#but i might wanna drop some teasers first
valeriianz · 1 year
so, i HAVE an idea for something 00's romcommy (thanks to @carnelianmeluha and @wordsinhaled) but as i was writing it, i thought to myself, "but they need backstory!" and what was going to be just a few paragraphs of introspection turned into a 3.3k high school AU set in the 90s. so, have this for now. part 2 will be up whenever i feel like it :)
Hob found him in a corner, blending into the shadows and had to laugh as he looked up at the sound of his name. He was wearing black, as usual, with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his tight jeans.
“So glad to see you here.” Hob said as he approached, looking upon his friend with a little less restraint than he typically allowed. The vodka-spiked punch was hitting him hard.
Dream relaxed a modicum, his shoulders visibly drooping as his chin tilted up.
“I am only here because you invited me.”
Hob’s smile only widened as he leaned forward. 
“Then I’m flattered. Do you want a drink?”
Dream shrugged and Hob laughed again, turning halfway and inclining his head for Dream to follow him.
Hob, despite being in with the more popular kids in his grade, wasn’t the biggest fan of house parties. He knew Dream wasn’t either; moreso, in fact. Dream was more likely to be found spending his Friday nights cooped up in the library, nose stuck in a book.
But tomorrow they were graduating from high school, and Hob’s parents weren’t coming back from their anniversary trip until the morning. Which meant this was Hob’s last chance to throw an epic rager. 
Though Derek Gallagher, the star athlete of their high school’s football team, was also throwing a party tonight, so it was less of a rager going on here, and more of a casual hang sesh. Hob couldn’t complain though. At least he liked the dozen or so people in his parent’s house, and at least cleaning up the next day wouldn’t be impossible. And no one had messed with the volume control for the music yet; 90s hip hop and r&b dripping through the entertainment system. 
Hob nabbed a red solo cup and ladled out the sweet drink into it, passing it along to Dream, who took it with a suspicious look before taking a sip.
Dream immediately blanched.
“Oh. That’s awful.”
Hob laughed again before biting his bottom lip. Dream didn’t seem to mind though, his own little smile peeking through.
“You can dilute it with more juice in the fridge, if you want.”
Throughout the evening, Hob tried to keep his attention on more than just Dream at his side, chatting with his fellow classmates and laughing along to stories and jokes, one last go at clearing up the rumor mill.
And though Dream mostly kept quiet, he did acknowledge those who greeted him, congratulated him on getting into a university in England, how fun it was going to be moving overseas, to which Dream hummed and nodded politely.
Hob was the only one who knew the truth: that Dream’s parents were sending him away. That while Dream had been accepted on an academic scholarship, it was only because his family had set it up for him. Had forced him to apply, had paid for his application and was having him shipped off next month, when Dream would turn 18 and they didn’t have to keep him in their house any longer.
What looked like a privileged situation was actually cruel and heartbreaking. Yes, Dream was going to Oxford. That was insane. Yes, his stupidly wealthy parents were paying for his room and board and what tuition the scholarship didn’t cover. But it was only a drop in the bucket for them. They saw Dream’s future more as a promising investment for when they grew old and needed Dream’s career to take care of them. Not as if they had plenty of money stowed away to keep them afloat during retirement and then some. Or plenty of children, for that matter.
And of course to say they had yet another child in some prestigious university didn’t hurt their reputation either.
Hob managed to derail the subject every time it came up, of where everyone else was going to college. It was inevitable, discussing the future with his classmates, given the timing. But Hob could see Dream sinking more and more into himself as the night went on, holding onto his drink more for his hands to be occupied than anything else.
“I know,’ Johanna announced suddenly, hours bleeding into the late evening. “Let’s liven things up a bit.”
She had several hands help clear a large area in the living room as she procured the empty vodka bottle, shaking it with a drunken twinkle in her eyes.
“Truth or dare, motherfuckers.”
The party, which had been dying down, suddenly turned up again. Everyone refilled their drinks and formed a large circle on the floor. 
Dream plopped down next to Hob, folding his legs and throwing a lazy, tipsy smile at Hob. Who had to take another sip of his drink to keep himself from doing something drastic. Like tell Dream how cute he was right now. 
His coal black hair was a mess, sticking up and curling around his ears from the excessive amount of times Dream had run his hand through it. His boots were off, his sock-clad toes wiggling in anticipation. And his blue eyes seemed to shine, reflecting off the Christmas lights Hob had hung around the house for the party.
The game started and everyone played along, turning up the stakes and performing various wacky scenarios that only teenagers were capable of escalating. Cori licked Alex’s eyeball on a dare, erupting a chorus of screams and gags and Alex furiously rubbing his eyes afterward. On a demand for truth, Rachel confirmed the rumor that she’d fingered Johanna under the bleachers freshman year to an absolute assault of jeers and hooting and hollering, causing the extremely rare sight of Johanna flushing scarlet from her ears down to her neck. 
Naturally the game turned racy after that. Dares to kiss and show off hidden tattoos. Truths to admit who fucked whom and what would you do for such-and-such.
Hob feels himself getting warmer. And not to mention Dream, who remained seated next to him during this entire debauchery, becoming increasingly more uncomfortable as the game wore on. Hob could sense him slowly slipping out of the circle, until his knee lightly touched Hob’s hip, instead of where it had been for the better part of half an hour, resting against his thigh.
Hob turned, finding Dream staring down into his empty cup, turning it around and around in his grasp, and had just opened his mouth to comfort him, when Johanna piped up across from him.
“Hob, truth or dare.”
Hob’s head swung forward, eyes falling on the bottle top pointing directly at him. He sniggered softly, taking another peek over at Dream and finding his eyes now on him. Hob gently laid his hand over Dream’s foot, giving it what he hoped was a comforting squeeze before facing Jo again.
Truth be told, Hob was feeling much too invigorated from the alcohol, and he’d been waiting for his time to shine. Hob loved making a spectacle and so let his smile turn into a smirk, meeting Jo’s challenging stare head on.
A collection of “ooh”s and delighted giggles spread around the circle.
“Good choice, Hobsie.” Her own brown eyes sparkled with mirth. Hob wasn’t sure when Rachel had crawled into her lap, but didn’t let it distract him from her next words. 
“I dare you to…” Jo tilted her chin, tapping it in mock consideration. “Kiss the person the bottle next lands on.”
Oh, easy, Hob thought. About to open his mouth to say so, when Jo spoke up again.
“With tongue.”
“Pfft,” Hob sat up, pushing his chest out. “You’re on.”
He reached forward, licking his lips teasingly as his eyes roamed around the circle of his peers, getting a hand around the bottle and giving it a powerful twirl.
The room went quiet save for a few hushed exchanges and some girls giggling that only made Hob grin flirtatiously. He felt the alcohol in his blood rushing with enough speed to make him dizzy, and the spinning bottle honestly wasn’t helping. But Hob had been patiently waiting his turn all night so watch it he would. 
Soon, all eyes followed the bottle as it began to slow, a hush of anticipation that Hob’s peers had been accustomed to all night falling over the circle once more.
Until the bottle finally stopped, and Hob’s heart along with it.
Because the mouth of the bottle pointed squarely at Dream, sitting right next to him. 
Scattered hollering and clapping filled Hob’s ears as his gaze flicked sideways to his friend, who was staring at the bottle, his posture ramrod straight, his hands no longer fiddling.
Hob swallowed and ignored the jeering and playful jab at his side from Cori, eyes fixated on his friend, his best friend. Who didn’t like going to parties, who only smiled when he meant it, who only complained about his parents stupid and strict rules only if Hob asked, never wanting to appear annoying, or too much, preferring to keep to the shadows.
Dream, who would fold if only Hob gave him his best pout, allowing himself to be tugged along to a concert or arcade with a well timed joke and friendly pestering. Who seemed like such a stick-up-the-ass to everyone except Hob, who only had eyes for him. Hob’s best friend, shy and awkward and a little mean, and so devastatingly handsome it was a wonder Hob hadn’t had the balls to do something about it yet.
It would take something as juvenile as a dare to finally give Hob the excuse to act upon his helpless crush. Though Dream…
Dream hadn’t looked away from the bottle. Bringing his lips in to form a line and. Hob felt his nerves begin to escape from out his ears.
“Hey…” Hob spoke gently, moving his hand to carefully rest on Dream’s knee.
Dream’s gaze snapped to Hob at once, and the look in his eyes made Hob’s stomach drop.
He looked terrified.
Hob’s breath caught in his throat, the air around them suddenly thick with an unidentified tension. 
Cori’s voice popping up over Hob’s shoulder made them both jump.
“C’mon, Morpheus. Hob won’t bite, unless you ask him to!”
Hob sighed loudly, rolling his eyes for the group’s benefit, who eased up with a roll of snickering around them. One time, that happened!
“I–” Dream started, swallowing hard enough for his Adam’s apple to bob harshly. “I’d rather–”
“Just one kiss, Dream,” Hob heard himself say, a little desperate. A little too drunk. “It’ll be really quick…” He felt himself already leaning in and Dream’s lips parted, sucking in an audible breath.
“Kiss, kiss, kiss!”
Jo and Cori started the chant, and everyone around them followed suit, egging Hob and Dream on.
The realistic, rational part of Hob’s brain, which was still muddled by cheap vodka, tried to remind Hob that this was just a game, and Dream didn’t have to do this if he didn’t want to. He’d even opened his mouth to say so, amongst the drunken, teenage laughter and clapping in time to the chant.
But what he spoke, instead of insisting they didn’t have to kiss, that they could potentially even revisit this, and Hob’s ego wouldn’t be bruised, thank you very much, was a quiet,
Dream’s brows pinched together, he looked truly torn and Hob couldn’t figure out what that meant, especially as the seconds ticked away. Driving Hob crazy, waiting for permission; verbally or even a single head nod. Hob wet his lips and his stomach did an acrobatic leap as he caught Dream’s gaze flick down to catch the motion, his shoulders visibly rising as he took a breath.
Hob blinked and Dream was untangling himself from the floor, standing up so fast he wobbled, and stomped out of the room.
The chanting died down at once. Hob felt himself frozen to the carpet in the surrounding silence. 
Somebody politely coughed. Hob’s gaze found Johanna, who only looked back at him in sympathy, her eyebrows tilted up. 
Humiliation and rejection burned in Hob’s chest, crawling up his neck and making his ears hot. 
Cori clicked his tongue and Hob whipped his head around to glare at him.
“Tough luck, buddy.”
“Shut up,” Hob hissed, feeling all the more embarrassed for it. He splayed his hands flat on the floor, pushing himself up without another look at his classmates, and walked towards where Dream had vanished to with shaking limbs.
Hob found him quickly enough, going through the laundry room and out the door that led to the back yard.
Blue eyes, barely visible in the darkness, rose to find Hob as he made his way down the steps, sitting across from Dream, against the railing, putting distance between them.
Dream looked forward again, his eyes set, face unreadable. Hob hated that he was drunk at the moment because he’d otherwise never chuckle sarcastically like he’s doing now. Hiding the pain, perhaps, hoping Dream can’t see how ashamed he’s feeling, how rejection boils in his blood and even looking at Dream right now, twists Hob’s insides.
“What the hell?”
Dream takes a long breath through his nose, pushing his shoulders back. And says nothing.
“It would have just been a stupid kiss,” Hob goes on, unprompted. Words tumbling out of his mouth like vomit. “You’re my friend. Is the thought of kissing me so disgusting you need to run away?”
Hob feels his eyes begin to sting and throws his head back, smiling derisively. He was about to start crying. Great.
Once he’s gotten himself under control, Hob tilts his head down and finds Dream watching him, his own gaze softened, if only minutely.
His lips part, voice low and quiet. “You misunderstand me.”
“Then I’d love it if you’d explain,” Hob sighs roughly. “Because you just made me look like an asshole in there.”
Dream shakes his head, unfolding his arms over his lap and getting long, pale fingers around his knobbly knees instead.
“The world is ending tonight.” Dream starts cryptically, staring at how his fingers pick at the tears in his jeans. “Tomorrow we graduate. I’m going to England and we’ll never see each other again.” He looks sideways at Hob, who’s holding his breath.
“And you’re still worried about how people perceive you?” He takes a breath. “You choose to spend your last hours getting drunk and playing juvenile games? Instead of…” Dream gaze flits back toward the house, swallowing.
Hob scoots over, closer to Dream. Summer is right around the corner but the night air is cool still, clean and pleasantly quiet. And Dream blends into the darkness like he belongs there, the stars in the cloudless sky, how they light up the darkness along with the moon, giving just enough illumination to see by, to marvel at Dream sitting on Hob’s back porch steps. 
Taking in the wonder that is Hob’s closest friend, beautiful, shy, wicked smart Dream. Hob feels calm fall over him like a blanket. Mulling on Dream’s words, and settling on a response.
“What would you rather be doing?”
Dream finds Hob’s gaze again, and Hob lifts his shoulders, prompting Dream further, but he remains silent. Hob takes a breath, speaking again when Dream doesn’t respond.
“If the world is ending anyway…” Hob starts, licking his bottom lip. “Then just say it.”
Agonizing seconds slip by, where Dream stares at Hob, lips slightly parted, eyes widening.
“I want to kiss you.”
Hob’s heart lurches in his chest and he feels the air leave his lungs. Dream’s voice is so quiet, so fragile, it makes Hob ache.
“But not–” Dream inclines his head slightly, toward the house. “Not like that.”
“Oh…” Hob says eloquently, finding himself petrified once again.
There’s a new tension in the silence that falls between them. Waiting, anticipating. Hob takes a steadying breath and feels like he’s jumping off a cliff.
He gets on hand on the floor between them and leans over, his other hand hovering towards Dream. 
“Can I–?”
Dream meets him halfway, pressing warm, chapped lips to Hob’s, and holding still. 
It’s sweet, and careful, and when Dream exhales from his nose, the warm air hitting Hob, his lips part to take a breath and Hob lunges forward, getting a hand around the side of Dream’s face and pulling him in. Hob sweeps his tongue along the seam of Dream’s lips once before diving past, pulling a surprised gasp from Dream that turns into a soft groan.
Hob’s fingers caress into the soft strands of Dream’s hair as they kiss, elation popping off like fireworks under Hob’s skin as he finally is able to touch his friend like this. Move his lips along Dream’s with drunken coordination and vigor, putting as much affection and want into the kiss as Hob could, hoping Dream could understand. Could feel how long Hob has wanted to do this. And as they move together, bodies naturally closing the distance between them and Dream’s hands finsting into Hob’s shirt before weaving up and around his shoulders, Hob understands why Dream would rather share this privately, without an audience of their peers gawking.
Because this was real. Years of repressed yearning and feelings bubbling up to the surface and tumbling forth in exchanged breaths and needy whines, Hob’s fingers digging a little harder into Dream’s scalp, Dream’s hands, in response, clawing at Hob’s back, pulling him impossibly closer as his body arched like a bow so their chests bumped and Hob could feel the heat of his friend’s body against his own.
Hob tore his mouth away, taking a ragged breath, stealing it from Dream, before going back in, again and again, little lips-only kisses that elicited the prettiest noises from Dream. Especially as Hob’s lips wanders down his chin and up his jaw, causing his friend to cling tighter to Hob, tilting his head to give Hob better access, breathing through his mouth, the hot air hitting Hob’s ear and driving him wild.
“Dream…” Hob finally spoke, his low voice painted in arousal and causing Dream to shake in his arms. He nipped Dream’s ear before licking it. “Why is this all coming out now?”
One of Dream’s hands went up into Hob’s hair, fingers tangling in the brown locks as he huffed his response.
“I could ask the same of you.”
Hob smiles, but it’s sad. He’s slowed down now, gently nudging his nose underneath Dream’s ear before pulling back, facing him once more.
Dream’s eyes flutter open and Hob feels struck down. He’s never seen Dream’s eyes so dark, his blue iris’ nearly all encompassed by the black of his pupils. Hob, unable to resist now, taps his nose to Dreams, taking a breath.
“I was scared.”
He can hear how Dream swallows.
“Me too.”
They sit like that for a long moment, holding on to one another, breathing each other’s air, savoring the revelation that had just transpired. And knowing it wouldn’t last. 
They of course saw each other again at graduation, and throughout the days that followed. Hob prepared to move across the state to his chosen college and Dream prepped to leave the country all together.
Hob offered to drive Dream to the airport on moving day, but Dream shook his head, saying it was already too painful that he was leaving, he didn’t want any lingering looks. Instead Dream’s father took a quick detour to Hob’s house, where Dream stood in Hob’s doorway to say goodbye, and in full view of both their families, all they could do was hug. And Hob put his entire body into it, crushing Dream, who had always been so damn thin and gangly, in his arms and nosing his way into Dream’s hair to take one final, deep inhale.
“We’ll see each other again.” Hob promised, in that hopeful way young people did.
Dream only smiled ruefully, his eyes shining and causing a lump to form in Hob’s throat.
“Yeah.” Hob nodded, getting his hands around Dream’s face and caressing his thumbs under his eyes and across sharp cheekbones. “You think you can get rid of me that easily?”
Dream huffed out a quiet laugh, the blue of his eyes sparkling.
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nwjws · 11 months
10 months (TEASER) - SJY
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; SYNOPSIS - when you first meet your best friend’s brother, your first thought is, “holy shit, he’s gorgeous.” your second thought is, “holy shit, he’s a baby.” younger guys aren't exactly your thing, but jake insists that your age gap of 10 months really isn’t that big. 
; PAIRING - jake x fem!reader
; TAGS - one-shot, fluff, angst, younger!jake, older!reader, not by much though, high school au, inspired by their song, best friend’s brother trope ; WARNINGS - cursing, umm nothing else (for the teaser at least)
; WC - 1k (teaser) full fic est. idk probably more than 5k
; RELEASE - hopefully november 15 (on his birthday!) but may have to post pone a little bc i've got a terrible cough
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holy shit, he's gorgeous.
jake sim, your best friend's brother, might just be one of the most attractive men you've ever seen in your almost-nineteen years of life. his flawless skin combined with his wild hair gave him that carefree teenage look; the poster boy of a cliché summer fling, coming-of-age movie.
jaena had asked you to join her family at the amusement park, to celebrate jake's birthday. and while you'd known that she had a brother, you'd never actually met him - until now. you suddenly found yourself wishing she had told you to prepare to be blown away by his looks.
you smile at him, giving him a half-hug. "happy birthday!"
jake, snapped out of whatever trance he'd been caught in ever since he first laid his eyes upon you, patting your back. "um, thank you."
your best friend catches him in a headlock, giving him a noogie. "aww, you're eighteen now! no more lying about being an adult online," she teases him.
your heart stops, ears catching on one word in particular. "wait, he just turned eighteen?"
"yeah, he's my younger brother," jaena says.
that has you sitting back against the backrest of your seat, blowing out air as you digested the new information. you glance back at jake, who's eyes are pinned curiously on you.
holy shit, he's a baby.
jaena snorts. jake's eyebrows raise up behind his bangs. did you say that out loud?
"i'm not a baby!" he protests.
"yeah, you are," jaena shoves him lightly.
"woah, my whole perception of you has just changed," you tell him.
jake's jaw drops impossibly further as jaena barks out more laughter.
"what?! what was your first perception of me, then?"
you shake your head, amusement pulling at your features. "doesn't matter now."
as expected, your day at the park was well spent. jaena and jake's parents had gone off somewhere and left you three (and heeseung, who was invited by jake) alone. you guys had ridden the rollercoaster twice, gone on some spinning ride, and a game of laser tag - which, by the way, jake and heeseung had severely lost ('jake! stop staring at y/n!' 'i wasn't!' 'then how did you miss your sister pointing her gun at you when she was right in front of you?!').
when the four of you lined up for bumper cars, jake walked over to your side.
"hey, you wanna share a car with me?"
"me? with you?" you asked in confusion, tilting your head to the side. "why?"
"stealing my best friend from me, jake?" jaena asked.
"precisely," he smiles at her, and takes your hand as you guys reach the front of the line. he pulls you into the passenger seat of a car.
buckling the seatbelt, you jokingly ask jake, "do you need me to hold your hand, you child?"
jake frowns, before his face swiftly contorts into a smirk. "if you feel like you need to hold onto me for support, then sure!"
you roll your eyes at his playfulness. if he'd been older than you, you would have definitely blushed at his reply. instead, he came across to you like a little boy trying to impress an adult. how cute.
it's a fun round, with you and jake bumping into jaena and heeseung's car several times, getting them caught against the edge. when a random pair of strangers you guys didn't know bumped your car, the four of you teamed up and went after the poor kids. you all left the bumper cars ride laughing to the point your stomachs hurt.
after that, jaena dragged you and two boys to the stall games. you and jaena had fun playing one of those shooting games, whilst the other two did something else.
when you met up again, jake handed you three big plushies, a smile as big as them on his face.
"for you!"
jaena scrunched her nose at her brother. "ewww jake are you trying to court my best friend or something?"
"i'm not courting her! what is this, the 18th century?" he maturely poked his tongue out at his sister. "i won these for y/n, you know. do you like them?"
you took one and hugged it. "aw, thanks jakey," you cooed at him, pinching his cheek. "but i think these would find a better place on your bed. you can hug them to sleep."
jake huffed out in annoyance. "why do you keep treating me like a child?"
"because you are a child."
"i'm literally eighteen? i'm a full-grown adult!"
"sorry to break it to you, but eighteen is barely an adult," jaena snorted at him, taking the plushie from your arms.
"how old are you then?" jake asked you, his head tilting to the side. you had to stop yourself from letting out another 'aww'. he looked like a cute puppy asking for attention.
"i'm almost nineteen."
"so you're also eighteen? we're the exact same age."
"no we're not! i'm ten months older," you protested.
"but we're still both eighteen right now! and for the next two months! you're acting like you're my grandma or something..." he muttered.
"well, our age gap was big enough that you were placed in the lower grade. so i do feel like your grandma."
"ten months isn't even that big!" he rolled his eyes.
"why does it even matter?" heeseung shrugs, slipping his hands into his pockets as you guys walk towards the rendezvous point you'd be meeting jake's parents at before going back home.
"because she's treating me like a baby!"
"keep whining like that and i'll start to think that you really are," you tease him, jaena laughing at your bickering.
you purse your lips, suppressing a smile as you watch the cute boy leave his sister's side and move over to yours. a whiff of his cologne attacks your nose, but you don't fight it. it's oddly attractive, until you remind yourself of who it belongs to.
no, no, no way. you gulp down your thoughts and feelings, trying to keep a light-hearted expression on your face. 'keep calm and carry on', or whatever it was that old meme said.
you couldn't let your conflicted feelings show. so you pushed away any and all thoughts that you might be falling for your best friend's brother.
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; AUTHOR'S CORNER! HII this is scheduled but anyway i hope i can complete this fic within the next 5 days (pray for me) but if not please excuse me my immune system isn't fighting whatever pathogen i have fast enough
; TAGLIST (open!) perm . @lovelovelovebts @miyseung @babyy-bambii @haechansbbg @gweoriz networks . @kflixnet @k-films @/k-labels . send an ask or comment here to be added!
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colorisbyshe · 3 months
Click here for part one (highlights being Kaytranada and Charli's albums)(listen to Cactus Water by Channel Tres who was on Kaytranada's album)
Goat Girl's motorway is for the girlies into... the indie girlies. Music to reflect on your life to.
JESSIE WARE!!!!!!! & ROMY's LIFT YOU UP! Feel good dance track. Just vibrant and joyful. What a lovely way to end Pride month.
Normani FINALLY released her album. Not mindblowing (and some of the teaser versions of songs are better) but it's enjoyable to listen to all the way through. Highlights are "All Yours" which feels luxurious, "Take my Time" which is sweet and pleasant, "Insomnia" which has a sprinkling of Daft Punk in some of the vocoding, and a more energetic "Little Secrets" which closes the album out. This is a solid debut which promises greater things down the line. Good sensibilities, just needs a bit more oomph.
Spinning off of that, check out "Endless Night" by Maeta.
Tove Lo & SG Lewis are back at it again with a mini EP! Let Me Go OH OH sounds the way Kylie's Love at First Sight MV looks, if that makes sense. Busy Girl is for Cunts on the Runway. Heat is for dancing at the club. Desire is a club mix track that is generic and yet perfectly calculated--like a chocolate chip cookie made up premium ingredients.
Megan Thee Stallion has an album out and narrowing this down to a handful of tracks is hard, even with singles excluded! Rattle is scathing and yet too cool for the haters. Down Stairs DJ combined with Where Them Girls At has convinced me she needs to collab with Cupcakke*. Worthy is summery and poppy. Spin with Victoria Monet will have you doing body rolls without even realizing, Otaku Hot Girl is a fun sample... I forgive her for insulting Sasuke avis I know where she's coming from lol.
Nayeon's album is kinda hit or miss to me but I love ABCD's bigger than life energy and the dance break in the MV. HalliGalli is just like refreshing fruit punch on a hot day
Despite not feeling the title track, Red Velvet did pull through with some music you can just float around to, Last Drop and Night Drive would be nice to wade into the ocean and stare up at the stars to. Bubble has an almost 80s Jpop veneer to it. And Love Arcade gives the album some energy it very much needed, lol. Not my fave RV project but not the bummer I expected!
She, this blog's namesake, has a new mini album! Spectral Touch and With You are expansions of She's Chiptune sound but maybe with some appeal you might find in Kavinsky's music--not the same sound at all but that sort of "driving at night through neon lights" type vibe.
The Used has a new album out, it's more of the same, but I loved the video game trailer bombasticness of Depression Personified and the return to an older whininess (said with fondness) in Before I Leave. Emos, check it out.
Catharsis by 9mm Parabellum Bullet is more rock music. Japanese and surprisingly melodic, this track is haunting. Maybe Buck-Tick enjoyers should check it out.
If you liked the Tove Lo ep, check out Baddy on the Floor by Jamie xx. Honey Dijon absolutely elevates this track into transcendence.
Amaarae said "Fountain Baby Part 2!!!" this! is a swooning afrobeats track, wanted is a song that crawls to you and up your body and grabs your hips, and sweeeet is such a natural evolution of Fountain Baby. This whole project is worth a listen!
TuNGSTeN is by Hiroyuki Sawano (TECHNICALLY a different project than my other shout out) and it's just evocative and makes me clutch at my chest but also wanna run.
Power of Two by Victoria Monet. Idk why she's doing a Star Wars song but... fuck, she hit it out of the fucking park. It's like of Kendrick/Sza's All the Stars had a dark, more cosmic child.
Lynch. has some more Japanese metalcore for anyone interested. Standouts are the frantic Un Deux Trois and A Fierce Blaze while the track Remains might appeal more to the crowd who wants more of the melodic bits that Catharis had. Buck-Tick fans I'm saying try out Remains. Not as good but you'll see the vibe
Getting no Sleep by Tinashe is a surprising follow up to Nasty but suuch a good follow up to her album BB/Angel and its more cerebral elements.
"Know You Did" by bongjeingan is a korean indie rock song not afraid to get WEIRD with it. This is a song that is everything all at once. Goes surprisingly hard at the end.
Somethin Bout You by The Knocks and Holiday87 ft Betsy feels like a dream of the 80s had by someone who passed out at the club after too much fruity drinks.
"Security" by Raleigh Ritchie (AKA LOUIS FROM IWT!V!) is a a more lowkey track than some on this but the lyrics are relatable and I remain charmed by his blunt writing style--he gets to the heart of the matter and carves at it.
"Shout" SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]. Type of song that worked great for a Trigger adventure anime (but not dunmeshi lol).
Selecta by Chase & Status ft Stefflon Don. Dancehall drum & bass great for playing a first person shooter. Click heads and bop.
9m88 was recced to me and while I haven't explored much, "Love Rain" is crooning and jazzy and a song that exists outside of time.
A throwback older than some of my followers Sonique's Sky is just good eurodance.
*this month was too stacked and i haven't listened her new album but i WILL!!
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theangryjikooker · 24 days
Let me ask you this anon, you're in rs with your partner for however long u think jikook are and yet your partner needs to tell you what his preferred mattresses are? Given jk had them all over his home that seems like something his partner should be aware of but jm wasn't..... Knwing spices ain't a big thing given jungkook and jimin has known they enjoy spicy food since forever like have y'all not watched their past content? Jk knows jm's taste and vice versa and it would be weird to not know IF u didn't know given these men have shared dorms together for years. These are not the things you should not know about god when u have shared a space with these ppl for long.
Literally in 2022 jm was talking about his depression and how his friend was the one who made understand that and it was news to jk. I don't always expect couples to point out each other's things so it doesn't bother me that someone else pointed it out and not jk but as a supposed "couple" I'd expect jk to already know about this incident. Also wasn't it the same time where jikook told each other their sleep schedule? So would you not expect a couple to already know that? Why does jk not know jm sleeps in the morning and wakes up at noon while jk does the opposite?
Let's go back to July 2023 when jk said he'd pick his shower material and go to jm's room so you think celebrities of jm and jk's calibre won't have eachother's stuff at e/o home given couple usually would stay at others place? Let's go back to April 2023 did jk know any of jm's schedule? Imagine ur own boyfriend not knowing what the fk you're doing at any given moment for MONTHS other than that you're working on ur album? Like even yg knew about it, hsk made sure he knew about it but since jm and jk Hardly called each other jk didn't know about either. He only knew when the SMF2 teaser was dropping which luckily even TH knew when smf2 MV was dropping. what other schedule jk knew of jm? Y'all gonna tell me that u talk with ur boyfriend daily/often yet you don't know he's got 3 music shows to do, he's got a video call event, U haven't heard his songs other than the one you worked on. He literally didn't know anything about jm. I damn well remember how when jm first commented on jk's live jk's first reaction was "How are you?" And things like "Take care of yourself" this that he said it to both jm and hoba compare that with when taehyung commented there and jk was like "what are you doing here?" And it wasn't because he was being rude it was because they were doing something together before this live of jk (could be playing online game or called eachother etc) cause tae said "you said you're going to sleep" like i knew then and there these guys are not as in touch with eachother as they used to. U need to understand the interactions. Y'all mistook tens of their interactions thinking everything is special and romantic when the reality says otherwise. Now this is not me saying tae nd jk knows everything about each other or anything cause i know they might also not be sharing all things with each other but it gives away easily who was more in touch with each other at least for a particular amount of time. And let me tell you one more thing that when jungkook did that jimin centric live he was actually catching up with jimin's content. There's a lot more i can add but imma let u know this much only cause i don't wanna drag it more.
Lmao, I don’t usually try to play into anons addressing each other, but this anon sums up some additional discrepancies. Some are kind of throwaways to me because the contexts are vague, but some are pretty damn important.
Especially JM’s mental health. Miss me with your “I would never tell my partner about how I’m emotionally suffering” bullshit. Even if you or your partner aren’t the talkative type, if JM’s friend can notice it, so can his alleged significant other.
And even if you’re one of those shippers who think that these things don’t matter because in your relationship it’s normal, it is absolutely not normal when those things you don’t know or forget about each other start to add up and the both of you are in your damn 20s. One of you better have early onset dementia, or you just don’t care enough about each other.
Make it make sense.
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gaymer-hag-stan · 8 months
A Tekken 8 Review That Nobody Asked for From a Longtime Fan Who Has Been Playing for Ages But Is Not a Pro - That Title Is Too Long
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Having spent a little over 24 hours playing the game on my PS5, I feel like it's an appropriate amount of time to share my first thoughts on it. I will try to keep spoilers to a minimum so just skip the "Story" section and you should be fine.
General Thoughts
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A pretty healthy roster, overall happy with who we got. I do wish Anna and Christie were here, and I also miss Lucky Chloe. With Eddy already announced and Azucena taking over the "cooky dance-y character" I unfortunately don't see Christie or Chloe returning, but Anna better fucking do!
They all look great, even the ugly ones, they look satisfyingly ugly, if that makes any sense. The girls still suffer from the Madame Tussaud's wax figure syndrome that plagued the entirety of Tekken 7's roster, but, maybe I'm gaslighting myself, I do feel like they look a bit less plasticky than some of the initial teasers? Most of the redesigns are great, the hair (Lili's hair has never looked better), water and dirt physics all finally WORK and I love how all the clothing animates with the wind effect, the Fallen Destiny stage is a great one to illustrate all of the above. We can see Yoshimitsu's fingers after three decades! I'd love to know the thought process behind this redesign lmao
I love that they finally, after so many years of other fighting games having it but being inexplicably absent from Tekken, they finally added Player vs CPU matches! FINALLY! Finally I can pick my character and my opponent of choice, pick their costumes and set a stage for them to battle. I'm so happy for this even though it might not make any sense to anyone.
Combo Challenges! We finally have combo challenge in Tekken! Another common fighting game feature inexplicably missing up until now.
Gameplay feels a lot of fun. I wasn't sure about the heat mechanic but it's actually a lot more fun than I initially thought! I tried out all of the cast and am slowly completing both their story episodes and an Arcade run for good measure. I am obviously still maining Nina. They have decided to simplify a lot of her combo throws and I am having fun terrorizing people online with them by breaking their bones! I'm also using Arcade Quest to learn how to play as Lili and Azucena, some basic moves and combos and whatnot. I wanna also do Zafina, Jun, Jin, Hwoarang and Xiaoyu as well eventually. I think these eight will be my main squad for the time being. As a side note, King and Steve feel extremely fun to play, I haven't picked either in ages, but with King I was really close!
The netcode is, surprisingly functional??? We did recently switch to an optic fiber connection type, but I'm still on WiFi and I am having zero problems!
Jukebox is thankfully back again! I literally spent an hour or more before playing the game at all to decide which song goes where lol
Something that scares me regarding upcoming DLC, is that I do not see a season pass being sold anywhere except the Deluxe Edition bundle that costs 40€... I'm sorry but I don't give a fuck about owning 32 identical gold costumes or Tetsujin or whoever the fuck as my Arcade Quest avatar... I only want Eddy and the other three (one of them better be Anna!) thank you very much!
"The Dark Awakens"
Believe it or not I haven't even finished the main story yet as I'm trying to pace myself through all the modes and enjoy them, savouring every moment. At the moment of typing this I am almost halfway through and I must say, even though I am still firmly in the "Drop the cinematic NRS style story modes" camp, and I would much rather have had either arcade mode with proper, canon endings back, or a revival and repurposing of the Tekken Force mode, in an SF6 World Tour mode type of way, out of all of Bandai Namco's attempts at a cinematic story mode, from SCV to Tekken 8, this has been the most satisfying attempt so far. I love that they are fully embracing the overdramatic nature of Tekken along with its campy side and it's present from the very beginning, with Jin throwing his bike at Kazuya's helicopter! "A Fate Decided by Fists" were we actually get to choose which fighters advance through the first round was the biggest highlight so far! I did not expect to fight Azazel again in 2024! I miss his Tekken 6 design though, he no longer glows according to his remaining health or has his limbs crumble away into scarabs according to which parts of him you're hitting. Also, I do understand why they felt the need to overemphasize how "Jin was a good guy all along and he's not like Kazuya" to redeem him and attempt to portray him as a more traditional hero, but I think they went way too far. Literally every single cast member, characters who've never met him before especially, makes a point of how good a person Jin is. Also, I do understand that there were a lot of people complaining that most of the cast were ignored in Tekken 7's story mode and I appreciate that they tried to include more of them this time, but it's so half assed and superficial. Like, Lili, Asuka, Hwoarang, Leo (who finds their missing father, a forgotten plot point from Tekken 6 of screen without a single explanation) Xiaoyu, PANDA offer absolutely nothing to the story so far other than to just be there and tell Jin what a good guy he is. And I say all that as someone who is firmly on Jin's side and despises Kazuya.
Character Episodes
Thank god they have more than one single fight this time! I would have liked it if they found a way to make each of them be canon. Like, I think every single one of the Arcade mode endings of SF6 is canon, if I'm not mistaken, and most of them seem to take place before the events of the main story, as a way to give us a clearer understanding of why each fighter fights. I think Guilty Gear does exactly that too. Nevertheless, I do appreciate that each fighter has fights specifically tailored to them, with specific opponents. It's not clear to me yet if they're completely non-canon or not, as in Nina's she seems to have been hired by Lee to sabotage G Corporation and Kazuya, I pray to God this is true and she's not actually, willingly working for that asshole, like, I'm still in complete denial that they threw her entire character development from Tekken 4 to Tekken 7 to the trash can just to go "NInA WiLl WoRK FoR WhOmEvEr"... She's also suspiciously missing from the actual story like, she simply just appeared in ONE scene so far and then left without doing literally anything. She also seems to only have special interactions with Steve and Lee so far when others get a lot more. Her handling story wise in this installment is insulting, considering she's the most popular female fighter in the series and one of the most popular in the genre...
Offline Modes
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Arcade Quest
It's cute... It's certainly a cool way to mask your tutorial and the avatars are kinda cool, but they're nowhere near as good as what Capcom did with SF6 and World Tour. I must say I prefer Tag 2's Tekken Lab over this.
Super Ghost Battle
Ghost battle, after five attempts is finally fun! Tekken 7's was by far the worst attempt as the game would automatically pick opponents for you, matching you with much harder ones if you were winning too much and much lower ones if you were losing too much so that you wouldn't climb the ranks as fast and it would artificially increase playtime. Now that Tekken has actual single player modes other that the story there's no need for that, and they made it work. You simply choose from a list, and the ones that contain unlockable (useless) customisation options for specific characters are actually marked so that you can attempt to get the item you want.
Arcade Battle
I love that they still included a traditional eight battle long Arcade mode, even though they could have just had the character episodes and call it a day. My slight nitpick, again, is that they're still doing this thing that they've been doing since Tekken 5 or 6 where the first few battles are characters in their default costumes and then a horde of Namco's customized monstrosities attack your eyes... This is a huge pet peeve of mine, I understand it in the context of Ghost Battle, and Arcade Quest, but I do not want to see goofy customs in other, "serious" modes. On top of that, the ghosts you get seem to be from the Super Ghost Battle's catalogue of freaks, and are therefore higher difficulty than most, which in turn makes them actively harder than the mode's final boss which I think is kinda hilarious!
Tekken Ball
I will admit, I only played a single match and never touched it again. It is actually challenging, I'll give it that, but I don't see the appeal. I'd much rather have Tekken Bowl again back instead tbh. Also I wish that stage was playable in normal modes too.
Avatar customization is kinda whatever, but it works well enough for Arcade Quest and I don't really visit the Tekken Fight Lounge.
Character Customization however is where I have an issue. While I've seen lots of cool customs of various characters from other games and IPs, including Shimbori himself dressing up Super Battle ghosts as DOA characters!, I don't really care for the customization options? My only real use for Character Customization in Tekken so far was to recreate past / alternate outfits. Like, in Tekken 6 I would buy the schoolgirl outfit parts for all the teen girlies, in Tekken 7 I recreated Nina's 2P outfit from Tekken 4 using her Blood Vengeance catsuit as a base, stuff like that. In Tekken 8 all I'm getting is a huge catalogue of Zara's apparel... And all the unlockable outfits are either their default look with less clothes on, or weird cosplays of other characters. Why? Tekken Character Customization peaked in Tekken 6, where every single one of the 40 (41 if you count Panda, who I think had some different options from Kuma) characters had his own personal selection of outfits and items, matching their personality and look. I don't want to play as Nina dressed up as Ada Wong or in a business casual for a 9-5 desk job. They made everything way too generic and bland and, on top of that, we don't even have trademark pieces like Nina's purple catsuit, her ponytail, Hwoarang's taekwondo garb, Xiaoyu's Tekken 6 battle costume. The Tekken 5 veterans should have had their Tekken 5/6/TTT2 costumes and hairstyles on top of their Tekken 7 ones.
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Overall, I am very very happy with this game! It seemingly does almost everything right and I am glad to see it improving on, literally, every single thing over Tekken 7.
Score: 9 / 10
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sun-undone · 23 days
I just watched the season 4 teaser and I neeed your thoughts
AHHH HELLO FRIEND it's been a fucking minute hasn't it???? obx is back after what feels like a billion years and for the first time in about that long i'm feeling the buzz for it again!!!
SO the teaser let's ramble about it for way too long
before getting into any of the specific content, i just wanna say that this teaser felt SO different from the s3 teaser. and that might sound like a bad thing at first cause imo the s3 teaser is the best piece of promo the obx team has ever put out, BUTTTT i think this teaser needed to have a different feel.
the writers and some of the actors (i think chase mainly) have repeatedly stated that this season goes back to basics a bit and refocuses on the characters and the bonds between them, and it truly feels like this teaser was doing exactly that. it wasn't really showing us many hints about the plot or massive action set pieces, it seemed much more interested in showing us our pogues. THAT is where the hype comes from with this teaser.
it might seem a bit lackluster and small compared to other teasers we've gotten, but i'm very happy with how they're already choosing to promo this season so far BECAUSE it feels more intimate reminiscent of s1 in that way.
i could absolutely eat my words about their intentions with this as promo continues, and i do think they'll still end up doing their usual bigger, action heavy plot heavy trailer, but as a first real teaser??? it's really making me trust their statements about refocusing the show.
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i mean. I MEAN
if this ISNT how the season starts i am going to be absolutely floored. i'm hoping so badly that it's an even more direct parallel to the opening scene of 1x01, with pope, kie, and jj down below ragging on john b to come help them build the dock or whatever. bonus points if john b drops the gold he's holding and almost breaks jj's foot or something. like i want as dead on of a parallel as humanly possible pates if you're gonna go for it, fucking GO FOR IT
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i'm very curious as to how much of the time jump is gonna be exposited via montage and john b narration. i assume a lot of the building of the bunkhouse and dock and fixing up jj's house (which is kind of a shame cause how emotional must that have been for him????? but it's fine it's just RIPE for fanfic that way). but according to bts there's at least one scene that was filmed from the in between that might be an actual scene rather than montage (i won't say in case people don't want spoilers but it involves jiara). or maybe that's part of the montage too, we truly have no clue at this point. i'm just so stoked to see these new sets!!!! i'll forever miss the chateau like my heart actually splinters every time i think about it but the pogues having a new home base on jj's land is something really special too.
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core 4 scuba mission as yet another parallel to s1 like are we in heaven??? and jiara are the ones that actually dive???????? jj reassuring her beforehand????????????? john b and pope teasing them???? potential jiara cheek kiss?????? it doesn't get better than this
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oh actually no it does
also jarah b watching from the dock house like proud parents I KNOW THATS RIGHT
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we have a fair amount of bts about this so i'm not gonna say too much but john b looks PISSED. and i'm right there with him but hey at least we'll get hot jj bike stuff?? rivalry with rafe (and maybe topper too cause we just can't have nice things) and worried kie having to watch from the sidelines??? it might not all be bad!!!! i'm already pretty sure i'm gonna hate this plot point so i'm trying to get the anger out now so i'll be all out of it by october
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i swear to god if this ends up being a random extra i will lose my shit
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there is no screenshot of this that doesn't look absolutely horrid but that doesn't matter WHAT MATTERS IS THAT JJ FINALLY GETS TO PUNCH RAFE. they fucking heard our prayers i cannot believe it. i REALLY hope this is juicy as hell and leads into a full on fight that the pogues have to try to break up (i would've liked it even better if they had a truly one on one fight with no one else around so we could see how evenly matched they undoubtedly are but whatever whatever this could be super dramatic and fun in different ways too).
also double points if he's defending sarah and/or kie in some way. double double points if this tension has been building for the entire season up until this point cause i've been saying for YEARS that jj and rafe could have such an interesting dynamic but they barely have ANY scenes together. i am desperate and begging and this gives me so much hope oh my GOD also if you saw me edit this into this post cause i forgot to include it the first time no you didn't
aaaaand with that, that's pretty much all i feel like i wanted to talk about, there's a few other interesting things to speculate about but like i said before, this teaser really gives nothing away. or at least it doesn't if you've been following bts
ALSO the song is water on mars by the nude party and it's absolutely perfect which is no surprise whatsoever
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damnslippyplanet · 7 months
@leupagus requested, and her wish is my command. At least on a Monday morning when I'd rather be thinking about fic than my weekend email backlog. So:
List five of your least-popular fics, as well as when/why you wrote them.
the green place, Word of Honor modern AU, YeXie, 2021
This was a little string of YeXie Week ficlets based on word prompts. Friend Ritualist* and I had been batting around some ideas for a Plant Witch Xie'er fic in the DMs and I thought I'd use YeXie week to play around with the character voices/world a little and see how I liked writing those two. I had a lovely time writing it, but semi-connected short ficlets where the rimming is (just barely) off-screen are a hard sell. Also I left it marked incomplete for a long time thinking I might go back and finish out the week's prompts, so I'm sure it got passed over by the very wise people who don't read WIPs. No regrets, I like knowing Plant Witch Xier'er is out there even if he'll probably never really get written.
*babe, I'm blanking out and can only think of your pro author tumblr name and not your fandom one, if you're seeing this and wanna be linked, drop your fandom url in the comments and I'll link you up
The Desert Dreams of a River, Darkangel Trilogy, Aeriel/Irrylath, Erin/OFC, 2019.
Yuletide fic! With the hit count you expect for a Yuletide genfic based on one of your formative pieces of circa-1982 fiction about a girl trying to reform a vampire while they live on the terraformed moon. Written in a frantic haze just short of deadline, if I recall, as I'd started a different angle on it that didn't quite work. I'm not saying this story was just an excuse to get Erin a wife, but it was sort of that, since the prompt didn't really allow for Erin to wife Aeriel. (But she SHOULD HAVE. Let Aeriel Have A Husband And A Wife.) I loved these books so much. Unfortunately something must be really fucked with the licensing because only the third of the trilogy was available as an ebook at the time and that doesn't seem to have changed? Pick up a hard copy of the first book if you ever see one, though.
every word is nonsense, Only Friends, Ray&Sand, 2023
Another little tidbit of a fic as an exercise in character voice again and also how much I liked how much the show likes their smoking scenes. Look. I'm a person of a certain age who smoked like a chimney as a teenager and into my early twenties, and I can't help the programming that got into my bones about the inherent eroticism of sharing a cigarette. (lolsob, high five to my fellow Thai BL nerds, how are we all doing this week with the one-two- punch of the DFF shotgunning scene and the new 4 minutes teaser? it's fine, i'm fine.) I wrote this thinking that next I would write some RaySand smut and then didn't because the whirl of Thai BL fandom pulled me on to something else, but at some point I want to rewatch this show and may still write it then because it fed my FirstKhao shipper heart so well.
dizzy in your wake, Nirvana in Fire, Changsu/Jingyan, 2020?
I'm not the one who said "what if Mei Changsu were a were-octopus," that was a series of amazing twitter threads by @astronicht. But people just KEPT sending it to me because I am known to think octopus content is very cool and also to be a Mei Changsu Girlie, and eventually a couple of friends shook me until 600 words of ridiculousness came out. What surprises me is not that this one has few kudos, but that it has >10 kudos at all. I would say this is the most niche and silly thing I've written except I've also written MDZS/Jupiter Ascending fusion fic, so let's not pretend I have any dignity left. Written in 2020 but it didn't get posted until later because I don't usually post things this short. At some point I was in one of those "it's an ARCHIVE, we should put ALL THE THINGS THERE" moods and slapped a few NiF ficlets written for the group chat up there.
A Second Dose, Hannibal, Bev/Freddie, 2016
This was the thing where you write an odd little rarepair and it's so much fun you come back and do a sequel you hadn't meant to write. I'd written Bev/Freddie before and then when a Hannibal rarepair fest came around I was like, hey, what if I did that again. Possibly I just wanted to revisit the cat named after Rosalind Franklin that I'd made up for Bev.
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yoinkschief · 1 year
Hey y'all, little announcement time :)
It's nothing so serious so don't worry, haha
But I WILL be taking a break from social media for two weeks starting today. Nothing bad had happened, I promise, I'm perfectly okay :)! It's just in the last month a LOT has happened, and I'm grateful for it all
I've met a ton of cool people who are fantastic to be around, and I've had lots of fun talking and drawing with them and just interacting with them in general
And I've even had some of my idols/favorite artists follow me back which is CRAZY TO THINK ABOUT, and I know they're regular people like I am and I shouldn't get so worked up over this kind of stuff, but it's still crazy for me to think about it
Fuck it still boggles my mind that people like my stuff- I'm so not used to all this attention and that's why I'm taking a break, just cause I'm finally able to take a break from all the stress happening in my life and I deserve a bit of a break I'd say lol
I am SO GRATEFUL for all the love and support, gosh I still get giddy when I see likes or notes on my posts, to think people actually interact with my art, reminds me of when I was first starting on Instagram (my art was so bad LMAO I've improved so much) and I'd get lounge 3 likes from my friends and a couple handful from random strangers and I'd get flustered over that, it's the exact same as it is now hah
But I've never been good at handling tons of praise, I try to say thanks as much as I can to show my appreciation but I can't help but feel like I'm coming short, like I'm not properly expressing my gratitude. But that's personal butt problems I'm gonna try and work out over this break, or at least start to unravel the large yarn ball of, but just know every note or interaction I have makes me happy and I greatly appreciate all of you guys :)!!
Apologies for the long rant, I didn't mean to speak all much when it's just "TL;DR: Taking a break for two weeks cause I can't handle praise" haha, but I want y'all to know I'm fine, just don't wanna get a big head or anything lol and I also want to chill my beating heart cause it's crazy to be to think people actually enjoy shit of mine, that entire life forms with cognitive thoughts and lives of their own take time out of their day to spread a little joy my way. That's wild. It's crazy
Even that was a ramble, hah
Anyway, I'll be back soon! I'll probably only respond to DMs but I'll mainly be in Discord DMs because that's where my partner is so :) of you wanna reach me that's how
Also I might have a couple of scheduled posts for the next few days? Just so my account isn't dry? It's art I've already finished so I can instead work on the upcoming series :)
Yeah, still no name drop, lol, big debate on whether or not I would, but feel free to ask any questions about it now that the teasers are done, I'll try to answer as many as I can when I get back without spoiling anything lol
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medtech-mara · 1 year
im literally writing this inbetween kills leveling my skinning and tracking in new world, but this is important too.
So when I was making my nomad, Amber "Pacifica" Fox, I had this idea of her being this... idk relic of a long dead era of the 1990's. Sadly, there arent too many mods that could replicate the style that Amber wears. So I can't give you a true to nature visual... nor do i have the ability to draw her... But She very much would wear wear something like this or this (as dressing up some but in moodier colors with green for sure) when she's not out savaging the badlands. THIS when she is in the badlands.
Amber has this crazy gift in being able to find extremely valuable items, i stg, all this is determined by the dice gods. She found these rare manga from a trash pod that was dropped in the badlands from one of the Space Colonies, and she loved it so much, this was when she was like... I think 12 at the time? She's been slowly collecting every single one she can get her hands on. Well this manga is called Cosmic Angel, [and I want it done in the style that Shabazik does. I fell in LOVE with some of his work on a private graphic novel that i wanna read soo bad but can't find it. ] the manga is Mech meets sailor moon, but meets cowboy bebop? If you even know what ANY of that means. The manga was so big that they were going to do a version for Earth, but the shipment of ALL the merch and the premiering first episode, that Amber has watched the lost media, but ultimately ended up selling it, something she regrets doing, but it was for the Desert Foxes pack, they wanted to go back home to Oasis.
Well anyway, I even picked out the opening song that played on the lost media. It's also a song that plays on Michiko Arasaka's radio station, which... i havent actually picked a name for it yet. but I will one day!
One last little bite size little cute teaser i guess for me to discuss my other characters that little LoNC in my next post? Idk ya'll tell me. I might do it anyway. cause why not? i'm actually getting some of my excitement back.
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I am here to rant and lose my mind because of Park Jimin for a while and I want to know if I'm the only one feeling this....There are people who are extremely quiet since Tailor of chaos dropped....no comment,no acknowledgement at all....I can't help but keep on wondering if people are intimidated by Jimin....I know I'm not the only who connects with what Jimin is saying 🌈🌈🌈People in this fandom are full of internalized homophobia, fetishizers,ignorant people.....and I just...chapter two is definitely different....it's like to me...at this point....I prefer quality over quantity Army....the more people join...th more it gets stained and nasty and people aren't even trying to understand the people they claim to love....I see people are uncomfortable....I am talking about this from how I've seen my country's fan base reactions....it's just....they are mostly tiktok Army's ,y/n and fetisherzers...and as much as they like to pretend they are okay with everything that represents lgbtq....they cower away and build walls not wanting to understand Jimin's concept....
To be honest....I haven't been okay since the glove hand dropped,and connecting the dots of his process......and this just....I was so elated and anticipating his photofolio to drop but I wasn't ready for that....the thought provoking concept....challenging you...the watcher...jsjskqkskskskiss.....HIS MIND....HIS FREAKING GENIUS MIND 😭😭😭😭😭THE DETAILS..KDKSKAKKSKWKQQK.....I AM JUST A MERE INSIGNIFICANT HUMAN BUT HE HAS ME ON TRANCE LIKE EXPERIENCE....HE'S RENDERED ME SPEECHLESS, HIS LEFT ME STUNNED,AND WRECKED AND RAVAGED AND CONSUMED.....I CANT LOOK AWAY....I can't stop wanting for more and more and just get lost in him😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I wanna hear your thoughts on this.....from a queer lense🌙💛EVERYBODY IN EARTH SHOULD BOW DOWN AT HIS FEET‼️
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Anon 2
I am getting more and more intrigued by Jimin's photobook and I might have to try to buy it, lol. The way the photobook is described:
"This photobook created based on Jimin’s own ideas, unveils different moods Jimin creates from the same costumes, the strength Jimin has discovered in himself, the meaning of light in his confusing consciousness, the moment Jimin’s inner self and persona finally met and his chaotic and finally, an immature journey to finding the true “me”."
And the "Jimin’s never-seen inner self visualized in four topics – black, light and darkness, white, color : freedom."
The color:freedom is... I just have more and more questions at this point. He really makes you want to know everything. (And as being part of the lgbt myself, I can't help but draw theories I probably shouldn't, I'm projecting, I know, but it is still very interesting the way Jimin talks about his inner journey. He hasn't shown much, but what he has, has been quite relatable.)
The level of enthusiasm, intrigue, confusion is through the roof here, so I decided to answer both of you in one post because you're touching on the same subject.
First anon, I had no idea that some parts of this fandom are more silent about Jimin's photo-folio. It doesn't reflect the reception I saw, but I guess it all depends on what we follow and what shows up in everyone's curated timeline. Either way, I think that overall, the release of the teasers was a success and had quite an impact, at least for those who are open for appreciation.
As to the second ask, I think that looking at a photoshoot and the message that is trying to convey, along with the photo-folio description, it is bound to be interpreted through whatever lens the audience sees fit. This is a concept focused entirely on identity and how Jimin wants to be perceived. So, in this case, it was made quite clear that the art is a reflection of the artist. That much we know because Jimin said so. But as with all art, and here we have photography, the meaning is also created through interpretation. At least that's my approach and one that I've talked about in the past in various occasions. And if you, second anon, can relate to it in connection to your identity and Jimin's own inner journey, then that's one legitimate way of looking at it. I'm also not denying that projecting is definitely a thing and let's say, it can be detrimental in some cases, especially when it takes away the possibility of that piece being either about something else, or it conveys a multitude of meanings and it's much more complex. But as long as we, the audience, keep that in mind, I see no harm. The message might as well be just that, especially if there are recognizable elements that can be interpreted through a queer lens.
We also need to keep in mind that no artist needs to be completely straightforward when it comes to the methods used when they want to express something. A work based on one's identity can take many shapes and forms and the message doesn't need to be spoon fed or served on a silver platter because the only way everyone will get it is if they're hit in the head with it. Some will have no issue with accepting something that at the end of the day, will remain open to interpretation and not see that as a bad thing and others will not. The best approach is to listen and observe what Jimin has to say and I believe that adding this recent photo-folio into a larger context and everything else Jimin did in connection to art, identity and his own words about his journey, should be sufficient.
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gustingirl · 2 years
@joon-rkive tagged me in the hardest challenge i've ever had DFKJDJSF no but i enjoy it a lot, thanks baby!!
DISCLAIMER: I strongly believe BTS has one of the few non-skippable discographies and I really love every single song they've released and this list order can change almost every single day. Also they outdid the entire kpop industry i don’t even care
Literal chills every single time I listen to it. The chorus always has me on tears, it's that little thing they do with [Kimi dake wo hiroi atsumete tsunagete] that kills me every.single.time. I'm sure it's gonna be in my top 10 in my spotify wrapped cuz at some point of the year I got obsessed.
2. SPRING DAY - 봄날
I’m sure this one is pretty self-explanatory, considering it might be BTS' best song in their entire discography. For some reason it stayed in the charts for so long.
I put BS so high mostly because this fandom completely forgot about it (don’t worry I blame the pandemic mostly). Every single aspect of this song is literal art, from the lyrics to the beauty of the music video.
I’m an english-BTS-songs stan forever and ever, no english song can make me hate their discography and it includes these songs. Butter is the queen of their english era idec anymore, it hypes the shit out of me whenever I listen to it and whoever hates it can suck my di-
The reasons for this one? Idek, it scratches my brain in the best way ever.
I like how it builds and the choreo. It also reminds me to my favorite BTS era ever.
Hypes the shit out of me for good. I can’t stop watching the MV.
I’m putting it high mostly because I denied this song for years (i’m stupid, don’t ask why) and when I finally made up my mind I hated myself for never listening to it. Good one for real and it hits so well
BRING ME BACK TO THIS ERA GODDAMIT. That's all I can say really. No, kidding. The teaser already was perfect then the whole traditional instruments and the craziness of the beats just makes me wanna jump off a balcony (i’m in my charly garcia era)
I’m not sure where to put this one but there's that one part, the bridge, makes this song rise automatically.
11. ON
Another hype one, it's lower than heartbeat because the bridge doesn't hit as much but overall I love listening to it.
Can easily be put lower if you ask me. It's here because it was the first song I heard of them and the memories gives it that plus.
I learnt korean with this one SKDFLS no but seriously, yoongi's verse and the "yoongi-ah" gets me every single time. Could listen to it forever and ever honestly.
I think it was one of the first songs I listened after getting into them and that also gives it like a plus extra of reasons to be this high. Either way, it goes on so well and also the lyric and beat play with I'm Fine makes the original even better.
I don’t get how y'all can hate this one. I hate the remixes but the song builds so sweetly and their voices sound pretty cool with it. I like the retro style and the dance breaks for the choreos were so interesting and different. That's why I like it, it was different to other styles and their english voices are nice to hear every once in a while.
My mom calls this one the pandemic song and I laugh every single time. I think the comfort this song gives me makes it sound so good. It's always about the feelings their songs give me what makes me like them more or less. That happens with LGO
MAKES ME CRY SM I really got freaked out thinking they were saying goodbye. Took me a bit to fully get into it and the hyundai version helped a lot.
I think it was one of the first songs I listened after getting into them and that also gives it like a plus extra of reasons to be this high. Either way, it goes on so well and also the lyric and beat play with I'm Fine makes the original even better.
18. DOPE
AYO LADIES AND GENTLEMEEEEEN this is their queen of hype songs.
I only hate that weird sound at the beginning of the song and this kind of hip hop is not really my thing. It's higher than WABPT2 because aw they debuted lksdfsdkf
It makes me laugh a lot for some reason, I just picture them trying hard to be bad boys in the recording studio and I laugh a bit. Anyways rapper jungkook is a FAVE.
My first comeback omg. I remember the problem called "they all dyed their hair the same fucking color". Anyways, I prefer the rock version for some reason and I feel the song would have been better if it was that one the OG version. Also the "fakey" love part kind of still bugs me but overall I love this song.
22. I NEED U
I know how much it means to them but I can listen to it every once in a while. Not my favorite but easily one of their best songs. It builds very strongly.
23. RUN
Like DNA (yeah I have many situations like this), I love the song but I enjoy it mostly while watching the MV or a live performance.
HYPEEE. But again, like DNA, the choreo kind of outdoes the song for me. I like to watch the mv and listen to the song that way than only listening to the song.
Only dropped it so low because I cry whenever I listen to it. Other than that, it could easily be higher. I just stopped listening to it cuz I genuinely can’t stop crying, I never get to finish the song
Not their strongest english song KJFKDSJ if it wasn't sounding so high school musical-ish I would put it higher. I do adore the sign language dance move and how happy they look while performing it. Also, catchy as fuck anyways.
27. DNA
Probably goes low because I might have overplayed it a bit. With this one I priorize the music video and choreo over the song itself. They kind of outdo it.
Took me a bit to get into it because the chorus bothered me a bit, when all the voices kind of overslap each other while singing different lines (never my favorite type of resource during a song, happens to with Kiss of Fire by Hugh Laurie tho I love that song) but it's still good.
I was never a huge fan of this one but I did have my obsession phase when I got into them. I like these songs were Taehyung would rasp his voice a bit tho I'm glad he's using it more like he did with Singularity.
I love Halsey but I felt she ruined the song even though she barely participates anyways. However, I only really enjoy Suga's verse. The song isn't bad but I got tired of it (enough to rank it this low, it still outdid the entire kpop industry idc)
31. N.O.
It was never a song I played too much for some reason. I do enjoy the chorus and oh shit the lyrics, I love their rebellious era.
I had a phase where I listened to it religiously but after that I sort of stopped LKDLKS. It's still very catchy.
Never really listened to it much, maybe only a couple of times.
34. FOR YOU.
Never really listened to it much, maybe only a couple of times. Before Lights and For You I prefer their B-sides.
i don’t know many armys i think i’m gonna tag @peachy-101 @christina-dh @jieunssi @senor-hoberto @jungkooks-princess @latenightjjk @sinatserendipity
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bluunxtes · 3 days
hi high hai! srry i've been kinda just lurking for a while, don't really have an excuse lmao. i built a pc btw!!! :D hehe i'm super proud of myself lol even though i lowkey embarrassed myself asking for help for the dumbest mistakes while doing so.
here are some pics of my ningning hot mess inspired pc theme :3 (srry for the crappy phone quality, my phone is ancient lmao) didn't include the other half of my desk bc it's a mess rn lmao, cable management is my worst enemy.
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i've also been kinda trying to learn html so i could make a cute tumblr theme. i rlly wanna make smth that resembles japanese vending machines. a pastel pink vending machine theme would b pretty cute hehe >:3
n e ways, i was thinking abt starting a series w an oc after getting inspired by all the oc insert fics here. although, i wasn't sure if i should write everything and then post it all at once or post things as i write it out.
i tend to get lazy and my mind is always over run w ideas so i'm leaning towards finishing most of it first and posting it all at once.
might drop one of the finished fics as a teaser or smth doe humu
hope y'all have a great day/night! <3
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morgan-of-ireland · 2 years
Updates and That kind of Stuff
Hey all, Momo here! Book 1's remake has been completed. I've finished up all the editing and proofreading and stuff like that. It's 11 chapters long, 10 not including the epilogue. However, it'll likely be 12 at release. There might be a teaser to book 2 at the end that'll count as an additional chapter. It'll also be about as long as the average chapter, if not a bit shorter (give or take a page). As for my reasoning for not releasing even though it's done; it's pretty simple. I want to release the remake trilogy all at once, so I gotta finish 2 and 3 first. I take this approach in case I come up with something crazy I want to change later on. It's a bit up in arms on the release date, but I hope have it done by late February maybe early march. Book 4 is where it gets even rougher. I wrote 24 chapters for it (20 main and 4 epilogue with a planned 5th), but since it's the longest, it'll also be the longest to rewrite. Think of the 24 currently completed chapters to be the first draft, with the one you'll see at some point being the final draft.
Book 2's status is "Early development." My estimated time of completion (At least for writing, not editing), is Christmas of New Years. The original version might've had the least amount of chapters but it covered a lot with more packed into those chapters.
Depending how things shake out, I might take the multiple perspectives a chapter thing out of the picture, but I might not. It all really depends on how I re-plot this bitch out. Book 2 is definitely going be to be the most different out of the three, since I feel like it's the weakest of them. It set up some of the best parts of 3 and paid off a few of my favorite setups from 1, but it struggled in it's own right.
My creative juices are drained right now, especially after the editing of book 1. That shit nearly killed me. I'll get what I can done for book 2, but it's gonna be awhile before an actual teaser is dropped. I made the book 1 teaser at around 8-9 chapters, and right now I've got a grand total of 31 words on the first chapter book 2's first chapter.
Here's my AO3 link in case you wanna check out the original versions of the books. Here
This your author, Momo, signing off. See you all in the next chapter.
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bemylord · 3 years
ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴅ ᴇᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴜꜱꜱʏ
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characters: yuuji, 'gumi, toji, satoru, kento, sukuna.
warnings: smut, aged up, oral, creampie, multiply orgasms, sitting on face [?], edging, squirt, toys or boys who know how to make you squirt.
butler's remark: ( ◕▿◕ ) hello ¿ i'm here with another smut hdc. nothing new: sukuna being sukuna, nanami is a daddy and satoru being mr. steal your girl. well, toji is a toji too <3 enjoy reading, lord!
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ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴜᴊɪ:
sit. on. his. face.
like really, pure boy would be crying for the sake of tight hole. literally, yuuji having a facesitting kink: without any wobbling or hesitationhe'd be well-fed by your cum.
the type of boiz who would to be glad be choking by your thighs as you barely holding yourself back from flattening his face.
it may seem as he enjoys that more than you by seeing his complacent face as he's masterfully flicking his tongue on your clit and making shrill fondles your dripping hole. you haven't got any other option but to sit on his face.
your morning starts with his mouth on your pussy or kisses on the pubis as he greets on with his morning, husky voice: 'just wanna say good morning to your pussy if you don't mind'
sorry, but.. who doesn't mind..?
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ:
the case when the son takes after his father.
at first, he didn't know how to please you. don't get him wrong, he knew he should lick your sensitive area and play with your nipples. but, you know, the puberty period is over and he still a baby in sex.
give 'gumi his time and you'd cry over his tongue as he starts from your lips to the pussy, shattering you using one finger and tongue.
like yuuji, megumi will lick every last drop of your oozing little entrance as you got lost in paradise.
gets insatiable of it if you'd pull his hair to see his mouth has being messy of your cum as he quickly licks his fertilized lips with your juices.
he might summoned his divine dogs as gets addicted to your hole. 'i can get enough of your juicy place, my love'
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴛᴏᴊɪ:
the daddy knows how to do it. when he's in the mood to play or destroy you and your pretty cunt, he doesn't need his dick, girl.
his pads of fingers playing with the place you're needy for, contemplate as to how you wriggle like a snake underneath his fingers.
will whisper some dirty phrase such as: 'such a pathetic whore you're' or 'can't wait for my dick, huh?'
toji won't hold back if you will squirt on the bed. your mind being mushed and you have lost the clarity as you came on his mouth by your third time.
the perfect timing for thrust in your swollen cunt with his cock.
but nah, this daddy for sure will turn your mind off, literally and fucking literally, as you're illegible pleading for his cock.
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ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ:
heaven has sent you a divine gift and a hellish torment, and the name is satoru fucking gojo.
his tongue has a target in the swollen spot, his slender fingers inside your gooey pussy.
into toys, i guarantee you this point. the vibrator, flogger, vibrator panties. about vibrators - is more likely to tie you up and turn on some vibrator while wanking his dick. o.o i... you.. just pretend..
he's kind of like all the other guys, like yuuji or nanami but he's sort of being a gojo satoru.
huge teaser. teasing and teasing and teasing you while railing and spinning nimble tongue on your pussy.
probably likes to do it at the technical college, in his office as you're quelling any sounds that letting out from your mouth with every thrust satoru's tip on your hole. 'be a good girl and stay quiet when you cum'
but how you could?
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ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ:
daddy kento is certainly into the fingering while licking your clit.
he'd relentlessly leave abrupt strokes against your entrance as spanking your butt cheeks. he makes sure he's brainwashed you enough for his cock, meticulously staring as a stripe of your cum oozing down towards your asshole.
although he's making out with your pussy if you were a good-good girl for your daddy, obey his order.
mostly it's about sucking his properly, touching his pubis with the tip of your nose, being choked by it.
if you disturbed or interrupted him in his office, kento with precision will edge you in his little room.
minor hickeys on your inner thighs as he teases you, compelling you to plea as his ears being in heaven by your celestial [?] whining.
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after dinner there's dessert, right? i mean, i know you wanna read about him.
if we're talking about the place who'd lick you - everywhere. in his domain? you'll squirt on his throne. if itadori switches the body with the king? itadori's bed will be soaked by your juices. somewhere in the public? you should be quiet.
certainly destroy with his tongue as he's fluttering over your drooling hole, eliciting your mooing as you're practically shaken, reaching the highest.
loves to watch as your juices oozing on your inner thighs, licking that area, as you stuck your ass more, pleading for his big cock.
the king definitely into making you squirt.
ok, but, i know it's silly, but.
imagine sukuna with four arms?? i mean, his dick is better than arms but if sukuna would somehow switch into his previous form, you'd have overdosed with fingers. imagine the next one: sukuna tied your hands above your head, holding ankles on his shoulders as his other two hands are on your hole. whilst one palm is stretching your walls, another one is making circles on your clit.
( ◕▿◕ )
well. yeah. do you think sukuna is a cat person or pussy person? hehe, sorry ;)
also abt satoru: there are very, very many different vibrators, i think you even have your own red room ;)
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
Hi hi Kaia! Just wanna say, that soft nsfw Kidd fic you wrote legit just made me want to cry 😭😭 Soft Kidd is something I didn’t know I needed, you wrote him so well tbh! Following that note, if it’s alright could I ask for a nsfw request for Kidd but with a reader smoler than him? In my own headcanon I like he’d def have a size kink and be damn teaser because he’s like 7ft tall👀 lool If not, no worries! Thank you either way!
awww i’m glad you liked it, i had so much fun writing it (who knew i needed soft kid in my life like hello 😭👋🏾). also yes yes yes yes, a billion times yes, i gotchu  ♥️ the way that man lives rent free in my head is unreal 🥵
2.3k words, fem reader, nsfw (it's kid, idk what to tell u), 18+ mdni pls, a little playful banter, some alcohol, other cute stuff includes spitting, size kink (reader is short), clothes ripping (what can i say), kid being a general menace; i tried to keep it short but *washes hands*
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you know better than to distract him while he’s in the middle of a project, but you have very little self preservation when it comes to eustass kid. it’s late at night when you find him tinkering away in his workshop; with his music blasting, head bobbing along as he wordlessly mouths the lyrics to the song, you walk in undetected. even as you close the door, he doesn’t turn around — and while, you should make sure to lock it, you don’t bother. everyone for the most part is asleep or far enough away that you’re not worried about being interrupted.
this is your first mistake for the night.
sauntering around like the mischievous cat you are, you loosely hold a bottle of rum in your hand; you picked it up on the last island the ship docked at, someone gifting you the whole thing as thanks for assisting them. you unscrew the cap and take a big swig, the dark liquid flooding your senses as it glides down your throat with ease. one of the smoothest drinks you’ve had in a while, if you do say so yourself. 
the thing is, while you might think you’re being stealthy, kid has been aware of your presence this whole time. he’d be a shit captain, otherwise, right? still, his curiosity rivals yours, and he wants to see what you’re up to. pretending to jam to the music, kid catches you sidling up to him and smirks to himself, but purposely keeps his focus on the wrench in his hand. the smile on your face is evidence enough of your misdeeds — that you truly believe you’ve gotten away with infiltrating kid’s space, but before you can announce yourself, kid bursts your bubble quickly.
“you’re shit at sneaking around, y’know that right?” he turns his head, tilting it a bit, features morphed to denote a faux-bored expression. he leans his elbow on the worktable, and props his head up with his large hand.
mouth open — because, how else are you to react to him saying that? — words jumble around in your mouth, and you start stuttering. before you can make more of a fool of yourself, you jab a finger at him, hitting his chest on your first attempt. amusement blooms onto his face with ease, disrupting the game he wanted to play with you. 
“shut up, you’re the worst,” you say before pouting at him, brows furrowed as a wave of childishness takes over you. “now i don’t even want to share this with you.” he drops his gaze down to the bottle in your hand but grabs it before you can step away.
“rum? really.” he’s a scotch kind of man, with gin and vodka being suitable alternatives. you know that he’s not into rum like that, but you figured you’d ask him to try this brand for fun. now all you feel is residual embarrassment; cheeks burning, you lunge your arm out to grab it, wanting to just go sit somewhere on the deck and drink alone, but kid doesn’t let you. instead, he pops the cap off, tosses it somewhere and drinks from the bottle. 
you blink several times, watching in shock as he drinks for longer than you think he will. “kid!” you yank on the bottle, annoyance building slowly as you struggle to take it back from him. “don’t drink it all,” you whine helplessly, not wanting your big brute of a captain to ruin your night. kid acquiesces, leaning back in his chair, dark orange hair falling messily over his forehead, eyes drifting down your body, drinking in the sight of you. despite the rum being a bit sweeter than he’s used to, the quality of it impresses him, but he won’t say that. not yet.
ignoring the way your body reacts to his heated looks, you pick up where you left off, taking another swig of the rum, swaying to the music that carries around the room — the notes wrapping around you, coasting along your skin as you hum along. he watches you, amusement never dwindling, tongue running along his bottom lip before he decides that enough is enough. 
“c’mere, you’re drinking it wrong,” he says, voice dripping with intent, as he pulls you to him and plucking the bottle away from you again and setting it down. for safekeeping. before you’re even able to protest, before you’re able to fuss at him over pestering you like this, kid’s hand drifts lower and grabs onto your ass playfully. you smack his chest, face burning, thighs pressing closely together, an ache shooting through you faster than you can stop it. 
before you know it, he has you seated on top of the table, whatever he was working on is momentarily forgotten and haphazardly pushed aside. you lean back on your hands, head tilted as kid stands in between your legs, anticipation crawling down your arms, wrapping itself around your chest with familiarity. breathing slowed, long lashes fluttering as you fix your eyes on him, a little tipsy and giggly, but mostly drunk off of him and his presence. “i’m waiting,” you say, voice lilting, words coasting and caressing him softly. he almost asks you what exactly you’re waiting for, the way you inadvertently short-circuited his mind for a brief second made him forget why he took the rum from you in the first place.
he reminds himself to focus, to not lose to you, because losing is absolutely unacceptable, obviously.
“open,” he instructs, and you don’t have to ask him for clarification; on command, your lips part and you leave your mouth open for him. the corners of his lips twitch as he pours more rum into your mouth; some of the tawny liquid spilling down your lips and onto your chin. you don’t mind it though, completely mesmerized by the experience, entirely too giddy over the way he hulks over you like that. his height used to intimidate you, until you wiggled your way into his life and the two of you gradually became closer; now, you can’t get enough of it.
kid places the bottle down again, fully prepared to ignore it as he leans closer and runs his tongue along your skin, lapping up the runaway drops of rum, until your lips meet. when kid kisses you, it’s as if time stops and then speeds up. it starts off short — his lips pecking yours once, twice, tongue swiping against your lips, demanding entrance. on your next exhale, he pushes closer, your breasts pressing against him through your thin shirt, nipples hardening on impact.
if it were up to him, he’d drink the remainder of the rum from your mouth. you taste sweet, forbidden, and hypnotic — plush lips inviting him to nip them needlessly, sparking a small flame deep within your abdomen that slowly spreads to the rest of your body. with shaky hands, you tug on his clothes, wanting to feel his skin on yours sooner rather than later; and kid obliges, also helping you with your own clothes, ripping your shirt accidentally through the haze of lust.
“whoops,” he says, laughing darkly at your annoyed expression. you don’t believe for a second that it was completely accidental, but kid likes pushing your buttons anyway, so did it really matter what the truth was?
sensing a retort building inside of you, he kisses you again, hand roaming along your soft body, liking the way you feel against him; all that softness will be the death of him, he’s sure of it.
likewise, you get lost in his kisses, small hands gliding along the hard planes of his body, the dips, sharp ridges of his muscles, only make your hunger that much more intolerable. you whine against his lips, your pussy wet from the sloppy kisses you exchange, his own cock hardening excitedly, precum spilling down the thick head as it leans against your stomach.
“kid,” you breathe, lips ghosting his, “just fuck me already, damn it.” the need you have for him might actually make you lose your mind at the rate he’s going. normally, you’re the one telling him to slow down — but for some reason, it’s like your body is entirely too eager. maybe it’s the rum, or maybe you’ve just fallen deeper inside whatever trap he’s laid out for you tonight. you’re not sure, and you don’t actually care to know the answer; so you forget about it, focusing on getting kid to move.
it’s laughable, the way you’re begging him, when he knows once he gets started, you’re going to sing an entirely different tune. he runs his finger — thick, rough, impatient — between the folds of your pussy, admiring the way your arousal drips onto his skin, before plunging the finger inside of you without warning. you arch your back, mouth falling open at the intrusion, panting lightly when he inserts another finger shortly after. nails digging into his skin, your hips moving forward, as if his fingers are controlling your movements, a small voice in the back of your head reminding you that you’re playing with a fire that’s much too big for you to handle.
you ignore it; when it comes to eustass kid, your self-preservation goes right out the window.
plunging his fingers in and out of you recklessly, your head spinning from all of the rum, the kissing, and him — you maybe consider that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. “w-wait, kid slow down,” your voice barely audible, drowning behind your moans and the music that’s still blasting through the room. when he finally does manage to pull his fingers out, you only have a brief moment of reprieve before he’s rubbing the tip of his cock against your pussy, positioning it right in front of your entrance, he winks at your wary expression, making you even more suspicious of his motives. another complaint lodges in the back of your throat, stuck when kid pushes his cock inside of you, his girth ripping a loud moan out of you.
kid, meanwhile, is floating above the clouds, thoroughly enjoying your pussy’s feeble attempts at strangling him — those attempts do work, by the way, he’s just prideful and stubborn. snapping his hips against yours, kid pushes his cock into you deeply; the pain is worth it, though. it’s terribly addicting, the way he pulls back and thrusts into you harder, his balls slapping against your skin from the devastating pace he’s set. 
“kid, fuck, wait, wait,” you breath comes out in small pants, eyelids fluttering from the rough way that kid is fucking you. this is what you wanted, though, isn’t it? to tease him and let him have his way? if kid wasn’t so used to your subtle tricks, he’d actually be concerned. but he knows how much you like how rough he is, he knows how you like him to hold you firmly, so you can feel the full brunt of his thrusts, and he knows that no matter what, you’ll still ask him to fuck you like this again, and again, and again.
and he’s right. you can’t deny it; even if you wanted to you wouldn’t. when his hips meet yours, you wrap your legs around his waist, wanting to completely lose yourself in him, sweat already gliding down your neck, onto your clavicle, breasts bouncing against him.
“that’s it,” he coos, none-to-kindly, his tone dark, sinister, mocking, “see how well you’re taking me?” he shifts and pushes you down onto the table, your back arching off of it as he drives into you repeatedly, his thrusts turning your body into something helpless and pitiful, your words unintelligible, voice hoarse as you call his name out. he pulls out of you suddenly, much to your displeasure, folding your legs against your chest and instructing you to hold onto the backs of your thighs.
your pussy is a pretty sight to see, so naturally he slaps it hard before spitting on it. he’s so romantic, isn’t he?
you can barely think as his cock invades your pussy all over again — your warm, plush walls closing in around his length, as he angles his hips in a way that has your toes curling and a bit of drool creeping out of your mouth. it’s so tragically embarrassing, except you can’t be bothered to feel any bit of shame right now. 
with each brutal thrust, you find yourself teetering on the edge, ecstasy coloring any logic you have left in your mind, and when he kisses you again, tongue caressing yours hotly, an orgasm crashes into you. kid groans against your lips, thrusting fervently, strokes sloppier and shorter, wanting to hold out but finding himself unable to. if there’s one thing he knows, it’s that your pussy is absolutely lethal when provoked. it’s not often that you squirt, but when you do it drives him wild. “oh fuck, look at how much of a mess you’ve made.” his laughter should grate your nerves, but it doesn’t, it only makes you want to cover your face, because you hate how good he makes you feel. although, his laughter is short-lived; he powers into you, his own orgasm finding him much quicker than he anticipates, his cum is thick and hot, dripping out of you when he pulls out, spilling down onto the wooden surface of the table.
both of you sort of stay quiet, trying to catch your breaths; he runs a hand through his hair, feeling properly refreshed, almost as if a bit of weight has been lifted from his shoulders. you drop your legs, struggle to sit up, and look at him accusingly. “you’re such a damn beast,” but there isn’t a hint of venom or malice behind your words. if anything, you almost sound impressed. he chuckles at your act and just kisses you to keep you quiet.
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
Jensen Ackles | JIBCon, Solo Panel, (Rome, Italy, August 28 2022)
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Jensen panel. Will he do any more theatre? No, that was a huge mistake. A musical? “A musical??? ” (x)
Would Jensen do more theater work? “Nope, Few Good Men was a mistake, that was 120 pages long and I was on like 100!” And musical? “Um, maybe” You sing so well, and act! “Yeah, I can do both…”  (x)
He likes challenges, so maybe… but he doesn't plan that far in the future  (x)
Jensen recently saw Music Man with Hugh Jackman. Was blown away. It was a lot of fun. Made him think if he wants to do that. Answer? “Nah. I’d have to do jazz hands.” But we’ll see. He doesn’t know what he’ll do in 6 months.  (x)
He loves directing because it makes him think in a different perspective and it’s challenging. So maybe to the musical. The only musical he’s ever done is West Side Story.  (x)
One thing Jensen doesn’t miss is being trapped in the Impala with Jared after Jared had a burrito. Yellow Fever is an ep that comes to mind because it was funny through and through. But funniest scene is “the whole show”. (x)
Jensen panel: Every scene over the past 15 years was the funniest scene #jib12  (x)
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They were able to do risky storylines and go meta thanks to the fans. Because we stuck with them.  (x)
Q about iconic lines. Does he realize they’re iconic when he reads the script or when he films them? Both. Sometimes it will come up filming. SB was more on the page but one day Kripke was in set & he & Kripke brainstormed lines on the spot. #jib12  (x)
There’s a freedom to be creative. Healthy work environment, The Boys is not a toxic set “of which there are a lot of”. Sometimes he doesn’t realize a line will be iconic, other times one will not hit.  (x)
Jensen thinks the writers just wrote SB that way and hoped he can deliver. Doesn’t think Kripke demanded it. Kripke came up with “can’t go in dry” on the spot. Jensen mentions Paul Reiser had a lot of iconic lines too.  (x)
The audition scene for SB was the scene with The Legend, Paul Reiser. So many good lines. (x)
The legend dialogue was the audition scene for Jensen.  (x)
How was it being Dean again? “Like slipping into an old pair of sneakers. Just leaning against that car again…” There will not be a lot of visible Dean in it though. They reshot some of the Pilot. John Schowalter (sp?) stepped in 4 Sigriccia.He’s excited for us to see it.  (x)
Favorite beer in Family Business? He doesn't know, because there's a rotation of beer types and he hasn't been home for 2 months... but he likes Grackle  (x)
Fave beer on tab? Since he hasn’t been home in 2 months, he doesn’t know what’s on tab right now, but the Grackle is always on and it’s his go to. “But don’t drink too much of it, it’ll get ya.”  (x)
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‘Is it time for apple juice? Someone let me know when it’s 12’ (x)
Does he want to be the lead on another long running show? Yes, he has no problem with it. A few projects in early development with him as lead, particularly a movie he’s excited about. But he doesn’t talk about things until they’re a sure thing, so no teasers. (x)  He just likes good stories, to entertain. That’s his thing. (x)
‘I would take a lead again, if the story was right’ (x)
Jensen wants “apple juice” and two of the three bottles are actual apple juice. “You tricked me. What is going on here.”  (x)
‘It’s actually apple juice - you tricked me!’ (x)
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At his first con in the UK, a multi fandom con, he thought he was just a face in the crowd and Jensen and Wayne were overwhelmed with the reception. First time Jensen thought “we might get another season”  (x)
How is Jensen practicing his voice drop? He never had any proper training, never did any work, it just naturally went down. It’s JDMs fault. “He’s so cool. I wanna be him when I grow up. I’m still waiting for that.”  (x)
Jensen says that in the first season of SPN admired Jeffrey Dean Morgan so much that he wanted to be like him when he grows up. (x)
He doesn't think his singing voice has changed that much over the years, his speaking voice has changed more. And he never took singing lessons or anything like that!  (x)
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