#but i had ANOTHER idea for spearmaster after that
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amerricanartwork · 10 months
RW Headcanon: The Omnivores and the Carnivores
Figured I'd start sharing some headcanons! Buckle up, folks, this is gonna be a looooooooong post! With a bit of Artimand sprinkled in (hope you like it @melissa-titanium)!
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This was based on an idea lingering in the back of my mind for a bit, but after drawing the above image from a previous post I got reminded of it and decided to develop it a little more! I'll put the full headcanon down below!
By the way, I should warn you that the verbosity habit in my post asking about headcanons was no joke. This headcanon, as I've explained it below, is literally almost 700 words...
I headcanon that there are two subspecies of “wild type” slugcats — omnivores and carnivores. I like the idea that slugcats were descended from a pipe-cleaning organism (although I still see them as mustelids rather than mollusks, but that’s a headcanon for another day…), so in this headcanon, a carnivorous variant of the slugcat ancestor was made to be more specialized for killing pests. Back when the Ancients were still around, they had a reputation similar to that of real-life raccoons and pigeons, while the omnivorous slugcats were more-often kept as pets.
As of the present Rain World timeline, though, omnivorous and carnivorous slugcats look almost identical. Omnivorous slugcats are still more iconic — they’re what you’d think of when one says “slugcat” — but the biggest differences the carnivorous variant possesses are their sharper teeth, stronger jaws, and sharper claws. Carnivorous slugcats also tend to be more muscular, while omnivorous slugcats have more body fat due to their largely plant-based diet.
Culturally, though, the two subspecies show more contrast. Omnivores are more peaceful hunter-gatherers who focus on trying to passively get by in a bigger, more dangerous world. Carnivores, on the other hand, are active hunters who tend to encourage combat training more and pride themselves on rising up to the ferocity of larger predators. The two tend to live separately in their own colonies, and don’t interact too often. There’s also some degree of prejudice in each group towards the other due to these cultural differences; not enough to cause large-scale conflicts, but enough that they side-eye each other occasionally. In more extreme cases, omnivores are perceived by the carnivores as weak, lazy, and meek, while omnivores see the carnivores as aggressive, loud, and cynical.
To bring it back to the image above, in my own personal fic-idea concept thing of how Artificer and Gourmand get together, this prejudice is a minor, but additional reason why they never expect to fall in love with each other; Arti is descended from a small group of carnivorous slugcats modified with explosive spit, while Gourm and the rest of the slugcats in his colony are all natural omnivores. Combine that with the rest of their attitudes in life, and at first, it seems they’re just too different to ever make a good pair.
A few more quick thoughts about these two subspecies:
Survivor and Monk are both naturally omnivorous. Hunter and Spearmaster, while directly engineered, were both derived from the carnivorous subspecies, while Rivulet was derived from the omnivorous subspecies.
Despite Gourmand being a natural omnivore, he eats larger prey more often than any other slugcat in his colony both out of curiosity for how other meats taste and because, true to his name, he honestly just likes to eat whatever (hey, as long as it’s edible)! However, once he and Artificer get together, he really starts to eat more meat from the creatures he hunts for her. And, interestingly enough, because he likes to use fruits and other plants as side dishes or as toppings to add flavor, this causes Arti to start eating more plants (now that’s what I call a “balanced diet”)! 
Even though the carnivores are culturally more similar to scavengers, the omnivores tend to get along better with them due to their more peaceful attitude, and the fact they naturally compete less with the scavengers for food (I like to imagine scavengers as pack-hunting carnivores).
Carnivores tend to move slightly faster than omnivores.
Carnivores often have bigger, more ravenous appetites than omnivores because they require more energy on average. Again, it’s partly what the image above is referencing!
Back when the Ancients lived, there actually existed a bit of a friendly discourse around which variant of the slugcat ancestors made better pets. It was in a similar vein to the modern “cat person vs. dog person” idea, but, to some degree, it’s actually continued on in various iterator groups, including the main one! FP, NSH, SRS, and CW are firm believers in carnivore superiority, UI passionately cheers on the omnivores, and Moon just giggles in the background and makes sure the debates don’t get too heated (but is also secretly team omnivore).
Anyway, with that said, BIG thanks to anyone who made it all the way down here! This headcanon originally formed as a way to explain in-universe the noticeably different diets of the main slugcat characters, but I just couldn't help adding more to it!
Let me know what you think of this concept, if you have anything to add to it, or if you'd like to see more of my headcanons! I just LOVE developing fictional worlds from ergonomic, analytical, and narrative perspectives, so if you want more, I've definitely got it!
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north-winds1 · 1 year
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More doodles about my arti's pups post
I've got more information/a rough idea:
. When artificer's pups die artificer continues on to find the nearest shelter not fully realising what happened. thinking that they won't come back next cycle. She starts her revenge, originally she hunted down the scav that killed her pup, then another scavenger who had witnessed it and another after that, until all the scavengers were after her.
. Afterall they were her little pups. Her young children who weren't yet used to the cycle. Or so she thought.Her pups wake up in a shelter alone and confused without their mother but try their best to travel the same path they had with their mother the previous cycle.
. They eventually make it to moon's can (the most reasonable idea I have of them getting up there is being picked up by a vulture only to get droped for much larger prey or they get fought over by other vultures who were resting on moon's can).
. They travel together down the access shaft and meet moon who gives them the mark of communication. I'm not exactly sure what she would say (but something along the lines of it not being safe for them, wondering where their parents are and asking them to find their parents and leave her structure, again as its not safe for them here).
. The pups being pups don't fully understand what this strange blue thing is saying to them, only really realising that they are very very hungry.Moon ends up feeding them (I find it kind of interesting that in spearmaster's campaign being given the mark of communication increases food pips). She sends them through the access shaft hoping for them to safely find shelter and their parents.
. The slugpups immediately return back to moon's room very confused as she sends them back out again. They find shelter and come back the next cycle to visit her. This repeats for a while until moon's can starts breaking down further essentially trapping them there for most of arti's story.
. During this time the pups and moon become very close, with moon being almost like a second parent to them. I can imagine the pups getting into all kinds of trouble.
. Eventually moon fully collapsed, the pups (now much older around monks age) are unable to find where her room and her puppet had gone under all the rubble and debris. Leading them to eventually leaving after giving up on cycles upon cycles of trying to find moon.
. They decide to try to befriend scavengers as they don't seem to recognise the pups as the ones who had been attacked so long ago. They hear stories of this violent terrifying slugcat with a scar over it's eye strong enough kill a 100 scavengers in a single cycle and how entire tribes of scavengers were now left fleeing from their previously safe home above the clouds.
. They come across a citizen ID drone (either the scav kings or a different one), either finding it randomly like artificer found hers or it being traded to them. remembering the scavengers stories they make the climb up five pebbles and meet him.
And that's how far I've gotten so far, I'm still figuring out what the pups and artificer's reaction to meeting each other would be.
Would the pups reunite with their mother and try to make back the time they missed? Would they understand her decision on violence against scavengers? Would they even recognise artificer as their mother or see her as a monster, something terrifying that should be feared and avoided? Would artificer even remember what her pups looked like after all this time or would they be like strangers to her? Would the pups think she abandoned them or would they understand what happened?
I have so many ideas.
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kittycatnapping · 4 months
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I have a little RW AU that started with this post I made last year (wow, it's been a year already?) and has since evolved. I call it 'RPG Rain World', although it's lacking in many of the classic RPG elements it initially had. The only recent designs I've made are for Hunter and Spearmaster, but they're still concepts if anything.
Ramblings/Further explanation below!
One major thing with this AU is a few timeframe shifts, to allow certain characters to feasibly interact with each other.
For example, before sending Hunter on their mission, NSH informs them that there will be another slugcat for them to meet and travel with on their journey. Someone who will carry on the mission should Hunter's condition get the better of them. This turns out to be Spearmaster! Hunter is initially wary of them - I mean, this weird slugcat doesn't have a mouth - but the two work together very efficiently and even become friends. At this point in time, Spearmaster has already delivered their two messages to Pebbles. Once the slag keys are delivered, the two slugcats part ways, hoping to see the other again in another cycle.
Later down the line, Survivor is separated from their family while on a hunting mission led by Gourmand. Monk dives in after their sibling, refusing to leave them behind. Once Gourmand catches wind of this, they resolve to go and look for the two lost slugcats themself, feeling responsible for the young slugcats getting lost under their supervision.
Survivor and Monk reunite much, much earlier in this AU. I'm not entirely sure when and where yet (I'm still trying to figure out the logistics) but I think it would be sometime after Survivor meets Moon, somewhere in Shoreline. Later in their journey they encounter Hunter, whose condition is slowly worsening. Despite this, Hunter decides to accompany the two siblings to teach them how to survive in the harsh landscape and ensure they reach Pebbles safely.
That is all I have right now. I'm still figuring out where to slot Artificer, Rivulet and Saint into this AU (although I do have some ideas for Artificer) but I'll figure something out eventually.
Thanks for reading this far!
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failed-inspection · 7 months
Suns' failed messengers (headcanon stuff)
as you know, Spearmaster's codename is 07, which very much implies they weren't the first attempt at a messenger Suns created, though they might very well be the first and only successful experiment... I imagine the others never really were able to live to adulthood for one reason or another, whether it be the messenger failing to thrive, or dying early in development. Here's my headcanons about what these failed messengers could have been.
01: vulture based, as Suns believed they would make good couriers in the beginning of the project, died during development.
02: also vulture based, generally not too unlike the previous experiment, died shortly after 'birth',
03: this is when Suns ditched the idea of using vultures as a base, scavenger based, as Suns figured their high intelligence would make them good messengers, died only a few cycles after 'birth' due to internal complications
04: this is when suns began testing slugcats, this one was meant to be a slugcat crossed with king vulture genetics, allowing it to fly and use 'tusks', but it died during development
05: slugcat based, Suns ditched the vulture genetics due to realizing they had been causing complications in the previous experiment, and instead tried to use modified noodlefly genetics to give them two things, a way to move easier and a weapon to defend, it looked surprisingly promising at first, but the pup died late in development
06: slugcat based, the failed experiment which managed to live the longest, frustrated with hybridization not wielding good results, Suns began to modify the slugcat genetics from scratch, making a slugcat that could generate spears from it's back, unlike SM, this one had a mouth and could eat normally, their spears were purely weapon based, they managed to live for a good while, but passed before they could reach adulthood as a result of becoming spearbound, which caused a spear to grow the wrong way, and rupture it's heart
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lyss-butterscotch · 10 months
I had this mild realization about the Hunter campaign
NSH probably doesn't know if his plan to revive moon worked
See from Pebbles's dialogue during the Gourmand campaign. Five Pebbles mentions that he had locks put in place to keep creatures like gourmand out and unlocks the gate to outer expanse when he realizes his plan clearly did not work.
Although it wasn't specified when Pebbles put the locks in (not to my bad memory) I'd wager that it happened after Spearmaster.
Overseers of different colors can only spawn in outer expanse (except for Sun's red overseer and Nsh’s green one which can rarely spawn in subterranean)
At the end of rivulet's campaign, once Moon regain access says that she didn't know that it was NSH who sent hunter to revived her
Going with the theory that Hunter's rot happened because Nsh rushed making Hunter
So. Nsh doesn't know if his plan worked. He sent Hunter off with the slag keys, pearl, and the case of the rot (wheter knowingly or not) on a mission to revive Moon. He can’t watch over Hunter like how Suns did with spearmaster because Pebbles locked the region somehow.
Hunter's campaign happens, Moon is revived yippee!!! Except that she doesn't have the ability to communicate her revival to the local group nor can she do anything with her superstructure to indicate activity (since like half of it is sunken into shoreline) and Hunter will never go home. Either dying from the rot or ascending.
To Nsh, his plan probably didn't work. Sure, maybe he saw hunter going to subterranean without the slag key which could indicate that Moon is alive again but it could mean the keys failed.
I imagine this was the reason why NSH simply didn’t send another slugcat to assist moon, because he doesn't know if his plan worked and assumed moon is still dead
So yeah
I have another thought on the tragedy of the cycles but this ask is getting a bit too long
First of all jfc thats the saddest thing ive read today (have not read much of anything today)
Apologies if i get anything wrong here i am nit the best at remembering lore
But i remember that Suns mentioned once that Pebbles locked down his entire complex and that i assume happened after that fated 2nd spearmaster campaign which he did kill off Suns' overseer.
Im rather curious though if 'locking his entire structure' included the Outer Expanse gate, and slugcats can STILL slip in, why cant overseers follow them, theyre like smaller and more versatile than slugcats. Unless Pebbles can like mind explode overseers from the gate???
Still it is a sad thought that Sig really had no idea that his plan worked or not because his overseer is blocked and the messager is gonna die (this also he did not know so dude probably didnt know if Hunter even did reach Moon or not). Also does Moon really not know Sig was the one who woke her up? It was in Hunters stomach pearl. Unless hunter does canonically ditched the pearl like how i see people start hunters run.
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brightdarkness-2013 · 2 months
Chapter 1 The Beginning
Summary:This wasn’t good. Nothing was working on it. Mega was down. Super Build Tiger was being crushed and at this point I wasn’t sure how much longer Fire J-Decker was going to last. Shadowmaru was the only one lucky enough to have not gotten hit, but he was beginning to tire and we all knew it. I looked over at Mega.
“How powerful would we be if we fused?”
The dual colored robot looked to me, seemingly stunned. I hadn’t been very welcoming to them. We had been at odds the moment they showed their faces. But there was no choice now.
In which Gunmax fuses with two others and said fusion refuses to break apart.
Notes:This story is a bit of a strange one, but very interesting in my opinion. It is in fact a Brave Police story, but it has transformers and steven universe aspects. (Ignorable)If you want to know where it came from check my idea board work "Just Story Ideas'. It should be on Patreon if you’re interested.
These two robots had a strange way of connecting. They stuck to each other like glue and when they combined it was a thing to behold. They called it fusion. Apparently it wasn’t like a simple combining. Everything about them fused into one and created a new being. According to their creators they had despised each other before the fusion and yet here they were. Fusion was a strange thing. There was no hint of the new robot having separate beings inside of it and working together. They were a whole new robot with its own personality and way of doing things. There with things here and there that showed aspects of them when it did things, but over all Mega was neither Redwave the sword wielder nor Bluelight the spearmaster.
They were here for a sort of test run. To see if they worked well not only amongst each other, but with others as well. They were uneasy around us and difficult to work with. They much preferred to go off on their own and do things their own way. They believed themselves invincible when they were fused. So invincible in fact that they wanted no other within their little bond at all. Every other possible candidate had been turned away and scoffed at. But they were here to learn teamwork and get experience so they were simply stuck with us despite the headaches. They would have to learn one way or another that they were not as invincible as they thought they were.
And this lesson was taught barely two days later and it was taught without mercy. Unfortunately the beast that taught it was far too strong and was intent on destroying everything in its path.
This wasn’t good. Nothing was working on it. Mega was down. Super Build Tiger was being crushed and at this point I wasn’t sure how much longer Fire J-Decker was going to last. Shadowmaru was the only one lucky enough to have not gotten hit, but he was beginning to tire and we all knew it. I looked over at Mega.
“How powerful would we be if we fused?”
The dual colored robot looked to me, seemingly stunned. I hadn’t been very welcoming to them. We had been at odds the moment they showed their faces. But there was no choice now.
“Very. Mine was double my parts on the first and triple after the connection completed.”
“Will it be enough to take that down?”
“I have no doubt.”
“Then use me and save them.”
“This is not quite as simple as you think it is. There is nothing to compare fusion to. There may be no turning back. It-”
“Do you want to live or not?” I snarled.
Mega took a moment, but said nothing more. It was a strange experience. The coding was passed along easily enough and I had a feeling I was separating and combining in ways that I wasn’t meant to be. Mild panic was starting to worm its way into me as thoughts and feelings, memories that I knew weren’t my own were starting to fill me until suddenly… Gunmax didn’t exist anymore. But I wasn’t Mega anymore either. As I looked out at the losing battle I pondered.
Despite my parts having been beaten down I could feel the new power coursing through me. If two of my parts together was Mega then I would be Ultra. And Ultra while having that desire to protect didn’t need anyone. So protect them I would. It was what I was built to do and what my parts demanded that I do. Wielding spear and gun, blade at my side I charge. Surprise spread through them as I shot it in its eyes and stabbed it right through the neck. Oil spilling everywhere. It thrashed, but a few more strikes and it was over. I wiped away the splatter from my visor with my thumb and licked at it absentmindedly.
“G… Gunmax?” Came the soft voice of a child. Yuuta was this boys name.
One of the parts in me stirred. Upon further prodding I found that the connection wasn’t complete. This connection ran deep. Memories, emotions, and personalities mixing, mixing and not merged. But it could be deeper. I wasn’t fully one. And if my parts split then I would no longer exist. This new part had been desperate. It would no doubt be opposed to this a second time. To survive the connection would need to be completed. Yet my new part was nagging at me just below the surface. I eased it back down.
I was stronger than everyone. Better than Mega. This was how it was meant to be. I wasn’t going to let one stubborn part end me. It was starting to settle again. Yes. It was just me. Just Ultra. And I would be completed soon enough.
“Gunmax?” The boy tried again and I slowly looked away from my kill to the group.
They were all beaten to scrap besides that ninja. Shadowmaru, part three’s memory supplied. The first two were stubborn and refused to interact. They would be needing repairs, but this beast needed to be taken apart into more manageable pieces. That would have to be my job. I sheathed my weapons.
“There is no Gunmax.”
Hm. Even my voice was stronger than Mega’s. How fitting.
Horror had hit their expressions. I briefly got the possible hint of why from part three. There had been a strong chance that one or the other would be absorbed and deleted when Fire J-Decker formed for the first time. That wasn’t how it worked, but it wasn’t my problem what they thought.
“Redwave. Bluelight. What did you do?!” Dumpson yelled from inside Super Build Tiger.
There was no Redwave nor Bluelight either, but they would never understand. With what I had gathered from part three their combinations couldn’t even scratch the surface of what fusion did. There was no point in trying to explain it. They hadn’t even begun to understand when it was explained by the engineers. This fact made my first two parts feel lonely. Lonely that no one could understand.
“I shall start the clean up while you are all repaired.” I started off.
“Let him go! Let Gunmax go!” Power Joe yelled at my back.
I simply kept going. In their state they wouldn’t be able to give chase to distract me and there was plenty of work to be done.
I was being glared at from all sides and I ignored them the best I could. Then their little boss stood, slamming his hands down on the desk. The child was obviously upset, but he wasn’t my problem.
“Let Gunmax out.”
“There is no Gunmax.” I replied evenly without looking up from what I was doing with my spear.
“I’m the Boss and I Order you to break apart.”
I slowly met the boys gaze. “You may have been Gunmax’s boss, but you are certainly not mine.”
And there was that stubborn part again. Trying to surface. The boy looked very angry and if I turned around I was sure that I would see many similar looks. I didn’t have to tell him anything. I didn’t have to do anything that he ordered, but…
“So I will not ‘break apart.’ The connection between my pieces aren’t finished aligning. When that is done I will consider it.”
“No! Break apart Now! Give Gunmax back!”
“There is no Gunmax.” I repeated.
“Break apart or I’ll tear you apart.” Power Joe stood with a snarl.
Did he really think that he could do anything to me after what he saw me do? I was far superior to him in every way.
“That won’t do anything. Gunmax is not here. It is just me and you will have to deal with it.”
“And who exactly are you?” Came the calm question from the ninja.
“I am Ultra.”
“And this… connection? Why is it so important for it to be completed?”
“It is incomplete, therefore making my stats fall far below what they could be. Unfortunately, this one is going to take quite a while to finish. I am having a bit of difficulty with it.”
“Gunmax is still fighting.” Came McCranes remark and I nearly sighed.
“There is no Gunmax. Only I.” I returned my attention to my spear.
Over the next few days they tried to ‘awaken’ Gunmax. Scans fell over me from time to time. They asked probing questions that I chose not to answer half the time. Calling out to him and trying to remind him of things despite my constant reassurances that he wasn’t there. Why would they want him back anyway? I was far superior to any of my parts on their own. Though as the days wore on and I got closer to finishing it, I noted that I was losing a bit of my energy and strength trying to force it.
However, it was the quickest way. I didn’t have the luxury of time. If I released any of my parts then I would cease to exist and I doubted that my new part would want to fuse again. Especially not with how this was going. If I split then the Brave Police would no doubt want my other two parts gone as they couldn’t understand what was going on. So it had to be now and it had to be done as quick as possible, as tiring as it was. Then I would still be there even when I split.
First-This is it!
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booksofstars · 9 months
I know you like rainworld, but I have genuinely no idea what in the world it is.
Care to give an explanation of it? A passionate fan seems like a good person to ask.
ok so im terrible at explaining BUT i love rambling. so lets get into it!
rain world is a survival simulator. at its core, this is the game. you play as a slugcat (the stories of which vary based on the campaign). the goal of the game, really, is exploration. survival doesnt truly matter until either crossing through a gate into another region or in ascension endings.
generally, the story revolves around the iterators, though some downpour scugs have stories more focused on them. through taking pearls (which have information on them) to looks to the moon (an iterator), you learn more about the past of this dangerous world.
iterators were built by the ancients, a society now gone due to their attempt to escape the cycle. the iterators were created for this purpose; to find a solution that would allow the ancients to ascend without going into the void sea (the classic route). after the mass ascension of the ancients, an iterator named sliver of straw gave the triple affirmative, declaring that the solution had been found. heres the issue, though: she died right after. so? the iterators are left to speculate. this is the catalyst for the story you slowly learn about, or even contribute to, throughout the game. throughout the game, you can visit the iterators five pebbles and looks to the moon and learn their stories. the rest of the local group of iterators includes no significant harassment, seven red suns, chasing/gray wind, and unparalleled innocence. only the first two are ever depicted in game, though they cant be visited. they get splash screens!
the general gameplay loop involves exploring, perhaps collecting pearls or other items to take to looks to the moon if you reach her, eating to sate hunger, and returning to a shelter in time for the end of the cycle. at the end of each cycle comes the rain, caused by the still-standing five pebbles, a grouchy iterator who gives you the mark of communication, allowing you to talk to him and looks to the moon, his big sister. this rain is deadly; it will kill you after a little while. there are many regions to explore, all of which are accessed by finding and entering through karma gates. karma increases with each successful cycle, and decreases when you die. there is no penalty for losing karma; you will simply be unable to move on until you replenish it through a few cycles. karma flowers prevent this from dropping for a single cycle. the goal, once karma 10 is reached, is to either ascend in the void sea, or reach the campaign‘s specific ending (which typically doesnt actually require karma 10! only ascension does).
in the base game, there are three slugcats to choose from. monk (yellow, "easy" mode), survivor (regular mode), and hunter (hard mode). now, these scugs do have their own stories, though monk and survivors are somewhat similar (they are siblings, by the way)! when i say monk is easy mode, take that with a grain of salt. rain world is a very cool game, but it isnt easy. especially on console.
there is also a dlc, rain world downpour. it adds the slugcats artificer, gourmand, rivulet, spearmaster, saint, and inv (who is actually a bonus campaign meant as a developer easter egg. also they have a dating sim). these slugcats each have their own tales to tell, all at different points in the timeline. they are unlocked progressively as you complete campaigns! i wont be spoiling them, though!
the order of slugcats in the timeline is as follows:
monk & survivor
(big timeskip)
(big timeskip)
like i said, i wont be outlining the stories, because its really fun to piece together yourself! rain world is about survival and discovery, after all. id absolutely recommend it if you have the patience! also, i should note, downpour also provides a cheat menu that makes the game somewhat easier.
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happy sluggying!
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shkika · 1 year
Having trouble with thinking of something to ask hrmm
What part of the rw lore do you find most interesting? Like..what are your thoughts on it? any twists you've thought up or any detail/s you just wanna rant abt?
The rainworld lore is painfully a lot and painfully little at the same time, like why are the pearls focused on garbage worms and what is noise milking oh my goddd
moon isnt lore on her own but her pearl readings are a massive source of it. so if i had to say my favorite thing would be iterators and the relationship they had with their colonies. the fact they can vary and the fact iterators have different opinions of their parents!! (one iterator talked abt havjng to sit through dark political times awkwardly like 🧍🤷 at some points. thats funny)
ahem I looove it a lot!! for example the way moon worded her existence is sad. the way she speaks about them is sad. like in short “ancients must not try very hard so we do that for them. at least i did” <- smth along the lines
she sounds bitter she dislikes them with a hidden passion even when she has 5 braincells left. Not to mention she calls them parasites with bad takes (sheesh). something people dont really ?? recognize enough or at all imo is that moon almost retired (ancients moving away from her city) and she was happy about it. Until it didnt work out and some stayed and she was pissed again.
now pebbles speaks with softness (as much as he has it in him) he liked them! he liked their art! their music! he liked witnessing their stupid arguments even when they were in his name (he found the citadel he shaded funny for being so angry)
he found a lot of things they did stupid but he also was impressed in other aspects! he liked them a lot to the point the last item that he keeps for comfort and keeps him together as a whole is a hymn of theirs. even when abandoned, he finds comfort in the company they used to bring him!!! how sad!!
Another part of the lore. Hm cycles.
I have no idea how they work. Youd believe at first that when you die. You get reborn. Pain!!! never escaping!!
But that cant be the case it has sooo many plotholes if thats the case.
1 artificers kids died! straight up GONE. theyre dead!! thats why shes so insane you cant tell me theyre just lost somewhere and also pups cant ascend (me when i reach spiritual enlightenment at 10). theyre straight up gone.
2. imagine u defeat the scav kind and he comes back an hour later.. nah. thjngs DIE
3 why did the ancients go crazy over killing themselves then idk!
4 suns was basically crying about how they dont know what theyll do if spearmaster dies. yeah no respawning then.
So then the cycle is being reborn into smth new. great. how does karma play in this. how do you raise it. time? do you have your old memories after u go into a new cycle?? i dont know!! no scug has ever been plagued with dreams of being smth else before. !!! how do you confirm its a thing!! idk!! how do you know you are in a samsara! i wish we got ancients talking about it. in pearls or smth.
i havent ascended with saint yet. (reached karma 10 and bonked the siblings) but i doubt they answer all of my questions
random kiki rw lore fact- did you know that the rot area - (riv gameplay) there is a room in it thats just called terror!!! it upsets me greatly. the place is so different because the rot literally eats his walls. it fucks me up sometimes even if it seems obvious
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thatcatbasil · 2 years
some thoughts after finishing artificer's campaign
spoilers under the cut!
so last night i finished my artificer run and got the ending where arti kills the scav king
(side note: i am aware that there is another ending but i have not attempted to get it yet, i assume that it'll involve pilgrimage but i imagine that it'll be fairly time consuming to get considering how arti's karma works)
so far, i think artificer is my favorite out of the new slugcats! i had a lot of fun messing with explosive spears (though also it took me until the very end of the run to realize that i could also craft grenades by swallowing rocks) and the boost jump made a lot of platforming sections more bearable. i also enjoyed exploring some of the new regions (though i am a little sad that i couldn't visit moon)
but oh god, the scavs. i remember when i played rain world for the very first time and was looking through beginner's guides, a lot of them would make the point that attempting to fight scavs was NOT a good idea since their aim with their spears is far more accurate compared to yours. a lot of the times when i tried to fight scavs as arti, they would immediately spear me without hesitation, and even when they did hesitate they would still somehow launch their spears directly into my head. eventually, i figured out a few strategies to dodge their spears (hopping around and boost jumping out of the way, plus just grabbing spears out of their hands before they had the opportunity to throw them) but there was still a decent handful of times where i was just unlucky and couldn't react in time. i think all the frustration makes it a lot more satisfying when you finally manage to kill them, though.
the scav king fight itself was also pretty similar and took me several tries to beat. for a few attempts, i tried to clear the arena out of explosives before initiating the fight. with this method, the scav king was able to kill me slightly less quickly, but i could never last long enough to actually defeat it myself since there were still plenty of normal, non-explosive spears that it could throw at me. eventually i asked the discord for help and got some sound advice about parrying attacks and preparing grenades ahead of time. after that it only took me two tries to defeat the scav king and end the run :)
i would also like to say that this illustration is brutal and i love it
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anyways i already went ahead and started a spearmaster run and i'm progressing pretty smoothly i think! but also playing arti made me forget that in (most of) the other campaigns, scavs start off neutral against you, so the first time i saw a scav as spearmaster i immediately stabbed it without considering the consequences. oops
that's all for now! thanks for reading!
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DSAF AU Ideas:
So sorry a new Phone Guy Dave AU section isn’t out yet, or more art (although I have decided generally what I want my Jack design to look like yey!). But being the bizarre AU obsessed being I am, I have decided to write out some ideas for AUs I might write or draw snippets of in the future. Warning, a lot of these are angsty because I’m an angsty fuck and I’m shit at fluff for the most part, and refuse to write smut. I come originally from Undertale, and you all should know how many AUs that Fandom had, it shaped my development in that regard, as I love AUs.
Severed Head AU: Like PG!Dave, this takes place in the DSAF bad route! After Jack leaves Dave repossesses his own severed head and goes on a magical adventure called spiralling depression because the love of his life just fucking murdered him in cold blood. This AU is basically angst porn, and thus if I did write it at all, it wouldn’t be as much as some of the others.
Child AU: So all the characters are kids! That’s kinda it. Oh yea, Fredbear’s doesn’t exist but Fazbender’s does, because they are separate things. David Miller was Jack’s friend and he recently died which is a major conflict. Dave, never having met Henry, still goes by William and lives on the streets of the fictional town the story takes place in. All characters except the previously mentioned David Miller are alive, and thus Jack is not orange because y’all seem to forget something that he isn’t, it’s just makeup he uses to hide his decomposition. The story will take place in the 80s so buckle in and expect it to be largely based on Stranger Things, because I was unfortunately not alive in the 80s. Dee is 7, Jack is 15, Dave/William is 15, David Miller was 13, Peter is 17, Steven is 17, Caroline in 17. This would be more in depth and plot based as well as my usual method for fanfics of make it up as I go, so you wouldn’t get very much very fast especially with school.
Rainworld AU: Seeing the fact I have recently posted a drawing of a slugcat, you may expect that I am indeed, into rainworld. This is a correct assumption. Jack would fill the role of the monk and Dee as the survivor because it makes sense in the context of the story that Jack is trying to find her plus monk is yellow so Jack being orange is not much of a stretch. Dave would be also a slugcat because I love slugcats, potentially a spearmaster, because they’re kinda purple and I think it would be interesting. However y’all would have to wait for me to finish the game and for the DLC to be out with the spearmaster. The story would feature little to no dialogue whatsoever, the characters would be referred to without names probably because slugcats don’t seem to have names as they don’t seem to be fully sapient so much as just highly intelligent with pack dynamics. Henry might be an iterator because it fits him better than a slugcat and from what I’ve heart of Five Pebbles despite not meeting the guy yet, yea he’s a Henry. Regardless I’d still try to get their personalities across as best I can with no dialogue nor names. Plus slugcats are fun and easy to draw and I’m going to draw more of them anyway so you’ll be likely to get plenty of art. Y’all probably don’t know Jack shit about what I’m saying here because no one knows this hidden gem of a game.
That’s all for now. If y’all show enough interest in these AUs I might start trying to write them in my free time. Patchwork Heart and another big project still under wraps that Im working on with my friend are still my top priority but I’ve found DSAF fanfics are amazing pallet cleansers to write between working on those so I’m gonna write lots in my free time.
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magmasliveblogs · 5 years
here is the 16th chapter! to recap: last chapter erin had a very awkward first visit to the city, where she was kicked out of the adven guild and ripped off by a racist drake 
Erin had four silver coins left after buying a large cloth bag and the food. That was just enough for…well, she didn’t know. But it certainly wasn’t enough for a lantern, much less a sword. She doubted it was even enough for her clothes.
She sat in the shade of one of the buildings and stared silently at the four silver shapes in her hand. It wasn’t so bad. She still had some money, and she’d bought enough food for now. It was just…
She’d started out with two gold coins and a full handful of silver and copper ones. And in an instant they’d been spent. And that wasn’t bad either; she’d bought a lot of food. Stuff like sugar was expensive, right? Especially in a place that wasn’t modern like this. But she couldn’t help but feel it was a mistake.
She hadn’t seen any other shoppers trade gold coins for what they’d bought. Not one and especially not that much for some food. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She thought—
No. She knew she’d been ripped off.
And it hurt. It really did. Erin wanted to go back there and punch the Drake shopkeeper in the face, but she had a pretty good idea of what would happen if she did. Plus, he could probably eat her face if she tried.
So. Erin sat and stared at her hand. Four silver coins.
She could still go shopping with that much money. She could find another market, find another, shop and…
And do what? She didn’t know how much money things cost and she didn’t know how to buy clothes for her.
Everyone in this city wore clothing, but the definition of that really varied. Some of the male Drakes wore extremely exposed clothing, sometimes leaving their chests completely bare save for a light cloak, while the female ones usually had more on. Still, even that was varied because it seemed showing skin—or rather, scales, was the fashion around here. Only the Gnolls seemed to adhere to human-style dress code.
It was one of the hidden truths of the world. Money was useless if you had no idea what to spend it on and everyone ripped you off.
as i said, she was obviously ripped off. nice to know the fashion. 
Everything would be so much simpler if she could read. Was that too much to ask?
Erin put her head on her arm and closed her eyes for a moment. Her head jerked up and she nearly smacked it against the building behind her as she realized something.
She couldn’t read. But she knew people who could.
Relc. Or Klbkch. Either one of them would know all about clothing and money and stuff like that.
Erin stood up. She pocketed her silver coins and wished she’d thought of this beforeshe’d lost all her money. But maybe four silver coins was a lot of money? She’d have to ask. And they’d help her, surely. Because that’s what guardsmen did, right? Just like how police officers were so willing to help anyone who came to them with a problem.
Erin pushed that thought out of her head. Guardsmen were not police officers. They were allowed to kill people without due process, for one thing. And besides, Relc liked her pasta. Now all she had to do was find the guardhouse without being able to read the signs.
She started walking down the street, looking around for anything that screamed of jail cells or law and order. She tried very hard not to think about what she’d do if Relc or Klbkch were both off-duty.
yes lets hope those two are on duty 
Relc was off-duty. So was Klbkch. But for the moment Relc was lounging around the mess hall of the guard’s barracks. He was playing a game where he tossed a wickedly sharp dagger up into the air and caught it as it fell back to the floor. Half the time he caught the dagger. The other half he missed or knocked the dagger flying. He sat in a widely vacated corner of the room.
Only a few other Drakes were sitting at the long wooden benches, chowing down on hard bread, cheese, and unidentifiable strips of meat. Well, unidentifiable to humans. It was more gray than red.
One of the guards was talking with his fellows. He stood up and approached Relc cautiously. Unlike Relc, his scales were a very pale blue, and he was smaller if not shorter than the other Drake. He cleared his throat while standing at a respectful distance from Relc’s game.
“Hey Relc. I hear there’s a Human wandering around the city.”
Relc looked up and missed the dagger as it flipped down.
The other guardsman sighed as Relc sucked at the point of red blood oozing from his scales.
“You’ve got no talent for that game. If you didn’t have [Thick Skin], you’d have cut your hand off years ago.”
Relc smiled smugly.
“I don’t just have [Thick Skin]. I’ve got [Iron Skin] too.”
The blue Drake rolled his eyes.
“That explains everything. What kind of level do you have to be to get that, anyways? No one else has it so it must be high level.”
“It is.”
Relc began trimming his claws with the dagger. Although in his case, he wasn’t making the nails shorter; just sharpening them.
ooo evolving skills! also it is scales not skin, thats one of the inconsistencies 
“It was the last skill I got from my [Soldier] class. I think you get it in [Spearmaster] as well, but I don’t know. Either way, it’s a life-saver.”
“I’ll bet. No wonder you don’t worry about hurting yourself you smooth-scaled bastard.”
“Now, now. Don’t be jealous.”
Relc swept the nail clippings off the table with one hand.
“Too bad I never got any dagger skills. I can’t understand how this stupid flipping works.”
“Then stop flipping. It’s annoying and you keep nearly hitting people. Remember Lism? He’s still got scars.”
“No. If Klbkch can do it, so can I. Anything that damn bug can do I can do better. But hey, what’s this about a Human? Is it that female one I was telling you about?”
“Not sure.”
This time another green Drake jumped into the conversation.
“Belsc – the guy on western gate duty – he didn’t say much other than that he thought it was a Human female. What was the name of the one you met?”
Relc scratched his head and looked up at the ceiling.
“Um. Sol? Solace? It was something like that. Ervin Solace? Did he mention anything else about her?”
The green Drake bared his teeth.
“Yeah. He said she was really annoying. And she talked too much.”
“That’s her.”
Relc laughed. The other Drake shook his head.
“Humans. I don’t know why you’re interested in this one. It’s certainly not the smell, to hear Belsc talk.”
“Yeah, you get used to that.”
Relc leaned back in his chair and played with the dagger.
“Still, she’s interesting. Erin, or whatever her name is. She makes a mean plate of pasta, let me tell you. And she’s tougher than she looks—I didn’t think any Human could survive out in the floodplains that long. She’s funny too.”
He grinned as the other guards made disparaging noises.
“Hey, I’m telling the truth here. Little Miss Human isn’t that bad. You should meet her. But let me tell you, she can also be pretty annoying. Remember that Necromancer guy I told you me and Klbkch tracked down? She wouldn’t let us kill him even after he blasted us both with a few spells. Just kept saying that he wasn’t that bad.”
“Stupid Humans.”
“I know!”
Relc nodded in agreement with the other guard.
“They’re interesting and entertaining, but they don’t have much inside their fleshy heads. I’d never trust a Human to make the smart decision. Am I right?”
Relc looked around for confirmation as the other Drakes laughed with him. He laughed boisterously until he saw the human female staring at him across the mess hall. His laughter cut off instantly.
The other Drakes looked over in curiosity at the human female. She wasn’t that special to them; one human looked much like the other. She was staring at Relc, who looked extremely uncomfortable.
He cleared his throat.
“Um. I—”
The door closed behind Erin as she walked out.
A nasty silence fell over the mess hall. Relc looked at the others.
this is why you shouldnt insult people behind their backs. praising them is fine, but dont insult them 
“How long was she here?”
The blue Drake shrugged.
“Dunno. She must’ve walked in while you were talking.”
“Oh bite me.”
Relc leapt up from his chair.
“Hey Miss Human! Wait! I didn’t meant it!”
The other Drakes watched as he dashed out of the room. Then they turned back to their conversation.
“So. When did you spot her?”
“Right at the start. Did you see her expression? Relc’s not gonna have an easy time explaining that.”
“Serves him right. But did you smell her?”
“Yeah. Humans. They don’t wash.”
“I hear they roll around in their own filth.”
“Disgusting. Why’s Relc interested in one anyways?”
“Why do you think?”
“I still don’t get it. There’s no scales, nothing firm to grab. What’s the point?”
“Search me. Maybe it’s just Relc. He’s weird.”
“Anyways, Humans. Haven’t seen one in a long time. Did you see it? So fleshy.”
“Disgusting. Let’s go eat some meat.”
yep, seems drake racism against humans is common
Erin walked out of the city gates and through the grass. She walked as fast as she could, which wasn’t very. The cloth bag she was carrying was more like a satchel, and it was loaded down with a lot of stuff. She was impressed that it could fit the bag of flour and other ingredients she’d bought without the fabric breaking, but it also meant she had to carry all of that on her shoulders.
A bag of flour is quite heavy. But Erin carried it anyways, ignoring the pain in her right shoulder. Her left one was already sore. She’d switch shoulders when the pain became unbearable.
“Hey! Miss Erin! Wait!”
Erin kept walking.
“Oh come on. Please?”
Relc appeared next to her in a blur. He was quick for such a huge guy. Erin turned her head so she didn’t have to look at him directly.
“So, how’s my favorite Human doing? Good? Bad? Um. I uh, don’t suppose you heard what I was saying. It was just a joke, really. I didn’t mean…”
Keep walking. Erin’s feet were already sore, but she put one foot in front of the other. She had a long way to go to get back to the inn, and the bag she was carrying was heavy.
“Look, I know I was sort of—okay, I was rude, but let’s talk. Hello? Are you listening?”
Erin didn’t look at him or speak. She just kept walking. Put one foot in front of the other. She was so tired and sore she barely felt hungry.
welp, erin is mad 
Eventually he went away. Erin kept walking though. She was trying to make it back to the inn before the sun set. It was going to be a close race.
She was about halfway to her destination when the first stone flew over her head. Erin instinctively ducked and so the next two stones missed her and landed in the grass. She looked around.
At first she couldn’t spot where the stones were coming from. Two missed her, but the third struck her on the shoulder.
“Ow. Ow!”
Erin spotted the origin of the stone. It was a Goblin. The small creature was hard to spot in the fading twilight. It was standing on a hill and hurling rocks down at Erin. And it wasn’t alone.
Two more Goblins screeched and threw stones at her from their hilltop, making her flinch away and pull the bag up to shield her head. But then they just pelted her legs.
“Ah. Ow.”
She covered her face with her arms. The stones kept flying. And they hurt. Even at this distance the rocks cut her arms and bruised her flesh. Already she felt blood trickling down one arm.
Erin knelt on the ground and shielded her head with her bag. That made her less of a target, but the barrage of stones continued. It wasn’t as if the Goblins could hurt her, not so long as they kept hitting her back, but they just didn’t stop. And if she got up they’d aim for her head.
What could she do? Erin felt the stinging hail cut into her back. She had to run. At them? Away? They’d steal all her food if she did. But could she attack them? Fight? If she got any closer the stones could gouge out her eyes, injure her badly. What could she do? What could she—
Something moved past Erin in a blast of air. She flinched and looked around but it was already gone. Then her eyes travelled to the hill. Someone was rushing at the Goblins, ducking under the stones and deflecting the ones that came close to his head with a fast-moving…spear…?
“Hey! Slither off you little bastards!”
The stones stopped flying abruptly. Erin heard a high-pitched scream and several heavy thwacks. Cautiously, she got up and looked around.
The Goblins were running away in full retreat. Relc stood on the hilltop, spear in hand. He waved at her and leapt down the hill in a few long strides.
“Hello there, Miss Erin. Fancy meeting you here.”
Erin stared up at him. He offered her a toothy grin and a hand up. She stood up by herself and picked up her bag.
Relc cleared his throat expectantly.
“It’s not often I get to rescue a damsel in distress. That’s what they call Human females, right? Damsels? Anyways, I saw you were in trouble so I immediately rushed to help.”
Erin began walking again. She heard Relc follow after a second’s hesitation.
it seems relc is living up to his apparent [spearmaster] class 
“Okay, okay. So they weren’t that dangerous. And I was just doing my job; true. But I amsorry. Really. I said too much back there.”
She said nothing. Her vision was blurring over from the cutting pain of the bag’s strap as it carved a groove into her shoulder.
“That looks heavy. Here, let me carry it for you.”
Relc reached for the bag. Erin pulled away.
“No. I’m fine.”
“Oh come on. Don’t be like that. I just—well, it was just me being careless, alright? Let’s talk. Please?”
Erin tried to walk faster, but her legs were already giving up. Relc easily kept pace with her. He was even able to walk backwards faster than her.
“Look. I’m very sorry Miss Erin. Let me carry your bag. It must be quite heavy, and this way we can talk without one of us falling over.”
Erin grudgingly slowed down. It was a tempting offer. Her legs were screaming to accept Relc’s generous offer and have him carry her as well. Her shoulder was already in another dimension of pain.
She unslung the bag, wincing as blood returned to her arm. Relc lifted the bag with one hand and slung it over his shoulders. Then he kept pace with Erin as if nothing had happened.
Relc scratched the spines on the back of his head, looked down, looked up, and sighed.
“I really didn’t meant it. It’s just—Necromancers, y’know? They’re dangerous. And it’s best to kill them on sight. You ever seen a thousand zombies trying to eat anything in sight? Even if they’re low-level, even if they play nice, I could never trust a Necromancer.”
“Especially not if they’re human.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“But that’s what you think.”
Relc didn’t have anything to say to that. They both walked on in silence, faster now that the bag wasn’t weighing Erin down.
“So. You bought food, huh? Making lots of pasta tonight?”
“I’m going to sleep.”
“Right, right. But uh, good to see you made it to the city. So how’d you like it?”
“It’s fine.”
“Good, good.”
Relc was clearly casting around desperately for subject matter. He peeked into the bag. Erin could practically feel him salivating.
“Sausages. Mm. But hey, why didn’t you buy any clothes? I thought all females loved clothes, Drake or Human.”
Erin’s stomach twisted. She avoided his gaze and mumbled.
“I didn’t have enough money.”
“What, really?”
Relc looked at her askance and peered into the bag he was carrying.
“No. I mean, there’s food in here but that’s only a few silver coins at best. I’m sure you had more than that, right? How much did you spend?”
Erin felt her face heating up. She looked at the ground.
“A few gold coins. Some silver ones and copper ones.”
He stopped. Erin didn’t. She heard him muttering to himself and then swearing. It sounded like swearing. He loped forwards and was next to her in an instant.
“Really? What kind of rotscale sold you—why did you spend that much money?”
She stared at the grass as she trampled it. It was tinted with a lovely deep orange color in the sun’s fading glow.
“I just thought it was the right price, I guess. I didn’t want to argue.”
Relc muttered under his breath and sighed in exasperation.
“Well, I could go back to the market and ask around. But—I don’t suppose you caught the name of the store.”
“I can’t read the language here.”
Relc sighed again. Deeply.
“Right, right. Well, if you remembered his face I could find who sold you all that, but I doubt anyone’d bear witness against him. And there’s not much for me to go on. I mean, he sold you overpriced goods but it was your fault as well. No offense meant Miss, but how’d you trade a gold coin for a sack or two of flour?”
Erin couldn’t think of anything to say to that.
awkward. plus we get some slang 
They walked on in silence. At last the inn was in sight. Erin trudged up the last incline, her legs screaming all the way. She paused at the door.
“I can take the bag now.”
Relc hesitated.
“You sure? I can carry it in—”
“I’m sure.”
Erin accepted the bag and her legs wobbled. She opened the door with one hand.
“Right. Thanks.”
She wanted to close the door, but Relc held it open effortlessly. He scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Look, I’m still really sorry about before. I didn’t mean—well, I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
Erin looked up at him. She just wanted to close her eyes. But he seemed sincere. So she mustered a bit of sincerity herself.
“Thanks for helping. With the Goblins.”
Relc gave her a wide, toothy grin.
“It was nothing. They’re no threat to me, or anyone with a few levels in any warrior. But don’t worry about those pests. I said I’d make it up to you, didn’t I? I’ll do something about them.”
Maybe it was an empty promise. But it made Erin smile a tiny bit.
“Thanks. Good night.”
Relc curled his tail up and flicked her a salute with both hand and tail at the same time.
“Until later, Miss Erin.”
Erin watched as he rapidly disappeared into the dark landscape. She vaguely envied the speed and effortless grace with which he moved. Then she closed the door.
There wasn’t much light so Erin just put the bag in the kitchen and lay down on the floor of the common room.
“I need to buy a pillow. And blankets. When I have the money for it.”
So instead she just used the cloth bag she’d bought as a pillow. Erin tried to get comfortable on the hardwood floor, but the very nature of it was giving her a…hard time. Besides, her shoulders ached. Her legs still hurt from the long walk. And if it were only that which hurt, she would already be asleep.
But instead Erin lay in the silence, listening to her heart beat. She wanted to say something, to think something better. But there wasn’t anything. So she stared at the hazy shapes in the dark room. It took her a long time before her eyes closed.
[Innkeeper Level 6!]
This time she said nothing at all. She just cried for a bit before she fell asleep.
well hey at least erin leveled from this whole debacle. i dont enjoy reading awkward convos, nor do i enjoy watching them, hence why i skipped a lot of the previous chapter 
aaaaand thats the end of the chapter! will erin get her revenge? will relc enact revenge for her? will erin not be awkward in the city next time? 
see you tomorrow. 
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DSAF Rainworld AU Fanfic: The start of our adventure
(Disclaimer: Ok so I still haven’t finished Rainworld. However I think I’m far enough in (on the shoreline! :D) to start this, plus people like my slugcat art, and I got a minimal amount of likes on my AU ideas. Go check those out if this is the first you see of this.
So players gonna play, Ouija’s gonna awkwardly mash together two of her hyperfixations together and show you the mutilated horrifying monstrosity produced as if it’s a cute kitten.
It has been 9 cycles since the orange slugcat’s little sister has gone missing. She still had yet to return. His parents had not allowed the slugcat near the trench she had fallen into, but had carved out a little trail after every rainfall to help her return if she still lived.
The orange slugcat was tired of simply waiting for her to appear and decided to take matters into his own hands.
It was a bright morning, the orange slugcat had awoken before the rest of his family, and ventured outside their nest, taking care not to slip as the ground was loose from the last rain. He had reached the pit before his family had awoke and stood hovering over it for a moment.
The orange slugcat took a deep breath and hopped inside.
The fall to the ground was rough as the slugcat lands directly on his face, he can’t afford to express this pain. To live in this world was to live in fear. Fear of hunger. Fear of predators. Fear of water. And most of all, fear of the rain.
If he gets caught in the worlds downpour he will be quickly crushed flat or drowned, he doesn’t know which one will happen first and both are equally bad.
Squeezing under large stone towers, and through pipe after pipe, and up a pole, flipping his way into a room full of batflies. The orange slugcat pounces on the batflies and eats them alive, one after another until his belly is full. 
The slugcat pops back out of the pipe, jumping across an overhanging piece of metal from an age long passed and grabbing another pole. He crawls into another pipe.
The next room is empty save for a pit and a pipe on the other end. Feeling the thunderous sound of rain starting to come down the slugcat realizes it’s all or nothing now, there is no point in going back to explore. He leaps across the pit with some difficulty, and rushes towards the pipe. 
He finds himself falling into the next room, no clear way back up.
Fortunately his mad rush gambit has payed off as there appears to be a shelter. He recognizes it as one due to the faint smell of slugcat and danglefruit juice in a pipe nearby. 
Shaking off the pain of his new wounds the slugcat jumps up to the shelter pipe right as the rains start coming down, surely to flood the area.
It doesn’t matter, by the time he wakes up, the water will be all but gone.
Once he gets inside the shelter, it closes. The orange slugcat recognizes the scent of his sister. She has survived the fall! Well… he knew that much. If she hadn’t she would be home by now. If he hadn’t he would be too. People tend to wake up every day where they last slept if they died. The black and white slugcat wasn’t here, so he surmises she must have gotten further than this. Possibly trying to get back home.
The orange slugcat is bigger and stronger than his little sister and he needed less food. He should be able to catch up to her despite all the wasted cycles.
Weirdly she’s not the only slugcat he smells, nor the most recent. It seems slugcats come through here often. 
As the orange slugcat succumbs to his hibernation, he dreams of the days he spent playing with his little sister and older brother…
(Note: Those of you who know rainworld and those who do not, welcome to the DSAF Rainworld AU! Brought to you by a fan of both things wanting to awkwardly fuse them together into something weird! The story will be mostly a retelling of Rainworld’s storyline with the addition of DSAF elements as well as the fact that once the DLC is out and I know how spearmasters would work, I’ll implement Dave as one and he’ll join Jack on the magical death adventure to find his sister! Btw if it’s not clear of if you haven’t read my initial post introducing the AU, Jack fills the role of the monk.
Btw take a Slugcat Jack faceplanting:)
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