#but i mean.... khaenriah... fighting gods...
sleepless-rants · 7 months
hi sleepless.!!!!! I was wondering if you had any theories on surtalogi & vedrfolnir’e identities? since going off etymology , we can only assume they’re from or connected khaneri’ah in some way,, 💜
OK OK heres a not so intellectual brainstorming (key word: BRAINSTORMING. THIS IS PURELY BRAINSTORMING so if you see me say something then contradict it in the same sentence dont be surprised). So about surtalogi
The actual norse mythology surtalogi is a flaming sword surtr used in the ragnarok which he will use to fight the gods and the flame from said sword will eventually burn down the whole world. Which has lead a lot of people to believe he might be dainsleif (yknow since they're both swords) but I personally dont think that that is the case for a few reasons:
1- skirk refers to surtalogi in the same light as rhinedottir, so we can assume he does something like her.
2- in some sources surtalogi is the fire itself not the sword so its kinda hit or miss
3- surtalogi is waist deep in abyssal power which we know dain is not the most fond of.
4: dainsleif and surtalogi are two seperate swords?? so this for me is kinda like saying durin and dvalin are the same because they're both dwarves in norse mythology.
Again I havent deep dived into this theory so let me know if im missing some additional information but I feel like trying to attach him to a pure blood khaenriahn we already know seems kinda easy (yes the "we need more khaenriah characters agenda")
Where I think we should really be looking to try to figure out surtalogi's identity isn't surtalogi itself but surtr. NOW, NOW LET ME COOK.
Surtr was a fire giant who ruled muspelheim (the fire realm in norse mythology) and lead the fire giants in a battle against the gods during ragnorok, eventually ending the world with his fire. Now surtr is also one of the primordial giants.
what do we associate dragons with? Fire. Battle with the gods? Dragon sovereigns. Primordial giants? Again, dragon sovereigns. It seems so perfect except this would be contradicting my own theory of irmin and nibelung being the same since irmin=odin and surtr is way older than odin. Also another thing: hoyo usually likes to name dragons after dwarves in norse mythology. In fact nibelung himself is a dwarf. Would it be symbolism for them to also use a giant for his refrence or would it be disqualifying this possibility?
Also its worth keeping in mind that in mythology, at the end of ragnarok surtr successfully defeated all the gods and burned down the world, which obviously did not happen with the sovereigns.
HOWEVER. the whole theme of burning down the old world to let a new, better world be born from the ashes very much reminds me of fatui shit, and more importantly PYRO ABYSS LECTOR VOICELINES.
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So if nothing else we can say for certain that surtalogi is very much khaenri'ahn ideology. Its just very intresting how the character is specifically THE FIRE THAT BURNS THE WORLD not the WEILDER OF IT. maybe he had a hand in the catacalysm? IDK I NEED TO ORGANIZE MY THOUGHTS
Key points to keep in mind: 1) pay attention to surtr not surtalogi 2) surtalogi is the weapon not the culprit
NOW vedrfolnir. We literally only have a name. No i dont mean in genshin in mythology itself as well. There is barely anything. All we know is that vedrfolnir is a hawk who sits between the eyes of an eagle perched on top of yggdrasil (who is also unnamed btw)
One particular thing though is that the translations of the name often have something to do with wind. Immidietly I wanna associate this with istaroth which would kinda make sense since vedrfolnir is on top of yggdrasil (irminsul) and istaroth is the god of time irminsul records all events in time past present AND future since the fruits are irminsul contain people's fates etc etc
But then would hoyo really namedrop a primordial shade in the same sentence with two abyss power abusing sinners? Seems somewhat unlikely even with the sinshades theories+ the timeline doesnt add up+ its like two diffrent lore topics entirely. It doesnt help that theres literally nothing about the eagle either so if I have some scrambles thoughts for surtalogi for vedrfolnir I literally have no idea. But I do think two keypoints (only points i mean) to keep in mind are 1) irminsul association 2) wind themed name
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windywhispers · 2 years
When Dainsleif's collected miscellany gets released is he gonna be narrating his own ??? 🤔
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the-teyvat-wanderer · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could get a platonic!venti x reader, gender neutral. I wanted to know if I could get a scenario where venti and reader are long time friends; like friends since he first took on his fallen friends form. I think that would be a fun dynamic to get headcanons for. Bonus points for angst because I with khaenri ‘ahn, Achon war, dvalin etc. there’s so many opportunities for angst!
Thank you for requesting! I’m not good with head canons so here’s a story :^]
Mourning the lost.
Angst, spoilers. :))
Gender neutral reader.
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Time is a cruel thing, to mortals and gods alike. The gods of commerce and freedom know this truth all too well.
While both have their own set of unique sorrows. They’re so similar.
— <3 —
Old Monstadt was a very different city than the one that stands today.
Monstadt then was guarded heavily by an unending storm. A storm so powerful and unrelenting that you couldn’t even see the stars, much less the sky.
That’s was until a little wisp of wind befriended a bard. A bard who would one day lead the resistance against Decarabian, the current Anemo archon of that time. A fight so big that it took the lives of many, but the wish for freedom was granted.
You remember that boy, he was your first friend, he was the first to spark hope in your little world. It was through that boy that you met another, Barbatos. He was a tiny wisp of wind, and yet so powerful.
Amos, that was your elder sisters name, a beauty she was, and yet so strange. She fell in love with your city’s captor, a man who was so absorbed with himself that he didn’t even acknowledge her existence, nor the truth behind his people’s worship. When the resistance was in planning you hesitated asking her to partake in it, but when you did she agreed whole heartedly.
“I will not ignore the cries for freedom because of my one-sided feelings for a man who doesn’t even look at my way”
You wished you could’ve told her how much you loved her.
— <3 —
Turning your head, you looked to your friend, he was so worried.
“What if we fail? What if we did it all for nothing? What if-“
You hugged him.
“Then it will be a day the future generation will never forget. And we will succeed,” hugging him tighter, “We spent so long planning for this day, we won’t let it all fall to a little doubt right?”
You placed your forehead against his. “We wished to see the sky, and we will, we wished for freedom,” you looked into his eyes “and by the seven, our cries will not go unheard.”
He nodded. “I’m just so worried, we’ll lose so many people. Will it be worth the cost for freedom?”
You thought for a moment.
“Yes it will, the memories of the fallen will be forgotten in time. Hell, this whole thing may just go forgotten in the future,” you sighed.
“But what matters is that no one else ever has to feel this way.”
He stepped back, looking into your eyes.
“[Name] promise me, if I die. You will take care of Barbatos, I don’t care if they’ll live for a thousand years, you will not leave them.”
“I promise.”
— </3 —
The day of the fight was a day unforgotten by you and Barbatos. You both lost a friend, a friend who meant everything.
“We did it [Name].”
“Yes we did, look at the sky! The birds can fly freely now.” Your voice broke, tears forming.
“I guess I have to live for the next thousand years,” you chuckled, tears now rolling uncontrollably.
Your cries echoed through the ruined city.
— </3 —
“Ah [Name], your awake,” you opened your eyes to see the blurred figure of Venti.
“I’m sorry, just reminiscing.” You said wiping your eyes, the bard frowned.
“I’ve told you so many times you’re free to go wherever you like,”
“And I’ve told you I’m not leaving.” You smiled at him. He sighed.
He took out a flute and played a melody, you figured something he played for Xiao.
You thought back to your sister. She had a snow white hair, and beautiful face. You used to be so jealous of it. What happened to her bow?
It was so long ago, I’ll be even more surprised if it still exists.
“Hey [Name], what will you do if I die?” Venti asked looking away and staring at nothing in particular.
“Then I go down with you,” Venti snapped his head to you. You took a moment to look at his expression, shock.
“I promised our friend that I’ll stay with you. And I’m not gonna wander this world aimlessly. I miss him too y’know?” Your throat tightened, but you continued speaking.
“I don’t want to wander this land without my friends, I don’t want to walk through life without a purpose-“ you choked a sob.
“Why would you ever say that?” Your eyesight was blurry but you could see the panick in Ventis’ face.
“[Name]- I didn’t mean-“ Venti struggled on finding the best words to calm you down. You slammed him to the ground his flute flying elsewhere.
“How dare you ever say that? I’m still mourning Y’know? I lost everyone that day! I lost my friend! I lost my sister!” You screamed at him, you screamed out things you’ve kept bottled up for so long.
By the time you calmed down slightly to open your eyes, you looked down at Venti. Out of frustration you disappeared into the wind, just as Venti opened his mouth to comfort you.
Your huffed as you paced around your house, you shouldn’t have ran. You shouldn’t have ran. A knock was heard at your door.
“Go away,”
“Please, I’m sorry- I shouldn’t have even thought about it. Please I’m so sorry, I’m such a bad friend.”
Venti opened the door.
You slapped him, he was surprised but didn’t move his place.
“Ihateyou!Ihateyou!Ihateyou!” You screamed at him.
He stepped forward to wrap you in his arms, you cries muffled by his clothes.
“I hate you,”
“I know,”
“I hate you,”
“I know.”
— ? —
I didn’t write anything about Khaenriah or about Dvalin getting poisoned because I felt the theme of mourning was angsty enough. :)
Please let me know if there are any mistakes.
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guiltycorp · 3 years
kyogre-blue here Khaen is 100% going to be an aggressor imo, given Dain's angle that "no, you definitely must not fight the gods!! even though they suck!" I think it's probably coming from Khaen having tried that. And then when he changes his mind per the chapter preview video, he's a villain :)
ah well, according to most of the lore we already have it’s more like that the #1 aim of khaenriah’s royal family and advisors was to ‘reach’ divinity, likely in all manner of ways like achieving godlike powers, immortality (apparently rhinedottir did achieve that at least), power over elements and magic and also just like, physically reaching celestia which, if we judge by the intro to the game, might also be a jumping off point to other worlds and yeah we still don’t know the reasons behind khaenriah creating destructive weaponry - could be just for defense purposes, could be against teyvat nations, could be against celestia specifically or all those things at once (and that’s additionally to weaponized alchemy like creating a super big dragon who’s noted several times to rival a god in power like that was his purpose to begin with) but yeah idk, like, from my personal point of view khaenriah naturally feels sympathetic anyway because it’s humans fighting against their long-time oppressors who’re known for murdering large quantities of humans before (even if their actual motivations will turn out to be pride and greed, rolls eyes) and what dain says in preview is also quite moving, some say that a few are chosen and the rest are dregs but i say we humans have our humanity, cool stuff, but yeah considering that it IS genshin it could easily turn out that dain is like, misguided and influenced by the abyss corruption just like our twin, so while he’s highly sympathetic he’s still wrong about challenging the status quo the most obvious outcome is like ‘celestia is a biiit in the wrong but the abyss order is also wrong for attacking teyvat nations, and the abyss itself is 100% evil, so we fix celestia’s problems and fight the night mother and yay everyone is happy now’ i wouldn’t enjoy that, especially since i was really hoping for some kind of ‘celestia IS the abyss’ twist but eh it can be even worse if all the bad things celestia did are either swept under the rug or blamed on some external villain (also highly likely, like with baal and the fatui) oh, also i forgot to mention vision holders vs regular people in my previous reblog from @dandelion-san, i mean i still hope that being an allogene is something freaky and sinister but for now the game very obviously praises the ones with visions and puts them above the rest which is kind of... really jarring honestly ...idk, all these attempts at grey morality still inevitably end with supporting those in power, but i wonder if maybe a considerable chunk of genshin writers have the same concerns and are still trying to tell a compelling story within the constraints that they have who knows, really
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redkiwis · 3 years
Ok guys time for another genshin theory
Guys….. the traveler and their twin are products of war from khaenriah, and the reason why they are able to harness the elements without a vision is maybe they were created with an ability to harness elements???
Like ok hear me out:
what we know about khaenriah (We Will be Reunited Chapter 1 Act 4 story quest) is that it was a technological city and were way advanced, and were developing ways to harness powers as that of a god, which brings us to that idea of all the ruin guards aka “field tillers” we’re actually weapons that were meant to be a source of power for a “mechanized god” and with all that power and technology, they would need resources to power such a machine; now in a war, you need to have resources as well as weapons, so maybe khaenriah used their technology to create humans that can be used as weapons, that’s where the twins come in…. Within the quest we find out that the twin that awoke 500 years later, knew nothing about khaenriah, all they knew was that they were hopping from world to world, so it’s clear to say that they were created to just aid khaenriah in the war and encountered the “unknown god” in their travels
Now, upon their encounter with the “unknown god” we notice that the god refers to them as “outlanders” and says to them “arrogation of mankind”
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Now why would she say that???
Well, in theory, she could be referring to mankind’s desperate attempt in creating them and sending them to fight in their war
Ok Ok so what else supports this theory?
Well if we take a look at the events that take place during the fight with the “unknown god” we notice that the twins both have wings and a sword, and compared to the gliders in teyvat, these wings that they have aid them in flying around for combat, it is probably a piece of technology provided to them by khaenriah
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Also after their fight with the “unknown god” as well as the separation of the siblings, their powers were “sealed” away, which narrows down why they couldn’t spawn their wings as well as the sword they came in with, but their ability to harness the elements ,without the use of a vision, remains within them……Why would they still have that ability if everything else was sealed away? Well, in theory, they themselves were created to harness elements, the twins being created to do so because of war
Later within the story,
(Albedo story quest: chapter Act 1) we meet albedo, the mondstat alchemist, he is intrigued in the traveler being of “another world” and is interested in understanding why the traveler is able to harness the elements without a vision, and after his methods of experimentation, he concludes that their being able to is no different than that of anyone else. So, what does that mean in his opinion? Albedo tested the traveler to see why they were able to do so, but what if their ability was just something they were already born with?
Remember…. Dainsleif said himself that the people of khaenriah were just “humans” and that also implies that they couldn’t weld any special elements and solely had to rely on the technology that they created in order to create a nation that couldn’t rely on the power of gods, so it’s no surprise that the nation itself was finding ways to thrive without the help of gods, henceforth the creation of the twins
The traveler looking for information on khaenriah……why? Because they know absolutely nothing about it, I mean it makes sense why they wanted to know more about it as well as how their sibling is doing….their sibling is all the family they have, and it’s not yet known who else they could have known from khaenriah but as of now, we know that they had each other, and for them to have been separated they way they did? Like why did the unknown god separate them? To throw them off? To hinder khaenriah’s plan? Or is it because the siblings know nothing about being human? With them having been beings of war it only makes sense why the “unknown god” would separate one twin and place them in a time after the war as well as leaving the other in a time of events after khaenriah
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probably-haven · 2 years
Anyways continuing the Sumeru quest
Alhaitham just showed up
"Even the archons used war to negotiate the ownership of teyvat" is such a line that I need to remember
Lmao "canned knowledge" why would they called it that it makes it sound like you have to eat it pffft
Oh wait that's actually cool af
So dendro is like raw brain power lol God this lore is tasty
Can I take all the canned knowledge shits please my life junkie brain would explode
"The Architectural Styles and Construction Methods of Teyvat in the Early Archon War Period" istg anything archon war related I wish the game worked like that damn-
"Wisdom of the gods" sounds ominous- isn't that why khaenriah was smited
Oh damn someone's angry- wtf is this
Oooo the Akasha symbol is red
We just gonna sit here and let this guy get beat up?
Omg flippy boy
That's not ominous at all
Wow he just lied to our face mf
And then he pulls the capsulebout in broad daylight? Daaamn
Imagine they're pulling the festival for lesser Lord Kusanali and she just falls out of the sky dead liyue style
Dunyarzad banner when?
omg they're so close. Them. They're everything
"My guardian knight" JSBDKDJDBFMDK
If dunyarzad dies istg- still on guard for teppei 2.0
OMG THE NPC IN THE BACK JUST SAID "what's so good about snezhnayan toys anyway" is that a childe joke?
I love illusion. Please be a literal meaning.
Rip this guy's mustache
Omg are we gonna see Dehya in action???
Damn that works too
Rippp I called it but ouch
Double ouch
Fuck the law let her dance
well fuck you too that's bull
Omfg these guys are dicks.
You realize there's such thing as art history and dance history
Wow these guys really set up as villains can I kill them?
What the actual fuck is wrong with these guys-
Oh she doesn't think she's gonna live that long- it at least be able to move
Traveler not a morning person confirmed?
Lmao I have a feeling we dreamed it but imagine if it was just that someone canned knowledged us in our sleep
It doesn't even look bad wtf? See!
Anyway it's funny cuz I'm not a picky eater and will eat and enjoy almost anything but I'm a preferenced eater and given the choice will eat the same five things forever
Omg this I trippy. Maybe it's Irminsul shit lol
Lol they really said choose but not choose
I hate my sense of humor
Omg this trippy shit is lovely
Awww her little clover pupils
Oooo this contemplation thing sounds fun
Awwww she felt her there!! Please I need a Dehya banner
Didn't we already know the Akasha was gnosis powered tho?
Honestly if anyone could expose this- I wouldnt doubt that it'd be Dehya
Well fuck
"I'm the moon" omg that's so clever
We did not already break free the fuck? Why would you jump to that conclusion- it's just that she had memories now of his to use the greatsword we've been doing different stuff each day so can she
All this philosophy discussion
Exactly!!! Thank you Dehya! Like the food merchant would notice if his stuff wasn't fresh I think 1 day and 40 days would look different
Damn fighting smarts
Braincersize sounds like jazzersize and that's funny to me
Oh no they're separated damn that's sad
poor paimon omg
Well damn that's a convenient time to cut off
Wow I thought that was an association option earlier but it wouldn't let me submit ppl not dreaming as a conclusion so I thought I was wrong rip
Is this an anti-capitalist metaphor wtf?
So my simulation guess wasn't too far off
Anyway this contemplation thing is giving me danganronpa trial flashbacks
Damn teppei 2.0 I hate that I called that bit
Wow am I about to kin this child of an archon? Omg that's unfortunate
I guess Dunyarzad banner never
Rip Vihar he ain't gonna be happy
hehe paimon saw it
Anyways it's totally Nilou which is why she can't dance cuz if she does she's gonna summon flowers or some shit. Please this has to be what it is I would die happy
They're totally gonna bring Dunyarzad back right! Yeah yeah totally
This is painful
Do we get to beat these guys up now?
Oh my god yes!!! Please cutscene this-
Here we go. KDBDODJD YES
She lives! Also wtf is Katherine doing there
Anyways tea I'mma call it for this post here.
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zhongliologist · 3 years
It’s iffy if the archons we know have anything to actually do with the fall of Khaenriah. Zhongli refuses to talk about as part of a contract, but that can just mean that he was forced into a contract to protect his people. The gods that destroyed Khaenriah are more than likely the gods in Celestia, those that even the Archons dare not anger. Venti was most likely focused on Durin during the Khaenriah incident, or has finished fighting him and was instead asleep.
The Abyss order is bad though. It’s understandable why they do what they do, but in the end they seek to kill people who did nothing as revenge for their country. It’s also probable that a handful of citizens survived the destruction, later becoming monsters. Dain mentions that he was cursed to watch his people become monsters, this is probably a more gradual process than we think. I also believe that hilichurls aren’t necessarily a curse from the gods, I can remember where, but something or someone mentions that hilichurls have existed for at least 1,000 years. Perhaps that has something to do with the abyssal energy the Dain’s people used (they used a different form of energy than elemental energy, but is can be manipulated by Dain). We also see that Dain is gradually becoming corrupt. The piece over his eye descends down his neck and to his arm, meaning that it’s not a mask but a part of his body now.
The true enemy are the gods in Celestia and the Tsaritsa (regardless of reason, she will inevitably try to harm people who are not her followers). Our twin has had their memories manipulated (think the battle pass cutscene, and the video that shows the path the story will take). And at the end of everything we with have to fight Dain to “prove that you are more worthy than I [Dain] to save her. I too remember how she loved those flowers.”
I think it’s an injustice to assume anything as our knowledge is limited. But one thing to removed is that the archons we have met love and protect their people to the extent which they can, but ultimately will defend and uphold their ideals. Venti wouldn’t willingly help someone destroy a nation because he would be going against his ideal of freedom, so he either wasn’t involved with the fall of Khaenriah or was forced to remain complacent (the former is more probable). Zhongli wouldn’t care so much about the lives of the Khaenriahns, so it’s likely the gods of Celestia forced him into a contract that would make him complacent with the destruction (allow us/help us destroy it or we’ll destroy Liyue). Still, we can’t assume much, the story has introduced the idea of the erosion/ corruption of memory, and that seems to play an important part (Dain’s memory is having issues in the story path video, and our twin has been convinced that they are the “prince(ess) of the Abyss, a new or hidden development according to the story).
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kyogre-blue · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
personally I think the traveler and sibling are just,,, how shall we say it,,, they get attached easily? i'm not that good with english but like i think while they started the liyue main story looking for morax then proving their innocence, as they got pulled into the mystery behind his death and the threat to liyue they chose to fight childe and the god because they wanted to help save liyue too, not just because to find their sibling. 
it's not enough to make them stay; nothing as important as their missing sibling, but i think a part of them got attached to liyue and the people who love it too, if that makes sense?? it also lines up with that their sibling got transported to khaenriah and is now fighting for the people-turned-into-abyss-order. sorry if this is confusing 😅
That's fine, but here is the key: This is all based on just your personal interpretation of the Traveler, which is not actually supported by anything stated in the game itself.
There is no basis for what you are saying within the text of the game.
When the matter of the false murder charges ends, there is no explanation why the Traveler wants Morax's corpse. At least, no explanation that holds water. This the only dialogue:
Childe: The Geo Archon's spirit has risen, so why would the Qixing hide his vessel!? Truly suspicious.
Traveler: This makes things difficult for me too.
Traveler: I agree, something is definitely not right.
Paimon: Oh! Right! He's the whole reason we came here!
Paimon: If the Liyue Qixing has locked up Exuvia and won't let anyone near...
Paimon: Then (Traveler's) quest to find The Seven is already over!
Then, while meeting Zhongli, Childe also says this: 
Childe: The Tianquan, Ningguang, has forbidden anyone from accessing Rex Lapis' vessel... Which of course you would need to access if you are to achieve your goal of meeting all of The Seven.
Zhongli: Precisely. Only by participating in the Rite of Parting will you be able to see the form of Rex Lapis again.
Traveler: Looks like there's no other choice.
The ONLY explanation we are given for why we’re doing this is that getting to Morax’s corpse will somehow fulfill our goal of meeting all the Seven. But our reason for seeking them out is that we think one of them might be the Unknown God. How is seeing the body we already know just looks like a dragon going to help with that? How is seeing a dead body “meeting” one of the Seven in the first place? 
I would also question the interpretation of the Traveler as being so easily invested in things that they decide to unravel Liyue’s murder mystery after being there for maybe a day beforehand and then having to immediately go on the run from murder charges. 
Because we now know, thanks to Inazuma, that knowing Baal murders innocent people (via Kazuma’s story about his friend) is not enough to convince the Traveler to help Ayaka. And this is after we’ve been in Inazuma for longer than Liyue and met multiple people there. Thoma alone should be a bigger emotional investment than all of Liyue that we would have seen by the end of the murder accusations. 
You can try to explain that there are nuances that make the two situations different, but it becomes a very convoluted kind of characterization. 
I also never questioned why the Traveler fights Childe at the Golden House, but rather why Zhongli would send the Traveler there (by verbally guiding them toward the idea that Childe has gone there): 
Zhongli: Consider your next course of action carefully, (Traveler). If you're trying to prevent an explosion, it may be wisest to look for the fuse first.
Paimon: Phew... Having connections with the Fatui seems to be quite the double-edged sword.
Paimon: So what did Zhongli mean by looking for the "fuse"?
Traveler: Childe.
Aka “go look for Childe and fight him.” Except Zhongli shouldn’t want this to actually happen. 
Consider it from Zhongli’s perspective. He knows that Childe has gone to the Golden House to try and get the gnosis from the Exuvia. He knows the gnosis isn’t there. He is counting on Childe discovering this and falling back on his big backup plan to cause enough chaos to theoretically draw out Rex Lapis. This is the point of Zhongli’s entire scheme. 
What does the Traveler’s presence at the Golden House add? Childe would act in exactly the same way even if we weren’t there. He’d still try to pull out the gnosis, realize it’s not there, and come to the conclusion that Rex Lapis is alive. Literally none of this would change. The Traveler plays no part in any of this, and they aren’t even really needed to tell the Qixing and the adepti afterwards. The Jade Chamber was already moving toward the massive, unnatural storm over the harbor anyway. 
Like, what was Zhongli trying to achieve by goading the Traveler into going to face Childe? What was the benefit of it? 
And for that matter, since Zhongli is supposed to be testing Liyue, why is he so casually dragging in an outside element? If the Traveler “defeats Osial,” as we now so often brag, then is Liyue in any way proven capable of defending itself without him? Wasn’t Liyue just saved by another god (us) that happened to be passing through? 
The whole thing is extremely nonsensical. 
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skorchinq · 2 years
ok ok two more to complete the released set:zhongli and baal for the bingo?
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Wasted potential solely because NEITHER of his story quests talk about Guizhong. Please I need Guizhong lore. The ruins are not enough I want to hear about her from Zhongli directly. Sir please tell me about your dead wife
Why do people think Zhongli is hot. He is literally a grandpa. Why are you thirsting over grandpappy. He is just sitting here telling you absurdly long and detailed stories about ye olden days while he waits for his tea to finish brewing (which takes six hours). Be polite
I'm assuming when you say Baal you mean Ei/Beelzebul and not the actual Baal/Makoto, but just in case I was wrong (and also bc I want to) I'll do Makoto as well
Ei first tho:
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Everyone keeps complaining about the Inazuma archon quest and her Act I story quest but it's like. What did you all think was going to happen. What do you think would have made the most sense narratively.
"the shogun should've had an unshakable will and been impossible to convince" so you think the resistance should have LOST? You think the Traveler should have left with the sakoku and vision hunt decrees still in place? Because that would be super unsatisfying.
Also, we've known that her will is shakable crom the very beginning!? We were explicitly told that the vision hunt and sakoku decrees have been in place for a year. A SINGLE YEAR. THE SHOGUN HAS BEEN RULING FOR CENTURIES. Obviously something must have shaken her will for her to change the way she runs things so suddenly and drastically! So it stood to reason that it would be possible to shake her will again, convince her that there is a better way to deal with the problem than how she is currently.
And then the reason ended up being "fatui said so". Which I do think is bullshit but it's not what most people complain about from what I've seen so.
Honestly tho I'm not actually convinced that was truly the only reason. I don't think they would have swayed her so easily under normal circumstances. I do have a theory about what unusual circumstances allowed her to be convinced...
We already know that the Archons know more about the twins and the Abyss Order than they let on. And if we look at the timeline for the twins' time in Teyvat...
Twins arrive > Abyss twin wakes up > they travel with Dainsleif and befriend Khaenriah > Cataclysm happens and Khaenriah is destroyed > Traveler wakes up during the cataclysm > twins reunite and decide to just go (Khaenriah has already been destroyed so there's nothing left for Abyss twin anyway) > Unknown God stops them and puts them in stasis > ~500 years pass > Abyss twin wakes up first, again > they discover the people of Khaenriah survived as the Abyss Order, and agrees to work with them to restore Khaenriah > they come up with the plan to control Dvalin (among other plans) > Traveler wakes shortly after they put this plan into action
Knowing this, "a little over a year before the traveler arrives in Inazuma" is definitely a plausible timeframe for when the Abyss twin woke up again.
Could it be possible that Ei was so easily swayed into allowing the Shogun Puppet to put the Sakoku and vision hunt decrees in place because she was put super on edge by the Abyss twin's recent awakening?
Come to think of it, iirc it's never specified whether Makoto went to Khaenriah to fight for or against them during the cataclysm. If she was acting under Celestia's orders, and fighting against Khaenriah, then it's possible that the Abyss twin might've even been the one who killed her... Yeah, that would definitely make Ei paranoid.
Tbh I think the idea of the Abyss twin being Makoto's killer is a bit of a stretch (possible, but a stretch), but Ei being on edge bc of the Abyss twin is definitely possible imo. If not that, then I'm sure there's some other reason... Hoyoverse will tell us what it was eventually... Probably...
Anyways. That was my thing on the Archon quest. I'm also mad about people reducing her Act I story quest to "stupid date quest"!
She has literally been trapped in her mind palace for centuries and only just made the decision to connect more with her people. Literally what could possibly be a better way to do that than going out and actually interacting with said people.
Also that's literally only the first half of it? The latter half is her dealing with the political aftermath of the tri-commision's corruption as its ruler. It had that cool duel! That you all seemed to forget about! :/
And then on the opposite end of the spectrum there's the people who basically infantilise her. I'm not even going to elaborate on that one. :/ Just. No
Ok I'm done now. Onto Makoto!
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She is so cool. She is Ei's smarter nicer funnier more popular twin who is also. Dead
While Ei is goth jock, Makoto is prep nerd. Opposites in every way <3
I spent so much time writing about Ei that my brain is fried TTOTT
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Inazuma is dark because it’s part of its theme. I mean look at the dark and gloom of the sky it’s literally a foreshadowing hahhahaha. That aside the only thing I like about the scene where signora just turn to cinders were Baal’s power walk. Also Kazuha duel wielding for first and final time, it got me thinking that perhaps in some part of Teyvat there’s someone who could wield two Visions. If Kazuha is the glimpse for that possibility I can’t wait for the actual thing. (Hopefully)
Speaking of Baal, I knew my luck at Kazuha’s banner will be one day bite me in the ***. I LOVE him tho his my main since Archipelago. I don’t regret pulling him. I regret not getting his cons.
So I guess I won’t be getting my first archon after all 🥲. Maybe on Venti and Zhongli reruns... oh on a good side I have C6 sucrose now. The bad side is that my OP artifacts is on Kazuha and I have a bias for him.
Noooo don’t laugh at my misery 😭 the only thing stressing me out is math and my course is apparently spearheading the hard stuff. And sleep? What’s that?😃
Also also the fishing feature is making me addicted to another game that isn’t even focus on fish simulation. Ugh!! The spawn time is horrendous tho. And getting a new fishing rod is like buying a 1 million gold for an iridium rod in Stardew Valley. I’ll get the new rod tho especially the monstadt one, it looks pretty. Oh btw I’ve got another character in the works but I’m also mixing in Aloy’s presence with them. Speaking of, Aloy another outlander she did not just manage to get isekai but also got a vision. Farmer being on Teyvat without the a-hole of heavenly BS hunting them down.
That also, I’ve been noticing the unknown god getting mention a lot or more so than usual. The characters mention them not exactly directly with the whole Heavenly Principles and all. The tyranny of Celestia is just—it does more than destroy Khaenriah. Maybe siding with the Tsaritsa for her rebellion against those a-holes sounds like a good idea after all.
*SPOILERS* (but maybe its too late already ._.) theres so much to love about the new update, the story? the music?? the cutscenes??? all aboard the feels train, we will never forget Teppei :(
-----the way Signora...um, burned away was so fitting for her. Its funny that being the first Harbinger to be introduced she was also the first on to go. Although her lore was very saddening, her actions were still unforgiveable. Due to her arrogance that was why she fell (after all who said that the winner lives and loser dies? She ate her own words xP). But ngl that Kazuha scene facing against Raiden's Musou no Hitotachi on his friend's behalf was emotionally epic. It felt both badass yet sad at the same time (oh and the rematch against the shogun!! Ugh theres so much to talk about). This is why Kazuha havers got no regrets, lorewise and gameplay wise he's useful af. Though most likely he'll get a rerun anyway because he's so popular (plus anemo supremacy!!)
Theres so much going on I barely have enough time to keep up with these updates T_T mora already takes a decent amount of time to accumulate and an instant to use. Even so this is the closest thing of Stardew Valley x Genshin Impact we can get (plus the farming in serenitea house) so what is there to complain ⊂( ̄▽ ̄)⊃ Ahhh your brainrot ceases to no end, yes please end the angsty isekai trend on my behalf, no more unknown god getting in the way! The more Genshin reveals about the unknown god the more I wanna fight her (but if its paimon....)
And good luck with college!! Please don't forget to get sufficient sleep :') Its not too late to fix your sleep schedule
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