#but i dont want my followers to think im insane and get bored
trickstarbrave · 4 months
What’s god nerevar the god of?
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LMAO mostly god!nerevar is just the god of lorkhan stuff. nerevar basically mantles lorkhan, though ive yet to fully flesh out everything that happens upon him doing so (though im pretty sure it would have very far reaching effects like rly fucking up the kalpic cycle, so im not entire sure what that means for alduin)
he is basically the living god of the chimer though. sole living god, with the worship of the good three still in place. sotha sil, vivec, and almalexia are heralded as saints (they remember the previous cycle where they killed nerevar and hunted down the nerevarine. it gets rly fucked up but they make peace with it) along with voryn
ive toyed around with a ficlet of god!vivec that we see in morrowind falling out of his world after his disappearance and into the world of god!nerevar. just to explore it and stuff
im sure its gotta be funny for everyone else. shor/lorkhan is real and he lives in resdayn. lmao. that or im sure they deny nerevar is entirely lorkhan and just call him the son of lorkhan (which is one of his titles: nerevar son of lorkhan. but one of lorkhan's titles is shor son of shor. so. it gets rly complicated when you are someone but also their child and also not them. mantling is weird)
i think it would be funny if there were still sermons of vivec but instead random misadventures told as parables.
i guess if you asked though, since lorkhan's domain is kind of obscure, he'd be the god of creation and love (and i mean a selfless kind of love. giving up everything for someone or something new. think "agapē" instead of romantic or physical love like dibella or familial love like mara) as well as being treated as a champion of warriors. his influence greatly shapes chimeri society going forward since there are no dunmer in that reality. he instates rules of war that most other nations end up adopting (there are still things like firebombs unfortunately. it is the elder scrolls. but things like slaughtering children and using disease intentionally is outlined as basically war crimes) but the other nations also just say they invented them independently
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juyomiao · 10 months
Only ONE - sung hanbin x gn!reader
17 ☆ love bomb
< prev | masterlist
chapter warnings : boring , chae threatens hanbin's life at some point , ynbin being so sweet n healthy its sickening
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☆ note: aaand with this very boring n underwhelming chapter , only one finally comes to an end (not all hope is lost , tho , as much as i hated writing it at times im so emotionally attached to this series i might consider a little epilogue/spin-off chapter) . AND i managed to squeeze in the haoyn beef explanation ?? tbh when i first posted it i kind of expected it to do fairly well (the boys planet smau writers demographic was like 10 ppl at best back then) but i did not expect it to do this well n singlehandedly gain me almost 500 followers . thats crazy insane bonkers . why am i getting kind of emotional writing this i dont think listening to light the way by cravity was a good idea . anyways , im sorry by the end of it i kind of lost the 'spark' that made this fic good - i couldn't even get to 20 chapters ffs - writing it was more of a chore than a fun little hobby for me n at times it made me genuinely anxious to the point of crying/getting nauseous . yes user li juyomiao is fucking insane but hey ! im alright now i promise ! jumping right into another series is probably not the smartest thing to do but im so excited abt it n i really really want to branch out into writing for other groups n the idea i had was so so good ,, i'll learn from my mistakes n write a few chapters in advance so i can take it easy n not pressure myself , tho :] thank u to everyone who supported only one until its very last chapter !! this authors note is long asf so if u read it all heres a dumpling for u my lovelies 🥟 thats it , li out‼️‼️ (im fr getting emotional good lord help me)
☆ SYNOPSIS: sung hanbin is everyone's dream guy: perfect grades, perfect looks, perfect personality, he has it all. he's even class AND student council president! everyone loves him, and you, as his vice-president, are no exception to that. having been in love with him since you were 12, you try to tone down your feelings "for the sake of professionalism" and claim it's simple admiration for someone who objectively has no flaws. but there is one small detail you missed, in all these years admiring him: he has an even bigger crush on you.
☆ TAGLIST: (italics = couldn't tag) @hananovi @soobeaniee @idkwatodoanymore @huipinkhair @homohoons @rikitachquita @lethalvenus @sunoksunny @tocupid @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @winteringdream @ikeryn @ilovechanhee @thesiriusmap @heelanat @baekstans @blaycke @vernonfernandez @8turning @yeolsbestie @asteroidchenle @hvnyujiq @hikyeom @r4innoms @enhypen-scholarship @sulkygyu @meowrinz @rikimylove @ridinhyuck @lumixen @neohyxn @ceanairy @beomibeom @cherriegyu @sunwcloud @k4hzuhas @annoyingbitch83 @stickersim @dreamyyn @anawesomeaquatic @softforjungwoo @utopiakys @247hrs @sunswoonie @minhui896 @chanhee-hee @nxurxn @peachysohn @kpoprhia @haesunflower
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stevie-petey · 5 months
could we get a blurb of one day steve went and visited her at work, just some goood friendly and fun banter and friendship and maybe accidental flirting while he helps her out and hangs around? 🫶
hi anon that i have zero clue who u are you !! and yes, i CAN give u a cute lil happy blurb
enjoy <3
“lets play two truths and one lie.”
you roll your eyes at steve. “didnt i tell you to quietly stack some books while i arrange the shelves?”
“but im bored,” he groans, following you as you straighten some books and start setting up a new display area.
“youre the one who insists on coming here every day. it’s summer now. go get some sun.”
steve blinks. “but youre in here.”
“itd be boring without you, too.” he says, his face open and sweet as always. his candor is still something you arent used to. theres never anything hidden within his words.
you poke steves chest. “you need to figure out what you want, buddy.”
he grabs the hand thats poked him and tugs you close. “i wanna play two truths and one lie.”
he bats his eyes at you and your stomach flutters. youre insanely close to him now, hes still holding your hand, and he now rests his other hand on the small of your back in a way that makes you shiver in the june humidity. this close, you can see all the freckles that dot across his pretty face.
“i…” your words catch in your throat, which steve smirks at. sometimes you think he does these things purposefully, that he likes seeing you blush.
you pull away, not wanting to think too deeply into things. “fine. you go first, though.”
“yes!” steve does a happy dance, fist bumps the air, and then seems to remember that youre still there. he regains his composure and clears his throat. “okay. my first kiss was interrupted by her dad walking in and seeing us, im scared of the dark, and i was obsessed with frogs when i was younger.”
youre surprised by steves choices. theyre all so wildly random and bizarre. you think for a moment, stumped. he definitely seems like the type to be caught by a father, and what little kid doesnt love frogs?
“you’re not scared of the dark?” you finally guess.
steve cheers. “no! i win! im totally afraid of the dark, im human.”
“okay, so…” you nudge him. “what was the lie?”
“oh yeah. i was actually obsessed with toads, not frogs.”
you hit his chest. “thats cheating!”
“nuh uh. theyre different species. i won, just admit it, y/n. im like, totally better then you.”
“fine, wanna play it that way?” an evil grin spreads across your face. “my turn. ive never been kissed, my dream boyfriend is spider-man, and i have a cat named mews.”
steve answers immediately, confident in his answer. “easy. you dont have a cat named mews.”
“nope!” you go back to arranging a display, secretly elated you won. you turn back to steve and wink. “my dream boyfriend is peter parker.”
“but theyre the same person—hold on,” steve seems to realize something. “does that mean no ones ever kissed you?”
“never.” you turn now and notice that your friend is seemingly frozen in place, still processing the information youve just told him. he seems genuinely surprised.
steve is speechless. “but… i just thought—you know… youre just so you and—”
“and whats that supposed to mean?” you make a face.
“nothing bad, obviously! i just mean. well, c’mon. you gotta know what i mean—” steve is stumbling over his words with a panicked look on his face and you feel bad. you know what he meant, but you like watching him squirm.
you start to laugh. “relax, steve. im just messing with you.”
though in a way, it does kind of hurt. no ones ever shown an interest in you, but at least steve seems surprised by it. if the king of hearts was surprised by your pathetic love life, then maybe there was hope for you yet.
he exhales and rests a hand over his chest. “fuck, you gotta stop doing that.”
you smile but dont say anything else. the display still needs to be set, so you let the conversation die down and focus on it once more. youre not necessarily insecure about not having a first kiss or even a boyfriend, but it’s not your favorite topic, either.
then, after a few minutes of silence, just as you think steve has moved on, he of course has to speak.
“what if i kissed my fingers and then pressed them against your mouth—”
“shut up and stack some books.”
“yes ma’am.”
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atlabeth · 2 months
now that the dust has cleared from the chaos for me irl, i want to officially thank you all for 3000 followers!! because wow. where do i even start?
this isn't a milestone i thought i would ever reach. i made this blog during my junior year of high school when i was bored as hell in online school, not knowing what would come of it, and honestly not expecting anyone to read anything i’ve written. i exclusively wrote avatar fics (kind of embarrassing that a series i started at the beginning of my blog still isnt finished huh?) because it was what i had been watching most recently. i started to gain some recognition, made some friends, and slowly but surely i carved out my little corner of the internet. and now, 3 years, 3000 followers, and almost 500,000 words later, i’m going into my junior year of college with some of the best online friends a girl could ask for (shoutout to my day 1 @simplysolo for still being around and still being the best ever, and shoutout to all my other tumblr friends that have deactivated over the years</3 i miss you guys) a whole array of fandoms that i’ve dabbled in, and a newly discovered thing for middle aged men. cool 
i truly cannot thank you all enough. i’ve always been a writer, but this blog has given me a sorely needed creative outlet and made me more confident in my writing skills than ever. at the end of the day i’m just writing silly little x reader fics, but i’ve truly had so much fun doing it! every single fictional man im in love with is also in love with me isn’t that crazy!!!
a special, extended shoutout to the loveliest mutuals i’ve picked up over the years. i wouldn’t be half the writer i am and i wouldn’t have half as much fun on here without you all. @simplysolo for being around since the beginning and truly being the greatest person on this app, i love you intensely, @sokkadora for being another one of my ogs (we dont talk anymore but i see you every so often on my dash and you’re doing great!!) @mcallmestiles for being one of the first avatar fics i ever read, traitor encouraged me to be a better writer and i hope you’re doing well with your medical career!! @tangledinlove for being my most famous mutual, the kindest person in the world, and being brought together through the power of lockwood, @giyuji and @milkiane who are both inactive but who i have to tag because i love them and i hope they’re doing well; naomi you got me into the grishaverse and liane we were in the trenches of the stranger things revival together, @boneblushed for dealing with so much but still being phenomenal and lovely in every way, @tommymcartney for being so sweet all the time, my biggest cheerleader and encouraging my insanity in every fandom ive been a part of, @nghtwngs for being the only person who loses it over nikolai lantsov as much as i do, to all my new/more recent mutuals @hotchfiles @ma1dita @moowithmidnight @emiliehornby @supercutszns i can't wait to get to know or keep getting to know you!!! you're all so lovely!!! and all the mutuals i don’t talk to as much as i should, i love you all and cherish you in my heart regardless of if we talk every day or have never said a single word to each other!! i don’t want to tag you all because i don’t want to bother you, but if you’re looking at this and thinking am i talking about you, i am. i love you. it takes a village and im so lucky to have you all as mine 
i can’t believe it’s been 3 years, i can’t believe i’m halfway done with college, and i can’t believe we hit 3,000. truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for reading my fics and letting me be some small part of your lives. i can’t wait to write more for you all. keep a lookout for my 3k celebration post! 
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
I wanna try something different this time around.
I’ve started to grow an interest to Eyeless Jack, I mean I haven’t read the story but the character has intrigued me.
What’s some fluffy headcanons you can think of for him with a partner in general?
General hcs for Eyeless Jack x Reader !
ehehehehe welcome to the ej fan club!! evil laughs >:) gotta admit my take on ej is only loosely based around the original story (guy waking up to find one of his kidneys missing is the TLDR version) but a lot of my hcs are based around a fic (?) reimagine (?) of ej that i remember seeing floating around yeeeeears ago back in middle school and im unsure how many people follow the "jack used to be a human but got dragged into a cult/human sacrifice unwillingly" idea since i admittedly dont interact much with the fandom outside of writing these lil hcs and making fanart TToTT
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after everything that happened to him jack ran off to the woods to be away from prying human eyes, and as far as he knew he was viewed as (albeit unwilling and you could argue it was in self defense) murderer.... kind of puts a stop into your plans of finishing school and going into your dream career.. oh and also the teeny tiny detail that you now rely on human flesh as sustenance with no hope for being able to physically accept alternatives and as more time goes on you start to resemble something.. not human... theres that, too
if you want to see him during the day you're likely going to have to visit him in the woods, but fear not hes not homeless, hes found refuge in an old cabin; slowly hes been patching it up
dont expect him to make you do any work on the cabin, he views it solely as his responsibility and he'll likely deny any actual work helping rebuild it... though i dont think he would be against any tools and decoration (ex. stuff for a generator so he can have power, means to wash his clothes, basic supplies that arent food ectect)
i think overtime he would even get a little mini fridge for you so you can store snacks and drinks at his place, since he doesnt. have food
sometimes visits you at your place, but he only does this during the night so he doesnt get caught wandering the streets by other people... usually enters through the backdoor, to avoid anyone seeming coming from the front
very quiet and reserved, not very high energy... so most nights hanging out with him are calm... usually him asking you how you've been doing... you /could/ ask him the same, but he can only talk about patrolling his area in the woods for hikers straying too close so many times, and he doesnt want to bore you
thats actually another thing, he has traps set up around; mix of a means for hunting without having to go out and pick someone, and to make sure no one gets too close to the cabin
so i think, in the beginning he would ban you from coming to him without him guiding you, at least not until youve had ample time to get used to the traps and how to look for them and remember the general locations of them
teaches you how to forage, him being alone for so long has forced him to pick up new hobbies to keep him from going insane, so you now know how to do that sort of thing as well as identifying plants and fungi... fun!
on the very rare occasion you can convince jack to walk around town with you at night when everyone else is asleep.... its nice, i think.. kind of gives him a chance to just sink back into what his old life used to be and feel like hes normal again; though he tends to be quieter than usual on these walks
i dont think hes particularly possessive, dont get me wrong he cares about you and he does have the passing thought of you just up and leaving him one day (and he doesnt blame you, he holds a lot of self loathing for himself nowadays) but hes not going to be breathing down your neck and watching your every movement... he has enough trust in you not to get hurt or stuck in any situation
blunt, he doesnt beat around the bush and sometimes he doesnt sugarcoat things when the blow needs to be softened... mix of jack just being a little insensitive to others but also because hes gotten so used to thinking so logically and straight forward and numbing his own emotions over... who knows how long, probably even before he got all messed up..
can be a little sarcastic at times, so he might come off as an asshole every now and then, especially when you mix in the bluntness
i dont think he would actively try to be mean to others though, he'd try to understand and fix something if his habits upset you because he doesnt want to lose you
very cold, physically, so be sure to bring blankets and stuff when you want to cuddle into him
very careful with you, he has claws and teeth... and sometimes shedding blood around him can be really dangerous (he feeds on human material, he tends to push off eating for as long as he can since the fact hes eating people meat messes with him.. argument between survival of himself and survival of others; but due to his curse he can go into 'frenzies' and momentarily lose himself to his hunger. think how in finding nemo the sharks went nuts when dory cut her fin on accident, its like that but he doesnt go nuts all the time) so hes very very gentle even when he has a strong hold on himself
speaking of his forced diet, he doesnt eat often.. only really needing to do so every now and then, but i like to think he would still sit at the table with you to keep you company while you ate dinner
though he wouldnt want you to do the same when he DOES eat, might prefer you not come at all on those days actually
him and reader remind me of the "its rotten work"/"not to me, not if its you" audio
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onlydeas · 2 years
i think i should step in and do heimdall headcanons he needs love !! 
ever since god of war ragnarok came out idk i just fell for heimdall. it be the assholes
Heimdall headcanons
Meeting Heimdall wasn't the best thing, in fact, anybody who encountered him never had the best experience, therefore he was always regarded as Asgard's asshole. But you know what? You had so much patience with this man, even if his pettiness had forced you to hold on by a strand of hair, and you couldn't even land a hit on him, so what was the purpose of getting angry? “im sorry im actually here to work with heimdall, odin sent me” His eyebrows furrowed "You have no idea who I am, do you? im heimdall" As he uttered his name, your eyes widened, "no, I'd rather be tossed from the wall now." 
sometimes you honestly wanted to quit your job but the fear you had for odin and the ego of not quitting and no matter how annoying heimdall is you will not let him win. you can not leave “why dont you just let me do my job alone you suck at fighting and you bore me” heimdall was your number one hater “ so if i were to take a tooth from you and sell it for money id be in the wrong huh” heimdall turned around feeling his teeth how could you say that he needs to be careful now and take care of his teeth or one day he’s waking up with none
Working with heimdall was a pain in the ass; how could one be so bossy? Why couldn't we simply have some fun for a while? No, you had to be on your feet with the man whose only friend was gulltoppr. “hey heimdall why dont we have some fun and explore Asgard” heimdall looked at you and only one word left his mouth “no” How could he be so irritating? Why couldn't he show you around and tell you about this place? "But why not? I believe I deserve it because I've been helping you around here." Heimdall gave you a sidelong glance "I already seen it all," you grabbed his arm and pulled him down to you. "I haven't seen everything, so please show me around."
heimdall looked into your eyes seeing how badly you wanted him to take you around he sighed and rolled his eyes “only once you’re honestly really annoying” you smiled and followed him towards gulltoppr and got on. The whole tour of asgard and heimdall explaining the history of it made you so happy you couldn’t believe you didnt ask for a tour a while ago its beautiful, heimdall took a glance at you, you appeared to be paying close attention to everything heimdall was saying. “you know heimdall for someone who always has something negative to say you aren’t so bad” you laughed, you payed attention to the beauty of Asgard while he was mesmerized by you
ever since that day heimdall gave you a tour he’s been surprisingly nicer to you even though he’s tried to drop you off the wall multiple times and still gives you his petty comments for no reason he was nicer while you put no attention to it heimdall was loosing his mind because he was developing feelings for you and he knew that he knew that really well every time you spoke to him his cheeks would turn pink and being a pale guy wasn’t really helping him he felt betrayed by his own body he didnt even want to make eye contact with you for seeing the future or reading your mind would hurt him if he found out you wanted nothing to do with him for someone who can not relax even for a moment this was driving him insane but he needed to be professional
heimdall was a bother to you keyword ‘was’ you couldnt stand him at all but being around him and learning more about him actually made you really happy he made you really happy you couldnt stand not being around him he was your partner after all how could an asshole to everything make you feel this way you would wait for him outside his place every morning to start the day you’d follow him everywhere hearing his voice made you so happy. you and him were like rosemary and thyme you both were amazing together you wouldnt even mind heimdall reading your mind with his foresight but lately he wouldnt look at you
his feelings only grew stronger day by day as much as he wanted to tell you how much you mean to him and how he would go to war for you he tried to focus on what you were here for ‘work’ he didnt want anyone getting in trouble because of his feelings so he pushed them so deep into his heart he thought the only way he wouldnt think about it was to ignore you and act like how he does with everyone. that only hurt your feelings so much why was he acting that way with you, you only wanted to tell him about your feelings but he wouldn’t make eye contact with you or even speak to you, he doesn’t know how badly his actions were hurting you “heimdall can we please talk, why are you ignoring me?” heimdall didnt look at you he only continued what he was doing “heimdall please listen to me”
as much as you tried to speak to him he would only turn his back to you this really was hurting you so much you thought you both were forming a really good friendship now out of no where he starts being a asshole to you again like how it first started “you left me waiting, you know im not really patient heimdall when i confronted you about not speaking to me you didnt say anything why are you doing this?” heimdall looked at you after so long and spoke “what is there to say (y/n) i dont need to listen to you we arent friends so give me space and stay out of my way” that really did it that broke your heart into so many pieces before he could even walk away you grabbed his hand “please dont leave me ive been going through emotions you dont even know about and each time i try to make you look at me so you can see how much i feel for you, you always ignore me!”
“what do you need (y/n)! what do you want?!” your eyes were filled with tears any second you could just burst into tears, you pulled him down and kissed him and for once someone actually touched him your tears flowed down your cheeks as you kissed him “i need and want you heimdall..i really truly love you so much” heimdall looked into your eyes seeing how much you really do love him he sighed in relief that you felt the same way he pressed his lips on yours holding you face
being heimdalls lover was such a dream I mean of course everyone would always ask you what do you see him that they dont with heimdalls cocky personality he was literally such a dream to you imagine just having a boyfriend who's rude to the whole world but with you hes so sweet and patient
heimdall couldn't keep his hands off you he just wanted to feel you all the time he wasn't fond of the pda maybe just holding your hand, kissing your cheeks and hugging you every chance he could get but in private oh gosh he doesnt stop kissing you, touching you he follows you everywhere seriously hes like a duckling he just cant get enough of you, hes so in love with you "heimdall..do you really need to follow me into the bathroom" heimdall nods you dont know if hes trying to protect you orrr hes just being a creep
his foresight is truly amazing he always knows what you want, when you want and how. sometimes he can be such a tease about it too I mean sometimes you want to kiss him but he dodges you and teases you about it when you fail to kiss him not just once, or twice but after hes done laughing and teasing you he gives you so much kisses to make up the ones you tried to give him "how could you dodge my kisses!" heimdall laughs kissing you all over
in heimdalls eyes you are everything he needs in his life he would never leave you, you being a mortal and him being a god gave him so much motivation into protecting you from all harm in the world he always says things like you were created in this world for him to love, protect, to hold, to feel you he can’t do anything if you arent in his life his words are seriously the sweetest thing ever he always knows what to say having a god as a boyfriend and not only that he is very intelligent but sometimes he forgets to think hes very impulsive he hates it when other gods ask you for favors why you? why couldnt they pick all the other mortals or find a god or something why bother whats his?
heimdall surprisingly talks about marriage with you everyone is so surprised since he seems like he’d rather be alone forever cause of his attitude with everyone he talks about marriage and a family how he wants to raise children with you he brings it up more then you do! even at random times like when you both are sleeping together…“so if when we get married should we get gulltoppr to be the flower-“ you groaned and sat up “seriously heimdall go to bed” heimdall sat uo to look at you “its a serious question y/n!!”
lets be honest im sure heimdall would be so clingy the way hes dedicated to protecting asgard im sure he’d always want to be with you its like he’d want to be apart of you he’s the type to stay so close to you never leaving your side for nothing who knows what other gods have in mind
you are what calms him every time hes about to explode he thinks about you he constantly whispers your name every second this man has anger issues he cannot relax for a moment thor literally has him on his last strand his strand is thinner than hair, everyone is very fond of you you changed his attitude he isnt so mean as before but when you arent near him he may explode any second “ just think about y/n yes think about y/n, y/n will get very mad if i do something wrong and i dont want that just imagine y/n” heimdall is smiling at a corner thinking about you so he wouldn’t start a war
whatever you want you shall receive even if he doesnt even know what it is he will find it or create it, his attention is all yours he could constantly stare at you speaking for hours but thats you, heimdall never stops talking and you admire him and how talkative he is. heimdall seriously loves you so much he’s balance he loves to give you everything you need from gifts, communication to love and attention
heimdall and you are seriously best friends and lovers heimdall always comes to you as if he was a best friend ready to spill gossip from anything he seems like he loves having those gossip talks its his second favorite thing and his first is you “yeah thors at it again im surprised Sif hasnt said anything to him she never does its usually thrúd” heimdall rolled his eyes and took a bite out of his food “heimdall you know you cant reason with thor plus hes went through a lot” heimdall looked at you “yes but he handles it with his drinking problem could never and would never be me” you sighed and smiled heimdall is a hater to mankind
(NSFW mild warning ig)
sometimes when hes in the mood if you know what I mean *side eye* its just the best thing ever looking into your eyes and seeing everything you want he'll do it hes so very dominate he always wants to be in control I mean why wouldn't he be he knows the future and he knows what you want during it he loves everything about you I wouldn't say even your imperfections because to him you are the most perfect being ever he loves you he needs you. hes so obsessed with everything about you, his voice is so gentle even when hes being cocky during it, it makes you melt just by him already knowing hes good at what hes doing to you
he can be rough not so rough he doesnt want to hurt you because he is way stronger then you since hes a god and hes extremely fast it feels like you're going into another realm. heimdall loves when you're being vocal during it he wants everyone to know you are his and what you and him are doing that very moment sometimes he can be a asshole and make you cry during it if he doesnt make you cry did you really enjoy it? im sure hes so good with his hands I mean his long fingers says it all as soon as he gets his hands on your body prepare for the best feeling of your life. cant get over his foresight its so attractive seeing into the future he just knows what to do to you. his eyes are the only thing that glows during that moment he always keeps his eyes on you even when you try to look away he moves your face back to him he makes sure to make you look at him every second
when you want to be top and he allows it hes just a mess he cant stop blushing he just cant get over how good you look being on top of him no matter who it is he hates being looked down on but you he cant get over it he loves it so much just holding you and looking at you he cant get his eyes off you
overall heimdall is such a dream hes a tall, strong blond, hes a god and not only that his eyes are so beautiful you get mesmerized with only looking into then hes a asshole to everyone but with you he will always be your number one fan and the person he loves the most and it shows everyone knows how much that man loves you and would live and die for you because you are and always will be the one for him as he always says “until my heart beats for the last time only then will i maybe stop loving you” keyword maybe but we all know even in death he’d love you forever even when hes reborn again he will love
i failed my presentation for AP Seminar for this i hope you all love this because that horrifying grade was worth it i love heimdall
if you guys want more let meee knowww !!!
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thearchercore · 3 months
the f1 fanbase on twitter is soooo much for me. if its not about how max is only winning cause he has the fastest car its about how charles <<< carlos (both talented but its so obvious charles is more consistent. i wont lie that carlos has been doing good this season). going back to max both new and old fans dont understand yes, you need a fast car to win but its not just the car but also the driver. like imagine driving an alpine and thinking you have a chance at winning a WDC. when lewis had a fast car he dominated but now when he doesn't have the dominating car people flip their switch and say oh its all in the driver not the car. people especially forget that max and lewis were neck and neck even after all the dnfs and lewis obviously had the faster car in 2021. saying f1 is boring because the same person wins obviously don't watch the races. who cares about the +20sec?? it just shows how flawless max is with a good car when his teammate has the same car (adding to this people need to stop the checo hate, man is doing amazing)
Im just so frustrated with the whole charles and whole rb domination thing. stop putting charles and carlos against each other, stop putting down rb team's talents and saying its just the car. they especially have good chemistry and strategies which i think played a lot more than just the car in the 2023 season. like imagine calling someone washed and proceeding to pray on a dnf and proceed to be happy with a race that resulted in the same thing but different winner.
i just want a Lesteppan podium is that hard to ask for. im so sorry for my long rant i just had to get it off LOL. forgive me for all my grammatical errors
one thing about f1 twitter - it's the best place to get news asap. it's objectively the best platform re: wheel knowledge HOWEVER, it does have individuals who are incredibly biased and are not afraid to fight over absolute nonsense just today we got:
carlos stans calling a ferrari update account "charles biased" because they posted a child saying his favourite f1 driver is charles and not carlos
the stans then managed to talk badly about the child who said he's a charles fan???
and then to top it off the sainz gang backed up the sky sports presenter who claimed charles is "depressed and emotional this week" because the presenter has a long career in motorsport so he HAS to know what he's talking about.
these discourses are just absolutely insane, and the ferrari renewal situation made it worse so if you don't feel like it, just don't go there lmao. but it does give you valuable info.
also the hate max gets is also insane, i'm proud of his domination but their absolute disgust in his every achievement is just questionable.
i recommend filtering your media consumption by just doing tumblr if it upsets you because here you can be more careful in who you follow.
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batw1nggg · 3 months
this is just me being silly but im making a script for an essay video analyzing all of nagito's songs because i realized a lot of people dont even know about all of them especially poison i have absolute hope birthday and remaining cherry blossoms practically finished but i have no idea where to start with what poison is about lmao
if u do end up recording the essay PLZZZ LINK !!! i would love to see !!!!
ok so i’ll only be able to give a very surface level analyzation because i don’t know japanese and translations between eng and jp are always sort of janky, i might get some things wrong or miss some nuances (if anyone knows some japanese and wants to chime in please please do!!). but i can definitely give u the basic gist of it. translation taken from the danganronpa fandom wiki page. ok here we go
so the song takes place when komaeda kills himself (“I believe that hope / And will offer my pulsating heart / For the sake of that brilliance / I’ll tear apart my chest / Until the very last drop / Trickles down and wets my lips”, “I am merely watching over you”).
To me it seems like a summary of his thought process — he mentions wanting to “meet the biggest hope” (the hope that will overcome the despair of and end the killing game), how he has “no need for worthless things / anything ordinary and boring” (his thoughts on talentless people). those parts of the song are just outlining the basics of his worldview.
but, because this song is about komaeda’s death, it’s also inextricably tied to hinata. we see this most explicitly with the line “I love, and want to understand / him more than anyone else”. a main theme of komahina is their desire to understand each other.
That’s the really obvious hinata reference, but he also seems to be referenced more subtly throughout:
- “I have no need for worthless things / anything ordinary and boring / What meaning is there to words that will neither be deadly poison nor cure?” this is komaeda talking about how he thinks talentless people are boring, they’re neither shining hope (like the ultimates) nor crushing despair (like junko) and are just pawns in the game; but also, who exactly was it that chose to be neither deadly poison (despair) or cure (hope)? to create an ending separate of hope and despair altogether, to create a new choice, to focus on the future? komaeda’s asking what meaning there is to anything that is neither pure hope nor pure despair — anything that is not necessary to the cycle of hope and despair. hinata will go on to give him the answer.
- “When drinking poison poured into a glass will you drink it immediately or throw it away?” this one seems vague but I’m inclined to believe it’s about hinata because it’s followed by “I am merely watching over you / to whom the last choice is given”. the “whom” is very obviously hinata, he’s the one that makes the choice to wake up and then inspires everyone else to choose the same. that former lyric about the poison seems to be a fancy way of komaeda asking whether or not hinata will give into the despair of finding out the truth (drinking the poison) or decide to keep going despite it (throwing it away). he’s watching over hinata in death, entrusting hinata with that decision.
hinata being a core part of this song really speaks to how much trust komaeda was putting into hinata in chapters 5 and 6. i’ve already made a post or two about how komaeda’s faith in hinata to solve trial 5 and survive trial 6 was an integral factor in the game’s ending. komaeda can’t talk about his death without hinata being part of the conversation; hinata is the only one who’s ever tried to understand him instead of completely writing him off as insane, he’s a big part of komaeda’s life. we see at the end of the komaeda pov manga that hinata was komaedas last thought before death.
so yeah. to summarize: the song is about chapter 5. komaeda talks about his worldview, talks about how his worldview and faith in hope led to his sacrifice, and talks about his faith in hinata.
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nostalgic-muffins · 8 months
bored out of my mind so here r my obey me hcs for what halloween costume they would wear. idk
i just know his ass is the parent with no costume walking behind all of his brothers and having to carry their candy. BUT if he HAD to wear a costume then i think hed wear like a vampire costume or smth. idk i dont think hed wear anything
werewolf. need i say more
he has like a whole bunch of cosplay already so either a tsl character, ruri chan, or like a random ass anime character. asmo would see him putting on his ruri chan costume right before they go trick or treating up in the human world and be like "HELL NO YOUR NOT GOING OUT LIKE THAT" and make him wear something else. anyway he went out as a diff anime character. but SPECIFICALLY an anime character that has headphones so he can listen to happy halloween by junky on loop throughout the night to drown out the sounds of his brothers arguing while belphie and satan plot ways to kill lucifer (they are literally plotting out loud right behind him and lucifer repeatedly goes "you two realize i can hear you, right?" at least four different times and every time he says it they look at him like hes insane before going back to plotting out loud)
either a werewolf or cat
heres why.
cat: for obvious reasons
werewolf: if lucifer decided to go as a vampire then hed go as a werewolf bc i just KNOW hes read twilight (source: trust me bro). if hes upset about being werewolves w mammon then hell go as a cat instead
its the one time of the year where he can wear whatever the fuck he wants so he goes all out!! makeup, dresses, high heels, everything!! hed probably wear one of those sexy nurse costumes and be silly all night while flirting w the humans that r giving out candy
burger. like the burger costume jade west wore from victorious. (please know what im taking about please know what im taking about please know what im taking about please know what im taking abou-) it makes him hungry tho so yall have to stop by mcdonalds every two seconds (rip ur wallet bc none of them have human world money </3) either that or a werewolf just like in the halloween event
he wears the fuckin snork mimimi old man pjs and he has the long ass hat and fuzzy slippers and he carries around a candle and everything. also hes carrying his candy in a pillowcase and ends up making lucifer carry it not even halfway through the night bc "hes tired"
hed be like "yippee!! human world candy!!" in his demon form and the humans giving him candy would be FUCKING TERRIFIED. theyre shaking and slowly giving him the whole bowl of candy and hes like "oh my!! i didnt know humans were so generous!"
he probably wouldnt wear a costume. hed just be following diavolo around tho. diavolo would beg him to do smth tho so hed end up going in his demon form or smth
he was debating what he should dress up as like the whole month of october and every. single. time he asked, the brothers would be like "go as a chihuahua." and hed lose his shit. he ended up going as a flying squirrel tho so that was adorable.
idk i feel like he wouldnt wear a costume. hed help luke carry around his candy tho. luke would beg him to just wear his angel outfit and hed give in. he would get soooo many compliments throughout the night.
hed be like a mad scientist w a white lab coat and safety goggles and gloves and everything
OR (this one is my favorite out of the two for him)
jack skellington. now here me out on this one-
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Omg I’m so happy you replied!! I definitely have more questions.
1. What Cillian character do you like writing about the most and why?
2. What story from your master list are you most proud of?
3. Do you personally have any fic recommendations/ must reads? Other sites included.
4. What gets you inspired to write? Following that question have you ever abandoned a fic?
5. What do you think made you a better writer? If you have any doubts about your work, how do you get past it enough to continue?
6. Is there a Cillian character that you just don’t like, or aren’t interested in watching/ writing about? (Sorry if that’s a loaded question)
omg thank u so much for this!!! i srsly love interacting w u guys, tysm for the thought provoking questions😄🙌
i think i like writing most about robert fischer:) ik it probably doesnt translate considering ive written most for jonathan crane but robert fischer is just such a little sweetheart to me,,, and can go both ways in being a sassy dom douchebag or being a sobbing daddy issues sub darling LOLLL i just think he has a lot of duality to delve into and develop (which ive definitely not done so far☠️) and it helps that his characterization in inception was also very surface level— i have a lot of wiggle room y’know??
i think im most proud of “dine & dash” which im aware probably no-one has read, but getting chris o’doyle’s sassy little dialogue down was like taming a wild beast,,, otherwise, considering my more well-known work, i rly liked writing “honey, i’m home”. i go crazy for the unhinged readers (if u couldnt alrdy tell lmaooo) and seeing jackson get messed with like that was a real treat.
i seriously just recommend anything by @mypoisonedvine,,, they’re literally genius & are the reason i started writing for cillian:)!! other mentions include kitten fics by @pictureinme and, a personal fave, @floralcyanidee’s jackson rippner mile-high club fic!!! these writers are all incredibly talented and im just blown away at their work every single time🫶
my thirst is such a big motivator for writing LMAO😭i wrote “guinea pig” ‘cus i wanted to absolute wreckkk jonathan crane and have him be a sub, and i got a 6.8k words long fic out of said thirst! music & book quotes motivate me a lot too— i spend sm time digging thru my pinterest for a good quote for the beginning of my fic its actually insane☠️and yes,,, im ashamed to say ive abandoned fics numerous times,,, but thats because they were series’, not oneshots. i get bored of series’ pretty quickly, ‘cause i feel kind of trapped by the initial dynamic or mood set in the first chapter. with oneshots, its like writing one long chapter of this trope and this kink or whatever and then its done, and i dont have to exhaust myself going back to tropes or kinks or storylines ive already done.
i think reading made me a better writer. expanding my vocabulary through the words of others was a biggie; seeing something be described in a certain way in someones story had me thinking of out-of-the-box ways to describe another thing (that doesn’t make much sense but lets pretend it does😭). i have many, many doubts about my work, like constantly, but i usually just suck it up. i sound like an attention whore but seeing the reposts & comments & tags on my other work reminds me people like what i’ve written before and certain people will enjoy what ive written now, so i should just finish my work for them. i also take like 100 years rereading my stuff until i think its good enough lmao,,,
ive kinda watched his whole roster of films (atleast ones i could actually find on the internet and not gone missing as a lost piece of media lmao) and i could probably write for any cillian character given i had a good idea and proper motivation. writing for certain characters is definitely harder for me to do though, so its likely i wont write for them/will take a long time to do so. an example is lenny miller— anna was such an insufferable movie to me, and lenny’s screentime wasn’t long at all, atleast not long enough for me to properly grasp his character. he just felt like a horny hardass fbi goof the whole time i could not take his 5’7 ass seriously😭cillian is smexy as hell in anna tho, so we’ll see😈another would probably be robert capa from sunshine,,, hes beautiful and deliciously musty in that but the whole spaceship setting kinda freaks me out (considering i know 0 zilch nada about space, spaceships, or anything of the sort, so it’d definitely be inaccurate). an au with him id definitely do, though! (with that hair of his my mind is already forming a 90s band au, guitarist!capa x singer!reader story…)
again thank u so much for these questions!! i feel like i rarely get to chat to u guys so this was well appreciated😄🫶thank you so much for reading, for sending these questions in, and for being an overall sweetheart, anon!
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arunneronthird · 1 year
hello!! i saw your post about most consistently liking bruce wayne's characterization, and i was wondering if you had any recommendations of good places to start for someone who loves batman but is newer to reading comics?? there's so much out there that it feels a bit daunting!! (i love your art so much by the way!! 💕 hope you're having a great day)
(thank u so much! hope ur having a lovely day too)
okay let me preface this by saying that im also pretty new to batman, and im a heathen and just started reading from batman (1940) #357 cause i just cannot deal with comics from before the 80s and also i really wanted to know who the fuck jason was, also i still have A LOT to read so pls someone ask me this again in like half a year, also i will limit myself to like, straight up batman books
anyway, i DEEPLY recommend u read:
first of all, batman: year one, the story of how bruce became batman, absolutely fundamental and one of the best batman comics ever made, its a thin book but its the necessary introduction to his character
second, i really like jasons run in general, but id read batman: a death in the family, where jason dies, its not necessarily the best written but it basically changed everything batman was forever, its a plot point we are still trying to get over (if ur bored, id continue with the start of tims run where u get to see batman spiraling down and lil tim trying to save a mourning father
now, as some people may know, i am a morrison apologist, and he had a pretty long batman run which starts with batman and son, where he meets damian, bruce isnt there for some of the run, which focuses on dick and damian, but theres a book called batman: the return of bruce wayne where he comes back from being lost in time and that book is literally insane
as for my genuine favorite batman book, snyder (no relation to the fuckface that made the movies) wrote batman vol 1: the court of owls, this book i recommend with my life, one of the best comics ive read PERIOD, it dips into horror and it basically rewrites gotham and its so good i dont have the words
i also recommend batman: the knight, its a really recent book but it tackles what bruce did right before batman: year one and even though and its such a fun, intense reading with incredibly solid characters
finally, i really enjoyed the start of zdarskys run, batman vol 1: failsafe, which just ended and just makes me believe batman has some good runs in him still
note: i dont think u need to read these in order, i put them chronologically but they mostly work as standalone or are easy enough to follow or are morrisons and therefore insane, but i do recommend starting by year one
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pompadourpink · 10 months
Hi mom! I need some advice ! I trust your opinion , im so sorry that this will be a long one ! Im starting my freshmen year at college this fall, after a prep year. I want to open an instagram account , i like taking pictures and i want to keep up with my friends from prep year. The thing is i am a socially anxious person. And when i was in middle school i was made fun of because i had so little followers ( like 25 smthing) and i got sad and closed my account. I was 12 when that happened, i was also being bullied in many other ways. So i am afraid now that people will mock me for not having many followers and they will think im unsociable or uncool or something like that. The thing is i also think instagram is a fake place, but many school clubs announce things there and in college you just want to fit in. Also i was the nerd all my school life, i got no attention from boys whatsoever. I got really insecure, all the people that saw me this year tell me that i have changed so much, now i get compliments about my looks but i still feel unconfident. When it comes to interacting with boys all my friends tell me im too unapproachable. Maybe an ig account will help that? honestly idk. and i know that im overthinking this issue but that’s me unfortunately 😭
part 1
part 2
actually i hate ig flirting? like what does liking a story even mean i hate that kind of stuff. But appearently my generation dont know how to make a move in real life because all the relationships i know of starts online. I cant complain because i could have made a move? but i didnt because im anxious and sometimes insecure because of all the bullying i got in middle school. They made fun of me in unimaginably cruel ways , it still has affects on me years later. I am so desperate for male attention, like i was wearing a tshirt that was slightly wide in the collar and a classmate checked me out , i got really happy! How silly is that! Because i was told that thet were disgusted to even look at me before and they dont consider me as a woman !
Now i go to the best college in the country, i changed a lot physically ( that doesnt matter, i could stay ugly and they had no right) and they are still horrible human beings. Sorry to burden you with all these stuff, it took another turn .
Since i got shit treatment for being ugly earlier in my life, i guess i need validation, posting pretty pictures and being hit on by boys and it sounds silly to me but it is like that.
What do you think about this issue? I know that it’s a bit all over the place , sorry about that! Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️
Hello dear,
There is a lot to unpack here so Dr Talks too much is back in office.
Of course, you should get IG if you feel like it. You were 12 a long time ago, those people are probably not in your life anymore (and if they are, they should get fired, no one will arrest you for not talking to people). I also have a ridiculous number of followers and I don't even think about it (at least they actually care when I post), that is not what we are here for, numbers mean nothing and anyone who tries to tell you anything different doesn't deserve a place in your life.
You are at an age where this type of desire makes sense. If you want a collage of the things you love to make yourself feel happy and discover yourself, do it. And yes, if people find your account and like it, you could make some friends. And if they don't and mock you, you know who to avoid.
The rant about loneliness is worrying me greatly. If I could go back and talk to my 18-year-old self, I would tell her to drop the boy-obsessed attitude. The truth is that being desperate is a bad look, but also a very obvious one. You can get groomed easily because what you want is flagrant and any guy at least a little bit charming will drive you insane by just maintaining eye contact and smiling. And if a man can be super lazy and still get you, he will do exactly that and play with you until he's bored and dumps you without a care in the world. That is not a compliment. There are too many stories of women who put men first and got fucked over for people your age to try it and think it will go differently. Make yourself the main character of your life instead of forcing yourself to live in the shadow of people who don't even seem to like you.
Now, some homework:
Watch this. Excellent advice from a 20-year-old lady making the best out of loneliness instead of letting it destroy her.
And this. What happens when girls are boy-obsessed. If you have time, watch the show. The entire world agrees that Carrie is the worst character of the series because she's a shit friend, doesn't learn from her mistakes, and can't be trusted.
And finally, worry about yourself. There are billions of men on Earth and many will find you attractive. You have a long life ahead of you. A nice body is not enough to keep a guy and even models get cheated on. Don't date someone because he liked your cleavage. Having low confidence is a curse because it turns you into a people pleaser, and that just makes you a liar and an easy victim. People can't know you if there's no one to know. A great personality is what makes people stick. Listen to yourself, try fun things, find a therapist, and get a couple of hobbies. Get yourself some girlfriends and do things with them, strengthen your circle, make yourself a person worthy of being befriended or dated, and one day someone will say oh, there's that guy I used to know in high school, I think you would really like him. Don't force it. Don't chase. Only accept someone who is truly happy to be around you, or sentence yourself to have to heal from relationships forever.
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lorillee · 10 months
mvk, godot, dahlia CONTROVERSY TRIPLE
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anyways its time for the culling of new followers. yes i am a manfred von karma stan hes insane and im obsessed with him and the popular fanon is 1) boring 2) stupid 3) uncanon 4) did i mention boring. for a more comprehensive take on my view of the von karma-edgeworth family soap opera i recommend taking a gander through my tag for it or alternatively just reading my aii2 retrospective. ANYWAYS with the disclosure statement out of the way . 1) his design slays what else is there to say. he was always serving. 2) the fanon SUCKS like im sorry but if what you got out of aa1 + investigations 1&2 was "manfred physically beat his kids on the regular and they hate him so much forever with 0 complicated feelings at all" um. maybe go back and re-consume the text. please. lets indulge ourselves in a bit of nuance. i would certainly not call manfred von karma father of the year (whatever was going on with turnabout goodbyes + me when i encourage my children in their fight with each other to determine who truly belongs in the family like a normal parent) but like. guys . just because he was a bad person doesnt mean he is now The Worst Guy in every single avenue ever. like. sigh . sorry we've looped back around to complaining about bad fanon. ANYWAYS no truly one of the most baffling characters in the franchise and i am desperately fascinated with whatevers going on inside his head . frankly every single one of his actions in regards to dl-6 on every front follow like no logical pathway i can discern and its truly something to behold. like whats wrong with you (rhetorical question - more interesting if we dont get an answer).
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half of me considered ticking "they've never done anything wrong in their life <33" despite the fact that i blatantly think its untrue and prefer it that way even simply to spite all the people who are annoying about him being mean to phoenix. ANYWAYSSSSSS S . 1) the design slays. obsessed with everything about him 2) they shouldnt bring him back but also they should bring him back. for me. ive convinced myself of the existence of the diego & lana & simon prison prosecutor trio and i need capcom to validate me they would be so . something together. mainly funny 3) to be honest there are some people i would attack through the screen over their terrible diego opinions. truly. like sorry but if you hate him i dont think we can be friends and some of you are truly beyond help. tbh i think half the reason they hate him so much is because 1) hes the Big Scary Brown Man whos soooooo mean to their poor uwu bean phoenix and 2) all of his important relationships are with women so they cant yaoi him off in a corner . ANYWAYS . hes everything to me i love his self-destructive mental illness swag which prompts him to lash out at the people around him and make terrible decisions which needlessly negatively impact like everybody he gets involved with in any capacity post coma. hes not stupid he just needs severe psychiatric help <3 i think he shouldve killed misty twice <- no hate against misty i also love her mental illness swag but i also support everything diego does unconditionally
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tldr: dahlia should get to kill and ruin whoevers lives she wants i support her unconditionally (no this does not conflict with my diego opinions. i can hold multitudes) un-tldr: to be honest her in-game writing kind of sucks (spectacular essay written on this here, which frankly puts it better than i ever could. thats the problem with this part im trying to think of opinions that arent covered in that but like it really hits all of them) but nonetheless as a notable fan of the Fey Family Period Drama how could i not love dahlia given that shes like one of the key pieces of evidence of the mass destruction that the current system in kurain causes to everybody it touches. "wahhh she was just Born Evil" not listening dont care. people also hate her for being mean to phoenix i think but i dont care about that either they just hate to see a girlboss winning. or losing tbh because thats like 80% of what dahlia did. but like still the spirit is there. also to be honest it kills me that we got like no elaboration on her relationship with iris because thats like actually SO interesting its so interesting but we get NOTHINGGGGGGGGG because the aa writers hate dahlia and they hate ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but anyways yeah if dahlia wants to maim and kill well then i support her #feminism #womensupportingwomen #terrymightnothavebeenamurderer #buthesurewasapedophile!
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angelwonie · 1 year
2022 is already over but i still want to make this post because i love you guys and you made this year more bearable, so...
dear followers...
you guys are what keeps me going. thank you so much for supporting me, liking my writing, and filling out every stupid form i post on impulse. thank you for always being patient and discussing your thoughts with me. thank you for choosing to stick with me of all people. i am so grateful for all of you and my time on tumblr!! tumblr is like an escape from reality for me and you guys make it so much fun <3
dear mutuals...
@cosmic-railwayxo - you fucking loser i think youre the best thing that happened to me all year (except guesung's abs). thank you so much for being my friend, for talking to me literally everyday, for giving me something to look forward to when im at uni and want to die. i love facetiming u, i love sending u reels, i love how we r literally bffs even if there are thousands of km between us. that much doesnt matter when we gossip or talk abt kpop men fs BAHAHAHA. anyways i could probably write an essay abt u and how much i love your colossal cock, but this is getting long so all im gna say is i love you.
@hwangyeonjun - rels my bae ur 97' liner smau is what gives me oxygen to breathe (on that note,, I NEED AN UPDATE). thank u for being my mutual and slaying with me even tho im a little insane. i love you!!
@hwajin - kATHY GIRL u were the one that had to listen to me scream about arisu and u literally wrote me a fic for him???? we r besties for life atp. we should write each other fics sometime again bcs that was sm fun. ure so hot and nice and ur hyunjin series slays. thank you for being my friend and always giving me the same energy back!! kisses for u
@hoshologies - moon omg we've known each other so long but it feels so short??? i hope ure slaying all ur days away bcs ure fucking amazing and u deserve it. once every month when it's a full moon i lay down on the grass and think abt how much i miss ur writing and u actually. hope we keep in touch in 2023, i love you bestieee
@jjkeverlast - lati thank u sm for being my friend!! i love talking to u about everything and nothing (read: the dilf from aib) and ure so kind honestly (when ure not stealing kento yamazaki from me BOOOO). i hope we interact a lot in 2023 and i wish you all good things this year!! you deserve it.
@jayzdaze - kay u queen. ur fics never dissappoint and ure so??? mature and cool i think of u as my older sister fr. im so happy to be ur moot and friend and i hope we remain close in 2023 as well. love you bae!
@jenoslutie - nabi i swear i followed u bcs ur name is the same as that girl from nevertheless HAJASJKAJKA but i fell in love with you and your sexy brain too. ur fics always deliver and i miss our convos sm :/ we should start talking more again!! either way im so happy to have you as a mutual and ily.
@kookiecrumb - ISA MY FIRST MUTUAL OMG!!! there's so much i want to say to you but i dont even know if i can put it into words. youre so amazing, talented and intelligent. i think you might be the most intellectual person i have ever met. i am never bored when we talk to each other, and i always leave our conversations in a happy mood. i love your passion for bts and i love your big sexy brain. i hope we stay friends forever.
@mingirn - mars idk abt u but im ur number one fan forever. like idc if we dont talk for a month, the moment i see mingirn on dash or in my ask i SQUEAL. i love you so so much and ure so funny and delusional (omg ure just like me) and im so happy we r moots. i would literally fight w armys for u. thats true love i'm telling u.
@neochan - sam ure like that mutual everyone is afraid of bcs theyre just so. cool. i love you so much and i love talking abt nct with u bcs ure the only one that gets my obsession with their cocks. thank you for being my mutual (and friend, i hope) and for blessing me with your fics!!
@planetdream - dreamie i swear to god you were the second blog i followed on here (i unfollowed the first so ure technically the first tho hihi) and i literally have flashbacks whenever i reread ur fics kskasksska. we've never talked like super much, but whenever we do i feel happy, and im glad that feeling hasnt faded throughout all those months. u will always hold a special place in my heart and im so glad to be ur friend!!
@shmooooo - isa u were literally my savior when i was in my cha eunwoo phase. like there is no one on tumblr that simps for that guy and im like??? hello wake up. thank you so much for talking to me about him and my fics, i appreciate you bae!!
@wuahae - cat i love you so so much!! ur writing is so alluring and beautiful, and your personality is too. i always have sm fun talking to u and whenever i see you on dash, i smile. we need to talk more bcs i NEED to hear your thoughts on every picture mingyu and hoshi post on instagram.
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
I just read your Omeagorverse post and I hope you know I am turning it over in my brain and I am obsessed with the aegon -aerion- Helena stuff going on as well as all the blood magica
I would like to very politely ask for lesbian Maris infor
under da cut ^_^ dont click if u have respect for me cos youll lose it when u see my devianart ocs
ok so maris is ceryse' niece, grew up in the hightower. her mother's a peake cos lol lmao and i wanted the peakes in the targ bloodline 😈 there's a historical character called patrice hightower who was maybe a witch and maybe poisoned the high septon. and as a kid maris was great aunt patrice's shadow who followed her everywhere asking about glass candles and such. after viserys, maegor reached an agreement with the faith that targs can have one westerosi bride, one valyrian bride (for him it's ceryse and viserys). so jae was betrothed to both maris hightower and aerea (daughter of rhaena) on the wedding day maris is 13, jae is 14 and aerea is 16. bit before the wedding though, viserra and aerea do One Last Gal Pal Hang and fly on balerion to valyria and aerea comes back all fucked up so jae and maris marry alone
maris does nawt like aerea because aerea is totally detached from court etc and maris is still in writhing tentacle mass of feudalism. combo of jealousy and a little crush on the cool older butch. she also thinks the polygamy thing is offensive and that she is being slighted (she is) so when aerea dies she's like. well im 13 so im just not gonna unpack that whatsoever and be glad im gonna be sole queen.
i gave her seven girlfriends based on the seven gods cos thats fun to me. first gf is her childhood girlfriend, her cousin patricia (The Father gf). brought to court as her lady-in-waiting but she got bored of patricia trying to scheme and dominate her so she arranged a marriage to a lannister cousin. patricia ends up adopting viserra's lannister kids after viserra gets kicked out of casterly rock. she ends up being the Dad Who Stepped Up to them :)
The Mother gf is desmera webber a distant cousin on the peake side of the family married to a mullendore knight. desmera is a social climber who maris thinks is funny she thinks the attempts at sabotage and subterfuge are cute entertainment. desmera's husband dies and and maris realises desmera killed him so she could find a better richer husband and when desmera tries to seduce jae she's like ight ok thats enough Its Not Funneh Enymore (british accent). then its a fun cat and mouse game where maris marries her off a couple times and each time desmera kills him cos she wants to marry a better guy. maris ends up killing her and framing it as a suicide cos desmera tries blackmailing her with the lesbian thing +targ secrets.
Warrior gf is a lady knight :) she's bethany brune The She-Bear from crackclaw point :) kind of like jonquil darke/alysanne. dies protecting maris rip
Smith gf is a lowborn blacksmith wife :) after aerion murdered the high septon maris went kinda cuckoo and ran off to harrenhal cos she hated jae so much. then viserra is just too crazy for her so maris says fuck it and dresses like a peasant and lives in lord harroway's town for a while where she meets sexy big milf butch tansy and lives her marie antoinette peasant milkmaid fantasy for a while before she gets bored and misses her kids and fancy clothes so she and tansy break up mutually nicely :) only normal relationship she ever has. ends up raising harroway's town to the status of a city :)
Maiden gf is elinor cafferen her lady in waiting when she's in her 40s. elinor has a crush on maris and maris thinks its cute. elinor also has a crush on helaena which makes maris jealous (insane woman)
Craziest one is. Crone gf. her name is rhea upcliffe nee lynderly the witch of snake isle. she becomes the mistress of whispers after maegor kills tyanna and stays in power for decades. she's like 80 by the end of her life but looks 40 and she wears a green ribbon around her neck at all times 😈 maris and rhea have an on/off relationship since maris was like 17. anyway rhea starts convincing maris that elinor is a spy for aerion whos there to seduce helaena and helped kidnap her to essos etcetc and maris goes a little nutso (her daughter DID get kidnapped by her exile son sooo) and confronts elinor but elinor is like wahhhh what tf is going on😭 rhea hates me bcos i found out she's a necromancer and probably undead😭 and maris begs forgiveness and then rhea shoots a crossbow into elinor's skull lol. so maris kills rhea :3 whether elinor was a spy or if rhea was undead is unclear. maybe it didnt even happen and maris was just going crazy lol who knows...
the stranger is jaehaerys 😈 maris and jaehaerys have a tense relationship very bad from the outset. jaehaerys loved aerea and after aerea died he became the Stoic Man that maegor kept trying to beat him into. he's obsessed with recreating valyria in westeros because he wants a real home. aerea's name is forbidden or itll cause a screaming fight. jae wanted to name his heir aerion after her but maris was like LMAO over my fuckin dead body. but he was like well fucking one of them will be. so the younger twin he named aerion and maris never forgave him for the slight. she thinks he's a weird creep about viserys(his mother-father) and after viserys dies and jae starts collecting boy youths that look like him she fully loses any respect for him she thinks he's the most disgusting man ever. doesnt like the way he treats viserys(their son). viserys ends up favouring a young hightower cousin of maris which is the last straw and she snaps and does a murder-suicide RIP babygirl
this is incoherent as is my usual :3 tried to keep it in a coherent timeline but im bad at that. MWAH ily<3
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casualavocados · 2 years
alright, here comes the long ass super personal and sentimental post absolutely nobody asked for (you’re welcome)
i watched episode 1 of bad buddy the day it aired (1 year ago today!) out of sheer luck. i dont even remember how i discovered it, but my initial thought was: “im bored. it’s 11pm and i dont want to go to sleep. this trailer looked fun. oh it came out today? sure what the fuck.” and i watched it in bed, on my phone. completely fucking unaware of what was about to happen to me and my life - and this honestly amuses me so much when i think about it because let me tell you...
i am NOT one to watch romance for romance’s sake. i really couldnt care less for it tbh. i’m not what i’d call a shipper at all (though i used to be, and if you remember my blog back then i owe you financial compensation bc tbh that whole spectacle exhausted me ANYWAY-). 
romance is just something ive always preferred as a side dish to plot, bc i only tend to like it when it’s super well done, and ive never found any of it very realistic. this was actually pretty unfortunate for past me bc fun fact, i am a little bit of a hopeless romantic, and romcoms are my guilty pleasure. the problem is i also dont like any of them enough to care about them after ive satisfied my initial “i want to watch something cheesy and cute” urge. i’d seen a few other bl’s over the years but only bc i was bored or wanted to watch something gay, and none of them had ever stuck in my mind after i finished them. i actively avoided those fandom spaces so i definitely wasn’t keeping up with what was new. 
(now listen, i have very specific thoughts on bl itself, but im not gonna get into that here (and actually miscellar said yesterday that the bl difference between 2020 and 2022 is unrecognizable and that basically sums it up so i dont have to lmao <3)).
- and ep1 of bad buddy is pretty typical bl! i adore this about it tbh because i was completely unprepared for everything the show was about to pull. my initial reaction was that it was something fun to look forward to every week.
so then-
I dont!! i dont even know how to explain it! ive tried too many times!
but it really is That Bitch, and truly feels like something i’d been waiting my whole life to see. a romantic comedy that was incredibly realistic in the sense of being overwhelmingly human, and also overwhelmingly queer. it’s so effortlessly fucking funny, while simultaneously a very (very very very) layered and emotional story. i will sing its praises to the end of time. it is quite literally the most well crafted show i’ve ever seen, and every time i rewatch it, or go back and reread old meta, im reminded that im not insane believing that. it just literally is that good. it’s such a simple story done so. extremely. well. it’s so ordinary, and that makes it extraordinary, and that was the intention from the start.
but i also have to say, one of the best things about having this show, is getting to be apart of the amazing community i found here loving it alongside me. bc i avoid fandoms. i stick to the places and the people/mutuals i know. i drift through edit tags more than i follow individual blogs. i block people like lightning. i have always had anons and replies off and i enjoy my privacy!!!
and i have talked to more people and made more friends and have had more fun this past year than i ever have before on this site. 
it took me until after bb finished airing to start following people back, but by then i knew which blogs posted what and what i’d want to see more of on my dash - and there are still many many people im not following, or who arent following me, that i talk to! i love each of you so very much, and i want to do a couple special shoutouts, if thats okay. ♥️
SO, in no particular orderrrrrr:
@mrdumpling nuria you were the very first bl-centric blog to follow me, and as such gave me a little bit of a heart attack that day, because i knew you were a popular blog and i Was Not Ready For Attention lol. but im so glad you did! ik we don’t talk often, but i love lurking on your blog and following what you’re interested in, and most especially, sharing this show with you. to say your edits are beautiful is an understatement! i always love to see what you make!! 🧡
@actually-yikes SORA I MISS YOUUUUUU!!! 🌹 i love talking to you, i love bonding over warrior pran with you, i love the edits you make. i think you’re very funny and delightful. seriously. ...im kind of at a loss for words here bc you’re one of the blogs i went to the most while bb was airing, and the first person i followed after it ended. i really just think you’re wonderful, and idk how else to say it! ily!!!💕💕
@miscellar you have some of the best takes ive ever read, and you somehow seem to read my mind and write (in much better words than i ever could!) exactly what im feeling on so many different topics. i love reading your analysis, your criticism, and just in general whatever you have to say. you impress me very much tbh and im always a bit amazed whenever you talk to me. i love sharing meta with you! 💚
@pranparakul KATIIIEEE when you’re not on my dash i miss you. even if you’ve got posts in your queue ill be like 🥺 where’s katie? is she having a good day today? literally it doesnt matter what you post abt, bc your enthusiasm for whatever it is always makes me so happy. keep doing you <3♥️🌸💗💕💜🌸❣💗💜♥️💕
@snimeat GEI. okay we dont talk OFTEN but when we do we talk a LOT. your excitement is sooooooooooooo contagious and it always matches mine and i feel SO SEEN. i think your edits have such a mystical vibe to them...they always make me feel very wistful (in a very good way). luv u 💛
@pranpats Kit!!! your gifs are GORGEOUS. and you are one of the sweetest people on this site. you always say such lovely things in the tags, and i love occasionally coming to talk to you about gifmaking things. you are such a warm presence on my dash! 💜
and of COURSE @grapejuicegay - kk i think we speedran our friendship in the last 6 weeks. idk how we never really talked before, now that i know we were BOTH lurking on each other’s blogs this whole year. i don’t even know what to say that i haven’t already said in our dms. i fucking love talking to you. there are some people you just click with and im so glad you’re one of them. 💙💌💗💖💜💙💕💛♥️🌹💌💖💙💕
there are so many more of you i want to mention here!! and if you read this far please know im probably also thinking of you, and i want you all to know that i have loved every minute watching and sharing this show with you.
im constantly blown away by everyone’s kindness and how welcoming all of you are. this is truly my favorite place to be online. thank you for all the tags on my gifs and meta. thank you for being so warm.
im so happy this little show means as much to all of you as it does to me. happy one year everybody. 🎆🥂💚❤
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