry but i feel as tho i havent developed craft
Stranger: You must be brave to feel extraordinary :)
You: how do u express urself?
You: :)
Stranger: I dance
You: <3
Stranger: I’m a dancer
You: thats so wonderful
Stranger: Not good with words
You: does it make you feel free? i can only dance with the lights off
Stranger: Sometimes I turn the music up and close my eyes and just dance whatever I feel inside
You: that sounds nice
You: what kind of music do u like?
Stranger: And most of the times it feels like breaking my own heart
You: :(
Stranger: But it flies itself back together right after
You: in a good or bad way?
Stranger: Glues*
You: sometimes i wish i cud crack open my heart and show people
Stranger: I feel like a slightly cracked heart must fall apart to be build up again
You: i always paraphrase kafka when he said the reason for everything he did is to try and express the unexpressable
Stranger: People tend to ignore small cracks
Stranger: But take it serious when it’s all in pieces
You: :( i wish we cud all b more gentle with each other
Stranger: Same
You: i wish i had more energy to see everyones breaking hearts and fill up the cracks with my own love
Stranger: And I wish we would only fall in love with people who fall for us back
You: are you in love with him?
Stranger: I am
You: i dont kno whether ive ever been in love love what is it like?
Stranger: I’ve been in love once before
Stranger: And I swore I’d never open myself up for anyone
Stranger: And my best friend convinced me to go on this date with this guy
Stranger: And when he kissed me I just knew
You: that must hav been terrifying
Stranger: Took me 5years tho
Stranger: To fall like this again
Stranger: It was
Stranger: In it’s ironic way
Stranger: And it still is
You: i can tget close to anyone like that bc ive got all this stuff i cant let anyone see its brave for you to let someone in even if it hurts
Stranger: You know what?
Stranger: It wasn’t a decision I made !!
You: huh i never thought of it that way
You: maybe it was god
Stranger: Im fact the decision I took was to not let him in before we went on that date
Stranger: It wasn’t something I was in control of
Stranger: And it took him 5 hours to kiss me 😄
Stranger: And when he did time stopped
Stranger: And so did my senses except for feeling
You: what makes him so special? is it just the way he makes you feel or is there a big reason in your mind?
Stranger: It’s …
Stranger: How can I say this
Stranger: He was a surprise
Stranger: I didn’t expect him to be that good
You: did you feel like you had met before?
Stranger: I thought he’d be just another mediocre guy
You: so he suprised you
Stranger: But when I saw his smile and eyes I just knew I was screwed
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: Feel good to finally talk about all this haha
You: ive never felt that way about way about anyone it sounds so confusing
You: is he kind?
Stranger: He was
You: is he not anymore?
Stranger: Sadly no
You: :(
Stranger: He decided to take a step back from me
You: what did he do to make you feel this way (if you dont mind me askin)
You: oh
Stranger: I remember when he called me to tell me he’s not ready for a relationship
You: what are you going to do? i cant imagine never seeing anyone i care about like that again
Stranger: Last time I saw him was three weeks ago
Stranger: And last time I heard from him was one week bwfore
You: did you know him long before ?
Stranger: Three months
Stranger: Not that long
Stranger: But I knew what he would mean to me when I first saw him
Stranger: So it felt like a smaller eternity
You: that sound so difficult
Stranger: I miss him terribly:)
You: i cant imagine feeling that way it wud really scare me everyone i talk to ive known for like 8years i cant give so much of myself to someone new
Stranger: You don’t have to give yourself to someone all at once
Stranger: Be protective of your energy
Stranger: And never trust the other person to not hurt you!
Stranger: But trust yourself and how you will react to it
Stranger: Trust that’s you would be strong enough to handle it
You: do you think he saw the real you? its so weird to think that everyone percieves you differently and out of your own control i worry that i focus too much on an idea of a person that i cud be
Stranger: Yea and no
Stranger: What I showed him was the real me but I also know that I didn’t show him everything that I am
Stranger: I feel your fear ! You got to know who you are as a person first
Stranger: And you got to be authentic with the people around you
You: i think it takes so long to show a clear picture of urself and its always moving and running away from the person you were when you last talked to that person who you want to really see you
Stranger: Exactly!
Stranger: That’s probably the most genuine talk I ever had
You: im so tired of trying to be a person i wish i cud just melt into everyone around me but theres so much i dislike about those around me and its not possible anyway. its just hard knowing the reason for everything is human connection and not living in a way that respects that truth
Stranger: Thank you
You: thank you too
You: i really appreciate your sharing its so scar to be honest out loud
You: *scary
Stranger: True
Stranger: I guess being anonymous makes it easier
You: yeh i just i was going to see a friend today who i feel like understands me but i couldnt in the end and i needed to express a part of myself u kno even tho im talking to other people who know me and care its not the same
You: i hope ou feel better soon regardless of what he chooses for himself
Stranger: I know exactly what you mean
Stranger: After all I have to choose myself over him as well :)
Stranger: Sometimes love isn’t enough
Stranger: Who am I fooling… most of the times it’s not enough
You: i have so many kind lovely friends and family who is trying but i cant let go of this heavy thing its like theres always some invisible chain wrapped around me
You: yeh :(
You: why cant we all help each other more
Stranger: Not many people are spiritual enough to say love is enough and all that matters f*ck the rest
You: i know so many people in pain and im too tired to be there all the time
You: its easy for me to say love is enough when i dont hav so many real problems that cant b solved with love alone
Stranger: I really pray for you to break out of those chains
Stranger: You seem like an amazing loving and caring person
Stranger: You deserve happiness
You: thanks i dont kno whether my hope has any power to reach you but i really hope you get some relief from your pain too
You: you too
You: i think we all do but i cant know that im so lucky to not meet people who are cruel enough to take that belief away from me
Stranger: And if you ever do meet people like that do me the favor of removing them immediately
Stranger: If it costs you your peace it’s too exoenz
You: i guess but i always think what happens to them when im gone?
Stranger: Expensive *
You: where do they go?
Stranger: ALWAYS !
You: what do they feel?
Stranger: That’s none of your business
Stranger: Let them find their own way
You: yeh i think we all need to respect ourselves to let go of toxicity
Stranger: You don’t have to guide them
You: i just feel like i want to care more i want to love more but i dont and that makes me feel small and selfish i wish we cud all connect our love its so scary not being able to reach each other
You: im scared to change and become better it sounds so hard i feel so selfish
Stranger: You’re not selfish if it means protecting your energy
Stranger: But don’t stand in your own way
Stranger: Be brave
Stranger: Can’t stress that enough
You: thanks i think i do need to be braver i try and look more people in the eye but maybe i need to be brave against myself more than against other people
Stranger: Have you ever watched greys anatomy?
You: since they arent in my control
You: no but all my friends love it
You: its on my list loll
Stranger: So Meredith grey said something like :
Stranger: Maybe she wasn’t opening up to people not because she was scared of the love she would receive
Stranger: But scared of what would happen when they took this live away from her someday
Stranger: Once you get a taste of love
Stranger: It’s like a drug
Stranger: Love*
You: like you and him, i find it hard to accept it when people choose me over someone else so i push them away to other people and i get upset that they replaced me
You: love is so scary
You: its too much
Stranger: Me and him …
Stranger: I feel like this story is not over yet
Stranger: :)
Stranger: And that calms me
You: i think if you have so much love inside you, u will succeed and find yourself in a good place if you focus on that love
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: I literally believe in love because of the way I know I am capable to love
You: sometimes i worry that im not capable of love like that like i have something inside me that puts people off even though on a surface level i seem nice and passionate or sweet or whatever
You: like i worry im just playing a part and soon ill get tired of acting and i wont be what people need anymore
Stranger: Don’t worry too much
Stranger: Just truly be yourself
You: thanks i will try too
You: its so weird loving life this much and still not being happy
Stranger: Damn
You: like im so happy but its never enough
You: its not the right kind of joy it wont fit
Stranger: And this whole convo started with this simple question
You: loll
Stranger: What makes you happy
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: You know what I just realized
You: wot :0
Stranger: My answer was wrong in so many ways
Stranger: Your happiness shouldn’t be depending on someone else
Stranger: Cause you can’t control other peoples behavior
You: thats so real
You: its so scary tho since you cant b alone but you cant rely purely on others
Stranger: Your happiness should only be in your hands
Stranger: So controversial
Stranger: It’s a daily risk lol
You: like other people are all that matters but to them you are the other people so we all need to be kind to ourselves to be kind to each toher but we're all to hurt and scared to do all of it in the right way
You: we're all walking around with a piece of the happy puzzle and we have'nt figured out how to put it together
Stranger: sometimes we forget that all people are vulnerable and maybe hurting too
Stranger: When someone hurts your feelings you tend to forget you might have hurt theirs too
You: i always remember but i dont always respect it and that makes me dislike the kind of person i let myself be
Stranger: You will learn to
You: i hope so
You: i think thats the point
Stranger: Don’t pressure yourself
You: like we live and we all learn the same lesson
You: but it seems like its always repeating
You: like why haven't we learned it yet
You: like we're all one soul
You: and we can't reach the end of this problem or is the point how good we feel at points of it? i cant just chase joy if its fleeting iworry that even love is fleeting
You: idk i know we only hav the present
You: like all the advice uve given me i trust it
You: i just freak out thinking of the big picture
Stranger: Relax 😄
Stranger: It’s not all that serious
Stranger: Don’t forget to live along the way
Stranger: Love was never meant to be safe or measured!
Stranger: You got to be brave and love irritationally
You: i think that that is fair i just i go long stretches living and then i remember the whole question of why and how shud i live and i get all tangled up again
Stranger: And instead of being scared, trusting yourself with it
You: i think i need to trust more and i think faith is trust
Stranger: Grow and learn to trust yourself
You: i want to have more faith in myself in others in the future i just worry the way i acheive this will only be a bandaid i want more than blind faith i want to see the world and see it as it is and still feel love and joy and trust the universe and myself to experience it correctly and even let go of the whole concept of correct.
Stranger: I also think I might fall asleep soon lol
You: thanks for listening i think i will too lol good luck i wish you all the best <£
You: <3
Stranger: That’s what I wish you too
Stranger: From the bottom of my heart
You: :-)
Stranger: Take care strangee
You: u 2 :-)
Stranger: Stranger*
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