#but i love astrology its sooo fun
ambrosykim · 1 year
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saw @narrativefoiltrope had an open tag for this so i also picked my big 3 and venus from this thread !! 😌😚 not tagging anyone bc i'm just butting in lol but if ur into astrology... 👀 (only @chaoticvirgos bc i know you'd love to do this lmao)
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sh0tanzz · 8 months
hello I hope you are having a great day ☺️, i really like your readings hehe, please do Anton as your boyfriend reading soon, I am looking forward on your other readings of the other groups as well.
rest well and take care 💕💕
you are sooo sweet omg but here we go !!
Anton as your boyfriend based on Astrology
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(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
warnings: small mention of suggestive innuendo but nothing extremely graphic I'll only do NSFW asks if requested.
Aries Sun: Many people are "surprised" that Anton is an aries since the stereotype is that they're hyper and aggressive but aries men can be pretty shy + to themselves initially and don't expose their extroverted behavior till they're comfortable. Aries is cardinal, they enjoy starting things and once they master it will move on to the next task (Anton went from swimming to instruments, to producing, to being an idol what bigger example do you need 😭) before the relationship actually starts he'd try to approach but wouldn't just straight up flirt he'd want to begin a friendship or some form of banter/rapport with you. Since there's no water supporting his sun in his big six it shows he wouldn't be a super sappy "my heart bleeds for you" type of boyfriend but would still be passionate and serious when it comes to you as his partner. If you had a rocky past he'd try to have you focus on the "now" of everything and help you not loath. Has his random moments of boldness but they go as fast as they came LMAOO so savor them when you can.
Aries Moon: Many people view Anton as very timid and though he is on a surface level he is most definitely capable of boldness and quickly acting on his wants, yes he is a contained individual but when he wants something he'll shamelessly go after it. So yes ! he is 100% capable of initiating things whether its physical affection or if he wants to see you. If he wants you he wants you, plus, in a video he claimed that if it was just him and the person of his affection one on one he'd express himself more freely. Which makes me think if it were you two one on one he'd be super real about his feelings and his guard wouldn't be as far up.
Aries Mercury: Yes. the headcanons that anton would spam your phone with tiktoks and memes are true. He wouldn't be afraid of hitting you up frequently and seeming "needy" like he loves you duh ofc he's gonna text you literally at any given opportunity. Would probably have your post notifs on and would be the FIRSTTT person to like your post and story. He'd be very honest and straightforward when communicating so you wouldn't have to worry about reading in between the lines or having to guess about what's going on between you two.
Taurus Venus: He could have short lived phases of being possessive and literally viewing you as "his person". He wouldn't want the relationship to continuously rush into new bases he'd want it to have a natural flow and wouldn't rush you into anything but would still want to know where you stood on certain things and be in the know (his aries stellium influence, he welcomes change and newness but, as said before, wants it to come naturally and at a certain pace). He'd be sure to be someone you could rely and depend on and would be as patient as possible with you. Would express his love through physical touch such as cuddling, resting his head on your shoulder, napping together and through spoiling you like paying for your meal, sending/bringing food and random valuable gifts at whatever time. HE JUST WANTS TO TREAT YOU RIGHHTT. Also would be very sentimental like he'd have photos, songs, posts and things saved or kept from when you two first met or started dating. He'd make the relationship so domestic oml. Ngl due to taurus venuses need for natural build up and the childish friendly nature of his aries placements he's probably a sucker for the friends to lover trope me thinks 😭
Gemini Mars: Oh he'd just love having one on one talks with you about anything interesting under the sun none of the convos would be surface level or shallow. He'd also flirt SM THROUGH TEXT every gemini mars dude I've known gets so flirty otp. Plus you wouldn't have to worry about the relationship having an air of monotony either. People claim that gemini mars people can be hot and cold but I don't think that's the case I think they're just aware that sometimes for a healthy relationship space is properly needed, so he'd let you have time to yourself/himself but with his taurus venus during these periods you wouldn't feel alone or abandoned because he'd still be there for you. Similar to Wonbin he could find your voice very attractive or a turn on. Gemini rules the hands, arms and shoulders so he may kiss you there or like to have some physical contact with them. Gemini also rules the lungs and nervous system so he might try to 'take your breath away'...take that as you will LOL.
Other Aspects:
Moon/Neptune Sextile: He is hyperaware of the feelings and emotions of those around him no matter how subtle they seem and also uses music as a vice so he'd use it to connect with you.
Venus trine Jupiter: He's naturally a giver and wouldn't be overly forceful, He honestly would nurture the relationship as much as he possibly could.
Potential Toxicity: (reminder that any/everyone is capable of having toxic or negative traits, these could be POTENTIALLY true)
Venus/Square Neptune: Is willing to go LENGTHS for a partner/people he loves but may take things a bit too far or do "too much" and once you try to explain that though you appreciate his efforts it's a bit much he may take it the wrong way and feel unappreciated or used.
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youremyheaven · 7 months
hey, just wanted to share i really relate to the post about the mole. i'm actually pushya rising and punarvasu moon. and i have a mole on my chin. i hate it so much since i was young. it look ugly to me. people always took notice of it and some of my friends and relatives even make fun of it. i feel insecure about the mole. i was always pick on it until it bleeds. when i was 17, i removed it myself using some home-made paste that i made myself that i found on google. it did removed but i left with scars twice bigger than my mole. but i don't care as there is no mole on my chin anymore. am i happy? probably. but once i removed it, people keep asking me about it and i lied to them saying i got whipped at the chin by guitar string. all they were saying was that it's unfortunate that i no longer have the mole when it was so pretty on me. what a hypocrite. why don't you say that when i had it before? all i'm saying is that your face belongs to you so don't let people tell you what it is and what to do. don't be like me and hurt yourselves so you can be what they want you to be. i hope this become a reminder to the others. always love yourself first.
thank you for sharing this!! i hope it helps someone.
vedic astrology has really helped me with my dysmorphic view of myself, a lot of things that i perceived to be flaws are actually traits unique to my nakshatras & placements and shared by many others (including famous people i admire but also many others irl) and it really helped me embody myself with more ease & security. once you become attuned to it, you start noticing these patterns everywhere, it has become very easy for me to guess someone's Yoni animal or nakshatra based on their appearance and it has helped me understand how there are sooo many different types of beauty. consuming a lot of korean content/western content kinda gives you a homogenized view of beauty but if you look around there is so much variety!! ik its not exactly related to what you've shared but i thought i'd add my own thoughts. its so sad to see people use astrology to beat themselves up because its such a wonderful tool that can really help you heal, understand and accept yourself etc.
anyways sorry for the ramble. i really appreciate you guys sharing your thoughts with me. pls feel free to drop something in my inbox, you never know who needs to see it<33
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feketeribizli · 1 year
For the OC thingy:
thank youuuuu ill be sooo insufferable about them sorry
🎮 three favourite hobbies?
hosszú: its more like his lifes passion but he loves collection rocks and minerals and all that. an actual hobby of his would be gardening :-) he also does a bit of arts and crafts here and there, anything to do around the house
ficsúr: can cooking be considered a hobby lol they love doing that. they diy clothes in their free time and they also picked up beadwork recently, making jewels for themselves and friends
💯 three random facts
hosszú is ambidextrous, he did ballet when he was a little kid and his favourite musical artist is stevie nicks. ficsúr speaks fluent romanian and conversational french they picked up for shits and giggles, they have a "h*rry p*tter scar" on their forehead from the time they fell down a set of stairs lol and they are bad at winking
🌈 sexual orientation/gender identity and pronouns
hosszú is a homosexual man going by he/him pronouns and ficsúr is a bisexual nonbinary guy using they/them pronouns :-) theyre both very comfortable with their gender and sexuality
🤍 three neutral/questionable traits
hosszú: he has a bit of a saviour complex... not sure what else to say i dont even know what to consider a neutral trait if im being honest
ficsúr: theyre too neutral at times lol very dont care didnt ask L + ratio attitude going on here
🎂 whens their birthday, how old are they, signs, tarot cards etc etc
hosszú: june 29th! cancer sun, capricorn moon and aquarius rising. he was born in 1999 so hes twenty-four this year and apparently his birth cards are the moon and the hermit but idk what that means. this is fun so i looked it up and his planet is uranus. im not that big on astrology but i think he fits the typical traits of his signs
ficsúr: february 14th hehehe. aquarius sun, gemini moon and aquarius rising (gay as fuck for a man to be an aquarius). theyre a 2000 kid and apparently they have the same tarot cards? idk how that works lol their planet is mars whatever that means. i think they fit the general traits of their signs too but someone whos into astrology can chime off if they want to 😁👍
🤔 some quirks and mannerisms
hosszú picks at his skin when hes nervous/anxious/etc, he always tries to match his steps to ficsúrs and as a white noise hes often humming or murmuring to himself
ficsúr grinds their teeth 😐 theyre also a chronic arm/leg shaker, always in motion and always making some kind of sound like tapping with their fingers or said teeth grinding
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shadowjax · 27 days
Harry Potter Magic Awakened MC
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In honor of the game closing its American server, here is my mc and some lore. I'd love to write a few fics about them and their life at Hogwarts. Since it seems like we won't get an end to the story then we might as well write one.
Name: Jax Lucifer (they/them)
Magical Status: Muggle-born
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: 11-inch Cherry with Dragon Heartstring
Patronus: Red Panda
Owl: Scops Owl named Lil'Nugget
Specialty: Easily create strong bonds with magical creatures, skilled cartographer
Personality: Strong-willed, patient, loyal, introvert
Likes: Magical creatures, maps, butterbeer, adventure, dancing
Dislikes: Poachers, disloyalty, unforgivable curses
Lore: A distant relative of a student from Hogwarts Mystery, originally adopted by a couple from America. Their family moved to England in their early teens due to a job relocation. Their mom is a conservation zoooligist while their mother is an environmental engineer. Jax is very introverted and the move was very hard on them, their parent's jobs taking up a lot of time. Supernatural things began to happen which made it hard to make friends and led to them being bullied by other students. When Hagrid explains that they are a wizard and have been accepted to a school of magic they never applied for, Jax is very nervous about the change. But it became the best decision because they have made so many wonderful friends and now consider Hogwarts their home. Jax has found a love for Magizoology which definitely stems from their mother and dreams of being a conservation Magizoologist. They plan to incorporate their love for cartography into their career somehow.
Jax, Ivy, and Daniel are like three peas in a pod. The three of you have been through so much in the early years of school. They helped the adjustment so much easier, it's a shame you didn't have the same support when you moved to England. While Cassandra may seem like a bully to most students, she has never directly insulted you. The two of you shared a mutual respect for one another, although her taunts towards your friends sometimes cross the line. you are surprisingly good at dance, enough for you and Cassandra to become casual dance partners.
Sometime during their 3rd year, there was an incident where they were dueling a dark wizard that overpowered Cassandra. Jax won the battle but at the cost of their wand and a scar that spread across their entire right arm, side of the neck, and just barely touching their jaw. Ever since the incident, the two found a new level of respect for one another, and Cassandra's attitude had subsided. Ever since the incident, you changed your dueling tactics, going from being summon-heavy to defense-heavy. Also a fear of a certain green glow illuminating from wands.
Their favorite classes are care for magical creatures, herbology, charms, astrology, and divination. Defense against the dark arts, potions, and the history of magic is their least favorite. They've never been big on sports but quidditch is something they have slowly become a fan of. Not only is it entertaining to watch but it is fun to play with friends.
This is only the beginning for Jax and they are excited to see what the future holds 0_0.
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Legit sad that we only have half the story it is so much more entertaining to play than Hogwarts Mystery. The art style is sooo beautiful and I love the characters so much, they're better than Legacy's side charters. Personally, I prefer it over Mystery and Legacy in terms of story and a few other things. I was so excited when the global launch was announced bc I saw artwork and some gameplay and was like "I want to play that game". I put 400+ days into this, that's def more than any other HP game I have played lol. I do find it crazy that it's shutting down everywhere but Asia, I guess the audience is bigger there idk. I just want an ending at least o_o
Link to petition for NetEase devs to keep global alive
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tomgregs · 2 years
i love talking abt astrology like i care. it means nothing to me when im not manic but its still sooo fun teehee
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hey i watched this really interesting video on youtube it’s by a youtuber called the divine venus, the video is called how to tell the difference between psychopaths & narcissists (but the video is sooo much more, it’s a really long video but if your ever bored and watched like 10 min or skipped through some parts i’d love to know what you think) ❤️
Never trust anyone who describes themselves as a "professional astrologer" lol. I didnt know you could get a degree in bullshit. I couldnt find the video she made, but I'm guessing it was just as full of misinformation and pseudoscience. I really warn against most of these Youtubers who run pop psych channels, they have no idea what they're talking about and love to fetishize these disorders. Its just fun for them, not science. They see it more as like a zodiac instead of a mental illness that destroys peoples lives.
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pixelpastry · 2 years
hi max hello max!!!! 10, 14 and 21 for the ask game! :0
HAI WREN twirling my hair
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
chokers and tank tops 100% LMFAO also pants with alot of folds....also? long flowing garments like scarves, sheets, etc shrimply so fun to draw
14. Any favorite motifs
ohhh hard quastion.....truly a sucker for religious imagery (mainly christian, what i grew up with), mythos of the phillippines, and tarot/flower language too 0_0 also astrology somewhat!
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
i LOVE blocky paint styles but she is just not for me T_T but its so so good i like taking a bite out of it! lineless is also another joy to see for me i think its sooo cool
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starsapphire · 5 months
yea bruce is like textbook earth sign esp Capricorn sun and like the aqua moon is v real !! 'world's most saturnine loser' sooo tru ! none of his canon bdays makes any sense to me he's like born either at the end of the year or like beginning anywhere from (24 Dec to 2 jan) but thats just the vibe
in regards to jason,, yes it's probably like chaotic n insane, and yes I see him being a leo I think it makes sense esp with everything u said like 100% to all of it. I see him an earth sign moon bc of how like through and calculated he can be (in certain comics at least) but also !! cancer moon does make soo much sense its the toxicity, the parental issues, and the never getting over anything ever (despite what this imply I like cancers but if the shoe fits !!). also absolutely if we had to go with an air sign the gemini vibes r off chart esp like maybe mercury (or jupiter) however I know in my heart he is a leo venus that's certain.
ok this is getting too long sry lmfao so (1/2)
(2/2) as for cass i do agree she has an aqua sun but definitely vibing more with her having a capricorn moon. I can't say I've considered for her an Aries rising but I see what u mean and I agree. I'll also add I think she has a earth sign venus leaning towards taurus but also cap could make sense.
Steph is soo aries u r soo right like she's obv a fire sign and for a while I couldn't decide but reading what you've said yes to all of it. okok for her moon I could see the argument for all water sign bc like they feel v intensely but also like r v catious of it, personally tho I'm learning towards like cancer bc it's the cardinal water sign but also pisces n scorpio r like v compelling options. yk I personally hc her as having a libra Venus which like Taurus is lead by Venus so like the vibes r there. I do love her having a sag rising it makes perfect sense. I will say I also think she has gemini mercury u r soo right for the aqua lilth its literally the ' rebellious dreamer ' v fitting for her
I love yapping about the batfam n astrology so this v fun !! also lime shortbread sounds tasty
YES all of this... bruce is a textbook capricorn and he has issues idk what to say (<- guy who is also a textbook capricorn with issues). now that i've thought about it more i'm leaning more toward cass cap moon also tbh. i do think it's compelling to have bruce and cass' signs mirror one another (cap sun aqua moon + aqua sun cap moon). steph is such a fire sign it's crazy right!!! and gemini mercury is So true
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salaciousslut · 8 months
Good morning princess, I slept well, and i hope you did too<3 What was the dream about? I like hearing about people's dreams, esp since i dont have many of my own (the ones i do have are usually precognitive dreams)
Im already slowly convincing myself to just be braver. Like i wanna know so much more about you🫣 I would love to know what you do but thats gotta be asked away from the public eye, like i will admit only reason i gave a vague answer so publicly myself is cause im on anon. Ive been trying to work up the nerve to click message and not anon🫣 but it makes me happy that youre willing to wait for my shy ass to show up in your dms, sweetheart<3 And i dont mean to be too vain, but sweet thing I think you might be more than just a little enamored<33 but thats ok, you wanted to feed into my confidence a little anyway☺️
I'm obsessed with playing with other people's hair, it always feels nice. So come over and cuddle with me sweetheart, i wouldnt mind if you let me play with your hair and trace shapes on your skin, if you fell asleep in my arms i wouldnt mind<3☺️
Im Sagittarius rising! I feel like i cant dispute my chart like even a little, i was born a little early! The stars were in alignment hehe🤭 But I can see your Aquarius traits now that you mention it. Also some of my best friends have earth suns and air risings or air sun/earth rising. It seems the people around me gotta keep me grounded but inflate my sense of self at the same time 🤭 but I am all fire signs for my big three🫣 i'd love to see your chart sometime, i dont fully know everything but astrology is a big thing for me like im a little delusional about the planets, stars, and the moon but they've never led me astray!
I did have fun! But i think I would've preferred having a reason to ignore my game🤭 it wouldve been nice getting under the covers with a warm and cute girl last night<3 especially when i had a hard time getting myself to sleep when i was tired🥺
What have you been up to today, sweetheart?
hi hi hi!!! im glad u slept well!! im really bad at remembering my dreams but all i know is that u made an appearance!!
i know its hard to work up the courage to get off anon so never feel bad!!and if im enamored, so are you handsome!!! 😇🥰
ugh i would love that!!! sometimes i find myself tracing shapes on my skin to mimic that so it would be amazing to have someone else do it!! plus im sooo sleepy today so a lazy day would be perfect
awww i love my lil fire signs, they have def grown on me a lot and i love the spontaneity that they give me!! hehe i think these are some good signs!! im all earth and air too!! but yes i dont know much but i love the stars and moon and stuff!!
noooo im sorry u have a hard time sleeping, i really wish i could help!!!
im being studying today, accidentally took a mid morning nap so i have to grind for my exam tomorrow! but i just had lunch and am curled up with my computer!!
how about you?
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lovegeneblog · 2 years
I was High and Embarrassed
I am Love Gene. Here to throw everything outside.
Finally, yes finally.. Let's start from the last night.
A strange thing happened. I was high and about to sleep. Guess what? Someone followed me on Instagram. It was an account I thought I was already following. I said okay. Let's follow back.
The account belongs to a woman who is a witch and makes a living from that. She posts astrological stuff daily which I totally enjoy to read<3
Well she texted me saying "grand rising love" and my reply was "infinite rising". Then she told me that "Can I give you a reading ❤️ I was called to you by the ancestors that’s why I beep ya Do you mind guidance of the ancestors??".
I said "sure".
She asked my full name and a photo of my left palm.
I was high and gave them all to her.
Then something happened inside my chest. Omg.. What a black feeling happened inside my cheeest!
I felt so bad. So so so sooo bad like someone was entering my soulgate and changing something about my life. Omg. I heard a beep and opened the text to see that:
"I do accept donation for the reading my love 😍 tho I don’t give specific amount but people donate 25-100$ how much can you afford? Cash app or paypal? Venmo or zelle? It’s just a donation How much can you afford."
Yea yea just a donation 😂🤪
I replied as "I will donate later my love".
I deleted my full name and the left palm.
I was high and embarrassed.
I was high and panic.
I was high and my sleep was totally gone.
Not because of seeing her real intentions. Someone that I really don't have any idea about had my full name and my left palm.
I have been dealing with anixety for years and now look what happens in the middle of the night 😂
Well. I slept well don't worry. In the morning I checked the stories to see that account shared something saying like "this is my only account". Well it happened a lot of people. Then, I felt stupid. Then, I felt smart. Now, I feel nothing about the event.
The thing is I'm glad I did not continue and donate her. Though I have no money to donate but even if I had, I wouldn't donate. Because you know. This shit happens a lot and real witches never ask money to read the palms or your cups or your life or your birth mark. They don't. If they really feel that they should read you, they just do without asking anything. But there is another thing. They usually have LOOVELLYY crafts and I love to buy them. You see? Its reciprocity without tension without putting pressure. If there is pressure, there is no magic and it's not fun!!!!!!
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neptune-midheaven · 4 years
💓 Astro Notes PT 3 ! 💓
+I’m definitelyy gonna do sign posts soon, like houses, planets, asteroids, and all, it’s all gonna have a theme to each topic yada yada yadaa, so look outtt+
>A bit of a long post here so have fun scrolling through it hehe :))
*All aries risings have sign/house synchronization because the house order doesn’t move or if it does move at all it hardly does, only shifting by a sign or two depending on how late the ascendant degree is, this is notorious of aries’ independence streak by wanting each sign to be in their native houses, to feel its house’s full power, aries rules 1st the house of identity so there’s the more symbolic way for this occurring. It’s pure energy here.
*Venus-saturn, especially conjunction, definitely carry a big daddy vibe. It’s more prominent if the two are placed in the angular houses.
*Taurus and libra are both rules by venus, but these energies are distributed between the two signs in different ways. A basic way to differ the two energy wise is taurus is the “masculine” side of venus, libra is far more “feminine”. Both are delicate but in different ways taurus is “heavier”, for it being an earth sign, contrasted with the airy and flighty libra.
*Libra sun is in fall in astrology, the fall meaning the behavior of the sign contradicts the traditional role of the planet, the role of the sun is to stand out from everyone else, its your radiance, what makes you special, it’s your ego and what you take pride in. But libra wants to be relatable to everyone, to NOT stand out, merge and meet and balance !! This is the opposite of aries, aries is independent, “what makes ME independent, me me me !!”, explaining its exaltation when the sun enters this sign, it’s not absolutely the same as leo sun or the suns energy overall but it’s a close fit, almost... perfect, that’s what the exaltation means represents here. Libra is focused on everyone else around them, everyone other than themselves, the people around them and how they can compromise to fit everyone’s needs. I mentioned before they don’t like to stand out, this is excluding fire placements in a libras chart which will create a person who relates well to others but still demands to stand out in whatever planet is in a fire sign.
*Whatever house leo is ruling is wherever your rising sign’s ego is being expressed in, ex: leo in 11th expresses their ego, creativity with friends, causes. This area of life is where you’ll likely take most pride in, excluding the suns placement in the chart.
*Neptune in 7th can attract a lot of partners in need of healing or help. This person is very healing and guiding in relationships, maybe they could even make a good guidance counselor, but I’m not so sure astrologically because I haven’t looked into it entirely, let me know if this is true.
*Neptune in 2nd is the type of person to browse a shop, find whatever they like but never end up buying it, they change their minds about it by putting it back right before they leave. They could’ve been talking about hooow much they want to get whatever they’re holding onto over and over again but never buy the thinggg.
*Aries mercury were always told to lower their voice or be quiet as kids I swear.
*Uranus in 12th feels they should hide their brilliance, these are veryy creative people they just keep it a secret.
*12th house feels like a never ending game of hide and seek, you find the planet sometimes but you’re always in a never ending loop, always searching for it.
*The moon in astrology, when looking into the mother, who’s ruled by the moon in astrology, describes your relationship with her, what she’s like, how she raised you etc...
*Ex: taurus moons, your mother gave you many gifts, she adored youu as taurus is ruled venus which rules gifts and appreciation, she was also very relaxed in your childhood, she still is now. This relationship is a very calm, steady one, moon is exalted in taurus meaning the role of the moon is comfortable in relaxed and comfy taurus.
*Ex: a moon in 8th, the house of intense and psychic scorpio, could have a psychic or even telepathic bond to the mother, this is a very strong connection overall and depending on its sign and aspects is where you’ll find the specifics of the relationship from, the details, how the relationship is flavored.
*Sun in 12th indicates an absent father figure. This placement is difficult, i’m so sorry if you have it because you can never feel like you can be yourself, it’s hidden from you. With any other placement in astrology, there’s a gorgeous, forgiving upside to it, you’re very healing and understanding of others, an empath or at least someone who sucks in the negative vibes out the environment, it can get quite exhausting !! so always need to seclude yourself now and then, you’re very loyal and caring of your loved ones, people love you for your sensitivity and empathy as this placement also makes you an old soul, someone overflowing with wisdom others rely on.
*5th house shows you what your child will be like, what traits they embody, what they will do and even how they act.
*Capricorn risings look elvish, they have high cheekbones a lot like a LOTR character and elvish, chiseled ears. It’s not OUT there but it’s subtle.
*Chiron in 9th has experienced religious trauma.
*A lot of 12th or 8th house placements carry a lot of karma.
*Mercury-pluto (especially negative) can become inconsiderate in arguments, they bring up a ton of shit to use against you, only as long as they can win.
*Scorpio suns are far more optimistic and light hearted than the moon sign.
*Mercury-ascendant aspects can make even an introverted rising sign more out-going, open, talkative (not that introverted risings can’t be talkative this is just what comes with this placement).
*You may be good at something without realizing it, take a peak at your 12th house or quintiles !! For quintiles, look up the trine form of whatever two planets are aspected for the general description since there’s not too much to find online sadly. 12th house is something you don’t really know or realize you’re good at, especially early in life, the secret talent pertaining to whichever sign or planet are ruling/in this house.
*Leo venus take pride in their loverss like damnnnn they literally treat their partners as royalty, king and queen, kissing the ground they walk on and everything, they’re so devoted in love, it’s adorable !! <33
*Pisces and leo moons, THE dreamiest, most romantic moon sign pairr, it’s well known pisces is the hopeless romantic of the zodiac, however to bring up the flamboyant, dramatic leo moon when describing a dreamy romantic you wonder, really ?? Yes this is extremely true ! Both signs, pisces and leo, are fairly alike, almost alike in fact, considering they both create a inconjunction in the natal chart, two signs who share some similarities while still contradicting one another in ways they express these similarities, both pisces and leo are creative, talented, have a love for the arts, film, music, loyal as friends and love to care for others, both are insanely idealistic. Leo rules the child remember !! so they’re a childlike sign with young idealism, an idealistic moon sign here. Both leo and pisces moons are children at heart, they’re so gooey and sweet.
*Sun in 10th can get any job they apply for, they could even be terrible at that job they want, the one they want to try out for, they would even have a breakdown over how terrible they were in an interview but still get the job like HOWW- WITCHCRAFTT.
*Aquarius mercuries were known as the smartest kid in class, the einstein’s of the class, everyone asked for their answers for the homework, they just carry this flair of intellectual superiority just like the sun sign haha.
*Your 12th house is what you unconsciously give off the vibe of, your ascendant and midheaven are noticeable layers, different types of layers of you !!but the subtle layers of the 12th house, sign or planet, can always be sensed unconsciously, 12th house energies are at a higher octave, a higher vibration than the other houses, even 11th, you can notice a person’s subtle 12th house energy but they’re still completely unaware of it as it’s ! hidden ! from them.
*Aquarius venus, and really all air venuses in general, are soo stereotyped UGHH, what I mean by stereotyped is the descriptions of each of these venus signs is literally like the same shit over and overrr again, they all get terrible reps in the astro community it seems almost close minded because it’s also such a hugee generalization. It’s only about how the air venus energy is used, manifested in the person, if its underdeveloped or not. If it’s underdeveloped it’s going to be chaotically afloat from material love affairs, which earth venuses don’ttt like, water too, fire can handle the floaty-ness but if the passion’s not there- BYE !! If you develop an air venus well enough, you can balance the material and intellectual realms in your relationships, this is kinda natural for earth heavy charts with one the air signs here, however fire or even more air could become a little tricky to ground yourself in relationships. Just let your partners know you deserve your space because you guys can really run out of mental power after a while, so it’s necessary for you to recharge !! just don’t ghost people completely when you do, it’s where this immortal stereotype comes from.
*Saturn dominant people are flawless beings.
*Saturn in 3rd, YOU GUYS ARE SOOOSOO SOOO SMART AHH. Their minds are always running at a fast pace like literal lightning, or they become too overwhelming (not in a bad sense ofcc, it’s just how it is) that the person’s speech rhythm is kinda forgotten about in a way, it feels like that their mouths aren’t always running in sync. The thought they’re going to express into words should come out but it’s so quick or even “heavy” it jumbles up a sentence or it causes the person to mix up a word or two. Their minds are fast fast fastt but they feel like their mouths are running in literal slow motion. There’s nothing wrong with this, this placement makes amazingly smart peoplee. Just relax, try letting yourself go in conversation, let all that big, brain energy freee !!
*Alsoo, as singers they would and definitely ALWAYSS get their notes right, they have actual PERFECT voices, they really should become writers or, like I said, singing would be perfect for them because they would never mess up lmaoo.
*Libra, computerized concern and sympathy...
*Pluto in 8th feel unbeatable, indestructible almost, they have above average regenerative abilities, they have the best survival tactics but they keep it a secret, it’s 8th house we’re talking about.
*Whatever saturn is in is the area where you’ll become flawless in, you’ll master that area throughout your life with time.
*There is a guiding planet in astrology, the planet that is closest behind the sun, it’s considered your “second” chart ruler, or basically has the energy of it because you can probably relate to it being one of the most prominent energies in your chart.
*Sagittarius//9th house mercury is soooo blunt, so blunt. Wait did I mention they’re SOOO SO BLUNT.
*Moon in 5th need to perform, they love to get out on stage and perform with their entire hearts, they’ll do amazing in the performing arts, theatre, and honestly they probably already aree. These people are so playful and generally so fun to be around, they’re natural hypemen as well !!
*Taurus venus love to be appreciated by their partners, the gifts, the kisses, the food and allll.
*Neptune in 3rd feel everything in their environment, they can sift through the energies and vibes, it’s second nature, no not second nature, FIRST nature, they’re one with everything around them. Their minds are like a hazy, cloudy ocean containing every drop, every thought of a place, a person.
*Moon in 11th, and 10th too, have a special ability to understand and sympathize with the public, they always know what the public wants and even how to give it to them. This can easily get them famous since they’re extremely understanding people, especially if moon is healthy in the chart.
*Someone with a lot of capricorn/10th house or aquarius/11th house energy is very extroverted, they enjoy socializing with others but suffer from social burn outs often, they often need to recharge.
*Scorpio risings have intense voices, like their tone radiates throughout your head and it can feel intense overall, even when they’re speaking casually. The specific flavor or tone doesn’t matter but how it sounds overall is piercing.
*In astrology, libra rising starts the house cusps with each houses sister signs ruling each cusps ex: pisces rules 6th house, the house of virgo in astrology. Symbolically, libra wants to balance out the houses by blending the energies with the sister signs together, by with what is (house number) and how it’s done (sign on each house cusp), for balanceee !!
*Moon conjunction uranus TRANSITSS can cause literal earthquakes on earth, shocking news or something shocking or groundbreaking will happen that day either around the world and in personal, daily life. Ex: this transit happened on halloween during the blue moon, so basically no one ever trick or treats in my neighborhood, like barely anyone comes out i mean, it’s always 5 houses apart where people typically hand out candy, some people are just hanging out, we always run out of houses to go to since it’s not very active, but this year EVERYONE was out trick or treating it was so crazy to see so many people out, it was quite literally shocking because that actually never happens also there’s a whole pandemic going on too lmaooo.
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virghogh · 3 years
NCT Dream Birth Charts x Hexaco Results Analysis pt. 1
recently NCT Dream were on a new reality show called Mental Training Camp where they are doing a variety of activities and all of their behavior and interactions are being analyzed by professional psychologists.
ofc my virgo sun mercury ass was thrilled and I had their birth charts pulled up the whole time to cross reference.
I wanted to share some of my personal thoughts on how the 2 might connect!
part 1 // part 2 // part 3
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**key: in the hexaco charts the blue represents the Dreamies, the orange is an average result of 300 college students who took the same test**
Mark - “Workaholic Leader”
✨leo sun // aries moon // cancer mercury // virgo venus // scorpio mars✨
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they described him as a workaholic leader but quickly added that if he’s not now, he has potential to be in the future, although it seemed they all agreed he has workaholic spirit now 
this immediately made sense to me when you look at his chart i mean he’s being driven by a fire sun and moon and a scorpio mars (used to be ruled by mars) and virgo venus both of which are signs that have strong work ethics
the reason I like that they mentioned he could grow into it is because he’s still young and I agree that his placements could become more serious about work and life as he gets older, I think his leo sun/aries moon combo gives him very youthful energy but they’re still very driven signs
mark agreed that even throughout his trainee years when he was still very young, he was always practicing and was always called a workaholic. I see this in the intense drive, work ethic and perfectionism of virgo and scorpio but shining through with the warmth of his sun and moon
lets talk about this hexaco chart, what sticks out the most is Mark’s level of conscientiousness! (its so high like what even-) Conscientious people are careful, precise, detail oriented and in general care about doing their tasks well. I think this is directly connected to his scorpio mars! I always say that no matter what is in a chart, having a scorpio in big 6 will always have a strong influence and with a virgo venus, even though venus is considered a love planet it is also our value system, how we discern what is worthy and unworthy for us, and having virgo there makes him very practical. (as I mentioned though I think all of his placements together reflect a very driven person) (I also think mark is lucky to have a fire moon because if he had a water or earth I think his obsession and perfectionism of scorpio and virgo would make him d*pressed or too hard on himself) 
his virgo venus could even be why when they did the bag check they saw he’s quite “frugal” or practical and minimalist in the things he carries around. When you think about Venus, I mentioned it’s our values it’s also our aesthetics and it rules Taurus a materialistic sign, having virgo there gives me the impression of someone who is practical with their belongings, as we saw. 
We’ll see later in the post that there are a few Hexaco charts that I felt were a little unexpected but Marks imo was sooo spot on with his placements. With a fire sun and moon he’s very warm and open and has firey emotions. he’s not afraid to show them or be reactive and responsive (emotionality)! I think his honesty-humility reflects this too, he’s not too overly or underly honest, he’s just straightforward what you see is what you get and he answers in such a way too. His emotionality reflects the cancer mercury, the rashness of aries moon, and sensitivity of scorpio mars. 
tdlr; the human embodiment of driven, focused and hard working when it comes to his craft, but he loves to have fun in his outside life, and is practical in his inside life <3 his hexaco and birth chart align nicely
Jeno - “A scholar who gets hurt easily”
✨taurus sun // sagittarius moon // aries mercury // aries venus // taurus mars✨
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so right off the bat I’m very curious where the scholar part comes in ?? They didn’t really reference it again in that way but I’m assuming they mean he’s very diplomatic? Defcon rephrased it as “you get miffed but well-mannered” 
a recurring comment was that he gets annoyed easily but doesn’t show it, I thought that was really funny because I feel like it reflects his aries influence well; being a little hot-headed but he has the patience of his taurus sun and mars to filter it :’) 
they talked a lot about how he gets hurt easily and mark even shared a cute lil story that practically had me on the floor because i just think it shows his taurus sooooo much I’d really love to have his house placements one day I’m really curious where his taurus is
if you didn’t see the episode basically mark said one time Jeno was passing some seniors in a building and said hi but they didn’t say hi back ): and just ignored him. Mark said Jeno was really hurt by that and went on about it for a long time saying stuff like “I’m sure they saw me” )): but he never expressed/acted on that hurt. taurus is represented by the bull so they do have a fierce side to them but imo i think taurus can be a really gentle/relaxed sign too; taurus mars is a slow to be angry slow to react placement, and one of the things taurus is well-known for is being fixed, stubborn, holding grudges which explains why that moment hurt and he held on to it. Jeno even agreed he tends to hold in a lot of his feelings and remembers little things that hurt him for a long time!
speaking of his taurus... they had a whole baseball analogy for the group saying that Jeno is a strong catcher, you can have a good pitcher but without a strong catcher the team would fall apart. They also mentioned a lot about Jeno not being in the spotlight, he doesn’t stand out, but he silently strengthens the team. And if that isn’t the most taurus description you’ve ever heard.,,,
I’ve been talking about his taurus a lot but at one point they said Jeno has a strong perfectionist side but he’s also very flexible and it’s difficult to have both. I personally see this a lot in his Sag moon (mutable) in contrast to his taurus placements (fixed). Sag moon to me always seem happy go lucky, if emotions come they go quickly too, mutable gives him that flexibility because they just like when things can change freely. It’s ruled by jupiter and I feel a common theme with sag in big 6 is it’s easy for people to be drawn to their jupiter qualities. They give the same freedom they crave, they can be very easy going and positive. Similar to mark, I also think it helps Jeno to have this moon sign over another! 
as for the hexaco, I’ll be honest the level of introvertness/shyness was a little surprising from an astrology stand point. When we see Jeno in all the NCT content I feel like it’s obvious he is on the shy side but if I was looking at only his chart, I don’t think I was expect it to be to the extent of the hexaco chart! (plss i need his birth time) in the same thread, his emotionality is really low and I can’t say I’m surprised from an astrology view😅 it’s not that he’s not compassionate or anything because he does care a lot about not upsetting people, but as we saw he is not very reactive and receptive emotionally ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  his openness is low too which fits what we’ve talked about above about his lack of reaction/expression of emotions, I feel like sag moons also don’t dwell especially with no water placements. 
The honesty and humility makes a lot of sense to me because i feel like taurus, aries and sag(!) are very righteous signs too! They care about integrity, they certainly might have their own idea of what is truth,.. but whatever it is, they believe in it! 
last note I want to make is on the whole “jeno isn’t funny” bit since they mentioned it. He said it hurt his ego when they first started the joke but it’s been going on for so long that I think he adapted to being able to take it as just that, a joke! It’s also funny to me that it started in the first place because earth signs are often called boring (it’s okay I’m an earth sign too lol) and I also have sag influence and I know people find me quite funny but I never try to be funny and it usually comes after my earth walls are down with close friends. 
tdlr; doesn’t ask or need spot light, gets annoyed easily but it doesn’t last, when something does hurt he remembers, slow or unlikely to be reactive and responsive, positive, comfort creature, loyal🥺
Chenle - “Friendly Guardian”
✨Sagittarius sun // Aquarius moon // scorpio mercury // scorpio venus // aquarius mars✨
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there is something about chenle’s personality that I’ve always loved, he comes off as very warm, care-free, curious, friendly, caring. I like the personality title they gave him because I think it sums him up well. The members had all laughed when they saw it and enthusiastically agreed.  I also love his hexaco chart and think it reflects him really well, with most of it being just outside of the average :’) as far as how it reflects his birth chart, let’s get into it
I do want to disclaim that Chenle was born on the sag/scorpio cusp and to be a sag he would have had to be born after 3pm (!) but I think we would all agree he’s definitely a sagittarius sun anyways
Before this show when I watch nct dream content it always fascinated me how easy going chenle was in chaotic situations, he never seems too demanding or controlling, and sometimes i wondered if he was holding back for the cameras and was actually really frustrated but based off the hexaco it seems like he is actually just that agreeable, from looking at just his chart I don’t know if I would have guessed his agreeableness was that far. I know sag suns can be very easy going and aquarius is a more chilled sign but he has 2 aquarius and 2 scorpio placements they’re both fixed signs and quite like to be in control😅 (can we get a birth time pls) 
One argument could be the combination of sag sun with aquarius moon, since we have to look at all of it together. it does give me the impression of someone more easy-going possibly because there is the comfort of confidence! I feel like sag sun/aqua moon + mars would give someone a high opinion of themself (go chenle). this combination could create someone who is easy going because they don’t dwell and aren’t emotionally fueled nor do they fret over people that are. I’d say easy-going or maybe even just cool headed? He’s always laughing things off too, showing he doesn’t take himself too seriously! 
Speaking of taking things seriously, I think we can see this in the conscientious part of the hexaco, it was the lowest and I think it can be explained by what I mentioned above. It’s not that he isn’t driven or doesn’t work hard, he’s a full time idol they all work hard but I think it represents that work isn’t the focus of his life but rather people, connection, community, and just being happy is? 
they talked about how Chenle is the type of person that you meet and already feel like you’re friends. He could be the youngest in the room and talk down to you and you wouldn’t even think twice. This is huuuuge aquarius energy! I remember one of the first things I learned about aquarius was that they make friends everywhere. They talk to a stranger on the street for directions and next thing you know they’re “friends”
I also want to add that they mention he’s friendly but he gives off “big brother vibes” i feel like we’ve all seen that in other nct content too and would agree. This is interesting to me because sag and aquarius is not the same kind of friendliness as we see with marks leo sun aries moon. Leo and aries are “younger” signs, whereas aquas and sagittarius are towards the end of the signs, they’re considered “mature” signs which I feel contributes to chenle’s “big brother” energy. He has that aqua/sag energy where he seems really sure of himself, and wise and people look up to that.
I want to talk about his scorpio placements real quick because even though I just made a case for how open and easy-going he is, I’m still confused about how the scorpio fits into all of this. scorpio isn’t known to be one to be super open, agreeable or extroverted. I personally see his scorpio come out a lot in his realtionships. you can tell he cares deeply for his members and yes his aqua makes him get along with everyone but I feel like with the dream members we see that scorpio possessiveness and jealousy come out more. Lastly, I do want to add a little mystery to this, although his openness is high and it’s clear he is a very authentic person,,.. I definitely would not call him an open book👀
Chenle wasn’t able to be in the recording of this show unfortunately so all we got was a brief description of his hexaco chart and we won’t get any further analyses ): 
although I do agree that his hexaco chart reflects how he comes off in shows, I don’t think it completely reflects his chart so I’m going to say the house placements would help create a better picture! 
tdlr; fun and realtionships are a priority, he’s comfortable and confident in himself and people are drawn to that, v friendly😌but he has secrets👀
feedback, thoughts and clarifying questions are always welcome!
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toukawings · 2 years
Did you do Yu for character bingo if not do it right now also Dynamis my favorite material girl💜
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AHHHHH!!! MY SON!!! i love yuu sm. when he first showed up he was so overpowered and reminded me of killua a bit! he’s really cute and can be sweet and it’s obvious to tell that yuu honestly just wants to have fun and be a kid and I love that!! I really like his design and his determination is really awesome and I love that he and kenta are best friends!!
when the arc where yuu was getting beaten by reiji showed up. man. I think that’s definitely where I started to get attached to yuu, and kind of saw myself in him with how he was attached to ryuga and ryuga abandoned him etc. i think he’s such a little guy and I love yuu there will never be a time he shows up and I go “ITS MY BOY!!!”
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I THINK DYNAMIS IS SOOO PRETTY AND SO COOL. I do wish dynamis was used more and that we saw him do more casual things than predict the universes fate but I still love the astrology aesthetic and the lore of beyblades and the really cool temple he lives in! 
i love seeing u talk abt him and I associate him with u actually! he’s a really interesting character and I love seeing art and fics being made of him
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1111jenx · 3 years
hey! i saw one of your astro notes and regarding how fixed signs group together i found that so true! the roommates i have eventually moved in with are all sun fixed signs! taurus, aqua, scorpio, leo! it was one of the best and we all can naturally click w one and other! we love grocery shopping together and playing video games. the only ones who were not fixed were the capricorn roommates but even then we still click!
its interesting bc the caps and aqua we all tend to hang out w each other even if we do nothing. and when one of the aquas left (she was the aqua stellium lmao), so did the caps! we just clicked and im trying to understand how as ive always felt out of place but not this group. only thing i can come up w was that caps and aqua are all born in january? is this the saturn influence?
sorry for the long post! was v fascinated by our group dynamics specifcally we jan babies 🥺
- 🐚
Hi babyy
No worries at all I enjoy reading these observations so much haha I do this on a daily basis so I'm glad other astrology geeks are also religiously observing too hehe
and yes what you notice about capricorn and aquarius is very interesting bahaha, they are in fact both ruled by saturn in traditional astrology and i believe the 2 signs have way more similarities than we give them credits for:) a lot of tropical capricorn sun can also be sidereal aquarius!! if you observe close enough, you can definitely notice that hint of perfectionism and insane standards these 2 set for themselves haha🤣
in addition to that, i can 100% seeing fixed signs being clique as hell HAHAHAHAH. even my current friend group are all filled up with scorpio, leo, aquarius and taurus energy it's insane😭😭 but i believe the way each and every fixed placement are SOOO stubborn and will fight til the end to prove something is right in their own terms is perhaps what brought them closer to one another? another thing about fixed placement that i notice is they'll make friends but once they deem they have TOO MUCH people around them, they'll stop once and for all cause they're probably already very content with their circle and thinks its "pointless" (this v exact word yall.) to make new friends🤣
ahhh i enjoy reading this so much your roomates all sound like so much fun and i love that y'all are getting along:")
sending yall love and good vibes bae<3
saint jenx🪐
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cooldude-69 · 2 years
I have moderate acne i also had slightly severe acne before, and i feel sooo insecure abt my looks, like hiding your face most of the time, wearing mask even if it suffocates,
And the only thing i could think of is how i look when someone looks at my face.
My cousin who used to be my bestf before, she said things which made me extremely insecure abt my skin, even my so called bestfriend in school, when her crush got attracted to me without actually seeing me, she said to him "she wont come, her face is full of acne" when he asked if he could meet me, and when he said that they weren't visible in the picture, she literally said "its all filters, filters hides everything", AND THAT PIC HAD NO FILTER, I've been hiding myself, i hate going out, avoiding whtvr makes me go out, i shifted to some new place and ppl here asked me to come play with them and i refused.
Every new breakout and i feel like dying, I've bawled my eyes out literally everyday, and telling my bf abt how bad i feel and him saying that im pretty and all just doesn't work at all
But NGL ISTG ASTROLOGY MADE ME FEEL SO MUCH BETTER not only astrology, few influencers on instagram who posts abt acne positivity, seeing them going thru same shit feels so much better likw its fucking normal,
And in astrology, my Chiron in 1h which ig means appearance? And self esteem and wtvr, i read somewhere that "things will only heal when you'll accept urself" and man, healing really is a long and hard process but actually doing it and seeing results feels so much better
I'm trying to not to wear mask, and few of my friends are soo nice to me, so supportive, she got soo happy and excited that i wasn't wearing the mask, and my friend who stays with me most of the time in school they didn't even react a bit, i could see how diff they are, but i felt better,
Later i realised the reason of my breakouts it was cuz of mask, and also sunscreen(yes sunscreen is good for protection, but it clogs my pores) so i stopped wearing as it is rainy season and i couldn't believe-
I DIDN'T WEAR MASK YESTERDAY OMG (im fully vaccinated)
I feel sooo much better, even if i get new breakouts i wont wear mask, i promise to myself, not letting this shitty insecurity get all over me, im beautiful with or w/o acne and scars.
And all the ppl who complimented me and made me feel better abt myself specially my bf, i love you😭💕 i just cant explain how overwhelmed i get ndjdkdnd
If i hadn't complaint abt my acne to everyone, they wouldn't have made fun, or pointed it out :)
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